The Morung Express
Dimapur VOL. VIII ISSUE 197
Prime Minister vows to revive economy
By Sandemo Ngullie
Dimapur | July 19
Realism rests on the assumption that an observer of politics must focus attention on what leaders do rather than consume time listening to what leaders say. Now, say what you will about the concept of realism, but if we observe the behaviour of our political It will never happen here be- elite, their political acts cause all the items we buy bear little resemblance to for meals comes straight their high-minded rhetoric from my field. on development, progress and welfare. The Morung Express Take the rocky, potPOLL QUESTIOn holed, and risky roads of Vote on www.morungexpress.com Nagaland for instance. Are SMS your answer to 9862574165 people tired of listening to the rehashed political rhetIs Article 371A capable of safeguarding the oric which tries to convince rights and aspirations the public that road develof the Naga people? opment is given top priority? According to most peoYes no Others ple, yes they are. “There is not a single stretch of motorway that Bills introduced is not damaged,” says Imand passed on the tisusang from Dimapur. And he is right. Almost the 3rd day of NLA entire National Highway On Page 5 under Dimapur and most town roads have remained in dismal condition. A visibly frustrated Imti exclaims, “Earlier, the state had the decency to at least DIMAPUR, JULY 19 (MExN): The Eastern Naga People’s Organization has withdrawn its non-co-operation movement towards the NSCN (IM) with effect DIMAPUR, JULY 19 from July 17. The non-co- (MExN): Luck ran out for operation was imposed fol- one relentless bike-lifter lowing the April 19 incident, when he was caught in when three persons claim- the act after a dream run ing to be NSCN (IM) cadres of sorts. The accused, 21 year-old Vilato Sema was assaulted the ENSF former caught by a police patrolspeaker, Throngse Yimchun- ling party on Thursday eveger. ENPO President Ching- ning, while trying to steal a mak Chang and General Sec- ‘Bajaj Platina’ at Westyard, retary NT Thamlong Phom Dimapur. informed that the non-coopPolice were stunned eration has been withdrawn to discover that this seemafter the three accused: Pan- ingly naive young man was ka Lotha, Chipo Lotha and already an old hand in the Akheto Sema had “tendered bike-thieving business. A an unconditional apology resident of Balijan, Karbithrough the media on July 11 Anglong, Assam, he had for hurting the sentiments of successfully gotten away Eastern Naga people in gen- on a quite a many occasion. Officer-in-charge of eral and the Eastern Naga Sub-urban Police station, leader in particular.” Apong Jamir, said that on interrogation, it was revealed that he has a history of bikethieving. Quoting his con-
ENPO withdraws non-cooperation
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Sanctity Of Article 371 (A), Sub-Clause (IV)
[ PAGE 11]
repair some roads during elections. But this time, the election process functioned under the shadow of potholes.” For people who earn their livelihood by ferrying people, this reality of road condition has become a nightmare. A group of auto drivers in Toulazu area in Dimapur share that the ten kilometre stretch of road from Toulazu to Singrijan has been damaged for more than three years. “Vehicles break down early because of bad roads,” one of them quite desperately points out. “The bad road leads to jerking and the passengers get irked. We are scolded whether we drive slow or fast.” The examples are numerous. Every district has its own set of roads that has received little or no attention. The condition in Mon is no better. A government official from Mon states, “The National Highway 61 connecting Mon and Assam, the main connection to Mon from neighbouring districts and states is relatively small and in a very pathetic condition.” The monsoon rain makes
Police nabs bike-lifter
DIMAPUR, JULY 19 (MExN): The main accused of the July 4, 2013 murder in Landmark colony, was on Friday produced to the Court of the Chief Judicial Magistrate in Dimapur, where his confessional statements were recorded. According to sources, the investigating officer prayed to the Court that accused Rikumkaba Pongen’s confessional statements be recorded, to which the court granted. In his confessional statement to the Court, it was learnt that the accused stuck to his earlier statement, which he had made while in police remand, admitting to the murder. After recording the statement, the accused was forwarded to judicial custody for 14 days. He was earlier on a 15-day police remand following his arrest on July 6. The sources further disclosed that the other three suspects were also granted 14 days judicial custody today. On expiry of the judicial remand period, all four will be again produced before the court.
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–Lao Tzu
N-NagaDAO to implement three days ‘Cease Work’
Bruce Lee’s legacy still debated
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Sports ministry seeks Bharat Recom me Ratna for Develo ndations Fo pm rA Dhyan Chandent In Nagalall nRdound
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[ PAGE 12]
nagaland’s desolate roads Morung Express news
July 4 MurdEr: Main accused forwarded to judicial custody
Opini ons galor deve lop e. being ment, ab Opinion s respo corrupt out appo about the nsi inted accusa bilities, and not repres lack of Imch entat dege ala wron tions, dis yada, ya carrying ives ne da g. All co the ga ou Ozu when ration?” valid those ntentmen ! A cacop t their me kum Do we ign and to sel of bri t. ho found opinion ore cal n’t you thi s are Don’t ge ny of ed bu Alrigh contr f-analysis? ck bats, nk it’s ls of have well-i t ha ibutio t our t, alr akin come take n as A critical ve we de in this me ntention me of across ight, Me own dutie to a derel so truth a Culpa s as res ict a tad whate much froindividuals assessme voted a lee of pla ed, to it, mome ! Th nt of too ponsi ion of du ying witho the ov ver measu m the lan , as inhab nt’s withi As an act ut putti hackney e above sta ble citize ty the time res, sm itants one’s wo erall d bu ed n ng wa ns? the temen of bu growt t have rth? on all or of Na retros t purvi premi y for a be Our h big As a ew pecti a sembla hey, there t might Am I “Ask tter Na ses wise of our lan , which we given galand? on, nce are hu aware of our co no should . We, We galan man migh back as nscien let us po of it, rig Am I do for t what es once d? t help to it ht? yo se the makin of my rig confo stop giv conscien d. And thi in sus in Am I dissen your cou ur countr said (no hts? ceing in tio se qu rming g s starts the tai a no ntry”, ning prizes estion y can to to mi us citizens from Do I ha responsi right use yours t against s sav less guilty the sys ndles elf thi of my an an before yo do for yo for guess tem ve the ble ind s banteof this be within on es for mi ing u, s- “A u nin ivi rig suse conv e’s ask wh raise du au hts? e, rem this sor which is who)adag m I gu omaly in your ry sad r, timidity tiful lan at mere of powe iction to al? e em ilty of the d r and raise an En as I wrote ber? (Pe state of aff ly in tat an whim system voice of you can being my vo ters an d cease In wh influe pe gli agita airs. , ha a con ice today, sh exam an almost rsonally, at wa r when nc ted tributi ve you more I wo But a sti d we are faced e and no against ys can thesis was mo in asked uld ng fac tch in hig bla cond with t be red I contr - lik h sch tant ne stl In wh uc tor to tim ool wh e narratio ver for uced furthe I could y gibberis at wa ive for ex ibute towadversity? this get thi e to a n go ich h ys can isten r on ard ha and to my s thi ha!) so let to the s makin ce? I lead on, Focu ste emba s during g our by ex s, verac begin me be be reotype which (de rrassm am lan ple? ar Lo ning d ity, aw ent to fee tter safe of wome rd!) mi arene n be tha l a bit Parth ss wi ing inc ght sub patro n sorry! ll go ian scr VIket a lon finge Self-exa shot? We nizing ev And tru essant tal ibe g wa ll mi r th u An y in pa almost of accusa ne and if you ins en to mysel be told, kers ving gAm critiq ist tion f haha I’m ue yo ! an Chee -perfect i ha! place. d then rs! the resurself be fore I know t will raisin fol we g yo low an tive, ur still in Nagas are d fal very l into very the Th World possessive ird Wo nega80-90 of ou rld and % of platfo mindset r in it. s. the soc best rm, I am no But giv Third We jus iety thr to be en thi my he t only as as s • ough the t carry on does no trying opme art. And to I can bu positive t ha se with my /const nt in t The o three ba our wo ve any ways ructiv Naga begin wi sharing sic pa lder g with th, e landm the enera amenitie rks/busin rt the STRE y earne for all rou core of ess NGTH - to trair blessing tion who s. nd st sug • EN TH pave s de ve gesti develd all t ons are witho - to wa l in good serves make Foremost E LAW EN hese tch roa ut po : 1. Fir FORC corru sincere eff, The wer int their fav d conditio Dr. Ze stl ING pti and me y Change Gove BO n water - the fun erruptio ourite kolo this de on, len orts to rnmen DIES: should TV Ch sto ns . dame 2.Ever . partm iency, kOz begin anne • irresp mp every t must • ntal ybo ent. A ls with rig on but No dy wants Wi Tak for sib hts ll Cit sack you ms of ility be ve y/Tow for ref the Th e measu and gas ne body wants to chang this cau ry gre reshin res to our Sta n Ring • bias ug at se or Road g in check eg:Ta ed not on to change e the Soc te. may Discip s, Rogues for s to sol if you can • the iet dp spark ly Per an in the line La map ve the sonal himself. 3.N y Arab Transf ole into a peop the Naga and Police d discharg the tow We sincer These w Enfor som a Re Sp orm dis atra fro for cip for cin e e/ ffic wo ation g) bu Faith matio ensue ring & a le’s revolu imbroglio, at the ns + at ely need issue Law Enfor g Bodie lining is ce. t in n (eg possi es in m the an s out as : Caterpil our so-cal also Person ( Civil w all across ble blo tion like it Dimap overpopula Nationa ore footb of vio y arrest cing bodie (The Po a must for the Naga ridge lice ur). l Hig ment a Butterfly lar in coc led Christ al 3.NSF/ ar! God f land odshed ma ted are Deptt • burea lence, to warrants s should oo in the ian orb of EN as: Fro hway (Es s in all , be ). ple uc And act Nagalan ) for all rou n emerg the vex SF: Shou id. And form y pe m Se stand rats/offi arrest an curb down brave d. ing yes ld of ase chii-Z cially to cia y again 4.Eve ually Chari Charity be nd devel centra ed Naga they ke any ubza juncti include certainly • ep opst an ls of an corrupt rybod for gin ty l sag rol to be m on s with a? Ca quiet ab y e in some at ho Nobo dilem gins in y the tra s from Statio The Sta anti-soc y depa politicians/ sol me ou n the the dy tal talks ab rtmen ial ele te cap Four ns. out Co your Heart . darin ma? They ving the ffic wo Dimapur Flyovers Vario y pla t ks ab has on Apart me t ha La y g us Na ita ou . rru at es/acc to a and ve the ne, platfo ga Po t Leve Roun level ly 2 (tw from the l is in nts. idents Medziph some ls ne Anti-Corr ption bu rm wide liti STOP PS). d to short ke PH st and cal o) . ema Ma BLAC 1.Per Develop eding Ch uption! t the rem initiate upto the to sol y BA mo Police ny Colon police sta q and the of Police GR K me so a ve statio Be Pa nal Leve nt in Na ange for future otest pa mass mo ASSROO st • CKDOOR (BIAS, FR ies are tions(No SP Offic • All ) ga ns rt TS AU e, rth out pline tient, Kin l: Be at yo land: tions. of the com of Naga vement int How APPOINTM DULENT of rea and So it their Jail at With Ko d. Th d, Fo Recen land o , uth ing hima g ch to dutie many are ENTS e wo pline tal Ba rgivin ur Best for the rural/ Police Jail colon s? Ch rld d. rowing these ndh, tly we witneyounger sin g an rem y 2.Fam Have a Ma belongs it 7. d gene all the ote areeck the cerely res traffi Station. Div should be , the pres rato the Disci- WeChurch was Total ssed if it gnan offi po c, Ac Learn ily Leve Leve was To Band im dis depa Govt runas!!!Form ces, sch nding ne ciden ide into converted ent distric cell, l: ou l: cito be Be at s He to rtmen sec ools ts, your borin ed Holy Pa Be at yo h. in ts an Health Panels fraud Arms, Ille domesti tions/bra to a Majort • childr a good Fat your Be art. ur Be g/kno stors/ d to mo the s... en we nc c dren st This gal her/ Mo st wled recom It certai all the ou centers, • learn ll’ appli geab Priests no Immi violence, h: Crime instit nitor es trend le Pa t merel grants to be goes a son ther. ‘Teach well. Narco , but y mend an nly sur tposts. ution come Similarly Almost to the , co stors/ y s, , whate of “It’s my Obedien g. And Ch Just cong rrupti tics Sch ou don’t d appoint prises me Pri all High up at New more Po t. 50 regati ests. send ools ons/ 3.Sch ver I like” Life, it’s my The presenil- cold. -50% Ch of us are & Co ons your Governm that • Villag School Ar Capital Co lice Statio should ris lle Th ool Le as yo child t Hy e-DBS ea Be a mp ns sho Let e ges. ren to ent teach u be rev wish to do the sou e Church/ tian, neith pocrites rig Param good vel: Be , Dakla , Bayavii lex (A ers Gove . ersed l of Na er ho the Ch Major uld pe ht peop very jobs/p at ed can gin Stu -Ke ne yo . ica rnm t dent; e of fac nuoz Chan le ur Be – one), lacem ople ent Naga galand …i ristian Fa nor ou, Study dmari l – Agri-F Nagaba st 4.High ilitate thi is sic and to who are ent b lan ith • . s k ho orest, zaar-Ne Kohima co e give er Ed s by going hard. Tea take w can d and wh the core is Best tel our soc mmitted n t ucat Midla w Marke outsk The dis en the Enthe ion Le the extra chers of l me witho tri ndiety for to ser o the irt wi Create each ut go Car run?? Engine mile. PWD t, supply With sec vel: corru th be ct jail sho ward. ve the Na Be at od urity, pt , - de cal Co Institute your velopme ga, can the Engine Can you for the politicia tter facilit uld be shi good of lle dicate water an in the nt in ies roads, cal wi ge (to co Excellen all go re be d tra d & appli Na not be inmate ns, officia (suita fted to an ll ce lik all rou soul ble s an quali nsparenc regular po Hospi to transf ntinue to to rep back to squgaland? inv cants, yo ls), e surpri parti fied more even for y in tal to I fear nd dehave Mediorm air ou estme wer sed if d with u sur are cipati CIH ing 8. a a on we ins Offic vo r Engin nts e bigge Po Medic the Naga SR ak impa e! Lo ng tallin Co Troph r spa cations rt ins to our can influe ers/cand es. rd he will a Referliti- Be al co g y, Na in the re would stitut llege.to ce. Wi llege societ at yo Politica pirati with lp us nce mo idates Cham nu e Cla ral be ga of rtu l , ur vis ssic on y an Engin Move Techn / pionsh re the dima, Open India Be ions re pu Cup, The Inmate ll d the Parad ee olo of Ho s to the ment will ne st blic Wr NSF e (M ips, Re leg s To youn help Nagas fro gy (NIT) National r- Naga pe. 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Let (Than ed bette ATER ga Na ater. if be cu Fac nst an rse tio a rat or r • and a derk you us be ML , ns) com Executive tional good to an gitate protest, e itbefo it ha Roads, reg If a Co A be a gethe Gaz yone Every Comm Workers e tog fixed re we s impro good et again . r? cri villag ular • ittee with “Enjo ntractor, MLA. to be The Naga ether an st Th ticize, ser ved a e, tow overw Let us of all even water be y yo e Gov lot) ur Wo a good 1/3rd come given som National d Reason ernme ve attitu helm our be the where to provid facility. Su n, colonies one. Worke toof yo e tan called nt gene des wi ch e co 6. So rveys taxati ur life rk since water mu gib rat tow • mm cie st be th co ronic be ons CA as Rehabil le sourcers need sho yo co havio ion tha “To W ty / NG span at wo u’ll spe how nfide • ard one No m nnection unity Tu uld be itatio NNOT of int O’s ural an mu nd nce, done atter s patte will and noork as if yo Level: Be rk.” love of NN ch we sho be stopp n, otherw There other. what are impo be/Bore dust rns & and ise G (Na ed no is no Well u are t unto deve ssi at yo ut. Wi with ge 1.N pro gl ga lopme ble. ur ma worki neros no no man.” aga ory • ng fo Best Syn blem? Ca Nationa ll the forma tter nts yo ity Hoho ble ch in parti need l Go n it bri r God opin s: a u brin refrai Our Fo dicate ng an an To mu ng an vt.) solve tion nin re-fat ge. g, io d rott right Know th precious st ha s & Taxati and be g from hers ing in way Instit phot n is a them e righ ppen ons? end to var the He ga lieve Custo an Na ution ogra the BE ad-hunting ve us mary d Go the t way, Sh ... lan galand in before Blo Something ious e-base pher to be Ho law ow th ST to ; the odshe go d is bo d , the promo s are pre right wa come we too can pe by iling form of Civ d occurs od 2.ACA y. Na e som . storyt supplem ted cious reform in il wa and ne ga fro e decades like a Pre en Move UT: a bo eller r. Naga ssure m WI & it’s eds me and th t publishe TH ab ing Na nt again ld and have IN no out to cooker for d on devas spo e crea t st so Burst Naga ga-land us all tating from wi many ntaneou the tor of or . C -land thout! now ! If an rather Tax ills pla s BEFO OME LET collatera your third Sa l dama It will US RE yone -land gu- pro RE IT’S turd own TO AS be ge ; fit NO ON O LA ay marty on opinio a red forT yet los man if he TE. And TOGETH n. Th of every ER such es his sou gains the what does mon e artic l… a tim e as thi Let us no whole wo it les do th. her rld t be Sel s. e yo not re fish in flect u are th
A scholar who cherishes the love of comfort is not fit to be deemed a scholar
[ PAGE 08]
Saturday, July 20, 2013 12+4 pages Rs. 4
•Nagaland Govt promises remain ‘rhetoric’ •Public lament: We have had enough
are all admirable but what of the existing roads that people travel on every day. “If the first directive of the road safety bill is to ensure that there is actual tarmac on the road, I’ll be all for it,” states Jacob, a teacher from Kohima. He adds, “We’ve been hearing the road rhetoric over and over again and we’ve had enough.” It is understandable that continuous ramblings criticizing the road condition may be construed as repetitive or even redundant. However there is a reason people continuously hammer home this issue. “Good roads are a basic trademark of development,” states Kevi from Kohima. “And it’s not like the state has not had time. I mean even a little effort would have been nice.” Meanwhile, durability of the roads has always remained questionable. A civil engineer confides that Nagaland lacks competent engineers, monitoring of standards, and modern machinery in road building. “The work methodology is very poor here (Nagaland). Engineers concerned are barely pres-
ent at construction sites,” he states. “The contractors work according to their will without any supervision.” The raw materials and the techniques generally used in Nagaland to build roads do not follow Bureau of Indian Standards (BIS), he adds. On March 11, at a meeting with various officials, the current Minister for Roads and Bridges termed roads as the “most important sector.” The Minister advised Engineers to be “specific while preparing estimates” and to “never compromise” on the quality of work. The Minister went as far as to say that he would sleep on the roads to supervise road works. This was all good and admirable rhetoric to inspire the department into action. But was it all just talk? A quick glance at any of the roads in Nagaland suggests that it was. With the second session of the 12th NLA in progress, the political class have an opportunity to change the present milieu of cynicism, mistrust and doubt. It remains to be seen whether they will heed to the people’s voices.
e ar sition tist, the w of th e new riter, the spap er.
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Vehicles navigate their way through a pothole dominated road in Dimapur on July 19. Despite the nagaland Road Safety Authority Bill 2013, unless the nagaland State government exercises their political will in initiating a major makeover to improve road conditions in nagaland, road safety will remain a serious concern. (Morung Photo)
it worse, he says. “Under such conditions, economy and other developmental strategies are affected.” Same is the case with the roads leading to and within Zunheboto. Kavili from Zunheboto exclaims,
“The roads are too bad I am even scared to travel in a vehicle.” The inconveniences caused by the infamous roads are indefinite. Travelling becomes a timeconsuming chore, while the exterior areas remain
devoid of many privileges. A four-lane highway, Foothill Roads to connect the whole of Nagaland State and a bill to ensure road safety have dominated the ongoing session of the NLA. These discussions
‘nagaland budget empty, directionless’ Our Correspondent Kohima | July 19
The budget for 2013-14 is only for disbursement of salary and pension, recovery of debts and other miscellaneous expenditure
bition issue, Tokheho said that there are more than 10 bars in Dimapur and two bars near the police station. Under such circumstances, he said “we cannot call our state as a dry state.” Commenting on poverty in Nagaland, he said, “In literacy we may be the first but poverty is not decreasing.” NPCC President SI Jamir pointed out the lack of austerity measures which should start from the top. He said that bodyguard deployed for ministers, MLAs, ex-ministers, ex-MLAs are all against austerity measures. Jamir further felt that politicians should not be made chairmen of public sector corporations.
fessional statement, the OC said that only three months back he had lifted a ‘Bajaj Platina’ from Murghi Patti. Before that he had stolen two more (Bajaj Discover) from 3rd Mile and another – a ‘Bajaj Pulsar 150’ from Purana Bazaar, bringing the total to five. He has been booked under section 379 of the Indian Penal Code.
Congress Legislature Party leader, Tokheho Yepthomi today termed the Nagaland State budget for 2013-14 as empty, directionless and meaningless. Participating in the general discussion on budget presented by Chief Minister on the floor of the House on July 18, Tokheho said that it has been presented only to complete formalities. The Congress leader stated that the budget for 2013-14 is only for disbursement of salary and pension, recovery of debts and other miscellaneous expenditure. Stating that the government has restricted payment of pen-
sion, debt servicing and other allowances, Tokheho added that “when one looks at the deficit figure, there is nothing left.” He said that during the Congress rule; flow of fund was limited, adding that there was only the NEC fund besides the normal plan size. He added that the inflow of fund with CSS, flagship programme was very substantial besides the normal plan size, when NPF took over the government. Tokheho further informed that the NDA had
granted Rs. 365 crore in 2003-04 and had completely wiped out the deficit, while the UPA sanctioned Rs. 712 crore to the DAN government during 2011-12 to meet the 6th ROP revision. He claimed that despite assistances from the central government, there is financial mismanagement in the DAN government. Alleging that there is corruption, nepotism and favoritism, Tokheho said the NPF has to accept both appreciation and criticism. He added it has divided
domly issued job cards and as a result the cards were misused. “Several instances of un-executed projects, execution of non-permissible projects and diversion of projects outside the perspective plan had defeated the purpose of which the scheme was designed,” the report pointed out. The report said that implementation of convergence programmes in Nagaland was not encouraging as the public was not aware of the schemes and were not executed according to the approved action plan. Absence of monitoring mechanism in Nagaland also adversely affected the implementation of the scheme, the report said, adding that mandatory inspection on state, district and block levels were not carried out and auxiliary objectives were not achieved due to the execution of low priori-
tized works. The report informed “there was shortfall in release in matching share of Rs. 113.17 crore by Government of Nagaland during 2007-08 to 20112012, which affected implementation of the state to that extent.” During the transmission of scheme funds from nine test-checked POs to 71 test-checked VDBs in four districts, suspected financial leakage of Rs. 84.35 crore was observed. Tampering of muster rolls by way of cutting, over writing, erasing and pasting of papers were notice in five VDBs out of the testchecked 71 VDBs having wage payment of Rs. 10.31, the report said. It added that 100 projects amounting to Rs. 10.84 crore stated to have been completed did not exist physically indicating possible misappropriation of Rs. 10.84 crore in 71 test-checked VDB alone.
