September 24 2009 L

Page 1

VOL. 14 NO. 8


50 cents

News Community - Laurel’s Community Awareness Day has been scheduled for October 3. Page 3 Lights out - The Laurel Lions’ Club would like to replace the well-known “time/temperature” clock on the corner of Central and Market in Laurel with a digital sign, but a proposed town ordinance may prevent that from happening. Page 4 LegaLity - The Laurel Landlord’s Association has hired an attorney to urge the town of Laurel to reconsider the drafted nuisance ordinance. Page 43 shaRPtoWn - Historic buildings throughout this Nanticoke River town will be open to the public. Page 8 CLuB FoR saLe - Members of the Seaford Golf and Country Club give the directors the authority to sell the club. Page 9 aLumni honoRs - The Distinguished Alumni Award will be presented to three graduates from Delaware Technical & Community College. Page 42 FaLL home imPRoVement - Inside this Edition.

Sports 2-0 - The Laurel varsity football team advanced to 2-0 with a road win over St. Elizabeth last Friday night. Page 24 staRs oF the Week - A Laurel field hockey player and a Delmar football player are this week’s Laurel Stars of the Week. Page 27

INSIDE THE STAR Auto Alley Business Bulletin BoArd ChurCh ClAssifieds eduCAtion finAl Word GAs lines heAlth letters lynn PArks

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BRoWnies - Brownie Troop 710 holds up signs representing their favorite organizations in the town ‘too big for one state’ during Delmar’s Sesquicentennial parade last Sunday. The town will hold a variety of events this week including the closing ceremony and fireworks on Saturday. See addition photos on page 44. Photo by Mike McClure

Delmar residents discuss merits of proposed casino on Route 13 By Mike McClure Less than a week before the town of Delmar looked back on its 150 year history with the week-long Delmar Sesquicentennial Celebration, residents gathered at the fire hall to discuss the town’s future. The Delmar Council held a public meeting at the Delmar Fire Hall last Wednesday night to gauge the residents’ feelings about a proposed casino to be located on Route 13 (across from the Delaware International Speedway).

Around 60 residents attended the meeting, which is the first of several public meetings that will take place during the process. A hand count at the end of the meeting showed a split among the residents in attendance with 27 (including the developer and his wife) in favor of the project, 25 against it, and six undecided. The town also received five written comments against the casino. Developer Jamie Rostocki began the meeting with his presentation on the proposed casino and hotel, which

WHAT’S HAPPENING.... Turn to our Bulletin Board every Thursday to see what’s happening this weekend.

would be located on 131 acres on the western side of Route 13. The project came about as a result of a house bill that was introduced in March which proposed the possibility of adding additional casino venues in the state as a way to generate additional income. The state is expected to make a decision around Dec. 15 (after receiving a Delaware Sports and Video Lottery Commission study). If the state Continued on page 5

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Community comes out to show support for Coach Mark Quillen By Cathy Shufelt Dozens of students, parents and teachers gathered in the Delmar School District conference room during the Delmar Board of Education meeting last Tuesday night to show support for Delmar Middle School Vice Principal Mark Quillen. One by one supporters, many holding back tears, stood up and told board of education members how invaluable Quillen has been as a teacher, coach, and mentor for Delmar students. “It doesn’t feel right without him on the field. He’s like my dad,” said Delmar Senior football player Dante Tingle, “He makes sure I have birthday presents and Christmas presents and that I get home from practice. He has been behind me all the way through school since 7th grade.” Quillen was recently promoted to vice principal after having been a teacher and coach for both the football and lacrosse teams at Delmar. His many new duties as vice principal require much of his time be spent as an administrator working inside the school building, and Quillen had to give up one of his coaching positions. He started the lacrosse program at Delmar and has been its head coach for several years, and the decision was made to relieve Quillen of his assistant coaching position on the football team. “Many students have had experiences with him as a coach, teacher, and as a human being. He has influenced many students in a positive manner. We would like to know why Mark is not on the football

field. Nothing has been formally stated,” said one Delmar parent. Another parent, Michael Dorsey, told board members of the many things Quillen does for students at Delmar and the local community. “The things he does for families in the community, many of us don’t know about. He makes sure they have food in the house, have clothes and shoes to wear to school, and get to and from practice. We need more people like Mark Quillen in the community, and we should take notice of that and learn a lesson from him.” After listening to people voice their support for Quillen, Joanne Gum, president of the Delmar Board of Education, spoke to their concerns by saying, “We want him (Mark) to be as successful an administrator as he has been a coach. He can do even more good for students as an administrator. We will take everything you have said under advisement, and let you know our decision.” Commenting on the overwhelming show of support for his coaching and mentoring skills, Quillen said, “This is a wonderful outpouring of support. Of course I miss the kids and the other coaches, but I will respect the decision of the board whatever it may be. They have given me a wonderful opportunity to do even more for the students here at Delmar.” Quillen has been a teacher and coach in a variety of sports for 21 years, and has worked in several school districts.

Laurel Community Awareness Day will be held on October 3 Laurel’s Community Awareness Day has been scheduled in October. According to Awareness Day founder and chief coordinator, Councilwoman Robin Fisher, the Community Awareness Day is scheduled for Saturday, Oct. 3, beginning at 10 a.m., in Janosik Park, Front St., Laurel. Fisher said the event is slated to have vendors representing a large number of community service organizations, health and social service groups. The focus of the event is to bring as many organizations together as possible in an effort to help members of the public be educated

about various service opportunities available to them and their family. In addition to the service groups represented there will be food, drinks, and live entertainment, including Tony Windsor. There will be door prize giveaways during the day and Johnny Janosik’s World of Furniture has donated a recliner that will be given away as a special door prize during the event. Organizations interested in participating in Laurel’s Community Awareness Day can contact Laurel Operation’s Manager, Jamie Smith, at 302-875-2277. The Oct. 3 event will be from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m.


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Lions’ message center would violate proposed sign ordinance By Tony E. Windsor The Laurel Lions’ Club would like to replace the well-known “time/temperature” clock that has been located downtown near the intersection of Central Avenue and Market Street. However, with new technology the Lions’ Club sign would not only be able to tell citizens the time and temperature, but also share lighted, written messages touting community events and other announcements. There is only one problem, the town is expressing a desire to nix the idea of having any lighted, electronic “message centers” in that area of town; or any area of town that is considered the historic district or zoned for residential. Fred Disharoon, a former Delmar Mayor and a member of the Laurel Lions’ Club says he feels given the prime logistical location of the Lions’ Club sign and its familiarity to the community, new technology should be incorporated to allow the sign to be a message board for the town, rather than simply tell the time and temperature. Recently, the Laurel Planning and Zoning Commission developed a proposed ordinance to control what types of electronic signs can be used in town limits. The legislation has come before the Mayor and Council and a public hearing was held Monday, Sept. 21. Laurel officials want to make sure that modern technology does not conflict with the historic integrity of the community as it pertains to business signs. According to language in the draft of a new ordinance, “animated and electronic message signs and centers are prohibited” in Laurel,

K a t h r y n ’s

except in Commercial Business (CB) and Light Industrial (LI) areas of the town. When the signs are able to be used in the designated areas, they are to be regulated by special conditions monitored by the Laurel Planning and Zoning Commission. Those conditions include: Signs can not flash or strobe. Each message, image or animation displayed by an electronic sign or center can be displayed for no less than eight seconds. Scrolling messages displayed by an electronic sign or center can not scroll at a rate faster than three characters per second. Should the sign malfunction, it must be repaired or shut off within twenty-four hours of the incident. Also, according to the draft of the new code language, all electronic signs and centers, except those erected on property within fifty feet of US 13, must either be off, or keep messages “static, non-scrolling and non-animated” between the hours of 11 p.m. and 7 a.m. Ben Phillips of Phillips Signs in Seaford was in attendance at the Laurel Mayor and Council meeting at the request of the town to provide expertise regarding the new electronic signs. Phillips explained that the Laurel Lions’ Club sign is currently in a state of disrepair. However, he said traditional electronic “time/temperature” signs are now obsolete and have been replaced by the newer “message centers” which make lighted, written announcements. He said it is almost impossible to get the parts that are needed to try and repair the Lions’ Club sign. Phillips said the sign could be replaced with a message

center and simply only use the time and temperature settings, but cautioned that the signs are extremely expensive and it would not be feasible to spend a large amount of money just to use time and temperature. Disharoon asked that in making its decision about the new sign ordinance the council consider allowing the Lions’ Club to upgrade its sign to a message center. “That sign has been there for many years,” he said. “I understand your concern about the downtown historic district. But, if you go to Williamsburg [Va.] you will see they use these new electronic signs and that has even more history than Laurel. I would ask that as you make your decision you give great consideration to what this sign could do for the community. It would have a great impact on the town and create town spirit. There is a lot to be gained.” Councilman Chris Calio said he feels the newer electronic message centers are simply “an evolution” in the transitioning of lighted signs. He said the fact that the Lions’ Club was grandfathered in to allow it to have the lighted time/temperature sign should allow it to use the message centers if that is what is available when repairing the sign. Councilman Donald Phillips agreed and questioned whether the council might be able to recognize a “sense of the council” that would permit that Lions’ Club to use its status as being grandfathered in to utilize a message center sign at its location. Fasano said he feels this would be in violation of the intent of the Planning and Zoning Commission’s reasoning for the new sign ordinance. “There are legal guidelines in this ordinance and they speak

to the equal protection of the businesses. It would be unfair to allow one business to do something that not all businesses would be allowed to do,” he said. Mayor John Shwed agreed with Fasano and said he “could not in good conscience” make a decision to treat one property owner differently than another. “The Laurel Lions’ Club is a wonderful organization and it does wonderful things for our community,” he said. “But we would face danger from allowing one organization to have an electronic message center and not others. If you allow it for one organization you have no right to deny other organizations who makes request.” Phillips told the council that he is impressed with how much thought has gone into the proposed sign ordinance. He said he has worked with other communities that have developed ordinances that seem to work against businesses. “It is important that you not create an ordinance that restricts business owners so much that it makes it difficult to get the proper use out of the new technology. These are tough economic times and businesses need all the help they can get. These signs are a way to advertise and they are extremely expensive, but are also very beneficial to businesses that use them.” Councilwoman Robin Fisher motioned to table a decision on the sign ordinance until the town’s attorney, James Whaeler, has a chance to review the ordinance and determine if there is a way to allow the Laurel Lions’ Club to be grandfathered in with the use of an electronic message board. The council voted to support that measure.



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Laurel Star Published by Morning Star Publications Inc.

951 Norman Eskridge Highway Seaford, DE 19973 (302) 629-9788 • Fax (302) 629-9243 The Laurel Star (USPS #016-427) is published weekly by Morning Star Publications Inc., 951 Norman Eskridge Highway, Seaford, DE 19973. Periodicals postage paid at Dover, DE. Subscriptions are $19 a year in county; $24 a year in Kent and New Castle Counties, Delaware, Delmar, Sharptown and Federalsburg, Maryland; $29 elsewhere. Postmaster: Send address changes to Laurel Star, P.O. Box 1000, Seaford, DE 19973-1000.

















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Public meeting on proposed casino in Delmar held September 16 Continued from page 1

decides that the addition of new venues is feasible, potential projects will need to be ready to go to be considered. The town annexed the property, which is zoned highway commercial, two years ago. It would need to allow a zoning change in order for the project to take place in town. Rostocki said the casino would be like the one in Harrington and would not be Las Vegas style. If it is allowed to move forward, the proposed Delmar project would compete against other casino proposals in Sussex County, including the one in Millsboro which has legislative and town support. According to Rostocki, the casino would provide the following benefits to the town: the town would receive income from property taxes, commercial properties have higher assessment and require less town services, economic stimulus/jobs, new businesses in town, more tax revenue which will provide more services to residents and funds for capital improvements. Not everybody in attendance agreed with Rostocki. Residents were each given three minutes to voice their opinion following Rostocki’s presentation. “This is a family oriented town. Casinos bring crime,” said Delmar (Md.) Commissioner Marlena Hodgins. Hodgins, who called for a public vote/election on the issue, asked the developer who he is representing but he said he couldn’t say. “I am not for it. I’d like to see us find other ways to bring money in,” Delmar

resident Marion Handy said. “This is a family oriented town and there are very few of them left.” “I just do not think its the image Delmar wants itself to have,” added former Delmar (Del.) Mayor Howard Dickerson. “I don’t see where there are any good, high paying jobs coming here.” Resident Melanie Boltz asked what percentage of the casino’s profits will stay in the community. Rostocki said that will be negotiated as time goes on. He added that different municipalities have different deals. Rostocki also estimated that the project will generate an income in the $100,000’s directly and will also have indirect benefits. Boltz, who is opposed to the project, cited the closing of 40 percent of existing restaurants due to casino restaurants as one of the reasons she is against casinos. But not all of the residents are against having a casino in town. Bill Brittingham, a lifelong resident of the town who is also a past Delmar (Del.) mayor, would like to see the tax burden taken off of residential taxpayers. Brittingham also noted the decrease in membership in the town’s civic and community organizations. He believes the project will bring in jobs for Delmar graduates. “Has anybody rode through downtown Delmar lately. Our business already moved out,” Brittingham said. “I look for this to bring more business into Delmar.” “I think the casino is a good idea. There’s nothing left job wise. Where are my children and grandchildren supposed to go for jobs if we don’t bring new things

in?,” said Peggy Bowden, who was born and raised in Delmar but is not a resident. “We’ve got to have some draw to Delmar, Millsboro’s welcoming it (a casino).” Delmar Fire Department President Jay Hammerer reported that the department’s members voted unanimously in favor of the casino. “I think this could be an asset to the town as well as the department,” said Hammerer “This is my town, my small, homey town. Yes, we could use some improvements. What we don’t need is a casino,” Sharon Levadnuk, who has lived in the town for seven years. “I want my nice, homey town and I want it without a casino.” Sam Lowe asked Rostoski about his plans for the Cathell property (the race track). “Anything that can draw people to the facility is a good thing,” Rostocki responded. Rostocki estimated the project would cost $100 to 300 million. He was asked why he is proposing such an expensive project during the current economic times. “it’s not a housing project,” said Rostocki. “The climate to finance those types of projects (the casino and hotel) is good right now.” Rostocki estimated that the casino could generate 1,000 to 2,000 jobs. Delmar (Del.) Mayor John Outten said he was in favor of the casino because the developers could put it north of town and it would have the same affect on the town but the town would have no control over it. “Where will people get their money to gamble with?,” Delmar resident Sharon Cordrey asked. “I can’t afford to gamble

my money. I have to watch every dollar I spend.” “How are we going to compete with Millsboro if they have one?,” Ed Thompson, who owns properties in town, asked. Rostocki said the state probably won’t approve two casinos in Sussex County. The possibility of adding jobs and generating money seemed to be the theme of the night for those in favor of the casino. “We’ve lived here all my life. We need jobs right now,” said lifelong resident Mary Jane Haney. The developer plans to develop a concept plan before getting more public input. The public will be allowed to share its views again before the final plan is presented.

Ed Thompson, a Delmar property owner, questions the feasibility of adding a casino in town during last Wednesday’s special town meeting at the fire hall. Photo by Mike McClure



Business Briefs SBA seeks award nominations

The Small Business Alliance of the Delaware State Chamber of Commerce is accepting nominations for its award of distinction to an individual who has made outstanding contributions to the small business and non-profit organizations of Delaware. The Marvin S. Gilman Bowl will be presented at the annual Superstars in Business Awards luncheon on Nov. 4, at the Hotel du Pont in Wilmington. Nominations are open to all Delawareans and can be made by any organization or individual in the state. Visit to submit your nominations online. Nominations may be mailed to the State Chamber Small Business Alliance, c/o The Superstars in Business Committee, P.O. Box 671, Wilmington, DE 19899-0671. Facts must be included about the nominee’s accomplishments showing their commitment to small businesses in Delaware. The deadline for nominations is Sept. 30. For more information, call Sharon Reardon at 302-655-7221 or e-mail

Flu preparedness guide online

Small Business Administration Administrator Karen Mills and Department of Homeland Security Secretary Janet Napolitano have announced the availability of a preparedness guide designed to assist small businesses in planning for the possibility of an H1N1 flu outbreak this fall. The preparedness guide offers small business employers tools and information to help them plan for and respond flexibly to varying levels of severity of an H1N1 outbreak — which may lead to increased absenteeism, and, if the outbreak becomes more severe, may include restricted service capabilities and supply chain disruptions. Employers are encouraged to put strategies in place now to protect their employees and their businesses in advance of the fall flu season. Included in the preparedness guide are tips on how to write a continuity of operations plan, steps for keeping employees healthy, frequently asked questions about the 2009 H1N1 flu and a list of additional

resources that employers can access online. To download the booklet, visit www.

Chamber selects 2009 Superstars

The Delaware State Chamber of Commerce’s Small Business Alliance has selected the winners of the 2009 Marvin S. Gilman Superstars in Business Awards. The Marvin S. Gilman Superstars in Business Awards, named for one of Delaware’s leading small business entrepreneurs, honor businesses and nonprofit corporations for their outstanding achievements and model approaches to business and management. They are presented to companies that have been in business for at least three years, have no more than 150 employees, and are members of the Delaware State Chamber of Commerce. Awards of Excellence are also granted to deserving companies. The awards ceremony will take place Wednesday, Nov. 4, at a luncheon at the Hotel du Pont’s Gold Ballroom. Former Governor of Delaware Pete du Pont will be the keynote speaker. The 2009 Superstars in Business Award winners are: Home Instead Senior Care (category of up to 25 employees), Landmark Engineering, Inc. (26 to 64 employees), Aloysius Butler & Clark (65 to 150 employees), Catholic Charities Inc. (non-profit organization category) 2009 Awards of Excellence Winners: MySherpa (up to 25 employees), Sussex Printing Corp., DBA The Guide (26 to 64 employees), Colonial Parking (65 to 150 employees), Ronald McDonald House (non-profit organization category) Register to attend the Superstars in Business Luncheon online at www.dscc. com, or call 302-655-7221 to request a registration form. Reservations are $60/members and $75/non-members.

SBA Disaster Loan deadline

The U.S. Small Business Administration reminds small businesses that Oct. 19 is the filing deadline for federal economic injury disaster loans that are available in Kent, New Castle and Sussex counties as a result of drought from June 1 through Sept. 30, 2008.

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Three free workshops are available again to help people find new jobs. These workshops will be held at Trinity Transport, 1201 Bridgeville Highway, Seaford, on Tuesday, Oct. 6, 1-4 p.m.; Tuesday, Oct. 13, 1-4 p.m.; and Tuesday, Oct. 20, 1-4 p.m. Topics for the first workshop are “Overcome the Trauma of Job Loss” and “Maximizing Resources for Your Job Search.” The second workshop will cover “Resume Writing” and “Understanding the Interview Process.” The final workshop will consist of one on one consultations and mock interviews. Registration is limited to 20 participants per workshop. Call RSVP at 856-5815 to register. The workshops are sponsored by DelMarVa SHRM, Delaware Innovation at Work and the Sussex County Retired and Senior Volunteer Program.


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county. Eligible nominees must work in Sussex County. The award applies to contributions to the tourism industry in Sussex County before September 2009. Nomination forms must be received by Southern Delaware Tourism by Monday, Nov. 9. For more information and nomination forms, visit www.visitsoutherndelaware. com/2009_Tourism_Awards.htm or call 302-856-1818.

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SBA’s Economic Injury Disaster Loan (EIDL) program is available to farm-related and nonfarm-related small business concerns, small agricultural cooperatives and most private non-profit organizations of all sizes that suffered financial losses as a direct result of this disaster. Farmers and ranchers are not eligible to apply to SBA, but nurseries are eligible to apply for economic injury disaster loans for losses caused by drought conditions. Eligible small businesses may qualify for loans up to $2 million. These loans are available at a 4 percent interest rate with loan terms up to 30 years. For more information, call SBA’s Customer Service Center at 1-800-6592955 (1-800-877-8339 for the hearingimpaired) Monday through Friday from 8 a.m. to 6 p.m.

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This fall, count on The Star to keep you informed. From local events and shopping coupons to business and local sports news, we’ll fill you in all season long.


All shows subject to change and availability

Regal Salisbury Stadium 16 2322 N. Salisbury Blvd., Salisbury, MD, 410-860-1370 SCHEDULE SHOWN IS FOR FRIDAY, 9/25 Fame . . . . . . . . . . . . .PG . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1:50, 4:30, 7:10, 9:45 Pandorum . . . . . . . . . .R . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .12:25, 2:55, 5:25, 7:55, 10:30 Surrogates . . . . . . . . .PG13 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .12:50, 3:05, 5:20, 7:35, 9:55 Cloudy with a Chance of Meatballs . . . . . . . .PG . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1:00, 3:15, 5:30, 7:45, 10:00 Digital 3D Showtimes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .12:30, 2:45, 5:00, 7:15, 9:30 The Informant . . . . . . .R . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2:00, 4:50, 7:50, 10:25 Jennifer’s Body . . . . . .R . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1:55, 4:45, 7:30, 10:15 Love Happens . . . . . .PG13 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .4:40, 7:20, 9:50 Sorority Row . . . . . . . .R . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1:40, 4:15, 6:50, 9:35 Tyler Perry’s I Can Do Bad All By Myself . . .PG13 . . . . 1:15, 2:15, 3:55, 4:55,6:40, 7:40, 9:20, 10:20 Whiteout . . . . . . . . . . .R . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .9:40 9 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .PG13 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .12:40, 2:50, 5:05, 7:25, 9:35 All About Steve . . . . . .PG13 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1:35, 4:10, 7:05 Final Destination 3D . .R . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .12:55, 3:10, 5:15, 8:00, 10:05 Inglorious Basterds . . .R . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12:25, 3:40, 6:55, 10:10 The Hurt Locker . . . . .R . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12:45, 3:50, 7:00, 10:05

OC = Open Captioned For additional dates and showtimes go to www .fandango .com/21804_movietheatershowtimes

Clayton Theater Dagsboro, Del. 20 732-3744 SCHEDULE SHOWN IS FOR FRIDAY, 9/25 THRU THURSDAY, 10/1 All About Steve . . . . . . . . . . . PG13 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Nightly 7:30, Sunday 2:30 & 7:30 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Closed Monday & Tuesday


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pAGe 8

MORNING STAR • SepTeMBeR 24 - 30, 2009

Sharptown plans Heritage Day event to showcase town’s charm By Lynn R. Parks

The Sharptown Heritage Commission is sponsoring its first Sharptown Heritage Day Saturday. Historic buildings throughout the small Nanticoke River town will be open to the public and the heritage commission’s museum will have displays on the town and its history. Dixie Eddye, a member of the heritage commission, hopes that visitors will leave with an appreciation of its charm and its old-fashioned values. “People here still leave their doors unlocked and children can go out and play without fear,” she said. Until last year, when her dog died, Eddye was able to take it on walks at any time of day or night. “I could go out at 1 or 2 in the morning and never feel afraid,” she said. She also hopes that visitors enjoy walking past the town’s old homes, many of which were built by ship captains during the town’s shipbuilding days. “There was never a lot of wealth or anything fancy here,” she said. “But our houses still have a lot of features that people don’t see much anymore.” The Heritage Day town-wide yard sale will start at 7 Saturday morning. Eddye said that 36 homes have signed up to be part of the yard sale. A tram will be available to take visitors throughout town and to yard sales that are a little out of town. The festival will get underway at 10 a.m. with a parade that will march down Main Street and State Street. Participating in the parade will be the Mardela Springs Middle School and High School band, as well as color guards from the local American Legion post and Boy Scout troop. The Sharptown Museum will be

DGS elects board member

Delaware Guidance Services for Children & Youth, Inc. recently elected Thomas Brown to its board of directors. A Maryland native with master’s degrees from both St. Mary’s University and the University of Baltimore, Brown Brown came to Seaford in 2001 and has been working for Nanticoke Health Services ever since, first as vice president of Corporate Development and more recently as senior vice president. Brown is an active member and former president of both the Nanticoke Rotary Club and the Seaford Chamber of Commerce. He also serves on the board of directors for the Sussex County United Way and the American Heart Association.

open from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. Exhibits will focus on the history of the town and the heritage commission’s book, “Memories of Sharptown,” will be available. The Backfin Banjo Band will perform in front of the museum throughout the day. The local arts council will have an art show and sale. The American Legion post, at State and Taylor streets, will sell oyster sandwiches and local Girl Scouts will have a baked-goods table. Children’s games will be set up in the town park. And the fire hall and the town’s two churches, Asbury United Methodist and Mt. Vernon United Methodist, will be open. Eddye said that the Sharptown Heritage Commission works to make sure people remember the town’s heyday, when it had stores and doctor’s offices and “you could live here quite well without a car.” “At one time, this was a very busy town,” she added. And might be very busy again, at least for one day. “We don’t know how many people to expect,” Eddye said. “But we are thinking maybe 100 or 200 people.” Not a lot of people, compared to the numbers that other area festivals attract. “But that’s OK,” said Eddye. “One hundred or 200 people — that’s a big crowd for us.”

In America, when we get knocked down, we don’t stay down. In the last 80 years, America has experienced 13 economic recessions. And fought back with 13 economic expansions. It was never easy, but it was always possible. If you’re bullish on America, and we are, then you’re bullish on getting up and coming back. That’s not a belief. That’s history.

For your information

Sharptown Heritage Day is Saturday, Sept. 26. A townwide yard sale is from 7 a.m. to 3 p.m. and other activities will go from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. For details, call Dixie Eddye, 410883-2718.

Mrs. Delaware America pageant

The search is on for Mrs. Delaware America 2010. Applicants must be at least 18 years of age and married and a resident of the state (military exceptions allowed). The Mrs. America Pageant system is the most prestigious and wellknown pageant system for married women in the world. The areas of competition are swimsuit, evening gown and personal interview. No performing talent is required. The winner will win an all-expense paid trip to represent the First State in the Mrs. America Pageant in Tucson, Ariz. in September 2010, and be awarded a prize package worth over $5,000. She will have the opportunity to make public appearances throughout the state and be a role model for married women. The pageant will be held on Saturday, Jan. 30, 2010, at the Rehoboth Beach Convention Center. City and town titles are awarded on a first come, first serve basis. The reigning Mrs. Delaware is Cacia Batts, of Middletown. For more information, call 302296-0198 or visit

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MORNING STAR • SepTeMbeR 24 - 30, 2009

pAGe 9

Country Club membership agrees to sell By Lynn R. Parks Members of the Seaford Golf and Country Club have voted to give the board of directors the authority to sell the club property, including the golf course and the clubhouse. Ballots were cast Monday night during a general membership meeting. Charles Butler, president of the board, could not say what the final vote tally was. A vote of 126, a simple majority of club members, was needed to carry the measure. So far, the city of Seaford is the only entity to express interest in buying the club. “We have not had anyone step up and say, ‘I want to buy the club,’ ” Butler said Tuesday morning. “If someone were to come along, we would certainly talk to them.” The board is to meet tonight to discuss its next move. “We need to decide things we need to do to keep the club in operation until a sale happens,” Butler said. Declining membership is forcing the club to consider selling. Current membership is 250; Butler said that the club needs between 350 and 400 members to be healthy. In May 2008, when the country club embarked on a $500,000 renovation, it had about 420 members. The country club currently has a debt of $1.8 million. Proceeds from the sale would go to pay that debt and any additional debt incurred between now and the sale, and then would go to pay back capital con-

struction certificates that members bought. How much members are reimbursed would depend on the amount of the sale price. If a sale goes through, the Seaford Golf and Country Club, a Delaware corporation, would be dissolved. All memberships would be terminated. Monday’s country club membership vote was just the first step in selling the property. “We still have a long row to hoe,” Butler said. “This will be a very complicated process.” The Seaford City Council will have to decide whether the city should move forward with the process. If the city decides to pursue buying the property, the council will eventually have to vote again on whether to make an offer. The procedure will include public hearings, city manager Dolores Slatcher said. Questions that the city will have to answer include the purchase price. “We have no idea of the property’s value,” Slatcher said. They also include how the club property would be used. The property includes a clubhouse, a golf course, tennis courts and a swimming pool. It is possible that the city would operate the course as a public golf course, Slatcher said, and that the clubhouse would be used by the Nanticoke Senior Center. The senior center is currently leasing space in the Western Sussex Boys and Girls Club on Virginia Avenue and that lease will run out in March. And there is another piece of the pro-

cess. The senior center board and members will have to decide whether they would rather move into the clubhouse than build a new facility. Since early spring, members of the senior center have been raising money toward the construction of a new facility. That facility, which would be owned by the senior center, would be built on city property in the Ross Business Park. The senior center has raised about $600,000 toward the estimated $2.37 million cost of building a new center. Lora Schuler, president of the senior center board, said Tuesday morning that board members will need a lot of information before they can put a proposal before the general membership. “We will have to know what is being offered and on what terms,” she said. Christy Pennington, who is heading up the senior center’s fundraising, said Tuesday morning that the center’s three main sources of funding, the Longwood Foundation and the Welfare Foundation, both of which have awarded grants, and the U.S. Department of Agriculture, which would give the senior center a loan, agreed that using an existing building “would be the responsible option.” “They are all OK with the clubhouse, as long as we own it,” she said. “In order to meet our mandate, we need to be owned independently.” Schuler said that the senior center would be able to move right into the clubhouse. But the facility would eventually

require modifications, including construction of a first-floor bathroom. It would also have to be renovated to include a fitness room, Pennington said. “We want to be a life enhancement center and have to have a fitness element,” she added. Pennington said that a particular attraction of the clubhouse is its recentlyrenovated kitchen. The senior center makes 500 meals a week for its members. The clubhouse kitchen and dining room would also allow the senior center to rent out the clubhouse for events, Pennington said. “People in the area are used to using the clubhouse,” she said. “We could continue that and the events would be a revenue generator for us. We would also be serving the community in a way that it needs.”

