December 22nd, 2016

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ThursDAY • December 22 • 2016

DIMAPUR • Vol. XI • Issue 351 • 12 PAGes • 5

T H e

ESTD. 2005

P o W e R

And know that I am with you always; yes, to the end of time Nagaland to be telecast on Discovery Channel on December 31

US tightens sanctions against North Korea’s UN diplomats

No alternative to an ‘inclusive approach’

DIMAPUR, DECEMBER 21 (MExN): Nagaland Senior Citizens Association (NSCA) has written to the Prime Minister of India apprising him of their “considered views on key Naga political and social issues” while at the same time urging India to acknowledge the Nagas as equals in all their future dealings. “Ours is an apolitical association of elders having weathered varied experiences of life at the age of 60 years and above from various tribes of Nagaland. We are trying the very best we can to sensitively understand the evolving political and social scenarios beyond and around us with honest concerns. At our ripened age, we have neither the energy nor the inclination to pick up an axe to grind and therefore our opinion is purely limited to what we sincerely believe to be in the fair interest of India and our people,” the introduction to the memorandum read. Dwelling on the “Framework Agreement,” the Association said it was convinced that there is no alternative to an inclusive approach of all stakeholders being taken on board as equals as the best and only possible option for achieving genuine lasting peace. “A repugnant enigma because of the non-transparent nature of this agreement that has persistently spawned unmitigated suspicion in the minds of the original stake-holding majority from Nagaland,” the Association expressed on the Framework Agreement. Nonetheless, it

Thinoselie led NNC/ FGN issues rejoinder DIMAPUR, DECEMBER 21 (MExN): NNC/FGN president Gen (Retd) Thinoselie M Keyho on Wednesday termed the statement made by the 6 Naga National Political Groups (NNPG) which appeared in the local dailies on December 21 in connection to the tension in Manipur as “misleading.” “NNC under my president-ship, do not approve or recognize the sectional or grouping politics. NNC stand for all Naga inhibited areas and will protect Naga National interest everywhere,” the rejoinder from the NNC president stated. It should be mentioned that Shinynya/Thinosilie led NNC/FGN is also one of the six NNPGs that issued the press statement under the umbrella of its Working Group.

lauded the effort of two adversaries to settle their differences through peaceful means. The Association articulated that in Nagaland context, it is all the more imperative for the Government of India not to casually misread or misjudge the complex ground reality where multiple armed factions are in contention, aggressively nursing divergent views on the subject of Naga Sovereignty and Integration. It feared that this could potentially lead to an “explosive confrontation in the aftermath of a settlement with a single faction claiming dominance.” On the issues on “Transfer of Traditional Ancestral Land and “Integration,” the Association reminded the PM that the Nagas have never been seriously consulted in any major political decisions undertaken by the GoI in the past, which directly and adversely sabotaged the legitimate destiny of the Naga. It said the International boundary settlement between India and Myanmar is one such heartless instance where immediate families and clans within the same village were dismembered as foreigner overnight with Longwa Village in Mon District bordering Myanmar as a glaring example of this fact with the International Boundary running right through the centre of the Angh’s residence. It also recalled the “9 Point Agreement” entered between the Naga National Council (NNC) and GoI, which envisioned, among other important

issues, the transfer of all the ancestral traditional land back to Nagaland, but was unilaterally abrogated by the GoI. While asserting that the legitimacy of the subject remains relevant and the “Nagas will continue to claim their traditional ancestral land now or later,” the Association felt that it is incumbent upon India to honourably right this wrong, which was arbitrarily committed against the Nagas without being consulted. “It follows that if GoI truthfully acknowledges the unique history of the Nagas, the litmus test for India is to translate this unique status in real terms which, from the Naga’s standpoint, can only mean acknowledging the sovereign status of Nagaland.” The Association then envisioned that constructively focusing more on a friendly bilateral relationship between two sovereign neighbours would then bear dividends that are more positive for both people. On declaration of December 25 as Good Governance Day, the Association maintained that the GoI would first have to declare that India is no longer a secular Nation. Pointing out that the Nagas are not against Good Governance Day in itself, it however said the Christian of Nagaland and Christian community everywhere else finds this decision extremely offensive that GoI should insensitively select 25th December, the most important day in a Christian calendar, out of 365 days in a year to declare Good Governance Day. “This is a very deliberate insult to Christians throughout the country and we therefore demand that it be immediately withdrawn,” it stated. Full text on Page-10

T R u T H

— Jesus Christ

Barca ‘ready to make Messi world’s best paid player’



In a memorandum, the Nagaland Senior Citizens Association apprises Prime Minister of India on key Naga political and social issues

o F

PAGe 12

NSF suspends agitation on govt assurance Our Correspondent Kohima | December 21

Expressing resentment on the failure of the Nagaland State Government to address its representation for revocation of backdoor appointments made after the June 6, 2016 office memorandum, the Naga Students Federation (NSF) today staged a sit-in protest here at the Nagaland Civil Secretariat as first phase of its agitation. Later in the afternoon, the agitation was suspended after getting an assurance from the government. At a press conference, NSF president Subenthung Kithan informed that the Government has assured to fulfill their demand for which reason it has decided to suspend the agitation-temporarily. He however stressed that the Federation has not called off the agitation while pointing out that more departments were yet to furnish RTI. He said the NSF had filed RTI in all the departments, adding that it will not skip even a single department. He said Wednesday’s agitation was staged in peaceful and democratic way, adding that no untoward incident occurred. “We want the deserving candidates to compete. We do not want illegal appointment. We are paving a way for future generation so they can compete with fellow competitors,” Kithan asserted. The NSF also furnished a copy of letter received from the Government on

The NSF sit in protest held today at Nagaland Civil Secretariat, against the failure of the Nagaland State Government to address their representation. (Morung Photo)

