Southgate july17web

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WHAT’S ON in Bury St Edmunds

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CROSSWORD Competition



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JULY 2017



40 LOCAL NEWS 10 14 18


HEALTH & BEAUTY 20 26 24



Recipe of the month




Recipe of the month Go to Page 36 for this months Recipe: GRIDDLED CHICKEN WITH QUINOA GREEK SALAD



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Hello and welcome to the July issue of the directory. Finally the Summer has begun, school’s almost finished and hopefully most of you have a holiday or little break planned. Even if the garden is as far as you get, a good old BBQ is probably on the cards and our burger recipe on page XX will get the party started. Heading down to the coast? On page XX we show you the main essentials to pack in that beach bag. There’s lot’s of summer fairs and festivals going on to keep the family entertained. If you managed to get tickets for the Nearly Festival in June, then I’m sure you had a fantastic time, I certainly did with the family, although it was a super hot day we managed to find a nice tree to sit under for some shade in between dancing to Oasis and Queen! Looking forward to next years, that’s for sure! Anyway, make the most of the sun whilst it is here, and enjoy July and what Bury has to offer this month. See you all in August!



Find us on Facebook & Twitter: Moreton Hall Directory


Advertising/copy deadline for August 2017 issue: Thursday 20th July.

Last months lucky crossword winner of a FREE FLOAT AWAY SESSION at Moreton Hall Health Club was Jayne Saggers from Bury St Edmunds. Well Done! This month there is a chance to win a FREE Cut & Dry Haircut with Gareth at Stephen John Salon, go to page 46 to have a go at this months Crossword.

Last Months answers:

Across: 1. Select 5. Nit 7. Salvo 8. Art Deco 9. Gives 10. Hilarity 12. Egoism 14. Danube 17. Protects 18. Aired 20. Lankier 21. Awful 22. Sap 23. String Down: 2. Earring 3. Clearest 4. Flag 5. Nouveau 6. Topside 7. Sorts 11. Castanet 12. Errands 13. Overlap 15. Between 16. Troll 19. Deft


meet the team...

Keep up with all the latest news for your area every day at Publisher: PIT Group Ltd Design & Artwork: Bury St Edmunds Directories, Unit 11, Barton Road Retail Park, Bury St Edmunds, Suffolk IP32 7BE



Telephone: 01284 765092 Email: While all reasonable care is taken to ensure the accuracy of information included in the Bury St Edmunds Directories, the publishers take no responsibility for the accuracy of statements made by contributors or advertisers, or for loss arising from non-publication or misprint of any advertisement. The opinions expressed are not necessarily those of the editor. Reproduction, in whole or in part, without the written L &C P permission of the publisher is strictly prohibited. Design and compilation copyright 2017 © Jeremy Procter, Director, The Bury St Edmunds Directories. OGO



JULY 2017 | 05

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summer! live happy thiswith World liveSlimming happy! with

MONDAYS 5.30pm & 7.30pm @ Southgate Community Centre. Call Vanessa 07850 951693 WEDNESDAYS 9.30am & NEW SESSION 11.30am @ Ixworth Village Hall. Call Carla 07900 810636 THURSDAYS 9.30am, 11.30am, 5.30pm & 7.30pm @ Moreton Hall Community Centre. Call Kelly 07792 603204 FRIDAYS 9.30am & 11.30 @ Southgate Community Centre. Call Vanessa 07850 951693 SATURDAYS 8.30am & 10.30am @ Moreton Hall Youth Centre. Call Kelly 07792 603204

Slimming World


oun tdown course. O

– 17th Jun M ay






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The Moreton Hall Directory is produced and published by The PIT Group.


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JULY 2017 | 09




From your new local councillors... Richard Rout, Sarah Stamp, Patrick Chung and Ann Williamson As the warmer weather is now here to stay (we hope) please remember to take care in the sunshine and to keep an eye on any elderly neighbours. Don’t forget if you have any local issues you would like us to help you with, please get in contact on the numbers below.

CONTACT US! We are here to help and we are always happy to hear from residents about local issues, so please do get in touch. Cllr Richard Rout

T. 07711 133422 E. Twitter: @RichardRout

Cllr Sarah Stamp

T. 07584 028671 E. Twitter: @sstampcomms Facebook:

Cllr Patrick Chung

T. 07802 751433 E.

Cllr Ann Williamson T. 07824 341946 E.

Roads and Pavements Since becoming County Councillor in May, Richard has been keen to impress upon his new County Council colleagues the importance local people put on the state of our roads and pavements. Earlier this month, he took one of the Highways team on a tour of Hardwick Division to show him first hand some of the problems and issues that we are facing and that have been raised with us as Councillors, and where we believe action needs to be taken. As a result of this and other issues raised when we all had our walkabout (see above) Richard will be attending a detailed inspection of Nowton Road, Mayfield Road, Sandpiper Road, Steward Road, Faiers Close, Caie Walk and Banks Walk footpaths on the 29th June so that he can arrange the necessary work. There are many other issues we want to see tackled, not least the problems surrounding school pick up and drop offs on Steward Road, but Richard is hopeful that these inspections will lead to our area getting the attention it and our residents deserve. In the wider Bury St Edmunds area, Suffolk County Council has secured ÂŁ2.8 million of funding for town centre highways improvement works, such as the scheme currently taking place at the Cullum Road double mini roundabout, to help traffic in our town flow better as it continues to grow. This brings with it some inevitable short-term disruption but will hopefully mean we all reap the benefits in coming years.

10 | JULY 2017


Walkabout on Nowton Estate We recently all got together for a few hours to walk about the area to look at various issues that had been raised with us by residents, to try and get them resolved. Unfortunately, sometimes quite simple things can take a while to action as there are so many agencies involved – St Edmundsbury Borough Council, Suffolk County Council and Havebury Housing being the main three as they are all responsible for certain parts of the estate. One of the real disappointing sights we saw was the large amount of flytipping that is taking place, especially at the back of Caie Walk by the allotments. We found a fridge, microwave, carpets, boxes and all sorts of other rubbish which had just been left, obstructing the pavements and generally looking a mess. We have arranged for St Edmundsbury Borough Council to remove the items that were there and they have written to all relevant householders in the area. Flytipping is also an issue on the footpath near to Boon Close, in this instance we are getting a sign installed to deter people from flytipping there. Flytipping is a nuisance for local residents, obstructs the pavements and generally is just antisocial behaviour which is unnecessary. The other main area for concern where flytipping and general littering is concerned remains the community woodland. Please, please do take your litter home or use the public bins provided – we have had several new bins installed in recent years and so there is no excuse for littering. Larger items can always be taken to the Rougham Hill Household Recycling Site.

Havebury Housing

Other things that we noticed were the dirtiness and disrepair of some of the bus shelters around the Nowton Estate – we have asked that these be cleaned and repaired - and also the grass around the Southgate Community Centre which is longer than usual and should be cut soon.

Ann and Patrick also subsequently met with Havebury and highlighted some concerns we had about trees and shrubbery which have been allowed to become overgrown and look scruffy and in some cases are causing an obstruction on pavements. They have promised to come back to us asap with an action plan so we will keep you updated. JULY 2017 | 11




Dear reader,

Supporting West Suffolk Hospital Registered Charity No. 1049223

This month’s My WiSH Charity page is all about our Bury Dog Show on Sunday 16th July at Nowton Park.

Mischief’s Dachshund Dash. Entry is just £2 per dog and the races will start at around 11am depending on entries.

We know West Suffolk is full of dog lovers, myself included, and we can’t wait to host a fun day for all the family.

And if your dog needs time out, head to Bury St Edmunds Canine Creche stall where you can head off on the Tail Trail out into the beautiful park for a bit of peace and quiet.

The gates will open at 10am and admission is £5 per adult with concessions and children at £2.50. A family ticket is just £12 for up to four children. Our fun dog show starts at approximately 10.30am with 11 classes to enter, ending with the Champion of Champions. Each class costs £2 per entry and we would like to thank Moreton Hall Vets for, once again, joining us as judges.

There will be agility displays from the East Anglian Dog Training Club and a chance for your dog to try its paw at recall and other fun games! Alongside all this doggy fun will be lots of stalls selling pet related plus home and garden wares and food and drinks to suit all tastes. Have you got young children? Then we have fun for them too with BTS Roadshow bringing three giant inflatables plus the Human Hamster balls will be there too. We also have messy play for the little ones thanks to Feoffment Preschool and Nursery.

Most handsome dog

Prettiest bitch

Prettiest eyes

Waggiest tail

Best family dog group (If you have more than one dog, this category is for you…)

Dog owner lookalike

Best doggy trick

Cutest puppy under 18 months old

Golden oldie, any dog over 7 years old! (Human years, not dog years…)

The dog judges’ would most like to take home

Thanks to Unison for sponsoring the hire of Nowton Park for the day allowing the proceeds of the Bury Dog Show to support our orthopaedic wards at West Suffolk Hospital including the fracture clinic. This money really will make a difference to your hospital.

Best young handler aged 6-12 years old

We hope you can join us.

Champion of champions (winners from all classes above)

Best wishes

We also have a sausage dog race courtesy of Mischief Doggy Daycare in Mildenhall so if you have a little dachshund make sure you enter

We even have a special guest as Dr Who’s very own K9 will be joining us on the day along with some of his friends so, as you can see, we really do have a fun day planned with something for everyone.

Sue Smith, Fundraising Manager



If you have any questions about fundraising, any of the events mentioned above or how you can help the hospital, please contact or call 01284 712952 12 | JULY 2017



Join us for the 3rd dog show as we take over Nowton Park in Bury St Edmunds •

Craft stalls • Pet Stalls • Food & Drink • Fun for the kids • Dog agility and displays 12 classes + rosettes • Tail Trail • Mischief’s Dachshund Dash Admission £5 Children £2.50 Family £12

Raising money for the Arthrose Appeal JULY 2017 | 13


Moreton Hall Community Centre

14 | JULY 2017


JULY 2017 | 15


W hat’s been happening at...

HARDWICK Primary School We welcomed back pupils and staff to the second half of the summer term to a heatwave and doing our best to keep cool in the classrooms! Our “Healthy Living Week” gave the opportunity to develop pupils understanding of what it means to be active, fit and healthy. Activities included archery, rock climbing, orienteering and outdoor games. Following this a very enjoyable sports day was held with children and parents entering into the spirit of the day – Blue Team winning the EYFS/ KS1 competition and Red Team the Key Stage Two. It is another busy time for our curriculum led educational visits, KS1 to Hedingham Castle with years 3 and 4 visiting Colchester Castle; in addition Year 4 are taking part in the County Music Celebration Day at the Apex, Year 6 the Crucial Crew event at the West Suffolk College and EYFS holding an Outdoor Explorer Day. We wish our sports teams and individual success in forthcoming challenges, the Netball County Finals and County Gymnastic Competition while the Football Club are hosting tournaments at the school across the year groups as well as attending other schools for their events. In school years 3 and 4 have held their class assemblies and we

16 | JULY 2017

have held Phonics Screening Week for Year 1 and some Year 2 pupils. We look forward to the Upper Key Stage 2 production and the FoHPS are holding the annual Summer Fayre and School Disco at the end of term. In a new initiative we look forward to meeting parents as, following listening to feedback, we are changing the format of this year’s end of year school report, offering an additional summer consultation with class teachers to discuss progress and attainment and discuss the content of the report. Finally we sadly will be saying farewell to two of our longest serving teachers at the end of term. Mrs Grover to be the new Early Years lead at Thriplow Primary School and Mr Tottie joining Sebert Wood Primary as assistant head teacher. I am sure pupils, parents and carers past and present will wish them well and congratulate them on their new roles. The retirement of one of the schools most stalwart employees has also been celebrated with a special party. Behind the scenes for some 33 years has been the dedicated and reliable cleaner Linda Bedwell, a guard of honour was held as she finally hung up her mop and duster to put her feet up. We thank her for such loyal service. Daryl Jones – Head teacher Andy Abbott – Vicechairman of Governors

Sybil Andrews Academy


The ‘firsts’ keep coming at school as spotlight shines on music and sport I write this as the town of Bury St Edmunds enjoys something of a heatwave with temperatures reaching 30C. Perfect beach weather but something that could pose understandable challenges in the classroom. I am delighted to say that with sensible precautions and understanding on the part of the teaching staff and commendable spirit among students, there remains a strong educational atmosphere around the school.