Sesquicentennial remaining schedule

Thursday, Sept. 24 - town hall open house, 8:30 a.m.; Heritage Museum open 4-6 p.m.; Delmar High School open house with light fare and gospel sing, 6:30 p.m. Friday, Sept. 25 - town hall open house, 8:30 a.m.; Heritage Museum open 11 a.m. to 1 p.m., Delmar High School football game, 7 p.m. Sept. 26 - yard sale at State Street Park (food available), 6 a.m.; block party/car show at North Pennsylvania Ave. 10 a.m. to 4 p.m.; Heritage Museum open 10 a.m. to 4 p.m.; 5-2-1 walk at high school, 4:30 p.m.; high school band to play until closing ceremony, 8 p.m.; closing ceremony at high school with fireworks, 9 p.m.

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MORNING STAR • SepTeMBeR 24 - 30, 2009

County property taxes are due

The deadline for Sussex County property owners to pay their 2009 taxes is just a few days away. Sussex County reminds property owners that Wednesday, Sept. 30, 2009, is the deadline to pay annual County tax bills. Payments received after that are subject to a 1.5 percent penalty. Payments sent by mail must be postmarked no later than Sept. 30. This summer, the County’s Treasury Division issued more than 167,000 annual tax bills totaling an estimated $100.6 million. The bills include County property taxes, as well as County sewer and water, tax ditch and street lighting fees, where applicable. Additionally, tax statements include local school district taxes, which are collected by the County, but turned over to the State of Delaware. Delaware law requires Sussex County to bill property owners for school taxes on behalf of the eight public school districts within the county. Sussex County accepts tax payments by cash, check, money order or credit card. Taxpayers have different options to make their payments and check their tax status. These include: Through lender - Many taxpayers have their annual taxes paid out of escrow accounts by their mortgage lenders. Beginning this year, those property

owners did not receive a paper tax statement from Sussex County. If these taxpayers have any questions regarding the status of their escrow accounts or tax payment, they should contact their lenders. Property owners also can contact the Sussex County tax office at 302-855-7760 or check payment status online at www. propertytaxes/. Online - Payment can be made on the Internet, with the use of most major credit cards or by check. Go to propertytaxes/ and select “Make a Payment” on the left side for more information. By mail - Property owners can mail their tax payments using the return envelopes included in their statements. Bills should be addressed to the Sussex County Treasury Division, PO Box 429, Georgetown, DE 19947. All payments sent by mail must be postmarked by Sept. 30 to avoid the 1.5 percent penalty, per month, on unpaid balances. In person or by phone - The County’s tax office is open weekdays from 8:30 a.m. until 4:30 p.m. The office is located on the second floor, Room 252, of the County Administrative Offices building, 2 The Circle, in Georgetown. For more information, call 302-855-7760.

Delmarva Power requests increase

Delmarva Power has asked the Delaware Public Service Commission (PSC) to authorize an increase in its electric delivery rates to cover the increased cost of operations, maintenance and capital investment. For a residential customer with average usage, the total monthly bill would increase about $5.67 or 4.6 percent.

Wilson later this year to discuss possible actions the state can take to assist fire companies in finding new members. The new law ensures that any person who recklessly kills one of Delaware’s first responders is eligible to be punished to the fullest extent of the law with a charge of first-degree murder. The legislation extends a protection that already existed for law enforcement officers and firefighters to paramedics and EMTs as well.

Tea Party holds Health Care Forum

The Delaware Tea Party will hold a free health care forum at 6:30 p.m. on Wednesday, Sept. 30, at the Laurel Fire Hall located on 10th Street in Laurel. This will be an open, balanced forum where you can get answers to your questions on health care reform. Our panel will consist of experts from local hospitals, physicians, legal, senior and veterans groups. This forum will be made up of voices from many sides of the health care debate and its sole purpose is to help provide accurate information to your questions. For more information, email or call Chris Shirey at 875-5489.

Delivery rates reflect the costs of providing a system and services to move electricity through the poles and wires to customers. The company’s $27.6 million request reflects rising capital investment costs required to continue to provide its Delaware customers with safe and reliable electric service. Delmarva Power officials said a decision on the rate increase request is expected by May 2010.


In the interim, the company said it will implement a 0.36 percent delivery rate increase, effective Nov. 17, 2009, which will be subject to refund following the PSC’s review. Delivery rates are different than supply rates which are adjusted annually for Delmarva Power’s Delaware customers to reflect the cost of power that the company is required to buy on behalf of its customers who have not chosen an alternate supplier.

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Markell honors state’s firefighters

Gov. Jack Markell thanked members of the Delaware Volunteer Firefighters Association recently for their dedication to public service and pledged to work with local companies to boost recruitment. Markell asked local companies to come up with ideas for increasing recruitment to ensure the local volunteer service remains an important part of Delaware’s public safety efforts. The Governor will be meeting with DVFA President Kevin L.

pAGe 11


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pAGe 12

DEDO director talks to chambers By Lynn R. Parks

Under the Markell administration, the Delaware Economic Development Office is focusing on helping small businesses, director Alan Levin told members of the Delmar, Laurel and Seaford chambers of commerce last Monday. He criticized previous administrations as well as the federal government’s economic stimulus program for their focus on big business. “I really believe that small businesses make things happen in Delaware,” Levin said during a breakfast meeting held in a conference room in Johnny Janosik Furniture in Laurel. Big businesses are important for bringing income to an area, he added, “but it’s small business that puts that money back into the community.” Levin’s office recently launched its LIFT program, designed for Delawarebased employers with three to 50 employees that have been in existence for three years or longer. Through the program, businesses can qualify for interest free loans, up to $25,000 over two years, to pay interest on already existing loans. “This can help take the pressure off some people, who then don’t have to worry about paying interest,” Jack Riddle, executive vice president and chief loan officer with Community Bank, told the chamber members. Riddle helped to design the LIFT program for the development office.

Dutch Country Market

MORNING STAR • SepTeMBeR 24 - 30, 2009

At the end of the two years, Riddle said, the business starts paying the loan back to the state. Payback is over five years. Applying for the loan is easy, he added, requiring just a one-page form. Applicants hear back in 24 to 48 hours. And so far, not one request for LIFT funding has been turned down. “This is not for major corporations,” Levin said. “We want to give breathing room to those small businesses that need a little help.” The state has set aside $5 million for the LIFT program, Levin said. “If that’s not enough, we’ll get more,” he said. Levin also said that the state is focused on helping Delaware’s existing businesses to grow. “We’re not traveling around the world looking for new businesses to come here,” he said. “We have the best and the brightest right here in Delaware and that’s who we want to support.” He urged business owners who see opportunity to contact his office. “Don’t wait for us,” he said “You make it happen. We are very strongly committed to cutting red tape so you can do what you need to do to make your business successful.” This was the first joint meeting sponsored by the three western Sussex chambers. “We are hoping to do more of these,” Laurel chamber president Don Dykes said. “Together, we can create a powerhouse in western Sussex County.”

Seasonal flu shots offered

It’s time to get your seasonal flu shot. Influenza is a serious disease that affects many people, including the elderly and those with serious, long-term health problems. Nanticoke Memorial Hospital will be offering seasonal flu shots to individuals 18 and older at Nanticoke Occupational Health (743 Shipley St., Suite F, Seaford) from: 9 a.m. - 12:30 p.m. and 4 - 7:30 p.m. on Wednesday, Oct. 14, Oct. 21, Oct. 28, Nov. 4; and 9 a.m. - 1 p.m. on Friday, Oct. 16, Oct. 23, Oct. 30, and Nov. 6. Cost is $10 per adult. Medicare Part B billing is available with proof of Medicare insurance. Pre-registration is required. Call Nanticoke Occupational Health at 302-629-6875 to pre-register and schedule an appointment.

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pAGe 14

MORNING STAR • SepTeMBeR 24 - 30, 2009




N. Conwell St, Seaford - Great home for 1st Pepper Rd, Georgetown; 4 BR 3 BA time buyer or investor. Currently rented with spacious home on nearly 7 acres, plus barn a good rental income. 4 BR 2 BA. $185,000. with workshop area. Potential to make a great Call Teresa Rogers for an appt. office 855-0500 / cell 236-4807 horse farm. $299,000 Call Kristy Conaway for all the details. Cell 249-0238, office 855-0500.

FUN ON THE FARM DAY - The Hen House in Laurel held their fifth annual Fun on the Farm Day on Saturday, September 19th. Shown here is Wayne Givens, driving a tractor with Jennifer Morley. Photo by Brandon Miller

Evergreen Acres, Millsboro - 3 BR 2 BA Rancher w/ sunroom, & screened porch. Landscaped lot w/ curb appeal. Lots of storage w/fixed stairs & floored attic in 2 car garage. $249,000 Call Teresa Rogers office 855-0500 /cell 236-4807

BETHANY BEACH 32904 S. Coastal Hwy. 302-539-7511 1-800-441-8118

McCaulley St, Ellendale; 3 BR 2 BA Victorian Charmer, immaculate condition, on lg. corner lot. Wrap around sun porch, & many hi-lites from yesteryear! $225,000. Can’t beat the price and quality, go see this with Becky Davis. Office 855-0500 , cell 858-8814.

GEORGETOWN 210 West Market St. 302-855-0500 1-888-421-6521

LEWES 1520 Savannah Rd. 302-645-9215 1-800-421-6521

Opening September 1

. rthur, D.O Meredith A asika, M.D. Samyukta D . novan, M.D Patricia Do e rr e ugu Dayana D .N C.P .P. P EDI A T


John Koennig rides a pony at Fun on the Farm Day at the Hen House. Also shown are Jennifer Morley, Logan Walls, and Jennifer's pony Cheyanne. Photo by Brandon Miller

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MORNING STAR • SepTeMBeR 24 - 30, 2009

pAGe 15

Participants from the 2008 vigil walk

Cancer Care Center holds walk On Monday, Oct. 5, at 7:30 p.m., the community is invited to join Nanticoke Cancer Care Center, the American Cancer Society and the City of Seaford for a vigil walk to Seaford’s Gateway Park to kick off Breast Cancer Awareness Month. The Gateway Park will be decorated in pink lights and ribbons, and each participant will light a candle as we honor survivors remembering those who lost their battle with breast cancer. Representative Daniel Short and Seaford Mayor Ed Butler will be presenting proclamations. Lori Dalton, an elementary teacher, Teacher of the Year recipient, and a breast cancer survivor will be the featured speaker. Lori Lee will share her vocal talents through an inspirational song. Community members are encouraged to wear pink during the walk along a luminary lighted path from Nanticoke Cancer Care Center to Gateway Park.

During October, Nanticoke Memorial Hospital Campus and Mears Health Campus will be “Making Strides Against Breast Cancer, Making Sussex County a Hot Pink Community,” with several activities planned to promote breast cancer awareness. The Wellness Community and the Cancer Care Center will hold a tea at the Hospital’s food court on Friday, Oct. 9 from 2:30 to 4 p.m. On Tuesday, Oct. 27, there will be a community open house at the Mears Health Campus with information on breast health, self-breast exams, and the importance of early detection. Dr. Kathleen Gordon, radiologist, and mammography staff members will answer questions and provide tours. For more information, contact Melinda Huffman, Cancer Screening Nurse Navigator, at 302-629-6615, ext. 3765.

OPEN HOUSE - Solid Image, Inc. in Laurel held an Open House on Wednesday, Sept. 16. From left are Warren Reid, owner; and caterer Bill Wainwright. Photo by Brandon Miller



Community Bulletin Board Festival of Trees Delaware Hospice’s premier fundraiser, the Festival of Trees offers visitors a magnificent display of decorated trees and wreaths and activities for everyone in the family. In Sussex County, the Festival of Trees will be held on Friday, Dec. 4, through Sunday, Dec. 6, at Delaware Technical & Community College in Georgetown. For details call 302-855-2344 or visit www.

Millsboro Kiwanis Basket Bingo The Kiwanis Club of Greater Millsboro will host a Basket Bingo on Saturday, Sept. 26, at the Millsboro Fire Hall on State Street in downtown Millsboro. Proceeds will benefit local children and youth. Doors open at 6 p.m. and games start at 7 p.m. The Basket Bingo features a great selection of Longaberger products, including holiday items and retired items. A 50/50 drawing, raffles, door prizes and refreshments will also be offered. Basket Bingo tickets are $20 in advance and $25 at the door. For ticket reservations or information, call Millsboro Kiwanis at 934-8424 or e-mail gmillsborokiwanis@

Friends fundraiser

SHS Class of ‘64 reunion

Swim lessons offered

The Friends of the Bridgeville Library have another delicious fundraiser to promote. All you have to do is enjoy a meal at the Seaford, Dover, Rehoboth, or Salisbury IHOP locations, any day, any meal. Fill out the comment card, staple your reciept to it and drop it off at The Bridgeville Library, Bridgeville Town Hall, or The Providence Sales Cottage at Heritage Shores.

The Class of 1964 of Seaford High School is having a reunion on Oct. 10, 2009. If you have not been contacted, or need more information call 629-8806.

Western Sussex Boys & Girls Club will offer swim lessons in their heated indoor pool this fall. Instruction is provided by Jeff Ellis Associates swim instructors. Children will be assigned to groups according to their ability. To enroll, children must be 5-years-old or able to touch the bottom of the pool. Each child must also enroll as a Boys & Girls Club member. Lessons are scheduled on Oct. 6-23 (Tuesdays and Thursdays) 5-6 p.m.; Nov. 3-20 (Tuesdays and Fridays) 5:30-6:30 p.m.; and Dec. 1-18 (Tuesdays and Fridays) 5:30-6:30 p.m. Non-JES private lessons are also available for adults and children. For more information or to register, contact Aquatics Director, Paul Dorey, at 628-3789.

People’s Place Fundraiser The Red Hat Lady Bugs of Bridgeville are sponsoring a fashion show fundraiser for the People’s Place, an abused women’s shelter. The event, which will take place on Thursday, Oct. 29, from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. at the Heritage Shores Clubhouse, includes a fashion show (clothing courtesy of Peebles), lunch, Chinese auction, 50/50 and door prizes. Tickets are $20 per person. For ticket information, call 337-9733.

Bethel Historical Society From 5 to 9 p.m., on the second Wednesday of each month through December, the Laurel Pizzaria is generously helping the Bethel Historical Society with an on-going fundraiser. You can pick up a coupon at the restaurant and when you pay the society will receive 10 percent.

SHS Class of ‘79 reunion The Seaford Class of 1979 reunion will be held on Oct. 17. Call Frances at 6292695 for information about reunion and missing persons. We need payment by Oct. 7. Cost is $30 per person.

SHS Class of ‘74 reunion Seaford High School class of 1974 will celebrate their 35th class reunion on Saturday, Oct. 10, at the Seaford Fire Hall. Contact Jan at for more information.

Benefit performance Tate Music Group Artist, Willie Blake Davis, will hold a benefit performance on Sept. 26, at 1 p.m., at Seaford Harley Davidson, Rt. 13 South, Seaford. Davis will be performing songs from his Christian rock album, “Foundation Solid,” at a benefit for fallen Georgetown officer, Chad Spicer. For more information, contact Chris Rutherford at 888-9473 or

Sunkissed Tanning food drive Sunkissed Tanning is currently having a food drive for Laurel families during the Thanksgiving and Christmas holidays. If you bring in five non-perishable items, you wll get a free tan (up to 10 tans). Last year they collected 867 cans and 50 gift bags for children for Christmas. Their goal is to collect 1,000 cans this year. You can donate a toy, too. Sunkissed Tanning is located at Calio’s Plaza in Laurel, and can be reached by calling Margi at 875-1622.

• Seaford Library board meeting on Tuesday, Sept. 29, at 6 p.m. • Baby Bookworms, a story time for infants, Tuesdays at 10:30 a.m. • Toddler Tales, a story time for walkers, Wednesdays at 10:30 a.m. • Story Time for ages 3-5, Thursdays at 10:30 a.m. • The Seaford district Library has joined IHOP in an effort to raise money for the Library. Eat a meal at the Seaford,

King’s United Methodist Church


Hospice plans golf outing The Delaware Hospice Golf Outing will be held on Monday, Oct. 12, at Cripple Creek Golf and Country Club in Dagsboro. A team of four is $500 or $125 per person, which includes green fees, cart, lunch, refreshment cart and awards reception with heavy hors d’oeuvres. The format is a scramble and registration begins at 10 a.m. followed by lunch at 11 a.m. The game begins with a shotgun start at noon and the award reception is at 5:30 p.m. The outing will include the following contests: Putting, Longest Drive, Men & Ladies, Low Gross and Closest to the Pin. Sponsorships are available. Funds raised will help Delaware Hospice continue to provide high quality care to the community. For more information, contact Peggy Dolby at 302-856-7717, ext. 2123,; or www.

Seaford Library

Bingo for Life The Trinity Foundation will host a Longaberger Basket Bingo at the Seaford Moose on Thursday, Oct. 15. Doors open at 6 p.m. for seating and bingo begins at 7 p.m. Tickets can be purchased ahead of time for $20 each or for $25 at the door. Discounted tickets are available for a table of eight purchased in advance for $150. To purchase tickets, call 800-8463400, ext. 3978 or stop by Trinity located at 1201 Bridgeville Highway in Seaford.

Class of ’59 seeks teacher The Class of 1959 is looking for information on one of their teachers, Betty Reynolds. She taught in the Seaford School District. Her son, William Danz Reynolds graduated with the class of 1959. If you have any information, contact Delores Hitch Lloyd at 629-8177 or 6294531.

Read Aloud training Read Aloud Delaware volunteer training session will be held Wednesday, Sept. 30, at 1 p.m. in the Seaford Public Library, 402-North Porter St., Seaford. Call 8562527 to sign up for training or for further information. Volunteer readers are needed at various reading sites in Sussex County.


Saturday, Sept. 26 Rain or Shine 10 am to 3 pm GORDY RD., LAUREL



Ice Cream soup

For info call 875-7131



OYSTER SANDWICHES Family Fun Bake Barrel Train Rides Fire Engine Sale y a D l Special Guest l A ic s u M l e p s o G Kings Ambassadors

MORNING STAR • SEPTEMBER 24 - 30, 2009 Dover, Rehoboth, or Salisbury, Md. IHOP locations and return an itemized receipt along with a comment card to the Seaford District Library. We must have the comment cards with itemized receipts in order to receive the reimbursement. The Seaford Library will receive 10% of the total receipt. • Christmas Tunes for Dulcimer Musicians at Seaford Library. Registration required. Fridays, Oct. 2, 9, 23 and 30 at 6:30 p.m. Questions? Call John Kisela at 628-1944. • Do you have health concerns? Confusing lab reports? Questions you should ask your doctor? Visit the Seaford Library on Thursday, Oct. 8, from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. and meet with our Consumer Health librarian for Sussex County. All references services are free and confidential. • Seaford Library board meeting on Tuesday, Oct. 13, at 6 p.m. • There will be a “Science and Religionâ€? book discussion on Monday, Oct. 19, at 6 p.m. • The Seaford Library will be closed on Thursday, Oct. 22, for Sussex County Library Staff Development. We will reopen at 9 a.m. on Friday, Oct. 23.

Stay and Play program Parents As Teachers announces the free Seaford Stay & Play program. Come have fun playing and learning with your child through a variety of toys and activities. Open to children birth through 48 months and their caregivers, on Mondays from 10:30 a.m. to noon at Seaford Parks & Recreation. For more information and a complete schedule, contact Anna Scovell at 856-5239.

Kiwanis Club of Seaford The Kiwanis Club of Seaford will hold its 55th Annual Auction on Saturday, Oct. 3, at the Seaford Middle School Cafeteria, 500 E. Stein Highway, Seaford. Preview starts at 9 a.m. Auction starts at 9:30 a.m. Free admission, featuring hundreds of home, office and garden items donated by local businesses. Refreshments will be available.

Poker Run & BBQ Poker Run and BBQ - Ride to Read will benefit the Seaford District Library. Entry Fee registration is $15, from 10 a.m. - noon, on Oct. 4, rain or shine. Event starts and ends at Harley Davidson of Seaford. Event sponsored by Regional Builders, Inc., and Harley Davidson of Seaford. Featuring live entertainment by Sneak Preview. BBQ chicken and other concessions available for purchase from SVFD and K&R Concessions. Event pins for first 200 registered. First prize $500, second prize $300; and third prize $150.

Seaford Historical Society raffle The Seaford Historical Society is offering a raffle featuring a day on the Nanticoke River in the spring of 2010. This allday excursion accommodates a party of six people on a boat ride that leaves from the Marina at Nanticoke River Marine Park in Blades, Seaford. Other festivities included with this trip are mid-morning snacks onboard ship, lunch in Vienna, Md., a selfguided walking tour of historic Vienna, a visit to the Vienna Heritage Museum and refreshments on the ride back to Seaford

in the afternoon. A raffle ticket costs only $5 or five tickets may be purchased for $20. Tickets are available at the Seaford Museum which is open Thursdays through Sundays from 1 to 4 p.m., or at the Ross Mansion which is open Saturdays and Sundays from 1 to 4 p.m. At other times call the Seaford Historical Society office at 628-9828 for tickets. The drawing will take place at the Victorian Christmas at the Ross Mansion on Dec. 13, 2009.

Community mentors needed


Dutch Country anniversary Plan to attend Dutch Country Market’s 20th anniversary event on Sept. 26 from 9 a.m.-3 p.m. There will be: chain-saw carving, apple butter cooking, buggy rides, moon bounce and fun for the entire family. Located across from Johnny Janosiks, Road 462.

Fall Festival King’s United Methodist Church is hosting a Fall Festival on Saturday, Sept. 26, rain or shine, from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. on Gordy Road, Laurel. There will be homemade ice cream, homemade soup, oyster sandwiches, a bake sale and a yard sale. Gospel music all day with special guest, Kings Ambassadors. Family fun: barrel train rides. For details call 8757131.

The Laurel Kids Connection Mentoring Program seeks adult volunteers to mentor a middle school-aged child. Mentors are asked for a one hour per week commitment for 12 months. For details contact Shawn Phillips at 629-7790, ext. 17.

Greenwood Cheer Dinner Club The Greenwood Cheer Activity Center will host the Greenwood Dinner Club on Thursdays from 5 to 7 p.m. in September and October. It will be an evening of fellowship and a delicious dinner entrĂŠe, dessert and beverage. Cost for members is $5 and non-members is $6. For menus or more information, call Susan Welch at 302-349-5237.

CHEER Halloween Party The Greenwood CHEER Activity Center will host a Halloween Party on Friday, Oct. 30, from 10 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. There will be refreshments, music, games and a costume parade with prizes for best costumes. For more information, call Susan Welch at 302-349-5237.

Mystery Murder Dinner

In-home Story-time offered The Laurel Public Library will offer a 6-session series of weekly in-home preschool Story Times for local day care homes beginning in October. This no-cost pilot program will bring books, poetry, music and fun to children who might not otherwise have the opportunity to visit the library for Story Time. Interested daycare providers are encouraged to contact Becky Norton, Youth Services librarian, by phone at 875-3184 or email at for more information.

available or you can come early for dinner. For table set-up or more information, call Susan Welch at 302-349-5237.

Card & Game Night The Greenwood Cheer Activity Center will hold a Card & Game Night on Thursday evenings in September and October from 6 to 9 p.m. Join us for rook, dominoes and uno or bring your friends to setup a table of games of your choosing. Beverages and refreshments will be

The Greenwood CHEER Activity Center presents A Mystery Murder Dinner, Honky Tonk Homicide, featuring the Long Neck CHEER Theatrical Players on Thursday, Oct. 8. Doors open at 4:30 p.m. Cost is $6 for members and $8 for nonmembers. The public is invited to attend. For more information, call Susan Welch at 302-349-5237.

Library Card Sign-up month September is Library Card Sign-up Month, and the Greenwood Public Library

Laurel Lioness bingo Laurel Lioness will host a Vera Bradley Bingo on Oct. 20, at the Laurel Fire Department, at 7 p.m.. Doors open at 6 p.m. Tickets in advance are $20, at the door $25. Tickets also available from any Lioness member or call Cathy, 875-2128 or Erma 875-3055.


Laurel Library • The 2nd Saturday Monthly Building Club at the Laurel Public Library begins in October. The first meeting will be held on Saturday, Oct. 10, from 11 a.m. to noon. The group is for kids in grades K-6. Kids can try their hand at Legos, Lincoln Logs, Zoobs, Magnets, Pipe Builders and more. • Beginning Sept. 29, Preschool Story Time will be held at the Laurel Public Library for kids ages 2 to 5. Preschool children and their favorite adults are invited every Tuesday at 10:30 a.m. for stories, poetry, science, music, math, crafts and fun. • The Laurel Public Library will offer a 6-session series of weekly in-home preschool Story Times for local day care homes beginning in October. This no-cost pilot program will bring books, poetry, music and fun to children who otherwise might not have the opportunity to visit the library for Story Time. For more information on these events, call the Laurel Public Library at 875-3184 or contact Becky Norton, Youth Services librarian, at


('' ,'

r e p u S EVERY TUESDAY o g n i B *

over 60 people


under 60 people

*Based *Ba Bas on the number of people. No one under the age of 18 allowed to play. Tickets on Sale Tuesday Night.


Delmar VFW Bingo



200 West State St., Delmar, MD






wants to make sure that all residents in Greenwood and surrounding areas have a library card. During the month of September at the Greenwood Library, persons of all ages signing up for their very first card will be given a bag of goodies and a chance to enter a drawing for gift certificates from area restaurants. The drawing will be held Oct. 1. If a current patron has no fines on their account and their old library card is lost, cracked or just plain ugly, the Greenwood Library will replace it for free with a keychain card. For more information, contact the Greenwood Library at 302-349-5309 or visit

dents will be directed to an area for placement of limbs. A scrap metal container will be placed at the Town Hall parking lot for the disposal of such items as aluminum siding, window frames, barbecue grills, tire rims, bicycles and stainless steel. Residents are asked not to place any other types of trash in this container. For more information, call Town Manager Bonnie Walls at 337-7135.

AGO seeks members

Radio City Christmas tickets

The Southern Delaware Chapter of the American Guild of Organists (AGO), which seeks to promote appreciation of all aspects of organ and choral music, invites everyone who is interested in music to join the chapter. The local chapter offers workshops, master classes, recitals, concerts, organ crawls and more for members, the community and music students. For more information, call 629-8033.

