25th september 2013

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Dimapur VOL. VIII ISSUE 262

The Morung Express “


Tuesday, September 24, 2013 12+4 pages Rs. 4

The truth does not change according to our ability to stomach it

‘Act with full force against rioters’

Hurley ‘furious’ as Warne refused to set a wedding date

State in favour of proposed Goods and Services Tax

–Flannery O’Connor

[ PAGE 02]

Ronaldo leads Real win with Bale injured

[ PAGE 09]

[ PAGE 10 ]

Christians protest church bombing

[ PAGE 11]

[ PAGE 08]


A teAcher’s DilemmA?


By Sandemo Ngullie

No examinations, no detentions till class VII

Longrangty Longchar

Mokokchung | September 23

“....Ganja, Booze and sometimes they carry oil too”

The Morung Express POLL QUESTIOn

Vote on www.morungexpress.com SMS your answer to 9862574165 Should VIP security be reduced and instead be redeployed towards public security? Yes



Condemnation alone is obsolete: NAYO DIMAPUR, SEPTEMBER 23 (MExN): The Northern Angami Youth Organization (NAYO) today said that the “continuous cycle of violence being engaged in by warring factions in Northern Angami land has reached a level where condemnation alone is obsolete.” A press note from the President and Press Secretary of NAYO lamented that the public seems to be more concerned about the Naga issue than “our so called national leaders, trampling all reasoning and prayers for reconciliation.” It further pointed out that numerous appeals made by various apex Naga NGO’s and a tested public have fallen on deaf ears till date. Appealing on behalf of the public, the NAYO urged all erring factions to immediately search earnestly for ways and means to attain peace or even a truce. Full text on page 4

JVN Peren urges students to return


PEREN, SEPTEMBER 23 (MExN): In connection to the ragging incident which occurred at Jawahar Navodaya Vidyala, Jalukie, it was informed that the Class 10 students who had ragged their seniors apologized on September 23 in a meeting held at the school premises. The meeting was held in consequence of a resolution passed during a previous consultative meet on September 19 between the ADC, Peren; VMC and PTC members of the school; ZSU (N), JSU and the staff. The Principal of the school in a press note informed that the class 10 students apologized and signed a ‘Good Character Bond’ jointly with the parents in the presence of the SDO, Jalukie with further assurance to avoid any in disciplinary action. The authority and administration have assured the parents and guardians that no such incident will happen again in the future. The authority further assured “full safety and security” of the students. As such, the students who fled the school have been requested to report to the school positively by September 25, since the term-1 exams are in the offing.

A policeman carries a baby to safety on the barrel of his gun while a woman ducks for safety behind him on September 23. Kenya’s military launched a major operation at the upscale nairobi mall and said it had rescued “most” of the hostages being held captive by al-Qaida-linked militants during the standoff. The Red Cross has put the death toll from the attack at 62. (Reuters Photo) Detailed report on Page 9

The evolving programmes initiated by the Central Government is also ensuring that the Nagaland education system is rapidly changing. There is the mid-day meal scheme, free text books and uniforms, and the most revolutionary of all, the Continuous Comprehensive Evaluation (CCE) being implemented under the RTE Act. CCE stipulates that there will be no examination and no detention of students till Class VII. There will only be regular class-tests until the child learns the lessons. Many teachers are concerned by the CCE and some prefer the old system, where terminal examinations were held and poor students were detained if they failed in the examinations. The Morung Express collected views of some government primary and middle school teachers. Many say that the CCE system will compromise quality education at the altar of quantitative education. A teacher posted in a GPS in Mokokchung, (who wished not to be named, in fact none of the teachers wanted to be identified lest there should be some trouble from the education de-

partment) confessed that he finds it difficult to evaluate some students in the class as they never learn irrespective of the way they are taught. “There is one student (12 years) studying in Class III, she did not study her lower classes and came straight to Class III. She can’t read or write even the basic alphabet. But we have to make her get through to the next class. So sometimes we just open the text books and let the students copy during the class tests,” he said. “There are many students in our school studying in Class VI and V who cannot even read books of Class I or II,” said another graduate science teacher. He expressed concern that many students will find it difficult to get through the final Class IX board exams and especially HSSLC examinations, since most students are getting through to higher classes without learning much. CCE was supposed to be a flagship programme under the Right to Education Act to improve education. So what is the problem? “Earlier, students used to appear terminal exams and they were detained if they failed in their examinations. But now with the no detention policy, students know they will get through

no matter what and therefore, they don’t take their lessons seriously,” said the teacher, who wished to be identified only as Bendang. Another GPS teacher posted in an interior place, and serving for the past eleven years pointed out that there are different types of students – “some dull, some intelligent and some average.” Whenever a student fails in the weekly tests, teachers have to conduct retests for the particular student, while the other students have moved to other chapters in the syllabus. This creates a disparity in the learning process and adds to the stress and workload of the teachers, said the teacher. The CCE system is being discussed in silence by many parents as well, who feel that their children’s education might be compromised. Sources informed that a reputed private school in Mokokchung had sent a questionnaire to parents asking their opinion on the new system. It is also learnt that some private schools are conducting terminal examinations despite the CCE system in place, to assess the overall performance of the students. Some people are also skeptical whether every law passed by the Indian

Parliament should be implemented in Nagaland or not, depending on its applicability. While the intentions of the CCE system might be noble and genuine, the fears of the teachers also seem quite pragmatic and alarming. And though there might be thousands of young students in primary and middle classes passing out every year, it remains to be seen whether their education is qualitative or quantitative. It may be noted that the 2012 Annual Status of Education Report (ASER), published by NGO Pratham, underscored declining reading levels and learning outcomes across states. ASER 2012 reported that more than half of all children in class 5 are at least three grade levels behind where they should be in terms of learning levels; the report partly attributed this trend to the UPA’s flagship Right to Education Act. Pratham CEO, Madhav Chavan blamed this on relaxed classroom rigour and the no-exam format ushered in by the RTE Act. Only 30 per cent of class 3 students could read a class 1 text book in 2012, down from 50 per cent in 2008. A thorough research into the educational system here could indicate some similarities with the ASER report.

cm will not contest 2014 ls poll Youth Summit emphasizes on Chizokho Vero

Kohima | September 23

The Democratic Alliance of Nagaland (DAN) today totally ruled out the possibility of Chief Minister Neiphiu Rio making his entry to Delhi by contesting in the forthcoming Lok Sabha polls. Addressing a press conference here after an emergency close-door meeting of DAN legislators and partners at the Naga People’s Front Central Office, Minister for Parliamentary Affairs and Roads & Bridges Kuzholuzo (Azo) Nienu told media persons that there have been rumors of Rio going to Delhi, to represent as Member of Parliament. However he stated that DAN has taken a con-

DAN takes unanimous decision to keep Neiphiu Rio in Nagaland

sensus decision not to send him to the Lok Sabha. “We cannot allow him, we cannot spare him, because we feel that the state is more important than the Centre right at this moment and the home affairs of the state is much more important, so today collectively DAN alliance have decided that we will not send him to Delhi, but he will continue as the Chief Minister of Nagaland”, Azo said. Azo added that it was a unanimous decision of DAN not to send him for Lok Sabha polls and that it wanted to make this clear

to the people. “We wanted to finish this issue once and for all,” Azo said. He added that a meeting will be held with the Chief Minister when he returns from tour and that the decision of the legislators as well as the DAN partners would be put up. NPF president Dr. Shurhozelie Liezietsu said that the party attended today’s meeting on invitation and expressed that the DAN have taken a consensus decision to not to allow Rio to go for MP. BJP Nagaland unit president Dr. N.Chuba and JD (U) Nagaland presi-

dent Mhonjan Lotha also endorsed the decision. Minister for health & family welfare Imkong L Imchen also said that it was a consensus decision that DAN will not send Rio to Delhi. ‘The legislature of the DAN is not willing to spare his services in Delhi, but to continue here as the Chief Minister of the state,” Imchen said adding that Rio should not leave a big responsibility at home and move to Delhi as Nagaland requires overall development. It may be recalled that The Telegraph had recently reported that Nagaland Chief Minister Neiphiu Rio had expressed willingness to contest the 2014 general elections.

nagaland signs moU ‘Dramatic’ progress in for chopper services fight against AIDS: UN

KohIMA, SEPTEMBER 23 (DIPR): The Nagaland state government has signed an agreement with Thumby Aviation Pvt. Ltd for operating helicopter service in Nagaland. The Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) was signed on September 23 with the Nagaland state government represented by the Commissioner and Secretary for Transport and Thumby Aviation Pvt Ltd represented by its Chairman & Managing Director (CMD). The Commissioner and Secretary for Transport informed that the services will begin at the earliest, and that the agreement is initially for two years which may be extended later. He also said that Nagaland would fully comply with the regulatory stipulation standard notified by the Assam Rifles. He informed that Dimapur will be the base station and that

the service will be of a high standard. Two 13 seater choppers BEL-412 will be provided, one of which will be for regular service and the other for stand by and emergency services. The Commissioner and Secretary for Transport also disclosed that Nagaland Civil Aviation Board will be set up soon to execute mechanism for managing airlines and helicopter services. He added that a Civil Aviation Academy might be established in the near future through Higher Education and Youth Resources & Sports departments. He further said that Peren, Pfutsero, Mon, Shamator, Noklak etc will be managed by the Civil Administration and Transport department of the State and. He added that a small air strip in addition to helipads is intended to be made in some places of the State.

LoNDoN, SEPTEMBER 23 (REUTERS): The global rate of HIV infection and the number of AIDS-related deaths have been dramatically reduced, thanks to expanding access to treatment, the United Nations said in a report issued on Monday. In its annual update on HIV, which it said now infects around 35.3 million people worldwide, UNAIDS said deaths from AIDS and HIV infection rates were falling, while the number of people getting treatment is going up. AIDS-related deaths in 2012 fell to 1.6 million, down from 1.7 million in 2011 and a peak of 2.3 million in 2005. And the number of people newly infected with the disease dropped to 2.3 million in 2012 down from 2.5 million in 2011. The human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) that causes AIDS can be transmitted via blood, breast milk and by semen during sex, but can be kept in check with cocktails of drugs known as antiretroviral treatment or therapy. By the end of 2012, some 9.7 million people in poorer and middle-income countries had access to such AIDS drugs, an increase of nearly 20 percent in a year. Since 2001, the U.N. report said, there has been a 52 percent drop in annual new HIV infections among children and a 33 percent reduction in newly infected adults and children combined.

inclusion and indigenization

Indian Himalaya Youth Summit ends Morung Express news Kohima | September 23

As the first Indian Himalaya Youth Summit came to an end on September 23 at Kisama, participants from the 10 Himalayan states concluded by consolidating young voices on development preferences where their aspirations were revisited, presentations were made and several recommendations were given. This was in preparation for the upcoming Sustainable Mountain Development Summit. “This Youth Summit has given me a better understanding on the concept of sustainable development and the current problems that our mountain states are facing today.” says Swastika from Darjeeling who works with the NGO Chai Project. The challenges and opportunities of Sustainable Development in the water sector, agricultural and forest sector including solutions and key lessons learnt were also discussed. Another important topic discussed was ‘Sustainable solution- a reality or fiction?’ Tenzin Lepcha Tenzin is a 30 year old farmer from Sikkim participating at the Indian Himalaya Youth Summit. He works for the NGO, Affected Citizen of Testa which works on dam issues. “Sustainable development is a concept that is attached to what we do. We focus on restoring indigenous structures and promoting organic farming,” says Tenzin. He belongs to the first

Tenzin Lepcha, one of the participants at the Indian Himalaya Youth Summit which ended on September 23. Tenzin works for an nGO, Affected Citizen of Testa which focuses on Dam issues.

Some of the important recommendations highlighted at the summit based on water, forest, agriculture and land are: • Start a youth set up at the institution of Indian Mountain Initiative (IMI) to address issues of the mountain states. • Appoint a combined steering committee for the review of agricultural policies of mountain states and come up with recommendations specific to the region. Eg. Production, market linkage • Promote Youth Entrepreneurship • Implement village-friendly policies: A bottom up approach especially related with forest. • Inclusion of local history and culture in educational curriculum. • To have more civil society representation in Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) • To identify water springs, preserve them for supply and lobby with government policy makers. • Environmental education at educational institutions. • Integrated tourism involving more youths thus reducing unemployment • Introduce proper town planning and proper development activities. • Empower local communities and secure forest rights

group in his village to start the marketing their agricultural production. He says that their older generation was more focused on sustaining themselves. “We started this so that our next younger generation can cope up with the changes. We employ the youths, let them work and earn so that they don’t depend on their parents.” The NGO that Tenzin

works for, opposes dam constructions and also works in preserving and restoration of historical relics. They try to educate people on agriculture and tourism. Tenzin further adds, “Instead of selling our land to big companies, we can make use of our own land. It helps generate income, employ the local people and we do not have to be completely dependent on the government.”






Tuesday 24 September 2013

The Morung Express C M

…state of Nagaland should be protected at any cost and adequate compensation should be given in case of revenue loss suffered by any state on account of implementation of GST Tovihoto Ayemi


State in favour of proposed Goods and Services Tax

Dimapur, September 23 (mexN): Tovihoto Ayemi, Parliamentary Secretary for IT, Technical Education, Science & Technology and Taxes, Government of Nagaland attended the Empowered Committee of State Finance Ministers’ meeting held on September 19, 2013 at New Delhi and presented the views and concerns of the State on the proposed Goods and Services Tax (GST). Tovihoto Ayemi informed the house that the state is in favor of GST and is willing to go by consensus for resolving any issues and concerns of the member states and expressed his deep appreciation to the Empowered Committee for the excellent effort made thus far. Expressing the views of the state on the various issues on GST, Tovihoto Ayemi stated that unlike other mainland states,

smaller states like North Eastern States face peculiar problems and challenges and therefore requested for a separate special meeting for North Eastern states, to work out a common workable approach for smooth introduction of GST. Tovihoto Ayemi stated that the revenue of the state of Nagaland should be protected at any cost and adequate compensation should be given in case of revenue loss suffered by any state on account of implementation of GST. For this purpose, the state is in favor of creation of a GST Compensation Fund under the administrative control of the proposed GST Council. On the sidelines of the meeting, the Parliamentary Secretary also met the Empowered Committee Chairman, Abdul Rahim Rather, Finance Minister of J&K and other states’ Ministers in-charge Finance/ Taxation and shared the

state’s views and concerns for smooth introduction of GST in India. It may be pertinent to note that Government of India set up Empowered Committee of State Finance Ministers on July 17, 2000. All the Ministers in charge of Finance/Taxation of all States Government and Union Territories with Legislatures, Additional Secretary (Revenue), Government of India and Member Secretary, Empowered Committee are the members of the Empowered Committee. The Committee meets at regular interval and discuss on various issues relating to Goods and Service Tax (GST) to build consensus among the member states so as to facilitate smooth introduction of (GST) in India to replace the current VAT regime. It may be mentioned that GST is a tax on goods and services with compre-

hensive and continuous chain of set-off benefits from the producer's point and service provider's point up to the retailer's level. It is essentially a tax only on value addition at each stage, and a supplier at each stage is permitted to set-off, through a tax credit mechanism, the GST paid on the purchase of goods and services as available for set-off on the GST to be paid on the supply of goods and services. The final consumer will thus bear only the GST charged by the last dealer in the supply chain, with set-off benefits at all the previous stages. The Parliamentary Secretary was accompanied by the Commissioner of Taxes and Addl. Commissioner of Taxes. The next meeting will be held in November 2013 at Shillong, Meghalaya. This was stated in a press release issued by Commissioner of Taxes, Dimapur.

Volunteers from different Chakhesang church units take part in the mass social work on September 23 at Agri Expo complex for the upcoming spiritual festival programme from October 4 to 6, 2013. (Manen Aier Photo)

Cycle peace rally to touch Kohima today

Kohima, September 23 (mexN): The youth wing of Brahma Kumaris is carrying out “Youth Cycle Yatra for Glorious Bharat” from 111 different places throughout India for empowering youth for establishing a value based

society on the basis of nonviolence. It may be recalled that the rally was launched by Shila Dixit, chief minister Delhi from the national capital Delhi on September 13 last and will be culminate on November 8. In Kohima, the cycle peace rally

will take place on September 24 and 25 bound for Lumding, Assam. The main aim of the youth peace cycle rally is to benefit youths freedom and to protect them from drugs, alcohol and devil of violence. It also aims to pro-

tect youths spirit of service and sacrifices to engage them in community welfare activities. The launching of the programme will take place at 19th Assam Rifles (Basketball Ground), Kohima from 9:00 AM on September 24.

Training on management of Child Care Institution Training for Assembly Level



Kohima, September 23 (Dipr): Two day orientation training on management of Child Care Institution is underway at Zonal Council Hall, Kohima that started on September 23. Delivering the keynote address, Secretary for Social Welfare T. Kiheto Sema said that JJBs and Child Welfare Committee (CWCs) would take 20-30% of the child related cases. Pointing out the importance of childcare institution, Sema said that any cases relating to children below 18 years ought to be taken care by JJBs, CWCs, Law and Justice Department, Social Welfare ICPS and administration. He informed that the government has planned many programmes for the welfare of the children in conflict with law or children in contact with law. He reiterated that ICPS has become very important to sensitise the people and create awareness about the need and care of one’s children. He said that districts namely, Peren, Wokha and Mokokchung has already been covered in recent week and another three districts namely Zunheboto, Kiphire and Longleng has already been approved by the Ministry of Women & Child Department for Observation Home. Special Home will also be opened at Chozuba,

‘Government has planned many programmes for the welfare of the children in conflict with law’

T. Kiheto Sema, secretary social welfare addressing orientation training on “Management of child care institutions” at Zonal Council Hall, Kohima on September 23. (Morung Photo)

he said. At present Nagaland, have five Observation Homes and two Special Home. He also informed that the department would be proposing to open Observation Home in the entire districts. T. Kiheto urged the participants to know the legal procedure as to how the children should be treated and dealt in difficult circumstances. He also encouraged the staff to know and prepare themselves to face any situation that may arise. Intentions of the government are not to keep the children in jail but either in Observation Home or Special Home



depending on cases and transform their life from bad to good. He further said reputation of the department depends on the participants and encouraged them to learn from the training and to contribute their valuable services to the people. Assistant Director NIPCCD, Guwahati Dr. Sanghamitra Barik, the resource person of the programme while dwelling on the objective and importance of the training observed that it would not possible to provide quality care to children without training on juvenile justice

CHINGTHIANVUNG (06/10/1974 - 16/09/2013)

victim, and encouraged the State government to impart more training to the counselors. Barik pointed out those children who are in conflict with law or in contact with law has many emotional and behavioral problems and said that it was the duty of the Observation Home to ensure protection to such children. She stressed on the importance of training the employees of Observation Home and Special Home to enable them to provide minimum standard health to the children as per the Juvenile Justice. She expressed her appreciation

God saw you getting tired, When a cure was not to be, So He closed His arms around you, And He whispered “Come to Me”. You do not deserve what you went through, And so He gave you rest, God’s garden must be beautiful, For He only takes from the best. In time we saw you sinking, We watched you fade away, Our hearts were almost broken, You fought so hard to stay. But when we saw you sleeping, So peacefully from pain, We could not wish you back, To suffer that again. If you had spoken before you died, These are the words you would have replied, “Weep not for me, but courage take, And love the Lord and one another for my sake.”

Thank you everyone for loving her. May our faithful God bless you all!

Temsuienla, Samuel & Lanuteka Imchen

to the department of social welfare for being the first State in Eastern Region and India to sign the MOU ICPS. She was also happy to note that Nagaland was the first State which has recruited all the officials of ICPS and has registered 100% child care institutions (CCI) under Social Welfare department. Resource persons were Sanghamitra Barik and Kezhokhoto Savi. Law College students Kohima, Counselors, officials from CIPC attended the programme while Society Director SCPS Nagaland Khehoto Sema chaired the programme.