9 students and our cheerleading squad will be taking its place in Bury’s Got Talent at the end of June – at the same time as we will be hosting our very first ever school summer production entitled ‘A Medley of Shakespeare’. If the rehearsals are anything to go by, the audience is in for a real treat. We will soon be having out first transition process for next year’s Year 7 students and we will be using existing students to tell them all about Sybil Andrews Academy, the school building, our ethos and values.

It is particularly apt that our first mini-heatwave is upon us as the ‘firsts’ are continuing to come, both looking back and looking forward!

Next month sees our first sports day on 12th July and a sports awards ceremony on 20th July just before the start of the summer holidays.

For starters, we held our first mock general election to coincide with the General Election. This was a great way to get young people engaged with politics and democracy and was a huge success.

We were also delighted to welcome the Crafty Foxes into the school. This was part of a partnership with the excellent Bury in Bloom and saw students create planters from general household recycling.

But the firsts don’t stop there. We have just had out first trip to France for Year 8 and Year

Andy Prestoe, Principal, Sybil Andrews Academy JULY 2017 | 17


July in the woods


oodland Ways was very pleased with the results of our bee orchid survey last month at Natterer’s Wood with nearly six hundred found. This species will rejuvenate and re-colonise if the right conditions are present and can be found across Moreton Hall. Bee orchids are still common, but in decline because of the loss of our chalk grasslands, so we are delighted to see this proliferation. Other wild flowers are thriving at Natterer’s Wood. Every year we cut and lift the hay and every year there is less grass, allowing the wild flowers space and sunlight and helping a greater diversity of species. This year there are huge swathes of white daisies, this simple yet perfect bloom, the ‘day’s eye’, is probably most symbolic of a wild flower meadow. At the field margins, in the longer grass, you can see Goat’s Beard, or Jack-goto-bed-at-noon, the delightful old nickname for this member of the dandelion family

refers to its habit of blooming only in the morning. The striking, goblet shaped buds open to reveal a bright yellow flower against a star of green leaves, or bracts. You can also find the deep sky-blue of bird’s-eye speedwell, and the purple blue of self-heal flowers, with their striking bronze foliage, the twining, climbing purple vetch, and, along the edge of the footpath, the tall bobbing lilac blue pincushion heads of field scabious, delicate and beautiful above its grey-green lance shaped leaves. Above and amongst all these blues, you might be lucky enough to see a blue butterfly, the common blue favours this type of grassy habitat and the brightly coloured males can be seen working industriously around the meadow, the pretty yellow and orange pea like flowers of the common yellow trefoil are its food plant of choice.

Join us at Woodland Ways... Why not join in with a Woodland Ways work party to help improve the Moreton Hall woods? No experience is needed and all are welcome; we’ll show you what to do. For more information please see, see the Woodland Ways noticeboard in the Community Centre, contact Nick Sibbett on 01284 723847 or email Follow Woodland Ways on Twitter @NatterersWood 18 | JULY 2017

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What to expect from a Massage My name is Sam Hendricks and I am a massage therapist certified in Swedish, Aromatherapy and Sports massage. I am a member of the Federation of Holistic Therapists and a mobile massage therapist in London with Soothe. In my previous articles I covered the following questions, What is a mobile massage? and What are the benefits of massage? Today I am going to answer the question: What can I expect from a massage appointment? First, your therapist will have a consultation with you covering your medical history and your expectations for your massage. Your therapist will then explain your massage session. Please note that all conversation is strictly confidential. Your safety and privacy are top priorities. What can I expect as far as covering, also called draping? You will be draped with a towel, sheet or blanket in most massages. (Hawaiian Lomilomi is slightly different, but I will address that the next time when we discuss the various types of massages). During the massage the therapist will only uncover one part of the body at a time, the part that is being massaged. The rest of your body will remain covered. What you wear underneath the cover is up to you. Most people wear their knickers or nothing at all, the choice is yours. Your private areas will never be exposed.

Do -Please do communicate. If the pressure is too light or hard, music is too loud, the room too cold or warm. Please let me know. I appreciate any feedback. I want you to have the best experience possible. Please note that drifting off is absolutely OK. In fact, during a relaxing massage it is a form of compliment.

Do not - If possible do not rush after the massage. Relax. Take the time to see how your body feels both immediately after the massage and sometime after. -Please cancel your appointment if under the weather or under the influence of drugs or alcohol.

SAM HENDRICKS Mobile Massage Therapist

Etiquette: -Shower in the morning or prior to your massage. -Try not to eat for at least 60 minutes before and after massage. -Turn off your phone or put it in silent mode. Massage is all about relaxation. It is YOUR time! -Leave jewelry at home or secure it in your purse. Do not wear during the massage. -Talk as little or as much as you want. Everything said is said in strict confidentiality. As your massage therapist I want you to relax. This is your time. You can be as silent or as talkative as you prefer. Either way is great.

20 | JULY 2017

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footforward JULY 2017 | 21


Summer is here! A few general tips to make the summer sunshine more enjoyable for those living with Lymphoedema and Lipoedema.

sprays are available or just fill a spray bottle with chilled water. A hand held fan, battery or hand powered, can also help.

Avoid exposing the affected area to heat and sun, which can cause inflammation, so protect your skin from the sun by covering up with clothes or wearing sun cream with a SPF of at least 30. Best to use SPF sun cream AND insect repellent before any exposure to the sun. Don’t forget you can still burn through your compression hosiery. Some patients find applying sun cream before putting on their compression garments helps.

Always wear your compression garment when travelling by air and move about as much as is possible. It’s important to discuss any air travel plans with your Lymphoedema Practitioner first.

Never use a sunbed! Whilst in a car or sitting in direct sunlight do ensure that the affected limb is covered. Do use insect repellent to help prevent insect bites as they can lead to inflammation and infection. If you’re stung on, or near, the affected area do make sure you treat straight away with an antiseptic solution/wipe. You’ll need to seek further medical advice if the area becomes red, hot and experience painful along flu symptoms. Avoid extreme temperature as too much heat can increase swelling of the affected limb(s). Avoid using saunas, hot tubs and steam rooms and don’t sit too close to heat sources such as bar-b-ques and outdoor heaters. Using a cool spray on your compression garment can help cool the affected limb and yourself. Many branded cooling

22 | JULY 2017

A lot of tips but do enjoy the summer! Further information and tips can be found on the websites detailed below. LSS 2017 Diary Dates – Monday 10th July, 11th September, 23rd October and 4th December. 7pm – 9pm at at Moreton Hall Community Centre. Do come along and find out more about living with and managing Lymphoedema and Lipoedema. Further details about LSS and the West Suffolk Alliance Lymphoedema Service: WSALS (c/o Suffolk GP Federation CIC): 0345 or 0845 2413313 (choose option 3) - click on Clinical Service tab For further details on Lymphoedema and Lipoedema: British Lymphology Society website Lymphoedema Support Network (LSN) website - Macmillan website Talk Lipoedema

Inspiring women to ride for fun and fitness with HSBC UK Breeze




A British Cycling initiative set up to take women out on a guided cycle ride. The idea is to get more women out on bicycles.



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JULY 2017 | 23



The 19th hole, a place for golf tips, reviews and everything golf related.

Welcome back to the 19th hole for the July edition – This month is THE OPEN CHAMPIONSHIP EDITION. This year The Open is hosted by Royal Birkdale, this great tournament always proves to be one of the toughest tests with the draw and the weather always playing it is part in the outcome. Royal Birkdale, situated in the North West coast in Southport. Birkdale is regarded as one of the finest golf courses in England. It has held numerous national and international tournaments since its opening, this years Open Championship will just add to that great list. Feature Hole: PAR 3 - 7th HOLE The windswept seventh tee is the closest point to the beach and looks out to sea across the high dunes of a nature reserve. Padraig Harrington describes the par 3 7th hole at Royal Birkdale as “A normal, medium-length five/ six iron. But for such a simple hole it causes a lot of problems. It hits above it’s weight”. Colin Montgomerie adds, “The way that hole plays is interesting, You have to control the ball in the air, how you can shape it.” The winner of this years Open Championship will as always need to over come whatever the British weather can throw at them throughout the four days of competition. Whether its wind and rain or firm and fast conditions or a combination of all of these one thing is for sure the winners game will have been tested to its maximum to win this historic tournament. Open Champion 2017 Ok, so its that time where I make a prediction of who I think is going to win this years Open Championship. I am going to stay with the player I thought would win The Open at the start of the year, this player is an amazing shot maker and has the ability to win this tournament after coming close before. I am picking this years Masters Champion, Sergio Garcia. He has proved to himself now that he can get over the line in a major, now its time to add a claret jug to his green jacket.

Coaches Corner – The ground is your friend! This month we are going to focus on short game, and how you see the competitors using lower running chip and pitch shots at The Open Championship this month. The PGA life 365 coaches below are showing you how to play that style of chip and pitch shot, with a few adjustments to your set up you can add another style of shot to your short game collection. Our advice at PGA life 365 is to keep all things in golf as simple as possible, for us if your thinking about set up and mechanics then you will find it a lot harder to perform to your potential out on the golf course. Set Up: Simply we would like to see you make a stance that is relaxed and comfortable for you to be able to play from. We also like to see your feet closer together to limit speed throughout these shots. Tip: Feel like you’re in your address position for your putting action. Club Selection: Your club selection at times can be made for you as the shot that your facing requires you to avoid an obstruction. However, for these shots we would like you to select a club that will flight the ball a short distance and allow the ball to run towards the hole. Allowing the ground to be your friend. This type of shot allows you to have more control than a lofted shot, you can look and judge the areas on which the ball will run before hitting the shot. You will see these lower running style shots played a lot at The Open this month due the weather and ground conditions the players will face throughout the week. Try these shots out in practice and give yourself another option when your next out playing. If you are still struggling with your short game after this, or any other part of your game then I would be pleased to assist you in enjoying this game more. If you quote MHD or SGD when booking your first lesson with me then you will receive £5 off, below are my contact details please don’t hesitate to contact me.

