December 20, 2007

Page 1

VOL. 12 NO. 21


NEWS HEADLINES HOLIDAY HOURS - The offices of Morning Star Publications will be closed for the Christmas holiday from Monday, Dec. 24, at noon to Thursday, Dec. 27, at 8:30 a.m. The office will also be closed on New Year’s Day. REFERENDUM VOTE TABLED - Laurel School Board postpones vote on construction plans, in light of state financial situation. Page 2 WAR VETERAN - He was expecting to die next, but was rescued. Who rescued him will surprise you. Page 8 FACTORY TO OPEN IN SPRING - Plant that will manufacture parts used in driving pilings will need highly-skilled workers. Page 16 TOWN IN ‘EXCELLENT’ FINANCIAL SHAPE Auditor says Laurel is in best shape it’s ever been in. Page 18 VOLUNTEER - A chance meeting during a catastrophic weather event years ago changed his life significantly. Page 49 SANTA’S HELPERS - The home of the late Irv Aydelotte sure did seem a whole lot like Santa’s Workshop in early December. Page 62 WRESTLING SEASON - The Laurel Varsity wrestling team takes to the mats in the home opener last week. Page 53 STARS OF THE WEEK - A Delmar wrestler and a Laurel girls’ basketball player are this week’s Laurel Stars of the Week. Page 56


HOLIDAY GIVEAWAY See page 69 for winners

Five Shopping Days until Christmas



46 24 42 66 14 38 30 40 13 67 7




50 cents

Delmar family nearly loses house Three cats die in fire, which also destroys all home’s contents By Lynn R. Parks

cles on their street, they found that their home of four and a half years had been damaged by fire. No one was home at the time of the blaze, but three family cats perished in the fire. One cat, Honey, 4, and a dog, Georgie, 2, were rescued by firefighters.

The home’s contents were a total loss, Sonja said, ruined either by fire, smoke, or water. The house itself can be rebuilt, she said, a process that will take about six Continued on page four

On their way home from a family Christmas party last Sunday, Sonja and Eric Shires both got calls on their cell phones. Both callers wanted to warn them that their East East Street house in Delmar, Md., was on fire. “Eric’s brother called him, but Eric wouldn’t tell me what he said until he was sure about what was going on,” Sonja Shires, 32, said. “He didn’t want to upset me or the children.” The couple has a daughter, Alanna, 14, and a son, Alexander, 11. But before they reached their house, their minister at the Delmar Christian Center called Sonja. A neighbor, seeing the fire, had run to the East State Street church, where a youth meeting was in progress, and someone at the meeting had called the Rev. Jim Brown. Sure enough, when the family finally was able to maneuver through the many fire trucks and emergency vehiFor your information: The Delmar Christian Center is still collecting money for the Shires family. Donations can be sent to the church office, 107 E. State St., Delmar, DE 19940. Checks should be made out to the church and “Shires family” written on the memo line. For details, call the Rev. Jim Brown, 381-5274, or e-mail him at

HOLIDAY SPIRIT - The Christmas message in Laurel rings out loud and clear. Above, people file out of Old Christ Church Sunday after an old-fashioned Christmas concert. Photo by Pat Murphy. Below, Glen and Laurie Jones have put their holiday message up in lights in a field on the family farm near the intersection of Woodland Ferry Road and Bethel Road. Photo by Daniel Richardson.



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A Fu r n i t u r e Shopping E x pe r i e n ce

Laurel Mayor John Shwed, left, presents a check for $1 to Laurel School Board president Jerry White as part of an agreement for a planned skateboard park on the district’s property. Photo by Mike McClure


School board tables vote on major capital referendum

The Empire Suite Simply Elegant Large Selection of Quilts Thurs., Fri. & Sat. 9 am - 6 pm

Dutch Co u n try Market Have a BLESSED CHRISTMAS and We Thank You, Our Customers, For Your Patronage!

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Specials For Dec. 20, 21, 22 Farmers Cheese . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3.69 lb. Deli Roast Beef . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3.79 lb. Bread Pudding . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1.49 lb.

Rt. 462 Laurel, DE • 302-875-1678 A Pennsylvania Dutch Market in Laurel Behind Johnny Janosiks, Rd. 462

Christmas Hours: Dec. 20, 21 - 9-6; Dec. 22 - 9-5 & Mon. Dec. 24 - 9 am to 4 pm

By Mike McClure The Laurel School Board, under the advisement of Acting Superintendent Linda Schenck and Director of Finance Bill Hitch, agreed during last Wednesday’s meeting to table its vote on the authorization for the development of certificates of necessity for the upcoming major capital referendum. The board also tabled its vote on a proposed referendum date change. Schenck told the board that information Hitch received from John Marinucci, who is the state’s facility manager, led to her recommendation to delay voting on the two issues. Hitch asked Marinucci if planning money would be available to the Laurel School District by fiscal year 2009 if it files for the certificates of necessity and the referendum is successful. He was told that funds would not be available for new projects until July 2009 (fiscal year 2010) at the earliest. District administrators and board members voiced concerns over moving forward with a referendum this spring only to wait three years to be able to move dirt on any construction or renovation projects. Hitch also said that Marinucci is hoping to raise the amount of money the state

provides (cost per square foot) by fiscal year 2010. As a result, Hitch recommended putting off work on the certificates of necessity until the district can learn more. “At no point is this stopping the process, this is just extending it,” said Hitch. Schenck also recommended tabling the vote on the certificates of necessity until district officials can learn more about the possible increase in funds. If the district moves forward with the certificates and then the cost per square foot is raised, the district would not be eligible for the additional funds. The board voted 5-0 in favor of tabling authorization of the certificates of necessity. Board member Edward Jestice pointed out that the board is keeping open its options on whether to build new schools or make priority renovations to the existing schools. Schenck also recommended that the board table its vote on a proposed referendum date change (from April 8 to May 1). The board also unanimously approved this recommendation. Schenck said the board will be able to address these issues again in January. Jestice questioned where Marinucci is going to find the additional funds and said he Continued on next page

DECEMBER 20 - 26, 2007


Superintendent Duda resigns due to disability Continued from previous page

would like to see the board move forward with the referendum process if there are no additional funds available. If the district chooses to wait and pursue funds for fiscal year 2010, it would look at moving the referendum to the fall of 2008. Earlier in the meeting, Schenck asked the board to approve nine administrative contracts and approve the resignation request of Superintendent Keith Duda, who is leaving his post because of disability. The board voted to approve Duda’s resignation request as well as the contracts of the following administrators: Sandra Baker (three years), Mary Bing (two years), Julie Bradley (two years), Rich Gaskill (one year), Christy Greaves (three years), William Hitch (two years), Karen Hughes (three years), Brent Moore (two years) and Judy Noll (three years). Board president Jerry White also recommended that the board approve keeping Schenck as acting superintendent through June 30, 2009. The board voted in favor of this recommendation as well.

Student wants buses for in-town students

Laurel High senior Kelly Thibeau, who is president of the student body, presented a petition to the board regarding the lack of buses for in-town students. Thibeau, who was joined by several classmates at Wednesday’s meeting, said students are required to be in school by 7:45 a.m., which is 20 minutes earlier than last year. As a result of this and the fact that students in town have to walk to school,

Thibeau sited increased gas prices for parents and an increase in days that are 30 degrees or less as other reasons the district should provide buses for its intown students. ‘If Laurel is to be known as the school district where no child is left behind, then let’s make sure that the town students aren’t left behind as well,’ Thibeau said. Thibeau said there have been increases in tardiness and absences. Thibeau sited increased gas prices for parents and an increase in days that are 30 degrees or less as other reasons the district should provide buses for its in-town students. “If Laurel is to be known as the school district where no child is left behind, then let’s make sure that the town students aren’t left behind as well,” Thibeau said. Schenck said the district is attempting to get state funding for buses through state Rep. Biff Lee. “If we could make it happen today I’d make it happen yesterday,” said Schenck. Board member Calvin Musser pointed out that the district had inclement weather buses in the past. Schenck said the buses were funded through grants which are no longer available. Schenck also announced that the board’s next election is scheduled to take place on the second Tuesday in May.



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You’ll Find Something For Everyone On Your List


UNDER ONE ROOF The Shires family home at 417 E. East St., Delmar, Md., sustained thousands of dollars in damages in a fire last weekend that started in the basement. The six people who lived there, including two children, are renting a Delmar home until this house can be repaired. Photo by Pat Murphy.

State fire marshal estimates damages to house at $125,000 Continued from page one

months. “The insurance company says that the house will have to be completely gutted,” she said. The insurance company has not yet determined the cost to repair the house and to replace its contents, Sonja added. When they bought the house, the Shires family paid $115,000 for it and for the vacant lot next door. The Maryland State Fire Marshal estimated damages to the house at $125,000. The contents were worth $75,000, the fire marshal said. The house was the home of the late Ford Brewington, locally well-known for painting letters to the Delmar Town Hall on its exterior walls. Sonja said that when her family moved in, Brewington’s many cans of paint were still in the basement. Last week’s fire started in the basement sometime the afternoon of Dec. 9. Sonja said that an electrical wire carrying power to the dryer shorted out, and the breaker

Laurel Star Published by Morning Star Publications Inc. 628 West Stein Highway, Seaford, DE 19973 (302) 629-9788 • Fax (302) 629-9243

The Laurel Star (USPS #016-427) is published weekly by Morning Star Publications Inc., 628 West Stein Highway, Seaford, DE 19973. Periodicals postage paid at Seaford, DE. Subscriptions are $19 a year in county; $24 a year in Kent and New Castle Counties, Delaware, Delmar, Sharptown and Federalsburg, Maryland; $29 elsewhere. Postmaster: Send address changes to Laurel Star, P.O. Box 1000, Seaford, DE 19973-1000.

failed to trip. The fire marshal said that the cause of the fire is still under investigation. Continued on page five

GIFTS GALORE Camille Beckman Bath & Body

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2007 Holiday Schedule Thursday, Dec. 20 9 am to 6 pm Friday, Dec. 21 9 am to 8 pm Saturday, Dec. 22 9 am to 8 pm

Sunday, Dec. 23 9 am to 9 pm Monday, Dec. 24 9 am to 5 pm Tues, Dec. 25 Closed



DECEMBER 20 - 26, 2007


Continued from page four

The front half of the basement, where the fire started, was completely gutted. The rooms above that part of the basement sustained the most damage. The alarm was called in by a neighbor, Sonja said, and when she and her family arrived at home at around 7:30 p.m., the blaze was out. Fire companies responded from Delmar, Salisbury and Hebron. In addition to the Shires family, also living in the house were Eric’s grandfather, James Shires, 75, who was visiting another grandson Sunday afternoon, and Eric’s mother, Debra Stevens, 52, who was also attending the Christmas party. After nearly a week’s stay in an area motel, the family and its two pets are living in a fivebedroom house on Shadow Lane. Cost of the motel and of the house rental will be paid by their homeowner’s insurance. And area businesses and residents have donated nearly all of the furniture, household utensils and clothing that they need, Sonja said. Donations have also come in from the Delmar Christian Center, which is coordinating the donating process. Last night, the church was to hold a gathering to present to the family additional items that people had donated.

‘ I just thank God that we all survived,’ Sonja said. ‘If this fire had happened in the middle of the night, I doubt that any of us would have survived. I don’t think that we’d have wakened up.’ Alanna and Alexander returned to school the Tuesday after the fire. Alanna is a ninth grader at Delmar High School and Alexander is in the sixth grade at Delmar Elementary School. “I wanted them to get back to normal as soon as possible,” their mother said. The children lost all of their possessions, including books, she said. Sonja, who is a rural mail carrier for the Bishopville (Md.) Post Office, is not sure when she will go back to work. Eric, 35, has his own contracting firm, Shires Construction. Sonja said that in some ways, having the fire so near Christmas made the situation worse. But on the other hand, having Christmas to celebrate so soon after the fire also made the situation better, she added. This weekend, the Shires put up in their temporary home an artificial Christmas tree and ornaments that were stored in their East East Street garage and that were spared the fire. “I just thank God that we all survived,” Sonja said. “If this fire had happened in the middle of the night, I doubt that any of us would have survived. I don’t even think that we’d have wakened up.” While the house had smoke alarms, she said that the fire moved so quickly and was so devastating that there would not have been time to escape. Sonja predicts that in the wake of the fire, her family will become closer. “I think that before, the children spent too much time on the computer, and we were not spending enough time together as a family,” she said. “But when you don’t have anything, you realize what’s important. I think that we will start spending more time together.” As for the church that has been instrumental in getting them the supplies they need, she is very thankful. “If there is a Christmas morning service at the Delmar Christian Center, we will all be there,” she said.



Business Johnny Janosik World of Furniture hires new CEO By Tony E. Windsor Dave Koehler, 45, is the new chief executive officer (CEO) of Janosik World of Furniture and couldn’t be more satisfied. He replaces former CEO, Frank Gerardi, who headed the furniture company for 12 and a half years and recently decided to retire. Born in Wilmington, Koehler graduated from high school and went on to attend college at High Point University in North Carolina. High Point being located in the “Furniture Capital of the World,” gave Koehler an obvious place to apply his university education. Majoring in business administration, economics and management, he took advantage of his surroundings and went into the furniture trade. Koehler spent 21 years with Atlantabased Havertys, most recently as regional manager in charge of all Texas stores. He also headed Havertys’ entry in greater Washington, and worked earlier as assistant vice president of operations. Prior to coming to Johnny Janosik’s, Koehler worked as La-z-Boy Regional vice president of sales in the south central region. Applying his trade in his early years, Koehler read a great deal about the name Janosik in national trade magazines. He was interested in the company, not just because it is located in his home state, but

because of the story surrounding its continuous success in the industry. “I read trade magazines and learned how the store started in a chicken house and just grew and became more and more successful. It is quite a tribute to the team of employees that the Janosik family has brought together,” he said. Taking the helm of such a successful store has its share of challenges as well as opportunities. Koehler feels given the quality of employees working at Janosik’s World of Furniture, there is great reason to be very optimistic about the future. “The economy is difficult at this time; it is difficult everywhere,” he said. “But, given the team that has been assembled here at Janosik’s there is no reason to doubt that we will continue to grow the business and gain our market share. We just need to hold together as a team and eventually this tough economic climate will turn around. We just keep being better than the competition.” Coming to Laurel with Janosik’s has enabled Koehler to be closer to his family. His parents and a brother reside in Wilmington. Leading the Janosik furniture operation has been made even more exciting by arriving not long after Janosik's opened its new 180,000 square foot store on Trussum Pond Road. Koehler said he is happy to be a part of the Janosik Furniture operation.

New Johnny Janosik World of Furniture CEO, David Roehler (second from right) speaks with Janosik family members (from left) Mary Louise and Johnny Janosik and daughter Lori Janosik-Morrison. Photo by Tony Windsor

“This is a great opportunity and I really appreciate how warmly I have been received here by the Janosik employees,” he said. “I look forward to what we will ac-

complish together as a team in the weeks ahead.” Koehler resides with his wife Marie in Millsboro.

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DECEMBER 20 - 26, 2007


Visit or for descriptions of current movie selections

The HOLIDAY SPIRIT is Growing Here!

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Diamond State Drive-In Theater US Harrington, Del. 302-284-8307 CLOSED FOR THE YEAR - REOPENING SPRING 2008

Shop our selection of fresh trees, Christmas wreaths, roping, poinsettias, hanging baskets and foliage plants,

The Movies At Midway Rt. 1, Midway Shopping Ctr., Rehoboth Beach, 645-0200 SCHEDULE SHOWN IS FOR FRIDAY 12/21 THRU THURSDAY, 12/27 Fred Claus . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .PG . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1:00, 3:40, 6:30, 9:00 The Golden Compass . . . . . .PG13 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1:20, 4:00, 6:50, 9:15 Sweeney Todd . . . . . . . . . . . .R . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1:40, 4:40, 7:05, 9:35 Charlie Wilson’s War . . . . . . .R . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1:35, 4:15, 6:50, 9:00 No Country For Old Men . . . .R . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .4:30, 7:00, 9:30 Alvin & The Chipmunks . . . . .PG . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1:30, 4:05, 6:45, 8:50 Enchanted . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .PG . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1:45, 4:20, 6:40, 9:05 The Perfect Holiday . . . . . . . .PG . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .2:05, 4:40, 7:15, 9:20 I Am Legend . . . . . . . . . . . . .PG13 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1:50, 4:35, 7:10, 9:30 P.S. I Love You . . . . . . . . . . .PG13 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1:05, 3:50, 6:35, 9:10 American Gangster . . . . . . . .R . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1:25, 5:10, 8:45 National Treasure: Book of Secrets . . . . . . . . . . .PG . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1:00, 3:45, 6:40, 9:20 Walk Hard . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .R . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .2:00, 4:45, 7:20, 9:40 This Christmas . . . . . . . . . . .PG13 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .2:00, 4:30, 7:00, 9:35 Bee Movie . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .PG . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1:10 Opening Christmas Day: The Water Horse, Aliens Vs. Predator, The Great Debaters

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Your Holiday Florist All Varieties of Hanging Baskets Christmas Cactus, Cyclamen, Ornamental Peppers, African Violets, Rieger Begonias, Ferns Foliage Plants - All Varieties $1 & up

SCHEDULE SHOWN IS FOR FRIDAY 12/21 THRU THURSDAY 12/27 National Treasure: Book of Secrets . . . .PG . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Fri -Thu 7:30, Sun. 2:00 & 7:30

Regal Salisbury Stadium 16 2322 N. Salisbury Blvd., Salisbury, MD, 410-860-1370

Morning Star Publications, Inc. office will be closed Monday afternoon, December 24, Christmas Day and Wednesday, December 26. The following week the office will be closed Tuesday, January 1.

100’s to choose from

See Our Huge Selection of custom made wreaths and artificial poinsettias for home or memorials. We have the lowest prices in the area on Christmas Wreaths, Arrangements, Silk and Dried Arrangements.

Clayton Theater Dagsboro, Del. 20 732-3744

SCHEDULE SHOWN IS FOR FRIDAY 12/21 THRU THURSDAY, 12/27 National Treasure: Book of Secrets* . . . . . .PG .Fri-Sun (10:00, 10:45, 12:00, 1:15, 2:00, 3:45, 4:30, 5:30) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .6:45, 7:30, 8:45, 9:45, 10:45, 11:45 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Mon (10:00, 10:45, 12:00, 1:15, 2:00, 3:45, 4:30, 5:30) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .6:45, 7:30 Walk Hard: The Dewey Cox Story . .R . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Fri-Sun (11:30, 2:15, 4$5) 8:15, 10:50 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Mon (11:30, 2:15, 4:45) 8:15 Charlie Wilson’s War* . .R . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Fri-Sun (11:00, 1:30., 4:30) 7:30, 10:10 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Mon (11:00, 1:30, 4:30) 7:30 PS I Love You . . . . . . . .PG13 . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Fri-Sun (9:50, 12:45, 4:00) 7:15, 10;10 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Mon (9:50, 12:45, 4:00) 7:15 I Am Legend* . . . . . . . . .PG-13 . .Fri - Sun (10:30, 11:00, 11:30, 1:00, 1:45, 2:15, 3:30, . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .4:15, 5:00, 5:45) 6:15, 7:00, 8:00, 8:30, 9:30, 10:00, 10:30, . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .(Sat. 12:30 show also) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Mon (10:30, 11:00, 11:30, 1:00, 1:45, 2:15, 3:30, 4:15, 5:00, . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .5:45) 7:00, 8:00 Alvin & The Chipmunks .PG . . . . . . Fri-Sun (9:45, 11:15, 12:15, 1:30, 2:45, 4:00, 5:15) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .6:30, 7:45 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Mon (9:45, 11:15, 12:15, 1:30, 2:45, 4:00, 5:15) 6:30, 7:45 Perfect Holiday . . . . . . .PG . . . . . . . . . . . .Fri-Sun (9:45, 12:15, 2:45, 5:30) 8:00, 10:20 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Mon (9:45, 12:15, 2:45, 5:30) 8:00 The Golden Compass . .PG13 . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Fri-Sun (11:10, 2:00, 4:45) 7:45, 10:30 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Mon. (11:10, 2:00, 4:45) 7:45 Enchanted . . . . . . . . . . .PG . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Fri-Sun (10:30, 1:00, 4:15) 7:00, 10:00 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Mon (10:30, 1:00, 4:15) 7:00 This Christmas . . . . . . .PG13 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Fri-Sun (9:50, 12:45, 3:45) 6:30, 9:45 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Mon (9:50, 12:45, 3:45) 6:30

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German soldiers saved his life by capturing him The Seaford and Laurel Star newspapers are running a series of articles on the veterans who served this nation during World War II. We welcome suggestions for interviews. Contact Bryant Richardson at 629-9788.

By James Diehl

Looking back on his World War II years, John H. Peters remembers many things. He remembers his crewmates and he remembers the plane he flew eight missions on. But, perhaps more than anything else, he remembers kriegsbrot. He prefers to never see, or taste, it again. In English, kriegsbrot translates to “war bread” and it’s what kept Peters and thousands of other Allied prisoners alive during their stay at the Stalag Luft 1 prisoner of war camp in Germany. Served with a few potatoes and an occasional piece of horsemeat, Kriegsbrot was anything but a delicacy. “They gave each of us a certain number of loaves and it had to last a certain amount of time. I think it had sawdust in it; it wasn’t good at all,” remembers Peters, a resident of Seaford since 1965. “All we talked about in the prison was food. We didn’t talk about women, we didn’t talk about home. All we talked about was what we were going to eat when we got out of there.” Peters’ choice after being liberated by the Russians – a steak and a chocolate milkshake. He calls it the “best tasting



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Seaford resident John H. Peters served as a lead navigator in the United States Air Force during World War II. He spent several months in a German prisoner of war camp from late 1944 to May of 1945.

food I ever had.” A chief navigator in the United States Air Force, Peters served in the 8th Air Force, 100th Bomb Group. It was a unit nicknamed “The Bloody Hundredth” because of heavy losses suffered during missions to Germany. Peters served full-time on a plane

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SAT. DEC. 22




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Continued to page nine

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named “Billy Boy,” named after the pilot’s infant son. But, while serving as a replacement on another plane in the fall of 1944, he was forced to evacuate his aircraft after it was hit by German anti-aircraft fire over Frankfurt. It’s only by the grace of God he survived.

Peters and another crewman jumped out of the burning airplane and floated to the earth below. But their parachutes got tangled up in a tree, leaving them dangling several feet above ground. The young air force navigator was forced to watch helplessly as a German civilian killed his comrade with a shotgun and looked toward him. It was, ironically, a squad of German soldiers that saved his life, forcing the armed civilian away. “The German troops ran him off and then brought a fire truck to get me out of the tree,” Peters remembers. “When I saw [my crewmate] killed, I started thinking about why God saved me and allowed me to live. The whole experience actually made me a better person because I found religion through it. So it helped me in that way.” Unlike horror stories told to this day about the treatment of Allied prisoners of war, Peters says, while not fed particularly well, he was never mistreated in any way by his captors. “They wanted to know your name and your rank but there was never any formal interrogation of any kind,” Peters says. “I think the Germans had a much greater fear of America than the Japanese did, and they definitely treated us better than the Japanese.” But German soldiers did engage in certain mind games, particularly in relation to care packages sent regularly from the

MON. DEC. 24



WED. DEC. 26




DSHA announces ‘08-’12 housing needs assessment Delaware State Housing Authority Director Sandy Johnson has announced the release of the updated Statewide Housing Needs Assessment. The study, undertaken by Mullin & Lonergan Associates, Inc., of Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, enables DSHA and other affordable housing providers to direct their resources towards meeting Delaware’s housing needs through 2012. DSHA Director Sandy Johnson said, “The Statewide Housing Needs Assessment is Delaware’s comprehensive housing study. It enables us to structure our strategy for housing and housing-related services in Delaware, particularly the needs of low-income

households, throughout the next five years.” Johnson continued, “There is no question that we have a big job ahead of us and we have to look at the big picture. Many of Delaware’s families are cost burdened—living on the edge, paycheck to paycheck. Many face eviction or foreclosure. On any given night, about 2,000 Delawareans are homeless. We must create a continuum of housing, which includes a well-coordinated system for helping families get off the street and provides adequate affordable rental housing and homeownership opportunities.” Key findings of the assessment include:

• Between 1995 and 2006, median home prices in Delaware appreciated by 177%—the fastest rate in the nation. • Home prices in all three counties are well over three times the median household income, the common threshold of housing affordability. • More than 18% of Delaware’s homeowners and

43% of Delaware’s renter households were cost burdened in 2005, paying more than 30% of their income for housing. • A full-time childcare worker, preschool teacher, or retail salesperson earning their occupation’s median wage cannot afford the fair market rent for a one-bedroom apartment in Delaware. • Employment growth through

2014 is projected to be fastest among industry sectors with lower average wages. Two of the three top industries projected to create the most new jobs in Delaware from 2004-2014 had 2006 average annual wages of less than $26,000. • From 2000 to 2015, the number of households in Continued to page 11

Prison life under the Germans Continued from page eight

American Red Cross. In each package were cigarettes and canned food. But, if prisoners wanted to open the cans, they had to take certain measures. “The guards would take one of the cartons of cigarettes and give me a can opener in return. I traded many cigarettes, keeping one [can opener] for myself and giving the rest to my fellow prisoners,” Peters remembers. “The trading was done by way of a German Shepherd. He would come in and drop the can opener in front of me and take the cigarettes back to the guards. That dog was my only German friend. “Because I swapped all my cigarettes for can openers, I ended up quitting smoking. I turned a negative into a positive, which is what you have to do in life sometimes.” Stalag Luft 1 was located in Barth, Germany, about 130 miles north of Berlin on the Baltic Sea. It was opened in 1942 as a camp for British prisoners of war, but when the Red Cross visited the camp in early 1943, two American officers had already arrived. By January of 1944, 507 American Air Force officers were detained there. The strength of the camp grew rapidly from this date, until April of 1944, when the Red Cross reported 3,463 inmates. At the time of the camp’s liberation, 7,717 Americans and 1,427 Britons were returned to military control. The camp was liberated by the Russians on May 1, 1945. “The Russians invaded Germany and freed us,” Peters remembers. “Then they notified the Americans, who came in and took us out of the prison in trucks, then to American ships for the ride home.” Having been unable to communicate with his parents in

Chicago, Peters was finally able to send a letter home informing his family that he was okay. In a letter dated May 10, 1945, and saved by his family for the last 62 years, Peters briefly explains his experience in the days prior. “Dear folks. I guess this is about the first of my letters that will get home but I expect to beat it by a few days,” the letter reads. “We were liberated by the Russians on May 1 and have been living like kings ever since. Had my first steak last night and really appreciated it…Don’t worry if I don’t get home for quite a while since there’s a lot of boys who deserve it more than I do.” It was the first correspondence his parents had received concerning their son since a telegram from the U.S. War Department in January informed them that he was a prisoner of the German government. A winner of five oak leaf clusters and other air medals, Peters lives today in Seaford with his second wife, Aline. He’s proud of his duty to God and country during a time of need. “I think everybody in the service helped the country. The Germans were certainly a formidable group,” Peters says. “I’m just glad to have helped. I think it’s our duty as Americans to help out the country when needed.” Peters was released from active duty on Christmas Day, 1945. He flew eight missions before being captured by the Germans in 1944. NOTE: Next week’s feature will profile an Army man, from Bethel, who served in the European theater during World War II. He was a platoon sergeant in the infantry and fought in Normandy, France, Austria and Germany, earning three battle stars.

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Food Lion partners with Seaford Mission of Hope By Robert Marx How does an empty dumpster signify service to the community? It does when that dumpster is located behind your local Food Lion store. Passionate about serving the community, James King, store manager of Food Lion’s Seaford location had a problem. He relates that “shrink” or shrinkage is a normal cost in the retail food business. James’ was concerned that edible food was going into the dumpster. Shrinkage is the result of Food Lion’s high standards for freshness and their effort to keep the shelves fully stocked with a wide selection of products. James felt there “had to be a better way” than to dispose of food that was still useable. Reaching out to a number of organizations in the community, James met with Mission of Hope Administrator Paul Alexander. Although sharing the food headed for the dumpster created additional expense for the company, James knew it was “the right thing to do.” Food Lion’s food sharing program has grown to include all 12 stores in the Rehoboth Beach district. In addition to the Mission of Hope, organizations that benefit include Home of the Brave; Casa San Francisco; Lord’s Bounty; Boys and Girls Clubs;

and the Salvation Army. The network has grown to include Food Lion’s vendors Herr’s, Utz and Wonder Bread. James points out that some people regard a bag of potato chips as a luxury item. He reminds us that even needy parents would like to give their children a “treat” every once in a while. Food Lion’s community involvement includes charitable grants and support of many worthy programs through their “shop and share” program. Your Food Lion MVP card can be linked to a non-profit organization of your choice. Every three months, Food Lion will make a donation to your charity based on your purchases. On your next visit to Food Lion, drop by customer service who can help you link your MVP card to your favorite charity. “People who shop here live in the area and we want to be their neighborhood grocer,” said King, who recently accepted the Mission of Hope’s "Making a Difference Award" on behalf of Food Lion. In this season of giving, it is great to know that a large company like Food Lion has a big heart for the community. Remember that although corporate support is important, the largest support for the Mission of Hope comes from

individual contributors. You still have time to make a tax-deductible contribution or vehicle donation before the end of 2007. Also, please consider becoming a pledge partner in 2008. The Mission of Hope provides rehabilitation, education and housing for men who are homeless. The Mission treats

the causes of homelessness in order to return these men to a productive life in the community. The Mission needs volunteers with program development or fund raising experience. Contact the Mission at 629-2559, via e-mail at, or write to Mission of Hope, PO Box

1271, Seaford, DE 19973. For more information, visit www.MissionofHopeSeaford. org. As always, the Mission of Hope appreciates all financial help, vehicle donations and, especially, your prayers. Robert Marx is a volunteer at the Mission of Hope.

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Delaware housing needs Continued from page nine

Delaware is projected to increase four percent faster than the population. • Kent and Sussex Counties will both experience growth in the number of households twice that of New Castle County. • Approximately 25,000 existing Delaware renter households are “at risk,” and there is a need for at least 1,500 new affordable rental housing units—the majority of which are needed for households with extremely low incomes. • There is a need for over 600 new supportive housing units and 1,000 rental subsidies to meet the housing needs of Delawareans who are chronically homeless or at risk of becoming chronically homeless. • From 2008-2012, 6,333 first-time, affordable home buyers are projected to be in the market to purchase homes. Approximately 15% of new construction homes will need to be affordable to these buyers. • 4,604 assisted rental hous-

ing units face expiring subsidy contracts and/or use restrictions from 2008-2012. An additional 2,259 units are estimated to be in need of substantial rehabilitation. Together, these 6,863 units represent half of Delaware’s assisted rental housing stock. For more information on the Needs Assessment or affordable housing programs available through DSHA, visit or contact the Public Information Office in Dover at 888-3638808.