Limited tickets are available for a trip to see the “Radio City Christmas Spectacular� on Wednesday, Dec. 9, at Radio City Music Hall in New York City, sponsored by Adult Plus+ at Delaware Technical & Community College, Owens Campus. The “Radio City Christmas Spectacular� features the world-famous Radio City Rockettes’ signature high-kicks and precision choreography in several showstopping numbers. For more information or to reserve orchestra seats, contact the Delaware Tech’s Adult Plus+ program at 302-856-5618.

AARP offers trips Open House

Bridgeville Library event Premier Carving and Wildlife Show, Friday, Oct. 9, 3-7 p.m.; Saturday, Oct. 10, 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. For more information, call the library at 302-337-7401.

WHS reunion planned Woodbridge High School classes of 1988, ‘89 and ‘90 will hold a combined reunion at the Bridgeville Fire Hall on Saturday, Nov. 7. If you have not received information regarding this event, contact Dionne Parker Keeler at dionnepk@yahoo. com or 302-337-3099.

Clean-Up Day Bridgeville will hold a Neighborhood Clean-Up Day on Saturday, Sept. 26. All items must be curbside by 6 a.m., as M-T Trash will only go down each street once. Allowable items for pick-up include: furniture, household trash, stoves and limbs bundled in 4-ft. lengths. Items that will not be picked up include tires, batteries, oil, construction materials, dirt, rocks, bricks, etc. M-T Trash will have a truck available to pick-up refrigerators, freezers and air conditioners, as long as the freon has been removed. M-T Trash will also have a truck to pick up paint, stain, etc. These items must be kept in a separate area from the rest of the trash. Large tree limbs can be delivered to the Town’s wastewater treatment plant. Resi-

1 1

DelMarVa Model Railroad Club’s 24th Annual Open House, located at 103 East State St., Delmar, Camelot Hall, second floor. Free admission and free parking — Nov. 28 & 29, Dec. 5 & 6, Jan. 9 & 10, Jan. 16 & 17; Saturday hours are from 11 a.m. to 5 p.m. and Sunday’s noon to 5 p.m. Operating layouts: N-Scale, N Trak Modules, HO Layout, O Gauge Tinplate, O Scale Lionel, LGB (G Gauge). Train videos to view and raffles.

Delmar Sesquicentennial Delmar Sesquicentennial town wide yard sale and farmer’s market - vendors wanted for spaces in State Street Park. Sale will run from 6:30 a.m. to noon on Saturday, Sept. 26. Spaces are $20 each. Call 846-3079 or 846-9574 for more information.

Ruritan Club breakfast buffet

All-you-can-eat Sunday Breakfast Buffet served by the Galestown Ruritan Club, on the fourth Sunday of each month October to June 7-10 a.m. Cost is $6 for adults, $4 children 6-12 years, at The Galestown (Md) Community Hall, 5833 School House Road. Buffet features blueberry pancakes, eggs, scrapple, sausage, creamed chipped beef, biscuits, potato casserole, hominy, fruit cup, and sticky buns.

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‘Jersey Boys’ The Adult Plus+ program at Delaware Technical & Community College, Owens Campus, is taking reservations for a fall trip to see the musical “Jersey Boys.� Witness the rise of four of the most famous blue-collar kids in pop music history, The Four Seasons, in the Tony-award winning Best Musical “Jersey Boys� on Thursday, Oct. 8, at the National Theatre in Washington, D.C. A special discount rate is available for Adult Plus+ members. For more information or to reserve orchestra seats, contact Delaware Tech’s Adult Plus+ program at 302-856-5618.

Smoky Mountain show trip AARP 915 presents Smoky Mountain show trip & Historic Gatlinburg for the price of $595, for 7 days and 6 nights, Oct. 18-24. Includes: motorcoach transportation; 6 nights lodging including 4 consecutive nights in the Smokies; 10 meals: 6 breakfasts and 4 dinners; guided tour of the Smoky Mountains; four evening shows: Country Tonite, Comedy Barn Variety Show, Magic Beyond Belief and Black Bear Jamboree; one morning show: Patty Waszak Morning Show; nonstop fun and Southern charm at famous Dollywood. Departure: Federalsburg, Md. at 8 a.m., then Rose’s parking lot, Rt 404, Denton, Md. Price: $75 due upon signing. Price per person, based on double occupancy $595. Add $180 for single occupancy. For information and reservations contact 410-754-8189.

The following trips are available through AARP of Seaford: Oct. 16 - Strasburg, Pa. Lunch served on the train and then visit the railroad museum. Cost: $69. Four seats left. Nov. 16-20 - Christmas at The Biltmore Estates in Asheville, N.C. A candlelight dinner at Deerpark restaurant and two Christmas shows at two different dinner theaters. Tour the grounds, the Farm Village and the winery. Visit Chimney Rock Park, the Folk Arts Center and the Smith McDowell House with a tour of Asheville. Also a stop at the Farmers Market to see the famous Moose Cafe. Two hot meals per day. Cost: $589 pp double. Dec. 2 - American Music Theater to see a Christmas show. Cost: $92. Three seats left. For more information, contact Jane Dusenbury at 629-4138 or Rose Wheaton at 629-7180.

Cruise to Bermuda The deadline for making reservations for the seven-night cruise to Bermuda has been extended to Oct. 15. This cruise which leaves on April 15, 2010 is a benefit for the Seaford Library and Cultural Center. Staterooms are priced per person at $975 for interior, $1195 for Oceanview and $1495 for Deluxe Oceanview with Beranda. This price includes round trip transportation from Seaford to the Dock in New York Harbor. A deposit of $300 is required. For more information call 628-3300 or email


Vacation with Del Tech Take a vacation this fall or winter with the Adult Plus+ program at Delaware Technical & Community College, Owens Campus. View the fall foliage in New York during a four-day motorcoach tour from Oct. 6-9. Highlights include sightseeing in Cooperstown with a stop at the National Baseball Hall of Fame and the Fenimore Art Museum, a voyage on the Catskill Mountain Railroad, and a guided tour of the U.S. Military Academy at West Point. Explore Egypt in the 12day “Splendors of the Nile” trip from Oct. 22 through Nov. 2. The group will travel on a luxurious three-night cruise including visits to ancient temples at Aswan, Kom-Ombo, Edfu and Luxor. Take an 18-day trip “down under” to Australia, New Zealand, and Fiji from Oct. 21 through Nov. 7. Experience the joy of the season during the nine-day “Christmas Cruise on the Danube” trip to Germany and Austria from Nov. 30 through Dec. 8. Travelers will explore cathedrals and several Christmas markets including Germany’s oldest and most famous, Nuremburg’s Christmas Market, which began in 1628. Celebrate the Christmas season during the seven-day “Nashville Country Christmas at the Opryland Hotel” from Dec. 2-8. Experience the joy of Christmas during the four-day “Christmas Extravaganza” trip to Washington, D.C. and the Homestead Resort in Hot Springs, Va. Take a Christmas tour of Washington, guided by author/ historian Antony Pitch. To sign up for a trip call 302-856-5618.

Day trips Enjoy day trips in September and October sponsored by the Adult Plus+ program at Delaware Technical & Community College, Owens Campus. Spend the day strolling through the eight Smithsonian museums located on the national mall between the Washington Monument and the U.S. Capitol in Washington, D.C. on Saturday, Oct. 3. Don’t miss “Broadways Best” featuring 40 songs from 33 shows at the American Music Theatre in Lancaster, Pa. on Wednesday, Oct. 7. Celebrate the legends of tap in “Thank You Gregory: A Tribute to the Legends of Tap” seated in excellent orchestra seats on Saturday, Oct. 10, at the Annenberg Center for the Performing Arts in Philadelphia, Pa. On Sunday, Oct. 11, be transported by the uplifting voices of the Baltimore Choral Arts Society and the Baltimore Symphony

Orchestra with epic film scores from the silver screen. Art lovers will enjoy a guided tour of the “Henri Matisse and Modern Art on the French Riviera” exhibit at the Philadelphia Museum of Art on Thursday, Oct. 15. Bask in the splendor of fall during a narrated 2 ½ hour train ride through Red Clay Creek Valley on the Wilmington & Western Railroad on Saturday, Oct. 17. Spend two nights, Oct. 20 and 21, at the Hotel Edison in the middle of New York City’s theatre district within walking distance of a Broadway show, Times Square, or Rockefeller Center. On Saturday, Oct. 24, follow the yellow brick road to the “The Wizard of Oz” at the Dupont Theatre. Enjoy a day shopping, sightseeing or watching a show in New York on Wednesday, Oct. 28. Don’t miss the international blockbuster exhibit “Diana: A Celebration” at the National Constitution Center in Philadelphia on Thursday, Oct. 29. Visit the National Aquarium, Maryland Science Center, or Port of Discovery during a day on your own at the inner harbor in Baltimore on Saturday, Oct. 31. For more information or to sign up for these trips, contact Delaware Tech’s Adult Plus+ program at 302-856-5618.

Branson trip Nanticoke Senior Center and Curran Travel are providing a trip to Branson on Tuesday, Oct. 13, to Wednesday, Oct. 21. The trip includes: round trip motorcoach transportation, eight night accommodations, great sightseeing tours, admission to nine great shows including Mickey Gilley, Lee Greenwood & the Bellamy Brothers and Shoji Tabuci. Cost is $1,075 per persondouble occupancy, $1,355 single occupancy. A $200 deposit is required. Call 629-4939 for details.

Sea Purls The “Sea Purls” chapter of the Knitting Guild Association meets on the first Wednesday of each month from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. at the Cheer Community Center in Georgetown on the corner of Route 9 and Sand Hill Road. The next meeting is on Wednesday, Oct. 7. Lunch is available and new


members are always welcome. For details, call 302-854-6776.

Western Sussex Democrats The Western Sussex Democrat Club will hold its first meeting of the season at Dukes’ Pool House on Sycamore Road in Laurel on Sept. 28, at 6:30 p.m. The meeting will begin with a dish to pass dinner. Speaker for the meeting will be David Baker, Sussex County Executive. All members are urged to attend for this interesting, informative meeting.

Georgetown AARP Join Georgetown AARP Chapter 5340 at their monthly luncheon meetings held on the first Monday of each month at 11:30 a.m. at the Sussex Pines Country Club. For details, contact Dee Richards at 302-841-5066.

H.A.P.P.E.N. The members of H.A.P.P.E.N., Hearn’s Pond Association for its protection, preservation, enhancement and naturalization will not meet in September. The next scheduled H.A.P.P.E.N. meeting will take place on Thursday, Oct. 8, at 7 p.m. at the Seaford Museum.

39th District Democrats The 39th District Democrats will hold their monthly meeting on Thursday, Oct. 15, at 7 p.m. at Pizza King in Seaford. New members are always welcome. For more information call Maggie Callaway at 629-4846.

Genealogical Society The Sussex County Genealogical Society meets the third Saturday of each month from September through May at 10:30 a.m. at the Rehoboth Beach Public Library. The next meeting is Saturday, Sept. 19. On Oct. 6, the society will begin a fall discussion series, named the Research Process. Sessions will be held at 2 p.m. on Tuesday afternoons through Nov. 17 at the Rehoboth Beach Public Library. Genealogy Bytes, meets at the Milton Public Library on the first Thursday of each month at 2 p.m. For more information, visit or call 302-875-5418. Submit Bulletin Board items by noon, Thursday. Send to Morning Star Publications, PO Box 1000, Seaford, DE 19973, email to or drop off at 951 Norman Eskridge Hwy., Seaford (Home Team Bldg.)

SUDOKU Sudoku puzzles are formatted as a 9x9 grid, broken down into nine 3x3 boxes. To solve a sudoku, the numbers 1 through 9 must fill each row, column and box. Each number can appear only once in each row, column and box. You can figure out the order in which the numbers will appear by using the numeric clues already provided in the boxes. The more numbers you name, the easier it gets to solve the puzzle!

See Answers Page 42



Church Bulletins Kidstuf 103 at Alliance Church

Atlanta Road Alliance Church in Seaford is offering Kidstuf 103 on Wednesday evenings. Kidstuf is a program designed for children and parents to attend together. Each month features a different Biblical virtue using music, drama, a storyteller and games. The virtue for September is wisdom. A light supper is served at 6:15 p.m., followed by the program at 6:45 p.m. Kidstuf is designed for kindergarten through 6th grade; however, parents are welcome to bring their preschoolers with them. Registration is free. No drop-offs. For more information, call 629-5600 or visit www.atlantaroadcma. org

St. Luke’s Newsletter

St. Luke’s Episcopal Church offers its newsletter on line and also, via e-mail. Our “Luke’s Letter” is published approximately once a month and will be available on our website You can also join our e-mail list if you send a request to St. Luke’s services are Sunday, Holy Eucharist at 9 a.m., and Thursday evenings, Holy Eucharist and Healing at 6 p.m. The Rev. Jeanne KirbyColadonato is the Rector/Pastor.

Christ UMC Fall/Christmas Bazaar

There will be a Fall/Christmas Bazaar on Saturday, Oct. 3, from 9 a.m. until 3 p.m., at Christ United Methodist Church, 510 South Central Ave., in Laurel. It will feature handcrafted treasures and baked goods. Scrapple sandwiches will be for sale for breakfast, and at lunch will serve

BLESSING OF THE ANIMALS - Old Christ Church will host the Blessing of the Animals on Sunday, Oct. 4, at 4 p.m. This is also the last service of our summer season. Officiating at the service will be the Rev. Howard Backus, the Rector of St. Philip’s Episcopal Church in Laurel. Joining in the service will be Anne Gryczon, executive director of Safe Haven Animal Sanctuary of Sussex County. Participants are asked to bring a bag of dry cat food for the Save Haven Animal Sanctuary. All animals are welcome – cats, dogs, hamsters, gerbils, lizards and other amphibious creatures (as long as they are caged), llamas and horses.

homemade beef vegetable soup, chicken salad sandwiches and pie. Join us for beautiful crafts, baked goods, pepper relish and more.

The Cash Family in concert

The Cash Family will be in concert at Blades United Methodist Church on Sunday, Oct. 4, at 11 a.m. The Cash Family records southern gospel music with “Angel Mountain Gospel Recording Artists” and have been traveling and singing on the East Coast for 36 years. All are invited for this special message in song.

Gospel Concert

St. George’s United Methodist Church in Laurel will present Joe Dawson “Music Ministries” in Concert, Sunday, Oct. 4, at 6:30 p.m. Directions: Alt. 13 south Laurel toward Delmar. Turn right on Bacon Road; turn left at St. George’s Crossroad, follow to church on right. For more information call 875-2273.

Kimberly Clarke returns from Africa Christ’s Church of New Hope recently welcomed home Kimberly Clarke from

a summer internship with Pioneer Bible Translators, out of Dallas, Texas. Clarke is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Dwayne Clarke of Seaford. Clarke will give a report of her mission efforts next month at Christ’s Church of New Hope (meeting at the Banquet Hall, next to Jimmy’s Grill). Call 302-628-8417 for information.

Church holds Fall Festival

Delmar Church of God of Prophecy, located on Rt. 13 North and Dorothy Road (3 miles north of MD/DE State Line), will host a Fall Festival on Sat-

DIRECTORY: Your Guide To Local Houses of Worship Sunday Family Worship 8:30 & 11:00 a.m. 94 Walnut Street, Laurel, DE (across from GameZone) 302-875-7873

A church you can relate to


1010S.C entral Ave., Laurel Ph: 875-7748 Minister: Ian J. Drucker Worship Services: Sunday 10 a.m. 6:00 p.m. BibleS tudy: Sun. 9:00 a.m.; Wed. 7:00 p.m. In The Interest Of New Testament Christianity


510 S. Central Ave., Laurel, DE Rev. Donna Hinkle, Pastor Church: 875-4233 Sunday Services: 8:30 am Praise 9:30 am Sunday School,10:45 am Worship

Centenary United Methodist Church

“Where Caring is Sharing” “NEW SONG!” - Contemporary Celebration, 8:45 a.m. Sunday School, Classes for ALL ages, 9:45 a.m. Traditional Family Worship, 11:00 a.m.

Rev. K. Wayne Grier, Pastor, 875-3983 200 W. Market St., Laurel, Del.


St. Philip’s Episcopal Church

600 S. Central Ave., Laurel, DE 19956

(302) 875-3644

The Rev. Dr. Howard G. Backus, Rector Holy Eucharist with Healing Sunday ~ 8:30 & 10:30 am Church School ~ 9:30 am

Christ Evangelistic Church Great Worship - Talented Singers Loving People - Powerful Preaching

Youth Group Wednesday 7:00 pm

Worship 10:45 a.m. • Sun. School 9:45 a.m. Wed. Night 7:00 p.m. • Sun. Night 7:00 p.m. Located on Camp Road between the Dual & Alt. 13 For info call: 629-3674 or 875-2915 Sr. Pastor Roland Tice

Christian Church of Seaford

Dual 13N., Seaford, DE • 629-6298


Sunday School 9:30 a.m. Evening Worship 6:00 p.m. Morning Worship 10:30 Wed. Night Service & (Nursery & Jr. Church) Youth Groups 7:00 p.m. A Firm Foundation • A Sure Hope • An Unending Love

Centrally located at 14511 Sycamore Rd., Laurel, DE 19956

Sunday School - 9 a.m.; Worship Service - 10:30 a.m. FasTrak Children’s Ministry - 10:30 a.m.; E318 Youth - 6 p.m. Wednesday Midweek Services - 7 p.m.

For info, call 875.7995 or visit

St. Paul’s United Methodist Church Road68, South of Laurel Laurel,D el.

Sun. School 10 a.m. • Worship 9 & 11 a.m. Wed. Night Bible Study 7 p.m. Hymn Sing: Last Sunday Each Month - 7 p.m.

Delmar Wesleyan Church

Pastor - Donald Murray - 856-6107

800 East Street Delmar, MD 21875 “The Church That Cares” 410-896-3600 Pastor James C. Hitch

Sunday: Sunday School 10 M Worship 11 AM & 6 PM

Wednesday: BibleS tudy 7P M




Rev. Michael A. Hopkins, Pastor

WEDNESDAY SUNDAY Sunday School......9:45 a.m. Prayer & Praise 7:00 p.m. Worship...............11:00 a.m. Patch Club (kids) 7:00 p.m. Eve. Worship........7:00 p.m. Youth Group 6:00-8 p.m.

SEAFORD CHRISTIAN ACADEMY PRE-SCHOOL - 12TH GRADE - Office 629-7161 Quality Traditional Education Since 1973 Fully Accredited By Middle States in ACSI

GRACE BAPTIST CHURCH A Cooperative S.B.C. Church 805 Atlanta Rd., Seaford, DE

302-629-8434 •

Scott Family to perForm - Old Christ Church League is pleased to announce the Scott family will give a concert of classical music on Sunday, Sept. 27, at 3 p.m. at Old Christ Church, Laurel. For those who have not enjoyed a concert in this wonderful little church, plan on a rich experience, one of wonderful music and outstanding acoustics in breathtakingly simple surroundings. As Laurel historian and Old Christ Church League Vice President, Kendal Jones often reminds us, this church — that has never been plumbed or electrified — was built in the years 1771 and 1772 before Delaware was a state and before the United States was a nation. Performing on Sunday, Sept. 27, will be Gray (10), Emma (15), and Maria (17) Scott of Bridgeville. Gray will be performing guitar pieces by Narvaez, Bach and Mozart. Emma will perform Bach’s Partita in D minor for violin. Maria, a pianist, will play Bach, Mozart, Schumann and Liszt. The siblings often collaborate and are known for providing a sacred favorite as an added selection. Light refreshments will be served after the concert. Concert attendance is free. Good will donations are gladly accepted toward the preservation of Old Christ Church.

urday, Oct. 10, 9 a.m. until ? Featuring: oyster sandwiches, crab cakes, soft crabs, chicken salad, cheese steak subs, hamburgers, hot dogs, soups, baked goods, homemade ice cream and yard sale.

Friends of Concord

The 88th reunion of the Sons, Daughters and Friends of Concord will be held on Saturday, Oct. 17, beginning at 2 p.m. at Concord United Methodist Church. There will be a dedication and memorial service and Pastor Diane Melson will deliver a brief message in honor of the Sons, Daughters and Friends Reunion; plus a local gospel artist, Jerry Jones, will honor all who attend with his inspirational songs. The public is invited to the traditional chicken and dumpling dinner at 4 p.m. at the Community House. The cost is $8 for adults, $4 for children 4-12 and age three and under, eat free. For more information call Judy Kohlenberg, secretary, at 629-0687 or Frances Givens, president, at 629-2659.

Fall Bible study

All Saints Episcopal Church in Delmar, has resumed its Fall Bible Study. All are welcome to share this informal fellowship, led by Father Custer Ruley. The study begins at 1 p.m. every Wednesday, at the church located at 10th and Grove streets.

Latin Mass

A Latin mass according to the Missal of 1962 is celebrated on the third Sunday of every month at 3 p.m. at Holy Cross Church in Dover. The mass is always a Missa Cantata using traditional Gregorian chant. For further information, call 302-674-5781.


Christ Lutheran Church, 315 Shipley St., Seaford, will hold its Fall Church Bazaar, Saurday, Sept. 26, from 8 a.m. to 3 p.m. Crafts/vendors: bake sale; homemade candies; silent auction; free blood pressure checks; clown entertainment; free toys for the kids. Food: scrapple sandwiches; hot dogs, sodas, pickles-on-sticks and more.

Brighten your season with our custom-made floral designs.


Ministry for the wholef amily 7 PM

Pastor Stacey Johnson

28261 Seaford Rd., Laurel, 2 miles N. of Laurel on Alt. 13


22625 Atlanta Road, Seaford, DE (302) 629-5600 - Sunday

Wednesday Evening

9:00 a.m. & 10:30 a.m. Worship, Nursery, Classes for Kids-Adults 7:00 p.m. Evening Service

6:45 Catalyst Youth (grades 7-12), DivorceCare 7:00 Prayer Meeting, Men’s Group, KidStuf 103 (K-6 Kids & their parents, 1 & 3rd Wed.)

COKESBURY CHURCH All Welcome Where Love Abides -- John 3:16

Mount Olivet

Serving Christ in the Heart of Seaford since 1830 315 High St. • Seaford, DE

John’s Four Seasons FLOWERS & GIFTS Stein Hwy. at Reliance John Beachamp

302-629-2644 410-754-5835 ALL MAJOR CARDS ACCEPTED

Sun. 9:30 am Wed. 7:00 pm

Children’s Church • Nursery

Senior Minister: Dr. Carl G Vincent Senior Pastor: Pastor Barry B. Dukes

OUR LADY OF LOURDES CHURCH 532 Stein Hwy., Seaford, DE 19973 Redemptorist Fathers • 629-3591

MASSES: SUNDAY: Sat. Eve. - Vigil 4:30 p.m.; Spanish 7:30 p.m. Sunday - 7 a.m., 8:30 a.m., 11 a.m. DAILY: Mon., Tues., Thurs. & Fri. 9 a.m. Wed. 9 a.m. & 7:30 p.m.; First Sat. 9 a.m. HOLY DAYS: Eve. 7:30 p.m.; 9 a.m. & 7:30 p.m. NOVENA DEVOTIONS: Wed. 9 a.m. & 7:30 p.m. CONFESSION: Sat. 4:30 p.m.


United Methodist Church

We guarantee lively, colorful flowers in all of our bouquets.

302- 875-4646

PO BOX 60, LAUREL, DE 19956

11 AM and 6 PM ~ Sunday School 9:45 AM

The Church by the Side of the Road 15092 Cokesbury Rd, Georgetown, DE (302) 629-5222 • Pastor Harold Carmean & Congregation Sunday School 9 am Contemporary Church Service 10 am

Choose from a lovely seasonal assortment of fresh flowers.

Located at Tyndall’s Furniture Plaza on Discountland Rd & Rt. 13, Laurel


Fall Church Bazaar

Living Free

A “Lifestyle Matters” seminar will be held on Tuesdays and Thursdays at 6 p.m., Sept. 24, 29, Oct. 1, 6, 8. Living Free, the latest Lifestyle Matters seminar, will help participants understand how the brain works. The seminar is free – held at the Seaford Seventh-day Adventist Church, 26295 Sussex Highway, Seaford. For reservations call Delta at 875-3743. Seminar book and other materials will be available for sale.

Sunday School 9:30 am Worship 10:45 am & 6:30 pm Children’s Church 10:45 am SPANISH Worship 10:45 am Wednesday Activities 7 pm Pastor: Homer McKeithan Music: Jim Burket “The Cross Is Grounded In Grace”

Messiah’s Vineyard Church

Sunday Services: Informal Worship in Chapel 8:30 a.m. Traditional Worship 11:00 a.m. Sanctuary 9:45 Sunday School

Pastor: Rev. Jim Sipes • 302-629-4458 PROFESSIONAL NURSERY CARE PROVIDED

27225 Kaye Road Laurel, DE 19956 Ph: (302) 875-7814 Timothy P. Jones, Pastor Sunday Family Worship - 10:00 a.m. Wednesday Family Ministries - 7:00 p.m.

“Shining His Light”

Laurel Wesleyan Church Rt. 13A, Just North of Laurel

Sunday School - 9:30 Worship - 9:00 & 10:45 Sunday Evening Worship Wed. 6:30 p.m. - Youth Ministries & WKID, The Zone, Children’s Ministries

Church 875-5380 • Sr. Pastor Ken Deusa Asst. Pastor: Rev. Rick Green; Youth: Kyle Horton Children’s Pastor: Marilyn Searcey


315 N. Shipley St., Seaford, DE 19973 • 302-629-9755

Pastor: Rev. Andrew C. Watkins

Praise Worship 8:15 AM • Sunday School 9:45 AM • Traditional Worship 11:15 AM

Laurel Baptist Church, SBC Where everybody is somebody & Jesus Christ is Lord 33056 Bi-State Boulevard, Laurel, DE 19956 LBC Sunday School ~ 10:00 Morning Worship ~ 11:00 Wednesday Bible Study ~ 7:00 P.M. NurseryP rovided Pastor: Rev. Steven Booth Music Director: Linda Lewis


St. Luke’s Episcopal Church

Front & King St., Seaford, DE 629-7979 Holy Eucharist: 9:00 a.m. Sunday School & Adult Forum: 10:30 a.m. Thurs. Eve. Service: 6 p.m. The Rev’d. Jeanne W. Kirby-Coladonato, Rector

Seaford Church of Christ Acapella

(Rm. 16:16)

N. Dual 13, P.O. Box 783, Seaford, DE 19973 302-629-6206 Evangelist - G. W. Cliver - 629-6206 Elder - Don Birch - 629-8949 Elder - Ron Russell - 629-6033 Sunday School 10 a.m. Sun. Worship 11 a.m., Sun. Evening 6 p.m Wed. Evenings 7 p.m. Live For God, Love Each Other, Light The World

743 E. Clarence St., Seaford, Del. Carlton L. Cannon, Sr. Paster

629-9443, Cell: 448-0852 •

Sunday: Midweek Activities: Church School........9:45 am Call for Details Morning Worship......11 am Children’s Church & Youth Explosion ........6 pm Nursery Provided Evening Worship.........7 pm *Counseling by appt. only Tuesday: Thursday: Bible Study & Family Corporate Prayer.........7 pm ‘Come and Grow with Us!’ Training Hour...........7 pm

Thank You to the churches that sponsor these pages. Your contribution makes it possible for the “Good News” to be published each week.


The Gospel Café

The Gospel Café at Laurel Baptist Church will feature the Gospel Café Band, LBC Praise Team, and Bill Primrose, Saturday, Sept. 26, at 6 p.m. The church is located at 33056 Bi-State Boulevard (west side of 13A, approximately two miles south of town.) Refreshments will be available for purchase. Any questions, call Bruce or Nancy Willey at 875-5539.

Homecoming Sunday

Sunday, Sept. 27, at 3:30 p.m., at John Wesley United Methodist Church, Third and Chandler St., Seaford, Pastor is Peggy M. Briggs. Guest speaker will be Pastor Jonathan Dukes; guest group will be the Messingers.

