FriDAY • APriL 29 • 2016
DIMAPUR • Vol. XI • Issue 116 • 12 PAGes • 5
T H e
ESTD. 2005
P o W e R
When I was a little boy, they called me a liar, but now that I am grown up, they call me a writer Trump’s foreign policy speech offers few details but clear message – ‘America first’ PAGE 09
o F
T R u T H
— Isaac Bashevis Singer
Atletico secure win over Bayern
Call to discourage ‘tribal interests & human greed’ PAGE 02
Kohima declared ‘smoke free city’
By Sandemo Ngullie
Our Correspondent Kohima | April 28
What stadium? What we need is a big cemetery to bury our govt’ health centers , govt’ school, govt’ quarters, govt’ buses and govt’ abandoned projects.
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Slaughter of cattle for sale banned at Jalukie JalukIe, aprIl 28 (DIpr): SDO (S) Jalukie, Rhosietho Nguori, in an order, has issued that in the view of the animal’s epidemic prevailing in Jalukie Sub-Division, slaughter of buffaloes and other cattle for sale in Jalukie Sub-Division is banned with immediate effect till further order. This order is issued for the safety and general interest of the public. Necessary action deemed fit will be imposed upon those acting in contravention to this order.
DCC Dimapur serves ‘ultimatum’ DImapur, aprIl 28 (mexN): Expressing grave concern over the dilapidated road condition within Dimapur town and NH-29, the District Congress Committee Dimapur (DCCD) has asked the PWD & BRTF Dimapur Division to repair the road within 30 days. “It is not only necessary but has become grave concern for the citizens of Dimapur that the Department concern start repairing the pathetic road conditions in and around Dimapur,” DCCD President, Kughato S. Aye said in a statement received here. The roads are in such a dismal condition because few truck loads of sand gravel has been put into potholes with “cosmetic repairs” which do not last even for few months, it said adding that, few days of shower has left the citizens of Dimapur in distress and the approaching monsoon will put things in worse shape. The DCCD further threatened that it will “initiate agitation in any form for the interest of the public” in the event of failure to repair the roads by the Department concerned within these 30 days.
Nagaland Chief Minister, TR Zeliang is seen here with representatives from different civil society organizations and MLAs outside the Dimapur Airport on April 28 upon his return from Bali, Indonesia, via New Delhi. The Chief Minister was accorded a civic reception for receiving the Lifetime Achievement Award in Transformation at the 6th Global Leadership Awards, Indonesia on April 23. Caisii Mao Photo Story on page 5
NSCN-R leader urges reunion of all NSCNs
NeW DelhI, aprIl 28 (IaNS): Days after the NSCN (Reformation) extended its ceasefire with the Indian government, one of its senior leaders has stressed the urgent need for unity among all NSCN factions for solving the Naga problem. Stating that once there was a golden era for Nagas when there was just one political group, Imlongnukshi Chang, supervisor of the NSCN (Reformation) Ceasefire Supervisory Board, said: “It was the NNC (Naga National
Council). Now with so many groups, if the Nagas want a peaceful solution, they have to get united.” Chang, who was here to hold the ceasefire extension meeting with home ministry officials, said there was a need for the Nagas to understand that there will be no end to the Naga problem until all the factions do away with their ideological differences. “If Nagas desire to settle for an honourable and acceptable solution based on the political and histor-
ical rights of the Nagas, all of us need to come together instead of having individual thoughts,” Chang told IANS. Speaking on the differences among the Nagas, the former NSCN (Khaplang) leader said every Naga should understand there was no space for conflicts, which Khaplang has been wedded to after abrogating the ceasefire. “India is a great country advocating for peace and non-violence in international platforms. So the question does not arise for
us to follow the path of violence,” said Chang, who quit the Khaplang group in early 2015 after the latter abrogated the 14-yearold ceasefire with New Delhi. Chang belongs to NSCN (Reformation), which was the only faction to publicly support the Naga Peace Accord inked between the NSCN (IsakMuivah) and the central government on August 3, 2015. No other faction has supported the accord, citing lack of consensus over the peace accord.
