Directory Moreton Hall
MAY 2011 ISSUE 76
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Directory Moreton Hall
Gemma W alters Editor gemma@m oretonhalld m
…and welcome to the May edition of the Moreton Hall Directory. ters Sally Wal r Contributo m sally@ge
I don’t want to be the one to tempt fate, but how lovely was the weather in April? Long may it continue I say! This is the time of year when we really are spoilt for choice with all the events going on in and around Bury St Edmunds - check out our what’s on listings on pages 56-63 for just a few ideas to keep you busy. We’ve found some great bargains at Matalan recently and bring you our pick of some of their best Summer items on page 19 and better still, it’s only a short walk over the road for us!
Jeremy Pr jeremy@mContributor and Phocter ot oretonhalld os m
Our recipe of the month on page 17, mustard-stuffed chicken, has already become one of our favourites in the MHD household. Don’t forget to let us know how you get on if you try any of our recipes, or if you have any great recipes we could feature, we’d love to hear from you. Have a fantastic May, and we’ll see you in June when the Summer really begins!
Advertising/Copy Deadline for June 2011 Issue: Monday 23rd May Publisher: PIT Group Design & Artwork: Gemma Walters Design & Marketing The Moreton Hall Directory, PO BOX 583, Bury St Edmunds, Suffolk IP30 9AW Telephone: 01359 271150 Email: While all reasonable care is taken to ensure the accuracy of information included in the Moreton Hall Directory, the publishers take no responsibility for the accuracy of statements made by contributors or advertisers, or for loss arising from non-publication or misprint of any advertisement. The opinions expressed are not necessarily those of the editor. Reproduction, in whole or in part, without the written permission of the publisher is strictly prohibited. Design and compilation copyright 2007 © Jeremy Procter, Director, The Moreton Hall Directory.
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BURY ST EDMUNDS BURY ST. EDMUNDS St James Middle School Moreton Hall Tuesday 5:30 - 7:00 pm Community Centre, Thursday 5:30 - 7:00 pm Symonds Road Thursday 7:00 - 8:30 pm Wednesday 10:00 - 11:30 am (Slim & Salsacise) * Average weight lost in trials. Class fee £5.60
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directory&contents Directory of services Accident repairs 41 Accountants/Bookkeepers 50 Aerials 48 Bathrooms 31, 38 Beautician 7, 13, 15 Builders 45, 47, 49 Business Skills Training 51 Car Dealers 2, 32-33, 54-55 Car Mechanics 2, 32-33, 54-55 Carpets & Flooring 49 Cattery 22 Childcare 28, 29 Chiropodist 7 Cleaning 5, 31 Community Centre 61 Computer Services 52 Conservatories 38, 41, 64 Country Store 21 Dance Lessons 5 Driving Instructors 29 Electrician 47 Estate Agents 3, 45 Fascias 38, 41, 64 Furniture 35 Gardeners & Landscapers 30, 34, 40, 41, 45, 47, 49 Golf Range & Supplies 57 Graphic/Web Design 53 Hairdressers 5, 7, 13, 15 Home Furnishings 31 Osteopaths 14 Oven Cleaning 22, 45 Painter & Decorator 34 Paving & Walling Supplies 34, 39, 41, 45, 47, 49 Pet Accessories 40 Pilates 11 Plant Hire 47 Plumber 31, 34 Post Office 61 Printing 52 Restaurants/Pubs/Hotels 18 Salsa Dancing 5 Solicitors 51 Sports Clubs 13, 56, 57 Stage School 29 Tiles/Tiling 31, 38, 45, 48 Tree Surgeon 22, 40 TV’s & Electricals 48 Weight Loss 5, 8, 9, 13 Windows 38, 41, 64 Workwear 2 Yoga 11
contents MAY 2011
Sizzling Summer beauty Slimming World Self Centre Can we eat healthy food on a budget? Just Hair The Mind Sanctuary
5–15 8 9 10-11 12-13 14 16
businessmatters motoring&travel
50–53 54–55
MHD Recipe of the Month Orissa Indian Restaurant Vouchers
Matalan fashion MHD Sale
Sebert Wood News Woodland Ways Frank Warby Community News Andrew Southwood The Master Composter St Nicholas Hospice Care Christ Church Moreton Hall Police Newsletter May in the garden NEW! Horoscopes
Cinema listings Moreton Hall Community Centre Calendar Useful Numbers
17 18
19 20
23 24 25 26 27 36 37 42-43 44 46 48
60 61 62 63
Mobile Hairdressing
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Summer Beauty Looking to spice up your look - and your attitude - this summer? It doesn’t take much. Just a few small changes in your daily routine can give you a hot look and a new lease of life. Check out these top ten tips for creating looks that sizzle this summer.
1. Create a Glow
Staying out of the sun to protect yourself from skin cancer doesn’t mean that you’re destined to a blanched-out look all summer. Look for a highquality self-tanning bronzer in a bottle. Just remember to fully exfoliate before applying the self-tanning product, so that you get a smooth, even look.
2. Smooth Moves
Want smooth, silky legs? Wait a few minutes after hopping in the shower before you start shaving. Allowing the warm water to soak into your skin for 3-5 minutes will soften your hair shaft, so that you can get a closer shave.
3. Prime it Up
To keep your make-up from melting, use a primer first. Apply an eye shadow base or primer to keep your liner and shadow in place. Invest in waterproof mascara to keep your lashes looking long and luscious.
4. Go Bold
Be adventurous with a bright, vibrant colour on your toenails. Pale colors fade more easily when exposed to sand or UV rays, but bright colors will shine away.
5. Soak at Home
If time and money don’t allow for a full spa pedicure, then create your own foot soak at home. Fill a basin with warm water, Epson salt, and a dash of scented oil. Remove rough spots with a homemade concoction of olive oil and sugar.
6. Stay Hydrated
Dehydration can take a toll on your skin, hair, and overall look. Drink the recommended 8-10 glasses of water per day, especially during hot, summer weather.
7. Get Moving
Stay active this summer with water sports, hikes, or bike rides. You’ll be more confident in your tank top after you’ve burned a few extra calories. Jazzercise Founder and CEO Judi Sheppard Missett suggests a minimum of 30 minutes of physical exercise on most days of the week.
8. Less is More
Ditch the heavy make-up this summer and opt for a lightweight foundation instead. Apply foundation or powder in the center of your face, where the most unevenness tends to occur. Then use a brush to blend it outward.
9. Take a Chance
Summer is a good time to experiment with your look. Talk with your hairstylist about a new cut, try a different shade of lipstick, or add some essential oils into your bubble bath.
10. Shine from the Inside Out Nothing is more beautiful than a confident woman. Write down a list of your positive qualities – your sense of humour, your loyalty to friends, or your talent for writing poetic verses. When you’re feeling down, take a look at your list, add a little strut to your step, and let your inner beauty shine.