Adam Trett

The Suffolk Golf and Country Club Email: Facebook: ADT Golf Coaching 24 | JULY 2017


Kids Aerial Hoop Our speaker for June was the actor Brian Thurlow who entertained us with the story of Billy Jackson, from Bethnal Green. Brian was dressed as a Pearly King and started us off singing “We‘ll Meet Again”. It all started in 1939 and he described London life with his parents, sister and an Auntie next door. With the 2nd World War pending Billy and his sister were sent to a Suffolk farm as evacuees. This was certainly a life changing experience but better than being in the London Blitz. It set us all imagining how difficult life must have been for the family especially with Dad going to war and Mum working in a factory but his talk also provided some funny stories to lighten the mood. Moreton Hall WI meets on the 1st Wednesday of the month (except for August) at the Community Centre and if anyone is interested the first visit is free.


Spaces Available

After School Classes & School Holiday Workshops

Safe Learning Environment Small Class Numbers Great Fun & Super Active Friendly & Welcoming

Visit our website for more information and get in touch to register. Find us at JULY 2017 | 25


Over the course of time we have welcomed many interesting speakers from a variety of disciplines. Speaker presentations play an important role in our monthly meetings. Members are drawn in by them, like to interact with them, question them and like to take something away from them, that may help them day-to-day. So it is to our members that we look to for suggestions and try our utmost to accommodate them. Our monthly meetings are alternated throughout the year– every other one is for a speaker that is a health care professional or other professional who help those in pain. Those in-between are for a speaker of a topical nature and non- pain related. What our members look for is that the speaker can:• Interact well and be entertaining • Hold their attention • Be informative • Be easy to understand • Have a good personality • Relate to them • Give encouragement • Be someone who understands their problems Members expect to gain knowledge and relevant information from each presentation delivered. Each one is followed by an opportunity to ask questions and to chat with people over refreshments.

26 | JULY 2017

We are looking for speakers in interesting and informative subjects; our members have expressed an interest in the following topics:Emergency services Flower arranging Gardening History of Bury St Edmunds Mindfulness Palliative care Reflexology Training assisted dogs The 1960’s WW2 If you are someone or know of someone that is knowledgeable in any of these topics or if you are someone who has a specialist subject you would like to share with us please contact us on 07724 187774 or email info@ Our next meeting on Thursday 20th July is all about dance and the fun ways in which you can enjoy it and relate to it, even when in pain. The facilitator leading the session is someone who is likeminded to ourselves so fully understands how we feel and how it can affect our lives day-to-day. You are welcome to come along and join in at 2pm at Southgate Community Centre in Bury. We look forward to seeing you there!




he Importance of drinking water...

Did you know that our body is composed mostly of water which needs replenishing regularly like any other nutrient. Our muscles are 75% water and our brains are over 80%. These are two key factors in our performance, so they require optimal resources to function at their highest potential.

dehydration and reaching for a glass of water or two is a much healthier alternative to coffee or fizzy drink stimulants. The immune system will also be depressed when it lacks water, so we are more likely to catch a cold or the flu when we are weakened by dehydration.

Many people confuse thirst for hunger so it is a good habit to respond to that first “hunger” signal with a glass of water and see if you are still hungry afterwards. Water can act as an appetite suppressant by distending the abdomen, which then sends the message of fullness to the brain.

So How Much Water Should I Drink???

There are immediate symptoms of dehydration, which include dry skin, constipation, fatigue and headaches. There are many disease conditions that result from long-term dehydration since all the body’s systems are dependent on adequate water intake, making the consequences of dehydration endless. Most mid-afternoon energy slumps can be attributed to

As a general rule I will ask my clients to aim for between 2 - 2.5 litres of water a day, the volume will be different from client to client depending on genes, current water consumption and current fitness levels. If the body is not used to handling this much water, it will need some time to adjust to the increased volume. Build your water consumption over a period of 2-4 weeks. Paul Chek and Charles Poliquin who I learn from, have more specific calculations on how to work out the exact amount of water you should consume a day. If you would like me to work this out for you feel free to contact me.

If you have any questions you would like to ask please do not hesitate in asking. Joe Sadler Personal Trainer M: 07917 714557 E:

JULY 2017 | 27

Summer is here! So if you’re heading to the beach, don’t forget these essential items...

Tote Bag £15 from Sequin Floppy Hat £8 from George at ASDA White Jewel Flip Flops £4 from Tesco F&F Fashion Beach Towel £7 from Primark Suntan Lotion Factor 50 £7.99 from Superdrug Sunglasses £1 from Primark Waterproof Speaker £3.99 from Amazon Sun Protection Lip Balm £1.99 from Boots 28 | JULY 2017


Conservatories Conservatories and and Windows Windows

Established Established 1987 1987

Visit Visitus: us: Email: Tel: Tel: 01284 01284 760345 760345 Langleys conservatories and windows have been providing quality Langleys conservatories and windows have been providing quality installations around the Bury StSt Edmunds area since 1987. pride installations around the Bury Edmunds area since 1987.We We pride ourselves onon having a huge range of of high quality products allall installed byby ourselves having a huge range high quality products installed our own highly trained teams of of installers. our own highly trained teams installers.

House House extensions extensions and and summer summer rooms rooms ● full ● full design, design, planning planning and and building building control control service service ● Tailored ● Tailored toto your your requirements requirements

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JULY 2017 | 29

Birthday? Anniversary? Wedding? Retirement? By Maria Broadbent, Restaurateur Just some of the events along with wakes, christenings & engagement parties we get asked to look after. I say ‘look after’ rather than cater for - as for me there is a huge difference between the two.

My passion for people is matched only by my passion for food and of course good wine! We offer an entirely personal service for our client whether you are having the event in our restaurant, in your own home, at your business premises or at a venue. Whatever the get together is you are planning – it is essential to decide what your budget is. Most caterers and event co-ordinators need this information first. The other major consideration for a private function is how do you want your event to feel. Fun? Formal? Classy? Trendy? If you are a business, then my question is always ‘what do you need your event to achieve?’ Increased sales? Staff retention? Recruitment? Customer loyalty? With these basics it is very easy then to organise all elements of the event. If you don’t have to organise functions on a regular basis this can become quite stressful. We can take the strain!

From a very simple cold platter collection – you can organise the rest. Up to a fully catered and staffed event including absolutely everything you can think of plus importantly all those things you haven’t thought of. So whether it is a picnic for a proms in the park or a full blown James Bond style event with a casino, ice sculptures and cocktails – we can leave you to focus on having a good time. For a D-I-Y party here is a helpful crib sheet – the basics Food – including serving plus plates, napkins, cutlery and washing up Drink – include glasses, ice, chilling and an area to serve – be clear if people need to bring a bottle and whether it is a free or paying bar. Do you need to hire a bar? Music – a predetermined play list ensures that no-one hijacks the music! Toilets – signage, extra loo roll and air freshener Lighting – not too bright but safely lit Tables and chairs – if formal please do a seating plan if informal and you want guests to circulate have too few chairs! Parking – where can people park safely – and till when Taxis – make sure guests have your postcode and house number Invitations – include dress code and if you don’t want hangers-on, state an end time Smokers – ashtrays or buckets with sand Clear down – plenty of bin liners, washing up liquid and tea towels!

OPENING HOURS: Monday CLOSED. Tuesday - Thursday 11.30am-8.30pm (Food served 11.30am-3pm & 5.30pm-8.30pm) Friday 11.30am-10.30pm (Food served 11.30am-9.30pm) Saturday 10am-11pm (Food served 10am-9.30pm) & Sunday 10am-5pm (Food served 10am-4pm).



WINE & FOOD WEEKEND July 21st – 23rd Friday 21st

Wine tasting 5.30pm – 8.30pm | £25 Over 50 wines to try plus ticket includes £20 towards a mixed case of wine and £5 toward food

Saturday 22nd

Wine pairing brunch 10am prompt | £20 A selection of brunch dishes paired with wines Wine tasting 11.30am – 4pm | £15 Over 40 wines to try plus ticket includes £20 towards a mixed case of wine & £5 toward food

Sunday 23rd

Free flowing Prosecco/Bloody Mary brunch 10am11.30am | £20 Selection of brunch dishes with Prosecco/Bloody Mary Open day 12noon-4pm Live music – paella – BBQ – Stalls – cookery demos – casual wine tastings

98 Risbygate Street | Bury St Edmunds | IP33 3AA TO BOOK CALL 01284 701313 or EMAIL To wine a pair of tickets worth £50 to the wine tasting answer the following question? How many bottles are there in a magnum? Email answers to

follow us: casadelmarbse

98 Risbygate Street, Bury St Edmunds, Suffolk IP33 3AA. Tel. 01284 701313. Email:

JULY 2017 | 31



Luxury Accommodation The Fox Inn is a 15th-century Inn located on Eastgate Street within easy walking distance of Bury St Edmunds Town Centre. Boasting 6 beautiful boutique rooms situated in the converted historic barn, it makes a truly luxurious break without having to travel too far! With excellent food on offer serving breakfast, lunch and dinner daily, treat yourself to an evening in the Fox!

Serving delicious home cooked breakfasts OPEN DAILY from 7am Monday – Friday and 8am Saturday and Sunday Food Served from Breakfast until 10pm except on Sundays when served until 8.30pm


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JULY 2017 | 33



ast year I participated in a macaron class in the ICE Cook School and enjoyed the experience so much, I have been really looking forward to trying something else there. I like to cook and entertain at home but struggle for inspiration so I was thrilled when I discovered I could go along and learn some easy entertaining recipes and tips. I, along with 11 of my friends, went on a Wednesday evening to a demonstration by Scott, one of main chefs at the cook school.

We were greeted in the shop area, which is a foodie’s dream; with all the professional equipment and ingredients you could ever need, and were offered teas and coffees before we went through. The cook school does not have a license to serve alcohol but they are happy if you want to bring

34 | JULY 2017

a bottle yourself to enjoy whilst there. Of course with an offer like that, it’s hard to say no! Once everyone had arrived, we were taken through to the amazing demonstration kitchen and shown to our seats which were arranged around the demonstration area.

Scott was very charming, instantly putting us all at ease by introducing himself and giving us all a short potted history of the business and himself. Everyone there has a background working as a chef in some excellent restaurants so the knowledge and experience on offer is very impressive. The staff there are also so friendly and approachable, you don’t feel daunted to speak to them and ask questions, in fact the main ethos of the business (which comes through very strongly) is about the sharing of knowledge and experience – there’s no ‘secret ingredients’ here!!


Scott started off his demonstration with 3 canape ideas – quail egg scotch eggs, gazpacho and a delicious tomato/olive salad with goat’s cheese curd. He explained in detail each process as he demonstrated with exact timings on the eggs, the best ingredients to use and professional tips to help us get it just right when we tried it at home for ourselves. We were then able to sample each dish and they were all delicious. I am not a fan of goat’s cheese normally but, combined with the tomatoes it really worked and it is certainly something I look forward to making for my own guests this summer. Next up was venison with chocolate and raspberry with mini potatoes roasted in lamb dripping. I did wonder about the combination of the meat with the chocolate and raspberry but it worked really well and was faultlessly delicious. We were told what cuts to ask for when purchasing the meat and how to complete the dish to give it

that professional presentation. Again, we were all given a plate to sample. To finish off we were shown how to make a lemon tart. Lemon tart is one of my personal favourite desserts so I was pleased to be able to learn to make my own. Again and unsurprisingly, it was fantastic and we were not disappointed. The experience

you get when visiting ICE is first class. Every detail has been covered. I have already booked a private ICE bar lunch for my birthday in September which I am very excited about so watch this space… Thank you so much Scott and team at ICE for the fantastic evening.

