The Morung Express
ty ofp, ticieanasuke d polib li shee , crgootkehe eating us e lagnd thn in its and tr’ll nevertkenepight” ininhga of ru pr e e ar “C ing th we knflowyotheyver a tion po d corrup ], cket that u Money anman [& woman promisesa p r orking d of hearing Dim VIES w e RAY DA th re betray and we’re ti
Dimapur VOL. VIII ISSUE 292
‘Dark is Beautiful’ movement takes on unfair India
of peo to l needs the rea en priority te satisfy e giv to specula ame to we hav sed had aim bec decades We refu land. If we ld me to . For sing. g cou bled d ple -priced hou s of buildin we often g plicate tant ena rve low tion buildin rese cula by Accoun and the com finann icy we with our in such speprofits tha in the underst ed new pol t. all it tions above vily indulg made bigger ough our ts at low cos rconnec uni ma es. Thr rld. But at hea have housing ce the profit the ourselv cial wo me to che We had ht usand d houses . do not sequen enable income tax one for few tho e of tha ple to Burke. d peo built a that as a con But in spit on the ance sheets: t was e . for goo Edmund a Haztru ller is tha ed. bal It said lain ame sma increas three authorities, one for it like Ann shan ing”, to exp gin bec of the firm d; Bhu g run one essary tax people lon s oke nec any the the wa so cro And to the of ich tely riwal, income It is not ruption is i, and but in s a period anyone comple reholders wh one for of are, Kej Kiran Bed cor costly, wa nor to what rs, mples ite a few esty is st. There the sha oked; and t. Everld. aland, brothe shining exa led. Qu st: Hon had s tru cro the wo atiently in Nag and dar s correc nths Tru s. It create e oil price treb we always the fairly ere in on, are ple caring ething mo but that wa m pay aus elsewh Gandhi imp d and d peo down m fro do som these myself it took two ee veron bec dismisse as “a goo enough to r recessi firms closed some of the thr Indira ously . And ry yea g these sful and – tion . ing h fam evil ring ldin ts rup tion blis ove en bui and eat trac uta to esta I was succes lized cor n” wh to def ple are disc eat evil. ntial our rep ugh con prorationa phenomeno on cerpeo day I the esse liv- eno because of to def sions. d good ion te rth : One 50% missed gh it is es. global list touche discuss life wo empty. Sta mwork l to share yet I associat - how touIn a recent and were y tea makes nci a journa her close ern rialists They ed and tionar Works Cou fit , which of and gov h indust rkers. was bor pills to be Parekh Revolu did not s scams of politics her power TV wit pak to the ing. I the wo e e but ree ndalou e p. c on kers, Dee to tak posed profit with our promis ed the monhighly tain sca ed the doctrin consolidat her dynasti I had re pills to slee zation sban kept to invest ani ist and of the was for ch of Hou s on likeIt reveal followed and mo t the org ned me less. We and instead One fund wa to pas to do the econom Chairman Finance sa ech m me she and h spe I edr to rea tur the ia the of call ance m cas funds. ds,are pgarded elopment ano ekend rs s. It rule Ind s, and for that none by the yeame nes give the ial benefit “Corru 20the Dev of Go One we Armament fascinated son re h family sick base to wit red ple said we ead her soc ay ing ld her and Reove s peo n, in We aw to to lthe ral ey Fed I wa rld inst The ident er era oled. wor fun to go ion disc her and The Bofors poratio legacy und. ed Mo of acc pen sionwh the wo struck by right.” hisisslett . geesand val . Cor is not going I think the The nat implicating . InSw cas of the s us to the tion n,u-can is not of cor- call degrees aro transform ma the the CBI wise. d’s ima is history w,nyfor ntry. toeroout tion about to s. I wa inre “Go d in thebetotally God’sreslove 180 directly gated by “Ho ably egen ulte ver tection the rest e ofisla our cou tes, living is going Jintao ouswe n succes ated scams sagleg esti rk of the rkeyrshaveinnot l wri mo ngsst are ahe wo the adbelity and sident Hu told from r Kejriwal ation and pro ay’s India and wothe idea of for my ow hasI cre Pau be inv bei mans met wh am , the rea e n ld er the lly tea s ple disthis ma y Pre cou