PBL Business
LEADER Volume 24, Number 1, Fall 2013
A Publication for Members and Advisers of Phi Beta Lambda
RECRUITMENT RETENTION INTERVENTION Approaching recruitment like a business Plan
ROAD TO NASHVILLE A sneak peek at #NLC2014
MARCH OF DIMES PBL accepts top service partner award
contents President's Message 3 Conferences 6 Competitive Events 9 Sponsors & Partners 11 Fundraising 12 Chapter News 14
ADMINISTRATION Jean M. Buckley President and CEO ceo@fbla.org
FBLA-PBL Division Presidents
Monty Rhodes, chair
Cole Simmons
Georgia FBLA Executive Director
FBLA National President
Southern Region
Ted Harshbarger, chair-elect
Donnie Iorio
Nebraska PBL State Adviser Peru State College tharshbarger@peru.edu
Mountain Plains Region
PBL National President pblpres@fbla.org
South Carolina
David Jones
Zulema Garcia
Professional Division National President
Business/Industry Representative
Ex-Officio Members
Karen Heslep
Tammy Skinner, past chair
PBL Adviser ASU-Mountain Home
FBLA Adviser Palm Beach Gardens Community High School
Southern Region
Southern Region
Lisa Hofstetter
Jean M. Buckley
FBLA Adviser Linn County Area Career and Technical Center
FBLA-PBL, Inc. President and CEO ceo@fbla.org
North Central Region
Shea Padilla
Western Region
FBLA Adviser Hidden Valley High School
Western Region
MEMBERSHIP Troy D. White Director, Marketing & Membership marketing@fbla.org
Ashley Witherspoon Customer Service/Database Associate custserv@fbla.org
EDUCATION Barbara Small Education Director education@fbla.org Candi Pucek North Central Region Vice President Illinois State University pblncvp@fbla.org Glenn Gilyot Southern Region Vice President Xavier University of Louisiana pblsrvp@fbla.org Bryan Poulsen Western Region Vice President Dixie State College pblwrvp@fbla.org
PBL Business Leader Fall 2013 Volume 24, Number 1 (ISSN 0279-9685) is published three times a year (fall, winter, and spring) by Future Business Leaders of America-Phi Beta Lambda. Editorial and advertising sales offices at FBLA-PBL, Inc., 1912 Association Drive, Reston, VA 20191-1591 703.860.3334. Materials may be reprinted with prior permission of the editor. Editorial submissions are encouraged and should be addressed to the editor. All FBLA-PBL, Inc. publications use the Chicago Manual of Style. Publisher: Jean M. Buckley. Managing Editor: Lindsey A. Frederick.
2 PBL Business LEADER
Doug Peterson Customer Service/Mailroom Associate custsvc@fbla.org
Robert Smothers Conference Manager conferencemgr@fbla.org
Beau Cobb National Secretary Johnson & Wales University, Rhode Island pblsec@fbla.org
Katie Clark Mountain Plains Region Vice President University of Denver, Colorado pblmpvp@fbla.org
Epi Fagundo Customer Service Associate/Receptionist general@fbla.org
CONFERENCE Richard Bowen Conference Director conferencedir@fbla.org
Donnie Iorio National President University of South Carolina pblpres@fbla.org
Karthik Krishnan Eastern Region Vice President pblervp@fbla.org
Mary Ait Staff Accountant finance@fbla.org
Tom Payne, CPA Director, PBL College/University Relations phibetalambda@fbla.org
Chris Pendleton
Stephanie Boardman National Parliamentarian University of Northern Iowa pblparl@fbla.org
Becky Grant, CMP Programs Coordinator programscoordinator@fbla.org
Lisa Frye Smothers Membership Director membershipdir@fbla.org
Arizona FBLA-PBL State Chair
Morgan Melot National Treasurer Oklahoma State University pbltres@fbla.org
Elena R. Daly Executive Assistant execasst@fbla.org
May Durkovic Education Support Specialist educationspec@fbla.org COMMUNICATIONS Lindsey A. Frederick Communications Manager communications@fbla.org FBLA-PBL, INC. 1912 Association Drive Reston, VA 20191-1591 P 703.860.3334 F 866.500.5610 www.fbla-pbl.org
Follow us on:
1–30 22–23
Prematurity Awareness Month
NFLC—Salt Lake City, Utah
DECEMBER By Donnie Iorio, PBL national president Happy Fall, Phi Beta Lambda!
