MHD May 2010 - issue 64

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MAY 2010 ISSUE 64

MHD the moreton hall Directory delivered free to your home every month!

Inside this issue: A MARATHON EFFORT

Back to the Old Skool May calendar

Sunshine Fashion plus much more…

Let the sun shine

DeWALT® Safety Trainers







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Trojan Driver’s Glove 12T0100

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Sunday 2nd Ma

BBQ & Music in the courtyard

hosted in our Live music to be n, hout the afternoo courtyard throug . m 1p m fro along with BBQ e kids. lies available for

Ice-cream and lol


down! Bring the family

Bank Holiday Monday 3rd May

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38 High Street, Ixworth, Bury St Edmunds, Suffolk IP31 2HH

T: 01359 230 398

MHD the moreton hall Directory

Welcome to the May edition of the Moreton Hall Directory.

Gemma Walters T: 01359 271150

Advertising/Copy Deadline for June 2010 Issue: Friday 21st May

Contact us Publisher: PIT Group Design & Artwork: Gemma Walters Design & Marketing The Moreton Hall Directory, PO BOX 583, Bury St Edmunds, Suffolk IP30 9AW Telephone: 01359 271150 Email: gemma@moretonhalldirectory. com While all reasonable care is taken to ensure the accuracy of information included in the Moreton Hall Directory, the publishers take no responsibility for the accuracy of statements made by contributors or advertisers, or for loss arising from nonpublication or misprint of any advertisement. The opinions expressed are not necessarily those of the editor. Reproduction, in whole or in part, without the written permission of the publisher is strictly prohibited. Design and compilation copyright 2007 © Jeremy Procter, Director, The Moreton Hall Directory.

By the time you read this, we could well have seen some monumental changes in our government, whatever the outcome, it’s a time for change and fresh starts. This issue is full with lots of interesting articles. There is plenty happening in May, so see our what’s on section or facebook page for more details. We have some fabulous recipes, sunshine fashion plus health and beauty features which we hope you’ll enjoy reading through May. And a special mention, whilst my picture is up top, the MHD wouldn’t happen without the unsung hero’s who work on the magazine each month. So I just want to say a thank you to Sally Walters, who puts the majority of the magazine together each month, Jeremy Procter who deals with advertising and photography, Robin our delivery guy who tirelessly treks round Moreton Hall each month delivering the magazine to your door and also all the contributors who all send me such fantastic features each month. Thank you guys! I hope you all have a great sunny May and I’ll see you in June.


PS. Happy 10th Anniversary to The Moreton Hall Community Centre!

mhdcontents MAY 2010

Community & Family 6-23 May Calendar 6 Frank Warby 8 Football News 9-10 A Marathon Effort 11 Christ Church Moreton Hall 12-13 Andrew Southwood 14 Woodland Ways 16 Karen Cannard, Food for Thought 18-19 The Great Outdoors 22

What’s On May Theatre for May What’s on at the Community Centre Back to the Old Skool Family Fun Cinema listings

Food & Drink Shopping Let the Sun Shine MHD Sale

24-31 24 26 27 28 30 32-33 34-36 34-35 36

Health & Beauty

37-43 Bury Osteopaths 37 Self Centre 38-39 Losing weight after pregnancy 40 Are high heels bad for your health 43

Business Matters

44-48 How to stay motivated at work 44 Accountancy Matters by TaxLogic 47

Home & Garden


Tile & Stone Gallery May in the garden

50-51 54

Motoring & Travel


Holiday Destinations


Useful Numbers



may 2010







Bank Holiday

31 Bank Holiday



10 Year Anniversary Party (Moreton Hall Community Centre) ALL WELCOME

Family BBQ & Live Music at The Pykkerell, Ixworth from 1pm


Ixworth Cycle Races

BINGO (Moreton Hall Community Centre)




Christ Church FUN RUN 11.30am






Charity Spanish Night at The Pykkerell, Ixworth TICKETS £10 CHARITY RACE NIGHT (Moreton Hall Community Centre)













BINGO (Moreton Hall Community Centre)



CHARITY LIVE MUSIC at The Pykkerell, Ixworth TICKETS £10 LIVE MUSIC CHOCOLATE SKA SOULS (Moreton Hall Community Centre)










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Telephone: 01284 764029 Email: themhd




Frank Warby Contact Frank on 07818 455472

Potential Engineers

Litter Pick Many thanks to the families who took part in the family litter pick on Sunday 18th April. Although we were small in numbers we collected 12 bags of litter just around the football field and shopping area. We had the pleasure of the company of Mr David Rufley, our PPC. I always try to ensure that my input to this magazine is non-political, however by the time this issue is printed the election will be over and whoever I mention, it will have no effect on the outcome. The litter pick was part of a series of picks associated with Radio Suffolk’s “Don’t be a tosser” campaign, so there will be others.


During the Easter break, Culford School played host to 50 children from our local upper schools. Ten students aged between 13 and 15 from each school attended a three day course on engineering, which ended with a Gala Dinner and Disco. The Mayor and I attended the dinner but left the disco to the youngsters. I must say how impressed we were with

the designs produced by these budding engineers. Their professional attitude to the whole programme was a credit to their schools, I must also mention the teachers who gave up their time during the Easter break to support our children. We wish them every success in their chosen profession.

Suffolk Show This item seems to be all about children, but I make no excuse for this. Today, 21st April my wife and I attended the Suffolk Showground together with 3,500 primary school children from across Suffolk. The idea of the visit was to introduce children to our farming community and explain where some of our food comes from. I asked one young boy “where do eggs come from?”, his reply was “Sainsbury’s”. I bet after his visit he knows better. Watching these young children learning in this way was wonderful. They were able to touch the animals, understand how we get our sugar and also know

what we grow in our fields and where our meat comes from. The event is in its 10th year and caters for around 3,000 children. It costs the schools nothing, they even put on soft drinks so there is nothing more than a lunch time snack to worry about. The event is organised and run by Suffolk Agricultural Association, Trinity Park, Felixstowe Road, Ipswich, IP3 8UH. Tel: 01473 707110 or www.suffolkshow. Why not make use of this for your school?

CONRATULATIONS IT’S A BOY Congratulations to the head of Abbots Green School Mrs Heidi Frankling who gave birth to a bouncing boy, Charlie Joe, who

weighed in at 7lb10oz. Mother and baby are doing well. Charlie is the first boy to be born to a member of Abbots Green Staff.


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Year 4

Sebert Wood Football Team On Saturday 27th March the boys played in the final of the Year 4 Primary School Cup against Tollgate. Although they didn’t win the boys battled really well, were gracious in defeat, and made everyone proud as they were the runners up out of 24 teams. The match was attended by Sebert Wood Headmaster, Richard Rice, along with some of the school

teachers and lots of parents/ grandparents giving them support. The boys all received a runners up medal and the team was presented with a trophy. One of the boys, Ethan Page, also got the Man of the Match trophy.

The Year 4 Sebert Wood Team are: Alex Aliaga, Sam Barrett, Joshua Boughton, Aleksis Butler, Ben Greenbank, Alfie Halil, Joshan Lally, Ethan Page, Milan Potgieter, George Tricker and Christopher White. The coaches are Jon Greenbank and Paul White. themhd



Bury Tigers FC win the Knock Out Cup Bury Tigers FC, sponsored by The Moreton Hall Directory, travelled to Ipswichs’ Gainsborough Sports Centre on Sunday 25th May, to play in the Final of the Ipswich & Suffolk Leagues Knock Out Cup against Woodbridge FC. The weather held up and it was a great day for football. Kick Off was 3.30pm and Rick Walters, Bury Tigers Manager and their Coach, Mark Lebbon, were both preparing the boys for a tough match.

winning the cup for 2009-2010.

