18th October 2013

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Dimapur VOL. VIII ISSUE 284

The Morung Express “


‘My mother put food bill before her health’ [ PAGE 08]

Selena Gomez carries on with Stars Dance tour [ PAGE 11]


By Sandemo Ngullie

Life is far too important a thing ever to talk seriously about


Friday, October 18, 2013 12 pages Rs. 4 – Oscar Wilde

Education: It takes the whole society [ PAGE 02]

US Congress ends default threat, Obama signs debt bill

‘OBE award a great honour’

[ PAGE 12 ]

[ PAGE 09]

india has highest number cM peeved by condition of airport in Dimapur of slaves: Global index Morung Express news Dimapur | October 17

LONDON, OCTOBER 17 (REUTERs): Some 30 While citizens weep over awful road conditions, the million people are enslaved people in power have their worldwide, trafficked into share of grievances. brothels, forced into manChief Minister Neiphiu ual labour, victims of debt Rio, on Thursday, led a conbondage or even born into tingent of volunteers reqservitude, a global index on uisitioned from various modern slavery showed on government departments Thursday. to clean up the Dimapur Almost half are in India, airport. With the 50th where slavery ranges from Statehood anniversary, the bonded labour in quarries Hornbill Festival and the CM neiphiu Rio, interacting with the director of Dimapur and kilns to commercial during the early morning social work organised at prospect of tourists hang- airport the airport on October 21. Photo by Manen Aier sex exploitation, although ing in the air, the CM was Potholes, Potholes, potholes! Everybody’s talking the scourge exists in all visibly concerned about (the day’s clean-up exer- ultimately affects mainte162 countries surveyed by escape, with false promises Bangladesh (343,000). countries were higher than making the airport pre- cise) will be like a lesson nance works, it was added. but nobody’s listening. Walk Free, an Australian- of a good job or an educaThe index also ranks previously thought. The CM was nonetheless sentable to visitors as well for them,” commented the based rights group. tion.” The Global Slavery nations by prevalence of “They’ve been allocat- as travellers from Naga- CM, interacting with news- assertive that the airport be The Morung Express Its estimate of 29.8 mil- Index 2013 defines slav- slavery per head of popu- ing resources against this land at least for the festive persons as well as the Air- kept prim and proper. He POLL QUESTIOn lion slaves worldwide is ery as the possession or lation. By this measure, crime according to the season. At around the same ports Authority. According commented that the mainVote on www.morungexpress.com higher than other attempts control of people to deny Mauritania is worst, with tiny handful of cases that time last year, a similar ex- to the CM, the people who tenance team must make are shouldered with main- the most of available funds SMS your answer to 9862574165 to quantify modern slavery. freedom and exploit them almost 4 percent of its 3.8 they’ve been aware of,” ercise was carried out. In casual wear, Rio was tenance jobs should have a despite the difficulties. The International Labour for profit or sex, usually million people enslaved. said Kevin Bales, lead reIs Nagaland Meanwhile, the Director Organisation estimates through violence, coercion Estimates by other organ- searcher and a professor accompanied by Planning “sense of ownership.” government serious Private entities con- of Dimapur Airport, Manoj that almost 21 million peo- or deception. The defini- isations put the level at up at the Wilberforce Institute and Coordination Minister, about restructuring its system of ple are victims of forced la- tion includes indentured to 20 percent. for the Study of Slavery and TR Zeliang and other As- tracted by the Airports Kumar told newspersons bureaucracy? bour. “Today some people servitude, forced marriage Pakistan, India, Ne- Emancipation at Hull Uni- sembly colleagues. Going Authority of India (AAI) that the AAI has acquired are still being born into he- and the abduction of chil- pal, Moldova, Benin, Ivory versity. “Our estimates are by his remarks, as he made for civil works at the air- land as part of the proposal reditary slavery, a stagger- dren to serve in wars. Coast, Gambia and Gabon telling them that the num- the rounds marshalling the port aired problems faced to strengthen the runway. Yes no Others ing but harsh reality, parAccording to the index, have the next highest prev- bers of people in slavery volunteers, on the amenities by the maintenance team. The Airports Authority acNagaland Airport Contrac- quired 8.5 acres from the ticularly in parts of West 10 countries alone account alence rates. - whether it’s in Great Brit- available at the airport, the tor Union stated that the CRPF and an additional 8 CM was clearly unhappy. The Africa and South Asia,” the for three quarters of the At the other end of the ain or Finland or wherever peeved remarks, on the over- maintenance team is short acres from the Assam Rireport said. world’s slaves. scale, Iceland has the low- - in these richer countries all unkempt condition of the of staff, at the same time fles, Kumar disclosed. That, “Other victims are After India, China has est estimated prevalence actually tends to be about airport, ranged from thick short of funds. At present, however, is not enough. The captured or kidnapped the most with 2.9 million, with fewer than 100 slaves. six to 10 times higher than overgrowths left untrimmed, there is only one