September 17 2009 L

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VOL. 14 NO. 7


50 cents


New book highlights area WWII heroes

James Diehl is publishing “World War II Heroes of Southern Delaware.” Originally written for the Seaford and Laurel Star newspapers, Diehl profiled 50 residents of his home county, recounting personal memories of a time unrivaled in world history. Page 11

FORE! - On Thursday, Sept. 24, 100+ lady golfers will take to the course at Seaford Golf & Country Club. Page 9 pOlicE - A high-speed chase ends in Bridgeville, but not before a foot chase. Page 35 lights - Laurel officials want to make sure that modern technology does not conflict with the historic integrity of the community as it pertains to business signs. Page 4


FiRst win- The Laurel varsity football team gave first year head coach Clarence Giles his first win with a 35-0 victory over Christiana in the season opener last Friday. Page 24 staRs OF thE wEEk- A Laurel football player and a Delmar field hockey player are this week’s Laurel Stars of the Week. Page 27 hOckEy tOuRnEy- The Delmar and Laurel varsity field hockey teams took part in a four team tournament last weekend in Delmar. Page 24

INSIDE THE STAR Business Bulletin Board ChurCh Classifieds eduCation entertainment final Word Gas lines Gourmet health letters

6 16 20 32 36 42 47 35 39 14 40

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23 45 7 22 38 35 44 45 24 7

giRls sEniOR lEaguE Day - Laurel Mayor and Council recently honored the Laurel District 3, Girls Sr. League softball players for the team’s accomplishments during this year’s softball season. The entire team and coaches were on hand to be given special Proclamations by the town which names Sunday, Sept. 12, as “Laurel District 3 Girls Senior League” Day in the town. Laurel Mayor John Shwed read the proclamation and congratulated the team and coaches for “representing your sport and the town of Laurel in an outstanding manner.” Photo by Tony Windsor

Delmar Sesquicentennial Celebration schedule The town of Delmar will be celebrating their sesquicentennial on September 20-26. The following is a list of events that will take place during the celebration. Sunday, Sept. 20- parade lineup at high school, noon; ringing of bells from all churches, sounding of fire siren, and parade from high school to Mason Dixon Park, 1 p.m.; opening ceremony at Mason Dixon Park, 2 p.m.; Miss and Little Miss Fire Prevention/Delmar Sesquicentennial, 3:30 p.m.; presentation of parade trophies, 4:30 p.m.; softball and other games at Gordy Park, 5 p.m.; fireworks at Mason Dixon Park, 9 p.m. Monday, Sept. 21- town hall open house with refreshments, 8:30 a.m.; Delmar Heritage Museum official opening, 9 a.m. (open until 11 a.m.); student bi-state councils/mock meeting at town hall, 2 p.m.; VFW to host Dance Through the Ages, 7 p.m. Tuesday, Sept. 22- town hall open house, 8:30 a.m.; proclamation recognizing town’s founders, 9 a.m.; rededi-

cation of highball, caboose, etc., 10 a.m.; dedication of North Pennsylvania Avenue streetscape project, 11 a.m.; ice cream social at State Street park, 4-8 p.m.; historical tour and music by elementary school chorus at State Street Park, fire company open house and tour, library open house- 6 p.m.; Heritage Museum open 9 a.m. to noon and 6-8 p.m. Wednesday, Sept. 23- town hall open house with light refreshments, 8:30 a.m.; Heritage Museum open 2-4 p.m.; dinner theater at Delmar High School (first show 5 p.m., dinner 6-7:30 p.m., second show 7:30 p.m.) Thursday, Sept. 24- town hall open house, 8:30 a.m.; Heritage Museum open 4-8 p.m.; Delmar High School open house with light fare and historic reading about high school, 6:30 p.m. Friday, Sept. 25- town hall open house, 8:30 a.m.; Heritage Museum open 11 a.m. to 1 p.m., Delmar High School football game, 7 p.m. Sept. 26- yard sale/farmers market at State Street Park (food available),

6 a.m.; block party/car show at North Pennsylvania Ave. 10 a.m.; Heritage Museum open 10 a.m. to 4 p.m.; 5-2-1 walk at high school, 4:30 p.m.; music to play until closing ceremony, 8 p.m.; closing ceremony at high school with fireworks, 9 p.m.

Delmar commission elections on nov. 17 The Delmar (Md.) election will take place Tuesday, Nov. 17, from 7 a.m. to 7 p.m. There were not enough candidates to have a primary, originally scheduled for Sept. 22. Incumbent Doug Niblett and newcomer Thomas McGuire are running for mayor while incumbents Carl Anderton, Jr. and Carrie Williams and newcomer Nicole Schafer are vying for one of the two seats on the Delmar Commission. The deadline for residents to register to vote is Tuesday, Nov. 10.

pAGe 2

MORNING STAR • SepTeMbeR 17 - 23, 2009

$1.2 million loan helps fund aerosal plant start up By Lynn R. Parks

With the help of a $1.2 million loan from the Delaware Economic Development Office, Advanced Aerosol Acquisition LLC has started up operations in the Seaford Industrial Park. The company, which fills 2 million to 5 million aerosol cans a year with products made by Advanced

Aerosol as well as by other manufacturers, currently has 10 employees and hopes to eventually have 53 full-time positions. “We are here to celebrate the rebirth of [this plant],” Alan Levin, director of the development office, said during an open house last Thursday. “These are good manufacturing jobs here and this offers optimism for Del-


aware’s economic recovery.” Gov. Jack Markell said during the open house that he has no doubt that Advanced Aerosol Acquisition will be a successful business. “It always comes down to the people and here, they understand the business side and they understand the people side,” he said. Advanced Aerosol Acquisition

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On Saturday, Sept. 19 at noon, Sussex County Habitat for Humanity will dedicate the latest Habitat built house in Concord Village, Seaford. At that time, it will become the home of Manda Willey and her son. Manda and Sussex County Habitat for Humanity volunteers were helped during the summer by groups from St. Louis Parish, Clarksville, Md.; St. Andrews Lutheran Church, Dover; St Pius X Church, Bowie, Md.; and Flint Hill School, Oakton, Va. Also assisting were local groups from Brandywine’s Lighthouse Program, First Presbyterian Church of Bakersville, Alliance Church of Seaford, Cape Business, R-Home Reality, Lighthouse, Georgetown Presbyterian Church and Avenue United Methodist Church of Milford. Financial contributions for the Willey home came from the Federal Home Loan Bank of Pittsburgh, Habitat for Humanity International’s Sustainable Building program, Discover Bank, Deutsche Bank, Longwood Foundation, Welfare Foundation, Marmot Foundation, local churches, businesses and individuals and Sussex County government.

Local contractors working on the Willey home made significant in-kind contributions to the completion of the home. They include: Axiom Engineering, Arland Edwards, Jimco Electric, Weber Well Drilling, Shone’s Lumber, Elvin Schrock & Son, Fehrenbach’s Flooring, Delmarva Insulation, Top Notch Heating & Air Conditioning, Gutters for Less, Poore’s Propane, Universal Forest Products, and Duke’s Lumber. More families like Manda’s need a home. Sussex County Habitat for Humanity is currently seeking business and faith-based groups to volunteer, Wednesday through Saturday, on worksites in the County. To volunteer, call Habitat at 302-855-1153.

Ruth Briggs King wins

Republican Ruth Briggs King, executive vice president of the Sussex County Association of Realtors, won last Saturday’s special election for the 37th District House seat by a vote of 2,429 to 2,105 over Democrat Robert Robinson Jr. The House seat came open when Joe Booth won election for the state Senate.

Woodland Ferry Road closing

On1Annual OctoberPercentage 3, 2008, FDIC Yielddeposit (APY). This offer applies to personal accounts only. CD rate based on a $1,000 minimum balance and insurance from appliestemporarily to a 3-yearincreased and 5-year term. A penalty may be charged for early CD withdrawal. Fees could reduce earnings on the account. $100,000 to $250,000 perasdepositor Advertised rate is valid of 9/1/09 and subject to change daily without notice. through December 31, 2009. 2 On 10/3/08, FDIC deposit insurance temporarily increased from $100,000 to $250,000 per depositor, per deposit category,

through 12/31/13. ©2009 Discover Bank, Member FDIC

with the renovations of the plant and with the workers there. “I am absolutely amazed at the way the employees work and am very proud to be a part of this,” he said. CEO Richard Valentine praised the state of Delaware for helping the company to get established. “It was terrific to work with a state that accepts business the way that Delaware does,” he said. “We want Delaware known as a place to do business,” said Markell. “We won’t win battles for companies with other, bigger states with money. But we can win because we are faster, more responsive, more agile and more flexible.” Levin said that the restructured plant is “bright news” for the city of Seaford. “These are good manufacturing jobs and this is the way we need to go,” he added. “This kind of solid jobs will make a difference in this area.”

Habitat home will be dedicated



bought the 36,000-square foot Advanced Aerosol Technologies Inc. plant in the industrial park in June. The Seaford plant is the company’s only facility. The plant, which has always been an aerosol-filling facility, was originally opened in the 1990s by Rite Off. The state loan will help the company to purchase new equipment. DEDO estimates that the 53 full-time jobs will have an economic impact on the area of $21.3 million. Michelle Bartlett, quality assurance officer and regulatory affairs manager, worked for Advanced Aerosol Technologies before it was bought out. She said that the plant has been renovated and its machinery refurbished. “It was wonderful when the new guys came down,” she said. “We could not ask for better leadership.” Company president Scott McCaig said during last week’s open house that he is very pleased


The Department of Transportation (DelDOT) announces that Norfolk Southern Railroad will close Woodland Ferry Road between Bethel Road and Route 13A/Seaford Road in Laurel for the replacement of railroad crossing. The work will begin on Monday, Sept. 21, and end on Saturday, Sept. 26, weather permitting.

Local access will be maintained for residents and emergency vehicles. Westbound detour: Route 13A/Seaford Road to Bethel Road and back to Woodland Ferry Road Eastbound detour: Bethel Road to Route 13A/Seaford Road and back to Woodland Ferry Road



Laurel seeks to control the use of electronic signs in historic areas By Tony E. Windsor Laurel officials wants to make sure that modern technology does not conflict with the historic integrity of the community as it pertains to business signs. The town is poised to make an adjustment to its code and add an ordinance to prevent electronic signs in parts of the town. According to language in the draft of a

new ordinance, “animated and electronic message signs and centers are prohibited” in Laurel, except in Commercial Business and Light Industrial areas of the town. When the signs are able to be used in the designated areas, they are to be regulated by special conditions monitored by the Laurel Planning and Zoning Commission Those conditions include: Signs can not flash or strobe.

Each message, image or animation displayed by an electronic sign or center can be displayed for no less than eight seconds. Scrolling messages displayed by an electronic sign or center can not scroll at a rate faster than three characters per second. Should the sign malfunction, it must be repaired or shut off within twenty-four hours of the incident.

Also, according to the draft of the new code language, all electronic signs and centers, except those erected on property within fifty feet of US 13, must either be off, or keep messages “static, non-scrolling and non-animated.” A special public hearing will be held on Monday, Sept. 21, at 7 p.m. at Laurel Town Hall to discuss the proposed sign ordinance.

After four years, final phase of water upgrades announced

By Tony E. Windsor

A third phase of work to upgrade the water mains in the area of 4th, 5th and 6th streets has been approved to begin in Laurel. The project is part of a major renovation that was started four years ago, but had to be scaled back due to the costs of the project. Funding for this “Phase Three” project will be paid for with funds from

the State Office of Drinking Water. The project was bid out by the town and seven bids were received from area contractors, ranging in cost estimates from as high as $1.13 million. After having Laurel Public Works staff, town management and engineers from the firm of George, Miles & Buhr review the bids, it was decided to award the contract for the project to low bidder, “George &

Lynch, Inc. at a cost of $849,149. Public Works supervisor, Woody Vickers, was on hand Monday night at the Laurel Mayor and Council meeting to announce the recommendations for the project and get the council’s approval for awarding the bid. He said the project will enable the town to install new water mains that will increase the line size from 4-inch and 6-inch to as much as 8-inch to 10-inch water lines. While the project is being done, the town will also install new water meters, pits and covers and new fire hydrants. Vickers said the project will encompass the area of 4th, 5th and 6th streets, including along Willow Street, Oak Lane and Spruce Street. According to Vickers, something new that will be done as part of this water main project is having the contractors make

sure that at the end of each work day, the areas under construction must be temporarily patched with cold-patch or asphalt, as opposed to leaving road cuts that make it difficult and hazardous for motorists to travel on during the evening hours. The project will enable the town to also install 65 additional water meters as part of its commitment to have all properties, both commercial and residential, on meters in the next few years. Vickers said this is in addition to another 65 expected when a project is initiated in the West Street area in the near future. This will bring the total to 130 new residential water meters by the end of the fiscal year. Vickers anticipates that the Phase Three project will take about five months to complete. There is no estimate on when the project will start.

homes of DELMAR

SUPPORTING THE KIDS - Regional Builders, Inc. of Seaford was recently recognized by the Western Sussex Boys & Girls Club. The business has been a major supporter of the WS Boys & Girls Club and the club is displaying a special commemorative banner in honor of Regional Builders in the main games room area of the club in Seaford. From left are: Dave Crimmins, WSBG Club executive director; Maria Motley, WSBG Club Resource Development; Bob Boyd, owner of Regional Builders, Inc.; Connie Mitchell, chair of the WSBG Club annual “One Campaign,” and Club Program Director, Chris Couch. Photo by Tony Windsor

Laurel Star Published by Morning Star Publications Inc.

951 Norman Eskridge Highway Seaford, DE 19973 (302) 629-9788 • Fax (302) 629-9243 The Laurel Star (USPS #016-427) is published weekly by Morning Star Publications Inc., 951 Norman Eskridge Highway, Seaford, DE 19973. Periodicals postage paid at Dover, DE. Subscriptions are $19 a year in county; $24 a year in Kent and New Castle Counties, Delaware, Delmar, Sharptown and Federalsburg, Maryland; $29 elsewhere. Postmaster: Send address changes to Laurel Star, P.O. Box 1000, Seaford, DE 19973-1000.

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951 Norman Eskridge Highway Seaford


Call us at 302-846-9100 or visit us at 38409 Sussex Hwy., Delmar, DE 19940


Library offers Patty Cannon talk A program featuring local historical legend, Patty Cannon, will be presented at the Laurel Public Library on Tuesday, Oct. 6, in the Carpenter Community Room, at 7 p.m. Featured presenter is Michael Morgan of Rehoboth Beach. A former history teacher, Mr. Morgan has been writing about the history of southern Delaware for nearly three decades. His weekly columns regularly appear in local newspapers, including the Wave and the Delaware Coast Press. He is also the author of two books on Sussex County, Pirates and Patriots, Tales of the Delaware Coast; and Rehoboth Beach, a History of Sand and Surf, which will be available the night of the program. In “Patty Cannon, the Terror of Sussex County,” Michael will explore the life of Patty Cannon and her unprecedented career of crime. In the early 19th century, Cannon led a gang who terrorized residents along the Nanticoke River for several years. They would kidnap African Americans, both slave and free, and send them down the Nanticoke River at Woodland, to the deep South to be sold into bondage. One of the earliest serial killers, Patty Cannon’s record of infamy is unmatched in Delaware history. She was able to avoid the authorities due to the state and county line location of the tavern. When the sheriff of Sussex County would arrive, she would simply move over the state line into Maryland and vice versa. Captured and jailed around 1830, her story

still resonates with area residents more than 150 years later. This program, which is suitable for ages 14 through adult, is

free and requires no pre-registration. For more information, call 302-875-3184 or email

VOLUNTEERS BEAUTIFY LAUREL - Laurel Mayor and Council recently honored members of the community who volunteered time, services and materials to help beautify two blocks along the Laurel Downtown area. The project was started just prior to the annual spring Strawberry Festival and enabled the downtown area to be upgraded in time for both the festival and the annual Fourth of July celebration. Honored for their support were Eddie Kaye, Randy Radish, Larry Kinnikin, Glenn Jones, Jesse Styers, Keith Cherry, Mike Eline, Chris Johnson, Carlos Lopez, Charles Wise, Don Dykes and Dave Sully. Pictured here Laurel Mayor John Shwed presents a special recognition to Charles Wise, who was in attendance at a recent Laurel Mayor and Council meeting. Photo by Tony Windsor


New book offered by Historical Society The Laurel Historical Society announces the availability of a new book, The Odd Fellows Cemetery Laurel, Delaware. This book, compiled by Doug Breen and Chuck Swift, has a complete list of almost 5,000 names that are found within the cemetery. There are maps, histories, stories and interesting information related to the cemetery and the folks interred there. This book can be purchased for $35. Also available is a DVD of the presentation by Jay Hill of the Bacon’s Switch area south of Laurel. Hill, whose presentation was given at the Laurel Historical Society dinner meeting in June, tells stories as passed down to him through his grandmother. This DVD can be purchased for $5. The History of Nineteenth Century Laurel is a very valuable book that is a collection of stories and information that was written and complied by Harold Hancock with input from many local people. Copies are available for $45. To order any of these items, email or call Chuck Swift at 875-7665.



Business State offers tax amnesty program Governor Jack Markell and Division of Revenue Director Patrick T. Carter has announced the launch of Delaware’s Voluntary Tax Compliance Initiative (VCTI). The VTCI is a one-time, tax amnesty program geared to help individuals and businesses file outstanding tax returns and pay off their outstanding State of Delaware tax liabilities. From Sept. 1 to Oct. 30, any individual or business taxpayer who registers to file any outstanding tax returns and/or pay their current outstanding State of Delaware tax liability administered by the Division of Revenue will have their penalty and interest fees waived. All balances must then be paid in full by June 30, 2010. Individuals or businesses with balances

from tax periods before Jan. 1, 2009, can register for Delaware’s VTCI program. They must then pay their liabilities in full or enter into a payment plan. Full payment must be received before June 30, 2010, in order to have all penalty and interest fees waived. Non-filers who file all past-due returns can enter into the same VTCI plan as taxpayers with existing liabilities, except for non-filers, in order to encourage to report all non-filed returns Delaware will waive the penalty, interest and tax balance for periods filed prior to Jan. 1, 2004. To take advantage of this one time, beneficial tax amnesty offer, taxpayers must register with the State of Delaware by Oct. 30. Call 877-551-5233 or visit

Professional bartending courses

Acquire the skills to obtain employment as a bartender or bar manager in courses offered at Delaware Technical & Community College, Owens Campus. Participants will practice mixing and presenting drinks as well as learn glassware identification, drink recipes, proper etiquette, appearance and professional handling of situations. This eight-session course will be held Mondays from 6:30 to 9:30 p.m. beginning Oct. 12. In Professional Bar Management, beginning Wednesday, Oct. 21, students will develop the skills needed to manage liquor supplies; hire, fire and schedule employees; plan marketing strategies; deal with vendors; and find entertainment. This six-session course also covers public relations, food service, as well as local/state ordinances and laws that apply to establishments. For more information or to enroll, con-

tact Delaware Tech’s Corporate & Community Programs at 302-854-6966.

Home Team names top agents

Frank Parks and Rob Harman, cobrokers/owners of Home Team Realty, announce that Judy Rhodes was the Top Listing Agent and Rachael Carey was the Top Producer for August. To reach Home Team Realty, call 302-629-7711.



Chesapeake Utilities seeks rate reduction for residential customers

Natural gas prices for Chesapeake Utilities’ residential customers could decrease by 18 percent if the Delaware Public Service Commission approves the request. The Company filed an application to reduce its Gas Sales Service Rates for Delaware customers and has requested the rate change to be effective for service ren-

dered on or after Nov. 1. Upon approval, the average residential heating customer can expect to save as much as $32 on their monthly winter utility bill. The rate decrease request comes as a result of further reductions in wholesale natural gas prices. Chesapeake Utilities has been purchasing gas at these lower prices to serve custom-

Your Fall Advertising Plan Next on your to-do list: Advertise in our upcoming special section,

Fall Home Improvement. This section provides a unique opportunity for the advertiser whose market is home improvement, home comfort and safety, interior decorating or landscape design. This section has been created to maximize your advertising message with targeted exposure to the audience that needs and wants your products or services.

Publication date is September 24, 2009

Contact Morning Star Publications, home of the Seaford and Laurel Star newspapers, for details.

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ers during the coming winter months. The average residential heating customer using 700 Ccf per year will experience an annual decrease of approximately 16%, or $17 per month. During the winter heating season, the average residential heating customer using 110 Ccf per month will experience an

annual decrease of approximately 18%, or $32 per winter month. The typical annual scheduled adjustment date for changing the Gas Sales Service Rates is November 1. The November 1 rates are based on the projected cost of the natural gas for the 12-month period November through October.




Visit or for descriptions of current movie selections

The Movies At Midway Rt. 1, Midway Shopping Ctr., Rehoboth Beach, 645-0200 SCHEDULE SHOWN IS FOR FRIDAY, 9/18 THRU THURSDAY, 9/24 The Informant . . . . . . . . . . R . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1:40, 4:15, 7:05, 9:30 Cloudy with a Chance of Meatballs (3D) . . . . . . . PG . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1:00, 3:50, 6:35, 8:50 Love Happens . . . . . . . . . PG13 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1:20, 4:05, 6:45, 9:15 Jennifer’s Body . . . . . . . . . R . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1:50, 4:45, 7:10, 9:35 9 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . PG13 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1:00, 3:00, 5:00, 7:00, 9:00 Tyler Perry’s I Can Do Bad All By Myself . . . . . . . PG13 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1:35, 4:10, 6:50, 9:20 Sorority Row . . . . . . . . . . . R . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .2:00, 4:35, 7:30, 9:40 Whiteout . . . . . . . . . . . . . . R . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1:45, 4:30, 7:15, 9:30 All About Steve . . . . . . . . . PG13 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1:15, 4:20, 6:50, 9:05 Extract . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . R . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2:05, 7:20 The Final Destination 3D . R . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1:10, 3:15, 5:20, 7:25, 9:50 Inglourious Bastards . . . . . R . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .12:40, 3:40, 6:40, 9:40 District 9 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . R . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4:40, 9:45 Julie & Julia . . . . . . . . . . . PG13 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1:30, 4:00, 6:35, 9:10 Art House Theater The Hurt Locker . . . . . . . . R . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1:05, 3:45, 6:30, 9:20 All shows subject to change and availability

Regal Salisbury Stadium 16 2322 N. Salisbury Blvd., Salisbury, MD, 410-860-1370 SCHEDULE SHOWN IS FOR FRIDAY, 9/18 Cloudy with a Chance of Meatballs . . . . . . . .PG . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1:00, 3:15, 5:30, 7:45, 10:00 Digital 3D Showtimes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .12:30, 2:45, 5:00, 7:15, 9:30 The Informant . . . . . . .R . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1:50, 4:50, 7:35, 10:25 Jennifer’s Body . . . . . .R . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .12:35, 3:00, 5:25, 8:00, 10:30 Love Happens . . . . . .PG13 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1:45, 4:40, 7:30, 10:15 Sorority Row . . . . . . . .R . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1:40, 4:15, 7:00, 9:40 Tyler Perry’s I Can Do Bad All By Myself . . .PG13 . . . . . . . . 12:55, 1:30, 2:15, 3:45, 4:20, 4:55, 6:30 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .7:05, 7:40, 9:15, 9:45, 10:20 Whiteout . . . . . . . . . . .R . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .4:10, 6:50, 9:20 (OC- 1:35) 9 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .PG13 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .12:40, 2:50, 5:05, 7:20, 9:35 All About Steve . . . . . .PG13 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1:55, 4:45, 7:25, 9:55 Gamer . . . . . . . . . . . . .R . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6:45, 9:25 Final Destination 3D . .R . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .12:50, 2:55, 5:20, 7:50, 10:05 Halloween II . . . . . . . .R . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4:30, 9:50 Inglorious Basterds . . .R . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12:25, 3:40, 6:55, 10:10 G .I . Joe: The Rise of Cobra . . .PG13 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1:10, 7:10 Julie & Julia . . . . . . . .PG13 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1:05, 3:50 OC = Open Captioned For additional dates and showtimes go to www .fandango .com/21804_movietheatershowtimes

Clayton Theater Dagsboro, Del. 20 732-3744 SCHEDULE SHOWN IS FOR FRIDAY, 9/18 THRU THURSDAY, 9/24 Inglourious Bastards . . . . . . . R . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Nightly 7:30, Sunday 2:30 & 7:30 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Closed Monday & Tuesday


09/18 09/19 09/20 09/21 09/22


H-5:16A L-12:01A L-12:51A L-1:40A L-2:29A

L-11:31A H-6:04A H-6:49A H-7:33A H-8:17A

09/23 L-3:17A H-9:01A 09/24 L-4:08A H-9:47A

H-5:44P L-12:16P L-12:59P L-1:41P L-2:24P L-3:08P L-3:55P

H-6:31P H-7:15P H-7:59P H-8:43P

H-9:28P H-10:17P


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Fall Wreaths and Arrangements Large selection of silk and dried arrangements, picks, candles, ribbon by the yard & custom designed wreaths.


M A I N S T R E E T, B E T H E L , D E L . Open Mon.875-3420 Sat. 8-5; 880000 2 7 6 - 3 4 2 0 Sunday 12-4

Open Houses 8324 AIRPORT RD., LAUREL, DE - No attention to detail has been spared for this brand new home with 1,600 plus sq. ft. of living space. Features are 3 ˆ 4 BR, 2 BA, granite counter tops, stainless appliances, ceramic & hardwood floors, rear deck and a full fenced back yard! Plenty of country living space for a family to spread out on! All this for $220,000 (MLS#569857) Directions: From US 13, in Laurel, go West on Rt. 24 through the town of Laurel, past the airport. Go Right on Airport Rd. 1/2 mile on Left to home on corner of Danmakay Dr. and Airport Rd. Your Host: John Allen

CooPeR RealTy • 629-6693

Sunday, th September 20 2 pm - 4 pm

32770 DANMAKAY RD., LAUREL, DE - Meticulous craftsmanship best describes this brand new home just days away from completion. You still have time to pick your carpet colors. Features include hardwood & ceramic tiled floors, granite countertops, rear deck and front porch. All this in a quiet country setting, minutes from town. $216,900 (MLS#569103) Directions: From US 13, in Laurel, go West on Rt. 24 through the town of Laurel, past the airport. Go Right on Airport Rd., 1/2 mile on Left is Danmakay Dr. Your Host: John Allen

CooPeR RealTy • 629-6693

504 Linden St., Wilmar Village, Seaford 3 BR, 2 bath ranch has oak floors, large LR with fireplace, kitchen with eating area & all appliances, util. area & storage shed. Great Location! $142,500 (570024) Directions: 2 Streets behind Our Lady of Lourdes Catholic Church - Turn right on Linden St - House on left. Your Hostess: Eleanor Hickey

Robinson Real estate • 629-4574


Open Hou


Estate Sa

2 UNITS IN CROSSGATE VILLAGE #15 & # 25. Both units are 2 BR, 2 bath, one unit has a garage. Units in excellent condition. Unit #15 $127,000. Unit #25 $154,000. Motivated Seller. Directions: West on Stein Hwy., right on Atlanta Rd., 1/4 mile to Crossgate Village on right.

125 S. Shipley Street, Seaford Charming 3 bdrm, 2 ba home on a corner lot. Ready for new owners. Great location - close to schools, shopping, and the country club. MLS# 571553 $158,900 Directions: From Seaford, Rt. 20 W (Stein Hwy), turn left onto Shipley Street (WilmingtonTrust on corner), last home on the left side (home on corner lot). Hostess - Dawn Collins 302-841-5682

GleNN SIZemoRe RealToRS • 629-3066

Home Team RealTy • 629-7711

122 Oak Lane Drive, Laurel Charm, location and convenience describes this 3 bdrm, 1.5 ba home with a full basement. Hardwood floors, custom paint scheme, built-in bookcases, carport, fenced in backyard are all features with this home. MLS# 563583 $164,900 Directions: 13 S, turn R at Gordy Rd., left on Oak Lane, home is on the left. Host - Sean Steward 302-381-1085

5 Tiffany Village Dr., Seaford Ready to move-in, don’t overlook this 3 bdrm, 1.5 ba unique town home - loaded with ample space & storage. Home features upper and lower 3-season rooms, updated flr & Energy Star windows, DR and stainless steel appliances. No HOA fees. Seller will pay $2,000 towards closing costs. MLS# 563439 $135,000 Directions: From Seaford, Rt. 20 W, R on Porter St., R at stop sign, property is ahead on the left. Hostess - Carol Crouse 302-2364648

Saturday 9/19 & 9/26 from 1-2PM

234 BAKER ROAD, SELBYVILLE, DE 3 BR, 2 Bath Farmhouse. Minutes to Fenwick & Ocean City. Directions: [From Laurel] Rt. 13 to DE-24/ Laurel Rd, right at DE-30/Main St, left at DE-26/ Nine Foot Road, right at US-113/Dupont Blvd, right onto DE-60/Gumboro Road. Left at fork to Baker Road. Property on Left. Signs Posted.

maRSHall aUCTIoN • 410-749-8092

500 N Arch St., Seaford Ready for immediate occupancy - This brick/aluminum rancher offers 3 bdrms, 2 ba, 1 car garage all on a fully fenced back yard. MLS# 571162 $179,900 Directions: From Seaford, Rt 20 W, L on Market St., R on 3rd St., R on Arch St., proceed towards stop sign, house is on your left. Hostess - Trina Joyner 302-745-3840

Home Team RealTy • 629-7711

100 Woodsedge Dr., Hurlock. Beautifully laid out with large master BR. Lots of closet space! Maple & cherry cabinets, Corian countertops. Attached storage area & garage. Full walk up attic. Washer and Dryer upstairs. $5,000 sellers help. Directions: From Highway 392 at light in Hurlock, go south on Highway 331, take left at Jackson Street, right into Woodsedge, home on right corner. Host: Lee & Sabrina Marland. $240,000. MLS# 567617

CeNTURy 21 TUll Ramey • 629-5575

CUSTOM BUILT home with many upgrades and amenities. Home features 3 BRs & 2 baths & a great open floor plan. $219,900. Directions: North of Seaford, turn left on Rt. 18 by the former Chrysler dealership, turn left into second entrance into Clearbrooke, turn right at stop sign, home will be on your left.

