April 1st, 2016

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FriDAY • APriL 01 • 2016

DIMAPUR • Vol. XI • Issue 88 • 12 PAGes • 5

T H e

ESTD. 2005

Patience is bitter, but its fruit is sweet

P o W e R


T R u T H

— Aristotle

‘Agriculture is largest employer of workforce in Nagaland’

Nuclear terrorism fears loom over atomic summit

o F

West Indies Men, Women enter World T20 finals



Kolkata flyover crash kills 21 Kohima preps up for

KolKata, March 31 (IaNS): Twenty-one people were killed when a flyover under construction crashed in a crowded market area here on Thursday, crushing scores of unsuspecting people and some vehicles, top officials and witnesses said. “We had earlier given the death count as 18. Now police have seen three more bodies, which they will extricate,” Chief Minister Mamata Banerjee said while on a visit to the Calcutta Medical College and Hospital here. The chief minister said of the 18 bodies kept in the hospitals, 15 have been identified. Twelve of them have been handed over to the family members. Rescue efforts were still on and would continue through the night. A National Disaster Response Force (NDRF) official put the number of injured around 100. Hundreds of locals were the first to reach the site at Posta area in the city’s northern part to see how best they could rescue those buried in the heaps of debris before official rescue workers and police joined them. Nearly 500 army men that included 10 military medical teams, ambulances, paramedics, rescue teams with sophisticated gas cutters and cranes, besides police, disaster response teams and fire brigade per-


By Sandemo Ngullie

2nd smart city list Chizokho Vero

Kohima | March 31

A general view of the collapsed flyover in Kolkata, March 31. (REUTERS)

sonnel transported the badly injured as well as nearly dying to hospitals and extricated corpses. Prime Minister Narendra Modi expressed “shock” over the tragedy. “My thoughts are with the families of those who lost their lives,” he tweeted. The accident spot represented a horrific site. Body parts were strewn in the debris. Blood was splattered on the streets. A video of the disaster showed the Vivekananda Road Flyover -- whose foundation was laid in 2008 and

where work began in February 2009 -- suddenly crashing with a roar, giving no time for anyone under it to escape. “There was a sudden thundering noise” as the flyover crashed, a witness said. He said he saw the flyover collapse over taxis, auto-rickshaws and other vehicles besides people who were walking under it. With the collapsed flyover covering the entire road, rescue operations were badly hampered as cranes found it difficult to reach the spot. Later, people

Banerjee formed two expert teams to look into the reasons for the mishap and suggest remedies. Following her instructions, police filed an FIR against the implementing agency IVRCL Infrastructure, whose owner described the disaster as an “act of god”. Experts from KharagpurIIT and Jadavpur University, however, told IANS that lack of proper planning, delays, lacunae in design and bad tendering could have triggered the collapse. Related news 8

opment which means it would be over Rs 3000 crore worth project, he added. Another positive sign is that over 30 departments in Nagaland have already signed MoU for convergence programme on Smart City mission, he said. According to Dr Aier, the main vision of Kohima Smart City, if selected would have so much potential in terms of nature and cultural assets, geostrategic location, adding that Kohima can become a regional hub of tourism. Earlier in the day, a consultation meeting with the various HODs and AHDOs along with consultants from Voyants Solutions Pvt. Ltd was held. The consultants for Kohima Smart City assured that they were trying to sort out all shortcomings, highlight the strength of Kohima and the uniqueness of the location, adding that they are looking at everything to strengthen the proposal for figuring Kohima in the next Smart City list. A core issue now is to come up with concrete proposal on revenue enhancement and land aspects, the consultation meeting also decided.

MTLT criticizes School Education Nagas need to understand the ‘World refugee crises’ Visier Sanyü Dept for inadequate text books Dr. Meyasetsu cites

MoKoKchUNG, March 31 (MExN): The Mokokchung Town Lanur Telongjem (MTLT) has criticized the Nagaland State School Education Department for deficiencies in the distribution of textbooks and uniform to students, and release of grants to schools. A press note from the MTLT informed that several government school students in Mokokchung are attending classes without adequate textbooks. “There are hundreds of students from different family backgrounds studying in the different Sorry there’s nothing for government schools. As such, the you ... now scat! students attending their classes without adequate textbooks are teetering on the brink as the first terminal examination is barely a month away,” it stated. The MTLT questioned how the students would fare in their examination “given this dire inadequacy.” It further informed that schools have resorted to the “desperate measures” of photocopying the previous year’s textbooks in order to make up for this inadequacy. It however asked the School Education Department as to “how far such temporal arrangements will sustain.”

Ao Senden warns against social media ‘slanderers’


formed human chains to regulate the flow of soldiers. Amid sights of despair and distress, angry locals vented their ire against the state government’s “feeble” attempts to rescue the injured, alleging that the state’s disaster management units “arrived late” and came virtually “empty-handed”. The chief minister, who personally supervised the rescue efforts, announced a compensation of Rs.5 lakh to the families of the dead, Rs.2 lakh each for the critically injured and Rs.1 lakh for those who suffered minor injuries.