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At this special time of the year, we remember many blessings to be thankful for. Our faith keeps us strong even when times are tough. Our family keeps us looking to the future with love.

s ’ e k i M

Our friends make life more meaningful every passing year. This year, take time from your busy holiday schedule to remember your faith, your family and your friends. From the Bradleys to your family, Merry Christmas




Bush administration stood alone on climate change stand The George W. Bush administration gave the world an early YNN ARKS Christmas present last week. After standing as the lone nation against ‘America’s isolation was a provision of the document coming out of the conference on clicomplete,’ according to a mate change being held in Bali, Indonesia, Bush’s representative at report from the Associated the conference, Under Secretary of Press. ‘No one spoke in State Paula Dobriansky, finally agreed to support it. Serious and support.’ in-depth talks about cutting greenhouse gases can now move on. as strong action as possible to fight it, is This change of mind came only after reprehensible and embarrassing. nation after nation denounced the United We should be leading the world in creStates and its lack of leadership on climate change, which scientists are warning could ating clean technologies. Our government should be the government all others turn have terrible consequences for all who to for advice and assistance, not the govlive on Earth. “We seek your leadership,” the delegate ernment that, by poor country after poor country, is being begged simply to get out from Papua New Guinea told Dobriansky of the way. at the conference. “But if for some reason All of this comes as report after report you are not willing to lead, leave it to the indicates that the effects of climate change rest of us. Please get out of the way.” are happening faster than anyone predictDobriansky was the only conference ed. The polar ice cap at the North Pole delegate to oppose a provision to the Bali melted dramatically this summer. Glaciers climate change agreement that would in Tibet are shrinking by as much as 150 strengthen requirements for wealthier nafeet a year. And everywhere, from Sri tions to help poorer nations with the techLanka to Kansas, New Orleans to Russia, nology required to limit greenhouse gases extreme and violent weather is wreaking and to prepare for the inevitable consequences of the environmental changes that havoc on infrastructure and claiming lives. Citizens, like the Bali conference reprehave already been set in motion. sentative from Papua New Guinea, cannot “America’s isolation was complete,” depend on the narrow-minded and backaccording to a report from the Associated ward-thinking Bush administration to take Press. “No one spoke in support.” Of course, all this comes in the wake of the lead in fighting climate change. We have to accept the charge ourselves, limitthe United States’ refusal to sign onto the ing fuel consumption in all ways that we Kyoto Protocol, a document designed to can. That means everything from cutting start reducing greenhouse gases and suphow much gasoline and electricity we use ported by all other industrialized nations to growing our own food and reducing our in the world. Instead of the protocol’s use of plastics. mandatory reductions in carbon emissions Everything we do, 24 hours a day, has that come from burning fossil fuels, Presian impact on the environment, and it is dent Bush favors voluntary reductions — high time that we started understanding as though coal and oil companies, power that that impact matters, and then acting companies and auto manufacturers have accordingly. And wouldn’t that be a wonalways been first in line in doing what’s derful Christmas present, not just for the right for the environment. How infuriating. Ours is the nation that people with whom we share our planet but for the rest of nature. conquered space. That more than 200 George Bush and his ilk have held us years ago formed a radical government back for too long. But with understanding based on democracy. That built railroads, and knowledge, we can move forward dedefeated polio and led the world in creatspite them, and ensure that this Earth is ing a comfortable standard of living. For still a wonderful place to live, for hunus first to refuse to acknowledge that climate change is happening, then to not take dreds of Christmases to come.



Christmas Eve Services


Blades UMC 302-629-9513

Bethel UMC 302-628-3993

Concord UMC

Stein Hwy. at Reliance, 302


John Beauchamp 410


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Gethsemane UMC

Stein Hwy. (6 miles west of Seaford) Seaford, DE


Mt. Hope UMC

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Rt. 392, Finchville, Md.

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St. John’s UMC Pine & Poplar Sts. Seaford, Del.

22025 Atlanta Rd. Seaford, Del. 302-629-3029

6:00 pm Family Service 9:00 pm Contemporary Candlelight 11:00 pm Traditional Candlelight 7:00 pm Children’s Service 9:00 pm Contemporary Candlelight 11:00 pm Traditional Candlelight

Woodland UMC 5123 Woodland Church Rd., Seaford, Del. 302-629-5404


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Wesley UMC

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Prayers are not about granting wishes or favors When I attended religious classes as a kid, our priest made RANK ALIO an unannounced visit to our classroom. He chose to ask me Too often we pray to the question, "Are you a good God when we are in a Catholic?" jam hoping for a speEven at a young age, I thought like a politician and I cial favor; sometimes knew I wanted to say "yes," but our prayers are anthat was not what the priest swered, often not. wanted to hear. So I told him I was not, knowing that was the politically would win or if God does not love her correct answer. Plus, he may have as much as the other two contestants, known more about my youthful actions she would lose? than I wanted the class to know. When a boxer wins a fight you usuHe agreed with my answer and pro- ally hear, "I thank my God," apparently ceeded to tell the class that none of us signifying God did not love the other were good enough Christians and elab- boxer as much. orated what constituted a good ChristAnd thanking God for sports victoian in the eyes of God. ries is becoming more widespread, alIn my teachings, especially by my leging that God apparently did not like Dad, I was taught that just going to the losing team. church on Sundays did not make you a A story recently aired on ESPN good Christian; being a good Christian about sports figures, particularly footwas a 24-7 job. I've always tried to folball players expressing their faith on low that lesson. the football field after making a touchToo many people play the good down. They kneel in the end zone, Christian on Sundays and scheme to make the sign of the cross or point to shaft people while listening to the clerthe sky. I guess God held a grudge gy preach the importance of the Ten against the 11 defensive players on the Commandments. Fortunately, most other team? worshippers are sincere and practice The story indicated players were uswhat they hear. ing prayer on the field to prove the While my attendance in church power of God made them a better playwould not look good on my resume to er than the opposing team. St. Peter, I have tried to serve my MasThe question was poised to the lister and His servants on earth according teners, "Does God choose sides during to my religious learnings and also con- a sports event?" Of course not. tribute to my church financially. Some years ago, I wrote about the But sometimes I think people tend Texan who won a large amount in the to carry their religious feelings too far lottery. He didn't consider himself and put God in a precarious role of lucky; he beat huge odds to win and he having to deliver when prayer for help thanked God for his windfall. or a favor is asked of Him. Hey, I purchased five bucks worth "It is in the hands of GOD." How of chances on that same lottery; God many times have you heard this; like doesn't love me? He has to make a choice of whether or Did Americans win World War I and not you are granted your wish. II because we believed in God and our Recently, I watched a talent show on enemies didn't? What about the Italians TV and one of the judges told a conwho were losers in the second war? testant that the decision whether she The Catholic religion is the largest would win or not "was in God's in the world and Italians are among the hands." most dedicated religious people. God Did she mean if God loves her, she didn't like the way Italians prepared



their Holy Water? Was the Korean and Viet Nam conflict a draw because God loved both sides? Those who died did because God called in their number? Of course not? And how did God draw the line when Americans went against each other in the Civil War? Certainly the loss of 3,000 lives in the Twin Towers was the work of cruel men, not the Almighty because he wanted to punish us for the growth of homosexuality in this country as one famous Evangelist boldly stated. I believe we control our destiny; if I fall flat on my face it's my fault, no one else's. If I drink and drive, have an accident and pass on; that was my choice, a bad one, but I am to blame, no one else. People who know me well, know I do not travel by air for fear of crashing. Many have said to me, "When it's your time to go, God will take you." I answer, "but what if it's the pilot's time to go?" My bride deeply believes God determines your time on earth; I disagree, but we don't discuss it. That discussion is off limits. I don't believe He has time to make a chart when our due date comes. The way some people die tragically, I don't want to believe that is God's plan. Death by fires, auto accidents, death by murder; I can't believe if I died of any of those tragic deaths that this was the way He wanted me to go. No one deserves a tragic death, no matter how good or bad a person has been during their time on earth. Religious leaders want us to believe that if we don't live the good life God won't accept us into the pearly gates. Some high profile evangelists have made fortunes convincing parishioners of that fact. But God forgives us for our sins, so the Bible says. Catholics have their last rites given to them on their death bed to absolve them of their sins; so we've all got to be going upstairs. Ministers pray by the sides of those on their death bed asking forgiveness of all





sins. When you attend a funeral, you always hear that the person is better off and has gone to be with God. In fact, I've never been to a service where the officiating clergy said the deceased was going to Hell. I can't debate the clergies' statements about us living the good life. No one has come back from either place high or low - to let us know how the system works. Did Lyndon Johnson and Franklin Roosevelt go downstairs for leading many of our troops to war and death? Was John F. Kennedy punished for womanizing and breaking the commandment, "thou shall not commit adultery?" Will George Bush and Dick Cheney be punished for sending our troops to war? Of course not! I once had an employee who said something that opened my eyes. During one of her adult Sunday school sessions, her class leader told the group not to be surprised who you see in heaven, leading me to believe God does forgive us for our sins and I will see everyone when I pass on from Al Capone to Hitler and Jack the Ripper. My bride often says when she reads or hears of someone committing ungodly sins, "If they get to heaven, there's going to be a band playing for me when I get there." Too often we pray to God when we are in a jam hoping for a special favor; sometimes our prayers are answered, often not. I've often read as long as there are tests in school, there will always be prayer in school no matter what the Supreme Court rules. Some who have been healed from life threatening diseases believe the power of prayer saved them. I won't argue that assumption. We know God has a large presence in our lives, but ease up on the fellow because His plate is full. Live the good life, obey the Ten Commandments and take life as the cards are dealt to us. And remember - He is the reason for the holiday, not Santa Claus.

Merry Christmas! O u r C li e n ts Recomme nd Us Tim e a n d Tim e A g a in




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Factory offering skilled jobs plans to open in spring By Tony E. Windsor Efforts to bring skilled jobs to Laurel have paid off for town officials. During the Monday, Dec. 17, meeting of Laurel Town Council, Code Enforcement Officer Paul Frick announced plans for a new manufacturing plant to locate in the town. Frick said the new plant will use robotic welding to manufacture metal pile joint ends that are used in the production of concrete pilings. The facility will be located on the parcel of land on 10th Street across from the Laurel Volunteer Fire Department. The

land was formerly used to store farm equipment. Owned by Michael Jahnigan, who also owns Sun Marine, Frankford, the plant could open as early as the spring of 2008. Frick said the commercial enterprise will open in phases and eventually, along with manufacturing the metal ends, will produce entire concrete pilings and develop into a service center for repairs of the equipment used to drive the pilings. The joint ends that will be manufactured at the plant will be 10 to 20 feet in length and will be transported by trucks and railroad car. A rail siding will be con-

structed to the plant to provide access to the Norfolk Southern Railway tracks. Laurel Mayor John Shwed said that this new plant is an example of new job opportunities for the citizens of Laurel, as well as a new revenue source for the town. “This serves two great purposes,” he said. “It helps enhance the town’s tax base and gives our citizens opportunities for some new jobs.” Shwed also said the new company is very environmentally-conscious. Frick agreed and gave as an example of that the fact that Jahnigan is using pavers for the plant’s sidewalks and driveways, as op-

posed to traditional asphalt and concrete. Doing this, Frick said, is as much as three times as expensive as the traditional asphalt, but is better in terms of handling runoff. The plant will employ five workers in the first year. However, as the plant expands its phases of operation, there could be as many as 55 employees. “We are really excited because these job opportunities are for high-skill type employment,” Frick told the council. He said that the plant’s owner has already taken orders for product needed for the summer of 2008.

Town applying for state money to help with water projects By Tony E. Windsor Efforts are underway by the Laurel Public Works Department to attempt to secure more than $1.5 million in state funds to do needed infrastructure work in the community. Public Works director Woody Vickers came before the Laurel Town Council Monday night to get its approval for him to develop a formal application to the Delaware Office of Drinking Water (DODW). Vickers said a preliminary application submitted on behalf of the town was approved by the DODW. Vickers explained that if the funding is awarded the money will be used for three projects in the town. In 2005, funding restrictions led to the town having to scale back on the work being done to improve the 4th, 5th and 6th street areas. Vickers said he is seeking about $165,000 in the application to fund the work that was cut from the original project. He also said the town needs to boost water pressure in the West Street area. He is asking for about $985,000 to install a larger water main in that area of the town. Vickers also said that he is requesting funds to pay for the installation of muchneeded isolation valves, which allow the town to make line repairs without having to shut off the water supply to large, sometimes total, areas of the community. That project has been completed, he said. But

costs far exceeded what had been estimated and the town was forced to pay out an additional $280,000 to get the job done. It is hoped that some or all of this expenditure can be recouped through the new funding application. In order to move forward with the formal funding application, Vickers needed the town council to decide whether it would continue to have the Public Works Department provide service for the town’s water supply, or contract out to a private water service organization. Shwed put the question to a vote, but first gave his own opinion. “I feel the citizens are better off when its government controls its utilities,” he said. “I recommend that we allow our existing Public Works Department to own and operate our water system, rather than go with an outside source.” The council voted unanimously to continue having the Public Works Department own and operate the town’s water. Shwed said the vote shows how the town government views the abilities of Vickers and the Public Works Department. “I hope this demonstrates to you the high level of confidence that we have for Laurel’s Public Works Department and its ability to provide the highest quality of service for town,” he said. Vickers said the DODW is seeking $22 million from the state to award statewide for major water infrastructure projects.

This amount will depend on what the General Assembly decides. He said there are a total of nine projects being considered for funding awards; he said Laurel is fourth on the list and is the only Sussex County project being considered. Vickers said DODW will determine not only whether the town will receive funding at all, but also what type of funding it may get. He said there are three possibilities. One is a low-interest loan at three-percent interest, one is a no-interest loan and the last and most desirable funding opportunity would come in form of a grant, which the town would not have to pay back. Mayor John Shwed said the projects being addressed in the funding application

are important and part of the town’s priority list for capital projects. “It is important to understand that whether we get this funding or not, these projects are something we eventually will have to do. However, I feel we have no reason other than to feel optimistic about our chances because Laurel has a good track record in terms of its performance on past grants and funding awards,” he said. Vickers said it would be after the New Year begins before the town learns whether it will get funded for the infrastructure projects. “It is important that we get this application in to the Office of Drinking Water so we can get these projects in the pipeline,” he said.

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FIRST DONATION - The Laurel Community Foundation’s Hope House Project is the first recipient of funds from a charity golf tournament developed in honor of Johnny and Mary Louise Janosik and their family. The inaugural Johnny Janosik Charity Golf Tournament was held in September at Heritage Shores in Bridgeville and raised $43,000 which was presented to the Laurel Community Foundation at the Johnny Janosik World of Furniture Galleries in Laurel. The tournament will benefit a different local charity effort each year. Front, from left: Mary Louise Janosik, Johnny Janosik, golf tournament coordinator John Evans, Laurel Community Foundation president John Shwed, Del Evans and Laurel Community Foundation secretary Bill Trujillo. Back: Lori Janosik-Morrison, golf tournament coordinators Richard Small and Barry Morrison and Laurel Community Foundation treasurer, Ellie Guest. Photo by Tony Windsor

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NEW WREATHS - The Laurel Garden Club recently presented wreaths to the Laurel Community Foundation to be used on the foundation’s Hope Houses. Bottom, from left: Mayor John Shwed, president of the foundation board, Lynn Jackson and Ellie Guest. Middle row: Pat Malinchak, Becky Evertt and Katherine Bateman. Top row: Sarah Marie Trivits, garden club president Shirley Skinner and Melinda Thornton. Submitted photo

Town in excellent shape, auditor says By Tony E. Windsor When the new town manager arrives in Laurel in a few weeks, he will be met with what a financial professional calls “an excellent and healthy” financial situation in the town. During the Monday, Dec. 17, meeting of Laurel Town Council, town auditor Tom Sombar, Sombar and Associates, said that his audit of Laurel’s most recent fiscal year showed the town to be in a sound financial state. Sombar, who has been doing Laurel’s audits since 1973, said, “Essentially, the town is in the strongest financial position it has ever been in.” He indicated that among other financial triumphs, the town’s assets as of June 30 were listed at $15.8 million over its liabilities, an increase over last year of more than $6.1 million. Revenue in the town is also up by more than $6 million this year, from about $3.5 million in 2006 to the most recent figure of about $9.6 million. He credits much of this to state and federal funding grants being awarded to the town for capital projects and the increase of the municipality’s various service fees. In addition, spending is down by about $142,000. Sombar explained that the 2006 finances showed more extensive expenditures; however, much of that came from

the costs associated with the town buying into the state’s police pension fund. Sombar said that at the close of the most recent fiscal year budget, Laurel showed governmental fund balances of over $1.9 million. He said all of this is unreserved and available for use. In addition, the unreserved fund balance for the town’s general fund was at more than $1.9 million, or 103 percent of the total general fund expenditure. The auditor said that in general, a town should have a minimum of six months in municipal operating funds on hand. In Laurel’s case, Sombar said, the town could pay its bills for over a year if traditional municipal revenues stopped. “This is reflective of a very, very strong year. In the town’s case, every staffing department is under budget, which happens due to good management controls,” he said. Mayor John Shwed said everyone at the council table should be proud of the town’s financial picture. “This is a credit to all the department heads that understood the revenue streams for the town and worked hard and creatively. Each department helped get the town in this financial position. The citizens of the community should be proud and this report should make everyone in the community feel good,” he said.

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First, service at Old Christ Church, then tea at Cook House By Pat Murphy

Ellis Jones, Ph.D., president of Old Christ Church, and a bidding prayer was offered Old Christ Church League and the Lau- by the Rev. John D. Ranney, director of rel Historical Society teamed up for a the choral society. Christmas concert and a Christmas tea parBetween the selections by the members ty on Sunday, Dec. 16. More than 100 of the choral society, there were scripture people attended the church service and it readings by Mary Ann Torkelson, Lorraine was deemed a success by all those present, Bozman, Janet Hubbard and Ralph Peters. including rector of St. Philip’s Church, First time visitor Bobby Otwell, a 2004 Rita Nelson. Laurel High School graduate, was amazed At the end of the concert at Old Christ at the interior of the old church. Church, Nelson said, “I believe we could “Is this heaven or what?” he said. have stayed here all Otwell lives apnight but we are runproximately three First time visitor Bobby Otwell, miles from the ning out of light.” Nelson also stated church and like many a 2004 Laurel High School graduthat once something in the area, he had like this event is held never been there beate, was amazed at the interior of in the Episcopal fore. In the true Church, “it is a tradiChristmas spirit, tion.” Otwell and his parthe old church. People starting filents, Jan and Bill, sat ing into the historic in one of the box ‘Is this heaven or what?’ he old church on Chippews that are a feaman’s Pond Road in ture of the church. said. Laurel at 2:25 for the As darkness drew 3 p.m. service. Many in on the old historic were bundled up in church, the service scarves and topcoats and carrying blankets came to an end with the choral society as they got a taste of what a 1771 church joined by the audience for a final song of service would have been like on a 41-dethe season, “Silent Night.” gree, damp, December afternoon. All present were invited to the Cook The service opened with the Southern House for a tour by the Laurel Historical Delaware Choral Society Ensemble enterSociety. During this tour, attended by 90 ing in procession while singing the tradipeople, refreshments were offered, includtional carol, “Oh Come, Oh Come ing old-fashioned spiced hot tea. The first Emanuel.” A welcome was given by Fay bowl was gone in minutes as the visitors

Fred and Agnes O’Neal of Laurel with friends Betty and Les Martens of Seaford, attended the service and dressed for the occasion. Photo by Pat Murphy.

tried to chase off the winter chill. Firsttime visitors enjoyed the Gov. Carvel exhibit and many had remembrances of Laurel’s famed governor. Jo Anne and Lloyd Shupp of Falls Church, Va., were guests of Debbie and Tim Keenan of nearby Old Church Landing. The Shupps thought the event at the

Laurel 450 N. Central Ave., Laurel (302) 875-7591

church was great and featured “fine voices” in the choral society. Debbie commented on how cold services in the old church could be. And her husband probably expressed the sentiments of all those who attended. ”I think of all those many people who attended before us,” he said.

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Area groups are working to keep history of Laurel alive “Giddy-up, Ol’ Paint,” I thought as I climbed out of my car on a AT URPHY cold, damp Sunday afternoon at Old Christ Church in Laurel. I Ned Fowler and Kendal would say I am one of the many who choose to remember what we Jones, both members of like to call “the good old days” and I could just see my family and me the Laurel Historical Socimaking our way down what was once a dirt road to the historic old ety, have so much historichurch in our buggy pulled by our horse, “Paint.” cal knowledge to share. I, like many others, thank the Old Christ Church League and the train station and Studley House and put Laurel Historical Society for putting on a some pride into our local youth as to what Christmas concert at the church and a tea was Laurel. Laurel has quite an interesting after at the Cook House, headquarters for past. Teaching our youngsters about it may the Laurel Historical Society. Things are pay off in the future and at least our grandsupposed to be better when you work tochildren and children will be able to tell gether and this event proves it can be. visitors about our historic treasures. Bobby Otwell, a 2004 Laurel graduate By the way, the church is soon going to and recent Del Tech grad, was among need some repairs and I am certain it and those in attendance. Bobby lives right the historical society can use our donations down the road from the church, but this to keep these treasures going. was his first visit. I had to ask, and Bobby told me that he doesn’t remember anything Are you already tired of watching footbeing said about Old Christ Church during ball and dreading all those football games his school days. I have an idea, and I bethat are going to be coming at us on televilieve it is doable. sion over the next few weeks? Well, Scott Ned Fowler and Kendal Jones, both and Tammy Regan have the answer for members of the Laurel Historical Society, you. The auctioneers are having a huge have so much historical knowledge to New Year’s Day auction at the Laurel Fire share. I think they, as well as several othHouse. It will start at 9:30 a.m. and there ers knowledgeable about local history, will be guns, vintage local memorabilia should be allowed to visit school classand so much more. Bill Hearn, the esrooms or host school visits to the Cook teemed president of Laurel Fire DepartHouse, Old Christ Church, maybe soon the ment, is planning on having bowls of that



New Year’s requirement, black-eyed peas, for sale. You know, they are supposed to bring you luck and I think they also will get rid of pests, although that is only my belief. For that reason alone I shall get a bowl. Over the last few years there have been several pests I’ve been trying to ward off. You know who they are. Remember the days when Christmas shopping was all done in a few hour’s walk through Laurel, Seaford, Bridgeville or Delmar? Hitting Main, Market or Central Street , you usually found the perfect gift. In Laurel, it was all right there at Firestone, the Wee Gift Shop, Waller’s Men’s Store, Birdie Wheatley’s, O’Neal’s Jewelry, Marine’s Jewelry, Galico’s, Si Lewis, Small and Horsey and Silco. Silco — now, that is a story in itself. Miss Catherine Riggin was the store manager and I was on the lowest rung of the ladder at that popular discount store. I was the stock boy, making a whopping 65 cents an hour. Lay-aways covered the back room during Christmas and how about the thousands of pounds of chocolate drops, peanuts and other loose candies and cookies that were shipped in 32-pound boxes to go in those metal trays behind that famous glass display rack? Many a finger print was on that glass as eager customers pointed at the 19 cents a pound chocolate drops or nonpareils — you know, that chocolate candy with the BBs on top? You know, there are not many lay-aways today, at least that I am aware of.

We just get out that plastic credit card and away we go. Back then it may have taken four or five lay-away payments before you could carry it home. One thing that has never changed is the excitement of children at Christmas. Make that two things, as also unchanged is the true meaning of Christmas. Christmas seems to bring out the best in all of us and it’s from the simple message of a savior. Well, I think I will now go shopping. Thinking of my friends first — for Debbie Waller, I will get a spotted cow paint job on her car — she just isn’t the same without it; for Chester Davis, the ageless wonder, roller skates so he can keep up with his young players; for Richard Small, a new dart board for his weather predictions; huge crying towels for all those Yankee and Cowboy fans including an XX large for Howard McCrea in Florida; a bottle of An Evening in Laurel (I can’t afford An Evening in Paris) for travel agent Debbie Mitchell for this is as far as she usually gets; and a week’s vacation away for Mark Shaver from the three wise men of the Bethel store, Joe Plummer, Harvey Cordrey and Tickle me Elmo Stoakley. Finally (you know I enjoy this) there are the bad boys on my list — Dick Whaley, of course, Al Temple, Frank (no-nonsense) Caudill and Bill Trujillo of the Laurel Town Council. They will get nothing. Merry Christmas and may blessings come your way in 2008.

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Church Bulletins Take My Hand Ministry meeting The Mary and Martha Tea Room, a program of Take My Hand Ministry, Inc., meets on the third Wednesday of every month from 2-4 p.m. at 102 Maryland Ave. in Greenwood. A light lunch is served, and a guest speaker teaches and ministers. This is a women’s ministry.

Celebrate Recovery Celebrate Recovery, a step program which claims Jesus Christ as its Higher Power, is meeting at St. John’s United Methodist Church, Pine and Poplar Streets, on Tuesday evenings from 7-9 p.m. This program is open to all persons who wish to turn over their hurts, habits, and hang-ups to God such that they may be healed. For more information, call Rev. Constance Hastings, 629-9466, or Robert Spadaccini 841-1720.

Youth Pastor sought Trinity United Methodist Church, Phillips Hill Road, Laurel, is seeking a part-time Youth Pastor. For further information, contact 302-238-7432.

‘Operation Christmas Child’ The parishioners at St. Luke’s Episcopal Church are once again participating in Operation Christmas Child, a project of Samaritan’s Purse. Shoe boxes will be filled with a variety of small gifts, school supplies and toys to be distributed to needy children in the U.S. and countries throughout the world.

Information on how to participate in this project can be obtained at the St. Luke’s Church office at 629-7979

Christmas Play On Dec. 23, at 5 p.m., Rock Church of Laurel, invites you to attend their Christmas play, “Messiah,” and experience the promise, peace, grace and real forgiveness of Jesus, the Messiah. Refreshments will be served after the play. For more information call 875-0894.

Gospel Café Centenary UM Church, Poplar & Market Streets, Laurel, is hosting a Christian music hour each Saturday at 6 p.m. in the Fellowship Hall of the church. Bruce & Nancy Willey are presenting Christian music, fellowship, and refreshments. Each week Mary Ann Young sings your Gospel favorites. December guest singers are: Dec. 22: Country Christmas Concert - Free admission but need ticket to attend due to limited seating. Featuring Cassandra Abbott, Dawn Hopkins, Sierra Spicer, J. R. Mayle, and many more. Dec. 29: Lights of Home Everyone is invited. For more info, contact the church at 875-3983 or Bruce Willey at 875-5539.

Christmas at Centenary Centenary United Methodist Church, Laurel, invites you to join them for their special Christmas services. On Dec. 23 and Dec. 30, there will be only one service at 8:45 a.m. with the

Praise Team and special music. Christmas Eve services will be at 7 p.m. and 10 p.m. At both services, the Rev. John Van Tine will portray a Wiseman. The 10 p.m. service will be the traditional candlelight service with the chancel and bell choirs. Holy Communion will be offered after both services. Join us!

Laurel Baptist Christmas Eve A Christmas Eve candlelight service will be held at 8 p.m. at Laurel Baptist Church, 33056 Bi-State Boulevard (approximately 2 miles south of town on west side of 13A. Any questions, call Shirley at 875-2314.

Trinity UMC Christmas Eve Christmas Eve Candlelight Service will be held at Trinity United Methodist Church, Phillips Hill Road near Trap Pond State Park, on Monday, Dec. 24, at 10 p.m. All are welcome.

Christ Lutheran Services Christ Lutheran Church would like to invite you to our Christmas Eve services. Family Service is at 7 p.m., Jesus Birthday Party. Candlelight Service at 10:30 p.m. Please join in the celebration at 315 N. Shipley St., Seaford. Call 629-9755 for questions.

Grace Baptist Christmas Service Grace Baptist Church, will hold it's Christmas Eve service at 5 p.m. There will be singing of traditional Christmas music and a message from pastor Homer

McKeithan and a celebration of the Lord's Supper, open to all who profess Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior. For more information call the office at 629-8434.

AYCE Breakfast The Promise Keepers of Centenary Church will host an all-you-can-eat breakfast on Saturday, Jan. 5 in the church dining room, Poplar & Market St., Laurel; 6:30 – 10:30 a.m.; $5 for adults and $3 for ages 6 – 12. Benefits college scholarship fund.

St. Luke’s Christmas Eve Service On Christmas Eve, Dec. 24 at 7 p.m., St. Luke’s Episcopal Church will celebrate the Christ Mass ushering in the beginning of the Christmas season. The service will include the reading of the Christmas story, celebration of the Eucharist carols and Silent Night by candlelight. The public is cordially invited to participate in this special service. St. Luke’s Episcopal Church is located on Front Street in Seaford.

St. Paul’s New Year’s Eve service There will be a New Year's Eve service at the St. Paul's United Methodist Church. The featured singing group will be one of our own favorites, “The Sounds of Joy.” A joyful time will be had for all as we watch 2007 leave and welcome 2008. St. Paul’s is located just east of US 13, on Old Stage Road, in Laurel. This program will begin at 9 p.m.. For more information, call Pastor Don at 856-6107, or 875-7900.

DIRECTORY: Your Guide To Local Houses of Worship TRINITY UNITED METHODIST Trap Pond, CHURCH NearLaurel, Del. 875-7715 Sun. School 9:00 a.m. Worship 10:00 a.m. Pastor Julie A. Lewis

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SUNDAY WORSHIP 8:30 & 11:15 am Traditional 9:45 Sunday School 9:50 am Contemporary Come as you are… and be transformed in the love of Christ!

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Rev. John W. Van Tine, Pastor, 875-3983 200 W. Market St., Laurel, Del.


1010 S. Central Ave., Laurel Phone: 875-7748 Donny Weimar, Minister Worship Services: Sunday 10 a.m. 6:00 p.m. Bible Study: Sun. 9:00 a.m.; Wed. 7:00 p.m. In The Interest Of New Testament Christianity

CHRIST UNITED METHODIST CHURCH 510 S. Central Ave., Laurel, DE Rev. Fred Duncan Church: 875-4233 Parsonage: 875-3398 Sunday Services: 8:30am Praise 9:30am Sunday School,11am Worship


Christ Evangelistic Church Great Worship - Talented Singers Loving People - Powerful Preaching Youth Group Sunday 4:30 pm

Centrally located at 14511 Sycamore Rd., Laurel, DE 19956

Worship 10:45 a.m. • Sun. School 9:45 a.m. Wed. Night 7:00 p.m. • Sun. Night 7:00 p.m. Located on Camp Road between the Dual & Alt. 13 For info call: 629-3674 or 875-2915 Sr. Pastor Roland Tice

Sunday School - 9 a.m.; Worship Service - 10:30 a.m. FasTrak Children’s Ministry - 10:30 a.m.; E318 Youth - 6 p.m. Wednesday Midweek Services - 7 p.m.


St. Paul’s United Methodist Church

“Heart Felt Praise” Relevant Bible Teaching Children’s Ministry Midweek Bible Study Tom Birowski, Pastor Seaford, Del. • 628-7771

St. Philip’s Episcopal Church & Old Christ Church

“A Place to Belong”

600 S. Central Ave., Laurel, DE 19956 (302) 875-3644 Rev. Rita B. Nelson, Rector Holy Eucharist with Healing and Church School ~ Sunday @ 9:30 am

SUNDAY WEDNESDAY Underground Family Worship (7-12 grade) 6:15 p.m. 10:45 a.m. 7:00 p.m. Sunday School 9:30 a.m. Prayer Team ‘The Table’ God’s Big Back Yard (last Wed. of mo) 7:00 p.m. 9:30 a.m.

