April 15th, 2016

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FriDAY • APriL 15 • 2016

DIMAPUR • Vol. XI • Issue 102 • 12 PAGes • 5

T H e

ESTD. 2005

P o W e R

o F

T R u T H

I have not lost faith in God. I have moments of anger and protest. Sometimes I’ve been closer to him for that reason — Elie Wiesel Modi launches campaign to boost rural development on Ambedkar anniversary

Familiarization Exercises in Nagaland underway



By Sandemo Ngullie

Morung Express News Dimapur | April 14

By government? Thut, young man. Our state is run by kerosene!!

Seen in this image is a dilapidated section of the Dzüza Bridge located on the National Highway between Kohima and Sechü Zubza. With more rainfall, the deteriorating sections of the bridge are likely to worsen, thereby posing greater risk to both commuters and vehicles. (Morung Photo by Chizokho Vero)

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NMDA resolves on ‘tax’ DIMApur, AprIl 14 (Mexn): The Nagaland Medicine Dealers Association (NMDA) has resolved that it will not collect “any kind of taxes from any of its members for any N.P.Gs or other Organization.” Further, if “any kind of threat or intimidation” is perpetuated to any member of the Association, the NMDA resolved to take “all necessary action or protest including closure of all the Medicine shops indefinitely.” This was stated in a press release from the NMDA President and General Secretary. The decisions were made following an emergency meeting held on April 5 last. It alleged that NMDA office bearers were already receiving threat calls and letters in the name of “certain organisation” for payment of annual taxes. While requesting Naga Political Groups to “seriously deliberate and exempt” the medicine business from “any kind of taxes,” the NMDA noted that the particular business is “mostly for the cost of social service with limited income and high risk of expiry/damage/breakages etc, with fixed price margin.” According to them, some of the members in this business fraternity can “hardly make their living through this respectable yet risky business.”

Sumi Hoho resolves Zunheboto, AprIl 14 (Mexn): The Sumi Hoho, an apex body of the Sumi people, has passed a resolution that has ‘debarred’ the participation of one Luhevi Achumi from “active participation” in any Sumi social organisation for a period of six years with effect from April 2016. The resolution was passed in an emergency meeting of the Hoho at Sumi Hoho Ki, Zunheboto, held on April 13. In a press release to the media, Sumi Hoho Vice President, Khehoshe Yepthomi, and General Secretary, Vihuto Achumi, stated that the house “deliberated seriously” on a speech delivered by Luhevi Achumi, GB of Luhevi village, during the Western Sumi Hoho Annual session held on April 5, 2016 at Chekiye Village, Dimapur. The Sumi Hoho in its resolution stated that it viewed his remarks as ‘demeaning’ its “dignity and prestige” and was “detrimental to the Sumi ethos of inherent unity, integrity and classless society that prevails among the Sumi people.”


Why no sHrc has been possible in nagaland yet



Bryant scores 60 points in final game of career

NPF suspends Imkong L Imchen

KohIMA, AprIl 14 (Mexn): The Naga People’s Front (NPF) has suspended sitting MLA from Koridang A/C, Imkong L Imchen, from active and primary membership of the Party with immediate effect until further orders. This order was passed by the President of the NPF, Dr. Shürhozelie Liezietsu, in exercise of his powers under Article V Section 9 read with Article XIV of the NPF Constitution. The order also stated that the MLA’s activities in the recent past have been “adversely affecting the fragile nature of the reconciliation process as well as mutilating the hard earned unity within the party.”

To this effect, Imchen had been issued a show-cause notice by the Party in February this year, to which he had responded the same month. As per the NPF, the response lacked ‘effective explanation’ for his activities. The Disciplinary Action Committee of the NPF during its “sitting” held in March last made a recommendation for Imchen’s suspension from the primary and active membership of the Party “after proper application of mind on the matter.” It led to his eventual suspension for ‘substantively effecting’ the reconciliation within the Party, which is “still under way” in some areas.

The Supreme Court of India, on April 10, 2016 directed governments of the States of Nagaland, Mizoram, Arunachal Pradesh, Meghalaya and Delhi, among others, to set up State Human Rights Commissions (SHRC) within the next six months. In keeping with this “time bound” exercise, the Nagaland State Home Department is on the job in “all earnestness,” informed Nagaland State Home Commissioner Neihu C. Thur, while speaking to The Morung Express. In January this year, the Home Department had sent out a notification, following the approval of the State Cabinet, to set up an SHRC in Nagaland. The chairperson and members of the SHRC, the notification stated, shall be appointed by a Committee headed by the Chief Minister and the Speaker of the Legislative Assembly, the State Home Minister and Leader of Opposition in the State Legislative Assembly as members. The homework for the