Kohima City has lost out to other Smart City contenders as it failed to meet the ambitious benchmark set by the Ministry of Urban Development, Government of India. Government of India has already announced the list of 20 cities selected to be taken for development as smart cities in Phase 1 of the Smart City Project in which list, Kohima does not figure. Addressing a press conference in Kohima, Parliamentary Secretary for Municipal Affairs and Economics & Statistics, R Tohanba announced the disappointing news albeit with renewed hope. The Nagaland State capital is amongst another 23 smart cities provided with an opportunity to upgrade their proposals on fast track basis. “A revised Detailed Project Report (DPR) for the Kohima Smart City will be resubmitted to the Ministry of Urban Development, GoI, before April 15, 2016, and it is hoped that this time, Kohima will be selected for the Smart

City Project, Tohanba informed. The Parliamentary Secretary said they have been holding consultations with various stakeholders to get Kohima qualified for the Smart City. A state level consultation will take place either on April 5 or 9 where Chief Minister TR Zeliang will also be present, he informed. Optimistic that this time round Kohima will figure under the Smart City Mission, Tohanba said the municipal affairs department in close coordination with Kohima Municipal Council (KMC), consultants from Voyants Solutions Pvt. Ltd and stakeholders are doing its best to get Kohima qualified in the smart city list. State Secretary Commissioner of Municipal Affairs, Dr Maongwati Aier, present at the press conference disclosed that Rs 1000 crore would be pumped in Kohima once it is declared for the Smart City Project. He said that Smart City Project would be implemented on Public-Private Partnership (PPP) mode. At least five firms have expressed their desire for the Kohima Smart City devel-

DIMaPUr, March 31 (MExN): Taking strong exception of certain groups, individuals ‘slandering’ the name of its office in social media, the Ao Senden, apex body of the Ao Nagas has asked all concerned to act responsibly in words and action while using the social media platform. In a declaration, Ao Senden President Imolemba Jamir and General Secretary S Panger Ao on Thursday warned that any one found defaming and or trying to demean the name of “Ao Senden without any concrete reasons will not be forgiven.” It also declared that any individual or groups found in such deeds through social media networks will be “dealt with sternly as per the customs of the Aos.” While pointing out that the freedom of speech and expression enshrined in the constitution as well as net neutrality comes with a responsibility, it urged every right thinking citizens or groups to come to the table for clarification if any, without apprehension, so that misunderstanding (s) can be cleared without prejudice.

It asked “what has happened to the textbooks keeping in mind that some classes have received their textbooks whereas some have not.” “Are the textbooks under the SSA scheme meant only for some classes?” The MTLT also lamented that the free uniform distribution scheme “ironically has no uniformity.” It informed that “there are many families finding it hard to afford the stitching cost, though the uniform cloth came for free. Hence, it’s a burden rather than a privilege to wear the uniforms.” It then expressed concern that schools in the district have not been receiving their ‘school maintenance and repairing’ and ‘school grant.’ It demanded that the due grants be released in a timely manner for the smooth functioning of the schools. Meanwhile, the MTLT welcomed the Nagaland State Governor’s move to order a probe into the Education Department, and reiterated the ACAUT’s demand for CBI probe into the whole issue. The MTLT alleged that “there are uncountable discrepancies in the Education Department which need to be rectified at the earliest.”

the foundation of human greed for the refugee crisis and cautions it would change history

JotSoMa, March 31 (MExN): The 3rd Annual Lecture 2016 organised by Sazolie College, Jotsoma was held on March 31 at the college auditorium with Dr. Visier Sanyü Meyasetsu speaking on the topic ‘World Refugee Crisis: Challenges and Responsibilities’. The world refugee crisis, he stated, began with the “foundation of human greed,” and cautioned that this crisis would change history. There are approximately 59.5 million people forcibly displaced in the world. This includes 19.5 million refugees, of which 5.1 million people are Palestinians.

The United Nation defines a refugee as a person who, “owing to a well founded fear of being persecuted for reasons of race, religion, nationality, membership of a particular social group or political opinion, is outside the country of his nationality and is unable to or owing to such fear is unwilling to avail himself of the protection of that country.” Dr Meyasetsu spoke about his experiences working for refugees, dating back to his Pre-University (PU) studies in Darjeeling, which was affected by Naxals, and when he volunteered in a refugee camp. He further spoke of his trip to the Mae La refugee camp in Thailand, and explained the lives of the 60,000 Burmese refugees sheltered inside the camp. Quoting from the Bible, Dr. Meyasetsu stated that as Christians it is every believer’s responsibility to be responsible towards refugees. In order to understand the