Cat Dube x

JULY 2017 | 35


Griddled chicken with

36 | JULY 2017


h quinoa Greek salad sponsored by

A light dish of grilled chicken fillets and authentic salad with Kalamata olives, feta cheese, tomato and mint

Method: Ingredients: 225g quinoa 25g butter 1 red chilli, deseeded and finely chopped 1 garlic clove, crushed 400g chicken mini fillets 1½ tbsp extra-virgin olive oil 300g vine tomato, roughly chopped handful pitted black kalamata olives 1 red onion, finely sliced 100g feta cheese, crumbled small bunch mint leaves, chopped Juice and zest ½ lemon

Cook the quinoa following the pack instructions, then rinse in cold water and drain thoroughly. Meanwhile, mix the butter, chilli and garlic into a paste. Toss the chicken fillets in 2 tsp of the olive oil with some seasoning. Lay in a hot griddle pan and cook for 3-4 mins each side or until cooked through. Transfer to a plate, dot with the spicy butter and set aside to melt. Next, tip the tomatoes, olives, onion, feta and mint into a bowl. Toss in the cooked quinoa. Stir through the remaining olive oil, lemon juice and zest, and season well. Serve with the chicken fillets on top, drizzled with any buttery chicken juices. JULY 2017 | 37


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JULY 2017 | 39 DECEMBER 2015 | 39


Blue Cheese & Apple Burger Ingredients:


750g quality minced chuck steak

Make the burgers at least an hour before you want to cook them. Divide the mince into 4 portions and work each ball in your hands for a few minutes to melt the fat and mould them into a relatively smooth, round patty. Make them slightly bigger than your bun, as they will shrink when cooked.

1 soft round lettuce 1 punnet of cress 2 Braeburn or Cox apples 120 g blue cheese olive oil 6 burger buns American mustard

Pop them on a tray, cover with clingfilm and chill in the fridge. When you’re ready to cook your burgers, get your toppings ready. Pick off, wash and spin dry the lettuce leaves, cut your cress, slice the apples, crumble the blue cheese into chunks, and leave everything to one side. Preheat your grill to high. Pop a large non-stick frying pan over a medium heat and add a drizzle of oil to the pan. Fry the burgers for around 4 minutes on each side if you like them pink in the middle, or longer if you prefer them fully cooked, seasoning the patties with black pepper as you cook them. Halve and toast the buns under the grill or on a hot griddle, then line them up on a board ready to go. When the burgers are cooked, top each with the blue cheese and pop under the grill for a couple of minutes until nice and oozy. Now build your burgers. First layer the salad leaves and apple onto the buns, followed by a good drizzle of mustard.

40 | JULY 2017

Pop the burgers on, and top with the cress (a cucumber and chilli relish is great here too). Squish the bun tops on and serve straight away.


RudlingsWakelam Solicitors

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Endure 24

BY ANDREW SOUTHWOOD “I am categorically, absolutely never, going to do this again…ever.”


hose were the words that left my mouth as my broken shell of a body slouched on a rickety camping chair, sipping the world’s sweetest cup of coffee, 10 minutes after finishing Endure24: a nonstop 24hour running race.

on to my partner who ran, and then he passed back to me… repeat. You would not believe how long that 45 minutes is when you are running, and conversely, how quickly it goes when you are trying to recover before running again.

I have no idea how I agreed to it, but it was 11:59am and I’d found myself on the start line of the UK’s biggest endurance race wondering what on earth I was doing.

At first it was hard to keep the pace down, to conserve energy, but after about 4 laps each, keeping the pace down was certainly not an issue. We had to eat, so we did a double lap each to ‘earn’ a 90 min rest for the other partner. Eat a burger, drink a protein shake, lie motionless on your back and then all too soon it’s time to get up and start running again.

It’s a fairly basic idea. Run as many loops of the 5 mile cross country trail as you can in 24 hours. Stop for a rest if you like, but the clocks always ticking. Enter as a pair or as team/relay of various sizes. I ran as a pair – possibly the most ridiculous category. Essentially I ran for 40-50 minutes, passed the baton 42 | JULY 2017

During the night its head torch time. Running through parks and woodland, watching your footing, fighting your

own mental and physical battles. Then at last, the sun sneaks up. Wow, those early morning loops were incredible. The end was in sight and the stunning English landscape in full morning sun gave us a huge boost, just when we needed it. By the end our bodies were clearly suffering. Mainly craving proper food – rejecting anymore energy bars or gels. Post race I probably devoured 8 full meals within 24 hrs, such was the calorie deficit. For the record, my partner and I managed 25 laps between us, which tallies up to 125 miles. Not bad for a weekend jog. Meanwhile, a week on and I must confess, I’ve had a little tiny peek online to see when entry opens for the 2018 race. Some people never learn.


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JULY 2017 | 43



FOREST SCHOOL • At St Edmund’s Primary School we are delighted that our Forest School area is now fully equipped to provide outdoor learning right in the heart of Bury St Edmunds. We offer our reception and KS1 pupils an outdoor experience to enable them to become independent learners, and increase their confidence and team building skills in a ‘woodland’ environment. They are able to take part in a full range of activities, such as den building, learning about wildlife, tree climbing, whittling and cooking on open fires where they learn to assess risk in a safe environment. This can lead to healthier lifestyles and a life-long love of outdoor spaces.

We would like to share this wonderful opportunity with our wider community. If you are associated with a community group, would be interested in taking advantage of our Forest School site, spending a morning or afternoon with us and one of our Forest School trained staff and would like to experience what we have to offer please contact the school office on 01284 755141 or to nyone aged 6 and over! enquire about further details.


Covering over 600sq m our laser arena is one of the biggest in the UK and Europe, spanning 5 levels! We are the st centre in the UK to install the state of the art ‘Helios Pro LaserTag System’ supporting up to 30 players. Membership allows you to track all your games history, scores and achievements and offers exclusive discounts, member nights and events!

Stuck with what to do on a rainy day AS WELL AS LASER TAG THERE IS in the school holidays? Pop along PLENTY MORE TO DOto ....

Mini Bowling Alley Air3 Hockey Planet Laser andforenjoy unlimited laser •for hours Unlimited Amusement Arcade • Pool Table Christmas for only £12pp.Holidays Book Now disappointment! Youto canavoid even refuel and refresh in our

OW 0!


very own Cafe Lunar after all the fun!

NUARY - SMALL SOFT PLAY AREA AIMED AT PRE-SCHOOL NEW THIS SUMMER - Teddy CHILDREN* Mountain *Check our Website and Facebook for launch date. Design your own Teddy here! Located behind the Fiat Desira Garage,


WesternWay, Buryavailable St Edmunds to IP33book 3SP from September! PLUS Teddy Mountain Parties Formore moreinfo. information or to make a Go to our website for booking please call the Planet Laser team on 01284 220102 01284 220102 |


Located behind the Fiat Desira Garage, Western Way, Bury St Edmunds IP33 3SP 44 | JULY 2017


Every month I share a crafty activity to try at home. I’m Michelle and I own the crafty foxes. I run adult and children’s workshops, children’s crafty parties, after school clubs, hen-dos and a wedding/events mobile crafty creche. If you like this column you might like my kids club, held on the last Saturday of every month upstairs in Denny Bros. See for more information

Todays make is dream catcher. Believed by American Indians to give the owner good dreams. You will need a plastic bangle, a handful of coloured feathers and beads and some coloured string, embroidery thread or wool • Tie the wool around the bangle and tie a knot • Wrap the wool all the way around the bangle covering it completely until you get back to the start. • Change to a different coloured wool and tie a knot again. Make a pattern, similar to a spiders web. On the final wrap thread a few beads onto the wool and then tie off using another knot. This will be the web to catch your bad dreams • Tie a feather to piece of wool and attach from the bottom of the dream catcher. Repeat another 2 times so you have 3 feathers hanging. • Tie some ribbon or wool to the top to give you something to hang it with.

JULY 2017 | 45

IN !


W 1

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8 9



ww This month Stephen John

11 12 13


15 16

lawson | bury st ed Salon haveplace kindly sponsored this months Crossword. Offering a FREE Hair Cut & Style with Gareth, their Salon Manager!

*Terms & Conditions apply.


17 19 20



22 ACROSS 1. Cries (4) 3. Formal meal (8) 9. Cigar (7) 10. Outstanding (of a debt) (5) 11. Made poor (12) 13. Persuasive and logical (6) 15. Liquid container (6) 17. And also (12) 20. Rule (5) 21. Child‘s room (7) 22. Make impossible (80 23. Look after (4) NAME: ADDRESS:

DOWN 1. Concise (8) 2. Short high tone (5) 4. Speaks (6) 5. Long athletics race (5-7) 6. Distinguished (7) 7. Near (4) 8. In accordance with general custom (12) 12. Childlike (4-4) 14. Resembling a deity (7) 16. Intend (anag) (6) 18. Feudal vassal (5) 19. Plant yield (4)

Good Luck!

EMAIL ADDRESS: TEL NO: Closing Date for entries is July 17th 2017. Winner will be notified by telephone. 46 46 || JULY JULY 2017 2017

Please post entries to us at: Crossword Competition, Bury St Edmunds Directories, Unit 11, Barton Road Retail Park, Bury St Edmunds, IP32 7BE

JULY 2017 | 47

DriveBury BurySt StEdmunds Edmunds Drive

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Dudd Dudd Have Have

Official Government Test Environmental Data. Fuel consumption figures mpg Official Government Test Environmental Data. Fuel consumption figures mpg ecoFLEX: Urban: 41.5 (6.8), Extra-urban: 65.7 (4.3), Combined: 54.3 (5.2). CO2 emiss ecoFLEX: Urban: 41.5 (6.8), Extra-urban: 65.7 (4.3), Combined: 54.3 (5.2). CO2 emiss #Fuel consumption information is official government environmental data, tested in accordance with the relevant EU directive. Official EU-re

#Fuel consumption technical factors. information is official government environmental data, tested in accordance with the relevant EU directive. Official EU-re technical factors.


Packedwith withstylish stylishfeatures featuresand andbags bagsof ofattitude. attitude. Packed Booknow nowto totake takeititfor foraaspin. spin. Book

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(litres/100km) and CO2 emissions (g/km). Vauxhall Crossland X Elite 1.4i (75PS) (litres/100km) and CO2 emissions (g/km). Vauxhall Crossland X Elite 1.4i (75PS) sions: 120g/km.## sions: 120g/km. egulated test data are provided for comparison purposes and actual performance will depend on driving style, road conditions and other non-

egulated test data are provided for comparison purposes and actual performance will depend on driving style, road conditions and other non-



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Do you have any nearly new or unused items that are of no use to you, other than creating unnecessary clutter? Why not try to recycle them and gather a few extra pounds in the process? Please include: Brief description of the item, the price and your telephone number.


