MHD July 2010

Page 1

july 2010 ISSUE 66

MHD the moreton hall Directory delivered free to your home every month!

Inside this issue:

sebert wood primary school 20th anniversary

A cheat’s guide to a beach body july calendar

Treat your Feet! plus much more…

Happy Holidays! Cover design by Amelia Hemsley, Class 9, Sebert Wood winner of the ‘design the cover’ competition – SEE PAGE 11

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MHD the moreton hall Directory

Welcome to the July edition of the Moreton Hall Directory. ENGLAND! oops sorry, I’ll move on...

Gemma Walters T: 01359 271150

Advertising/Copy Deadline for August 2010 Issue: Monday 19th July

Contact us Publisher: PIT Group Design & Artwork: Gemma Walters Design & Marketing The Moreton Hall Directory, PO BOX 583, Bury St Edmunds, Suffolk IP30 9AW Telephone: 01359 271150 Email: gemma@moretonhalldirectory. com While all reasonable care is taken to ensure the accuracy of information included in the Moreton Hall Directory, the publishers take no responsibility for the accuracy of statements made by contributors or advertisers, or for loss arising from nonpublication or misprint of any advertisement. The opinions expressed are not necessarily those of the editor. Reproduction, in whole or in part, without the written permission of the publisher is strictly prohibited. Design and compilation copyright 2007 © Jeremy Procter, Director, The Moreton Hall Directory.

You may have noticed our rather fetching front cover this month. No, I haven’t been getting out my colouring pencils again, our cover this month is courtesy of a competition winner from Sebert Wood Primary School, read all about it on page 11. This issue is dedicated to all things Summery! If any of you are off on your Summer holidays this month, you may find our ‘Cheat’s guide to a beach body’ useful on pages 38-39 or check out our selection of the best summer sandals on page 33. We have several delicious recipes for you to try on pages 34 and 36. We would like to offer our congratulations to Sebert Wood Primary School who celebrate their 20th Anniversary this month. Their celebration day on Tuesday 20th July looks set to be a special one with lots of events planned, see page 22 for full details. So, if you are off on your holidays, don’t forget the postcard!! Take care and see you in August!


mhdcontents JULY 2010

Community & Family


July Calendar 6 Frank Warby 8 Woodland Ways 10 Design the cover competition 11 Christ Church Moreton Hall 12-13 Andrew Southwood 14 Food for Thought 16-17 Sebert Wood 20th Anniversary 22 Police Newsletter 23

What’s On July July fun for the kids What’s on at the Community Centre Cinema listings Chick Flicks Moreton Hall Community Centre Fun Day

Shopping MHD Sale Treat your Feet

Food & Drink Orissa Indian Restaurant Recipes

24-31 24 25 26 30 31 32-33 32 33 34-36 35 34, 36

Health & Beauty

37-46 Do men brush things off? 37 A cheat’s guide to a beach body 38-39 Self Centre 40-41 Bury Osteopaths 42 How to get rid of knee fat 44 Growing pains 46

Business Matters TaxLogic

Home & Garden July in the garden

Motoring & Travel Useful Numbers

47-50 49 51-59 56 60-61 62


july 2010








sunday American Independence Day FREE BBQ, 3pm–5pm The Pykkerell, Ixworth







03 Eco Fair Bury Fire Station 10am–4pm Indian Summer Fair Moreton Hall Community Centre 1pm-6pm




BINGO (Moreton Hall Community Centre)











18 CHARITY FUN DAY FROM 12PM (Moreton Hall Community Centre)









BINGO (Moreton Hall Community Centre)


11 Moreton Hall Youth Football Club Presentation Day 12pm



04 WORLD CUP FINAL AND BBQ (Moreton Hall Community Centre)


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Frank Warby Contact Frank on 07818 455472

Under Age Drinking Over the past four weeks there has been a spate of youngsters gathering on the 10 acre field and having a drinking spree. Each morning myself and other dog walkers have collected up vodka, wine and cider bottles together with beer cans and other related trash. The police are aware of the situation but with their resources they can’t be everywhere. The question is where are they getting the drink from? Most of the youngsters are well

underage but the amount of empty bottles and cans is very alarming. I am not a kill joy, I used to have the odd can of beer when I was young, but that is mild compared to what these youngsters are drinking. I don’t have the answer except maybe parents should be aware of the situation.

I would like to pay a special tribute to a young lady who gave up her free time to help others but sadly lost her life in a car crash. Keziah was only twenty years old when she was taken from us, she was a youth worker with the youth group at Christ Church. Our hearts and prayers go out to her fiancĂŠ and family.

Mobile Phones

Youth Club

In last months issue I forwarded to you an email which I received from St Edmundsbury Borough Council, since then I have received another email from a gentleman who works for Vodafone UK stating that some of the information does not in fact work. I would like to apologise if this has caused anyone any problems, there was no intention to mislead anyone.

The club is going from strength to strength. We have more helpers, therefore we can plan more activities. I would also like to thank Paul Deboick, who just donated a brand new games table, I am sure the kids will have hours of fun on it. I must also thank the mums and dads who have helped us over the last year without your support there would be no youth club. We have two

Daisy Close

Keziah Smit

verges coming away from the The play area has been closed grassed area, I understand that a due to some of the safety child had hurt themselves. Quotes

special helpers, Jess and Mimi, just out of their teens themselves, but they turn up every club night to help and the kids love them. I would like to welcome Simon and his wife Danni who have just joined the team. I am speaking to Abbeycroft leisure centre to try and arrange some events for the kids during the summer holidays. This is the time when youngsters are at a loss for things to do and it would be good to keep them onboard. have been requested to repair this and I have asked that this is done sooner rather than later.

For those of you heading off on holiday, have a safe journey and a happy holiday. See you next month.

Frank email




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At the meadow Moreton Hall’s Monthly Nature Watch by Woodland Ways Year 2 at Sebert Wood School were recently inspired by a visit to 10 Acre Field, on Symonds Road. Here is Class 4’s superb poetry, following the great poem last month from class3. At to the meadow – by Class 2, Sebert Wood School Walking in the meadow I can see a black bug crawling a bird swooping cow’s parsley as white as snow seeds like fluff a feather as black as Ethan’s coat leaves on the trees, branches like arms dingerly cowslips rabbit poo seed pods like jammy dodgers little purple bell a feather like a bow tie Walking in the meadow I can hear the wind blowing grass waving bumble bees buzzing birds flapping pheasants squawking children laughing

Walking in the meadow I can smell strong beer, dusty hay sugar beet smoke sweet smelling buttercups bright yellow dandelions juicy grass Walking in the meadow I can feel the breeze on my cheek sticky goose grass on Emily’s coat soft white feather prickly shell of a nut my partners warm hand Walking in the meadow I can see Bury St Edmunds grey roof tops, tall towers yellow mustard field as yellow as the sun happy cathedral for getting married the belly of the brewery

Why not join Woodland Ways..

