December 14th, 2016

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wednesdAY • december 14 • 2016

DIMAPUR • Vol. XI • Issue 343 • 12 PAGes • 5

T H e

ESTD. 2005

P o W e R

o F

I stand for simple justice, equal opportunity and human rights. The indispensable elements in a democratic society China warns Trump against ignoring its Taiwan interests

SBI Dimapur launches Digital Banking Awareness Campaign


T R u T H

— Helen Suzman

Ronaldo’s golden year rewarded with fourth Ballon d’Or



‘release AcAUt leaders, they are not criminals’ 24 hours business closure till 4:00pm

• ACAUT Nagaland launches signature campaign in protest • Police attempt to prevent campaign at Clock Tower area

Movement of people and vehicles not to be affected Morung Express News

Morung Express News Dimapur | December 13

Dimapur | December 13

ACAUT Nagaland on Tuesday launched a signature-protest campaign and vigil near Clock Tower demanding the unconditional release of its three leaders Joel Nillo Naga, Simon Kelio and Hukiye Aye who are in judicial custody. The three ACAUT members were arrested on charges of “criminal trespass” after a counter FIR was filed against the ACAUT team for raiding two privately owned godowns in Dimapur on December 9, from where it was allegedly diverting rice meant for Public Distribution System into the open market by repacking the rice in synthetic bags. ACAUT had originally planned to stage a “Jail Bharo” at the various police stations in Dimapur to court arrest as protest against the arrest of their leaders. However, on Tuesday, after a meeting, ACAUT members along with Concerned Citizens of Nagaland (CCN) changed tactic and assembled at Clock Tower for a poster-signature campaign only to be prevented by the police from going ahead. The police told the ACAUT members that Clock Tower has been restricted for such gathering by the District Administration after the March 5 lynching incident. The intention of the police appeared to be more as the ACAUT members were even restricted from displaying the banners at the NRL station adjacent to the Clock Tower. There were tussles when the police tried to seize the banners and posters from the ACAUT

The stalemate over the arrest of 3 ACAUT leaders continued for the second day on December 13. Uncertainty prevailed the entire day as the Nagaland State Government maintained an unrelenting stance on the ACAUT’s demand for unconditional release of Joel Nillo Naga, Simon Kelio and Hukiye Yepthomi, who are under judicial custody following their arrest on December 12. Harried protestors rallied the entire day with the rallyists finally assembling at the Clock Tower under the watchful eye of the police in full riot gear. Later in the evening, the ACAUT through the Dimapur Urban Councils Chairmen Federation (DUCCF) announced the call for a 24-hour business shutdown beginning 4:00 pm of December 13 till 4:00 pm December 14. There is no restriction on movement of people and vehicles. According to the DUCCF President, Tsenthungo Lotha, the decision was arrived following a consultative meeting of various NGOs, who are with the ACAUT. The shop closure was called on behalf of the people as the state government remained unresponsive to the demand for the release of the arrested ACAUT leaders, Lotha said. The demand also include the arrest of Nirmal Jain, Tinku Jain and one RZ Lotha, who are accused of running the PDS rice siphoning racket with the latter of the three alleged to have abetted the former two. “If the three leaders are


By Sandemo Ngullie

Tis the season to be jolly, shop, drink, dance, stuff yourself silly with pork. Hoi le bi ‘DENGUE’ ke napahoribi de. Dengue is staying for Chrirtmas!

Police try to snatch a banner away from an ACAUT member during the launching of the signature campaign at Clock Tower on Tuesday. (Morung Photo)

members. Asserting that they had every right to stage peaceful and democratic protest anywhere, the ACAUT members refused to relent and took their stand. The ACAUT members also questioned the legality of the police in trying to suppress the freedom of expression, to which the police resorted to their standard response that they were acting on the “orders from the higher-ups.” While there were already more security forces than the ACAUT members at the site, more reinforcement of IRB personnel and riot team geared with tear gas were requisitioned. The police tried to justify the reason for their opposition on the contents in the posters, which also mentioned the names of the alleged accused Tinku Sethi and Nirmal Jain in bad light. They maintained that this was unlawful and would “invite defamation.” To this, the ACAUT members reminded that it was not the duty of the police to posit on defamation or to speak for the innocence of the names mentioned in the poster. If defamation was to be an issue for the mention of names of the alleged accused, the onus lies with the court of law to pass judgment

and not the police, one ACAUT member pointed out. Apparently, in what can be termed as a win over on the right to hold peaceful demonstrations, after a lengthy tussle and lengthier arguments with a number of police officers, countless of phone calls to “higher ups,” the ACAUT team were finally allowed to hold the protest campaign at the NRL station. However, out of the seven posters that were put up by ACAUT members, the police had seized five of them. Earlier, volunteers tried to attempt a lightening closure of shops in part of Dimapur. Meanwhile, ACAUT Nagaland has appealed all concerned citizens to join in support and participate in the signature campaign, which will continue till the three ACAUT members are released.

Of facebook lions and keyboard warriors

Apparently, social media in Nagaland is not going to usher or bring in any changes, as far as the case of ACAUT is concerned. On Tuesday, the poster campaign initiated by ACAUT Nagaland witnessed a negligible turnout of youths coming in to

support the cause. This after ACAUT had called out for support to almost all the social media platforms to join the poster campaign. ACAUT enjoys a big following in social media, particularly on its fight against corruption and the changes it is trying to bring. Despite the appeal for support trending in most of the social media platforms such as Facebook and WhatsApp with impassioned pledges of support, on the ground level at the Clock Tower, the attendance was low. The negligent turnout despite the thousands of show of support online had many to remark with disappointment that majority of the bloggers are only “keyboard warriors,” “facebook lions” and “social media warriors.” One blogger wrote-things need to go offline and start walking on the streets. “People are only facebook warriors…at the spot but less people…come and show your solidarity,” another blogger appealed in a post made be an ACAUT member. “There are more policemen than protestor…” read another comment. Still eons to go for a Tahrir Square like social media revolution.

Dimapur Police asks businesses to remain open DIMAPUR, DECEMBER 13 (MExN):Following the call for a bandh on December 14, Dimapur Police has informed business establishments to keep their shops and stores open keeping in mind the festive season and also the welfare of those who have come to Dimapur from other places. A press note from the PRO, Dimapur Police informed that adequate security arrangements have been made to ensure a peaceful atmosphere. It further cautioned any person or groups who attempt to take law in their hands or try to forcibly impose the bandh.

No provisions for unconditional release; right to apply for bail

On demand for unconditional release of the three arrested persons, Dimapur Police stated that the persons have been forwarded to the Court and the latter has further remanded them under Judicial Custody. Police stated that due process of law has already been initiated and the matter is a subject of the Court. The legal processes entail the right of the accused persons to apply for bail but there is no provisions of an unconditional release as per legal procedures, it added. not released as demanded, we will be compelled to resort to the next course of action deemed fit,” Lotha further maintained. The state government was further accused of using the administrative machinery to suppress a people’s movement for justice. ACAUT press secretary, Mar Longkumer termed the day’s police action of seizing banners from protestors and preventing a democratic assembly as infringement of the Right to Freedom of Speech and Expression. “This kind of government action is only witnessed in dictatorial regimes like in North Korea.” ACAUT advisor, K Khekiye Sema alleged that citizens are being restrained from peacefully demonstrating by the police through the “direct orders” of the Chief Minister, who helms the Food & Civil Supplies Ministerial portfolio. “Law is being misused and they - the government will

have to undo it,” added Sema. He held that the police acting promptly on the FIR against ACAUT and not treating the FIR filed by the ACAUT with the same level of earnestness is a clear case of injustice. According to him, the people has every right to demand justice in a matter like this and the government as well as the judiciary is aware of the people’s sentiment but have failed to respond to the popular demand. “The people’s demand must be taken cognizance of.” Queried on the ‘Thana Bharo’ agitation which was proposed for today, Sema replied that it is being kept in abeyance. “Let justice roll like a river and let this be the refrain of all. We are not abetting violence. We want to appeal to the conscience of the people. And by this, we want to awaken the Nagas,” commented ACAUT member, Tia Longchar at the rally.

CM’s statement uncalled for: Naga Hoho Timely intervention prevents spread of fire in Dzükou valley

DIMAPUR, DECEMBER 13 (MExN): The Naga Hoho today clarified its stand in relation to the ultimatum served to the Government of Nagaland, dated December 10, 2016 and said that the Nagaland Chief Minister’s statement on December 12, 2016 “is very much uncalled for.” The Naga Hoho also reiterated its stand with the joint representation served to the Government of Nagaland, dated March 16, 2012 by Naga Hoho and the Eastern Nagaland People’s Organization. “There is no Naga Hoho of Nagaland or Naga Hoho of Manipur. Tribe units of both Nagaland and Manipur are matured enough in distinguishing the state of affairs or issues that takes place in Manipur or in Nagaland and exactly does not indulge unnecessarily,” said a press note from the Secretary, Administration, Naga Hoho, Chitho Nyusou. It said that the Naga Hoho is not a partner to any political parties, be it in Nagaland, Manipur, Assam, Arunachal or Myanmar. Unlike the political parties, the principle and

ideals of the Naga Hoho stands crystal clear for One Naga people, it affirmed. The Naga Hoho stated that it rather extends “solidarity and support with one another on various issues that affects or when ones right is being snatched by the government. The Naga Hoho looks up to our leaders to promote the unity amongst the Naga family and not further divide our Naga family by labelling Naga Hoho of any state.” It further informed that Naga Hoho Tribe units from Nagaland were “never invited by the Government of Manipur for consultation on any subject(s), however if the Chief Minister of Nagaland wishes to do so on various state affairs with tribe hoho units from Manipur, there is no provision with the Naga Hoho to protest or term it as illegal.” It meanwhile reminded of its August 24, 2011 resolution wherein “it observed that it is still premature to introduce 33% women reservation in the Naga society and therefore the house resolved to advocate towards women empowerment by creating various opportunity.”

NVDBA asks banks to release wages of MGNREGA workers

DIMAPUR, DECEMBER 13 (MExN): The Nagaland State Village Development Board Association (NVDBA) has cautioned that it would be forced to resort to any means of agitation including indefinite closure of all concerned banks in the state if the wages of MGNREGA workers held up in State Bank of India across the state are not released by December 20. In a representation to the Assistant General Manager, SBI, Nagaland, the association’s Vice President, Dr Imtinungba and General Secretary Manthungo Kikon stated that the state government has already released the MGNREGA fund for payment to the workers and the department of Rural Development has since credited the fund in the respective VDBs for payment to workers. However, it alleged that the SBI

branches have withheld the fund citing demonetization and have refused to release the same. The association said all VDBs in the state have executed works through job card holders who are demanding the payment of their wages. The representation also stated that unlike other parts of the country, Nagaland is still following the old system whereby the VDBs draw the MGNREGA money from their account and make payment to the job card holders. But due to non release of the money by the banks, there has been direct impact on the livelihood of job card holders, especially at the time of festive season. Non release of the money to all VDBs in the state will lead to serious repercussions, it stated. The representation also mentioned that the Nagaland State VDB

Association cannot remain a mute spectator to the plight affecting lakhs of poor villagers who have been deprived of their hard earned wages for their livelihood and therefore appealed the AGM, SBI Nagaland to intervene in the matter and release the money without any further delay. The association meanwhile informed that the AGM, SBI Nagaland, Thangboi Lunkim has assured to extend all possible help for early release of the money. It may be mentioned that there are 1238 VDB villages and a total of 4,25,000 MGNREGA job card holders in Nagaland. Stating that there was special release of fund for Hornbill Festival and cash payment of salary to the police personnel and also to the pensioners, the association demanded that some alternative must be worked out in the case of MGNREGA job card holders.

Vibi Yhokha

Kohima | December 13

It was a cold sunny morning at Dzükou valley on December 10, a Saturday. With the ongoing Hornbill Festival, and the picturesque valley being on the bucket list of most visitors to Nagaland, Dzükou valley saw visitors almost every day. 20-year-old Amhale Beio, (son of Khisaneto Bei-o) and 25-year-old Dieze-u Bei-o (son of Tesovi Bei-o) both from Kigwema village, volunteers of Nagaland Association of Adventure and Mountaineering Education (NAAME) and caretakers of the Dzükou valley guesthouse were busy working at the guesthouse when they saw smoke rising from one area of the picturesque valley. “We came out of the house and saw smoke rising from the valley. It was around 9:30am,” said Amhale. When the two young caretakers reached the spot, almost a kilometer from the Guesthouse, the fire had already begun to spread. Towing buckets of water with them, the two soon realized that the water would not be sufficient. “We had an emergency fire extinguisher but it was not working. By the time we started extinguishing the fire it was burning from two areas,” narrated Diezeu Bei-o. With no equipment available, the two started dousing the fire with their

Amhale Bei-o and Dieze-u Bei-o

feet. This went on for almost five hours. In the meantime authorities and friends were informed of the fire and two other volunteers, Ado and Medozieto from Kigwema village, arrived to help the duo. A tourist guide named Angule, who was also at Dzükou valley with tourists, joined the team. Ado and Medozieto reached the valley around 3:30pm. “We carried water in buckets to try and stop the fire but it looked impossible so we started extinguishing it with our feet. Using our shoes, we tried to smother the fire. As we finished extinguishing it uphill, the fire was already burning from the lower end. The wind caused a major problem because it was blowing from the opposite direction and inten-

sified the fire from the other end,” explained Diezeu. “We tried our best so that the fire does not extend below the path ways. Some of the visitors helped but the fire had worsened so they were sent back. Our legs and thighs were already hurting. The valley and season is not completely dried up so the fire did not intensify, or it would have been worse,” noted Amhale. By late evening the trees were still burning; together the five young men carried water from the guesthouse and doused the flames from the burning trees while continuing to smother sparks with their feet. The fire was finally brought under control at around 11 pm. By the time they returned to the guesthouse, the five men were caked in ash, feet bruised.

“At one point we had lost hope that the fire could be extinguished looking at how it was spreading. We were scared to allow visitors into the valley,” recalled Diezeu. It may be mentioned that the Department of Forest, Ecology, Environment, and Wildlife were informed of the Dzükou fire but none of the officials paid a visit. Despite several incidents that occurred at Dzükou (such as the fire in early 2015 which burned down the entire valley) no Forest Guards have been deployed at the valley. Further there are no Check points where the inflow and outflow of visitors can be tracked and recorded. “The Forest officials had already been informed, and they could have come by afternoon but they didn’t,” stated the two caretakers. An investigation by the concerned authorities such as the Police or Department of Forest, Ecology, Environment, and Wildlife are a must in order to catch the culprits responsible for the fire, observed a concerned citizen adding that firebreaks, emergency fire extinguishers, protective gears are needed to prevent such outbreak, apart from signboards and necessary precautions which need to be given to each visitor in order to prevent any further disaster.


wednesdAY 14•12•2016


Dimapur Night Carnival from today

Dimapur, December 13 (mexN): The fourth edition of Dimapur Night Carnival from December 14 to December 18 will start every evening from 6:00 pm onwards. On the inaugural day, December 14, the inaugural prayer will be followed by ribbon cutting and opening of carnival by C. Apok Jamir, Parliamentary Secretary Tourism. After the visitation of stalls, the chief guest will draw the raffle draw. Piper Band Retreat will be a presented by the 32 Assam Rifle & Home guard. On December 15 (Thursday), Tovihoto Aye, MLA Chairman NIDC will be the special guest and he will flag off KTM Bike Stunt show. Jacob Zhimomi, Parliamentary Secretary Irrigation and Flood Control will be the special guest on December 16 (Friday) while on December 17 (Saturday), Governor of Nagaland BP Acharya will be the special guest. The respective guest will also conduct the raffle draw. The entertainment includes open stage, song, dance, standup comedy, fashion show, bands. The closing day, December 16, SI Jamir, Advisor Urban Development will be the special guest. The Pipers Band retreat will be presented by Nagaland Police Training School. Later, Convenor, Organising Committee, DNC will conduct the prize distribution.


'Invest on children's edu'

SBI Dimapur launches Digital Banking Awareness Campaign Morung Express News Dimapur | December 13

MLA Kuzholuzo (Azo) Nienu handing over awards to meritorious student during PWUK session on December 13. (Morung Photo) Our Correspondent Khesoh also spoke on the occasion. Kohima | December 13

The8thgeneralsessioncumpicnic2016of Phekmi Welfare Union Kohima (PWUK) took place today at Zogazou, Tsiesema Basa, near 5 Sector, Assam Rifles. Speaking on the occasion as the guest speaker, Vezuhu Keyho, principal, Capital College of Higher Education, Kohima called upon the community to learn to earn for their livelihood also learn to spend economically. He also urged upon the parents to make investment on their children’s education, which he, said would be the greatest asset. He also stressed on the need to march ahead with the competitive world. Touching on PWUK motto “Together we strive,” Keyho urged upon the community to perform well in their respective fields and bring a good name and glory to the Union. PWUK former president Salie

MLA Kuzholuzo (Azo) Nienu gave away awards to the meritorious students for the current academic year. Singing competition also marked the session. The function was chaired by PWUK general secretary Kuvehu Soho while welcome address was delivered by PWUK president Vechisa Venuh. Kuzhovesa Soho read out the constitution of the Union and the house endorsed the approval. Meanwhile, PWUK new office bearers for the tenure 2017-19 will be headed by Zhokho S. Venuh as president. Vice president- Zhokupa Hoshi, general secretary- Veshekhoyi Chizo, assistant general secretary- Banielii Nienu, finance secretary - Shevoduyi Venuh, treasurer- Zhohuve Venuh, publicity & information secretaryKuthovo Chizo. Fellowship- chairman- Vekukho Soho, secretary- Vikedu Nienu and banker- Lulu Keyho.

As part of the Digital India Campaign to encourage citizens in making a cashless economy, the State Bank of India, Regional Office Branch Dimapur today launched the Digital Banking Awareness Campaign outside its office at Naga Shopping Arcade. The campaign was flagged off by Elizabeth Ngullie, ADC, Dimapur in front of SBI RBO office and digital van moving around the city with PA system in Nagamese to create awareness to the public. Elizabeth Ngullie, ADC Dimapur while inaugurating the awareness campaign said that Digital banking is the need of hour after demonetization. By using digital channel the rush at the bank branch will be minimized. She appreciated the SBI officials for launching the campaign for the benefit of the public. Thangboi Lunkim, AGM SBI RBO Dimapur

ADC Dimapur, Elizabeth Ngully flags off the Digital Banking Awareness Campaign in the presence of Assistant General Manager of the SBI Regional Office Thangboi Lunkim and other officials. (Morung Photo)

said that digital banking will help cashless transaction and less cash at the bank. He encourages the customers to use digital banking channel for more convenience and delight. With digital banking the customers can do their banking transaction from

their home any time without going to the branch. Chief Manager (Channel Management), SBI RBO Dimapur informed in a press release that some of the digital banking products of SBI are Debit/Credit cards; State Bank Buddy (Ewallet) / Merchant Buddy

(P2P); Internet Banking/ Online SBI banking/ State Bank Anywhere; State Bank Freedom (Mobile Banking); SB Collect (For collection of school fees etc); POS Machines (Point of sales or swiping machine); Cash Deposit Machine (CDM); E-Pay, Cash@POS, SBI Pay.

Entrepreneurs Associates BEST Wave 7 prog concludes ‘Hotel Europa Inn’ in Dimapur inaugurated

Entrepreneurs Associates during the commencement day held on December 13 for the trainees of the Basic Entrepreneurial Skills Training programme Wave 7 at its Training and Research Centre, EA office, Kohima.

Dimapur, December 13 (mexN): Entrepreneurs Associates held its commencement day on December 13 for the trainees of the Basic Entrepreneurial Skills Training (BEST) programme Wave 7 at its Training and Research Centre, EA office, Kohima.

The training was conducted from October 26 to December 12. The commencement programme was attended not only by the trainees and staff of EA but also by the family members and well wishers. Susan James, Lead trainer, EA exhorted the

trainees by emphasizing on three things which is hard work, humility and honesty. She urged the trainees to follow these points and become an example for the upcoming generations. She concluded with a bible verse quoted from the gospel of John 15:7-88.

Certificates with the cash incentives earned during the training were handed over to all the participants by Susan James. The excellence award was bagged by Wangdong Konyak. The programme also saw Imlitemjen Longkumer, Assistant trainer, giving a summary of the training. The trainees also expressed their gratitude to EA and shared their most valued experiences and learning through the training. The programme was chaired by Francis Kikon which started with an invocation prayer from Ms. Imsusenla Imsong and concluded with a vote of thanks from Thejazevi Riirhia, Coordinator BEST. BEST (Basic Entrepreneurial Skills Training) is a programme, which facilitates learning basics of start-up entrepreneurial ventures for aspiring entrepreneurs and is held year round. It is an EA initiative and supported by the Tata Trust, Mumbai.