List items FOR SALE free of charge to Moreton Hall and Southgate Residents, email: SOLID WOOD EXTERNAL FRONT DOOR. Under canopy, never exposed to weather. 800mm wide, 1995mm high. Walnut stain inside and out, 5 Lever mortas lock. £25. Buyer to collect. Tel. 01284 760380 ARMITAGE SHANKS WHITE BASIN and pedestal 48.5 cm deep 55cm widest point, 66cm high. Good condition and includes taps. £20. Tel. 01284 760380 CARL LEWIS AIR WALKER £30.00 or near offer. Tel: 01284 706342 TCO-QUALCAST 14” WINDSOR ELECTRIC LAWN MOWER £30 ono. Tel. 01284 704553 CREAM GAZEBO 2.7m x 2.7m with 2 side panels includes storage bag. Only used one. £50. Tel. 07590 267778 TWO METAL LOCKABLE STRONG BOXES appx 10 inches by 15 inches excellent condition £10 for the pair. Tel. 01284 706040 evenings

G PLAN TEAK UNIT in 3 separate sections. H: 187cm W: 91cm D:42cm £30. T. 01284 755397 4 SHELF UNIT by the Royal Oak Furniture Company. H: 122cm W: 70cm D:30cm. £30. T. 01284 755397 2 WICKER CHAIRS suitable for conservatory. £20 each. T. 01284 755397 WHITE SAFETY GATE Open in the middle v.g.c £10. Tel. 07587 084377 or text. LIGHT CANE COFFEE TABLE Glass top. Excellent condition. £40. T. 07587 084377 or text. BLACK LEATHER CHAIR 5 spoke with castors swivel/rise/lower has arms Excellent condition. £40. T. 075870 84377 or text SMALL PEDESTAL LIGHT WOODEN ROUND SIDE TABLE v.g.c £10 o.n.o. T. 07587084377 or text.

Please note that the publisher can take no responsibility for the claims made by sellers regarding the goods for sale, nor are they liable for any claim with regards to the item or any payment transactions between buyer and seller.

JULY 2017 | 51


Pete Austin Electrician e





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wet rooms

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Life as a South Lee pupil... Every month I write about various aspects of the school from my perspective as the headmaster of South Lee School. This month we thought you might like a little insight as to what it is like to be a pupil at the school. We have chosen 3 pupils from all 3 areas of the school - early years (nursery & reception), pre-prep (years 1 - 3) and prep (years 4 - 8) to give you a peek in to what a typical day might look like for them and what they enjoy about being at school.

er Mervyn Watch, Headmast

Reception Pupil Profile Name: Age:



Class Teacher:

Mrs Gisby

Favourite Subject at South Lee School: Favourite Hobby:



Favourite School Dinner:

Mr Gary’s Cheesy Pasta and Fruit Platter Name/breed of favourite pet: I do not have any pets but have 2 brothers! What do you want to be when you grow up? A Policeman or Footballer

JULY 2017 | 53


Life as a South Lee pupil... Year 3 Pupil Profile Name: Age:



Mrs Catchpole Favourite Subject: History Favourite Hobby: Riding Favourite Food: Pizza Name/breed of favourite pet: Lightening my Guinea Pig Ambition: To become a Singer Class Teacher:

Who is your favourite class teacher and why? What is different about South Lee from your old school? What 3 words best sums up South Lee School? What after school clubs do you do? What is your favourite school lunch? What sports do you play? What is your favourite sport? What is your favourite thing that you do at South Lee School? What subject to you enjoy the most? What is the best part of your school day?

54 | JULY 2017


Year 6 Pupil Profile Name: Age:



Mrs Allston Favourite Subject: Art Favourite Sport: Cricket Favourite Club: Tennis Favourite Lunch: Sausage casserole Form Teacher:

r a Year 6 pupil fo y a d l a ic yp t A Lee School: h t ou S t a Wednesday afternoons as it is match day. ation What’s your favourite thing about South Lee:

We do loads more sport than at my last school!

What would you like to be when you grow up?

Ski Instructor Name and breed of Favourite pet:

Willow, Hungarian Vizslar What 3 words sum up South Lee for you:

Sporty, Fun, Friendly

Registr 08.45 ssembly A 5 .5 08 History 09.10 rt A 09.50 rt A 10.30 reaktime B 0 .1 1 1 Latin 11.30 ience Sc 12.10 aktime Science 12.50 nch followed by bre Lu 0 .0 3 1 Drama 1.50 nnis Te 2.30 ome or Tuck Shop H ctivities 3.45 ol Clubs/A After Scho te Prep 4.00 La (optional) 5.00-6.00

JULY 2017 | 55 For further information or to book a visit contact Mrs L. Ronge, Registrar



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Contact us today to discuss transforming your garden space!


The person

behind the Mag...

This month we have our very own...

Managing Director of the PIT Group, a marketing and design agency based on Barton Road, Moreton Hall. And the makers of the Moreton Hall and Southgate Directories… Jeremy Procter How long have you run PIT Group? Well, I’m getting on now so the memory is not what it used to be, but I believe I started the business in Feb 1998, so next year we’ll be celebrating our 20th anniversary.

Tell me about your background? I wasn’t very academic, and considering I spent most of my time at school daydreaming about not being there I was lucky to pass all my exams, but not with the best of grades so my ambition of being the next Topgun fighter pilot was out of the question. I was offered a position at my father’s printing business, initially sweeping floors and generally being a dogsbody but slowly I trained in all aspects of the printing industry and in 1998 I started my own business and never looked back.

So, what led you to where you are now? A great deal of hard work when the business first started, but on the whole fantastic customers and a great team.

58 | JULY 2017

What is the best bit about your job (other than the amazing people you work with of course!!)? Everyday is different. It’s always challenging, but it’s always fun. Marketing, print and design is a business where things move quickly, so we need to keep up with all the latest tech and ways of putting our customers in front of the customers they need to help their businesses to grow.

and the worst?… Simple that one, STRESS…!

When you are not working, what do you enjoy doing? Family time is always the best but I’m pretty sure the wife would tell me different, because I do love my golf and I’m a season ticket holder at Chelsea so I do spend quite a bit of time away. We also have an amazing group of friends that we spend a lot of time with so all in all pretty busy most of the time.

HOME + LIFESTYLE Print In Touch Limited Unit 11, Barton Road Retail Park, Bury St Edmunds, Suffolk IP32 7BE Tel. 01284 765092

Tell us something about yourself that not many people would know… I’ve run the London Marathon twice.

What is your favourite music? I pretty much listen to all different genres, from Stevie Wonder to Oasis to Metallica. I do like Ed Sheeran, we went to see him at the O2 a few weeks ago, local boy done good.

And film?… That would have to be The Shawshank Redemption, could watch that over and over.

What is your biggest achievement to date? My son Joe, also managing to bag my wife.

If you could choose 1 famous person to have dinner with (dead or alive), who would it be and why? Can I have a couple? if so it would be Jose Mourinio fascinating character and Margot Robbie - enough said.

What would you choose to eat at that meal? A big steak. Either a ribeye of fillet, cooked rare or blue.

And drink?… A pint of Peroni followed by several large Gin & Tonics, loads of ice and a splash of lime.

Are you locally born and bred? No, I was born in a small place just north of London called Buntingford.

Where did you go to school? Primary was Culford, Middle school was St James, then onto King Edwards Upper.

JULY 2017 | 59


Nî hõw

that’s how you say hello in Mandarine! I’ve recently learnt this as our school has a mandarine teacher. Sadly, she has to leave to go back to china this year. What languages can you speak?

molly xx


One of my favourite hobbies right now is scrapbooking, I’m addicted! This is a very simple and sentimental idea that doesn’t take very long and isn’t very expensive. My nanny loves photo albums and her collection is growing everyday so a while ago I decided to create an A3 scrapbook! It has loads of pages in and has a black front cover and black pages, can you guess what I put in it? I have put all about my athletics competitions! I have always kept my race numbers and times since I started and have taken quite a few pictures too so I decided to scrapbook it all! In about 20 years time I can look back on it with fond memories, I think it’s just a sweet little idea, it doesn’t take long and can be as in-expensive as you want. It’s also very personal to you so you can have whatever colours and style take your fancy. I personally really like the black look as everything you put in really stands out especially when I write in silver pen in it. You can also create it about whatever you want and however you want! Hope you all make one and if you do... enjoy!!

60 | JULY 2017

Tastyyyy! I do love a good old Starbucks! So many flavours to choose from but which one will you choose? I always find it so hard to choose one especially if there is a que behind me. In the end I always make a right decision and never regret it! The staff are always very lovely in there, and very helpful. Then I have the choice of a cakes, cookies, muffins and flapjacks. My favourite in there is the blueberry muffins with white chocolate chips. That is the one thing that I can decide on without questioning myself. Whilst I’m writing this I could defiantly do with one of the mango fruit coolers, it’s so refreshing and relaxing. Equally I really like the strawberries and cream cooler which again is to absolutely die for. See I’m not even in there and I can’t decide at the minute! I hope you guys agree with me that it’s so hard to decide what to have but I’m gradually getting better the more I go. Hope that you guys go and try something there personally I definitely recommend all of the coolers and the smoothies, hope you enjoy!

Nearly Festival


On Sunday 23rd June, I went to the Abbey Gardens with my family and friends to the Nearly Festival. It was a mini festival with loads of tribute bands ranging from Queen to Oasis. They were all really good and had us up dancing and having a good laugh. There were some great bands playing on the Saturday too by the sound of it. The weather was baking hot but we were lucky to have some shade under a tree! There was plenty of food to choose from that was all priced at around £6 each. I chose some grilled haloumi, a pitta and salad which was the most scrumptious thing ever! It was really family oriented and had a ‘kid zone’ stall where all drinks were only 50p each so it didn’t have to cost a fortune. Me and my brother had quite a few battles on the free inflatables trying to knock each other off our posts! There were other things to do that we had to pay for but it was nice to have some freebies too! I also made a hand cast out of wax, it was by a company called ‘Waxy Hands’. It was so bizarre but we loved it! (You can find Waxy Hands at Stonham Barns or google them) My whole family loved it so I’m sure we’ll be going back again next year, I recommend that you all check it out too!


Hands up if you like netball?!? I definitely do! I play for Jetts, and we train at County Upper on Saturday mornings 9-11. I really enjoy it because it’s a nice way to socialise with others and play netball at the same time. I’ve been doing it for about 5 years now but had a bit of a break in between that. I didn’t know anybody there at the start; but I’ve made some really good friends there. In the summer there’s something called ‘Summer league’ and that means you play one match every night on

Mondays for about 2 months (it really depends how many time there are each year). This year the team I play for are doing really well! We have all improved so much, we were pretty much the same team as last year but the improvement is really good. Our passes are much better and so is the shooting. I really enjoy it so much and will always continue with it! The only sad thing is that I have to cut my nails very short to play it, as the umpires check your nails.

I felt really honoured to be chosen by my school to go back to Sebertwood Primary School (my old school) to help score and encourage at their Key Stage 1 sports day as I am a Sports Leader at Sybil Andrews Academy. It was a bit strange to be back but lovely that so many teachers even remembered my name! The morning was organised by the superb Mrs Harvey and was based on ‘travelling the world’! Each sporting event was set in a different country, I was based in Japan. It was a paired activity where the children had to race and collect cones for points. It was great to see the parents join in too! I hope everyone else enjoyed it as much as I did and well done to the ‘Planes’ team as they were the overall winners of the morning. JULY 2017 | 61


Garden Confidential

by Paul Clarke

What to do in your garden in July... Not sure who once said it but “Deep summer is when laziness finds respectability.” Of course there is a list of gardening jobs to do as long as your arm but it is all too easy to work in the garden and then forget to relax in and enjoy it. So do remember to put your feet up and just watch the birds and listen to the sounds of Summer. If you are looking for some inspiration , to buy a few plants and enjoy visiting gardens then on July 16th from 10am to 5pm there is a Suffolk Nurseries Plant Fair at Fullers Mill Garden at West Stow.