manager, existing runway requires at before being sold or kept followed by Pakistan (2.1 Next best are Ireland, they think it is.” randomly discarded plastic whereas, there should be least 150 metres of space on Walk Free CEO Nick wastes, ill-maintained VIP three senior officers from either side if the proposed DIMAPUR, OCTO- for exploitation, whether million), Nigeria (701,000), Britain, New Zealand, BER 17 (MExN): The through ‘marriage’, unpaid Ethiopia (651,000), Rus- Switzerland, Sweden, Nor- Grono said the annual in- lounge and other passenger the AAI, including a civil upgrading of the Dimapur engineer, the contractors airport takes off. “Unless we Station Manager for Air labour on fishing boats, or sia (516,000), Thailand way, Luxembourg, Finland dex would serve as an im- amenities like washrooms. as domestic workers. Oth- (473,000), Democratic Re- and Denmark, although portant baseline for gov“It is our only airport, said. There is no officer in (AAI) are given land for the India Ltd, Dimapur has ers are tricked and lured public of Congo (462,000), researchers said slave ernments and activists in we feel ashamed seeing the finance section, which airport, we are helpless,” informed that in view of its condition... I hope it delays clearing of bills, and Kumar said. into situations they cannot Myanmar (384,000) and numbers in such wealthy the anti-slavery fight. grounding of AI-705 at Dibrugarh on October 17, the grounded flight will be AI-705D on October 18. The flight will depart from Dibrugarh Morung Express news related problems and to bring mum level, he said. farmers to increase the quantity at 11:00 hrs and arrive farmers together. The Speaker also said that in as well as quality of their produce. Medziphema | October 17 in Dimapur at 11:40 hrs. MON, OCTOBER 17 served by it to the State GovAround 400 farmers includ- line with the resolutions of the Vice chancellor of Nagaland It will depart Dimapur (MExN): The Eastern Naga ernment on October 10, has The first ‘Naga Kheti Mela’ orga- ing 200 from outside Nagaland 59th Commonwealth Parliamen- University, Professor BK Konwar, at 12:10 hrs and arrive Students’ Federation (ENSF), expressed dismay over the nized by the School of Agricultur- state have registered at the mela tary Conference held recently lamented that farmers have not following its 11th Federal As- lackadaisical attitude of the al Sciences & Rural Development, held under the theme “Towards in Johannesburg on transfer of received the respect accorded in Kolkata at 13:20 hrs. sembly held today at Helsa Re- Nagaland Government. The Nagaland University (SASRD- sustainable Agriculture.” technology and research to boost to industrial workers or those in sort here, has decided to “take House took a “serious note on NU) in collaboration with variNagaland Assembly Speaker, agricultural productivity, agricul- other professions. Underscoring any degree of action against the subsequent failure of the ous research and development Chotisuh Sazo in his address said tural universities and institutes the need to increase interactions the State Government till its de- State Government in not ful- organizations, commenced on that one-third of India’s popula- in the country should take up the with farmers, the VC said agriculmands are fulfilled.” In that, it filling its assurance given by Thursday at SASRD campus, tion depends on agriculture di- mission of generating human re- ture institutes like SASRD should asked its federating units and Chief Minister Neiphiu Rio,” Medziphema. rectly or indirectly and that agri- sources. develop seeds and paddy varietsubordinating units to be “phys- and decided to take “any deChotisuh said since the North ies suitable for Nagaland’s soil. The event is being organized culture contributes to 25% of the ically and mentally prepared for gree of action” subsequently. with the objectives of creating an nation’s gross domestic product. East is one of the richest reserDirector of ICAR, Dr. BC Deka KOHIMA, OCTO- any eventualities in achieving Sazo said that much emphasis voirs of biodiversity, commer- and State Agriculture Joint DirecThe Federal Assembly of effective platform for effective BER 17 (MExN): The our rights as a human being and the ENSF consists of six fed- transfer of technologies to the has been on commercializing agri- cialization of discoveries emerg- tor, T Soukhrie also spoke on the erating units, namely, Konyak farming community, to showcase culture production and therefore ing from experiments and efforts occasion. Pro-VC, NU, and ChairKohima Village Youth citizen of the country.” The Speaker of its Fed- Students’ Union, Phom Stu- quality produce of the farmers/ adequate production and even dis- such as integrated farming sys- man of Naga Kheti Mela, Prof. NS Organisation (KVYO) conducted a meeting be- eral Assembly, President and dents’ Conference, United growers, to facilitate interactions tribution of food has lately become tems would help in technological Jamir delivered the welcome adempowerment of farmers in Na- dress and Professor Akali Sema tween the Kohima Town General Secretary of the ENSF Sangtam Students’ Confer- of farmers with experts in agri a global concern. have notified through a press ence, Khiamniungang StuWith the changing agriculture galand State. gave a brief report on the mela. allied sectors. Traders Union (KTTU) release that the Federal As- dents’ Union, Yimchunger andThe Parliamentary Secretary State Chief Secretary Alemtemmela will also address scenario and global competition, and the Kohima