Morung Express News Dimapur | December 13

‘Hotel Europa Inn’ located at Golaghat Road was inaugurated by Lok Sabha MP, Neiphiu Rio, on Tuesday. The new Hotel boasts of 34 rooms, family restaurant, conference hall, banquet hall, party hall, spa, basement parking for 25 vehicles and dormitory for drivers. According to the owner of the building, the hotel building is one of the sturdiest buildings with sound engineering, which can withstand severe earthquakes. The Lok Sabha MP in his address said any new venture, especially hotel industry, is filled with full of challenges and therefore needs the support of the district administration, police and public at large. Rio said Nagaland being a ‘Land of festivals’ has the potential to attract more tourists and visitors if situation is conducive

along with facilities like hotels and other infrastructure. He also said opening of hotels would not only provide comfort and roof to the weary travelers and tourists but also generate employment to the local youth. Rio stressed on the need to focus on budget hotels, which should be clean, decent and secure, to attract more tourists in the commercial hub Dimapur and the state as a whole. On Naga hospitality, the former chief minister said many a times Nagas are too hospitable to the extent of tasking family members to the extreme just to please tourists or visitors from outside. “Our hospitality should not extend beyond what is necessary. Most of us invite outsiders to our home and burden our wives and children to the extreme. We should also take time to treat our family in restaurants and hotels”, he said.

A new hotel for weary travelers: ‘Hotel Europa Inn’ located at Golaghat Road was inaugurated on Tuesday. (Morung Photo)

Earlier, Rev Phughoto Kaito Aye, MLA, proprietor Aye invoked God’s bless- of the hotel, proposed vote ings and former minister, G of thanks.

Üsoumiapfü Mechü Krotho attains 25 years Our Correspondent

Kohima | December 13

Representatives of Sumi Totimi Hoho Sematilla present a traditional item during the 1st general session of Dimapur Sumi Totimi Hoho at Sumi Baptist Church, Notun Bosti on Tuesday. Dr. Mughali Vihoto graced the occasion as the chief guest while Dimapur Sumi Council Chairman, Kuhoi Zhimo delivered the exhortation. The prizes for the annual activities report was sponsored by Mary Khekaho. (Morung Photo)

Tulsi Plantation Award distribution ceremony

Kohima, December 13 (mexN): The Tulsi Plantation Award distribution ceremony was held at Raj Bhavan, Kohima on December 12. Organized by Aashray, Dergaon Nature Organisation under the banner of ‘provide shelter for needy’, the Governor of Nagaland PB Acharya encouraged the Aashray Dergaon Nature Organisation Assam to spread more information about the medicinal knowledge of healthcare for the people. The Aashray Dergaon Nature Organisation officially stated that Tulsi plantation contest was held in All Assam level with the participants 516 which was held in the month of October 18, 2016. The top three position were begged by Mon Rajguru pujabari of Majuli. Jyotiprova Das saikia and Nayanmoni Bora bagged the Patanjali Arybhatta Sushruta Award respectively. Tulsi is planted for Religious and medicine purposes and for its essential oil and is widely known

The Üsou Clan Women Organisation (Üsoumiapfü Mechü Krotho - ÜMK) of Pfuchatsumia Khel under Kohima village today celebrated its 25-years of existence with P. Khel Council Chairman Kruyie Pienyü as the chief guest at Üsou Zieke within the village premises. Exhorting the womenfolk of the clan, Kruyie encouraged them to pass on the tradition and culture to the youngsters and also be supportive towards welfare activities of the khel in

particular and village in general. He also released the jubilee souvenir on the occasion. The function was chaired by ÜMK advisor Mesetuonuo Pienyü while welcome address was delivered by ÜMK president Letuo-ü Pienyü. Organising committee Convenor Zeneituo Pienyü extended greetings. Neipekrei-ü presented general secretary report while jubilee choir and Nounenuo & friends enthralled the gathering with special numbers. Khrieneinuo Pienyü proposed vote of thanks. The celebrations concluded with Officials of Üsoumiapfü Mechü Krotho with chief guest Kruyie and others pose for jubilee feast. lens after unveiling of the jubilee plaque on December 13.

‘Christmas is best in my village’

Nagagenous releases official Christmas music video Morung Express News Dimapur | December 13

Governor of Nagaland PB Acharya plants Tulsi plant at Raj Bhavan Kohima on December 12.

amongst Indian as a medicinal plant and an herbal tea commonly used in Ayurveda. Within Vaishnava tradition of Hinduism, the devotees perform worship involving holy basil plants or leaves and the plant is reserved as an elixir of life. They started planting contest from 2014 at local level for the first time. A press release issued by the PRO Raj Bhavan

informed that in the year 2015, Governor PB Acharya expressed his interest on Tulsi plantation and instituted three awards like Saint and Yog guru patanjali Award, Astromer Arybhatta Award and Ayurvedic surgeon Sushruta Award with a Cash prize Rs/-5000, 3000, and Rs/- 2000 with citation respectively by the Governor PB Acharya at Raj Bhavan Guwahati.

The simple rustic life of the old times’ Christmas without any urban influence of expensive gifts, modern decorations, bursting crackers etc but with love and camaraderie accompanied with group carolling is the best Christmas. This message is what the Nagagenous projects in its official Christmas music video titled “Christmas is best in my village” released on Tuesday. It is sang in Sumi dialect and runs a sub-title in English. The video is set in a Naga morung showing the Nagagenous team gather to celebrate birth of Baby

Nagagenous team singing its official Christmas song during its release programme held at WSBAK Centre, Akuvuto, Thahekhu on Tuesday. (Morung Photo)

Jesus in the village style by pounding sticky rice which is later steamed and wrapped in banana leaves. That the villagers happily relished axone chutney and axone with pork are also depicted in the video. The lyrics starts with “kong kong kong” imitating the sound of log drum beats and rice pounding. A part of the lyrics reads, “It doesn’t snow in my village, Santa Claus is unfamiliar to us, though we don’t get Christmas

cake, yet Christmas is best in my village; Reindeers don’t roam in our forest, exchanging Christmas gifts is not our tradition, Bethlehem is a place we’ve never seen, yet Christmas is best in my village.” The birth of baby Jesus is also depicted in the music video. Song Writer and Composer, Hojevi Kappo who is also the Director of Nagagenous in the song script recalls that the villagers during his boyhood stopped their daily life of going to

the fields and that everyone would wear their best and finest traditional shawls and happily sing Christmas carols in the Church and around the village. Banana stumps placed at the village or Church gate or big leafy and bushy trees used as Christmas tree and the abundance of Poinsettia were all what Christmas decorations meant. In contrast to the olden days, the composer points out the expensive crackers burst during the season

polluting not only the air and sound but leading to illness among children and poultry loss. Exchange of expensive Christmas gifts, cakes, idols of Santa Claus, Reindeers are the in thing now, he adds. “Whatever changes have come, Christmas is best in my village because I find great love, joy and peace and this is what Christmas means to me,” Hojevi said and thanked all those who made the project a success. The music video album was dedicated by Executive Secretary, WSBAK, Rev. Dr. Hevukhu Achumi and released by Joint Director, Health & Family Welfare, Dr. Hotokhu Chishi at WSBAK Centre Akuvuto, Thahekhu on Tuesday. The music video has been uploaded on youtube and people can view or download it with the link:

wednesday 14•12•2016



News report 'planted', says Kiren Manipur CM to inaugurate Rijiju; opposition seeks his ouster two new districts today

Lt Gen Shokin Trucks carrying goods to Imphal Chauhan is attacked, two drivers injured imphal, December trict. Driver S. Rahman was informed police and paranew DGAR 13 (ianS): Unidentified injured in the incident. In military personnel of the DimapUr, December 13 (mexn): Lieutenant General Shokin Chauhan, Yudh Seva Medal, Sena Medal, Vishisht Seva Medal assumed the appointment of Director General of Assam Rifles on December 12, 2016. The General Officer is an alumnus of National Defence Academy, Defence Services Staff College and the prestigious National Defence College. He was commissioned into the 11 Gorkha Rifles in December 1979. The General Officer takes over as the 19th Director General of Assam Rifles with effect from 12 December 2016.

Cashless transaction introduced in NFR maligaon, December 13 (mexn): The NF Railway has introduced the system of issuing PRS tickets through Credit/Debit Card transaction. The first machine was installed at PRS/Kamakhya on December 12 and made operational from December 13. With this, the passengers now can purchase reserved tickets by swapping the card as per the tie-up with SBI. A total of 237 PRS having 315 counters will be provided with Point of Sale (POS) machines for which necessary intimation has been given to State Bank of India (SBI). The Chief General Manager of SBI visited Kamakhya station today along with railway officials and ensured that seamless operation will be provided at each location. The POS machine provided is based on GPS technology and no telephone connection is required. The machine can work for a period of six hours at a stretch without electricity. The POS machines will be installed in a phased manner. The important PRS will be covered first. And thereafter the other stations will be provided with this facility.

gunmen shot and wounded two drivers carrying goods to the state capital along NH 37 on Monday night. It is one of the two highways where an economic blockade was imposed by the United Naga Council from November 1 protesting against the state government's plan to create two new districts -- Jiribam and Sadar Hills. Over 1,030 trucks and oil tankers were being escorted from Jiribam, adjacent to Assam, towards Imphal on Monday. Some gunmen opened fire at a truck bringing rice at Sheijang in Tamenglong dis-

another incident, other gunmen shot and wounded another driver K. Ibomcha near Awang Khul in the same district. The injured drivers said that though they had

gun attack, no search operation was conducted. Another driver said: "Whenever there are blockades, there have been gun attacks and torching of trucks in these areas."



Unity College invites all Alumni to the Cultural Day-cum-Unity Voice Hunt (second edition) on 17th December, 2016. The Cultural programme will begin at 9:00 Am, Unity Voice Hunt at 11:00 AM, followed by an Alumni meeting. We will also appreciate if you can all come dressed in traditional attires. Sd/- Dr. S.K. Chhabra, Principal

Newmai News Network Imphal | December 13

Manipur Chief Minister Okram Ibobi Singh will inaugurate newly created districts of Pherzwal and Jiribam tomorrow,December 14, official sources informed on Tuesday. Pherzwal, earlier a part of Churachandpur district, will be inaugurated around 11 am. CM Ibobi will visit the new district by a helicopter for the scheduled function and from there he will fly to Jiribam for its inauguration. According to the official sources,Deputy Chief Minister Gaikhangam, local MLA Thoudam Debendra Singh and Revenue Minister Irengbam Hemochandra Singh will accompany CM Ibobi in his Jiribam visit. Jiribam near Manipur-Assam border was earlier a subdivision of Imphal East. The Manipur Chief Minister is likely to inaugurate the remaining districts in the next two-three days, the sources said. The Manipur government declared creation of seven new districts of Jiribam, Kakching, Pherzwal, Noney, Kangpokpi, Tengnoupal and Kamjong on December 9. Earlier, the number of


NPO cautions state govt Senapati, December 13 (nnn): The Naga People's Organisation (NPO) while taking strong exception to the declaration of the Kangpokpi district by the Government of Manipur with the same jurisdiction as the proposed Sadar Hills notwithstanding the four Memorandum of Understanding (MoUs), has said that the move to declare new districts without the consent of the people as announced by the government on many instances cannot be accepted. It asserted that Nagas can never accept "artificial boundaries created by such political agendas". The NPO then reiterated that no Naga villages would be allowed to be made as "minorities in the new districts". The NPO demanded that the state government withdraw its order on the creation of Kangpokpi district. "Any consequence arising out of this blatant disregard of the people’s sentiment will be the sole responsibility of the state government," it warned. districts was only nine— four in the valley namely, Imphal West, Imphal East, Thoubal and Bishnupur and five in the hills namely, Senapati, Ukhrul, Churachandpur, Chandel and Tamenglong. The state has a geographical area of 22,327 sq km and 90 percent of the total geographical area is covered by the hills and the remaining area is a small valley accounting for only one-tenth of the total area. The district creation move of the Ibobi government triggered more protests from the Nagaa. United Naga Council


The Ministry of Road Transport & Highways (MORTH & H) Govt. of India invites Bids for the National Highways works to be implemented through PWD (NH works),Nagaland as mentioned below: Sl. No 1

1. The Commander 15 BRTF, PIN-930 015, C/O 99 APO on behalf of President of India invites tender(s) from the eligible contractors for the following work(s) Details of tender documents (a) Cost of tender : `500/(b) Availability On or after 22 Dec 2016 (c) Submission : Up to 1100 hrs on 07 Jan 2017

Tender No.12 of 2016-17 Supply and Stacking of Stone Boulder, Stone Metal, Stone Chips and Sand for Rehabilitation of Badly Damaged Road Surface and Drain between Km 8.00 and Km 15.00 of KohimaJessami (NH-29) Road under 89 RCC/15 BRTF Project Sewak in Nagaland State Note: Full notice of tender, any change in above details, tender document (including eligibility criteria) and other details may be obtained from BRO Website (link: Tender) or Central public procurement - portal for any queries, please contact on telephone 0370-2260207. EE (Civ), SW For Commander



Dr. GANESH DAS MS (PGIMER, Chandigarh), DNB, FMAS, FAIS, Trained Cancer Surgeon from Tata Memorial Hospital, Mumbai will be available for consultation on 17th December 2016 (Saturday). For Registration, Please Contact:  03862- 231864, 227337, 224117

ACKNOWLEDGEMENT The Chozubami Welfare Union Dimapur would like to extend our sincere gratitude and acknowledge the following persons/Union for their contribution in cash and kind during the 25th Anniversary Celebration held on the 10th December’ 2016 at Daeshin Academy Diphupar "B" Village Dimapur. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20.

Shri. Velüo Shijoh, Additional Director (SIRD) Western Chakhesang Hoho Dimapur Pholami Welfare Union Dimapur Thüvopisümi Welfare Union Dimapur Süthazumi Welfare Union Dimapur Chozuba Village Council Chozuba Village Baptist Church Phügimi Welfare Union Dimapur Yorühami Welfare Union Dimapur Chesezumi Welfare Union Dimapur Mesulumi Union Dimapur Seluophe Village Council Dimapur Chozubami Welfare Forum Kohima Khezhakeno Union Dimapur Chozubamipvü Shoro Shorhi Krotho Dimapur Chozubami Women Welfare Society Dimapur Shri. Zasevizo Lhousa & Family Shri. Krosanyi Rhakho & Family Shri. Rüdupra Keyho & Family Smti. Depralü Tetseo & Family

Sd/(Sanüzo Nyenü) President CWUD

Sd/(Sekhoyi Ringa) Secretary CWUD

Contact no – 9856185011, 9856271687

Regional Office, Guwahati. Rajgarh Road, Guwahati-781003, [Tele-fax: 0361-2464169, 2522552.] Email:


Cost &Time of work (a) Cost : `12.13 lakh (b) Period of completion:180 days (c) Earnest money : `24,300/-

I, Shri. Juda Apon, have lost all my original document i.e. from 10 standard to B.A (Graduate) on 26th Nov. between Kohima main Town to High School Junction. Name – Juda Apon


Dimapur, Nagaland Ph.: 03862-229370/9862008081

Particular of work




BOOK FAIR Venue: O.M. Books 12 – 24 City Tower Junction, Circular Road December 2016 9AM – 5PM

(UNC) continues its indefinite blockade on National Highways. Naga civil societies, including UNC, have pledged to intensify protest against the creation of new districts, saying the protest for protecting the rights, land and resources of the Naga people will be intensified. The UNC has long accused the state government of racial politics. Naga organisations said CM Ibobi’s “sinister design” to divide the Nagas inhabiting in different districts of Manipur will not be accepted by the Nagas. The United Naga Coun-

cil is unlikely to withdraw the over 40-day old blockade even as essential commodities, including fuel, have taken a severe hit since the highways have remained disrupted from November 1. Meanwhile, the NSCN (IM) thinks the creation of seven new districts out of Naga areas in Manipur is disrespecting the authority of Indian state that is on talks with the outfit and described the move as a communal threat to the Naga people. The Naga outfit also accused CM Ibobi of communalizing the vote banks of the Nagas on one side and the Meiteis and Kukis on the other. It alleged that the district creation move of the Ibobi government was a deliberate conspiracy to gain political mileage because of the impending 2017 assembly polls.

Approx. Period Value Package of Asof Work No. sign(Rs.) ment Nagaland Publication of Press Notice 2 4 8 3 . 11 C E / N H / 24 for Improvement of Aset- Lakhs ISC/ Months kong- Tsusangra road from 2016NH-61 (Impur junction) to 17/18 longpong Bridge (27 Km) under ISC, Scheme in the state of Nagaland Lakhs (JobNo.: ISC/NG/201617/018) State


Note:1. The bidders must be registered in the e-tendering portal of MORTH i.e., for participating in the bidding-process. It is the responsibility of the Bidder to ensure that their ETS registration is valid (i.e., not expired) through the life cycle of the tender. 2. Value of work is approximate and may differ in the Detail Bid document for which no claim will be entertained 3. For other details and clarifications, bidders may see the official website and and may also enquire the authority mentioned below during office hours. Chief Engineer PWD (NATIONAL HIGHWAYS) NPWD Complex (KOHIMA: NAGALAND) Email:

(Anirban Acharyya) Assistant Executive Engineer, for Regional officer MORT&H Chandmari, Guwahati-781003

Davp 37109/11/0056/1617

"Now the Congress must apologise to the nation. All contract works & payments were made during their regime. I just forwarded a memorandum," he said in a series of tweets. In a letter to Union Power Minister Piyush Goyal, Rijiju had requested release of pending payment for boulder transportation for the Kameng Hydro Electric Project in Arunachal Pradesh. Meanwhile, the Congress and the Aam Admi Party (AAP) on Tuesday demanded Rijiju's resignation for his alleged involvement in the hydro project scam. Congress leader Randeep Surjewala said: "The minister has no right to remain on his post. Prime Minister Narendra Modi, who talks of transparency and honesty, should get this (Rijiju's involvement in the scam) investigated by an independent agency." "Until that time, the Prime Minister should either dismiss the Minister of State or ask for his resignation." Surjewala also demanded an investigation against all the senior offi-

cials associated with the project. "An unprecendeted case of corruption in a project being executed by the Neepco has come to light. There are serious facts available in public domain which indicate a scam of Rs 450 crore," said Surjewala. The Congress claimed that fake and inflated bills were submitted by contractors for the transportation of rocks for construction of dams and the methodology brought out by the CVO was very clear. "Vehicles that were used for transporation for which payment worth crores of rupees was made were actually found to be carrying registration numbers of either scooters or motorcycles or cars instead of heavy trucks. Many of the vehicle numbers were found to be fake," said Surjewala. "All these were happening as Goboi Rijiju, Rijiju's brother, had gone to meet the CVO. Goboi Rijiju was influencing the CVO to make and release payment of the contractors which were under question," added Surjewala. Quoting newspaper reports, AAP leader Ashish Khetan accused Rijiju of using his influence as a minister to help his cousin in what he called a "Rs 450-crore scam". "This is a serious matter. Kiren Rijiju has no right to remain a minister after being exposed in this scam. He should immediately resign from his post," Khetan said. He also urged the Prime Minister to order an independent probe into the alleged scam. "We also request the Prime Minister to ensure that Rijiju and his family do not influence the probe," he said.

Davp 37102/11/0598/1617

new Delhi, December 13 (ianS): Even as Union Minister Kiren Rijiju on Tuesday slammed a daily for "planting" story about his alleged involvement in a power project scam, the opposition demanded his resignation and thorough probe into the matter. "It is a planted story. If they visit Arunachal Pradesh, they would be thrashed with shoes," Minister of State for Home Affairs Rijiju told reporters here. The Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) leader's comment came after a newspaper claimed that he had written letters to clear payments of contractors constructing two dams for the 600MW Kameng Hydro Electric Project in Arunachal Pradesh, being executed by the North Eastern Electric Power Corporation Ltd (Neepco). The newspaper also quoted a report of the Chief Vigilance Officer of the Neepco, who claimed that there was a scam relating to an Arunachal Pradesh hydro project. "Does serving people mean corruption," Rijiju asked. However, soon after stirring the controversy, Rijiju took to Twitter and said that the allegation was "really cheap", and posted photographs of the letters he received from the people of Arunachal Pradesh. "Really cheap! This is the copy of representation I received and forwarding letter to the Power Minister. Is it a corruption helping poor tribal folk?" Rijiju said. He also said the Congress must apologise to the nation as all contract works and payments were made during its regime.

ACKNOWLEDGEMENT The Beauty and Aesthetic Society of Nagaland would like to convey its appreciation to all Sponsors and Well Wishers for their Support and Contribution during the Miss Nagaland 2016 Pageant. 1. Shri. T.R Zeliang, Honourable Chief Minister of Nagaland. 2. Shri Apok Jamir, Parliamentary Secretary. Department of Tourism. 3. Department of Tourism, Government of Nagaland. 4. Nagaland State Disaster Management Authority. 5. Department of Land Resources, Government of Nagaland. 6. Department of Art & Culture, Government of Nagaland. 7. Election Commission, Nagaland. 8. Department of Irrigation, Nagaland. 9. Commissioners Office. 10. Gleam Group of Companies, Guwahati . 11. Amsarveda, Goa . 12. YouthNet. 13. Mr. Pele Khezie, President NCSU. 14. The Panel of Judges 15. Tabulators. 16. All Music Artistes. 17. RCEMPA.

Founding Patrons and Office Bearers of Beauty & Aesthetics Society of Nagaland. 1. Mr & Mrs. Alemtemshi Jamir, IAS 2. Mr. Lalthara, IAS 3. Mrs. Asenla Jamir 4. Mr. Abao Kire 5. Late. Joseph Jasokhie .


