SaturDaY • aPrIL 30 • 2016
DIMAPUR • Vol. XI • Issue 117 • 12 PAGes • 5
T H e
ESTD. 2005
P o W e R
o F
T R u T H
The power of imagination makes us infinite — John Muir Biotech Laboratory at GHSS Dimapur inaugurated
Bihar ban daytime cooking as heat wave death toll rises PaGE 08
By Sandemo Ngullie
Chizoko Vero Phek | April 29
Ban on heavy machinery use in Dhansiri, Chathe Dimapur, april 29 (mExN): The ban on use of heavy machinery for extraction of resources (sand gravels and boulders) in Dhansiri and Chathe River within Dimapur District has been further extended for a period of one month i.e., May 1 to 31, 2016. The ban order is for strict compliance of all concerned, a press release from the Deputy Commissioner Dimapur stated.
NIA files charge sheet against NSCN-IM cadre NEw DElhi, april 29 (pTi): NIA has filed a charge sheet against an NSCN-IM militant in connection with the ambush on an army convoy in Arunachal Pradesh on 2 April, 2015, in which three jawans were killed. The charge sheet was filed before a National Investigation Agency Special Court for Arunachal Pradesh at Yupia on Thursday in which NSCN (IM) militant Kapai alias Singmayo Kapai, a resident of Nagaland, has been named as the key accused. NIA told the court that it would continue further investigation in the case as certain other accused are yet to be apprehended, a release issued by the agency here said on Friday.
cHAKHesAnG- sUMi neet to cover all states
‘We are brothers by blood’ Who fix the prices? I’ve absolutely no idea.
Villarreal strike late to dent Liverpool Europa hopes
The 7th Chakhesang-Sumi brotherhood meet 2016 took place here today at Phek town hall and resolved five point resolutions. Among others, the meet between the two communities asserted that “our brotherhood is God’s given right and we shall strive to strengthen our relationship and moves on to higher levels with other tribes.” MLA Kuzholiizo (Azo) Nienu maintained that the main purpose and logic behindthebrotherhoodmeetis to strengthen friendship and brotherhood and to work together for the greater interest of the Nagas as a whole. “We should be brothers in letter and spirit and stand up for each other in times of adversity,” he said. Parliamentary Secretary for Higher & Technical Education, Deo Nukhu called upon both Chakhesangs and Sumis to support one another and move forward in every aspect of life. He also stressed on the need to strengthen the bond of brotherhood and unity among the Nagas as a whole. MLA G. Kaito Aye called upon both the community not to voice out what is not good for the people. He said the spirit of brotherhood between the two tribes should be practical, and should extend to every nook and corner of the state. Sumi Hoho president, Toniho Yepthomi said “SumisandChakhesangsarenot justbrothersbychoicebutwe are brothers by blood.” “Dear brothers, let us forgive each other if there are any excesses committed against each other. In
MLAs Azo Nienu and G. Kaito Aye addressing the 7th Chakhesang- Sumi Brotherhood Meet at Phek town on April 29. (Morung Photo)
resolUtions The 7th Chakhesang-Sumi Brotherhood lic Organisation resolve to stand for inmeet reiterate the earlier resolutions clusiveness of all NPGs and stakeholdand adopts the following resolutions: ers to find an acceptable solution to the 1. Resolves to organize brotherhood protracted Naga political issue. meet on regular basis once in every 2 5. Resolve to re-constitute Chakhesangcalendar years with cultural exchange Sumi Brotherhood Co-ordination as an important feature Committee comprising following 2. To encourage relationship at the grass members: Huskha Yepthomi- Conroot levels by inviting cultural troupes venor, Yesonu Veyie - Co-convenor, from brother-tribes during the imporZhovehu Lohe, Sovenyi, Theja Therieh, tant tribal festivals Khehoshe Yepthomi, H. S. Rotokha, 3. Asserts that our brotherhood is Hukato Shohe, President, WSH, PresiGod’s given right and we shall strive dent, WCH, President, STH, President, to strengthen our relationship and SKK, President, CSU, President, CYF, moves on to higher levels with other President, CMA (all members) and tribes President SH and President CPO as ex4. The Sumi Hoho and Chakhesang Pubofficio members. all walk-of-life, let our youth unite, let our church unite, let our politicians unite. Let us not hesitate to extend our brotherly shoulder to one another in times of need. Let us be emotionally and culturally integrated. As brothers, in good times and in bad times, let us keep the strings of attachment and pass it on our good ties of relationship to our younger generation,” he said. Chakhesang Public Organization (CPO) president, Kekhwengulo Lea recalled how 20 years back,
the Sumi Alakishi along with Sumi Hoho through “divine guidance of Almighty God” reached out the message of brotherhood to the Chakhesang people at the time when all the Chakhesang leaders from different walks of life were having prayer service under the aegis of Shisha Hoho at Phek town on September 9, 1995. “Since then, we have observed the brotherhood meet in different places. Today, we are all here once again gathered here to keep historic event alive
to strengthen the tide of brotherhood,” Lea said. The CPO president also added, “We are brothers not by choice but by blood which our elders have accepted. History revealed that we are patriotic, hard working and straight forward. Let us not forget the legacy that has been passed down to our generation. Let us sincerely commit the right perspective to the coming generation too.” Cultural exhibition, discussion hour also marked the Brotherhood meet.
