MO're Yearbook Theme and design poster

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1. ______________________________________ 2. ______________________________________ 3. ______________________________________ 4. ______________________________________ 5. ______________________________________ 7. ______________________________________ 8. ______________________________________

16. ______________________________________ 17. ______________________________________ 18. ______________________________________ 19. ______________________________________ 20. ______________________________________ 21. ______________________________________ 22. ______________________________________

Repeatable Can you make it work for each section in the book?

Highlight the type of theme you are using


Based on spirit and the students’ or school’s accomplishments. Name of the school, the town, or the mascot used as word plays can be fun and are often listed among reader favorites.

Anniversary and event

26. ______________________________________

Feature a “catch phrase” which could be used any year, but with specific copy and visual elements.

27. ______________________________________


31. ______________________________________ 32. ______________________________________ 33. ______________________________________ 34. ______________________________________ 35. ______________________________________ 36. ______________________________________ 37. ______________________________________ 38. ______________________________________ 39. ______________________________________ 40. ______________________________________ 41. ______________________________________ 42. ______________________________________ 43. ______________________________________ 44. ______________________________________ 45. ______________________________________ 46. ______________________________________ 47. ______________________________________ 48. ______________________________________ 49. ______________________________________ 50. ______________________________________ 51. ______________________________________ 52. ______________________________________ 53. ______________________________________


As a staff, it is our goal to:

Meet our deadlines, write better copy, improve our photography, work as a team and cover the lives of our student body for this one year. We want to accomplish this goal by:

EVALUATION AREAS Concept and essentials Coverage Design Writing and editing Photography

Overall, the theme/concept is Original and imaginative Unique to the school for the year A unifying element for the book Developed verbally, visually or both

Continuing to:

__________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________



Name of school, city and state Name of book Year Volume number Theme/concept

Introduction of the theme visually and/or verbally through fonts, color and graphics Name of book Year



Table of contents Further development of theme/concept


Name of book/year/volume number Name of school/complete mailing address Phone and fax numbers/website Thematic development Principal’s name Total student enrollment Breakdown of enrollment by grade level Total staff population (includes faculty and staff) Athletic league

Appeal to the emotions of readers and the compassion of readers

Some of the topics included will be there because a set of circumstances is so unusual. When the staff finds those compelling stories, it should share them.

Expand Coverage

Look for ideas that are different from what has been done in every other edition and stretch your coverage by brainstorming harder at book planning time.

Utilize jump coverage

Decide when it’s appropriate to have a topic expand onto a second or third spread and let the content dictate coverage. If the story is “bigger” than one spread or important to your readers, give it more than two pages of coverage.

__________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________


As a member of the yearbooks staff, either as the ADVISER, EDITOR or STAFF MEMBER you have made a to SERVE your school in a positive way to produce a product that can be enjoyed and treasured for years to come. PLEASE SIGN HERE so you can remember your commitment every day!


• ____ Include all students, faculty, staff and organizations in the index • ____ Break up the monotony of this section with feature stories showing students’ roles in the community or quotes relating to events that occurred during the school year - can also keep strictly a reference section.




• ____ Readers assume it will be boring; prove them wrong • ____ Cover projects in the classroom, not which courses are taught • ____ Use quotes to demonstrate both teachers’ and students’ views



• ____ Portraits should be vertical in shape, not square • ____ Faculty should not be larger than the student mug shots • ____ 1 pt. rule (not a full pica) to separates portraits • ____ Include a feature on every spread, developed with candid photos, captions, copy, headlines - or it should be strictly a reference section with only portraits.




• ____ All groups should be included and covered fairly/ equally • ____ Link similar groups design in spreads • ____ Copy, avoid listing officers / goals- you should capture highlights • ____ Include action photos from a variety of club activities

• ____ Include all boys’ and girls’ sports on all levels • ____ Keep photo identifications consistent; use first and last names • ____ Give varsity sports a spread, combine JV sports • ____ Don’t overemphasize any one sport or diminish others • ____ Run a complete scoreboard; avoid rehashing that info in copy • ____ Include fans, managers, coaches, trainers, intramurals


Our reward for accomplishing our goals will be:




