Oklahoma Connection Winter 2013

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January 4, 2013 | Volume 11, Issue 3

2012–2013 State Officers President

Morgan Melot

Oklahoma State University pblpres2013@okfbla–pbl.org

Four–Year University Vice President Nicholas Keen

Oklahoma State University pbl4yrvp2013@okfbla–pbl.org

Two–Year College Vice President Lilly East

NEO A&M College pbl2yrvp2013@okfbla–pbl.org


Caitlin Economou TCC—Metro pblsec2013@okfbla–pbl.org


Miranda Bowman Murray State College

PRESIDENT’S MESSAGE I hope everyone had a fun and productive fall semester, and is looking forward to everything that the spring has to offer. In November I was lucky enough to attend the National Fall Leadership Conference in Denver, where I attended fun and informative workshops, networked with FBLA, PBL, and professional members from around the nation, and had a ton of fun! The highlight of the trip was definitely when Oklahoma was recognized as the first place recipient in September Sweeps for FBLA and PBL. I want to personally congratulate and thank each and every one of you who participated, and I hope that we can stay on top of the leader board as another new recruitment recognition program, February Frenzy! http://www.fbla–pbl.org/frenzy2/ The State Leadership conference will be fast approaching, and I want to encourage everyone to keep collecting pop tabs for the Ronald McDonald House and loose change for the American Red Cross. Again this year your state officers have elected to have a Battle of the Chapters at the SLC, and helpful Facebook posts will begin on January 8th. If you have any questions about February Frenzy, the State Leadership Conference, or the National Leadership Program, don’t hesitate to contact me or any of the state staff. Your state officers want to meet and partner with you, so if you’d like an officer at your spring kickoff meeting just let any of us know and we’ll make it happen!


Parliamentarian Adam Stokes



TCC—Metro pblparli2013@okfbla–pbl.org

Morgan Melot PBL State President

LOCAL CHAPTER NEWS Northeastern Oklahoma A&M College

submitted by Lilly East, PBL Two–Year College Vice President On October 31, 2012, NEO's Phi Beta Lambda Business and Technology Organization joined together with NEO's salesmanship class for the annual March of Dimes Chili Fundraiser. The fundraiser collected $360, and all donations will go to support the March of Dimes. According to the organization’s website, the March of Dimes is an organization whose mission is to improve the health of babies by preventing birth defects, premature birth and infant mortality. Phi Beta Lambda is a national partner with March of Dimes. Pictured L to R: Jamelle Davis, Brandi Black, Robert Woods, Lilly East, James Harris, Lella Williams, Mark Ryan, Ashley Loftin, and Brandy Smith

Connors State College

submitted by Kristen Byers, Local Chapter Adviser On Friday, October 12th, Connors State College Phi Beta Lambda (PBL) traveled to Midwest City to attend the “Who Wants to Be an Entrepreneur” workshop. During the workshop, the students learned all about the entrepreneurial path on coming up with great, different, and unique ideas for a business; on how an entrepreneur must go through the business planning process and know four major steps for a business plan; the path, the risk, the cash, and the plan. The group also learned on how to prepare and display a business model for financial projections, confirm consistency in capital requirements, and develop investor approved formatted and detailed financial projections. After lunch, the members learned what investors are looking for in an entrepreneur. Attendees were able to ask questions to Angels Investors. Finally, the workshop attendees learned how to make the perfect pitch to investors. It elaborated on how entrepreneurs may only have one chance to pitch their business ideas to investors. The PBL club left the workshop knowing more about starting a business and how to develop and pitch a business plan.

Tulsa Community College—Metro submitted by Mitch Ober, Local Chapter Adviser

During the month of November, Tulsa Community College Metro conducted a very successful blood drive on campus, which many TCC—Metro students participated in to help those in need. TCC—Metro PBL is also up nearly 140 members from this time last year. We hope that all new members will have a worthwhile and beneficial experience in this organization. The general meeting this month will feature a visit from a former TCC—Metro PBL member and State President Ryan Zilm.