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MONDAY- 6.00pm (Tuesday if bank holiday) Southgate Community Centre, Caie Walk, Nowton Estate Tel: Helen 07795 282930 TUESDAY- 7:00pm Newbury Community Centre, St Olaves Road Tel: Shani 01842 820001 WEDNESDAY- 3.30pm, 5.00pm, 7.00pm New Green Centre, Thurston Tel: Shani 01842 820001 WEDNESDAY- 10.00am, 3.30pm, 5.30pm, 7.30pm Westbury Social Club, Oliver Road Tel: Alexandra 01284 788201 THURSDAY- 9.30am, 11.30am & 1.30pm Moreton Hall Community Centre Tel: Carol 01359 251866 THURSDAY- 7.30pm Moreton Hall Community Centre Tel: Helen 07795 282930
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“Bend & Blen d”
A combination of dietary tips, mind/body exer and latest rese cises arch blended to gether to prom ote health &
By Carole Baker
Director, The Self Centre
This month we look Hay fever and Allergies Hay fever This is the time of year, with the pollen count rising, that some people suffer from various asthmatic and allergic conditions. Oil Seed Rape and Tree Pollen are prevalent in this area and seem to cause many people a problem. Common symptoms of respiratory allergies include sneezing, wheezing, watery, weepy eyes, coughing, postnasal drip, and itchy nose, irritating feelings in the eyes, ears, nose and throat. Some secondary symptoms can be fatigue, headaches, nosebleeds and itchy skin. What Causes Hay Fever? Researchers have yet to clearly understand why some people’s immune systems over-react to exposure to pollens and other environmental elements, while others don’t. It is hard to pinpoint the exact cause of respiratory allergies; however, heredity does seem to play a role, as do environmental factors. Some evidence suggests that those who were breastfed as babies are less likely than those who were bottle fed to develop allergies. Symptoms of hay fever are partly a result of inflammation that, in turn, is activated by the immune system. Because of this, a properly functioning immune system is crucial in the treatment of seasonal allergies. As I often say, it is so important to look after this body that we have – eating sensibly, taking regular exercise and reducing our stress levels are all vital actions to take if we want to
strengthen our immune systems. Natural preventative remedies you can consider include a Homeopathic remedy called Mixed Pollen (Homeopathy believes in giving the body a very small dose of what is causing the imbalance so the body’s natural immune system works to defeat the problem). Old Wives tales will tell you to take a spoonful of local honey (made within 10 miles of where you live) as the bees feed on the pollen and the same principle applies. Herbal Remedies: As far as treating the symptoms there are various useful herbs you can try: CHAMOMILE Tea is used to reduce duration of hay fever attacks. EUCALYPTUS OIL used in steam inhalation to ease congestion. EYEBRIGHT Tincture or capsules reduce hay fever symptoms. GINGER Reduces inflammation, antimicrobial. LIQUORICE ROOT Reduces inflammation, antiviral, antibacterial. NETTLE Extract acts as an expectorant, reduces sinus inflammation. ROOIBOS/REDBUSH TEA has antihistamine properties. A tea is sometimes helpful in relieving symptoms. ST. JOHN’S WORT Capsules are used to relieve sinus headache. WITCH HAZEL to bathe sore irritated eyes. (Check out your village shop they normally sell it cheaply!) LUFFA COMPLEX (Bioforce) – Taken to improve breathing.
Vitamin & Mineral Supplements – particularly Vitamin C and Zinc to boost the overall immune system (take advice before buying) Vitamin E - New data suggest that supplementing with vitamin E can help lower rates of asthma, rhinitis and hay fever. Researchers in Nottingham surveyed the vitamin E intake of a random sample of 2633 adults, aged 18 to 70. Each of the individuals supplied information on their intake of vitamins E and C, magnesium, polyunsaturated fats and other nutrients, via a food frequency questionnaire. The participants also underwent measurements to determine their sensitivity to grass pollen, cat fur and other allergens, as well as to provide information on the nature of their asthma and hay fever. On putting all of the information together, the researchers found that those with the highest daily intake of vitamin E were least likely to suffer from allergen sensitive atopic conditions such as asthma, rhinitis and hay fever. In addition, none of the other nutrients measured appeared to have the same protective effects nor did vitamin E appear to be more effective in combination with any other nutrient (Lancet, 2000; 356: 1573-4). Remember that wearing sunglasses can often help protect pollen getting into the eyes. Therapies that have been shown to help: Acupuncture
In one study of 174 hay fever sufferers, acupuncture (nine sessions over three weeks) and laser acupuncture (15 sessions) were both shown to have significant effects over placebo procedures (Zeitschr Allg Med, 1998; 74: 45-6). Other Allergies Allergens, the substances that give rise to a variety of symptoms including those listed for Hay fever cause the body to react as if an alien substance is attacking the immune system. In some instances, like peanuts, the reaction is potentially fatal. Sometimes there is confusion between an Allergy and Intolerance. You hear many people say they are allergic to a particular foodstuff – unless they have a severe and instant reaction then
chances are it is more of an intolerance, which although not fatal can be distressing. Here is a list of the most common culprits and their symptoms (Craving is a clue!) • DAIRY – Bowel problems, migraine, asthma and eczema • GLUTEN (Wheat, Oats, Rye) – Migraine, bloating, difficulty losing weight, irritable bowel problems. • EGGS – Rashes, stomach upsets, asthma/eczema • FISH – (Chemicals used to smoke) Migraine, nausea, skin rashes • SHELLFISH – Prolonged stomach upsets – fatal reactions • NUTS – Rashes, swelling, asthma. Fatal reactions. • SOYA – headaches, indigestion, hormonal issues. • ADDITIVES – Skin problems, Hyperactivity, Mental issues and depression
There are many forms of treatment; initially starting with removing the potential offenders from your diet (please consult a nutritionist/ naturopath). Other treatments that can help rebalance the body to stop it reacting include Homeopathy, Acupuncture, Naturopathy and Zero Balancing. For more information on the self centre and to download the latest timetable please visit, or pop in and see us in Kempson Way! Carole Baker – Director & Yoga Teacher: The Self Centre. The remedies and advice suggested in this article are the personal opinion of the author. Please also inform your GP if you are planning to take any natural remedies and you are already on long term prescribed drugs. Always consult a qualified Complementary Practitioner, never self medicate.
The remedies and advice suggested in this article are the personal opinion of the author. Please also inform your GP if you are planning to take any natural remedies and you are already on long term prescribed drugs. Always consult a qualified Complementary Practitioner, never self medicate. themhd
Can we eat Healthy food on a budget? Eating healthy: • Lowers disease risks • Increases productivity • Gives you more energy • Makes you stronger You probably think eating healthy is expensive. and to be honest – it can be. But there are tricks to spare your savings account and keep down the cost. Here are some ways to eat more healthy whilst keeping it cheap.
What is Healthy Food? Before we start, let’s define healthy food. It consists of: Protein. The building blocks of muscles, needed for strength. Fat. A balanced intake of omega 3, 6 & 9. Veggies. All kinds, especially green fibrous veggies. Fruit. Full of vitamins. Water. 1 liter per 1000 calories you expend. Whole grain food. Oats, rice, pasta, breads…
On with the tips. Switch to Water. Switch from squash to water, tap rather than the bottled water you have to buy. It’s healthier and cheaper. Take a bottle wherever you go. Check the price of water on your tap water bill. Now check the price of bottled water. Quite a difference, isn’t it? So why are you buying bottled water? Cleaner? Not necessarily. Better taste? No, simply a matter of adaptation. Bottled water companies get their supply from the same source you do: municipal water systems. It’s like selling ice to Eskimos. If you don’t trust the quality of tap water, simply filter it yourself. Eat Eggs. Try to have eggs at breakfast. They are full of vitamins and high in proteins. Low in price too. Don’t believe the eggs & cholesterol myth. Dietary cholesterol is not bound to blood cholesterol. Want to make it cheaper? Buy a chicken. Eat Fatty Meats. Fatty meats are cheaper & more tasty than lean meats. You think it’s not healthy? Check the Fat Myths: Fat doesn’t make you fat, excess calories do You need a balanced intake of fats: omega 3, 6 & 9 Get Whey. The cheapest source of protein. Nothing beats it. Use whey in your post Workout Shake to help recovery.
Tuna Cans. Canned tuna is cheap & contains as much protein as meat. Alternate tuna with eggs, meat & whey. You’ll easily get to your daily amount of protein. Buy Frozen Veggies. They take less time to prepare and you don’t waste money if they don’t get eaten in time. You can buy in bulk for discounts & store in your freezer. Use a Multivitamin. Pesticides lower the vitamin levels of your fruits & veggies. Two solutions: Buy organic food or use a multivitamin. Choose what fits your wallet best. Fish Oil. Omega-3 is found in fish oil. Benefits of omega-3 consumption include: Lowered cholesterol levels and decreased body fat. Reduced inflammation too. You need to eat fatty fish 3 times a week to get these benefits. Time consuming & expensive, so try Liquid Fish Oil or capsules. Buy Generic Food. The box might be less attractive, but it’s certainly more attractive to your wallet. Brand-name food will always be more expensive. You’re paying for the name, but food is food, so go generic.
health&beauty Buy in Bulk. Think long-term. Buying in bulk is more expensive at the till, but cheaper in the long run. You benefit from discounts, it saves time and saves petrol. Invest in a big freezer. Buy meats & veggies in bulk and freeze them. Go to One Supermarket. This shop is cheaper for meat, that shop is cheaper for veggies, the other shop is cheaper for fish… How many shops are you going to, trying to find the cheapest food? Choose just one shop and lower your fuel expenses. Get all your food in a supermarket nearer to home. It may not be the cheapest price for all foods, but it saves time & fuel. Make a Plan. A classic, but worth repeating. Everything starts with a plan. Make a list of what you need. Eat a solid meal before you go shopping, don’t go in there hungry or you will buy more. Go to the supermarket, get what’s on your list and get out of there! This is not a recreational activity, so if possible try not to take your partner or kids. Just get your food and get back home.