Kohima Deputy Commissioner Rovilatuo Mor today declared Kohima as ‘Smoke Free City.’ During a campaign for Smoke Free Kohima City organised by District Tobacco Control Cell (DTCC), Department of Health and Family Welfare today at Old MLA Hostel junction here, 22 tobacco free schools of the State capital held placards, some of which read ‘Show your care by making a difference’, ‘Burn calories not cigarette’, ‘Consume your ego not tobacco’, ‘Tobacco companies kill their best customers’ etc. They also shouted slogans like ‘Make Kohima a Smoke Free city’ and ‘Breathe Healthy, Live Happy’. Addressing the gathering, Mor declared Kohima as Smoke Free City. He also invited the 22 schools to be ambassadors in transforming Kohima into a smoke free city while also stating that guidelines and rules for adherence by public and enforcement by the district administration and police would be brought out without delay. The DC made the announcement following a representation submitted by the 22 tobacco free schools as part of the campaign. Through the representation, the schools while maintaining that school children are exposed to smoking directly or indirectly, appealed to the authorities to protect the children from tobacco hazards. The representation
Kohima DC Rovilatuo Mor addressing the gathering during the declaration of Kohima as “Smoke Free City” on April 28. (Morung Photo)
also maintained that the Government of India has considered Kohima to be a Smart City even as the Union Ministry of Health and Family Welfare has suggested ‘Smoke Free’ as one of the important criteria in the selection process of the same. Therefore, the students urged the District Administration to declare Kohima as Smoke Free Nagaland Capital to reduce the level of health hazards for common people and particularly children community from exposure to secondhand smoke. Delivering the keynote address, Joint Director of Health & Family Welfare Department, Nagaland, and State Nodal Officer NTCP, Dr. Hotokhu Chishi stated that Tobacco was the only legal product available in the market that kills 50% of its users. He stated that Nagaland State ranks the second highest in the country with 57% of Tobacco Users,
where 28% of School children are tobacco chewers, 14% are smokers and 41% of children buy tobacco products for their parents, relatives and elders. He added that a tobacco product contains 4000 chemicals which destroy any part of the body and causes death to one million people in India every year. He urged the parents to stop sending their children to buy tobacco products in order to protect their children and also appealed citizens to fight against tobacco by not smoking at home and in public transport and public places. A student each from Mount Sinai Higher Secondary School Kohima and Government HSS Seikhazou delivered short speeches on the topics ‘Harmful effects of tobacco’ and ‘My vision for a smoke free Kohima’ respectively. Kohima Municipal Council (KMC) administrator Kovi Meyase chaired the programme.
Bifurcate secondary and Governor for transformative changes in villages Urge intellectuals, Hohos, political higher secondary schools leaders to give serious thought on
ANSTA & NSSFOF serve 20-days ultimatum to Nagaland State Government
kohIma, aprIl 28 (mexN): There is a need for total bifurcation of Elementary/ Secondary Schools from Higher Secondary Schools in Nagaland. The All Nagaland School Teachers Association (ANSTA) and the Nagaland Secondary Schools Field Officers Forum (NSSFOF) have now given the Government of Nagaland a 20days ultimatum to address the issue. In a letter to the Commissioner & Secretary to the Government of Nagaland’s Department of School Education, the organisations stated that in order to promote a “peaceful and conducive” working environment for both the cadres of secondary/ elementary and higher secondary schools so as to produce quality education, it is
important for the two cadres to “function independently.” To this effect, the two organisations have submitted three representations to the government since October 2012 till May 2015. In the recent letter, the bodies stated that despite the “practical reasons” stated by them for the bifurcation, the Government “remains adamant and nothing has been initiated so far.” Thus, a joint meeting of the ANSTA and NSSFOF on April 26, with in-depth discussions on the matter, unanimously decided to serve 20 days ultimatum to the Government with effect from April 27 for “necessary redressal of the same as the issue is the most urgent need of the Department.” The bodies stated that they have “waited long enough” and failure on the part of the Government to take action will lead them to resort to “State Wide Agitation as decided in the Joint meeting.”
