27th June 2014

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The Morung Express

ss e r p x E nity u t r o p t Op e N h t u Yo




Dimapur VOL. IX ISSUE 174


Friday, June 27, 2014 12+4 pages Rs. 4

eek 27,2 f the W the ry 21o ERE e t Februa H o u s of “W It isngthe of leadership to provide opportunity, and the responsibility of individuals to contribute e forest at eurs mir Qresponsibility a J ing to th flection of wh e trepren o n d E & re s a u l j na A o i t pas- “What we mirror re and to on , ul ss ic w fe ff , Pro in cre e have the di fuses to sit d is but a urselves tudents rm for S for cab boys who teiasngeonmeyofsisttherefa-wht-sengdoerwsnwanhodrebuulencklcee .upWhaplutsamtypiw- orlwe are doing to oanother.”a Gandhi t i g Platfo n NSCW continues to sensitize on m ri i a l h S fig the turb e is no get 3 Cheryl Cole FIFA tm he or just beG.I JOES and h mStates y rmation ― Maha is, ther for a Sky is t saying normal day there mous ord fights wit The Info fact lca or .” g sw importance of women’s rights

l Editoria

more months to implement food security act

k of fire tle spar That lit

[ PAGE 8]

reflections By

crowned Britain’s beauty icon

ise r boys that ew. In neighbou also admits on is cabin cr thing I can prome ever She t professi an is one o days ar to 1 tw en th her curr an accident never you - no e. There is no never more of ional. “I've ing a the sam , and you’re day intent d on becom mped 10 here re how your t this planne ew, until I bu t on- quite su rn out! In shor will thng a bir cabin cr advertisemen itted wil tu ofession that u and le, marki start into an e night, subm one is a pr challenge yo toes. ing cand a forest, all fires g or a rn bu l smal nsuming a blessin er a a s line on me and then r and always you on your is the i t i be Whether ging wildfire co it can either an-made. Eith y resu e othe keep tability ra ark. And is still m . 's toe m thing led to th day in Doha The unpredic b, I feel”, she a ne or y, yo ce da little sp g fire, it ever e who is igen nsidered as gl ep I am to crew”, soul of this jo pses into the ne a ke s bi hi from Small fire, ’s wit or Japfü, co also susa will eck. And on t to love here king as a cabin im as s nt an a s w i e. ro gl ew. curs tation of m fire at Mou nt history, of trekin Doh atar on ch ous ough . wor . to it, th cabin cr d demanifes recent forest worst in rece e carelessness es warm. Based ew with the Q has spontane t of it”, she says two she says e she got in that life of a ng Jamir woul ople The country’s ed by th themselv r, be- cabin cr ung Jamir e every bi ing her Befor r recalls as Aju elf as a pe j us ar e rs ib A he he th w ep abo ca at one of th to have been lit a fire to ke ad much furt commu- Airways, ely travelled re- Descr urney with Q ark- she furt ession to her face, scribe he even as she el peopected ho might have entually spre lunteers and use off extensiv t has firmly her years’ jo as quite rem are this prof t a pretty to person saying, “I love em, ng th bu s sh kers, w ttle fire had ev ndreds of vo eir best to do world, d grounded to eme- Airway e goes on to vilege all abou g good, smili doing rates by orking with , helpth i hu l of i w tr ng at d sh l in Th e contro were tryi d the pr ng look gers an ke- ple,- ith them ing uming maine r, it is ex e’s able, yond th embers who eek, cons reports, roots. For he t to know on e that, “I've ha g some amazi e the passen mo before ta has talking w - I just love be ing w a r th fo sh an to d rt tin em on nd is be of de ion ing nity m d raged a. Accord a that the ly impo identity an lu- of mee le from arou t life, a bit ut that opin lot since ing th nd people. Th ere are the fire. foNgullie ou Sandemo st fire ha and faun of Indi wly- ots and awn va op , th f. B da abou The re it, a lot of flora e in the history r than the ne ility- ro s clearly dr om travel- pe obe, learn d growth, of early change en as she ar id, of course require my sa cl I gl ut ha m an ith , ev othe s fr along w also the first ti copters, none ter, a military mbat the able lesson e globe even friendship ubt I would e she joined d, “who knew y times when e" (I’ll be in is ss th ravto ad spac I do this onal hom this is Air Force heli i-17 V5 helicop ing used to co ling acro es that, “T t which d I been le goes on g professi - "quiet ut it), and d Indian ed Russian M achine are be and. ned as she shar ught me abou it have had, ha ongst peop ” about bein first aid, or se a sane witho read, write an ai nt al co m ct h. d l I e ta ag am indu mbat aeria sted in N e raging fir d here. elling has d respect- and just rtable wit trained on ificate an the time and-co re, also first te ws to have th fire does not en in terms humility an w to respect I am comfo she also re- curing a cert one is given think.” e is not flying, forest fi le it’s good ne sue of forest re we stand ly speak- ught me ho er on board To this end, of her pro- license before to fly? This When sh hieve the bata a clean of my Whi day, the is think whe technical n card brain s to ac tch on rs one l ege, h ch, e us membe back from co ‘being the gree eds a lot of in to she trie st, such as ca undry, equal y e CEO on the 7t , it should mak ronment, whi cent would th ors em that, s- job ne wer. Bra e sics fir do her la s in the re as I ny fess , po th ou Rather ecting our envi versity is generation company.” ng in a compa who told th ople help us di d and will remember, ev- her sleep sit for her fam ndi o ot bi pr d om of r life. le loss of le of th can con- Worki crew fr nd pe better an udy an ke in ok and oo fry di ing, is ou unimaginab hing the peop how best we om hap- almost 7000 d, she goes arou ver ourselves more with st ill power to ta thrown at co ce, dal and al nce these O e l s i e ri fr w of et co of or Th is som d think cidents re s lunch. ished, er the w the first uldn’t ag w real- hing that e in an decade e ner or s are accompl t Doha, forest fir ponder upon unfortunate ok years and wildly all ov to say, “when er asks is I co because I no olved as eryt u.” ou there ar bin should to avert such ture. What to area had been w much on tion a strang from?", it him how I have ev profes- yo Apparently, r a cabin goal is out and ab ie spree, ng as ca tribute in the near fu vation in the . Imagine, ho ed by a ques re are you to know ize rson and this lped me normal days fo ht is un- she it on a mov g a book e worki save no “Each flig n way, be ng, readin catchThey ar el and to "whe important tity, a pe s also he pening versity conser matter of days the loss, caus en sion ha il s.’ . in its ow . shoppi or just t only crew to trav money to go e ry id d di l no ew i a ve o d s cr bi i st bu an on sk u gh a m of ed in j us to re si e rs s on or e's root ounded, ne my PR she was ve predictabl the passenge pas- in her roomith her friends. so- This profes ues of meetingck- -save enou their own ho their to cal up consum would it take to ha ab en to e w ba ent had the lack on main gr one of ho t, when up longer ark of fire. state governm o reflection of ity. That to re e wil be just e them Ye body would in her thanks ’t matter to th had the ing up e would also e more open av e from diverse help in back try and start law firm, kid, no ed her to be se, as It won s if you just of the Sh encourag join a peopl s but also n per- coun own private studies/ small sp fact that the the fire is als th such calam we are else w ces that serv The to contain to deal wi prepared sms the fa ith rice.” the imagin y. Becau as senger art break had lutely uths to en ground one's ow the very for higher up a ni en w ev he w d ce re yo Iw m ing k toda st the Cent own mechanis question of ho rnment mecha and re- chicken would thin ant is shoes ys, “as a child, and biggest y or you ju what- Naga sion like hers ss that achiev dreams. I ha with a finan ialization or op 2 of our ings us to the e. Putting gove also the duty ving the One flight attend our she sa y, mischievous have centur riod because "have profes putting acro el and sonal ge of flying micro- spec ic. t a on page a n am u pe ile i av ht n’ le o, v gl of i r cl tr yo ur i hi ug sal o br asters strik else but it is a part in sa do , e nt h pr f w I to na urous. ning a yo may be pasli lled wit Co d. s y r from Ca hran and le that it ob pays further when di is something citizen to pla le in one fi yle, and whi certain advent emories of ow as out ever tend to your u will this j ly that, she end on lawye ogist from Te om South ro e y v ce i a w er on Yo at ct st a is any m dress, I fa- to" Period. d in pl bility of ev n- not ou get to sp and biol Doctor fr few). a ay a proa versity, an true to e sponsi ment. n especial y pl tem, our biodi first of may be e profession al- Barbie or t exploring th our sengers. bies crying noliday adds, “y f, help out here then also a (to name a th a ch environ g people ca age, our ecosys awareness, by . yoursel ired and - Afric and abou ver near have ba active ho extent, without Youn our herit ting more themselves . And certainly not n I get ready mous Milak ri in Mokok- stop, hyper ting a refil of - there if requ your person in ny st e ea ng he of an m rs, preservi the way in cr reful and awar an entire fore certainly lenges. “W I am clueless at ward/colo h my brothe ng makers w wines, first ti ons get to save count too. d it th ac , bi tt w an ty m of i nk bu g s t cl du e and lead ng cautious, ca e spark to burn direction can er for expect ou pre- chun marbles, ruit), be ng all th d then al ba all, bei kes only a littl in the right what to flight. The un job is playing ealing plum (f asses, ers tryi handset, an It ta a little step day or ility of this nging trees, st ng school gl little on the e, therefor e world. dictab I find challe time. breaki a scare to the save th what n at the same that giving and Fu a profession This is in


[ PAGE 2]

Iraq producing bizarre Mideast dynamic [ PAGE 9]

[ PAGE 11]

bans Suarez for four months

–William Pollard

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EXTRAORDINARY LIVES: in pursuit of education at the border

These organizations will do anything for attention!

entre d Job C d n la a g lan Na in Naga ning Job Ope

1. Cook

(1 post)

(1 post) n 10+2 l Warde 2. Hoste aduate rO Gr ) (1 post) on-Local ionist (n unts 3. Recept ss good in acco 12 pa Centre/ and Job l Nagal please ca e detail office or m r land, Fo nto our ank Mid Wake i . ICICI B ur-Opp ld NST Dimap Kohima-O ur resume ing yo Please br

IAL TUTOR School PRAnIiMnitiEative of Greenwood Admission


se 14) ash Cour ance 20 ncing Cr n + Adv udents Annou MT / JEE (Mai g + passed st For AIP s XII appearin ys and for Clas both bo st of tel for our) po : - Hos NT l up 4 (F erce. V/3 features ls a i er and to fi Comm ith ST/AD at TISEME Special m of Nagal of Industries & university w .IND/E ADVER ts - Study ry facility O an rGi ls N t s inhabi rectorate cognized - Libra rate faculty ndigenou ent of the Di ne from any re age as - First y Mock-Test a local i i years of ent arch om Nag establishm y discipl e than 35 vernm - Weekl on 1st M e wil nvited fr ict) under the uate from an d i te not mor e state go by uc re e he tant (Distr all be grad cond % and abov ars and ng policy of th ar be ye l ns i head o 21 i w s sh i d by the ce test cure 70 Applicat mputer Ass qualification less than by existi ly signe rforman ts who se d not be verned m Co ficate du • A pe 14 and studen e discount. ch 2014. LDA cu The minimumr application. ndidate shoul limit wil be go t as notin” Certi o en i 20 50% fe 3rd Mar e ct m ca te e 1. a ag rn pu bj ve 24 age of e upper ts. a in com sh “No O state Go be given mmences on 350914 e Didiplom The minimum laxation of th ped applican ired to furni y of the 85 / 94 c i l 54 ss co a po qu ap re 42 Cl g c sed to th 2. 014.The ly Handi es are re 74 • e existin d addres act: 89 Sd/31.01.2 and physical ment employe l seal. as pr th icant an on cont i be on pl l at al ap e rm es sh rn a i th For info 973589 employe Serving Gove name and offic ckward Tribes gned by :r duly si cuments 3. ent with seats of ba / 9612 ain pape owing do of rtm of depa Reservation artment. submitted in pl nied by the fol t. 4. P&AR Dep ns may be accompa ark shee d io hm the fied by The Applicat Commerce, an /Graduate wit thority. 5. dustries & HSLC/P.U fice of petent Au In of in the of ng by Com rector of Admit Cards icate ed su s i received r receivi • rth Certif Certificate . shall be date fo ould ge an s t exch ications 2: P.M. The last applications sh . • Bi /Indigenou ificate. pl en ap ym e o jected ed. Th A.M to te. The • ST mputer Cert rd of the empl phs. ly reject om 10: ified da marily re • Co gistration Ca ord photogra l be summari office hours fr after the spec it wil be sum INCOME • Re recent passw plications shal erce, during all be received ithout which w m 2 sh t AGE RS.5000/- TO re) ap m an ns te c o Co i • comple ries & ietuoKi ce IO N plicati e appl ALIFICAT BELOW 26 20500/- PER Thekrun Commer 6. In rate of Indust 4-2014.No ap d Address of th Y QU Sd/-(Er. Industries & VACANC 10TH TO of Directo shall be 24-0 t Number an YEARS MONTH e te th ra OR to ns ac io Direc 59 MALE GRADUATE T applicat details of Cont MALE / FE EQUIVALEN contain

(LEFT) Children from Shinnyu village under Mon district stay without their parents and fend for themselves in order to go to school at ITC Dan, thirty kilometers away. Seen in the picture are the children at their domicile with a neighbor’s toddler who had come to play. (RIGHT) A house built for the children by their parents at ITC Dan, Pangsha area. Photo by Imti Longchar

Imti Longchar ITC Dan | June 26

looks after the rest of the brood and cooks food. Their village - Shinnyu, one of the most remote villages under Mon district is more than thirty kilometers away from Straightway Mission School, ITC Dan, Pangsha area, Tuenh 2014 For batc where the children sang district, study. There is no motorable road, and it takes aT whole day of S CONTAC negotiatingFOtreacherous jungles R DETAIL LL KOHIMA I 67159 village on foot fromOFthis 6 FICER’S H Konyak 2 6 8 9 / 8 7 89749981 to reach the school. Phone No.: Finding no other options, their parents, who have to tend to

the fields everyday to meet their daily needs, had entrusted the eldest two to look after the younger remaining and school in this unfamiliar environment, while realizing that getting education is the only passport to a better future, whatever the odds be. And so a house was built for the children on a small plot of land leased out by the villagers of Pangsha area. The parents pay them a visit once or twice a month with provisions of rice and vegetables. Unlike a hostel, there is no

assigned warden to look after their needs or give instructions. For these endearing children, life is all about taking care of one another. In the evening, after a weary Pongnyu returns home with the firewood and some wild jungle herbs, there will be a solemn dinner and an hour or two of studies. One would think that putting a group of young children under twelve years of age in a small congested room would spell disaster and confusion. Instead, their life speaks of discipline and

Twelve year old Pongnyu studies in class III and is the eldest amongst the six children hailing from different families and living together in a small bamboo thatched house partitioned into a kitchen and a room the size of a rice barn. Right after school, he dutifully goes to the jungle to fetch firewood, while ten year old Kosam, the second eldest among the AgArtAlA, JUNE 26 group and studying in class II, (IANS): Global policing agency Interpol on the request of the Indian authorities has issued a red-corner notice (RCN) against two criminals wanted in a murder case in Tripura, police KOHIMA, JUNE 26 (MExN): The Nagaland said here Thursday. “InPradesh Congress Committee (NPCC) today cauOur Correspondent HARMFUL EFFECTS OF DRUG ABUSE tioned the DAN government against taking any terpol has issued the RCN Kohima | June 26 against Mujibur Rahaman • Infectious diseases & impaired health measures to “weaken Article 371A in the name of and Balaram Rajbhar, who Nagaland state, along with the rest of the • HIV/AIDS development.” The NPCC media cell, in a press were wanted by west Agar- world today observed the International • Absence from school/college release, asserted that the “hard earned constitutala police station in connec- Day against Drug Abuse & Illicit Traffick- • Loss of job/income tional safeguards” under Article 371A remains the tion with a murder case and ing under the theme “Make health your • Possible death due to frustration or ill health “basic foundation of the people of Nagaland.” • Commission of crimes like theft, rape, also for other anti-social ac- ‘new high’ in life, not drugs.” It was informed that a joint meeting of the murder etc tivities,” a police spokesman NPCC held was today at Congress Bhavan, KoIn commemoration of this year’s event, told reporters. The two men, the Nagaland Users’ Network (NUN) • Corruption hima which was attended by all CLP members, along with five others, are urged the Nagaland state government • Money laundering and Narco-terrorism PCC office bearers, PCC members, frontal Chiefs Source: Narcotics Control Bureau believed to have murdered to enact the Nagaland State Drug Policy, and DCC presidents. The meeting deliberated on 48-year-old Dilip Ghosh, a make available the essential life saving Foundation along with Nagaland User’s various contentious issues of public importance contractor, on Nov 9 last year. drug “Naloxone” in health centres (both Network and Kohima Users’ Network ob- especially on the DAN governments proposed Police have already arrested private and government set up) to man- served the day, which was sponsored by Nagaland Special Development Zones (NSDZs) five people in connection age drug overdose, to provide drug user the Nagaland State AIDS Control Society. along the foothills of the state, wherever possible with the case, but the two friendly programme and ensure quality Dr. Bernice Dzuvichü, joint director which was passed through a resolution in the Askey suspects are on the run. drug treatment programs at all levels. (TI)- NSACS said every individual has a sembly on March 24, 2014. The NPCC has unan“Both the criminals might NUN also urged the state government responsibility to create awareness about imously resolved that the proposed establishhave taken shelter in neigh- to introduce state level award presenta- the ill impact of drug use in society. Kripa ment of Nagaland Special Development Zones bouring Bangladesh,” the tion to individuals for their outstanding Foundation advisor, Dr. Joyce Angami also along the foothills of the state “should be strictly police official said. contribution in the field of drug abuse spoke on the occasion. A speech on the implemented in accordance with the provisions prevention and treatment and also pro- significance of the day was presented by under Article 371 A of the Indian Constitution. It vide resources for prevention/awareness, Gwabinlo Seb, Jim Madan, KUN member further added that this should be done without contravening the relevant legislations already testing and treatment of Hepatitis C. also shared a message. In the state capital Kohima, Kripa Related story on page 5 passed by the Nagaland state assembly. KOHIMA, JUNE 26 (MExN): The BJP Kohima district, responding to a news item published on June 26, has clarified that “at no point of time” has DIMAPUr, JUNE 26 (MExN): would be long and arduous, that October 31, 2013 rally, ACAUT same once the above condition the unit nominated Visa- The Against Corruption and Un- it would be up against a system stated that it was organized with is fulfilled. It added that ACAUT is a solie Lhoungu, Former abated Taxation (ACAUT) Na- that has been around for a very the help of “many courageous transparent mass based moveProject Director, DRDA “to galand has cautioned the public long time and deeply rooted in and well meaning Nagas” It then informed that ACAUT ment open to public scrutiny represent its party.” A press that “malicious rumors and a the psyche of the people.” It informed that contribu- has decided “not to go for any and audit. “Therefore, the NPG’s note from Vidilhoulie smear campaign” is being diTheunuo, President of BJP rected against it. A press note tion from within its members fund drive in spite of the severe should also mantain outmost Kohima district informed from ACAUT Nagaland stated and “free will donations from financial crunch, lest the image transparancy by explaining to that Visasolie Lhoungu that this is being done “by cer- like-minded Nagas” have kept of the movement be sullied.” the public as to how taxes colwas “has been enrolled in tain NPGs, organizations and the movement going thus far. “Nevertheless, It has come to the lected from the public are utithe party and is seeking people whose way of life and Regarding accusations that the knowledge of ACAUT that some lized,” it said. BJP ticket for the ensuing very survival depends upon ACAUT state tours were funded of the NPGs held public meetbye election in 11th north- preservation of the prevailing by GoI agencies, it stated that ings with civil society leaders of Lauds Zunheboto public ern angami II A/C and for Meanwhile, ACAUT Nawhich correspondence is system of corruption, extortion such accusations are an “insult Dimapur district and hurled the to all our mass based organizaabove accusations against this galad has lauded the public of and unabated taxation. ” under process.” ACAUT disclosed that the tions such as apex tribal hohos, people’s movement,” ACAUT Zunheboto, led by ZTYO, ZRSU, ZAYO, OTYF and ZCCI for nab“smear campaign” includes apex students bodies, mothers’ lamented. It urged the NPGs to refrain bing 3 cadres from the NSCN accusations that it is “funded associations, youth organizaApropos to the news item by the Government of India or tions, district chamber of com- from resorting to “cheap pro- (IM), NSCN (K) and GPRN/ with the headline ‘Who of it being an agent of the IB.” merce and industry, business paganda which only highlights NSCN for “collecting tax from takes Rio’s seat?’ which Terming these accusations as associations, etc.,who took care immaturity.” Responding to the the market.” “It is only befitting was published on June 26, “totally unfounded” and “sin- of our fooding, lodgings, and accusations leveled against it, that youth rise up to the occait is clarified that the name ister,” ACAUT however stated it logistics or even offering finan- ACAUT demanded that “all the sion fueled by the arrogance of of former Nagaland Chief is not surprised by the “smear cial aid all throughout our three leaders of the different NPGs the NPGs to listen to the voice Minister Niephiu Rio’s vil- campaign.” It added that since phase-wise state tour…” It fur- should declare their assets to the of the people,” it stated. ACAUT lage is Touphema and not the beginning of the ACAUT ther informed that petrol pump Naga people, both movable and further encouraged youths of as mentioned. The inad- movement, the organization owners had fuelled their vehi- immovable.” It said that ACAUT other districts to also “stand up vertent error is regretted. “knew that the path chosen by it cles for the tours. Regarding the members, in turn, would do the for truth and justice.”

y bJo vacanc

Interpol notice for two men wanted in Tripura

State govt urged to enact Don’t weaken Article “Nagaland Drug Policy” 371A, asserts nPcc

BJP Kohima clarifies

AcAUt cautions against ‘smear campaign’

Correction C M Y K

responsibility and an exhibition of maturity beyond their age. There are around fifteen such children from the Mon village and another group from Pangsha new village living around the school campus and fending for themselves, says Imna Pongen, a teacher at Straightway Mission School. Amazingly, these children also stand out in their studies. “Most of the children living here without parents or an elder to look after them, particularly from Shinnyu village, are very

Children as young as 12 years and below are compelled to live far away from parents and villages and fend for themselves in order to go to school

eager to learn and are recipients of the meritorious scholarship from the school,” Imna reveals. “They never cease to surprise us- teachers. Every day, these children go hunting with catapults, they fish, collect wild herbs and vegetables from jungles, fields for the kitchen and they still find time to study and emerge top in the class,” says Imna. Such are the extraordinary lives being lived by children in this part of the border in their earnest pursuit of education.