94 Walnut St. Laurel, DE 19956


For info, call 875.7995 or visit

Road 68, South of Laurel Laurel, Del.

Sun. School 10 a.m. • Worship 9 & 11 a.m. Wed. Night Bible Study 7 p.m. Hymn Sing: Last Sunday Each Month - 7 p.m.

Pastor - Donald Murray - 856-6107

Christian Church of Seaford Dual 13N., Seaford, DE • 629-6298 Minister: John Herbst SCHEDULE OF SERVICES Sunday School 9:30 a.m. Evening Worship 6:00 p.m. Morning Worship 10:30 Wed. Night Service & (Nursery & Jr. Church) Youth Groups 7:00 p.m. A Firm Foundation • A Sure Hope • An Unending Love



Good thing tomorrow is only one day away By the Rev. Todd K. Crofford Laurel Wesleyan Church


If there is one thing I am sure ...the Bible clearly about the future… you can’t pretells us not to live dict it. From the fun-loving fortune our lives fixated on cookie reader to the deluded dupe getting taken by a palm reader we tomorrow because are enamored with predicting the today really needs future… namely our own. our full attention Will I find true love? Will I get a good job? and effort. Will I remain healthy? Will I be rich or famous (or able to adjust once we end up disappointboth)? ed. Its really quite natural for us to wonder I have lived through times when the my about tomorrow, but is it a good idea? best plans and every indicator looked like Before God ever spoke this world into my life-train was headed for a certain staexistence, he determined that along with tion, only to find the great conductor matter he would create time. He decided pushed a switch at the last moment sendthat every human would see life unfold in ing me to a very different stop. a linear fashion, living one breath at a Words like “certain” belong in the time and being surprised by each joy or realm of describing God’s faithfulness, not tragedy. our own future. As frustrating as that seems at times, Second, don’t live afraid of the future. there is no doubt in my mind that God Sometimes things come our way that comknew exactly what he was doing. pletely knock us off our feet. Future knowledge would destroy our While optimists can fall pray to bankability to live today to its fullest. ing too much on the future, pessimists In fact, the Bible clearly tells us not to constantly forecast today’s circumstances live our lives fixated on tomorrow because leading to our doom. today really needs our full attention and We are much more resilient creatures effort. So, here are a few thoughts about than we give ourselves credit for. If you living your very best today. get knocked off your horse today, don’t be First, don’t live banking on the future. convinced that tomorrow he will trample I always laugh when prognosticators you. speak of “sure things” and “no doubt it Tomorrow may provide strength and will happen.” opportunity to get back on that horse, or it To ever say that something “absolutely may even present a new mount you never will happen” expresses a little too much imagined waiting in the wings. faith in the unknown. Life is so full of unexpected twists and We must be careful how much of our turns and God is so unconventional in aclife we plan around a supposed “sure complishing his will that even if we knew thing.” the future we would often be confused Use enough wisdom to realize that tohow today was ever going to get us there. morrow could end up much differently So, the only solid course is trust- not in than we thought and we may soon find circumstances, ability, or even the apparourselves in plan “B” or “C.” ent “sure thing”- trust in God who sees the If we place all of our hope in a hopedfuture and knows what he is doing with for tomorrow, we may find ourselves unyou.

Tony Windsor’s CDs Would Make Great Gifts! “Grace of Ages” CD:

Tony Windsor’s new CD captures classic spiritual hymns, including “How Great Thou Art” and “The Old Rugged Cross,” along with the powerful southern gospel sounds of “Swing Down Sweet Chariot,” “Bosoms of Abraham” and much, much more. Get your copy now at the Seaford Star office for only $5.00.

“I’ll Be Home For Christmas” CD: “I hope this collection of 11 holiday songs will help brighten your Christmas Season... It is a time to reflect on the greatest gifts of family, friends and the birth of Christ. From my home to your home - Merry Christmas!” Available at the Seaford Star office, Stein Hwy. Or call 302-236-9886. Only $5.00.


Rev. Michael A. Hopkins, Pastor WEDNESDAY SUNDAY Sunday School......9:45 a.m. Prayer & Praise 7:00 p.m. Worship...............11:00 a.m. Patch Club (kids) 7:00 p.m. Eve. Worship........7:00 p.m. Youth Group 6:00-8 p.m.

Messiah’s Vineyard Church Located at Tyndall’s Furniture Plaza on Discountland Rd & Rt. 13, Laurel 302-875-4646 PO BOX 60, LAUREL, DE 19956

PRE-SCHOOL - 12TH GRADE - Office 629-7161 Quality Traditional Education Since 1973 Fully Accredited By Middle States in ACSI

Dr. Carl G Vincent, Senior Minister Pastor Barry B. Dukes, Music Minister Sunday 9:30 am Wednesday 7:00 pm Children’s Church • Nursery




A Cooperative S.B.C. Church 805 Atlanta Rd., Seaford, DE

302-629-8434 • Sunday School 9:30 am Worship 10:45 am & 6:30 pm Children’s Church 10:45 am SPANISH Worship 10:45 am Wednesday Activities 7 pm Pastor: Homer McKeithan Youth Minister: James Hollis Music: Jim Burket “The Cross Is Grounded In Grace”

532 Stein Hwy., Seaford, DE 19973 Redemptorist Fathers • 629-3591

MASSES: SUNDAY: Sat. Eve. - Vigil 5:30 p.m.; Spanish 7:30 p.m. Sunday - 7 a.m., 8:30 a.m., 11 a.m. DAILY: Mon., Tues., Thurs. & Fri. 9 a.m. Wed. 9 a.m. & 7:30 p.m.; First Sat. 9 a.m. HOLY DAYS: Eve. 7:30 p.m.; 9 a.m. & 7:30 p.m. NOVENA DEVOTIONS: Wed. 9 a.m. & 7:30 p.m. CONFESSION: Sat. 4:30 p.m.

LAUREL-MT. PLEASANT CHARGE 27225 Kaye Road Laurel, DE 19956 Ph: (302) 875-7814 Timothy P. Jones, Pastor Sunday Family Worship - 10:00 a.m. Wednesday Family Ministries - 7:00 p.m.

“Shining His Light”

Passing on God’s Love and Grace in Laurel, Delmar & Surrounding Area United Methodist Churches

King’s St. George’s Mt. Pleasant

Worship Sun. Sch.

Gordy Rd...........8:50....10:00 St. George Rd.. . . .10:10..... 9:00

Mt. Pleasant Rd. 9:30,11:30..10:15 Pastor Barbara Auer



11 AM and 6 PM ~ Sunday School 9:45 AM

WEDNESDAY NIGHT Ministry for the whole family 7 PM

Pastor Stacey Johnson 28261 Seaford Rd., Laurel, 2 miles N. of Laurel on Alt. 13


The Atlanta Road Alliance Church 22625 Atlanta Rd., Seaford, DE (302) 629-5600 • Rev. Edward J. Laremore, Sr. Pastor David A. Krilov, Associate Pastor SUNDAY WEDNESDAY 8:30 Worship 6:45 Pioneer Clubs (age 3 9:45 Sunday School thru grade 6) & Divorce Care® 11:00 Worship/Kids Church 7:00 Prayer Service & Youth 7:00 Evening Service Group (grades 7-12)

COKESBURY CHURCH All Welcome Where Love Abides -- John 3:16

The Church by the Side of the Road 15092 Cokesbury Rd, Georgetown, DE (302) 629-5222 • Pastor Harold Carmean & Congregation Sunday School 9 am Contemporary Church Service 10 am

Mount Olivet United Methodist Church Serving Christ in the Heart of Seaford since 1830 315 High St. • Seaford, DE

Sunday Services: Informal Worship in Chapel 8:30 a.m. Traditional Worship 11:00 a.m. Sanctuary 9:45 Sunday School Pastor: Rev. Thomas Gross • 302-629-4458 PROFESSIONAL NURSERY CARE PROVIDED

Laurel Wesleyan Church Rt. 13A, Just North of Laurel Sunday School - 9:30 Worship - 9:00 & 10:45 Sunday Evening Worship Wed. Youth Ministries 6:30 p.m. Thurs. WKID, The Zone Children’s Ministries 6:30 Church 875-5380 • Sr. Pastor Todd Crofford Assistant Pastor Ken Deusa Asst. Pastor/Youth: Sue Boyce Children’s Pastor: Marilyn Searcey

17 W. Market St., Greenwood, DE 302349-9420 Pastors Joseph & Yvonne Dixon WORSHIP SERVICE: SUN. 11 AM BIBLE STUDY: WED. 7:30 PM

Proclaiming Faith 4 pm Sunday on WKDI 840 AM Radio

Food Outreach Emergency Food

Sailor’s Bethel United Methodist Church Bethel, DE Pastor Arthur Smith III Sunday School - 10 am Worship - 11:15 am Nursery Provided office 875-3628

St. Luke’s Episcopal Church 629-7979 Holy Eucharist: 9:00 a.m. Sunday School & Adult Forum: 10:30 a.m. Thurs. Eve. Service: 6 p.m. Front & King St., Seaford, DE

The Rev’d. Jeanne W. Kirby-Coladonato, Rector

Seaford Church of Christ Acapella

(Rm. 16:16)

N. Dual 13, P.O. Box 783, Seaford, DE 19973 302-629-6206 Evangelist - Anthony Melakian - 629-3633 Elder - Don Birch - 629-8949 Elder - Ron Russell - 629-6033 Sunday School 10a.m. Sun. Worship 11 a.m., Sun. Evening 6 p.m Wed. Evenings 7 p.m. Live For God, Love Each Other, Light The World

“The Pickle Church” CHRIST THE CORNERSTONE COMMUNITY CHURCH PICKLE MINISTRIES OUTREACH & CORNERSTONE NOTE MUSIC MINISTRY Corner of Bethel Rd. & Alt. 13 • 302-875-8150 Worship Svce 10 a.m. - Rev. Rick Elzey Church School & Jr. Church 10 a.m. - Pastor Doris Whaley Wings of Prayer Tues. 7 p.m. Exploring God’s Word, Wed. 7 p.m.


Obituaries Eileen C. Laverty, 76 Eileen C. Laverty of Seaford died on Tuesday, Dec. 11, 2007 in Columbus, Ohio while staying with her daughter. Eileen was born and grew up in Boston, Maine, the daughter of the late George and Eileen Kayava. She was Miss Bunker Hill in 1949. Eileen and her husband Clifford C. “Cliff” owned and operated the High Street Lounge in Seaford before retiring. She was a long time member of the Moose Lodge in Seaford. Her husband Clifford C. “Cliff” Laverty died in 1990; she was also preceded in death by two sons, Tim Laverty in 1989 and Biff Laverty in 1981. She is survived by two sons, James Laverty and his wife Pam, of Cambridge, Md., and Richard Laverty and his wife Donna of Harrogate, England; three daughters, Lynn Allen and her husband, John of Wichita, Kan., Debbie Ketchie and her husband Barry of Groveport, Ohio and Eileen Phelps and her husband Steve of Wichita, Kan.; a brother, George Kuyava of Long Island, N.Y. Also surviving are 21 grandchildren and 12 great-grandchildren. Mass of Christian Burial was celebrated on Saturday, Dec. 15, at Our Lady of Lourdes Catholic Church, Stein Highway, Seaford. Burial was private. The family suggests donations may be made to the Clifford and Timothy Laverty Music Scholarship Fund, c/o the Seaford School District, 390 N. Market St., Seaford, DE 19973. Arrangements by the Cranston Funeral Home, Seaford.

Marie P. McGee, 86 Marie P. McGee of Laurel passed away peacefully at her home in Laurel on Dec. 12, 2007. She was a daughter of Herbert and Annie Hallen Peigh, who predeceased her. Marie was a farmer and homemaker. Marie was known for her baking, especially her cakes. She was a 48-year member of the First Baptist Church of Seaford. Besides her parents, she was also preceded in death by her husband of 66 years John “Jack” R. McGee who passed away in 2006. She is survived by five sons, John McGee and his wife Jean of Laurel, Donald McGee and his wife Diane of Delaware City, Thomas McGee and his wife Debbie of Laurel, Paul McGee of Laurel and Michael McGee of Laurel; five daughters, Patricia Morris and her husband Bob of West Chester, P. Jane McGee and her husband Richard of Newark, Sue Ellen Messick of Laurel, Gail Tipton and her husband Michael of Laurel and Arleen Baynard and her husband Frank of Hurlock, Md. Her brother: Carl Peigh of Napa, Calif.; three sisters: Hazel Vugteveen of Michigan, Ruth Witaker of New Castle and Dot Garrison of Carolina. Fifteen grandchildren, eight great-grandsons and one greatgranddaughter, several nieces and nephews, also survive her.


Obituaries are run without charge thanks to the support of area churches

She is preceded in death by her husband of 66 years John “Jack” R. McGee whom passed away in 2006. A Funeral Service was held at the First Baptist Church of Seaford, Seaford; on Sunday, Dec. 16. A viewing was held at the Hannigan, Short, Disharoon Funeral Home, Laurel, on Saturday evening, and on Sunday at the church, prior to the services. Interment followd in Odd Fellows Cemetery in Laurel. The Pastors Michael Hopkins and Richard Blades officiated. Contributions may be made in her memory to Seaford Christian Academy, 110 Holly St., Seaford, DE 19973. Arrangements were handled by the Hannigan, Short, Disharoon Funeral Home, Laurel.

Catherine P. Ward, 95 Catherine P. Ward passed away Monday, Dec. 10, 2007 at her home in Laurel. She would have been 96 on Dec. 14. She was born and raised in the Melsons area of Delmar, Md., a daughter of John and Hattie Penuel, who predeceased her. She was a retired seamstress from the former Banks and Pusey Garment Co. A member of Melsons United Methodist Church and later joined St. Stephen’s United Methodist Church. When Linwood and Catherine retired and moved to Laurel she became a member of the Former Epworth Fellowship Church. In addition to her parents, her husband of 58 years E. Linwood Ward preceded her in death. Seven brothers and sisters also preceded her. She is survived by her son and daughter-in-law with whom she made her home in Laurel, Ernest and Bernice Ward; two daughters: Betty Ellen James and her husband Donnie of Laurel and Anne “Cookie” Maloney of Millsboro; a sister, Eva Evans of Salisbury and a brother Amos Penuel of Hebron. Seven grandchildren, 16 great-grandchildren, two great-great-grandchildren, and several nieces and nephews, also survive her, as well as two special friends Pearl Moore and Eleanor Pusey. A Funeral Service was held at the Hannigan, Short, Disharoon Funeral Home, Laurel, on Saturday, Dec. 15, where friends called prior to the service. Interment was in Odd Fellows Cemetery. The

In Loving Memory of our Dad & Pop Pop

Tom Hastings July 17, 1919 - Dec 22, 2004 It’s been three years since you left your loved ones here on earth. Not a day goes by that we don’t think of you with love and tears too. So sadly missed by your family: Denny & Susie, Donna & Kenny, Patty & Jay Carreen & Curtis, Greg & Tricia, Beth & Frank Curt, Chase, Jackson & Emma

Rev. Dr. Everett Isaacs officiated. Flowers are welcome, however contributions may be made to Melsons United Methodist Church, 32705 Melson Road, Delmar, MD 21875; Delaware Hospice, 20167 Office Circle, Georgetown, DE 19947; or the CHEER Center, 546 S. Bedford St., Georgetown, DE 20167. Arrangements were handled by the Hannigan, Short, Disharoon Funeral Home, Laurel.

William Eric Rantz, age 74 William Eric Rantz of Bridgeville, passed away on Tuesday, Dec. 11, 2007, at his residence surrounded by his loved ones. Mr. Rantz was born Dec. 18, 1932 in Norfolk, Va., a son of the late Wright and Virginia (Kilmon) Rantz. Mr. Rantz retired in 1997 from Perdue Chicken after 35 years service in the poultry industry. He last worked as a Feed Mill supervisor. He is survived by his wife of 54 years Mary (Wise) Rantz; two daughters, Rebecca Gallo and her husband Michael of Greenwood, and Sandy Kennedy and her husband Michael of Parsonsburg, Md.; five grandchildren, Heather Coulbourne, Hillary Gallo, Savannah Gallo, Erik Michael Gallo and Alexandra Gallo; one great-granddaughter, Ivy Rose Gallo; a brother, Wright Rantz of Fruitland, Md,; and a sister Joy Godwin of Pocomoke City, Md. All services were private.

Union United Methodist Church 2 North Laws St., Bridgeville, DE 19933 Across from Bank 337-7409 Handicap Friendly WORSHIP TIMES:

9 am Contemporary Service 10 am Sunday School 11 am Traditional Worship Youth Group (Sun. 6 p.m.)

The family suggests memorial contributions be made to the Bridgeville Volunteer Ambulance Service, P.O. Box 727, Bridgeville, DE 19933. Arrangements were handled by Parsell Funeral Homes & Crematorium, Hardesty Chapel, Bridgeville, DE. Send online condolences to:

Robert A. Turpin, 74 Robert A. "Bob" Turpin of Georgetown passed away on Wednesday, Dec. 12, 2007, at Christiana Hospital, Newark. He was born on Oct. 5, 1933 in Rock House Mountain, W.Va. to Benjamin F. and Tynesty Quensberry Turpin. Mr. Turpin was an auto body instructor at Sussex Vo-Tech, now known as Sussex Tech, in Georgetown for 33 years; he retired in 1993. Mr. Turpin was the Pastor of the Assembly of God Church in Hensley, W.Va., for seven years and he still enjoyed making pastoral visits to people. He regularly attended the Milford Church of God, Milford, where he video taped the sermons that were watched by seniors in nursing homes and others that could not attend church. He was a devoted husband, father, and grandfather; he loved spending time with his grandchildren. He was a fan of NASCAR and Dale Earnhardt Sr. and “Junior” and he enjoyed all forms and types of Dirt Track Racing. Mr. Turpin was the last survivor of eight siblings.

BETHEL WORSHIP CENTER 9431 Ginger Lane, Seaford (2.4 mi. north of Wal-Mart on US 13) 628-4240 Recorded Info 628-4241 Church Office

Pastor Joseph Lecates - 875-2059 Adult Sunday School 9:30 am Worship 10:30 am & 6:30 pm Children’s Church 10:30 am Nursery 10:30 am & 6:30 pm Youth Meeting Sun. 7 pm Promise Keepers Tues. 7 pm Wed. Night Bible Study 7 pm “We’re not building a church, we’re building God’s Kingdom!”

Welcome… SEAFORD PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Sunday School 9 am Morning Worship 10 am

701 Bridgeville Road 629-9077

“Welcome Home!”

Wesley United Methodist Church 22025 Atlanta Road, Seaford, DE Pastor Ed Kuhling Contemporary Worship 9 am Sunday School & Bible Education 10 am Traditional Worship 11 am Wednesday Worship 6:45 pm 302-629-3029 * Info Line 302-628-0112

Laurel Baptist Church, SBC Where everybody is somebody & Jesus Christ is Lord 33056 Bi-State Boulevard, Laurel, DE 19956 LBC Sunday School ~ 10:00 Morning Worship ~ 11:00 Wednesday Bible Study ~ 7:00 P.M. Nursery Provided Pastor: Rev. Steven Booth Music Director: Linda Lewis


743 E. Clarence St., Seaford, Del. Carlton L. Cannon, Sr. Paster

629-9443, Cell: 448-0852 • Sunday: Midweek Activities: Church School........9:45 am Call for Details Morning Worship......11 am Children’s Church & Youth Explosion ........6 pm Nursery Provided Evening Worship.........7 pm *Counseling by appt. only Tuesday: Thursday: Bible Study & Family Corporate Prayer.........7 pm ‘Come and Grow with Us!’ Training Hour...........7 pm

Greenwood United Methodist Church Greenwood, Del. Contemp Serv. 9 am Sunday School 10 am Traditional Serv. 11 am

“A Growing Church in The Heart of Our Community with a Heart for People & a Heart for the Lord.”

Pastor Richard Rogers 302-349-4047 Corner of Market & Church Streets

Thank You to the churches that sponsor these pages. Your contribution makes it possible for the “Good News” to be published each week.

MORNING STAR • DECEMBER 20 - 26, 2007 He is survived by his wife of 54 years as of Christmas Day 2007, Ida D. Blankenship Turpin; three children, Vicki Minor and her husband Steve of Elkton, Md., Jeff Turpin and his wife Joyce of Georgetown, and Danny Turpin and his wife Patti of Millsboro; six grandchildren, Jennifer and Robert Minor, Jeffrey and Jessica Turpin, Melissa and Lucas Turpin, and a niece Josephine Blankenship of Oak Hill, W.Va. Services were on Monday, Dec. 17, at the Watson Funeral Home, Millsboro, where friends called prior to the services. Friends also called at the Funeral Home on Sunday. The Rev. Robert A. Hudson officiated. Interment was in Asbury U.M. Church Cemetery, near Georgetown. The Family suggests contributions to the American Diabetes Association, PO Box 7023, Merrifield, VA 22116-7023 in memory of Robert Turpin. Letters of condolence may be emailed via or

Karl L. Wells, 79 Karl L. Wells of Bethel, formerly of Glen Dale, Md., died Sunday, Dec. 9, 2007, at Nanticoke Memorial Hospital, Seaford. He was born on July 28, 1928, in Severn, Md., to Leon and Anna Szymasky Wells. Mr. Wells served in the U.S. Air Force during the Korean War. After he served in the Air force, he served in the Air National Guard of the District of Columbia and then the National Guard of Maryland, where he retired in October 1972. He achieved the rank of Master Sergeant. When he was serving in the D.C. Air National Guard he was again federally activated to assist in the Berlin, Germany air drops of 1961-1962 that helped supply and feed communist Berlin. Mr. Wells attended the Sailor’s Bethel United Methodist Church in Bethel. He loved to watch NASCAR. Mr. Wells is survived by his wife of 42 years, Anice M. Bond Wells; four sons, Mark L. Wells and his wife Susan of Pennsylvania, Kim E. Wells of Naples, Florida, Kirk D. Wells of Falling Waters, W.Va., and Glen E. Jenkins and his wife Patricia of Owings, Md.; 1 daughter, Lori S. Wells of Berlin, Md., a brother, Ira J. Wells and his wife Betsy of York, Pa., seven grandchildren, Christopher Wells, Kevin Wells, Kyle Wells, Kristen Jenkins, Patrick Jenkins, Denise Wells, and Danielle Wells; spe-

cial cousins, Ralph Fowler, Matilda Caton, and John Wells, and his special canine pals Molly and Penny. Services will be at 1 p.m., Wednesday, Jan. 2, 2008, at the Delaware Veterans Memorial Cemetery, 26669 Patriots Way, Millsboro. The Rev. Arthur Smith will officiate. The family suggests contributions to the American Stroke Association, 4217 Park Place Court, Glen Allen, VA 23060; or to the Sailor’s Bethel U.M. Church, 7774 Main St., Bethel, DE 19931. Arrangements are being handled by Watson Funeral Home, Millsboro. Letters of condolence may be emailed to: Watson Funeral Home at or,

Richard Thurman Lynch, 87 Richard Thurman Lynch passed away Monday, Dec. 10, 2007, at Harrison Senior Living in Georgetown. He was born February 26, 1920 in Orlando, W.Va., a son of Richard Thurman and Rose Nell (Bennett) Lynch, who predeceased him. Mr. Lynch retired from Nanticoke Memorial Hospital in Seaford after more than 20 years of service where he was manager of plant operations. Prior to his employment with Nanticoke Hospital, he worked for All American in Georgetown. He was a veteran of the Army Air Corps. He was a devoted husband, father, grandfather and great-grandfather. In addition to his parents, he was preceded in death by his beloved wife, Elva Lou (Jones) Lynch, in March 1999 and by his grandson, Rick James in May 2006. He is survived by two daughters, Linda L. Wainwright and Carol James and her husband Jake, all of Seaford; four grandchildren: Michelle Reynolds, Tina Gorman, Jeff James and Jonathan James; and three great-grandchildren: Nathan Reynolds, Caleb Gorman and Anna Gorman. Funeral services are Thursday, Dec. 20, 2007, at 2 p.m. at Parsell Funeral Homes & Crematorium, Hardesty Chapel, 202 Laws Street, Bridgeville. Friends may call at the funeral home one hour prior to the service. Interment will follow at Bridgeville Cemetery. Pastors John Reynolds and Michael A. Hopkins will co-officiate. Send online condolences to:

Norma Gray


on her birthday December 15.

At Christmas Time and on Her Birthday, Dec. 26

Happy memories of my friend,

No happy time that passes is ever really gone if it leaves a lovely memory for looking back upon. Robin St. John

Your magic touch always made Christmas so very special. After 12 years you are still in our thoughts and prayers. Gone but not forgotten. Sadly Missed, The Ray Brittingham Family

Perneltha Yates, 100 Perneltha Yates of Seaford, passed away on Dec. 9, 2007, at Seaford Center in Seaford. She was a daughter of John Burton Mitchell and Lillian Vere Mitchell. She was a homemaker. She was a member of the Laurel Senior Center and Laurel Church of the Nazarene. Mrs. Yates was an avid quilter, making lap robes for many church members and friends. She was preceded in death by her son, Capt. Ervin Tindall, and her husband, Harvey Yates. She is survived by her daughter, Edith Joseph of Seaford; her grandchildren, C. Robin Joseph of Laurel, Sherrie Workman and Randy of Seaford, Donna Collins of Seaford. She is also survived by five greatgrandchildren, 11 great-great-grandchildren, and several nieces and nephews. A dear friend, Mary Tracey of Laurel, also survives her. A private graveside service will be held in her memory. Contributions may be made in her name to the American Cancer Society, 1138 Parsons Road, Salisbury, MD 21803; or the Laurel Church of the Nazarene, 100 Walnut St., Laurel, DE 19956. Arrangements were by the Hannigan, Short, Disharoon Funeral Home, Laurel.

Richard L. Culver, 72 Richard “Dickie” L. Culver of Laurel died Sunday, Dec. 16, 2007, at his home in Laurel, after a lengthy illness. He was born in Laurel on Aug. 9, 1935,

PAGE 27 a son of Arba and Madelyn Hastings Culver, who predeceased him. Dickie, as he was fondly known by family and friends, graduated from Laurel High School with the Class of 1953. He was a long-time member of St. George’s United Methodist Church. He served his country in the US Army Reserves. He retired in 2000 from farming but was still raising chickens for Mountaire Farms, which he had done for more than 50 years. For several years he was the proud recipient of the DPI Outstanding Grower Award. He was Richard L. Culver an accomplished and talented woodworker who enjoyed making things for those he loved, many times crafting projects without a pattern. Mr. Culver was an avid collector of toys, model cars and model trains. In addition to his parents, he was preceded in death by a brother, Bobby Culver. He is survived by his wife of 51 years, Dolores Elliott Culver; three sons, Rick Culver and his wife, Felicia of Laurel, Randy Culver and his wife, Becky of Colorado Springs, Colo. and Ron Culver and his wife, Melissa of Dagsboro; seven grandchildren; two brothers, Alan Culver and his wife, Joyce, of Sorrento, Fla., and Albert Culver and his wife, Sheryl of Continued to page 32

In memory of Mom on Christmas

Donald A. Baker Sr.

Christmas 2007

During this time of celebrating the Christmas season, the family of Shirley MacArthur wishes to thank all of those who sent cards, stopped by the house, dropped off food, said prayers and offered words of assurance during our time of loss. And as we gather together this joyous time of renewal, we are reminded just how special our time with Shirley, mom, mom-mom and Aunt Shirley was. She loved this time of year more than any other. She loved Christmas as much as any child. We miss and love you. Mac, Ronnie, Mary Jane, Beth, Peanut

Although mom is retired to a much better place, It doesn’t ease the pain of not seeing her face. During this festive time of yule cheer, It was her favorite time of the year.

We wanted you to know our thoughts are with you. Hoping you can feel all the love we have and how we cherish our memories now and forever. -Diane, Donnie, Eddie, Chastity, Robert, Robbie, Rocky & grandbabies

She loved the trees, the cards and the lights, She couldn’t wait to check out the sights. The flowers and toys and smiles and food, Always were able to set the perfect holiday mood. Calling her family to stop by on the day, And decorating everything in her own unique way. But it wasn’t the presents or parties or fun, It was always about the birth of God’s son.

A Child Is Born

This message brought to you by these local businesses and churches.

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800-281-3608 • 302-629-9400

Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year to our friends & neighbors on Delmarva!

216 N. Main St., Federalsburg, MD 410-754-8888 • 800-643-2004

315 High St., Seaford, DE 302-629-4458

May Peace and Love, Understanding and Hope Be With You This Christmas. Set the example for others to follow. Give Generously of Understanding, Compassion and Peace.


on Stein Hwy. 6 miles west of Seaford at the Del/Md line Jeans Expected, No Halos Required

St. John’s U.M. Church

John’s 410-546-1161

Commercial • Industrial Residential John Liammayty LICENSED & INSURED

P.O. Box 1000, Seaford, DE 19973 302-629-9788

Sunday Dec. 23 at 7 p.m. Monday, Dec. 24 at 7 p.m.

6 pm Family Service 9 pm Contemporary Candlelight 11 pm Traditional Candlelight Pine & Poplar Sts. 629-9466



Health Merk issues a recall for Hib vaccine Delaware’s Division of Public Health (DPH) announces the voluntary recall of 10 lots of Haemophilus influenzae type b (Hib) vaccine and two lots of a combination Hib and Hepatitis B vaccine nationwide following a recent announcement by the manufacturer, Merck & Co. Inc. Nearly one million doses of vaccines distributed starting in April 2007 are being recalled. DPH’s Vaccines for Children (VFC) program received 17,020 doses of Hib vaccine from March to the present. Of this number, 2,250 doses were from the affected lots. According to the CDC, children who received this vaccine do not need to be revaccinated and the situation does not present a health threat to them - no adverse effects, such as redness and swelling around the injection site, have been reported. However, individual reactions can occur with any vaccine. Parents are advised to contact their health care provider if such a reaction occurs. The recall is a precautionary measure initiated due to the presence of Bacillus cereus bacteria on vaccine manufacturing equipment, during routine testing. No contamination was found in the vaccine doses produced during this time. Haemophilus influenza type b vaccine prevents meningitis, pneumonia, epiglottitis (a severe throat infection), and other serious infections caused by the bacteria Haemophilus influenza Type B. In the U.S., it is recommended for all children under 5 years old and is usually given to infants starting at 2 months old. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) advises health care providers to immediately discontinue use of any of the affected lots and follow Merck’s instructions for returning recalled the vaccines. The VFC program will promptly contact providers who ordered these vaccines to inform them of the recall and the next

STATE POLICE SPREAD HOLIDAY CHEER. On Tuesday, Dec. 11, Nemours/Alfred I. duPont Hospital for Children had some special holiday visitors. Santa Claus, accompanied by the Delaware State Police, stopped by to give children a holiday gift – a stuffed monkey. This year, the visit also included Maryland State Troopers; Franklin the Turtle; Miss Delaware 2007, Brittany Dempsey; and a princess. Police officers were escorted to each room by members of the Child Life staff where they took photos for the kids and offered words of encouragement. Photo submitted.

steps. As a result of this recall, health care providers who only use Merck Hib vaccines may have reduced supplies, depending on when it was manufactured. Merck produces approximately 50 percent of the nation’s Hib vaccine supply, and it is not yet known when they will resume full production of the vaccine. Sanofi Pasteur produces the other 50 percent of the national supply and is working with CDC to address the situation. The CDC does not anticipate outbreaks of disease due to an interrupted vaccine supply because of the high levels of vaccine coverage in the U.S. In 2006, nearly 94 percent of U.S. children 19-35 months of age were vaccinated against Hib. This has resulted in a dramatic decline in transmission of this disease; however, it has not gone away completely. Parents with questions about Hib vaccine may contact DPH’s immunization program at 1-800-282-8672.