1. Announcer - Ms Bendangnaro 2. Host - Tiaren Jamir Miss North East 2006 3. Co- Host - Moasenla Miss Tuensang 2013 Runner up Zehovire Avi Kechu Miss Dimapur 2015 . Rachel Imchen Miss East India 1996. Rev. Dr. Ellen Konyak Miss Nagaland 1996. 4 . Makeup Artiste - Ms. Benile Kent 5 . Hair Stylist - Ms. Achi Imchen 6. Choreographer - Theja Sekhose . 7. Lights - Headlight 8. Sound - Justin & Lipoktemjen 9. Crowning Music Original score - Mr. Kevi Pucho, Element Indie Records. 9. LED - Highland Dawn Media 10. Graphics Programming - Morotsung & Highland Dawn Media 11. Photographer -Mr. Suchamayang 12. Videography - Highland Dawn Media and Black & White 13. Programme Co - ordinator - Mr. Lipokzulu 11. Stage and Director of the Pageant - Mrs. Asenla. 12 . Felicitation Programme - Ms. Sentinaro. The Beauty and Aesthetics Society of Nagaland.


WednesdAY 14•12•2016



2 Indians in US’ Richest Entrepreneurs Under 40 list

Discount on petrol, diesel bought by digital mode from Tuesday New DelhI, December 13 (IaNS): As part of initiatives to promote cashless transactions, state-run Indian Oil Corp (IOC) on Monday announced a discount of 0.75 per cent on petrol and diesel purchases made using digital payment, effective midnight. “The amount of discount will be credited to customer’s account by way of cash back within maximum three working days of the transaction,” IOC said in a release here. “As a part of these initiatives, to promote cashless transactions Government of India has announced to incentivise petrol/diesel customers transacting at PSU petrol pumps by way of 0.75 per cent discount when a customer uses Debit/Credit Cards, Mobile Wallets and Prepaid Loyalty Cards,” the statement said. This discount on payments will translate from Tuesday into a rebate of 49 paisa a litre on petrol, currently sold at Rs 66.10 per litre in Delhi and 41 paisa on diesel, which costs Rs 54.57, with corresponding reduction in other states. Last week, the government had announced a raft of measures including discounts on online payments for insurance policies, rail tickets and highway toll charges in order to promote digital cash post the demonetisation of high-value currency on November 8.

Legion hacking group targeting government emails next: Report mumbaI, December 13 (ageNcIeS): Over the last few weeks, a number of high profile hacks have propelled a group calling itself Legion into the limelight. The group first made the news after it hacked the Twitter account of Congress leader Rahul Gandi, and had access to the account for nearly a day. Then, last week, it hacked the accounts of Indian businessman and former Member of Parliament Vijay Mallya. Later it would go on to take over other prominent public figures’ Twitter accounts and release emails. In an interview with Factor Daily, Legion hacking group stated that it has no political affiliations, before adding that its next target is going to be, from where it will make a dump of government emails. This could reveal sensitive details about government business if the group carries out its threat. Legion hacking group also said that it will support Digital India if it was based on cryptocurrency. The group added that it has intercepted a lot of data and found contradictory information from AIADMK, which is why it has not released that so far.

Retain CCTV footage from Nov 8-Dec 30: RBI to banks mumbaI, December 13 (IaNS): The Reserve Bank of India on Tuesday asked banks to retain their CCTV recordings of branch operations and currency chests between November 8 and December 30, to deal with any unlawful activities. “The banks are advised to preserve CCTV recordings of operations at bank branches and currency chests for the period from November 8 to December 30, 2016, until further instructions,” the RBI said in a statement here. It said this was necessary “to facilitate coordinated and effective action by the enforcement agencies in dealing with matters relating to illegal accumulation of new currency notes”. The apex bank had earlier issued a notification on October 27, prior to demonetisation, asking the banks to cover the banking hall/area and counters under CCTV surveillance and record to facilitate identification of people abetting circulation of counterfeit notes. The government has kept December 30, as the last date to deposit the demonetised Rs 500 and Rs 1,000 notes. FiRe StatiOnS

KoHIMA soUtH: 0370-2222952/ 101 (O) 9402003086 (OC) KoHIMA nortH: 7085924114 (O) dIMAPUr: 03862-232201/ 101 (O) 9856156876 (OC) CHUMUKedIMA: 7085982102 (O) 8732810051 (OC) woKHA: 03860-242215/101 (O) 8974322879 (OC) MoKoKCHUnG: 0369-2226225/ 101 (O) 8415830232 (OC) PHeK: 8414853765 (O) 8413822476(OC) ZUnHeBoto: 03867-280304/ 101 (O) 9436422730 (OC) tUensAnG: 8414853766 (O) 9856163601 (OC) Mon: 03869-251222/ 101 (O) 9862130954 (OC) Kiphire: 8414853767 (O) 9436261577 (OC) Peren: 7085189932 (O) 9856311205 (OC) LonGLenG: 7085924113 (O) 9862414264 (OC)

New York, December 13 (PTI): Two Indianorigin men have figured in Forbes magazine’s second annual list of wealthiest entrepreneurs under the age of 40 which is topped by Facebook founder Mark Zuckeberg. Vivek Ramaswamy, a successful biotech entrepreneur has been ranked 24th on ‘America’s Richest Entrepreneurs Under 40 2016’ list with a networth of 600 million dollars and Apoorva Mehta stands at 31st spot with a 360 million dollars networth. Ramaswamy, 31, a Harvard University and Yale School of Management alumnus, continues to make waves in the biotech business with his deals and drug development plans, Forbes said. He was behind the biggest biotechnology initial public offering of 2016,

Civil Hospital emergency-

Nagaland convened a meeting of Vice Chancellors of Nagaland University, ICFAI and Global Open University and few heads of educational Institutions at Raj Bhavan on December 10 to discuss about the digital payment following demonetization of Rs.500 and Rs.1000, Skill addition and Jan Dhan Yojana. Addressing the meeting, Governor said that universities should play a vital role in creating cashless society by motivating people and in this connection, seminars and other awareness practices should be adopted to reach out the weaker sections of the society to give awareness of cashless

New DelhI, December 13 (PTI): Hyundai Motor India is likely to hike prices to offset the higher input costs, fluctuating exchange rates and marketing expenses. Hyundai Motor India Ltd on Tuesday said it will hike prices by up to Rs 1 lakh across models from January to offset higher input costs, fluctuating exchange rates and marketing expenses. “In these challenging year-end market conditions, we are constrained to consider price

nagaland Multispecialty Health & research Centre

248302, 09856006026

eden Medical Centre
































develop a new Alzheimer’s drug. He runs Roivant Sciences, a biotech holding company with an innovative financial strategy to develop drugs, often by purchasing drugs that have been forgotten or aban-

doned by the pharmaceutical industry. Forbes called Mehta one of Silicon Valley’s youngest immigrant success stories. Born in India, Mehta and his family moved to Canada in 2000, where he

monetization was a correct step taken by our dynamic Prime Minister Modiji to stop counterfeiting of the current bank notes allegedly used for funding terrorism as well as a crack down on black money in the country.” Governor also explained about the need to introduce skill education in the Sixth Semester of the academic session as mandatory subject which is one of the prime policies of Central Government. He emphasised that universities must identify the relevant skill subjects and introduce the same on priority. Universities should also be the nodal agencies for development in the State and there should

quirement. Moreover indigenous achievers should be recognised by the Universities on Convocation Day, he added. Governor also appealed to the Universities and educational institutions to get involved in promoting and motivating welfare schemes of Central and State Governments like Jan Dhan Yojana, one Rupee insurance etc. Vivek Alva, Managing Trustee of Alva’s Education Foundation, Moodebidri, Mangalore was also present in the meeting expressed their desire for associating with North East region, especially Nagaland.

Hyundai to hike prices up to Rs 1 lakh across all models

we4 woMen HeLPLIne

232224 229529 229474 MH Hospital 227930 231081 Faith Hospital 228846 shamrock Hospital 228254 Zion Hospital 231864 224117 227337 Police Control room 228400 Police Traffic Control 232106 east Police station 227607 west Police station 232181 CIHsr (referral Hospital) 242555 242533 dimapur Hospital 224041 248011 Apollo Hospital Info Centre 230695/ 9402435652 railway 131/228404 Airport 229366 Indian Airlines 242441 225212 Chumukedima Fire Brigade 282777 nikos Hospital and 232032, research Centre 231031


Myovant Sciences, which raised USD 218 million listing its shares on Nasdaq in October, it said. Last year, Ramaswamy pulled off the biggest IPO in the US biotech history by listing shares of Axovant, a company that is trying to

Mayweather as well as pop star Beyonce and actressturned-consumer products marketer Jessica Alba. The last two are the only women among the top 40 under 40. All five of these superstars have net worths that range from USD 275 million to USD 350 million, Forbes said. The richest under 40 newcomer is Bryan Sheffield, who has struck it rich in the Texas oil patch. Sheffield is worth USD 1.45 billion. Another new billionaire is Kevin Systrom, cofounder of photo-sharing app Instagram. To be eligible for the list, individuals had to be under the age of 40 as of December 12. These entrepreneurs also have to reside in the US and substantially have made their own fortunes in this country, Forbes said.

Universities should play role in creating cashless society: Acharya Lenovo unveils ultra-thin, kohIma, December 13 transactions. In support of the De- have regular dialogue with industry 2-in-1 Yoga Book in India (mexN): PB Acharya, Governor of monetization, Governor said, “De- and commerce and find out the re-

std code: 03862


Vivek ramaswamy (L) and Apoorva Mehta (r). (Photo: Forbes)

studied engineering at the University of Waterloo before working at Blackberry, Qualcomm, and then Amazon. In 2012, he cofounded Instacart, a grocery delivery service that partners with grocery chains. Customers can order groceries through a mobile app, and pay fees of typically under USD 10 to get deliveries in an hour or two from Instacart contractors. The company is valued at an estimated USD 2 billion, and most recently raised funding from Whole Foods Market in March 2016, it said. The list has been topped by Zuckerberg, whose Facebook shares and net worth soared to new heights. He is now worth USD 50 billion, up USD 2.9 billion from a year ago. Newcomers to the 2016 ranks include NBA stars Kobe Bryant and LeBron James and boxer Floyd


08822911011 WOMen HeLPLIne 181 CHiLD weLFAre CoMMIttee Toll free No. 1098 childline

increase on account of factors like increased input costs, fluctuating exchange rates and increasing marketing expenses,” HMIL Senior Vice President, Sales and Marketing Rakesh Srivastava said in a statement. “The proposed price increase will be up to Rs 1,00,000 and will be effective from January 2017 across all models from Eon to Santa Fe,” he said. The company sells a range of passenger vehicles, from entry level small car Eon taHaMZaM (formerly senapati) Police station Fire Brigade


north Ps Officer-in-Charge south Ps Officer-in-Charge Zubza Ps Officer-in-Charge Chiephobozou Ps Officer-in-Charge tseminyu Ps Officer-in-Charge Khuzama Ps Officer-in-Charge Kezocha Ps Officer-in-Charge women Cell Officer-in-Charge Control room




stdcode: 03871 222246 222491

KOHiMa Fire Brigade naga Hospital oking Hospital Bethel nursing Home northeast shuttles

with a starting price of Rs 3.27 lakh to SUV Santa FE priced at Rs 31.98 lakh (exshowroom Delhi). Earlier in the day, Nissan Motor India said it will increase prices of its vehicles by up to Rs 30,000 from next month to offset higher input costs. The company sells a range of vehicles under the Nissan and Datsun brands starting with entry level small car Datsun Go priced at Rs 3.28 lakh to SUV Nissan Terrano Rs 13.75 lakh (ex-showroom Delhi). Tata Motors had on

std code: 0370 2222952 2222916 2243339 2224202 08974997923


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Bank Colony, A.G. Hr. sec. school Junction, dimapur 9774351136/9615454002

std code: 0369

Police station 1 Police station 2 Police station Kobulong Police station tuli Police station Changtongya Police station Mangkolemba Civil Hospital

Hotel Metsüpen (tourist Lodge) 2226373/ 2229343


Us dollars sterling Pound Hong Kong dollar Australian dollar singapore dollar Canadian dollar Japanese Yen euro thai Baht Korean won UAe dirham (Aed) Chinese Yuan

BUY (rs) 65.96 83.53 8.23 49.37 46.24 50.16 57.03 70.06 1.79 0.0548 17.38 9.21

seLL (rs) 68.92 87.55 9.16 51.79 48.50 52.63 60.25 73.44 2.00 0.061 19.35 10.26


Contact numbers

8575045501 8575045510 8575045502 8575045520 8575045508 8575045518 8575045506 8575045516 8575045507 8575045517 8575045505 8575045515 8575045549 8575045538 8575045509 8575045519 8575045500 (Emergency No. – 100)

Monday announced that it would hike passenger vehicle prices by Rs 5,000 to Rs 25,000 from next month in order to offset increased input costs. Renault India has also announced plans to increase prices of its vehicles by up to 3 per cent from next month for the same reason. Earlier, Toyota Kirloskar Motor (TKM) had announced hike in prices of its vehicles by up to 3 per cent from next month to offset increased input cost and consistent upward trend in foreign exchange rates.

New DelhI, December 13 (IaNS): Keeping in mind the changing computing and mobility habits of young consumers, Chinese technology major Lenovo on Tuesday launched its Yoga Book -- an ultra-thin, 2-in-1 laptop -- in India. Measuring 9.6mm in thickness, the Yoga Book comes with Windows 10 Pro, 4G SIM connectivity, 4GB RAM and will be exclusively available on Flipkart at Rs 49,990. “We are sure that it will redefine the computing space and offer traditional notebook, 2-in-1 and tablet buyers a first-of-its-kind option that matches their lifestyle,” Bhaskar Choudhuri, Director, Marketing, Lenovo India, told reporters here. At 690 grams, Yoga Book is the lightest 2-in-1 in the world and with 13-hour battery life and 360-degree watchband hinge, it gives user the freedom to write and draw anywhere, matching the mobility of a smartphone and the versatility of a laptop. The device comes with Halo keyboard, a full touch screen backlit keyboard that constantly ‘learns about and adapts to’ the typing habits of user, with built-in prediction and artificial learning software. The Yoga Book’s dual-use stylus allows users to write and draw with pen and paper while instantly digitising their notes and sketches, the company said.




Simple Rules - Fill in the grid so that every row, every column, and every 3x3 box contains the digits 1 through 9.

Game Number # 3788

Answer Number # 3787

ACROSS 1. More recent 6. Doing nothing 10. Incline 14. A kind of macaw 15. By mouth 16. Arab chieftain 17. Autochthonic 19. Quick note 20. Renter 21. Mineral rock 22. 1 1 1 1 23. Sharpshoot 25. Pretentious 26. Coalition 30. Women’s stockings 32. Brighten 35. Spire 39. Cream-filled pastry 40. Inflow 41. Adolescent 43. Rouse 44. Cringe 46. Caustics 47. An inferior black tea 50. Improvise 53. Urine component 54. Utilize 55. Not greater 60. Blah 61. Likeness 63. Respiratory organ of aquatic animals 64. Wicked 65. Smooths 66. Being 67. A pack of playing cards 68. Lingo DOWN 1. Found on a finger 2. Sea eagle 3. Bankrolls 4. Goddess of discord 5. Angers 6. Charged particle 7. Sagging

8. Honors 9. If not 10. Repentant 11. Catkin 12. Acts out without words 13. Lacking wit or imagination 18. Poetic dusk 24. Hotel 25. Concerning (archaic) 26. Decay from overripening 27. Bloodsucking insects 28. Leer at 29. Mutable 31. Ear-related 33. Crown 34. Therefore 36. Participate in games 37. Pear-shaped instrument 38. Former lovers 42. Ambiguous 43. Completely 45. Bloated 47. Move very slightly 48. German iris 49. Makes well 51. Sick 52. African antelope 54. Utilized 56. Celebrity 57. Vocalized musically 58. Cocoyam 59. A musical pause 62. Type Answer to Crossword 3802

Wednesday 14•12•2016


Nagaland govt rejects Himachal’s Nagaland villages show way to grassroots innovations request to translocate monkeys Shimla, December 13 (The STaTeSman): The Himachal government’s plan to translocate monkeys to Northeastern states has met with another hurdle as the Nagaland government has rejected the proposal on grounds of suitability of habitat. In a letter sent to the Himachal government, a copy of which is with The Statesman, Nagaland Chief Wildlife Warden Satya Prakash Tripathi has rejected the proposal. “After detailed discussion, it was decided that there are no suitable/ appropriate habitats in the state for monkeys proposed to be translocated from Himachal to Nagaland,” he stated. “Introduction of translocated monkeys in forests of Nagaland may disturb the habit and behavior pattern of the locally inhabiting species. Further, the ecology of the area/forest is also likely to be disturbed which is the reason that the proposal of translocating Rhesus Monkeys from Him-

achal to the state cannot be considered,” the letter added. It is worthwhile to mention here that the proposal of the state government was already in soup as the Nagaland government had requested HP government to provide habitat to elephants in the state in lieu of relocation of monkeys in the Northeastern state. Earlier, Humane Society International (HSI) had objected to the move on translocation of monkeys, contending that it would only aggravate human-monkey conflict. It had also written a letter to the Himachal Pradesh government and Union Ministry of Environment and Forest in this regard. The primates and other wild animals have turned out to be a nuisance in the entire state as together with other wild animals, they are estimated to be destroying crops worth over Rs.500 crores annually, according to Himachal Kisan Sabha. The population of monkeys in

the hill state has, however, decreased from 3.14 lakh in 2013 to 2.70 lakh in 2015 due to continuous sterilization drive over the last decade. The damage by the monkeys in the agriculture and horticulture farms in Himachal Pradesh has been quite high, forcing the farmers to abandon their fields. Sensing the political overtones that the ‘monkey menace’ issue takes in the run up to the assembly polls in Himachal Pradesh, the state government had recently got the monkeys declared as ‘vermin’ in Shimla municipality and 38 other tehsils of the state by the Government of India earlier this year with a permission for killing. The government’s angle was that the people, who are incurring losses in agriculture due to monkeys or are attacked by the wild animal, can kill them in the notified area. But not a single person chose to kill a monkey for religious reasons so far.

longkhim, December 13 (PTi): While it is common for people to visit a doctor or apply antiseptic creams on wounds to stop bleeding and avoid infections, many Nagaland villagers simply pluck a "doctor leaf" from a tree to stall the blood flow. According to the villagers, extract from the leaves of Sayanglaza tree (Eupatorium Odoratum) when applied on the wounds stops the external flow of blood within no time. Living in tough terrains and faced with the scarcity of resources, villagers in Nagaland have not only preserved their traditional knowledge but have also adopted many new scientific approaches to make their lives better. Their tradition of "no wastage" and "optimum usage of available resources" brings relief to their oth-

erwise difficult life. This and many other traditional and new scientific approaches were evident during the 38th Shodhyatra in Nagaland which took place from November 26 to December 2, where 60 shodhyatris from India and foreign countries participated. "These Shodhyatras are organised by SRISTI twice a year to unearth the traditional knowledge and grassroots innovations in remote villages of a particular state and give them the knowledge acquired from the other states of country," Professor Anil K Gupta, President, Society for Research and Initiatives for Sustainable Technologies and Institutions (SRISTI) told PTI. During the recent Shodhyatra, biodiversity and food recipe competitions were organised in

AR recover ammunition, apprehend cadre

Citizens, who turned up in support of the ACAUT Signature-Protest Campaign at the Clock Tower on December 13, append their signatures at one of the banners put up by the ACAUT. After police prevented the people from rallying at the Clock during the day, the rally was relocated to the adjoining NRL fuel outlet.

mon/longleng, December 13 (mexn): Troops of 35 Assam Rifles under the aegis of HQ 7 Sector AR of IGAR (North) recovered cache of ammunition from the house of Col Tinka Konyak of NSCN (K) in Techa Colony, Mon on December 11, according to a press release from Assam Rifles. The recoveries included 50 live rounds of 7.62

personnel on witnessing the illegal activities sealed the two godowns, and hence the question of criminal trespassing does not arise, the CCCTA in a press note said. Demanding the immediate release of the detained ACAUT members unconditionally, the CCCTA extended full support to ACAUT for all the “noble jobs done for the poor.” It also requested the public of Chumukedima to extend full support in the fight against corruption.

DimaPur, December 13 (mexn): The monthly district health review meeting of Dimapur was held on December 12 at CMO’s conference hall, Dimapur. Before the meeting began, a minute silence was observed by the members in memory and respect of Late Dr. Robin Yanthan, who passed away on December 12. Dr. Antoly, Deputy CMO, who chaired the meeting, informed the members on the RSBY scheme and its benefits. She requested all Medical

mm AK 47, one radio set, combat dresses, extortion slips of NSCN (K) and other incriminating documents. The ammunition were dug out from under the floor of the house, the release added. In a separate incident, 44 Assam Rifles apprehended one NSCN (R) cadre identified as Kilonser Chongpon Phom at Kanching village in Longleng on December 11 during an

operation, which was carried out based on specific input with respect to illegal taxation and extortion by NSCN (R) in Longleng district. A press release from Assam Rifles said that one .22 pistol, two magazines and 73 rounds along with incriminating documents were recovered from the cadre. The apprehended cadre was handed over to the police, AR informed.

villages to unveil the traditional knowledge of villagers. To encourage the curiosity and creativity among school children, competitions on innovative ideas were also held. In addition to these competitions, people aged 90 years and above were honoured in their villages. "In my lifetime, I have seen this first of its own kind of Shodhyatra. These baby steps will be helpful to our younger generation and they will get inspiration from it," said Nyitsangpa, from village Phirahi, who claims to be 112 years old. "These Shodhyatras are management of knowledge for 200 years. By these journeys, we document 100 years old traditional knowledge of our elders, which is going to serve our younger generation for next 100 years," Gupta added.