Short execution by diverting the amount to non-permissible works in respect of 57 works valued at Rs. 10.32 crore and execution of 49 non-permissible works valued at Rs. 11.12 crore were also noticed during joint physical verification. The report said that Nagaland state level official functionaries could verify only 50 works (30 per cent) against the target of 168 works during the last five years. The district level officials carried out inspection of 273 works (33 per cent) against the target of 839 works whereas, block functionaries carried out inspection of 3657 works (44 percent) against the targeted 8384 works. The report also informed that 297 social audits (57 per cent) at VDB level were conducted against the requirement of 522 social audit meetings in the 71 testchecked VDBs.
DIMAPUR, JULY 19 cord straight. reported in a local daily on (MExN): The Nagaland The NPCC stated it “is June 26. Pradesh Congress Com- aware that the crime comNotwithstanding the mittee has responded to mitted is connected to il- clarity of the provision, the the news item in local pa- legal arms, ammunitions, police authority concerned pers on July 19, where the cash and liquor which is a had sought prosecution NLA Speaker had replied cognizable offence of the sanction from the Speaker to the President, NPCC highest degree and there- for the apparent reason concerning the dethat the accused is mand for prosecu‘In the present case charge a sitting member of tion sanction against Assembly. Theresheet can be filed without the Imkong L. Imchen fore, the NPCC stated Minister, Health & waiting prosecution sanction that it had also waited Family Welfare, Nawith anticipation that galand. The party in from the Speaker is now clear’ the Speaker would a press note issued give an appropriate by its Vice President, Nillo fore the offence (not com- reply in time. Rengma clarified on what mitted while dischargUnfortunately the NPCC it termed as “certain mis- ing public duties) cannot lamented that the Speaker giving in the report”. as a matter of course be took almost three months The note pointed out brought under the protec- to issue a reply. The NPCC that NPCC on its own had tive umbrella of require- added, “Section 197 CrPC, not invoked Section 197 ment of sanction (197 which you (President) CrPC as implied in the re- CrPC).” have mentioned does not ply. Rather it said that the As such in the present fall within the purview of party only referred the sec- case, the NPCC pointed the Speaker to accord prostion mentioned by the in- out that chargesheet can ecution sanction against vestigation authority (SP be filed without waiting a Member.” The NPCC has Wokha), while requesting for prosecution sanction further queried whether the Speaker to accord pros- from the Speaker, as this the Speaker has replied to ecution sanction. In this re- has now become clear. The Wokha SP’s letter and “if so gard, the NPCC reproduced NPCC stated that a similar the same be similarly pubthe subject title of the letter comment was given by the lished in media for the pubdated May 10 to set the re- office of DGP, Nagaland and lic to know the fact.”
The accused, Vilato Sema in police custody.
civil societies and the underground, and pointed out that law and order has completely failed. Stating that the government is not in a position to control rampant taxation in Nagaland, he continued that as long as commission and taxation exists, the state will never have development. Also referring to the series of agitations in Nagaland against taxation, he said the government should look into the matter to control all unauthorized taxation in the state. Touching on the prohi-
Mnrega: nagaland did not achieve NPCC responds to Speaker guaranteed wage employment: cag on “prosecution sanction” Our Correspondent Kohima | July 19
The Mahatma Gandhi National Rural Employment Guarantee Scheme aims to enhance livelihood security of rural households by providing at least 100 days of guaranteed wage employment in every financial year to every household, whose adult members volunteer to do unskilled manual work. However, performance of the MNREGA in Nagaland for the last five years could not achieve guaranteed wage employment due to improper planning made in the perspective plan. This was stated in the report of the Comptroller and Auditor General of India (C&AGI) for the year ended March 31, 2012 tabled in the state assembly session on July 18. The report also said that the department ran-
2 N-NagaDAO to implement three days ‘Cease Work’ Dimapur
20 July 2013
Dimapur, July 19 (mExN): The Network of Nagaland Drugs and AIDS Organizations (N-NagaDAO) has decided to go on a three days ‘Cease Work’ in all the NACO supported Targeted Intervention Drop in Centres from July 22 to 24, 2013 to express their resentment over nonrelease of grant for 201314 by NACO. A press note issued by Bazo Kire, Gen. Secretary NNagaDAO stated that since April 2013, no grant has been released while they have been asked to carry on with their activities and the DICs are facing shortage of commodities which are also affecting their services. The note also mentioned that Peer Educators and the Outreach Workers are the most affected ones as they depend on their minimal honorarium to maintain their livelihood. It stated, “Most of the PEs and the ORWs are current and ex-drug users trying their
State BJP conducts prayer service for Uttarakhand
Dimapur, July 19 (mExN): BJP Nagaland state Unit held a National programme of prayer service at its office in Dimapur for the victims and bereaved family members of natural disaster in the state of Uttarakhand. A press note issued by Lachit Khersa, office secretary BJP Nagaland stated that the service started with a brief highlight by Dr Chuba Ao of the events and tragedy which struck the people and the state of Uttarakhand and introduction of the state office bearers to the member present. Welcome address was delivered by Vihoshe James, General Secretary BJP Nagaland state unit. The note also mentioned that mass prayer was conducted for those who lost there precious life as well as the survivors of the disaster that the almighty may bless their souls to rest in peace and give strength to those who survived but still in trauma to console themselves in this hour of grief.
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best to prevent HIV/AIDS, STI, Hepatitis, drug overdose among their peers and helping their peer to become constructive, productive and responsible member of the society. They are also the backbone of the HIV prevention Program among the High Risk Group”. Meanwhile, the Network has regretted the inconvenience caused and prays that the authority concern will redress the grievances at the earliest. Drop In Centres (DIC) is a safe haven where drug users come to access clean needles and syringes, have their abscess dressings done, get Counseling and STI services for themselves and their partners. The DIC staffs also reach out to the society creating awareness on HIV, Substance abuse and Hepatitis. Nagaland has over 50 DICs all over the state and the DICs are manned mostly by people who used drugs except for some professional posts.
The Morung Express C
MEx File
Seminar on policy for older persons
Dimapur, July 19 (mExN): HelpAge India in collaboration with Pro Rural and Maple Society is organizing a state level seminar on state policy for older persons in Nagaland on July 20, 2013 at AIDA conference hall, Dimapur from 10:00 am. Delirose M Sakhrie, Additional Secretary of Social Welfare Department, Government of Nagaland will be the chief guest, informed a press release received here. It stated that an estimated 100 eminent senior citizens including representatives from various non-governmental organizations, civil society organizations and community leaders, media as well as state government functionaries are expected to participated and deliberate on the theme, it added.
Independent MLAs Forum constituted
Two self-employed youths leveling a lath with a manual plane at Dimapur as the erratic supply of electricity continues in Nagaland. Amongst others, small scale industries are one of the worst affected with no back up facility to power their electric gadgets and thereby slowing their work. As the public suffers silently, the pitiable supply of electricity in the state incurs heavy lose to business establishments amounting to crores of rupees in a month. Unchecked and open theft of electricity by the public and tampering of meters by the employees of Power Department for a few hundred or thousand Rupees has let the department incur heavy loss annually. (Imojen I Jamir)
NTC comments on 371-A Consultation meet
Dimapur, July 19 (mExN): The newly formed Nagaland Tribes Council has commented on the recently held consultative meeting convened by the Nagaland Government for discussion of Article 371A of the Indian Constitution on July 12 at Kohima. While terming the government’s initiative as a “politically bold decision” towards protecting the rights of the State as enshrined in the constitution, the NTC claimed that the “meeting exhibited brinksmanship which was done out of emotional act though not call for”. According to a press note issued by NTC Convenor P. Pius Lotha and Secretary Theja Therieh, the State invited organizations with members from outside the Nagaland, “that have no say in the Legislative or Constitutional matters concerning the State of Nagaland.” The NTC pointed out that the Naga Hoho as per its constitution is the assembly of all Naga tribes of various States. According to the
“Naga Hoho involvement in the legislative and constitutional process of Nagaland State is a total deviation from its constitution and vision” NTC, the composition of the Naga Hoho with the present strength has 2/3rd (8 tribes from Nagaland and 15 tribes from outside Nagaland State) member units from outside the state of Nagaland. It further added that the Naga HoHo is the representative body of all Naga tribes and the apex SocioPolitical organization of the Nagas, irrespective of existing territorial divisions. While acknowledging that the aim of the Naga Hoho is “to defend the traditional Naga homeland and bring about all round developments,” the NTC however said that the Naga Hoho’s “involvement in the legislative and constitutional process of Nagaland State is a total deviation from its consti-
tution and vision.” The NTC pointed out that the state government had “exhibited failures in making serious Government decisions concerning Legislative and Constitutional matters in such Public Meeting” and that this was against the legitimate rights of the citizens of Nagaland. The NTC also expressed surprise over the Government making the Naga Hoho, the Nodal Organization to collect NoC (No objections Certificate) from Nagaland’s Villages for an onward submission to the MG (Ministerial Group) of the Government of Nagaland. The NTC termed it as “highly Objectionable for a legally constituted Government to entrust a non-Governmen-
tal Organization whose jurisdiction is not within the purview of the State of Nagaland to execute the intricate task of the Government.” Stating that the mandated State Government is the supreme authority over its citizens and that the respective Deputy Commissioner, the District Collector represents the State authority for such matters, the NTC pointed out that all such representations and submissions are done through the authority of the State vested on the District Collectors. “The action is a clear sign of undermining the authority and legal entity vested on the Deputy Commissioner”, stated the NTC and urged the Government to get into the fundamentals of the State and enforce the statutes and policies. “Government should not focus on temporary financial benefits, but exert the legitimate rights of the people for progress in tune with the change of time,” The NTC added.
NSS volunteers attend Summer Mega Camp at Bangalore
Dimapur, July 19 (mExN): Twelve National Service Scheme (NSS) volunteers, six from Oriental College, Seikhazou and six from St. Joseph’s College, Jakhama under the guidance of Benedict, NSS Program Officer, represented Nagaland State in attending the ‘Summer Mega Camp’ held at NSS Bhavan, Bangalore University, Karnataka from June 29 to July 10, 2013. A press note issued by Benedict, Programme Officer NSS, SJC stated that the 12 days camp was sponsored by the “Ministry of Youth Affairs and Sports”, Government of India, where 440 volunteers from 27 States and 4 Union ter-
NSS volunteers attending the Summer Mega Camp at Bangalore, Karnataka from June 29 to July 10.
ritories participated. The camp was divided into two parts. First seven days was scheduled with technical
sessions on topic such as: Competitive exams, Life Skills, Personality Development, Leadership qualities,
Motivation, Entrepreneurship, Life style educationHIV/AIDS/STD and Nation building, followed by cultur-
al program every evening. In the later five days, educational tour was undertaken to various places of historical importance viz. Mysore, Madikere, Dharmasthala, Belur, Srirangapattana and Bangalore. The group in the note also extended sincere gratitude and acknowledgement to C. Theyo, State Liaison Officer, NSS and principal of the two Colleges for availing the opportunity to the NSS volunteers for part taking in the Nationwide Camp. “It is a platform where students widened their vision and exposed their potentialities by inter-mixing with different people and cultures at the National level,” further stated the note.
Agape College observes 23rd Fresher’s Day
Dimapur, July 19 (mExN): Agape College, a well known theological college located at Pudum Pukhuri, observed its 23rd Fresher’s Day at the college hall on Friday with lecturer of Patkai Christian College, Ase Pongshi, as chief guest of the occasion. The chief guest in her address lauded the freshers for choosing the “narrower path” as commanded by the living God and that their calling demanded endurance, perseverance, humility and humbleness. Pongshi said the momentous day should be etched in the memory of the freshers as it is the day that they are being “initiated into the preparations for God’s ministry.” “Keep up the commitment you made earlier to serve the Lord and glorify your God”, Pongshi said and added that if the students keep the faith, then they Agape College students in traditional attires presenting would never stray away a cultural show on the occasion of 23rd Fresher’s Day of from the chosen path. She also said that though the Agape College, Friday.
Ase Pongshi, lecturer PCC, addressing the freshers.
narrow path may prove to be an uphill task, but it ultimately leads to the kingdom of Heaven. She also congratulated the principal, staff and faculty of the college and said celebrating the 23rd fresher’s day testifies that the college has come a long way and that its ministry is
growing and expanding. Earlier, Agape College principal, Dr. V Kisheto Awomi, in his welcome address said the college is a happy “mixture of tribes and communities” as the 100-odd students and faculty members come from diverse communities and tribes including from Myanmar, South Indian and other north eastern states besides Nagaland. Highlights of the fresher’s day celebration included cultural show by students showcasing the rich cultural attires of different communities and tribes, special number by Khetoho and friend and special prayer for freshers by the college’s academic dean, Dr. Benia. The programme was compered by Abeto and Peleseno (lecturers), and started with invocation by lecturer Koshilning Maring. President ACSF, Bungai, proposed vote of thanks and lecturer W Khiantsu Tikhir, pronounced benediction.
Dimapur, July 19 (mExN): Independent MLAs of the 12th Nagaland Legislative Assembly (NLA) have expressed gratitude to chief minister Neiphiu Rio for election of Independent MLA, Er. Levi Rengma, as the deputy speaker of the 12th NLA. The independent MLAs in an emergency meeting held at Kohima on Friday also conveyed appreciation to CLP leader Tokheho Yepthomi and all legislators of the NCP, JD (U) and BJP for electing Er. Levi unopposed as the deputy speaker. The Independent legislators assured full co-operation to Er. Levi and also reposed faith in the leadership of chief minister Neiphiu Rio. Meanwhile, the meeting also constituted the Independent MLAs Forum and elected NSMDC chairman, Thomas Ngullie, as convenor of the Forum.
Kiphire DC informs
KiphirE, July 19 (mExN): The draft list of recognized villages under all administrative headquarters of Kiphire district as on December 1, 2012 is being notified for scrutiny and filing of Claims and Objections at the DC’s office, Kiphire. Therefore, Deputy Commissioner Kesonyu Yhome has informed all concerned to file Claims and Objections if any, on the notified draft list, to his office on or before July 30, 2013. The last date for receipt of Claims and Objections is July 30, after which the same will be forwarded to the government and not further claims or objections will be entertained after the said time, the DC further stated.
State Level Agriculture Officers Conference
Dimapur, July 19 (mExN): The State Level Agriculture Officers Conference is being organized at the Capital Convention Centre, New Secretariat Complex, Kohima on July 24 and 25, 2013 at 10:00 am. A press note issued by E.H.Lotha, Director of Agriculture Nagaland requested all the Officers from Agriculture Officers (A.O) and above to attend the conference positively. The Parliamentary Secretary Dr. Benjongliba Aier has kindly consented to be the chief guest. During this Conference, the Nagaland Agriculture Award will be awarded to 11 Villages, 22 Farmers, 32 Officers and 32 AFA`s of the State.
Village Council bans teak trees
Dimapur, July 19 (mExN): Kacharigaon (Phevima) Village Council in a general meeting held on December 15, 2012 had resolved to cut down all the teak trees within the village jurisdiction before December 31, 2013. In view of it, Kacharigaon Village Council Secretary Neiboulie Mhasi and Chairman Mathovi Yhosu has issued a press release stating that anyone found violating the resolution will be penalized. It further warned that the defaulters’ trees will be cut down by the village council and thereafter the trees will become the council’s property and “no complaint will be entertained”.
Wokha DPDB meet on July 24
WoKha, July 19 (mExN): Deputy Commissioner and Vice Chairman DPDB Wokha, Vyasan R informs that the DPDB meeting for the month of July will be held on July 24 at 11:00 am at the Deputy Commissioner’s conference hall, Wokha. Therefore, all the DPDB members have been requested to note the change of time and attend the meeting positively.
YAN meeting on July 20
Dimapur, July 19 (mExN): Youth Association of Nagaland has informed that there will be a joint meeting of advisory board members and incumbent officials of the Association on July 20, 3:00 pm at the conference hall of Crown Hotel (near Town Hall, Dimapur). The meeting will deliberate on construction of the YAN office building and other important issues. All advisory board members, seniors and officials have been asked to attend the meeting without fail.
PRA prog held in Dimapur
Dimapur, July 19 (mExN): Participatory Rural Appraisal (PRA) was held at Vihokhu, Nizhevi under Kuhuboto block and Nihokhu village under Niuland block respectively in Dimapur district on July 17 and 18, 2013. The group was led by Project Engineer, DWSM, Er. Mersen, JE Hukali, amongst others. PRA was attended by village representatives. Interactions were held on the issue of water and sanitation status of the village, besides creating awareness on solid and liquid waste management. The programme was organized by the office of the executive engineer, PHED (Rural) division Dimapur and sponsored by the Water and Sanitation Support Organization (WSSO), PHED, Kohima, Nagaland.
Longleng DPDB meeting on July 23
loNglENg, July 19 (mExN): All the members of Longleng District Planning and Development Board (DPDB) are informed that the DPDB meeting for the month of July will be held on July 23 at the DC’s conference hall at 11:00 am. Parliamentary secretary of land resources and DPDB chairman BS Nganglang Phom will be attending the meeting as the LADP for the year 2013/14 will be finalized during the meeting. All the heads of department under Longleng district have been requested to attend the same meeting without fail.
The Morung express
Security Forces have engaged in cold-blooded murder: SC report
Morung Express News Dimapur | July 19
The Commission of inquiry constituted by the supreme Court of india mandated to investigate cases of extrajudicial executions reported from manipur, in its report has found that in all cases, the security forces have blatantly violated the law and procedure and have engaged in cold-blooded murder. “if one innocent person is killed by police or other security forces in a fake encounter, it creates tremendous upsurge of hatred…people always accurately know who was innocent. People even know whether an innocent person was killed by mistake or deliberately”, stated a portion of the report made available to The morung express and issued by the hongkong based Asian human Rights Commission (AhRC). it also termed the Armed forces (special Powers) Act 1958 as an “abysmal failure” coupled with perpetual imposition of emergency under section 144 of the Criminal Procedure Code, 1973. The Commission found that the use of disproportionate force against the victims by firing at them repeatedly at close range is standard practice and not only that but there was “complete negation of all legal procedures even by administrating officers including executive magistrates”. it goes on to mention the “open and uncontrolled possibility for wanton use of authority, including fabrication of or destruction or tampering of the evidence and the crime scene”. As such, the Commission concluded that “such frightening administrative failure in manipur coupled with
impunity and extrajudicial execution is definitely not the way to deal with anti-state activities in the state”. further, the Commission states that armed forces of india operating along with manipur state police enjoys absolute impunity even in cases that involve cold-blooded murder, euphemistically referred to as 'encounter killing' in india. Also it was stated that when the “witnesses deposed on behalf of the state before the Commission” and tried to justify their action citing the reason that persons who lost their lives in encounters are those engaged in terrorist activities in the region, the Commission refused to accept this blind allegation by quoting the witness statement of a major given on oath "i did not know the identity of the deceased even after he was killed. i came to know the name of the deceased after the same was published in the newspaper." According to the commission, the witness further said “…even if i have not made any enquiry, i knew that he was a member of KCP”. The findings revealed evidence from statements of witnesses who have deposed before the Commission that extrajudicial executions of persons were carried out in manipur, where the officers had no information whatsoever about the person they were firing at. “This gross abuse of authority underlines the concern that when absolute impunity writs large, the authorities would misuse it, of which human casualty as well as loss of faith in the state is its catastrophical result. manipur is a living example to this”.
The Commission also concluded that authorities in manipur have been violating all procedures that law enforcement agencies would be expected to follow. The Commission criticized the state as well as Central government for having “a unipolar approach of dealing with manipur”. The Commission has said that it "would appear that successive governments at Centre as well as state have treated the problem mainly as an issue of public order to be controlled by force through hard provisions of laws like the AfsPA. The Commission also said that provisions of the Unlawful Activities (Prevention ) Act 1967 is systemically misused in the state, reaffirming the conclusions of civil society working in manipur and reiterating the concerns expressed by former commissions that have studied the effect of the implementation of AfsPA in manipur. The Commission said that in all cases involving extrajudicial execution, the pattern is that after killing a suspect, the authorities charge the person of an offense under the Unlawful Activities (Prevention) Act. Yet another finding of the Commission is regarding the excessive force used during these executive eliminations. The Commission struggled to find a reason from the state as to why persons were shot repeatedly, for 32 to 40 times at close range even though a single shot would have done the job. The Asian human Rights Commission in its statement was of the opinion that this report of the Court is one of the strongest statements against state impunity in manipur.