Depression support group in Laurel Alzheimer's holds training The Mental health Association in Delaware will be sponsoring a Depression Support Group in Laurel on the second and fourth Thursdays of each month. The meetings begin at 7 p.m. The MHA encourages anyone dealing with a depressive disorder to attend. Register in advance by calling 1-800-287-6423. • Peer support groups sponsored by Mental Health Association of Delaware are not intended to replace professional mental health treatment. MHA does not publish support group locations; locations are provided with registration.

The Alzheimer’s Association Delaware Valley Chapter is sponsoring a training program for family caregivers at LifeCare at Lofland Park in Seaford on Friday, Jan. 18 from 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. The program includes a medical overview; legal and financial issues; challenging symptoms, daily care issues; and information on getting the help you need. The session is free and lunch will be provided, but pre-registration is required by Jan. 11. For more information or to register, call Jamie Magee, branch office coordinator, at 854-9788.

MORNING STAR • DEC 20 - 26, 2007


Keep safety in mind during the holiday season By Anthony Policastro, M.D Tis' the season to be jolly. Christmas is a time of joy and celebration. It is also a time to think about safety. There are some major areas for you to think about to keep your Christmas safe. I have revamped an old article to remind us of that. The first one deals with holiday travel. Many of us will soon visit our relatives. We should prepare for cold weather traveling. Cars can break down. When that happens in the winter, we need to be ready. You should check your wintertime car accessories. The first thing that you should ensure is warmth. A car that is stuck in the cold may lose its heater. You should have the appropriate amount of warm clothes and blankets available until help arrives. People sometimes do not bring a coat with them. They figure they are going straight from the house to the car so they do not need a coat. They do not expect to get stranded somewhere in the cold. You should dress appropriate for the weather. The second requirement is to have the right emergency equipment. Some of this takes the form of car accessories. This may be a window scraper, snow tires or proper coolant in the radiator. The rest is in the form of items for breakdowns. Flashlights are important. Warning flares or reflectors are useful. A shovel for snow is a good idea. Most people forget this one. A shovel that can also dig up dirt to put under the tires is even more useful. Whenever you travel, you should think about what you would need if you broke down. Once you do that, make sure you stock your car accordingly. Another auto related item is drinking and driving. Alcohol related car accidents increase significantly during the holiday season. If you are driving, don’t drink. If you are drinking, don’t drive. You also should remember to drive defensively. The other guy may not listen to these rules. If someone is driving like an idiot, he probably is drunk. Do not try to challenge him. Some of our relatives live at great distances. We may drive too far. This could make us tired. Do not drive when you are tired. Make sure you are well rested when you drive. Pull over if you become tired. One rule to follow is that you should not spend more than 12 hours per day driving. If you are going farther than that, you should allow more time. A lot of us have a tendency to speed. This is especially true on long trips. Speeding increases our risk for accidents. An important question to ask yourself is what does speeding actually accomplish. I drive home on River Road. I frequently have people pass me. There is only about a mile to the Woodland Ferry. The road ends there. If I am doing 40mph, It will take me 90 seconds to get there. If they do 60mph, they get there in 60 seconds. I wonder what they do with the extra 30 seconds they save. Even if I was traveling for 3 hours, it would make little difference. Someone going 10mph faster than I would get there 30 minutes sooner. I wonder how productive that extra 30 minutes would be when he/she arrives. Whatever it is will not be worth the risk they have of getting in an accident from speeding. Even staying home can be dangerous. Christmas tree fires can occur. If we de-

cide upon a live tree, we should be careful. the appropriate padding equipment. StudCut off the base so the tree can take water ies have shown that the injury rate dein more effectively. Make sure the tree creases with this equipment. It is imporstays moist. Be careful about leaving tant. Another gift idea is a cellular telelights on too long so phone. This would be the tree does not get a good accessory for too hot. This is espe- Safety gifts are a great idea. your car when travelcially true when it ing. It would get you starts to dry out. Do The best example is a bicycle help very quickly. not put candles or There are also open flames near the helmet. Now that this is a some gifts that are tree. Do not put your ideas. One of law, it makes this gift an ideal bad tree up near the firethese is the trampoplace. line. Christmas present. A recent article The American showed that the Academy of Pedinumber of house fires from candles has atrics has proposed that they be banned. been increasing rapidly now that candles They serve little exercise value. They are are in vogue. Do not place candles by any- very dangerous. thing flammable. Do not place them where Paralysis from neck injury is common. they can be easily tipped over. Do not Even trained athletes suffer these injuries. leave candles burning when away from the Untrained children are even more likely to house for a period of time. be injured. My recommendation is to Christmas plants are beautiful. They are scratch it off your gift list. also dangerous. Keep them away from young children. Holly, mistletoe and poinsettias are all poisonous. They all cause vomiting and diarrhea when eaten. Holly berries cause narcotic overdose symptoms. Mistletoe berries produce a digitalis poisoning. Poinsettia sap can irritate the skin. A third area of holiday safety considerations is gift giving. Safety gifts are a great idea. The best example is a bicycle helmet. Now that this is a law, it makes PHYSICAL THERAPY this gift an ideal Christmas present. Many pairs of in-line skates will be under the Southern Delaware tree this year. It makes sense to also give

Another concern is buying an item that a child is not old enough to use. We do not allow children to drive cars until they are sixteen years old. This is based more on intellectual abilities than physical abilities. We should use the same logic for other dangerous gifts. Pellet guns and all terrain vehicles probably should only be given to a child who is mature intellectually. Age alone should not be the sole criterion. After a child gets seriously injured from one of these items, it will be too late to think about it. Many gifts come with instruction booklets. Most of these booklets have a section that lists safety instructions. The book will tell you to read that first. It is a good idea to do so. The Christmas holidays are made to spread joy and peace. We need to spread safety as well. Only if you are alive and healthy can you be joyful and peaceful as well.

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Obituaries Continued from page 27

Wilmington; and two sisters, Joan Hart and her husband, Wayne of Cannons, and Bonnie Culver of Seaford. He is also survived by several nieces and nephews. A funeral service will be held on Friday, Dec. 21, at 2 p.m. at Short Funeral Home, 13 E. Grove Street, Delmar, where family and friends may call from noon to 2 p.m. The Rev. Barbara Auer will officiate. Interment will follow the service at Odd Fellows Cemetery in Laurel. Memorial contributions may be made in his memory to the St. George’s United Methodist Church, c/o Rick Culver, 28996 Discountland Road, Laurel, DE 19956. Online condolences may be sent to the family by visiting

Harland Elwood Hill, 89 Harland Elwood Hill of Blades died Friday, Dec. 14, 2007, at Nanticoke Memorial Hospital, Seaford. Born in Seaford, he was the son of Lillie Mae Elliott and Elwood Harland Hill, who predeceased him. He was a farmer and a maintenance man/groundskeeper at the Seaford Golf & Country Club. He is survived by two sisters, Frances H. Merrick of Bridgeville and Mary Callaway of Salisbury, Md; 4 step-sons, David, Ricky, Donald and Jim Eskridge of Blades; a stepdaughter, Marie Hill of Blades; nieces and nephews and stepgrandchildren. A graveside service was held on Tuesday, Dec. 18, in Blades Cemetery. Pastor Richard Blades officiated. Arrangements were handled by Watson-Yates Funeral Home, Seaford.

Charlotte B. Whaley, 65 Charlotte B. Whaley of Laurel, passed away on Dec. 15, 2007, at Nanticoke Memorial Hospital. She was fondly known by many, as “Pud.” She was born in Milford a daughter of the late Dawson Boyce and Geneva Russell Boyce of Seaford. After attending Goldey Beacom College, she later worked for Delaware Agricultural Sub Station in Georgetown. She also worked for Delmarva Power as a secretary and bookkeeper. She retired from the Bayshore Camp Mobile Home Park as a secretary and treasur-

er. “Pud” loved antiques, yard sales, loved to water ski. She will be remembered as having a radiant personality, never meeting a stranger and having a heart of gold. She was a member of Centenary United Methodist Church in Laurel. In addition to her mother, she is survived by her husband, Raymond Whaley of Laurel; her daughter Virginia Whaley and her companion Biff Lee of Laurel; her brother: Russell Boyce and his wife Victoria of Phoenix, Ariz.; nephew, Christopher Boyce and his wife Jill; niece Linda Reckinger and her husband Brian; niece Victoria Boyce. Great nieces and nephews, Jacob and Sarah Boyce, Alex and Elania Reckinger, and Dawson Forga. A Funeral Service is being held at the Hannigan, Short, Disharoon Funeral Home, 700 West St., Laurel, on Thursday, Dec. 20 at 11:00 a.m. Friends called at the funeral home Wednesday Evening. The Rev. John Van Tine is officiating. Interment will follow in Odd Fellows Cemetery, Laurel. In lieu of flowers contributions can be made in her name to: Centenary United Methodist Church, 200 W. Market St., Laurel, DE 19956.

Rebecca J. Hastings Rebecca “Ruby” J. (Dowell) Hastings, of Seaford, formerly of Key Capri, Fla., died Sunday, Dec. 16, 2007, at Genesis Healthcare Center in Seaford. She was born in Philadelphia, Pa. and moved to Delaware in 1964. She was a member of St. Alban's Episcopal Church, St. Pete Beach, Fla. Survivors include her nephew James Bell and her niece Rebecca Bell, both of Delaware. Graveside services are Thursday, Dec. 20, 2007, 11 a.m., at Memorial Park Cemetery, St. Petersburg, FLa. The family suggests memorial contributions be made to St. Alban’s Episcopal Church, 330 85th Ave., St. Pete Beach, Fla. 33706; or to the American Cancer Society, P.O. Box 163, Salisbury, MD 21803-0163. Arrangements are being handled by Parsell Funeral Homes & Crematorium, Lewes. Send online condolences to:

DOC sends Christmas gifts overseas The Delaware Department of Correction (DOC), which currently has 47 employees on military leave, is showing its support for all service men and women overseas this holiday season by sending a special gift. A four-foot by eight-foot banner with the message, “Thank You for Serving,” was circulated through DOC facilities throughout

the state to be signed by employees who wanted to share support and cheer with those unable to be at home for the holidays. DOC Human Resources employee Jeanette Christian facilitated the idea and designed the banner, which was recently shipped to Camp Liberty in Iraq. Ten DOC employees are currently assigned to that location,

but the banner is intended to offer support and a boost of morale for all who see it. In addition to the banner, the Department of Correction is also holding a Christmas card campaign for its employees stationed overseas. Also, they will soon start collecting donations for the Delaware Boots on the Ground program.



People Sipos, Harvey will be married Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Sipos of Lewes announce the engagement of their daughter, Margaret (Meg) Anna Sipos of Raleigh, N.C., to Clay Lawrence Harvey, Raleigh, N.C. He is the son of Steven and Lynda Harvey of Wilmington, N.C. Miss Sipos is the granddaughter of Ralph and Peggy O’Day of Seaford, and the late Joseph and Violet Sipos of Garfield, N.J. Mr. Harvey is the grandson of Mona Harvey and the late Guy Harvey Sr. of Wilmington, N.C. ,and the late Joseph McCree of Wilmington, N.C. A destination wedding is planned for Nov. 8, 2008, in Islamorada, Fla.

Margaret Sipos and Clay Harvey

Fraser family welcomes son REDNECK WEDDING - The Beach House and The House restaurant and lounge, both in Bargain Bill’s Flea Market, Laurel, were the scene of a “redneck wedding” on Saturday. Film crews for a new television show, “My Redneck Wedding,’ being produced by Country Music Television, converged on the Bargain Bill’s complex to tape one of the shows scheduled to air sometime next year. Newlyweds John Myers, of Hyattsville, Md., and Gail Brittingham, Westover, Md., were selected through a CMT contest to design the most redneck wedding they could. The couple chose Bargain Bill’s Flea Market as the place to hold their wedding. They were married in a chapel inside The House and had a reception in the Beach House. Above, the bride gets help with her wedding gown as CMT films the event. Photo by Tony Windsor






Gift Cards Available!

Grayson Chadwick Fraser Jr.

Grayson and Angela Fraser of Seaford announce the birth of their son, Grayson Chadwick Fraser Jr. Grayson Jr. was born June 1, 2007, at 8:25 p.m. He weighed 8 pounds, 1 ounce and was 21 inches long. His maternal grandparents are James and Ann Joseph of Seaford. His paternal grandparents are Rowland and Doris Fraser of Millsboro and Dianne Hearn and Edwin Meredith of Seaford.

Dennis N. O’Neal 109 Central Ave. (downtown Laurel)


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• DECEMBER 20 - 26, 2007

Wishing you all the best this Christmas season and for the year ahead. We want to thank all of you for your patronage and look forward to continuing to serves you in 2008

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ish ing you and yoursa h appy h olid ay season filled with love and plenty ofC h ristm asspirit. W e feel so blessed to be a part ofth iscaring com m unity. T h ank you foryourbu sinessand friend sh ip. W e look forward to seeing you again in th e new year!


Butcher Shop CLARKE HASTINGS, OWNER South of Intersection 510 & 515, Laurel, Del. Phone: (302) 875-7431

Wishing you much joy and merriment at Christmastime, plus a bounty of glad tidings and all the gifts of this wonderful season. Serving you has been a real treat for us. Thanks!

LOU’S DISCOUNT GROCERIES Rt. 13, Laurel, Delaware 302-875-3504


Next to Lou’s Groceries • Rt. 13, Laurel, DE • 302-875-1557

With best wishes and much gratitude to all our friends, neighbors, patients and associates this holiday season. It has been a real joy knowing all of you.

Nanticoke Gastroenterology, P.A. Bradley P. Mackler, M.D. 924 Middleford Road Seaford, DE 19973 302-629-2229

yF Sand ork General Store As we wrap up another great year, we’d like to say thanks to the customers and friends who brightened each day. Rt. 24, Laurel, DE • 875-9545

We’re counting our blessings this Christmas and your friendship is at the top of the list. Best wishes to all this beautiful holiday season. I look forward to serving you again and wish you much happiness and prosperity in 2008.

Vance Phillips

Sussex County Councilman and




Winter meant socks for gloves, a trash can lid for a sled Though it is mid-December, we have been blessed with some really ONY INDSOR fair weather — windy, it is true, but fair. Maybe it is just me, but So, when it came time to winters of my youth seem to bring forth memories of much colder sled down the big mountemperatures. As a kid I can recall it being so tain, would you think we cold that the snot would freeze on my upper lip. It was amazing that would actually have a genthe minute I sensed it was getting uine sled? Not hardly. cold, my nose would start to run. At age 6, most kids could simply blow their noses and the worst about 200 yards behind my house. In the was over. However, for me it was more spring and summer, that area was adorned like draining sap from a maple tree. The with grass, weeds and branches. But, when more I rubbed, the more stuff streamed out winter rolled around the huge pile of and covered the sleeve of my winter coat. plowed trees had the definite features of a But, that was just a minor challenge in my mountain. wintertime trials. When I was very young there was Most people associate a white winter about an acre of field behind my house snow with beauty. I have to agree that see- that we called the jungle. Actually, as I reing the sun glistening off a newly-fallen call it, it was somewhat of an eerie place. snow does soothe the spirit. The cover was not really trees, but more As a child I could not wait to see the like tall, thick weeds. To a 3-foot young snow flakes start to fall. Because snow, to boy they were more like redwoods. me, represented many potential opportuniThat field still remains a consistent imties. For example, if it was after the first age in my mind. And just as it did when I snowfall of the year, Mom would make was a boy, the image can still conjure up snow cream (snow with vanilla extract, all kinds of intense, frightening and mystecream and sugar). rious thoughts. I guess it was because the And of course, snow could also mean growth was so thick that we could imagine that school would be closed. The possibili- the horrid creatures that prowled around ties, if that happened, were endless. inside, especially in the darkness of night. Perhaps the single most exciting outThen one day, with no advance notice, come of a good winter’s snow was lying the bulldozers moved in, tore every tree



and weed down and pushed the debris into a huge pile. Suddenly the unknown was no more than an empty field. The only remnant of that spooky playground of the demons was that big pile. In the summer it was our army fortress, but in the winter it became a ski lodge. I remember the winter of 1964. I was 7 years old and we had a major blizzard. The snow was up past my thighs and drifts had blown against the house that were no less than window height. It was not a playful desire, but more of a mission, that we conquer that big mountain that lay behind my house. Now bear in mind, when I was a child the only gloves we had were cotton. Oftentimes I would lose my gloves by the time the snow came. But it really didn’t matter because those cotton gloves were as effective in the snow as a pair of boxing gloves. The first touch of snow rendered them soaking wet and it felt like shoving your fingers into a bucket of ice. One thing was for sure, though: If you lost your gloves, or they became wet, there were no thoughts of running to the closet or the store for another pair. When I had no gloves I had to wear a pair of Dad’s winter socks. Boy, this was a treat. They did not fit like a glove or a pair of mittens; they fit like a sock. But gloves were not the only things we came up short on. Winter boots were about as plentiful as $100 bills.

So, when it came time to sled down the big mountain, would you think we would actually have a genuine sled? Not hardly. Once again, we improvised. The closest thing to a sled that we could find was a trash can lid. Little did I know, as I carried that trash can lid up the slope, that I was about to embark on the single most treacherous ride of my young life. I realized when I reached the top of the pile that even though the hill’s terrain was littered with tree stumps and roots, I had to go down. I carefully set the trash can lid down on the hilltop. While my friend Carey held the lid, I climbed aboard. He gave me a shove and I flew off the lid and rolled down the hill like so many pounds of potatoes. There is no doubt in my mind even to this day that I struck every branch and stump on my way down. When I reached the bottom of the hill, I looked back up to see one of Dad’s winter socks hanging off a tree branch and Carey holding the trash can lid. It was a horrendous episode. The first thing I did was to pick myself up off the ground, stagger to my feet and head back up the hill for another roll. I only wish that I had that level of tenacity today. It must not have been too bad, because I don’t recall ever asking for a sled for Christmas.

FILLED WITH WARM WISHES and gratitude too, for the friendship that we share with you! MERRY CHRISTMAS AND MANY THANKS.

“We Have Roots Here… …Not Just Branches” Member FDIC

Seaford 628-4400 Laurel 877-5000 Georgetown 855-2000 Milford 424-2500 Long Neck 947-7300

Lewes 645-8880 Milton 684-2300 Millville 537-0900 Rehoboth Beach 226-9800





Carrieri-Russo is crowned Miss Delaware 2008 Vincenza Carrieri-Russo, 23, of Newark, was crowned Miss Delaware USA 2008 at the annual pageant held on Nov. 27 at the Dover Sheraton. The event showcased 46 of the state’s most beautiful, poised and articulate young women. The crowning was the culmination of nine years of effort for Carrieri-Russo, who began competing in pageants at the age of 15. As a 15-year old, she was chosen from thousands of teens as the subject of an article on pageant contestants in Elle Girl magazine. At 18, she co-founded the literacy organization, Success Won’t Wait, which provides books and reading materials to organizations and schools throughout the East Coast. At 21, she interned in the Office of the Governor, in the Constituent Relations department. When she was 22, her outstand-

Local pianist to perform recital

Maria Scott, pianist, of Bridgeville, will be performing a joint recital with Wilmington pianist Alessandra Johnson. The recital is Friday, Dec. 21, at 6:30 p.m. in the concert hall of the Wilmington Music School, followed by a reception. This concert is free and open to the public. The Wilmington Music School is located at 4101 Washington St., Wilmington.

ing community service earned her Delaware’s Jefferson Award and she traveled to Washington, D.C, for an awards ceremony honoring recipients from around the nation. There she was chosen as one of five attendees to receive the highest community service honor in the U.S. – the Jacqueline Kennedy Onassis Award for Outstanding Service Benefiting a Local Community. “Since I began competing in pageants, my life has been sort of a whirlwind,” says Carrieri-Russo. “Pageants today really go against the stereotype. Most contestants are very intelligent and interested in a lot more than just pretty crowns and sashes. I am personally excited to use the opportunities that come with winning the title of Miss Delaware USA to tell the world more about my literacy organization.” That organization, Success Won’t Wait, Inc., was founded in 2002 when CarrieriRusso was still a high school senior. Its mission is to encourage reading, particularly by children. Success Won’t Wait volunteers organize book drives, calling on residents, businesses, organizations, and publishers to donate new or gently used books for redistribution in schools and programs where they are desperately needed. To date, over 100,000 books have been collected and Carrieri-Russo has personally logged well over 2,500 community service hours.

Vincenza Carrieri-Russo is shown receiving her sash at the Miss Delaware USA pageant.

Carrieri-Russo attends the University of Delaware, Newark, where she is pursuing a bachelor’s degree in English with a minor in Italian. Her career ambition is to become a broadcast journalist.

She will take the stage at the annual Miss USA pageant in Spring 2008. There, she and 50 other representatives will vie for the coveted title of Miss USA and the chance to represent the United States at the 57th annual Miss Universe pageant.

B est W ishes for the holidays and all through the coming year. Henry Clay Davis III, P.A. Law Offices 303 North Bedford St. Georgetown, DE 19947 856-9021 H. Clay Davis III Henry C. Davis



Last-minute gift ideas, including a favorite recipe, every foodie will love The following arrived among the slew of food-related mail I reORETTA NORR ceive daily which, by the by, I do not and never will consider junk. I deem any missive about food to be personally addressed to me. I wasn’t aware that Dr. Seuss knew of all my particular holiday neuroses but he was obviously well informed when he wrote: How did it get so late so soon? It’s night before it’s afternoon. December is here before it’s June. My goodness how the time has Boston Tea Co., which will donate $1 to flewn. the Y-Me National Breast Cancer FoundaHow did it get so late so soon? tion for every box sold. If the time has “flewn” for you as it has If your foodie has a sense of humor, give: for me, you may still have a few more hol• Foodie Fight, the Trivia Game for Seiday gifts to purchase. If there’s a foodie rious Food Lovers on your list, here are a few nifty ideas. • The Food Snob’s Dictionary – An EsNo cook ever has enough cookbooks. sential Lexicon of Gastronomical KnowlYou might consider the following bestedge sellers with slightly different spins: • The Bubble Scrubber. For only $5 the • The Best Make Ahead Recipes, from perpetual kid can scrub pots and blow Cook’s Illustrated. bubbles too. • America’s Best Lost Recipes - results My gift to you is the recipe for Grandof a nationwide contest of heirloom ma Murphy’s Dutch cake. I’ve shared the recipes too good to forget. recipe for this dense and delicious break• Gourmet Slow Cooker – simple yet so- fast bread in the past. phisticated meals from around the world. A favorite memory I have of Christmas If you’d like a gift that also benefits mornings over the years is sitting at the charity, give: kitchen table with a steaming cup of coffee • A dozen cookies from Cookies for and a butter-slathered slice of Dutch cake. Kids’ Cancer I know you’ll enjoy it as much as I do. • A selection of gourmet teas from the Happy Christmas!



The Practical Gourmet

POLICE COLLECT PHONE CARDS FOR TROOPS. The Laurel Police Department is working with Laurel dentist Dr. Richard Tananis to collect prepaid phone cards that will be sent to local troops serving in the Middle East. Phone cards can be dropped off at the police department or at Tananis' office in Calio Plaza. All phone cards will be sent to members of Delaware's 153rd Military Police Unit. Above, from left: police Chief Jamie Wilson and Tananis.

Grandma Murphy’s Dutch Cake Makes 2 loaves 2 cups sugar 2 tablespoons unsalted butter 1 teaspoon salt 1 teaspoon nutmeg 4 teaspoons baking powder 4 cups flour 3 large eggs 1 cup milk 1 (15 ounce) box seedless raisins Preheat oven to 300 degrees. Butter and flour two 5 and 1/2-inch by 9 and 1/2-inch loaf pans. Cream together the sugar and butter. In a medium bowl, sift together the salt, nut-

meg, baking powder and flour. In a separate bowl, beat the eggs with the milk. Alternately add the dry ingredients and the milk mixture to the creamed sugar and butter, mixing after each addition. Fold in the raisins. Divide the batter between the two loaf pans. Bake at 300 degrees for 1 hour, or until a cake tester comes out clean. Place the loaf pans on a cooling rack. Allow cakes to cool completely before removing. Cakes may be kept wrapped in foil and stored in plastic bags at room temperature. They also freeze very well.

You are invited to…

Seaford Offic


910 Norman Eskridge Highway 302-629-2700

Embark upon an unforgettable experience... A Night in Bethlehem! Here, guests might bake bread, create a tile mosaic or whistle a tune on a shepherd’s flute. Each experience helps visitors better understand what life was like when Jesus was born. Reserve Sunday, Dec. 23rd for “A Night in Bethlehem” to be held at the Laurel Nazarene Church, 94 Walnut Street (across from GameZone), Laurel, Del. As soon as you set foot in our church, your family will travel back to ancient Bethlehem. You’ll taste, see and smell what daily life was like when Jesus was born. You’ll find shops and activities for people of all ages -- so bring your whole family. The doors open at 10 a.m. and we’ll keep the city gates open until 1 p.m. There’s something for everyone! If you have any questions, call the church office at 875-7873.

Filled With Best Wishes

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Merry Christmas To All!

23028 Bridgeville Hwy. Seaford, DE 19973

Tina Moore Cell:




Luke 2:10-11 And the angel said unto them, Fear not: for, behold, I bring you good tidings of great joy, which shall be to all people. For unto you is born this day in the city of David a Saviour, which is Christ the Lord.


Always the Best Ice Cream & Shakes in Town DAILY SPECIALS FRI. Beef & Dumplings MON. Chicken & Dumplings


Whereever you live, may the spirit of Christmas reside in your heart this holiday season. My heart is warmed by memories of all the people I’ve had the privilege to work with and serve this year. I look forward to the new year. May you and your family enjoy a Christmas stuffed with lots of magic, merriment and delight. We’re filled with appreciation when we think of the many good folk we’ve had the pleasure to serve this year. Happy Holidays!

Bernie The Bear & The World’s Largest Stocking

• DECEMBER 20 - 26, 2007

A Full Service Real Estate Company

It’s been our pleasure to serve you this year and we look forward to serving you again in 2008. STOP BY AND ENTER TO WIN


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Letters to the Editor A Soldier’s Last Words

Dear Friends, Family, and Colleagues, This is one email I will forward to everyone in my address because it is that important. Please read and reread it and pass it on. Whether or not you agree with our position in Iraq, read it. Why? Because our troops KNOW what their mission is. They are the ones sacrificing, not only for us, but for a foreign land and people. Try thinking for a moment of the opportunities and privileges we have here, before casting dispersions on our President and our Military Finally, I am grounded totally in that our troops need to be wherever they are. How many Americans know that our troops are ALL OVER this planet protecting people who don't have the means to do so for themselves? Read and reread this, please, and pass it on. If you don't like what you read, then please continue to pray for our troops, as you do already. I have read my son's autobiography, and I know now why he chose this path. He believed in FREEDOM fiercely... and he valued and treasured it so very much that he voluntarily gave his life that we may all keep ours. Please read this letter again as you contemplate the candidates running for office in Election 2008. Yes, it IS that important. Firmly and with homage to our troops, past and present. Danna Palmer

Marine Mom of Cpl. Cory Leonard Palmer

A Soldier's Last Words SGT Edmund John Jeffer's last few words were some of the most touching, inspiring and most truthful words spoken since the tragedy of 9/11-- and since our nation went to war. SGT Jeffers was a strong soldier and talented writer. He died in Iraq on Sept. 19, 2007. He was a loving husband, brother and son. His service was more than this country could ever grasp -- but the least you can do for the man who sacrificed his life for you is listen to what he had to say. Listen up and pay attention all of the Cindy Sheehans and Al Frankens of the world. To MSNBC, CNN, and CBS. To all who call themselves Americans...hope rides alone. Hope Rides Alone By Eddie Jeffers I stare out into the darkness from my post, and I watch the city burn to the ground. I smell the familiar smells, I walk through the familiar rubble, and I look at the frightened faces that watch me pass down the streets of their neighborhoods. My nerves hardly rest; my hands are steady on a device that has been given to me from my government for the purpose of taking the lives of others. I sweat, and I am tired. My back aches from the loads I carry. Young American boys look to me to direct them in a manner that will someday allow them to see their families again...and yet, I too, am just a boy. My age not but a few years more than that of the ones I lead. I am stressed, I am scared, and I am paranoid because death is everywhere. It waits for

me, it calls to me from around street corners and windows, and it is always there. There are the demons that follow me, and tempt me into thoughts and actions that are not my own but that are necessary for survival. I've made compromises with my humanity. And I am not alone in this. Miles from me are my brethren in this world, who walk in the same streets...who feel the same things, whether they admit to it or not. And to think, I volunteered for this... And I am ignorant to the rest of the world...or so I thought. But even thousands of miles away, in Ramadi, Iraq, the cries and screams and complaints of the ungrateful reach me. In a year, I will be thrust back into society from a life and mentality that doesn't fit your average man. And then, I will be alone. And then, I will walk down the streets of America, and see the yellow ribbon stickers on the cars of the same people who compare our President to Hitler. I will watch the television and watch the Cindy Sheehans, and the Al Frankens, and the rest of the ignorant sheep of America spout off their mouths about a subject they know nothing about. It is their right, however, and it is a right that is defended by hundreds of thousands of boys and girls scattered across the world, far from home. I use the word boys and girls, because that's what they are. In the Army, the average age of the infantryman is nineteen years old. The average rank of soldiers killed in action is Private First Class. People like Cindy Sheehan are ignorant. Not just to this war, but to the results of their idiotic ramblings, or at least I hope they are. They don't realize its effects on this war. In this war, there are no Geneva Conventions, no cease fires. Medics and Chaplains are not spared from the enemy's brutality because it's against the rules. I can only imagine the horrors a military Chaplain would experience at the hands of the enemy. The enemy slinks in the shadows and fights a coward's war against us. It is effective though, as many men and women have died since the start of this war. And the memory of their service to America is tainted by the inconsiderate remarks on our nation's news outlets. And every day, the enemy changes... only now, the enemy is becoming something new. The enemy is transitioning from the Muslim extremists to Americans. The enemy is becoming the very people whom we defend with our lives. And they do not realize it. But in denouncing our actions, denouncing our leaders, denouncing the war we live and fight, they are isolating the military from society...and they are becoming our enemy. Democrats and peace activists like to toss the word "quagmire" around and compare this war to Vietnam. In a way they are right; this war is becoming like Vietnam. Not the actual war, but in the isolation of country and military. America is not a nation at war; they are a nation with its military at war. Like it or not, we are here, some of us for our second, or third times; some even for their fourth and so on.

