The Morung Express
Dimapur VOL. VIII ISSUE 268
[ PAGE 08]
By Sandemo Ngullie
Dimapur | September 29
The Morung Express POLL QUESTIOn
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Should VIP security be reduced and instead be redeployed towards public security? Yes
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Details on page 7
Singh & Sharif meet in New York
New York CitY, September 29 (AGeNCieS):Pakistan’s Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif on Sunday held his first talks with Indian Prime Minister Manmohan Singh. According to sources both the leaders shook hands and exchanged greetings in Punjabi language before entering closed-door talks with aides. Addressing media persons after the meeting, India’s National Security Adviser Shivshankar Menon said the meeting had helped both sides “have some amount of understanding of how to move forward.” “We strongly raised the issue of cross-border terrorism, and said that peace on the LoC (in Jammu and Kashmir) has to be a precondition for normalisation of the relationship,” he said. “My impression from the meeting was that it was useful. We need to work hard in the next few months to take it forward,” said Menon. “Today’s meeting dealt with the relationship as it is today... we had to deal with what is overwhelmingly happening on the Line of Control... we dealt with the issue of getting it out of the way,” he said to a question. He said both prime ministers spoke of the desire for better relations, and the difficulties that are in the way. Menon said Pakistan had raised the issue of violence in its Balochistan province and of India’s alleged interference in Pakistan’s internal affairs. “There is no proof of any export of terror from India... wish I could say the same for the other side,” said Menon to a question on India allegedly fostering terrorism in Balochistan. Related news on page 8
Ranbir Kapoor dodges query on Katrina Kaif
DVYO condemns assault on police constable
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‘Iran’s shift toward West is serious’
[ PAGE 11]
Serena Williams posts firstround win in Beijing
–Richard Bach
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‘economic development is the only key to success’ Morung Express news
....Because going to church don`t make me a Christian any more than standing in the garage makes me a mechanic.
Monday, September 30, 2013 12 pages Rs. 4
You are always free to change your mind and choose a different future, or a different past Modi slams Rahul: asks people to choose ‘dream team’
In a “belated” visit by any central Nationalist Congress Party (NCP) leader, India’s Union Cabinet Minister for Heavy Industries and Public Enterprises, Praful Patel, addressed NCP party workers and others in Nagaland on Sunday at Niathu Resort here. He was welcomed by State NCP President, Neiba Ndang. Nagaland MLA and NCP legislature party leader, Dr. TM Lotha, greeted the union cabinet minister, acknowledging that the visit by a central leader of the NCP was due both before and after the election to the Nagaland Legislative Assembly earlier this year. The NCP, said Dr. Lotha, has large scope of expansion in Nagaland but much guidance and encouragement is needed from central party leaders for this. After joining the DAN alliance with four seats in the treasury bench, he stated that NCP party workers are now being “side lined” by the ruling party.
“A conscious decision was made from Delhi to support the DAN alliance in Nagaland,” admitted Praful Patel, in his speech, but also that such a relationship is a matter of “two-way traffic.” Patel, who is also NCP in-charge for Northeast States, expressed satisfaction that the NCP won four seats of the 14 that it contested from Nagaland State, amidst apprehension of the party’s performance after PA Sangma left the party. On the revival of the Tuli Paper Mill, Patel said that Rs. 100 crores of the total revival cost of Rs. 489 crores had already been “parted with” by the Centre, and the process for revival had been set in motion. “It is through the enthusiasm of NCP legislators and party workers in Nagaland that the mill is being revived. No one else can take credit for it,” said the cabinet minister, adding that only “half hearted” efforts and vague promises were made earlier with no genuine attempts to actu-
Praful Patel addresses Nagaland NCP workers
Union Cabinet Minister for Heavy Industries and Public Enterprises, Praful Patel, is seen here flanked by NCP MLA Mmhonlumo Kikon (L) and State NCP President Neiba Ndang (R) at Niathu Resort on Sunday. Photo by Caisii Mao
ally start it. “I have stressed that of the 600 people to be employed at the Tuli Paper Mill, 500 should be from Nagaland,” announced Patel, amidst loud cheer. To
create more industry, the State has to become investment friendly, with desired social and economic infrastructure, he noted. The Tuli Paper Mill, for Patel, should send a “strong mes-
sage” to attract investment. The NCP, he said, is a secular party and believes in “taking everyone along” for its stated objective of national integration, as well as its belief that “peo-
ple all over the country should be better off.” He expressed worry over the financial condition of Nagaland State, and that “people expected the government to perform better” but found “dissatisfaction.” Stressing that opportunities should be opened up within the State for its citizens, Patel said that “Economic development is the only key to success for future generations.” He added that sectors such as agriculture and related activities like food processing can open up many opportunities for the people of Nagaland given the number of central subsidies available. Praful Patel categorically mentioned that the NCP supports the “peaceful and early” resolution of the “Naga issue” as it is an “emotional” subject, and a resolution should meet the aspiration of the people— only then, he said, “peace and prosperity” will foster. Development can come only when a “positive sentiment” has been built vis-à-
vis the Naga issue, he added. Patel encouraged his Nagaland counterparts to work to “make sure NCP is the party of the future,” for which the central NCP leadership will make sure that the party comes out “stronger and grows and meets the aspirations of the State.” In that, the cabinet minister asserted that NCP units in all districts have to be strengthened and in the next Legislative Assembly elections, the party should contest in all 60 seats. On the sidelines, when asked on being a former civil aviation minister, if he can do something about Nagaland’s sorry state of aviation affairs, Patel, the ex-director of Jet Airways, said that he will take a “personal initiative” to rectify the situation. When informed of the lack of any Engineering or Medical colleges in Nagaland, Patel, also known as the ‘bidi king’ of India, assured that he will write to the concerned ministries in Delhi as well as talk to them about the matter.