Why not join in with a Woodland Ways work party to help improve the Moreton Hall woods? No experience is needed and all are welcome; we’ll show you what to do. For more information please see, see the Woodland Ways noticeboard in the Community Centre, contact Nick Sibbett on 01284 723847 or email




Design the cover... competition results! The Mhd recently asked classes 9 & 10 from Sebert wood primary school to design the cover for our july issue. words by Gemma Walters

I recently spent a fun afternoon with the children from year 4 at Sebert Wood Primary School.

It was lovely to see how imaginative and creative the children are, I was very impressed.

I was invited in by head teacher, Mr Rice to talk to the 8 and 9 year olds about graphic design and magazine production, and to see some of their own projects that they had been working on during the school term.

I left them with a competition, to design the cover for the July issue of the MHD. Some of the entries are shown here and I’m sure you will agree they are

ALL fantastic and any could have been chosen the winner! It was a difficult decision, but In the end, we chose the image shown on the front cover which was by Amelia Hemsley in Class 9. A big thank you to all that entered!




Christ Church Moreton Hall

Jonathan Ford Contact The Church Office on 01284 725391

The month of June has been one of the saddest I have ever known. The deaths of Susie Goldby (27), Kieran Jennings (12), and of Keziah Smitt (20) have brought a tremendous shock and sadness to everyone who lives here. Each one of them had their whole lives ahead of them and yet were already people whom we loved, admired and who had made a significant contribution to our lives. Christ Church, has been particularly affected by the loss of Keziah Smitt. Kez, as she was known to everyone, was one of our youth leaders and, as was one of that small but dedicated band who have done so much for young people on this estate over

the years. She was engaged to Alex and they were due to be married at our church in October. Our thoughts and prayers go with her mother and father and Alex and his family. However, at times such as these we need to make sense of it all. Kez was a committed Christian and at the centre of her faith was the knowledge that Jesus has promised that a place is prepared for us; that He has gone ahead to prepare this place and one day He will come back to take us to be with Himself. (John 14) He also tells us that He is the way, the truth and the life. Kez was one of those people who had followed Jesus in His way, believed and taught His truth and above all, lived that exciting, prayerful, peaceful life that only comes from Jesus. We have comfort because we know where Kez has gone and that one day, because of Jesus, we will see her again. We draw strength by having Jesus Himself in our lives to speak to us and to be with us in this dark time. When we had her service on 21st June, it was joyous occasion of praise and thanksgiving for her life. Then we were reminded that Jesus asks those of us who have

Keziah Smitt who will be



sadly missed.

this hope, to go into the world and share it with those who do not know. The question of what happens when we die, is answered by the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ and His promises. Not only does it give hope for the future, but also it gives meaning and purpose to life now. I am sure that Kez will want everyone who reads this article to know that hope and purpose can be yours. At Christ Church, Moreton Hall we are resolved to keep Kez’s memory safe by continuing our work amongst young people and sharing the good news of Jesus with everyone around us. It is my hope and prayer that one day you will also come to the place where you have this hope, you know Jesus in your heart and you can follow Him as the way, the truth and the life and come to the Father as Kez has done. With every good wish, Yours sincerely, Jonathan Ford


Christian Aid


The final total collected by the house to house collection, the fun run and the church service was


A very big thank you to everybody involved and who gave so generously. Considering we are in a time of such austerity it is very good that people were so kind to those who have so little.

We welcome you to our

All Age Worship At Christ Church Moreton Hall

Symonds Road, Bury St Edmunds.

4th JULY @10.30 am

with refreshments: quiz: activities:

JULY 2010 SERVICES 4th 8.30am Holy Communion 10.30am All Age Worship 6.30pm A Time of Refreshing 11th 10.30am Morning Worship 6.30pm Prayer and Worship 18th 10.30am Holy Communion 6.30pm A Time of Refreshing 25th 10.30pm Morning Worship 6.30pm Healing Communion




The Big Toddle!

As part of National Childminding week local childminders from Absolutely Brilliant Childcare (ABC) turned out in force to help raise money for Barnardos vital ‘Early Years’ campaign. The charity works with disadvantaged and vulnerable under 5’s in local projects throughout the UK. This includes services for children with physical and learning disabilities, autism and behavioural problems. ‘The Big Toddle’, the biggest under 5’s nationwide fundraising campaign, took place on the 14th June at Moreton Hall Community Centre. With eye patches, hats and Jolly Roger’s aplenty this years toddle, eye catching (if you’ll excuse the tenuous pun) pirate theme, was heartily embraced by all involved.



Showing true pirate courage, the menacing looking toddlers, no doubt used to far worse weather on the high seas, were undeterred by the threat of rain. Armed with treasure maps, painted faces and even the odd cutlass, around 40 youngsters ran, toddled, crawled and even slept their way around the course. Stickers were collected en route and added to their maps to help the trainee pirates discover the location of the treasure. On completing the course the young rogues were rewarded with a fine stash of booty including medals and cocoa rich ‘pieces of eight’. Budding author Rory McEniry-Brash, aged 7, a pupil at Sebert Wood Primary school, wrote a bespoke story for the day. “The Tooty-Fruity Treasure” was read to the young rogues as they took a well earned break

by Andrew Southwood

from pillaging duties and unwound following their morning expedition. One young pirate broke with tradition and spoke to the press. When asked how he felt about the event, Thomas aged 25 months, said, “Shiver me timbers, it’s nice to give something back. It makes a change from terrorising and looting fellow sea goers. Captain Daddy Pirate is very proud of me”. In all, their hearty efforts are hoped to have raised around £500 for the charity, a feat sure to give even the most menacing pirate a warm glow. A special swashbuckling thanks to organiser Angela Warriner and all those involved in setting up the event.



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Food for thought

It’s all going on at the

Bury St Edmunds Eco Fair by Karen Cannard

If you want to get into local food or indeed find out more about a whole range of hot eco topics, then make a date to visit Bury St Edmunds Eco Fair, which is being hosted by the Fire Station on Saturday 10 July. With info stands, talks and demonstrations, there’ll be lots on hand to entertain both adults and children alike, covering a whole range of topics as diverse as bee keeping, renewable energy solutions and local nature. There will also be eco goodies that might tempt you to open your wallet, including exclusive accessories made from



decommissioned fire-hose – as worn by Cameron Diaz – as well as bags made from old parachutes. Moreton Hall will be well represented on the day. Not only is the event being organised by local resident and Bury based firefighter Paul Turner, but there will also be yoga and Tai Chi taster sessions provided by the Self Centre and a talk on the fabulous work of Woodland Ways, presented by Nick Sibbett. And yes, yours truly will be talking rubbish as usual, so if you’re looking for ways to reduce your waste then do pop by and say hello.