MCCI calls for additional officers in Mokokchung Writes to Nagaland Chief Minister on increasing traffic congestion

MOKOKCHUNg, JUNE 26 (MExN): The Mokokchung Chamber of Commerce and Industries (MCCI) has written to the Nagaland state Chief Minister, TR Zeliang apprising the latter of increasing traffic congestion in Mokokchung and the difficulties in the administration of the Mokokchung Municipal Council (MMC). The MCCI urged the CM to commission additional officers for Mokokchung, namely a Deputy Superintendent of Police, Traffic control and an ADC to administer the MMC. The MCCI informed that traffic congestion in Mokokchung has “become a harsh reality today causing unwanted inconveniences to the people.” It noted that “traffic congestion related accidents and inconveniences, along with all its adverse effects, have unfortunately become an everyday affair in Mokokchung today.” The MCCI stressed on the urgent need to revamp the whole system of traffic control in the district headquarter of Mokokchung so that the present “abysmal” traffic scenario is smoothened and systematized and appropriate plans for the future is also promulgated “before it is too late.” In the light of this, the MCCI requested that a Deputy Superintendent of Police, Traffic Control be commissioned for Mokokchung. It reminded the Nagaland CM that traffic control in Mokokchung, as of present, is “headed by a mere

Sub-Inspector which was commissioned 27 years ago in 1987.” The MCCI further informed the CM that there are no “honorable elected members” to the Mokokchung Municipal Council. It stated that, under the present arrangement, administration of the municipal council arrangement is entirely rested on the shoulders of the lone Additional Deputy Commissioner of Mokokchung headquarter. Stating that Mokokchung being a major district and Mokokchung Municipal Council being a vast establishment, the MCCI said it is “humanly impossible for a single officer to handle the affairs of both establishments, thereby rendering the officer in concern indicted of dereliction of duty in the eyes of the public although the respected officer may be doing his best.” The MCCI stated that routine administrative duties of the ADC Headquarter Mokokchung is an enormous assignment unto itself and therefore maintained that to assign the same officer to administer the MMC while also looking after the district administration is “unreasonable, unfair and too much of an asking.” It added that the “enormity of errands” expected of the MMC warrants for a full-time administrator to efficiently administer the Municipal Council and to genuinely provide efficient service to the people. As such, the MCCI called for the commission of a competent officer in the rank of Additional Deputy Commissioner as a full-time Administrator of MMC, albeit being in a temporary basis till such time as is necessary. The MCCI expressed hope that the Nagaland CM would keep the interest of the people first and understand the predicament faced by the people of Mokokchung.







27 June 2014

NSCW continues to sensitize on importance of women's rights

Chairperson NSCW, Dr. Temsula Ao speaking at seminar on issues relating to ‘Marriage, Divorce and inheritance’ held at CKS Hall Tuensang on June 26. (DIPR Photo)

Tuensang, June 26 (DiPR): A seminar was organized by Nagaland State Commission for Women in collaboration with National Commission for Women, New Delhi on issues relating to ‘Marriage, Divorce and inheritance.’ Chairperson NSCW, Dr. Temsula Ao in her introductory remark shared the importance of rights of women as per the Constitution of India and its provisions. Describing male folks as the guardian of the customary laws, Temsula said that organizing such seminar with the male folks could bridge the gap between the agenda of the Women Commission and the rest of the society.

FIRMS general meeting on June 28 C M Y K

The intention of the seminar does not mean to fight and to supersede the status of the male folks as per our customary rights but to negotiate for the emancipation of the women status to certain level in the society, she added. To fight for the cause of the women empowerment is not an idea of having confrontation but to request for the review of the given provision of the right under the Constitution of India and the all other Legal Rights, she further added. She also reminded that customary rights was made in certain stage of time and having of all administration systems according to the customary

rights is important and as per the change of the time, the rights are better to be reviewed as per the change of the time. The happening of the new and more dangerous crimes against women needs to be checked with amendments or changes as required in the customary law to deal with such happenings. She concluded her remarks by saying that women rights are also human rights. EAC Khekato Chishi HQ Tuensang exhorted the gathering in the parameter of the given topic and its application along with the reference of the past with the current scenario. The seminar held at CKS

Hall Tuensang on June 26, was attended by the Dr. Temsula Ao Chairperson, Asangla Cholong and Kakheli Jakhalu members, NSCW and Chang Sao Thangjam Setchang led by the President and her colleagues along with their village representatives; District Administrative office, Chang apex Organizations, GB’s and DB’s union Tuensang. Member NSCW Asangla Cholong chaired the seminar. All the president’s of the Chang Associations were given a chance to comment on the topic of the seminar. The seminar concluded with the closing message by Kakheli Jakhalu Member NSCW.


ZunheboTo, June 26 (DiPR): The inaugural programme of Zunheboto DIET Centre was held on June 25 at Diet Office Complex, South Point Zunheboto with Parliamentary Secretary for Higher Education and SCERT Deo Nukhu as the Chief Guest. Addressing the gathering, Parliamentary Secretary called upon the faculties of Diet Zunheboto to inculcate the competitive spirit to the students which

Kohima, June 26 (DiPR): The 8th National Statistics Day celebration under the theme ‘Service Sector Statistics’ will be held at Directorate’s Conference Hall, Kohima on June 29 (Sunday) at 1 p.m. Parliamentary Secretary CAWD & Economics & Statistics, R. Tohanba will be the chief guest on the occasion. The theme speaker will be Dr. (Mrs) N. Martina Solo, HoD, Department of Commerce, Nagaland University, Kohima Campus. Secretary, Department of Economics & Statistics, Kevileno Angami will chair the programme. Vote of thanks will be delivered by Director, Economics & Statistics, Y. Sacheo Ovung.

prayer was pronounced by Shekheto Pastor SBCZ and welcome speech by Yevito Sema Principal DIET, Zunheboto. Short speeches were delivered by Deputy Commissioner, Zunheboto L. Akato Sema and Dr. K.C. Nihoshe Ex-Parliamentary Secretary which was followed by vote of thanks by Megowheno Vice-Principal DIET, Zunheboto. The programme was chaired by Additional Director SCERT Khrietuo Mezhur.

Entrepreneurship development prog at Kiphire commences

Medical Camp at Dimapur

Our Correspondent Kiphire | June 26

Two weeks entrepreneurship development program for PMEGP beneficiaries under KVIC conducted by Indian Institute of Entrepreneurship for Kiphire district underway today with Benjamin Longkup EAC Kiphire HQ as chief guest at the EBRC hall with all the beneficiaries attending the training program. Speaking at the program, Benjamin said, “You are chosen few to be beneficiaries for PMEGP scheme as there are many persons who seeks this op-


portunity” and asked the beneficiaries to use this opportunity to nurture skills and develop workmanship to become an asset to the society and not be just another beneficiary of the scheme. He also said that department will tap the talent, educate and nurture it under the concept called entrepreneurship and at the most what the department can take back is success story but for you everything is yours and asked the trainee to be a turning point in one life and not to become invisible entrepreneur. Sharing his observation

Law students converge in Mkg for NLSF 6th biennial general conference

pursue the matter with the government since a government law college would be highly beneficial to the law students and law practitioners in the state. Besides, he also said that a proper training institute is needed in the state to train the police investigators especially the JCOs, SIs and ASIs, so that they can be more professional in investigating the crimes in the society. He said that if the police investigators have the courage, competence, knowledge and confidence to investigate, then the crimes committed in the society can be checked effectively. The AKM president, L Jemdi Longchar also spoke at the programme. The NLSF president Kehouneiu Thernuo delivered the presidential speech while the Kohima Law College presented a cultural show. The 6th Biennial General Conference of the NLSF will conclude on June 27, 2014 with Parliamentary Secretary for Law and Justice, Jacob Zhimomi scheduled to grace the valedictory function as the guest of honor.

the chief guest said, more than 20 training are held in the district but the desire result is not accomplish because trainee are not serious and ask the trainee to be serious so that desire result is accomplish. P.K Bhowmick Branch Manager SBI who also spoke on the occasion extends his best wishes and assures all possible help from his institute. Sani Faculty member IIE Dimapur chairs the program. S.Langthsa G.M (DIC) proposes vote of thanks and Z.Pochury Executive Officer NKVIB Kiphire welcome the gathering.


DimaPuR, June 26 (mexn): Coinciding with National Anti- Malaria Month programme of National Vector Borne Diseases (NVBDCP), Ministry of Health & Family Welfare Medical team – under Urban Malaria Scheme (NVBDCP) Dimapur Nagaland, shall be conducting Medical Camp on June 27 and 28 at Imkonglenden Colony (Charisma School) and Rainbow Colony Burma Camp (Holy Child School) respectively. Therefore, the concern colony members are asked to attend the free malaria checkup. This was informed in a press release issued by Kikolul Khieya, Asstt. Director, Urban Malaria Scheme (NVBDCP) Dimapur.

MEx File

Kohima DC new Bungalow inauguration

Kohima, June 26 (DiPR): Parliamentary Secretary, CAWD, R. Tohanba will inaugurate the new Deputy Commissioner Bungalow, Kohima on June 27 at 1 p.m. According to the programme, Principal Secretary & Commissioner, Nagaland Temjen Toy IAS will deliver a short speech while Er. Sungtiba Amer, EE (CAWD) will give the technical report. The programme will be chaired by Deputy Commissioner, Kohima, W. Honje Konyak.


KTBWU combined service today Kohima, June 26 (DiPR): The Kohima Town Baptist Women Union combined service will be held at Ao Baptist Church, Chandmari, Kohima on June 27 at 3:30 p.m. where Ruokuonieu Guozi will be the main speaker. All the women members of the Kohima Town Baptist Churches are kindly requested to attend the service.

AR arrest arms peddler DimaPuR, June 26 (mexn): The 29 Assam Rifles under the aegis of headquarters 6 Sector Assam Rifles launched an operation in general area Purana Bazar, Dimapur and apprehended one arms peddler along with one 7.65 mm Pistol and two magazines on June 23. The individual was identified as Bovi Zhimo, resident of Viwhuto, Jalukie, Nagaland. The apprehended individual along with recovered items was handed over to East Police Station, Dimapur.


DNSU meeting on June 28 DimaPuR, June 26 (mexn): The organizing committee for DNSU XIX general conference, has convened a meeting on June 28 at 10:00 am at DNSU Office. It has informed all the concerned committee members to attend the meeting positively.

Dr. Longri welcomed KVK Longleng organises multidisciplinary training with felicitation prog

Kohima, June 26 (mexn): A felicitation programme in honour of Dr. Longrineken, Parliamentary Secretary for Labour & Employment was jointly organised by the Directorate of Employment & Craftsmen Training and the Directorate of Labour on June 26 in the Multipurpose Hall of the Directorate of Employment & Craftsmen Training. In his address, the Parliamentary Secretary thanked all the ranks and files of the department for the felicitation programme. After a brief in-

troduction of himself, he expressed happiness that though small, these departments work with the poor and lower class of people. He asked the department to share ideas, to explore opportunities for the educated unemployed youth and downtrodden. He sought the honesty and dedication from the department officials and conveyed that he is ready to pursue the issues of both the departments with the Government but stated that the department officials should provide all necessary support to assist him in fulfilling his vision.

An AppeAl for help


would enable the students to work hard acquiring quality education. With regard to appointment of teachers, he opined that preferences should be given to the candidates who were trained. Deo Nukhu also said that within few years, more training centres would be opened at the block level and more B.Ed. College will be set up in the state. Director SCERT Vipralhou Kesiezie while delivering the keynote address

said that the institution has 18 (eighteen) faculty members and 17 (seventeen) ministerial staffs headed by Head Assistant. He also informed that the Government of India has withdrawn several flagship programmes in order to focus on the qualitative aspect. Therefore, he requested the faculties that the quality has to be assured. Earlier, the monolith was unveiled by the chief guest while invocation

DimaPuR, June 26 (mexn): The Frontal Integrated Ranges of Meranger and Sensolikum (FIRMS) has informed its office bearers, executive members and all affiliated unit members of Meranger and Sesolikum to attend the general meeting scheduled on June 28 at 6:00 am without fail at Sensolikum ground. “No personal information will be given by any sub-unit president and secretary,” informed a press release issued by FIRMS chairman Temjen Jamir and general Kohima Law College students presenting a cultural show during the 6th Biennial General Conference of NLSF at Mayangnokcha Govt Hr Sec School Mokokchung on June 26, 2014. (Morung Photo) secretary Hukato. Our Correspondent guest for the main function Mokokchung Law College, ing that he doesn’t know today, Minister for Roads & disclosed that the Board whether the two other disMokokchung | June 26 Bridges and Parliamentary had asked the then parlia- trict colleges have submitThe 6th Biennial General Affairs, Kuzholuzo (Azo) mentary secretary of Law ted the proposal or not, Conference of Nagaland Neinu, could not make & Justice, Yitachu during Muroho Chotso however moKoKchung, June Law Students’ Federation it due to a ‘cabinet meet- his visit to Mokokchung in disclosed that Mokokc26 (DiPR): To mark the (NLSF) is underway at Ma- ing’. Mokokchung Deputy April, 2013 for the govern- hung Law College has subobservance of Anti malar- yangnokcha Government Commissioner, Muroho ment to take over the Mo- mitted a proposal, which ia month, District Vector Hr Sec School on the theme Chotso took his place and kokchung Law College. The has been cleared by the Borne Officer, Mokokc- ‘Enriching Law’. This is the graced the occasion as the then parliamentary secre- different departments like tary however suggested if Planning and finance dehung is conducting a 2-day first time that the NLSF chief guest. The Mokokchung DC, the government can take partments in the governFree Malaria Blood Test general conference is being Clinic from 10:00 a.m. to held in Mokokchung and while speaking at the pro- over all the law colleges in ment. Only a cabinet decision is being awaited, he 2:00 p.m. at Imlong place more than 150 law students gramme, encouraged the the state. In this regard, Muroho said and expressed hope from June 26. The District from the three law colleges students and the faculty of Vector Borne Officer, Dr. in Nagaland – Kohima Law the law colleges in the state Chotso disclosed that he that the government will S. Marina Yaden informed College, Dimapur Law Col- to expedite ways to make has spoken with the au- take over the Mokokchung public to avail the opportu- lege and Mokokchung Law the government take over thorities of the Dimapur Law College by this year. In College – are attending the the law colleges in the state. Law College and Kohima this regard, he suggested nity for free blood test. conference. The DC, who is also Law College about the that it would be good for However, the chief the Board Chairman of the government takeover. Say- the students and faculty to

National statistics day celebration


Inculcate competitive spirit: Deo Nukhu

Free malaria blood test clinic M

The Morung Express

This appeal of assistance is made to all the noble souls for Master Omendiba (4 years), son of Aotoshi of Aoyimsen Village, who has been suffering from heart ailment. Omendiba underwent heart surgery in 2010 with the sponsorship form Rotary Club of Dimapur. He is now due for next stage Surgery-Cath Angiography followed by Fontan Completion. This appeal made to all individuals/societies for sponsorship as his family cannot afford for his further surgery. The Aoyimsen Village Council extends prayers and best wishes to those who join with his family in financial and possible assistance. For details contact: Amenla Imsong #8415088107 Dr. Senti Jamir, Alemla Jamir# 9612834740 Chairman Apokla Jamir# 9856283335 Aoyimsen Village Council

LongLeng, June 26 (mexn): Indian Council of Agricultural Research, Nagaland Centre, Krishi Vigyan Kendra, Longleng organised multidisciplinary training on May 29 at Dungkhao village, Longleng. The training was conducted by the different Subject Matter Specialist for awareness on the

different activities that the KVK is carrying out under OFTs and FLDs programmes every year and how the farmers can be benefited through that. Participants/target groups were farm women as most of the field works are done by the women folk. Dr. Lily Ngullie, SMS (Animal Science) shared on aware-

ness of common diseases in poultry and pigs and its management. Lily Rangnamai, SMS (Horticulture) spoke on package of practices on Okra. She emphasised on the cultivation practices. E. Lireni Kikon, SMS (Plant Protection), delivered integrated Pest Management on Paddy. She

deliberated on the identification of the insect pest and right time of management practices. It was learned during the training that Leaf folder and Stem borer are the major insect problem that occurs both in Jhum and TRC field in the village. The training concluded with an active interaction.

“Backyard Buzz” to put local musicians on TV Morung Express News Dimapur | July 26

In a first of its kind in Nagaland, a music television show exclusively focusing on local artistes is scheduled to air this Saturday on local channels throughout Nagaland. Breaking the news to media personnel at a press conference held at Ana Ki, Conference Hall, Khermahal, Dimapur, Mengu, Director of Events Native Trax announced that Native Trax Society (NTS) is producing a monthly TV show on what’s hot and happening in Nagaland’s music scene. NTS is also known for organizing the “Music Video Awards of Nagaland”. “NTS is keen to promote local talents through the medium of TV, through which the musicians can receive the maximum exposure”,Mengu stated.

VJ Imli Lee, Naro Aonok, President NTS, Mengu, Director (Events NTS), Amen Longchar, General Secretary NTS interacting with media persons on “Backyard Buzz, a first of its kind music television show to be produced in Nagaland. (Morung Photo)

The show titled, “Backyard Buzz” will be anchored by VJ Imli Lee. Popularly known as Déjà vu for his rapping antics, Imli is all set to present viewers with

fresh new music videos by local acts in 30 minutes. He will also be hosting exclusive interviews with musicians who are making a buzz in the music scene.

Each episode is slated to focus on at least four music videos along with interviews of inspiring artistes. The programme is sponsored by the Music

Task force (YRS) with the active support and encouragement of Khriehu Liezietsu, Parliamentary Secretary, MTF and New & Renewable Energy. NTS therefore invites local singers and bands/ groups to send their music videos for consideration and review. Those interested can contact 9856201 694/9436064289/9856819 202 or send mail to native. trax@gmail.com So, catch your favorite artistes live on Doordarshan Kohima once every month from 6:00 to 6:30 pm on your local channels. To kick off the first episode, “Backyard Buzz” is featuring an exclusive and intimate interview with Alobo Naga, frontman for Alobo Naga and the Band who won the ‘Best Indian Act’ at MTV Europe Awards 2012.



The Morung Express



27 June 2014


road Arunachal extracts fiscal promise Dimapur-Imphal bandh on June 28 Financial health of state 'sound and stable'

coal deposits and can produce 140 million tons of oil per year to sustain India's fuel needs for the next 100 years. One of the eight global biodiversity hotspots

is due and is expected to be finalised by the first week of July. We will place all our priorities and areas of work in the regular budget after finalisation of plan allocation for the state by the Centre," he said. Dismissing allegation by several organisations of the state on nonpayment of salaries to the employees for the past few months, he disclosed that the salaries for the month of April was delayed for a few days because of certain technical difficulties which is a common feature in all states at the beginning of the financial year.

is here. It also has India's highest forest cover (82% or 550 million cubic metre)," the delegation stated. "Despite its potential, Arunachal is yet to get

United Naga Council calls for oneness and unity Concerned by violent exchanges between Makhan villages and Maram Khullen Circle villages SENAPATI, JUNE 26 (MExN): The United Naga Council (UNC) has expressed concern at the “violent exchange between Makhan villages and Maram Khullen Circle villages” on June 24, which it stated arose out of dispute over land. The UNC, in a

press note, lamented that the incident has resulted in injuries, damage to houses and has deeply hurt sentiments. Stating that the two parties have been neighbours in peaceful coexistence, the UNC said that “the highly vitiated situation in the area and among these Naga brothers has been very saddening.” The UNC condemned any form of violence

and appealed to the parties to allow good sense to prevail and called for amicable settlement of the dispute “through our customary laws.” It urged for “unity and oneness of the people” and called upon all concerned to refrain from violence, use of weapons and indulging in self inflictions “which reduces our hopes and aspirations as a people.”

Assam Police to have separate intelligence wing to set up a separate intelligence cadre "is aimed at raising a set of officials with the correct aptitude and training along with more professionalism for the task". He said that due to frequent transfers, the task of intelligence gathering suffers. "Now, personnel who are recruited in the intelligence cadre will go through a specialised training that will help in developing the aptitude and orientation that are required for the specialised task," Bhanu said. Proposed to be set up on the lines of the Intelligence Bureau, the intelligence wing will have a set of personnel recruited through a separate procedure and will remain there till superannuation. The chief minister also asked the chief secretary to make police stations more "people-friendly". "A citizen who visits a police station would feel ensured only if the station has better waiting rooms and more spacious office for police personnel. Our police force needs to be friendly, responsible, and must have compassion and empathy for the people," Gogoi said.

NABARD aims Rs. 600 Crore RIDF sanction to Assam GUwAhATI, JUNE 26 (PTI): National Bank for Agriculture and Rural Development (NABARD) today said it expects 25 per cent increase in its sanctions for the Rural Infrastructure Development Fund inAssam to Rs 600 crore during 2014-15. Accordingly, NABARD is aiming to double the disbursal of funds under the Rural Infrastructure Development Fund (RIDF) to Rs 250 crore in the current fiscal. "We are expecting an increase in sanctions for different RIDF projects in Assam. We are targeting to sanction Rs 600 crore for 2014-15 compared to Rs 481 crore in last fiscal in the state," NABARD Chief General Manager Arun Sandilya told reporters here. NABARD had sanctioned Rs 211 crore during 2012-13 financial year to the North Eastern state, he added. Cumulatively so far, NABARD has sanctioned Rs 2,945.55 crore for 2,091 projects in Assam as on March 31, 2014. The cumulative sanctions under all tranches in NE region under the RIDF accounted for Rs 7,983.32 crore for 3,185 agri-related, ir-

rigation, power, road, bridge and social sector projects till March 31 this year. NABARD Chief General Manager, R Amalorpavanathan said its refinancing business in NE stood at Rs 387.38 crore during 2013-14 as against Rs 1,02,089 crore for the entire country. Emphasising the thrust in NE, he said NABARD has set up a zonal consultancy centre in Guwahati, the third one after its head office in Mumbai and New Delhi. "For a new thrust and focus on the development of the NE, NABARD has recently set up a new zonal office of NABARD Consultancy Services (NABCONS) in Guwahati that looks after the entire region. Among other, its function is to monitor and evaluate the projects financed by us," Amalorpavanathan said. NABCONS is a wholly-owned subsidiary and is engaged in providing professional advisory services in all spheres of agriculture, rural development and allied activities. Without giving details, Amalorpavanathan said NABARD is currently holding discussions with National Dairy Develop-

INFORMATION Neurology and cardiothoracic camp At

OKING HOSPITAL, KOHIMA On 30/06/14 Dr. A.R. Baruah DND (Neurology) and Dr. Bikash Rai Das DNB (CTVS) for GNRC

 Contact :- 0370-2290080 for registration

ment Board for expanding dairy projects across the country. Besides, Sandilya said the board of the State Level Bankers' Committee of Assam had last week approved a credit limit of Rs 5,176 crore for agriculture in 2014-15, a rise of 13 per cent over Rs 4,564 crore in last fiscal. "Out of the approved limit this fiscal, Rs 3,340 crore is for short-term crop loans and Rs 1,836 crore for longterm loans," he added.

