Moreton Hall Directory May 2012

Page 1

Directory Moreton Hall

MAY 2012 ISSUE 88

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! r e h t a e W h s i Brit summer


what’s on listings

Lovely Jubilee!



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Directory Moreton Hall

…and welcome to the May edition of the Moreton Hall Directory. As soon as May comes around there suddenly seems to be an awful lot to do in and around Bury. We are spoilt for choice with so many outdoor (and indoor) events on throughout the Summer. Time for me to get out of hibernation I think! (well if this rain decides to clear up!). In our what’s on section starting on page 48, you’ll find just a few of the area’s offerings this May.

Gemma Walters Editor gemma@moreton

Have you ever tried Joes Monthly Workout? I have. I got a bit tangled up I can tell you, but I’m getting better issue by issue, check out his latest instalment on pages 54-55. Did you know that Joe recently ran the London Marathon raising money for Asthma UK? We’re very proud of Joe here at the MHD, but I must also congratulate Robert, Jo and Adam, who also completed this year’s marathon in very respectable times. I was so impressed, it almost inspired me to want to run... (only down the shop to buy some wine, but it’s a start!).

Sally Walters Contributor sally@gemm .uk

I hope you all have a great May, let’s hope that the weather starts to improve, I for one really wouldn’t say no to a bit of sunshine right about now! Oh, and please support your local businesses within the magazine and don’t forget to mention you found them in the MHD! See you in June! Jeremy Procter ibutor Owner and Contr ire alld onh ret mo jeremy@

Advertising/Copy Deadline for June 2012 Issue: Friday 18th May Publisher: PIT Group Design & Artwork: Gemma Walters Design & Marketing The Moreton Hall Directory, PO BOX 583, Bury St Edmunds, Suffolk IP30 9AW Telephone: 01359 271150 Email: While all reasonable care is taken to ensure the accuracy of information included in the Moreton Hall Directory, the publishers take no responsibility for the accuracy of statements made by contributors or advertisers, or for loss arising from non-publication or misprint of any advertisement. The opinions expressed are not necessarily those of the editor. Reproduction, in whole or in part, without the written permission of the publisher is strictly prohibited. Design and compilation copyright 2007 © Jeremy Procter, Director, The Moreton Hall Directory.




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contents Directory of services Accident repairs 34 Accountants/Bookkeepers 60 Bathrooms 21, 28, 29 Beautician 7, 58 Builders 20, 22, 25 Car Dealers 32-33, 34 Car Mechanics 34 Cattery 13 Chiropodist 53 Childcare 7 Community Centre 48 Computer Services 61 Conservatories 25, 37 Disco Hire 13 Electrician 20, 22 Estate Agents 3, 24 Fascias 25, 37 Garden Equipment Suppliers 38 Gardeners & Landscapers 5, 27, 38, 40 Golf Range & Supplies 49 Hairdressers 7, 18, 58 Handy Man 22, 27, 42 Home Furnishings 23, 25 Interior Design 20 Lettings Agency 2 Music Tuition 15 F 53, 56, 57 Osteopaths Oven Cleaning 13, 20 Painter & Decorator 23, 27 Paving & Walling Supplies 5, 39 Personal Trainer 58 Pest Control 27 Pilates 57 Plant Hire 22 Plumber 24, 26 Plumbing & Heating Supplies 28, 29 Restaurants 45, 47 Solicitors 61 Sports Clubs 49, 50 Stage School 15 Tiles/Tiling 21 Tree Surgeon 38 Venue Hire 45, 48, 49 Weight Loss 5, 9, 13 Window/Door/Conservatory Repair 31 Windows 25, 37 Yoga 57

contents May 2012


home&garden 36-40

By Maddy McIndoe

or those that want to indulge in one of this summer’s biggest trends, but aren’t feeling ready to dip their toes into the sea of Aztec and animal prints currently doing the rounds on the high-street, then the new season palette may be just what the doctor ordered. This summer’s cool ice cream shades come in pastel hues of pink, blue and yellow. Washing over every item imaginable from romantic dresses, to the teeniest of shorts, to headbands and bags, candy-sweet colours have never looked so good. For the paler of complexion, a pair of sprayon skinnies or floaty chiffon skirt will keep lighter shades away from the face and prevent looking washed-out. Ease yourself into the trend with choice accessories and build up from there. Mixing and matching different colours is fine, but steer away from pairing two shades of the same colour together, a feat similar to the dreaded double-denim disaster. This slouchy, laid-back yellow blazer is a relaxed take on tailoring this summer. It will pull outfits together nicely without appearing too formal or ‘done.’ Throw over a print dress or dark jeans and a t-shirt for day and lace or leather for after-dark. Part sixties chic, part playful and girlie, this Park Avenue dress by Marks and Spencer has pocket detailing and a drop-waist, breaking up the block colour. The sculpted neckline adds a sexy edge. Alternatively, show off a summer tan in these jaunty yellow denim shorts by Next. This gorgeous midi number from New Look is slightly Olivia NewtonJohn in Grease. The length and pleat detailing both tick the on-trend box for this summer. Pair it with River Island’s clear sky blue belt to add a modern edge. Similarly, as we wouldn’t indulge in a 99’ Flake in the bleak winter months, this is one trend that will sadly disappear with the last of the summer wine. So pick a colour, or two, or three, and make the most of these jolly shades before they curdle. 2

2 Next. Denim shorts, £18.

3 River Island. Plastic belt.

5 F&F at Tesco. Turquoise ankle grazer jeans, £14. 6 Missguided. Gail blue top, £8.99.

7 Love Label supersoft skinny jean, £27. 8 New Look. Yellow pleat midi skirt, £19.99.

10 Monsoon. Lauren dress, £100.

All photography courtesy of PRshots



Pauls Gardening Advice




mhdshopping MHD sale MHD fashion



41-43 41 42-43



44-47 8

MHD Recipe of the Month Orissa Indian Restaurant Vouchers 7

44 45

what’sonlistings 48-52 Calendar Moreton Hall Community Centre Cinema listings 9

4 F&F at Tesco. Blazer, £28, top £14, bag £12.50

9 Marks & Spencer. Park Avenue dress, £39.

10 14 16-17 26 30

motoring&travel 32-35

One Scoop Or Two?

1 Matalan. Vest, £7, hoop drop earrings, £6, coloured skinny jeans, £16.


Frank Warby Andrew Southwood Christ Church Moreton Hall Woodland Ways Horoscopes


8 48 52

health&beauty 53-58 PT Joes monthly workout Self Centre

54-55 56-57

businessmatters 59-61 usefulnumbers



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MAY 2012



Moreton Hall







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BINGO (Moreton Hall Community Centre)









13 CARBOOT SALE (Moreton Hall Community Centre)



LIVE MUSIC (Moreton Hall Community Centre)

BINGO (Moreton Hall Community Centre)


12 OPEN DARTS TOURNAMENT (Moreton Hall Community Centre)













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MORE YOBBISH DAMAGE Over the weekend of 14/15 April at about 1.30am, damage was caused to property and trees reaching along Mount Road with litter bins ripped from their holdings, a cycle sign complete with concrete base pulled from the ground and thrown across the road, followed by more damage on Manning Road with the

supports to young saplings cut off. I had a phone call from a resident who had one of his trees uprooted and another snapped at the base. This is a shame because people pay good money and put time into making their homes and gardens nice and pleasant for all to see. Anyone who might have seen these louts, please ring the police on their 101 number.

local News

from Councillor Frank Warby

Contact Frank on 07818 455472 or email

LUCKY ESCAPE On the 4th April some youths had a very lucky escape. They had set up their tent in Layhill woods and had a few drinks, then for some reason they started a fire, which spread to their tent. The fire brigade was called to put out the fire and make the area safe. With not having much rain the woods were like a tinder

OUR LITTER PICK This took place on a cold blustery Saturday and my thanks to the eight people who turned out. In the two hours we collected 8 large black bags of litter and an unwanted child’s swimming pool. I understand the Church is planning another litter pick. Watch out for posters.



box ready to ignite so these youngsters were very lucky indeed. There is a by-law against camping in our local woods and fires are prohibited so if you do want to drink and have parties in the woods please clear up after and not leave rubbish for others, such as dog walkers to do for you.