The boys played to their usual high standard, it was a great match to watch, entertaining and at times tense, but the whistle blowed at full-time and Bury Tigers won the match 2-0,

Well done from us all at the MHD, you done us proud! and all the parents too! Keep up the good work and we look forward to another great season next year.



Pictured: Manager, Rick Walters and Coach, Mark Lebbon and The Bury Tigers team with their winners’ trophies and the cup that will take pride of place next to the others won by the team over the past 3 seasons.

Bury Tigers’ other coach Tim Fox, could not be there due to running the London Marathon, which he completed in just over 3 hours, so a huge well done to you too Tim!


A Marathon Effort... You may remember we featured an article recently about 3 local business men from Bury St Edmunds who were running the London Marathon in aid of SCOPE, well, I went to watch them and now bring you a round up of that fantastic day. Words by Gemma Walters.

From left to right: Alex Howell, Adrian Lewis and Jeremy Procter

The 2010 London Marathon, the thirtieth race, took place on Sunday 25th April 2010 and along with 37,000 other entrants, Jeremy Procter (owner of The MHD), Adrian Lewis and Alex Howell (both from Frames Conservatories Direct) took part in an effort to raise money for SCOPE. The boys and their mini army of supporters travelled to London on the Saturday to take in the atmosphere, check out the route and generally prepare for the big day. Saturday saw temperatures of 20° plus and we were all a little anxious given that all their training had been pretty much done in the wind, rain, snow and ice, how the heat would affect them we couldn’t be sure.

finest summer wear looking totally inappropriate. As Alex, Adrian and Jeremy set off for the 26.2 miles we were joined by some more supporters from Bury and our little fan club trudged off to set points around the course to give them the much needed encouragement at the times when they needed it most. First sighting was at around 7 miles and the boys were looking great, we were all relieved to see them looking so relaxed. Next time we saw them wasn’t until 18 miles and again we were

Muscle man Jeremy at the start

impressed that they stopped for a chat and didn’t even seem out of breath, even though we had seen some other runners already being taken away by St Johns Ambulance staff. At this point we knew they would all finish fit and well which is what we all hoped for. And finished they did with very respectable times of 4:40 mins for Jeremy, 4:50 mins for Alex and 5:00 for Adrian. Although a final count is yet to be made, it is expected that the trio have raised in excess of £5,500 for SCOPE. We are extremely proud of all 3 of them. Well done boys!

But low and behold, Sunday morning arrived and so did the colder temperatures AND the rain! Maybe the 3 of them did a little rain dance, whatever happened, they were certainly not disappointed with the turn of the weather, unlike us spectators, decked out in our The boys stop for a brief chat and drink at 18 miles




Christ Church Moreton Hall

Jonathan Ford Contact The Church Office on 01284 725391

The General Election is over and we now know who won and who didn’t. Congratulations to the winners and commiserations with the losers. Well done all of you, it is good that people want to take part in public life in such a way. It is easy to moan and complain; it is much harder to try to find solutions. However, the thing that dominated the election campaign for me was the volcano, although Steve Davis winning matches at The Crucible was wonderful. The volcano reminded me of a number of things. First, that despite the economic superiority of Britain and Europe over most of the world, forces outside our control can bring us to a standstill. Perhaps this is a lesson for our new political leaders. The second thing that struck me was how wedded we are to cheap flights. The horrendous stories of returning from the continent, which a number of my friends came back to tell me about, show that any idea that we are going to give up large scale public use of jet aircraft in the future is completely unlikely. The sheer cost in time and money of the alternatives means that jet travel as we know it is



with us for the rest of my lifetime and probably my children’s as well. The next lesson it taught me is something about God. If God really wanted to, He could turn on any number of the thousands of volcanoes that He has and end this planet. The question is, “Why doesn’t He?” This is certainly a point that those who delivered apocalyptic religious literature through my letterbox during the election campaign would be wise to consider. Despite all its many faults and its brokenness, Britain does not deserve to be wiped out like Sodom and Gomorra, as some religious pundits claim. The answer is that God governs His universe with grace, mercy and generosity as well as judgment and justice. There is a job He expects all of us to do in spite of volcanic eruptions and General Elections. The poor, the vulnerable and the needy still our help and it is our responsibility with God to get it done. Also, He never forgets where the real suffering is even if we get distracted by other things This means that I hope you will be generous when the Christian Aid envelope comes through

your door. I also hope that some of you might take part in our sponsored Fun Run on 8th May at 11:30am, which will be a great occasion complete with a barbecue (free to participants) and will be launched by our Mayor Patsy Warby. Even if you cannot take part, come along to support and sponsor someone. If we really want to see real change in Britain and for democracy to work here and some of the world’s big problems solved, we have to all join in. It is so easy to stand on the sidelines moaning. I hope that this election brings in a new era of mutual respect, compassion and care, and that we can wave goodbye to decades of recrimination and confrontation, which have marred our country. I also hope we can also start focusing more on what really matters - God, His world and all the need around us. Then we will find the peace and contentment we are all striving for. With every good wish, Yours sincerely, Jonathan Ford


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MAY 2010 SERVICES 2nd 8.30am Holy Communion 10.30am The Lost Son All Age Worship 6.30pm A Time of Refreshing 9th 10.30am Morning Worship 6.30pm Prayer and Worship 16th 10.30am Holy Communion 6.30pm A Time of Refreshing 23rd 10.30pm Morning Worship 6.30pm Healing Communion 30th 10.30pm Free Holy Communion 6.30pm A Time of Refreshing themhd




marks the spot by Andrew Southwood By the time you read this (assuming volcanic ash hasn’t hampered the distribution of the MHD too much?) you may well have just come back from the polling station. Regardless of your political views I am sure the majority of us will be relieved that the endless media micro analysis is over. Does anyone really care what colour tie Gordon is wearing, or if the ‘hand in the pocket stance’ from Nick is relaxed or nervous?

‘out and about’ mixing with the voters. Once I cottoned on to the cringe worthy technique of pre empting all answers with a hugely over zealous thanking of the member of the audience for all their hard work as a nurse/ soldier/teacher etc… I struggled to take it seriously. It was when they started the quick exchanges of put me downs and quips about the flaws in their opposition’s policies it dawned on me. These politicians

way round? It’s a shame, as Paul Merton would surely make a fantastic PM. Just try to imagine how entertaining Prime Ministers Questions would be! When all the dust (hopefully both political and Icelandic) has settled what can we really say has come out of this election? A significant political change? Maybe. A new government? Probably. A new play house for my son paid for with the overtime from my time working at the polling station?

These politicians are really no different from the intelligent and razor-sharp panellists on the news quiz I had just been watching During the first televised three way political debate I have to admit to watching the topical news quiz show on the other side instead. After that finished I did watch the Three Wise Monkeys (I’m still undecided as to which is which) dodging questions and making far too many tenuous references about things people have told them whilst they were



are really no different from the intelligent and razor-sharp panellists on the news quiz I had just been watching. Precisely the same quit witted, fast thinking and audience engaging skills are needed. The only difference is that the comedians, are all far more enjoyable to watch. I think that perhaps all MP’s are failed stand up comics, or is it the other

Definitely! It is perhaps a little ironic that, at least in the sort term, my son still 3 or 4 elections away from having the vote, appears to have gained the most out this whole affair. Who knows, maybe one day he’ll do an hilarious stand up routine about it, or heaven forbid, even talk about it in his manifesto?!