62 | JULY 2017





There are around a 100 species of Abutilons. In the UK as they generally won’t stand a frost it might be best to treat them as annuals or bring them indoors into a conservatory for the winter. Abutilons are wonderful summer flowering shrubs. Lantern-shaped flowers, often in shades of red, orange or yellow. They can be grown outdoors in a warm, sheltered location that is sheltered from cold winds and frost. Treated as an annual the Kentish Belle will grow around 0.5 to 1 metre in height and width. If you have a sheltered spot which has full sun it might survive outdoors and reach 2.5 metres. Bell-shaped flowers with orange and yellow petals. Propagate by seed in spring or by softwood cuttings.



Pauls jobs for the month Flower Garden

their fruit. n Thin out the fruits on your fruit trees to produce good sized crops. This also helps to prevent brown rot. n Tackle blackfly on broad beans n It is best to cut flowers from the by pinching off any affected garden early morning with a sharp growing tips secateurs. They will keep longer if n You can harvest garlic once the you cut at an angle and immerse foliage dies down. straight into a bucket of water or vase. n Pinch out the tips of runner beans when they reach the top n Give your potted plants a makeover. of the canes Remove any weeds and dig out the first 3-6cm of old soil. Replace with n Thin out beetroot seedlings to new compost and the plant will around 5cm apart to ensure benefit from this tonic. your beetroots grow to a decent size n Feed dahlias once a week with a liquid tomato feed. You will need to n If you are growing outdoor stake taller varieties and pinch out tomatoes then it is a good idea the growing tips of smaller types to to cut back the main growing encourage bushy growth stem when you have around 4-5 trusses. n Cut back hardy geraniums with a pair of shears this may just encourage a second flowering n Keep deadheading your roses n Cut back penstemons to just above a bud to encourage more flowers

General Maintenance

n Keep the hoe going ,in dry weather the weeds will die n Keep bird baths topped up n You can prune cherries straight n Look out for aphids and rubb after harvest them off by hand n Mulch rhubarb once the harvesting n Use left over water in a freshly of the stalks is over boiled kettle to trickle over any n Give your gooseberries and currant weeds in your block paving this bushes a prune after harvesting should kill them in a few days

Vegetable and Fruit Garden



n Remove Tree suckers from the base of trees

Lawn Maintenance n Regularly cut the lawn but don’t scalp it instead keep the height of the mower fairly high .

This months poem... “Answer July— Where is the Bee— Where is the Blush— Where is the Hay? Ah, said July— Where is the Seed— Where is the Bud— Where is the May— Answer Thee—Me—”

- Emily Dickinson, Answer July

One-off jobs or regular maintenance on a weekly or monthly basis hedge trimming | grass cutting | general weeding & tidying up

Doing the jobs you don’t have time for... Call me for a quote on

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JULY 2017 | 63


he next time you turn on your dishwasher, washing machine or tumble dryer, stop and think, do I really need to? Remember, you are lining the pockets of the energy companies and increasing your CO2 imprint every time you switch them on, so take a look at our ideas to help you save money and energy.

1 Use an outdoor line or clothes horse instead of your tumble dryer Used 150 times per year for 1 hour, an average 2.5kw tumble dryer costs about £53, but put clothes on line/clothes horse and save £53 (= 176kg of CO2).


2 Run your dishwasher only when totally full Each time you use your dishwasher it costs about 19p. Run half full it still costs 19p! Doing this only once a week for a year would cost you an extra £10 (= 33kg of CO2).


These ideas can save you £££’s! For more ideas on saving money & the environment visit


Reduce the temperature for washing clothes

Do you have Economy 7 electricity?

Look for A++ rated electrical appliances

An A rated machine run on a 40C program will cost about 7p. Use a 30C program and it will cost only 4p. Using the washing machine 5 times per week over 1 year on the lower setting will save about £8 (= 26kg of CO2).

If yes, you can save up to 50% on electricity between 1am and 8am, so why not put your dishwasher on at night. This could save you 10p per dishwasher cycle, saving up to £18 per year (= 61kg of CO2).

An A++ rated tumble dryer may use 230kWh of electricity per annum compared to a C rated model which may use 580kWh. The potential running cost savings per year is around £49 (= 165kg CO2)

EcoFrenzy is a not-for-profit organisation founded by Tony Whittingham and Simon Dry. If you have any queries please visit or email 64 | JULY 2017






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Opening Hours: Monday - Saturday 0800 - 1800 WE ARE CLOSED SUNDAYS

Telephone: 01284 769841 JULY 2017 | 65


New Head Co ach Jon Clarke


It might be the off season for rugby but at Bury St Edmunds Rugby Club life is busier than ever. Following the departure to pastures new after seven years of Director of Rugby Gavin Hogg, new Head Coach Jon Clarke has arrived. The former Northampton Saints player is also joined by a part time Director of Rugby in Kevin Maggs, whose 70 caps for Ireland, years as a premiership player and more recently as a Championship and now national coach for Ireland, means the Suffolk Club is the envy of others in the league for its strong and experienced PRO-AM management team. They alongside, Performance Director Terry Sands have wasted no time in recruiting for the new season with some exciting players new to the books. Three Italians, Federico Silvestri, Daniel Greco and Luca Merolle are joined by former Ipswich RFC star player Tui Uri. Also re-signing are popular Wolfpackers, Luke Palmer, Harry Anderson-Brown, Alex Grey, Shaque Meyers, Will Simpson and Will Affleck.

Federico Silverstri

Harry Anderson Brown

The Club’s Youth Academy, the bridge for young players from youth to senior play, is to be coached by new recruit Dimitri Tonni, who will also be responsible for the external coaching team, who manage the West Suffolk College rugby Academy and coaching within 23 schools in the area. The eagle eyed reader may have also noticed the club’s All Weather Pitch, sponsored by South Lee School, has been refurbished. The new facilities has benefited from a £100,000 resurfacing with latest astro turf, making it the newest in town. Available to hire, it can be booked by emailing or calling Sue Bull on 01284 753920. 66 | DECEMBER 2015


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JULY 2017 | 67


Rougham Control Tower Aviation Museum Echoes of the Past – Sunday August 6th

Please come and join us for this, our main event of the year. Re-enactment groups, craft stalls, military vehicles, classic cars, raffle, ‘mini funfair rides’, trade stands, BBQ, Hog Roast and a few ‘planes flying in to join us. (We still have limited places available, so please get in touch soon). We are looking forward to a great community day, please be there ! 2017 sees the Museum celebrate its 25th Anniversary as a living memorial. After the American service personnel moved out of the airfield (December 1945) the main museum building, the Control tower, became a domestic dwelling. In 1992 historical enthusiasts where allowed the opportunity to restore the building, the beginning of the museum. Twenty five years on and the current enthusiasts are working very hard to continue developing the buildings and the items in the collection. We are looking to increase membership and our requirements for Volunteers. The Museum has many areas that constantly need maintenance, staffing and up-keep.

Can YOU please help?

No special skills needed (but handy to have), just an enthusiasm and a willingness to be involved. A little grass cutting, making coffee, painting a floor, baking a cake, selling merchandise, attending other local Fetes, chatting with visitors – anything else that catches your eye! Our success so far this year has seen veterans; their relatives, friend’s, local businesses, community groups and people who didn’t know we existed visit us. We estimate that 80-90% of people were ‘first-timers’. From Dorset UK, Texas USA, Birmingham UK (by air), New York USA and many more, our visitors book represents many destinations we have had visitors from. A truly International venue. Last months visiting group included 20 Custom Cars. It was a great pleasure to meet drivers and passengers who joined in with tea, coffee and homemade cakes. The previous weekend saw 18 visiting Vintage Piper Aircraft Club members visit the airfield and explore the museum. Our Tea Room did exceptionally well with the BBQ and cakes complementing a very relaxed day. As with all voluntary establishments, it is the VOLUNTEERS that keep us operating. We are a very friendly small bunch of locals who are dedicated to the Museum and its historical memory. WE NEED YOU!!! – Where have we seen that before? YES we would love to have you on board with us. Nothing to strenuous, meet new people, learn local and international history, bring new ideas and contacts, help youngsters see the past – can you help with these and other elements of your local asset? 68 | JULY 2017

YES this is YOUR local Asset – a very special museum – a very special Memorial. Please help us to maintain and develop YOUR Museum. For our latest information we now have a new web site Our e-mail is so please look at our pages and use this new contact. We also have a mobile telephone where messages can be left – we can call you back. 07931 971771 Access is now via Rougham Tower Avenue – past the Sybil Andrews Academy from the Moreton Hall Estate. The road will be open within the next few weeks but access from the Rougham Industrial estate is now closed. Please refer to the local press and our website for current information. OUR DIARY - Please note Fly-In days are subject to the weather conditions. Open – Sundays April 10am – 4pm till 29th October. We are able to offer additional dates and times by appointment. Event main dates - in conjunction with the Airfield (supported by Rougham Estates) and Skyward Flight Training: Sunday 6th August – Museum ‘Echoes of the Past’ This is our main 25th Celebration and will also include an Airfield Fly-In Sunday 17th September – Fly-In ‘Piper Type’ aircraft with the Museum open. For further information please contact us at


Take part in the

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SUMMER FOODIE FUN FOR CHILDREN ICE Cook School launch children’s classes ICE Cook School, based on the Rougham Industrial Estate, just outside Bury St Edmunds, have announced they will be running focused cookery days for children over the summer holidays. Running on Thursdays throughout July and August, the fully interactive half day courses take place between 10am and 1pm and include free refreshments, personalised tuition with the award winning ICE development Chefs, recipe packs and the opportunity to take home everything you make. Children of all ages are welcome to attend as long as they are accompanied by an adult. Each Thursday will focus on teaching a different cookery skill, including baking, pizza, doughnuts and scientific cookery. Scott Taylor, Development Chef at ICE explains: “We often have requests from parents who are looking for different activities to keep their children entertained over the summer holidays, and so we came up with the idea of

70 | JULY 2017

these sessions specifically for parents and children to do something together. They have been really well received – they are great fun and completely interactive, so not only are the children getting involved and learning a new skill but they are also making something they can take away and enjoy at home with friends and family afterwards.”

The ICE children cookery courses cost £40 (which covers one child and one carer) and take place in their fully equipped development kitchen. Dates for the summer holidays are: 25th July – Pizza making 1st August – Baking 8th August – Doughnuts 29th August – Scientific cookery Bookings can be made via the website or by calling 01359 272577.


