MonDAY • AUGUST 29 • 2016
DIMAPUR • Vol. XI • Issue 237 • 12 PAGes • 5
T H e
ESTD. 2005
P o W e R
We don’t need to share the same opinions as others, but we need to be respectful Turkish army pounds north Syria, monitor says 20 civilians killed
Narrow thinking a hindrance to societal growth: SC Jamir
o F
T R u T H
— Taylor Swift
Rosberg wins eventful Belgian GP
‘We are a memory of where the White Man failed’
Elder of the Narragansett people takes The Morung Express to Native American soil Morung Express Feature Rhode Island (USA) | August 28
If you walk through some of the indigenous lands in the east of North America, it is, at first, difficult to tell where you are. Dirt tracks through sparse forests lead up to once-in-a-while modern structures. The woods look inhabited by human beings—tree branches have been cut in bits and parts. As you go along, the woods thicken, unseen lakes and springs appear. “Our people still use firewood stoves at home,” said Hiawatha Brown, 63-year-old elder of the Narragansett people, explaining the partly cut trees. They are the indigenous inhabitants of the lands today called Rhode Island, the Ocean State of the United States of America. But little else remains of the Narragansett ‘tribal’ lifestyle. Quasi Sovereignty A few years ago, when a road construction company was digging up the existing infrastructure to make way for new roads at Jamestown in Rhode Island, they landed up digging through an ancient drainage system of the Narragansett people. Such ancient artefacts, like burial grounds, dot the underbelly of Rhode Island. Their historicity is protected by US Federal laws. However, in the face of development, even after the Narragansett people objected to the destruction of their cul-
By Sandemo Ngullie
tural remains, the road construction continued. Today, 567 ‘tribes’ are recognised as First Nations in the United States of America, of which 326 live on small patches of native land on which they are granted ‘quasi sovereignty’ on a peculiar colonial structure called the Indian Reservation. Who belongs to a ‘tribe’, or what is protected and destroyed, is decided by the State—“we have to prove to the White People through their system that we are natives,” explained the elder in an exclusive interview with The Morung Express. Reservations fall under the US Bureau of Indian Affairs (not state governments) and are governed by Tribal Councils, with their own courts and police. Brown is one of nine members of the Narragansett Tribal Council. He belongs to part turtle and part wolf clans, from a medicine lineage—his mother was a medicine woman. Being from a matriarchal society—“everything belonged to Mother Earth”—each clan among the Narragansett people, once 200 now reduced to 25, inhabited a ‘Longhouse’ or ‘Morung’ in the forests during harsh winter days and moved near the ocean during the summer. With the coming of a “White People’s Militia” some 500 years ago, almost all of Narragansett land was colonised, either through tax, land grants or simply
(lEFT) narragansett elder Hiawatha Brown (63) stands tall in front of the narragansett indian longhouse on their reservation in Rhode island (usA) where important meetings of his people are held. The longhouse (a sort of Morung) was designed by his mother, the medicine woman. its construction was completed, with modern finishing, five years back. The crosses on the body of the structure signify the four earthly directions—east, west, north and south. The other symbols denote clans. (RiGHT) A view of the one and a half acre of narragansett land that was never colonized by the ‘White Man’ where, today, important festivals of the narragansett people are held—here they collect together to dance and sing in the essence of a free people. (Morung Photos)
grabbed and encroached upon. Large numbers of people were killed. Only one and a half acre of Narragansett land (see picture) was never colonised by ‘the White Man.’ In August, the Pow Wow Festival, one among the 13 major festivals marked by 13 cycles of the moon, of the Narragansett people saw them dance and sing on this piece of land paying tribute to their ancestors and the Mother Earth. Coexistence On the boundary of the uncolonised (half acre) piece of land stands a church. Brown points at it. “Christianity destroyed our people. It became a tool to control our people and give up everything that we were. That is why I never converted to Christianity,” he asserted, adding that “I re-
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Brown spoke at a peace program in June, is a massive property that was “stolen,” he said, from the Narragansett Americans—it is rare for Narragansett youth to get an opportunity to study at either this, or the many high end universities on North American soil that are located on indigenous land grabbed by colonisers centuries ago. Economic opportunities are also rare to come by. First, Rhode Island is “very racist,” observed the Narragansett elder; a statement affirmed by a few people of colour living in the state or studying at the University of Rhode Island. “80% of those unemployed have their name ending with a vowel,” he remarked, referring to names of people of colour. Further, Brown narrated that “All economic ac-
tivities we tried were challenged in some way by the government,” showing us a shuttered down smoke shop they had started. It was forcefully closed by the State citing legality and tax sharing issues. Then, laws, like the Indian Gaming Regulatory Act that provide special provision for Native Americans to make economic progress through such means as organised gambling (casinos), among others, make more trouble than growth for the people. “Inter tribe problems break out mostly due to economic factors. Vehicles for economic progress drive more greed leading to in-fighting among tribes,” elaborated the elder. Today, “we have to fight just to maintain our identity,” he lamented of the few thousand people left of his people, struggling to have a
semblance of self-determination. It is difficult for them to make it to school—there are no schools on the entire Narragansett Reservation—or even to stay put in the schools given the level of poverty among the people. “Those who do make it to school and graduate are disoriented and want to change everything that we are. What is the point of this education?” wondered the elder, who worked as a stone mason by day, but was slated to pick strawberries at a farm with little children later on the Sunday that The Morung Express met him. The Tribal Council is meant to be “an interface” between the old and the young. Brown attempts to play this role to the best of his capability. But it is difficult to “take everyone along.”
World population set to reach nearly 10 bn by 2050 Mtlt sticks to Aug 24
nEW YoRk, August 28 (IAns): By 2050, the world population is projected to reach 9.9 billion, increasing 33 per cent from an estimated 7.4 billion now, according to the Population Reference Bureau, a private, US based non-profit organisation. The latest ‘World Population Data Sheet’ released by the organisation revealed that by 2053, the global population will hit 10 billion. “Despite declines in fertility rates around the world, we expect population gains to remain strong enough to take us toward a global population of 10 billion,” said Jeffrey Jordan, president and CEO of PRB. However, the report also showed sigEverything in nagaland is at nificant regional differences in the exa standstill, except this dirty stinking nullah water.
sent being called an Indian, or Native American or even American, but we have to adjust in order to co-exist.” His mother had remained an important figure of the community, later designing a modern Longhouse (see picture) before she died. She even managed to introduce their language to the curriculum of a school nearby, the training in which ended with her death. Brown’s three daughters, however, learnt the language, the rituals as well as cultural songs and dances of the people. “It is a constant battle for us to keep true to our values,” noted Brown, explaining the circumstances faced by their people today. The Narragansett Reservation occupies about 3200 acres of land spread across Rhode Island. The University of Rhode Island, where
Exercising autonomy As we drive along the few structures on the Reservation—the Longhouse, the deserted smoke shop, a hospital that staffs traditional medicine practitioners as well, an upcoming half-built hospital, an Indian Church—Brown is keen on who the Naga people are, how they live, how their political lives function. He attends a number of conferences that bring together the Native people of North America to discuss the issues they face and the solutions to move forward. He is interested in the Naga story. “If you don’t exercise autonomy, you do not have sovereignty. When we stop doing the things we used to do as traditional people, we lose our sovereignty. That is what has happened to us,” reflected Brown on how they were made to give up their sovereignty little at a time. Now, they get to keep their traditional titles, like Sachem (Chief) or medicine (wo)man but their functionality has dimmed. “There is a great change in what it means to be (American) Indian today. We are moving in hundred different directions to defend what we are but we have to learn to shed our warrior attitude,” acknowledged the elder. Despitethefactthatmany from the White community in North America continue to believe that the “natives are gone,” Native Americans carry on in some way and their mark remains indelible on American history, even though they have their “feet in twocanoes” today. “We are a memory of where the White Man failed,” said Hiawatha Brown by way of concluding our journey with him.
pected population rise. The population in Asia is estimated to rise from the current 900 million to 5.3 billion. The population in Africa will reach 2.5 billion by 2050, while the number of people in the Americas will rise by only 223 million to 1.2 billion. Oceania (which includes both Australia and New Zealand) would rise from the current 40 million to 66 million. Further, the combined population of the world’s least developed countries in the world is projected to double by 2050 to 1.9 billion. There are 48 least developed countries, based on United Nations criteria, most of which are in Africa. The population in 29 countries will more than double. Nearly all of these countries are in Africa.
In Niger, the country with the highest birth rate, the population will more than triple, the study said. On the other hand, 42 countries will register a decline in the population. These countries are scattered throughout Asia, Latin America, and Europe. Europe will register a decline from the present 740 million to 728 million. Romania is projected to have a population of 14 million in 2050, down from a population of 20 million today. Population Reference Bureau’s widely referenced Data Sheet has been produced annually since 1962. This year’s edition provides the latest data on 19 key population, health, and environment indicators for the world, major regions, and more than 200 countries.
KU urges NSCN (K) & GoI to get back to negotiating table
DIMAPuR, August 28 (MExn): The Konyak Union (KU) today appealed to the NSCN (K) and the Government of India to reconsider their stance regarding the ceasefire and “immediately resort to a negotiating table as per the aspiration and plea of the people.” The KU, in a press note today stated it has been brooding over the incidents that have sparked off after the abrogation of the Cease Fire between the GOI and the NSCN (K), and has also seriously considered the recent incident which had taken place on August 19 along the border between the Indian Security Force and the NSCN (K). It appealed to both sides to “immediately denounce all forms of violence and hard stance against each other so as to maintain peace and tranquility in the region.” The KU stated that such
incidences not only inject fear into the minds of the children but it also restricts/deprives all forms of public conveniences. “Hence, the Union appeals both the GOI and the Naga Political Group to foster on for peace and solution through negotiation and talks,” it added. The KU pointed out that Mon district “had been doled out as the cradle of conflict and bloodshed ever since its struggle for sovereignty by the Nagas. Such sufferings, fears and hardship which had been faced in the past had numerous untold stories which could never be erased off from the mind of the people.” It further lamented that “innocent Konyaks had always been inflicted upon on account of various incidences that had taken place in the past. Hence, both the Government of India and Naga Political Groups should reason out for peaceful solution
immediately without delay.” On the abrogation of ceasefire, the KU expressed unhappiness that the “lack of sincerity on both the sides had resulted in the abrogation of the Cease Fire.” “The result or consequences of such negligence had culminated to a situation as it had been bestowed upon today. The Konyak Union, while strongly voicing out in support for ‘Peace & Solution’ appeals both the party to consider its stance and to immediately resort to a negotiating table as per the aspiration and plea of the people,” it urged. The KU further pointed out that the present situation has created untold hurdles in the mind of Konyak students from Myanmar. “Hence, both NSCN (K) & Indian Security forces should consider the plight of those students by avoiding unnecessary confrontation and stand-off attitude along the
border. It may be noted that the 19th Aug incident had even restricted the medical team from its mission to cure or subside the recent outbreak of measles along the border area,” it stated. It appealed to both sides to understand that “no missile could diminish the spirit of the nationalism and on the contrary our Naga Political Groups should also realize that our journey through violence will only lead us to an unending road to solution.” Hence, it asked both the Indian and Naga Army to “immediately denounce, restrain and abstain from any such oppressive act that disturbs the mind of the innocent poor people of the region.” The KU also urged the Nagaland State Government to immediately initiate in bringing both the parties to a negotiating table for an amicable solution and peaceful environment.
charter of demands
Seeks written assurance from Power Department
Mokokchung, August 28 (MExn): The Mokokchung Town Lanur Telongjem (MTLT) today stood firm on its charter of demands submitted to the Power Department on August 24, 2016. In a press release today, the MTLT said that the power crisis in Mokokchung is not about the July 15, 2016 breakdown of the 5 MVA transformer, but a “culmination of public displeasure over the irregular power supply in the town over the past years.” “The locking down of the electrical offices in Mokokchung town on August 24, 2016 was just the start; the first phase of the agitation of the Mokokchung town public towards our just demand for regular power supply in the town. The July 15, 2016 breakdown of the 5 MVA transformer at Sub-Station (Electrical), Mokokchung, was just the immediate cause of the pent-up frustration of the Mokokchung public,” it added. While acknowledging the Power Department Mokokchung for restoring the repaired transformer in Mokokchung; the MTLT however stated that the power crisis in Mokokchung town “goes much deeper, which has been elucidated clearly in the ‘Demand Charter for Power in Mokokchung’ which was submitted to the Power Minister (through ADC Mokokchung) on August 24, 2016.” It reminded that the August 24, 2016 charter of demands goes “much beyond this present crisis.” In 2015, the MTLT had demanded that the damaged 5MVA transformer at the power station be replaced immediately and with a higher capacity transformer; the present 2.5 MVA at the
power station be upgraded; and the government keep a spare transformer at the power station to be used during emergencies. The MTLT also reminded it had, in the August 24, 2016 charter of demands asked for immediate implementation of the assurance by the Mokokchung DPDB in 2015 about the setting up of another power station (10MVA) at Majakong Ward and another addition of 10MVA at the existing sub-station at Salangtem. The MTLT had also demanded strict adherence of the Section 166 of the Electricity Act, 2003; and utilisation certificate of an amount nearing Rs 50 Lakh sanctioned to the Mokokchung Power Division during the financial year 2014-15 for maintenance works within seven (7) days from the issuance the ultimatum on August 24, 2016. “Unless and until the state government, or for that matter, the Power Minister, gives a written assurance to sincerely look into our demands, then this issue is far from over. In fact this situation would go out of hand, and there would be consequences, for which the Power Department would be solely held responsible,” the MTLT cautioned. “We have patiently waited since 2015 and before, in good faith for the government to act. However, this time, since the petitions, representations, memorandums and even ultimatums have fallen on deaf ears, the MTLT has no option but to initiate concrete actions. The responsibility falls on the government and the power department alone,” it stated. Further, the MTLT reiterated its support to the demand of the All Ward Union Mokokchung (AWUM) for an exclusive transmission line for Mokokchung Town; and endorsed the AWUM resolution for withholding the electricity bill to the government w.e.f July 2016.
monDAY 29•08•2016
Narrow thinking a hindrance to societal growth: SC Jamir Naga Student's Union Kolkata celebrates 51st Fresher's Social
NSUK members and others with Dr. SC Jamir and his wife.
KolKata, august 28 (MExN): Dr. SC Jamir, Governor of Odisha, graced the 51st Fresher's Social of Naga Student's Union Kolkata (NSUK) as chief guest along with his wife on August 27. The event was held at The Stadel, Kolkata with the theme "Cradle of Change". A press release from NSUK informed that Dr. SC Jamir recounted the memories of his college years in Calcutta back in the 1950's. He reminded that the scarce Naga students’ community in Calcutta then had a vision to be different
from Naga students studying in other states; therefore, their mission was to work hard. They sought to acclimatize themselves with the cosmopolitan culture and eventually widen their vision and horizon, he said, according to the press release. Jamir asserted that narrow thinking is a hindrance to societal growth and therefore challenged the students to acquaint themselves with the knowledge and skills of the fast changing world. “Young generation should take up the responsibility to think be-
yond the vision of the past.” Considering the mushrooming of multiple groups and factions in Nagaland, he called for unity among the Nagas. He also addressed the pathetic political, social and economic scenario of the state and urged the young people to diagnose and find out the remedy of the malignant diseases of corruption and other social evils which is eating up the fabric of the Naga society. He highlighted that Nagas are misusing and in fact losing the noble values of honesty, hard work and courage handed
down to us by our foreparents, the release said. The Odisha Governor concluded by urging the students to uphold the promise of God as mentioned in Isaiah 45:2&3. The program was chaired by Keyie Ndang, a medical science student. Rev. Dr. S. Nungsang Jamir, Pastor, Naga Christian Fellowship Kolkata invoked the opening prayer. An exhortation was given by Sashiwapang Lanu, an IRS officer. He shared that change is a slow process which requires patience and consistency in
order to yield the desired outcome. Stating that failure and success go hand in hand, he encouraged the students to learn wisely from both angles. Kumto Zhimomi, a BSc student from Asutosh College gave a speech on behalf of the Freshers. Sangmai Chang and Livi Assumi were crowned as the Mr and Miss Fresher of NSUK 2016 respectively. Alono Thorie in her Presidential Address lauded the achievements of Dr. SC Jamir and also called for unity and cooperation of the Naga students towards the Union. Nungsangtoshi Aier, General Secretary, NSUK highlighted the events and activities of the Union and also expressed his gratitude to all the audience for their active participation. A special magazine titled "Feather Times 5.0" was released by the chief guest in commemoration of the 51st Fresher's Social of NSUK. Special songs were presented by Naga students from Calcutta Bible Seminary, Bishop's College and youths from Calcutta Christian Hills Church.
AR apprehend NSCN (IM) cadre, arms peddler
DiMapur, august 28 (MExN): 37 Assam Rifles apprehended an arms peddler and NSCN (IM) cadre during operations conducted at Chumukedima and Thahekhu in Dimapur on August 19 and 23 respectively. Two weapons, ammunition, “warlike stores” and “incriminating documents” were recovered in the operations, according to a press release from Assam Rifles. The first operation was launched in general area at Sukhovi Road, Chumukedima, where
the suspected individual was intercepted and searched leading to recovery of one illegal .22 pistol with live ammunition, the release said. The apprehended individual, AR stated, was identified as Loyam Chang, who admitted his involvement in arms peddling activities. He revealed that he had come to Sukhovi Road for sale of the recovered weapon to a potential customer, it added. Loyam along with the recovered items were handed over to Diphupar Police Station on August 19 itself.
The second operation was launched jointly by 37 Assam Rifles and 32 Assam Rifles in Thahekhu area on August 23 based on confirmed information regarding presence of an armed NSCN (IM) cadre. As part of the operation, a suspected house was searched along with police personnel from Sub Urban Police Station, wherein one illegal .22 pistol, live ammunition and “incriminating documents” of NSCN (IM) were recovered, according to the press release. The apprehended cadre
was identified as Albert Mao, who is serving as a ‘Leacy’ with NSCN (IM), Assam Rifles said. He was handed over to Sub Urban Police Station, Dimapur on the same day. The two successive proactive operations, AR expressed, will “serve a dent to nefarious activities in areas adjoining Dimapur and impose caution among underground groups acting in contravention of Ceasefire Ground Rules and contribute towards improvement of security situation in the area.”
YouthNet Impact 5000 by 18 in Kiphire
Guest speaker with resource persons and others at the YouthNet’s Impact 5000 by 18 campaign in Kiphire on August 26. Our Correspondent Kiphire | August 28
A two-day seminar cum career guidance, skills building, and livelihood programme for the youths of Kiphire was held at Zisaji Presidency College from August 26-27 as part of YouthNet’s Impact 5000 by 18 campaign. More than 1000 youths in the town from different schools and colleges participated in the programme, which was formally launched with Ben Longkumer, Superintendent of Police, Kiphire as guest speaker. Applauding YouthNet for the noble task and also appreciating the young leaders of YouthNet who have concern for the youths in Nagaland, Ben said discussing issues like livelihood, skills and career options is the need of the hour. Stating that government job is not the only
option for employment, he encouraged the students and youths present to look for opportunities and explore so that society can become more productive. Acknowledging the problems faced by entrepreneurs, Ben said, taking up entrepreneurship is not easy but the mission is possible provided one is willing to travel the rough path with determination, dedication and zeal. Louis Sangtam, Member of IoFC lauded the YouthNet for its initiatives. “Hands that work for humanity is better than lips that talk about eternity and YouthNet fits in this saying by observing the activities that the organization does for youths in the state,” he stated. Lezo Putsure, Director and John Meyase, Chief Analyst of YouthNet interacted with entrepreneurs and students. Nune Chase, Training Head, YouthNet interacted
with students from eight schools and talked about career options and also did career aptitude test with the students. Ebibeni Humtsoe, Recruitment Head took a session on importance of being employed and also various skills development programmes available for youths in Nagaland with the dropouts, students and youths. YouthNet through their young ambassadors will also advocate for clean and fair election, which according to the organization, is the first step for any progress and development in the state. Impact 5000 by 18 campaign is a five-year joint programme of Nagaland launched in 2013. For 201617 Impact campaign, Quest Alliance, Bangalore and Accenture’s Skills to Succeed Initiative are partners. The program in Kiphire was supported by Initiatives of Change (IoFC), Kiphire chapter.
Two-daY ChIldreN fIlm feSTIval IN dImapur
guwahati, august 28 (MExN): Children’s Film Society, India and Directorate of School Education, Government of Nagaland along with Cinedarbaar will present two-day children film festival in various schools of Dimapur on August 29 and 30. The film festival, which was kicked off in Nagaland on August 23, has showcased various films in Kohima and Wokha. In Dimapur on August 29, it will showcase films like Kima’s
Lode – Beyond the class directed by Zuala Chhangte (2015), Nokpokliba by Meren Imchen (2005), and Goopi Gawaiyaa Bagha Bajaiyaa by Shilpa Ranade (2013). On August 30, Krish, Trish & Batliboy directed by Munjal Shroff and Tilakraj Shetty (2009), Nokpokliba, and Goopi Gawaiyaa Bagha Bajaiyaa will be screened. A press release informed that the 75-minute long Kima’s Lode
– Beyond the class is set in the remote border town of Chhimtui in North East India. The town is shaken up as 12-year-old boy Kima goes missing. His widowed mother fears the worst. Kima suddenly returns but refuses to tell where he has been. He makes a secret plan with his best buddies Rova and Dawnga to go back to the forest. On the fateful day, the boys share a ride with an old man who tells them of a strange tale.