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The Myth of the Nightingale Moreton Hall’s Monthly Nature Watch by Woodland Ways Once upon a time, a long time ago, the nightingale was a real bird to most people. The nightingale was common, it could be heard across most places in the country and it could be heard in many homes across Europe each dusk and dawn. As far back as Roman and Greek times, it started becoming a bird of stories, as it was known to everyone and audiences loved it. So for example we get the Roman story of Philomen and Tereus, and of course Aesop’s Fables featuring nightingales. Throughout history, poets and storytellers wove nightingales into their stories. Chaucer used it as a simile, and Shakespeare used it as a metaphor. By the nineteenth century, Keats’ ‘Ode to a nightingale’, and poems by Coleridge and John Clare were treating the nightingale as a symbol of love, of the past, of warm sunny evenings. Into the 20th century, it became stereotypic of romantic nature, and



developed by Maschwitz in his 1940 song That certain night, the night we met There was magic abroad in the air There were angels dining at the Ritz And a nightingale sang in Berkeley Square At that point, the nightingale was completely transformed into a myth, no different to magic or angels in restaurants. The bird has been a fantasy ever since, in innumerable poems, stories and radio plays. There’s only one thing better than the stories, the myths, the historic love for the bird –

hearing it yourself. Clear, liquid voice greeting the May dawn, the same sounds heard by so many over centuries, linking us with the myths, reminding us of the great poets. Go to Lackford Lakes on a May morning, and the staff there will point out to you where it sings.

Why not join Woodland Ways..

Why not join in with a Woodland Ways work party to help improve the Moreton Hall woods? No experience is needed and all are welcome; we’ll show you what to do. For more information please see, see the Woodland Ways noticeboard in the Community Centre, contact Nick Sibbett on 01284 723847 or email information@


Food for thought

Poisonous weed or delicious free food? Perhaps it’s time to check out the wilds of Moreton Hall by Karen Cannard

After my recent Suffolk Diet challenge, this month my imagination has been running wild with the idea of free food that can be found in the wilds of Suffolk. It all started with the new Edible Garden programme, where presenter Alys Fowler was filimed picking wild herbs and certain weeds from her garden to create what appeared to be perfectly edible and indeed delicious salads. Soon after, during a weekend walk, a good friend



pointed me in the direction of wild plum trees in Bury St Edmunds, which provide a trusty source of fruit for her home-made jam that she makes at the end of the summer. Then a few days later, Brigit Strawbridge, who is better known for the BBC programme It’s Not Easy Being Green, happened to drop into conversation over coffee her own recommendations for picking young leaves off particular trees during springtime, which she too adds to salads.

So what started out as a casual observation whilst watching TV one evening has now left me wondering what else I’ve been missing, simply due to my lack of knowledge of the larder that lies on our doorstep. In the autumn months, gathering wild food in Moreton Hall is relatively easy if you know where to find the rows of cobnut trees and brambles. However the more I find out from foraging experts, the more interest I have in discovering local edible plants that pop-up throughout other seasons too.

community&family However, there is one huge problem in picking wild food and that’s knowing the difference between what is safe to eat and what to avoid. And without sound knowledge or expert guidance, harvesting the contents of a wild hedgerow or meadow could soon end up with a spell in casualty or circumstances that are even worse. After all there is many a truth in the old saying that curiosity killed the cat. But it is the curious researcher in me that is intrigued to find out more about the discoveries to be made in the Suffolk countryside and I’m keen to learn whether those summer berries that crop up alongside our estate’s roads are really edible or are simply food for birds. I daren’t test them myself though, as I want to make

sure I remain in one piece for a while longer and I’d advise any other novice in the same position to proceed with as much caution too. However, if you’re a local expert who knows how to eat their way around the wilds of Moreton Hall it would be great to have your guidance on such matters – and I don’t mean grazing about with a packet of crisps from Tesco Express.

Other useful sources BBC Audio Slideshow, Food from the wild The Edible Garden: BBC2 Wednesdays 8pm Food for Free, by Richard Mabey. ISBN 0007183038 Footsteps in Foraging: article in the April edition of the Big Green Idea newsletter, http://www. newsletter_article/footstepsinto-foraging

FURTHER INFORMATION: If you are interested in discovering wild food, East Suffolk based company Food Safari runs regular one day events, which feature advice from experts about what to look out for, advice about contamination and poisonous plants as well as the foraging code of practice. Each walk ends in a Wild Food Feast at the Anchor pub in Walberswick. The next “Wild Food in a Day” event will be held on Saturday 19th June at Henham Park. For more information visit or telephone 01728 621380.

WHATS IN SEASON NOW: From supermarkets and markets... broccoli, carrots, cauliflower, cucumber jersey royal new potatoes, leaks & salad leaves, onions, maincrop potatoes, purple sprouting broccoli, radishes, rhubarb, rocket, samphire, spinach, spring onions and watercress. and from the hedgerows... Apparently... wild nettles (Just avoid all those at dog level for obvious reasons. Gloves are recommended when collecting and don’t forget to cook them first) themhd




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The Great Outdoors, Great for the Kids Computer screens, the blare of the television, that closed-in feeling from being in a home or office building all day – everybody needs a breath of fresh air. And so do young children. Being outside helps children grow and develop – physically, socially, and emotionally. It may also help them avoid childhood obesity, and give them the chance to burn some of that extra energy from being indoors and inactive. Even babies can benefit from being in the great outdoors – whether the great outdoors is in the countryside, or out on the street. But what can parents do with their children once they’re outside? How can you help your child experience the outdoors and be safe? Infants: Taking it all in why should your baby be outside? Even though your baby might not even be walking yet, it’s good for him to see, smell and hear different things. The different colours, people, and sounds will help stimulate their senses. Even the feel of air at a different temperature can be good for babies. What can you do together? Take your baby along as you walk to the shops. Point out to her different things you see along the way: birds, other people, flowers, and wherever it is you are going. They will enjoy the different sights and sounds, and listening to you talk.



Luckily we live in an area with plenty of parks and playgrounds, they are a great place to take babies. You might also be able to make friends with other parents who have brought their children. If the weather is nice and warm, you can take your baby outdoors and sit with them on a blanket. Give them a chance to sit outside - bring toys for them to play with. You can also bring books and read to them. It will be good for you too. New parents may feel a little stir-crazy from being inside - this is a great excuse to get out. Toddlers: Why should your toddler be outside? Toddlers, who have just learned to walk, need to build their muscles. Playing outdoors is a great way for your child to stay active and develop their larger muscles. Toddlers should have between one and two hours of activity a day - both “structured” and “unstructured”. Structured play helps toddlers learn steps and activities, while unstructured time is about letting their imaginations take over. What can you do together? Structured time can include activities like using water to “paint” the paths, or singing songs together about the birds and trees. Unstructured time is when toddlers play without set activities - a

playground is a great place to let them do this. So are gardens and parks. Going with your toddler for a walk in your area can also be fun. Watch your toddler, and make sure they are safe. But whether they’re actively running around or playing pretend, they will benefit from being in the outdoors. If you have a sandbox, use sand toys so that your toddler can play in the sand. They may get a little dirty, but they will love making castles. Preschoolers: Why should they be outside? If your child is a little older, you will want to give them more activities to do. Their time outside will help them develop their physical fitness more. Playgrounds have a variety of appropriate equipment for preschoolers, such as swings and climbing frames. Playing with other children also help them to develop socially and make friends. What can you do together? At this age, you can play with skipping ropes - which is great exercise for children. Rope rhymes are an excellent way to develop language skills. You can also play with balls. It’s also a good age to explore nature a little more. Go on a trip to a nature park or to the park. You can talk about different types of trees or animals, and give your preschooler a chance to talk about science.