During this journey, machines invented by grassroots innovators were demonstrated before villagers. Bamboo incense stick making machine by L Ralte and L Sailo of Mizoram, hand operated water lifting device by N Saktimainthan of Tamil Nadu and multipurpose food processing machine by Dharamveer Kamboj of Haryana were some of them. Grassroots innovator and farmer Amrut Agrawat (71), who has been President Pranab Mukherjee’s guest for over two weeks in Rashtrapati Bhavan, also participated in the Shodhyatra. With the conclusion of the Shodhyatra in Nagaland, one cycle of covering each state in country has been completed and second cycle will begin with Odisha in summer.

MEx FILE NSCN (IM) mourns Imtilepden Jamir’s demise

DimaPur, December 13 (mexn): The NSCN (IM) today mourned the demise of their “comrade” Imtilepden Jamir, Steering Committee Member, on December 12 at Eden Medical Centre, Dimapur. “Even though we acknowledge God's timing to take him to be in His heavenly abode, yet we cannot help but feel the loss in an immense way,” stated a condolence message from G. Robert, Cabinet Secretary, NSCN (IM). The message addressed to S. Akumla, wife of late Imtilepden recounted that Imtilepden joined the national service in 1994 and “had served the nation with utmost sincerity and dedication in various capacities.” Naga nation, it said, will always cherish and appreciate the selfless service he had rendered. “May the Almighty Lord give strength and solace to the bereaved family to bear the great loss. May the soul of Late Imtilepden Jamir be at peace with Kinimi, Chief Medical Of- our heavenly Father,” it further wished. ficer informed the medical officers to signed the Per- ANIDFSAJF asks not to attend meeting forma ‘A’ and submit on or called by ‘unauthorized association’ before December 14. He further requested all the DimaPur, December 13 (mexn): The All Nagastaff to be regular in their land Inter-Departmental Field Staffs Association Joint place of posting and also to Forum (ANIDFSAJF) has informed all the work-charged be vigilant against any out- employees under the Public Health Engineering Debreak of diseases during partment (PHED), Kohima district who have completed 30 years and above and have received regularization this festive season. The programme was order not to attend the meeting called by “unauthorized attended by all Program association” without the knowledge of Legal Counsel Officers, Senior Medi- and ANIDFSAJF on December 15 at LCS building near cal Officers, Medical Offi- Ao Baptist Church Kohima. A press release from ANIDFcer in-charge, DPMU and SAJF Secretary, K Atovi Awomi stated that the Joint FoBPMU staff under CMO rum is proceeding all the files as per the Guahati High Court judgement and government order. Accordingly, Dimapur. the regularization order is based on January 1, 2015 government order, it said. If any problem arises, the Joint Forum will not take responsibility and it will take legal action, the release cautioned.

Medical Officers asked to be Peace Channel, CCTA condemn govt action vigilant against disease outbreak

DimaPur, December 13 (mexn): The Peace Channel has condemned the arrest of anti corruption activists in Dimapur and stated that for peace to prevail “justice must be delivered to all irrespective of positions and status in society.” A press note from the Peace Channel appealed to the Nagaland state government for unconditional release of the ACAUT members and give justice to the people. “The movement while condemning the act

of injustice meted out urges the government in power to give to Caesar what belongs to Caesar and give to God what belongs to God,” it added. The Chumukedima Chamber of Commerce and Trade Association (CCCTA) meanwhile questioned how the ACAUT members could be arrested for “illegal trespass” when they went inside the two godowns with the consent of the caretaker. Further, the police were informed and the police

Meetings & AppointMents Azo to grace TYA 45th meet The Thüvopisümi Youth Association’s (TYA) 45th Meet cum Youth Brigade-cum-Sadars Joint Meet will be held from December 14 to 19 at Thüvopisu village under Phek district. MLA Kuzholuzo (Azo) Nienu will be the chief guest, while Razouvolie Dozo, Project Director, DRDA Phek will be the guest of honour. Introductory session will take place on December 14 at 5:00 pm. Chekhwiingo Puro will be the speaker. Azo will grace the inaugural function on December 15 at 8:30 am. Valedictory function will take place on December 19 at 2:00 pm with Razouvolie Dozo as the guest of honour.

NRDSA silver jubilee The Nagaland Rural Development Service Association (NRDSA) will be celebrating its silver jubilee on December 15, 11:00 am at RD conference hall, Kohima. Minister for Rural Development & REPA CL John will be the chief guest while Kelei Zeliang, Secretary to the Government of Nagaland, Department of Rural Development will be the guest of honour. Speeches will also be delivered by Metsubo Jamir, Director RD, Hillo Semp, retired Additional Director, former president NRDSA, Thungdemo Mozhui and K. Yamao Konyak.

NSCN (IM) Tatar Hoho Winter Session The Winter Session 2016 of Tatar Hoho, NSCN (IM) has been summoned on December 16, 10:00 am at the Council Headquarters, Hebron. A press release from the Tatar Hoho Secretary, A Ashiho Mao has informed all the Steering Executives & Members, Cabinet Kilonsers & Deputy Kilonsers, Tatars, Secretaries (Head of Department), Central Administrative Officers (CAO), and Executive Officers (EO) along with 2 senior Leacy, the Longvibu, Naga Army, Dy. Longvibu, Naga Army, Adjutant General (AG) and all the Unit Commanders of Naga Army to attend the session positively.

Night Carnival in Chumukedima Chumukedima Town will organize 3rd Night Carnival from December 16 to 21 at Chumukedima Town local ground. Interested parties may collect forms from Chumukedima Town Council (CTC) office till December 15 between 10:00 am and 2:00 pm on office days. This was informed in a press release issued by Hovise Naleo, Co-Convener, Organizing Committee.

Landowners/pattadars meeting A meeting of the landowners/pattadars whose lands are under the occupation of army in Dimapur will be held on December 20, 11:00 am at ‘The Hut’ hotel at old taxi stand, below Head Post Office, Kohima. Therefore, all the members have been requested to attend the meeting without fail.

Officers in charge to reassess the villages under their respective jurisdiction and also assist the RSBY team to cover all beneficiaries during the second phase starting from January 2017. Dr. Lanuakum, DPO (RCH/UIP) also informed the members on the new reporting format of PMSMA and the new ANM Register for PMSMA. He requested all PHCs, CHCs and District Hospital to submit the report on time for timely upload of online data. Meanwhile, Dr. Vikato

ATMA conducts Kisan Gosthi at Hazadisa village DimaPur, December 13 (mexn): 20 farmers from Hazadisa and Munglumuk villages took part in a Kisan Gosthi organised by ATMADimapur, Dhansiripar Block in Hazadisa village on December 8. A press note informed that during the event the farmers were enlightened about the functions and activities of Agricultural Technology Management Agency (ATMA) by Moainla, BTM, Dhansiripar block. To cater to the needs and problems of the farmers, an interactive session was con-

ducted by AO&BTT Convenor, Ronchamo Kikon, it added. Ronchamo informed the farmers about insects and diseases of paddy and vegetable crops and advised

them for use of suitable pest and disease management practices in proper time. He further suggested the farmers to go for crop rotation, intercropping and use of bio-fertilizers and green ma-

nures which are eco-friendly to both plants and humans. The AO&BTT Convenor also advised the farmers to follow such system of farming so as to increase the production. As a trial, farmers were asked to go for lentil cultivation as lentil is considered one of the important Rabi crops and most nutritious among the pulses, it added. During interactive session, the farmers also raised various questions related to crop production and vegetable production. Lentil seeds were distributed to the farmers.

St. Joseph Catholic Church new building to be dedicated on Dec 15

ViSwema, December 13 (mexn): Members of St. Joseph Catholic Church, Viswema gratefully reminisced their old church building with a grand Eucharist celebration on December 11. The celebration, which may possibly be the last service in the old church building, was officiated by Rev. Fr. Jerome Veigas SJ, Parish Priest. During his homily, the Parish Priest reminded the congregation of the past 31 years of service in the same building, where they were nurtured spiritually and bestowed with abundant blessings. The service was presided over by Sakrosul Dominic and the Catechist Krovil Benedict gratefully acknowledged the efforts of the Late Rev. Fr. Stanny Coelho SJ, under whose relentless efforts and benevolent patronage the church was built and dedicated for the community, stated a press release from Zhoto

NCD office closed from Dec 15-Jan 8 DimaPur, December 13 (mexn): The Naga Council Dimapur (NCD) office will remain closed with effect from December 15 on account of Christmas/ winter vacation. The office will re-open on January 9, informed a press release from T Bangerloba, president, NCD. In case of emergency, one may contact the following mobile numbers: 9436430370/9856213163.

ZBN offers condolences DimaPur, December 13 (mexn): Zeliangrong Baudi Nagaland (ZBN) has expressed pain over the sudden demise of Haizielu Iheilung on December 12 in Dimapur. A condolence message from Meijiang Gonmei, ZBN general secretary remembered Haizielu as a committed, sincere and active social worker who had rendered his services in different capacities for the uplift of Zeliangrong people and for peace, unity and understanding. “We have lost a dedicated leader who has immensely contributed for the Zeliangrong people,” it iterated, adding Zeliangrong people will treasure and value the good legacy left behind by him in the days to come. ZBN further conveyed condolences to the wife of the deceased, Apeina Iheilung, who is the president of Zeliangrong Mothers’ Organization (ZMO) Nagaland, her children, bereaved family members, relatives and prayed that God will grant solace and comfort to all.

Governor addresses BSF personnel kohima, December 13 (mexn): The Governor of Nagaland, PB Acharya on December 12 encouraged BSF personnel to have courage to face any eventually for the country and to serve the nation faithfully and devote to their duty sincerely. He was speaking at the 51st Raising Day of Border Security Force (BSF) at the 93 Battalion BSF headquarters Chedema. The Governor also acknowledged the security people for their sacrifice and dedicated life and for standing up to every challenge for the country, according to a press release from PRO, Raj Bhavan. Students and BSF Jawans presented folk dance, ramp walk, dances etc during the event. The new building of St. Joseph Catholic Church, Viswema, which will be dedicated on December 15.

Stephen, Convenor, Information & Publicity Committee. The release mentioned that the old church building was inaugurated on March 19, 1985 by the then Late Rev. Abraham, Bishop of Kohima with 125 members getting baptism the same day. The church is set to celebrate 50 years of Catholic

faith with its newly built church building to be dedicated on the same day on December 15. Most Rev. Dr. James Thoppil, Bishop of Kohima will be the Chief Celebrant in the jubilee mass, Very Rev. Fr. Neisalhou Carolus, Vicar General will unveil the monolith, Rev. Fr. Arul Soosaimanickam SJ, Regional Superior, North East Jesuits will

inaugurate the Church, and Rev. Sr. M. Joy BS, Provincial Superior, North East Province will release the jubilee souvenir. Besides, hosts of priests, religious, lay leaders and well wishers are expected to grace the occasion. Therefore, the community members have invited all the well wishers to come and partake in the joyous occasion.

AR Company Commander interacts with village leaders in Chiephobozou kohima, December 13 (mexn): Company Commander of Chiephobozou, 9 Assam Rifles held an interaction with the GBs and chairmen of Chiephobozou villages on December 8. The interaction focused on present security situation, issues of forceful taxation and ways to further enhance cooperation between security forces and villagers, informed a press release from Assam Rifles. The release further stated that the local citizens welcomed the ‘No Taxation Drive’ initiated by the Chiephobozou Company of 9 Assam Rifles and decided to support them by promptly reporting the matter in the event of any illegal taxation made within the locality.


wednesday 14•12•2016



The Power of Truth

The Morung Express


Paul Hoggett and Rosemary Randall

SUSTAINABLE ACTIVISM: Managing Freeing the Mind hope & despair in social movements T volume Xi issue 343

Dr. Asangba Tzüdir

he mind, in consideration of the intellect, allows humans beings to observe the world and the things happening around us. Besides creating awareness it enables a deeper reflection in cognizing a better understanding of the underlying meaning of life. It is capacitated to store, process, release, discover, envisage possibilities etc. Yet, within this mind’s endowment, when confronted by the need to think, we rather resign to the difficulty of thinking leaving it out as a difficult activity. This can happen because the mind finds itself comfortably nestled in one’s own comfort zone and with it loses our sense of identity and thereby our sense of belongingness. Consider the current Naga political issue and issues related to representation; the present opposition-less government marred by ‘democratic tragedy’; then, the present level of corruption of all forms has seen the heights. The tragedy is that all these issues have curtailed free thinking which is integral to voicing out the truth about the many issues and concerns confronting Naga Society today. In a situation where there is lack of democratic space, the mind finds itself reduced to mere ‘anthropological machines.’ It has made a direct intrusion into progressive thinking thereby limiting the mind’s potential. Nagas in the 1950’s dreamt of a free land and the masses with a ‘patriotic’ fervour responded to the cause. Today, far from realising, we have not been able to understand or envisage clearly our dreams and aspirations. We now have an opposition-less government, and the way it controls the people is indeed a dangerous precedent which is going to have serious implications on the democratic fabric and well-being of our society. The ongoing ‘Naga crisis’ is because free thinking and free expression in thought and in action has been curtailed and thereby often we find ourselves as helpless witness to our existential realities. This calls for invoking our minds towards an urgent resurgence of our consciousness towards the process of creating a just society. Time is ripe not just to have a free mind but also to act on the pressing issues intelligently and wisely. If not, Nagas will only regret having so many ‘missed opportunities.’ How long can we stay neutrally silent to issues that lie at the core of our everyday life and living? Like Descartes asserted thinking as the essence of one’s existence, we too need a Cartesian rediscovery of our rational and moral selves and awaken our consciousness in creating a process of change, a change towards a just society. Nagas today seem to be traversing an illusory trajectory of life wherein we seem to simply ignore our duties, rights and responsibilities. The urgency is felt to sincerely address the predicament that makes each one of us a rationally thinking human. Towards the end of collective good, the ‘Naga mind’ trapped in one’s own comfort zone needs to be set free. (Dr. Asangba Tzüdir is Editor of Heritage Publishing House. He contributes a weekly guest editorial to the Morung Express. Comments can be mailed to

lEfT wiNg |

Rina Chandran Thomson Reuters Foundation

Deaths of land rights defenders treble in a year as violence surges, says report


he battle over land and resources turned bloodier in the past year with treble the number of land rights defenders killed, according to a human rights group that fears the violence will get even worse. An average of nearly 16 farmers, indigenous people and advocates of land rights were killed every month through November worldwide, or three times the average in 2015, according to advocacy group PAN Asia Pacific (PANAP). From January to end-November, 171 people were killed in relation to land rights, PANAP's data showed. At least 118 were detained through November, compared with 82 last year, as conflicts with rural communities and indigenous people intensified. "People's collective rights to own or control their land and resources for livelihood and cultural needs are wantonly being violated by corporations and governments," Sarojeni Rengam, PANAP's executive director, said in a statement. "The sharp rise in the number of killings and the overall increase in human rights atrocities against poor rural communities embroiled in land conflicts underscores the impunity with which these killings and brutalities are being committed." In the fight for land and the environment - which UK-based watchdog Global Witness calls "a new battleground for human rights" - communities are locked in deadly struggles against governments, companies and criminal gangs exploiting land for products including timber, minerals and palm oil. Global Witness documented 185 murders in 16 countries last year, or more than three people a week being killed defending land, forests and rivers in the deadliest year on record. In Asia, the Philippines, Indonesia and Cambodia saw the most number of victims, while in Latin America, it was in Honduras, Bolivia and Peru, PANAP data showed. In Africa, the countries most affected were Ethiopia, Kenya and Sierra Leone, it said. Conflicts between rural communities and governments and corporations will intensify further, hurting and massively displacing farmers and indigenous people, according to PANAP. Massive infrastructure projects in China, and its hunger for resources are leading to the displacement of rural communities, both within the country and in the region, PANAP said. Harassment and killing of land rights defenders in India are also on the rise, as land is increasingly sought for industrial use in the world's fastest growing major economy. In Brazil, more than 20 land rights activists were killed as of August this year, according to watchdog the Pastoral Land Commission. But communities are fighting back, staging protests, stalling projects and seeking legal recourse. In Cambodia, for example, a group of farmers is at the centre of a landmark legal case that could change the way global corporations manage large-scale land acquisitions.

A new generation of activists is developing a much healthier and more emotionally-intelligent culture


n her study of ACT UP, the direct action AIDS movement in the USA in the 1980s and early 1990s, Deborah Gould noted the powerful role that emotions play in animating social activism. She observed that any movement that seeks to make things better in the world has to manage despair. We believe that this emotion arises because activists are haunted by the belief that they might lack the collective resources to address the damage and suffering they see around them, and which motivates their action. So in addition to its external opponents, a movement always has an internal, emotional enemy—a gnawing, repetitive, low-level fear and hopelessness that accompany the struggle for deeprooted social change. Over the last few years we have been interviewing people in the UK who have been involved in direct actions such as the occupation of power stations and airport runways. We wanted to explore how they managed the powerful feelings that are aroused by any exposure to the disturbing truth of climate change. As one young female activist put it to us: “I know if I let open the floodgates it’s there…I know what that depressive, overwhelming ‘I feel lost’ feeling is. I’ve had it. It’s not something I enjoy.” In our own experience of movements for change from the 1970s onwards we’ve been struck by the way in which a failure to contain despair can lead to unrealistic hopes, built on a denial of and a flight from some difficult truths. The group ‘puffs itself up’ to make itself feel big. It overestimates its own strength and underestimates the power of opposing forces. It resorts to faith (‘history is on our side’) and magic (‘come on everybody, one last push’). It prefers to engage in wishful thinking rather than face reality as it is. This state of mind is one we often encounter in our work as psychotherapists. It’s often referred to as schizoid— a state where everything is split into polarities: black or white, all or nothing. For someone in the grip of schizoid thinking the world is binary—there is no ‘in between’. Everything is either one thing or the other, and the coin is constantly flipped between one perspective and it’s opposite: either my marriage was the wonderful relationship I always imagined it to be or I was living a total illusion; either I have this special and exclusive relationship with my children or I mean nothing to them at all. One of the most painful and destructive things about schizoid thinking is that it reproduces the very anxiety it tries to manage. By creating an ideal state of affairs that can never be achieved in reality it opens the door to further disappointments, more desperate self-criticism, a greater sense of failure and more crippling anxiety which can only be dealt with by further splits. In politics one obvious and much parodied example is the factionalism that often bedevils political groups and social movements.

However the problem goes much deeper than this: it can also affect the culture of otherwise healthy groups. In movements around climate change we can see it at work in a series of unhelpful binaries like this: ‘the only realistic thing to do is change the system’ versus ‘we are powerless to change the system, so must focus on achievable changes in our communities and in our own lives.’ Another common binary is ‘all or nothing.’ We throw ourselves into an all-consuming commitment which, because it is all consuming, demands an immediate return. Then, when reality proves recalcitrant, despair sets in. As one of our interviewees put it: “...there’s definitely a danger of tying your whole sense of worth and purpose to this challenge that is so much bigger than you and is never ending.” This binary is often linked to another which is ‘now or never.’ In climate change work this manifests in the belief that ‘we must all act now or it will be too late,’ a belief that can all too quickly slip into the perception that it is already ‘too late’, and that processes have already been unleashed which are irreversibly leading us to catastrophe. However, one hopeful sign that also emerges from our interviews with the current generation of climate activists is that they are developing a much more emotionally-intelligent culture. Direct action places activists in vulnerable situations, and rather than resorting to a macho denial this generation seems much more prepared to acknowledge their vulnerability. Many activists also seem able to take up a more proportionate response: times of intense engagement are often followed by a period of taking a step back and giving due attention to self-care and self-reflection. Many of our interviewees described a kind of proportionality to their engagement, where they could let go of their painful knowledge for a time, relegating it to the background while continuing to work on a practical project. “I think I don’t think about it,” explained one. “I’ve accepted it, found

my own kind of path of how I live my life with those kinds of things going through it.” Rather like someone who has learned to live with a life-limiting condition like diabetes, these activists were no longer obsessed with climate change but concerned to act as effectively and dynamically as they could to counter its worst effects. There were a number of elements at play when this balance worked well. The first was a sense of excitement and pleasure in the actions themselves. “It’s just really fun...if you don’t have fun day to day, you are going to burn out way quicker,” explained one interviewee. The second factor was giving conscious attention to building a cohesive group with a high level of trust, with proper debriefing taking place after actions and support offered to anyone who is distressed or traumatised by their experiences. Some of our respondents also emphasised cohesion: “there’s an incredible sense of solidarity that comes out of doing a direct action,” said one, while others focused on the capacity of the group to accept and understand each other’s vulnerabilities: “we have Activist Trauma Support, we have medical support, we have debriefings, we have a really good way of helping people. We know what burnout is now. We know what post-traumatic stress disorder is,” said another. Another important element was an awareness of the kinds of practices that can counter the intensity of being involved with such a difficult subject— things like time spent outdoors, in meditation, or with family. For one activist it was her father’s presence with a banner at all of her court appearances that mattered. Others spoke of a profound relationship with nature, the inner practice of yoga, or time spent walking with the dog after an intense day’s work. Finally, the sense of building a movement that might prefigure the kind of society they hope will emerge in the future was hugely sustaining to almost all of our respondents—the conviction that they could create a world in miniature that was more car-

ing, more responsive and more inclusive; in other words, a community. As a result, many of those we spoke to have begun to talk in terms of ‘sustainable activism,’ one that can survive for the much longer term. As one of our interviewees put it: “The struggle will always be there for justice and for those kinds of things ...there’s no utopic end point is what I mean. It will always be evolving and changing and I see my... there will always be another struggle somewhere…” Sustainable activism has what Gramsci called a ‘pessimism of the intellect’ which can avoid wishful thinking and face reality as squarely as possible. However it also retains an ‘optimism of the will’, an inner conviction that things can be different. By holding optimism and pessimism in tension, sustainable activism is better able to handle despair, and it has less need to resort to binary thinking as a way of engaging with reality. It can hold contradictions so that they don’t become either/or polarities and can work both in and against the system. Whilst it believes there can be no personal change without political change it is equally insistent that there can be no political change without personal change. It insists optimistically that those who are not against us must be with us, and therefore carries a notion of ‘us’ which is inclusive and generous, one which offers the benefit of the doubt to the other. Finally, sustainable activism holds that it is never too late. In the context of climate change it is able to face the truth that some irreversible processes of change are already occurring; that the two degrees limit in the increase in global temperatures agreed at the 2015 Paris climate conference may not be achieved; that bad outcomes are inevitable, and that some are already happening. Nevertheless it also insists that this makes our struggles all the more vital to reduce the scale and significance of these future outcomes, to fight for the ‘least-worst’ results we can achieve, and to ensure that the world of our grandchildren and their children is as habitable as possible.