Take Food To Work. Ever counted how much money you throw away buying food at work every day? Why not get up earlier to eat a solid breakfast (like scrambled eggs). And then prepare your food for work whilst you’re waiting. No stress during the day about what you’ll be eating and you get healthy food and exactly what you want whilst saving money. Eat Less. This one is obvious. The less you eat, the lower your grocery bill. If you’re overweight, try to cut down on your overall food intake. Your health and your bank account will thank you for it. Don’t Buy Junk Food. Stop buying anything that comes out of a box, it’s not usually healthy and can be expensive. If you actually find junk food that is cheaper than whole food, think long-term about the health implications.
lthy and We can eat hea save money!
Gemma Bull mobile hair & beauty
07885 761 686 treatments include:
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call me now for prices themhd
Seven years ago Nicola Castell opened a hairdressing salon in Great Barton. Such was the success that within four years of trading, another salon opened in Bury St Edmunds. Both Salon’s which do what they say, JUST HAIR, is continually growing, adding to their client portfolio. Nicola is returning to work after and time away for the birth of her Son Henry James. To celebrate Nicola’s return, from the 1st of June she is offering 10% off all new and regular clients. Nicola has trained stylists, tailored for new and regular clients.
The Just Hair Tea m Spring /summer offers are BACK! k Half Price foils on full head only k k 20% of all retail products k k Student discounts Available k k Discounts for OAP available every day k A Wella Premier Salon, plus GHD stockist Loyalty cards available Ladies and Gents walk-in service available at both salons, Gents just £7.50 Salons open until 7pm (Thursday and Friday’s) Ample free parking available.
Mere farm Lane-Pakenham Rd • Great Barton: 01359 232007 34 Cadogan Rd • Bury St Edmunds: 01284 752002
If you think Osteopathy isn’t for you...
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Call now for information and prices. 01284 702995 or 07545 166724 themhd
How Can Mindfulness Reduce Anxiety & Stress? Tina Gibbons of The Mind Sanctuary asks Camilla Ghazala, local expert on mindfulness, to explain. Last year, The Mental Health Foundation launched their Be Mindful campaign encouraging people to adopt mindfulness as an effective approach to managing their mental health. Research has shown that practicing mindfulness on a regular basis can prevent relapse of depression and anxiety in the long term and some schools have started to introduce mindfulness and meditation to help improve the performance and behaviour of pupils. So what is mindfulness and how does it work? I asked Camilla Ghazala, qualified psychotherapist with years of experiencing in studying and practicing mindfulness, to explain. What is Mindfulness? Mindfulness is a technique that encourages observation of our thoughts and emotions. This is a different skill to being immersed in our thoughts and encouraging them. Both skills are necessary for survival. When we are immersed in our thoughts we can work things out, learn things, and create concepts. If we are continually immersed in our thoughts, we can feed certain types of thought that encourage high levels of anxiety, fear and depression. When we are immersed in our thoughts the body assumes our thoughts are ‘facts’. The body will then create emotions to match the thought. If we have a habit of running worse case scenario thoughts our body will produce anxiety and cortisol (stress hormone) so that we have the capacity to ‘run away’ from the
‘danger’. However the ‘danger’ is in our minds, it’s internal and now the body is full of anxiety which will manifest in different ways. We may feed agitated, our skin may be irritated (eczema), our bowels may become irritated (IBS), we may have headaches or move to comfort ourselves with food, alcohol, drugs etc. For example: If someone is late home and we start to think that something bad has happened, we may start to go through certain scenarios in detail. Each of these thoughts will alert the body that there is ‘danger’. The more we run those thoughts the higher our anxiety and stress levels will become. Our body assumes that because we are encouraging these thoughts they are ‘facts’. The problem is they are not facts, they are worse case scenarios and possibilities that we have created in our own minds and the body is now fuelled with anxiety and stress that has to be processed. This can keep us in a viscious cycle. We feel stressed, we continue to think worse case scenarios and become more stressed. When we are in this loop cycle it can be difficult to pull out of it, and bring a wider perspective to the situation, eg: consider the other reasons someone may be late home.
Tina Gibbons
how we are creating more anxiety (or other emotions) than necessary, encouraging ourselves to feel stressed and overwhelmed. Like anything in life, if we want to get the most out of something we have to put consistent time and energy into it. If we go to the gym once a month it will make little or no difference to our health. If we go regularly we will benefit our cognitive, emotional and physical health. Practicing Mindfulness is the same as anything else. Regular practice brings results. What I love about Mindfulness is that it can be practiced any time, any where, and no one knows your doing it. It is a flexible technique that is always with you. There is no need for any particular belief system, there is a need for an open mind to learn something new and a commitment to practice. Camilla is introducing regular mindfulness workshops and courses to the public, employers and schools, the first if which will be in June at The Self Centre. Please email tina@themindsanctuary. com or telephone Camilla Ghazala for more information, to secure a space on a workshop, or to express an interest in future courses.
How Can Mindfulness Help
Tel Camilla: 01638 552047
Through observing our thoughts regularly we can gain more control over the thoughts that fuel different emotions. We will not stop the mind from thinking, that is the minds job. Our job is to pay attention to
The Mind Sanctuary would like to thank the following sponsors for their support…
helping you find peace of mind Twitter: @mindsanctuary
Experts in personal & professional development yoga, pilates, tai chi, meditation, complementary therapies
NEWS... 16
employment training and mediation working for mental health in Suffolk
Facebook: themindsanctuary Website:
Tina has been selected as a finalist in the business start-up category of The East of England Business Women of The Year Awards for the creation of The Mind Sanctuary and her plans to grow this emotional wellbeing social enterprise.
food&drink Prep time: 10 min Cook time: 20 min Serves: 4
n e k c i Ch
Mustard-stuffed Method
125g ball mozzarella, torn into small pieces 50g strong cheddar, grated 1 tbsp wholegrain mustard 4 skinless boneless chicken breast fillets 8 smoked streaky bacon rashers
Heat oven to 200C/fan 180C/gas 6. Mix the cheeses and mustard together. Cut a slit into the side of each chicken breast, then stuff with the mustard mixture. Wrap each stuffed chicken breast with 2 bacon rashers - not too tightly, but enough to hold the chicken together. Season, place on a baking sheet and roast for 20-25 mins.
If you want to use less bacon, stretch out four rashers using the back of a knife to make each one longer and thinner. Wrap just one around each chicken breast as before.
Make it Veggie
Cheesy baked mushrooms: Heat oven to 180C/fan 160C/gas 4. Mix the mozzarella and cheddar with 1 tbsp pesto, then spoon into the hollows of 4 portobello mushrooms. Place on a baking tray and roast for 15 mins or until the mushrooms are softened and the cheese is bubbling.
This is so good we’d be surprised if this doesn’t become a firm favourite. themhd
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108 Risbygate Street, Bury St Edmunds, Suffolk IP33 3AA 18 T: 01284 719116 or 756666 themhd
Left: Papaya printed wide leg trousers £16 • Floppy sun hat £8 • Black vest top £5 • Straw circle traveller bag £8 Middle: Papaya floral print pack-a-parka £18 • Cream straw trilby £5 • Stripe sundress £18 • Pleated belt £3 Right: Papaya strappy floral cami £12 • Pale blue skinny jean £14 • Bright multi mixed bangle set £8 • Weave heeled sandal £16 themhd
MAY 2011
List items for sale free of charge to Moreton Hall Residents, email:
Adventure tag-a-long bike with flag, metallic silver, as new, £40. Tel: 01284 767441.
Dark pine dresser 4 foot wide. £40. Tel. 01284 722922
Silver Cross S4 travel system. colour: Pistachio. pushchair, cosytoes, raincover, changebag, baby car seat. £420 new. Excellent Condition. £80. Tel. 01284 765240.
Dining table with 6 chairs. light pine. 120cm x 90cm, 160cm extended. £30. Tel. 07813 702759
VICTORIAN STYLE HEADBOARD, for double bed, cream painted metal, £25 ono. Tel. 01284 760125.