Americans are so concerned now with politics, that it is interfering with our war. Terrorists cut the heads off of American citizens on the Internet and there is no outrage, but an American soldier kills an Iraqi in the midst of battle, and there are investigations, and sometimes soldiers are even jailed...for doing their job. It is absolutely sickening to me to think our country has come to this. Why are we so obsessed with the bad news? Why will people stop at nothing to be against this war, no matter how much evidence of the good we've done is thrown in their face? When is the last time CNN or MSNBC or CBS reported the opening of schools and hospitals in Iraq? Or the leaders of terror cells being detained or killed? It's all happening, but people will not let up their hatred of Bush. They will ignore the good news, because it just might show people that Bush was right. America has lost its will to fight. It has lost its will to defend what is right and just in the world. The crazy thing of it all is that the American people have not even been asked to sacrifice a single thing. It's not like World War II, where people rationed food, and turned in cars to be made into metal for tanks. The American people have not been asked to sacrifice anything. Unless you are in the military or the family member of a service member, its life as usual...the war doesn't affect you. But it affects us. And when it is over, and the troops come home, and they try to piece together what's left of them after their service...where will the detractors be then? Where will the Cindy Sheehans be to comfort and talk to soldiers and help them sort out the last couple years of their lives, most of which have been spent dodging death and wading through the deaths of their friends? They will be where they always are, somewhere far away, where the horrors of the world can't touch them. Somewhere where they can complain about things they will never experience in their lifetime; things that the young men and women of America have willingly taken upon their shoulders. We are the hope of the Iraqi people. They want what everyone else wants in life: safety, security, somewhere to call home. They want a country that is safe to raise their children in. Not a place where their children will be abducted, raped, and murdered if they do not comply with the terrorists demands. They want to live on, rebuild and prosper. And America has given them the opportunity, but only if we stay true to the cause, and see it to its end. But the country must unite in this endeavor...we cannot place the burden on our military alone. We must all stand up and fight, whether in uniform or not. And supporting us is more than sticking yellow ribbon stickers on your cars. It's supporting our President, our troops and our cause. Right now, the burden is all on the American soldiers. Right now, hope rides alone. But it can change, it must change. Because there is only failure and darkness ahead for us as a country, as a people, if it doesn't. Let's stop all the political nonsense, let's stop all the bickering, let's stop

all the bad news, and let's stand and fight! Eddie's father, David Jeffers, writes: I'm not sure how many letters or articles you've ever read from the genre of "News from the Front," but this is one of the best I've ever read, including all of America's wars. As I was reading this, I forgot that it was my son who had written it. My emotions range from great pride to great sorrow, knowing that my little boy (22-yearsold) became this man. He is my hero. Though Eddie is no longer with us, you can help to let his voice be heard.

Reporter responds to criticism

It is unusual for me to respond to a letter to this paper regarding my column, however, it is one's right to express their opinion. And, when the credibility of my research is attacked, I must respond. Bob Wootten has written several letters to this newspaper accusing me of not doing my homework in reporting my opinions. Last week, Wootten wrote concerning my column on PFC Jordan Fox, the wounded, discharged veteran who was asked to give back part of his signing bonus. Wootten stated that my article was not accurate because I did not report that the government acknowledged their error one day after the story broke. This paper was published on Nov. 29 and sent to the printer in Dover for publication on Nov. 28. Wootten says that the government corrected their error on Nov. 21. The Star is not a daily paper; we submit our stories a week in advance. I wrote my column and sent it to the paper on Nov. 20. Here are the facts - PFC Fox, who lives in Lebanon, Pa., received his letter in late October, almost a month before I wrote my column, and CBS affiliate KDKA-TV in Pennsylvania broke the story on Nov. 20. The government did nothing until the television station broke the story, and did not 'acknowledge their mistake' until PFC Fox went on national television with Bill Riley and his show, Fox and Friends. He got a call from the Pentagon minutes before he was to be interviewed by FOX TV on Nov. 21, after my column was in the 'can.' How convenient and timely of the government and the right winged FOX-TV. After the media attention and the country and every veteran organization was up in arms, the Defense Department discovered "it was a mistake" and "relieved his debt." It has been reported that Riley of FOXTV (a Robert Murdoch owned media - you talk about one sided news, Murdoch and Co. is a good example and explains why I don't watch FOX News) was going to "sandbag" the solder with the story from the Defense Department, but the Pennsylvania television station broke the story first. Bob, check Jordan's interview with KDKA-TV through Google. My angle on the story was that this should not happen, mistake or not. Also on Google, you'll find an article from former Marine Spc. Robert Kaminski who lost his leg last October when his convoy ran over an IED. He also suffered a collapsed lung and brain trauma.

MORNING STAR •DECEMBER 20 - 26, 2007 Kaminski and other wounded enlistees were told they're not entitled to their full enlistment bonus because they were injured before completing their full enlistment term. Apparently PFC Fox's letter was not the first nor only letter sent from our government to wounded and discharged veterans. The 'honest' news media constantly reports abuse of our veterans with their benefits and lack of first class care in some Veterans Hospital, mainly because of lack of funding. I am irked when this country can send our men and women to fight a war - I say useless, you say necessary - and can't take care of them when they return, in much the same way our Vietnam veterans were treated. I research my columns carefully, in this case timing of the next edition of the paper caught up with me, but my facts were correct. You conveniently neglected to include that I wrote military policy prohibits the recoupment of bonus pay from wounded troops, unless the pay results from misconduct. I know my writings regarding the political scene hit a nerve with you; I still have your e-mail telling me President Bush was the best thing that ever happened to this country. Frank B. Calio Laurel

Laurel Middle School Band

I'm writing in regards to the outstanding job that Jason Rogers has done with the LMS band. My daughter is a member of the band and I've never been more proud of her and all of the other kids. I remember when she started band in the fifth grade and I couldn't help but hold my hands over my ears every now and then, but now I could sit and listen all day long. The job those kids did in the Laurel Christmas Parade was wonderful. I also went to the LMS Christmas program and it was outstanding. Jason Rogers is a wonderful, wonderful person to teach those kids the way he has. Laurel Middle School should be proud to have him as a part of their staff. You simply can't give this man the credit he deserves. I only hope that these kids will carry on with the band when they move over to the high school. Mr. Rogers, my hats off to you and your dedication to those kids day in and day out! Susan Hastings

Welcome Home Andrew We feel fortunate to have our son home from Iraq, safe and sound. Our thoughts and prayers go out to those not as fortunate as us. Please keep those families in your thoughts and prayers. We also are proud to be from Delaware and have the support of our friends, family, and the local merchants to welcome him home. As we and our sister in law, Darlene Warner, called to ask for local merchants to put his name on their road side signs, we were very impressed with their response. We knew that this is their busiest time of the year, and yet they were willing to give their time and sign exposure to our son's homecoming! We captured most of them below. I know that we missed some and do not want them to feel left out. Also, we did not ask everyone, so some people did not have the opportunity to participate. As they support our troops we will support them. Our children did not start this war, but someone has to be there. It is that simple. They deserve EVERYONE'S support. We started a blog with some information about Andrew. Visit Bob and Margo Willoughby


What ‘issues’ bug you?

Have you noticed that in the news media and in politics how a catch word or phase will infiltrate like a virus, and it will spread from one newscaster, show host or politician to the others. Remember the word “gravitas” when Dick Cheney was selected for vice president? Throughout the news they said Cheney lacked this Latin word. The most current word of this sort is “Issue.” It seems that “issues” are now responsible for virtually everything. I first noticed this over a year ago when an acquaintance and his “significant other” were separating. When I asked him what brought it one, he said she has “Issues.” I thought that maybe “Cosmopolitan,” “Lady’s Home Journal,” or another publication might be responsible for putting ideas into her head. But, after paying more attention to the use of this word, I discovered it is used freely in the news media, talk shows, etc.


Even Rush Limbaugh, who is quick to point out catch words or phrases that flood throughout the media, has been using issues freely lately. I’m tempted to contact him and make him aware of how he is guilty of one of the very things for which he criticizes other celebrities and politicians. I find myself daily now taking notice of (1) who is using this word, (2) how many times in a day it is used and (3) finding better ways in my mind for substituting this word. It is used in place of “problems,” “hang-ups,” “situations,” “mental attitudes,” “crises,” and on and on.… I’m eager to see when this catch word fades out and when another word or catch phrase will be the “word of the day.” I’m old fashioned and always thought an issue was a copy of a newspaper, magazine or perhaps a book. It’s a good mental exercise to be alert for the “catchword” of the day and see how many ways you can substitute it for a more precise or meaningful word. So… such is the issue of the day! Of course, I really mean topic of the day? Andrew Richardson, Jr. Federalsburg, Md.

Christmas parade a success!

I would like to thank everyone who participated in this year's Christmas Parade. As stressful as the event is on the ones who organize it, you the participants make it happen. I am sure there are you that hate being jammed in finding your number on Evergreen Drive to begin the lineup, but thank you for your patience.

I would like to thank all the members of the Laurel Fire Department and the Laurel Police Department with their assistance. Thank you to the members of the Chamber of Commerce, Laurel Senior Center, and Laurel Fire Department, and our announcer, Brian Whaley, for judging this year's parade. A very special thank you goes to Laurel Town secretary Julie Short. Without her I would be lost. Julie found time to hand and collect all parade applications this year. Although my cell phone rang continuously, she is the greatest. Thank you to Cindy Matthews of MCM jewelers for outstanding work on the plaques (Yes, Maxine I said outstanding.) If I forgot to mention anyone I am sorry, but appreciative. Hope everyone enjoyed this year’s event, and have a Merry Christmas! I also would like to reply to the letters appearing in the Star in reference to Police-Fire-EMS. There may be members of the Laurel Fire Department that were for the Discovery Project and others who may not have been. One thing I am 100% sure of is that if any citizen of Laurel calls 911 for an emergency, we will be responding to you just as fast and caring whether you’re a SCOLDM member or not. Members of the Laurel Fire Department do not always get along or see eye to eye, but when the alarm sounds we become a family out to help whoever is in need! Steve Brittingham Parade Chairman/Assistant Chief Laurel Fire Department

Proud parent of Erin Hastings




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• DECEMBER 20 - 26, 2007


FREE CLASSIFIEDS* (For Personal Use Only) *Some exceptions such as homes for rent or sale

Deadline: Monday, 2 p.m. Businesses: $4.50 per inch

'92 FORD FESTIVA, runs good, $250 OBO. John, 337-7559. 12/20 '75 TORINO, runs good, 52k mi., $4000 OBO. John, 337-7559. 12/20

Line ads ($9.00 minimum)

COBRA MUSTANG RIMS, 17", $600 OBO. John, 3377559. 12/20

Boxed (Display) Ads: $6.50/inch Legals: $6.50 per inch

4 TIRES, Goodyear Eagle P225/60R16, Good tread, $25 ea. 628-0596. 12/13

Not responsible for typographical errors after first insertion


Call: Or E-mail: LOST


LOST PUPPY: White w/ dark ring around one eye. 10-15 lbs., red collar. Woodland Rd. - Malihorn Crest area. Reward! 26294359. 12/6

Got More For The Holidays Than You Wanted? Get the training & help to get rid of those extra pounds and keep them off! 302-875-3099 http://healthieryou.

2 LOST DOGS, on Woodland Ferry Rd., Sun., 10/28. Male Beagles, lemon & wh., orange color. 2 yrs. old. If found please return. 5426316. 11/8

GIVE-AWAY FULL SIZE BED, 75x54, mattress, box springs, bed frame, very good cond. 875-7119. 11/22 2 MALE CATSm Blk. w/wh. chest; orange tabby w/wh. chest & paws. Very friendly. 249-9287. 10/18 FREE ENGLISH SETTER, to good home, about 5-6 yrs. old, good hunter, orange & white. 542-6316. 10/4 FREE HORSE MANURE, great for gardens & shrubs. 337-3840. 8/23

HELP WANTED 2 CNA TEAMS, Around the clock work, skip agency prices. Call 410-896-4573 or 302-9070067. 12/20/2tnc

PART-TIME TELLER Up to 19 hrs. per week including Saturdays. Experienced only need apply. Send resume to: PO Box 1800 Seaford, DE 19973

WANTED FREE ELEC. RANGE, for single mother of 4 children, now using a hot plate. Call 875-0964. A good refrig. could also be used. 11/15

'05 CHEV. 3500 Dually Silverado Crew Cab, Duramax Deisel 4x4. All options & SS dual exhaust, 5-stage power booster, 18K mi. w/ext. warranty. Estate sale, $29,900. 628-9352. '95 GMC SONOMA PU, 4 cyl.,, 5 spd./Overdrive, AC, tape deck, Cap, $2500. 497-0686. 12/6

ANTIQUES/ COLLECTIBLES '71 LAUREL HIGH SR. Group photo, 8x14, exc. cond., $25. '71 LHS Year Book, exc. cod., no writing, $75. 682-7111. 11/22

FOR SALE AUTOMOTIVE MAG WHEELS, Alum./center caps, 10x15, $275 OBO. Mag Wheels, steel slops fits Ford '97-99 PU, $250 OBO. John, 337-7559. 12/20

WASHER $120; DRYER $120. 628-1320. 11/29/tnc SPRINT BLACKBERRY walkie email cell phone, cost $175. 629-9601 anytime.12/20

PT RESIDENTIAL STAFF for families in Transition program. Sunday overnight (10pm-8am), Monday and Tuesday MidShift (4pm-10pm). Responsibilities include working with adult and children survivors of domestic violence in a shelter facility, answering a 24-hour domestic violence hotline, ensuring there is a safe and non-violent environment for residents of the shelter, providing support services to residents and children. Send cover letter and resume to People’s Place (FIT), 1129 Airport Rd., Milford, DE 19963 or fax to (302)422-8050.

GREAT GIFT! Lady's Integra black motorcycle jacket, sz. med., waterproof, back insert, renovable elbow & shoulder protectors. Reflective Triumph logo on back. Never worn. $218 retail, asking $135 firm. 302-6783616 ext. 264, 9-5 pm.

DOUBLE STROLLER, $15. 337-0710. 12/6

SEARS PRO-FORM Exercise Cycle, $35. 846-2681. 12/20

DRUM SET & SNARE Drum, $200 firm. 337-0710. GOULDS WATER PUMP & tank, $50; small refrig., $20. Christmas decorations, tools, several bikes, furniture, some antiques, 5' PU tool box, 2 desks, gas heater, above gr. pool. & more. 628-4768. 12/6

FREEZER, Small, $150 OBO. Sm. Wood Cook Stove, $250 OBO. Call John, 337-7559. 12/20

COLEMAN GAS FURNACE, 75,000 BTU, 4 yrs. old, like new, $700 OBO. 245-2278. 12/6

SCRAPER BLADE for WD Allis Chalmers Tractor, $200 OBO. John, 3377559. 12/20

STORM WINDOWS, Wh., triple track, 14 - 28x63, 4 20x63, 2 - 28x59. Good cond., $15 ea. 875-3733.

BENCH PRESS w/Weights up to 250 lbs. Like new, $75. 337-7628. 12/13

WOOD - P/U LOAD, $55, green or seasoned. 20 mi. radius of Delmar, 745-4750. 12/6

9' CHRISTMAS TREE, $50, oak & glass entertainment center, $50. 2 Miller Brand Furnaces, $25 ea. 6283982. 12/13 SEARS WASHER, $75, Color TV, $25. 629-6483. TIME SHARE CONDO, Ocean Villa II, Unit 221, Week 46, Ocean City, Md. 875-4922. 12/13 GOULDS WATER PUMP & tank, $50; small refrig., $20. Christmas decorations, tools, several bikes, furniture, some antiques, 5' PU tool box, 2 desks, gas heater, above gr. pool. & more. 628-4768. 12/6

RECLINER ROCKER from Hickory Creek, N.C., oak frame, new, value $699, asking $400. 629-3384. 12/6 SNAPPER RIDING MOWER for sale, 28", 8 hp w/high vac deck & 2-bagger system. Good cond., $375 OBO. 841-3992. 12/6 TWO 3' GLASS SLIDING DOOR Sections & 32" Int. Door w/Jam, $35. 6296985. 12/6 DRUM SET & SNARE Drum, $200 firm. 337-0710. 12/6

OLD CAST IRON WOOD / COAL STOVE, great shape, $100. 846-9788. IRONING BOARD, Old wooden folding, $20. 8469788. 12/6 WHITE DRESS suitable for prom, etc., sz. 12, exc. cond. 875-5788. 11/29 ARTIFICIAL CHRISTMAS TREE, 7 1/2' tall, in good cond., $25 OBO. 629-5225. DELL COMPUTER w/printer, Windows 98 & office 2000 on hard drive. $200 OBO. Computer desk & chair set, never used, box unopened, $30. 875-5186 after 6 pm. 11/29

ANIMALS, ETC. HAPPY JACK FLEA BEACON: Controls fleas in the home without toxic sprays. Results overnight! JAY DAVIS LAWN & GARDEN 875-5943. www.happyjackinc. com 12/20/4tc 3 SIAMESE-BURMESE male kittens, mixed. 1 blk., 2 w/points. 875-1370 lv. msg. 12/13 PUPPIES, 9 wks. old, Part Shiatzu, part terrior, $45 ea. 536-1057, ask for Pam. 12/13 10 GAL FISH TANK w/all accessories incl. 3 live healthy Gold Fish. $25 OBO. 236-9688. 11/22

Help Wanted Seaford School District, Athletic Director Interested and qualified candidates should complete a professional application available at the Seaford School District Human Resource Development Office, 390 North Market Street Extended Seaford, DE 19973 or online at Please see our vacancy announcement online for specific qualifications, conditions, and responsibilities.

Closing date: January 7, 2008. The Seaford School District reserves the right to extend or shorten the application and/or interview period, to modify the job requirements within one’s primary area of certification, and to reject any or all applications for just cause.

All final candidates for employment must have a satisfactory criminal background check before being placed on contract/payroll as per State of Delaware regulations. Candidates must call the Delaware State Police at (800) 464-4357 to make an appointment. The cost of the criminal background check is $69.00 (expense borne by the prospective employee). Final Candidates must also receive a satisfactory child protection registry check. The State of Delaware does not discriminate against qualified persons with disabilities in its programs or services. Persons with disabilities are encouraged to contact the Human Resource and Public Information Office, at (302) 629-4587, as soon as possible to request an auxiliary aid or service. The Seaford School District is committed to a policy of nondiscrimination against any employee or applicant because of race, color, religion, sex, national origin, ethnicity, age, marital or handicapped status in accordance with state and federal laws. This policy shall apply to recruitment, employment, and subsequent placement, training, promotion, compensation, tenure and probation, and other terms and conditions of employment over which the district has jurisdiction. Inquiries should be directed to: Director of Personnel, 390 North Market Street, Ext., Seaford, DE 19973. Phone: (302) 629-4587.





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• DECEMBER 20 - 26, 2007




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FOR RENT Laurel-Delmar Area 1 BR with Full Bath, Kitchen Privileges, Washer/Dryer. $125 week + 1/2 Util. Call, leave message, 875-5846 or 875-2479

FREE CLASSIFIEDS Personal Items for Sale.

No Vendors Please.

Call 629-9788, or send to P.O. Box 1000, Seaford, DE 19973.

Donate Vehicle, running or not accepted. FREE TOWING TAX DEDUCTIBLE, NOAHS ARC, Support No Kill Shelters, Animal Rights, Research to Advance Veterinary Treatments/Cures 1-866-912-GIVE DONATE YOUR VEHICLE: MAX. IRS TAX DEDUCTIONS. UNITED BREAST CANCER FOUNDATION, Free Mammograms, Breast Cancer Info FREE Towing, Fast, NonRunners Accepted, 24/7 1888-468-5964 Elder Care ELIZABETH COONEY PERSONNEL AGENCY. THE NURSING CARE SPECIALISTS. SINCE 1957. RN’s, LPN’s, CNA’s, AIDES, COMPANIONS,

PROPERTY FOR SALE ON ROUTE 13, LAUREL, DELAWARE 107’ Frontage on Northbound Rt. 13 15.0 acres total, Zoned Commercial Improved with 7,500 sq. ft. office/ warehouse building $925,000.00 Also has been subdivided into three parcels 5.3 acres with building. . . . . . . . . . .$540,000 3.5 acres..............................$210,000 4.3 acres .............................$260,000

Contact Ed Thomas at 410-548-1100 #1028

HOME HEALTH CARE. PRIVATE DUTY. HOURS / LIVE IN. 24-HOUR SERVICE. LICENCED AND BONDED. (410) 323-1700. CALL NOW FOR CARE. General Merchandise ABSOLUTELY NO COST TO YOU!! ALL BRAND NEW POWER WHEELCHAIRS, HOSPITAL BEDS AND SCOOTERS IMMEDIATE DELIVERY CALL TOLL FREE 1-888-9984111 TO QUALIFY Help Wanted NOW HIRING LOCALLY Large National Organization Avg. Pay $20/hour or $55K annually including Full Benefits and OT. Paid Training, Vacations, PT/FT. 1-866483-5617 NOW HIRING LOCALLY. Large National Organization Avg. Pay $20/hour or $55K annually including Full Benefits and OT. Paid Training, Vacations, PT/FT. 1-866483-5617 Help Wanted-Drivers CALL TODAY! Guaranteed Home Christmas Day SignOn Bonus & Benefits. 36-43 cpm/$1.20pm, $0 Lease / Teams Needed. Class A and 3 mos recent OTR required. Call toll free: 877258-8782 Drivers- Regional drivers. Home most weekends. Flatbed/Specialized loads. Company or lease drivers. Great pay and FSC. 866230-8242 Land 42 ACRES $129,990 in WV 360 degree view plus stocked trout stream on your own mountain! Only 2.5 hours from Beltway.

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DISCLAIMER: be aware that Morning Star Publications has no control over the Regional ads. Some employment ads and business opportunity ads may not be what they seem to be.

New roads & perk. Act before the holidays for best buy. Financing available! 866-342-8635 10 Acres Just $49,990! 12 Miles from the MD state line. Trails throughout the property make it easily accessible with plenty of privacy. New road gets you there. Build anytime, start using property now! Call owner for showing info. 866-342-8635. COASTAL GA ? acre+ $89,900 Incredible community, water & marsh views, Year-round temperate weather. Near Golden Isles. Enjoy boating, fishing, walking, family/ retirement living. Great financing available. CALL 888.513.9958 YEAR END CHRISTMAS SPECIAL, UNBELIEVEABLE LAND DEALS, 50 MILE VIEWS NEAR RIVER F R O N T P A R K . W W W . M O U N TA I N B A GAIN.COM Miscellaneous AIRLINES ARE HIRING -Train for High Paying Aviation Maintenance Career. FAA Approved Program. Financial Aid If Qualified - Job Placement Assistance. Call Aviation Institute of Maintenance (888) 349-5387. Mountain Property20 ACRE LOG CABIN PACKAGE, IN THE MTNS, WWW.LANDNEARDC.COM Real Estate STOP RENTING!! Gov't Bank Foreclosures! $0 to Low Down!! No Credit OK! Call Now! 800-860-0732 MOVE/ RETIRE TO TAXFREE DELAWARE! Spacious, single- family homes, near beaches. From Upper $100's. Brochure Available. Call 302-684-8572 Waterfront Properties Historic James Riverfront! 5 Acres- $184,900 VA waterfront community! Estatessize lots w/tremendous views and park- like hardwoods. Country roads, water, sewer, electric & phone. Excellent financing. FREE gazebo w/ purchaselimited time. Call now 866764-5238

LEGALS TOWN OF LAUREL NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING Please take notice that a public hearing will be held on: Monday, January 7, 2008 at 7:00 p.m. Laurel Town Hall 201 Mechanic Street Town of Laurel Laurel, DE The public hearing will be conducted by the Mayor and Council of the Town of Laurel, to consider the request of: Jerry & Charlotte Todd, applications for annexation into the town for property located contiguous to the existing corporate limits of the Town of Laurel, on the southwesterly side of West Street, tax map #s 432/8.10/110 & 11. All interested persons are invited to attend said public hearing and present their views. Additional information, including copies of the annexation requests and other pertinent documents, may be obtained at Town Hall during regular business hours. Mayor and Council Laurel, Delaware 12/20/1tc

TOWN OF LAUREL NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING Please take notice that a public hearing willbe held on: Monday, January 7, 2008 at 7:05 p.m. Laurel Town Hall 201 Mechanic Street Town of Laurel Laurel, DE The public hearing will be conducted by the Mayor and Council of the Town of Laurel, to consider the request of: Two Farms, Inc., applications for annexation into the town for property located contiguous to the existing corporate limits of the Town of Laurel, along the south side of Georgetown Road, tax map # 232/12.15/31. All interested persons are invited to attend said public hearing and present their views. Additional information, including copies of the annexation requests

and other pertinent documents, may be obtained at Town Hall during regular business hours. Mayor and Council Laurel, Delaware 12/20/1tc

PUBLIC NOTICE You are hereby notified the below application will be before: The City of Seaford Plumbing Board of Appeals for their determination on Monday, January 7, 2008, at 12:00 P.M., in the Council Chambers of City Hall, 414 High Street, Seaford, Delaware; Case No. PA-48-07: Home Team Properties, 959 Norman Eskridge Highway, is appealing the decision of the Building Official regarding the minimum number of accessible toilet rooms in their facility as required by the 2003 International Plumbing Code, Chapter 4, Sec. 403 & 404. If this project is of concern to you and you wish to present your position or evidence, please attend this meeting. You may have counsel to attend on your behalf. Issued this 20th day of December 2007 pursuant to the Rules heretofore adopted by the City of Seaford. THE CITY OF SEAFORD Dolores J. Slatcher City Manager 12/20/1tc

PUBLIC NOTICE In accordance with the United States Environmental Protection Agency National Pretreatment Program, Code of Federal Register (CFR) Part 403.8(D)(viii), and 40 CFR Part 25, the City of Seaford is giving public notification: Orient Corporation of America, 111 Park Avenue, Seaford, DE 19973, was in Significant Noncompliance (SNC) of their City of Seaford Industrial Wastewater Discharge Permit (IWDP) for violation of 40 CFR Part 403.8(D)(viii)(E): Failure to meet within ninety (90) days after the scheduled date a compliance milestone contained in a local control mechanism (IWDP) or enforcement order for starting construction, completing construction, or attaining final compliance. Orient Corporation of America was in SNC on May 1, 2007 for failure to develop and implement a waste minimization plan to reduce the concentration of Total Nitrogen discharged to the City’s sewer system. Orient Corporation of AmerSee LEGALS—page 45

MORNING STAR LEGALS - from Page 44 ica requested and has been granted an extension by the City of Seaford to implement this plan and is awaiting final approval of a Reg 2 Ammonia Scrubber construction permit, APC2008/0012, from the Delaware Department of Natural Resources and Environmental Control, to begin construction. Persons with questions concerning this matter should contact Bill Wennberg, Pretreatment Coordinator, or Jeff Deats, Superintendent, at the Seaford Wastewater Treatment Facility (302) 6298340. The City of Seaford Dolores J. Slatcher City Manager 12/20/1tc

PUBLIC NOTICE BE IT ORDAINED BY THE MAYOR AND COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SEAFORD, an ordinance to amend the City of Seaford Municipal Code, Chapter 4 Buildings, Division 2. Amendments to Building Code: R105.2 Work exempt from permit: Delete: (2) Fences not over 6 feet (1829 mm) high; and, (6) Sidewalks and driveways not more than 30 inches above adjacent grade and not over any basement or story below and which are not part of an accessible route. Division 2A. Amendments to Residential Code: R105.2 Work exempt from permit:

IM THE SUPERIOR COURT OF THE STATE OF DELAWARE IN AND FOR SUSSEX COUNTY IN RE: MORTGAGE OF MYRA G. ELZEY, Petitioner, V. UNKNOWN HEIRS OR ASSIGNS OF HAROLD H. ROBERTS, Respondent. C.A.No. 07M-11-011 RFS Dated: December 2, 1985 Mortgage Book 925, Page 42 NOTICE TO HAROLD H. ROBERTS OR THE UNKNOWN HEIRS OR ASSIGNS OF HAROLD H. ROBERTS AND ANY OTHER UNKNOWN CLAIMANTS HAVING AN INTEREST IN THE ABOVE-CAPTIONED MATTER PLEASE TAKE NOTICE that the above-captioned case presently pending in the Superior Court, State of Delaware, in and for Sussex County, is an action brought by Myra G. Elzey to show cause, if any, why a mortgage granted by Myra G. Elzey to Harold H. Roberts, dated December 2, 1985 and recorded in Mortgage Book 925, Page 42 and encumbering Tax Parcel 3-32 2.00 81.01 shall not be marked satisfied on the record. The aforesaid Petitioner claims that said mortgage has been paid in full. PLEASE TAKE FURTHER NOTICE that, pursuant to said Order, the aforementioned person, his heirs and assigns, or other unknown owners and claimants in the above-entitled action are hereby notified that they must file a written response to the Petition by filing a response with the Superior Court, The Circle, Georgetown, Delaware and serving a copy of the same upon the Plaintiff’s attorney, the law firm of Procino Wells, LLC, 225 High Street, Seaford, Delaware 19973, on or before January 11, 2008, or in lieu of thereof, appear in the Superior Court, The Circle, Georgetown, Delaware on January 18, 2008 at 11:00 a.m. A copy of the Petition may be obtained at the Office of the Prothonotary, The Circle, Georgetown, Delaware. In the event that the persons to whom this notice is directed fail to file a written response, the Plaintiff’s Petition may be heard by the Court without further notice. Joyce M. Collins PROTHONOTARY Kendra Mills Per Deputy Shannon R. Owens, Esquire Procino Wells, LLC 225 High Street Seaford, DE 19973 (302)629-4140 Attorney for Petitioner

• DECEMBER 20 - 26, 2007 Michele Procino-Wells, NOTICE

Delete: (2) Fences not over 6 feet (1829 mm) high; and, (6) Sidewalks and driveways not more than 30 inches above adjacent grade and not over any basement or story below. A copy of the complete Section 105.2 Work exempt from permit, of the IRC and IBC may be obtained at the City of Seaford City Hall, 414 High Street, Seaford, Delaware or by calling the City Office at (302) 6299173 and requesting a copy. Amended December 11, 2007. Dolores J. Slatcher City Manager 12/20/1tc

NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING COUNTY BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT HEARING Nanticoke Hundred Case No. 10041 In accordance with Chapter 115, of the Code of Sussex County, a hearing will be held on a request for a variance as provided by: Chapter 115, Article IV, Subsection 115-42, Item B of said ordinance of PUMPKIN INVESTMENTS, LLC who are seeking a variance from the front yard setback requirement, to be located east of Glen Circle, being Lot 37 within Country Glen development. The hearing will be held in the County Council Chambers, County Administrative Office Building, Georgetown, Delaware, on Monday evening, JANUARY 28, 2008, at 7:00 P.M. or as soon thereafter as may be heard. All interested parties should attend and present their views. If unable to attend the public hearing, written comments will be accepted but must be received prior to public hearing. For additional information, contact the Planning and Zoning Department at 302-855-7878. 12/20/1tc

LEGAL NOTICE ON JANUARY 14, 2008 at 11:00 a.m., Laurel Storage Center, Road 468, Laurel, Delaware will conduct a sale pursuant to Title 25, DEL. C. ANN. 4904-4905. The contents of the following Bin’s will be sold: Bin #17, Mary Mason; #135, Melissa Parish; #194, Yniece Chandler. BIDDERS: Call office on day of sale to confirm, (302) 875-5931. 12/13/2tc