Evening of Gospel Music

Jerry Jones Ministries will once again present their “Evening of Gospel Music” at Sam Yoder’s Farm, 89 Hunting Quarter Road, Houston, on Oct. 10. Dove Award winner and former Elvis Presley Aid, Donnie Sumner is returning by popular demand, along with Award-winning Singer-Songwriter, Jerry Jones, wonderful Southern Gospel Group from Christiana, Pa. The Hagans Family, and special guest MC, Jimmy Hoppa, WBOC-TV “This Morning” co-anchor. Food will be available for purchase at 6 p.m. (homemade soups, sandwiches and desserts) and the concert starts at 7 p.m. Tickets are available at People’s II Restaurant, Rt. 13 South, Harrington, and D&D Deli, 12 West Sewel St., Felton. Also, for tickets or further information, call 302-228-4813, Jerry Jones Ministries.

Chiz Rider in concert

Laurel Wesleyan Church hosts Chiz Rider, a talented trumpet player, in concert on Sunday, Oct. 4, from 9 to 10:45 a.m. Admission is free and a love offering will be taken. Laurel Wesleyan Church is located half a mile north of Laurel on Alternate 13. Nursery care and children’s programming provided. For more information, call the office at 875-5380

Trinity UMC Food Drive

Trinity UMC, located on Phillips Hill Road in Laurel, will have a door-to-door food drive on Saturday, Sept. 26. Volunteers will be going door-to-door asking for canned or non-perishable food to supply our local food pantry and giving out information.

Ministries help community

House of Hope Delaware (HOH-DE) and Delaware Teen Challenge recently joined forces to serve the community of Seaford. With the support of Cloverland Dairy, Mountaire Farms and Home Team Realty, the ministries were able to give away over 500 chicken platters and offer almost 50 car washes. In July, HOH-DE did a similar outreach in the Bridgeville area giving away chicken platters sponsored by Cloverland Dairy, Mountaire Farms and Cannon Cold Storage. Outreaches are held to serve the communities and let them know that we are here for them. To learn more about HOH-DE or participate in a future community outreach, visit or call 302-337-9330.

Smith to perform in Salisbury

Grammy winning Michael W. Smith is bringing his “New Hallelujah World Tour” to the Wicomico Youth & Civic Center stage on Thursday, Oct. 29, at 7 p.m. Tickets, which range from $20-$30

MORNING STAR • SEPTEMBER 24 - 30, 2009 plus fees, are available online at www., by phone at 410-548-4911, or at the Civic Center Box Office.

‘Lights of Home’ in concert

On Sunday, Sept. 27, at 7 p.m., the “Lights of Home” will be in concert at St. Paul’s United Methodist Church. Don Murray and Friends will begin at 6:15 p.m. St. Paul’s is located just east of US 13 on Old Stage Road in Laurel. For more information, call 302-875-7900.

Right to Life banquet planned

Pam Tebow, mother of University of Florida quarterback and Heisman Trophy winner Tim Tebow, will speak at the Delaware Right to Life annual banquet on Wednesday, Nov. 4, at the Christiana Hilton in Newark. She will bring her pro-life message to Delaware on Nov. 4, at the DRTL annual banquet. Tickets are $50 per person ($55 after Oct. 30), $30 for students and can be obtained by visiting www.derighttolife. org, or by contacting Betty O’Malley at 302-453-8846 or The event will also feature a silent auction. Proceeds benefit the Delaware Right to Life Education Fund.

Mt. Calvary events

Mt. Calvary United Methodist Church in Bridgeville is planning the following events: Pastor’s Aide Service - Saturday, Sept. 26, 7 p.m. - The Rev. David Miles, along with his choir and congregation of St. Mary’s Missionary Baptist Church, Salisbury, Md., will be the guest preacher. This event benefits the Pastor Appreciation Service in October. For more information, contact Brandon Gale at 410-845-5991. Movie Night - Friday, Oct. 2, 6 - 10 p.m. - Join us for a relaxing evening of fun and fellowship watching Tyler Perry films. For more information, contact Stacy at 302-228-7884 or Ginger at 30-542.5752. A Movie Matinee featuring the same films will be shown on Saturday, Oct. 3 from noon to 4 p.m.

Clarence Street Church of God

The Clarence Street Church of God is sponsoring a car wash to benefit the youth on Saturday, Sept. 26, from 7 a.m.-12 p.m. at the Exxon Gas Station on Rt.13 in front of Seaford Wal-Mart. Donation is $5 per car.

Obituaries Joseph M. Hitchens, 88

Joseph M. Hitchens of Laurel, passed away on Wednesday, Sept. 16, 2009, at his home in Laurel. Born in Seaford on Oct. 20, 1920, he was a son of Louis and Blanche Hitchens. He retired as a sales associate for Seaside Chevrolet in Selbyville and had also worked as the truck manager for Oliphant Chevrolet. Hitchens He proudly served his country in the United States Air Corp in the Western Pacific. He was a member of the American Legion Post #19 in Laurel, a past president of the Laurel Lions Club and Laurel Civic Club. He enjoyed hunting rabbits, fishing and his boat. He is survived by his wife of almost 63 years, Betty Hitchens of Laurel, along with numerous nieces and nephews and great nieces and nephews. The funeral was held Saturday, Sept. 19, at St. Philips Episcopal Church in Laurel. The Rev. Dr. Howard Backus officiated. Interment followed in Odd Fellows Cemetery in Laurel. Contributions may be made in Mr. Hitchen’s memory to Delaware Hospice, 100 Patriots Way, Milford, DE 19963 or St. Philips Episcopal Church, 600 S. Central Ave., Laurel, DE 19956.

Virginia L. Spear, 84

Virginia L. Spear of Seaford, died on Saturday, September 19, 2009. Mrs. Spear retired from the Dupont Company in Seaford in 1988 where she worked for 43 years. Her husband, William A. Spear, Jr., died in 2002.

Welcome… In Memory of

Melissa LaMont Davis

8/24/61 - 9/29/07 Our hearts are filled with memories, Gathered through the years, And the happy time we shared, Are treasured souvenirs, No matter how our lives may change, Now matter what we do, We will never forget those special years, We shared with you! We love you and miss you! Terry and Jesse, Mom and Mickey, Michelle, Monique and Milinda And their families

SEAFORD PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Sunday School 9 am Morning Worship 10 am

701 Bridgeville Road 629-9077

Seaford Seventh-day Adventist Church

26295 Sussex Highway (south on 13), Seaford, DE

Saturday Services Sabbath School 9:30 a.m. Worship Service 11:00 a.m. Pastor - O. Kenneth Scheller 302-875-0140

All are welcome to worship here every Sabbath.

She is survived by her daughter, Charlotte Ann Stephany and her husband Van Leer “Buzz” Stephany, Jr. of Seaford; and her sister in law, Lorraine Pohl of Brookview, MD; and many nieces and nephews. Friends called at the Cranston Funeral Home, 300 Shipley Street, Seaford, on Wednesday, September 23. Funeral services and burial were private. In lieu of flowers the family suggests donations to the SPCA, 326 S. Dupont Highway, Georgetown, DE 19947.

Patricia Ann Smith, 59

Patricia Ann Smith of Dover, died on Friday, September 18, 2009. Pat was a caretaker for the elderly. She also loved spending time at the Harrington Slots. She is survived by one brother, Wayne Hill of Seaford; and a sister, Joyce Clendaniel and her husband Harold of Dover. Graveside services were on Wednesday, September 23, at Eldorado Cemetery, Eldorado, MD. Arrangements were by the Cranston Funeral Home, Seaford.

Jacqueline B. Coleman, 75

Jacqueline B. Coleman of Laurel, passed away on September 18, 2009, at Peninsula Regional Medical Center. She was born in Chestertown, Maryland on March 3, 1934. She was a loving homemaker to her husband and children. Left to cherish her memory are husband of 61 years Burton Coleman; sons, Robert Coleman and Walter Coleman of Laurel; a sister, Edith Bryden of Wharton, Md.; along with nurmerous nieces and nephews and two grandchildren. A funeral service was held at the Hannigan, Short, Disharoon Funeral Home, 700 West Street, Laurel, on Wednesday, September 23. The Pastor Ken Duesa officiated. Interment was in Odd Fellows Cemetery in Laurel.


United Methodist Church 2 North Laws St., Bridgeville, DE 19933 Across from Bank 337-7409 Handicap Friendly WORSHIP TIMES:

9 am Contemporary Service 10 am Sunday School 11 am Traditional Worship Youth Group (Sun. 6 p.m.)

22606 Sussex Hwy. Seaford, DE

302-359-6331 Weekly Services: Sunday: 10 am Tuesday: Prayer 7-8 pm Thursday: Bible Study 7 pm

MORNING STAR • SepTeMbeR 24 - 30, 2009

pAGe 23

Here’s the amazing secret about how great new recipes are born It had been a long time since I had made banana bread. Years, ynn arks probably. But there were the bananas, beyond ripe after having spent a little over a week on the kitchen I grabbed the table, and I had to do something cinnamon containwith them. I could have carried them out to the compost pile, where their sweet er from the cupgoodness would have been welboard and gave it comed by the many busy critters there. Or I could have saved myself a liberal shake. some steps and commissioned the thousands of fruit flies circling the bread mixture, still sitting on the counbunch to carry them outside for me. ter waiting to be put in a pan. Bananas, Or I could make banana bread. (My faraisins—cinnamon might be good in that. ther often speaks fondly of a banana cake I grabbed the cinnamon container from the one of his relatives used to make, yellow cupboard and gave it a liberal shake. cake with white icing and, at the last minFinally, the best time in dinner preparaute, a ripe banana sliced and arranged on the top. But these bananas were far beyond tion arrived, when all there is to do is read a book and enjoy the aromas of something slicing.) good in the oven. “Yum, I smell cinnaI checked the cupboards to ensure that mon,” my husband said when he walked in the ingredients for banana bread other that back door. “That’s a good sign.” than bananas were in stock. Flour (wholeThe cobbler, I have to admit, was deliwheat, of course; my conscience won’t cious. Maybe it was the fresh vegetables, allow anything else), eggs, sugar, baking soda, all were there in sufficient quantities. maybe it was the really cool iron pot, about 5 inches deep and with very cute And so, I began. handles, that I just bought and that I baked I had four bananas, one more than it in. Or maybe it was the topping, with called for in the recipe. I peeled the fourth banana and threw it in the bowl anyway— perfect texture and a unique flavor that my husband and I couldn’t place. “You are the if three bananas make a good bread, four cook,” he said. “You should know what it bananas will make it even better. In went the sugar, flour, baking powder is.” The banana bread was also good — and eggs. I stirred a little, then stood back very banana-y; that was that fourth banana to contemplate the concoction. — but lacking the zip I thought that my Raisins might be good in this, I thought. So I tossed in a handful of raisins. additions to the recipe would add. “I like the raisins, but I put cinnamon in too and I Chocolate chips would have been better, can’t taste it at all,” I said. but if one’s conscience won’t allow white Cinnamon, cinnamon — aha! That was flour, imagine how it balks at unnecessary the mystery flavor in the cobbler. Apchocolate. parently, my liberal shake of cinnamon At the same time that I was doing this, had been over the wrong bowl and had I was preparing a vegetable cobbler for flavored the cobbler topping instead of the dinner. Potatoes, corn, onions, peas and banana bread. carrots were steaming in one pot, gravy And that, so it seems, is how great reciwas simmering in another. And in a bowl pes are born. I know that chocolate chip on the counter was the topping mixture, cookies came about by accident; perhaps biscuit-like but softer. it was also so with macaroni and cheese The cobbler was a kind of play-it-by— “Oops, the cheese was supposed to go ear thing, with several pauses along the on top of the beef” — and spaghetti and way to consider whether the end result meatballs. Meatballs roll, after all. Maybe was going to taste good. At one point, I stopped, stood back and imagined our din- the pasta was downhill. At any rate, from now on it’s cinnamon ner. in my vegetable cobbler. Next time, I’ll My attention drifted to the banana know what that wonderful flavor is.


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pAGe 24

MORNING STAR • SepTeMbeR 24 - 30, 2009

Mistakes costly for Wildcats in 38-14 loss to Hodgson in home opener By Mike McClure

Despite some costly mistakes early on, the Delmar Wildcats trailed the Hodgson Silver Eagles by just four points (18-14) at half-time of last Friday night’s home opener. But Hodgson took advantage of more Delmar turnovers to score 20 unanswered points in the second half for the 38-14 win. Hodgson started the game with the ball on its own 42 and quickly scored on the opening drive. Christian Chambers scored on a six-yard run before Delmar’s Daronte DeShields blocked the extra point, the first of three Wildcat blocks on the night, to keep the score at 6-0 with 6:30 left in the opening quarter. Delmar came right back with an answer as Tyler Cornish scampered 65 yards for a touchdown. Casey Bellamy’s extra point put the Wildcats on top, 7-6, with 4:57 left. Hodgson started its next possession on the 47 yard line and was once again able to find the end zone. James Treml completed a 28-yard pass to Jh’rael Johnson before Chambers ran it in from two yards out. The two point conversion was no good, but the Silver Eagles held a 12-7 lead with 1:01 remaining in the quarter. Hodgson was unable to take advantage of a fumble recovery at the end of the first quarter. Delmar got the ball back on its own 18 and moved it to the 46 before Johnson recovered another Wildcat fumble and returned it 55 yards for a Continued on page 28

Laurel senior Nick Munoz, shown following a blocker during his team’s win in week one, had 106 yards rushing in the Bulldogs’ 27-21 win over St. Elizabeth last Friday. Photo by Mike McClure

Bulldogs move to 2-0 with road win over St. Elizabeth

Delmar’s Tyler Cornish finds a hole during his 65-yard touchdown run in the Wildcats’ home loss to Hodgson last week. Photo by Mike McClure

The Laurel varsity football team won its second non-conference game of the season with a 27-21 win over St. Elizabeth last Friday. The Bulldogs put together a late game rally, scoring a pair of touchdowns in the fourth quarter for the 27-21 road victory. Laurel’s Chris Jones scored his fourth touchdown of the night with a six-yard scamper with 33 seconds left to seal the win. Jones had a 25-yard touchdown run and a 14yard pass reception for a touchdown from quarterback Chris Cutsail for a 13-7 Bulldog lead after a quarter of play. St. Elizabeth scored 14 unanswered point in the second quarter for a 21-13 lead going into the half. After a scoreless third quarter, Jones scored from five and six yards out with Cutsail running in the two-point conversion following the first touchdown of the final quarter. Jones carried the ball 23 times for 173 yards and three touchdowns, Nick Munoz had 106 yards on 20 carries, and Zach Exume added 13 carries for 43 yards. Laurel’s Jerry Reed and Justin Rife each had six tackles, Kyle West recorded an interception (his second of the season), and Tyler Robertson recovered a pair of fumbles. MAKING THE SERVEDelmar’s Ashley Matos prepares to serve as teammate Shanna Hearn looks on during last Thursday’s varsity girls’ volleyball match. See story on page 25.

Delmar senior quarterback Cody Salerno runs with the ball on a quarterback keeper during last Friday’s loss to Hodgson. Photo by Mike McClure

Laurel Junior Pee Wee team remains undefeated with 33-0 win

The Laurel Pop Warner Junior Pee Wee football team remained undefeated with a 33-0 road win over Milford last weekend. The Bulldogs’ offense had 164 yards with touchdowns by Mitchel Moyer, Justin Hill, Brooks Parker, and Foster Haynes. Cole Collin and Perez Nichols also added extra points for Laurel. Laurel’s defense allowed -39 yards as Trent Hearn recorded six tackles, Ed Cropper had five tackles, and Corey Evans made three stops. Matt Tull blocked a punt which was recovered by Parker for a touchdown.

Photo by Mike McClure

MORNING STAR • SepTeMbeR 24 - 30, 2009

Delmar girls’ volleyball team falls to Smyrna, 3-0, in home opener By Mike McClure

The Delmar varsity girls’ volleyball team lost to Smyrna, 3-0, last Thursday in Delmar. The Wildcats fell, 25-12, in the first game and were edged, 29-27 and 2519, in the final two games. Smyrna took a 4-1 lead in game one before Shanna Hearn and Nikkia King gave Delmar a brief 5-4 lead. Ashley Matos added an ace for a 9-7 Delmar advantage. Smyrna took a 17-11 lead and went on to win, 25-12. The Wildcats held a 4-1 lead early in game two. Matos and Abby Tingle helped Delmar to a narrow 8-7 lead. Smyrna held a 13-11 advantage and was up, 18-17,

pAGe 25

before the Wildcats scored five straight points with Matos serving (22-18). The two teams took turns leading by a point before the Eagles scored the winning point for a 29-27 victory. Down 4-2, Hearn helped the Wildcats knot the score at 4-4. Smyrna went up 8-4 and held a 14-7 advantage. Delmar scored four straight points with Sarah Smith serving, including a kill by Matos, to tie the score at 17-17. Smyrna took a 21-18 lead and went on to win the final game, 25-19, for the 3-0 victory. Smith led the Wildcats with 16 assists, Tingle had four kills, and Matos added four kills and four aces.

Delmar varsity boys’ soccer team falls to Dover The Delmar varsity boys’ soccer team lost to Dover, 7-0, last Thursday night. The Senators out shot the Wildcats, 27-9, and had an 8-1 advantage in corners.

Laurel boys’ soccer team falls to Sussex Central The Laurel varsity boys’ soccer team lost to Sussex Central, 5-1, last Thursday. Eber Maldanado netted the Bulldogs’ only goal on a penalty kick. Eric Foskey recorded eight saves for Laurel, which was out shot 13-5 in the loss. Laurel also fell to St. Georges Tech, 6-0, in a non-conference contest last Monday. Eber Maldanado

Laurel Star varsity sports schedules for Sept. 24-30

Thursday, Sept. 24- soccer- Laurel at Caesar Rodney, 7 p.m., Delmar at Smyrna, 7 p.m., Sussex Tech home vs. Lake Forest, 4 p.m.; volleyball- Delmar home vs. Sussex Central, 5 p.m., Sussex Tech home vs. Lake Forest, 5 p.m.; field hockey- Sussex Tech at Cape Henlopen, 7 p.m. Friday, Sept. 25- football- Laurel at Sussex Tech, 7:30 p.m.; Delmar home vs. St. Elizabeth, 7:30 p.m.; field hockey- Laurel vs. Seaford at UD, 8 p.m.; cross country- Sussex Tech at Middletown Invitational, 3 p.m. Saturday, Sept. 26- field hockey- Delmar vs. Indian River at UD, 4 p.m., Sussex Tech vs. Charter School at UD, 10 a.m. Tuesday, Sept. 29- soccer- Laurel home vs. Cape Henlopen, 4 p.m., Delmar home vs. Sussex Central, 5:30 p.m., Sussex Tech at Indian River, 7 p.m.; field hockey- Laurel home vs. Caesar Rodney, 4 p.m.; volleyball- Delmar at Polytech, 5 p.m., Sussex Tech at Sussex Central, 5 p.m. Wednesday, Sept. 30- field hockey- Delmar at Sussex Tech, 4 p.m.; soccer- Delmar home vs. Worcester Prep, 5:30 p.m.; cross country- Sussex Tech at Tidewater Invitational, 3:45 p.m.

Laurel Pee Wee team moves to 4-0 with 26-0 win The Laurel Pop Warner Pee Wee Bulldogs improved to 4-0 on the season with a 26-0 victory over the Milford Bucs (2-1) last Saturday at Milford. Laurel’s Johnny McGinnis had a four-yard touchdown run in the first quarter and Justin Revel completed a pass to Gary Warren for the extra point. Leon West added a six-yard touchdown run in the second quarter. Amari Cannon ran the ball in from 20 yards out and Revel found Warren for the extra point in the third quarter. Warren capped the scoring with a 57-yard interception return for a touchdown in the fourth quarter. Alonzo Cannon had 13 carries for 104 yards, McGinnis ran the ball six times for 51 yards and a touchdown, and Amari Cannon added three carries for 25 yards and a touchdown. Revel completed three of four passes to Warren for 20 yards and two extra points. The Laurel defense allowed just 38 total yards, recording its third shutout in four games. McGinnis led the way with eight tackles and five assists, Amari Cannon had three tackles and three assists, Tyler Whitby recorded four tackles, West added three tackles, and Alonzo Cannon had three tackles and a fumble recovery. Bragg Davis and Zach Baynum chipped in with two tackles apiece, Gary Warren had two tackles and an interception, and Colin Bergh and Skyler Chaffinch each recorded one tackle and one assist. Laurel’s next game is at home against Smyrna on Oct. 3.

Delmar senior Abby Tingle serves during her team’s home loss to Smyrna last week. Tingle had four kills for the Wildcats. Photo by Mike McClure

FIRST PLACE- Sussex Tech’s Emily Ritter placed first with a time of 21:06 to help lead her team to a 16-39 win over Seaford. Photo by Mike McClure

pAGe 26

MORNING STAR • SepTeMbeR 24 - 30, 2009

Sussex Tech boys’, girls’ cross country teams earn wins at Seaford By Mike McClure

The Sussex Tech boys’ and girls’ cross country teams earned wins in a three-team meet at Chapel Branch in Seaford last Wednesday. The Ravens’ boys’ team edged Seaford, 25-32, with Delmarva Christian sending just three teams to the meet. Sussex Tech’s Jamie Price place first (18:07) and teammate Brian Singh (18:58) was second. Seaford’s Chris Wilkerson (18:58) and Tim Fields (19:20) finished third and fourth. Sussex Tech’s Ricky Hernandez came in fifth (19:21), Seaford’s Jacques Jules (19:23) and Cory Darden (19:27) were sixth and seventh, and the Ravens’ Sudesh Singh (19:32), Robert Robles (19:44), and Ryan Fitzgerald (19:46) rounded out the top 10. The Lady Ravens defeated the Blue Jays, 16-39, as Emily Ritter (21:06), Isabel Wharton (21:15), Bethany Killman (22:30), and Monica Patel (24:10 finished first through fourth for Sussex Tech. Seaford’s Jennifer Hoffman (24:19) placed fifth and Sussex Tech’s Heidi Miguel (24:50), Livia Bergh (24:59), Paige Collins (26:05), Lexie Pusey (26:55), and Margo Carey (27:19) finished sixth through 10th. Seaford, Sussex Tech cross country teams compete in Lake Forest Invitational- The Sussex Tech girls’ cross country team placed fourth among the large schools at last Saturday’s Lake Forest In-

vitational with three runners placing in the top eight. The Seaford girls finished 16th among small schools while the Seaford and Sussex Tech boys each placed eighth. Sussex Tech’s Emily Ritter placed fourth (20:00), teammate Izzy Wharton was right behind her to place fifth (20:08), and Bethany Killmon came in eight (21:07). The Ravens’ Jamie Price finished 12th (17:13) in the large school division and Seaford’s Chris Wilkerson was 15th

Seaford’s Jen Hoffman placed fifth in last Wednesday’s meet at Chapel Branch in Seaford. Photo by Mike McClure

Sussex Tech’s Jamie Price paced the field, winning last Wednesday’s cross country meet in Seaford. Photo by Mike McClure

Sussex Tech freshman Bethany Killmon placed third in last Wednesday’s meet at Seaford. The Ravens had the top four finishers in the meet. Photo by Mike McClure

(18:00) in the small school division. Seaford’s other results are as follows: girls- MacKenzie Thomas, 23:44; Jenn Hoffman, 24:16; Alex Spiropoulos, 26:25; Macey Cordrey, 32:56; Jordan Sigai, 34:40; Deanna Sigai, 29:41 Boys- Jacques Jules, 18:42; Tim Fields, 19:00; Corey Darden, 19:52; Sebastain Meerman, 21:21; Cody Rementer, 21:48; Jon Schwinn, 22:08; Radames Givens, 22:30; Ryan Craft, 28:86; Jean Pradieu, 29:07

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pAGe 27

MORNING STAR • SepTeMbeR 24 - 30, 2009

Laurel Stars of the Week

Laurel’s Mariah Dickerson netted her second game-winning goal in as many games to help the Bulldogs to a 3-2 win over Lake Forest in overtime. Laurel also topped Polytech, 3-2, on Tuesday. Photo by Mike McClure

Male Athlete of the WeekTyler Cornish- Delmar High

Female Athlete of the WeekMariah Dickerson- Laurel

Laurel senior Mariah Dickerson netDelmar’s Tyler Cornish had a 65ted a pair of game-winning goals for yard touchdown run in his team’s home the Bulldogs last week. Dickerson had opener on Friday. Cornish also returned a goal and an assist in Tuesday’s win blocked kick for a touchdown and over Polytech before tallying the gameblocked an extra point in the Wildcat winner in overtime last Thursday at loss. Lake Forest. Honorable mention- Eber Maldanado- Laurel; Dante Tingle- Delmar; Chris Jones- Laurel; Nick Munoz- Laurel; Jerry Reed- Laurel; Justin Rife- Laurel; Kyle West- Laurel; Tyler Robertson- Laurel; Dario Gaspar- Delmarva Christian; Christian Espinoza- Sussex Tech; Brian Singh- Sussex Tech; Zimri Gomez- Sussex Tech; Desmond Sivels- Sussex Tech; Jamie Price- Sussex Tech; Alexis Oliphant- Laurel; Alexis Hudson- Laurel; Katie Espenlaub- Laurel; Tomorrow Briddell- Laurel; Mallory Elliott- Delmar; Taylor Elliott- Delmar; Caroline Phillips- Delmar; Amanda Fields- Delmar; Sarah Smith- Delmar; Ashley Matos- Delmar; Erica Edwards- Sussex Tech; Crystal Loudon- Sussex Tech; Maxine Fluharty- Sussex Tech; Izzy Delario- Sussex Tech; Brittany Atkins- Sussex Tech; Logan Pavlik- Sussex Tech; Emily Ritter- Sussex Tech; Izzy Wharton- Sussex Tech



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Laurel field hockey wins second straight, 3-2, in OT

The Laurel varsity field hockey team scored the last three goals of last Thursday’s road contest to defeat Lake Forest, 3-2, in overtime. The win was the Bulldogs’ second straight win, moving them to 2-2 on the year. The Spartans netted a pair of first half goals to take a 2-0 lead before Laurel’s Katie Espenlaub scored with 4:50 left in the half. Tomorrow Briddell scored at 22:18 in the second half to tie the score at 2-2. Mariah Dickerson scored her second gamewinning goal in as many games with Espenlaub picking up the assist with 5:53 remaining in overtime. Laurel held a 17-11 advantage in shots and a 10-8 edge in corners.

Laurel High alumni field hockey game to take place Oct. 14 The Laurel High School alumni hockey game will take place Wednesday, Oct. 14 at 7 p.m. at the high school hockey field. Admission will be $1 and registration will cost $10 (including tshirt). All alumni hockey players are welcome and all youth hockey teams will be invited. There will also be a concession stand and games. For further information or to register contact Donna Ward (249-6060, 875-6113, or Marsha Murphy (381-7250, 875-6103,

Laurel senior Tomorrow Briddell, shown dribbling the ball during a recent field hockey game, netted a goal in her team’s 3-2 win over Lake Forest last week. Photo by Mike McClure

Send us your sports scores - it’s easy!

Coaches and parents are invited to send any team scores that they would like to see featured in the Star. Items can be e-mailed to or faxed to 302-629-9243.

Delmar field hockey team moves to 4-0 with 3-0 win The Delmar varsity field hockey team blanked Smyrna, 3-0, last Thursday to move to 4-0 overall. Mallory Elliott had one goal and one assist and Caroline Phillips and Taylor Elliott each netted a goal to lead the Wildcats. Delmar had 20 shots and 20 corners and goalie Amanda Fields blanked the Eagles in the win. YOUR IMAGE BUILDER

DELMAR VOLLEYBALL- Delmar’s Shanna Hearn goes for block during her team’s home contest last week. Photo by Mike McClure


pAGe 28

MORNING STAR • SepTeMbeR 24 - 30, 2009

Laurel Star varsity sports scoreboard (week of 9/14)

Delmar’s Dante Tingle blocks Hodgson’s field goal attempt during last week’s game in Delmar. Teammate Tyler Cornish picked up the ball and ran it in for a touchdown. Photo by Mike McClure

Delmar football continued

touchdown to make the score 18-7 (6:34). Hodgson later took over on the Delmar 36 yard line when the Wildcat punter’s knee hit the ground when he went down to get a low snap. Delmar’s Cameron Mattox held Chambers to the first of two one-yard runs on first and goal from the six. Jose Flores broke up a third down pass, setting up a Hodgson field goal attempt. A delay of game penalty pushed Joshua White’s kick back five yards, setting up a 26-yard attempt. Dante Tingle blocked the kick right to Cornish who returned it 75 yards for a touchdown. Bellamy’s PAT cut the Hodgson lead to 18-14 with 43.5 left in the half. The two teams exchanged punts in the second half before Hodgson’s Rich-

ard Johnson intercepted a pass to set up first and 10 on the Delmar 21. Chambers scored his third touchdown of the game with a two-yard run and Treml found Dominic Shiano for the two-point conversion to up the Silver Eagle lead to 26-14 with 11:55 remaining in the game. Hodgson was unable to take advantage of another fumble recovery, however, Johnson intercepted a Delmar pass and returned it to the Wildcats’ eight yard line. Treml scored on a keeper on fourth and goal on the five (32-14). Chambers later scored his fourth touchdown of the night with a one-yard run. Cornish blocked the extra point to keep the score at 38-14. Delmar hosts St. Elizabeth, which lost a home contest to Laurel in week two, this Friday night (kickoff at 7:30 p.m.).