Push chair, D&P. grey £18. Tel. 07813 702759 First swing, garden. metal, with safety strap. £18. Tel. 07813 702759
blue leapster with 3 games £18. Tel. 07813 702759. CHILDRENS’ SOFA BED Blue and yellow check Very good condition. £35. Tel. 07960 449938 (Evenings) 01284 754320. Wella Pro Curl professional curling tongs with ceramic coating unwanted prize so brand new £20. Tel. 01284 767441
Do you have any nearly new or unused items that are of no use to you, other than creating unnecessary clutter? Why not try to recycle them and gather a few extra pounds or pennies in the process? Please include: 1. Brief description of the item. 2. The price. 3. Your telephone number.
Please note that the publisher can take no responsibility for the claims made by sellers regarding the goods for sale, nor are they liable for any
claim with regards to the item or any payment transactions between buyer and seller.
● Luxury
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One World Week
Sebert Wood Primary School 28 March – 1 April
Children at Sebert Wood Primary School have taken part in their own One World Week. They have been learning about different countries from around the world in a complete change to the curriculum all week. Each class has researched a country taking part in the 2012 Olympics and has had the opportunity to take part in cookery, craft, face painting, art, research and a dance and music workshop with a specialist dance teacher. Every day classes are visited with food samples from different places to give children the opportunity to link familiar and less familiar food items with their places of origin – nachos, croissants, timtams. Children have cooked pizza, stir-frys , anzac biscuits and tortillas One World Week started with young people from King Edward Upper School demonstrating Ruandan dances in assembly and then taking workshops. Reception children have had their own cheer leading workshop. Children have created art from around the world including a didgeridoo workshop and Moori patterns and facepaints. During the week there have been the dance workshops lead by Lorraine Theobald of ‘World Dance and Music Workshops’ these have included Chinese, French, Roman, Aztec, Aboriginal
and Haka Dance. Headteacher Richard Rice created an ‘Australian’ puppet show for year 2 classes, introducing many different Australian animals to the children and an animal song. Year 4 children were inspired by the art, craft and music of Mexico and have created different forms of Ojo de dios ‘God’s eye’ star weaving, Papel Picados traditional folk art from Mexico that involves cutting out intricate patterns on colorful tissue paper. They held their own fiesta at the end of the week celebrating with food, dance and their home made piñatas, filled with sweets and treats. The week culminated in an exhibition for every class to visit on Friday afternoon with families able to after school on Friday. One World Week was the inspiration of Year 3 teacher Victoria Hickey who has planned the event “Every lesson has been different this week and the children have been really responsive and inspired! Once we started they have come up with many ideas of their own to help bring the theme to life and their research about different countries has been excellent. The art work across the school looks amazing.” After the inspiration of One World Week lucky children returned to school for Easter Egg Bingo, run by the Friends of Sebert Wood School.
School Football Team Achieve Double Success in League and Cup Sebert Wood School Year 4 football team have this year won League 1 of the Bury St Edmunds and District Primary School League winning 11 out of 14 games and scoring 74 goals and only conceding 7. On 26th March, in the final of the cup competition, they beat the league 2 runners up Ickworth Park 1-0 in a very closely fought game.
Top Row (Ickworth Park) : Alasdair English, Callum Jones, Harry Allsop, Jordan Asker, Matthew Glover, Hadley Rose, Harvey Hempstead, Jack Wass, Patrick Laycock and Robert Martin Bottom Row (Sebert Wood) : Isaac Armstrong, Charlie Brown, Ellie Allen, Ellie Costin, Matthew Bailey, Dan Stobbart, Richard Humphreys, Thomas Smith, Max Rolls, Ryan Swann, Thomas McLaren, Zain Robson, Thomas Mitson and George Anderson
Bridging the gap -
Mount Road
Moreton Hall’s Monthly Nature Watch by Woodland Ways
Join us at woodland ways Why not join in with a Woodland Ways work party to help improve the Moreton Hall woods? No experience is needed and all are welcome; we’ll show you what to do. For more information please see www.woodlandways., see the Woodland Ways noticeboard in the Community Centre, contact Nick Sibbett on 01284 723847 or email information@
Many people enjoy walking in Natterer’s Wood. But have you ever walked from there to Tenacre field, with its thousands of cowslips and spectacular lightning-struck tree? Very few people have, even though Tenacre field is just 30 metres away. The trouble is, Mount Road is in the way, and there’s a very steep bank to scramble down. If you manage not to stumble into the road when there’s a passing car, you are then faced with a steep bank to climb up. Also, there’s a few metres of arable land and some bushes to push through at the end of Ten-acre field. To walk round, its getting on for a mile via Orttewell Road or Shaker’s Lane. It seems daft that two brilliant green spaces, just 30 metres apart, are separated by an impassable gulf. Most people like a circular walk rather than a there-and-back, and this gulf prevents a great countryside experience in our suburban housing estate. Woodland Ways thinks that
is an issue. Alex Jackson, a work experience student at The Landscape Partnership, has come up with one way of bridging the gap. Using InDesign software, he superimposed a drawing of the Orttewell Road bridge onto Mount Road just downhill of Moreton Hall School’s brickand-flint wall. This would get people across very easily. You might prefer a more rustic wooden design, and doubledecker bus drivers might want a higher bridge, but its a good start. Maybe a ramp down to Mount Road and back up again might be a bit cheaper, or look less intrusive to some. Money is tight, and a design, let alone construction, is unlikely to start for some time. First of all, we need to know if there is much demand for a Moiunt Road crossing. Would you like to be able to cross Mount Road at that point? Ring or email us (see left) and we’ll start to gauge local opinion.
Local News... from Councillor Frank warby
Why Why Why ??
Yet more criminal damage. On Sunday 17th April at about 2.30am, again on Raedwald Drive, three cars had their wing mirrors wrenched off. One belonging to a policeman just visiting overnight, one belonging to our local postman and the other a resident. I spoke to a PCSO on Monday and none of the incidents were reported, if this sort of behaviour is not reported then the police do not know that there is a problem. Report these antisocial events then the police can try to deal with them. One wonders why people resort to this behaviour after a few drinks. It is not just the inconvenience of having to repair the mirrors, but having to pay the excess on their car insurance and perhaps loosing part of their no claim bonus. Why not enjoy your night out and go home quietly?.
OUR SHABBY BUS SERVICE Many people have contacted me regarding the bus service or rather the lack of service. I have had an email from a 15 year young lady, explaining how the bus service is disrupting her and her fellow students study programme. They have to leave classes early to catch their bus and loose out on important tuition periods. I have passed her email on to the county Council with her permission
MORETON HALL AT IT’S BEST On a lighter note, it is so nice to see the wonderful array of flowers around the estate, the gardens awash with colour. The trees back to full green leaves and beautiful spring blossom. The daffodils did not last long but 10 acre field is now yellow with cowslips and a lovely place to take a walk. We should enjoy it while it lasts.
and to our MP David Ruffley, hopefully together they can put pressure on the bus company to sort this mess out. As the young lady so rightly says, the County Council want Suffolk to be the greenest county, but with a lousy or non existing bus service, more cars will be on the roads ferrying people to schools and hospital and that will not do anything for our Carbon footprint.
YOUTH CLUB I was slightly disappointed with the response for helpers to support the already hard working people doing their bit in order to keep the club running, only two people offered their service. We will keep going but could really do with a few more helpers. I am talking to Abbeycroft Leisure Services, to arrange some activities for during the summer holidays and if possible have the club open. I will keep you informed of events as soon as I get details.
ELECTIONS Elections should be over by the time you get this issue, whether I am still your councillor or not, I will still keep an eye on the happenings on our lovely estate. I will still be able to speak to the council and attempt to get things done as I have been doing for the past twelve years.