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submitted by Candace Smith, Local Chapter Historian/Reporter Almost 1,700 items of non–perishable food donated by students from Murray State College were donated to the Salvation Army in Ardmore on Wednesday, November 14. Cathy Conway, Laura Speck and Candace Smith assisted Murray State College PBL Adviser Kathy Bowen, and PTK Adviser Greg Boyd, in delivering food donations collected at the University Center of Southern Oklahoma. Receiving the food for the Salvation Army is their Captain. Phi Beta Lambda Organization named their annual food drive in memory of former MSC adjunct instructor Jane Bullard. Students, faculty and staff participate on both campuses by donating food items for local food banks. Assisting with the PBL food drives this year include Raymond Lain from the Math Club, and Mr. Greg Boyd, Phi Theta Kappa adviser. PTK provided their trailer to store the food while it was collected. Student workers Nicole Rodriguez, Tracie Hubbard, Jenna Airington, and Stephanie Thompson helped check in and count the food items. Helping with the Stop and Drop off locations were: Miranda Bowman, Cathy Conway, Phillip Sharrer, Laura Speck, Candace Smith, Elaine Reese, and Advisers Kathy Bowen and Don Mercer. PBL member Elaine Reese, Advisers Kathy Bowen and Don Mercer, and MSC Accounting student Amanda Ragan delivered food collected on the Murray campus to INCA in Tishomingo on Tuesday, November 13. Murray State College Phi Beta Lambda would like to thank everyone who provided food donations and support for their food drive. On Friday, November 9, PBL member Laura Speck represented the Phi Beta Lambda Organization as their 2012 MSC Homecoming Queen candidate. She was escorted by PBL member Phillip Sharrer. Homecoming ceremonies were held before the girl’s basketball game that evening. The event was held in conjunction with many homecoming and alumni activities that day. PBL handed out over 150 cards to Veterans at the Ardmore Veterans Center on Saturday, November 10. PBL members Cathy Conway, Miranda Bowman, Michelle Sexton, Cathy Conway and Adviser Kathy Bowen were assisted by special guests: Tasha Foster, Jessica Speck, Sydney Conway, Morgan Conway and Jacob Pierson. The group enjoyed meeting and visiting with many of the residents at the Center. Adviser Don Mercer and PBL member Elaine Reese also participated by handing out Veterans Day cards to residents at the nursing home in Tishomingo. Friday, November 16, the PBL Organization showed support for the March of Dimes Prematurity Awareness Day. PBL members wore purple clothes, and handed out cupcakes with purple frosting at the University Center of Southern Oklahoma. Phi Beta Lambda has been a long–time supporter of the March of Dimes. Students also participate in the March for Babies at their state and national conferences.

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FBLA–PBL WEEK: FEBRUARY 10–16, 2013 by Caitlin Economou, PBL State Secretary

FBLA–PBL Week 2013 is Sunday, February 10 through Saturday, February 16. This is a way to get your members excited about the spring events and to brag about your chapter to your friends. It is also a great opportunity to increase your local chapter membership. Plan a week full of activities to celebrate FBLA–PBL Week in your school and community. Wednesday is “Adviser Appreciation Day.” This is where you do something nice for your adviser to let them know that you appreciate their dedication to your chapter. Why not present your adviser with a one–year membership in the FBLA–PBL Professional Division? It’s only $23 and your adviser will receive a name badge ribbon at the State Leadership Conference. Saturday is “National Community Service Day.” Your chapter can support the community by visiting a nursing home, picking up trash, or anything you can think of! Some more ideas for FBLA–PBL Week activities are: Have an Ice Cream Social to kick off FBLA–PBL Week at a local ice cream shop or local chapter meeting Choose a day where all members of your chapter wear FBLA–PBL t–shirts Designate one day as Dress For Success day where all chapter members wear business attire to school that day Celebrate Valentine’s Day with an I Love FBLA–PBL party Hold a Go Green Day Be sure to let your state staff and officers know how your chapter is celebrating. We look forward to seeing what the Oklahoma chapters have in store for FBLA–PBL week!