The 9-minute long Nokpokliba is based on a Naga folktale. It tells the story of Nokpokliba, a mystic, who saves his people from the treachery of an evil merchant by using his magical powers. Goopi Gawaiyaa Bagha Bajaiyaa, an 18-minute movie, will show the story of Goopi and Bagha, a pair of musicians gifted with magical powers by the kings of Ghosts. 60 minutes long Krish, Trish
& Baltiboy is about Krish a monkey, Trish a cat and Baltiboy a donkey. They are three minstrels who take you on an exotic journey to the land of Indian folk tales and folk music, the release said. “These endearing characters take you to three different regions of India – Rajasthan, Kerala and Punjab. From the deserts of Rajasthan comes the very emotional folk story of how the gluttony of a queen would have torn apart a deer family but
for the intervention of a wise king who realizes his folly through the emotional experience of the deer-hunter. Travel to the back waters of Kerala and meet the rich landlord and how he discovers the secret of happiness by finding a cure for his greed. And finally from the wheat fields of Punjab meet the brave farmer’s wife and the not so brave farmer. See how this smart woman deals with a man-eating tiger and outwits him by her sharp
ATMA Tseminyu conducts demonstrations
tsEMiNyu, august 28 (MExN): Agricultural Technology Management Agency (ATMA), Tseminyu organized demonstrations in two villages of the subdivision on August 26. At Tsongsa in Chunlikha block, a demonstration on ‘Package and practices of winter vegetables’ under PMKSY programme was held with Khekali Sema, Subject Matter Specialist (Horticulture), KVK, Tesophenyu as resource person at 9:00 am. The resource person demonstrated on the package Following the recent order of NSCN (IM) UT-1 to shut shops in its jurisdiction on Sundays, and practices of cabbage most businesses in Dimapur Town remained closed on August 28. The order had exempted and pea. Chaired by Dr. Vimedical units, food & lodging hotels, bakeries and salons. beilie Keretsu, BTM, ATMA
Tseminyu, the demonstration was attended by 13 farmers. Seeds were distributed to the participants. In another programme, ATMA Tseminyu conducted demonstration on ‘Techniques of soil moisture conservation for winter crops’ under PMKSY programme at Phenda village, Tseminyu block at 12:00 noon. Nyenlo Seb, SCA, Department of Soil & Water Conservation, Tseminyu was the resource person. He demonstrated on the various methods of moisture conservation such as mulching, bunding, trenching and bench terracing. The programme
was chaired by Dr. Vibeilie Keretsu, BTM, ATMA Tseminyu. Vegetable seeds were distributed to the 19 persons who attended the demonstration programme. At 3:00 pm the same day, ATMA Tseminyu organized an inauguration programme of Farm School on Water Harvesting at Old Tseminyu under PMKSY programme 2016. The Farm School was inaugurated by Rentilo Kent, SDSCO, Department of Soil & Water Conservation, Tseminyu for the beneficiary Gwagan Group. The progamme was chaired by Vibeilie Keretsu, BTM, ATMA Tseminyu.
thinking and presence of mind.” In the film, discover folk wisdom presented in an artistic manner through magnificent folk art and watch how this magnificent art comes alive through the medium of animation. Children’s Film Society, India (CFSI) was set up in 1955 and since then it has produced over 250 films for children, including feature films, short films, animations, television episodes, and documentaries.
Sumi Hoho laments deplorable condition of road
Bible skit competition
DiMaur, august 28 (MExN): Salesian College of Higher Education (SCHE) organized Bible skit competition in English and Hindi for the hostels and villagers of its youth centres in and around Dimapur on August 28 “to inculcate the importance of the word of God”. 12 teams participated in the event. In the English group, the first position was bagged by Samaguri youth, second by Elite Hostel and Diphupar-Rongmei, and third by Borlengri. In the Hind section, the first and second were secured by Lahorijan youth and Khatkhatti youth respectively. In his message, Rector of SCHE, Fr. Thomas
Karthikappallil SDB said that we should not only listen to the word of God, but also make an effort to visualize the word of God after having seen the Bible passages being acted out, a press release informed. He also exhorted the youth to love the word of God so as to live a dignified Christian life. The programme was coordinated by the youth director of SCHE, Fr. Christudoss Anthony SDB along with residential students of the college. About 300 young people were present for the occasion. A team performs at the Bible skit competition organised by Salesian College of Higher Education on August 28.
Sumi Hoho officials overseeing the road repair works along with ANTA-Z office bearers on August 23.
ZuNhEboto, august 28 (MExN): Sumi Hoho today lamented that due to the deplorable condition of road near Khucho river between Khukiye-Lukhayi village and Chishilimi village in Zunheboto, vehicles cannot travel on the road during rainy seasons. The road is the shortest route to reach Zunheboto from Kohima and Dimapur. A press release from Sumi Hoho General Secretary further stated that since none of the roads connecting Zunheboto with the capital Kohima is properly maintained by the authorities concerned, public and NGOs have no option but to make their own arrangements to connect Zunheboto with the rest of the state. This time, on August 23, the All Nagaland Taxi Association, Zunheboto unit (ANTA-Z) took the initiative of repairing the road near Khucho river and some other points by hiring JCBs and other equipments in the interest of the public of Zunheboto, the release said, lauding the ANTAZ for taking up the noble job.
MonDAY 29•08•2016
Four-day strike in Minor student beaten to death for not paying fees tribal areas of Manipur LAMKA, AUGUST 28 (NNN): The Outer Manipur Tribals' Forum (OMTF) and Joint Action Committee Against Anti Tribal Bills (JACAATB) informed this evening that a 4-day general strike will be called in all the "tribal areas" of Manipur from the midnight of September 1. The two organisations told Newmai News Network that the strike has been called "as a mark to show our displeasure to the Government of Manipur's intent to introduce the 'Regulation of NonLocal People of Manipur bill-2016' in the coming assembly despite repeated requests from tribal civil organizations not to introduce any new bill until and unless the issue of three Anti Tribal Bills passed by the Manipur assembly on August 31, 2015 is fully re-
solved and the 9 tribal martyrs see justice and their last rites performed.” The bandh will end on September 5 midnight. This decision was taken in the joint meeting of OMTF and JAC-AATB on Sunday. OMTF is a conglomerate of Thadou Inpi, United Naga Council (UNC), Hmar Inpui, Mizo People Convention (MPC), and Zomi Council. Today's joint meeting of the OMTF and JAC-AATB also discussed the upcoming Tribal Unity Day declaration programme to be held in Churachandpur town in south Manipur on August 31 to mark the completion of one year of the "tribal movement". With regard to the Tribal Unity Day declaration programme, the meeting entrusted Gaidon Kamei,
convenor of OMTF and Dr R. Sanga to finalize the draft proposal of JAC-AATB on or before August 29, 2016. Regarding the draft memorandum/representation to be submitted to the Governor of Manipur, UNC president Gaidon Kamei, who is also the convenor of OMTF, and Dr. R. Sanga of the Zomi Council (MC) were entrusted to look into the matter and keep it ready before invitation from the Raj Bhavan is received. The joint meeting also condemned in the strongest term the Government of Tripura for failing to give protection to the "indigenous tribal people" of Tripura. The meeting urged the Government of India to take up appropriate steps at the earliest possible to protect the life and properties of the "indigenous tribal people" of Tripura.
IMphAL, AUGUST 28 (IANS): A class six student was allegedly beaten to death by school officials as his parents could not pay the fees in time, police said. The police have registered a case against the school officials for beating Suresh Tongbram to death. They will be arrested if the post-mortem report establishes unnatural death, a police source
told IANS. "Being a poor farmer, I have been unable to clear the school and hostel fees of Residential Kids Care School in Langol near Imphal where my son was admitted two years back. The school authorities told me to clear the fees or take my son away, but when I went to take him back they said unless the fees are cleared he could not be taken
out," Bira Tongbram, Suresh's father, said. "On Friday night, the school officials brought my son. He had bruises all over his body and I was told that my son was punished for being disobedient. The officials left in a huff and told me to clear the fees by August 31," he said. The boy, who had collapsed immediately after reaching home,
died on Saturday. The police have sent the body to a hospital for the post-mortem. Bira Tongbram, however, said he will not claim his son's body till justice is served to him. He claimed that his son died of excessive torture by the school officials. The police are investigating the case. The school authorities did not comment on the incident.
CPI-M legislator in Tripura dead, cremated with state honours Irom Sharmila shifted to Yoga & Naturopathy centre
AGArTALA, AUGUST 28 (IANS): Veteran Tripura legislator Samir Deb Sarkar, of the ruling CPIM, died here on Sunday after protracted illness. He was 67. Party sources said Sarkar, who was suffering from cancer, died at the government-run Gobinda Ballav Pant Medical College and Hospital early in the morning. A bachelor, he is survived by his four brothers
and three sisters. Sarkar, who was elected to the state assembly six times since 1983 from the Khowai assembly constituency, was chief whip of the ruling Left Front. "Sarkar's body was cremated with full state honours at his home in Singichara in Khowai (under Khowai district)," said a Communist Party of India-Marxist (CPI-M) leader. CPI-M state secretary
and party Central Committee member Bijan Dhar was among other senior leaders who were present during the cremation. A former student leader, Sarkar became member of the CPI-M in 1976 and was a member of the party's state committee. Describing Sarkar as a front-ranking leader of the Left in Tripura, Chief Minister Manik Sarkar said that during the height of
the insurgency and ethnic troubles in the state, he led the CPI-M brilliantly and became a mass leader due to his sincerity, honesty and pro-people efforts. "He was one of the architects of expanding the Left party's base in its stronghold in Khowai," he added. The CPI-M flag is flying at half-mast all over the state as a mark of respect to the departed leader.
A plea from NE people in Pune: ‘Call us Indians, treat us equal’ pUNe, AUGUST 28 (The INdIAN expreSS): The recent incident of a group of miscreants beating up a 17-year-old student, Takam Todo of Arunachal Pradesh, at the premises of Government Polytechnic in Pune and the delays by police in lodging of the FIR highlight the plight of people of the North East living in other parts of the country. While the incident took place on August 14, it was only after The Indian Express report that the police registered an FIR on August 20, under Section 324 (voluntarily causing hurt by means of dangerous weapons or means) of Indian Penal Code (IPC). NE people consider Pune a good place, but say incidents of racial discrimination and ig-
norance is common here. Talking to some 100-odd of them, both men and women from Assam, Manipur, Meghalaya, Arunachal Pradesh, Tripura, Sikkim, Mizoram, Nagaland who are currently living in Pune for work, studies and other purposes, revealed that as many as 91 of them faced problems of racism, discrimination, teasing, cheating and abuse due to facial features. Most of them said the local people discriminated against them by calling them foreigners (Chinese, Nepalese etc) or by passing comments like “Chinki”, “momo” and “hakka noodles”. Only nine said they have not faced any such problem in Pune. While most of them ignored it, some felt hurt while a few oth-
ers took it sportingly. A few “protested” and even approached local friends, police or NGO activists for help. Asked what could be the reasons behind this discrimination, a majority of them said it is “due to ignorance about North East India” while some others felt it was done “intentionally to hurt”. A few of them said people discriminated against them unknowingly. Todo said he failed to understand why the miscreants thrashed him badly over such a minor issue of his torch light going towards them. “It may have happened that because I have different looks, the assailants considered me an outsider with no local support here and they went on beating me even after I
repeatedly said sorry for rescuing myself,” he said. A police officer said some NE people in Pune also faced problems in getting a home on rent as the landlords thought they are foreigners. The problem was solved after the police intervened. In 2014, after the murder of Nido Tani of Arunachal Pradesh in Delhi, a committee set up by Ministry of Home Affairs visited different cities, including Pune, to understand the problems faced by the people from NE. NE youths in Pune had narrated their problems before this committee. Though the police and NGOs have conducted various activities for awareness, these
incidents continue to take place. Gandhi Haobijam, a Manipuri student, said, “We have seen even the educated people in city calling us foreigners. They just don’t know that people having faces like us can be Indians. Lessons on culture, history, traditions and importance of North East India should be included in syllabus of schools and colleges in rest of India…We want people to calls us Indians and treat us equal.” Need of a stern law against racism Ripeh Bagra of Arunachal Pradesh, a law student in Pune and advisor of North East Community of Pune (NECOP), said, “We are very much Indians. It is ridiculous that in our own country there are people who don’t
even know that we exist. Discrimination has become a routine thing for us at colleges and even work place. Certainly, a strong law is needed against discrimination along with awareness activities.” More awareness needed among police, govt officials Advocate Tania Kippa of Arunachal Pradesh, who did LLB in Pune and is now a research scholar at the National Law University in Delhi, said, “I believe it is mainly because of ignorance that the police have failed to take a prompt action in the case of Todo... And this is not the first time... Main reason is lack of knowledge and awareness about N-E among them.”
IMphAL, AUGUST 28 (pTI): Rights activist Irom Sharmila was shifted to the Yoga and Naturopathy Health Spa Centre at Langol in Manipur's Imphal West district on Sunday for recuperation. She left the security ward of the Jawaharlal Nehru Institute of Medical Sciences Hospital on Saturday, where she had been staying since she broke her 16-year fast on August 9. Sharmila told reporters she had already started her work to fight the Manipur Assembly election slated for early next year. She had a meeting with the members of a women voluntary organisation on Saturday at Keishamthong, Imphal where she had her lunch with them, she said. She said she would like to participate in the global youth peace festival between September 27 and October 27 in Chhatisgarh and wanted to launch "a new movement to cleanse society" there. The "Iron Lady" is due to appear before the court on September 5.
Maharashtra to appoint nodal officer for North East students MUMbAI, AUGUST 28 (The hINdU): A nodal officer with single-point contact will be deputed by the department of culture and education to address the grievances of students from the North East in Maharashtra, said Vinod Tawde, Minister of Culture, Higher and Technical Education on Saturday. The announcement came at a north-eastern cultural festival, which was attended by the representatives of the North Eastern Council, the government of Arunachal Pradesh, and Union Minister of State, Home Affairs Kiren Rijiju. Rijiju said Prime Minister Narendra Modi has made it mandatory for Central ministers to go to the interiors of the North East. To a question about how the introduction of a draft bill in Manipur, which regulates the entry and exit of non-locals, will affect
tourism, the minister said the problem will be dealt with smoothly. Arunachal Pradesh Chief Minister Pema Khandu spoke about the tourism opportunities in the State and explained the cultures and traditions
that the north-east offers. Among the highlights at the festival were ethnic handicraft and textile exhibitions, food stalls, traditional dance performances, and music gigs by contemporary bands of the region.
All the eight States: Assam, Mizoram, Meghalaya, Tripura, Arunachal Pradesh, Sikkim, Nagaland and Manipur, participated in the festival. Sikkim to get airport next year
Tourism industry in Sikkim is likely to get a boost with the construction of an airport at Pakyong, which will be operational by June next year. Speaking to The Hindu, C. Zangpo, secre-
A common man and his ‘millionaire’s passion’ for restoring vintage cars GUwAhATI, AUGUST 28 (hT): “Most people used to think I was mad to spend money on cars that will never be used regularly, but sometimes it pays to listen to your heart,” says Pickloo Deka, chewing on the only indulgence he allows himself – tamul – Assamese for raw betel nut with paan and a dash of lime. He can afford to look back with pride on his impressive collection of vintage and classic cars and bikes in his picturesque landscaped hill top open air museum that he calls Treasured Wheels. Located off the National Highway 37 just over 20 km southeast of Guwahati, it transports a visitor to a different world, very unlike any modern automobile museum. Deka’s is an inspiring story of a common man’s determination to chase a millionaire’s passion of collecting classic vehicles and making a success of it. A junior engineer with the Assam State Electricity Board, he has scrounged and scraped for the past quarter century to shape
his dream that warms the heart of any visitor. The hillock at Sonapur was a gift from a local club called Tepesia. Deka acquired the land after forming the Northeast Heritage Foundation. A small wooden bridge built over a trench that keeps out elephants from nearby forests leads the visitor to the gate of the 10-acre compound that houses 55odd cars and around 40 bikes. Two ancient fuel pumps that form part of his museum he opened nearly three years ago, adds to the ambience. At Rs 100 per head, a visit to Treasured Wheels is worth every second of it. Deka’s passion for old automobiles started early in his life. “As a schoolboy in Dibrugarh, I was bowled over by a Renault 4CV. Determined to own it, I began to pursue the car’s owner to sell it to him as soon as I began to earn,” he says. Deka did eventually buy it in 1993 for a princely sum of Rs 3,000 which was almost his month’s salary. Deka has a nose for locating old vehicles. Many of them were cars rusting
in households in Assam’s remote areas. He would convince their inheritors that the best way to pay tribute to the original owners of the vehicles would be to restore them instead of letting them rust. At Treasured Wheels, most of the cars, including the Renault 4 CV, are in running condition. Deka has quite a few of the A-listers of the auto world in his museum that formally opened in 2013. Among them is an Oldsmobile of 1919 vintage and of the early cars imported to India. There’s a Citroen, a model of the world’s first front-wheel drive car. With money always in
short supply, Deka doesn’t outsource the restoration work like a high-profile collector would. He gets to work himself, taking apart an engine to see what needs to be replaced. Deka’s collection of motor bikes is no less impressive. British legends like a Norton 650 of 1932, a BSA 500 of 1938, a Royal Enfield of 1940, a Sunbeam 500 of 1942, a Triumph 350 of 1934 and a US-made Paradrop Scooter of 1933 are among the exhibits. Funds crunch has been a recurring problem. He has borrowed from family and friends and has taken every type of loan a bank could possibly give to pur-
sue his dream. “Most of my salary goes into repaying the loans. If my wife wasn’t employed, my dream would have died a long time ago,” he acknowledges. While the acquisitions cost comparatively less mainly because the cars were in terrible shape, the restoration job has bled him financially. “I am perpetually in debt,” he says. So what is it that fuels his passion as a collector? “I feel it is a way of paying tribute to the generations before ours who made sacrifices to produce these things that have given us a springboard to advance further,” he says. Deka knows he is sitting on a gold mine. But he is simply not interested to cash in on his treasure. He has turned down lucrative offers to sell his collection that could make him a millionaire many times over. “I did not become a collector to become rich. I only wanted to showcase them in a museum,” he says. “I respect history and they have become so much a part of me that it is inconceivable to sell them.”
tary of tourism and civil aviation department, Sikkim, said 95 per cent of the construction is complete and once the airport starts operating, over 10 lakh tourists are expected, which is 25 per cent more than the present count of 7.5 lakh. “We are developing the infrastructure to accommodate the tourists along side the construction of the airport. We are also planning to develop yoga centres in the forests and promote nature, adventure and eco-tourism.” Famous among trekkers, the northern region of Sikkim will now be available to foreign tourists on basis of a pass. “The pass can be obtained from our tourism centres and will be valid for 15 days for international tourists. Domestic tourists do not have a limit for the same,” Zangpo added.
A visiting UROLOGIST available every 1st, 3rd & 5th Saturdays. Next Visit: 03.09.2016 Patients with KIDNEY STONE, U. BLADDER and PROSTATE (BPH) PROBLEMS OR any other Urinary related diseases may contact for consultation. Contact: 03862-224041/248011/8794987931
VACANCy Asst. Teacher: 1 post Qualification:B. Sc. (PCM) Sd/- Principal Eden Hr. Sec. School Churches Colony, Dimapur: Nagaland
Schedule for District Audition for interested participants who desire to be a part of Hornbill Festival 2016 The Tourism Department, Nagaland proposed to undertake District Audition for interested participants who desire to be a part of Hornbill Festival 2016. The Audition is proposed to cover any array of entertainment including arts, crafts, sports, food, indigenous games, music etc that best portrays and encapsulates the rich cultural heritage of the State’s unique identity and fascinates the visitors coming to the State. The panel of judges will comprise of: 1. Secretary (Tourism)/Representative 2. Deputy Commissioner/Representative 3. Project Director MTF 4. District Public Relations Officer 5. District Cultural Officer 6. District YRO/Sports Officer 7. President, Tribal Hoho 8. Representative of District Partner
The auditions will start at 9 a.m. Tentative Schedule is as follows: 1. Tuensang 06/09/2016 2. Mon 08/09/2016 3. Longleng 12/09/2016 4. Mokokchung 14/09/2016 5. Wokha 16/09/2016 6. Zunheboto 19/09/2016 7. Phek 21/09/2016 8. Kiphire 23/09/2016 9. Peren 26/09/2016 10. Dimapur 28/09/2016 11. Kohima 30/09/2016
Sd/- Director Tourism Department, Nagaland, Kohima
Issued by: DIPR
mondAY 29•08•2016
New premia in life insurance maintain 22.5 percent growth KolKata, august 28 (IaNs): India’s life insurance business saw a 22.66per cent jump in new premia in the first four months of this fiscal, thanks to better distribution channels, low returns from bank deposits, innovative policies and better expectations from unitlinked products. The net first year (new business) premia for the 24 insurance companies stood at Rs 45,247 crore in the first four months of the fiscal, against Rs 36,888.11 crore during the same period a year ago. In fact, the new business premium grew at 33.2 per cent in the April to June period. Life insurers remain bullish of the positive trends continuing in the months to come, maintaining the fast clip in premia growth of 22.5 percent in the previous fiscal at Rs 138,657 crore, against Rs 113,142 crore in 2014-15.