Until next time, take care and enjoy your summer. Frank
Contact Frank on 07818 455472 or email
family&home alongside you when you need it most
Don’t forget –
you can’t take it with you Annual Wills Weeks to help the Hospice St Nicholas Hospice Care is reminding people that planning now means they can get on with living, as solicitors from across the region again back a Will writing scheme which last year raised £27,000, including gift aid, for the charity. And an innovative online reminder means anyone interested in the scheme, which runs throughout June, can be given a helpful reminder before the event starts. The Hospice’s Wills Weeks will see solicitors draw up and revise Wills in return for a suitable donation to the charity. Solicitors from firms in Bury St Edmunds, Newmarket, Haverhill, Clare, Thetford and Sudbury have signed up to take part in the event and will be participating for specific weeks throughout the month. The 14 firms taking part are forfeiting their usual fees and giving their time for free to support the Hospice. This year, the Hospice has launched an online reminder service. Anyone interested in Wills Weeks can register to receive a memory jog – by phone, letter or email – in May that they need to make an appointment with a solicitor. Just go to to sign up. In 2010, more than 170 Wills were prepared or existing ones revised during Wills Weeks. Margaret Lee, Hospice Legacies Officer, said: “We know people lead busy lives, which is why the online reminder service has been set up. We urge people to sign up and we will remind them a few weeks before Wills Weeks starts that they need to make an appointment. “Don’t put off making a Will any longer. Getting a Will drafted protects your family and gives everyone peace of mind, while your donation will ensure the Hospice can continue to offer its vital services to those who need our help.” People wanting to take up the offer should contact the solicitor directly to organise a suitable date and time. For more information, contact Margaret on 01284 755000 or go to
Revisit your school days at St John’s! The Centre in St John’s Street is calling for former pupils and teachers to come forward to take part in its official Opening Day celebrations on Saturday 18th June. The newly refurbished building was formerly St John’s Infant school until 1972 and many local people will have fond memories of going to school or working there and of the building as it was. The Centre has now been transformed through extensive restoration and improvement. It now aims to be a thriving centre for the community, as well as continuing to house the Just Traid shop and café. A full day of events is planned for 18th June, including photographic displays of the restoration, as well as live music and a variety of performances from local dance and singing groups. The Centre and St John’s church will also be celebrating their 170th birthdays - so there will be an opportunity to delve into their history as well as that of St John’s Street itself with a talk and book launch from local historian Clive Paine, a talk from Moyses Hall Museum on Victorian corsetry and the reconstruction of a schoolroom in Victorian times, complete with live pupils! Both The Centre and St John’s church were founded in 1841 around which time the name of this part of the street was then changed from Long Brackland to St John’s Street. The ribbon cutting ceremony is at 12 noon and all are welcome to come and take part and also bring any memories/photographs along. A new artwork from Artheads, designed specifically for The Centre will also be unveiled on the day. The 18th also coincides with the popular St John’s Street Fair, which sees the street closed to traffic and an array of events for all the family. Further information on the day’s events, which start at 10am, can be obtained from Sue 07826 285 041 or from the website
! y l e c i N Play
by Andrew Southwood
Soft Play centres - modern day battlefields where ‘good’ parents take on ‘bad’. Or rather good parents take on the children of bad parents, who have been left to run riot completely unsupervised, using seemingly harmless plastic balls as unexpectedly effective missiles. Sound familiar? Just to clarify one point - my son is no brut. In fact I would go as far as to say he is a bit of a wimp. A remarkably intelligent and smart one but, being the same size as some children half his age, he is understandably a bit weary of the scary big boys often encountered at these places. I am of the opinion if they are old enough to be left unattended to lead a kind of ‘Lord of the Flies’ style mob, then they shouldn’t be there at all. Surely their energy could be put to better use, cutting the grass, polishing the brass, or sweeping chimneys. To be honest, I don’t really care, as long as they aren’t terrifying toddlers.
However, one recent incident involved some far more dangerous and volatile characters than the fore mentioned older boys – the dreaded 5 year old girls, and several of them! I think my wife had already had a quiet word with them, as they tried to climb up the slide (with my son nervously waiting at the top). However, within a couple of minutes they were at it again. This time they were in for a shock. I stormed up to them, primitive Neanderthal like protective instincts, fuelled by the caffeine from the overpriced coffee recently consumed, forming a dangerous cocktail within me. In a loud, firm voice (in hindsight perhaps a little too loud & firm) I informed them that, as indicated on the sign next to them, they should not be climbing up the slide. Three seconds later one of the girls was in floods of tears, one had run off screaming, and another was calmly arguing a technical
point that stopping on the slide was not actually climbing up (a fair point, surprisingly well made). Realising I had perhaps gone in a bit hard, I changed tact slightly, making peace by smiling and helping them down the slide. Meanwhile I was silently praying that the large tattooed skin-headed parent I could see munching menacingly on a Yorkie out of the corner of my eye wasn’t this girls Mum, waiting to throw me into the ball pool of death at any moment. Thankfully it all ended well. After seeing the error of their ways, these girls became my new play mates. One of them in particular spent the next hour running round holding hands with my son. Evidently she was 5 and was not worried about being nearly twice his age. Now he is asking “we go soft play today?” every day when he wakes up. That’s my boy.
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on 7th April 2011 19 childminders and parents and 37 children from Absolutely Brilliant childcare (ABc) childminding group (childminders based on Moreton Hall, Bury st Edmunds) met at Moreton Hall community centre for an Easter Egg hunt. the hen-thusiastic children egg-citedly gathered to eggs-plore for hidden eggs (kindly donated by one of the parents), having great fun and lots of egg-ercise. they then had a well deserved snack and drink before joining in with Easter colouring activities liz Ayling (chair of ABc) said ‘it was lovely to see children (and adults) so excited searching for eggs and having fun in the sunshine’. Absolutely Brilliant childcare can be contacted on telephone number : 01284 765238 or email; absolutelybrilliantchildcare@hotmail. if you need childcare or are a local childminder wishing to join the group.
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news Pre-Games Training Camp Attracts Rwandans from Across UK and Europe to Bury St Edmunds Hundreds of Rwandan people from across the UK and Europe will be visiting Bury St Edmunds in July eager to tour the town that will be hosting the London 2012 Pre-Games training camp for their nation’s athletes. More than 500 Rwandans will be visiting the town for the first ever Rwanda Convention for expats living in the UK and Europe. The convention will take place at The Apex from 22 to 24 July, marking one year to go until the London 2012 Olympic and Paralympics. Businesses say the visit will boost the local economy and tourism, promoting the historic market town at national and international level. The West Suffolk Athletics Arena at Abbeycroft Leisure’s Bury St Edmunds Leisure Centre was chosen by the country to host the Rwandan Olympic and Paralympic teams as they prepare for London 2012. Part of the reasoning behind their choice was the overall support they felt from the town. Since that time a number of Rwandans have enjoyed visiting Bury St Edmunds.
Geoff Rivers, Chief Executive of St Edmundsbury Borough Council, said: “The true spirit of the Olympic movement is being realised in Bury St Edmunds. The involvement of young people through their schools, religious communities, sporting groups, arts organisations, voluntary and community, civic and commercial sectors has added up. We are all saying we have a lot to learn from working with Rwandan officials, athletes and individuals and hopefully something to offer as well.”
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The Master Composter by Paul Turner
Welcome to the Master Composter feature, where I will tell you about the joys of composting. I am a Master Composter Volunteer, which means that I have been trained by a charity called Garden Organics, in association with Suffolk County Council, and I devote my spare time to encouraging and assisting everyone to compost more. From the complete novice to the veteran composter, if you have a question about composting, then I will use this page to answer them. International Compost Awareness Week 1st – 7th May 2011 So, the month of May is where we can find the Compost Awareness week. Unfortunately it is from the 1st to the 7th May so by the time you read this article it may well have been and gone… But we won’t let that worry us though. The whole idea of International Compost Awareness week is to encourage people to either start composting or compost things they had never thought to put in their compost bins. If you are a composting veteran you could also consider assisting others to get started on their first compost. We can do that at anytime of the year and not just in the first week in May. So to test yourself I have put together a quick quiz. See how you get on with what you should or shouldn’t put in a compost bin:
1. A good compost heap should be a mix of Carbon (prunings, cardboard or straw), Nitrogen (vegetable and fruit peelings, Grass cuttings and nettles) water and ………………?
3. Are used coffee grounds a good thing or bad thing to add to a compost heap?
2. Which of the following can’t be put in a compost bin? Tick all that apply. • Tissue • Rhubarb leaves • Chicken bones • Wood ash • Urine • Egg shells • Used cat litter • The contents from a vacuum • Hair • Banana skins • Tuna • Grass cutting • Milk
5. Should you turn a compost with a garden fork or squash it down by stamping on it?
4. Is it best to layer, or mix, different materials in a compost heap?
The County council also offer a subsidised compost bin scheme available through www.suffolk.getcomposting. com or
As always if you have any questions or comments, or would like to book a talk about composting for a gardening or other interested group please email: Answers: 1) Air; 2) Chicken bones, Used cat litter, Tuna and Milk (Caution should be used with wood ash and contents of vacuum as they could contain contaminants but if wood is untreated and vacuum is just the dust from a typical house then they can be added in small quantities; 3) Good; 4) Mix; 5) Turn with a garden fork to introduce air.