Olive Oil: South Africa’s Liquid Gold ilana sharlin stone


Zester Daily

hen Americans think olive oil, South Africa probably doesn't leap to mind, but like South African wine, the country's extra virgin olive oil is beginning to turn global heads. The industry was started by an Italian immigrant in the 1950s, but it's the new flush of small- to medium-size producers that are pressing the premium oils, and winning awards. About 90 percent of the country's olive oil comes from the Western Cape, either from picturesque valleys where olive groves neighbor vineyards, or from the Karoo, a semi-desert farther north. "In the past eight years, South Africa's olive oil production has doubled, to 2.4 million liters (about 634,000 gallons) annually," says Nick Wilkinson, chairman of industry regulatory body SA Olive. Wilkinson and his wife, Brenda, are also producers; their Scherpenheuwel Valley farm, Rio Largo, is an hour and half drive from Cape Town. Small industry, high quality With about 160 producers, the industry is still relatively small, but quality is generally high. Take Rio Largo, which in 2016 won gold in the Japan and Los Angeles Olive Oil Competitions, and Best of Class in the New York International Olive Oil Competition.

For starters, nearly all South African olive oils are extra virgin. "There isn't enough volume to justify secondary production, which in itself is a savior of quality," Wilkinson says. Olives are handpicked apart from one or two large producers, and because volume tends to be low, are likely pressed soon after harvest. An Italian connection A nurseryman from Genoa, Ferdinando Costa, recognizing similarities in climate, first brought olive trees to South Africa in the early 1900s. " Years after grafting imported cultivars onto Olea Africana, the indigenous wild olive, Costa decided it wasn't a fantastic bond, and started growing from root cuttings, which eventually became the norm," says granddaughter Linda Costa, an olive consultant. Costa persuaded a few local farmers to grow this unknown tree, and by the 1950s, the olive oil industry was born. To this day, South Africa's olive oils are produced almost exclusively from Italian cultivars. In South Africa, European olive oils are often cheaper due to farm subsidies, but consumers are beginning to favor local over imported, particularly after reports emerged of fraudulent and chemically manipulated imported oils.

Looking to export At Rio Largo, a medium-sized producer, Wilkinson blends his oil from Frantoio, Leccino, Coratina and Favolosa olives, using a customized Italian-made extractor with a computerized management system and cameras linked to his adviser in Italy. "It gives me the information I need to be a quality artisanal producer." Many producers are looking toward export: They can offer high quality at very competitive prices to countries with stronger currencies. "We also have the advantage of being able to market to the Northern hemisphere in August through November, during the heat of their summer and when their stocks are less fresh than ours," Wilkinson says. Rio Largo currently exports 35 percent of its oil, but Wilkinson hopes to build on that.


Young producers in the groves The industry is attracting a new crop of young producers, such as Hestie Roodt, a fashion designer who runs Lettas Kraal, her family's olive oil business in the Karoo. After an eight-year stint abroad in fashion, she returned to South Africa, and was enlisted by her father to take on marketing and distribution of the oil produced on their farm. Her passion ignited, she soon

took over, and now does everything from farm management to extraction and blending, to labeling and sales. When the family bought the farm, it had been overgrazed by sheep and goats. "There was nothing there, just rocks for miles and miles. But there's a beautiful Italian saying that goes something like this: ‘You need stones and silence for olive trees to thrive' … we have all of that." Her father planted Tuscan varieties: FS 17, Frantoio, Leccino, Coratina and a little Mission, which she blends. "It's the high polyphenol count of the Coratina, which gives it its characteristic robustness and bitterness." Most South Africans are still used to softer imported European oils, so education is an industry-wide task. "Our oil is much like oil from Puglia," she said. "We have similar long dry summers and cold humid winters. This extremity influences the olives and brings out flavors." Roodt is particularly proud of her harvest-to-press turnaround: from tree to mill within four to five hours. "I'm pedantic about it; I'd rather stay and finish even if it's the middle of the night. That's how we derive our quality." Lettas Kraal has won many awards in South Africa, and Roodt hopes to be exporting soon. If you're visiting Cape Town, Olive Branch Deli is a good place to see the diversity of oils on offer, with about 40 producers represented on shelf. Sibling owners Omeros and Hélène Demetriou know the ins and outs of South African olive oil and are bullish about its future.

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WednesdAY 14•12•2016

Morung Express Learning



Some useful Idioms and their meanings


very language has its own collection of wise sayings. They offer advice about how to live and also transfer some underlying ideas, principles and values of a given culture / society. These sayings are called "idioms" - or proverbs if they are longer. These combinations of words have rarely complete sentences and are figurative. This is a list which contains some of the most commonly used idioms and their meaning. • A hot potato Speak of an issue (mostly current) which many people are talking about and which is usually disputed • A penny for your thoughts A way of asking what someone is thinking • Actions speak louder than words People's intentions can be judged better by what they do than what they say. • Add insult to injury To further a loss with mockery or indignity; to worsen an unfavorable situation. • An arm and a leg Very expensive or costly. A large amount of money. • At the drop of a hat Without any hesitation; instantly. • Back to the drawing board When an attempt fails and it's time to start all over. • Ball is in your court It is up to you to make the next decision or step • Barking up the wrong tree Looking in the wrong place. Accusing the wrong person • Be glad to see the back of Be happy when a person leaves. • Beat around the bush

Avoiding the main topic. Not speaking directly about the issue. • Best of both worlds All the advantages. • Best thing since sliced bread A good invention or innovation. A good idea or plan. • Bite off more than you can chew To take on a task that is way to big. • Blessing in disguise Something good that isn't recognized at first. • Burn the midnight oil To work late into the night, alluding to the time before electric lighting. • Can't judge a book by its cover Cannot judge something primarily on appearance. • Caught between two stools When someone finds it difficult to choose between two alternatives. • Costs an arm and a leg This idiom is used when something is very expensive. • Cross that bridge when you come to it Deal with a problem if and when it becomes necessary, not before. • Cry over spilt milk When you complain about a loss from the past. • Curiosity killed the cat Being Inquisitive can lead you into an unpleasant situation. • Cut corners When something is done badly to save money. • Cut the mustard [possibly derived from "cut the muster"] To succeed; to come up to expectations; adequate enough to compete or participate

• Devil's Advocate To present a counter argument

• Don't count your chickens before the eggs have hatched This idiom is used to express "Don't make plans for something that might not happen". • Don't give up the day job You are not very good at something. You could definitely not do it professionally. • Don't put all your eggs in one basket Do not put all your resources in one possibility. • Drastic times call for drastic measures When you are extremely desperate you need to take drastic actions. • Elvis has left the building The show has come to an end. It's all over. • Every cloud has a silver lining Be optimistic, even difficult times will lead to better days. • Far cry from Very different from. • Feel a bit under the weather Feeling slightly ill. • Give the benefit of the doubt Believe someone's statement, without proof. • Hear it on the grapevine This idiom means 'to hear rumors' about something or someone.

• Hit the nail on the head Do or say something exactly right • Hit the sack / sheets / hay To go to bed. • In the heat of the moment Overwhelmed by what is happening in the moment. • It takes two to tango Actions or communications need more than one person • Jump on the bandwagon Join a popular trend or activity. • Keep something at bay Keep something away. • Kill two birds with one stone To accomplish two different things at the same time. • Last straw The final problem in a series of problems. • Let sleeping dogs lie Do not disturb a situation as it is - since it would result in trouble or complications. • Let the cat out of the bag To share information that was previously concealed • Long story short Come to the point - leave out details • Method to my madness An assertion that, despite one's approach seeming random, there actually is structure to it. • Miss the boat Missed his or her chance • Not a spark of decency No manners • Not playing with a full deck Someone who lacks intelligence. • Off one's rocker Crazy, demented, out of one's mind, in a confused or befuddled state of mind, senile.



nce there lived a young boy with his stepmother. She hated him and always tortured him making him work in the field. Not only this, she also made him starve with hunger while working. The boy’s health grew weaker day by day because of her ill-treatment. As usual, one day he went

The Cherubic isle Pre school located at Diphupar, Dimapur held its Annual Day on December 10 with shuiching k Lasuh, Assistant Professor, Dimapur Government College as the guest speaker. The students presented songs, dances, apparatus demonstration, pompom display etc in the programme attended by parents, grandparents and well wishers. seen in the picture is shuiching k Lasuh addressing the students.

This wEEk’s quEsTion: Send in your comments to The Morung Express Office (address given below) or email to morunglearning@ or WhatsApp @ 7085976283

Quiz #39


Are students/ parents/teachers giving too much importance to tuitions/coaching? The best comment will win a book, ‘On Being a Naga - Essays’ by Temsula Ao from Heritage Publication House, Dimapur

'School enrolment levels improve, learning levels decline in India'

3. who won the naga Chef season 4 held during the hornbill festival? a) Kiheto Sema c) Renphamo Ezung b) Kusa Lohe d) Rokokhono Rhiitso Nyekha 4. who was the winner of the hornbill international Rock Contest 2016? a) SNF Band c) Soul Bucket b) Crystal & The Witches band d) Anti Trust 5. who was crowned Miss nagaland 2016? a) Shenili Chishi c) Ngapkhao Konyak b) Chuchang d) Vilokali Zhimomi

Send in your answers to the Morung Express Office (address given below) or email to or WhatsApp/SMS @ 7085976283 Answers to Quiz#38: 1-c, 2-a, 3-a, 4-b, 5-d Winner of last week’s contest: Michael Yanthan, Kohima Consolation prizes: Akumdong, Landmark Colony, Dimapur & Wangshom, Patkai Christian College First Prize- Rs. 300 Two Consolations – Rs. 100 each Winners may collect the prize money from The Morung Express Office, H/No.4 Duncan Basti, Dimapur *Winners should bring along a valid ID to claim the prizes

to work early in the morning and laboured till evening. Out of tiredness and hunger, he left the work without his stepmother's permission and went to ask her for a meal. His stepmother, instead of giving it to him, beat him. He had left the work without showing any concern for her and was sent back to the field without the meal.

Out of hunger, he tied his stomach with his shirt, flew away and turned into a Cricket. It is a belief among the Sumis that this is why the Cricket always makes a sound with an empty stomach. [Story by Boli Kiho; Extracts from the book “Retelling Naga Narratives: More than thrice-told tales”, Edited by Richard Carbo, John Coakley and Abraham Lotha, and Published by Heritage Publishing House]

Weekly InternshIp lIst

1. Web Development at Insponse ven though school enrolment levels have signifBusiness Consulting icantly improved over the last 10 years in India, Location – Kolkata there has been a decline in the learning levels Stipend – Rs. 6,000 – 12,000/Month over the time, said Pratham Education Foundation CEO Link – Rukmini Banerji. Deadline –26th December 2016 Delivering a lecture on "Challenges in Indian Education: Lessons from Asia" at Indian Habitat Centre 2. Human Resources at Pratyaksha Agrotech here on Saturday, Banerji said that despite an increase in expenditure on education, things have not improved Location – Silchar, Guwahati, Kolkata in terms of quality of education. Stipend – Rs. 4,000 – 6,000/Month "Enrolment levels in schools are well over 95 per cent Link – in India, and more and more children are completing Deadline – 20th December 2016 more and more years of schooling. "But basic learning levels in reading and arithmetic are low and there has 3. Digital Marketing at Techstory Location – Work from Home been a decline in the learning levels over time," she said. Stipend – Rs. 3,000/Month She said that while there may be multiple reasons responsible for that, there is a tendency in schools to Link – direct teaching only at the "top of the class". Deadline – 24th December 2016 "Also, in India, the system is more oriented at sylla4. Search Engine Optimisation at Bizzort bus than learning," she added. Location – Work from Home Banerji said we need to educate ourselves about Stipend – Rs. 3,000/Month education models prevalent in other countries and use Link – them in a way that suits our context. Deadline – 26th December 2016 (IANS)


5. Software Development at YoParty Location – Work from Home Stipend – Rs. 5,000 – 10,000/Month Link – Deadline – 26th December 2016 6. Graphic Design at Filmbooth Location – Work from Home Stipend – Rs. 6,000/Month Link – Deadline – 26th December 2016 7. Content Writing at Delhi Institute of Digital Marketing Location – Work from Home Stipend – Rs. 5,000 – 10,000/Month Link – Deadline – 25th December 2016 Courtesy & Disclaimer: Internshala (www. – World’s largest internship platform. The Morung Learning will be carrying content from internshala every week. All content are those of Internshala. The Morung Express is not responsible or liable for any content in this article.

Demonetization’s Impact on Students

In radical move on 8th November 2016 Prime Minster Narendra Modi announced the withdrawal of high value banknotes of Rs. 500 and Rs. 1000 from public use and ever since, demonetization has created a stir all over India. Varied opinions have been voiced on this issue, shocking amounts of money have been recovered, and even as the nation tries to move on with normal life it is apparent that different regions and sections of society have found it challenging to cope with this change. On 22nd November, Suresh, a B.Sc. student at Panchnehi Memorial College in Uttar Pradesh, committed suicide after he was unable to withdraw enough cash to pay his examination fees. He had stood in bank queues for days trying in vain to get the money. How has demonetization affected students in Nagaland? This week’s article analyzes just that.

1. Termed “President of the Divided States of America”, who was awarded the Time Magazine’s 2016 “Person of the year”? a) Barack Obama c) George W. Bush b) Donald Trump d) Bill Clinton 2. what was the total number of visitors at the hornbill Festival 2016 in kisama? a) 1,11,603 c) 1,12,605 b) 1,12,604 d) 1,13,606

• On the ball When someone understands the situation well. • Picture paints a thousand words A visual presentation is far more descriptive than words. • Piece of cake A job, task or other activity that is easy or simple. • Put wool over other people's eyes To deceive someone into thinking well of them. • See eye to eye This idiom is used to say that two (or more people) agree on something. • Sit on the fence This is used when someone does not want to choose or make a decision. • Speak of the devil! This expression is used when the person you have just been talking about arrives. • Steal someone's thunder To take the credit for something someone else did. • Take with a grain of salt This means not to take what someone says too seriously. • Taste of your own medicine Means that something happens to you, or is done to you, that you have done to someone else • Straight from the horse's mouth From the authoritative source. • Whole nine yards Everything. All of it. • Wouldn't be caught dead Would never like to do something • Your guess is as good as mine To have no idea, do not know the answer to a question • Talking to a brick wall Someone who does not listen


emonetization has, in some ways, affected everyone in India and has changed consumers’ spending habits. I decided to ask some of my friends to find out their views on demonetization of old currency notes. Many are happy with the steps the government has taken to expose black money. And many believe the government has finally taken a step to stop corruption in India. Some opined that it may not expose all the black money in circulation, but at least a little will be exposed giving initial steps to create a corruption free country. It was interesting to hear differing views on interacting with students of Nagaland from different backgrounds and mindsets. So it appears that the biggest problem students are faced with is the process of exchanging old notes at the bank. Exchanging the old bank notes can be very frustrating given the amount of time wasted waiting in queues and sometimes even banks run out of the new notes . The government policy to limit the amount of money one can withdraw also causes much inconvenience for the students and their family, since most are unable to meet the needs of the family with the limited amount of money. Even to pay the fees, students now have to visit the banks at least two to three times, some-

Losin Lorin, B.Com 6th Semester (Accounting & Finance Honours) times even more, within as many days just to pay their tuition installments. Some of my friends also think that the demonetization of money will not create any difference in Nagaland. According to some, since people, i.e. local tribal people, don’t pay income tax in Nagaland, it will not affect the people drastically and that corruption cannot be stopped. The only difficulty is that the standards of living will change because in Nagaland credit cards are not commonly used. And even if one decides to use debit or credit cards there aren’t enough facilities to accommodate the use of cashless business transactions. Thus, it only perpetuates the difficulties of not having enough cash supplemented with the problems related with the exchanging of old bank notes. A junior from my college told me, “I went to the bank on 2nd of December in the morning at 10 am and had to wait for 4 hours in the queue to get the money!” Another friend of mine said “I had to wait for 2 hours in line to get the money. While standing in queue some people were even trying to cut the queue to get inside quicker and that created a commotion and it took longer!” Some also mentioned that it may be cruel for the public now as it is very difficult to find change for the large denomination, such as 2000 rupees note, and

even to exchange the old note is also a big public inconvenience, but at the end of the day, they maintained, it is for a better future. Many are happy because black money will be exposed and in that way corruption will be stopped to an extent. Everyone has different ideas regarding the demonetization of money; therefore, according to me, I believe that this first step taken by the government is the beginning of a new era, a beginning that will bring concrete changes. And hopefully, such steps will instill values of honesty and trust in our society. Money is not a bad thing, but the greediness is. The greed for money brings about evil in the world. People are bought with huge sums of money for political or social reasons. Honesty is now a rarity, especially in Nagaland. Seldom do we trust one another. Today, our society is lacking in trust since most of us fail to keep our words and are unable to be truthful and honest because of social obligations, for reputations, and so on. Thus, I hope demonetization of money will create a positive change in India. Yes, people don’t pay income tax in Nagaland. But things should not be taken for granted. We should know what is right and have good values. Finally, the government has taken a step to stop the most pervasive problem, ie, corruption, and I hope this step will create a positive impact

in India and in Nagaland, specifically. The problems of exchanging notes from the banks continue to be a big concern; thus, I think if the government has made proper plans prior to the implementation of its new policy, the government needs to be aware of the situation and make sound decisions to meet the demands of the public. For me, this might help the government in earning the support of its citizens. Some people even say that this step was taken by the government to promote clean elections, as politics, in India, is connected with money. Positives and negatives will always exist in policy matters of the government. The step we need to take is to quickly adapt to the situation such as using credit cards, upgrading facilities that support the use of cards and other digital means, for instance, paytm. These steps are not only easy to use but they’re also convenient. For now, it may be too early to predict the outcome of the decision made by the government, but let’s hope that over time, there will be a positive change. Degree of Thought is a weekly community column initiated by Tetso College in partnership with The Morung Express. Degree of Thought will delve into the social, cultural, political and educational issues around us. The views expressed here do not reflect the opinion of the institution. Tetso College is a NAAC Accredited UGC recognised Commerce and Arts College. The editors are Dr. Hewasa Lorin, Anjan Behera, Dr. Salikyu Sangtam, Nivibo Yiki, and Kvulo Lorin. For feedback or comments please email:

Readers may please note that, the contents of the articles published on this page do not reflect the outlook of this paper nor of the Editor in any form.


wednesdAY 14•12•2016


'Sushma Swaraj recovering fast' New Delhi, December 13 (iaNS): External Affairs Minister Sushma Swaraj continues to recover fast after a kidney transplant at the All India Institute of Medical Sciences (AIIMS) here, a senior doctor said on Tuesday. "The minister is recovering fast. However, it will take at least a week or so to discharge her. Our team of doctors is monitoring her condition," the senior doctor, who was on the team that performed a kidney transplant on the senior BJP leader, told IANS. Swaraj underwent the kidney transplant from an unrelated donor on December 10 at AIIMS by a dedicated team of 50 medical staff, including several senior doctors like M. Minz, V.K. Bansal and Preet Mohinder Singh led by AIIMS Director M.C. Misra. The three-hour surgery was performed at the Cardio Thoracic and Neuro Sciences Centre.

