The Morung Express
Dimapur VOL. VIII ISSUE 282
[ PAGE 08]
By Sandemo Ngullie
Wednesday, October 16, 2013 12 pages Rs. 4
We must let go of the life we have planned, so as to accept the one that is waiting for us MP stampede: Cops deny wrongdoing
Deepika Padukone almost pelted with eggs, tomatoes
‘Collective responsibility to check power theft’ [ PAGE 02]
Tough job in destroying Syria nerve agents
[ PAGE 11]
[ PAGE 09]
Autorickshaws to observe bandh on October 17 DIMAPUR, OCTOBER 15 (MExN): The Dimapur District Autorickshaw Drivers Union has once again informed that it will be conducting a bandh on October 17 from 6:00 am to 6:00 pm. A DDADU press note directed all autorickshaw drivers to strictly observe the bandh and cautioned that defaulters would be penalized as per rules and regulations. The union has also requested the public for their co operation in making the bandh a success. The DDADU has also convened an emergency meeting on October 16 at 10:00 am in its head office in Burma Camp traffic point. All advisors, executive members, branch offices of Chumukedima, Niuland, Doyapur and Medziphema have been requested to attend the meeting.
Wezulhi Krome passes away
DIMAPUR, OCTOBER 15 (MExN): Prominent Naga senior citizen, Wezulhi C Krome passed away on Tuesday at the age of 98. He was a prominent member of various organizations including the Naga National Council and the Federal Government of Nagaland. Later, he went on to serve from 1964-1969 as a member of the Nagaland Legislative Assembly. Details on page 5
KU concerned over slow progress of Mon–Namtola road
MON, OCTOBER 15 (MExN): The Konyak Union, Mon has expressed concern over the slow pace of construction in the Mon– Namtola road. A press note from the KU, Mon noted that this road has been neglected and unattended for decades and requires rigorous attention. It informed that during a meeting on September 13 at the official residence of the Minister for Art & Culture, Tourism, EE Pangteang Konyak, the KU and elected members of Mon District unanimously agreeed that this road had to be completed within this winter/dry season. As such the KU appealed for the responsible contractor(s) and concerned department to complete the construction of the said road during this winter season by March 2014. It further urged for release of sanction amount at the earliest, so that contractors can execute work within the stipulated timeframe.
– Joseph Campbell
Tendulkar’s farewell 200th Test in Wankhede [ PAGE 12 ]
Policing in nagaland ‘let us bury the past to be “transformed” through forgiveness’ NNC/FGN appeals to Naga leaders, Naga National groups and the people not to Allow this God-given opportunity— the Naga Reconciliation process—to slip away
Crime and Criminal Tracking Network & System launched
If you are being bothered by someone, Let him know.
KOHIMA, OCTOBER 15 (MExN): In order to enhance the efficiency and effectiveness of policing in Nagaland state, the Crime and Criminal Tracking Network & System was launched by Nagaland Home Minister, G Kaito Aye at PHQ Conference Hall on Tuesday. The system involves an IT enabled tracking system for investigation and crime detection through the country wide network of 14000 plus police stations. Nagaland Director General of Police, Besesayo Kezo, speaking at the programme, highlighted the need for an integrated networking system for the police. He stated that the CCTNS is a scheme conceived by the MHA to be inducted into the existing policing system. He further explained that the project aims to make police functioning people friendly and more transparent by computerizing day today functioning at police stations. It also aims at improving delivery of citizen centric services through interface with a citizen portal, which is likely to be rolled out in the state very soon. Home Minister, G Kaito Aye stated that CCTNS will bring a massive change in the present police functioning, which will benefit police personnel and bring
Nagaland Home Minister, G Kaito Aye and Nagaland DGP, Besesayo Kezo during the launch of the Crime and Criminal Tracking Network & System in Kohima on Tuesday.
