October 22, 2012 | Volume 11, Issue 2
2012–2013 State Officers President
Morgan Melot Oklahoma State University pblpres2013@okfbla–pbl.org
Four–Year University Vice President Nicholas Keen
Oklahoma State University pbl4yrvp2013@okfbla–pbl.org
Two–Year College Vice President Lilly East
NEO A & M College pbl2yrvp2013@okfbla–pbl.org
Caitlin Economou TCC—Metro
Miranda Bowman Murray State College
Parliamentarian Adam Stokes TCC—Metro
PRESIDENT’S MESSAGE Greetings members! First off I have to say what a pleasure it was to see many of you at the State Fall Leadership Conference at Northeastern Oklahoma A & M College! I believe that we really began Igniting Innovation, and I hope that the motivation and education from the conference gains momentum as the year continues. For those of you who weren’t able to make it, I’ll give you a brief recap. At the conference we had many fun and informational workshops with topics ranging from how to participate in CMAP and BAA to Icebreakers and Team Building, we hosted a Mini March for Babies which raised $170 for the March of Dimes. Attendees also networked with members across Oklahoma and Missouri, and collected 836 items for the Community Crisis Center of Miami. I have to give a big CONGRATS and THANK YOU to Eastern Oklahoma State College Chapter for donating the most items overall and by percentage of registered attendees. At the conference, we announced the State Leadership Conference would be held April 4–6, 2013, at the Embassy Suites Norman Hotel and Conference Center. In addition, we also announced the state community service projects: Collecting aluminum tabs for the Ronald McDonald House and our new Penny Wars for the American Red Cross. The basics of Penny Wars is that pennies count as one point and other change and dollar bills count as negative points (see page 4 for more details). Each chapter will decorate a five–gallon bucket and fill it with as many pennies as possible to the SLC, then at the conference attendees will have the opportunity to put silver change and dollar bills into the buckets to lower that chapter’s point total— hence the wars! Make sure to “Like” Oklahoma FBLA–PBL page or visit www.okfbla–pbl.org for important updates and information, as well as photos from the SFLC. If you have any questions, would like more details, or would like a state officer come visit your chapter, don’t hesitate to email me at pblpres2013@okfbla–pbl.org or message me on Facebook. I urge each of you to begin collecting aluminum tabs and pennies now, and may success be ever in your future! Sincerely,
Morgan Melot PBL State President
RONALD MCDONALD HOUSE CHARITIES by Lilly East, PBL Two–Year College Vice President
I encourage ALL of you to start, if you are not already, collecting aluminum tabs for the Ronald McDonald House for our State Community Service Project! These tabs can be pulled off of soda cans, soup cans, dog and cat food cans, vegetable cans and any other aluminum can that you come across. This project began in 1987 in South St. Paul, Minnesota and their goal was $500 for the Ronald McDonald House. This program has since spread across the country. To date, over 400 MILLION pop tabs have been collected, and the project generates over $1 million nationally. This has made a significant impact and has changed lives while helping families. Your state officer team has set a state goal of 100 pounds of aluminum tabs. That is more than 126,000 tabs! Your local chapter has the opportunity to be recognized at the SLC as the chapter that donates the most tabs OR by being the chapter that donates the most tabs by percentage of registered attendees. We encourage all of you to get involved in this project and start collecting as soon as possible! So remember, pop that top! Every tab makes a difference!
2013 STATE FALL LEADERSHIP CONFERENCE see more photos on Facebook or at www.okfbla-pbl.org
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The PBL Career and Membership Achievement Program (CMAP) is a comprehensive tool to increase membership and award students who embrace PBL goals and projects. It also helps create an impressive portfolio to enhance your résumé. There are three levels within the program: Director Award, Executive Award, and the President Award with each level building onto the next. The CMAP program is relatively simple process and involves activities that you are probably already doing; you just have to document them. To begin, your adviser must register you online through the national FBLA–PBL website at www.fbla–pbl.org and provide you with your login information. Then, you upload documentation of items including: bringing a friend to a meeting, participating in actives promoting your chapter such as recruitment events, attend a job fair, participating in Membership Madness, and attending meetings. For more information on the CMAP program, contact your local chapter adviser, the state officer team, or simply log on to the national website. Your state officer team has set a goal for each officer to complete at least one level of the CMAP program, and we encourage you to set the same goal for yourself. It’s an easy way to grow your local chapter and earn recognition at the local, state, and national levels. Members achieving the Director Level will receive their award at the local level. Members earning Executive Level honors will be recognized at the SLC. President award winners will receive recognition during the regional session at the 2013 National Leadership Conference in Anaheim, California. Any member achieving one level will be recognized with a name badge ribbon at the 2013 Oklahoma FBLA–PBL SLC. Feel free to contact me with any questions or concerns at pblpres2013@okfbla–pbl.org.
ULTIMATE TURKEY At the State Leadership Conference, members and chapters earning special recognitions are rewarded with ribbons for their name badges. Well, we like to call those our turkey feathers. There are seven ribbons that a member can receive at the SLC. They are: 1. Make a Difference Award 2. BAA/CMAP/MAP Participant 3. Membership Madness or Mania 4. State Officer Candidate 5. PR Award (chapter recognition) 6. Go Green Award (chapter recognition) 7. Ribbon Chapter Award (chapter recognition) And, we have a special honor for members who go above and beyond. Any member who earns all seven of these individual and chapter recognition ribbons will also be rewarded with an Ultimate Turkey ribbon! Check out the state awards at www.okfbla-pbl.org. Wouldn’t you like to be the Ultimate Turkey?!