Lots of stalls will be available with advice from local experts, including Suffolk’s Climate Change Partnership. There will also be an opportunity to find out about the Transition Movement, revealing how community groups across the UK are adapting in readiness to future changes in oil supply. If this is of interest, be sure to turn up early for the presentation at 10:30am and join other residents who are keen to launch a new group for Bury St Edmunds. And if you’re a fan of locally sourced goodies, be sure to find out about Nowton Park’s veg box scheme and

community&family WeLoveLocalFood’s delivery service, which brings Norfolk and Suffolk produce direct to your door. Keeping the kids entertained will be easy, with opportunities to dress up as a fire fighter, practise children’s yoga and a chance to build bird boxes. For those who have entered the recent poster competition, they’ll also be keen to see whether their school is a winner, the results of which will be announced towards the end of the day. So, if you’re looking for a fun and informative way to spend a Saturday. It would be great to see you at the Fire Station on 10th July, between 10am-4pm. Although entry is free, there will be a fundraising raffle with the opportunity to win some fabulous prizes, where proceeds will be go to the Fire Fighters Charity and East Anglia Children’s Hospice Treehouse Appeal.

Eco Fair

at Bury Fire Station Saturday 10th July 10am - 4pm Fun and informative for all age groups.

RAFFLES and Donations raising money for The Fire-fighters Charity and EACH Treehouse Appeal


The local schools have been invited to enter a poster competition which will be judged on the day by Alison Plumridge who runs Bury’s Art gallery.

WHATS IN SEASON NOW: apricots artichoke asparagus aubergine beetroot blueberries broad beans broccoli carrots

cherries chillies courgettes cucumber elderflowers fennel French beans garlic greengages

jersey royal new potatoes loganberries mangetout onions peas radish raspberries redcurrants

rhubarb rocket runner beans samphire spinach spring onions strawberries tomatoes watercress

Stop Press! Don’t forget summer is the time to get out into local farms to Pick Your Own. Home Farm, Westley, is one of our nearest PYO locations. To check times and availability phone 01284





Moreton Hall Youth Football Club Annual Presentation Day Sunday 18th July 2010 starting at 12pm. BBQ, Suffolk Radio, five a side football tournament, beat the goalie, speed shot and many other stalls and things to do. Please come along and join in the fun. Everyone is more than welcome!




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Sebert Wood Community Primary School 20th Anniversary – 1990 to 2010

Tuesday 20th July 2010 Sebert Wood School welcomes past pupils, staff, friends, governors and their families to celebrate our

20th Anniversary

Open between 4.30pm and 6.30pm Events include: Art Exhibition View albums and visual records from 20 years of Sebert Wood School Proms in the school grounds Refreshments 6.00pm Anniversary Ceremony 22



Successful Ye ars 1990-2010

PC Owen


Community Police


Contact the Safer Neighbourhood Team East – Moreton Hall on 01284 774100 I know the weather has been hot at times over the last few weeks, but please always make sure that ALL YOUR DOORS ARE PROPERLY SECURED at night. Do not leave any ground floor windows open and do not leave keys or any other valuables on display. Please note where residences have an access area to either the side or rear of the property, it is always worthwhile, not only putting a high sided gate on to limit access, but also to properly lock the gate with a good solid closed shackle padlock Please make sure that you always lock your vehicle, no matter how long you are going to leave it, as it takes only a second with modern cars to press the key fob locking device and it also only takes a second to try a car door handle and see whether or not it is locked. Do not leave any valuables on display and always if possible park your vehicle in a secure garage or as near to your property as you can. Again in order to prevent damage to vehicles, when you get home in the evening and if you are not likely to go out, put your car in the garage (if it will fit) and lock it.

If you can not park in the garage, park your vehicle on your drive as near to the front of the house as you can and have a dusk to dawn security light to keep the area well lit. If you have to park your car outside the confines of your property on the road, park by a working lamp post and again as near to your property as you can. If you are going to go into Bury for the evening and think you will be consuming alcohol, don’t bring your car and leave it over night, arrange alternative transport, so that you can enjoy your evening in peace. CRIME IN YOUR AREA: Theft From Motor Vehicles Boldero Road, between 11am, 05/06/10 and 8pm, 06/06/10, the front number plate was stolen from a black Ford Transit Connect van, whilst left unattended outside a local business unit. Calls in relation to this incident should be made to PC Elizabeth Goymour-Milne Easlea Road, Bury St Edmunds between 5.30pm 04/06/10 and 5pm 08/06/10 Offenders have broken into a blue Mazda MX5 in a compound by cutting the soft top and attempted to remove the radio but nothing was stolen. Calls in relation

to this incident should be made to Sgt Steve Tully A wheelbarrow was stolen from a building site at Lawson place 19/20 June Tiles were smashed on the Pivillion in Bluebell avenue with a brick being thrown at the roof on the 18/19 June calls in relation to these incidents should be made to PC Amos Owen Anti social behaviour Moreton Hall area Action being taken to resolve this problem. To be in the Moreton Hall area between 1900 and 2230 hours Fridays and Saturdays. To concentrate on Lawsons Place, Sebert Wood School, Moreton Hall Prep School and Daisy Park play area and ten acre field. MEET THE TEAM Sainsburys 12th July 2010 between 18:00-19:00 hrs Tesco (main store) 4th July 2010 between 13:00-14:30 hrs Asda 18th July 2010 between 13:00-14:30 hrs Market 28th July 2010 between 10:00-14:00 hrs PC Amos Owen

PC Amos Owen E-mail: PCSO Jo Morton E-mail: PC Jon Warby E-mail: Sgt Steve Tully E-mail: The East/West Safer Neighbourhood Team is based at Bury Police Station and can be contacted by telephone on 01284 774100 or by e-mail at With best wishes and regards from the Neighbourhood Team. themhd



July Bury St Edmunds Theatretrain Summer School 2010

Monday 26th July

County Upper School, Beetons Way, Bury St Edmunds, Suffolk, IP32 6RF DANCE~ACT~SING ~ Theatretrain ~ The Company that Loves to Perform LOOKING FOR SOME FUN OVER THE HOLIDAYS? Join us for show workshops with professional West End performers including a whole day lead by West End Musical Director Dominic Ferris, Craig Whiteley & Richard Munday of Blood Brothers. A Stage Combat workshop from Actor Jean-Marc Perret, classes from our teachers and a performance for all your friends and family at the end of the week! Bury St Edmunds Theatretrain ~ Summer School 2010 9.30am ~ 4.30pm, 26th to 30th July 2010 Bring your friends! You don’t have to be part of Theatretrain to be part of the magic! Just £110 each, £85 for siblings. WE KNOW WHAT WE ARE DOING. DO YOU? Open to young people aged 6 to 18 years. Open to all abilities ~ no audition necessary. Tel: 01787 473150/280768 for details DANCE~ACT~SING ~ Be Part of the excitement!



