May 15, 2008

Page 1

VOL. 12 NO. 42

THURSDAY, MAY 15, 2008

50 cents

NEWS HEADLINES RECOVERING FROM WEEKEND FLOODS Residents of coastal Sussex deal with power outages, washed out roads. Page 3 SUPERINTENDENT SEARCH - Six are vying to be head of the Laurel School District. Page 5. RELAY FOR LIFE - Hundreds brave cold and wet to raise money for American Cancer Association. Page 10 VALUABLE LESSON - Students remind their peers not to drink and drive. Page 12 GOOD DRIVERS - LHS team places second in state driving competition. Page 13 FISHING TOURNEY - June event will raise money for Lions Club, remind people to get outside. Page 14 NARROW LOSS - The Delmar varsity boys’ lacrosse team falls short of a comeback win last week in Delmar. Page 41 COLLEGE SIGNING - Laurel resident Kory Belle signs a letter of intent to attend Hagerstown Community College, where he’ll play basketball. Page 42 STARS OF THE WEEK- A Sussex Tech runner and a Delmar girls’ soccer player are this week’s Laurel Stars of the Week. Page 43



17 24 31 38 28 55 54 29 22 51 16 53 7 26


37 21 40 30 37 52 53 41 7 25 44 54 8

END BY FIRE - The old soybean storage plant on 10th Street in Laurel, right, met its end by fire last Thursday, when the Laurel Fire Department, assisted by the Sharptown (Md.) and Delmar departments, burned it down. Michael Jahnigan, who is building a plant next door to the soybean facility site that will manufacture joints for steel pilings, plans to use the site for a pile driving equipment sales and service center. Photos by Wayne Barrall.

Hooded merganser wins man best in show in world carving competition By Lynn R. Parks Dwinton Morgan is still on cloud nine. Going up against people from all over the world, he walked away with the Best in Show award in the novice competition at this year’s Ward World Championship. “You can’t get more real than that,” said Morgan, a native of Laurel who lives in Georgetown and whose nick-

name is “Frog.” “That’s the worlds.” The championship was held the last week of April in Ocean City, Md. Helen Rogan, director of special events for the Ward Museum, Salisbury, Md., which sponsors the 38-year-old competition, said that 265 people were in the novice group, from throughout the United States and from several foreign nations. Named second best in show was a carving by Yasyuki Nemoto,

Yokoham City, Japan. Judging was done by master carvers. “That’s a wonderful thing Mr. Morgan did,” Rogan said. “It really is an accomplishment to get best in show.” The life-size carving that won Morgan his blue ribbon is of a hooded merganser drake, or male duck. The Continued on page four

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MORNING STAR • MAY 15 - 21, 2008


Residents recovering from nor’easter face challenges A late-season nor’easter hit Delmarva Monday with winds and rain, causing coastal flooding in Sussex County. The storm toppled trees and eroded beaches. Some moderate tidal flooding was reported in the Slaughter Beach and Long Neck communities, which are prone to flooding. Del. 1 in the vicinity of the Indian River Inlet Bridge was closed for a while Monday due to flooding of both the northbound and southbound lanes. Thousands of power interruptions occurred throughout Sussex. Crews for the Delaware Electric Cooperative and Delmarva Power worked to restore the power. The Delaware Army National Guard helped with civilian emergency relief in Kent County. Sgt. 1st Class Larry Lang, 261st Signal Battalion, drove one of the vehicles that reported to Woodland Beach. He described flooded and impassable roads. “Patches of blacktop were lifted up and floated away. The road literally washed away.” He said the team went door to door at homes in the area to see if anyone needed assistance. “We could see the high water mark on the walls in some homes. It was a foot off the floor.” They evacuated two teenagers from Woodland Beach and led a convoy of civilian vehicles out of the area. Delawareans whose homes and businesses have sustained damage from the latest storm should contact their insurance company as soon as possible and keep good records, Insurance Commissioner Matt Denn said. He also urged them to call the Depart-

ment of Insurance with questions about making claims or if they have problems getting those claims paid in the weeks ahead. The number is 1-800-282-8611, Denn offered the following tips for dealing with storm damage: Call your insurance company or agent with your policy number and other relevant information as soon as possible. Ask what documents, forms, and data you'll need to file a claim. Keep a diary of all conversations with insurance companies, creditors, or relief agencies. Take photographs or video of the damage. Make the repairs necessary to prevent further damage to your property (cover broken windows, leaking roofs and damaged walls). Don’t have permanent repairs made until your insurance company has inspected the property and you have reached an agreement on the cost of repairs. Save all receipts, including those from the temporary repairs covered by your insurance policy. If your home is damaged to the extent that you can’t live there, ask your insurance company if you have coverage for additional living expenses. Flooding can introduce impurities to both public and private drinking water sources. Property owners whose homes, rental units and businesses are supplied water from an individual private well should be aware of potential health hazards should their wells become submerged. Test kits are available at the Georgetown State Service Center for $4 a kit. Call 856-5496 with questions.


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Auction to feature sports memorabilia Items for the auction at the gala to benefit the Western Sussex Boys and Girls Club of Laurel will include sports memorabilia, said gala chairman Richard Small. The benefit, sponsored by Johnny Janosik Charity Events, will be Saturday, May 31, 6 p.m. at the Laurel Fire Hall. Auction items include: Tiger Woods autographed action picture, Joe Frazier autographed boxing glove, John Unitas and Dick Butkus autographed photo, John Unitas autographed mini helmet, Baltimore Colts helmet autographed by Raymond Berry, Dan Marino autographed

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item and NASCAR pictures of Jeff Gordon, Tony Stewart and Dale Earnhardt Jr. There will also be a Ray Lewis Baltimore Ravens autographed mini helmet and a Gino Marchetti Baltimore Colts autographed mini helmet, as well as items from the New York Yankees, Philadelphia Phillies and Washington Redskins. Johnny Janosik furniture stores will donate furniture and decorative pieces for the auction. Comedian/impersonator Joe Conklin will provide after dinner entertainment. Tickets are $75 each and may be purchased by calling Small at 302-875-3333.


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MORNING STAR • MAY 15 - 21, 2008

Carver hopes that this award is only the first of many Continued from page one

duck, which Morgan painted to look just like the model he was using, has a long pointed beak and eyes that seem to follow a person no matter where in the room the person goes. As required by the division in which it was entered, the carving floats in just the way a live duck would float. Morgan, 53, grew up in Laurel and graduated from Massanutten Military Academy, Woodstock, Va., in 1973. He worked for Newton’s, Bridgeville, for a short time, then went to work for construction firm W. B. Venables, Laurel. He now works for George W. Plummer and Son Inc., Lewes, as a welder. Morgan said that until about a dozen years ago, he did not do much that was

For your information: Award-winning bird carver Dwinton Morgan is happy to sell his creations. He can be contacted by calling 344-2513. very relaxing. “Sometimes, I’ll come out in the workshop at 10 or 10:30 in the morning, and the next thing I know it’s 8 at night,” he said. “I haven’t even broken for lunch.” Despite the joy he takes in creating them, he would like to begin selling his works. “I’ll be happy to sell my carvings,” he said. “I’d love to be able to think that people would want them.” Morgan intends to continue his study of bird carving. Next on his list is a red-tailed hawk — he already has a large rectangular

Dwinton Morgan, formerly of Laurel and now of Georgetown, stands in front of a collection of second-place and first-place ribbons he has won for his bird carvings. Most recently, he claimed the Best in Show ribbon in the novice competition at this year’s Ward World Championship. His winning carving was of a hooded merganser drake. Photos by Lynn R. Parks

block of tupelo wood from which the bird will be carved, as well as a pair of hawk eyes and a pair of taloned feet. He also intends to compete again in the Ward World Championship. Because he has won a best in show award in the

novice class, next year he will have to move up to the intermediate class. The hooded merganser drake is the best carving he has ever done, he said. “But I’m still working on improving,” he added. “I’m still getting better.”

Broad Creek Above, Dwinton Morgan works on a miniature carving of a mallard duck. Below is the carving, of a hooded merganser drake, that won him the Best in Show ribbon in the novice competition at this year’s Ward World Championship, held in April in Ocean City, Md.

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artistic. Then, he saw a collection of bird carvings “and I thought, ‘Wow! That’s what I want to do,” he said. Morgan has taught himself how to carve birds, from books and from talking with other carvers. He thought about taking a carving class, but found that they

‘That’s a wonderful thing Mr. Morgan did.It really is an accomplishment to get best in show.’ Helen Rogan Ward Museum

were too expensive. For his prize-winning hooded merganser drake, he figured out how to better position the eyes, for that always-watching-you look, he said. He also did a better job of painting in the feathers, he added, and managed to get the real look of a hindquarters muscle. “They say that this is an art,” said Morgan, standing in his cluttered workshop behind his house. “It’s true; you have to have a little bit of art in you to do this. But there’s a lot of learning to it too.” Morgan said that he finds carving to be

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Laurel Star Published by Morning Star Publications Inc. 628 West Stein Highway, Seaford, DE 19973 (302) 629-9788 • Fax (302) 629-9243

The Laurel Star (USPS #016-427) is published weekly by Morning Star Publications Inc., 628 West Stein Highway, Seaford, DE 19973. Periodicals postage paid at Seaford, DE. Subscriptions are $19 a year in county; $24 a year in Kent and New Castle Counties, Delaware, Delmar, Sharptown and Federalsburg, Maryland; $29 elsewhere. Postmaster: Send address changes to Laurel Star, P.O. Box 1000, Seaford, DE 19973-1000.

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MORNING STAR • MAY 15 - 21, 2008


Field of 10 applicants for district head narrowed to six By Mike McClure The public was updated on the status of the Laurel School District’s search for a new superintendent during Monday’s Laurel School Board. The board also discussed a proposal to sell signs to be displayed at the high school athletic facilities. Sue Francis, executive director of the Delaware School Board Association, updated the public on the superintendent search. The position was posted April 24 with 29 people requesting applications. The district received 10 completed applications. Francis also reported that training for members of the community board formed to help with the superintendent search is almost complete. Anyone involved with the interview and application review process

must be trained on what they can and can’t ask and on how to ask questions of multiple applicants. Last week, staff members of the community board and of the school board committee narrowed the field to six candidates, with interviews scheduled for June 3 and June 5. Each candidate will interview with each of the committees. The list will be narrowed down to finalists, who will be interviewed by the school board. During the public participation portion of the meeting, Laurel School District teacher Beth Elzey voiced concern over the elimination of the HOSTS program, which involves community members coming into participating schools to work with students on their reading. Acting superintendent Linda Schenck

said the district started looking at the $18,000 program in January. The elimination of the program came in light of the call for a three-percent cut in district budgets throughout the state. Schenck said the 30 community members involved with the program at Dunbar Elementary can still volunteer their time at the school. She also thanked legislators for their efforts to reduce the cuts, which were originally at 10 percent. “I commend them for what they have done to lessen the blow,” said Schenck. “We’re not going to come through this without some bumps and bruises.” The board tabled its vote on a proposed fundraiser to benefit the Laurel High ath-

letic department. The department requested permission to sell vinyl signs to local companies to be displayed on the football, field hockey, softball, and baseball fields and in the gym. David Brown, a parent and local business owner, said the proposal is designed to help the sports programs, which may be affected by the district’s current financial situation. Brown said he does not want to see varsity football games moved to Saturday afternoons. “If I have my way we’re going to find a way to play football on Friday nights,” Brown said. “We have to find a way to keep sports going or our kids will go elsewhere.”

Banks to speak at Memorial Day ceremony Master Sgt. Gary Banks will be the featured speaker at the American Legion Post 19 Memorial Day service at 11 a.m. Banks is the son of the late Richard ”Dick” Banks and Dorothy Banks of Laurel. He is a 1970 graduate of Laurel High School, where he continued the family tradition of playing in sports. Banks is a 30-year member of the Delaware National Guard, working at Laurel, Georgetown, Wilmington and other Delaware locations. He has served 20 years full-time and spent 13 months in Kuwait with the 945th Delaware National Guard. The unit was affectionately known as the “Junkyard Dogs.”

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MORNING STAR • MAY 15 - 21, 2008

Business DPI scholarship available The Delmarva Flock Supervisors’ Association Scholarship Committee is accepting applications for its 2008 scholarship. At least one scholarship from $1,500 to $4,000 will be awarded. Applicants must be enrolled in good standing at an accredited two-year or fouryear institution in the United States and have an academic major or an interest in poultry. Preference will be given to applicants whose parents or family businesses are members of Delmarva Poultry Industry Inc. (DPI) and to individuals planning a career in Delmarva’s poultry industry. Applications are due by June 30. Applications and more information are available from the DPI office, 856-9037, or at

Nitrogen tests available The Sussex Conservation District is offering its Pre-sidedress Nitrogen Testing (PSNT) Program for manured soils to corn growers in Sussex County. Soil samples for testing must be taken when the corn is between six and 12 inches in height, and before any additional nitrogen is applied. District planners will take up to five samples. Any additional samples may be taken by the landowner, and will be processed at no additional charge. Samples must be put in a cooler with a cold pack to ensure accurate results immediately. Test results are normally available within 24 hours. Call 856-3990, ext. 3, and tell them you are interested in a PSNT test.

Applebee's raises money for Alex’s From now until June 10, The Rose Group and Apple American Group, local franchisees of Applebee's Neighborhood Grill & Bar restaurants, will be working

towards their goal of reaching $1 million by holding Alex's Lemonade Stand promotions. Customers are invited to purchase $5 paper lemons to support the cause. For each $5 donation, guests will receive a $5 coupon for their next Carside or To Go order. Guests will also be automatically entered into a drawing to win a Volvo C3. Enjoying a cool glass of lemonade equals an instant donation of 25 cents to Alex's. In addition, all Applebee's restaurant locations throughout the area will hold events over the six-week campaign ranging from coloring contests and bake sales to fairs and car washes. The Rose Group and Apple American have supported four-year-old Alex Scott's dream to find a cure for pediatric cancer since 2005. To date, they have raised over three-quarters of a million dollars in her name. For more information, visit

Styles By Us celebrates anniversary On May 22, 2007, Dave and Rose Fluharty purchased “Styles By Us.” The talented employees and loyal clients have made it successful. Rose and Darlene Gray, who is the manager, have worked side-by-side for 40plus years. Brittany Roberts, Carrie Steelman, Robin Jones and Amber Workman make up the rest of the team. Between all the employees there is a total of 100-plus years of experience in color, perms, haircuts and fancy hairstyles for that special occasion. Come in to the warm and friendly surroundings for a relaxing day at the salon. Call for an appointment, or just walk in. You will be welcome. Beginning May 19, there will be a weeklong celebration to say thanks to the employees, family and friends for all their support.

Senate passes minimum wage hike A plan to help the state’s estimated 6,700 workers earning the minimum wage cleared the Senate recently with a 15 to 6 vote. Sen. Robert I. Marshall, D-Wilmington West, said he was pleased by the vote and the solidarity that the Senate is showing workers. “The members of the Senate recognize that the cost of living – bread, milk and fuel at the gas pump – impacts across the board,” he said. “It’s important that we provide an incentive to all workers.” Under Marshall’s proposal, the minimum wage will be increased in two phases. Next March, the hourly rate will go from its current $7.15 to $7.75 and, in March 2010, it will increase again to $8.25. Marshall said he wants to increase the rate in March to give employers in resort areas time to make staffing plans. The move maintains Delaware’s recent

tradition of maintaining a higher rate than the one set by the federal government. Under a law passed last year by Congress, the federal rate goes from its current $5.85 to $6.55 this July and will increase again to $7.25 in July 2009. According to information from the U.S. Labor Department, Delaware is one of 27 states whose current minimum wage is higher than the federal rate. Washington, D.C. and the U.S. Virgin Islands also have higher minimum wage rates. Marshall has led the past two fights to increase minimum wages in the First State. While the move always faces a challenge in the Republican-controlled House, state AFL-CIO President Sam Lathem predicts that it will prevail there, too. “It’ll probably be a tougher fight over in the House, naturally, but I think we’ll get it done,” he said.

Nominations being sought for Arts & Humanities award Delaware Technical & Community College, Owens Campus, is seeking nominations for its 2008 Arts & Humanities Award. The award recipient will be announced on Friday, June 13 with presentation of the award in November at a special event showcasing the recipient’s talent. This award is presented annually to honor an individual, business or organization for outstanding accomplishments in artistic or humanitarian endeavors that have positively impacted our greater community. Nominations are open to the public. Recipients are selected by members of the Owens Campus Development Council. The criteria for nomination are: the nominee’s artistic or humanitarian contributions must impact the college’s geographic area of influence. The contributions may be in either a personal or professional capacity. The nominee must be active in the nominated

capacity for at least three years and may not be engaged in an active political campaign for elected office. Preference may be given to the timeliness of achievements (current achievements preferred); and the award may be granted posthumously but not in absentia. Nominations may be obtained by contacting Alison Buckley at 302-855-1607. Forms must be completed and submitted by Friday, May 30 via several options: mail — Arts & Humanities Award, c/o Alison Buckley, Delaware Tech Owens Campus, P.O. Box 660, Georgetown, DE 19947; fax — 302-855-5982; e-mail; or in person to the Delaware Tech office in the Carter Partnership Center. Previous awards winners are Howard Schroeder, Jack Lewis, Howard Pyle, WSCL Public Radio, Gonzalo Martinez, Esq., Rehoboth Art League, Possum Point Players, Delaware Music School, Laura Hickman, Rehoboth Beach Film Society and Joseph McCarron.

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MAY 15 - 21, 2008

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Diamond State Drive-In Theater US Harrington, Del. 302-284-8307 SCHEDULE SHOWN IS FOR FRIDAY 5/16 & SATURDAY 5/17 Friday: Chronicles of Narnia: Prince Caspian . . . . . . . . . . .PG . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8:15 Friday: Speed Racer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .PG . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11:00 Saturday: Chronicles of Narnia: Prince Caspian . . . . . . . . .PG . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8:15 Saturday: Iron Man . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .PG13 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11:00 The Movies At Midway Rt. 1, Midway Shopping Ctr., Rehoboth Beach, 645-0200 SCHEDULE SHOWN IS FOR FRIDAY 5/16 THRU THURSDAY, 5/22 Prom Night . . . . . . . . . . . . . .PG13 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Fri-Sat & Sun 9:35 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Mon, Tues & Wed. 2:10, 4:20, 7:20, 9:35 What Happens In Vegas . . . .PG13 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1:50, 4:30, 7:15, 9:35 Baby Mama . . . . . . . . . . . . . .PG13 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1:05, 4:00, 6:50, 9:00 The Chronicles of Narnia: Prince Caspian . . . . . . . . . . .PG . . . . . . . . . . .12:50, 2:15, 3:45, 6:05, 6:35, 9:00, 9:30 Iron Man . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .PG13 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1:00, 3:45, 6:40, 7:30, 9:15 Nim’s Island . . . . . . . . . . . . . .PG . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1:40, 3:50 88 Minutes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .R . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .2:00, 4:45, 7:25, 9:40 Forgetting Sarah Marshall . . .R . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1:35, 4:40, 7:10, 9:30 Made of Honor . . . . . . . . . . .PG13 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1:45, 4:20, 7:00, 9:10 Speed Racer . . . . . . . . . . . . .PG . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1:00, 3:40, 6:30, 9:15 Harold & Kumar Escape from Guantanamo Bay . . . . .R . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .2:05, 4:35, 7:20, 9:40 Under The Same Moon . . . . .PG13 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1:25, 3:50, 6:30, 8:50 Regal Salisbury Stadium 16 2322 N. Salisbury Blvd., Salisbury, MD, 410-860-1370 SCHEDULE SHOWN IS FOR FRIDAY 5/16 THRU THURSDAY, 5/22 Chronicles of Narnia: Prince Caspian* . . . . . . . . . .PG . . Fri-Sun (9:15, 9:45, 10:15, 12:00, 12:30, 1:00, 1:30, 3:15, 3:45, . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .4:15, 4:45) 6:30, 7:00, 7:30, 8:00, 9:45, 10:15, 10:45 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Mon-Wed (12:00, 12:30, 1:00, 1:30, 3:15, 3:45, 4:15, 4:45) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .6:30, 7:00, 7:30, 8:00, 9:45, 10:15, 10:45 Iron Man . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .PG13 . . . .Fri-Sun (9:30, 10:00, 10:30, 12:15, 12:45, 1:15, 2:00, 3:30, . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .4:00, 4:30, 5:00) 6:45, 7:15, 7:45, 8:15, 10:00, 10:30 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Mon-Wed (12:15, 12:45, 1;15, 3:30, 4:00, 4:30, 5:00) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .6:45, 7:15, 7:45, 10:00 Speed Racer* . . . . . . . . . . . .PG . . . .Fri-Sun (9:45, 12:00, 1:00, 3:15, 4:00) 6:15, 7:15, 9:15, 10:15 What Happens In Vegas . . .PG13 . . . . .Fri-Sun (10:00, 12:30, 3:45, 4:45) 6:45, 7:45, 9:30, 10:30) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Mon-Wed (12:30, 1:45, 3:45, 4:45) 6:45, 7:45, 9:30, 10:30 Red Belt . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .R . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Fri-Sun (10:45) Mon-Wed (1:30) Made of Honor . . . . . . . . . . .PG13 . . . . . . . .Fri (9:30, 3:30) 6:30, 9:45 Sat (9:30, 12:45) 6:30, 9:45 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Sun (9:30, 3:30) 6:30 Mon (3:30) 9:45 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Tue-Wed (12:45, 3:30) 6:30, 9:45 Baby Mama . . . . . . . . . . . . .PG13 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Fri-Sun (10:45, 1:15, 4:05) 7:00, 9:30 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Mon-Wed (1:15, 4:05) 7:00, 9:30 Forgetting Sarah Marshall . .R . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Fri-Sun (10:30, 1:05, 4:15) 7:30, 10:45 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Mon-Wed (1:05, 4:15) 7:30, 10:45 Prom Night . . . . . . . . . . . . . .PG13 . . . . . .Fri-Sun (1:30, 4:30) 7:05, 10:00 Mon (4:30) 7:05, 10:00 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Tue-Wed (4:30) Speed Racer . . . . . . . . . . . .PG . . . . . .Mon-Wed (12:00, 1:00, 3:15, 4:00) 6:15, 7:15, 9:15, 10:15 Death Note . . . . . . . . . . . . . .NR . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Tue-Wed 7:30 () Discounted showtimes in parenthesis * Pass/Discount Restrictions Apply ADVANCE TICKETS ON SALE NOW Indiana Jones: The Kingdom of The Crystal* . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .PG13 Sex and The City* . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .R Kung Fu Panda* . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .PG


TIDE CHART SHARPTOWN 05/16 H-3:37A L-10:03A H-3:58P 05/17 H-4:19A L-10:49A H-4:41P 05/18 H-4:57A L-11:29A H-5:20P

L-9:55P L-10:34P L-11:11P

05/19 05/20 05/21 05/22


H-5:34A H-6:09A L-12:25A L-1:03A

L-12:07P L-12:42A H-6:45A H-7:22A

H-5:57P H-6:33P L-1:17P L-1:52P

H-7:09P H-7:46P


MORNING STAR • MAY 15 - 21, 2008

He witnessed kamikaze attack and lived to tell about it By James Diehl There aren’t many people living today who can say they witnessed a successful Japanese kamikaze attack first-hand and lived to tell about it. But Laurel resident John Shenk is one of them. A machinist’s mate aboard the U.S.S. Dickerson, Shenk was on the rear of his ship, standing on deck after just emerging from the engine room on April 2, 1945. It was towards the end of the war and Japanese kamikazes – or suicide bombers – were beginning to take a toll on Allied ships in the Pacific Ocean. The Dickerson – named for former Secretary of the Navy Mahlon Dickerson – was southwest of Okinawa that night when it became one of the more than 400 U.S. Navy ships either damaged or sunk by kamikazes during the tail end of World War II “I was topside and, all of a sudden, here comes this twin engine plane flying right at us,” Shenk remembers. “We shot it, but it didn’t stop him. I’m on deck saying ‘goodbye world,’ but he went right over my head and missed me by about eight feet. He hit the bridge, which caused the front of the ship to catch fire. We finally had to abandon ship.” According to military records, the kamikaze attack slashed off the tops of the Dickerson’s two stacks before smashing into the base of its bridge, toppling its mast and starting intense gasoline fires. Almost immediately after the kamikaze hit the ship, another Japanese plane struck with a well-placed bomb that tore a hole in the ship’s deck. In all, 54 men were lost – more than a third of the crew – when the Dickerson was attacked. “We spent about a half-hour in the water before we were picked up by another ship,” Shenk says. “I looked back at our ship and it looked like a toy that someone had stepped on.” The smoldering remains of the U.S.S. Dickerson were towed to a captured Japanese base, where salvageable material and dead bodies were removed. It was then towed out to sea and sunk on April 4, 1945. With it, Shenk returned home for 30 days of survivor’s leave – he would never return to the Pacific Theater of Operations. Enlisting in the United States Navy at

the age of 17, Shenk became a member of the so-called “kiddy crews,” servicemen under the age of 18. A native of Hershey, Pa., he originally planned on enlisting in the Marines Corps, but instead wound up in the Navy. “Back then, every 16 and 17-year-old wanted to enlist and we all wanted to fight,” Shenk says. “We thought we knew all the answers. But, my first day of boot camp I started thinking I might have made a mistake.” But basic training went on, as did later training as a diesel mechanic. In late spring of 1943, Shenk was assigned to DD157, an old four-stack destroyer being converted to a high speed transport. Later renamed the U.S.S. Dickerson, the ship had been originally launched in 1919. Twenty-four years later, its first trip after being converted was a memorable, and nearly fatal, one. “We gave the ship a major overhaul and took it out on a shakedown tour. Nothing special, we were just going out to sea for a couple of days,” Shenk says. “Well, we hit a storm and it got pretty bad. Everybody on board was sick. “It was so bad, they had to stretch a line along the side of the ship for us to hang on to so we wouldn’t go over the side. It was scary, but not the scariest thing we encountered.” Maybe not, but certainly a rougher maiden voyage than anyone on board had planned for. After arriving back at port, the men of the Dickerson deployed for the Pacific, passing through one of the marvels of the modern world along the way. “Going through the Panama Canal was uneventful, but it was very interesting seeing something I had read about as a schoolboy,” Shenk says. “I feel privileged now to have been able to go through it.” After stops in Hawaii and New Caledonia, it was off to Green Island and the first mission for the U.S.S. Dickerson in the Pacific Theater of Operations. The ship transported a reconnaissance group of New Zealanders to the island where they were to go in overnight and survey the island, looking for Japanese soldiers lying in wait. The New Zealanders landed on the island on Jan. 30, 1944. Two weeks later, the Dickerson transported troops to the is-


John Shenk served aboard the U.S.S. Dickerson as a machinist’s mate in the United States Navy during World War II. He and his wife, Doris, moved to the Laurel area in 1992.

land to capture and occupy it. One of Shenk’s fellow machinist’s mates from the Dickerson paid the ultimate price during the mission. “Machinist’s mates had general quarters in the engine room, but some were also assigned to landing crafts,” Shenk says. “We lost one of the machinist’s mates at Green Island.” Shenk had several responsibilities on

board the Dickerson, including maintaining brand new evaporators that were put in place before the ship left the United States. “These evaporators would boil sea water into steam, then condense the steam back into water to drink,” Shenk explains. “But we were at sea sometimes for months and months and scales building up in the condensers would cause them to become less and less efficient.” 210 W. Market St. PO Box 750 Georgetown, DE 19947


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MORNING STAR • MAY 15 - 21, 2008 When that happened, it meant regulating the water supply. On a ship at sea, that meant some things fell to the bottom of the priority list. “Sometimes, the troops wouldn’t be allowed to take showers for up to a month because we had to conserve water,” Shenk remembers. “But for us, down in the engine room, we sweat so bad that we were allowed to take showers.” So the engineers took showers and sometimes ate a little ice cream, though that was a closely guarded secret amongst a small, and crafty, group of sailors. “The officers on the ship had an ice cream machine. They also would often have us load food items onto the ship, and that peeved us off in the engineering department,” Shenk says. “So we carried the items back but, on the way, we would pass the engine room hatch and just drop packages of ice cream powder down the hatch. We had access to cold water and would make milkshakes out of it.” It was a tasty treat in the middle of a war zone – but it wasn’t very humorous to those on board who didn’t get their nightly dish of ice cream. “It got to the point where the captain issued a proclamation where anyone caught stealing their ice cream would be court martialed,” Shenk says with a chuckle. “No one ever got caught because we were all very careful. But I’m sure he would have carried through with it if he had caught anybody.” One of the more memorable missions for the Dickerson happened in April of 1944, when they embarked an underwater demolition team (UDT), carrying

them into action at Saipan and Guam. In Guam, there were no decent beaches to land on, so the UDTs got to work. “The Japanese had erected these big, steel spikes in the water so landing craft couldn’t get in,” Shenk says. “The UDTs, which were really the original Navy SEALS, would go in under smoke screens and blow out the obstacles. I always said you had to be a little crazy to do that job.” Several men were lost during the operation, men that didn’t return to the ship. But another man did return, though he was soon returned via a burial at sea. “We had a ceremony for him on the ship and the crew got up and stood by the coffin while the chaplain spoke,” Shenk says. “Then they hit a button and he dropped below the surface.” It was about that time in the war when a previous problem represented itself for Shenk – a painful problem that required immediate attention. “When I was in boot camp, I was given shoes that were too small and I developed ingrown toenails. They took the nails out, but they grew in even worse,” he says. “I had to get off the ship in New Guinea for surgery. Afterwards, I had to try and catch up to my ship.” It wasn’t that easy. Shenk had to catch several flights in many different countries before finally catching up with his ship in Leyte, in the Philippine Islands. Along the way, he had a chance to catch up with his brother, Cassel, who was stationed on the island of Tinian. “I got to stay with him for about a week before finally

Emergency road closure The Department of Transportation alerts motorists of the emergency road closure of Woodbridge Road between Scotts Store Road and Adams Road near Greenwood for the removal and replacement of a crossroad pipe. The closure will begin at 7 a.m. on Thursday, May 15. The road will re-open at 6 p.m. on Monday, May 19, weather permitting. Local access will be maintained for residents and

emergency vehicles. Detour routes have been posted and are as follows: Northbound traffic: Woodbridge Road to Adams Road onto Mile Stretch Road to Scotts Store Road and back to Woodbridge Road. Southbound: Woodbridge Road to Scotts Store Road onto Mile Stretch Road to Adams Road and back to Woodbridge Road.

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stopped to pick them up and that probably saved his life.” After it was safe, several men from the U.S.S. Dickerson returned to their ship to recover belongings and survey the damage. Shenk was one of those men. “I walked to where the bridge was and there were just bodies everywhere that had been burned up. It was definitely not a pleasant sight,” he recalls. During his time in the Navy, Shenk received five medals, including the Victory Medal, the Liberation of the Philippines

Medal and the Asiatic Pacific Campaign Medal. He moved to the Laurel area in 1992 with his wife, Doris, six years after retiring from a career as an electrical engineer and regional sales manager for CBS Electronics. Next week’s feature will profile an Army man, from Seaford, who commanded a field artillery unit during the war. Stationed in the Philippines, his unit helped liberate that country from Imperial Japan.

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catching up with my ship,” he says. After a brief break in the Solomon Islands – where men on liberty were given the choice of three cans of soda or three cans of beer – it was off to Okinawa and his near brush with death. But his brush wasn’t nearly as close as one of his colleagues. “I had a good friend from Chicago and he came up topside to see what was going on,” Shenk remembers. “He went running towards the front of the ship but dropped his keys on the way. He



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MORNING STAR • MAY 15 - 21, 2008

Relay for Life attracts good crowd despite cold and rain Hundreds of supporters braved the cold and the rain to participate in the annual Relay for Life of Western Sussex, May 9 and 10, at the Woodbridge Sports Complex. Organizers were hoping to raise $160,000 for the American Cancer Society, according to spokeswoman Laura Martin. According to the Relay website, more than $138,000 had already been raised two days prior to the weekend event. A touching speech was given by Brittany Cooper, a senior this year at Sussex Tech, who lost her father to cancer. “When I was first entering my freshman year at Sussex Tech, the biggest dilemma at that time was deciding what color homecoming dress to wear. Little did I know that my life was soon going to divert to a course only before witnessed in my nightmares,” she began. She later found out that her father, Barry W. Cooper, a Woodbridge middle school principal, suffered a seizure as a result of a cancerous brain tumor. “One day I came home from school to find my aunt’s car in the driveway. She met me at the door and told me that my father had suffered what doctor’s believed to be a stroke. After a series of tests, the doctors concluded that my dad had cancer,” she said. “None of us knew what was

to come, but we urged forward with hope on our minds and prayer in our hearts.” “After a seemingly long and very physically and emotionally trying battle, my dad left his struggles behind. The three years since this date has been a completely different situation and struggle in its own way,” she admitted. “It’s like trying to make the puzzle of my life fit together with one missing piece. The picture will never be perfect and will always have gaps.” The first year after his passing, many of the Woodbridge employees and Brittany’s family participated in the Relay for Life as “Barry’s Bunch.” The western Sussex Relay for Life will be one of nearly 5,000 in the United States to be held in 2008. Last year, the American Cancer Society raised $405 million through the relays. Proceeds go for research, education, advocacy and services to cancer patients and their families. Locally, 523 participants and 47 teams were signed up for the relay. The main sponsors were H&M Bay Inc. and the Trinity Foundation. Karen Buck of Seaford headed up this year’s relay. At right are some of the walkers in the “Survivors March” that led off the relay Friday night. Spirits were high despite temperatures in the low 50s.

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Make Plans To Tour These Area Homes

SUNDAY, MAY 18 2-4 PM th

104 E Chestnut Street, Delmar Nice home for investors or first time homebuyers! This 4 BR, 1 1/2 BA home is being sold as is. Directions: From Seaford, take RT 13 S into Delmar, turn W onto Foskey Rd., turn right onto Bi-State Blvd & left onto East Chestnut, look for sign. $139,000 Hostess: Donna Neithhardt MLS# 555927 HOME TEAM REALTY • 629-7711

214 N Porter Street, Seaford This 4 BR, 2 BA home is a must see! Family room, Mstr. BR & BA downstairs. BA has heated tile flooring & whirlpool tub, remodeled in 2006. Newly remodeled kitchen in 2007. Fenced in backyard with storage shed & alley access. Directions: From RT 13 in Seaford, head W on RT 20, go thru 4 traffic lights, over Stein Hwy. Bridge, turn left onto Porter St. (Subway on corner), go 4 blocks, house on right. $199,900 Hostess: Debbie Short MLS# 558588 HOME TEAM REALTY • 629-7711

221 N Porter Street, Seaford Completely remodeled home, new appliances, flooring, windows, plumbing & electrical. Home features 4 BRs & 2 BAs. Family room & laundry room on lower level. Large backyard. Directions: From RT 13 in Seaford, head W on RT 20, go thru 4 traffic lights, over Stein Hwy. Bridge, turn left onto Porter St. (Subway on corner), go 4 blocks, house on left. $189,900 Hostess: Ellen Scharf MLS# 559108 HOME TEAM REALTY • 629-7711

8009 Armiger Drive North, Seaford Ready to Move In! This home has it all – 3 BR, 2 BA & 2-car garage. Hardwood in the foyer & dining room, 3/4 acre +/-. Mstr. Suite & vaulted ceilings, make this your home today! Directions: From Seaford, RT 13 S, turn right on River Rd., continue 1.5 mi. turn left into Hill-N-Dale, take first left on Grace Circle and continue to back, look for signs. $214,900 Host: Adam Gaull MLS# 555183 HOME TEAM REALTY • 629-7711

6 Amanda Teal Drive, Bridgeville Beautiful home located on a pond & golf course at the end of a cul-de-sac. This 3 BR, 3 BA home offers a Mstr. Bed & bath on the 1st floor. 3 season rm., sunroom, bonus rm., BR & bath w/sitting room upstairs. Extended warranty! Directions: Heritage Shores Entrance is on the south bound land, just S of RT 404, turn into community, past clubhouse and sales office, left on Willis Island, left on Amanda Teal Dr., go to end, house is on the left. $378,000 Hostess: Carol Crouse MLS# 559644


SOLD 401 N Porter Street, Seaford

610 Hickory Lane, Seaford NEW PRICE! JUST ABOUT ALL NEW! You will love this 3 BR 1.5 BA home w/a custom Kit., including stainless appliances. Italian tile floors in the Kit. & BA. New plumbing, electric, ceiling fans & skylight plus oversize 2car det. garage make this a home to be proud of. $169,500 WOW! (MLS#555718) Directions: From RT 13 W on RT 20 (Stein Hwy.) left on Hickory Lane, just past Nylon Capitol Shop. Ctr. House on right. Hostess: Betty Pucci

Party at your poolside Tiki Bar! Beautiful 4 BR, 2.5 BA brick rancher w/full, finished basement, 3 living areas, sunroom, 2 hot tubs and in-ground pool. Many unique touches make this a very special place to call home. Come and see this one-of-a-kind home! $274,777 (MLS#550502) Directions: From RT 13 in Seaford, go W on RT 20 (Stein Hwy.) over the bridge to Left on Porter St. House on Left. Hostess: Connie Cooper

COOPER REALTY ASSOCIATES, INC. 302-629-6693/800-344-6693

COOPER REALTY ASSOCIATES, INC. 302-629-6693/800-344-6693

223 N Pine Street, Seaford Lovely & Spacious Colonial home offering elegant entry foyer, 9’ ceilings, 4 BR’s, 2.5 BAs, formal Living Rm. with fire place, formal Dining Rm., eat-in kitchen, study, sunroom plus full basement-great potential for professional office-offers add’l lot–convenient location. $349,000 Hostess’: Gerry Thomas & Eleanor Hickey ROBINSON REAL ESTATE • 629-4574


Magnificent custom home on over 2 acres of land, brand new. Offers superb Kit., huge FR, 4/5 BRs & more! Quiet subdivision just west of Seaford. $365,900 Directions: Stein Hwy. West (RT 20W) to right on Shufelt Rd., left into Crestfield, bear left to rear of development. Home on left.




