The Morung Express
Dimapur VOL. VIII ISSUE 275
Think like a wise man but communicate in the language of the people AntiMy hubby Telangana made me protests realise I turn needed less violent : therapy [ PAGE 08]
By Sandemo Ngullie
DiMAPur, OctOber 6 (MexN): The Officer-inCharge (OC) of Tizit police station in Mon district clarified today that Rakesh Sharma, a Haryana-based businessman who was picked up from the Sonari area of Sivasagar district in Assam, was kidnapped by non-Naga militants for ransom. The rescued victim, Sharma, has stated in his testimony to the police, according to the OC of Tizit who was present in the rescue operation, that none of the miscreants who kidnapped him last Wednesday were Naga. Information to the contrary, stated the OC, could create communal tension between Assam and Nagaland. Meanwhile, Sharma’s case has been registered at the Sonari police station in Assam.
PWD notifies commuters
KOhiMA, OctOber 6 (MexN): The Executive Engineer for PWD (National Highways), Kohima Division has in a notification requested all road users on NH-61 not to travel at night hours i.e. from 6:00 pm to 6:00 am due to mudslide occurring between Chiechama and Botsa because of the heavy rainfall. A press note from the Executive Engineer for PWD (National Highways), Kohima Division stated that the inconvenience caused to commuters due to the mudslide is regretted.
Apropos to the news item that appeared on October 6, 2013 under the caption “Memo submitted with proposal of Rs. 139.97 crore worth of projects,” the proposed estimated cost should read as Rs. 1394.97 and not as rendered. The error is regretted. (DIPR)
Monday, October 7, 2013 12 pages Rs. 4 – William Butler Yeats
Wokha Forest Division celebrates “Wildlife Week” [ PAGE 02]
Myanmar: Victims say police aided attackers
[ PAGE 11]
[ PAGE 09]
Novak beats Nadal for fourth China Open win [ PAGE 12 ]
14th FC will try to balance ‘change and continuity’
New Delhi, OctOber 6 (MexN): The Nagaland State Government has indicated to the 14th Finance Commission (FC) that the process of urbanization and industrialization are steps to change and progress. The FC, in turn, will try to bring “optimum benefits” by arriving at a “good balance between change and continuity.” This was stated in a press release from Secretary of the 14th FC, A.N. Jha, explaining in brief the Commission’s visit to Nagaland. Whiskey smells like petrol? That’s impossible, I added Members of the 14th FC, Dr. industrial paint thinner not Y.V. Reddy, Chairman, Prof. Abhijit Sen, Ms. Sushama petrol! Nath, Dr. M. Govinda Rao Dr. Sudipto Mundle, The Morung Express and Secretary Mr. A.N. Jha and POLL QUESTIOn other officials visited NaVote on www.morungexpress.com galand from October 4-6, SMS your answer to 9862574165 2013 to hold consultations with the State Government Are young Naga and key stakeholders. The politicians making any Commission will finalize its difference in the decision recommendations by Octomaking of the Nagaland State government? ber 2014 after completing its discussions with all the State Governments, the Yes no Others Government of India and Do you support the Supreme relevant stake holders. Court of India’s verdict that “While requesting to allows voters to reject all look into the special posicandidates in an election? tion and needs of Nagaland, Yes 68% it was mentioned that the 22% no intention of the State was 10% Others not to remain perpetually Details on page 7 frozen in the Special category bracket. Efforts are being initiated in the form of State Special Develop-
Trader kidnapped by non-Nagas
•Intention of State not to remain perpetually under Special category bracket •FC to finalize recommendations by October 2014 post discussion with State Govts & GoI
14th FC officials meet representatives
Chairman of the 14th FC, Dr. Y.V. Reddy (4th from L) with members and officials meeting representatives of urban, rural, local bodies at the Chief Secretary’s Conference Hall in Kohima on October 6 (DIPR)
ment Zones to be further connected by new Railways and super highways to promote the process of urbanization and industrialization. These measures towards economic growth and employment generation, it was indicated, were steps towards change and progress,” stated the press release from Jha. The 14th FC was received by Chief Minister Neiphiu Rio and his Cabinet Colleagues, representatives of local bodies and the political parties and senior officers
of the State Government. The ensuing meeting between the two sides saw the State Government highlight the “steady deterioration of the financial position of the State over the past few years.” The release noted that the challenges faced by the State government “primarily due to lack of connectivity and infrastructure,” it was mentioned, have caused difficulties in delivering good governance at the grass root level. The press note men-
tioned that the State Government sought a review of the “normative approach” to factor the special requirements of states like Nagaland. Rio suggested that the “Central Government could give an impetus to infusion of investments for building up technical infrastructure and facilities, for the benefit of the State as a whole,” expressed Jha. It was emphasized, he noted, that funding for the maintenance of infrastructure assets including roads was a major constraint and
KOhiMA, OctOber 6 (DiPr): Officials of the 14th Finance Commission (FC) met representatives from various urban, rural, local bodies; representatives from trade, industries and commerce sectors and political parties at the Chief Secretary’s Conference Hall here today. The meeting with representatives of local urban, rural bodies and tribal Hohos was moderated by Additional Chief Secretary and Commissioner, Nagaland, Banuo Z. Jamir while the meeting with representatives from the trade, industries and commerce sector was moderated by Commissioner and Secretary, Industries and Commerce, Thangi Mannen. The meeting with representatives of political parties, which concluded the round of meetings, was moderated by Additional Chief Secretary and Finance Commissioner, Toshi Aier.