20 July 2013
the situation. Although no decision was taken, singh had instructed the authorities to divert the route of these vehicles towards silcharJiribam-imphal nh-53, sources said. however, official reports from the districts said the Jiribam route was not still safe even after the repairing of the wooden-bridge at nungdolan area where the bridge was buried because of landslide about two weeks ago. Vehicles and trucks have started plying on this route about one week ago but an official report yesterday said pebbles have started falling again piece
by piece blocking the route. Personnel of Border Road Task force (BRTf) were working round the clock to keep the national highway (silchar-Jiribamimphal) clean 24 hours a day. Official sources said Union home minister of state Jitendra singh would visit this route and inspect it on July 21. Thousands of people at various petrol pumps were seen standing in queue waiting for their turn to get a few litres of petrol for their vehicles in spite of the assurance given by the government that there was enough stock of this at least for four or five days,
reports said. A litre of petrol has cost now Rs 120 and that of diesel is Rs 90 or more in black market in imphal. Prices of other essential commodities too are sky-rocketing. Reports said that a filled LPG cylinder has been sold anything between Rs 1000 and Rs 1500 in black market. speculations are doing the round that in the next few days the cost of the same commodity may cross Rs 2000 mark. The availability of the cooking gas is also a matter of concern now. in the next few days, all the activities are likely to be affected due to nonavailability of fuel. An offi-
Bangladesh objects to sewage flow through Tripura rivers
AgArtAlA, July 19 (tNN): Bangladesh raised objections to the discharging of untreated sewage and contaminated water from Agartala during a meeting of deputy commissioners on Thursday. The meeting between Brahamanbaria (Bangladesh) DC noor mohammed majumder and West Tripura district magistrate Kiran Gitte was held after a gap of nine years. majumder objected to Agartala discharging sewage through the Kathakhal and Kalipinya rivulets, which served as waterways before the Bangladesh Liberation War in 1971. Both the rivulets and River howrah drain out the state's total waste as Agartala has not yet developed a sewerage Treatment Plant (sTP) for its 5 lakh population. neither has it developed a flowing water contamination control mechanism in accordance with the international Water Discharging Protocol. Gitte, however, said an sTP is coming up in the northern part of the city to cater to about 1,200 households. The Agartala municipal Council is also setting up an sTP for the central zone to
stop the flow of untreated sewage into the neighbouring country. "We have given our city development plans, including sewage treatment plant and river water management plan, to the delegation from Bangladesh and sought time to resolve it," Gitte told the media in majumder's presence. According to the Tripura Pollution Control Board, more than a 100 families are still discharging wastes into River Howrah, which flows into Bangladesh. "Earlier, we identified about 1,200 households along riverbanks who were directly discharging human waste into the river. After the municipal council set up toilets that problem has been solved. But even then howrah's pollution level is high," said mihir Deb, chairman of the pollution control board. Gitte assured his counterpart that the West Tripura administration would take action either to completely stop the flow of water or treat the water that will enter Bangladesh. he said they would do a technical survey. it was decided at the meeting that
as many as 373 border pillars which were damaged or missing, would be replaced or repaired. After 2004, this is the first DC-level meet where border management got top priority---- from border pillar repair to cross-border crime and smuggling. majumder said fencing is almost complete along West Tripura and Brahamanbaria and that zero line single-fencing would be done at the Akhaura check post soon. The identification of graveyards of Bangladeshi freedom fighters in Tripura was also discussed. The West Tripura administration had located only two graveyards in Agartala while assuring that they would find more in other parts. "We are committed to identifying the graves of the martyrs who died during the Bangladesh liberation struggle in 1971," said Gitte. The Bangladesh delegation also expressed concern over the high incidence of smuggling of contraband cough syrups from Tripura to Bangladesh and appealed both to the Tripura government and the Centre to take immediate action.
Manipur drug haul case: Colonel, others granted bail
ImphAl, July 19 (tNN): former defence PRo Colonel Ajay Chowdhry and six others, who were arrested with a huge consignment of myanmar-bound drugs from Pallel market in Thoubal district in february, have been released on bail by a special court in imphal. The narcotic Drugs and Psychotropic substances (nDPs) court granted bail to the four accused on monday and the remaining three, including Chowdhry, on Wednesday. on february 24, manipur Police commandos arrested Chowdhry, n Brojendro, an assistant manager in indigo Airlines, R K Babloo (25), an army sepoy and three tribal youths - h haokip (28), minlal haokip (25) and m Doungel (29) with the drugs worth around Rs 25 crore. The police commandos also nabbed another accused, seikholen haokip, son of sitting Congress legislator Tn haokip, from his Deulaland residence in imphal the following day. As the court's order and relevant papers reached the authorities of sajiwa Central Jail here on Thursday evening, the three - Chowdhry, Brojendro and
Babloo - were released at that time. in his bail application, Chowdhry pleaded that he was not aware of the presence of drugs in his bag and rejected that the drugs were seized from his possession, a source said adding that similar pleas were submitted by Brojendro and Babloo. While granting the bail, the nDPs court, however, restricted the accused from leaving the state without prior permission from the court and that they should also cooperate with the investigation of the case. Police have not submitted chargesheets against the 7 before the court. The Pallel incident came after police seized a huge consignment of similar drugs from imphal airport on January 11. even as the state cabinet on march 4 decided to hand over both the Pallel and imphal airport drug seizure cases to the CBi, the central agency has only agreed to take up the cases a few days ago, a source said. Taking serious note of the growing trend of trafficking drugs in Manipur, government agencies and a large number of anti-drug nGos are maintaining sharp vigil in strategic areas to combat the menace.
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'More powers to NE autonomous councils' AgArtAlA, July 19 (IANS): The central government is mulling delegating more powers to the autonomous district councils in the country's northeast region, a senior Congress leader said friday. "The United Progressive Alliance government has been considering the idea of amending the sixth schedule of the constitution to give more powers to the autonomous district councils of the northeastern region," Leader of opposition in the Tripura assembly Ratan Lal nath told reporters here. earlier this
week, Nath led a five-member delegation from Tripura to meet home minister sushilkumar shinde in the national capital. "shinde told us that the central government sought opinion from the northeastern states in December last year on the proposed empowerment of the autonomous district councils," the senior Congress leader said. however, he added that most of the northeastern states "except Left front-ruled Tripura" have given their views on the issue to the central government.
The centre has proposed forming three-tier village councils and nagar panchayats under the autonomous district councils, he said. Among the delegates from Tripura who met the home minister was indigenous nationalist Party of Tripura (inPT) president Bijay Kumar hrangkhawal. inPT, an ally of the Congress in Tripura, has been demanding governance of higher education up to college-level and control of land-related issues by the Tripura Tribal Areas Autonomous District
Council (TTAADC). Tripura Tribal Welfare minister Aghore Debbarma said the government has finalised its opinion on the empowerment of the autonomous district councils and it would soon be communicated to the central government. "The Left front has given more powers to the TTAADC and held regular elections in the council. several departments including education, forest, agriculture and health, have already been handed over to the TTAADC," Debbarma said.
Consultation on indigenous rights held
ImphAl, July 19 (NNN): A one day consultation was held today at the Diocesan social service society, mantripukhri, imphal on the theme ‘Understanding the rights of the indigenous Peoples in the northeast." it was jointly organized by the meghalaya Peoples human Rights Council, naga Peoples movement for human Rights, indigenous Women’s forum of northeast india, Karbi human Rights Watch, Zo indigenous forum, sinlung indigenous Peoples human Rights organization and the United naga Council at the Diocesan social service society, mantripukhri, imphal, manipur. The objective of the consultation was to understand the rights of indigenous peoples in the northeast and to develop solidarity and common understanding of the indigenous
Manipur facing acute shortage of essential items
ImphAl, July 19 (ptI): Land-locked manipur is facing an acute shortage of essential items as hundreds of state-bound trucks loaded with essential and daily need items are stranded on the Guwahati-Dimapurimphal portion of nh-39 in nagaland for the past week, officials said Friday. They said it would take about two months to repair and mend the national highway at Phesima where about 110-metre portion had sunk because of heavy rainfall for the past few weeks. An emergency meeting of state government chaired by Chief minister o ibobi singh was held last evening to discuss
peoples of northeast on the essence of the right to self determination. The consultation proposed setting up of an inclusive network of indigenous peoples in north east india and their organizations to collectively strengthen and facilitate relations, communications and solidarities amongst indigenous peoples while at the same time endeavoring to safeguard and ensure that the rights of the indigenous peoples are recognized and respected. The consultation reaffirmed and recognized the centrifugal role of women in promoting indigenous peoples’ rights to self determination. it added that women should be strengthened and indigenous women-based organizations. During the consultation, intense
discussions were held on the very legitimacy of several organizations purporting to be indigenous organizations or working for indigenous peoples while in reality, they are not. The discussions also noted that there are indigenous organizations that ironically support the existence and activities of such organizations. Given these facts, the consultation reaffirmed the right to self determination of indigenous peoples and fully committed to the realization of their deeply held aspirations and expectations without being covertly and insidiously manipulated. The representatives felt that the self identification of Indigenous Peoples in north east india should be recognized and accepted by other indigenous communities.
cial spokesman said Chief minister ibobi singh had instructed state DGP to take all security measures to provide vehicles loaded with petroleum products from Khatkhatai in Assam to come to the state via silchar-Jiribam-imphal route with immediate effect along with trucks loaded with essential items.
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TRANSfORMATION CRUSADE Theme : Arise & Shine … Isaiah 60:1
The Organisers of the Transformation Crusade has printed some of the SATANIC SIGNS AND TATTOOS in the form of booklet. Any interested person can collect from the following drop points: Drop points : • Kohima Bible College • Chakhesang Baptist Church, Kitsubozou • Koinonia Baptist Church, Kezieke • Faith Harvest Church, Red Cross Building • Flames of Fire Church, New Market • New Life Church, Overbridge, Midland • Phezoucha Nagamese Baptist Church, New Secretariat road • The Cornerstone, Belho Complex, P R Hill • A & B Enterprises, Opposite Blue Hill Network BOC Publicity wing, Transformation Crusade
CORNERSTONE HIGHER SECONDARY SCHOOL : DUNCAN, DIMAPUR INFORMATION REGARDING VOCATIONAL COURSES AT THE CORNERSTONE HIGHER SECONDARY SCHOOL: DUNCAN, DIMAPUR The following Vocational Courses will be started from 5th August 2013 Time: 2:30 Pm to 5: 30 P.M. Courses 1. Basic Electrical Training 2. Soft skill for baseline service sector 3. Hospitality Assistant 4. Spoken English and communication skills 5. Mass communication
Period 2 months 2 months 3 months 3 months 3 months
Details regarding other courses will be intimated in future. Form will be available at Cornerstone Higher Secondary School (near Ao Church) Duncan, Dimapur (9.00 A.M. to 12:00 noon) Contact Mob: 9774490790 Last date of submission of forms: 25th August 2013 Admission will be on first come first basis. Vocational Training Coordinator
public discoursE
20 July 2013
The Morung Express
What is mean by “soon” in Indo-Naga issue?
he state of Nagaland is ranked one of the lowest in Gross Domestic Product (GDP) in India. State revenue generation is pathetic, our contribution to national GDP is insignificant, and the State is completely at the mercy of central government. This is the picture of Nagaland. Even after nearly 50 years of statehood we are still lacking behind to catch up with the rest of the country in many fronts but overlooking our pathetic condition every intellectuals intend to discuss about Indo-Naga political issue. In my opinion, both political sovereignty and economic development should go hand in hand as freedom without sound economic background will put the nation sovereignty at stake. At present, focus of the state politician should be on Human Resource development and infrastructural development. Development need equal attention if we are to stay in the modern world. Nevertheless, I have a notion that Indo-Naga political issue is hunting every intellectual in our society. When it comes to Indo-Naga political issue, I’m a young fellow and whatever I know about the genesis of Indo-Naga political issue is all from the elders who have sacrificed their precious life for the Naga cause. Those leaders have great determination to achieve their goal and they feared not
Piggery farm school inaugurated in Mkg
Mokokchung, July 19 (MExn): With the objective to promote breeders for increasing quality piglets production and at the same time to improve routine management on scientific recommendation, a ‘Farm School on Piggery’ was inaugurated on July 17, 2013 under Ong (North) Block, ATMA, Mokokchung. A press note stated that the farm school is located at the farm of a progressive pig farmer S. Bur Longkumer of Mokokchung village. During the inaugural programme, Lipokmar, BFAC Secretary, delivered the welcome address, S. Bur Longkumer, host farmer, shared his experience on pigs rearing and status of the farm, and Toshimenla, BTM, briefed the trainers about the concept of farm school, where she explained that the main objective is to facilitate increase in knowledge and skills of farmers through field experience and through farmer to farmer learning. The note also mentioned that the inaugural programme was followed by technical session as the first event of the farm school, where Dr. Sanen (VAS), Mokokchung, discussed on
their brothers in arms as they fought under one banner. Naga’s have a conception that one fine day they will be allowed to make their own rules and regulation to run their nation. It is with that impression in mind Naga’s have boldly joined the movement and suffered in the hands of Indian army. The Naga political history tells us that, Naga leaders walk to China, they were jailed, many comrade death body missing, they suffered hostile climatic condition, they failed to have the comfort of their wife and children, villagers were grouped, Naga’s were not allowed to cultivate, their granaries burned, women tortured, children at tender age became orphans etc., that is how patriotic Naga elders have build the foundation for Naga’s movement for self determination. I firmly belief that the Government of India has recognized our cause not only on our unique history, culture and tradition but also on our boldness and determination to fight for our right. Had our elders avoided suffering and opted for better life then today none of us would be talking about Naga self determination. This sacrifice by our elders has become less important in the present situation. When FNR initiated reconciliation for Naga undergrounds, it brought a glimpse of hope for Naga’s to come under one umbrella but unfortunately it is still continuing without much the topic ‘selection and management of gilt for breeding’. Altogether, 25 pig farmers of Ong (North) Block participated in the programme.
Training on soyabean cultivation conducted
DiMapur, July 19 (MExn): One-day training programme on soyabean cultivation cum distribution of seeds, tools and implements under RKVY was organised by Department of Agriculture Dimapur District in collaboration with ATMA – Dimapur on July11 at Hovukhu Village Council hall, Niuland block, Dimapur under the chairmanship of DAO & PD (ATMA) S. Bendangtemsu. The resource person for the training, SK Khemprai, SDAO Dimapur dwelt on the topic-Packages of practices of soyabean. Leaflets on soyabean cultivation in Sumi dialect was distributed to the participants. Toivi Swu, AO Dimapur demonstrated on use of bio-fertilizers on soyabean. Altogether 85 beneficiaries attended and benefitted out of the training. The DAO & PD (ATMA) also distributed Soyabean seeds, tools and other agricultural implements to the selected beneficiaries under RKVY.
breakthrough. This situation gives a room to doubt about the sincerely of undergrounds. Why any group with common goal can’t fight under one banner or is it the self interest of a group much superior then the interest of the nation? Let us stop applying the concept of “survival of the fittest” among the brothers. Fighting among the UG can’t be termed as patriotism. Patriotism is your love for nation and your willingness to sacrifice your life for it and not for the interest of your leader. The present conduct of undergrounds doesn’t match with the definition of patriotism. Naga’s are not asking freedom from fellow Naga’s. If you can’t avert hunting for each other than one fine day Naga’s will declare you as a mafia or underworld don and the foundation on which you stand today will crush upon you. Today we have created such a state of affair that, when people in our neighbouring state are busy doing business our streets looks like a ghost town. Public life is uncertain once they step out of the door. Forget about the safety of public life even underground fellows life is uncertain once they are out of their den. Putting life at the mercy of fellow Naga’s is not a call for patrioticism. Heavy taxation, corruption, public hitting streets registering their unhappiness over your actions has become an order of the day. Is this what we call movement for self determi-
nation? The more misunderstanding with the public the more risky is the foundation. Think wisely why public were behind the movement? It is all for Naga cause and not for anybody else selfish motive. At this juncture, it is too intricate to study the intention of Government of India for prolonging the peace talk with Naga undergrounds. However, in a simpleton state of mind, may I said “is it the policy of Government of India to keep on talking while Naga’s keep hunting for each other or they wanted to see more groups to take birth? When none of the modern Indian politician denies the unique history of Naga’s what is taking them so long to fix the problem? Different National political parties have come to power in centre but none dare to take extra step to sincerely solve the problem as the situation itself is such that solving one problem is going the generate more problems for them. In the initial stage of UPA government there was a glimpse of hope that at least some positive breakthrough will come up but unfortunate nearly one decade of UPA government at centre is coming to an end. Are we waiting for new Government? I’ll like to quote “for everything there is a reason and for every activity a time” Naga nationalist need to study the reason of Government of India for prolonging the peace talk and Naga
On Foothill Road
undergrounds need to take care of their activities. Every time political leaders both overground and underground visit Delhi they always get an assurance from Government of India that “Naga political solution is soon” or “moving in right direction” etc etc., and our leaders are pleased. We never question what is the definition of “soon” and for how long Naga’s will wait for the “soon”. It may be moving in right direction but which direction is it taking? Since it is high time a “right direction” need to reach its destination or are we taking right direction on wrong road? Only the driver has the answer. Public are seating on VIP’s seat, we don’t navigate. I’m afraid this sugar coded dialogue of politicians will go on. The issue was hot throughout the state election and it smells like something good was cooking behind the curtain but with time it has just become a gossiping club. For some leaders this issue has become an escape road. Whenever one is pushed to the corner, IndoNaga issue rescues them and no one dares to raise question. More than 16 years of peace talk but the sky is still dark, there is no sign of good weather at the horizon. Of course, peace talk has minimised Indian army frequent frisking and harassment whenever they want. Another observation is that, Naga undergrounds are in open air, leaders started living in luxurious
What is faith in relation to science & worldview?
or me faith is more than believing. Faith is, “I was believing; now I know”. It is the assurance which does not need evidence. It is the conviction that satisfies all doubts. And faith is an invisible empirical phenomenon. Faith is the source of theology and its relative studies. If there is no faith then there is no basis for theology. Today there are many biblical scholars trying to equate theology to other scientific discipline. We cannot ignore the forces and influences of the scientism of theology and its relative study which stem from a selfish motive as to show it to the world as established facts or accepted worldview. We need to rethink on the modern usage of the word “science”. Science in its original meaning is a systematic enterprise that builds and organizes knowledge in the form of testable explanations and predictions about the universe. “Science” and “scientific” are two intrinsic words; it is like the two side of a coin. What is science is scientific and what is scientific is science. Therefore, if a so called “science discipline or study” is not scientific or does not have an accurate and uniform scientific result, it is not science at all in the first place. There are different geologist specializing in different fields, but when it comes to the shape of the earth, all geologists will affirm that the shape of the earth is round. There will always Achumbemo Kikon be scientific accuracy and uniformity in the Ex-Candidate scientific result. Some of the biblical scholars 40 Bhandari A/C have the tendency to christen their study and
The reminder of the Minister for Road & Bridges to the people of Nagaland on the floor of the House, “that the State Govt. had plans to undertake the task of providing link road from Khelma in Peren district up to Tizit in Mon district along the foothill areas of Dimapur, Wokha, Mokokchung and Mon district” is impressive but the apprehension still looming large in the minds of the general public is, as to when this particular project will take off? Whether the alignment of this project will encompass the entire villages situated in the border areas of Assam? As far as Wokha district is concern, it will hardly make any sense to the people if the proposed road does not pass through the 60 plus villages bordering Assam that falls under 40 Bhandari A/C. Because the idea of constructing the foothill road was conceived in order to ease the tension and plight of the Naga people while crossing Assam and especially for those people living in the foothill areas. As a candidate in the last election from 40 A/C I have extensively travelled all this villages/areas and this area is the most potential area because the entire stretch of foothill area of the Kyong/Naga country is rich in Crude Oil and other Mineral resources. Hence, any attempt to exclude the Lotha Lower Range areas while aligning/constructing the foothill road will be a faux pas because once this road is constructed, it is supposed to be the most economically viable road for the entire Nagas. In order to serve the interest of all stake holders it will be befitting if the govt. takes serious note of the legitimate concern expressed by various organisations in regards to the alignment/construction of this particular road.
house, own luxury vehicles, pattern of taxation change completely etc. this progress is not what Naga’s were longing/ fighting for. For long we have kept aside the developmental issues in the state for reason best known to policy makers. However at present Naga’s have multiple Governments to look after the affairs of Indo-Naga political issue. If ever governments in Nagaland get involved in the uncertain issue what will happen to our future? Naga’s has in many ways compromise development in the name of self determination. Hence, give chance to the State Government of Nagaland to look after the human and infrastructure development which is the need of the hour. The world is advancing and people talk about science and technologies, they share constructive ideas to improve economy, they talk about multipurpose projects, they make policy for conservation and utilization of natural resources, they talk about education policy etc, etc., so why let the younger generation again talk about uncertain future. Create conductive environment for the coming up generation and let them speak in the platform where world can heard our voice. That is how the real human freedom will be achieved. Let’s get started, as there is rarely a perfect time to do anything. Dr. Soyhunlo Seb Tseminyu Town
research with the word “Science”. What they wanted is to instill into the mind of the readers that their approach is science and their result is scientific or scientifically proven. Some biblical scholars have boldly claimed that biblical hermeneutics is a science. It might have a systematic approach to the study of biblical texts. But its result always varies from one person to another. Moreover, biblical hermeneutics had played beautifully in shaping heretical teaching or heresy itself. That is an undeniable fact. All religion exists because of faith or in a system of belief. All theological discussion and debate including atheism worldview sprang up from the source called “Faith”. The other day, I was watching a debate video program by Biola University called “Does God exist?” Dr. William Lane Craig defended the existence God through cosmological argument and teleological argument. But the bottom-line is that these arguments will remain as an argument but not as an accepted general worldview or as facts. Because you cannot bring God in your palm show it to the atheists. Faith is sacred, an invisible empirical phenomenon, and only a genuine seeker finds it. Therefore, one must not try to equate or elevate it nor should it overshadow any. Let it remain what it is. Faith is trustworthy, for we know in whom and in what we believe. Puanthanh Gangmei Convenor The Naga Studies Group
Readers may please note that the contents of the articles, letters and opinions published do not reflect the outlook of this paper nor of the Editor in any form. DiMaPuR Civil Hospital:
Simple Rules - There is just one simple rule: “Fill in the grid so that every row, every column, and every 3x3 box co ntains the digits 1 through 9.”