fun for the


Great Annual Re-Creation of Tudor Life

Sunday 4th July

Kentwell Hall, Long Melford, Suffolk, CO10 9BA Kentwell’s Great Annual Re-Creation of Tudor Life transports visitors back to a year in the 16th Century. Little remains to remind you of modern life - all about you is the Tudor age. Relax into it and enjoy the 16th Century! Saturday, 3rd July, Sunday, 4th July, Friday, 9th July, Saturday, 10th July, Sunday, 11th July Tel: 01787 310207

The Return of Feudal Archers

Saturday 10th July

Moyses Hall Museum, Cornill, Bury St Edmunds, Suffolk, IP33 1DX oin this living history group for displays including bow and arrow demos and ‘Dressing of a Knight’ display. For all the family. Included in normal entry, no need to book Tel: 01284 757160 Email: All dates and times correct at time of going to press, please check with individual venue for booking and confirmation.

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THE TWILIGHT SAGA - ECLIPSE Director: David Slade Starring: Kristen Stewart, Robert Pattinson, Taylor Lautner, Peter Facinelli, Ashley Green

The successful saga continues with Bella facing her greatest challenge yet. Released in 2008, ‘Twilight’ launched Kristen Stewart and Robert Pattinson as the decade’s hottest screen couple. Based on the bestselling books by Stephenie Meyer, the story continued with ‘The Twilight Saga: New Moon’. Bella (Kristen Stewart), although devastated by the abrupt departure of her vampire love, Edward (Robert Pattinson), found herself drawn to Jacob (Taylor Lautner) and his world of werewolves. And now, in ‘The Twilight Saga: Eclipse’, Bella once again finds herself surrounded by danger as Seattle is ravaged by a string of mysterious killings and a malicious vampire continues her quest for revenge. In the midst of it all, she is forced to choose between Edward and Jacob knowing that her decision has the potential to ignite the struggle between vampire and werewolf. With her graduation approaching, Bella is confronted with the most important decision of her life...



Starring: Russell Brand, Jonah Hill, Rose Byrne, Sean Combs, Elisabeth Moss An innocent record company guy finds himself escorting a hell-raising British rock star in this wild comedy starring Russell Brand and Jonah Hill. Music mogul Sergio Roma (Sean Combs) needs brilliant ideas to restore his company’s flagging fortunes. Youthful employee Aaron Green (Jonah Hill) suggests a comeback concert by British rocker Aldous Snow (Russell Brand). It’s been ten years since the hell-raising Brit’s legendary show at LA’s world famous Greek Theatre, and Aaron persuades his boss that the time is right for Aldous to do it again. Sergio likes the idea - and promptly despatches the inexperienced Aaron to London on a mission to bring Aldous back to LA. But Aaron has never met anyone quite like Aldous - a hedonistic dandy with boundless energy and a crazy streak. As he gets swept along in the rocker’s life of endless partying, Aaron finds himself embarking on the eyeopening adventure of his life.


recommen ds

LETTERS TO JULIET Director: Gary Winick Starring: Amanda Seyfried, Gael Garcia Bernal, Christopher Egan, Vanessa Redgrave, Franco Nero Amanda Seyfried stars in this enchanting romance in a beautiful Italian setting. Sophie (Amanda Seyfried), a young American, travels to Verona in Italy the city where Romeo met Juliet. Here she finds a wall where heartbroken lovers leave letters to Juliet asking her advice in matters of the heart. Meeting a group of volunteers who respond to the letters, Sophie finds and replies to a letter that has been lost for 50 years. This inspires its author Claire (Vanessa Redgrave) to travel to Italy and find her long-lost soulmate, Lorenzo (Franco Nero). Claire’s grandson Charlie (Christopher Egan) isn’t too happy about this, but Sophie asks Claire if she can join her on the search. Together with Charlie, the two women set off in a red Fiat to hunt for Lorenzo. Meanwhile, as Sophie’s relationship with her boyfriend (Gael Garcia Bernal) hits a rocky patch, she begins to have feelings for the handsome Charlie.

Cinemas in Bury St Edmunds: Cineworld, Parkway, IP33 3BA. Tel 0871 200 2000 Hollywood Film Theatre, Hatter Street, IP33 1NE Box Office 01284 762586, 24 hr Info Line 01284 754477.




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01284 728950 On Saturday 10th July 2010

At Moreton Hall Community Centre, Symonds Road, Bury St Edmunds, IP32 7EW

1pm to 6pm Raising funds for St Nicholas Hospice, Bury St Edmunds Entry Price Includes: 3 course authentic Indian variety buffet (served from 1pm-3pm), Soft Drinks, Live Bollywood Music and Dance Extravaganza


Other activities planned from 3pm onwards Lavish Auction of Treats/Promises, Henna/Mehndi, Indian Head Massage, Indian Scarves Stall, Dress-up and Photo shoot in Traditional Indian Attire, Indian Manicure, Bollywood Dance Workshop, Carrom (Traditional Indian indoor game), Raffle, Housie (Bingo), Bouncy Castle… and more!

(The money raised separately from these activities will go towards the charity) Alcohol sold at the Moreton Hall Community Centre Bar

Ticket Prices Adult: £25 Children (under 16) £10 Family Ticket £60 (2 adults +2 children)

Under 5’s


For further information and tickets please contact Mrs Manju Agarwal- 01359270762,

Dr Balendra Kumar- 07915618288,




This month, why not try a...

Chick Flick Movie Marathon

From as early as the 1940s, chick flicks have often centered around a plot of a romantic nature or girl power, and play into common female stereotypes through laughter, tears and overall heartwarming mood. The best way to appreciate the varying kinds of chick flicks is to watch a variety of them in a movie marathon! s Gather a group of your best girlfriend snacks and make sure there are plenty of e wine should available, popcorn, crisps and som around the have you girls more The . trick the do ies you mov the ssing more fun you’ll have discu why. and like the best Start out with traditional “boy mee ts girl, boy loses girl, boy and girl end up toge ther” movies from varying decades, such as “An Affair to Remember,” (1957), “When Harry Met Sally” (1989) “Sleepless in Seattle” (1993), and/or “The Notebook.” (2004). See how the storyline is retold throughout the generations while still envoking a feel-good sense of love and romance.