Total blockade on Manipur bound vehicles to continue The Naga Students’ Federation today said the total blockade imposed on Manipur bound vehicles in the Naga inhabited areas will continue indefinitely till the Government of Manipur assures the safety and security of the Nagas in Manipur. In good faith, NSF president Subenthung Kithan said NSF has exempted the students traveling back to Manipur from their vacations. Kithan said during the course of its imposition of total blockade on Manipur bound vehicles, one truck was burnt down near Khuzama check gate while essential commodities were unloaded and burnt from two stranded vehicles in Kigwema area. The NSF president also revealed that over 150 trucks stranded

the minutes of the December 14, 2016 meeting in the conference hall of the Chief Secretary on the issues pertaining to the representation submitted by the NSF regarding backdoor appointments made in several departments. The letter signed by An-

nearby Khuzama side have turned back towards Dimapur. Kithan also warned of action against those going against the call of the NSF. Further, Kithan claimed that he had spoken to Chief Secretary of Manipur to assure that Meiteis living in Nagaland are “safe and sound” and no harm will come to them. Likewise, the Chief Secretary of Manipur was told that Manipur government also need to assure safety and security of Nagas in the valley and entire state of Manipur, Kithan stated. In response, the Chief Secretary is learnt to have informed the NSF president verbally that they were trying their best to restore normalcy in the valley as well in entire state of Manipur.

gau I. Thou, secretary to the Government of Nagaland stated “ All departments where proper procedure has not been followed, the department concerned should revoke the appointments after giving an opportunity for a period of 1 (one) month to the appoin-

tee through a show cause notice and thereafter, fill up the post through proper procedures. In some cases where the appointments have been made without sanctioned posts, the departments may move for creation of posts before making any appointment.”

ACAUT Nagaland terms F&CS Dept’s statement as misleading

DIMAPUR, DECEMBER 21 (MExN): The ACAUT Nagaland today rubbished the recent press statement issued by the Food and Civil Supplies (F&CS) Department as “totally misleading.” A press note from the ACAUT stated that the department’s “intention to shelter RICE MAFIA is now crystal clear to Naga public.” It reminded that ACAUT had submitted its representation to the Director of F&CS on 23 October 2016 demanding immediate cancellation of NIT and corrective measures to avoid siphoning of PDS Rice. However, it informed that the Director of F&CS went ahead with the tender. The ACAUT questioned what step it took to rectify the anomalies pointed out in the representation submitted three months back.

The ACAUT alleged that the siphoning of PDS items to mills and open market by the department “has been going on for the past 15-20 years.” It added that the transparent tendering process was not followed and year after the year the contract was extended to the “mafias controlling the PDS through power of attorney as in the case of R.Z. Lotha by G. Sarkar and A. Jain.” The ACAUT asked for immediate cancellation of NIT and called for a new NIT, pointing to “ulterior motive to shield the mafias by the department.” In its representation, the ACAUT had informed that Nagaland state as well as nationally, Earnest Money Deposit (EMD) for contract and supply is fixed @1-2%, whereas, F&CS has fixed it at Rs. 25 Lakhs irrespective of contract val-

ue. Moreover, the EMD for all the districts is fixed uniformly, a clear case of manipulation to shelter the department syndicates and cronies, according to ACAUT. Informing that nationally as well as in Nagaland, the security deposit for any contract work is fixed @ 3-5%, it revealed that the department, irrespective of contract value has fixed it at Rs. 75 Lakhs uniformly for all the districts, which according to ACAUT is “another clear case of the department trying to manipulate and temper tendering process to favor syndicates and individuals.” It pointed out that at present, majority of contractors have given power of attorney to third parties, which “clearly proves that those firms and individuals are not capable of carrying out the contract

awarded to them.” Despite this, the ACAUT lamented that the department has extended their contract year after year “without any transparent tendering process, indicating clear-cut corruption and conspiracy.” The ACAUT stated that the government’s response to the expose’ has been disappointing. Citing the lack of any independent inquiry into the matter, it stated that such ethical considerations seem to be completely missing among Naga politicians and bureaucrats. It demanded that the department immediately blacklist those firms and individuals from participating in any contract and supply work in the department. It asked the department to refer to the RTI furnished to ACAUT Nagaland for the

Administration & public working together to improve Kohima Our Correspondent Kohima | December 21

Growing up as a citizen of Kohima, Deputy Commissioner Rovilato Mor observed that since his school days there were a lot of places where things needed to be done, like road widening, proper pedestrian footpaths etc. But these are not taken up by any department. During his term as SDO (Civil) in the late 1990s and early 2000s, Mor further noticed that pedestrians were facing immense problems due to congestion and lack of proper footpaths. A report was submitted highlighting the need for footpaths, but due to the lack of funds, the then DC could not take up the project. Finally, after becoming the DC of Kohima, Mor took up this long felt need and made sure substantial work could be done for the public. In early 2016, the Kohima DC and his office initiated renovation of the unnoticed but significant corners and infrastructure in Kohima town. Drainages were constructed, roads widened and road dividers made. Over the course of these undertakings, the support of the public was also immense. “In certain activities, the public support has been immense,” says Thejavizo Nakhro, EAC Sadar who informed that individuals as well as organizations contributed construction materials, manpower

Road dividers constructed under the initiative of Deputy Commissioner, Kohima. (Morung Photo)

and some even generously consented to dismantle their houses for the convenience of public utility. The Southern Angami Tata Sumo Association contributed over 45 bags of cement and truckloads of sand, while also mobilizing the drivers to help out in the construction, cited Nakhro. The initiative which started in April has now completed around 6 major undertakings such as the South Police Station Junction drainage, South End Market- Dzüvürü bridge drainage and foot bridge construction, wall painting and cleaning at Raj Bhavan area, provision of road dividers at PHQ area, footpath grills etc.