As per the latest data of the Insurance Regulatory and Development Authority of India (IRDAI), the first year premia collection in July was Rs 13,854.44 crore, up four per cent from the Rs 13,319.97 crore in the corresponding month last year. “We have been able to see a strong growth in the industry because of the strong, multi-channel distribution system, innovative new products and good customer service,” SBI Life Insurance’s Managing Director and CEO Arijit Basu told IANS. The growth, however, has varied from company to company on the basis of their ability to reach out to customers with their products and services. The staterun Life Insurance Corp’s first year premia during the April-July period grew 24 per cent to Rs 33,332.14 crore. “The interest rates in
CSCs to roll out 13 skill-based programmes in September New DelhI, august 28 (PtI): People in rural and semi urban areas can soon approach Common Service Centres for training in various employment-oriented skills, as CSC e-Governance Services is all set to roll out various programmes through its centres across the country. “We will be launching 13 programs on skilling, along with our technical partner, next month. The course content of these programmes will be available through CSC’s ICT platform,” Dinesh Kumar Tyagi, CEO of CSC e-Governance Services told PTI. The short duration programmes involve basic level, and, in some cases, advanced level courses in areas such as electrical repair, assistant motor mechanic for two-wheeler and four wheeler, welding, mobile repair and even cybersecurity, among others. Tyagi said the self-paced digital content will be made available by the technical partner -- a global engineering, automation and technology company -- through the CSCs. The content will be supplemented through hands-on training with various industry partners, and aspirants will receive certificates after completion of the course and successful assessment. Asked how the CSCs will overcome challenges of low literacy in rural areas given that the programmes will be available on web-based platform, Tyagi said Village Level Entrepreneurs (VLEs), who manage the CSCs, will not only offer the necessary IT infrastructure and support for the initiative, but also provide active assistance to learners. CSCs are ICT enabled centres that provide individual access to Internet and computer devices, in particular, to bridge the digital divide in rural areas.
BSNL bets on Plan 49 to bring back customers to landline business MaNgaluRu, august 28 (toI): State owned telecom company - BSNL is betting big on its recently launched plan 49 to bring back customers back to its landline operations. Once the core of all telecommunication, landlines have gradually taken back seat with advent of mobile telephony. Promoted under the tag line ‘Experience LL 49 Plan’, a new customer opting for this plan is assured of a host of benefits, explains G R Ravi, general manager, Dakshina Kannada telecom district. For starters, installation is free. The new customer also gets a free prepaid BSNL SIM card. Six months from installation, the connection is converted to the general plan of the area concerned. Usually, the general plan starts with monthly rental of Rs 240 for urban users and Rs 220 for rural users, he says adding the call rate per minute under this plan for local calls is Re 1 and Rs 1.20 for STD. The offer launched on Independence Day is valid for 90 days, he noted. With BSNL also having launched unlimited free calls to any network for 24-hours on all Sunday since August 15, a landline customer now has the opportunity to make calls free from 9pm on Saturday to 7am on Monday, including the general free night calling offer from 9pm to 7am every day. To make the offer even more attractive to new customers coming to its land line fold and to existing customers, BSNL has also allowed them to forward their mobile calls to local landline number and avail crystal clear voice quality of incoming calls on their mobile at homes without any extra charge. The Rs 49 rental is cheaper than most mobile plans, he said, adding details on how to divert call can be had on www.bsnl.co.in or by calling 1800-180-1503.
India’s tablet market declines 5.6 percent in April-June: IDC New DelhI, august 28 (PtI): Tablet shipments in India declined by 5.6% to 0.98 million units in AprilJune compared to the same period last year, according to a research report. The shipments in the second quarter, however, higher by 14.4% compared to previous January-March quarter, the report by research firm IDC said. “Tablet market declined as consumer market receded by 12.5 per cent year-on-year in Q2 2016, while commercial segment continues to grow at a healthy rate indicating clear shift in the focus of the market,” IDC India Senior Market Analyst Client Devices Karthik J said. Overall 2016 tablet shipments are expected to decline marginally this year as ramp of commercial segment isn’t enough to offset the consumer segment decline, IDC said. About three-fourths of tablets sold in India are below $150 and driven primarily by local vendors like Datawind, iBall and Micromax. Samsung dominated the mid $150-350 segment, while the premium over $300 continues to be dominated by Apple. Overall, Datawind led the market with 27.5% share, followed by Samsung 14.7%, iBall 14.3%, Lenovo 11.2%and Micromax 10.9%.
bank deposit have fallen on an average to sub-8 per cent. Savers have been looking for alternatives. They’re finding insurance products, particularly annuity plans, better options to park their savings,” said Bajaj Capital’s Group CEO and Director Anil Kumar Chopra. “This is one of main reasons people are inclined to buy fresh policies,” Bajaj told IANS. During the four-month period under review, the first year premia of 23 private players clocked Rs 11,914.86 crore -- 18.68 per cent higher than Rs 10,038.88 crore in the corresponding period of the previous year. “Growth for bank-led players can be attributed to the success of bancassurance (selling insurance products through banks) channels with the focus on ulip business,” Max Life’s Director (Product Solutions
and Customer Marketing) Aalok Bhan told IANS. “Within the traditional products segment, the industry looked to focus on the growth of long term savings and pure protection segment.” With the stock markets performing better, Ulip products tend to do well as their value goes up, he said, adding: “It boosts the sentiment of the investors and they start buying new policies in such positive environment for future protection.” Life insurers also found online sales steadily contributing in the overall business and also to new business premia. Basu said: “At SBI Life, we have seen a growth of 45 per cent in terms of its contribution in the total new business premia.” “Online sales at Max Life Insurance is growing at 70-80 per cent on a yearon-year basis. The focus in
online business has largely been on term plans which account for only a fraction of total business,” said Bhan. In view of positive macro economic factors, insurers are optimistic that the growing trend will continue over the rest of the fiscal. “At a micro level, with the increasing level of customer awareness, simplification of products and increasing the digital influence, we feel the industry will only grow from here on,” Bhan said. SBI Life’s Basu said: “In the first quarter, our growth surpassed the industry figure. In 2015-16 the company grew at 33 per cent in its individual new business premium; this year we aim at a growth of 40 per cent.” Looking ahead, Chopra said the first year premium is expected to grow anywhere between 15-25 per cent during the current fiscal on a year-on-year basis.
Parliament panel slams changes in pension calculation criteria New DelhI, august 28 (PtI): A Parliamentary panel has rapped the government for abruptly amending the formula for calculating pension, which resulted in “substantial” decrease in the amount of benefits received by employees who retire after September 1, 2014, saying it amounts to “breach of contract”. The Committee on Subordinate Legislation has said in its 12th report that the amendment is “adversarial and arbitrary in nature” as the persons who retire up to one day before September 1, 2014 will get higher pension on account of calculation based on 12 month average salary, while those who retire after that will get substantially lower pension calculated on 60 months’ average salary. At the time of joining the pension scheme both categories of employees were entitled to receiving pension based on the same formula, the report tabled in the monsoon session said. The Committee has now “strongly” recommended restoration of the earlier formula in case of “at least all such employees who became members of Employees Pension Scheme prior to the August 22, 2014 notification effective from September 1, 2014”.
“The criteria of 60 months for calculation of pension, could be made applicable to only those employees who had joined Employees Pension Scheme after the notification after suitable modifications as the committee find little justification for such a drastic change in the criteria,” the panel said. The report said the government had contended that the amendment was made on the basis of recommendation in the actuarial valuation reports of the Employees Pension Scheme with a view to curtailing deficit in the Employees’ Pension Scheme Fund. “Having considered the background and the aims and objects of the Employees Provident Fund and Miscellaneous Provisions Act, 1952, the Committee are of the considered view that the extant amendment made by the government towards calculation of the pension is totally against the principles of natural justice and contrary to the spirit of the original Pension Scheme. “It is definitely prejudicial to the interests of those employees who are attaining the age of superannuation after 1 September, 2014. The amendment is adversarial and arbitrary in nature,” the committee observed.
As Fed nears rate hikes, policymakers plan for ‘brave new world’ wyoMINg, august 28 (ReuteRs): Federal Reserve policymakers are signaling they could raise U.S. interest rates soon but they are already weighing new tools they may need to fight the next recession. A solid U.S. labor market “has strengthened” the case for the first rate increase since last December, Fed Chair Janet Yellen told a central banking conference in Jackson Hole, Wyoming. Several of her colleagues said the increase could come as soon as next month if the economy does well. Further rate hikes are expected to be few and far between as the U.S. central bank tries to balance a desire to fuel growth against worries it could overheat the economy. But Fed officials at three-day conference that ended Saturday also said they need to consider new policy tools for use down the road, such as raising the inflation target or even Fed purchases of non-government-backed assets like corporate debt. Such ideas would test the limits of political feasibility and some would need congressional approval. The view within the Fed is that it could take effort to win over a public already skeptical of the uncon-
ventional policies the Fed undertook during the last crisis. Policymakers think new tools might be needed in an era of slower economic growth and a potentially giant and long-lasting trove of assets held by the Fed. And they are convinced the time to vet them is now, while rates look to be heading up. “Central banking is in a brave new world,” Atlanta Fed President Dennis Lockhart said in an interview on the sidelines of the conference. At the center of the Fed’s discussions is its $4.5 trillion balance sheet, built up by bond-buying sprees to combat the 2007-09 recession but which has been criticized by many lawmakers. While policymakers have maintained the Fed should eventually reduce its bond holdings, Lockhart said some officials were closer to accepting that they needed to learn to live with them. Officials have said they will slowly let the balance sheet shrink, a process that would take years and would not begin until interest rate increases are well underway. Substantial progress could be made only in a very long-lived economic expansion. Yellen, in her speech on Friday,
Daily Cross WorD ACROSS 1. Directly (archaic) 6. Church alcove 10. Website addresses 14. Thin disk of unleavened bread 15. Not amateurs 16. Ark builder 17. Quickly 18. A grimace 19. Fully developed 20. Saleable 22. If not 23. Murder 24. Found at the end of a pencil 26. Rodents 30. Beer 31. Central 32. Way out 33. Edges 35. Russian country house 39. He fights blazes 41. Supercilium 43. Incline 44. Stare 46. Solitary 47. Unhappy 49. Louisville Slugger 50. Female sheep (plural) 51. Third sign of the zodiac 54. operatic solo 56. “What a shame!” 57. The end of an Apollo flight 63. Sieve 64. owl sound 65. Creepy 66. Anagram of “Ties” 67. Feudal worker 68. Catkin 69. 365 days 70. Views 71. Davenports DOWN 1. Travelled through water 2. Dad 3. At a distance
Simple Rules - There is just one simple rule: “Fill in the grid so that every row, every column, and every 3x3 box contains the digits 1 through 9.”
Game Number # 3683
Answer Number # 3682
said balance sheets would likely swell again in future recessions as the Fed snaps up assets to stimulate the economy. The conference, attended by all but two of the Fed’s 17 policymakers as well as central bankers from around the world, also presented a menu of more exotic proposals. This included a Fed takeover of short-term debt markets and abolishing cash in order to charge negative interest rates. Many of the more radical proposals, including one to abandon monetary policy altogether and focus on urging runaway deficit-spending, were seen as ivory tower musings. Most policymakers, including Yellen, said it was likely the tools the Fed used to fight the last crisis, including rate cuts, bond purchases and jawboning on rate expectations, will be adequate. Notably, her laundry list of possible tools did not include negative rates, an idea that has been nearly universally panned by Fed officials. She said the Fed is not actively considering additional policy tools but participants at the conference suggested the process is already well underway.
4. Make out (slang) 5. Hellenic language 6. Terrible 7. Trouble 8. Essence 9. High regard 10. Indecipherable 11. Churns 12. Expire 13. Absolute 21. Crown 25. Go on horseback 26. Umpires 27. Angle of a leafstalk 28. Novice 29. Daughter of a step-parent 34. Divides 36. Gloat 37. Sharpen 38. Amazes 40. Average 42. Abominable snowmen 45. Type of shellfish 48. Plates 51. Bloated 52. High society 53. A crime syndicate 55. Coming up 58. Sit for a photo 59. A Greek territorial unit 60. Mining finds 61. Instant 62. Catches ANSwER TO CROSSwORd 3696
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mondAY 29•08•2016
public space/NaGalaND
Can Zubza rail head be spared?
irstly, what do I personally gain from exposing the ills in our society today? What will be the reciprocity from people to what subject I considered worth placing in the public domain? Who, particularly those professional exploiters, care to read the write up and mend their ways for they cannot escape from being noticed by others? Will it sensitize or prick anybody? No, no degree or amount of criticism can tickle the thick steel skin of professional exploiters. In Naga parlance today, those who are speaking the truth are branded as frustrated, anti-that group, anti-this group, anti-government, anti-settlement, anti-unity and anti-Naga. The ‘Let it be’ and timidity have overwhelmed Naga society. Nevertheless, in Naga society, I believe there is no dearth of honest and God fearing people. To those who are for the truth, when the truth is spoken, their spirit is lifted, and they feel emboldened and supported. There are Naga Christians who do not worship other gods as power, money and status but they worship the only Living God who introduced Himself to be a jealous God, and to these people the truth delights them. Yet, to speak the truth requires courage and sacrifice as its ramifications are immense. When I speak the truth, though without malice, I only earn irks from those who are implicated.
When I speak the truth, I get myself isolated from majority for the fact that majority Nagas unfortunately do not stand for the truth today. Nevertheless, the ultimate winner will be the truth. On the given subject, when Imphal is getting rail head, Zubza is much easier to have railway extension. I remembered somebody critically wrote about the extension of railway to Zubza which is deep inside the ILP enforced zone. Such apprehension is logical in view of the complacency of the administration, despite of having restrictive laws at our disposal. Our small land has become so porous for unauthorised people to come and dominate the land owners if ILP is not strictly enforced to effectively screen people coming to Zubza by train. The apprehension is correct that Zubza rail head may become the floodgate for floating population to outnumber the indigenous people. This aspect has to be given the importance by the Govt. When the movement of people is properly monitored, the positive aspect of Zubza railhead will be the impact on freight charges. The 58 km minus from 74 km can give a difference. The prices of essential commodities which should become cheaper at Kohima and beyond at par with Dimapur. Therefore, from economic point of view, it should become an asset to the State in the long run.
For Dhansiri-Zubza project, an amount of Rs.145.45 crores had been incurred up to March 31, 2016. Perhaps the expenditures were on survey works and land compensation. Rs.350 crores has been allocated for this year up to March 2017 as against the estimated cost of Rs.2315.30 crores for 90.5 km distance as per media report. The question to be raised is this: Will Zubza railhead become a reality? By personal experience, it is impossible to believe that this project will become successful. On the visit of former Prime Minister of India Sri. Vajpai to Nagaland in October 2003, Rs.400 crores was promised for Dimapur-Kohima 4-lane road. The same was given to Guwahati-Shillong 4-lane road during the same period. Today, the people of Meghalaya are enjoying riding it. Even after 13 years, Nagaland is struggling with land acquisition and who should and who should not get the works. Though the Union Railways Minister Sri. Suresh Prabhakar Prabhu laid the foundation stone for DhansiriZubza railroad on 1.8.2016, may be we have to wait for another decade in the name of land issues, contractors issue, etc. Secondly, when 4 roads under SARDP-NE of 2 lane category, namely, Longleng-Changtonya, Mon-Tamlu-Merangkong, Phek-Pfutsero and Zunheboto-Chakhabama roads
were approved and undertaken by Maytas-Gayatri, proper execution was not allowed. What became the biggest obstacle was sucking the blood of the projects by Nagas. Who are those Nagas who were responsible for the failure of these four roads? The answer is: from top to bottom. Some Naga politicians who occupied the responsible offices and who were supposed to protect and promote the project, some Naga national workers who farcically harp on sovereignty, some Naga NGOs who are fond of wearing philanthropy uniform and some of those Naga officers who were supposed to guide and assist the contractors collectively sucked the fund dry. The payments were released without assessing the actual execution on ground. The key construction company representatives had to live and move as virtual underground as the pester for commission was beyond the human manageability. Confidently speaking, I along with my area public organisation had hard tasks to tackle since all the rich and powerful were on one side opposing us, therefore we could do very little except the mental satisfaction. As of now, thanks to Guwahati High Court for its intervention, and yet there is uncertainty as to whether the Union Govt. will abide by the Court’s ruling. Whereas, I am not allowed to be optimistic even when the works on these four roads
On Drug War
he resolute Filipino President Rodrigo Duterte has defied all odds to crack down the drug kingpin and narcotic dealers in his nation. He seems to be unmoved in his decision of hunting down the drug top-dogs in his country since being installed as the president in June 30, 2016. Although the intention was to bring about change, the bold step has created chaos as more than 1900 people have already been killed in drug-related connections. His un-daunting leadership and courage is admired but the big question mark hangs over our head as to whether the verdict is morally justifiable! The plague of drug abusers has penetrated into almost every neighbourhood of this island country. The raid has been carried and authorized by police personnel on several slum drug infested areas. The ludicrous fact stands that hundreds of high ranking police officers and bureaucrats are linked to this trade and yet actions withheld against them. The petty drug dealers have been raided and ultimately killed but the top branches remains untouched. The wrestling of this issue in biblical prism will clear our doubts as to whether this controversial judgment is morally approved by God or not. The infliction of punishment upon the wrongdoers is absolutely warranted in the Bible. So to speak, the authorities have been given the sword and guns to slay the wicked (Romans 13:4). The penance serves as a warning for others to curb the evils in the community. But the case in Philippines seems to have gone overboard as secret assassins have been recruited by government in murdering the drug-dealers. The country now is marked by tumult as hatred and suspicion underlines thousands of grief-stricken family. The sixth commandment of the 10 commandments in Exodus 20:13 reads, "You shall not murder." The Bible forbids the act of murder, which means the unjustified taking of a person's life including suicide, abortion, and euthanasia and so forth. Nonetheless, it doesn't ban all killing as we take on some instances in the Old Testament (OT). The Bible allows for three Z. Lohe situations where killing is justified:
resume. The fact is that even at the very moment, the contractors are unable to come to Nagaland for fear of being taxed not by ordinary people but by very powerful leaders. The above is what Nagaland is today. Had the above issue raised been in a Hindu or Muslim dominated State, it would have become a big scam. The public would not have spared the culprits. The case would have been investigated, the culprits being booked and the projects revived. In a Christian State as Nagaland, who will bother to inquire into the status of these 4 roads after all the first sanction was exhausted. Can Zubza railhead be spared by the same group of vultures, crocodiles lead by lions in Naga zoo? Can Dhansiri-Zubza rail project become a reality? Why have I put question as the headline is all those who were responsible for the destruction of the 4nos of 2-lane projects have not disappeared. Yes, the subcontractors were irresponsible and they clicked well with the similar local elements to jointly lick the fund dry at the expense of those of us who struggled to bring our respective roads. I may not be wrong in saying that Zubza railhead may face the same fate. I will not be surprised the much publicised project may fizzle out while getting ready for takeoff.
Seventeen youth clear Army exam
Vebu Khamo Seoul Christian University, South Korea
LMRSU calls off public meeting Wokha, august 28 (mExN): The office of the Lotha Middle Range Students' Union (LMRSU) has notified to the range general public that the public meeting which was scheduled for August 30 has been called off till further notification. This notification has been issued with unanimous decision of the LMRSU executives after a discussion with senior citizens and leaders of the range, stated a press release from LMRSU. For more information, contact: 8974411185/ 9612316736/ 9856321381/ 8731826341.
With the theme "Improving Transparency and Accountability in Government through Effective Implementation of RTI Act," training on Right to Information Act 2005 was held in the conference hall of the Deputy Commissioner’s office on August 23 and 24. Altogether, 75 PIOs, APIOs and NGOs from Dimapur district participated in the training.
ZB Kohima Consultative meet held The youth who cleared the Army Recruitment Examination pose for camera with 37 Assam Rifles officials.
Rongmei Baptist Church Burma Camp, Dimapur led by its Pastor, Rev. Gaidim Kamei visited Sharon Home of Hope at United North Block in Dimapur and shared gospel. The team distributed eatables, sports kit among the children.
Killing in Warfare: Deuteronomy 2:3334 reads, "The LORD our God delivered him over to us and we struck him down, together with his sons and his whole army. At that time we took all his towns and completely destroyed them--men, women and children. We left no survivors."The protection of God-given land is to be solemnly honoured and kept unscathed. Many wars and terrors would have been prevented if nations had maintained the God-given law. God at times even commanded the unmerciful annihilation of evil nations. Self-Defense: If a criminal threatens someone's life, then it is warranted in the law to kill that criminal on the basis of selfdefense, and the courts definitely respect this argument as well. This is also why policemen are justified in killing criminals when the criminal has put someone else's life in danger, and he will not submit to arrest. Capital punishment: Genesis 9:5-6 reads, "And for your lifeblood I will surely demand an accounting. I will demand an accounting from every animal. And from each man, too, I will demand an accounting for the life of his fellow man. Whoever sheds the blood of man, by man shall his blood be shed; for in the image of God has God made man." This passage implies to us that execution of murderers is indorsed by God Himself. Notice in this case that killing is not only justified, but commanded by God. This passage can also be linked to the situations of warfare and selfdefense. Now that been said, the writer does not concur with the Philippines drug war because it doesn’t fall in line with any of the three points mentioned. The imposition of this drug war may become a disease upon the budding generation in the intensification of hate crimes, violence, revenge and rebellion.“For all who use swords are destroyed by swords,” said Jesus. To this end, the writer pens this short note to stir the Christians today to uphold and remember this island country in prayer.