FAMILYS I have had some emails from people who are being harassed by their neighbours, this is not an unfamiliar problem on close knit estates. Children fall out with each other at school and bring the problem home, mums feel their child has been unfairly treated and get involved. Things

YOUTH CLUB We are trying to encourage our youngsters to partake in some physical exercise instead of playing with Xboxes and so we have purchased six gym mats. We are very grateful to Cllr Beckwith for his donation of ÂŁ500 from his locality budget. Other equipment bought was badminton sets, footballs and basket balls.

fester before you know it, then acrimony sets in, friends not talking to each other. I do not have the answer, and I do feel for those involved. Would mediation help? There is a family mediation service called SEAMS should anyone feel the need, details are in the CAB office. Until next time, Frank


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Play it safe by Andrew Southwood


irst off a warning. The following page contains some full on ranting for which I do not apologise, as I feel it is entirely justified. The chosen target for this months tirade is the ‘new’ Abbey Gardens play area. There are so many things about this project that have exasperated me it is difficult to know where to start. The waiting was over and early last summer the new play area was opened! Fantastic news… or so we thought. But, within 5 minutes of visiting the place I was left gob smacked as to what had actually happened. I’ll try and summarise, but sadly my memories of the original play area are fading fast, so I cannot guarantee the facts. Overall the £200k project resulted in a massive reduction in actual play equipment, including the removal of swings, large slides, toddler equipment, seesaws and several other good imaginative play apparatus. What we are left with is a beautiful but shockingly under equipped play area, with virtually nothing for the over 5’s. Consequently older children are forced to play alongside the toddlers with obvious risks.



However, this is not the most dangerous change, not by a long way. The removal of the discrete containing fence with self closing gates is almost unbelievable. Now, the living willow ‘nonfence’ around it creates perfect hiding places for small children to suddenly disappear from view. Add into the mix the proximity of the river and it doesn’t take a genius to work out that the situation could rapidly become very serious. I am told that these concerns have been dismissed, and it inferred that parents should keep a closer eye on their kids. Again, clearly comments made by someone who has never tried to entertain 2 or more children at a park. I’m not talking about an 8ft wall, but there has to be a degree of containment if the younger ones are to be given any freedom. It is clear to me that the revamp of the play area was done to ‘look pretty’, and on that front they have succeeded. It looks incredible, tourists to the gardens will I’m sure comment on its aesthetics. But, and this is a huge BUT… it is unsafe and not fit for purpose. I have yet to meet anyone who prefers the new area in real practical terms.

In fact I know of several parents who no longer go as they feel it is unsafe and their older kids find it boring. I’ve run out of time to talk about the ridiculous ‘box’ in the sand where a toddler can get in but not an adult, the risk of Weil’s disease from the play water feature next to the river, the lack of seating, the over engineered log wall/picnic area, the poor wheelchair/buggy access, the scary tree house… How so much money could be spent on so little is frankly criminal. Finally, don’t get me wrong. I love Bury St Edmunds and I love the Abbey Gardens. It’s an amazing place and I am lucky to be able to use it. In addition I’m all for letting children explore unhindered, but that is what the rest of the gardens are for. The play area was always meant to be a dedicated safe area to let them run free for a bit. If you have an opinion on this then please email or write to St.Eds Borough Council. In addition there is a dedicated facebook group, “we want our abbeygardens play area to be safe!”, where you can share your experiences.



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Christ Church Moreton Hall raise 50 p a life is saved? We also have our fun run to raise even more money for those in greatest need in third world countries. Why not join us and loose a few pounds, get healthy and do some lasting good for those in need

We find ourselves between the two most important festivals in the Christian calendar; Easter and Pentecost. At Easter, we remember when God the Father raised Jesus from the dead. At Pentecost, we celebrate when God the Holy Spirit, came down upon the first disciples in Jerusalem. With His coming, it means that every believer could have his or he own personal relationship with God. This is at the very heart of our faith and has made a huge difference to millions o people over the centuries. As an expression of all the God has done for us we are doing the following things in May. We have some very important events coming up. First of all its Christian aid week, from the 13th -20th May. Did you know where every time we



Second Then we have our Confirmation service when the Diocesan Bishop Rt, Rev. Nigel Stock comes to our church to preach and confirm people who are growing in their faith. This will take place on the day of Pentecost and we are hoping that everyone who attends will have a fresh experience of what God the Holy Spirit can do for us all. Then at the end of the month (Yes I know it will be June) we look forward to the Queen’s Diamond Jubilee. On that special Sunday, Christ Church will be holding a bring-andshare meal immediately after a special service. Then the community centre will be holding a special event for young families involving games on the field. They will also have other events which they are advertising. We think this is a good time for the whole community to come

together and share in these events. So, I do hope all of you will take part and help make Moreton Hall the community that I know God longs for it to be. Remember to the Queen has always place a strong sense of community at the centre of her monarchy and has done so much for us as a nation over the years. The Queen has never made a secret of her deep Christian faith, a faith that shared by her sister and her father and mother. It enabled then all to lead our nation through many difficult and testing times. Also God long to bless us with the all the benefits of a strong faith and the presence of his Spirit sharing our lives So then, open your eyes and look around and see what’s happening. Yes, it may be an Olympic year, it may be a Jubilee year, but God is still active doing great things and He has something special in store for you. Don’ t miss out join in with all that is going on here on Moreton Hall With every good wish, Yours sincerely, Revd. Canon Jonathan Ford


Church Whats On

Christ Church Moreton Hall Sunday 27th May 2012 10.30am OUR MAY SUNDAY SERVICES

Our May Services 6th

8.30 am Holy Communion

10.30 am Worship Together 6.30 pm A Time of Refreshing

12th 11.00 am Saturday Christian Aid Fun Run

13th 10.30 am Christian Aid Service 6.30 pm Prayer & Worship 20th 10.30 am Holy Communion

6.30 pm A Time of Refreshing 6th 8.30am Holy Communion 27th 10.30 am Confirmation & Baptism Service 10.30am Worship Together 6.30 pm Healing Communion 6.30pm A Time of Refreshing 12th 11.00am Saturday Christian Aid Fun Run 13th 10.30am Christian Aid Service 6.30pm Prayer & Worship 20th 10.30am Holy Communion 6.30pm A Time of Refreshing 27th 10.30am Confirmation & Baptism Service 6.30pm Healing Communion

Saturday 12th May 11.00 am to 1.30 pm on the field next to Christ Church Moreton Hall Free buffet for competitors afterwards, small contribution requested for all others

Booking and sponsorship forms available from Christ Church Moreton Hall, Lawsons Place, Bury St. Edmunds IP32 7BW. Tel: 01284 725391 Email: All proceeds will go to Christian Aid UK registered charity number 1105851 Company number 5171525





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Get your business buzzing…

In honour of the London Olympics, St Nicholas Hospice Care is inviting Moreton Hall women to take part in its annual Girls Night Out moonlight walk dressed in togas. Girls Night out will see hundreds of women from Suffolk depart Angel Hill on Saturday, 15 September, to complete either an 11.2 or six-mile route. Kevin Clements, Director of Fundraising and Marketing said: “In this special year of national pride and the fourth year of the Girls Night Out Fundraising event, we thought what better way to mark this special year than to invite women to dress as goddesses.” Last year the walk saw 700 women pounding the town’s pavements raising more than £100,000 for the Hospice, making it the most successful fundraiser in the charity’s history. Jenny Baskett, Events and Challenges Fundraiser, said: “As well as raising great sums of money for the Hospice, the aim of the Girls Night Out is to have fun - which means all women, of any age or ability, can take part. “September may seem a long way off but if you already know you want to take part in the Girls Night Out why not sign up now and get started raising sponsorship money?” Registration normally costs £15, including a T-shirt, but thanks to an early bird offer you can sign up for £10 as long as you register before 31 May 2012.