Don’t forget your PJs for the Girls Night Out
Don’t forget your PJs – that is the message being sent out by St Nicholas Hospice Care as it launches what it hopes will be its biggest and best ever women’s only fundraising event.
“September may seem a long way off, but if you already know you want to take part in the Girls Night Out, why not sign up now and get started with raising sponsorship money?”
In their haste to sign up for the third annual Girls Night Out moonlit walk, this sassy group of women forgot one essential – their nightwear! But hopefully come the big night itself they will be clad in their pyjamas and dressing gowns, ready to go.
In 2010, 550 women took part in the Girls Night Out raising nearly £90,000 for the Hospice, making it the most successful fundraising event in the charity’s history.
Girls Night Out will see hundreds of pyjama-clad women departing Angel Hill on 17 September, before walking an 11.2-mile route around the streets of Bury. And this year, a new six-mile route is being introduced to ensure everyone can take part. Jenny Baskett, Events and Challenges Fundraiser, said: “As well as the Girls Night Out being a great way to support your local Hospice, there is a tremendous sense of fun and camaraderie on the walk. “Women who took part last year will remember the eye-catching flashing bunny ears they wore – but this year we have something even more ‘girly’ in store.
But this year it is hoped to smash that total, so more women are encouraged to get on board and sign up. Registration opened on Friday, 8 April. “We hope those who took part last year will invite their friends, family and work colleagues along this year,” said Jenny. “As well as raising great sums of money for the Hospice, the aim of the Girls Night Out is to have fun – which means all women, of any age or ability, can take part.” For more information, contact Jenny on 01284 715583, email or go to themhd
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Christ Church Moreton Hall As we look back over the holidays we have many happy memories to think about – the holidays, time together as family, and of course the celebration of Easter. It was particularly spectacular this year with the Passion Play and other things. It is good to reflect that we have a God who is not remote and far from us, but comes and dwells amongst us, shows us how we are to live, and is prepared to suffer and die for us.
the reason we celebrate the feast of Pentecost. It is not just the birthday of the church it is also a day when everything changed for human-beings.
The best news of all, of course, is that He rose from the grave. This means that death is not the end and there is something else He offers to us all. However, He is also a God of justice. He does require the human-beings of this planet to live in a way that not just pleases Him but includes how we treat animals and plants, as well as each other.
In the same way that God came to earth at Bethlehem at Christmas time, God comes to earth again at Pentecost (12th June this year). He comes into the hearts and minds of believers when they pray by means of the Holy Spirit. Everybody who receives Christ is changed morally. They think better thoughts, they speak better words, they are kinder, more compassionate, and become better people,. But there is more to it than that, it is not just that individuals are changed, but working in partnership with others God is changing society, structures, institutions and the very world itself.
We are aware that to live to such a standard is incredibly difficult and neither families, societies, nor governments can deliver the reforms to help us live as we should. That is why there is something else about the gospel message and the Easter story that is so important. When Jesus returned to heaven on the day of His ascension, He did not leave His people to fend for themselves, He promised them the Holy Spirit. This is
So, that is why with all the churches around the world we will be celebrating the feast of Pentecost with great enthusiasm. It is not just when we look back to something that was significant two thousand years ago, it is a living experience now which we continue to enjoy. By it, we see people healed, changed, and transformed. Confident of Christ’s risen presence amongst us because of the Easter story, we now accept His Spirit and go out
into the world to do His will. A good example is our Fun Run. This is when we raise money for Christian Aid. It is an opportunity to get fit, to make new friends, and to raise money for people in the third world. This year we are pleased to welcome Rick Wakeman to start us. Also look out for the Christian Aid collectors who will be coming round to collect your envelope, please gift aid it if you can. It is our target this year to break the £4,000 barrier and I do hope that your generosity will enable us to do it. We are also encouraging everyone to find out more about Jesus on 22nd May, why don’t you join us then? With every good wish, Yours sincerely, Jonathan Ford
family&home family&home
whats onOUat w R MAY
8.30 am H oly Comm union 10.30 am Worship T ogether 6.30 pm A Time of Re freshing 7th 11.00 am Christi an Aid Fun Run 8th 10.30 am Mornin g Worship 6.30 pm P rayer & Wo rship 15th 10.3 0 am Chri stian Aid C ommunion 6.30 pm U nitedCommunion Christian A 1st 8.30am AHoly id Service t Trinity Me thodist Ch 10.30am Worship Together urch 22nd 10 .30 am Mo 6.30pm A rn Time ofoRefreshing ing W rship 6.30 pm A Time of ReAid Fun Run 7th 11.00am Christian freshing 29th 10.3 0 am MoMorning Worship 8th 10.30am rning Wo rsWorship hip (with ba 6.30pm Prayer and ptisms) 6.30 pm H ealing Holy C o m munion 15th 10.30am Christian Aid Communion
SERHall christchurch Moreton VICES
6.30pm United Christian Aid Service At Trinity Methodist Church
10.30am Morning Worship 6.30pm A Time of Refreshing
10.30am Morning Worship (with baptisms) 6.30pm Healing Holy Communion
Fun Run
Come and r support you ! h local Churc
Saturday 7th May 2011 11.00 am to 1.30 pm on the field next to Christ Church Moreton Hall
Buffet for all afterwards
Rick Wakeman will be making a guest appearance at 11 am! Get sponsored • Raise money • END POVERTY Booking and sponsor forms available from Christ Church Moreton Hall, Lawsons Place, Symonds Rd, Bury St. Edmunds IP32 7BW. Email: Tel: 01284 725391 All proceeds will go to Christian Aid. UK registered charity number 1105851 Company number 5171525 themhd
Community Police
Newsletter With summer soon approaching and the weather starting to get warmer, Suffolk Police would like to remind residents to ensure that all windows and doors are kept secure during this warm weather. Many people become complacent in the warm weather and leave doors and windows open. Burglars are usually opportunists and will take any chance that they are confronted with. We suggest that easily accessible windows are fitted with a ‘limiter’ device, which prevents them from being opened to a large degree. The same security steps are given for easily accessible windows on upper floors. People are also reminded to lock outbuildings, such as sheds too. People do not always appreciate how much valuable property is often kept in their sheds. Lawnmowers, bicycles and power tools are attractive to thieves and are usually costly to replace. The other danger with leaving sheds and outbuildings unlocked often means that thieves can use garden tools stored in them as a tool to force entry to the house.
THE NEXT PRIORITY MEETING FOR THE PUBLIC The next priority meeting that you, the public can address your concerns and issues to the Police, St Edmundsbury Borough Council, Havebury Housing and other partnerships will be on Wednesday 8th June 2011 at Sainsburys, Bedingfeld Way, Bury St Edmunds in the restaurant. The meeting will begin at 19:00 hours and finish approximately 21:00 hrs. We look forward to seeing you all. This is your opportunity to come along and find out about what is happening in your local area, raise any concerns or issues you may have or just simply to meet your local officers. Sincerest regards
PCSO 3236 Emma Stacey Tel: 01284 774100 Email:
Sgt David Hill Tel: 01284 774100 Email:
Inspector Jane Hertzog Tel: 01284 774100 Email
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in the garden After the drought in April, those who have dug their gardens earlier in the year are left with a mess.
None of these will stand frost so keep them in a green house, conservatory or a very sheltered corner of the garden and plant out in a early June.
They have hard dry blocks of earth in their gardens that they cannot do a thing with.
Young courgette plants looking healthy, but not ready to go outside just yet.
So what do we do for May?
Keep sowing seeds of salads like lettuce, radish and rocket. A short row every two or three weeks will ensure a continuous supply. Remember to keep them watered.
Don’t dig, fork or rotovate your garden. You should start growing plants in pots, seed trays or even old guttering.
If you grow your plants inside, when they are big enough to stand the rigours of the garden, simply slip them carefully into holes a bit bigger than the containers they are in and fill around them with compost, or bought in top soil.