Tra-Lyn Enterprises, Inc., T/A Towne Package Store have on November 29, 2007 applied with the Alcoholic Beverage Control Commissioner seeking approval of a new 8,320 square foot package store that will replace the currently licensed store. Package store includes storage areas, restrooms, wine tasting area and a second floor mezzanine office. Premise is located at 204 Delaware Avenue, Laurel, De 19956. Persons who are against this application should provide written notice of their objections to the Commissioner. For the Commissioner to be required to hold a hearing to consider additional input from persons against the application the Commissioner must receive one or more documents containing a total of at least 10 signatures of residents or property owners located within one mile of the premises or in any incorporated areas located within one mile of the premise. The protest must be filed with the Alcoholic Beverage Control Commissioner at the 3rd Floor, Carvel State Office Building, 820 North French Street, Wilmington, Delaware 19801. The protest(s) must be received by the Commissioner's office on or before January 4, 2008. Failure to file such a protest may result in the Commissioner considering the application without further notice, input or hearing. If you have questions regarding this matter please contact the Commissioner's office at (302) 577-5222. 12/13/3tc

NOTICE Estate of Richard Edward Cordrey, Deceased. Notice is hereby given that Letters of Administration upon the estate of Richard Edward Cordrey who departed this life on the 13th day of October A.D. 2007 late of Laurel, DE were duly granted unto I. Melvin Cordrey on the 7th day of December, A.D. 2007, and all persons indebted to the said deceased are required to make payments to the said Administrator without delay, and all persons having demands against the deceased are required to exhibit and present the same duly probated to the said Administrator on or before the 13th day of June, A.D. 2008 or abide by the law in this behalf. Administrator: I. Melvin Cordrey 29053 Ponderosa Ave., Laurel, DE 19956 Attorney:

Esq. 225 High Street Seaford, DE 19973 David L. Wilson Register of Wills 12/20/3tc

NOTICE Estate of La Mar White Weatherly, Deceased. Notice is hereby given that Letters of Testamentary upon the estate of La Mar White Weatherly who departed this life on the 25th day of October A.D. 2007 late of Seaford, DE were duly granted unto Marilyn White on the 5th day of December, A.D. 2007, and all persons indebted to the said deceased are required to make payments to the said Executrix without delay, and all persons having demands against the deceased are required to exhibit and present the same duly probated to the said Executrix on or before the 25th day of June, A.D. 2008 or abide by the law in this behalf. Executrix: Marilyn White 8937 Riverside Dr., Seaford, DE 19973 Attorney: James A. Yori, Esq. Fuqua & Yori P.O. Box 250 Georgetown, DE 19947 David L. Wilson Register of Wills 12/20/3tc

NOTICE Estate of Carson M. Carroll, Deceased. Notice is hereby given that Letters of Testamentary upon the estate of Carson M. Carroll who departed this life on the 10th day of November A.D. 2007 late of Seaford, DE were duly granted unto Corrine Marie Dickerson on the 30th day of November, A.D. 2007, and all persons indebted to the said deceased are required to make payments to the said Executrix without delay, and all persons having demands against the deceased are required to exhibit and present the same duly probated to the said Executrix on or before the 10th day of July, A.D. 2008 or abide by the law in this behalf. Executrix: Corrine Marie Dickerson 402 N. Bradford St., Seaford, DE 19973 David L. Wilson Register of Wills 12/13/3tc

NOTICE Estate of Madelyn E. Hastings, Deceased. Notice is hereby given that Letters of Testamen-

PAGE 45 tary upon the estate of Madelyn E. Hastings who departed this life on the 13th day of November A.D. 2007 late of Blades, DE were duly granted unto Robert H. Hastings, Karen H. McGroerty on the 30th day of November, A.D. 2007, and all persons indebted to the said deceased are required to make payments to the said Co-Executors without delay, and all persons having demands against the deceased are required to exhibit and present the same duly probated to the said Co-Executors on or before the 13th day of July, A.D. 2008 or abide by the law in this behalf. Co-Executors: Robert H. Hastings 9000 Riverside Dr., Seaford, DE 19973 Karen H. McGroerty 110 N. Pine St., Seaford, DE 19973 Attorney: Michael F. McGroerty, Esq. 110 N. Pine St. Seaford, DE 19973 David L. Wilson Register of Wills 12/13/3tc

NOTICE Estate of Mar Elia B. Badger, Deceased. Notice is hereby given that Letters of Testamentary upon the estate of Mar Elia B. Badger who departed this life on the 15th day of November A.D. 2007 late of Delmar, DE were duly granted unto Wayne R. Baker on the 29th day of November, A.D. 2007, and all persons indebted to the said deceased are required to make payments to the said Executor without delay, and all persons having demands against the deceased are required to exhibit and present the same duly probated to the said Executor on or before the 15th day of July, A.D. 2008 or abide by the law in this behalf. Executor: Wayne R. Baker 506 E. Jewell St., Delmar, DE 19940 Attorney: David W. Baker P.O. Box 551 Georgetown, DE 19947 David L. Wilson Register of Wills 12/13/3tc

NOTICE Estate of Ronald D. Baker, Deceased. Notice is hereby given that Letters of Testamentary upon the estate of Ronald D. Baker who departed this life on the 12th day of October A.D. 2007 late of Seaford, DE were duly granted unto Deborah See LEGALS—page 46



Community Bulletin Board Holiday Events Laurel Christmas ornaments Christmas glass ornaments depicting historical scenes from the Laurel area are once again available for purchase at Shirley O’Neal’s Antique Store on Rt. 13 at Sycamore Road. These are the remainders from several series that the Laurel Historical Society sold years ago as fundraisers. Each ornament costs $6 and comes in its own box. Supplies are limited and not all scenes are available. This will be the last opportunity to fill in broken or missed selections. Call 8752820 or visit O’Neal’s Antiques.

Santa visits Delmar Fire Dept. Santa will be visiting the Delmar Fire Department Dec. 22 from 1 p.m. to 3 p.m.

Kiwanis Club Santa House The Kiwanis Club of Seaford will again this year be sponsoring Santa’s House. Santa will be located at the Seaford Village Shopping Center next to Sears. The following will be the hours that Santa will be at his house: Friday Dec. 21, 5-7 p.m. Saturday Dec. 22, 5-7 p.m. Sunday Dec. 23, 4-6 p.m.

Santa House schedule in Laurel The Independent Order of Odd Fellow, Charity Lodge 27 of Laurel will be hosting the free Santa House in Laurel. The location will be at the Laurel Town Park, at the intersection of 13A and Rt. 24. Santa’s House will operate on Dec. 21, 6-8 p.m. Dec. 22, 10 a.m.-noon and 6-8 p.m.

Seaford Elks New Year’s Eve Party The Seaford Elks will be holding a New Year’s Eve Party on Dec. 31 at the Lodge on Elks Road in Seaford. The cost is $25 per person. Cocktails (Cash Bar) at 6 p.m.-dinner at 7. From 8 p.m. to midnight: singing DJ, who will accept your musical requests. Dinner menu: Sliced ham w/pineapple sauce; baked rigatoni w/sausage; twice LEGALS - from Page 45 D. Baker on the 26th day of November, A.D. 2007, and all persons indebted to the said deceased are required to make payments to the said Executrix without delay, and all persons having demands against the

baked potato; green beans w/tomatoes; broccoli w/cheese, tossed salad; rolls and butter; dessert; iced tea and coffee. There will be desserts and black-eyed peas at midnight. The cut off date for tickets is Dec. 22. For information and tickets contact the following: Charles at 302-337-0037, Lil at 628-3665, Nancy at 628-1361, Pat at 6282926, or Peggy at 875-3822.

Events Culinary arts and training First State Community Action Agency’s new adult culinary training program is coming. Apply to be part of the adult culinary arts training program, located in Georgetown, sponsored by First State Community Action Agency, funded by the Workforce Investment Board of the Dept. of Labor. Evening classes are set to begin Jan. 7. The training program focuses on providing basic culinary and job readiness skills to prepare the student for a career in the fast growing food service industry. For more information, contact Ann Morris, 856-7761, ext. 166.

Georgetown Library events Hometown pictures has returned to The Georgetown Public Library. The exhibit will be open to the public during the normal hours of the library in the conference room. For more information call the library at 856-7958. The Georgetown Public Library will hold story time at 10:30 a.m. every Tuesday morning with Miss Sherri. For more information call the library 856-7958. The library is sponsoring popcorn and a movie on the first Friday of every month.

Adult-Plus activities Seniors, begin the new year by socializing, honing skills, exercising, or learning with Adult Plus+ activities at Delaware Technical & Community College, Owens Campus, Georgetown. Social activities in January include: for couples “Adult Plus+ Couples Club” on Jan. 10; for single seniors “Adult Plus+ Mixed Singles Club” on Jan. 14; card players can participate in “Hand and Foot Card Game” on Jan. 14 and “Open Bridge” on Jan. 15; on Jan. 24, join the lunch bunch for either “Library SurprisesResource Tour” or “Lighthouses-Beacons

deceased are required to exhibit and present the same duly probated to the said Executrix on or before the 12th day of June, A.D. 2008 or abide by the law in this behalf. Executrix: Deborah D. Baker

28900 Johnsons Drive Seaford, DE 19973 Attorney: Michele Procino-Wells 225 High Street Seaford, DE 19973 David L. Wilson Register of Wills 12/6/3tc

in the night.” For those who enjoy art: want to learn how to draw, take “Basic Drawing Skills” on Wednesdays from Jan. 16 to Feb. 20; planning on making quilts for your children or grandchildren get advice in Quilts for Kids on January 16; learn how to make great personal gifts in woodcarving every Thursday from Jan. 17 to Feb. 21. Enjoy drawing, get informal instruction and individual assistance for beginners to intermediate in “Portrait Workshop” on Thursdays from Jan. 24 to Feb. 28; learn how to paint with watercolors in “Watercolor” on Thursdays from Jan. 24 to Feb. 28. Other activities include: horseback riding on Tuesdays from Jan. 15 to Feb. 5; participate in a forum of self discovery to help control overeating in “Diets Don’t Work” on Mondays from Jan. 21 to Feb. 11; like to dance learn “Bellydancing” on Thursdays from Jan. 24 to March 13; share your view in “Current Events” on Thursdays from Jan. 24 to Aug. 28; learn how to get more use out of your computer in “PC Savvy-At Last” on Jan. 26; acquire conversation skills to communicate effectively in “Spanish 1” on Mondays from Jan. 28 to March 3. Become familiar with known and notso-well-known Delaware treasures to explore in “Cures for Cabin Fever” on Jan.

29. For complete information about activities or to become a member of the Adult Plus+ program at Delaware Tech, call 302-856-5618.

Trap Pond volunteers sought Trap Pond offers free camping in exchange for volunteer services (required for free camping, 24 hours per week of volunteering). Host programs available in the campground, Nature Center, maintenance and administrative. For more information, contact: Glen.Stubbolo or call 302739-1960.

Lap blankets for Vets sought The American Legion Auxiliary Unit 19 of Laurel is looking for people who knit, crochet, or can hand-make lap blankets for our veterans in the local nursing homes. We have a goal of 60. If you are interested in helping us reach our goal, contact Ann Foskey, president of American Legion Auxiliary Unit 19, at 875-0714.

Model Railroad Club Over 5000 square feet of displays including six operating layouts in four different scales. Large white elephant table with plenty


DELMAR VFW POST 8276 We Thank All Who Have Supported Our Bingo This Past Year

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Turkey Shoot Every Sunday 12 Noon Information call:

410-896-3722 or 410-896-3379

MORNING STAR • DECEMBER 20 - 26, 2007 of train related bargains. Refreshments and snacks will be served and a chance to win one of three train sets being raffled. Admission is free (children under 12 must be accompanied by an adult). Camelot Hall, 103 East State St., Delmar. Saturday, Jan. 12, 11 a.m.-5 p.m.; Sunday, Jan. 13, noon 5 p.m.; Saturday, Jan. 19, 11 a.m.-5 p.m.; Sunday, Jan. 20, noon-5 p.m. For more information call 410-742-9325 or 856-9250.

Laurel history books still available A few copies of the 19th Century History of Laurel, published by the Laurel Historical Society may still be purchased at either the Laurel Town Office, Laurel Public Library, or O’Neal’s Antiques. The price remains at $45 each. For further information or to arrange to have a book mailed please call 875-4217. There is a $5 mailing fee.

Stay and play The “Parents As Teachers” (PAT) Stay & Play - Parents and children (birth to age four) are invited to play together, listen to a story, learn new songs and finger plays, and network with other families. Free. No registration required. Sessions are Wednesdays, 10:30 a.m. to noon, Seaford Dept. of Parks & Recreation (SDPR), 320 Virginia Ave., Seaford. Parent educator, Cris Henderson. Call Anna Scovell at 856-5239 for more information.

Preschoolers storytime

son, president, (302) 945-1288; or MaryAnn Richards, (302) 945-4763; or Dee Richards at 934-9342, Membership Committee. Find out how the chapter can benefit you. Ages 50+ welcome. The next regular meeting of the Sussex County Airport Committee will be Wednesday, Jan. 9, at the Sussex County Administrative Offices Building, 22215 DuPont Highway (West Complex Rt. 113), Georgetown, at 10 a.m.

Equine Council meets

Adult Plus+ trips

Sussex County Airport meeting

Next Meeting of the Delaware Equine Council will be held 7 p.m. Monday, Jan. 21, 2008 at the Harrington Public Library, Harrington. All those interested in horses are welcome. Meet your 2008 Officers. For more info, contact Stan 684-3966.

AARP Chapter #5340 meeting Georgetown’s AARP Chapter #5340 will meet Jan. 7, at Sussex Pines Country Club in Georgetown with luncheon at noon. Guest speaker is John Bansch from the Sussex County Chapter of Archaeology Society of Delaware. Topic will be the archaeology done in Delaware and the description of the structure of the society. Cost of the lunch is $15 per person. Call Anita Wright 856-6215 for reservations that are needed by Jan. 1. New members are welcome. AARP Chapter #5340 will hold a board meeting at 10 a.m. on Jan. 28, at the Sussex County Airport Conference Room, Georgetown. All members are encouraged to attend. For details call President Melissa Richardson at 945-1288.

Marine Corps League


The Marine Corps League meets the first Thursday of each month at 7:30 p.m. at the Log Cabin in Seaford.

H.A.P.P.E.N. meeting

Trap Pond Partners

The members of H.A.P.P.E.N., Hearns Pond Association for its preservation, protection, enhancement and naturalization, meet on Thursday, Jan. 10, at the Seaford Museum. Anyone interested in attending is welcome.

Trap Pond Partners’ monthly meeting will be held at the park’s Nature Center, the second Wednesday of each month. Anyone who is interested in Trap Pond State Park is invited to attend. For more information feel free to call 875-5153.


Cancer Support Group

Toastmasters of Southern Delaware meets every second and fourth Thursday of the month in Bay Shore Community Church at 6 p.m. Develop your public speaking skills in a supportive environment. Contact Joy Slabaugh at 846-9201, or

The Wellness Community-Delaware is offering a support group for people affected by cancer and their loved ones at the Nanticoke Memorial Hospital in Seaford. The group meets at the Cancer Care Center on the third Thursday of the month from 4:30 to 6 p.m. To register for this program or for more information call Kaye or Lori at 645-9150. All programs at The Wellness Community are free of charge for people affected by cancer and their loved ones.

AARP Chapter #5340 meets at the Sussex Pines Country Club Georgetown, October through June the first Monday of each month at noon. In September the club meets the second Monday. Membership dues cost $5 per year in addition to the national membership. For membership, call Melissa Richard-

Trip to see ‘All Shook Up’ Georgetown AARP Chapter 5340 is offering a trip to see “All Shook Up” at the Dutch Apple Theater, Lancaster, Pa. The bus will leave Georgetown Square, East Market Street at 8 a.m. and return at approximately 7:30 p.m. The cost for each person is $73, which includes lunch. Registration and payment is due by Jan. 1. Call Hilda Parker at 8562760. Everyone welcome.

Parents, caregivers and children ages two to five are invited to enjoy stories, songs, poetry, art, science, math, music and fun at the Laurel Public Library’s Preschool Storytime. Storytime is held every Tuesday morning at 10:30 a.m. For more information, call the Laurel Public Library at 875-3184.

AARP Chapter #5340 meets


Coast Guard Auxiliary Coast Guard Auxiliary Flotilla 12-04 meets the second Thursday of each month at Nanticoke Yacht Club in Blades. Call Wayne Hickman at 629-6337 for details.

Enjoy the New Year by participating in exciting trips sponsored by the Adult Plus+ program at Delaware Technical & Community College, Owens Campus, Georgetown. On Saturday, Jan. 12, experience one of music’s greatest storytellers come to life through song and dance in “Moving OutBilly Joel’s Hit” at Wilmington’s DuPont Theater. Get an early start on next year’s holiday presents with “Shop Til Ya Drop” on Saturday, Jan. 19 at the King of Prussia Mall in Pennsylvania. Beatles fans shouldn’t miss the opportunity to see “Rain: Experience the Beatles” at the Academy of Music in Philadelphia on Sunday, Jan. 20. This show features music performed live and video screens with historical footage from the 60s. On Wednesday, Jan. 23, enjoy the sensational Broadway musical “Jersey Boys on Broadway” about The Four Seasons, Rock and Roll Hall of Famers.

PAGE 47 Watch a dazzling circus with European flair, imaginative theatrics and world class acrobatics in “Cirque Dreams” on Saturday, Jan. 26, in Baltimore’s Hippodrome. That same day, others can, enjoy a fun time on their own at the “Inner Harbor” in Baltimore. Experience the wonder of the eight Smithsonian museums on the National Mall in Washington D.C. on Wednesday, Jan. 30. Feel like royalty when enjoying a wonderful seven-course Moroccan meal on the “Casablanca Exotic” luncheon in New Castle on Thursday, Jan. 31. Enjoy dance, entertainment and more during your meal. For complete information about these and other Delaware Tech trips, call 302856-5618.

Food Breakfast Cafe VFW 4961 Breakfast Cafe, open Monday-Friday, 7-10 a.m., Seaford VFW, Middleford Road, to benefit Veterans Relief Fund. Submit Bulletin Board items by noon, Thursday. Send to Morning Star Publications, PO Box 1000, Seaford, DE 19973, email to editor@mspublications. com or drop off at 628 West Stein Hwy., Seaford.

May The Coming Year Bring Only Good News To Your Doorstep.

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Mail To: Morning Star Publications, Inc., PO Box 1000, Seaford, DE 19973

Glad Tidings To You And Your Family This Holiday Season From The Seaford / Laurel Star Staff



State police shut down drug ring in Laurel

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After investigating a complaint about three men spotlighting and killing a deer near Rte. 54 in Fenwick Island, Fish and

The Kent County Court of Common Pleas recently found a fishing boat captain guilty of careless operation of a vessel in an incident that occurred the evening of July 14 at reef site three off Big Stone Beach in the Delaware Bay. David Russell, 31, of 4749 Irish Hill Road, Magnolia, was fined $106 for operating the "Miss Shyanne" in a careless or imprudent manner. The charges were placed against him following an incident involving a high speed approach and verbal altercation with another boater. On the additional charge of harassment, Russell was found not guilty. "Boaters and fishermen must operate their vessels in a courteous manner, and when they don't, enforcement actions and arrests do occur," said Sgt. Gregory Rhodes of Fish and Wildlife Enforcement. "Courteous boating is part of safe boating." For more information about boating laws, contact Sgt. Rhodes at 302-5426102 or 302-739-9913.



Men charged with killing deer

Boater guilty of carelessness





s el s od el M d A Mo ER an ew m N ed R

The Delaware State Police Collision Reconstruction Unit is investigating a single vehicle crash that claimed the life of a 17-year-old Harrington girl. Troopers responded to scene on Dec. 17 at 9:20 a.m. after it was reported a car struck a tree on Fox Hunters Road west of Harrington. Investigators learned a 2006 Chevy Cobalt, operated by Kori L. Minner, 17, of Harrington, was traveling northbound on Fox Hunters Rd when a hunting dog entered the road from the east side. As a result, Minner swerved to the left in an attempt to avoid striking the dog. Afterward she overcorrected by swerving to the right, ultimately losing control of the vehicle. The Chevy Cobalt exited the east side of the roadway and struck a tree with the impact occurring on the driver’s door. Minner, who was wearing a seatbelt, was dead when paramedics arrived on scene. The dog was not struck. Witnesses have informed investigators that two black male subjects operating a black SUV type vehicle (no further description on the subjects or vehicle) were loading their hunting dogs into the SUV in the area of the crash scene when one of the dogs apparently got loose running into the road. After the crash occurred these subjects allegedly retrieved the dog and left the scene prior to police arrival. Investigators are seeking information on these two subjects and are asking for the public’s assistance in identifying them. Anyone who may have information on who was hunting in the area of the crash when it occurred or on the identity of the subjects referenced above is asked to contact Sgt. John Hitchens of the State Police Collision Reconstruction Unit at 302-6974491 ext. 273.

Wildlife Enforcement Agents made three arrests on Dec. 12. Agents arrested Manuel O. Galvan, 28; Ariosto T. Lopez, 32; and Javier S. Mendez, 36, all with addresses unknown due to immigrant status. They face seven charges - failure to attach a deer tag to an antlerless deer; hunting during a closed season; spotlighting; conspiracy; shooting near roadway; possessing unlawfully taken game; and unlicensed hunting. A Ford Ranger and a .22 caliber rifle were seized as evidence. The three men were committed to the Sussex Correctional Institute on $3,500 each secure bond. The case is pending in Superior Court. For more information about hunting laws, contact Sgt. Gregory Rhodes, Fish and Wildlife Enforcement, at 302-5426102 or 302-739-9913.


Harrington teen dies in crash

criminal impersonation. During initial contact with Mr. Forney, he provided false identification and name. As his true identity became known, a wanted inquiry revealed he is wanted by Norfolk Police Department for assault on a police officer. Mr. Forney was committed to SCI in default of secured bond. Chaddix I. Parker, 28, of Haven Drive, Seaford, was arrested for possession of a firearm by person prohibited; resisting arrest; and on an outstanding warrant for


Police Journal

Police recently seized 23.4 grams of powder cocaine, digital scales with cocaine reside, three oxycodone prescription pills, a large sum of currency, a fully loaded .38 caliber Smith and Wesson revolver and a loaded .32 caliber Ceska Zbrojovka A.S. Vpraze, semi-automatic pistol at Hollybrook Apartments in Laurel.

failure to appear Family Court. Mr. Parker was committed to Sussex Correctional Institute in lieu of a $3,000 cash only bond. Colen D. Hyland, 33, of Hollybrook Apartments, was arrested for possession of a firearm during the commission of a felony; PWITD cocaine; maintaining a dwelling; two counts of endangering the welfare of a child; two counts of possession of drug paraphernalia; and resisting arrest. Mr. Hyland was committed to Sussex Correctional Institute in lieu of a $21,000 cash only bail. Michael D. Horsey, 24, of Hollybrook Apartments, was arrested for possession of drug paraphernalia and released on an unsecured bond. Ciara M. Smack, 18, of Hollybrook Apartments, was arrested for possession of a firearm by person prohibited; possession of ammunition by person prohibited; and possession of drug paraphernalia. Ms. Smack was released on unsecured bond. Angela Garrison, 30, of Hollybrook Apartments, was arrested for maintaining a dwelling; possession of marijuana; possession of drug paraphernalia; and endangering the welfare of a child. Ms. Garrison was released on unsecured bond. As the Delaware State Police continues its efforts in eradicating illegal drugs and weapons from our communities we are asking for the continued support of the public. Anyone with information regarding these activities is urged to report it to authorities. Anonymous tips can be reported to Crime Stoppers at 800-TIP-3333.


Apartments, Laurel, was arrested for trafficking cocaine; possession with the intent to deliver (PWITD) cocaine; possession of a firearm during commission of a felony; maintaining a dwelling, second degree conspiracy; possession of firearm by person prohibited; possession of ammunition by person prohibited; two counts of endangering the welfare of a child; drugs not in original container; two counts of possession of prescription pills; and two counts of possession of drug paraphernalia. Ms. Smith was committed to Sussex Correctional Institute in default of secured bond. Benjamin Forney, 30, of Hollybrook Apartments, was arrested for trafficking cocaine; PWITD cocaine; maintaining a dwelling; second degree conspiracy; possession of a firearm during commission of a felony; possession of firearm by person prohibited; possession of ammunition by person prohibited; two counts of endangering the welfare of a child; drugs not in original container; two counts of possession of prescription pills; two counts of possession of drug paraphernalia; and


On Dec. 14, members of the State Police Sussex County Drug Unit, Laurel Police Department, and Drug Enforcement Agency Dover Task Force assisted by the DSP Special Operations Response Team, DSP Sussex County Governors Task Force, Troop 5, Troop 4 K-9, and Immigrations and Customs Enforcement (ICE) concluded a two month investigation into the distribution of cocaine in the Hollybrook Apartment complex located on Discount Land Road, Laurel. Search warrants were executed in three separate apartments. The following evidence was seized 23.4 grams of powder cocaine, digital scales with cocaine reside, and three oxycodone prescription pills and a large sum of United States Currency. Troopers also located a fully loaded .38 caliber Smith and Wesson revolver and a loaded .32 caliber Ceska Zbrojovka A.S. Vpraze, semiautomatic pistol. The following individuals were arrestedAmbria W. Smith, 24, of Hollybrook



Laurel firefighter serves community for 27 years By Donna Dukes-Huston John Bowden will soon be turning in his blue lights and moving to inactive duty after 27 years with the Laurel Volunteer Fire Department. A chance meeting during a catastrophic weather event all those years ago changed his life significantly. Bowden became a firefighter for the same reason as most do-he wanted to help his community. Yet his decision to join was made under very unique circumstances. In 1979, Bowden was stationed in Laurel as part of the Delaware National Guard. When the blizzard struck that winter, Bowden was ordered to take one of the Guard’s large trucks to the Laurel Fire Department, which actually served as an ambulance. “I spent three days up here and got to know the guys,” Bowden said. “I imagined it would be a nice organization to be in.” Bowden took the steps necessary at that time to join, but was not actually accepted until a year and a half later. “They had a waiting list at that time to get in. Now we’re begging people to join,” Bowden said. While the drop in membership is an adverse change, Bowden feels that the majority of changes have been for the good. Modern equipment and innovative techniques taught at Fire School have changed the face of firefighting. “There’s more to it than when I came in. It used to be just put out the fire, surround and drown,” Bowden said. “Now the chiefs are always looking for better ways to do things.” Bowden continues to be surprised by the improvements in equipment for small town fire departments such as Laurel. “Who would have thought that every fire department would have a tower truck?” Bowden asked. “Plus our rescue truck now is much bigger. When I got in, it was half that size.” The method of alerting firefighters when a call comes in has been improved as well. Before pagers, firefighters were given a Plextron, which was a box about the size of a scanner. It had to be plugged in and was not portable. “I used to get mad if I came home and saw the red light blinking on the Plextron,” Bowden said. “I knew I had missed a call. Now we’ve got pagers and some of

them even tell you what the call is about.” Bowden says that potential members have to go through a more rigorous screening process than before. When he joined the application form was only one page, now it is five. They must also be interviewed by a panel of firefighters who will then decide whether or not to recommend this person for a full membership vote. Bowden thinks that this is a good idea to ensure that the applicants are really serious. “There’s more to it than the whistle goes off and let’s go fight a fire,” he said. “You have to know more today and you’ve got to think about what you’re doing all the time, not just at a fire. The community looks at you and how you act.” Bowden added that the nature of the calls today is also different. “Route 13 is running 24/7,” Bowden said. “You have a lot of traffic at all hours; it used to be a lot lighter after midnight. This just leads to more accidents.” Bowden also recalled when woodstoves and kerosene heaters gained popularity in the 1980s. Improper use of these heating apparatuses caused a lot of fires. “I remember that first January, we had 22 alarms in ten days, and they were all at night,” Bowden said. Bowden added that the state started keeping track of woodstove fires, which eventually led to the establishment of more safety guidelines and inspections. Bowden says he has “enjoyed every minute” of being a firefighter in all the capacities in which he has served. “About ten years in, I hurt my back at work and I couldn’t carry an air pack anymore,” he said. “That really bothered me.” Bowden then decided to become part of the fire police and served as captain for ten years. “We’re the first on the scene and the last to leave, especially at a car accident,” Bowden said. Shortly after Bowden retired from the military in 1998, he began to experience a series of health problems that forced him into a hiatus from firefighting. He suffered a heart attack then had double bypass surgery to correct the damage. He later suffered a min-stroke. “When I was lying in the hospital bed I asked the doctor, ‘When can I get back in the fire department?’ I don’t think my wife liked that too much,” Bowden said. It is this type of dedication that Bowden feels is imperative for a firefighter to have,


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John Bowden stands in front of his truck now stripped of its fire police blue lights. Bowden served as fire police captain for ten years.

but he or she cannot do it alone. “If you’re not dedicated and your family is not behind you, don’t come in, especially today,” he said. Bowden truly believes that firefighters reap what they sow in hard work. “The fire department is like that movie Band of Brothers,” he added. “Wherever you go, firefighters are a family with one

common goal.” Although Bowden’s active duty status will soon draw to a close, he plans to remain a vital part of the department as a lifetime member. “I’ll be involved wherever they need me,” Bowden said. “Now is the time to let the younger generation take over the action.”



Delmar High School holds second annual job fair By Donna Dukes-Huston On Nov. 20, Delmar High School’s gymnasium was transformed into an arena for students to explore career and educational opportunities at the school’s second annual career fair. Representatives from Maryland and Delaware discussed future options with Delmar’s bi-state student population. Eleven post-secondary institutions were represented, including Delaware Cosmetology, Universal Technical Institute, WorWic Community College, Devry Institute, Beebe Nursing School, University of Delaware, Delaware Technical and Community College, Delaware State University, Salisbury University, UMES, and Wesley College. Ernesto Lopez shared the diverse programs that the University of Delaware has to offer. Lopez said that the university sponsors several outreach programs for students in Sussex County schools, particularly the 4H Youth Development Program. “This focuses on our agriculture and natural resources programs,” Lopez said, “but it also serves as a portal from agriculture to other things. It introduces the students to other things the University offers.” Lopez added that another program many students pursue is the associate and arts program, formerly the parallel program. Students can attend the University of Delaware at the Delaware Tech campus for their first two years. “They take University courses taught by University staff,” Lopez said. “After 60 credits they receive an associate’s degree. They can stop then or they can transfer those credits and attend the University of Delaware campus and still graduate in four years.” Lopez added that the numbers of students participating in this program are on the rise. Universal Technical Institute offers students an alternative to standard post-secondary education. The NASCAR Technical Institute and the Motorcycle and Marine Mechanics In-

Sarah Bellew and Victoria Jones speak with a representative from the Devry Institute.

stitute are also a part of UTI. The institute is a nationwide provider of technical education training for students seeking careers as professional automotive, diesel, collision repair, motorcycle and marine technicians. One student who graduated from Delmar High School last year is currently attending the institute. In addition to work history and extracurricular activities, UTI also looks for candidates who maintain strong attendance in high school and hold a good driving record. “Part of their job is to road test the vehicles,” said Dave Barnett of UTI. “If they have a bad record, they won’t get hired.” One student was already considering a career in this field when he spoke with Barnett. “My dad’s a mechanic and I might be interested in going down that road too,” said sophomore Andy Reed. “I got to learn about even more opportunities like that with UTI.” When students complete their training, they receive a certificate and credentials and can then work for dealerships, manufacturers, or pursue opportunities in the racing industry. UTI has locations all over the country

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Justin Perry speaks with Delaware State Troopers at the job fair.

with the closest being in Exton, Pa., which is 30 minutes north of Wilmington. Representatives from nine Delmarva businesses included Mountaire, Perdue, Bank of Delmarva, Tidewater Physical Therapy, PRMC, Pohanka, Trinity Transport, the Maryland Office of Employment, and Furniture Land. Students reaped immediate benefits from one local employer last year. “Three kids were hired by Furniture

Land last year at the career fair,” said Gene Kline, guidance counselor and organizer of the event. “We have more colleges and businesses this year and hope to have even more next year,” Kline added. “It’s a great chance to open the kids’ eyes as to what is out there.” Representatives from the armed forces and area police and fire departments were on hand as well.