ecia believe in n my Hu dehupeac onl h oth te.d.Thi Rom manne The justific from the one 8th of tod voices of sternly It bec ealed of peo creatio nes. s”. tions on ekhs - of free aim firm, esp wit I wroteatinSta I ma can they not heard? like g Go case rev On November ic of China, attending .ate cess ofdomto suggesthey call world of the the Par y space to from crusad pro how life a e g and the d tes ubl nic nic by n my . e abl nin for An ted run e mu nt. of mu ole alife Ma ek-nendcom ’s Rep sen delega Beijing tion in? star stice to den ingausthe :1).ted they hav hou bec somectical lieved whd is com tionpra ere t put 110mit People in - rup readiness against inju gether y. webee neddur of my Go 1. We Psalm com of whom y hea of the 0 specially cho Congress change pro e to diffRestora ank r:wit d has ind insecurit is not their ifies Goive imstoteck cause atedmentioabo ut 1:2; exp ty erea protest olealre ady of ens the one rcan uld havplan of of hum field of erprise is Thi the sresign the 227 munist Par leadership party could (Genesishaz imagemin re-cnts wh s cre rea d to that woGod’s sent and the - ing to tak falle. It was breakdown Anof m?” mo ou ent Serthe theous vice pury wif d how mu de lity n. The one are “go n asard poi can ver thech es and r the cre 2. to hy qua y this like . k, atio 20 ma d my giv The the Come-in-a-deca in the ruling e ing the ove n op h o the fit. me For wo this ate n. ers and wor ativ dow r wh proach grip Ede es to fromest wit orce hed. nnege. is a ing it on. Phidlos befone of div ll, itole ore pre com nplic s ima 3. Heis a netourselv wewh the onc t corruption year-long issu n theitcreatgeallof God andbodiestobe-get hon ompliswe ween Go howatio God’ma would rcif ting acc Garden ul and e of n get ess .there ular ethe 63peo bearsthe of give ausple thet she sho this one tak n? Isy ima commitbe ofwsall creany ation bet to two I hadn and er se e and rist to thathat unl We ugh cess tha tal” to its mo nicme n cau st dlepop and do the wantwhen the of eachto as Ch l-bet”ingtle is for d willa not tan Family: usmu urred becpor the ver faird pric “fa theeveord ective afmad. I tho welrigh com awaty much.e of4.Go Jesu you onl he to hanparty, occge. y as har of ero forand marria l-beatingare we bat prove geibly em change pen an effd and senke we fail nst gen welWh esk post value for ourngs the him far son, the d an tion bei ima ent k atio eiv the mo terr ed s the y: “If Go Go lica s ma the d’ hap an pm nic to too hum rec sav of the bac ntr l was of re wa ly elo be “to behumanmu . Goe, t com onction ect the bes cou refoduty tothe will fataapp to ng she whichthe Min ttryi Theour ic dev medium ngualhum mediahis eno crusad ilthaBut es one It act reportfunsac prove k- The righ offer of? to rectoonnJesu ial e”. theit as com an’s sin see se,. bei nrld” nicate ose wh the er xed e me s,ard lies rth cre socstat economSpirit is the could dev h ts. d of ewi hum mu and atio e of the and ord and “Th gav wo imp , ing eac l par the Lik t oun In d go wo aps for n . ly com gre vid said its tria re, d. perple inst ma Ho thein the Therefo n sGod wg g ley d sent reg an n to rldship Party,fromsee aga ily, Go the coll In the bac s the but ided to Go weeent woion inkgrpro , Go hum famTax betpm , butwo tributioter y.him the atio ine thepan totally ic wa n elo es ge. ous Hux : I dec from me thator ofcon to be rninkin nt,ders of thenat t lves wor Div ublain mo me wahs the d gcom kin human ntr toldcon g dev mse net righ e with one nic tion rk Reptert jun onGod’s ima Alde in nec ry er ma m nee He lea He althe cou ial azin om wo mu the Zhi rup in g fro eve the larg e. rk Financ - witssman. Divinetaxes that of am netour new arer Liu ityahe of inad rative woof the the to Inc God takg.e Soc to find mudni- ons onofcor rankin theyiste of thiscom succee perbusine mateunpaid s0 Swi for hav State is ss r n ed as liberce. per notcom notson te, net tedtobein liste the ussi part agatoinst e temest t to ision iste two top todayy Minngition do an. InAll deccrea . Also uni ulti the ighyty.500Jesu ceiv sou dom ,00 ga-ry righ ce on creativ estieve and an hon fine. But