The Morung Express
Dimapur VOL. VIII ISSUE 286
Sunday, October 20, 2013 12 pages Rs. 4
Don’t let life discourage you; everyone who got where he is had to begin where he was Govt making all efforts to tackle Naxalism: Shinde
Kanye West finds marriage outdated
Nagaland bikers set out to Aizawl with a message of friendship [ PAGE 02]
Maldives police block attempt at presidential vote
[ PAGE 11]
[ PAGE 08]
[ PAGE 09]
–Richard L. Evans
Sangwan banned for 18 months by BCCI antidoping tribunal [ PAGE 10 ]
‘Precision farming,’ a way forward for naga farmers
By Sandemo Ngullie
• Naga Kheti Mela promotes agriculture as business, not development • Dependency on imports is hurting local economy and creating domestic inflation Morung Express news Dimapur | October 19
Everybody today is involved in the AIDS business. I guess it’s become another profession.
The Morung Express POLL QUESTIOn
Vote on www.morungexpress.com SMS your answer to 9862574165 Is Nagaland government serious about restructuring its system of bureaucracy? Yes
Pranab laments violence in NE neW Delhi, october 19 (ians): President Pranab Mukherjee Saturday lamented that India’s scenic northeast region has been witnessing conflict and violence. “Northeast India is a rich region full of scenic beauty, flora and fauna, high culture, dance and music. Unfortunately for some time, it has witnessed conflict, clashes and violence,” he told a group of 42 students from Assam’s Kokrajhar and Chirang districts (Bodo region) and Manipur’s Shangshak (Ukhrul region) when they called on him at the Rashtrapati Bhawan here. Mukherjee said the history of Delhi reflects the character of the people of India, which includes the people of the northeast. “This is a history of people never being cowed down and emerging from difficulties, despite downturns from time to time.” The students were part of a national integration tour for students of the northeast.
Brain cleans itself during sleep: experts
Washington, october 19 (ians): The brain cleans itself of toxic metabolic by-products while one is asleep and this cleansing could be the basic purpose behind the state of rest, say experts. The brain’s unique method of waste removal, dubbed the glymphatic system, is highly active during sleep, cleaning toxins responsible for Alzheimer’s disease and other neurological disorders, revealed the US journal Science. Researchers from the University of Rochester, New York, also found that during sleep the brain’s cells reduce in size, allowing waste to be removed more effectively, Xinhua reported. “This study shows that the brain has different functions when asleep and awake,” said Maiken Nedergaard from the University of Rochester Medical Center. Recent findings have also shown that sleep can help store and consolidate memories.
Nagaland Parliamentary Secretary for Agriculture, Dr. Benjongliba Aier, has underscored the need for Nagaland State to adopt and practice ‘precision farming’ in order to achieve sustainable agriculture. The Parliamentary Secretary said precision agriculture can provide precise inputs like water, fertilizers and plant protection measures at the right time, which will help in bringing higher productivity and achieve food and energy security. “We are importing almost all food items, which we can also grow, and this dependency on imports is hurting our economy and creating domestic inflation. Practicing precision farming can increase the productivity and thus, the farmers will get more remuneration from the same piece of land with less laArsenal’s Olivier Giroud, tries to score against Norwich City, during their English bour,” Benjongliba said. The Parliamentary SecPremier League soccer match, at the Emirates Stadium, in London, Saturday, Story on page 12 retary was speaking at the October 19. (AP Photo)
valedictory programme of the first ‘Naga Kheti Mela’, a mega farmers’ fair held under the theme “Towards Sustainable Agriculture” at School for Agricultural Sciences & Rural Development (SASRD), Nagaland University, on Saturday. Benjongliba said the existing agricultural scenario in Nagaland is characterized by small farms with land holdings of less than 2 hectares and that the lands are mostly rain-fed with hardly 30% irrigated areas. In addition, poor availability of funds, farm inputs, poor marketing support for agricultural produce and almost no farm insurance have made farming in the State non-remunerative. He said in the modern era, the way forward is to stop treating agriculture as a development project and to stop implementing isolated projects which do not clearly develop the sector in a well structured and measurable way. “Instead we should now start treating agriculture as a business” by focusing on inte-
grating food production, processing, storage and manufacturing by value addition chains, the parliamentary secretary said. Benjongliba also stressed using agriculture to create jobs, wealth and ensure food security. “Sustainable agriculture development rests on the principle that meets the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs. Thus, sustainable agriculture integrates three main goals - environmental health, economic profitability and social and economic equity,” he said. Director, ICAR Research Complex for NER, Dr. SV Ngachan who was the guest of honour said that as per statistics, production of food grains and horticulture produce in Nagaland have increased four-fold in the past three years. He also mentioned that Nagas are taking the lead role in floriculture export trade. Stating that farmers should be given due recognition for
their contribution, the ICAR director also said that the State Government should further encourage the farmers by extending minimum support price to them. Farmers, innovators, SHGs and officials from the Veterinary & Animal Husbandry and Horticulture also gave their feedbacks on the mela. Organizing secretary of Naga Kheti Mela, Prof. Akali Sema gave a brief report of the mela and director, SAMETI and organizing committee member, Ahovi Sema proposed vote of thanks. Secretary, Agriculture, Government of Nagaland, Benjamin Newmai chaired the valedictory function. Certificates were also awarded to best farmers’ exhibits, processed products, state government departments and NU departments. Advisor, Nagaland Bamboo Development Agency, Dr. Longriniken, MLA, and vice chairman, Nagaland State Agriculture Managing Board, S Chuba Longkumer, MLA, also attended the closing ceremony.