Myanmar bans lucrative logging; steps up battle on deforestation
YaNGoN, aprIl 28 (reuterS): Myanmar has banned lucrative logging operations as the newly-elected government of democracy leader Aung San Suu Kyi steps up a battle on deforestation, an environment official said on Thursday. Myanmar’s rich forests are among its most valuable natural resources, but they have been plundered by logging that helped fund the former military regime that ran the country for 49 years, before reforms began in 2011. In April 2014, Myanmar banned export of raw timber logs to slow deforestation and boost its own production. By 2010, forest cover had shrunk to 47 percent of land area from 58 percent in 1990, Forestry Ministry data show. Despite the ban, illegal logging has thrived in northeast Myanmar, where valuable teak and rosewood are smuggled over the border to neighbouring China, forest watchdog the Environmental Investigation Agency (EIA) has said. “We have been reducing timber extraction, and now we have decided to stop logging completely,” said John Swe Ba, a
managing director at Myanmar’s Ministry of Natural Resources and Environmental Conservation. “This measure will cover teak and other hardwoods all across the country,” he added. Legal logging has also played a major role in ravaging the environment. State-owned Myanma Timber Enterprise (MTE), overseen by Swe Ba’s ministry, has a monopoly on the formal timber sector, but subcontracts work to numerous companies. That body was targeted by United States sanctions until 2014, when the Treasury Department gave it an initial oneyear waiver to work with the U.S.-based International Wood Products Association, extended in July 2015 for two more years. “Methods of over-harvesting include felling a greater number of logs of a particular tree species and extracting logs smaller in diameter than recommended,” said the EIA, which is based in Britain. “As such, the legal forest sector practices in Myanmar are a significant contributor to deforestation and forest degradation,” the watchdog added in its 2015 report.
DImapur, aprIl 28 (mexN): On occasion of the National Panchayati Day 2016, Nagaland Governor PB Acharya has appealed to the people of Nagaland to bring transformative changes in the villages. “Our progress depends on the development of our villages. Our Panchayat should have infrastructure development in every field,” Acharya stated in a message released to the media. The Governor also said special attention should be given on some issues such as
reservation for women
education of children in the village and vaccination for children etc. “Nation cannot develop unless the villages develop. Panchayat can play a big role in the development of a nation. The elected representatives ensure the administration in the grassroot level,” he emphasized. The Governor also appealed to all the tribal intel-
lectual, Tribal Hohos and political leaders to give serious thought on whether to take up 1/3rd reservation for women in all Panchayat and local body elections as per the mandatory rule of the Constitution. While maintaining that under Article 371A of the Constitution gives right to follow customary laws and
practices, the Governor however said in this 21st century, “our women empowered with education and other skills are ready to take up the responsibility in every field.” Women demand parity and equity, which is in tune with the world trend, he stated. While observing National Panchayati Day, the Governor further appealed to all the people of the State to work hard and positively for a “secured peaceful and prosperous golden Nagaland.”
MDM rice ‘hazardous’ for human consumption: Lab
Sub-standard rice disposed of in the presence of MTLT, CMO, District Administration, FSO and SDEO
Mokokchung Town Lanur Telongjem (MTLT) with the CMO, FSO, SDEO.
DImapur , aprIl 28 (mexN): The Mokokchung Town Lanur Telongjem (MTLT) on Thursday said it was witness to the disposal of “substandard” Mid Day Meal (MDM) rice in the presence of the Mokokchung
District Administration, Chief Medical Officer, Food Safety Officer, and Sub-Divisional Education Officer. A report from the State Public Health Laboratory confirmed that the MDM rice meant for school students is “sub standard” and
“unsafe” and the presence of “foreign matter, broken grains (damaged grains), wieevilled grains” exceeded the prescribed standards. Besides, the report said, the rice was “heavily infested with insects, insect waste along with the pres-
ence of larvae” and therefore hazardous for human consumption. While informing this, the MTLT Media Cell in a press statement stated that the MDM rice were sent for laboratory test following its request to the Chief Medical Officer (CMO), Mokokchung. Samples were sent for test under the protocol of the Food Safety Officer, Mokokchung, it stated. The press statement also said timely intimation and cooperation from different sections of society and prompt initiation by the MTLT has “averted an impending catastrophe on innocent and precious lives of the students.” In addition, the effectual action plan of the concerned departments has brought the “matter to a good end,” it pointed out. Further, the MTLT said it stands by its motto, “Always Vigilant” in all its endeavors for the well-being of Mokokchung Town.