White Owl Landing (6805 W Hooter Ct), Laurel Exceptional 4,000 sq. ft. Cape Cod on 1 acre lot offers huge 1st flr. Bonus rm., 3 BRs, 3.5 BAs, 3-car 139 N. Hall Street, Seaford garage, Mstr. Suite w/private den & BA & more! 110 Oak Lane Dr, Laurel Old-style Charm greets you when you enter this updated $477,000 (#557379) Directions: Phillips Landing 4 BR, 2 BA home w/central air, newer appliances, 3 BR, 1.5 BA Cape Cod in a quiet neighborhood. New garage, landscaped lot & many recent updates! $209,000 utility rm., basement, deck, fenced yard, home warranty Rd. 496, enter White Owl Landing, take 1st right, property on left. Hostess: Karen Hamilton (#549486) Hostess: Trina Ruark & more! $198,900 (#550782) Hostess: Judy Rhodes CALLAWAY, FARNELL & MOORE, INC. 629-4514 CALLAWAY, FARNELL & MOORE, INC. 629-4514 CALLAWAY, FARNELL & MOORE, INC. 629-4514

6987 Clark Rd, Seaford Custom built 4 BR, 3 BA home w/many upgrades. Open floor plan, custom tile work, vaulted ceilings, over 2100 sq. ft. of living area, corner 3/4 acre lot. $294,900 Directions: From Blades take River Rd. to intersection with Clark Rd. (across from entrance to Holly Shores).


3088 NEALS SCHOOL ROAD, SEAFORD PEACEFUL and serene describes this 3 BR, 2 BA home on a one acre landscaped lot w/a private spacious fenced-in back yard. Above ground pool w/deck and sun/Florida room. Home also includes FP, upgraded tilt-in windows & storage shed. Conveniently located just outside of town limits. $195,000 #552778 Directions: Take RT 20W, turn right on Neals School Rd. approx. 5 mi. on left. Host: Rodney Joyner

HOME TEAM REALTY • 629-7711 Bridgeville Chase (17669 Meadow Dr), Bridgeville Custom Built in 2006, this gorgeous home on 2.7 wooded acres offers 1st-floor Mstr. BR adjoining the sunroom, FR, 3 BRs, 3 BAs, double garage, & unfinished bonus rm. upstairs. $399,850 (#558704) Directions: From RT 13 go E on Redden Rd., 40 apx. 2.8 MI, turn left on Sunnyside Rd. 565, enter Bridgeville Chase, property on right. Hostess: Fran Ruark

6231 Nine Foot Rd. 34 B, Greenwood Affordable and desirable 3 BR, 2 BA “Class C” home on a country acre! Includes central air, appliances & stg. shed for only $162,900 (#555888) Directions: Take Market St. W thru Greenwood, turn right at light onto Hickman Rd. (RT 16 W), turn right on Nine Foot Rd. 34 B, 1st, home on left. Host: Charles Kelly

133 N Hall Street, Seaford Lovely 3 BR, 2.5 BA Colonial on a quiet street features 30’ x 20’ deck w/new hot tub, central air & FP, hardwood floors, formal DR, pt. finished basement, gazebo, 2-car garage & more! Just Reduced to $199,900 (#556063) Hostess: Mona Wright

Outstanding custom built brick home located on beautiful Chipman’s Pond - 3 BRs, 2 BAs, award winning yard w/rear decking, gazebo, in-ground pool, fish pond & a waterfall. Quality features galore inside this lovely home. $675,000 Directions: Enter Old Church Landing (off of Chipman’s Pond Rd.) & follow Cypress Lane down to the cul-de-sac.





30564 Cypress Lane, Old Church Landing, Laurel


MORNING STAR • MAY 15 - 21, 2008

Students remind other students not to drink and drive By Pat Murphy


Above, Kristen Phillips addresses her classmates. Below, director Alexis Musser and the Grim Reaper, Caleb Wilson, reenact a sad scene. Photos by Pat Murphy.

you said. I have the two greatest parents in the world.’” Laurel High School junior Alexis Driver education teacher Ken Koon Musser, with help from her fellow stupresented statistics about drinking and dents and school faculty, gave a safety driving, including the fact that alcohol inprogram on drinking and the prom for the volvement in fatal crashes is more than 400 or so students of Laurel High School. three times as high at night than during The moving play and message was prethe day, 61 percent to 18 percent. Koon sented in the gym on Thursday, April 24, used this statistic to relate to the prom, a just two days before the Laurel High nighttime event. School prom. “Choose to be part of the solution not Musser told the students that every 60 part of the problem,” Koon said. “Choose minutes, someone dies from an alcohol-re- to affect people positively, not negatively. lated car crash. Then, one student from Choose to live a fulfilled life, not a dumb every classroom at the high school preexistence. Choose not to drink and drive.” sented a drama in which they acted out a Students taking part in the assembly goodbye letter to all were Kristen Phillips, friends and family. Whaley, ‘If I had the chance to say Patience They said how they Katie Espenlaub, Caswould feel if they and goodbye, this is what I’d sandra Doblowsky, their families were Cory Johnson, Christsay to Mom — “I love you victims of a drunk ian Rife, Christian and now I know I’m not indriver. At the end of Auer, Britney Clark, the production, stuPatricia Wood and vincible just like you said.’ dents were covered Danielle Davidson. with sheets and met On Monday, after Patience Whaley the Grim Reaper on the prom, Laurel Student, Laurel High School the gym floor. “We High School principal want our message Dean Ivory said that about drinking and driving to get to every- the prom was a success and that there one so they too will not make the wrong were no prom-related accidents. decisions,” Musser said. Alexis Musser is a junior at Laurel Patience Whaley wrote in her message, High School. She has appeared in Laurel’s “Today, I was killed by a drunk driver and two very successful plays, “Grease” in if I had the chance to say goodbye, this is 2007 and “The Music Man” in 2008. what I’d say to Mom — “I love you and Musser has plans for a career in ministernow I know I’m not invincible just like ing and the performing arts.

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MORNING STAR • MAY 15 - 21, 2008


Town will sell items that it no longer needs By Tony E. Windsor Recently, Laurel town officials developed a way to dispose of land that has been deemed “surplus property,” bringing additional revenue into the operating budget. The town first notifies property owners whose property adjoins the surplus parcel and allows them a first opportunity to purchase the property. Then, the land is put up for public auction. Now, Laurel’s town manager, Bill Fasano, has developed a procedure for disposing of non-real surplus property, such as town vehicles, office furniture and computers. The new policy applies to all non-real

property valued at $500 or more, but is not necessary for the disposal of property being disposed of for scrap metal. During the Monday, May 5, meeting of the town council, Fasano presented the new policy for surplus non-real property. He said that the motivation behind developing the new policy comes from recent purchases of new town fleet vehicles and the prospects of disposing of the old vehicles in a fair manner. “This has been recommended by our solicitor as a way to be good stewards of taxpayers’ money,” he said. “We need to operate in the best interest of the community and develop transparency when dealing with the disposal of property. This will help allow the public to know when prop-

erty is being liquidated and how it is being done.” Fasano said having a policy will provide not only a fair way of disposing of property, but will also keep property from simply sitting idle. Once a piece of property has been deemed “surplus,” the head of the department that has the property will provide a value estimate and will establish a minimum selling price. The town manager will then provide adequate public notice about the property being available for sale and it will be listed for sale. All property will be sold “as is.” Anyone interested in purchasing the property must submit a bid on an official

written form that has been prepared by the town. Bidders have 21 days from the date the first notice appeared to submit their bids. Any bids not submitted in that time frame, or not submitted on the official bid submission form, will be disqualified. All bidders will be notified within 30 days of the close of bids regarding the disposition of the property. Bid winners will also be made aware of how to complete the purchasing process. Those who did not win the bid will be told the reasons why. The winner of the bid must get the property within 24 hours. The town will not assume any responsibility for getting the property to the bidder.

Amber Cooper, Lauren Hitch and Megan Colston, sophomores at Laurel High School, took second place in the 20th annual State Driver’s Education Competition on May 8. On right is their teacher, Ken Koon.

LHS team places second in driving contest

MISS AND LITTLE MISS LAUREL - The above picture ran in last week’s paper. Some of the names in the caption were incorrect. Below is the correct information: The new Miss Laurel and Little Miss Laurel are surrounded by their court. Front, from left: first runner-up Faith Brobst, Little Miss Laurel Victoria Henry and second runner-up Payton Lynch. Back: second runner-up Sierra Spicer, the new Miss Laurel Lauren Hitch and Miss Personality Ashley Zarillo. Not shown is first runner-up in the Miss Laurel contest, Kenzie Matthews.

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Amber Cooper, Lauren Hitch, and Megan Colston, sophomores at Laurel High School, took second place in the 20th annual State Driver’s Education Competition on May 8. The competition, sponsored by the Delaware Driver and Safety Education Council, was held at Dover International Speedway. More than 150 students from across Delaware participated in four events: a road test, a written test, a map test and a skills test. The skills test includ-

ed parallel parking, weaving through cones, parking inside a rectangle of cones and inching close to a cone without touching it, both forward and backward. “They did a great job on all their tests. Everyone should be proud of the way they represented the community and the school,” said Ken Koon, Laurel High School’s Driver’s Education teacher who taught and accompanied the Laurel competitors.


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MORNING STAR • MAY 15 - 21, 2008

Strawberry Festival is Saturday

Laurel Mayor John Shwed cuts the ribbon to officially announce the Laurel Lions Club first Fish’n For Sight Tournament on Saturday, June 7. Accompanying the mayor is McGruff, The Crime Dog from the Laurel Police Department (John Ryall) and Leo the Lion (Bob Martin).

“Laurel In Bloom” will again be the theme for the second annual Strawberry Festival in Laurel on Saturday, May 17. The festival will begin at 7:30 a.m. with scrapple sandwiches served at St. Philip’s Episcopal Church. Jeff Dolby, chief scrapple cooker, promises the scrapple will be cut to the perfect thickness and the outside will be crispy and cooked to perfection. At 8 a.m., strawberry sales will begin in the educational building of the red brick church located at Central Avenue and Sixth Street, Laurel. Barbara Wise and her committee, plus members of the church, will be on hand to assist the craft vendors. Sales tables will also be set up for plants, baked goods, raffle ticket for the Laurel Garden Club,

which is giving away a hand-quilted wall hanging and attic treasures. Strawberries with or without ice cream, with or without cake or made into shortcake will also be available. Lunch will be served in the parish house. “We are ready!” said an enthusiastic Wise. “We welcome one and all to join in this special day, designated by the mayor and town council as Laurel In Bloom.” Music will be provided by strolling musician Jon Bolin and a free kiddies show will feature the Lone Ranger and Tonto. Tickets for the Art and History Tour that is being held that day, sponsored by the Laurel Historical Society, will be available in the parish house. Cost is $10.

Tourney designed to get people outside and to promote fishing By Frank B. Calio While attending a recent meeting of the Laurel Lions Club, Lion Fred Disharoon was listening to a presentation by the Delaware Department of Fish and Wildlife encouraging the local club to partner with the state agency in promoting outdoor activities, including fishing. Disharoon thought that since his local Lions Club sponsors runs and walk-athons to raise funds to help the blind and visually impaired (a focus for Lions International since Helen Keller addressed the Lions International Convention in 1925 and charged the Lions to be Knights to the Blind), why not sponsor a Fishing for Sight Tournament and have people of all ages participate? Thus the first annual Laurel Lions Fish’n For Sight Tournament was born. The tournament will take place on Saturday, June 7, in the park across from Pizza King in Laurel, beginning at 9 a.m. with Disharoon serving as chairman. There is no set time for the end of the tournament. No fishing license is needed; this is a Delaware free fishing day for this event only. The tournament is open to three classes, ages 5 to 12, 13 to 20 and 21 and older. To qualify as a participant, fishing enthusiasts must pick up a pledge form at A

& K Enterprises by the bridge in Laurel and collect at least $25 or more in pledges. All participants are allowed to bring a guest who may also fish to win prizes. A free lunch will be served to all entrants. Prizes will be awarded for the heaviest fish caught in each of the three categories. The person with the heaviest catch will win a trophy, fishing rod, two passes to the Brandywine Zoo and a 2008 car pass to Delaware Parks, courtesy of the Division of Fish and Wildlife. Those in the 5 to 12 age group win who catch the heaviest fish will win: first place, trophy and fishing rod; second place, tackle box; third place, two all-day passes to Killen Pond Water Park. For ages 13 to 20: first place, trophy, fishing rod; second place, tackle box; third place, two all-day passes to Killen Pond Water Park. For ages 21 and older: first place, trophy, fishing rod; second place, tackle box; third place, two all-day passes to any Delaware Park. McGruff from the Laurel Police Department and Leo the Lion from the Laurel Lions Club will attend the event. There is no rain date. “Rain, you fish,” said Disharoon. For more information, call Disharoon at 410-896-3371.

FASHION AND COMEDY - Members of the Laurel Lioness Club recently entertained residents at the Seaford Center Genesis Health Care and then at the Delmar Nursing and Rehab Center with an comical spring fashion show. Fourteen club members created their own costumes and modeled them to a clever commentary. The residents were served ice cream, cookies and punch and encouraged to select a gift from a basket of items.

Johnny Janosik Charity Events Presents Second Annual Gala

” s d i K r o f g n i c a “R All proceeds will benefit the Laurel Ext. Boys & Girls Club! uring F e a t edian Com onkin Joe C

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IT TAKES A TEAM. WE TAKE THIS OPPORTUNITY TO THANK OURS! "No matter what role you play in the organization, physician or housekeeper, nurse or secretary, you are an important part of our organization and instrumental to our success in providing quality care to our community.� – Mark Rappaport, President & CEO Carolyn Abbott Nickoll Abbott Angela Absher Crystal Absher Cherie Adams Dorothy Adams Cynthia Adcock Marilyn Adkins Emerson Akins Dorothy Alfimow Jodi Allen Kimberly Allen Jami Allen Rebecca Allen Amberly Alley Kateri Amrhein Melissa Anderson Michelle Andre Myia Andrews Terry Angell Harry Anthony, M.D. Borislav Antonov Rachel Antonov Denise Argo Susan Arner Carmen Arroyo Marva Austin Tiffany Austin Mari Azores Michele Babinski Pheadra Bacon Pammy Baker Brenda Baker Joycelene Balchan Steven Baldwin Jean Baldwin Paula Banks Barbara Banks Melissa Banks-Sockriter Edwina Barnes Maushumi Barooah Keith Barrett Carolyn Bartocci Richard Barton Latassha Bartsch Takiesha Baynard Judith Bean Jennifer Beare Michele Becker Anetra Beckett Joyce Bedard Deborah Bell Melanie Bell Chris Bell Milinda Bellomy Tracy Bennett Heather Bennett Terry Benston Katie Berna Barbara Bernal Marie Bernard Linda Betts Brian Beyer Lindsey Biddle Sylvester Bivens Tanya Bolden Debra Bolen Mary Bowden George Bowers Bonnie Bowersox Lisa Bowne Gabriella Bradham Jacalyn Bradley Donna Bradley William Bradshaw Trudy Bramble Angela Brandenburg Linda Brannock Geraldine Breeding Jacqueline Breita Brenda Brenneman Melissa Brittingham Virginia Brooks Mary Brown Kris Brown Melissa Brown Charles Brown Thomas Brown Robert Brown Carol Brown Dorothy Brown Ladonya Brummell Christine Brunner Victoria Bryant Sharon Buchanan Wendy Buchanan Tanisha Buffalo Nichole Bunting Melissa Burak Joan Burditt Laura Burke Angel Burris Pamela Butler-Vanpelt Kelley Callahan James Callaway Brenda Cameron Carlene Campbell Leah Campbell Holly Camper Sherri Candeloro Dawn Cannon Wanda Cannon Barbara Cannon Sandra Cannon Corbert Cannon Angela Carmine

Kimberly Carney Melissa Carney Linda Carroll Quentara Carroll Angela Carter Candace Carter Mollianne Carter Annette Carver Rachael Cartwright Glenn Casey Connie Casta Alina Caudell Kimberly Caulder Patti Cecil Leanne Chaffinch Jessica Chaimowitz David Chandler Lisa Chandler Lilowtie Chandradat Effie Charnick Jacqueline Chase Robin Chisenhall Erica Chituck Jennifer Chojnowski Nyen Chong, M.D. Scott Christensen Kathryn Chupp Kathryn Clarke Terri Clifton Scott Close Teresa Collick Tiffany Collick Marcy Columna Joan Comerford Charles Conaway Rose Conaway Brenda Conaway Cheri Condon Carol Conn James Connell Amber Connell Andrea Conway Katherine Cook, M.D. Tiffany Cooke Cornelia Cooke Lisa Cooper Laura Cooper Lora Cooper Kristin Cooper Vicki Corbett Enoch Corman Bonnie Cornish Angela Cottingham Mary Coverdale Viola Craft Tina Craig Donna Cranston Shirley Crenshaw Rhonda Crenshaw Margaret Crockett Gary Crockett Tammy Crockett Vaughn Crothers Rosalyn Crouch Michelle Cummings Jill Cummings Lisa Curtis Louella Curtis Carmela Curtis Amanda Curtis April Custins Christie D' Antonio Wanda Dalfonso Vincenzo D'Antuono Nana Yaw Darkwa, M.D. Kim Darling Melanie D'Armi Angela Dattilo Curtis Davidson Laura Davidson Brenda Davis Tanya Daye Veronica Dean Pamela Dean Heidi Decker Gretchen Deiter Victorino DeJesus, M.D. Sandra Delano Amanda Dennis Virginia Deputy Sheila Deshields Sandra Destler Dawn Deusa Amber Dewey Clara Dewey Maxine Diamond Alma Diaz Qwanteisha Dickens-Perry Mary Beth Dickerson Dorothy Diehl Melinda Diercks Christine Digioia Salena Dixon Roxane Dixon Patricia Dodd Virginia Dodson Anne Donaway Bonnie Donoho Tamara Donohoe Edna Donovan Tisha Donovan Patricia Dorofee Claudia Downes Dana Downs Kevin Drye Theresa Drye

Teresa Dukes Adriane Duncan Amanda Durham Joanne Durham Shanice Durham Melissa Durham Laura Ebeling Tera Eddy Barbara Ellingsworth Lona Elliott Debbie Elliott Phyllis Elliott Brenda Elliott Ann Elliott S Michelle Elzey Margaret Emrich Kimberly English Natalie Ennis-Engh Linda Erickson Maureen Esenwein Carol Esham Carol Eskridge Kelly Esterly Michele Eustace Karen Eutsler Marlyn Evans Arlene Evans Jason Exline Peggy Farmer Roberta Farrell Rita Fasano Crystal Fensick Robert Ferber, M.D. Michael Figgs Darlene Figgs Ebany Fillyau Christine Fiori Jacquelyn Fisher John Fister Kimberly Fitzgerald Kenny Flynn Linda Foskey Timothy Foskey Carolyn Foskey Kelly Foskey Justin Frantz Carol Frederick Carrie Frisby Veronica Frye Michael Fulco Mattie Fulton Theresa Gabbard Judith Gaines Melinda Gallimore Shirley Galm Michelle Gamble Zara Gambrell Ursula Gardner Anna Gardner Rachel Gardner La'Tanya Gaskins Annette Gaudreault Bethany Gay Brent Gehman Nancy Geiger Yronise Georges Valerie German Constance German Thomas Gibson Barbara Gijanto Valerie Gilbert Lana Gillespie Kelly Gillespie Shirley Gillis Vicki Givens Shelley Givens Diana Givens Sherrie Givens Teresa Givens Charles Gizara Susan Godesky Donald Goldsmith Edey Gomez Mariel Gonzalez Martha Gonzalez-Lankford Alda Goodwin Bernadette Gordon Debra Gordy MariJo Gray Elizabeth Greene Daphine Greene Kelly Greenly Martha Griffin Rebecca Griffith Lori Groton Noshaba Gulab Lisa Gullett Mouhammed Habra, M.D. Maria Haldar, M.D. Marcus Hall Annette Hall-Barnes, F.N.P. Brenda Hallowell Sharon Hamblin Gena Hammond Edward Hancock Crissy Hanzer Vicki Hardisty Linda Hare Lolita Harmon Patti Harmon Marlene Harmon Nicole Harriman Latasha Harris Patricia Harris Paula Harrison Sharon Harvey

Abeer Hashmi, M.D. Salman Hashmi John Hassman Renee Hastings Judy Hastings Cathy Hastings Tammy Hastings Vickie Hastings C Dennis Hastings Alan Hastings Ashley Hastings Edna Hastings Carole Hastings Debby Hastings Laura Hastings William Hatton Robin Hayes, M.D. Carolyn Hayward Lisa Hazel JoWanda Heath Antoinette Hegesi Jean Hendrickson Rebekah Henry Bridget Herbst Ivonne Herrera, M.D. Mary Hevner Jill Hickman Beverly Hicks Lori Hill Tracy Hill Kathy Hill Lisa Hill Elizabeth Hill Susan Hill Linda Hill Phyllis Hinton Karen Hird Stephen Hitchens Shirley Hitchens Donna Hitchens Beth Hitchens Peggy Hitchens Erica Hitchens Linda Hoag Jennifer Hoffman Amanda Hogan Delores Holland Lori Holland Elicha Holloway Joseph Holloway Mary Holston Shawna Holston Cheryl Homnick Katina Hood Diana Hopkins Karen Hopkins Frances Hopkins Arlean Hopkins Walter Hopkins Joella Hornbeck Auntrell Horsey Cynthia Horsey Trevor Horsey Tesha Horsey Shamisha Horsey Angela Howard Mary Howell Sharon Hrebien Evelyn Hubbard Christina Huck Myrna Hudson Christina Hudson Lara Hudson Ruth Hudson Melinda Huffman Deeidria Huffman Brad Huffman Laura Hummel Richard Hungerford Robin Hurley Edgar Hurley Ann Hurst Joyce Hyde Andrea Hyland Mary Irons Monique Ivanov, M.D. Chantelle Jackson Kathy James Candace James Dawn Jamison Edienna Jarrell Samantha Jarrett Joyce Jefferson Jamar Jefferson Doris Jefferson Jerome Jernigan Denise Jester Larry Jester Brenda Jester Travis Jewell Linda Johnson Damyenn Johnson Marcia Johnson Brenda Johnson Patricia Johnson Joanne Johnson Nikika Johnson Lori Jones Charlotte Jones Brenda Jones Jonathan Judy Janice Justice Jennifer Kabino Elmer Kane Helen Karkoska Wendy Karnish

Joseph Karnish, D.O. Fonda Kauffman Cynthia Kaufmann Kimberly Kautz Kathryn Keating Sinaka Kellam Bonnie Kendall Tabe Kendema Coleen Kenton Sarai Kerr Lisa Kershaw Kimberly Kessler Marcia Kile Taja Kilgoe Agnes Kilgoe Carolyn Kindt Bonny King Diane King Trudy King Sandra King Lisa King Margaret Kinnamon William Kinnamon Kimberly Kirby Julie Kirby Gail Kiriacon Eleanor Kirklow Kathryn Kirschner Jennifer Kitchner Wendy Kjos Roseann Kjos Brenda Klink April Knoten Dawn Kolbe Christena Koller Marilou Kornfeld Mona Koyanagi Kathleen Krafcik Hicham Krayem, M.D. Kelly Kruger Marianna La Ragione Katherine Lallier Deborah Lane Claudia Lane Judith Lankford Virginia Lankford Lori Latona Gina Latta Jeffrey Lauer Robert Lavery Martha Lawrence Melissa Layton Samantha Layton Rosemary Lecates Mary Lefaive Lisa Lemon Brenda Lewis Constance Lewis Tracy Lewis Therese Lewis Darian Libby Karen Liske Frances Lister Wesley Little Kristy Littleton Felicia Littleton Paula Lizewski Cynthia Lloyd Phyllis Lofland Joshua Lomax Danniell Long Diane Long Dawn Long Susan Longstreet Cheryl Loose Dawn Lord Angela Lord-Ennis Crystal Lowe Theresa Lucas Lesley Ludden Eugene Ludden Yvonne Lyles, M.D. Julie Macklin Cynthia Madden, M.D. Harriet Maddox Paulette Magee Nadira Mahadan Lucinda Mancuso Naomi Marine Jennifer Maris Ellouise Martin William Martinez Belinda Marvel Jessica Marvel Dawn Marvil Sandra Massaro Karen Massey Kathy Mayer Dolores Mayle Lois McAllister Kirsten McAllister Sherry McCane Jamie McCarthy Audrey McClaine Kathryn McCumbers Joan McDougald Cindy McDowell Sherri McDowell Charles McElroy Janan McElroy Cherody McInnis Colin McLaughlin Kimberly McLeod Thelma Meddings Patricia Melsky Doris Melson

Rebecca Melson Martin Melson Melissa Meredith, C.N.M. Misty Metzler Monique Milbourne Crystal Miles Nancy Miller Gena Miller Lori Miller Corey Miller Brenda Miller Lisa Miller Corinna Milligan April Milligan Alicia Millman Titus Mims Terrie Missimer Nicholas Mitchell Paula Mitchell Deirdre Mizzelle Rose Money Jay Mood Sandra Moody Harry Moore Carol Moore Trena Moore Mary Moore Phillip Moore, III Erna Moorer-Crapper Sonja Morales Zachary Morris Renee Morris Linda Morris Joanne Morris Marlene Morris Judith Morris Cynthia Morrison Sandra Morrison Linda Morse Kimberly Morton Michael Morton Elizabeth Moyer Darcy Moyer Anne Mulrooney Jason Munski Judy Murabito Alicia Murphy Trudy Murray James Murray, M.D. Kimberly Murray Arlene Murray Terryl Murray Melissa Mykut Cheryl Mykut Donna Naggy Marianne Neal Michelle Nibblett Cami Nicholas George Nichols Karen Nichols Erica Njie Dixie Northam Jennifer Norwood Melissa Ockels Elnor O'Hern Ellen Osman Onna Outten Rebecca Owens Mary Owens Dorothy Owens Nancy Oyerly Melissa Ozman Priscilla Pacheco Ellen Palmer Danna Palmer Rowena Pamplona Metodio Pamplona Ashlee Parker Lisa Parker Sonja Parker Cathy Parker Geraldine Parsons Louise Parsons Linda Parsons Robert Parsons Gary Passwaters Bonnie Passwaters Patricia Passwaters Tracy Passwaters Becky Patterson Ashley Paugh Shelley Pavone Kelly Pearson William Pelot Miquel Perez Carmen Perez Dorene Perry Lawrence Persinger Lisa Peters Catherine Peterson Timothy Peterson Sheila Phillips Susan Phillips Beth Phillips Cindy Phillips Meredith Phillips Woodard Amy Phlipot Shobha Phulesar Bibi Phulesar Kimberly Pickinpaugh Frances Pitts Wendy Polk Joy Pollard Cheri Porcelli Deborah Porches Christy Potter

Marian Powers Janice Price Jean Price Cynthia Pruitt Lewis Purcell James Purnell Doris Purnell Terri Purse Julie Pusey Polly Pusey, N.P. Amir Quefatieh Paul Quillen Indrani Raghunandan Diana Rainey, C.R.N.A. Molly Raneri Mark Rappaport Melissa Rayfield Mallory Read Jewel Reagan Randolph Reed Carol Reed Demetris Rembert Roxanne Revel John Rhoat Beverly Richards Lisa Richards Wayne Ridpath Jennifer Rieger Catharina Rijkers Ann Riley Beth Roach Robin Robbins Joan Roberts Cynthia Roberts Casey Roberts Linda Robertson Yvonne Robinson Shelly Robinson Theresa Roche Kathy Roddey Angelica Rodriguez Carlisa Rodriguez Kevin Rodriguez Ebony Rodriguez Crystal Roe Laurie Roethel Kelly Rogers Lucinda Rogers Rebecca Rollins Christopher Rolph Lynn Romano, M.D. Lashonda Romeo Peter Rosen Diane Rosetta Diane Ross Michael Rotach Jessica Rotach Priscilla Rounds Eric Ruffcorn Jean Ruggles Veda Russ Sarah Russell Michelle Russum Amanda Ruth Dawn Ryan Keisotta Salahuddin Jacqualine Salb Candice Sammons Louella Sample Margaretta Sample Donna Samuels Sharon Sanger Efrain Santiago Joann Santos Karen Saracco Darlene Sard Lucille Savage Elmer Savage Nancy Saveikis Lisa Schappell-Parsons Patricia Schattner Robin Scheper Henrietta Schoolfield Eugene Schuster Maile Scott Teresa Scott Ann Scott Morgan Scott William Scotton Alison Scudder Bryan Sears Robert Seeley Julia Seeley, N.P. Audrey Seidel Chantielle Sellers Marisela Serna Pamela Sewell Carol Shahan Daryl Sharman Richard Sharp Lois Shelley Donna Sheren Penny Sheridan Jerry Shirey, II Katina Shockley Michele Shores Valarie Short Lori Short Diane Short Penny Short Timothy Short Wendy Short Michelle Short Lindsey Shortall Emmie Shortall Melissa Shoultes

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Martha Van Brunt Michelle Van Vorst Lois Vannicola Ramona Vasquez Laura Vasquez Victor Vazquez Vanessa Vega-Salisbury Laurie Vickers Beverly Viehman Tina Vincent Kathryn Virden Jane Virella Nicole Wagner Jamie Wagoner Mary Beth Waide Kimberly Walden Leslie Waldridge Amy Walk David Walker Wendy Walker Mary Wallach Linda Walsen Samantha Warrick Rena Warrington Valerie Watson Kerri Watson Cheri Watts Henrietta Weader Kathy Weaver Sarah Webb Annedreea Webber Maria Webster Dianna Wedman Ashley Weiss Devon Welborn Sheila Welfley Paula Wells Evan Wennberg Barbara Wesson Georgetta West Gale West Pamela West Deidre Weston Irene Whaley Trista Whaley Carol Whaley Susan Whary Phyllis Wheatley Linda Wheatley Bernadette Wheeler Dawn Wheway Michele White Doris White Sara White Johnnie White Jennifer Whitlow Wanda Whitman Kirsten Wiberg Angela Widdowson Carol Widen Elisabeth Wile Mary Wilgus Gary Wilkinson Jeffrey Willey Margie Willey Katie Willey Virginia Willey Brittany Williams Jenieco Williams Anita Williams Stuart Williams Covington Williams Tracy Williams Donna Williams Claudia Williams Scott Williams Corvetta Williams Melissa Williamson Shekia Wilmer Lynn Wilson Alice Wilson Lenora Wilson Marjorie Wilson Sylvia Winder Nadine Wise Janice Wisseman Mary Wolfe Karen Womach Alice Wood Brenda Wood Susan Woodward Christine Wootten Mary Workman Beverly Wright George Wright Linda Wright Barbara Wright Kimberly Wright Ashley Wyatt Barbara Wyatt Natalie Wynn Kelly Yoder Catherine Young Mary Young Crystal Young Gina Zezulinski Anja Ziemba Daniel Zimmerman Donna Zimmerman Sandra Zorn


MORNING STAR • MAY 15 - 21, 2008

Putting our hearts and soles into buying and selling shoes I was only 6. So the memory is hazy and may, after all, be a comYNN ARKS pilation of several events from my early years. But the following is A customer wanted as accurate a retelling of the shoe shopping trip my parents took me to return the shoes, on when I was in first grade as, my daughter, seeing more than 40 years later, is likely that the shoes were to be found. We went to a nearby town, to a well-worn, said that shoe store whose reputation was she could not take one of good fits and long-lasting merchandise. Up until that year, I them back, and the had worn saddle shoes, black and woman threw them at white and, to my mind, not nearly her and stormed out. as interesting as more hip models with buckles or with promises of She is playing the role of that poor longhigher jumps and faster runs. I had seen those more interesting models on the feet ago saleswoman who probably wanted to throw a shoe at me. of my classmates and was determined Which someone has done to my that my mother would be won over to daughter, by the way. Well, not exactly a my way of thinking, that shoes did not shoe, but a bag that was holding a pair of have to be lace-up black-and-whites to shoes. A customer wanted to return the keep my feet healthy. shoes, my daughter, seeing that the shoes I started my persuasion techniques as soon as we walked in the store, by point- were well-worn, said that she could not take them back, and the woman threw ing out a pair of brown buckle-up shoes them at her and stormed out. In the end, that caught my eye. I guess that my the customer had neither the refund nor mother had heard me speak before about her shoes. the wonder of buckles, because she Then there was the woman who was agreed that I could try them on. The saleswoman brought out from the furious because the Ug boots she had storeroom a pair in the size her measure- bought her daughter for Christmas did not fit. She wanted to exchange them for ments had indicated was appropriate. They were fine, I said, admiring my feet a better size but unfortunately, the store in the small tilted mirror that sat on the had sold out of the popular boots. Exclafloor. But what about this pair? And that mations of her displeasure could be pair? And that pair over there? heard all over the store. If it had been 20 years later, someone But not all in the shoe department is — the saleswoman, perhaps, or my bad. My daughter, who was just home weary mother — would have told me a for the weekend, wore on her feet new cautionary tale about Imelda Marcos. gold gladiator sandals by Coach. The I don’t know how many pairs of shoes shoes normally sell for $140 — my I tried on that day. It was, after all, a rel- daughter, with her employees’ discount atively small store and could not have and a store incentive thrown in, had been had more than a dozen or so styles apable to buy them for a quarter of that. propriate for first-grade wear. But in my She also has a new pair of navy blue memory, I am sitting in a customer’s pumps, very stylish with a silver, stirrupchair with the saleswoman standing in shaped buckle, and to her brother’s refront of me and both of us surrounded by cent wedding she wore red high heels, piles of opened and unopened boxes of complete with white polka dots, open shoes. I also recall that the shoes I went toes and bows. home with were the brown buckle-up And then there are the occasional emones that I had tried on first. If that is in ployee-only sales, during the most recent fact accurate, I’m sure that the salesone of which she bought hundreds of woman, who still had to put all those dollars worth of bedding for less than the shoes away, was glad to be rid of me. cost of one nice sheet. She carried all When I went to school the next day, I that bedding, three garbage bags worth, was anxious to show off my new shoes. home on the bus. My teacher, whose attention I called to With my new-found knowledge about my feet, told me in short order that little what life is really like in the shoe departgirls should not have shoes that buckle. ment, I no longer have to feel sorry for “You will forget how to tie laces,� she that saleswoman who, so long ago, I said. wore out. She was probably wearing the I say all this to draw comparison belatest in expensive footwear — her chiltween that shopping experience and my dren probably had all the P.F. Flyers they daughter’s recent experiences with wanted. footwear. In her case, the shoe is on the And I far as I remember, I didn’t yell other foot, so to speak: She is a salesor scream or throw a bag of shoes at her. woman of women’s shoes in a large deNo wonder she gave me that balloon partment store in downtown St. Paul. when I left.


You’ve Got Questions,


News items may be mailed to the Seaford and Laurel Star, 628 W. Stein Highway, Seaford, DE 19973. Or they may be faxed to 629-9243.

We’ve Got Answers. And Lunch, Too! You’ve thought about it, planned for it, but still have questions. Come meet the experts in retirement living—our residents!

Spring Lunch and Learn Tuesday, May 20, 2008 12 noon to 2 pm 1001 Middleford Road, Seaford, DE 19973 Enjoy a casual lunch with our residents and learn about life at Manor House. Afterward, our staff will be happy to answer your questions and provide tours of our community. We look forward to your visit!

RSVP by May 15 to Gina at s OR


MORNING STAR • MAY 15 - 21, 2008


Community Bulletin Board Seaford Heritage Days

Re-live the rich history of Seaford and western Sussex County from the days of the area’s first natives, to the arrival of John Smith and the English explorers, divided loyalties during the Civil War, to present day during “Seaford Heritage Days,” Memorial Day weekend, May 23, 24 and 25. Crafters, food vendors, artisans and living historians are invited to meet the public and sell their wares during this three-day event at the Governor Ross Plantation in Seaford. For information, contact Paula Gunson at the Greater Seaford Chamber of Commerce 629-9690 or 800-416-GSCC

Big Yard Sale

Saturday, May 24 from 8 a.m. to 3 p.m. the Village of Cool Branch in Seaford, will hold their Big Yard Sale. There will be refreshments and a delicious bake sale going on at the same time. Come and bring your friends and neighbors to 100 Hitch Pond Circle (off Concord Rd.) and a right on Firetower Rd.

Seaford District Library events

• The Medtronics group will meet Wednesday, May 21, from 2-4 p.m. in the

Seaford District Library’s meeting room. • “Lights, Camera, Action!” The Seaford Library will be having “Movie Night” on May 22, starting at 5:30 p.m. We provide the movie and the refreshments; all you need to do is take a seat and enjoy the show. For more information, contact Amber Motta at 629-2524. • The Christian Writers Group “Vines and Vessels” will meet on Saturday, May 24, in the Seaford District Library’s meeting room from 9 a.m.-noon. • There will be a Library Board Meeting on Tuesday, May 27, starting at 5 p.m. • The Science and Religion book discussion group will meet at the Seaford Library on Thursday, May 28, starting at 6 p.m. The book being discussed is Doubt, by Jennifer Michael Hecht. For more information, contact Amber Motta at 629-2524. • Do you have health concerns? Confusing lab reports? Questions you should ask your doctor? Visit the Seaford District Library the second Wednesday of each month from 11 a.m.-1 p.m. Meet with Linda Leonard, Consumer Health Librarian for Sussex County. All reference services are free and confidential.

