The Morung Express
Dimapur VOL. VIII ISSUE 285
Digging for hidden gold begins at old UP fort
Beware the barrenness of a busy life
Miranda Kerr wants to become an actress
Saturday, October 19, 2013 12 pages Rs. 4 – Socrates
Officials of Mkg and Jorhat meet to strengthen friendship [ PAGE 02]
Saudi Arabia Rejects Security Council Seat
[ PAGE 11]
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By Sandemo Ngullie
Morung Express news Dimapur | October 18
Indeed our cricket team`s success against Australia was due to the dynamic leadership of our beloved future PM.
Vote on www.morungexpress.com SMS your answer to 9862574165 Is Nagaland government serious about restructuring its system of bureaucracy? Yes
DC Mkg notifies M o ko kc h u n g, october 18 (DIPr): The Deputy Commissioner of Mokokchung has informed all Departmental Officers, NGOs and the public that the Deputy Commissioner’s Office will be shifted to the top floor of the Agri Office Building on October 24 and 25. In this regard, the DC informed that no public will be entertained on the mentioned days.
NNC observes National Martyrs Day
DIMAPur, october 18 (Mexn): Naga National Council on October 18 observed the Naga National Martyrs’ Day at Oking with bible reading, prayer and “respect for the Naga Martyrs’ who laid down their lives for the freedom of Naga sovereignty.” A press note from the MIP informed that NNC members from Civil, Army and Women Federations attended the event. NNC General Secretary, V Nagi; Naga Women Federation President; Ketuono Angami and other officials spoke on the occasion. The members then went to the grave of Naga leaders, Lt. Zasibituo Naga, Lt. Goyiepra Nakhro (Member Signatory of Naga Memorandum to the Simon Commission of British Government), Lt. Kruzhalie Peseyie (Japfii State Angh/Govenor), Lt. Brig. Rivilie Nagi (Founding Member of Naga Save Gaurd), Lt. Capt. Viletuo Nagi (only son of Zasibituo Naga), Lt. Kuolhuvi Nakhro (Secretary of Japfii State Angh/ Govenor), etc and laid wreaths in respect and honour of the Martyrs’. The women of Jotsoma Village laid wreaths at the Martyrs’ Memorial Stone of the village for those who died in action, added the note.
Wait for my book to read all about ‘Monkeygate’: Kumble [ PAGE 12 ]
foothill road hits roadblock from r&B
The Morung Express POLL QUESTIOn
FILE- An old man feeds on morsels of food at Dimapur Railway Station. October 17 was observed the world over as the International Day for Eradication of Poverty. The World Bank estimates that about 400 million people in India live under conditions of absolute poverty. Photo by Manen Aier
‘No evidence of health risks from mobiles’
new DelhI, october 18 (IAnS): There is no scientific evidence to prove that emissions from mobile phones cause health related problems, including changes in brain activity, reaction times, and sleep patterns, studies by the World Health Organisation (WHO) and a French government expert group have showed.
“Studies to date provide no indication that environmental exposure to RF (radiofrequency) fields, such as from base stations, increases the risk of cancer or any other disease,” the WHO said in an advisory. “Scientists have reported other health effects of using mobile phones, including changes in brain activity, reaction times,
and sleep patterns. These effects are minor and have no apparent health significance,” it said. In another related development, the French government agency ANSES (Agence Nationale De Securite Sanitaire - French Organisation for Food, Environmental and Occupational Health and Safety) said, “Biological effects cor-
responding to generally reversible changes in the inner functioning of the body can thus be observed, as is also found in the case of exposure to different stimuli of everyday life.” “However, we were unable to establish any causal link between biological effects described in cell models, animals or humans, and any possible resulting health effects,” it added.