Your theme is not just a statement it UNIFIES your book. Verbally it is not just a record of events choose your topics to unify your theme. ______________________________________________ ______________________________________________ ______________________________________________ ______________________________________________ ______________________________________________ ______________________________________________ ______________________________________________ ______________________________________________ Visually- what kind of look does the theme evoke? ______________________________________________ ______________________________________________ ______________________________________________ ______________________________________________ ______________________________________________ ______________________________________________ ______________________________________________ ______________________________________________ Texture- think in layers not just 2D. ______________________________________________ ______________________________________________ ______________________________________________ ______________________________________________ ______________________________________________ ______________________________________________ ______________________________________________ ______________________________________________ Personality- who are the people that make up the school? Tell their story. ______________________________________________ ______________________________________________ ______________________________________________ ______________________________________________ ______________________________________________ ______________________________________________ ______________________________________________ ______________________________________________ Coverage- tell the whole story of the year not just the facts. ______________________________________________ ______________________________________________ ______________________________________________ ______________________________________________ ______________________________________________ ______________________________________________ ______________________________________________ ______________________________________________

MAXIMIZE YOUR COVERAGE • ____ Focus on students, what they do both at school and at home • ____ Concentrate on dramatic photos • ____ Add extra pages, so lighter topics can be added • ____ Keep fresh by changing the topics from year to year • ____ Include coverage of events that are non-academic or non-sport

Do OTHERS have yearbook ENVY?



ion of an s s e r p x e e in terms HOR is th A METAP ng of one concept is some ndi ere understa where th , t p e c he n o rc etween t b n o of anothe i t la or corre similarity two. e your them S N E H T G or STREN together. A metaph es your thoughts it ti because e- you do m e h t a g in t are choos e a statement, bu u o y n e b Wh ok to simply t i t n a entire bo r w u o y not s that hold design, THE GLUE e graphics, fonts, and Th ive copy t a together. n r e lt a te to the tories, s la , e s r o ll t a o h p uld emes sho h t n o i t c se atement. theme st




photography l coverage

Post those notes HERE make every effort to include the ideas somewhere in the book.

What do

Changing the following:



Use one idea to build the book around. This approach may be a number of “catch phrases” based on a central idea, a single word, or a visual element. With concept themes, traditional sections are sometimes abandoned in favor of sections which reinforce the central idea.

Listing of yearbook staff Further development of theme/concept


to contribute ideas to the book. Have each staff member write down ONE idea about:

Double-edge Slogan

30. ______________________________________


Limited to schools with obvious ties to street names with other meanings or major geographic landmarks.

24. ______________________________________

29. ______________________________________



23. ______________________________________

28. ______________________________________

Refreshing Is it different from last year’s book?


Write answers to the following questions Describe your school using one adjective.


. . . CREATE a section within a section: Who says the sports section has to be all coverage of teams and their season? The staff might decide to add a “new” sports segment on why athletes compete, those who compete in sports other than school sports or the bigger picture by including local professional teams, national championships, the Olympics, etc.

Describe the people who attend your school in one word. ________________________________________________________________

List catch phrases and expressions used by the students at school. ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________

. . . ADD a new section: If it seems logical that an event or person makes the story of the school year complete, make sure that is included.

________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________

What’s the first thing you notice when you come to campus?

. . . RE-ASSESS: If the theme or concept dictates a pattern, feel free to revise. For example, changing the traditional order of sports makes it new for readers each year.


What do you enjoy most about your school? ________________________________________________________________

What event will be most important to you this year?

. . . BECOME INTERACTIVE: Create the news that’s fit to print. Devise opportunities for students to be in the book and let them be a part of creating the sports section. They’ll love it!


What physical changes has your school undergone? ________________________________________________________________

What outside influences have affected the students or school? ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________

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Realistic You don’t want readers to question your credibility.

Can be tricky, make sure you don’t abuse the “party/celebration” concept.

Provide a comparison and contrast format with a serious side and a lighter approach.

25. ______________________________________

Do you have yearbook ENVY?

http:/ /


15. ______________________________________

Verbal The “catch phrase” of your theme should be memorable and flexible enough to adapt for mini-themes

Does it fit your school this year?

Get the free mobile app at


14. ______________________________________



Quick reads- mods- quizzes- bio boxes- time lines Reference sections Connections- linked people


13. ______________________________________

Unique to this year Should be a natural, easily identifiable fit



12. ______________________________________

Some types of coverage coverage The theme should Blended be easy to identify Jump Coverage- multiple page stories Chronological coverage and easy to remember.