Dip into the vast number of chick flicks Julia Roberts stars in. Watch as she wins you over with her portrayal of Vivian Ward, the lady of the night who finds love, in the 1990 romantic comedy “Pretty Woman.” Once Julia has your attention, check out “My Best Frien d’s Wedding” (1997), “Notting Hill” (1999) and “Am erica’s Sweethearts” (2001). If more Julia and Richard is what you crave, check out “Runaway Bride”.

ok series that o “girl power” bo Check out the tw ridget Jones’s “B s: movie serie were made into a ood of lding and “Sisterh Diary” by Helen Fie . Renée res ha ” by Ann Bras the Traveling Pants as well lf, rse he d fin tries to Zellweger’s Jones ) and 01 t Jones’s Diary” (20 as love in “Bridge 04). In (20 ” on as e Edge of Re “Bridget Jones: Th 05) and (20 ” nts Pa g lin Trave “Sisterhood of the (2008), Traveling Pants 2” “Sisterhood of the na, Le , by Tib rs characte we follow beloved th friendship, wi al de y the as en Bridget and Carm growing up. relationships and

For high school romance ‘80s style, check out two cult classics: “Sixteen Candles” (1984) and “Pretty in Pink” (1986), both starring ‘80s icon Molly Ringwald. Both showcase traditional high school romance drama that can be sympathized with by everyone who was ever a high schooler in love. See how chick flicks have develope d through the years Watch the by watching two of the more rece Feel the summer lovin’. nt, non-traditional ones: ng” Danci rty “Di ma dra ic ant “Love Actually” (2003) and “Sex and 1987 rom the City: The Movie” mer romance (2008). “Love Actually’s” theme, “love that showcases the sum actually is all around” and , stle Ca nny Joh and is showcased through the lives of between Baby eight couples wrestling e” from eas “Gr ssic cla g lon g-a with their love lives in London, Engl the sin and. Go from love to of Sandy and sex with “Sex and the City: The Mov 1978 that tells the story ie,” get a much sexier, ir the r afte ool sch in ng raunchier look at the love lives of Carr Danny reuniti ie, Samantha, Miranda in Charlotte from the hit TV show. summer fling.





Moreton Hall Community Centre Presents

Charity Fun Day Raising Money for Local Charities

On Sunday 25th July

From 12 noon

family! he t ll a r fo es m ga d n a Lots of fun

l Childrens Funfair l EDF Hoist Ride l Bouncy Castle l 5 a side football l Model Car Racing l Police Cars l Fire Engines l Stalls l Climbing Wall

Tea, Coffee and BBQ

and lots more!

Licenced Bar31 themhd


JULY 2010 List items for sale free of charge to Moreton Hall Residents, email: gemma@ Beech Coffee Table 54cm x 107cm. £10. Tel. 01284 703665. Flymo Vision Compact Lawnmower with easy reel cable winder. £30. Tel. 07709 613809 Do you have any nearly new or unused items that are of no use to you, other than creating unnecessary clutter? Why not try to recycle them and gather a few extra pounds or pennies in the process? Please include: 1. Brief description of the item. 2. The price. 3. Your telephone number.

Franke white inset kitchen sink, Fragranite, 1.5 bowls, left-hand drainer in excellent condition. £50 Tel. 0794 1218 295

Large fireguard, (childproof) FREE TO A GOOD HOME Tel. 01284 768044 Sony stereo with turntable and tape player FREE TO A GOOD HOME Tel. 01284 768044

Shopaholics only! IF YOU ARE INTERESTED IN SHOPPING, AND THE SHOPS IN BURY, YOU MAY BE INTERESTED IN MY BLOG AT: Pop by and say hello, I’d love to see you there!

Please note that the publisher can take no responsibility for the claims made by sellers regarding the goods for sale, nor are they liable for any claim with regards to the item or any payment transactions between buyer and seller.

Gemma 32


Jewelled Summer Sandals £25 from Dorothy Perkins

Bead & Jewel Sandals £14 from Matalan

Embellished Cuff Sandals £25 from Jane Norman

Studded Sandals £12 from George at Asda

Main Pic: Top £10 • Brown Jacket £30 • White Shorts £12 • Weave and Stud detail clutch £7 • Sandals £15 • Sunglasses £7 all from F&F at Tesco

Treat your Feet


Purple Robe detail Sandals £25 from Dorothy Perkins

Crackle Gem Cuff Sandals £25 from Jane Norman

Studded Sandals £16 from TU at Sainsburys

Pewter Crystal Sandals £25 from Monsoon



food&drink MHD Recipes of the month

Thai peanut chicken Curry Serves: 4 Preparation time: 15 Minutes. Cooking time: 20 Minutes. Ingredients


300g pack chicken pieces

n Slice the chicken breast pieces into smaller strips, about 1cm in width.

1 loose courgette 500g jar lime and coconut curry sauce 500g pack long grain and wild rice

200g pack of salted peanuts 1 tablespoon of olive oil 1 onion 1 handful of frozen peas

grain & wild rice, following pack instructions.

n Heat 1/2 tablespoon olive oil in a pan and fry 1 peeled and finely chopped onion, until softened. Remove from the pan and set aside. Heat another 1/2 tablespoon olive oil in the same pan and fry the chicken strips until browned and cooked through. n Meanwhile, cook 300g long

n Cut the courgette into thin slices, and add to the chicken along with the lime & coconut curry sauce, 50g peanuts, and a handful of peas. Return the onion to the pan. Stir through to combine, then simmer for 5 minutes until the courgette is tender. n Crush a handful of peanuts to garnish the curry and serve with the rice on the side.

Spicy Apple Bread Pudding Serves: 4 Preparation time: 1 Hour. Cooking time: 1 Hour.

Ingredients 225 g (8oz) Wholemeal Bread, crusts removed 300 ml (½ pt) Semi Skimmed or Skimmed Milk Grated rind of 1 lemon Grated rind of 1 Orange 2 Dessert Apples, peeled, cored and grated 50 g (2oz) Sunflower Margarine, melted 50 g (2oz) Soft Brown Sugar


2 tbsp Mixed Spice 175 g 6oz) Dried Mixed Fruit themhd

Method n Break the bread into pieces and place in a bowl, pour over the milk and leave to soak for 30 minutes. n Add all the remaining ingredients to the bread mixture and stir well. n Spread the mixture into a greased 1.5 litre (2½ pt) deep ovenproof dish. n Bake in the oven for 1 hour. Serve hot with custard or allow to cool and cut into squares. n 180 C/350 F/Gas Mark 4 See Page 36 for this months Slimming Worlds Recipe


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food&drink Slimming Worlds Recipe of the month

Ultimate Cheeseburger This gorgeous burger is perfect for barbecues and a hit for family mealtimes too! Towering inside a bun with meltingly delicious cheese and tangy mayonnaise, who’d know you were slimming?!