Morung Express News order said that the All India Pre-Medical/Pre-Dental Dimapur | April 29 Entrance Test (AIPMT) With the Supreme Court 2016 scheduled to be held on Friday ruling that the on May 1 shall be phase I Central Board of Second- of NEET. The phase II of ary Education (CBSE) NEET for the left out canwill conduct the National didates shall be held on Eligibility Entrance Test July 24 by inviting appli(NEET) on May 1 and July cations with fee. Com24 for admission to under- bined result of both the graduate medical courses Tests shall be declared on as per its direction on April August 28 and CBSE will 28, the deck is cleared for provide All India Rank, it a common entrance exam added. “The admitting aufor undergraduate medithorities will invite apcal and dental courses. In its April 28 notifica- plications for Counseltion, the Bench of Justices ling and merit list shall be Anil R. Dave, S.K. Singh drawn based on All India and A.K. Goel, despite Rank.” As per the news report, opposition from various quarters, gave green signal for the CBSE to hold the NEET and use the same for admission across all States. When the exam was first introduced the test scheduled on May in 2012, several States, in- 1, where 6, 67,637 are to cluding Andhra Pradesh, appear from 1,040 cenKarnataka, Kerala and tres in 52 cities, including Tamil Nadu, opposed the abroad, will be considered same citing infringement as NEET-1. NEET-2 will upon education, a State be conducted for the resubject, viability and the maining candidates, and impact on students from the entire process, from different educational collection of information backgrounds, difference from the States to declarain content between the tion of results, will begin State and Central Board’s from May 7. syllabus etc. Following the objection, the Supreme Nagaland to go Court in a 2013 judgment ahead with NSEE withheld that NEET but Reacting to the Suthe April 28 order revived preme Court notificathe same. tion, the Director of the Consequently, with re- Directorate of Higher jection of a strong plea of and Technical Education “genuine difficulties” from (H&TE), Athili Kathipri the Centre on April 29 that said that while the departit is difficult to hold NEET ment is yet to get hold of in two phases, the validity the Court’s notification, it of other exams conduct- would go ahead with Naed either by State or pri- galand State Entrance Exvate medical colleges has amination (NSEE) 2016 as come under scrutiny. scheduled on May 12. The Court in its April 28 The test will go on as
scheduled since NSEE is conducted not only for medical and allied courses but other professional technical courses, he told The Morung Express. Regarding the Supreme Court’s notification on NEET, Kathipri said it is too early to comment but a definite picture will come out within two or three days. “Any decision in this regard will be taken only after studying the Court’s notification in totality.” We have written to state government for an official direction on this and can comment only afterwards, he added. Earlier, when queried about the same, the State Chief Secretary, Pankaj Kapur said that he will talk in details with the H&TE and convey the same. Meanwhile, with regard to All Nagaland College Students’ Union’s (ANCSU) non-acceptance of the government notification against the seat reserved quota in NSEE (State reserved quota) in its present form, the Director said he cannot comment on that as the matter is with the state government. While the matter drags on, the Court order might have huge impact on the medical aspirants from the State if the admission to the various medical colleges from Nagaland is selected through NSEE criteria. Some quarters have expressed apprehension that difference in content between the State and Central Board’s syllabus might work against State’s candidates and adversely affect their eligibility.
As of now Nagaland to go ahead with NSEE as scheduled on May 12
need for investigative H&FW Dept probes appointments made without govt approval completes journalism in nagaland Committee inquiry in 4 days; report
The Bookworm Fest, and a conversation with Easterine Kire
Morung Express News Kohima | April 29
The Bookworm Fest, a fourday event is in progress from April 29 up to May 2 at Kohima Local Ground. The Fest celebrates the love of reading and writing. A first on its kind in Nagaland, the Bookworm fest celebrates in the company of renowned Naga authors such as Dr. Easterine Kire, Vishü Rita Krocha, Dr. Avinuo Kire, among others. Major attractions of the fest include book-signing, storytelling, poetry reading etc. The Bookworm Fest is an initiative of de Oriental Grand and Barkweaver.