SUDOKU Game Number # 2592
Answer Number # 2591
STD CODE: 03862
Metro Hospital: Faith Hospital: Shamrock Hospital Zion Hospital: Police Control Room Police Traffic Control East Police Station West Police Station CIHSR (Referral Hospital) Dimapur hospital Apollo Hospital Info Centre: Railway: Indian Airlines Northeast Shuttles Chumukedima Fire Brigade Nikos Hospital and Research Centre Nagaland Multispecialty Health & Research Centre
Police Control Room: North Police Station: South Police Station: Fire Brigade: Naga Hospital: Oking Hospital: Bethel Nursing Home:
232224; Emergency229529, 229474 227930, 231081 233044, 228846 228254 231864, 230889 228400 232106 227607, 228400 232181 242555/ 242533 224041, 285117, 248011 230695/9402435652 131/228404 229366 22232 282777 232032, 231031 248302, 09856006026
STD CODE: 0370
Northeast Shuttles
100/2244279 2222222 2222111 2222952 2222916 2243339 2224202
h u B L i x g i K E R a L a n D
a i O a S S a M R a S T i R M a
n M L n R a K h S u P y E a R x
a a n D a h M E D a B a D L a x
y h O h g M i Z O R a M w E i a
R a a R w E S T B E n g a L E i
a R T a y g O a A B a R O D a O
h a T P P O L i R u D a i P u R
C S a R a J a S t h a n Z P E E
u h K a n S R i n a g a R O B V
E T L D J P E E D a y h S K a L
S R O E i i F h Y D E R a B a D
u a K S M i C h A n D i g a R h
R g n h a u R a n g a B a D n K
a a E S B a n g A L O R E E B M
T y h S E D a R P a y h D a M E
ACROSS 1. Snare 5. Church alcove 9. Quaint outburst 13. Sharpen 14. Plant life 16. infiltrator 17. greek letter 18. in shape 19. headquarters 20. adhere 22. Counter 24. not fat 26. governs 27. Troop formation 30. Stoppage 33. Reddish brown 35. a bodily fluid 37. Possesses 38. african virus 41. Deep-dish or meringue 42. willow 45. Move 48. ancient ascetic 51. Levied 52. aquatic mammals 54. Stars 55. Straightaway 59. Piques 62. university administrator
63. Coral island 65. River of Spain 66. Ear-related 67. Compacted 68. a ball of yarn 69. Disabled 70. not the original color 71. adolescent
DOWN 1. not that 2. Part of a plant 3. Exact opposite 4. Downy juicy fruit (plural) 5. astern 6. Conspiracy 7. Submarine detector 8. greek god of darkness 9. Diplomatic building 10. Satyr 11. as well 12. Bambi was one 15. grownup 21. a man’s skirt 23. Loyal (archaic) 25. not a single one 27. Reflected sound 28. Pursue 29. gist 31. unfeeling 32. Malice
34. Craggy peak 36. Pay attention to 39. Floral necklace 40. Charity 43. gist 44. Marsh plant 46. Creative work 47. Link 49. a nymph of lakes 50. Jubilant 53. Obdurate 55. False god 56. anagram of “Meat” 57. Disable 58. if not 60. Tall woody plant 61. Scattered 64. Directed
Ans to CrossWord 2603
CHUMUKEDIMA: 03862-282777/101 (O) 9436012949 (OC) WOKHA: 03860-242215 (O) 9402643782 MOKOKCHUNG: 0369-2226225/101 (O) 9856872011 (OC) PHEK: 03865-223838/101 (O) 9402003086 (OC)
MON: 03869-290629/101 (O) 9856248962/ 9612805461 (OC)
Toll free No. 1098 childline
DIMAPUR: 03862-232201/101 (O) 9436601225 (OC)
TUENSANG: 03861-220256/101 (O) 8974322879
KOHIMA: 0370-2222952/101 (O) 9436062098 (OC)
ZUNHEBOTO: 03867-220444/101 (O) 9856158740 (OC)
STD CODE: 0369
Police Station 1: Police Station 2 :
2226241 2226214
Civil Hospital: Woodland Nursing Home: Hotel Metsüpen (Tourist Lodge):
2226216 2226263 2226373/2229343
TAHAMzAM (formerly Senapati) STD CODE: 03871 Police Station: Fire Brigade
222246 222491
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The Morung Express
Saturday 20 July 2013
State funds dominate discussions on third day of NLA
DIMAPUR, JULY 19 (DIPR): On the third day of the ongoing 12th NLA, infrastructural development, state funds and the Naga political issue were discussed. Replying to MLA Imtikumzuk and leader of Opposition Tokheho Yepthomi on money kept in civil deposit, Chief Minister Neiphiu Rio said that the total amount of money kept in Civil Deposit during 201213 was Rs. 648.30 crores which is kept in Public Account and has been released to the respective departments for necessary payment since July 13. As of now, he said Rs. 40.31 crores has been released. He also added that money is released based on the progress of work and as such, it is kept in civil deposit. Responding to MLA, Imtikumzuk on funds received under the 13th Finance Commission, Parliamentary Secretary for Urban Development, Zhaleo Rio revealed
that the State received Rs. 760.99 lakhs from the 13th FC Award for PRIs and Urban Local Bodies during 2010-2011, and the same was distributed and utilized for the purpose sanctioned. Replying to the supplementary questions raised by MLA Imtikumzuk and the leader of the Opposition Tokheho Yepthomi, he said that money was received on installment basis and not on lumpsum thereby there was delay in transferring to the actual account. In response to a query by MLA S. Hukavi and Opposition leader Tokheho Yepthomi with regard to the present status of the Naga Political dialogue between GoI and NSCN (IM), Home Minister Kaito replied that the State government is not in a position to know the present status of the ongoing dialogue, as the State government is not a party to the negotiation and the dialogue. However, he said that the State government is sincere on its
commitment to pave way for any alternative arrangement which is honourable and acceptable to the people. In reply to the supplementary question asked by leader of the Opposition on the term “Equi-closeness” and the CM replied that “Equi-Closeness” means to have harmony and oneness amongst the Nagas, since the Naga nationalists are our own brothers and sisters. In response to the Tokheho Yepthomi regarding loan taken from 2008 till March 2013, the CM replied that the State has availed Rs. 2575.81 crores as ways and means Advance from 2008 till March 2013. In response to MLA C. Apok Jamir’s question regarding construction of DC’s hall in Mokokchung, Parliamentary Secretary for CAWD, R Tohanba replied that the project is in the process to call a tender, as the DPR has been approved by the State Level Programme Implementation Committee. However, he informed that the con-
struction work could not be started, though approval for the SLPIC was accorded in October 2012 due to Assembly Election in the State. As such the process had to be suspended temporarily for the time being. Replying to the supplementary question on delay of construction, the Parliamentary Secretary said that the delay was due to non-vacation of Army and moreover there was a dispute between the District Administration and Army over the site. In response to MLA C Apok Jamir on water supply to Mokokchung town, Minister for PHE Noke Konyak replied that the Techipani Water scheme was completed in 2005 and since then it has been supplying water to Mokokchung town. The Minister also added that there have been disruptions due to landslides, sinking of soil under the pipelines. He also stated that the amount incurred against this project was Rs. 1086.37 lakhs.
CM on burnt documents of P&AR Department kohIMA, JULY 19 (DIPR): In response to a starred question asked by Opposition leader Tokheho Yepthomi today at the NLA session, Chief Minister Neiphiu Rio replied that the Personnel & Administrative Reforms (P&AR) Department in the Secretariat was not actually burnt down. CM stated that a small fire broke out on the night of January 18, 2013. He stated that around 292 personal files and service books of NCS and
NSS officers were damaged along with the wooden almirahs and shelves where they were kept. However, the Chief Minister added that efforts are being made to reconstruct these documents with reference to the available records in the AG office. Replying to a supplementary question asked by the leader of Opposition, the Chief Minister replied that he cannot answer as to why important documents were kept in wooden almirahs.
TR Zeliang seeks half Bills introduced and passed at NLA Laying of reports in the Assembly an hour discussion on Chief Minister Neiphiu Rio, who which was passed on the floor of Chairman of the Committee dustrial Development Corpora- Government of Nagaland. oil exploration at NLA is also the in-charge of Finance, the House. 3. 65th report on the action on Public Undertakings (2013- tion (NIDC) under the Departmoved the following Bills on July 19 at the NLA, which were subsequently passed: 1. The Nagaland Entry Tax Bill 2013. 2. The Nagaland Sale of petroleum and petroleum products Taxation Bill 2013. 3. The Nagaland Appropriation (No.4) Bill 2013. Parliamentary Secretary for Transport, P. Paiwang Konyak moved the Nagaland Road Safety Authority Bill 2013 on July 19, 2013
Opposition member, Imtisungit Jamir queried on whether a Parliamentary Secretary can introduce the bill and also move it. The leader of the House and Chief Minister clarified that as per the rules of business, Parliamentary Secretaries are authorized to introduce and move Bills. Meanwhile, Chief Minister moved Regularisation of Excess Expenditure for the year 2006-07 on supplementary Demand for Grants which was also passed by the House. DIPR
DC's directives to lounge, restaurants DIMAPUR, JULY 19 (MExN): The Deputy Commissioner of Dimapur, N Hushili Sema has directed all lounges and restaurants to close down by 10:00 pm during summer and by 9:00 pm during winter. A press note from the DC informed that this directive has been issued “in view of the many instances of underage youth indulging in drunken and indecent behavior after partying in lounges/restaurants etc during night time.” It further cautioned that failure on part of the lounge/restaurant owners to comply with the timings would invite penalties as per provision of the law.
ACAUT emergency meeting today
DIMAPUR, JULY 19 (MExN): The Action Committee against Unabated Taxation has convened an emergency meeting on July 20 at 9:00 am at the Naga Council office, Dimapur. A press note from the Secretary of the ACAUT, Solomon L Awomi has informed all members to attend the meeting without fail.
Vegetable farmers’ training in Phek
PhEk, JULY 19 (DIPR): Department of Horticulture will be organizing a one-day state level vegetable farmers’ exposure tour-cum-training programme at Zhavame village Phek on July 23, 2013. The programme will have Parliamentary Secretary for Horticulture Neiba Kronu as the chief guest and Parliamentary Secretary for Higher Education and SCERT, Deo Nukhu as the guest of honour. The programme is scheduled to start from 9:30 a.m. with Director of Horticulture, Watienla Jamir as the chairperson. Welcome address and introduction will be given by President Phek District Farmers Union while status report will be presented by Joint Director Horticulture, Pawan Kumar and vote of thanks will be proposed by District Horti Officer, Phek, Dr. Moa walling.
2014) presented and laid the following Reports on the table of the House on July 19, 2013: 1. 63rd report on the action taken by the Government on the observations and recommendations contained in the 41st report of the Committee on Public Undertakings on the examination of the report of the Comptroller & Auditor General of India for the year 2008-2009, pertaining to the Nagaland In-
ment of Industries & Commerce, government of Nagaland. 2. 64th report on the action taken by the Government on the observations and recommendations contained in the 42nd report of the Committee on Public Undertakings on the examination of the report of the Comptroller & Auditor General of India for the Year 2009-2010, pertaining to the NIDC under the Department of Industries & Commerce,
taken by the Government on the observations and recommendations contained in the 59th report of the Committee on Public Undertakings on the Examination of the report of the Comptroller & Auditor General of India for the Year 2010-2011, pertaining to the NIDC under the Department of Industries & Commerce, Government of Nagaland. DIPR
Minister for geology and mining T. R. Zeliang today requested Nagaland Legislative Assembly (NLA) Speaker Chotisuh Sazo to grant half an hour discussion on the matter of oil exploration in Nagaland since it concerns public importance. He made this request to the latter after his reply to a starred question raised by MLA Mmhonlumo Kikon on the Minister of Home Affairs' caution and Nagaland government’s initiative on oil exploration vis-à-vis the expression of interest and the resolution on land and its resources passed in the assembly and the status of articles 371(A) in the light of MHA’s observation. Our Correspondent
NFRCC optimistic over Foothills Road ANSEA clarifies on alleged excessive DIMAPUR, JULY 19 ment concerned so as to acTherefore in view of charging of fees for PMEGP forms (MExN): The Nagaland complish the construction this, the community has Foothills Road Co-ordination Committee (NFRCC) has informed of the Nagaland Chief Minister’s assurance that the “Foothills Road will be constructed from the month of October 2013.” A press note from the Committee’s Convener and General Secretary said that this assurance was given at a meeting with the CM on July 17. The note also informed of assurance from the CM that “necessary fund will be taken care of by the Government of Nagaland so as to satisfy the aspirations of the people.” The note added, “The Minister for Roads and Bridges also assured that the Foothills Road construction will be commenced once the technical works are over which is under full swing.” It added that the Minister had also asked the public “not to remain as a stumbling block in the process of development but to co-operate with the depart-
at the earliest.” The committee while acknowledging the “positive response” from the Nagaland Government, also appreciated the ten border MLAs for taking active action regarding the Foothills Road issue. The note added, “It is also pertinent to state that as per newspaper publication dated July 17, wherein the alignments of the proposed construction has been stated as follows: Tizit to Naganimora, to Tuli Longnak via Japukong range road, Changki-Mekokla-Sanis-Lotsu-Oruko (Doyang bridge point) Chandalashung-Rengmapani-Nuiland Dimapur.” The note also said that with regard to this, “after much deliberation it was ultimately resolved that the aforementioned alignments which were reflected in the newspapers dated July 17 will be subject to review by the department concerned and the Foothills Co-ordination committee.”
fervently appealed for the public as well as responsible citizens “not to mislead the concerned department so as to avoid any misunderstanding and confusion among the people.” It may be noted that on July 12, 2013, nine tribes of Nagaland constituted the aforementioned committee. In the said meeting the following office bearers were unanimously elected: Convener – Supu Jamir, Co Convener – Hokiye Yepthomi, Co Convener – (Reserved to be inducted from the Konyak Union), General Secretary – Y Kithan, Assistant General Secretary – (Reserved to be industed from Phom Union), Finance Secretary – K Mar Lemtur and Treasurer – Yashitsungba Aier. It was also informed that the committee would have a meeting on July 19 at 4:00 pm at the residence of the treasurer in Khermahal, Dimapur.
DIMAPUR, JULY 19 (MExN): All Nagaland Selected Entrepreneurs' Association (ANSEA) (YOE) has issued a statement clarifying on a news item which had alleged excessive charging of fees for PMEGP forms by the Directorate of Industries & Commerce. The statement issued by Michael, President ANSEA (YOE) and Temsumongba Sanglir, Action Committee Convenor, ANSEA (YOE) clarified that though PMEGP is a centrally sponsored scheme, directorate of industries & commerce is the nodal agency and deals in all matters relating to execution of the said project from the beginning till the project is successfully completed by the selected entrepreneur. Hence, considering the requirement and project coverage undertaken by the entrepreneurs, the department has been issuing/furnishing varieties of schemes to the interested and selected entrepreneurs by way of Detail Project Report which is available in the department’s office on payment of nominal rate comparing to other agencies where Project Reports are completed with higher costs, it said. “However, taking the shelter on the basis of the recent media publication, some individuals for their vested interest have
publicized the unwarranted articles in the media without knowing the inconveniencies in its entirety faced by the intending entrepreneurs while processing such projects, wherein the department concerned i.e Directorate of Industries & Commerce was compelled to ban or close down issues/furnishing of the DPR to the intending entrepreneurs from its department’s office.” ANSEA in the note also appealed to the department concerned to consider the inconveniences faced by the entrepreneurs of Nagaland in pursuing the PMEGP scheme, and reconsider issuing the DPR to the intending entrepreneurs for the welfare of the Naga entrepreneurs in general. It also mentioned that the department concerned has been “so generously encouraging and helping the upcoming entrepreneurs in all its possible ways in executing the different centrally sponsored schemes till date.” ANSEA therefore has appealed to all entrepreneurs of Nagaland under the ANSEA umbrella to bring to the knowledge of the ANSEA, if there are any inconveniences or similar issues, to redress their grievances at the earliest for the benefits of the Association in particular and for the Naga youth in general.
Entrance test to RIMC Dehradun in Dec Kma govt. schools GHSS conducts Science exhibition at Kiphire explore wonders of science
DIMAPUR, JULY 19 (MExN): The next Entrance Examination for admission to Class-VIII at the Rashtriya Indian Military College (RIMC) Dehradun for the July, 2014 term will be held on December 1 (Sunday) and 2 (Monday), 2013. A press release from the Directorate of School Education, Nagaland has informed that application forms along with three passport size photographs should reach the Director of School Education, Nagaland on or before October 10, 2013. Certificate of age (in duplicate) from the school record or municipal board should be submitted. The applicants have also been informed that no change in the date of birth as originally given by them will be entertained.
The release informed that only boys are eligible to apply for admission to the RIMC. Candidates appearing for the aforementioned test should not be less than 11 ½ years of age, but should not attain the age of 13 years as on July 1, 2014. They should have been born not earlier than July 2001 and not later than January 1, 2013. It further informed that candidates should either be studying in Class-VII or should have passed ClassVII from any recognized schools at the time of admission to the RIMC, i.e, July 1, 2014. The written part of the examination will consist of three papers, namely, English and Mathematics on December 1 and General Knowledge on December 2. The
oral interview will be held for only those who qualify in the written test, and the date for interview will be intimated to them by early March 2014. Intelligence and personality of the candidates will be tested in the oral interview. Applications forms and prospectus, and old question papers can be obtained through registered post/ speed post by sending a written request with an account payee bank demand draft of Rs 400/- for registered post and Rs. 450/- for speed post. SC/ST candidates have to attach relevant certificates. The demand drafts have to be made in favour of The Commandant, RIMC Dehradun Drawee Branch, State Bank of India, Tel Bhavan, Dehradun (Bank code – 01576) Uttarakhand.
Mon district Muaythai Association to participate in National Championship MoN, JULY 19 (DIPR): A team of eleven fighters and one referee from Mon District Amateur Muaythai Association representing Nagaland State will be leaving Mon on July 20 to participate in the 14th IFMA – MFI National Muaythai Championship 2013 to be held at Villupuram, Tamil Nadu from July 25 to 28, 2013. About 300 participants and 100 officials from 31 MFI affiliated Units are expected to take part in this mega national Muaythai event. The 11 fighters of the district are - M. Angnyei Konyak, Chief Instructor Nagaland, T. Beching Konyak, Wangpon Konyak, Hamwang Konyak, Manyum Konyak, Pangmei Konyak, Pheaknyei Konyak, Pangyeih Konyak, Akhao Konyak, Chingmai Konyak, Leiwang Konyak and Pulei Konyak. According to Angnyei Konyak, the Mon District Amateur Muaythai Association has
been representing Nagaland in the National Level Championships since 2007 and it has won a total of 53 medals with 30 Gold, 13 Silver and 10 Bronze. Since the expenditure is borne by the participants and because of the poor family background many good fighters of the State are deprived of participation in the National Level Championships hosted outside the State, he added. He also said that Kohima is the National Headquarter of Muaythai Federation of India (MFI). “If the State Government can host National Muaythai Championship in the future in Kohima, then we have good chance of winning more medals and at the same time it will be a privilege to those fighters who could not go outside due to financial constraints.” He also informed that the winners were felicitated last year (2012) by the State Government.
Our Correspondent Kiphire | July 19
kohIMA, JULY 19 (MExN): Government Secondary Schools in Kohima district held a science exhibition based on the theme “Wonders of Science” on July 18, 2013 at the multi-purpose hall of Rüzhükhrie Government Higher Secondary School, Kohima. Altogether 13 government schools in the district participated in the programme, informed District Education Officer Senthang in a press release. “The participating young student-scientists presented a diverse range of scientific exhibits relevant to the present needs and challenges of the country and world which were highly appreciated by all the attendees,” it stated. Chief Guest CK Nihekhu Sema, NCS, Secretary, Department of Science and Technology, Nagaland in his speech enthusiastically spoke on the relevance of science programme. He narrated how advancement in science impacted certain countries and made them advanced. He further informed the gathering about the endeavours that his Department has been making to promote the students of the state in the field of Science and Technology. The first prize was bagged by Government High School, Chandmari, which was represented by Athisü, Pinoli and Subhash Kumar with the model titled “Wind Turbine”. They will have the privilege to represent Kohima district at the State Level Science Exhibition Programme scheduled to be held in the month of August. The second prize went to Government High School, Kigwema which was represented by Vimetsino, Azhiele and Nechüto, while the third prize was won by Sarita, Chichaliu and Kelhoukhrietuonuo of TM Government Higher Secondary School, Kohima. The juries for the exhibition were science teachers - Ponchulo Wanth, Metozo and Kelhouziengu. The principal of Rüzhükhrie Government Higher Secondary School, Kohima gave away the prizes to the winners. The programme was chaired Vilanuo Yhome, JEO, and welcome speech was presented by Neizetuonuo, DDEO, Kohima.
Altogether 17 participants from nine Government High schools under Kiphire district today took part in the science exhibition held at Government Higher Secondary School Kiphire under the theme ‘Wonders of Science’ organized by DEO under RMSA. In his keynote address, Panda, District Education Officer Kiphire said, “It is because of science, life is much comfortable and easy” and asked the students to give importance in subject like Science. The DEO also said that the government has created an avenue for all to exhibit one’s talent in the form of exhibition and asked the students to make use of this kind of platform to learn and exhibit ones gifts and talents. He also encouraged the students to have will power and interest so that new innovations and creativity comes from all. Sharing the history of Wright brothers, the DEO en-
A student participating in the science exhibition held under the theme ‘Wonders of Science’ organized by DEO under RMSA at GHSS Kiphire.
couraged the students to have dreams because the history of all inventions and discoveries is for those persons who have faith and dreams in oneself. The DEO also said that in the coming month there will be an exhibition in ‘Conservation’ where all the schools both private and government will be invited and asked the students to get prepared for that also.
Chairing the program Vitoshe Achumi Research assistant RMSA welcomed the gathering and Likhumla G.T GHSS Proposed vote of thanks. Setsuba of GHSS Kiphire, Tiachang and Setsaba of GHS Yangphi and Pongee & Litsala GHS of Mimi stood first second and third respectively where they were awarded with cash prize of Rs 5000, Rs 3000 and Rs1000 respectively.
HQ IGAR (EAST) celebrates first anniversary
DIMAPUR, JULY 19 (MExN): HQ IGAR (East) celebrated its first anniversary on July 16, 2013. A press note issued to the Media stated that on this occasion, Lt Gen Ranbir Singh, AVSM, SM Director General Assam Rifles, Lt Gen Arun Kumar Sahni, SM, VSM GOC of Dimapur based 3 Corps and Major General Satish Dua, Sena Medal, the first Inspector General conveyed felicitations to all personnel of IGAR (East) and also gave a message of peace and urged all communities in the region to live in harmony. The note also stated that over the last fortnight, Barak Valley witnessed number of events involving the locals like Football Cup, ‘Peace Run’, and ‘Know Your Force’. The Ex-Serviceman Rally also reassured the Veterans of the organization’s
support to them at all times. 85 Units of Blood were donated by 85 soldiers of Assam Rifles. Indeed a noble gesture which was greatly lauded by Doctors of Cachar District. The note mentioned that the celebrations were attended host of army, BSF and civil dignitaries. It stated that the Cachar valley was where the Assam Rifles were originally raised in 1835 as Cachar Levy - is now home to this young HQ. “Through these series of events organised by the HQ IGAR (East) to commemorate their first year of Raising, they have been able to endear themselves to the people and locals felt reassured that the Assam Rifles units under HQ IGAR (East) will ensure security and peace in the region which is so very essential for the development,” it further stated.