Grand Opening of Enchanted Learning World The Grand Opening of the new Enchanted Learning World took place on Saturday 10th June 2017 at Moreton Hall Prep School, Mount Road, Bury St Edmunds, IP32 7BJ. The Enchanted Learning World is an exciting and unique outside space where the children can learn in a quirky, exciting, eco-friendly and educationally stimulating environment. Lorna Wakerell, Head of Pre-Prep, who masterminded the project, said ‘As a child I loved reading Enid Blyton’s The Magic Faraway Tree and in that book, every land you visit as a reader opens up a new world to be discovered, and this same belief underpins what we do here at Moreton Hall, everything that children discover in their development and learning opens up a new opportunity.’ The aim of the garden is to expand children’s knowledge and understanding of their world through a much more in depth and broader curriculum. To them it is another exciting day of exploring a learning world, to the parents and teachers it is where firm foundations for a successful lifetime of skills and learning takes place, where imagination is captivated and where children are free to explore ideas. CBBC and Blue Peter’s ‘Skinny Jean Gardener’ Lee Connelly opened the Garden with Jo Churchill, MP and Terry Clements, Mayor of Bury who enjoyed chatting to the staff and parents and of course, meeting our school goats, Lofty and Moreton!. Sam Seymour provided music including accompanying three of our pupils for an impromptu performance of ‘Paddy McGinty’s Goat’ (with a few substituted lyrics) and the Friends of Moreton Hall provided refreshments of Pimms, sandwiches and cake. Headmaster, Chris Moxon said ‘I would like to thank our Head of Pre-Prep, Lorna Wakerell and her group of staff and parent volunteers who have worked so incredibly hard to make this amazing project a reality. We are so delighted to see the children enjoying their education in such a wonderful environment.’

JULY 2017 | 71



VOLUNTEERS NEEDED – Independent Custody Visitors

Ensuring that people in police custody are treated properly is a statutory duty of Tim Passmore, the Police and Crime Commissioner, and he relies on an army of volunteers to help him monitor the welfare of people who are detained in police stations in Suffolk. Tim Passmore is looking for additional volunteer custody visitors to make regular unannounced visits to the Police Investigation Centre in Bury St Edmunds. The volunteers will be required to look, listen and report on their findings to the PCC to ensure that the police are providing the service that is expected of them. Tim Passmore said, “Suffolk has two Police Investigation Centres in Suffolk - one in Bury St Edmunds and one at Martlesham, Ipswich - and we are currently looking to recruit more volunteers for the Bury St Edmunds Panel. I need the overall panel of visitors to be representative of the local community, so I would really encourage interest from younger people and black and minority ethnic residents. We have a great team of custody visitors in Suffolk, who give their time to support this valuable service and I thank them for their commitment which does not always receive the recognition it deserves.” Volunteers are required to attend an initial training session of half a day and then receive training by observing existing visitors until confident in performing the role. Visitors carry out approximately one visit per month (as part of a panel carrying out the weekly visits), there are quarterly panel meetings which are held in the evening and then 1-2 training days/conference per year. The role is voluntary but we do pay expenses for travel costs. Applicants must be over 18 years of age and appointments are subject to police vetting checks and references. Application details are on the PCC’s website: or you can contact us via e-mail: or telephone: 01473 782774.

72 | JULY 2017

DECEMBER 2015 | 43


JULY 2017 | 73


An AnIckworth IckworthSummer Summer An Ickworth Summer

Enjoy Enjoyal alfresco fresco Enjoy al fresco entertainment entertainmentin in the the entertainment in the An Ickworth Summer An evening Ickworth Summer evening dusk dusk of of our our evening dusk of our Enjoy al fresco parkland parkland and andgardens. gardens. Enjoy al fresco parkland and gardens.

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Trust Images.

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Bury St Edmunds

Concert Series 2017 - 2018

Monday 18th September 2017, 7:30pm

Alexandra Vaduva

, Piano Sponsored by the Countess of Munster Recital Scheme

Monday 16th October 2017, 7:30pm

Laura Snowden

, Guitar Sponsored by the Making Music Young Artists Scheme

Monday 20th November 2017, 7:30pm

Alke Quartet

Sponsored by Balaam’s Music

Monday 19th February 2018, 7:30pm

Eblana String Trio

Monday 19th March 2018, 7:30pm

Bella Tromba, Trumpet Quartet All concerts at the Unitarian Meeting House, Churchgate Street, IP33 1RH Membership Subscription £55 (£15 students) for the season of five concerts Membership: Contact Sue Tanner • 01359 230457 • Individual concert tickets: £15 (£5 students) Box Office • Theatre Royal • 01284 769505 • Visit our website: Bury St Edmunds Concert Club - Registered Charity 1050483


WINDOW & DOOR REPAIRS Broken door or window locks & handles Mouldy/misty poly roof sheets l Broken/misty glass units l Yellow/cracked door panels l Letter boxes or cat flaps l Security chains/Spyholes/Knockers l Hinges for doors & windows l Locksmith/Barrel Locks changed


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Good Decisions start with Good Advice Call us now on:

01284 615653 or 07769 704971 76 | JULY 2017


JULY 2017 | 77


Come to the St Edmunds Primary School Summer Fair

Saturday 8th July 2017 12-3pm Come and enjoy our extensive school grounds whilst perusing the stalls, playing a few games or simply sitting and enjoying a cup of tea! Stalls and games will include: BBQ, bar, face painting, Beat the goalie, fresh popcorn, plant stall, money tree, turning water into wine’ stall, lucky dip, bottle tombola, Polish food stall, bikes & trikes course, book stall, tea and coffee and many more!

St Edmunds RC Primary School, Westgate Street, Bury St Edmunds, Suffolk IP33 1QG 78 | JULY 2017


PLAY EAT & DRINK Bury Golf Range l Watching Live Sporting events l A Meal All Day Every Day l Drinks Promotions l Playing Snooker l Pool & Darts l Live Music l Poker & Machines l Function Suite


“For all your golfing needs” • Free Weekend Junior Coaching • Floodlit Driving Range • PGA Golf Tuition • Srixon Range Balls • Power Tees • Tommi Putt Lab • Computer Analysis Tuition Studio • Technology Driven Club Fitting Studio

Open 7 Days a Week Mon-Fri until 9pm Weekends until 5.30pm Eastgate Street •Bury St Edmunds • Tel: 01284 704231

£1 off

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Rushbrooke Lane • Bury St Edmunds • Suffolk IP33 3RR

Tel: 01284 723894

DECEMBER JULY 2015 2017 | 79

in St Mary’s Church

A charity concert by Bury Bach Choir and guest soloists performing without charge. All profits to Samaritans. Specially chosen programme of popular choral classics includes:

Fauré Requiem Fae Evelyn soprano Tom Asher bass James Recknell organ Bury Bach Choir Philip Reed conductor

Saturday 21 October 2017, 7.30pm St Mary’s Church, Bury St Edmunds Tickets £15 from the Apex 01284 758000 or from our website


A Local Ecumenical Partnership between the Church Of England, United Reformed Church and Baptists Together


Our Minister departs Christian Ministry can appear to be a strange form of work to some and at times decisions can appear to be made in strange ways. Allow me to give a brief oversight of the last 37 years. My wife, Audrey and I come from the North East. I was a Biology teacher. At the age of 21 I went to a Christian meeting in Keswick. Things which were said resonated with me and I knew I had a make a decision both to believe in and follow Jesus or to ignore him. Obviously I chose to believe and follow. We moved to Bristol to train for the Baptist Ministry. Three years later I was asked to take a service in Wellingborough. This I did and from this, discussions arose and we moved there. We moved into a church house with an immediate church family. People who would love and care for us. Six years later, we ‘felt’ ( and there’s no easier way to say this) that our time was ending and so I allowed my name to go to a national committee so once again we moved, this time to Mersea Island in North Essex. Here we stayed for almost 20 years. Again it seemed time to move on and following a similar process we moved to Southgate Church in Bury St Edmunds. Each move took us to a new house, a new church family, a group of people who were trying to follow Jesus’ teaching,

Christian Aid annual collection

Thank you so very much for the generous donations totalling £1976.97. A further £221.56 came from Gift Aid, making a grand sum of £2198.53 to help refugees throughout the world. A brilliant result from the 28 collectors who pounded the streets meeting so many lovely people on the doorstep. Christine Dutton.

For further details please contact Jackie Tooley o 82 | JULY 2017

CHURCH NEWS who became our friends. This feeling of moving to a new family is a great privilege and not many jobs offer this. Having spent nearly 9 years here, it ‘feels’ like it’s time to move on. But this time, it’s not to a new church, not to a church house, but to our own home and not to a readymade family. We become ‘the folks next door’. Friendships will have to be made and worked at. The support mechanisms which are present for every Minister will cease. We will have to fix our own home when problems arise, find a new church in which we can worship and become part of that family who support their own minister. Retirement for many means stopping work and staying put in their own homes, surrounded by family and friends which have been made over many years. For Ministers like me, it means giving up all that is special, all the people we have come to know, love and respect.

whats on in JULY

SUNDAY 2nd July

Please Note: No Morning Service Today

6.30pm Songs of Praise Service SUNDAY 9th July 10.30am Together on Sunday Services, for the whole family SUNDAY 16th 23rd & 30th July 10.30am Morning Worship Services

with Sunday Club for children of all ages Sunday 30th July is Rev Peter Gibson’s last service.

Holy Communion Service

Every Thursday morning 9.15 to 9.45am in the Church Centre

SUNDAY 9th July 5.15pm - 6.30pm Café Theology in-depth Bible discussion with refreshments

We leave behind us in His hands the folks at Southgate Church and everyone in our lovely community.

THURSDAY 6th & 20th July 2.30pm Friendship Club for older people Programme available on our website.

Every Blessing,

THURSDAY 13th July Thursday Club - Ladies Group 7.45pm Programme available on our website.

Peter Gibson Peter’s last service is on Sunday 30 July. You are very welcome to be with us to mark this occasion.


Our famous holiday club returns ... Jump aboard for Southgate Church’s Children’s Holiday Club 22-25th August 10am-12pm Southgate Community Centre £1 a morning. More details next month.


10am to 12noon every Monday Morning

in Church Centre Free Coffee, Tea, Cake and chat. All of our events and services are held in Southgate Community Centre, Caie Walk. Minister – Revd Peter Gibson Our regular Sunday services start at 10.30am. Sunday Club runs from 10.30am to 11.45am. We have mid-week groups for children of all ages. For more details of these please contact Jackie Tooley for more information.

on 01284 703705, or visit our website at JULY 2017 | 83

What’s on



Sunday 9th July


Join us for the final of Bury’s Got Talent 2017 as the remaining contestants go head to head on stage at Theatre Royal Bury St Edmunds. By the end of the evening one of these talented acts will be crowned the 2017 winner and take home the £1000 prize money. The evening also features a dance performance from last year’s winner, Chandi Brading. This is a fundraising event in support of Theatre Royal Bury St Edmunds (Charity Number 242977). Book online.

Wednesday 26th - Saturday 29th July

MADE IN DAGENHAM (Community Productions) SYPT are delighted to bring to you Made in Dagenham Based on historical events of the Ford Dagenham strike of the swinging 60s, the show follows factory girl Rita O’Grady who must balance her role at home as she becomes an unlikely feminist icon in the battle for equal pay. It’s a battle that strains her relationship with her family to the limit, but Rita and her friends prove that ordinary people can achieve extraordinary things when they stand together. With outrageous comedy and rousing numbers this show is set to delight and inspire 7.30pm. Book Online.