11. ______________________________________

The tie between your theme and your school should be obvious

Visual Using type, colors, shapes and patterns that are consistent with your message, your theme’s “look”

6. ______________________________________

10. ______________________________________

The 5 R’s of Themes

CHECK ALL THAT APPLY TO YOUR THEME Unique to your school Recognizable


9. ______________________________________

Theme musts • •


Pat others on the back. Each staff member should write UP TO FIVE thank you


palette here

TEST your Color

The ability to create four-color blends on your computer provides great design flexibility. However, it is important to keep in mind that the colors you see on your screen may not be quite the same colors that print on your yearbook pages. The colors on your screen are created by mixing red, green and blue light. The colors on your yearbook pages are created by mixing tiny printed dots of four colors - cyan, magenta, yellow and black (CMYK). You can refer to the Colors booklet in your Herff Jones kit for a true representation of how the color will look before using any color; it’s a great resource for CMYK blends, spot colors and duotones. Or consult a Pantone Color Library swatch book before using a color.




So what’s it going to be? Features, sidebars, personal profiles? Plan your alternative copy. Opening, division pages: _______________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________ Students Life: _______________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________ Organizations/Clubs: _______________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________ Sports: _______________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________ Academics: _______________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________ Seniors: _______________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________ Underclass/Faculty: _______________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________ Ads & Index: _______________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________


Do a self critique and check mark all the rules you followed on your sketches.

Draw a dominant photo first. Make dominant element more than twice the size of all other photos. Make dominant element cross the gutter. (or one pica from gutter) Use a variety of photo shapes. (rectangles and squares) Establish an eyeline. Touch all external margins. Stay within the column guides set. Design pages as a spread. Maintain a consistent internal margin. (one pica or less) Put a caption with every photo. Place all copy to the outside of the spread. Avoid trapped white space. Use simple and functional graphics that add to your theme.

PLAY If you’re going to spend time and effort on the book, you’ve got to have some fun! Some of the most successful companies in the world encourage fun because they know it can im- BE INNOVATIVE in creating prove energy, pro- your own philosophy. Your school is different from ductivity and at- others. What will make titude. Playing is people react positively? also seeing humor What should you avoid? How can you increase in what we do. the fun and energy and It’s making those the belief in what you are doing as a team? around us enjoy the experience. Post a funny typo on the wall (if it doesn’t offend anyone, including the writer). Take funny photos of each staff member and exhibit them. When others see what’s going on in yearbook, they’ll want to see what all the fun is about.

notes at the end of each grading period to people who are NOT on the yearbook staff, but have helped make that period more successful. This makes others outside of yearbook feel valued, and it results in a more positive attitude toward your staff.

“Design is not about the images or fonts you choose but the moment you realize what they need to say together.” WHEN DESIGNING.... REMEMBER

NO butt journalism-sitting on your butt NO body copy variations in a section ONLY use planned same size photo repetition EXPERIMENTING with type IS fun - 2+ pica grids between mods

TRY mod design USE negative columns LOOK AT MAGAZINES espn, blue, mens

Keep track of who desirve THANKS _____________________________________________ _____________________________________________ _____________________________________________ _____________________________________________ _____________________________________________ _____________________________________________ _____________________________________________ _____________________________________________ _____________________________________________ _____________________________________________ _____________________________________________ _____________________________________________ _____________________________________________ _____________________________________________ _____________________________________________ _____________________________________________ _____________________________________________ _____________________________________________ _____________________________________________ _____________________________________________ _____________________________________________ _____________________________________________ _____________________________________________ _____________________________________________ _____________________________________________ _____________________________________________ _____________________________________________ _____________________________________________ _____________________________________________ _____________________________________________ _____________________________________________ _____________________________________________ _____________________________________________ _____________________________________________ _____________________________________________ _____________________________________________ _____________________________________________ _____________________________________________ _____________________________________________ _____________________________________________ _____________________________________________


only to clearly define layers of coverage

NEVER put somebody’s face in the gutter of a spread NEVER start your caption with the names of the