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Money will be donated to the American Red Cross Collect pennies to earn points Silver change or dollar bills subtracts points Each chapter needs to decorate a five–gallon bucket and bring it to the SLC where chapters will battle against each other by putting change into each other’s buckets to increase and decrease point totals A certificate will be awarded for the best decorated bucket and the chapter with the most points! The points will be as follows: o o o o o o o o
1 penny 1 nickel 1 dime 1 quarter $1 bill $5 bill $10 bill $20 bill
= = = = = = = =
+1 point –5 points –10 points –25 points –100 points –500 points –1,000 points –2,000 points
The chapter with the most points at the end wins!
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LOCAL CHAPTER NEWS OKLAHOMA PANHANDLE STATE UNIVERSITY During Earth Week, April 16–20, 2012, Oklahoma Panhandle State University participated in the National One Shirt Collegiate Clothing Challenge. In order to boost participation, OPSU’s Student Senate opened the competition up to all OPSU clubs and organizations and offered cash prizes for 1st through 3rd place. As OPSU’s Phi Beta Lambda Chapter had seven qualifiers for the National Leadership Conference, the group immediately decided to participate. Not only, they reasoned, would they be able to give back to the community, but with a strong showing, they could also begin to earn money toward their participation in NLC. OPSU’s PBL chapter worked with the surrounding communities to organize pickup stations for clothing, and they received a tremendous response. The clothing donations were so great, the Chapter asked to begin turning in clothes before the April 20th deadline as there was not room in the School of Business & Technology’s building to store the donations. On measurement day, several members assisted Student Senate with the weighing process, which ended up being a huge help as OPSU donated 3,113 pounds of clothing. This overall total lead to an OPSU 2 nd place national finish for the total amount of clothes donated and a 1st place national finish for total pounds of clothing per student. The PBL Chapter was instrumental in this achievement, not only because of their help weighing the volume of donations on measurement day, but primarily because they had gathered up 1,332 pounds of clothing! That was 43% of OPSU’s total donation. To give a further idea of how much effort they put into this event, the next closest group had gathered 293 pounds of clothing. The prize money was a great help in the fundraising efforts, but Clint Horton, OPSU PBL member, summed it up best when he said, “Our biggest payment was knowing that we did something to help people in the community.”
MURRAY STATE COLLEGE Four PBL officers attended the State Fall Leadership Conference at Northeastern Oklahoma A & M College in Miami on October 6. Officers Cathy Conway, Michelle Sexton Phillip Sharrer, chapter officer and State PBL Reporter Miranda Bowman, and chapter adviser Kathy Bowen attended training for officers, and workshops in leadership, team building, networking, and competitive event report preparation. Miranda and the state officers led the opening and closing sessions, and assisted with the conference. The local officers brought back many good tips and information to share with other local members, along with many ideas for new projects to do in the future. The MSC PBL Chapter is preparing for their annual Jane Bullard Memorial Food Drive to be held the end of October and the first week of November. They ask that everyone who can save their extra non–perishable food items to donate to this community service project. More information will be provided soon.
EASTERN OKLAHOMA STATE COLLEGE Igniting Innovation was the theme of the 2012 Oklahoma FBLA–PBL State Fall Leadership Conference hosted by NEO A & M College PBL on their Miami campus on October 6. Representatives from EOSC PBL attended breakout sessions including Icebreakers, officer and member training, and PBL’s Career and membership Achievement Program. EOSC attendees were: President Deborah Meek, Vice President Jeanette Gonzalez, Treasurer Andrea Wimberly, member Samantha Goad and Adviser Amanda Smith. "It was a great conference to let our members know what all PBL has to offer,” said Smith. The chapter is looking forward to a productive year and is excited about the State Leadership Conference in April.
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Make plans now to attend the 2013 Oklahoma FBLA–PBL State Leadership Conference!! The SLC will take place at the Embassy Suites Norman Hotel & Conference Center April 4–6.
\ Rooms are $110/night + tax At this conference, members will have opportunities to compete, run for office, hear dynamic speakers, and network with members and advisers from across the state of Oklahoma!! For competition eligibility, members must be on record with national FBLA–PBL with dues paid no later than Friday, February 8. Online Conference Registration must be complete by 5pm CST on Friday, February 22. FBLA–PBL has negotiated a discounted room rate for our conference, but we have a limited number of rooms available. Start planning now so that you may take advantage of this fabulous opportunity! Conference Registration Rates $55 per member staying at Embassy Suites Norman Hotel & Conference Center $75 per member NOT staying at Embassy Suites Norman Hotel & Conference Center $25 per adviser/guest staying at Embassy Suites Norman Hotel & Conference Center $45 per adviser/guest NOT staying at Embassy Suites Norman Hotel & Conference Center
We look forward to seeing you in Norman! For more information, contact Assistant State Adviser Laura Morgan at laura@okfbla-pbl.org.
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FBLA–PBL, don’t forget to save your tabs! (pop tabs, dog/cat food, canned food, etc.)
Throughout the year, your chapter may collect aluminum tabs to be donated to the Ronald McDonald House in Oklahoma City.
Who? What? Where? When? Why?
Oklahoma FBLA–PBL Chapters Aluminum Tabs State Leadership Conference April 4–6, 2013 We need your help collecting tabs for Ronald McDonald house in Oklahoma City.
Our state goal is 100 lbs You can get you family, friends, neighbors, and community to help collect. We can make a difference with just one soda tab. The chapter bringing the highest ratio of tabs by weight (by percentage of paid members) to the 2013 State Leadership Conference will be recognized at the general session.
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Thank you to our 2012–2013 Sponsors! Platinum Sponsors ($250+)
Gold Sponsor ($175–$249)
Silver Sponsors ($100–$174)
Oklahoma FBLA–PBL State Staff State Adviser
Assistant State Adviser
State Officer Team Adviser
Linda Morgan
Laura Morgan
Sarah Chabinak
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