I, Lhuvitso Nagi am applying for a duplicate copy of B.A. Final Marksheet as I have lost it. Name: Lhuvitso Nagi F/Name: Pfuso Nagi M/Name: Rudovino Nagi Roll No.: 09AH157 University Regd. No.: 109266/2009-10

Lower P.W.D Panchayat at Kohima

New Office Bearers upto 2017 Chairman:


Dozhohü (9856123691)

Vice President:


Hayio Ngullie (8575931946)

Dated, Dimapur the 26th June 2014 No.M-620/14/3557-58/ Notice is hereby given that Shri. Khekuto Sema S/o Q.Sema R/o Eralibill Dimapur, Nagaland under Rule 50&51 of Assam Land Revenue regulation 1886 have applied for mutation of land described in the schedule below:- The undersigned under Rule 52 of the said Rules do hereby invites claims/ objections concerning to the said land or any should be submitted to this court in written on or before 26/7/14. Schedule of Land and Boundary. Name of Patta Holder: Prasun Biswas, illage/Block No: 06 Patta No.:376, Dag No.:299/614, Area: 00-01-13 Sd/Deputy Commissioner,Dimapur: Nagaland

General Secretary:

S. Amos (9774412452)

Joint Secretary:

Pangermayang (9436403893)


Dziesevituo (9856983830)


Satsü Angami (9402849727) T. Sashi Pongen (9436403275) Imtipokyim (9436435540) Imti Longchar (9436000489) (Legal Advisor)

APPRECIATION Seyochung Village Union Dimapur would like to appreciate/ acknowledge the central administrative officers the regional authorities of N.S.C.N-IM Asalu Zeliangrong Region NSCN-IM Makuilongdi Zeliangrong Region-Zeilad Zeliangrong Region for recovering the Bolero NL 01.C 9291 which was lost on 19 June 2014. And also the owner of the vehicle Bolero No NL 01.C 9291 Sepongkyu Sangtam thanks the three region of the NSCN-IM being recovered my vehicle which was lost on 19 June 2014, further appreciate yeoman service rendered by the national workers and also look forward the commend table service toward the society in the near future.






New Industrial Estate, Sub-Jail (Tinali), Nh-36 Road, Dimapur: Nagaland




Regd.No: 2389/2014

Date: 26/06/14

I, Smti. REEMA T SWU alias REEMA SINGH ,W/o Shri. Tovika K Swu, R/o Model Colony, Purana Bazaar, Dimapur, Nagaland, do hereby solemnly affirm and declare as follows:1. That in all my academic/official certificate and documents my name is used and entered as REEMA SINGH. 2. That I got married to Shri. Tovika K Swu on 19-01-2010 and thereafter my name has been changed and used as REEMA T SWU. 3. That both the names REEMA T SWU and REEMA SINGH refers to the same and one person only.

SN 1



Solemnly declared before me on this 26th June, 2014 by the deponent. Notary Public, Dimapur: Nagaland

Applications are invited for setting up of Micro enterprises under

Prime Minister’s Employment Generation Programme (PMEGP) of KVIC

Date of issuance of application from: 01-07-2014 to 05-07-2014



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a car in which a family from K Salbung village of Sadar Hills, was hit by the convoy of 7th IRB CO Chaba Lukho between Khonghampat and Koirengei on June 16. Six members of the family got injured were admitted for ten days in the hospital. The TSA-GHQ alleged that during these 10 days, CO Chaba Lukho nor anyone from the 7th IRB authority have come to see the victims. It has appealed for co operation from all to bring justice.


GUwAhATI, JUNE 26 (IANS): In its bid to raise the level of efficiency and competency of the state police force, Assam Thursday decided to strengthen the intelligence wing of Assam Police and make it a separate cadre on the lines of the Intelligence Bureau. The decision was taken at a law and order review meeting chaired by Chief Minister Tarun Gogoi. Gogoi asked state Chief Secretary Jitesh Khosla to initiate measures aimed at strengthening the intelligence network so as to raise the efficiency and competency of the police force in maintaining law and order. The chief minister also asked him to take up steps to separate the intelligence wing from the police. "It is of crucial importance that training is given for developing the right attitude and for imparting the relevant knowledge and skill to improve the intelligence gathering mechanism to meet the growing challenges of terrorist outfits," Gogoi said. Principal Secretary (Home and Political) M.G.V.K. Bhanu said the decision


New Delhi's attention. The 'Look East' policy has remained in limbo. The Centre has looked at the policy through ports, not through roads. Hence,


state to contribute to the nation's GDP. "Arunachal boasts of India's highest hydropower potential (58,000 MW). It has oil reserves trapped in

a few state government departments, which was accordingly checked. "The RBI is also governed by certain rules and so it directed the SBI branches here not to make any excess payment to the government till a regular budget is presented in the state assembly," Felix clarified in response to a question. He said the payment could not be made against various schemes and projects because a regular budget was yet to be finalised by the state assembly, which only presented vote on account for the first four months of the current fiscal. "General budget for the state

IMPhAl, JUNE 26 (NNN): In protest against the alleged callous attitude of the 7th IRB and its Commanding Officer (CO) Chaba Lukho towards the accident victims, the Thadou Students' Association-General Headquarters (TSA-GHQ) has announced to impose 24 hours bandh along Imphal-Dimapur Road (NH-2), Imphal-Moreh Road (also NH-2) and ImphalChurachandpur Road (NH150) from 3:00 am of June 28. According to TSA-GHQ,


ITANAGAR, JUNE 26 (PTI): The Arunachal Pradesh government today asserted that the financial health of the state is "sound and stable" and there is no "abnormality". "Whatever deficit the state government had to face was due to the implementation of the central sixth pay commission recommendations for the state government employees besides deficit grant by the thirteenth finance commission," government spokesperson Bamang Felix told reporters here. Denying rumours on state's overdraft from the RBI, Felix said there was a certain amount of excess payment by

Arunachal did not benefit much," Kumar said. Describing the present meeting as unprecedented, IPR secretary Toko Tatung hoped the Finance Commission would make suitable recommendations. "The Centre's stepmotherly attitude has harmed the northeast, particularly land-locked Arunachal. The Centre's tax barrier brought stagnation in the border regions. The transportation of every essential item from the mainland increases costs by 6%. The northeast could have procured materials from its neighboring countries at lesser costs and the revival of trade ties would have helped its economy," said Tatung.


ITANAGAR, JUNE 26 (TNN): The 14th Finance Commission has promised Arunachal Pradesh fiscal compensation on account of the state's chronic communication problems and development issues. The assurance came after entrepreneurs, led by Arunachal Chamber of Commerce and Industries (ACCI) chief advisor Pradeep Kumar, met commission chairman Y V Reddy, a press release said here on Wednesday. The delegation highlighted Arunachal's communication woes, untapped natural resources, unused landmass and unutilized manpower through a PowerPoint presentation. It said these should be tapped for the

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• All district Industries Centre of Nagaland. • All District Office’s of Nagaland Khadi & Village Industries Board. • KVIC’s form for Dimapur district will be issued on 04-07-2014 at State Office, KVIC, Super Market Complex, Dimapur. • KVIC’s forms for other districts will be issued from all the District Office’s of NKVIB.

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Issued by:

STATE OFFICE, KHADI AND VILLAGE INDUSTRIES COMMISSION, (Ministry of MSME, Govt. of India), Super Market Complex, Dimapur-797112, Nagaland Tel. & Fax-(03862)226546


The State Council of Educational Research and Training (SCERT), Government of Nagaland cordially invites you to the Inaugural Programme of the 1st Nagaland Government School Teachers Conference at NBCC Convention Hall, Kohima on Thursday the 3rd of July, 2014 at 10:00 hours. His Excellency the Governor of Nagaland Dr. Ashwani Kumar has kindly consented to grace the occasion as the Chief Guest. Hon'ble Parliamentary Secretary, School Education, Shri. Yitachu will grace the function as the Guest of Honour.

Chief Guest Chairperson


Welcome address Invocation Kaynote address Special No Speech

: Dr. Ashwani Kumar, Governor of Nagaland : Shri. M. Patton (IAS), Commissioner & Secretary SCERT & School Education Govt. of Nagaland. : Chairperson : Rev. Shan Kikon, Pastor Faith Harvest Church, Kohima. : Shri. Vipralhou Kesiezie, Director, SCERT Nagaland. : : Shri. Yitachu, Parliamentary Secretary, School Education.

Address by the Chief Guest

Concluding remarks

: Chairperson

Light Refreshments

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public discoursE

Friday 27 June 2014

What barrier is the Art 371 (A)?


n item which could not evade my attention was the news coverage over felicitation function in honour of the Hon’ble Chief Minister recently at Kohima. In the speech, the CM talked about Art 371(A) saying it ‘should not be an obstruction for any infrastructural development that takes place in the state’ as appeared in local papers on 22.6.14. I hope the CM has valid reasons to justify the contention. I wish I do not question the wisdom of the Head of the State. However, the statement has its share of ambiguity.

It implies that Art 371(A) is roadblock to basic developments in the State of Nagaland. Does the CM believe that as much infrastructural developments in the State of Nagaland could not be had as desired because of this Article? Is he trying to pass the onus of poor infrastructure and developmental retrogress as compared to junior neighbour States to the presence of Article 371(A)? In what manner this Art is used and misused to obstruct the developments according to CM? Meanwhile, even otherwise this special and protective Art

371(A) faces the most critical threats ever at the moment. Although the Art 371(A) escaped the onslaught of inclusion in BJP’s manifesto of 2014 for abrogation, when the same manifesto talks about uniformity in civil code, I strongly feel this provision is not immune to be dragged into debate. I am apprehensive when Art 370 is scrapped, the next victim may be Art 371(A) just as the adage goes ‘when autumn comes, will winter be far away?’ Topping upon it, we, the Nagas of Nagaland, have been battering this article in the name of debates on its

importance even at inappropriate forums during the last few years. If BJP dares to displease the people of Jammu & Kashmir on the abrogation issue, will BJP hesitate to antagonise the citizens of Nagaland having a single MP each in two Houses of Parliament? I presume the CM gave this comment with confidence and objectivity. The CM is required to come out with clarity as to how Art 371(A) remains to be the obstacle to infrastructural developments in Nagaland. Z. Lohe

the Plight of Women


ape Cases have been on the rise during these past few years and today it has reached its saturation point. Almost every day we come across rape cases being published in the local dailies and God knows how many such cases goes unnoticed. From a child to an old lady; from a mentally challenged to a physically challenged no one is spared. Whenever any rape case is brought to limelight, the very next day, heaps of condemnations pours in flooding the entire newspaper with barely any news to read. A simple condemnation and a couple of protests is what we usually does. That’s all! Nothing else! The next day another incident occurs and the trend continues. No news about the culprit or the victim. What was the punishment awarded to the culprit? Was he bailed out? How is the condition of the victim? These are the questions that lingers in our mind thereafter. A young girl of 4-5 years is raped by a man of her grandfather’s age, a married woman is gang raped in front of her family. And this is the society that we’re living in. In most of the cases, with no breakthrough in the case, the victims are bereft of justice.

With the memories indelible, the victim undergoes severe psychological trauma. Whereas in some cases the victims are intimidated from filing an FIR. And the law doesn’t take action unless one lodges a complaint. Don’t we know that the law is blind? (Kanoon andha hai?) The law doesn’t see who is right or who is wrong. It needs evidence. We have come across many cases where the culprits gets bailed out and roams freely as if nothing ever happened while the victims continue to suffer from humiliation and mental imbalance. Are the women Organizations strong enough in fighting for what it was formed? None of the women org’s have so far undertaken fast unto death or any major step seeking justice for the victims in the case of Nagaland. It isn’t only the duty of the Women Org’s but it is the collective responsibility of every NGOs, every individual to stand and fight for our mothers and sisters because in the words of Martin Luther King Jr. “Justice denied anywhere diminishes Justice everywhere”. Our state has been blessed with Article 371 (A). Point seven of the 16 Point agreement gives us the liberty in the case of social prac-

tices, religious matters and customary laws and procedure. If we want we can handle rape cases as per our customary law which the constitution allow us to do so. It isn’t good to be magnanimous all the time at the cost of others sufferings. Why not award comeuppance to the accused for committing such inhuman act as per our customary law? Having being bestowed with such powers, if we can’t make judicious use of it, it would only be a sordid boon for us. Furthermore, the Sate Govt. should be more concerned with this kind of issues rather than scratching its head implementing the unpopular Nagaland Special Development Zone, NSDZ (which is a betrayal to the Nagas of Nagaland) or the inclusion of Rongmei and Mao tribe as indigenous inhabitants of Nagaland etc. If we are to make our land a safe place for our women folks, it’s time we stand as one irrespective of Party, Tribe, Caste or Religion to stop the atrocities meted out to our mothers and sisters. X. Chophika Sümi Bank Colony Dimapur


Flipkart launches 7-inch calling tablet under Digiflip Pro New Delhi, JuNe 26 (PTi): After e-commerce, Flipkart has jumped into the fiercely competitive smart device market in India by launching its calling tablet for Rs 9,999. The seven-inch tablet branded Digiflip Pro is expected to help the domestic online marketplace increase revenue and expand its presence in the multi-billion dollar electronics business. Bangalore-based Flipkart already sells headphones, speakers and pen drives under its DigiFlip range. “We are the first e-com-

merce marketplace in India to launch our own device through Digiflip Pro. With this, we have taken another step in our goal towards building an entire ecommerce ecosystem in India,” Flipkart VP Retail and Head (Brand Alliances) Michael Adnani said. According to industry body MAIT, the tablet market in India grew at a “muted” 76 per cent in 2013-14 compared with tripledigit growth over the previous two years. Companies such as Samsung, Micromax, Apple and Datawind sold about 3.35 million

tablets in 2013-14. Industry watchers expect growth to ease further as customers prefer smartphones with bigger screen sizes. Amazon, the world’s biggest online retailer, launched its Fire Phone last week, becoming the first to enter the smart device segment. The Digiflip Pro XT 712 is available in black and white variants, has dual SIM, a 1.3 GHz quad core Cortex A7 processor coupled with 1 GB DDR3 RAM and 3G calling feature. The retailer will offer shopping benefits worth over Rs 5,000 and

free eBooks worth more than Rs 2,000 while using the Flipkart mobile app that is pre-installed on the tablet. “Our research on what Flipkart users expect for their tablet shows that consumers are looking at an ultimate device experience at an affordable price,” Flipkart Director Retail (Tablets) Pradeep Dodle told PTI. He said added there are “almost no good tablet brands” in the Rs 10,000-category (entry-level), while those with features that customers look for are priced higher.

The Morung Express

My Vision of Pfutsero town


have a dream, a vision for my beloved and the people of Pfütsero Town. Despite its sordid present condition, it is my fervent believe with wintry experience of dark and gloomy hours, seasons of progress and development will not far behind. There is a grim and sorry picture of the society with widespread dissatisfaction and frustration with different realms and spheres of ignorance, lack of enthusiasm among adults, yet it’s a concern and abiding passion for my town. Pfütsero of my dream is to uphold with a vision of mindset, capable of attaining the norms of moral education, awakening to spiritual thoughts: My vision that the flow of innocent blood shall cease to flow. The will to wage great revolution not with a weapon but with the tools of the vision – mutual respect, common concern and constructive interdependence with force to chorus to unite the road to prosperity and integrity ‘ask not what your country will do for you but what together we can do for the freedom for the progress of man and the society. The most valuable principles of life: Excellence through hard work and perseverance, to inculcate the spirit of queries among citizens and soaring high achieving something worthwhile. I have come across many young adults with noble and lofty dreams contributing to the town. By observing the lives of outstanding societies, we notice that one key factor for their success is hard work with professionals. The ladder of progressive works like any other ladder. Just as one cannot climb any ladder with hands in pocket, so also; no sluggard was excelled. History is replete with examples of people and their contributions that excelled their visions by sheer commitment to coup up with a statement; attainment is of 1 (one) percent inspiration and 99 (ninety nine) percent perspiration. This is not to belittle inspiration it only means that inspiration without expressions is wishful thinking to turn an inspire outlook requires efforts and motivation with sacrificed works. Our town depicts a true picture of selfishness, greed, prejudice bad habitual response for instance amongst the student sector there are individuals who wishes to become an IAS Officer but is too lazy to read even the morning newspaper. Or someone dreaming of setting up a beautiful farm like those in Denmark but never able to rise up before eight O’clock morning. I see so many potential in young people their visions and hopes which can yield profitable vaganzas

to our town, yet these seems to go astray and so many dreams die along the years. So the million-dollar question is “Do Have the will?” This valuable principles of life is not a theory propounded by man but is based on the word of God, Proverbs 22:29 Do you see a man who excels in his work? He will stand before kings; he will not stand before unknown man. The word progressiveness goes with qualitative and quantitative changes. Pfütsero Town is an impediment rather hardens any kind of development attempts, the question is; where is the complexity of integrity that we can experience. Regarding the aspects of prosperity, a vision of will to coup as work is worship. Why do we go on slavishly copying the west? The youths today talking the craziness of pop cultures, movies and videos, drinks and drugs, violence and crime, sex and sin. Every society has its own vices and virtues; but each one of us has to think of our own identity, culture and tradition. Visualising the vision that to be more responsible and imply attitude and the town itself will become obvious in itself, and to become an attraction to the outside world, the vision for my town also goes to transform the society as we have seen our Christian movement have not yet gone beyond our socio-political structures and movements. Our Christianity should go deeper and transform those very structures and movements. It’s an envisaged to see, the town also in retrospection of different socio-cultural and ethnic background. Referring to my essay, the road to progress, and maturity of its essence not ignoring the basic foundation of educating the incalculating spirit to the youth. To provide a space, a playground to find the solution of every malpractices with pre-defined motion. Henceforth the town itself can be the pride of every citizen. There are obligations to be enlisted amongst public leaders, members and social workers. Change can come only when one starts initiating as at the present juncture the people have come to a state where the potentials have the upper hand over the actual. The betterment of the town lies in the hand of the people itself. It is said that ‘Nagaland is the Switzerland of the East’ so why don’t we make Pfütsero the Switzerland of Nagaland. Menu-U Mero P.O Pfütsero Town District Phek, Nagaland

CorreCtion on:

“Takeover National Highway-29 by NPWD”


he write up on the subject “Takeover National Highway-29 by NPWD” published on 24.06.2014 may be corrected as below: “I remember when Shri Atal Behari Vajpayee, the then Prime Minister of India came to Nagaland in 2004; he took road journey

from Dimapur to Kohima. While speaking to the people at I.G. Stadium, Kohima (instead of Khuochiezie (Kohima Local Ground)), he commented, “I was told that this (NH-39, later named NH-29) was the best road in Nagaland. If this was the best road, I can imagine how best the worst is”. He

went on to sanction Rs.400 crores for 4-lanes (instead of 2-lanes) National Highway. Ten years have passed, but the road conditions still remain the same; if not becoming worst”. The error regretted. Er. Neisievilie Lhousa, Merhülietsa, Kohima

Readers may please note that the contents of the articles, letters and opinions published do not reflect the outlook of this paper nor of the Editor in any form.



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STD CODE: 03862

Metro Hospital: Faith Hospital: Shamrock Hospital Zion Hospital: Police Control Room Police Traffic Control East Police Station West Police Station CIHSR (Referral Hospital) Dimapur hospital Apollo Hospital Info Centre: Railway: Indian Airlines Chumukedima Fire Brigade Nikos Hospital and Research Centre Nagaland Multispecialty Health & Research Centre

Answer Number # 2918


Police Control Room: North Police Station: South Police Station: Fire Brigade: Naga Hospital: Oking Hospital: Bethel Nursing Home:

232224; Emergency229529, 229474 227930, 231081 228846 228254 231864, 224117, 227337 228400 232106 227607 232181 242555/ 242533 224041, 248011 230695/9402435652 131/228404 229366 282777 232032, 231031 248302, 09856006026

STD CODE: 0370

Northeast Shuttles

100/2244279 2222222 2222111 2222952 2222916 2243339 2224202



























ACROSS 1. Spar 5. Binge 10. Portuguese folksong 14. Largest continent 15. Cache 16. Black, in poetry 17. Bombastic 19. Fleet 20. Beer barrel 21. Stinks 22. Building addition 23. Smiled contemptuously 25. Overgrown with ivy 27. A sizeable hole 28. Neglect 31. Reveals 34. Each and all 35. Indian bread 36. Away from the wind 37. Every day 38. Quash 39. A parcel of land 40. Fair 41. Center 42. Mandatory completion time 44. A tribe of Israel 45. Rental agreement 46. Some 50. Homeric epic

52. Figure out 54. Big fuss 55. Unable to hear 56. Possible 58. Tardy 59. Narrow fissures 60. Nile bird 61. Biblical garden 62. French school 63. Claim

DOWN 1. Performance scores 2. Pale with fright 3. Blockade 4. Make lace 5. Avenue 6. Jimmied 7. Stone 8. Elusively 9. Snake-like fish 10. Herbaceous plant 11. Forfeited 12. Bird of peace 13. Chalcedony 18. German iris 22. Breezy 24. Type of sword 26. Extremely 28. Sheeplike 29. Horse feed

30. Clove hitch or figure eight 31. Hairless 32. Found in some lotions 33. Avenge 34. Seriously 37. Speaker’s platform 38. A climbing plant 40. Attired 41. Expert 43. Be unbearably loud 44. Concoct 46. Tablet 47. Jewish scholar 48. Improvise 49. Loamy deposit 50. Doing nothing 51. Its symbol is Pb 53. Ear-related 56. American Sign Language 57. Assist Ans to CrossWord 2925

DIMAPUR: 03862-232201/101 (O) 9436601225 (OC) CHUMUKEDIMA: 03862-282777/101 (O) WOKHA: 03860-242215 (O) 9402643782 MOKOKCHUNG: 0369-2226225/101 (O) 9856872011 (OC) PHEK: 03865-223838/101 (O) 9436012949 (OC)

TUENSANG: 03861-220256/101 (O) 8974322879 MON: 03869-290629/101 (O) 9856248962/ 9612805461 (OC)

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ZUNHEBOTO: 03867-220444/101 (O) 9856158740 (OC)




STD CODE: 0369

Police Station 1: Police Station 2 :

2226241 2226214

Civil Hospital: Woodland Nursing Home: Hotel Metsüpen (Tourist Lodge):

2226216 2226263 2226373/2229343

TAHAMzAM (formerly Senapati) STD CODE: 03871 Police Station: Fire Brigade

222246 222491


























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60.26 102.49 7.78 56.78 48.28 55.67 59.34




The Morung Express



27 June 2014


Ministerial Committee for NPF reacts to burning effigy Nagaland SDZ constituted

Kohima, June 26 (mexn): Reacting to NPF Mokokchung unit burning the effigy and portrait of party president Dr. Shürhozielie Liezetsu on Wednesday, the Naga Peoples’ Front (NPF) Central Headquarters has condemned the act calling it “demonic” and stated that “Burning of effigy is not in our culture.” The Central HQs expressed sadness at “the unruly systems adopted

by some party workers of Mokochung Division in retaliation to the disciplinary action initiated by the party’s DAC,” despite repeated statements on the mode and procedure of nurturing, guiding and dispensing impartial administration of the party within the framework of its constitution. A press release from the NPF Press Bureau stated. While stating that, “Sentiment of sincere and hard working party leaders, be-

ing hurt by the dissolution of NPF Mokokchung Division order is understandable,” the Central HQs countered, “Blaming or cursing the party President, Dr Shürhozielie Liezetsu is wrong and gravely unfortunate.” Clarifying that, “Party disciplinary actions, when deemed fit and imminent are awarded or pronounced not just to serve the whims and interest of any individual,” the party central Hqs stated, “Such decisions are

taken based on the report of thorough examination of the Disciplinary Action Committee (DAC) and counter examination of the report, and as such, the phenomenon is not beyond the knowledge of any disciplined party man.” The central HQs however requested those leaders to accept the disciplinary action on a positive note. “Mokokchung Division of the regional NPF is not scarce of veteran and hard-

working party loyalists, and the party cannot afford to lose even one of them,” the central HQs stated. It also clarified that the disciplinary action (Dissolution of NPF Mokokchung Division) in force does not include any of the Division’s Frontals or Assembly Constituencies. Further, the NPF HQs stated that it shall not skirt challenges that hamper the austere administrative system of the party based on its rules and principles.