Meanwhile, the faulty drainage system from BOC to Mohonkhola was finally re-constructed this year with resources available under the DC and the supervision done by the office. Through the DC’s coordination and internal mobilization, more support was gathered from offices such as the KMC and SP office that provided fuel, materials, manpower. Although there is no fund reserved for undertaking developmental constructions under the District Administration, most of the expenditure was covered by the DC’s fund. “We have the Urban Development, PWD, R& B, BRO to take up major works

but small things here and there seem insignificant for the departments. For the public those things are really important but the departments despite taking up major works do not take care for small corners and requirements,” the Kohima DC stated. Noticing the waterlogged drainage at the South PS Junction, Mor requested the BRO to fix it. However nobody bothered to take up the work, therefore the construction for the drainage was also completed under the supervision and support of the DC. While trying to revamp the traffic regulations, the idea to redesign the Classic Island came up in order to widen the road. Here, the Classic Club willingly redesigned the island on their own expense. The DC also decided to take up permanent construction of road dividers, which were made out of plain sheet and readymade boxes and concrete. “Our efforts are bringing improvement to the public. And in several locations, the public are taking up actions on their own. Citizens themselves are coming up with initiatives making new road connectivity to ease traffic congestion. In such initiatives, we are also trying to extend our assistance,” said Mor. “We depend on the public to serve the public. In the end it is public who uses the infrastructure,” added Nakhro.

list of those firms and individuals who have given power of attorney to other parties. Those contractors who have been running their contract under power of attorney should immediately be blacklisted and new tender be immediately called, it added. The ACAUT stated that had the Director and Secretary of the department taken corrective measures three months back as per its representation, “the entire racket would have stopped and the present issue wouldn’t have cropped up.” It challenged the Director and Secretary, F&CS to “immediately submit every evidence of misappropriation and malpractices in the PDS to the police investigating the case or else resign…for creating all the mess and colluding with the PDS mafia.

ULB elections on Feb 1, 2017 DIMAPUR, DECEMBER 21 (MExN): Urban Local Body (ULB) elections to the Municipal Councils and Town Councils for the state of Nagaland are set to be held on February 1, 2017. This was informed today in a notification by the State Election Commission. The period for filing of nomination is from January 3 to 7, upto 3:00pm; consolidated list of nomination is to be posted on January 9; scrutiny of nomination papers on January 10 and list of validly nominated candidates to be posted on January 11. Application for revision of the order of the authority scrutinizing the nomination should be filed from January 12 to 14, with the revision application to be decided on January 16. The last date for withdrawal of candidature is January 17, upto 3:00pm, with the list of contesting candidates and the list of polling stations will be posted on the same day after 3:00pm. The date for repoll, if any is set on February 3, and date for counting and declaration of results is February 4. The notification added that the SEC has decided that compulsory identification of voters will be made, with separate instructions to be issued. It meanwhile added that the Model Code of Conduct for political parties and candidates will come into operation from immediate effect within the entire municipal and town council areas going into poll. This is applicable to all candidates, political parties and the state government machinery. The Municipal Affairs Department has meanwhile informed of the various wards to be reserved for women in the ensuing urban local body elections. Details on Wards reserved for women on Page 5


ThursDAY 22•12•2016



Nagaland to observe National Consumer Day Kohima, December 21 (mexN): The National Consumer Day on December 24 will be observed in Nagaland in unison with the rest of the country. The Legal Metrology & Consumer Protection Department is the Nodal Department for the protection of consumer rights in the state. Bizo M. Kuotsu, Joint Controller & HoD, Legal Metrology & Consumer Protection, Kohima in a press release informed that the Legal Metrology Act & Rules and the Consumer Protection Act, 1986 were enacted by the Government of India and are being implemented and enforced by the department for the protection of consumers against exploitation by unscrupulous traders and to save consumers from the sub-standard goods and services. The Consumer Protection Act, 1986 also ensures that the consumer grievances can be addressed at the consumer courts in the state i.e., the District Consumer Disputes Redressal Forum (District Fora) in the districts

and the State Consumer Disputes Redressal Commission (State Commission) at Kohima. Consumers can also seek guidance on consumer related queries from the Nagaland State Consumer Helpline office through the Toll Free No. 1800-345-3701 and land line phone No. 0370-2292232. Honour rights of consumers: NVCO While making preparation to celebrate the ‘National Consumer Day’ on December 24, the Nagaland Voluntary Consumers’ Organisation (NVCO) has made an appeal to the state government to honour the rights of the consumers with a demand to implement certain demands. Demanding the state government to introduce electronic weighing machine, NVCO in a press release alleged that “traders continually cheat the consumers especially the butchers in their weight.” The Organisation cited that few days ago, President of NVCO Kezhokhoto Savi had detected practice of unfair means by the

butcher shops situated near Sukrozie market, near fire brigade, Kohima. NVCO has also made demand to implement National Food Security Act 2013 in a fair and justice manner to the beneficiaries; introduce Public Services delivery; stop the practices of illegal collection of cash at the check-gates and on highways and stop the selling of lottery tickets, buffet ticket, packed cook meat, selling calendars, selling newspaper by way of asking donations, voucher donations, etc. NVCO Press & Media Cell also added in the press release that it further insist to establish Lokayukta in the state; constitute State Human Rights Commission; provide slaughter house with proper drainage and clean environment; control prices at a reasonable and proper rate; effectively implement the Essential of Commodities Act in the state; and introduce Direct Transfer Beneficiary system in SK oil (kerosene) so as to avoid fuel adulteration in the state.