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For more information or to sign up online, go to


Bury Bowl Football Club

We have played our penultimate league game winning 6-0 against AFC Hardwick at the Theatre of Symonds Road Dreams. We now have the Division 2 Cup final April 22nd against our title rivals Tuddenham and our last league game of the season at home against The Cock Inn with us just needing a point to win the league. We do have the final of the St Nicolas Hospice Shield to come in May against Walsham Reserves or Walsham A which should make it an exciting end to the season for Moreton Hall’s Bury Bowl FC. Bury Bowl started this match well and had early chances, mclees and defew combining well down the left hand side and giving the right back some nightmares! The breakthrough came when Ash Macdonald picked out Dean Warren whose header took a slight deflection but was always sailing over the keepers outstretched hand for 1-0. Bowl again had plenty of chances. Bowl did increase the lead with a beautiful move down the left defew and ryan passing it between then to send Jarboui through who unselfishly laid the ball to Scott Rutterford on his league return after two seasons away to net for 2-0. Jarboui was unlucky not to get one himself as he broke through but was tackled just in time. In the

second half Bowl again came out flying with Ed Beeton replacing Wembley bound Dean Warren. Beeton was quick in to the action and Macdonald again turned provider and fed the ball to Beeton who via a deflection made it 3-0 in a point to his manager just before the cup final! Bowl went close to more goals with Mclees and Crissell having good chances fall just wide of the goal, Beeton too looked hungry and was unlucky not to net again. Bowl did make it 4-0 when Macdonld sent in a corner and Ed Beeton headed home to the delight of the fans and the manager (inspired substitution??). Bowl made the changes with the game safe Hemingway replacing a very good debut by Defew at left back and Meekins coming on for Crissell to make it a 4-4-2 for the final 20 minutes. Scott Rutterford was next to take centre stage on his return to Bury Bowl with Jarboui laying the ball to him he let fly from 20 yards, and nestled in the bottom corner for 5-0. The Bowl players were having fun and the free kicks were turning in to a competition with Beeton having one clip the bar, Macdonald shooting high and wide but eventually Rutterford won the free kick competition with a fantastic shot that took a bit of a swerve to curl past the keeper for 6-0 and his hat trick, take a bow! Bowl relaxed a bit the last 10 minutes and Alan Brafield was finally called into action about 4 or 5 times in the last 10 minutes making some superb one on one saves to keep his sheet clean! All in all a good result that puts Bowl 1 point within lifting the title though we still have it all to do, Tuddenham in the Division 2 cup final next week and Cock Inn in the league the week after! Though it makes it a more exciting season than finishing 5th again!! Our website is

For upcoming Fixtures go to the following link:

YEAR 4 Football Players needed Haughley United FC are looking for current Year 4 footballers to play on Sunday. For further information please call Dan on

07815 031034










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01/12/2011 16:02

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Dog’s Mercury Moreton Hall’s Monthly Nature Watch by Woodland Ways

Join us at Woodland Ways Why not join in with a Woodland Ways work party to help improve the Moreton Hall woods? No experience is needed and all are welcome; we’ll show you what to do. For more information please see www., see the Woodland Ways noticeboard in the Community Centre, contact Nick Sibbett on 01284 723847 or email information@woodlandways.



Dog’s mercury is one of the most commonest plants in our older woods, and at present is one of the most visible. It grows all over Home Covert and Pond Covert, and may easily be seen amongst the nettles within the new orchard outside the front of Sebert Wood primary school. It flowers in April and May, before the shade from unfurling tree leaves reduces the sunlight it gets its energy from, and you can see the yellow/green spikes pointing skywards from the top of the plant. Interestingly, in the shadiest parts of woods female plants are more common, but in the lighter parts of woods male dog’s mercury outnumbers the females. Dog’s mercury usually spreads by growth from its roots, and colonies can survive almost indefinitely if their woodland is not cut down. Seed dispersal is probably rare, but the seeds do have fats and proteins

particularly attractive to ants. It is thought that red ants collect the seeds to take back to their nest to feed their larvae, but inevitably some are dropped and germinate. Two leaf-eating beetles only live on dog’s mercury, and six other beetle species, six moth caterpillars (including the scarce Square-spotted Clay moth) eat its leaves and stem; several different hoverflies take nectar from its flowers. How many of these are found in Moreton hall is uncertain as nobody has looked; next time you see dog’s mercury, why not look for signs of caterpillar damage or for the insects themselves, munching away? Not that it is recommended that people eat dog’s mercury; if you eat great handfuls in mistake for salad you might end up in hospital for a day or two. Its undistinguished chlorophyll flavour means that in practice no-one ever does eat it!


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cour tesy of as

Aries (Mar. 21- April 20)

Taurus (Apr. 21- Ma y 21)

Gemini (May 22-June 21)

Your depressed mood has been hard to shake. Try to join groups of interest such as ballroom dance classes or perhaps an internet organization. You may jump from the frying pan into the fire if you make a move this month. Don’t let your boss make you feel guilty enough to take work home with you.

Opportunities to make financial gains through investments look promising. Don’t let relatives get the better of you. Any difficulties with peers could be unnerving. Short trips will prove to be more fruitful than you imagined.

Don’t hesitate to come right out and ask for the pertinent information. You may find your mate somewhat perturbed. Don’t expect others to live up to their promises and you won’t be disappointed or find yourself stuck with delays. Social events will be rewarding.

Cancer (June 22-July 22)

Leo (July 23-Aug 22)

Virgo (Aug. 23 -Sept. 23)

You are best to work at home if you can. Pay attention to small but important details. Stop telling others about your problems. You may need to make a few alterations to your living arrangements.

Try to curb overindulgence this month. Concentrate on home improvement. Small de tails will make a difference. Your mate may be distressed if you refuse to make a commitment. Sudden changes regarding colleagues may surprise you.

Lucky day: Saturday.

Lucky day: Thursday.

Make arrangements to spend quality time together. Don’t rely on others to handle the workload. Family outings should include visiting friends or relatives. You should be trying to clear up legal contracts that have been pending.

Libra (Sept. 24 -Oct. 23)

Scorpio (Oct. 24 - Nov. 22)

Sagittarius (Nov. 23 -Dec. 21)

Travel should be on your mind. Discrimination will be in order. Control your temper when dealing with your emotional partner. Don’t give up what you have until you can be certain just what it is you’re getting. Don’t ignore any emotional issues that could be causing problems.

Concentrate on work. Anger may cause you grief; control your temper and try to sit back and calm down. Romantic encounters are evident through travel or educational pursuits. Throw yourself into your profession.

Be fair, not colorful. You’ll be prone to tears if your mate is harsh with you this month. Dinner, theater, or a comedy club may be just the place. Try to visit a country that excites you.