Thursday 13th - Sunday 16th July


Festival Republic Latitude Festival returns to Henham Park, Suffolk in 2017 for the biggest offering of music, theatre, dance, film, cabaret and literature. Weekend and day tickets available. Book Online *Times and dates correct at time of going to press. Please check with organiser for full details/availability. 84 | JULY 2017


Friday 7th - Sunday 9th July


One of the UK’s top folk music events, Ely Folk Festival has a reputation for hosting great music acts in an intimate, family friendly environment and is one of the most keenly priced weekend music events in the country. This year’s fantastic line-up includes a diverse mix of established favourites and exciting new acts including: Seth Lakeman, Elephant Sessions, TRADarrr, Spooky Mens Chorale, Sam Kelly Trio, Hans Theesink, Topette!, Ross Ainslie & Jarlath Henderson and many more . Details about the concert line-up, our busy dance, workshop and childrens’ programmes and lots more information about the festival is available at the Ely Folk Festival website. Early bird weekend tickets are available before 1st June and start at £72. Tickets can also be purchased for individual days of the festival. Concessions are available and children under 12 receive free entry. To enable you to book a mix of different ticket types, Weekend, Friday, Saturday and Sunday tickets appear as separate “events”. Book Online.

Thursday 13th July

BOOZE & BRUSHES PAINT NIGHT Join me at The Apex in Bury St. Edmunds for a fun paint night while enjoying a drink or two with friends. There will be two paintings to choose from on the night which will be voted on by you. Then you will be guided through the painting step by step from start to finish. All materials included (not alcohol) and you take your very own 16” x 20” master piece home. This class is for everyone, no experience necessary! I promise you will be very pleased with the final outcome! Suitable for ages 18+ Please arrive a few minutes early to buy drinks, class will start promptly at 19.30. Aprons will be provided but please bear in mind we will be using acrylic paint that will not wash out of clothing. Starts: 7.30pm. Tickets: £25. Book Online.

Thursday 20th July

MODS & ROCKERS Remember the Brighton riots? Lambrettas, Nortons, parkas and leathers? When you had to choose between being a Mod or a Rocker? Celebrate that magical period in the 60s and 70s with the Mods & Rockers Show. You’re in for a night of classic songs by artists including The Who, The Rolling Stones, The Kinks, Jimi Hendrix, T. Rex, Eddie Floyd, The Equals, Toots & The Maytals plus many more. The Mods & Rockers Show is brought to you by Johnny Warman’s Magic Bus – one of the UK’s most acclaimed bands. The band has written and performed with many top international artists, including Elton John, David Bowie, Peter Gabriel, Bruce Springsteen, and Foo Fighters. Starts: 7:30pm. Tickets: £16. Book Online.

JULY 2017 | 85

y l u J WHAT’S ON


THE BEGUILED 15 Director Sofia Coppola Starring Nicole Kidman, Elle Fanning, Kirsten Dunst

Atmospheric thriller from acclaimed writer/director Sofia Coppola. The story unfolds during the Civil War, at a Southern girls’ boarding school. Its sheltered young women take in an injured enemy soldier. As they provide refuge and tend to his wounds, the house is taken over with sexual tension and dangerous rivalries, and taboos are broken in an unexpected turn of events.

86 | JULY 2017




Director Jay Cohen Starring Will Ferrell, Amy Poehler, Jason Mantzoukas, Nick Kroll, Allison Tolman, Michaela Watkins, Ryan Simpkins After Scott and Kate Johansen (Will Ferrell and Amy Poehler) lose their daughter Alex’s college fund, they become desperate to earn it back so she can pursue her dream of attending a university. With the help of their neighbor Frank (Jason Mantzoukas), they decide to start an illegal casino in the basement of his house.



Director Vincent Perez

Director Benny Boom

Starring Emma Thompson, Daniel Brühl, Brendan Gleeson

Starring Demetrius Shipp Jr., Danai Gurira, Kat Graham

Based on the beloved best-selling novel by Hans Fallada, two-time Academy® Award-winner Emma Thompson (Saving Mr Banks) and threetime Golden Globe-nominee and Emmy Award winner Brendan Gleeson (Into The Storm, The Guard) star as Otto and Anna, a working-class couple living in Nazi occupied Berlin. When their son is killed in service, Otto and Anna begin to write postcards denouncing the Nazis and distribute them across Berlin. As their silent antiNazi campaign builds momentum across Berlin, they enter into a deadly game of cat and mouse with Gestapo inspector (Golden Globe-nominee Daniel Brühl).

ALL EYEZ ON ME tells the true and untold story of prolific rapper, actor, poet and activist Tupac Shakur. The film follows Shakur from his early days in New York City to his evolution into being one of the world’s most recognized and influential voices before his untimely death at the age of 25. Against all odds, Shakur’s raw talent, powerful lyrics and revolutionary mind-set propelled him into becoming a cultural icon whose legacy continues to grow long after his passing.


JULY 2017 | 87


SOUTHGATE Community We are going Green! No, not a new paint job – but the installation of solar panels on the Centre roof in a partnership with St Edmundsbury Council. It will cost us nothing and will make a few extra pounds to plough back into further improvements to the building and its facilities. And we are doing our bit to reduce our carbon footprint. So everybody wins! On a Saturday in mid June, a small group of volunteers spent a happy

few hours doing those little jobs that spruce up any building – especially one used by so many people during any one week. We are very grateful to those people who give up their time to serve their local community in this way. If you would like to be involved, give Jackie a ring or send her an email. Next year, we will need someone to help us with our finances. If this could be you, please contact us and we can have a without obligation chat.

Our trip to BINGO London in May Next eyes down Two coaches were needed to take the 93 passengers to London for the day, arriving on the Embankment at Cleopatra’s Needle by 11 in the morning. Everyone was then able to spend the day as they pleased. Some took boat trips on the Thames, downstream to Greenwich or upstream to Kew. A few brave souls tackled the Shard, some undertook some retail therapy, and others included a theatre visit. Others met up with friends or family. Back in Bury by 10, everyone enjoyed their day out and agreed that their £15 per seat was fantastic value for money. The good news is that we are going again in mid October. For further details, keep an eye on these pages for all the booking details or on the noticeboard in the Centre.

is on Friday 14 July with the return of Tim Sheppard as guest caller for one night only. Starts 7 pm.

Who let the Dad’s out? Taking place on Saturday 17 June, this was the first such event hosted by Southgate Church creating spaces where dads, father figures and their kids could have fun together. Big screen video games, junk modelling, cars, Lego, bacon rolls, sweets, craft, table tennis, pool and more were all on offer! A fun time was had by everyone who came along. We all look forward to putting on more such events in the Community Centre in the future.

Contact Jackie Tooley on 01284 703705 or e 88 | JULY 2017


Š Abbott Photography

This is your Centre...


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Ward’s of Stanton have been moving and storing for 12 years. To celebrate, we are offering up to 15% discount on combined pack and moves. (quote BSEdirectories) • Free quotations • Fully insured • Any size removal large or small • Local or long distance • A full or part packing service • Export packing specialists • Storage at secure premises • Office relocation • Over 25 years experience



DISCOUNT on packing



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T. 01359 251198 M. 07515 283927 M. 07976 353447 92 | DECEMBER 2015 E.


Directory health

& beauty

Stephen John Salon. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 01284 700100 PT Joe Personal Trainer. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 07917 714557 Rachels Mobile Hairdressing. . . . . . . . . . 01359 233371 Bury Osteopaths. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 01284 769153 Slimming World . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Kelly 01842 824980 Just Hair Salon . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 01359 232007 Best Foot Forward Chiropodists. . . . 01284 753563 Sam Hendricks Massage. . . . . . . . . . . . . 07473 502920


& fitness classes

Suffolk Age UK. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 01284 757740 LMA Acting & Dance School. . . . . . . . . . 01359 271925


& design

PIT Group Design & Print. . . . . . . . . . . . 01284 765092

motoring Carrs of Bury St Edmunds . . . . . . . . . . . 01284 752525 Auto Park MOT & Service Centre. . 01284 706888 Premier Bodyworks. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 01284 755558 Cat Mond’s Executive Travel . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 01284 704034 or 07503 977122


& landscape

Bluestone Paving. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 01284 716405 Archley Driveways & Landscape Solutions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 01284 724486 Stuart Langston Arboricultural Specialist . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 01359 760107 Paul’s Garden Services. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 01284 723625 Bespoke Outdoor Living . . . . . . . . . . . . 01284 756450


& maintenance

Frames Conservatories Direct. . . . . 01284 700456 MAS Building & Maintenance. . . . . . . 07595 426757 Windows, Doors & Conservatory Advisory Centre. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 01284 615653 Window & Door Repair Centre. . . . . . 01284 615653 The Naked Builder Carpentry & Building . . . . 01284 811111 Higham Forge & Fabrications . . . . . . . 01284 810810 Local Builders. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 01284 723396 Rob Harrington. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 01284 789074 NJT Plumbing & Heating . . . . . . . . . . . . . 01284 723389 Martyn Webb Plumbing Services. . . 01284 852554

Fix A Leak Plumbing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 01359 269415 MA Smith Tiling . . 07899 890765 or 07887 754114 Pete Austin Electricians . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 01284 747284 Abbeygate Windows. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 01284 763244 Oven Clean. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 01359 259818 Bone Dry Carpet Cleaning . . . . . . . . . . . 01787 223857 Blue Flame Gas. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 07862 712041 Langleys Conservatories & Windows . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 01284 760345

home furnishings CTS Carpets. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 01284 361283 Hartwell Blinds . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 01284 753310


& letting agents

Taylor Engall . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 01284 725800 Wards of Stanton Removals . . . . . . . . . . 01359 251198 Castle Mortgages . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 01359 254042 All Homes. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 01359 234444

business services Rudlings Wakelam Solicitors . . . . . . . . 01284 715665 Gage Computer Services. . . . . . . . . . . . . 01284 764574 Simply Secure Storage. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 01284 750019 Saffron Sitters . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0330 2210583


& drink

Orissa Indian Restaurant . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 01284 719116 Slates Restaurant & Carvery. . . . . . . . . 01284 704231 Thomas Ridley. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 01359 270536


& social clubs

Pot Black Sports Bar. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 01284 704231 Bury Golf Range & Golf Store . . . . . . . 01284 723894 Moreton Hall Community Centre . . 01284 763405 Planet Laser. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 01284 220102

JULY 2017 | 93










1 2

3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 2223 24 25 26 27 282930 94 | JULY 2017


Rejuvenate your body & mind yoga pilates tai chi meditation qi gong physiotherapy The self centre is a place of wellbeing, we run over 30 classes a week in yoga, Pilates, tai-chi, meditation and qi-gong. We have 10 therapy rooms with complimentary therapies including massage, reflexology, reiki, homeopathy, counselling, acupuncture, cranial sacral therapy and much more.. We host a variety of workshops throughout the year too. Whether you are looking for something to nourish the heart, body or soul, we have something to offer you. Our friendly staff members are here to point you in the right direction, give advice and show you around. Our teachers and therapists are all fully qualified and insured. Visit our website or facebook page to find out more.

FREE CHILDREN’S YOGA TASTER SESSION - 6th July for ages 5-8 years Classes start in September 2017

THE SELF CENTRE CAFÉ Our café is open all day and serves a wonderful range of homemade cakes, snacks, soups, salads, rolls and wraps. We have a pre-order and takeaway service too.

The Self Centre • Kempson Way• Bury St Edmunds • Suffolk IP32 7AR JULY 2017 t. 01284 769090 e.

| 95





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