Dimapur, august 28 (mExN): Seventeen Naga youth of Ghaspani and adjacent areas who cleared the Army Recruitment Examination held in Kohima in April 2016 were felicitated by 37 Assam Rifles at Ghaspani on August 19. The ceremony was attended by Commander of 6 Sector, friends and relatives of the Naga youth, and troops of 37 Assam Rifles.
A press release from Assam Rifles informed that the Commander of 6 Sector Assam Rifles conveyed his compliments and good wishes for a fruitful career in Indian Army. He encouraged the youth to focus on their training at Regimental Centres and emerge as good soliders/ responsible citizens of the nation. He also apprised them about the various benefits, perks and privileges of
Army personnel. The successful candidates, their parents and Village Council members expressed gratitude to 37 Assam Rifles for imparting training to the successful candidates, the release said. “The recruitment of these seventeen youth is bound to motivate others to participate in forthcoming recruitment rallies and opt for Indian Army as a career option.”
kohima, august 28 (Dipr): The Zeliangrong Baudi Kohima organized a joint consultative meeting with the Kohima Liangmai Welfare Society, Rongmei Council Kohima and Zeme Council Kohima, under the banner of “Unity towards greater Heights” on Saturday, August 27 at Ura Restaurant, near Red Cross Building, Kohima. According to a press release, the consultative meeting discussed the proposed Zeliangrong Festival. Known for their cheerful and peace loving nature, the Zeliangrong people have a rich culture and traditional heritage and a distinct identity marked with numerous festivals for different occasions round the year, the release stated. The consultative meeting unanimously resolved to celebrate the Zeliangrong festival Chaga Gadi and Langsimnyi as Zeliangrong ngi at the State Capital Kohima on October 31, the release informed. In this regard, the house selected the following members for the Organizing Committee: Convener- Kairinpibo Chawang, President ZBK; Co-Convener - Kenlum Hemang, General Secretary, ZBK; and Member Secretary- D.S. Namrei.
NYK Z'boto undertake ‘Freedom March’ ZuNhEboto, august 28 (mExN): The Nehru Yuva Kendra (NYK) Zunheboto organized “Freedom March” at Zunheboto District Headquarter on August 24 with Krodi Rhetso NPS, SP Zunheboto as the Chief Guest. The Freedom March was held as part of celebration of India’s 70th years of independence. Around 309 youth, comprising of 147 male and 162 female from Govt. Hr. Sec. School, and Zunheboto Govt. College and Youth club members joined the rally which was flagged off by Yevikhu Awomi NPS, SDPO Zunheboto at the DC Office before converging at Circuit House.
As part of MGNREGA job card verification drive, Project Director of District Rural Development Agency, Tuensang, Chubawati, along with other departmental officials inspected job cards under R.D. Block Sangsangyu, Tuensang on August 19 last.
Meetings & Appointments Students of Dimapur Mission Higher Secondary School (DMHSS) take part in the two day spiritual retreat programme which was held on Friday and Saturday at Dimapur Ao Baptist Church (DABA), Town Fellowship, Khermahal with Rev. Kilang Jamir as speaker.
AYO Souvenir Committee review meeting The Souvenir Committee AYO Silver Jubilee Celebration will have a review meeting with the Organizing Committee on September 1, 4:00 pm at Hotel Japfü. Therefore, Neizokhotuo Belho, Convenor of the committee has requested all members concerned to attend the meeting without fail. Members delegated with various assignments should submit the reports before the meeting, Neizokhotuo added in a press release.
CondolenCe Sechü-Rau-Mera-Thenyieu Clan
The Gorkha Public Panchayat, Kohima along with various Gorkha NGOs of Kohima district observed 'Balidan Diwas' on August 25 at GPPK Hall, Chandmari, Kohima in commemoration of the 72nd Martyr's Day of Saheed Major Durga Mall (INA) and also in honour of Capt. N. Kenguruese, MVC (Posthumous).
An advocacy workshop on tobacco free school Guideline for teachers of Government High Schools under Dimapur District was held on August 24 at West City Building, Dimapur. Dr. C. Tetseo and Imkumla were the resource persons. Amongla Jamir, District Education Officer encouraged the Govt. schools to come forward and adopt tobacco free school norm. A total of 25 Govt. High School teachers participated in the advocacy workshop and resolved to make efforts towards making their schools tobacco free.
The Sechü-Rau-Mera-Thenyieu Clan has mourned the untimely demise of Rangtalak Rangkau, the elder brother of Chief Minister TR Zeliang who breathed his last on August 24. A condolence note issued by the Clan termed late Rangtalak as a “guiding pillar” of the clan, the village and the society, who contributed immensely for the uplift of the society. The clan, while asking the Almighty to grant comfort to the bereaved family, also prayed for the departed soul to rest in eternal peace.
The Morung Express “Public Space” is to provide space for diverse opinions to be expressed and heard. The opinions in the “Public Space” do not reflect the views and position of the newspaper nor the editor.
Monday 29•08•2016
The Power of Truth
The Morung Express volume Xi issue 237 By moa Jamir
The sagacity of secretiveness
ight after the signing of the ‘historic accord’ between the NSCN (IM) and the Government of India (GoI) on August 3, 2015, this column argued that non-disclosure and silence on the of specifics of ‘framework agreement’ has subsequently created a limbo filling the air with extreme anxiety and trepidation. One year on, the scenario is no better, with various conjectures and postulations flying around supposedly on the counters of agreement with both the sides conspicuously keeping the dialogue closely guarded, albeit a teaser and clarification here and there. The latest addition to this contesting narratives is the allegation by four Naga Political Groups (NPGs) that the Chief Minister TR Zeliang of playing “haphazard diabolical politics” on “Indo-Naga political issue” Why is the chief minister appealing the people to support the document when he “admitted clearly, that he does not know the contents of the 3rd August 2015 accord,” accused the NPGs further contending that it was “unwise to seek support in a non-inclusive talk that he is a stranger to.” The CM’s “obsession” with the Framework Agreement “clearly suggests that he is conniving to destroy Nagaland altogether,” the NPGs pointed out. The charges were strongly refuted subsequently by the Chief Minister's Office through its Media Cell as “some serious but unwarranted allegations”, stating that “neither he nor the state government were in possession of the ‘Framework Agreement of August 3, 2015’ and that they trust the intentions of the negotiators that “the best interest of the Naga people would be ensured while evolving a negotiated settlement”. The Nagas’ desire for permanent peace can be achieved only by “inclusive solution and not in piecemeal” and every Naga will be a stakeholder in the final solution, it said. Clear any doubts or details directly with the Interlocutor R.N. Ravi rather than “speculating and interpreting as per one’s own understanding” instead of confusing people with “ambiguous statement”, the statement further retorted. Such belligerent repartee regarding the ‘framework agreement’ has been a recurring feature in both mainstream and social media since its signing reflecting the acute apprehensions and expectations disquieting the various stakeholders due to the secrecy. Secretiveness comes naturally to intelligence agencies and NPGs and this has been one of the most distinguishing features of the 18-year-long negotiation process between GoI and NSCN (I-M) opined Tapan Bose in Mainstream in December 2015. While arguing that there may be many valid reasons for keeping the contents of the agreement secret, he posed, “Why publicise the signing of an agreement when you cannot disclose the content?” It is creating doubts and suspicions about the nature of the agreement among relevant stakeholders, both amidst the Nagas and amongst the neighbours who have been excluded from the peace dialogue, he argued. Although the framework is a ‘preamble,’ from where contours are sorted out accordingly and therefore a work in progress, did the participating parties err in prematurely publicizing the same creating a lacuna and a suspended animation? Will the framework agreement accommodate the notion of a political relationship founded on genuine federalism? And will it cater to the aspiration of competing imperatives amongst the various stakeholders or will history repeat itself? This column has asked before. As observed from the ongoing state of affairs, these questions remain - as elusive and mysterious as the ‘framework agreement.’ For any comment, drop a line to moajamir@live.com
lEfT wiNg |
Arun Kumar IANS
First lady, 'second daughter', third act
ften called her "second daughter", she has been a shadow of Hillary Clinton for two decades. Now the Desi woman of mixed Indian-Pakistani heritage threatens to cast a long shadow on Clinton's presidential ambitions. Huma Abedin, 40, offspring of an Indian father and a Pakistani mother, has been at her side from her time as First Lady to Secretary of State and now the Democratic presidential nominee. It was Abedin who served as a conduit between Clinton and the fat cat donors of the Clinton family foundation even as she built a "firewall" for herself at the instance of President Barack Obama before becoming America's top diplomat. "Good friend of ours," a foundation aide wrote to Abedin to get a 10-minute meeting with Clinton in 2009 for the Crown Prince of Bahrain, whose charity donated $32 million for a programme run through the Clinton Global Initiative. Another email released by conservative watchdog Judicial Watch shows that Clinton even delayed a plane for a 15-minute meeting with Sim Daniel Abraham, founder of Slim-Fast line of diet products, who gave $5 million to $10 million to the family charity. An AP story based on Clinton's daily schedules obtained by the agency after suing the State Department, shows that 85 of the 154 non-government persons who met or spoke to her on phone contributed $156 million to the foundation. In addition, 16 foreign governments donated $170 million to the Clinton charity. "If this is not 'pay for play' what is it?" asked Republican rival Donald Trump calling it "one of the most shocking scandals in American political history". But the Manhattan mogul who himself was among at least 40 who donated $100,000 each told NH1 News he didn't do so to seek access and a favour from Hillary Clinton. "But I will say they liked me a lot," said Trump. "They liked me a lot. And if I hadn't made that contribution, they probably wouldn't have liked me at all." Hillary Clinton dismissed the AP story as "absurd", calling it "all smoke, no fire", even as her surrogates claimed donors may have got "access" but not any "favours". But as a couple of mainstream newspapers joined Trump's call to shutter the foundation and seek an "expedited investigation by a special prosecutor immediately", a "hurt" Bill promised to leave the family charity if his wife wins the White House. Emails also show that Abedin left copies of confidential or classified emails in her car during Clinton's visit to New Delhi in July 2009. "I'm going to have ambassador ride on next drive," wrote Abedin in an email with "Favour" as the subject to Lauren Jiloty, Clinton's personal assistant. "There's a bunch of burn stuff in the pocket of my front seat. Can u put it in trunk?" she asked. Jiloty told Abedin she would. The State Department suggested Abedin did nothing wrong saying that just because the materials were destined for a "burn bag", doesn't mean they were classified. Abedin was also reportedly made a so-called "Special Government Employee" so that she could work simultaneously for the State Department and an outside entity.
Bethany Allen-Ebrahimian Foreign Policy
Japan’s Reluctant Feminist For the hawkish new governor of Asia’s biggest city, fighting for female empowerment was a necessity, not a calling
n July 31, Yuriko Koike, a member of parliament and Japan’s first female defense minister, shattered yet another glass ceiling by becoming the first-ever female governor of Tokyo, Asia’s largest city. In a May interview with Foreign Policy, Koike didn’t say a word about her plan (not made public until June 29) to run for governor of a city with an annual budget larger than that of Sweden. She sat in a small conference room while young women served green tea, amid the maze of offices and meeting halls in the building for members of parliament, next to the stately National Diet in Tokyo. A seasoned politician, Koike was impeccably dressed in a white blazer and simple gold necklace, her responses as crisp and authoritative as her demeanor. Though Koike speaks fluent English as well as Arabic, she conducted her end of the interview in refined Japanese using an interpreter. In between questions about the Trans-Pacific Partnership, U.S. presidential candidate Donald Trump, and territorial disputes with China, Koike went off script with impassioned English retorts only twice. The first time was to offer an unwavering defense of Prime Minister Shinzo Abe’s controversial attempt to reinterpret Japan’s pacifist constitution to grant the country more expansive military powers. The second was in response to a question about her experience as one of Japan’s few female politicians in a heavily maledominated culture. The first part of the question began by citing the country’s miserably low global ranking in terms of female representation in parliament — and at that point she interrupted and exclaimed, “Shame!” Koike is one of the loudest voices in Japan calling for greater female participation in politics and the workforce. Her activism at times seems to have been born out of necessity, and she has criticized the idea that female politicians should be relegated to dealing with women’s issues. But upon entering politics in 1992, Koike found that no one was taking female empowerment seriously as a policy issue. So she helped lead the charge by getting the vote out to women and trying to integrate them into the labor force. As a woman in Japanese politics, the new Tokyo governor has had plenty to fight for. According to data compiled by the Inter-Parliamentary Union, a global organization for legislatures, Japan ranks 155 out of 193 countries in terms of female representation in parliament — worse than Saudi Arabia. There has been little progress since Japanese women earned the right to vote 70 years ago. In 1946, women held 8.4 percent of seats in the House of Representatives, Japan’s lower house. As of this July, they held 9.5 percent of lower house seats, an increase of just over 1 percent. For women with political ambitions, the system in Japan remains stacked against them. Noelle Takahashi, a politically active woman who currently works for a private firm in Tokyo, is angling for a seat in the next House of Representatives general election as a candidate with the Democratic Party of Japan, the country’s second-largest political party. Takahashi says political parties prefer a certain kind of profile when they are selecting candidates for office. “They prefer a man,” she said, “who graduated from Tokyo University, majored in law, and used to work in the Ministry of Finance,” long regarded as Japan’s most powerful ministry. And when women are able to run for office, it’s often for vacancies — less desirable political districts that established, usually male politicians can avoid. “Women candidates can only get the leftovers,” Takahashi said. Even the women who have managed to make it into elected office tend to hold less influential positions and have less experience than their male counterparts. That’s because Japanese women, unlike
hen researchers started looking at whether countries could expand their populations and economies without using up more of the Earth's limited natural resources, they expected the answer to be “no”. But their findings suggest it can be done. A set of maps released this week show that people’s impact on the environment has been rising at a rate slower than that of economic and population growth. While the world's population grew 23 percent and its economy 153 percent between 1993 and 2009, the global footprint of humans grew only 9 percent, calculated a team of researchers from the University of Northern British Columbia, the University of Queensland, the Wildlife Conservation Society (WCS) and six other universities. Oscar Venter of the University of Northern British Columbia, the lead author of the study published in Nature Communications, called the results "encouraging". "It means we are becoming more efficient in how we use natural resources," he said. Some places even saw small decreases in environmental pressures as they got richer. That happened in the wealthiest countries and those with strong control of corruption. They included Britain, Denmark, Belgium, Germany, the Netherlands, large parts of France, and
Yuriko Koike, a lawmaker of Japan's ruling Liberal Democratic Party and former Defence Minister, attends the Renault General Meeting in Paris on April 30, 2013. Koike is to be appointed as member of Renault's Board of Directors during the meeting. (AFP Photo)
men, are rarely career politicians. They may have entered office from a less competitive district or on the coattails of a popular national leader. When they are later voted out, as seats are difficult to keep over the long term in Japan, they are likely to give up on politics and move on with their lives. Koike is one of the few women who has transitioned permanently into politics. After graduating from Cairo University in 1976 (her father, Yujiro Koike, was heavily involved in the oil trade), she made a name for herself as a news anchor — a fairly common path to politics in Japan — before finally winning her first election in 1992. But her feminist debut didn’t come until September 2005, as one of “Koizumi’s assassins” — a group of female candidates mobilized by then-Prime Minister Junichiro Koizumi to get out the vote, shake up the traditional base of power, and refurbish the staid image of the conservative Liberal Democratic Party (LDP). After a few stints in the House of Representatives and several cabinet appointments, she became Japan’s first female defense minister in 2007 but resigned after just over a month in office. And in 2008, as a member of the LDP, she became the first Japanese woman to launch a bid for prime minister, eventually losing to former Foreign Minister Taro Aso. Along the way, Koike became increasingly outspoken on women’s issues. “One of the things that I hated the most when I was a minister is that when a male minister makes a mistake, he is not strongly criticized for what has gone wrong,” Koike told the Telegraph in 2008. “But if a woman minister makes a mistake, even her colleagues would accuse her, simply because she is a woman. Or if she happens to do a good job, then it is often said that she only managed to achieve it because she had assistance from someone else.” When she announced her campaign for governor in June, she said, “As the [central] government pushes for a society where ‘women can shine,’ I think a female governor of Tokyo would be the perfect embodiment of that idea.” She has also faced overt sexism. Shintaro Ishihara, a political heavyweight who served as Tokyo’s governor from 1999 to 2012, remarked before the July 31 election that Tokyo should not be run by a “woman with too much makeup.” As a rare woman in the upper echelon of Japanese politics, when she first took office in 1992, Koike by default inherited a raft of social problems that had long been ignored. “When I entered politics, I expected other female politicians to have already started working on politics and issues related to that, but it turned out that nothing had been done about the female issue,” she told FP in May. These problems persisted for another two decades. In addition to their miserably low representation in politics, women in Japan had low rates of participation in the workforce — 60 percent in 2013 compared to 80 percent of Japanese men who work; women often left their jobs af-
ter marriage or childbirth and never resumed work outside the home. Working Japanese women earned about 30 percent less than their male counterparts, according to government data for 2013. In Japan’s two-track workforce, where elite salaried employees enjoy higher wages and job security while contract workers perform the same work for fewer benefits and lower pay, women continue to disproportionately hold contract positions. And Japanese women, at 63 percent, are far more likely than American women, at 26 percent, to cite frustration with work as a reason they leave their jobs. So four years ago, while still serving in the House of Representatives, Koike decided to pick up the slack and do something about it. She came up with seven recommendations and presented them to Shinzo Abe, who became prime minister for the second time in December 2012 after a short stint the previous decade. Three of these proposals, she told FP, made it into “womenomics,” the set of measures Abe announced in April 2013 aimed at revitalizing Japan’s long-stagnant economy and staving off the effects of population decline by increasing women’s labor participation. Abe also set in place a goal to raise the proportion of women executives in Japanese companies to 30 percent by 2020. With little progress made on the goal so far, this quota may have to be adjusted to a more realistic level. But Abe’s administration has at least made women’s issues a prominent talking point. “Japanese people have been used to this culture of the male being a bit more dominant,” said Masato Otaka, the Japanese Foreign Ministry’s deputy press secretary, during a May meeting in Tokyo while speaking to a group of journalists on a reporting fellowship with the Hawaii-based East-West Center. Otaka said that how the family functions in Japan is a major factor in the difficulty women face in entering or remaining in the labor force. “Many women still feel that when they have a family to look after, it’s not a particular advantage for them in their careers,” he said. Otaka went on to say that the 30 percent quota for women in managerial positions will help companies understand the importance of creating more flexible schedules and hiring practices. For her part, Koike said she supports this quota but was quick to add that she had a hand in its implementation. “Actually, this policy was made in 2005, but although the policy was made, no one executed or implemented this policy,” she said. “So the policy was put away inside a freezer, so to speak, and I was the one who took it out of the freezer to work on it.” Not everyone in Japan admires her. In some political circles in Tokyo, Koike is viewed as actively competing with other female politicians, striving to align herself with powerful men while stepping on other women to get ahead. “As a politician, Ms. Koike has never been enthusiastic about improving women’s social status, as that agenda turns off men,” remarked Mitsuko Shimomura, a founder of Win Win, an organization that supports female candidates, in 2008. But that’s not how Koike tells it. Back in May, she represented a Tokyo district that included Toshima, which, like the city’s other special wards, has its own local elected assembly. Koike said she used her political will in the April 2015 ward election to make sure the LDP ran many female candidates for the constituency. “As a result,” Koike said, “we were able to have more than 30 percent of LDP assembly representatives in the Toshima ward be female.” She hasn’t always enjoyed that much support from her own party. In order to run for Tokyo governor, Koike had to break with the LDP and run as an independent. The party backed a male candidate. Media outlets have long compared Koike to Hillary Clinton, and it’s a comparison — or, perhaps, rivalry — that she seems to have taken to heart. Her grandfather moved to Seattle in the 1910s, Koike related. He returned to Japan several years later. “But had he stayed living in Seattle,” Koike concluded the interview with a cool smile, “then I would have been born in Seattle, and I would be running against Hillary.” Bethany Allen-Ebrahimian traveled to Japan on a fellowship with the East-West Center in Honolulu, Hawaii.
Economic growth doesn't have to wreck the planet megan Rowling Thomson Reuters Foundation
"Human footprint" maps show people's impact on the environment has slowed some areas of the United States, Australia and southeast Africa. Eric W. Sanderson, a conservation zoologist with the WCS who worked on the original "Human Footprint" study in 2002, noted the results were the same after taking into account the effects of international trade, proving those countries have managed "in some small measure to decouple economic growth from environmental impacts". Venter said the researchers' data sent clear messages about how the world could achieve sustainable development. "Concentrate people in towns and cities so their housing and infrastructure needs are not spread across the wider landscape, and promote honest governments that are capable of managing environmental impacts," he said.