PBL Business Leader—winter issue copy deadline
ACTE Convention—Las Vegas, Nevada
8 15
PBL Advisers’ Hotline—winter issue copy deadline Dues deadline to receive winter publications
I hope your first semester is going well—I can’t believe it’s already November! We are in the midst of our fall conference season, and the energy you all bring helps to put Excellence in Action.
Spring Stock Market Game begins
March of Dimes Grant: Application postmark deadline
This year, for the first time, we offered two new tracks at our National Fall Leadership Conferences: one for state officers and one for new advisers. During these specialized tracks, national officers and staff members networked, educated, and shared best practices with some of the top leaders of our association. As we turn our focus from fall conferences toward final projects and exams, it’s important to not lose sight of what’s ahead. Competitive event season will be here before you know it—take the time now to decide in what event you will compete. Start preparing today, so you can join us in Nashville this June for the 2014 National Leadership Conference! Spring and summer typically mark local, state, and national officer elections. Serving this organization as your national president has been a true honor, and I would encourage you to consider serving in a leadership position in Phi Beta Lambda. Enjoy the upcoming holiday season, good luck on your exams, and keep putting Excellence in Action! And remember, my team is here to serve you.
In Leadership
Donnie Iorio 2013–14 PBL National President Donnie Iorio
3 PBL Business LEADER
ON THE COVER The 2013–14 PBL National Officer Team
dates & deadlines
President’s Message
Recruitment Retention Intervention! By Beau Cobb, PBL national secretary
As PBL members, we have the opportunity to learn a lot about the American business enterprise and play an active role in it! Start by viewing each chapter as a business that sells competent, aggressive business leadership skills to students. When recruiting, remember you are not increasing your chapter’s membership numbers; you are selling a membership to an association with limitless professional growth opportunities. Think about when you first joined the PBL family: What motivated you? Was it a teacher, a classmate, a professional, a travel opportunity, competitions, or maybe free pizza? Next, follow the standard new product/ service model adoption method used by most businesses. This will give you an advantage to share the PBL experience with more people at your school. The following are the stages of adopting a new product/service: AWARENESS Many argue this is the most important stage of recruiting. During this time, prospects (people who are not affiliated with PBL) are first exposed to the organization. It is important their
4 PBL Business LEADER
first impression of PBL is positive and professional. Flyers, mass emails, informational booths, elevator speeches presented in class, and social media are great ways to generate awareness. And word of mouth is the most powerful asset a company has, so it is important to remember it’s not “who you know,” it’s “who they know.” INTEREST During this stage, prospective members seek information about PBL. Fbla-pbl.org has a plethora of resources and documents. Keep a binder or notebook filled with printed PBL fact sheets handy.
ADOPTION By hosting local chapter meetings, competition in state and national conferences, and attending other PBL conferences, it is inevitable the trial member will become a lifetime member! So what’s the big secret to recruiting and retaining? Sharing your excitement and personal PBL experience with others. Your passion could be their inspiration to join. But the free pizza doesn’t hurt either.
EVALUATION This is the stage the prospect decides if the service is beneficial to him or her. With any luck, he will decide to get in touch with an officer/contact person, so make sure your chapter leaders are ready for questions! TRIAL This is the most exciting part of the process: When a prospect becomes a member! The PBL membership year runs August 1–July 31, thus every membership is a “trial” membership.
Beau Cobb
is the Phi Beta Lambda National Secretary. When he isn't writing minutes and agendas, he is traveling, gulping down a chai tea latte, or looking for an adventure! Follow @NatPBLSec tweets or like Beau on Facebook /NationalPBLSecretary.
Teach For America (TFA) works in partnership with communities to expand educational opportunity for children facing the challenges of poverty. Founded in 1990, Teach For America recruits and develops a diverse corps of outstanding individuals of all academic disciplines to commit two years to teach in high-need public schools and become lifelong leaders in the movement to end educational inequity. Today, more than 11,000 corps members teach in 48 urban and rural regions across the country, while nearly 32,000 alumni work from across sectors to ensure all children have access to an excellent education. The disparity between educational opportunity available to children growing up in low-income communities and their more affluent peers is among the most pressing civil rights issues of our time. One area of acute need is in science and math education. According to the National Math and Science Initiative, 60 percent of new jobs created in the coming decade will require Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math (STEM) skills, but only 20 percent of our country’s workforce has the skills to fill them. When kids don’t have access to an excellent STEM education, their future prosperity is in jeopardy. The United States has the opportunity to reemerge as a global leader in STEM fields but cannot do so unless it addresses current gaps in STEM education for all students. Learn more about Teach For America’s Math and Science
5 PBL Business LEADER
Education Initiative. Many business majors have the skills necessary to excel as classroom teachers, especially in math. The strategic approach to problemsolving, compelling public-speaking, management, and critical-thinking skills business students develop are extremely transferable to effective classroom leadership. Teach For America is calling on the most promising leaders to pursue careers with social impact. Teach For America provides rigorous and effective leadership development for its teachers, which leads to meaningful impact in classrooms and communities around the country.