6 H
People, life, etc... Sanctity Of Article 371 (A), Sub-Clause (IV) Saturday | 20 July, 2013
ope and aspiration flew thick and fast for the Nagas when it was evident that the British were preparing to leave Indian shores and hand over the rein of governance to the Indians. The Nagas were fiercely fighting for their freedom along with India’s dedicated struggle for independence. History is witness to the fact that the Naga – struggle had already gained momentum much before India became free from the British yoke. The Naga National Council (NNC), formed at Wokha in 1946, became the sole voice of the Nagas. The struggle continued well after 1947, because the Nagas being simple, free spirited and valiant people, valued their freedom more than anything else. Now, as the British were no longer there, the major players were the NNC and the Government of India. The whole issue became a fiercely political one and though both the sides gen- ing land and its resources were thoroughly erally wanted to resolve it, no one actually discussed and deliberated by the members of both the parties. The Agreement itself is knew in whose court the ball was ! self-evident that the signatories to the agreement from both sides, had fully recognized SOUL OF ARTICLE 371 (A) and clearly understood that land and its reOF THE CONSTITUTION. The incorporation of Article 371(A) in sources covers all minerals including petrothe Constitution of India has its own his- leum and its bye-products. Another special feature of the state of tory through a series of political maneuvering and development; first in 1947 and then Nagaland is that recognizing the uniquein 1960. Traveling down the memory lane ness of Naga political history, regardless through a series of events and non-events, of the smallness of area and population, a the following picture emerges; a picture separate state had to be created on the basis that seemed a “picture-perfect”, which at of the 16th Point memorandum. To give efthe time both the sides agreed to obey in fect to this agreement, the State of Nagaland letter and spirit. So, the first attempt was Act 1962 for the formation of a new state the Nine Point Agreement of 1947 between was passed by both Houses of Parliament the NNC and Shri Akbar Hydari, the Gover- in 1962. Durga Das Basu, one of the luminor of Assam, who was acting on behalf of naries of Constitutional expert commented the Government of India. As the name sug- on Article 371(A). “All matters are peculiar gests, the Agreement stipulated 9 – points to the proposed State of Nagaland, proviin the Agreement, the mandatory provision sions with respect thereto has to be made being, “The Governor of Assam, as the agent itself. A separate Act, viz the State of Nagaof the Union of India, will have a special re- land Act 1962 for formation of the new state sponsibility for a period of ten years to en- relatable to Act 3 was also simultaneously sure the due observance of this Agreement; passed in the Constitution”. Secondly, let me once and for all clear at the end of this period the Naga National Council will be asked whether they require the clouds of doubt from the minds of the the above agreement to be extended for a doubting Thomas that while signing this further period or a new agreement regard- Agreement, there was “absolutely” – and I ing the future of the Naga people arrived at”. repeat “absolutely” – no controversy or difThis Agreement, popularly known as the ference of opinion regarding Clause – 7 of Akbar Hydari Agreement, seemed to be like a the 16 – Point Agreement. I am as certain totoothless tiger as it could not be implement- day over this as I was in 1960 as a proud siged because of the difference in interpretation natory and witness to the historic moment. of Clause -9. Each side had his own way of Everyone present that day in 1960 was cerinterpreting things which the other side ut- tain that the Phrase, “land and its resources” terly disliked or so it seemed. However, one had one meaning only and that was, “it covof the most important points in this Agree- ers all minerals and mineral resources, inment which among all others except Clause - cluding petroleum and its bye – products”. Thirdly, purely for the sake of informa9 was agreed upon by the Governor of Assam as the Representative of Government of India tion as well as history, this political agreewas : - “ ….. that land with all its resources ment became a safe and sound edifice on in the Naga hills should not be alienated to a which the separate state of Nagaland was non- Naga without the consent of the Nation- created. It became the 16th state of the al Council”. This was later incorporated in Union of India. Fourthly and most importhe 16 – point Agreement of 1960 at Clause tantly, all the points agreed upon by both – 7. The phrase “all its resources” includes the parties were duly incorporated in the all minerals and mineral resources including Constitution of India. petroleum and its bye-products. Perhaps, I am the lone surviving signa- BURSTING THE BUBBLE tory to the 16th Point Agreement of 1960, OF MISCONCEPTIONS As the events that unfolded after the between the Government of India and the representatives of the Naga Peoples Con- formation of the Naga National Council in vention and also the Joint Secretary of the 1946 have shown us, the Naga political isNPC, I strongly feel that I have to speak out sue cannot be equated with other issues in and clarify the content and spirit of this pro- the country because of the following special vision. This formal agreement between the features pertaining to Nagaland. (A) Nagaland was created through a government of India and the representatives of the Naga Peoples Convention is a Political political Agreement, whereas, the other agreement duly signed by both the parties. It states of the country were constituted on should not be construed as a mundane mem- linguistic basis as recommended by the orandum of understanding. Secondly, while State Organization Committee. The Naga signing this agreement, there was no con- people had been demanding independent troversy whatsoever about Clause 7 of the Nagaland, and therefore as the minimum 16th Point Agreement. All the points includ- demand, the Naga Peoples Convention pre-
Land And Its Resources S. C. Jamir
pared the 16 – points Memorandum to be a resolution so decides. It may be noticed the basis of negotiation for creation of a full that the provision is expressly “notwith– fledged state within the Indian Union. standing anything in this Constitution” (B) It should be noted that Article 371 and would, therefore, inter alia prevail (A) is the soul of the 16 – Point Agreement, over the law-making power entrusted to in which it is stated without any ambiguity the Parliament relating to inherent / imthat “land and its resources” belong to the bedded in “land”. Nagas. (See Clause 4, Nine Point Agreement 5. Art. 371A(1)(a)(iv)expressly relates to 1947). Indeed, herein lie the hope and as“ownership and transfer of land and its piration of the Nagas, in the sense that “the resources”. It further mandates that any land and its resources” means all minerals Act of the Parliament in respect of the including petroleum and its bye – products. above would be applicable to the State While drafting the Sixteen Point Memoranof Nagaland only when the Legislative dum, the Drafting Committee had also careAssembly of Nagaland by a resolution so fully examined the letter and spirit of Clause decides. The expression “its” qualifying – 4 of the Nine Point Agreement of 1947. the word “resources” could be ascribed a (C) It should be noted that the 16 Points wider meaning all “resources” of the State Agreement of 1960, is a bilateral agreement of Nagaland. In view of the fact that Art. between the Naga Peoples Convention and 371A is a “Special” provision and is a dethe Government of India. All the points which viation from and is a restriction and fethad been mutually agreed at the time of ter on the fields of legislation under the agreement should not be raised and misinEntries in List I or List III of Schedule VII terpreted after the passage of more than five to the Constitution of India, it may be prudecades. As far as the people of Nagaland is dent and reasonable to ascribe the meanconcerned and also the letter and the spirit ing of the expression “resources” to those of the 16 Points Agreement, is concerned Arlinked with, emanating from and inherticle 371 (a) sub-clause covers land and all its ent / imbedded in “land”. On the above resources. Nothing less and nothing more. reasoning, the matters enumerated in Art.371A(1)(iv) would at least mean anyConstitutional Position thing in respect of “ownership of land”, ART. 371A OF THE CONSTITUTION OF INDIA “transfer of land”, “ownership of the re; EFFECT AND IMPLICATIONS THEREOF sources linked with, emanating from and 1. Article 371A was inserted into the Coninherent / imbedded in land” and “transstitution of India through the Constitution fer of such resources of the land.” These (Thirteenth Amendment) Act, 1962 with would squarely fall within the ambit and effect from 01.12.1963 on account of cerscope of this exclusive domain requiring tain historical necessities and was based a resolution of the Legislative Assembly of on an agreement reached by the GovernNagaland to make any laws in respect of ment of India with the Naga Peoples Conany of the above made by the Parliament vention. Art. 371A is also expressly statto be “applicable” to the State of Nagaland. ed to be “Special provision with respect to 6. The present analysis is limited to the the State of Nagaland.” ownership of the resources of land and 2. Art. 371A(1) begins with a “non-obstante” the transfer of the resources of the land. provision to the effect “notwithstanding anyNeedless to say that “land” as such stands thing in this Constitution”. Art. 371A(1) covered by the first part of this provision. (a) further stipulates and mandates that no The expression “resources” would mean Act of Parliament in respect of resources relatable to land, emanating (iv) ownership and transfer of land and its from land and inherent / imbedded in resources, shall apply to the State of Naland. In this context, it may be noticed galand unless the Legislative Assembly of that the legislative field of Parliament Nagaland by a resolution so decides.” are enumerated in the Entries in List I of (underlining added) Schedule VII of the Constitution of India. 3. As a consequence of such a supervening Some Entries in List I of Schedule VII to non-obstante provision, as an integral part the Constitution of India empower the of Art.371A itself, no Act of the Parliament Parliament to legislate for certain purin respect ownership and transfer of land poses on some of the matters covered by and its resources shall apply to the State of some of the Entries in List II of Schedule Nagaland unless the Legislative Assembly VII to the Constitution of India assigned of Nagaland by a resolution so decides. to the State Legislatures. For example, the 4. The consequence of such a provision as Parliament has promulgated certain laws an integral part of the Constitution of Inrelating to mines and minerals, petroleum dia would inevitably be that any Act of and related products and other such matParliament in respect of ownership and ters by virtue of the provisions of List-I of transfer of land and its resources shall Schedule-VII to the Constitution of India. apply to the State of Nagaland only when Some of these Acts eclipse the power of the Legislative Assembly of Nagaland by the State Legislature by “occupying” that
Creativity by the yard:
thinking beyond grass
Dean Fosdick | Associated Press
rass isn't always the best groundcovers for a yard: It's thirsty at a time when water is becoming scarce; it attracts fewer pollinators; it requires expensive chemicals to maintain, and it must be disposed of if you bag as you mow. That's why many property owners are downsizing their lawns or simply eliminating turf grass in exchange for something more functional and less demanding. "We're recommending ecosystem changes provided by a more productive landscape, instead of a monoculture from grass," says Susan Barton, an extension horticulturist with the University of Delaware. "A lawn should not be a default vegetation, but it should be more purposeful. More diverse." She suggests four alternatives to turf grass: landscape beds, meadows, woods and paved, permeable hardscapes. "All of these provide more ecologic service," she says. "We're talking clean water. More habitat for insects. More oxygen taken in and less carbon dioxide given off." Barton helped get a county landscape ordinance passed a decade or so ago allowing "managed meadows" to replace grass in residential front yards. These no-mow areas filter water, encourage the return of native plants that provide food and cover for wildlife, and still have curb appeal. "A managed meadow isn't simply a matter of letting your grass grow long," she says. "It means mowing paths through it and adding edges where needed. If people think about it and make it look good, there's no reason why it shouldn't be part of suburbia." Downsizing or replacing turf isn't simple or cheap, but it can be done in stages. Start with your toughest-to-grow or hardest-to-mow sections.
"Use the 80-20 plan where 20 percent of your area requires 80 percent of your maintenance," says Evelyn Hadden, a founding member of the Lawn Reform Coalition and author of "Beautiful No-Mow Yards" (Timber Press, 2012). "Hillsides are a good example," Hadden says. "The steeper they are, the more difficult they are to mow. Replaced with the proper plants, they can moderate (water) runoff." Other replaceable options include boulevards, driveways and pockets overgrown by weeds or moss. "Look first at areas where the grass is already suffering — "that strip along the street that's hard to water or trampled by people getting off the bus," says Pam Penick, a garden designer from Austin, Texas, and author of "Lawn Gone!: Low-Maintenance, Sustainable, Attractive Alternatives for Your Yard" (Ten Speed Press, 2013). Use ecological grasses if you don't want to eliminate turf, Penick says. "Fine fescue lawns grow slowly and can get by with less rainfall and less mowing. Those are good options for people who want to fit in with their neighborhoods but don't want to be slaves to their lawns," she says. Or "consider ornamental grasses," she adds, or "some of the new groundcovers (aromatic herbs, succulents, low-growing shrubs, ferns, hosta). Edibles. Larger shrubs. You can have a nice looking yard yet be conservation-minded." Any lawn renovation project should be regionally appropriate, however. "What we're really talking about is using native vegetation," says the University of Delaware's Barton. "Xeriscaping is a great concept for the Southwest or areas that are dry, but those kinds of plants would drown here. Rain gardens would be a better addition given the amount of moisture we've had recently."
w e i v e R k Boo Monica Rhor | Associated Press
"My Education" (Viking) by Susan Choi Our first glimpse of Regina Gottlieb is as a graduate student in her first days at a prestigious university. Somewhat naïve and more than a little intimidated by the sea of bright lights around her, Regina is drawn to a notorious and notoriously handsome English professor whose reputation has been both burnished and tarnished by rumors of sexual misbehavior. Nicholas Brodeur, Regina muses when she first sees the infamous academic, was "certainly the best-looking man I had seen to that point in my life." So enthralled by Brodeur and his dangerous aura that she enrolls in a seminar for which she is severely under qualified, Regina soon becomes Brodeur's teaching assistant and is drawn into his innermost circle. There, "My Education" by Susan Choi, takes an abrupt and unexpected twist by thrusting Regina into a torrid affair not with Brodeur, but with his beautiful and charismatic wife, Martha, also a professor at the university. And the novel itself becomes an exploration of love, loss and obsession. Choi, whose previous novels have been finalists for the Pulitzer Prize and for the PEN/Faulkner Award, is at her best when describing the soul-consuming, life-spinning vortex of Regina's desperate, needy love for Martha. The
field of legislation (available to the State Legislature) because some of the Entries in List II of Schedule VII to the Constitution of India like that relating to mines and minerals are subject to the extent of any law made in Entry 54 List I of Schedule VII to the Constitution of India. In such cases the State Legislature is denuded of its power by virtue of the provisions of the Constitution of India itself. For example Entry 24 of List II Schedule VII to the Constitution of India is subjected to Entry 54 of List I of Schedule VII of the Constitution of India. List III of Schedule VII to the Constitution of India confers concurrent fields of legislation on the Union Parliament and State Legislatures. 7. However, in the context of Art. 371A, the situation is different. Notwithstanding anything in the Constitution of India, “any Act of Parliament” in respect of ownership and transfer of land and its resources would not ipso facto and per se apply to the State of Nagaland unless the Legislative Assembly of Nagaland by a resolution so decides. This is expressly a special provision (as the heading of the Article itself indicates) to safeguard and protect the interest of the State / people of Nagaland. The historical origin and foundation of this is clause 7 of the Agreement reached by Government of India with Naga Peoples Convention. The Constitution of India with Naga Peoples Convention. The Constitution of India was amended to effectuate the same. While amending the Constitution of India, and inserting Art.371A, it was expressly provided in this specific and special provision that “notwithstanding anything in this Constitution”, any Act of Parliament in respect of ownership and transfer of land and its resources to be operative in and applicable to the State of Nagaland would require a resolution to that effect by the Legislative Assembly of Nagaland. 8. In this context, it may be noticed that a mineral, as judicially defined, would mean an inorganic substance found either on or in the earth which may be garnered and exploited for profit. (See V.P. Pithupitchai Vs. Special Secretary, Government of Tamil Nadu (2003) 9 SCC 534). Mineral resources means all non-living, non-renewable resources, including fossils, fuels, metallic and non-metallic metals (See Convention on the Regulation of Antarctic Mineral Resources Activities (1998) : Art.1(6). Thus resources of land would include all forms of resources standing on, emanating from and inherent / imbedded in the concerned land. 9. It is also to be noticed that Nagaland was created through a political agreement unlike the other States which were constituted on linguistic basis on the recommendation of the State Organisation committee. The Naga people had been demanding independent Nagaland, and therefore as the minimum demand, the Naga Peoples Convention prepared the 16 Point Memorandum to be the basis of negotiation for creation of a full-fledged State of Nagaland within Indian Union. Article 371A is the sum and substance of the 16 Point Agreement. Article 371A(1)(iv) is to be read with Clause 4, Nine Point Agreement of 1947 with Akbar Hydari, Governor of Assam who represented Government of India. The interpretation of the provisions of Article 371A has to be made in the context of the stipulations in the Agreement, the specific and categorical language used in Art. 371A and its contents are to be purposive and effective. To reiterate, it is apparent that with this object in view, Art. 371 (A) begins with the expression “Notwithstanding anything in this Constitution” and the same has to have its meaningful and purposive effect.
'My Education' in love and loss
young student ignores the realities of her lover's world — the husband who was once Regina's mentor, the infant son who still needs tending, the housekeeper who views her with suspicious disapproval. All that matters is her hunger for Martha. "My adoration for her was so unto
itself it could not refer outward, to other affairs between women or even between human beings," Regina recalls of her descent into heedless desire. "It was its own totality, bottomless and consuming, a font of impossible pleasure that from the start also bore down on me like a drill until it at last accomplished a permanent perforation." Choi wields a dazzling dexterity with language, spicing the novel with gems of precisely-crafted phrasing and slivers of insight into the human psyche. Here, she captures the intensity of utter, bereft agony familiar to anyone who has been on the wrong side of a love affair. "I slid down, into dusty unregarded margins, and was left behind and forgotten by the flesh part of me, which went on. But the flesh part did little apart from go on. Waking in the morning I was conscious I had woken, a pain so intense that it solved its own problem. It gouged like the edge of a spoon scraping flesh from a pelt, and destroyed what could feel it." Ultimately, however, the novel suffers from the self-absorption of its central characters. Although painted as alluring, magnetic women, Regina and Martha emerge as selfish and unlikeable, only dimly aware of the impact their actions have on the lives of those around them. Even Regina's eventual awakening rings hollow, a redemptive act negated by an all-too-facile infidelity.
Readers may please note that the contents of the articles, letters and opinions published do not reflect the outlook of this paper nor of the Editor in any form.
Morung Youth Express
20 July, 2013
Forward Backward Sideways Whichever
Asangba Pongen
fter nearly 350 years of mucking around in the Indian subcontinent, the British had had enough, of the people or the country side they didn’t quite elaborate; they drew a few lines on the map, pulled up shop and went home. It was akin to aquarium fish being dumped into a river. Pandemonium! Mass hysteria erupted. Ok, maybe we should have some joy in there too. Hysteria and joy then proceeded to rupture the subcontinent into two separate countries. And for the sake of having a reason for undergoing the procedure, they have been enemies ever since. Now, to give the millions milling around the country a sense of direction and purpose, a constitution was enacted at the earliest, which was pretty much a roadmap through which every citizen was expected to navigate his life. Not that anybody cared to read it in great details, but it was there. Bits and pieces which were relevant to certain sections are what are often quoted and minutely dissected. Ok, after things had acquired a semblance of order, somebody looked out into the country and what he saw, he didn’t like. The whole country was brimming of people with different backgrounds, wealth, health and all the etceteras, in one word- inequality. What he didn’t realize, or refused to acknowledge, was it had always been that way. To understand this better, we need to digress a bit. Ages back, the Indian social structure had delineated along some sort of a vertical system where you slotted in depending on the type of work you did. Over time this developed into the caste system, and it became hereditary. The problem with that: a good-for-nothing son enjoyed all the perks befitting his caste. But it worked in its own way. And if you did not fit into any of the defined caste, tough luck, you became an outcast or an untouchable. You may follow the sets of beliefs, but you may not enter the temple. It kind of sucked to belong to this segment. Given such a structure, you may have a fair idea as to how those wealth, health and those etceteras generally distributed out. It should be pointed out that nature always grinds off all inequalities ultimately.
But nature takes time, the one commodity the constitution framers figured we didn’t have. It didn’t help much that our constitution framers were also politicians. Therefore, they reckoned the social fabric needed immediate institutional intervention. That may sound like a bad idea. Actually, it is a bad idea. So they looked around, saw other nations weren’t doing it, but anyway went about trying to establish a level playing field. The fact that a playing field didn’t exist didn’t bother them. Little details like that are just nuisance. They chose some sections of society in need of ‘upliftment’, threw in some arcane economic math into the mix, came up with a sure-fire winner and called it ‘Reservation’. Pandora box was now officially open. Suddenly, the people in the reservation bracket were now ‘backward’. Others observed that jobs were throw open to worthless people just because they belonged to that strata, everybody then wanted to be backward. The lawmakers were inundated with petitions and sob stories as to why some section needed to be classified as backward. Nobody wanted to move forward. It was as if some horrible nightmare had become real. If you remember, during our digression we had touched upon something called the caste system and those who fell outside of it. The sections which fell outside of it were seen to be most needy, but you cannot enact laws with words like ‘untouchable’ in it, c’mon, what would the world think of India? So they fell back to the readily available supplementary or schedule caste wherein all these were already listed. Then again, what about all those lobbying to become backward? Well, those they accommodated under Other Backward Class. Politics is neat, if you overlook the fact that politicians created the mess in the first place. Within no time, we were painting rosy pictures about how reservation was really helping take the nation forward. And bits of it were true then. In most cases, initial implementation of any programme if done properly seems to deliver the desired result; it is when people learn to subvert the system that more than just air hits the fan. Other nations decided they also needed to implement such programmes
in their respective countries. It didn’t help that these nations were also run by politicians. So without waiting for more data, and under fancier names such as ‘Affirmative Action’, ‘Positive Discrimination’, reservation got exported. Fast forward to Nagaland. Nagas at the time of the Reservation saga were mostly Christians and tribals populating the hills. We also had an independence struggle going on. The Nagas were collectively put in as a scheduled tribe into the reservation block, and nobody paid any mind to it since it seemed inconsequential compared to the more serious matters at hand. Heck, hardly any naga ventured out into the mainland for employment, so it really hardly mattered. But even as the independence struggle waxed and waned and took off in various directions, the population registers kept ringing meaning more people were now available for work. And it is a fact anywhere in the world that growth rate of work cannot keep pace with population growth rate- something to do virility or death rate or some other whatnots. Anyway suddenly, there was unemployment. And more people started milling around the streets with nothing to do. But think up ways to get employed. Naga tribes have always been equitable with no tribe holding a distinct advantage over any other. This was during the days we spend our leisure time battling each other. But with the installation of a government, some started spending their leisure time in office jobs and getting paid for it; while others spend the same time in the street and paying for their tea. And try to think up ways to get employed. So, consider this: Nagaland is full of mountains ranges and hills. Therefore, people living in one mountain range are supposedly at a disadvantage compared to others living in other mountain ranges. And thus, a mountain range can be more backward than other mountain ranges. The people living in said ranges taking the full brunt of such backwardness. That seemed like a fairytale even the Grimm brothers couldn’t dream up. But then, remember politicians? Of course, it made complete sense to them. We needed reservation! How we had been existing without it was
inconceivable. The malady then hit Nagaland. From there on, like anywhere else, everybody wanted to join the backward bandwagon. For a disinterested onlooker, the stage looked like a comedy gone tragically off cue. We, as a whole, were entitled to reservation for backward people within India. Within ourselves, some mountain ranges were entitled to reservation for backward people. Even within that, some mountain ranges were more eligible than other mountain ranges during certain phases of the moon. I’m not sure of that last bit, but there’s some mechanism in there somewhere that points out a mountain range. The problem with such programmes, while it seeks to redress perceived social inequity, is that they do not come with a use-by date. And even when they are deemed to have achieved a reasonable level of success, terminating them is not easy because the beneficiaries get used to these sops, hence they get lazier; and over time thinks of them as a birthright. The current system of reservation will dramatically alter the social structure of Nagaland. It is a more refined version of the Indian caste system. The argument that the mainland also has reservation does not hold because the people on the reservation list already had a long history of being treated as inferior, and it had become ingrained into them too. So, within a few generations, the tribes on the reservation list will eventually begin to get treated as backward people, in the full sense of the word; and that feeling will begin to permeate into them too. It is a slow process, but it is still a process. Yes, Individuals will always shine, but the community will regress. Even today, we can see subtle signs of such attitudinal changes, especially in the youths. Slight shifts in how people from different communities deal with each other. If you cannot see it, it’s time to stop hiding under a rock. The current response might be vitriolic indignation, but slowly it will get muted. If something is not done today, the future demographic description of Nagaland might read as: Nagas and Backward tribes. That is something we do not need.