Lucky day: Sunday.

Lucky day: Tuesday

Lucky day: Tuesday.

Lucky day: Sunday.

Lucky day: Monday

Lucky day: Friday

Capricorn (Dec 22.- Jan. 20)

Aquarius (Jan. 21 -Feb. 19)

Pisces (Feb. 20-Mar. 20)

Hard work will not go unnoticed. Offer consolation, but don’t give them any direction. You need to focus on yourself, not on others. Keep tabs on your spending.

Friends and relatives may be hard to take this month. You can avoid hassles by sticking to your work and refusing to get involved in gossip or idle chatter. Try not to be too harsh with your mate. Don’t let your partner get away with spending too much of your money.

Before you proceed be sure to talk your plans over with those they will affect. You can make new friends by taking part in social events involving colleagues. Concentrate on work. You might find group functions tiring.

Lucky day: Wednesday.

Lucky day: Sunday.


Lucky day: Wednesday.


Lucky day: Tuesday.


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England Training Kit available exclusively at Drive Vauxhall Local Vauxhall retailer, Drive Vauxhall in Bury St Edmunds, has taken a special delivery this week to help launch the new England training kit. Vauxhall are the lead sponsor of the England team, and as part of this sponsorship, the dealership on Cotton Lane will be selling the brand new Umbro England training kit which was launched on Saturday. Vauxhall has an exclusive agreement to promote, display and sell the new apparel from St George’s Day until the general release on the 4th of May. Duncan Aldred, Chairman and Managing Director at Vauxhall, added; “We are very excited about being able to offer our Retailers this unique opportunity. “Across England the only place that you will be able to buy the brand new England training kit will be from a Vauxhall Retailer until the 4th of May and we have no doubt there will be lots of excited fans hoping to get their hands on the new kit.” Vauxhall has exclusive rights on the England training jersey, media jacket and media polo shirt which the players will wear at this year’s European Championship in Poland and Ukraine. Sarah Ferrari, General Manager from Drive Vauxhall, comments: “We are delighted to be able to offer the new England kit and look forward to welcoming England fans to our showrooms who are keen to get hold of the new kit.” Vauxhall were announced as the England Team Sponsor in January 2010 in a sponsorship deal that runs until the end of the World Cup in Brazil in 2014. For further details about the range of England football merchandise available at Drive Vauxhall, please visit Cotton Lane, Bury St Edmunds, Suffolk IP33 1XP. Alternatively, please call 01284 777222 or go online to There is a wide selection of England football merchandise available at For more information on Vauxhall sponsorship of England and the other Home Nations go to

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Window Shopping

By Jeremy Procter

Frames Conservatories Direct your local home improvement company, have been based here on the Moreton Hall for 5 years and have been supporting the Moreton Hall Directory for just as long. So I thought it was time I popped in to have a chat and to get a feel for all that goes on in the world of windows... Firstly, I was surprised to see how large their showroom is. There are many different conservatories, windows and doors on show, plus a superb range of outdoor and indoor garden furniture. After being greeted by a friendly face in the showroom, I went up to meet Adrian Lewis, the Managing Director to find out a bit more about the company.. What made you choose Moreton Hall as a base for your business? The unit at Barton Road was perfect for Frames Conservatories Direct. Not only did it have a large showroom at the front but also an expansive manufacturing unit at the back. Does that mean that your products are manufactured here on the Moreton Hall? Yes they are, we buy in Profile (to you and me, this is the upvc bit



around the outside of our windows) and they are built right here in the factory. So, can your customers see windows actually being made? Our customers are more than welcome to view our factory process. We always like to give a guided tour to all our new customers if they’re interested, just so they can see the process and get a feel for the quality we are producing. They certainly do look great quality, do customers get any sort of guarantee? We offer a 30 year guarantee on some of our products. We are totally confident that customers will not be disappointed with our products. You have some fantastic garden furniture in the showroom, can customers come in and buy just the furniture? We’ve just started to stock the rattan outdoor furniture in time for the Summer season. In fact, we are offering a FREE outdoor furniture set with all conservatories ordered in May. But, we do have a full range of furniture available at really competitive prices that is available

to buy. It’s modern and it’s proving to be really popular, a lovely contemporary addition to the garden! It’s well worth a look if you are passing the showroom. Adrian went on to explain about the sponsorship they have been providing in and around Bury St Edmunds over many years which include Bury Town Football Club, Bury St Edmunds Rugby Club, Bury In Bloom, 2 District Sunday Leagues and Nowton Cricket Club. Adrian firmly believes that it’s important for a company to connect with the local community “We feel that by sponsoring local initiatives, this enables us to help the town and economy grow but also helps these clubs succeed, and we’re really proud that all the clubs we’re involved with are performing remarkably well this season.” Frames Conservatories Direct has been going from strength to strength in recent years and are well worth a call if you are looking for replacement windows, a bespoke conservatory or even garden furniture! You can contact them on 01284 700456 or visit their website at

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Gardening Tips by Paul Clarke

Welcome to Gardening Tips a monthly feature providing you with hints and ideas of what to do each month in your garden. Along with a list of jobs that will enable you to enjoy and maintain your garden I will also feature a plant of the month. I have been a gardener for many years and run a small business called Pauls Garden Services.

What to do in your garden in May The 1st of May was traditionally celebrated and known as the Beltane festival. As a symbol of being positive and marking the transition into summer, large bonfires were held in the hope of decent crops. I am not suggesting you all do this for one moment but another tradition of decorating doors and windows of houses with May flowers might one day have a revival. Traditionally the flowers would have been branches of Hawthorn or from a Rowan tree but perhaps setting up your hanging basket would be a good modern day equivalent..


Pauls Jobs for the M

l Lawns will need cutting every 2 weeks. Remember to keep the setting on the mower a little higher than normal now that there is a hose pipe ban. l Look out for ant’s nests this month in your lawn. If you are happy to live and let live the ants will disperse naturally later in the summer. If not use cold water regularly from a watering can. Boiling water will kill the ants and your grass! l May is a good month for clipping your hedges. You should aim to make the sides of the hedge slope in very slightly so that the base is slightly wider. l From Mid May you can plant bedding plants but have one eye on the weather forecasts as a late frost could still kill off tender young sowings.

l You can sow biennials such as Canterbury bells, honesty, evening primrose and foxgloves. l Plant your tubs, window boxes and hanging baskets towards the end of May. l If you have a vegetable patch then now id the time to sow swede, carrots, beetroot, cabbage, cauliflower, peas, chard, radish and spring onions. However you will need to keep the veg patch watered in dry spells so consider what you can realistically manage as you will be doing this by watering can and not by hose! l If you are growing strawberries in a garden bed avoid watering when the green fruits start to swell otherwise you run the risk of fruit rot. You will also need to cover your plants with some netting otherwise the birds will enjoy your strawberries and not you. l Lift blanketweed out of the pond by gently swirling it around a broom handle.

l You can plant Dahlias, Chrysanthemums, stocks and asters towards the end of the month.

l Pinch out the growing tips of young plants to encourage bushiness.

l Tie in any climbers that are making good growth before they become too heavy and pull the whole plant down. Tie in your clematis to prevent it becoming entangled.

l Pinch out lateral shoots on grapevines, two leaves beyond a good flower truss, to keep compact and limit foliage growth.

You can contact me at or Telephone 07952938010 I am happy to undertake one off jobs or regular garden maintenance for you and w


Doing The Jobs You Don’t Have Time For?

