1st November 2013

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The Morung Express

Dimapur VOL. VIII ISSUE 298


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By Sandemo Ngullie

Dimapur | October 31

Don’t worry son, this too shall pass.

The Morung Express POLL QUESTIOn

Vote on www.morungexpress.com SMS your answer to 9862574165 Is the Nagaland State government interested in solving problems of bad roads and irregular electricity supply? no


Diesel price up by 50paise a litre; petrol down by Rs. 1.15 New Delhi, OctOber 31 (iANS): Diesel price will go up by 50 paise a litre, excluding taxes, from Thursday midnight, while petrol will become cheaper by Rs.1.15 a litre, the government-run oil marketing firm Indian Oil Corporation said. This is the second cut in petrol prices in a month. While the petrol price is marketlinked and revised periodically depending on crude oil price in the international markets, diesel is subsidised and the government has allowed the marketing firms to hike it by a “small amount” every month.

Disruption of power supply

India’s Srishti Rana crowned Miss Asia Pacific World 2013 [ PAGE 11]

What was once a faint whisper turned into a shout today! Amidst resounding chants of “Enough is Enough” and “We Shall Overcome,” the message of the ACAUT Public Awareness Rally was clear that the Naga Political Groups need to unite to form one entity and only then will the issue of multiple taxation be resolved. Thousands of men and women, young and old and from all walks of life converged at the Clock Tower, as Dimapur injected a much needed thrust to the movement against multiple taxation. The message of the rally, which was echoed by all the speakers, was lucid: that the people have had “enough and the people want change.” Columnist and retired IAS officer, Khekiye K. Sema’s affirmation for ‘one government, one tax’ provided a direction for the rally. “One tax, to one government,” Sema stated, and without mincing words, he posed, “I ask the Naga freedom fighters why they broke up into so many factions... if the goal is one.” Making the intention of the movement clear, he said that the objective of the rally is to reason with the Naga Political Groups. Quoting Edmund Burke’s, “The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing,” Sema pointed to the general lack of interest shown by Nagas to events

NSA broke into Yahoo, Google data centers

from a Whisper to a shout; the Public cries out!

All foR oNE, oNE foR All: The public expressed a resounding ‘Yes’ to the idea of “One Government One Taxation” during the ACAUT Public Awareness Rally held at the Clock Tower junction, Dimapur on October 31. (Photo by Caisii Mao)

such as the day’s rally. But “If we want to fight we have got to be present to fight for it...” Sema stated and emphasized on the stake that the people have in the movement. Calling for radical changes, he said that the present circumstance demands a plebiscite like the one held in 1951 which gave legitimacy to the Naga Freedom Movement. “If you and I refuse to pay, they can kill us, yes. But the first human being that is killed on the issue of excess taxation, there will be a revolution in Nagaland. And no movement can survive without people like

you and I.” On that note, he expressed surprise at the apparent inaction of the tribal hohos in the movement. “What are the tribal hohos doing? Can they not setup up ACAUT branches in their own respective districts?” The Government of Nagaland may be watching from the sidelines, but according to Sema, the state government is no better. He said that one fleeces the people through ‘percentage cuts’, while the other does it through the barrel of the gun. President of the Naga Council, Dimapur, Banger-

DimApur, OctOber 31 (mexN): The GPRN/NSCN has alleged that the SP of Zunheboto “seems to be working hand in glove with the Khaplang group”. According to a press note from the MIP GPRN/NSCN, on October 26 and 27, 2013, the Assam Rifles had arrested Sergeant Aloto, Deputy Secretary Kivigho and Private Linen Kuki of the Khaplang group in violation of the ceasefire ground rules. They were later handed over to the Zunheboto police and were in their custody. It was claimed by the MIP that on the night of October 29, “through the instruction of Chumrenthung Lotha, the SP of Zunheboto town, Mr. Isak Sumi and Major Hoikhu, the town commander of the Khaplang group on the pretext of visiting their boys went inside the police station, took the police on duty at gunpoint and freed their boys”.