Reasons why the British royal family has Indian blood
he British royal family has Indian blood, a researcher discovered last week. One of their direct descendants was from Gujarat, a DNA expert at the University of Edinburgh found. But of course! With their big noses and huge number of family members, it now seems obvious that the British royal family has upperclass Indian blood. How could we have missed the clues? 1) Their weddings are massive and interminable. 2) Curry has been declared the national dish of Britain. 3) Their family life is like a Bollywood soap opera, parties alternating with melodrama. 4) I bet passionate greenie Prince Charles dances around trees when no one is looking. 5) The main family finances come from palatial property holdings. There's more. 6) None of them have real jobs.
7) Despite living in the 21st century, they still think that living in a huge house with a massive number of servants is okay. 8) The young ones are terrible at studying, but still get into fancy private schools. 9) The men wear fancier clothes than the women. 10) There are endless disputes over tradition between old and young. Talking of which, more details are emerging about the court ruling in China that children must visit parents. If your folks are 60 or more, judges think you should visit them every eight weeks. This is a lot to ask in a country where buying a ticket to ride involves days of queuing, bribery, corruption and possibly a murder or two - and that's just to get on the school bus every morning. So I was not surprised to read in the newspapers that businesses have sprung up to do the
visiting on people's behalf. I looked them up. One professional visitor on the Taobao website offered to visit your parents for 100 yuan ($16.50) an hour, plus "you have to tell us topics they like, so we can start a good chat". I guarantee the number one topic is going to be "what total, evil, useless deadbeats my children are". You'd have to agree to everything they said, despite the fact that you were being paid by the people they are criticizing. Where on earth would you find someone who would be enough of a slimeball to take such a job? Wait. They're all over the place. It would be much better to pay extra and hire someone with drama skills to pretend to BE the actual offspring. Of course, the hired hand would have to think on his or her feet. (Source: IANS)
Recommendation for all round development Villages: The stepping stone to all round development
Aaron Kikon
he key to all round development in Nagaland would be developing the village economy. Each village should be seen as a constituent unit in the path to all round development depending on the available local resources. Rural development should inculcate the principle of adaptive evolution according to the demand of a given environment. That is, development should be based on strategically improving the economy by improvising the ex-
isting system of practices prevalent among the rural people. Development should focus on the evolved practices as a resource of change and development. People and cultures are very important aspects and they cannot be overlooked. Today must be planned for a brighter tomorrow without destroying the heritages of yesteryears. Therefore, along with systematic planning and utilisation of the physical resources, it will be very important to improvise the socio-cultural heritage of the people and integrating it with the
subsistence economy for proper socio-economic development. The focus of planners of rural development should be to evolve from agro based products for catering to the demand of the local populace for self sustenance and self reliance. This way the market demand for the product will be constant and a durable asset will be created. Gradually the productions can be increased to cater to large scale demands and ventures can be undertaken to commercial crops.
Insightful knowledge needed for development Hope for tomorrow
agaland experienced a milestone failure in the process of programme implementation brought in for development. This is so, because we have inaccurate statistical data which we collected. Successful development comes from best policies and best policies can be formulated based on genuine sources. Our initial obligation is to carry factual statistics from all spheres, whereby a planning agency can take appropriate steps adopting relevant programmes for development while targeting all levels. Moreover, the challenge and hindrance for planners is the difficulties they face to analyze and to precisely plan based on the sources, which are different from the ground reality. It is the responsibility of government officials and NGOs who are in the field to con-
duct proper survey and obtain genuine data. It fell to my concept that for all round development in Nagaland, having insight knowledge of its root is recommended. For this, we must have District Research Personnel on Development who would do in depth study of their concerned district and state in general. The number of personnel is one for each district or more, if the coverage or range of population is beyond capacity. A person who is an expert in the field of research shall be appointed for one year on contract basis to finish his project in one year. I hope the outcome of this work; the systematic approach of new facts would directly or indirectly be of help for the entire planning machineries and policy interventions. Bausha Pauwung Buchem, Longleng
veryone will think that they are the best among all others, but it can be disheartening to others. If we are living in real Naga society, there is nothing to worry in our works which we plan to do for our Nagas. Sometimes things may go invariably wrong but we get into trouble by our own mistakes or by someone’s mistake. Have you ever thought that it is unfair to suffer for someone mistakes? If you think this way, your thinking is absolutely wrong. Sometimes someone may also suffer because of your mistakes. We should now think logically that we are not the only one who is for Naga society but many people suffered silently for the betterment of our Nagas. So, let us live today with joy in our spirit, and hope in or hearts and work for tomorrow. Keduolhoukho Dominic Chadi
The Naga Blog is a forum on facebook where Nagas from Nagaland and around the world network, share ideas and discuss a wide range of topics from politics and philosophy to music and current events in Nagaland and beyond. The blog is not owned by any individual, nor is it affiliated to or associated with any political party or religion. The only movement it hopes to stir is the one raised by the voices of the Nagas every step of the way, amassing perhaps to mass consciousness one day. http://www.facebook.com/groups/thenagablog
Illegal Bangladeshi Immigrants (IBI): The ticking time Bomb
Kevitho Nightwing Kera:From the porous borders of Assam these illegal Bangladeshi immigrants (IBI) are flooding the northeast. Assam especially is already filled with these IBIs; they are flourishing both economically, socially and politically. Now even in Nagaland especially in Dimapur district we see these IBIs plenty. They are working as manual laborers, rickshaw pullers, pan shopkeepers, and they have established small and big business setups. Now many of these IBIs are flourishing right under our nose under the patronage of some greedy Nagas. Someone a Naga proudly said the other day “We have lots of Miyas(Read IBI) in our villages and they are especially working as manual laborers in the fields. Come election time we use them as proxy voters!” It is not surprising that some of these IBI’s are taking Naga women as Wives and are assimilating into our society. One time I was in New Market Dimapur, in the second hand shop line. I saw this young Naga boy speaking in fluent Bagladeshi Bangla and behaving like a Bangladeshi. I was surprised so I asked him what his name was and he replied that his name was Abdul. On further inquiry he told me that his father was a IBI and his mother was a Naga. I was shocked because he looked like a Naga. These IBI’s are a huge menace in the society, Assam is a typical example. They come in as refugees and in order to make a living they become pickpockets , Thieves, Car thieves, etc Also there are many instances of them indulging in bigger crimes such as Rapes, Murders, etc. I don’t want Nagaland to turn into another Assam or Tripura where these IBI’s have a firm toe hold and have a voice. For those Nagas who are patronizing these IBIs please think again! One day they will have a sizeable population and we won’t be able to chase them out of our State. One day when they have enough numbers on their side and we try to chase them out of our state, they will retaliate by harassing Nagas living outside of Nagaland and we won’t be able to do anything but accept the fate. Now am not against Muslims please get that clear. I am only against these “ILLEGAL” Bangladeshi Immigrants or what people refer to as ‘Miyas’. What I fear most and I might be overreacting but what if one day a Miya is elected as a legislator from one of the Dimapur Constituency! Meyika Pongen: In 2008. IBI's were forced to leave Mokokchung and the movement was initiated by the AKM(Ao student Body). Maybe the student Bodies of each districts or tribe can initiate a movement to go checking the ILP of the non locals. Tavin Chishi: 1. Nagas should realize the neccessity and worth of dignity of labor. 2. Nagas should learn how to do business: Generalizing the Naga business community, we lack in customer service, providing quality products, high price, hard to bargain etc. Non-local easily give away their goods on credit and even if the whole credit is not returned, they adjust in a way that they don't run on a loss. We Nagas are too rigid on credit. 3. Encourage the youths and equally talented elders to fall in professions like tailoring, hair cutting, carpentry etc. by facilitating ways and imparting training through vocational courses. For instance, a simple loading and unloading of bricks can earn them 8000-10,000 per month which is more than the salary of proxy teacher. And their workind days will be hardly 6-8 days a month for that!! 4. Encourage Nagas to buy goods from our local business community. We tend to shy away from our local shops for reasons given in point number 2. 5. Naga undergrounds should stop giving protection or assist those nonlocals in their business. I feel that is way too cheap for our personality and integrity. Don't sale your land and dignity because of your greed. 6. Nagas should encourage and promote local artisans in exhibiting their talents through promotion and assistance in collaboration with the concerned departments and organizations. 7. Its high time to start acting!! But again how many times are we going to say that?
Yanpvuo: Our own Blogger Sangti Konyak along with their Students Union in Tobu initiated a surprise IBI check in their town and their youth have waken up to start IBI drives. This will help them save their future, generate employment and most importantly re-gain control of their economy before it is fully monopolized by IBI's!! Once they control the economy, they control the politics, once they control the politics, they will control and wipe out the entire Naga generation! While many Students Unions are busy in meaningless pursuits, hosting events and jubilees, we need young visionary leaders such as Sangti who has foreseen our own doom if we keep harbouring these IBI's. Mokokchung model should be adopted in all districts at the earliest. Within a span of 50 years, in Tripura, Tribal(Just like us Nagas) population was reduced from around 96% to just around 24% because of IBI infiltration from Bangladesh. Today they are a minority in their own ancestral land! Bodoland burned yesterday, our future is dark unless we act today. If our politicians and student leaders really care for our future and wish to see another generation of 'Nagas' they need to act now!!! Adhere to non-violence means and strategically make them leave by choking their means of livelihood! All those house owners and taxi owners who help these IBI's set up business establishments need to know that they are setting the time for the time bomb to tick, dragging us to our own doom. Wake up Nagas.
Lemwang W. Chuhwanglim: Many of us have been talking about Bangladesh immigrants intruding into our land illegally but how many of us have taken responsililities in trying to prevent this? I appreciate individual or group who have made an effort to prevent the flow of these people. This is my forth encountered with illegal immigrant who wandered around Nagaland illegally. A group of people were in the train on the way to Dimapur this week, I over heard a man questioned to them" Where are you going?" They replied "to Dimapur for job". A man questioned again "what job?" They replied "Any job". I doubted their responses and started to inquire whether they had any legal documents, to my surprised they had nothing, they knew anyone in Dimapur. I immediately told more than 10 of them to get down from the train for they tried to intrude Nagaland illegally, I sent them out from the train somewhere before reaching Lamding. I wondered how many illegal immigrant must be entering to Nagaland by train everyday like the group. This not to exhibit what I have done but to tell each of us to be responsible in preventhing what we thing is illegal and unhealthy for our society. If we believe in "a drop of water makes mighty ocean" then our trivial deeds would immensely contribute toward a transformation in our land. Let every Naga citizen be responsible for the eradication of any illegal social practices prevailing in our land. There is always a victory to be achieved.
(The Naga Blog was created in 2008 by Yanpvuo Kikon. This column in The Morung Express will be a weekly feature)
Readers may please note that, the contents of the articles published on this page do not reflect the outlook of this paper nor of the Editor in any form.
Saturday 20 July 2013
The Morung Express
Prime Minister vows to revive economy
New Delhi, July 19 (AgeNcies): India’s economic growth this year will be lower than the budget estimate of 6.5 percent, Prime Minister Manmohan Singh said today, but assured that the government will take all steps possible to address the issue of widening current account deficit. India is committed to bringing its current account deficit under control and reducing demand for gold and petroleum products, he said at a conference in New Delhi. “We are committed to bringing the current account deficit under control by addressing the demand side and supply side of the problem. On the demand side we need to reduce the demand for gold and the demand for petroleum products, the two biggest components of our trade deficit,” he said. He also said the recent steps taken by the government to curb import of gold has show some results as the imports declined sharply in June. He said the country is going through a difficult period and that the recent volatility in the forex market was a cause for concern. He, however, said the rupee’s depreciation was in line with currencies of the emerging markets like Brazil and South Africa. He attributed the reason for the volatility to the wide current account deficit in India’s balance of payments. He promised more steps to attract foreign direct investments into the country. Prime minister said the rupee’s depreciation has increased the revenue loss on diesel sale. Economists have already concerns that the government will find it difficult to meet its fiscal deficit target of 4.8 percent this year as the under-recoveries of the oil marketing companies have been on a rise after the rupee’s about 10 percent fall against the dollar in the last more than a month. He said though the target for the CAD is 22.5 percent of GDP, it is not possible to bring it down to this level in one year. “We will take all measures, fiscal, monetary and supply side measures to address the problem of the current account deficit,” he said He also sought to quell fears that the recent steps taken by the RBI is signalling arate increase by saying the central bank can reverse these steps once the rupee stabilises. He also listed out the measures the UPA government has taken over the last few months to address the economic slowdown. “We have acted on many fronts,” he said. Comparing the economic growth during the UPA and NDA, he said poverty reduction was much higher during the Congress rule. “Poverty declined 0.75 percent per year before we came to power. After we came to power, it declined 2 percent per year,” he said. “The average growth rate in the 8 years of the UPA from 2004-05 to 2012-13 was 8.2 percent per annum. This is much better than the
Principal still absconding, grieving parents go on rampage
gANDAMAN, BihAr, July 19 (AFP): Grieving parents rampaged through Gandaman village in Bihar to protest the deaths of 23 pupils who ate a poisoned school lunch and the perceived slow police response to the tragedy, officials said on Friday. Parents smashed up the home of the school’s headmistress and attacked government offices in the village, where the children died after being served a meal, apparently laced with insecticide, on Tuesday. “Why have the police not been able to arrest the headmistress who forced our children to eat poisonous food? She should be killed,” said bereaved father Surendra Rai, who took part in the raid late Thursday after most of the children were buried. Many of the victims, aged four to 12, from Gandaman village, were laid to rest on a playing field adjacent to the primary school that served the free meal of rice, lentils and potatoes — the only meal of the day for many. Some 30 children remain sick in hospitals, mainly in the state capital Patna, officials said. Police said they are probing whether the food or the cooking oil was accidentally or deliberately poisoned, after initial tests showed traces of insecticide. The results of forensic tests on the food are expected to be ready later on Friday. The parents of the dead children ransacked the home of headmistress Meena Kumari, who fled the village as pupils started to fall ill, smashing windows and attempting to set the property on fire, angry that she had not been arrested. Anguished parents overnight also tried to break into two small government offices where food supplies, which are rationed for residents, are thought to be stored, an AFP reporter at the scene said. Rai said his eight-year-old daughter had died within minutes of eating the lunch, echoing stories from other parents who said their children perished in their arms before they could get them to hospital. Senior police officer Sujit Kumar said they had raided the home of Kumari, who fled with her husband and brother-in-law, when they saw children fainting in the school. “We found bags of fertilisers and pesticides kept next to bags of potato and rice in the headmistress’s house,” Kumar said. “She was an educated woman, so why was she storing poison and food together?” Parents said the headmistress had invited every child from the village to attend school on Tuesday as she wanted to distribute free books and uniforms. “I sent my daughter hoping she would get all the books for the year but she never came home,” said Ajay Kumar, a farmer whose five-year-old daughter was among the victims.
Justice Sathasivam sworn in as Chief Justice of India
New Delhi, July 19 (PTi): Justice P Sathasivam was today sworn in as the 40th Chief Justice of India (CJI) by President Pranab Mukherjee. nHe took over the post from Justice Altamas Kabir, who served as the CJI for over nine months. Justice Sathasivam, 64, took oath in the name of God at a brief ceremony at Darbar Hall of Rashtrapati Bhavan. Prime Minister Manmohan Singh, Vice President Hamid Ansari, UPA Chairperson Sonia Gandhi, Leader of the Opposition in Lok Sabha Sushma Swaraj, her Rajya Sabha counterpart Arun Jaitley, NDA Working Chairperson L K Advani, CPI leader D Raja, several Union ministers were present at the ceremony. Justice Sathasivam was elevated to the Supreme Court in August, 2007 and would demit office on April 26, 2014. Like his predecessor, Justice Sathasivam is opposed to scrapping of the present collegium system for appointment of Supreme Court and high court judges. But at the same time, he has admitted that there are drawbacks in the collegium system and efforts can be made to overcome the shortcomings to ensure transparency. “There are drawbacks, I accept. But these drawbacks can be settled,” he had said yesterday. Born on April 27, 1949, he enrolled as an advocate in July 1973 at Madras and was appointed as a permanent Judge of the Madras high court in January, 1996. Later, he was transferred to the Punjab and Haryana high court in April, 2007.
5.7 percent reached in the previous 8 years,” he said, listing out the achievements of the UPA government. The comparison sparked strong reaction from the main Opposition Bharatiya Janata Party. Senior BJP leader Yashwant Sinha said the PM is not talking about last year’s growth rate but an average of the last eight years. “He is being less than intellectually honest in comparing NDA’s period with UPA,” Sinha said. He also alleged that the prime minister’s speech held out no hope as he has not suggested any concrete steps. “The whole world knows economy is in crisis and PM offers no hope,” Sinha said. “This is a promising government, promising PM, because all they do is make promises,” he added.
Congress ‘amazed’ at Yashwant Sinha’s reaction
New Delhi, July 19 (AgeNcies): Information and Broadcasting Minister Manish Tewari hit back at the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) for criticizing Prime Minister Manmohan Singh’s address at the Associated Chambers of Commerce and Industry of India (ASSOCHAM) this morning on the economic progress made under the UPA. Hitting out at Senior BJP leader Yashwant Sinha who had accused the Prime Minister of “dressing up (economic growth) figures” and being “intellectually dishonest” to the people of India, Tewari said he was “amazed” at the BJP statement. “I am quite amazed at times as to how in the kind of global economic environment we are in, can any responsible political party really criticize a five to six percent growth in the economy when most major economies are either registering a negative growth or barely positive? How can any responsible person who has been the finance minister of India be completely oblivious or close his eyes to the facts?” said Tewari today. Admitting that the economy isn’t currently at its best, Tewari said that the UPA-led government is committed to the process of bringing India back to a very high growth rate trajectory. “The reforms in the FDI sector that have just been announced, (and) the decisions taken on the cabinet committee on infrastructure to try and unlock the bottlenecks are all steps in this direction” Tewari assured. The Information and Broadcasting Minister also added that the Congress is confident of facing the polls , regardless of who would be announced as the BJP leader.
Indian Prime Minister Manmohan Singh, left, and Congress party President Sonia Gandhi attend a meeting in New Delhi, India on July 13. Gandhi asked states ruled by the party to implement the food security scheme seeking to provide cheap foodgrain to the poor, for which an ordinance was promulgated last week, according to a new agency. The Indian government last week decided to come out with an ordinance to give the nation's two-third population the right to 5 kilograms of foodgrain every month at a highly subsidized rate of Rupees 1-3 per kg. (AP Photo)
Need a realist not an economist Prime Minister: Rajnath New Delhi, July 19 (PTi): Attacking Prime Minister Mamohan Singh for the price rise and the downturn in economy, BJP President Rajnath Singh on Friday said the country needs a “realist” and not an economist Prime Minister. Calling for a credible and tested government that should be free of corruption, the BJP chief said only a leadership which has vision and also firm conviction can make India vibrant and an economic power in the world. “I did not find that conviction and confidence in the Prime Minister’s speech today,” he said. He held the Congress-led UPA government responsible for the “fall” in India’s credibility on all fronts at the international level. “If you really want to make this country a vibrant India, an economic power, if we wish to enhance its stature and credibility at international level, there should be such a leadership which has a vision and also firm conviction. Only that person can make a vibrant India and an economic power in the world. “The Prime Minister is himself a very big economist. I think that for running a country like India, you
don’t just need an economist, but a realist. Being just an economist is not enough. Atal Behari Vajpayee was not an economist, but was a realist. He understood the ground realities well,” Rajnath Singh said while addressing a programme organised by Assocham. Accusing the Prime Minister of failing to rein in prices and the slowdown in country’s economy, the BJP chief said Singh lacks the confidence and conviction that is required to meet these challenges. “I just heard a bit of the Prime Minister’s speech today. I was seeing that the confidence, the conviction that one should have that we will improve the country’s economy, I did not find that conviction and confidence in the Prime Minister’s speech. Not just today, but ever since he became the Prime Minister, I have been seeing like this. “The confidence when this government was formed was to such an extent that when prices started rising, the Prime Minister first said we will control them within 100 days, then he said within six months and then he stopped talking at all. Left everything on God,” he said.
US welcomes India’s emergence as a force in Asia
wAshiNgToN, July 19 (iANs): Ahead of his first trip to India next week, Vice President Joe Biden has said that as the US rebalances its Asia policy, it welcomes India’s emergence as a force for security and growth in the region. “One of the reasons why President (Barack) Obama has called our relationship with India a defining partnership of the century ahead is that India is increasingly looking East as a force for security and growth in Southeast Asia and beyond,” he said Thursday. “To us that’s welcome news,” said Biden speaking on the “US policy toward the Asia-Pacific region and India’s growing role in the region,” at George Washington University under the auspices of the Centre for American Progress, a Washington think tank. “We encourage it. We welcome India’s engagement with the region and we welcome its efforts to develop new trade and transportation by land and by sea,” he said expounding on the reasons for the US to engage in the Asia-Pacific region. Biden said the US wants to help create 21st century “rules of the road” to help Asian nations integrate, achieve security and prosper.
“Many nations have experienced rapid economic transformation that has fundamentally created a new dynamic, rising ambitions and rising tensions,” Biden said. “But the rules and norms that can predict to deal with both those changes, the order needed, remained incomplete.” “Now we want to hasten the emergence of an Asian-Pacific order that delivers security and prosperity for all the nations involved” “The lifeblood of the region is obviously economic development, but growth has slowed in India, China, in many places in Asia, and each country faces distinct and different challenge,” he noted. “To spark new growth, there has to be fewer barriers at and behind our borders, protections for intellectual property to reward innovation, new commitments to make sure everyone plays by the same rules because that’s what attracts investment and jobs.” “The US was engaging directly with India as it makes some fundamental choices about its own future,” Biden said noting that bilateral trade with India has increased five-fold in the last ten years reaching nearly $100 billion. “There was no reason, if our countries make the right
choices, trade cannot grow five fold or more,” he said lauding India’s lowering of caps on foreign direct investment in certain sectors.” But “we still have a lot of work to do on a wide range of issues,” Biden said listing civil nuclear cooperation, bilateral investment treaty and policies promoting innovation. “There is a lot of work to do,” he said. “But we believe going with an open mind and listening as well as well as making our case, it can be done.” Speaking on the threat of climate change, Biden pointed to the expansion of the US-India Climate Change Dialogue Secretary of State John Kerry agreed to on his recent trip to New Delhi as a sign of greater cooperation between the two countries. It was overwhelmingly in the interest of the US if India, China and the world “economy grow because we believe Asia’s success is fundamentally linked to ours,” he said as “This is not a zero-sum game.” “The president and I are going to continue to reach across the ocean, both east and west, particularly to the indispensable Pacific nations, to help us shape a prosperous future for America, for their people and, I would argue, for the world,” he said.