‘Knowledge without purpose can be destructive tool’ Our Correspondent Kikrüma | December 21

MLA Kuzholuzo (Azo) Nienu today said that knowledge without a purpose can be a destructive tool. Addressing the 58th general session of Kikrüma Students’ Union (KSU) at GHS Kikrüma under Phek district, he said one should use his/her God given knowledge for the well being of the people, society and for good purposes only. Stating that knowledge without a purpose can be a destructive tool, Azo said knowledge, status, position and wealth are all given to us by God almighty for which one should use these assets in the greater interest of humanity. Also exhorting the gathering, Kikrüma VDB secretary Vezohü Tünyi urged upon the students to have a broad vision and take the village forward.

Anganwadi Centers under Shamator Town to be re-constructed TueNsaNg, December 21 (mexN): Consequent upon the seven days notice served to the Child Development Project Officer ICDS Shamator in relation to the poor workmanship of all the up-gradation works at Anganwadi Centers (AWC) at Shamator Town, a consultative meet between the members of Shamator Town Students Union (STSU) and the department concerned was held on December 19 at the CDPO Office. STSU President Thsantong and General Secretary Topong in a press release stated that as per the invitation, the members of STSU and the department thoroughly deliberated over the lack of quality workmanship at all the up-gradation works of AWC under Shamator Town viz; Shahwuh-I, Veterinary and NAP Out Sectors. It was resolved that the recent up-gradation works at all the se-

On unemployment problem, he called upon the students to have a resolute mind and come up with flying colours in the competitive exams. KSU president Kükhrünesa Tunyi urged upon the fellow students to give their best in everything they do so that they would become the best asset in the world. “It is time for us to stand on our own feet, as we cannot effort to depend solely

Brighter Academy School Eco Club members distribute pamphlets at City Tower against the usage of firecrackers this festive season.

with officials of the Nagaland Pollution Control Board organized an awareness campaign against the

usage of firecrackers this festive season on December 21. Pamphlets containing information about the harmful effects of fireworks on human health, animals and the environment were distributed to citizens and banners were put up in the main town area as well as in Chumukedima market area for spreading awareness. As previously published in a press release earlier, the Nagaland Pollution Control Board appeals to the citizens again not to involve firecrackers in the festivities and urges one and all to be responsible citizens and to have an eco friendly Christmas and New Year.



on the government jobs,” he said adding that employment avenue in the government sector have reached upto the saturation point. One should compete by choosing his/her own profession rightfully be it formal education or informal education, he added. In today’s function, KSU honoured Nuhuta Tunyi and Johile K Thira for their success in the competitive exam.

Seminar on HIV and AIDS at Zhavame

lected AWC under Shamator Town to be re-constructed as per the laid down specifications or instructions within a period of one month i.e. on or before January 31, 2017. This was amicably resolved only after the assurance given by the contractor incharge telephonically to the STSU through the nodal officer CDPO (ICDS) Shamator. It was also resolved that the completion report be issued only if and when the work is execute by the contractor in-charge as per the assurance. In addition, the STSU had also assured all possible assistance towards the successful completion of the work. However, in the event of failure in fulfilling the said work as assured by the contractor in-charge, the STSU shall not held any responsibility that may arise thereafter but the in-charge himself will be an- The Koinonia Baptist Church took on the National Highway-2 to serve free coffee and snacks swerable for the whole episode and to the travelers on December 20 with the message of God’s love for all mankind on this Christany eventuality. mas celebration. Around 3200 passersby from Kohima and other places via NH-2 were catered.

Awareness campaign against use of firecrackers

Dimapur, December 21 (mexN): The Eco Club of Brighter Academy School Dimapur along

MLA Azo addressing KSU general session at Kikrüma held on December 21. (Morung Photo)

Vevotolü Kezo has also been conferred with Khwuhücho Foundation Trust, Dr. Monica Memorial Scholarship Award for securing highest mark in science stream amongst Kikrüma students. KSU general secretary Zhodeta Puro said that KSU has 1682 members at present. Earlier, Sürholü Tünyi, Women Society Kikrüma village and Kikrü Town Youth Organization presented melody, native tune and folk dance respectively. Zavetalii & Veluhü compere the function. Aneru Vero, Associate Pastor KBC and Sürhoveyo Kezo, Catechist St. Peter’s Church prayed for the session while vote of thanks was proposed by KSU games & sports secretary Hukhozo Yhobii. The function was followed by union feast and union assembly.

Swach Bharat cum sanitation drive held pheK, December 21 (mexN): The Zhavame Students’ Union (ZSU) and Zhavame Youth Society (ZYS) in collaboration with the Development Association Nagaland (DAN) conducted a seminar on HIV and AIDS and Swach Bharat cum sanitation drive on December 21 at Zhavame village with participants of 309 youths and 13 village leaders. Speaking on HIV and AIDS, Ngapunyi Krocha stated that Nagaland is one of the smallest states in term of area and population in India, “yet is topping in HIV and AIDS.” Krocha stated that “the spreading rate of HIV and AIDS in Phek district is very high and with the current trend Phek District may even move to top position if we don’t take

measures if we don’t take some measures.” Highlighting the lack of awareness on the issue, Krocha said that people have heard of HIV and AIDS but hardly anyone knew details about HIV and AIDS and also added that more than 50% of HIV and AIDS patients belong to the age group of 15-25 years. The programme was graced by Sukho Movi, Special Ambassador to Swachh Bharat Mission, Phek and the session was exhorted by Vivotso Domeh, Village Council Chairman, Zhavame. A press release mentioned that ZSU and ZYS had organized several sanitation drives throughout the year with the goal to keep Zhavame village clean and make it a ‘Plastic Free Zone.’ The seminar was followed by a mass social work where all the youth participated.