Serves: 4 Syns per serving: 2½ Syns on Original and Extra Easy, 12 Syns on Green Ingredients 1 small onion, peeled and finel y chopped 567g/1lb 4oz extra lean minced beef 3 tbsp freshly chopped parsley Salt and freshly ground black pep per 1 level tbsp reduced calorie may onnaise 2 level tbsp fat free fromage frais 1 small red onion ¼ cucumber 2 medium tomatoes 2 Little Gem lettuces, trimmed and shredded 4 Kraft Singles light cheese slice s Method n Prepare the burgers. Place the onion in a large bowl along with the minced beef, 2 tbsp chopped parsley and seasoning. Mix well with your hands until combined. n Divide the mixture into eight equal portions and form each into a burger shape about 10 cm/4 inch in diameter. Place on a plate lined with baking parchment, cover and leave to chill in the refrigerator for 30 minutes. n Meanwhile, mix the mayonnaise and fromage frais together and season to taste. Cover and chill until required. Peel the red onion and slice thinly into rings. Thinly slice the cucumber and tomatoes. Place them all on a plate, cover and chill until required. n Heat a large non-stick frying pan until very hot and gently press the burgers into the pan – you may need to cook the burgers in two batches. Cook for one minute, turn over and cook for a further minute to seal. Lower the heat to medium and cook for a further 5-6 minutes turning frequently until cooked through. Drain and place two burgers, layered in 57g/2 oz wholemeal rolls (Healthy Extra or 6 Syns each) if wished, with salad and a slice of cheese. Top each with the mayonnaise and sprinkle with the remaining parsley and a little black pepper.



MHD Recipe


in a glass

Preparation time: 15 minutes, plus soaking and chilling, Cooking time: 10–12 minutes, Calories: 266 per portion ingredients serves 4 75 g (3 oz) porridge oats 300 ml (1/2 pint) skimmed milk 2 large cooking apples, peeled, cored and chopped grated rind of 1 orange juice of 2 oranges 300 ml (1/2 pint) buttermilk, chilled 2 tablespoons honey 2 eggs 2 tablespoons jumbo oats method 1. Put the porridge oats and skimmed milk in a bowl, cover and leave to soak overnight in the refrigerator. 2. Put the apple, orange rind, reserving a few strands, and orange juice into a small saucepan, bring to the boil and simmer for 10 minutes, or until the apple is tender. Set aside to cool, then chill overnight. 3. The following morning put the porridge oats, milk, apple, buttermilk, honey and eggs in a blender and liquidize. 4. Divide the drink between four glasses, sprinkle the jumbo oats and reserved orange rind on top and serve immediately. If you and your family are tempted to skip breakfast in the rush to get ready in the morning, try serving this nutritious drink. It will help to stave off those midmorning hunger pangs.


Do Men Brush Things Off, or Do Women Just Over Analyse Everything? Is there truth to the saying men are from mars, women are from Venus? Could we be on two different planets? Well, we’re all on this planet called earth, but it sure seems like men are on a different planet sometimes! Is it that men simply shrug things off, as though things don’t bother them, to protect their family, or their ego? Or, is it simply the fact that women look too much into things, searching for reasons and answers. Well, we have all heard the words “You worry too much”, or “Don’t worry about it”. How about the famous, “Everything will be fine”? Really, everything is going to be fine? If we don’t look into the possibilities of it not being fine, we won’t be prepared to make an appropriate decision, right? Isn’t it important to think ahead, of possible scenarios, and our reactions to them? Do men not do this? Is this really over analysing, or thinking ahead? So many questions, and yet so many different answers. It’s been the topic of numerous articles, books, and movies.

You can even read the book Men Are From Mars, Women Are From Venus, based on this theory. I must admit, I personally have never read this book, although by the title I can only assume it’s contents. Listing differences between the male and females way of interacting, and thinking processes. Why is it then when women encounter a potential hurtful, or harmful situation we “dwell” on it for days afterward, or before if it hasn’t happened yet, in hopes of thinking of resolution? Yet, men will walk away from the situation knowing they don’t have to deal with it, or “fix” the problem? Or, you might be going to your husband in hopes of emotional support with a big decision, that might affect the whole family, and he tells you what’s going to happen, will happen? What is that supposed to mean anyway? Sure, you already knew that, but is that really appropriate timing to remind you of that? OK, now I’ve analysed this myself and my conclusion is that men simply want to protect their family. When you seem upset, or terribly worried about something he can read that from your facial expression, and concern in the matter. So, is it that they don’t

care what you have to say or that they are simply trying to be strong for you? When you look at it that way, it starts to make more sense doesn’t it? Okay, now there could be some men reading this and wondering what it is that I’m talking about, and I could be totally wrong! This is my opinion, and I guess in a way my own analysis after thoughtful hours of pondering why my husband doesn’t seem to care about things. It’s not that he doesn’t, it’s just that he’s trying to keep it together for me. It’s true, if you start to think about if he was starting to worry too, and vocalise his concerns, it would only make your chest tighten more and cause added worry for you. Now, not only are you worrying about the situation, but your husbands thoughts and concerns. You might be feeling guilty in your decision with the reaction from your husband, or maybe even more confused on what to do. Just know that it isn’t that they don’t care, just maybe that they don’t know how to react without stressing you out more. I think this is the bottom line, but who knows, maybe I’m just putting too much thought into this. After all, I am a woman!




A cheat’s guide to a

beach body

Yikes! We’ve all been there, as the winter months draw to a close, our cosy winter clothes get put to one side and before you know it, it’s time to start baring the flesh!. I for one start each spring with every good intention to make sure I’m ready and waiting for those summer months, happily ditching the trusty opaque tights, inevitably though, my good intentions usually go to pot, and I’m faced with the realisation, in two weeks time I have to wear a bikini, on a beach, with hundreds of people looking at me.(Although I really know those hundreds of people won’t actually be looking, in fact most of them will be feeling EXACTLY the same and worrying more about themselves). Well, fear not, forget crash diets or a pounding 2 week fitness regime, we’ve bought you a step by step, cheat’s guide to a beach bod in just two weeks, which will look like it’s taken much longer… guaranteed.

ER DRINK LOTS OF WAT get in tip top to weeks before a holiday,


by Gemma Walters




If you’ve been doing the above regu larly enough, your skin will be in perfect condition for a fake tan. An absolute must as it improves your look instantly and masks problem areas as well as mak ing you feel more body confident in an insta nt. If you’re worried you’ll look more ‘Um pa Lumpa’ than ‘Ursula Andress’ then try a gradual self tanner, or seek profession al help from a beauty therapist.

Two be your main drink of condition, water should e and get flushing choice. Banish tea & coffe out those toxins. look of cellulite - Yay!. This will also improve the

2 38


Dry body brushing, every day (or twice a day if you can spare the time!) concentrate on areas of cellulite, alwa ys brush upwards towards the heart, this will help with circulation.



isturise! that Moisturise, moisturise, mo for these two ntra ma new should be your e gorgeous body som with lf rse you Arm weeks. p a bottle with Kee ng. moisturiser and get goi have even a you e tim ry eve es, you at all tim where ever you on it er second to spare, smoth great time to a – TV the by can. I keep some moisturise!