Master Trainers commences

Kohima, September 23 (mexN): A five days training for Assembly Level Master Trainers (ALMT) on Elections from September 23 to 27 started today at Administrative Training Institute, Kohima with 35 participants consisting of Administrative Officers and Assistant Election Officers from the districts. A press note received here stated that while inaugurating the programme, Sentiyanger, IAS, Chief Electoral Officer, Nagaland commented that Election

Commission of India has become proactive and is emphasising on quality training and voters education. He also stressed on Systematic Voters Education and Electors Participation (SVEEP) programme and Voters Verifiable Paper Audit Trail (VVPAT), which was implemented in Noksen Bye election for the first time in India. The Government of Nagaland has appointed Lithrongla G. Chishi (Additional Director, ATI) and Moa (Joint Chief Electoral

Officer) as Training Observers for the this program. Resource Persons are S. Rongsen Longkumer, Dr. Hovithal Sothu, R. Toshimeren Aier, R. Mhathung, all State Level Master Trainers (SLMT) on Elections and Ketousie-ü Khruomo (AEO, MIS). This training will cover all the Election Related matters. Lithrongla G. Chishi chaired the inaugural programme and the vote of thanks pronounced by Moa, Joint Chief Electoral Officer.

DAC meeting ZB AMN3rd Dimki from Sept 26 for youth Dimapur, September 23 (mexN): Zeliangrong Assam, Manipur and Nagaland (ZB AMN) will hold porg today Baudi its 3rd Dimki (general assembly) for the tenure 2010-

Kohima, September 23 (Dipr): A District Advisory Committee meeting for youth porgramme in relation with Nehru Yuva Kendra Kohima will be held on September 24 at 12 noon in the office chamber of the DC Kohima. All DACYP members have been requested to attend the meeting without fail. The members shall deliberate and approve the following agenda for the welfare of the youth in the district, Annual Action Plan 2013-14 and coordination programmes.

2013 from September 26 to 28 at Ze (Yangkhullen) Village Senapati district, Manipur hosted by the village authority. The Dimki (general assembly) will discuss matters pertaining to the welfare of the Zeliangrong people, issues and problems confronting in Zeliangrong inhabited areas of Assam, Manipur and Nagaland. ZB AMN general secretary K Elu Ndang in a press release has requested all the central executive of ZB AMN, state units, zonal units, AZSU, ZYF, ZWO, well wishers, social workers, intellectuals and scholars to attend the programme.



ACCC 4th Ghaspani I meeting

Dimapur, September 23 (mexN): The ACCC 4th Ghaspani I coordination meeting will be held on September 25 at 11:00 am at the Congress Bhavan Dimapur. All the ACCC office bearers, DCC representatives and PCC members are requested to attend the meeting positively.

NSRLM and allied orgs attend training cum exposure tour

Participants of the training on SHG Federations at SBIRD, Hyderabad.

Kohima, September 23 (mexN): The Nagaland State Rural Livelihoods Mission (NSRLM) along with representatives from SHG Federation, Dimapur District, AIDA Dimapur and SBI attended training on SHG Federations cum exposure tour to Andhra Pradesh. Total 12 participants from Nagaland and participants from other states attended the programme held from September 10 to 14. Training on SHG Federations was held at SBIRD,

Hyderabad organised by APMAS and Sadharika Foundation. Resource persons for the training included CS Reddy, CEO APMAS; GC Pande, General Manager, SBIRD; P. Usha Rani, Director, IB (SERP); Vidya Sagar Reddy, MD, Stree Nidhi and coordinators N. Naveen Kumar and S. Rama Lakshmi from APMAS. A two day exposure tour was held in the districts of Warangal and Kamareddy on September 12 and 13 where participants visited SHGs and various federa-

tions and interacted with individuals and groups. The training focused on SHG federationsconcept and challenges; models and formation; bank linkages etc while the field visits focused on structure, governance, human resources, finance resources, systems, services and self-management. Meanwhile, the Nagaland team visited Kurnool district from September 15 to 17 where they interacted with various functionaries of the Orvakal Mandal Sa-

makhya and met with Vijay Kumar, Joint Secretary NRLM and Vijaya Bharati, Advisor SERP. P ro j e c t M a n a g e r, Knowledge Management & Communication in a press release stated that the National Rural Livelihoods Mission (NRLM) or Aajeevika is a mission under the Ministry of Rural Development that aims at poverty alleviation through programmes targeted at the rural poor and with focus on nurturing women SHGs at various levels.



The Morung express


24 September 2013

‘Non-availability of land impeding investment in Assam’ GuwAhATI, SEPTEmbEr 23 (bS): Non-availability of land has become the "single largest" issue impeding investments in Assam, feels the industry. The Federation of Industry and Commerce of North Eastern Region (FINER), the premier industry body of North-East, has asked the Assam government to soon address the land issue and make non-agricultural land available to the industry. In principle, FINER is even of the view that fertile agricultural lands in close vicinity of bustling townships be also converted into industrial land. Quoting Nobel Laureate Amartya Sen, FINER chairman RS Joshi said: "Industry is based near cities, rivers, coast lines, expressways and other places for logistical necessities, quality of life for workers, cost of operations and various reasons. History of industrialisation and global distribution of industry hubs show that the location of great industry; be it Manchester, London, Munich, Paris, Pittsburgh, Shanghai or Lancachire, these are all on heavily fertile land."

‘Will solve land problem’, Gogoi assures industry

GuwAhATI, SEPTEmbEr 23 (ET): Assam chief minister, Tarun Gogoi has sought to re look at the land problem which is plugging the industry units in the state. The government will allow its agency to purchase land in market price and than give it for industrial purpose. Project worth Rs 2000 crore are hauled up due to non availability of land. Gogoi, while talking to ET exclusively said land and power are two major problems which is impeding the industrial growth in Assam. "We have asked the deputy commissioner to identify the land available in their area and come up with land bank." He added government has almost exhausted land available in the land banks created earlier. "We are getting tremendous inquires from prospective investors but land is a problem." The state government has directed its industry promoting arm, Assam However in Assam's and Indian context Joshi said: "We would not like to go that extent but industry also needs sympathetic policy." He added that in Assam there was vast potential to develop land, not suitable for agriculture, for industrial activities and enterprise. "That is being in-

Industrial Development Corporation ( AIDC) to go all out and purchase land whenever there is opportunity. Gogoi said, "We need to purchase wherever we can and later we can use it for industrial purpose. See there is no denying the fact that we need industry and a right mix of agriculture and industry." Assam government is expecting that its power situation will drastically improve by the next year as it will start getting power from the new projects. The current demand of power in the Assam is about 1,300 megawatt (MW) at peak load out of which there is an average shortage of about 250 MW. The chief minister said that Assam will start getting power from Bongaigaon Thermal Power Station (BTPS) of NTPC by 2014. The state will get 240 MW and 380 MW power from ONGC's Palatana power project in Tripura and BTPS. The state government is readying plans to go in a big way especially in re-

hibited, and that needs to be rectified." Joshi said non-availability of land in Assam for industrial activity was putting on hold investments to the tune of Rs 200 crore. The classification of land and updating of land records, said Joshi, had been done decades earlier, and

newal energy front. Gogoi said, "We are going in a big way in solar power. Even WelspunEnergyisconsideringsettingup a 25-MW solar power project in Assam at an investment of around Rs 200 crore." Gogoi pointed that despite problem Assam has recorded fourth highest rate of investment implementation amid industrialised states across India as of March 2013 according to industry body the Associated Chambers of Commerce and Industry of India (ASSOCHAM). Assocham has stated "Though, Assam has attracted investments worth a meagre Rs 71,342 crore from various public and private sources as of March 2013, investment projects worth over Rs 51,350 crore are under implementation in the state while rest of the projects with about 28 per cent investments remained a non-starter," according to a state-wise investment analysis conducted by ASSOCHAM.

not much work thereon has been done in the last many years. He said there were instances where a large chunk of land that had been classified as agricultural land has historically been land on which cultivation had never been done or even possible. He said the banks have

Kuki orgs submit memo on border fencing DImAPur, SEPTEmbEr 23 (mExN): The Kuki Inpis and the Kuki Organization for Human Rights have written to the Prime Minister of India and the President of Myanmar expressing shock on hearing the news that a boundary fencing wall is proposed to be constructed in the heart of the “Independent Hill Country,” i.e. in between India and Myanmar. The memorandum from the Kuki Impis stated that the proposal of constructing boundary wall in the middle of this particular “Independent Hill Country, will be comparable with that of

Berlin Wall in Germany.” It asserted that the indigenous Kuki “will never allow neither to divide their land nor separate themselves from their ancestral land. “Sensing the recent statement of Pinak Ranjan Chakravarty, Secretary in the Ministry of External Affairs, Govt. of India, for constructing the iron fencing wall in the midst of innocent indigenous people in the region of India’s northeast and the Bay of Bengal,” stated the memo. The Kuki Inpis and Kuki Human Rights voiced concern that unless such statement is re-

Mizoram, Assam officials discuss security ahead of polls

AIzAwl, SEPTEmbEr 23 (PTI): Mizoram Chief Secretary L Tochhong and senior officials on Monday held a meeting with officials of the neighbouring Assam and discussed security and related issues on the interstate border areas as Mizoram goes to poll by the end of November. Tochhong sought cooperation from officials of the neighbouring states during the coming assembly polls as they can play vital roles in conduct of peaceful and free and fair elections. The meeting was convened following instructions from the Election Commission even as officials from Manipur and Tripura failed to attend the meeting due to unavoidable circumstances, an official statement said. Deputy Commissioners and SPs of districts adjoining the three neighbouring states would be instructed to hold frequent coordination meetings with their counterparts of the districts across the border. Tochhong was accom-

Computer Home Servicing Formatting, Virus Scanning, Networking… Contact: 8575648374 (Kohima)

LOST NOTICE I, Kitoholi Y.Aomi, am applying for a duplicate copy of HSSLC Admit Card as I have lost it. Name : Kitoholi Y Aomi F/Name : K.Yehoshe Aomi M/Name : Y.Khetoni Aomi D.O.B :28/02/1992 Roll No : 1010439 Regd.No :810526 Year : 2010 School : St.John Hr.Sec.Residential School Dimapur: Nagaland

panied by the state Chief Electoral Officer Ashwini Kumar, senior home department and police and election department officials while Assam government was represented by Joint Secretary Mahananda Hazarika and DIG of Police Bind Kumar.

trieved back, “it would endup with loosing thousands of innocent lives.” “If the proposed boundary is ever constructed without the consent of the indigenous people, it will be like to put fuel to the fire of the violent torn region which has been crying for peace for the last several years,” it added. It stated that stoppage to the proposed boundary wall here will be the only means for restoring peace and normalcy in the land where over 50 groups of underground movements are recently flourishing, “yet the two Governments - India and

Myanmar - plus the newly born Bangladesh could not restore peace till today.” This statement was submitted after hearing complains from several indigenous groups, the note informed. It informed that the Manipur Chief Minister and the Governor of Manipur had visited the spot on 21 September for the proposed fencing. The list of villages to be affected from both sides was also enclosed with this memo. A copy of the memo has been forwarded to the United Nation Organization and also to UNPFII Office in New York.


In supercession of this office earlier notice NO.DC/KPE/LR-58/2012/68 dated Kiphire 12 April 2012 public notice is hereby issued inviting claims and objection. If any for the recognition of the new village under the nomenclature LIMTSANG VILLAGE under EAC Kiusum circle Kiphire district with the following boundaries. Total area is 1026 Acres North Tukiavong Village (Longthongvong Top Hill) South Zanger Village (Chahwuhtairo Nallah) East Pokphur Village (Taikivong Top Hill) West Longtsonger (Longtsongtairo Nallah) If no claim and objection is receive within 30 (thirty) days from the date of issue of this notification, the case will be forwarded to the government for recognition. Sd/(Kesonyu Yhome) IAS D.C Kiphire


been of late been implementing the provisions of Securitisation and Reconstruction of Financial Assets and Enforcement of Security Interest Act 2002 very rigidly in Assam and were not lending to industries whose land had not been converted as industrial land. Government industrial


Sd/(Kesonyu Yhome) IAS D.C Kiphire


In supercession of this office earlier notice NO.DC/KPE/LR-58/2012/68 dated Kiphire 12 April 2012 public notice is hereby issued inviting claims and objection. If any for the recognition of the new village under the nomenclature DITANVONG VILLAGE under EAC Kiusum circle Kiphire district with the following boundaries. Total area is 1129.9 Acres North Metonger Village (Taiwuhtaivong Top Hill) South Metonger Village Village (Kiukuvong Top Hill) East Chikiuponger Village (Jutai Nallah) West Sangkumti Village (Mongringrotai Nallah) If no claim and objection is receive within 30 (thirty) days from the date of issue of this notification, the case will be forwarded to the government for recognition. Sd/(Kesonyu Yhome) IAS D.C Kiphire

President (09615677410) General Secretary (09089391527) CSIR- North East Institute of Science & Technology (NEIST) Jorhat – 785006 (Assam) Advertisement for Engagement of Coordinating Officers by CSIRNEIST under NDMA supported Project ‘M 8.7 Shillong 1897 Earthquake Scenario: NE Multi-State Exercise and Preparedness Campaign’ CSIR-NEIST intends to recruit State Coordinating Officers, one for each NE State. Graduate/post graduates in Geology, Seismology, Civil Engineering, Computer Science, Architecture Town Planning, MSW, Disaster Management or in related fields for above project on purely contractual basis, and one Senior Coordinator for inter-State coordination for a period of 12 months w. e. f. the date of issue of appointment letter. Candidates must not be below 27 years of Age as on 1st Sept 2013. Name and no. of the Posts: (i). State Coordinating Officer (SCO) – 8 nos. (One post for each NE State) (ii). Senior Coordinating Officer – 1 no. (for inter-state coordination) For details: Please visit CSIR-NEIST website: www.rrljorhat.res.in Application on plain paper with complete bio-data, contact details and work experience along with self attested passport sized photograph should be addressed to: The Director, CSIR –NEIST, Jorhat – 6 (Assam), PIN – 785 006 The post applied for (State Coordinating Officer) and this Advertise No. should be superscripted on the envelope. Last date for receipt of Application: 10th Oct., 2013. - Administrative Officer


Northeast Briefs 40 injured in Senapati bus accident SENAPATI, SEPTEmbEr 23 (NNN): 40 passengers were injured with five of them seriously when a bus met with an accident on Monday in Senapati district, Manipur. Reports said the passenger bus travelling from Khongdai in Purul subdivision was heading for Senapati district headquarters when the accident happened between Maram-Purul-Lakhamai road at around 3 pm. The injured are now being treated at Senapati district hospital while the five critically injured have been shifted to Imphal. Reports informed that the cause of the accident was due to brake-fail.

Couple jump into river with child

GuwAhATI, SEPTEmbEr 23 (IANS): Three members of a family, including a woman and a child, committed suicide by jumping into the Brahmaputra river near Guwahati Monday. Authorities said a search operation was launched immediately after the incident by the river police and local boatmen but they were yet to recover the bodies. The identity of the three was also yet to be ascertained. "The couple with a minor child hired a boat from Sukreswar temple ghat Monday morning. They said they would visit the Umananda temple and would have a ride on the Brahmaputra," the police quoted the boatman as saying. "However, as we reached the middle of the river, the couple jumped into the river along with the child. We offered them life jackets immediately and threw ropes so that they could return to the boat, but they refused all help," said the boatman and his assistant. "Some boats and river police rushed to the spot where the trio jumped but failed to rescue them as they were swept away by the strong current of the river," the boatman said. "I just saw the couple having a discussion among themselves before jumping into the river. However, I could not hear anything due to the sound of the engine of my boat," he said.

Nourhe Lozi (Peli No. 13 T. Khel)

In supercession of this office earlier notice NO.DC/KPE/LR-58/2012/68 dated Kiphire 12 April 2012 public notice is hereby issued inviting claims and objection. If any for the recognition of the new village under the nomenclature ‘KIUSISU’Village under EAC Kiusum circle Kiphire district with the following boundaries. Total area is 1439.4 Acres with the following boundaries North Metonger village(Mushepro Top Hill) South Latsu Village (Maisairo Nallah) East Kiusum Town (Saikhenvong Top Hill) West Sangkumti (Kiukhianvong Top Hill) If no claim and objection is receive within 30 (thirty) days from the date of issue of this notification, the case will be forwarded to the government for recognition.

Raffle Draw in aid of Silver Jubilee Celebrations The Results of the Raffle Draw held at T.Khel Ground on the 21st of September, 2013 are as follows: : Ticket No. 297 1st Prize (Hyundai i20) 2nd Prize (Hyundai Eon) : Ticket No. 243 : Ticket No. 469 3rd Prize (Royal Enfield Thunderbird 350) : Ticket No. 138 4th Prize (Royal Enfield Electra 350) Consolation Prizes : Ticket No. 035 (Scooty Pep Plus) : Ticket No. 545 : Ticket No. 428 : Ticket No. 378 Ticket Winners are requested to contact us and collect your prize within 15 days of the draw date [September 21, 2013] failing which, the prize will be handed over to Nourhe Lozi. We would like to thank each and every one of the participants of the Raffle Draw for their generous contributions. We thank you very much for your support and would like you to join us at our Silver Jubilee Celebrations to be held next year.

NAGALAND ALLIANCE FOR CHILD RIGHTS (NACR) C/O Prodigals Home, 5th Floor, N.S.C.B.Building Khermahal Dimapur-797112, Nagaland. E-mail: nacrnagaland@gmail.com

Motto: “Safer Nagaland for Children and Women” 25th September 2013 Hotel Saramati, Dimapur, Nagaland



All the alumni are cordially invited to our schools alumni meet to be held on 28th September 2013 at 11:00am in the school harvest hall. For inquiries and registration kindly contact,

estates in areas where industries can come up either have no space or have long waiting list, Joshi said. This has jacked up the prices of private converted lands, as supply has been artificially restricted. "These private converted land prices have become so high that any industry or entrepreneurial activity automatically becomes either unviable or unable to locate. Creation of governmental infrastructure for industrial estates is welcome but it takes time. Till then the government should enable setting up of private entrepreneurship on self acquired, private patta land where no farming activity had taken place for a long period of time," he added. FINER has asked the Assam government to enable creation of industrial hubs in and around major cities of the state. As per the industrial intentions filed with the state government, more than 80 per cent of investors want to set up units in and around Guwahati. New industrial hub, feels FINER, can be created in Upper Assam around the cities of Dibrugarh and Tinsukia based on the oil and gas assets present there.


Theme : Towards a stronger Nagaland Alliance for Children and Women 09: 00 am Moderators

: Registration of the delegates : Mr. N.T. Kikon, Wongdang-Ki Charitable Foundation Ms. Asha Sanchu, Miqlat Ministry NBCCWD Documentation : Ms. Renem Ozukum, Sisterhood Network Mr. Moang Jamir, Prodigals ‘Home

Chief Guest: Shri. Kiyanilie Peseyie

Honorable Minister, Social Welfare, Women and Child Development, Government of Nagaland Order of the Programme 1. Invocation Prayer : Ms. Juliet, Associate Pastor, Sumi Baptist Church, Dimapur. 2. Welcome & Introduction of the NACR : Ms. N.K. Keny, President, NACR (10 minutes) 3. Keynote Address : Smt. Husheli Sema, IAS, DC, Dimapur 4. Glimpses of IACR : Smt. Razia, IACR, New Delhi (15 minutes) 5. Special Presentation : Miqlat Ministry 6. Children’s & women’s Rights Violation in Nagaland : NACR 7. Children’s & women’s Rights : Shri. Mayang Lima, Registrar , Guwahati High Court , (Kohima Bench), Member Secretary, State legal Service Authority (30 minutes)

Appeal to the Chief Guest : Shri. Kiyanilie Peseyie, Honorable Minister, Social Welfare, Women and Child Development, Government of Nagaland. : Love Care Home : Sr. Therese, Assisi Centre (ACID) : Fr. Chacko Karintheyil, Rector, Good Shepherd Seminary, Dimapur

8. Speech

9. Special song 10. Vote of Thanks 11. Closing Prayer


01.30 pm to 3.30pm: Second Session Facilitators: Ms. K. Ela, Prodigals Home and Ms. Azungla Imsong, Sisterhood Network 1. Introduction of the delegates and highlighting their specific issues and concerns of their respective districts. 2. The need for District Alliance, Way Forward: General Discussion. 3. Closing Remarks: Rev. Fr. C.P Anto, Peace Channel.




public discoursE

Tuesday 24 September 2013

Apple sells 9 mn 5s, 5c Condemnation alone is obsolete: NAYO iPhones in first 3 days orthern Angami Youth Or- the jungles away from sane and determination and the capability

Bangalore, SeptemBer 23 (reUterS): Apple Inc said it sold 9 million iPhone 5s and iPhone 5c models in the first three days after their launch on Friday. Shares of Apple rose 3.6 percent in premarket trade on Monday following the news. Demand for the iPhone 5s has exceeded initial supplies, and many online orders are scheduled to be shipped in the coming weeks, the company said in a statement. The sales far outpaced the figures from last September, when Apple unveiled the iPhone 5, selling more than 5 million in the first three days

after its launch. On Friday, long lines formed outside stores in Tokyo, New York, San Francisco and other cities for Apple’s new top-ofthe-line 5s and the less-expensive 5c. It was the first time Apple had launched two iPhone models simultaneously. Apple did not break out separate sales figures for the 5s and 5c. Apple also said in a regulatory filing it expects total revenue for the fourth fiscal quarter to be near the high end of the previously estimated range of $34 billion to $37 billion. Analysts’ average forecast is $36.10 billion, according to Thomson Reuters.