ing of i and Railwa h hum ofthemythe pladisc e are ly perthe theers, charup ng ivbasticof freemt s on hoptha ine oth ousand dy cor r end calling re aless t God’smeet Almghl ts llGo n cru d .witMy Ousha rearessed reaof l sad tinuect firm del es invhum to concep out timise to andr so thaitfu ao’s hav ter”.t to k ole conrefl hed. pay no re fru ing arek Tim Bo Xila g charges vicesYor tyted toto roucon bacwh sma moes sendsout our add n Jiab an, the betrigh be no urc that und interest uni rly go ugh is crusadaccomplis ournec I had to We also oun the ano nd the New me ant er to ruin r the at s in t e ser h eno ion a e for tom am ckin fou for inst inn to be wh mie t tha t reso ion Jesu of wo ntss aus I have express , hav tendke its ers. Butticipatoory sho n and Precus myrld wit ctioe, would can gre thepas big ofoun ring becesty which expericate showsament am eI way met et Conme $ 2.7 bill ee isthe ateole dire govern iestha a par thred ech and k. . I believieng ealed dictwh d in me lea is can do.dg Got . th and ma il in othe any the sam of the In Luk n,st how one whan and way h hon ine, aTrinity has revpan me fea ruleear of spe Divncs oug d of ted to the Fra Got d. Thr tos the science the s dev liberate ts atlearten Go in tfri humans t to hav ial networ lden -year d by To be howortcom ist: “Th in tax win anders are den do side iple ceesoftha sconio nt wa d, rep stuula e oft inthe fath bad con er mu discckhad self mecept eof accum ughasoc his the righ arousenity eretive of kno essing toofpay entedpow But- I stu notofjustChr municatencpar the gra hadhow throby isrds satioons and Sinceson rep ily ds, mu in. onethecon aniwh rchwo the Pre ral h the com g firm res. Tri we ssagetim andtak inthrMo ng ofprivileg an, s ofout his cked famnee orging es” dur es. dig the al the com for God I hadthe in com paigns oun ers’ w cam says, Theofchu re blo truth scriptu buildin “Leadiplace ent n rich ation andwo s oug e t me am ny the pro d milliontchedwe kne nmryo nicssm dde maen g of- nicate and but”.also ry Dulles em rem The nepol ). ed ofwithrankin ver muine “hi-go iticaltalk personrkof sup rt.the - g lied wh receive 7ff.the oug. h the nityfree ss bus I had Cha com you n my t h , in thrnge Evehow hea 15:1 fatheerifstre non Ave be kemu brin com an atio enced multip him te hasd, the hav in All . themu inte ke hig r, a eSwi ves nsiv a en hes connec com ma h to ing to nic of Sta lly ll ike lly nity ng. rk, (Lu iati wh er ned wit er lov to not mu he s s the returneuld mu inating to ividual Init bei his fath rve natura him th sha ir wo com uireAnl fect,ment tes ven growth req especiaSocial inte in orddiffiwit cult Tru therefe God rring ind ednet misesion life. whedole froune hies. e aus m GodLuc ing comrch in per grab. self of hea erne, s init ich it wo now exists iod myeive bec thecall it fasc of andall levels, ial payw wri es ilies.balancnic edeinto ent ds toin rec ed . form n: I find ednand est in of onenes atio in erssomArmam uts, to endaus g the tthefrancs wh per muniown ourselv hanund als at ota areficirun comandginfam inherit panystery the s .ascBec time As ed gre tosessio the chu pmentcom mu ed n aro t day com r velo usein the clu with oth Re- in inp ike Swiss gat ain sho uppos r side hertur toper seninto com sab on. ofMa ings unr friends theJesu By -de pre Con irals” ls to n them unier, ctionon- rs my of the maand Anlself de andin thepeo unrestr anoore d adhel y. Thi arede that m” ple -l gui thefici ago.r-co com s I use mmght stru dee ma oneao h ourer. If my sen turpen theirway HuisJint ope ee Dur the be too re is Bef ate nth con is to wit wil yer to dau cen not yea thr the by to But nic n the the mo y g ity. is o t s to l. inte plo his ing see 60 red h pt or ion ed thereb so it each oth 21s of con But tro rkin rts two ggl commu t s, sor, erefieltwo e (Joh offeredg effo rit what par wonat -conce stru therisk about g site d in Lu- re I AM wit Spihor h I do not are -calland and n wit aryure tax plerland, wo succes “wh g hasrem in na I sav d ised assu ly aut absencWe porced out peotze ittin s Chi rkin Ho rkin“un the g the esty his a gre t Go for self en