Gorgeous, painted toe nails really set off a great tan, and divert attention away from other bits you may rather hide!

Forget crash diets or a pounding 2 week fitness regime, the MHD has bought you a step by step, cheats guide to a beach bod in just two weeks.



defuzz treatment Book yourself in for a full so many hair for a complete blitz. With we all have different le ilab removal products ava splashing out on some favourites, but it’s worth you can then keep on professional help which ay. aw ’re top of whilst you



By now, your skin will be oozing body confidence, just a final couple of tips and you’ll be the belle of the beach.




A pedicure is not only goo d for your feet, as they are a part of your bod y that is often forgotten until the day the sandals have to come out! But it will also make your legs and feet look great. A cute nai l polish on your toes looks great on the beach, shows you’ve made an effect and sets off a nic e tan fabulously. A manicure or even acrylic nails if nature has not blessed you with gorgeo us finger nails are well worth doing for a holiday. Your hands look ten times better with great nai ls. Keep it neutral with a french manicure if you can’t face taking different nail polishes for different outfits.

the perfect beach bod would not be complete without a hip hairdo. In fact with great hair you won’t even be thinking that much about what’s below. Go for a style you are used to, it’s not a great time to experiment. Take it from me, having a new trendy fringe cut in 2 days before you go away may seem like a really good idea, but once you’re away, using different water, products and dryers – your fab new fringe may really get you down! I have literally been there, done that AND bought the postcard.

So there you have the cheats guide to becoming a beach babe or greek god in two weeks (these tips are certainly not just limited to the ladies! Well, apart from maybe the nail polish – but each to their own!)

So go get gorgeous! themhd



“Bend & Blend”

A combination of dietary tips, mind/body exercises and latest research blended together to promote health & vitality. This month we look going on holiday to sunnier climes and the types of natural remedies you can take with you to treat common complaints, but the remedies are also relevant to summer at home too! BITES AND STINGS Skin Repellent – lavender, tea tree eucalyptus oils – dilute 3 drops / 10ml veg oil apply to skin Homeopathy – Ledum for bites and stings or puncture wounds– where there is shooting/pricking pains & a puffy swelling Apis for bee stings with lots of stinging/rapid swelling Treating Symptoms: Witch Hazel, Lavender & Tea Tree oils applied neat to skin after. Home/Hotel Room – burn citronella oil in a burner or put 5 drops in a dish of water on the window sill, to discourage the little lovelies from approaching! Ledum BRUISES AND SPRAINS Homeopathy – Arnica: for shock and bruising. Give 2 tablets 6c straight away and then again every 5 mins until patient is calmer. Arnica ointment is brilliant for applying to the wound site, but not on broken skin. – Rhuta : for wrenched or torn tendons or kicks to the shins – Rhus Tox : for strained muscles Hypericum: for shutting fingers in the door. – Calendula and Hypericum Cream is brilliant for all sorts of minor grazes /wounds. Aromatherapy - Neat lavender oil on skin for any bruises, sprains, cuts and grazes - Witch hazel quite soothing too but not on broken skin! HEAT RASH Rhus Tox (Homeopathy) is great, as is a sponge in a bowl of tepid water and lavender oil. Calamine lotion also good at cooling down the inflammation. SPLINTERS Homeopathy Silica 30c taken 3 x a day will force the foreign body out (don’t give to people with pacemaker/transplant or shrapnel wounds)



Aromatherapy-Neat lavender/ tea tree oils – drop of each stick a plaster over it for 24 hours. BLISTERS Cabbage poultice or juice. Crushed dock leaves or a couple of neat drops of lavender oil. HEADACHES In a holiday environment most headaches are going to be caused by Dehydration due to excess alcohol or in the case of children, not enough water! Remember that lots of the fizzy drinks contain caffeine and are dehydrating in them selves. Minimum adult water intake should be 2litres but in a hot climate you should be doubling that! Children if they are eating lots of sugary foods and drinks need more water ( 2 litres per day ), especially if the food and drink contains colourings, artificial sweeteners and other additives. TUMMY UPSETS Quite often due to change in the water quality, or eating salads that have been washed in unclean water. Watch out also for ice cubes in drinks as they can be made from less than clean water. Homeopathic treatment Arsenicum Album, (burning both ends! ) Ipecac ( feel sick all time )or Nux Vomica (food poisoning) If you are travelling any where further than mainland Europe you would be advised to take ACIDOPHILUS TABLETS before you go to make sure your immunity is high and there are plenty of the good bacteria in your bowels to cope with any food poisoning about! Do NOT be conned by these silly drinks that supposedly contain “good bacteria” the amounts are so miniscule and there is so much sugar and other rubbish in them, the benefits are minimal! Visit your local health food shop and get some tablets instead! Aromatherapy – Peppermint oil is brilliant for tummy upsets or indigestion – just place a drop neat

on the back of your hand and lick! Its like a whole packet of extra strong mints in one hit without the sugar, sweeteners and chemicals! Of course you can also drink Peppermint Tea and Chamomile or Fennel tea is great for an unhappy tummy too! NOSE BLEEDS Lemon Juice applied to a cotton wool pad to the nostrils. (note this is great to lighten your hair in the sun too!) Tincture of Nettle diluted in a glass of water. 3 drops lemon oil and 1 drop lavender oil on tissue/inhale. Cyprus oil on a tissue and inhaled works well. Homeopathy - Arnica or phosphorous tablets work well too. CAR JOURNEYS For travel sickness put 1 drop of peppermint oil on a sugar cube and give it to the kids or 2 drops of ginger oil on a handkerchief & inhale. Drink freshly grated ginger/honey tea before you set out to settle stomach. Home made ginger cookies or buy a bag of crystallised ginger pieces and eat them like sweets. You can buy Acupressure bracelets which stimulate the nausea points on the wrists and work very well in children and adults (note : often used for morning sickness too!) Homeopathy – There is a brilliant combo remedy by Nelsons specifically for travel sickness – I have used it on my 10 year old and it works a treat and is completely safe and doesn’t make them drowsy! TRAFFIC JAMS! 1 drop lavender, eucalyptus & peppermint oils on a cotton wool ball - place on rear parcel shelf - it will keep everyone cool and calm!! All practice some DEEP BREATHING!! And give the kids the job of making the other people in the queue laugh, smile or wave! FLYING Drink at least 2 litres of water on any flight - try & avoid alcohol! If your