Thank you for all of the contributions from our FBLA–PBL members, advisers, and guests attending the State Fall Leadership Conference on October 6, at NEO A&M College in Miami! Our state community service project for the SFLC was to collect household items and school supplies for the Community Crisis Center in Miami. Executive Director Deedee Cox accepted 836 items on their behalf! Way to go! Receiving awards for the chapter donating the most items by percentage of registered attendees with 1,550% and the chapter donating the most items with 93 items was Eastern Oklahoma State College. Great job!

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by Holland Gray, FBLA State Secretary Attendees helped save babies at the 2012 Oklahoma FBLA–PBL State Fall Leadership Conference. The annual Mini March for Babies was held at NEO A&M College in Miami with all proceeds going to the March of Dimes. During the lunch break members and advisers set out on their march around the campus to help provide a better future for premature babies. With $170.04 in donations from the Mini March and $40 from ribbon sales, the total contribution to the March of Dimes was $210.04! Thank you for your commitment to saving babies. Oklahoma FBLA–PBL thanks all who participated in this year’s Mini March for Babies and we look forward to the next Mini March at the State Leadership Conference in April. For more information and ways to help in your community please visit the March of Dimes website at http://www.marchforbabies.org.

STATE COMMUNITY SERVICE PROJECT: POP THAT TOP! by Lilly East, PBL Two–Year College Vice President

Your Oklahoma FBLA–PBL state officers encourage you to start, if you are not already, collecting aluminum tabs for the Ronald McDonald House for the State Community Service Project! These tabs can be pulled off of soda cans, soup cans, dog and cat food cans, vegetable cans, and any other aluminum can that you come across. This project started in 1987 in South St. Paul, Minnesota and their goal was $500 for the Ronald McDonald House. This program has since spread across the country. To date, over 400 MILLION pop tabs have been collected, generating over $1 million nationally. This has made a significant impact and has changed lives while helping families. Your state officer team has set a state goal of 100 pounds of aluminum tabs. That is more than 126,000 tabs! Your local chapter has the opportunity to be recognized at the SLC as the chapter donating the most tabs OR as the chapter donating the most tabs by percentage of registered attendees, or both! We encourage all of you to get involved in this project and start collecting as soon as possible! So remember, pop that top! Every tab makes a difference!


FBLA–PBL has introduced a brand new membership recognition program called February Frenzy, and all local chapters are encouraged to participate! In order to complete the program chapters must complete ten simple and fun activities. Activities include setting a goal to increase membership, planning and implementing a community service project, recruit at least 5 new members, and commit to sending at least one chapter member to the National Leadership Conference in Anaheim this summer. Chapters have the opportunity to be recognized on the state and national level by receiving a certificate of recognition and special ribbons at the NLC. To participate in this project, the chapter adviser must go online and activate their chapter. Let’s keep Oklahoma #1 and show PBL how we do it in Oklahoma! For chapter activation, a full list of activities, and more information go online to: http://www.fbla–pbl.org/frenzy2. The deadline for the activities to be completed and submitted is February 28, 2013.

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by Miranda Bowman, PBL State Reporter Are you driven to be a leader? Thrive on responsibility? And enjoy challenging yourself and our FBLA–PBL members? If you answered “yes” to any of these questions, you should consider running for the Oklahoma FBLA–PBL State Officer Team in April at the State Leadership Conference! As an officer, you are the face of Oklahoma FBLA–PBL, the image that leaves a first impression on our communities. Our members look to our state officers for guidance on national FBLA–PBL programs, conference guidelines, competitive events and how to become a business professional. It is a great experience! I was very nervous, but I wanted to make a difference and become an “Ultimate Turkey!” I put my fears aside, came up with my slogan and the excitement began. Once installed as an officer, we attend a two–day State Officer Training at the Hampton Inn and Suites in McAlester. At this training, we received all the information for how to be an officer (dress code, etiquette, sponsorships, etc.). We took our official officer pictures, and then used our new etiquette to eat spaghetti at Pete’s Place (not an easy task)! We also set our state goals and our plan of action for the year. This is a wonderful way to get to know our leaders from all over Oklahoma! If you think you are up to challenge of running for state office, start thinking about your campaign today. You may contact your current state officers and state staff members with questions. The documents and guidelines for running state office are available on the State Leadership Conference page of www.okfbla–pbl.org.