confidence to the general public. He appreciated the MHA for 100 percent grant to this project, “As we are a financially starved state.” He added that this system would transform the conventional way of policing into digital policing at par with the rest of the country and the world. He instructed Consultants, System Integrators, BSNL and all key stakeholders to deliver all services under CCTNS and that proper handholding be made available to the police personnel for operational purpose. The importance and support of the media was also stressed upon for proper mass communication of CCTNS project. The Home Minister also entered the General Diary
(GD) into the new CCTNS application at the police station level in one of the districts, by remotely accessing it from the PHQ. Renchamo P Kikon, IGP (Training & Border) and CCTNS Nodal Officer, Nagaland gave the status and overview of the project. Out of the 51 police stations for all the 11 districts under CCTNS Project, 27 Police Stations have been connected with the Core Application Software at State Data Center, Kohima, it was informed. The remaining Police Stations will be connected subsequently with the operational state data centre; where the application is hosted and replicated at the disaster recovery center in New Delhi.
DIMAPUR, OCTOBER 15 (MExN): The NNC/FGN today made a special appeal to the Naga leaders of all the Naga National groups to “bury the past through forgiveness and work together for the future of the coming Naga generations”. Zhopra Vero, Kedallo, FGN has in a press note stated, “Let us not allow our differences to destroy the future, but let us reconcile and work together for the common cause of our historical and political rights as a sovereign people.” The NNC/FGN also made a public appeal to SS Khaplang, Chairman of the National Socialist Council of Nagaland to take active participation in the reconciliation process. It acknowledged Khaplang’s role as a signatory of the “Covenant of Reconciliation” and pointed out that at this crucial juncture, his presence and participation is most needed. It has also reached out to Adinno Phizo, President of the Naga National Council to partake in the reconciliation process. “It is only by meeting and talking together that problems can be resolved and new beginnings made based on the his-
torical and political rights of the Nagas”, it stated. The NNC/FGN has said that it agrees with the recent statement made by the FNR that there can be no shared Naga future without reconciliation. “We concur with their assessment that the only way forward for the Nagas to achieve our historical and political rights is through reconciliation”. Therefore, the NNC/FGN, right from its Kedahge (President) to all ranks and files, has once again made this “public pledge to God and people” of their commitment to fully support, strengthen and work for Naga Reconciliation. NNC/ FGN also made it known that the Naga National groups and the people must not allow this Godgiven opportunity—the Naga Reconciliation process led by the Forum for Naga Reconciliation (FNR)—to slip away, lest we allow the past to be repeated. The NNC/FGN has stated that this is an opportunity for “Nagas to reason together”. “The internal divisions among the Nagas have been a stumbling block for the Naga future, and like all Nagas the NNC/FGN is deeply concerned.
We are aware of the need to get out of this quagmire. Hence, the NNC/FGN makes this statement to strengthen the Naga Reconciliation process”, stated Zhopra Vero, Kedallo, FGN. The NNC/FGN has acknowledged and recognized the efforts made by the FNR to sustain and strengthen the Reconciliation process under immense difficulties and challenges. “We publicly put on record that this reconciliation process has saved many precious lives, because without it, Nagas would still be fighting each other. The timely move for Naga Reconciliation has prevented bloodshed, which makes it all the more important for Naga Reconciliation to be fulfilled in totality”, it was stated. Also it was stated that in the course of the Naga movement for our rights, the NNC/FGN was not entirely free from omissions and commissions. “Without seeking to make any justifications or allude to situational circumstances”, the NNC/FGN has confessed all the political mistakes and human errors it has committed in the course of its history. “For this we say, the NNC/FGN apologizes to the people and we seek their forgiveness”.
ASTD condemns assault on journalist nagaland observes Global Hand Washing Day
DIMAPUR, OCTOBER 15 (MExN): position he may hold or what kind of arms The Ao Senso Telongjem Dimapur has con- or ammunitions he possess.” demned the reported assault on a photo The ASTD stated that the “personnel journalist by two IR jawans at Sematila on ought to ponder over it seriously that their October 12. A press note from the ASTD powers are coupled with disciplines and President, Supu Jamir and ASTD General Sec- their actions are to be executed within the retary, C Onen Walling urged upon authori- prescribed rules.” It added that the “unities to discipline and formed personnel initiate appropriate ‘Uniformed personnel do not do not possess a liaction against the errto harass or possess license to harass’ cense ing jawans. The ASTD assault the media/ expressed “pain” that public without any “often, the innocent media fall prey under the rhymes and reasons.” “Holding of gun in paw of uniformed personnel.” their hands doesn’t permit them to unIt added that IR jawans are meant to dermine the dignity of the fourth estate,” safeguard the public/media and are not which the ASTD said is one of the corner supposed to act at their own whims. It as- stone’s of a Democratic set-up. Calling for serted that if uniformed personnel turn action against the erring personnel, the out to be indisciplined “then their action ASTD expressed hope that the appropriwill be subjected to explanation or liable ate authority would view the matter serito judicial scrutiny, no matter whatsoever ously in the interest of justice.