Zeliangrong areas face continued army abuse Make a Green Choice: gear
iMPhal, october 19 (Mexn): Following continued military action against people of the region, the All Zeliangrong Students’ Union (AZSU) has drawn the attention of the Chief Minister of Manipur, the Unified Commander for all the security forces operating in Manipur, to the current situation. “The high handedness of security forces particularly army and paramilitary forces operating in Zeliangrong areas has gone beyond its limitation with detention of innocent persons on mere suspicion
reasons without properly verification from the concern police station, harassment, physically torture after taking into custody has exhibit that the army has taken law into their own hands,” informed the President of the AZSU, Pamei Tingenlung, in a press release issued today. Keeping any person in army custody without handing them over to the nearest police station within 24 hours, not giving arrest memo whenever any person is arrested or not informing their respective family members regarding
any arrest is total violation of law, reminded the AZSU. In that, it asserted, “The illegal activities of army and para-military should be reigned and stopped at the earliest by the Govt. or else the people would start widespread protest to register their objection to these kinds of disturbances caused by the security forces donning security forces.” Stating that the “peaceful environment” in the Zeliangrong areas has been transformed into a disturbed zone by the “illegal activities” of the security forces, the AZSU has registered strong objec-
tion to detention by “picking up innocent persons” who are allegedly being kept in custody without informing the police about their detention in an “attempt for elimination.” “The Zeliangrong people civil organizations on various occasions have highlighted to the Govt. regarding excessive activities of the security forces and for giving necessary and proper direction to stop such activities. However, there is continuity of such activities by the army and para-military,” affirmed the AZSU.
DiMaPur, october 19 (Mexn): The Nagaland Pradesh Congress Committee (NPCC) has asked of the Advocate General of Nagaland, K.N. Balgopal, to “use his knowledge of jurisprudence” to look into the “illegal” Advisory Committees to the 19 Municipal and Town Councils in Nagaland constituted during the DAN II government. It has asked for these not to be reconstituted in this tenure, but instead hold elections to the municipal bodies. “In the Nagaland Municipal Act 2001 there is no provision for appointment of Adhoc Advisory Committee,” explained the NPCC in a press release issued today by its Press Secretary. “However,” it continued, “during DAN 2, the NPF government has appointed Advisory Committee members in all the 19 Municipalities.” This, alleged the NPCC, has been done to “satisfy the desires of the party workers to earn extra income.” According to the NPCC, immediately after these “illegal” appointments
were made the “self styled” Chief Advisors “usurped the powers of the ADC and Administrators of the Municipal and Town Councils and started collection of Toll Tax. Their knowledge of Municipalities was limited to collection of Toll Tax and cleaning of garbage. Therefore all of them collected Toll Tax and pocketed whatever they could and emptied the accounts of the ULBs. Interestingly, one of them has taken away the Truck which was used for collection of garbage.” This was derived by the NPCC from a report of “the Accountant General of Nagaland dated 18.09.13 para 2 wherein it is shown that collection of Railway Cement and four other items alone from 1st April, 2011 to 31st March,2012 collected by the advisor revenue incharge of Dimapur Municipal Council worked out to the tune of Rs. 95,82,988.00. Out of this the advisor has deposited only Rs. 17 lakhs.” There was, stated the NPCC, a “clash of power” between the Administra-
tors and the members of the “illegal” Advisory Committee, incurring heavy loss of revenue to the Municipal and Town Councils. “As a result, the government realized the mistake and dissolved the illegally constituted Advisory Committee vide Notification No UDD/MAC-1/2010 dated 04/04/2012,” it was informed. The DAN III cabinet, as per the NPCC, has now decided to reconstitute the Advisory Committee and referred to the Advocate General of Nagaland in New Delhi for advice. “If the illegal Advisory Committee is re-constituted, it is likely that the employees of Municipal and Town Councils will go on agitation because they want their salary regularly,” the NPCC notified. To avoid this, the NPCC has requested the Advocate General of Nagaland to advice the Government of Nagaland not to make the same mistake again which will “ruin the nascent municipalities in Nagaland” and hold early Municipal elections instead.
