April 11th, 2016

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monDAY • APRIL 11 • 2016

DIMAPUR • Vol. XI • Issue 98 • 12 PAGes • 5

T H e

ESTD. 2005

The true mystery of the world is the visible, not the invisible Two die in Pakistan as quake hits region

Despite making an investment of 278.44 crore in 2014-15, the returns were ‘zero’ in both percentage and absolute terms

Dimapur | April 10

Doctor, you went home for lunch or something? The lock’s rusted pretty seriously.

Morung Express news Dimapur | April 10

An illegal fireworks show in a Hindu temple in Kollam (Kerala) early on sunday, April 10, set off a huge fire which left around 110 people dead and over 350 injured, many critically. (REuTERs) Story on page 8

Major fire breaks out at Kiphire school our Correspondent Kiphire | April 10

A major fire broke out at the Jawahar Navodiya Vidyalaya in Kiphire on Saturday night at around 11:40pm on Saturday, April 9. The school sustained substantial damage, with the Principal’s chamber, administrative office, medical instruction room, staff room and staff quarter completely razed by the flames. No casualties were reported. The fire reportedly broke out due to a short circuit. According to Tapan Kr Mishra, Principal of JNV Kiphire, 17 fire personnel with fire tenders reached the spot but by that time most of the school was burnt down and property worth more than Rs 25 lakh

A Flower Festival is underway from April 9-11 at Phukhro, Mao Gate. (Morung Photo)

Mao Gate | April 10

Wholesalers may contact

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The Morung Express Poll QuEsTion

Vote on www.morungexpress.com SMS your anSwer to 9862574165 Should the Nagaland State government have an independent review on the merits and demerits of the Prohibition Act?





Do you support the Nagaland Prohibition of Gambling and Promotion of Online Games of Skill Bill, 2015? Why? Yes






Details on page 7

was destroyed. The Principal informed that staff residing on the ground floor had also tried to bring the fire under control but failed. The flames razed the belonging of the staff, including official documents of the school. The JNV night chokidwar informed that the fire started at the top floor of the building. It spread quickly as the building was mostly constructed out of wood. It may be mentioned that the Jawahar Navodiya Vidyalaya, which was established in 2006, is still running in a temporary building with no fencing and proper building. The school is facing lot of hardship and with the burning down of the only temporary building, the future of the students enrolled at the Vidyalaya appears grim.

By all accounts, Nagaland State Government’s investment prowess could give even top financial honchos a run for their money. Or, conversely, astound them. The State’s returns from investment of Rs. 278.44 crore in 2014-15 in various financial instruments and companies stood at Zero, both in percentage and absolute terms, stated a report by the Comptroller and Auditor General (CAG). “The return for this investment was ‘Nil’ during the last five years while the Government paid an average interest rate of 6.81 per cent on its borrowing during 2014-15,” it added. “The Report of Comptroller and Auditor General of India on State Finances for the year ended 31 March 2015” was recently tabled in State Legislative Assembly and buried under a ‘13 Minute’ session. While the report shows that the major part of the investments were made in five government companies, that included a non-

Flower Power – A path to economic sustenance

Morung Express news


Manny Pacquiao beats Timothy Bradley in farewell fight PAGE 12

nagaland Govt’s investment prowess— bogus or intentional?

Morung Express news

By Sandemo Ngullie

T R u T H


Rilan village allege ‘intrusion’ by Assam Police


o F

— Oscar Wilde

Reviving springs through Springshed development


The Rilan Village Council (RVC) has expressed concern over the Assam Police’s (AP) frequent intrusion into the village without any information to the villagers. The RVC stated that fully armed AP personnel numbering over hundred have been passing through the village for the past three days. The RVC asked the Nagaland State Government to intervene immediately. Without being able to provide a plausible explanation for the visits, the RVC said that the AP personnel enter the village and camp briefly before moving out. It has been a routine for the past three days with the armed personnel making 2-3 such “intrusions” daily. Assam Rifles personnel have also accompanied the AP personnel in all the visits, it was added. According to the RVC, no prior information was given in any of the visits, which has raised apprehension among the border village’s residents. “The unexplained intrusions are creating fear psychosis and harassment,” the RVC said. Maintaining that Rilan village has no connection with the development activities at Daldali Reserve Forest, the RVC added that it has no problem so long as the AP restricts its movements within its own jurisdiction. While urging the Nagaland State Government to intervene, the RVC said that the visits, if not stopped, would disturb the peaceful atmosphere prevailing in the village.

P o W e R

It started with an idea suggested by a group of young people at Songsong village who proposed a flower show and competition at Mao Gate in 2015. Making it a Flower Festival, around 50 flower growers participated on October 11, 2015. This year the idea turned into a 3 day festival starting from April 9 till 11 at Pfukhro, Mao Gate, with over 60 participants and hundreds of visitors from Senapati district. Under the theme, ‘Colours of Spring,’ the Festival this year has been jointly organized by the Senapati District Administration and Mao Flower Growers Association in collaboration with the Department of Horticulture and Soil Conservation, Government of Manipur (GoM) and Department of Commerce and Industries, GoM. The organizers stated that the Festival has been commemorated to celebrate “a concept nurtured by the people with a collective desire to preserve, promote and develop the gift of nature endowed upon the land found a common platform together.” Flowers have an economic value for the people in this area, said Jacintha Lazarus, DC, Senapati during the inaugural event.