Kohima, June 26 (DiPR): The Nagaland state government has constituted a Ministerial Committee headed by the Chief Minister, in pursuance of the NLA resolution for setting up of Nagaland Special Development Zone (NSDZs). An official notification informed that the Chief Minister will act as the Chairman, with the Chief Secretary as the Member Secretary. Members of the

NPF youth wing questions NFHRCC Mokokchung District NPF Forum Kohima, June 26 (mexn): NPF Central Youth Wing has regretted the ultimatum issued to the NPWD by NFHRCC demanding the cancellation of fresh work order recently awarded by the PWD road and bridges. A press release from the Media cell of the youth wing stated. While appreciating NFHRCC for their tireless effort for the successful implementation of the ongoing foothill road, the central youth wing stated, “NFHRCC as an interest group, should maintain the limited areas of its activities and function within the perimeter." It further stated that NFHRCC as an NGO should inculcate optimum patience in getting their common cause demand fulfilled. Calling the ultima-

tum ‘beyond the purview of the constitution’, the NPF youth wing regretted NFHRCC “for allowing its platform to become an instrument of senseless forces that are working against the constitutional department and trying to tarnish the paragon image of the PWD Road and Bridges Minister Kuzholuzo (Azo) Nienu.” However, extending its support to the steps initiated by NFHRCC in the ongoing Nagaland foothill construction the youth wing queried to maintain transparency and also defuse confusions of the public and bring about benefits for the people. Further the youth wing put forth a series of questions to NFHRCC. It asked if NFHRCC is a recognised committee and if so, under

what society registration Act it is registered. It also asked where the Nagaland PWD went wrong with regard to foothill road construction. “Was the government or department wrong because of inviting or floating open tender and call NIT? Was the government or department wrong because the works were not allotted to NFHRCC? Was the government or department wrong for not fulfilling NFHRCC for table tender? Is allotment of work to the most eligible contractor wrong? Can a committee be formed just to work for the selfish ends and ask contract work?” the youth wing asked. The youth wing further questioned how calling a bandh would bring about solution to the problem.

‘Make Health Your New High in Life, Not Drugs’

Nagaland DGP Besesayo Kezo, IPS, speaking at the International Day Against Drug Abuse & Illicit Trafficking at Central Hall PHQ, Kohima, on Thursday.

Kohima, June 26 (mexn): The Narcotic Cell of the Nagaland Police today observed International Day Against Drug Abuse & Illicit Trafficking at Central Hall PHQ, Kohima, under the theme “Make health your ‘new high’ in life, not drugs.” Marking the day, a prize distribution of the poster competition through Facebook conducted by Nagaland Police took place. The objective of the online poster competition was to create awareness on drug abuse and illicit trafficking.’ It received overwhelming response with 90 entries from across the state. DGP Nagaland Besesayo Kezo, IPS gave away prizes to the winners.

Levinuo Flora Solo and Alexis Kilivi Ayemi stood first and second position and pocketed a cash prize of Rs. 15,000 and Rs. 10,000 respectively. 10 consolation prize winners included: Longmachang Jamir, Azo Tsuzuh, Vikaho Yepthomi, Menuolholie Kire, C. Doungel, Lipok Ozukum, M.S. Putsui, Khriebu Zhasa, Akumpongla and Sunep Imsong. A daughter of police personnel, Naroinla, was also felicitated for securing Top 4 position in HSLC examination 2014. Speaking on the occasion, Kezo called upon the people to come forward and collectively address the drug abuse and illicit trafficking in the society.

Citing the example of players in the FIFA World Cup where everyone is healthy, he said “Your body is the temple of the Holy Spirit, therefore you must love your body.” He said that excessive use of drugs which are meant to cure patients bring harm to people instead. Kezo further expressed that the message against drug abuse should go to every corner of the state and thereby develope an ideal society free from drugs abuse. Earlier, IGP (Crime) Viccashe Sumi IPS chaired the programme while DIG (CID & MOD) Wabang Jamir IPS gave an introductory note.

bans proposed party formation

moKoKchung, June 26 (mexn): The Mokokchung District NPF Forum today had a thorough deliberation on the present situation of the Naga People’s Front in the state as a whole and Mokokchung District in particular, in the presence of hundreds of party workers at Cosmos Hall, Mokokchung. A press release from Tali Imchen, Sessional Chairman, and Meren, Sessional Secretary, informed. The Forum discussed at length the deprivation of people of some districts of the state by the present

DAN III Government under the leadership of Chief Minister T.R. Zeliang and party president Shurhozelie, the press note stated. It also expressed its dissatisfaction and resentment over the dissolution of the NPF Mokokchung division and also the proposed formation of the party in the district without consulting “the devoted and hard working party workers through whose tireless effort and sacrifices for the party since it first came to power in 2003 has turned Mokokchung District to a

NPF centre from a Congress bastion.” The press note informed that the forum has decided to totally ban the proposed party formation of the district scheduled for June 27 which is against the wish of the party-men and instead has called up a meeting of all the units under the district to a meeting at the NPF Mokokchung Divisional Office on the same day at 9:00 am. The forum, in this regard, has requested all to attend the meeting positively with constructive ideas for the future of the party.

Barefoot productions informs on Guitar Prodigy DimaPuR, June 26 (mexn): Barefoot productions has informed that voting cards for Guitar Prodigy competition will be available at Crescendo or Lifestyle Sports (Dimapur), Lineage (Kohima), Hills Enterprises (Wokha), Cosmos Entertainment

(Mokokchung), Wacky Collection (Tuensang). A press release received here informed that voting closes on July 3 at 5 pm. 16 contestants will compete in the first round and the show will be telecast live on June 27 and July 1 at 6 pm on City Cable and Global

Chapter in Dimapur and on all local cables in Kohima. Kohima district partner Lineage is also organising a road show on July 5 at Ozone Café, near Razhu Point, Kohima from 5 pm. Sponsors for the event are Aircel, SBI, Queensberry, Ezung’s Driving School and Movie World.

Nagas should start re-cultivating the culture of “Work is Worship”

Kohima, June 26 SOUN acknowledge the galand and stated that he has left be(mexn): The Sümi services of HK Khulu hind a legacy of dedOfficers’ Union Naication and sincerity galand (SOUN) orsaid that the Naga society ganized a programme on should start re-cultivating in government service. On behalf of his close June 26 at Hotel Japfu, Ko- the culture of “Work is Worhima, to acknowledge the ship” and work out strate- friends, classmate and services rendered by H. gies towards social refor- roommate, K. Nihoto ChiK. Khulu, IAS, Additional mation. He also stated that shi, Secretary Law, spoke Chief Secretary and De- career counseling and ca- of Khulu’s sincerity and velopment Commissioner, pacity building should be dedication to his vision and Nagaland, who is retiring implemented in all agen- goals which has brought from active service to the cies, both church, society him to the position he is State Government. and government such that holding now. The proSpeaking at the pro- the young people are em- gramme was chaired by Y. gramme, Khulu expressed powered for a brighter and Kikheto Sema, IAS, Secretary (Finance) and General gratitude to the SOUN more promising future. for the programme and The President SOUN, Secretary, SOUN. During the business sesstressed that the officers Himato Zhimomi, IFS, are the forces that binds the Commissioner and Sec- sion, Hoto Yeptho and Er. society together and hence retary, highlighted the Kughaho Chishi were seall should strive forward services rendered by lected as Vice-President and to achieve this. He also Khulu for the state of Na- Joint Secretary respectively.

committee include Ministers for PHE; Planning and Co ordination; Home; Health and Family Welfare; Roads and Bridges; Forest and Environment and Industries and Commerce. The Ministerial Committee will have powers to co-opt reasonable number of members of the Nagaland Legislative Assembly as and when required. It will review the existing state laws/orders/instructions with a view to amending them to make the NSDZ project viable and effective. It will further review and reorient the Nagaland State Industrial Policy with a view to liberalizing entry of, and investment from, nonNagas and other investors in the NSDZs. It was informed that the committee will work to bring about a “master plan” for NSDZs and issue instructions to all departments to reorient their annual plans

in consonance with the “master plan” for NSDZs. The committee shall also suggest mechanisms for cadastral survey of lands falling in NSDZ areas; and evolving a system of registration of ownership of lands and issue of patta. It evolve a system of permanent settlement for non-Nagas for the purposes of investment in the NSDZs in the form of special land access permits to be issued by the Nagaland state government in this behalf. The committee will also liberalize the system of entry and stay of non-Nagas in the NSDZs for the purposes of investment. The notification stated that land owners, tribal hohos, civil societies and other concerned organizations shall be consulted by the Committee while evolving the above framework and mechanisms in regards to NSDZs.

MEx FILE NNC (NA) informs DimaPuR, June 26 (mexn): The NNC(Non-Accordist) Ministry of Home Affairs has informed that there will be an emergency meeting on June 30 at 10:00 A.M. in the Home Kilonser’s residence. A statement from the Home Affairs received here informed all cabinets to attend the meeting.

Longon to inaugurate PHC Kohima, June 26 (mexn): Minister for Health and Family Welfare P. Longon will inaugurate Kohima Urban PHC (NUHM), Seikhazou on June 27 at 9:00 AM. Minister for Forest Dr. Nicky Kire will be the guest of honour. The function will be chaired by Dr. Neiphi Kire, Principal Director Health and Family Welfare.

IRCS Mokokchung informs moKoKchung, June 26 (mexn): The Deputy Commissioner and Chairman Indian Red Cross Society Mokokchung District Branch, has informed all the Junior Red Cross Members and Teacher Counselors of the District that the Junior Red Cross Summer Camp scheduled for June 28 at Government High School Mokokchung Village has been deferred to July 26 due to unavoidable circumstances.

GBUD and DUCCCF calls meeting DimaPuR, June 26 (mexn): The GBs’ Union Dimapur (Sadar) and Dimapur Urban Colony Council Chairmen Federation has informed all gas agencies and gas plant representatives that there will be a combine consultative meeting on June 28 at Unit Hall, Naga Council office at 10:00 am. The concern gas agencies and representatives from gas plant are requested to make themselves available without fail. It is also informed to all office bearers and executive members of GBs’ Union Dimapur (Sadar) and DUCCCF to be present in the meeting.

Condolence Message DimaPuR, June 26 (mexn): The Nagaland Tourism expressed its anguish and sorrow at the untimely demise of Aoyomen, a founder member of the Association. Aoyomen had served in various capacities in the NTA and was an active member till his demise. He was a young dynamic leader, who was ever ready to render his assistance and guidance for promotion of Tourism Industry in Nagaland. In this moment of grief, the NTA extends its condolence and prayed that the Almighty will grant solace to the bereaved family.

Public SPace

Fare Hike And The State Of Indian Railways


nlike the vast majorities of democracies in the world, the recurring ills of Indian politics is that opposition would not support the policies of the ruling government, even if the opposition would have taken the exact measures had they been sitting at the treasury bench. The primary role of the opposition, as we see it, is to find fault in every policy of the government irrespective of the merit of that policy. Whether it is affirmative policies, employment schemes, food security, education bills, women empowerment, subsidies or tariffs, not a single major policy goes through without protest. Ironically, Indian politics appears to have only two options- either to rule or to protest. The recent string of protest against the rail fare hike is no exception. The Cash-strapped Indian railways affected a steep hike of 14.2 per cent in passenger fares in all classes and a 6.5 per cent increase in freight rates to garner an additional revenue of Rs 9,000-10,000 Crore this fiscal as per the Railway Board estimates. The resulting revenue,

according to the BJP, will be used for railways modernization including introduction of fast trains and improving the amenities and safety of passengers. However, as expected, the Congress party termed the hike as the biggest in the history, even though it is the UPA, who actually announced the hike but was kept in abeyance due to the general elections. The realities and constraints of Indian Railways have been best described by the Expert Group on Modernisation of Indian railways chaired by Sam Pitroda. The group which tabled its report in 2012 says that, “At present, Indian Railways is close to falling into the vicious circle of diminishing efficiency, falling safety standards, eroding share in national freight and passenger traffic and possibly ending up as a burden on the national economy instead of being its bulwark and vital support. This downtrend must be arrested now so that the Indian Railways becomes operationally and financially sound, perform its due role in the national growth serving as a life line and

making noticeable contribution to national GDP.” The Indian Railways network, with a route length of more than 65,000 Km, is the fourth largest network in the world after the US, China and Russia. Indian Railways runs more than 12,000 passenger trains and 7,000 freight trains from as many as 7,500 stations and ferries 26 million passengers (largest in the world) and 2.8 million tonnes of freight every day. And with a strength of 14 Lakhs employees, it is the seven largest employers in the world. However, if one travels from Indian railways, the experiences are not so pleasant. Train delays have become a normal routine. The toilets are dirty and awful with irregular water supply or damaged pipelines. Former Union Minister, Jairam Ramesh aptly described it as “the largest open toilet in the world”. And because of the open defecation, the platforms and rail tracks are an eye sore and a toxic to your nostrils. The fecal matters and filthy environment has become a breeding ground

for rodents, flies, spiders, scorpions and even snakes. The food quality and the overall catering facilities remain poor and the kitchen and staffs hygiene needs some serious upgrade. One does not have much choice of the menu even on the express trains and you have to be content with whatever is being provided. The other option would be too fast, but that doesn’t sound cool when you are travelling for more than 24 hours. The general lack of cleanliness and hygiene of the travelers including some stinking underarms and foul breaths is another big turnoffs. Indian railway is also the begging headquarter of the country. One encounters thousands of beggars, young, old, able or disabled, straight and gays. You certainly need plenty of coins and ten-rupee notes for the hijras. Then comes the chai wallas, channa motors and scores of performers and actors screaming and shouting for attention, rotating every minute to trade their goods or skills for a certain price. But the most annoying thing is the over-

crowding of compartment by ticketless persons who would forcefully negotiate for a seat depriving the genuine passengers of their seats, space and privileges. Most of the platforms also need urgent renovations. Waiting halls are in pathetic conditions with the fans, the ACs and washrooms in deplorable state. Separate seating arrangements for the old and the disabled are still a far cry. Unlike the Delhi metros where one has to go through several checkpoints, security systems in the terminals are very loose and there is an extreme shortage of security personals in the stations. This security lapse, in a way, is responsible for the increasing incidence of crime in the trains and terminals. Another major problem faced by Indian railways is the ageing tracks and bridges. These old tracks poses immense safety hazards and reduce speed and mobility. Reports revealed that out of some 1.31 Lakh bridges, around 25 percent are over 100 years old. These weak infrastructure leads

to lower carrying capacity and retards speeds leading to a lower growth rate. Hence, Indian Railways is in urgent need for modernization to assure safety and improve productivity and efficiency and to take advantage of the advancing technologies and thereby provide world class facilities to its passengers. However, as echoed by the railway minister, Indian railway is in serious need of fresh capital to finance its modernization projects. The modernization plan proposed by the Expert Group envisages a funding of Rs 5,60,396 Crore over the next ten years. Of this, Rs 3,96,000 crore (or 71 percent) is to be spent in the first five years, that is, during the duration of the 12th Plan. The success of such an ambitious plan, therefore, depends on how the Ministry taps resources from different sources to make the necessary funds available. A hike in the fares is one such option but fare hike alone is not going to cure the ills facing Indian railways. The government should concentrate on measures

that improve operational efficiency and productivity rather than indulge in excessive populist measures to please voters and politicians. Secondly, the ministry should introduce cost effective technologies to enhance output and reduce prime cost. Corruption, from cooks to ticket inspectors, mechanics to contractors, and from clerks to commissioners, is rampant across the rank and file of Indian railways. Even the Central Vigilance Commission sees Indian Railways as the most corrupt government organisation in the country. Removing corruption in the ministry can enhance revenue by as much as 30 percent. Though Indian railway is the most preferred means of travel, it is mainly because of affordability and wide connectivity rather than superior service and comfort. Therefore, an improvement in hygiene, provision of amenities and services and punctuality of trains can surely uplift the face of the Indian railways. N Janbemo Humtsoe

The Morung Express is introducing “Public Space” as part of our intention to provide deliberate space for the opinions of the people to be expressed and heard through this newspaper. Nonetheless, The Morung Express points out that the opinions expressed in the contents published in the “Public Space” do not reflect the views and position of the newspaper or the editor.



The Power of Truth

The Morung Express FrIDAy 27 JunE 2014 volumE IX IssuE 174

Along Longkumer Consulting Editor

My Environment My Responsibility


few years ago the Morung Express along with Young India (Nagaland Chapter) took the initiative to conduct a media campaign under the theme “My Environment My Responsibility”. For several weeks, the areas of concern were depicted through photographs contributed by the public and follow up stories were put out in this newspaper to educate and create awareness among the Naga public. While we cannot claim 100% success yet in a small way we were able to engage with our readers about our environment and the responsibility we must carry as citizens. Firstly, as was evident from the media campaign, it was obvious that ‘Garbage’ was a big worry/ problem for people here in Nagaland, as is also the case in the rest of the world. In order to better address this ‘Garbage problem’, we decided to get the concerned authorities involved, in particular Urban Development, Municipal bodies (in both Kohima and Dimapur), so that this problem can be tackled collectively. And when we did put out the Garbage story in print, we were able to inform, educate and communicate to the public that ‘Garbage is everybody’s problem’ and the need to act responsibly when it comes to the duty of protecting the environment, cleanliness and hygiene. It is estimated that each household generates almost 1/2 to 1 kg of garbage per day. With increasing population the amount of waste generated has also increased so much so that it cannot be easily disposed of by conventional methods alone. While we may hide behind the fact that garbage problem is a universal problem, yet each town, village, neighbourhood will have to take action of their own. And if we fail to act then the accumulated filth and garbage will be a breeding ground for rodents—a sure recipe for epidemic plague. Nagaland can also emulate the best practices available to tackle this very basic human problem of garbage. While sanitation and waste is taken care of by Municipal councils, there is only so much that they can also do. In other places which have successfully addressed this problem, the public-the first responders, they play a major role in actually contributing to a safe and clean environment. Local response should be encouraged. A few years ago, the Kohima Chamber of Commerce and Industry (KCCI) observed the ‘Year of Sanitation’. It did manage to create some awareness and also brought the compulsory ‘one dustbin, one shop’ idea into practice. Similarly some kind of sanitation tax is being collected. As long as the municipal authorities are doing their job, the public should have no objection to paying for the services rendered. On the topic of garbage in Dimapur, an area of concern pointed out was ‘Bio Medical waste’. This kind of waste is dangerous as it can spread diseases. According to the Nagaland Pollution Control Board (NPCB), out of the total hospital waste about 15%-20% is hazardous. It was reported that the Dimapur Municipal Council (DMC) and NPCB were trying to bring a ‘Common Bio Medical Waste Management Facility’. More funding and support must come from the government side so that we can incorporate the best practices around the world on ‘Garbage /management/control/disposal’ and also the available (green) technology. Alternatives and solutions will be required to tackle the garbage problem besides a responsible and discipline public. (Feedback can be sent to consultingeditormex@gmail.com)


Sujit Chakraborty IANS

Commemorating long and forgotten battles


hen you go home, tell them of us and say that for their tomorrow, we gave our today....." reads the epitaph at the Commonwealth War Cemetery in Kohima. The cemetery has been beautifully laid out with lush green grass and is meticulously maintained by the Commonwealth War Graves Commission (CWGC). The picturesque Kohima War Cemetery, a symbolic memorial commemorating the memories of the men who sacrificed their lives during World War II, attracts people visiting the northeast Indian state. There is a similar terraced cemetery in Imphal, with little stone markers indicating the final resting place of 1,602 soldiers - 138 of them unidentified - from India, Britain, Canada and Australia, among other countries, with the names of 917 Indian soldiers inscribed on a plaque. This too is maintained by the CWGC. Seventy years ago, the battles of Imphal and Kohima halted the Japanese advance into India at the height of World WarII, claiming tens of thousands of lives on both sides. A threemonth-long commemoration of the event, to remember the almost forgotten sacrifice of the fallen, will conclude Saturday in Imphal in the presence of envoys from the US, Australia and Japan, among others. "The battles of Kohima and Imphal (March 8, 1944-July 3, 1944), which marked the climax of the Japanese forces' advance into India, claimed the lives of 30,000 Japanese, left 23,000 injured and 600 were captured," writer and editor Rajkumar Kalyanjit Singh told IANS, adding: "The Allies suffered 17,500 casualties." "The fierce gunfights were considered amongst the bloodiest during Second World War," said Singh, who edits Manipuri newspaper "Marup" (Friend). In Moirang, 45 km northeast of Imphal, there is an INA (Indian National Army) museum displaying letters, photographs, badges of rank and other articles associated with the force. The INA flag was first hoisted on Indian soil on April 14, 1944. Noted historian and writer Sekhar Datta said : "Prime Minister Narendra Modi has made a timely and appreciable announcement to build a suitable war memorial in Delhi to commemorate the sacrifices made by umpteen number of Indian soldiers and officers since Independence." "Modi's scheme should also include the obscure corners of Manipur and other places of the region which bear witness to the glorious and bloody armed struggle for freedom launched with indomitable courage by the immortal revolutionary leader, Netaji Subhas Chandra Bose," Datta told IANS. "While launching the armed offensive under the banner of INA with Japanese backing Netaji's sole aim had been to free his country and drive away the imperialist British government. In April 1944, solders of INA had captured Moirang besides laying a siege around Imphal and within days the soldiers of INA had captured the Kohima fort and some cantonments between Kohima and Dimapur." "It is a tragic part of the freedom movement's history that INA could not sustain the offensive owing to lack of Japanese support, heavy monsoon rain and reinforcement obtained by British, but this epic self-sacrificing struggle of INA under Netaji constitutes a glorious part of Indian history which deserves to be recognised and appreciated," Datta added. "It is true that there is a war memorial with a library and some exhibits related to INA at Moirang, but the hallowed site where INA soldiers and patriots fell by the droves needs to have a full-fledged war memorial to honour one of India's greatest freedom fighters and his followers. Similarly another war memorial can also be built in Kohima also in holy memory of Netaji and INA." "Hope the Modi government will honour its commitment and raise grand war memorials in Manipur and Nagaland," Datta added. "India has fought five wars since independence, and we don't have a memorial for a single one," Mohan Guruswamy, a fellow at the Observer Research Foundation, was recently quoted by the New York Times as saying.