MAY 2012 List items for sale free of charge to Moreton Hall Residents, email:

Trampoline Imported heavy duty model suitable for serious amateur trampolining/gymnastic training. Rectangular 3m x 2.3m. No pads or cage. £50. Tel. 01284 762610

Pauls Garden Services One Off Jobs or Regular Maintenance on a Weekly or Monthly Basis. Hedge Trimming • Grass Cutting General Weeding and Tidying up. Prepare your Garden for Winter or Ready for Spring

Phone for a quote on 01284 723625 or 07952 938010 Email:

Pauls Plant Clematis (Nelly Moser)

of the Month

is pink flowers of Clemat The large, light mauvepe on each stri ve mau k dar a e ‘Nelly Moser’ hav k wreath full of dark petal. The centre is a thic ear on stems that were app stamens. The flowers utiful plant is one of the formed last year. This bea ering clematis for the strongest and most flow is like garden. A lot of Clemat y”. This “Cool feet and warm bod be uld sho is mat Cle t tha means re the planted at a place whe the root and lower parts of osed plant would be not exp some to direct sunlight. Place base broken pot around the matis of the stem and your Cle er parts, will be happy. The high b up and should show the those which would clim ever should get sun. how ms, sso blo ful der won

with any questions or comments. will provide you with a quote.

Garden swing hammock. Seats 3. Green/white striped cushions new 2010. White metal frame. £50. Tel. 01284 701403. Electric potato peeler. 1kg ready in 3 minutes! Instructions included. Just in time for new potatoes!! £15. Tel. 01284 701403. Disney Snow White Dress & Cape. VGC. 7-8y. £5. Tel. 01284 760797. Quelf Imagination Board Game Used once. Unwanted present. £10. Tel. 01284 760797. Quality Brown Leather Holdall VGC 20 x 15 x 8 inches, plus extra pockets £10. Tel. 01284 760797. 12 never used glass shades suitable for ceiling/wall lights, clear glass etched with classic design £12 the lot. Tel. 01284 760797. Thurston Community College Rugby Top. 38/40” Hardly worn. £5.00. Tel. 01284 718672. Dickies Redhawk Overalls 38” Royal Blue. 30” leg. Hardly worn £10.00. Tel. 01284 718672 Dickies Redhawk Overalls 46” Navy. 30” leg. Hardly worn. £10.00. Tel. 01284 718672 Minky 40m drying tower Assembled but never used. £15.00. Tel. 01284 718672 Darren Shan paperback books 1 -12. Make me an offer! Tel. 01284 718672 Next wooden and metal over the door shoe rack Holds 15 pairs of shoes - as new. £15.00. Tel. 07876 411614. Office Chair on wheels - adjustable height and back with arms - upholstered in blue. Excellent condition. £10.00. Tel. 07876 411614. Freestanding metal extending shoe rack. Holds approximately 12 pairs of shoes depending on size- unused. £8.00. Tel. 07876 411614 Bamboo chairs - suitable for conservatory £20.00 each. £30.00 for the pair. Excellent condition. Tel. 07876 411614 Gents Dinner Suit - worn once £20.00. Regular 44”. Waist 38”. Ideal for that Summer Ball or special occasion. Tel. 07876 411 614 Do you have any nearly new or unused items that are of no use to you, other than creating unnecessary clutter? Why not try to recycle them and gather a few extra pounds or pennies in the process? Please include: 1. Brief description of the item. 2. The price. 3. Your telephone number. Please note that the publisher can take no responsibility for the claims made by sellers regarding the goods for sale, nor are they liable for any claim with regards to the item or any payment transactions between buyer and seller.




One Scoop One Scoop Or Two? Or Two? By Maddy McIndoe By Maddy McIndoe By Maddy McIndoe or those that want to indulge in one of this summer’s biggest


or thosebut thataren’t wantfeeling to indulge in to one this toes summer’s biggest trends, ready dipoftheir into the sea or thosebut that wantfeeling to indulge in to one oftheir this toes summer’s biggest trends, into on the sea of Aztec andaren’t animal printsready currentlydip doing the rounds the trends, but aren’t feeling ready to dip their toes into on thethe sea of Aztec and animal prints currently doing the rounds high-street, then the new season palette may be just what the of Aztec andthe animal currently doing thejust rounds the high-street, then new prints season may shades be whatonthe doctor ordered. This summer’s coolpalette ice cream come in high-street, thenThis the summer’s new season may shades be just come what the doctor ordered. coolpalette ice cream pastel hues of pink, blue and yellow. Washing over every itemin doctor ordered. Thisblue summer’syellow. cool ice cream over shades come pastel hues of pink, Washing every itemin imaginable from romanticand dresses, to the teeniest of shorts, pastel hues from of pink, blue and Washing over every item imaginable romantic dresses, the teeniest of shorts, to headbands and bags, candy-sweet colours have never imaginable from romantic dresses, to the teeniest of shorts, to headbands candy-sweet colours have never looked so good.and Forbags, the paler of complexion, a pair of sprayto headbands and candy-sweet colourspair have spraynever looked so good. Forbags, the paler of complexion, on skinnies or floaty chiffon skirt will keep a lighterofshades looked so good. For the paler of complexion, a pair ofshades sprayon skinnies or face floaty chiffon skirt will keep lighter away from the and prevent looking washed-out. Ease on skinnies or face floatyand chiffon skirtlooking will keep lighter shades away from prevent washed-out. Easeup yourself intothe the trend with choice accessories and build away from the face and prevent looking washed-out. Easeup yourself into the trend with choice accessories and build from there. Mixing and matching different colours is fine, but yourself intoMixing the trend choice different accessories and build upbut from andwith matching colours is fine, steer there. away from pairing two shades of the same colour together, a from there. Mixing and two matching different colours is fine, but a steer away from pairing shades of the same colour together, feat similar to the dreaded double-denim disaster. steersimilar away to from pairing twodouble-denim shades of thedisaster. same colour together, a feat the dreaded This slouchy, laid-back yellow blazer is a relaxed take on tailoring this feat similar to the dreadedyellow double-denim This slouchy, laid-back blazer is disaster. a relaxed take on tailoring thisor summer. It will pull outfits together nicely without appearing too formal This slouchy, laid-back yellow blazer is without a relaxed take on tailoring thisor summer. It will over pull outfits appearing ‘done.’ Throw a printtogether dress ornicely dark jeans and a t-shirt too for formal day and summer. It will pull outfits together nicely without appearing too formal or ‘done.’ Throw over a print dress or dark jeans and a t-shirt for day and lace or leather for after-dark. ‘done.’ Throw over a print dress or dark jeans and a t-shirt for day and lace or leather for after-dark. Part sixties chic, part playful and girlie, this Park Avenue dress by lace or leather for after-dark. Part sixties chic, partpocket playfuldetailing and girlie, Park Avenue dress up by Marks and Spencer has andthis a drop-waist, breaking Partand sixties chic, has partpocket playfuldetailing and girlie, Park Avenue dress up by Marks Spencer andthis drop-waist, breaking the block colour. The sculpted neckline adds aasexy edge. Alternatively, Marks and Spencer has pocket detailingadds and asexy drop-waist, breaking up the block The sculpted edge. show off acolour. summer tan in theseneckline jaunty yellow adenim shorts Alternatively, by Next. the block The sculpted adds adenim sexy edge. Alternatively, show acolour. summer tan in theseneckline jaunty yellow shorts by Next. Thisoffgorgeous midi number from New Look is slightly Olivia Newtonshow off a summer tannumber in these jaunty yellow shorts by Next. This midi Lookdenim is slightly Olivia NewtonJohn in gorgeous Grease. The length and from pleatNew detailing both tick the on-trend box This gorgeous midi number from New Lookboth is slightly Olivia NewtonJohn in Grease. The length and pleat detailing tick the on-trend boxa for this summer. Pair it with River Island’s clear sky blue belt to add John in Grease. The length and pleat detailing both tick the on-trend box for this summer. modern edge. Pair it with River Island’s clear sky blue belt to add a for this summer. Pair it with River Island’s clear sky blue belt to add a modern edge. Similarly, as we wouldn’t indulge in a 99’ Flake in the bleak winter modern edge. Similarly, we wouldn’t indulge in adisappear 99’ Flake in thethe bleak months, this as is one trend that will sadly with last winter of the Similarly, we wouldn’t indulge in a 99’ Flake in thethe bleak winter months, this as isSo one trend that will lastmost of the summer wine. pick a colour, or sadly two, ordisappear three, andwith make the of months, wine. this isSo one trend that will thethe lastmost of the summer pick a colour, or sadly two, ordisappear three, andwith make of these jolly shades before they curdle. summer So pick a colour, or two, or three, and make the most of these jollywine. shades before they curdle. 2 these jolly shades before 1 Matalan. Vest, £7, hoopthey dropcurdle. 2 1 Matalan. £7, hoop drop earrings, £6,Vest, coloured skinny 2 1 Matalan. £7, hoop drop earrings, £6,Vest, coloured skinny jeans, £16. earrings, £6, coloured skinny jeans, £16. 2 Next. Denim shorts, £18. jeans, 2 Next.£16. Denim shorts, £18. 3 River Island. Plastic belt. 2 River Next. Denim 3 Island.shorts, Plastic£18. belt. 4 F&F at Tesco. Blazer, £28, top 3 Plastic belt. 4 River F&F atIsland. Tesco. £14, bag £12.50 Blazer, £28, top 4 F&F at Tesco. £14, bag £12.50 Blazer, £28, top 5 F&F at Tesco. Turquoise ankle £14, bag £12.50 Turquoise ankle 5 F&F at Tesco. grazer jeans, £14. 5 F&F at Tesco. Turquoise ankle grazer jeans, £14. 6 Missguided. Gail blue top, grazer jeans, £14. 6 Missguided. Gail blue top, £8.99. 6 Missguided. Gail blue top, £8.99. 7 Love Label supersoft £8.99. 7 Love Label supersoft skinny jean, £27. 7 Love Label supersoft skinny jean, £27. 8 New Look. Yellow pleat midi skinny jean, 8 New£19.99. Look.£27. Yellow pleat midi skirt, 8 New£19.99. Look. Yellow pleat midi skirt, 9 Marks & Spencer. Park Avenue skirt, £19.99. 9 Marks & Spencer. Park Avenue dress, £39. 3 9 Marks & Spencer. Park Avenue dress, £39. 3 10 Monsoon. Lauren dress, dress, £39. 3 10 Monsoon. Lauren dress, £100. 10 Monsoon. Lauren dress, £100. £100. All photography courtesy of PRshots All photography courtesy of PRshots All photography courtesy of PRshots