Our Correspondent Viswema | October 15
Parliamentary Secretary for Information & Public Relations and Printing & Stationery, Kropol Vitsu on Tuesday encouraged people to inculcate the habit of washing hands with soap in order to keep away diseases. Speaking at the Global Hand Washing Day observed in Kohima under the theme ‘The power is in your hand,’ Vitsu said that 2008 was declared the International Year of Sanitation by the UN General Assembly and that October
road connectivity between Darogajan and Purana Bazar temporarily restored
Officials of PWD (R&B) Dimapur Division with GBs and Village Council Chairmen of Darogajan, Purana Bazar and surrounding villages inspecting the temporary bridge on Tuesday.
Morung Express News Dimapur | October 15
The connectivity of a vital road between Darogajan and Purana Bazar, which snapped after the concrete bridge connecting the two villages collapsed following heavy rains, has been temporarily restored. A team of PWD (Road & Bridge) officials comprising Er. Vizotuo
Saletsu, Executive Engineer Dimapur division, Er. Nitoli Sema, SDO and Tovishe Assumi, Junior Engineer accompanied by the GBs and Chairman of Darogajan, Purana Bazar and surrounding villages inspected the temporary bridge constructed by Vitokhu Achumi, Chairman, Darogajan Village Council, today and opened the bridge for light vehicles. The bridge collapsed on Septem-
ber 10 last after flood waters washed away the soil beneath the bridge. Sensing the importance of the bridge which serves as lifeline for people in Darogajan and many villages beyond, Vitokhu Achumi took the initiative, and with the approval of the concerned department, commenced the work to build a temporary bridge. In a brief interaction, leaders of the area thanked Achumi for his tireless effort to restore the connectivity, otherwise which people from these villages have to detour not less ten kilometers to reach Dimapur. GBs and Chairmen of the area pressed the visiting PWD (Roads & Bridges) officials to take up the bridge construction project at the earliest. Former Commissioner and Secretary K. N. Ngullie said the Department should give importance to the road, which serves as the economic life line for many people. He also highlighted the need to have at least a two-lane bridge. Er. Vizotuo Saletsu lauded Vitokhu Achumi for early completion of the temporary bridge, meant only for light vehicles. He said the minister and department concerned are taking up the construction of the bridge “on a serious note.” He assured that the PWD (Roads & Bridges) will repay the expenses borne by Vitokhu for construction of the temporary bridge.
15 was declared as Global Hand Washing day. The programme was jointly organized by the Water & Sanitation Support Organization, PHED and Viswema Students’ Union with an aim to increase awareness that washing one’s hands with soap is an effective and affordable way to prevent disease. Kropol said that Global Hand Washing Day is a campaign to inculcate the habit of washing one’s hands with soap and to make people conscious of their health. Stating that the campaign would be
new to Nagas, Kropol informed that the endeavor would mostly focus on school children. KG Sumi, Director WSSO PHED said that Nagaland state is celebrating the 2nd year of Global Hand Washing Day this year. The first Global Hand Washing day was held in collaboration with the school authority at Baptist High Kohima with the theme ‘Health is in your Hand.’ Sumi asserted that the childhood mortality rates related to respiratory and diarrhea disease was found to be high and alarming.
He added that the second biggest killers of young children within five years of age are diarrhea, pneumonia and acute respiratory infections. He estimated that 2.2 million children die each year from these two diseases and that about 1800 children die daily due to diarrhea alone in India. A statistic that can be altered by the simple act of washing one’s hands with soap. The gathering took a pledge on sanitation. WSSO PHED also distributed hand washing materials to four schools located at Viswema.