wednesdAY • APRIL 27 • 2016
DIMAPUR • Vol. XI • Issue 114 • 12 PAGes • 5
T H e
ESTD. 2005
P o W e R
o F
T R u T H
Everyone has been made for some particular work, and the desire for that work has been put in every heart — Rumi Call for effective implementation of COTPA
Obama sends more Special Forces to Syria PAGE 09
By Sandemo Ngullie
Thunder roll over Mavericks, Clippers’ Paul breaks hand
PAGe 12
controversies plague JnnUrM housing scheme-i Morung Express news Kohima | April 26
An application signed by all the staff demanding they be allowed to attend office and work in their undergarments.
The Morung Express Poll QuEsTion
Vote on www.morungexpress.com sMs your answer to 9862574165 Do you agree with the Nagaland Home Minister’s statement that the State government is committed to fight corruption? Yes
Postal employees union pen down strike today DIMAPUR, APRIL 26 (MExN): The Postal Employee’s Union, Nagaland Division along with the rest of the North East States will be participating in the oneday pen down strike called by the All India Postal Employees’ Circle Union, NE Circle on April 27, 2016. According to a press note issued by Daniel Domeh, divisional secretary, AIPEUP III Nagaland Division, the strike has being called to protest against the poor infrastructure and poor network connectivity particularly in the CBS (Core Banking Solution) and CIS roll out Post Offices in NE Circle. All the public transaction in the Post Office across Nagaland will remain closed on this day, it informed.
AKM, Ao Senden accept apology from RMSA over irregularities DIMAPUR, APRIL 26 (MExN): The Ao Senden and the Ao Students’ Conference (AKM) have informed all the intending candidates for the Ao language teacher post under RMSA to apply for the same. The two apex organizations of the Ao community had earlier told the candidates to withhold their application after it detected certain loopholes on the advertisement and selection of the Ao language teachers vide its 2014 advertisement. Following the clarification sought from the RMSA authorities, the Ao Senden president Imolemba Jamir and AKM president L Jemti Longchar, in a joint press statement informed today that the RMSA has conveyed its regret and apology for the irregularities. After thorough deliberation, the two organizations said it has accepted their tender of apology and therefore asked the candidates to apply for the remaining 16 post of Ao language teacher as advertised earlier.
Over two years after the completion of the 720 lowcost dwellings units under the Jawarharlal Nehru Urban Renewal Mission (JnNURM) urban housing for the poor and marginalized sections, the units remain unoccupied. A number of controversies – ranging from allegation of fund misuse, ineligible candidates making it to the beneficiaries’ list, auction of dwellings by intermediaries to political favoritism have plagued this central housing scheme project. The housing scheme, a flagship programme of the Union ministry of Urban Development during the UPA government, was inaugurated in 2013 at K Badze, near BSF Camp, Kohima. The housing claim to come with provisions of all infrastructure amenities such a school buildings, community hall, water supply, electricity and sanitation. The housing scheme is under the Municipal Affairs Cell (MAC), Directorate of the Urban Development, Nagaland. Of three projects, Nagaland has completed only one at K Badze, Kohima. According to the JnNURM project list (1st April 2016) available online, the physical and financial progress city wise and project wise list indicates that the project in Naga-
JnnRuM dwelling units at K Badze, Kohima which was completed in 2013 but remain unoccupied due to controversies plaguing the housing scheme. (Morung Photo)
land costs Rs 133.08 crore where the Central share of Rs 105.60 crore has already been released. The data further indicate that the project consists of 3504 dwelling units where “3424 has already been completed and the remaining 80 dwelling units are still in progress.” Interestingly, the data also revealed that “1,992 dwelling units have already been occupied.” Contrary to the information provided on the website, the buildings at K Badze, Kohima, which has 720 dwelling units and is the only completed project till date, remains unoccupied to date. The other two projects, one in Meriema and another in Rüziezou (both in the outskirt of Kohima town) is nearing
completion. A booklet published by the Directorate of Urban Development mentions that out of 20 wards in Kohima, 2213 beneficiaries applied for the housing out of which 1872 were selected- which includes 1162 males and 701 females. The list also had 9 differentlyable people. The housing project is already running in rough weather with the suspension of the Head of Department, Municipal affairs Cell for a number of reasons, one of which includes alleged fund mismanagement of the JnNURM.