SVFD Auxiliary basket & bag bingo

The Seaford Volunteer Fire Department Ladies Auxiliary will hold a Longaberger Basket and Vera Bradley bingo on Tuesday, May 20, starting at 7 p.m. at the Seaford Volunteer Fire Hall, located on the corner of King and Cannon streets. The evening will consist of 20 exciting games. Advance

Laurel Court Properties Now Available

tickets are $20 per person, $25 at the door. Advance ticket includes a chance to win the large hamper or one of the several door prizes. Nearly 30 chances to win. Refreshments will be provided. For ticket information contact the SVFD Ladies Auxiliary at 629-8310.

For more information or to register call AFAA certified fitness professional Carol Lynch at 629-7539.

Basket bingo

The Western Sussex Boys and Girls Club is holding a “filled” Longaberger basket bingo on Friday, May 16. Doors open at 6 p.m. and bingo begins at 7 p.m. Tickets are $35. Proceeds benefit the Western Sussex Boys and Girls Club. For tickets, call Karen Schreiber at 629-8740.

Golf tournament

The Nanticoke Rotary Seaford golf tournament is scheduled for a Shotgun Start at 8:30 a.m. on Friday, May 30, at the Seaford Golf & Country Club. This year’s tournament proceeds will be used to perform much-needed repairs and maintenance on the two Rotary Houses located on Market Street in Seaford. The units in the houses provide transitional housing for four families for up to 90 days while they work to reestablish themselves back into a life of selfsufficiency. For more information contact Donald Hollenbeck 628-9900, or by email at

SHS 1958 class reunion

The Seaford High School Class of 1958 will be holding their 50th class reunion on May 30, 31 and June 1. If you have information on addresses for the following classmates, call Sally (Hann) Van Schaik at 6290619. Walter Sirman, Madeline Meding Hurley, Patricia Lloyd Robinson, Woody Jones, Beverly Hoagland Murray, Judy Friedel Timmons, Connie Crockett Hastings, George Bell, Joan Cordrey Eckert.

Ham dinner & variety show

Roast pork or ham dinner and variety show, May 17 at the Seaford Moose Lodge, 6-? p.m. For information call 628-8144.

Fitness classes

Fitness classes will be held Monday, Wednesday and Friday at 9 a.m., Tuesdays and Thursdays at 5:30 p.m. at St. John’s UMC Fellowship Hall in Seaford. Beginners to intermediate participants are welcome to try a free class to see if it meets your needs.

Preschoolers story time

Parents, caregivers and children ages two to five are invited to enjoy stories,

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Donna Sharp Handbags • Webkinz Willow Tree Garden Flags Rowe Pottery • Yankee Candles Hanging Baskets • Gourmet Foods

PAGE 18 songs, poetry, art, science, math, music and fun at the Laurel Public Library’s preschool story time. Story time is held every Tuesday morning at 10:30 a.m. For more information, call the library at 875-3184.

Yard sale

MORNING STAR • MAY 15 - 21, 2008

Yard sale

Christ the Cornerstone Community Church, corner of 13A and Bethel Road, will hold a yard sale on May 24, beginning at 7 a.m. till? Baked goods, sandwiches. Call 875-8150 for table availability.

Rock Church of Laurel located at 3032 Seaford Road, will hold a yard sale on May 31, starting at 7 a.m. Table rentals are $15. Call Crystal at 349-5452 after 5 p.m.

Beef, Pork & Beer Fundraiser

LHS class of ‘87

The LHS class of ‘87 is hoping to hold its 20th year reunion this June. The planning committee is trying to locate class members. If you have contact information or would like to help plan the reunion, contact Michele Procino-Wells at or 628-4140.

Indoor yard sale

Christ United Methodist Church, 510 S. Central Ave., Laurel will hold an indoor yard sale on Saturday, May 17, 7 a.m. till?

Memorial Day chicken barbecue

The Laurel Ruritans will be holding their annual Memorial Day chicken barbecue on Saturday, May 24, from 10 a.m. until 2 p.m., in the parking lot of O’Neal’s Antiques, on Duel 13 in Laurel and the cost is only $6 per platter.

Dinner Gala

The Johnny Janosik Charitable Events 2nd annual Dinner Gala will feature Joe Conklin a well known Philadelphia comedian/impersonator of 1,000 voices of famous celebrities at a dinner to benefit the Western Sussex Boys and Girls Club of Laurel, Saturday, May 31, at the Laurel Fire Hall beginning at 6 p.m. The annual golfing tournament will be held at the Heritage Shores Golf Club in Bridgeville Sept. 18. For ticket information for the dinner and golf tournament phone 302-875-3333 or visit their website

IHOP family night

The friends of the Bridgeville Library have another delicious fundraiser to promote. All you have to do is enjoy a meal at the Seaford, Dover, Rehoboth, or Salisbury IHOP locations, any day, any meal. Take and fill out the comment card; staple your receipt to the comment card and drop it off at the Bridgeville Library, Bridgeville Town Hall, or the Providence Sales Cottage in Heritage Shores. For more information, call Pat McDonald at 337-7192.

Senior citizens dinner/dance

The Student Government Association at Laurel High School is having a senior citizens dinner/dance on Wednesday, May 21, from 5 p.m. until 9 p.m. Dinner will be provided by ‘My Turn to Cook’ and the DJ is Sky Brady. The tickets are only $5 per person. To purchase a ticket, or for more information, contact Karen Beck at 875-6120 ext. 233.

Gospel Café pig roast & concert

Gospel Café hosts a pig roast & concert in the park, Central Avenue and Market Street, Laurel on May 17, from 5 to 9 p.m. Pork sandwiches $3, sodas $.50 cents, water $1, homemade ice cream and desserts. Bring your own chairs and listen to the music and God’s message – Amanda Jones – Cassandra Abbott – Joey Lecates.

Laurel Strawberry Festival

Second annual Strawberry Festival will be held May 17, at St. Philip’s Episcopal Church, Laurel. Breakfast, lunch, craft tables, Everything strawberry, beginning at 7:30 a.m. Includes Historical Society special tours $10. Strawberries sold by basket or gallon.

Greenwood Volunteer Fire Co. will host a Beef, Pork & Beer fundraiser to benefit one of our own with medical expenses, Chief Tommy Jones. Saturday, June 14, from 2 p.m.-midnight. Tickets are $25 per person at the door, or $20 in advance. Greenwood Volunteer Fire Company is located at 112611 Sussex Highway, P.O. Box 1, Greenwood, DE 19950. Featuring: DJ Bullet; dunkin’ booth; silent auction, 2-6 p.m. (checks or cash only); live music: The 5:01 Band, 8 p.m.midnight; cash bar; 50/50 raffle. For tickets contact: David Sapp 349-4529 or email

All proceeds go to sponsored projects. For information, call Mildred Riley 8463846.

Delmar Library book & bake sale

Support the Delmar Public Library Book & Bake Sale. All funds raised go to support programs for everyone who uses the Delmar Library. The “Huge Book Sale” is Friday, May 16, 4-7 p.m. and the “Book & Bake Sale” will be Saturday, May 17, 8 a.m. - noon. For more information contact Sandy Scott at the Delmar Public Library, phone 846-3408.

Delmar Church of God Sandwich Sale

A sandwich sale will be held Saturday, May 24, from 9 a.m. at Delmar Church of God of Prophecy, Rt. 13 North and Dorthy Road (3 miles north of MD/DE State Line). It will feature: oyster, crab cake and soft crab sandwiches, chicken salad sandwiches, cheese steak subs, hamburgers, hot dogs and homemade ice cream. Baked goods for sale, a yard sale and a car wash will also take place. Call 875-7824 with questions.

Memorial Day celebration

The Town of Bridgeville will host a Memorial Day celebration on Monday, May 26, 9:30 a.m., at the Veterans Memorial in the Bridgeville Cemetery. Join us for this special recognition of our veterans.

Horsey Youth Golf Classic

The annual Horsey Family Youth Foundation Celebrity Golf Classic will take place on May 21-22 at Heritage Shores Golf and Country Club in Bridgeville. Festivities begin at 6 p.m. and will feature cocktail hour, dinner and a live auction. To attend the dinner or play golf, contact Mike Payne at 302-542-7813.

Ruritan Club breakfast Special Olympics

The Delmar Lions Club is selling a Longaberger basket with the Delmar’s school colors of blue and orange around the rim for $49. There is also a wildcat lid for $30 that can be purchased.

All-you-can-eat Sunday breakfast buffet served by the Galestown Ruritan Club, on the fourth Sunday of each month October to June 7-10 a.m. Cost is $6 for adults, $4 children 6-12 years, at The Galestown, Md. Community Hall, 5833 School House Road. This month it will be held May 25.

14th Annual

Nanticoke Riverfest

Chicken & dumplings

Laurel Baptist Church will be having a free Community Luncheon on Saturday, May 17, from noon to 2 p.m. The church is located at 33056 Bi-State Boulevard, on the west side of 13A, approximately 2 miles south of town. For further information, contact Shirley at 875-2314.

a trip back in time as they listen to the music of Jay Smar. Armed with two guitars, a claw-hammer banjo and fiddle, Jay will serve up an “acoustic buffet” of traditional folk songs and mountain music.The concert will be held at the VFW hall located at the corner of Mill Street and Governors Avenue in Greenwood. As always, this program is open to the public and free of charge. For more information, call the library at 349-5309.

CHEER dinner club

Join us at the Greenwood CHEER Center every Wednesday evening, for our weekly dinner club 5 p.m-7 p.m. The CHEER Greenwood Center is located at 12713 Sussex Highway, Greenwood, and the public is welcomed. Each week there will be a delicious dinner offered for the price of $5 per person for individuals over 60+ years. For more information call the center at 349-5237 or visit the CHEER website at

Greenwood Spring Festival

The Greenwood Mennonite School will be holding its 22nd annual Greenwood Spring Festival on Saturday, June 7, on the school grounds in Greenwood. All-you-caneat breakfast from 7 to 9 a.m. Hundreds of items, including fresh-made foods, chicken barbeque, pork barbeque, seafood, including crab cakes, baked goods, milkshakes, handcrafted items, books, plants, crafts; plus a petting zoo, children’s games, a quilting demonstration, a white elephant booth, and more. Activities include spring festival auction, volleyball and softball tournaments, and helicopter rides. All proceeds from the festival benefit the Greenwood Mennonite School. For more information, contact Kevin Troyer at 422-0745.

Greenwood Library Time Traveling

On Tuesday, May 20, at 3:30, the Greenwood Public Library invites children to take

The City of Seaford and Morning Star Publications, Inc. are preparing a magazine for the 14th annual Nanticoke Riverfest to be held July 11 and 12. The magazine will be inserted in the July 3, 2008 edition of the Seaford and Laurel Star newspapers. The magazine features a glossy cover and full process color throughout.

Call 629-9788 or email TO RESERVE YOUR SPACE.

MORNING STAR • MAY 15 - 21, 2008

Casino night to benefit nonprofit Delaware Hospice will be held on Friday, May 30, at Rehoboth Convention Center from 6:30 to 10 p.m. Local celebrity dealers will provide an entertaining evening of black jack, texas hold’em, roulette, and poker. Tickets are $40 and can be purchased by calling Peggy Dolby, 800-838-9800, or emailing For more information go to

Miss Delaware 2007, Brittany Dempsey during the 2008 Miss Delaware Scholarship Pageant Preliminary, Friday, June 13, at the Rollins Theater, Dover Downs Hotel and Casino, Dover. Your donation of $130 will include: a Miss Delaware Little Sister tiara; a Miss Delaware Little Sister T-shirt; the opportunity to perform on stage at the 2008 Miss Delaware Pageant with Miss Delaware 2007. For more information contact Aimee Voshell String at or call 629-2184. For additional information, visit

Longaberger & Vera Bradley bingo

Choptank River Festival

Casino night

Holly’s Community Center sponsors Gregory’s Blasters fundraiser, Longaberger basket and Vera Bradley bingo July 12 at the Salisbury Moose Lodge. Enjoy good food, specials, raffles, silent auction, 50/50 and much more. Baskets and bags are filled. Tickets $20 in advance; $25 at the door. Doors open at 5 p.m. Bingo starts at 6 p.m. For tickets call: Lois Burton at 410-7493947. Ask to reserve your table for six or more. The fundraiser is in memory of Greg Taylor.

‘A Bit of Broadway’

The Sussex County Republican Women’s Club presents “A Bit of Broadway� to be held on Friday, June 13, at the Baywood Country Club, Long Neck. The event will begin at 7 p.m. with hors d’oeuvres, cash bar and prizes. Curtain time is 8 p.m. The cost is $45 per person. For more information, visit the Sussex County Republican Women’s Club website at or call 945-1816. Reserve a ticket no later than June 1.

‘HeliFun’ RC Helicopter event

“HeliFun� RC Helicopter event, hosted by the Eastern Shore Aeromodeler’s Club, will be held Saturday, May 17, 10 a.m. to 7 p.m. One of the largest RC Helicopter events in the country - “HeliFun�- will be held here on the Eastern Shore, just outside of Hurlock, Md. Everyone is invited to attend. The very best pilots from all over the Northeast will be attending “HeliFun.� Also attending will be Justin Chi, the 5-year-old wonder pilot, who recently finished fifth in the pro competition in Las Vegas. HobbyTown of Easton has generously donated a $470 RC Helicopter, to be raffled off at the event. Food and beverages are available. For directions and more information, visit our website, email, or call 410-8294000.

Spring craft show

The Georgetown Historical Society is seeking crafters for their May 17 and 18 Spring craft show to be held at the Marvel Carriage Museum located at 510 South Bedford St. in Georgetown. The doors will be open from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. each day. (Tables and chairs will be available.) Questions call 856-2760 or 856-6642.

Woodland U.M.C. chicken dinner

The women of the Woodland United Methodist Church will serve a chicken and dumpling dinner on Saturday, May 17, at 6:00 p.m. Doors open at 5:30 p.m. Cost is $8; children 6-12 yrs are $4; 5 yrs and under are free. Woodland Church is located 4.5 miles west of Seaford next to the Woodland Ferry house. No carry-outs. For additional information call 629-5404 or 629-4662.

Become a ‘Little Sister’

The Miss Delaware Organization announces the 2008 Miss Delaware “Little Sister� Program. This program is open to girls between the ages of 5 and 12. Join us for the opportunity to perform live with

Sailwinds Park is pleased to announce the creation of the Choptank River Festival. This three-day festival will be held this year from Friday, July 4, through Sunday, July 6. Friday hours begin at 3 p.m.; and Saturday and Sunday, start at 1 p.m. The festival features three days of several different genres of music guaranteed to appeal to everyone in the family. Each day features both national performers as well as some local community celebrities as well, so make sure to come out and support all these wonderful performers. Friday will be geared to a rock sound featuring the talents of Matthew King, Hyphen, ZO2, and “Jimmie’s Chicken Shack.� Saturday will have an overall country vibe featuring the talents of Off the Hook, Golden Touch, Sister Shaw and the Dippy Eggs, Randy Lee Ashcraft, Bird Dog and the Road Kings and the night closes out with a performance from the great Tanya Tucker. Finishing out our festival on Sunday are the spiritual sounds of some local gospel performers Candy Rabbit and Chesapeake Wind, The Heavenly Sons of Joy, and Brooke Meredith, at which time we will switch gears slightly and move into a more traditional Motown sound with the talents of Laura Todd, Shelly Abbott, The Echoes, and finishing the night out with “The Drifters.� It is a weekend of music for every musical taste. Also featured during the festival will be many vendors selling Eastern Shore food and wares, and a Carnival for the kids.

Lewes High School class of 1958

The Lewes High School class of 1958 will hold its 50th year reunion on Oct. 18, 2008 at the Virden center, Pilottown Road, Lewes. A letter of information on the reunion will be mailed in early spring but addresses are needed for the following classmates: Peggy Haire Kreer, Charles Robertson, James Carter, Larry Dennis and Bill Price. If you were a member of the Lewes High School class of 1958, but did not graduate and are interested in attending the reunion, or if you have information for any of the above, call the reunion committee at 645-2387.

Bethel town-wide yard sale

Bethel Historical Society will sponsor a town-wide yard sale, May 17, from 7 a.m. until‌? Set-up in your own yard, or central location at corner of Main and First streets. $10 fee will be collected. Scrapple sandwiches and homemade baked goodies will be available at the Community House. Any questions call 875-3971.

Ruritan Club breakfast buffet

All-you-can-eat Sunday Breakfast Buffet served by the Galestown Ruritan Club, on the fourth Sunday of each month October to June 7-10 a.m. Cost is $6 for adults, $4 children 6-12 years, at The Galestown (Md) Community Hall, 5833 School House Road. Buffet features blueberry pancakes, eggs, scrapple, sausage, creamed chipped beef, biscuits, potato casserole, hominy, fruit cup, and sticky buns. This month it will be held May 25.


Trap Pond Partners meets

S.C. Republican Women’s Club

The May meeting of the Sussex County Republican Women’s Club will be held on Wednesday, May 28, at the Sussex Pines Country Club in Georgetown. The business meeting will begin at 10:45 a.m. to be followed by lunch and a speaker. The speaker for this meeting will be Jan Ting. Mr.Ting is a Professor at Temple University, where he teaches courses on national security, taxation and immigration law. He ran in the senatorial race against Tom Carper in 2006. He is a nationally known authority on immigration. His topic for us will be: “How much are illegal immigrants costing you?� A reminder that the club will be holding their annual fund raising event, “A Bit Of Broadway�, on Friday, June 13 at the Baywood Clubhouse. Tickets will be available at the meeting. Visitors are welcome. The cost of lunch will be $15 and reservations should be made by May 22. To make reservations call Kathy Vengazo at: 302-5394757. For more information about the club and club activities see the club web site at:

SHS Alumni Assoc. Board meeting

The SHS Alumni Assoc will hold its executive board meeting on Thursday, June 5, beginning at 7 p.m. in the downtown Seaford Museum. If you have any questions please call Donna Hastings Angell at 6298077

Trap Pond Partners (a volunteer nonprofit organization) meets the second Wednesday of each month at 7 p.m. at the Bald Cypress Nature Center at Trap Pond State Park, Laurel. We are always looking for new members and ideas to improve our state park. To learn more, visit

Seaford Republican Women’s Club

The Seaford Republican Women’s Club will meet Thursday, May 22, at 10:30 a.m. The meeting is held at the Seaford Country Club. Lunch is optional. The speaker will be Fred Seth.He will speak about the origins of the Republican Party. He has written several articles on the Civil War for the Property Professional Magazine and given presentations to various organizations. For further information, contact Sharlana Edgell at 629-7123.

SCWDC meeting

The Sussex County Women’s Democrat Club will hold its regular monthly meeting at 5:30 p.m. on May 15 at Sussex Pines Country Club, Georgetown. Guest speaker is Ken McDowell, director of the Department of Elections. Dinner will cost $13 per person. For details and reservations, call Thelma Monroe, president at 934-9716.

S.C. Genealogical Society

Show and Tell brings back memories of elementary school. On Saturday, May 17, at 10:30 a.m., the Sussex County Genealogical Society will conclude its meeting year with a show and tell program. Members will be showing items from their families or items they have found while doing their research. Election of new officers will also be part of

Vera Bradley & Longaberger Bingo 29 GZ[XJG_ 23G_2 2





Doors Open 5 p.m. Games 6:45 p.m. CALL FOR MORE INFORMATION

410-896-3722 or 410-896-3379


MORNING STAR • MAY 15 - 21, 2008

the program. The meeting is open to anyone interested in learning about their family history. There is ample, free parking. Come join us in the upstairs meeting room of the Rehoboth Beach Public Library for this interesting program and refreshments. For more information contact 875-5418 or go to

Orchid Hobbyists meet

Orchid Hobbyists of Delmarva will meet on the third Sunday of each month September through June, from 2-5 p.m. This month’s meeting will be May 18, at All Saints Episcopal Church, 10th and Grove Street, Delmar, Del. Come join our group with a common interest in all things orchid. There will be lectures, demonstrations, slide shows, cultural information and question and answer sessions. Everyone is welcome from beginners to experienced growers. Annual membership is $15 per family. For more information, contact either: Luther Shultz 410-341-6058, or Mary Jo Marshall 410-822-3941.

Aging and Physical Disabilities

The Sussex County Advisory Committee for the Aging and Adults with Physical Disabilities will meet at the Sussex County west Administrative Complex, North DuPont Highway, Georgetown, on Monday, May 19, at 10 a.m. Agendas and minutes can be viewed on the County’s website at All meetings are open to the public. For more information, call Sandra Dole, chair, at 302-684-2755.

Western Sussex Democrat Club

The Western Sussex Democrat Club will hold its May meeting with a covered dish supper on Monday, May 19, at Duke’s Pool House on Sycamore Road, Laurel at 6:30 p.m. The three persons vying for State Insurance Commissioner, Gene Reed, Tom Savage and Karen Weldon Stewart are expected to give their views on the job. This will be the last meeting until the popular club picnic, July 14.

NARFE meets

Lighthouse Christian Church on Kaye Road in Laurel. Come and network with fellow business people, learn about upcoming Chamber events and enjoy the social hour. Call the Chamber Office at 875-9319 for more details.

MOAA meets

The Southern Chapter of the Military Officers Association of America (MOAA) announces the May meeting. The speaker for the May 20 meeting will be Commander James W. Barrett, USN/Ret., a realtor who will speak on “What’s really going on in the real estate business today.” The luncheon will be held at LaRosa Negra at 1201 Savannah Road in Lewes, at 11:45 a.m. The cost of the buffet is $12 including tip. Membership is open to those who hold or have ever held a warrant or commission in any service to include Public Health Services and MOAA and their surviving spouses.

Delaware Equine Council meets

Meeting of the Delaware Equine Council will be held Monday, May 19, at 7 p.m., at Harrington Public Library, Harrington. All those interested in horses are welcome. Contact Stan at 302-684-3966.

The First State Antique Tractor Club, Inc. will hold their monthly meeting at 7 p.m. on May 15, at Yoder Farm. All members are urged to attend as new officers will be assuming their elected chairs. There is also very important business to discuss and be voted on pertaining to the clubs 2008 antique tractor show which will be held on June 27-28, 2008 at Yoder farm.

Cancer support group

The Wellness Community-Delaware is offering a support group for people affected by cancer and their loved ones at the Nanticoke Memorial Hospital in Seaford. The group meets at the Cancer Care Center on the second Monday of the month from 4:30 to 6 p.m. For more information call Kaye or Lori at 645-9150. All programs at The Wellness Community are free of charge for people affected by cancer and their loved ones.

Coast Guard Auxiliary

Coast Guard Auxiliary Flotilla 12-04 meets the second Thursday of each month at Nanticoke Yacht Club in Blades. Call Wayne Hickman at 629-6337 for details.

All Knitters: The “Sea Purls” Chapter of The Knitting Guild Association meets on the first Wednesday of each month from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. at The Cheer Center in Georgetown on the corner of Rt. 9 and Sand Hill Road. For more details call Joyce Smirk, Secretary, 302-732-6495. Lunch available.

Widowed Persons Service

The Seaford Chapter of the Widowed Persons Service will have its next meeting on Tuesday, May 20, at 12:15 p.m. at the Golden Corral. The planned guest speaker will be Charley Caparella of WBOC. All widowed persons of all ages are invited to attend. Come join us, we all enjoy the trips, lunches/dinners, etc. that we do.

July 4th meetings

Laurel July 4th meetings are set for the following days: May 19, June 2, June 9, June 16, June 23 and June 30. They begin at 5 p.m. and are held at the Laurel Chamber Office.

Class of 1956 luncheon

Laurel after hours business social

Marine Corps meeting

The Laurel High School Class of 1956 will hold their quarterly luncheon at the Laurel Dutch Inn, Friday, May 16, at 11:30 a.m. Plans will be discussed for their 52nd reunion dinner. The Marine Corps League meets the first Thursday of each month at 7:30 p.m. at the Log Cabin in Seaford.

Lo n g aber g er & V er a Br adleyBin g o Tuesday, May 20 at the Seaford Moose Lodge, Seaford, Del.

All Items Will Be FILLED W IT H G R EAT G IFT S! Admission Pack $25.00

Laurel Senior Center Day trips

• June 2 - A day in Ocean City, leaving at 9:30 a.m. • June 26 - Smith Island Cruise, luncheon at Bayside Restaurant. • July 18 - Choptank Riverboat Luncheon Cruise at Suicide Bridge in East New Market. If interested you must have reservations, call 875-2536 for further information.

Seaford AARP Chapter 1084 trips

• June 24 - U.S. Naval Academy, Annapolis, Md. Cost is $64 per person. Leave Peebles parking lot at 7 a.m. View exhibits on a guided tour of the Academy. Have lunch at “Phillips” restaurant before doing some shopping. Board the Harbor Queen for a narrated sightseeing cruise of Annapolis Harbor and the banks of the Academy. • July 23 - Rainbow Dinner Theater in Paradise, Pa. Cost: $67 per person. Show, “Hold That Thought,” a comedy. Bus leaves Peebles parking lot at 7:30 a.m. • Sept. 24 - The Spirit Of Norfolk Cruise with lunch included. Afterwards visit the national Maritime Center, The Battleship Wis-

All proceeds will benefit the medical bills of Amy Lynn (Mariner) Windsor. For more information please call Stella or Donna at 302-628-8964.

To reserve seating call 302-280-6380 or 302-628-8964.

Senior Center trips

Nanticoke Senior Center’s Nashville and Memphis trip will take place on Sunday, Sept. 14 to Saturday Sept. 20. Cost is $850 double occupancy. Some of the sights you will see are Graceland, Grand Olé Opry, and Memphis Rock ‘n’ Soul Museum. For further information call 629-4939. Trip includes motor coach transportation, tip for bus driver, snacks from center and dinner theatre. Nanticoke Senior Center’s Dutch Apple Dinner Theatre Trip presents “Foot Loose” on Thursday, June 26, matinee in Lancaster, Pa. Cost is $70 members, $75 non-members.

Bus trip to Jamaica, Queens

A bus trip to Jamaica, Queens, N.Y., on Saturday, Aug. 16, from Big Lots, Seaford. Bus will leave at 5 a.m. Departure from New York, 5 p.m. Price $50, flat rate. For information contact Sister Paris Twyman, at 410-754-9135.

Fall trip to Hamptons

Seaford Recreation trips

On Friday, Aug. 22 - Yankees vs. Orioles, a trip to Camden Yards is planned. Bus will leave at 4 p.m. Game time is 7 p.m. Cost is $52.

AARP Chapter #915 trips

• Colorado, June 20-30, cost is $879 per person. Call 410-822-2314. • Branson, Mo - Sept. 13-20, cost is $875 per person. Call 410-822-2314. • New England/Vermont, NH, Boston and Salem, Oct. 13-19, cost is $1085 double, and $1335 single. Call 410-673-7856. • Myrtle Beach - Nov. 10-13, cost $430 per person. Call 410-754-8588. • New York Day Trip - May 24, cost $42 per person. Call 410-754-8588 Submit Bulletin Board items by noon, Thursday. Send to Morning Star Publications - PO Box 1000, Seaford, DE 19973, email to editor@mspublications. com or drop off at 628 West Stein Hwy., Seaford.

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consin, The Nauticus, and the Hampton Roads Naval Museum.Contact Rose Wheaton at 629-7180.

Methodist Manor House in Seaford will host a fall trip to the Hamptons in New York on Oct. 1. This three day, two night tour planned by White Star Tours is a “Lifestyles of the Rich & Famous” tour. Your cost of $399 per person/double occupancy includes lodging, most meals, tours, motor-coach transportation and much more. For more information call Dixie Carlisle at 628-5631. Sign up deadline is June 1.

Knitting Guild meets

The Georgetown Chapter (1992) of the National Association of Active Retired Federal Employees will hold their next meeting on Monday, May 19, at noon, with lunch at the Pizza King Restaurant on Stine Highway in Seaford. Program by April Willey, coordinator with the Retired Senior Volunteer Program (RSVP). For more information or to become a member, contact Les Martens, 1992 Chapter president at 6299789. The Laurel Chamber of Commerce will host an after hours business social on Tuesday, May 20, from 5:30 to 6:30 p.m. at

First State Antique Tractor Club

JOHN’S FOUR SEASON’S Flowers & Gifts Stein Hwy. at Reliance, 302


John Beauchamp 410



MORNING STAR • MAY 15 - 21, 2008


Train ride is reminder of need for safety at RR crossings We have perhaps heard the old song, “Smoke Along The Tracks,” AT URPHY but for the most part, trains aren’t users of coal any more — although they may transport a lot of it to our It is amazing to see how power plants and other manufactur- motorists will challenge ing sites. The days of the trains trains at these crossings. could once again be very important Did you know that it takes to us with the price of gasoline hita train a mile or more to ting record amounts at the pumps. stop? That’s 18 football Our newest Laurel business, Sun Pile Driving Equipment L.L.C., fields, folks! may even have a spur or loading track for its products at the new more to stop? That’s 18 football fields, 10th Street location. folks! I’m talking about this because on Oh, yes, even that great trainman, Jack Wednesday, May 8, I accepted an invitaHastings, whom I went to school with, tion from Norfolk Southern Railroad Corcould not swerve a train to avoid a colliporation and Operation Lifesaver



Norfolk Southern Railroad Corporation and Operation Lifesaver Delaware offer safety tips when it comes to cars at railroad crossings. According to the tips, cars that are waiting for a train to pass should stay behind the stop line that is painted on the road. That means that the cars should wait at least 15 feet from the nearest rail.

Delaware to take a passenger train ride from Dover to Indian River and back to promote an increase awareness of safety at railroad crossings. It was a great day for me and my grandson Christian, and I think we learned a few important things about the railroads that day. From our 1940s Pullman Car, through closed-circuit television, we could see what train personnel face every day as they approach road crossings. As Scott Muir, resident vice president said, “The roads came to us, the railroad did not go to them.” Scott and his personnel were very proud of their safety record, but like most companies want to keep safety a priority. It is amazing to see how motorists will challenge trains at these crossings. Did you know that it takes a train a mile or

sion. That’s a good thought, not only for our inexperienced drivers but for some of our more experienced ones as well — who are just as guilty of crossing when the guards are down or lights are flashing. I say, “I attended school with Jack,” but he and I both sometimes did not attend. But Jack has done well in life. He is especially proud that he received his diploma after many years. I can easily say that Jack was one of the very best liked students in both the Laurel classes of 1961 and 1962. Let’s see, who else from my era, can I think of who worked for the railroad? There were Eddie Downes, George Hudson and many others, I am sure. As far back as I remember trains, if one went by you, you always waved at it — the same way if you were riding on it. Gosh wasn’t it “the days of simpler things gone by?”

Est . 1900

T H E I N S U R A N C E M A R K ET KEITH IS BACK! 542-4927 Direct to Keith Wm. Keith Culver

Now to finish this — There is the one and only Toby Givens, you might say, “the flower of Georgetown,” although he and his family also owned flower shops in Laurel and Seaford. Well, Toby rode the train from Georgetown to Indian River, where after the 15minute ride the railroad had box lunches for all of us. That Toby will do anything for a free lunch. Seriously though, folks, I am sure many remember him and his great way of making friends, starting from his DuPont days and even earlier. Toby, to put it lightly, is a very dedicated member of the Georgetown Chamber of Commerce and was involved with Laurel, too, when he had a store there, and he may have been president of the organization at one time. Toby being such a great guy, I could not let this pass without blowing the whistle! Get plenty of rest Friday night, as it’s big doings in Laurel, starting at 7 a.m., Saturday, with the town of Bethel’s yard sale. Food will be available at the community house, then the Strawberry Festival, ice cream at noon at the Hen House until it runs out, the many things made with strawberries at St. Philip’s where lunch will be served, plus berries for sale and the historical building tours of some great pieces of Laurel history. That evening, there is the alumni banquet, and the Gospel Café is having an event at Market Street Park, and I am sure I haven’t told

you everything. Like someone said, “There isn’t ever anything going on in Laurel!” It’s time to start thinking about our annual 4th of July event. Please send in your donations for the fireworks to John Theofiles or call him at Autoworld in Delmar. Now we have a new mayor in Georgetown, Eddie Lambden. This is an official invite and challenge for him to join us in Laurel for Vance Phillips’ annual Seed Spitting Show. The talent contest is back after a year’s hiatus. Bob Jones is heading this up. His number is 875-7767. Oh, is this a great day for the Laurel class of 1958 or what? I was going to run a column I wrote about members of that class some years ago, but as you can see I have already filled my space. But this is the class’s 50th year and Larry Allen and several others are seeing to it that it is a two-week celebration, starting with the alumni banquet Saturday night. More later. Laurel will be losing a couple of very respected members of the community in June, as Will and Eleanor Stacy will be moving back closer to their children in Lebanon, N.H. What a great contribution they have made in the few short years (24) they have been here. Folks, you will be missed. You are the spirit of Laurel. See you!


4 y l u J l e r u a L n i

Morning Star Publications Inc. is preparing its annual special publication for Laurel’s 14th annual July 4th celebration to be distributed June 26. This special, colorful section will be in the Laurel and Seaford Stars on June 26, 2008 and distributed on newsstands in Sussex County, Del. and Wicomico, Dorchester and Caroline Counties, Md. Don’t miss the opportunity to support this great event. Reach 69,000 readers with your advertising message. Contact Morning Star Publications for details. 302


Fax: 302



Page 22

MORNING STAR • may 15 - 21, 2008

Health One of the hardest things to treat is denial By Dr. Anthony Policastro

Join Nanticoke Memorial Hospital on National Cancer Survivors Day, Sunday, June 1, to give voice to the millions of people who have been touched by cancer. National Cancer Survivors Day is an annual, worldwide celebration of life. This is the 21st annual National Cancer Survivors Day, the world's largest cancer survivor event. Cancer survivors, caregivers, family members, friends, and healthcare professionals will unite in this symbolic event to show the world that there is life after a cancer diagnosis. Nanticoke Memorial Hospital Cancer Care Center is hosting a Celebration Of Life from 1 to 3 p.m. on Sunday, June 1, in the Riverside Food Court at Nanticoke Memorial Hospital. Everyone is invited to attend. The featured speaker will be Mr. Lon Keiffer, a nationally known Motivational Speaker. The celebration will also feature local musical entertainment and refreshments. Door prizes will be drawn throughout the event and all survivors will receive a gift. "This event will lift your spirit because you can learn how surviving cancer is an attitude about life and living each day to the fullest," says Terri Clifton, National Cancer Survivors Day Coordinator for Nanticoke Memorial Hospital.

is the alcoholic. The first step to treating else. I once stopped at the side of the alcoholism is for the individual to admit road. There was a man lying there. He that there is a problem. was having a heart atThe same thing is true There was a bottle There are many... forms tack. for other types of adof antacid in his hand. diction. of denial that interfere with When my father died of A similar thing can his heart attack, he was be found in people good medical care. complaining that he had with chest pain. The indigestion. rule is that chest pain Another form of denial in adults should result in a visit to the is to think that medication will not help a ER. However, many individuals try to medical condition. It is true that there are talk themselves into it being something a lot of illnesses that will get better on their own. They do not really need to be treated with medication. However, most chronic conditions will only get worse without medication. I see this frequently when I treat children with ADHD. Parents want to do something other than medication. For children with mild ADHD, that might work. However, some children will not be able to learn in A cancer survivor is defined as anyone school without medication. living with a history of cancer - from the Some people fear the side effects of moment of diagnosis through the remainmedication. They may attribute the efder of life. Approximately 10.5 million fects of the disease to the medication. Americans are now living with and For example, high blood pressure is one beyond a diagnosis of cancer. of the most common causes of kidney In the United States, almost half of failure. Medications that treat high blood all men and one third of all women are pressure can affect the kidneys in very expected to be diagnosed with cancer rare instances. Someone in denial will at some point in their lives. We need to learn as much as possible about this disease because many forms of cancer can be prevented and most cured if detected early. Major advances in cancer prevention, early detection, and treatment have resulted in longer survival, and therefore, a growing number of cancer survivors. However, a cancer diagnosis can leave a host of problems in its wake. Physical, financial, and emotional hardships often persist after diagnosis and treatment. "Despite the adversities they face, cancer survivors continue to show resilience by living active, productive lives," says Clifton. "They face each day with courage and dignity in their fight against cancer and serve as an inspiration to all of us." For more information about National Cancer Survivors Day at Nanticoke Memorial Hospital contact Clifton at 629-6611, ext. 2577.

Insurance companies would be banned from raising the auto insurance rates of policyholders or dropping their policies because they are volunteer firefighters and ambulance company members under proposed legislation. Senate Bill 239 is sponsored by state Sens. Patricia Blevins and Bruce Ennis and state Reps. Biff Lee and Bill Carson, was authored by Insurance Commissioner Matt Denn and is being supported by the Delaware Volunteer Firemen’s Association. It comes after a case was brought to the Department of Insurance where a Sussex County volunteer firefighter was told by his insurance company that his auto policy was being cancelled because

he used his personal vehicle to respond to emergency calls. “Members of fire and ambulance companies are sacrificing their time and safety for the rest of us when they head for the station to go out on a call,” Commissioner Denn said. “The least we can do for these emergency response volunteers is keep insurance companies from raising their rates or canceling their policies.” “What this legislation does is prevent insurance companies from intimidating fire service personnel from performing a very valuable service,” said Ron Marvel, president of the Delaware Volunteer Firemen’s Association.

This marks the 500th article that I have written for the Star. I can’t believe it has been that many. I guess I am in denial. Denial is a powerful player in medical care. There are many types of denial that we see. The usual result is that they interfere with an individual getting good medical care. One form of denial is to deny that a disease is present. The classic example

Nanticoke celebrates National Cancer Survivors Day, June 1

Firefighters rates now protected

try to blame the kidney problems on the medication. It is really due to the blood pressure. If they stop the medication, it will only get worse. Once that happens, it will be too late for the medication to prevent it. Another type of denial is one that might harm others. There is a requirement in the Delaware Medical Practices Act that people who frequently lose consciousness should not be driving. They might have seizures. They might have other neurological problems. They might have a heart condition. It is an inconvenience to not have a driver’s license. Many of these individuals try to convince their physician to allow them to drive before their condition is under control. That puts other people in danger. They are denying that they will pass out while driving. They are not in the best position to know that. There are many other forms of denial that interfere with good medical care. Most of them result in patients who do not follow their treatment as prescribed. Denial is a natural human reaction. However, the purpose of it should not be something that causes more harm than good. Hopefully, my 500 articles have helped eliminate some of that denial.

