6th November 2013

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The Morung Express

Dimapur VOL. VIII ISSUE 302

India launches first mission to Mars [ PAGE 08]


By Sandemo Ngullie


The secret of your future is hidden in your daily routine

Lindsey Vonn calls Tiger Woods ‘dorkygoofy’


Wednesday, November 6, 2013 12 pages Rs. 4 –Mike Murdock

Lift Every Voice and Sing: TNCC Sachin’s poise to make a bigger impact farewell series India-Windies [ PAGE 02] to battle it out Vietnam releases denguein unique Test blocking mosquito

[ PAGE 11]

[ PAGE 12 ]

[ PAGE 09]

Molding Global citizens

Nagaland does a turnaround…!

North East India International Model United Nations conference from Dec 15 Morung Express News Kohima | November 5

Dozens of governments, hundreds of people organizations and we, we`ve to solve our own tribal problems? Thank God!

ENSF rejects redeployment TUENSANg, NOVEMBER 5 (MExN): The Eastern Naga Students Federation agitation began today in the four eastern districts. ENSF President and General Secretary informed that day one of phase 1 of the agitation saw complete shutdown of all GPS and GMS in all four districts, where students took out a procession to the offices of each respective DC & SDEO. The ENSF further declared “total rejection to the redeployment policies of the government and stated that no new policy/policies of the government should affect the demands of the Federation.” Phase-1; Day2 of the agitation will continue on November 6. Full report on page 5

The migratory Amur Falcons at their roosting sites near the Doyang reservoir. A concerted effort to save the birds has started on an optimistic note, with no reports of birds being hunted in the area. This marks a remarkable turnaround considering that thousands of birds were hunted indiscriminately last year, drawing severe local, regional and international criticism. (Photo by Ishaan Raghunandan/WTI) Story on page 5

Defendant can stand as witness: Sessions court Morung Express News Dimapur | November 5

During the October 28 hearing, Public Prosecutor, Imtiakum had moved for the inclusion of Yapang in the witness list. The defence opposed the appeal on grounds that a person standing trial cannot testify against himself. The court had set October 30 to decide on the matter. “The defence submission under Article 20 of the Indian Constitution is that an accused cannot be allowed to depose as prosecution witness against himself,” stated Sessions

The argument over legality of whether T. Yapang Ao, one of the defendants in the July 4 murder case at Landmark colony, Dimapur, be included in the prosecution’s witness list has been laid to rest. Additional Sessions judge, Dimapur through an order dated November 4 ruled that defendant T Yapang Ao, also the complainant in the case, can stand as a prosecution DIMAPUR, NOVEM- witness in the trial. BER 5 (MExN): The central office bearers of the Confederation of All Nagaland State Services Employees’ Association called on Nagaland Governor, Dr Ashwani Kumar on November 5 and appealed for him to look into the CANSSEA representation submitted to the Chief Secretary. A press note issued by CANS- DIMAPUR, NOVEMBER 5 SEA said that the represen- (MExN): With the theme, ‘Mission tation included reservation Possible,’ the Nagaland Missions of IAS quota for other ser- Movement is initiating an event to vices, release of ADAs by highlight and facilitate mission opstate government effective portunities. A press release from from 1st January and 1st Rev Wati Longkumer, Director of stated that this endeavor will July 2013 @ 8 and 10 % for NMM facilitate the call and challenge of state employees in unifor- sending out ten thousand missionmity with central employ- aries from “Naga soil to the field of ees. It also sought clarifica- the world.” He informed that the tion on deduction of 10 % Mission Fair has been proposed to of salaries NPS in respect address the lack of opportunity and of fresh employees since the lack of awareness about mission 1st January 2010 and their fields in India and abroad. It further matching grants by state aims to introduce to church memgovernment, besides call- bers the current trends in mission, ing for decentralization of mission opportunities and mission executive and financial cog- agencies that “we can partner/minnate powers to HoDs. Allo- ister with.” Rev Wati stated that “This is a cation of adequate fund by mega-event in the calendar of the the 14th Finance Commis- Nagaland Baptist Churches. It’s sion for award of 7th RoP my prayer that through this, many with uniform effective date more from our churches would go of 1/1/2016 to state em- out as missionaries to the world.” ployees and adoption of NMM stated that experts will be Maternity Leave provided available to share the challenges in 6th RoP package for fe- and new frontiers in missions and male employees in Naga- to present the best practices in misland was also put forward. sions. Aspirants can choose the misCANSSEA stated that in sions of their liking based on their spite of representations to aptitude and natural inclination. government, no responses “Various mission agencies that we have been seen till date and have already partnered with or are for which it appealed to the potential partners will share about areas of work and also on how Governor, to impress upon their one could join their agencies,” the the authority to address NMM said. It added that once the the aforementioned issues. choice is made, this endeavor would It further informed that equip individuals with the best the Governor has agreed to available training in their respective grace the CANSSEA’s silver areas of interest. jubilee on November 22 at The NMM affirmed that the ulNBCC Convention Center, timate objective is to “produce highly trained soldiers to achieve Kohima as chief guest.