“Hoikhu was caught by the police from the station itself while Isak fled with their boys,” the press note stated adding that on the same night, Hoikhu was released at the order of the SP, “which has baffled the general public as well as the GPRN/NSCN”. The GPRN/NSCN stated that it was curious to know on what ground Hoikhu was released and why a criminal who had committed one of the biggest crimes within the premises of a state law enforcing agency freed. The GPRN/NSCN stated that it was compelled to ask the PHQ if the concerned department is aware of the activities happening in Zunheboto town under the command of its officer Chumrenthung Lotha, and what kind of punishments should be meted out to irresponsible and erring officials when found. Full text on page 4

Nagaland State Govt’s inability to check corruption questioned


[ PAGE 02]

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GPRN/NSCN questions role of Police

DimApur, OctOber 31 (mexN): The Executive Engineer, Transmission Division, Kohima has in a statement informed there will be disruption of power supply to Wokha District, Tseminyu and Pughotobo sub-divisions from 5:00AM on November 2 until November 4, 2013 due to restoration work to rectify the 132KV power transmission near Chiechema, which has been damaged. It is informed that there will be continuous power shutdown during these two days. Although the restoration work is being taken up on “war footing,” the statement pointed to the “nature of topography and the job involved” which makes ‘prolonged power shutdown’ inevitable. However, in the event of completing the restoration earlier than Morung Express news scheduled, the power supDimapur | October 31 ply shall be restored, the The public rally against “unstatement said. abated taxations” expressed public resentment against the Nagaland State governKOhimA, OctOber 31 ment’s inability to rein in (mexN): Nagaland State corruption and “illegal” taxDisaster Management Au- ations levied by its agencies, thority (NSDMA) will be especially the municipal conducting a mock drill on bodies and the police. November 1 at Fancy MarNGO representatives ket near Old NST, Kohima, and other speakers who as a part of the ongoing took the dais lashed out at community development the Nagaland state governprogramme (CDP). In this ment for failing to check connection, the DC Kohima, rampant corruption and W. Honje Konyak in a notifi- taxation by its own decation stated that the siren partments and agencies. from the Police HQ will be ACAUT member Joel Nillo sounded at around 10:00 Kath said that for every am. He requested the pub- work order issued by delic not to panic but to coop- partments, 40% is deerate with the authorities ducted; the Naga political and also give way for traffic. groups share is reportedly

Mock drill today

Thousands respond to the clarion call against illegal taxation

–Horace Walpole

Sachin richest Indian cricketer: Survey

[ PAGE 10 ]

Voice of the People—one govt, one tax Morung Express news


Friday, november 1, 2013 12 pages Rs. 4

The whole secret of life is to be interested in one thing profoundly and in a thousand things well Sonia is world’s third most powerful woman


4%. Joel questioned whether the remaining 36% percent is pocketed by department officials. He also cited the case of Dimapur Municipal Council appointing lessees to collect taxes. President, Nagaland Voluntary Consumers Organization, Kezhokhoto Savi, said that despite repeated reminders, police personnel are still levying “illegal” taxes on all commercial vehicles at check gates and entry points. Narrating his recent visit to Mokokchung district, Savi said at Tsutapela and Longmisa check gates, besides the usual Rs. 50 tax imposed on commercial vehicles, the police have also started collecting a monthly entry tax ranging from Rs.200-300.

Advisor to the Naga Mothers’ Association, Rosemary Dzüvichü said, even though taxation affects the urban people more directly, corruption by government officials was also taking its toll on the rural population. “Let us stand against corruption, why are we silent against corruption within the government?” Rosemary said. She said the government’s inability to check the twin menace has forced the general public to take to the streets to express their resentment. Columnist and retired bureaucrat, Khekiye Y. Sema, also blamed the Nagaland state government for harassing the public to no end through corruption and “supply orders.”

loba Ao, referring to the NSCN (IM)’s response and effort to streamline its taxation system, expressed hope that it will be fulfilled in letter and spirit. But till such time the grievances are resolved, the public should understand that “we have to stand up as one.” Advisor to the Naga Mothers Association, Rosemary Dzüvichu, appealed that freedom of expression, freedom of thought and action must be given precedence. “No unwarranted threats. This is the demand of the NMA.” Dzüvichu on behalf of the NMA appealed to the Nagaland state government to

play its role, that of protecting the citizens, the women, the children and the children’s future. President of the Nagaland Tribes Council, Thepfulhouvi Solo; consumer rights activist, Kezhokhoto Savi; vice president of the Eastern Nagaland People’s Organisation, Sashi Naga; general secretary of the Naga Students’ Federation, Esther Rhakho; former MLA Z. Lohe; ACAUT co-convenor Joel Nillo and the founder of the online group, The Naga Blog, Yanpvuo Kikon were the other speakers. Photographs on page 2