AGRICULTURAL PRESSURE By contrast, the areas subject to the highest environmental pressures tended to be forests: the temperate broadleaf forests of Western Europe, the eastern United States and China; the tropical dry forests of India and parts of Brazil; and tracts of Southeast Asia’s tropical moist forest. Overall, around 70 percent of the world's different ecological regions saw marked increases of over 20 percent in their human footprints. That was measured by looking at the extent of developed areas, crop land, pasture land, human population density, night-time lights, railways, roads and navigable waterways. The researchers said one of the main drivers of growing human impact on nature is the use of less-than-prime land for agriculture.
Areas moderately suitable for farming have seen a rapid increase in human use since 1993, likely due to the expansion of agriculture and other human pressures into these more marginal lands, they added. Globally, a worrying amount of damage has already been done both to the landscape and the wildlife it sustains. The maps show three quarters of the planet has been significantly altered, and 97 percent of the most species-rich places on Earth have seriously changed. "There is little wonder there is a biodiversity crisis," said James Watson who leads the WCS' climate change programme. Maintaining biodiversity will require extensive restoration to remove and reduce existing pressures in biologically valuable regions, the study said. Among the remaining most unspoiled lands are the Sahara, Gobi and Australian deserts, and the most remote moist tropical forests of the Amazon and Congo Basins, it said. But while the Amazon basin is still a largely intact ecosystem, it is susceptible to accelerated deforestation and other pressures following recent policy changes in Brazil, the study warned. The researchers' findings will inform discussion at the IUCN World Conservation Congress, which brings conservationists and world leaders together once every four years, in Hawaii from Sept. 1 to 10.
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Monday 29•08•2016
Do you agree with Naga hoho’s observatioN that “it is still Poor water management pre-mature to iNtroDuce 33% reservatioN iN Naga society? threatens Ethiopia’s growth Some of those who voted YES had this to say: • Yes. Women like Mamata Banerjee, Jayalalitha, Mayawati (a Dalit), Shiela Dixit, Sushma Swaraj need not any reservation. Margaret Thatcher of UK, Indira Gandhi, Golda Meir of Israel did not need any reservation. Naga women should also earn their own spurs. Organize and mobilize public rallies. Learn something from Mamata Banerjee and others, although at times they dismally faltered. Those who clamor for reservation are not likely to qualify to lead the society. Yes, some can start contesting municipal elections. They have to go house to house and organize rallies promising regular electricity, water supply etc. • Yes, with no right to ancestral properties how can women be in decision making bodies? Maybe it’s possible in urban areas but not in rural which is still very much patriarchal in nature. • Women in Nagaland have veto power to take 100% decisions in all spheres. Thus the men folk respect the women and allow (them) to interfere in all the activities. If we allow them 33% reservation, it seems we are allowing them to enjoy 133% over men folk. Therefore, the decision made by Naga HOHO is 1000% correct. • Yes. It’s premature implementing a law before we know the implications. Mind you, I'm not against reservation for women but further studies or observation was required before this was forced down the entire state! • Yes... No need of reservation… • Yes. Many Nagas from Nagaland state are half educated and does not meet the standard of the Europeans in 1890s taking the comparison with countries of say Scandinavia or Sweden to be precise we very much need intellectual empowerment and educational reform rather than the 33pc bill, reservation will come automatically after the restructuring of our educational policy which will serve all economic roots. • Yes, women's demand for 33% reservation is contradictory to their claim as equal to men. • Yes. How many Naga women had contested elections in the past? 33%? Reservation or not, I do not remember many women who contest. Who is stopping them?? You have not jumped into the pond. Nobody is stopping you to contest. You only have to prove your mettle. Women could be more meticulous and transparent with public funds. Still you have to convince the masses with your ability. It's no use crying before the milk is spilt. Some of those who voted NO had this to say: • No. Nagas want and fight for reservation everywhere but when it is in their capacity to give to their own, they are hesitant. Look at our present government. Oppositionless, takes less than 15 minutes to discuss affairs of the State, spineless with no decision-making abilities, old farts who look down on young blood as if age determines an individual's capacity to play politics. And we have subordinate political bodies like Hoho who come and pass political judgments as if their views are absolute. Seriously since when did pressure groups have so much authority as to dictate how a State should function? • We treat women equally in most parts of Nagaland but shall we look at the political field as well as the administrative setups at every level of our society. There is zero representation at political level and just few women here and there in the administration. 33% reservation is not a 'Pulling Down' for men rather it is just a 'Pulling up' of women to be par with menfolks. Men if you love your women, make way for women... Naga HoHo says premature, I say HoHo is Hopeless • No. It is time women are given a chance to lead and work for the upliftment of society. • Naga is an emerging nation so to strengthen the Naga nation empowerment of both genders is deemed necessary, because of we are weak; we are under suppression of foreigners, socio political, economic and spiritual empowerment is must to them. Demand of 33% reservation should be accepted. Strengthening of Naga women will boost up the Naga national growth. • I seriously don't agree with where Naga Hoho is standing at. • Everyone is created equal. Give everyone the chance to prove themselves. This is the 21st century not the 16th century. NO. • No. Menfolk have failed the Nagas miserably. It’s time that women should be given a place they deserve. Menfolk should change our mindset. • The 33% reservation for women cannot be considered premature in Naga society… The apex body of the Nagas sound too clumsy and narrow. Time to think outside the box. • No.... Totally do not agree with the HOHO or the tribal unions... • Though I do wonder where all the MOTHER associations are.... Expecting them to come out full gun blazing against the male chauvinist Hohos and unions. • I don't agree with Naga Hoho at this. It’s their constitutional right and no one should stop. We always say that in our society we give equal rights to women but i feel it is not in every front like decision bodies etc especially when it comes to rural area. • Hell no. Let women folk too contribute their part for the growth of Nagas. Y make b******t excuses every now and then. • As far I can compare with rest of the states in India Naga people don't need this reservation. Thumbs down to NH for saying such statement I ll say they are premature NH. Nagaland state don't need this reservation when in our land we all enjoy gender equality just for few we cannot say female in our society is dominated. • No. By Naga Hoho own assertion that 33% reser-
back at Naga history, none of the Naga tribes can claim that they have treated their women equally. Some may say Naga women has come of age and are at par with their male counterpart, with exception of few I think they are yet to because the day women achieved parity this reservation will be redundant and the law will have to be abolish. A caveat, Look at the statement of JACFWR during the initial days of debate on the issue of reservation, the immaturity of the members of JACFWR was in full public view. What are they, 1. As against the claim of JACFWR, No where the Indian constitution says women reservation supersede article 371 A, look article 243 P part IX A it start with, "unless the context otherwise require " where as 371 A start with " no act of parliament ... shall apply to the state of Nagaland unless ..... NLA so decides. Some say reservation have nothing to do with 371A, don't lie, look at 18 subject assign to urban local bodies, see 12 schedule of Indian constitution. 2. JACFWR has given a call on all women bodies to select their choice of candidate through consensus, do they really know what is consensus, and leaving aside the menfolk they started the process from amongst themselves. Am I lying, ask the womenfolk, ask the committee. Given this immaturity, they needed to elect new leaders who will no commit blunder. • No...It should be… It isn’t an act of foolishness by the govt but it is an act of Democracy and equality ... • NO, Naga Hoho lives in the past still. It is because of traditional outlook of our leaders (male chauvinist) that we lack behind others. Grow up Naga Hoho. Even if we allow 33%reservation to women we (men) won't lose much of anything. For a change let women also be part of law making body. • No. but its only in politics that woman are a little left behind. In other sectors or other side of coin women are becoming more and more involved and better than their counterparts man dominated society like in education, sports (this Olympic 2016), even in competitive exams etc… So in my opinion it’s like beggars asking for 33% reservation whereas our women in our present Naga society even without this reservation our women can fight for their rights through their own ability and capabilities and shows the entire world what they are capable of. • No. We the Nagas need everyone to contribute in
women however thousands of reasons will never bE enough to change the pre-mature leaders. • Will it not be better to have an efficient woman rather than inefficient man in decision making? • In a democratic country everyone both genders are equal and specially in all the Naga inhabited areas, our society is the anal of all democracy. So I think there is no need for any special reservation as there is no prohibition for female to participate in all arena of life in our society, rather I think they are already got more than what they are demanding for… I am not totally against their demand but I feel it’s not that necessary for a special reservation. • No Reservation needed. I guess womanfolks are not restricted to contest elections? If so, then why reservation or quota bill. • Why Naga Hoho and other group are against 33 % reservation? Women are also part of the Hoho. It’s for Naga in general irrespective of age and sex and not only for some male fellow office bearers. • All the outdated guys are representing HOHO that’s why afraid to upgrade realistic Act to make a better future • Better to do away with the word 'RESERVATION'. • I think the women should be given a chance to enter into politics. The recent cabinet decision is the gateway. Nagaland has come across many elections and women have in no way fared well except for Rano M and some few. It clearly demonstrates the need that women are inferior in Nagaland when it comes to politics. Thus the inclusiveness of women folks in politics demands reservation. If at all there should be women in politics, reservation at the moment becomes a necessity. Nagaland being the safest place for women in India should be a role model state to showcase the status of women not just in politics but transcending beyond. • No doubt we are all brothers (so called)… But why should Nagas from beyond Nagaland should also have a say as in every major discussions regarding to Nagaland’s affairs. • As much as woman want equality man want equality let there be free n fair election after all Naga woman say man n woman are equal. • I think it should also start from village council level. Perhaps any measures should be welcomed at this juncture were the governance of all institutions are in a pathetic mess in our land. If the reservation causes a positive change for our society then shame on us man. Let us only hope that the seats are not filled up with the wives of politicians and bureaucrats. By the way free and fair election is a relative term...since only those who have money and muscle power seems to win every time. • Naga Hoho’s contention of premature is nothing but expression of their immaturity for the reasons that women are not going to polls for gaonburas or dobashis but town council members only. And this in no way infringes our customary system. Why don’t the Naga Hoho and Ao Senden realize that Town Councillors and Administrative heads of GBs and DBs are often women officers? If they are so serious on customary practice then they should be opposing this in the first place. • We have seen performances of menfolk in the State assembly for the last 50 years and they have failed the Nagas miserably. It’s time that we should give chance to women folk to join the Govt and run the govt in partnership with menfolk particularly Depts. of Education, Health and Family, Social Welfare, Food and Supply, RD. Menfolk are all corrupt to the core. • For Naga Hoho and some male chauvinist, to give 33% reservation to women will always remain premature. They are the pre mature ones. They are very scared that women will dominate YES NO OTHER politics ultimately and improve the whole system in Nagaland. all spheres of nation building. Women have shown • In Nagaland we don't need 33% reservation for their worth in most spheres but in decision making ar- women. Everyone is treated equally here. From chaic social norms prevent their full and positive con- the time of our forefathers women are treated tribution. This reservation will be a pathway to correct equally with man. this historical anomaly. Guess the Naga hoho is be- • Outwardly or theoretically may be everyone is ing used by their political masters who are scared equal but historically Naga was never an egalitarthat women will do a better job thus exposing their ian society. incompetence. And those who agree with the hoho • If the truth be told, there's no use of such reservation are scared little boys afraid of the future. Kuknalim! on this issue or any other. It's long overdue that we do • No, I don't agree with the Naga Hoho's state- away with reservation system if we're to compete for ment. It only goes on to show their immaturity and the best with the world. So also, our prevailing sysnothing else. Their observation of 33% reserva- tem on this issue is better where anyone, be it womtion for women as 'pre-mature' shows that they are an or man, has the right to exercise his/ her demstill stuck with time and that they haven't moved ocratic rights provided he/ she is capable. There is on. The word 'pre-mature' would have made some always that 100% quota for both men and women in sense, if it was in the earlier centuries but now? our society today but once somebody is pushed in to Come on, this is 21st century! occupy a seat out of such reservations, there will be • No, I don't agree with the word "pre-mature". negative impacts in the long run. Above all, it will be However, our women are excelling in ever field a curse to misinterpret that men and women are creand they are capable of competing with man with- ated equal, etc. on religious grounds. We must know out reservation. By reservation, it sounds like our that our responsibilities are different in many spheres women are lacking behind or backward. of our life on earth. It's baseless to argue that we're • No, do not agree with Naga Hoho in this matter. Do in the 21st century where both men & women can do Naga Hoho know when the Naga society and the similar jobs et al. Yes, some can but it's not all. And Naga women will become mature? Implementation apart from that, men will remain men and women too, of 33% or above reservation for women in the as women. Let us not bring in a foreign, cursed class State assembly is to make it mature, to human face, system but go accordingly as we're advised by Him. the Naga society and the Naga women community. • For the NH or other NGOs or any other Think TankEmpowerment of Naga women is a necessity, so- ers, the word "premature" is no excuse to oppose 33% cio-politico economically. Can a man be reckoned reservation for woman (esp. in Nagaland) with deep as a strong man and perfect being without a limb rooted traditional & customary laws. Just because or paralyzed limb? So the Naga society is. Strug- some local Pam, Nick & Mary passed this and that gling Naga nation needs empowerment for all gen- exam or, achieved and wrote this and that book we ders desperately so that all Naga young and old, fe- cannot present them this "33%" just like that. Both for male and male can live as the effective instruments our present and future generations, Naga womenfolk of God, the Almighty. Asking Naga Hoho to review have more important role to play but without sitting on their view in the interest of the majority of the Nagas. that 33% seats. Also, just because of the opposition• No. Why forcefully uphold constructed laws and less govt. we have here, TR Zeliang must not act by practices that give undue rights and authority to taking advantage of the present political situation. By men... For such people any kind of change is pre- doing so, TRZ may commit a political blunder likely to mature if it is against their selfish interest. If fact, bring him political shame and personal shame. Ours the don’t have any reasonable reason to explain... is a family of patrilineal system with complicated multi-
Helen Parker WaterAid
Good water management can drive growth and poverty reduction, and help deal with climate shocks. Poor water management can do the opposite
t is time to focus on Ethiopia. Drought, floods and food shortages threaten to undermine a decade of economic growth and development progress. At the same time, a slower-burning, man-made crisis is emerging in some areas, as increasing water scarcity and pollution lead to arguments about ‘who gets what water’. Good water management can drive growth and poverty reduction, and help deal with climate shocks. Poor water management can do the opposite. El Niño is an extreme example of a common problem It has been a difficult year in Ethiopia. The 2015-2016 drought created a humanitarian crisis. More than 10 million people (around 10% of the population) required food aid after two consecutive failed harvests. The devastation was followed by rainy season flash floods, killing 100 people and displacing 300,000 more. There are fears the coming La Niña could make things worse. Most Ethiopians are subsistence pastoralists and farmers, relying on small livestock herds and fragmented land plots. Drought degrades grazing areas and weakens livestock. Floods spread disease which decimate vulnerable herds, and destroy roads for humanitarian assistance. When harvests fail, households deplete scarce reserves and adopt emergency coping strategies such as selling assets and migrating to seek food aid. Unfortunately, floods and drought are not unusual in Ethiopia. Rainfall is highly variable, falling heavily in short stretches of time, across different regions. Rivers and aquifers are unevenly distributed. As such, in many areas, water scarcity is the new norm. This severely affects livelihoods and economic development. Poor water management is a constraint to growth The World Bank and others have analysed how variable rainfall negatively affects Ethiopia’s growth, advocating for increased storage to ‘smooth’ the effects. However, this research too often neglects issues on the ground, of water allocation and use. Hydrological variability in terms of rainfall and river runoff can be managed through physical infrastructure (such as dams) but also needs institutions (regulation and management) and information to allocate water when and where it is needed. Without these crucial interventions, valuable water is captured by the most powerful. An Overseas Development Institute (ODI) report released last year identified major gaps in the institutional framework of Ethiopia’s water sector. Our most recent research analysed the impacts of poor water management on key economic sectors. Everyone is affected Even before the most recent drought, small scale, subsistence farmers were worried about accessing water. “The irrigation water does not reach my plot. I need rain to grow maize, but it is unreliable. I have asked the government for irrigation for the last five years but there is no solution yet” Farmer working on the Fentale Land Consolidation Site, Awash Basin, Ethiopia Large farms, vital for the economy, are also at risk. Agriculture is a thirsty sector, and Ethiopian agriculture is feeling the pinch. Despite dam releases, irrigation engineers at sugar and horticultural estates across the Awash River Basin complained that water scarcity affects production. Downstream farms felt most impacts. Parts of the sugar estate had been abandoned, and yields were down. Interviewees felt rules for allocation could mitigate the worst impacts. Other economic sectors are affected. Energy is essential to feed Ethiopia’s growing industry and manufacturing. The Grand Ethiopian Renaissance Dam currently under construction is meant to provide transformative energy to the region. However, hydropower engineers at Koka Dam, just downstream of the booming capital Addis Ababa, warned that water shortages affected power production. The poor are paying the costs for water insecurity Urban utilities must divert and treat water from the same sources as agriculture. We found urban utilities faced increasing costs, due to water shortages and pollution. This puts supplies at risk, widening the gap between revenues and the costs of operation and maintenance. Public water utilities use progressive tariffs, which should mean the rich pay more. However, rapid urbanisation means most poorer people do not have household connections, relying on public standpoints and water vendors which are significantly more expensive. In Matahara, unserved populations pay from 1.5 to 8 times more for water. In rural areas, many people continue to rely on water sources which are distant from home and unhygienic. This has a disproportionately negative impact on women and children. A thirsty future? Competition over water creates tensions and resentment between economic sectors, upstream and downstream users, households and business. Without radical reform to the way in which water is managed and allocated, competition will increase, exacerbating water scarcity and pushing costs up, especially for the poor. Ethiopia faces a long road to recovery from recent crises. Reforms to the way in which water is allocated and
MOnDAY 29•08•2016
Mann ki baat: PM bats for better sports acumen, unity and compassion in kashmir new Delhi, August 28 (iAns): Congratulating Indian sportsmen and athletes, especially the "daughters of India" who performed well at the Rio Olympics, Prime Minister Narendra Modi on Sunday said there was clearly a need to do more to improve the country's medals tally Addressing the nation over radio in his 23rd Mann Ki Baat talk, he touched upon Kashmir, cleanliness, Ganga rejuvenation and environment conservation, among other issues. Modi also paid tributes to hockey legend Dhyan Chand on the eve of his 111th birth anniversary, and to Mother Teresa, who is to be canonised on September 4. Congratulating the athletes who performed well at the Rio Olympics, Modi stressed that sports should not be seen as a waste of time and that state governments must support and promote at least two sports of their choice. "Although our medals tally is just two, but many Indian sportsmen have performed quite well ... but we have to do more. If we keep doing what we have been, then we would face disappointment again. "I have announced a committee to look deeply into the matter. It would study the best practices (in sports) across the world
Daughters made us proud at Rio: Modi
PM Narendra Modi with the 2016 Rajiv Gandhi Khel Ratna Awardees - Olympic medallists P.V. Sindhu and Sakshi Malik; ace gymnast Dipa Karmakar (extreme Right) and shooter Jitu Rai (extreme Left)
and would prepare a roadmap on how to perform better at the 2020, 2024 and 2028 Olympics," Modi said. Touching upon the Kashmir situation, he said "unity" and "compassion" have been the key words while dealing with the unrest in the Valley, while shaming the troublemakers who were using children as shields. "In my interaction with different political groups, one thing emerged. It was unity and compassion to be the core mantra of our policy in Kashmir. "Those trying to incite trouble from behind children will have to answer for their deeds to these innocent children some day," he said. Raising concern over
environmental degradation, Modi urged people to avoid using idols made of Plaster of Paris (POP) during the Ganesh Chaturthi and Durga Puja festivals. "Festival is the time of self-evaluation and they need to change with time. Environment is damaged due to immersion of POP idols. Let's go back to old traditions and adopt idols made of pond clay," he said. Feeling proud over Mother Teresa's canonisation Paying tributes to Mother Teresa, Modi said that every Indian is feeling proud as she has officially been recognised as a saint of the Roman Catholic Church. "Mother Teresa de-
voted her whole life serving the poor and destitute people in India. When such a person is conferred with sainthood, it is natural for Indians to feel proud," he said, noting that despite not being an Indian, she had dedicated her whole life to serving Indians. The Prime Minister also praised a village pradhan from Karnataka for building a toilet in the house of a girl who staged a protest demanding a toilet. Praised village pradhan for building toilet He appreciated Mohammad Shafi from Koppal district for building the toilet in the house of 16-year-old Mallamma, who demanded one but her poor parents could not arrange it. When
Shafi heard about the matter, he arranged Rs 18,000 for the construction of a toilet in her house, Modi said. Modi also praised the 1.25 lakh students of 1,700 schools in Chhattisgarh's Kabirdham district for writing to their parents requesting a toilet in their house instead of spending money on birthdays. Emphasising that India has always striven for cordial relations with its neighbours, Modi mentioned the role of Akashvani Maitree channel in forging peopleto-people contact between India and Bangladesh. He further stressed that people of India will certainly build a bright future for themselves if they remain united and promote unity and integrity.
new Delhi, August 28 (iAns): Praising the efforts of Indian athletes at the Rio Olympics, Prime Minister Narendra Modi on Sunday said the country's "daughters" made the country proud. "The two medals we got were bagged by the daughters of this nation. There were other girls who almost made it and performed well. Once again they proved that they are no lesser than anyone else in any manner," Modi said while referring to shuttler P.V. Sindhu, wrestler Sakshi Malik and gymnast Deepa Karmakar. "They were from north India, south India, the northeast and other different parts. It seems daughters of India had resolved to make this country proud," he said in his monthly radio talk. He also praised other athletes and
sportsperson and said that though they could not get any medal, their performance was very good. "For the first time, Deepa Karmakar made it to the gymnastics, 36 years later the women's hockey team qualified, 32 years after P.T. Usha Indian runner O.P Jaisha managed to qualify for marathon, Abhinav Bindra came fourth, boxer Vikas Yadav also performed well," Modi said. Praising the Indian men's hockey team, he said the winning team Argentina lost only to the Indian team. Saying that country had to do a lot and that the central government had already formed a committee to take necessary steps for improving performances in future, Modi also urged states to focus on at least two sports of their choices.