CANSSEA appeals to Nagaland Governor

judge, Y. Maongkaba Imchen in the ruling quoting the defence’s position. The judge quoting two cases (Natasha Vs CBI, 2013 and Nisar Ali Vs. State of UP AIR, 1957) heard by the Supreme Court stated, “Fair trial is the main object of criminal procedure and it is the duty of the court to insure that such fairness is not hampered or threatened in any manner. Fair trial entails the interests of the accused, the victim and of the society and therefore, fair trial includes the

grant of fair and proper opportunities to the person concerned...” It was stated in the Nisar Ali Vs. State of UP AIR case that an FIR can only be used to corroborate or contradict the statement of the complainant under sections 157 and 145, respectively, of the evidence Act. “It cannot be used as evidence against the maker (complainant) at the trial if he himself becomes an accused nor to corroborate or contradict other witnesses.”

A thought in 2012, a participant in the Model United Nation (MUN) conferences at UK and US and a few Skype calls was what it took to initiate the North East India International Model United Nations (NEIMUN). This venture is now taking concrete form, with the first NEIMUN conference scheduled to be held in Kohima from December16 to 18. With an objective to sensitize future young leaders on global policy making, world economy, social Issues, multilateral diplomacy, peace studies and conflict resolutions; one of the core objective of NEIMUN is to train delegates on effective public speaking, negotiating skills, mediation, lobbying and leadership skills. NEIMUN emphasizes on the ‘Voice of the Youth’ in bringing about change in society. Through the upcoming conference, NEIMUN believes that young leaders will understand things from different perspectives and that their young voices will find ways to produce novel and effective solutions to world problems. “MUN creates a network of next generation leaders equipped with skills at par with the rest of the country and the world. And with MUN’ers from across the globe sharing and exchanging ideas and finding solutions to global problems,”

says Limabenla, SecretaryGeneral NEIMUN, who joined MUN during her undergraduate. She was involved in MUN as part of the Diplomatic Society and United Nations Associations, UK during her Masters at the University of London. “MUN has been an eyeopener because global issues affect our daily life beyond our limited understanding, while we remain unconscious of it. This is the platform for like-minded youth to come share and learn and go back home realizing that there are people out there who want change and are looking for it,” says Keyitiakpeu Ndang. Imkumsungla Longchar, a participant of IIMUN 2013 asserts that MUN helped her learn how to lobby, deliberate and make a stand not only for oneself but for the country one represents. “My MUN experience was fruitful and that is why I am here today with my team to provide the opportunity to the people from the NE to get the same character building benefits as we did.” she adds. Asked why the need to start MUN in the North East, Limabenla says, “The concept of Model UN has been steadily growing in Indian universities for about 7-8 years now but still very new in the North East. Our ultimate goal is to introduce Model UN Associations across universities and states in the North East. We believe the North East is a strategic location

to bring together young leaders from the NE region, mainland India, South Asia and South East Asian countries.” NEIMUN aims to be a part of an ongoing process to reform the educational system across the North east and to produce effective leaders. The upcoming conference in Kohima, with its theme based on the three UN pillars (Peace and Security, Human Rights and Development), will involve young people taking on the role of UN Ambassadors and debate, deliberate and draft resolutions on issues concerning child soldiers in armed conflicts, the post 2015 development goals, right to self determination and nuclear disarmament. Christina Humtsoe, member, NEIMUN organizing committee adds that the vigorous negotiations, debates and expository writing relating to world issues develops a sense of responsibility in young people as global citizens. “The first session of Model UN in Nagaland, will be amongst the first Model UN in the world to follow the United Nations Department of Public Information (UNDPI) rules of procedure introduced earlier this year. We hope young people will come out of this conference more aware of issues of global importance, on the history of UN resolutions, understand the complexities of policy making and come out as sensible global citizens,” adds Limabenla.