The State Officer Team declares a Penny War against the chapters of Oklahoma FBLA–PBL. A penny war is where each chapter collects pennies to earn points, but beware! Silver change or dollar bills subtract points. The point system is as follows: 1 penny 1 nickel 1 dime 1 quarter $1 bill $5 bill $10 bill $20 bill

= = = = = = = =

+1 point –5 points –10 points –25 points –100 points –500 points –1,000 points –2,000 points

All of the money collected will be donated to the American Red Cross. Each chapter will need to decorate a five–gallon bucket and bring it to the SLC where chapters will battle against each other by putting change into each other’s buckets to increase and decrease point totals. Certificates will be awarded for the best decorated bucket and the chapter with the most points. The decorations on your five gallon bucket should represent your school. For example your chapter could decorate your bucket in your school colors or display your mascot. The state goal is to collect $1,000. If the state meets its goal, each willing officer will take a pie to the face. So start collecting now!

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Dear Oklahoma PBL, Here is just a little hello from your national parliamentarian, Amber Kutnink! Your national officer team could not be more proud of all your state has accomplished in a single semester and I can only imagine what more Oklahoma has in store for 2013. Thus far, this year has been a huge success. The greatness that is PBL has reached several new schools and new people as our membership continues to grow. Recruitment and retention are on the rise thanks in part to those who participated in the launch of a new program September Sweeps. This program was set out to challenge members to recruit at the beginning of the school year and register members early. We had several chapters answer that call including Tulsa Community College—Metro Campus. Congrats Tulsa Community College! We as an organization also held three conferences that Ignited Innovation through keynote speakers, interactive workshops and networking with members from across the nation. It was fun to meet the Oklahoma members that were able to attend the Denver NFLC. We were even able to raise $6,900 for March of Dimes at our Blue Jeans for Babies dances during the Prematurity Awareness Month of November. The new year has only begun and we have more excitement ahead of us! The innovation continues with the implementation of another new program, February Frenzy. This program is another means for chapters and members to get involved and receive recognition. The deadline for submission is Thursday, February 28, 2013 and includes four required activities plus the chapter’s choice of two more. More information can be found at http://www.fbla–pbl.org/frenzy2/. Of course, who could forget about our National Leadership Conference in Anaheim, California this coming June. The tribute position is yours to take and may the odds be ever in your favor as you begin preparing for your competitive events! As always, the national officers, including me, are here to fit your PBL needs! Find us on Facebook, Twitter, and Linkedin or if you need us instantly try the PBL Hotline at 1.805.246.7251. Yours truly, Amber Kutnink PBL National Parliamentarian pblparl@fbla.org

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The National Fall Leadership Conference in Denver, Colorado was the ideal destination for several Oklahoma FBLA–PBL members. There were premiere keynote speakers such as Ryan “Superman” Moran and Al Duncan, fun and interactive workshops where members were able to network with peers from around the region, and memories were made with friends from past conferences as well as new. Oklahoma was represented by four state officers, two PBL chapters (Oklahoma State University and Oklahoma Panhandle State University), and three FBLA chapters (Maud High School, Drumright High School, and Maud Middle School). Thanks to all of the hard work put in by many local chapters at the conference, Oklahoma was awarded top honors with first place in September Sweeps for FBLA and PBL. Speakers covered material from communication and listening skills to giving effective presentations, resume reviews and professional networking to the importance of good decision making. There were several national officers available to meet and speak with including the FBLA and PBL Mountain Plains Region Vice Presidents. The joint conference for FBLA–PBL in the fall is a mix of all ages and an exciting opportunity to recruit and network with everyone around you!