MORNING STAR • may 15 - 21, 2008

Page 23

Health Briefs Skin cancer screenings offered

As the summer season approaches, Beebe Medical Center’s Community Health Program, in conjunction with the Tunnell Cancer Center, reminds the community about the importance of preventing the most common cancer, that which affects the largest organ of the body - the skin. Beebe will offer free skin cancer screenings from 5 to 8 p.m. on Monday, May 19, and Tuesday, May 20, at the Tunnell Cancer Center at the Beebe Health Campus, John J. Williams Highway, Rehoboth Beach. Beebe physicians volunteer to do the screenings by appointment only. To make an appointment, call Linda Roberts at 302-645-3100, ext. 2724.

Stroke support group

Nanticoke Memorial Hospital will offer free monthly Stroke Support Group meetings designed for individuals who have survived a stroke and their families and caregivers. Meetings are held the third Thursday of each month at Nanticoke Cancer Care Center, from 1:30 - 3:30 p.m. The meetings will consist of guest speakers and breakaway sessions, in which caregivers and survivors will meet in two groups to discuss concerns, provide support and networking. Refreshments will be provided. Sheila Brant and Joan Burditt, occupational therapists at Nanticoke Memorial Hospital, will facilitate the support group meetings.

Pre-registration not required. For more information, call 629-6611, ext. 5121.

Depression support group

The Mental health Association in Delaware will be sponsoring a Depression Support Group in Laurel on the second and fourth Thursdays of each month. The meetings begin at 7 p.m. The MHA encourages anyone dealing with a depressive disorder to attend. Register in advance by calling 1-800-287-6423. Peer support groups sponsored by Mental Health Association of Delaware are not intended to replace professional mental health treatment. MHA does not publish support group locations; locations are provided with registration.

every 18-24 months, members receive blood replacement insurance for themselves and their dependents, nationwide. But donors do not need to be BBD members to score points for their companies. Donating blood or platelets, joining the Blood Bank and running in the 5K on July 19 all score points for the team. To underscore the message that blood is life’s fuel, the BBD is giving away fuel-related incentives to winners each week: free gas. Two participants selected randomly each week will receive $50 gas cards. And winners at the end of the competition can win an array of prizes – including a cruise. Starting May 19 until Aug. 30, busi-

nesses and organizations will compete to recruit the most new Blood Bank members and blood donors. One will be named the “Top Lifesaving Employer” on Delmarva. Prizes include a cruise and gas gift cards from $25 to $500. All participating employers will be highlighted in a full page ad in area newspapers in May. All top winners in each size category will be credited in a full page ad in the same publications again in September. Employers that would like to be involved in the 2008 Summer Blood Challenge can call Blood Bank of Delmarva at 302-737-8405 ext. 887 or email Lisa Gravely at For more information, visit or call 1-888-8-BLOOD-8.

Blood Bank announces challenge

Strange but true: saving a life costs less than filling a tank. Much less. That is the message companies across the Delmarva Peninsula are hearing as the Blood Bank of Delmarva is getting ready to kick off the 6th Annual Summer Blood Challenge, which begins May 19. The competition, open through Aug. 30, features more than 100 organizations. Each is hoping to be named “Top Lifesaving Employer.” With gas at $4 or more a gallon – nearly $50 for an average fill-up – the $5 Blood Bank of Delmarva membership fee can seem like quite a bargain. In exchange for filling a unit of blood

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REDUCED MEDICAL PLAN Under Sussex Medical Center, for the uninsured. This is NOT medical insurance. 1,000 NEWBORNS - Bear Hugs for Babies, Inc., a non-profit organization, is celebrating it seventh year of serving the needs of lower Delaware’s babies born into extreme poverty, homelessness and/or disease. The 1000th baby will be served this week. Through the efforts of initiator and volunteer Phil Brown, other volunteers, and referrals from local hospitals and organizations, families receive a large basket filled with items to properly care for a newborn. Shown here, Phil Brown and volunteer, Jon Blackman unload three baskets from the Bear Hugs for Babies van. For more information, call 302-226-5523 or visit Submitted photo

For more information please call

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MORNING STAR • MAY 15 - 21, 2008

Church Bulletins St. John’s multicultural services

Siempre Verde, a multicultural, bilingual service is being led by Pastor Luis Almandoz on Sunday afternoons at 3 p.m. in the Fellowship Hall at St. John’s United Methodist Church at Pine and Poplar streets, Seaford. Praise music, powerful preaching and a small meal unite this fellowship of persons of both Hispanic and Anglo origins. Alberto Mendez leads worship on the keyboard.

Celebrate Recovery

Celebrate Recovery, a step program which claims Jesus Christ as its Higher Power, is meeting at St. John’s United Methodist Church, Pine and Poplar streets, on Tuesday evenings from 7-9 p.m. This program is open to persons who wish to turn over their hurts, habits, and hang-ups to God such that they may be healed. For more information, call Rev. Constance Hastings, 629-9466, or Robert Spadaccini, 841-1720.

Ladies’ bible study

speaker will be the Rev. Dr. Sandra Ball. Special music will be by Everett Warrington and the Rev. and Mrs. Everett Isaacs. The church is located on Rt. 16 and Todd’s Chapel Road, 4 miles west of Greenwood.

Seaford, at 4 p.m. Tickets are $30, age 12 and under $15. Sponsored by John Wesley United Methodist Church, with the Rev. Peggy M. Briggs, Pastor. For tickets contact Sandra Johnson at 629-6046.

‘Revived’ in concert

Mt. Calvary A.M.E. Homecoming

On May 18, the singing group "Revived" will be in concert at the St. Paul's United Methodist Church, in Laurel. The program will start at 7 p.m. St. Paul's is located just east of US 13, on Old Stage Road. For more information or directions, call 875-7900.

Latin Mass

A Latin mass according to the Missal of 1962 is celebrated on the third Sunday of every month at 3 p.m. at Holy Cross Church in Dover. The mass will be celebrated on May 18. The mass is always a Missa Cantata using traditional Gregorian chant. For further information, call 302674-5781.

Revivalist Bishop Ron Scott

There is a ladies’ bible study, held every Tuesday starting at 10 a.m., at Laurel Baptist Church, Bi-State Boulevard in Laurel.This bible study is a non-denominational study, only God’s Word is studied, making us to be more like Christ.Should you have any questions regarding the study, feel free to call Gertrude R. Smith at 875-5300.

Revivalist Bishop Ron Scott of Kingdom Coalition Ministries, Baltimore, Md., a renowned evangelist, teacher and preacher of the word of God will be at Miracle Revival Center, 800 N. Sussex Ave., Seaford, on May 22 and 23, at 7:30 p.m.; and May 24 at 4 p.m. For more information contact Pastor Isaac and Laverne Ross at 629-5376 or Sister Youmens at 3495360. Come and be blessed.

Todd’s Chapel Homecoming

‘Men & Women of Distinction’

Todd’s Chapel Homecoming will be held Sunday, May 18, at 2:30 p.m., celebrating our 200th Anniversary. Guest

“Men & Women of Distinction” honorees banquet will be held on Saturday, May 24, at Alliance Church, Atlanta Road,

“Yesterday and Today’s Youth Choir” in concert at Mt. Calvary A.M.E. Church, Concord, on Saturday, May 24, at 6:00 p.m. The choir will be under the direction of Anthony “TJ” Johnson. “Annual Homecoming” worship service on Sunday May 25, at 10 a.m. The Rev. Thomasina M. Portis of Renaissance Christian Tabernacle, Washington, D.C., an anointed, gifted, and Holy Ghost filled woman of God, will be the messenger. Music will be rendered by the Homecoming Choir. Dinner will be served immediately after service.

Blessing of the bikes

The 1st annual Gethsemane Blessing of the Bikes will be held at the Gethsemane Church, in Reliance, four miles west of Seaford, on Sunday, June 1. This is a gathering to start the riding season with blessings for a safe year, and to promote a sense of community and fellowship among riders. The blessing service will start at 10:30 a.m. A block party with live music and free food will begin afterwards at noon and last until 4:30 p.m. The Rev. Drew Christian will officiate. There will be a flag football game between the youth and adults, and many other fun activities for kids of all ages. For more information, call the office at 629-2862, or the event coordinators, Dominic Lee at 841-8636, or Ben Burrows at 410-330-7899.

Ninety & Nine dinner meeting

The Ninety & Nine extends an invitation to all women to join them for their quarterly dinner meeting at The Cannon Mennonite Church in Bridgeville, on Monday evening, June 2, at 6:30 p.m. The special speaker for the evening is Nicole Theis, a resident of Sussex County, and wife of Chris Theis. She has worked as a consultant in the areas of Organization Development and Leadership in Delaware, as well as all over the country. DFPC is an organization that works with focus on the family and the alliance defense fund to strengten and shield the families of Delaware. All are welcome to come hear an encouraging and challenging message. The Colors of Harmony, a registered Sweet Adeline Quartet will be performing. The group consists of BJ Carmean, Dee Postles, Vicky Heeger, and Rusty Mende. Reservations are necessary. Deadline is May 28. For details or more information call: Joyce Thomas at 29-2248, Michele Thompson at 877-0797, or Arvalene Moore at 875-4387.

Annual Lay Day

In celebration of our Annual Lay Day, the Lay Organization of Macedonia A.M.E. Church is sponsoring a one night revival on Friday, May 23,2008 at 7 p.m. Rev. Shirley Caldwell, choir and congregation will be our guests. Our annual Lay Day Service will be on Sunday, May 25 at 4 p.m. Rev. Baron N. Hopkins,Sr., choir/choirs and congregation of Mt. Calvary United Methodist Church will be our guest. Fellowship in the dining room immediately following the 11 a.m. worship service

DIRECTORY: Your Guide To Local Houses of Worship TRINITY UNITED METHODIST Trap Pond, CHURCH NearLaurel, Del. 875-7715 Sun. School 9:00 a.m. Worship 10:00 a.m. Pastor Julie A. Lewis

“A caring church, a giving church, a sharing church; showing love, warmth and friendship to all.”

St. John’s United Methodist Church Pine & Poplar Sts., Seaford 302-629-9466 E-mail: NURSERY & HANDICAP ACCESSIBLE

SUNDAY WORSHIP 8:30 & 11:15 am Traditional 9:45 Sunday School 10:00 am Hearts Afire (Contemporary) Come as you are… and be transformed in the love of Christ!

Centenary United Methodist Church “Making Disciples of Jesus Christ for Over 200 Years” “NEW SONG!” - Contemporary Celebration, 8:45 a.m. Sunday School, Classes for ALL ages, 9:45 a.m. Every Traditional Family Worship, 11:00 a.m. Sunday

Rev. John W. Van Tine, Pastor, 875-3983 200 W. Market St., Laurel, Del.


1010 S. Central Ave., Laurel Ph: 875-7748 Worship Services: Sunday 10 a.m. 6:00 p.m. Bible Study: Sun. 9:00 a.m.; Wed. 7:00 p.m. In The Interest Of New Testament Christianity

CHRIST UNITED METHODIST CHURCH 510 S. Central Ave., Laurel, DE Pastor Barbara Wilson Church: 875-4233 Cell: 302-253-0083 Sunday Services: 8:30am Praise 9:30am Sunday School,11am Worship


Christ Evangelistic Church Great Worship - Talented Singers Loving People - Powerful Preaching

Youth Group Wednesday 7:00 pm

Worship 10:45 a.m. • Sun. School 9:45 a.m. Wed. Night 7:00 p.m. • Sun. Night 7:00 p.m. Located on Camp Road between the Dual & Alt. 13 For info call: 629-3674 or 875-2915 Sr. Pastor Roland Tice

Christian Church of Seaford Dual 13N., Seaford, DE • 629-6298 Minister: John Herbst SCHEDULE OF SERVICES Sunday School 9:30 a.m. Evening Worship 6:00 p.m. Morning Worship 10:30 Wed. Night Service & (Nursery & Jr. Church) Youth Groups 7:00 p.m. A Firm Foundation • A Sure Hope • An Unending Love

St. Philip’s Episcopal Church & Old Christ Church

“A Place to Belong”

600 S. Central Ave., Laurel, DE 19956 (302) 875-3644 Rev. Rita B. Nelson, Rector Holy Eucharist with Healing and Church School ~ Sunday @ 9:30 am

SUNDAY WEDNESDAY Underground Family Worship (7-12 grade) 6:15 p.m. 10:00 a.m. 7:00 p.m. Sunday School 9:00 a.m. Prayer Team ‘The Table’ God’s Big Back Yard (last Wed. of mo) 7:00 p.m. 9:00 a.m.

94 Walnut St. Laurel, DE 19956


Centrally located at 14511 Sycamore Rd., Laurel, DE 19956 Sunday School - 9 a.m.; Worship Service - 10:30 a.m. FasTrak Children’s Ministry - 10:30 a.m.; E318 Youth - 6 p.m. Wednesday Midweek Services - 7 p.m.

For info, call 875.7995 or visit

St. Paul’s United Methodist Church Road 68, South of Laurel Laurel, Del.

Sun. School 10 a.m. • Worship 9 & 11 a.m. Wed. Night Bible Study 7 p.m. Hymn Sing: Last Sunday Each Month - 7 p.m.

Pastor - Donald Murray - 856-6107

Thank You to the churches that sponsor these pages. Your contribution makes it possible for the “Good News” to be published each week.

MORNING STAR • MAY 15 -21, 2008


Miley’s plight or my plight? By the Rev. Todd K. Crofford Laurel Wesleyan Church


In recent weeks there has been It breaks my heart that much controversy over the young teen star Miley Cyrus. If you aren’t our young children may familiar with this particular young be once again losing lady, the star of Disney’s Hannah Montana, find any 11-year-old girl someone who has been and she can tell you all about her. Miley, who is the daughter of a great role model so famous musician and actor Billy far. Ray Cyrus, has become a sensationally popular star at 15 while giving a vocal Christian witness and keep- rejoices when sin rules. How much more should we rather mourn when sin is exing her act clean and modest. Scores of posed and rejoice when righteousness is 8–11 year old girls absolutely adore her. exalted? Do we really feel that the best we Unfortunately, the last month has not can hope for in life is to prove we all just played out well for Miley, as in more than can’t make it when it comes to upright livone occasion some risqué pictures have ing? Is there really so little remedy for surfaced that are not the norm for this young lady. Personally, I feel sorry for this our own circumstance that we are relegated to celebrating everyone else’s demise? girl and pray she is not taking her first The Bible instructs that sin is not notesteps down Brittney Spears Lane or Lindsey Lohan Avenue. It breaks my heart that worthy and we are not to delight in evil (I our young children may once again be los- Corinthians 13:6). It is God’s grace, his righteous and loving actions in this world ing someone who has been a great rolethat are noteworthy. It is not when one model thus far. Here was a girl who has more pop-star falls that we should sit up handled talent, money (she’s already a and take notice. It is when one more admulti-millionaire), and the glaring presdict is sobered by God’s grace, one more sure of fame and still kept her head tomarriage is restored by God’s counsel, or gether. Hopefully, she will remain that one more eternal destiny is changed by way. God’s forgiveness that we should stand up Even more troubling to me is the reand applaud. sponse of the general public to her recent You know what I think Miley needs escapades. The Vanity Fair site that postright now? She needs ten million fans to ed her questionable picture crashed bewrite her and tell her they celebrate what cause of the millions of hits it was receivGod is up to in her life. She needs to be ing. I am quite certain all those people encouraged that she CAN be a godly role were not voyeurs. Pundits shouting “I model. Meanwhile, we need to be people told you so” and gloating “she’s no pure who do the same for each other- celebratprincess anymore” were everywhere. ing growth points, spurring one another on It seems as humans we love the lowest to holy living, and modeling ourselves afcommon denominator. We long to prove to ourselves and everyone else that no one ter God’s servants. Then we will be a people who pull one another out of pits of sin can be pure. “No one is really upright”, we say. “Everyone has a secret”, we think, instead of justifying ourselves through constant chatter of sin’s most recent “and it is probably worse than mine.” tragedy. It is the sign of a race gone astray that

Centenary Gospel Café weekly

Centenary United Methodist Church, corner of Poplar and Market streets, Laurel, will hold its Gospel Café every Saturday night at 6 p.m. featuring Bruce and Nancy Willey Music Ministry. May Guest Singers are: Saturday, May 17 – Gospel Cafés Pig in the Park Concert, Amanda Jones, Cassandra Abbott, Joey LeCates. Saturday, May 26 – Don White, Bill Primrose, Dawn Hopkins, Kaila Clucas. Saturday, May 31 – Debbie O’Neal, Milton Foskey, Amanda Scott, Ray & Travor Marine. Every week, Mary Ann Young joins us. Everyone is invited to attend. For more information, contact Bruce & Nancy Willey, 875-5539 or 875-7339.

New Release ‘A Box of Memories’ on Sale Tony Windsor

A Box of Memories

Tony Windsor’s brand new CD compilation, “A Box of Memories” is on sale now. This 17-song CD features performances of songs including, “Only Make Believe,” “He Stopped Loving Her Today,” and the gospel classic, “In the Garden.” Get your copy at the Seaford Star office for only $5.00. Call: 302-236-9886


Rev. Michael A. Hopkins, Pastor WEDNESDAY SUNDAY Sunday School......9:45 a.m. Prayer & Praise 7:00 p.m. Worship...............11:00 a.m. Patch Club (kids) 7:00 p.m. Eve. Worship........7:00 p.m. Youth Group 6:00-8 p.m.

Messiah’s Vineyard Church Located at Tyndall’s Furniture Plaza on Discountland Rd & Rt. 13, Laurel 302-875-4646 PO BOX 60, LAUREL, DE 19956

PRE-SCHOOL - 12TH GRADE - Office 629-7161 Quality Traditional Education Since 1973 Fully Accredited By Middle States in ACSI

Dr. Carl G Vincent, Senior Minister Pastor Barry B. Dukes, Music Minister Sunday 9:30 am Wednesday 7:00 pm Children’s Church • Nursery




A Cooperative S.B.C. Church 805 Atlanta Rd., Seaford, DE

302-629-8434 • Sunday School 9:30 am Worship 10:45 am & 6:30 pm Children’s Church 10:45 am SPANISH Worship 10:45 am Wednesday Activities 7 pm Pastor: Homer McKeithan Youth Minister: James Hollis Music: Jim Burket “The Cross Is Grounded In Grace”

27225 Kaye Road Laurel, DE 19956 Ph: (302) 875-7814 Timothy P. Jones, Pastor Sunday Family Worship - 10:00 a.m. Wednesday Family Ministries - 7:00 p.m.

“Shining His Light”

532 Stein Hwy., Seaford, DE 19973 Redemptorist Fathers • 629-3591 MASSES: SUNDAY: Sat. Eve. - Vigil 5:30 p.m.; Spanish 7:30 p.m. Sunday - 7 a.m., 8:30 a.m., 11 a.m. DAILY: Mon., Tues., Thurs. & Fri. 9 a.m. Wed. 9 a.m. & 7:30 p.m.; First Sat. 9 a.m. HOLY DAYS: Eve. 7:30 p.m.; 9 a.m. & 7:30 p.m. NOVENA DEVOTIONS: Wed. 9 a.m. & 7:30 p.m. CONFESSION: Sat. 4:30 p.m.

“The Pickle Church” CHRIST THE CORNERSTONE COMMUNITY CHURCH PICKLE MINISTRIES OUTREACH & CORNERSTONE NOTE MUSIC MINISTRY Corner of Bethel Rd. & Alt. 13 • 302-875-8150 Worship Svce 10 a.m. - Rev. Rick Elzey Church School & Jr. Church 10 a.m. - Pastor Doris Whaley Wings of Prayer Tues. 7 p.m. Exploring God’s Word, Wed. 7 p.m.


SUNDAY WORSHIP 11 AM and 6 PM ~ Sunday School 9:45 AM

WEDNESDAY NIGHT Ministry for the whole family 7 PM

Pastor Stacey Johnson 28261 Seaford Rd., Laurel, 2 miles N. of Laurel on Alt. 13


The Atlanta Road Alliance Church 22625 Atlanta Rd., Seaford, DE (302) 629-5600 • Rev. Edward J. Laremore, Sr. Pastor David A. Krilov, Associate Pastor


315 N. Shipley St., Seaford, DE 19973 • 302-629-9755 Pastor: Rev. Andrew C. Watkins

Praise Worship 8:30 AM • Sunday School 9:30 AM • Traditional Worship 11 AM


SUNDAY WEDNESDAY 8:30 Worship 6:45 Pioneer Clubs (age 3 9:45 Sunday School thru grade 6) & Divorce Care® 11:00 Worship/Kids Church 7:00 Prayer Service & Youth 7:00 Evening Service Group (grades 7-12)

30320 Seaford Road, Laurel, Del. Ph: 875-7275 • Pastor Bill Konkel Sunday School: 9 a.m. Worship: 10:30 a.m. & 1st & 3rd Sunday Evening: 5 p.m. Thurs Evening Prayer: 7 p.m.


St. Luke’s Episcopal Church

All Welcome Where Love Abides -- John 3:16

The Church by the Side of the Road 15092 Cokesbury Rd, Georgetown, DE (302) 629-5222 • Pastor Harold Carmean & Congregation Sunday School 9 am Contemporary Church Service 10 am

Mount Olivet United Methodist Church Serving Christ in the Heart of Seaford since 1830 315 High St. • Seaford, DE

Sunday Services: Informal Worship in Chapel 8:30 a.m. Traditional Worship 11:00 a.m. Sanctuary 9:45 Sunday School Pastor: Rev. Thomas Gross • 302-629-4458 PROFESSIONAL NURSERY CARE PROVIDED

Laurel Wesleyan Church Rt. 13A, Just North of Laurel Sunday School - 9:30 Worship - 9:00 & 10:45 Sunday Evening Worship Wed. Youth Ministries 6:30 p.m. Thurs. WKID, The Zone Children’s Ministries 6:30 Church 875-5380 • Sr. Pastor Ken Deusa Asst. Pastor/Youth: Sue Boyce Children’s Pastor: Marilyn Searcey

629-7979 Holy Eucharist: 9:00 a.m. Sunday School & Adult Forum: 10:30 a.m. Thurs. Eve. Service: 6 p.m. Front & King St., Seaford, DE

The Rev’d. Jeanne W. Kirby-Coladonato, Rector

Seaford Church of Christ Acapella

(Rm. 16:16)

N. Dual 13, P.O. Box 783, Seaford, DE 19973 302-629-6206 Evangelist - Anthony Melakian - 629-3633 Elder - Don Birch - 629-8949 Elder - Ron Russell - 629-6033 Sunday School 10a.m. Sun. Worship 11 a.m., Sun. Evening 6 p.m Wed. Evenings 7 p.m. Live For God, Love Each Other, Light The World

A Gathering Of Faith Come together under Christ’s roof and share together in his love. Attend Church this Sunday


MORNING STAR • MAY 15 - 21, 2008

Obituaries William A. Tull, Sr., 76

William A. Tull, Sr., of Millsboro passed away on May 7, 2008, at Nanticoke Memorial Hospital, Seaford, after being stricken at home. Mr. Tull was born on Oct. 17, 1931, a son of Alonzo and Edith Selby Tull, who preceded him in death. He worked at Townsend’s Inc., Millsboro, in the William A. Tull Sr. automotive maintenance and parts department, retiring in 1993 after 45 years of service. He most recently worked part-time at the CHEER Center in Long Neck near Millsboro. He was a U.S. Army Veteran of the Korean War. Mr. Tull was a member of the Church of the Lord Jesus Christ of the Apostolic Faith, Ellendale, and the CHEER Center in Long Neck. He enjoyed family gatherings and many different sports including auto racing, NASCAR, football, tennis, hunting, and many other sports. Besides his parents, Mr. Tull was preceded in death by a brother Milton Tull and a son-in-law, Leander Anthony. He is survived by his wife of 53 years, Corella Hall Tull; four sons, William A. Tull, Jr. and his wife Lorna of Millsboro, Tyrone A. Tull and his wife Carla of Harbeson, Telford L. Tull and his wife Linda of Millsboro, and Wade B. Tull and his wife April of Georgetown; six daughters, Cynthia B. Tull of Millsboro, Vernetta Y. Swann of Millsboro, Francine R. Tolliver and her husband Roland of Upper Marlboro, Md., Tujuana T. Tull of Upper Marlboro, Katrania G. Anthony of Seaford, and

Obituaries are run without charge thanks to the support of area churches

Tegra L. Woody and her husband Grady of Seaford; four brothers, James Tull, David Tull, and Lorenzo Tull, all of Millsboro and Rufus Tull of Columbus, Ga.; 18 grandchildren, and seven great-grandchildren. Services were held Monday, May 12, at the Church of the Lord Jesus Christ of the Apostolic Faith, 20887 Milton Ellendale Highway, Ellendale. A viewing was held at Watson Funeral Home, 211 Washington St., Millsboro, on Monday, prior to the services. Minister Anthony Thompson officiated. Interment was at the Delaware Veterans Memorial Cemetery, Patriots Way, Millsboro. Arrangements were handled by Watson Funeral Home, Millsboro. Letters of condolence may be emailed, or

Emma Griffith Labeyrie, 63

Emma Lou Griffith Labeyrie of Seaford died on Monday, May 5, 2008, at home with her family by her side. She was born on Oct. 22, 1944 in Mitchell County, N.C., one of 13 children of Josh and Eva McCourry Peterson. She attended Tipton Hill Elementary and High School in Relief, N.C. Mrs. Labeyrie moved to Baltimore Emma Labeyrie in 1964 where she worked for Union Trust Bank. She moved to Hurlock, Md. in 1978 where she worked for Provident State Bank in Preston and Federalsburg for 20 years from 1980 to 2000 when she continued her long and courageous battle with breast cancer.

Continuing the legacy...

Emma was a very endearing and caring person, a friend to all who knew her, always an ear to listen and very rarely sharing her pain or worries. She will be eternally missed by all who knew her. She was preceded in death by her husband, Robert Griffith in 1997, brothers: Clark Peterson infant brother, Buster A. Peterson of Dumfries, Va., Charles L. Peterson of Rock Island, Tenn., Billy A. Peterson of Hurlock, Md. and an infant daughter, Eva Eileen Sappington of Baltimore, Md. She is survived by her husband Gerard J. Labeyrie of Seaford; a son, Marr D. Sappington, III (Trey) of Hurlock; two daughters, Holly Christine Sappington Peterson of N.C., Lorra Benet Sappington White of Bishopville; four grandchildren, Rebecca Shindler, Morgan Sappington, Dylan White and Tanner White; five stepchildren, Mike Griffith, Carla Turner, Gail Wilson, Danielle Stewart, Kimberly Mitchell; ten step-grandchildren, eight brothers and sisters, Josh Peterson, Jr. of Spencer, Tenn., James Michael Peterson of Bakersville, N.C., Marjorie Webb of Sparta, Tenn., Beulah Joyner of Rocky Mount, N.C., Ula Shrewsbury of Mechanicsville, Va., Jeralyne (Jerri) Baxley of Mt. Pleasant, N.C., Carolyn Street of Gray, Tenn., and Irene Peterson of Green Mountain, N.C.; many nieces and nephews, and her best friend Lacy Roberts of Hebron, Md. Funeral services were held on Friday, May 9, at the Framptom Funeral Home in Federalsburg, Md. with the Rev. Ruth Tull officiating. Interment followed in Hillcrest Cemetery in Federalsburg. Friends called at the funeral home on Thursday evening and on Friday, prior to the services. Serving as pallbearers were Marr D. Sappington, III (Trey), John Turner, Michael Griffith, Chardo Wilson, Joe Peterson, and Mark Behan. Memorial donations may be made in her memory to Delaware Hospice, Inc., 600 N. DuPont Highway, Georgetown, DE 19947; or Hope Lodge, 636 Lexington St., Baltimore, MD 21201. To share memories with the family visit

Union United Methodist Church 2 North Laws St., Bridgeville, DE 19933 Across from Bank 337-7409 Handicap Friendly WORSHIP TIMES:

9 am Contemporary Service 10 am Sunday School 11 am Traditional Worship Youth Group (Sun. 6 p.m.) R. McPherson • Memorial Portraits & Doves Darnell Licensed Funeral • DVD Memorial Tribute Director, PA & DE Maryland Courtesy • Cremation Card Holder • Still Honoring Pre-Arrangements • Serving Families for Over 45 Years • Offering Affordable Traditional Funeral Services • Serving All of Delaware • Serving All Faiths • Oldest Operating Black Funeral Home • Traveling All Distances

SEAFORD PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Sunday School 9 am Morning Worship 10 am

701 Bridgeville Road 629-9077

Wesley United Methodist Church

309 North St., Milford, DE


308 N. Front St., Seaford, DE

(302)629-9283 1(800)796-4873

Margaret Elizabeth Ruth of Seaford, passed away on Saturday, May 11, 2008 at the Anchorage Nursing Home in Salisbury, Md. She was born in Erie, Pa. the daughter of Merle Hess and Millie Hess, who predeceased her. Mrs. Ruth was a homemaker and preceded in death by her late husband the Rev. Dale Ruth. A private graveside service will be held at Spring Hill Cemetery in Easton, Md. Arrangements were handled by the Hannigan, Short, Disharoon Funeral Home, 700 West St., Laurel.

Virginia Elizabeth Pepper Tyler, 92

Virginia Elizabeth Pepper Tyler of Seaford, died on May 11, 2008, at the Methodist Manor House in Seaford. She was born in Georgetown, Delaware on March 26, 1916, the sixth child of her farming parents, Byron and Mary Catherine Waples Pepper. She graduated from Georgetown High School in 1934 and the University of Delaware in 1938. She began her working career as a program worker at the People’s Settlement Association in Wilmington, in 1938 and became program secretary and camp director for the Harrisburg, Pa. YWCA from 1941 to 1943. She married 2nd Lieutenant James Blaine Tyler II on Oct. 13, 1943 in Miami Beach, Fla., spending her wedding night aboard a troop train bound for New York. For the remainder of the war years, she taught physical education in the Lewes and Seaford Public Schools. From the end of World War II until 1952, she lived in Wilmington, raising her young family. In 1952, she and her family moved to Peace Dale, R.I.. In 1956, they returned to Wilmington, living in Westwood Manor, Brandywine Hundred, while she served as program secretary for the Wilmington YWCA and later taught part-time at the Delaware Preschool.

BETHEL WORSHIP CENTER 9431 Ginger Lane, Seaford (2.4 mi. north of Wal-Mart on US 13) 628-4240 Recorded Info 628-4241 Church Office

Pastor Joseph Lecates - 875-2059 Adult Sunday School 9:30 am Worship 10:30 am & 6:30 pm Children’s Church 10:30 am Nursery 10:30 am & 6:30 pm Youth Meeting Sun. 7 pm Promise Keepers Tues. 7 pm Wed. Night Bible Study 7 pm “We’re not building a church, we’re building God’s Kingdom!”


“Welcome Home!”

“Your loss is still our concern.” Prompt & Efficient Services for All

Margaret Elizabeth Ruth, 92

22025 Atlanta Road, Seaford, DE Pastor Ed Kuhling Contemporary Worship 9 am Sunday School & Bible Education 10 am Traditional Worship 11 am Wednesday Worship 6:45 pm 302-629-3029 * Info Line 302-628-0112

743 E. Clarence St., Seaford, Del. Carlton L. Cannon, Sr. Paster

629-9443, Cell: 448-0852 • Sunday: Midweek Activities: Church School........9:45 am Call for Details Morning Worship......11 am Children’s Church & Youth Explosion ........6 pm Nursery Provided Evening Worship.........7 pm *Counseling by appt. only Tuesday: Thursday: Bible Study & Family Corporate Prayer.........7 pm ‘Come and Grow with Us!’ Training Hour...........7 pm

Laurel Baptist Church, SBC Where everybody is somebody & Jesus Christ is Lord 33056 Bi-State Boulevard, Laurel, DE 19956 LBC Sunday School ~ 10:00 Morning Worship ~ 11:00 Wednesday Bible Study ~ 7:00 P.M. Nursery Provided Pastor: Rev. Steven Booth Music Director: Linda Lewis


MORNING STAR • MAY 15 - 21, 2008 In retirement, she and her husband lived on the banks of the Tred Avon River in Oxford, Md. from 1979 to 1992. Their long backyard was lined with a profusion of flowers as evidence of her hard work. They then moved to the Methodist Manor House in Seaford. Proud of her Sussex County Heritage, she was an active member of the Pepper Family Association and the Daughters of Colonial Wars. She worked enthusiastically for the Republican Party and served as a volunteer guide at the Henry Francis du Pont Winterthur Museum. She was an avid needle worker who left behind many examples of her crewel embroidery and needlepoint. She was a long-time member of Grace Methodist Church in Wilmington, and Mount Olivet Methodist Church in Seaford. She is survived by her devoted husband of 64 years, James Blaine Tyler II of Seaford, and her son, James Blaine Tyler III and his wife Lorraine D. Tyler of Georgetown, and her son, John W. Tyler of Groton, Mass., as well as three grandchildren, four great-grandchildren, and many supportive nieces and nephews. The last of her generation of the Pepper family, she was predeceased by her three sisters and two brothers. A funeral service is being held at Mount Olivet Methodist Church, 315 High Street, Seaford, Delaware on Thursday, May 15, at 1 p.m. Friends are invited to a reception following the service at the Methodist Manor House, 1001 Middleford Road, Seaford. The burial will take place privately at Bethel Cemetery near Chesapeake City, Md. Memorial contributions may be made to the Methodist Manor House Benevolence Fund, 1001 Middleford Road, Seaford or Mt. Olivet Methodist Church.

Mark A. Bradley, 42

Mark A. Bradley of Warrenton, Va., formerly of Houston, died on Thursday, May 8, 2008 at Fauquier Hospital in Warrenton, Va. Mr. Bradley was a Clinical Technician at Fauquier Hospital. He was registered in the LPN program that was to begin in the fall of 2008. Mark loved the outdoors and was a Neil Young fan. He was the son of Joan Bradley of Houston, and the late Richard F. Bradley Sr. He is also survived by his daughter, Rachael Bradley of Greensboro, Md., his companion, Kelly Richardson with whom he lived; a brother, Richard F. “Bud” Bradley Jr. of Blades; his grandmother, Marilee Bradley of Seaford, and his former wife, Lucy Bradley and her fiancé of Greensboro, Md. Funeral services were on Wednesday, May 14, at the Houston United Methodist Church, 235 Broad St., Houston, where friends called prior to the services. Burial was in Hollywood Cemetery, Harrington. The family suggests donations may be made to the Houston United Methodist Church, 235 Broad St., Houston, DE 19954; or the Fauquier SPCA, P O Box 733, Warrenton, VA 20188. Arrangements were handled by the Cranston Funeral Home, Seaford.

Betty Brown Krieger, 84

Betty Brown Krieger of Federalsburg passed away on Thursday, May 8, 2008 at Nanticoke Memorial Hospital in Seaford. She was born on Dec. 2, 1923, in Fed-

eralsburg the daughter of Elmer Brown and Mattie Towers Brown, who predeceased her. She graduated from Federalsburg High School class of 1940 and later graduated in 1944 from Salisbury Teacher’s College, which is now Salisbury State University. She was married on August 4, 1950 to William G. “Bill” Krieger. Mr. Krieger preceded her in death on Nov 1, 1999. She worked for many years for the State of Maryland Department of Social Services and retired in 1983. She was a member of the Maryland Classified Employees, Nanticoke and Federalsburg Senior Centers, and volunteered for many years at Nanticoke Hospital. She was a lifetime member of the Federalsburg VFW Post #5246 auxiliary, the Wonderful World of Widows and the Immanuel Lutheran Church in Preston. She loved to read, travel, visit antique shops, and most of all, to help others which she truly enjoyed. She often said, “If I have helped someone along the way, my life has not been in vain.” She is survived by five cousins, Claudell Bowdle of Hurlock, Linda Brown of Denton, Lois O’Bier of Seaford, Lloyd Poole and Ann Wyatt, both of Federalsburg, and a special niece and her husband, Anne and Herbie Murphy of Federalsburg. Besides her husband, she was preceded in death by a sister, Louise Collins. A funeral was held Tuesday, May 13, at the Framptom Funeral Home in Federalsburg. The Rev. Edwin Thress officiated. Interment followed in Hill Crest Cemetery in Federalsburg. Friends called at the funeral home prior to the funeral. Memorial contributions may be made in her memory to the Immanuel Lutheran Church, Post Office Box 39, Preston, MD 21655. Share memories with the family at

Evelyn M. Quick

Evelyn M. Quick, of Laurel, passed away on Sunday, May 4, 2008, at the Seaford Center in Seaford. Evelyn was born in Richmond, Va. a daughter of Raymond and Winnie Mitchell. She was a homemaker, who loved to travel, enjoying winters in Florida and North Carolina. She also loved to visit with her family and friends. She was a longtime member of Christ United Methodist Church in Laurel. Besides her parents, she was preceded in death by her husband Gilbert T. Quick. She is survived by her son, James Quick, Sr. and his wife Donna of Pocomoke, Md.; her daughter Barbara Smith and her husband Wayne of Laurel. Her grandchildren: Michelle Dayton and husband John, Tracy Smith, Donna Breasure and husband Bobby, Teresa Thompson and James Quick, Jr. and wife, Charma; great-grandchildren: Cole Dayton, Lucas Dayton, Brendan Breasure, Tyler Quick, and Devon Quick. A niece, Delores Thomas also survives her. A graveside service was held at Odd Fellows Cemetery on West Street in Laurel, on Wednesday, May 7. The Pastor Barbara Wilson officiated. Contributions may be made in her memory to: Christ United Methodist Church, 510 Central Ave., Laurel, DE 19956. Arrangements were by the Hannigan, Short, Disharoon Funeral Home, 700 West St., Laurel.