Lauren Bohn Foreign Policy

The Road Not Traveled


ast summer, when 8-year-old Enock Mwale showed surgeon Goran Jovic his scars from a fire that mutilated his left hand, it was the first time he had ever seen a doctor. The problem, however, was not just the child's immobile hand, his fingers scarred together in a near fist -- the real issue was that the accident had happened some two years before. "We're in forgotten land," said his mother, Phiri Banda, from a village on the eastern outskirts of the country. If Katete is remote, Banda's village on the edge of the district is almost completely off the grid, with many stuck lingering on the roadless margins. So the pallid pair only had one option: traveling a grueling 10 hours, by foot and a string of rickety buses, to St. Francis Hospital in Katete, eastern Zambia, to see Jovic, one of the only burn doctors and reconstructive surgeons in southern Africa. "Do you know how many Enocks and Phiris there are?" asked the Serbian-born doctor, as he combed through his supply kit. "More than half this country is trapped in the middle of nowhere, without a road in sight." After operating on seven patients in 24 hours, he reached for the second-most vital kit that accompanies him on all countryside visits: his pilot's gear. And then he flew back to the capital Lusaka, where he is based. "If we can't drive to them," he said, hopping into a small plane to cut an 11-hour trip by wobbly road down to two, "then we'll fly to them. It's the only way." Though Zambia is one of the fastest-growing economies in the world, its GDP growth has yet to trickle down to the two-thirds of Zambians like Banda, who live without electricity and struggle to make ends meet on less than $2 a day. These inequities are highlighted by a health-care system that is choked by a dearth of health workers: There is one doctor for every 23,000 people in the country. Contrast that with the United States, where that number is roughly one for every 413 people. The problems facing Zambia are from another century. And until basic infrastructural deficits are addressed, meaningful progress will remain elusive, with children like Enock left in the dust. The inability to simply get around is a huge obstacle to progress in Zambia. Roads are rarely paved, and bus rides from the provinces to the capital, Lusaka, usually take up to 12 hours. The only alternative: expensive flights, costing a few hundred dollars, servicing the rarefied business elite and a smattering of tourists visiting Victoria Falls, the largest waterfall in the world. For the country as a whole, the average distance to a hospital is roughly 53 miles. Adding to Zambia's health-care woes is a staggering surgical-care deficit. The country is about three times the size of the United Kingdom and just slightly larger than Texas, but there are only 44 surgeons for a country of 13 million. And only six of them are located in rural areas, where 60 percent of Zambians live. Those numbers dictate hardship for a country where the average life expectancy is around 48. The country ranked 163 out of 187 countries on the 2013 United Nations Human Development Index. But the health-care landscape isn't completely bleak. There have been impressive advances in the well-funded areas of malaria prevention and tuberculosis treatment, courtesy of groups like the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation and The Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria. Such advances, however, are often eclipsed by this nation's woeful lack of infrastructure, preventing doctors from accessing certain communities. Malaria nets are inarguably beneficial, but if there aren't proper roads or transportation systems to connect millions of people in a deeply centralized society, is such aid missing the point? The answer began to crystallize in July 2013, when I spent time with Jovic and his colleague, British surgeon John Jellis. Thirty-one years ago, Jellis became frustrated with the incongruous distribution of health care in Zambia. "When you come across a sick Zambian, it's precisely like telling a shoe repairman in east London that he has to fly, or in most cas-


l Jazeera’s Cairo bureau chief, Mohamed Fahmy, and its correspondent, Peter Greste—formerly with the BBC—have been jailed for seven years on charges of “spreading false news” and supporting the Muslim Brotherhood, which the authorities have designated a “terrorist” organisation. Their colleague and producer, Baher Mohamed, was jailed for ten years along with nine others, including three journalists, who fled the country and were tried in their absence. The case has provoked an unprecedented international campaign involving global media and human-rights groups, who claim the arrest and trial of media staff is an act of political grandstanding by the Egyptian government in its regional dispute with Qatar, home of the Al Jazeera Media Network. Correspondents on the spot complain about the openly political and provocative behaviour of prosecutors and the lack of any real evidence of support for terrorism. Lawyers who have argued strongly that legitimate journalism is under ferocious attack will probably take the case to appeal. Worryingly, though, this case is not just about Al Jazeera: only nine of the 20 defendants are staff members. Intimidating atmosphere In the intimidating atmosphere which has overwhelmed Egyptian media since the removal of the president, Mohammed Morsi, and the banning of his Muslim Brotherhood a year ago, anyone in journalism who has

Zambia has one of the fastestgrowing economies in the world, yet its health-care system remains desperate. How this landlocked country survives on one doctor for every 23,000 people es -- walk and drive -- to Rome to get proper medical treatment," Jellis said. "It makes no sense.... It's mad." Tired of waiting for the state to bridge the gaps, Jellis got his pilot's license, bought a plane, and started FlySpec (Fly Specialist), the only orthopedic, plastic, and reconstructive service that reaches patients in the most remote areas of the country. But by the time he and staff travel to farflung hospitals and clinics, cases are often longneglected and advanced. Jellis, now retired, oversees a team of seven surgeons, including Govic and four Zambian doctors. In 2013, his team tended to 4,869 patients and performed 1,511 operations. By June 2014, they had already flown 72 hours, seen over 1,800 patients, and performed more than 480 operations, at the cost of roughly $200 a patient. But funding isn't easy. In fact, the organization hasn't had much luck with nailing down grant money, and is now financed entirely by charitable donations. Jellis and his medical staff often support themselves through fellowships from foundations such as ReSurge International, which is based in California. Due to a drop of about $50,000 in donor funding this year, they've cut fuel costs and no longer travel to three of the most distant sites in Zambia's impoverished north. While Zambia suffers from a brain drain -- its doctors often leave to practice in the West -- the even more crucial challenge is encouraging Zambia's Lusaka-centric talent to tend to the disenfranchised countryside, said James Munthali, head of the Department of Surgery and Orthopedics at University Teaching Hospital in Lusaka. "It's disappointing we're still at this point 40 years after independence," he said, returning from a trip to the north where he saw 84 patients in just one day. "If you have to charter planes to reach the majority of Zambians, you know something is wrong," he said. "Most of Zambia and the rest of Africa needs the type of help we're not getting: more roads, more surgeons ... infrastructure, infrastructure." But in the world of global health development, these are tough sells. Infrastructural changes require political will and reliable governance -- tall orders in a country that struggles to muster either. "Why would organizations donate to treat thousands when they could treat millions with simple malaria nets?" Jovic reasons against his own life mission. "It comes down to economics, but there's a lethal surgery deficit in the developing world. It's at a dire crisis point in countries like Zambia." Kendra Bowman, chief resident in the Department of Surgery at Brigham and Women's Hospital in Boston, traveled to more than 100 surgical

centers in Zambia in 2012 to conduct an assessment of this deficit. Bowman says there's a high ratio of global health funds flowing into Zambia to treat specific diseases like malaria and tuberculosis, but that surgical care continues to fall by the wayside even though the World Health Organization estimates that 11 percent of the global disease burden can be treated by surgery. Still, the poorest third of the world's population receive only 3.5 percent of the world's surgical procedures. According to global health advocates Paul Farmer and Jim Yong Kim (now the president of the World Bank), surgery remains "the neglected stepchild of global public health." In their writing, they've advocated for the prioritization of surgery, and "building or rebuilding infrastructure in the public sector, since a strong public sector is the only guarantor of access to health care as a right." Robert Bleichrodt, head of surgical care at St. Francis Hospital, says funders and the development community fail to focus on building infrastructure and providing the basics -- like functioning equipment and, more crucially, training for staff on how to use such equipment. The 350-bed hospital in Katete is the only one in a district of 200,000 people -- and accepts referrals from a larger rural area of 1.4 million, many of whom struggle to find transportation to the hospital. It's a point Dayo Olopade explores in her new book, The Bright Continent: Breaking Rules and Making Change in Modern Africa: Aid is rarely about aid, but about project design. And money often matters less than design. Most development projects and goals throughout the continent, she writes, distort progress in the broader system. As a result, malaria aid money is for malaria only, and HIV treatment is similarly siloed, ultimately undermining "the interconnected nature of progress everywhere." What's more, while development discourse has focused on harnessing the power of disruptive cutting-edge technology, innovation doesn't always require cutting-edge technology. In that sense, some of the most impactful health-care innovations targeting Zambia's infrastructural rural gaps, from a lack of mobility to a lack of doctors, have been the most basic. For example, in far-out provinces where the roads are relatively navigable but where cars, let alone ambulances, are hard to come by, the NGO Plan International started a "Zambulance" to transport patients to clinics and hospitals. Riders for Health is another NGO that works in Zambia to provide transportation (often motorcycles) for medical workers in remote areas. There are also efforts to turn Zambia's thousands of volunteer community-health workers, who are sometimes trained to perform simple surgical procedures, into salaried "community-health assistants." "You need simple solutions," said John Spurrier, an American physician who works at the Macha Mission Hospital in southern Zambia. A road from the hospital, leading to the nearest major city, was paved in 2011, cutting a six-hour trip in half. "Otherwise, you're giving a person with cancer a nose job." Back in Lusaka, Jellis sits with his determined team of frequent-flyer doctors, strategizing how the cash-strapped charity can reach more Zambians. For him, 30 years of giant setbacks and small wins can be summed up by a recent encounter with one of his patients. "A woman came up to me the other day.... I met her some 20 years ago and fixed a debilitating genetic defect on her feet," he said. "I remembered her because the defect was so horrific." Next to her, he said, was a little girl -- her daughter -- with the same exact defect. When the woman heard Jellis was coming to town, they traveled hours by bus and, in wrenching irony, by foot to see him."So in 20 years, it's still the same.... You feel like you're working in the 19th century," he said. A poster in the background hovers over him, counseling, "One Day at a Time." He likes to think he and his team are helping, he said. "But at the end of the day, the impression we leave is really no bigger than a fly's speck."

BEYOND AL JAZEERA: Egypt’s chilling verdict on media freedom Aidan White appeared sympathetic to the brotherhood has been isolated and removed. A sign of the shrinking freedoms came earlier this month with the decision by the Egyptian satirist Bassem Youssef to abandon his popular weekly television show, which has won international acclaim for its merciless targeting of presidents and high-ranking politicians. He complained that he could no longer tolerate the risks to his family and the pressure from the authorities. Egypt, he says, is no longer a country which can live with satire. The focus on Al Jazeera is not surprising. It is not well-loved by many regional leaders and has courted controversy over the years with its modernising mix of explicit journalism and a challenging approach to corruption and politics and public life across the Middle East. But the Egyptian government have targeted Al Jazeera with particular venom because it is the media flagship of Qatar. It is accused of broadcasts that encourage support for the brotherhood, in line with the bias of the Doha government.

The network strongly denies allegations of political bias—its general director, Moustefa Souag, speaking at the Al Jazeera Forum earlier this month, even invited an independent investigation of its Egyptian coverage. But the allegations have begun to stick. Accepted wisdom The notion that the network is an enemy of the state has become accepted wisdom within Egyptian journalism, including among some of the independent media which have been prominent since the overthrow of the oppressive rule of the former president Hosni Mubarak. As a result they have kept their silence over the imprisonment and charging of journalists. This has frustrated press-freedom activists abroad and raised concerns over how widespread self-censorship has taken root in the media, undermining political pluralism and creating a chill for journalism. Even the powerful Syndicate of Journalists has only had a muted response to the targeting of journalists: it has made no public


protest, but has chosen instead to express reservations in private meetings with government leaders. There had been some hope that the hard line against media might be softening when Egypt's prosecutor general a week ago ordered the release of the Al Jazeera journalist Abdullah Elshamy on humanitarian grounds, ending almost a year of imprisonment without charge. He had been on hunger strike since January and was freed along with thirteen other prisoners, due to "health condition”. But the latest verdict has firmly closed down any hopes of a major shift in policy on the part of the government and new president, Abdel-Fattah ElSisi. The signs are that the internal and external pressures that now constrain the work of Egyptian journalists will remain in place for some time to come. This will cause dismay to many journalists, particular those who have signed up to the Egyptian Editors’ Association, a newly-launched professional group which last week in Cairo organised a ground-breaking conference on technology and innovation in the news. The event was full of optimism. More than 100 executives and news leaders from all sectors of media discussed the potential for the transformation of newsrooms and the scope for open journalism. Their enthusiasm reflects a yearning for change which still drives the movement for political reform and democracy—but they have been given a clear warning not to step out of line.

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27 June 2014


any otherwise devout Christians simply dismiss Jesus’ teachings about nonviolence out of hand as impractical idealism. And with good reason. “Turn the other cheek” has come to imply a passive, doormat like quality that has made the Christian way seem cowardly and complicit in the face of injustice. “Resist not evil” seems to break the back of all opposition to evil and to counsel submission. “Going the second mile” has become a platitude meaning nothing more than “extend yourself ” and appears to encourage collaboration with the oppressor. Jesus’ teaching, viewed this way, is impractical, masochistic, and even suicidal—an invitation to bullies and spouse-batterers to wipe up the floor with their supine Christian victims. Jesus never displayed that kind of passivity. Whatever the source of the misunderstanding, such distortions are clearly neither in Jesus nor his teaching, which, in context, is one of the most revolutionary political statements ever uttered: You have heard that it was said, "An eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth." But I say to you, Do not resist an evildoer. But if anyone strikes you on the right cheek, turn the other also; and if anyone wants to sue you and take your coat, give your cloak as well; and if anyone forces you to go one mile, go also the second mile (Matt. 5:38-41; see also Luke 6:29). The traditional interpretation of "do not resist an evildoer" has been nonresistance to evil—an odd conclusion, given the fact that on every occasion Jesus himself resisted evil with every fiber of his being. The fifth-century theologian Augustine agreed that the gospel teaches nonresistance, and therefore declared that a Christian must not attempt self-defense. However, he noted, if someone is attacking my neighbor, then the love commandment requires me to defend my neighbor, by force of arms if necessary. With that deft stroke, Augustine opened the door to the just-war theory, the military defense of the Roman Empire, and the use of torture and capital punishment. Following his lead, Christians have ever since been justifying wars fought for nothing more than national interest as "just." Curiously enough, some pacifists have also bought the nonresistance interpretation, and therefore have rejected nonviolent direct action and civil disobedience as coercive and in violation of the law of Christ. But the gospel does not teach nonresistance to evil. Jesus counsels resistance, but without violence. The Greek word translated "resist" in Matt. 5:39 is antistenai, meaning literally to stand (stenai) against (anti). What translators have over-looked is that antistenai is most often used in the Greek version of the Old Testament as a technical term for warfare. It describes the way opposing armies would march toward each other until their ranks met. Then they would "take a stand," that is, fight. Ephesians 6:13 uses precisely this imagery: "Therefore take up the whole armor of God, so that you may be able to withstand [antistenai] on that evil day, and having done everything, to stand firm [istenai]." The image is not of a punch-drunk boxer somehow managing to stay on his feet, but of soldiers standing their ground, refusing to flee. In short, antistenai means more here than simply to "resist" evil. It means to resist violently, to revolt or rebel, to engage in an armed insurrection. The Bible translators working in the hire of King James on what came to be known as the King James Version knew that the king did not want people to conclude that they had any recourse against his or any other sovereign's tyranny. James had explicitly commissioned a new translation of the Bible because of what he regarded as "seditious . . . dangerous, and trayterous" tendencies in the marginal notes printed in the Geneva Bible, which included endorsement of the right to disobey a tyrant. Therefore the public had to be made to believe that there are two alternatives, and only two: flight or fight. And Jesus is made to command us, according to these king's men, to resist not. Jesus appears to authorize monarchical absolutism. Submission is the will of God. And most modern translators have meekly followed in that path. Jesus is not telling us to submit to evil, but to refuse to oppose it on its own terms. We are not to let the opponent dictate the methods of our opposition. He is urging us to transcend both passivity and violence by finding a third way, one that is at once assertive and yet nonviolent. The correct translation would be the one still preserved in the earliest renditions of this saying found in the New Testament epistles: "Do not repay evil for evil" (Rom. 12:17; 1 Thes. 5:15; 1 Pet. 3:9). The Scholars Version of Matt. 5:39a is superb: "Don't react violently against the one who is evil." Turn The Other Cheek The examples that follow confirm this reading. "If anyone strikes you on the right cheek, turn the other also" (Matt. 5:39b). You are probably imagining a blow with the right fist. But such a blow would fall on the left cheek. To hit the right cheek with a fist would require the left hand. But the left hand could be used only for unclean tasks; at Qumran, a Jewish religious community of Jesus' day, to gesture with the left hand meant exclusion from the meeting and penance for ten days. To grasp this you must physically try it: how would you hit the other's right cheek with your right hand? If you have tried it, you will know: the only feasible blow is a backhand. The backhand was not a blow to injure, but to insult, humiliate, degrade. It was not administered to an equal, but to an inferior. Masters backhanded slaves; husbands, wives; parents, children; Romans, Jews. The whole point of the blow was to force someone who was out of line back into place. Notice Jesus' audience: "If anyone strikes you." These are people used to being thus degraded. He is saying to them, "Re-fuse to accept this kind of treatment anymore. If they backhand you, turn the other cheek." (Now you really need to physically enact this to see the problem.) By turning the cheek, the servant makes it impossible for the master to use the backhand again: his nose is in the way. And anyway, it's like telling a joke twice; if it didn't work the first time, it simply won't work. The left cheek now offers a perfect target for a blow with the right fist; but only equals fought with fists, as we know from Jewish sources, and the last thing the master wishes to do is to establish this underling's equality. This act of defiance renders the master incapable of asserting his dominance in this relationship. He can have the slave beaten, but he can no longer cow him. By turning the cheek, then, the "inferior" is saying: "I'm a human being, just like you. I refuse to be humiliated any longer. I am your equal. I am a child of God. I won't take it anymore." Such defiance is no way to avoid trouble. Meek acquiescence is what the master wants. Such "cheeky" behavior may call down a flogging, or worse. But the point has been made. The Powers That Be have lost their power to make people submit. And when large numbers begin behaving thus (and Jesus was addressing a crowd), you have a social revolution on your hands. In that world of honor and shaming, the "superior" has been rendered impotent to instill shame in a subordinate. He has been stripped of his power to dehumanize the other. As Gandhi taught, "The first principle of nonviolent action is that of non-cooperation with everything humiliating." How different this is from the usual view that this passage teaches us to turn the other cheek so our batterer can simply clobber us again! How often that interpretation has been fed to battered wives and children. And it was never what Jesus intended in the least. To such victims he advises, "Stand up for yourselves, defy your masters, assert your humanity; but don't answer the oppressor in kind. Find a new, third way that is neither cowardly submission nor violent reprisal."



Walter Wink

The following text is taken from pages 98-111 of The Powers that Be: Theology for a New Millennium, Walter Wink.

Indebtedness was a plague in first-century Palestine. Jesus' parables are full of debtors struggling to salvage their lives. Heavy debt was not, however, a natural calamity that had overtaken the incompetent. It was the direct consequence of Roman imperial policy. Emperors taxed the wealthy heavily to fund their wars. The rich naturally sought non-liquid investments to hide their wealth. Land was best, but it was ancestrally owned and passed down over generations, and no peasant would voluntarily relinquish it. However, exorbitant interest (25 to 250 percent) could be used to drive landowners ever deeper into debt. And debt, coupled with the high taxation required by Herod Antipas to pay Rome tribute, created the economic leverage to pry Galilean peasants loose from their land. By the time of Jesus we see this process already far advanced: large estates owned by absentee landlords, managed by stewards, and worked by tenant farmers, day laborers, and slaves. It is no accident that the first act of the Jewish revolutionaries in 66 c.e. was to burn the temple treasury, where the record of debts was kept. It is to this situation that Jesus speaks. His hearers are the poor ("if anyone would sue you"). They share a rankling hatred for a system that subjects them to humiliation by stripping them of their lands, their goods, and finally even their outer garments. Why, then, does Jesus counsel them to give over their undergarments as well? This would mean stripping off all their clothing and marching out of court stark naked! Nakedness was taboo in Judaism, and shame fell less on the naked party than on the person viewing or causing the nakedness (Gen. 9:20-27). By stripping, the debtor has brought shame on the creditor. Imagine the guffaws this saying must have evoked. There stands the creditor, covered with shame, the debtor's outer garment in the one hand, his undergarment in the other. The tables have suddenly been turned on the creditor. The debtor had no hope of winning the case; the law was entirely in the creditor's favor. But the poor man has transcended this attempt to humiliate him. He has risen above shame. At the same time, he has registered a stunning protest against the system that created his debt. He has said in effect, "You want my robe? Here, take everything! Now you've got all I have except my body. Is that what you'll take next?" Imagine the debtor leaving court naked. His friends and neighbors, aghast, inquire what happened. He explains. They join his growing procession, which now resembles a victory parade. This is guerrilla theater! The entire system by which debtors are oppressed has been publicly unmasked. The creditor is revealed to be not a legitimate moneylender but a party to the reduction of an entire social class to landlessness and destitution. This unmasking is not simply punitive, since it offers the creditor a chance to see, perhaps for the first time in his life, what his practices cause, and to repent. The Powers That Be literally stand on their dignity. Nothing deflates them more effectively than deft lampooning. By refusing to be awed by their power, the powerless are emboldened to seize the initiative, even where structural change is not immediately possible. This message, far from counseling an unattainable otherworldly perfection, is a practical, strategic measure for empowering the oppressed. It is being lived out all over the world today by previously powerless people ready to take their history into their own hands. Shortly before the fall of political apartheid in South Africa, police descended on a squatters' camp they had long wanted to demolish. They gave the few women there five minutes to gather their possessions, and then the bulldozers would level their shacks. The women, apparently sensing the residual puritanical streak in rural Afrikaners, stripped naked before the bulldozers. The police turned and fled. So far as I know, that camp still stands. Jesus' teaching on nonviolence provides a hint of how to take on the entire system by unmasking its essential cruelty and burlesquing its pretensions to justice. Those who listen will no longer be treated as sponges to be squeezed dry by the rich. They can accept the laws as they stand, push them to absurdity, and reveal them for what they have become. They can strip naked, walk out before their fellows, and leave the creditors, and the whole economic edifice they represent, stark naked.