Dearest Aden (Senden), Before you were born, I was just another ordinary man. But after your birth, I was elevated to the status of being an amazing uncle, all thanks to you. Happy birthday. May God Bless you. With Love, Apiza Keten


ganization (NAYO) wishes to state that the continuous cycle of violence being engaged in by warring factions in Northern Angami land has reached a level where condemnation alone is obsolete. In the recent spate of clashes following the Midland shootout in which a student leader and others had miraculous escapes. An unexploded devise was found besides a killed cadre in a populated area at Officers hill. A shop at NHAK colony was found riddled with 9 bullet holes from the barrels of freedom fighters guns. Bullets of either of the NSCN (K) or NSCN (KK) are now threatening the life of a civilian shot at PWD colony junction. While comically none were injured on the shooters part! Even more comical is the statement appearing in the media! None bold enough to come clean, except hurl charges at each other! We the public seems more concerned about the ‘Naga issue’ than our so called national workers, trampling all reasoning and prayers for reconciliation. NAYO is compelled to point out that numerous appeals by various apex Naga NGO’s and a tested public has fallen on deaf ears till date. Therefore NAYO say, go shoot it out

sensible Nagas. Concerned parties are hereby advised to be professionally selective, shoot straight and true. Please follow norms and rules of engagement. Put into action claims of being highly trained combat personnel’s. Fire away your frustrations and hatred at each other elsewhere, you have unlimited options for a battlefield. We at NAYO and other NGO’s alongside all peaceful citizens of Kohima have been stretched beyond our limit. Everyone has a breaking point. Public tolerance and patience may snap sooner than latter as a result of your repulsive actions, unbecoming of ‘freedom fighters’. And when it breaks, the consequent chain of events will not be tasteful to any, be it armed personals or civilians. It has happened elsewhere in our homeland yesterday and it can happen here today at the capital. NAYO is tolerant and NAYO has been silent hoping groups will pay heed to appeals made by much more matured NGO’s. We the citizens are being pushed to the edge. The madness and total disregard to public sentiment will compel NAYO to step forward and confront the errant parties and cadres. NAYO does not lack the

or the support required to take remedial action to protect ourselves are bound by tradition and culture to safeguard the interest of Naga’s and others residing with us in our hearts. Perhaps we are ‘too young’ an organization to understand the political differences between factions causing these acts of elimination. But we are old enough to understand that if this violence in Northern Angami Areas does not halt, we will have to step forward and assert ourselves though we do not want a confrontation. Therefore we at NAYO also appeal to erring factions on behalf of all citizens to immediately search earnestly for ways and means to attain peace or even a truce. For inspite of our anger and detestation, inspite of all our pent up emotions, deep in our hearts, we are praying that better sense prevail amongst groups and peace is sought for in all urgency. God bless us all and pray that God has not forsaken us. Peter Rutsa, President

Rukravolie Rulho, Press Secretary

Our World Is To Seek The True God


uman beings have diversity of religions and religious books according to beliefs and each group claims that their religious book is God’s inspired word. The world is wrong in having different beliefs and worshipping different imaginary super beings other than the Creator. I am a Christian and my religious Book is the Bible. Though I am a professed believer of Jesus Christ, I will not be fanatic but will examine what my belief really is whether the Bible is really God’s inspired word or not. If there is any doubt I have to review my belief and to seek who the true God is because if I miss the true Creator for the sake of the prestige of my religion, it cannot be recuperated after my death and my loss will be eternal loss. But the more I read the Bible the deeper I know that the Bible is really the word of God. When I was in animistic religion I had depression over death and turning to dust. When I became a believer of Jesus Christ I began to read the Bible which says, “Anyone who believes in Jesus Christ has everlasting life.” After that fear that haunted me was gone and it was replaced by peace, joy and courage. The more the Bible is read and meditated upon, it makes one more lively, happier, peaceful and joyful and it transforms the heart into new life in the power of the Holy Spirit. The most wonderful experience a true believer of Christ receives is that he or she receives the anointment of the Holy Spirit from God and the anointed persons cast out the Devil in the name of Jesus Christ. The fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control. It is what the world needs. If God speaks to some particular persons for some particular matters, it is a different thing. If God speaks to humankind, whatever it may be will be meant for all human

beings irrespective of races. God’s commandments to all human beings are: “Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind.” This is the first and greatest commandment. And the second is like it: “Love your neighbor as yourself.” “In anything, do to others what you would have them do to you.” “Live in harmony with one another. Do not be proud but be willing to associate with people of low position. Do not be conceited.” “Do not repay any one evil for evil”. “Do not take revenge, but leave room for God’s wrath, for it is written, it is mine to avenge: I will repay, says the Lord.” “All Scripture is God breathed and is useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting and training in righteousness so that the man of God may be thoroughly equipped for every good work.” “Be you holy for I am holy.” Our world is to seek who the Creator of the heavens and the earth is. He created us and we breathe, see, hear, talk, eat, drink and rejoice for Him and should we give our loyalty to other imaginary super beings? God does not need thousand ways of performances of religious rites but He needs human beings to know, obey and follow Him. Through His word we came to know Him and through knowing Him we experience His truth, His power, His peace, His joy and His love. Our God is holy and righteous and he blesses the righteous one. He hates sin and pours out His wrath upon sinners who do not repent of their sins. But we know Him and testify Him that our God is not God of destruction and terrorism, He is

not God of suicide bomb, He is not God of corruption; He is not God of factional killing, He is not God of caste system and racial segregation, He is not God of power monger, He is not God of oppression and suppression, He is not God of injustice and He is not God of fear and worriness. There are many religions out of different beliefs but God does not value my being a Christian and his being a Muslim but He values the way of life according to His will only. “The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy: I have come that they may have life, and have it to the full.” Christ said. (John 10:10). Some religions believe that there are agencies of super beings through which God’s blessing or intervention is invoked. According to them, the agencies are represented by certain objects such as painted stones, trees, hand made image or idols. Such objects are worshipped by offering sacrifices such as flowers, burning incense, throwing pieces of coins and the like. Worshippers keep on perspiringly beating drums, dancing and singing to arouse the spirits. Instead of lifting up their heart to the living God, they look down to the object of agencies at house corners, at court yards, on the side of the Streets. Such practices are detestable to the Creator. Certain religious group allows prostitution as not an act of immorality. God is the eternal life and by His life, wisdom and power He created the heavens and the earth. He is the truth and is holy, righteous, loving kind, just, perfect, infallible and is no respecter of persons. His commandments are universal, perfect and they are the basics and guidance of human beings on the earth and they cannot be deterred by human philosophy. Rev. L. Suohie Mhasi

The Morung Express

Appraising the Pioneers of Rock Music in Nagaland


or a multitude of reasons, I could only think of Music as the most inspirational phenomena in Nagaland (rock music and its genres being the most popular form). It was in this horizon where a remarkable epoch took place through pioneers like Squadron, Abiogenisis, Joy, Dazzle Channel, Hedonic and other bands that followed their course like- Native Colors, A-Road, Oleander, Green Chillies, Graffiti, just to name a few. These bands made a striking mark in the history of rock music in Nagaland. It was for them that people in India and abroad began noticing the wealth of musical talents our state attributed; they had people wanting to know and explore more of Nagaland. I still reminiscence those days when they’d go on stage, do their usual amazing thing. And just when they’re about to leave, the crowd would shout for more and then they’d play again- those years were truly golden. Music to them was less about business and more about Music itself. They paid lesser attention to their own gains. It was the passion they had to play and make music; the zeal to connect with people and make the atmosphere electrifying; the objective they carried to bring unity, smiles and to help people see eye to eye, through Music that is. I remember a time in those days when people would constantly talk and write about the band ‘Native Colors’ (Raj, Satem, Timothy, Alem). I was in my elementary school back then and I’d see and read a lot about them on the papers. That was one of the many Naga bands that clearly inspired me. Yep, I’m talking about the band that won the first ever Hornbill rock contest before it went National/International, the band that won the MTV Rock Idol and bagged many achievements that were worth every dose of musical enjoyment they executed on stage. They did justice to all the songs they played and so did the other bands of that time. Back then, I was too young to go to concerts and they were usually held during my tests and exams so I’d take this wooden chair out in the compound and stand on it, just so I could get to hear some of the music that stood for ‘AWESOMENESS’. Youths would flock on foot from long distances just to see these bands perform uber cool rock songs and its other genres, played with no spuriosity. Rock Music like any other form of music has evolved over the years with the introduction of the most recent technologies for recording and distributing. Anybody could gain fans without having to throw a lot of expenses- we’ve got you tube, facebook, various websites for musicians, you could create your own blog, what not. It’s no surprise when bands and artistes today gain a global audience in a short time- anybody could with the latest enhancements and the internet. Technological equipments were few those days, but I don’t think our pioneers would have needed any of those aggrandizements because they sounded just perfect. Well, apparently things may not be that easy but it actually is easier than it was years and decades ago. Nevertheless, there can be no comparisons drawn between the musicians then and now because I think everyone’s prominent in their own gravity. When BILLBOARD interviewed The doors, they asked Ray Manzarek (founding member of The Doors), if he ever thought people would still be listening to the songs that they recorded for their first album four decades later. He replied, “That’s not a musician’s concern. I don’t think musicians play music in terms of posterity. You have to think in that individual moment in time and if you capture the energy, then do what a musician is supposed to do”. I think that’s pretty much what our pioneers did. They didn’t play for posterity; they captured the energy, did what musicians are supposed to do and above all, they- Left a Legacy. These rock stalwarts clearly don’t deserve to be forgotten. And it would be brilliant if the Music Task Force along with the local bands and artistes come up with something in recognition of the foundation they laid. Tsüngrochetla Walling

Readers may please note that the contents of the articles, letters and opinions published do not reflect the outlook of this paper nor of the Editor in any form.



Simple Rules - There is just one simple rule: “Fill in the grid so that every row, every column, and every 3x3 box co ntains the digits 1 through 9.”

SUDOKU Game Number # 2657



Answer Number # 2656

DiMaPuR Civil Hospital:

STD CODE: 03862

Metro Hospital: Faith Hospital: Shamrock Hospital Zion Hospital: Police Control Room Police Traffic Control East Police Station West Police Station CIHSR (Referral Hospital) Dimapur hospital Apollo Hospital Info Centre: Railway: Indian Airlines Northeast Shuttles Chumukedima Fire Brigade Nikos Hospital and Research Centre Nagaland Multispecialty Health & Research Centre


Police Control Room: North Police Station: South Police Station: Fire Brigade: Naga Hospital: Oking Hospital: Bethel Nursing Home:

232224; Emergency229529, 229474 227930, 231081 233044, 228846 228254 231864, 230889 228400 232106 227607, 228400 232181 242555/ 242533 224041, 285117, 248011 230695/9402435652 131/228404 229366 22232 282777 232032, 231031 248302, 09856006026

STD CODE: 0370

Northeast Shuttles

100/2244279 2222222 2222111 2222952 2222916 2243339 2224202


StudeNtS IN Our ClASS



















D n O i M a R C U S L C h L O E

E K B T O i a L i z a y a E w C


i E a O i R O S t J R T a D O w


a T L M O B R y O M a L K n O n

E K n a R L C M n B R C n i E y

w D a D h E a E A E E E K D O E


O a T E Q S n L v n R T y S M Q

n D a n T z T i O T F a h M O R


O L L E a g h S n V J a a E y n

n M i M y B O a O D u R V E u S

i a E a L n n g D O B n i u h E


u R O K O C y E i g g a M a O O

L i F a R a u h S O J F u C n a


S a E y Q V T E A u S T i n i B

E n R L n E D g A R E z g n h E

R a D a n i E L J O R D a n L B

ACROSS 1. Dishes out 6. Break 10. Eyebrow shape 14. warning signal 15. unwakable state 16. whimper 17. a measuring instrument 18. not under 19. not closed 20. narrow-minded 22. Oceans 23. One more than nine 24. ___ alia 26. Burgled 30. happen again 32. house style 33. Drywall 37. Black, in poetry 38. Feel 39. urgent request 40. Bloodline 42. Cantillate 43. British for “Truck” 44. an elaborate party 45. Type of antelope 47. 2,000 pounds 48. Tibia 49. Disarrayed

56. Prospector’s find 57. apothecary’s weight 58. Lyric poem 59. 1 1 1 1 60. Solitary 61. Mature 62. what we sleep on 63. Terminates 64. Smell

DOWN 1. wise men 2. Distinctive flair 3. Tight 4. Therefore 5. Ore refinery 6. Disdain 7. Exploded star 8. Ends a prayer 9. Speck 10. Punctuation mark 11. indian monetary unit 12. Transparent 13. Female chickens 21. Poetic dusk 25. gist 26. Stair 27. Brass instrument 28. Smell 29. Solitariness 30. Long-limbed

31. if not 33. Don 34. “Oh my!” 35. Lease 36. information 38. Sit astride 41. holiday drink 42. Residue fragments 44. not against 45. gleamed 46. assisted 47. Volumes 48. untidy one 50. weightlifters pump this 51. Found on most beaches 52. Sweeping story 53. Lasso 54. Biblical garden 55. Fender blemish

Ans to CrossWord 2668

CHUMUKEDIMA: 03862-282777/101 (O) 9436012949 (OC) WOKHA: 03860-242215 (O) 9402643782 MOKOKCHUNG: 0369-2226225/101 (O) 9856872011 (OC) PHEK: 03865-223838/101 (O) 9402003086 (OC)

MON: 03869-290629/101 (O) 9856248962/ 9612805461 (OC)

Toll free No. 1098 childline


DIMAPUR: 03862-232201/101 (O) 9436601225 (OC)

TUENSANG: 03861-220256/101 (O) 8974322879



KOHIMA: 0370-2222952/101 (O) 9436062098 (OC)

ZUNHEBOTO: 03867-220444/101 (O) 9856158740 (OC)




STD CODE: 0369

Police Station 1: Police Station 2 :

2226241 2226214

Civil Hospital: Woodland Nursing Home: Hotel Metsüpen (Tourist Lodge):

2226216 2226263 2226373/2229343

TAHAMzAM (formerly Senapati) STD CODE: 03871 Police Station: Fire Brigade

222246 222491


























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The Morung Express

Tuesday 24 September 2013

Open Heavens: conference for believers Our Correspondent

Kohima | September 23

Organizers and speakers of Open Heavens – School of the Supernatural, a six-day crash course for believers, church leaders and ministry workers scheduled to be held from October 7 to 12, today briefed the media. Rev. Shan Kikon, Pastor, Faith harvest Church Kohima stressed on the need for churches to be equipped and trained in Holy Spirit. “The Church is meant to be a place where people encounter the power and love of

God in the message of the Gospel- that meets the real needs of the people and transforming them to live victorious, fruitful and meaningful lives,” he stated. “The anointing and gifts of the Holy Spirit, along with the word of God are given to the church to accomplish this purpose of God, through believers who are willing to yield to God.” Commenting on the excesses and errors due to lack of proper and sound Christian doctrine which, according to him has tarnished the image of the church, he emphasized on the “legitimate need” for Holy Spirit

anointed ministry which is biblical and God given. Meanwhile, commenting on the issue of Satanism and how the practice has now spread far and wide, Rev Zotuo Kiewhuo, Sr. pastor, Koinonia Baptist Church, expressed concern at the “lackadaisical attitude of some believers who still opine Satanism in Kohima is a myth.” He stated the Transformation Crusade was an eye opener for many to the realities of the spiritual realm and the power of the Holy Spirit. “The response was mixed with some realizing that the practice had in-

Dimapur, September 23 (mexN): BJP National Executive Member K Medom Angami has issued a statement stating that the attack on the “historical church” in Peshawar, Pakistan by two Taliban suicide bombers deserves “strongest condemnation.” The attack on Sunday, which killed atleast 80 people, including women and children, he said is the deadliest attack on the Minority Christian community in Pakistan and “such premeditated mindless and senseless attack is totally reprehensible”, and should be condemned by all right thinking citizens of the world. Further, he said that Jandullah group, a faction of the Tehrik- E- Taliban Pakistan, who has claimed responsibility for the attack must be traced out and a criminal trial instituted with death penalty. The perpetrators of the crime

must be brought to justice, he demanded. Condemning the act, he also called upon the Congress led UPA Government to “immediately” issue a strong condemnation against the terrorists. Meanwhile, he extended his heartiest solidarity to the Christian victims of Peshawar. He also extended sympathy to all those affected by the Muzaffarnagar riots in Uttar Pradesh, where he alleged the Samajwadi Party (SP) led by chief minister Akilesh Yadav “totally failed" to reign the “unruly elements” who “instigated the mob to vitiate the peaceful communal harmony.” He also urged the central government to “immediately dismiss the inefficient/ ineffective” SP government and impose President’s Rule “because of breakdown of government machinery to rule the State normally.”

37 AR apprehends GPRN/NSCN cadre

Dimapur, September 23 (mexN): Based on specific information about tax collection by cadre of GPRN/NSCN, troops of 37 Assam Rifles placed mobile check post and apprehended one GPRN/NSCN cadre identified as Kevepfolo Venuh (41) from Jharnapani area on September 20. Stating this in a press release Lt Col AS Chauhan, PRO, Assam Rifles, Kohima informed that the cadre was recognized as Tatar of GPRN/ NSCN and was travelling from Kohima to Dimapur in Maruti Gypsy. Three extortion slips and four mobile phones were recovered from the individual, the release read. The individual along with the recovered items was handed over to Medziphema Police late in the evening the same day. The individual was further, reportedly handed over to Phek police in relation to an already pending case against him.

Dimapur, September 23 (mexN): The management of Niathu Group has announced that the much awaited re-opening of Hotel Legacy, Upper Bayavii Hill, Kohima will happen on September 24, 2013. A press release issued by the general manager, Niathu Group Hotels & Resorts Dharya Luikham informed that Hotel Legacy is a boutique hotel

equipped with all modern amenities, including a traditional Naga kitchen and a library. The hotel has been carefully designed to meet the needs of all kinds of guests and tourists visiting the capital, it said. Along with Hotel Legacy, on the same day, Niathu Group will also launch the new North Wing segment of Hotel Vivor, Kohima which has an additional 15

rooms. With the season of festivity around the bend, the Niathu Group has invited all guests and tourists to come, experience and be a part of what these hotels have to offer. Bookings will be open on all days. For Hotel Legacy, contact 0370-2260946. For Hotel Vivor, contact 0370-2806243. For any other information visit www.niathugroup.com

Condolences for Thupusato Boshi Vamuzo his deep concerns, in-depth knowledge of politics of our constituency and that of the Nagas.” Recounting his first association with Boshi, the Speaker said that ever since he knew him, he had a good network of friends whom he made positive impact upon them. Through his initiative, motivation and nurturing, many youths and his peers who had gone astray from the Church found meaning to come back to Jesus Christ, he added. Sazo further acknowledged that Boshi shared with him lots of concerns and suggestion to help the Nagas and particularly people from their constituency “to which I have responded to some and would continue to do so in the future.” Calling Boshi kind and large-hearted person, Sazo said his passing away will not only leave a void in “our lives”, but in the hearts of everyone who knew him and also the rank and file of the NPF party. “Boshi's memory will always remain deep within my heart,” he affirmed. “It is my NLA speaker Chotisuh Sazo firm belief that bad things that happen In a condolence message adto good people serve a greater good, dressed to Awele, wife of Boshi and Boshi's death will.” Vamuzo, NLA speaker Chotisuh Sazo has expressed sadness. “Boshi was NPF Central Women Wing more than just a friend,” he said. “He NPF Central Women Wing has exaddressed me as an elder brother by pressed deep pain and shock at the virtue of my age, whereas I addressed untimely demise of Thupusato Boshi him as elder brother out of respect for Vamuzo, general secretary of NPF Minister Imkong L Imchen Minister for Health & Family Welfare Imkong L Imchen has expressed deep shock and grief over the sudden demise of Boshi Vamuzo, addressing him as “my brother.” Stating that he learnt about the news only through newspapers, Imkong acknowledged that late Boshi Vamuzo was a humble and down to earth person who was always willing to render his services to anybody in need. The passing away of such a noble and dedicated person at such a tender age was never expected, he said. “The cruel destiny has snatched away a very very promising young man from the Naga family, who could have contributed so many good things to our people had he been allowed to stay alive with us.” Further, Imkong along with his wife extended solidarity to the bereaved family in this hour of “deep grief and sorrow,” while wishing the departed soul to rest in eternal peace.