Field hockey- Dover 3, Seaford 0- The Dover field hockey team netted two goals in the first half and one in the second for a 3-0 home win over Seaford on Thursday. Each team had 16 shots and the Senators held a 7-6 edge in corners. Molly Cain recorded nine saves for the Blue Jays. Woodbridge 1, Indian River 1- The Woodbridge varsity field hockey team tied Indian River, 1-1, following a pair of overtime periods in last Saturday’s road contest. Kelsey Johnson scored a goal to give the Raiders a 1-0 lead at half-time. Indian River netted a second half goal to tie the score. Seaford 10, Campus 0- Courtney Torbert and Erin Wootten each netted a pair of goals to help the Blue Jays to the non-conference win last Friday in Seaford. Boys’ soccer- Cape Henlopen 4, Woodbridge 0- The Woodbridge varsity boys’ soccer team lost to the homestanding Cape Henlopen Vikings, 4-0, last Thursday night. Cape netted all four of its goals in the first half. The Raiders Abraham Leon made 15 saves in the loss. Seaford 2, Caesar Rodney 1- The Blue Jays defeated Caesar Rodney, 2-1, in a battle of Henlopen Conference favorites last Thursday in Seaford. Chris Trejo gave Seaford a 1-0 lead with a penalty kick at 14:00 in the first half. Caesar Rodney knotted the score with a goal at 49:00 in the second half. Seaford’s Oscar Castrejon scored the game-winning goal on a feed from Ethan Lee at 64:00. The Jays out shot the Riders, 14-12, while CR held a 5-2 advantage in corner kicks. Christian Gosnell made 11 saves and allowed just one goal in the 2-1 victory. Caravel 2, Seaford 0- Jose Cortez recorded 11 saves in Seaford’s 2-0 non-conference loss to Caravel last Saturday. The Bucs out shot the Blue Jays, 13-3, and held a 5-1 advantage in corner kicks. Football- Appoquinimink 31, Seaford 20- Vincent Glover returned a kickoff 75 yards for a touchdown and had a 30-yard reception for a touchdown, Shaquel Turnage had a touchdown pass completed a two-point pass to Jason Owens, and Jeff Akins added a six-yard touchdown run for Seaford. Woodbridge 20, St. Georges 14- Trezmon Kane had a four-yard touchdown run, Frederick Sample scored from 45 yards out, and Trevor Wescott added an 80-yard reception for a touchdown from quarterback C.J. Pleasants to help Woodbridge move to 2-0. Micah Idler added a pair of extra points in the win. Coaches: Send your scores, results, and stats to the Star by 5 p.m. on Monday to get them into the paper.

Send us your sports scores - it’s easy!

Coaches and parents are invited to send any team scores that they would like to see featured in the Star. Items can be e-mailed to sports@ or faxed to 302-629-9243.







The Wildcats’ Spencer Fothergill, left, and De’Vaughn Trader look to make a tackle during last Friday’s game in Delmar. Photo by Mike McClure

Laurel Midget football comes back for 20-14 win The Laurel Pop Warner Midget football team improved to 4-0 with a 20-14 comeback victory over Milford last week. The Bulldogs were trailing, 14-13, with less than four minutes to play when they drove 60 yards for the score. Brett Marine capped off the drive with a seven-yard touchdown run. The Bulldogs’ second defensive unit, led by Leslie Riggleman, Rontrell Leonard, Seth Sprague, Elijah Snead, Christian Ellsworth, Zach Collins, Austin Suit, Josh James, Eric Wharton, Jacob Adkins and Cole Gullett, saved the game as they held Milford on two consecutive plays from inside the 10-yard line.




MORNING STAR • SepTeMbeR 24 - 30, 2009

Raven Roundup- Sussex Tech volleyball team nets first win By Mike McClure The Sussex Tech girls’ volleyball team, in its first year as a varsity team, earned its first win last Thursday with a 3-1 victory over Dover. Dover won the first game, 25-16, but Sussex Tech won the next three games. The Ravens edged the Senators, 27-25 and 2523, before taking the final game, 25-18. Sussex Tech’s Erica Edwards had four kills and one dig; Crystal Loudon contributed three kills and two assists; Bethany Redman had two aces and an assist; and Morgan Messick chipped in with one kill. Sussex Tech fell to Middletown, 3-0, last Monday. The Cavaliers won, 25-6, 25-6, and 25-17. Lady Ravens win third straight- The Sussex Tech varsity field hockey team blanked Sussex Central, 6-0, last Thursday before defeating St. Andrew’s, 5-0, on Saturday. On Thursday, Maxine Fluharty netted three first half goals (23:54, 17:52, and 2:58) to give Sussex Tech a 3-0 lead at the Sussex Tech’s Izzy Wharton came in half. Fluharty added a goal with 26:20 left second in last week’s girls’ cross country meet in Seaford. Photo by Mike in the game, Taylor McClure Isabella Delario Quillen scored off a feed from Abby Atkins (17:26), and Atkins netted a goal (13:00) with Lindsay Rickards picking up the assist to help lead the Ravens. Sussex Tech out shot Sussex Central, 23-0, and held a 17-1 advantage in corners. On Saturday, Izzy Delario netted a pair of first half goals off feed from Bethany Pavlik and Fluharty found Atkins with a minute left in the half to give the Ravens a 3-0 lead. Fluharty scored off a feed from Quillen and Pavlik netted the final goal with Taylor Kieffer picking up the assist. Sussex Tech held a 21-0 advantage in shots and a 28-0 advantage in corners. Ravens’ soccer team blanks Polytech, 1-0- Sussex Tech’s Christian Espinoza scored off a feed from Zimri Gomez in the first half of last Thursday’s boys’ soccer game in Georgetown for the only goal of the game. The Ravens held a 14-5 advantage in shots and a 3-1 edge in corners while James Smith made three saves in the win. Sussex Tech football team edged by Milford, 34-28- Sussex Tech scored 14 points in each of the first two quarters for a 2820 lead over Milford last Friday in Milford, but the Bucs scored Christian Espinoza 14 unanswered points in the fourth quarter for the 34-28 win. Desmond Sivels had touchdown runs of four, 11, three, and 35 yards and added a two-point conversion for the Ravens. Sivels carried the ball 30 times for 186 yards.

Send us your sports scores - it’s easy!

Coaches and parents are invited to send any team scores that they would like to see featured in the Star. Items can be e-mailed to sports@ or faxed to 302-629-9243.

Golfing Special

pAGe 29

Delmarva Christian sports scores (for the week of 9/14)

Delmarva Christian field hockey falls in opening week- The Delmarva Christian varsity field hockey team lost to Gunston, Archmere, and Holly Grove in games last week. Jessica Stratton and Haley Embleton each had a goal and Christie Betts recorded 13 saves in the Royals’ 10-2 loss to Gunston last Tuesday. Betts made 38 saves in an 8-0 loss to Holly Grove on Thursday and recorded 32 saves in a 7-0 loss to Archmere on Saturday. Delmarva Christian soccer team nets goals in losses- The Delmarva Christian varsity boys’ soccer team fell to Gunston, 7-3, Archmere, 6-1, and Salisbury School, 6-2, in games last week. Dario Gaspar netted two goals and Shayne Ivory had one goal in the loss to Gunston on Tuesday. Todd Hurley recorded nine saves in goal for the Royals. Hurley made nine saves and Gaspar and Herbert Troyer had one goal each in the loss to Salisbury School. Troyer scored off a feed from Antonio Kokkinos and Hurley made 22 saves in a l6-1 loss to Archmere on Saturday. Delmarva Christian volleyball team edged by Cape, 3-2- The Delmarva Christian girls’ volleyball team fell to Cape Henlopen, 3-2, on Friday, Sept. 11. Cape won the first game, 25-20, before the Royals won games two and three, 25-20. The Vikings won, 25-16 and 18-16, in the final games to win three games to two. Delmarva Christian’s Emily Pentoney had seven kills, 12 aces, and seven digs; Mary Phillips added four blocks, one ace, and three digs; Mallorie Parsons contributed three kills, two aces, and six blocks; and Sierra Parsons had three kills, two aces, one block, and four digs.

Sussex Tech grad Yeary playing at Kutztown University Sussex Tech graduate Sydnee Yeary of Laurel is playing women’s soccer at Kutztown University. Yeary is a sophomore defender for the Pennsylvania school’s team. Yeary was left off the list of local grads playing Fall collegiate sports.

Gibson joins Greenville Drive, named base runner of the year Seaford graduate Derrik Gibson joined the Greenville Drive, the Boston Red Sox’ affiliate in the South Atlantic League, last week. Gibson was also selected as the Red Sox organization’s base runner of the year. He will receive this award at Fenway Park in Boston at the end of the month.

Western Sussex’s source for local sports, the Star. W


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pAGe 30

MORNING STAR • SepTeMbeR 24 - 30 2009

Seaford/Laurel Star Tuesday high school sports scoreboard

Soccer- Delmar 4, Milford 3- Casey Bellamy netted a pair of goals to help the Wildcats to the one goal win. Roel Dominguez had four saves in goal for Delmar. Sussex Tech 4, Laurel 0- Michael Rhone and Zimri Gomez each had a goal and an assist, Christian Espinoza and Ryan Moore netted one goal apiece, and Dylan Pepper and Josh Walstead added one assist each. Dover 7, Woodbridge 0- Abraham Leon recorded 19 saves in the loss. Salisbury Christian 3, Delmarva Christian 2 (Monday)Tyler Troyer netted two goals and Dario Gaspar had one assist for the Royals. Todd Hurley also had 14 saves in the loss. Field hockey- Polytech 1, Woodbridge 0- Kelli Warner Roel Dominguez had one save for Woodbridge which held a 10-3 advantage in corners and a 3-2 edge in shots. Cape Henlopen 5, Delmar 1- Mallory Elliottt scored a goal and Amanda Fields made six saves in the Wildcat loss. The Vikings outshot Delmar, 11-6. St. Peter and Paul 9, Delmarva Christian 0 (Monday) Volleyball- Salisbury Christian 3, Delmarva Christian 0 (Monday)- Emily Pentoney and Sierra Parsons each had four kills, Lauryl Berger added 15 assists, and Mallorie Parsons contributed seven kills and six blocks for the Royals. Delmar 3, Lake Forest 1- Sarah Smith led Delmar with six aces and 21 assists, Abby Tingle had four kills and six aces, and Ashley Matos added nine kills, two aces, and four digs.

Sussex Tech’s Maxine Fluharty and Seaford’s Eryn Quillen go stick to stick for the ball Tuesday at Wilmur Tull Field in Seaford. Fluharty helped to lead the Ravens to a 10-1 victory over Seaford. Photo by Lynn Schofer

Sussex Tech field hockey team tops Seaford, 10-1

The Seaford High School field hockey team took on the Sussex Tech Ravens on Tuesday at home. The Ravens enjoyed an commanding 10-1 victory over the Blue Jays. Maxine Fluharty had three goals and two assists, Abby Atkins contributed two goals and two assists, and Taylor Quillen netted a pair of goals to lead the Ravens. Tori Seuss, Kayla Krause, and Amanda Ritter also had goals for Sussex Tech. Maria DeMott tallied a goal for Seaford. See complete story in next week’s Star.

Delmarva Christian High School Goal Keeper Todd Hurley eyes the ball in an attempt to stop the score in Monday’s matchup with Salisbury Christian. Photo by Lynn Schofer

Seaford player Dustin Venables jumps high in an attempt to reach the ball with his head but it is Nazaret Garcia who is able to make contact and head the ball to the goal in Tueday’s high school boys’ soccer game.

Seaford boys’ soccer earns 1-0 win over Cape Henlopen The Seaford varsity boys’ soccer team defeated Cape Henlopen in a close match Tuesday night in Seaford. The Blue Jays won, 1-0, on a goal by Chris Trejo in the first period. Oscar Castrejon had the assist for Seaford. Full story next week in the Star.

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MORNING STAR • SepTeMbeR 24 - 30, 2009

pAGe 31

Seaford Bowling Lanes H.J. Bunting scores third straight

Mardel ABC

Team Dynasty 28-4 Spicer Electric 19-13 Sandbaggers 18-14 Henry’s Furniture 16-16 Three Men and a Babe 16-16 Jaws 15-17 Four Horseman 14-18 3 Plus 1 14-18 Wroten’s Rollers 12-20 High games and series David Spicer 293, 774

Tuesday AM Mixed

Fun Bunch 6.5-1.5 The Strikers 6-2 Sparetimers 5-3 Pindrops 4-4 Trouble 1.5-6.5 Getter Dun 1-7 High games and series Steven Dempsey 255 Clem Warrener 638 Erma Baker 246, 669

Baby Blue Jays Girl Power 6-0 Hot Shots 5-1 New Beginnings 4-2 Strikers 2-4 Strikes and Spares 1-5

Just Starting 0-6 High games and series Christian Whitelock 164, 328 Delaney Quillen 170, 325


Pin Smashers 8-0 Strike Masters 6-2 Ten Pins 5-3 Strikers 5-3 Spare Timers 3-5 Pin Destoryers 2-6 Dead Eyes 2-6 Late Comers 0-8 High games and series Jordan Marine 233 Brad Morgan 640 Kayla Arnett 240, 636

Young Adults

Lucky Charms 6-2 Strikes and Spares 5-3 Just For Fun 5-3 Dust Balls 4-4 Lightening 4-4 Pinbusters 3-5 New Beginnings 3-5 Toy Soldiers 2-6 High games and series Seth Shockley 278, 744 Katelyn Cottet 246 Katie Hickey 672

Senior Express

Just Us 4-0 Senior Survivors 3-1 P.K. 3-1 Attitude with Spare 3-1 Blue Stars 3-1 Strikers 3-1 Curves Chicks 3-1 Pin Pals 2-2 New Comers 2-2 Russ Morgan DDS 2-2 Guys and a Doll 2-2 Mighty Pioneers 2-2 New Crew 2-2 Chick’s Rollers 1-3 Pinbusters 1-3 Yvonne and the Guys 1-3 Kellam’s Crew 1-3 Rack Attack 1-3 Mission 3 1-3 High games and series Joe Walker 263 Ronald Royster 662 Edith Krause 259 Darlene Beauchamp 662

Friday Trios Sugar and Honey The Uh Ohs James Gang Norm’s Crew

7-1 6-2 6-2 5-3

3-Da-Hardway 5-3 All in the Family 5-3 Touch of Class 4-4 Woodworkers 4-4 Strikes and Spares 4-4 Comebacks 4-4 Fear the Handicap 3-5 BKB FAB 3-5 Three Alive 3-5 Wolf Pack 3-5 Terry’s Tigers 2-6 Pins Astounding 2-6 7-Up 1-7 High games and series Steve Teagle 293, 741 Carol Kellam 234 Evelyn Maddox 623

Seaford City

Ruff Ryder 3-1 Seaford Lanes 3-1 Easy Pickins 3-1 Palmer’s Construction 2.4-1.5 Guardian Angels 1.5-2.5 Phillips Construction 1-3 Git-R-Done 1-3 Cokesbury Trucking 0-4 High games and series Linwood Jenkns 289 Garrett Sammons 702

SEAFORD BOWLING LANES Home of Galactic BowlinG



Nylon Capital Shopping Center Seaford, DE

Jay Bradford returns, wins Sunday at U.S. 13 Dragway By Charlie Brown Veteran racer Jay Bradford of Newark, Md., has been sidelined during the 2009 season after undergoing successful bypass surgery. On Sunday, Bradford returned with a clean bill of health and captured the Super Pro final. Newly crowned Pro champion, Roger Ridgeway, Jr. of Dover continued his winning ways in Pro and Marquise Blake of Bishopville, Md., rode to his first win of the season in Pro Bike. Other winners on the day included: Chelsea Williams of Seaford, in Street; Colin Campbell of Fruitland in Import; Robert Brumell of Salisbury in Bike Trophy; Taylor Cox of Mardela Springs in Jr. Dragster 1 and Rebecca Bireley of Salisbury in Jr. Dragster 2. The Super Pro final matched Bradford in his ’84 Lumina against the ’81 Camaro of Tommy Ketterman. Bradford was in top form as he had a .012 reaction light and ran on his dial with a 9.946/146.93 on a 9.94 for the win. Ketterman ran a 9.172/146.67 on a 9.14 dial. Semi-finalists were Keith Mayers of Fruitland and Riley Williamson of Delmar. Ridgeway, Jr., in his ’78 Mustang, met Mark Cathell of Delmar, Md., in his ’70 Camaro in the Pro final. Cathell had a .001 red light foul and Ridgeway got the win with a 9.556/138.99 on a 9.54 dial. Semi-finalist was Jim Williams of Seaford. Marquise Blake rode up against D.J. Lockwood of Berlin in the Pro Bike final. Blake overcame a slow start to take the win with a 9.069/144.39 on a 9.00 dial-in. Lockwood was off his dial with a 9.381/143.51 on a 9.04 dial. Semi-finalists were Ron Fensick, II of Bridgeville and Tyrone Dale of Salisbury. Ken Davis of Seaford broke out with an 11.437 on an 11.46 dial and Williams got the win in Street. Williams ran an 11.637/113.12 on an 11.62 dial. In Import it was Campbell benefiting from problems for Joseph Laber of Hurlock. Laber slowed after putting a hole shot on Campbell on the starting line and Campbell got the win with a 14.669/97.48 on a 14.60 dial. Brummell rode up against Mike Jefferson of Seaford in the Bike Trophy final. Brummell had a .001 reaction and took the win with a 10.540/127.19 on a 10.35 dial. Jefferson broke out with a 13.043/101.05 on a 13.12 dial. In Jr. Dragster 1 action, Cox was paired against Amanda Clem of Hurlock. Cox had the better reaction and drove to his second win of the year with an 8.921/70.00 on an 8.90 dial. Clem broke out with a 12.057/52.39 on a 12.18 dial. Bireley was matched against Cortney Cathell of Laurel in the Jr. Dragster 2 final. Bireley had the better reaction and took the win with an 8.134/67.66 on a 7.93 dial. Cathell ran an 8.444/76.86 on an 8.03 dial.

victory in Delaware Modifieds

By Charlie Brown

H.J. Bunting of Milford has hit his stride as he captured his third consecutive NAPA Big Block Modified feature Saturday night at the Delaware International Speedway. The win was important but not enough to lock in his fifth point championship in the division. That battle will go down to the final points race this Saturday night as defending champion Jamie Mills is still solidly in contention. Tim Trimble, who made his first start in the Big Block a little more than a month ago has be on a fast learning curve and jumped out to the early lead in the 25 lap feature. Jeff Brown trailed closely in second with Robert Dutton running a strong third. Matt Jester quickly moved from seventh to take the third spot on lap four. Trimble had opened a 3.8 second lead by lap seven but it was erased by the first caution as Dana Walker slowed to a stop in the second turn. Jester got by Brown on the restart but the yellow was out a second time as Craig Ott slowed. Jester made a bid for the lead on the restart but the rookie, Trimble held him off. Again the yellow was out as Howard O’Neal fell off the pace. By this time Bunting, who had started in 10th, was running in third and went to work on Jester on the restart. At the halfway sign the top five were Trimble, Jester, Bunting, Mills and Brown. Bunting got around Jester with ten to go and it only took him a lap to track down Trimble and take the lead. Jester was able to get by Trimble with five to go but would never seriously challenge Bunting. Bunting crossed under the checkered for a personal best eighth time this season in the Jake Marine/J&M Roofing/Teo. Jester finished in second with Trimble also posting a personal best in third. Mills limped home nursing a smoking engine but his fourth place finish kept him in the hunt for his title defense. Joseph Watson used the high groove to come on strong in the closing laps and to finish in fifth. “Six or seven feature wins is the most I’ve had,“ said Bunting. “It’s been a great year and I couldn’t ask for anything more. I would just like to thank Jake for giving me a great piece of equipment. I’m the lucky one who gets to drive it and thanks also to all the guy that work on it all week.” Jon Callaway gets third win in AC Delco Modifieds- John Curtis led the first two laps of the 15-lap AC Delco Modified feature before teammate Callaway, who

started in sixth, took the lead. Once out front, Callaway would make no mistakes. By the halfway sign Curtis was locked into a battle for second with Joseph Tracy with Matt Hawkins and Westley Smith running fourth and fifth. Tracy would win the battle for the spot but would not be able to reel in Callaway who drove the Curtis/DPC Emergency/Teo to the win. Curtis held on to finish in third with Hawkins fourth and Smith fifth. Fast time in qualifying was set by Tracy. Steve White captures 10th win in Mod Lites- Steve White remained the force to be dealt with in the Mod Lites as he drove to his 10th win of the year. Paul McGinley was strong at the start and led the first five laps of the event. White, who started in seventh, steadily picked his way through the top five and was running in second by lap four. Two laps later White was in the lead and would never be seriously challenged to the win. His only scare came with five laps to go when Brandon Keim spun in front of the leader. Brandon Dennis came on strong and took second from McGinley with one lap to go. Time ran out and White, in the Northeast Heating & Air/Lightning, took the checkered. Dennis finished in the second spot with Scott Tessman making a late race charge to finish in third. Fourth went to McGinley and Ty Short rounded out the top five. Fast time in qualifying was set by White. Chuck Tucker gets first win in Vintage Stock Cars- Tucker’s debut of his new Gremlin bodied vintage car a few weeks ago wasn’t what he had hoped. The car ran poorly and eventually caught fire ending his night. On Saturday night things were much better as Tucker started on the pole and lapped most of the field to post his first win. C.J. Schirmer got off to a slow start but was able to work his way to second and Morris Tucker returned to action and finished in third. Fourth place went to Rick Loveland and Dave Schamp rounded out the top five. Gary Scott finished first Sportsman.

Boys and Girls Club of Western Sussex to form indoor soccer league

The Boys and Girls Club of Western Sussex is forming an indoor soccer league for the winter season. This is a co-ed league ages 3 through 18. The age groups are as follows: Under 6: ages 3, 4, 5 (session one Nov. and Dec., session two Dec. and Jan.); Under 9: ages 6- 8; Under 12- ages 9-11; Under 15- ages 12-14; Under 19- ages 1518. The registration fee is $25 for club members (U6 $15 per session or $25 for both) and $40 for non-club members ($15 covers one year membership dues at the club). Participants may register at the club Monday through Friday, 1:30 p.m. to 8 p.m. For more information call the club at 628-3789 and ask for Karen Schreiber.

Covering all the local sports, the Seaford/Laurel Star.



• SEPTEMBER 24 - 30, 2009



(For Subscribers - Personal Use Only) *Some exceptions such as homes for rent or sale

AUTOMOTIVE ‘86 LINCOLN TOWN CAR, runs good, $600 neg. 8759401. 9/24

Deadline: Monday, 2 p.m. Businesses: $4.50 per inch

‘85 FORD RANGER, trans rebuilt, needs starter, runs good, $600 neg. 875-9401. 9/24

Boxed (Display) Ads: $6.50/inch Legals: $6.50 per inch

‘94 MUSTANG, 6 cyl., AT/ OD, good cond., $2500 OBO. 41-5102 or 629-8278. 9/17

Line ads ($9.00 minimum)

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Call: Or E-mail: COMPUTERS

YARD SALE YARD SALE, Sat., 9/26,, Jewelry, Tools, Toys & HH items, homemade choc., halloween candy. 8 til ? at 106 Culver Dr., Laurel. 9/24 2-FAMILY YARD SALE! Sat., 9/26, 7 am - noon. Corner Discountland Rd. & Firetower Rd., Laurel. Household, misc., collectibles incl. baseball, glassware & much more! Rain or shine. 9/17


Guitar Lessons available for all ages and music styles. Certified teacher (Music K-12) with 15 years of teaching experience and a Master’s degree in Guitar Performance. First Lesson FREE! Call Doug at 941-518-1640 for more details.

Subscribe 629-9788

Delmar Sesquicentennial Town Wide Yard Sale & Farmer’s Market. Sat., 9/26, 6:30am - noon. Main sale area in State Street Park, but yard sales thruout town. Food avail. from Delmar Kiwanis and Friends of the Delmar Public Library. Wide variety of sale items. 9/24/1t

WANTED ARE YOU INTERESTED in joining a Retiree’s Investment Club? Call Bob Nicklas, 875-7119. 9/24 OLD 4-WHEELER to fix up for my son for Christmas. 841-9311 or 875-2567. 9/17 DONATIONS OF VEHICLES OR BOATS for nonprofit faith-based charity. Our program produces life changing results with troubled young men. Donation is tax deductible. Please call Delaware Teen Challenge, 629-2559. 9/17


Balanced nutrition & variety with enough food to feed a family of four for a week for $30. September Distribution & First Order Date for Oct.:

Sat. Morning, Sept. 26 Laurel Nazarene Church, 875-7873 Lifeway Church of God, 337-3044 Our Lady of Lourdes, 629-3591

For more info or to order on-line (with credit or debit card) see:

‘56 FORD CROWN VIC., burgundy & white w/Continental kit, AT, 12 volt, 289 eng. Asking $22,000. Exc. cond. 717-284-4038. 9/17 ‘02 CHEV. CUSTOM VAN “Cobra Conversion,” features many options, 350 eng., newly rebuilt trans., full power, dual air cond., DVD player & more. Only $4900. 875-5907, lv. msg. 9/17

ANTIQUES/ COLLECTIBLES SEAFORD THREADLINES, complete set, $50 OBO. 410-883-3462. 9/24

FOR SALE DR HUTCH, nice, wooden, top has 2 glass shelves, glass roors & lighted. Bottom has 3 drawers & a compartment/door on ea side. 77” tall, 16” deep, 50” wide, $200 OBO. 302-536-7802. 9/24 WURLITZER SPINIT PIANO w/leather top, matching bench, mahogany finish, good cond., needs tuning, $250 424-0601. 9/24 LIFTCHAIR, elec. controls, tan/brown tweed fabric, 40” H x 30” D, VG cond., $300. 424-0601. 9/24

8” DROP HITCH w/ 2” ball, Class III, $50. 536-1653. 8/27

KENMORE FRIDGE - 22 cf., ice maker/water on door. $250 OBO. 875-8677. 9/17


ROLL TOP DESK, $250. Coffee table, flip top style, oak, 17”h x 50”l x 30”w, $175. 629-0899 9/17

‘05 SUZUKI EIGER 400, Auto., (ATV), $3500. 443845-9790. 9/24

GAS FIREPLACE INSERT, never used, $300. 6290899. 9/17

CAMPERS/ TRAILERS ‘05 COACHMAN 27’6” & 07 Dodge Ram 4x4 Hemi, 16k mi., 2 yr. factory warranty, call for info. Will split. Must sell or take over payments. 875-3115. 8/13

BOATS ‘03 17’ BASS TRACKER 40hp, w/trailer, $4000. 443845-9790. 9/24 16’ ROWING SHELL GATED MARTINOLI, oar locks, 9.5’ Dreyer carbon fiber oars, dolly; cost new $3700; asking $1750. 3494107. 9/10 ‘06 BAYLINER 18’, 135hp Mercruiser I/O, full canvas w/Bimini top, trailer, less than 0 hrs., $9500. 3370229. 9/3 PRINCECRAFT 20’ Sport Fishing Pontoon Boat w/a Johnson motor 70-2st. w/ trailer & many extras. 6294246, if no ans., lv. msg. 8/13

SIERRA WOODSTOVE, $85. 846-9788. 9/17 5 OLD 6+9 WOOD PANE WINDOWS, can be sued for mirror & pict. collage, $5 ea. 500 sq. ft. Old Wood Barn horz. lap siding, clean, no nails. $430. 846-9788. 9/17 SEWING MACHINE, Kenmore, almost new w/seat & access. $75. 628-8546. 9/17 FAINTING COUCH, green, good cond., $300. 3370572. 9/10 RUBBERMADE COMBINATION Mail & Paper Box, new, green, $40. 745-5659. 9/10 TRANSPORT CHAIR, red, w/swing away & removable leg support, padded seat & back rest, folds down for storage, 8” front wheels. Only used 6 or 7 times, asking $175. If interested call 629-4246 eves. 9/3 KITCHEN TABLE, Heavy pine wood, X-type legs, 2 10” leaves, overall 86” x 44”, $200. 875-4740. 9/3

SOFA SLEEPER, twin, tan $30. RCA VHS Travel TV $20. Dog Cage for large dog 42x30 $30. Cot w/mattress $20. 875-7312. 9/3 COMPUTER DESK, good cond., $20. 2 Storage shelves, $15 ea. 628-0852. 9/3 ATLAS 12” BAND SAW on coaster stand, extra blades, $150. 846-9788. 93 INT’L. FARMALL Trip 2 bottom plow on tires, new paint, great shape, $250. 846-9788. 9/3 ELIPTICAL EXERCISE BIKE. Wooden swivel TV stand, $20. 875-4641 or 519-2853. 9/3 5-DIGIT #49265, Marco at 875-2090.