neW Delhi, october 19 (ians): The level of happiness among Indian children growing in cities has reduced due to weakening bonds with parents, experts said Saturday. “These days the bond between child and parents are not very strong and the level of interaction is reduced which is causing this trend,” child psychologist Ann Simi John. Addressing a workshop on raising happy children, the experts advised parents to have a structured family time and exclusive mean time between each child. “As there are lesser child-parents interaction, the children look for seekouts in terms of friendship, drugs and other indulgences,” said John. Nitin Pandey, a child education expert at parentune.com - a support platform for the urban parents, said: “During our time, we used to have grandparents who were always there but it is not so these days and hence the child is devoid of affection.” However, some experts feel that it is not the fault of the parents, because there is greater economic pressure in this time.
nPcc urges AG to look into ‘illegal’ advisory committee
Indian urban children are ‘less happier’ now
up for Hornbill Cycle Rally
Endorse cycling, help the environment and get fit Morung Express news Dimapur | October 19
There was once a time when Nagas took the forests and its fauna for granted; seldom realising the key position it held to the survival of the natural order and the continued existence of the human race. Now the times are a-changing as more Nagas begin to realise the magnitude of a balanced environment. Deforestation and hunting of wildlife may continue yet there is hope that such destructive acts will cease soon. Seemingly insignificant individual deeds, such as handing over rescued (or captured) wildlife to safe custody, efforts to protect migratory birds, villages demarcating forests as sheltered areas, and most importantly, spreading environmental consciousness hold the key in the road to a healthy environment. One such event, the 2nd Annual Hornbill Cycle Rally slated for December 8 is focused in that direction. Dimapur-based Alaphra Tourism, a division of Alaphra Group, is organising the event in association with the Nagaland Cycling Association (NCA) and sponsored by the department of Tourism. Its objective is to promote Go Green initiative and tourism at the same time introducing cycling as a professional sport in Nagaland. This year’s event is based on the theme ‘See Green See Life – Save the Hornbills’ and further aims to create awareness and draw attention to the importance of environmental conservation, a healthy lifestyle and energy conservation. “Hornbill Cycle Rally is a
In this December 2012 file photo, participants are seen here at the first Hornbill Cycle Rally- Ride to Recharge 2012, which was successfully held on December 2 during the Hornbill Festival under the theme “See Green See Life”.
non-profit event, organised strictly to create and support environmental awareness and conservation. By supporting this rally you can highlight community responsibility or corporate social responsibility, thus taking an active role in protecting the environment and encouraging others to do the same,” read a handout from the organisers of the event. Ricky Ozukum, Managing Director of Alaphra Group, told newspersons on Saturday that more participants are expected to take part this year. “We received tremendous response last year,” he said, while stating that this year, it has received interest from participants from other states as well. There is no age bar (but not less than 15 years of age) to take part in the rally, which will be flagged off at Kisama Heritage Village on December 8 at 8:00 am. It will be mandatory for all riders to wear approved protective cycling gear. Emergency personnel will be on standby to
respond to any unforeseen event. The rally will cover two routes. One, a 14-kilometre route from Kisama to Old DC Bungalow, Kohima, while the other will cover an adventurous distance of 30 kilometres from Kisama and stopping at the IG Stadium along the way traversing scenic mountain trails, valleys, fields and forest trails. Registration for participation will start by next week, which will be free of any charges. President of the NCA, Yashi Longkumer, said that through its association with the event, the NCA plans to promote cycling as a sport, and, cycling for fitness and the environment. It was informed that at present, the NCA is going through procedures to get affiliated with the Nagaland Olympic Association and the Cycling Federation of India. With certification will come the opportunity to hold competitive cycling events, Longkumer further said. Winners of such events will get the breaks to take part in national-level events.