Teach For America also provides unparalleled support to its alumni, who are pursuing leadership positions in every sector, through teacher leadership, private sector, social entrepreneurship, and elected leadership initiatives. Teach For America is proud to announce its PBL sponsorship and encourages all PBL members to consider TFA in their path to a successful and impactful career. To connect with Teach For America, visit our website to learn more and begin an application today! For additional information, contact TFA Director of National Alliances, Evan McKittrick.
Held at the Gaylord Opryland Resort and Convention Center in Nashville, Tennessee, the 2014 NLC will be filled with achievement, opportunities, and excitement. It’s time to make plans to attend! Workshops will feature informative and motivational sessions on a variety of topics. Visit the exhibits to get information about fundraising opportunities, colleges and universities, technology vendors, and to network with other future business leaders from across the country. In addition to nearly sixty competitive events, the NLC also includes certification tests, open events, tours, and officer campaigns. Check out fbla-pbl.org/conferences for additional information.
If you would like to suggest a topic or recommend a speaker, email conferencemgr@fbla.org.
6 PBL Business LEADER
You can get up-to-date information about the NLC as details are posted to fbla-pbl.org. The NLC Guide will be available in March 2014.
June 24–27
Online registration opens in early March. Questions can be directed to 800-FBLA-WIN. Complete your registration early to take advantage of early bird savings.
The Institute for Leaders (IFL) is held just prior to the NLC on June 23–24. It’s where you will find PBL's most dedicated members, outstanding speakers, and powerful business leadership training.
S E N M I E H RA –15 T
B NEW 2014 A
e n e W
BR r u o y
ea d i T H
: R E NT
1 Brainstorm ideas for the 2014–15
theme. Themes should capture the conference and membership experience and be brief and active. 2 Submit ideas by scanning the QR
code below, or visit fbla-pbl.org/themes. 3 Deadline is December 20, so
get yours in now!
7 PBL Business LEADER
* Exc e l le n c e i n Ac t io n * Ign i t i ng In n o v at io n * Ge t C o n ne c t ed * De s t i n at io n L e ade r * Th e R shi p o ad t o Yo u r S * Yo u r uc ce s s Tic k e t to t he * L e ade Fu t u re rsh i p i n Ac t io n * Ge t T h e Edge * Simp ly the B est * Bre a k i ng Ba r r ie rs
Allison Corish
Leader for a Lifetime
Nothing promotes the benefits of Future Business Leaders of America-Phi Beta Lambda better than the professional success of its members. Case in point: Allison Corish. Allison completed an internship with Citigroup during the summer of 2012 before accepting a project engineer position with Lockheed Martin. Here, Allison shares how the association helped jump-start her career. TELL US ABOUT YOUR JOB. I execute projects within a $13M portfolio, providing IT solutions and services to various Department of Defense agencies, such as the Defense Intelligence Agency and the National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency, and the Joint Chiefs of Staff. TELL US ABOUT YOUR SUMMER INTERNSHIP WITH CITIGROUP. I worked on several projects with the analytics team at Citigroup. The goal of our team was to analyze large amounts of raw (or processed) data to deliver impactful, actionable results to our customers. Executives could then use our analysis to drive decisions within the company. Our projects involved several mathematical techniques I learned while pursuing my undergraduate degree, such as logistic regression, machine learning, advanced statistical techniques, and applications of Markov chains. . . . I used these combined business and technical skills to automatically classify transactions from raw data through computer algorithms, analyze employee attrition, and learn how to better serve Citi’s customers. Our results were then converted into tools that al-
8 PBL Business LEADER
lowed company decision-makers to easily interpret our findings and make strategic business choices. WHAT IS THE NUMBER ONE THING YOU LEARNED FROM THE INDUSTRY? Finding a job after graduation is a concern for most students. Successfully landing a new job is as much about who you know as it is what you know. This does not mean you should stop updating your resume and developing job-related skills. You will need an appropriate skill set to back up a reference or recommendation. WHAT MOTIVATES YOU? I enjoy a challenge. The most exciting assignments require learning a new skill or technology. With these complex assignments, I continually develop and improve my skill set. An expanded knowledge base allows me to solve problems with an arsenal of strategies. It is exciting to see how newly acquired skills are applicable in many different situations, even if those situations seem unrelated to the original assignment. WHAT SKILLS ARE EMPLOYERS LOOKING FOR? Employers often look to new recruits for “fresh eyes,” or a new perspective. More experienced employees can become entrenched in the standard operating procedures of a business. New recruits more readily question current processes and highlight potential efficiencies. New recruits also think about problems differently, especially problems related to