Bogus beneficiaries
A number of selected beneficiaries included in the booklet are alleged bogus beneficiaries. Bao, a Ju-
nior Engineer from Municipal Affairs Cell (MAC) said the criterion for availing the dwelling unit is that the beneficiary should have a monthly income below Rs.5000. The beneficiary also has to pay Rs 30,000 for availing the apartment. However, a number of beneficiaries include government employees, businesspersons and political party workers whose monthly income are way above the prescribed income. A government employee, who did not wished to be named, said he bought a dwelling unit in 2015 for Rs. 30,000. According to the government employee, there was no selection process; anyone having the right contact and able to pay Rs 30,000 could buy the
Appoint disability commissioner in accordance with PwD Act 1995: NSDF
DIMAPUR, APRIL 26 (MExN): While appreciating the quick clarification from the Department of Social Welfare, Nagaland, the Nagaland State Disability Forum (NSDF) on Tuesday reiterated its demand that the new State Commissioner for Persons with Disability (SCPD) should be appointed in accordance to the criteria under the rules of appointment as laid down in the Persons with Disabilities (PwD) Act 1995. According to the PwD rules of appointment, a person is not qualified for appointment as a Commission-
er unless he or she has special knowledge or practical experience in respect of matters relating to rehabilitation. The Forum in a press statement issued by president Kezhaleto Zecho and advisor Diethono Nakhro pointed out that there are 29,631 persons with disabilities in Nagaland (2011 Census), many of whom live in abject poverty, lack access to health care, education, suffer physical or sexual violence and remain invisible and neglected. From attaining education to securing a job to being able to just move around and have a regular life, these are all
huge challenges for an average person with disability, it stated. In this context, the Forum said it is imperative that the SCPD must be a qualified and experienced person with disability or someone with proper and special knowledge and experience in disability matters. It went on to elaborate that the just appointment of SCPD will ensure government’s commitment to promote, protect and ensure the full and equal enjoyment of all human rights and fundamental freedoms by all persons with disabilities, and to promote respect for their inherent dignity.
nUn resents non-release of funds for tB programs
1.26 million children under 5-years die in India every year
DIMAPUR, APRIL 26 (MExN): The Nagaland Users’ Network (NUN) has expressed deep resentment over the ‘lackadaisical attitude and failure’ of the State government to release funds meant for Tuberculosis (TB) program in the state. In a release, Renbonthung Tungoe (Advocacy Officer), NUN stated that quality service cannot be implemented in the presence of delay in funds or its shortage. It expressed apprehension that this could lead to spread of new TB infections, and compromise its treatment success rate. It stated that the Central TB division has already sanctioned the total amount to the state RNTCP division; however, there have been reports of repeated delay in funds from the state treasury to the RNTCP. In this regard, the NUN said, “this financial crunch will surely de-motivate those working tirelessly in the TB programs. It will thus make it
difficult to reach the national targets.” While acknowledging the RNTCP division for continuing the program implementation despite the financial challenges, NUN has urged the government to accelerate the release of the remaining amount of Rs 95.35 lakh for the TB program (2015-16). Further, the NUN challenged the government to give priority to the health sector and that funds should not be made into an issue in addressing the health needs of its citizens. NUN, while highlighting the State TB program report, said the 10,195 cases of regular TB, 248 cases of MDRTB and one case of XDRTB as reported between 2013-15 indicated a high proportion of TB infection in the state. In this regard, the NUN said the government needs to seriously and earnestly put focus on addressing the ‘epidemic’ burden before the situation goes out of control.
NEW DELHI, APRIL 26 (PTI): More than a million children under the age of five die in India every year and 57 per cent of the deaths occur within the first 28 days with prematurity and neonatal infections being the major causes, the government said today. “According to Sample Registration System (SRS) 2013, 1.26 million children under the age of five are estimated to die in India every year. “57 per cent of underfive deaths occur in neonatal period, which is within the first 28 days of life, the major causes being prematurity and low birth-weight, neonatal infections, birth asphyxia and birth trauma,” Health Minister J P Nadda said in a written reply in Rajya Sabha. He said the major causes of under-five deaths in postneonatal period are pneumonia and diarrhea.
dwelling unit. “After suspension of the MAC Director, I was informed that the flat will not be allotted to me,” he added. A businessman from Midland Colony said he applied for a flat for Rs 42,000. “We were approached by the ‘colony.’ Since the poor could not afford it, they offered us and so we applied,” the businessman, on condition of anonymity, admitted.
Political favoritism
Even though the Municipal Affairs Cell is in charge of the JnNURM housing scheme, the responsibility for selection of the beneficiaries was given to the colony/wards authorities. But in the case of New Market area and AG Col-
ony, the selection of beneficiaries has been made into a political affair. “It was purely a political selection” as workers from one political party took the initiative. “We did not have any hand on the selection,” a ward leader from New Market disclosed. AG Colony Chairman, Akhrieo also said that the colony ward leaders did not select the beneficiaries but the party workers did. “Our job was just to compile the list of applicants with necessary documents. The selected list was never made public. The houses were sold out and some even allotted to non-Naga inhabitants under bogus names,” another source from New Market Colony involved in the process of application said.