Govt considering review petition on Violation of tribal rights a criminal offence Delhi, July 19 (iANs): Violation of rights of tribal people is a criminal SC order on medical entrance exam New offence and rights of indigenous people must be kept in mind while taking developNew Delhi, July 19 (PTi): The Health Ministry is contemplating filing of a review petition on the Supreme Court order quashing common entrance test for admission to MBBS, BDS and post-graduate courses in medical colleges. The Ministry has sought legal opinion on the apex court’s verdict on the basis of which further action will be taken, top sources said. The Supreme Court, in its order yesterday, scrapped holding of National Eligibility-cum-Entrance Test (NEET), paving the way for private colleges to conduct their own examination. Students seeking to pursue medical courses will now have to sit for separate examinations for private universities and colleges and shell out a big amount before taking admissions. Over seven lakh students took the NEET this year for the under graduate courses conducted by CBSE on behalf of Medical Council of India (MCI). Online counselling process for MBBS admissions on the basis of NEET exam is underway and the first round result under the all-India quota would be out tomorrow. The counselling process for the state quotas would be completed by August 2. The Health Ministry had started the process of holding NEET for MBBS, BDS and post-graduate medical courses in 2009. The NEET has been dogged by controversies all along with some states earlier objecting to holding of the exams only in one language and seeking conduct of tests in different regional languages. Some states also opted out of the all-India quota. Private universities and colleges opposed to the government proposal sought more time to prepare themselves for the all-India exam. They later challenged the MCI notification in the apex court.
ment activities, Union Tribal Affairs Minister K.C. Deo said Friday. “While taking up developmental initiatives like industry and mining, the traditional faiths, beliefs and lifestyles of tribals and other forest dwellers as well as environmental issues must not be ignored,” Deo said after a meeting with members of Mahan Sangharsh Samiti (MSS). The samiti, includes members from five villages in Mahan region of Madhya Pradesh, have been opposing the proposed mine of MahanCoal Ltd (a joint venture of Essar and Hindalco) and demanding the implementation of the Forest Rights Act (FRA) in the region. “Granting of forest clearance to Mahan coal block is a blatant violation of legal requirement of FRA and the requirement for consent of gram sabha before commencement of mining activity,” said Deo. Citing the recent ruling of the Supreme Court, Deo emphasised on holding gram sabhas in the affected villages and obtaining their approval before taking up any developmental projects. Members of the committee stressed that they are dependent on forest for their livelihood. “We have been dependant on the Mahan forests for generations collecting a variety of forest produce, which is a very significant source of our livelihood. Now the company says that these forests belong to them and we have no rights there,” said Bechan Lal, member of MSS.
The SC judgments on convicted MPs, MLAs, then & now
New Delhi, July 19 (AgeNcies): The Supreme Court ruling disqualifying MPs and MLAs after a conviction and prohibiting those behind bars from contesting an election has caused not only political but also legal ripples. Many former judges and lawyers feel the verdict by the two-judge bench has overruled what a constitution bench had laid down eight years ago. Last week, the two-judge bench of A K Patnaik and S J Mukhopadhaya held section 8(4) of the Representation of the People Act, 1951, ultra vires of the Constitution. Section 8(4) allows convicted legislators to continue if they have appealed in higher courts. The bench ruled that Parliament had exceeded its legislative competence in enacting this provision. In 2005, a five-judge constitution bench had said section 8(4) makes a valid and reasonable distinction between sitting legislators and others. Days after the latest ruling, former Chief Justice of India K G Balakrishnan — one of the five judges in the 2005 bench — said the two-judge bench should have referred the matter to a larger bench. Another former Supreme Court judge, Press Council of India incumbent chairman Markandey Katju, too expressed his reservations about the verdict, underscoring the necessity for a review since “the judiciary cannot make laws.” Advocate Fali S Nariman, who appeared for petitioner Lily Thomas, and S N Shukla, another petitioner who is the general secretary of the Uttar Pradesh-based NGO Lok Prahari, strove to convince the two judges that the issues before them were different from what the constitution bench had adjudicated in K Prabhakaran vs P Jayara-
jan on January 11, 2005. The two-judge bench had asked the government to defend the validity of section 8 (4) on two counts: if it was in conflict with Articles 101 and 102 that provide for immediate disqualification of an MP or an MLA on conviction, and if it was ultra vires of Article 14, which deals with the right to equality. The government’s reply cited the 2005 verdict, which had upheld the validity of section 8(4) after examining whether classifying lawmakers as distinct from other citizens, who could not participate in elections if convicted, was reasonable and did not violate Article 14. Quoting from that judgment, the government said the exception was created to prevent a reduction in the strength of the house and a member’s party. It stressed that protection was given to the house and not to the members. Nariman, however, told the judges he was not just arguing for the violation of the right to equality, but his contention pertained to the very basis of enacting this law. He said the larger bench had upheld section 8(4) as a “reasonable classification” not violative of Article 14, but the current case brings up Articles 101 and 102 too. According to Nariman, if it was held that Parliament had no power to enact section 8(4), there was no need to touch issues relating to Article 14. The bench accepted this, saying it would look into whether Parliament could have validly enacted section 8(4) when Articles 101 and 102 stipulate immediate disqualification. Additional solicitors general Sidharth Luthra and Paras Kuhad sought to bring up the findings of the larger bench again, but the two-judge bench told them
their discussion pertained to the constitutional validity of the enactment of section 8(4), which had not been argued in the Prabhakaran case. Subsequent arguments focused on this aspect. In its judgment, the bench held that the Constitution had given Parliament the power to make the same set of disqualifications for legislators and ordinary citizens, hence carving out an exception was beyond its powers. The verdict read together the provisions of the Constitution and the Representation of the People Act. Declaring section 8(4) as ultra vires, it said it was not necessary to go into the validity of section 8 (4) vis a vis Article 14 after it had already held that Parliament lacked the powers to make this law. The 2005 bench, in contrast, had noted that section 8(4) required interpretation in a manner so that it is not rendered unconstitutional. The latest ruling, which will not impact sitting MPs and MLAs, has gone for a plain reading rather than a complex interpretation. It has maintained a distance from the earlier ruling, refraining from touching upon the rationale behind it. No third party can now seek a review of the verdict. If the government decides to, it will have to take into account the prospect of being seen as demanding immunity for criminal elements. At one stage, the bench had observed that Parliament could have this immunity for its members, not in the form of a law but rather by way of a constitutional amendment. “If we think that the intention of the Constitution is to oust them [convicted MPs, MLAs], out they go. And if they want anything else, they will have to amend the Constitution,” it said.
The Morung Express
Saturday 20 July 2013
NOTIFICATION Dated Kohima the 19th July 2013
NO.DET-7/45/07/1084: Result of the Combined Entrance Test held on 25th June, 2013 for undergoing training at various Govt. ITIs for the academic session 20132014/15 to be commenced from August, 2013 is hereby declared. List of Candidates along with Institute and Trade are given below. Last date of admission is or August, 2013 after which no further admission will be entertained. N.B: Selected Candidates must pay Rs.1600/- as Admission fee and Rs 1000/- as Caution Money which is refundable after the successful completion of Training. Name of ITI: Govt. ITI, KOHIMA. Trade: Carpentry Sl. No.
Name of the Candidates
Trade: Cutting & Sewing
Sl. No.
Name of the Candidates
Trade: Plumber Sl. No.
Name of the Candidates
9 10
Trade: COPA Sl. No.
Name of the Candidates
16 17
Trade: Knitting Sl. No. 1.
Name of the Candidates MASAMENLA
Sl. No.
Trade: Hair & Skin Care Name of the Candidates DZIESEKUONUO
GOVT. ITI MOKOKCHUNG Trade: Draughtsman (Civil) Sl. No 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Name Toshimeren I Pongen Mulungchet Moatoshi Imsong Sentikaba C.Longkumer Lematemjen Toshikaba Pongen Imsutoshi Toshikaba Imlikumba Kichu Sentimeren
Sl. No
11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21
Tinusowa Imsujungla Imchen Sashiwapang Talisenla Aochenlar Tzuwasanen Bendanglemba Pongen Tianungsang Masetshiba Akumyanger Arenjemba Alemsangba WAITING LIST T.Ningsepi Imchenmeren Imchen Obangienla Pongen Imtikumzuk Longchar
Mapujongshi Pongen
Molachang Longkumer
Athriba K.
1 2 3 4
Trade: COPA Sl. No
Trade : Plumber Sl. No 1
Yasanaro Longkumer
Mhashekho Venuh
Arenmongla kichu
Lanuinba Jamir
Imlirenba Jamir
Takalong pongener
Supongakum Longchar
Takusen jamir
Wangshimongla imchen
Arennungla kichu
Imlipenla Longkumer
Rukuto Resuh
Tshiu Zutsu Perry
Trade: Hair & Skin
Betuto Keyho
Name Kuuvelu Tetso
Name of the Candidates
Wanshom T S Konyak
L. Nguntheang K
B. Lelang
Longla Phom
Maime Konyak
Ms Kopang
Ngonngam Konyak
Meya Konyak
Nyimmei Konyak
T.Shikyin Konyak
M. Monyu Konyak
Ngepwan S Konyak
T. Manshom Konyak
M. Loya Konyak
A.Lemya Konyak
Imnasushi l. Jamir
Tiayanger Jamir
Mangmusola M imchen
Heroto Sumi
Tiatoshi Soya
Ngepyei T Konyak
Nemang C Neangnyu
Imtinokdang Anichar
N Theanglih
Rongsenmongba Longkumer
Imtiwati Ao
Lihngeam T Konyak
Bendangkumzuk Kichutzar
Sungjemmenla Imchen
L. Chingmei Konyak
Moakaba Longkumer
E.Phyobemo Shitri
Angon Konyak
Anen K
Imnasunep Kichu WAITING LIST
Name of the Candidates
5 6
Kuvezo Vero Zhoto Puro
Imnatsungba Longchar
Hiwekhroto Lasuh
Rukuoyi Chizo
Sekuto Shijoh
Venura Lohe
Nulhusa lohe
Mhaseto Puro
Huzoto Lohe
Wepre Therie
Vesuta Nuwiry
Nulevo Soho
Trade: Electrician
Mosa Konyak
M. Wanjai Konyak
E. Hongchang
Gulbaz Khan
P. Onung Konyak
Mr. Lusang S Khiamniungan
Seriba Sangtam
T. Nangmung Konyak
Shongna C S Konyak
Trade: Carpentry
Ngampa Konyak
Moba Konyak
Ms. K Hongpong Monyu
Mr. R Manton Konyak
Mr. Y Chipang Konyak
Ms. N Pongloi Konyak
L. Sethrio Suiyinngaulung
T. Setsaba Sangtam
Minphong Konyak L
Setekaba Longkumer
M. Poangba Konyak
W. Taonyei Konyak
W. Shahlai Konyak
Trade: Knitting Sl. No 1
Name of the Candidates Yeinon Konyak
P. Manwing
Ngunppe Konyak
Lohwang N Konyak
Hontong Konyak
Atok N Yanganghchu
Choungmyem W Konyak
Apoh T Konyak
Noknga Konyak
Pongthron Konyak
Monglong Konyak
K Yeingam Konyak
Ngonphe W Konyak
T. Ellen Konyak
Baukham Phom
C Toikhao Konyak
Ms. N Mannoi Konyak
Ngamying Konyak
Mariam Konyak
Nonlong N Konyak
Hongpi P Konyak
Mr. H Mathwang Konyak Ms. M Mariam
Ms. B Pongai Konyak
Mr. Noke Konyak
Mr. Shahkai
Ms. N Lelang Langmei
Ms. Changpe Konyak
Ms. C Yumah Konyak
Ms. Eje Wangnyu Konyak
T Pangong
Ms. Wanshom Y S Konyak
Longnyu Konyak
Mr. Lapwang N
Laipa H Konyak
Mr. Samoul Konyak
Yao Chulim
Mr. Chingkai Konyak
M Wangtai Konyak
Honkhen Konyak
Ms. Jaiying S Konyak Ms. Egchi E Konyak Mr. Manlem Konyak
Watngam Konyak P
Ngipam Konyak
Daneil M Konyak
Honkai Konyak
N. Jatshem Konyak
Ms. Tomei Konyak
J. Jume
Name of the Candidates
Sl. No
Wangnyei Konyak T
Name of the Candidates
Name of the Candidates
Lemnya Konyak
Sl. No.
Sl. No
2 4
Trade: COPA
Maithron Konyk
Limanukshi Longchar
Nyanpo N Konyak
Ruku Venuh
Sl. No
Kuteto Venuh
Angki B Konyak
K.Odiyanger Pongen
Tiatoshi Soya
Tsuktimongba Jamir
Kesote Pratiah
Name of ITI: Govt. ITI, MON.
Sl. No
Name Issak Lezuri
Trade: Cutting & Sewing
Nukhoshelu Chizo
Necutolu Kezo
Sl. No 1
Yangertila Jamir
Sl. No
Name of the Candidates CHUBALEMBA JAMIR
Sl. No. 1.
Continue on page 10
20 July 2013
Name of Candidate
Aron Ngullie
Zuchumbemo T.Odyuo
Thungdemo Z Khuvung.
Kenneth Chiesotsu
Chumdemo N Ngullie
Chigtha Phom
Sorenthung Tungoe
D.Noyingthung Odyuo
Y.Amos Ovung
Chonpen B Patton
L.Suchamo Odyuo
Abemo Odyuo
T.Laupa Phom
Myingthungo Lotha
Thungchumo Patton
Elithung patton
Z.Chipenthung Lotha
L.Tongriba Sangtam
Renchanbemo Lotha
Renjanbemo Kikon
Nchumbemo Y.Tungoe
Wochothung Jungio
Nyanbemo Yanthan
Yithungo S.Tsopoe
M.Mhathung Mozhui
Rasantsu patton
Wilson Kikon
Nzanthung E.Shitio
E.Mhathung Lotha
N.Thejamo Ngullie
Ponchio O Ngullie
Sl. No
Shampothung Tungoe
Name of Candidate
Name of Candidate
Kali Y.
Botovi Awomi
Hokaito V
Prinka K
Lovito T.Fithu
Limetoli K.Kiho
Titoli Sumi
Bokato Y.Kiba
Nitoli V.Aye
Inokivi K. Jakha
Tova Murry
13 14
Abel K
Nolivi Chophi
Aboto S
Holika K. Achumi
Vinoli K. Yepthomi
Sl. No
Name of Candidates
Sl. No. Name of Candidate 1
Kenneth. Yepthomi
S.Tokishe Zhimomi
3 4
Name of Candidates
Sl. No
Trade: Cutting & Sewing
Trade: Diesel Mechanic
TRADE: Plumber
Sl. No
Name of Candidates
Name of Candidates
N.Ghunato Sumi
Vitoka K Zhimo
Tokughak. Zhimo
Hokito Sumi
Lina X
Boshito Sumi
School of Agricultural Sciences & Rural Development NO.SAMN/Acd-I/2004-4335
Dated: 19th July, 2013
NOTIFICATION The list of candidates provisionally selected for admission to M.Sc.(Ag.) degree programme (4 semester) in different departments at Nagaland University, SASRD, Medziphema for the session 2013-2014 are as follows:
1 2 3 4 5 6
9 10 11 12 13 14 15
16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23
24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31
32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39
40 41 42 43
NAME Agricultural Chemistry and Soil Science Mr.Seveto Nyekha,NU. Ms.Z.Kitoholi Jimo,NU. Mr.L.Leiwang,NU. Mr.Methdak Minlei Konyak,NU Ms.Lireni Lotha,HNBGU Uni. Ms.Beauty Borang,NU. Mr.A.Namei,NU Mr.Issactho Poji,NU. Agricultural Economics Ms.Leah,NU. Ms.Pezaneinuo Chielie,ANGRAU Uni. Mr.Zohmangaiha,NU. Mr.Vepoto Riga,NU. Mr.Sentsuthung Yanthan,NU. Ms.Sentibenla Pongener,HNBGU Uni. Mr.Limasunep Jamir,NU. Agronomy Ms.Khriezovono Rino,NU. Ms.Selila,NU. Ms.Watisenla Imsong,NU. Mr.Khesi Yhokha,NU. Ms.R.Lalrinzuali,NU. Ms.Diethovonuo,NU. Mr.Tokivi Zhimomi,NU. Mr. Rajesh Sangra Animal Production and Management Mr.Zujanbemo Khuvung, SHIATS Uni. Mr.Y.Chumbenthung Patton,HNBGU UNi. Mr.Carry Tengchon R. Sangma,HNBGU Uni. Mr.H.Kamsolian,HNBGU Uni. Mr.Malvern B.K. Lyngskor,SHIATS Uni. Ms.Khaidem Archana,AAU Uni. Mr.Purnendu Debbarma ,Tripura Uni. Mr.Chosüve Nakro,AAU Uni. Entomology Ms.Seneplila,NU. Ms.Rokozeno,NU. Mr.Yanger I. Kicu,NU. Ms. Meciesünü Sakhrie.NU. Mr.Otto S. Awomi,NU. Mr.Lalrinzuala.NU Mr.Maongkar T. Changkiri,NU. Ms. Emelyn Lalmawipuii Agricultural Extension Ms.Tohfa Ette,Annamalai Uni. Ms.Pynphriang Bareh,HNBGU Uni. Ms.Anju Hajong,NU. Mr.Thomas Jamoh,NU
OGPA 8.10 7.94 7.87 7.82 8.14 7.72 7.40
8.41 8.53 7.70 7.60 7.52 7.87 7.35 8.77 8.60 8.55 8.54 8.50 8.47 7.50 7.30 7.27 7.22 7.20 7.04 7.04 7.02 6.79 6.69 8.49 8.37 8.32 8.30 8.17 8.12 7.38 8.20 8.25 8.10 7.42 7.42
44 45 46 47
48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55
56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68
69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76
77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84
85 86 87 88
Name of the Candidates Repakumla I. Ozukum Chubalila Hipele Dijile Thong Hukani Sumi Vikali V Sumi Bienmesane Dilon Ngoukame Risela T. Sangtam Ajano Lotha Newtoli Sumi T. Punsola Yimchunger H. Sulito Chishi Sentimenla K. Lisela Zisela K. Sangtam Zakali H. Sumi S. Nganloi Phom Mezaisiliu N. Thsachemla Levishe K. Anale Kath Shushe K WAITING LIST Zubeno Lotha T. Toliho H. Nahon Konyak
Sl. No. 1. 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13
Ms.Kitila Walling,HNBGU Uni. Mr.Trio Lamurong,HNBGU Uni. Ms.Lily Tungoe,HNBGU Mr. Arun Kumar Rajbhar Genetics and Plant Breeding Mr.Chisal R.Marak,CAU Uni. Mr.Mukesh Kumar Yadav,NU. Mr.Gagan Gurung,CAU. Mr.Viketouzo Punyij,NU Ms.Eyingbeni T. Humtsoe,AAU Uni. Mr.Rubu Challa,CAU Uni. Mr.Calep Eko,CAU Uni. Mr. Malusarekrushna Sakharam Horticulture Mr.Pynkhrawbiang Rani,NU. Ms.Khatemenla,NU. Ms.Manjai Phom,NU. Mr.Abenthung Humtsoe,SHIATS Uni. Ms.Rokuotuono Phira,NU. Mr.lbotui,NU. Mr.Daniel Konyak,NU. Mr.Sabastian K.S.,NU. Ms.Hage Aku Ms.Visituonuo Rio, SHIATS Uni. Ms.Pronomi M.Sangma,NU. Mr. V D Napoleon Pou Mr. Kuldeep Singh Plant Pathology Ms.LaIngaihawmi. NU Ms.Bendangsenla,NU. Mr.Salimso Chapei,Annamalai Uni. Mr.Z.Nchumthung Shitiri,NU. Mr.Tapa Sangyu, NU Ms.Suchitra R.Marak,CAU Uni. Ms.Teneme W. Sanema.CAU Uni. Mr. Lalunaik Banothu Rural Development and Planning Mr.Hausuan Naulak,HNBGU Uni. Mr.Heisniaw Langki Lamare,HNBGU Uni. Mr.Mhathung T.Tsopoe,NU. Ms.lmtilemla Jamir,HNBGU Uni. Ameto H. Yeptho,HNBGU Uni. Ms.Asha Doming,HNBGU Uni. Mr.Nzanthung N.Ngullie,HNBGU Uni. Mr.Kezhalesie,NU. Soil Conservation Ms.Merenchila Kichu,HNBGU UNi. Ms.Kakchingtabam Geetanjali Sharma, HNBGU Uni. Ms.Moanenla Jamir,HNBGU Uni Mr. Lenjing Gao,Annamalai Uni.
7.76 7.75 7.70 6.49 7.70 7.28 7.64 7.10 7.43 7.42 7.15 7.88 8.51 8.38 8.28 8.61 8.18 8.13 7.73 7.71 NA 8.22 7.79 8.01 7.92 8.43 8.20 7.75 7.31 7.28 7.53 7.35 7.70 7.70 7.68 7.29 7.65 7.54 7.50 7.50 7.12 7.89 7.83 7.77 7,77
All the selected candidates are hereby informed to get themselves admitted on or before 23rd July 2013 during office hours failing which their allotment of seats will automatically stand cancelled. They are to report and submit an acceptance letter and complete all the formalities of admission after verification of the original documents in the Academic and Exams (PG) section. In-service candidates should produce no objection certificate from their employer before taking admission. Regular classes will commence from 24th July 2013. (M.ALEMINLA AO) DEAN
Sl. No. 1. 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21
Name of the Candidates Zubeni W. Shitiri Renchumlo W. Shitiri Tiamongla Ao Watijungla Tenlamongla Ashonyen Rengma Razounuo Angami Bendangsenla Longchar Yashisenla Diezeno Chakruno Thsidila K Betsey L. Yungpila Limanaro Imsong Chauya Konyak Robila Thangchilila L Sangtam K. Khropelo-o Koza Sentitula Temsuinla Longkumer Athrongla
Name of the Candidates Hanchila Thungchanpeni Jongshitula Hellen Chang Lungbilu Bendanginla Phesa-o Apibeni Lotha Akumla Longkumer Kendine Chewang P. Amah Konyak Asula Tikelila P. Kidonglemla Phom
Name of the Candidates Vesepe-u Koza Sentinungla Ngailiuh Phom Limanaro Visweau-u Metevicea
TRADE: HAIR & SKIN Sl. No. 1. 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13
Name of the Candidates Zayievono Zashu Esther Humtsoe Mapunungla L Imsong Bendangsenla Imsong Kevibino Bokali Shohe Rokovinuo Senotsu Ruopfuzhanuo Khano Zanbeno Kithan Merenkala Lichula Sangtam Nchumbeni N Jami Theralila Apon
Sd/ Muthingnyuba Sangtam, Director Employment & Craftsmen Training, Nagaland, Kohima.
Medziphema:: Nagaland.
Sl. No. 1. 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23
24 25 26
Sl. No.