Central Wing on September 22. It is indeed a great loss for the NPF party to lose a young and dynamic leader who is also an ardent social worker, read a condolence message issued by the general secretary of the NPF Central Women Wing Sapralu Nyekha. It further said that Boshi’s demise is not only a loss to the Chakesang community and NPF party in particular, but to the whole Nagas in general. The Women Wing further conveyed its heartfelt condolences to the bereaved family members and prayed that the almighty God grant them solace and strength in their time of immense grief and sorrow.

Dimapur, September 23 (mexN): The call for conservation of our wildlife wealth continues to get enthusiastic response from many quarters including individuals, groups, children and institutions alike. Asserting this in a press release, officer-in-charge of Nagaland Zoological Park (NZP) Obed Bohovi Swu informed that the faculty and staff of National Institute of Technology (NIT) Chumukedima rescued one Slow Loris on September 17 from the campus and donated to the zoo. According to the press release, the students of NIT, as a first step of conservation of wildlife launched NIT Nagaland Environmental Club on September 19, 2013. The first objective of the club will be planting a thousand trees within the 300 acres campus. Further, it was informed that the administration has resolved to prevent de-

dated by not only the situation, but also by fear of the consequences of making a bold decision to report the abuse, she maintained. She further pointed out the instances of financial hardship and deprivation from food and health-care on account of man’s deliberate neglect of the family. She advised that in such cases going to courts for redressal was an option as it is possible to gather evidence of the abuse. Other kind of marital discord is silent killer of many unfortunate women, she asserted. One can show the doctor or the police the bruises on the body, the empty larder or a vacant wardrobe; but how can one gather

evidence against the man who constantly hurls verbal abuses on the woman, belittles her and make her feel utterly unwanted, she questioned. Laws are in place to offer justice to aggrieved women, but it requires evidence and some cases are settled in women’s favor, but the relief for them may be temporary if there is no change in the offender's heart, she expressed. The other category, where the abuse cannot be proven through evidence, she remarked, the women continue to suffer. She viewed marriage as a complex and complicated human relationship and takes more than court

forestation and hunting inside the campus and not to accept wild animals or meat as gifts. “NIT Nagaland being an institute of national importance has a vision to bring positive social and environmental changes apart from academic excellence,” the release quoted Nzanthung Ngullie, Deputy Registrar of NIT. Meanwhile, one Tokay Gecko was rescued by the staff of S.M. College, Duncan Basti, Dimapur and donated to the Park on September 19. Four tortoises were also donated by Albert, S.D.O Electrical, PWD Colony, Dimapur. Further, six wild duck chicks were donated to the zoo on September 18 by Kihoto Yeptho, Purana Bazaar. Kewekha Mero from Old Ministers Hill Kohima also donated one leopard cat on September 20. One monkey was rescued and sent to the zoo by Supong, DFO Wokha on September 21. A recently donated baby macaque at NZP.

order to restore peace and harmony in discord. She added that law alone cannot bring peace to any conflict, be it boundary dispute, fight over property rights or even open acts of hostility between peoples and countries and felt that peace could be restored only when there is a change of heart between the warring groups. Addl District & Session Judge Dimapur, Maongkaba Imchen, Prof Keshav Pd Avikasit Government College, Mon, Anjana Modi, Advocate Dimapur District Court & Kohima High Court, Dr. Moa, Marriage Councellor, Ela, Director Prodigals' Home, and Prof (Retd) Lalita Khadariya, Secretary, Lions Club were the other dignitaries.


MEx FILE Hindi Fortnight closing ceremony today Kohima, September 23 (mexN): Town Official Language Implementation Committee (TOLIC) Kohima is organizing a Hindi Fortnight closing ceremony on September 24, 1:00 pm at the State Academy Hall, PR Hill, Kohima. A press release issued by Hindi officer, Hindi Cell Prem Kumar Chhetry informed that NLA Speaker will grace the function as chief guest, Director General of Police, Nagaland will be the Guest of Honour and Inspector General, Assam Rifles will be the special invitee. Everyone has been invited to the said function.

ANSTA Peren informs

pereN, September 23 (mexN): All Nagaland School Teacher Association (ANSTA) Peren has informed all teachers under its jurisdiction to submit Rs. 100 as a welfare fund for the year 2013, latest by October first week. ANSTA Peren president Kailadinbo Nchang in a press release requested all head of educational institutions and establishments to facilitate in relieving the amount and submit the same to the office, president and treasurer of the unit. For further information contact: 9402658732 and 9436600960.

KDCC meeting

Kohima, September 23 (mexN): In view of the NPCC visit to Kohima, Kohima District Congress Committee (KDCC) has convened a meeting on September 28, 11:00 am at DCC office, Kohima. Therefore, all the DCC office bearers, frontal chief, ACCC president, committee, cell members and party workers have been requested to attend the said meeting without fail.

KLCSU freshers’ day

Kohima, September 23 (mexN): The Kohima Law College Students Union (KLCSU) is organizing its 34th freshers’ day on September 26 at the State Academy Hall, Kohima at 10:00 AM. Minister for roads & bridges and parliamentary affairs Kuzholuzo (Azo) Nienu will grace the occasion as the chief guest. All the bonafide students of Kohima Law College have been asked to attend the programme positively. A fine of Rs. 200 will be imposed on the absentees.

Longsa Catholic Church meeting

WoKha, September 23 (mexN): With regard to the preparation of its Golden Jubilee celebration to be held from December 14 to 15, Longsa Catholic Church has convened a meeting on September 29, 2:00 pm at its church. Therefore, the Steering Committee’s general secretary Chongthungo Anthony Ezung has requested all the sub-committee members and elders residing in and outside the village to attend the meeting positively. CTCSU Chozuba Town Chakhesang Stu- Further, it has been informed that no personal circuladents’ Union (CTCSU) has deeply tion will be issued. mourned the untimely demise of Thüpusato Boshi Vamuzo on Septem- SSUK 30th annual freshers’ meet ber 22 in Dimapur. CTCSU in a condolence note remembered Lt. Thüpusato Kohima, September 23 (mexN): The Sangtam Boshi Vamuzo as a prominent public Students’ Union Kohima will hold its 30th annual freshleader accountable to every single ers’ meet on September 28 at the State Academy Hall, occasion, while admitting his death Kohima at 10:00 AM. S. Changkei Konyak, DIG NPTO will has obviously created an irreparable grace the occasion as the chief guest, while Thsapong vacuum to the students’ community Thonger will be the guest of honour. All bonafide memin particular and the Naga society as a bers of the SSUK have been requested to attend the prowhole. The union further extended its gramme without fail. Stern action will be taken against profound sympathy to the bereaved the absentee, a release received here said today. family members and prayed for the SVSU organizes workshop departed soul to rest in peace.

More donations for Nagaland Zoological Park

Marriage takes more than court order to restore peace: Dr. Temsula Ao

Dimapur, September 23 (Dipr): Seminar on marital discord was held at ARTC & S, Complex 3rd Mile, Dimapur on September 21 with Padma Shri awardee Dr. Temsula Ao, Chairperson State Women Commission, Nagaland as the chief guest. Dr Temsula said all tangible evidence of discord, disharmony and open hostility between husband and wife could be felt, seen and often categorized. Sometimes blatant physical abuse inflicted on the wife in many households becomes public knowledge. However, more often, such cases go unheard and untried because the woman is too traumatized and intimi-

the people) is being organized by the Transformation Crusade team. The course is open for all from across the State. Main resource persons for the conference are Rev. Zotuo Kiewhuo, Pastor Shan Kikon, Paul Seow, Head of Arts at Church of our Savior, Singapore and Madeleine Tan, Regional Director for Asia, For SOZO ministry, appointed by Bethel Church, USA. Paul and Madeleine will be accompanied by five other team members from Singapore. All of them are experienced and trained instructors in their own fields.

Hotel Legacy re-opens today

Agriculture Department officials receiving delegates (with bouquets) from South Korea at Dimapur airport on September 22. The South Korean team is here to explore the possibility of underground Ginger Cold storage as pilot project in Nagaland. They will be visiting different areas and districts for the purpose. They will also tie up with other business sectors in Agricultural products as well as power machineries.

BJP National Executive Member condemns

deed swept our land while many met this reality with sarcasm, however, what believers need to understand is Satanism is here in our society and it is only through the power of the Holy Spirit that we will be able to defeat this occult practice,” he asserted. The Transformation Crusade was organized earlier in the month of April in Kohima by Christian leaders, after news of the presence of satanic worshippers in Nagaland started doing the rounds. Open Heavens (signifying the coming of the Kingdom of God and His Holy Spirit filling


on organic farming

Kiphire, September 23 (mexN): Salomi Village Students’ Union (SVSU) organized a workshop on organic farming for Khongsa block, Pungro area, Kiphire district on September 13 at Salomi village Council hall. The workshop was sponsored by Agricultural Technology Management Agency (ATMA) Kiphire. SVSU in a press release has appreciated all the resource persons for imparting their gifted knowledge to the society. The union also thanked Samuel, Accountant, Agriculture office Kiphire and T Kinan, former SVSU president for rendering their services throughout the programme. It further thanked all the participants and the delegates of Khongsa block.

Tsiepfu Tsiepfhe(AG) residents informed

Kohima, September 23 (mexN): All the residents of Tsiepfu Tsiepfhe (AG) colony Kohima are informed that the residential certificate will be issued only to those who have paid the sanitation fee. Therefore, people applying for Residential Certificate have been asked by the Tsiepfu Tsiepfhe Council’s chairman Akhrie O Sorhieto to bring their sanitation fee cards for proof.

Public SPace

NSUM on stranded students in Mumbai

The Naga Students’ Union Mumbai (NSUM) express heartfelt gratitude to the Government of Nagaland for their intervention concerning the case of JEE qualified students, who were allotted Engineering seat in Maharashtra against Nagaland quota but were denied admission and stranded in Mumbai for almost a month. Due to late information, students from Nagaland reached Mumbai after the last date of admission i.e., August 15, 2013. They were denied seats against their allotted quota by the Directorate of Higher Technical education of Maharashtra on stern adherence to the order passed by Supreme Court to close all admission on or before August 15, 2013. NSUM thank the Governor of Nagaland and different Government

officials for acting promptly on the request letter sent from Mumbai by NSUM. Further, it is due to the tireless efforts and coordination of Tongpang Ozukum, President of Naga Students Federation (NSF) and his colleagues; concerned Government officials like Alemtemshi Jamir, Chief Secretary; F.P. Solo, Commissioner and Secretary and Kathipri, Director Technical Education in initiating the talks with the Ministry of Human Resource thus filing a review petition resulting to agreement for a Provisional Admission despite Supreme Court Order to close all admission on or before August 15, 2013. The enthusiastic young students from Nagaland were given provisional admission through review petition filed by All India Council for Technical Education. Nevertheless, they are in a state of vulnerability as there is possibility of cancelling the seats if favour is not passed consid-

ering the North Eastern students by the authority concerned which will amount to loss of an academic year. The NSUM is also thankful to the Chief Minister of Nagaland Neiphiu Rio for showing his utmost concern by allocating Rs. 3,00,000 (Three Lakhs) for 17 candidates who have been stranded in Mumbai. Through the initiative and help of NSF, all the 17 students got Rs. 16,500 each and Rs. 20,000 to NSUM. The NSUM, on behalf of the students’ community sincerely appeals to the Technical Education department, Government of Nagaland to issue State Nomination Letter well ahead of time so as to avoid such unfortunate incident inflicting mental tension and trauma to the students in future, keeping in mind the financial status and the distance to travel as we are from the extreme corners of our country.

The Morung Express is introducing “Public Space” as part of our intention to provide deliberate space for the opinions of the people to be expressed and heard through this newspaper. Nonetheless, The Morung Express points out that the opinions expressed in the contents published in the “Public Space” do not reflect the views and position of the newspaper or the editor.

Sd/(Kukhrolo Lasuh) President, NSUM



The Power of Truth

The Morung Express TuEsDAy 24 sEPTEmbEr 2013 vol. vIII IssuE 262

Does Perception Matter?


here was a time when charisma opened the door to mainstream politics that gave opportunities for many leaders in the Naga context and around the world. While some were able to capitalize on their charisma as a stepping stone towards demonstrating other qualities, others were found to be devoid of the qualities necessary for leaders. Indeed, strategist spent enormous time and resources shaping and creating public images of political leaders with the hope to grasp and capture the public imagination. In a world where information technology has progressed rapidly and where news is reduced to sound bytes, one would expect the value of charisma to have sharply increased to be integral to the power of images. And yet this has not been the case. People who a few years ago were uninterested and indifferent to social and political conditions are now being slowly being reawakened and are rediscovering the natural desire for a better life. They no longer wish to be confined to the role as receivers, but rather aspire to be actively involved as participants in creating a new consciousness. They want to have ownership over their future. In this sense, people are looking beyond the charismatic aura and public image of their political leaders; they expect principled leaders to lead them in building a just society that will enrich the quality of all their lives. Actually, the public image causes a dilemma because of the constant interplay between the personal and the public lives of people holding public positions. The fluid relationship and nature of the private and professional spheres are compounded by a media that is constantly reinforcing an established perception which is founded more on form or image, rather than content. Edward L. Flom expresses this dilemma eloquently in the statement, “One of the hardest tasks of leadership is understanding that you are not what you are, but what you’re perceived to be by others.” No matter how Naga leaders – state, non-state, civil society – present themselves, the reality is that public perception matters. The Naga public can no longer be taken for granted because it is much more engaged and aware of the realities surrounding them. Their opinions and perceptions shape Naga politics. The public is no longer willing to be just a passive receiver, and are assuming a more constructive role in building Naga society. The challenge is for Naga leaders – present and future – who rely on their public image and name, to dig deep into themselves and rediscover qualities that will enable them to be leaders with integrity in order to help reshape Naga society.

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Jonathan Fahey Source: AP Energy Writer

Coal's future darkens around the world


he future of coal is getting darker. Economic forces, pollution concerns and competition from cleaner fuels are slowly nudging nations around the globe away from the fuel that made the industrial revolution possible. The U.S. will burn 943 million tons of coal this year, only about as much as it did in 1993. Now it's on the verge of adopting pollution rules that may all but prohibit the construction of new coal plants. And China, which burns 4 billion tons of coal a year — as much as the rest of the world combined — is taking steps to slow the staggering growth of its coal consumption and may even be approaching a peak. Michael Parker, a commodities analyst at Bernstein Research, calls the shift in China "the beginning of the end of coal." While global coal use is almost certain to grow over the next few years — and remain an important fuel for decades after that — coal may soon begin a long slow decline. Coal has been the dominant fuel for power generation for a century because it is cheap, plentiful, and easy to ship and store. But it emits a host of pollution-forming gases and soot particles, and double the greenhouse gas emissions of its closest fossil fuel competitor, natural gas. Now utilities are relying more on natural gas to generate electricity as discoveries around the world boost the fuel's supplies. The big, expanding economies of China and India are building more nuclear and hydro-electric power plants. Renewable energy sources such as wind and solar, while still a small fraction of the global energy mix, are growing fast as they get cheaper. And a greater emphasis on efficiency is tempering global growth in electricity demand. The coal industry and energy forecasters have long known that clean-air rules and competition from natural gas would make the U.S. a tough market for coal. But they predicted that rising coal demand in Asia, and particularly China, would more than make up for the slowing U.S. demand. Now even that last great hope for coal may be fading. In a report published earlier this month Citibank analysts suggested that "one of the most unassailable assumptions in global energy markets" — that coal demand would continue to rise in China for the foreseeable future — may be flawed. Bernstein researchers predict Chinese demand will top out at 4.3 billion tons in 2015 and begin to fall by 2016. China is far and away the most important country for the world's coal industry. Without China, world demand fell 1.2 percent over the period. But Chinese economic growth, which averaged 10 percent for the 10 years ended in 2012, is expected to slow to 5 percent to 8 percent over the next decade. At the same time, the Chinese economy is expected to require less energy to grow, and other forms of generation such as nuclear, hydro-electric and renewables are elbowing into coal's turf. To the coal industry, this is simply a lull that plagues commodity markets every few years. A global oversupply of coal that developed last year pushed prices dramatically lower and forced companies to cut back. That glut is now being burned through, the industry says.



Narendra Modi is reported to have said that the growth rate during the period of the Vajpayee government was 8.4 percent. Nothing can be further from the truth,"… "By contrast, the average for UPA-I was 8.4 percent... the first four years of UPAII, the average has been 7.3 percent,"

Finance Minister P Chidambaram



Dr Mahboob A Khawaja Source: Asia Times Online

Arab society fails to grasp its destiny


rab people appear instinctively furious at the Western world for not coming to rescue them from the use of chemical weapons in Syria, ongoing massacres in Egypt and Iraq, and the cycle of degeneration across oil-exporting Arab societies. It seems nobody holds rational viewpoints on what future lies ahead after despotic Arab authoritarian rulers are deposed. On a page in the recent history book, joined by destiny, are Saddam Hussein, Muammar Gaddafi, Hosni Mubarak, Abdullah Saleh and Bashar alAssad. On these leaders were stamped the hallmarks of contemporary Arab politics, but more specifically a self-centered naive political culture of co-existence. Ironically, Arab people dislike European leaders and the American presidents more for imposing the dark ages of colonial subjugation. Yet, these are the same political leaders who helped the Arab masses finally rid themselves off some of the worst authoritarian dictators. After over half of a century of living under the aegis of neo-colonialism, the Arab people seem to have lost the sense of rational thinking and real world direction. Most Arab societies breathe air in seclusion and in an environment of self-indulgent escape from reality. Arab societies lack understanding of the contending global politics of influence. The contemporary Arab world is a world of distractions and false imagery of secluded happiness, extortion and painful misery. The Arab world needs to come to its senses and realize that the changing world will usher in surprises more catastrophic than what the Crusaders brought few a centuries earlier. The foreign plan is designed to ensure Arab people do not gain any unity of purpose. All the Arab states, have strong military institutions trained and managed by the Western nations. All of the Arab states enjoy a secretive police apparatus mostly planned, developed and enhanced by European nations and, since the oil discoveries, taken over by the United States. All the military and police institutions are subservient to the Western dictates - as the current affairs of Egypt demonstrate. The hidden vision and strategy encourages internal strife and domestic uprising against the dictators, enabling the foreign masters to assume greater influence and preferred final outcomes. This means that obsolete rulers who become a liability to Western nations will be removed by their own people, all the social, economic and institutional infrastructures will be dismantled, and there will be no obstacles to a complete take-over by foreign masters. Transitory happiness Such an outcome will open new markets for the some of the Western war-run economies. This is the war and peace strategy that the Arab people will endure to ensure safe and continuing supply of the muchneeded oil to the Western industrialized nations. The transitory happiness of oil revenues has incapacitated Arabs from seeing the unfolding present and to imagine the alarming and highly destructive developments that lie ahead. America, a few Western Europeans and Israel share strength to watch the unfolding crises degenerating Arab societies. Given their terrible sense of helplessness, it's no wonder that the Arab masses wonder how America and Russia have concluded an agreement on Syria to account for its chemical arsenals and later on to destroy the weapons under some international supervision. Is it an escape from the reality of overwhelming civilian deaths and destruction of the Syrian society? At issues are the authoritarian regime of Assad and the use of forbidden chemical weapons causing more than 1,625 civilians deaths including women and children. The need was urgent to stop the internal war and to restore some kind of order enabling the civilian population to return to their homes. President Barack Obama and President Vladimir Putin are engaged in the Syrian conflict for their own sake. Putin was given an the opportunity to make his presence felt at the global level, and Obama was handed a convenient escape route from his own "red line" ultimatum. Both powers know too well what the use of chemical


he British parliament's vote on 29 August 2013 against a motion giving effective permission for an early military attack on Syria set off a chain reaction in international decision-making and diplomacy. This took time to become clear, since at first Barack Obama's administration remained committed to action and had strong support from the French president, Francois Hollande. But Obama's decision to consult Congress, explicit concerns from retired senior military on both sides of the Atlantic, and strong public critiism combined to stall the momentum to war, showing that the House of Commons's vote had had an effect. The Russian offer of a process to dispose of Syria's stock of chemical weapons, following United States secretary of state John Kerry's suggestion at a press conference that this was the only way to avoid intervention, then filled the space that had been opened. The negotiations now underway between Kerry and his Russian counterpart, Sergei Lavrov, mean that for the moment at least, the probability of armed confrontation with Syria is much diminished. The situation remains uncertain, however, and the danger most certainly has not gone away: Bashar al-Assad's regime may prevaricate in a way that brings crisis to the boil, or there may be one of those “AIM” incidents (Accidents, Incidents and Mavericks) that can rapidly escalate. In a longer-term perspective, the real question is whether this positive development in one aspect of Syria's war could be the start of more general progress. At first sight this looks unlikely, but there are reasons for a small measure of optimism.