2013 STATE LEADERSHIP CONFERENCE—APRIL 4–6, 2013 Test your knowledge and skills against students from across the state, run for state office, and network with members and advisers and don’t miss the annual Battle of the Chapters! Remember, members must be on record as paid at FBLA–PBL National Center by February 8 for SLC competition eligibility. All registrations must be submitted online. All skills (computer) tests will be administered at your school, prior to the SLC. Because of this, the conference registration deadline is February 22 @ 5pm CST. All reports and supplementary materials (i.e. résumés) must be postmarked by February 22. Please review competitive event guidelines carefully so that you know if supplemantary materials are required. If you do not submit the required materials by the deadline, you will be disqualified from competition. FBLA–PBL has negotiated a discounted room rate of $110 + tax (for up to 4 people) for our conference, but we have a limited number of rooms available. Start planning now so that you may take advantage of this fabulous opportunity! Conference Registration Rates $55 per member staying at Embassy Suites Norman Hotel & Conference Center $75 per member NOT staying at Embassy Suites Norman Hotel & Conference Center $35 per adviser/guest staying at Embassy Suites Norman Hotel & Conference Center $55 per adviser/guest NOT staying at Embassy Suites Norman Hotel & Conference Center More information about the State Leadership Conference, including hotel reservations and registration information, is available at www.okfbla–pblo.org. Chapter advisers will receive an email when conference registration is available. If you have questions about the SLC, please contact Assistant State Adviser Laura Morgan at laura@okfbla-pbl.org. We look forward to “Igniting Innovation” with FBLA–PBL at the SLC!

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BATTLE OF THE CHAPTERS GUIDELINES Note: FBLA, FBLA Middle Level, and PBL chapters will compete against each other.

Guidelines for State Leadership Conference 1. Questions may be formulated from any FBLA–PBL state or national publications (Chapter Management Handbook, Oklahoma FBLA–PBL Policies, Tomorrow’s Business Leader, PBL Business Leader, Robert’s Rules of Order––Newly Revised, National FBLA–PBL Web site, Oklahoma FBLA–PBL Web site, state and national FBLA & PBL bylaws, etc.). 2. Questions will be developed by the State Staff. 3. A moderator will read the questions; judges will verify if the answer is correct. Judges will use their FBLA–PBL knowledge to ascertain if an answer, if not exact, is acceptable. Judges’ decisions are final. 4. For the final round of competition, scores will be tallied by a state officer. 5. If a discrepancy exists between two publications, the information in the most recent publication will prevail. 6. Current and former state and national officers are not eligible for this competition. Preliminary Round 1. Two or three members from each chapter shall make up a team. 2. Teams are lined up across the stage or in front of the stage from stage right to stage left in alphabetical order by chapter. 3. The moderator will present a question to each team beginning at stage right. The first team member will have a chance to answer the question within ten seconds. A timekeeper will state when the ten seconds are up. If the team member answers incorrectly or fails to answer within 10 seconds, the next chapter’s team member will attempt to answer the same question. 4. When a team member answers incorrectly, he/she will leave the stage, only after the question has been answered correctly by another team (remaining team members do not leave the stage). 5. When the question has been answered correctly, a new question will be asked of the next chapter’s team member. If no one answers correctly, the question is discarded. Another question is given with no one disqualified from the previous question. 6. If more than one answer is given by a team member, the first answer will be the only one used by the judges. 7. Team members are not allowed to discuss the question. The audience is asked to remain quiet and not to respond to the question. If a team member receives answer assistance, the team member will be disqualified and the question will be thrown out, and the team member must leave the stage. 8. Questions will be asked of team members until only two chapters are represented. All team members (two or three) of these two remaining teams will be called back to the stage and participate in the final round. Final Round 1. Two chapters will be represented in the final round. 2. Each chapter has a bell placed in the center of the table. When the moderator asks a question, team members may discuss the answer among themselves. The first chapter team member to ring the bell gets the chance to answer the question first. The person who rings the bell must answer the question. Each correct answer is worth 5 points. 3. If an answer given is incorrect, the other chapter team has the opportunity to answer the question. Only five seconds will be allowed to give an answer in the final round. After time is up, another question will be given. 4. If members of both teams appear to ring the bells at the same time, the judges will determine who rang first. If the judges cannot determine who rang first, the question may be thrown out and another question will be asked. 5. There will be no penalty points for incorrect answers. 6. The team that reaches 50 points will be the winner and will receive the travelling Battle of the Chapters plaque and bragging rights until the next Battle of the Chapters.

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Thank you to our 2012–2013 Sponsors! Platinum Sponsors ($250+)

Gold Sponsors ($174–$249)

Silver Sponsors ($100– $174)

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