Just when things were looking up, the Foothill Road movement has, yet again, hit a roadblock with the Government, the PWD Roads & Bridges (R & B) in particular, still choosing to “dilly-dally.” In the aftermath of a meeting with R & B engineers at Kohima on October 17, the Nagaland Foothill Road Coordination Committee (NFHRCC) held an emergency meeting in Dimapur on October 18. The mood of the gathering was of disappointment. Dejection hung in the air as it was clear that the October 17 meeting, which had R & B Minister, Kuzholuzo Nienu in attendance, had not ended on a positive note. It was the fourth such meeting the NFHRCC has had with the department. The NFHRCC were particularly disappointed with the approach of the R & B. Peeved members, who attended the meeting, described the attitude of the R & B engineers as non-committal, a good two months after jointly agreeing on the route finalised on August 8. The estimated cost of the
Foothill Road project is giving the jitters to the department as well as the policy makers. According to the project report prepared by the R & B, the road stretching 323.70 kilometres is estimated to cost Rs. 221.5 crores. But NFHRCC maintained that the agreed route extends up to 349 kilometres in total. The project report was presented to the R & B Minister at the October 17 meeting. The Minister’s reaction on hearing the projected cost was of “shock and surprise,” stated the NFHRCC. The cost notwithstanding, NFHRCC viewed that the government has, at its disposal, ways and means to get the fund. Questioning the R & B’s commitment to the project, the NFHRCC said that as was construed during the October 17 meeting, its technical personnel are still “confused” with the route alignment (Tizit-Naginimora-Tuli-Tzudikong-Yajang C-Longtho ( M o ay i m n t i ) -S u m i to Wozhu-Changpang-Yimpang-Bhandari-Governor’s Camp (Liphiyang)-Ralan (Old)-Rengmapani-Niuland enroute Dimapur), which has been already
agreed and decided by both parties. “The NFHRCC have time and again made clear that it stands by the August 8 pronouncement,” it was stated during Friday’s meeting. Hinting at ‘delay tactics’ being employed, the NFHRCC further stated, “We do not understand why the department is still dillydallying when it itself was party to the decision.” An exasperated member commented, “The department refuses to understand the will of the people... and is deliberately confusing itself.” Hope remains as another meeting with the R & B is scheduled on October 25 in Kohima. The outcome of the meeting will be crucial as the NFHRCC has cautioned that it will no longer endorse meetings with the department if no convincing response comes of it. Further, the NFHRCC stated that it was compelled to go public with the outcome of the October 17 meeting for the sake of transparency. It was made clear that NFHRCC will not endorse any form of inducement or pressure from any quarters which may jeopardise the project.
‘Only 55 percent of urban households recieve sufficient water’ Morung Express news Kohima | October 18
Only 55 percent of urban households in Nagaland receive sufficient water throughout the year while 65% of rural households receive sufficient water, indicates the National Sample Survey (NSS) report on ‘Housing Conditions and Amenities in Nagaland’ released by the Directorate of Economics & Statistics, Nagaland (DES) on October 18 at the DES Conference Hall here. The 65th Report of the NSS was released by Kevileno Angami, OSD to the Government of Nagaland. The program was chaired by Y. Sacheo Ovung, Director while a brief note on the report was given by Rhanbemo, Statistical Officer and the vote of thanks presented by I Chuba Jamir, Addl. Director. Rhanbemo gave a brief his-
tory on the National Sample Survey Organization (NSSO) of India which was set up in 1950 in addition to its organizational structure and its functions. The NSSO in Nagaland was established in 1972 by the DES where its 70th Round is currently in progress. One of the main objectives of the NSS is to provide a mechanism by which sample size can increase and enable the pooling of the Central Sample data and State Sample data. “Many of our policymakers and our people are still not aware of the importance of data and statistics,” remarked Kevileno Angami while applauding the DES for their effort in producing quality data and statistics. She also pointed out that housing is another basic requirement for man in addition to food and clothing.
NSS are:1. Aspects for facilities of living: Drinking water facility for the last 365 days • The major sources of drinking water in rural areas are taps which account for 42.4% of the households followed by ‘protected well’ which serve 28.4% of the household. • In urban areas where tap is also the major source of drinking water, 37.3 % of the households receive tap water followed by ‘protected wells’ which account for 37.3 % of the households. Bathroom facility • 3.1 % of rural households do not have bathroom facilities while in urban areas it is 1.2%. • Detached bathrooms are common in both rural and urban areas with rural areas consisting of 82.5% of the households and urban areas with Some of the key findings of the
64.8% of its households. Sanitation facility • Only 0.1% of the rural households do not have latrine facility while it is nil in rural households. • 48% of the rural households use septic tank/flush latrine while 33% use pit latrine. • 83% of the urban households use septic tank or flush. Electricity facility • 95% of the rural households have electricity for domestic use while the urban households consist of 97%. Tenure Type • 96% of the rural households live in owned dwellings while 52% of the urban households live in hired dwellings.