said Committee is currently being done by the Nagaland Home Department. “It is not a simple exercise. We have to search for suitable and willing candidates,” said Thur. The SHRC will be headed by a chairperson who has been a Chief Justice of a High Court, one member who has been a Judge (retired or serving) of a High Court and another member from amongst persons having knowledge of, or practical experience in, matters relating to human rights. While there may be no dearth of persons in the third category, it has become a task for the Home Department to find a “suitable and willing” candidate in the first two categories—Nagaland itself has no Chief Justice of a High Court who is eligible for the post and no Judge (retired or serving) in any High Court. Nagaland State itself does not have a High Court. “We have received applications from the State for the first two positions but they are not eligible. Where do we get an ex chief justice from?” wondered an exasperated senior bureaucrat of the State, who has been

working closely to set up the SHRC. Nagaland State, he said, has been attempting to establish one for the past two years but many glitches have hindered the process. “We have tried to contact relevant persons from other states to take up the posts but those who are eligible are not willing and those who are willing are not eligible,” the officer lamented. Most judges and justices from other states are engaged in various similar posts, also on other commissions, elsewhere in the Indian Union; many others prefer to be in their own State, while others don’t make the age cut off. If the State is unable to find candidates, the bureaucrat suggested that a “remodelling” of the terms to hold such post in Nagaland State may be in order. The Human Rights Commission is an autonomous high power human rights watch body which derives its authority from the Protection of Human Rights Act, 1993. Till date, only 24 states in India have set up SHRCs. Apart from the above cited reasons, problems of fund-

ing and logistics have deterred many states from establishing their own watch body. In Nagaland’s case, for instance, if and when the “suitable and willing” candidates are found, the State will have to provide adequate infrastructure—least of all, a building for the operation of the SHRC, residential arrangements—apart from security which will have to be given and a full time Investigation Wing provided, headed by a Superintendent of Police. Some bureaucrats of the Nagaland State Government had also suggested that one human rights commission for all of the North East be set up in Guwahati, but the proposition was declined. In the region, Assam, Tripura and Manipur have established SHRCs. However, the office of the chairperson and member have been lying vacant in Manipur since 2010, making it a defunct body. According to the National Human Rights Commission website, the same situation applies to a handful of more states including Jammu & Kashmir and Himachal Pradesh.

Nagaland imports animal husbandry Assam-NL border issue is political: GPRN/NSCN products worth Rs.214.74 crore: survey Our Correspondent Kohima | April 14

Nagaland produces 66.68 percent of the total requirement of livestock which is worth Rs 1673.35 crore and leaves behind a shortfall of 33.32 percent, according to the Sample Survey Report of 2014-15 published in the Nagaland Economic Survey 2015-16. On the shortfall, Nagaland state imported animal husbandary products worth Rs 214.74 crore in monetary terms, the Sur-

vey which was published by the Economics & Statistics Department stated. The value of import of meat, eggs and dairy products which stood at Rs 215.46 crore in 2013-14 registered a fall of Rs 0.72 crore in 201415. Production of milk, meat and egg in the state during 2014-15 was 75.92 thousand tonnes, 39.27 thousand tonnes and 706 lakh numbers respectively. The report stated that there has been a decline in imports of animal husbandary products which has

been made possible due to implementation of various livestock and poultry programmes through the Department of Veterinary & Animal Husbandry, Nagaland. The report maintained that livestock development in the state improved through adaption of various strategies. Charting out of road map, Vision 2020, revival and improvement of the traditional backyard livestock and poultry farming, conversion of dem-

onstration farms into breeding and production units, setting up of private commercial and rural breeding farms on Private Public Partnership mode are some initiatives which have scaled up production in this sector, the report claimed. It also maintained that increase in the level of production of animal husbandry products has positive impact on the availability and per capita consumption rate in Nagaland state.

DIMApur, AprIl 14 (Mexn): The GPRN/ NSCN has asserted today that the Assam-Nagaland border issue is political, not administrative. In a press release issued by its MIP, the political group maintained that the particular boundary issue is “a result of British mismanagement” of indigenous Naga people and their land “without taking the landowners into confidence.” It pointed out that “arbitrary division of ancestral Naga lands did not matter to them so long as their administrative and political

objectives were met.” It further stated that after (Indian) independence, successive Indian governments “failed to transfer Naga lands to Nagaland.” Quoting the Sir Akbar Hydari Agreement of 1947, the GPRN/NSCN stated that Clause 4 and 6 state that approximately an area of 4,974.16 Sq. Miles occupied by Assam “must be transferred back to Nagaland.” Asserting that “ancestral land of the Nagas” cannot be used to “accommodate illegal immigrants and other landless people,” the group urged the Dima-

pur district administration to give “full co-operation” to United Naga Tribes Association of Border Areas (UNTABA), which is “diligently working to educate both the Nagas and Assamese to live in peace recognizing historical facts about ancestral Naga lands.” Stating that the historical facts “cannot be erased,” the GPRN/NSCN demanded the State government to “direct the district administration in all border areas to assist UNTABA in protecting and defending Naga lands against immigrants.” Full text on page 10

‘Absolute power & absolute corruption’ in Nagaland implement food security Act: AcAUt nagaland urges

NPCC protest against undemocratic actions of BJP Morung Express News Kohima | April 14