Pot plants will tell you when they need a good soak. Pick up the pot or tray and if it is light in weight soak it in a bowl of water for at least half an hour.
Water well, preferably watering the holes before planting and again afterwards. Keep well watered and your plants will succeed.
Outdoors, it is best to give a really good soak once or twice a week rather than a light sprinkle every day. Watering correctly is more of an art than a science. Use your common sense to judge when and how to water.
Planting in pockets of good growing medium is the way to handle intractable clay soil in the spring and early summer.
A fine rose on the can which gives fine droplets is much better than a course one.
Some other things not to do. Don’t buy bedding plants yet. We may still get a frost which will damage them badly. Wait until near the end of May.
Do remember to water newly planted trees, they need a good drink in times of drought or you will lose them.
Don’t plant out your tender vegetables yet for the same reason.
If you have young tomato plants look out for side shoots and remove them. Bush varieties can be left with side shoots on.
Seeds to sow now Now is the time to sow seeds indoors of courgettes, French and Runner beans, pumpkins, marrows and sweet corn. Read the instructions on the packet before you start, there’s lots of useful information there.
Thin seedlings in a seed bed so they have room to grow. Initially 1cm (1/2 inch) apart is fine but thin again in a few weeks.
Happy Gardening!
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Loft Renovations Renovations Renovations Loft conversions conversions aspects buildingwork workundertaken undertakenwith withattention attentiontotodetail detail LoftLoft conversions Loft conversions conversions AllAllaspects ofofbuilding
andcare. care.Traditional orcontemporary. contemporary. Insurance works to detail Insurance works Alland aspects ofTraditional buildingorwork undertaken with attention All aspects of building work undertaken with attention to detail and care. Traditional or contemporary. Insurance works All aspects All All aspects aspects of building of building of building work work undertaken work undertaken undertaken with with attention with attention attention to detail to works detail to detail and care. Traditional or contemporary. Insurance and and care. and care. Traditional care. Traditional Traditional or contemporary. or contemporary. or contemporary. Insurance Insurance Insurance works works works 01284 761780 07813935551 935551 t: t:01284 761780 m:m:07813 t: 01284 761780 m: 07813 935551 e:
t: 01284 761780 m: 07813 935551 e: t: 01284 t: 01284 761780 t: 01284 761780 761780 m: 07813 m: 07813 m:935551 07813 935551 935551e: e: e:
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Spring clean the kitchen
HOROSCOPES Aries (Mar. 21- April 20)
Taurus (Apr. 21- Ma y 21)
Gemini (May 22-June 21)
You can convince others to follow suit. You must not lead someone on or show interest in them for the wrong reasons. You may find that your boss is not delighted with your work lately. Don’t hesitate to voice your opinions at a group meeting; however, keep your thoughts to yourself at home.
Find out what they’re up to, and see if you can pick up where you left off. If they’re too demanding, reconsider this union. Try to avoid serious discussions with loved ones. Your best efforts will come through making changes in your home.
Channel your energy into projects that will enhance your home. You will find travel and lectures most stimulating. Strengthen your position among your peers. You can help a close friend find solutions to personal problems.
Lucky day: Friday.
Lucky day: Sunday.
Cancer (June 22-July 22)
Leo (July 23-Aug 22)
Virgo (Aug. 23 -Sept. 23)
Take on positions that offer on the job training or pay for courses related to the business. You can put in some overtime and make extra cash. Channel your energy into decorating or household chores. There’ll be difficulties if you spend too much.
Your mate will be pushing you to do things that you really don’t want to do. Exaggeration or deception coupled with overindulgence might be a problem. Travel could be in order. You will upset your partner if you have spent money on things that aren’t necessary.
Lucky day: Tuesday.
Lucky day: Friday.
Plan to do things with your faithful pet or with youngsters who have interesting hobbies. New romantic ties can be made; however, you must make sure that your motives are not selfish before you make your move. Don’t let children hold you back from doing things you enjoy. It might be time for you to take a quantum leap from one career to another.
Lucky day: Tuesday.
Lucky day: Saturday.
Libra (Sept. 24 -Oct. 23)
Scorpio (Oct. 24 - Nov. 22)
Sagittarius (Nov. 23 -Dec. 21)
Your partner may be erratic this month if you haven’t paid enough attention to him or her. You can enhance your reputation if you treat family and friends with respect and dignity. Deception will play an important factor in relationships. You must watch your tendency to spend whatever you make.
Get help to finish a project if you need it. Entertainment should include your whole family. Do not ruffle feathers if possible. Listen and formulate your course of action. You will be indecisive.
Compromise if you wish to have any fun at all. Make any necessary changes to your insurance policy. Although upsetting, changes in your domestic situation will be favourable. Don’t be too eager to spend what’s left over; more unexpected expenses are evident.
Lucky day: Thursday.
Lucky day: Sunday.
Lucky day: Saturday.
Capricorn (Dec 22.- Jan. 20)
Aquarius (Jan. 21 -Feb. 19)
Pisces (Feb. 20-Mar. 20)
Relatives may be less than easy to deal with. Your involvement in organisational events could open doors to new and exciting opportunities. Don’t let relatives stand in the way of your personal plans. Your courage and willpower will enable you to get rid of destructive habits as well.
You need to do more research before you make your final decision. Put your efforts into being creative. Secret enemies may be holding a grudge that you’re not even aware of. Don’t make excuses.
You may have to take a short trip to visit someone who hasn’t been well. Be aware that a female you work with may be trying to hold you back. If you have to deal with large institutions, be careful not to make waves. You will have a little more energy than usual.
Lucky day: Friday.
Lucky day: Wednesday.
Lucky day: Saturday.
Building & Maintenance
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Driveways & Patios landscaping building themhd
Are you a Student who is looking to find a summer job? When summer comes upon us, most people see it as time to get out those bikinis and sun beds: but for students of all ages, it’s the perfect time to find a summer job and add some cash to your pockets and experience to your CV. Finding a summer job is a fantastic way to gain skills that will help you develop the professional talents that you’ll need throughout your life. These include basic but important skills like customer service, good communication and even gaining self-confidence. You can find a range of summer jobs that offer you the chance to earn money and skills and still find time to enjoy the sun. All you need to know is where and how to look.
There are loads of different ways to go about finding a summer job. The internet has a range of websites dedicated to finding students summer work; here is a list of the main ones: Employment 4 Students Just Jobs 4 Students Summer Jobs 4 Students Student Jobs Leisure Jobs Alternatively, have a look in newspapers which have job sections, or your college or University career services. For those who are interested in working in retail, one of the best ways to find this type of summer job is by applying in person. Take
some time to wander around the town or nearby shops. Lots of places simply have ads in windows rather than advertising in newspapers. Don’t forget to ask your parents too, they may know of a suitable position, or at least be able to pick up some other local papers for you to look at. And not just your parents, mention it to anyone else who could put in a good word for you. Networking isn’t just for full-time employment and you never know who might be able to help you out. Ask friends who have summer jobs if there are any other jobs available at their place of work. Getting your name out there will help in any search.
Good Luck!
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Advertise with The Moreton Hall Directory email:
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The All New Swift. With a lighter, punchier Dual VVT engine and advanced handling, it’s designed for fun. With fuel consumption kept to the absolute minimum, it’s designed for economy. With ESP®* Unit 13 Bunting Road, Suffolk. IP32 And 7BX and 7Bury airbagsSt as Edmunds, standard, it’s designed for safety. with a great finance offer available right now, it’s definitely designed for life.
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30th September 2010 from participating Authorised Suzuki Dealers only. Credit is available to persons aged 18 years or over, subject to status. Indemnities may be required. For full details contact your local Suzuki Dealer. Suzuki Finance reserves the right to withdraw or amend this offer without notice or prior warning. The offer is available to customers within the UK (excludes Channel Islands and Isle of Man). Suzuki Finance, part of Black Horse Group, St William House, Tresillian Terrace, Cardiff CF10 5BH. This offer cannot be used in conjunction with any other offer. All prices and specifications are correct at time of going to press. *ESP is a registered trademark of Daimler AG.