GleNN SIZemoRe RealToRS • 629-3066

6811 Atlanta Circle, Seaford Gorgeous 3100 sf home in well established neighborhood. This 4 bdrm, 2.5 ba home has an updated kitchen, ceramic and hardwood flooring and is very close to town without town taxes. MLS# 565028 $289,000 Directions: From Seaford, take Atlanta Rd, turn right into Atlanta Estates, R on Atlanta Circle, home is on the left. Host - Dave Todd 302-359-4364

Home Team RealTy • 629-7711

304 W Eighth St., Laurel. Very attractive home that offers a large back yard, the house is well insulated and easy to maintain, Excellent opportunity for first time home buyers with children. Directions: South on Rt 13 to Rt 24, turn right on 24 to West St. Stay on West street to eighth St, Turn right house in on left. Host: Jim Demas. $149,900. MLS# 558297

CeNTURy 21 TUll Ramey • 629-5575

Home Team RealTy • 629-7711

31910 Gordy Rd., Laurel. Property has been renovated inside & out. New appliances, on corner lot just outside city limits. Driveway to be black topped. Directions: RT. 13 to Laurel - West on Gordy Rd., Property on corner of Gordy & Oak Lane Dr. Hostess: Barbara Smith $ 168,900. MLS# 571378

CeNTURy 21 TUll Ramey • 629-5575

Home Team RealTy • 629-7711

RIDGEWOOD DRIVE, SEAFORD - Visit this model home in Seaford’s newest residential community, “Ridgewood Crossing.” Several homes from which to choose, starting at $189,900, nestled on treed lots in a private, wooded setting, convenient to Seaford & Georgetown. 3-BR, 2-BA dwellings w/garages & upgrades such as 2x6” walls, HW & tile flooring, vaulted ceilings, conditioned crawl spaces & more! Custom features available! Directions: Turn into Ridgewood Crossing from Old Furnace Rd 46, just east of Old Meadow Rd. Model home on the left. Host: Randy Hill

CallaWay, FaRNell & mooRe • 629-4514

MORNING STAR • SepTeMBeR 17 - 23, 2009

pAGe 9

NHS plans inaugural Ladies Day Golf Tournament On Thursday, Sept. 24, over 100 lady golfers will take to the course at Seaford Golf & Country Club to show their support for the importance of advanced technology - digital mammography equipment - at Nanticoke Memorial Hospital. Lady golfers will see a visual reminder

of the importance of their support for the Nanticoke Memorial Hospital Inaugural Ladies Day tournament through the PINK Links signs. Community members have supported the PINK Links program by making a contribution to the event to honor or memorialize women that have been

Nancy Harper will take to the course on Sept. 24 to show her support of Women’s Health/ Digital Mammography at Nanticoke Memorial Hospital. She will also hit a few shots for her longtime friend Carolyn Clough, who is shown in a picture with her daughter.

touched by cancer. Seaford resident Nancy Harper supported the PINK Links program by purchasing the golf ball shaped sign in memory of her longtime friend Carolyn Clough. Carolyn worked in Nancy’s State Farm insurance office for 15 years as her office manager. “She wasn’t just an employee she was like a sister to me,” says Harper. “Carolyn was an avid golfer and one of her last wishes was to travel to Pinehurst for a final round of golf.” Nancy made her wish come true. “All women need to take care of their selves and should have a yearly mammography. We have to take care of our bodies so we can be here to take care of our loved ones. It’s important that we all support the hospital so we can have the digital mammography technology in our community,” says Harper. BNY Mellon is the presenting sponsor. “BNY Mellon is excited to be a part of the initiative. I’m honored to be able to support the PINK Links program in memory of my mother-in-law,” says Gregg Landis, BNY Mellon first vice president. Community members may still support the PINK Links program by making a donation of $25 for a pink golf ball shaped sign to honor or memorialize a loved one. To learn more about the PINK Links program, visit the tournament website at

Open Houses; call 302-6296611, ext. 2404; or e-mail MorrisR@

Seasonal flu shots offered

It’s time to get your seasonal flu shot. Influenza is a serious disease that affects many people, including the elderly and those with serious, long-term health problems. Nanticoke Memorial Hospital will be offering seasonal flu shots to individuals 18 and older at Nanticoke Occupational Health (743 Shipley St., Suite F, Seaford) from: 9 a.m. - 12:30 p.m. and 4 - 7:30 p.m. on Wednesday, Oct. 14, Oct. 21, Oct. 28, Nov. 4; and 9 a.m. - 1 p.m. on Friday, Oct. 16, Oct. 23, Oct. 30, and Nov. 6. Cost is $10 per adult. Medicare Part B billing is available with proof of Medicare insurance. Pre-registration is required. With the nation’s focus on the development of a vaccine for the H1N1 pandemic flu expected to be available later in October, health officials are concerned that individuals might choose to wait to get vaccinated against the seasonal flu. The U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) this year is recommending that individuals get their seasonal flu vaccines as soon as they can. Call Nanticoke Occupational Health at 302-629-6875 to preregister and schedule an appointment.

Sunday,Sept. 20 2 pm - 4 pm

102 WILLIAM ROSS LN, GOVERNOR’S GRANT, SEAFORD - This one owner home boasts 1st floor master BR, stone front w/ lovely landscaping. Lots of storage, 2 1/2 baths & 3 BRs make this a “must see!” Convenient to town & priced right! $259,900 (#571692) Hostess: Connie Covey

905 LITTLE BROOKE LN, CLEARBROOKE ESTATES, SEAFORD - Besides being really clean & showing pride of ownership, this home offers a formal DR & LR, plus some hardwood floors & a gas fireplace. This house is spacious and will provide a bang for your buck! $269,900 (#571624) Hostess: Fran Ruark

26767 SEAFORD RD, SEAFORD - “Just what the doctor ordered!” This cute ranch on Rt. 13A south of Seaford has been remodeled into a 3BR 1 ½ BA home with a LR AND FR. The back part of the house could serve as an in-law suite. $139,000 (#562940) Host: Scott English

12 E. EIGHTH ST, BLADES - $$$ INCENTIVES! In addition to the Fed. Gov’t’s tax credit of $8,000, the Sellers will contribute $5,000 toward Buyer’s closings costs! This 4-BR ranch offers 2 BAs, FR, appliances, 2 stg sheds & 14’x16’ deck for just $169,900. (#550945) Hostess: Eileen Craft

108 POPLAR ST, LAUREL - Ready to Move In! This completely renovated home in Laurel offers new kitchen, full bath & 2 half baths, LR, DR, & 3 BRs. Reduced to $154,900 (# 567748) Host: Trent Ruark

33861 GORDY RD, LAUREL - Nice 3-BR, 2-BA S/W mobile home on slightly less than 3/4 acre in the country . Enjoy the lovely above-ground pool in the spacious back yard. Two sheds included for $84,500 (#571225) Hostess: Tina Moore (Directions: From Rt 13 S of Laurel, turn L on Gordy Rd 70, proceed apx 2 mi, prop on L before the fork in the road)

447 LONG BRANCH RD, COOL BRANCH TRAILER PARK, SEAFORD - Like “Brand New,” this 3-BR, 2-BA D/W mfg. home on a leased lot offers an open floorplan, custom window treatments, spacious upgraded kit, & much more for $75,000. (#571999) Hostess: Leona Dorsch

435 LONG BRANCH RD, COOL BRANCH TRAILER PARK, SEAFORD - Look at all this spacious D/W mfg. home on a leased lot has to offer! 4 BRs, 2 BAs, LR, FR w/fp, eat-in kit. w/ center island & skylight, covered porch + deck, & many extras for $85,000 (#572125) Hostess: Bea Clymer









pAGe 10

MORNING STAR • SepTeMBeR 17 - 23, 2009

New ferry was star attraction at Woodland Ferry Festival By Lynn R. Parks

After a one-year hiatus, the Woodland Ferry Festival was back again this year. And the star attraction was the Tina Fallon, the new six-car ferry that finally is reliably crossing the Nanticoke River. The ferry was delivered to its new home last November. But problem after problem followed and the ferry, which replaced a three-car ferry that was 47 years old, was down more than it was up. Most recently, the ferry was out of commission for more than two months because fishing line got tangled in one of its thrusters. It was put back into service Aug. 6, after the thruster was cleaned out and the south road ramp was repaired to align better with the ferry ramp. During Saturday’s festival, the Tina Fallon made countless trips across the river, carrying foot passengers only back and forth. “We’re going to go on the ferry,” said Bob DeHaven, Georgetown, who was waiting with his nephew Jaden Ullman, also of Georgetown, on the Woodland side of the river for the Tina Fallon to dock. “I’ve never done this before and it’s kind of exciting.” In fact, DeHaven said, he had never visited Woodland before. He and six members of his family walked the village’s main street on Saturday, ate hamburgers and kielbasa and shopped at several of the craft booths set up in the park and next to the Woodland United Methodist Church. “It’s really kind of an amazing place,” DeHaven said. “I’ll definitely come back to visit.” Festival volunteer and Woodland native Donna Angell said that the festival is a lot of work every year. “But we are glad that we do it,” she added. “We are proud of our little village and our new ferry, and we are happy to show them off.” This was the 16th year for the Woodland Ferry Festival, which was started in 1993 to celebrate the 200th year of the ferry’s operation. There was no festival last year because the ferry was not in operation. The former ferry, the Virginia C., was sold at auction by the state in February 2008 for $24,300. Buyer Smith Brothers Inc., Galesville, Md., towed the vessel to the Western Shore that same month. Angell was unable to say how many people attended Saturday’s festival. But

Khloe Shockley, 14 months and from Laurel, tries to get the attention of one of the birds that were part of a chicken display at the Woodland Ferry Festival on Saturday. Photo by Lynn R. Parks

she did say that the village’s lemonade stand sold 280 cups of drink, more than it sold during the 2007 festival. And 39 craftspeople paid to have a booth at the event, “right in line with what we’ve had in years past,” she said. All this was despite nearly a week of rain that left fields and yards, especially in low-lying Woodland, saturated. While it was cloudy on Saturday, the rain held off in Woodland until the festival was over. “The crowd was pretty steady all day,” Angell said. Among the groups that set up a booth at the festival was the Spade and Trowel Garden Club of Seaford. Members Jackie McPeak from Galestown and Margaret Alexander and Ann O’Dea from Seaford handed out information about the club and took orders for Christmas arrangements. Also at the festival was Michael B. Wasylkowski, Extension educator at Delaware State University. He had with him a collection of chickens, 18 birds in nine varieties, including a Delaware Blue Hen, that stood on the grass in wire cages.

From left, Jackie McPeak, Galestown, and Margaret Alexander and Ann O’Dea, both from Seaford, man the Spade and Trowel Garden Club booth at the Woodland Ferry Festival on Saturday. Photo by Lynn R. Parks

Khloe Shockley, 14 months, who was visiting the festival with her mother, Kathy, went from cage to cage, squealing with delight as each bird moved or looked up at her. “I want people to see that there are all different kinds of chickens beside broilers


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Learn how to reduce your home energy usage by weatherization and receive 20% (up to $750) state rebate and 30% (up to $1,500) Federal Tax credit. Learn how to reduce your carbon footprints by using renewable energy and receive 25% - 33.3% for state Rebates and 30% Federal Tax credit incentives on solar energy systems.

Come One Come All! Location: Seaford District Library Date: Saturday, Sept.26, 2009 Time: 12 noon to 4:00 p.m. Bob DeHaven and his nephew Jaden Williams, both of Georgetown, are ready for their first ride ever on the Woodland Ferry. DeHaven, who had never visited Woodland, said that the small town is ‘amazing.’ Photo by Lynn R. Parks

and laying hens,” Wasylkowski said. The birds, from Wasylkowski’s farm in Magnolia and from another farm near Seaford, are show birds, he said. “We take them all over, to Ohio, Pennsylvania, Maryland, any competitions that we can find,” he added.

For more information and registration, call Dismas Makori at 302-384-5857 or 302-838-7768 or email

MORNING STAR • SepTeMBeR 17 - 23, 2009

New book highlights area WWII heroes With World War II veterans dying at a rapid pace all across the United States, the importance of preserving the first-hand accounts of these American heroes has never been more important. James Diehl has done just that in his soon-to-be published book “World War II Heroes of Southern Delaware.” Originally written for the Seaford and Laurel Star newspapers, Diehl profiled 50 residents of his home county, recounting personal memories of a time unrivaled in world history. “Diehl put his heart into this assignment and his reports represent some of the best journalistic efforts I have read in my 37 years of newspaper involvement,” says Bryant Richardson, publisher of the Seaford and Laurel Star newspapers, which ran the accounts in 2007-08. “We know readers of today and tomorrow will enjoy learning more about this tumultuous time.” A first-place award winner in the 2007 Maryland-Delaware-D.C. Press Association’s editorial competition, the series recounts stories from battlefields in Europe, Asia and Africa, as well as accounts from those who stayed stateside in support of the war effort. “The Allies’ success in World War II took a concerted effort from many people in the United States, Great Britain, the Soviet Union and elsewhere,” says Diehl, who has worked for several media outlets on the Delmarva Peninsula for nearly 15 years. “With this book, I wanted to tell the stories of these American heroes from a personal perspective. These are their sto-

James Diehl

ries and they should be read and treasured by future generations of Americans.” “World War II Heroes of Southern Delaware” tells the stories of 50 men and women with ties to southern Delaware, but they are not about the nation’s first state. They are about the war zones, the personal encounters and the first-hand accounts of a heroic group of Army soldiers, of Navy seamen, of United States Marines and others. There are accounts from Iwo Jima, from the invasion of Normandy on D-Day and from Pearl Harbor. They are told with emotion and filled with pride for the United States of America. “Through this project, I became intrigued by these heroic men and women and to their stories of bravery and dedica-

The cover of Diehl’s soon to be published book, “World War II Heroes of Southern Delaware.”

tion during a time when the future of the entire world was at stake,” says Diehl. “I’ve done my best to honor these special souls in the best way I can.” “World War II Heroes of Southern Delaware” will be released on Nov. 11, but discounted copies can be pre-ordered now by visiting

pAGe 11

Apply for State Fair Junior Board

The Delaware State Fair seeks six new members to serve on their 12 member Junior Board. Applicants must be between the age of 16 and 21 at the time of their appointment. Junior Board members should represent all facets of interest in the Fair, including: 4-H, FFA, entertainment, exhibits, office work, marketing, publicity, etc. “The Junior Board is an excellent opportunity for youth to gain experience in many of the functions it takes to produce the Delaware State Fair,” said Elizabeth Morris, Delaware State Fair board member and Junior Board coordinator. To be nominated, the Junior Board committee will solicit nominations from other board members, superintendents, 4-H leaders, FFA advisors, and high schools in Delaware. Junior Board members must complete and submit an application accompanied by two letters of recommendation. Applications must be received by Friday, Sept. 25, and are available online at www.DelawareStateFair. com or by calling 302-398-3269.

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40 South Market Street, Seaford, Delaware Proudly serving Sussex and Kent Counties in Delaware, and Caroline, Dorchester, Queen Anne’s, Somereset, Talbot, Wicomico, and Worcester Counties in Maryland.

pAGe 12

MORNING STAR • SepTeMBeR 17 - 23, 2009

Bridgeville Charity Open Golf Benefit seeks sponsors, players The 3rd Annual Bridgeville Charity Open Golf Tournament is scheduled for Friday, Oct. 9, at Heritage Shores Golf Club in Bridgeville. Rick Tull, tournament chairman, suggests that those interested in playing in the tournament act now to ensure participation. “Interest in the event has been significant and we’re thrilled again this year by the eager response from our local spon-

sors. We can only accommodate 32 foursomes, including sponsors, so I encourage anyone interested in participating to contact the town office to request a registration form. Carl M. Freeman Communities has contributed at the top sponsorship level, which has created a strong foundation for the tournament’s fundraising success.” Forms can also be obtained by visiting the Town’s website at www.townofbrid-, or by stopping by the Heritage Shores Pro Shop. The format for the tournament is a four-person scramble with prizes awarded to the top two foursomes in each of four flights, based on handicaps. Golfers will also have an opportunity to compete for prizes in other on-course games and contests. A souvenir gift package, which includes a golf shirt, will be provided to all

Project to protect Nanticoke, Pocomoke rivers Ducks Unlimited has received a $20,333 grant from the Chesapeake Bay Program and the National Fish and Wildlife Foundation to protect the health of the Delaware portions of the Nanticoke and Pocomoke rivers by restoring 457 acres of wetlands in Sussex County. The project, “Restoring Delaware’s Chesapeake Bay Resources,” will focus on two specific properties: the Great Cypress Swamp, located at the headwaters of the Pocomoke River, and Newton Woods II, which is near the Nanticoke River. Ducks Unlimited will re-establish 84 acres of globally rare Atlantic white cedar on these properties, as well as restore wetland hydrology and function to a minimum of 373 acres of floodplain forest by

plugging ditches, installing water control structures and removing berms that block off parts of the floodplain. The project is part of a long-term effort by Ducks Unlimited to restore bald cypress and Atlantic white cedar populations to wetlands where they once dominated. Other partners in this project include Delaware Wild Lands, the Nanticoke River Watershed Conservancy, and the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service Delaware Bay Estuary Project and Partners for Fish and Wildlife Program. The funding was awarded through the Chesapeake Bay Small Watershed Grants Program, which provides grants to nonprofit organizations and local governments working to improve the condition

Tea Party holds Health Care Forum

Mernie’s Market

The Delaware Tea Party will hold a free health care forum at 6:30 p.m. on Wednesday, Sept. 30, at the Laurel Fire Hall located on 10th Street in Laurel. This will be an open, balanced forum where you can get answers to your questions on health care reform. Our panel will consist of experts from local hospitals, physicians, legal, senior and veterans groups. This forum will be made up of voices from many sides of the health care debate and its sole purpose is to help provide accurate information to your questions. For more information, email or call Chris Shirey at 302-875-5489.

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of their local watershed. Thirty-two projects from across the Chesapeake Bay’s six-state watershed received grants this year to develop conservation plans, preserve valuable natural lands and implement on-the-ground restoration practices. This year’s projects will restore 620 acres of wetlands, plant 32 rain gardens and 172 acres of streamside forest buffers, and fence off 23 miles of streams to exclude livestock. For more information about the Chesapeake Bay Small Watershed Grants Program and a full list of this year’s grant recipients, visit smallwatershedgrants.aspx and www.

participants and the event will feature a continental breakfast and a buffet lunch in the Club House at Heritage Shores. Players interested in registering for the event can call Bridgeville’s Town office at 302-337-7135 or stop by the Pro Shop at Heritage Shores Club to obtain a registration form. Tournament registration fee is $125 per player. Interested sponsors are asked to contact the Town office to learn more about how to help.

Music School opens in Seaford

The Music School of Delaware continues to expand its statewide presence with a new satellite location in Seaford. Seaford is now offering private lessons in guitar, cello, brass and piano, with new instruments to be added throughout the year. Lessons will be held in rented space at St. John’s United Methodist Church located at 300 N. Pine St. in Seaford. This recent expansion brings the Music School’s satellite total to six, including locations in Pike Creek, Dover, Felton, Angola and Middletown, and main branch locations in Wilmington and Milford. To register, call 302-422-2043. For a complete listing of programs and locations, view the Information Guide online at www.musicschoolofdelaware. org. For more information, call the Milford branch at 302-422-2043.

Newspapers are living textbooks, filled with information to broaden kids’ minds and their horizons. You can have a positive impact on the quality of local education by providing the newspaper for classroom use through our Newspapers inEducation program. It’s an easy and powerful way to invest in the future of today’s young students. To help provide newspapers to area classrooms, please contact Karen Cherrix today at 302-629-9788 or fill out the form below.


Your Name/Business: ________________________________________________________________ Address: __________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________ Phone: _____________________________Enclosed is my donation $_______ Send to: Morning Star publications, Attn: NIE, PO Box 1000, Seaford, DE 19973

We would like to

Thank these businesses, individuals and organizations for supporting our 2009-2010 NIE program AARP Seaford Area Chapter Barbara Hudson Laurel Cora Norwood Selby Laurel

AARP DONATES TO NIE - Officers and committee chairpersons of the Seaford area Chapter #1084 of the AARP from left are: (backrow) Dan Stoner, Rose Wheaton, Gladys Bonowicz (president), Barbara Johnson, Daniel Kosteck, Wilton Porter, (front row) Evelyn Parillo (vice president), Janice Moseley (secretary/treasurer), and Carmella Kosteck. Not pictured are Helen Skjoldager and Jane Dusenberry. President Bonowicz is holding a check for the Seaford and Laurel Star Newspaper in Education program.

Won’t you join these NIE Sponsors?

First State Fabrication LLC Laurel Friends for Lee Laurel Integra Administrative Group, Inc. Seaford Kiwanis Club of Bridgeville Kiwanis Club of Delmar Laurel Civic Club

Laurel Lioness Club Laurel Historical Society Maria Heyssel Seaford Nanticoke Gastroenterolgy Seaford O’Neal’s Antiques Laurel Pizza King Seaford & Laurel Soil Service Seaford Southern Del. Foot & Ankle, Bradley T. Lemon Seaford

Town of Bridgeville Wal-Mart Seaford

pAGe 14

MORNING STAR • SepTeMbeR 17 - 23, 2009

Health Dr. Cabrera appointed to board

Nanticoke Health Services announces Joaquin Cabrera, MD, FACOG as a new member that will serve on the board of directors for Nanticoke Health Services. Dr. Cabrera, president elect of Nanticoke Memorial Hospital’s medical staff, is Board Certified by the American Board Cabrera of Obstetrics and Gynecology. He is a graduate of Puerto Rico’s Universidad Central del Caribe School of Medicine and completed his residency at Saint Agnes Hospital in Baltimore, Md. and Geisinger Medical Center in Danville, Pa. His professional memberships include the American College of Obstetrics and Gynecology, the Delaware Medical Society and the Sussex County Medical Society.

Youth rehab lecture offered

Physical therapists, physical therapist assistants, athletic trainers and gym instructors will benefit from attending the 12th annual Distinguished Lecture Series at Delaware Technical & Community College, Owens Campus on Saturday, Oct. 3 from 7:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. This year’s topic, “Treating the Young Athlete,” will provide clinicians with an evidence-based approach to the evaluation and treatment of injuries related to young athletes. More children are participating in organized youth sports. These younger participants are being exposed to new movements and musculoskeletal patterns

that are leading to both acute and chronic injuries. Presenter Dr. Jeff Konin is a licensed physical therapist and a certified athletic trainer who has written several textbooks and given numerous speeches on sports medicine topics throughout the world. The seminar fee of $135 includes handouts, a continental breakfast and lunch. For more information or to register, contact Delaware Tech’s Corporate and Community Programs at 302-854-6996.

Pampered Chef to benefit Hospice

Delaware Hospice will benefit from a Pampered Chef Fundraiser Cooking Show, organized by Karen Rogers, Pampered Chef senior consultant, at the Delaware Hospice Center in Milford, on Monday, Oct. 19, at 5 p.m. Delaware Hospice will receive 25% of sales exceeding $600 to benefit its programs and services to the community, including additional 10% bonuses at various sales levels. Orders to benefit Delaware Hospice will be accepted through Oct. 26 at 5 p.m. Orders specifying “Delaware Hospice” may also be placed at pamperedchef. biz/karenrogers. For more information or to register for the event, call 856-7717.

Committee to meet

Sussex County’s Advisory Committee for the Aging & Adults with Physical Disabilities will take its September meeting on the road, hosting a session in which the public is encouraged to attend to ask questions and learn more about the issues facing today’s seniors citizens and residents with physical challenges. The Advisory Committee invites the public to attend the committee’s next meeting at 10 a.m. Monday, Sept. 21, at

BODY THEATER - Nemours recently unveiled The Body Theater at Alfred I. duPont Hospital for Children in Wilmington. The Body Theater is made possible by a donation by AstraZeneca to the Nemours Partnership for Children’s Health. Located in a busy outpatient waiting area in the hospital, The Body Theater will feature hours of engaging, childoriented content on a 50-inch, flat-screen display. Content, which includes video, games, fun quizzes and mystery pictures, was developed by the Nemours Center for Children’s Health Media, creators of the award-winning children’s health website,

the Greenwood CHEER Center. The forum will be an open session to discuss a variety of topics, including transportation, health, state and non-profit services, and more. The Sussex County Advisory Committee for the Aging & Adults with Physical Disabilities is an 11-member panel established by the Sussex County Council to be an advocate for programs and policies that benefit older and disabled residents. The committee meets on the third Monday of January, March, May, July, September and November. All meetings are open to the public.

Depression Support Group

There will be a free bimonthly Depression Support Group meeting in Laurel on the second and fourth Wednesday evenings from 7 to 8:30 p.m. Any person who has signs and symptoms of depression and is under the care of a professional counselor/ MD is welcome to attend. To register, call Life Matters Counseling and Consulting at 302-465-6612.

Living with a chronic disease

Have you been affected by a medical condition that has caused suffering and loss of physical abilities over a period of years? Some examples of chronic disease include cancer, diabetes, heart disease, stroke, arthritis and lung diseases. If so, join Delaware Hospice and The Wellness Community-DE, as they collabo-

rate to offer “Living a Healthy Life with a Chronic Condition.” This free 6-week program begins on Monday, Sept. 14 at 9:30 a.m. and will be held at the Wellness Community’s Sussex facility, which is located at 18947 John J. Williams Hwy, Suite 312, Rehoboth. This chronic disease self-management workshop is open to any persons who have one or more chronic conditions and to their caregiver or family member. To register or receive more information, call 645-9150.

MS offers videoconference

Thanks to live videoconferencing technology, members of the Delaware Chapter of the National Multiple Sclerosis Society can stay close to home and still take part in the chapter’s annual meeting on Saturday, Oct. 24, at the Ammon Medical Education Center on the campus at Christiana Hospital in Newark. For the first time, the videoconference will include participants at a satellite location at Nanticoke Memorial Hospital in Seaford. Like the participants in Newark, Sussex County residents who attend the satellite location will also receive lunch, take part in the chapter’s annual meeting and recognition awards ceremony, and enjoy a client-focused discussion about MS research. Cost is $5 per person, and anyone who wants to attend must register by Friday, Oct. 9 either online at www.MSdelaware. org or by calling 302-655-5610.

MORNING STAR • SepTeMbeR 17 - 23, 2009

pAGe 15

Why skipping Breakfast is a not a smart way to save time By Mary Trotter, MS, RD With another summer gone, back to school is on everyone’s mind. As you set up your school routine, be sure to include a healthy breakfast for everyone in the family. While it’s true mornings can be chaotic, skipping breakfast is not a smart way to save time. The effect of missing this important meal can have consequences throughout the rest of the day, especially for kids. Experts tell us that when kids eat a nutritious, balanced breakfast, it improves attention span, focus, and concentration in the classroom. Recent studies show that kids who eat breakfast are more productive and creative, have higher standardized test scores, and are less likely to miss days of school. A good breakfast also gives kids more energy, improves behavior, and may help maintain a healthy weight. So, what makes up a healthy, balanced breakfast? Protein – Protein helps slow down food absorption and provides a sense of fullness. It also helps to maintain blood sugar

level, and prevents that jittery feeling and growling stomach right before lunch! There’s protein in peanut butter; low fat milk, yogurt, and other dairy; as well as eggs, lean meats and nuts. Fiber – Fiber also provides that sense of fullness and helps to lower cholesterol, maintain a healthy GI tract (i.e., keeps us “regular”), and maintain blood sugar level. Fiber can be found in fruits and vegetables and in whole grain cereals and bread. Healthy fat – Fat can get a bad reputation, thanks to the many stories about diets high in saturated fat and trans fats. But healthy fat —unsaturated fats and omega-3 fatty acids — in moderation, is an important nutrient for health. Fat supports young children’s rapid growth and learning, adds flavor to food, helps satisfy hunger, and is needed to absorb vitamins A, D, E, and K. Healthy fats can be found in nuts and seeds, olives, olive and canola oils, nut butters, avocado, and fatty fish such as albacore tuna and salmon. Complex Carbohydrates – Found in

The National Council on Quality Assurance (NCQA) certifies and accredits health insurance companies. One of their requirements is that insured patients receive appropriate care. NCQA requires health insurance companies to review claims for important preventive care measures. They measure whether patients are receiving mammograms and getting colonoscopies as needed. They also measure if children are receiving necessary immunizations. They are able to look at certain diseases to make sure the care is appropriate. They measure immunizations like flu vaccine for high risk groups. They check to see if diabetic patients are getting their annual eye exams. All of these things are important for patients because they keep patients healthy. Physicians need to do them to give their patients proper care. However, this is one of the pieces of our health care system that could be improved. Insurance companies focus on these things just so they can receive national accreditation. Insurance companies expect their physicians to do these things as well. When physicians do not, insurance companies will tell them that they are doing things incorrectly and may even drop a physician from its company if their statistics remain poor. We know that rewards work well to encourage people to do things. Right now there are no rewards built into the system. The insurance companies get rewarded because they keep their accreditation. Physicians who do a very good job of making sure their patients get everything they need do not get higher pay from the insurance company. Patients who get all of their appropriate care do not get lower insurance premiums. The current system rewards procedures and office visits. Those are paid for. Here is an example. Let us take two physicians and their diabetic patients. The first physician sees the patient twice a year. The patient does a good job taking medication and following a correct diet. The physician advises the patient to get annual eye

checkups. The physician examines the patient’s feet for evidence of foot problems. The patient keeps appointments for tests as needed. There are few complications and the patient does well. A second patient does not take the medication as prescribed. The patient does not follow a proper diet and gets ill frequently. The patient needs to be seen about once a month. The physician does not recommend eye checkups so the patient then has eye damage. Therefore, there is a need for frequent visits to the eye doctor. The physician does not check the patient’s feet during an exam and the patient develops gangrene and has to have a toe amputated. It is obvious that the second patient costs a lot more to the system. Therefore, our system should reward the first physician and patient. It does not work that way. The first physician gets paid for only two visits a year. Both patients pay the same insurance premium. The second physician gets paid for the 12 monthly visits. The eye doctor gets paid for the extra visits. The surgeon who does the toe amputation gets paid for the surgery. The hospital gets paid for the use of the operating room to amputate the toe. The anesthesiologist gets paid for giving anesthesia for the amputation procedure. The list goes on and on. We should not penalize a patient for a disease that they have by charging higher insurance premiums just because they get that disease. However, there should be a way to charge higher premiums to those who do not take proper care of that disease. We do that for bad drivers. It should be no different for patients. In our current system, it is different for patients. They have the same premiums regardless of bad habits. What we need is a system that rewards the first physician and the patient. What we have is a system that financially rewards the second physician and the patient. Any kind of health care reform that does not address this kind of underlying problem will be one that will be too expensive for us to bear as a nation.

whole grain cereals, breads, and muffins, complex carbs give us energy and help start the day off right. Preparing a quick, healthy breakfast is possible! Scrambled eggs and toast are fast (just leave the dishes till later). Add cheese and a veggie like spinach or broccoli to the eggs for more nutrients and fiber. Whole grain waffles, oatmeal (instant is fine), and cold cereal with low fat milk are good, quick choices. Look for cereal with at least 3 grams of dietary fiber and no more than 6 grams of sugar per serving. Adding nuts to the bowl boosts your protein and healthy fats. Include fruit for more vitamins and fiber. Even when it’s breakfast on-the-go or nothing, there are still plenty of healthy options. A peanut butter & jelly sandwich with a banana and carton of milk does the trick. Yogurt with granola and an apple works well too. If your kids claim they aren’t hungry, let them “pick” an easy finger food like dry cereal or trail mix made with whole grain cereal, nuts, and dried fruit. Even whole grain crackers and

a cheese stick or hard boiled egg makes for a fast, nutritious breakfast. Save precious minutes in the morning by planning ahead. The night before, have the kids help you set up the bowls, spoons, glasses and cereal boxes, for example. Make a batch of trail mix and store it in snack bags. Bake some healthy, whole grain fruit and nut muffins or mini quiches in muffin cups — just freeze and bring out as needed. Many kids have the option of purchasing breakfast at school. To make sure your children choose wisely, review the menu ahead of time. Discuss the healthy options and let them make the final choice. All these tips are important for grownups too! The best way to get your kids on the right track with healthy eating habits is for them to see you eating the same way. About the author Mary Trotter is a program and policy analyst for Nemours Health & Prevention Services.