emerging trends like social media. Do not fall silent because your opinion does not align with other employees. Offer your unique perspective, as long as you simultaneously seek to understand the opinions of others. You may offer a new solution to an old problem. WHAT IS THE ONE THING YOU NEED TO SUCCEED? Develop a career plan. Everyone defines success differently; building a plan will help you communicate your goals. Think about what you would like to achieve in one, five, and ten years. Outline the skills, training, and certifications required. This exercise can help you realize sections of your plan that need additional thought. When you write down your goals, you are more likely to achieve them. Once your career plan is complete, find a mentor who can help you achieve your career goals and who will be an advocate for your success. WHAT ADVICE DO YOU HAVE FOR GRADUATES? Keep learning new things. When I graduated from college, I mistakenly thought that was the end of writing papers, taking tests, and learning altogether. Emails and proposals replace papers. Performance reviews become more important than school exams. Learning, however, remains. Read articles and blogs related to your field. Read the news in the morning. Explore new technologies and strategies. Do not let the fear of learning a new skill limit you personally or professionally.
competitive events
Do you know PBL offers over fifty-five competitive events? Many attendees competed last summer in Anaheim, California, and won cash prizes. You could too! Check out the national competitive event guidelines at fbla-pbl.org, under PBL, Competitive Events. You will also find rating sheets and even study materials. It's never too soon to get ahead!
NEW AND MODIFIED PBL NATIONAL COMPETITIVE EVENTS There are a few PBL competitive event modifications for this school year. Remember, your state may differ, so always check your state competitive event guidelines. •
New Business Sustainability— individual or team event; synopsis; presentation New Cost Accounting— individual event; objective test; production test New Entrepreneurship Concepts—individual event; objective test New Mobile Application Development—individual or team event; prejudged; presentation New Organizational Personal Finance—individual event; objective test
9 PBL Business LEADER
New Organizational Behavior & Leadership—individual event; objective test Modified Desktop Publishing—individual or team of two, topic found in Chapter Management Handbook to create at the school level and submit for judging Modified Business Law— individual or team collaborative objective test, at the national level the top fifteen teams advance and present a case study Modified Community Service Project—page limit reduced to fifteen pages Retired Database Design & Applications, Digital Video Production, Free Enterprise Project, and Telecommunications
REVISED MOBILE APPLICATION DEVELOPMENT TOPIC Your adviser wants to help prepare members for the NLC competition in the chapter’s three subject areas that members struggle with, and has asked for your help. Your adviser thinks a mobile application that combines a game, social media, and the opportunity for academic advancement through social networking and peer support will motivate and encourage members to improve in competition. Include a reward system built into the App with prizes based on point levels. The App should link to either Facebook or Foursquare to allow check-in functionality with location services. Create an App for one of the following subjects: • Business Communication • Economics • Management Members will share their current level of expertise in one of the given subject areas to include:
• I’m an expert and I want to help people! • I’m doing okay and I don’t need help—but I’m not confident enough to help others. • I need help. • I need a tutor because—I just can’t get the hang of this subject. Members earn points in the following ways (app developer to determine points earned for each accomplishment): • Bravery Points (first time asking for help) • Help Requested Points • Help Given Points • Tutoring Provided Points • Teacher Study Session Points • Additional points as determined by the App Developer The App should also give members the ability to share tips, tricks, and study resources with fellow App Users. Points could be awarded for tips that are appreciated by other users. The developer is welcome to add additional challenges and pointearning opportunities. COMPETITIVE EVENTS STUDY MATERIALS Check out the PBL Competitive Events Online Reference Guide for event guidelines and rating sheets, sample questions, case studies, and several video clips of NLC presentations. In addition, the PBL Study Guide may be purchased through MarketPlace. The study guide provides more questions and cases studies. Q&A CORNER Q-What do I need to do this year for Desktop Publishing? A-Desktop Publishing has been changed to an individual event or team of two.