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County Council to crack down on area sign bandits By Ronald MacArthur

OLD Address

302-629-9416 Thank You for your patronage this year. We appreciate your business and look forward to serving you in 2008.

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year! Craig Dukes, Owner - Carol Jones, Seamstress

Joy To The World We wish you all the joys of years past, together with the promise of a better tomorrow. ORIENT CORPORATION OF AMERICA 111 Park Avenue, Seaford, DE


In an article on the historic Maston house printed in the Dec. 6 edition, the name of the family that currently owns the house was misspelled. The correct spelling of the family name is Litchford. Also, in a pervious article published in the Nov. 22 edition, the Maston house was referred to as belonging to the family of the late John Herbert Litchford, Jr. Mr. Litchford is alive and well. The article should have referred to John Herbert Litchford, Sr. The star would like to apologize for these mistakes.

CHANGE YOUR ADDRESS TODAY. DON’T HESITATE! Name: _________________________________________

May this Christmas deliver yards of happiness and joy to you and yours. We’ve really enjoyed getting to know you and look forward to our continued friendship. Merry Christmas, Everyone!



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Every weekend the sign bandits litter the roadways of Sussex County with illegal signs enticing people to developments and open houses. County officials have been struggling for months to update the existing sign ordinance to find a way to remove the signs and fine the perpetrators. The Sussex County Council moved a step closer Tuesday, Dec. 11, to adopting sign ordinance amendments to provide stronger enforcement to combat bandit signs. Although council members deferred action, they have promised to act on the amendments in January after making several changes in ordinance. Complaints have been surfacing about the signs for more than a year. There were so many, according to Lawrence Lank, director of planning and zoning, officials had no other choice but to take a serious look at the 20-year-old sign ordinance. The signs are placed at intersections and near developments on Friday and usually removed late Sunday night or early Monday morning. The signs are illegal, according to county code. Officials also found that more and more signs are remaining beyond the weekend. When county officials looked at the current ordinance they found that the wording was vague. In addition, enforcement was reduced to letter writing, Lank said. Some council members questioned several sections of the proposed amendments, which have already been approved by Sussex County Planning and Zoning. Some council members were opposed to the section that held property owners – as well as sign owners – liable for signs on their property. Council President Dale Dukes said mention of property owners should be removed. “Most of the property owners don’t even know the signs are there,” Dukes said. Councilman Vance Phillips expressed concern about county inspectors going on private property to remove signs. “This opens my front yard to the county com-

ing on my property,” Phillips said. “We have that authority now,” Lank reminded the council. James Griffin, county attorney, said references to property owners should be left in the ordinance, but he could reword the amendment to better define who is fined. Dukes also questioned the time period in the amended ordinance – he thinks the grace period is too strict. Under the proposal, letters and confiscations of signs would take place within 60 days with no fines, but after 90 days of adoption of the new amendments, fines would start to be assessed. Once the 90-day grace period was over, a $25-per-sign fine would be assessed in addition to a $15 retrieval fee if the owner wanted a sign back. Dukes pushed for a more lenient grace period of 180 days without a fine. He said a letter would go out to the owner within the first 30 days and the owner could retrieve the sign within the next 150 days (a total of 180 days) for $15 per sign. After 180 days, a $25-per-sign fine would be assessed. Griffin and Lank will rewrite the section defining how to notify violators, how to deal with property owners and readjust the grace period to 180 days. A vote is expected to take place in January. Once the amended ordinance is enacted, county inspectors will have the authority to immediately remove illegal signs, contact the owners, store the signs and eventually post fines.

1321 Middleford Road, Seaford, DE 19973

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Laurel Star Sports

Laurel’s Tyler Givans, right, won by major decision (11-3) in the 125 pound weight class during his team’s home match last Friday. Photo by David Elliott

Laurel’s Aaron Givens, right, looks for the takedown during an 11-6 loss in a 135 pound match last Wednesday. Photo by David Elliott

Laurel varsity wrestling team falls to Lake Forest, 36-31 The Laurel varsity wrestling team fell to Lake Forest, 36-31, in the home opening match last Wednesday. Laurel’s Tyler Givans (125) won by major decision, 11-3; Lineker Valladares (152) won, 4-2, in overtime; and Josh Kosiorowski (160) added a pin at 3:20. The Bulldogs won four of the final five matches but the one loss, which was a forfeit in the 103 pound weight class, proved to be the difference. John Whitby (189) had a pin at 1:44, Tony Rubino (215) added a 3-1 decision, Jerry Henry (285) pinned his opponent at 2:47, and Marco Hernandez (112) won by the score of 4-2.

Laurel’s Jernel Ross goes up for layup during last week’s win over Lake Forest. Ross had six points in the home win and 17 points in Saturday’s loss to St. Thomas More. Photo by David Elliott

Laurel boys’ basketball falls to St. Thomas More, 47-45 The Laurel varsity boys’ basketball team fell to St. Thomas More, 47-45, last Saturday to drop the Bulldogs’ record to 2-2. Jernel Ross led Laurel with 17 points and David Albert added six points in the loss.

The Bulldogs’ Lineker Valladares, top, held on for a 4-2 overtime win in a 152 pound match last week. Laurel fell to Lake Forest, 3631, in the home and season opener. Photo by David Elliott

WILDCATS- Delmar point guard Jemel Jones brings the ball up the floor during his team’s home loss to Milford last Tuesday. Jones had six assists and four steals in the game. The Wildcats beat Lake Forest, 60-58, last Friday. No results were submitted. Photo by Mike McClure



Woodbridge’s K’yan Andrews joins the 1,000 point club By Mike McClure Woodbridge senior K’yan Andrews hit a jumper in the first quarter of his team’s home win over Indian River last Friday to net his 1,000th career point. Andrews, who transferred from Seaford this year, needed just four points to reach the milestone going into last week’s game. He entered the season just 20 points shy of 1,000, but he was told he needed 80 points. “It was a surprise but it felt good,” Andrews said following Friday’s game. “It was a good night for him. It’s always good to see a guy of his caliber, as hard as he works, receive an accomplishment,” said Woodbridge head coach Damon Ayers, who told Andrews’ mother (Alyssa Horne) not to tell him how close he really was so he could stay focussed. Andrews started playing basketball when he was in third grade. “I wasn’t that skilled. When I got older the skills got better,” Andrews recalled. K’yan thanked his teammates for making him a better player, all the coaches that have helped him over the years, and his family (especially his mother). He enjoys playing with his teammates and for Coach Ayers. “I love it over here. We’ve got a thing called brotherhood. We’re all brothers in one circle,” said Andrews. “We’ve got a great point guard (Deaven Horne). He’s

Woodbridge seniors K’yan Andrews, left, and Vashad Whidbee are both members of the 1,000 point club. Andrews netted his 1,000th point last Friday in a home win over Indian River. Photo by Mike McClure

Woodbridge’s K’yan Andrews goes strong to the basket during last week’s game against Indian River. Andrews netted his 1,000th career point in the Raiders’ 77-52 win. Photo by Mike McClure

the best point guard I’ve ever played with.” “He brings some toughness on defense, shot blocking ability, aggressiveness, leadership, and he can finish inside,” Ayers said of Andrews. Andrews became the sixth Woodbridge boys’ basketball player to reach 1,000 career points, joining fellow senior Vashad Whidbee who accomplished the feat last season. “They compliment one another well. They don’t mind sharing the ball. If someone’s open they’ll pass the ball,” said Ayers. Recent Western Sussex 1,000 point scorers-

K’yan Andrews, Woodbridge, Dec. 14, 2007 Vashad Whidbee, Woodbridge, Jan. 19, 2007 Tiandra Felix, Woodbridge, Feb. 3, 2006 Tyler Warfel, Greenwood Mennonite, Jan. 6, 2006 Roniece Williams, Seaford, Feb. 3, 2004 Ashlee Burbage, Seaford, Jan. 13, 2004 Trey Elzey, Laurel, Jan. 12, 2004 Rashawn Johnson, Sussex Tech, March 2003 Megan Russell, Seaford Christian, Feb. 2003

Happy Holidays from

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Registration open for Junior Girls’ Volleyball League Wicomico County’s Department of Recreation and Parks will hold a Junior Girls’ Volleyball League in January. The instructional program is open to all girls in grades three through eight and divided into two divisions by age. Both Division I and II will run from January 8 to February 26. Division I is open to all seventh and eighth grade students as well as fifth and sixth grade girls with one year of junior volleyball experience. Division I play will take place on Tuesdays from 6-7 p.m. at Bennett Middle School. Division II is open to all third and fourth grade girls as well as fifth and sixth grade girls new to the sport. Division II will play from 5 to 6 p.m. on Tuesdays at Bennett Middle School. The cost to play for either division is $40 for Wicomico County residents and $45 for non-residents. To register visit the Wicomico Civic Center box office, open Monday through Friday from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. or sign up online at For more information contact Kelly O’Brien at 410-548-4900 ext. 108.

Laurel Little League election will take place January 3 The Laurel Little League will hold its annual election on January 3 at 6 p.m. at the Laurel Little League complex. Anyone interested in running for a board position please submit a letter of interest to Laurel Little League, P.O. Box 207, Laurel, Del. 19956. Also, any managers or coaches that wish to return are asked to submit a letter of interest before 12/23/07. Laurel’s Lance Kelley brings the ball up the floor during last Tuesday’s win over Lake Forest. Laurel’s Cody Bristow, left, goes up for a layup during the game. Bristow had four points and Kelley netted six points for the Bulldogs. Laurel hosts Henlopen South powerhouse Woodbridge this week. Photos by David Elliott

Laurel Youth Sports Basketball League needs coaches The Laurel Youth Sports Basketball League is looking for coaches for the 2008 season. Call Jeff or Marie Gordy at 875-7298 with any questions.

Send us your sports scores - it’s easy! Coaches and parents are invited to send any team scores that they would like to see featured in the Star. Items can be e-mailed to or faxed to 302-629-9243.

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Laurel Stars of the Week

Laurel girls’ basketball team moves to 3-1 with win The Laurel varsity girls’ basketball team jumped out to a 17-6 lead over Holly Grove through a quarter of play and didn’t look back in a 56-30 non-conference win last Wednesday. Tomorrow Briddell netted a season-high 22 points and Brooke Evans, who made four three-pointers, added 17 points for the Bulldogs. Tykia Briddell also had seven points in the win. Laurel moved to 3-1 with the victory.

Delmar girls’ basketball team moves to 3-2 with victory The Delmar varsity girls’ basketball team advanced to 1-2 in the Henlopen Conference and 3-2 overall with a 58-44 home win over Lake Forest last Friday night. The Wildcats held a 26-19 lead over the Spartans at the half before using a 32-25 second half advantage to pull away for the win. Three different Delmar players scored in double digits with a fourth player coming within a point. Shannon Wilson had a team-high 16 points, Katie McMahon netted 14 points, Alison Bloodsworth scored 10 points, and Lindsay Lloyd added nine points.

Laurel Star sports section has a new e-mail address Male Athlete of the WeekDillon Wein- Delmar

Female Athlete of the WeekTomorrow Briddell- Laurel

Delmar’s Dillon Wein was one of two Wildcat wrestlers to place first in the Parkside Tournament last weekend in Salisbury. Wein and Justin Thomas each placed first as the Wildcats won the tournament.

Laurel’s Tomorrow Briddell scored 14 points in her team’s win over Lake Forest last Tuesday. Briddell added a season-high 22 points in the Bulldogs’ non-conference win over Holly Grove on Wednesday.


SEAFORD 629-6003 LAUREL 875-4477


Thinking Of You At Christmas

Got sports? Send your sports scores, photos, and press releases to the Star’s new sports e-mail address: If you have any technical difficulties you can still send info to or fax to 302-629-9243. Call sports editor Mike McClure at 302-629-9788 with any questions.

Laurel Pop Warner participants eligible for Carl Walls Award All Laurel Pop Warner participants (cheer and football) with a 93 percent or higher grade point average for the first marking period of the 2007 school year are eligible for the Carl Walls Award. If you believe your child may be eligible, please contact Sandy Cutsail at 875-5331 or Stars of the Week Honorable mention- John Whitby- Laurel; Josh KosiorowskiLaurel; Jerry Henry- Laurel; Tyler Givans- Laurel; Carey Shelton- Laurel; Kevin Ricketts- Delmar; Fernandez Batson- Delmar; Jernell Ross- Laurel; Noah Vincent- Delmar; Justin Thomas- Delmar; Kory Belle- Sussex Tech; Jeffone Hill- Sussex Tech; Jamar Beckett- Sussex Tech; Alex Thomas- Sussex Tech; Shannon Wilson- Delmar; Katie McMahon- Delmar; Brooke Evans- Laurel; Brittany Griffin- Sussex Tech

Covering all the local sports teams, the Laurel Star.


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Delmar Sports Scene By Tommy Young

Laurel’s Chris Cutsail, top, fell by the narrow score of 10-9 in the 140 pound weight class last Wednesday in Laurel. Photo by David Elliott

Again, I will have to postpone my column on the graduating seniors that played on the Delmar High School fall sports’ teams because of what happened on the mats down at Parkside High School last weekend. It’s been a long time since a Delmar wrestling team has won a tournament of this size, and that’s what happened last weekend when the Wildcats defeated 10 teams from Maryland, Virginia, and Delaware at the Parkside Invitational Tournament in Salisbury. I believe this deserves top billing. Besides with the holiday season upon us, there will be very little local sports action to talk about. In addition, this paper has some short weeks with early deadlines, which will be the time to fit in that articles and give those athletes the ink they deserve. Now, back to the tournament. Although we only had two champions, Dillon Wein at 119 and Justin Thomas at 189, we piled up a lot of points with a lot of second, third, and fourth place finishes as the whole team contributed to the win. For example, Noah Vincent and Jose Flores were second in their divisions, Taylor Ballad, Josh Vincent, and Jeremy Layton received third place awards, and Ashley Roberts and Geoffrey Wells received fourth place awards. The only negative news was that one of Delmar’s starters did not make weight, and there is no excuse for that as it was only a matter of a few pounds, and the fact that the Delmar fans did not see Justin Thomas get to wrestle but a little over a minute in the final because of an injury to his opponent. Justin only got to wrestle one minute and 37 seconds during the whole tournament because of byes and the short work he made of his opponents. Other tidbits from the tournament were there were 11 teams participating, and three of them had girl wrestlers who did quite well including Delmar’s 103 pound Ashley Roberts who pinned one of her opponents on the way to a fourth place finish. Delmar was actually trailing Seaford in the point standings going into the Saturday action, but picked up a lot of points by a lot of Delmar wrestlers who had lost one match but came on Saturday to win enough matches to gain the points to win. The final standings were Delmar first followed by Seaford second, Wicomico High third, and the rest were not close. In fact, the host, Parkside, finished seventh.

ASSISTS AND ERRORS- Earlier in the week, the Delmar wrestlers lost a 49-30 decision to Milford which was no disgrace as wrestling is usually their best sport. After all, they were the first public school on the Eastern Shore to play the sport competitively. The high points for Delmar in this match were Ashley Roberts, Delmar’s 103-pound wrestler, got her first pin, and Noah Vincent, Justin Thomas, David Bradshaw, and Dakota Harmon also pinned their opponents. As far as the basketball teams are concerned, the girls are doing pretty good as they have a record of 3-2. They had a win and a loss last week against Milford and Lake Forest. Shannon Wilson seems to be carrying the offensive load as she led the scoring in both games with 17 and 18 points respectively with assistance from Katie McMahon and Alison Bloodsworth who have followed her in the scoring column. As for the boys, they are still “running and gunning” and losing. They play in a couple of tournaments over the holidays, so maybe 2008 will be kinder to them. Again, I have to end the column on a sad note as a longtime friend and former teammate on local baseball and softball teams, Les Ammons, passed away last weekend. He and his younger brother Frank moved to Delmar during the Depression in 1937 from New Jersey to work on a farm outside of Delmar where the Saturn Auto dealership is now located. The reason I remember the year is I was in the seventh grade, and Frank enrolled in the same class, and we played on the softball team from Delmar Elementary School that won the Wicomico County softball championship at the annual field meet at Wicomico High School. Meanwhile, Les enrolled at Delmar, Md., High School and played soccer for Coach Jim Mills, which began his athletic career on the Eastern Shore, which lasted the rest of his life, even when he started having health problems several years ago. Although baseball was the sport he like best, he also played softball, bowled, and golfed. He was always a person you wanted on your team because he was a natural athlete and gave 100 percent every minute he played. I think one of the happiest evenings of his life was the night he was inducted in the Eastern Shore Baseball Hall of Fame in 1990. I know because I was there.

Laurel/SeafordStar sports schedules for Dec. 20-26

TOP SCORERS- Delmar’s Fernandez Batson, left, goes to the hoop during his team’s loss to Milford last Tuesday. Batson had 26 points and four steals in the game. Delmar’s Kevin Ricketts goes up for a jumper during last Tuesday’s game in Delmar. Ricketts had 27 points and nine rebounds. Delmar bounced back with a win over Lake Forest on Friday. No results were submitted from that game. Photos by Mike McClure

Send us your sports scores - it’s easy! Coaches and parents are invited to send any team scores that they would like to see featured in the Star. Items can be e-mailed to or faxed to 302-629-9243. Call sports editor Mike McClure at 302-629-9788 with any questions.

The following are the Western Sussex varsity sports schedule for the week of Dec. 20-26: Thursday, Dec. 20- Seaford Christian boys’ and girls’ basketball at Holly Grove Friday, Dec. 21- Girls’ basketball- Woodbridge at Delmar, Seaford at Milford, Laurel home vs. Indian River; boys’ basketball- Delmar at Woodbridge, Seaford home vs. Milford, Laurel at Indian River; swimming- Seaford at Sussex Central Saturday, Dec. 22- wrestling- Laurel at Indian River Wednesday, Dec. 26- boys’ basketball- Sussex Tech vs. Wicomico at Salisbury Lions Club tournament

See page 60 for scores and photos from Tuesday’s games.



Raven Roundup- Raven wrestlers compete in Beast of the East By Mike McClure

DELAWARE STINGERS- Members of the Delaware Stingers U19 team recently returned from the National Field Hockey Festival. The team competed against teams from all over the nation in the festival, which was held in Indio, Calif., Nov. 22-24. Shown (l to r) are: back row- Shelby Smith, Heather Solomon, Caitlin Stone, Samantha Russum, Chelsea Warren; middle row- Jennifer Short, Chorman Dalton, Paige Jalot, Lauren Jacobs, Beth Swadley; front row- Chelsea Collison, Cassandra Short, Emily Vincent, and Megan West. The team is coached by Lloydlee Heite. For more information about the Stingers call 302337-8545 or visit

Seaford Christian girls’ basketball team earns a pair of wins The Seaford Christian Academy girls’ basketball team topped Weslyan Christian and Faith Baptist in a pair of games last week. On Tuesday, SCA cruised to a 47-18 win over Wesleyan Christian. Jen Carr’s 13 points and Rebekah Cain’s 10 led the Lady Eagles. Both Carr and Cain had 10 rebounds each while Nikki Meredith added eight points and nine rebounds. On Friday, Seaford Christian jumped out to a 16-2 first quarter lead and never looked back in a 52-30 win over Faith Baptist. Meredith and Carr each had five points and Cain added four points in the quarter. Meredith scored 13 points, Carr had 12 points and six rebounds, and Jordan Phillips added eight points. Amanda Brittingham grabbed five rebounds and Julia Carr contributed four points, five rebounds, and five assists.

See page 60 for sports scores, photos from Tuesday’s games.

Woodbridge’s Jordan Mosley goes up for the slam dunk during his team’s home win over Indian River last Friday. The Raiders, who visit Laurel on Wednesday, moved to 20. Photo by Mike McClure

Sussex Tech’s Jamar Beckett (215) and Alex Thomas (189) each placed in the top five at the Beast of the East wrestling tournament last weekend. The wrestlers, along with Wendall Cannon, also won in their team’s loss to Smyrna last Wednesday. Beckett had a bye, a pin (:18), and a win by tech fall before losing, 6-3, in the Beast of the East tourney at the University of Delaware’s Bob Carpenter Center. Beckett bounced back with a pin (:15) and a pair of wins by decision but lost, 8-2, in the third place match. Thomas had a pair of pins (1:31 and 1:38) and was pinned before adding his third pin in four matches (3:18). Thomas lost, 4-1, and recorded another pin (2:02) in the fifth place match. Cannon (125) recorded a pin at 5:14, Thomas earned a 6-0 win, and Beckett won by major decision, 12-4, in Wednesday’s 56-13 loss to Smyrna. Tech boys win two- The Sussex Tech varsity boys’ basketball team won a pair of games at the end of the week. The Ravens topped Polytech, 79-69, last Friday and added a 62-49 victory non-conference win over Salesianum on Saturday. On Saturday, Sussex Tech held a 30-24 lead at the half and added seven points in the second half (32-25) for the 62-49 win. Jeffone Hill and Kory Belle each netted 16 points, Jacob Mitchell netted 12 points, and Corey Wyatt added 11 points. On Friday, the Ravens used a 25-16 advantage in the final quarter to pull away from the Panthers, 79-69. Hill had 20 points, Belle scored 17 points, Wyatt tallied 15 points, and Mitchell added 14 points for Sussex Tech. Chad Sturgeon also had eight points off the bench in the win. Lady Ravens win- The Sussex Tech girls’ basketball team outscored Polytech, 16-4, in the second quarter for the 58-43 win last Friday. Brittany Griffin led the way with 19 points, Leigh Powell netted 10 points, and Bethany Callaway and Brittany Morris each had nine in the Ravens’ win.

Salisbury Lions Club Holiday Classic basketball schedule Wednesday, December 26- Cambridge vs. Eastern Tech, Salisbury Lions Club Championship Cup, noon; North Caroline vs. Dover, Chesapeake Championship Cup, 1:30 p.m.; Pocomoke vs. Caesar Chavez Charter, Chesapeake Championship Cup, 3 p.m.; Walbrook vs. Thurgood Marshall, Dr. Pepper Cup, 5 p.m.; Wicomico vs. Sussex Tech, Salisbury Lions Club Championship Cup, 7 p.m.; Calvert Hall vs. Archbishop Carroll, Dr. Pepper Cup, 9 p.m. Thursday, December 27- Chesapeake Championship Cup consolation game, noon; Salisbury Lions Club Championship consolation game, 1:30 p.m.; Dr. Pepper Cup consolation cup, 3 p.m.; Chesapeake Championship Cup championship game, 5 p.m.; Dr. Pepper Cup championship game, 7 p.m.; Salisbury Lions Club Championship Cup championship game, 9 p.m. Friday, December 28- Mardela vs. Delmar, Mason-Dixon Cup, noon; Tower Hill vs. Bennett, Mason-Dixon Cup, 1:30 p.m.; Parkville vs. Northwestern, M&T Championship Cup, 3 p.m.; Smyrna vs. Forest Park, OC 104 Cup, 5 p.m.; Snow Hill vs. Oxon Hill, OC 104 Cup, 7 p.m.; Parkside vs. Douglass, M&T Bank Championship Cup, 9 p.m. Saturday, December 29- Mason-Dixon Cup consolation game, noon; M&T Bank Championship Cup consolation game, 1:30 p.m.; OC 104 Cup consolation game, 3 p.m.; M&T Bank Championship Cup championship game, 5 p.m.; OC 104 Cup championship game, 7 p.m.; Mason-Dixon Cup championship game, 9 p.m.



Seaford Bowling Lanes Mardel ABC High games and series Eric Wagoner 265 Teddy Sherman 753

Wed. AM Mixed High games and series Dennis Hoffman 299 George Bramble 722 Gloria Ellis 261 Joyce Linton 662

Tuesday Early Mixed

Nite Owl

High games and series Randy Penuel 263 Bobby Bryan 691 Diane Patchett 266, 740

Eastern Shore Men

High games and series Matt Zoller 263, 643 Rachel Loose 251 Stephanie Williams 634

Christian Fellowship

Senior Express

High games and series Edgar Wilson 271, 731 Alma Musser 266 Joyce Linton 703

High games and series Dania Griffin 305, 805 Elizabeth Pinkett 304, 814

Seaford City

Tuesday AM Mixed

High games and series Richard W. Adkins 332 Jennings Kellam 810

High games and series Mike Baker 221, 642 Erma Baker 239, 641

Friday Trios

251 644


High games and series Kevin Brightwell 244, 670 Joyce Tull 240, 681

High games and series Zachary Merrill 289 Sky Casselbury 742

Club 50

The Jays’ Tim Halter pulls for the touch pad in the final 15 feet of the 100 butterfly event against the Saints last week. His time was 1:04.69 and earned Seaford a second place finish. The Jays defeated St. Andrews 100-67 to remain undefeated going into the meet against Kent Island this past Tuesday. Photo by Gene Bleile

Tina Rawls Marcy Robbins

High games and series Rich Smith 292 Michael Berg 766

Baby Blue Jays High games and series C.J. Redd 167, 308 Kayla Arnett 166, 320

Young Adults High games and series Alexander Welding 259, 686 Katie Hickey 224,616

Sunday Nite Mixed

High games and series Will Chandler 261, 711

High games and series Buddy Tharp 313 Tim Dean 818 Aimee Bennett 286 Jessica Bennett 771

Delaware Storm 12U select baseball team to hold tryouts The Delaware Storm 12U select baseball teams will be holding personal tryouts. The team will be playing in as least seven spring tournament including at Cooperstown. To schedule a personal tryout call Gary Smith (302-841-2225), Steve Hearn (302-629-3889), or Ford Verdery (302-628-9187).

Seaford Department of Recreation to hold winter registration Jr. Jordan Clinic- boys and girls in K-third grade- The cost is $5 and is every Saturday in January at Frederick Douglass. Players must register by Dec 29. 6 and 7 year old- boys and girls basketball- The cost is $20 and includes a shirt. Play begins in February.

See next week’s Seaford and Laurel Star for more Western Sussex scholastic and youth sports coverage.

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De’Andria Farlow plays tough defense against the fast break last week in action against Indian River. Farlow pumped in 20 points to lead the Lady Jays to a 61-38 win. Photo by Gene Bleile

Western Sussex Boys and Girls Club Indoor Soccer League U9 division: Megan Joseph- Strikers- six goals, 3.0 goals per game Joshua Artega- Strikers- three goals, 1.5 goals per game Timothy Snider- Strikers- two goals, 1.0 goals per game Shayla Artega- Strikers- one goal, 0.5 goals per game U15 division: Daniel Seely- Italy- five goals, 5.0 goals per game Cameron Tierno- United- three goals, 3.0 goals per game Zachary Parks- Da’ Playas- three goals, 3.0 goals per game Drew Crouse- Italy- two goals, 2.0 goals per game Charles Michel- Beasts- two goals, 2.0 goals per game Chase Kouts- United- one goal, 1.0 goal per game Brittany Joseph- one goal, 1.0 goal per game Danny Wheatley- Italy- one goal, 1.0 goal per game Geoffrey Sheppard- Italy- one goal, 1.0 goal per game Rocco Matriccino- Beasts- one goal, 1.0 goal per game Patrick Davis- Beasts- one goal, 1.0 goal per game Emmanuel Serna- Da’ Playas- one goal, 1.0 goal per game Hunter Murray- Da’ Playas- one goal, 1.0 goal per game


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Seaford/Laurel Star Tuesday high school scoreboard

Laurel/Seaford Star sports predictions: week 16

Boys’ basketball- Sussex Tech 72, Cape Henlopen 63- Jacob Mitchell led the Ravens with 25 points, Jeffone Hill had 18 points, and Corey Wyatt added 10 points. Seaford 74, Delmar 37- Vincent Glover paced the Jays with 22 points while Josh Owens and Tyree Davis had 12 points apiece. Kevin Ricketts tallied 17 points for Delmar. Girls’ basketball- Seaford 63, Delmar 47Ambre’ Burbage scored 19 points, De’Andria Farlow added 17 points and Anitra Hughes had 11 for Seaford. Katie McMahon and Shannon Wilson each had 16 points for the Wildcats. A.I. DuPont 50, Seaford 40 (St. Thomas More Tournament)- De’Andria Farlow scored Seaford’s Alexander Welding pulls to the touch pad at the finish of 19 points and Anitra Hughes chipped in with 15 hard the 500 meter freestyle. Welding set points in the loss. a personal record in 6:13.93. The Seaford 41, St. Peter and Paul 34 (St. Jays defeated Kent Island 117- 52 to Thomas More Tournament)- De’Andria Far- remain undefeated. Photo by Gene low had 18 points, Anitra Hughes added eight Bleile points, and Samantha Savage tallied seven points for Seaford. Boys’ swimming- Seaford 117, Kent Island 52- Blue Jay freshman Alexander Welding set a personal record of 6:13.93 in the 500 freestyle. Girls’ swimming- Seaford 92, Kent Island 78- The Blue Jays’ 200 meter medley relay team of Jamie Swain, Paige Venables, Taylor Swain, and Olivia Bradham set a personal record of 2:05.55.