Health care reform should include a reward system among changes

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Community Bulletin Board The Red Hat Lady Bugs of Bridgeville are sponsoring a fashion show fundraiser for the People’s Place, an abused women’s shelter. The event, which will take place on Thursday, Oct. 29, from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. at the Heritage Shores Clubhouse, includes a fashion show (clothing courtesy of Peebles), lunch, Chinese auction, 50/50 and door prizes. Tickets are $20 per person. For ticket information, call 337-9733.

pool this fall. Instruction is provided by Jeff Ellis Associates swim instructors. Children will be assigned to groups according to their ability. To enroll, children must be 5-years-old or able to touch the bottom of the pool. Each child must also enroll as a Boys & Girls Club member. Lessons are scheduled on Oct. 6-23 (Tuesdays and Thursdays) 5-6 p.m.; Nov. 3-20 (Tuesdays and Fridays) 5:30-6:30 p.m.; and Dec. 1-18 (Tuesdays and Fridays) 5:30-6:30 p.m. Non-JES private lessons are also available for adults and children. For more information or to register, contact Aquatics Director, Paul Dorey, at 628-3789.

Bethel Historical Society

Seaford Library

reciept to it and drop it off at The Bridgeville Library, Bridgeville Town Hall, or The Providence Sales Cottage at Heritage Shores.

People’s Place Fundraiser Festival of Trees

Delaware Hospice’s premier fundraiser, the Festival of Trees offers visitors a magnificent display of decorated trees and wreaths and activities for everyone in the family. In Sussex County, the Festival of Trees will be held on Friday, Dec. 4, through Sunday, Dec. 6, at Delaware Technical & Community College in Georgetown. For details call 302-855-2344 or visit

Millsboro Kiwanis Basket Bingo

The Kiwanis Club of Greater Millsboro will host a Basket Bingo on Saturday, Sept. 26, at the Millsboro Fire Hall on State Street in downtown Millsboro. Proceeds will benefit local children and youth. Doors open at 6 p.m. and games start at 7 p.m. The Basket Bingo features a great selection of Longaberger products, including holiday items and retired items. A 50/50 drawing, raffles, door prizes and refreshments will also be offered. Basket Bingo tickets are $20 in advance and $25 at the door. For ticket reservations or information, call Millsboro Kiwanis at 934-8424 or e-mail gmillsborokiwanis@

Hospice plans golf outing

The Delaware Hospice Golf Outing will be held on Monday, Oct. 12, at Cripple Creek Golf and Country Club in Dagsboro. A team of four is $500 or $125 per person, which includes green fees, cart, lunch, refreshment cart and awards reception with heavy hors d’oeuvres. The format is a scramble and registration begins at 10 a.m. followed by lunch at 11 a.m. The game begins with a shotgun start at noon and the award reception is at 5:30 p.m. The outing will include the following contests: Putting, Longest Drive, Men & Ladies, Low Gross and Closest to the Pin. Sponsorships are available. Funds raised will help Delaware Hospice continue to provide high quality care to the community. For more information, contact Peggy Dolby at 302-856-7717, ext. 2123,; or

Sunkissed Tanning food drive

Sunkissed Tanning is currently having a food drive for Laurel families during the Thanksgiving and Christmas holidays. If you bring in five non-perishable items, you wll get a free tan (up to 10 tans). Last year they collected 867 cans and 50 gift bags for children for Christmas. Their goal is to collect 1,000 cans this year. You can donate a toy, too. Sunkissed Tanning is located at Calio’s Plaza in Laurel, and can be reached by calling Margi at 875-1622.

Friends fundraiser

The Friends of the Bridgeville Library have another delicious fundraiser to promote. All you have to do is enjoy a meal at the Seaford, Dover, Rehoboth, or Salisbury IHOP locations, any day, any meal. Fill out the comment card, staple your

From 5 to 9 p.m., on the second Wednesday of each month through December, the Laurel Pizzaria is generously helping the Bethel Historical Society with an on-going fundraiser. You can pick up a coupon at the restaurant and when you pay the society will receive 10 percent.

The Class of 1959 is looking for information on one of their teachers, Betty Reynolds. She taught in the Seaford School District. Her son, William Danz Reynolds graduated with the class of 1959. If you have any information, contact Delores Hitch Lloyd at 629-8177 or 6294531.

• The Seaford Library will be closed on Thursday, Sept. 17. We will reopen at 9 a.m. on Friday, Sept. 18. • There will be a “Science and Religion” book discussion on Monday, Sept. 21 at 6 p.m. • Baby Bookworms, a story time for infants, Tuesdays at 10:30 a.m. • Toddler Tales, a story time for walkers, Wednesdays at 10:30 a.m. • Story Time for ages 3-5, Thursdays at 10:30 a.m. • The Seaford District Library has joined IHOP in an effort to raise money for the Library. Eat a meal at the Seaford, Dover, Rehoboth, or Salisbury, Md. IHOP locations and return an itemized receipt along with a comment card to the Seaford District Library. We must have the comment cards with itemized receipts in order to receive the reimbursement. The Seaford Library will receive 10% of the total receipt. • Seaford Library Board Meeting on Tuesday, Sept. 29, at 6 p.m. • Do you have health concerns? Confusing lab reports? Questions you should ask your doctor? Visit the Seaford Library on Thursday, Oct. 8, from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. and meet with the Consumer Health Librarian for Sussex County. All references services are free and confidential. For more information, call 302-629-2524 or visit • The Seaford Library will be closed on Thursday, Oct. 22, for Sussex County Library Staff Development. We will reopen at 9 a.m. on Friday, Oct. 23.

Read Aloud training

Swim Team Open House

Bingo for Life

The Trinity Foundation will host a Longaberger Basket Bingo at the Seaford Moose on Thursday, Oct. 15. Doors open at 6 p.m. for seating and bingo begins at 7 p.m. Tickets can be purchased ahead of time for $20 each or for $25 at the door. Discounted tickets are available for a table of eight purchased in advance for $150. To purchase tickets, call 800-846-3400, ext. 3978 or stop by Trinity located at 1201 Bridgeville Highway in Seaford.

Class of ’59 seeks teacher

Read Aloud Delaware volunteer training session will be held Wednesday, Sept. 30, at 1 p.m. in the Seaford Public Library, 402-North Porter St., Seaford. Call 8562527 to sign up for training or for further information. Volunteer readers are needed at various reading sites in Sussex County.

Seaford Class of ‘64 reunion

The Class of 1964 of Seaford High School is having a reunion on Oct. 10, 2009. If you have not been contacted, or need more information call 629-8806.

The Western Sussex Boys & Girls Club, 310 Virginia Ave., Seaford, will

Swim lessons offered

Western Sussex Boys & Girls Club will offer swim lessons in their heated indoor

Shake, Rattle & Roll program

Learn more about the Shake, Rattle & Roll Family Music Program, a free program for parents and other caregivers and their young children, during a sample class provided by The Music School of Delaware on Friday, Sept. 25, from 6:30 to 8 p.m. at the Seaford District Library Meeting Room. This event, which includes making your own instruments and learning about the importance of music in early childhood, is presented by Sussex Parents as Teachers. For more information, contact Anna Scovell at 856-5239.

Stay and Play program

Parents As Teachers announces the free Seaford Stay & Play program. Come have fun playing and learning with your child through a variety of toys and activities. Open to children birth through 48 months and their caregivers, on Mondays from 10:30 a.m. to noon at Seaford Parks & Recreation. For more information and a complete schedule, contact Anna Scovell at 856-5239.

Covered Dish Dinner

Olde Seaford Block Watch will host a Covered Dish Dinner, Monday, Sept. 21, at 6:30 p.m., at City Hall, 414 High St. (use side ramp entrance). Program: John Lattomus, Delaware State Fire Marshall’s Office. Drinks and desserts will be furnished. Support your neighborhood! Kiwanis Club of Seaford Auction Oct. 3.

Let Tony Windsor perform for your event Tony Windsor

SHS Class of ‘74 reunion

Seaford High School class of 1974 will celebrate their 35th class reunion on Saturday, Oct. 10, at the Seaford Fire Hall. Contact Jan at for more information.

host an open house on Wednesday, Sept. 23 from 6:30 to 8 p.m. Coaches, members of the Parents’ Association and swim team will be on hand to meet prospective swimmers and their families. Registration materials for the 2009/2010 season will be available along with an opportunity to tour the club and aquatics facility. This year’s program begins with pre-season conditioning on Oct. 5 and will continue through Feb. 4. The Boys & Girls Club also offers swim lessons, lifeguard training and certification as well as CPR, AED, First Aid and blood-borne pathogens courses. These classes are supported by the American Association of Orthopedic Surgeons. To schedule a class or register for swim lessons, call Aquatics Director, Paul Dorey, at the Western Sussex Club 628-3789.

Guaranteed affordable! Portions of proceeds will benefit the Newspapers in Education program.

Tony Windsor is accepting bookings for entertaining any size event, from the living room to the great outdoors! Singing classic country and rock, with special 50s, 60s and 70s hits! Also, gospel and holiday music available. Booking now for Christmas parties and beyond. Call: 302-236-9886 for info.

MORNING STAR • SEPTEMBER 17 - 23, 2009 The Kiwanis Club of Seaford will hold its 55th Annual Auction on Saturday, Oct. 3, at the Seaford Middle School Cafeteria, 500 E. Stein Highway, Seaford. Preview starts at 9 a.m. Auction starts at 9:30 a.m. Free admission, featuring hundreds of home, office and garden items donated by local businesses. Refreshments will be available.

Poker Run & BBQ

Poker Run and BBQ – Ride to Read will benefit the Seaford District Library. Entry Fee registration is $15, from 10 a.m. – noon, on Oct. 4, rain or shine. Event starts and ends at Harley Davidson of Seaford. Event sponsored by Regional Builders, Inc., and Harley Davidson of Seaford. Featuring live entertainment by Sneak Preview. BBQ chicken and other concessions available for purchase from SVFD and K&R Concessions. Event pins for first 200 registered. And a 50/50 raffle. First prize $500, second prize $300; and third prize $150.

Farmers and Artisans Market

Seaford’s Farmers and Artisans Market will be open for the 2009 season until Saturday, Sept. 26 in Kiwanis Park on Saturday mornings from 8:30 a.m. to noon.

Seaford Historical Society raffle

The Seaford Historical Society is offering a raffle featuring a day on the Nanticoke River in the spring of 2010. This allday excursion accommodates a party of six people on a boat ride that leaves from the Marina at Nanticoke River Marine Park in Blades, Seaford. Other festivities included with this trip are mid-morning snacks onboard ship, lunch in Vienna, Md., a selfguided walking tour of historic Vienna, a visit to the Vienna Heritage Museum and refreshments on the ride back to Seaford in the afternoon. A raffle ticket costs only $5 or five tickets may be purchased for $20. Tickets are available at the Seaford Museum which is open Thursdays through Sundays from 1 to 4 p.m., or at the Ross Mansion which is open Saturdays and Sundays from 1 to 4 p.m. At other times call the Seaford Historical Society office at 628-9828 for tickets. The drawing will take place at the Victorian Christmas at the Ross Mansion on Dec. 13, 2009.

Zoobs, Magnets, Pipe Builders and more. • Beginning Sept. 29, Preschool Story Time will be held at the Laurel Public Library for kids ages 2 to 5. Preschool children and their favorite adults are invited every Tuesday at 10:30 a.m. for stories, poetry, science, music, math, crafts and fun. • The Laurel Public Library will offer a 6-session series of weekly in-home preschool Story Times for local day care homes beginning in October. This no-cost pilot program will bring books, poetry, music and fun to children who otherwise might not have the opportunity to visit the library for Story Time. For more information on these events, call the Laurel Public Library at 875-3184 or contact Becky Norton, Youth Services librarian, at rebecca.

Troop 90 fundraiser

Job training skills workshop

The Laurel Public Library is offering a workshop on improving job seeking skills on Thursday, Sept. 24, at 7 p.m. in the library meeting room. The program will last approximately one hour. This program is being presented by Bill Potter, the deputy director of the Delaware Workforce Investment Board. For more information, call 875-3184 or visit the Delaware Workforce website at www.Delawareworks. com/wib.

Count on Me Club of Bethel

Count on Me Club of Bethel will sponsor a bazaar on Saturday, Sept. 19, starting at 9 a.m. Serving lunch from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. at Community House in Bethel. Vendors welcome. Table rent is $10. Space limited. Call Janet 875-3971.

Troop 90 will be having a car wash, yard sale and scrapple sandwiches on Saturday, Sept. 19, at Chets Autobody near Five Points in Laurel from 8 a.m. to 1 p.m. Donations will go towards advancements and camping activities. For more information, call 875-4156.

Dutch Country’s 20th Anniversary

Plan to attend Dutch Country Market’s 20th Anniversary celebration on Saturday, Sept. 26, at 11233 Trussum Pond Road in Laurel. Special events from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. Chainsaw carving, buggy rides, moon bounce, apple butter cooking and more. For details call 302-846-0644.

Fall Festival

King’s United Methodist Church is hosting a Fall Festival on Saturday, Sept. 26, rain or shine, from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. on Gordy Road, Laurel. There will be homemade ice cream, homemade soup, oyster sandwiches, a bake sale and a yard sale. Gospel music all day with special guest, Kings Ambassadors. Family fun: barrel train rides. For details call 8757131.

Laurel Lioness bingo

Laurel Lioness will host a Vera Bradley Bingo on Oct. 20, at the Laurel Fire Department, at 7 p.m.. Doors open at 6 p.m. Tickets in advance are $20, at the door $25. Tickets also available from any Lioness member or call Cathy, 875-2128 or Erma 875-3055.

Laurel Library

• The 2nd Saturday Monthly Building Club at the Laurel Public Library begins in October. The first meeting will be held on Saturday, Oct. 10 from 11 a.m. to noon. The group is for kids in grades K-6. Kids can try their hand at Legos, Lincoln Logs,

The Greenwood Cheer Activity Center will host the Greenwood Dinner Club on Thursdays from 5 to 7 p.m. in September and October. It will be an evening of fellowship and a delicious dinner entrĂŠe, dessert and beverage. Cost for members is $5 and non-members is $6. For menus or more information, call Susan Welch at 302-349-5237.

Fitness Center Open House

You are cordially invited to attend the Fitness Center’s Open House at Greenwood CHEER Activity Center on Thursday, Sept. 17, from 10 a.m. to 7 p.m. Refreshments will be provided. The Fitness Center is open to members 50+ years of age and is equipped with all new equipment including treadmills, recumbent bikes, elliptical machines and multi-station gym. The Center hours are Monday through Friday, 8:30 a.m. to 4 p.m. For more information and membership, call Susan Welch at 302-349-5237.

Card & Game Night

The Greenwood Cheer Activity Center will hold a Card & Game Night on Thursday evenings in September and October from 6 to 9 p.m. Join us for rook, dominoes and uno or bring your friends to setup a table of games of your choosing. Beverages and refreshments will be available or you can come early for dinner. For table set-up or more information, call Susan Welch at 302-349-5237.

September is Library Card Sign-up Month, and the Greenwood Public Library wants to make sure that all residents in Greenwood and surrounding areas have a library card. During the month of September at the Greenwood Library, persons of all ages signing up for their very first card will be given a bag of goodies and a chance to enter a drawing for gift certificates from area restaurants. The drawing will be held Oct. 1. If a current patron has no fines on their account and their old library card is lost, cracked or just plain ugly, the Greenwood Library will replace

AARP Driving Course

Laurel Senior Center, 113 N. Central Ave., will be holding an AARP Driving Course, Sept. 21 & 22, 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. Cost is $12 for AARP members and $14 for non-members. To register call 8752536. Hope Lodge #4, will be having an oyster fry on Saturday, Sept. 19. Oyster fritters, crab cakes and homemade Cream of Crab Soup. Hours from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m.

The Laurel Kids Connection Mentoring Program seeks adult volunteers to mentor a middle school-aged child. Mentors are asked for a one hour per week commitment for 12 months. For details contact Shawn Phillips at 629-7790, ext. 17.

Greenwood Cheer Dinner Club

Library Card Sign-up month


Oyster fritters

Community mentors needed


Whaley Family Reunion

Whaley Family Reunion will be held Sunday, Sept. 20 at 1:30 p.m., The Rev. Lee Elliott Memorial Hall, Trinity UMC, Laurel. Bring a covered dish and a beverage. An offering will be taken to offset expenses. Activities will be available for the children, during the business meeting. Plese pass this information on to all of your family members. For more information contact Ruth Ann Savage, 410-5465818 or Phyllis Johnson, 302-875-0463. Bring a family recipe. Homemade ice cream and special music.

Fried chicken buffet

On Saturday, Sept. 19 from 2 to 6 p.m., Bethany Church, located on Lowe’s Crossing Road off Route 24 east of Laurel, will have a fried chicken buffet with real mashed potatoes, gravy, string beans, greens, coleslaw, rolls and a variety of drinks and desserts. Cost is $10 for adults and $5 for children.

Bona Game


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over 60 people


under 60 people

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Delmar VFW Bingo



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PAGE 18 it for free with a keychain card. For more information, contact the Greenwood Library at 302-349-5309 or visit

Bridgeville Library event

Premier Carving and Wildlife Show, Friday, Oct. 9, 3-7 p.m.; Saturday, Oct. 10, 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. For more information, call the library at 302-337-7401.

WHS reunion planned

Woodbridge High School classes of 1988, ‘89 and ‘90 will hold a combined reunion at the Bridgeville Fire Hall on Saturday, Nov. 7. If you have not received information regarding this event, contact Dionne Parker Keeler at dionnepk@yahoo. com or 302-337-3099.

Community-wide yard sale

The Town of Bridgeville will host a community-wide yard sale on Saturday, Sept. 19, from 7 a.m. until ?. You will find great bargains at many homes throughout the town.

Clean-Up Day

Bridgeville will hold a Neighborhood Clean-Up Day on Saturday, Sept. 26. All items must be curbside by 6 a.m., as M-T Trash will only go down each street once. Allowable items for pick-up include: furniture, household trash, stoves and limbs bundled in 4-ft. lengths. Items that will not be picked up include tires, batteries, oil, construction materials, dirt, rocks, bricks, etc. M-T Trash will have a truck available to pick-up refrigerators, freezers and air conditioners, as long as the freon has been removed. M-T Trash will also have a truck to pick up paint, stain, etc. These items must be kept in a separate area from the rest of the trash. Large tree limbs can be delivered to the Town’s wastewater treatment plant. Residents will be directed to an area for placement of limbs. A scrap metal container will be placed at the Town Hall parking lot for the disposal of such items as aluminum siding, window frames, barbecue grills, tire rims, bicycles and stainless steel. Residents are asked not to place any other types of trash in this container. For more information, call Town Manager Bonnie Walls at 337-7135.

Delmar Library events

• Movie night - Join the Delmar Public Library for a one time showing of X-men Origins: Wolverine on Thursday, Sept. 24 at 6:30 p.m. Bring your snacks and a pillow or blanket to enjoy this PG-13 movie. This movie is free and open to the public. • Open House - The Delmar Public Library will host an Open House to celebrate Delmar’s Sesquicentennial on Tuesday, Sept. 22 from noon to 7 p.m. There will be door prizes and light refreshments.


Delmar Library

• It’s Circus Day at the Delmar Public Library on Thursday, Sept. 17, from 6:30 to 8 p.m. Our special guest, Mr. Fishe, will entertain with juggling and magic along with Snippy Doodles the clown and our special caged beast! This program is free. • The Delmar Public Library Commission will have their monthly board meeting in the Hayman Meeting Room on Tuesday, Sept. 22, at 7 p.m. The public is encouraged to attend these open meetings about the policies of your library. Board members always appreciate our patrons input.

Relay for Life fundraiser

The Delmar Teens Against Cancer are having a yard sale/bake sale on Saturday, Sept. 19, from 7 a.m. to noon at 10893 State St., Delmar. All proceeds benefit Relay for Life/American Cancer Society.

meeting will begin at 10:45 a.m., lunch will follow at 11:45 a.m. and the fashion display featuring club members as models will conclude the day. For more information and to buy tickets, contact Eileen Beveridge at 684-8036 or Ellen Smith at 684-8841.

Fish Fry planned

A Fish Fry will be held on Saturday, Sept. 19 from 1 to 5 p.m. at the Blue Hen VFW Post 6483. Menu includes bay trout, baked beans, string beans, macaroni and cheese, stewed tomatoes, hush puppies and cole slaw. Coffee, lemonade and iced tea will be available. Cost is $9 per dinner; children ages 4-10 are $4.50. Take outs are available. For more information, call 422-4412 any day after noon.

Delmar Sesquicentennial

Delmar Sesquicentennial town wide yard sale and farmer’s market - vendors wanted for spaces in State Street Park. Sale will run from 6:30 a.m. to noon on Saturday, Sept. 26. Spaces are $20 each. Call 846-3079 or 846-9574 for more information.

‘Jersey Boys’

The Adult Plus+ program at Delaware Technical & Community College, Owens Campus, is taking reservations for a fall trip to see the musical “Jersey Boys.” Witness the rise of four of the most famous blue-collar kids in pop music history, The Four Seasons, in the Tony-award winning Best Musical “Jersey Boys” on Thursday, Oct. 8, at the National Theatre in Washington, D.C. A special discount rate is available for Adult Plus+ members. For more information or to reserve orchestra seats, contact Delaware Tech’s Adult Plus+ program at 302-856-5618.

Smoky Mountain show trip

Special Ham radio event

A special Ham radio event will be held at the Marvel Museum in Georgetown on Saturday, Sept. 19, from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. There will be live demonstrations of Ham radio operation under simulated conditions of a major storm event. For more information on this and other Sussex Amateur Radio Association events, visit

AGO seeks members

The Southern Delaware Chapter of the American Guild of Organists (AGO), which seeks to promote appreciation of all aspects of organ and choral music, invites everyone who is interested in music to join the chapter. The local chapter offers workshops, master classes, recitals, concerts, organ crawls and more for members, the community and music students. For more information, call 629-8033.

Fall into Fashion show

Downstate women are invited to enjoy a viewing of fall fashions at the Sussex County Republican Women’s Club’s third annual fashion show, “Fall into Fashion,” on Wednesday, Sept. 23, at the Sussex Pines Country Club just outside of Georgetown. Cost is $25 and proceeds go to advance the goals of Sussex County Republican Women. A brief club business

Radio City Christmas tickets

Limited tickets are available for a trip to see the “Radio City Christmas Spectacular” on Wednesday, Dec. 9 at Radio City Music Hall in New York City, sponsored by Adult Plus+ at Delaware Technical & Community College, Owens Campus. The “Radio City Christmas Spectacular” features the world-famous Radio City Rockettes’ signature high-kicks and precision choreography in several showstopping numbers. For more information or to reserve orchestra seats, contact the Delaware Tech’s Adult Plus+ program at 302-856-5618.

AARP offers trips

Open House

DelMarVa Model Railroad Club’s 24th Annual Open House, located at 103 East State St., Delmar, Camelot Hall, second floor. Free admission and free parking — Nov. 28 & 29, Dec. 5 & 6, Jan. 9 & 10, Jan. 16 & 17; Saturday hours are from 11 a.m. to 5 p.m. and Sunday’s noon to 5 p.m. Operating layouts: N-Scale, N Trak Modules, HO Layout, O Gauge Tinplate, O Scale Lionel, LGB (G Gauge). Train videos to view and raffles.

per person, based on double occupancy $595. Add $180 for single occupancy. For information and reservations contact 410-754-8189.

AARP 915 presents Smoky Mountain show trip & Historic Gatlinburg for the price of $595, for 7 days and 6 nights, Oct. 18-24. Includes: motorcoach transportation; 6 nights lodging including 4 consecutive nights in the Smokies; 10 meals: 6 breakfasts and 4 dinners; guided tour of the Smoky Mountains; four evening shows: Country Tonite, Comedy Barn Variety Show, Magic Beyond Belief, and Black Bear Jamboree; one morning show: Patty Waszak Morning Show; non-stop fun and Southern charm at famous Dollywood. Departure: Federalsburg, Md. at 8 a.m. then, Rose’s parking lot, Rt 404, Denton, Md. Price: $75 due upon signing. Price

The following trips are available through AARP of Seaford: Oct. 16 - Strasburg, Pa. Lunch served on the train and then visit the railroad museum. Cost: $69. Four seats left. Nov. 16-20 - Christmas at The Biltmore Estates in Asheville, N.C. A candlelight dinner at Deerpark restaurant and two Christmas shows at two different dinner theaters. Tour the grounds, the Farm Village and the winery. Visit Chimney Rock Park, the Folk Arts Center and the Smith McDowell House with a tour of Asheville. Also a stop at the Farmers Market to see the famous Moose Cafe. Two hot meals per day. Cost: $589 pp double. Dec. 2 - American Music Theater to see a Christmas show. Cost: $92. Three seats left. For more information, contact Jane Dusenbury at 629-4138 or Rose Wheaton at 629-7180.

Bermuda cruise

A seven-night Bermuda cruise on the elegant cruise ship Celebrity Summit on April 25, 2010 is being offered for under $1,000. Price includes bus transportation from Seaford to Cape Liberty in New York Harbor, New Jersey, and return. The ship docks for three days in Bermuda. Optional tours and activities on the island are available. A deposit of $300 per person is due Oct. 1, 2009. The cruise benefits the Seaford Library and Cultural Center. For more information call 628-3300 or email barb@

Vacation with Del Tech

Take a vacation this fall or winter with the Adult Plus+ program at Delaware Technical & Community College, Owens Campus. View the fall foliage in New York during a four-day motorcoach tour from Oct. 6-9. Highlights include sight-

...still a fresh choice for any occasion. Birthday? Anniversary? Job Promotion? Send a message of love, congratulations or best wishes with a gift of flowers. A Gift That’s Always Welcome

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All Major Cards Accepted

MORNING STAR • SEPTEMBER 17 - 23, 2009 seeing in Cooperstown with a stop at the National Baseball Hall of Fame and the Fenimore Art Museum, a voyage on the Catskill Mountain Railroad, and a guided tour of the U.S. Military Academy at West Point. Explore Egypt in the 12-day “Splendors of the Nile” trip from Oct. 22 through Nov. 2. The group will travel on a luxurious three-night cruise including visits to ancient temples at Aswan, Kom-Ombo, Edfu and Luxor. Take an 18-day trip “down under” to Australia, New Zealand, and Fiji from Oct. 21 through Nov. 7. Experience the joy of the season during the nine-day “Christmas Cruise on the Danube” trip to Germany and Austria from Nov. 30 through Dec. 8. Travelers will explore cathedrals and several Christmas markets including Germany’s oldest and most famous, Nuremburg’s Christmas Market, which began in 1628. Celebrate the Christmas season during the seven-day “Nashville Country Christmas at the Opryland Hotel” from Dec. 2-8. Experience the joy of Christmas during the four-day “Christmas Extravaganza” trip to Washington, D.C. and the Homestead Resort in Hot Springs, Va. Take a Christmas tour of Washington, guided by author/ historian Antony Pitch. To sign up for a trip call 302-856-5618.

within walking distance of a Broadway show, Times Square, or Rockefeller Center. On Saturday, Oct. 24, follow the yellow brick road to the “The Wizard of Oz” at the Dupont Theatre. Enjoy a day shopping, sightseeing or watching a show in New York on Wednesday, Oct. 28. Don’t miss the international blockbuster exhibit “Diana: A Celebration” at the National Constitution Center in Philadelphia on Thursday, Oct. 29. Visit the National Aquarium, Maryland Science Center, or Port of Discovery during a day on your own at the inner harbor in Baltimore on Saturday, Oct. 31. For more information or to sign up for these trips, contact Delaware Tech’s Adult Plus+ program at 302-856-5618.

Branson trip

Nanticoke Senior Center and Curran Travel are providing a trip to Branson on Tuesday, Oct. 13, to Wednesday, Oct. 21. The trip includes: round trip motorcoach transportation, eight nights accommodations, great sightseeing tours, admission to nine great shows including Mickey Gilley, Lee Greenwood & the Bellamy Brothers and Shoji Tabuci. Cost is $1,075 per person-double occupancy, $1,355 single occupancy. A $200 deposit is required. Call 629-4939 for details.

Day trips

Enjoy day trips in September and October sponsored by the Adult Plus+ program at Delaware Technical & Community College, Owens Campus. Delight in live entertainment and food while enjoying the work of over 350 artists and vendors at the Annual Fall Craft Show in Occoquan, Va. on Saturday, Sept. 26. Spend the day strolling through the eight Smithsonian museums located on the national mall between the Washington Monument and the U.S. Capitol in Washington, D.C. on Saturday, Oct. 3. Don’t miss “Broadways Best” featuring 40 songs from 33 shows at the American Music Theatre in Lancaster, Pa. on Wednesday, Oct. 7. Celebrate the legends of tap in “Thank You Gregory: A Tribute to the Legends of Tap” seated in excellent orchestra seats on Saturday, Oct. 10, at the Annenberg Center for the Performing Arts in Philadelphia, Pa. On Sunday, Oct. 11, be transported by the uplifting voices of the Baltimore Choral Arts Society and the Baltimore Symphony Orchestra with epic film scores from the silver screen. Art lovers will enjoy a guided tour of the “Henri Matisse and Modern Art on the French Riviera” exhibit at the Philadelphia Museum of Art on Thursday, Oct. 15. Bask in the splendor of fall during a narrated 2 ½ hour train ride through Red Clay Creek Valley on the Wilmington & Western Railroad on Saturday, Oct. 17. Spend two nights, Oct. 20 and 21, at the Hotel Edison in the middle of New York City’s theatre district


next meeting is on Wednesday, Oct. 7. Lunch is available and new members are always welcome. For details, call 302-8546776.

Republican Women’s Club

The Seaford Republican Women’s Club will meet on Thursday, Sept. 24, at 10:30 a.m. at the Pizza King restaurant. This location is a change from what had previously been announced. The speaker will be Mayor Ed Butler talking about how the City of Seaford is using Federal Government stimulus monies. Lunch from the menu is optional. For more information call Sharlana Edgell at 302-629-7123.