On being a writer in Nagaland
At the Bookworm Fest, Easterine Kire has also set up a bookstall where her books are available on sale. Fans arrive to get their books signed by the nationally acclaimed writer. A humble and gentle person, the soft-spoken writer, during an interaction with media persons, talked about her brief stint as a Journalist in Nagaland way back in 1980 where she wrote for a weekly paper called the
submitted to Nagaland govt on April 28 Morung Express News Dimapur | April 29
Another case of appointment to government service without government approval has come to the fore. This time, it is related to an unspecified number of alleged appointments made in the department of Health & Family Welfare (H&FW) from June 2014 till date. As per a government notificaEasterine Kire at the Bookworm Fest in Kohima. (Morung Photo) tion, a copy of which was acquired don’t appreciate the energy by The Morung Express, a departPlatform. While journalism has a writer spends on writing. mental probe was instituted headed changed tremendously Kire, who is constantly travover the years, Kire pointed elling will be based in Koout on the lack of investiga- hima for some time. Howtive journalism and public ever, her upcoming tour journalism in Nagaland. It is in Delhi where she will Morung Express News has to work towards the im- be performing jazz poetry provement of society, Kire with her band, JazzPoesi. Dimapur | April 29 Kire will also be attending asserted. “People don’t take writ- the Poetry Fest in Barce- Outbreak of Haemorrhagic septicaemia (HS), an acute, fatal, septiing as a job or occupation lona. While talking about caemic disease of cattle and water in Naga society,” Easterine Kire said. “They do not see sustaining a publishing buffaloes in the districts of Peren you as working,” adds the House, Kire mentioned and Dimapur is under control, acNaga writer while talking that many good writers are cording to the Animal Husbandry about the struggles of be- coming up in Nagaland, and Veterinary Department. At least 90 % of the disease outing a writer in Nagaland. however, the production Like most writers, Kire too of good quality books is break among the buffaloes has has experienced the frus- still scarce. Kire expressed been brought under control, said tration of the unpaid nature hope that with the increase Chief Veterinary Officer, Peren of writing where relatives of quantity in writing, qual- District Dr P Atem Longchar on and friends in a close-knit ity of writing will very soon Friday. He also informed that the Veterinary department has also community like the Nagas emerge. Fans can further look taken up “Ring Vaccination” drive would often request one to forward to Kire’s new book in the surrounding villages so that write for free. To come up with good titled ‘Son of the Thunder- the disease does not spread furwords needs concentra- cloud’, which will be re- ther. The disease had affected six viltion and energy, Kire noted leased in November this lages under Peren district namely while adding that people year.
by the Deputy Secretary, H&FW as chairperson and officials from the H&FW Directorate as members. “A committee… is hereby constituted to examine all cases of appointment made without obtaining the approval of the government under Health & Family Welfare Department,” stated the notification issued by the Secretary, H&FW dated April 22. The committee was stipulated a period of four days to examine and submit “reports/ findings on or before 26/04/2016.” The committee submitted its report to the government on April 28. Besides inquiring into appointments made without government approval, the task of the committee was to examine appointments made with the direction of the H&FW Minister beginning June 2014 till date
and whether the “illegal appointment” made during the period was made against sanctioned post or without post vacancy. Appointments made prior to the assumption of office by the present H&FW Minister will be separately examined, the notification stated, copies of which were further endorsed to the Principal Director, H&FW, Commissioner & Secretary (C&S), H&FW, “P.P.S” to the H&FW Minister and others. According to the H&FW Secretary, Senti Ao, the committee submitted its report to the Commissioner & Secretary, the administrative head of the department, on April 28 and is pending further scrutiny. Stating the Commissioner & Secretary was still to examine the committee’s report as he is
on leave, Ao added that the C&S along with the with the Minister in-charge of H&FW will likely have a seating with the committee to discuss the findings of the report. Ao could not give a date as to when the meeting will take place as the department will be in a brief transitional phase with the incumbent Principal Director of the department retiring on April 30. Declining to put a figure to the number of alleged illegal appointments, Ao when prodded further said that the appointments are mostly of Grade IV. The office of the Chief Minister and Chief Secretary are reportedly unaware of the development. The Chief Secretary and the Principal Director, H&FW did not respond to calls made to get their comments.
Outbreak of bovine disease in Peren, Dimapur under control Veterinary department says 314 buffaloes died in the last one month
Punglwa, Gaili, Ngwalwa, Heninkunglwa, Dunki-Lamhai and Saijang. An estimate of 314 buffaloes succumbed to the diseases within a span of one month, as per the data obtained from the Veterinary department. Farmers in the said areas are fully dependent on the buffaloes for ploughing the rice fields. Dr Longchar said there more than 1500 buffaloes owned by the six villages. With the outbreak of HS, around 20% of the buffaloes have already died, he added. A Rapid Response Team has also been made operational from Punglwa village area since the last
eight days. “There has been incidences of a few deaths during the last few days, but death in large numbers have subsided,” another veterinary doctor from Peren district informed. Dr Longchar said the reason for the high death toll is because most of the animal are left to graze freely in a common ground without the owners monitoring their well being. Because of this, he said staffs of Veterinary department had to undergo a tough time traversing across the jungles and remote areas to administer vaccination to the animals and at the same time
get proper data on the status of the affected animals. Meanwhile, Dr Longchar informed that the first outbreak of the HS disease was first detected from Razaphema area under Dimapur district. “The epidemic first started from Razaphema area where there is a common grazing ground for the buffaloes. It then spread to Peren, he said. While the outbreak of the disease may be under control at moment, there are still apprehensions. Dr Longchar said the farmers and buffalo owners are finding it very difficult to contain the animal at home, with not enough fodder to provide. If the buffaloes are let loose to graze freely in the open area, there are high chances that the disease may spread further, he said.