Ack now l e d g e m e n t

The organizers of Dimapur Night Carnival (DNC) 2016 held at Naga Shopping Arcade, Dimapur from December 14-18, 2016 would like to extend heartfelt gratitude to all the special guests of the 5-day event for gracing the Carnival with their honoured presence and encouraging the participants and adding to the joy of visitors. The Special Guests include:

D Parliamentary Secretary a1 for Tourism, Shri C. Apok Jamir y

D MLA & a 2 Chairman NIDC Ltd, Shri Tovihoto Ayemi y

D Parliamentary Secretary a 3 Irrigation & Flood Control, Shri Jacob Zhimomi y

D a4 y

Hon’ble Governor of Nagaland, Shri P. B. Acharya

D Advisor, a 5 Urban Development, Shri S. I. Jamir. y

Enormous gratitude goes to the following list for their contributions towards the event: Sponsors Departments 1. Nili Nissan & Suzuki (Platinum Sponsor) Rs 3, 00, 000/1. Development Authority of Nagaland (DAN) 2. Lafarge, Star, Birla Gold Rs 1, 10, 000/2. Dimapur Municipal Council (DMC) 3. KTM (Bike) Rs 75, 000/3. Chief Medical Officer, Dimapur and his team. 4. Jack n Jill Rs 50, 000/4. Executive Engineer (Power) and his team 5. Topcem Cement Rs 35, 000/5. Dimapur Police 6. Dalmia Rs 35, 000/6. Dimapur Traffic Police 7. Synergy Rs 30, 000/7. Dimapur Fire Brigade 8. Ankit Rs 25, 000/9. Gionee Rs 25, 000/10. Arnavi Drops (100 case water) Rs 20, 000/The Organizers also express gratitude to Rev. Tenga Seb, Pastor, Rengma Baptist Church, Dimapur for invoking God’s blessing on the inaugural day. We thank the band pipers from 32 AR, Home Guard and Police Training School, Chumukedima for enthralling the visitors throughout the event. We also thank the Alaphra Group for its active participation in the Carnival. The Organizers particularly thank the Hotel Saramati management for providing space for Kids Zone inside the hotel premises. Special thanks goes to all the energetic Marshals for seeing to it that the event pass peacefully. The Organizers also acknowledges the participants and artists for taking part in the Carnival. All local dailies, City Cable and Global Chapter have given tremendous support and cooperation by way of wide coverage and for which we profusely thank them. The Carnival would never have been a beautiful success if the public lacked in their response. The organizers are immensely grateful to the citizens for their impressive response to the Carnival. We are deeply thankful to all the members of various committees of the Organizing Committee for rendering their selfless services in overseeing the entire event.

Sub: “Green Village Initiative” at Natsumi. The Electrical Inspectorate as the Nagaland State Designated Agency (NSDA) for Energy Conservation in the State visited Natsumi village for Implementation of Green Village Initiative and distributed Energy Efficient LED Bulbs, T5- Tube lights and LED Streetlight fittings. A brief function was held at Natsumi where the Village council delivered the welcome address. Speaking on the occasion, Er. I. V. Chishi Chief Electrical Inspector, at the Inaugural programme said that the main purpose is to conserve Energy and to get more light by consuming less power. He also enlightened the gathering about the need of judicious utilization of Electricity and its positive contribution to the society in the long run.

It is impossible to personally thank all individuals, organizations and those who played their part in making the Carnival a grand success but we pray that the Almighty shower abundant blessings upon all of you. We look forward to all of you for more support and cooperation in the years to come. The DNC 2016 was organized jointly by Dimapur Chamber of Commerce & Industry, Business Association of Nagas and East Dimapur Business Association.

Wishing the citizens of Dimapur a Merry Christmas and a Prosperous New Year 2017.

Kesonyu YhomeYhome IAS (D.C. Dimapur) Kesonyu IAS

Chairman Dimapur Night Carnival 2016

Hokivi Chishi (President Hokivi Chishi DCCI)

Convenor Dimapur Night Carnival 2016

Thursday 22•12•2016



Three CMs, President’s rule and power scam mark 2016 in Arunachal Itanagar, December 21 (PtI): The year 2016 turned out to be a watershed year in the political history of Arunachal Pradesh as it plunged into months-long political turmoil that saw three Chief Ministers in a short span, besides imposition of President’s rule for a brief period. In the long-drawn political drama, Governor J. P. Rajkhowa was dismissed on September 22. Observers say this was apparently because he had failed to “ensure a lasting BJP-led or BJP-blessed government” in the State. Dasanglu Pul, the third wife of former CM Kalikho Pul, won the November 19 by-election to Hayuliang constituency on a BJP ticket. The by-poll was held following the death of Kalikho Pul. He was found hanging inside the Chief Minister’s official bungalow on August 9, which he was yet to vacate. A power scam amounting to Rs 450 crore also surfaced in the State in which allegations of corruption were levelled against Union Minister of State for Home Affairs Kiren Rijiju. The Opposition Congress demanded ouster of Rijiju from the Union Council of Ministers and a CBI probe even as the BJP leader denied the allegations. Tragedy in form of landslides and accidents also struck the State during the year claiming over 30 lives. The political crisis in the Frontier State stemmed from the ouster of Pul from the Council of Ministers in April 2015. Soon after his exit, he went

about spilling the beans on the poor financial health of the State under the then Chief Minister Nabam Tuki’s leadership. Pul was also terminated from the Congress though he managed to get a stay on the same from the courts. Soon some more legislators from the total 47 Congress members joined him in demanding a change in leadership. The crisis deepened after President Pranab Mukherjee on January 26 gave his approval to the Cabinet’s recommendation for the State to be put under President’s rule. On January 5, the Gauhati High Court stayed disqualification of 14 Congress MLAs while on January 6,the Supreme Court agreed to hear plea of the Arunachal Speaker, removed by rebel MLAs. The apex court on January 13 ordered not to hold any proceedings in the Assembly till January 18 while referring the issue to a Constitution Bench the next day. The Supreme Court on January 15 started examining constitutional scope of discretionary powers of the Governor. On February 18, the apex court satisfied with Gauhati High Court’s order staying disqualification of 14 MLAs, paved way for the new government in the State. The court rejected Congress’ plea for floor test in the Assembly on February 19, the day when the President’s rule was lifted from the State. Pul was sworn in the Chief Minister on February 20. In a sudden turn of events, the Supreme Court on July 13 while