two Swi muto others ngwo the wn tempro a r to his er- y in of view n as atio athe e din tha in her hon goi of net nt ns kno com ned as ove happennatsoc nic net , rau it m hig ful nam cer poi lies ial my ionial pan cyb ear ut mu def Wh. But ough soc in ieved and is seebut myion 18: work this ation firm es to usedifferabo ic imp ore fornet t goncom in nat nyreport handedpre thed of nths I l the 20) tinu and”. con ay. Ma din From to dpaycong n the mo thr he Go results tren nicof our munion is ach econom bef moin is leasen ges tion only talk had Go peoplese twomu - counse in ew mu that the d the ner line tod ativeit as ngs insioniss. the comtop la- en ntsatth ow break- nt couldchallen of the cheatinan ybei the it was ple one soon t our firm share corrup sent wh ing ts any nipen 14:26). conservceiveges ple com y also saynIt istrie rit as an of by rk,me(Mem new ent Theology which com this – h esty ney a dvas preand woieve ach omOp rese cerne ly Spiself peoand atc pert sug pecombat ian was arnettha r. er. Asofpeo tting, ncedate wit humver es it.” ined, we manotatiobee - to ial net the mo firm n. nd dif alwaysanohtheoth ard manag cha ay Ho soched tinu stated ce. li-When ile hon so re our experie nicwh inte per tod ine I stew unm on the Christ“Ito use be”, how inta con ed nic the thas of d onl m So ns g pub one in its ma and fou eac ign rms es, mu the spa m Go nrk, des ash the t out ofwith rk es. ong in . it wri fornio selv r and comhas bee Kong y. sAnd h form is al al refo Hon ple wh is nothine spe oveich netwo . beingsChr rellwit wo ent e tax iticctru nom soatin ourere bes rchide peo s and opi isti thewe net It and rkers wh there nerinablpol Peoplegare h oth-ry as heatehad chuan and sterton ation and s. nt t the term wooug ng. cesisas nde whnd ecocha eria som in che ated h eac tive h humanrist Che iticys. view ughwit vulh iouind sen 500l thr epe nicatio- ns toe his ndcom the stoug GK of wanti tonne s mo e pol their isol e his sto visitnic mu to Nig fellowship isds r broone mo creto a sou indithr ine -pre s and m 50 Ch “Th nicate wit , an fou Divnom frotbal phe tried”. risknes , y bou forinevar become I shall giv ple out to bring them muand se Chi glom. sharing, g in cy”the idlynec con a spaceleainwthe gaz for his ors f. commu of the RisI en 5; “Go crase izinthe isha the Ma trat and not g peo mocau d to ce -stafto t got Englishshow the digital world, God gre is rap rk 16:1 osecial l wit ndagtewasntha offiuni ficultspel brin God.out inrati est “de expspe deation mathin igy into com in Ma ement and stirringwithten ngion torup of the Theant eed s larg is our fitdin.andt- labo beicat . My ed cor most er Ind and nar . vesn creates the Gover rld’ canhnot basve ipp y har m the Go ity estrang and corporatel . The eschatonts ort is give n ago wo theace d can ployer s an erg- creatiors one clai equ eve . itua e em e, em d the iple ill oun pro wit tral spir nio ly rist imp yea in rke tim ia, ativ are n. Indsame st” China erspthe two alyz ates as the soood as creaim – the Theed in Acc I wo cyben, joball commu com d inr,Chtherch is found ative mydisc 25 nic the world, n”. If the cen with vidualwith Goite enoat the mmuni ties ofodd ednaess, the par ne Diplom erst God in theGoage New the cre y were by ally ing d of mu chu But nthe wr of the cept of “Co entiali is into whole creatio is concerned the nio ce land down-treloped deca- ver Triu be- e and and se is und graera ies. The ss Fed I am comtold “Atse. new con. God devers, are equ what andof his for theayspow e the pot n and in tim to the ian Mission ossaid s to artist, ical hope sti- ver nor compan “Surely the atioSwi n oletlyuni too knew ed a erspace alwer ethus slogans New whrec thes Livi but Iunfolding ted rist re God e thewith- log elation 22:20; ssage have bee with Charter l of cyb er ofky.creI inc pire cor atio50nnocon Good ologyanis sup star s atofTitu Emthe arn of yo The unoar anay, the eord . Wh e hav ing Asi l tion t selfone -com-ningforasmsa the sou rk and therefo created of Ch ation re Rev realitie me . Tod Mission anc Rom tha : “Win Today y of r ster theple rup ntspine vendiv clam He