1 1 1

shopping 4








h t n o m e h t f o Recipe Beef and Macaroni Bake Serves 4 Prep Time: 15min Cooking Time: 1 hour

This is a simple, quick and easy dish for all the family to share



225g (8 oz) macaroni

[1] Cook the macaroni in plenty of boiling salted water for

salt and pepper to season 1 large onion, finely chopped

about 12 mins, then drain.

[2] Meanwhile fry the onion, garlic and carrots until soft

1-2 cloves garlic, crushed

and lightly coloured. Add the mince and continue stirring for 5 minutes until the mince has browned.

2 carrots, diced

[3] Add the stock, bay leaf, Worcestershire sauce and

450g (1 lb) minced beef

seasonings, cover and simmer for 15-20 minutes. Discard the bay leaf. Taste and adjust the seasonings and stir in the oregano.

150ml beef stock

[4] To make the sauce, melt the butter in a pan and stir

1-2 tablespoons oil

1/2 teaspoon Worcestershire sauce

in the flour. If not smooth enough add a little more butter! Gradually add the milk and bring to the boil, stirring continuously. Simmer for 3 minutes, season to taste and stir in one-third of the grated cheese until melted.

1 teaspoon dried oregano

[5] In a lightly greased ovenproof dish layer up one-third

1 bay leaf

25g (1 oz) butter or margarine 25g (1 oz) flour 300ml (1/2 pint) milk 85g (3 oz) cheese, grated

of the cooked macaroni followed by half the meat and half the sauce. Continue with half the macaroni, remaining meat, remaining macaroni and finally the sauce. Sprinkle with the remaining cheese and cook in a moderately hot oven (200 C / Gas 6) for about 40 minutes until well browned.

[6] Leave it to rest for 15 minutes, this helps keep it

together when dishing it out, then put back in the oven for 5 minutes to heat, then serve with Garlic Bread!








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WHATS ON in May... Bank Holiday Monday 7th May PJ Day Get in your comfy pyjamas and join in our PJ day. 24 hour Sofa Sit - come and help us raise money for charity! Friday 18th May Grease Night Come dressed as your favourite Grease Movie character. Prizes for best dressed, Raffle and much more! Monday 21st May Music Quiz Intros & Lyrics music quiz. Music ranging from 60s to current day. CASH PRIZES. Entry fee £2 per person, maximum of 6 in a team. Register at 7.30pm for 8pm prompt start. All welcome. Saturday 2nd June Coronation Day Celebrations Monday 4th June Jubilee Garden Party Live Music • Kids Fun Day with Face Painting, Sack Race and much more. Buy Pimms by the Jug.

Congratulations! Team Doug Wilsons on winning the

regional quiz at the Railway Club in Hornchurch on Thursday 19th, Good luck in the final on 26th in Birmingham.

£500 could be yours! Come along to our

regular Sunday Quiz Night and join in the fun! Children NOW WELCOME

in our family dining area

Billy & Georgina look forward to welcoming you to the Moreton Hall Pub themhd


shopping businessmatters

Moreton Hall

What’s On

Community Centre MAY 2012

saturday 5TH MAY

FA CUP FINAL Fun Day for all the family followed by Disco with Party Vibe KO 5.15pm Tuesday 8th and 22nd may Bingo sATURDAY 19TH MAY

Moreton Hall Open Darts Tournament Contact Colin on 01284 768660 for more details CASH PRIZES also CHAMPIONS LEAGUE FINAL KO 7.45pm sunday 20th may

car Boot Sale 10am-2pm Call 01284 763402 to pre-book a pitch.

sATURDAy 26TH may Live Music with David Mears

Diamond Jubilee Celebrations sATURDAy 2nd june Live Music with SPRING

sUNDAy 3RD june Diamond Jubilee BIG PICNIC Games for all the family • Rounders Tournament • BBQ monDAy 4th june moreton hall record breakers

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Films for

May… MHD

recommen ds



Director: Lasse Hallstrom Starring: Ewan McGregor, Emily Blunt, Kristin Scott Thomas, Amr Wakid Ewan McGregor stars in a romantic fable about a scientist recruited for a crazy scheme to bring fly-fishing to the desert! An eccentric, wealthy Sheikh (Amr Wakid) is determined to realise his lifelong dream - salmon fishing in the parched wadis of Yemen. Eager to deflect attention from its latest blunder in the region, the British government seizes on what is potentially a good news story. The Prime Minister’s scary spin doctor, Bridget Maxwell (Kristin Scott Thomas), decides to recruit Fred Jones (Ewan McGregor) to oversee the project. A dull and rather pompous fisheries scientist stuck in a stagnating marriage, Jones initially balks at the idea. But when he meets the Sheikh’s beautiful English representative, Harriet ChetwodeTalbot (Emily Blunt), his cynicism subsides and he begins to embrace the possible in all aspects of his life. Adapted from Paul Torday’s novel by ‘Slumdog Millionaire’ screenwriter Simon Beaufoy, this charming story is directed by Lasse Hallstrom, who gave us ‘Chocolat’.