requested for special allocation for this through the FC. The State on its part, it was mentioned, even while making all efforts to increase its revenues to reduce the dependence “could not achieve much on account of the low revenue base.” The Commission was requested to look into the proposal of the State for the enhancement of Profession tax, for making appropriate recommendation to the Central Government. Nagaland State Government submitted their
Memorandum and made a detailed presentation on the finances of the State Government, its projection for the award period and gave their views on some of the Terms of Reference of the Commission. Presentations were also made on Macro Economic situation of the State highlighting the achievements of the State and demands made to the FC. Request for a supplementary memorandum to factor in the impact of the 7th pay commission was requested by the State. The
Commission also interacted with representatives of political parties, Panchayati Raj Institutions, Urban local bodies and Trade and Industry Associations. The Chairman, FC while appreciating the significant issues raised by the State government, mentioned that the Commission has the responsibility to “handle twin balances of vertical and horizontal devolutions on the one hand and the balance between the General and the Special category States on the other.” The effort of the Commission, it was mentioned, would also be to arrive at a “good balance between change and continuity to get optimum benefits.” Other Members also appreciated the unique and special socio-economic position of Nagaland, and sought certain further clarifications/ information to make an informed decision while making its recommendations. Looking forward to continued interaction with the State government, the Commission placed on record its appreciation to the Chief Minister and State Government for the cooperation and support extended to the Commission and assured that the issues raised will receive due attention in the deliberation of the Commission. Related story on p2
New study deepens ‘Dictative interference in LOU DHEP’ Ltd urged mystery of origins of life NEEPCO to stop contract
MANchester, OctOber 6 (AGeNcies): According to a news release from the University of Manchester, a new study has deepened the mystery of the origins of life on Earth. A team of researchers from the CRPG-CNRS University of Lorraine, The University of Manchester and the Institut de Physique du Globe de Paris have debunked a theory as to why the Earth was warm enough to keep up the Earth’s earliest life forms when the Sun’s energy was approximately 75 percent the strength it is today. According to researchers, life developed on our planet during the Archean, between 3.8 and 2.4 billion years ago, but the lesspowerful Sun should have signified that the Earth was too cold for life to develop at this point in time; thus researchers have been attempting to come up with a reason for this puzzle, known as the “faint, young Sun paradox.” “During the Archean the solar energy received at the surface of the Earth was about 20 to 25 % lower than present,” said study author Ray Burgess, from the University of Manchester’s School of Earth, Atmospheric and Environmental Sciences. “If the greenhouse gas composition of the atmosphere was comparable to current levels then the Earth should have been permanently glaciated but geological evidence suggests there were no global glaciations before the end of the Archean and that liquid water was widespread.” One explanation for the paradox was that greenhouse gas levels were
much higher during the Archean than they are today. “To counter the effect of the weaker Sun, carbon dioxide concentrations in the Earth’s atmosphere would need to have been 1,000 times higher than present,” said lead author Bernard Marty, a professor at the CRPG-CNRS University of Lorraine. “However, ancient fossil soils – the best indicators of ancient carbon dioxide levels in the atmosphere – suggest only modest levels during the Archean. Other atmospheric greenhouse gases were also present, in particular ammonia and methane, but these gases are fragile and easily destroyed by ultraviolet solar radiation, so are unlikely to have had any effect.” The team chose to test another climate-warming theory. They wanted to determine whether the quantity of nitrogen could have been greater in the ancient atmosphere, which would increase the greenhouse impact of carbon dioxide and permit the planet to stay ice-free. The researchers looked at small samples of air caught in water bubbles in quartz from a region of northern Australia that has very old and unusually well-preserved rocks. The team discovered that the partial pressure of nitrogen in the Archean atmosphere was very much alike, may even a little bit lower, than it is at present, excluding nitrogen as one of the primary competitors for answering the early climate mystery. The study’s findings are described in greater detail in the journal Science.