terming Governor’s decision as ‘unconstitutional’ ordered restoration of Tuki-led Congress government. Tuki, however, almost immediately stepped down, making way for Pema Khandu to take charge of the Congress government on July 16. Exactly two months after the apex court restored the Congress government in the State, the BJP on September 16 pulled the carpet from below the ruling party’s feet by getting the entire CLP — except former Chief Minister Tuki — to join the People’s Party of Arunachal (PPA), a constituent of the North East Democratic Alliance (NEDA). However, Arunachal Pradesh Congress Committee (APCC) president Padi Richo on November challenged the merger of Congress MLAs to PPA in the Itanagar permanent bench of Gauhati High Court and the verdict is yet to be pronounced. The Congress merging with the PPA came three days after a section of the Congress MLAs approaching the BJP central leadership in New Delhi and expressing their desire to merge with it. The political developments moved so fast that Pul, the man who had led the original rebellion in the Congress, was left in the lurch as all his followers too reverted to the Congress within less than 24 hours of the July 13 Supreme Court order. Twenty-four days later, Pul was found hanging. US Ambassador Richard Verma’s visit to Tawang led to China

saying it would damage the “hardearned peace and tranquillity in the China-India border region”. China also protested the visit of Karmapa Ogyen Trinley Dorje to Tawang and West Kameng districts of the State. On November 17, Chinese Embassy at New Delhi denied visa to Arunachal Pradesh State Badminton Association secretary Bamang Tago, who was nominated manager of the Indian badminton team, for the Thaihot China Open championship in Fuzhou. Incidents of transgression by the Chinese Army into Arunachal’s territory were also reported during the year. The law and order front was also not conducive in the State. Two Assam Rifles jawan were killed and eight others injured when suspected NSCN (K) militants ambushed a convoy of the force near Wakka in Longding district. In an offensive against the militants, Assam Rifles jawans killed two cadres of the ULFA (P) and arrested other two at Vijoypur area in Changlang district. A minor girl was allegedly raped and killed before her body was thrown into a jungle at Bhalukpong in West Kameng district during July. Another class VI student was allegedly raped by a constable of the Indian Reserve Battalion after he forced her to drink alcohol at Longding in March. On the development front, the State government introduced the e-office suite in the State Civil Secretariat in order to go paperless in functioning of the government.




Dated Kohima, the 20th Dec'2016

NO.DET-7120/2001 (Vol-V): The result of All India Trade Test held from the month of January - March 2016, at Government Industrial Training Institutes, Kohima, Mokokchung, Mon, Phek, Tuensang, and Wokha, is hereby declared and the Roll Numbers of successful Candidates are given below: Govt. ITI 1.Kohima

guwahatI, December 21 (tnn): The coffers of the BJP-ruled Assam government, which is offering various incentives to encourage people to go for digital transactions, have been hit hard by demonetisation. The state government is anticipating a loss of over Rs 1100 crore at the end of the current financial year. The loss is attributed to dip in sales of goods in the post-demonetization period. A loss of Rs 1,000 crore alone is being anticipated in collection of commercial taxes, while another Rs 100 crore loss is projected in excise duty collection. To reduce the adverse impact of demonetization, the state government will now focus on tax evaders. The government will sign an MoU with Central Board of Direct Taxes (CBDT) for sharing information or data on central excise, custom duty and income tax collected for preventing leakages in tax collection on the lines of Maharashtra for collective enforcement. The state's own revenue from commercial taxes, state excise duty, motor vehicle tax, land revenue, stamp duty and registration has not been satisfactory.



This is to inform that the OPD services will remain closed on 24th, 25th & 26th December 2016. However, all Emergency services will remain available. Inconvenience caused is deeply regretted. For more information, please contact  03862- 231864, 227337, 224117

NOTICE Whereas application under Succession Act 1925 for grant of Succession Certificate for the estate benefits of Late Mrs. Zeneitonü Angami has been applied by Shri. Zasievizo Thakro R/o Model Village, 5th Mile, Dimapur, for possession of: 1. Family pension, GPF, Leave Encashment etc. 2. SBI A/C No. 20059440581 and other who expired on 24/11/2016. Notice is hereby given that any person having interest in the administration of the estate/ pension benefits of the said deceased may if she/he so desire appear in this court on or before the said day of 22/01/2017. Principal District & Session Judge Dimapur: Nagaland

a way, and instigating the problem such that it would not have a solution," the ANSF said. The Imphal Valley was simmering after violent protests broke out following the Congress-led government's declaration of creation of seven new districts -- Jiribam, Kangpokpi, Tengoupal, Pharzol, Kakching, Noney and Kamjongin. A blockade was called by the Nagas to oppose the decision to create Sadar Hills and Jiribam as full-fledged districts. The ANSF also said that vandalising of churches in Imphal has hurt the Naga Christians' sentiments. It urged the central government to intervene in the matter immediately. The central government has sent a 4,000 para military personnel to Manipur to bring the situation under control.



No. DMA/SCM/T-181/2015

2 Semester Regular


00150813150816, 00150813150818, 00150813150820, 00150813150823, 00150813150825, 00150813150827, 00150813150829, 00150813150832, 00150813150833, 00150813150835, 00150813150839,

00150813150817, 00150813150819, 00150813150822, 00150813150824, 00150813150826, 00150813150828, 00150813150830, 00150813150887, 00150813150834, 00150813150838, 00150813150840.