live in pucca structures. • 15% of rural households and less than 7% of urban households live in katcha households. • Only 26% of rural households and 33% of urban households have good ventilation. • Nearly 38% of rural households and 62% of urban households have floor type constructed by cement. • 24% of rural households have wall type constructed using grass/straw/leaves/reed/ bamboo while 34% of urban households have wall type constructed of cement. Per Capita Availability of floor area • For pucca structure, per capita floor area availability is 8.82 sq.mt in rural areas and 9.54 2. Characteristics of house dwellsq.mt in urban areas. ing unit: • For katcha structure, it is 9. 04 Type of structure sq.mt in rural areas and 9.27 • 55% of rural households and sq.mt in urban areas. 77% of the urban households Micro environmental elements
surrounding the house • Only 6% of urban areas have open katcha drainage while rural households constitute 19%. • Only 24% of rural households have access to Garbage disposal arrangements against 79% of urban households. • Nearly 6% of urban households have no direct opening to road while rural areas constitute 18%. Construction for residential purpose during last 365 days • 2% households in both urban and rural areas undertook constructions. • Average costs per completed construction in rural areas was Rs. 25,000 while it was Rs. 1,28,000 in urban areas. • Only 5.1% of constructions in the rural area completed per 1000 constructions are pucca while in the urban sector only 9.2% resorted to katcha type.
National monument unveiled in Mezoma Riders on the trail for a Greener Environment Morung Express news
Our Correspondent Mezoma | October 18
Dimapur | October 18
In recognition and solemn remembrance of the 83 patriots who gave their lives for the cause of Naga nationalism during 1956 – 1975, the organizing committee and citizens of Mezoma village under Kohima district today organized a solemn occasion coinciding with Naga National Martyrs’ Day at Martyrs’ Park, Mezoma. At the event, Rev. Zhiwhuotho Katiry, pastor of the Pochury Baptist Church, Kohima unveiled the National Monument of Mezoma. The monolith had the following words inscribed on it: “This commemorative monument is erected by citizens of Mezoma in ever loving and proud memory of martyrs and valiant dead from this village who on that day and time and period defended the birthrights and honour of Naga people and homeland. We pay tribute to men and women who are in this incomplete list in the roll of honour for their national service and sacrifice in their own day for the successive generation.” Several people turned up at the program and paid rich tributes to their heroic brethren’s martyrdom. Angami Students’ Union (ASU) President, Zakie Khate was also present at the occasion. Laying of wreaths and a gun salute to the martyrs marked the occasion. Captain Vikhoyazo Kehie called out the roll of honour while Darülie Krose; former NLA Speaker, Thenucho Tunyi and
Two young men, Sievituo Solo and Ruokuo Kire, are on a mission to mark an inspirational journey and travel three thousand kilometers from Nagaland to New Delhi via Bhutan and Nepal. Kick starting the expedition today from Kohima, The Morung Express caught up with the cyclists during a stopover in Dimapur. Carrying the message ‘Re-Cycling for Greener Environment,’ Sievituo shared that the idea of a greener environment should not just connote planting trees, but in a broader sense connect to healthy living which propagates zero pollution, fresh environment, longevity of life, becoming ‘fit and fine’ etc. He advocated that cycling is an answer to all these factors. “We want to create this awareness. Greener Environment can mean so much and we want
Rev. Zhiwhuotho Katiry, Pastor of Pochury Baptist Church, Kohima with Mezo- Phetsu Mechu Kehou President, Rovigwelhou Chűsi after unveiling the national Monument of Mezoma on October 18. (Morung Photo)
eminent writer and author, Kaka D Iralu spoke on the occasion. Mezo- Phetsu Mechu Kehou President, Rovigwelhou Chűsi chaired the function. A tribute song was also presented by women group.
Ruokuo Kire and Sievituo Solo. (Morung Photo)
to plant good seeds about the benefits of cycling in peoples’ heart, even though we may not be able to plant actual seeds along the way,” the duo said. Sievituo and Ruokuo also revealed that they are the best of friends and are always up to some crazy
plan. “We may not inspire many people, but if we initiate something different in our State then we are happy,” they said. Meeting many people on their journey, the duo confessed that they are often asked why they are so intent on cycling for awareness. To which
they responded, “We just love it. Our reward is our hope to promote cycling tourism in Nagaland.” The expedition is sponsored by the Government of Nagaland, under the patronage of Chief Minister, Neiphiu Rio and Commissioner & Special Secretary to CM, Abei-o Kire (IFS). The event partners are NAMSA, NAC, with Richard Belho acting as mentor. This is their second cycling expedition. The duo had previously undertaken an expedition ‘Discover Nagaland on Bicycle,’ where they cycled to the 11 Districts of Nagaland in 31 days. Representing Nagaland, the two young cyclists will act as ambassadors towards the importance and positive effects of cycling and hopefully inspire others towards the goal of a greener future and a better lifestyle. The journey has just begun for the riders who are on a trail for a Greener Environment.