Strip Naked Jesus' second example of assertive nonviolence is set in a court of law. A creditor has taken a poor man to court over an unpaid loan. Only the poorest of the poor were subjected to such treatment. Deuteronomy 24:10-13 provided that a creditor could take as collateral for a loan a poor person's long outer robe, but it had to be returned each evening so the poor man would have something in which to sleep. Jesus is not advising people to add to their disadvantage by renouncing justice altogether, as so many commentators have suggested. He is telling Go The Second Mile impoverished debtors, who have nothing left but the clothes on their backs, Going the second mile, Jesus' third example, is drawn from to use the system against itself. the relatively enlightened practice of limiting to a single mile the

amount of forced or impressed labor that Roman soldiers could levy on subject peoples. Such compulsory service was a constant feature in Palestine from Persian to late Roman times. Whoever was found on the street could be coerced into service, as was Simon of Cyrene, who was forced to carry Jesus' cross (Mark 15:21). Armies had to be moved with dispatch. Ranking legionnaires bought slaves or donkeys to carry their packs of sixty to eighty-five pounds (not including weapons). The majority of the rank and file, however, had to depend on impressed civilians. W hole villages sometimes fled to avoid being forced to carry soldiers' baggage. What we have overlooked in this passage is the fact that carrying the pack a second mile is an infraction of military code. With few exceptions, minor infractions were left to the disciplinary control of the centurion (commander of one hundred men). He might fine the offending soldier, flog him, put him on a ration of barley instead of wheat, make him camp outside the fortifications, force him to stand all day before the general's tent holding a clod of dirt in his hands—or, if the offender was a buddy, issue a mild reprimand. But the point is that the soldier does not know what will happen. It is in this context of Roman military occupation that Jesus speaks. He does not counsel revolt. One does not "befriend" the soldier, draw him aside and drive a knife into his ribs. Jesus was surely aware of the futility of armed insurrection against Roman imperial might; he certainly did nothing to encourage those whose hatred of Rome would soon explode into violence. But why carry the soldier's pack a second mile? Does this not go to the opposite extreme by aiding and abetting the enemy? Not at all. The question here, as in the two previous instances, is how the oppressed can recover the initiative and assert their human dignity in a situation that cannot for the time being be changed. The rules are Caesar's, but how one responds to the rules is God's, and Caesar has no power over that. Imagine, then, the soldier's surprise when, at the next mile marker, he reluctantly reaches to assume his pack, and the civilian says, "Oh, no, let me carry it another mile." Why would he want to do that? What is he up to? Normally, soldiers have to coerce people to carry their packs, but this Jew does so cheerfully, and will not stop'. Is this a provocation? Is he insulting the legionnaire's strength? Being kind? Trying to get him disciplined for seeming to violate the rules of impressment? Will this civilian file a complaint? Create trouble? From a situation of servile impressment, the oppressed have once more seized the initiative. They have taken back the power of choice. They have thrown the soldier off balance by depriving him of the predictability of his victim's response. He has never dealt with such a problem before. Now he must make a decision for which nothing in his previous experience has prepared him. If he has enjoyed feeling superior to the vanquished, he will not enjoy it today. Imagine a Roman infantryman pleading with a Jew to give back his pack! The humor of this scene may have escaped us, but it could scarcely have been lost on Jesus' hearers, who must have been delighted at the prospect of thus discomfiting their oppressors. Jesus does not encourage Jews to walk a second mile in order to build up merit in heaven, or to be pious, or to kill the soldier with kindness. He is helping an oppressed people find a way to protest and neutralize an onerous practice despised throughout the empire. He is not giving a nonpolitical message of spiritual world transcendence. He is formulating a worldly spirituality in which the people at the bottom of society or under the thumb of imperial power learn to recover their humanity. One could easily use Jesus' advice vindictively. That is why we must not separate it from the command to love enemies that is integrally connected with it in both Matthew and Luke. But love is not averse to taking the law and using its oppressive momentum to throw the soldier into a region of uncertainty and anxiety that he has never known before. Such tactics can seldom be repeated. One can imagine that within days after the incidents that Jesus sought to provoke the Powers That Be might pass new laws: penalties for nakedness in court and flogging for carrying a pack more than a mile. One must therefore be creative, improvising new tactics to keep the opponent off balance. To those whose lifelong pattern has been to cringe before their masters, Jesus offers a way to liberate themselves from servile actions and a servile mentality. And he asserts that they can do this before there is a revolution. There is no need to wait until Rome is defeated, peasants have land, or slaves are freed. They can begin to behave with dignity and recovered humanity now, even under the unchanged conditions of the old order. Jesus' sense of divine immediacy has social implications. The reign of God is already breaking into the world, and it comes, not as an imposition from on high, but as the leaven slowly causing the dough to rise (Matt. 13:33). Jesus' teaching on nonviolence is thus integral to his proclamation of the dawning of the reign of God. Here was indeed a way to resist the Powers That Be without being made over into their likeness. Jesus did not endorse armed revolution. It is not hard to see why. In the conditions of first-century Palestine, violent revolution against the Romans would prove catastrophic. But he did lay the foundations for a social revolution, as biblical scholar Richard A. Horsley has pointed out. And a social revolution becomes political when it reaches a critical threshold of acceptance; this in fact did happen to the Roman empire as the Christian church overcame it from below. Nor were peasants and slaves in a position to transform the economic system by frontal assault. But they could begin to act from an already recovered dignity and freedom. They could create within the shell of the old society the foundations of God's domination-free order. They could begin living as if the Reign of God were already arriving. To an oppressed people, Jesus is saying, Do not continue to acquiesce in your oppression by the Powers; but do not react violently to it either. Rather, find a third way, a way that is neither submission nor assault, flight nor fight, a way that can secure your human dignity and begin to change the power equation, even now, before the revolution. Turn your cheek, thus indicating to the one who backhands you that his attempts to shame you into servility have failed. Strip naked and parade out of court, thus taking the momentum of the law and the whole debt economy and flipping them, jujitsu-like, in a burlesque of legality. Walk a second mile, surprising the occupation troops by placing them in jeopardy with their superiors. In short, take the law and push it to the point of absurdity. These are, of course, not rules to be followed legalistically, but examples to spark an infinite variety of creative responses in new and changing circumstances. They break the cycle of humiliation with humor and even ridicule, exposing the injustice of the system. They recover for the poor a modicum of initiative that can force the oppressor to see them in a new light. Jesus is not advocating nonviolence merely as a technique for outwitting the enemy, but as a just means of opposing the enemy in a way that holds open the possibility of the enemy's becoming just also. Both sides must win. We are summoned to pray for our enemies' transformation, and to respond to ill treatment with a love that is not only godly but also from God. The logic of Jesus' examples in Matthew 5:3 9b-41 goes beyond both inaction and overreaction to a new response, fired in the crucible of love, that promises to liberate the oppressed from evil even as it frees the oppressor from sin. Do not react violently to evil, do not counter evil in kind, do not let evil dictate the terms of your opposition, do not let violence lead you to mirror your opponent—this forms the revolutionary principle that Jesus articulates as the basis for nonviolently engaging the Powers. Jesus, in short, abhors both passivity and violence. He articulates, out of the history of his own people's struggles, a way by which evil can be opposed without being mirrored, the oppressor resisted without being emulated, and the enemy neutralized without being destroyed. Those who have lived by Jesus' words – Leo Tolstoy, Mohandas Gandhi, Muriel Lester, Martin Luther King, Jr., Dorothy Day, Cesar Chavez, Hildegard and Jean Goss-Mayr, Mairead (Corrigan) Maguire, Adolfo Perez Esquivel, Daw Aung San Suu Kyi, and countless others less well known – point us to a new way of confronting evil whose potential for personal and social transformation we are only beginning to grasp today.




Friday 27 June 2014

The Morung Express

India eases visa norms for visitors from Bangladesh

DhAkA, JuNe 26 (Pti): In the first high-level bilateral engagement after the installation of the NDA government, India on Thursday assured Bangladesh that efforts were on to evolve a national consensus on the contentious Teesta river water sharing deal even as it announced easing of visa norms for certain categories of visitors from Bangladesh. Meanwhile Prime Minister Narendra Modi has accepted Bangaldesh’s PM Sheikh Hasina’s invitation to Bangladesh on Thursday. External Affairs Minister Sushma Swaraj, who chose Bangladesh for her first stand-alone foreign visit since assuming office, had “constructive and productive” meetings with top leadership here including Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina besides having detailed discussions with her Bangladeshi counterpart Abul Hassan Mahmood Ali. Sharing of Teesta river water and the Land Boundary Agreement (LBA) which was agreed upon by the previous UPA government were high on Bangla-

desh’s agenda during the talks. Bangladeshi side appeared to be satisfied with the discussions on these two issues. Indian officials said Swaraj told Bangladeshi side that the efforts were on to have a national consensus on Teesta water sharing deal. Significantly, hours before her departure for here, Swaraj spoke to West Bengal Chief Minister Mamata Banerjee, whose party Trinamool Congress prevented the previous Congress-led government from signing the Teesta water sharing deal with Bangladesh. In 2011, Banerjee, then an ally of the Congressled UPA, backed out from Prime Minister Manmohan Singh’s Bangladesh visit, opposing the Teesta water sharing treaty between India and Bangladesh, following which it was shelved. On LBA, the External Affairs Minister told her counterpart that the matter was before a Parliamentary Committee and will be give “due consideration”. Swaraj, during her call on Hasina, extended invitation from Prime Min-

ister Narendra Modi for her which was accepted by the Bangladeshi Prime Minister. During the deliberations, the two sides also talked about extradition of criminals and prisoners in each other’s captivity and in this regard, cases of ULFA leader Anoop Chetia and Bangladeshi suspect Nur Hossain, wanted in Bangladesh for killing seven people in Dhaka’s satellite city Narayanganj about two months ago were also discussed. Addressing a press conference after Swaraj’s meetings, the Spokesperson in the External Affairs Minister said “We are not sanctuary for criminals” and if there are any criminals, they will be sent back. He was asked about Bangladesh’s demand for Hossain’s extradition. Terming the meetings of Swaraj with Bangladeshi leaders as “constructive, productive and fruitful”, the Spokesman said the External Affairs Minister has informed the Bangladeshi side of India’s decision to ease tourist visa norms for Bangladeshi nationals under the age of 13 and above 65 years.

They will be now given multiple entry visa for five years instead of one year, he said. India has also decided to give additional 100 megawatts power to Bangladesh from the gas-based power project at Palatana in Tripura. Asked if the issue of illegal immigration was discussed, while the Spokesperson said all the “staple” matters were discussed, indicating that India did raise it. But Bangladesh Foreign Minister Ali said, “there was no question raised from Indian side and the matter was not discussed. Swaraj also announced a grant of Rs 60 crore for implementation of various Small Development Projects in Bangladesh in the current financial year. During the meeting, Swaraj invited Ali to India to hold the next round of Joint Consultative Commission (JCC) meeting. The last meeting was held in Dhaka in February last year. Giving the sense of the meetings the External Affairs Minister had with Bangladeshi leaders, the Spokesperson quoted Swaraj as saying “We have shed blood together…..our

destinies are linked” and “India is always there for Bangladesh.” The Spokesperson said the Bangladeshi side assured India that it will not allow its territory to be used for any anti-India terror activities and condemned terrorism in all its forms. Swaraj, who was visiting the country after a gap of 16 years, also mentioned during her meetings the rapid economic growth which has happened during these years. She had last visited as Information and Broadcasting Minister in the NDA government. During her meeting with Hasina, Swaraj presented a plan for setting up a ‘Bangladesh Bhawan’ in Shantinekatan in West Bengal. The minister later called on the Bangladesh President. The Spokesperson said the focus was the engagement was to enhance cooperation at every level including people-to-people contact and energy ties. And in this context, the two countries have decided to increase the frequency of Maitree Express between Kolkata and Dhaka.

Indian External Affair Minister Sushma Swaraj, left and Bangladesh Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina pose for photographs during their meeting in Dhaka, Bangladesh on Thursday, June 26. A photograph of Bangladesh’s independence leader Sheikh Mujibur Rahman is behind. (AP Photo)

The Spokesperson said the trial runs between DhakaShillong bus service was also discussed in the meeting of two Foreign Ministers. Meanwhile, Bangladesh Foreign Minister, in a separate press conference, said Bangladesh has de-

To end impasse, DU sends fresh proposal to UGC

New Delhi, JuNe 26 (iANS): Delhi University Thursday said it has sent a fresh proposal to the UGC to restore the 3-year under-graduate course, and a few amendments in the controversial four-year under-graduate programme (FYUP). The faceoff between the two institutions continued for the third day, as DU is now awaiting a communication on its fresh proposal from the University Grants Commission (UGC) before beginning the admission process. In the tussle, the students have been left in the lurch. “Today, we have sent the blended proposal to the UGC and are waiting for their response. The proposal draws on some already approved courses with some supplementary courses,” the university’s media coordinator Malay Neerav told the media. “We also want the admissions to start soon. If the proposal gets accepted, then with the approval from the statutory bodies (academic and executive council), admissions can begin soon,” he said. The proposal was given to the UGC Thursday. The university said under the proposal it would be giving an honours degree to students under the three-year undergraduate programme. It, however, added that the foundation courses (language, literature and creativity, history and culture, science and life, building mathematical ability) introduced under the FYUP would remain for the first year students. Under the proposal, the B.A., B.Sc. and B.Com. pass courses, which were part of the three-year under-graduate programme, will not be brought back. “Little changes in the first year courses will considerably reduce the time for reviewing and adopting them,” added Neerav. “Also, no new courses will be introduced. So, there is no need for new registration as well,” he said. He said the university, one of the oldest and the best in the country, was keen to resolve the row. All the colleges have agreed to start admissions, but are awaiting the directive from DU. Around 2.7 lakh applicants have applied for admissions to 54,000 seats this year. Until the UGC accepts the proposal, a decision on starting the admissions cannot be reached. Further, the Discipline II and the applied courses introduced under the FYUP will remain for now as there has been no information on this by the university. Under the FYUP, Discipline I is the compulsory subject for which a student is studying to get an honours degree. Also, a student has to study Discipline II, which are minor courses having six subsidiary papers. Under this, applied courses are to be studied with focus on practicals.

cided to send 10,000 tonne foodgrains to Tripura and the consignments will start with small truckloads as the roads were not geared to take big trucks. The two sides also discussed Coordinated Border Management Plan to

avoid any incidents in the border areas. Swaraj will hold meeting with Bangladesh Nationalist Party (BNP) chief Khaleda Zia and Late Bangladesh President Irshad’s wife Roshan Irshad before her return on Friday.

States get 3 more months to implement food security act

Indian Border Security Force soldiers patrol near the India-Pakistan international border fence during the annual Chamliyal fair at Chamliyal post, about 47 kilometers (29 miles) south of Jammu, India, Thursday, June 26, 2014. The over 300-year old festival is celebrated on the fourth Thursday every June at two spots, one at Chamliyal in the Indian territory and the other at Saidanwali in Pakistan in honor of the saint. (AP Photo)

New Delhi, JuNe 26 (iANS): The state governments have been given three months to implement the Food Security Act that seeks to provide the right to highly subsidised foodgrain to nearly two-third of the population, Minister of Consumer Affairs, Food and Public Distribution Ram Vilas Paswan said Thursday. “The government has decided to extend the deadline by three months,” Paswan told reporters here. The deadline for implementing the National Food Security Act was on July 4. The National Food Security Act, passed during the UPA government’s tenure, seeks to provide highly subsidised foodgrain to the poor. It has been so far been implemented, partially or fully, only in 11 of the country’s 29 states only. “In a letter written to chief ministers of those states, where the National Food Security Act is yet to be implemented, the union food minis-

ter has requested action for its implementation in next three months,” a statement released by the food ministry said. The National Food Security Act entitles every poor person to get at least 5 kg of foodgrain per month at highly subsidised prices. Paswan said the effective implementation of the Act “would protect the poor from the increase in market prices of food articles, especially wheat and rice”. Paswan also said the federal government has decided to convened a conference of state food ministers July 4 in the national capital to discuss measures to check inflation. “The government has taken a serious note of recent increase in market prices of some of the food articles,” Paswan said. “It would take stern action, jointly with state governments, to check all such unreasonable hike as there is enough stocks of foodgrains and other essential commodities in the country,” he said.

Sonia, Rahul summoned in National Herald case New Delhi, JuNe 26 (iANS): A court here Thursday issued summons to Congress president Sonia Gandhi and her son and party vice president Rahul Gandhi on charges of misappropriating funds of a company that used to publish the now defunct National Herald newspaper. In response to a private complaint filed by BJP leader Subramanian Swamy, Metropolitan Magistrate Gomati Manocha said: “I have found prima facie evidence against all the accused.” The court has directed them to appear before it Aug 7.

The Congress called it “a motivated complaint”. “The allegations are baseless,” said party spokesperson Abhishek Manu Singhvi. A party statement added: “All the persons named in the National Herald matter will seek legal advice and do the needful.” Apart from the Gandhis, the court also summoned Congress leaders Motilal Vora and Oscar Fernandes, Sam Pitroda, who was an advisor to prime minister Manmohan Singh, and former journalist Suman Dubey, who is close to the Gandhi family. The complaint alleged that

the Gandhis formed a company, Young India, in 2010 with 38 percent share each to take control of Rs.2,000 crore worth of assets of Associated Journals Ltd, which published the National Herald. “Since all the accused persons have allegedly acted in consortium with each other to achieve the said nefarious purpose/design, there are sufficient grounds for proceedings against all of them,” the court said. However, the judge added in 20-page order that “it goes without saying that guilt of an accused is determined after trial when the

burden of proof is discharged beyond reasonable doubt. “This is only the stage of summoning of the accused. When the accused appear before the court they shall be at liberty to refute the allegations of (Swamy), cross examine the witnesses.” The judge, however, added that the complainant had established a prime facie case of dishonest misappropriation of property, criminal breach of Trust, cheating and criminal conspiracy. The summons were also served on Young India. “The chain of circumstance appears to give rise to a conclusive or ir-

resistible inference of an agreement between the accused to commit the offences as alleged in a pre-planned manner,” the court observed. Speaking to reporters, Swamy said: “This is a fraud, criminal breach of trust as they have managed to misappropriate the fund of Rs.2,000 crore. “It is important for the court to take away the passports of Sonia Gandhi and Rahul Gandhi so that they do not run away from the country.” He said the offence was made possible because of the Gandhis’ “crony control over the Congress party and AJL”.

of ‘honeymoon period’ US ‘pleasantly surprised’ at Modi’s responsiveness forNomyluxury government: Narendra Modi

wAShiNgtoN, JuNe 26 (iANS): As India’s new Prime Minister Narendra Modi completes a month in office, the US appears “pleasantly surprised” at his government’s response to American outreach, proving wrong doomsayers who expected a rough road ahead. Many an analyst had suggested that the 2005 US revocation of Modi’s tourist/business visa for his alleged inaction during the 2002 Gujarat riots would cloud India-US ties, particularly since Washington had been a bit late in reaching out to him. “I believe Washington has largely been pleasantly surprised at how responsive the new Indian Government has been to American outreach,” Richard M. Rossow, Wadhwani Chair in US India Policy Studies at the Centre for Strategic

and International Studies told IANS. “Less than a month after the election result, we are checking schedules for a head-of-state meeting in Washington, DC,” he said taking note of a proposed summit meeting between Modi and President Barack Obama in September. Alyssa Ayres, a former senior State Department official now working as a senior fellow for India, Pakistan, and South Asia at the Council on Foreign Relations, another leading think tank, agrees. “From my perspective, Washington has responded to India’s change of government by reaching out to Modi and decisively welcoming him to Washington,” Ayres told IANS. Obama’s congratulatory phone call with an invitation to visit, Secretary of State John Kerry’s call to External Affairs Minister Su-

shma Swaraj, and US Trade Representative Michael Froman’s call to Indian Commerce and Industry Minister Nirmala Sitharaman “all indicate a US side ready to forge relationship with new counterparts,” Ayres said. At the White House, Press Secretary Josh Earnest Wednesday didn’t “have a date for a visit from the new prime minister” but recalled “a few weeks ago the President had the opportunity to call him (Modi) and congratulate him on his election.” However, in Rossow’ view “the ‘comfort level’ of cooperation (with the new Modi government) has yet to be determined.” “The trajectory of our relationship is not set in stone, and much will depend on personal rapport between cabinet and sub-cabinet officials,” he said hoping

that “our expectations for the relationship can be matched.” “The US Government felt quite let down about the possibilities of a deep strategic partnership following the failure to pass a clean Civilian Nuclear Cooperation Bill in 2010, and the Medium Multi-Role Combat Aircraft decision a year later which removed the two American platforms from the bidding contest,” Rossow said. “At that point the relationship became more transactional,” he noted. “I suspect Mr. Modi will be quite a transformational figure; I hope our Government will be prepared to engage deeply once again if/ when we have an opening,” Rossow said. “I suspect we will not have to wait long.” Ayres on her part suggested that “For next steps, it will be good to see Washington de-

velop policy proposals to respond to the ambitions and interests of the new Indian government.” “My take on this has been focused on the Modi government’s greater openness to trade and investment matters and desire to attract business,” she said. In a new policy publication released Wednesday Ayres has recommended that Washington should champion Indian membership in the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) as a means to get the economic relationship back on track. “By supporting India’s long-standing request as a new trade-oriented government takes charge in New Delhi, Washington can take an important step toward reorienting economic ties with India just as they become more important,” she wrote.