S.C. Advisory Committee

Sussex County Advisory Committee for the Aging and Adults with Physical Disabilities will meet at the Greenwood CHEER Activity Center, 41 Schulze Road, Greenwood, on Monday, Sept. 21, at 10 a.m. An open forum will be held regarding issues facing today’s senior citizens and adults with physical disabilities. For more information, contact Raymond Moore, Sr., chairman, at 302-436-8132.

Georgetown AARP

Join Georgetown AARP Chapter 5340 at their monthly luncheon meetings held on the first Monday of each month at 11:30 a.m. at the Sussex Pines Country Club. For details contact Dee Richards at 302-8415066.

Delaware Equine Council Knitting Guild Association The “Sea Purls” chapter of the Knitting Guild Association meets on the first Wednesday of each month from 10-2 p.m. at the Cheer Community Center in Georgetown on the corner of Route 9 and Sand Hill Road. For details, call 302-8546776.


The Georgetown Chapter (1992) of the National Association of Active and Retired Federal Employees will hold their next meeting on Monday, Sept. 21, at noon, with lunch at Pizza King on Stein Highway in Seaford. For more information contact Les Martens, membership chair, at 629-9789.

Sussex County VFA

Sussex County Volunteer Firemen Association Ladies Auxiliary will meet on Sept. 23, at Greenwood Fire Hall. Dinner will be at 7 p.m. and meeting at 8 p.m.

Sea Purls

The “Sea Purls” chapter of the Knitting Guild Association meets on the first Wednesday of each month from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. at the Cheer Community Center in Georgetown on the corner of Route 9 and Sand Hill Road. The

The next meeting of the Delaware Equine Council is 7 p.m. Monday, Sept. 21, at the State Fairgrounds Exhibitors Hall boardroom. Guest speaker is Dr. Heather Hirst, DVM, DE state veterinarian. Scholarships will be awarded, refreshments and fellowship to follow. For more information, call Stan at 302-6843966 or Peggy at 629-5233.


The members of H.A.P.P.E.N., Hearn’s Pond Association for its protection, preservation, enhancement and naturalization will not meet in September. The next scheduled H.A.P.P.E.N. meeting will take place on Thursday, Oct. 8, at 7 p.m. at the Seaford Museum.

Genealogical Society

The Sussex County Genealogical Society meets the third Saturday of each month from September through May at 10:30 a.m. at the Rehoboth Beach Public Library. The next meeting is Saturday, Sept. 19. On Oct. 6, the society will begin a fall discussion series, named the Research Process. Sessions will be held at 2 p.m. on Tuesday afternoons through Nov. 17 at the Rehoboth Beach Public Library. Genealogy Bytes, meets at the Milton Public Library on the first Thursday of each month at 2 p.m. For more information, visit or call 302-875-5418.

SUDOKU Sudoku puzzles are formatted as a 9x9 grid, broken down into nine 3x3 boxes. To solve a sudoku, the numbers 1 through 9 must fill each row, column and box. Each number can appear only once in each row, column and box. You can figure out the order in which the numbers will appear by using the numeric clues already provided in the boxes. The more numbers you name, the easier it gets to solve the puzzle!

See Answers Page 31



Church Bulletins Dr. Michael Scott visits Mt. Olive

On Saturday, Sept. 19, at 7 p.m., Dr. Michael Scott of Jerusalem Baptist Church, Temperville, Va., will be at Mt. Olive Baptist Church, 108 First St., Bridgeville. Pastor is Woodrow Evans. For more information, contact Sister Paris Twyman, 410-754-9135; or the church at 302-337-7593.

Bethel Church fundraiser

On Saturday, Sept. 19, a spaghetti and meatball fundraiser dinner will be held at Bethel Church Community House – west of Seaford, north Oak Grove Road, from 4-6 p.m. Dinner includes salad, bread, drink and dessert. Donation is $8 – tickets only. Call 410-479-3205 or 629-7117. Eat in or carry out.

Laurel Baptist Church

Laurel Baptist Church will be hosting a free community luncheon (spaghetti, salad and dessert) on Saturday, Sept. 19, from noon to 2 p.m. The church is located at 33056 Bi-State Boulevard. Any questions, Call Shirley at 875-2314.

Kidstuf 103 at Alliance Church

Atlanta Road Alliance Church in Seaford is offering Kidstuf 103 on Wednesday evenings. Kidstuf is a program designed for children and parents to attend together. Each month features a different Biblical virtue using music, drama, a storyteller and games. The virtue for September is wisdom. A light supper is served at 6:15 p.m., followed by the program at 6:45 p.m. Kidstuf is designed for kindergarten through 6th grade; however, parents are welcome to bring their preschoolers with them. Registration is free.

No drop-offs. For more information, call 629-5600 or visit www.atlantaroadcma. org

Old Christ Church

Old Christ Church services will continue through the first Sunday in October. All services begin at 9:30 a.m. All services will be led by the Rev. Blanche Powell and Ken Athey. Music will be provided by Janet Jones. Old Christ Church is 237 years old and is listed in the National Register of Historic Places. The church is unique in that it’s never been altered from its original condition. For information or directions, call 228-6097. Any donations given to the Old Christ Church League are now tax deductible as the League was recently successful in becoming a 501C3 (nonprofit) organization.

Living Free

Another “Lifestyle Matters” Seminar, on Tuesdays and Thursdays at 6 p.m. Six evening sessions, Sept. 22, 24, 29, Oct. 1, 6, 8. Living Free, the latest Lifestyle Matters seminar, will help participants understand how the brain works. Seminar is free – held at the Seaford Seventh-day Adventist Church, 26295 Sussex Highway, Seaford (on the Dual Highway, ½ mile south of Brickyard Road.) For reservations call Delta at 875-3743. Seminar book and other materials will be available for sale.

Fall Bible study

All Saints Episcopal Church in Delmar, has resumed its Fall Bible Study. All are welcome to share this infor-

mal fellowship, led by Father Custer Ruley. The study begins at 1 p.m. every Wednesday, at the church located at 10th and Grove streets.

Latin Mass

A Latin mass according to the Missal of 1962 is celebrated on the third Sunday of every month at 3 p.m. at Holy Cross Church in Dover. The mass will be celebrated on Sept. 20. The mass is always a Missa Cantata using traditional Gregorian chant. For further information, call 302-674-5781.

Grace Gang donates backpacks

The Grace Gang, the youth group at Grace United Methodist Church in Georgetown, has completed their first “back to school” service project, by preparing 23 backpacks for students throughout Sussex County. The Grace Gang collected money from the congregation at Grace and community sources, raising enough money to fill the backpacks with supplies. Members of the Grace congregation also donated supplies. The Grace Gang is open to any middle school or high school student. For more information, contact Grace UM Church at 302-856-6245.

Wesley UMC Annual Fun-d Day

Wesley United Methodist Church (corner of Atlanta Road and Wesley Church Road) presents their 5th Annual Fun-d Day on Saturday, Sept. 19, from 11 a.m. to 4 p.m. There will be awesome oyster sandwiches, crab cakes, hot dogs, homemade ice cream and more. Lots of games and fun for all ages. Including pony rides, dunking booth, karaoke and much more.

Fall Church Bazaar

Christ Lutheran Church, 315 Shipley St., Seaford, will hold its Fall Church Bazaar, Saurday, Sept. 26, from 8 a.m. to 3 p.m. Crafts/vendors: bake sale; homemade candies; silent auction; free blood pressure checks; clown entertainment; free toys for the kids. Food: scrapple sandwiches; hot dogs, sodas, pickles-on-sticks and more.

The Gospel Café

The Gospel Café at Laurel Baptist Church will be held on Saturday, Sept. 19, at 6 p.m. The church is located at 33056 Bi-State Boulevard (west side of 13A, approximately two miles south of town.) Praising God with music and song will be McKensie George, Dakota and Gabriell. Greg Brittingham, and The Gospel Café Band. Saturday, Sept. 26, at 6 p.m will feature The Gospel Café Band, LBC Praise Team, and Bill Primrose. Refreshments will be available for purchase. Any questions, call Bruce or Nancy Willey at 875-5539.

Darting for Christ

Sunday, Sept. 20, at John Wesley United Methodist Church, 804 Chandler St., Seaford, at 3:30 p.m. Service, Saints Ban Together. Pastor is Peggy M. Briggs.

Homecoming Sunday

Sunday, Sept. 27, at 3:30 p.m., at John Wesley United Methodist Church, Third and Chandler St., Seaford, Pastor is Peggy M. Briggs. Guest speaker will be Pastor Jonathan Dukes; guest group will be the Messingers.

DIRECTORY: Your Guide To Local Houses of Worship Sunday Family Worship 8:30 & 11:00 a.m. 94 Walnut Street, Laurel, DE (across from GameZone) 302-875-7873

A church you can relate to


1010S.C entral Ave., Laurel Ph: 875-7748 Minister: Ian J. Drucker Worship Services: Sunday 10 a.m. 6:00 p.m. BibleS tudy: Sun. 9:00 a.m.; Wed. 7:00 p.m. In The Interest Of New Testament Christianity


510 S. Central Ave., Laurel, DE Rev. Donna Hinkle, Pastor Church: 875-4233 Sunday Services: 8:30 am Praise 9:30 am Sunday School,10:45 am Worship

Centenary United Methodist Church

“Where Caring is Sharing” “NEW SONG!” - Contemporary Celebration, 8:45 a.m. Sunday School, Classes for ALL ages, 9:45 a.m. Traditional Family Worship, 11:00 a.m.

Rev. K. Wayne Grier, Pastor, 875-3983 200 W. Market St., Laurel, Del.


St. Philip’s Episcopal Church

600 S. Central Ave., Laurel, DE 19956

(302) 875-3644

The Rev. Dr. Howard G. Backus, Rector Holy Eucharist with Healing Sunday ~ 8:30 & 10:30 am Church School ~ 9:30 am

Christ Evangelistic Church Great Worship - Talented Singers Loving People - Powerful Preaching

Youth Group Wednesday 7:00 pm

Worship 10:45 a.m. • Sun. School 9:45 a.m. Wed. Night 7:00 p.m. • Sun. Night 7:00 p.m. Located on Camp Road between the Dual & Alt. 13 For info call: 629-3674 or 875-2915 Sr. Pastor Roland Tice

Christian Church of Seaford

Dual 13N., Seaford, DE • 629-6298


Sunday School 9:30 a.m. Evening Worship 6:00 p.m. Morning Worship 10:30 Wed. Night Service & (Nursery & Jr. Church) Youth Groups 7:00 p.m. A Firm Foundation • A Sure Hope • An Unending Love

Centrally located at 14511 Sycamore Rd., Laurel, DE 19956

Sunday School - 9 a.m.; Worship Service - 10:30 a.m. FasTrak Children’s Ministry - 10:30 a.m.; E318 Youth - 6 p.m. Wednesday Midweek Services - 7 p.m.

For info, call 875.7995 or visit

St. Paul’s United Methodist Church Road68, South of Laurel Laurel,D el.

Sun. School 10 a.m. • Worship 9 & 11 a.m. Wed. Night Bible Study 7 p.m. Hymn Sing: Last Sunday Each Month - 7 p.m.

Delmar Wesleyan Church

Pastor - Donald Murray - 856-6107

800 East Street Delmar, MD 21875 “The Church That Cares” 410-896-3600 Pastor James C. Hitch

Sunday: Sunday School 10 M Worship 11 AM & 6 PM

Wednesday: BibleS tudy 7P M




Rev. Michael A. Hopkins, Pastor

WEDNESDAY SUNDAY Sunday School......9:45 a.m. Prayer & Praise 7:00 p.m. Worship...............11:00 a.m. Patch Club (kids) 7:00 p.m. Eve. Worship........7:00 p.m. Youth Group 6:00-8 p.m.

SEAFORD CHRISTIAN ACADEMY PRE-SCHOOL - 12TH GRADE - Office 629-7161 Quality Traditional Education Since 1973 Fully Accredited By Middle States in ACSI

GRACE BAPTIST CHURCH A Cooperative S.B.C. Church 805 Atlanta Rd., Seaford, DE

302-629-8434 • Sunday School 9:30 am Worship 10:45 am & 6:30 pm Children’s Church 10:45 am SPANISH Worship 10:45 am Wednesday Activities 7 pm Pastor: Homer McKeithan Music: Jim Burket “The Cross Is Grounded In Grace”

VICTORY TABERNACLE Scott Family to perForm - Old Christ Church League is pleased to announce the Scott family will give a concert of classical music on Sunday, Sept. 27, at 3 p.m. at Old Christ Church, Laurel. For those who have not enjoyed a concert in this wonderful little church, plan on a rich experience, one of wonderful music and outstanding acoustics in breathtakingly simple surroundings. As Laurel historian and Old Christ Church League Vice President, Kendal Jones often reminds us, this church — that has never been plumbed or electrified — was built in the years 1771 and 1772 before Delaware was a state and before the United States was a nation. Performing on Sunday, Sept. 27, will be Gray (10), Emma (15), and Maria (17) Scott of Bridgeville. Gray will be performing guitar pieces by Narvaez, Bach and Mozart. Emma will perform Bach’s Partita in D minor for violin. Maria, a pianist, will play Bach, Mozart, Schumann and Liszt. The siblings often collaborate and are known for providing a sacred favorite as an added selection. Light refreshments will be served after the concert. Concert attendance is free. Good will donations are gladly accepted toward the preservation of Old Christ Church.

Evening of Gospel Music

Jerry Jones Ministries will once again present their “Evening of Gospel Music” at Sam Yoder’s Farm, 89 Hunting Quarter Road, Houston, on Oct. 10. Dove Award winner and former Elvis Presley Aid, Donnie Sumner is returning by popular demand, along with Award-winning Singer-Songwriter, Jerry Jones, wonderful Southern Gospel Group from Christiana, Pa. The Hagans Family, and special guest MC, Jimmy Hoppa, WBOC-TV “This Morning” co-anchor. Food will be available for purchase at 6 p.m. (homemade soups, sandwiches and desserts) and the concert starts at 7 p.m. Tickets are available at People’s II Restaurant, Rt. 13 South, Harrington, and D&D Deli, 12 West Sewel St., Felton. Also, for tickets or further information, call 302-228-4813, Jerry Jones Ministries.

Chiz Rider in concert

Laurel Wesleyan Church hosts Chiz Rider, a talented trumpet player, in concert on Sunday, Oct. 4, from 9 to 10:45


SEAFORD PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Sunday School 9 am Morning Worship 10 am

701 Bridgeville Road 629-9077

Seaford Seventh-day Adventist Church

26295 Sussex Highway (south on 13), Seaford, DE

Saturday Services Sabbath School 9:30 a.m. Worship Service 11:00 a.m. Pastor - O. Kenneth Scheller 302-875-0140

All are welcome to worship here every Sabbath.

a.m. Admission is free and a love offering will be taken. Laurel Wesleyan Church is located half a mile north of Laurel on Alternate 13. Nursery care and children’s programming provided. For more information, call the office at 875-5380

Trinity UMC Food Drive

Trinity UMC, located on Phillips Hill Road in Laurel, will have a door-to-door food drive on Saturday, Sept. 26. Volunteers will be going door-to-door asking for canned or non-perishable food to supply our local food pantry and giving out information. If you can’t donate, we welcome a smile and prayers for those who are struggling economically.

All Walks of Life events

All Walks of Life Outreach Ministry in Laurel will host a church-wide yard sale at 7 a.m. on Saturday, Sept. 19, at 10451 Concord Road in Seaford (old La Frontera). Third Sunday Youth Service with fellowship dinner is Sunday, Sept. 20, at 11 a.m. For more information, call 302875-7772.


United Methodist Church 2 North Laws St., Bridgeville, DE 19933 Across from Bank 337-7409 Handicap Friendly WORSHIP TIMES:

9 am Contemporary Service 10 am Sunday School 11 am Traditional Worship Youth Group (Sun. 6 p.m.)

22606 Sussex Hwy. Seaford, DE

302-359-6331 Weekly Services: Sunday: 10 am Tuesday: Prayer 7-8 pm Thursday: Bible Study 7 pm

Messiah’s Vineyard Church Located at Tyndall’s Furniture Plaza on Discountland Rd & Rt. 13, Laurel

302- 875-4646

PO BOX 60, LAUREL, DE 19956

Sun. 9:30 am Wed. 7:00 pm

Children’s Church • Nursery

Senior Minister: Dr. Carl G Vincent Senior Pastor: Pastor Barry B. Dukes

OUR LADY OF LOURDES CHURCH 532 Stein Hwy., Seaford, DE 19973 Redemptorist Fathers • 629-3591

MASSES: SUNDAY: Sat. Eve. - Vigil 4:30 p.m.; Spanish 7:30 p.m. Sunday - 7 a.m., 8:30 a.m., 11 a.m. DAILY: Mon., Tues., Thurs. & Fri. 9 a.m. Wed. 9 a.m. & 7:30 p.m.; First Sat. 9 a.m. HOLY DAYS: Eve. 7:30 p.m.; 9 a.m. & 7:30 p.m. NOVENA DEVOTIONS: Wed. 9 a.m. & 7:30 p.m. CONFESSION: Sat. 4:30 p.m.



11 AM and 6 PM ~ Sunday School 9:45 AM


Ministry for the wholef amily 7 PM

Pastor Stacey Johnson

28261 Seaford Rd., Laurel, 2 miles N. of Laurel on Alt. 13


22625 Atlanta Road, Seaford, DE (302) 629-5600 - Sunday

Wednesday Evening

9:00 a.m. & 10:30 a.m. Worship, Nursery, Classes for Kids-Adults 7:00 p.m. Evening Service

6:45 Catalyst Youth (grades 7-12), DivorceCare 7:00 Prayer Meeting, Men’s Group, KidStuf 103 (K-6 Kids & their parents, 1 & 3rd Wed.)

COKESBURY CHURCH All Welcome Where Love Abides -- John 3:16

The Church by the Side of the Road 15092 Cokesbury Rd, Georgetown, DE (302) 629-5222 • Pastor Harold Carmean & Congregation Sunday School 9 am Contemporary Church Service 10 am

Mount Olivet

United Methodist Church Serving Christ in the Heart of Seaford since 1830 315 High St. • Seaford, DE

Sunday Services: Informal Worship in Chapel 8:30 a.m. Traditional Worship 11:00 a.m. Sanctuary 9:45 Sunday School

Pastor: Rev. Jim Sipes • 302-629-4458 PROFESSIONAL NURSERY CARE PROVIDED

27225 Kaye Road Laurel, DE 19956 Ph: (302) 875-7814 Timothy P. Jones, Pastor Sunday Family Worship - 10:00 a.m. Wednesday Family Ministries - 7:00 p.m.

“Shining His Light”

Laurel Wesleyan Church Rt. 13A, Just North of Laurel

Sunday School - 9:30 Worship - 9:00 & 10:45 Sunday Evening Worship Wed. 6:30 p.m. - Youth Ministries & WKID, The Zone, Children’s Ministries

Church 875-5380 • Sr. Pastor Ken Deusa Asst. Pastor: Rev. Rick Green; Youth: Kyle Horton Children’s Pastor: Marilyn Searcey


315 N. Shipley St., Seaford, DE 19973 • 302-629-9755

Pastor: Rev. Andrew C. Watkins

Praise Worship 8:15 AM • Sunday School 9:45 AM • Traditional Worship 11:15 AM

Laurel Baptist Church, SBC Where everybody is somebody & Jesus Christ is Lord 33056 Bi-State Boulevard, Laurel, DE 19956 LBC Sunday School ~ 10:00 Morning Worship ~ 11:00 Wednesday Bible Study ~ 7:00 P.M. NurseryP rovided Pastor: Rev. Steven Booth Music Director: Linda Lewis


St. Luke’s Episcopal Church

Front & King St., Seaford, DE 629-7979 Holy Eucharist: 9:00 a.m. Sunday School & Adult Forum: 10:30 a.m. Thurs. Eve. Service: 6 p.m. The Rev’d. Jeanne W. Kirby-Coladonato, Rector

Seaford Church of Christ Acapella

(Rm. 16:16)

N. Dual 13, P.O. Box 783, Seaford, DE 19973 302-629-6206 Evangelist - G. W. Cliver - 629-6206 Elder - Don Birch - 629-8949 Elder - Ron Russell - 629-6033 Sunday School 10 a.m. Sun. Worship 11 a.m., Sun. Evening 6 p.m Wed. Evenings 7 p.m. Live For God, Love Each Other, Light The World

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629-9443, Cell: 448-0852 •

Sunday: Midweek Activities: Church School........9:45 am Call for Details Morning Worship......11 am Children’s Church & Youth Explosion ........6 pm Nursery Provided Evening Worship.........7 pm *Counseling by appt. only Tuesday: Thursday: Bible Study & Family Corporate Prayer.........7 pm ‘Come and Grow with Us!’ Training Hour...........7 pm

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PICK THE BEST for bushels and bushels of community news CHORALE ENSEMBLE TO PERFORM - Community Lutheran Church, located at Route 20 and Omar Road, south of Dagsboro, presents the Southern Delaware Choral Society’s Ensemble on Sunday, Sept. 20 at 4 p.m. For more information, visit www.clc19945. org or call 302-644-0256.

Obituaries Bertha Elizabeth Carey, 93

Bertha Elizabeth Carey of Millsboro, died Wednesday, Sept. 9, 2009, at Beebe Medical Center in Lewes. She was born in Laurel, where she lived most of her life. She was a daughter of Charles and Lula Baker. She retired as a seamstress working for several local garment factories. Bertha dearly enjoyed crafts and sewing. She is survived by her son, Laurence Carey and his wife Jean of Millsboro. The funeral was held at Hannigan, Short, Disharoon Funeral Home in Laurel, on Sunday, Sept. 13. Pastor Dave Kiser officiated. Interment followed in Laurel Hill Cemetery.

Charles A. Lowe Jr., 38

Charles A. Lowe Jr., “Tony,” of Deerfield Beach, Fla., and formerly of Laurel, went to be with the Lord on Tuesday, Sept. 8, 2009, at North Boward County Medical Center in Florida. He was born in Seaford and graduated from Laurel High School, Class of 1989. He owned and operated a neon glass sign company, Grateful Glass, in Deerfield, Fla. Tony was a gifted artist and glass blower, who loved the beach, music and crabbing. He had a funny and loving personality, and was a devoted friend who loved children. Tony is survived by his father, Charles A. Lowe Sr. and his wife Leanne of Seaford; his mother, Peggy C. Allen and her husband David of Laurel; stepbrothers and sisters, Brian Allen of Laurel, Jodi Everett of Laurel and Kateri Lambrose of Seaford. He is also survived by a cousin, Mike Hall, and life-long friends Kevin Massey and David Kinnikin. Tony was preceded in death by a brother, Charles Edward Lowe, who passed in 1969. Graveside services were held at Laurel Hill Cemetery on Monday, Sept. 14. Pastor Larry Whaley officiated. Kindly omit flowers. The family requests donations be made in Tony’s memory to: Vitas Hospice Charitable Fund, 5420 N.W. 33rd St., Suite 100, Ft. Lauderdale, FL 33309. Arrangements are in the care of Hannigan, Short, Disharoon Funeral Home in Laurel.

Death Notices Edward E. Ellingsworth, 76

Edward E. Ellingsworth, of Laurel, died Thursday, Sept. 10, 2009, at Peninsula Regional Medical Center in Salisbury, Md. The funeral was held at Hannigan, Short, Disharoon Funeral Home in Laurel on Wednesday, Sept. 16.

Donald A. Baker, Sr.

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There are lots of ways to beat a case of writer’s block

Nothing clears my head of cobwebs more efficiently than ynn arks carrying a basket of wet clothes outside to the backyard line and English poet Edith Sitwell hanging them up to dry. used to lie in an open coffin During the 10 minutes or so that it takes me to pin a load before she started her writing of laundry to the green plastic for the day ...not for me - I clothesline, I often come up with make it a general policy not exactly the right phrase for a to climb into coffins. story with which I am struggling, or the best written path to take to get from point A to point C. I can imagine that the repetitive moHappily, I’m often doing laundry tion required to groom a cat would — it is amazing how many clothes and induce thought, much as pulling shirts towels my husband, the cats and I can from the basket and hanging them on a dirty in the course of a couple of days, line does. and the cats don’t even wear clothes — Amy Lowell and George Sand both and so I usually have a handy remedy to smoked cigars. I’m not a fan of smokunclog writer’s block. ing. But if I knew that as a consequence But there are times that the washI could write poetry like Lowell — “I ing machine isn’t going. What am I to walk down the patterned garden-paths In do then when the words simply won’t my stiff, brocaded gown. With my powcome? dered hair and jeweled fan, I too am a Well, now I have some ideas. I rerare Pattern” — I might consider smokcently received from a friend and fellow ing a cigar or two. writer a list of practices that some of Robert Louis Stevenson and Mark history’s best authors and poets have Twain liked to lie down when they were used to get their brains working. writing. Truman Capote, whose childThe list was part of an article, “Oh hood reminiscences are some of my faMuse, You Do Make Things Difficult,” vorite Christmas readings, called himself that appeared in the New York Times in “a completely horizontal writer.” the 1980s. Lying down to write has a definite Author Diane Ackerman, who has appeal to me, especially when, after sitwritten poetry and most recently wrote ting too long on the hard kitchen chair, I The Zookeeper’s Wife about how the develop a case of bruised tailbone. keepers of the Warsaw Zoo gave hunI’d have to give up the computer, dreds of people refuge from the Nazis, though and, in the way of writers before uncovered some eccentric practices, me, use pencil on paper. none of them having to do with drying T.S. Eliot wrote, among other things, laundry. “The Wasteland,” a 434-line poem that Victor Hugo and Benjamin Franklin, in my ragged Norton Anthology of for example, “felt that they did their English Literature is nearly equaled in best work if they wrote while they were length by its explanatory footnotes. nude.” Diane Ackerman writes that Eliot preThat might be OK for those noferred writing when he had a cold: “The clothes-wearing cats, who, let’s face it, rustling of his head, as if full of petdon’t do much in the way of writing. But ticoats, shattered the usual logical links I don’t think it’s for me. What if one of between things and allowed his mind to my editors calls? roam.” English poet Edith Sitwell used to lie Eliot was obviously devoted to his in an open coffin before she started her art. I don’t know that I am willing to writing for the day. Also not for me — I endure a cold, and all those petticoats make it a general policy not to climb rustling, just so I can write a sentence or into coffins. two. The 19th century French author HonBut this winter, if I insist on hanging ore de Balzac drank more than 50 cups wet laundry out on the line and espeof coffee a day. I can tolerate caffeine cially if, after taking the phone off the only when it is enveloped in chocolate. hook, I follow Benjamin’s Franklin’s And Samuel Taylor Coleridge and his example, a cold might very well be what fellow Romantics were fond of opium. I end up with. I’ve never tried the drug, so I can’t A naked writer, forced to lie in bed speak to its effectiveness. with a cold and maybe, in the old-fashBut I have read, or tried to read, ioned way, turning to cigars and opium Coleridge’s “The Rime of the Ancient for comfort. Mariner.” Maybe a little writer’s block Imagine the writings I could come up would have been in order. with, especially if the cold proved fatal There are some writers’ practices that and I was forced to forgo my ban on I could adopt, though. French author Co- coffins. lette, who wrote the novel Gigi, started “Datta. Dayadhvam. Damyata. Shanher days by picking fleas from her cat. I tih shantih shantih,” Eliot concluded have two cats, and they occasionally get “The Wasteland.” Dare I dream of topfleas. ping that?


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pAGe 24

MORNING STAR • SepTeMbeR 17 - 23, 2009

OPENING DAY- Delmar senior Mallory Elliott looks to take the ball to the goal during her team’s season opening win over Washington. Elliott had a pair of goals and an assist in the 6-1 victory. Below, Laurel’s Alexis Oliphant attempts to take the ball away from a Pocomoke player during last Friday’s season opener in Delmar. Photos by Mike McClure

Laurel sophomore running back Chris Jones runs through a whole created by his offensive line during last Friday’s season opening win. Jones scored three touchdowns in the 35-0 victory over Christiana. Photo by Mike McClure

Bulldogs win home, season opener against Christiana, 35-0 Clarence Giles earns first win as Laurel football coach By Mike McClure The Laurel varsity football team took a 21-0 lead into half-time and didn’t look back in last Friday’s home win over Christiana in the season opener. The Bulldogs’ 35-0 win marked the first win for the team under first year head coach Clarence Giles. “It’s overwhelming. You always want to win,” said Giles. “It’s not me, it’s them (players). They did a really good job, they executed.” Laurel took advantage of the Vikings’ miscue in the first possession of the game. The Bulldogs recovered a Christiana fumble on the Christiana 29 yard line and turned the turnover into seven points. Chris Jones had two carries for 13 yards, Zach Exume added eight-yard run, Nick Munoz had a six-yard carry, and quarterback Chris “Critter” Cutsail scored from two yards out on a quarterback keeper. Junior kicker Adam Black booted the extra point for a 7-0 Laurel lead with 9:45 left in the opening quarter. Laurel’s next possession started at the Bulldog 18, but the home team moved the ball up the field and into Christiana territory before a sack by the Vikings Shawn Freel on fourth and 11 from the Christi-

ana 15 ended the threat. Jones had an eight-yard run on third and four on 24, Cutsail completed a 12-yard pass to Exume, and Munoz had a pair of 10-yard runs. Following a Christiana punt, the Bulldogs started with the ball on Kyle West their own 33 yard line early in the second quarter. Jones had a five-yard run on fourth and three from the 40 before scampering 55 yards for a touchdown on the next play to make it 13-0 with 8:35 remaining in the first half. Laurel had to punt on its next possession, but the Bulldogs’ Shawn Miller made a nice tackle on special teams to keep Christiana at its own 20. Laurel’s stingy defense continued to create problems for the Vikings as Kyle West came up with a key interception on second and 17, which set up the Bulldogs’ final touchdown of the first half. Continued on page 28

Laurel’s Zachary Exume carries Christiana defenders with him on a run during last Friday’s 35-0 home win in the season opener. Exume had 10 carries for 60 yards and two receptions for 27 yards and a touchdown. Photo by Mike McClure

MORNING STAR • SepTeMbeR 17 - 23, 2009

pAGe 25

Delmar’s Bethany Parsons puts the ball in play on a corner during last Friday’s game against Washington. Parsons had an assist on the final goal of the game which was scored by Mallory Elliott. Photo by Mike McClure

Delmar field hockey opens season with a pair of non-conference wins By Mike McClure

The Delmar varsity field hockey team opened the season with a pair of non-conference wins last weekend in a four team tournament hosted by the Wildcats. On Friday, Delmar held a 3-1 lead at the half as Mallory Elliott (28:39) and Taylor Elliott (25:25) netted goals early on before the Jaguars made it 2-1 on a goal by Amanda Muir with 20:04 left in the first half. Amanda Campbell scored on a feed from Mallory Elliott (11:28) to make it a two goal game. The Wildcats held a 10-5 advantage in shots in the first half. Washington had a 4-3 edge in corners. Delmar goalie Amanda Fields made four stops, while the Jaguar goalie had five saves in the half. Delmar scored three goals in the second half to pull away in the season open-

er. Taylor Elliott struck first with 14:57 left in the game, Carlee Budd (13:05) netted a goal off of a corner, and Mallory Elliott tallied her second goal of the contest off a pass from Bethany Parsons on a corner with 7:41 remaining. Delmar out shot Washington, 21-6 and held a 12-7 advantage in corners in the 6-1 win. Fields made five saves in the Wildcat win. The Wildcats also defeated Pocomoke, 2-0, in Saturday’s home contest. Caroline Phillips scored off a feed from Budd (11:44) for the only goal of the first half. Phillips added a goal at 23:09 in the second half to help Delmar to a 2-0 start on the year. Delmar had a 10-8 edge in shots and Pocomoke held a 13-10 advantage in corners. Fields made eight saves for the Wildcats.