GoI urged to release ‘political prisoners’ ‘not mandatory for employees to donate’
New Delhi, September 29 (mexN): The Naga Peoples’ Movement for Human Rights (NPMHR) on September 27 submitted a memorandum to the Indian Prime Minister, Dr. Manmohan Singh requesting “unconditional release” of NSCN (IM) leader, Anthony Ningkhan Shimray. The memo was submitted in the backdrop of a candle light vigil organized by the NPMHR in Jantar Mantar, New Delhi on September 27 to mark the 3rd anniversary of Shimray’s detention. It may be noted that Shimray was arrested on September 27, 2010 from Kathmandu International Airport on allegations of procuring arms to “wage war against the Government of India.” The memorandum appended by the Convener and
Co Convener of NPMHR, Delhi stated that imprisoning peace negotiators “weakens the credibility and integrity of the peace process and invalidates much needed efforts at trust and confidence building among all parties.” It informed that Shimray is a “key leader in the peace process,” and as such urged the Government of India to release him and all Naga political prisoners. It appreciated the PM’s “continuous pursuance of peace” through cease-fire and political negotiations with various Naga groups. However it lamented that “during this period of cease-fire, Naga people have seen and experienced various incidents that question the sincerity of the Government in the ongoing peace process.” It cited the “disturb-
‘Heart disease kills 17.3 million each year’
New Delhi, September 29 (iANS): Cardiovascular diseases (CVDs), including heart disease and stroke, cause 17.3 million deaths each year worldwide, and by 2030 it is expected that 23 million people will die from CVDs annually, a report released Sunday said. Sunday is being observed as World Heart Day. Every year since 2000, Sep 29 has been observed by the World Heart Federation as World Heart Day to spread awareness about the rising instance of heart disease. “Cardiovascular diseases (CVDs), including heart disease and stroke, take lives prematurely. In fact, they cause 17.3 million deaths each year and the numbers are rising. By 2030, it is expected that 23 million people will die from CVDs annually,” said Rishi Sethi, associate professor, Department of Cardiology, King George’s Medical University, Lucknow. The intervention cardiology data compiled by Rishi Sethi revealed that over 4,500 lifesaving angioplasty procedures and almost 2,000 lifesaving pacemaker implantations have been performed in 2011-12
in the state of Uttar Pradesh. The number of these procedures has increased by almost 30 percent over the last year, he said. “Children are vulnerable too, the risk for CVDs can begin before birth, during foetal development, and increase further during childhood with exposure to unhealthy diet, lack of exercise and smoking,” the doctor said. The doctor also underlined how simple lifestyle changes like giving up tobacco could make a big difference to cardiovascular health. “The tobacco industry interference in public health policy has been recognised as the biggest obstacle in enforcing tobacco control laws. Strengthening tobacco control is one of the evidence-based ways to reduce CVDs,” said Ehsaan Latif, director, Tobacco Control, at the International Union against Tuberculosis and Lung Disease. It is an international voluntary scientific organisation working in low- and middle-income countries to fight HIV/AIDS, TB, lung disease, tobacco-related morbidity and non-communicable diseases.
ing trend of many Naga leaders being arrested by Indian state agencies in the past few years.” The memo mentioned that during the time of his arrest, Shimray was on his way to New Delhi to participate in the IndoNaga peace talks between the GOI and NSCN (IM), scheduled to be held on September 29, 2010. Many Naga organizations and other solidarity groups, including the Democratic Students’ Union of India, Peoples Union for Democratic Rights and Campaign for Peace and Democracy, Manipur participated in the candle light vigil in New Delhi event. Apex Naga organizations such as the Naga Hoho, United Naga Council and Naga Mothers’ Association who could not participate physically, expressed solidarity with the NPMHR through solidarity messages.
Morung Express news Dimapur | September 29
A recent proposal to deduct certain amounts from government employees’ wages have stirred up angst among employees of the Nagaland State government, prompting the Confederation of All Nagaland State Service Employees’ Association (CANSSEA) to express concern. According to unconfirmed reports, on account of Nagaland celebrating 50 years of statehood, grade II and above employees are required to contribute three days’ worth of wages, while grade IV employees a day’s wage. There is however no standing directive from the State government in this regard. Chief Secretary, Alemtemshi Jamir, said on Sunday that the State government has not issued any instruction as such,
but a “purely voluntary” contribution could be made. “It is not a government decision, therefore, it is not a government order,” said Jamir speaking to The Morung Express. Jamir said that the issue was brought up at a meeting of Administrative Heads of Departments and Heads of Departments, held in July. It was discussed how government servants could contribute towards the golden jubilee celebration, Jamir disclosed of the meeting. That was how the proposal of deducting certain amounts from employees’ monthly salary came about, Jamir said. There was however no conclusive decision to that effect. “There is no imposition (on employees),” Jamir stated, reiterating that it is not mandatory for employees to contribute from their salary. Queried
further, the Chief Secretary could not substantiate if all the AHoDs and HoDs took prior consent of subordinates from their respective departments. The plan was that the money thus collected could be contributed towards the construction of a ‘commemorative golden jubilee gate’ at the State Secretariat and setting up of an educative ‘Museum of Naga History’ in Kohima. On the plan to construct the gate, Jamir said that the Secretariat requires a second security gateway. If the employees willingly contribute, the proposed ‘commemorative gate’ will be erected; if not, the government will have to construct a normal security barricade purely from government funds, Jamir said. It also means that the question of building the proposed museum would be shelved.
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