My trai cortua giaelo bea rwo my netwo ngs who are with pront theerpeo the con h.the n” and thismany times. e of hope is bytex there is work. und the e twodev in om. d of not in inte n, soo of s “th the iety wh the ays can ax g mo nce by soc Go of rk ery people, alw t is d old weuni ssag clim ged toTriune n net networkin erie woev an bei cris nte den exp netof s the thefro and re-t rk, this me Comm where ial ect hum imagerdtoay union of municatio ieved any ry lon i sees of the e”. ly, tute cribisescon point n and rch des ir cur ent . People social netwo times and retr e that the the chu y necessa tulo M. Martin inat- out comvery nature of soc nication The hypostaticure in one expGod’s ownSa rmatio or the perdsist it is onl ticipatory ny of dInfo ine third rea orig nat rit”. The t of mu vices and ntche by th me our and par king regards and re-told ma message of hope again in ther. Car hnology to succeeconcep cy- Holy Spi and human is broughton on. nication ly TrinherTec eiton one ano opini wor y can interactive ed l com commu ine , “For evil ut the Ho It’s this
tu Ir
We havethe d reache ere point wh ot we cannther bear ei s or our vicecure their
The purpose of life is a life of purpose
Why I fear being King: Prince Charles
[ PAGE 08]
ng tworki e N l a i f Soc VIUS
Saturday, October 26, 2013 12+4 pages Rs. 4 –Robert Byrne
Naga Folk Films launched to document cultural art forms [ PAGE 02]
US spying has shattered allies’ trust: Merkel [ PAGE 09]
[ PAGE 11]
Serena storms into WTA C’ships semis
[ PAGE 12 ]
‘no T outsider will give us peace and progress’ eology
The Th
Morung Express News Lamka | October 25
The Zo people, or Zomi, are no stranger to post colonial divisions and remain scattered till today, inhabiting parts of present Bangladesh, India and Burma. Today, Zo people from across 35 countries came together for the 3rd World Zomi Convention being held from October 2527 here at the Lamka Public Ground. Reverberating music and cheer from nearly 50,000 people gathered at the local ground saw the day’s affair through. L. B. Sona, chairman of the Zomi Council (comprising nine tribes), addressed the gathering on why the Convention is essential to bring together “thousands of Zomi scattered across the globe, professing Christian faith, yet preserve their true national identity.” “It is felt necessary that they gathered together, reason together and discuss the emerging ‘Issues, Challenges and Opportunities’ of the Zomi. It is also pertinent that they seek the
Lord, and ‘Be a Blessed nation’ so that they become a blessing for other communities in their respective place of stay,” he said. “While we continue to strive for building a stronger nation, one cannot ignore the importance of maintaining the spirit of peaceful co-existence with neighbouring communities. In this globalized village, no community can afford to exist in seclusion, pursue an exclusive agenda and remain further isolated. Neither can we live forever with our bitter past”, he added. “We believe our relationship will be strengthened socially, culturally and traditionally through such a congregation,” said Convenor of the Convention, Dr. R. Sanga, speaking at the event. The mega convention aims to focus on the role of community in maintaining peace and security, and is based on the theme “Marching On.” The first World Zomi Convention was held in 1988. “We, the Zomis, must
3rd World Zomi Convention begins with ‘pomp and show’
rks is n an sonblishman bewil cati the ial net ere the any time. owhum church the Div the wordught abo s Christ se social netwo rld t pu stery of existence yourany form wh o use soc oflemenly it has bro ch, electronic , cyber spiri- person Spirit. Hu wo the tor ofd and ing in the my creation and in God’s wh s that it is a plat ns and views on g is Lord Jesu pper hur of Ho e crea supow ge of Go Throughhope for a betterination ere kin h nio feel an thereasa edthe cyber-c ogy, cyber-faith re, is e-b d rim andinththe imarelationship wit ity from wh creating humd gave them express their opi . Social networ nicate Glory. ial teller Therefo them ple of Go