2nd Semester Repeater NCVT

00140813000132, 00140813000064, 00140813000067, 00140813000071, 00140813000073, 0010813000082, 00140813000153, 00140813000157, 00140813000163, 00140813000170, 25042300000159, 25042300000161,

00140813000063, 00140813000065, 00140813000068. 00140813000072, 00140813000080, 00140813000083, 00140813000156, 00140813000159, 00140813000165, 25007200000145, 25042300000160, 25042300000164.

Km -114RI

4th Semester Regular



00140813000012, 00140813000015, 00140813000017, 00140813000019, 00140813000022, 00140813000024, 00140813000027, 00140813000029.

00140813000013, 00140813000016, 00140813000018, 00140813000021, 00140813000023, 00140813000025, 00140813000028,

00140813000031, 00140813000056, 00140813000059, 00140813000063, 00140813000065, 00140813000068, 00140813000071, 00140813000073, 00140813000076, 00140813000082, 00140813000153. 00140813000156, 00140813600158, 00140813000162, 00140813000165, 00140813000090,

00140813000032, 00140813000058, 00140813000079, 00140813000064, 00140813000067, 00140813000069, 00140813000072, 00140813000074, 00140813000080, 00140813000083, 00140813000155, 00140813000157, 00140813000161, 00140813000163, 00140813000170, 00140813000100.

3.Mokokc hung



Mk- 01, 02, 03, 04, 05, 06, 07, 08, 09, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32.

1st Semester Repeater SCVT


Mk- 30R2, 43R1.

2nd Semester Repeater SCVT


4th Semester


Mk- 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 32, 33, 35, 36, 37, 38, 43,46, 48,50, 51, 54, 55, 56, 79RI.



Mn- 01, 02, 04, 06, 07, 13, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 22, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37, 38, 39, 40, 41, 43, 44, 45, 46, 47, 48, 49, 50, 51, 52, 53, 54, 55, 56, 57, 58, 59, 60, 61, 62, 63, 64, 65, 66, 67, 68, 69, 70, 71, 72, 74, 75, 76, 77, 78, 79, 80, 81, 82, 83, 113R3.

1st Semester Repeater SCVT

Mn- 31R1, 33R1, 19R2.

2nd Semester Repeater SCVT

Mn- 05R1, 31R2, 33R1, 68R2, 74R2.

4th Semester


Mn- 72, 73, 74, 75, 77, 78.



Pk-01, 02, 03, 05, 06, 07, 08, 09, 10, 13, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37, 38, 39, 40, 41, 42, 45, 46.

6. Tuensang Conventional


Ts- 12, 13, 22, 25, 27, 28, 30 35, 36.

5. Phek

7. Wokha

1st Semester Repeater SCVT

Ts- 19R2.

4th Semester Repeater SCVT

Ts- 41,42.


Wk- 01, 02, 03, 04, 06, 07, 08, 09, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 16, 17, 18, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36,37, 38.


Wk- 18R2.

2nd Semester Repeater SCVT

Wk- 18R1.


3rd Semester Repeater SCVT

Wk- 27R1, 29R1.

4th Semester Repeater SCVT

Wk- 20, 21, 23, 26, 27, 29, 30, 37.


Zn - 01, 02, 03, 04, 05, 06, 07, 08, 09, 10,11, 12, 13P, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20P

Date Kohima, the 21st Dec’ 2016

The Executive Engineer, Urban Development, Kohima, Nagaland invites online bids for the works detailed below from eligible Contractors.


Km- 101 R2, 129R2.

1st Semester Repeater SCVT



1st Semester Repeater SCVT

2nd Semester Repeater SCVT

00150813150825, 00150813150828, 00150813150842, 00150813150844, 00150813150846, 00150813150849, 00150813150852, 00150813150854, 00150813150860, 00150813150863, 00150813150867, 00150813150883, 00140813000015, 00140813000063, 00140813000080, 00140813000163.



00150813150820, 00150813150827, 00150813150829, 00150813150843, 00150813150845, 00150813150847, 00150813150851, 00150813150853, 00150813150856, 00150813150861, 0150813150865, 00150813150870, 00140813000138, 00140813000021, 00140813000067, 00140813000157,

Dm- 01, 02, 03, 04, 05, 06, 07, 08, 09, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 33, 36, 38, 39, 40, 41, 42, 43, 44, 45, 46, 47, 48, 49, 50.



1st Semester Repeater NCVT


Issued by: DIPR

Sl No

Km- 01, 03, 04, 06, 07, 08, 09, 10,11, 12, 14, 15, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 30, 31, 32, 33, 35, 36, 37, 38, 40, 41, 42, 45, 46, 47, 48, 49, 50, 53, 54, 55, 56, 57, 58, 59, 60, 61, 62, 63, 64, 65, 66, 69, 71, 72, 73, 74, 75, 76, 78, 79, 80, 81, 84, 89, 92, 94, 95, 96, 99, 100, 101, 103, 106, 107, 108, 114, 115, 120P, 121P.





Roll Numbers

2. Dimapur

Dated 20 Dec 2016

(A. ZANBEMO NGULLIE) Joint Director & HOD cum Mission Director (HFA) Directorate of Municipal Affairs, Nagaland, Kohima


4th Semester Repeater NCVT


The interview for selection of candidates for SLTC (State Level Technical Cell) and CLTC (City Level Technical Cell) for the post of Urban Planner/ Town Planning Specialist with GIS knowledge, Municipal/Civil Engineer and MIS Specialist (Diploma & Degree) shall be held on 20th January 2017 from 10:00 Am onwards at the office of the undersigned (Below AG Office; Kohima). The applicant who do not fulfill the required criteria for the post shall not be allowed to appear the interview. Separate calling letters shall not be issued from this office. The shortlisted candidates shall be intimated through SMS in their mobile number mentioned in the application.