health&beauty feet/ankles tend to swell up then • Feet placed flat on the floor, turn before you leave get a facecloth and your toes outwards & inwards. Help wet it, put 5 drops of lavender oil on & to keep blood flowing in the legs & keep in a plastic bag. During the flight, prevent a clot at back of knees massage your ankles and feet which is the most common upwards for a few minutes & any occurrence swelling will disappear. • Feet shoulder width apart, bring your knees together and then apart DVT -Deep vein thrombosis is the to open hips and stop any formation of a blood clot in one of the restricting of blood from the trunk deep veins of the body, usually in the to the legs. leg. It is comparatively rare, affecting around 1/1000 mainly older people- it Ginkgo Biloba – improves blood flow in the peripheral blood vessels – may is a disease of the circulation. Blood be useful to take before a flight passing through the deepest veins in the calf or thigh flows relatively slowly: Gotukola – prevents swelling of both legs & feet- has calming effect on the when a DVT occurs it moves so body – may be useful to take too. slowly that it forms a solid clot which becomes wedged in the vein. Obesity & immobility are influences, but they are the easiest to work with. Take part in exercise such as Yoga or Chi Gong that will keep the body healthy but not place too much stress on the heart/ circulatory system. You must “keep moving!” – THINGS TO DO ON THE PLANE...... • Draw circles with you toes - keeps ankles loose. • Draw circles with ankles, helps to prevent sciatica- good for long distances.

CONTENTS OF YOUR 1ST AID/ TRAVEL KIT (minimum!) Lavender, Eucalyptus, Peppermint, Citronella, Ginger & Tea Tree oils. Apis 30c Arnica 6c Nux Vomica 6c Ledum 30c Hypericum 6c Arnica Cream Hypericum Cream Witch Hazel

There are so many different home and complementary remedies you can use on your family and friends, I could write a book on it! They always work out sooo much cheaper than OTC

medicines from supermarkets or chemists and often are more effective and don’t come with the side effects. For further info on the benefits of Homeopathy for you and your family please contact Debbie Greenslade our resident Homeopath and mother of 3 on 07979 810744 or visit her page on the self centre website for interesting articles and tips. For more info on the power of Aromatherapy oils and to have some blends made specifically for you please contact Karen Curdy on 01359 258415 or visit her page on the self centre website too! –a not for profit organisation encouraging people to take responsibility for their own health and wellbeing. Carole Baker – Director: The Self Centre. The remedies suggested in this article are the personal opinion of the author. Please also inform your GP if you are planning to take any natural remedies and you are already on long term prescribed drugs. Always consult a qualified Complementary Practitioner, never self medicate.









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How to get rid of

Knee Fat

The knees are generally bone covered by skin. There aren’t major muscle groups in the knee area as there are in your calves and thighs, for instance. There is hardly an exercise that targets the knees as a muscle, simply because there’s little to target. This means that targeted exercises will not do much to tone the knees. You can work your thighs and calves with lunges, squats, and leg extensions to create more toned legs as a whole. This may also lead to a more toned knee area but will hardly get rid of the excess fat you may have there. You can turn to cosmetic procedures. Having the fat around your knees surgically removed (or suctioned out) may be the fastest way to eliminate this source of discomfort. However, before you open your wallet and visit a plastic surgeon, you may wish to take a broader look on things. You may just be in need of losing fat in general, not just from your knees. You may be genetically inclined to accumulate fat in that area, but getting rid of knee fat may be as simple as losing a few pounds of fat in general.

What do you need to do?


Adopt a healthy eating


and You won’t lose body fat way, er oth any in off it p kee ld that’s for sure. You cou r, flou ite wh ar, sug n cut dow so alcohol, chocolate, and t, on. You should add frui ter, wa re mo k drin s, veggie and eat lean sources of



Don’t forget cardio workouts

Make sure you really ma ke an effort in doing them and not just passing the tim e on a treadmill.




Focus on hi

gh intensit

y workouts

These help to burn mor e body fat fast er. You can and should train your en tire body, not ju st your knee s as a fit body has a higher metabolism and sheds m ore fat faster, fro m your knee s and from el sewhere.


Get a workout plan

Focused on massive fat burning. This may cost a bit of money but will also help you achieve faster and better results faster.


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What a Pain!

Kids and Growing Pains

What Are Growing Pains?

Growing pains aren’t a disease. You probably won’t have to go to the doctor for them. But they can hurt. Usually they happen when kids are between the ages of 3 and 5 or 8 and 12. Doctors don’t believe that growing actually causes pain, but growing pains stop when kids stop growing. By the teen years, most kids don’t get growing pains anymore. Kids get growing pains in their legs. Most of the time they hurt in the front of the thighs (the upper part of your legs), in the calves (the back part of your legs below your knees), or behind the knees. Usually, both legs hurt. Growing pains often start to ache right before bedtime. Sometimes you go to bed without any pain, but you might wake up in the middle of the night with your legs hurting. The best news about growing pains is that they go away by morning.

What Causes Growing Pains?

Growing pains don’t hurt around the bones or joints (the flexible parts that connect bones and let them move) — only in the muscles. For this reason, some doctors believe that kids might get growing pains because they’ve tired out their muscles. When you run, climb, or jump a lot during the day, you might have aches and pains in your legs at night.

What Can I Do to Feel Better?

Your parent can help your growing pains feel better by giving you an over-thecounter pain medicine like acetaminophen or ibuprofen. Kids should not take aspirin because it can cause a rare but serious illness called Reye syndrome. Here are three other things that might help you feel better: • placing a heating pad on the spot where your legs hurt • stretching your legs like you do in gym class • having your parent massage your legs

When to Go to the Doctor

If you have a fever, you’re limping when you walk, or your leg looks red or is swollen (puffed up), your parent should take you to the doctor. Growing pains should not keep you from running, playing, and doing what you normally do. If the pain is bothering you during the day, talk to your parent about it.

You might never feel any growing pains, but if you do, remember that before you know it, you will outgrow them!





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While there are still other ongoing tasks to perform in the garden, your primary concern will be assuring an ample supply of water for your plants. And, if you’re looking for things to do, you can spend some time adding summer plants to the garden, lawn care and planting autumn and winter vegetables. This is the month that you begin enjoying the harvest of your homegrown fruits, vegetables and herbs. Enjoy this month, and your summer!

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m hall prep school


bury & moreton hall police

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m hall pre school

01284 713000 01284 769643 08457 909090

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0845 769 7555

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0800 612 0225

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01284 753675 01284 717188 01284 774100 01284 725391 rail

0845 748 4950

01359 244199 01284 753532 01284 755211 01284 702129

abbots green cp school

01284 718818

bus station

– m hall group 07005 802402

first eastern

christ church parent & toddler group

st eds. council

abc childminding group

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moreton hall post office


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moreton hall community centre


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01284 774808

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0844 225 3099 01284 352545 01284 747000



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