three-Point resolution passed during the rally 1. The Naga public recognizes “One Government One Taxation” only and the Naga public has decided to pay only one tax to one entity. This also means that as long as factionalism exists, the Naga public shall not pay tax. 2. The Naga public reaffirms its support for Naga movement and strongly urges the Government of India to settle the Indo-Naga imbroglio at the earliest. 3. The Government of Nagaland should constitute a high powered committee within 15 days to study the whole gamut of unabated

taxations and illegal collections involving the NPGs and government agencies/departments. The committee shall consist of atleast 5 (five) members headed by a retired judge of the Supreme Court or High Court with atleast 2 members from the ACAUT. The committee should submit its report within 2 months with its findings published in all the newspapers. In the event, the government fails to constitute the committee within the said period, the ACAUT will initiate further action in consultation with public.

Today’s rally saw an unprecedented security arrangement with the police taking no chances whatsoever. The rally resembled more of a high profile rally as security personnel swarmed the streets and frisking was conducted at all major intersections. People were individually screened with metal detectors before entering Clock Tower junction, which was the rally’s venue. Superintendent of Police Dimapur, VZ Angami, said a threetier security arrangement –innermost, inner cordon and outer cordon-was put into place for the rally. Be-

sides Dimapur police and IR (Bn) and CRPF personnel, Assam Rifles personnel also guarded the “peripherals.” “In addition to our existing police strength, 6 more companies were also requisitioned for the rally”, the SP said. He also informed that the ACAUT rally and later the meeting of Nagaland Tribes Council concluded without any untoward incident. Despite the high security, the rally is a good example of how the people of Nagaland can effectively voice their dissent through nonviolent means.

Unprecedented Security Arrangement

Hope unites for Change!

Morung Express news Dimapur | October 31

Today, Alemla, Kikala and Asangla, who have lived in Dimapur all their lives, came to the ACAUT’s ‘Public Awareness Rally’ together. They were among thousands of people gathered at the Clock Tower who cheered Khekiye Y. Sema’s call for ‘One Government, One Tax.’ They were joined by students, lawyers, teachers, business persons—citizens concerned for their future. “It has become almost impossible to run the household anymore,” says Alemla, pointing to prices that have risen continuously without any increase in household earnings. A teacher in the crowd highlights why that is a problem, “Household budgets have to be cut drastically. Sometimes there is employment enough only for one member of the family and these earnings are heavily taxed. Children either have to be taken out of school in the process, or not be able to buy simple things like new notebooks or shoes. This changes their attitude in school, and life, drastically,” the teacher explains without wanting to reveal her name. She goes on further asking “Who does not want to live? This should be just the beginning of change. Young people have to come with innovative ideas to take it from this rally on [to the future].” “It is difficult for our

Who lives, if Nagaland Dies: A young student is seen sprinting with a placard. The anguish, anger and hope of the young were certainly heard today at the ACAUT Public Awareness Rally held at the ClockTower junction, Dimapur on October 31. (Photo by Benjamin Lorin Sugathan)

parents to send all of us to school,” says a student of Eastern Christian College, Nzanthung, who attended with a number of his batch mates in uniform. “We are here to support the ACAUT so that all my siblings can make it through school and we can study more. For that, we want change.”

It is this hope for change, through a unified voice, that attracted a 60-year-old woman to the rally, who is embarrassed regarding the state of her ‘Nagaland for Christ.’ “They don’t even spare daily wage earners from erratic taxes—how are their children to go to school?” she

quips at the end of the rally, while walking home. “We have to shell out money for young boys we know are drug users but claim to be underground. Contractors and politicians steal just as much,” she says, almost tripping over the dusty, rocky road in main Dimapur town. “The only way to stand up against these people is if the good people unify and say no. What will Naga independence look like if this goes on?” The voice and aspiration of the young, however, stood out at today’s rally. Young and tall Bokato Awomi, at the rally with his friend, K. Zao, used to work on his father’s business. “It was too humiliating to have to wake up early in the morning, scrounge for a pig head, leg or ribs and then rush to one of the camps to negotiate the amount of tax to be paid,” admits Awomi, who preferred to take up a private job instead as a means to escape the exercise. “But we are here for more than that,” chips in Zao. “To address corruption of the state, non-state and NGOs especially who misuse their offices to gain favour and power. Nagaland needs a revolution and we are waiting for the civil society to lead us to a better future for our generation.” As another youth, Benjamin Yepthomi, expresses, “It is time to do things, and it is our moral obligation to change the system on our own, with or without ACAUT.”


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