Oklahoma Connection Fall 2012

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August 8, 2012 | Volume 11, Issue 1

2012–2013 State Officers President

Morgan Melot Oklahoma State University pblpres2013@okfbla–pbl.org

Four–Year University Vice President Nicholas Keen

Oklahoma State University pbl4yrvp2013@okfbla–pbl.org

Two–Year College Vice President Lilly East

NEO A&M College pbl2yrvp2013@okfbla–pbl.org


Caitlin Economou TCC—Metro



Miranda Bowman Murray State College


Parliamentarian Adam Stokes TCC—Metro


PRESIDENT’S MESSAGE Greetings, Oklahoma PBL! I am so excited to get started igniting innovation with each of you over the upcoming year. First, I thank you all for giving me the opportunity to serve you. This is an honor, privilege, and responsibility that I don’t take lightly and I hope to make this year one we will all remember. The state officer team this year has BIG plans for Oklahoma FBLA–PBL including the State Fall Leadership Conference community service project, which we will be collecting household and school supplies for the Community Crisis Center in Miami, our host city for the State Fall Leadership Conference. I challenge each of you to collect ten items to bring to NEO this October, and just imagine what kind of impact we could make! Over the summer, I was fortunate enough to travel to San Antonio with many of you to the National Leadership Conference. We had numerous Oklahomans, both chapters and individuals, acknowledged and awarded on the national stage. We heard from amazing speakers including Randal Pinkett from the TV show The Apprentice, learned new and creative ideas for membership recruitment and meetings, and made friends from around the country. If any of you would like for me to share some of these ideas and experiences, or have any questions feel free to contact me. I have also been currently participating in Google+ Hangouts organized by Oklahoma’s own Dave Short, in which the national officer team, and many other PBL members from around the country have been participating. I hope that more of you can join us in our attempts to make communication among chapters, states, and the nation, a much simpler and fun process. I cannot wait to see you all in October, and look forward to the impact we are going to make in 2012–13! Sincerely,


Morgan Melot PBL State President


Submitted by: Michelle Sexton, Local Vice President Murray State College PBL recently attended the National Leadership Conference in San Antonio, TX. Every member who attended found their Gateway to Greatness; attending workshops, competing in events, voting for national officers, meeting new people, and most importantly getting to know our own members better and gaining a new friendship. MSC is preparing to Ignite Innovations by getting more involved in community service projects, recruitment exercises, fundraisers and many activities to help prepare us for state conference and to help ignite innovations in new and potential members. We can’t wait to see what is in store for MSC PBL in the upcoming year!


submitted by Sarah Chabinak, Local Chapter Adviser Oklahoma State University Phi Beta Lambda will be participating in the campus–wide Welcome Week College Spotlight: Amazing Race activity the afternoon of Friday, August 17. Welcome Week is designed to welcome new freshman and transfer students to campus, and this college event really connects new students to the Spears School of Business. Members and officers will be hosting a table to tell new students about all they can do through PBL and encouraging them to attend the first meeting. This first meeting will be held Thursday, August 23 and will help OSU PBL Ignite Innovation the first week of school!!!

OKLAHOMA PANHANDLE STATE UNIVERSITY submitted by Sara Hitch, Local Chapter Adviser

Oklahoma Panhandle State University’s PBL Chapter was thrilled to participate in their first State Leadership Conference March 29–31, 2012. The Chapter was even more excited when all seven attendees qualified for the National Leadership Conference. On the six–hour return trip from SLC, all seven vowed to go to San Antonio. However, raising the funds for all to go on the trip seemed quite overwhelming. On April 4, the group had a brainstorming meeting with a Main Street Guymon Director, Melyn Johnson. During that meeting, the typical fundraising ideas were generated—a carwash, a bake sale, selling candy—but toward the end of the meeting, the idea of a Monopoly tournament was presented. What a perfect fundraiser for a business fraternity! On April 28, OPSU PBL teamed up with a local coffee shop, Urban Bru, and held the First Annual Monopoly Tournament. Participants paid a $5 fee for two rounds of Monopoly. Games were limited to one hour, and the top four players who had accrued the most assets in that hour went on to the championship table. The remaining participants could play a second round if they chose as well. PBL members were not eligible to participate, but served as bankers and property distributers. The winner earned a gift certificate donated by Urban Bru. Eleven people—young children, college students, and business leaders, alike—participated in this First Annual tournament, and everyone enthusiastically talked about subsequent tournaments. Based upon the great reviews from participants, OPSU’s Phi Beta Lambda has big goals of bringing the tournament to campus in the fall and making this an annual fundraiser.