Five IM operatives convicted in Hyderabad twin blasts case hyDerabaD, December 13 (iaNS): A special court on Tuesday held five operatives of banned Indian Mujahideen including a Pakistani national guilty in the 2013 twin bomb blasts case. Pronouncing the judgement, the National Investigation Agency (NIA) special court fixed December 19 for announcing the quantum of punishment. Those found guilty include one of the IM's founders, Yaseen Bhatkal alias Ahmed Siddibappa Zaraar, brother of Riyaz Bhatkal, the brain behind the blasts. Riyaz, a resident of Karnataka's Bhatkal town, is suspected to be hiding in Pakistan and NIA has already issued Interpol Red Corner notice for him. Zia ur Rehman alias Waqas, a resident of Mustafabad of Pakistan's Punjab province is among the convicted. Others found guilty are Asadullah Akhtar alias Haddi of Uttar Pradesh, Tahseen Akhtar alias Monu of Bihar, and Aizaz Saeed Shaik alias Aijaz Shaikh of Maharashtra. "This is the first case in which any operative of the Indian Mujahideen have been convicted," the NIA said in a statement. All five have been convicted for offences including waging war against nation, criminal conspiracy and murder. The twin blasts in Dilsukhnagar area in Hyderabad on February 21, 2013, killed 18 persons, including one unborn child in mother's womb, and injured 131 others.

Five school children among 11 killed in road mishap bhoPal, December 13 (PTi): Eleven persons, including five students, were killed and five others injured today in a collision between a mini bus and an auto rickshaw near Biaora town on national highway in Rajgarh district of Madhya Pradesh, police said. "As many as 11 persons, including four girls and a boy, were killed as a bus and an auto rickshaw collided, about 7 km from Rajgarh in evening," Rajgarh SP Himani Khanna told PTI. Initial information was that the deceased included ten children, officials said. The accident took place near Kishangarh culvert on the stretch between Rajgarh and Biaora on NH-12, she said. The children were returning in the auto rickshaw after appearing for school exam from Rajgarh. The private mini bus, headed to Rajgarh, collided with the auto and overturned, Khanna said. "Five injured persons were taken to district hospital. Of these, two are serious," the SP said. Further details are awaited.

National education policy panel in around 10 days: Javadekar New Delhi, December 13 (PTi): The government is set to announce a committee headed by an eminent educationist in the next 10 days which would draft the national education policy, HRD minister Prakash Javadekar said Tuesday. The ministry has already held comprehensive discussions with all the stakeholders including the states, educational institutes, parliamentarians and experts, he said, adding that even the recommendations of TSR Subramanian committee will be considered as an "input". "We will have a committee headed by an eminent educationist in the next ten days... We are discussing some names but we also have to ask them whether they are ready because they will also have to work for three to four months," the HRD minister told PTI in an interview. Asked about why formulation of national education policy was taking so much time, Javadekar said, "You are thinking of a generation, when you are revising the national education policy after 30 years", adding the whole exercise should be completed in the next six months after which it will be placed before the Cabinet for approval.


Congress dubs demonetisation 'biggest scam', Jaitley says look who's talking New Delhi, December 13 (iaNS): The Congress on Tuesday stepped up its attack on the government over demonetisation, dubbing the move as the "biggest scam". Finance Minister Arun Jaitley said the stand on the anti-graft measure taken by the opposition party with a "scandalous record" was not surprising. The Congress launched a coordinated attack -- with party leaders Rahul Gandhi in Uttar Pradesh and P. Chidambaram in Nagpur -against Prime Minister Narendra Modi's move to scrap high value currency notes. Gandhi, addressing traders and commoners in Dadri in Uttar Pradesh near Delhi, said the real motive behind the demonetisation exercise was to enable the banks collect enough money so they could waive off the loans given to the big corporates and industrialists. "The motive is to flush the banks with your money. These banks have given out loans to the tune of Rs 8 lakh crore to corporates and industrialists," the Congress Vice President said. Gandhi accused Modi of behaving "like kings who just want to speak and our Prime Minister also just wants to keep speaking". He said the Prime Min-

Demonetisation major catastrophe; biggest setback since independence, says Mamata KolKaTa, December 13 (iaNS): Terming the central government's demonetisation decision "a major catastrophe", West Bengal Chief Minister Mamata Banerjee on Tuesday said the "visionless policy" has massively impacted the working class of the nation. "The draconian decision of demonetisation by the central government has drastically affected about five crore workers in the country. It's a major catastrophe," she said in a Facbook post. Banerjee said the acute cash crunch after demonetisation is the biggest setback to the nation since Independence as it has left a huge number of workers either jobless or seriously affected. "Around 1.25 crore workers in the country in unorganised sector, e-commerce, leather, jute, textiles, glass, beedi, gems and jewellery sectors and daily wage earners under government schemes like MNREGA have either lost jobs or have been seriously affected due to cash crunch," she said. Expressing empathy for the suffering masses, Banerjee claimed the situation in organised sector is equally bad and might get even worse in the coming days. "In big industries, retrenchment process is going on which has made or will make huge number of workers jobless. "I can feel with deep sorrow the extensive sufferings and ordeal that these people are going through now," she added. ister had misled the nation by claiming that the economic crisis triggered by the spiking of 500- and 1,000-rupee notes would be over in 50 days. "India will suffer because of this for several years." Former Finance Minister P. Chidambaram told reporters in Nagpur that the demonetisation was the "biggest scam of the year" and demanded a probe into how some people were getting loads of cash in new denomination of Rs 2,000 when the poor were scrambling for cash in serpentine queues outside banks and ATMs. "I can't get a Rs 2,000

note, yet crores in Rs 2,000 notes found their way to individuals being raided all over the country," Chidambaram said. He said the demonetisation was "thoughtless move" and the government was trivialising "a major blow to India's economy". "Forty-five crore people are dependent on daily wages for survival... They have been affected by demonetisation. Who is going to compensate them," Chidambaram asked. He also castigated the government over its plans to transform India into a cashless economy. "It is like motherhood and apple

pie. No one speaks against them, similarly no one will speak against cashless society. To assume that India will go from 3 per cent to 100 per cent cashless in a matter of few months is an outlandish expectation." Jaitley shot back, saying the Congress' tenures of government between 2004 and 2014 were mired in corruption and graft. "From 2G scandal to coal block, AgustaWestland helicopter deal, each of the scandals, which is even today discussed in public space, belongs to that period. Given this scandalous record, it is not surprising that the Congress is

extremely uncomfortable with the anti-corruption campaign our government has launched," Jaitley said. The Finance Minister said the government is "rapidly completing remonetisation exercise". "Everyday RBI is injecting a large amount of currency into the banking system. Significant amounts are going to be injected in next three weeks which are gradually bringing the pressure down." Citing the advantages of the move, Jaitley said the money operating as loose cash in the system had come into the banking system, and as future transac-

tions would be substantially digital and would come in the tax net, it would ultimately help the government to make taxes "more reasonable". "When this is seen along with many other reforms the government is bringing about, particularly the proposed GST, the restrictions on cash spending subjected to PAN declaration, in itself is going to bring down the levels of corruption in society," he said. "It is going to bring down cash transaction in society and it's going to bring down levels of evasion as far as taxation is concerned," he added.

Child born out of rape entitled to compensation: High Court Sale of photocopies: DU welcomes verdict, foreign publishers may appeal

New Delhi, December 13 (PTi): A child born out of rape is entitled to compensation, independent of any such relief granted to the mother, the Delhi High Court has ruled. The verdict to this effect, in which a man has been sent to jail for his entire "natural life" for raping his minor step-daughter, was delivered after the court noted that there was no such provision under the Protection of Children from Sexual Offences (POCSO) Act or under the Delhi government's victim compensa-

tion scheme. Ironically, the high court, which had earlier laid down a law in this regard, reduced the amount of compensation to the rape victim from Rs 15 lakh awarded by the trial court to Rs 7.5 lakh, saying the higher amount went against the 2011 compensation scheme formulated by the Delhi government. It also faulted the trial court by giving a go-by to the guidelines for maintaining confidentiality of the rape victim. However, a bench of

Justices Gita Mittal and R K Gauba said a child born out of rape, either of a minor or a woman who is an adult, "is clearly a victim of the act of the offender and entitled to compensation independent of the amount of compensation paid to his/her mother". This "vacuum" in the law came to the court's attention when it was hearing the appeal of a man convicted and awarded life term for raping his minor step-daughter who, as a result of the crime, gave birth at the tender age of 14 years. Noting the "sordid sce-

nario" in the instant case, where "the trust and confidence reposed in the man by his wife and step-daughter, was abused by him to bring about, out of sheer lust, untold miseries on the body, mind and psyche of the prosecutrix child leaving scars which would not ever heal", the court upheld his conviction and sentence.It also clarified that the man shall remain behind bars for the remainder of his natural life, saying "we see no scope for any ruth (pity) in the matter of punishment".

Cyclone leaves debris, damage; dents digital payment mode in TN cheNNai, December 13 (iaNS): Chennaities woke up to uprooted trees/big branches blocking the roads, fallen name boards and hoardings, damaged compound walls and vehicles under fallen trees, power cuts and lack of milk supplies on Tuesday, a day after Cyclone Vardah ripped through the city. While the cyclone hit residents have now become accustomed to closed ATMs it was a rude shock to many when hoteliers and shopkeepers declined to accept card payments citing non-working point of sale terminals owing to network failure. "There was no power at home and no milk. So we decided to go to a hotel

and have brunch. However the hotel said they are not accepting card payments as the swipe machine was not working. We had to come back home to have a home-cooked meal," K. Muralidharan, a public sector employee told IANS. People in the residential localities after being awed by the damage caused by the cyclone started cleaning their compound of fallen trees, leaves and other muck that was blown by the cyclonic winds. In a statement issued on Monday, Tamil Nadu Chief Minister O. Panneerselvam said over 4,000 trees fell. While bus services were resumed, it would take some more time for the

services to become normal as the routes have to be cleared of trees. The cyclone has affected power generation at North Chennai Thermal Power Station's (NCTPS) 600 MW Unit 1, the Power System Operation Corporation Ltd (POSOCO) said. According to POSOCO, two other units of NCTPS (one 600 MW and another 210 MW) went out of operation on Monday, and it is not known when they will resume generation. Similarly, the two 220 MW units at Madras Atomic Power Station (MAPS), too, stopped operating on Monday evening due to tripping of power evacuation lines, POSOCO said.

New Delhi, December 13 (PTi): Students, the academic fraternity and Delhi University have dubbed the verdict allowing sale of photocopies of textbooks as a "big victory" but foreign publishers who have moved Delhi High Court against the practice have kept their cards close to the chest on the option of challenging it in the Supreme Court. While no clear word has emerged from Oxford University Press, Cambridge University Press (UK), Cambridge University Press India Pvt Ltd, Taylor and Francis Group (UK) and Taylor and Francis Books India Pvt Ltd against the decision, their counsel are awaiting instructions. "Once they (foreign publishers) go through the verdict, they will take a call and we as their counsel will accordingly proceed. So far, we have no instructions," senior advocate Pratibha M Singh and advocate Saikrishna Rajagopal, who represented the publishers, said. However, senior advocate Aman Kumar Sinha, who argued the matter for the varsity, said the decision has been seen as a "big victory for students, teachers, Delhi University and the academic fraternity in general." Reacting to the verdict, a joint statement was issued by Oxford University Press, Cambridge University Press and Taylor and Francis, saying "As publishers, we are fully committed to the ongoing creation of high quality knowledge and learning materials across all disciplines and subjects. "We are also committed to finding ways to enable students and researchers around the world to access these materials on an equitable basis." Through this appeal, the publishers said they had sought to clarify that Indian copyright law did indeed support such a framework, and in so doing, the balance of interest of those creating learning materials here with those requiring access to them is maintained in a fair and sustainable manner."

Varanasi has India's most toxic air, as North Indian cities outpace Delhi IANS/IndiaSpend

The holy city of Varanasi has Indias most toxic air, and many north Indian cities are recording worse air-quality than Delhi, according to a new report in which IndiaSpend is a collaborator. In 2015, the north Indian cities of Varanasi and Allahabad had no days (of 227 and 263 monitored, respectively) with good air quality - when the average levels of fine, toxic dust called PM 2.5 was below national air quality safe levels - according to the report, which bases its findings on the Central Pollution Control Board's (CPCB's) 2015 data released in June, 2016. "Varanasi Chokes", by the Centre for Environment and Energy Development (CEED), IndiaSpend and Care4Air, used the national safe standard for particulate matter under 2.5 microns in size (PM 2.5), 60µg/m³, or microgram per

A bull stands inside a shop selling clothes at Varanasi. (REUTERS File Photo)

cubic metre. The national safe level is two-and-a-half times more relaxed than the World Health Organisation (WHO) standard of 24-hour average of 25µg/ m³ for PM 2.5.

The report seeks to illustrate how most public attention is focussed on Delhi while other North Indian cities report air-quality levels as bad or worse than the national capital.

Since November 2016, IndiaSpend's network of #Breathe air-quality sensors (now in 16 cities nationwide), with 25 monitoring stations in Uttar Pradesh (UP) alone-Agra,

Lucknow, Kanpur, Allahabad and Varanasi-has reported air-quality conditions ranging between very poor (respiratory illness on prolonged exposure) to severe (dangerous enough to affect healthy people and seriously impact those with existing disease). PM 2.5 is fine particulate matter about 30 times finer than a human hair. These particles can be inhaled deep into the lungs, causing heart attacks, strokes, lung cancer and respiratory diseases, and are known to pose the greatest risk to human health. Their measurement is considered to be the best indicator of the level of health risks from air pollution, according to the WHO. Varanasi not among WHO list of cities with worst air, but Indian agency says it among three worst In 2016, the WHO's list of 20 most polluted cities in the world featured 10 from

India, with four of the worst - Allahabad, Kanpur, Firozabad and Lucknow - in UP. While Varanas is not on the WHO list, the Prime Minister's constituency is one among India's three most polluted cities, according to a 2015 CPCB bulletin. The CPCB has three airquality monitoring stations in Varanasi - only one of which can measure PM 2.5 levels, while none provides an air quality index (AQI), a composite marker of various pollutants. In comparison, Delhi has 13 online airquality monitoring stations measuring both PM 10 and PM 2.5 levels with a composite AQI score available every day. Not only does Varanasi lack adequate air quality monitoring stations, rightto-information data on the manual air quality stations in Varanasi revealed significant gaps in PM 10 values recorded, the report said. "Varanasi needs a sur-

gical strike on air quality. Child specialists, when consulted, have concluded there has been an eightfold rise in the respiratory ailments in the city and have cited the rising air pollution levels as the key cause," said Aishwarya Madineni, an independent researcher and author of the report. "Heavy industrial activity in the Indo-Gangetic belt has led to rapid degradation of air quality across North Indian region", the report said. Changing wind patterns here, especially during winter, carry power-plant emissions several hundred kilometres away, causing a spike in the regional pollution levels, the report said, quoting studies by a Delhibased advocacy. "Industry and power plants are not the only sources. Biomass burning (seasonal), household emission (biofuel), vehicular emission, brick kilns,

DG sets etc have also large contribution to air pollution in the Indo-Gangetic region," said Sagnik Dey, assistant professor at the Indian Institute of Technology (IIT) Delhi's Centre for Atmospheric Sciences, speaking at an air quality workshop, held in Varanasi to mark the release of the report. "Varanasi does not have a comprehensive action plan on air pollution. Immediate steps need to be taken to curb air pollution," said Ekta Shekar, Care4Air chief campaigner. "This action cannot be in isolation - cities and states need to work together to formulate a regional action plan to improve air quality. (In arrangement with, a data-driven, non-profit, public interest journalism platform. The views expressed are those of IndiaSpend. Feedback at

WednesdAY 14•12•2016




China warns Trump against ignoring its Taiwan interests BEIJING, DEcEmBEr 13 (rEutErs): China expressed “serious concern” on Monday after U.S. President-elect Donald Trump said the United States did not necessarily have to stick to its long-held stance that Taiwan is part of “one China”, calling it the basis for relations. Trump’s comments on “Fox News Sunday”, questioning nearly four decades of U.S. policy, came after he prompted a diplomatic protest from China over his decision to accept a telephone call from Taiwan President Tsai Ing-wen on Dec. 2. China’s Foreign Ministry said cooperation was “out of the question” if Washington could not recognise Beijing’s core interest on Taiwan, indicating it would reject any effort by Trump to use the issue as a bargaining chip in a long list of commercial and security problems facing the two countries. “China has noted the report and expresses serious concern about it. I want to stress that the Taiwan issue concerns China’s sovereignty and territorial integrity, and involves China’s core interests,” said ministry spokesman Geng Shuang. “Upholding the ‘one China’ principle is the political basis for developing China-U.S. ties. If this basis is interfered with or damaged then the healthy development of China-U.S. relations and bilateral cooperation in important areas is out of the question,” Geng told a daily news briefing. In a separate statement, the ministry cited Foreign Minister Wang Yi as warning during a trip to Switzerland against moves to damage the “one China” principle, having been asked by a reporter about Trump’s call with Tsai. “China is paying close attention to developments,” Wang said. “I can clearly say that no matter whether the

China & Mexico move to deepen ties

Tsai Ing-wen authority, any other person in the world, or any other force, if they try and damage the one China principle and harm China’s core interests, in the end they are lifting a rock only to drop it on their feet.” Despite China’s discontent, it has reached out to Trump. Spokesman Geng said China’s top diplomat Yang Jiechi, who outranks the foreign minister, had met with Trump advisers, including his pick for national security adviser, retired Army Lieutenant General Michael Flynn, during a transit in New York on his way to Latin America in recent days. “Both sides exchanged views on China-U.S. ties and important issues both are concerned with,” Geng said, without elaborating.

He did not give a precise date for the meeting, and it was unclear if it occurred before or after Trump’s latest remarks on Taiwan, which Beijing considers a renegade province. Geng urged the incoming Trump administration to fully recognise the sensitivity of the Taiwan issue and uphold a ‘one China’ policy to “avoid the broader picture of China-U.S. ties being seriously interfered with or damaged”. “The China-U.S. relationship has global and strategic significance. This not only concerns the happiness of both countries and their people, it concerns the peace, stability, development and prosperity of the Asia Pacific (region) and internationally.” Trump plans to nominate a long-

standing friend of Beijing, Iowa Governor Terry Branstad, as the next U.S. ambassador to China. But he is also considering John Bolton, a former Bush administration official who has urged a tougher line on Beijing, for the No. 2 job at the U.S. State Department, according to a source familiar with the matter. In a Wall Street Journal article last January, Bolton said the next U.S. president should take bolder steps to halt China’s military aggressiveness in the South and East China seas. He said Washington should consider using a “diplomatic ladder of escalation” that could start with receiving Taiwanese diplomats officially at the State Department and lead to restoring full diplomatic recognition.

mEXIcO cItY, DEcEmBEr 13 (rEutErs): China and Mexico pledged on Monday to deepen ties at a meeting between their top diplomats following last month’s U.S. presidential election victory of Donald Trump, who has tested Washington’s relationship with both countries. Before arriving in Mexico on Sunday, Chinese State Councillor Yang Jiechi met with members of Trump’s team in New York, including his pick for national security adviser, retired Army Lieutenant General Michael Flynn. Mexico has been exploring ways to lessen its economic dependence on the United States out of fear that access to its No. 1 trade partner will be restricted by policies under Trump, who promises to protect American jobs from going outside the country. Yang’s meeting with Mexican Foreign Minister Claudia Ruiz Massieu included discussions of enhancing trade and investment ties, Mexico’s Foreign Ministry said in a statement, as well as improving flight connections between the two countries. “They agreed to deepen mutual trust and develop the bilateral dialogue about subjects of mutual interest via the Mexico-China Strategic Dialogue,” the ministry said, without giving more details. Yang said in the meeting that China’s comprehensive partnership with Mexico was “flourishing” day by day, adding that China wishes to deepen cooperation on trade, investment, resources, infrastructure and financial services, accord-

ing to a statement on the Chinese foreign ministry website. After his meeting with Ruiz Massieu, Yang had a “courtesy visit” with President Enrique Pena Nieto. The Chinese government has bristled at Trump’s moves in recent days, protesting his decision to accept a telephone call from Taiwan’s president and voicing concern after a weekend interview on “Fox News Sunday” in which Trump questioned whether the United States had to stick with a “one China” policy. China considers Taiwan a renegade province. Mexico’s relationship with China appeared to cool after Pena Nieto scrapped high-profile rail and retail projects that were supposed to usher in a new era of business between the manufacturing rivals. But Mexico last week awarded two deepwater oil blocks to China’s Offshore Oil Corporation during a historic auction that was part of the country’s energy reform. “The China-Mexico relationship is back on again,” said Evan Ellis, a research professor at the U.S. Army War College who specializes in China’s presence in Latin America. “The election of President Trump and the associated threat to NAFTA probably was one driver for (Pena Nieto) to position Mexico to diversify its foreign economic engagements,” Ellis added. Trump has vowed to renegotiate or scrap the North American Free Trade Agreement, a trade deal important to Mexico, which includes the United States and Canada.