Bury St Edmunds, Suffolk, IP32 7AR
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SERVICING REPAIRS DIAGNOSTICS MOT TYRES BODYWORK SERVICING REPAIRS DIAGNOSTICS MOT TYRES BODYWORK Model shown is the Swift SZ4 5 door manual available at £12,245 on the road. (Metallic paint at £390). Swift range official fuel consumption figures in mpg (L/100km): urban from 41.5 (6.8) to 46.3 (6.1), extra urban from 57.6 (4.9) to 64.2 (4.4), combined from 50.4 (5.6) to 56.5 (5.0). Official CO2 emissions from 116g/km to 129g/km.
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The All New Swift. With a lighter, punchier Dual VVT engine and advanced handling, it’s designed for fun. With fuel consumption kept to the absolute minimum, it’s designed for economy. With ESP®* and 7 airbags as standard, it’s designed for safety. And with a great finance offer available right now, it’s definitely designed for life.
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30th September 2010 from participating Authorised Suzuki Dealers only. Credit is available to persons aged 18 years or over, subject to status. Indemnities may be required. For full details contact your local Suzuki Dealer. Suzuki Finance reserves the right to withdraw or amend this offer without notice or prior warning. The offer is available to customers within the UK (excludes Channel Islands and Isle of Man). Suzuki Finance, part of Black Horse Group, St William House, Tresillian Terrace, Cardiff CF10 5BH. This offer cannot be used in conjunction with any other offer. All prices and specifications are correct at time of going to press. *ESP is a registered trademark of Daimler AG.
Model shown is the Swift SZ4 5 door manual available at £12,245 on the road. (Metallic paint at £390). Swift range official fuel consumption figures in mpg (L/100km): urban from 41.5 (6.8) to 46.3 (6.1), extra urban from 57.6 (4.9) to 64.2 (4.4), combined from 50.4 (5.6) to 56.5 (5.0). Official CO2 emissions from 116g/km to 129g/km.
for GOLD
John Banks Limited Kemspon Way Moreton Hall Bury St Edmunds Suffolk IP32 7AR
0% APR typical finance over 3 years, minimum 50% deposit required, is subject to availability for Swift vehicles privately registered between 1st September 2010 and
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Contact us today for a test drive
01284 752382 Suzuki:
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what’sonlistings Fancy a great local night out?
Auction of Promises and Live Band Saturday 7th May 2011 7.30pm – 11.30pm
At Abbots Green Community Primary School Hosted by Friends of Abbots Green Raising funds for ICT equipment
• Auction of Promises • A variety of lots donated by local • businesses and families ic e • Fish and Chip Supper Tic k e t p r • Licensed bar 0 £7.5 g food) in d lu c • Live band – The Avocets (in avocetsmusic For further information or to purchase tickets please contact Ginny on 07887 696102
The Suffolk
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Brought to you in association with the Suffolk Land Rover Owners Club, our dedicated 4x4 show is packed with a brilliant weekend of off road activities including two fantastic LANTRA certified courses to try, charity rides, recovery & winching displays, tuition instruction for off road beginners, competitions & prizes and club displays across the two days. There will be a huge Autojumble running in conjunction with this weekend, as well as specialist trade stands selling all manner of parts and accessories. General Day Admission: Adults-£7 Conc/12-18s-£5 Under 12s FREE Non Trade Autojumble Pitches: £5 plus Admission BOOK ONLINE FOR ADVANCED TICKET DISCOUNTS
Tel: 01359 270524
Films for
May… MHD
Director: Jason Winer Starring: Russell Brand, Greta Gerwig, Jennifer Garner, Helen Mirren, Nick Nolte This remake of the fondly remembered Dudley Moore comedy stars Russell Brand as a hapless billionaire who must choose between love and money. Arthur Bach (Russell Brand) is an irresponsible playboy - despite the fact that he’s been told what to do all his life. The culprits are his stern mother (Geraldine James), his housekeeper Hobson (Helen Mirren), and now, much to his dismay, his new bride-to-be Susan (Jennifer Garner). Arthur has been ordered to marry Susan, or suffer the consequences of disobedience - a new life, cut off from all his wealth and privilege. But Arthur doesn’t love Susan, and has instead fallen for Naomi (Greta Gerwig), a woman with no money but a good heart. With Russell Brand in hilarious form, it’s time to find out which choice Arthur will make. Can he choose love - and lose the safety net his money provides? Or will he settle for marriage to the terrifying Susan?
Director: Wes Craven Starring: Neve Campbell, David Arquette, Courteney Cox, Emma Roberts, Hayden Panettiere Ghostface returns in this latest installment of the ‘Scream’ franchise - written and directed by the team behind the original horror classic. Director Wes Craven and writer Kevin Williamson started a craze for intelligent, horror-literate slasher movies with the release of ‘Scream’ back in 1996. Now the series returns to its roots, with Sidney (Neve Campbell), survivor of Ghostface’s first killing spree, returning to her home town of Woodboro on the anniversary of the original massacre. There she reconnects with fellow survivors Dewey (David Arquette) and Gale (Courteney Cox), and meets her cousin Jill (Emma Roberts). The trouble is, you can’t keep a good maniac down, and it’s not long before Sidney, along with her friends and family, are once again stalked by an unstoppable killer in long black robes. Only this time, the rules that everyone thinks they know are being rewritten. How will a new generation deal with this classic terror?
Director: Carlos Saldanha Starring: Jesse Eisenberg, Anne Hathaway, Leslie Mann, Jamie Foxx This hilarious animated adventure comes from the team that brought us the ‘Ice Age’ movies. Blu (Jesse Eisenberg) is a blue macaw who lives happily with his owner in Minnesota, until it’s discovered that Blu is the last male of his species. There is only one known female her name is Jewel (Anne Hathaway) and she lives in Rio de Janeiro. So Blu must travel to South America to try to win her heart. But when poachers set their sights on Blu and Jewel, looking to make a killing from such valuable birds, the chase is on. As they are pursued, our macaw heroes turn to new friends for help, including the wise toucan Rafael (George Lopez), the dribbling bulldog Luiz (Tracy Morgan), and Nico, a tiny yellow canary (Jamie Foxx). With friends like these, the two desperate fugitives just might have a chance - now if only Blu could learn to fly...
CINEMAS IN BURY ST EDMUNDS: Cineworld, Parkway, IP33 3BA. Tel 0871 200 2000 Abbeygate Picturehouse, Hatter Street, IP33 1NE Box Office 01284 762586, 24 hr Info Line 01284 754477.
Moreton hall e Community Centr
What’s On
May 2011
tueSday 10th and 24th May
Saturday 14th May
Fa cup Fun day
rooM hire available • Children’s Parties • Wedding Receptions • Private Functions • Conference Facilities • Fully Equipped Kitchen all at very coMpetitive priceS!
Fun and games for all the family, Ko 3pm, bbQ and disco after the match, join us for family fun!
Give Kerrie a call on 01284 763402
Saturday 21St May
Office Hours: 9.00am–1.00pm
entry fee £10 each. £1000 prize money (winner £500). Food will be available throughout the day. call colin on 01284 768660 for more details.
Moreton hall poSt oFFice
bury open darts tournament Saturday 28th May
elvis revisited Show all welcome, starts 8pm
Bar Telephone 01284 763405
• Next Day Delivery by 9am or 1pm • Alliance & Leicester Business Banking • Travel Money – Euros & Dollars held in stock, all other currency available by next day • Car and Van Insurance telephone 01284 769841
MAY 2011
Moreton Hall
Bank Holiday
01 ULR Premier International 7s Tournament Bury St Edmunds Rugby Club
Bank Holiday
FA Cup Family fun day (Moreton Hall Community Centre) KO 3pm
BINGO (Moreton Hall Community Centre)
Bury Open Darts Tournament (Moreton Hall Community Centre)
Elvis Revisited Show (Moreton Hall Community Centre) 8pm
BINGO (Moreton Hall Community Centre)
Useful numbers wEST SuFFOLk hOSpiTa T L Ta
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m haLL pREp SchOOL
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01284 717188
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01284 725391 R L Rai
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01284 702020 FiRST Ea EaSTER aSTERn
01284 766569 ST EdS. cOunciL
01284 763233
01284 753532 01284 755211 01284 702129
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01284 718818
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01284 725391 abc chiLdmindinG GROup
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24-7 Taxi T hiRE 01284 700247
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0844 225 3099 01284 352545 01284 747000
08457 145145 0800 111 999
01284 763402
08701 963090
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