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theatre for May... The Playhouse Entertainment Group proudly presents

Wife Begins at Forty Dates: 24 – 29 May Tickets: £8.50 - £24.50 Venue: Theatre Royal Bury St Edmunds “I’m often asked which is my favourite of all the plays I’ve written and my answer is “whichever one I’m working on at the moment”. However -! I do have a soft spot for Wife Begins at Forty. I’m thrilled to bits that it’s being revived – so, for the moment, it’s definitely my favourite play. Enjoy” Ray Cooney Vicki Michelle, Trevor Bannister and Mark Curry star in the 25th Anniversary Production of one of Ray Cooney’s best loved comedies: Wife Begins at Forty. Coming to the Theatre Royal Bury St Edmunds this May. At the age of 37, Linda Harper is already starting to worry about the approach of her fortieth birthday. She is dissatisfied spiritually and physically with her seventeen-year marriage to the slightly staid George, and following a drunken night during which George recounts passionate stories involving a flamenco dancer and a grand piano, she decides that it might finally be time to leave. In the end it is George who moves out in order to give Linda a chance to “find herself” through a variety of courses including everything from aerobics to sculpting. When George returns to the family home a few weeks later to sort out maintenance arrangements he and Linda discover that the flames of passion are not quite dead…. They are just in need of a little fanning! Vicki Michelle is probably best known for her portrayal of Yvette in all nine series of the hit BBC show Allo Allo which has gained her worldwide recognition. She has also firmly established herself as a leading musical performer with roles as diverse as Miss Hannigan in Annie and Mona Stangley in The Best Little Whorehouse In Texas. She appears regularly in Emmerdale as flamboyant Patricia Foster and, more recently, returned to her dramatic roots to star as Ray Winstone’s wife Emma, in the controversial film All in the Game. Trevor Bannister has had a varied career playing everything from Shakespeare to farce. He is best known for his role as Mr Lucas in the highly successful Are You Being Served? Recent TV includes Silent Witness and Keeping up Appearances and the part of Toby in Last of the Summer Wine. Mark Curry was a favourite presenter on Children’s TV for many years on shows such as The Saturday Picture Show, Record Breakers and Blue Peter. His Theatre credits include Woman In Black, Noises Off and Far From The Madding Crowd. His Television roles include Kevin in Last Of The Summer Wine and Michael Marsden in Doctors (both for the BBC).

S Theatre Royal, Bury St Edmunds Box Office details: Tel: 01284 769505 Book tickets online at



All performance times are 7.30pm unless stated otherwise. The venue is the Theatre Royal Bury St Edmunds unless stated otherwise

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Back to the Old Skool! An exciting new bar has opened it’s doors in Bury St Edmunds. ‘Doodle’ Bar is situated within The Hunter Club, St Andrews Street South. The MHD popped in to take a look. Words by Gemma Walters.

A place to relax

The Lego Bar

Doodle Bar is an ideal place to relax after work or on a night out and with its cool, nostalgic theme, it is set to become a firm favourite with locals. The bar has been painstakingly made from thousands of pieces of Lego, the tables are painted with blackboard paint – a place where you are actually encouraged to doodle on the tables with NO detention in sight! The bar will play host to old skool movie nights, and has free WIFI and laptops available to use. We met Sam Allen, Club Manager who likened the bar to Superman: “During the day, the bar area is more Clark Kent, a professional venue for conferences or business meetings, and by night it transforms to a place to chill and enjoy socialising with friends – the ‘Superman’ of bars if you like”.

Doodle is keen to be green, with waterless urinals, timer switches on lights and by reusing items as much as possible, such as the table lamps which are all reclaimed and restored. The walls feature work from artists, currently displayed are fabulous pieces from London illustrator Darren Warner. A large hall is used every night for classes and events and is also available to hire. Monday is Bodypump and Tango, Tuesday is Salsa Night, Wednesday sees

Latin Aerobics, Thursdays is Pilates and Friday is Party Night. The hall also hosts monthly Jazz Nights and will be one of the venues for Bury’s upcoming Fringe Festival. It is free to become a member at The Hunter Club enabling you to take advantage of all the facilities available, plus by becoming a member you will receive regular updates about future events. If you would like to join or for more information, please contact Sam Allen on 01284 748280.

Doodling on the tables is encouraged




Family fun at Nowton Park Country Fair A brilliant way to spend Fathers’ Day, the Nowton Park Country Fair combines classic countryside arena events with the opportunity for a little light shopping in a beautiful setting. Included in the countryside arena, there will be a dog display team and birds of prey. There is family entertainment provided by Bozo and Zizi and children are specifically catered for with giant inflatables and play sessions. As well as many kinds of craft stalls there is hot and cold food and drink, and many community groups present. Now in its 21st year, the fair is an established date in the West Suffolk calendar, providing a day out for the whole family. While there is plenty of action, there is also peace and quiet in the spacious, rolling grounds and the opportunity to picnic in a wild flower meadow or beneath grand trees. Admission is free and car parking costs £4.

Nowton Park Country Fair Sunday 20th June 11am to 5pm Nowton Park, Bury St Edmunds, IP29 5LU. Follow yellow AA signs. Contact the Parks Service, St Edmundsbury Borough Council, 01284 757092.

Family fun in aid of armed forces A new vintage market is one of the ways that Bury St Edmunds will be celebrating Armed Forces Day on

Saturday 26th June

along with free music and other events in the Abbey Gardens. The family fun day in aid of Help for Heroes is being organised by St Edmundsbury Borough Council with support from town traders and businesses. There will be a stage with entertainment throughout the day including wartime favourites and the Rock a Bellas. Family entertainment includes a puppet show and a ‘history tent’ with displays from the Record Office, Regiment Museum and Moyse’s Hall Museum. There will also be displays from the Thurston Air Cadets. Sharon Fairweather, Tourism Officer said, “Bury St Edmunds has strong military connections and big crowds turn out for to welcome our forces back at homecoming parades. We are also famous for our markets and we hope that the new vintage market will help us raise as much money as possible to help service people returning home from conflicts. There will be a real perty atmosphere, with over 40 stalls selling clothes, accessories, house wares and the like from the 1920s through to the 1980s. Let’s make it a really big day for Bury”.

For further details and to book, contact the Bury St Edmunds Tourist Information Centre 01284 764667




Films for


Director: Ricky Gervais, Stephen Merchant Starring: Ricky Gervais, Ralph Fiennes, Christian Cooke, Felicity Jones, Tom Hughes, Jack Doolan Written and directed by Ricky Gervais and Stephen Merchant, Cemetery Junction is a British coming-of-age comedy set in the not-so-swinging ‘70s. It’s the glam rock-era of 1970s England and the small city of Reading feels about as far as you can possibly get from where the action is. But for Freddie (Christian Cooke) and his two best friends Bruce (Tom Hughes) and Snork (Jack Doolan), this is all they’ve ever known. As they spend their days joking, drinking, fighting and chasing girls, Freddie can’t help wondering if they’re wasting their lives. He yearns to leave their cosy-but-blinkered environment and see what the rest of the world has to offer - but cool, charismatic Bruce and lovable loser Snork are happy with life the way it is. When Freddie gets a new job and bumps into his former school sweetheart Julie (Felicity Jones), the gang are forced to face up to the future and make some difficult choices.


Director: Dean DeBlois, Chris 12A Sanders Starring: Gerard Butler, Jay Baruchel, America Ferrera, Christopher Mintz-Plasse, Jonah Hill, Kristen Wiig, Craig Ferguson From the studio that brought us Shrek, Madagascar and Kung Fu Panda comes a new animated 3D action-comedy set in a mythical world of Vikings and dragons. How To Train Your Dragon is the story of Viking teenager Hiccup (Jay Baruchel), who lives on the island of Berk, where strength and prowess in battle are everything and fighting dragons is a way of life. But hapless Hiccup doesn’t exactly fit in with his tribe’s longstanding traditions. The time of initiation is coming, and this is Hiccup’s one chance to prove his worthiness to his tribe and father. But when he encounters and befriends an injured dragon, Hiccup’s world is turned upside down. His unexpected friendship with a dragon challenges him - and his fellow Vikings - to see the world from an entirely different point of view. Based on the book by Cressida Cowell, the tale of Hiccup and his dragon-taming exploits is sure to become a family favourite.


recommen ds



Director: Lasse Hallstrom Starring: Richard Jenkins, Amanda Seyfried, Channing Tatum, Henry Thomas Amanda Seyfried and Channing Tatum star in a romantic drama from the writer of the classic The Notebook. A young soldier, John (Channing Tatum) is home on leave when he has a chance encounter with idealistic college student Savannah (Amanda Seyfried). When Savannah’s bag falls from a pier into the sea, John impulsively jumps after it. Touched by John’s chivalry, and intrigued by his brooding good looks, Savannah finds herself falling passionately in love over the course of two magical weeks. When John is shipped overseas for his next tour of duty, Savannah writes asking him to tell her everything that happens to him: “That way we’ll be with each other all the time”. Over the next seven tumultuous years, the couple is separated by John’s increasingly dangerous deployments. While meeting only sporadically, they stay in touch by sending a continuous stream of love letters overseas correspondence that eventually triggers fateful consequences.