Syrian army takes over Aleppo Guterres sworn in as next UN secretary-general areas quit by rebels: military source alEPPO/BEIrut, DEcEmBEr 13 (rEutErs): Syria’s army and its allies have taken full control over all the Aleppo districts abandoned by rebels during their retreat in the city, a Syrian military source said on Tuesday. On Monday rebel defences collapsed, leading to a broad army advance across more than half of the remaining insurgent pocket in Aleppo and a retreat of opposition fighters to a few districts on the west bank of the city’s river. Recapturing the entire rebel pocket of Aleppo will constitute the biggest battlefield victory yet for Syrian President Bashar al-Assad and his military coalition of Russia’s air force, Iran and Shi’ite militias. For rebels, it will mark a sobering loss and leave them without a significant presence in any of Syria’s main cities. They still hold much of

the countryside west of Aleppo and the province of Idlib, also in northwest Syria. After days of intense bombardment of rebel-held areas, the rate of shelling and air strikes dropped considerably late on Monday and through the night, a Reuters reporter in the city said. The military official said the rebels were fleeing “in a state of panic”, but a Turkeybased official with the Jabha Shamiya insurgent group in Aleppo said late on Monday that they had established a new front line along the river. Celebrations on the government side of the divided city lasted into Monday night, with the Reuters reporter there describing the bullets coming “like rainfall” as fighters shot into the air in triumph. As the frontlines quickly shifted on Monday, however, thousands more people fled the fighting, carrying what possessions they could carry

and sometimes pushing relatives in wheelchairs, before a heavy rainstorm began in the night. The International Committee for the Red Cross issued a plea in an emailed statement early on Monday for all sides to spare civilian life. The U.N. Secretary General Ban Ki-moon was alarmed by unverified reports of atrocities in the wake of the army’s advance, his spokesman said late on Monday. “As the battle reaches new peaks and the area is plunged into chaos thousands with no part in the violence have literally nowhere safe to run,” the ICRC statement said. Zakaria Malahifji, another Turkey-based official for the Fastaqim rebel group fighting in Aleppo said early on Tuesday that there had been no further international contacts over a proposal to spare the city by allowing fighters to withdraw.

Trump nominates oil giant CEO Tillerson as Secretary of State NEw YOrk, DEcEmBEr 13 (IaNs): US President-elect Donald Trump on Tuesday appointed Exxon Mobil chairman Rex Tillerson to be the next Secretary of State in a bold move reaching beyond the circle of squabbling politicians and foreign policy pundits. Announcing Tillerson’s selection Tuesday morning, Trump said: “His tenacity, broad experience and deep understanding of geopolitics make him an excellent choice for Secretary of State. He will promote regional stability and focus on the core national security interests of the United States.” Like Nikki Haley, whom Trump nominated to the cabinet-level position of Ambassador to the United Nations, Tillerson does not have any diplomatic experience or involvement in foreign affairs at the government or academic level. The announcement finally brought to an end his public and chaotic deliberations over choosing the nation’s top diplomat, with his choices, according to the New York Times, veering from Rudolph Giuliani, one of his most loyal supporters, to musing about whether Mitt Romney, one of his most vicious critics, might be forgiven. It also included an endlessly changing list that at times included Senator Bob Corker, Republican of Tennessee; David Petraeus, the former Army general and CIA. director; and Jon M. Huntsman Jr., the former Utah governor and presidential candidate in 2012. Romney, Petraeus and Corker all received calls late Monday informing them of Trump’s decision, according to people familiar with the final choice.

ExxonMobil Chairman and CEO Rex Tillerson speaks during the IHS CERAWeek 2015 energy conference in Houston, Texas on April 21, 2015. (REUTERS File Photo)

Trump teased his imminent announcement of Tillerson on Monday night on Twitter, saying that “I will be making my announcement on the next Secretary of State tomorrow morning.” The appointment signals the new direction that Trump plans to set for the US, with a focus on trade and commerce and on dealing with the Middle East crisis and terrorism while avoiding direct military involvement. Tillerson, 64, is from Wichita Falls, Texas, speaks with a strong Texan twang, and runs a company with operations in about 50 countries, cutting deals to expand business in Venezuela, Qatar, Kurdistan and elsewhere. His nomination is controversial because of his position as the head of the world’s biggest oil company and his business dealings with Russia.

uNItED NatIONs, DEcEmBEr 13 (rEutErs): Former Portuguese Prime Minister Antonio Guterres was sworn in on Monday as the ninth United Nations Secretary-General, pledging to personally help broker peace in various conflicts and reform the 71-year old world body to become more effective. Guterres, 67, will replace Ban Ki-moon, 72, of South Korea on Jan. 1. Ban steps down at the end of 2016 after two five-year terms. Guterres was Portugal’s prime minister from 1995 to 2002 and U.N. High Commissioner for Refugees from 2005 to 2015. “From the acute crises in Syria, Yemen, South Sudan and elsewhere, to long-running disputes including the Israeli/Palestinian conflict, we need mediation, arbitration as well as creative diplomacy,” Guterres said. “As part of my good offices I am ready to engage personally in conflict resolution where it brings added value,” he told the 193-member General Assembly. Guterres beat out 12 other candidates, seven of whom were

United Nations Secretary General Ban Ki-moon (back L) and Portugal’s President Marcelo Rebelo de Sousa (L) watch as SecretaryGeneral-designate Mr. Antonio Guterres of Portugal is sworn in by President of the UN General Assembly Peter Thomson (R) at UN headquarters in New York on December 12. (REUTERS Photo)

women, amid a push for the first woman to be elected. He said on Monday he aimed to have gender parity among senior U.N. leadership within his five year term. Diplomats said Guterres is expected to shortly name Nigeria’s environment minister Amina Mohammed as his deputy secretary-general. He is also planning

to appoint a woman as his chief of staff before the end of the year, diplomats said. Before her appointment as environment minister a year ago, Mohammed was U.N. SecretaryGeneral Ban Ki-moon’s special adviser on post-2015 development planning - a role that culminated last year with the adop-

tion by the General Assembly of sustainable development goals for the next 15 years. Guterres is the first former head of government to be elected to run the world body and that experience will be reflected in how he operates, diplomats said. “He’s looking for a big shakeup, reshuffle,” said a senior U.N. diplomat, speaking on condition of anonymity. “He’s looking to create ... a different feeling, with the under-secretary-generals much more part of a collective leadership of the U.N.” “Having what he calls a cabinet, like when he was prime minister, his senior officials would come together every week and collectively they would have responsibility for the totality of the organization,” the diplomat said. Diplomats were now watching to see who Guterres appoints to senior U.N. positions amid speculation by diplomats and U.N. officials that China would like one of its nationals to head peacekeeping and that Russia is keen to have a senior role.

Philippine VP wants to be opposition’s voice to make President Duterte listen maNIla, DEcEmBEr 13 (rEutErs): Philippine Vice President Leni Robredo said on Monday she is determined to lead a campaign against President Rodrigo Duterte’s deadly war on drugs and did not believe his assurances there was no plot to oust her. Police say that just over 2,000 people have been killed in anti-drug operations since Duterte took office in July, and a further 3,060 killings are “under investigation”. Critics say many of the deaths have been extra-judicial killings. “There are so many of us against the policies of the president. I hope I will be able to portray the role of unifying all the discordant voices,” Robredo told Reuters in an interview at her office in Manila’s Quezon City. Robredo was elected vice president in May in a separate contest and was not Duterte’s running mate. She resigned as housing secretary on Dec. 5, citing a plot to remove her from the vice presidency after she was barred from attending regular cabinet meetings.

Over 5,900 deaths in Philippines ‘war on drugs’ maNIla, DEcEmBEr 13 (IaNs): There have been 5,927 deaths linked to the “war on drugs” in the Philippines since July 1 according to statistics released by its national police. President Rodrigo Duterte who assumed office in May on a platform of cracking down on crime, particularly illegal drugs, came down heavily on drug cartels, reported CNN on Tuesday. Since taking office, his police force has waged a bloody war on drug dealers and users, resulting in the deaths of thousands of suspects at the hands of police and vigilantes. Robredo, a one-term congresswoman before she was elected to the number two post, warned that Duterte’s war on drugs was having a “chilling effect” on the public and his open backing for police officers allegedly involved in the drug trade made the situation “scary”. “Where do these poor victims go to? We are giving them a very limited area where they can air their complaints. There is a feeling of helplessness and

The figures released by the Philippine National Police on Monday span the period from July 1 to December 12. Of the total, 2,086 were killed in police operations and 3,841 in extrajudicial or vigilante-style killings. More than 40,000 suspects have been arrested. Although, Washington was critical of the handling of drug dealers, but on December 3, President-elect Donald Trump told the Duterte that he was going about his fight against drugs “the right way,” according to Duterte. The Police force also said that since July, more than five million houses were visited as part of an anti-drug campaign.

there is a growing sense of belief that the government is behind all these,” she said. Duterte denies the police are conducting extrajudicial killings. He has repeatedly told the police to “kill” suspected drug dealers if they resist arrest or if they feel their lives are in danger. “The rule of law is no longer an assurance that our rights will be protected,” Robredo said. Duterte has dismissed Robredo’s claims and as-

sured her last week that she would finish her sixyear term. “You know all the signals are discordant at this point because we do not know whom to believe. Even the statements of the president are confusing,” Robredo said. The 52-year-old social activist and human rights lawyer won by a narrow margin over former senator Ferdinand Marcos Jr, the son and namesake of the late dictator overthrown in

a 1986 revolt. He has filed a complaint that her election was rigged. Robredo has been especially critical of last month’s burial of Marcos’ father at a “heroes’ cemetery”, saying it was an insult to the memory of those who suffered under the martial law Marcos imposed in 1972, in what was one of the darkest chapters of Philippine history. Duterte supported the burial of Marcos, who was widely accused of brutality and plunder and enriching his cronies and family, which remains influential in politics. Robredo has been openly critical of Duterte’s war on drugs and his plans to reimpose the death penalty. However, she said her opposition to his policies went beyond political parties and was only meant to “make the president listen”. “It is not as if we are against the war on drugs. We do agree with the president that it has reached a level that the government must really do something about it, but doing it this way will only make the problem more complex,” she said.


wednesdAY 14•12•2016



shiva wins gold, devendro upstaged Ashwin maintains top spot in Test rankings in National boxing championships Guwahati, December 13 (Pti): Commonwealth Games silver-medallist L Devendro Singh (52kg) suffered a shock loss to settle for the silver medal but World bronze-medallist Shiva Thapa prevailed in a slightly ill-tempered final clash to pick up his first lightweight (60kg) National Championships gold medal here today. The overall title went to the Services Sports Control Board (SSCB), who ended with four gold, one silver and three bronze medals. The Railways Sports Promotion Board (RSPB) finished second with two gold, two silver and two bronze medals. Shiva, fighting with a bruised forehead after being head-butted in the quarterfinals, was aggression personified as he overpowered Haryana's Asian Youth silvermedallist Ankush Dahiya 5-0. Shiva protected his injured forehead but did not lack in ferocity to outpunch the spirited but wayward Haryana teen and pick up the only gold medal for

Shiva Thapa (File Photo)

Assam in the Championships. With Ankush continuously targeting Shiva's wound, the Assam boxer pumped up the aggression in the second round resulting in a furious exchange. Ankush did not back down either making it a high-voltage showdown which had the crowd on its feet. However, Devendro, a twotime Olympian and an Asian

Championships silver-medallist as well, lost 0-5 to Chandigarh greenhorn Deepak Singh, who was competing in his maiden National Championships. "There was slight pressure on me because the bout was against Devendro but I was confident about the hard work I had put in my training. I started boxing as a 12-year-old and this is my first national championships. Previ-

ously I have won a gold medal in the Inter-University Championships," said the 20-year-old Deepak after causing perhaps the biggest upset of the day. Looking sluggish and far from hundred per cent on the fitness front, Devendro was simply outpunched by the sprightly youngster from the Union Territory which had just one gold to show from the previous Nationals. Devendro's trademark tempo boxing found its match in Deepak and all his attempted attacks were cleverly dodged by the new kid on the block. "Winning and losing is part of sport, it's ok, I will see what went wrong in the bout and will work on my weaknesses but I will stay in flyweight. I am not particularly happy with my fitness levels, as of now it's not even 80 per cent. But I will bounce back, I am not the one to get bogged down by setbacks," said the effervescent Manipuri, who had recovered from an ankle injury just before the Championships.

Dubai, December 13 (iaNS): India's star off-spinner Ravichandran Ashwin has consolidated his position at the top of the International Cricket Council's (ICC) rankings for Test bowlers after his match haul of 12 wickets in the fourth Test against England in Mumbai. The Tamil Nadu spinner registered a match haul of 12/167 to help the Indians defeat the visitors by an innings and 36 runs for an unassailable 3-0 lead in the five-match series. Ashwin, who had touched the 900-point mark for the first time in October when he had reclaimed the top ranking, has reached 904 points to run up a 37-point lead over second placed Rangana Herath of Sri Lanka. Ashwin's rating is the second best by an off-spinner after Muttiah Muralitharan (920), fifth best among spinners after Tony Lock (912), Derek Underwood (907) and Shane Warne (905), and the 18th in the overall list. Ashwin, who grabbed six wickets each in the two innings in Mumbai, had finished the 2015 year-end rankings as the top ranked bowler and was also at the top briefly in July this year. He is also the top-ranked

all-rounder at 483 points and enjoys a healthy lead over Bangladesh's Shakib Al Hasan, who is on 405 points with England's Ben Stokes third with 341 points. Ashwin's spin partner Ravindra Jadeja has bridged the gap with Stokes to just one point in the all-rounders' list after taking six wickets in Mumbai. Jadeja's continued success has also helped him reach a career best ranking of sixth among Test bowlers. In the rankings for Test batsmen, India captain Virat Kohli

has continued his surge towards the top after his double century in India's only innings in Mumbai earned him the man of the match award. The 28-year-old's highest Test score of 235 runs has earned him 53 points, which has lifted him by one position to a career best second rank. Kohli, who is currently ranked second in both OneDayers and first in Twenty20 Internationals, is just 11 points behind Australia captain Steve Smith, who will get a chance to maintain his top ranking in an upcoming three-Test series against Pakistan. Other India players to make upward movements among batsmen are opener Murali Vijay and all-rounder Jayant Yadav. Vijay has moved up five places to the 24th position after his knock of 136 in the fourth Test while Yadav's 104 runs at the number nine position has pushed him up 31 slots to the 56th rank. For England, debutant opener Keaton Jennings has entered the batsmen's rankings at an impressive 64th position after knocks of 112 and zero in the fourth Test.

public discourse

How do you plan to celebrate Christmas this year? On Vigilantes & Vigilantism Vesetalii Tetseo


Seoul Christian University

ellen Killer commented, “The only real blind person at Christmas time is he who has not Christmas in his heart.” Her blindness didn’t discourage her to celebrate Christmas and she made an interesting statement, “to celebrate Christmas ‘in’ and ‘with’ our heart.” The question is, “what does it meant to have Christmas in our ‘Heart’?” Waking up to the sounds of soft Christmas songs in the morning; sharing cakes and homemade bread; decorating houses, churches and town with Christmas trees, stars, lights and other decorum stuff; sending well wishes to families, friends, and loved one with cards and gift; buying new clothes are all common family Christmas tradition. In the same way, Christmas carol, gift exchange, choir songs, church bells ringing, listening to sermon, love feast on Christmas day are common Church tradition beside others. In short, for many of us, the essence of celebrating Christmas is a time for family gatherings and church fellowship. It seems, if we are a part of these events then we are celebrating Christmas and if not, we aren’t. In simple words, these events are Christmas to us. Can the other events; social and Church life; the participation and attending the Christmas worship etc., be term as celebrating Christmas in our heart? Yes, it did for many. Why? Because we are doing our best we can and know of, and we are sharing that joyful season with our family, friends and loved ones. The old traditions were not wrong but in essence it is same with the non-Christian celebrating Christmas if we emphasize only on the outward appearance and presentation. As Christians, beloved by God, should not our celebration of Christmas (besides other character and social life) be different from others? Because Jesus is special and is our savior, we have to prove it with our action and word side by side. The Bible said, “Faith without work is death” (James 2: 17, 26). If it is the same with other non-Christians celebration, it is not special, it simply become a popular trends adopted by others. John: 3:16 quote,

“For God so loved the world, that He gave His one and only son that whosoever believe in Him shall not perish but have eternal life.” The sole reason God send His son ‘Jesus’ to us is because of His ‘Love’ and Christ died for the ‘Love’ for us. Jesus liken ‘loving our neighbor as our self’ to the first and greatest commandment, ‘to love God with all our heart, soul and mind’ (Mathew 22:37; 40); and our neighbors are those who are in need of our help (Luke 10: 25-37). Today as we celebrate Christmas, ‘Love’ should be the reason indeed. We ought to ‘Love’ our fellow human with a self emptying love or charity towards our fellow human being. We must make room for others who are ‘loved’ by God, which is sharing God’s love with them. According to Luke 2: 8-14, the greatest message of the good news for humanity heralded by angels was first to the shepherds, the first gifts Christ ever received were from unknown people not His own. God loves everyone and all are included in this joyful celebration Outward appearance is not important in God’s sight as 1 Samuel 16: 6-7 said, “The Lord does not look at the things like man…the Lord looks at the heart.” The scenario portray most of our celebration were outwardly. The true message of Christmas is to include everyone. This Christmas why don’t we include everyone because this is the will of God. Even in the judgment, Jesus question the people about ‘doing’ and ‘not doing’ the little things to the least people like the hungry, thirsty, stranger, needy, sick and prisoner (Mathew 25: 34-46); if we do an act of love toward these people we are doing to Him; If we didn’t, we are rejecting Him. Well, that is Jesus concern for humanity, for whom He gave His life. Will not that same person “Jesus” want us to celebrate His birthday with these people? 1. Not only buying gifts for ourselves and loves one, why not buy for our poor neighbors; under priviledge people; that old man or woman living alone without any one caring for them; those children whose parents are alcoholics or divorcees; that family, friends or strangers having no one in particular to make them feel special; the prisoners, orphans, sick and old age people. 2. Not only decorating our houses, churches, why can’t we invite the orphans, unloved ones,

widows, destitute people and neighbors to celebrate. It can be a small thanksgiving prayer fellowship with tea and snacks but it will touch their hearts to love and live again. 3. Not only going to the church and listening to sermon, why not visit our friends, families and neighbors who doesn’t attend church and spend time with them to talk about what Christmas meant to us and to them. That is the essence and spirit of Christmas. 4. Not only wearing beautiful clothes which make us feel good, why not feel good in our hearts, because in our hearts we know that we are the reason for somebody’s happiness, hope and for their prayer answered this Christmas. That is the true essence of love to all. Let us encourage one another to do the best we can and share it with every person reachable. Following our hearts as the Lord lead us and make this Christmas a memorable one. To these people Christmas is, “. . . a necessity. There has to be at least one day of the year to remind us that we’re here for something else besides ourselves.” Eric Sevareid “This is the message of Christmas; we are never alone” Taylor Cardwell “Christmas is most truly Christmas when we celebrate it by giving the light of love to those who need it the most” Ruth Carter Stapleton “Christmas my child is love in action. Every time we love, every time we give, it’s Christmas” Dale Evans Rogers “It is Christmas every time you let God love others through you… yes it is Christmas every time you smile at your brother and offer him your hand” Mother Teresa What about you? What is Christmas to you? What plan do you have for Christmas this year? Celebrating Christmas doesn’t need a specific time; yet with this festive season at our doorstep, let us take this opportunity to celebrate it with the true Christmas essence, loving one and all. That is the Christmas I plan to fulfill and sincerely yearn for every Christian this Christmas as we celebrate the birth of our Savior Jesus Christ. May you experience a wonderful blessing as you give and receive in your hearts this Christmas! Merry Christmas 2016


vigilante is a person, who is not a member of a law enforcement agency but still pursues criminals, and either brings them to justice or takes justice into his own hands; and the act of doing so is called vigilantism. With the passage of time, and the development of agencies to deal with crimes and criminals, vigilantism has died down and the act itself is looked upon as criminal. But there was a time when vigilantism was the only recourse to justice, especially in the early history of many states in the United States of America, and vigilantes were, in many instances, respected members of the community. When citizens of a society feel secure and believe that things, as a whole, are functioning smoothly; there is no need to worry about vigilantes and vigilantism rearing its ugly head. But danger arises when people feel that law enforcement agencies are, either inefficient, being muzzled (as in the recent instance of the Vigilance Department and its powers to take suo moto recognisance of cases)or being directed to serve the interests of the exploiters of society ( as in the case of the arrest of the members of A.C.A.U.T.). This leads to the feeling that there is no avenue for the redressal of their grievances and that they must take the law into their own hands; if they are to see justice served. The government should be grateful to, and realise that all organisations like the A.C.A.U.T. and M.T.L.T. are doing is bringing public grievances to its attention. The fact that M.T.L.T. unearthed the diversion of rice meant for the public distribution system to the open market, that they shut down the offices of the Electri-

cal Department at Mokokchung, and that the A.C.A.U.T raided the mysterious repackaging godowns are just signs of the growing frustration of the people with the way things are; and can, in no way, be construed as acts of vigilantism or flexing of their muscles or taking the law into their own hands. When the law is absent, or doesn’t work, or works in favour of the law breakers, every right thinking and law abiding citizen has a duty to ensure that the criminals are exposed to the authorities, and to society. It would be in the interests of all, if the State Government would pay serious attention to the issues highlighted by the A.C.A.U.T, the M.T.L.T. and like organisation, instead of nitpicking about the finer points of law and finding fault with the exposers of the crime in its endeavour to protect the criminals. For these organisations are the pulse of the people and addressing the issues they bring up means addressing the concerns of the people at large. Failure to do so can only mean the next step in the natural evolutionary course of protests, which is vigilantism. Vigilantism is when an anonymous group of people, in their frustration, ransacked the Electrical Department’s Office at Dimapur. The danger with vigilantism is its anonymity and lack of control and accountability. Once it starts, there’s no telling where it’ll end. But I end with the foreknowledge that our self-centred, misbegotten “leaders” will do nothing but carry on in the rutted path of their corruption. God, please save us from the self-centred nincompoops that govern us. GOD SAVE MY NAGALAND Kahuto Chishi Sumi G.B. Hevishe Village, Dimapur