Teresa's canonisation portends more conversions: VHP new Delhi, August 28 (iAns): Mother Teresa's canonisation portends more conversions to Christianity, an issue that Prime Minister Narendra Modi should have considered before deciding to send a delegation to the Vatican, the VHP said on Sunday. "The canonisation of Mother Teresa is an alarm bell that now there would be more conversions in India and more funds (for conversions) would be routed to India," Vishwa Hindu Parishad (VHP) International Joint General Secretary Surendra Jain said here. He said granting of sainthood to a person based on miracles attributed to them was not "practical" in today's times. "Do you expect miracles to happen in this age," he wondered. Jain warned that with more conversions, there would be more unrest in the society. He said Modi should have considered the issue before deciding to send an official Indian delegation to the canonisa-
tion ceremony at the Vatican. "The issue of Mother Teresa's services vis-a-vis religious conversions is not new. We have been raising it for years. I think the Prime Minister should have thought over it before he decided to send an official delegation to the Vatican," Jain said. An official Indian delegation led by External Affairs Minister Sushma Swaraj is scheduled to attend Mother Teresa's canonisation ceremony at the Vatican on September 4. On Sunday, Prime Minister Narendra Modi in his 'Mann Ki Baat' radio address paid tributes to the late Catholic nun for her services to the poor of India, saying that Indians should be proud that Mother Teresa is being officially declared a saint. The nun founded the Missionaries of Charity, a Roman Catholic religious congregation that runs hospices in India. She died in 1997.
2 bogies of train derail, rail traffic hit in Kerala Govt may relax ‘creamy layer’ norms for OBC reservation Ko C h i / t h i r u vA n A n thAPurAM, August 28 (Pti): Passengers of the Mangaluru-bound Malabar Express escaped unhurt today when 12 bogies of the train derailed amid heavy rains at Karukutty, about 45 km from Kochi, disrupting rail traffic in Kerala. A possible major collision was also averted as the Chennai-Trivandrum train coming towards Ernakulam was stopped around 300 metres away from the accident spot following a timely alert, railway official said. The derailment occurred at 2.55 AM shortly after the 16347 ThiruvananthapuramMangaluru Malabar Express left Aluva station and was running at a slow speed. There was no casualty and all passengers were taken to Thrissur for their onward journey, Railways said. Southern Railways Additional General Manager P K Mishra, who visited the accident spot along with senior colleagues, told reporters that fortunately there was no casualty. One woman passenger complained of shoulder pain and was taken to a nearby hospital and after first aid left for home, he said. According to railway officials
in Thiruvananthapuram, the derailed coaches have not detached or toppled, which is one of the reasons for passengers escaping unhurt. A Railway official said major collision was averted as the Chennai-Trivandrum train coming towards Ernakulam was stopped on time.
Railway officials from the state capital and elsewhere are overseeing the relief and rescue operations. On the mishap, Mishra said it could be due to defect in track or in the coaches. Chief Minister Pinarayi Vijayan said Railways have arranged special trains and buses for transporting stranded passengers, adding it was suspected that there was some defect in the track. Ramachandran, a ticket examiner, said he heard a loud noise at the time of the derailment and passengers panicked. It was raining heavily when the incident occurred, he said. A railways release announced helpline numbers: 9746769960, 9746761072, 0471-2320012. Six long distance trains, including Kanyakumari-Mumbai CST Express, ThiruvananthapuramGorakhpur Rapthisagar Express, Kanyakumari-Begaluru Express and Thiruvananthapuram-New Delhi Kerala Express have been diverted via Tirunelveli, it said. Kerala State Road Transport Corporation (KSRTC) will be providing buses between Thrissur and Ernakulam depending on the arrival and departure timings of trains, it said.
A railways release announced helpline numbers: 9746769960, 9746761072, 04712320012 for information "We alerted the incoming train and it was stopped about 300 metres away. This was an achievement of the railways safety measures," the official said. But the derailment threw rail traffic on Ernakulam-Thrissur route out of gear with 21 trains being cancelled. Several others were terminated at Ernakulam and some long distance trains rescheduled. Rail traffic towards Ernakulam was expected to be restored by 6 PM today and on the Thrissur route by tomorrow morning, Mishra said.
'China will get involved if India foments trouble in Balochistan' Beijing, August 28 (iAns): China will have "to get involved" if any Indian "plot" disrupts the $46 billion China-Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC) in restive Balochistan, an influential Chinese think tank has warned India. Prime Minister Narendra Modi's reference to Balochistan in his Independence Day speech is the "latest concern" for China and among its scholars, Hu Shisheng, the Director of the Institute of South and Southeast Asian and Oceanian Studies at the China Institute of Contemporary International Relations (CICIR), told IANS in a freewheeling interview. The researcher, at one of China's most powerful think tanks, which is affiliated with the Ministry of State Security, also said India's growing military ties with the US and its changed attitude on the disputed South China Sea are ringing alarm bells for China. "The latest concern for China is Prime Minister Narendra Modi's speech from the Red Fort in which he referred to the issues like Kashmir (occupied by Pakistan) and Balochistan," Hu said. "It could be regarded as a watershed moment in India's policy towards Pakistan. Why Chinese scholars are concerned
is because this is for the first time India has mentioned it," he added. Hu said China fears India may use "anti-government" elements in Pakistan's restive Balochistan where Beijing is building the $46 billion CPEC -- a key to the success of its ambitious One Road One Belt project. "There is concern that India may take the same approach, which is believed by the Indian side Pakistan is taking, asymmetrically using anti-government factors in Pakistan," Hu said on the expansive and leafy campus of CICIR. "If this kind of plot causes damage to the CPEC, China will have to get involved," he said, referring to the alleged involvement of India in backing separatists in Balochistan, Gilgit-Baltistan and Pakistan-occupied Kashmir. The ongoing CPEC will connect China's largest province, Xinjiang, with Pakistan's Gwadar port in Balochistan, hit by rebels and separatists. India has strongly opposed the corridor as it will pass through Gilgit-Baltistan and Pakistan-occupied Kashmir which it claims as its own. Islamabad has long accused India of fomenting trouble in this region -- a charge denied by New Delhi.
new Delhi, August 28 (Pti): As per Mandal Comission report, in 1980 OBCs constituted 52% of India's population. The panel's report was based on the 1931 census. The National Sample Survey Organisation had in 2006 pegged the OBC population at 41%. As Per Mandal Comission Report, In 1980 OBCs Constituted 52% Of India’s Population. The Panel’s Report Was Based On The 1931 Census. The National Sample Survey Organisation Had In 2006 Pegged The OBC Population At 41%. (Representative Image) With a large number of vacancies in government jobs meant for Other Backward Classes (OBCs) remaining unfilled for want of candidates, the government
is mulling relaxing the ‘creamy layer’ criterion by raising the income ceiling to Rs eight lakh annually. 27% of seats in government jobs and educational institutions are reserved for OBCs provided the annual income of the family is up to Rs six lakh. Those who earn above that are referred to as the ‘creamy layer’ and are not eligible for reservation. Raising the ceiling would result in a larger pool of candidates eligible for government jobs and seats in educational institutions. The Social Justice Ministry is working on a proposal to raise the annual income ceiling of OBCs to Rs 8 lakh, according to official sources. A Cabinet note is likely to be moved
in this regard soon, they said. When contacted National Comission for Backward Classes (NCBC) Member Ashok Saini told PTI that the panel had recommended more than doubling the income ceiling to Rs 15 lakh. “Even two decades after reservation (was introduced), out of 27 per allocated quota, it has been seen that only 12-15 per get utilised. As per our analysis, the major reason behind this is the ceiling on annual income,” Saini said. As per Mandal Comission report, in 1980 OBCs constituted 52% of India’s population. The panel’s report was based on the 1931 census. The National Sample Survey Organisation had in 2006 pegged the OBC population at 41%.
Mumbai slums women, girls find friends in 'Police didi' MuMBAi, August 28 (Pti): Assistant sub-inspector Archana Patil is these days called 'didi' by scores of women from slums in suburban Chembur who would otherwise hesitate to talk to men and women in uniform to share their problems. Thanks to Mumbai Police's project 'Police Didi', the hesitation seem to be disappearing. Like Patil, there are over 1,000 such 'police didis', who after their official work hours, reach out to young girls and women of all ages in slums.
Under the project 'Police Didi', these female officers talk to the women and girl from slums about the problems they face, especially those pertaining to sexual harassment. Launched around two years ago in collaboration with few city-based NGOs, the project engages women personnel from 93 police stations across the city. They are mostly constable and some are ASI level officers as well. "Now, women living in slums are coming forward more frequently and confidently to share their prob-
lems, including that of sexual harassment. This has been made possible only because of our trained women constables have established a rapport with them through regular meetings," Deputy Commissioner (Operations), Mumbai Police, Ashok Dudhe said. Initially 8-10 women personnel were shortlisted from each police station and were given training on how to talk to women and young girls on sexual abuse. The project, Dhude said, was launched with an objective to curb instances of child sexual abuse.
It first began from Wadala, Govandi, Cheetah Camp, Deonar and Shivaji Nagar, all eastern suburbs, where such cases were rampant. "After the training, they (women personnel) were asked to visit private and municipal schools under their respective jurisdiction, and conduct interactive sessions with girls. The girls told about difference between good and bad touch, by strangers, relatives or known person within or outside school," said Dudhe, who is also a Mumbai Police spokesperson.
ISRO successfully test fires scramjet engine ChennAi, August 28 (iAns): India on Sunday successfully tested its own scramjet or air breathing engine with the launch of a rocket, said a senior official of Indian Space Research Organisation (ISRO). "The mission was successful. Two scramjet engines were tested during the flight," the official told IANS. He said that as scheduled at 6 a.m., the two stage/ engine RH-560 sounding rocket took off from the rocket port located at Satish Dhawan Space Centre (SDSC) in Sriharikota in Andhra Pradesh. He said the two air breathing engines were like hugging the rocket on its sides and normally when the rocket reaches a height of 11 km the scramjet engines would start breathing air. The scramjet engine, used only during the atmospheric phase of the rock-
ISRO's ATV rocket lifts off with two scramjet engines from the Satish Dhawan Space Centre in Sriharikota on Sunday. (Photo: ISRO)
et's flight, will help in bringing down the launch cost by reducing the amount of oxidiser to be carried along with the fuel. Later, the ISRO in a statement said: "With this flight, critical technologies such as ignition of air breathing engines at supersonic speed, holding the flame at supersonic speed, air intake mechanism and fuel injection systems have been successfully demonstrated." The scramjet engine designed by ISRO uses hydro-
gen as fuel and the oxygen from the atmospheric air as the oxidiser. The test flight was the maiden short duration experimental test of ISRO's scramjet engine with a hypersonic flight at Mach 6. ISRO's Advanced Technology Vehicle (ATV), which is an advanced sounding rocket, was the solid rocket booster used for testing the air breathing engine. The rocket weighed 3,277 kg during lift-off. According to ISRO,
some of the technological challenges handled by ISRO during the development of scramjet engine include the design and development of hypersonic engine air intake, the supersonic combustor, development of materials withstanding very high temperatures, computational tools to simulate hypersonic flow, ensuring performance and operability of the engine across a wide range of flight speeds, proper thermal manage-
ment and ground testing of the engines. "India is the fourth country to demonstrate the flight testing of scramjet engine. The successful technology demonstration of air-breathing scramjet engines in flight by ISRO is a modest yet important milestone in its endeavour to design and develop advanced air breathing engines including engines for ISRO's future space transportation system," the space agency added.
monDAY 29•08•2016
Turkish army pounds north Syria, monitor says 20 civilians killed Turkey-backed Syrian rebels aim for Manbij city
A Turkish soldier on an armoured personnel carrier waves as they drive from the border back to their base in Karkamis on the Turkish-Syrian border in the southeastern Gaziantep province, Turkey on August 27. (REUTERS Photo)
KARKAMIS, AUGUST 28 (REUTERS): A group monitoring the Syrian war said Turkish air strikes and artillery attacks killed at least 20 civilians and wounded dozens more on Sunday, the fifth day of Turkey’s cross-border campaign that it says targets Islamic State and Kurdish forces. Turkey’s warplanes roared into north Syria at daybreak and its artillery pounded what security sources said were sites held by Kurdish YPG militia, after the Syrian Observatory for Human Rights reported fierce overnight fighting around villages. There was no immediate comment from the YPG, but forces aligned to the Kurdish group had said on Saturday that no Kurdish militia were in areas being targeted by Turkish in the cross-border offensive.
Turkey, which has been battling Kurdish insurgents on its own soil, sent soldiers, tanks and other military hardware into Syria on Wednesday in support of its Syrian rebel allies, seizing the Syrian border town of Jarablus from Islamic State. But Turkish officials have openly stated that their goal in Syria is as much about ensuring Kurdish forces do not extend territory they already control along Turkey’s border, as it is about driving Islamic State from its strongholds. The Observatory, a Britainbased group, said 20 people were killed and 50 wounded in a battle for the village of Jub al-Kousa fought between Turkey with its allies and Kurdish-backed militias. The region is controlled by militias aligned to the Kurdish-
backed Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF), a broad grouping which includes the YPG. The monitoring group said rebels backed by Turkish tanks fought till dawn against rival militias allied to the SDF around alAmarna, a village near Jarablus, but failed to take it. It said SDF-allied militia damaged three Turkish tanks there. Turkish security sources said warplanes and artillery had hit Kurdish YPG militia sites near Manbij, a city south of the frontier town of Jarablus that had been captured by Kurdish-aligned SDF this month in a U.S.-backed operation. A Reuters witness in Karkamis, a town on the Turkish side of the border, heard jets and artillery bomb Syrian targets. The Observatory said Turkish jets hit sites north of Manbij.
KARKAMIS, AUGUST 28 (REUTERS): A Syrian rebel commander said that Turkish-backed rebels aim to capture Manbij city from Kurdish-allied forces as conflict between the sides escalated in northern Syria on Sunday. Manbij on the west bank of the Euphrates River was captured this month from Islamic State by the Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF) alliance, including the powerful Kurdish YPG militia, in a United States-backed offensive. Colonel Ahmed Osman, head of the Sultan Murad rebel group, told Reuters that the Turkey-backed rebel force was “certainly heading in the direction Manbij” since YPG forces had fortified their positions rather than evacuate. The United States and Turkey have both demanded that the Kurdish forces withdraw to the east bank of the Euphrates. The YPG says its forces have withdrawn from the area and their presence could not be used as a pretext for an attack. Asked how long he expected the Turkey-backed rebel forces to advance to Manbij and take it, Osman said “a few days, God willing”. Manbij is one of the biggest urban centres in the area and it took the Kurdish-backed SDF some 2-1/2 months to wrestle control of it from Islamic State.
TURKISH SOLDIER KILLED Turkey said one of its soldiers was killed on Saturday when a rocket hit a tank that it said came from a YPG-controlled area. Turkish forces had responded with artillery, it said. It was the first Turkish death reported in Turkey’s campaign. Most fighting so far has appeared to be with rebels aligned to the Kurdish-backed SDF rather than Islamic State. The Turkish government wants to stop Kurdish forces gaining control of an unbroken swathe of Syrian territory on Turkey’s frontier, which it fears could embolden the Kurdish militant group PKK, which has waged a three-decade insurgency in Turkey. Any action against Kurdish forces in Syria puts Turkey at odds with its NATO ally the Unit-
ed States. Washington backs the Kurdish-aligned SDF and YPG, seeing them as the most reliable and effective ally in the fight against Islamic State in Syria. It adds complexity to the Syrian conflict that erupted five years ago with an uprising against Syrian President Bashar al-Assad and has since drawn in regional states and world powers. Turkey has suffered shock waves from the conflict raging in its southern neighbour. Turkey has frequently been targeted in attacks by Islamic State. The government suspects the group was behind a blast at a wedding this month that killed 54 people. President Tayyip Erdogan is expected to visit the site of that wedding attack in Gaziantep, in southeastern Turkey, to pay his respects to families of the victims later on Sunday.
Police kill ‘mastermind’ of Dhaka cafe attack DHAKA, AUGUST 28 (REUTERS): Bangladesh security forces killed three Islamist militants on Saturday, including a Bangladesh-born Canadian citizen accused of masterminding an attack on a cafe in Dhaka last month that killed 22 people, mostly foreigners, police said. The militants were cornered in a hideout on the outskirts of the capital and, having refused to surrender, were killed in the ensuing gun battle, Monirul Islam, the head of the Dhaka police counterterrorism unit, told Reuters. He initially said four militants had been killed but later revised the number to three. U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry is due to visit on Monday to discuss security after a series of killings targeting liberals and religious minorities in the mostly Muslim country. Islamic State claimed responsibility for the assault on the cafe in a posh neighbourhood where militants singled out non-Muslims and foreigners, killing Italians, Japanese, an American and an Indian. The government has consistently denied the presence in the country of any transnational militant organisation such as al Qaeda or Islamic State. But police believe that Jamaat-ul-Mujahideen Bangladesh, which has pledged allegiance to Islamic State, was involved in organising the cafe attack. The scale of that attack and the targeting of foreigners has cast a shadow over foreign investment in the poor South Asian economy, whose $28 billion garments export industry is the world’s second largest. “This operation definitely will uphold confidence and the image of Bangladesh,” said Bangladesh’s prime minister, Sheikh Hasina. She told a news conference: “With this killing one curse has been removed from our shoulders.” The suspected mastermind killed in Saturday’s raid was identified as Tamim Ahmed Chowdhury, a 30-yearold Canadian citizen born in Bangladesh. Analysts say Islamic State in April identified Chowdhury as its national commander. “According to our evidence we are now sure that Tamim was among the three killed,” Home Minister Asaduzzaman Khan told reporters. “So the chapter of Tamim has ended here.” Khan said Chowdhury was one of the main suppliers of funds and arms for several recent attacks. He had returned to Bangladesh in October 2013 via Abu Dhabi, A.K.M. Shahidul Hoque, the inspector general of police, said. Global Affairs Canada, the country’s foreign department, said in a statement it is aware of reports of Chowdhury’s death. “Canadian officials are in contact with Bangladeshi authorities to gather additional information,” a spokeswoman said. “No further details can be provided at this time.” The raid followed a tipoff from the landlord of the house where the militants were staying, Hoque told reporters. The landlord said the militants had described themselves as businessmen in the medical trade. Police spokesman Masudur Rahman said the fingerprints of two associates of Tamim who were also killed on Saturday have been sent to the election commission to confirm their identity.
Singapore confirms 41 cases of Zika virus As Obama heads to Laos, signs of a tilt away from China SINGAPORE, AUGUST 28 (REUTERS): Singapore authorities have confirmed 41 cases of locally-transmitted Zika virus, which in Brazil has been linked to a rare birth defect, and said more cases were expected to be identified. Those infected include 36 foreign construction workers employed at a site near Aljunied in the southeast of the island, the health ministry and the National Environment Agency (NEA) said in a joint statement on Sunday. On Saturday, authorities had confirmed Singapore’s first case of a local transmission of the virus, to a 47-year-old Malaysian woman, also from the Aljunied area. The authorities said they have tested 124 people, primarily construction workers. Seventy-eight tested negative and five cases were pending. Thirty-four patients have fully recovered. It was not immediately clear where the foreign workers were from, but Singapore hosts a large contingent of workers from the Asian sub-continent.