Cinemas in Bury St Edmunds: Cineworld, Parkway, IP33 3BA. Tel 0871 200 2000 Hollywood Film Theatre, Hatter Street, IP33 1NE Box Office 01284 762586, 24 hr Info Line 01284 754477.




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food&drink MHD Recipe of the month

Fish Pie with Prawns This easy-to-prepare fish pie is topped with creamy mash potato, mixed with fried leeks.

Serves:6 Preparation time: 35 minutes Cooking time: 45 minutes

Ingredients For the pie 500 g haddock fillet, cut into large chunks 500 g skinless salmon fillet, cut into large chunks 1 bay leaf 1 onion, finely chopped Few parsley stalks 450 ml fish stock made with a stock cube 100 ml dry white wine 25 g butter 25 g plain flour 300 ml milk 142 ml single cream 250 g fresh spinach, washed and trimmed Freshly grated nutmeg 250 g cooked and peeled tiger prawns 3 large eggs, hard boiled, peeled and quartered 2 tbsp chopped fresh parsley Âź pack fresh dill, chopped Salt and freshly ground black pepper For the topping 1 kg potatoes 2 medium leeks, trimmed and finely sliced 50 g butter 200 ml milk plus a little extra, if necessary



Method 1. Place the haddock and the salmon in a large, wide frying pan with the bay leaf, parsley stalks, onion and stock. Bring to the boil, then reduce the heat and cook very gently for 5-6 minutes until the fish is just cooked. Remove the fish with a slotted spoon and transfer to a plate, add the wine to the pan and reduce by fast boiling until about 300ml remains and reserve. 2. Melt the butter in a medium saucepan and gradually stir in the flour. Cook gently for 2 minutes, then gradually stir in the still warm stock and wine, followed by the milk. Cook gently, stirring frequently, for about 10 minutes until thick and smooth. Gradually stir in the cream, then season to taste with nutmeg, salt and pepper. 3. Wilt the spinach in its own juices in a large covered saucepan. Drain well, pressing out excess moisture. 4. Flake the cooked fish into bite-sized chunks and arrange in a wide ovenproof dish with the spinach, prawns and quartered eggs.

5. Stir the chopped parsley and half the dill into the sauce and carefully pour over the fish, covering it evenly. 6. Cook the potatoes in boiling salted water for 15-20 minutes until tender, then mash. Fry the leeks gently in half the butter until soft but not browned and beat into the potatoes with sufficient milk to make a smooth mash. Beat in the remaining dill and season to taste. 7. Preheat the oven to 190C, 375F, Gas 5. Spoon the potato over the fish, smooth down, then make ridges using a fork or knife. Dot with the remaining butter. Cook for 40-45 minutes until the filling is bubbling and the topping is golden brown. Serve immediately. Cook’s tip If you like smoked fish, substitute some undyed smoked haddock, all skin and bone removed after cooking, for some or all of the salmon. For a more everyday fish pie omit the wine (use more stock) and prawns and substitute milk for cream. Season the sauce with a little lemon juice to make up the acidity lost with the wine.


Join The Moreton Hall Directory

on facebook Are you on facebook? Please join The Moreton Hall Directory facebook page for all the latest news in your area, what’s on, special offers and much, much more! Have your say and join us today at: or search The Moreton Hall Directory to find us.

We look forward to seeing you there! Slimming World Recipe of the month

Luxury Hot-Smoked Salmon Kedgeree Syns per serving: 2½ Syns on Green Cooking time: 15 minutes Preparation time: 10 minutes

Ingredients Low calorie cooking spray Free on Extra Easy 4 large free range eggs 250g basmati rice 150g hot-smoked salmon 1 large onion 1tsp madras curry powder Salt & pepper

Method: 1. Slice onion thinly and fry gently in low calorie cooking spray until semi-caramelised.

cooked, heat the salmon for 4 minutes on the lowest power setting.

3. Put rice in another pan and cover with boiling water. Stir once then boil for 10 minutes.

5. To assemble the dish, drain the rice well and keep it warm. Slice the eggs. Return the rice to the pan and add the curry powder and onions. Season to taste. Add the salmon and stir in gently to avoid breaking the flakes.

4. Flake the salmon and place on a microwavable dish. Five minutes before the rice is

6. Spoon rice mixture onto a warm plate and garnish with the sliced egg. Serve immediately.

2. Place the eggs in a pan, add boiling water and simmer for 12 minutes. Once hard boiled, cool and peel.




Let the sun shine


Main Picture: Floor cushions £30 each, Salsa stripe cushion £30, Fandango cushion £20, Wasp catchers £5 each, Jam Jar candles £4 each ‘Collage’ by Linea. All from House of Fraser.




4 person Picnic Hamper £45 from Next • Flower Garden Stakes £3 from Matalan • Mini Coloured Glass Lanterns £6 from BHS • Floral Maxi Dress £30 from Next • Multi Aloha Braid and Tassel bag £40 from Accessorise • 2 Way to wear Sarong/Scarf £4 from Matalan • Bright Printed Bead Necklace £8 from Matalan

Gemma themhd



MAY 2010 List items for sale free of charge to Moreton Hall Residents, email: gemma@

Mothercare wooden (oak) babycot 50in x 28in with mattress & fitted sheets As new. £100 ono Tel. 01284 702246. Glass 100cm circular table with 4 black chairs In good condition. £45 ono. Tel. 01284 702246. Morphy Richards stainless steel fastbake breadmaker - complete with instructions, recipe book, measuring cup and measuring spoon. Used but still in great condition. £30 ono. Telephone Alison 01284 750189.


M&P Pram with seperate buggy attch, c/toes, r/cover, suit girl or boy, only used for one baby, VGC. Bought new £600 would accept £100 ono. Located on MH. Lisa 01284 761121 or 07971019488. Solid round pine dining table (43’’ diameter) £30.00 - Tel: 01284 702 503. Ercol dark wood rocking chair £25.00 - Tel: 01284 702 503. Two comfortable pink/leafy green armchairs Good condition - £40.00 Tel: 01284 702 503 Matching 3 seater settee (in need of TLC) - £20.00 Tel: 01284 702 503.

Hamster/mouse cage + supplies all for £15 Cage, 2 exercise wheels, drinking bottle, 1 pkg nesting material and some leftover food and bedding plus a travel container. Sadly our mouse passed away last weekend. Everything has been cleaned. contact Carolyn if interested at 01284 750472. Do you have any nearly new or unused items that are of no use to you, other than creating unnecessary clutter? Why not try to recycle them and gather a few extra pounds or pennies in the process? Please include: 1. Brief description of the item. 2. The price. 3. Your telephone number. Please note that the publisher can take no responsibility for the claims made by sellers regarding the goods for sale, nor are they liable for any claim with regards to the item or any payment transactions between buyer and seller.

Breville compact 3-tier steamer with timer control and herb infusion tray - complete with full instructions and recipe book. Used twice, so still in excellent condition. £15 ono. Telephone Alison 01284 750189.

Shopaholics only!

Bar-football game, measures approx 36’’ by 24’’ and stands on 13’’ legs, £10 Tel. 01284 701824.