Scott Family at Christ UMC

The Scotts will be in concert at Christ United Methodist Church, Laurel, on May 18, 8:30 and 10:45 a.m. services. The Scott family, Jeff, Jeanine, Maria (15), Emma (14) and Gray (9) have been ministering and performing together as a family for several years. Jeff and Jeanine began performing together before they were married, 18 years ago. Jeff is a pianist and Jeanine a vocalist. Their ministering now includes the children who each play the piano, with the addition of the violin, which is played by Emma. The family sings together as well.

Old Christ Church schedule

May 18 - 9:30 a.m., Morning Prayer May 25 - 9:30 a.m., Morning Prayer June 1 - 9:30 a.m., Holy Eucharist June 8, 15, 22, 29 - 9:30 a.m., Morning Prayer July 6 - 9:30 a.m., Combined Service - Patriotic Service with Holy Eucharist followed by a community picnic July 13, 20, 27 - 9:30 a.m., Morning Prayer Aug. 3 - 9:30 a.m., Holy Eucharist Aug. 10, 17, 24, 31 - 9:30 a.m., Morning Prayer Sept. 7 - 9:30 a.m., Holy Eucharist Sept. 14, 21, 28 - 9:30 a.m., Morning Prayer Oct. 7 - 10 a.m., Combined Service - Blessing of the Animals, Morning Prayer Tours and Training of Tour Guides In addition to services, the Old Christ Church League will offer tours of the church during the month of May immediately following the service. The tours in May will be led by Kendal Jones, Laurel’s town historian and the vice president of the Old Christ Church League. Just in case you don’t make it to the service, just arrive one hour later (11 a.m. on days that the service starts at 10 and 10:30 on days that the service begins at 9:30 and you can enjoy a wonderful tour of this marvelous treasure that sits on the banks of Chipman’s Pond. On Sunday, May 18, and Sunday May 25, Kendal Jones will be conducting training for anyone who would like to become a tour guide at Old Christ Church. The time for the training is 10:30 a.m. during the regularly scheduled tour.

What must I do to be saved?

Acknowledge your sin and place your trust in Christ. All who place their trust in Christ in this way are adopted as God’s children. All have sinned and fall short of the glory of God. — Romans 3:23 The wages of sin is death, but the gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord. — Romans 6:23 God demonstrates His own love toward us, in that while we were still sinners, Christ died for us. — Romans 5:8 If you confess with your mouth the Lord Jesus and believe in your heart that God has raised him from the dead, you will be saved. — Romans 10:9

In Loving Memory of

Dennis T. Mitchell 10/25/41 - 5/17/05 Many long years ago, we started our life, Living together as Husband and Wife. For 43 years we weathered life’s storms, Of good days and bad days as they came along, Of sad tears and glad tears of troubles and strife, That was all part of our daily life. Little did we know when we awoke on that Tuesday morning that by the end of the day our lives would be changed forever. Miss you very much, Pat, wife Brent and Dawn, son and daughter-in-law Trevor and Delaney, grandson and granddaughter

MORNING STAR • MAY 15 -21, 2008


Entertainment Magic and more to be at Kids’ Fest Professional illusionist Joe Romano will bring books to life at Kids’ Fest at 1 p.m. on Saturday, June 14 at the Delaware State Fairgrounds in Harrington on the main entertainment stage. His show, “Books: The Magic Is Real,” will use magic, music and audience participation to entertain and generate excitement for reading. Romano has appeared at major theme parks, on cruise ships, in stadiums and at the White House. Kids’ Fest is a day long festival that features free entertainment with clowns and juggling, a Healthy Kids Expo, an Inflatable Fair, crafts, carnival games, horse and pony activities and a whole lot more. A youth talent contest will name the 2008 “Teen Idol.” Admission is free for children and $3 for adults; parking is free. Ride and game tickets may be purchased at 25 for $5; some activities are individually priced, and many, including all entertainment, are free. A variety of food will be for sale throughout the day.

Jefferson School presents ‘Annie’

Reading will take center stage when professional illusionist Joe Romano brings “Books: The Magic is Real” to Kids’ Fest at the Delaware State Fairgrounds, Harrington, on Saturday, June 14.

Proceeds benefit the Boys & Girls Clubs of Delaware. For more information, call 302-3985194 or 302-242-0375 or visit To learn more about the Boys & Girls Club, call 302-422-4453.

Miss Delaware tickets available For the first time, the Miss Delaware Scholarship Pageant will be a three-night pageant. Preliminary competitions will be held on Thursday, June 12 and Friday, June 13, with the final competition and crowning of Miss Delaware 2008 on Saturday, June 14. The 67th Annual Miss Delaware Scholarship Pageant will be held in the Rollins Center at Dover Downs Hotel & Casino, Dover, at 7:30 p.m. Nineteen young women from throughout the state will compete for the title of Miss Delaware 2008, scholarship awards, and the opportunity to represent Delaware at the Miss America Pageant. Contestants will compete in private interview, talent, evening wear, on-stage question, and physical fitness in swimsuit. The pageant emcee will be Susan Powell, Miss America 1981. The Miss Delaware Organization is affiliated with the Miss America Organization, the largest provider of scholarship money for young women in the nation. The Miss Delaware Organization is a non-profit organization, which awards approximately $40,000 a year in scholarship money to Delaware’s outstanding young women. Miss Delaware 2008 will represent Delaware in the Miss America 2009 Pageant, competing for additional scholarship money. During the year, the new Miss Delaware will make appearances through-

out the state, performing her talent, speaking as an advocate for her personal platform issue, and as a spokesperson for the Children’s Miracle Network and the educational program, Character Counts! Tickets may be purchased by calling Dover Downs Hotel & Casino VIP Services at 800-711-5882 or 302-674-4600, ext. 3275. Tickets range in price from $20 to $40. Tickets are also available for the Miss Delaware 2008 Reception honoring the newly crowned Miss Delaware 2008 and the Miss Delaware 2008 contestants. The event is held immediately following the pageant, Saturday, June 14 in the lobby area of Dover Downs Hotel & Casino. The cost is $25 per person and includes refreshments. Tickets must be purchased in advance, no later than June 6. Contact Georgeann White at 302-934-9797 or For more information, visit

Send us your news items

Send items to Send photos as attachments in the jpg format. Items may also be mailed to Morning Star Publications, Inc., P.O. Box 1000, Seaford, DE 19973. Deadline is one week before preferred publication date. Items are used on a first-come basis.

One of America’s most beloved musicals hits Sussex County on Saturday, May 17, showcasing a touching story about hope that appeals to young and old alike. Young actors from The Jefferson School will portray the famous musical’s flamboyant characters at 7 p.m. Saturday at Sussex Central Middle School located at 301 West Market St. in Georgetown. Tickets are $4 per person. Based on the popular comic strip, “Little Orphan Annie,” the play centers around a spunky Depression-era orphan (Kate Bagshaw, 8, of Seaford) who is determined to find the parents who abandoned her years ago on the doorstep of a New York City Orphanage run by the cruel Miss Hannigan (Brenna Gause, 11, of Harbeson). In adventure after fun-filled adventure, Annie foils Miss Hannigan's evil machinations, finds a new family in billionaire Oliver Warbucks (Jack Kelly, 12, of Lewes), his personal secretary Grace Farrell (Kimberly Herrera, 11, of Georgetown) and a lovable mutt named Sandy (Sam Ratner, 8, of Lewes). The Jefferson School is an independent forward-thinking school in Georgetown for children ages 3-13. Since opening in Sept. 1992, the school has gained a repu-

Kate Bagshaw, 8, of Seaford, plays Annie in the musical 'Annie,' which is being presented by The Jefferson School in Georgetown at Sussex Central Middle School at 7 p.m. on Saturday.

tation for academic excellence. The school philosophy centers around a child-centered approach that respects the individual learning style of each student. For more information, call 302-8563300.

Gospel May 17th Café 5-9 PM

Pig Roast & Concert In The Park PORK SANDWICHES $




Home Made Ice Cream and Desserts Bring your own chairs and Listen to the

Music and Gods Message

Amanda Jones - Cassandra Abbott Joey Lecates Bruce & Nancy Willey

Musicians: Phil Perdue: Piano, Organ, Strings Music inspired by God… Keith Lecates: Drums …performed with Grace. Spence LeCates: Lead & Bass Guitar A collection of songs that will touch your heart… Tony Lecates: Steel Guitar & Acoustic Rhythm …and open your eyes. Bruce Willey: Vocals

MORNING STAR • MAY 15 - 21, 2008


Soft-shell crab’s misfortune is gourmand’s good luck I walked into a local ORETTA seafood store last week and was delighted to find, gracefully lolling on their icy beds, several naked Callinectes lapidus. It’s pretty certain they weren’t quite so ecstatic to be caught in that compromising position but the return of the soft shell blue crab sure puts a smile on my face. For aliens to the Eastern Shore, here’s how we get soft shells. Crabs’ shells don’t expand as the crabs grow so they shed them when they’re too tight. For an agonizingly brief period of time (usually about 4 days) they remain vulnerably naked before a larger shell forms. They’re kept fresh and whisked to market to be sold and can be eaten in their entirety. Pricey soft shells most definitely fall into the “delicacy” category but for those of us who love them, they’re worth the splurge at least once a season. Here are two wonderful ways to prepare these fragile beauties. But beware, they like to put up a fight when they hit the pan!


Soft-Shelled Crabs Meunière Makes 2 main-course servings. Basic and yummy. 1 cup whole milk 1 teaspoon kosher salt 1/4 teaspoon black pepper 4 small (4-inch-wide) live softshelled crabs, cleaned 1 cup Wondra or all-purpose flour 4 tablespoons clarified butter 1 and 1/2 tablespoons unsalted butter, cut into 3 pieces 1 tablespoon fresh lemon juice 2 tablespoons chopped fresh flatleaf parsley Combine milk, salt and pepper in a shallow dish and soak crabs 5 minutes. Lift 1 crab out of milk, letting excess drip off, and dredge in flour. Knock off excess flour and transfer to a tray. Repeat with remaining crabs, arranging them in one layer as coated. Heat clarified butter in a 12-inch nonstick skillet over moderately high heat until hot but not smoking, then sauté crabs, upside down, 2 minutes. Turn over and sauté until golden brown, 2 to 3 minutes more. Transfer crabs to a serving dish. Add butter pieces to skillet and cook until golden brown with a nutty aroma. Add lemon juice and parsley (mixture will bubble up) and remove from heat. Season sauce with salt and pepper and drizzle over crabs. Cook’s note: If the crabs you get are larger and don’t fit four to the skillet, cook them in batches using more clarified butter.


The Practical Gourmet To clarify butter: Cut unsalted butter into 1inch pieces and melt in a heavy saucepan over low heat. Remove from heat and let stand 3 minutes. Skim froth and slowly pour butter into a measuring cup, leaving milky solids in bottom of pan. Discard milky solids. One stick (1/2 cup) of butter will yield 5 to 6 tablespoons of clarified butter.

soning, salt and pepper. Lay the crabs in the buttermilk mixture and marinate, covered, in the refrigerator for 1 hour; soaking the crabs in buttermilk helps plump them up when cooked. Remove the crabs from the milk bath and let the excess drip off. Pour 2 inches of oil in a heavy frying pan or large pot and heat to 350 degrees F. Put the flour in a pie dish or

plate and season with a fair amount of salt and pepper. Dredge the crabs in the seasoned flour to coat, shaking off the excess. Lay the crabs in the hot oil in a single layer without crowding; you may have to fry them in batches. Be careful, the crabs have a tendency to pop and spatter. Cook the crabs for about 3 minutes on each side, turning once, until golden brown. Drain

on paper towels. To assemble, combine the watercress, lettuce and onion slices in a mixing bowl. Pour in 1/2 cup of the green goddess dressing, tossing to coat. Arrange the salad on a serving platter, put the fried crabs on top, and grate the hard-boiled egg over the whole thing. Garnish with lemon wedges and serve immediately.

We deliver a whole lot more than babies.

Soft-Shell Crab Salad with Green Goddess Dressing Recipe courtesy of Tyler Florence and JoAnn Cianciulli. This is a fancier version fit for company. Serves 4 Green Goddess Dressing: 1/2 cup sour cream 1/2 cup mayonnaise 1 lemon, juiced 2 garlic cloves, coarsely chopped 3 anchovy fillets 1 cup coarsely chopped fresh flat-leaf parsley 2 tablespoons chopped fresh tarragon leaves 2 tablespoons chopped fresh chives Sea salt and freshly ground black pepper Crabs: 2 cups buttermilk 1 tablespoon crab boil seasoning Sea salt and freshly ground black pepper 4 medium soft-shell crabs, cleaned and rinsed Vegetable oil, for frying 2 cups all-purpose flour Salad: 2 bunches watercress, trimmed 1 head bibb lettuce, trimmed and hand torn 1/2 red onion, sliced 1 hard boiled egg Lemon wedges, for serving To make the green goddess dressing, puree the ingredients together in a blender, until light green and creamy. Cover and stick the dressing in the fridge to allow the flavors to come together. To prepare the soft-shell crabs: Pour the buttermilk in a shallow bowl large enough to hold all the crabs. Season the buttermilk with crab boil sea-

Nanticoke offers expert healthcare for women of all ages. Look to Nanticoke Memorial Hospital for all of your healthcare needs. From puberty, to pregnancy and childbirth, to menopause, you can count on the expertise of our ob/gyns and certified nurse midwife. What’s more, you’ll get the kind of friendly care you’d expect right here in Seaford. And it all happens in our beautiful new office suite. There’s no need to go anywhere else!

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A renewed spirit of caring. Visit our new location at: 1309 Bridgeville Hwy • Seaford, DE 19973 • 1-877-NHS4DOCS


MORNING STAR • MAY 15 - 21, 2008

Police Journal Man charged in Seaford shooting

A 20-year-old Cambridge, Md., man wanted by Delaware state troopers for attempted murder was apprehended on May 7 in Salisbury, Md. The charges against Jamar T. Cornish stem from a March incident in a mobile home park near Seaford in which six people were shot. United States marshals located Cornish after an anonymous tip led law enforcement officers to the Days Inn in the 2500 block of N. Salisbury Boulevard. With assistance from the Salisbury Police Department and the Wicomico County Sheriff’s Office, the marshals took Cornish into custody without incident at approximately 11 a.m. Wednesday, May 7. Cornish had been staying in a room at the hotel, police said. In March, state police detectives obtained an arrest warrant for Cornish, charging him with seven counts of first-degree attempted murder, second-degree assault and possession of a deadly weapon during the commission of a felony. Police said that on March 2, six subjects between the ages of 20 and 49 were standing around a bonfire in the 25000 block of Elder Street in the Mobile Gardens mobile home community. Cornish reportedly walked up and started acting strangely. According to the victims, Cornish pulled out a handgun, pointed it at the group and fired at random, police said. One of the bullets struck a 27-year-old Seaford man in the leg and hip. Cornish, also wanted by Maryland officials for robbery and assault, is being held by the Wicomico County Sheriffs Office and will be arrested once he is extradited to Delaware.

Bridgeville couple arrested

As the result of a state police weeklong investigation into illegal drug sales at a Bridgeville home, a man and his girlfriend were arrested May 8. Jarrett Blades, 21, and his girlfriend, Stacy Falkenheimer, 19, both of Bridgeville, were each charged with possession Blades of a firearm during the commission of a felony (felony), possession with intent to deliver

marijuana (felony), maintaining a dwelling for keeping a controlled substance (felony), second degree conspiracy (felony), endangering the welfare of a child (misdemeanor) and six counts of possession of drug paraphernalia (misdemeanor). Police said that Sussex Drug Unit detectives and Troop 5 officers responded to the dwelling, in the 9000 block of the Rifle Range Road, after receiving a number of citizen complaints alleging that marijuana sales were occurring there. Officials from the Division of Youth and Family Services also received information indicating that a child, later identified as the 2year-old niece of Stacy Falkenheimer, resided in the home. On May 8 at approximately 6:30 p.m., state troopers and detectives searched the home. During the search, police reportedly found 113 grams of marijuana packaged for distribution, scales, plastic baggies, drug paraphernalia and a loaded .45-caliber Taurus semi automatic pistol. Blades and Falkenheimer were arraigned at the Justice of the Peace Court 2 and released on $12,000 unsecured bond.

Troopers seize drugs and firearms

On Thursday, May 8, state troopers from Troop 5 and Sussex Drug Unit detectives charged an Ellendale couple with various drug related offenses after a search of their home reportedly revealed guns, cash and marijuana. At approximately 9:30 p.m., troopers went to the residence of Ralph E. R. Smith Smith Jr., 57, and his 56year-old wife, Paula Smith, in the 15000 block of Red Bud Lane. Troopers had obtained a search warrant for the property after they learned that Ralph Smith was not in compliance with condition of a recognizance bond isP. Smith sued by the Sussex County Court of Common Pleas, police said. He had been ordered by the court not to possess any weapons. During the search, troopers reportedly



Cell 302-245-2145

Delaware State Police have apprehended a 24-year-old Federalsburg, Md., man after an anonymous tip to his whereabouts led to his arrest. After arresting the man, police learned that he was also wanted in Seaford. Troopers received information that Joseph Z. Stanley, who was wanted by the Dorchester County Sheriff's Department on burglary and weapons charges, was staying at a residence on President Drive


in the Capital Park community in Dover. Troopers went to the residence at 7 p.m., Sunday, May 11, and were able to take Stanley into custody without incident. During the investigation, troopers also learned Stanley was wanted by the Seaford Police Department for failing to stop on the command of a police officer charge. Stanley has been turned over to the Seaford Police Department to answer to that charge.

Police investigating theft of metal

Delaware State Police are investigating the theft of approximately 3,500 pounds of scrap construction steel. Troopers responded to a private residence in the 26000 block of Butler Branch Road, Seaford, after a 67-year-old resident reported he had several pieces of scrap metal steel removed from disabled vehicles on his property. Investigators learned the crime occurred between Thursday, May 8, at 6:30 a.m. and Friday, May 9, at 6:45 p.m. An unknown suspect entered the property, police said, and removed items consisting of vehicle motors, air conditioner coils and radiators. Police are asking for anyone with information to contact investigators at Troop #4 at 302-856-5850 or Crime Stoppers at 800-TIP-3333.

Notices of sex offenders available

Delaware State Police continues to arrest individuals who fail to comply with their verification requirements. State police remind all citizens that they can sign up for a free online email notification pertaining to sex offenders. This subscription service has been established by the state of Delaware to provide information concerning changes and additions to the Delaware State Police, State Bureau of Identification Sex Offender Central Registry. People who are interested in subscribing to receive email notifications pertaining to sex offenders may do so by creating an account with the Delaware Information Subscription Service at and subscribing to the Sex Offender Notification Subscription. CO RE UPO QU N IR ED

BUY ONE LUNCH Menu Items 1-13





3 BR, 2 bath home previously used as a duplex with separate kitchens, entrances & electric meters! Large garage for storage or workshop! Priced to sell NOW at $129,900!

Troopers apprehend fugitive

Eastern Shore

8956 Middleford Road, Seaford, DE 19973

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found marijuana in the house. Detectives from the Sussex Drug Unit responded to the house and conducted an additional search. During the search, troopers and detectives reportedly located two and a half pounds of marijuana packaged for distribution. Officers also located scales and drug paraphernalia and seized $1,816 in cash, police said. Police also reportedly seized a loaded .22-caliber North American Arms handgun and a loaded Smith and Wesson .38-caliber handgun. Twenty-two additional firearms ranging from handguns to assault rifles were also confiscated, police said. Ralph Smith was charged with possession of a firearm during the commission of a felony (felony), possession with the intent to distribute marijuana (felony), maintaining a dwelling for keeping a controlled substance (felony), second degree conspiracy (felony) and three counts of possession of drug paraphernalia (misdemeanor). He was also arrested for two counts of non-compliance with Conditions of Recognizance Bond or Conditions (felony). He was arraigned at the Justice of the Peace Court 3 and committed to Sussex Correctional Institution in lieu of $58,500 secured bond. Paula Smith was charged with possession of a firearm during the commission of a felony (felony), possession with the intent to distribute marijuana (felony), maintaining a dwelling for keeping a controlled substance (felony), second-degree conspiracy (felony) and three counts of possession of drug paraphernalia (misdemeanor). She was arraigned at the Justice of the Peace Court 3 and committed to the Women’s Correctional Institution in lieu of $48,500 secured bond.

Combo Items 1-21


MEXICAN BEERS DOMESTIC BEERS 501 N. Dual Hwy., Seaford, DE - Old Englishʼs Bldg. DAILY DRINK 302-628-9701 SPECIALS



Nice 3 BR Rancher just outside town limits! New roof, deck & vinyl siding, and now ready for new owners! Will not last long at $164,900!

Cactus Margaritas


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Ocean City, MD 12534 Ocean Gateway, 410-213-7324 Cambridge, MD 315 Sunburst Hwy. 410-228-7808

Easton, MD 7813 Ocean Gateway, 410-770-8550

Salisbury, MD 1045 S. Salisbury Blvd. 410-749-4303

Chestertown, MD 715 Washington Ave. 410-810-1952


• MAY 15 - 21, 2008


Classifieds FREE CLASSIFIEDS* (For Personal Use Only) *Some exceptions such as homes for rent or sale

Deadline: Monday, 2 p.m. Businesses: $4.50 per inch Line ads ($9.00 minimum)

Boxed (Display) Ads: $6.50/inch Legals: $6.50 per inch Not responsible for typographical errors after first insertion


Call: Or E-mail: GIVE-AWAY FREE 3' EXT. WOODEN DOOR, has top glass, hinges & lockset, ok for temporary or rough shed use, 536-1888, Seaford, lv. msg. 5/15

NOTICE CAN’T LOSE WEIGHT? THEN DON’T WAIT! Get the Training & Help you need! Finally, a system that really works! Seating Limited. Call today for free intro session! 302-875-3099 http://healthieryou.

NEIGHBORHOOD YARD SALE, Little Meadows, Blades, Sat., 5/17, 8 - noon. Small appliances, gas edger, blower, golf clubs, household goods, clothes, more. 5/15 AARP YARD SALE, Chapter 1084, Seaford area, member donated items for sale, Sat., 5/17, 8 a.m. Laurel Rd. (Rt. 24), 1/4 mi. east of Rt. 13 in Laurel. Rain date: 5/24. 5/15 YARD SALE, 5/24, Christ the Cornerstone Comm. Church, corner of 13A & Bethel Rd., 7 a.m. - ? Baked goods, sandwiches. Call 875-8150 for table availability. 5/8

YARD SALE YARD SALE, 5/16. Rain date, 5/17. Wilson St., across from N. Laurel Elem. Tanning bed & antiques. HUGE INDOOR YARD & bake sale, Sat., 5/17, 7 am ? Centenary UMC, Laurel. Appliances, electronics, household, toys, clothes-all sizes, books, lawn sweeper & more! Benefits Hall Adoption Fund. 5/15 SAT., MAY 17, 8 am - noon. Hritage Shores, Bridgeville. No rain date. Something for everyone! 5/15

WANTED SLIPCOVERS FOR LR FURNITURE: Someone to make in my home. 6282166. 5/15

AUTOMOTIVE '02 CHRYSLER SEBRING LXi, 4 dr., V6, 87K mi., loaded, sunroof, leather int., new tires & battery. Orig. owner, great cond., must see! $5500. 8755792. 5/8 '87 HONDA ACCORD LSI, high mileage, $1200. 6289311 or 245-6920. 5/1 '04 DODGE RAM QUAD CAB PU, PS, PB, P/seats, tow-in pkg., spray in bedliner, ext. warranty. 629-5465. 4/24 '06 DODGE DAKOTA Charger, fully locaded, sun roof & DVD player, navigation, satellite radio, leather, $21,500. 629-5465. 4/24 REECE CLASS 3 Receiver Hitch, fits many midsize PUs or SUVs. All hardware incl. $85 firm. 682-7111. ‘97 MERCURY VILLAGER, 119k mi., PW, PL, AC, AT, roof rack, tinted windows, exc. cond., $3500 OBO. 349-5161. 4/17

Please see our website for locations. Confidential resume may be faxed to Robin at 410-208-3632

'76 TRAVEL TRAILER, 22' Shasta. Sleeps 6. Tub, sink, toilet, refrig., & gas stove, $1000. 875-4485. 5/1 '05 PROWLER LYNX 27' Travel trailer, 1 slide out, queen bed, micro./convection combo, AM/FM/CD player, awning, dishes, etc. Exc. cond. Will sacrifice trailer for $13,000 firm. Also possible '05 F150 tuck incl. pkg. 628-0690. 4/24 '89 FLEETWOOD 21' Trailer on perm site, Tom's Cove, Chincateague. All camping facilities, boat ramp, dock & slips, great crabbing & fishing. 8757899. 4/24

MINNKOTA TROLLING MOTOR, bow mount w/foot control & 50 lbs. of thrust. Good cond., $150. 88759480. 5/1

'07 YAMAHA SILVERADO 650., New, left over. Bought on impulse. Ridden 8 mi. home. Now in garage. Tagged for 4 years. $7075 invested, asking $6500. 875-4668. 5/8

Must be a team player. $40,000 base salary, health insurance, cont. ed., no evenings or weekends, too much to list.


ROTARY PHONE, Kerosene Lantern, Rumsford Baking Soda bottles. 8x10 Oriental style carpet & padding. 875-9053. 5/1

LEER FIBERGLASS TOP for Chev., 6' body, white, $525. Grey console for PU w/bench seat, $10. 1 Pr. Chrome mirrors, fits older Ford PU, $30. 875-1158 or 39-3341. 4/10

LAWN MOWERS, push or riding, free. 877-0210. 5/8


35 MINALTA CAMERA Maxx 550 SI w/35-70 zoom lens, date back, mint cond. $90. Call for other collectibles. 875-1877. 5/8

‘91 PALM AIR, 1 BR Camper, exc. cond., $8000 Firm. 875-4387. 4/17


44 CIGAR BOXES incl. King Edward, Phillips, El Producio, Swishoop, $45 for all. 846-9788. 5/15

‘05 KOWASAKI 250 NINJA, less than 300 mi., like new, deep blue w/orange trim, $2000 OBO. 875-2407.

'99 FORD E150 CONV VAN, LA Westk, AM/FM/ CD, w/13" TV-VCR combo, all power, 44k Miles, tagged until 10/09, $6595. 8751158 or 339-3341. 4/10

LOOKING FOR WORK of any kind. 877-0210 anytime. 5/8/2t

CERAMICS: Looking for someone who makes these, particularly Walt Disney. 262-0387. 4/24

'03 HONDA 300 EX 4wheeler. VG cond., $2400 OBO. Yamaha 125 Breeze, good cond., 4-wh. dr., $1200 OBO. 629-5465.


ANTIQUES/ COLLECTIBLES DINING ROOM SET, made by Bassett in 20's or 30's. Table w/leaf & 4 chairs, professionally re-glued & upholstered. Includes sideboard & buffet. Dark wood, very ornate, must see! A steal at $395. 337-8068, 11am - 9pm. 5/15

Want to Take Your Career to New Heights? Looking for Excellent Employment and Advancement Opportunities?

DRESSER, Antique Waterfall, with mirror, 41" wide, $65. 337-0404. 4/24 2 KOKEN Barber Shop, glass enclosed w/hinged doors, $40. 846-9788. 4/24

Vacation Rental Price Cut 2 BR 2 BA Condo Ocean Side Ocean City, MD 121st Street Available Memorial Day Week Available for rent from May 23 - June 6 for $750/wk. or both weeks for $1250

A Savings of $1116.00! Call 302-877-0959 MARTIN HOUSE, 12 hole, 20' galvanized pole. 8469932. 5/15 43 NEW CONSTRUCTION ELEC. BOXES, single gang, 2 gang & 3 gang, $17 for all. 846-9788. 5/15

2-MAN CROSSCUT SAW, exc. cond. w/orig. wooden handle, 5' long, $65. 6827111. 4/24

MICRO-FIBER RECLINER, plush, good cond., $100. 54" Hi Def projection TV, pd. $1600, asking $500. 628-8555. 5/8

'71 LAUREL H.S. YEAR BOOK, exc. cond., no writting, $75. 682-7111. 4/24

CANNA ROOTS for sale, 629-2173. 5/8


SOLID WOOD TABLE w/ expand a leaf, 42" extends to 59", 29" wide, $75. 8469788. 5/8

WASHER $120; DRYER $120. 628-1320. 11/29/tnc 16 DBL. POLE ELEC. Panel circuit breakers, $115. 846-9788. 5/15

COMPACT ComposTumbler, exc. cond., 9 bushel capacity, $175, cash only. 628-0596. 5/8

36' METAL EXTENSION LADDER w/step rungs & feet; $90. OBO. Seaford, 536-1884, lv. msg. 5/15

LA-Z-BOY COUCH & 2 matching recliners, brown & brown print, like new. Pricenegotiable. 956-0260. 5/8

FARM EQUIP: Farmall 100 pto w/wide cultivators & 5' bushhog & 6' scraper blade, bprongs & scoop, all in good cond. 410-7548876. 5/15

COSCO CAR SEATS, $10 ea. Car toddler bed, $25. Leave slow clear message, 629-6575. 5/8

REFRIG./FREEZER, Gold Star, 4.2 cu ft, like new, now $50. 875-5667. 5/15

BOYS' 20" NEXT TRICK BIKE, front & rear pegs, hand brakes, free style frame, $75. 628-8144. 5/8

TWO HOSPITAL BEDS, adjustable, extra long, twin size, very good cond., $450 ea. OBO. 337-0134. 5/15

EARLY AMERICAN Sofa & matching recliner, exc. cond., $100. 629-4649. 5/8

875-2055 Kathryn’sFlowers

Bethel Rd., Laurel


The growing aviation industry needs trained and certified airframe maintenance technicians. Your future can be exciting and well paid. Call Delaware Technical & Community College for details: 302-856-5400, ext. 6010.

Large Selection Of Flowers, Hanging Baskets, Bedding Plants, Perennials, Vegetable Plants, Shrubs & Trees, Mulch (4 Brands), Potting Soil


12 Week Weight Loss Challenge.

Full Time MR and CT Technologist positions available in Kent and Sussex County. Must be AART certified. Experience required. Excellent Salary and Benefits. Please fax resume to 302-628-9024 Attn: Susan.

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PAGE 32 RED CANNA ROOTS, 25¢ ea. 875-5788. 5/8 WEDDING GOWN, white, short sleeve, sz. 10 w/train, $30. 629-6575, lv. slow clear message. 5/1 CHEST FREEZER, apx. 15 cf, great cond. 629-4071. 5/1 GRASS TRIMMER, Blk. & Decker, 12 v cordless elec., w/charger & mounting bracket, $30. 629-3794. 5/1 3 CB SETS, power supply, CB walkie talkie, auto antenna. 875-9053. 5/1 186 BEER BOTTLES, extra strength for making home brew. 875-9053. 5/1 CHAIR, overstuffed, brown. 875-9053. 5/1 FOOSBALL TABLE, $100. 875-3066. 5/1 CRAFTSMAN REAR-TINE TILLER, used 1 time, like new, reversible. Dual rotating tines, 17" tilling path, Spring special: $500. 6289245. 5/1 VHS, DVD Movies, Puzzles 1,000 pc., $3 ea. Gospel cass., $3 ea. Back massager, new, still in box, $20. 629-5192. 5/1

VINYL SHUTTERS, 5 sets, used, 12" wide x 55" long, $5 set. 262-0481. 5/1 TOM-TOM model 1 - 3rd Ed. GPS car system, new in box, $130. XM Satellite Car Radio model Delphia XM ready too, new, $25. 875-1877. 4/24 BEIGE SOFA, exc. cond. w/reclining ends, $275. 629-7363. 4/24 2020 SHED. Loovers in both gables, lg. door for equip. 639-5465. 4/24 CHILD’S SMART CYCLE, orig. $99.99. Asking $50. 542-8824. 4/17 STORM WINDOWS, white, triple track, 14 - 28x63; 4 20x63; 2 - 28x59. Good cond. $10 ea. 875-3733. 4/17 HAYWARD FLOLUX 1 hp PUMP for above ground pool. Also, sand filter. Exc cond., like new, slightly used, 1 yr. old. $250., 6299879. 4/17 3 LG. STEEL WAGON WHEEL RIMS, $30. 8469788. 4/17 GE STOVE, brand new, white, still in box, $300 OBO. 349-5161. 4/17

OUT OF SCHOOL and into the

HEADBOARD & FOOTBOARD, solid pine, full/ queen, $60 OBO. 3495161. 4/17 6 OAK DR CHAIRS, 2 w/ arms, exc. cond., $175. 875-3263. 4/10 POOL LADDER, heavy duty white vinyl, aboveground ladder for deck. Asking $30. 629-2135. 4/10 5000 BTU Window AC, best offer. 875-4008. 4/10 SINGING MACHINE, Karaoke, plays CDs & cassettes, $55. 875-1158 or 339-3341. 4/10 PEAVEY ESCORT SOUND SYSTEM complete w/ speakers & stands, $295. 875-1158 or 339-3341. 4/10

FREE CLASSIFIEDS Personal Items for Sale. No Vendors Please.

Call 629-9788, or send to P.O. Box 1000, Seaford, DE 19973.


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• MAY 15 - 21, 2008

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be aware that Morning Star Publications has no control over the Regional ads. Some employment ads and business opportunity ads may not be what they seem to be.


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PUBLIC AUCTION Saturday, May 17, 2008 -- 10:00 a.m. Real Estate, Furniture, Glassware & Misc. Items Location: 28599 Seaford Rd., Laurel, Del. When traveling on Rt. 13, turn west onto Camp rd., go to stop sign & turn right onto Seaford Rd. Sale approx. 2/10 mile on the right. Household Items & Furniture: Spinning wheel, Thomasville 4-pc. cherry bedroom suite, 6-pc. maple bedroom suite, 3-pc. living room suite w/wood trim, 2 cane bottom hip chairs, claw foot drop-leaf table, sitting chairs, 4-pc. wrought iron porch set, oak hall tree, upholstered chairs, horse hair sofa, rockers, cane back rockers, oak dresser, Kenmore sewing machine, rope bottom chair, end table & coffee table, magazine rack, porch furniture, Kenmore washer & GE dryer, oval wall mirror, Fostoria square pedestal cake plate, Cambridge House rose point pattern pitcher & 8 glasses, sterling candlesticks, sterling sale & pepper, sugar & creamer, 10 place setting of Haviland China w/ serving pieces, rectangle gold plate mirror, crystal hanging chandelier w/candle sticks, silver tea set, costume jewelry, spoon collection, ice bowl & glasses, old bottles, covered mustard jar, Waterford crystal, state & church plates, pink depression sherbets, gold edge sandwich plates, crab cake molds, bone dishes, crock jug, old books, USA pieces, 3 digit Seaford yard stick, tea set, glass elephants, Enterprise meat grinder, bone dishes, flower cart, old camera, mantel clock, foot stools, marble base candle sticks, picture frames, dresser set, Scotty dog figurines, mink stole & muffs, TV, soup tourine, J. Guthrey serving spoons, wine decanters, baskets, iron wheelbarrow, yard tools, tool boxes, tools, ladders, and many other items too numerous to mention. Terms On Personal Property: Cash or approved checks day of sale.

OPEN HOUSE ON PROPERTY: Sun., May 11, 10 am - 1 p.m. or by contacting Auctioneer. REAL ESTATE: The property consist of a lot 92+/- ft. x 220+/- ft. with the following improvements: Older 2-story house with 4 BRs 1 1/2 baths, oil heat, 24’ x 10’ portable garage. The property is being sold as-is, where-is, with no expressed or implied warranty. Terms of Real Estate: $15,000 down day of sale in cash or certified funds (nonrefundable) with balance due in 45 days from date of sale. The property is being offered as-is. Buyer and Seller to split equally all county and state transfer tax. Buyer to pay all other costs associated with preparing and recording of deed and any other cost that may occur. If above terms are not complied with, the down payment shall be forfeited. Seller reserves the right to accept or reject any or all bids, but it is their intent to sell said property.

AUCTIONEER: SAM WALTERS III • 302-284-4619 Selling for The Estate of Beatrice H. Moore, William Moore, Exec. Not Responsible for Accidents. Announcements made day of sale take precedence over printed materials.