Supporters of Egypt's ousted President Mohammed Morsi chant slogans and hold placards showing an open palm with four raised fingers, which has become a symbol of the Rabaah al-Adawiya mosque, where Morsi supporters had held a sit-in for weeks that was violently dispersed in August during a protest in Cairo, Egypt on Friday, September 13, 2013. The Arabic on placards reads, "We are all Rabaah and Nahda." Sporadic clashes have erupted in several cities across Egypt as supporters of the toppled Islamist president continue to hold protests. (AP Photo/Hassan Ammar)

weapons means as they have experimented with them in Vietnam, Afghanistan and Iraq. The Arab rulers can't comprehend that both America and Russia will welcome continued killings and insecurity in the Arab world so that oil supplies can conveniently be available to them. When killings cease, Arab dictators will beg America and Russia for political settlements. How is it that after more than 60 years of freedom from the European imperialism, Arab societies do not have any educated, responsible and intelligent leaders able to offer sense of moral and political security to the people in crisis? Why should Obama and Putin intervene to resolve the Arab leader’s adversity and intransigence against their own masses? Are the Arab rulers a dead-ended entity flourishing in the midst of daily civilian bloodshed? Where is the Arab leaders' moral and intellectual consciousness - and accountability - to the people? Where is the so-called economic prosperity that the Arabs were supposed to bring to the contemporary world? Does the Arab authoritarianism or the cruelty of systematic killings make any sense to a rational thinker - if there are any left across the Arab world? It seems all Arab states are in a state of political chaos, while lacking any proactive plan how to come out of the prevalent political ruthlessness and viciousness ordained by their rulers. Throughout the oil-exporting Arab world, the contemporary rulers have turned out to be complicit in the US-Israeli strategic plans for the future of the Middle East. There are no educated, conscientious or publicly chosen leaders in the Arab- Muslim world, except for the short-lived rule of President Morsi of Egypt and the political leaders in Tunisia. Independent public institutions are also lacking for the provision of critical and honest analyses on global political affairs or to reflect on possible remedies in war and peace. Throughout the Arab-Muslim world, there is not a single established university teaching global peace, security and conflict management. Leaderless Muslim masses appear desperate for visionary and intelligent leaders to offer some sense of moral and intellectual security. Across the ArabMuslim countries, leaders live in palaces, not with people. But the oil-exporting Arab leaders operate from a position of weakness in international politics. The vision - if there is one - is clearly a blind vision of the present and future, always expecting others to do things for the oil enriched and useless figure heads.

Professor John Esposito, author of Unholy War and What Everyone Needs to Know about Islam, is a reputable scholar of Western-Islamic culture and history at the Georgetown University. He offers rational context: "An important lesson of history is that rulers and nations do rise and fall. Unforeseen circumstances can bring up unanticipated change. Few expected the breakup of the Soviet Union and the liberation of Eastern Europe to occur when they did ... Now is the time for those in all walks of life (political, economic, military, media and academic) who wish to see a new order not to be silenced but to speak out, organize, vote and be willing when necessary to make sacrifices in promoting a new global order." Is the Arab world coming to its own end because of the sadistic authoritarian rulers? The Arab leaders and the masses live and breathe in conflicting time zones being unable to see the rationality of people-oriented Islamic governance, the worst is yet to come, surrender to foreign forces as there are no leaders to think of the future or the Arab armies to defend the people. How should the global community view the contemporary Arab societies who have lived under corrupt tribal authoritarianism for over half a century? They are a failure on all the major frontlines of global affairs. What happened to their Islamic culture, values and glorious civilization? Was the petrodollar a conspiracy ("fitna") to disconnect the Arab people from the Islamic civilization? Ironically, how could the few tribal leaders have managed the time and history on their own unless large segments of the masses were complacent in making the tragedy? The world is changing, but not fast enough for the authoritarian Arab rulers. The affluent and oil enriched indulged in conspiracy to assume power and institutionalize corruption simply to maintain few tribal powerhouses favored by the ex-colonial masters managing the power centers from distance. Now, the Arab people have awakened after long slumber of complacency and disorder. Centuries earlier the problem was well defined by William Shakespeare: the destiny of peoples coincided with the destiny of their monarch and nobles. Dr Mahboob A Khawaja specializes in global security, peace and conflict resolution with keen interests in Islamic-Western comparative cultures and civilizations, and author of several publications including the latest Global Peace and Conflict Management: Man and Humanity in Search of New Thinking, Lambert Publishing (2012)

Syria, War and Negotiation Paul rogers The Russian factor A key feature of the devastating civil war in Syria - as several columns in this series have argued - is that it is a double proxy war. This is clearest in the way that the Saudis and Qataris support the rebels with funding and armaments, while the Iranians and Hizbollah support Assad. At an even higher level, the Americans and some western European states back the rebels while the Russians back the regime. Since the evolution of the war in the course of 2011, its the proxy nature has bedevilled any chance of externally mediated progress. This context alone makes the chemical-weapons agreement between Kerry and Lavrov a significant change. But whether the initiative can be turned into broad diplomatic pressure on the rebels and the Assad regime may depend on a particular feature of how the conflict has developed in 2012-13 - the rise of extreme Islamist elements among the rebel paramilitaries. These elements have become ever stronger, especially in northern Syria, to the extent of offering the most dedicated and effective opposition to the regime. This is a major problem for the Obama administration, since its aid to the rebels risks enabling al-Qaidalinked paramilitaries to achieve power in the event of the regime's fall - or at least leaving parts of a post-Assad Syria in the hands of such groups. But the real measure of change, which so far

is scarcely ecognised, is the new Russian predicament - for the more the Russians sustain a regime that is facing increasingly powerful Islamist opposition, the more this could affect Russia's own domestic security. Since the Chechen wars of the late 1990s, Russia has faced a continual problem of violent Islamist opposition in the north Caucasus. In recent years this has been centred on a vigorous counter-terrorism operation against the "Caucasus Emirate". A conflict little reported in the western media has seen the Emirate conduct over 2,200 attacks, kill 1,500 Russian state officials and 400 civilians. Its campaign shows few signs of ending. The host city of the winter Olympics of 2014 is Sochi, a Black Sea city on the western fringe of the north Caucasus. It is intended to provide an international showcase for Russia's president, Vladimir Putin. There are, though, plausible (if unconfirmed) reports of young paramilitaries from the region - from Chechnya and Dagestan in particular joining some of the Islamist groups to fight in Syria. The possibility of a "blowback" is being taken very seriously. In short, the United States may be deeply troubled by the prospect of Islamist paramilitaries active in a post-Assad Syria, but Russia has its own worries. The more Moscow supports Assad, the more Islamist propagandists can advance the idea that Russia is equally part of the “far


enemy”. Thus, both Obama and Putin have a vested interest in a compromise that could end the war.

The missing link Even good cooperation between the former cold-war adversaries, however, would leave in place the other ingredients of the double proxy. Iran and Saudi Arabia are in the forefornt here. In this respect too, there is some cause for optimism in that Iran's new president, Hassan Rowhani, is willing to engage with the United States. Tehran's calculation is that it is in Iran's interest to end the war by a negotiation which leaves its Hizbollah ally intact and constrains the rise of Sunni Islamists who see Iran as a nation of apostates. But the position of Qatar and especially Saudi Arabia presents a difficulty to this evolving equation, for their support for Islamist rebels has a strong strategic basis. These states believe that Assad has to be defeated, as part of a wider war to prevent the establishment of a powerful Shi'a crescent stretching from the Mediterranean through southern Lebanon, Syria, Iraq and Iran to the Indian Ocean. In this complex diplomatic process, the extent of Washington's influence with the Saudis may determine the chance of further advance. It may just be that previous experience, namely Rowhani's involvement in negotiating with the Saudis earlier in his career, may come into play - just as the KerryLavrov relationship has been important in the chemical-weapons negotiations. Even taken together, all these factors offer only a small dose of optimism. Yet they cannot be discounted. If they do cohere and are built on, the UK parliament's decision on 29 August could yet be seen as a historic turning-point.

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Readers may please note that the contents of the articles, letters and opinions published do not reflect the outlook of this paper nor of the Editor in any form.


7 ‘War Without guns’ India's free lunches TuEsday


24 September 2013


SKorea’s passionate protesters exact a high price Eun-young Jeong and Foster Klug


outh Korea's most tenacious protesters compare themselves to warriors, and their demonstrations to a life-or-death struggle against evil. They are known around the world for their passion, persistence and flamboyance. Their demonstrations — spontaneous and meticulously planned, large and small — form a nearconstant backdrop for the 10 million people living in Seoul, the capital. Their causes are rooted in the country's tumultuous history: a brutal Japanese colonization until 1945, the subsequent division of the Korean Peninsula, three years of vicious warfare and decades of military dictatorship that gave way to democracy as South Korea became one of Asia's strongest economies. The country's power structure, however, remains dominated by a wealthy clique and its cronies. And that's one reason for the protesters' intensity, said Robert Kelly, a political scientist at Pusan National University in South Korea. "People have grievances, and when the political structure is closed to their grievances, they go underground or they take to the streets," Kelly said. "The biggest successes in opening up this closed democracy did not come by electing people ... but by going out in the streets and rioting." Here's a look at four of the country's most determined protesters:

The Finger-Cutter To convey the rage Choi Jin-ho feels over Japan's claim to a small outcropping of South Korean-controlled islets, he sliced his left pinky finger. Twice. The first time, doctors reattached the still-dangling digit. The second time, he severed it and mailed it to Japanese diplomats in Seoul. He later sliced off part of his ear. "I do it because it has impact," Choi, 51, said in an interview. "I care about my body ... but I don't think that negotiation will solve this issue." Another protest consisted of a dawn assault on the Japanese Embassy, a heavily guarded red-brick compound in downtown Seoul. He pelted it with bottles containing his own excrement. Last month he decided more was needed, so he mailed his excrement to Japanese politicians in Tokyo. Asked why he goes to such extremes, Choi said it's the only way he can express his anger and frustration over Japan's claim to the disputed islets. He wants a highlevel Japanese official to formally apologize.

The Arsonist "We are waging a war without guns," Park Chan Sung said. The right-wing protester is known as "the arsonist" among media, police and fellow protesters because he often burns North Korean flags and effigies at the up to 15 protests he organizes a month. He's among many demonstrators — on both sides of South Korea's bitter political divide — who formed their public identities during the clash of pro- and anti-government forces during the dictatorships of the 1970s and 80s. They're like actors, Park said. He studies demonstrations worldwide and measures his success by the media and government attention his protests receive. Failure is being ignored. "A good performance is like the crown jewel of a protest," Park said in an interview in his office, surrounded by photos of him leading rallies. "People like us — the experts — act as spokesmen for people in our society who have



Associated press

n a historic victory for the women’s movement in Mizoram, the State Law Commission is now in the final process of reviewing The Mizo Marriage Bill, 2013, The Mizo Inheritance Bill, 2013, and The Mizo Divorce Bill, 2013, which will be introduced in the State Assembly after public consultations across the northeastern state. This is the result of a unique struggle that has gone on for over a decade, waged by the Mizo Hmeichhe Insuihkhawm Pawl (MHIP), an apex body representing several local women’s groups. After years of advocacy and repeated attempts at sending memorandums and draft bills to the Assembly and other executive bodies, the MHIP finally managed to push the system into considering judicial and legislative changes in the marriage, divorce, and inheritance and succession laws in order to safeguard the interests of ordinary women. The dynamic Pi Sangkhumi, 60, former president of MHIP, is a happy woman. It’s been her long-cherished dream to ensure reforms related to marriage and inheritance as she has seen generations of Mizo women suffer because of the legal biases in the system. Explaining the need for these reforms, she says, “A Mizo woman has never had any rights over property whether moveable, immoveable or even gifts, known as ‘bungrua’ in the local language, that are given to her at the time of marriage. Her husband can divorce her at any time and throw her out of the house without providing any financial support.” Traditionally, Mizo women have played a productive role not just within their homes – as wives and mothers – but have also made a mark as entrepreneurs, teachers and officers in the state administration. However, just as the state’s

In this Friday, November 16, 2012 file photo, South Korean right-wing protester Park Chan Sung, left bottom, burns a mock North Korean flag during a rally opposing pro-North Korean groups in Seoul, South Korea. Park is known as “the arsonist” among media, police and fellow protesters because he often burns North Korean flags and effigies at the up to 15 protests he organizes a month. He’s among many demonstrators - on both sides of South Korea’s bitter political divide - who formed their public identities during the clash of pro- and anti-government forces during the dictatorships of the 1970s and 80s. Banners in the background read: "Overthrow pro-North Korea groups." (AP Photo/Ahn Young-joon/ File)

difficulty raising their voices."

"Fight or Die" One night in 2011, Kim Jin-sook took a flashlight and climbed 35 meters (115 feet) to the top of Hanjin Heavy Industries crane No. 85. For the next 308 days she refused to leave. It had been 25 years since Hanjin fired her — for being elected a senior member of a labor union, she contends. She said that after marches, symbolic head-shavings, sit-ins and hunger strikes by protesters failed to produce change, she decided that something drastic needed to be done. She chose the same crane where another worker, Kim Joo-ik, protested for 129 days before committing suicide by hanging himself from the machine in 2003. "I went up without any thought of coming back down. I'd settled my affairs," Kim Jin-sook said in a recent interview near the site of another labor protest in downtown Seoul. "I would either end everything or come down victorious." During her months atop the crane, fellow activists brought up water, clothes and three meals a day. She used a bucket for a toilet and slept inside the crane's control cabin, which was about 1.5 meters in length. After five months, she said, about 400 hired thugs surrounded the base of the crane, cutting off her supplies for three days. She said she fought back by emptying the contents of her toilet bucket on the thugs. As the weeks stretched on, Kim sometimes had imaginary conversations with the worker who killed himself eight years earlier. She called the crane "a space that was closer to death than to life." Kim came down after striking a deal that she says the company later reneged on. She continues to protest against Hanjin, which didn't respond to requests by telephone and email for comment. Unlike some South Korean activists, Kim bristles at the term "professional protester." She said she'll stop if she's rehired, and protests because she feels she has no other choice. "Media

and society don't pay attention unless we go to extremes," she said. "We keep protesting because we have to continue our fight or die."

"I Am a Mountain" Most days, Park Se-hwan can be found silently standing across the street from the Japanese Embassy in Seoul. A middle-aged man with a closecropped beard and a sun-scorched face, Park says he sees himself as a semi-permanent, one-man reminder to Japanese diplomats that South Koreans won't forget past atrocities, including the sexual enslavement of Korean women during Tokyo's 1910-1945 colonization of the peninsula. "I am a mountain they need to cross over, not a mountain they can move," Park said in a recent interview at his post across from the embassy. "I want the Japanese people to see me and feel fear and know that they can't mess with the Korean people." He has an 11 a.m. ritual singing the South Korean national anthem and cleaning a nearby statue of a young Korean girl representing the sex slaves. He visits other demonstrations around town, but usually spends about five hours each day in front of the embassy. He leaves around 8:30 p.m., after the Japanese flag is lowered from the roof and the Japanese ambassador heads home. A former philosophy professor and ordained pastor, Park began his vigils a decade ago, when he was 50, after then-Japanese Prime Minister Junichiro Koizumi vowed to continue visiting Yasukuni Shrine, which honors Japanese war dead, including war criminals. Park said his wife works several jobs to make ends meet. He said his son initially opposed the protests and urged him to write books or lecture instead. But Park said standing sentry outside the embassy speaks stronger than words. "I come here to wage war, with a soldier's mentality. ... I am determined to suffer as a martyr if necessary," he said. "It would be hard for normal people to understand me. This is my life's mission."

Keya acharya Inter press Service

n spite of India's much-publicized national renewable energy policy as part of its international commitments to reduce carbon emissions, its Mid Day Meal (MDM) Scheme, the world's largest school lunch program, has no energy conservation or even a fuel policy in its workings. Approximately 120 million children in 12.65 million schools around the country get a hot, cooked meal at lunch time every day. The ruling Congress coalition government's flagship MDM Scheme, and one that it counts as a voter's favorite in the upcoming national elections in May 2014, has a central government budget of more than US$2 billion, with each state adding its own finances to its allotted amount. The central government in New Delhi also gives foodgrains to each state, mandating 100 grams of uncooked rice per primary school child and 150 grams for higher classes. Accompaniments of "dal" or lentils, vegetables and yoghurt are standard menu in southern states, whilst northern schools have "chapatis", the Indian wheat flatbread. The food, over 24 million killograms of it, is currently being cooked mainly through wood fuel stoves and some amount of liquefied petroleum gas (LPG). Along with the firewood, LPG is used as a supplementing energy source, subsidies on which were removed in 2012, costing the government, and the exchequer, a further $117 million. There are 577,000 kitchens employing 2.4 million cooks, mostly women and in rural areas, cooking in "smoke-filled rooms", by the government's own admission. And yet, in spite of the magnitude and scale of operations, there is almost zero research on the amount of firewood being used daily to fuel the midday meals, and no attention as yet on the impact this is having on deforestation, soil conservation, the health of women and children and a host of related factors, including climate change. While the Ministry of Human Resource Development in charge of the MDM Scheme has made no public mention of the matter, the Ministry of New and Renewable Energy (MNRE) says it is taking steps to spread the use of biomass-based, smokeless cookstoves in the midday meal scheme. In 2009, a government initiative to create better technology for cookstoves produced a few improved versions, but the stoves did not end up in the MDM Scheme. "They're not used," says Professor Rajendra Prasad of the Centre for Rural Development Technology at the premier Indian Institute of Technology Delhi, which collaborated with the government on improved technology for cookstoves. "Unless someone tells the schools to use biomass cookstoves, there's no awareness," Prasad tells IPS. "Unlike the fuel energy sector, there is no lobby to push this; all the attention is given to subsidizing conventional fuels," says Tejaswini Ananthkumar of the Adamya Chethana Trust Bangalore. Adamya Chethana cooks 200,000 government-aided midday meals for 300 schools in Karnataka state, over 75,000 of them catering to children in Bangalore city alone.

mizo Women’s big push For Legal reforms

history has been strife-torn, so has the life of its women, who have borne the worst consequences of the instability and violence that had marked the region. The years when the Mizo National Front (MNF), an underground movement, was actively agitating against the government were particularly difficult. Earlier known as the Mizo National Famine Front, formed to help ease the immense suffering of the local people during the severe Mautam Famine of 1959, the organisation renamed itself the MNF in 1961. The state’s inaction during famine led to a wave of secessionist uprisings and armed insurrections during the entire decade of the sixties. Pi Sangkhumi can “never forget those difficult days”. Her father, one of the key leaders of the MNF, was killed during the peak of the movement. His death spelled tough times for her family but they coped as best as they could. A year later, in 1965, she went for higher studies to Shillong, the capital of the neighbouring state of Meghalaya. Being a brilliant student enabled her to study and live free-of-cost there, as her expenses were covered by scholarships. “There was no way financial support could come from home,” she recalls. All the while that Pi Sangkhumi was coping with her personal struggles she was acutely aware of the difficulties being faced by women at large, particularly during the twodecade-long bloody conflict – from mid-1960s to mid-80s. Even today, she and many others are trying hard to leave behind those bad memories. So much so that she finds it painful to talk about it.