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Mark your calendars to attend the State Fall Leadership Conference on Saturday, October 6, hosted by Northeastern Oklahoma A&M College PBL in Miami!

OKLAHOMA PBL FOUND ITS GATEWAY TO GREATNESS AT THE 2012 NATIONAL LEADERSHIP CONFERENCE IN SAN ANTONIO Community Service Project—8th place Information Management—7th place International Business—8th place Job Interview—5th place Justice Administration—4th place Marketing Concepts—10th place Retail Management—3rd place Retail Management—6th place Small Business Management Plan—10th place Web Site Design—7th place Who's Who in PBL Outstanding Local Chapter Adviser CMAP—President Level Gold Seal Chapter Award of Merit

Cathy Conway Scott Whitaker Life Myrie Brandy Smith Cathy Conway Adam Stokes Charles Bearden Julie Hildebrand Tyson Baker Donovan Mohler Jerry Powers David Short Miranda Bowman Kathy Bowen Miranda Bowman

Murray State College TCC—Metro TCC—Metro NEO A& M MSC TCC—Metro TCC—West TCC—Metro TCC—Metro TCC—Metro

Murray State College MSC MSC TCC—Metro NEO A& M Membership Mania Michael Avila, Brian Beck, Caitlin Economou, Julie Hildebrand, Rachel Kilburn, Charley Money, Heather Patterson, Jerry Powers, Rosa Sheets, Scott Whitaker, & Charles Wiggins Mountain Plains Region Largest State Chapter Membership Professional Division—1st Oklahoma Mountain Plains Region Largest Increase in State Membership—1st Oklahoma Mountain Plains Region Largest State Chapter Membership—1st Oklahoma National Big 10 Award—2nd place TCC—Metro Mountain Plains Region Largest Local Chapter Membership—1st place TCC—Metro Mountain Plains Region Largest Local Chapter Membership Professional Division—1st TCC—Metro

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STATE FALL LEADERSHIP CONFERENCE COMMUNITY SERVICE PROJECT Your State Officer Team hopes you are looking forward to the State Fall Leadership Conference! The SFLC Community Service Project is collecting household items and school supplies. All items will be donated to the Community Crisis Center, Inc. in our host city of Miami. Two awards will be presented at the closing session, one for the local chapter donating the most items (by percentage of their registered attendees) and one for the local chapter donating the most items. Here is a list of items requested by the Community Crisis Center: Household Items: Lysol Febreeze Floor cleaner Multi–purpose cleaner Bleach Germ–X Dish brush and sponges Bottle brushes

School Supplies: Notebooks and journals Backpacks Black pens Pocket calendars Standard school supplies (paper, markers, etc.) Kleenex

Your 2012–2013 State Officer Team set a goal to collect at least 1,500 items, so start collecting now! Ideas for collecting items:  Ask each chapter member to donate items. Even if they are unable attend the SFLC, they can be part of the project.  Talk to teachers at your school about offering extra credit for students who donate items.  Create a competition between classes or student groups on your campus to see who can donate the most items.  Place collection boxes around your campus or town.

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TWO–YEAR COLLEGE VICE PRESIDENT’S MESSAGE submitted by Lilly East Hello, Everyone! I hope all of you are ready for a fantastic 2012–2013 school year "Igniting Innovation" with Oklahoma FBLA–PBL! As we start out our new year with our new officer team, let's take the time to recognize our great leaders who got us here: Linda Morgan, Laura Morgan, Sarah Chabinak and ALL of the local advisers who work so hard and press us to achieve goals! You all deserve recognition beyond compare! I am excited to be a part of the 2012–2013 Oklahoma State Officer Team! I have no doubt in my mind that we can succeed, excel, and achieve every one of our goals. By working together, we can get the name of Oklahoma FBLA– PBL out there where everyone knows who we are and what we stand for! I'm looking forward to an amazing year with all of these great people who are going to help lead YOU to the greatest achievements FBLA–PBL has to offer! I hope to see you all at the State Fall Leadership Conference at NEO A&M College in Miami in October!

Thank you to our 2012–2013 sponsor! Silver Level ($100–174)

Join Oklahoma FBLA–PBL this year as we continue Igniting Innovation! Oklahoma FBLA–PBL State Staff State Adviser

Assistant State Adviser

State Officer Team Adviser




Linda Morgan

Laura Morgan

Sarah Chabinak

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