There are also allegation that many of the beneficiaries are alleged supporters of political leaders and top government department officials.
More controversy?
The housing project is running into fresh controversy. Following the suspension of the MAC Director, a revision of the list of earlier selected beneficiaries was made and a new list has come up- a copy of which was made available to The Morung Express. In this final list of the 720 beneficiaries, over a hundred beneficiaries belong to a single village. The names of colony/wards are not mentioned in the list. Almost 10 percent of the beneficiaries have income above Rs. 5000.
‘Make Nagaland a tobacco free state’
Effective enforcement of Tobacco Control Act stressed our Correspondent Kohima | April 26
There is a need to make concerted effort to control the menace of tobacco and effective enforcement of Tobacco control Act in Nagaland. This was stressed at the State level advocacy workshop on tobacco control for departmental law enforcement officers held here today at the Directorate of Health & Family Welfare. Speaking on the occasion, Chief Secretary Pankaj Kumar urged each and every individual to fight the menace of tobacco. He said that passing of an Act cannot control the habit of consuming tobacco unless every sections of people are aware of the harmful effects of consuming tobacco. He appealed to the NGOs and all the civil societies to actively involve in giving awareness programme to the common people. He suggested that all the educational institutions should follow hundred yards of tobacco free zone since most of the tobacco consumers are aged between 15 to 24 years Health & family welfare principal director Dr. Sukhato A Sema said that India is the leading signatory of FCTC treaty which lead to the enactment of the law called COTPA 2003 in the parliament. 180 countries at present are treaty partners of FCTC. Dr. Sema said the objective of organizing the state level advocacy workshop is to enable the departmental law enforcement officers to understand tobacco Control laws (COTPA 2003, the Cigarettes & Other Tobacco Product Act). He said that tobacco is the single largest preventable cause
ToBACCo sCEnARio in nAGAlAnD
• Tobacco consumption: 57% • Male Tobacco users: 68% • Female tobacco users: 28% • School children smoking: 37% • Male school children smoking: 55% • Female school children smoking: 18% • School children tobacco users (smokeless): 41%, • Male school children smokeless form users: 50% • Female school children smokeless form users: 33%
Source: Global School Personal Survey (GSPS) 2003.
of premature death and disease worldwide (WHO). Globally, Tobacco kills 5.4 million people every year. Tragically, more than 80% of these deaths occur in the developing world (India). Each year 8-9 lakh Indians dies due to tobacco related diseases. All these deaths are preventable. He also said that more than 2200 Indians die everyday due to tobacco use. Indian has the highest number of oral cancer cases in the world and 90% of all oral cancers are related to the tobacco use. Almost 50% of all cancers in India are due to tobacco use. By 2010, nearly 1 million people have died every year because of smoking in India. 70% of smokers, who will die, will be between the ages of 30 and 69. The principal director said that Second Hand Smoke (SHS) is equally harmful (i.e. inhaling smoke from other’s cigarettes or bidis) He said according to Nagaland School Oral Health Survey- 2014, (8-13 yrs or class 3 to 8 ), it registered smokeless users at 28.3%, smoking- 14.8% and children buying tobacco for parents 41.2%. Talking on burden or tobacco and state tobacco profile, Dr. H. Hotokhu Chishi, joint director Dental & State Nodal Officer NTCP, Directorate of Health & Family Welfare said that globally, tobacco is the only legal products that kills 50% of its users. There are 1 billion smokers in the world. 20% of women com-
prise world smokers. Globally tobacco kills 5.4 million people every year. 90% of oral cancers are due to tobacco use. India is the third largest producer of Tobacco in the world (next to China & Brasil) and also second largest consumer in the world (next to China). Dr. Chishi said that 8-9 Lakhs of Indians die every year due to tobacco. India has the largest number of oral cancer in the world. On Tobacco related referral cases (Oral Cancer) in Nagaland, Dr. Chishi said that altogether 234 number f tobacco related pre-cancerous cases detected during the last 3 years ( 27 in 2007, 120 in 2008 and 96 in 2009). Further, 155 number of tobacco related cancerous confirmed and referred outside the state during the last 3 years ( 18 in 2007, 69 in 2008 and 28 in 2009). He also highlighted the tobacco scenario in Nagaland. D. Chishi stressed on the need to stay away from use of tobacco and make Nagaland a tobacco free state. The inaugural function was chaired by health & family welfare secretary Senti Ao while vote of thanks was proposed by NHM MD Dr. Yankho Lotha. Chief Judicial Magistrate Kohima, Mezivolu T. Therieh talked on Tobacco Control Act (COTPA 2003) while Dr. N.Savino, additional director talked on role of enforcement officers. Dr. C. Tetseo, DNO Dimapur talked on enforcement model while closing remark was given by Dr. N. M.Kithan.