• MAY 15 - 21, 2008

LEGALS NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING LITTLE CREEK HUNDRED Subd. #2006-69 Notice is hereby given that the County Planning and Zoning Commission of Sussex County will hold a public hearing on Thursday evening, JUNE 12, 2008, in the County Council Chambers, Sussex County Administrative Building, Georgetown, Delaware, on the application of CLEARLAKE PROPERTIES, LLC to consider the Subdivision of land in an AR-1 Agricultural Residential District in Little Creek Hundred, Sussex County, by dividing 86.00 acres into 134 lots, (Cluster Development), and a variance from the maximum allowed cul-de-sac length of 1,000 feet, located north and south of Route 54, 3,050 feet east of Road 504. Planning and Zoning public hearings will begin at 6:00 P.M. Text and maps of this application may be examined by interested parties in the County Planning and Zoning Office, Sussex County Administrative Building, Georgetown, Delaware. If unable to attend the public hearing, written comments will be accepted but must be received prior to the public hearing. For additional information contact the Planning and Zoning Department at 302-855-7878. 5/15/1tc

LEGAL NOTICE ON JUNE 9, 2008 at 11:00 a.m., Laurel Storage Center, Road 468, Laurel, DE will conduct a sale pursuant to Title 25, DEL. C. ANN. 4904-4905. The contents of the following bins will be sold: Bin #(s)138 Damon T. Smith. BIDDERS: Call office on day of sale to confirm, (302) 875-5931. 5/8/2tc

TOWN OF BLADES CLEAN-UP The Town of Blades will be conducting a spring clean-up Saturday May 17th, 2008. All residents are encouraged to participate. Please place trash outside on curb the night before because trucks will be in town by 6am. DO NOT INCLUDE: Tires, automobile batteries, flammable/hazardous materials, paint, rocks, bricks, dirt, oil and petroleum products, all appliances and ap-

PAGE 33 pliances containing Freon, and NO construction materials or debris. Tree limbs and shrubbery must be cut into 4ft lengths, bundled and placed at the curb. Logs are limited to 50 lbs or 4” in diameter. Please call the Town Administrator at 302-6297366, if you have any questions. Vikki Prettyman Town Administrator 5/1/3tc

NOTICE AG Georgios, LLC, trading as Laurel Pizzeria, has on April 25, 2008 applied with the Alcoholic Beverage Control Commissioner for a liquor license for premises located at 411 North Central Avenue, Laurel, Delaware 19956. Persons who are against this application should provide written notice of their objections to the Commissioner. For the Commissioner to be required to hold a hearing to consider additional input from persons against this application, the Commissioner must receive one or more documents containing a total of at least 10 signatures of residents of property owners located within 1 mile of the premises or in any incorporated areas located within 1 mile of the premises. The protest(s) must be filed with the Alcoholic Beverage Control Commissioner at the 3rd Floor, Carvel State Office Building, 820 North French Street, Wilmington, DE 19801. The protest(s) must be received by the Commissioner’s office on or before May 27, 2008. Failure to file such a protest may result in the Commissioner considering the application without further notice, input, or hearing. If you have questions regarding this matter please contact the Commissioner’s Office. 5/1/3tc

said Co-Executrices on or before the 11th day of December, A.D. 2008 or abide by the law in this behalf. Co-Executrices: Barbara B. Dennis 18063 White Oak Drive Milton, DE 19968 Dawn E. Crouch 18063 White Oak Drive Milton, DE 19968 Attorney: Barbara O'Leary Barbara-Cherrix O'Leary, Esq. P.O. Box 305 Rehoboth Beach, DE 19971 Pursuant to Chancery Court Rule 190 David L. Wilson Register of Wills 5/15/3tc

NOTICE Estate of Julia L. (Elizabeth) Price, Deceased. Notice is hereby given that Letters of Testamentary upon the estate of Julia L. (Elizabeth) Price who departed this life on the 5th day of April, A.D. 2008 late of Seaford, DE were duly granted unto Joan E. Simpson, Joseph M. Price, Harry L. Price on the 30th day of April, A.D. 2008, and all persons indebted to the said deceased are required to make payments to the said Co-Executors without delay, and all persons having demands against the deceased are required to exhibit and present the same duly probated to the said Co-Executors on or before the 5th day of December, A.D. 2008 or abide by the law in this behalf. Co-Executors: Joan E. Simpson 504 S. Kaywood Dr. Salisbury, MD 21804 Joseph M. Price 112 Iroquois Ct. The Woods, Newark, DE 19702 Harry L. Price 10430 44th Ave. Beltsville, MD 20705 David L. Wilson Register of Wills 5/15/3tc

NOTICE NOTICE Estate of Ellen M. Brown, Deceased. Notice is hereby given that Letters of Testamentary upon the estate of Ellen M. Brown who departed this life on the 11th day of April, A.D. 2008 late of Milton, DE were duly granted unto Barbara B. Dennis, Dawn E. Crouch on the 5th day of May, A.D. 2008, and all persons indebted to the said deceased are required to make payments to the said Co-Executrices without delay, and all persons having demands against the deceased are required to exhibit and present the same duly probated to the

Estate of Kenneth Ralph Cox, Deceased. Notice is hereby given that Letters of Administration upon the estate of Kenneth Ralph Cox who departed this life on the 15th day of November, A.D. 2007 late of Delmar, DE were duly granted unto Robert D. Cox on the 23rd day of April, A.D. 2008, and all persons indebted to the said deceased are required to make payments to the said Administrator without delay, and all persons having demands against the deceased are required to exhibit and present the same duly probated to the See LEGALS—page 35

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MORNING STAR LEGALS - from Page 33 said Administrator on or before the 15th day of July, A.D. 2008 or abide by the law in this behalf. Administrator: Robert D. Cox 8540 Old Racetrack Road Delmar, DE 19940 David L. Wilson Register of Wills 5/8/3tc

NOTICE Estate of Mae Dickerson Oliphant, Deceased. Notice is hereby given that Letters of Testamentary upon the estate of Mae Dickerson Oliphant who departed this life on the 30th day of March, A.D. 2008 late of Laurel, DE were duly granted unto Lorraine O. Bozman, Colleen O. Herman on the 24th day of April, A.D. 2008, and all persons indebted to the said deceased are required to make payments to the said Executrices without delay, and all persons having demands against the deceased are required to exhibit and present the same duly probated to the said Executrices on or before the 30th day of November, A.D. 2008 or abide by the law in this behalf. Executrices: Lorraine O. Bozman 11449 Whitesville Rd. Laurel, DE 19956 Colleen O. Herman 24716 Shoreline Dr. Millsboro, DE 19966 David L. Wilson

Register of Wills 5/8/3tc

NOTICE Estate of Joseph G. Dechene, Deceased. Notice is hereby given that Letters of Testamentary upon the estate of Joseph G. Dechene who departed this life on the 4th day of April, A.D. 2008 late of Laurel, DE were duly granted unto Bertrand L. Dechene on the 18th day of April, A.D. 2008, and all persons indebted to the said deceased are required to make payments to the said Executor without delay, and all persons having demands against the deceased are required to exhibit and present the same duly probated to the said Executor on or before the 4th day of December, A.D. 2008 or abide by the law in this behalf. Executor: Bertrand L. Dechene 260 Severn Road Millersville, MD 21108 David L. Wilson Register of Wills 5/1/3tc

NOTICE Estate of Ora N. Burns, Deceased. Notice is hereby given that Letters of Testamentary upon the estate of Ora N. Burns who departed this life on the 23rd day of November, A.D. 2007 late of Laurel, DE were duly granted unto Leah N. Eicher on the 18th day of April, A.D.

2008, and all persons indebted to the said deceased are required to make payments to the said Executrix without delay, and all persons having demands against the deceased are required to exhibit and present the same duly probated to the said Executrix on or before the 23rd day of July, A.D. 2008 or abide by the law in this behalf. Executrix: Leah N. Eicher 5588 Broad Drive Laurel, DE 19956 Attorney: Lawrence B. Steele, III P.O. Box 799 Georgetown, DE 19947 David L. Wilson Register of Wills 5/1/3tc

SHERIFF SALE By virtue of a writ of Levari Facias, to me directed, will be exposed to Public sale on: Tuesday, May 20, 2008 At 9:30 A.M. & Thereafter At the Sussex County Sheriff's Office, West Complex, 22215 DuPont Boulevard, Georgetown, Delaware, Georgetown Hundred, Sussex County, State of Delaware, the following described real estate to wit: ALL THAT certain tract, piece or parcel of land, situate and lying in the City of Seaford, Seaford Hundred, Sussex County, Delaware, known as Lot No. 4, of lands of James Russell subdivision and being more

PUBLIC NOTICE You are hereby notified the below matter will be before: The City of Seaford Mayor and Council for their review on Tuesday, June 10, 2008, in their Council Chambers at 414 High St., Seaford, Delaware. Eastern Shore Natural Gas Company (ESNG) desires to extend its main through the streets of the City of Seaford to provide service to a single user located in Sussex County outside the city limits of Seaford. (See Exhibit A below) Issued this 29th day of April, 2008 pursuant to the Rules heretofore adopted by the City of Seaford. THE CITY OF SEAFORD Dolores J. Slatcher, City Manager


• MAY 15 - 21, 2008 particularly bounded and described, as follows, towit: BEGINNING at a concrete monument found along the Southerly side of Elm Street, a corner for this lot and Lot 3 thence from said point of beginning and running along and with the line of Elm Street North 52 degrees 43 minutes 19 seconds East 89.43 feet to a bolt found a corner for this to and Lot 5 thence turning and running with the line of Lot 5 South 21 degrees 38 minutes 12 seconds East 133.88 feet to a cross walk found along the Northerly right of way line of Harrington Street thence turning and running with the line of Harrington Street with a curve having a radius of 1487.07 feet an arc length of 82.01 feet a chord bearing of North 66 degrees 47 minutes 9 seconds East 82 feet to a cross mark found a corner for this lot and lot 3 thence turning and running with the line of Lot 3 North 24 degrees 47 minutes 47 seconds West 127.54 feet to a concrete monument found the point and place of beginning. AND BEING the same lands and premises conveyed unto Barry A. Weinisch and Frances J. Weinisch, by deed of James E. Parker, Jr. dated December 16, 2005 and of record in the Office of the Recorder of Deeds in and for Sussex County and State of Delaware in deed Book 3247 Page 1. Tax Parcel: 5-31-13.10123.03 Property Address: 613 Elm Street, Seaford Registration is required for all bidders prior to sale. A $4,000.00 deposit (Cash or Cashiers/certified check payable to Sheriff of Sussex County) and valid driver’s license or photo I.D. are required to register. TERMS: 20 percent of the purchase money will be demanded on day of sale (The $4,000.00 Bidder Registration Fee will be credited to the 20% deposit). Cash, Certified Check or Cashier's Check, is required. The balance is to be paid on or before June 2, 2008. Sale subject to confirmation by the Superior Court on June 6, 2008 and also subject to a 1 1/2 percent Delaware Realty Transfer Tax; 3/4 percent to be paid by the Seller and 3/4 percent to be paid by the Purchaser. Also subject to 1 1/2 percent Sussex County Realty Tax, 3/4 percent to be paid by the Seller and 3/4 percent to be paid by the Purchaser. Any further Transfer Tax is the responsibility of the Purchaser. The Purchaser will be required to pay the

cost of the deed; a $200.00 deposit will be collected at the time of sale and will be refunded if a proper deed is presented to the Sheriff’s Office within Forty-Five days of confirmation. If the Purchaser fails to comply with these terms the percentum paid at the time of sale will be forfeited. Please make checks payable to: Sheriff of Sussex County. Seized and taken in execution the property of BARRY A. & FRANCES J. WEINISCH and will be sold by Eric D. Swanson, Sheriff 5/8/2tc

SHERIFF SALE By virtue of a writ of Levari Facias, to me directed, will be exposed to Public sale on: Tuesday, May 20, 2008 At 9:30 A.M. & Thereafter At the Sussex County Sheriff's Office, West Complex, 22215 DuPont Boulevard, Georgetown, Delaware, Georgetown Hundred, Sussex County, State of Delaware, the following described real estate to wit: ALL that certain piece, parcel and tract of land lying and being situate In the Town of Laurel, Little Creek Hundred, Sussex County and State of Delaware described more particularly: BEGINNING at a drill hole set on the northerly right-of-way line of Seventh Street said point being a common corner of lands of James L. and Katherine E. Cartwright; thence with said right-of-way line North 72 degrees 43 minutes 59 seconds West a distance of 35.00 feet to a point thence turning and leaving said right of way line and with lands of New Zion Church Cemetery North 25 degrees 13 minutes 59 seconds East a distance of 1.11 feet to a nai1 found; thence continuing North 25 degrees 13 minutes 59 seconds East a distance of 90.89 feet a total distance of 92.00 feet to a concrete monument found; thence turning and continuing with New Zion Church Cemetery South 71 degrees 00 minutes 00 seconds East a distance of 25.00 feet to a pipe found at a common corner of lands of James L. & Katherine E. Cartwright; thence turning and with lands of James L. & Katherine E. Cartwright South 19 degrees 00 minutes 10 seconds West a distance of 90.40 feet home to the point and place of Beginning said to contain 2,724 square feet of land be the same more or less, As shown on a plat by Temple-Sellers, Inc. dated June 27, 2000.

SUBJECT to restrictions, easements or agreements asset forth in the Office of the Recorder of Deeds, in and for Sussex County, Delaware. BEING the same lands and premises which Ruth E. Wilkins did by deed dated July 29, 1949 and recorded in Deed Book 385, Page 421 did grant and convey unto Jesse Coard and Mae M. Dutton Coard in fee. AND the said Jesse Coard died on 4/15/72 leaving Mae M. Dutton as surviving joint tenant. The said Mae M. Dutton Coard died on 2/12/81 and by her Will as recorded in Sussex County Register of Wills in Book 105, Page 197 did devise the said property unto Albert Bernard Matthews: The said Albert Bernard Matthews died on 5/7/90 intestate, and the said property passed to his mother, Rosa Mae Matthews by intestate succession. The said Rosa Mae Matthews died on 01/20/90, intestate at which time the property passed to Rosa M. Matthews, Lorne E. Matthews, Melvin B. Matthews, Vera E. Ames (n/k/a Vera E. Matthews), Jessica Matthews and Anthony Matthews. BEING THE SAME lands and premises by which Rosa M. Mathews, Lorne E. Mathews, Vera E. Matthews Jessica Matthews and Anthony Matthews in Deed Dated September 2000, Recorded December 18th, 2000 in the Office of the Recorder of Deeds in and for Sussex County and the State of Delaware, in Deed Book 2549, Page 298, did grant and convey unto Joseph Stancell. Tax Parcel: 4-32-8.06294.00 Property Address: 511 West 7th Street, Laurel Registration is required for all bidders prior to sale. A $4,000.00 deposit (Cash or Cashiers/certified check payable to Sheriff of Sussex County) and valid driver’s license or photo I.D. are required to register. TERMS: 20 percent of the purchase money will be demanded on day of sale (The $4,000.00 Bidder Registration Fee will be credited to the 20% deposit). Cash, Certified Check or Cashier's Check, is required. The balance is to be paid on or before June 2, 2008. Sale subject to confirmation by the Superior Court on June 6, 2008 and also subject to a 1 1/2 percent Delaware Realty Transfer Tax; 3/4 percent to be paid by the Seller and 3/4 percent to be paid by the Purchaser. Also See LEGALS—page 36

PAGE 36 LEGALS - from Page 35 subject to 1 1/2 percent Sussex County Realty Tax, 3/4 percent to be paid by the Seller and 3/4 percent to be paid by the Purchaser. Any further Transfer Tax is the responsibility of the Purchaser. The Purchaser will be required to pay the cost of the deed; a $200.00 deposit will be collected at the time of sale and will be refunded if a proper deed is presented to the Sheriff’s Office within Forty-Five days of confirmation. If the Purchaser fails to comply with these terms the percentum paid at the time of sale will be forfeited. Please make checks payable to: Sheriff of Sussex County. Seized and taken in execution the property of JOSEPH STANCELL and will be sold by Eric D. Swanson, Sheriff 5/8/2tc

SHERIFF SALE By virtue of a writ of Levari Facias, to me directed, will be exposed to Public sale on: Tuesday, May 20, 2008 At 9:30 A.M. & Thereafter At the Sussex County Sheriff's Office, West Complex, 22215 DuPont Boulevard, Georgetown, Delaware, Georgetown Hundred, Sussex County, State of Delaware, the following described real estate to wit: ALL that certain Lot, piece and parcel of land situate, lying and being in Nanticoke Hundred, Sussex County, State of Delaware, lying on the Southeastern right-of-way of County Road #516 (50 R/W), being more particularly described as follows, to-wit: BEGINNING at a point of beginning, said point of beginning being 229' +/- from the intersection of County Road #516 and County Road #525, and also being a corner for these lands and lands now or formerly of Cherell S. Carter; thence from the said point of beginning by and along the common boundary line of these lands and lands now or formerly of Cherell S. Carter South 58 deg. 27' 40" East 165.18 feet to an iron pipe found; thence turning and running South 31 deg. 32' 20" West 113.81 feet to an iron pipe found; thence turning and running by and along a common boundary line of these lands and lands now or formerly of Ronald E. Hastings North 70 deg. 49' 12" West 169.10 feet to an iron pipe found; thence turning and running by and along the Southeastern right-of-way of County Road #516 North

MORNING STAR 31 deg. 32'20" East 150.00 feet, home to the place of Beginning, and said to contain 0.5002 acres of land, be the same more or less, as surveyed by MillerLewis, Inc., Registered Surveyors, on 9/22/97. BEING the same land and premises that David B. Webb, Jr. by Deed dated October 16, 1997 and recorded in the Office of the Recorder of Deeds in and for Sussex County, State of Delaware, in Deed Book 2239, Page 246, did grant and convey unto Elva M. Williams, in fee. Tax Parcel: 2-31-12.00162.03 Property Address: 24433 Concord Pond Road, Seaford Registration is required for all bidders prior to sale. A $4,000.00 deposit (Cash or Cashiers/certified check payable to Sheriff of Sussex County) and valid driver’s license or photo I.D. are required to register. TERMS: 20 percent of the purchase money will be demanded on day of sale (The $4,000.00 Bidder Registration Fee will be credited to the 20% deposit). Cash, Certified Check or Cashier's Check, is required. The balance is to be paid on or before June 2, 2008. Sale subject to confirmation by the Superior Court on June 6, 2008 and also subject to a 1 1/2 percent Delaware Realty Transfer Tax; 3/4 percent to be paid by the Seller and 3/4 percent to be paid by the Purchaser. Also subject to 1 1/2 percent Sussex County Realty Tax, 3/4 percent to be paid by the Seller and 3/4 percent to be paid by the Purchaser. Any further Transfer Tax is the responsibility of the Purchaser. The Purchaser will be required to pay the cost of the deed; a $200.00 deposit will be collected at the time of sale and will be refunded if a proper deed is presented to the Sheriff’s Office within Forty-Five days of confirmation. If the Purchaser fails to comply with these terms the percentum paid at the time of sale will be forfeited. Please make checks payable to: Sheriff of Sussex County. Seized and taken in execution the property of ELVA M. WILLIAMS and will be sold by Eric D. Swanson, Sheriff 5/8/2tc

SHERIFF SALE By virtue of a First Pluries writ of Levari Facias, to me directed, will be exposed to Public sale on: Tuesday, May 20, 2008 At 9:30 A.M. & Thereafter At the Sussex County

Sheriff's Office, West Complex, 22215 DuPont Boulevard, Georgetown, Delaware, Georgetown Hundred, Sussex County, State of Delaware, the following described real estate to wit: ALL that certain piece, parcel and tract of land being situate in Broad Creek Hundred, Sussex County and State of Delaware and being and described more particularly as follows, to-wit: BEGINNING at a rebar set on the westerly side of U.S. Route 13-A and being a corner for this Lot and Parcel "B" to be conveyed to Richard M. Lloyd, II; thence with Parcel "B" North 74° -41' -00" West a distance of 431.80 feet to a rebar set; thence with lands of Conrail Railroad North 11 ° -46' -35" West a distance of 193.42 feet to a rebar set; thence with lands of Melvin A. Stanley North 74° -25' -00" East a distance of 418.82 feet to a rebar set; thence with U.S. Route 13A South 15° -37' -20" East a distance of 195.00 feet home to the point and place of beginning said to contain 1.8942 acres of land be the same more or less. As shown on a plat by TempleSellers, Inc. dated Aug. 25, 2004. BEING the same land and premises that Richard M. Lloyd and Sandra K. Lloyd, by deed dated September 14, 2004 and recorded in the Office of the Recorder of Deeds in and for Sussex County, State of Delaware in Deed Book 3047 Page 111 did grant and convey unto Larry S. Winston, in fee. Tax Parcel: 1-32-6.00190.00 Property Address: 26446 Seaford Road, Seaford Registration is required for all bidders prior to sale. A $4,000.00 deposit (Cash or Cashiers/certified check payable to Sheriff of Sussex County) and valid driver’s license or photo I.D. are required to register. TERMS: 20 percent of the purchase money will be demanded on day of sale (The $4,000.00 Bidder Registration Fee will be credited to the 20% deposit). Cash, Certified Check or Cashier's Check, is required. The balance is to be paid on or before June 2, 2008. Sale subject to confirmation by the Superior Court on June 6, 2008 and also subject to a 1 1/2 percent Delaware Realty Transfer Tax; 3/4 percent to be paid by the Seller and 3/4 percent to be paid by the Purchaser. Also subject to 1 1/2 percent Sussex County Realty Tax, 3/4 percent to be paid by the Seller and 3/4 percent

• MAY 15 - 21, 2008 to be paid by the Purchaser. Any further Transfer Tax is the responsibility of the Purchaser. The Purchaser will be required to pay the cost of the deed; a $200.00 deposit will be collected at the time of sale and will be refunded if a proper deed is presented to the Sheriff’s Office within Forty-Five days of confirmation. If the Purchaser fails to comply with these terms the percentum paid at the time of sale will be forfeited. Please make checks payable to: Sheriff of Sussex County. Seized and taken in execution the property of LARRY S. WINSTON and will be sold by Eric D. Swanson, Sheriff 5/8/2tc

SHERIFF SALE By virtue of a writ of Levari Facias, to me directed, will be exposed to Public sale on: Tuesday, May 20, 2008 At 9:30 A.M. & Thereafter At the Sussex County Sheriff's Office, West Complex, 22215 DuPont Boulevard, Georgetown, Delaware, Georgetown Hundred, Sussex County, State of Delaware, the following described real estate to wit: ALL that certain lot, piece or parcel of land situate on the northeast intersection of Lincoln Avenue and North Second Street, in the Town of Delmar, Little Creek Hundred, Sussex County, State of Delaware, adjoining lands now or formerly of Raymond B. Wilkinson, Jr., and lands now or formerly of Frank D. Bonsall, Jr., and being more particularly described in a survey prepared by Hall & Parker, Registered Land Surveyor, dated July 18, 1990, as follows, to wit BEGINNING at a point located on the outer edge of a sidewalk at the northeast intersection of Lincoln Avenue and North Second Street; thence running along and with the line of lands herein and the easterly side of North Second Street North 12 degrees 13 minutes 23 seconds East for a distance of 60.42 feet to a point; said point lying on the inner edge of a 4.5 foot sidewalk and also marking a corner for the lands herein and lands now or formerly of Raymond B. Wilkinson, Jr.; thence turning and running along and with the line of lands herein and said Wilkinson lands South 84 degrees 30 minutes 00 seconds East for a distance of 131.56 feet to a iron pipe found, said iron pipe lying in the line of lands now or formerly of Frank D. Bonsall, Jr.;

thence turning and running along and with the line of lands herein and said Bonsall lands South 05 degrees 30 minutes 00 seconds West for a distance of 60.00 feet to a point, said point lying on the northerly side of Lincoln Avenue; thence turning and running along and with the line of lands herein and the northerly side of Lincoln Avenue North 84 degrees 30 minutes 00 seconds West for a distance of 138.63 feet to a point, marking the point and place of beginning, said to contain 8,106 square feet, more or less, together with all improvements thereon. BEING the same land and premises that Lynn Michelle Wright, John Craig Moore and Shannon Renee Moore by deed dated April 20, 2005 and recorded in the Office of the Recorder of Deeds in and for Sussex County, State of Delaware in Deed Book 3132, Page 135, did grant and convey unto Kristine Littleton, in fee. Tax Parcel: 5-32-20.1465.00 Property Address: 400 North 2nd Street, Delmar Registration is required for all bidders prior to sale. A $4,000.00 deposit (Cash or Cashiers/certified check payable to Sheriff of Sussex County) and valid driver’s license or photo I.D. are required to register. TERMS: 20 percent of the purchase money will be demanded on day of sale (The $4,000.00 Bidder Registration Fee will be credited to the 20% deposit). Cash, Certified Check or Cashier's Check, is required. The balance is to be paid on or before June 2, 2008. Sale subject to confirmation by the Superior Court on June 6, 2008 and also subject to a 1 1/2 percent Delaware Realty Transfer Tax; 3/4 percent to be paid by the Seller and 3/4 percent to be paid by the Purchaser. Also subject to 1 1/2 percent Sussex County Realty Tax, 3/4 percent to be paid by the Seller and 3/4 percent to be paid by the Purchaser. Any further Transfer Tax is the responsibility of the Purchaser. The Purchaser will be required to pay the cost of the deed; a $200.00 deposit will be collected at the time of sale and will be refunded if a proper deed is presented to the Sheriff’s Office within Forty-Five days of confirmation. If the Purchaser fails to comply with these terms the percentum paid at the time of sale will be forfeited. Please make checks payable to: Sheriff of Sussex County. Seized and taken in

execution the property of KRISTINE LITTLETON and will be sold by Eric D. Swanson, Sheriff 5/8/2tc

SHERIFF SALE By virtue of a writ of Levari Facias, to me directed, will be exposed to Public sale on: Tuesday, May 20, 2008 At 9:30 A.M. & Thereafter At the Sussex County Sheriff's Office, West Complex, 22215 DuPont Boulevard, Georgetown, Delaware, Georgetown Hundred, Sussex County, State of Delaware, the following described real estate to wit: ALL that certain lot, piece and parcel of land, situate, lying and being in Little Creek Hundred, Sussex County, State of Delaware, being Lot #14 of "Town's End South" located on the south side of County Road #494 and being more particularly described as follows, to wit: BEGINNING at a pipe set in the southerly right of way line of Sussex County Road #494, said pipe being 0.315 miles more or less East of Sussex County Road 493; thence South 29 degrees 49 minutes 05 seconds West 290.50 feet along Lot #15, to a pipe set; thence turning and running North 60 degrees 10 minutes 55 seconds West 150.00 feet to a pipe set; thence turning and running North 29 degrees 49 minutes 05 seconds East 290.50 feet along Lot #13 to a pipe set in the southerly right of way line of Sussex County Road #494; thence, turning and running South 60 degrees 10 minutes 55 seconds East 150.00 feet along the southerly right of way line of Sussex County Road #494 to a pipe set and the point and place of beginning, said to contain 1.0003 acres, more or less, as shown on a survey of Miller-Lewis, Inc., dated March 1, 1999 and recorded with this deed. Being the same lands and premises which Sharon E. Cline and Ashley Cline did grant and convey unto Michael B. Cline by deed dated November 30, 2005 and recorded on December 1, 2005 in the Office of the Recorder of Deeds, in and for Sussex County, State of Delaware, in Deed Book 03238 Page 175. Tax Parcel: 4-32-6.0095.00 Property Address: 6056 Old Sharptown Road, Laurel Registration is required for all bidders prior to sale. A $4,000.00 deposit (Cash See LEGALS—page 37

MORNING STAR • MAY 15 - 21, 2008


On the Record Marriage Licenses

Sussex County Clerk of the Peace George Parish joyfully announces the following couples have obtained marriage licenses: Darrel B. Botdorf, Laurel to Dorothy J. Clapper, Laurel Joseph L. DeShields, Seaford to April Michelle Groomes, Seaford William John Galbraith, III, Rehoboth Beach to Stephanie Michelle Lankford, Seaford Kenneth Everett Wilson, Sr., Seaford to Dawn Marie Walls, Seaford Soudany Junior Bennefield, Georgetown to Anastasia Mone Horsey, Bridgeville Roger Lee Baker, Laurel to Shannon Nicole Whaley, Laurel Dean J. Creigh, Laurel to Theresa M. Stec, Laurel Durron Ethan Jones, Delmar to Tina D. Tull, Delmar Edward J. Lofland, Seaford to Dianne Windella Spry, Seaford Steven Jeremy Fugate, Oro Valley, Ariz. to Susan Ward Myers, Oro Valley, Ariz.


12/05/07, Norma Lee Conaway, Attorney-In-Fact for Irene S. Hastings to Gene R. and Sandra F. Littleton, Parcel No. 1, Lot No. 1, and Parcel No. II, Lot

No. 2, Section A, Dogwood Acres, subdivision, Little Creek Hundred, $270,600 12/05/07, Mahetta Construction, L.L.C. to James and Shelley Huffman, Lot No. 1, Lands of James F. Neal, Russell W. Neal, and Barry K. Neal, subdivision, Broad Creek Hundred, $213,967 11/12/07, Milton D. and Irene J. Foskey to Jason Frame and Thelma I. Prince, parcel, Little Creek Hundred, $210,000 11/28/07, Samuel A. Gaines to Jack M. Daniels, Parcel B, Little Creek Hundred, $50,000 11/29/07, Jesse J. and Christine E. Brock to Winsferd Ray Jr. and Josephine C. Hutchins, parcel, Broad Creek Hundred, $195,000 12/05/07, Glatfelter Holdings, LLC to Nanticoke Headwaters LLC, parcels, Gumboro and Little Creek Hundred, $8,200,800 11/28/07, Cosentino, LLC to Lucas C. Conner, Parcel A, Northwest Fork Hundred, $205,000 11/19/07, North State Street Properties – Governor’s Grant, LLC, a/k/a North State Street Properties – Governor’s Grant, LLC to Benjamin J. and Sharon G. Parker, Lot No. 46, Governor’s Grant, Town of Seaford, subdivision, Seaford Hundred, $292,619

11/30/07, J.L. and Shirley Absher to David B. Jr. and Tabitha D. Nichols, parcel, Town of Seaford, Seaford Hundred, $180,000 12/07/07, Lewis Dean Adkins, Co-Executor of Lewis J. Adkins Estate and Cheryl Adkins Yarema, Co-Executrix of Lewis J. Adkins Estate to Ashley W. Reid, parcel, Little Creek Hundred, $135,000 11/30/07, Amber L. BanksGabel to Richard Martin, parcel, Broad Creek Hundred, $48,000 11/30/07, Mary F. Reed to Ralph Smack and Tawanda Jenkins, parcel, Town of Blades, Broad Creek Hundred, $149,350 12/07/07, A to Z Builders Contractors, Inc. to Jonlyn of Seaford, LLC, Lot No. 1, and part of Lot No. 2, Section II, Westview, Town of Seaford, subdivision, Seaford Hundred, $138,500

Building Permits 04/23/08, Gary W. and Joy W. Hill, W/Rt. No. 13A, Seaford Hundred, Interior/Exterior Renovations, $10,000 04/24/08, Eugene J. Nichols, Sr., Pond Haven, Lot No. 20, Nanticoke Hundred, Det. Garage, $11,648

Guardrail upgrades are announced The Department of Transportation announces that Collinson Inc. will be removing and replacing guardrails on the following roadways in Sussex County: • Route 9/Lewes/Georgetown Highway from Prettyman Road to Harbeson Road • Route 20/Stein Highway from Figgs Road to Sussex Avenue • Columbia Road from Delmar Road to May Twilley Road • Patriots Way from Avenue of Honor to Zoar Road • Beaver Dam Road from LEGALS - from Page 36 or Cashiers/certified check payable to Sheriff of Sussex County) and valid driver’s license or photo I.D. are required to register. TERMS: 20 percent of the purchase money will be demanded on day of sale (The $4,000.00 Bidder Registration Fee will be credited to the 20% deposit). Cash, Certified Check or Cashier's Check, is required. The balance is to be paid on or before June 2, 2008. Sale subject to confirmation by the Superior Court on June 6,

Kendale Road to Fisher Road • Robinsonville Road from Conley Chapel Road to Harts Road • Zoar Road from Gravel Hill Road to Lawson Road • Middleford Road from Route 13 to North Shore Drive • Shortly Road from Alms House Road to Route 113 • Woodland Road from Woodland Ferry Road to Lonesome Road • Woodland Road from Butler Branch Road to Figgs/Craigs Mill Road • Woodland Road from Fig-

2008 and also subject to a 1 1/2 percent Delaware Realty Transfer Tax; 3/4 percent to be paid by the Seller and 3/4 percent to be paid by the Purchaser. Also subject to 1 1/2 percent Sussex County Realty Tax, 3/4 percent to be paid by the Seller and 3/4 percent to be paid by the Purchaser. Any further Transfer Tax is the responsibility of the Purchaser. The Purchaser will be required to pay the cost of the deed; a $200.00 deposit will be collected at the time of sale and will be refunded if a

gs/Craigs Mill Road to Sussex Avenue • Rifle Range Road from Route 13 to Oak Road Intermittent daytime lane restrictions will occur beginning Monday, May 12 and ending Friday, June 13, weather permitting. Motorists should drive with caution, slow down in work zones and never enter a roadway that has been blocked with barriers or cones. For the latest in traffic and related information, visit or tune-in to WTMC-AM 1380.

proper deed is presented to the Sheriff’s Office within Forty-Five days of confirmation. If the Purchaser fails to comply with these terms the percentum paid at the time of sale will be forfeited. Please make checks payable to: Sheriff of Sussex County. Seized and taken in execution the property of MICHAEL B. CLINE and will be sold by Eric D. Swanson, Sheriff 5/8/2tc

S U to B S the C STAR R I 629 B 9788 E

SUDOKU Sudoku puzzles are formatted as a 9x9 grid, broken down into nine 3x3 boxes. To solve a sudoku, the numbers 1 through 9 must fill each row, column and box. Each number can appear only once in each row, column and box. You can figure out the order in which the numbers will appear by using the numeric clues already provided in the boxes. The more numbers you name, the easier it gets to solve the puzzle!

See Answers Page 46


MORNING STAR • MAY 15 - 21, 2008

Education Students are honored at Del Tech awards ceremony fice Software Specialist - Mary S. Bailey, Milton Applied Agriculture Technology/Horticulture - Rebecca Spence, Bethel Engineering Technology degree, Architectural Engineering Technology - Jacob Burton, Milton Civil Engineering Technology - Grant Parker, Greenwood Construction Management Technology Tatiana Ioppa, Milton Design Engineering Technology - John Justice, Laurel Electronics Engineering Technology Lucy Jarrell, Harrington Allied Health degree, Medical Laboratory Technology - Chavon Reeves, Camden-Wyoming Biotechnology - Keith Ballard, Dover Occupational Therapy Technology Ron Breeding, Houston Physical Therapist Assistant Technology - Robin Reynolds, Greenwood Radiologic Technology - Matthew Burris, Dover Respiratory Care Technology Stephanie Fogel, Laurel Veterinary Technology - Carrie Bledsoe, Camden Associate Degree Nursing - Patricia Rowley, Milton Allied Health diploma, Practical Nursing - Danielle Sanchez, Milford Industrial Education degree, Automotive Technology - Joseph D. Lewis, Laurel Refrigeration, Heating & Air Conditioning technology - Ray B. Parsons, Camden-Wyoming Industrial Education diploma, Refrigeration, Heating & Air Conditioning Technology - Brandon S. Truitt, Seaford Commercial Transportation - Kenneth J. McCumbee, Dagsboro Public Service degree, Communications - Mary Daisey, Dagsboro Criminal Justice Technology - Mario Laz, Georgetown Human Services Technology - Jaclyn Campbell, Milford Early Childhood Education Technolo-

OLD Address

CHANGE YOUR ADDRESS TODAY. DONʼT HESITATE! Name: _________________________________________ Old Address: ____________________________________ _______________________________________________ _______________________________________________ NEW Address


The 28th annual Student Awards Program was held on Monday, May 5, at Delaware Technical & Community College, Georgetown. Awards were presented to one student in each diploma/degree curriculum. Selections for these yearly awards are based on academic excellence, relationship with peers and staff and other campus/community service contributions. In addition, the Andre Higgins Alumni Graduation Award was presented to a graduating student who has distinguished himself or herself while pursuing an academic career. The Bernard Luterancik Engineering Award went to an outstanding student in the Architectural Engineering Technology program. Two special presentations were made by the Phi Theta Kappa and Alpha Beta Gamma honor societies, and the Owens Campus members of the 2008 AllDelaware Academic Team were recognized. One of the team members was also recognized as the 2008 New Century Scholar for the state of Delaware. The 2008 Outstanding Student Award recipients were: Business Technologies degree, Business Administration Technology/Accounting - Tambra Wharton, Millsboro Business Administration Technology/Business/General - Amanda Hunsberger, Bridgeville Business Administration Technology/Management & Marketing Samuel Tatis, Bridgeville Computer Information Systems Technology - Andrew J. Seefried, Delmar Computer Information Systems Technology/Microcomputers & Networking Carl L. Wright, Harbeson Entrepreneurship Technology - Rob Nicholson, Lewes Office Administration Technology - Joy E. Lewis, Lincoln Office Administration Technology/Legal Assistant - Tara L. Brittingham, Delmar Office Administration Technology/Of-

Name: _________________________________________ New Address: ___________________________________ _______________________________________________ _______________________________________________

Mail to the Seaford/Laurel Star Circulation, PO Box 1000, Seaford, DE or call Karen at 302-629-9788

CEREMONY POSTPONED - Wind gusts approaching 50 mph, torrential rain and flooding throughout the tri-state area caused Wilmington University to postpone its commencement ceremony that was scheduled for 7 p.m. Monday, May 12, at the William A. Carter Partnership Center on Delaware Technical and Community College’s Owens Campus. The Georgetown commencement was held Wednesday, May 14, at the same location. During the ceremony, 216 students from Wilmington University’s southern Delaware locations including Dover, Dover Air Force Base and Georgetown earned degrees.

gy-0-K Option - Meghan M. Hudson, Georgetown Early Childhood Education Technology/Early Childhood Development - Evelyn Boyer, Harrington Elementary Education - Laura P. Stout, Lincoln Mathematics Secondary Education - Jacob Bostaph, Ocean View Paraeducator - Nancy M. Parramore, Selbyville Special student awards Andre Higgins Alumni Graduation Award - Raquel Wilson, Seaford

Bernard Luterancik Engineering Award Juan Gonzalez, Laurel Special presentation awards Alpha Beta Gamma Honor Society Keisha Sullivan, Bridgeville Phi Theta Kappa Honor Society - Brian Spencer, Delmar, Md. Members of the 2008 All-Delaware Academic Team - Linda M. Bretzer, Georgetown; Kerbey M. Gallo, Greenwood 2008 New Century Scholar - Linda M. Bretzer, Georgetown

Woman is Cooperative Extension intern Launching an entomology curriculum at local libraries, revising and refining a parenting newsletter, assisting with food and nutrition programs at 4-H summer camps. This summer, five University of Delaware students will get the opportunity to work on these and other career-related projects as the new Cooperative Extension Scholars for 2008. Among them will be Wendee Killmon, Bridgeville, who is majoring in communications and agriculture and natural resources and who will work with Doug

Crouse assisting with summer day camps, the 4-H military initiative, the Delaware State Fair and in the preparation of educational kits for 4-H After School Clubs. The Extension Scholar program taps into the professional expertise of Cooperative Extension staff members to enhance students’ education. Scholars receive a stipend of $3,000 plus an allowance of up to $500 for job-related travel and other expenses. This year’s pool of applicants was the largest ever.