THE CABIN IN THE WOODS 15 Director: Drew Goddard Starring: Chris Hemsworth, Richard Jenkins, Bradley Whitford, Jesse Williams A terrifying variation on the classic horror film format from the ingenious people behind ‘Lost’, ‘Cloverfield’ and ‘Firefly’. Five young adults set off from the city in their RV for a weekend of debauchery at a remote, abandoned cabin in the woods. In fact, it’s so remote that it doesn’t even show up on their GPS, so they have to ask a sinister garage attendant for directions. “I can get you there,” he says. “Getting back - that’s your concern!” You think you’ve seen this film a hundred times already? Prepare to be amazed as ‘The Cabin in the Woods’ turns your expectations inside out. What’s that strange forcefield? Who are those people in a high-tech operations room? And why are shadowy creatures seemingly bent on killing everyone? All will be revealed in the eagerly anticipated directorial debut of Drew Goddard, writer of ‘Lost and ‘Cloverfield’, which is co-written with ‘Buffy’ and ‘Firefly’ creator Joss Whedon.



Director: Heitor Dhalia Starring: Amanda Seyfried, Jennifer Carpenter, Wes Bentley Amanda Seyfried stars in a heartpounding thriller about a woman’s race against time to track down her sister’s abductor. When Jill Parrish (Amanda Seyfried) returns home after working a night shift, she finds that her sister Molly (Jennifer Carpenter) has been abducted. This triggers flashbacks of her own kidnapping a year earlier. Terrified that the same serial killer has now returned for Molly, she goes to the police. But the cops treat her story with scepticism. It seems Jill had claimed she escaped from a deep hole in the woods where she had found human remains of other female victims. But a thorough search turned up nothing. Convinced she has just 12 hours to save Molly’s life, determined Jill arms herself with a gun and sets out to track down the abductor alone. Award-winning Brazilian filmmaker Heitor Dhalia makes his Hollywood debut with this tense thriller, written by ‘Underworld: Awakening’ screenwriter Allison Burnett.

Cinemas in Bury St Edmunds: Cineworld, Parkway, IP33 3BA. Tel 0871 200 2000 Abbeygate Picturehouse, Hatter Street, IP33 1NE Box Office 01284 762586, 24 hr Info Line 01284 754477.






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This month I would like to introduce you to the all in 1 workout, or as I like to call it the beach body workout. It exercises all the major muscle groups, Legs, back, chest, biceps, shoulders and the triceps all in 1 movement it’s a great way of burning fat fast and toning up. You will notice I have rather funny coloured hair this month, I will have hopefully by the time you read this have completed the London Marathon for the first time, the hair is not a dramatic fashion statement it’s all for charity I am running for Asthma Uk so if you would like to help me raise some money for a very good cause then please visit my Virgin Money Fundraising page at

If you want to try to tone up and lose a little weight I am always here to help, fitness is exceptionally important these days remember the saying working out your body also exercises the mind. I offer one to one sessions at the Moreton Hall health club but if that’s a problem I am more than happy to travel to your residence for some home training.

Call me on 07917 714557 or 01638 662406

See you next month PT Joe

The all in one move An all in one move is an exercise that hits lots of different muscle groups in a single repetition. All these exercises are performed for one repetition. Start with a pair of dumbbells or water bottles (if at home).




With your feet hip width apart perform a squat, keeping your back straight, chest up shoulders back and looking for a 90degree angle from hip to ankle. Make sure to keep your heels flat and then push through the hell into a standing position.


Place dumbbells on the floor jump or step your feet out into a press up position keep your hands on dumbbell or on the floor for more support. Keep the body in a neutral position from ankle to shoulder throughout the move. Breathing in as you lower your body towards the floor allow your elbows to bend out, push through the palms of your hands breath out and extend the arms back to the starting position. Jump or step in and bring yourself into position for a Bent-over row.

health&beauty Have a slight bend in your knee, keeping your chest up, pivot over from the hips pushing your bum out and lower to the lowest point you can still keep your chest up. Pull dumbbells towards either side of the chest again looking for a 90degree angle from shoulder to wrist. Squeeze your shoulder blades together to work the muscles harder. Straighten the arms and bring yourself to a standing position. The last 3exercises in this move are a bicep curl, keep the elbows tucked into the body curl the dumbbells towards your chest, then rotate dumbbell 180degrees push arms above your head performing a shoulder press, once at the top lower the dumbbells behind your head keeping the elbows tucked in and facing forwards, breath out and extended followed by reversing movement of a shoulder press and bicep curl to your starting position. That is one repetition try 5-10 depending on your fitness level.





Joe will show you more exercise routines in next month’s MHD themhd



“Bend & Blen d”

A combination of dietary tips, mind/body exer and latest rese cises arch blended to gether to prom ote health &

By Carole Baker


Director, The Self Centre

45 ways to rejuvenate your life naturally: With thanks to The Rejuvenation Lounge 1: Remember to breathe. Inhale. Exhale. You have approximately 26,000 breaths a day. How many are you aware of ? 2: Un-hunch your shoulders. Hunched shoulders reduce the flow of blood to your brain, holds in stress and restricts your breathing. Drop your shoulders, lengthen your neck, part your lips slightly to release tightness in your jaw and then breathe into your collar bones, feeling them spread and open as you relax this whole area of your body. 3: Seek silence. A study found that city dwellers may experience up to 73 days with less than 5 minutes silence. Silence helps to settle, calm and nourish your nervous system 4: Eat mindfully. Arrive at your meal. Get present. Take a few calming breaths to settle yourself down. Eat in a calm space. Avoid busy places that will aggravate your nervous system and stress your digestion. Do not multi task. Do not watch TV. Do not gulp. Smell, chew, taste and enjoy. 5: Buy a metal tongue scraper to remove the build up of toxins and bacteria (ama) that have formed on your tongue overnight. It also gently helps stimulate your organs which are connected to certain energy points on your tongue. Ayurvedic medicine recommends scraping your tongue first thing in the morning. It prevents toxins and bacteria being swallowed back into the body. 6: Yogic cleansing bath. Perfect for cleansing your aura and body from negative energies and toxins. Add 1lb baking soda, 1 cup sea salt to a full bath tub. Soak for 20 minutes. Repeat once a day for 7 days. 7: Improve Your Sleep. Remove all clutter and storage from under your bed and stop sleeping on stuff from the past. 8: Sipping hot water has a gentle cleansing action. 3 to 5 cups of hot water daily is a simple yet effective cleanse. It has a hormone balancing effect and warms your digestive organs. 9: “Tension is who you think you should be. Relaxation is who you are” Chinese Proverb 10: By repeating ” I trust” a chain reaction takes place flowing through your body, mind & then into your life. Things start to shift and change. It’s a great mantra to