Pop by and say hello, I’d love to see you there!







“Bend & Blend”

A combination of dietary tips, mind/body exercises and latest research blended together to promote health & vitality. This month we look at balancing your hormones naturally Women’s lives are deeply affected by the ebb and flow of our hormones. But hormonal imbalance can also be our most consistent enemy, causing the all-too-common miseries of PMS and menopause. Most women are still unaware of the fact that there is help for many, if not most, of these problems. The concern most middle aged women have is how to cope with the debilitating signs and symptoms of menopause that affect their daily lives, most commonly hot flushes, fatigue, headaches, irritability, insomnia and depression, difficulty in concentrating or remembering and weight gain. Many teenagers and young women are struggling to manage symptoms that include heavy and irregular periods, depression and anxiety. Yoga Stress is a major factor in disrupting the natural hormone cycle, as is a liver that struggles to cope with a poor diet. Yoga can help with postures to reduce stress, tone and detoxify the liver and balance the thyroid gland. 3 examples are Seated forward bend, Seated Twist and Shoulderstand.

For more details on the benefits of these postures why not come along to our Yoga for Hormone Balancing Workshop Saturday 22nd May 2.30pm – 5.00pm. For more details visit our website at and click on ‘Workshops’ Diet Eating a diet too abundant in refined carbohydrates and sugars is more likely to result in fatigue, irritability, bloating, depression and hot flushes. These are symptoms of PMS/Menopause that can drain the body of energy. You must avoid refined sugars at all costs. Any processed food and packaged foods contain white flour, hydrogenated fats and sugars as a general rule. Avoid Caffeine too as this can cause mood swings. Eat whole foods such as organic servings of dark green vegetables, for example, spinach, broccoli, watercress, alfalfa and sprouts, but make sure you do not overcook the vegetables. Avoid Soya products – recent research has shown they block Iodine uptake



and one of the main influences on balancing hormones is the Thyroid Gland, which needs Iodine to function effectively. Deficiencies in Iodine can cause (apart from Thyroid disorders) breast and ovarian cysts and tumours. A natural source of iodine is seaweed or miso ( eaten a lot in Japan – hence their low levels of breast cancer). There is a lovely instant soup by Clearspring called MISO and you can get it from supermarkets and health food shops (check other brands don’t have MSG in!) Vitamin C and E combined are said to help hormones to work. Good fats are essential in balancing hormones and mood swings. Flax, sesame, sunflower and pumpkin seeds are excellent sources, and good supplements such as evening primrose oil and cod-liver oil taken on a regular basis can help control menopausal symptoms and aid in good health. Fish such as herring, mackerel, salmon or fresh tuna should be eaten two or three times a week to help menopausal symptoms. Consume cold-pressed seed oils such as flaxseed or hemp oil as well as olive oil and avocado oil. Avoid any oils that are hydrogenated or over processed. Recent research suggests a little butter is a good idea too. Herbal Remedies Black Cohosh is a natural herb used by Native North Americans for centuries. Research has proven that Black Cohosh helps to relieve the signs and symptoms of menopause. It is also reported to raise serotonin levels,

helping to relieve depression. Research in this field continues. Other herbs which have been researched include Vitex Agnus-Castus, Siberian Ginseng and Chaste berry. Dong Quai, in a recent study, was shown to promote hormonal balance and keep oestrogen and progesterone levels in their normal range. Natural Progesterone Cream Progesterone is an essential raw material from which your body makes many of the other hormones vital for good health. Progesterone is vital in balancing the endocrine or hormonal system in women. It is involved in reproduction and, as long as a woman is ovulating, there should be progesterone produced in the ovaries of menstruating women. For sufferers of menopausal symptoms, progesterone deficiency could be the reason and a sufferer may benefit from natural progesterone therapy Natural progesterone is synthesised in a laboratory from certain plants and is biologically identical, in every way, to that which is synthesised in the body, so that it will be recognised and used in the body as nature intended. There are many roles natural progesterone plays in our well being, and it naturally protects against cancer by balancing the harmful effects of too much oestrogen. It has recently been argued that most women in Western cultures are now suffering from oestrogen dominance, against a background of progesterone deficiency. There is now much evidence to show that it may be progesterone that women need the most, especially when it comes to hormone therapies.

health&beauty Consider the many changes that have taken place over the last century, especially since the 1930s when toxic chemicals were introduced into every aspect of our lives. It was not well known then that many of these chemicals could mimic the hormone oestrogen, which can become dangerously carcinogenic in excess amounts.

These chemicals are used in industry, and in many domestic products. They are versatile, have smooth-flowing properties and can be used in paints, industrial detergents, lubricating oils, toiletries, agrochemicals and as additives to plastics. They last for many years in the environment, because they are synthetic and cannot be broken down by nature’s natural processes.

This fact was discovered by English and American scientists in the early 80s and 90s, after accidentally establishing that oestrogen-mimicking chemicals could leach out from many plastics and exert an oestrogenic effect in the body when it wasn´t needed - or block an oestrogenic effect when it was needed. This could cause a myriad of health problems, as was discovered with similar chemicals used in pesticides and hormonal treatments, since the 1950s, which were later banned. The scientists had no idea that the chemicals in nearly all products used in every part of our lives could mimic the hormone oestrogen. They were disturbed to find that groups of chemicals known as nonyphenols and phthalates, widely used in nearly all plastics, could leach out and accumulate in body tissue.

More recent research as suggested that heating food in plastic containers in the microwave can cause chemicals to leach from the plastic into the foods. Another suggestion is that plastic water bottles left in warm sunny places can also mean that the water becomes contaminated. Dr Lee and other experts strongly argue that one of the many roles of progesterone is to balance the harmful effects of too much oestrogen – as it does naturally in the body. Yet this fact has not been acknowledged by mainstream medicine who only uses it in its synthetic form, for example as part of HRT. The synthetic form of progesterone mimics some of the anti-cancer effects of natural progesterone, but sadly, it also comes with a list of side effects. For more info on natural progesterone visit

The debate about the advantages and disadvantages of Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT) and/or natural hormone balance therapies and dietary changes continues and in the meantime, women need to research both options to make a choice that they fully understand. It is always advisable to seek the help of a professional who will give the pros and cons without pushing one form of treatment over another. Remember that GPs are not trained in any form of complementary medicine, not even nutrition. The Self Centre is a “social enterprise” which means any profits we make we aim to reinvest in subsidising classes and investing in community projects and we are located in Kempson Way , behind John Banks for full details of what we offer please see uk or call us on 01284 769090. The exercises and remedies suggested in this article are the personal opinion of the author. Please also inform your GP if you are planning to take any natural remedies and you are already on long term prescribed drugs. Always consult a qualified Complementary Practitioner, never self medicate.




How to lose weight after

Pregnancy It is common to retain additional pounds after the baby arrives. There are several things to consider about weight loss as well as ways to help you shed unwanted weight. If you step on the scale several days after you give birth, you will likely have one of two reactions. Disappointment or complete horror. The weight loss is either not as much as you had hoped, or in some cases, your weight might not have changed much. Why didn’t I lose more weight? If you were one of the unlucky ones who did not lose much weight after birth, check your face, hands and ankles. Are they swollen? It might be that the pregnancy weight of the baby, placenta, amniotic fluid, etc.. was replaced by several pounds of fluid retention. This is common especially if you had a lot of IV fluids during your labour. The good news is that you should lose that fluid weight in about 2-3 weeks by urinating and perspiring more frequently. What about all of the other unwanted weight after baby? Here are some techniques to help you lose post-pregnancy weight.



Drink at least 10-12 glasses of water every day. Replace your high sugar beverages such as fizzy drinks and juices with some water and a squeeze of fresh lemon. You could also try flavoured mineral water which has no calories. You can cut out hundreds of calories a day this way.