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MORNING STAR • MAY 15 - 21, 2008


Education Briefs Deadline to nominate for alumni award is May 16

TRADITIONS SHARED - Students from 37 countries gathered to share the food, music and traditions of their countries on April 10 at Delaware Technical & Community College, Georgetown. From left are Hyunkyung Lim, Jeong A Son and So Youn Ji, who wore traditional clothes and shared food from South Korea.

Top high schoolers are honored at scholars’ dinner Top students from Delaware’s 33 public high schools were honored as exemplary scholars of the graduating class of 2008 by government and education officials at the annual Secretary of Education’s Scholars Dinner held at the Sheraton Inn and Conference Center in Dover on May 7. The scholars were nominated by their principals and selected for the honor based on a record of academic excellence and community service. Many students have received awards of state, regional or national significance. “The academic scholars of the graduating class of 2008 are very talented young men and women,” said Gov. Ruth Ann Minner. “They have not only demonstrated success in the classroom, but they have also dedicated themselves to their schools and their communities. These outstanding young people have set the standard for their fellow students and represent academic excellence in the state of Delaware.”

In addition to Minner and Deputy Secretary Wilson, guests included Lt. Gov. John Carney; Jean Allen, president of the State Board of Education; Courtney Fox, Delaware’s Teacher of the Year for 2008; state Sen. David P. Sokola; state Rep. Vincent Lofink; members of the House and Senate; and representatives from the business community and higher education. Local honorees included: Delmar School District: Joshua Vincent, Delmar Middle & Senior High School Laurel School District: David Bartee, Laurel High School Seaford School District: Brenna James and Trevor Lee, Seaford High School Sussex Technical School District: Kristen Conner and Christopher Mitchell, Sussex Technical High School Woodbridge School District: Alyssa Bailey, Woodbridge High School.

Nominations will be accepted until Friday, May 16, for the 2008 Distinguished Alumni Award to be presented by Delaware Technical & Community College, Georgetown, and the Owens Campus Alumni Association. The award will be presented at the annual Walk of Success Induction Ceremony on Oct. 9. Nominees must have received an associate degree or diploma from Delaware Technical & Community College, Owens Campus, or have graduated from the Delaware Tech/University of Delaware Parallel Program at the Owens Campus between 1968 and 2006. The Walk of Success recognizes outstanding achievements by alumni of these programs. Honorees will be judged on the basis of their professional and career achievements, leadership and reputation among colleagues, service to Delaware Tech and/or the community, academic achievement, and other significant contributions. Eligibility begins seven years after graduation. Candidates must not be currently employed by Delaware Technical & Community College, with the exception of adjunct instructors teaching no more than one credit course at the time of selection. For more information, contact alumni coordinator Alison Buckley at 855-1607 or e-mail her at

Del Tech alumni to hold annual meeting June 23

The annual meeting of the Delaware Tech Owens Campus Alumni Association will be held on Monday, June 23, at 6 p.m. in the executive dining hall of the Student Services Center. Elections will be held to fill 10 board member positions and the offices of president, vice president, treasurer and secretary. Members of the board of directors serve a three-year term; officers serve for two years. Nominations will be accepted from the floor and all votes must be cast in person. Anyone who was awarded a degree, diploma or certificate from Delaware Technical & Community College, Owens Campus, or the Delaware Tech/University of Delaware Academic Center is considered a member of the alumni association and is eligible to vote. For more information, contact Alison Buckley, alumni coordinator, at 302-855-1607.

Baker graduates from Methodist University Alison E. Baker was awarded a bachelor of science degree in elementary education from Methodist University, Fayetteville, N.C., on May 3. Baker is a 2003 graduate of Delmar High School. She will continue her education to receive a master's degree in education administration and will reside in Fayetteville.

Celebration will honor outstanding women Nominations are being accepted for outstanding women to be recognized at the 2009 Women’s Day Celebration presented by Delaware Technical & Community College and the Owens Campus Alumni Association. The closing date for nominations is Saturday, May 31. To be eligible for nomination, a woman must be age 18 or older; a resident of Sussex County or the state of Delaware for at least five years; or a nonDelaware resident whose employment or volunteer work impacted Delawareans for at least five years. Honorees are selected based on their professional or career achievements, leadership and vision, service to the community, impact on Sussex County and/or the state of Delaware, and personal and/or professional obstacles overcome. Eligible candidates should demonstrate exemplary accomplishments related to one or more of these areas: arts, business, community service, education, law, medicine and public service. The Women’s Day Celebration, held annually the first Wednesday in March, recognizes the significant accomplishments of dedicated women and their positive impact on Delaware and the communities in which they live. For details, call Alison Buckley, Owens Campus alumni coordinator, at 855-1607 or e-mail her at

News items may be mailed to the Seaford and Laurel Star, 628 W. Stein Highway, Seaford, DE 19973. Or they may be faxed to 629-9243.

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MORNING STAR • MAY 15 - 21, 2008


GOLDEN ANNIVERSARY - George and Jane Fleetwood celebrated their 50th anniversary on May 11, 2008, with family and friends. Mr. Fleetwood retired from Home Beneficial Life Ins. Co., now AIG, with 30 years of service. His wife retired from Baltimore Trust Co.-Mercantile, now PNC Bank, with 25 years of service.

Romana and Cody Sowinski

Stysinska, Sowinski are married

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geant first class. Romana, formerly of Cesky Tesin, Czech Republic, is employed by a regional credit union as a customer service representative. She is a graduate of the Integrated Business Entrepreneurship School with a degree in tourism management. The couple resides in the state of Washington. Cody is the son of Matthew and Marie Sowinski of Millsboro.


A wedding celebration was held on April 5, 2008, in the Czech Republic for Romana Stysinska and Cody Sowinski. Marie Sowinski of Millsboro, mother of the groom, attended, as well as Ruta Schumann of Bridgeville, a friend of the family. Cody is with the U.S. Army Special Forces based out of Fort Lewis, Wash. He is scheduled to begin an eight-month tour of Iraq. He was recently promoted to ser-







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MORNING STAR • MAY 15 - 21, 2008


Laurel shortstop Lance Kelley beats the runner to second base for the final out of the second inning as second baseman Kyle Brown looks on during last Thursday’s game against Caesar Rodney. Photo by Mike McClure

Rider side armer handcuffs Bulldogs for 10-3 CR win By Pat Murphy Caesar Rodney senior right hander Jeff Swierzbrinki’s sidearm tosses and deceptive deliveries held the Laurel Bulldogs to three singles through the first four innings of their game at Laurel. The Riders coasted to a 10-3 win on the strength of designated hitter John Lust’s two-run homer in the first inning. The loser for the Bulldogs was Brandon Hearne who gave up eight runs in three and one third innings. Hearne allowed singles to the first three CR hitters and after Laurel catcher Zack Bonniwell threw out a runner and Hearne retired Josh Harris, it looked as if he would escape. But Ryan Cantino singled in two runs and Lust added his home run to make it 4-0 before Laurel came to bat. In the fourth inning the Riders added four more runs on four hits. All of the runs were charged to Hearne, although two of the hits were surrendered by reliever Chris Cutsail. The Bulldogs tried to make a game of it in the fifth. With one out hot hitting Kyle Brown doubled to the right center field gap. Josh Kosiorowski promptly singled him in for Laurel’s first run. Cutsail singled with two outs and Jacob Dubinski doubled in both runners to make a game of it at 8-3, but it was too little too late as Laurel failed to score in the sixth and seventh innings. CR added two insurance runs in the seventh off Cutsail, who was then relieved by Lance Kelley who pitched the

UP FOR GRABS- Delmar’s Tyler Cornish, left, and a Polytech player go up for the ball during a boys’ lacrosse game last Wednesday in Delmar. Photo by Mike McClure

Laurel’s Kyle Brown, shown at the plate during last Thursday’s game against Caesar Rodney, had a pair of hits in the Bulldogs’ loss. Photo by Mike McClure

final two thirds of an inning. Swierzbinski struck out seven and walked only one in his route-going performance. Gary Jones 3-for-3 with a walk for CR and Brown had two hits for Laurel. Caesar Rodney

Delmar baseball team tops Washington, falls to Sussex Central The Delmar varsity baseball team lost to Sussex Central, 6-2, last Tuesday before defeating Washington, 20-2, on Thursday. Delmar senior Matt Campbell doubled in Tuesday’s loss. Campbell had a double, home run, and four RBIs in Thursday’s non-conference victory. David Webster collected four hits including a double and drove in two runs and Jose Dina had three hits and an RBI while striking out eight for the win.

THE THROW TO FIRST- Laurel catcher Kelsey Oliphant fires down to first base during her team’s 2-1 loss to Caesar Rodney last Thursday. The runner ran to second on the play and was tagged out by shortstop Brooke Evans. See page 45 for more photos. Photo by Mike McClure


MORNING STAR • MAY 15 - 21, 2008

Sussex Tech senior Kory Belle, center, signs a letter of intent to attend Hagerstown Community College during a press conference last week. Belle is shown with his mother, Sherita, and head coach Joe Thomson. Photo by Mike McClure

Belle signs letter of intent to attend Hagerstown Community College By Mike McClure Sussex Tech senior Kory Belle joined fellow 1,000 point scorer K’yan Andrews of Woodbridge when he signed a letter of intent to attend Hagerstown Community College during a press conference last Thursday. The 6’ 5” Laurel native scored his 1000th career point in his hometown in his senior season with the Ravens’ boys’ basketball team before ending his high school career with 1,145 points. “Hagerstown is a great place for me,” said Belle, who visited the school twice. “It’s a great environment. I met all the players and coaches.” Like the Ravens, Hagerstown is coming off a solid season. Belle chose to attend the two year school rather than going to a big school and sitting on the bench in his first season. “I still believe that Kory can play at a high level,” Sussex Tech boys’ basketball coach Joe Thomson said of Belle, who averaged 18 point and 12 rebounds in his

senior season. “Our guys in Delaware aren’t always ready to make that jump. We’re real excited for him. He’s a great kid. He’s always worked very hard.” Belle credited his teammates with helping him to get to where is today. He also thanked his coaches for helping him with academics, basketball, and life. “Kory really grew up this year. He came out and he did everything we asked him to do,” said Thomson. “He’s going to be a big hole to replace for a lot of reasons. This guy’s been with us for four years. This is like losing a member of the family.” “A lot of people, when they think Kory, will think of the big games he had,” Thomson added. Belle will be joined at Hagerstown by his good friend K’yan Andrews, who transferred from Seaford to Woodbridge for his senior season. The duo first started playing against each other in middle school (Belle at Laurel and Andrews at Seaford).

Local athletes compete in Henlopen Conference track meet The following local athletes placed in the top six at the Henlopen Conference track and field meet last weekend: Girls- 800- 6. Emily Ritter, Sussex Tech, 2:42.18; 3,200- 6. Elizabeth Perciful, Seaford; 400 relay- 5. Woodbridge, 59.04, 6. Seaford, 59.81; 800 relay- 6. Seaford; 3,200 relay- 4. Sussex Tech, 10:42.15; pole vault- 3. Alyssa Casey, Seaford, 8’; long jump- 5. Paige Morris, Sussex Tech, 15’ 8 1/2”; triple jump- 2. Ambre Burbage, Seaford, 32’ 8 1/2”; discus- 4. Kaneesha Gardner, Seaford, 28’ 9” Boys- 400- 2. Gernie Purnell, Seaford, 51.80; 800- 1. Andrew Townsend, Sussex Tech, 2:00.10; 1,600- 1. David Ricksecker, Sussex Tech, 4:24; 3,200- 1. Ricksecker, Sussex Tech, 9:54.9, 5. Derek Kitchen, Sussex Tech, 10:32.8; 800 relay- 4. Seaford; 1,600 relay- Seaford, 3:38.3; 3,200 relay- 1. Sussex Tech (Aaron Betts, Steve Spera, Townsend, Ricksecker), 8:14.92, 4. Seaford, 8:45.88; high jump- Lee Mayer, Seaford, 5’ 10”; long jump- Keyshawn Purnell, Seaford, 21’ 1 3/4”, 3. David Albert, Laurel, 20’ 6”; triple jump- 3. Keyshawn Purnell, Seaford, 41’ 1”, 4. Townsend, Sussex Tech, 40’ 6 1/2”; shot put- 4. George Blanchard, Seaford, 39’ 1/2”, 6. Jerry Henry, Laurel, 37’ 10 3/4”; discus- 6. Tyrell Whitney, Laurel, 112’ 7”

Laurel track and field athletes take part in Conference meet The Laurel High boys’ and girls’ track and field teams took part in the Henlopen Conference meet last weekend. The following are the Bulldogs’ results as reported by head coach Gary Cannon: For the boys, David Albert placed third in the long jump and eighth in the triple jump; Jerry Henry was eighth in the shotput; and Tyrell Whitney came in eighth in the discus. For the girls, Twila McCrea placed seventh in the 400 meter run; Ashley Zarello finished ninth in the shotput; Cierra Butler was fifth in her heat of the 300 meter hurdles; and Lauren Hitch came in seventh in her heat of the 1,600 meter run.

MORNING STAR • MAY 15 - 21, 2008


Laurel Stars of the Week

Male Athlete of the WeekDavid Ricksecker- Sussex Tech Sussex Tech senior David Ricksecker placed first in the 1,600 meter run and the 3,200 meter run and was on the winning 3,200 meter relay team during the Henlopen Conference meet last weekend. The Laurel resident also finished first in the 1,600 and was on the winning 3,200 meter relay in a meet against Cape and Milford last Tuesday.

LAUREL SOCCERShown above, Laurel’s Diane Paul keeps the ball in front of her as the Woodbridge defense closes in during a recent game. Katie Watson, shown with the ball during the overtime loss to Woodbridge, netted the Bulldogs’ lone goal in regulation. Photos by Mike McClure

Female Athlete of the WeekMaribeth Beach- Delmar Delmar’s Maribeth Beach netted two goals in her team’s 10-0 win over Laurel last Tuesday. Beach also had a goal in the Wildcats’ 3-2 victory over Milford on Thursday. The Wildcats entered the week with a 12-2 mark

Honorable mention- Kyle Brown- Laurel; Quinten Langley- Laurel; Brandon Hearne- Laurel; David Bartee- Laurel; Jose Dina- Delmar; Matt Campbell- Delmar; David Webster- Delmar; Justin Thomas- Delmar; Taylor Ballard- Delmar; David Albert- Laurel; Tyrell Whitney- Laurel; Jerry Henry- Laurel; Andrew Townsend- Sussex Tech; Andrew Sellers- Sussex Tech; Herb Quick- Sussex Tech; Cody Shields- Sussex Tech; Corie Elliott- Delmar; Katie McMahon- Delmar; Stephanie Wheatley- Laurel; Keyanna Horsey- Laurel; Mariah Dickerson- Laurel; Brittney Brittingham- Laurel; Lauren Hitch- Laurel; Brooke Tull- Sussex Tech; Emily Ritter- Sussex Tech


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Laurel golf team falls to Lake Forest, 163-191 Quinten Langley paced the Laurel varsity golf team with a 44 in last Monday’s 163191 loss to Lake Forest. Chris Moore had a 47 and Eric Hastings shot a 48.

Delmar girls’ soccer improves to 12-2, 9-2 with win The Delmar girls’ soccer team upped its record to 9-2 in Henlopen Conference play and 12-2 overall with a pair of wins last week. The Wildcats earned a 10-0 win over Laurel last Tuesday as Corie Elliott, Katie Elliott, and Maribeth Beach each netted two goals. Taylor Elliott, Katie McMahon, and Lauren Bozman added a goal apiece. On Thursday, Delmar trailed Milford, 1-0, at the half. Maribeth Beach scored off a feed from McMahon and Corie Elliott gave the Wildcats a 2-1 lead off another assist from McMahon at the 67 minute mark. The Bucs tied the score four minutes later before Corie Elliott netted her second goal and McMahon picked up her third assist for the winning goal at the 78 minute mark. Delmar held a 20-7 advantage in shots and also had a 5-2 edge in corners. Ashley Matos had five saves in goal for the Wildcats.

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BASE HIT- Laurel catcher Zach Bonniwell laces a single up the middle during last week’s game in Laurel. Photo by Mike McClure

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MORNING STAR • MAY 15 - 21, 2008

Delmar Sports Scene By Tommy Young

Delmar goalie Sean Scovell fires the ball upfield after making a stop in last Wednesday’s home game against Polytech. Photo by Mike McClure

Delmar boys’ lacrosse team’s rally falls short in 13-11 loss to Polytech By Mike McClure The Delmar boys’ lacrosse team trailed by as many as seven goals in last Wednesday’s home contest against Polytech before rallying to pull within two goals. The Panthers held on to win the game, 13-11, despite the Wildcats’ comeback. Polytech held a 6-0 lead through one quarter of play and scored the first goal of the second quarter before Delmar got on the board. Delmar defender Billy Cropper fired a pass upfield to Taylor Ballard who netted a goal with 5:24 left to make it 7-1. Justin Thomas took a pass from Nick Bond and spun and fired a shot in the net with 4:09 left in the half for the Wildcats’ second goal. The Panthers took a 7-2 lead into half-time. Polytech scored the first two goals of the third quarter before Thomas netted a pair of goals. Kevin Forse, who got the assist on the second goal, scored off a feed from Tyler Cornish with 4:32 remaining in the quarter to make the score 9-5. Kerry King’s goal with 3:56 left moved the Wildcats within three before Polytech tallied two more goals. Delmar responded with a pair of goals with under a minute left in the quarter to make the score 11-9. Forse netted a goal off a pass from Bond and Thomas netted the final goal of the quarter. Thomas opened the fourth quarter scoring with a goal with 6:51 left with Ballard picking up an assist. Following a Polytech goal, Ballard scored with 3:47 to go in the game (13-10). Ballard later

This week, the Wildcats’ regular schedule of all spring teams will come to an end; however, I am sure there were games that were canceled for various reasons that will have to be made up, so weather permitting and if they have any effect on making the state playoffs, they will try to get them in as the playoff dates are drawing near. Last week, after losing their game over at Sussex Central 6-2, the baseball team bounced back on Thursday to overwhelm Washington High down there, 20-2. The Delmar offense was led by David Webster with four hits and Matt Campbell who had a double and a home run. Then, surprise starter Jose Dina picked up the win on the mound striking out eight and getting three hits himself. This at least assures the Wildcats a winning season, but I do not know if it will be enough to get them in the playoffs or not. It’s a different story with the girls’ soccer team as they defeated Milford 3-2 on the strength of two goals by Corrie Elliott and one by Katie McMahon giving them a record of 12-2 and a sure playoff berth. The Delmar lacrosse team played the best lacrosse team Wednesday as they were not only fast but also well-coached and looked like they had been playing the game a long time. In fact, at one time, this Polytech team led the Wildcats by six goals, but Delmar came back, led by Justin Thomas, who was the leading scorer for the “Cats” with five goals, but lost by a 13-11 score. For a first year team, these boys have had a great season, but even on a brighter note, the JVs have looked good all season which makes the local fans have high hopes for this sport at Delmar High School. ASSISTS AND ERRORS- George Sparrow passed away last week, and although he was a lifelong resident of Delmar, not many of the younger generation knew anything about him, and only a very few of the older folks could say

they did either, but I did and thought I would like to make a few remarks about this quiet, gentle man who lived in the community all his life. He should be remembered for more than the few lines written about him in his obituary. George and I started school together in the old Delmar Elementary School that was located on the ground where the Catholic Church now stands on Chestnut Street. Some of the other boys who were in that first grade were Charles Calloway, Howard Wingate, Bobby Ryall, Walter Stephens, Norman (Peanut) Sullivan, Carl Wilkins, and Jimmy Truitt. The reason I can remember these fellows so well is I saw them every school day for the next nine or 10 years, most of them on some athletic field. George very seldom took part in any sports until he went out for the soccer team and was the second string goalie, but he did not get much playing time because Mike Kerekash, our regular goalie was allconference at this position. But this suited George all right because he could do what he had always done since he was big enough to work in the family business, a feed, seed, and building material store on North Railroad Avenue up past where the William Gordy business was located. His father also worked on the railroad while his family took care of the business. So, like father, like son, after being in the service, he went to work on the railroad and stayed in the family business until his father died. They sold the business, and George continued to work on the railroad, get married, and raised a family until his retirement several years ago. He was a member of the Masons and took up gardening as a hobby. The remarkable thing about George was he had no bad habits, and I never heard anyone say anything bad about him. George was one of a kind and walked to the beat of his own drummer. He will be missed by the people who really knew him and, of course, his family.

Delmar’s Kerry King looks to pass the ball during last Wednesday’s home contest against Polytech. Photo by Mike McClure

faked a pass and fired a shot in the net to move Delmar within two with 1:29 left. Following a time out with 1:13 left in the game, the Panthers retained possession of the ball the rest of the way to ice the game for the 13-11 win. Thomas led the Wildcats with five goals, Ballard had three goals and three assists, and Forse netted two goals.

The Wildcats’ Taylor Ballard looks to get past the Panthers’ defense during last Wednesday’s home game. Ballard had three goals and three assists in the 13-11 loss. Photo by Mike McClure

MORNING STAR • MAY 15 - 21, 2008


Laurel track athletes qualify for states in a pair of meets The Laurel varsity boys’ and girls’ track teams faced a strong Dover track team on Friday, May 2. The Bulldogs went into the meet looking to qualify for the state meet and they did with L.J. Watts getting a state qualifier in the 1600 with a time of 4:57.8. Caleb Wilson had a time of 49.2 in the 300 hurdles and Jerry Henry had a fine throw of 41’ 4” in the shot-put. Freshman Ashley Zarello also qualified for the state meet with a throw of 30’ 6” in the shot-put. Laurel faced Seaford and Smyrna on Monday, May 5. The Laurel girls are peaking at the right time with the conference and state meets approaching. The girls had a personal best from Sierra Butler in both the 100 and 300 hurdles with times of 18.8 and 54 seconds. Twila McCrea also had a season best in the 200 and 400. Lauren Hitch, who has been injured, returned and won the 1600 and ran on the winning 4X800 relay team along with DaYoung Kang, Sherloune Charleron, and McCrea. Hitch also had a hard fought second place finish in the 3,200. For the boys, Wilson had a state qualifying time in the 110 high hurdles as well as a personal best in the 300 hurdles. Tyrell Whitney also had a throw of 126’ in the discus. The 4X800 and 4X400 relay teams had season best times. The team of Watts, Travis, McDonough, and Penix turned in a fine time of 9:36 in the 4X800. The team of Wilson, Jules Cannon, Zach Exume, and David Albert had a time of 3:40 in the 4X400. Albert, in the long jump, and Cannon, in the 200 mete dash, also had season bests.

Bulldog second baseman Brittney Brittingham looks to make contact with a pitch during last Thursday’s game against Caesar Rodney. Brittingham hit a two out double in the sixth for Laurel’s only extra base hit in the 2-1 home loss. Photo by Mike McClure

Laurel softball team blanks Dover, 10-0, behind no-hitter The Laurel varsity softball team defeated Dover, 10-0, last Tuesday as Stephanie Wheatley tossed a no-hitter while striking out 10. Mariah Dickerson collected three hits and drove in two, Jenna Cahall tripled, and Alexis Oliphant doubled for the Bulldogs. Laurel’s Kelsey Willey dives back to first base after a line out to the first baseman during last week’s home contest against Caesar Rodney. Willey reached on an infield single. Photo by Mike McClure LOOKING TO PASS- Delmar defender Billy Cropper looks to pass to a teammate during last Wednesday’s boys’ lacrosse game in Delmar. Photo by Mike McClure

WILDCAT LACROSSE- Delmar senior Jeremy Layton looks to move the ball upfield during his team’s 13-11 home loss to Polytech last week. Photo by Mike McClure

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MORNING STAR • MAY 15 - 21, 2008

Raven Roundup: Lady Ravens top Seaford, Milford By Mike McClure

Rain washes out action at Delaware International Speedway By Charlie Brown An early morning downpour added to already wet grounds from a previous day of rain forcing the Delaware International Speedway to cancel last Saturday night’s racing program which was to include the United Racing Company Sprints. Action continues this Saturday night with the NAPA Big Block Modifieds, Super Late Models, AC Delco Crate Modifieds, Crate Models and Modified Lites plus the Vintage Stock Cars. Gates open at 5 p.m. with hot laps at 7 p.m. The following week, May 24 will be the Unity Tribute to Kyle Dixon. On May 24, anyone with a picture I.D. with a Delmar, Del. or a Delmar, Md. address will be admitted to the track for free. The Delmar Middle and Senior High School band will play the National Anthem and other selections during the night and there will be a video tribute to Kyle during intermission. The Slide for 5 division will join the five weekly divisions that night with the winner receiving $133 which was the number of Dixon’s Slide for 5 car. On Thursday, May 29 the World of Outlaws will make a stop to play on the tacky half-mile clay oval. Ticket information is available on the track web site. For more information contact the speedway office at 302-875-1911 or go online at

Epworth Middle School students compete in track meet Students from Epworth Christian School’s Middle School participated in the second annual Holly Grove Invitational Track Meet held at Salisbury State University recently. ECS has never had a track team before, but has been talking about adding it to their curriculum according to Coach Greg LaFreniere, director of athletics. Track coach and team coordinator, Wendy Wharton, with the help of assistants and parent volunteers, Rachel Benjamin and Jim Tanner, worked with the students for the last month preparing them to compete in the event. Participating in Friday’s event were schools from both the public and private school sector. They included Salisbury Middle, Bennett Middle, Grace Academy, Holly Grove, Greenwood Mennonite as well as others. Students winning in Friday’s event were Alexander Gordon, third place in hurdles; Sarah Bryan, first place in discus; Dennis Davenport, first place in shot put; Cody Tanner, fifth place in the shot-put; and Isabel Wharton, first place in hurdles and second place in 800 meter run.

Seaford Department of Recreation to hold summer tennis programs Registration is taking place for the following Seaford Department of Recreation summer tennis programs: Tennis Free-4-All- Enjoy an afternoon of tennis and sign up for SDR’s summer programs while you are there. The event will take place on Sunday, June 8 from 3-5 p.m. There will be a free clinic and free drinks and rackets will be provided. Little Smashers- A basic instructional clinic will be held June 16-20 to introduce tennis to young athletes. The program is open to children ages 4-7 at a cost of $25. Tennis Clinic- This is a basic instructional league for children ages 6-12 to learn the rules and scoring. The clinic will take place at 8:30 a.m. on Mondays and Wednesdays from June 23-July 16, The cost is $40. Team Tennis- Team tennis will take place every Tuesday and Thursday at 8:30 a.m. from June 24 through July 17 for ages 6-14 at a cost of $50 and every Tuesday and Thursday from 5:30 to 7:30 p.m. for ages 10-18 at a cost of $60. Adult Tennis Lessons- Adult tennis lessons will be scheduled based on everyone’s availability. The lessons, open to beginners, cost $45.

Covering all the local sports teams, the Seaford/Laurel Star.

Delaware Tech golf team places second at Region 19 match The Delaware Technical and Community College (DTCC) Owens golf team played in High Bridge Hills, N.J., for a Region 19 match. They finished second as a team with a 318. Burlington County College finished first with a 304. Travis Ralph finish an individual fourth with a 76. The remaining golfers finished as follows: Devan Scott, 78; Brian Kauffman, 82; Willie Thomas, 87; Chris Low, 88.


On Wednesday May 7, the Heritage Shores Ladies’ 18 Hole Golf Association played the game of “One Fat Rat”. Winners are shown (l to r): Muriel Waite, third place; Barbara Jarkovsky, first place; and Cinda Allison, second place.

The Sussex Tech varsity softball team earned wins over Seaford and Milford last week. On Tuesday, Kelsey Doherty collected three hits including two doubles and drove in three in the Ravens’ 8-1 win over Milford. Lauren Smith also had three hits including a home run, Logan Pavlik collected a pair of hits including a double, Melony Thompson double, and Brooke Tull tossed a four-hitter. On Thursday, Tull allowed one run on two hits in a 13-1 win over Seaford. Pavlik had three hits, Rhonda Warrington added two hits including a double, and Jenna Allen and Thompson collected two hits each. Golf team edges Cape Henlopen, 158-164- Herb Quick and Andrew Sellers each shot a 38, Clayton Bunting added a 40, and Richard Atkins had a 42 to help the Ravens to a 158-164 win over Cape Henlopen last Tuesday. Kyle Messick and Dustin Miller each added a 44 for Tech. Ritter, Morris lead Lady RavensEmily Ritter and Paige Morris were the Sussex Tech girls’ track team’s top performers in their team’s 95-50 loss to Milford and 90-43 defeat against Cape Henlopen. Ritter placed first in the 800 meter run (2:32.04) and the 1,600 (5:23) and Morris finished first in the shotput (36’ 11”), discus (117’ 3”), and long jump. Ricksecker paces boys’ track teamSussex Tech senior David Ricksecker placed first in the 1,600 (4:25.9) and was on the winning 3,200 meter relay team in last Tuesday’s split decision. The Ravens topped Cape, 81-61, but lost to Sussex Tech’s Ally Mohun, shown during a game earlier this year, had a goal in her Milford, 78-68. team’s 3-1 loss to Dover last Thursday. Andrew Townsend came in first in Photo by Mike McClure the 800 (2:01.1) and was on the 3,200 meter relay team and Darius Sivels won the long jump (20’ 1”) and the high jump (6’). The team of Aaron Betts, Steve Spera, Townsend, and Ricksecker placed first with a time of 8:34. Girls’ lacrosse team nets pair of wins- Lindsay Danz scored four goals and Caitlin Stone recorded 15 saves in the Sussex Tech girls’ lacrosse team’s 17-9 win over Red Lion Christian last Tuesday. The Lady Ravens also topped St. Thomas More, 13-6, last Saturday as Maxine Fluharty netted eight goals. Galon, Mohun score goals in losses- Cassy Galon netted a goal in the Sussex Tech girls’ soccer team’s 3-1 loss to Polytech last Tuesday. Lisa Sekcinski had 17 saves in goal for the Ravens. Ally Mohun netted the first goal in last Thursday’s 3-1 loss to Dover. Tech baseball team beats Cape, is blanked by Seaford- The Sussex Tech baseball team defeated Cape Henlopen, 11-4, last Wednesday thanks to two home runs and three RBIs by Chad Sturgeon. Cody Shields had three hits including a pair of doubles; George Godwin added two hits including a double; and Eric Sharff doubled and earned the win. The Ravens lost to Seaford, 5-0, last Thursday despite three hits by starting pitcher Zach Adkins who gave up five runs in six innings in the loss. Steve Sharff collected two hits and Eric Sharff and Godwin each added one hit.

MORNING STAR • MAY 15 - 21, 2008


Laurel/Seaford Star Little League scoreboard (week of 5/5) Woodbridge- Major League baseballPetrone and Sons Construction 3, JBS Construction 2- Timmy and Philip Petrone scattered two hits and struck out 11 as they led Petrone and Sons to the win. Timmy had an RBI single and a run and Philip had an RBI double and a run. Robin Caceres added an RBI single and Tyler Ramos singled and scored a run. Petrone and Sons played an error free game and had some outstanding plays by Chris Eck, Caceres and Nick Rosado. For JBS, Joshua Vazquez and Kani Kane scattered four hits, struck out eight and allowed just one earned run. At the plate Kane had both of his team’s hits and scored a run. Jared Hopkins scored JBS’s other run. Nick Smith was the defensive standout for JBS. Laurel- Major League baseballReds 5, Orioles 2- For the Orioles, Shane Baker had a walk and a run scored; Alan Lubiniecki added a hit, a walk, and a run scored; Jeremy Metz doubled; and Tyrone Jenkins contributed a hit. Jenkins pitched three and two thirds, giving up five runs on three hits, two hit batters, and four walks while striking out 10. Lubiniecki pitched one and one third inning, giving up no runs on two hits with no walks and two strikeouts. For the Reds, Dustin Allen walked, had a hit, and scored two runs; Austin Tanner singled, doubled, walked, and scored a run; Corey Mitchell was hit by a pitch; and Billy Ball doubled and scored a run. Tyler Hill and Malik Hopkins walked, Josh Hames was hit by a pitch, and Wade Townley had a hit and a run. Tanner pitcher five and a third innings giving up two runs on three hits with two walks and 10 strikeouts. Bobby Townley pitched two thirds of an inning giving up no runs on one hit while striking out one.

Shown are Abby Kingston, left, and Jenny Davis, first place gross, in the Seaford Golf and Country Club Ladies Golf Association Member-Guest Tournament.

Laurel, Delmar, Seaford, and Woodbridge Little League coaches, officials, and parents: Give your little leaguers the recognition they deserve by sending results to the Star at 302-629-9243 (f) or Please include scores and results for both teams with players’ first and last names.


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Cinda Allison, left, and Carol Schreffler won first place net in the SGCC Ladies Golf Association Member-Guest Tournament.

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The Seaford Bowling Lanes results will return in next week’s Laurel/Seaford Star


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MORNING STAR • MAY 15 - 21, 2008

Laurel’s Matt Parker prepares to make contact with a pitch for a double. Parker collected a pair of hits in the Bulldogs’ 10-0 win over Woodbridge on Tuesday. Photo by Mike McClure

Laurel/Seaford Star Tuesday high school scoreboard Baseball- Laurel 10, Woodbridge 0- Lance Kelley had a pair hits, Matt Parker collected two doubles, and David Bartee earned the win in the five inning contest. Greg Callaway, Dustin Richards, Tyler Patterson, and Reuss Idler had hits for Woodbridge. Sussex Tech 9, Caesar Rodney 7- Eric Sharff doubled and earned the win, Steve Sharff and Cody Shields each had three hits, and Chad Sturgeon doubled for the Ravens. Milford 13, Seaford 3- Deriik Gibson tripled and homered and Zach Reynolds doubled in the Seaford loss. Golf- Milford 181, Laurel 199- Brooks Hearne and Colby Watts each shot a 47 for Laurel. Sussex Tech 158, Delmar 210- Sussex Tech’s Herb Quick was the medalist with a 38 and Clayton Bunting, Andrew Sellers, and Kyle Messick each shot a 40. Weston Breda led Delmar with a 48. Softball- Milford 14, Seaford 3- Kelsey Riggleman homered in the Seaford loss. Milford 8, Seaford 0- Courtney Torbert doubled for the Lady Jays. Caesar Rodney 6, Sussex Tech 4- Brooke Tull homered, Melony Thompson doubled, and Lauren Smith had three hits for Tech. Boys’ lacrosse- Delmarva Christian 12, Delmar 8- Will Bethard netted four goals and Tyshun Rembert and Jeff Mohr each had three goals for the Royals. Justin Thomas and Taylor Ballard tallied three goals apiece for Delmar. Girls’ soccer- Delmar 8, Seaford 2- Katie Elliott scored three goals, Maribeth Beach had two goals and an assist, Brittani Scott and Lauren Bozman each netted a goal, and Katie McMahon and Corie Elliott each dished out three assists for Delmar. Amanda Merritt and Macey Cordrey scored goals for Seaford.

Seaford boys’ tennis goes into conference finals tied for first The Seaford boys’ tennis team entered the Henlopen Conference tournament finals (Wednesday, May 14) tied with Dover for first place with 16 points each. In first singles, Andrew Halter will play in a third place consolation match. In second singles, Tim Halter is in the finals agains Dover’s Steve Grober. In third singles, Spencer Noel is in a third place consolation match. In first doubles, Seaford’s Trevor Lee and Tony Fascelli are in the finals against Dover’s Mike Bacchus and Jordan Maximo. In second doubles, Drew Venables and Ethan Lee are in the finals against Dover’s Bathan Adamson and Chris Maximo.



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Laurel third baseman Jenna Cahall fires to first during her team’s 5-0 win over Woodbridge on Tuesday. Cahall had a hit and a pair of RBIs for the Bulldogs. Photo by Mike McClure

Laurel softball team moves to 9-8 with win over Woodbridge By Mike McClure The Laurel varsity softball team continued its quest for a state tournament berth with a 5-0 win over Woodbridge on Tuesday. The Bulldogs moved to 9-8 overall with two games left to play. “Right now the state tournament is a possibility. We’ve played a tough schedule and I hope that is taken into consideration,” said head coach Margo Morris. “We’re hoping to finish out strong and get into the tournament and mature in the tournament.” Laurel took a 3-0 lead in the top of the first as Brooke Evans tripled and scored a run, Kelsey Oliphant walked and scored a run, and Jenna Cahall singled in a run and scored the final run. Alexis Oliphant added an RBI groundout and Brittney Brittingham added a sac fly. The score remained 3-0 until Laurel scored a pair of runs in the sixth. Stephanie Wheatley walked, Brooke Evans singled up the middle, and Kelsey Oliphant put a sacrifice bunt down to move the runners into scoring position. Cahall drove in a run and reached first on an error which allowed Evans to score the second run of the inning. Laurel starter Stephanie Wheatley earned the win, allowing four hits in seven innings of shutout ball. Woodbridge’s Grace Reardon, Jenna Schrock, Emily Williamson, and Danielle Griffin each had a hit. Evans collected two hits and scored two runs and Cahall, Alexis Oliphant, Brittingham, and Kelsey Willey each had a hit for Laurel. The Bulldogs were scheduled to visit Red Lion on Wednesday before hosting Indian River on Thursday.