Name of ITI: Govt. WITI, Dimapur.
Trade: Motor Mechanic
The Morung Express
(A Central University Established by an Act of parliament 1989) School of Engineering & Technology And School of Management Studies D.C. COURT JUNCTION: DIMAPUR-797112, NAGALAND.
Phone: 03862-234555, Fax: 03862-234561
No.Nu/SETAM/ESTT/GENL-1 (p-11)/2010- 325
Dated: 18.07/13
WALK-IN-INTERVIEW Interested candidates are invited to attend a walk-in-interview for the post of Guest Faculty(fixed pay) for the disciplines of (1) Information Technology (2) Computer Science & Engineering (3) Bio-Technology (4) Electronics & Communication Engineering (5) Physics (6) Math (7) English under Nagaland University, School of Engineering Technology and School of Management (SETAM), Dimapur on 30.07.2013 at 10:30 am in the premises of Nagaland University, SETAM, Dimapur located at D.C. Court Junction, Dimapur with full bio-data and supporting certificate (Original & Photo copy). No TA/DA is admissible. The candidates must possess the qualifications as per UGC/AICTE norms. (R.C. Nayak) Dean. D.C. Court Junction, Dimapur-797112.
NO. HED/V.U.K/2013-14
Dated Kohima the 19th July 2013
CORRIGENDuM Apropos to the Directorate’s advertisement dated 15th July 2013 inviting application for undergoing training under Vision University, College of Jeongju South Korea, the following insertion and corrections are made. The first line of the advertisement should be read as......”In continuation of Government order NO. HED/V.U.K/2013-14 Dated Kohima the 10th July 2013”. 1. Eligibility (III) may be read as..... Training at Dimapur not at Kohima. 2. Second last Para....... the application with complete biodata not as computer-date. (Dr. TOSHIBA ECHA) DIRECTOR HIGHER EDuCATION NAGALAND: KOHIMA
The Morung Express C M Y K
Saturday 20 July,2013
Palestinians: Israel must agree on borders in Amman, Jordan. The official, who spoke on condition of anonymity because he was not authorized to discuss Kerry’s schedule publicly, said there are no immediate plans for Kerry to meet an Israeli negotiator. Abu Yussef was referring
condition of anonymity because of the matter’s sensitivity, said they felt pressure from Palestinians to not restart negotiations if they could not be seen producing substantive outcomes. Suggesting Palestinian officials would be open to talks, they
the Arab League’s decision Wednesday to endorse his proposal raised speculation that the Palestinians would agree. Abbas traditionally has sought the blessing of his Arab brethren before making any major diplomatic initiative. U.S. officials
to Israel’s de facto border that separates the Jewish state from the West Bank and east Jerusalem, territories that Israel conquered in the 1967 Mideast war, alongside the Gaza Strip. Palestinians claim those territories for their future state, with modifications reached through agreed “land swaps” that would see major Jewish settlement blocks built in the West Bank becoming part of Israel proper, in exchange for territories elsewhere. Abu Yussef said Erekat would also ask for more clarifications from Kerry on what Israel expects from negotiations. He said Palestinians did not want to reject Kerry’s efforts to restart negotiations outright. Another official in the meeting, who spoke on
deliberately did not bring up their often-repeated demand that Israel stop building in Jewish settlements in the West Bank and east Jerusalem before talks could resume. The anonymous Palestinian official said they had decided, so far, not to make the demand this time. He said if Israel agreed on a general border route before negotiations began, it would delegitimize Jewish settlement building in areas expected to be part of a Palestinian state. Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas convened the two meetings beginning Thursday with his advisors after a lengthy meeting with Kerry earlier in the week. While Kerry has not publicized details of his plan,
played down hopes that negotiations would begin soon. “There are currently no plans for an announcement on the resumption of negotiations,” Jen Psaki, a spokeswoman for Kerry, told reporters in neighboring Jordan. An Israeli Cabinet minister said no deal was imminent. A U.S. official said Kerry would consult with Israeli and Palestinian leaders on Friday before ending his visit to the Middle East and returning to the United States but made no mention of an announcement of new negotiations. The official spoke on condition of anonymity because he was not authorized to discuss Kerry’s plans publicly. Kerry has been shuttling for
Palestinians use a ladder to climb over the separation barrier with Israel on their way to pray at the Al-Aqsa Mosque in Jerusalem during the Muslim holy month of Ramadan, at Al-Ram, north of Jerusalem on July 19. (AP Photo)
RAMAllAH, WeST BANk, July 19 (AP): A stormy, high-level meeting of senior Palestinian leaders called to discuss U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry’s latest peace proposal ended with a decision early Friday to demand guarantees that Israel agree on the general border of a future Palestinian state, officials said. The demand casts a cloud of uncertainty over months of U.S. mediation efforts because Israel is weary of
agreeing to preconditions, arguing it has not led to successful peace talks in the past. Palestinian officials said they wanted guarantees to ensure peace talks would lead to fruition. Hoping to push Israelis and Palestinians toward talks, U.S. President Barack Obama asked Israel’s prime minister, Benjamin Netanyahu, to work with Kerry “to resume negotiations with Palestinians as soon as possible,” according to a state-
ment released by the White House late Thursday. After two separate meetings, Palestinian officials said they decided to send top negotiator Saeb Erekat to meet with Kerry “and inform him that Palestinians want guarantees regarding the general border,” said Wasel Abu Yussef, a member of the Palestine Liberation Organization’s executive committee, who was in the meeting. A U.S. official said Kerry will meet on Friday with Erekat
months in search of a formula to allow resumption of talks after a nearly fiveyear break. Talks have been stalled since late 2008, with the status of Israeli settlements at the heart of the deadlock. Netanyahu has rejected the Palestinian demands, saying talks should begin without preconditions. Ahmed Majdalani, another executive committee member, said Kerry has proposed holding talks for six to nine months focusing on the key issues of borders and security arrangements. He said Kerry would endorse the 1967 lines as the starting point of negotiations and assured the Palestinians that Israel would free some 350 prisoners gradually in the coming months. The prisoners would include some 100 men that Israel convicted of crimes committed before interim peace accords were signed in 1993. Israel has balked at freeing these prisoners in the past because many were convicted in deadly attacks. Although the plan does not include a settlement freeze, it was not clear whether Israel would accept any refer-
ence to the 1967 lines. Israeli Cabinet minister Yair Lapid said it was “too early to say” whether Kerry had found a formula for talks. “Secretary Kerry has done a tremendous job in trying to put both sides together,” he told The Associated Press. “Of course Israel is more than willing and has expressed its agreement to go back to the negotiation table, but apparently it’s going to take a little more time.” While Israel has balked at Palestinian demands, the international community has largely rallied behind the Palestinian position on borders and Jewish settlements. In a show of displeasure over the settlements, the European Union announced this week it would stop providing research and cooperation grants to Israeli entities that operate in the occupied territories. Israeli leaders condemned the decision. On Thursday, Israeli President Shimon Peres urged the EU to reconsider the ban, saying it could undermine Kerry’s efforts. Peres urged the EU to “give priority to peace” and warned the ban “could cause another crisis.”
Obama weighs canceling Moscow talks with Putin
WASHINGTON, July 19 (AP): The White House is considering canceling a summit between President Barack Obama and Russian President Vladimir Putin in Moscow, a move that would further aggravate the already tense relationship between the two leaders. The White House is dangling that option over the Russians as Moscow considers a temporary asylum petition from Edward Snowden, the American accused of leaking information about classified U.S. intelligence programs. But officials have privately signaled that scrapping the bilateral talks would also be retaliation for other areas of disagreement with Russia, including its continued support for Syrian President Bashar Assad’s attacks against civilians. Regardless of what happens with Snowden, the White House says Obama will still attend an international summit in St. Petersburg, Russia. But officials have gone out of their way in recent days to avoid publicly committing to the meetings in Moscow. “The president intends to travel to Russia for the G20 Summit,” White House spokesman Jay Carney said. “And I have no further announcements to make beyond what we’ve said in the past about the president’s travel to Russia in the fall.” By simply considering cancellation of the trip, the Obama administration is indicating its concern the Kremlin will al-
low Snowden to take refuge in Russia. The White House has called on Russia to return the 30-year-old former government contractor to the U.S. where he is facing espionage charges. Snowden, in a temporary asylum request submitted by his lawyer Tuesday, claimed he faces persecution from the U.S. government and could face torture or death. Andrew Kuchins, director of the Russia program at the Center for Strategic and International Studies, said the White House’s cancellation threat could be effective leverage over Putin, who likely wants to avoid an embarrassment on the world stage. “When the spotlight of the world is on him and Russia, he doesn’t want that spotlight to reveal a lot of negative things which are going to be distractions,” Kuchins said. Canceling the U.S.-Russia talks would deepen the tensions between the two leaders. And it would likely make it even more difficult for the two countries to find common ground on areas of disagreement that plague the relationship. The U.S. accuses Russia of providing military support to Assad that has allowed him to cling to power during more than two years of clashes with rebels seeking to overthrow his government. The U.S. deeply angered Russia earlier this year when it announced sanctions against 18 Russians as part of a law named after Sergei Magnitsky, a Russian lawyer who was arrested in 2008
of a detailed process involving audition, a triage of professional critique, and final selection. The judges for the vent are Joey Woch (Classical Guitar), Rudy Wallang ( Blues), Sanjay Devicha ( Jazz) and Chandresh Kudwa ( Rock). The grand finale will be held on November 9 at Agri Expo and the winners will get a chance to air their works on the world’s number one English music channel. Besides that, the winners will get an opportunity to walk away with
Rupees one lakh each, a trophy and a certificate. To make the event more exciting, the organizers are in talks with few a Guitar Legends to be part of the event on the grand finale. A press note informed that Gibson guitars may come in as a Gear Partner and that “if things go will, Gibson will be giving out Guitars to the 12 finalists.” Registration closes on August 10. Participants can download the registration form, rules and regulations, terms and conditions of the event from our website.
For details, one may log on to www.skygroup.org.in or at www.facebook/entertainmentsky Interseted parties can also contact 8730957422/9089367489 or email at skyentertainment@skygroup.org.in
Daniel Powter was sexually abused as a child
inger Daniel Powter has revealed he was sexually abused as a child. The Bad Day hitmaker suffered in silence at the hands of a female babysitter for three years and later in life turned to drugs and alcohol to cope with his feelings of guilt and shame. Powter made the shocking confession earlier this week on a trip to Washington, D.C., where he showed his support for U.S. drug courts, which sentence non-violent offenders to treatment programmes instead of jail time. He told local Tv news show Wusa9, “I thought that (addiction) was my problem. But it wasn’t. That was my solution. It wasn’t until I started digging in, taking a look at myself, saying I gotta work on some stuff (that) I don’t want to look at (that I figured it out).” Powter did not name his accuser during the interview, but the singer explained the unwanted sexual advances began when he was seven. He said, “My parents didn’t know and I was too scared to tell them.”
In this June 17, file photo, President Barack Obama meets with Russian President Vladimir Putin in Enniskillen, Northern Ireland. The White House is considering canceling a fall summit between President Barack Obama and Russian President Vladimir Putin in Moscow, a move that would further aggravate the already tense relationship between the two leaders. (AP Photo) C M Y K
National guitar contest comes to Nagaland
ky Entertainment in association with Vh1 is launching one of the biggest guitar events in India called “Axe’s power” under the theme “Choose Music over Violence.” The main concept of the event is to encourage musicians to compete with the best while getting exposure to new audiences and getting the benefits that will help their careers along. It also encourages the musicians to pick up a guitar instead of resorting to violence. The award will be the final result
for tax evasion after accusing Russian police officials of stealing $230 million in tax rebates. Within days of the Treasury Department announcement, Russia announced that it was banning U.S. adoptions of Russian children. On Thursday, the White House also said it was “deeply disappointed and concerned” by the conviction of Russian opposition leader Alexei Navalny, who challenged the Kremlin with exposures of high-level corruption and mocked the leadership with biting satire. He was sentenced to five years in prison Thursday in a verdict that fueled street protests near Red Square and drew condemnation from the West. Kuchins said that while granting Snowden asylum would certainly be the impetus for canceling Obama’s Moscow trip, it would not be the only reason. “It would be saying at least two things to the Russians,” Kuchins said. “That granting asylum to Edward Snowden was a bridge too far, and secondly that we don’t feel like we’re actually losing so much out of the cancellation of the summit because we didn’t expect to get much out of it.” Some U.S. lawmakers are calling on Obama to go beyond simply canceling his talks with Putin. Sen. Lindsey Graham has also called on the U.S. to boycott next year’s Winter Olympics scheduled for Sochi, Russia.
Bruce Lee’s legacy still debated
ong Kong, July 19 (Reuters): Late kung fu superstar Bruce Lee may be an international icon, but he is still not the complete local hero in Hong Kong. Fans are marking his death 40 years ago this weekend with art gallery shows, exhibitions and even street graffiti but some people are urging Hong Kong’s government to do more to honour the former British colony’s biggest star. Lawmakers and scholars have joined calls from fans, fearing the government is wary of fully embracing Lee’s legacy. His enduring spirit of youthful rebellion and a willingness to fight big oppressors may have spooked city leaders prone to second-guessing their political masters in Beijing. “The Hong Kong government or the people on top of the governing body are not thinking, first of all, in terms of Hong Kong people’s mindset,” said Lo Wai-luk, an associate professor in the Academy of Film at Hong Kong Baptist University. “They think of how to do something to please the main Chinese government, or not to violate” what they think Beijing likes, he said. American-born but raised in Hong Kong, Lee died of brain swelling aged just 32 at the height of his fame. His most popular film, the worldwide blockbuster Enter the Dragon, was released just six days after his death in 1973. The government did not respond to Reuters questions but in recent statements it has outlined a number of officially backed efforts to mark the anniversary. It has supported a five-year exhibition, due to be opened on Friday by the city Financial Secretary John Tsang at a museum. The government film archive is also producing documentaries of his life and new prints of some of Lee’s films. But some fans feel the government is simply making
up for lost time and they are angry about the lack of a permanent memorial or museum to honour Lee. A member of the city’s Legislative Council questioned officials over their failed negotiations two years ago to buy and restore Lee’s former mansion in the upscale Kowloon Tong suburb to create a museum devoted to him. Gregory So, Hong Kong’s secretary for commerce and economic development, acknowledged Lee’s “tremendous contribution” to martial arts and cinema and the deep international and domestic interest in his life. But he said there were no plans to re-open negotiations on taking over Lee’s old home. Some fans are happily taking matters into their own hands. Amid the bustle of the business and entertainment district of Wanchai, a graffiti caricature of Lee marks the entrance to an alley that leads to an art gallery. Renowned avant-garde artists have attempted to capture his fighting spirit in paintings that line the walls. Co-organiser Adam Chow said Lee’s “spirit and strong body” had a big impact on scrawny Hong Kong teenagers in the 1970s. “At that time, Hong Kong people were so skinny, so as teenagers we were surprised he had a very strong body,” Chow said. “He also worked very hard and showed a lot of confidence to the public.” Posters and Tshirts of Lee in his famous battle stance, scars torn across his muscled torso, remain hot items in markets. Other fans will lay wreaths on Saturday at the foot of a statue of Lee, in full kung fu flight, on the Kowloon waterfront. Wong Yiu-keung, chairman of Hong Kong’s Bruce Lee fan club, told Reuters the city’s government owed a great deal to Lee. “They have always used him when promoting the city abroad but have never done anything in honour of him.”
England on top after Manchester City loses both Aussies' Swann dive games on SAfrican tour
England's Graeme Swann celebrates the wicket of Australia's Ryan Harris, his fifth wicket, during day two of the second Ashes Test match held at Lord's cricket ground in London, Friday, July 19. (AP Photo)
LONDON, JULY 19 (AFP): Graeme Swann starred with both bat and ball as Australia's latest top-order collapse left England in control of the second Test at Lord's. At tea on Friday's second day, Australia were 96 for seven in reply to England's first innings 361 -- a deficit of 265 runs and still needing a further 66 to avoid the follow-on. Offspinner Swann, who earlier in the day had smashed Australia for a quickfire 28 not out batting at No 11, had tea figures of three wickets for 27 runs in 15 overs. Brad Haddin, whose 73 so nearly denied England a 14-run first Test win at Trent Bridge, was two not out, with Peter Siddle unbeaten on nought, as he faced another rescue mission. Tim Bresnan took two wickets for nine runs to spark an initial collapse that saw Australia's 42 without loss transformed into 53 for three early in the second session. Shane Watson, in the story of a Test-batting career that has yielded just two hundreds, looked good making 30. But, playing across his front pad, the opener was lbw to Bresnan, recalled after England dropped Steven Finn. Poor reviews cost Australia dear at Trent Bridge.
But Watson still asked for a referral only for New Zealand's Tony Hill to confirm Sri Lankan on-field colleague Kumar Dharmasena's original decision. Soon after lunch Chris Rogers was lbw in bizarre fashion. The left-hander, missed a pull at a Swann full toss, after the ball appeared to slip out of the bowler's hand, and was 'boxed'. South African umpire Marais Erasmus gave Rogers out lbw for 15 on the left-hander's Middlesex home ground. Rogers opted against seeking a review, although replays later indicated the ball would have missed leg stump. Phil Hughes fell next, out for one when he nicked a wide delivery from Bresnan to wicketkeeper Matt Prior. Dharmasena quickly raised his finger but Hughes sought a review only for Hill to decide there was insufficient evidence to overturn the original verdict. Australia, whose fallible top order had been their Achilles heel at Trent Bridge, had lost three wickets for 11 runs in front of a sun-drenched capacity crowd of more than 28,000 at 'the home of cricket'. There was no doubt, however, about the manner in which Australia were four down. Usman Khawa-
ja, brought in after Australia axed Ed Cowan who on seven saw Jonathan Trott drop a routine slip catch off Swann, gave his wicket away to the spinner on 14 when he holed out to Kevin Pietersen at mid-off. Not for the first time in his career, Australia captain Michael Clarke, the tourists' best batsman, came in with his side in trouble. Clarke could only watch as Steven Smith turned Swan to Ian Bell, whose 109 Thursday had revived England from the depths of 28 for three, at short leg. Australia badly needed a major innings from their captain but on 28 Clarke was undone by an excellent full length delivery from Stuart Broad that had him lbw as he played down the wrong line. The last thing Australia needed now was a run out, yet that is what they got when a terrible mixup saw non-striker Ashton Agar, charge down the pitch and back again as he failed to beat Prior's throw to James Anderson. Earlier on Friday, Broad (33) and Swann frustrated Australia by adding 48 runs for the last wicket. Ryan Harris, recalled in place of the dropped Mitchell Starc for his first Test in over a year, secured his place on the Lord's honours boards with five wickets for 72 runs.
DURBAN, JULY 19(AP): AmaZulu beat Manchester City 2-1 with an 89th-minute penalty on Thursday and left last season's Premier League runner-up with two losses from two games on its pre-season tour of South Africa. Carlington Nyadombo hit the winner from the spot after the South African top-flight team led in the 20th minute through striker Bongani Ndulula. James Milner equalized at Durban's Moses Mabhida World Cup stadium with a crisp volley six minutes later, City's first goal on tour. The deposed English champion showed more rhythm late in the first half, with new Brazilian signing Fernandinho grazing the crossbar soon after Milner's goal. Half-time substitute Jack Rodwell slammed a shot straight at AmaZulu 'keeper Aubrey Mathibe early in the second. But City was caught out at the end, having been without new coach Manuel Pellegrini after he left the tour early, reportedly to return to his native Chile for personal reasons. Standing in, assistant manager Brian Kidd said it was "an excellent workout" for City, despite the English team following up a 2-0 loss to Supersport United on Sunday with another unflattering defeat to one of South Africa's less well-known teams. "Obviously it's a gradual process with the principles that the boss is trying to instill," Kidd said of City's weeklong tour. "But I thought there was a lot of good signs as well." City continues its pre-season preparations in Hong Kong next week. In Durban, Ndulula cashed in on Aleksandar Kolarov's terrible looping back pass for the opener. The striker pushed the ball past goalkeeper Joe Hart, who had come racing out of his area, and side-footed into City's unguarded net for the early lead. Milner equalized when he hit a rising right-foot volley from a tight angle that breezed past 'keeper Tapuwa Kapini and into the roof of the goal. Midfielder Fernandinho, subdued in the defeat to Supersport United in Pretoria, had his dipping shot skim off the crossbar as City put together a bunch of more meaningful attacks in the middle part of the game. One of a string of substitutes, Rodwell's shot was smothered by AmaZulu's own substitute 'keeper Mathibe in the 53rd, while Samir Nasri and Edin Dzeko also went close. Nyadombo decided the outcome, however, when he coolly scored from his late penalty after Abdul Razak fouled Marc Van Heerden near the byline. City's second game was organized to coincide with former South African President Nelson Mandela's 95th birthday, and players carried a sky blue banner onto the pitch at the end, displaying a happy birthday message to "Mr. Mandela." "We just wish him health and happiness," Kidd said.
Samir Nasri of Manchester City challenges Bongi Macala of AmaZulu for possession of the ball during their soccer match in Durban, South Africa on July 18. (AP Photo)
Sports Ministry seeks Bharat Ratna for Dhyan Chand BANGALORE, JULY 19 (AGENCIES): The Union sports ministry has chosen hockey wizard Dhyan Chand over Sachin Tendulkar as its nominee for the Bharat Ratna. In a meeting on Wednesday, names of both superstars were discussed before Dhyan Chand, who sparked India's unmatched gold rush at the Olympics, emerged as the ministry's choice. The ministry had weighed representations from supporters of both the greats but decided on the hockey legend, rationalising that an active sportsperson always stood a chance of earning the country's highest honour in the future. Sports minister Jitendra Singh was also suitably impressed by a delegation led by Dhyan Chand's son Ashok Kumar, which met him on July 12 and argued in his favour. Former Indian cricket captain Bishan Singh Bedi was part of the delegation. "The minister said he supported our views and said he would personally hand over the letter recommending my
father's name for the Bharat Ratna to the Prime Minister," Ashok Kumar told TOI. Dhyan Chand, who passed away in 1979, won three gold medals at the Olympics - in 1928 ( Amsterdam), 1932 ( Los Angeles) and 1936 (Berlin). More than these medals, he is known as a man who singularly popularised the game and contributed to the country's aura as masters of the game during the pre-independence era. Sources told TOI that Jitendra has batted for Dhyan Chand in his letter to PM Manmohan Singh. "The recommendation, which will be studied with scores of others, will need the seal of approval from the PM and President Pranab Mukherjee for Dhyan Chand to get the award posthumously," sources added. "I am happy that his name has been recommended. Dhyan Chandji was always a simple man who toiled hard for hockey, never expecting any rewards in return. The Bharat Ratna would be a big honour for him as well as the game," Ashok Kumar said.
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