The Nagaland Pradesh Congress Committee (NPCC) held a protest rally against what they termed as the “undemocratic and vindictive actions of BJP government against Congress ruled states,” at the Congress Bhavan premises here today. The rally was chaired by Jonathan Ao, General Secretary NPCC, and attended by its representatives from various districts. Pointing out the “vindictive activities” of BJP, Langpha, Ex MLA alleged the “forced conversions” to Hinduism in the country from 2014 to 2016 by the Vishwa Hindu Parishad, “demolishing” of Churches, “intentional declarations” of working days on Christian holidays such as the declaration of Good Friday as Good Governance Day by the Prime Minister and declaration of Christmas as a working day. Langpha also cited the approach of the Minister of External Affairs, Sushma Swaraj, to adopt the Gita as the National book of India, and Nagaland & Assam Governor PB Acharya’s pamphlets on Bharat mata distributed to delegates on Republic Day of 2015. Takamasa Ao, ex-MLA, in his speech blamed the BJP government for their “prejudices and propagandas” which are “dividing” the country. Citing the many examples across the nation state, Ao accused the BJP of using the law in their own way to topple the Congress party. “What will happen to India?” questioned Ao, while pointing out that in a democ-

Posters seen at an NPCC rally held in Kohima on April 14. (Morung Photo)

racy both the majority and the minority has to be respected. On a day when the birth anniversary of the Chief Architect of the Indian constitution, BR Ambedkar, is being commemorated, Ao stated that the rally is a “timely intervention” wherein the Constitution has been “misused” by the BJP government. “They (BJP) are against the Constitution. They are anti-people. They have no respect for the public mandate. They have lost respect for the Republic of India and for the Constitution of India,” said K Therie at the rally. Stating that the opposition-less government has led to “absolute power and absolute corruption,” he maintained that people do not even notice that the 14,000 crores budget is for the people but it has never reached the people. “Our roads, our schools, our hospitals, our rations, our salaries, where have all those gone? I do not see any difference between NPF

and BJP anymore. They are one, hand in glove. They are one coin playing the game against Christianity,” asserted Therie. Further asserting that the nation is no more secure under the Constitution of India, and that the rule of the BJP has led to a “breakdown” of the Constitution, Therie accused the BJP and NPF as having “no moral, no decency; they have no ideology or philosophy. They are all for money and power.” “My appeal to the people of Nagaland and the nation is to restore the moral of the nation, to restore the Constitution and to restore the democracy,” concluded Therie. The rally ended with slogans chanted by the participants “Down with Undemocratic and vindictive action of BJP against congress ruled states,” “BJPMurderer of Democracy” and “Oppositionless Government- Absolute power, Absolute Corruption”.

DIMApur, AprIl 14 (Mexn): ACAUT Nagaland has called for the Nagaland State government to immediately implement the Food Security Act (FSA) in the State. Whereas 32 states and union territories in the Indian Union have implemented the FSA, Nagaland and Manipur are the only states which have not done so, informed a press release from the ACAUT media cell today. The urgency for FSA in the State, ACAUT Nagaland stated, is highlighted by the fact that “none of the State stockist” for PDS items has been appointed through tendering process (Notice Inviting Tender- NIT), thereby “clearly highlighting the illegality and arbitrariness in the PDS.” To get around this, ACAUT Nagaland expressed the opinion that the “only fool-proof model” would be to the Direct beneficiary Transfer (DBP) system, as already implemented in Puducherry and Chandigarh, where benefit or subsidy money is directly transferred to the beneficiary account. With this money, “the beneficiary should be able to buy the food items.” The body alleged that the Public Distribution System (PDS) in the State has become a “looter’s paradise for a few corrupted people.” The PDS, it stated, is “marked by rampant corruption whereby wholesome diversion of rice, wheat, kerosene, levy sugar, etc., meant for poor

beneficiaries is the order of the day, thanks to bureaucrats and politicians cohorting in criminal tandem with stockists, power of attorney holders and nominees,” ACAUT Nagaland accused. Moreover, “almost all” the stockists, they stated, have “handed the power of attorney to non-local businessmen,” which, they asserted, is the “cog in the wheel” of the corruption system in the PDS. As per records found by ACAUT Nagaland, in levy sugar, for instance, there was “no tendering process” in the last 15 years except in the year 2014-15. Keeping this in mind, the body maintained that the “misappropriation” of Rs. 402 crores by the Food & Civil Supplies Department, as reflected in CAG report, is “just the tip of the iceberg.” Condemning this “blatant corruption,” ACAUT Nagaland resolved to continue to pursue this matter in the interest of the “thousands of hand-to-mouth Nagas who depend on subsidized dole-outs.” While interacting with the ACAUT members, an F&CS official “divulged” that the system to implement FSA is already in place, only requires cabinet nod to start the process, stated the press release. Therefore, “there is no valid reason for the government to delay the implementation of the FSA unless it wants to continue with the old PDS for obvious reasons.”

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