As soon as you feel ready, start light exercise. Weather-permitting, take a 10 minute walk with the baby every day and slowly increase your time to 20 minutes per day. Babies can be worn in a snugli or sling or you can use a pram or pushchair when they get too heavy. Even better, walk at a regular time with a friend.

Keep healthy snacks handy such as raisins, popcorn, wheat crackers, and nuts. Refuse to buy store-bought baked goods or junk food.

Find easy ways to increase your exercise like parking further away or using stairs instead of lifts.

Eat lean meats such as boneless chicken and the leanest cuts of beef. Eat whole grains (breads, cereals, pastas) instead of the “white” versions Don’t be fooled by foods that are labelled as non-fat. Some are loaded with calories and can have hydrogenated vegetable oils and/or high fructose corn syrup, neither of which are healthy. Read your labels!

Breastfeeding uses up your fat stores! Breastfeeding burns about 500 calories per day so the longer you breastfeed, the more calories you burn. Consider joining a gym and trade babysitting hours with a friend so when you each go to do your workout, the other can watch the babies. Some gyms may offer babysitting services as well.

Just remember it took 9 months to gain the weight; give yourself at least that long to take it off. Don’t go completely avoiding or drastically reducing food groups such as the popular diets of Resist the urge to indulge in a fast limiting carbs or sugars. The food meal. Or if you do, order the more you deprive yourself of an salad and not the fat-filled burgers occasional treat, the more you will crave it. and fries.


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Are high heels bad for your health? What Women Think…

What Doctors Think…

In general, high-heeled shoes give the illusion of longer, skinnier, toned legs. Walking around on 4-inch stiletto heels engages your leg muscles and can even make your calf muscles more defined. Plain and simple, women want to look taller and they want to look slender. High heels do both.

High-heeled shoes force the foot into a painful position. Slanted forward, weight is concentrated on the ball of the foot instead of distributed across the arch. Toes are bent upwards and crunched together. And, the raised position of the heel causes the Achilles tendon to shorten. This causes a whole host of problems, not only in your foot, but throughout your body.

High heels have been proven to cause foot pain and injury. Many women admit to regularly wearing shoes that are painful and uncomfortable to walk in. So why is it that high-heeled shoes are a wardrobe staple for so many?

Common Problems From High Heels… Shortened, tighter and more painful Achilles tendon Metatarsalgia- joint pain in the ball of the foot Morton’s Neuroma- nerve and sensation problems Foot deformities like hammertoes, corns and bunions Altered posture and back pain Knee osteoarthritis

If You Just Can’t Live Without High Heel Shoes When you go shoe shopping, you should focus on fit. This can be difficult because shoe sizes can vary greatly depending on the style of the high heel and depending on the manufacturer. So start with the shoe sizers in the stores, and take into account the width of the shoe as compared to your foot, the thickness of the heel and the shape of the toe. Wear shorter heels, 1 ½ to 2 inches, reduces the severity of pain and stress on your body. Wear high heels to events where you will be seated or not on your feet for long periods of time. Bring extra, more comfortable, shoes with you when you wear heels so you can change shoes if necessary. When possible, put comfort insoles and cushions in your high-heeled footwear. themhd



How to Stay

Motivated At Work It doesn’t matter if you have an exciting job or that you have a healthy mental attitude towards work and life in general, motivation issues will surface on occasion. It’s perfectly natural for our energy levels to dip from time to time and not all of us will be fortunate enough to work in a particularly stimulating environment. However, whatever you do for a living, if you follow a few golden rules it can help you with your motivation at work. Clarify Your Objectives Nothing is likely to affect your motivation more than not having clearly set out objectives at work for you to work towards. By knowing the specifics of what your boss expects of you with regards to your duties, you can alleviate the problem of losing focus which in turn can often affect your self motivation. Reasons For Being There We all tend to get bored with our work at some time or another. For some people, they might have become so disillusioned with their job that any kind of motivation apart from picking up a wage packet at the end of the week has disappeared long ago, whilst there are others who may just have a temporary energy dip now and again. To maintain your motivation at work, it can often be useful to draw up a list of legitimate reasons why you go out to work each day. Perhaps they are money oriented only. If so, think of the things you’re looking to spend the money on, a new car or a holiday, for example. If certain elements of



your job are boring or, perhaps, difficult, focus on the part they’re going to play in accomplishing the broader objective and the fact that the bits you don’t enjoy will still lead you towards the ultimate goal. A lot of the time it’s down to attitude. Why not ask yourself how you could perhaps make the task more fun? Sometimes with a very mundane task, some people will set themselves an amount of time in which they are determined to accomplish it. Others will achieve a similar result by going head to head with one of their colleagues to see who can finish it first. Give Yourself A Reward Even if a company doesn’t recognise your efforts and achievements, that doesn’t mean to say you have to do likewise. If you find that you’re lacking motivation at work, think of ways in which you can reward yourself if you achieve certain objectives in a given time. It might be an hour down at the pub or treating yourself to a new outfit, whatever spurs you on, you’ll often find having something to look forward to is sufficient to motivate you into completing even the most mundane of tasks. Think About How You Would Feel If You Were Out Of Work Sometimes in order to keep our self motivation levels high, it’s important to be thankful for what we’ve got and to consider how we’d feel if we weren’t going to work each day. Would you feel still useful and connected to the outside world if you

suddenly found yourself sitting at home with nothing to do each day and no money even if you did have something to do? It’s also important to keep things in perspective. Remember that whilst it’s important you have an income, work is simply that - just work and that it only forms part of your life so think about the other things in life that you have to look forward to when work is over – your family, friends and outside hobbies and leisure interests, for example. This will all help with maintaining motivation at work. Team Motivation Unless you work autonomously, why not open up a discussion with other members of your team at work to see if there are ways in which you can enjoy the job more and how you can make it more interesting? Negativity can spread fast and affect team motivation greatly. The more positive energy you all bring to a workplace, the greater your own and the team motivation levels will be. People get motivated in different ways. In the worst case scenario where you’ve tried everything and still feel unable to keep your self motivation levels up, then perhaps it’s a good time to start using some of your spare time to look at possible alternative jobs – whether that’s within your own industry or maybe it’s time for a career change. Setting some goals and working towards them, even if the goals relate to a life outside of your current employment, can often make all the difference in making life inside your place of work more bearable.


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Accountancy Matters by TaxLogic TaxLogic is a small, friendly, down to Earth, professional accountancy practice which is led by Devindra Mitchell, a certified practicing accountant and tax adviser. Below are some aspects with which Devindra has previously helped her clients. If you have any questions or issues relating to tax and accountancy matters please do take a moment to register for FREE on our website where you’ll find lots of technical information via an easy to use search facility. Devindra Mitchell

Jury Service for the Self-employed Q: I am a sole trader and have been called for jury service. This will last for approximately 2 weeks and therefore I have had to cancel all of my appointments for this period. Do I have any entitlement to claim for the loss of my earnings during my 2 week period of jury service? A: As a self-employed individual, if you are called up for jury service you are entitled to claim a daily allowance for loss of earnings over the period of service. The rate at which you can claim is dependant on the number of hours and period you act as a juror. In addition, you can also claim a daily allowance for subsistence and travel costs incurred. When making a claim for loss of earnings you will need to provide the court with some supportive evidence and you may need to consult your accountant on this. Details of the rates payable can be obtained from the Crown Court where you have been asked to attend, or on the website at Any payments you receive from the court to compensate you for financial loss will be treated as taxable receipts of the business. Any payments made to you in respect of personal expenditure you incur, such as a daily subsistence allowance and travel costs, will not be taxable.

separate postal address and door entry and whether it is metered separately for mains services. However in certain circumstances you may be able to apply for the scheme if you are still able to access the property in order to provide certain services to your tenant/ lodger. If you are uncertain as to whether rent-a-room relief will be available on your property, contact TaxLogic for further advice. Devindra specialises in managing tax and accountancy affairs for small business owners and taxpayers, and can be contacted on 01284 330245 or by email info@taxlogicuk. com