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MORNING STAR • MAY 15 - 21, 2008


Delaware Technical College Commencement Facts The Delaware Tech Owens Campus 40th annual Commencement was held on Tuesday on the east lawn of the Carter Partnership Center. Following are some facts about the Class of 2008: • 825 academic awards were conferred • The average age of the Del

Tech graduates is 31 • 13 of the 45 Summa Cum Laude graduates also obtained a perfect 4.0 grade point average; • 193 students will graduate with academic excellence • 68 percent of the graduates are female; • 17 percent are minorities; • 91 percent are from Dela-

ware while 76 percent are from Sussex • The City of Seaford has the largest number of graduates Also this year are some special graduates: • A father and two daughters (from a family of seven) are all graduating with degrees in Production Agriculture.

Both daughters were homeschooled and are recipients of SEED Scholarships. Both play on the softball team, which is headed to Bloomington, ILL. for the NJCAA World Series, May 15-17. • A Business Administration grad is a 55-year-old wife, mother and grandmother.

She has worked for the same financial institution for 23 years and has been pursuing her degree for 10 years. She has two children in college, one at Delaware Tech. She recently was diagnosed with her fourth bout of cancer. Through it all she continued to work towards her degree.

Del Tech to celebrate museum day Monday The Treasures of the Sea Exhibit at Delaware Technical & Community College, Owens Campus, is celebrating International Museum Day by offering free admission to visitors on Monday, May 19. The 2008 International Museum Day theme is “Museums as Agents of Social Change and Development.” This year, the International Council of Museums is encouraging museums around the world to explore social issues within their communities, especially through the use of new webbased technologies. Over four million dollars’ worth of silver and gold, gemstones, jewelry, cannons, and other artifacts from the Spanish galleon Nuestra Senora de Atocha are on display at Trea-

sures of the Sea. A video presentation chronicles the discovery and salvage of the ship, whose loss in a 1622 hurricane changed the course of world history. On Monday, May 19, admission to the exhibit is free to anyone from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. Delaware residents can also view the exhibit free of charge on Saturday, May 17 from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. The Treasures of the Sea Exhibit is open on Mondays and Tuesdays, 10 a.m. to 4 p.m.; Fridays, noon to 4 p.m.; and Saturdays, 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. The regular admission price is $2.50 for adults, $2 for seniors, $1 for students, and free for children 4 and under. Call 302-856-5700 for more information.

Sussex roadway repair alert The Department of Transportation (DelDOT) announces lane restrictions for microsurfacing will occur at the following locations: * Horsey Church Road between Delmar Road and Bacons Road * Iron Hill Road between Route 13 and Old Stage Road * Shell Station Road between Whiteville Road and Millsboro Highway The work will begin on Monday, May 19, and end on Friday, May 30, pending weather. The work hours each day will be from 7 a.m. to 6 p.m. This rehabilitation work will prevent further deterioration to

these important roadways. The contractor for these improvements is Dosch-King Company, Inc. Microsurfacing is a polymer-modified cold-mix paving system. Microsurfacing begins as a mixture of a densegraded aggregate, asphalt emulsion, water, and mineral fillers. Microsurfacing is made by a special machine, which blends the mixture on site and spreads the mixture onto the road surface. Microsurfacing is a cost effective way to treat a variety of road problems. The life expectancy usually exceeds seven years. Motorists are advised to slow down and expect delays.

Send us your news items Send items to editor@mspublications. com. Send photos as attachments in the jpg format. Items may also be mailed to Morning Star Publications, Inc., P.O. Box 1000, Seaford, DE 19973. Deadline is one week before preferred publication date. Items are used on a first-come basis.

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MORNING STAR • MAY 15 - 21, 2008

Seaford State Trooper earns prestigious award By Tony E. Windsor A former Laurel police officer who resides in Seaford was recently chosen as the Troop 5, Bridgeville, Delaware State Police Trooper of the Year. Tpr. Anthony Andrews was among eight state troopers honored during the annual Delaware State Police Awards ceremony held at Dover Downs. Andrews is a one and a half year veteran of the state police and previously served over four years with the Laurel Police Department. In 2003, Andrews, who was a K-9 handler for Laurel, was named Officer of the Year. DSP superintendent, Thomas MacLeish, introduced Andrews during ceremonies held earlier this month and attended by state troopers from throughout Delaware and dignitaries including Gov. Ruth Ann Minner, Lt. Gov. John Carney, Attorney General Joseph Beau Biden and Secretary of the Department of Safety and Homeland Security, David B. Mitchell. MacLeish recognized Andrews for receiving the Exceptional Performance and Lifesaving awards for his service at Troop 5 over the past year. The Performance Award is given to a state trooper who performs significantly above what would be expected in an area or event that is within his or her normal realm of responsibility. Andrews received the Exceptional Performance Award for his role in several local drug cases. According to state police information, Andrews has worked with the Sussex County Drug Task Force unit throughout the year. He has provided multiple confidential informants, valuable intelligence information and has participated in three of the four searches and seizure warrants executed over the last four months in conjunction with the Drug Task Force. On Tuesday, Sept. 11, 2007, the Sussex County Drug Task Force, assisted by officers from Troop 5, the Laurel Police Department, the federal Immigration Customs Enforcement (ICE) and the Drug Enforcement Agency of the Dover Police Department, executed a search warrant at a unit in the Lakeside Motel on Route 13, Laurel. Seized as a result of the search were about nine grams of crack cocaine, over $500 in cash and a 1994 Ford Explorer. A conditional resident alien from Jamaica was arrested and charged with a variety of drug related crimes. On Oct. 12, 2007, Andrews was among the officers who executed a drug search warrant on Mill Drive in Bridgeville. Seized were 18 grams of marijuana, 65 grams of crack cocaine, 206 grams of powder cocaine, a 12-gauge shotgun, ammunition and a variety of drug paraphernalia. One person was arrested and charged with a variety of drug related crimes as well as weapons charges and a charge of endangering the welfare of a child. On Oct. 18, 2007, Andrews assisted other officers from several law enforcement agencies in executing a search warrant at a residence on Fire Tower Road, east of Laurel. Seized were 24 grams of crack cocaine, over eight grams of mari-

juana, methamphetamine, over 35 prescription pills, a 17-caliber rifle, 12 gauge shotgun and over $1,700 in cash. One person was arrested and charged with drug related crimes, including trafficking cocaine. On Dec. 14, 2007, Andrews and officers from several law enforcement agencies, including the Laurel Police Department, executed a search warrant at a residence in Holly Brook Apartments, Laurel. Seized in that search were over 23 grams of powder cocaine, oxycodone pills, a 38caliber handgun and a 32-caliber semi-automatic pistol. One person was arrested and charged with a variety of drug-related crimes and weapons charges. Andrews received the Lifesaving Award for his part in the successful apprehension of an armed man in Sussex County. On May 6, 2007, Andrews was among five state troopers who responded to a call about an armed man barricading himself in his home. According to state police, Cpl. Justin Galloway was at a home in response to an incident of domestic violence. Galloway discovered that an intoxicated man had assaulted another man and destroyed the phone as he attempted to call 911. The incident occurred in the presence of the victim s younger sister. While investigating the incident, Galloway saw the suspect leave the home with a shotgun. He called for backup and Andrews and three other officers arrived. Meanwhile the man reentered the house and went upstairs. Upon arriving, Tpr. Andrews, Sgt. Marshall Craft, Tpr. Andrew Everette and Tpr. Andrea Warfel surrounded the home. After making contact with the armed man, Craft recognized that the man was severely intoxicated. He, Andrews and Galloway made their way upstairs and found the man lying semi-conscious on a bed with a shotgun lying on the floor nearby and a knife in his pants pocket. Police learned that the man had consumed alcohol and a combination of prescription pills. He was transported to Nanticoke Memorial Hospital and admitted. Doctors said the combination of alcohol and pills was deadly and had police not gotten him to the hospital when they did, he would have died. The man spent three weeks in the Sussex Correctional Institution's mental facility for suicidal tendencies. When he was released, the man was charged with multiple violations. Andrews and the four other officers all received the Lifesaving Award, and were commended in a statement by the Delaware State Police: "The officers responded quickly, communicated effectively, and made decisions that ultimately lead to building entry, affecting an arrest of a barricaded and armed suspect and immediately transporting the man for emergency medical treatment." Andrews and his wife, Celeste, have two children, Ava, 3 and Andrew Jr., 3 months old. Other Troop 5 officers receiving honors during the DSP Awards ceremony were:

Pictured are Delaware State Police Troop 5, Bridgeville, award recipients during the recent DSP Award Ceremony in Dover. Pictured from left in the front row are Representative Benjamin Ewing, Master Corporal Sean Mullarkey, Trooper Anthony Andrews (Troop 5 Trooper of the Year), Corporal Joseph Badner, Trooper First Class Andrea Warfel, Captain Greg Nolt, Master Corporal H. Burt Murray, and Mr. Brent Moore, Laurel (Citizens Award). In the back row from left are Sergeant Charles Caldwell, Corporal Kenneth Rogers, Corporal Justin Galloway, Corporal Edwin Justiniano, Trooper Andrew Everett and Lieutenant Charles C. Brown. Receiving awards but not present were Sergeant Marshall Craft, Senior Corporal Timothy Shockley and Corporal Rickey Hargis. Photo by Tony Windsor

(Cpl/3 Timothy Shockley, Cpl. Ricky Hargis and Cpl. Jennifer Struck, Sgt. Charles Caldwell, Cpl./3 Sean Mullarky, Cpl./2 William Haggerty, Cpl. Joseph Badner,

Cpl. William Bant, Cpl. Edwin Justiniano, Cpl. Burton Murray and Cpl. Kenneth Rogers all receiving the Exceptional Performance Award.

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MORNING STAR • MAY 15 - 21, 2008


Town of Bethel, developer ask court to dismiss suit By Lynn R. Parks Both the town of Bethel and a Seaford developer are asking that a suit filed against them over the condition of a house that was completed in the town in March 2004 be dismissed. Craig Karsnitz, attorney for developer Tull Ramey Ltd., Seaford, and its owners, Steve Tull and Gordon Ramey, filed a motion for dismissal April 29, based on the fact that the contract between Tull Ramey and the property owner, Margaret Waters, stipulates that “all disputes between the parties are to be subject to binding arbitration.” Accordingly, “this matter should be dismissed and the disputes between the parties subject to the arbitration procedure,” the motion says. Richard Berl Jr., attorney for the town,

also cites the contract’s call for binding arbitration in his motion to dismiss. In a brief filed May 6 with the court, Berl adds that the suit is banned by state laws and common-law doctrine that protect towns from lawsuits and that the statute of limitations on suing over the condition of the house is up. Berl’s answer to the suit also says that the town had no knowledge of the condition of the house as it was being built or when town council president Jeff Hastings signed its certificate of occupancy. In a cross claim, he says that if the court finds the town liable, any fines that the town has to pay should be passed on to Drafting and Design Services Inc., which designed the house, and Tull Ramey. On March 19, Waters filed suit with the state Superior Court in New Castle County, claiming that the Bethel house that she

had built is “unsafe and unfit for habitation.” The suit alleges a “civil conspiracy” between the town and the developer, which “acted in union to mislead” her into “thinking that her house in its final form complied with appropriate building codes.” In addition to the town and Tull Ramey, Waters is also suing two members of the Bethel Town Council, council president Hastings and councilwoman Anna Lee Robinson, both of whom are represented by Berl, and designer Drafting and Design Services Inc. Waters is asking for judgments as determined by the court, as well as to be reimbursed for court and attorney fees. As of Tuesday, Drafting and Design Services had not answered the suit. Attempts to locate the company have been unsuccessful.

In his answer to the suit, Berl says that Robinson, who was authorized at the time to issue building permits, gave a permit to Waters after the building plans were reviewed by the town council. When the house was completed, Hastings signed the certificate of occupancy, Berl says, “based upon information from Tull that the completed structure complied with the building code.” To Waters’ charge that Hastings failed to inspect the house before signing the certificate of occupancy, Berl answers that the town relied on inspectors with the county to inspect the house. The town is “aware that Sussex County must also review plans and issue a building permit, and that dwellings under construction are inspected from time to time by professional inspectors hired by Sussex County,” he says.

Letters American Legion will hold Memorial Day service on May 26

The Laurel American Legion wishes to invite everyone from the Laurel area to attend our Memorial Day service on May 26 at 11 a.m. at the American Legion home on Laurel Road (Rt. 24). This year we plan a few changes in our program. The middle school band will again entertain us with patriotic music and M/Sgt. Gary Banks will be our guest speaker. The color guard and the firing squad will Salute the Dead. After the closing prayer by the Rev. John Van Tine of Centenary Church, lunch will be served. The one new addition this year will be a solemn ceremony to honor our local men and women who died in war serving our country. Each name will be called out and then a candle will be lit for each one. So far, we have 20 names of these fallen heroes. Their names are listed at the end of this article. If you have a relative or a friend who belongs in this group, please call me so I can add their name to the list. Anyone who would like to have the honor of lighting one of the candles, please let me know. Memorial Day — a day of mixed emotions, sadness and pride. Sadness because of the many young men and women who lost their lives fighting for this great country. Sadness for the many families who lost a loved one. Sadness for these unsung heroes who never got to enjoy life or fulfill their ambitions. God bless them all! Then we have pride. I can truly say that I am proud to have served my country in World War II. Proud to have been a small part of the lives of two of my 1942 classmates, Blair Ellis and Charles Brittingham. Proud to be a friend of Irvin Tindall and next door neighbor Gary Stoeckel. Proud to have been associated with Ricky Dennison in Little League baseball. Yes, I know that every family in America has felt the pain of losing a loved one or close friend. That’s why we have Memorial Day — to honor and pay tribute to these great heroes. Just think, since the beginning of World War II to today, we

have lost almost a half million young men and women. On Memorial Day, come out and honor those who gave their lives so we can enjoy our freedom today. And let’s not forget our troops oversees who are sacrificing their lives for us. See you Memorial Day! James Allen

Historian, Post 19 American Legion

Area men who have been killed in action are: James William Bishop Charles M. Brittingham Charles C. Bailey Linwood Callaway Merrill Jennings Conoway Louis Deputy Blair Ellis Paul Foskey Preston Thomas Foskey Austin Vance Horner Dr. Otto Juhl, Jr. Howard S. Owens Harry Russell Kenneth Tice Irvin Tindall Gary Stoeckel Ricky Dennison Alex Hudson William Stacy David Hastings Reuben Lecates

Delmar Public Library planning book and baked goods sale

The Delmar Public Library will have its Book and Bake sale fundraiser next weekend. This event is sponsored by the Friends of the Delmar Library and the proceeds will be used for upcoming library programs or new items for the library shelves. The staff has been working extra hard to get together all those slightly used books, videos, DVDs and magazines so we can have a huge sale. The items include fiction and non-fiction, children and adult items. There might even be a few books on baseball in the piles!

The book sale will be in the Hayman Meeting Room at the library on Friday, May 16, from 4 to 7 p.m. Then on Saturday, May 17 we will have the Book and Bake sale from 8 a.m. to noon. We urge the public to come out and support a local library while getting some really good bargains and some tasty baked goods made by some of Delmar’s great cooks. Thanks for all your help. Corretta Lowe

Delmar Public Library

City responds to citizens’ concerns about drugs and dangerous dogs

On the afternoon of Monday, April 28, the honorable mayor of Seaford, Mr. Ed Butler, members of city council, town manager Delores Slatcher and officers of the Seaford Police Department including Chief Gary Morris met with a concerned group of business and property owners in regard to the recent drug activity and blighted rental properties within the proximity of the 100 block of Cannon and King streets, centrally located within the downtown Seaford area. Also of great concern was the issue of pit bulls residing in the city limits, and conveyed to the presiding council were accounts of animal abuse and attacks from the breed occurring within the town limits over the past year. Over the course of two days subsequent to the meeting, we have witnessed the city responding to these issues by the condemnation of many blighted and non-owner occupied rental properties in non-inhabitable condition and also an increased presence of the Seaford Police force and Delaware SPCA within the neighborhoods of concern and throughout the town. I commend the mayor, city manager, city officials and police department on their collective and proactive response to these issues affecting property and business owners within the town limits. We anticipate continued and effective results and praise is due for those achieved. Stephen R. Huston


Given the chance, John Carney would make a great governor Recently, I attended Lt. Gov. John Carney’s campaign office opening in Georgetown. I saw a lot of familiar faces, and some new ones, and of course had the chance to talk with John. What impresses me most about John is his knowledge of the issues and his understanding of what’s important to people in Sussex County. Whether it’s health care, education, agriculture or bringing clean, affordable energy to the First State with initiatives like Bluewater Wind, John has the experience and know-how you don’t find with a lot of politicians. Too often, people running for office promise big things, only to disappoint you once they’re elected. That’s not going to happen with John. He’s worked for Joe Biden, was Secretary of Finance for Tom Carper and has served eight years as lieutenant governor. He has a long record of accomplishments and a history of working with others to get things done. John Carney’s going to make a great governor if we elect him, and is going to do a lot to make Delaware an even better place to live. Carol A. Guilbert Bridgeville

Geranium sale to raise money for AAUW scholarship is a success The Western Sussex AAUW (American Association of University Women) would like to say thank you to our Western Sussex community! Our geranium sale was a wonderful success thanks to you. We will be awarding several scholarships to females in our area. We could not have accomplished this without your generosity. We hope that you enjoy your geraniums. We hope to see you again next April. Kathi Adams Seaford


MORNING STAR • MAY 15 - 21, 2008


HONORING EMPLOYEES - The Laurel School District held its annual teacher recognition banquet recently. Retiring employees as well as employees who have been with the district for 15 and 25 years were honored. Above, acting superintendent Linda Schenck and school board president Jerry White stand with retiring teachers. From left: Schenck, Carol Anderson Lowe, Virginia Snead, Connie Massey and White. Pictured above right are some of employees who were honored because they have 15 years of service. From left: Schenck, Georgie A. Benson, Terri L. Morris, Marsha Murphy, Dorothy B. Nave, Terry Small and White. Pictured on right are employees with 25 years of service. From left: Thomas E. Copland, Susan R. Davis, Sharon M. Dolby, Wendy Dolby, Jeanne M. Ellison and White. Photo by Pat Murphy. At left, everybody’s favorite teacher Chester Davis adds a little humor to the Teacher Recognition Banquet. Photos by Pat Murphy

SHREDDING DAY - Carole Greene of the EST Financial Group, right, talks to Hannah Wood of Delmar as her mother, Cathi, and EST financial advisor Joy Slabaugh look on during the community shredding day last weekend. EST specializes in retirement planning, estate planning, business consulting, charitable giving and investments. On right, Jean Hinckley of Seaford presents a box of documents to Ron Cirwithian of Data Guard. Photos by Mike McClure

MORNING STAR • MAY 15 - 21, 2008

Cut-glass bowl, once used to hold hair, now holds flowers Finger bowls, dresser sets made of bone ivory with intricately cut designs in the handle of the mirror and on the handle of the brush, delicate cut-glass trays that held the hair care sets and that were placed atop embroidered scarves (hand embroidered, that is), and cut-glass hair receivers. These items are usually found in antique shops or in the homes of the senior generation, having been passed down from others and grandmothers. In these days of throwaway, disposable paper plates, plastic everything from cups to plates to bowls to napkins, to spoons, forks and knives, fine china, crystal bowls and vases, fine crystal glasses and table linens that must be washed, starched and ironed are part of a lifestyle that is rapidly going out of existence. All of the items mentioned above brought back memories of times when my mother and grandmother used everything mentioned. The table would be set with great pride, not just for those times when company came to share a meal, but every Sunday or special holiday or birthday. Specialty shops and jewelry stores stocked quite a line of fine china and everything that went with the china to make a beautiful table setting. My mother, grandmother and each of my aunts were women who were part of the generations where the more delicate and tiny the stitches of the embroidery work or crochet, the prouder they were and the more lovely the finished product. Crocheted doilies, starched and ironed and placed under everything glass, were the norm in most homes. Of course, those were the days of wringer washers and rinse tubs. Clothes were hung out in the sun to dry, then were sprinkled, rolled and ironed stiff and put smoothly in a doily roll, which was placed in a linen closet or linen drawer until ready for use. For years and years my mother wore her waist-length hair in two long braids that she wrapped delicately around her head and pinned with dark bone pins. Such was the fashion of the day. On special occasions, she would roll tiny wisps of hair into curly pieces that outlined the area from the center part to her earlobes. My grandmother, my mother and every

Moments With Mike VIRGINIA ‘MIKE’ BARTON other woman I knew during that part of my life took great pride in their hair. Hairdressers and beauty shops were for the very wealthy or the minority group of women who worked in business offices. Personal beauty shops were the kitchen sinks. Women spent considerable time brushing their hair daily, stroke after stroke. It was at this point that the cut glass hair receiver on their dresser came into play. I can still see my mother and grandmother finish brushing their long hair, collect the stray hairs in their brush, twist them into a tiny ball and place the gathered strands into the glass bowl. Once a week, during the weekly cleaning of the bedrooms, the hair would be placed in a paper bag and finally into the trash bag. The cut glass bowls my mother and other women used had silver tops and made a beautiful dresser accessory. As the sun shone in the bedroom window the light would reflect from the cuts in the glass and the silver top. Time took its toll and the silver top that was on my mother’s hair receiver disappeared during a move from one home to another, but the receiver itself remains in our home. The bowl is the perfect size for a single bloom from a rhododendron bush, a large rose, a handful of lilies-of-the-valley, or violets picked from the yard and flowerbeds. Each time the bowl is used, it brings back memories of a more gentle, less rushed time. A time I am privileged to have shared with family. Those memories also remind me of festivals held during my early years. Festivals just like the Strawberry Festival at St. Philip’s on May 17. A festival, which will soon be another lovely memory, to store in my memory bank.


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Doing the Towns Together LAUREL AND DELMAR SOCIALS SARAH MARIE TRIVITS • 875-3672 The Laurel New Century Club met for lunch May 6 at Pizza King in Seaford. Special guest Sierra Spicer, a sophomore at Laurel High School, was chosen to be an ambassador to the HOBY Leadership Seminar in Rehoboth in April. The event was sponsored by the General Federation of Woman’s Clubs, to “motivate tomorrow’s leaders today.” Sierra was sponsored by the Laurel New Century Club and it was a joy to hear her speak to this group about her experiences at the seminar in such enthusiastic, happy and humorous terms. A fond farewell was bid to two club members who will be moving out of state this summer, Eleanor Stacy, who is moving to New Hampshire, and Christine Halling, who is moving to Indiana. The club elected a new slate of officers: Dot Hickman, president; Ruth Hickman, vice president; Betty Bounds, treasurer; and Dianne Thompson, recording secretary. Seven members of the Delmar New Century Club attended a Reciprocity Tea on May 6 in Selbyville, at which time that group installed officers and had as guest speaker Federation of Women’s Clubs state president, Mary Ellen Tisinger. Members of the Laurel High School class of 1954 will join in a get-together Friday, May 16, at 6.30 p.m., at the Farm Museum of LeRoy and Evelyn Messick in Seaford. Plan to attend if you were a member of this class — it’ll be fun! Michelle and Matt Kirk hosted a graduation party at their home Saturday, May 10, in honor of their daughter, Brittany, who will begin studies at Delaware Tech this fall. The food was abundant and delicious and the sun finally made its way to the party by late afternoon. Congratulations to the new graduate. On Saturday, May 18, the Laurel High School class of 1952 will meet at 3 p.m. at Pizza King in Seaford. This, I understand is an annual event, taking place each year following the alumni banquet of the previous evening. An evening of music was presented to Laurel Middle School family members

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and friends on Thursday evening, May 7. There is much credit to spread around with teachers Penny Denny, Jason Rogers and Karen Hughes. The chorus and band directors and their talented young people delighted the audience with several choral selections, band numbers and those fabulous steel drums. There was even a segment of sing-along numbers in which the audience participated. A really melodious evening for all. Congratulations to Norman and Jane Sullivan of Delmar who celebrated 60 years of marriage on May 8. We hope they celebrate many more. Tallie Renee Figgs of Delmar received an LPN degree at Delaware Tech last week. Sending her very special wishes and love were her husband, Lonnie, and her three siblings, Seth, Luke and Cassie. The Delmar Library will hold a bake sale Friday night, May 16, 4 to 7 p.m. On Saturday, May 17, the library will hold a book and bake sale, 8 a.m. until noon. I wish a very special, happy birthday to my “part time” neighbor, Marie Adams on May 17. (Marie will know what this means.) Delmar birthdays for many happy returns go to: Rosalie Overbaugh on May 21 and Keith Owens on May 26. A very happy birthday is wished for Jessica Morgan on May 28. Happy May birthday greetings to: Margaret Hudson and Ann Spicer on May 16; Nora Gordy, May 18; Mary Elliott, May 19; Betty Lloyd, May 20; John Shenk and Alice Price, May 21. We express deepest sympathy to family and friends of: Carroll V. Smith, Doris E. Downes, Ralph C. Morris and Evelyn M. Quick. We continue with prayers for all of our servicemen and servicewomen and for our friends who are ill: Lee Hastings, Martha Windsor, Hattie Puckham, Donald Layton Sr., Steve Trivits, Herman Cubbage, Harriett MacVeigh, Pete MacVeigh, Alvin Lutz, Pete Henry, Jean Foskey, Irma Ellis and Robert D. Whaley.

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MORNING STAR • MAY 15 - 21, 2008

How about helping the needy in this country? Let me see if I can understand the humanitarian mission of this RANK ALIO country. There are 304,052,369 people We try to be big brother living in this country and the number is climbing. Sadly, 3,040,523 to the world... but you Americans go to bed hungry every night. That number also climbing. take care of home before Food banks which serve the increasing number of needy families are finding their shelves empty and you branch out. unable to fill the needs of those requesting food. To add insult to injury, the supplies did People who last year donated to the not reach those in need. Instead they went food banks are now finding themselves asking for help, according to a recent news to the military leaders of the junta, family and friends. The needy are still awaiting report. supplies and help. So, this country is sending food to a The same happened after an earthquake foreign country just ravaged by floods, and off Indonesia triggered the 2004 Asian that country snubbed our offer to help cytsunami, which killed approximately clone victims struggling to recover from a 220,000 people. tragedy of enormous scale. Supplies went to the leadership in the While people were going hungry it took government and the poor victims received almost a week of negotiating before the Myanmar government allowed our govern- little to nothing. What is wrong with this picture? ment to deliver food, water and medicine It’s the same ole garbage. We try to be to survivors amid fears the death toll could big brother to the world. Nothing wrong hit 100,000. with that, but you take care of home beAfter we were allowed to drop off the fore you branch out. supplies, the Myanmar government would The money we are pouring into Iraq, not allow us to distribute the supplies. The $40 billion a month, would feed, clothe government wanted to do it so they could and house the needy in this country for take full credit.



months, maybe years. Multiply that by the aid we are sending around the world and this country could have free health care, towns and cities could have new sewer and water lines and new sewer and water plants. Schools could be constructed and maintained without stretching the pockets of taxpayers. With the roads washed out and the infrastructure in shambles in Myanmar, much of the region is only accessible by air, something few other countries are equipped to handle, including the U.S. What kind of uncaring people are we dealing with who would allow their feelings about this country’s criticism of them to allow their people to suffer? We still haven’t restored the communities in Louisiana destroyed by Hurricane Katrina. Communities are without water, health care and many are needing food and housing. Yet we can spend billions overseas? Or do we just continue to overlook the poor in this country? When a hurricane swept through wealthy Florida a few years back, while President Bush’s brother was governor, aid flocked in. Yet in Louisianan almost four years later, flood dikes are still in need of repair and the state is in an economic crisis.

And people are still living in government trailers, which are unhealthy and should be condemned. If we were not in debt and had money to spare, maybe we could afford to waste money abroad. Since we’re broke, maybe we had better take care of our own. Stamp out hunger, but begin at home!

More on School Consolidation

On my argument for school consolidation a few weeks back to save money, a couple of the perks of that plan I forgot to add are: • Each student would be issued the same current textbooks, and enjoy the opportunity for quality education whether from a poor or rich school district. • There would be no excuses that because a school doesn’t have the current teaching aids, the kids test scores are low. In other words the quality of teaching should be equal. If the playing field is equal and if children still don’t learn, you can blame the teacher. Now you get the excuse, “If I had this and that I could do a better job with the kids.” But, as I said, as long as politics rule and the superintendents fight the issues, consolidation will never happen.

My big head and neck actually helped me survive childhood I always felt I was pretty normal while I was growing up. I am sure ONY INDSOR there would still be those who would be happy to point out that I I have been struck in the was normal except for the size of my head. head with baseballs, I never thought that my head was larger than most; however, it rocks, sticks, the was pointed out to me on numeroccasional shoe and ous occasions. Then if that was not enough, more tree limbs... you must remember that having a big head means you have to have a me I attempted my coolest, “hot guy” walk big face to cover it. I am sure that in today’s politically cor- and look. Just as they went by I heard one girl say to other girl, “Did you see the size rect environment I could have easily had of his head? It was huge.” Just last several people arrested for bullying when Wednesday I finally got over this episode it came to rude remarks about my head and had the courage to write about it. size. But, seriously, that hurt. Should there I would probably have considered most be any reason to question why I have alof the comments to be no more than playways been so shy and in fear of rejection ful gestures from my immediate friends, by members of the opposite sex? I think but the comments often came from people not. I guess it would be bad enough to I did not even know. For instance, one day when I was about simply have a big head, but that unfortunately seems to go hand-in-hand with a 14 or 15, I was walking down Columbia thick neck. Avenue in my hometown of Crisfield, This resulted in someone who I felt was Md., when I saw two young girls walking a great friend commenting about my head toward me. and neck. He made it clear to everyone They were looking at me and whispering as I approached. I immediately became within ear range that the last time he saw any living creature with a head and neck very excited because these cute girls were as big as mine was in a bull ring in absolutely in awe of me. It was obvious Madrid. that I was being tagged team with affecI believe I have actually spent my adult tion. life subconsciously allowing my weight to These girls were so into me that I suddenly found myself for the first time in my gain so as to enable my head to seem in proportion to the rest of my body. young life, feeling somewhat cocky. This, But, fear not those of you who possess I felt, was what it meant to be “hot.” large heads. Be proud and do not allow The girls and I passed like ships in the your head to be a burden, hanging down night on that sidewalk. As they went past and creating unnecessary strain on your



lower neck. I feel that having a big head and thick neck have provided great opportunities for me over the years. For instance, few are the times that I was accidentally overlooked during a head count. I cannot recall anyone being able to borrow my favorite hat, except for the time it was used to tote tomatoes from the field when we ran out of bushel baskets. I have also never had to endure someone head-butting me during an act of jubilation. I have been struck in the head with

baseballs, rocks, sticks, the occasional shoe and more tree limbs than you could find in Redden Forest, yet never have I been seriously incapacitated. Of course we could never actually tell if my head had swollen during any of those instances. Okay, enough about my big head. But, during this time of war, outrageous gas prices and sky rocketing food costs, if reading about the size of my head and the life of misery that has accompanied it, has caused you to at least smile, it was worth exploiting my massive cranium.

Annual Horsey Youth Golf Classic The Annual Horsey Family Youth Foundation Celebrity Golf Classic will take place on May 21-22 at Heritage Shores Golf and Country Club in Bridgeville. All proceeds benefit the Horsey Family Youth Foundation. Headliners of this year's event include University of Delaware Head Football Coach K.C. Keeler; Hall of Famer Brooks Robinson of the Baltimore Orioles; and Anita Marks from MASN sports broadcasting. Each team will be paired up with a celebrity to enjoy a round of golf at Heritage Shores. Festivities begin on Wednesday, May 21 at 6 p.m. with a meet and greet of the celebrities in the Heritage Shores Ball Room. After the cocktail hour, dinner will be served. A live auction of sports memorabilia items will be auctioned off to the highest bidder. On Thursday, May 22 everyone will hit the links to enjoy a day of golf. There are still teams available, so sign up and play with your childhood heroes. There will be plenty of refreshments while playing. There will also be prizes along with a putting contest to test your skills and longest drive contest to see your power. The HFYF Celebrity Golf Classic benefits the Horsey Family Youth Foundation, which serves the youth of Delaware in education and athletic programs. Some of the other celebrities that will be returning for another year include Tom Matte, Lenny Moore, Joe Washington, Bruce Laird and many more. To attend the dinner or play golf, contact Mike Payne at 302-542-7813.

MORNING STAR • MAY 15 - 21, 2008


Let’s just blame George Bush for all that goes wrong Are you of the opinion that a person's personal life is of no consequence to their public life? I am confused by this claim. How is it that a person held in high regard can do or say anything they want to because of their heightened social status? In addition, does anyone else notice a media bias where the personal lives of our prominent citizens are concerned. Prime examples of this media bias are Bill Clinton and George W. Bush. While not my favorite politician, I can admit that Bill Clinton is very charismatic and eminently likeable. In contrast, George Bush seems to care very little about whether or not he is liked and, let's face it, our current President isn't known for his ability to charm the masses. When Bill Clinton admitted that he smoked pot, but didn't inhale, he became popular with the MTV crowd. Although he was made fun of on shows like Saturday Night Live, it wasn't because he broke the law, it was because no one believed that he didn't inhale. When credible charges of rape were brought against President Clinton, the media made sure to point out that his accuser was from a trailer park. Apparently all women that live in mobile dwellings are liars. When President Clinton bombed an aspirin factory on the day Monica Lewinsky testified before a grand jury, it was reported a simple case of outdated intelligence. In contrast, George Bush is held responsible for hurricanes, global warming, terrorism, gas prices, and death among senior citizens and children. I am amused when I watch network news, not because I think it's funny but because of the power they imagine our President wields. I truly believe there are some in the media that imagine President Bush sitting behind his desk and laughing a sinister cackle when people die, when gas prices go up or when the ice caps melt. There's a joke in my family that whenever anything goes wrong, it's George Bush's fault. Battery dead in your car? George Bush did it! A storm with high winds damaged your roof because George Bush controls the weather. Gas is over 100 dollars a barrel because George Bush thinks it's funny! The earth is warming because George Bush wants everyone to

Final Word starve to death. Does this sound ludicrous to you? I am not making this up! Just watch the network news tonight and see for yourself. Laura Rogers Star Staff

Shopping center needs changes

I read with interest Lynn Parks' article on Mayor Ed Butler in the May 8 issue of the Seaford Star. I wasn't aware of the roadblocks he describes thrown up by the Cordish Company, the Baltimore based group that owns the shopping center. Obviously, no one would want to rent a store where the roof leaks or the heating or air conditioning system doesn't work. The city and county appear to have bent over backwards to try to placate the Cordish Company by eliminating taxes on unoccupied store fronts. I definitely remember the time the Cordish Company came asking for relief. Mayor Butler says that, despite all his contacting of this company, they “balk at renovating” their own properties. Perhaps a bit of hardnosed action is required, but done so in such a way as to protect tenants. This might be done through a bit of city and/or county legislation, or even with a helping hand from the state legislature. I'm no legal beagle, but the thought of declaring eminent domain comes to mind, a government taking action to prevent inevitable city decay. If the buildings were flattened, this would open the door to new construction that might attract new businesses, as well as insure the survival of older businesses. New anchor stores are needed, most prominent among these being a grocery store. But, beyond this, we need a Sears,

Delmar fire victim is identified The Delaware State Fire Marshal’s office continues to investigate a Monday, May 12, house trailer fire in Delmar. One person was found deceased inside the dwelling. David Wayne Dunn Sr., 47, of Delmar was the fire victim, Jay Lynch of the State Medical Examiner’s officer said Wednesday morning. The blaze, reported shortly before 2 a.m., occurred in the 38000 block of Contentment Way, west of Delmar, off State Route 54. The Delmar Fire Company arrived on the scene with the house trailer engulfed in flames. State fire investigators were called to the scene. They are conducting the investigation searching for the fire’s origin and cause. A 16-year-old male occupant was trans-

ported to the Peninsula Medical Center where he was treated and released after suffering from smoke inhalation. The deceased was turned over to the State Medical Examiner’s office for identification and cause of death. Heavy fire damage was estimated at $50,000. Investigators did not locate any smoke alarms in the burned out home. Red Cross Disaster Action Team volunteers responded to the single-family mobile home fire on Contentment Drive in Delmar. A family of one adult and two children ages 18 and 16 were affected. Disaster Action Team volunteers provided with food, clothing and storage containers for the family. They were also provided with comfort kits and a disaster recovery guide.

Peebles, and/or J.C. Penney, or other major retailer to revitalize the shopping center. I'd love to see an office supply store open up, what with the closing of LoMar. A complete strip out and rebuild might be the way to go. A visit to Easton's east side might prove illustrative as to what could be accomplished. Those are a few thoughts. Perhaps others have more they'd wish to offer. If the city's and county's kindness in alleviating tax from non-rented units at the center has not been reciprocated by the Cordish Company making every effort to maintain and rent out those units, then it is time that the taxes be reapplied. The only way for the Cordish Company to then make money would be to rent the units, requiring that they be fixed up in order to attract customers. Richard T. Eger Seaford

fare office, then reached into McCain's pocket and got out another $20. She kept $15 for administrative costs and gave the homeless person $5. From the Internet

Storm chaser is Seaford graduate

Jordan Rollins, a 2005 Seaford High School graduate, after just completing his junior year at Virginia Tech, was chosen by his Meteorology professor to be a member of the Virginia Tech 2008 Great Plains Storm Chase Team. This group left on Sunday, May 11, to spend the next two weeks storm chasing. Below is a website link that is following the group over the next two weeks with daily updates, articles and videos of their chase along with the route they are taking. The link is TILT/Weatherline/stormchase2008.htm Trudy J. Rollins


Difference in point of view

John McCain and Hillary Clinton were walking down the street and came to a homeless person. The Republican, John McCain, gave him his business card and told him to come to his office for a job. He then took $20 out of his pocket and gave it to the homeless person. Hillary was impressed, so when they came to another homeless person, she stepped forward to help. She gave him directions to the wel-

Send us your ‘Final Words’ The Final Word is a compilation of thoughts and ideas from Star staff members and members of the public. Sign it and include your hometown and a daytime phone number. We ask readers to email items to us at

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