mu ber-theol so on. is hue like In be no disc but evgy ofe soc ry s created andinion e a a theolo ordained h comes. and likeness, God to establish subject they to right to comion of the peoere there will colour or sex ted to hav t on ing th sto optualityOp h be presen ial God wanbeings and alsofellowship wit lity to hav d r, image acy. wh and nee rights and forerunner participat s of caste, Gohe grap with eac possibiph oto g? Will chatting on soc t- human ngs to have am was given the capacity e relations body of the ugh the free a vibrant democrdem- in term will have equal e, to be heard rkin wo cha pat a Ad net eryone with all man bei municativ work? Is into thro making it h as the nt from In fact, need for to partici social net g sites differel time? God as one another. to communicate of Eden comer. The Churc parts baptisedto the people nication is the uld be met by portunities as they are. K. Yeptho ed, epted acity presmany in rea Garden Tokato to oth nected mu- Commusociety which sho networkin be informacy, and acc to h people universal be look the capbeings in the e the names ). Christ hasand all are con t com wit atic righ priv ocr of ting living is 2:19 ing and spirit who gav ? Let us explainingJosef Eilers the extension rm, the right to space. all-pervadon cyberspace eloping the and it was he creatures (Genes heaven one ine. While nzinfo public dev n the Div ng ology Fra human beingse the right to participate in ent eve sibility of rking. as all the livi ity created aus emanates ation the t to pos at the of social netwo relational be- God in Trin as the word signifies; nic s; Why are we ate? It is bec God the righ th theology n beings are bound by re- and the ear ation narrative own im- ask e to communic municating , com cre difHuma ieties were in our ly clear abl from the Trinitarian soc human mbers of ent ings and s between me mmunication “let us create 1:26). It is evid rked to- the lationship munities. Co human be- age” (Genesis ne God has wo Triu ship ferent comnectedness and relation that the to be in er and with builds con e created oth ings wer d, with each with Go
Manmohan has no mobile phone, email account to hack
NEW DELHI, OCTOBER 25 (AFP): Prime Minister Manmohan Singh does not own a mobile phone or use personal email, giving New Delhi “no cause for concern” about new US hacking revelations, the Prime Minister’s Office said on Friday. The Guardian newspaper reported on Friday that US spies eavesdropped on the phone conversations of 35 world leaders after White House, Pentagon and State Department officials gave them the numbers. The new revelations,
based on a classified document provided by intelligence leaker Edward Snowden, come amid fury from German Chancellor Angela Merkel whose communications were allegedly targeted. Asked if Indian Prime Minister Manmohan Singh was concerned, his spokesman replied: “The Prime Minister doesn’t use a mobile phone and he doesn’t have an email account. “His office uses email, but he has no personal email... We have no information and no cause for concern,” he added.
NSF urges Union Minister for Civil Aviation to intervene
“pathetic condition” of the only airport in Nagaland, the minister informed that one very important aspect for development of any airport requires sufficient land. He advised “Nagas to look into that aspect too.” The memorandum pointed out that compared to other 125 airports in the country, Dimapur Airport is the most neglected airport in terms of infrastructure, maintenance and development. It also stated that since its establishment, Dimapur Airport with just a single flight operating 4 days a week, has not been able to keep pace with the rising demand and is proving to be a drag on the economy. “The inconveniences faced by the passengers due to regular flight cancellation is immense and it is burdensome for the passengers, particularly the students and the common people due to exuberant price charged by the company compared to reasonable and affordable air fare charged in other airports in the northeast and other parts of India”, the memorandum added.