Laurel field hockey loses a pair in opening tournament

The Laurel varsity field hockey team bounced back from a tough loss to Pocomoke on Friday to give Washington a battle on Saturday in a four team tournament in Delmar. The Bulldogs fell to Pocomoke, 7-1, with Tomorrow Briddell netting her team’s only goal. On Saturday, Washington edged Laurel, 1-0, in overtime.

ON THE RUN- Laurel’s Brett Marine follows his blockers during last Saturday’s Pop Warner Midget football game. The Midget football team wore its black jerseys in honor of fallen police officer Chad Spicer. Photo by Mike McClure

pAGe 26

MORNING STAR • SepTeMbeR 17 - 23, 2009

Seaford/Laurel Star Tuesday high school sports scoreboard

Field hockey- Laurel 3, Polytech 2- Laurel rallied from a 2-0 deficit at the half to defeat the Panthers. Alexis Oliphant netted the Bulldogs’ first goal with 14:21 left in the game. Alexis Hudson tied things up with a goal off a feed from Mariah Dickerson at 10:47. Dickerson’s goal with four second left in the contest sealed Laurel’s first win of the season and the team’s first win under first year head coach Donna Ward. Delmar 8, Sussex Central 0- Caroline Phillips netted two goals and Mallory Elliott added two goals and an assist as the Wildcats improved to 3-0. Taylor Elliott also had a goal and an assist and Carlee Budd, Mackenzie Martin, and Mariah Dickerson Samantha Johnson each tallied goals. Bethany Parsons, Tina Patsons, and Lauren Massey added one assist each and Caila White and Amanda Fields combined for the shutout for Delmar, which had 18 penalty corners and 39 shots on goal. Sussex Tech 8, Woodbridge 1- Maxine Fluharty tallied four goals, Isabella Delario had three goals, Brittany Adkins scored one goal and dished out four assists, and Logan Pavlik added a pair of assist for the Ravens. Leslie DeRoche scored Caroline Phillips the Raiders’ goal. Kelli Warner made 16 saves in goal for Woodbridge and Sussex Tech’s Caitlin Stone made three saves. Boys’ soccer- Smyrna 5, Laurel 0- Eric Foskey made 15 saves in goal for the Bulldogs, who were outshot, 25-9. Cape Henlopen 2, Delmar 0- Roel Dominguez recorded seven saves for the Wildcats in the loss. Caesar Rodney 7, Woodbridge 0- Abraham Leon made six saves for Woodbridge. Girls’ volleyball- Caesar Rodney 3, Sussex Tech 0

The Seaford High School boys’ soccer team took on the Sussex Tech Ravens in the home opener played in Seaford on Tuesday night. Sussex Tech’s Joshua Walstead and Blue Jays Nazaret Garcia are shown going up for the ball early in the match. Seaford won the game 2-1. Photo by Lynn Schofer

Seaford soccer nets second half goal to defeat Sussex Tech

The Seaford varsity boys’ soccer team topped Sussex Tech, 2-1, on Tuesday in Seaford. The Blue Jays’ Ethan Lee scored off a header from Tim Halter at 13:17 in the first half. Sussex Tech’s Zimri Gomez knotted the score on a feed from Ryan Moore at 22:34. The game remained tied until Philip DeMott scored off a pass from Chris Trejo at 62:16 for what turned out to be the game winner in the second half. Seaford outshot Sussex Tech, 20-12, and held a 9-3 advantage in corners. Jose Cortez made six saves and Christian Gosnell added five saves for Seaford while James Smith made 14 stops for the Ravens.

NYSA SOCCER- Brie Massey dribbles the ball mid field to the center to set up for a goal in the NYSA soccer game Saturday in Seaford. Photo by Lynn Schofer

Seaford’s Ethan Lee scored the first goal of the season for the Seaford High School boys’ soccer team in the game Tuesday night against Sussex Tech. The goal came on an assist from Seaford’s Timmy Halter who headed the ball to Lee who was able to reflect it into the goal. Photo by Lynn Schofer

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pAGe 27

MORNING STAR • SepTeMbeR 17 - 23, 2009

Laurel Stars of the Week

Male Athlete of the WeekChris Jones- Laurel High

Laurel sophomore running back Chris Jones ran for 190 yards and three touchdowns in his team’s 35-0 win over Christiana in the season opener last Friday night.

Female Athlete of the WeekMallory Elliott- Delmar High

Laurel’s Alexis Hudson has the ball on a break during her team’s contest against Pocomoke last Friday. Photo by Mike McClure

Delmar senior Mallory Elliott had two goals and an assist in her team’s season opening win over Washington last Friday. Elliott missed last season due to injury.

Honorable mention- Caroline Phillips- Delmar; Taylor Elliott- Delmar; Carlee Budd- Delmar; Amanda Campbell- Delmar; Tomorrow Briddell- Laurel; Zac Exume- Laurel; Nick Munoz- Laurel; Joe McGinnis- Laurel; Kyle West- Laurel; Jerry Reed- Laurel; Tyler Cornish- Delmar; Desmond Sivels- Sussex Tech



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Laurel Pop Warner Pee Wee football tops Sussex Central

The Laurel Pop Warner Pee Wee Bulldogs scored with just over two minutes to go in last Saturday’s game and also scored on the extra point pass to make the score 7-0. With seven seconds left in the game Sussex Central scored on a 20 yard pass play. The Golden Knights tried for the win with a kick for a two point conversion (Pop Warner rule) and just missed wide left to make the score 7-6. The Bulldogs recovered the ensuing onsides kick to seal the win. Laurel’s Alonzo Cannon scored on a 15-yard touchdown run and Justin Revel completed a pass to Gary Warren for the extra point. Leon West had 11 carries for 68 yards, Alonzo Cannon carried the ball 11 times for 44 yards and a touchdown, Justin Revel completed three of four passes for 22 yards, and Johnny McGinnis added a 17-yard reception. The Laurel defense allowed 112 yards and was scored on for the first time this season. West led the way with four tackles and five assists; Zach Baynum, George Wood, McGinnis, and Bragg Davis each had four tackles and one assist; and Amari Cannon added three tackles and two assists. Skyler Chaffinch also had three tackles, Alonzo Cannon recorded a pair of tackles, and Anthony Ash chipped in with one tackle and four assists. Laurel’s next game is this Saturday vs Milford (2-0) at the Milford Middle School in another battle of the unbeatens.

Laurel Junior Pee Wee moves to 3-0 with win over Sussex Central The Laurel Pop Warner Junior Pee Wee football team moved to 3-0 with a 31-0 win over Sussex Central last Saturday. The Bulldogs’ defense has not allowed a touchdown in three games and held Sussex Central to minus 5 yards. The defense was led by Brooks Parker, Mitchel Moyer, Donnell Briddell, and Timaun Williams. The offense tallied 288 yards with Williams scoring a pair of touchdowns while Trent Hearn, Elijah DeShields, and Perez Nichols each had one touchdown.

The Wildcats’ Taylor Elliott had a pair of goals in her team’s 6-1 win over Washington last Friday in Delmar. Photo by Mike McClure

Laurel Star varsity field hockey scoreboard Caravel 3, Woodbridge 2- Leslie DeRoche and Brittany Joseph each had a goal in the Raiders’ narrow loss. Seaford 1, St. Elizabeth 0- Paige Venables scored on a feed from Haley Quillen and Molly Cain made seven saves in goal for the Blue Jays.



pAGe 28

MORNING STAR • SepTeMbeR 17 - 23, 2009

Laurel safety Joe McGinnis tackles Christians’s Travelle West during the Bulldogs’ 35-0 win last Friday night. McGinnis had five tackles and an interception in the victory. Photo by Mike McClure

Laurel football continued Jones contributed a 13-yard run before Cutsail rolled out and found Exume for 15-yard touchdown at the buzzer. Munoz ran in the two-point conversion to put Laurel on top, 21-0, going into half-time. Laurel opened the third quarter with the ball on its own 47 following a solid kickoff return by Tyler Robertson. Cutsail gained two yards on a keeper on fourth and inches from the Vikings’ 44, but George Evonishon later intercepted a pass in the end zone to end the Bulldogs’ scoring threat. Christiana took over on its own 20 and went for it on fourth and two from the 28. Dian Williams was stuffed by Laurel’s David Cornish for no gain, giving the ball to the Bulldogs in Viking territory. Jones ran the ball in from 23 yards out on third and five and Black added the extra point to make it 28-0 (3:56). Laurel’s final score came early in the fourth quarter with Jones scoring his third touchdown of the game. Laurel started with the ball on its own 31. As he did all night, Jones picked up a key first down with a seven-yard run on fourth and three from the 38. Exume added an eight-yard run and Dexter Taylor had a six-yard run. Taylor’s run and an unsportsmanlike penalty on Christiana set up first and 10 on 26. Jones scored on a 26-yard touchdown on the first play of the fourth quarter and Black’s PAT with 11:48 left in the game made it 35-0. Laurel’s Joe McGinnis, who paced the Bulldogs with five tackles, intercepted a pass to help seal the Laurel win. “Coach Phillips did a good job of running off a different scheme,” Giles said. “The kids really carried the game plan out (defensively).” Jones had 20 carries for 190 yards and three touchdowns; Exume ran the ball 10 times for 60 yards and also had two receptions for 27 yards and a touchdown;

DROPPING BACK- Laurel’s Bryce Bristow throws the ball downfield during his team’s Pop Warner Midget football game against Sussex Central last Saturday in Laurel. Photo by Mike McClure

REVERSE- Delmar’s Eric Chesnutt runs with the ball on a reverse during a recent Pop Warner Junior Pee Wee football game played in Delmar. Photo by Mike McClure

Laurel Pop Warner Midget football moves to 3-0 with win

The Laurel Pop Warner Midget football team improved to 3-0 with a 33-0 victory over the visiting Sussex Central Golden Knights last Saturday. The win extends Laurel’s winning streak to 81 straight games. Brett Marine led the ground attack with 135 yards on two carries and two touchdowns (also one touchdown reception). Brice Bristow was 3 for 7 passing with 96 yards and two touchdowns. Bristow completed a 42-yard touchdown pass to Josh Downey and a 34-yard touchdown pass to Marine. Marine added a 65-yard touchdown run and a 70-yard touchdown run and Christian Ellsworth capped the scoring with a three-yard touchdown run. Leading the way for the defense was Dylan Bunner with six tackles and Dylan McClausen with five tackles. The Midget Bulldogs travel to Milford this week to face the undefeated Milford Bucs. Game time is 11 a.m. at Milford High School.

Laurel Star varsity schedules for Sept. 17-23

Laurel running back Dexter Taylor looks to cut upfield during a run last week in Laurel. Photo by Mike McClure

Munoz added nine carries for 40 yards; and Cutsail completed three passes for 31 yards and a touchdown and also ran for a touchdown. West and McGinnis each had an interception and Jerry Reed and Munoz recorded four tackles apiece. Laurel visits St. Elizabeth this Friday night in a game that should provide a good test for the young Bulldog team. “It’s going to be a tough game and a long ride up there,” said Giles. Seniors- Laurel’s seniors are: Zach Exume, Jordan German, Kyle West, Chase Gordy, Nick Munoz, Luke Hare, Chris Cutsail, Ethan Henry, Jerry Reed, Daniel Rubino, Josh Rubino, Adam Elliott, and Zachary Lynch, and Lemetrius Horsey.

The following are the Laurel, Delmar, and Sussex Tech varsity schedules (as of press time) for Thursday, Sept. 17 through Wednesday, Sept. 23: Thursday, Sept. 17- field hockey- Laurel at Lake Forest, 4 p.m., Delmar at Smyrna, 4 p.m., Sussex Tech home vs. Sussex Central, 4 p.m.; boys’ soccer- Laurel at Sussex Central, 7 p.m., Delmar at Dover, 7 p.m., Sussex Tech home vs. Polytech, 5:30; volleyball- Delmar home vs. Smyrna, 5 p.m., Sussex Tech home vs. Dover, 5 p.m. Friday, Sept. 18- football- Laurel at St. Elizabeth, 7 p.m., Delmar home vs. Hodgson, 7:30 p.m., Sussex Tech at Milford, 7:30 p.m. Saturday, Sept. 19- cross country- Sussex Tech at Lake Forest Invitational, 10 a.m.; field hockey- Sussex Tech home vs. St. Andrews, 1 p.m. Tuesday, Sept. 22- soccer- Sussex Tech at Laurel, 4 p.m. Delmar home vs. Milford, 5:30 p.m.; volleyball- Delmar home vs. Lake Forest, 5 p.m.; field hockey- Delmar home vs. Cape Henlopen, 4 p.m., Sussex Tech at Seaford, 4 p.m. Wednesday, Sept. 23- field hockey- Laurel at Milford, 4 p.m.; cross country- Sussex Tech and Milford at Dover, 4 p.m.

Laurel Star varsity football scoreboard

C. Milton Wright 16, Delmar 7- Tyler Cornish had a 12-yard touchdown run and Casey Bellamy booted the extra point in te loss. Woodbridge 35, Dickinson 0- Freddie Sample and Trezmon Kane each ran for a pair of touchdowns and Demond Anderson added a touchdown run to lead the way for the Raiders. Seaford 14, Delaware Military 7- Jeffrey Akins ran for 96 yards and a touchdown and had a 75-yard interception return for a touchdown and George Blanchard recorded eight tackles and three assists to lead the Blue Jays.

MORNING STAR • SepTeMbeR 17 - 23, 2009

pAGe 29

TAKING THE SHOT- Hayley Gray takes a shot on goal while Rebecca Merritt plays defense in the NYSA soccer game played in Seaford last Saturday. Photo by Lynn Schofer

Western Sussex graduates competing in collegiate sports

The following are the Western Sussex graduates who are playing Fall sports in college: field hockey- Alison Bloodsworth, Delmar, Salisbury University; Lauren Correll, Sussex Tech, Salisbury University; Bethany Pavlik, Sussex Tech, Delaware Valley; Lindsay Danz, Sussex Tech, Bloomsburg; Ellen Rowe, Sussex Tech, St. Joseph’s football- Justin Thomas, Delmar, Louisburg College (N.C.); Gaven Parker, Laurel, Salisbury University; Brandon Hudson, Sussex Tech, Salisbury University; Anthony West, Laurel, Wesley College; Kyle Brown, Laurel, Delaware State University; Cody Bristow, Laurel, University of Delaware soccer- Trevor Lee, Seaford, Messiah College; Chris Phillips, Delmar, Wesley College; Jerilyn Idler, Woodbridge, Virginia Wesleyan If you know of a local grad not on this list, please contact sports editor Mike McClure at ot 302-262-9134.

W GOING TO THE GOAL- Christopher Dopler takes the soccer ball to the goal as defender Dylan Murphy gives chase in Saturday’s NYSA soccer game played in Seaford. Photo by Lynn Schofer

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DEFENSIVE STOP- The Laurel Pop Warner Midget football defense stuffs the Sussex Central offense during last Saturday’s game in Laurel. Photo by Mike McClure

Races at Delaware International Speedway are canceled The track crews at the Delaware International Speedway had worked feverishly throughout the day on Saturday to ready the half mile clay oval after heavy rain soaked the grounds on Friday and Friday night. With cars in the pits and fans in the stands it looked as if all their work would pay off but a quick shower around 6 p.m. made all the efforts for nill. Action returns this Saturday night with the Little Lincoln Vintage cars joining the five weekly divisions. Gates open at 5 p.m. with hot laps at 7 p.m.

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pAGe 30

MORNING STAR • SepTeMbeR 17 - 23, 2009

Russell, Bastianelli take the final Bad 8 race at U.S. 13 By Charlie Brown

Two home track veterans held off a strong group of invaders to sweep the Bad 8 on Sunday at the U.S. 13 Dragway. Vernon Russell of Dover, in his ’81 Camaro, took the Bad 8 Full Body and Danny Bastianelli of Georgetown captured the Bad 8 Open Wheel in his “Delaware Destroyer” dragster. Other winners on the day included: David Tucker of Ellendale in Super Pro; Toya Peek of Houston in Pro; Deltrez Davis of Salisbury in Pro Bike; Ken Davis of Seaford in Street; Mike King of Ellendale in Import; Doug Thomas of Ellendale in Bike Trophy; Herby Sullivan of Ridgely, Md. in Jr. Dragster 1 and Brandon Layfield of Salisbury in Jr. Dragster 2. It was the sixth and final Bad 8 program of the season. Russell faced Mark Palmer of Snow Hill in his ’94 Lumina in the Full Body final. Palmer left early and fouled and Russell was on his dial running an 8.646/158.28 on an 8.64 dial for his first win of the season. Low E.T. and Top Speed in qualifying went to Dave Kalb of Clayton in his ’67 Camaro with an 8.152/168.16. The Bad 8 Open Wheel final was contested between Bastianelli and invader Doug Farace of Towson, Md. Farace was too quick and broke out with a 7.216/188.87 on a 7.22 dial and Bastianelli posted his second win of the season

with a 7.537/175.50 on a 7.52 dial. Low E.T. in qualifying was set by Mike Larkin of Salisbury with a 7.105 and Farace set Top Speed at 190.67 mph. 2008 champion, Tucker faced the newly crowned 2009 Super Pro point champion, Sterling Clough of Crisfield in the final. Clough had the advantage at the start with a .006 reaction but Tucker was on his dial and took the win with a 7.822/164.38 on a 7.22 dial. Tucker becomes on the second driver this season to double in the division. Clough was off his dial just a little running an 8.166/163.60 on an 8.11 dial. Semi-finalist was Horace Willey of Bishopville, Md. Peek, in her ’69 Camaro, met Eddie Baker of Salisbury in his ’82 Malibu in the Pro final. Baker was too quick and broke out with an 11.112/118.26 on an 11.13 dial. Peek drove to her first win of the year with a 9.172/140.36 on a 9.16 dial. Semi-finalist was Ernie Fisher of Laurel. Davis rode up against Darryl Gunter of Onancock, Va., in the all-Suzuki Pro Bike final. Davis put a big hole shot on Gunter at the start and rode his first win with a 9.781/114.19 on a 9.50 dial. Gunter ran a 9.628/142.51 on a 9.35 dial. Semi-finalist was Travis Waters of Delmar, Md. Davis had a big advantage right from the start over Lenwood Johnson, Jr. of Dover in the Street final. It was win number five for Davis who ran an

KICKOFF RETURN- Delmar’s Kenneth Harris returns a kick during a recent Pop Warner Junior Pee Wee game against Smyrna. Photo by Mike McClure

11.680/100.73 on an 11.50 dial. Johnson had an 11.826/114.09 on an 11.70 dial. In Import it was King defeating Zach Cordrey of Delmar. King had the better run and posted his first win of the year with a 17.218/80.78 on a 17.12 dial. Cordrey was off his dial with a 15.134/90.47 on a 14.83 dial. Thomas had the better reaction over Ronald Wharton of Parksley, Va., and rode to his first win in Bike Trophy. It was a heads-up run with both riders dialing 10.00 and both breaking out. Thomas was out by less

with a 9.995/138.67. Wharton had a 9.864/140.80. Sullivan was paired against Taylor Cox of Mardela Springs in the Jr. Dragster 1 final. Cox broke out with an 8.893/70.30 on an 8.92 dial. Sullivan got his fourth win with a run of 9.028/70.70 on an 8.97 dial. In Jr. Dragster 2 it was Layfield paired against Jordan Dill of Ellendale. Dill left too early and fouled and Layfield got his second win of the season with a 9.305/56.83 on an 8.21 dial.

Sussex Tech varsity girls’ volleyball team looks to make mark in first year By Mike McClure The Sussex Tech girls’ volleyball team is in its first year as a varsity program, but its players already have a good deal of playing experience, as does its coach, Jon Hearn. Hearn is new to coaching varsity volleyball, but he has been playing the game for the past 23 years and has served as a player/coach. Assistant coach Kim Speicher played volleyball at Seaford, coach Darlene Condon has been involved with the Delaware Juniors program, and coach Beth Light, the school’s nurse, has a daughter who played the sport in high school and college. “We’re just trying to be as positive as possible,” said Hearn, who has around 25 JV and varsity players. “They play very well. They have good skills. They’re just trying to learn each other and build confidence.” The Ravens players include seniors Erica Edwards, Bethany Redman, and Christina Massino, who have played club ball in the Delaware Juniors program; junior Ellie McNatt, sophomore Morgan Messick, and freshman Crystal Loudan, who played at Seaford Christian; freshman Bethany Killmon, who played at Greenwood Mennonite; and sophomore Samantha Hudson, who played for Epworth Christian. Also on the team are seniors Carlina Church and Katina Stamat; junior Cierra Rayne, who also played club ball; sophomore Claire Redman; and freshman Bree Troyer. According to Hearn, the team held its own in a scrimmage and play day in the pre-season. Other than the area’s Christian schools, there aren’t any youth programs in the area to help develop volleyball players. “There’s no feeder program down here except the Christian schools (seventh and eighth grade),” Hearn said. “The key is being positive and getting the program off the ground. I hope that we’re going to be competitive with the Southern Delaware schools.” Sports editor’s note- This story ran in last week’s Star but was missing the name of one of the senior players.

Sussex Tech varsity football tops Spring Ford, 28-7 The Sussex Tech varsity football team opened the season with a 28-7 win over Spring Ford last Friday. Desmond Sivels scored three touchdowns (two one-yard runs and a three yard run) and Brandon Lewis added a 14-yard touchdown run to lead the Ravens.

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MORNING STAR • SepTeMbeR 17 - 23, 2009

pAGe 31

Seaford Bowling Lanes

Mardel ABC

Team Dynasty 20-4 Sandbaggers 16-8 Jaws 15-9 Four Horseman 14-10 Spicer Electric 13-11 3 Plus 1 12-12 Henry’s Furniture 10-14 Three Men and a Babe 10-14 Wroten’s Rollers 4-20 High games and series Jerry Wooters 270 David Spicer 737

Tuesday AM Mixed Fun Bunch The Strikers Sparetimers Pindrops Trouble Getter Dun

6.5-1.5 6-2 5-3 4-4 1.5-6.5 1-7

Wed. A.M. Mixed Seaford Lanes


Lefty Left 3-1 ABC of It 3-1 Two Plus One 2.5-1.5 Jean and the Guys 1.5-2.5 Bee Movie 1-3 Lucky Strikes 1-3 Who Knows 0-4 High games and series Andrew Parlier 299, 714 Judi Uccello 249 Paulette Sammons 645

Tuesday Early Mixed

Cross Fire 6-2 Killer Bees 6-2 Empty Pockets 6-2 Bass Ackwards 5-3 Just Chillin 4-4 Vacationers 4-4 Seaford Moose 3-5 Down N Out 3-5 Dreamers 2-6 4 Bee’s 1-7 High games and series

Joyce Tull 253 Melynda Hitchens 685 Jeff Nelson 275, 735

Club 50

Cowboys 4-0 Pretenders 3-1 Three B’s 3-1 2-1 3-1 The Zips 2-2 All in the Family 2-2 The Untouchables 2-2 Gamblers 2-2 R and K 2-2 Lucky Strikes 2-2 3 Wise Men 1-3 Pinbusters 1-3 Magic Markers 1-3 Three Buddies 0-4 High games and series Fred Phillips 298, 706 Marcia Regan 258 Jane Wilson 710

Baby Blue Jays Team 5 Strikers

3-0 2-1

Hot Shots 2-1 Strikes and Spares 1-2 New Beginnings 1-2 Team 6 0-3 High games and series Christian Whitelock 156 Adin Chambers 289 Brittany Hastings 164, 287


Pin Smashers 4-0 Spare Timers 3-1 Pin Destoryers 2-2 Strike Masters 2-2 Ten Pins 2-2 Strikers 2-2 Dead Eyes 1-3 Late Comers 0-4 High games and series Shane Hallbrook 225 Brad Heritage 587 Abby DeCarlo 227 Becca Ingraham 577

SEAFORD BOWLING LANES Home of Galactic BowlinG



Nylon Capital Shopping Center Seaford, DE

Boys and Girls Club of Western Sussex to form indoor soccer league

The Boys and Girls Club of Western Sussex is forming an indoor soccer league for the winter season. This is a co-ed league ages 3 through 18. The age groups are as follows: Under 6: ages 3, 4, 5 (session one Nov. and Dec., session two Dec. and Jan.); Under 9: ages 6- 8; Under 12- ages 9-11; Under 15- ages 12-14; Under 19- ages 1518. The registration fee is $25 for club members (U6 $15 per session or $25 for both) and $40 for non-club members ($15 covers one year membership dues at the club). Participants may register at the club Monday through Friday, 1:30 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. For more information call the club at 628-3789 and ask for Karen Schreiber.

Shown are members of Twisters Gymnastics of Berlin, which celebrated National Gymnastics Day last Saturday.

Twisters Gymnastics named Junior Compulsory Club of the year

Twisters Gymnastics was named the Junior Olympic Maryland Compulsory Club of the year this past year, which the club celebrated last weekend. The Twisters had 27 individual gymnasts become state champions and help seven of the 35 Maryland State team placements out of the 1,400 gymnasts competing at state meets. Eight of the Twisters teammates earned amazing all around marks above a 38.00. The Twisters also had gymnasts earn 9.9 and celebrated a gymnast scoring a perfect ten last season. The team also had a regional all around champion this season. The Twisters and Carmella’s Kids Learning Center in Berlin offers tots to teens fitness and gymnastics, private lessons, group gymnastics classes, mommy and me’s, birthday parties, and open gyms. The Twisters have an in ground foam pit and trampoline and rock climbing wall as well. Last weekend’s event was also a celebration of National Gymnastics Day, which has two goals: to increase excitement and raise awareness for the sport of gymnastics and to raise money for the Children’s Miracle Network through the Tyson Fitness Challenge. Established in 1999, National Gymnastics Day is a platform to showcase the many benefits of gymnastics, as well as promotes the ideals of physical fitness and community service nationwide.


Coaches and parents are invited to send any team scores that they would like to see featured in the Star. Items can be e-mailed to sports@ or faxed to 302-629-9243.


4x12.45 WEEK 3 09/17/09

Send us your sports scores - it’s easy!


OPENING WINS- Laurel’s Nick Munoz runs through a hole created by offensive lineman Zachary Lynch during the Bulldogs’ season opening win last Friday. Below, Delmar defender MacKenzie Martin looks to pass the ball to Samantha Johnson during last week’s field hockey game in Delmar. Photos by Mike McClure



• SEPTEMBER 17 - 23, 2009



(For Subscribers - Personal Use Only) *Some exceptions such as homes for rent or sale

Deadline: Monday, 2 p.m. Businesses: $4.50 per inch Line ads ($9.00 minimum)

Boxed (Display) Ads: $6.50/inch Legals: $6.50 per inch Not responsible for typographical errors after first insertion


Call: Or E-mail: COMPUTERS


Guitar Lessons available for all ages and music styles. Certified teacher (Music K-12) with 15 years of teaching experience and a Master’s degree in Guitar Performance. First Lesson FREE! Call Doug at 941-518-1640 for more details.

EMPLOYMENT WANTED RAKE LEAVES & CLEAN Gutters $5/hour. 858-1005. 9/10/2t

YARD SALE YARD SALE, You Name The Price! Sat., 9/19, 7 am - 1 pm. Off Rt. 13A in “The Oaks,” 23575 Young St., Seaford. For directions, call 629-7996. 9/17

Delmar Sesquicentennial Town Wide Yard Sale & Farmer’s Market – Vendors wanted for spaces in State Street Park. Sat., 9/26, 6:30am - noon. Spaces $20 ea. Call 846-3079 or 8469574 for more info. 9/17/1t 2-FAMILY YARD SALE! Sat., 9/26, 7 am - noon. Corner Discountland Rd. & Firetower Rd., Laurel. Household, misc., collectibles incl. baseball, glassware & much more! Rain or shine. 9/17

WANTED OLD 4-WHEELER to fix up for my son for Christmas. 841-9311 or 875-2567. 9/17 DONATIONS OF VEHICLES OR BOATS for nonprofit faith-based charity. Our program produces life changing results with troubled young men. Donation is tax deductible. Please call Delaware Teen Challenge, 629-2559. 9/17

AUTOMOTIVE ‘94 MUSTANG, 6 cyl., AT/ OD, good cond., $2500 OBO. 41-5102 or 629-8278. ‘56 FORD CROWN VIC., burgundy & white w/Continental kit, AT, 12 volt, 289 eng. Asking $22,000. Exc. cond. 717-284-4038. 9/17 ‘02 CHEV. CUSTOM VAN “Cobra Conversion,” w/ many options, 350 eng., newly rebuilt trans., full power, dual air cond., DVD player & more. Only $4900. 875-5907, lv. msg. 9/17

CAMPERS/ TRAILERS ‘05 COACHMAN 27’6” & 07 Dodge Ram 4x4 Hemi, 16k mi., 2 yr. factory warranty, call for info. Will split. Must sell or take over payments. 875-3115. 8/13

BOATS 16’ ROWING SHELL GATED MARTINOLI, oar locks, 9.5’ Dreyer carbon fiber oars, dolly; cost new $3700; asking $1750. 3494107. 9/10 ‘06 BAYLINER 18’, 135hp Mercruiser I/O, full canvas w/Bimini top, trailer, less than 0 hrs., $9500. 3370229. 9/3 PRINCECRAFT 20’ Sport Fishing Pontoon Boat w/a Johnson motor 70-2st. w/ trailer & many extras. 6294246, if no ans., lv. msg.

44”, $200. 875-4740. 9/3 SOFA SLEEPER, twin, tan $30. RCA VHS Travel TV $20. Dog Cage for large dog 42x30 $30. Cot w/mattress $20. 875-7312. 9/3 COMPUTER DESK, good cond., $20. 2 Storage shelves, $15 ea. 628-0852. 9/3 ATLAS 12” BAND SAW on coaster stand, extra blades, $150. 846-9788. 93 INT’L. FARMALL Trip 2 bottom plow on tires, new paint, great shape, $250. 846-9788. 9/3 ELIPTICAL EXERCISE BIKE. Wooden swivel TV stand, $20. 875-4641 or 519-2853. 9/3 5-DIGIT #49265, Marco at 875-2090.