Cham- sembly, following thorough Akhiru Arhako and Confedera- issues of farmers on crops/live- there is need of exploiting the for Horticulture, Neiba Kronu, shi Jamir chaired the inaugural ber of Commerce and deliberation on the ultimatum tion of Chang Students’ Union. stock production and protection available resources to the maxi- stressed on the need for Naga programme. Industries (KCCI) on October 13 with regard to “misunderstanding and differences of the functioning of KCCI, which cropped up a few Imlisanen Jamir mous Print Shop,’ engages they stress on the need for even in the formulation of months back.” A press in photography, printing, Nagas to appreciate the state policies. Dimapur | October 17 note from the President animation, graphic design“importance of ideas.” They cite the lack of inand General Secretary of The most inspiring entre- ing, video production etc. It They lament that in- frastructural development the KVYO informed that preneurs are those that rev- was revealed that, at prestellectual property, in the in Nagaland State as an inNaga context, is something dicator of how stagnant the the parties in the meet- olutionize businesses, open ent, wedding photography that many people find diffi- creative faculties of policy ing resolved that the up opportunities for others occupies a major chunk of cult to grasp. This miscom- makers are. The will and KCCI shall be the apex and change the way people their business. However, the firm hopes to venture prehension, according to the ability to push beyond think. Their impact might body of business commore avenues. Inoto, Akanito and Lipok, set frameworks in order to munity in Kohima town. not be recognized or ac- intoInoto Nawang Khulu, has affected their business DESIGN efficient systems is knowledged immediately, It was agreed that the but they continue to pursue one of the partners in Deas well. They assert that what they propagate. trade union shall send their dreams amidst sneers sign Stash was recently “While Nagas are happy to A significant feature representative to the from ever present cynics. declared winner of Youthshell out for tangible items; of Design Stash is that the KCCI from among themwe are yet to recognize and firm deals majorly in faThree young men, Ino- Net’s ‘The Entrepreneur.’ appreciate ideas.” cilitating other entrepreselves. According to the to Nawang Khulu, Akanito He walked away with a cash Since their firm comes neurs and businesses. By note, the KCCI resolved Assumi and Lipokyanger, prize of Rs five lakhs, with up with designs to reflect developing creative outto accept some members are on a mission to change a pitch for an online portal ideas, the three business lets to promote artists or of the trade union to be mindsets and perceptions to connect the entire North East and at the same time partners stress on the enterprises, the firm lends through their enterprise inducted into the curmultifaceted trait of the a hand to the local entreas Design Stash. showcase music, culture rent KCCI office bearers. branded designing process. Design- preneurial scenario. Established in 2010, Design and lifestyles from the re(L-R) Lipokyanger, Akanito Assumi and Inoto nawang Khulu It further resolved that Stash deals with “visual gion. In conversation with ing, for them, is a “problem They urge fellow Nathe KTTU from October communications,” through The Morung Express, the to experience all that the on the state of affairs in tion was the lack of compre- solving exercise” and is ap- gas to support local en13 shall not be using the which they promote and three business partners at North East has to offer. De- Nagaland, in context to en- hension that many people plied in every conceivable trepreneurs and to “buy nomenclature KTTU, express ideas by acting as Design Stash revealed that sign Stash plans to source trepreneurship in general have about the intangible aspect of society. As such, local.” These three young “since the differences are creative intermediaries. the idea that enabled Inoto as well as create content and their own endeavors in elements of creativity and they state that the creative entrepreneurs are part settled.” The parties also “Digital storytellers” is a to win ‘The Entrepreneur’ in the website and express particular. They opine that innovation. Design Stash process used within the of a movement that is unhope that it will be up and while there is a lot of poten- primarily focuses on devel- confines of Design Stash ashamedly modern and at unanimously decided to somewhat over the top de- is still in its infancy. NEbuzz.com, though running by sometime next tial among Nagas, “it still oping concepts and ideas, transcends commercial the same time unabashwork under the banner scription which actually fits still in early stages of devel- year. needs to actualize.” which ultimately culmi- paradigms. They add that edly Naga. And they extend of KCCI for the interest their profile. The three partners at A recurring thread that nate into the product of a creativity and innovation an invitation for all to join The firm, which also opment, will serve as a vidof the public. has a subsidiary called ‘Fa- eo gateway for the world the firm expressed views featured in the conversa- tangible artwork. As such, needs to play a vital role the ride.

Air India informs passengers

Demands ignored by govt, ensf prepares

1st Naga Kheti Mela for sustainable agriculture

KTTU, KCCI settle differences

Design stash: changing mindsets and perceptions



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