10 PBL Business LEADER
Students have all year to complete the production topic listed in the Chapter Management Handbook. Students will need to design a(n) (1) book jacket including inside flaps and spine, (2) event flyer, and (3) full-color newspaper advertisement. Students are also responsible for creating a biography of the author. Two copies must be submitted for the national competition. Q-I am graduating this December. Am I still able to be a PBL member and compete? A-You can be a PBL member in undergraduate and graduate school. However, you cannot compete at the National Leadership Conference if you have started graduate school. Q-How do I submit a new idea for a competitive event? A-Submit new event ideas, modifications, and/or retirement recomendations online. The form is also located at fbla-pbl.org under PBL, Competitive Events.
sponsors & partners GEICO Offers Savings Opportunities for FBLA-PBL Members Members are eligible for a special discount on GEICO auto insurance. The discount is available in forty-seven states and the District of Columbia. By contacting GEICO for a quote and identifying yourself as a FBLA-PBL member, you will also help support your association. FBLA-PBL receives revenue each time a member gets an auto insurance quote from GEICO. Visit geico.com/fbla-pbl or call 1-800-3682734 to find out how much you could save with GEICO today! You will want to have your current coverage information available in order to secure a comparable quote. Be sure to mention your FBLA-PBL affiliation when calling to be eligible for the special savings.
Please congratulate these Stock Market Game winners on their excellent performances: 1st KANAWHA COMMUNITY & TECHNICAL COLLEGE West Virginia Megan Lorenz, Adviser
As you’re doing your holiday shopping, please remember to access Amazon.com via our website under Membership Benefits/ Discounts & Added Benefits. When shopping through our portal a donation will be given to FBLA-PBL for each purchase you make.
2nd PALM BEACH STATE COLLEGE Florida Shannon Whitman, Adviser 3rd PALM BEACH STATE COLLEGE Florida Shannon Whitman, Adviser
CHECK-IN WITH FBLA-PBL MEMBER BENEFITS Unlimited mileage and up to 20% off! 800.GO.ALAMO ID# 7000461
One free certification test for FBLA, PBL, and PD members.
Save hundreds on your Receive up to 15% off of HP and Compaq car insurance with speconsumer products, cial FBLA-PBL savings. visit www.fbla.org, 800.368.2734 Save 10% with your FBLA-PBL Membership Benefits/ Your shopping supports FBLA-PBL card. ID# 5492731 Discounts.
FBLA-PBL members Up to 50% off get 10% off Princeton coupons are Review’s online courses available at for the SAT, ACT, and www.fbla.org, GMAT. For more Membership information, call Benefits/Discounts. 800.2Review.
Great Hotel Discount Programs for Members Major hotel chains offer reduced rates—up to 15% off—don’t miss out!
Visit fbla-pbl.org, under Membership Benefits, Discounts and save 10%.
Hyatt Hotels 10% off at participating Hyatt properties 877.393.8034 Group Code: CR51684
11 PBL Business LEADER
Wyndham Hotel Group
Red Lion Hotels
Up to 15% off Best Available Rate 877.670.7088 ID# #8000001640
15% off for FBLA-PBL 800.733.5466 ID: FBL
As you plan your fundraisers for the school year, keep the following national partners in mind. For more details visit the Membership Benefits section of fbla-pbl.org, under "fundraising partners."
Country Meats features fresh
smoked snack sticks that everyone loves. Call 800-277-8989 or visit countrymeats.com. Krispy Kreme FUNDraising offers doughnuts, partnership cards, fundraising certificates, and signature coffees to help your chapter raise some dough! Learn more at krispykreme.com/ fundraising.
We extend our sincere appreciation to our new and returning 2013 NLC competitive event sponsors. With the help of these outstanding organizations, all of our 2013 national competitive events were once again sponsored.
American Institute of Certified Public Accountants API
Otis Spunkmeyer is providing their
scrumptious cookie fundraiser. Call 1-888-ASK-OTIS (888-2756847). Ozark Delight Lollipops are only
available for fundraising. They do not sell to stores or other retail markets. Call Ozark Delight at 800-334-8991. Pride Distributors specializes in
producing “Your Town”—Opoly, a custom board game. Call Pride Distributors at 800-451-5442 or visit Townopoly.net. Schermer Pecans offers a delicious and healthy fundraising product. Call 800-841-3403, email schermerpecans@yahoo.com, or visit pecantreats.com. School Spirit Coffee provides
personalized packaging for their coffee fundraiser. For information, call 800-570-1443 or visit schoolspiritcoffee.com. Tom-Wat Fundraising features
multiple fundraisers from catalog sales to delicious Auntie Anne Pretzels. Call 800-243-9250 or visit tomwat.com.