BLACK TAG, $900. Contact Brothers Pizza, 8/27


CENT. AIR CONDITIONER, $400. Day or night, 6283878. 8/27

KENMORE FRIDGE - 22 cf., ice maker/water on door. $250 OBO. 875-8677. 9/17

CLOTHES DRYERS, $75 ea. Refrigerator, $75. 6299809. 8/27

ROLL TOP DESK, $250. Coffee table, flip top style, oak, 17”h x 50”l x 30”w, $175. 629-0899 9/17

26” GIRLS’ SCHWINN BIKE, 32 spds., like new, new tires & tubes, $75 OBO. 628-0617. 8/27

GAS FIREPLACE INSERT, never used, $300. 6290899. 9/17

CAMERAS: Minolta 35mm mod QTSI film camera w/ A/F 35-70 Z, exc. cond. $50. Minolta 35mm mod., Maxx 400 SI film, w A/F 2880Z lens, exc. cond., $100. 875-1877. 8/27

SIERRA WOODSTOVE, $85. 846-9788. 9/17 5 OLD 6x9 WOOD PANE WINDOWS, $5 ea. 500 sq. ft. Old Wood Barn horz. lap siding, clean, no nails. $430. 846-9788. 9/17 SEWING MACHINE, Kenmore, almost new w/seat & access. $75. 628-8546. 9/17 FAINTING COUCH, green, good cond., $300. 3370572. 9/10 RUBBERMADE COMBINATION Mail & Paper Box, new, green, $40. 745-5659. 9/10

8” DROP HITCH w/ 2” ball, Class III, $50. 536-1653. 8/27

TRANSPORT CHAIR, red, w/swing away & removable leg support, padded seat & back rest, folds down for storage, 8” front wheels. Only used 6 or 7 times, asking $175. If interested call 629-4246 eves. 9/3

4 TIRES, 185-65R14, exc. cond., $150. 262-0481. 8/13

KITCHEN TABLE, Heavy pine wood, X-type legs, 2 10” leaves, overall 86” x

CAMCORDER: Sony late model high 8,mod CCD 318 w/cable, strap, battery & flip out viewer, exc. cond., $125. 875-1877. 8/27 62” HDTV, bought in 2005 for $4700. Asking $1700 OBO. S.S. Countertop Microwave $100. 4 Computer Monitors $30 ea. OBO. 5361653. 8/27 BLACK SUEDE CHAPS w/ Fringe $50 OBO. 536-1653. 8/27 LG SHIP MODEL, made in Spain, 21.5” L x 24” H, cost $150, selling $50. 6281880. 8/20 2 POTTERY LAMPS, ship’s captain. 42” high, $100 for both. 629-8524. 8/20 LOST IN SPACE Talking Robot w/alien in orig. box, $25. 628-1880. 8/20

ACCORDIAN, Full size, exc. cond., $250. 629-4768, no Sunday calls. 8/20 KIT. TABLE & 6 Chairs, pine/white, $70. Pine/white hutch, $70. 2 dk. wood 2-drawer bedside cabinets $25 ea. or 2 for $45. 6280690. 8/20 SINGER SEWING M/C & cabinet $60. Black 4.6 cubic compact fridge/freezer (as new) $80. Humidifier $25. 628-0690. 8/20 TRANSPORT COMPANION Wheelchair, $50. 6280690. 8/20 BR SET, Pennsylvania House triple dresser w/mirror, chest-on-chest, night stand, mattress & box springs, sheets & access., $2500. 628-8546. 8/13 SEASONED FIREWOOD, mixed hardwood, delivery avail., satisfaction guaranteed. Cords $150; 1/2 cords $75. 853-5095 or 875-3543. 8/13

ANIMALS, ETC. DOG CAGE for large dog 42x30 $30. 875-7312. 9/3 HORSE SADDLE, Blue Ridge Western, 15”, stand, 2 blankets, 2 bridles, helmets, exc. cond., $225. 629-4864. 8/20 DOG KENNELS: Standard, 10’x10’, $75. Heavy duty, 6’x16’, $100. Dog house, $20. 629-4864. 8/20 3 WESTERN SADDLES, Leather, 16” & 15”, $125 ea. Great shape, nice leather, call for pictures. Laurel. 462-7250. 8/13 RHODE ISLAND REDS, 4 mo. old, Americauna (easter egg chickens) & Buff Orpingtons for sale, $10 ea., hens & roosters, Laurel. 462-7250. 8/13 BRED REGISTERED NUBIAN nanny with a registered nubian buck, $200. Laurel 462-7250. 8/13

HOME FOR RENT SINGLE FAMILY HOUSE for rent in MILLSBORO, Available Oct. 1st. $900/ mo. + $900 Sec. Dep. required. Call 302-841-0251 for details. 8/27/4tp



You are hereby notified the below applications will be before: The City of Seaford Board of Adjustment and Appeals for their determination on Wednesday, October 7, 2009 at 12:00 P.M., in the Council Chambers of City Hall, 414 High Street, Seaford, Delaware: Case No. V- 16- 09: Delaware Teen Challenge, Inc. 301-303 N. North Street, zoned R-2 Medium Density Residential, is seeking relief from the Municipal Code, Ch. 15. Zoning Ordinance: 1) Sec. 15-18 Uses by Right to use one apartment as an administrative office; 2) Sec. 15-22 Off Street parking regulations as the structure on this property is built to the property lines; and, 3) Sec. 15-66 Signs in Residential Districts, (a) The following types of signs and no others shall be permitted in R-1, R-2, R-3; (1) Identification signs for farms or estates, schools, churches, hospitals and similar permitted uses other than dwellings, as an identification sign was installed on the structure. Case No. V-17-09: TLT Property Management, LLC, property owners of 620 W. Stein Highway, are seeking a variance from the Zoning Ordinance, Ch. 15, “Sec. 15-40 Uses by Right in C-2 which references Sec. 15-29 Uses by Right in C-1.” The application is submitted on behalf of Immanuel House of Praise, Inc. who propose to establish a church in a vacant unit which formerly housed a carpet store. Case No. V- 18-09: Todd Harris and Robert Richey, property owners of 120 N. Cannon Street, are seeking relief from the Municipal Code, Ch. 15 Zoning Ordinance, “Sec. 15-48e Area and Bulk Requirements” to allow a new single family dwelling to be built on the same footprint as the existing structure which was damaged by fire and will be demolished. Case No. V-19-09: Clarence Street Church of God, property owner of Tax Map and Parcel 331 5.19 152, located on Clarence Street, N. of Woolford and W. of Chandler, is seeking relief from the Zoning Ordinance as follows: 1. A special exception as required by “Sec. 15-20 See LEGALS—page 33


Name of Property Owner: Edward H. Sanders 208B Front Street Seaford, De 19973 The City of Seaford has condemned the below said structure, as per the Notification of Owner dated May 21, 2008 to Troy Roberts, former owner and again on August 24, 2009 to current listed owner of record

pursuant to Section 4-2323(d) of the City of Seaford Housing Code. The structure is found to be unsafe because it is all or part thereof found to be dangerous to life, health, property, or the safety of the public because it is dilapidated, lacks maintenance, is in disrepair, and lacks sanitary and heating facilities, illumination, or other essential equipment. Description of structure: Tax Map and Parcel 431 5.00 363 309 NORTH STREET Seaford DE 19973 Remedies: Such condemned structure shall not be reoccupied without completion of specific corrections of violations.


Large Public On-Site Single Estate Auction Sale Allen & Marshall Auctioneers is pleased to offer the lifelong Living Estate of Alice Sturgis

Sat., Sept. 19, 2009 at 9:33 AM - 8989 Sharptown Rd., LAUREL, Del.


Directions: (From Salisbury and Points South) Travel North on US 13for 11 miles to the intersection of US 13 and DE RT 24. Turn left at light onto DE RT 24 entering Laurel. Travel 2.2 miles through the town of Laurel continuing on Rt. 24 (Sharptown Rd) and arrive at 8989 Sharptown Rd. Auction sale will be on the right hand side of road (if you have traveled past the Laurel Airport you have gone too far.) Signs will be posted. Tools/Boxlots: Craftsman 4HP 18” weed trimmer, Craftsman 6 drawer locking tool box, Crescent 95pcc tool kit, easy roller yard cart, aluminum extension ladder, 40pc combination socket set, pulleys, yard tools, steamer pots, several sheets of OSB board, Avon steins, Dormeyer mixer, Corning ware, kitchen wares, camera tripods, Pelonis room fan, LG Qty of storage totes, Rubbermaid lift top yard bench, LG Qty of Christmas ornaments, animated Santa’s, LG Qty of dog knick knacks and figurines, Rubbermaid yard storage box, framed prints, VHS tapes, approx. 25 Vari-Kennel dog crates and more! Glass/China/Collectables/ Primitives (9:30 am): Tall hand painted Nippon Imperial handled vase, Vintage Empire Express model 550 tin wind up toy airplane, amber swirl lamp with marble base, Ansonia pillared mantle clock, Sessions camelback mantle clock, sm Hull tulip vase, LG cut glass vase, Ingraham mantle clock, Burswood six string classical guitar (nib), Dresden and Lefton figurines, LG Qty of vintage kitchen utensils, needlepoint sampler, carnival glass vase, cut glass compote, blue opalescent hobnail, U.S.S. Saratoga ship model in box, cobalt vase, green depression vase, art glass swirl vase, oil lamps, WWII books, glass covered sanitary cheese preserver, occupied figurines, milk glass hobnail vanity lamp, whiskey crocks, chalk ware piggy bank, Boeing 2707 SST model in box, Texaco fireman’s helmet, toy pistols, bobble heads, Ken Zylla framed duck print, several four and five digit Delaware collector non-active license plates and much more to be discovered!! Furniture (11:00am): Mahogany Empire two glass door bookcase with pillared columns, 4pc J.B. Van Sciver Co. Mahogany pineapple BRS, Mahogany serpentine slant front three drawer desk w/ball in claw foot, child’s Empire leather seat and back rocking chair, 5 drawer tiger Oak dresser w/ carved mirror, antique Mahogany 4 tier bookcase w/ sliding glass doors, Pr of Mersman two tier tapered leg single drawer end tables w/ inlay, Lane waterfall cedar chest, cane seat and back goose neck rocker, antique Oak pie crust beveled mirror, 4 door one drawer Mahogany china cabinet, Mahogany two door one drawer broken arch china cabinet, antique carved Oak beveled mirror, Lane forest green upholstered recliner, Rembrandt brass floor lamp, La-Z-Boy overstuffed recliner, two drawer two door Cherry armoire, Tennessee Furniture Co. cedar chest, 4 drawer Mahogany knee hole desk, brass & jadeite floor lamp, Mahogany three tier bookcase, 3 cushion upholstered sofa, depression era glass door china cabinet w/ fretwork, 4 tier maple book case with sliding doors, Cherry entertainment center, 4pc whitewash French provincial BRS, LG breakfront china cabinet, antique mission Oak table, Mah single door single drawer bookcase, vintage Broyhill 4 door 2 drawer dome top china cabinet, wicker fernery, several flat top shipping trunks, quilt rack, Mah record cabinet, 3pc Limed Oak BRS, small fire fyter floor safe, several 4 drawer metal file cabinets and more! Storage Sheds (12 noon): 12’x24’ storage shed with garage door, rear entry door, windows, and electrical hook ups, 12’x 18’ storage shed with double front entry door, windows, and electric outlets. (Buyer is responsible for moving storage sheds. Sheds must be removed from property no later than 14 days from auction sale.) Terms Personal Property: Cash Or Approved Check Day of sale. Visa/MC/Amex/Discover. 13% Buyer Premium. 3% Discount for cash or check. Everything Sold “As Is” with no warranties of any kind. Auction conducted onsite. Two Auctioneers. Some seating provided. Food served by Station 7 Restaurant of Pittsville, MD.

Sat. Sept. 26th @ 9:33 AM - 17 Tuckahoe Rd, Jefferson Farms, New Castle, DE

Estate of Henry J. Tenaglia. Single Owner ~ 2006 Mercury Mountaineer, Tools, Equipment, Antique and Modern Furniture, Stickley, Glassware, China, Motorbike & more .

Sat. Oct. 3rd @ 10 AM – Onsite Estate Auction – 234 Baker Road, Selbyville, DE

02 Buick Le Sabre, 1979 Chevy Suburban, 1971 GMC Stake Body Dump, Farmall F- Cub tractor, Primitives, Antique/Modern Furniture, Glass, Tools, Farm Equip. & more!

View Website for Additional Information & Pictures!

Allen & Marshall Auctioneers and Appraisers, LLC

“The Auction Experts”

Auctioneer: Dave Allen 410-835-0384 •

Joshua E. Littleton Building Official 09-17-09 9/17/1tc


Little Creek Hundred Case No. 10504 In accordance with Chapter 115, of the Code of Sussex County, a hearing will be held on request for a variance as provided by: Chapter 115, Article IV, Subsection 115-25, Item C of said ordinance of JANET L. WILSON who is seeking a variance from the side yard and rear yard setback requirements, to be located southeast of Road 66, 1.75 miles southwest of Road 455. The hearing will be held in the County Council Chambers, County Administrative Office Building, Georgetown, Delaware, on Monday evening, OCTOBER 19, 2009, at 7:00 P.M. All interested parties should attend and present their views. If unable to attend the public hearing, written comments will be accepted but must be received prior to public hearing. For additional information, contact the Planning and Zoning Department at 302-855-7878. 9/17/1tc

FREE CLASSIFIEDS Personal Items for Sale. No Vendors Please.

Call 629-9788

or send to P.O. Box 1000, Seaford, DE 19973.

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The City issued a Refuse Ordinance Violation for the following property: Property Owner: Phyllis Harmon Location: Tax Map and Parcel 531-13.09-26.00 315A Elm Drive Seaford, DE 19973 The Notification to Owner listed above was dated August 24, 2009 pursuant to Section 10-33 “Notice Procedure” of the City of Seaford Refuse Ordinance. Remedies: All rubbish, as described in the Notice and as defined in the City Refuse Ordinance, must be removed from the property immediately. Joshua E. Littleton Building Official 9/3/3tc


Estate of Philip Nathaniel Davis, Deceased. Notice is hereby given that Letters of Administration upon the estate of Philip Nathaniel Davis who departed this life on the 11th day of July, A.D. 2007 late of Bridgeville, DE were duly granted unto Esselee M. Davis on the 3rd day of September, A.D. 2009, and all persons indebted to the said deceased are required to make payments to the said Administratrix without delay, and all persons having demands against the deceased are required to exhibit and present the same duly probated to the said Administratrix on or before the 11th day of March, A.D. 2008 or abide by the law in this behalf. Administratrix: Esselee M. Davis 307 1st Street Bridgeville, DE 19933 Attorney: Michele Procino-Wells, Esq. Procino Wells 225 High St. Seaford, DE 19973 Gregory Fuller Sr. Register of Wills 9/17/3tc


Estate of Hayward R. Hearn, Deceased. Notice is hereby given that Letters of Testamentary upon the estate of Hayward R. Hearn who departed this life on the 18th day of August, A.D. 2009 late of Seaford, DE were duly granted unto Harold C. Hearn on the 2nd day of September, A.D. 2009, and all persons indebted to the said deceased are required to make payments to the said Executor without delay, and all persons having demands against the deceased are required to exhibit and present the same duly probated to the said Executor on or before the 18th day of April, A.D. 2010 or abide by the law in this behalf. Executor: Harold C. Hearn P.O. Box 7 Bethel, DE 19931 Gregory Fuller Sr. Register of Wills 9/17/3tc


Estate of Joyce E. LeCates, Deceased. Notice is hereby given that Letters of Administration upon the estate of Joyce E. LeCates who departed this life on the 20th day of July, A.D. 2009 late of Laurel, DE were duly granted unto Ann W. LeCates on the 19th day of August, A.D. 2009, and all persons indebted to the said deceased are required to make payments to the said Administratrix without delay, and all persons having demands against the deceased are required to exhibit and present the same duly probated to the said Administratrix on or before the 20th day of March, A.D. 2010 or abide by the law in this behalf. Administratrix: Ann W. LeCates 213 W. 6th St. Laurel, DE 19956 Gregory Fuller Sr. Register of Wills 9/3/3tc


to the Rules heretofore adopted by the City of Seaford. THE CITY OF SEAFORD Dolores J. Slatcher City Manager 9/17/1tc

Name: _________________________________________ Old Address: ____________________________________

_______________________________________________ _______________________________________________ NEW Address

LEGALS - from Page 32

Uses by Special Exception (1)/Sec. 15-14 (4) Church or other place of worship” - to use an existing accessory building as a place of worship. 2. A variance for setbacks for an accessory building as required by “Sec. 15-19 Accessory Uses” (a) which dictates on a corner lot the placement location of the structure in relation to the main building. If these projects are of concern to you and you wish to present your position or evidence, please attend this meeting. You may have counsel attend on your behalf. Issued this 17th day of September 2009 pursuant

• SEPTEMBER 17 - 23, 2009



Name: _________________________________________ New Address: ___________________________________

_______________________________________________ _______________________________________________

Mail to the Seaford/Laurel Star Circulation, PO Box 1000, Seaford, DE or call Karen at 302-629-9788



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MORNING STAR • SepTeMbeR 17 - 23, 2009

pAGe 35

Police Journal Attempt to flee from police

On Monday, Sept. 14, at 2:49 p.m., Sean Mapp, 27, of Goldsboro, Md., attempted to elude State Police in a vehicle pursuit followed by a foot pursuit, after the trooper clocked the suspect for speeding. The trooper was Mapp traveling westbound on Federalsburg Road, west of Bridgeville when the trooper observed a tan jeep Cherokee speeding eastbound on Federalsburg Road at a high rate of speed. When the trooper turned around and activated the emergency lights and sirens, the suspect increased his speed and attempted to avoid capture. Mapp continued to drive aggressively until he crashed into an abandoned house at the corner of Church and North Streets in Bridgeville. After crashing the vehicle, the suspect fled on foot a short distance until he was apprehended by State Police and Bridgeville Police without incident. Mapp was transported to Nanticoke Hospital to receive medical treatment for minor injuries he sustained when he fled from the vehicle. He was released from the hospital and arrested on charges of disregarding a police officer’s signal, possession of marijuana, possession of drug paraphernalia, consumption of a nonnarcotic, resisting arrest, driving under the influence, aggressive driving, and numerous other traffic charges. Mapp was committed to Sussex Correctional Institution after failing to post $2,890 bond.

Robbery, stabbing

On Friday, Sept. 11, the Wicomico County Sheriff’s Office and Wicomico Bureau of Investigation responded to Wise Mart in Sharptown, Md., for an armed robbery. Two unknown individuals entered the store, one brandishing a shotgun and the other a knife. The subject with the knife assaulted the clerk, causing minor injuries, and demanded and received money. The suspects then fled into the parking lot.

The clerk was transported to Peninsula Regional Medical Center in Salisbury. The first suspect was described as a black male, 5’5” to 5’9,” medium build, 160-170 lbs., cream to gray colored jacket with hood, dark colored jeans, dark colored tennis shoes, dark colored gloves, dark colored mask and carrying a shotgun. The second suspect was described as a black male, 5’5” to 5’9,” medium build, 160-170 lbs., black baseball cap with an orange “D” on the hat, navy blue jacket or shirt with white writing on the shoulder, black shirt under jacket, dark colored bandana and/or dark do rag, dark colored jeans, white colored gloves, tan “Timberland” style boots and carrying a large knife. The suspects will be charged with armed robbery, first degree assault, felony theft and related charges. Anyone with information is urged to contact the Wicomico Bureau of Investigation at 410-548-4898 or Crime Solvers at 410-548-1776.

Attempted arson arrest

Delaware State Police and the Delaware State Fire Marshal’s Office have arrested 28-year-old Robert E. Hammond of Millsboro in connection with an attempted arson and domestic related incident that occurred on Sunday, Sept. 13, at 8:51 p.m., on the 30000 block of Firetower Road in Laurel. Robert Hammond was charged with arson, six counts of reckless endangering and violation of a protection from abuse order. He is being held at the Sussex County Correctional Institution under $22,000 cash bond.

Tax fraud and theft

Director of Revenue, Patrick T. Carter, has announced that a Milford woman entered a guilty plea in Kent County Superior Court to charges of tax fraud, theft and perjury. Georgeina B. Ranshaw, 46, pleaded guilty to three felony counts of theft, one felony count of perjury, and one misdemeanor count of willfully failing to file a State of Delaware personal income tax return. She originally was indicted on multiple counts including theft, perjury and failing to file state income tax returns. As a result of the plea, Ranshaw was ordered not to be involved at all in the

BRIDGEVILLE! Nice 4 BR, 2 bath Rancher on perfect country lot! Dining room, sunroom & big backyard! Needs minimal updating, but priced to sell! $159,900.

Gas Lines Prices fluctuate

Gasoline prices eased for motorists for the fourth consecutive week before slightly increasing last Thursday. After decreasing earlier last week, the average U.S. retail price for regular gasoline edged up a penny Thursday to $2.58 a gallon, and held there on Friday. The current price is $1.09 below year-ago prices and $1.53 below the record price of $4.11 set last July, reports the AAA Mid-Atlantic. Crude Oil Prices After dropping almost $5 a barrel last week, crude oil rebounded throughout the week climbing as high as $72.90 in intraday trading Friday, only to fall

true ownership in the cleaning business. The case against Ranshaw resulted from an investigation conducted by the Delaware Attorney General’s Office and the Delaware Division of Revenue’s Criminal Investigation Unit.

Weekly DUI checkpoints continue

Thirty eight individuals were arrested for Driving Under the Influence (DUI) of alcohol and/or drugs over the Labor Day holiday weekend. Twenty of the arrests came as a result of sobriety checkpoints conducted Sept. 3-4, while the remaining 18 DUI arrests resulted from DUI saturation patrols statewide. Agencies conducting checkpoints included the Delaware State Police Troop 4 and the New Castle County DUI Task Force. This was the third and final week of enforcement under the national DUI Crackdown Drunk Driving. Over the Limit. Under Arrest. Delaware’s participation was coordinated locally by the Delaware Office of Highway Safety and involved 13 sobriety checkpoints and hundreds of DUI saturation patrols. Enforcement began on Aug. 22 and continued through Sept. 7. Over the three week period, 31 State, County and municipal police agencies participated in the effort and made a total of 96 DUI arrests. Officers issued a total of Continued on page 41 nearly 4% in late day trading to settle at $69.29. The U.S. dollar hit its lowest level in nearly a year against other major currencies last week, helping crude oil gain more than 5 percent on the week as commodities became more attractive to investors. However, Friday trading saw equities struggle, raising fear about economic recovery and in turn a recovery in energy demand. Oil hit a year-high of $75 a barrel in late August, from below $33 a barrel in December, as global oil demand recovered. Local pricing On Tuesday a few local gas stations were selling regular gasoline for $2.499 a gallon, the same price as a week ago. Two stations in Seaford were selling for $2.649 a gallon.

Regular Unleaded Gasoline & Crude Oil prices

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home health care business nor involved at all in the care or guardianship of the elderly. Ranshaw awaits sentencing on October 27, following a pre-sentence investigation, which will also determine the amount of restitution due the victims. Ranshaw operated Nurses on the Go, which has since gone out of business, and which provided personal care services to elderly and disabled clients in their homes. In addition, Ranshaw operated a cleaning business under the name Littleman’s Cleaning Service based in Milford. Despite generating significant revenue from these businesses, Ranshaw failed to file a state income tax return. Furthermore, investigators say that Ranshaw signed a contract with an insurance association misrepresenting herself as a registered nurse, and practiced nursing in the State of Delaware from October 2001 through December 2008 without a valid license. During this period of time, Ranshaw worked as a caretaker to numerous residents and had access to their finances, and on several occasions she abused this authority by using the victims’ funds for her own purposes. In addition, as part of her plea to the perjury charge, Ranshaw admitted that she attempted to conceal her income from the Division of Revenue by using her grandson’s social security number, under penalties of perjury, on a business license application for Littleman’s Cleaning Service. In doing so, Ranshaw failed to disclose her

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Week Ago

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Week Ago

Year Ago




pAGe 36

MORNING STAR • SepTeMBeR 17 - 23, 2009


STUDENTS RECEIVE COMMENDATIONS - Fifty Sussex Technical High School juniors received Certificates of Distinguished Performance from the Delaware Department of Education for their scores of 5 on last spring’s grade 10 DSTP tests in mathematics, reading and writing. Recipients are, from left: Front row – Jamin Adkins, Harbeson (mathematics); Kaitlyn Adkins, Harbeson (reading and mathematics); Taylor Budke, Seaford (mathematics); Allyssa Bunting, Lewes (mathematics); Heather Bunting, Millsboro (mathematics); Cedric Cannon, Bridgeville (mathematics); and Ryan Cannon, Milton (mathematics); second row – Elton Carrillo, Milford (mathematics); Bradley Collins, Frankford (reading); Bryan Cooper, Ocean View (mathematics); Rachel Crum, Laurel (mathematics); Mayra Cruz, Georgetown (mathematics); Michael Dawson, Frankford (mathematics); and Maxine Fluharty, Millsboro (mathematics); third row – Colleen Folke, Georgetown (reading and mathematics); David Fuller, Georgetown (reading); Myles Gray, Seaford (mathematics); Melanie Hitchens, Laurel (mathematics); Tianna Hutchins, Seaford (reading and mathematics); Jay Jolly, Millsboro (mathematics); Jake Jones, Milford (reading and mathematics); and Nathan Jones, Georgetown (mathematics); fourth row – Matt King, Seaford (mathematics); Aubrey Klick, Lincoln (mathematics); Elliot MacGuire, Rehoboth (mathematics); Anson Marsh, Lewes (mathematics); and Principal Curt Bunting; back row – Kenneth Poole, Delmar (reading); Ben Price, Rehoboth (mathematics); Martin Prieto, Georgetown (mathematics); Emily Ritter, Millsboro (mathematics); Sarah Samaha, Milford (mathematics); Brock Smith, Seaford (mathematics); Parker Stang, Greenwood (mathematics); and Casey Styers, Millsboro (mathematics). Not pictured are: Edgar Aceves, Greenwood (mathematics); Anthony Alvarez, Ellendale (mathematics); Jackson Beckner, Long Neck (mathematics); Craig Chatterton, Dagsboro (mathematics); Jessica Deptula, Georgetown (mathematics); Tyler Edge, Millsboro (mathematics); Jessica Hansen, Laurel (mathematics); Courtney Hastings, Laurel (reading and mathematics); Michael Mather, Seaford (mathematics); Chelsea McHugh, Milton (reading); Michael McHugh, Milton (writing); Kristina Metz, Millsboro (mathematics); Joshua Mueller, Selbyville (mathematics); Marquetta Nelson, Georgetown (reading and writing); Conor Small, Lewes (mathematics); and Autumn Stevens, Laurel (writing and mathematics).

PERFECT SCORES - Sussex Technical High School congratulates 27 seniors who received Distinguished Performance Certificates from the Delaware Department of Education for scoring 5’s on last spring’s science and social studies Delaware State Testing Program (DSTP). From left, front row – Paul Asa, Seaford (science); Aaron Betts, Georgetown (science); Chris Broadhurst, Milton (science); Kurt Browning, Georgetown (science); and Sabree Burbage, Seaford (social studies); second row – Ryan Faucett, Georgetown (science); Robert Gallo, Milton (science); Michael Gorman, Georgetown (science); and Cole Magagnotti, Milton (science and social studies); third row – Nick Phillips, Georgetown (science); Anthony Rousak, Lewes (science and social studies); Jonathan Santon, Georgetown (science and social studies); Lisa Sekscinski, Millsboro (science); and Principal Curt Bunting; back row – Brian Singh, Millsboro (science and social studies); Emily Southmayd, Ocean View (science and social studies); Katina Stamat, Lincoln (social studies); Victoria Suess, Milton (social studies); Matt Wiltshire, Lewes (science and social studies); and Anna Yelverton, Seaford (science). Not pictured are: Andrew Bell, Seaford (science and social studies); Tyler Davidson, Harbeson (science); Ralph Day, Laurel (science); Whitney Ebron, Seaford (science); Dustin Miller, Harrington (science); Brandon Rump, Seaford (science); Jonathan Sharman, Georgetown (science and social studies); and Aja Tenerovich, Lewes (science and social studies).