Are tax returns or accounts giving you a

headache? The remedy is simple

The Rent-A-Room Scheme and Extensions Q: I am extending my home to build a self-contained flat at the rear of my property. I will be looking to rent this out after April for £450 per month. Can I apply the rent-a-room scheme on the income I receive from this extension? A: The rent-a-room scheme only applies to the letting of furnished rooms for residential purposes in the taxpayer’s home. If rooms are let as an office or for any other business purpose a claim cannot be made for rent-a-room relief. It is highly unlikely that you would be able to claim this relief if the extension is a self-contained unit. HM Revenue & Customs would need to be satisfied that the extension formed part of your main residence and was not a separate residence. They would generally only allow a claim where a property has been divided if the division was only a temporary one. This would be determined by reviewing whether structural alterations would be necessary to reverse the division and how long the residence has been divided into separate accommodation. Other factors that would be considered are whether or not the apartment has a

TaxLogic will provide the support you need so you can get on with your life whilst we look after your tax and accountancy matters. For a free initial meeting, call us on

01284 330245

Disclaimer – Please Note: advice shared in this column is intended to inform rather than advise. Taxpayer’s circumstances do vary and if you feel that the information provided is beneficial it is important that you contact us before implementation. If you take, or do not take action as a result of reading this column, before receiving our written endorsement, we will accept no responsibility for any financial loss incurred.



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May in the garden Finish sowing hardy annual flowers outside in May. Later sowings will result in later blooms

they have faded. You can also pot up rooted portions separately

Sprinkle general purpose fertiliser around clumps of spring-flowering bulbs. Ensure permanent shrubs and hedging are given a generous feed using this or roles fertiliser

Plant out young chrysanthemums raised from cuttings, planting each one next to a tall cane

Remember to place support frames over tall or floppy perennials Prune back the flowering stems of hellebores as soon as blooms are past their best Tidy alpine plants by lightly trimming off dead flowers once



Buy young plants for pots and containers as well as for bedding displays. Most need to be potted into 3 inch pots and grown on in warm, bright conditions ready for planting out at the end of May Continue sowing seeds of summer bedding plants. Thin out those in trays, or prick them

individually into pots Hoe borders once a week to prevent weed seedlings establishing Collect rainwater and investigate ways to recycle water for irrigation Open greenhouse vents and doors on warm days Put out nesting boxes for migrant birds arriving in the UK, top up the bird feeder and start putting food out on the ground and bird tables Remove duckweed and blanket weed from ponds








Lettings Agent your local specialist T: 01284 750 891 E: W: 17 Hatter Street Bury St Edmunds Suffolk IP33 1NE

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What’s hot for 2010: Holiday destinations Great deals, great value..our pick of the euro-busting hols that won’t Costa fortune Money may be tight, but we still have itchy feet and most of us would rather do without a lot of other things than give up a family holiday. Luckily, there are still destinations where your pound goes a long way and here we pick out the best of the budget breaks around... TURKEY While the cost of living has shot up in Turkey, you are still outside the euro zone and prices remain well below those of Western Europe.



Trade up to villas for the price of an apartment when you swap the Costa del Sol for the quieter and less spoilt Costa de la Luz. Choose old towns along the coast such as Conil de la Frontera, a whitewashed fishing port with open-air markets, tapas bars and great beaches.

Swap the South of France for Tunisia where the sun is just as hot, the food as good - and the hotels much better value. Choose resort hotels around Hammamet, Sousse and the purpose-built marina town Port el Kantaoui. Most have been built within the last 10 years and have spas for a bit of aftersun pampering at prices half those in French resorts.

It’s a far cry from the high rise resorts elsewhere on the Costas. Beaches such as Playa de El Palmar a few miles south of Conil de la Frontera are large and far less crowded. There’s also less traffic on the roads, making day trips like the Roman ruins of Baelo Claudia at Bolonia more pleasant. FLORIDA


Even with the pound’s current drop against the dollar, US Pass over pricey Provence in holidays may once again be favour of an affordable holiday good value this summer. The big home for half the cost along news will be self-catering villas France’s Atlantic coast. Eating and holiday camps in Florida. out is cheaper, there are Self-catering works well for magnificent beaches and fewer families wanting to avoid the cars clogging the roads. pricey breakfasts in American hotels. It also means you can Self-catering eases the pain shop locally. The drop in the of the euro and you’ll save on price of oil means hire car rates flights. The launch of new ferry in the US this year remain good services across the Channel this value but consider booking year is likely to hold transport in this country and paying an prices down. Or you can stretch all-inclusive price as local firms the budget by taking the Eurostar, charge exorbitant insurance ( premiums.



CUBA Affordable and more exotic than familiar Caribbean destinations like Jamaica and Antigua. And direct scheduled flights from the UK to Havana will see more people opting to spend at least a night in one of the most exciting capitals in the world. Most visits are combined with a stay on the beach at Varadero, only 90 minutes away. Best value this year are all-inclusive resorts where you can budget in advance for all your food and drink. EGYPT The low-cost Egyptian pound makes this country arguably the best value destination in 2010. There’ll be a big jump in cruises on the Nile but the greatest rise could be in holidays along the Red Sea coast, including new destinations like El Gouna. Now’s


the time to take the plunge if you want to learn to scuba dive. Red Sea resorts are good value and safety standards compare well with rival destinations. SOUTH AFRICA The return of Wild At Heart to ITV on Sunday nights will see us heading for a safari in South Africa. This year’s most likely big rise will be on two-centre stays combining a safari in Kruger National Park with a holiday beside the sea in Cape Town. Prices are affordable, the quality is excellent. A recent survey by Teletext put South Africa among the five cheapest holiday destinations in the world to buy a pint (83p) and a three-course meal - about £8.50. CROATIA Outside the euro zone, so remains good value for money this year compared with prices in neighbouring Italy. Thanks to the weakness of the Croatian

kuna against our pound, it is one of the 10 cheapest holiday destinations in the world, according to the Post Office. Croatia is just a two-hour flight from the UK with easy transfers, making it attractive to families with young children. CAPE VERDE Love the Canaries sunshine but the cost of euros putting you off your paella? Then swap the Spanish islands for Cape Verde. This comparatively new holiday destination off the coast of West Africa has seen massive hotel development in the last decade, which means they have plenty of rooms to fill at affordable prices. Cape Verde is also 800 miles south of the Canary Islands (on the same latitude as Barbados) so has more reliably warm weather with winter temperatures of about 25 deg C. DEVON There’s a huge swing back to the UK this year as families

avoid Euroland. Top of the bill will be the West Country with plenty of interest in budget holiday parks. The good news is that they haven’t raised prices as they attempt to stop us drifting back to the Costas. Stretch your spending money by booking parks that offer kids’ clubs, evening entertainment and activites as part of the overall holiday price. NORTH WALES As the West Country fills up, families will be looking north to Wales - and in particular at budget holiday parks around the coast. There are some great centres offering good value. These parks have invested heavily in the last few years in tropical water parks and other indoor attractions just in case the Welsh weather lives up to its reputation. There are lots of affordable self-catering cottages too, particularly on the scenic Lleyn peninsula.

Enjoy your Trip! themhd



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david ruffley mp


victim support

m hall prep school


bury & moreton hall police

sebert wood cp school

christ church moreton hall

m hall pre school

01284 713000 01284 769643 08457 909090

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0800 612 0225

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01284 753675 01284 717188 01284 774100 01284 725391 rail

0845 748 4950

01359 244199 01284 753532 01284 755211 01284 702129

abbots green cp school

01284 718818

bus station

– m hall group 07005 802402

first eastern

christ church parent & toddler group

st eds. council

abc childminding group

anglian water

moreton hall post office


eastern energy (emergency)

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