NFL- Philadelphia at New Orleans- Philadelphia 27-17 Washington at Minnesota- Minnesota 24-21- Minnesota has been playing great football and I can’t see Washington winning in Minnesota. Baltimore at Seattle- Seattle 24-13 Men’s college basketball- Duke vs. Pittsburgh- Duke 74-69Duke has looked tough this season, but I wouldn’t be surprised if Pitt came away with the win. High school- boys’ basketball- Laurel at Indian River- Laurel 62-51 Jesse Piquette 3-3 Milford at Seaford- Milford 60-48 last week, 77-50-1 overall Girls’ basketball- Seaford at Milford- Seaford 41-36

The Jays’ Samantha Savage, left, wins the opening tip off from the Wildcats’ Katie McMahon Tuesday night at Seaford. McMahon scored 16 points for Delmar and Savage had eight points for Seaford. Seaford won, 63-47. Photo by Gene Bleile

NFL- Philadelphia at New Orleans- New Orleans 21-17 Washington at Minnesota- Minnesota 28-14- Washington is riding a big win over the Giants but the last NFC wild card spot is the Vikings’ to lose. Baltimore at Seattle- Seattle 21-9 Men’s college basketball- Duke vs. Pittsburgh- Duke 70-65 High school- boys’ basketball- Laurel at Indian River- Laurel 60-50- The Bulldogs are looking to continue to their early roll against a young Indians’ team. IR, also with a new coach, lacks a big scorer. Mike McClure 3-3 Milford at Seaford- Seaford 65-55 last week, 86-41-1 Girls’ basketball- Seaford at Milford- Seaford 55-45 overall NFL- Philadelphia at New Orleans- Philadelphia 21-20Philly won the most important game of the season last week. Washington at Minnesota- Minnesota 28-24 Baltimore at Seattle- Seattle 21-10 Men’s college basketball- Duke vs. Pittsburgh- Duke 7570 High school- boys’ basketball- Laurel at Indian RiverLaurel 55-50 Milford at Seaford- Milford 60-50 Girls’ basketball- Seaford at Milford- Seaford 50-45

Daniel Richardson 2-4 last week, 81-46-1 overall

Shown (l to r) is the Lady Jays 200 meter medley relay team of Jamie Swain, Paige Venables, Taylor Swain and Olivia Bradham which set a personal best team record of 2:06.55 in the win over Kent Island 92-78 this past Tuesday afternoon. Photo by Gene Bleile

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Easy to qualify, pay off with your 2007 tax refund AND SAVE! Woodbridge senior K’yan Andrews, left, and head coach Damon Ayers look on from the bench during the Raiders win over IR last week. Andrews netted his 1,000th point in the game. Photo by Mike McClure


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Sundays, Dec. 9th, 16th, & 23rd, At 9:30 AM

Sunday, Dec. 23rd - Happy Birthday Jesus Party for ages 2-12 during Junior Church time. Cake, Ice Cream, & fun are planned during this party. Please come and bring your children to be a part of this special time. Junior Church children will be ministering in drama & song at this service. Monday, Dec. 24th - Christmas Eve Service We will be having a special service from 6-7 PM. Family time Christmas story geared for kids ministered in power points & drama by Kyle Holloway. Worship, Communion, & Candlelight Service will take place as well. Special gift time following the service for children. January we will begin a new exciting junior church program. Your children will want to be apart of it. More information to come.

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Rt. 13 and Discountland Rd., PO Box 60, Laurel • 875-4646 Sr. Minister - Dr. Carl G. Vincent Sr. Pastor - Barry B. Dukes Visit website at



Delmar woodworkers bring Christmas to kids By James Diehl There were no Christmas carols being sung, no reindeer milling about, and no jolly old man with a belly that shakes like a bowl full of jelly on the premises. But the home of the late Irv Aydelotte sure did seem a whole lot like Santa’s Workshop in early December. The culmination of a year’s worth of work, the Mason-Dixon Woodworkers Association chose Dec. 1 as the day to play Santa’s elves, giving away toys they spent the last 12 months assembling at their workshop in Delmar. It’s the 13th year the organization has handed out toys to area charities, who then use them to brighten the lives of needy families at Christmas time. “We’re just interested in making toys for children who may not have any for Christmas otherwise,” said club member Donald Connell, who is in charge of this year’s toy drive. “We make them and distribute them so they get to the right people.” More than 1,000 handmade toys were handed out this year by the club to about 20 local charities. Among the 2007 offerings were cars, trains, baby cradles, rocking dinosaurs, coloring book holders, and toy lawnmowers. Crafted by the more than 50 members of the Mason-Dixon Woodworkers Association, each piece is handmade from begin-

ning to end with one purpose – to provide children with a special present under the tree on Christmas morning. Representatives from charitable organizations who descended on the club’s workshop in Delmar each had their choice from among the multitude of toys on display. Among them was Bob Kripaitis, who was picking up toys on behalf of the Seaford Kiwanis Club. “We’ve been coming here for years and I think what they do here is really fantastic,” Kripaitis said. “We give all the toys to Seaford Charities, who has all the information about who needs help in Seaford and can distribute them.” Each year, the club tries to come up with new items not available during the previous holiday season. This year, woodworker Karson Morrison, from Bridgeville, took the initiative to build 100 wooden caterpillars. In actuality, he built 105 which, put together, totaled more than 10,000 pieces of wood. “I saw them in a magazine and I just thought they looked cute,” Morrison said. “They looked liked something a kid would enjoy, because kids like things that make noise or that they can pull around. And it has bright colors." “It’s one of those toys that I wouldn’t make at home because it would take too much time, but it was fun to make here in Continued to page 70

Bob Kripaitis, from the Seaford Kiwanis Club, sorts through some of the toys on display last weekend. Charitable organizations could select up to five of each toy for distribution to needy families in the area.

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• DECEMBER 20 - 26, 2007


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• DECEMBER 20 - 26, 2007

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4H honors volunteers at annual leader forum U.S. Sen. Thomas Carper (D-Del.) and U.S. Rep. Michael Castle (R-Del) were surprise guests at the welcome breakfast for the annual Delaware State 4H Leader Forum, held at the Trabant Center held on Saturday, Nov. 17. More than 140 volunteer 4H adult and teen leaders and Cooperative Extension staff attended the forum, which reinforces curriculum skills with existing 4H volunteers and provides initial training to new adult volunteers entering the 4H community in Delaware. This year 23 workshops were offered in such diverse curriculum areas as science and technology, textiles and clothing, genealogy, animal science, wood science, leadership building skills, and arts and crafts. Another highlight of the forum was the presentation of the Salute to Excellence Awards, which recognize individual volunteer service. Delaware 4H Program Leader Joy Sparks presented the following county awards: Volunteer of the Year – for service as a 4-H Volunteer under 10 years: New Castle: Brenda Shaffer, Middletown; Kent: Patrick Sullivan, Harrington; Sussex: Michele Walfred, Lewes; Mary Hutchins, Dover; Mary Powel, Dover Lifetime Volunteer – for service as a 4H Volunteer 10 years or more - New Castle: Dave Simpson, Middletown; Kent: Sandy Reynolds, Frederica; Sussex: Carole

Vincent, Laurel Brenda Shaffer and Sandy Reynolds were selected from each category as state winners and will represent Delaware in the National Salute to Excellent Awards program. Joy G. Sparks, State 4-H Leader, shared the special place volunteers serve as caring adults connecting with young people. “Volunteers are the lifeblood of the 4-H program. We could not exist without the talents and dedication of our 4-H volunteers. The nominations were impressive outlining the hundreds of hours 4-H volunteers commit to supporting young people throughout Delaware. These people are the 4-H heroes.” Each Salute to Excellence honoree received the Starfish Award, which reads, “Thanks for making a difference in the lives of the youth of Delaware one child at a time.” The award was established by Dr. Janice Seitz, associate dean director of Cooperative Extension. A former 4H’er, Seitz has never missed addressing 4H volunteers at this event during her tenure at UD. Seitz honored the volunteers as the heroes of the 4H organization. “If ever there was a time when our youth needed heroes, it is now, and I mean genuine heroes like you, authentic men and women who are admired for your achievements, noble qualities & courage,” she said. In 2006, more than 63,000 youth were

Be fire conscious during holidays The holiday season is upon us and we, the officers and members of the Delaware Volunteer Firemen’s Association want to make sure it’s a “fire safe season” for all of us. During the hustle and bustle of the season we all tend to be a little forgetful. Please take a minute to review these fire safety tips and try to follow them during this special time of year. • When picking a Christmas tree, make sure it isn’t already dry and dropping its needles. It will only get worse as the season goes on. • Check the water in a live tree every day and make sure it does not go dry. A dry tree will go up in flames more quickly than you can say Santa. • Check any lights put on the tree to make sure there are no frayed lines that may come in contact with one another, cause a spark and send the tree up in flames. • Make sure not to overload electrical wall outlets or extension cords. This is one of the greatest causes of fires during the holiday season. • Practice your home escape drill with your family. Know where your escape routes are and be certain that everyone in your house does too. • If you smoke, or have a smoker in the home, make sure all smoking materials are out before you go to bed and be careful if smoking not to flick ashes into dry leaves. They can cause fires which may blow back and set the house on fire. • Be careful with fireplaces. We tend to use them more during the holidays and the winter months. Make sure your chimney or wood stove is clean and don’t just dump the coals or embers outside before you make sure they are completely out. • Turn off your appliances when leaving the home, and make sure all candles are out before you retire for the night. Make sure your children know that candles are dangerous and don’t place them near anything that is combustible. And make sure children do not play with matches or lighters around the home. • Practice good kitchen safety. Remember, we do a lot of cooking at this festive time of year. All of this is good advice, but none of it helps if you don’t practice fire safety. Most importantly, make sure you have a working smoke detector, several are better. If you need one, go to your local fire department, where you can get one for free and make sure you have new batteries installed in them. A smoke detector without a working battery is like not having one at all.


U.S. Sen. Thomas Carper (D-Del.) and U.S. Rep. Michael N. Castle (R-Del.) make a surprise appearance at the event welcoming 4-H leaders and volunteers. Photo by Kevin Quinlan

positively influenced by their contact with Delaware 4H Youth Development through local clubs, afterschool programs,

overnight and day camping, school enrichment activities and special interest programming.



Education Jim Friedel wins award

Carper recently visited fifth graders at West Seaford Elementary School who are studying the Constitution. During his visit, Carper read from the book, Liberty's Journey. He received a Blue Jay sticker from Stephanie Lorenzo, center, and Madison Evick as a memento of his visit. The fifth graders also gave Carper a "West Seaford Winner" medal. Photo by Carol Kinsley

Jim Friedel of Seaford, collision repair instructor at Sussex Technical High School, has been named 2007 Instructor of the Year by the Collision Repair Instructors Network (CRIN) and the I-CAR Education Foundation. Friedel received an expenses-paid trip to the 2007 National Autobody Congress and Exposition (NACE) in Las Vegas, where he was recognized during the annual CRIN meeting. Friedel worked in the collision industry for 14 years and has been an instructor for 16 years. He has worked to recruit students to the collision repair program and place them in jobs within the industry. Friedel was nominated by Dale Van Schaik of Wayside Body Shop and Chris Green of the Delmarva I-CAR Volunteer Committee. “Due to the positive influence that Jim Friedel has on our industry, the decision was not a hard one to nominate him for the 2007 CRIN Instructor of the Year award,” Schaik said. “I have come to know Jim through volunteering with the

auto body program and can honestly say that since Jim has been with Sussex Tech, the auto body classes have excelled. The I-CAR Volunteer Committee has also benefited from Jim’s excellence and his extreme enthusiasm for the auto body industry. He takes great pride in the work that he does with I-CAR and his students.” CRIN is sponsored by the I-CAR Education Foundation and is designed to facilitate the exchange of technical and professional information among collision repair instructors, school administrators and industry partners. Ron Ray, executive director of the ICAR Education Foundation said, “Jim does an exemplary job of preparing students for entry-level positions in the collision industry and goes above and beyond the call of duty. We are amazed at his tireless contributions to the future of the industry.” The Executive Committee of the Education Foundation Board of Trustees made the final selection of the winner.

Carper helps students in study of the Constitution By Carol Kinsley Invited by fifth graders who are studying the Constitution, Sen. Tom Carper visited West Seaford Elementary School on Monday, Dec. 10, and read to the three fifth-grade classes in the library. He insisted students vote beforehand to choose a book to read. They chose Liberty's Journey by Kelly DiPucchio, which Carper personalized by changing or adding text appropriate to Delaware. He

had the students supply the rhyming words, which he omitted at the end of every other line, and afterward quizzed them on their knowledge of the Constitution and Congress. Students presented Carper with a West Seaford Winner medal and sticker. Other elected officials who responded to invitations from the students included state Rep. J. Benjamin Ewing and state Sen. Robert L. Venables. STUDENT DONATIONS - The organizational leadership class at Sussex Technical High School recently donated to Shiloh House of Hope, Bridgeville, and the Seaford Cancer Center, Seaford, items that were bought with the proceeds from the school’s annual bonfire. The proceeds totaled $400. On Friday, Dec. 7, class representatives delivered the packages. Above, Seaford Cancer Center staff members and sophomore students are, from left: Terri Clifton, Melissa Trout, Laurel, Sandy Zorn, Ariel Price, Ellendale, Shelbi Temple, Bridgeville, Patricia Haight, Kathy Kirschner, and Mary Brown. Below, at the Shiloh House of Hope are: seniors Samantha Danaher, Selbyville, Katie Johnson, Laurel, Kim Bolden, Millsboro, and Reneika Pettyjohn of Ellendale, with Shiloh House founder Robyn Sturgeon. Submitted photos

BPA DECORATES CHEER CENTER FOR HOLIDAYS. The Business Professionals of America at Sussex Technical High School decorated holiday wreaths for the CHEER Community Center in Georgetown as their community service project. They delivered the wreaths and helped hang them in the center’s hallway. Kneeling, from left: sophomores Sam Grahovac, Georgetown, and Dylan Pepper, Milton. Standing: CHEER deputy director Ken Bock and sophomores Ariel Price, Ellendale, Courtlyn Whaley, Laurel, Daniela Hernandez, Seaford, Katelyn James, Laurel, and Heidi Perez, Georgetown. Submitted photo


Christmas about cookies, fudge, music and believing These are the days when night and bedtime brings children nestled snug in their beds, with visions of sugarplums dancing through their heads. At least that is what the famous Christmas poem tells us. Did you ever wonder just what a sugarplum is? During the course of my lifetime I have eaten some very delicious candy, from the finest chocolates available to penny candy purchased in the corner drugstore when I was a child. But, sugarplums? That is a whole different ball game. There is the Sugarplum Fairy in the popular Christmas ballet. This ballerina always wears sparkling skin-tight leotards, has blonde curls piled high on her head with glittering tiny sequins scattered not only through her blonde tresses but all over her skimpy, body-hugging tutu. The fairy sweeps across the stage in leaps and bounds that leave the rest of us in awe and wonder that a human being can leap so high and smile at the same time. To see the Christmas ballet is to escape for a few hours to the land of make believe. In homes all across the nation this week, cooks have been putting the finishing touches on countless pans of fudge and sheets and sheets of cookies and are busy preparing for the feast that is Christmas dinner. At our home, the cookies have been made by the dozens, packed into sturdy boxes and shipped throughout the nation to granddaughters and other family members. Fudge has been made by the pan full and been shipped so that those who live away can have a little “taste of home” to brighten the holidays. Our kitchen is finally back to order after the cookie and fudge preparation. It would be totally wrong to say making the cookies and fudge is akin to doing “chores,” yet I have heard some people complain that they had those things to make. What a sad attitude to have when completing this task. Sure, the kitchen looks a bit messy for a while, but the cookie and candy making brings back memories of a time when our sons and daughter were “helpers.” They grew up and now have their own homes and kitchens to make the delicacies should they choose. The grandchildren, who at one time

Moments With Mike VIRGINIA ‘MIKE’ BARTON came to our kitchen to spend a few days in the baking process, have grown up and are employed and have their own kitchens. And so, in 2007 it is back to just Mr. Santa and me to continue the tradition. We are not alone, as husband and wife teams throughout the world work together to complete the Christmas task at hand. Now, we can plan for the special Christmas music at church on Sunday, then Christmas Eve and all the beauty it holds, followed by the day when we celebrate the birth of the Christ Child. At Christ United Methodist Church here on Central Avenue where Pastor Fred Duncan will officiate at his next to last service this Sunday, music will fill the air of the stately grey brick church beginning at 10:30 a.m. Pastor Fred and his lovely wife, Pat, have served the church for the past six-and-a-half years and have now been transferred by the Peninsula Methodist Conference to Lewes effective the first Sunday in January. At Christ Church on Sunday, Calvin Hearn will direct the adult choir in a Christmas cantata that is filled with joyful music and has been a challenge for not only the members of the choir but for me as organist. The bell choir will present several numbers and the young people will also treat the congregation to special music with chimes under the direction of Janet Walker. Christmas is, after all, about more than cookies and candy. Christmas, with all its glory, is actually about the birth of a baby whose life changed the world thousands of years ago and still has an effect on people throughout the world. One little baby born in a manger in a stable. One little baby whose life still has wise men and women believing. Merry Christmas, everyone. Believe.

M illsboro H obbies

Doing the Towns Together LAUREL AND DELMAR SOCIALS SARAH MARIE TRIVITS • 875-3672 A very happy grandmother, Leigh Clark, has recently returned from a visit to Pocono Pines, Pa., where she spent quality time with her son, Philippe Drivan, his wife, Nicole, and her two precious granddaughters, Madelynn and Gabrielle. The high point of this visit was to celebrate the first birthday of newest granddaughter, Madelynn, and celebrate they did! There was a social event for young people as relatives and friends turned out in abundance last Thursday night for the Laurel Middle School winter concert. There were varied musical numbers by Penny Denny’s chorus and Jason Rogers’ concert and steel drum bands. All were very delightful with a great deal of credit expressed to both directors for their time and enjoyment for the families. Celeste, David and Rider Lewis flew in from the cold of Chicago to spend a few days with Celeste’s parents, Robert and Billie Jane Wheatley, and to attend a Wheatley family Christmas get-together at St. Philip’s parish hall on Saturday night. Amanda Lowe’s family hosted her to a surprise baby shower at Centenary Church fellowship hall Dec. 9. It was attended by family members and friends, including Amanda’s and Philip’s parents and grandparents. The expectant dad, Philip, even helped untie bows and open boxes. Gifts and refreshments alike were delightful. John, Heidi and Reba Evans of Sarasota, Fla., are spending a few pre-holiday days here at their Delaware Avenue home before returning to warmer climates for Christmas. The Cook House emitted an aura of holiday and bygone splendor on its opening last Sunday from 1 p.m. to 6 p.m. Many people attended following the prayer service and choral concert at Old Christ Church, to share ambience, refreshments and the holiday atmosphere. We wish a speedy recovery to Ruth Hickman following her recent surgery. We hope she’ll be recovered to enjoy a joyful Christmas.

International Flag Supply

Delmar news this week are birthday wishes, some belated and some on time. Best wishes for happy celebrations to Chuck Porter and Lori Hitchens on Dec. 15; Sharon Cordrey, Dec. 16; Barry Boltz, Dec. 24, and Al Bozman, Dec. 30. Ann Jones, Delmar, sends me many clips for this copy each week and though we’ve chatted on the phone many times, I had never met her and her husband, Keith, until Sunday at the Cook House. It was a really nice interlude — now we each can put a face with the name! Special happy birthday wishes with love are sent to Nathan Gage Parker for his second birthday on Dec. 21, from his mom and dad, two sisters, uncle, pop-pop Danny and great pop-pop and mom-mom. Have a great celebration! Very special happy birthday wishes, with love from Mom, to Candice Norcross on Dec. 23. Enjoy! We express our deepest sympathy to the family and friends of Marie P. McGee, Catherine P. Ward, Karl L. Wells, Mary Ruth Carmean, Perneltha Yates and R. Lester Ammons Sr. We continue with prayers, as always, for our service people all over the world and for those of our friends who are ill: Lester Benson, Cecil Jones, Sam Moore, Philip Lowe, Steve Trivits, Harriett MacVeigh, Donald Layton Sr., Herman Cubbage, Hattie Puckham, Derrick Henry, Martha Windsor, Jean Henry, Irma Ellis, Teresa Littleton, Robert D. Whaley and Terry Layton. Happy December birthday wishes to: Robert Fitzgerald, Dec. 21; Agnes Massey and Charlene Whaley, Dec. 22; Virginia Steelman and Carrie Whaley, Dec. 23; Elaine Milne, Dec. 24; Lauretta Kenney and Doris Bailey, Dec. 25; Elinor Scriba, Dec. 26; and Peggy Ralph, Dec. 27. As I write this you have exactly eight more shopping days ‘til Christmas. And as you read this, even less! See you in the Stars.

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FOOD GIVE-AWAY - Laurel’s United Deliverance Bible Center gave away food last Saturday. Above are the giveaways’ organizers, from left: co-pastor Carla Wongus, pastor Keith Wongus, Linda McKenzie, president of the outreach ministry, Karen White, director of youth, and Bishop Catherine Camper, founder of the center. The Bible center gave food to more than 200 families. Below are some of the volunteers who helped out. From left: Inisha Smack, Saé Watkins, Kiance Hinton and Kiana Hinton. Photos by Pat Murphy

IN RECOGNITION - A visibly moved Laurel Mayor John Shwed received a surprise recognition award from the employees of the town of Laurel during the Monday, Dec. 17, town council meeting. A plaque given to Shwed expressed the employees’ appreciation for his “encouragement and support” during the two-year absence of a town manager. From left: Laurel Alderman Paul Sheridan, Police Chief Jamie Wilson, financial director Mary Intracaso, Shwed, assistant town administrator Jamie Smith, chief code enforcement officer Paul Frick and Public Works Department head, Woody Vickers. Photo by Tony Windsor

WE’VE BEEN GOOD GIRLS - Above, Madalyn Morris, 2, tells Santa what she wants for Christmas at the breakfast with Santa program at the Delmar Fire Hall last weekend. Below, Caitlin Byers, 9, of Delmar visits with Santa. Photos by Mike McClure

HELPING OUT - Sharon Jones works her two-hour shift at the Food Lion in Laurel for the Good Samaritans. Visiting with her is store manager Rusty Turner. Photo by Pat Murphy.

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A T T H IS SPE C IA L T IM E O F Y E A R… W arm est w ish esfor a h oliday season th at’sm agicalin ev ery w ay ! M E RRY C H RIST M A S.... T h an k Y ou for y ou r con tin u ed su pport. State Represen tativ e D an n y Sh ort an d D ebbie, dau gh ter A prilPopelas,son in -law A aron Popelasan d gran dch ildren C aden ,K ay lee an d L exie.



Woodworkers Continued from page 62

the workshop. I even took one home for my own grandkids.” The club tries to make 100 of each item offered in a particular year, including the baby cradles made for this holiday season. But the baby dolls inside those cradles need something to cover up with, which is where Betty Staats comes in. Staats made quilts, mattresses and pillows for each one of the 100 displayed cradles. But she says it was no big deal – she had lots of time to work from her home. “I just work on them through the year, usually while my husband’s watching television,” said Staats, who also works in the woodshop. “I just do [the woodworking] for fun because I love to work with the wood.” Irv Aydelotte was a member of the woodworker’s club, but actually started the toy campaign on his own two years before the association became involved in the project. “Irv became a member of the woodworkers and the toys are now a spinoff of the club,” said Aydelotte’s widow, Doris, who still allows the association to use her husband’s old workshop at their Delmar property. Members of the club, while admitting they love helping out area children during the holiday season, also think of their organization as a bit of a fellowship group. They meet every Wednesday through the year at the shop. They eat lunch, have

a few laughs, and teach the art of woodworking to anyone who wants to learn. “We love making toys to give to charity, but most of the people who do this are retired senior citizens and doing this is a big form of fellowship for us,” said club member Bill Jefferson, from Bridgeville. “We fellowship and have a lot of fun here on Wednesdays.” Whatever the reason for the club, the number of people helped by the woodworkers has certainly numbered in the thousands over the last 13 years. “I don’t think I could adequately explain how much help these folks have been to us,” said Barry Devine, the pastor at First Baptist Church in Delmar, who was picking up toys for his church’s holiday giving campaign. “We’ve been able to do so much more for the families that we help than we could have done without their help. They’re truly just like Santa Claus.” The holiday toy campaign was Irv Aydelotte’s pride and joy and that commitment was a major reason why Doris Aydelotte has allowed the program to continue on her property after her husband’s passing a couple of years ago. “My husband told one of our daughters that he hoped I would continue to let the woodworkers come here after he passed,” Doris Aydelotte said. “Making toys was one of his favorite things to do. He just liked making them and giving them to kids, though he didn’t give them directly.” The woodworkers club does all the work for their holiday toy campaign, but they are aided financially, and with donations of supplies, by several organizations throughout the area.

When we reflect upon our many blessings, we know that we wouldn’t be here without the support of good people. May you have a joyous Yuletide and please know just how much we appreciate your belief in us.

Best Wishes from the Mayor of Seaford and City Council

Betty Staats looks over some of her club’s items during the Mason-Dixon Woodworkers Association’s annual distribution day last Saturday in Delmar.

They couldn’t produce toys on the scale they do without such help. “I kind of feel like Santa Claus, but I also think that the people who make the donations to us should feel like Santa too,” Connell said. The Mason-Dixon Woodworkers Asso-

Paul Collins, 89, has a little fun with a toy caterpillar during the Mason-Dixon Woodworkers Association’s annual distribution day last Saturday in Delmar.

ciation accepts donations throughout the year and also works with the Retired and Senior Volunteer Program (RSVP) of Sussex County. To learn more about the club, or to donate to their cause, call Connell at 410546-3692 or RSVP at 856-5815.

The City of Seaford wishes all the members of our Community, a joyous Holiday Season and a New Year filled with peace and happiness!!


• DECEMBER 20 - 26, 2007


Seven-Day forecast for Western Sussex County Thursday



Tides Sunday




Periods of clouds and sunshine

Clouds giving way to some sun

Mostly cloudy and milder

Cloudy and breezy

Colder with a chance of rain










Almanac Statistics through Tuesday Dec. 18 at Georgetown, Delaware



High for the week . . . . . . . . . . . Low for the week . . . . . . . . . . . Normal high . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Normal low . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Average temperature . . . . . . . .

. 67° . 29° . 49° . 29° 43.4°

Smyrna 46/28

Total for the week . . . . . . . . . . 1.39” Total for the month . . . . . . . . . . 2.06” Normal for the month . . . . . . . . 1.73” Total for the year . . . . . . . . . . 31.18”

Dover 44/28

Time 5:12 a.m. 3:07 a.m. 3:40 a.m. 11:27 p.m.

Date February 13 February 27 March 10 March 26

Perigee Apogee Perigee Apogee

Harrington 47/28

Time 8:09 p.m. 8:28 p.m. 5:40 p.m. 4:14 p.m.

Milford 47/28 Greenwood 48/27

. . . . . . .

. . . . . . .

Rise .7:16 a.m. .7:16 a.m. .7:17 a.m. .7:17 a.m. .7:18 a.m. .7:18 a.m. .7:19 a.m.

Full Dec 23

Lewes 47/29

Bridgeville 48/27

Sun and Moon Sun Thursday . Friday . . . . Saturday . . Sunday . . . Monday . . Tuesday . . Wednesday

. . . . . . .

Set .4:44 p.m. .4:44 p.m. .4:45 p.m. .4:45 p.m. .4:46 p.m. .4:46 p.m. .4:47 p.m.

Last Dec 31

High 10:15 a 11:16 a 12:14 p 12:34 a 1:30 a 2:24 a 3:16 a

Low High Low 4:14 a 10:31 p 5:17 p 5:11 a 11:35 p 6:17 p 6:08 a —- 7:14 p 7:04 a 1:09 p 8:08 p 7:59 a 2:03 p 9:01 p 8:53 a 2:54 p 9:51 p 9:47 a 3:44 p 10:41 p High 1:34 p 2:35 p 3:33 p 4:28 p 5:22 p 6:13 p 7:03 p

Low 8:10 p 9:10 p 10:07 p 11:01 p 11:54 p —12:40 p

Vienna, MD

The moon, and its relative distance to the Earth, affects tides on a monthly basis. When the moon is farthest from the Earth (apogee), tides of decreased range or currents of decreased speed occur. When the moon is closest to the Earth (perigee), the occurrence of increased range or currents of speed is more prevalent.

Date December 22 January 3 January 19 January 30

Day Thurs. Fri. Sat. Sun. Mon. Tues. Wed.

Sharptown, MD Shown is Thursday’s weather. High Low Temperatures are Thursday’s highs Day and Thursday night’s lows. Thurs. 12:45 a 7:07 a Fri. 1:50 a 8:04 a Sat. 2:54 a 9:01 a Sun. 3:53 a 9:57 a Mon. 4:49 a 10:52 a Tues. 5:43 a 11:46 a Wed. 6:35 a 12:44 a

Apogee and Perigee

Perigee Apogee Perigee Apogee

Nanticoke River Roaring Point, MD

Moon Thursday . Friday . . . . Saturday . . Sunday . . . Monday . . Tuesday . . Wednesday

. . . . . . .

. . . . . . .

Rise .1:34 p.m. .2:16 p.m. .3:08 p.m. .4:12 p.m. .5:24 p.m. .6:39 p.m. .7:52 p.m.

New Jan 8

. . . . . . .


Set .3:18 a.m. .4:36 a.m. .5:54 a.m. .7:06 a.m. .8:08 a.m. .8:57 a.m. .9:36 a.m.

Blades 48/27

First Jan 15

Georgetown 46/27

Rehoboth Beach 47/28

Concord 48/27 Laurel 49/27 Delmar 49/26

Millsboro 46/27

Bethany Beach 46/30 Fenwick Island 47/28

Day High Low High Low Thurs. 12:07 a 6:29 a 12:56 p 7:32 p Fri. 1:12 a 7:26 a 1:57 p 8:32 p Sat. 2:16 a 8:23 a 2:55 p 9:29 p Sun. 3:15 a 9:19 a 3:50 p 10:23 p Mon. 4:11 a 10:14 a 4:44 p 11:16 p Tues. 5:05 a 11:08 a 5:35 p —Wed. 5:57 a 12:06 a 6:25 p 12:02 p

Rehoboth Beach Day Thurs. Fri. Sat. Sun. Mon. Tues. Wed.

High 3:50 a 4:47 a 5:43 a 6:37 a 7:31 a 8:24 a 9:14 a

Low 10:10 a 11:13 a 12:11 p 12:00 a 12:53 a 1:45 a 2:36 a

High 4:07 p 5:04 p 5:59 p 6:53 p 7:47 p 8:39 p 9:31 p

Low 10:09 p 11:05 p —1:06 p 1:57 p 2:47 p 3:37 p

Forecasts and graphics provided by AccuWeather, Inc. ©2007

210 W. Market St. PO Box 750 Georgetown, DE 19947 302 302


C o u nt y S e at H w y., We st o f G e o rg eto w n A perfect home/farm property on 7.6 acres of well kept grounds. Features include a Perdue tier two farm w/66,600 capacity, working & well maintained components. 115 kw generator w/transfer switch and more. 4 BR 2 BA home. $825,000 #554960 Call office for additional home/farm features. Shown by appointment.

It may be cold outside, but our hearts are warmed by thoughts of good friends like you. Thanks!

To all of our customers and friends, we send our warmest wishes for a season filled with joy and love.

Merry Christmas!


Karen Hamilton Judy Rhodes

302-629-9423 Direct 302-542-5627 Cell 302-536-6260 Fax

302-629-8264 Direct 302-841-3725 Cell 302-536-6267 Fax

22128 Sussex Hwy, Seaford DE 19973 302-628-8500

We’ve made these dreams come true this year...

...let us make 2008 a great year for you!

Extravagant Modern Colonial Armiger Drive On 4+ gated waterfront deep river Location! Location! Location! access. Two level deck viewing, Hill-n-Dale - 3 bedroom, 2 1/2 custom drapes and hand painted murals grace the interior and an bath, downstairs master with impressive tile-trimed heated pool 2nd floor loft overlooking Great with guest house complements the Room with fireplace. Large rear outside. Home warranty included! deck, new carpet and freshly Home Inspection on file. painted! Mls#550411 Virtual Tour available. Mls#538227

Let Santa put this one under your tree it’s perfect for you....ranch style home w/new carpeting and lg rms throughout. Eat-in kit., lg. wkshp. w/elec, carport and is nicely landscaped. Conveniently located and waiting to be yours. Mls#553319 $178,500

Christmas Joy will aboundwhen you see this contemporary 2006 home w/3 BR, 2 are Masters. Columns in DR, open great rm and addit’l breakfast rm just off lg. kit. Hwd floor entry. 2 car garage. Nice new development. Mls#554526 $278,500

Wishing you and yours a very Merry Christmas and a wonderfully blessed New Year!

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