Mao Gate is around 32 km from Kohima and 100 km from Imphal. The border town, a transit point for travelers from Nagaland and Manipur, is set to become one of the most economically sustaining areas with its flower business. The Flower Festival maybe a new concept, but growing flowers and making a living out of it has been a matter of economic importance for the Mao Nagas for more than ten years. Many villagers, especially women, have economically empowered themselves through the flower business. “We really like flowers,” said Adaphro, who has recently taken up the flower business, also mentioning that most of the Mao Naga villages (there are around 37 Mao villages) take up flower growing for economic sustenance. Adaphro also mentioned that the flower business has been going on for more than 10 years and the villagers have been growing flowers without any support from the government. Many college students have also taken up the flower business to save money for their higher education, added Adaphro. For Lophro, a young teacher, growing flowers was just a hobby which turned out to be lucrative business with high demands from Kohima and Imphal. Flowers are grown throughout

the year but the peak seasons are mostly winter, during the wedding season. However, the demand for flowers does not fall too short throughout the year. Lophro, who grows flowers in her village Rabunamai, also mentioned that the flowers that are sold the most are Geraniums and Alstroemerias. The annual income amounts to 2 lakh or more for each grower. The inaugural event witnessed both local visitors from Mao villages as well as visitors from Kohima, Imphal and neighboring districts. The highest number of participants is women, showcasing the numerous varieties and rare breeds of flowers such as geraniums, orchids, chrysanthemum, alstroemeria, daisy, carnation, lobelia, lupin, begonia, rhododendron, hydrangea, as well as cactuses and succulents. During the inaugural event of the Flower Festival, V. Shanmuganathan, Governor of Manipur graced the occasion as Chief Guest and O Nabakishore Singh, IAS, Chief Secretary of Manipur was the Guest of Honor. This is also the first time, in a very long time, that a Governor and a Chief Secretary have attended an event and visited the Mao Gate which borders Nagaland, said Athikho, an Economics Lecturer, further explaining that often the borders and peripheries of the State are neglected. The Governor in his address stressed on the importance of plants and flowers which, according to him, have the potential to combat global warming. He also asserted that the Festival is viable for a tourist destination. Chief Secretary, ON Singh, urged the flower growers to promote the business on a larger scale by meeting requirements such as capital, land and technology. The organizers believe that the Festival has opened a “new chapter to flower growers and proprietors for future sustainability and growth of the flower market.” With the flowers being marketed in neighboring states and beyond, the Festival envisions a higher common good.

RetuRNS ON INveStmeNt

investment/Return 2010-11 2011-12 2012-13 2013-14 2014-15 Investment at the end of the 213.4 228.01 270.01 270.01 278.44 year (A-E) (Rs. In Crore) Joint Stock companies 32.10 32.11 32.10 32.10 32.10 Government Companies 145.60 160.19 168.69 182.05 190.48 Statutory Corporations 0.04 0.04 0.04 0.04 0.04 D. Rural Banks 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 E. Cooperatives 35.67 35.67 41.82 55.82 55.82 Return (in Crore) 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Return (%) 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Source: Report of Comptroller and Auditor General of India on State Finances for the year ended 31 March 2015 working company (NWC) viz. Nagaland Sugar Mills Ltd (NSML), the zero returns on other entities like Co-operatives and Joint Stock Companies are a cause for serious concern.

ing. The four working companies—Nagaland Industrial Development Board; Nagaland Industrial Raw Material & Supply Corporation Ltd; State Mineral Development Corporation; and Nagaland Handloom & Handicraft Development Corporation—were all incurring losses. Apart from NIDC, the accounts of the three remaining companies were in arrears for the period ranging between 2-5 years, the CAG observed. The account for non-working NSML was in arrears for last 37 years. Consequently, the CAG said the actual financial status of the companies could not be assessed at the time of auditing.

The Break-up The break-up of the investment shows that out of Rs. 287 crore, Rs. 190.48 crore was spent on government companies undertaking as under – five government companies (105.57 crore), Distillery project (0.30 crore) and Public Sector and other Undertaking (84.61 crore). Rs. 32.11 crore was invested in two joint stock companies and Rs. 55.85 crore in statutory corporations, co-operative bank and societies etc. Howev- Reason for low returns Commenting on the Reer, all the investments depict zero returns in last five port, a CAG official, on the condition of anonymity, years. (See Table) said that while returns on investments are usually low Position of Government companies in many states, as it involves According to the CAG, supporting loss making Nagaland has five govern- Public Sectors Undertakment companies – four ings (PSUs) enterprises, the working and one not work- zero returns shown even on

bank deposits were a cause for big worry. While the government supporting PSUs serves social and economic purposes by way of employment, the zero returns on other instruments are quite suspicious, he indicated. The CAG Report suggested identifying companies/corporations which are endowed with low financial, but high socioeconomic, returns and see if high cost borrowing needs to be invested in those companies/corporations. Besides, the government may expedite closing down of the Non-working companies, it added. Will these suggestions improve returns? That’s an even bigger question than the dubious zero-returns play of the Nagaland State Government. Did investments reach where desired? Are the zeroes intentionally produced? Could there have been some returns which may have disappeared? These are questions the CAG’s next audit may want to investigate.

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