An Open Letter to The Secretary A reply to the repeated threats to Nagas by (Food And Civil Supplies) neighbor states under the shadow of foreign powers


I was deeply distressed to read your press release wherein you have mentioned the lack of funds to purchase food grains, and the shortage of storage space to stock the grain allocated to the State of Nagaland by the Food Corporation of India. Furthermore, I was deeply embarrassed to discover that the Non-Naga Stockists, in the goodness of their hearts, were helping our Nagaland Food and Civil Supplies Department in purchasing and stocking the food grains. I, therefore, also in the goodness of my heart, and with the welfare of the Nagas in mind, have come to the following decisions:1. I am not a rich man, by any account, but I know people who are wealthy enough to assist me, so make me a Stockist and I solemnly undertake to purchase all the food grains allocated to the Government of Nagaland by the Food Corporation of India, if and when the Nagaland F&C.S. Department faces a financial shortage. 2. I have a house and godown on Army Supply Road, at the junction with Gurmukh Singh Road. I hereby undertake to loan it, rent free, to stock food grains for the Nagaland F&C.S. Department; provided I am given the same facility of repackaging the food grains to avoid losses due to

tearing of the gunny bags. You will find it is much closer to the F.C.I. Godown and, being centrally located and on the main road, more convenient than the godowns your present stockists are using. Furthermore, I undertake to find all the storage space you need, in and around Dimapur, on the same terms. 3. I also undertake to find, within 90(ninety) days, adequate storage space, rent free, for the F.C.I supplied food grains in all the districts which lack a centrally managed F.C.I. godown, with the same proviso, that the owners of the godowns are allowed to repackage the food grains. Sir, I give you my solemn word; as a gentleman and as an honest person; that I will do all three of the above mentioned, if you have the honour to take me up on my challenge. I would also like to remind you that being a Secretary to the Government of Nagaland does not make you wise or intelligent; it only provides you with a bigger screen to project your idiocy on; and a larger audience to laugh at it. As Abraham Lincoln once said, “You can fool some of the people all the time; all the people some of the time; but you cannot fool all the people all of the time.” GOD SAVE MY NAGALAND Kahuto Chishi Sumi G.B. Hevishe Village, Dimapur


Kaka D. Iralu

ll down the centuries of our existence as a people and nation, Nagas have never bowed down to any foreign invasion of our lands by any neighboring kingdoms or external invaders. Long before the white man (British) or the black man (India), ever set their feet on our lands, we had fought all our yellow (Mongolian) neighbors for centuries. In this history of resistance and defense of our ancestral lands, we had fought the Manipur, Tripura Burma and Ahom kingdoms from the 3rd century to the end of the 19th century (For brief details, see “The Naga Saga” pp.3&4). In all these centuries, we Nagas have never surrendered one single village to any of our neighbor kingdoms. Then with the dawn of the British Colonizers, under the shadow of their protection, our immediate neighbors began to annex our lands under this pretext and that pretext. While we were fighting the white man from 1832 to 1947, (altogether 115 years), our own neighbors began to assimilate our lands into their own

lands through all acts of treachery and unjust means. In this context, don’t ever think that we Khonoma people have forgotten how our warriors were driven away from our own village with heavy casualties when over 2000 Manipuri mercenaries under the command of Colonel James Johnstone attacked our village in 1880. This was after the battle of Kohima where our warriors had encircled the whole British garrison in Kohima and nearly wiped out all British presence from Naga lands. We also know which Manipur Rajas were given arms by the British to harass and even tax some of our Naga brothers in the then British administered Manipur. We also know how our Assamese neighbors dissected 22 of our reserved forests and 40 of our tea estates into Assam with the assistance of the British under the guise of administrative convenience. As for the Kacharis, we know who they are and where they came from and settled in our lands when their own brother drove them away from their kingdom. In their hour of desperation and need, our Zeliang forefathers gave them our lands to settle

down on the banks of the Dhansiri River. Then again, there were those Mikiris from Meghalaya who came seeking for lands from our Rengma ancestors when they fled persecution from their own Khasi kings who were treating them as their slaves. Do not let the Mikilris ever forget that they today are living on lands where our ancestor’s bones are buried. We Nagas know our own history and that of our neighbors well because we were all educated in our Morung institutions from time immemorial where our elders had taught us from generation to generation. We also know that in our traditions and customary laws, it is taboo to take back lands that have once been given away to others through acts of compassion and mercy. But if these former beneficiaries from our good will challenge us today and even burn our houses and order us to get out of our own lands, then we have other laws for giving befitting answers and honor bound duties from the same customary laws. On our part we want to live in the friendliest terms with all our neighbors. But never let any of our

neighbors ever forget that we have defied and even challenged foreign powers from across the seas and also from shore of oceans adjacent to our lands. Please do not let any of our neighbors ever think that they can occupy our lands under the protection of these foreign powers. We are neither scared of them nor their foreign protectors. Over 900 years of our modern history stands testimony to these facts of our courage in documented historical records. Therefore, to our immediate neighbors who are shouting “Not one inch of our state boundaries will ever be given to Nagaland”, we want them to know this: We know our ancient territories and you also know our own ancient territory. Beyond that, we Nagas will never let go any of our territories that you have acquired through your former protectors to whom you surrendered your own territories. We Nagas will never accept our territories that were dissected into your territory by some white or black former colonizers of your kingdoms. These foreign dictated boundary lines shall never be allowed to form the final boundary lines between us.

Readers may please note that the contents of the articles, letters and opinions published do not reflect the outlook of this paper nor of the Editor in any form.

Wednesday 14•12•2016


Sunep Lemtur releases Christmas single video

Tiayanger Longkümer (Pastor) Ao Baptist Church Padumpukhuri (center) with Sunep Lemtur (second from left) with his family and friends.


unep Lemtur released his Christmas single video titled, “Temekong Aonung Ka” (One Wintry Night) with English subtitle at his Media 24 Studio, Padumpukhuri on December 13. The song talks about the yearning of coming Messiah as a gift to all humankind. The artist encourages every viewers of this video to focus on the core message of the season which is ultimately the Christ Jesus. A dedicatory prayer was done by Tiayanger Longkümer (Pastor) Ao Baptist Church Padumpukhuri, Dimapur. Enthusiastic music lovers can download the video from Youtube channel. Sunep Lemtur is a Naga’s prominent Song Writer, Singer, Producer, Director & a Composer.

‘Beyond Notes’- first ever classical guitar festival


ith the endeavour to bring likeminded guitar lovers together to a space where competition, demonstration, connections, talks and performances takes place, Mountain Music Academy hosted its first ever classical guitar festival, ‘Beyond Notes’ at its branch at Kacharigaon. The event brought to-

gether guitar players for an intensive study of the classical guitar, recitals and performances with classical guitar guru Joey Woch. The highlight of the event was a guitar competition for performers under 18. The winner of the competition was Besuve Cho-o while Nethizo Nyekha won the Most Promising Guitarist award.

Kriti Sanon spotted wearing the new ‘Rs 2000 note’ dress C M Y K

Tiaren Miss Northeast 2006 & the Dexterians performing Celine Dion’s Mountain High River Deep

25 years of BASN existence and

Miss Nagaland 2016 Pageant


he culmination of the 25 years of Beauty & Aesthetics Society of Nagaland existence was celebrated along with the Miss Nagaland 2016 pageant an initiative of BASN. At a glittering event on December 18, fourteen beautiful Semi Finalists took to the stage to compete for the title of Miss Nagaland 2016. Miss Sumi 2016 Vilokali Zhimomi was crowned Miss Nagaland 2016 at the Regional Centre of Excellence for Music and Performing Arts. The outspoken and versatile Chiuchang of Tuensang District was adjudged as the 1st Runner Up while the lovely Miss Dimapur 2016 Shenili Chishi was adjudged as the 2nd Runner Up. Miss Vilokali was declared the 28th Miss Nagaland who also took away the prestigious sub-title of Miss perfect 10 and Miss Photogenic bested her 13 co-contestants by taking home not only the coveted title and the crown but also a cash prize of Rs 1.50 lakh, the 1st and 2nd Runner up also walked away with Rs 1 lakh and Rs 70,000 respectively. An evening of Glamour, the Pageant also witnessed some breathtaking sensational talents in the field of music. The participation of former Beauty Queens elevated the show to another glamorous level. The Show started with the Ethnic Fusion where the girls walked to the live performance of

The Panel of Judges with the Winners

Chief Guest T.R. Zeliang, his wife and Guest of Honour Imlibenla Wati with the winners

Wabangla known as Little Wabangla then and Moa (Then and Now) with the song ‘When She Walks’ Tali Anghs original composition. Next for the Designer Wear the girls walked to ‘Counting Stars’ performed live by Sholo Thong. The Semi finalists were judged on their personality, IQ and presence of mind, based on the introduction and interview, the girls were eliminated and 7 Finalists were selected. Finalists Chiuchang Lam - Tuensang Neilangunuo Sanchu - Kohima Meweii Mero - Phek Elizabeth Chophi - Dimapur Zhonolu Dzudo - Ko-

hima Vilokali Zhimomi - Miss Sumi Shenili Chishi - Miss Dimapur. Miss Nagaland 2015 Nenghoiling performed the theme song ‘Grace & Beauty’ her original score, was breathtaking. Apart from that mesmerizing performances by various artistes like Kimatsung who sang ‘Heal the World’ for BASN Trust Fund , Virie and Shalo Kent for Final Walk with the 7 Finalists , Virie and Zaza entertained the audience with Proud Mary, Keneiseno and Thang with ‘If I can Dream’ (the remake version of Elvis Presly and Celine Dion) Keneiseno and

Tsapila Anar with ‘Count on m’e and ‘Hopelessly Devoted to you’ , Tiaren and the Dexterians with Celine Dions ‘Mountain High River Deep,’ the lovely Miss Mokokchung 2015 Ayusangla with Metet Jamir and Tiaren Miss North East 2006 performed from the 90's Atomic Kitten version of ‘Whole again’ and ‘Eternal Flame.’ Finally, the event culminated with a show stopping performance by Colored Keys while little boys with candles stood on the aisles and the contestants and participants joined the winners on stage moving to the tune of Hallelujah/ Majesty. T.R Zeliang, Chief Minister of Nagaland along with his wife graced the occasion as the chief guest who also supported and contributed towards the cause of BASN. Imlibenla Wati, Super Talent of the World 2016 (Season 7) was the Guest of Honour along with Veneinem Singsong Jewel Queen Miss North East 2016 and Queen of India East 2016 & Miss Naga-

land 2015 Nenghoiling was special guests. In every pageant, a group people take the challenge of doing the most difficult task which determines the judgement - the distinguished Panel of Judges represented Professionals from different fields - Uniel Kichu IPS, Dr Zuchamo Yanthan Professor IGNOU New Delhi, Rajesh Soundar Rajan IAS, Kahoto J. Yepthomi A& A, Supongnukshi Aier IFS, Ketholeno Kense Supermodel and Rev Dr Ellen Konyak Miss Nagaland 1996. The title sponsor for Miss Nagaland 2016 was Nagaland State Disaster Management Authority whereas 1st Runner up Sponsor - Pele Khezie and 2nd Runner up Sponsor - Gleam Group of Companies, Guwahati. Miss Nagaland 2016 Vilokali Zhimomi will be the Brand Ambassador for Disaster Management and also the State Election Icon. Subtitles Winners: Miss Talent: Chiuchang , Tuensang. Miss Perfect 10: Vilokali Miss Sumi 2016 Miss Photogenic: Vilokali Miss Sumi 2016 (Sponsored by Amsarveda Goa) Queen of Hearts: Ngapkhao Konyak, Kohima (Sponsored by Election Commission) Youth Net Shining Star Mewei Mero, Phek. Ultimately what BASN wants to put across is that all are winners in their own way and what matters most is the participation and the once in a life-time rich ex-

periences that they have gained will one day see them through. In a separate felicitation programme after the main event, BASN gave glowing tributes to the founding patrons, office bearers, members, sponsors, well wishers, different organisations and former beauty queens.

Now ShowiNg revIseD TICKeT rATes (silver) : `.120 (Gold) : `. 200 (recliner) : `. 400

Underworld Blood wars (english)

(02:00 PM) (04:00 PM)

kahaani 2 (hindi)

(11:30 AM) (06:00 PM) 03862-237226 Ticket Counter (09:00 AM - 09:00 PM)


The Children's Chorus and Handbells presenting a song at the CHIELIE Music Academy's Winter recital on Sunday, December 11 in Kohima.

Ward 5 (6) Burma Camp, Landmark - Near J.K Hospital Dimapur. Power House.

Hillstar NOW SHOWING Befikre


e all know that the demonetisation process has been going on in full swing across the nation. Demonetisation talk apart, recently Kriti Sanon was spotted wearing a dress that had prints of the newly launched Rs. 2000 all over it. Celebrities wearing dresses that have prints of animals, flags and even

picture of country’s PM (a la Rakhi Sawant) is something that has been seen in the past. But, Kriti Sanon’s dress having the newly launched currency prints is well, a little too unique to say the least. It’s hard to tell whether it’s a cool fashion statement or a huge fashion faux pas. Source: Bollywood Hungama Christian Youth Society, Darogajan perform a song during “Rejoice! A musical evening”, at the Tangkhul Baptist Church, Darogajan on December 13.

11:00 am | 02:00 PM 05:00 PM | 08:00 PM


wednesdAY 14•12•2016



Ronaldo's wins fourth Ballon d'Or

Real Madrid's Cristiano Ronaldo attends Tuesday's training at Yokohama, Japan ahead of FIFA Club World Cup SemiFinal match against Club America. (REUTERS)


PArIs, December 13 (reuters): Cristiano Ronaldo capped a remarkable year by claiming a fourth Ballon d'Or award on Monday after leading Portugal to an emotional European Championship title and Real Madrid to a record-extending Champions League crown in 2016. Ronaldo is one short of the record tally of five awards won by Barcelona's Argentina forward Lionel Messi, who was second with the pair having taken the first two spots since 2011. "For me it's a great honour to receive my fourth golden ball. The emotion is like for the first one, it's a dream come true again. I

never thought in my mind to win four times," said Ronaldo, who won the award in 2008, 2013 and 2014. "It's probably the best year of my career collectively, with Real Madrid and Portugal." The Ballon d'Or, which merged with the FIFA World Player of the Year award from 2010-15 to create the FIFA Ballon d'Or, returned to France Football magazine this year. A total of 173 journalists voted but not national team coaches and captains who were also polled for the FIFA award. France and Atletico Madrid forward Antoine Griezmann, who lost to Ronaldo's Por-

tugal and Real in the Euro 2016 and Champions League finals respectively, took third place. Uruguay forward Luis Suarez was fourth and Brazil's Neymar fifth, giving Barcelona three players in the top five. Ronaldo was a cut above the competition, though. He scored 51 goals in 54 games for club and country, albeit his lowest tally since 2008, claimed another Champions League winners' medal and lifted the European Championship trophy. Ronaldo limped off midway through the first half of July's Euro 2016 final, which Portugal won 1-0 after extra time against hosts France, but he hobbled back onto the pitch to celebrate his country's first major soccer title. Six weeks earlier, after a fairly anonymous performance against local rivals Atletico in the Champions League final, he scored the decisive penalty in the shootout to hand Real their 11th European Cup. It was, therefore, hard to see past 31-year-old Ronaldo for the winner of the Ballon d'Or, even if the trophy is designed to reward individual performance rather than team results.

Afghan bag shirt boy meets his idol Messi

Harden's helps Rockets past Nets

Los AngeLes, December 13 (AFP): A 36-point display from James Harden and a towering defensive performance from Trevor Ariza helped Houston edge past Brooklyn 122-118 to hand the Rockets a seventh straight win. Harden on Monday contributed eight rebounds and 11 assists while Eric Gordon added 24 points off the bench as Houston improved to 18-7 at the Toyota Center. But while Harden finished as top-scorer, it was the eye-catching performance of Ariza that helped Houston get over the line. Ariza produced a superb block of a layup attempt from Nets guard Joe Harris shortly before the buzzer to snuff out any chance of Brooklyn forcing overtime. Nets center Brook Lopez scored 26 points for the visitors with Sean Kilpatrick and Isaiah Whitehead contributing 30 points between them. Jeremy Lin added 10 points and seven assists. Harden was relieved the Rockets had survived a furious late assault led by Lopez. "This is the NBA," Harden said. "You've got guys that can get confidence and make shots, and it's tough

James Harden passes as he drives by Spencer Dinwiddie (8). (AP Photo)

to put (the fire) out. Lopez started to get it going early, and they threw the ball to him and he was just scoring. But we got stops when we needed to." Nets coach Kenny Atkinson meanwhile drew consolation from the return of Lin, making his first appearance since November 2.

"It helps having Jeremy back," Atkinson said. "It just gives us organization. He's a veteran and he had seven assists in 20 minutes, and I think that was big. "He knows where to give Brook the ball and when to give Brook the ball, and that's from his experience." The Rockets are now

level with Western Conference rivals the Los Angeles Clippers, who improved to 18-7 with a pulsating win over the Portland Trail Blazers at the Staples Center. Blake Griffin scored 26 points while Chris Paul added 21 points and 14 assists as the Clippers dug deep to win a nail-biting battle 121-120. Elsewhere Monday, DeMar DeRozan scored 30 points and gave a flawless display of free throw shooting as the Toronto Raptors downed the Milwaukee Bucks on 122-100. Terrence Ross also weighed in with 25 points after appearing from the bench as the Raptors improved to 17-7 to stay hard on the heels of Eastern Conference leaders Cleveland. DeRozan also went 15for-15 from the free throw line as Toronto bagged their third consecutive victory and ninth in 10 games while the Bucks slumped to a third straight defeat. Gia n n i s A nte to kounmpo topscored for the Bucks with 30 points and eight rebounds but it was not enough to stop the team slipping to 11-12. The Raptors were always in control of the contest,

building a 26-point lead at one stage in the first half before a Milwaukee fightback saw them move to within eight points in the third. However an 11-point blast from Ross in the fourth quarter pushed the Raptors back out to a 23-point lead with just over five minutes left. Kyle L owr y als o chipped in with 18 points for Toronto, while DeMarre Carroll added 13 and Jonas Valanciunas 11. "(The Raptors) were in character the whole night from the start; we weren't," Bucks coach Jason Kidd said. "Our defense was non-existent." In Indianapolis, Paul George and Myles Turner led the Indiana Pacers with 22 points each in a 110-94 win over the Charlotte Hornets. Jeff Teague scored 16 points with 11 assists as the Pacers pulled away in the fourth quarter, outscoring Charlotte 34-21 to seal victory. Marco Belinelli topscored for Charlotte with 14 points on a night to forget for the visitors, who shot only 33 percent from the field as their record fell to 14-11. Indiana improved to 13-12 with the win.

Swee� Tiding� Basket of Goodies

[LEFT] Murtaza Ahmadi wearing an Argentina football shirt made out of a plastic bag. [RIGHT] Lionel Messi holds Murtaza (AFP Photos)

DohA, December 13 (AFP): An Afghan boy who became an internet sensation after pictures of him wearing an improvised Lionel Messi football shirt went viral finally got to meet his superstar idol on Tuesday. Murtaza Ahmadi met the Barcelona forward in Doha, where the Spanish league champions are due to play a friendly match against Saudi Arabian side Al-Ahli later. Six-year-old Murtaza, from the rural Ghazni province southwest of Kabul, is

also due to walk out onto the pitch with the Argentinian at Doha's Al-Gharrafa stadium. "The image the world wanted to see," tweeted Qatar's 2022 World Cup organisers, who brought the pair together. "The six year old boy who dreamed of meeting his hero, #Messi, finally comes true." A delighted Murtaza said: "I'm very happy to have met my hero. It is a dream for me," according to a statement released by Qatar's Supreme Committee for Delivery and Legacy, the committee over-

seeing organisation of the 2022 tournament. Murtaza became a worldwide online hit earlier this year after he was pictured wearing his hero's shirt, made out of a plastic bag, with the name Messi and the famous number 10 written on it in marker pen. The shirt was made by his teenage brother Homayoun after his neighbour threw away grocery bags. "I love Messi, he plays really well, and I love the shirt my brother made for me," he told AFP at the time.


Published, Printed and Edited by Dr. Aküm Longchari from House No. 4, Duncan Bosti, Dimapur at Themba Printers and Morung Publications , Padum Pukhuri Village, Dimapur, Nagaland. RNI No : NAGENG /2005/15430. House No.4, Duncan Bosti, Dimapur 797112, Nagaland. Phone: Dimapur -(03862) 248854, Fax: (03862) 235194, Kohima - (0370) 2291952

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