BLACK TAG, $900. Contact Brothers Pizza, 8/27

CENT. AIR CONDITIONER, $400. Day or night, 6283878. 8/27 CLOTHES DRYERS, $75 ea. Refrigerator, $75. 6299809. 8/27 26” GIRLS’ SCHWINN BIKE, 32 spds., like new, new tires & tubes, $75 OBO. 628-0617. 8/27 CAMERAS: Minolta 35mm mod QTSI film camera w/ A/F 35-70 Z, exc. cond. $50. Minolta 35mm mod., Maxx 400 SI film, w A/F 2880Z lens, exc. cond., $100. 875-1877. 8/27 CAMCORDER: Sony late model high 8,mod CCD 318 w/cable, strap, battery & flip out viewer, exc. cond., $125. 875-1877. 8/27 62” HDTV, bought in 2005 for $4700. Asking $1700 OBO. S.S. Countertop Microwave $100. 4 Computer Monitors $30 ea. OBO. 5361653. 8/27

BLACK SUEDE CHAPS w/ Fringe $50 OBO. 536-1653. 8/27 LG SHIP MODEL, made in Spain, 21.5” L x 24” H, cost $150, selling $50. 6281880. 8/20 2 POTTERY LAMPS, ship’s captain. 42” high, $100 for both. 629-8524. 8/20 LOST IN SPACE Talking Robot w/alien in orig. box, $25. 628-1880. 8/20 ACCORDIAN, Full size, exc. cond., $250. 629-4768, no Sunday calls. 8/20 TRANSPORT COMPANION Wheelchair, $50. 6280690. 8/20

ANIMALS, ETC. DOG CAGE for large dog 42x30 $30. 875-7312. 9/3 HORSE SADDLE, Blue Ridge Western, 15”, stand, 2 blankets, 2 bridles, helmets, exc. cond., $225. 629-4864. 8/20 DOG KENNELS: Standard, 10’x10’, $75. Heavy duty, 6’x16’, $100. Dog house, $20. 629-4864. 8/20


In Re: Change of Name of Abigail Virginia Trice Slacum, A Minor, to Abigail Virginia Trice. PETITION FOR NAME CHANGE NOW COMES Darren W. Trice (hereinafter, “Father”), the natural father of the minor child, Abigail See LEGALS—page 33

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Virginia Trice Slacum, by and through his counsel, Rebecca L. Trifillis, Esquire, and hereby states the following: 1. Father is the natural father of Abigail Virginia Trice Slacum, d/o/b July 15, 2009 (hereinafter, “the minor child” or “the child”). 2. Father resides at 6975 Reliance Road, Federalsburg, Maryland. 3. The minor child has been a resident of the State of Delaware since her birth and currently resides with her Mother, Cheri R. Ware (hereinafter, “Mother”), at 16513 Arvey Road, Laurel, Delaware. 4. Father seeks to change the minor child’s name from Abigail Virginia Trice Slacum to Abigail Virginia Trice. 5. The reason for the proposed change of name is: Against Father’s strongly held opinion, Mother selected a name for the child that does not reflect the minor child’s heritage whatsoever. Father strongly believes the minor chid should share his surname. 6. There are no creditors or other persons who will be defrauded or adversely affected by said change of name. 7. There are no criminal proceedings pending against the minor child. 8. Notice of this Petition has been published in the Seaford Star and Laurel Star newspapers, published in Sussex County, Delaware, once a week for three weeks prior to the filing of this Petition. An Affidavit of Publication is annexed hereto as Exhibit A, and incorporated herein by reference. WHEREFORE, Father prays that this Honorable Court enter an Order

changing the minor child’s name from Abigail Virginia Trice Slacum to Abigail Virginia Trice, pursuant to 10 Delaware Code, Sections 5901 to 5905. By: Rebecca L. Trifillis, Esquire (#4010) GRIFFIN & HACKETT, P.A. 116 W. Market Street Georgetown, DE 19947 (302) 856-9066 Attorney for Darren W. Trice By: Darren W. Trice, Father of Abigail Virginia Trice Slacum 9/24/3tc


NORTHWEST FORK HUNDRED Subd. #2008-27 Notice is hereby given that the County Planning and Zoning Commission of Sussex County will hold a public hearing on Thursday evening, OCTOBER 22, 2009, in the County Council Chambers, Sussex County Administrative Building, Georgetown, Delaware, on the application of ELIZABETH A. HIMES to consider the Subdivision of land in an AR-1 Agricultural Residential District in Broad Creek Hundred, Sussex County, by dividing 21.75 acres into 2 lots, a variance from the maximum allowed cul-de-sac length of 1,000 feet and a waiver from the street design requireents, located at the southeast end of Lynk Lane, 1,004.07 feet east of U.S. Route 13A. Planning and Zoning public hearings will begin at 6:00 P.M. Text and maps of this application may be examined by interested parties in the County Planning and Zoning Office, Sussex County Administrative Building,

• SEPTEMBER 24 - 30, 2009

Georgetown, Delaware. If unable to attend the public hearing, written comments will be accepted but must be received prior to the public hearing. For additional information contact the Planning and Zoning Department at 302-855-7878. 9/24/1tc


Estate of Viola E. Cannon, Deceased. Notice is hereby given that Letters of Administration upon the estate of Viola E. Cannon who departed this life on the 16th day of May, A.D. 2009 late of Laurel, DE were duly granted unto Gary N. Cannon on the 9th day of September, A.D. 2009, and all persons indebted to the said deceased are required to make payments to the said Administrator without delay, and all persons having demands against the deceased are required to exhibit and present the same duly probated to the said Administrator on or before the 16th day of January, A.D. 2010 or abide by the law in this behalf. Administrator: Gary N. Cannon Apt. #89, Seaford Meadows Dr. Seaford, DE 19973 Gregory Fuller Sr. Register of Wills 9/24/3tc


Estate of Marilyn H. Morris, Deceased. Notice is hereby given that Letters of Administration upon the estate of Marilyn H. Morris who departed this life on the 19th day of July, A.D. 2009 late of Seaford, DE were duly granted unto Scott Morris, Thomas

F. Morris on the 15th day of September, A.D. 2009, and all persons indebted to the said deceased are required to make payments to the said Co-Administrators without delay, and all persons having demands against the deceased are required to exhibit and present the same duly probated to the said Co-Administrators on or before the 19th day of March, A.D. 2010 or abide by the law in this behalf. Co-Administrators: Scott Morris 12416 Shorthorn Rd. Wilton, CA 95693 Thomas F. Morris 25111 Oak Rd. Seaford, DE 19973 Gregory Fuller Sr. Register of Wills 9/24/3tc


Estate of Margaret Bonenfant, Deceased. Notice is hereby given that Letters of Administration WWA upon the estate of Margaret Bonenfant who departed this life on the 28th day of July, A.D. 2009 late of Delmar, DE were duly granted unto Gary J. Mathews on the 11th day of September, A.D. 2009, and all persons indebted to the said deceased are required to make payments to the said Administrator WWA without delay, and all persons having demands against the deceased are required to exhibit and present the same duly probated to the said Administrator on or before the 28th day of Mach, A.D. 2010 or abide by the law in this behalf. Administrator: Gary J. Mathews 25027 Trinity Dr. Georgetown, DE 19947 Gregory Fuller Sr. Register of Wills 9/24/3tc


The Seaford School District Board of Education will hold a public meeting for the purpose of consideration of a waiver to the provisions of 14 Delaware Code §1704(3). This subsection of the law requires all public school buildings to have allocated to them 98% of the Division 1 units generated by the actual unit count in that building by the last school day of October of the current school year. A local school board may waive this subsection after voting to waive it at a public meeting noticed for that purpose. Any local school board seeking such a waiver shall do so on or before December 1st of each year.

The meeting will be held on Monday, 5 October 2009 at 7:00 p.m. in the Ashok Champaneria Board Room, 390 North Market Street Extended, Seaford, DE 19973. Citizens may present written or oral comments on the matter under consideration by the Board of Education. Procedures related to the publ ic forum portion of this meeting include: 1) Citizens who wish to address the Board should complete the “Public Participation Form for School Board Meetings” (available at the Seaford School District Office at 390 North Market Street Extended during regular business hours or at the time of the meeting) and present it to the presiding officer prior to the start of the meeting; 2) Citizens may address the Board of Education by seeking recognition from the presiding officer. When recognized, citizens shall first state their names and the topic upon which they would like to speak; 3) The presiding officer may limit th e time for comments. WHAT: WHEN: WHERE: WHY:

A public meeting of the Seaford Board of Education 7:00 p.m. on Monday, 5 October 2009 Ashok Champaneria Board Room, 390 N. Market Street Extended Consideration of a waiver of the provisions of 14 Delaware Code, §1704(3) for Central Elementary School, Blades Elementary School, West Seaford Elementary School, Frederick Douglass Elementary School, Seaford Middle School and Seaford Senior High School


Estate of Eulalie Wilson Elliott, Deceased. Notice is hereby given that Letters of Testamentary upon the estate of Eulalie Wilson Elliott who departed this life on the 20th day of August, A.D. 2009 late of Seaford, DE were duly granted unto Vicki Lee Givens on the 14th day of September, A.D. 2009, and all persons indebted to the said deceased are required to make payments to the said Executrix without delay, and all persons having demands against the deceased are required to exhibit and present the same duly probated to the said Executrix on or before the 20th day of April, A.D. 2010 or abide by the law in this behalf. Executrix: Vicki Lee Givens 22220 Brinsfield Ave. Seaford, DE 19973 Gregory Fuller Sr. Register of Wills 9/24/3tc


Estate of Clara E. Scull, Deceased. Notice is hereby given that Letters of Testamentary upon the estate of Clara E. Scull who departed this life on the 25th day of August, A.D. 2009 late of Greenwood, DE were duly granted unto Barbara W. Willey on the 11th day of September, A.D. 2009, and all persons indebted to the said deceased are required to make payments to the said Executrix without delay, and all persons having demands against the deceased are required to exhibit and present the same duly probated to the said Executrix on or before the 25th day of April, A.D. 2010 or abide by the law in this behalf. Executrix: Barbara W. Willey 16128 Abbotts Pond Rd. Milford, DE 19963 Gregory Fuller Sr. Register of Wills 9/24/3tc


Estate of Anna D Collins, Deceased. Notice is hereby given that Letters of Testamentary upon the estate of Anna D. Collins who departed this life on the 27th day of August, A.D. 2009 late of Seaford, DE were duly granted unto Bev C. Riedel on the 15th day of September, A.D. 2009, and all persons indebted to the said deceased are required to make payments to the said Executrix without delay, and all persons having demands against the deceased are required

to exhibit and present the same duly probated to the said Executrix on or before the 27th day of April, A.D. 2010 or abide by the law in this behalf. Executrix: Bev C. Riedel 3417 Hawthorne Ave. Richmond, VA 23222 Gregory Fuller Sr. Register of Wills 9/24/3tc


Estate of Philip Nathaniel Davis, Deceased. Notice is hereby given that Letters of Administration upon the estate of Philip Nathaniel Davis who departed this life on the 11th day of July, A.D. 2007 late of Bridgeville, DE were duly granted unto Esselee M. Davis on the 3rd day of September, A.D. 2009, and all persons indebted to the said deceased are required to make payments to the said Administratrix without delay, and all persons having demands against the deceased are required to exhibit and present the same duly probated to the said Administratrix on or before the 11th day of March, A.D. 2008 or abide by the law in this behalf. Administratrix: Esselee M. Davis 307 1st Street Bridgeville, DE 19933 Attorney: Michele Procino-Wells, Esq. Procino Wells 225 High St. Seaford, DE 19973 Gregory Fuller Sr. Register of Wills 9/17/3tc


Estate of Hayward R. Hearn, Deceased. Notice is hereby given that Letters of Testamentary upon the estate of Hayward R. Hearn who departed this life on the 18th day of August, A.D. 2009 late of Seaford, DE were duly granted unto Harold C. Hearn on the 2nd day of September, A.D. 2009, and all persons indebted to the said deceased are required to make payments to the said Executor without delay, and all persons having demands against the deceased are required to exhibit and present the same duly probated to the said Executor on or before the 18th day of April, A.D. 2010 or abide by the law in this behalf. Executor: Harold C. Hearn P.O. Box 7 Bethel, DE 19931 Gregory Fuller Sr. Register of Wills 9/17/3tc



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pAGe 35

MORNING STAR • SepTeMBeR 24 - 30, 2009

People Seaford Community Concert Association holds first concert of season

Paula LeAnn Thompson and Joshua Franklin Plummer

Thompson, Plummer are wed Paula LeAnn Thompson and Joshua Franklin Plummer were married March 21, 2009 at the Reveille Inn in College Station, Texas. A beautiful outdoor wedding was held under an old Oak Tree. Pastor Will Fountain officiated. The bride wore a white gown designed by Alfred Angelo. The maid of honor was Rose Thomas of McComb, Ohio, best friend of the bride. The bridesmaid was Celeste Lacy of College Station, Texas, a friend of the bride. The best man was Ricky Dickerson of Laurel, a friend of the groom. Groomsman was Travis Neely of Gauze, Texas, also a friend of the groom. A reception was held at the Inn following the ceremony. Josh and Paula were happy to have so many family members and close friends as guests. Out of town guests were from Illinois, Oklahoma, Wisconsin, Delaware and Maryland.

The Seaford Community Concert Association (SCCA) first concert of the 2009-2010 season started Wednesday, Sept. 16, with America‘s beloved Tenor, Daniel Rodreguez. A surprise of the evening was being entertained by Daniel’s wife and twin sister, known as the Soprano Twins, Marla Kavanaugh and Marissa Dikkenberg. Not only was the performance of these great entertainers a huge success, but also the membership audience, who had taken up most of the 1200 seat auditorium, brought in canned and packaged foods that was later taken to the Community Food Bank at St. John’s Church for disbursement to the needy. There are a handful of available seats left for the remaining four concerts. On Nov. 13, the world renown Russian Seasons Dance Company

Seaford Community Concert Association members who attended the Sept. 16 concert brought in canned and packaged foods that were taken to the Community Food Bank at St. John’s Church.

offers a breathtaking display of exceptional dance and precision choreography never seen before. The three remaining concerts feature Rudolf Budginas, a piano virtuoso with comedic commentary on Jan. 25, 2010, Hunt Family Fiddlers on Feb. 24, 2010, and Canadian Tenors on April 29, 2010.

Admission is by having a membership pass that is shown and punched at the door of each performance. Membership pass is $50 per adult, $110 per family and $15 per student. Call 629-6184 or visit www. for more information.

Paula is the daughter of Hal and Katy Holloway of Tolar, Texas. Her grandparents are Louis and LaVon Rhodes of Palmyra, Ill., Sheila Holloway of Rio, Wisc., and the late Ann and JT Doty of Albuquerque, N.M. Paula is a graduate of Murray State College in Tishomingo, Okla. She is a registered veterinary technician at Texas A&M University Veterinary School, College Station, Texas. Josh is the son of Karen Womach and Jay and Diane Plummer. His grandparents are Janet Womach and the late T. Eugene Womach and Joe and Pansy Plummer all of Laurel, Del. Josh is a graduate of the University of Delaware. He is employed as a Heavy Duty Wrecker driver with Barry’s towing and Recovery in Bryan, Texas. After a honeymoon in Savannah, Ga., they are living in their new home in Bryan, Texas.

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pAGe 36

MORNING STAR • SepTeMBeR 24 - 30, 2009

Delmarva auto alley Season winds down at Delaware Speedway in Delmar By Bonnie Nibblett

This weekend ends the 2009 points season at the clay oval tracks. This Saturday night at the Delaware International Speedway (DIS) will seal the deal for all the half mile points leaders. This weekend is also NASCAR’s second visit to Dover for 2009. Dover International Speedway coincides with the mighty URC Sprints last trip to Delmar. The Delaware Motorsports Complex is the home of the Delaware International Speedway (DIS), the US 13 Dragway quarter mile strip and the US 13 Kart Club Track. The complex is located just one mile north of the Maryland/Delaware state line. The Delaware State Dirt Track Champions battle is Saturday and Sunday Nov. 7-8. Rain date is Nov. 14-15. This is a big hit for drivers that like to come to Delaware and run for some nice purse pay-outs against the regular track drivers. It is a big event with a lot of cars

cing Finan ble a Avail

and racing. Details will follow next month with more on the track’s website at You can also call the track office at 302-875-1911. The points race may be over for the US 13 Dragway, but there are a few more weekends of racing left. The dragway is closed on Sunday, Sept 27, for Bracket Finals at Maple Grove. Every Sunday in October is set for the ET Racing Series with the Foot Brake Nationals on Oct. 11. Check the track’s hot line at 302-846-3968. The US 13 Kart Club Track still has a few races scheduled in October. This Friday is a club and trophy race. Oct. 10 is the 2nd Annual G-Man Diamond State “50” Event. This event was a big success last year and this year’s is expected to be even bigger. There is quite a bit of money to win in many of the features. There will be a regular club race on Oct. 9, with $500 Pro Med Class 375 lbs.

Then on Saturday, the G-Man Diamond State “50”; rain date is Oct. 11. Flathead Hvy 375 lbs. has a purse of $1,000 to win and the Animal Hvy 375 lbs. has $2,000 for the winner. More details can be found on the track’s website at The kart track hot line is 302-846-2646. Yes, this season will soon be over and then we will be craving that need for speed once again. Time flies just as quickly as the cars at the tracks. To keep up with all your favorite track

news, check out www.redbud69racing. com, your Delaware and surrounding tracks news plus NASCAR. And be sure to visit the largest racing board on the shore at, which is powered by A1 Graphic and Lettering of Georgetown, and Hab Nab Trucking of Seaford. Check out these racing shots from this season. Make sure you don’t miss the rest of the events that are planned for the year! See you at the track!

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MORNING STAR • SepTeMbeR 24 - 30, 2009

pAGe 37

Police Journal Marijuana manufacturing

On Sept. 18, members of the Delaware State Police Sussex Drug Unit, Governor’s Task Force, State Police Aviation Section and the Wicomico County Sheriffs Office concluded a one month investigation into a marijuana manufacturing case. Merrill Investigators discovered several marijuana plants growing on Portsville Road in Laurel in the backyard of Ralph Merrill Jr.’s residence. Detectives were able to link the marijuana manufacturing to Merrill. A total of 16 marijuana plants were found with a height of approximately 10 feet each. These fully mature plants were found to have a combined weight of approximately 84 pounds. Additional marijuana was located inside the residence along with drug paraphernalia and four firearms. Merrill, 52, was charged with manufacturing marijuana, maintaining a dwelling and possession of drug paraphernalia. He was released on an unsecured bond.

Attempted murder

On Sept. 15 at 3:45 p.m., Seaford Police responded to a residence in the North 300 building of Meadowbridge Apartments for a domestic situation. Officers made contact with an 18-yearold female from Seaford, outside the apartment who stated the defendant, Douglas McHolder, 26, of Newburg, N.Y., threatened her with a knife and tried to suffocate

a 3-month-old child. McHolder was taken into custody inside the apartment and the child was located unharmed in a bedroom. The victim stated the incident started over unpaid bills. According to the victim, McHolder threatened her with a knife forcing her to a bedroom where he held her for over an hour. After running from the bedroom to the living room with the baby, McHolder placed his hands over the baby’s mouth and nose several times in an attempt to suffocate the child. The victim stated she was able to flee the residence; however, the defendant would not allow her to take the child. The baby was examined by Seaford Fire Department personnel and released back to the victim. A knife was recovered at the apartment, which was identified as being used by the defendant. McHolder was arrested and charged with attempted murder, possession of a deadly weapon during the commission of a felony, second degree kidnapping, aggravated menacing, possession or control of a deadly weapon by a person prohibited, prior violent crime felony, unlawful imprisonment, reckless endangering and endangering the welfare of a child. He was arraigned at the Justice of the Peace Court #4 in Seaford and committed to the Department of Corrections on a $285,000 cash bond.

As a result of the search warrant, detectives seized computers and other evidence linking Stephen Weidorfer, 23, to the crimes. Detectives arrested Weidorfer on 29 counts of unlawfully using a computer to depict underage children in prohibWeidorfer ited sex acts. He was committed to Sussex Correctional Institute in default of $870,000,000 secured bond.

Taco Bell robbery

On Sept. 17, the State Police Child Predator Task Force with the assistance of uniformed troopers and State Police detectives executed a search warrant on the 35000 block of Joanne Drive in Millsboro. The search was a result of an online undercover investigation into the possession and distribution of child sexual exploitation images on the Internet.

On Sept. 20 at 9:40 p.m., Seaford Police responded to a robbery at the Taco Bell located on Sussex Highway, Seaford. Officers determined that the suspect entered Taco Bell, confronted a clerk and demanded money. The suspect, who displayed an unknown type of long gun and obtained an undisclosed amount of currency, then fled in an unknown direction. The Seaford Police Criminal Investigation Division responded and processed the scene. Officers canvassed the area and were unable to locate the suspect. The Seaford Police Criminal Investigation Division is investigating the incident. The suspect is described as a black male, 6’1”- 6’4”, thin build, wearing dark blue pants, an unknown black material covered his face and a dark blue button up shirt. He is wanted for first degree robbery. Anyone with information is asked to contact the Seaford Police Department at 302-629-6648 or Delaware Crime Stoppers at 1-800-TIP-3333 or online at Delaware Crime Stoppers is offering a reward for information leading to arrest and conviction.

IDENTITY THEFT - On or before June 18, two unidentified suspects obtained the identity of a 66-year-old male victim from Rehoboth Beach by unknown means. After obtaining the victim’s personal information, the suspects opened an account from Kohl’s Department Store. The suspects made over $1,000 worth of purchases from the Middletown and Dover Kohl’s stores with the fraudulent credit account. The suspects also tried unsuccessfully to open up additional accounts under the victim’s name. Detectives obtained video surveillance of the suspects and the suspect’s vehicle. Anyone with information is asked to call investigators at 302856-5850, ext. 257 or Crime Stoppers at 1-800-TIP-3333.

pice from January 2007 through May 2008. In that role, he was one of the top administrators at the Hospice and was the main person authorized to spend Hospice funds for the purchase of electronic equipment. During nearly the entire length of his employment, he engaged in a scheme to defraud the Hospice, a non-profit hospice organization that provides critical palliative care to individuals with a limited life expectancy, and offers assistance to those individuals’ families and caregivers. As part of his scheme, Cornish placed various orders on behalf of the Hospice for large amounts of electronic equipment, which was in turn delivered to Hospice offices. These electronic equipment orders included orders for large numbers of laptop and handheld computers, which, pursuant to

invoices submitted by the defendant, were paid for by the Hospice. The Hospice never actually used the equipment. Instead, the defendant removed the equipment from the Hospice and used it for his own purposes — in many cases, selling the equipment to third parties and keeping the money he received for himself. When questioned about the deliveries by Hospice staff, Cornish made a number of knowingly false statements about the deliveries. For example, he told some Hospice staff members that the deliveries related to a “side business” that he was running on his own, and told others that some of the items had been delivered by mistake and that he had returned those items, when he had not. He also made false claims to the Hospice’s insurance company, who was investigating these miss-

ing items, claiming that he had no role in their disappearance. Cornish also created various types of fraudulent documents that made it appear as if the electronic equipment was located at the Hospice, or had been returned to the supplier, when that was not the case. In addition, he created a false e-mail, purportedly from the Hospice’s supplier of computer equipment, which made it appear as if some of the equipment had been returned to the supplier, when it had not. In total, the defendant converted approximately $250,000 worth of electronic equipment purchased by the Hospice for his own personal gain and caused various other financial losses to the Hospice due to his scheme. The case was prosecuted by Assistant United States Attorney Christopher J. Burke.

Child exploitation

Information technology director receives 22 months imprisonment

David C. Weiss, United States Attorney for the District of Delaware, announces that Paul Cornish, 34, of New Castle, was sentenced on Sept. 15 by US District Court Judge Joseph J. Farman, Jr. to 22 months of imprisonment, a term of supervised release and a requirement that he pay $259,903.08 in restitution. Cornish had been indicted by a federal grand jury on Jan 15, 2009 and was charged with six counts of mail fraud, in violation of 18 U.S.C. §1341. The indictment accused Cornish of defrauding his former employer, Delaware Hospice, out of hundreds of thousands of dollars. Cornish pled guilty to one count of mail fraud in May 2009, when he admitted to his criminal scheme. Mr. Cornish served as the Information Technology director for the Delaware Hos-

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MORNING STAR • SepTeMBeR 24 - 30, 2009

pAGe 39

Neighbor made sure we were properly disciplined Standing on the back porch I could see her coming around the side of her house, she had a towel wrapped around her shoulders and she was sporting blue hair. No, it was not the way the sun hit her freshly bobby pin clustered hair; she actually had blue hair. Miss Addie was well into her 80s and a high class shadow. Her home was a historic threestory house that was immaculate and adorned with many expensive antiques. On the limited occasions we were allowed to visit in her house, Miss Addie made sure that our path went directly into the foyer of the home and never beyond the dining room. She had a kitchen, but owned no refrigerator. She kept all her perishables in the refrigerator at our house. So, twice a day this elderly little woman would trudge across the yard and enter our home to retrieve her goods. I recall one day she was unable to find a brand new package of pickled-loaf lunch meat she had left in the refrigerator the day before. Because I loved pickledloaf lunch meat, but also mostly because I ate like a starving refugee, all eyes fell on me as the culprit who stole Miss Addie’s pickled-loaf lunch meat. After I had been severely chastised by Miss Addie and looked upon by my family as a kin to a street vagrant, my mother found the fresh, unopened pack-

Tony Windsor She beat me like a dirty rug. By the time she got done with me I had wished several times I had been struck by the car. age of pickled-loaf behind the vegetable crisper where it had apparently fallen. I do not recall any mass efforts of apology from anyone in my family or Miss Addie for that matter. Be that as it may, we were ordered by my father to be extra respectful to Miss Addie because she was an older lady. Dad had a passion for respecting older people. He would be well prepared to assure that we maintained that same level of respect, even if he had to beat it into us. I actually really liked and respected Miss Addie. She would go away each winter to live with one of her daughters in Baltimore. When she came home in the summer, she would always have some type of trinket for each of my brothers and me. However, she also belonged to the neighborhood network of older women whose private passion was catching me and/or my brothers in some type of mischievous behavior. Also a member in that infa-

mous ring was Miss Dot, who lived on the opposite side of our house. It was as if they were positioned intricately throughout the neighborhood to maximize visibility of our activities. It was Miss Dot who was at her post when my brother and I set the backyard field on fire. But, that is another story. From her rocking chair on the front porch Miss Addie could see everything that took place across the street or in our front yard. On this one sunny summer afternoon I was returning from a

trip to Archie Tyler’s store across the street. I failed to pay proper attention to traffic and ran out in front of a vehicle traveling down Richardson Avenue. Now, bear in mind that to get to Archie Tyler’s store I had to cross Richardson Avenue, travel across a major railroad track and then make my way across Maryland Avenue. So, it was a trip that included my need to maneuver across the two major highways in and out of Crisfield and the very busy railroad tracks that led to the seafood plants along the water. So, I think running out in front of a car was minimal compared to what dangers potentially lurked along my path. But, Miss Addie saw the whole thing. The screeching brakes of the car brought my

89 2 $

mother rushing to our front porch like she had been shot out of a cannon. The minute my mother reached the porch she had no time to assess what had happened before Miss Addie began yelling, “I saw it all. He nearly got killed. I would beat him. Beat him because he almost got killed.” Of course Mom was faced with having Miss Addie’s judgment call made clearly for all to hear. So, in order to keep face with the community and show that she worried about me, she did just what Miss Addie suggested. She beat me like a dirty rug. By the time she got done with me I had wished several times I had been struck by the car. Oh well, I guess that it does take a village to raise a child.