Ninglun Hanghal Women’s Feature Service

Members of Mizo Hmeichhe Insuihkhawm Pawl (MHIP), an apex body representing several local women's groups in Mizoram have struggled for over a decade to ensure legal and legislative reforms in the marriage, divorce, and inheritance and succession laws in order to safeguard the interests of ordinary women. (Photo: Ninglun Hanghal/WFS)

An incident involving the brutal gang rape of two young women by army jawans in 1966 is a case in point. On a fateful November night, the MNF attacked a convoy of Army personnel advancing towards the Champhai village in east Mizoram. In retaliation the Army herded the villagers together and set fire to their homes. The two women, the daughters of prominent community leaders, were held separately in a small hut where soldiers allegedly took turns in raping them. After 47 years, a compensation of Rs 5 lakh each has recently been announced by the central government for the two survivors, who are in a pitiable condition today. Reportedly, one of them just sits quietly all day

with a blank expression on her face and needs assistance to even move around. The other survivor suffers from extreme paranoia and nightmares. She refuses to sleep alone and is suspicious of everyone around her. This story is common to many victims who have endured such traumas during the years of the revolt. It was these crimes being committed against women that prompted various women’s groups from across the state and even outside to come together and form a powerful organisation that worked to fight for the collective rights of the women of the state. The MHIP was created in 1974 when Mizoram was still a Union Territory – it got full statehood in 1986 – and it literally

means binding women together. Its logo ‘hmui’, a charkha, symbolises Mizo women’s creativity and sense of self reliance. It is also the device they use to weave the beautiful ‘puanchei’, their traditional dress. Tlawmngaihna, or philanthropy – a key characteristic of the Mizo society – was the other reason behind the setting up of MHIP. Besides implementing several initiatives for the empowerment of women, particularly related to education and entrepreneurship development in the recent decades, MHIP has been focusing on campaigning against domestic violence, rape and other forms of gender violence. One of their main challenges has been to convince people to change traditional systems and customs that suppress women, both with the family and in society. Pi Sangkhumi is of the opinion that while “Mizo women are definitely a part of the work force now, they are still not the decisionmakers and that needs to change”. Which is why MHIP pursing the legislative route. The practice of quoting a “bride price” irks Pi Sangkhumi no end. “It’s cash or kind paid to the bride’s father during marriage but, I ask, is one supposed to ‘purchase’ one’s bride? What status will such a woman have in her marital home?” remarks the veteran activist, who is also a teacher and a retired member of the State Public Service Commission. According to her, the “bride price” custom started around half a century ago and was meant to be “a phuahchop”, or a practice introduced temporarily. But over the years, it has

In 2012, the trust converted from diesel generator power to biomass briquettes for gasifier energy used for steam generation for its giant cooking vats. Energy costs have since then come crashing down from 60 paise (approximately 1 US cent) per meal to 8 to 9 paise per meal in 2013. Another well-known organization, the International Society for Krishna Consciousness's Akshaya Patra scheme cooks using biomass gasification in 12 of the 19 midday meal kitchens it has set up in nine Indian states. Both Adamya Chethana and Akshaya Patra are now working on methods to reuse, reduce and recycle water, effluents, kitchen waste and energy in its midday meal kitchens, but these two organizations remain a rare species inside the MDM Scheme. Though midday meal cooking in cities constitutes less than a quarter of all midday meals in India, turning to low-consumption methods in urban kitchens too works out to significant savings in India's huge petroleum imports (diesel and gas), which leapt to a record $140 billion in 2011 to 2012 due to globally high petroleum prices. Dr B S Negi, in charge of the government's cookstove program in the MNRE in Delhi, thinks everybody needs a little patience. "We can't go ahead for the sake of the public without competent approval first," says Negi, speaking of measures the government is currently taking to standardize and push gasifier cookstoves in the market. But the dissatisfaction amongst those involved in the midday meal scheme continues. "Ask the government what is being done about fuels for these stoves," says Dr H S Mukunda from another premier institute working with the government on gasification, the Bangalore-based Indian Institute of Science's Gasification and Propulsion Laboratory. Mukunda, who is in charge of working with the MNRE for gasifier technologies, says the technology has been available for over a decade now, but lacks political and administrative push. "This field is so disorganized," he says. Biofuel, mostly from agri-residues in compressed briquette and pellet form for large-scale applications in India, is currently hampered by irregular supply, with manufacturers complaining that lack of government help for collection, storage, transportation and marketing has resulted in exploitative middlemen taking advantage of the situation. Manjunath Oli of Bangalore-based Alternative Fuels says the lack of government controls on pricing has led to de-husking mills (for biomass from agricultural produce) stamping "any old price they want". Ritesh Mehta of Sriri Biofuels, based in interior Karnataka state, says most biofuel manufacturers now try to stock their agricultural resource when in season, but Oli says the field is so neglected that the technology in the market too is inadequate. "We are now making our own briquette-making machines," says Oli. Negi seems unhurried. "We will now hold consultations with industry to bring down fuel costs, and we are now trying to decentralize pellet-production to make them locally available," he says. "Talk to me in 2014, lots will have taken off by then," Negi tells IPS. become a ‘tradition’ that is faithfully being followed. “A regressive practice should be prohibited by the legal system. We cannot overturn a custom but we can definitely make it better or modify it,” she argues. Drawing from examples like child marriage, the purdah system and sati – practices which are illegal in India now – Pi Sangkhumi asks, “Why can’t we legally ban the Mizo bride price practice, too?” She further adds, “When laws such as the Hindu Marriage Act can be passed and implemented in other parts of India, why can’t we pass a Mizo Inheritance or Divorce Law?” Another demand that she and her group are making is for a 33 per cent reservation in the political system. As a first step towards realising their dream, MHIP is advocating for an increased induction of women candidates into local political parties. Surely if anyone can make change happen for Mizo women it’s the MHIP, which has a presence in 16 blocks in the state with 12 joint headquarters and 740 local branches. Pi Sangkhumi, who has penned the history of the Mizo women’s movement, titled ‘MHIP Chanchin 1974-2009’, says with a broad smile, “During our general assembly meetings when more than 2,000 women gather, even the Vanapa hall – the biggest public hall in Mizoram – is small for us. That’s the kind of woman power we have.” Having worked hard on the legislation on marriage, divorce and inheritance, Pi Sangkhumi is on to another task these days: getting important laws related to domestic violence, rape and human rights translated into the Mizo language. She is doing this because she strongly feels “it is important that every hardworking Mizo woman understands her rights”.

Readers may please note that, the contents of the articles published on this page do not reflect the outlook of this paper nor of the Editor in any form.




Tuesday 24 September 2013

The Morung Express

‘Act with full force against rioters’

New Delhi, September 23 (iANS): Expressing concern over the increasing incidents of communal violence in the country, Prime Minister Manmohan Singh Monday said the government agencies should act with full force against people responsible for riots. Speaking at the National Integration Council (NIC) meeting here held shortly after the communal violence in Muzaffarnagar in Uttar Pradesh that led to the death of over 50 people, the prime minister said the government should be seen as acting as per law so that people of all religions had faith in it. “The government should use full force to act against those responsible for riots however powerful they may be and to whichever party they may belong,” the prime minister said. “It is important to ensure that the local administration not only acts swiftly to prevent incidents from taking bigger shape but ensures punishment to the guilty at the earliest,” he said. The prime minister said the meeting had a special significance in light of the communal violence in Muzaffarnagar. He said over 50 people were killed in communal clashes that broke out in Muzaffarnagar in the last week of August. He also expressed concern over misuse of social media in inciting communal violence. “Earlier social media had

Anti-national forces misuse social media to incite communal tensions: PM

Prime Minister Manmohan Singh, center, ruling United Progressive Alliance (UPA) Chairperson Sonia Gandhi, right, and Finance Minister P. Chidambaram listen to a speech during the 16th National Integration Council meeting, in New Delhi, on Monday, September 23. (AP Photo)

been misused to trigger violence against people of the northeast. We must find a way to stop misuse of social media,” he said. Chief ministers of several non-Congress ruled states, including Narendra Modi of Gujarat, J. Jayalalithaa of Tamil Nadu, Mamata Banerjee of West Bengal and Naveen Patnaik of Odisha, were not present. Rajasthan Chief Minister Ashok Gehlot of the Congress was also not present. Telugu Desam Party leader Chandrababu Naidu staged a walkout after being told during his speech that the situation in Andhra Pradesh over a decision to create separate state of Telangana was not on the agenda of the day-long meeting. Referring to the vio-


lence in Muzaffarnagar, the prime minister said: “As far as government officials are concerned, they should have strict instructions that no lapse will be tolerated in cases of communal tensions and in case of riots their responsibility will be fixed.” He said discussion about which political party stands to benefit or lose in elections due to communal violence was “really unfortunate”. “I appeal to political parties and the media that they should not give political colour to a communal incident and not try to reap political benefit from it,” he said. The prime minister said the responsibility to deal fairly and speedily with communal incidents lay with the states.

Man held for allegedly raping colleague

gUrgAON, September 23 (tNN): A man working for a gift retailer has been arrested for allegedly raping a 22-year-old co-worker after an official party at a club near Manesar on NH8. The accused has been identified as 27-year-old Sumit, a native of Bhiwani. The father of the victim had filed a complaint with the Gurgaon Police on Sunday afternoon. According to the complaint, the woman, who had joined the company a few months ago, was among 50 employees who had gone to the club for an official get-together. The woman said she was inebriated when a co-worker, who had also joined a few months ago, took her to a room and raped her. “I had a few drinks with my colleagues and was not in my senses. I was on my way to my room when this guy took me to his room. It was only after I was sober again that I realized what had happened. Not just police, even my company should take some stern steps to ensure that nothing of this sort happens to anybody,” the victim told the police. The company officials have not issued any clarification in this regard so far. The police immediately arrested the accused after the complaint was filed and sent the girl for medical examination. “The accused was living as tenant in Sanjay Gram colony in Gurgaon. The victim hailed from Delhi. Both the employees were in entry level bracket of company. The medical test of the victim has confirmed rape,” said Rahul Sharma, DCP (South).

Woman raped, thrown out of moving lorry

wArANgAl, September 23 (tNN): In a barbaric incident reminiscent of Nirbhaya case in Delhi, a lorry driver and a cleaner raped a dumb woman and pushed her from the running vehicle. The woman, who was found semi-naked with injuries all over her body, was shifted to Jangaon hospital after the locals informed the police. The 30-year-old woman ekes out a living by working as a housemaid in Hyderabad. She boarded a lorry at Ramayampet in Medak district to proceed to Hyderabad, but the lorry driver raped her on the way and pushed her from the moving vehicle. The villagers found her lying on roadside at Tammadapalli village of Bachannapet mandal in Warangal district half naked. Bachannapet police sub-inspector Mohammad Shadullah Baba told TOI that the woman’s body bore marks of violence. “The woman is dumb. We have recorded her statement,” he said. A few villagers who saw the lorry chased it, but in vain. The police arrested the lorry driver and cleaner at Devaruppula village. The accused hail from Krishna district. Senior police officials visited the hospital. The woman is said to be recovering. Doctors confirmed that the woman was sexually assaulted.

The prime minister said anti-national forces sometimes succeeded in fanning small incidents and this was a challenge to democracy. “Our government will take them on strictly,” the prime minister said. Need to change mindset to stop violence against women The prime minister said there was need to change the mindset to stop crime against women. “It is a shameful matter that women are not treated properly. I am hopeful this meet will come up with good suggestions to deal with violence against women,” the prime minister said. “A country can only progress if wom-

en can move around freely, make independent choices. We must change mindsets to stop crimes against women,” he said. Voicing similar concerns, Home Minister Sushilkumar Shinde said no society can progress without respecting women. “No country can progress unless they treat their women with respect. Unfortunately we continue to read about heinous crime committed on women,” Shinde said. He said that though the government has taken several steps by amending the law, further measures need to be taken by society. The meeting was attended by Finance Minister P. Chidambaram, Leaders

of Opposition in Lok Sabha and Rajya Sabha, respectively, Sushma Swaraj and Arun Jaitley, Bharatiya Janata Party leader L.K. Advani, several union ministers and NIC members. UP Chief Minister Akhilesh Yadav blamed political parties for the Muzaffarnagar violence. “It looks at present that in view of the 2014 Lok Sabha elections, some prominent political parties are making dangerous efforts to mislead the public and spoil communal harmony,” Akhilesh Yadav said. “There is an attempt to polarise people in the state,” he said, without naming any party. Yadav also said that hate material on social media needed to be controlled.

Chidambaram attacks Modi over growth claims

New Delhi, September 23 (pti): A political slugfest broke out on Monday between BJP and Congress after finance minister P Chidambaram hit out at Narendra Modi accusing him of “staging a fake encounter with facts”, drawing a sharp response from the opposition party. In a no-holds bar attack, Chidambaram rebuffed the BJP prime ministerial candidate’s claim of pegging economic growth rate during the Atal Bihari Vajpayee-led NDA government at 8.4 per cent. “Nothing can be further from the truth ... I wonder why Shri Narendra Modi should stage a fake encounter with facts. Ultimately, facts will prevail,” the finance minister said. BJP quickly came out all guns blazing against Chidambaram with senior leader Yas-

hwant Sinha accusing the finance minister of indulging in “statistical jugglery” about growth figures and “terrorism with facts” by making unfair comparisons of the UPA’s nine years of rule with the NDA government’s achievements in five years. Jumping to the defence of the finance minister, Congress spokesperson PC Chacko said BJP was up to its “favourite pastime of mixing facts with fiction” and wondered why Sinha, a former finance minister, instead of admonishing Modi for “parading half truths and untruths” was authenticating them. The war of words between the two parties erupted a day after Modi in a televised addresss to Indian diaspora in the US asked Indian voters to hold UPA accountable for nine years of “misgov-

ernance” and to throw out the Congress in the 2014 Lok Sabha polls as they did after the Emergency in 1977. Rolling out figures in a onepage statement, Chidambaram said, “The average for the six year period (under Vajpayee government from 1998-99 to 2003-04) was 6.0 per cent and the average for the last five years (1999-2000 to 2003-04) was 5.9 per cent.” In contrast, the average growth rate during Congress-led UPA’s first term was 8.4 per cent and 7.3 per cent during the first four years of UPA-II, Chidambaram said. “The two worst years since the turn of the century were 2000-01 (4.3 per cent) and 2002-03 (4 per cent),” he said giving out yearly GDP growth rate during the six years of NDA rule under Vajpayee.

New Delhi, September 23 (AgeNcieS): Highlighting the misuse of social media by antinational forces to spread communal disharmony, Prime Minister Manmohan Singh said, “Social media is about expressing opinions freely and we need to maintain that sense of freedom. We cannot let antinational forces misuse social media.” The Prime Minister was speaking at the National Integration Council meet on Monday which was held in the backdrop of Muzaffarnagar riots, in which over 40 people died. He added that some old videos were used to incite violence in the communities. Condemning the politicisation of the communal riots, he said, “I request everyone not to politicise any communal disharmony. The government should take strong action against anyone who incites communal violence and provide rehabilitation to victims.” He also blamed anti-national forces for escalating communal disharmony. He said, “The anti-national forces are using minor incidents to escalate communal disharmony in the society. We are determined to control these forces.” The meeting chaired by the Prime Minister chairing was attended chief ministers of several states. However, the BJP’S chief ministers are absent from the meet, most notably Gujarat Chief Minister Narendra Modi, Chhattisgarh Chief Minister Raman Singh and Goa Chief Minister Manohar Parrikar. The only BJP Chief Minister present was Madhya Pradesh Chief Minister Shivraj Singh Chouhan. Bihar Chief minister Nitish Kumar who was attending the meet said all weapons should be banned in religious yatra. He also said it is crucial to examine political involvement in riots. Earlier this morning the Prime Minister came down heavily on the UP administration over the handling of the Muzaffarnagar riots. On the agenda for the meeting is the use of social media in fanning communal tensions. Also, violence against women will be discussed.

Govt in a tizzy after hoax caller imitates Sonia

New Delhi, September 23 (AgeNcieS): The Delhi Police on Monday began its probe into a complaint by Attorney General GE Vahanvati regarding a hoax call he received from a woman imitating Congress president Sonia Gandhi. A case was registered with the Economic Offences Wing (EOW) of Delhi Police. Reports claimed that the A-G had received a call from a woman imitating Sonia Gandhi, but cops declined to elaborate owing to the sensitive nature of the case. The hoax caller, reports said, called Vahanvati when Gandhi was in New York for a medical checkup. A newspaper report stated that the caller managed to convincingly sound unhappy over Vahanvati’s handling of crucial cases, including the coal blocks allocation issue. The hoax caller pretending to be Gandhi told the attorney-general that he should consider “lying low and taking fewer responsibilities”, says the report. The hoax caller suggested she wasn’t happy with Vahanvati’s performance, hinting that he should consider resigning. “We have received a complaint from the Attorney General and we are conducting preliminary enquiry into it,” police officials were quoted as saying.

Aadhar cards not compulsory, don’t give them to illegal immigrants: SC

New Delhi, September 23 (AgeNcieS): In a significant development, the Supreme Court on Monday ruled that Aadhar cards are not mandatory even as various state governments insist on making it compulsory for a range of formalities, including marriage registration, disbursal of salaries and provident fund among other public services. A bench of Justices BS Chauhan and SA Bobde said, “The Centre and state governments must not insist on Aadhar cards from citizens before providing them essential services.” The apex court also directed the

central and the state governments not to issue the Aadhar cards to illegal immigrants. The apex court, while trashing the Centre’s claim of Rs 50,000 crore expenses on the UIDAI project, said that Aadhar card is not necessary for important services. The apex court passed the order in response to a PIL pleading it to examine the “voluntary” nature of the Aadhaar cards. The PIL was filed by Justice KS Puttaswamy, a retired judge of the Karnataka High Court recently. In the PIL the petitioner had also sought an immediate stay on the implementation of the scheme. “The

scheme is complete infraction of Fundamental Rights under Articles 14 (right to equality) and 21 (right to life and liberty). The government claims that the scheme is voluntary but it is not so. Aadhaar is being made mandatory for purposes like registration of marriages and others. Maharashtra government has recently said no marriage will be registered if parties don’t have Aadhaar cards,” the petitioner said. The petitioner asserted that the issue required a meticulous judicial examination by the Bench since it raised questions not only over the govern-

ment’s authority to implement the scheme, but also highlighted the perils of the manner of its implementation. The Bench accepted his arguments and agreed to hear his contentions on the interim stay as well on Sep 23 while asking the centre and state governments to file their replies. In its reply, the Centre had earlier claimed that for an Aadhaar card, consent of an individual was indispensable and hence it was a voluntary project, with an objective to promote inclusion and benefits of the marginalised sections of the society that has no formal identity proof.