ACTION in photos toward the gutter but no content is trapped in the gutter DESIGN GUIDES READERS around the page with clear intention of which content is most important AN ORIGINAL LOOK for each section but all sections fit the overall TONE/ PERSONALITY/VOICE EACH ELEMENT serves a PURPOSE and are NOT just used to DECORATE the pages ENHANCE the design and content without calling attention to themselves EVERYTHING fits with the TOTAL LOOK of the section and the book SPREAD needs to be easy to read CONSISTENTLY uses same size and leading for copy and captions Shows UNIFIED TYPE choices for headline packages, copy starters and caption lead-ins


STICK to contemporary color palates MAKE group captions-clearly defined USE photo packages WRITE the way you talk REMEMBER judged books design comes first, but

through the captions

September wk 1 _________________________________________ wk 2 _________________________________________ wk 3 _________________________________________ wk 4 _________________________________________ October wk 1 _________________________________________ wk 2 _________________________________________ wk 3 _________________________________________ wk 4 _________________________________________ November wk 1 _________________________________________ wk 2 _________________________________________ wk 3 _________________________________________ wk 4 _________________________________________ December wk 1 _________________________________________ wk 2 _________________________________________ wk 3 _________________________________________ wk 4 _________________________________________ January wk 1 _________________________________________ wk 2 _________________________________________ wk 3 _________________________________________ wk 4 _________________________________________ February wk 1 _________________________________________ wk 2 _________________________________________ wk 3 _________________________________________ wk 4 _________________________________________ March wk 1 _________________________________________ wk 2 _________________________________________ wk 3 _________________________________________ wk 4 _________________________________________ April wk 1 _________________________________________ wk 2 _________________________________________ wk 3 _________________________________________ wk 4 _________________________________________ May wk 1 _________________________________________ wk 2 _________________________________________ wk 3 _________________________________________ wk 4 _________________________________________


journal, met home, garden design for ideas

TRY jump coverage, coverage that is on multiple pages DID YOU KNOW thin lines unify elements DO NOT overlap photos more then 2 picas DO NOT break eyeline by less then 6 picas NEVER be inconsistent with internal margins NO photos with more or fewer than four sides, DON’T copy somebody else’s ideas exactly NEVER make sports the largest section NO trap white space. trap white space NEVER make the worst photo the dominant photo NEVER have people in photos talk to the reader

“Strongest Link”

Each week choose the - a staffer who has gone above and beyond the requirements. Make a big deal of this award: call the student to the front of the room, explain the reason for the award, give him or her a certificate and a candy bar and end the ceremony with loud applause.

Feature writing focuses on a LIMITED ANGLE that is SCHOOL & YEAR SPECIFIC Avoid generalizations and editorializing Begin with a STRONG LEAD and maintain an ACTIVE VOICE Contain MEANINGFUL student quote Show evidence of RESEARCH Stories contain EFFECTIVE TRANSITIONS and utilize varied sentence forms SHORT sentences and SHORT paragraphs but is almost never one single paragraph Stories DO NOT INCLUDE school name, initials, mascot, “this year” or year date All copy is carefully EDITED AND PROOFED Include the answers to 5W’s and H; first sentence is generally in present tense as it “freezes” the action forever and the remainder of the caption is in past tense. Employ a variety of openings All captions show evidence of RESEARCH and make use of quotes, either from the subjects of the photos or others in the school community AVOID EDITORIALIZATIONS AND GENERALIZATIONS Use “Front Row…Second Row…Back Row” for all group and team identifications and include “Not Pictured” to create a complete historical record Headlines are clever and imaginative, seeking to DRAW THE READER into the copy Make a VISUAL AND VERBAL CONNECTIONS with the dominant element PACKAGE containing a primary headline and a secondary headline are repeated or ECHOED to begin supporting copy packages and captions Headlines are NEVER labels


Features ACTION photos, not posed shots Features photos with strong storytelling content Employs photography BASICS such as rule of thirds, framing, leading lines Uses photos that contain a clear center of visual interest Uses cropping effectively to remove extraneous space/content Photos are IN FOCUS Digital images use adequate resolution and are enlarged correctly so images are not stretched

people in the photo

• LIKE WHAT YOU DO and those around you. • ENCOURAGE others to be their best. • ADD VALUE to people by affirmation and training. • DELEGATE responsibilities to develop skills. • EXEMPLIFY the type of leader you want others to become. • RESPECT everyone. • SILENCE, sometimes being a good listener speaks louder then words. • HUMBLE yourself by thinking more highly of others. • YOU may not have the best idea. • PRACTICE you priorities. Do OTHERS have yearbook ENVY?



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