Delmarva Power offers ‘green’ bill

Delmarva Power is now offering a Green Bill electronic billing and payment option. With Green Bill, customers will be able to sign up through the My Account page located on the website at Through this initiative, customers can elect to stop receiving paper bills. Green Bill customers will automatically receive a monthly e-mail stating that their bill is ready to be viewed and paid online. It also will show the amount due and the due date. Another feature of Green Bill allows customers to configure their accounts to make an automated recurring payment. Signing up for the option will be strictly voluntary. For customers to participate, they must check a box to stop their regular paper bill from being mailed. Other service-related notices will continue with a paper mailing to the customer.

Bill helps retired postal workers

Congressman Mike Castle (R-DE) supported U.S. House passage of H.R. 22, The U.S. Postal Service Financial Relief Act. This bill, co-sponsored by Rep. Castle, would provide solvency for the U.S. Postal Service (USPS) through this fiscal year by lowering their payment obligation to the Postal Service Retiree Health Benefits Fund from $5.4 billion to $1.4 billion in FY 2009. This was a modified version of H.R. 22, which originally allowed USPS to pay the health care premiums for its current retirees from the fund intended for future retiree health benefits through FY 2011. The bill passed 388-32 with overwhelming bipartisan support. The Postal Service ended its third quarter with a net loss of $2.4 billion, bringing the fiscal 2009 year-to-date net loss to $4.7 billion, compared to a $1.1 billion loss in the same period last year. The recent losses were largely due to a decline in mail volume. Senator Carper (D-DE) has introduced a similar bill (S. 1507) in the Senate which was approved by its Homeland Security and Government Affairs Committee.


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pAGe 40

MORNING STAR • SepTeMbeR 24 - 30, 2009

Health Dr. Klug joins NMH staff

Nanticoke Memorial Hospital welcomes Pampit Klug, MD to its active medical staff. Dr. Klug joins Nanticoke Health Services as a specialist in Medical Oncology and Hematology. Dr. Klug has been providing Medical Oncology & Hematology services in the Salisbury area since 2003. She Dr. Klug completed her medical degree at Mahidol University in Thailand and her residency and fellowship at George Washington University Hospital in Washington, D.C. She is board-certified in Hematology by the American Board of Internal Medicine. To make an appointment with Dr. Klug, call the office at 628-6289.

Higgins joins NHS staff

Nanticoke Memorial Hospital welcomes Physician Assistant Leah Higgins, PA-C to Nanticoke Memorial Hospital’s Occupational Health Services, at their new location on 543 N. Shipley St., Suite F in Seaford. Higgins is certified by the National Commission on Certification of Physician Assistants (NCCPA) and completed her degree at Marywood UniLeah Higgins versity in Scranton, Pa. Her professional memberships include the American Academy of Physician Assistants and the Pennsylvania Academy of Physician Assistants. From treatment for work-related injuries and illnesses, DOT screenings, post incident testing, pre-employment physical examinations, to drug testing, Nanticoke’s Occupational Health Services has been operating for more than 20 years. The new location on Shipley Street is dedicated to only Occupational Health clients.

Jona Gorra, M.D. FACP

Outlets fights breast cancer

Delaware Breast Cancer Coalition (DBCC) has partnered with Tanger Outlet Center in Rehoboth Beach to raise awareness and funds to fight breast cancer in southern Delaware from Sept. 21 through Oct. 20 with the Tanger Style of Pink promotion. During the promotion, customers may purchase a Tanger Style of Pink card for $1 that is good for 25% off any item at participating outlet stores. More than 70 stores are participating in the promotion this year. Shoppers are encouraged to buy multiple cards to receive 25% discounts at many of their favorite stores. Tanger hopes to raise $100,000. For more information about Tanger Outlets, call 866.665.8682 or visit www.

Family and Friends CPR course

Peninsula Regional Medical Center is offering a “Family and Friends CPR” course from 6 to 9 p.m. on Wednesday, Oct. 14, in the Avery W. Hall Educational Center on the Peninsula Regional campus. The course is designed for all lay rescuers (grandparents, family members of patients at risk for heart attack, and those who want to learn rescue skills for loved ones) who want to learn CPR but do not need a course completion card. This onetime, three hour course teaches rescuers skills in CPR and relief of foreign body airway obstruction for adults, children and infants. The fee is $25. Pre-registration is required. For more information, call 410-5437126 or visit the Classes and Events section of the Peninsula Regional Medical Center website at for online registration.

Cancer support group offered

The Wellness Community-Delaware offers a free cancer support group for people affected by cancer and their loved ones. The support group meets in the second floor Conference Room of the Cancer Care Center at Nanticoke Memorial Hospital in Seaford on the third Monday of each month from 4:30 to 6 p.m. The next meeting is Sept. 21. The Wellness Community-Delaware

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is dedicated to helping people affected by cancer enhance their health and well-being through participation in a professional program of emotional support and hope. All group facilitators are trained mental health professionals with a master’s degree or more. For more information and to register, call 645-9150.

Youth rehab lecture offered

Physical therapists, physical therapist assistants, athletic trainers and gym instructors will benefit from attending the 12th annual Distinguished Lecture Series at Delaware Technical & Community College, Owens Campus on Saturday, Oct. 3 from 7:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. This year’s topic, “Treating the Young Athlete,” will provide clinicians with an evidence-based approach to the evaluation and treatment of injuries related to young athletes. More children are participating in organized youth sports. These younger participants are being exposed to new movements and musculoskeletal patterns that are leading to both acute and chronic injuries. Presenter Dr. Jeff Konin is a licensed physical therapist and a certified athletic trainer who has written several textbooks and given numerous speeches on sports medicine topics throughout the world. The seminar fee of $135 includes hand-

outs, a continental breakfast and lunch. For more information or to register, contact Delaware Tech’s Corporate and Community Programs at 302-854-6996.

Pampered Chef to benefit Hospice

Delaware Hospice will benefit from a Pampered Chef Fundraiser Cooking Show, organized by Karen Rogers, Pampered Chef senior consultant, at the Delaware Hospice Center in Milford, on Monday, Oct. 19, at 5 p.m. Delaware Hospice will receive 25% of sales exceeding $600 to benefit its programs and services to the community, including additional 10% bonuses at various sales levels. Orders to benefit Delaware Hospice will be accepted through Oct. 26 at 5 p.m. Orders specifying “Delaware Hospice” may also be placed at pamperedchef. biz/karenrogers. For more information or to register for the event, call 856-7717.

Depression Support Group

There will be a free bimonthly Depression Support Group meeting in Laurel on the second and fourth Wednesday evenings from 7 to 8:30 p.m. Any person who has signs and symptoms of depression and is under the care of a professional counselor/ MD is welcome to attend. To register, call Life Matters Counseling and Consulting at 302-465-6612.

MORNING STAR • SepTeMbeR 24 - 30, 2009

pAGe 41

Delaware Hospice volunteer finds kindred spirit with patient By Beverly Crowl

It was just a case of luck that Jackson Lynn became the poster boy for the Merchant Marines in the early 1940’s, when they were posting fliers to promote war bonds. “I was in the right place at the right time,” recalled Jackson. “I was working in an office in Washington, D.C. when someone came in looking for a Marine to photograph for the posters, and I was there.” It was also luck that Jackson Lynn was referred to Delaware Hospice 50 years later, where he and his family found the special care they needed as well as a great gift in the form of Andy Parezo, a Delaware Hospice volunteer. Jackson’s dependency on his family had grown during this past year with the diagnosis and progression of Alzheimer’s disease. Jackson’s granddaughter, Corina Beatty, said, “I never would have considered hospice care for my grandfather at this point. But we needed help, and a nurse who knew our situation quite well referred us to Delaware Hospice.” As primary caregiver, Corina was hesitant to take this step. “I prefer to be in control, to do everything myself and to know that I’ve done all that I can. I didn’t feel I could trust an outsider to help with his care. Now, after several months with the Delaware Hospice team, we feel like a

burden has been lifted and Jackson looks forward to their visits, as well.” A nurse comes once a week to check Jackson’s symptoms and medication. A social worker makes sure the family doesn’t need anything, a chaplain visits regularly to chat, and a certified nursing assistant helps with personal care a couple of times a week. “We’re so pleased with the care, but the most amazing gift is our Delaware Hospice volunteer, Andy Parezo,” said Corina. When Andy Parezo accepted his volunteer assignment to go and visit with Jackson once a week, no one realized that Andy and Jackson shared memories of childhood and young adulthood years in which Alzheimer’s patients tend to have strong memories. Andy said, “When I received the assignment, Jack’s name rang a bell, but I didn’t recognize him. As we spent time together and chatted, one remarkable coincidence after another was revealed. Jackson and I are the same age. We both grew up in Washington, D.C. where we graduated from different high schools in June of 1939. We both attended Wilson’s Teacher College the next fall, where we remember wearing the obligatory green necktie and green and white felt beanie which were the school colors. “A few years later, I married a woman who lived near his home, and Jackson and I met on the bus, where we remembered

America’s health care system rewards poor medical treatment By Dr. Anthony Policastro

Last week, I wrote about one of the ways that the current medical care system rewards poor medical care and non-compliant patients. I also pointed out that good medical care and compliant patients are punished for their efforts. Another example of a similar situation involves medical procedures. Most medical procedures carry a certain complication rate. Some physicians have higher complication rates than others. Under the current payment system, a physician often gets rewarded financially for having a higher complication rate. For example, let us take two surgeons. One of them does a certain surgical procedure with almost no complications. His/her patients have the procedure and do well, leaving the hospital quickly. The medical care system has to pay relatively little to the physician and the hospital for the care of his/her patients. A second physician has a high complication rate for the same procedure. The patients with complications have to spend extra days in the hospital causing the surgeon to visit the patient more often in the hospital. Each day, the surgeon’s visit is paid for. Therefore, he/she gets paid more than the physician with the lower complication rate. There are extra consultations by other doctors for the patients with a complication. There is a need for more

medication and additional surgical procedures to treat the complication. Extra time is spent in the hospital to treat the patient with a complication. All of these things add cost to our expensive health care system. Because of this, the system rewards the physician with the high complication rate and punishes the physician with the low complication rate. My daughter called me one night about my granddaughter who was having abdominal pain. Her other symptoms made it clear to me that she had appendicitis. I advised my daughter to have her seen. The physician who saw her diagnosed it as an intestinal virus. Four days later she was taken to surgery with a ruptured appendix. She had to stay in the hospital for a full week. She had to have drains put in the place and extra doses of antibiotics. When all was said and done, my daughter received a hospital bill for a $5,000 co-pay. That represented only a portion of the total excess medical costs. Most of that could have been avoided if the correct diagnosis had been made the first time. As a nation we need to find a way to make sure that the system rewards the kind of medical care that we want to see. The system needs to be fixed before we continue to spend money rewarding the wrong things.

seeing each other at Wilson’s Teacher College. I discovered that Jackson had married Nancy, who had been my date to the high school senior prom. Both of us joined the service shortly after that. “On one of my visits with Jack, I mentioned that I had been in the army air corps in Greensboro, N.C. Jackson suddenly shouted out, ‘BTC10!’ It turns out that Jackson had been part of the permanent cadre at Greensboro, although we never saw each other while stationed there. As a permanent cadre, he lived off-base with Nancy. As a private trainee, I was confined to base until I’d been there long enough to get a pass.” In 1975, Andy moved to the Eastern Shore. Jackson had also been transferred to Salisbury by his employer. So they both lived once again in the same neighborhood - at one point within a few blocks of each other - and didn’t know it! Andy Parezo has been a Delaware Hos-

pice volunteer since 2000, visiting patients, participating in the adult survivor program, New Beginnings, helping at the Festival of Trees, and helping out at Camp New Hope for children who have suffered a loss. But this case has been exceptional. “When Jackson piped up with “BCP10,” I actually got chills realizing he had been there, as this base was only in use for a year. You never know who you’re going to meet as a volunteer, but this has been truly a remarkable assignment.”

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Volunteers make a difference

Volunteers do make a difference. Fall volunteer training classes at Delaware Hospice will be held in October. For more information, call 800-8389800 to ask for the volunteer coordinator in your county. Volunteers are especially needed in lower Sussex County.


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pAGe 42

MORNING STAR • SepTeMbeR 24 - 30, 2009

Del Tech set to honor three distinguished alumni

Dutch Country Anniversary

Plan to attend Dutch Country Market’s 20th Anniversary celebration on Saturday, Sept. 26, at 11233 Trussum Pond Road in Laurel. Special events from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. Chainsaw carving, buggy rides, moon bounce, apple butter cooking and more. Call Glenda Petersheim at 302-846-0644 for more information.

School plans Giant Yard Sale


West Seaford Elementary School is planning a Gigantic Yard Sale for October 3 from 8 a.m. to noon. The school is looking for donations (items to be sold), vendors, and buyers. Yard Sale Spots are on sale for $10 or $15 and the school will provide a table if ordered by September 25. After the deadline the cost will be an additional $5. Contact person is Krystal Wright at 628-4414 x409 or make checks payable to West Seaford PTO and mail to Krystal Wright, West Seaford Elementary School, 511 Sussex Avenue, Seaford, DE 19973.

Ruth Briggs King

Tracy Taylor Morris

Charles T. O’Brien Jr.

In 1999, she transitioned full-time to human resources and has taught strategic human resources at Wilmington University as an adjunct faculty member. Although not a realtor, King has been the executive vice president for the Sussex County Association of Realtors (SCOAR) since 2005. Chartered by the national organization, SCOAR provides products, programs and services that benefit the local membership. She has earned a Certificate of Scholastic Achievement in Professional Standards and Association Management form the National Association of Realtors and is a Realtor Certified Executive. King’s most recent accomplishment was her election to the State of Delaware House of Representatives for the 37th District. Tracy Taylor Morris, who lives in Seaford, graduated from the Executive Secretarial Technology (now Office Administration Technology) in 1979. She attained a bachelor’s degree in business administration and a master’s in human resources management from Wilmington University. Since 1994, Morris has been employed at Allen Family Foods, Inc. of Seaford, as vice president of human resources/corporate director of human resources. Her accomplishments at Allen’s include designing a new management development program; developing a food service program for employee cafeterias which resulted in a cost savings of $250,000 per year; and developing a “point-factor” job and salary evaluation system which allows salaries to be fair and competitive. She also conceptualized the structure and make-up of the corporate human resources department which resulted in effective implementation of company-wide human resources programs and services. Charles (Chuck) T. O’Brien Jr., of Seaford, is a 1982 graduate of the Data

Processing Technology (now Computer Information Systems). He earned a bachelor’s degree in management information systems and a master’s in business administration from Wilmington University and is also a certified Web master. O’Brien is currently director of information technology at Nanticoke Memorial Hospital in Seaford. From 1991 to 2006, he owned and operated O’Brien Information Systems, Inc., a computer consulting company. In 2001, he volunteered to do a graphic/Web design project pro-bono for the Delaware Money School. After working nights and weekends for seven weeks, he launched the new website.

O’Brien has worked for many prestigious companies, including the Philadelphia Stock Exchange and the NASDAQ OMX PHLX, receiving glowing reviews from managers and co-workers although he had no background in the financial industry. The event will begin at 6 p.m. with a reception in the dining hall of the Student Services Center. Guests will have the opportunity to enjoy heavy hors d’oeuvres prior to the recognition ceremony at 6:45 p.m.; desserts and beverages will follow at 7:30 p.m. Cost for the evening is $25 per person. To make reservations by Oct. 2, call the Office of Alumni Affairs at 302-855-1607.

Gas Lines Prices dip slightly

Prices at the pump decreased slightly this week to the delight of motorists. The average U.S. retail price for regular gasoline dropped 3 cents last week to $2.55 Friday, $1.56 below the record price of $4.11 set last July. With the peak summer driving season over, the market now enters what has traditionally been a period of weak demand for gasoline, which helps temper prices at the pump. Crude Oil Prices Crude oil began last week just below $70 a barrel and surged above $73 in trading on Thursday before settling at $72.04 at the close Friday.

Oil was supported by the weak dollar this week, despite concerns about weak demand and increasing inventories. The market also saw positive signs of economic recovery, supporting crude oil’s increases. The government released data showing U.S. workers filing new jobless benefits claims unexpectedly fell last week. The housing market also saw an increase in starts and permits in August to their highest level since November. Total demand for all petroleum products fell by 418,000 barrels per day and daily gasoline demand fell to 9.001 million, reports the AAA Mid-Atlantic. Local pricing On Tuesday all local gas stations were selling regular gasoline for $2.459 a gallon, four cents a gallon less than a week ago.

Regular Unleaded Gasoline & Crude Oil prices SUDOKU ANSWERS:

The Distinguished Alumni Award will be presented on Thursday, Oct. 8 to three graduates from Delaware Technical & Community College, Jack F. Owens Campus, in recognition of excellence and outstanding achievements in their professional careers. The 2009 honorees are Ruth Briggs King, Tracy Taylor Morris and Charles T. O’ Brien Jr. The Walk of Success recognizes Owens Campus graduates who have made significant contributions to their communities through their academic and career achievements, community service, and personal accomplishments. Bronze plaques bearing the graduate’s name, date of graduation, and date of induction are placed in the walkway between the Stephen J. Betze Library and the Carter Partnership Center. Ruth Briggs King, a resident of Georgetown, received her associate degree in Medical Laboratory Technology in 1977. She continued her education with a bachelor’s degree in applied business and a master’s in human resources from Wilmington College. Highlights of King’s med lab career include serving as chief of laboratory and radiology services in Mississippi, teaching allied health professionals at Kent County Vo-Tech where she was chosen “Teacher of the Year,” and serving as general manager and later vice president of external operations and human resources at MedLab, Inc., overseeing 950 employees in four states.



Oil Barrel


Week Ago

Year Ago








Week Ago

Year Ago






Laurel landlords seek answers, hire attorney to caution town By Tony E. Windsor A Wilmington attorney has urged Laurel town leaders to consider using his insight in drafting an ordinance to curb nuisance activities involving public and private properties in the town. Attorney Michael Morton, who has been hired by the newly formed Laurel Landlord’s Association, cautioned the mayor and council about “vagueness” in its currently drafted ordinance. He also warned that the void of data detailing actual incidents that have been deemed “nuisance calls” by police; the ordinance could easily be challenged and found unsubstantiated. The recently formed Landlords’ Association in Laurel has been seeking information from Town Hall and is using the Freedom of Information Act to request it. According to Laurel Landlords’ Association spokesman, Frank Calio, he and two individual apartment complex management companies filed separate requests to the Town under Delaware’s Freedom of Information Act two weeks ago seeking information that breaks down the number of nuisance calls received by town police. The “nuisance” ordinance is Ordinance 2009-10, which has been developed as a means to address the problem of having police officers tied up at nuisance calls, such as loud noise and large crowds of people congregating. It seeks to assess a fee for any properties (private or rental) which have excessive class for police to respond to nuisance calls. Darlene Warner, President, Stephens Management Corp., which manages Carvel Gardens Apartments, Carvel Gardens Annex and five other rental properties within the town, is seeking to find out details regarding police service calls and complaints that involve Carvel Gardens Apartments and the other rental complexes and units managed by her firm. Warner said in her request that she is in need of this information to determine the financial impact that she could potentially be facing once Ordinance 2009-10 is implemented. Also filing a FOIA request for nuisance call data is Danyel Wilson, of Severn Management, who manages the Hollybrook Apartment Complex on Discount Land Road. Wilson is seeking a complete breakdown of nuisance complaints at Hollybrook Apartments by the types of complaints they were. He is also seeking data references of the total number of police arrests at Hollybrook and what type of crime was being committed. Calio submitted a FOIA request seeking in addition to breakdowns of all nuisance complaints involving rental units in the town, also the names and addresses of all landlords who own rental property in the town. He is also asking to have the number of nuisance calls that make up the over 8,800 police complaints received by Laurel Police in 2008. He is also asking about the progress of the water meter installation project which calls for having water meters installed in all homes and businesses by the year 2011, as well as how many building permits were issued in Laurel in the 2008-09 budget year. It is Calio’s contention that Ordinance 2009-10 was initiated by the town as a “money-maker.” Calio said he has received answers to three out of seven questions he asked of the town in his FOIA document. One response received was in reference to a question asking how many new housing permits and commercial permits were issued in the town last year. The answer given was “two.” The

second question asked what progress the town has made toward the goal of installing water meters at all properties in the community by the year 2011. Calio said the response indicated that the town was seeking grant funding for the project; however, without such funding there was no clear indication how the project would be funded. Calio said a third question, which he said the landlords consider crucial, asks for the breakdown of all nuisance calls responded to by the Laurel Police Department, which is at the focus of the town’s development of Ordinance 200910, the “Nuisance” ordinance. The town has responded to the landlord’s group saying it needs 60 to 90 days to allow the police department to sift through the approximately 8,800 complaints it received last year. In responding to Calio’s FOIA request, Laurel Operations Manager, Jamie Smith and Laurel Police Chief, Michael Wilson, signed off on a letter explaining why the town was only able to immediately respond to three of the seven questions he had sought answers for. The other four questions were in relationship to breakdowns of police complaint numbers by type and location, among other things. “In regards to items two through five, please be advised an authorized agent of the Laurel Police Department, as time allows, is reviewing each 8,860 complaints the Department received in 2008,” the letter stated. “Once this is compiled, such documents will become public record if no investigatory information is included. Investigatory files of the Police Department are not public record. The information will be compiled within a reasonable amount of time, but are estimating it will take approximately sixty to ninety days to obtain.” Calio said the response from the town leads the landlords to believe that the town has no hard data to support Ordinance 2009-10. “We feel this ordinance is no more than a money maker for the town,” Calio said. He added that during a recent meeting with the Laurel Landlords’ Association, Mayor John Shwed “slipped up” and stated that the concept of the nuisance ordinance came up “during a budget meeting.” In several meetings of Laurel Mayor and Council, Shwed and Town Manager Bill Fasano have explained Ordinance 2009-10 as a matter of “public safety.” Calio said he disagrees. During the Monday, Sept. 21, Laurel Mayor and Council meeting, the council decided to discuss the fees that would be attached to those properties in town which had excessive police responses to nuisance type calls in a three month period. A resolution, which is part of the overall 2009-10 “Nuisance Ordinance” seeks to charge properties $50 for each nuisance violation that occurs in excess of the three-month threshold. When the nuisance threshold is exceeded in consecutive three-month periods, the fee will go to $100 per violation. Attorney Morton addressed the council and cautioned that the proposed Laurel nuisance ordinance seeks fees that are not necessarily in line with the costs that it requires for the service of the police who respond to the calls. “You have to have a way to substantiate the fees you are charging,” he said. “The fees have to be reasonably related to the service provided, or otherwise you are levying a tax, something you do not have the power to do.” Morton said he has helped draft nuisancetype ordinances in New Castle County and

Wilmington and in order to do so successfully, there must be data to support that a disproportionate number of nuisance-type calls actually exist to support the legislation. He also suggested that the town could avoid taking on the demands of enforcing a new nuisance ordinance and instead use the already existing “Delaware Nuisance Abatement Act” to address concerns they have with properties that exhibit nuisance activities that are considered excessive. Delaware’s Nuisance Abatement is a Department of Justice program that uses a state law, the Delaware Drug Nuisance and Social Vices Abatement Act, to take action against property owners and tenants who allow criminal activity, violence and the threat of violence associated with the illegal drug trade or other social vices like prostitution and illegal gambling on their properties. The Department of Justice identifies nuisance properties through its own investigations and cooperation with state and local police agencies, local authorities, civic organizations, and neighborhood residents. Morton said the state nuisance abatement could be used by the town at no cost to its citizens and avoid a drain on police manpower. Morton said he would be willing to work with the town and its attorney, James Waehler, to develop a “workable piece of art and not just put together and pushed to be enacted by a certain date.” Laurel Town Manager Bill Fasano said the town has made it clear to the public, including the landlords that the driving force behind the nuisance ordinance is public safety and equity. He said it has long been known that the four large apartment complexes, Hollybrook, Carvel Gardens, Little Creek and Wexlar Village make up about 45 percent of the nuisance calls received by Laurel Police. “These complexes together represent about 22 percent of the residences in Laurel, but represent over twice that percentage in nuisance complaints” he said. “If they are using that extensive amount of police time it is only fair that they should have to help pay for it. It is a matter of equity among the town and the amount of time our police are free to patrol other areas of the town. If the police are being tied up for nuisance calls at the four apartment complexes, the rest of the town is left without police coverage during that time.” Fasano said it is wrong to consider proposed Ordinance 2009-10 a “money maker” for the town. “This ordinance came about because it was necessary for the town to do something to stimulate property managers to take care of their properties,” he said. “We have some very good landlords in Laurel who take good care of their property and tenants. Unfortunately, we have some rental complexes that have problems doing what is necessary to assure that tenants do not create unfair and sometimes unsafe environments for other tenants and neighboring communities. This ordinance is extremely broad in terms of dealing with issues that can help property owners and managers take actions to assure that their properties are being taken care of and are safe.” Fasano said the “nuisance calls” component of Ordinance 2009-10 is just one part of the proposed ordinance. He said there are several other issues dealing with such areas as proper licensing of rental properties and things that can help avoid problems that sometimes occur when landlords are not necessarily onsite and able to know what is going on with tenants at the

rental properties. Fasano said the reason that the town is unable to more immediately provide police complaint breakdowns to the landlords who are using the Freedom of Information Act for their requests, is because the types of break downs they are seeking are not something that the police department normally records. He said all of the complaints have to be poured through and the information gleaned out and recorded. Given the large number of complaints (8,860) and the fact that there is no officer or staff member available to work on it fulltime, the process could take as much as three months to complete. Councilman Bill Trujillo said despite the warnings of the Laurel Landlord’s Association’s attorney, he fears that by putting off council action on the proposed Ordinance 2009-10, the council is facing “death by a thousand cuts.” He said he feels the council should “make a decision and move on.” His views were supported by a member of he council chamber audience, Morley Daehn, of the 400 block of West 6th Street. Daehn said he feels the presence of the Laurel Landlord Association’s attorney represented what he feels are “veiled threats” and not in keeping with the previous tone of discussions from the Association, which had said it wouldn’t do work with the town. “I believe the town should keep its resolve and forge ahead,” he said. “This is our community and we should have the right to take action to make it what we want it to be. I urge you to stick to your guns and forge ahead with this nuisance ordinance.” The Laurel Landlords Association and its members are not interested in waiting until the town can provide the answers before taking its own proactive measures regarding Ordinance 2009-10. Calio said while meetings with the town have been productive and cordial, the association will continue to stay on top of the issue. “The meetings have been cordial; but the meat of our concerns, “Where’s the beef” meaning the numbers to back up the need for the ordinance continues to be a mystery,” he said.

Genealogists to network

The Laurel Public Library will host a gathering of area genealogy researchers in a family reunion-style meeting of “Sussex County Cousins,” an informal group that met for the first time last fall. The meeting will be held on Friday, Oct. 2 at 10:30 a.m. There is no cost to attend but participants are responsible for their own bag lunch. The morning session will involve networking among various family surname groups. The afternoon session will include a presentation by the Laurel Historical Society on their “Fields of Stone” cemetery transcription project and publication, and also time for research in the library’s extensive Delaware Collection. This resource also includes materials on areas of nearby Maryland counties that were at one time part of Delaware. As the library is open until 5 p.m. on Fridays, participants should plan for an entire day of activity. For more information, email normajean.fowler@lib. or call 302-875-3184.