‘Mission Possible’ Rio shares dream for development “A mega-event in the calendar of the Nagaland Baptist Churches”


tasks beyond the scope of ordinary expectations; in short, to make the impossible a reality.” It further stated that those with “a heart for Missions will be greatly blessed by attending this Mission Fair,” and added that this Fair will “help one pray more specifically” by knowing more about the mission works around the world. “For those ‘called’ to mission, by interacting with these Mission agencies, you will be able to find your specific niche in mission,” it asserted. The programme will begin at 4:00 pm on November 7 and will end November 10 evening. From November 8 onwards, the programme will begin from 7:00 am for registered participants with breakfast, lunch and dinner served at no additional cost. The Evening service is scheduled from 4:00 – 6:00 pm and is open to all. A world renowned Christian leader will be the evening speaker, informed the NMM release. The programme is scheduled to be held at the Dimapur Rengma Baptist Church and the Neingulie Memorial School. Registration will continue till November 7. Fourteen Mission Agencies have confirmed their participations, which include the Bible League Thailand, Church of Christ in Thailand (CCT), Christ For the City International (CFCI), Friends Missionary Prayer Band (FMPB), Global Connections Associates, India Church Growth Mission (ICGM), Indian Evangelical Mission (IEM), Interserve India, Maharashtra Village Mission (MVM), Overseas Missionary Fellowship (OMF), Serving In Missions (SIMNEI), Trans World Radio (TWR), Wycliffe, and Youth With A Mission (YWAM).

MOkOkchUNg, NOVEMBER 5 (MExN): Nagaland Chief Minister, Neiphiu Rio on November 4 shared his dream of starting the Nagaland Special Development Zone in the foothill area for economic development of the state. In order to make this dream a reality, he solicited the cooperation of the people. Rio stated this while formally inaugurating the Echahaba Tea Estate at Merangkong (near Tuli town). Rio also stressed on the need to change the land law system and also relax the ILP system so that the non-Nagas can

Assures to make Tuli into a commercial hub

come and make our land investor friendly. Rio termed the inauguration of the tea estate and factory as a part of history in Nagaland. He expressed happiness that the Echahaba Tea Estate will be growing their own tea and that the people will be consuming tea made in Nagaland. Affirming that the state government will give all support to the Echahaba Tea

Estate, Rio promised to donate two tractors for use in the tea estate and added that the government is keen buy the tea produced in the tea estate for consumption during state programmes, so that visitors to the state can enjoy the tea made in Nagaland. Talking about the economic potential of Tuli town area, Rio said that the area can become another commercial hub of Nagaland, especially for the northern and eastern part of Nagaland. He therefore declared that the government will do what is possible to make Tuli into a commercial hub.

Morung Fest ends on high note Morung Express News Dimapur | November 5

It is being touted as a “mini hornbill festival,” and Nagaland Minister for Roads and Bridges, Kuzholuzo Nienu, has termed it a “grand success.” The Morung Festival 2013, however it may be termed, brought good cheer at its grand finale held tonight as five choirs ended the festival on a high note. The Festival is a production of the Ao Students’ Union Diphupar, hosted and co-hosted by Nienu and Jacob Zhimomi, MLA and Chairman of Development Authority of Nagaland, respectively. “Some festivals should definitely be brought to Nagaland’s commercial capital, Dimapur, and we will speak to the cabinet to help make this an annual event,” said Nienu, speaking at a press conference at the Agri Expo here today, highlighting the event’s objective to achieve “unity, peace and reconciliation.” The ‘Morung Fest’ saw participation from various Naga tribes, and had judges going

Tangkhul Student Union performs during the Choral competition at the Morung fest at Agri Expo site in Dimapur Nagaland on Tuesday, November 5. Photo by Caisii Mao

through 112 dishes on November 4-5 for the indigenous food contest hosted by it. Today’s closing ceremony saw prizes given away to winners of the various contests—literary, volleyball, art, choral— that defined the two day indigenous celebration held for the first time here. “It is imperative for us to know our roots; we have to be dynamic, but at the same time remember and respect our culture so others will respect us too,” said Jacob Zhimomi, speaking at the closing pro-

gram. Naga Students’ Federation President, Tongpang Ozukum, in his solidarity message at the program, highlighted the need for such a “mega fest” to help Naga youth transform the “disorder” in Naga society and uplift it through unity and “dignity of labor” so that Naga people become hardworking citizens of the world. The morning session had witnessed the literary contest, which was inaugurated by former Congress Legislature Party leader, I Imkong. Twenty three students

from 12 colleges took part in the extempore competition on the theme ‘Ground Zero’, the recently concluded multimedia campaign on HIV/AIDS awareness conducted by Nagaland AIDS Control Society (NSACS). In the collage completion, 20 students from 10 schools participated. Earlier, declaring the literary contest open, Imkong in his address said participation in co-curricular activities would go a long way in enhancing the future career of students as well as boost their confidence.


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