12 PBL Business LEADER
Cengage Learning Culver's VIP Foundation Dale Carnegie Training GEICO Hilton Worldwide Junior Tours KPMG LLP Men's Wearhouse Group My College Options National Technical Honor Society Nonprofit Strategic Directions PDC Productions PITSCO Society for Human Resource Management SunTrust Bank The Fund for American Studies, Institute on Business and Government Affairs Visa Inc.
PBL President Donnie Iorio and FBLA President Cole Simmons accept the Top 2013 National Service Partner award at the March of Dimes Volunteer Leadership Conference. (L to R) International model Niki Taylor, Donnie Iorio, Cole Simmons, and LaVerne Council, Chair, National Board of Trustees for the March of Dimes
PBL Represents FBLA-PBL at Advocacy Event and Conference
n September, PBL National President Donnie Iorio and FBLA National President Cole Simmons attended the March of Dimes Volunteer Leadership Conference in Washington D.C. Here, Donnie shares his experience and what you can do to help save babies. ADVOCACY The conference started at 7:00 a.m. I met with South Carolina March of Dimes staff and prepped for a day of advocating on Capitol Hill. There were four bills directly effecting the March of Dimes, which we urged our representatives to support. We met with staffers and even Senator Scott from SC. It never ceases to amaze me how normal people—constituents of these elected officials—are able to sit down and talk about how to make the world a better place. MARCH FOR BABIES KICKOFF After a great day of advocating, the FBLA-PBL team attended the partnership reception. FBLA-PBL is the number one partner for the March of Dimes, raising over $350,000 last
13 PBL Business LEADER
year! This reception was an excellent opportunity to strategize ways to continue to involve and engage our members. The March for Babies Kickoff—the March of Dimes’ largest fundraiser—followed the reception. This event is the key tool for the foundation to raise money, so they can help every baby born in the United States through research, education, vaccines, and breakthroughs. 2013 TOP FUNDRAISER The next morning, Cole and I joined March of Dimes President Dr. Howse and Board Chair LaVerne Council on stage to accept the award for top Service Partner. We shared the stage with top corporate giants like K-Mart and GE. It just comes to show how the power of youth—and you—can make a difference in the lives of moms and babies everywhere. Thank you, FBLA-PBL, for all you do for healthy, happy babies.
Southern Arkansas University (SAU) PBL sponsored their annual Diaper Drop-Off Day, aiming to collect 6,000 diapers for Columbia County families through the Arkansas Diaper Depot."This is the third year we've sponsored a diaper drive," says adviser Traci Hughes. "The reason for the drive is to get diapers to people who really need them." Activities surrounded the event, including a routine by SAU cheerleaders and popular fraternity's step group.
Dalton State College PBL held their annual Fall Family Festival. They joined with several campus organizations to provide a safe and fun environment for children and families' Halloween activities. They also helped promote the "FBLA-PBL Skee Bounce Shoot," offering a chance for children and adults to win enomous amounts of candy and prizes. South Georgia Technical College (SGTC) PBL entered Sumter County's second annual scarecrow contest. They titled their scarecrow "Growing Leaders" and used it to promote SGTC and their PBL chapter.
The University of Tampa (UT) PBL hosted a new program called "Headshots on the Spot." They worked with several local businesses to provide free professional headshots to the UT community. During the event, they also held elections to fill their remaining executive board positions. The event was a success, drawing a lot of interest to the UT PBL chapter. Seminole State College PBL teamed up with Seminole County Public Schools to gather food for needy and homeless familes. Together they collected 800 items weighing over 8000 pounds.
New Jersey
Rutgers University New Brunswick PBL hosted Dining with the Distinguished, an annual event where students have the opportunity to network with and learn from local professionals over dinner. Attending professionals represented various fields and companies, including Deloitte and Unilever. Over ninety students and thirteen professionals attended. Afterward, students had the opportunity to connect with mentors on LinkedIn.
PRESS PLAY. PUT EXCELLENCE IN ACTION. Want to stay up on the latest PBL news, learn about new programs, sharpen your competitive edge, and even meet your national officers? Visit the National Center YouTube page, youtubecom/fblapblinc, to watch webinar and Google+ Hangouts recordings. Press play; put Excellence in Action!
14 PBL Business LEADER