King’s United Methodist Church



Saturday, Sept. 26 Rain or Shine 10 am to 3 pm

Chunkin awards scholarships Ice Cream Homemade soup Homemade

The World Championship Punkin Chunkin Association awarded a total of $15,500 in scholarships to students this year. The following students, listed by home school and where they will attend college, earned scholarships this year: Michael Nelson, Delaware Technical & Community College (Del Tech); Jacob Burton, Del Tech; Pamela Rayner, Cape Henlopen High School, University of Delaware; William Betts III, Cape Henlopen High School, Delaware Valley College; Stacey Burton, Cape Henlopen High School, Wilmington University; Delia Gott, Del Tech, Boston Architectural College; Sara Russ, Salisbury University, Wilmington College; Emily Vincent, Virginia Tech; Douglas Miller, New Jersey Institute of Technology; Arika Parker, Radians College; Alexander Hauge, New Egypt High School, George Mason University;

Jeffrey Wills, New Egypt High School, Institute of Technology; Amber Heck, Sussex Central High School, Wilmington University; Jeremy Messick, Woodbridge High School, West Virginia University; and Steven Walker, Cape Henelopen High School, Shenandoah University. Eligible applicants are any high school senior attending an accredited Sussex County high school, any high school senior that was listed on the machine registration form entered in the most recent Punkin Chunkin, or any student presently enrolled in a post secondary school or college that graduated from an accredited Sussex County high school. The student should be majoring in agriscience, mechanical technology, engineering, or other Chunkin related field. The deadline for application is March 31 each year. Applications are available online at

GORDY RD., LAUREL For info call 875-7131



OYSTER SANDWICHES Family Fun Bake Barrel Train Rides Fire Engine Sale y a D l Special Guest l A ic s u M l e p s o G Kings Ambassadors

MORNING STAR • SepTeMBeR 17 - 23, 2009

IRS highlights revised education tax breaks online The Internal Revenue Service has launched a new web section highlighting various tax breaks and 529 plan changes designed to help parents and students pay for college. The new Tax Breaks for Education section on includes tips for taking advantage of long-standing education deductions and credits. The “onestop” location for higher education information includes a special section highlighting 529 plans and frequently asked questions. The web section also features two key changes that will be in effect during 2009 and 2010 that were included in the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act (ARRA), enacted earlier this year. One change allows families saving for college to use popular 529 plans to pay for a student’s computer-related technology needs. Under the other change, more parents and students will be able to use a federal education credit to pay part of the cost of college using the new American opportunity credit. “With many families struggling to afford college, we want every eligible taxpayer to know about their options and take advantage of all the tax breaks they can,” IRS Commissioner Doug Shulman said. “529 plans have become a very attractive way to save for college, and our web section is designed to help people get information about these plans. In addition, the new American opportunity credit can help many parents and students pay part of the cost of the first four years of college.” 529 plans expanded Tax-free college savings plans and prepaid tuition programs can be used to buy computer equipment and services for an eligible student during 2009 and 2010. These 529 plans - qualified tuition programs authorized under section 529 of the Internal Revenue Code - have, in recent years, grown as a way for parents and other family members to save for a child’s college education. Though contributions to 529 plans are not deductible, there is also no income limit for contributors. 529 plan distributions are tax-free as long as they are used to pay qualified higher education expenses for a designated beneficiary. Qualified expenses include tuition, required fees, books, supplies, equipment and special needs services. For someone who is at least a half-time student, room and board also qualify. For 2009 and 2010, the ARRA change adds to this list expenses for computer technology and equipment or Internet access and related services to be used by the student while enrolled at an eligible educational institution. Software designed for

sports, games or hobbies does not qualify, unless it is predominantly educational in nature. In general, expenses for computer technology are not qualified expenses for the American opportunity credit, Hope Credit, lifetime learning credit or tuition and fees deduction. States sponsor 529 plans that allow taxpayers to either prepay or contribute to an account for paying a student’s qualified higher education expenses. Similarly, colleges and groups of colleges sponsor 529 plans that allow them to prepay a student’s qualified education expenses. More information about these plans can be found on the new web page on and in Publication 970, Tax Benefits for Education. Credit helps pay for college The American opportunity credit modifies the existing Hope credit for tax years 2009 and 2010, making it available to a broader range of taxpayers. Income guidelines are expanded and required course materials are added to the list of qualified expenses. Many of those eligible will qualify for the maximum annual credit of $2,500 per student. The American opportunity credit, in many cases, offers greater tax savings than existing education tax breaks. Here are some key features of the credit: • Tuition, related fees, books and other required course materials generally qualify. In the past, books usually were not eligible for education-related credits and deductions. • The credit is equal to 100 percent of the first $2,000 spent and 25 percent of the next $2,000. That means the full $2,500 credit may be available to a taxpayer who pays $4,000 or more in qualified expenses for an eligible student. • The full credit is available for taxpayers whose modified adjusted gross income (MAGI) is $80,000 or less (for married couples filing a joint return, the limit is $160,000 or less). The credit is phased out for taxpayers with incomes above these levels. These income limits are higher than under the existing Hope and lifetime learning credits. • Forty percent of the American opportunity credit is refundable. This means that even people who owe no tax can get an annual payment of the credit of up to $1,000 for each eligible student. Existing education-related credits and deductions do not provide a benefit to people who owe no tax. The refundable portion of the credit is not available to any student whose investment income is taxed at the parent’s rate, commonly referred to as the kiddie tax. See Publication 929, Tax Rules for

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Children and Dependents, for details. Eligible parents and students can get the benefit of this credit during the year by having less tax taken out of their paychecks. They can do this by filling out a new Form W-4, claiming additional withholding allowances, and giving it to their employer. For details, use the Withholding Calculator on or see Publication 919, How Do I Adjust My Tax Withholding? Though most taxpayers who pay for post-secondary education will qualify for the American opportunity credit, some will not. The limitations include a married person filing a separate return, regardless of income, joint filers whose MAGI is $180,000 or more and, finally, single taxpayers, heads of household and some widows and widowers whose MAGI is $90,000 or more. There are some post-secondary education expenses that do not qualify for the American opportunity credit. They include expenses paid for a student who, as of the beginning of the tax year, has already completed the first four years of college. That’s because the credit is only allowed for the first four years of post-secondary education. Graduate students still qualify for the lifetime learning credit and the tuition and fees deduction. For details on these and other education-related tax benefits, see Publication 970, Tax Benefits for Education. IRS forms and publications can be viewed or downloaded on or obtained, without charge, by calling toll-free, 1-800-TAX-FORM (829-3676).

we are

pAGe 37

Artist to teach drawing course

Develop or improve your drawing skills in a course offered at Delaware Technical & Community College, Owens Campus. Discover how to sketch what you see and express yourself visually. Anyone can learn to draw. This six-session course is for adults age 50 and older and will be held on Wednesdays from 1 to 4 p.m. beginning Oct. 7. Instructor Ginny Watts is an artist with more than 50 years experience and a member of the National Museum of Women in the Arts in Washington, D.C. For more information contact Delaware Tech’s Adult Plus+ program at 302-856-5618.

Watercolor Elderhostel program

Adults 55 and older can explore watercolor techniques with the Elderhostel program hosted by Delaware Technical & Community College, Owens Campus. Participants will learn transparent watercolor techniques including color mixing, glazing, brushwork and general art principles of composition and perspective. Sketch and paint the white sandy beaches of Ocean City as well as floral and landscape elements. The program will be held Sunday, Oct. 4 through Friday, Oct. 9 at the Holiday Inn Suites in Ocean City, Md. Participants can stay at the hotel or commute daily. Instructor Nancy Carver Thompson is a nationally known artist who has taught sketching, watercolor and acrylic classes and workshops for more than 20 years. For more information contact Delaware Tech’s Adult Plus+ program at 302-8565618.


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People Hilderbrand, Horsey to marry next April

Abbott named to Who’s Who list Candy Abbott, managing partner of Fruitbearer Publishing, LLC, has been recognized by Cambridge Who’s Who for showing dedication, leadership, and excellence in all aspects of publishing. After working as an executive secretary at Delaware Technical & Community College for 28 years, Candy and her husband Drew started Fruitbearer Publishing, LLC in 1999. Committed to transforming rough manuscripts and humble ideas into quality publications, Fruitbearer Publishing is a Christian-based publishing company that produces hard and soft cover books as well as smaller items such as booklets, brochures, business cards and letterheads. Mrs. Abbott credits her experience as an author for her subsequent success as a publisher. Her own titles are Fruitbearer: What Can I Do For You, Lord?, now in its third printing, and Gavin Goodfellow: The Lure of Burnt Swamp, the first book in the Burnt Swamp trilogy, a story designed to engage and equip children as warriors for Christ. She has also had several short stories published. Mrs. Abbott co-founded and directs Delmarva Christian Writers’ Fellowship where she mentors aspiring writers. Mrs. Abbott is also an accomplished speaker. She is a charter member of Southern Delaware Toastmasters, a frequent presenter at Christian writers conferences, and an inspirational speaker for mother-daugh-

Candy Abbott

ter banquets and women’s retreats. Mrs. Abbott is an ordained elder and deacon in the Presbyterian Church and co-founder of an inter-denominational women’s ministry called Sisters in Christ that meets quarterly. She was inducted into the Delaware Tech Employee Hall of Fame in 2009, received the Excellence in Community Service award from Friendship United Methodist Church in 2004, and was named Writer of the Year at the Greater Philadelphia Christian Writers Conference in 2003. For more information, visit or call 302-856-6649.

Morning Star Publications

Holiday Marketing Plan

Ashley Horsey and Kevin Hilderbrand

Mavis and Kevin Scott and Mike and Kathy Horsey, all of Laurel, are pleased to announce the engagement of their daughter, Ashley Ann Horsey, to Kevin Francis Hilderbrand, son of Alice Messick of Seaford and Mike Messick of Laurel. The bride-to-be is a 2004 graduate of Sussex Technical High School. Ashley is the granddaughter of Mr. and Mrs. David G. Horsey and Mr. and Mrs. Marvil A. Tice, all of Laurel. The groom-to-be is a 2003 graduate of Laurel High School and just recently returned home after serving in the U.S. Navy. Kevin is the grandson of Mrs. Elizabeth Hilderbrand of New Castle. The wedding is planned for April 3, 2010. Formal invitations will be issued.

Venables, Rathbone to marry in October

Mrs. Brenda Thomas and Mr. David Venables of Laurel announce the engagement of their daughter, Brittney Nicole Venables, to Michael Garrett Rathbone Jr., the son of Mr. and Mrs. Michael Rathbone Sr. of Bridgeville. Brittney is a 2008 graduate of Laurel Senior High School and is pursuing a degree in photography. Michael is a 2007 graduate of Woodbridge Senior High School and is in the United States Marine Corps, stationed in Camp Pendleton, Calif. The wedding date is set for Oct. 24, 2009. The couple will reside in California after the wedding.

Brittney Venables and Michael Rathbone Jr.

The Seaford and Laurel Star newspapers want to help you with your holiday marketing plans. We have affordable ad rates, special packages and promotions that will help increase sales for your business this shopping season. Contact Bryant Richardson or your sales representative for details. email - or call 302-629-9788

BIRTHDAY CELEBRATION - Mrs. Rosemarie Geoquinto hosted a 93rd birthday celebration luncheon for Mrs. Nancy Smith of Portsville. Pictured around the table from left are Maribell Santos, Ann Collins, Nancy Smith, Dusty Betts, Kathy Brennan and Rosemarie.

MORNING STAR • SepTeMBeR 17 - 23, 2009

Coffee cake first traditional meal eaten after Yom Kippur

We can say “Happy New oretta norr Year” in September as tomorrow Jewish people around the world observe Rosh Hashanah and begin the high holy days, a 10day period that culminates with Yom Kippur, the cream Day of Atonement. 1 cup powdered sugar This is the day when the faith1 tablespoon milk ful pray for peace and reconciliPreheat oven to 350°F. Butter ation with others and with their 12-cup Bundt pan. Mix first five God. It’s marked by 25 hours of ingredients in small bowl. Set nut strict fasting – no food or liquid mixture aside. Sift flour, baking may be consumed. soda, baking powder and salt into It’s understandable that after medium bowl. hours of hunger pangs (and perUsing electric mixer, beat buthaps caffeine withdrawal) there is ter and 1 1/2 cups sugar in large a condition that has been identibowl until blended. Beat in eggs fied as the “Yom Kippur Headone at a time. Mix in vanilla. Mix ache.” Little wonder that many dry ingredients and sour cream relish a large, festive, “break-fast” alternately into butter mixture in with family and friends. three additions. Beat batter on Coffee cakes are very popular high 1 minute. the morning after. You can find Pour 1/3 of batter into premany recipes but none better than pared pan. Sprinkle with half of this one created at Café Zenon in nut mixture. Spoon 1/3 of batter Eugene, Ore. years ago. over. Sprinkle with remaining nut mixture. Spoon remaining batter Sour Cream-Streusel Coffee over. Cake Bake cake until tester inserted Serves 8 to 10 near center comes out clean, 1 1/4 cups coarsely chopped about 1 hour. Cool cake in pan on walnuts rack 10 minutes. Cut around pan 1 1/4 cups (packed) golden sides to loosen cake. Turn cake brown sugar out onto rack and cool 1 hour. 4 1/2 teaspoons ground cinTransfer to platter. namon Whisk powdered sugar and 4 1/2 teaspoons unsweetened milk in small bowl until smooth. cocoa powder Drizzle over coffee cake. Serve 6 tablespoons dried currants slightly warm or at room tem3 cups cake flour perature. (Can be prepared 1 day 1 1/2 teaspoons baking soda ahead. Cool completely. Wrap 1 1/2 teaspoons baking powder in foil and let stand at room tem3/4 teaspoon salt perature.) 3/4 cup (1 1/2 sticks) unsalted Feel free to substitute other butter, room temperature nuts for the walnuts or you may 1 1/2 cups sugar eliminate them entirely. The cur3 large eggs rants are a great addition but if 1 tablespoon vanilla extract raisins aren’t your thing, you can 1 16-ounce container sour leave them out.



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Kennel Club plans fall training

pAGe 39

The Mispillion Kennel Club, Inc. (MKC), member, American Kennel Club (AKC), has released its schedule of fall dog training classes to be held at the old Milford Boys & Girls Club at 7 p.m. on Wednesdays beginning Sept. 23, with Conformation and Agility to be held at its Georgetown location. The Canine Good Citizens/Beginners Obedience Class teaches basic obedience with a goal of having the dogs pass the CGC test at the end of the six-week session. Also on the schedule is an Advanced Beginners Obedience/Introduction to Rally class for those dogs who have already received their CGC certificates or have graduated from basic obedience and whose owners want to refine the skills of their dogs. A Star Puppy Class and Conformation Handling Class will also be offered. The Star Puppy class is a socialization class combined with learning basic commands suitable for puppies between the ages of 12 weeks and five months. A puppy with good temperament that attends all classes can earn an AKC certificate. Conformation handling will be available for owners wishing to train their dogs for AKC dog show competition. The minimum age for dogs in this class is four months. For more information, visit or call Bess Houck at 302-262-0025.

pAGe 40

Charter School hits road block

MORNING STAR • SepTeMbeR 17 - 23, 2009

Letters to the Editor

Natural Discovery Montessori Charter School has hit a road block in its efforts to complete a charter application by Dec. 31. While much progress has been made on the application, the curriculum must be aligned with state standards in a format that was recently shared as being a requirement by the Department of Education (DOE). The time required to develop our specially designed Montessori curriculum is more than what the Board is able to contribute because our time is being utilized on other components of the charter application. As a result, we must outsource this component. Outsourcing is costly but has proven to be successful in other states. In the end, this investment will enhance the success of the school. We are reaching out to the community for help. We must generate $8,500 to have our curriculum aligned with state standards and laid out in the required format by DOE. If you have the ability to assist us with a monetary contribution, we can continue to make tremendous strides in bringing alternative education to Laurel. We know that a project of this magnitude requires the community to come together. Contributions may be sent to NDMCS, 13088 Shiloh Church Road, Laurel, DE 19956. To show our appreciation, your name will be placed on the school’s website as a founding investor and a name tag will hang in the school’s lobby. For more information, call 410-7425052. Thank you for your interest and sincere consideration. Jennifer Whitcomb

Natural Discovery Montessori Charter School

Fundraiser was the effort of many

Stars’ Letters Policy

All letters should include the writer’s name, address and phone number for verification purposes. Names will be published. No unsigned letters will be published. No letters which the management deems to be libelous will be published. The Star reserves the right to edit or reject any letters. Send your letters to Morning Star Publications, PO Box 1000, Seaford, DE 19973, or you may email editor@

high prices fixed by the robber-baron pharmaceuticals. We already have denials of coverage, at the whims of the insurance moguls. We already have triage, at least in hospitals. Triage occurs also in exorbitant prohibitive drug-prices. Yes, we do need reform, especially insurance reform and drug reform. Most are satisfied and happy with their medical situation, medical care — we certainly are. Another item that needs correlative reform is the problem of illegal immigrants. Besides the strain/drain upon the medical system, they create problems in housing, police and fire protection, crime, crowding. Yes, some illegals are here to better their lot, for which they are to be applauded, but there’s a proper way to accomplish this. Does anyone else wonder why our government and both political parties show very little interest in closing the borders, stemming the tide? Has anyone noticed the plethora of professionals, especially doctors, who are foreigners (probably legal)? Historically victor nations transferred conquered nations into other countries to neutralize them. We seem to be neutralizing and transforming our own nation, without being conqueror nor conquered. Transformation will give reformation.

I would like to thank you for the very nice article written on the Chambers Benefit. We really never expected to see it on the front page of the Laurel Star. There is a area of concern for me. As I had stated, the Chambers Benefit was not organized or planned just by myself. This was done by the Chambers Benefit Committee: Linda & Will Derr, Sally & Roland Sanford, Delores & Bill Acker, Bernie Bukowski, John Marinello, Terry Layton, Sandy Vrabec, Lori Bredbenner, and Ann Foskey. These people came together and gave so much of their time and energy and without them this benefit would never had been done. Again, thank you for helping us get the information out there to the community. It really helped.


Ann M. Foskey

Great Fall Sports Program

President American Legion Auxiliary Unit #19

Down side of socialized medicine

Doesn’t anyone realize we already have the symptoms of what most declare are the down side of socialized medicine? We already have long waiting-periods to be seen by the doctor. We already have

Jack and Pat Lucia

I want to commend the Laurel Lions Club, especially the Fall Sports Program committee consisting of Ron Scott, Barry Munoz, Ed Kelley, Bob Jones and Cheryl Jones, on the great job they did putting together the 2009 Laurel High School Fall Sports Program. The program, which is sold at the Lau-

rel Football home games, is one of the best high school programs that I have seen. The program came with a pull out fall sports schedule and a Bulldog Sticker for your car. The portions of the program that were in color really stood out, which included all the fall sports teams pictures. Make sure to go and support the Bulldogs and pick up a Fall Sports Program while you are there. Patrick Vanderslice

Laurel DE 19956

Who kept us safe?

Recently I turned on Fox News to see former Vice-President Chaney reciting his view that “we kept you safe,” etc. This was his attempt to change history. Let us not forget that under Bush and Chaney we lost approximately 3,000 Americans on September 11. He seems to forget approximately 5,000 more Americans died under Bush/ Chaney’s war in Iraq and Afghanistan. Least of all let us not forget the 1,700 dead from Katrina. Add this up and it is the worst record of keeping Americans safe since the Vietnam War. I can still hear former Vice-President Chaney telling us that we would be welcomed with open arms by the people from Iraq. Jim Jestice Laurel

The sky is falling!

To listen to the news lately is to be convinced the sky is falling. We’re at war with Iraq, we’re at war with terrorism, we’re even at war with each other over Health Care. The sky is falling and America is surely crumbling. But the real problem isn’t with America, or terrorism, or the economy, or even with health care. The real problem with the U.S. is with “US.” The real problem is the Grand Canyon sized rift between the so called Conservatives and Liberals. No matter where you look or who you listen to it’s always Them against Us or Us against Them. Politics, like religion, creates and fosters this great divide between people in order to insure control of the masses by a select few. And fear is and always has been the weapon of choice of all would-be dictators. Today the fear of choice is the fear that the Obama administration is going to lead us down the path of total ruin and destruction, and the conservatives are all lined up like the British Army in 1812 ready to attack and pillage Washington. Each time they get someone in their cross-hairs they attack not only that person but the whole administration. Show me a President since Washington who has not had someone around them that the public did not like. How about a fresh and novel idea? Stop being afraid of the future and become a part of creating and shaping it without hate and without fear. Stop being controlled by

the media and the hate mongers and think for yourselves. And one way to start is to stop all this incessant in-fighting and give our President a chance to succeed, or to fail. We elect a President and we’re supposed to back him up with our trust and our support, not with our fears and hatred. Having a different opinion or idea is fine. Debating the issues is fine. But electing someone to office and then turning right around and doing all you can to undermine him isn’t fine. It’s Un-American. Agree, dis-agree, but support! For the betterment of “Us All.” Terry Lowe

Bridgeville, De. 19933

The Public Option

Aside from keeping costs down and providing insurance to those who don’t have it, do you realize the creativity that would be unleashed by the “Public Option.” Workers would not have to stay at jobs they didn’t like, or ones that they felt did not use their talents. Parents would not have to say to their children as they leave the nest, “Get a job with health insurance.” Parents would not have to stay in jobs where the environment is non rewarding and sometimes even hostile because they needed the health insurance offered for their dependents. American citizens could work where they wanted to and be covered by government health insurance. The “Public Option” isn’t Socialism or Communism. It is freedom. I have been covered by government insurance for a very long time. I have just added Medicare (also government health insurance) to my plan. Both are wonderful. My costs are extremely low. I can go to any hospital or doctor I want without asking anyone’s permission and my care is excellent. I think everyone should have what I have. Anyone who doesn’t want it is either very poorly informed, or very foolish. By the way, all those politicians condemning this “Public Option” are themselves covered by a “Public Option” and I doubt you could get any of them to cancel out. Find out why they are enjoying something that they don’t want you to have. Ann Nolan


Letters continued on page 46

Quoteworthy Independence “To know what you prefer, instead of humbly saying ‘Amen’ to what the world tells you to prefer, is to have kept your soul alive.” ~ Robert Louis Stevenson Freedom “Those who deny freedom to others deserve it not for themselves.” ~ Abraham Lincoln

MORNING STAR • SepTeMbeR 17 - 23, 2009

pAGe 41

Police Journal Continued from page 36 20 citations for underage drinking violations, apprehended 36 wanted individuals, made 31 drug arrests, 12 felony arrests, recovered three stolen vehicles, seized two weapons, issued 80 seat belt citations, and just over 1,000 citations for various other traffic violations. Although the national crackdown is over, weekly sobriety checkpoints will continue through New Year’s Eve under the umbrella of OHS’s Checkpoint Strikeforce campaign. Over the Labor Day weekend, several bars in the town of Dewey Beach partnered with the Office of Highway Safety to promote the HERO Campaign for Designated Drivers. Some establishments provided free soft drinks for individuals identified as the designated driver. For weekly and ongoing campaign statistical updates of the Checkpoint Strikeforce campign, visit www.ohs.delaware.

gov and click on the Checkpoint Strikeforce icon in the center of the page or follow OHS on Twitter at DEHighwaySafe.

Safe highway campaign

Thousands of speeding, impaired and unbelted drivers on Delaware roadways this summer were cited as part of a summertime crackdown on traffic violators. The “120 Days of Summer HEAT (Highway Enforcement of Aggressive Traffic)” campaign is a high visibility traffic safety initiative aimed at reducing traffic deaths and injuries in the First State. The umbrella traffic initiative unifies Delaware’s three primary safety campaigns conducted during the summer months - Click It or Ticket, Checkpoint Strikeforce and the Stop Aggressive Driving campaign. Delaware law enforcement officers statewide participated in the various

Transportation Plan hearing in Georgetown September 21

The public is invited to attend the Capital Transportation Program (CTP) open house hearing set for Monday, Sept. 21 from 4 to 7 p.m. at the South District Administration Building in Georgetown. The hearings provide an opportunity to review the current CTP and suggest transportation projects and/or services to be considered for the proposed CTP for Fiscal Years 2011 - 2016. Public input received during the September hearings is crucial to the development of this program. A court reporter will be available to record formal comments. Interested persons are also encouraged to submit written comments during the public hearing process and these also will be included in the formal record of the CTP hearings. At the hearings, various information will be displayed, and there will be opportunities for discussion with DelDOT representatives and other personnel. Interested persons are invited to express their views in writing, giving reasons for support of or in opposition to, the proposed project. Comments will be received during the workshop or can be mailed to DelDOT Public Relations, P.O. Box 778, Dover, DE 19903. This location is accessible to persons having disabilities. Any person having special needs or requiring special aid, such as an interpreter for the hearing impaired, is requested to contact DelDOT by phone or mail one week in advance.

For more information about the hearing contact Public Relations at 1-800-652-5600 (in state) or 302-760-2080 or write to the above address.

Learn about Girl Scouts

The Girl Scouts of the Chesapeake Bay Council invites girls and adults interested in learning more about Girl Scouts to the following events: • Saturday, Sept. 19 - 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. - Skate World, 28393 Seaford Road, Laurel; Cost: $7.50 (includes skating, pizza and soft drink, $2.50 additional skate rental) • Saturday, Sept. 26 - noon to 4 p.m. - Lake Forest Aquatics Center, 5407 Killens Pond Road, Felton; Cost: $5 (includes admission, snack and patch) To learn more about Girl Scouts of the Chesapeake Bay Council, visit or call 1-800-374-9811 or 410-7425107.

Milford VFW requests bids

Blue Hen Post #6483 Milford VFW invites contactors to design and bid on new handicapped bathrooms in the present facilities of the Post Home. The Post Home will be available to contractors for inspection on Monday, Sept. 21 or Monday, Sept. 28 from 4 to 6 p.m. For more information, contact Hank Waulby at 302-422-0963.


“Success consists of going from failure to failure without loss of enthusiasm.” ~ Winston Churchill

campaigns by conducting traffic safety checkpoints and/or roving patrols. OHS and law enforcement began in May with the launch of the 2009 Click It or Ticket campaign. Under that initiative, officers issued 2,012 citations to drivers for seat belt violations. Over the Fourth of July weekend, safety and police agencies turned up the HEAT on impaired drivers with the launch of Checkpoint Strikeforce. The DUI checkpoint program has resulted in 191 DUI arrests since that date. Additionally, officers statewide began conducting DUI saturation patrols as part of a nationwide crackdown on impaired drivers on Aug. 22. Another 37 individuals were arrested for DUI under that effort. On July 6, the HEAT was on aggressive drivers as OHS launched the speed focused Stop Aggressive Driving campaign. Since then, Delaware State Police, New Castle County Police and Dover

89 2 $

Police have issued 3,845 speed citations to drivers. This campaign will continue through the end of October. In addition to the primary arrests in each campaign, officers also collectively made arrests for other serious violations over the last three months including: apprehending 138 wanted individuals, recovering six stolen vehicles, making 127 drug arrests and 80 felony arrests, citing 43 minors for underage drinking violations, recovering 10 weapons, and making arrests for another 42 criminal violations. Currently alcohol-related fatalities are half of what they were at this time last year, speed-related fatal crashes have declined since the Stop Aggressive Driving campaign’s launch from 30% to 18%, and lack of seat belt use in driver and passenger fatalities has declined from 65% in August to 58% since OHS added statewide stepped up enforcement of occupant protection laws last month.




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pAGe 42

MORNING STAR • SepTeMBeR 17 - 23, 2009

Entertainment UD’s Coast Day is October 4 The University of Delaware’s 33rd annual Coast Day promises seafood fans, beach lovers, and anyone interested in the wonders of the sea an opportunity to connect with Delaware’s marine and coastal resources. The free, family-friendly event will take place Sunday, Oct. 4, from 11 a.m. to 5 p.m., rain or shine, at UD’s Hugh R. Sharp Campus in Lewes, Del. This year’s theme, “Climate Change and Our Coast,” will show visitors how UD researchers are tackling many of the region’s and the world’s toughest environmental issues. Visitors can tour ships, meet laboratory scientists who share their research, try hands-on activities and attend lectures on a range of topics. They also can access local chefs’ seafood recipes through the Crab Cake Cook-Off and vote for their

favorite chowder in the Seafood Chowder Challenge. Children can explore the events of the day by going on a treasure hunt that allows them to search for answers to questions about the environment and Coast Day exhibits. Children especially love the opportunity to meet marine animals such as horseshoe crabs at the critter touch tanks. The event, which is sponsored by UD’s College of Earth, Ocean, and Environment (CEOE) and the Delaware Sea Grant College Program, will have an environmentally friendly focus. Guests have the opportunity to sample seafood cook-off entries using biodegradable utensils, park their bikes on campus and purchase reusable tote bags. For more information, visit or call 302-831-8083.

The sounds of summer traffic have faded, and will now give way to the 11th season and 50th performance of Coastal Concerts classical music. The annual world class classical music series takes place in Lewes on five Saturday nights between October and March 2010. Kicking off the season on Oct. 24, The Walden Chamber Players will present an exciting musical journey with oboe and strings. Taking the stage on Nov. 21 is The Colorado Quartet, an award-winning string quartet whose performances have been described as impassioned and lyrical. Saturday, Jan. 30, 2010 brings solo concert pianist Thomas Pandolfi, a prodigious American virtuoso. The Daedalus Quartet returns to Lewes to highlight a very special evening on Feb. 27, 2010, Coastal Concerts’ 50th performance. Musica Pacifica Baroque Ensemble appears on March 27. The group’s

performance pieces range from baroque folk and dance music to exuberant pieces by composers including Bach, Handel and Vivaldi. All concerts begin at 8 p.m. at the Bethel United Methodist Church hall on the corner of West Fourth and Market Streets in Lewes. Tickets are $20, with discounted admission available for series purchases. Youth ages 10 to 18 are given free admission at the door for themselves and one accompanying adult. Series tickets can be purchased online at or by calling 888-212-6458. Individual tickets may be purchased at the door, or in advance at the Lewes Chamber of Commerce, Lewes Gourmet and PUZZLES on Front Street in downtown Lewes. For more information, call Coastal Concerts at 888-212-6458 or visit

The stage in Possum Hall will be busy for the first three weekends in October. Following the six performances of the mainstage production of “An Inspector Calls” during the first two weekends, there will be a staged reading of William Shakespeare’s “Taming of the Shrew” on the following Sunday. “An Inspector Calls” by J.B. Priestley opens on Oct. 2, with performances on Friday through Sunday of that weekend and the next. Rehearsals are well under way, with George Spillane of Lewes at the director’s helm and a cast of experienced local talent portraying this disrupted evening in the Birling household. Family members all take turns being raked over the coals by the strange inspector who interrupts their evening cocktails. Possum recommends reserving tickets early, as seats are already filling up. For those interested in dinner and a show, the theatre has partnered with the Tavern on the Circle restaurant in the Brick Hotel to

offer a joint package for $50. For tickets, contact the Tavern on the Circle directly at 302-856-1836. Performances of An Inspector Calls are Oct. 2, 3, 9 & 10 at 8 p.m. and Oct. 4 & 11 at 2 p.m. Tickets are available for $18 ($17 for seniors or students) by calling the Possum Ticketline at 302-856-4560. After the curtain closes on the final performance of “An Inspector Calls,” New Faces of Shakespeare, a group based at Possum Point Players, will take over the stage. Director Beverly Smith of Seaford procured from the American Shakespeare Center a shorter version of “Taming of the Shrew.” The cast includes regulars from the group that meets monthly at Possum Hall, as well as others from the area’s theatrical community. The performance of Taming of the Shrew is Sunday, Oct. 18 at 3 p.m. Tickets are $5 and may be reserved by calling the Possum Ticketline at 302-856-4560. There will be no assigned seating for this production.

Coastal Concerts begins season

PPP presents new performances

Two Coast Day visitors check out a spider crab at the Coast Day touch tank. Photo by Kathy Atkinson

Ballroom dancing at Del Tech

Acquire or improve your ballroom dancing skills at Delaware Technical & Community College, Owens Campus. Learn how to navigate the dance floor at weddings, proms, cruises and parties. All swing, foxtrot and rhumba classes are held from 7-8 p.m.; cha cha, waltz and tango classes are held from 8-9 p.m. Discover how easy it can be to learn ballroom dancing when the steps are broken down using a fun and easy method. Twelve-session courses for both beginners and intermediate dancers begin on Tuesday, Sept. 22. Not sure ballroom dancing is for you? Beginners can attend a free session on Tuesday, Sept. 15; a free session for intermediate ballroom dancers is offered on Monday, Sept. 21. For more information or to register for a ballroom dancing course or free class, contact Delaware Tech’s Corporate and Community Programs at 302-854-6966.

Dutch Country’s 20th Anniversary

Plan to attend Dutch Country Market’s 20th Anniversary celebration on Saturday, Sept. 26, at 11233 Trussum Pond Road in Laurel. Special events from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. Chainsaw carving, buggy rides, moon bounce, apple butter cooking and more. Call Glenda Petersheim at 302-846-0644 for more information.