“All the cases are residents or workers in the Aljunied Crescent/ Sims Drive area. They are not known to have traveled to Zikaaffected areas recently, and are thus likely to have been infected in Singapore. This confirms that local transmission of Zika virus infection has taken place,” the statement said. Dozens of NEA staff cleaned drains and sprayed insecticide in the mainly residential area early on Sunday, and volunteers and contractors handed out leaflets and insect repellent. The NEA workers had accessed more than 1,800 premises of a total of 6,000 in the area to check for mosquito breeding. Local residents welcomed the clean-up. “I’m very scared of mosquitoes because they always seem to bite me, they never bite my husband,” Janice, 31, who gave only her first name, told Reuters. “This concerns me because maybe in a couple of years I want to have another (child).” Zika was detected in Brazil last
Spain starts countdown to third national election in year MADRID, AUGUST 28 (REUTERS): The clock starts ticking on Wednesday towards what could be Spain’s third national election in a year when acting Prime Minister Mariano Rajoy faces a confidence vote in parliament for a second term in office. Spain has been without a functioning government since inconclusive elections in December and June failed to hand a convincing mandate to any political party. The eight-month political deadlock has delayed investments in infrastructure such as roads and rail and put highranking government appointments on hold, leaving some Spanish embassies without an ambassador. Rajoy’s centre-right People’s Party (PP) won the most votes in June’s election but lacks the majority it needs to win the vote even with support from centrists Ciudadanos (Citizens), Spain’s fourth-biggest party. The opposition Socialists have refused to back Rajoy or smooth the way to a PP-led minority government by abstaining in a second confidence vote, which will be held on Friday if Wednesday’s ballot fails. In the second vote a simple majority will suffice to put Rajoy back in power. The Socialists are unlikely to back down from that position given local elections in September in the northern regions of Galicia and the Basque Country where support for Rajoy’s PP could cost votes for the left-wing party. Spain’s economy, on the rebound from a recession which ended three years ago, has powered ahead despite the lack of a functioning government, with the latest data showing strong growth fueled by consumer spending and demand for exports. The acting government expects the economy to expand 2.9 percent this year - one of the fastest rates in the euro zone. However, economists say growth could be even higher if political uncertainty was removed.
year and has since spread across the Americas. The virus poses a risk to pregnant women because it can cause severe birth defects. It has been linked to more than 1,600 cases of microcephaly in Brazil. The Singapore government said there were “ongoing local transmission” cases in Indonesia, Thailand and Vietnam. Other countries in the region to have detected the Zika virus since 2013 include Bangladesh, Cambodia, Laos, Malaysia, Maldives and the Philippines, according to the World Health Organization (WHO). Malaysia said on Sunday it stepped up surveillance at main transit points with Singapore. Health director-general Noor Hisham Abdullah said leaflets on Zika prevention were being handed out and paramedics were at entry points to handle visitors with potential symptoms. As of this month, Malaysia said it has screened more than 2 million visitors at air, sea and land entrances, and found no Zika infections.
VIENTIANE, AUGUST 28 (REUTERS): The secretive communist government of Laos, a country with a population of less than 7 million, rarely causes a ripple on the diplomatic circuit. And yet its sleepy capital will spring to life next week when global leaders arrive for an Asian summit. Barack Obama will be among them, making the last push of his presidency to ‘rebalance’ Washington’s foreign policy towards Asia, a strategy widely seen as a response to China’s economic and military muscle-flexing across the region. The might of Laos’ giant neighbour to the north is hard to miss in Vientiane: wealthy Chinese driving SUVs overtake tuk-tuks sputtering along the roads and Chinese-backed hotels sprout from noisy construction sites in one of Asia’s most low-rise cities. But diplomats say Obama
could be pushing on an open door in Laos, thanks to a change of government there in April. They say the country’s new leaders appear ready to tilt away from Beijing and lean more closely towards another neighbour, Vietnam, whose dispute with China over the South China Sea has pushed it into a deepening alliance with the United States. “The new government is more influenced by the Vietnamese than the Chinese,” said a Western diplomat in Southeast Asia.” “It’s never too late for a U.S. president to visit.” Obama will become the first sitting U.S. president to visit landlocked Laos, where the United States waged a “secret war” while fighting in Vietnam, dropping an estimated two million tonnes of bombs on the country. About 30 percent of the ordnance failed to explode, leaving a dangerous and costly legacy.
U.S. President Barack Obama waves as walks on the South Lawn of the White House in Washington, U.S. before his departure to the Walter Reed National Military Medical Center, August 26. (REUTERS Photo)
Laos has strategic importance to both Vietnam and China. Vietnam has a long land border with Laos that gives it access to markets in Thailand and beyond. For China, Laos is a key gateway to Southeast Asia in its “new
Silk Road” trade strategy. Laos, which is developing a series of hydropower plants along one of the world’s longest rivers, the Mekong, aims to become “the battery of Asia” by selling power to its neighbours.
Trump vows crackdown on immigrants who overstay visas if elected WASHINGTON, AUGUST 28 (REUTERS): U.S. Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump offered fresh details of how he would tackle illegal immigration on Saturday, saying he would crack down on those who overstay their visas as he sought to quiet criticism from conservatives. In a campaign speech in Des Moines, Iowa, Trump also cited the shooting death of a cousin of NBA star Dwyane Wade to urge African-American voters to rally behind him, calling it an example of violence that has to be addressed. Trump, speaking on the Iowa State Fairgrounds with hay bales stacked behind him, sought to clarify his views on how to overhaul the U.S. immigration system after saying earlier in the week that he was softening on his plan to deport all 11 million illegal immigrants. That stance drew fire from conservatives who wanted him to stand fast af-
Republican nominee Donald Trump speaks at “Joni’s Roast and Ride” in Des Moines, Iowa on August 27. (REUTERS Photo)
ter he won the Republican presidential nomination in large part by a hardline stance that would include building a wall along the U.S. border with Mexico. In his speech, Trump said he would seek to institute a tracking system to ensure illegal immigrants
who overstay their visas are quickly removed, and would propose an e-verify system to prevent the illegal community from gaining access to welfare and other benefits. “If we don’t enforce visa expiration dates, then we have an open border – it’s
as simple as that,” he said. In outlining his views, Trump said addressing illegal immigration is important to helping Americans find jobs. “Every time an AfricanAmerican citizen, or any citizen, loses their job to an illegal immigrant, the rights of that American citizen have been violated,” he said. “Equal protection under the law must include the consistent application of our immigration laws.” Trump said his first priority upon taking office next January would be the immediate deportation of thousands of illegal immigrants who remain in the United States despite having committed crimes. “These international gangs and cartels will be a thing of the past. Their reign of terror will be over. In this task, we will always err on the side of protecting the American people – we will use immigration law to prevent crimes, and will not wait until some innocent American has been
harmed or killed before taking action,” he said. He did not explain how his plan would affect many of the illegal community who have been in the United States for decades and obeyed U.S. laws. Trump said the death in Chicago of Wade cousin Nykea Aldridge, 32, a mother of four, was an example of turmoil in U.S. inner cities. Chicago Mayor Rahm Emanuel, a former chief of staff to Democratic President Barack Obama, has struggled in particular to contain violence in his city. The incident permitted Trump to bring up again his desire to be a “law and order” president and underscore his drive to appeal to African-American voters who traditionally vote Democratic and overwhelmingly support Democratic rival Hillary Clinton. “It breaks all of our hearts to see it, it’s horrible,” Trump said. “And it’s only getting worse. This
shouldn’t happen in our country. This shouldn’t happen in America. We send our thoughts and our prayers to the family, and we also promise to fight for a much, much better tomorrow.” Trump raised the subject after sending out tweets earlier in the day that prompted charges of insensitivity to the death and accusations he sought to exploit it for political purposes. The New York businessman was the headline speaker at “Joni Ernst’s Roast and Ride,” a charity event for military veterans run by U.S. Senator Joni Ernst, a Republican. Ernst and most other speakers offered praise for Trump, a rarity at a time when many Republican political leaders have distanced themselves from his candidacy due to his incendiary rhetoric. Trump is running neck and neck with Clinton in polls in the state with 72 days until the Nov. 8 election.
monDAY 29•08•2016
Windies win one-run thriller in record run blitz Khedira winner for Juve as
Fort LAuderdALe, August 28 (AFP): West Indies defeated India by one run in a record runladen Twenty20 clash on Saturday after piling up the third highest ever total in the game's shortest format. Set 246 to win, India needed just eight off the last over and two off the final ball for a famous victory in the Florida sunshine. But skipper Mahendra Singh Dhoni could only scoop a Dwayne Bravo delivery into the hands of Marlon Samuels at short third man to leave India agonisingly on 244-4. Lokesh Rahul was unbeaten for India on 110 in just his fourth T20 match, hitting 12 fours and five sixes. He shared a crucial 107-run partnership with Dhoni. West Indies' total of 245-6 was just short of Australia's 248 against England in Southampton in 2013 while Sri Lanka's 260 against Kenya at Johannesburg in 2007 remains the highest ever international T20 total. Evin Lewis smashed an impressive 100 and Johnson Charles hit 79 as the West Indies laid the foundations to mark Carlos Brathwaite's first game as skipper with a victory. The second match of two back-to-back T20s at the rarely-visited Central Broward Regional Park
Dwayne Bravo (L) of West Indies celebrates the dismissal of Virat Kohli (R) of India during the 1st T20i between West Indies and India at Central Broward Stadium in Fort Lauderdale, Florida, on August 27. (AFP Photo)
venue takes place on Sunday. "When Bravo said he was bowling a slower ball at the end, I told him that he had my backing. But in my mind I was thinking 'really?'," said Brathwaite. "We never do things easy, but we held our nerve." In all 32 sixes were hit on the day while the 489 total runs was the highest ever for a T20 match, beating the 469 in an IPL game in 2010. "The last ball, the
thinking was right but the execution was wrong," said Dhoni. The 24-year-old Lewis, whose only other appearance had ended with a duck in the shock defeat to Afghanistan at the World Twenty20 this year, feasted on perfect batting conditions at the Florida venue. Lewis, standing in for the injured Chris Gayle, reached exactly 100 off 48 balls with five fours and nine sixes and when he was
out off the fifth ball of the 16th over, world champions West Indies were 205-3. It was the fifth fastest T20 international century. The highlight of Lewis's innings was hitting five sixes off a Stuart Binny over. With fellow opener Charles, Lewis put on 126 for the first wicket. The 27-year-old Charles reached his 50 off only 20 balls before he became the first man out, bowled
by seamer Mohammed Shami for a lightning 79 off 33 deliveries. Charles's innings featured six fours and seven sixes and when he fell in the 10th over, West Indies were well-placed at 126-1. West Indies reached the halfway mark of their innings in record style -their 132 runs beating the previous best after 10 overs of 131 set by South Africa against England at Centurion in 2009. Ajinkya Rahane was pushed up the order to open for India as they embarked on their pursuit, but the experiment backfired when he was out, caught by Bravo in the deep, for seven off seven balls in the third over. India's star batsman Virat Kohli was caught down the leg side by wicketkeeper Andre Fletcher off Bravo for just 16 with the total on 48. But Rahul, dropped on 38 by Andre Russell, and Rohit Sharma put on 89 for the third wicket as India stepped on the gas. Sharma was eventually out for 62 off 28 balls with four boundaries and four sixes with the total on 137 in the 12th over before India reached 150 in the following over. Dhoni joined Rahul and they took the score past 200 in the 17th over before they fell just short of their target.
Infantino says FIFA salary less than $2m
genevA, August 28 (AFP): FIFA president Gianni Infantino said in an interview published Sunday that he will make less than two million Swiss francs a year, well below the salary of his disgraced predecessor, Sepp Blatter. Infantino has not yet agreed to terms with FIFA but speaking to Switzerland's Blick newspaper, he said his salary "will be less than the two million francs ($2 million, 1.8 million euros) people have speculated about." Blatter, who was mired in scandal before being banned from FIFA, made $3.6 million in 2015. Infantino described past dealings with FIFA's compensation committee as "insulting" and "completely arbitrary." During the first two months of Infantino's tenure, which began in February, the compensation
committee included former FIFA audit and compliance chief Domenico Scala, who has emerged as a fierce critic of world football's new president. Scala dramatically quit FIFA in May, accusing Infantino of trying to compromise the organisation's independent committees and acting with an authoritarian streak. Infantino said his pay could be finalised when the compensation committee meets again, with Scala no longer in the picture. Reflecting on earlier negotiations when Scala was involved, the FIFA chief said: "I expected to talk to these people about my salary based on guidelines and defined processes and not to face a fait accompli by Mr. Scala without a discussion." A FIFA inquiry last month cleared Infantino after investigating him
over his use of private jets, personal expenses, hiring methods and the salary dispute. In the interview on Sunday Infantino restated his claims that those opposed to cleaning up FIFA's corrupt ways have sought to undermine his reforms bids. Infantino took over world football's governing body following months of unprecedented crisis, with major corporate backers like Visa and Coca Cola demanding a thorough crackdown on graft. - Olympic issue Elsewhere in the interview, Infantino said he wanted to work with the International Olympic Committee (IOC) to address the "sensitive issue" of football at the Summer Games. Men's football at the Olympics is largely for players under 23, with three overaged players allowed
Italian Gianni Infantino vowed a new era of "transparency" when he took over as FIFA president in February. (AFP Photo)
in each squad, while the women's tournament is a competition of the best in the sport. The men's format "is not a good solution," Infantino told Blick. He added that the football calendar is already "too tight." Women's football has thrived at the Olympics, giving enormous exposure
to a sport that FIFA has committed to developing worldwide. Infantino said "serious" discussions on the future of football at the Games were needed. Brazil won the 2016 men's tournament at the just-concluded Rio Games, with Germany taking the women's gold medal.
Napoli beat nine-man Milan
Sami Khedira of Juventus is challenged by Lucas Biglia of Lazio during the Serie A match between Lazio v Juventus on August 27, 2016 in Rome, Italy. (Getty Images)
MiLAn, August 28 (AFP): A second-half winner from Sami Khedira made it two wins from two for Juventus as Napoli edged nine-man AC Milan in a dramatic 4-2 win on Saturday. Juventus, who started their title defence with a 2-1 win over Fiorentina last week, were kept on a tight rein by Lazio throughout a first half of few chances at the Stadio Olimpico. But less than a minute after record summer signing Gonzalo Higuain came off the bench to replace Mario Mandzukic midway through the second period, Germany midfielder Khedira was set up by Paulo Dybala and beat Federico Marchetti at the 'keeper's far post. It was enough to see Juve go provisional top ahead of the remaining fixtures on Sunday, but after a busy summer transfer period Massimiliano Allegri was quick to calm fans' expectations. "Given the heat in Rome and the fact Lazio are a well organised side we were never going to dominate this game, although we were the better side by the end of the opening period," said Allegri. "But we had a much better second half: let's say we've started better than we did last year." Juventus had a disastrous start to last season before fighting back into contention around the new year. But having signed Napoli's most important asset
Bitter Manoj appeals for PM’s intervention in boxing mess
new deLhi, August 28 (Pti): Bitter about the administrative mess which he feels cost him a medal at the Rio Olympics, pugilist Manoj Kumar says Indian boxing is on death bed right now and desperately needs intervention from Prime Minister Narendra Modi. "I am sure that I would have won a medal if India was not suspended from the International Boxing Association (AIBA). Had the first round in that pre-quarterfinal bout gone in my favour, the re-
sult would have been different," Manoj told PTI in an interview. The light welterweight boxer lost to eventual gold-medallist Fazliddin Gaibnazarov of Uzbekistan. Manoj said the fouryear-old logjam in administration destroyed India's chances in Rio. The country's boxers could not fetch a single medal for the first time in have changed the comeight years at the Games. "I think I should have plexion of the overall regot that first round against sult," he said. The 29-year-old from Gaibnazarov, that would
Haryana, a former Commonwealth Games goldmedallist, was included in the Target Olympic Podi-
um (TOP) scheme only in June when he qualified for the Games. Manoj said it was too little, too late for him. "I never got the support that some others got. I have had to face so much in trying to just qualify. Nobody backed me, and by that I mean nobody. I was never considered a prospect, never given any financial support to prepare. I did everything on my own merit and the support of my elder brother Rajesh," he said. "Boxing is dying be-
cause of all that has happened in the last four years. I want to meet Prime Minister Narendra Modi to plead with him to intervene," Manoj said. Originally terminated in 2012, India's national federation is still quite far from taking shape and the AIBA has warned of stern action if elections are not held by September 25. "There has been no National Championship. Where is the next batch of boxers? Boxing has been destroyed," he fumed.
in Higuain last month, the champions now have no excuses as they go in search of a record sixth straight title. With Higuain still lacking fitness, the Argentine striker started on the bench for the second consecutive week, just as Allegri had indicated on Friday, replacing Mandzukic with 25 minutes to play. The effect was immediate, but unlike last week -- when Higuain came off the bench to hit the winner with his maiden goal for his new club -- the spotlight fell on Khedira. The German held off his marker to collect Dybala's smart chip, turned inside and beat Marchetti at his far post with a crisp, angled shot. Higuain celebrated like he had scored himself, but with later attempts that came to nothing the 28-year-old showed he is still lacking the zip that helped him to a record 36 goals in Serie A for Napoli last season. Napoli made amends for Higuain's shock departure by signing Arkadiusz Milik, and the Poland striker made sure fans got to know his name by hitting a first-half brace in a thrilling 4-2 win at the San Paolo. Napoli had amends to make after a 2-2 draw at promoted Pescara last week but Milik gave them a 2-0 lead by the 33rd minute after he tapped home Dries Mertens' shot when it came off the post then rose to beat Gianluigi Donnarumma with a glancing header.
Milan looked to have fought their way back when M'Baye Niang, with a fine individual effort from a tight angle, and Spanish striker Suso, with a spectacular curling shot, pulled the Rossoneri level on 55 minutes. But Juraj Kucka saw red soon after for a needless challenge on Mertens, his second bookable offence, and when Mertens saw Donnarumma save his angled drive with 16 minutes to play Callejon ran in to convert the rebound. It went from bad to worse for Vincenzo Montella's men as Niang saw red for a second bookable offence when he barged into Reina with two minutes on the clock. Despite proclaiming his "satisfaction" with the result, Montella admitted no new reinforcements are likely to join Milan, the subject of a takeover by a Chinese consortium, after club CEO Adriano Galliani told Gazzetta dello Sport the market was "over". "When I saw the papers this morning I thought for a minute the Chinese had forgot to make a payment," he told Sky Sport. "But our spending power was pretty limited and I knew that at the start. I'm happy to coach the players I have." In added-on time, Callejon should have scored his second but saw his goalbound shot pulled out of the net by the hand of defender Alessio Romagnoli, who was attributed the own goal.
French players suspended over behavior at Olympics
ICC chief backs England decision to tour Bangladesh
London, August 28 (AFP): International Cricket Council chief executive David Richardson has welcomed England's decision to go ahead with their tour of Bangladesh, saying it was important to have the global game "played safely" in as many countries as possible. Richardson, in a statement issued from the world governing body's Dubai headquarters on Saturday, added that following England's decision the ICC would make its own security arrangements to ensure the safety of their match officials. The future of the tour was called into question after an attack on a Dhaka cafe last month saw 20 -- mostly foreign -- hostages killed, with the Islamic State group claiming responsibility. However, the England and Wales Cricket Board said Thursday the tour, which includes two Test and three one-day international matches in October, would
go ahead as planned. The confirmation followed a visit to Bangladesh by an ECB delegation, led by their long-serving security chief Reg Dickason. The Australian briefed the England players on Thursday about the situation in Dhaka and the port city of Chittagong -- the venues for the tour. "It is important to the global game of cricket that it can be played safely in as many countries as possible," said Richardson. "The world in which we live means we all face threats wherever we are in the world. "Where those threats are considered higher, cricket, like other sports, undertakes extensive security assessments in determining whether or not matches can go ahead. "Under the expert guidance of Reg Dickason, England have concluded that it is safe to tour Bangladesh." - 'Intelligence' Former South Africa wicket-
David Richardson (AFP Photo)
keeper Richardson added: "We welcome this decision understanding the extent of the intelligence behind it where the safety of players and staff is of utmost importance. "Earlier this year, we held the ICC Under-19 Cricket World Cup in Bangladesh with great success. "Like the ECB, we had carried out all the relevant safety assessments prior to the tournament and concluded it was safe for ev-
eryone involved to play. "Now the ECB has given the tour the go ahead, the ICC will instigate our own security investigations to ensure we are confident of the safety of our match officials." Pakistan have not staged a home Test series in their own country since an armed attack on Sri Lanka's team bus in Lahore in 2009 and there were concerns that Bangladesh too might become a 'no-go area' for major international sides if England called off their tour. Following the Lahore attack, match referee Chris Broad -- who came under fire in the separate van carrying match officials -criticised the security arrangements made for him and his colleagues. Stuart Broad, the former England opener's son, is now set to be a member of the Test squad that tours Bangladesh. Australia cancelled their tour of Bangladesh last October for security reasons and then withdrew
their side from the Under-19 World Cup in the country at the start of this year. England, however, fielded a team in the youth tournament. "I always had a hunch that England would come and there are a few reasons for that," Bangladesh Cricket Board president Nazmul Hassan told reporters in Dhaka on Friday. "England always sent their team. Even in India, they continued playing (after the 2008 attack in Mumbai). "So England are not a team that bow their head down to terrorist activities." ECB director of cricket Andrew Strauss, the former England captain, said after Thursday's briefing: "England's tour of Bangladesh will continue as planned. "The ECB and PCA (Professional Cricketers' Association) have the utmost confidence in the advice and support we've been given."
Caroline Garcia (Getty Images/File)
PAris, August 28 (reuters): The French Tennis Federation (FFT) has provisionally suspended Benoit Paire, Kristina Mladenovic and Caroline Garcia for "damaging" the organization's image by their behavior at this month's Rio Olympics. "Following the Rio Olympics, the Committee of the French Tennis Federation met at length about the case of the players who violated the federation and damaged the image of tennis," the FFT said in a statement. Paire, seeded 16th at the Games, lost to Fabio Fognini of Italy in the second round. The 27-year-old was kicked out of his country's Olympic team for spending too much time away from the athletes' village, local media reported. Mladenovic and Garcia were suspended for "strongly criticising" the FFT following a mix-up over their clothing. They said they had not been told to wear the same colored kit for the women's doubles event in Rio and had to change shortly before their first-round loss to Japan's Misaki Doi and Eri Hozumi. The pair won the French Open women's doubles title in June and are key players in the country's Fed Cup team which has reached this year's final against the Czech Republic in November. The three players, who the FFT said showed an "unacceptable attitude", will not be selected to represent their country pending a final decision on Sept. 24.