New Delhi, JuNe 26 (Pti): On completion of 30 days in office, Prime Minister Narendra Modi on Thursday said he had no luxury of ‘honeymoon’ period as a “series of allegations” started in less than 100 hours but he feels there are “areas where surely we need to improve”. Looking back, he said “every decision we took has been guided solely by national interest” but here have been some “instances” in the last one month with which the government had nothing to do, “yet these controversies have persisted”. He, however, did not specify the controversies. Modi, former Gujarat chief minister, said “a big challenge” he was facing in Delhi is to “convey to a select group of people about our intentions and sincerity to bring a positive change in this country” and they are “both within and outside government system”. Refusing to blame anybody, he expressed the commitment to take India to “greater heights in the years to come” as he asserted that “my confidence and determination has increased tremendously”. In a blog, he wrote “67 years of previous governments is nothing compared to 1 month but I do want to say that in the last month, our entire team has devoted

every single moment for the welfare of the people.” He said “every new government has something that friends in the media like to call a ‘honeymoon period.’ Previous governments had the luxury of extending this ‘honeymoon period’ upto a 100 days and even beyond. “Not unexpectedly, I don’t have any such luxury. Forget 100 days, the series of allegations began in less than a hundred hours”, he wrote. Referring to the series of meetings he had with ministerial colleagues, chief ministers and officials, Modi said “I feel there are areas where surely we need to improve.” While talking about the controversies and allegations, Modi said “when one is working with the sole aim of serving the nation determinately, these things do not matter. That is why I keep working and that is most satisfying.” The Prime Minister said when he took over a month ago, “I kept thinking that I am new to this place and some people believed that I would take at least a year or even two to learn the intricacies of the working of the central government. Fortunately, a month later that thought does not exist any longer in my mind.”



The Morung Express

27 June 2014

Iraq producing bizarre Mideast dynamic WASHINGTON, JuNe 26 (AP): The Obama administration has found itself in a foreign policy and national security pickle of rare complexity with the apparent entry of Syria into the Iraq conflict on the side of the U.S.backed government in Baghdad as well as active Iranian military support for Iraqi Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki. Washington already was toeing a delicate line with Shiite Iran, which the U.S. deems the world’s most active state sponsor of terrorism, over their common shortterm interest in turning back the advance of militant Sunni rebels in Iraq. Now, to its dismay, Syrian President Bashar Assad — regarded in Washington as a pariah who should be ousted — has joined the club with what U.S. and Iraqi officials say are airstrikes against the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant in western Iraq. ISIL had been fighting Assad in Syria before turning its major focus to seizing large swaths of northern Iraq. Assad is being supported by Iran in his country’s own civil war with opposition forces, and a decision for Syria to hit ISIL on Iraqi soil is perhaps not surprising. While Maliki may not like Syrian attacks on Iraqi territory, “if it distracts the Islamic State from its trek towards Baghdad for a while, then they will welcome it,” said Robert Ford, former U.S. ambassador to Syria. But as Iraq’s other immediate neighbors — Jordan, Kuwait, Saudi Arabia and Turkey — bolster their defenses, the new fighting threatens to unravel a byzantine balance of Mideast alliances and enmities that the United States

In this Friday, June 13, 2014 file photo, Iraqi Shiite tribal fighters deploy with their weapons while chanting slogans against the al-Qaida-inspired Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant, to help the military, which defends the capital in Baghdad’s Sadr City, Iraq. Saudi Arabia and other Gulf petro-powerhouses encouraged a flow of cash to Sunni rebels in Syria for years. But now they face a worrying blowback as an al-Qaida breakaway group that benefited from some of the funding storms across a wide swath of Iraq. Gulf nations fear its extremism could be a threat to them as well. (AP File Photo)

long has sought to manage. The U.S. is deploying 300 special forces to train and advise the Iraqi army and is conducting surveillance flights. Iran is also flying surveillance drones over Iraq in aid of Maliki’s government, and on Tuesday, Syrian planes killed 17 people in a strike in Iraq’s mainly Sunni Anbar province, according to U.S. and Iraqi officials. American and Iranian officials have had some direct discussions on the matter, though the administration has ruled out the prospect of direct military cooperation or coordination with Iran. However, amid widespread concern, notably among Sunni

Arab states and Israel, about the convergence of U.S., Iranian and Syrian policies on ISIL, President Barack Obama’s national security team has scrambled to produce a consistent and coherent message to the region. Administration officials said intervention by Syria was not the way to stem the insurgents, who have taken control of several cities in northern and western Iraq. “We’ve made it clear to everyone in the region that we don’t need anything to take place that might exacerbate the sectarian divisions that are already at a heightened level of tension,” Secretary of State John Kerry said at a

meeting of NATO foreign ministers in Brussels. “It’s already important that nothing take place that contributes to the extremism or could act as a flash point with respect to the sectarian divide.” At the White House, spokesman Josh Earnest went further. “The solution to the threat confronting Iraq is not the intervention of the Assad regime,” he told reporters. “In fact, it’s the Assad regime and the terrible violence that they perpetrated against their own people that allowed ISIL to thrive in the first place. The solution to Iraq’s security challenge does not involve militias or the murderous Assad regime, but

the strengthening of the Iraqi security forces to combat threats.” Administration officials have said repeatedly that the only way to resolve the crisis is for Iraqi leaders to come together and form a truly inclusive and representative government in which all three of the country’s main ethnic and religious groups — Sunni, Shiite and Kurd — have a voice. Yet, it remains unclear if Maliki is willing to allow such an administration to be formed, and as long as the crisis continues, Gulf Arab countries with their long and deep distrust of Iran in particular are watching Iraq with increasingly dire concern. Underscoring the urgency, Kerry, who traveled to Baghdad and the Kurdish city of Erbil this week, was to meet in Paris on Thursday with the foreign ministers of Saudi Arabia, the United Arab Emirates, Jordan and Israel, plus the prime minister of Lebanon, to try to ease their fears and discuss how to attempt to coordinate a response. In another sign of how critical the situation has become, Kerry will then fly to Saudi Arabia on Friday to hold similar talks with King Abdullah. Karim Sadjipour, an Iran expert with the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace, said the situation in Iraq, coupled with ongoing U.S.-Iran nuclear negotiations, have produced a “bizarre dynamic” in which the United States and Saudi Arabia appear to be “allies but not friends” and the United States and Iran appear to be “friends but not allies.” The addition to the mix of Syria’s Assad is likely to further muddy the waters.



South Korea’s No. 2 to stay on

South Korean Prime Minister Chung Hong-won. (AP File Photo)

SeOuL, JuNe 26 (AP): South Korea’s president has decided to retain the country’s current prime minister — who holds the No. 2 spot in the government — after two possible replacements for the job both abandoned their nominations because of questions over past behavior, officials said Thursday. Prime Minister Chung Hong-won had offered to step down after April’s ferry disaster as a way to assuage enormous public anger over the tragedy, which left more than 300 people dead or missing. President Park Geun-hye tried to replace him and reshuffle other Cabinet officials to try to win back public trust. But her two subsequent choices for prime minister withdrew their names even before their confirmation hearings began — one on Tuesday amid criticism over his past comments that allegedly supported Japan’s 191045 colonial rule of Korea and the other last month over alleged ethical lapses. The two consecutive withdrawals dealt a blow to Park, whose approval rating has plummeted after the disaster. On Thursday, senior presidential official Yoon Doohyun said in a televised briefing that Park has now rejected Chung’s resignation offer and asked him to stay on to prevent a further vacuum in state management. Chung said he agreed, and that he would strive to help Park press ahead with reform measures promised after the sinking. South Korea’s executive power is concentrated in the president but the prime minister leads the country if the president becomes incapacitated. A person nominated for the job must be approved by the National Assembly. It’s not clear whether Chung’s retaining would help Park facing mounting political offensive by her rivals. The main liberal opposition party on Thursday criticized Park’s decision, calling it an acknowledgement of her government’s incompetence.

MH 370 on autopilot when it crashed ‘Climate change steps making a difference’

SYDNeY, JuNe 26 (AP): Investigators looking into the disappearance of the Malaysia Airlines plane are confident the jet was on autopilot when it crashed in a remote stretch of the Indian Ocean, Australian officials said Thursday as they announced the latest shift in the search for the doomed airliner. After analyzing data between the plane and a satellite, officials believe Flight 370 was on autopilot the entire time it was flying across a vast expanse of the southern Indian Ocean, Australian Transport Safety Bureau chief commissioner Martin Dolan said. “Certainly for its path across the Indian Ocean, we are confident that the aircraft was operating on autopilot until it ran out of fuel,” Dolan told reporters in Canberra. Asked whether the autopilot would have to be manually switched on, or whether it could have been activated automatically under a default setting, Dolan replied: “The

basic assumption would be that if the autopilot is operational it’s because it’s been switched on.” But exactly when the Boeing 777 began running on autopilot is still not known. “We couldn’t accurately, nor have we attempted to, fix the moment when it was put on autopilot,” Transport Minister Warren Truss said. “It will be a matter for the Malaysian-based investigation to look at precisely when it may have been put on autopilot.” The latest nugget of information from the investigation into Flight 370 came as officials announced yet another change in the search area for the wreckage of the plane that vanished during a flight from Kuala Lumpur to Beijing on March 8 with 239 passengers and crew on board. The new search area is located several hundred kilometers (miles) southwest of the most recent suspected crash site, about 1,800 kilometers (1,100 miles) off Australia’s west coast, Dolan said.

Powerful sonar equipment will scour the seabed for wreckage in the new search zone, which officials calculated by reanalyzing the existing satellite data. The shift was expected, with Dolan saying last week the new zone would be south of an area where a remote-controlled underwater drone spent weeks fruitlessly combing 850 square kilometers (330 square miles) of seabed. That search area was determined by a series of underwater sounds initially thought to have come from the plane’s black boxes. But those signals are now widely believed to have come from some other source. The new 60,000 square kilometer (23,000 square mile) search area falls within a vast expanse of ocean that air crews have already scoured for floating debris, to no avail. Officials have since called off the air search, since any debris would likely have sunk long ago. The hunt is now focused underwater.

WASHINGTON, JuNe 27 (AP): President Barack Obama claimed progress in his secondterm drive to combat climate change but said more must be done to address a generational problem. He appealed for patience and perseverance from environmental activists. One year after unveiling an aggressive plan, Obama said Wednesday that new emissions limits on power plants, renewable energy projects and new incentives for green technology have cleared the way for further action in the U.S. and abroad, despite steadfast opposition from much of Congress. “When you take those first steps, even if they’re hard, and even if there are politics sometimes, you start building momentum and you start mobilizing larger and larger communities,” Obama said. “Every step makes a difference.” Obama’s remarks to the League of Conservation Voters served as a progress report for his climate plan, which the president laid out with much fanfare

last June at Georgetown University. Twelve months later, much of the plan is in motion, although the most ambitious steps are still up in the air and will take years to be fully realized. Change won’t be instantaneous, Obama cautioned. “There’s no silver bullet.” Indeed, many of the steps he’s taking are modest, limited in scope by hostility from both parties to putting a price on carbon pollution, which would require new laws from Congress. Still, Obama said he’s seeking to tackle the problem but cutting it up into smaller pieces. “We’re moving, and it’s making a difference,” he told a supportive crowd at LCV’s annual dinner. The environmental group backed Obama early in his 2008 campaign. The Center for Climate and Energy Solutions, a nonpartisan group formerly associated with the Pew Center, said this week that Obama has made at least some progress on most of the 75 goals he laid out last June. Those steps will require follow-through, but if the ad-

Iran tries to save Asiatic cheetah from extinction

TeHrAN, JuNe 26 (AP): Iran is rushing to try to save one of the world’s critically endangered species, the Asiatic cheetah, and bring it back from the verge of extinction in its last remaining refuge. The Asiatic cheetah, an equally fast cousin of the African cat, once ranged from the Red Sea to India, but its numbers shrunk over the past century to the point that it is now hanging on by a thin thread — an estimated 50 to 70 animals remaining in Iran, mostly in the east of the country. That’s down from as many as 400 in the 1990s, its numbers plummeting due to poaching, the hunting of its main prey — gazelles — and encroachment on its habitat. Cheetahs have been hit by cars and killed in fights with sheep dogs, since shepherds have permits to graze their flocks in areas where the cheetahs live, said Hossein Harati, the local head of the environmental department and park rangers at the Miandasht Wildlife Refuge in northeastern Iran. At the reserve, rangers are caring for a male cheetah named Koushki, rescued by a local resident who bought it as a cub from a hunter who killed its mother around seven years ago, said Morteza Eslami Dehkordi, the director of Iranian Cheetah Society. “Since he was interested in environment protection, he bought the cub from him and handed it to the Department of Environ-

ministration keeps up the pace it achieved in the past year, the U.S. could meet its 17 percent goal, the center said. The centerpiece of Obama’s plan, carbon limits on existing power plants, is on track after the Environmental Protection Agency met its deadline to issue a draft, although the timeline for states to comply has been delayed in some cases. Still, the limits have drawn major opposition from Republicans and some Democrats and will face legal challenges that could threaten their durability. “The president has no more elections to win, yet he allows the narrow interests of his most extreme political allies to dictate an agenda that puts jobs and opportunity out of reach,” said House Speaker John Boehner, ROhio. Obama delighted in mocking Republicans in Congress who dispute climate change or refuse to take a position on the grounds that they’re lawmakers, not scientists. “Folks will tell you climate change is a hoax, or a fad, or a plot. It’s a liberal plot!” Obama

said, standing in front of a giant American flag for a speech that had all the trappings of a campaign rally. Obama has also started the clock on carbon limits for new power plants, although the low cost of cleaner-burning natural gas means few new coalfired plants will be built in the U.S. anyway. Obama’s administration has approved 10 new renewable energy projects on public lands, but is less than halfway toward its goal of increasing solar, wind and geothermal output by 8,100 megawatts. The administration has also proposed nine new standards for energy efficiency and finalized eight others, seeking to curb emissions from appliances and other equipment. Yet on the international front, momentum has been elusive. Ahead of global climate talks next year in Paris, there are fresh signs that countries like Australia are prodding Canada and others to resist global moves to curb carbon. That could dissuade even bigger polluters, like China, from acting.

‘Watching too much TV may cause early death’

WASHINGTON, JuNe 26 (IANS) People who watch TV for three hours or more each day may be twice as likely to die prematurely than those who watch less, a new study says. Researchers of the American Heart Association assessed 13,284 young and healthy Spanish university graduates to determine the association between three types of sedentary behaviour and risk of death from all causes: television viewing time, computer accessing and driving time, Xinhua reported. The study showed that the risk of death

was twofold higher for participants who reported watching three or more hours of TV a day compared to those watching one or less hours. The researchers found no significant association between the time spent using a computer or driving and higher risk of premature death from all causes. They said further studies are needed to confirm what effects may exist between computer use and driving on death rates, and to determine the biological mechanisms explaining these associations.

How computers ‘remember’ things

In this Monday, May 26, 2014 photo, 7-year-old male Asiatic Cheetah, named ‘Koushki,’ hunts a rabbit after its been released by rangers at the Miandasht Wildlife Refuge in Jajarm, northeastern Iran. Iran is conducting a campaign to rescue the Asiatic Cheetah which has disappeared across south and central asia except fewer than 100 remaining in Iran. (AP Photo)

ment,” he said. The cheetah was named after his rescuer’s family name. With help from the United Nations, the Iranian government has stepped up efforts to rescue the species — also with an eye to the potential for tourism to see the rare cat. Rangers have been equipped with night vision goggles and cameras have been set up around cheetah habitats to watch for any threat. They have also been fitting cheetahs with U.N.-supplied GPS

collars so their movements can be tracked. Authorities built shelters in arid areas where the cats can have access to water. They’ve also reached out to nearby communities, training them how to deal with cheetahs and promising compensation for livestock killed by cheetahs to prevent shepherds or farmers from hunting them. Also, any development projects in cheetah habitats must be approved by Iran’s Environmental Department. The efforts were given a symbolic boost at the on-

going World Cup in Brazil, where Iran’s team wore images of the cheetah on their uniform. The country has also named August 31 as Iran’s National Cheetah Day since 2006. Once known as “hunting leopards,” Asiatic cheetahs were traditionally trained for emperors and kings in Iran and India to hunt gazelles. They disappeared across the Middle East about 100 years ago, although there were sightings in Saudi Arabia until the 1950s.

NeW YOrk, JuNe 26 (IANS): How does your computer recall things and perform logical operations? It is all thanks to the “moving” metal particles in memory components, finds new research. Researchers have shown that the metal particles in memristors and “resistive random access memory”, or RRAM - computer components that combine logic and memory functions - do not stay put in one place as previously thought. The finding has broad implications for the semiconductor industry and could pave the way for smaller, more efficient chips. “Most people have thought you can’t move metal particles in a solid material,” said lead researcher Wei Lu, associate professor of electrical and computer

engineering at University of Michigan in the US. “In a liquid and gas, it’s mobile and people understand that, but in a solid we don’t expect this behaviour. This is the first time it has been shown,” Lu added. The results could lead to a new approach to chip design - one that involves using finetuned electrical signals to lay out integrated circuits after they are fabricated. And it could also advance memristor technology, which promises smaller, faster, cheaper chips and computers inspired by biological brains in that they could perform many tasks at the same time. Researchers exposed the metal layer of their memristor to an electric field. They observed the metal atoms becoming charged ions, clustering with up to thou-

sands of others into metal nanoparticles, and then migrating and forming a bridge between the electrodes at the opposite ends of the dielectric material. They demonstrated this process with several metals, including silver and platinum. And depending on the materials involved and the electric current, the bridge formed in different ways. “We succeeded in resolving the puzzle of apparently contradicting observations and in offering a predictive model accounting for materials and conditions,” said Ilia Valov from Electronic Materials Research Centre Julich in Germany. “Also the fact that we observed particle movement driven by electrochemical forces within dielectric matrix is in itself a sensation,” he added.




Friday 27 June 2014

The Morung Express

Shaqiri's hat trick puts Swiss into 2nd round MANAUS, JUNE 26 (AP): Xherdan Shaqiri's hat trick put Switzerland into the second round of the World Cup, and kept coach Ottmar Hitzfeld gainfully employed for at least a few more days. Shaqiri scored a pair of first-half goals and added another in the second Wednesday to give Switzerland a 3-0 victory over Honduras, a result that put the Swiss in second place in Group E behind France. "We knew that we were going to show great football today," said Shaqiri, a Bayern Munich winger. "For us, this has been really a dream to be in the World Cup, small Switzerland in the World Cup." The small Swiss will next face the not-so-small Lionel Messi and Argentina on Tuesday in Sao Paulo in what could be Hitzfeld's final match. The German veteran, a two-time Champions League winner as a coach, has said this tourna-

ment will be his last. "We are really anxious for that. We also know that we are not the favorites for the match, but we are going to try for victory," Shaqiri said. "Getting to the round of 16, everything is possible. You never know." Shaqiri scored his first goal in the sixth minute, dribbling into a crowd of defenders and curling a shot into the net off the underside of the crossbar. In the 31st, he collected a pass from Josip Drmic after a defensive error and easily beat Honduras goalkeeper Noel Valladares. Shaqiri completed his hat trick in the 71st. Drmic did well to beat Honduras defender Victor Bernardez on the left and pass to a charging Shaqiri, who onetimed his shot past a diving Valladares. In the other Group E game, France held Ecuador to a 0-0 draw. The match at the Arena da Amazonia was the fourth and final game to be

played in the Brazilian rainforest, and was the second to have an official cooling break because of the stifling heat and humidity. According to FIFA, it was 26 degrees C (79 degrees F) with the humidity at 88 percent when the match started. Referee Nestor Pitana of Argentina made the decision to stop the match in the 39th, and the break lasted for about a minute. There was also an official break in the first half of the United States-Portugal match on Sunday. After three 6 p.m. starts at the Arena da Amazonia, Wednesday's match started at 4 p.m. But a noontime thunderstorm combined with overcast skies and a slight breeze cooled the temperature a bit after several days of sunny skies and oppressive heat. "Toward the end things were getting tougher, but we managed to deal with this," Hitzfeld said. "We ran for the ball."

The extreme weather had been something Honduras was looking forward to. The Central American country has a similar climate, and they often play qualifiers under the same circumstances in an effort to gain an advantage over opposing teams. On Wednesday, Honduras struggled to create much on the attacking end, but did manage several decent attempts in the second half. The team's best chance came in the 52nd minute when striker Jerry Bengtson beat Switzerland goalkeeper Diego Benaglio but had his shot cleared off the line by defender Ricardo Rodriguez. A few minutes later, Honduras screamed for a penalty after substitute Jerry Palacios went down in the area with Switzerland defender Johan Djourou on his back, but Pitana decided otherwise. "The second half was very good. We had three

or four chances to score, but to score a goal is a different story," said Honduras coach Luis Fernando Suarez, who said he would not continue as coach of the national team. "In a sense, we disappointed our nation." Switzerland and Honduras played each other at the World Cup in South Africa exactly four years ago, on June 25, 2010, but that match ended in a 0-0 draw and both teams were eliminated. This time, the Swiss move on and Hitzfeld has plenty more work to do against Argentina. "(It's) going to be a match that we have nothing to lose. We have a lot to gain," Hitzfeld said. "We do have a chance, even against Argentina.