and supply works
DiMAPur, OctOber 6 (MexN): The Land Owners Union, Doyang Hydro Electric Project (LOU DHEP) has written to the Chairman and Managing Director of NEEPCO Ltd. calling for stoppage of contract and supply works connected to the project till the election of President of LOU DHEP is “finalized in accordance with the accepted norm.” While appreciating NEEPCO Ltd. for taking up various devel-
opmental works for the welfare of the 17 affected villages of DHEP; the letter lamented that various “impediments” have arisen in the functioning of LOU DHEP. It informed that the LOU DHEP was formed in the year 1976 by the affected land owners and that it had been “functioning without any hindrances from any outside authorities.” The letter, appended by R Yanthan, party leader and Kakuto Assumi, Head GB stated that of late, there has been “dictative interference” into the affairs of the LOU DHEP. It added that there has been “interference” in the election of office bearers of the LOU DHEP
by taking arbitrary action in appointment of an “un-mandated President.” The letter stated that this has been done inspite of objection raised by the “majority of the 17 affected village landowners executive members.” This, according to the letter has resulted in misunderstanding and dysfunction in the union. “Inspite of our repeated appeals to the NSCN (IM) authority for kind revocation of the order for appointment of the un-mandated president which has been done against conventional and democratic norms, the matter is still lying pending in the office of the NSCN (IM),” the letter informed.
It therefore stated that it would not be appropriate on the part of NEEPCO Ltd. to go ahead with the notified contract and supply works till the election for president of LOU DHEP is finalized in accordance with accepted norms. It further insisted for strict compliance with the 1984 and 1988 agreement between the LOU DHEP and the NEEPCO Ltd., failing which, the letter cautioned that the “genuine landowners will be compelled to go on agitation till redressal of the genuine grievances is achieved.” It added that the agitation “leading to any worse situation shall not be the responsibility of the landowners.”
Truly Made In Nagaland- Lanu Jamir Akangchila Longchar Morung Express Feature
Are you one of those that shy away from buying locally made items? Is it because you have less faith in the quality of products made in Nagaland? Innovator Lanu Jamir is here to prove us all wrong. A firm believer that there is nothing sub-par about locally made products, Lanu has been battling the proverbial “anything and everything imported is the best.” “I want to show Nagas we can do something and that motivates me to constantly innovate,” he says. He has made heads and ears turn with the launch of ‘Zip Sound’, an in-house audio production system on September 18. After months of research, he has launched speakers and amplifiers ranging from 100 watts to 2000 watts, which are of high quality, lightweight, small size but low cost. What’s amazing is he built all the components of these sound systems on his own. Another ground breaking invention is the Electronic Load Controller, conceptualized and developed in 2010 by Lanu for NEPED.
Lanu Jamir (Morung Photo)
“I make sure the cost is compatible to India market but the quality should be compatible with world class,” he states. All of Lanu’s innovations operate under the name Zip Engineering & Innovation Centre. In 2003, he launched an online UPS repairing service, which had to be discontinued because of financial crunches. It’s disheartening to learn that UPS sent from Nagaland for repairing to Guwahati in fact landed up in Lanu’s workshop, which after repairs, went back to
Guwahati. “With every invention, I think for our people and whether our people will benefit. I am a strong believer in my want to help Nagas,” he asserts. Because of bare support and zero recognition, Lanu believes that he has been set back a couple of years because of financial constraints. He wishes that his father was alive to witness his “small success.” Lanu’s father was Late Limasungba Jamir, pastor from Ungma Village who was known for his passion
in carpentry. He helped build several churches in his lifetime. The legacy lives on through Lanu Jamir, prompting family and friends to quote that Lanu’s talents are “a direct gift.” His tryst with electronics began as a young boy when he tried fixing his father’s Bush Radio. He ended up missing several days of school while trying to repair the radio, which he ended up burning. After this, his passion to be in a band led him to build his own electric guitar during high school. After countless successful home inventions, Lanu went on to study Electronics at Datamatic Cooperation in Bangalore. After which, he worked for Eureka Electronic Bangalore from 1991 to 93. An interest in computers also prompted him to sign up for Computer Hardware classes in the evening. His wife Alila Jamir is the perfect narrator for Lanu’s mad genius. She says that her husband is always busy tinkering away and many a time ends up sleeping at his workshop or is forever lost in his own world of innovation. She af-
fectionately calls him “loha-tina engineer”. Lanu explains that he has a curious nature. “When I see anything, I immediately start imagining ways on how to innovate and develop the gadget or machine. I don’t even know how time passes,” he adds. His workshop is littered with machines and gadgets of all sorts which have been modified and developed, and many from scrap metal. He is also in the middle of several inventions and has just bought a digital controlled wood processing machine. He also plans on hiring out Zip Sound at cheap rates to local artistes. Lanu reveals that his dream is to setup a professional manufacturing unit and where he can compete with the best in the world. With nothing I have started but I don’t have any due today so I am happy, he says. To the readers, Lanu says, “As long as we possess determination, no matter what difficulties come our way, it is possible to succeed”. He ends on the note “When I see a gadget, I want to see Made in Nagaland written on it.” A brilliant gem among us, truly!