India among top targets of spying by NSA

riO De JANeirO, September 23 (the hiNDU): Among the BRICS group of emerging nations, which featured quite high on the list of countries targeted by the secret surveillance programs of the U.S. National Security Agency (NSA) for collecting telephone data and internet records, India was the number one target of snooping by the American agency. In the overall list of countries spied on by NSA programs, India stands at fifth place, with billions of pieces of information plucked from its telephone and internet networks just in 30 days. According to top-secret documents provided to The Hindu by NSA whistleblower Edward Snowden, the American agency carried out intelligence gathering activities in India using at least two major programs: the first one is Boundless Informant, a data-mining system which keeps track of how

many calls and emails are collected by the security agency; and the second one is PRISM, a program which intercepts and collects actual content from the networks. While Boundless Informant was used for monitoring telephone calls and access to the internet in India, PRISM collected information about certain specific issues — not related to terrorism — through Google, Microsoft, Facebook, Yahoo, Apple, YouTube and several other web-based services. Asked by The Hindu why a friendly country like India was subjected to so much surveillance by the U.S., a spokesman of the U.S. government’s Office of the Director of National Intelligence said: “The U.S. government will respond through diplomatic channels to our partners and allies. While we are not going to comment publicly on every specific alleged intelligence activity, as a matter of policy we have made clear

that the United States gathers foreign intelligence of the type gathered by all nations. We value our cooperation with all countries on issues of mutual concern.”The DNI spokesman chose not to respond to questions about how the NSA managed to pick so much data from India — 13.5 billion pieces of information in just one month — especially from its telephone networks, and about whether it had received the cooperation of Indian telecom companies. Though top Indian officials have been rather dismissive of the disclosures, with Minister for External Affairs Salman Khurshid even defending the U.S. surveillance program by saying that “it is not… actually snooping,” the NSA documents obtained by The Hindu show that Boundless Informant not only keeps track of emails and calls collected by the NSA, it is also used by the agency to give its managers summaries of the

intelligence it gathers worldwide, thus making it the foundation of the global surveillance programs created by the world’s biggest and most secretive intelligence agency. This SIGINT (signal intelligence) system collects electronic surveillance program records or internet data (DNI) and telephone call metadata records (DNR), which is all stored in an NSA archive called GMPLACE. Boundless Informant summarises data records from 504 separate DNR and DNI collection sources called SIGADs, the documents show. Collection of metadata is serious business. The information collected is part of a bigger surveillance system. According to a Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) memo, an “Unclassified” and “For Official Use Only” document which has been obtained by The Hindu, Boundless Informant is a tool of the NSA’s Global Access Operations (GAO), whose

motto is “The Mission Never Sleeps,” for a self-documenting SIGINT system. The tool, says the FAQs memo, “provides the ability to dynamically describe GAO’s collection capabilities (through metadata record counts) with no human intervention and graphically display the information in a map view, bar chart, or simple table”. It’s the maps, which provide snapshots of the Boundless Informant data that actually show how intensely India was targeted by the NSA. As per one “global heat map” seen by The Hindu, just in March 2013, the U.S. agency collected 6.3 billion pieces of information from the Internet network in India. Another NSA heat map shows that the American agency collected 6.2 billion pieces of information from the country’s telephone networks during the same period. It’s true that Boundless Informant doesn’t intercept content, but the top-secret docu-

ments obtained by The Hindu show that this internal NSA tool focusses on counting and categorising the telephone calls and Internet records as well as on storing and retrieving it, which could give intelligencegathering agents the records of calls and message times, identities, addresses and other information needed to track people or pick content. Because this metadata is machine-readable, and therefore searchable, it makes intensive surveillance possible as the record of a person’s email logs, phone records and clickstream — all the websites visited ever — are available to NSA agents, without a warrant or court order. Citizen’s rights groups see it as a serious violation of people’s privacy and personal data. “By accessing metadata, you can learn an awful lot about an individual. With mobile phones, location data has now been added to metadata. With

the Internet, you can in addition understand someone’s location in a social network in much more detail, as well as understand how that network relates to other networks. If you put all of this together, you get quite a detailed map of someone’s movements, who they hang out and what drives their lives,” said Anja Kovacs, project director at Internet Democracy Project, a New Delhi-based group working for online freedom of speech. In a recent example of how metadata can be misused by the government, a couple of Associated Press reporters were subpoenaed by the U.S. Justice Department in a case involving a national security issue. The journalists were sent notices after the department procured the details of their calls with their sources, sparking a conflict between the media and the White House over press freedom.


The Morung Express

Tuesday 24 September 2013



Kyi firm on Kenya mounts decisive assault to end Suu Constitutional change in Myanmar mall siege NAIRoBI, SEptEmBER 23 (Ap): Four thunderous explosions rattled Nairobi’s upscale mall Monday, part of a battle between Kenyan troops and al-Qaida-linked terrorists. Top Kenyan officials said two hostage takers, part of “a multinational collection from all over the world,” had been killed. Kenya’s interior minister said the evacuation of hostages “has gone very, very well” and that Kenyan officials are “very certain” that there are few if any hostages left in the building. Interior Minister Joseph Ole Lenku also revised the death toll to 62. Kenyan officials earlier said 59 people have died since the siege on Westgate Mall began on Saturday, while the Red Cross had put the toll at 68, then in a tweet lowered it to 62, saying some bodies had been counted twice. Dark plumes of smoke rose from the mall for more than an hour after four large explosions rocked the upscale Westlands neighborhood. A person with knowledge of the rescue operation told The Associated Press that the smoke was rising up and out of a large skylight inside the mall’s main department and grocery store, Nakumatt, where goods like mattresses may have been lit on fire. Kenya Chief of Defense forces Gen. Julius Karangi said fighters from an array of nations participated in the attack claimed by al-Shabab, a Somali group allied with al-Qaida. “We have an idea who these people are and they are clearly a multinational collection from all over the world,” he said. Karangi said Kenyan forces were in charge of all floors inside the mall, though terrorists could still be hiding inside. Earlier witness reports had indicated that a woman was among the estimated 10 to 15 attackers. Lenku said that instead some male attackers had dressed up like women. The four explosions were followed by volleys of gunfire, then a thick, dark column of smoke that burned for roughly 90 minutes. Military and police helicopters and one plane circled over the Nairobi mall, giving the upscale neighborhood the feel of a war zone. On Sunday Kenyan officials announced that “most” hostages had been rescued. But no numbers were given. Kenyan officials have never said how many hostages they thought the attackers had, but have said preserving the hostages’ lives is a top priority, greatly complicating the final fight against the attackers. Kenyans and foreigners were among those confirmed dead, includ-

Paramedics run outside the Westgate Mall in Nairobi after heavy shooting started Monday, September 23. Kenya’s military launched a major operation at the upscale Nairobi mall and said it had rescued “most” of the hostages being held captive by al-Qaida-linked militants during the standoff. (AP Photo)

ing British, French, Canadians, Indians, a Ghanaian, a South African and a Chinese woman. The UK Foreign Office said Monday it has confirmed the deaths of four British nationals. From neighboring Somalia, spokesman Sheik Ali Mohamud Rage for al-Shabab — the militant group that claimed responsibility for the attack — said in an audio file posted on a website that the hostage takers had been ordered to “take punitive action against the hostages” if force was used to try to rescue them. At the Oshwal Centre next to the mall, the Red Cross was using a squat concrete structure that houses a Hindu temple as a triage center. Medical workers attended to at least two wounded Kenyan soldiers there on Monday. Al-Shabab said on a Twitter feed, an account that unlike some others appears to be genuine, that the attackers had lots of ammunition. The feed said that Kenya’s government would be responsible for any loss of hostages’ lives. A large military assault began on the mall shortly before sundown on Sunday, with one helicopter skimming very close to the roof of the shopping complex as a loud

explosion rang out, far larger than any previous grenade blast or gunfire volley. Officials said the siege would soon end and said “most” hostages had been rescued and that officials controlled “most” of the mall. But on Monday the standoff remained. As the crisis surpassed the 48-hour mark, video taken by someone inside the mall’s main department store when the assault began emerged. The video showed frightened and unsure shoppers crouching as long and loud volleys of gunfire could be heard. The al-Shabab extremists stormed the mall on Saturday from two sides, throwing grenades and firing on civilians. Kenyan authorities said they would do their utmost to save hostages’ lives, but no officials could say precisely how many people were being held captive. Kenya’s Red Cross said in a statement, citing police, that 49 people had been reported missing. Officials did not make an explicit link but that number could give an indication of the number of people held captive. Al-Shabab said the attack, targeting non-Muslims, was in retribution for Kenyan forces’ 2011 push into neighboring Somalia.

Her partners of choice, the pro-business Free Democrats, won only 4.8 percent of the vote. They fell short of the 5 percent needed to win seats in Parliament for the first time in Germany’s post-World War II history, paying the price for frequent governing infighting and their failure to secure tax cuts they pledged before going into government four years ago. Merkel looks likely to end up leading either a “grand coalition” government with the center-left Social Democrats of defeated challenger Peer Steinbrueck — reviving the alliance that ran Germany in her first term — or, less likely, with the environmentalist Greens. Either way, several weeks of difficult negotiations are expected. “The ball is in Merkel’s court,” said Steinbrueck, a former finance minis-

The Left Party includes heirs of East Germany’s former communist rulers, opposes German military deployments abroad and is the only party that voted against Merkel’s policies of bailing out debt-troubled European countries in exchange for reforms. The two center-left parties on Sunday renewed promises not to form an alliance with the Left. “We did not achieve the result we wanted,” Steinbrueck told supporters, insisting he wouldn’t engage in “speculation” about the next government.

SINgApoRE, SEptEmBER 23 (Ap): Myanmar’s Opposition leader Aung San Suu Kyi pledged on Monday to push ahead with efforts to amend her country’s Constitution before the next election in 2015. Suu Kyi’s National League for Democracy considers the current Constitution undemocratic because it gives the military a substantial percentage of Parliamentary seats and disqualifies Suu Kyi from running for President. “This constitution has to be changed if we are ready to make the transition to democracy,” Suu Kyi told a news conference during a visit to Singapore. “I will continue with efforts to have the constitution amended,” she said, adding there will be problems if it is not done by 2015. Suu Kyi said it was “a bit premature” to say what would happen if the constitution isn’t amended. Myanmar’s parliament established a committee in July to review the constitution. The 109—member committee includes lawmakers from all parties in parliament, including Suu Kyi’s party and President Thein Sein’s ruling Union Solidarity and Development Party, along with the military’s allotted representatives. Possible changes might allow ethnic minorities increased self—rule, including allowing ethnic minority parties to elect their own chief ministers in their regions, rather than have them appointed. The current constitution was drawn up under the previous military regime to ensure its continuing influence in government. Since coming to office in 2011, Thein Sein has instituted a series of political and economic reforms after almost five decades of repressive army rule. A major achievement was persuading Suu Kyi’s party to rejoin the electoral process after decades of government repression, and her party won 43 of 44 seats it contested in by—elections last year. “I will challenge you to show me another party in Burma that is as capable as the NLD,” Suu Kyi said in Singapore. “This is the only party to date that has been constructed democratically. ... I am confident of the capacity of my party to carry our people with us, and that is what is important.”

Merkel triumphs but allies crushed in elections Christians protest church bombing

BERLIN, SEptEmBER 23 (Ap): Chancellor Angela Merkel led her conservatives to a stunning victory in Germany’s election Sunday, a personal triumph that cements her position as Europe’s most powerful leader. However, she will need to reach out to center-left rivals to form a new government after her coalition partner crashed out of Parliament. Merkel’s Union bloc scored its best result in 23 years to put her on course for a third term, winning 41.5 percent of the vote and finishing only five seats short of an absolute majority in the lower house. The 59-year-old benefited from a strong economy and low unemployment that have helped keep her personal popularity sky-high — a contrast with the string of leaders who have lost their jobs in other European

countries since the continent’s debt crisis erupted three years ago. A new coalition probably won’t result in any major shifts in German policy, though it could bring a slightly softer tone to managing the crisis. Merkel, Germany’s chancellor since 2005 and the de facto leader of the European crisis response that has mixed aid with austerity, told supporters it was “a super result.” She wouldn’t immediately speculate about the shape of the next government, but made clear she plans to serve a full term. “I see the next four years in front of me and I can promise that we will face many tasks, at home, in Europe and in the world,” Merkel said during a television appearance with other party leaders. Despite the scale of her win, governing isn’t likely to get easier for Merkel.

Typhoon Usagi creates havoc

BEIJINg, SEptEmBER 23 (Ap): A powerful typhoon that slammed into southern China with winds that blew cars off the road has caused more deaths, bringing the toll in Asia to at least 33 on Monday. Typhoon Usagi, which was the season’s strongest storm at its peak, forced hundreds of flight cancellations and shut down shipping and train lines before weakening to a tropical depression over the southern Chinese province of Guangdong on Monday. China said 25 deaths occurred in Guangdong, where the typhoon made landfall late Sunday near Shanwei with record sustained winds for the city of 175 kilometers (109 miles) per hour. On Saturday the storm had been a super typhoon when it passed between Taiwan and the Philippines, sparing both of them the brunt of the winds. However, Philippine officials said eight people were dead from drowning and landslides, and Taiwan authorities reported nine people hurt by falling trees. The storm wreaked havoc on travel plans just as many passengers were returning home after an extended weekend for the Chinese mid-autumn festival. More than 250 incoming and outgoing flights were canceled in Hong Kong, and an additional 200 were delayed, Airport Authority Hong Kong said. Intercity trains including the high-speed rail to Beijing, Shenzhen and Hong Kong were suspended until Tuesday, the official Xinhua news agency reported. At least 13 of the 25 victims in China were killed in worst-hit Shanwei city, where winds blew cars off the road near a gas station and houses were toppled, Xinhua said. One county’s electricity and water supply were cut off. In Hong Kong, dozens of trees were reported down and 17 people had sought medical treatment and eight of these were admitted to hospital, according to the Hong Kong government’s information services department. China’s National Meterological Center said the typhoon would continue to weaken as it moves northwest and bring heavy rains later Monday and overnight to five southern provinces. In the Philippines, parts of the capital remained submerged Monday and classes were cancelled. The landslide deaths occurred in two villages in Zambales province west of Manila, Subic town mayor Jeffrey Khonghun said Monday. Two drowning deaths were reported previously.

ter under Merkel who has said he won’t serve under her again. “She has to get herself a majority.” “Angela Merkel is stronger than ever, also in her party,” said Manfred Guellner, the head of the Forsa polling agency. “But governing is going to be odd because she will have to form a ‘grand coalition’ although she is only a few seats away from an absolute majority.” Merkel’s conservatives finished far ahead of Steinbrueck’s Social Democrats, who won 25.7 percent of the vote — not much better than the post-war low of 23 percent they hit four years ago. Their Green allies polled a disappointing 8.4 percent, while the hard-line Left Party scored 8.6 percent. But although the three parties on the left together hold a thin parliamentary majority, there’s virtually no chance of them governing together.



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DIRECTORATE OF INDUSTRIES & COMMERCE ADVERTISEMENT Dated Kohima,the 23rd Sept 2013 NO.IND/EXH-PUB/IITF/2/93 (VOL-IV) : Interested Entrepreneurs are hereby invited for participation during the India International Trade Fair at Pragati Madian,New Delhi to be held from 14th to 27th Nov.2013.The theme for this year is “Inclusive Growth” No fees will be charge for the stall and no TA/DA will be paid to the participants Applications in plain with Unit Name, Communication Address, Contact No and mention items to be display may be submitted to the Directorate of Industries & Commerce (Exh.Branch) Kohima on or before 19th Oct 2013 Sd/(Er.Thekruneituo Kire) Director of Industries & Commerce

pESHAWAR, SEptEmBER 23 (Ap): Angry Pakistani Christians on Monday denounced the deadliest attack ever in this country against members of their faith as the death toll from the church bombings the day before climbed to 85. A pair of suicide bombers blew themselves up amid hundreds of worshippers outside a historic church in northwestern Pakistan on Sunday. The attack on the All Saints Church in the city of Peshawar, which also wounded over 140 people, occurred as worshippers were leaving after service to get a free meal of rice offered on the front lawn. A wing of the Pakistani Taliban quickly claimed responsibility for the bombings, saying they would continue to target nonMuslims until the U.S. stops drone attacks in the remote tribal region of Pakistan. The bombings raised new questions

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about the Pakistani government’s push to strike a peace deal with the militants to end a decade-long insurgency that has killed thousands of people. “What dialogue are we talking about? Peace with those who are killing innocent people,” asked the head of the All Pakistan Minorities Alliance, Paul Bhatti, whose brother, a federal minister, was gunned down by an Islamic extremist in 2011. “They don’t want dialogue,” said Bhatti. “They don’t want peace.” The death toll on Monday climbed to 85, after seven more of the wounded in Peshawar died overnight and Monday, according to the commissioner of Peshawar, Sahibzada Anees. “Our state and our intelligence agencies are so weak that anybody can kill anyone anytime. It is a shame,” said Bhatti. Angry Christians blocked roads around the country to protest the bombings.




Tuesday 24 September 2013

The Morung Express

Ronaldo leads Real win with Bale injured

barCelOna, SepteMber 23 (ap): Cristiano Ronaldo scored a double and set up another goal for Real Madrid in a 4-1 comeback win over Getafe on Sunday in the Spanish league, as new teammate Gareth Bale couldn't make his home debut after injuring his leg before the match. Bale was dropped from Madrid's starting lineup minutes before the match after the club's medical staff examined his left thigh during warm-ups at the Santiago Bernabeu Stadium. The club said it was for "precaution" and that he would undergo tests Monday. Things only got worse for Madrid's disappointed fans when Getafe forward Angel Lafita opened the scoring in the fifth minute. But Pepe scored from a rebound in the 19th before Ronaldo converted a penalty in the 33rd, set up Francisco "Isco" Alarcon in the 59th, and added another goal in injury time after Getafe had been reduced to 10 men. "Overall we played a good game. We were unlucky to start a goal behind, but I think our reaction was good," said Madrid's firstyear Italian coach Carlo Ancelotti. "Sometimes we

play too far back in defense, but 'piano piano' we are improving." Madrid remained undefeated through five rounds and is in third place in the standings, two points behind Barcelona and Atletico Madrid. Villarreal also stayed unbeaten in its return to Spain's top flight after drawing 0-0 at Celta Vigo. The same lack of finishing touch condemned Real Betis to a 0-0 finish against visiting Granada, leaving both teams with one win. Valencia enjoyed a much-needed 3-1 victory at home over Sevilla, breaking a four-game losing streak that included a 3-0 defeat to Swansea in the Europa League on Thursday. Brazilian forward Jonas scored twice for Valencia, netting in the 32nd and then again in the 73rd after Kevin Gameiro had leveled for Sevilla in the 52nd. Substitute Victor Ruiz headed in Valencia's last goal in the 82nd and sparked the same Mestalla crowd that had protested after the Swansea loss into chants of "Yes! That's the way!" Valencia president Amadeo Salva said after the match that new coach Miroslav Djukic will finish out the season "no matter what hap-

1st autumn super sixers’ cricket tournament

pens." The result left Unai Emery's Sevilla winless and in last place. Ronaldo's 208th and 209th career goals for Madrid in 205 games moved him ahead of Hugo Sanchez as the club's fifth alltime leading scorer. Raul Gonzalez holds the record with 323 goals. Ronaldo has scored seven goals in his last four games in all competitions for Madrid. If losing Bale for what was supposed to be his highly-anticipated first game in front of Madrid's fans wasn't a big enough blow, Carlo Ancelotti's side soon fell behind to their modest crosstown rivals. After Ronaldo had squandered back-to-back scoring chances, the Portugal forward lost the ball and Getafe struck when Lafita's resulting shot took a deflection off Pepe before landing in the net. But Ronaldo helped Madrid level when he drew a save from goalkeeper Miguel Moya, with the rebound falling for Pepe to tap in. Ronaldo put Madrid in front by driving a low spot kick just inside the post after Getafe's Miguel "Michel" Marcos blocked his free kick with his arm inside the area. Ronaldo's

quickly taken free kick left Isco alone in the area to curl in his fourth goal in the league play. "It didn't matter that Bale wasn't there, Isco took his place," said Getafe coach Luis Garcia. "All their players are good. With Madrid you can't talk about them missing players." Getafe played the final five minutes with 10 men after Michel was sent off with a direct red card for fouling Jese Rodriguez with only Moya to beat. Ronaldo, who had clipped the post in the 79th, got his well-earned brace when he used a brazen back-heeled shot with his right boot to redirect Sami Khedira's cross into the net. Madrid paid Tottenham a world-record 100 million euros ($132 million) for Bale at the close of the summer transfer market. Ancelotti said Bale's injury didn't appear to be serious. "(Bale) wasn't comfortable or calm. I preferred to prevent any problems," said Ancelotti. "He isn't happy because he was very excited to play in the Bernabeu." The next chance Madrid's fans will have to see Bale at home will be next Saturday against Atletico Madrid in Real Madrid's Cristiano Ronaldo, centre, kicks the ball to score a goal for his side during a Spanish La Liga soccer match the Spanish capital derby. against Getafe at the Santiago Bernabeu stadium in Madrid, Spain, Sunday, Sept. 22. (AP Photo)

Balotelli suffers first penalty miss Napoli goalkeeper Jose Reina, of Spain, saves a penalty kicked by AC Milan forward Mario Balotelli during the Serie A soccer match between AC Milan and Napoli at the San Siro stadium in Milan, Italy, Sunday, Sept. 22. (AP Photo)

kOhiMa, SepteMber 23 (Dipr): The Princess Club, Kohima with the motto ‘Upliftment of Youth’ will be organizing a super sixers’ cricket tournament which will be held from October 1 to 6, 2013 at GHS ground Kohima. A cash prize of Rs. 20,000, Rs. 10000 will be awarded to the winning team and the runners up respectively. Forms are available at Big Bite Jail Colony, Kohima, Sports World, Main Town and Star Sports, Mohonkhola. For further details contact 8731896727, 9089887233 and 9615192611.