Fall plant sale

Get everything you need for your fall gardening at Nanticoke Memorial Hospital’s Look-In Glass Shoppe from 7 a.m. to 4 p.m. on Friday, Sept. 18, at the “East Coast Perennials” plant sale. Join us for savings on mums, bulbs, pansies, pumpkins, Halloween items, gifts, birding supplies and more. The sale will be held rain or shine in the picnic area behind the hospital. All proceeds will benefit Nanticoke Health Services.


OPEN DAILY 8 AM - 9 PM Rt. 13 South, Laurel, 302-875-4404

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We must have been paid to destroy our toys, clothes I have been trying to recall as ony indsor young’uns why me and my brothI think we were so ers, who had very little in the way of destructive we could tear toys and gadgets, up a Superball. were so prone to tearing things up. Raising three boys back in the 1960’s was not an easy task for Mom and Dad, but come Christmas they did all they could to make sure we got toys. Birthdays brought cake and ice cream, but no presents. We got new clothes in September when school started and again at Christmas, other than that it was hand-me-downs or go naked. So, you would think if we only got toys and new clothes at Christmas we would be careful to take care of them throughout the year – not the case. I think we were so destructive we could tear up a Superball. And any young’un who could tear up a ball of concentrated rubber could tear up anything. If we didn’t tear it up, we would lose parts. We never lost the entire toy, just parts of the toy. Come mid-January we would be pushing Tonka trucks around in the yard on three wheels, fire engines without the rubber water shooting hose and using a capshooting pistol minus a trigger. It was not that we were intentionally destructive like Mom and Dad thought, it was more that we just did not take care of things. I don’t know what was wrong with us. I know I was the same with clothes. I would get a new pair of shoes and instead of walking like a normal human being, I would shuffle my feet across the floor like the Hunchback of Notre Dame. I would wear out the sole of my shoes before I got my first report card. By November the toes of my shoes looked like I had used them to kick field goals for the Washington Redskins. What was it about me and my brothers that made us think there would be replacements for our worn and broken toys and clothes? It was not like I could go to Dad and show him my headless Rock-em-Sock-em Robots and he would rush out and get me a new one. If I had done anything like that I would have been lucky to not join my robots in the headless category. It was best to be quiet about broken toys and live with them. That is why we had no problem playing with toys that were lacking many of the useful attachments and parts that originally came with them.



I don’t think Dad was aware that we had broken a toy unless we brought it to his attention, which we did not. It was an unspoken policy in our house – “break a toy, you now own a broken version of the toy that was bought for you,” period. Today we seem to live in a

time when parents will replace broken toys like they own stock in the company. Mom had a policy about buying toys even at Christmas – “no little pieces.” I am still hearing stories from Mom about how she can recall finding spare parts from checkers games, Monopoly and Cootie Bugs in the crevices of the couch

and chairs or clogging up her vacuum cleaner, throughout the entire year. I wish I had been able to keep my toys in one piece to pass down to my son and his kids. Who am I kidding? If I had managed to save any of those toys, I am sure I would have sold them on eBay by now.

DAY & NIGHT Delaware’s seatbelt use rate is down, and more than half of the Delawareans killed in car crashes this year were not wearing seatbelts. So we’re stepping up enforcement, especially after dark. Buckling up can save your life both day and night. Buckle up. It’s the law.




Community Snapshots Shown are field hockey players from the Laurel high school and middle school teams at a picnic at Trap Pond which took place last Sunday. First year varsity coach Donna Ward called the event a huge success.

A HIGHER CALLING- Charlie Mauser of Mt. Pleasant United Methodist Church on Mt. Pleasant Rd. near Laurel is shown working on the church steeple. Pastor Dale Evans said Mauser did some scraping, painting, and repairs to the siding and guttering. Photo by Tina Reaser

TOP CHEF - Ron Breeding, a member of the Woodland United Methodist Church, flips burgers in a food booth set up by the church at Saturday’s Woodland Ferry Festival. Story and photos on page 10. Photo by Lynn R. Parks

DELMAR CHORUS CAR WASH- Members of the Delmar Middle and Senior High chorus are shown during a car wash and fund raiser which took place last Saturday at Hardee’s in Delmar. Proceeds from the car wash and the fund raiser, which took place inside the restaurant, will be used to support the chorus and its activities. Photo by Mike McClure

STRIKE UP THE BAND- The Laurel High School band performs during half-time of the varsity football home opener which took place last Friday night. Photo by Mike McClure

Submit photos for the snapshots page to



Pepper relish and football Doing the Towns Together are two harbingers of fall LAUREL AND DELMAR SOCIALS

There are two things that happen in Laurel to confirm that the fall season has definitely arrived. Just in case one doubts that statement, just drive past any field used for either soccer, football or hockey in Laurel or any other town on the shore and the fact will be confirmed. The second confirmation will enter ones brain when they pass a local church on any given Saturday, especially in late September or during the month of October. Fall festivities are plentiful. Coupled with the regular oyster fritter Saturdays sponsored by either the Laurel Odd Fellows or the Masonic Lodge, there is no reason any housewife should have to think twice about what to serve for dinner on a Saturday night. The members of Christ United Methodist Church have been working feverishly preparing for the revival of their fall festival on Saturday, Oct. 3. Back by popular demand will be the sale of pints of pepper relish. With Bill Nack as chairman of the bazaar this year, members have spent hours sterilizing jars and grinding the peppers and onions that make up the delicacy. There is absolutely nothing more than the fragrance of pepper relish cooking on the top of the stove, to make one become assured that the fall season has arrived. Anyone who has ever had a large vegetable garden during the summer knows the work involved in canning and freezing the produce for the winter. Chuck always had a garden large enough to feed 10 families, and we prepared the veggies for use during the fall and winter. Hours were spent hoeing, weeding, fertilizing, picking the fresh veggies, scalding, peeling, boiling, grinding and preparing the fruits of the garden for the freezer or canning shelves in our basement. There are definitely two types of housewives. One is the group (my former group) who enjoyed the freezing/canning process. It was definitely a lot of work but paid off in the winter. The other group is those who definitely hated the thought of either freezing or canning — to each his own. However, as much as I enjoyed those days, it was always heartwarming to have the house filled with the fragrance of pepper relish boiling in a huge canning kettle on the stove. That fragrance heralded the arrival of fall and the storage of canning equipment for another season — a very welcome period. Pepper relish pints will be for sale at Christ Church along with a wide variety of

Moments With Mike Virginia ‘Mike’ Barton baked goods prepared by the good cooks of this old Methodist Church. The Christmas and fall crafts area always attract a large crowd. Also offered will be scrapple sandwiches from 9 a.m. to 10:30 a.m., and a luncheon offering homemade vegetable soup, chicken salad sandwiches and a wide assortment of freshly baked pies. Some of those helping Billy Nack with the production include Marti Seale, Lucy Lutz, Betty Ringrose, Lynn Bradley, Joyce Baer, Shirley Somers, Barbara Joseph, Ruth Matthews, Kay Jones and other members of the old gray stone church located on South Central Avenue in Laurel. What better way to spend a fall Saturday than by attending a Peewee Football game and then going to Christ Church for the bazaar and lunch? Peewee football is the best game to watch. The players are so enthusiastic; they run down the field like a deer with a hunter in pursuit. When our sons were very young, we trudged out to the North Laurel School field each Saturday to watch them participate in Little League football. What an experience that was! Some of their coaches were Big Ed Riggin, Big Tom Whaley and Roland Wingate. Those men, and the others who worked with the young kids, deserved a great deal of credit for working with the kids. At that time, uniforms were unheard of. All the players needed were a pair of shoulder pads, a helmet and shoes with cleats. They were a rather rag-tag bunch, but they played hard and loved every minute of the game. All these years later, the games and players are more organized, and out-fitted. But, one thing sure — the enthusiasm of the players in the Pop Warner Midget team (with a winning streak of 80 games going back to September of 2001), and the Laurel Pop Warner junior Pee Wee team, has not changed. Looking for something to brighten your day? Go out and support one of these teams. You will definitely be glad you made the effort!

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Sarah Marie TriviTS • 875-3672 The leaves, like miniature, stringless kites are beginning to fall and Autumn activities are beginning to pop up here and there. The Hen House gift shop on Sycamore Road is celebrating the season’s arrival with “Fun on the Farm Day” on Saturday, Sept. 19, from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. A tractor show, pony, carriage and hay rides, plus refreshments are just part of what you can participate in and enjoy at that time — so come out this way for a day of family fun on Saturday. Gene and Sandy Littleton celebrated their 50th wedding anniversary on Sunday, Sept. 6, at the Mimslyn Inn in Luray, Va., recapturing memories at the spot of their wedding night in 1959 — congratulations for the many good years! Leana and Ray Hite of Columbus, Ohio, were recent guests of Leana’s mother, Pat Malinchak in the Shilo Farms area. Pat has had recent knee surgery and is now recuperating at home. Tommy and Donna Miller of Colorado Springs, Co. are spending some time with Tommy’s uncle Joe and Betty Hitchens. Joe is on our prayer list and is now a “ bit under the weather” health wise — we wish him better days ahead. The Tri-State County Chorus members are busy rehearsing these days preparing for a musical variety show that they will be presenting on Oct. 25 at Heritage Shores. This musical event is under the direction of the very gifted Suzanne Layton and there will be more information concerning tickets etc. in the next few weeks. Eleven members of the Laurel Garden Club enjoyed an outing at the East Coast Garden Club on Thursday, Sept. 10. The weather obliged by holding back the rain clouds so they had a great tour and learning session followed by lunch at Baywood Greens.

Bettyann’s request for gifts was very simple — a Smith Island cake, which, I understand she got, and most thoroughly enjoyed. My own social outing this week was a trip to the new bowling alley in Laurel — an establishment that should make our town proud. It’s up to date in every way and the snack bar is one at which you could make a meal complete. I, of course, was just a spectator. Had I tried to bowl after all these years, you’d be visiting me in the orthopedic wing of Nanticoke Hospital. Special happy birthday wishes from all of her Lioness’ buddies to Joan Hart on Sept. 20 with hopes for many more celebrations. Best of luck and wishes galore to Michael Truitt as he celebrates his birthday on Sept. 18 — this, with love from all of his family and friends in Delmar. Michael is currently stationed in Ft. Drum, N.Y. and these wishes will follow the airwaves to him up there. Our deepest sympathy to the family of little Kara Adams who left us recently to become a little angel. Our sympathy also to the family and friends of: Mary P. Hammond, Charles A. Lowe, Jr., “Tony;” Ronald Milton Messick, John C. Torkelson Sr., George Frank Chamberlain, William D. Parsons, Irene Otwell Hills and Tearo B. F. Seymore. We continue with prayers for our service men and women and our friends who are ill: Tom Wright, Joe Hitchens, Wilbert Adams, Elaine Lynch, June Williams, Mary Wilson, Alvin Lutz, Walt Dorman, Harriett MacVeigh, Calvin Hearn, Bob Christian, Conner Niblett, Matthew Littleton, Gene Littleton, Robert Truitt, Joe Messick, Jean Henry, Hattie Puckham, Jean Foskey, Kelly McCrea, Martha Windsor, Jay Green, “Bobbi” Shwed, Donald Layton Sr., Steve Trivits, Dot Murphy, Patrick Starr, Susan Levredge and Cliff Reaser.

Members of the Laurel High School class of ‘57 held a mini-reunion at the Delmar Diner last Saturday evening for reminiscing and news up-dates. Joining them was fellow classmate, Jimmy McGee and his wife Diane, who came up from Florida for the fun of it all. The McGees are former Laurel residents.

Happy September birthday wishes for: Fred O’Neal on Sept. 18; Joyce Nichols, Sept.19; Erline Bailey, Arlene Conaway (21), Madge Thomas (22), Mandy Broderick, Charlotte Coleman, Annabelle Cordrey, Olga Wilson, Harry McIlvaine, and Edgar Sheridan, Sept. 23; Viola Bates and Audrey Curesky, Sept.24.

Bettyann Adams’ birthday was celebrated last Sunday with a family dinner at the home of Marie Adams on Mirey Branch Road.

“No one is in charge of your happiness but you.” See you in the stars.

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MORNING STAR • SepTeMbeR 17 - 23, 2009

Letters to the Editor will the new plan do anything to stop the current plunge to the bottom if the current proposals are simple “deficit neutral”?

Hostility makes no sense, but neither does health care plan

I’m not exactly sure what it is, but as I read Hope Whaley’s letter in the September 10 issue of the Seaford Star, I was again reminded of something that appears to be unique in the Republican view of President Obama. It isn’t so much that the Republican conservatives disagree with him, but that they appear to do so rabidly, literally foaming at the mouth. Their entire hearts

and souls have been so aroused that common courtesy and discourse has long since disappeared. Whether statements made are based upon fact or fiction is entirely irrelevant. Or, whether the statements made have any true significance is irrelevant. The boogieman is in the White House! Get out the lynching rope and let’s go after him, or so it would seem. I think a bit of respect is in order. Rabid monologues reflect badly on those espousing them. Now, to President Obama’s speech before Congress. I was hoping for more. Yes, he strove to the liberal heart, stressing the innate generous character that is America. But, I had problems with a health plan that would not add a dime to the national debt, yet would cost $900 billion over 10 years.

Guest Column Small town kid with big dreams

“Life is funny... but dreams can come true.” An inspirational story for young folks. By Kennedy L. Keenan I am not sure if too many sisters out there take the time to write about and speak so highly of their little brothers, but I will. As a matter of fact, growing up, my parents had to do all they could to keep my brother Zack and I from competing against each other. Whether it was on the sports field or at the dinner table fighting for the last piece of pizza in the box, we were always neck and neck with our daily sibling rivalries. Now, I am 22 years old, and I have come to really admire my 21-year-old younger brother. I hope that perhaps my brother’s story would be an inspiration to other young folks out there to keep trying as hard as they can to swim to the top, despite the many negative outcomes projected daily by the media for our younger generation. At the age of 15 Zack began playing Varsity football for Delmar. Despite being known for being one of the smallest men on the field (little #9), you could always count on him hitting the pads the hardest in order to protect his fellow running backs. However, when the whistle blew at the end of practice, many of his friends, would return home exhausted. Zack, struggling to sit still for long amounts of time to do homework, would anxiously await for the local volunteer fire whistle to go off through the night. It was these short little breaks in homework time that gave him reason to work harder, so that he could graduate and become a career firefighter someday. I do not believe Zack was ever a straight A student, but

Any efforts as to explaining where these savings were going to come from were wantonly missing or illusory, take your pick. And the Republicans have somehow failed to grab onto a sure winner, that, even if the new health care plan won’t cost an “additional” dime, what about the fact that Medicare, as-is, is rapidly driving toward insolvency? We seem to have forgotten in the current battle that the boat is already sinking. Well, almost. President Obama has said that, if we do nothing, we are headed for disaster. Okay. He’s acknowledged the boat is sinking. But how will the new plan do anything to stop the current plunge to the bottom if the current proposals are simple “deficit neutral”?

he did have a passion for something, and by respecting everyone he came in contact with, he continued to work hard to get decent grades so that he could graduate. While juggling math and science studies, he would also read books on how to deliver babies and break into cars with the jaws of life. He knew at a very young age, the talent God had given him to give to the world — firefighting. Moreover, Zack realized graduating high school was something all young folks just have to do in order to set the stage for dreams to come true. And in 2006, he did. He was then a new high school graduate and barely 18, when he decided he would continue to pursue his dream of becoming a career fire fighter on the island of Hawaii. He was an avid surfer and there could be nothing better than firefighting and surfing in Hawaii. Zack lived in Hawaii for almost a year when a sudden tragedy overcame him. Coming back to the states for a short visit near Thanksgiving, Zack was found unconcious in our home by a close friend. Our family had been away on a small trip and hadn’t heard from Zack, who had stayed behind because he didn’t want to miss the good waves coming in from a storm. One of his surfing buddies, had been calling him to go snag some waves, and after failed attempts to reach him, went to our home and found a very sick boy who had been unconcious, in a coma-state, which lasted for nearly three days. It seemed like everyone in the community responded to our house as soon as his name went across the emergency response airways. He was rushed to the hospital by ambulance and was diagnosed with Bacterial Meningitis, a severe influenza attack on the brain and spinal cord. At the young age of 19, he was Continued on page 47

Morning Star Publications Inc.

President Bryant L. Richardson

Editor Daniel Wright Richardson

Seaford, DE 19973

Vice President Pat Murphy

Managing Editor Mike McClure

P.O. Box 1000 • 951 Norman Eskridge Highway 629-9788 • 629-9243 (fax)

Secretary Tina Reaser

Editorial Lynn Parks

After hearing President Obama’s speech, I concluded that he is an excellent orator, but, until he proves otherwise, he seems to lack a bit of Richard J. Daley. “Richard J. who,” you ask? You have to be from Chicago to truly understand what that means. I’m from Chicago, although I’ve lived some 32 years here in Seaford. Chicago politics means “The Machine”. The head of the machine is the mayor, Richard J. Daley, Jr., and his father before him. It is an accepted fact by Chicagoans that the city is run by a machine. How much “you wipe my back and I’ll wipe yours” is there, I don’t know, but I’m thinking a whole lot. So, why do Chicagoans put up with, even favor, the machine? Simple. The city runs like a clock. Illinois is so adept at machine politics that it regularly sends its governors to jail. The best bet Obama has on a Richard J. Daley look-alike is Rahm Emanual, Obama’s Chief of Staff. This is a real head beater type guy, someone that would fit right into the Chicago scene. But then, why shouldn’t he, being from Chicago? I think Obama’s problem is that he’s too much the idealist, the nice guy. Guess that’s why I like him so much. But, he very well may need some real head butting lessons to get his health care bill passed. This bruising battle will certainly toughen him up. As for the Republican opposition, I understand that 80% of the current bills all are agreeable to. It’s that last 20% that’s causing so much grief. That, and a lot of misinformation and, yes, rabid, foaming language that doesn’t help to get the job done. I share the concern that we may not be able to afford everything. So, let’s try to get the best bill we can. We need to get tort reform into the bill. That’s a Republican point and a good one. I’m sure that thoughtful Republicans can offer more good proposals. Like President Obama, I want this to be a bi-partisan bill, something that we can all be proud of. Unfortunately, he has beat his head trying to accomplish this with almost nothing to show for it but a lot of bruises. So, rather than being against, how about offering positive, worthwhile suggestions? What I’m actually hearing is the equivalent of “I’m against eveything. If Jesus Christ were to run for public office, I’d be against him, too.” Richard T. Eger


Carol Kinsley Elaine Schneider Kay Wennberg Composition Cassie Richardson Rita Brex

Sales Rick Cullen Emily Rantz Laura Rogers Doris Shenton Brandon Miller

Morning Star Publications Inc. Subscriptions - $19 a year in-county, $24 a year in Tony Windsor has been serving the Delmarva Circulation Treasurer Kent and New Castle, Del., and Federalsburg, SharpCarol Wright Richardson Cathy Shufelt Karen Cherrix Peninsula since 1996. town and Delmar, Md.; $29 elsewhere out of state. Publishers of the Seaford Star and Laurel Star community newspapers, (Salisbury, Md.) Business Journal and the Morning Star Business Report

MORNING STAR • SepTeMbeR 17 - 23, 2009

pAGe 47

Final Word

Success comes to those who never give up President Barack Obama on September 8 spoke to students at Wakefield High School in Arlington, Virginia. The message was shared with students across America. While he made many good points, one message I think was of particular importance, and that is learning from our failures and not giving up. Following is an excerpt from his speech.

Bryant Richardson Publisher

Whatever you resolve to do, I want you to commit to it. I want you to really work at it. I know that sometimes, you get the sense from TV that you can be rich and successful without any hard work, that your ticket to success is through rapping or basketball or being a reality TV star, when chances are, you’re not going to be any of those things. But the truth is, being successful is hard. You won’t love every subject you study. You won’t click with every teacher. Not every homework assignment will seem completely relevant to your life right this minute. And you won’t necessarily succeed at everything the first time you try. That’s OK. Some of the most successful people in the world are the ones who’ve had the most failures. JK Rowl-

ing’s first Harry Potter book was rejected twelve times before it was finally published. Michael Jordan was cut from his high school basketball team, and he lost hundreds of games and missed thousands of shots during his career. But he once said, “I have failed over and over and over again in my life. And that is why I succeed.” These people succeeded because they understand that you can’t let your failures define you – you have to let them teach you. You have to let them show you what to do differently next time. If you get in trouble, that doesn’t mean you’re a troublemaker, it means you need to try harder to behave. If you get a bad grade, that doesn’t mean you’re stupid, it just means you need to spend more time studying. No one’s born being good at things, you become good at things through hard work. The story of America isn’t about people who quit when things got tough. It’s about people who kept going, who tried harder, who loved their country too much to do anything less than their best. President Barack Obama Submit items by email to us at editor@ Include your name, hometown and a daytime phone number.

Guest Column: Pulling through despite the odds

Continued from page 46 given a 30% chance to live, and was not expected to live for more than two days. Surrounded by the community, our family really came to realize Zack’s effect on people. Young members of the fire department would hold us tightly and tell us that the reason they joined the department to help save lives was because of him. Fellow team mates showed up and filled the waiting room with laughter and lively spirits, some of whom saying that Zack helped them turn to football instead of drugs to get them through school. It meant so much to us that they were all there. Despite the odds, Zack pulled through. He woke up three days later, immediatley flirting with the nurses in hopes to better his chances of them clearing him for a surf trip that he was to attend in California a week later. Of course the doctors did not let him go, knowing he would have to stay in the house for a month afterwards so that he would not be exposed to germs. He was provided with a stay-athome nurse, hooked up to an I.V. and was monitored very closely. Instead of moping around feeling sorry for himself, Zack decided he would open up a Surfing Clothing Line while healing. He named his clothing line “Island Wonderz.” By the time he finished his treatments a month later, and at the age of 20, he was the new designer and owner of Island Wonderz surf-wear. We begged Zack to stay home from Hawaii in order to continue doctor checkups for a complete recovery. So, taking life as it was, Zack decided to apply in a very competitive application

process to become a career firefighter in Salisbury. Completing physical examinations (despite recently being deathly ill) he finished at the top of his class, and did extremely well on his written examinations. A few weeks later, Zack was blessed to be hired as a career firefighter with Salisbury. He still volunteers with Delmar Fire Department as well. His pursuit of happiness doesn’t stop there. He decided, since he could not go to Hawaii due to doctor check-ups, that he would bring Hawaii to the shore. In addition to working as a full-time career fire fighter, Zack, at the age of 21, opened up his own Tanning Salon and Surf Shop named “Island Wonderz” in Delmar. And this week, approaching his one-year anniversary, he will be giving away free tans to any community member who walks through the door in appreciation for all their support over the past couple of years. If you are young and say you cannot dream big in life, think again. The world awaits you. Find the talent that God gave you and use it. This life is so precious. Don’t waste it. I think younger folks need to hear stories like this. This is just a small town kid with big dreams. He has surfed the biggest of waves in the world, survived the lowest of valleys in life, found the job of his life, designed a clothing line, and has opened up a business in the process. Who knows what’s next? Who know’s what is next for any of us? We will never know, unless we give it a try.

11465 Sycamore Rd., Laurel, DE 302-875-6922 (1/2 mi. . 13)

Hrs: Mon.-Sat. 10-5:30; Sun. 12-4

A Day of Family Fun Starts at

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Fun On The Farm Day Saturday, Sept. 19 FAMILY FUN



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567131. $275,000. This one has it all! Pool, hot tub, 2 sheds (8x10 & 10x22), rear screened porch, composite front deck, paved drive, landscaping, fenced rear yard, builtin storage, toilet, utility sink in garage, outside shower & more. Call Wanda Rash’s cell 302-542-8024.

571674. $165,000. Great ranch home on double lot with /22x14 deck, fenced backyard. 30x32 detached garage with/ (2) 10x12 doors, steel 16” eye beam down center, running water & toilet, floored attic in garage. Perfect for mechanic. Call Brenda Rambo’s cell 302-236-2660.

572128. $239,000. 5 Acres of wooded seclusion. Close to Lewes & Georgetown. Beautiful remodeled kitchen, split floor plan, open living area, rear deck & more. Call Angie Zebley’s cell 302-228-7653.

567227. 1 to 52 acre parcels to be subdivided from former Woodland Golf Park. Rolling terrain, ponds, wildlife and seclusion could surround your new home. Call listing agent Kevin Thawley’s cell 302-2586455 today to review the property and reserve your piece of paradise before it is gone.

570672. $99,000. Investor opportunity!! Good rental income. 3 bedroom 1 bath on a nice lot. Call Michelle Mayer’s cell 302-249-7791.

568593 $154,900 Exceptionally well maintained estate sale. Many built in shelves. Pecan cabinet doors. Shade trees, rear patio with/ large backyard. Carport with/ concrete driveway. Call John Williamson’s cell 302-5420289.


558203. $239,500. Priced to Sell! Beautiful home for a growing family. 3 BR 2 1/2 bath Colonial. Upgraded, brand new kitchen, flooring, wiring, insulation, plumbing. Great house! In ground cement pool. Extra large lot 3/4 acre. A must see! Call Dana Caplan’s cell 302-249-5169.

569673 $324,900. 3.94 acres, 20 mins. to the beach. Beautiful home with open floor plan, designer kitchen, huge laundry rm, hardwood and tile floors. Orchard, pond and in ground 20x40 pool. Call Anige Zebley’s cell 302-228-7653.

564557. $145,000. Location, location, location! Close to everything, but with a private wooded lot, no city taxes. Wonderful screened porch provides space for entertaining! Large lot in a quiet neighborhood. All appliances included- ready to move in!! Call Ed Higgins cell 302-841-0283.

567522. $349,900. Something for everyone! 3 BR 2 BA on almost 5 acres! Large shop, in ground pool, hot tub, sauna, and sunroom. Barn for horses, close to the bays and beach, close to everything but just far enough away from anything and no restrictions. Call Patti Haney’s cell 302-462-0710.

571609. $65,000. Lovely home in nice gated community! All appliances included & ceiling fans in every room. Large front deck and nicely landscaped yard. Call Michelle Mayer’s cell 302-249-7791.

571676. $139,900. Brand new ranch ready to move in & call home. Woodbridge School District. Call Brenda Rambo’s cell 302-2362660.

572272. $474,900. Stunning contemporary ranch in lovely development west of Seaford. Only 1 year old, conditioned crawl space. 9’ ceilings, bamboo hdw. floors, walk-up attic with/ possible 3 BR, 1 BA & rec. rm. Great kitchen, screened in porch & patio for entertaining. Call Brenda Rambo’s cell 302-236-2660.

561335. $125,900. New construction town homes at an unbeatable price! Quality built by local builder. Qualifies for $8,000 1st time home buyer tax credit! Call Jessica Bradley’s cell 302-245-7927.

570570. $149,900. Almost new Cape Cod in a nice development. Unfinished 2nd floor has roughed in bath and 2 bedrooms. Plenty of storage! Being sold “AS IS”. Call Wanda Rash’s cell 302542-8024.

570638. $179,900. East side of Rt 13, almost brand new ranch. New siding, appliances and all new flooring. Rear deck in a country setting. This home sits on just under 1 acre. Call Angie Zebley’s cell 302-228-7653.


569828. $189,500. Wellmaintained rancher on 1.21 beautiful country acres. Front porch and enclosed rear porch. 2 sheds, large patio and circular blacktop driveway. Wonderful landscaped yard. Call Wanda Rash’s cell 302-542-8024

reDUCeD 10K

569428. Woodland Ferry Estates. Quiet Location west of Seaford for your new home. 2 acre lots from $69,900 w/no builder tie-in, or let us design a land/home package for you w/ prices starting at $189,900. Call Kevin Thawley’s cell 302-2586455.

565721. $345,000. Beautiful 3 BR, 3 BA home w/ 2-car garage on the 15th hole over looking the water in Heritage Shores. Watch the burning sky w/gorgeous sunsets, upgrades everywhere, flooring, kitchen, lighting w/ bay window, 2 master suites & plenty of extra storage. Call Patti Haney’s cell 302-462-0710.



Bethel: 2 lots, standard septic. $59,900 (each) #568875 Reliance: 2.38 acres. $89,500 #562396 Clearbrooke: No Builder tie-in. $69,900 #568874. Laurel: 100 wooded acres #562713 Call Patti Haney’s cell 302-462-0710.

569845. $149,900. Fantastic den with/ great wet bar & open beams in knotty pine setting. Move in condition. Concrete driveway, ample back yard. Not new but upgraded & well maintained. Call John Williamson’s cell 302-542-0289.



554721. $20,999. Must see! This cozy 3BR 1995 Skyline Mobile on Large Corner-Tree lined lot. Split bedroom plan gives master needed privacy. Lot rent $365 per month & Includes Sewer, water, & trash. Buyer subject to park approval. Call Patti Haney’s cell 302-462-0710.

570634. $249,900. This immaculate rancher awaits you. Featured is a gas fireplace a 15x12 sunroom with hardwood floors. This home also has a 16x12 screen porch and a 24x34 detached garage to store all your necessities. 10x24 storage shed is a bonus. Call Trey Hardesty’s cell 302-236-3344.

Barbara Smith August Top Producer

572148. $229,000. Wonderful community of Branchview. Wellmaintained rancher with full basement. Beautiful lot of almost an acre. 3 BR, 2 BA, 3-season room with much more!! Call Dana Caplan’s cell 302-249-5169.

569104 $270,000. Custom built home designed by an artist situated in the Village of Bethel. This home is a replica of an early 1700 home, but built in 1995. Only steps to Broad Creek. Peace & nature this is the good life! Call Patti Haney’s Cell 302-462-0710.

571776. $285,000. Completely updated in 2004. Home has all the modern conveniences, but retains the character of this charming neighborhood. Antique radiators, radiant floor heating & a fireplace. Designer kitchen w/custom cabinets & premium appliances. Call Kevin Thawley’s cell 302-258-6455.

570615. $285,000. WOW! Custom built home with plenty of room. This 2700 sq. ft. ranch features bamboo hardwood floors, whirlpool tub in master bedroom and a hot tub to relax for those quiet evenings. Plenty of storage with 24x28 garage and a 12x20 storage shed. Call Trey Hardesty’s cell 302-236-3344.

565150. $110,000. 3/4 acre lot with 2 BR, 1 BA home. 2 enclosed porches. Home ready to move in. Estate sale being sold “as-is”. Home is located on rural country road yet close to everything! Call Patti Haney’s cell 302-462-0710.

reDUCeD 30K

565815. $319,000. This lovely 3 BR 3 BA home, views the course at Heritage Shores. Home features a spacious kitchen w/center island, gas fireplace in living rm, bay window in dining rm. Instant hot water system. Call Trey Hardesty’s cell 302-2363344

Now Offering

PrOPerty MaNageMeNt

If you are looking for a Property Manager or a place to rent, give us a call. angie Zebley 302-228-7653 or Michelle Mayer 302-249-7791

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