Delmar Sesquicentennial Snapshots

Delmar Mayors John Outten, left, and Doug Niblett are escorted in a horse drawn carriage during last Sunday’s Delmar Sesquicentennial parade.

The Delmar High School band performs during last weekend’s parade. A large crowd was on hand to help the town celebrate the 150th anniversary of its founding.

The Delmar Fire Department Ladies Auxiliary float makes its way down State Street during the Delmar Sesquicentennial parade. The town also held an opening ceremony, a pageant and fireworks during the opening day of the week long celebration.

The Delmar Library took part in the town’s 150th anniversary celebration with a float in last Sunday’s parade.

The Delmar Mock Council listens to an audience member during a discussion on smoking in the town’s parks. The Delmar High School students got a taste of what it’s like to run the town with the help of Delmar’s mayors, town manager, and commissioners.

Miss Laurel, Courtney Hastings, left, and Little Miss Laurel, Morgan Gordy made an appearance in the Delmar Sesquicentennial parade last weekend.

Submit photos for the snapshots page to



Simple weddings of years Doing the Towns Together LAUREL AND DELMAR SOCIALS ago may have been better Designer wedding gowns priced at several thousand dollars, receptions with a starting fee of well over $15,000, honeymoon trips to exotic places, and that is just the beginning! A final tally of more dollars than many ever can imagine seeing during their lifetime! Weddings, in general, have come an amazing long way since Chuck and I were married in 1946 on a beautiful September afternoon. The year was 1946, the sun broke through a cloudy sky in midmorning, and all of our plans came to beautiful fruition as we were married in Trinity Methodist Church in Wilmington at two o’clock in the afternoon. The changes in weddings in 1946 and in today’s world are almost unbelievable! On Sept. 14, 2009, we celebrated 63 years of marriage. That in itself is a miracle in the eyes of many of today’s young people. They can’t imagine being married to one person for that long! The whole world was different in those days and I would like to share a few of the changes with readers. World War II had ended in 1945. Chuck, a native of Queen Anne, Md., had been honorably discharged from the United States Marine Corps after being involved in the battle zone of the Pacific islands. Upon discharge, he moved to Wilmington where he and I met as new employees of Diamond Ice and Coal Company. I had concluded work at Fort DuPont in Delaware City, working for the Second Service Command of the United States Army as a stenographer. My job ended with the conclusion of the war. We began work for the Diamond Ice on the same day. Actually the first day I saw him I began flirting with him, and laughingly told the “older” females in the office, “Watch out! I am going to marry that Marine.” True to those words, spoken with all the bravado of a young and sassy 19-year-old redhead, the next September we were united in marriage. We searched and searched for an apartment to rent, finally finding a two-room (kitchen and combination bedroom/living room) apartment, sharing the single bathroom in the home with two other families! We lived there for one year and what a year it was! We were married in Trinity Church with my two sisters as matron-of honor and one of our bridesmaids. Two of Chuck’s four sisters were the other two bridesmaids. My threeyear-old niece was a flower girl. Chuck’s best man and ushers included my only brother, Raymond Campbell, one of my cousins recently discharged from the Navy and two friends of Chuck’s. My Dad, proud as a peacock, escorted me down the aisle. Even in those days, I was a seamstress and went to Philadelphia on the train to purchase

Moments With Mike Virginia ‘Mike’ Barton fabrics for my wedding gown, the bridesmaids’ dresses and the dress worn by my mother. While I did the sewing on my own gown and veil, a seamstress friend made each of the other gowns. Store-bought gowns were out of the question since in that post-war period, fabric selections were extremely limited. Federal Bake Shop made our wedding cake, and with rationed sugar still in effect, we saved our ration stamps to obtain the correct amount of sugar and took it to the bakery. My going-away-dress was one I also made, and another ration ticket bought shiny new brown pumps for our honeymoon trip to Washington, D.C. in Chuck’s grandfather’s 1939 Pontiac. We thought we were most fortunate, and we were! Our reception was held at the home of my parents, and was a typical post-war affair with wedding cake, punch and ice cream served to guests crammed into our home and on the porch following the service at the church. Our three-day honeymoon was also typical of others in 1946. We each were back at work on Tuesday morning, bright and early. The greatest difference in our wedding all those years ago and in the weddings of today is the fact that when the party was over none of us owed anyone a single penny! Far too often in today’s world, weddings cost thousands of dollars. For months after the wedding (sometimes for several years), payments are still being made on the reception, the wedding gown, bridesmaids dresses and honeymoon. Far too often, wedding expenses have not been paid in full prior to divorce proceedings are started. Sixty-three-years later, Chuck and I, and others from our generation, feel that quite possibly our way — the basic simple and sincere way — is the best way. Three children, one son-in-law and one-daughter-in-law, four granddaughters, and one great-grandchild, a non-mortgaged home, is the end result. We have definitely had a wonderful life, visited places we once only dreamed of, have good friends throughout our nation. The end result is that I made the best choice of my life the day I looked at that recently discharged slender, blonde-haired Marine and made a mental note when I said, “This one is mine!”

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Sarah Marie TriviTS • 875-3672

The descendants of John and Margaret Adams held a family reunion on Sunday, Sept. 13, at Trinity U.M. Church. Weather favored the relatives gathered there for fun, food, games and prizes awarded at the event. Janet and Derby Walker recently spent six days at Disney World in Florida where they were accompanied by their daughter and her husband, Carla and Luis Gomez and their two granddaughters, with excitement for all on rides and excursions. Bob and Molly Boody of Delmar spent a recent weekend in Bloomsburg, Pa. where they attended their 65th high school class reunion.

Carolyn Grady spent the weekend with her mother, Mona Wright, helping her do some change of season chores and visiting her dad, Thomas, who, at this writing on Monday, was at Health South in Salisbury, getting his strength back in anticipation of a return home soon. “Bobbi” Shwed also has returned to her home after a very lengthy hospital stay —welcome back, “Bobbi.”

The Red Hat Chatter Hatter group met for lunch Wednesday at “Goin’ Nuts” in Salisbury.

It’s “Back to School” time for the Laurel Historical Society as they will hold their fall general membership meeting on Wednesday, Sept. 30, at St. Philip’s Parish House, 7 p.m. The program will be a round-table discussion of the many little country schools which abounded in this area years ago. This program, open to the public, welcomes and encourages anyone who attended one of these schools to come out and share your memories and reminisce with this group. This should prove to be a most interesting evening. I told you that Autumn is creeping around all the corners, as we have-upcoming several events which that season brings. The Central Avenue Christ Church is holding their bazaar on Saturday, Oct 3, which includes a lunch, country store, bake sale booth and crafts.

This one from Arvalene Moore which I quote, “Hi, friends and neighbors of King’s Methodist Church, Gordy Road! Just a reminder that on Saturday, Sept. 26, we’re having our annual Fall Festival from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. There’s a lot going on that day and we’re hoping that you’ll find time to share in our day, too. We’re having our famous oyster fritters, hamburgers, hot dogs, soups and Clem Eaton’s famous chili. There’s also a bake table, mums, children’s activities and lots more. The Great Ambassadors will be singing, also Jerry and Jeanie Jones most of the day. Come and join us for a great day. Don’t forget to say ‘hi’ to me (I’ll be in the



kitchen.) Looking for you!!”

Melson’s Church in Delmar is hosting a Fall Bazaar on Saturday, Oct. 10, from 8 a.m. to 1 p.m. at their community house. For an unusual feature of the day there will be an “ice cream churning contest” with demonstrations and at noon there will be an auction sale.

Carolyn Calio has asked that I alert the members of the Laurel class of ‘60 of a reunion meeting at the Georgia House on Tuesday, Oct. 6, 11:30 a.m. If planning to attend call Carolyn at 875-3770. This is an important get together. Seems as though September brings special birthdays for several of our friends, among them are Barbara Wootten on Sept. 26 and M.L. Elliott on Sept. 30. Also to Roberta “Bobbi” Green in Delmar a load of wishes on Sept. 26. A very big, happy birthday wish to Charlie Devlin, now residing at the Manor House in Seaford, as he celebrates 97 years on Sept. 27. We hope, Charlie, that you can blow out all those candles with one breath!

From Mom-mom Donna Cecil with love and special wishes to little Aubrey Jane Elliott on Sept. 30 as she celebrates one big year. Joseph M. Hitchens, The Laurel Bulldog, a lover of all things Laurel High — never missed a football game if he was able to go over the years, did not miss one Alumni banquet in 20 years and only missed attending his last class reunion because of illness —we express our deepest sympathy in his passing to his family and friends. Deepest sympathy also to the family and friends of: Thomas “Tommy” Boyce, George B. Truitt, Bertha Elizabeth Carey, Edward E. Ellingsworth, Jacqueline B. Coleman and Rev. Bruce LeCates.

We continue with prayers for our service men and women and our friends who are ill: Elaine Lynch, Calvin Hearn, Mary Wilson, June Williams, Alvin Lutz, Harriett MacVeigh, Steve Trivits, “Bobbi” Shwed, Joe Messick, Jean Henry, Matthew Littleton, Conner Niblett, Donald Layton, Sr., Jean Foskey, Wilbert Adams, Robert Truitt, Dot Murphy, Hattie Puckham, Bob Christian, Patrick Starr, Kelly McCrea, Walt Dorman, Susan Levredge, Martha Windsor, Cliff Reaser and Gene Littleton. Happy September birthday wishes for: Marvil Tice on Sept. 25; Isabelle Bennett, Betty Gootee and Eleanor Eaton, Sept. 26; Margaret Fleming, Mildred Price and Jane Ward, Sept. 27; Clarence Eaton, Sept. 28; Eschol Mariner, Sept. 29; Richard Mariner and Harry Williamson, Sept. 30. See you in the stars.

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MORNING STAR • SepTeMbeR 24 - 30, 2009

First Amendment rights to freedom of speech are in peril

Letters to the Editor

Health care and town hall meetings have dominated the news the past month. August proved to be very difficult for President Obama and his supporters. Protesting citizens made it clear to their representatives they were dissatisfied with the direction of the president’s health care initiative. However, dissatisfaction goes much deeper. Tens of thousands protested in Washington, DC on September 12 against the president’s agenda. Concerned citizens have learned much about our president and his agenda. During the campaign, we learned about his associates Reverend Jeremiah Wright and William Ayres, the founder of the Weather Underground that bombed Federal buildings. Since the election, we have learned more as scores of “czars” have been appointed with no vetting or Congressional oversight. Hope Whaley’s insightful letter (Morning Star, September 10-16) documented her concerns about the administration and its policies, and implored each of us to get involved. The president and his supporters are smart and well organized. After all, the president’s prior leadership experience was as a community organizer. A vast network of volunteers and paid workers, such as Acorn and the Service Employees International Union (SEIU), are committed to supporting the president as he fundamentally alters America. The president preaches bipartisanship and an end to a “red” and “blue” America. However, the actions of his supporters demonstrate unwillingness to listen to those who oppose their radical agenda. They would rather describe grassroots opposition as “Astroturf” and opponents as “right wing domestic terrorists.” The most critical component of legitimate dissent is access to information. The mainstream media has abrogated its responsibility to inform. NBC News has become a cheerleader for the Obama administration. ABC News recently ran a glowing all-day infomercial on the President in the White House and CBS News and CNN have also been complicit. Only Fox News, conservative talk radio, and a few of the major market newspapers provide any constructive criticism of the administration’s policies. This has been clearly apparent in recent days when the story of Van Jones, the selfavowed communist and green jobs czar,

Stars’ Letters Policy

All letters should include the writer’s name, address and phone number for verification purposes. Names will be published. No unsigned letters will be published. No letters which the management deems to be libelous will be published. The Star reserves the right to edit or reject any letters. Send your letters to Morning Star Publications, PO Box 1000, Seaford, DE 19973, or you may email editor@

was featured on Glenn Beck’s television program. Only after his past was revealed, and Jones submitted his resignation, did any of the major networks cover the story. It gets worse. This past week a couple of independent investigators duped Acorn officials in Baltimore. They posed as a pimp and a prostitute, who were interested in housing support to set up an underage brothel using illegal immigrants from El Salvador. In response, Acorn employees came up with creative ways to rename the enterprise, help provide housing, and skirt tax and immigration laws. Fox News and WBAL radio in Baltimore were the only major media outlets to cover the story. However, their pressure was sufficiently powerful to force Acorn to fire four employees. Similar stories followed about Acorn offices in Washington, DC, Brooklyn, NY, and California. The U. S. Senate quickly voted to stop all housing funds to Acorn by an overwhelming majority. Five days after the first incident ran on the Glenn Beck program and the employees had been fired, ABC anchor Charles Gibson (on a Chicago morning talk show) admitted he was unaware of the story. If the president and his czars get their way, stories like this will never surface. Media outlets that oppose the administration’s agenda will be neutralized. They have a plan – limiting free speech. Such limits on the airwaves have an interesting history. The “Fairness Doctrine” goes back to 1949 when some were concerned that radio stations could unfairly promote one political point of view

over another. However, the introduction of cable networks in the 1980s provided ample voices to express divergent views on issues of the day. Talk radio proliferated beginning in the 1990s, further reducing the need to guarantee fairness. However, in recent years conservative talk radio has flourished. Conservatives Rush Limbaugh, Sean Hannity, Mark Levin, Laura Ingraham, and Michael Savage have dominated the ratings, while the programs of progressive hosts Ed Shultz, Rachel Maddow and Al Franken languished. Progressives were losing the war of ideas on the radio, and bills to reinstate the fairness doctrine concept were vetoed by presidents Ronald Reagan and George W. Bush. Today the “Fairness Doctrine” has been shelved as too transparent a vehicle to stifle free speech. In its place is a plan endorsed by Mark Lloyd, the Chief Diversity Officer at the Federal Communications Commission (FCC). The plan is called “localism.” The FCC would restore local and national caps on the ownership of commercial radio stations, ensure greater local accountability over radio licensing, and require those stations that fail to provide FCC-determined diversity to pay fees to support public broadcasting. This could force many stations to either air unprofitable programming, or pay unreasonable fees that would put them out of business. The First Amendment to the U.S. Constitution is the part of the Bill of Rights that prohibits the Congress from making laws infringing free speech or infringing freedom of the press. Localism could be invoked without Congressional action. We must not let this happen! It is time for all of us to become informed and ensure that the flow of ideas from all points of view continues unabated. Our future and the future of our children and grandchildren are at stake. Fred D. Seth, Jr.

Seaford, Delaware

Chaney had what super power?

I could not refrain from responding to Jim Jestice’s letter to the editor in last week’s paper. The liberal left’s hatred for Dick Chaney (and Bush) continues to amaze me. The people who died in the Katrina hurricane died at the hands of Dick Chaney? So, when you become vice president you can just walk out on the beach, hold your hands up to the sky, and stop a hurricane? Moses would be impressed! I can’t wait to see Biden perform such a feat. But I guess this is a power only be-

Morning Star Publications Inc.

President Bryant L. Richardson

Editor Daniel Wright Richardson

Seaford, DE 19973

Vice President Pat Murphy

Managing Editor Mike McClure

P.O. Box 1000 • 951 Norman Eskridge Highway 629-9788 • 629-9243 (fax)

Secretary Tina Reaser

Editorial Lynn Parks

stowed on Republicans as Poor Jim never mentions the Democrat mayor of New Orleans or all the other Democrat politicians down there who were clueless. Using Acorn mathematics, Poor Jim also added 500 dead people to the total. Personally, I destest Bill Clinton and Al Gore. But I never blamed them for Hurricane Opal (1995), Hurricane Mitch (1998), Hurricane Floyd (1999 - shouldn’t Gore have to pay for my roof shingles!) and Hurricane Keith (2000). Had I known they had the power to stop these terrible storms I would have called for their impeachment. (note to self: Bill was impeached). FYI Poor Jim. We didn’t “lose” 3,000 Americans on Sept 11. They were murdered by terrorists with a plan developed over a three-year period while Clinton/ Gore were distracted pursuing their teenage rock star personas. And, yes, the people of Iraq did welcome us. It’s the terrorists that took exception and they have paid a huge price. Finally, what in the world took Poor Jim watching Fox News? Liberals don’t want the truth. I would suggest you continue your indoctrination by sticking with the networks, CNN and for the best in anti-American reporting don’t miss a minute of MSNBC. WD Whaley


Frank Calio expresses shock

I was shocked to see the photo of the Laurel High School band performing at halftime in their street clothes. Is it that the school doesn’t have uniforms or they don’t care how they represent our community? Former band director Arthur Kretz must be rolling over in his grave. Frank B. Calio


Approves of last week’s paper

I was especially delighted with the Star’s September 17 paper. Before getting to the Letters and Final Word pages, a couple of items caught my eye. First, on page 2, I noticed the announcement of the Woodland Ferry Road being closed to replace the railroad crossing. A bit bemused, I thought perhaps the Tina Fallon could be pressed into special service as a work around... On page 11, I was delighted to see that James Diehl had taken his collection of WW II memories first published in the

Carol Kinsley Elaine Schneider Kay Wennberg Composition Cassie Richardson Rita Brex

Continued on page 47

Sales Rick Cullen Emily Rantz Laura Rogers Doris Shenton Brandon Miller

Morning Star Publications Inc. Subscriptions - $19 a year in-county, $24 a year in Tony Windsor has been serving the Delmarva Circulation Treasurer Kent and New Castle, Del., and Federalsburg, SharpCarol Wright Richardson Cathy Shufelt Karen Cherrix Peninsula since 1996. town and Delmar, Md.; $29 elsewhere out of state. Publishers of the Seaford Star and Laurel Star community newspapers, (Salisbury, Md.) Business Journal and the Morning Star Business Report

MORNING STAR • SepTeMbeR 24 - 30, 2009

pAGe 47

Final Word Benefit for Patrolman Chad Spicer

A motorcycle benefit ride for Patrolman Chad Ernest Spicer, who was killed in the line of duty on September 1, will be held this Saturday. The ride starts at WZBH 93.1 in Georgetown and ends at Harley Davidson of Seaford. Cost is $10 per biker. Registration is from 10 to 11:30 a.m. Willie Blake Davis, Christian and rock band, will start performing at Harley Davidson at noon. There will be food, a 50/50 and more. Bikers With Cause is coordinating the event. The group is a motorcycle ministry out of Seaford. The director is Bobby Ferrell of Laurel. The group was formed in

Your LOCAL Real Estate Connection

April 2007. They usually hold events to raise money for the homeless, and other people who may be in need.

Laurel Library annual meeting

The annual meeting of the Laurel Historical Society will be Wednesday, Sept. 30, 7 p.m. at St. Philip’s parish house in Laurel. Admission is free and members of the public are encouraged to attend and to bring information about area one-room schoolhouses. There will be light refreshments and applications for historical society membership will be available. Memberships cost $20 for one person, $40 for a family. See next week’s Star for an article on the one-room schoolhouses project.

Approves of paper’s September 17 edition Continued from page 46

leads went nowhere and that, if such reports were written, they were likely written by less esoteric organizations. I encourage all to keep an open mind, whether it is the health care debate or some other local or national priority. Also, a sense of humor can help take off the edge when we get carried away in the passion of the moment. As the saying goes, we all put our shoes on one at a time. We all have a vested interest in making this country as great in the ideal sense as it can be. Take away the rancor. See what the end point can be. Is it better than where we are now? Richard Eger

REDUCED! 5 bdrm, 2.5 ba spacious rancher. Home features inground pool, sun rm, lg deck, master suite w/sitting rm, lg living room w/fireplace on 1.62 partially wooded acres in Seaford, close to Georgetown. MLS# 563724 $324,900

WOODLAND STATION: 3 bdrm, 2.5 ba cape code. Home offers FR w/fireplace which leads to new deck. Open flr plan, dwnstrs master suite w/bath. Att. Garage w/bonus rm above and 2 lg bdrms upstairs. MLS# 571275 $349,900 CONTEMPORARY HOME: 3 bdrm, 2.5 ba, open floor plan, downstairs master suite, walk out basement, 2 car garage. Home is loaded with many upgrades all on .84 acres of manicured lawn. MLS# 571563 $369,900

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Star papers and published them in book form. I would encourage James, a gifted writer, to consider further efforts of a more cohesive nature, either fiction or nonfiction. Ah, and now to the Letters and Final Word pages. I had been away for four days in College Park, MD, researching at the National Archives and Records Administration II, NARA’s second archive. When returning home, I found a message on my answering machine from Bud Snyder. Bud had read Hope Whaley’s letter in the Star’s September 10 paper and said to himself I sure hope Richard responds to that. Well, I did, and he was calling to thank me for my effort. I do, also, thank you for running it. Apparently Hope’s letter sparked responses from others besides myself, those letters filling up most of the space in the Letters section. There was clearly a common theme fostering civility and stopping the enmity that has so taken hold of our country. I was truly delighted that others had felt similarly as I and went to the trouble to express their concern. And, in the Final Word segment, you chose to quote from President Obama’s positive speech to students at Wakefield High School. Success isn’t always a given, but we can learn from failures as well as successes. How we handle our failures can determine who we are. In my long career, I learned that there are times to recognize when a path one has chosen is not working out and to regroup, even if it means abandoning a specific approach with much effort behind it and starting anew. The failure can always be viewed as a learning situation. I also learned that one has to have an open mind. If a belief is countered by new facts, then you must be willing to change tack and accept that you were wrong. It’s not a failure. If your goal is the truth, you follow where the facts lead you. Frequently, you start out with a hypothesis based on what you think you know. A hypothesis allows you to organize your thoughts. So, even if incorrect, it serves as a framework from which to advance. While at NARA, I had, with the aid of friends in Europe, developed some leads to reports we all had hoped had been written by Allied technical teams examining German technology at the end of WW II. The leads were very difficult to come by, but we had something and it needed to be examined. Pouring through box after box of crumbling WW II era paper, none of the leads panned out. Was it a failure? Not really. I now know that those


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Three resTricTed esTaTe loTs in this new subdivision west of Seaford on Rt. 20. Great country location, yet convenient to town. Lot 1 is 2.64 acres for $115,000. Lot 2 is 2.53 acres for $110,000. Lot 3 is 5 acres for $145,000 (MLS 551544, 551546, 551548) Ask Steve (302-745-2603 cell) for more details.

redUced! riVerFroNT! Rare opportunity to acquire this spacious ranch in Snug Harbor. Apx. 1.02 acre site with replaced bulk heading & riprap. Competitively priced to sell at $465,000. Call Steve at 302-745-2603 (C) for more info (#564472)

2.33 acres! Car Buffs? Collectors? Home Business? This 40’x60’ outbldg with 2 additions plus Living area, kit, bath, & central heat is ready for you! It comes with an exceptional 3-BR, 2.5BA ranch west of Seaford. Call Phyllis at 302-745-1154 for your appt to see #571080

redUced! Great Location! Great Price! Nice 2-BR home features central air, fresh paint, updated bathroom & all appliances. Includes gazebo & stg. bldg. $125,000 (MLS 563377) Call Connie at 302-745-8177 (C)

redUced! “Picture Perfect” custombuilt ranch. All you have to do is move into this 3BR, 2BA home w/ great room, separate dining + bar area in kit. Above-ground pool, great deck & 7/10 acre lot near Harrington. $269,900 (#569983) Call Dee at (C) 381-7408

coUNTrY liViNG at an affordable price! Just move into this 2-BR mobile home on 7/10 acre lot near Seaford. Includes det. 2-car garage, stg. shed, porch, paved driveway & more! only $119,900 (#566163) For your appt call Dee at 302-381-7408 (C)

redUced! Affordable & Convenient to shopping, schools and Rt 13. From the view of your LR, you’d never guess this 3-BR, 3-BA ranch is within the town. Peaceful wooded lot slopes to a small stream. The walk-out lower level has a FR w/fp & 3rd BR. Extras included. $199,999 (MLS 560800) Call 302-381-7408 (C) and ask Dee for more details!

BeThel - Own a little piece of history! This charming 4-BR, 2-BA Victorian in quaint, historic Bethel has been meticulously restored to its 1890’s character. Features original wood floors, 2 staircases, 4 elec. fireplaces, C/A & much more! $270,000 (#569524) For your appt call Sue at 302-629-4514 (O)

Fran Ruark

Well-desiGNed 3-BR, 3-BA home w/att. 2-car garage in Clearbrooke Est. Spacious living, dining & kitchen area, all open with no walls or barriers. Above the garage you’ll find a full bath & lg. finished room that can be used as a FR, office or even 4th BR. A rear deck, attractive stg. shed, & large kennel give added value to this wonderful home. $280,000 (#570519) Call Sue at 6294514 (o) for your appt.

NorTh shores - Owners say “Sell” this lovely 2700 sq. ft home on a corner lot near Seaford. Beautiful inground pool, sun porch & patio room, abundant storage space, 3 full BAs, 4 BRs & room for a possible 5th BR. only $240,000 (#570623) Call Phyllis at 302-745-1154 (c) for more info.

redUced! Great in-town corner location in Seaford. 4-BR ranch has unique floorplan w/1st floor master BR, sunporch, fireplace, hardwood floors, home warranty & more! $242,000 (#568071) Call Connie at 302-745-8177 (C)

NeW lisTiNG! Looking for a quality construction and move-in condition at an affordable price? Take a look at this 3BR ranch w/ beautiful HW floors, full basement, walk-up attic, enclosed porch and more! $189,900 (#572399) Call Dee at 302-381-7408 (C) for more info.

Call “CFM” to see if you may qualify for this tax credit. We have a “Great!” inventory of homes, and interest rates are low right now. DON’T MISS YOUR OPPORTUNITY!

Priced To sell! Numerous upgrades can be found in this 3-BR ranch: from the furnace and central air to the refinished hardwood floors. Lots of storage, half-acre lot with garage & outbuildings, & more! $199,900 (#564202) You can reach Dee at 302381-7408 (C) for more info

redUced! Golf, Walking, Easy Living! AND What a Sunset! Just move into this 2-BR, 2-BA furnished home with great room, sunporch, & garage, located in the Wood Creek Golf Community near Delmar. $189,900 (MLS 564571) Just call Dee at 302-381-7408 (C) for your appt.

NaNTicoKe circle - Call Leona at 302-381-6222 (c) and find out how you may be able to own this 4BR, 2-BA home in move-in condition for approx. $990/mo. No $$$ down – USDA mortgage qualified w/$5,000 seller’s closing costs help & 1st-time buyer’s $8,000 stimulus pkg. (#567553)

doN’T Miss iT! Looking for the perfect “in-town, close to everything” 3BR home w/huge fenced yard & a “dream kitchen” for apx. $990/mo? No $$$ down – USDA mortgage qualified w/$5,000 seller’s closing costs help & 1st-time buyer’s $8,000 stimulus pkg. Call Leona at 302-381-6222 (c) to find out how you can own this home. (#556150)

NeW lisTiNG! This beautiful ranch with split-BR floorplan offers a spacious entryway leading to the home’s Great room w/fireplace, a master BR suite w/walk-in closet, and a deck. Also includes 2 BAs, double garage, formal DR, appliances & extras for only $215,000 (priced for “short sale”) #571942 Call Brice at 302-448-6760 for more details

drasTicallY redUced! Wellmaintained 3-BR, 1.5-BA home on beautiful corner lot west of Seaford. In addition to the 1-car att. garage, there’s a 2-car det. garage w/ workshop, plus an in-ground pool & pool shed, enclosed porch, & more! $185,000 (MLS 561683) Call Phyllis at 302-7451154 (C)

You’ve heard about the $8,000 stimulus tax credit available to “1st-time homebuyers.” But did you know that you can now Use That Tax Credit as an $8,000 Down payment toward your purchase of a home? Not a 1st-time buyer? Don’t Worry – any buyer who hasn’t owned a principal residence in the previous 3-year period may qualify! Just be sure to purchase before Dec. 1, 2009. This tax incentive does not have to be repaid! It is a “true” tax credit – every dollar of your tax credit reduces your income taxes by a dollar!

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