Switzerland's Xherdan Shaqiri scores his team's second goal during the group E World Cup soccer match between Honduras and Switzerland at the Arena da Amazonia in Manaus, Brazil, Wednesday, June 25. (AP Photo)

FIFA bans Suarez France clinches top spot in Group E; Ecuador out for four months France clinches Jerome Pugmire AP Sports Writer

Uruguay's Luis Suarez looks out from his hotel in Natal, Brazil, Wednesday, June 25, 2014. On Thursday, FIFA banned Suarez for 9 games and 4 months for biting an opponent at the World Cup. (AP Photo)

RIO DE JANEIRO, JUNE 26 (AP): FIFA banned Uruguay striker Luis Suarez from all football activities for four months on Thursday for biting an opponent at the World Cup, a punishment that rules him out of the rest of the tournament and the start of the upcoming Premier League season. The ban also covers Uruguay's next nine international games, which goes beyond the next four months and rules him out

of next year's Copa America. FIFA also fined the Liverpool striker 100,000 Swiss francs ($112,000). Suarez bit the shoulder of Italy defender Giorgio Chiellini during Uruguay's 1-0 win in the group stage, but escaped unpunished as the referee did not see the incident. "Such behavior cannot be tolerated on any football pitch and in particular not at a FIFA World Cup, when the eyes of millions of people are on the stars on the field,"

Claudio Sulser, chairman of the FIFA disciplinary committee, said in a statement. This is the third time Suarez has been banned for biting an opponent after similar incidents with Ajax in the Dutch league and Liverpool. He was given a 10-match ban by the Premier League for biting Chelsea defender Branislav Ivanovic toward the end of the 2012-13 season. The FIFA ban is effective immediately, meaning Suarez will miss Uruguay's round-of-16 game against Colombia on Saturday. By banning Suarez from all football activities, FIFA also prohibited Suarez from even entering a stadium at the World Cup. It also stops him from even training with Liverpool until the ban ends in late October. "He cannot be actively involved" with a club, FIFA spokeswoman Delia Fischer said. Suarez and the Uruguay football federation can appeal the sanctions, though Liverpool could not be formally involved in any legal challenge, Fischer said. The four-month ban includes Liverpool's first three Champions League groupstage games in the five-time European champion's return after a five-year absence. Suarez will also miss the first nine matches of the Premier League.

top spot in Group E

RIO DE JANEIRO, JUNE 26 (AP): France's muchvaunted attack missed a series of chances as it drew 0-0 with 10-man Ecuador to reach the knockout stage of the World Cup on Wednesday, while the South Americans bowed out of the tournament. In the other final Group E game, Switzerland defeated 3-0 Honduras to finish in second place behind the French. France, which ended with seven points, had scored eight goals in two games and 39 in its previous 11. But the finishing on Wednesday lacked sharpness against a spirited Ecuador side which threatened all game on the break. "I'm proud of what the players have achieved," France coach Didier Deschamps said. "We didn't take our chances, but that takes nothing away from our joy. We had to be vigilant against an Ecuador side that was quick and looked dangerous even with 10 men." A win would have given France three group - stage wins for the first time since 1998 — the year it won the tournament on home soil. That looked odds-on after

France's Bacary Sagna clears the ball ahead of Ecuador's Alex Ibarra during the group E World Cup soccer match between Ecuador and France at the Maracana Stadium in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, Wednesday, June 25. (AP Photo)

a 3-0 win against Honduras and a 5-2 rout of Switzerland. "Some people thought we were the kings of the world," Deschamps said. "But all matches are difficult. Argentina had a difficult match against Nigeria (winning 3-2). These are high intensity matches and it's difficult to qualify." France next faces Nigeria on Monday. "It's a huge satisfaction to finish

top, but it's not over," Deschamps said. "Nigeria is a solid and quick team, so it will be a very hard match." Striker Karim Benzema did well again in his link-up play but should have added to his three goals so far. "We did well in front of goal in previous games. We had chances but their goalkeeper made some good saves," Benzema said. "I hope we put them away

against Nigeria." Ecuador's chances, meanwhile, were hindered at Rio's Maracana stadium after Antonio Valencia was shown a straight red card in the 50th minute for raking his studs down the leg of left back Lucas Digne. But Ecuador may feel upset that France center half Mamadou Sakho was not shown a red card in the eighth minute when he ap-

peared to elbow Oswaldo Minda in the face during a Francecorner. "It's true that I'm a tough player but I respect my opponents," Sakho said. Then, in a late incident off the ball, France forward Olivier Giroud jabbed his elbow in to Gabriel Achilier, who was standing behind him. "Some of the decisions made by the referee did not favor us," Ecuador coach Reinaldo Rueda said. "It's quite regrettable what happened. I believe this is now in the hands of the committee that assesses the behavior of referees. This was not the ideal behavior in many split decisions. I don't think it's worth going into that now." Deschamps says he "did not see" the incident with Sakho because the "coach's bench is a bit low." Knowing his side was all but assured of advancing, Deschamps made six changes to his starting lineup, but it upset the balance and his new-look defense looked shaky, although the forwards still combined well. France came closest to scoring when Antoine Griezmann hit the post in the 47th but the goals did not come, despite the hype generated after the Switzerland match. An inspired Ecuador went close in the 82nd when substitute midfielder Alex Ibarra broke down the right, cut inside center half Raphael Varane, and saw his powerful strike beaten away by goalkeeper Hugo Lloris.

Hate Argentina but love Messi: Brazil fans Playing five-test series will

SAO PAULO, JUNE 26 (PTI): Brazil loves to hate Argentina but Lionel Messi is one of a kind and his wizardry with the ball, which best captures the essence of the 'beautiful game', has even caught the fancy of his country's biggest rival in international football. From one of their very own legends, Ronaldo, to a group of drunken youths roaming the streets of Rio de Janeiro at the dead of night, the just-turned 27-year-old man with boyish looks has been the buzzword for a while now. Ronaldo had said that Messi would be the first player chosen by him if he could include a foreign player in Brazil's national team. "If Messi did not play for Argentina, I would love to have him (with us). I would prefer Messi to Diego (Maradona), even though Diego is also my friend," Ronaldo had said. Then there was a lookalike of another Selacao great, Ronaldinho, who was escorted off the field after an attempt to get closer to the Barcelona star during one of Argentina's

Argentina's Lionel Messi celebrates after scoring his side's first goal during the group F World Cup soccer match against Nigeria at the Estadio Beira-Rio in Porto Alegre, Brazil, Wednesday, June 25. (AP Photo)

open training session in Belo Horizonte recently. Messi tops the goal chart with four goals to his name alongside Brazil's Neymar. The admiration that Messi is earning in Brazil is in stark contrast to the hos-

tile rivalry the two teams share on the football field. And it appears set to get better with his double strike paving the way for Argentina's qualification into the pre-quarterfinals of the ongoing tournament as group leader.

Fans sporting Messi's number 10 jersey or showering praises on the genius from Rosario has become a normal thing in the host cities of Rio, Belo Horizonte or Sao Paulo. "Messi is good, a great player and we acknowl-

edge that. Though a lot of people in Brazil don't like Argentina for obvious reasons, Messi gets the respect he deserves," said Stella, a tourist guide who has already watched two games at the Maracana Stadium in the ongoing World Cup. "Neymar is going to be a great but I prefer Messi as of now. He is being overburdened. If Argentina are to do anything in the World Cup, Messi needs to get the support the way he gets in Barcelona," another Brazilian said. Asked about the rivalry, he said, "It is probably because of the fact that like us, Argentina has also got a rich football tradition producing talented players. So Brazil wants to beat them. Even this time around, it will be great if Brazil play Argentina in the final and we end up winning." "We don't like Argentina for sure and that's why we want to beat them in the final. But I really like Messi because he is such a good player. We have no problems with him," said 23-year-old Brasilia-based professional Jessica.

be a new challenge: Dhoni

LEIcESTER, JUNE 26 (PTI): England may be low on confidence after suffering morale-hitting series defeats against Sri Lanka but India skipper Mahendra Singh Dhoni says playing a five-Test series against the hosts will be a new challenge with less experienced players in the side. "They know the home conditions better than us so it will be a tough battle. And a long battle, five Tests, five ODIs and one T20I. After a long time we are playing a five-Test series. So it will be something new for us," Dhoni said. England lost the Test series 0-1, the ODI series 2-3 and the lone Twenty to Sri Lanka but Dhoni said that it would not prudent to rate England low due to their recent unfavourable results. "Not really. It is never about what has happened in the past. You always assess the opposition on the basis of their team composition and England are still a fantastic side. It means that it will be a very com-

petitive schedule for us," he opined. Dhoni also had kind words for his underfire counterpart Alastair Cook, who is reeling in the aftermath of some very bad results, off-late compounded by his own poor form. "You just have to see his record, how he performed when we were here last time. A bad patch of form is for every player but you need to back good players. When you score 100s or 200s all critics come on your side. But the real test of character is when you are not doing well but you still have the support of your team-mates, fans and media," said Dhoni. "Captaincy is a process. Whenever I go out to play, I am not out to prove that I am a good captain. It`s about doing the job you have been given. You also have to earn the respect of the players and not demand it. "As a captain you need to help each player and it gets you that respect. What is also very important is that when you are not doing well, help maintain the

dressing room atmosphere because that is very tough phase and doubts don?t help anyone. At the end, it is about keeping things simple," he added, sharing a leaf or two from his own book. India`s last tour of England was in 2011 when they were thrashed 4-0 in the Test series, followed up by a 4-0 loss in the ODI series and then lost the lone T20I as well. Then in the home series of 2012-13, India again came up short with a 2-1 loss, England`s first Test series win in the country for 28 years. It was a time of transition for India, which has given rise to a new and young team that has now already completed tours to South Africa and New Zealand in the last seven months. "Transition happens with every side. No player plays for hundred years. Some play for 15, some play for 20, but they retire at some point of time. It is something that happens to each side, to West Indies, Australia, and now India.

Entertainment Will north Korea Really Declare War ordon over Seth Rogen's 'The InTervIew'? to end W


The Morung Express C M Y K


ell, this would certainly make high school text books more interesting. North Korea has threat-

ened to reap "merciless" retaliation on the US if they do not ban the Seth Rogen and James Franco comedy movie The Interview. The

notorious government issued a statement about the film, which stars the Hollywood actors as journalists tasked with assassination

Kim Jong-un. The government said that the country considers the movie "an act of war" and a "wanton act of terror," also labelling Rogen a "gangster filmmaker". Published by state-run KCNA news agency, the foreign ministry spokesperson said: "The act of making and screening such a movie that portrays an attack on our top leadership... is a most wanton act of terror and act of war, and is absolutely intolerable." North Korea said that failure to ban the release of the film on 14 October in the US would result in a "resolute and merciless response" from the country. The official statement follows quotes from North Korean spokesperson Kim Myong-chol's earlier this week. Speaking to The Telegraph, Myong-chol said: "There is a special irony in this story line as it shows the desperation of the US government and American society. "A film about the assassination of a foreign leader mirrors what the US has done in Afghanistan, Iraq, Syria and Ukraine. "And let us not forget who killed [President John F.] Kennedy - Americans. In fact, President [Barack] Obama should be careful in case the US military wants to kill him as well" Rogen doesn't seem too perturbed by the threats. His last two tweets read: "People don't usually wanna kill me for one of my movies until after they've paid 12 bucks for it. Hiyooooo!!!"

27 June 2014



11 C M Y K


elebrity chef Gordon Ramsay is ending his culinary show `Kitchen Nightmares` after 10 years. Ramsay tweeted the surprise decision, saying it was time to end the show. I`m breaking my own news today! I`ve decided it`s time to bring Kitchen Nightmares to a close. Been 10 great years, he tweeted. As filming comes to a close on the latest series of Kitchen Nightmares I`ve decided to stop making the show... I`ve had a phenomenal 10 years making 123 episodes, 12 seasons, shot across 2 continents, watched by tens of millions of people and sold to over 150 countries. It`s been a blast but it`s time to call it a day, he further said.

Cheryl Cole crowned Britain's beauty icon


heryl Cole has been voted as the Britain`s most influential beauty icon as per a survey held by Escentual.com. The 30-year-old singer Cole, who is currently filming the new series of ` The X Factor ` and had already won multiple Sexiest Woman awards, beat actress Michelle Keegan to claim the top spot, the Daily Star reported. The third place was acquired by Kate Moss third, followed by Rosie Huntington-Whiteley, the Duchess of Cambridge Kate Middleton, Jennifer Aniston, Rihanna, Keira Knightley, Miranda Kerr and Audrey Hepburn, who made the top ten. The study, which was conducted on 1,000 women, claimed that 80 percent of women admitted that they would buy the products used by their favourite beauty icon and would happily spend 312 pounds a year to recreate the 30-year-old singer`s and other stars` looks with beauty products. Emma Leslie from the website said that it wasn`t surprising that Cole was seen as the nation`s top beauty icon, as she always looked flawless and was never afraid to experiment with her look. Meanwhile, former glamour model Jodie Marsh and Katie Price were voted as the celebrities with the worst beauty look.

niall Horan begs fans to stop throwing objects social media is like a N drug, feels Rita ORa C M Y K

iall Horan has asked fans to stop throwing objects at the One Direction boys after being injured during a concert in Amsterdam. The One Direction heartthrob injured his knee during a gig for their 'Where We Are Tour' in Amsterdam, Holland last night (25.06.14) and took to Twitter after the show to ask the band's over-zealous fans to stop hurling heavy items around during their concerts. He posted ''Amsterdam thank you for a great couple of shows! Appreciate you coming. ''Also guys! Can you limit what gets thrown on stage please! Coz somethin thrown at me tonight! Hit my knee! A lot of pain from it! ''Never wana sound like I'm complaining! But only having my operation 5 months ago, I still get a bit of pain and I'm very scared about it. (sic)'' Niall - who had major knee surgery in January - was seen limping around the stage in a video of the concert obtained by the Daily Mirror newspaper. One devastated fan raged ''HE CANT BARELY WALK ITS SO SAD. (sic)'' The Irish singer's bandmates didn't escape unharmed either since poor Harry Styles was hit in the face by an unidentified flying object last night. The 'Kiss You' hitmaker looked less than impressed when an item was chucked at his head, poking him in the eye, but barely missed a beat as he bounded around alongside Niall, Louis Tomlinson, Liam Payne and Zayn Malik.


he 7th edition of Handshake Concert under the aegis of Rattle & Hum Music Society, Nagaland, in collaboration with the Embassy of India Yangon will take place on July 5 at National Theatre Yangon, Myanmar. This handshake concert will bring the world closer through music at a time. This was announced by R&HMS president Theja Meru during a press conference here today at Dream Café. Meru on behalf of the R&HMS was appreciative of the former Chief Minister Neiphiu Rio (now MP), Parliamentary Secretary for Youth Resources and


R&HMS HandsHake concert announces

Shah Rukh Khan's driver arrested for Raping minOR


ollywood superstar Shah Rukh Khan's driver has been arrested for allegedly raping servant of a model turned actress. As per reports in various publications including TOI, Indiatoday and Bhaskar, SRK's driver Rajendra Gautam alias Pintu Mishra, who is 34, was arrested on Wednesday evening by the Bandra Police. Mishra is apparently SRK's logistics driver and has never been the actor's personal driver, as he

allegedly claimed when he introduced himself to the maid. Mishra had apparently managed to get the maid's phone number via a friend. One report mentions a source claiming that Mishra was entrusted the job of ferrying the actor's children between school and home. The reports says that SRK's driver lured this 17 year old girl who had been working as a domestic help for the last five to six months, into getting a better work opportunity at

Shah Rukh Khan's home and took her to a lodge in Nalasopara where he allegedly raped her. When Mishra called the maid's number, reportedly the actress herself picked up the phone and learnt of her maid's plans to quit, and the maid was sacked after clearing her dues. Mishra then took her to Nalasopara on the pretext of helping her out with a place to stay. The Bandra police has booked him under various IPC sections.

Sports, New and Renewable Energy and Music Task Force, Khriehu Liezietsu and R&HMS advisor Abu Metha for their concern and support towards the Handshake concert. This Handshake concert - Myanmar edition, is supported by Ministry of Culture, Republic of the Union of Myanmar and Music Task Force (YRS), Nagaland. The concert will witness scintillating performance by PT. Vishwa Mohan Bhatt (Grammy Winner), Tetseo Sisters, Voices of Hope and cultural performance from Myanmar.


inger Rita Ora says she has developed an addiction to social media and believes the effect it has on her is similar to a “drug”. The 23-year-old has developed an obsession with photo-sharing site Instagram and social-networking site Twitter and admits her phone is the first thing she reaches for when she wakes


up in the morning, reports contactmusic.com. Speaking in the August issue of Flare magazine, she explained “I`m on it as soon as I wake up. I scroll with one eye open. It`s like a drug. For me, it`s like, look forward. You don`t have to look side to side. If you start looking from side to side, you get confused.”


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Portugal beat Ghana 2-1 but both go out Danish Crown Prince Frederik, right, and wife Princess Mary watch Rafael Nadal of Spain play Lukas Rosol of the Czech Republic in their men's singles match from the Royal Box at the All England Lawn Tennis Championships in Wimbledon, London, Thursday, June 26. (AP Photo)

Nadal survives after Rosol threatens repeat

LONDON, JUNE 26 (AgENciEs): For close to an hour Rafael Nadal was in danger of suffering Wimbledon deja vu at the hands of Lukas Rosol on Centre Court, but the world No.1's class eventually told as he came from a set and break down to keep his hopes of a 15th grand slam title alive. Nadal eventually triumphed 4-6 7-6(6) 6-4 6-4 in two hours and 44 minutes, but the result had looked far from certain a set and a half in. The Czech famously dumped Nadal out in the second round two years ago, the then-world No.100 winning 6-7(9) 6-4 6-4 2-6 6-4 in an epic encounter which finished just after 10pm under the Centre Court roof. It was one of the biggest shocks in Wimbledon history and no doubt the best Rosol had ever played in his career. "People say that Rafa can't

play well here, but maybe that's because those people have a small memory," uncle and coach Toni Nadal had bristled before the match. But for 50 minutes on Centre Court, Nadal's 2012 nemesis, now world No.52, was threatening a repeat. However Nadal finally earned his first break of the match in the eighth game of the second set as Rosol's first serve went walkabout. The world No.1 held his nerve to take the second set on a tie-breaker and level the match, accompanied by a huge cry of "Vamos!" as the tide had most surely turned. Nadal closed out the third after making an early break and Rosol's tank appeared to be running on empty. The Spaniard took the first of three break points at the start of the fourth before saving one at 5-4 to see Rafael Nadal of Spain celebrates during the men's singles match out the victory on his third against Lukas Rosol of the Czech Republic at theAll England Lawn match point. Tennis Championships in Wimbledon on June 26. (AP Photo)

LONDON, JUNE 26 (AFP): Serena Williams handed South Africa's Chanelle Scheepers a Wimbledon masterclass as the five-time champion raced into the third round with a 6-1, 6-1 victory on Thursday. Top seed Williams needed only an hour to dismiss Anna Tatishvili in the first round and the world number one was even more ruthless against Scheepers, crushing her in 49 minutes to set up a last 32 meeting with French 25th seed Alize Cornet. The 32-year-old had seethed over her shock first round exit against Garbine Muguruza at the French Openlastmonthandappears intention on taking out those frustrations on her Wimbledon opponents. Serena, a 17-time Grand Slam champion, overwhelmed Scheepers with 26 winners, compared to five from the world number 94, and eight aces. Williams admitted being expected to rout lower ranked opponents like Scheepers can sometimes be a burden, but she is thriving despite the pressure of her status as tournament favourite.

Sania, Cara advance at Wimbledon

Williams powers into third round

LONDON, JUNE 26 (TNN): India's Sania Mirza and Cara Black of Zimbabwe thrashed the pair of

Martina Hingis and Russian Vera Zvonareva 6-2, 6-4 to enter second round of Wimbledon Women's

double on Wednesday. Sania and Cara suffered a bit of a hiccup early in the match when the Zimbabwean, on a comeback run, lost serve in the third game of the opening set. The fourth seeds then combined well, the Indian dominating from the baseline, holding the pairing together as they won five straight games to close out the set. Playing on an outside court, before a packed, late-evening gallery Cara and Sania charged to a 5-2 lead in the second set. The Indian's nerve shook when she was serving for the match in the ninth game. Cara and Sania then broke the Russian in the tenth game, closing out on their second match point which the Hyderabadi set up with a thunderous forehand.

"It's been like that for the past two or three years. I am always the favourite and that can be a bit of pressure, but it's ok. I have learnt to deal with it," Serena said. Williams also re-

vealed she was relieved to have avoided any more embarrassing tumbles on the slick grasscourt after falling into the crowd during her doubles match with sister Venus on Wednesday

night. "I was out really late in a fun doubles match last night with Venus," she added. "Some wonderful gents caught me as I fell into the crowd, It was so embarrassing, I just had to laugh."

Sania Mizra and Carla Black (AP Photo)

Portugal's Cristiano Ronaldo reacts during the group G World Cup soccer match between Portugal and Ghana at the Estadio Nacional in Brasilia, Brazil, Thursday, June 26, 2014. Ronaldo's first goal of the World Cup earned Portugal a 2-1 win over Ghana but couldn't prevent his team being eliminated from the tournament along with the Africans on Thursday. (AP Photo)

BRAsiLiA, JUNE 26 (AP): Cristiano Ronaldo's first goal of the World Cup earned Portugal a 2-1 win over Ghana but couldn't prevent his team being eliminated from the tournament along with the Africans on Thursday. Portugal finished level on four points with second-place United States in Group G but with an inferior goal difference. Germany topped the group. Ronaldo slammed in the winner with his left foot in the 80th minute to break his drought in Brazil and give Portugal its first win. Ghana

captain Asamaoh Gyan's 57th-min- edge of the area as tropical downpours ute header canceled out an own goal drenched the Arena Pernambuco. scored by John Boye in the 31st. The Germans, three-time World Cup champions, finished with seven points, while the U.S. had four after allowing a 95th-minute goal against Portugal on Sunday in a 2-2 draw. Portugal also had four, but the Americans advanced from the so-called REciFE, BRAziL (AP): The United "Group of Death" because their goal States reached the knockout stage of difference was even and the Portuconsecutive World Cups for the first guese were minus three. time, just not the way the Americans The Americans will play the wanted. Mueller scored in the 55th Group H winner, likely Belgium put minute with a side-footed shot from the possibly Algeria, Monday in Salvador.

US advances despite loss

Srinivasan elected ICC chairman C M Y K

MELBOURNE, JUNE 26 (AP): Indian industrialist Narayanaswami Srinivasan has been elected chairman of the International Cricket Council on Thursday, declaring he will leave "no stone unturned" in strengthening a sport tarnished by recent match fixing revelations. Srinivasan remains barred by the Indian Supreme Court from carrying out his duties as president of the Board of Control for Cricket in India during an investigation of the Indian Premier League team headed by his sonin-law. He has been named among 13 "persons of interest" investigators wish to question over possible corruption in the IPL. The Supreme Court made clear that the investigation of the Chennai Super Kings should not affect Srinivasan's candidacy for the ICC role. His election was confirmed by the board of the ICC, meeting in Melbourne, after 52 members of the full council signed off major changes

to the world body's structure. "It is an honor to be confirmed as the chairman of the International Cricket Council," Srinivasan said. "I will leave no stone unturned in trying to strengthen the pillars and foundations of our sport, both on and off the field. "I want to ensure that cricket retains and grows its popularity and that the ICC plays a leading role in this global growth." Srinivasan said he wants to see more strong teams in international cricket. "For this to be achieved, we all need to work hard to develop local talent in our countries," he said. "Naturally, there will be more support to those who first show they can help themselves. "The ICC is a members' organization and the pathway is now there for any member to play test cricket or in the major ICC events if it performs well enough over a sustained period of time." Srinivasan later told a news conference at the Melbourne Cricket Ground that criticism of his appoint-

ment was "unfair." "I believe that some of the criticism is unfair to me and it's not well-founded," he said. "One must judge me by results. "It's the first day. I have just been elected. One has to wait and see as to what is the effect I have on the ICC before you make that call," Srinivasan added. "What my image is, the media has a view. I have not done anything wrong for which I should feel hesitant to take this position. Most of the criticism is not well-founded, as time will tell." Srinivasan disputed suggestions cricket had been damaged by recent corruption allegations. "I can't accept that cricket has an image problem," he said. "There may have been some instances. Rare instances, few and far between." The structural changes approved Thursday flow from a board resolution taking on Feb. 8 and finalized on April 10 which see virtual control of world cricket handed to India, England and Australia.

Published, Printed and Edited by Ak端m Longchari on behalf of Morung for Indigenous Affairs and JustPeace from House No. 4, Duncan Bosti, Dimapur at Themba Printers and Telecommunications, Padum Pukhuri Village, Dimapur, Nagaland. RNI No : NAGENG /2005/15430. House No.4, Duncan Bosti, Dimapur 797112, Nagaland. Phone: Dimapur -(03862) 248854, Fax: (03862) 235194, Kohima - (0370) 2291952

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