Monday 29•08•2016
Indie pop rock band Euphoria to make new short film
ndie pop-rock band, Euphoria is now venturing into filmmaking with its first short film, which traces the band's journey from its inception and hints about the new music underway. "We just finished shooting at multiple locations in Himachal Pradesh, and
it was an experience of a lifetime. The story of the film has been developed around the first song from our next album. I've directed it myself and we are looking at an October end or November first week release for the film and the song," frontman and vocalist Palash Sen told PTI in an
interview. Sen injured himself during the film s shoot but says he continued shooting due to time constraints. The musician was in the national capital to perform with singer Rabbi Shergill for a music concert filled with Punjabi, Bollywood and Sufi music.
The concert to raise funds for animal welfare was hosted by the People For Animals (PFA), one of the country s oldest NGO for animals. "I had fractured two ribs, but continued shooting as we had very limited time. I could only do this, thanks to the support that my band-
mates gave me through this ordeal," Sen said. The band is performing in the city in the backdrop of the release of their latest single "Halla Bol", which is inspired by 'true events' and features the violence in universities. The singer has been quite vocal about the plight of independent music artists in India and the dominance of commercial Bollywood music over other genres. He said it is important that record labels and corporates support the new artists. "In Bollywood, it's all about the money. Music is not created to express oneself, it is created to suit a producer's need to suit a director's vision of making an actor look good so that money is minted at the box office. The musicians in Bollywood do not have any power over the others. So I doubt that they are in a position to help others."
Emraan turns producer for his next flick ‘Captain Nawab’
mraan Hashmi has added another feather to his hat, as the actor has turned producer for his next film titled, 'Captain Nawab.' Sharing the poster of the movie on his Twitter handle, the 37-year-old actor wrote, "And here it is, my first home production movie !!..." Source: PTI The poster and the ta-
gline of the movie "TWO COUNTRIES, ONE SOLDIER," gives an idea the movie is on Indo-Pak issues and the actor plays a soldier in it. The poster also shows an intense Emraan with Indian army uniform on one side and Pakistan army uniform on the other. In no time the news started trending on the
Mick Jagger reaches financial pact for eighth child
Drake buys Rihanna a Billboard
apper Drake has surprised singer Rihanna with a billboard following the news that she receive the Michael Jackson Video Vanguard Award at the MTV Video Music Awards. Drake congratulated the chart sensation on the news by purchasing her a huge sign - usually reserved for road-side advertisements - emblasoned with the words: "Congratulations to Rihanna from Drake and everyone at OVO", reports femalefirst.co.uk.
Rihanna could not hide her delight when she shared a photograph of her personalised billboard on Instagram and captioned it: "When he extra" alongside an emoji of a trophy. Through this gesture, Drake and Rihanna, who were earlier in a relationship, have reignited dating rumours again. Rihanna will also perform live at the VMAs on Sunday at Madison Square Garden in New York City. Source: IANS
inger Mick Jagger has reportedly agreed a financial settlement with a young ballerina carrying his eighth child. The baby is not due until December, but the 72-yearold star is thought to have already sorted out a child maintenance deal with Melanie Hamrick, 29. Jagger has promised a five figure sum every month to Hamrick. He has given her legally binding assurances, which include monthly payments of 11,400 pounds and a promise to buy her a house wherever she chooses to live. The payments, up until the age of 18, would add up to 2.5 million pounds, reports mirror.co.uk. Hamrick has been dating the Rolling Stones singer for two years. He has made it clear he does not intend to marry her. The dancer became pregnant
Usher announces new album after four years
Source: ANI
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MECHANIC 2 during the band's tour of South America earlier this year. She currently lives in New York, but may buy a house in Connecticut,
where her family lives, or former-wife Bianca Jagger, in Los Angeles. The rock a daughter with Marsha icon already has four chil- Hunt and Lucas. dren with model Jerry as Source: IANS well as a daughter with
Viola Davis opens up about hunger
sher is back with a new album, Hard II Love, the follow-up to 2012’s Looking 4 Myself. He is dropping his eighth studio album Hard II Love in September after four years. The title was initially reported as UR, and later Flawed. The R&B heavyweight debuted two new singles in June: the Young Thugfeaturing No Limit and falsettosoaked slow jam Crash. Both songs appear on Hard II Love, out on September 16, reported the Entertainment Weekly. The musician has been teasing fans about the album since 2013. Usher last released 2012’s Looking 4 Myself, which debuted at No 1 on the Billboard 200.
microblogging site under hashtag #CaptainNawab. Thanking his fans for the trend, Emraan further tweeted, "Thanks for making #CaptainNawab trend guys. Love ull." Presently the actor gearing up for the fourth installment of the 'Raaz' franchise, slated to release on September 16.
ow To Get Away With Murder" actress Viola Davis has opened up about struggling with hunger while growing up in a new PSA. The actress is the ambassador for Hunger Is, a Source: PTI joint charitable initiative
between the Albertsons Foundation and the Entertainment Industry Foundation aimed at eradicating childhood hunger in America, reported the Entertainment Weekly. "Growing up, I was among the 1 in 5 American
kids who struggled with hunger. And hungry mornings make tired days," she said in the video. The Emmy-winner has talked about her struggle with poverty while growing up in her past interviews too. "It's only been recently that I can admit that I would jump in trash bins looking for food and I would steal from the corner store because I was hungry. I would fall asleep in school on a daily basis because we had nothing," she told People magazine in 2014. "We have an image of hunger that comes from Africa, but this is America. And unless your belly is distended, we don't have an image of what hunger looks like here.
05:00 pm
Now ShowiNg
Source: PTI
Priyanka charged a whopping Rs 15 crore for promoting Assam tourism
etting Bollywood celebs to endorse a campaign can make the campaigners shell out a hefty price that can burn a big hole in their pockets. Well at least, that’s what has happened in the case of Priyanka Chopra who has been signed by Assam government to be the face of their tourism campaign, ‘Awesome Assam’. As per the reports, the actress has charged Rs 15 crore for 10 days shoot and that comes to a whopping Rs 1.5 crore per day. While her international star status is expected to do wonders and help Assam tourism in a big way, the fact that PeeCee charged such exorbitant amount for the campaign hasn’t gone down too well with a lot of people.
Many have lashed out at Priyanka for charging such excessive fees especially when the state is reeling under major financial crisis and is struggling to cope up after being hit with one of the worst floods sometime ago. Two months ago, the governor had said there is enormous stress on the state exchequer and is not in a position to satisfy its budgetary demands. “It can barely meet its basic commitments like salaries, pension,” he said. Now whether Priyanka should have charged such exorbitant fees or should have done the campaign for free is a controversial debate that probably wouldn’t die down too soon.
‘Jason Bourne’ faces backlash in China over 3D version
att Damon starrer 'Jason Bourne' has faced backlash in China as the film was primarily released in the 3D format. Fans of the franchise blasted the film's distributors for trying to make more money with higher ticket prices on the film, reported Deadline. They accused that they Source: TNN were forced to watch the
film in 3D, which was far more expensive, as none of the theatres had its 2D version. According to the reports, out of the 149 movie theatres in Beijing, only eight presented the 2D format. In Shanghai, only nine of 174 theatres have the 2D version, but those are said to be located in areas far outside the city. "The 3D version is a
rip-off. It's been happening many times in China and must be stopped," one of the protesters said. The Universal Pictures China branch on Wednesday posted a notice on its official Sina Weibo account, saying the company is working on adding more screenings for the 2D version. Source: PTI
03862-237226 Ticket Counter (09:00 AM - 09:00 PM) www.BookMyShow.com Ward 5 (6), Burma Camp, Dimapur. Landmark: J. K Hospital/ Power House.
MonDAY 29•08•2016
Rosberg wins eventful Belgian UFC Fight Night: Maia stops Carlos Condit GP, closes gap on Hamilton
Mercedes’ Nico Rosberg (Centre) celebrates after winning the Belgian Grand Prix.
SPA-FRANCORCHAMPS, AuguSt 28 (AP): Nico Rosberg won an incident-packed Belgian Grand Prix featuring a chaotic start, wild overtaking, a heavy crash, safety cars and a red flag. The Mercedes driver's win on Sunday saw him close the gap to nine points on teammate Lewis Hamilton, who finished third behind Red Bull's Daniel Ricciardo as the resurgent Australian driver secured a third straight podium finish. “It's been a great weekend, very, very happy with that result,” Rosberg said after his 20th career win. “Congrats to Lewis, last place to third must be pretty impressive.” Rosberg started from pole position with teen driver Max Verstappen also on the front row. Hamilton started from the back row with Fernando Alonso, after both incurred multiple grid penalties for extra engine part changes this weekend. “Lewis wasn't out there to battle it out,
so that made it an easier weekend,” Rosberg said. “It all worked out fine.” For him at least. Verstappen was involved in a first-turn collision with the Ferraris of Kimi Raikkonen and Sebastian Vettel that shaped the race. It had a beneficial effect on Hamilton and Alonso, who avoided the early carnage in front of them, then gained places when the safety car came out after Danish driver Kevin Magnussen's crash. Magnussen emerged from the wreck, hobbled away and was taken to hospital for checks for a cut to his left ankle. He escaped serious injury. German driver Nico Hulkenberg was a season's best fourth ahead of Mexican Sergio Perez and Vettel, while Alonso was seventh, Raikkonen ninth and Verstappen 11th. The race start was clean enough for Rosberg, but it was mayhem behind him. The 18-year-old Ver-
stappen, the youngest driver to ever start on the front row, was overtaken by Raikkonen and Vettel, and then aggressively tried to go for the inside heading into the first turn - even though there was very little room. The impeded Ferraris were now squeezed wide and, as a consequence, Raikkonen came across and nudged into the side of Vettel. Verstappen blamed them, saying “they just turned into me” but the incident was the latest of several involving the Red Bull driver. Verstappen became the youngest driver to win a race when he clinched a brilliant victory at the Spanish GP in May. His talent is undoubted, but his aggression is not to everyone's liking. Later in the race, he again infuriated Raikkonen, a rare feat considering the Finn's nickname is “The Ice Man” for his usually unflappable demeanor. Raikkonen came in for a front nose change but the
pit crew also had to put out a small fire under his car. Others struggled as the manic tempo continued. Spaniard Carlos Sainz lost control when his rear right tire blew out, sending him pirouetting to an improvised halt on the grass. He then acrobatically drove back across the track, with his rear right wheel up in the air, before parking at the side of the track. The incidents prompted the safety car to come out on lap three, and when the race re-started a lap later Sainz, Marcus Ericsson, Jenson Button and Pascal Wehrlein - who hit Button from behind - had all retired. The safety car emerged again after Magnussen lost control of his Renault coming out of the top of the hill at Eau Rouge, spinning at speed and slamming backward into the barriers. On lap 10 of 44, the race was halted as the red flag came out, because the barrier Magnussen crashed into needed repairing. When the race resumed 20 minutes later, the top five was Rosberg-Ricciardo-Hulkenberg-AlonsoHamilton. In a fascinating subplot, Verstappen and Raikkonen were involved in another incident as Verstappen appeared to nudge him wide. Raikkonen - who is twice Verstappen's age - let his frustration out, saying “his only interest is to push me off the track.” Then, as they battled for 13th place, Verstappen zig-zagged in front of him as he tried to hold position, prompting Raikkonen to use an expletive when describing Verstappen's driving as “ridiculous.”
Demain Maia attempts a rear naked choke on Carlos Condit during UFC Fight Night at Rogers Arena in Vancouver, BC, August 27. (USA TODAY Sports)
VANCOuVeR, AuguSt 28 (AP): Demian Maia backed up his calls for a welterweight title shot with an early submission victory over Carlos Condit in the main event of UFC Fight Night at Rogers Arena on Saturday night. Ranked third in the division, Maia said this week that with a victory over Condit, he should be in line for a title fight against Tyron Woodley. And, at 38 years of age, Maia may get his
those present. Sindhu and Gopi received BMW 320 Ds that costs around Rs 40 lakh each, Sakshi and Deepa received compact cross over BMW X1s priced at around Rs 30 lakh each. Speaking on the occasion, Sachin asked them to
continue their victorious performances and bring more laurels to the country. He was all praise for the medallists as well as Dipa and described Gopichand as the real hero. "I am sure they will bring more medals for the country and continue to
make India proud." Gopichand said that no time before has the nation's pride has been saved by three women. "Save the girl child is the norm but saved by the girl child is what I would say. Their medals are nothing less than gold.
KOHIMA, AuguSt 28 (MexN): The 9 Assam Rifles is organising the Captain (Late) Neikezhakuo Kenguruse, MVC Nagaland Football League 2016 from September 12 to 19 at the Kohima Local Ground. 24 teams from all 11 district of Nagaland will be competing in the tournament, a press release from the organisers informed. A recipient of the Mahavir Chakra, late Capt Kenguruse was a martyr of the Kargil War. “The supreme sacrifice of the brave son of Nagaland is
"Years ago when this journey started I spoke of winning a medal at the Olympics many laughed. Last time we won a bronze we celebrated here .No we are here with silver," he added. Chamundeshwarnath, a former cricketer and businessman, had initially announced that he will gift a BMW to Sindhu but later decided to give it to the three others as well. He has so far gifted 15 cars to sportspersons to encourage them to achieve new heights in their respective sports. Gopi's ward Sindhu won the silver medal in women's singles badminton while wrestler Sakshi bagged a bronze in women's freestyle 58 kg. Dipa finished fourth in artistic gymnastics.
Kroos lifts Real Madrid to win, Atletico stumbles again bARCelONA, AuguSt 28 (AP): Toni Kroos' late score ensured Real Madrid won its home opener over a feisty Celta Vigo 2-1 on Saturday, while Atletico Madrid stumbled in a second straight round of the Spanish league. Atletico was frustrated by a newly promoted side for the second time in a week after Diego Simeone's bunch drew at Leganes 0-0. That followed its 1-1 stalemate with Alaves in its opener. Combined with Madrid's two wins, Atletico trails its crosstown rival by four points from the start of what it hoped could be another three-team title race along with defending champion Barcelona. Atletico forward Antione Griezmann was scathing with his criticism of the team's start to the season. “If we continue like this we will be fighting to avoid relegation,” Griezmann said. “We are angry. We have to get our act togeth-
Toni Kroos of Real Madrid scores Real's 2nd goal during the La Liga match between Real Madrid CF and RC Celta de Vigo at Estadio Santiago Bernabeu on August 27 in Madrid, Spain. (Getty Images)
er because this is slipping away from us. We must work to get back to being ourselves.” Kroos drilled a longrange shot along the turf and in off the post for the 81st-minute winner at the
Santiago Bernabeu. Playing without the injured Cristiano Ronaldo and Karim Benzema, Madrid took an hour to break through when Alvaro Morata scored a rebound from a save by goalkeeper Sergio
Alvarez. Celta midfielder Fabian Orellana responded with an equalizer seven minutes later. “We believed until the end and pulled it off,” Madrid coach Zinedine Zi-
flirted with a knockout win in the first round, was able to roll Oliveira into a guillotine choke, forcing his opponent to end the fight at 3:11 of the third round. After taking time away from the Octagon to appear on Dancing with the Stars, Paige VanZant returned to UFC with a second-round knockout over Australia’s Bec Rawlings. VanZant, who last fought on December 10, 2015, when she lost by sub-
mission in the fifth round, was able to land a kick to the head of Rawlings, driving her opponent to the ground. VanZant continued with a series of punches before the fight was stopped. Jim Miller opened the main card with a split-decision victory over Joe Lauzon in a rematch between the two lightweight combatants following their bloody, gruesome fight from UFC 155 four years ago.
Capt Kenguruse Football League from Sept 12
Sachin presents BMWs to India's Olympic medallists, stars
HydeRAbAd, AuguSt 28 (IANS): India's Rio Olympics medallists P.V. Sindhu and Sakshi Malik, gymnast Dipa Karmakar who missed a medal by a whisker and badminton coach Pullela Gopichand on Sunday received BMW cars for their achievements. Cricketing legend and India's goodwill ambassador at the Rio Olympics, Sachin Tendulkar, handed over the keys of the luxury cars to the four sportspersons at a function held at the Gopichand Badminton Academy. V. C h a m u n d e s h warnath, President of the Hyderabad District Badminton Association, gifted the BMWs. Sachin took a selfie with the three women and Gopichand amid cheers by
wish later in the year after forcing Condit to tap out at 3:08 of the opening round. Maia made quick work of the fight, which was scheduled for five rounds. He broke down in tears in the middle of the octagon when it was over. Now he will await word on when a potential title fight could take place. Anthony Pettis submitted Charles Oliveira in the third round in their featherweight bout. Pettis, who
dane said. “We played a soso match. Celta was a very good team.” While Madrid's Luka Modric, Gareth Bale, and Morata all hit the woodwork, Celta squandered dangerous moves that it continued to mount until the final whistle. The visitors only lacked the scoring touch that new Manchester City forward Manuel “Nolito” Agudo provided for the previous three seasons. “We played one of our best matches at this stadium,” Celta manager Eduardo Berizzo said. Elsewhere, Valencia slumped to a second consecutive loss after falling at Eibar 1-0, while Real Sociedad got on track by winning at Osasuna 2-0. Valencia's latest defeat comes with the club close to selling Germany defender Shkodran Mustafi to Arsenal, and Barcelona negotiating to sign away striker Paco Alcacer. Neither player was on Valencia's team at Eibar.
revered and remembered every year and to commemorate the same Nagaland football league has been started as an annual event by the IGAR (North),” the AR stated in its release. Born on July 15, 1974 and hailing from Nerhema village, Capt Kenguruse did his schooling at St Xavier School, Jalukie and graduated from Kohima Science College. He had served as a teacher at Govt High School, Kohima from 1994 to 1997 before joining the Indian Military
Academy in January 1997. He was later commissioned into the Indian Army on December 12, 1998. Known as ‘Neibu’ to family and friends, Capt Kenguruse was fondly addressed as “Nimbu Sahab” by soldiers who served under him. In his last letter to his father, he wrote, "I may not be able to return home to be a part of our family again. Even if I don’t make it, do not grieve for me because I have already decided to give my best for the nation.”
Marcus Rashford strikes late to extend United's perfect start
KINgStON uPON Hull, AuguSt 28 (AFP): Marcus Rashford extended Manchester United's 100 percent start to the Premier League season with a dramatic strike two minutes into stoppage time to seal a 1-0 win at Hull City on Saturday. Teenage forward Rashford, left out of the starting line-up for each of United's opening three matches, made his case for greater involvement as he came on as a substitute to convert Wayne Rooney's low cross from close range. Up to that point, it looked like being an evening of frustration for Jose Mourinho's team, but they leave the KCOM Stadium in second place in the table behind leaders Chelsea only on goals scored. Zlatan Ibrahimovic went close twice in the first half for United, while Rooney was denied by a brilliant first-half block from Hull captain Curtis Davies. Hull, themselves looking to maintain a perfect league record, spent most of the match on the defensive but did have threatening moments of their own. Robert Snodgrass' freekick flew just wide in the opening half, while Tom Huddlestone's shot was deflected just wide off Eric Bailly inside the final 15 minutes. Indeed, David Meyler lifted a shot over the bar from a promising position just seconds before Rashford struck, leaving the home side wondering what might have been. Aside from the agonising manner of the defeat, a major concern for their caretaker manager Mike Phelan, though, will be an injury to Scotland international Snodgrass, who had to come off early in the second half. Phelan, who is hoping to sign goalkeeper David Marshall from Cardiff City,
Manchester United's English striker Marcus Rashford celebrates after scoring their late winning goal during the English Premier League football match between Hull City and Manchester United on August 27. (AFP Photo)
is desperately short of senior players, despite the return of defender Harry Maguire from injury. Hull's stand-in manager is continuing to have to field players out of position, with midfielder Jake Livermore once again filling in as a centre-back, and winger Sam Clucas figuring in a holding midfield role. The club's lack of signings has been a sore point with supporters, who have called for owners Assem and Ehab Allam to leave the club. - Adversity Ehab, writing in the match programme, indicated that a deal has been agreed to sell the club, with a Chinese consortium led by commercial property investors Dai Yongge and Dai Xiu Li believed to be taking over, having been in negotiations for several weeks. Despite chaos off the pitch, Hull's players have shown remarkable strength in adversity on it, withstanding United's pressure until the final seconds in torrential rain in east Yorkshire. The visitors almost took the lead in the eighth
minute, when Ibrahimovic glanced a header onto the roof of the net from Anthony Martial's clever cross. They found it difficult to create clear chances after that and Hull did cause problems at the other end. Marouane Fellaini conceded a free-kick right on the edge of the penalty area which Snodgrass, a regular threat from set-pieces, curled just wide. United should have gone in front eight minutes before the interval when Juan Mata raced past Andrew Robertson and crossed for Rooney six yards out, but the England captain's effort was blocked by Davies, and the visitors' appeals for handball went unheeded. Ibrahimovic then backheeled into the side-netting just before half-time, and United's search for a goal continued with little success for much of the second period. Paul Pogba and substitute Henrikh Mkhitaryan both had long-range efforts that missed the target, and the match looked set for a draw until Rashford's late intervention.
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