refugee crisis, he stated one needs to understand the personal history of the victims and have a realistic approach towards their situation. He further opined that the best way to tackle the refugee crisis is through education. Dr Meyasetsu further noted the large number of Tibetan refugees in Nagaland, and stressed on the importance of how the Naga people treat refugees in our homeland. He also differentiated between illegal immigrants and economic migrants from refugees. He stated that while illegal immigrants/economic migrants leave their hometown for employment and other economic opportunities, refugees are compelled to leave their country due to persecution in their own land. During the Q&A session, Dr Meyasetsu highlighted homelessness, statelessness, financial crisis, depression and mental instability as the major issues faced by

refugees. The Naga people, he said, have also experienced internal displacement, during the years before the ceasefire. This was a time he stated when the Indian armed forces burned down several Naga villages, leaving the people homeless. On the issue of illegal immigration, Dr Meyasetsu said that while it is legal to send back illegal immigrants, he however cautioned that this must not be done by force. To tackle illegal immigration in the state, Dr Meyasetsu said the only solution is to tackle one’s own laziness. Nagas are a threat to themselves, he opined, and pointed to “laziness” as the main source. He further lamented the Nagaland State Government’s inability to properly understand and tackle the issue of illegal immigration. For this to change, he advised the students in the conference to work hard, be vigilant, alert and mindful.

Part II: CAG Report on Nagaland State finances Our Correspondent Kohima | March 31

The report of the Comptroller and Auditor General of India (CAG) on Nagaland State Finances for the year ended 31 March 2015, which was tabled in the recently concluded State assembly session in Kohima, while referring to overview of funds transferred directly from the Government of India (GoI) to Nagaland State, noted that during 2014-15, an approximate amount of Rs. 122.99 crore was directly transferred by GoI to the State Implementing Agencies. The report stated that as long as these funds remain outside the State budget, there is no single agency monitoring its use, and there is no readily available data on how much is actually spent in any particular year on important schemes which are being implemented by State implementing agencies but are funded directly by the GoI. Government investment The CAG found that the Nagaland

State Government had invested Rs. tions under revenue section, 51 ization by the Legislature under Ar278.44 crore in Statutory Corpora- grants under capital section offset ticle 205 of the Constitution of India. The Report stated that a rush of tions, Rural Banks, Joint Stock Com- by excess of Rs. 17.37 crore in 5 grants panies and Cooperatives by the end under revenue section and 3 grants expenditure was noticed in 6 cases in of March 2015. The average returns under capital section and 1 appro- which expenditure exceeding Rs. 10 on this investment was nil during the priation (Public Debt- Repayment). crore or more than 50 per cent of the The report stated that during the total expenditure was incurred in the last five years, the report stated. It recommended that the gov- year, though the overall saving was last quarter of 2014-15 and in some ernment should cases in the month of March 2015. ensure better value • No monitoring agency of funds that are The report stated that there of money in investwere 198 AC Bills involving Rs. outside the State budget 185.52 crore awaiting adjustment by identifying the companies/cor- • Nagaland State invested Rs. 278.44 crore ment due to non- submission of porations which are DCC Bills for long periods and with zero returns during last 5 years endowed with low therefore was fraught with the financial but high • Departmental inquiries suggested to risk of misappropriation. “Budgetary controls should socio- economic rebring defaulters to book be strengthened in all the govturns and justify if high cost borrowing ernment departments, particuare worth being channelized there. Rs. 2892.61 crore only, the amount larly in the departments where savInitiatives may be taken to revive or surrendered was Rs. 2908.24 crore ings/excess persisted for last five close down or sell out the huge loss (100.54 per cent). There was also an years. A close and rigorous monimaking corporations/companies. excess expenditure of Rs. 38.78 crore toring mechanism should be put in in 9 grants during 2014-15. This ex- place by the DDOs to adjust the AbFinancial management cess expenditure together with an ex- stract Contingent Bills within sixty and budgetary control cess expenditure of Rs. 572.19 crore days from the date the amounts are There was saving of Rs. 2909.98 pertaining to 2000-01 and 2005-06, drawn,” the report stated. crore in 71 grants and 6 appropria- 2008-09 to 2013-14 require regularThe report stated that timely sub-

mission of utilization certificates is a major area of concern. At the end of March 2015, 104 UCs involving an aggregate amount of Rs. 217.65 crore were pending for submission even after a lapse of one to five years from various departments. Though the accounts of the State autonomous bodies and departmental commercial undertakings were over due, these accounts were not submitted. Non-submission of accounts in time amounted to noncompliance with the financial rules, the report stated. The report also stated that as on March 31, 2015, 34 cases of misappropriations, defalcation etc. involving Rs. 616. 31 crore in 15 departments were pending finalization. The report further added that the accounts of autonomous bodies/ authorities and departmental commercial undertakings need to be finalized at the earliest, adding that “departmental inquiries in all fraud and misappropriation cases should be expedited to bring the defaulters to book.”

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