‘Dimapur Airport is the most neglected’
DIMAPUR, OCTOBER 25 (MExN): A delegation of Naga Students’ Federation (NSF) called on Union Minister for Civil Aviation, Ajit Singh, at his official residence in New Delhi today and submitted a memorandum highlighting the plight of Dimapur Airport. The Federation in its 3-point memorandum urged the Union Minister to increase the frequency of flights to Dimapur from the present four days a week to a daily basis. It further called for introduction of direct flights from Delhi to Dimapur and to initiate immediate developmental measures to bring Dimapur Airport at par with airports in other metropolitan cities. According to NSF, Ajit Singh, gave a patient hearing to the delegation and assured to pursue the matter with all seriousness before the present UPA tenure came to an end. While regretting the
Nine tribes perform together at the 3rd World Zomi Convention at Lamka, Churachandpur, one of which is seen here performing on the opening day of the convention held at the Lamka Public Ground, Friday October 25. (Morung Photo)
know that no outsider will give us peace and progress. It depends upon all of us. There would be no survival without peace,” asserted Dr. Sanga, adding
that “our rich and varied cultural heritage should be preserved, exchanged and exhibited with great pomp and show.” True to this, the day’s
events saw music and dance extravaganza from the nine tribes of the Zomi, and spectacular choirs from Mizoram and Churachandpur, apart from cul-
tural shows by Naga and Meitei troupes. Towards the end, the nine Zo tribes came together to perform each of their dances together on the local ground.
“This type of convention shows the oneness and brotherhood among the Zomi,” said Deputy Chief Minister of Manipur, G. Gaikhangam, in his speech as the chief guest, which was delivered in Manipuri (Meiteilon) and could not be understood by many locals of Churachandpur. “This is a very good step for the Zomi, who are scattered but highly educated and hold high posts in state and central services. Many of them are also doing well abroad,” stated Gaikhangam. Four of the six MLAs from Churachandpur district are Zomi. The Deputy CM added that this has been made possible through their “god fearing” nature and keen interest in education. Hosting the World Convention for the first time, Manipur Cabinet Minister for Health and Family Welfare, GAD, CADA, Phungzathang Tonsing, who also represents Churachandpur assembly seat addressed the dusty town in its local dialect. “The Zomi were one
ACAUT signature campaign gains momentum
‘You and I can bring change...’ Morung Express News Dimapur | October 25
Despite public opposition, illegal taxation continues to thrive with impunity. This does not however mean the people are silent. The Dimapur Ao Youth Forum, Ao students Union Dimapur, Dimapur Ao Baptist Church and its youth ministry on Friday, October 25 extended their support of the ACAUT signature campaign against illegal taxation. More than a hundred members from the four bodies led by pastors from the Dimapur Ao Baptist Church assembled at the Clock Tower today and conveyed their messages of solidarity. “We are not only behind you, we are with you (in this campaign),” said DABA associate pas-
DABA associate pastor, Ariba Imchen is seen signing on the ACAUT’s campaign banner on Friday, October 25.
tor L. Lima Jamir, while putting his signature on the banner. The ACAUT members while appreciating the gesture of support stated that the participation of the DABA will further strengthen the movement. One of the signatories, Sungkum Aier, was asked what he felt of the campaign. The youth
said, “This is a challenge to every Naga to eradicate the menace of illegal taxation, ‘syndicate and dealership system’ that is decaying the entire Naga society. I therefore appeal every right thinking citizen to come forward and support the ACAUT. It will happen if only we stand fearless of any consequenc-
during the British era but with the demarcation of the subcontinent into India, Burma and Bangladesh, the Zomi were also divided,” he said, adding that “even though mountains and rivers separate us, we can never be parted due to the same language, culture and tradition we share.” He acknowledged that Zomi “brothers and sisters in Burma” face hardships due to the military junta but live peacefully in India’s “democratic” atmosphere. He reminded the people that Churachandpur is one of the most peaceful districts of Manipur and that no one, including security forces, should disturb this atmosphere. Set on a budget of more than 25 lakh, the 3rd World Zomi Convention is supplemented with a two-day extensive seminar/workshop on ‘Issues, Challenges and Opportunities of the Zomi’ as well as Worship Programs every evening in selected churches, conducted by church leaders from the Zomi region.
By Sandemo Ngullie
es. Let’s blame ourselves if we fail.” Opong Longkumer, another signatory pointed out that “taxation of each and every kind has been a hindrance to the Naga society. It is high time the Nagas as individuals and a community to come forward and support the movement.” Further stating that the people are behind the movement, he urged the ACAUT to carry on no matter what the obstacles and “cross the finish line.” The messages above can be best summed up by a line scribbled on the campaign banner – “You and me can bring change in Nagaland...” written by a young man on the first day of the campaign. Women are wholeheartedly in the movement too, the men folk may fret not. “This is our movement. A movement for our rights. Together we are in this, together we will fight for our rights! Long live ACAUT! May God be with us through Please transfer him to some and through,” were the bold words rural area, sir. He gets beaten up everyday! scribbled by one mother.