4th Aries Rifle & Pistol Shooting Championship

DiMapUr, SepteMber 23 (Mexn): The 4th Aries Rifle & Pistol Shooting Championship will be held from September 24 to 27 at the Aries Rifle & Pistol Shooting Academy (ARAPSA) Shooting Range, NST Colony, Dimapur. The championship will be conducted in five Events: 10M Air Rifle (National Rule); 10M Air Pistol (National Rule); 10M Air Rifle Prone Position; 10M Standard Air Pistol and 10M Air Pistol Rapid Fire. The Championship carries a total cash award of Rs.11,40,000. T&C apply for shooters already participated at Championships Conducted by National Rifle Association of India. 27 Shooters have already registered for the competition. Moa Sangtam, SDO (C), Dimapur and Lima Imchen, Dy. Commandant has consented to be the chief guest and the guest of honour.

Milan, SepteMber 23 (reUterS): Mario Balotelli missed a penalty for the first time in his career as AC Milan slumped to a 2-1 defeat at home to Serie A joint leaders Napoli on Sunday. In a typically eventful performance, "Supermario" was also booked, hit the crossbar, had another penalty appeal turned down, brought the game to life with a brilliant stoppage time goal and got sent off for arguing after the final whistle. Balotelli, who had converted all 21 of his previous penalties in official matches, Khrielievinuo, the first woman football referee in action in the history of the NSF Martyrs’ Memorial Trophy. She acted watched his run come to an as the fourth referee of Monday’s match between Tangkhul end when Napoli goalkeeper Pepe Reina dived low to SU and Kohima College. (Morung Photo)

his right to keep out his effort just after the hour. The defeat, Milan's first at home in the league since November and their first at home to Napoli since April 1986, left the hosts with a miserly four points from four games. Their poor start is almost certain to lead to renewed speculation over the future of coach Massimiliano Allegri who still managed to put a brave face on another difficult evening. "The team has played their best match of the championship, only making mistakes in the first 10 minutes and with the Napoli goals," he told Sky Sports Italia. "We still have great chances to fight for first place. We are going to play

better and we will get all the players fully fit." Napoli, who have won all four Serie A games so far this season, went ahead in the sixth minute through Miguel Britos and Gonzalo Higuain made it 2-0 with a low, 25-metre shot which slipped through Christian Abbiati's hands in the 53rd minute. Injury-hit Milan, who scrambled a 2-0 Champions League win over Celtic on Wednesday, produced another disjointed performance but had a golden chance to reduce the arrears when Balotelli was fouled in the area, only for Reina to save the penalty. Balotelli, 23, then smashed another effort

against the crossbar after a one-two with Alessandro Matri, saw a dipping 25-metre effort turned over by Reina and went down again in the area, only for the referee to wave play-on. But he still gave Milan hope when he curled the ball in from the edge of the area in the 91st minute. He finished his evening by getting into an angry exchange with Napoli's Valon Behrami and remonstrating with the referee who lost patience and showed a second yellow card. "I don't know what to say about the protests at the end," said Allegri. "It's better not to create confusion, the referee has already made up his mind."

ManCheSter, SepteMber 23 (ap): The reality of life after Alex Ferguson is really kicking in at ManchesterUnited, which is languishing in mid-table after a painful 4-1 loss to its local rival. To chants of "Easy! Easy!" Manchester City ripped United apart at Etihad Stadium to leave the champions staring at a fivepoint gap to early pacesetters Arsenal and Tottenham in the Premier League on Sunday. "It's horrible to lose the derby — it's always horrible. It's worse when you lose in this way," said United captain Nemanja Vidic, whose team was four goals down after 50 minutes. Arsenal leads on goal difference from Spurs after Germany playmaker Mesut Ozil, making his home debut, set up all his team's goals in a 3-1 win over Stoke, while Tottenham needed a strike in the third Medal Winners of St. Thomas Montessori School, Nagagaon along with their Headmistress minute of stoppage time Sobha and Coach Sanjay Chetri in the recent “Faith in Action Taekwondo Championship.” by Brazil midfielder Pau-

linho to snatch a 1-0 win at Cardiff. Both north London clubs have won four of their opening five matches and have overhauled Liverpool, which lost 1-0 to Southampton on Saturday. "The only thing of our position at the moment is that we are in a position where we can focus on improvement in a stable environment, so that's a good basis," said Arsenal manager Arsene Wenger. It is United's worst start to a Premier League campaign since the 2004-05 season. And after a testing first five league matches where the team has picked up just one point from matches against Liverpool, Chelsea and City, it doesn't get any easier for Moyes. On Wednesday, Liverpool will visit Old Trafford for a League Cup thirdround match with Luis Suarez back from a 10-match ban and likely to play a full-strength team with

no European football to worry about this season. United was all over the place against City, its defense overpowered by the strength of Alvaro Negredo and the darting runs of Sergio Aguero, who opened the scoring in the 16th minute with an acrobatic volley and scored two minutes after the break to make it 3-0. Yaya Toure had doubled City's lead in first-half injury time and Samir Nasri lifted an already-euphoric atmosphere inside the Etihad up a notch by volleying home in the 50th minute. Wayne Rooney's superb, curling free kick in the 87th minute was a consolation for United, which hasn't scored in open play in the league since the openingday 4-1 victory at Swansea. Robin van Persie was missing for United because of a groin injury, a telling blow with the Dutchman having linked up so well with Rooney in recent matches.

Football referee clinical camp

DiMapUr, SepteMber 23 (Mexn): The Chozuba Area Sports Association will be Organizing A Football Referee Clinical Camp in collaboration with Nagaland Football Referee Association at Chozuba Town from October 17 to 19. A press note informed that three members from Nagaland Football Referee Association will be coming to impart training where trainees will be awarded with ‘Grade C certificate’ as per the Nagaland Football Referee rules on completion of the training course. In this connection,

the CASA has informed neighboring Village Youth Associations who wish to attend the training to come and avail the opportunity. The Trainees should be endorsed by their respective Associations and should be serious and dedicated persons who love the game of Football, stated the press release. Registration will be done on first come first basis. Interested Associations who wish to send their candidate can contact the president of the CASA for more information through mobile No: 9436063899/9612111544.

1st All Nagaland Veteran Badminton Championship

MOkOkChUng, SepteMber 23 (Mexn): The Mokokchung District Badminton Association (MDBA) is all set to host the 1st All Nagaland Veteran Badminton Championship at Mokokchung from 24th-25th October 2013. The tournament will be held under the theme “Fostering Friendship”. In a press release, the MDBA has said that the tournament will be held in two categories, Viz Sub-Veteran and Veteran. The prizes for both the categories are: Champion Rs. 10,000/-, runners up Rs. 6,000/- and semi final losers Rs. 2000/each along with certificates respectively. The entrance fee for the tournament will be Rs. 1000 for both the categories. The MDBA has also informed that tournament related information and forms will be dispatched to all the respective district associations. Further documents for age proof of the participant will include: Service ID/Driving Licence/Date of Birth certificate. The MDBA has requested all interested veteran badminton players to come and participate at the said tournament. For further enquiries, the following numbers may be contacted: 9402742025/9436016302. Also for food, lodging, registration and other details, the following may be contacted: 9436408433/9436006205.

MDFA clarifies

MOkOkChUng, SepteMber 23 (Mexn): The Mokokchung District Football Association (MDFA) has issued a communiqué with reference to the news report that appeared on September 22, where it stated “where the 2nd edition of NPL match at Mokokchung was called off due to refusal to release referees to officiate the game.” The communiqué stated that the MDFA was never officially informed about the conduct of the 2nd edition of the NPL nor was ever intimated about the match which was supposed to kick off on September 21 at Imkongmeren Sports Complex, Mokokchung. It added that the MDFA being the apex body of the football association in the district have been working towards the welfare of the game for the past many years and will continue to do so in future for the uplift of the game. “MDFA being one of the sister organization under Nagaland Football Association (NFA) have been co-ordinating with the state apex Association in all necessary activities for the betterment of the game, football,” it added.

Post-Ferguson reality kicking in at United

Manchester United's manager David Moyes looks dejected during their English Premier League soccer match against Manchester City at the Etihad Stadium in Manchester, England, Sunday Sept. 22. (AP Photo)


The Morung Express C M Y K

'Iron Man' stuntman dies in plane crash


24 September 2013



THE 'Shurley' saga continues.

here are fresh claims that the relationship between Liz Hurley and Shane Warne broke down because the spin king refused to pick a wedding ollywood stunt artist Dave Riggs, who has appeared in Iron Man and Bond movie Casino Royale, was missing. date. A source told The Sun, "She feels let down. They But it is now confirmed that he was killed in a plane crash, reports contactmusic.com Riggs was missing since Sep 17, when the accident happened in China. The plane which he was flying in had big, big plans. She repreparation for a local airshow, crashed into a lake. His body was pulled out of the water and Riggs' translater was ally thought she had found the one in Shane. He could rescued shortly after the crash, but later died in the hospital. The accident is currently being investigated.


11 Hurley 'furious' as Warne refused to set a wedding date Tuesday

have easily saved the relationship by agreeing to a definite date." Hurley reportedly grew tired of being the 'future' Mrs Warne, calling it quits on their 25-month-long engagement. "She kept pushing for a date but he was happy as things stood. She ended it furiously. She started to question

whether Shane had any intention of marrying her." The 48-year-old actor returned to London overnight after a brief trip to New York. It's expected that Warnie, who is currently golfing in Scotland, will meet up with Hurley in the coming days in a last-ditch attempt to salvage the relationship. He's told

friends he's "determined" to make things work. The celebrity couple began dating in 2010 after the cricketer officially ended things with his ex-wife Simone Callahan. But rumours started surfacing last week that their relationship was doomed after Hurley was spotted without her engagement ring.

Saif ali Khan's son to take Pataudi's legacy forward Pamela Anderson to run 26.2-mile in NYC Marathon S aif Ali Khan's son Ibrahim is all set to take the legacy forward set by his great grandfather Iftikhar Ali Khan and Mansoor Ali Khan 'Tiger' Pataudi. Ibrahim is carrying forward the legacy as he gets ready to play a cricket tournament. Ibrahim, the son of Saif and his first wife Amrita Singh, will make his Mumbai Schools Sports Association (MSSA) debut by playing for Dhirubhai Ambani

International School (BKC) in the Giles Shield interschool cricket tournament for boys U-14 in November this year. While giving confirmation on the news an official from Dhirubhai Ambani school official said, Yes, Ibrahim will play in the MSSA's cricket tournament this year. He has been practicing with the team from the time school reopened. Hope he performs well in the tournament.

'The Lunchbox' gets an 'utterly butterly delicious' tribute in amul ad



t may have just missed out on an Oscar entry, but there is no denying the waves the movie has created, internationally as well as in India. Filmmaker Karan Johar, who has presented the film, expressed shock after the movie was not chosen to represent India at the Oscars. After receiving rave reviews at all major film festivals, Ritesh Batra`s `delicious` Lunchbox has now got a tasty tribute in an Amul ad.

In the ad, we see Irrfan Khan sitting with a slice of bread in his hand and a dabba by his side. The Amul girl is seen in the reflection reading a letter and holding out another slice to Irrfan. While the tagline of the ad reads `Munch Box`, the caption "utterly-butterly delicious" at the bottom has been changed to "Dabba-ly delicious". The film has Irrfan Khan, Nawazuddin Siddiqui and Nimrat Kaur in lead roles.


Elton John tribute to Liberace at Emmy


inger Elton John paid a tribute to pianist and vocalist Liberace at the 65th Primetime Emmy Awards. This was his first act at the event. The 66-year-old performed on "Home Again", a song he said reminded him of Liberace, which is from his new album "The Diving Board", at the awards ceremony held at the Nokia Theatre here Sunday, reports telegraph.co.uk. Liberace biopic "Behind the Candelabra" won three Emmys at the event. Acknowledging the influence Liberace had on his own music "and my dress sense", Elton John said: "This guy played a mean piano." John was called on

stage by actors Michael Douglas and Matt Damon. Singer Carrie Underwood along with actorproducer Don Cheadle hosted a special segment for television of the 1960s, marking the impact of the coverage of President John F. Kennedy's assassination in 1963 and The Beatles' debut appearance on "The Ed Sullivan Show" in 1964. As a tribute, Underwood performed on "Yesterday" originally recorded by The Beatles. The 65th Primetime Emmy Awards was hosted by Neil Patrick Harris, who not just entertained the audience with his vibrant hosting, but also performed at the function.


amela Anderson has reportedly been training in Malibu to take part in for the 26.2mile run in the New York City Marathon to raise money for Haitian relief. The 46-year old 'Baywatch' star, who will be running in the ING New York City Marathon in November, said "I

Are you a writer, photographer, illustrator, or just have an opinion? We want to hear from you! Submit an article, photo or illustration by October 12, 2013 and see your work in print! C M Y K

like to do things that people think maybe I can't do, and this is definitely one of those things", the New York Daily News reported. The Canadian-American actress has volunteered for the run to raise $500,000 on Crowdrise for Sean Penn's J/P Haitian Relief Organization,

The Morung Express monthly supplement ‘Opinion’ will be published on the third Saturday of every month. In the Opinion, you are the storyteller. Please share your story by responding to the theme of this month’s issue: “Social Networking And Change In Nagaland” Contributions can be in the form of photography, illustrations, photos of artwork, essays, first-person accounts, poetry, reported articles, and any other form of expression that can be printed. A PRODUCTION OF

American singer-songwriter Adam Young performs at a closing concert in Singapore Monday, Sept. 23, 2013, a day after the Singapore Formula One Grand Prix. (AP Photo )

write to us at opinion2mex@gmail.com

which provides victims of the country's 2010 earthquake with new homes, health care and schooling. The former showgirl has been building her stamina all summer on elliptical and Stairmaster machines, doing ab work and lifting 5-pound weights at home.





agaland Premier League’s first midweek matches will take place on Wednesday at all the three venues- Dimapur, Kohima and Mokokchung. The first match was cancelled at Mokokchung between Sangpang FC and United Redskins due to technical issues but Wednesday’s fixture will take place at the Imkongmeren Sports Complex. Matchday 1 17 goals in 4 matches.

September 25, Wednesday DIMAPUR Dimapur United Vs Kohima Komets Kick-off : 10:00 am Venue: DDSC Stadium

Both teams come into the match with plenty of confidence after convincing wins in the opening round at the weekend in Kohima. Dimapur United beat Doyang FC 3-2 while Kohima Komets had a comfortable 3-0 win against Zonipang SA. This one will be a hard fought game between two very strong sides, both technically and physically adept at their game. DU,


with a roaring home crowd support will look to make life difficult for the visiting side and put in another good performance against a formidable Kohima Komets. KK look a very different side from last season having bought quality players during the off season and are certainly one of the title contenders this season along with their opponents DU. Barak FC Vs United Redskins Kick-off: 12 pm Venue: DDSC Stadium

Defending champions Barak FC take on United Redskins FC in the second match in Dimapur. BFC won their opening match 4-2 against Dynamic FC after an impressive display in the second half on Saturday. Despite conceding two late goals they were in control of the match and they will be keen to carry the winning momentum against URFC. The first game for United Redskins at Mokokchung was cancelled and this will be their debut match in the Nagaland Premier League. They still


remain an unknown package and will look to spring a surprise or two against the current Champions. Dimapur Kick-off: 2pm Venue: DDSC Stadium Dynamic FC Vs Zonipang SA

take that as a positive going into the match. Zonipang SA failed to score against Kohima Komets and conceded three in their last outing and they will be eager to produce a better display against DFC.

Kohima After a difficult openDoyang FC Vs ing Gameweek against two FC Naga Tornadoes very strong opponents, the Kick-off: 12 pm two teams go into the match Venue: IG Stadium hoping for a better result on Wednesday. Dynamic The two teams come FC played well towards the into this game after disapend against Barak FC scor- pointing losses last week, ing two late goals and will Doyang FC losing out to

Dimapur United 3-2, and surprisingly FC Naga Tornadoes going down 2-1 against Veda FC. The Blue Assasins will be confident after a good performance against title contenders DU scoring two goals against a quality defensive unit. FC Naga Tornadoes, despite losing key players to rival clubs, still remain a force to reckon with.


Mokokchung Sangpang FC Vs Veda FC Kick-off: 2 pm Venue: Imkongmeren Sports Complex

Sangpang FC, after their first match being postponed, are ready to host newcomers Veda FC in Mokokchung. Veda FC started off with a morale boosting 2-1 win against a strong FC Naga Tornadoes team in Kohima last week. Sangpang FC has the advantage of the home crowd, who are set to be vociferous after being denied their first home game in the opening round. Veda FC might be a surprise package for this year, will come fully prepared to what can be a very difficult away trip to Mokokchung. By NPL Pundits.

Win for Rooster Club, Hoodwink FC, SASU, Tangkhul KS

Players in action between Tangkhul KS and Kohima College on Monday. Morung Photo Our Correspondent

Nyakba netted a goal for Mt. Olive College. Hoodwink FC blanked Kigwema SU 2-0 in the second match of the day. The winning Rooster Club, Hoodwink FC, SASU and goal for Hoodwink FC came through the Tangkhul KS today boot of Anou Sote and registered wins Moses Theja in the 36th MATCHES FOR SEPTEMBER 24 in their respecand 50th minute. 1st Match : Oasis FC Mezoma vs tive matches at the SASU defeated PheNew Market B @ 10:00 AM ongoing 14th NSF sazou SC 2-1. ShelMartyrs’ Memorial 2nd Match: Adroit Boys FC vs Apex minthong and Sedevi FC Phevima @ 11:30 AM Trophy 2013 (Lt. netted a goal each for Kekuojalie Sachü & 3rd Match: Skull Rangers XI Poilwa SASU. Menuokholie vs Naga United @ 1:00 PM Lt. Vikhozo Yhoshü) Rupreo contributed a here at Kohima Lo- 4th Match: Twenty XI Viswema vs goal for Phesazou SC in Kokuyok FC @ 2:30 PM cal ground under 19th minute. In the last the aegis of Angami match of the day, TangStudents’ Union (ASU). khul KS beat Kohima College 3-1. MachiRooster Club Phesama overpowered nao Ngathingpam, Shomi Rongui and Mt. Olive College 2-1. Khriesito Chusi and Khangatar Thungshangnao fetched a goal Mhasizhakho Thanyü contributed a goal each for Tangkhul KS. Potha netted a goal each ensuring the team’s victory. Topong for Kohima College. Kohima | September 23










Published, Printed and Edited by Aküm Longchari on behalf of Morung for Indigenous Affairs and JustPeace from House No. 4, Duncan Bosti, Dimapur at Themba Printers and Telecommunications, Padum Pukhuri Village, Dimapur, Nagaland. RNI No : NAGENG /2005/15430. House No.4, Duncan Bosti, Dimapur 797112, Nagaland. Phone: Dimapur -(03862) 236871, Fax: (03862) 235194, Kohima - (0370) 2291952

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