use when life becomes a little challenging. 11: Hum your stress away. Place one hand on top of your head & the other on your belly. Close your eyes, now hum. Feel the tingly vibration of your hum as it flows from your stomach to your head. Feel it clear away tight and tense energy. It has a very cooling and calming effect on both your thoughts and body. 12: If there is something worrying you, then change the way you are breathing. Anxious thoughts equals tense, tight and shallow breathing. Oxygenate your body and calm your nervous system with full belly breathing. 13: Power snack at your computer. Eat natural raw almonds, they are magnesium rich which encourages your nervous system and adrenals to relax. 14: Eat food that smiles. If fruit and vegetables could smile, I’m guessing organic and farmers market produce would always be smiling. They have traveled less and been grown with love. Processed foods are a convenient way to shorten your life. 15: Alternate nostril breathing calms an agitated mind, oxygenates your body, balances both hemispheres of the brain and balances your nervous systems. I personally find this one of the easiest way to take control of stress and tension. 16: Focusing on any part of your body (including naval gazing, organs, chakra’s or even feet) has been shown to increase blood flow to the part of your body. Improve your bodies circulation with a little focused, mindful breathing. 17: Practice keeping your life simple and uncomplicated. Your stuff takes up more of your time and money than you think. We are realizing owning more stuff does not make us any happier in the long term. In fact, our stuff can be a burden, suck our time and energy, consume our focus and cause problems for the environment. 18: Ayurvedic healing mantra. Repeating “hoom” as a mantra, dispels negative states of mind, helps digestion and clears toxins. This sound is connected to your solar plexus chakra and will increase heat into your stomach area. 19: Walk barefoot, feel grounded and feel the difference. Walking barefoot is healthy for your feet.

20: “Breakfast should not be rushed or eaten on the way out of the door with car keys in your hand. This causes the nervous system to become agitated and disrupts digestion” Kester Marshall. 21: You know you are disconnected from your body, when you care more about emails, messages, the tv and gossip magazines than your own needs. Take regular time out from technology and the media to ground yourself and come back to your centre. Remember your body and your life needs your attention too. 22: A fun clutter busting game. Pick a number between 1 - 10, write on fridge/ computer, and that’s the number of things you must clutter clear each day. Or try my favourites - pretend you are about to move overseas. 23: An affirmation is a handy tool for difficult times, and encourages you to respond with a confident calmness to a challenging situation. It’s ideal for attracting a healthier energy around you. 24: Iron energy drink for your afternoon slump. Soak 6 almonds (preferably blanched), 2 dried dates, 1 dried fig 10/15 sultanas/raisins in 2/3 cup of water, then wiz. 25: The 3 arrivals is a fabulous well-being practice that encourages your mind, body and breath to arrive - into the present moment with awareness and calm. Arrive with your body by encouraging it to unwind and chill out. Arrive with your breath by simply noticing your inhales and exhales. Arrive with your mind by not getting involved with your thoughts. If you do nothing the mind arrives. 26: The essential oil cinnamon essential oil helps fights exhaustion & feelings of depression & weakness. Perfect for your oil burner when you come home from work. 27: If you suffer from anxiety or insomnia then a warm sesame oil foot massage before bed can work wonders. Warm sesame oil massaged daily over your body is said to be very grounding & nurturing. It helps stabilize your nervous system & kidneys. It is recommended to do first thing in the morning. 28: Avoid gossip. Gossip sends your energies into the opposite direction of where you really want to be going.


29: De-stress. Grab ear lobes between your thumb & index finger. Gently allow the weight of your arms to release tension from your neck & head. 30: My personal top 5 health tips. Breath into your belly, drink plenty of water, move, eat for energy and meditate. 31: Yoga detox tea. 1/4 tsp coriander seeds, 1/4 tsp of cummin seeds and 1/4tsp of fennel seeds. Mix with 1.5 litres of hot water. Sip throughout the day. (Note: This recipe was given to me by my Ayurvedic practitioner. I make this tea in my thermos each morning, so I can carry it everywhere with me) 32: Always relax your head first. When you focus on relaxing all parts of your head your body will follow. Soften and relax your forehead, scalp, cheeks, eyes and ears. Part your lips and teeth then feel the release of tension in your jaw and neck. 33: Chewing your vegetables in a natural de-stressor. It releases four times more serotonin says David Wolfe. 34: Stop wasting energy on other people’s business. Remember Byron Katie’s rule There are 3 types of business. Your business, other peoples business and god’s business. Stick to your own business.

35: Deep breathers tend to live longer. They are generally healthier and more relaxed. Take three deep, gentle slow breaths right now. Never force. 36: Sooth your nerves by listening to the Blue Danube. Dr. Masuro Emoto has scientifically proven that whilst listening to the Blue Danube your nervous system will be revitalized. Emotionally it is nourishing for fatigue and stress whilst physical healing to the nervous system. 37: Soak your tension away. Treat yourself to a healing bath. I cup of Epsom salts (magnesium sulfate) added to your bath water will relax your nervous system, draw out toxins, relax muscles and even reduce swelling. 38: Calm yourself before bed. Dab the essential oil “vetiver’ onto the souls of your feet. Vetiver has a very grounding and soothing effect on your nervous system. 39: Eat your water. Fruit is 90% water. Grapes and oranges can be as high as 98% water content. Dehydration effects the brain first. A mere 2% drop in body water can trigger fuzzy thinking. Lack of water is the number one reason for day time fatigue. The brain is the first place in the body to become dehydrated. 40: Lift your worries with a Buddhist kindness prayer. “May I be free of worry,

The remedies and advice suggested in this article are the personal opinion of the author. Please also inform your GP if you are planning to take any natural remedies and you are already on long term prescribed drugs. Always consult a qualified Complementary Practitioner, never self medicate.

May I be well, May I feel safe and at ease, May I be at peace” 41: Calm yourself down. Close your eyes. The eyes are linked to your nervous system. By softening your eyes you can trigger the relaxation of your entire body. 42: Reduce caffeine intake. Swap one cup of tea or coffee a day for a delicious mug of miso soup. It is highly nutritious and can be made in an instant. 43: Push away stress and drama. Spend longer on your exhale. It will create some much needed space between you and the busyness of the outside world. 44: Protect yourself from other people’s stresses: Carry a piece of unpolished black tourmaline (crystal) with you. Black tourmaline is well known to transmute negative energies. Attached to your water bottle to help improve the vibrational qualities of the water. Put under your pillow to help with disturbing dreams. 45: Improve your sleep and health by reducing your exposure to harmful electromagnetic radiation. Remove as many electrical appliances from your bedroom as possible. Never have anything electrical (this includes chargers) within arms reach of your head at night. Never sleep against a wall which adjoins the power box for the house. Lepidolite (in mica form) is a crystal I have used for around 10 years (under my pillow) to protect myself some harmful electromagnetic radiation. I also place a piece near my computer, TV and other frequently used electrical gadgets.




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Useful numbers west suffolk hospital


edf energy faults


citizens advice

m hall prep school

victim support

01284 717188

sebert wood cp school

bury & moreton hall police

m hall pre school

01284 713000 01284 769643 samaritans

08457 909090 alcoholics anonymous

0845 769 7555

cocaine anonymous

0800 612 0225

01284 747000 01284 753675

01284 774100

chronic pain support group

christ church moreton hall

01284 701652

01284 725391

curve motion


01284 765168 focus 12 (addictions) 01284 701702 chemist

01284 723061 suffolk diabetes interest group (suffdig)

01284 774808

0845 748 4950 bus station

01284 702020

abbots green cp school

01284 718818

– m hall group 07005 802402 nct

christ church

01284 725391 abc childminding group moreton hall post office

01284 763233

01284 769841

anglian water

moreton hall community centre



01284 702129

st eds. council

01284 766569

eastern energy (emergency)


01284 755211

01284 765238

08457 145145

01284 732255

01284 753532

first eastern

suffolk family carers

0844 225 3099

08701 963090

0800 111 999

01284 763402

24-7 taxi hire 01284 700247



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