Demonetisation hits BJP Manipur has no right to hurt Nagas: ANSF govt’s coffers in Assam Itanagar, December 21 (IanS): "Instead they are playing with them in The Arunachal Naga Student's Federation (ANSF) on Wednesday condemned the creation of seven new districts in Manipur which has led to communal violence in the state. The ANSF said the Manipur government did not have any right to do so with Naga areas without consulting them. "ANSF strongly condemns the dictatorial ruling of the Manipur government on the Nagas living in Manipur. "It has no right to force them and create so many districts in Naga areas without any option or consultations," ANSF President Nokchai Boham said. The association, representing the Nagas living in Tirap, Changlang and Longding of Arunachal Pradesh, also asked the Manipur government to respect the Nagas living in the state as good neighbours.


Approximate Bid Tender Period of value of work Security Fee (Rs.) completion (Rs.) (Rs.) Const. of footpath in Dimapur 900.00 lacs 9.00 lacs 10000.00 18 months town under AMRUT scheme Const. of Park at Landmark colony, Dimapur under 44.00 lacs 0.44 lacs 2000.00 18 months AMRUT scheme Const. of Childrens Park at New Reserve, Kohima under 45.00 lacs 0.45 lacs 2000.00 18 months AMRUT scheme Storm Water Management of Kohima City under AMRUT 1359.00 lacs 13.59 lacs 15000.00 18 months scheme Name of work

1. The bid document is available online and should be submitted online in 2. Period & time of availability of bidding documents on website for download: 23/12/2016 at 12:00 PM to 07/01/2017 up to 5:00 PM 3. Start & End Date for receipt of bids through e-procurement: 24/12/2016 at 9:00 AM to 16/01/2017 upto 5:00 P.M 4. For other details, please refer to the Bidding documents. 5. The tenders submitted by post /courier /manually would not be entertained. Sd/- Executive Engineer Urban Development, Kohima, Nagaland

8. Zunheboto


1st Semester Repeater SCVT

Zn - 29R1

3rd Semester Repeater SCVT

Zn - 19, 21, 22.

4th Semester Repeater SCVT

Zn - 19, 21, 22.

Total appeared : 720 Total passed : 525 Passed % : 73%

Result Witheld: The following Roll Numbers are held up due to non-received of result from the Ministry: Semester II150813150815, 150813150844, 150813150845, 150813150846, 150813150849, 150813150850, 150813150851, 150813150854, 150813150863, 150813150876, 150813150877, 150813150879, 150813150880, 150813150881, 150813150882, 150813150884, 150813150885, 150813150886. Semester - IV- 140813000086, 140813000169. NOTE: 1. Marksheet, etc, will be issued from respective ITI w.e.f 25th January, 2017 for passed candidates. 2. NCVT exam for failed candidates will start from 2nd February, 2017. Therefore candidates are requested to fill up the forms on or before 15th January, 2017. 3. SCVT exam for failed candidates are requested to fill up the forms on or before 25th January, 2017. 4. For detail information candidates may contact their respective Govt. ITI. (MUTHINGNYUBA SANGTAM) Director, Employment, Skill Development & Entrepreneurship, Nagaland, Kohima Issued by: DIPR


ThursDAY 22•12•2016



Tech giants pledge to keep children out of cobalt mines Peter whoriskey & todd C. Frankel The Washington Post

Separate groups of the world’s leading technology companies are launching two initiatives to curb “the worst forms of child labour” and other abusive practices in the supply chain for cobalt, a key ingredient in lithium-ion batteries that power smartphones, laptops and electric cars. About 60 percent of the world’s cobalt originates in the Congo, where hand-dug mines rife with dangers attract legions of poorly-equipped, “artisanal” miners who work for as little as $2 a day. Apple, HP, Samsung SDI, and Sony have joined an effort, known as the Responsible Cobalt Initiative. It is being led by a Chinese business group, the Chinese Chamber of Commerce for Metals, Minerals & Chemicals, and supported by the Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD), according to the group. Members of the initiative pledged to follow OECD guidelines for mining supply chains,

which call for companies to trace how cobalt is being extracted, transported, manufactured and sold. Any abuses would require immediate correction. While advocacy groups have alleged for years that cobalt was posing deadly risks to miners and causing environmental damage, eradicating the worst abuses has proven difficult because tracing cobalt in consumers products back to the mines involves global leaps - from Africa to China to world markets - and across many companies. The Washington Post earlier this year published an investigation detailing abuses in Congo’s artisanal cobalt supply chain, showing how miners - including children - worked in dangerous, at times deadly conditions as they tunneled hundreds of feet underground for dollars a day to reach this precious mineral. The article also showed the potential health effects, including birth defects, that medical researchers have begun to connect to the mining activity. The Post for the first time connected this

troubling artisanal cobalt trade with the batteries used by some of the world’s largest technology companies, including Apple. Apple acknowledged that this cobalt has made its way into some of its batteries and said it was committed to working with its supplier to addressing underlying issues, such as extreme poverty, that result in harsh work conditions and child labor. The role of the Chinese business organization in the new initiative is considered a key advantage - the bulk of the supply chain runs through that country. Several companies with key roles in refining and packaging the mineral for batteries have joined the initiative, including Zhejiang Huayou, a Chinese company that buys cobalt from Congo miners, and which was featured in The Post’s coverage. “The problem cannot be fixed by one company. So I think it’s great, surprising even, that so many companies have come together,” said Bryce Lee, Huayou’s new manager for responsible sourcing. The new initiative is “a very positive sign of change, “ said

Tyler Gillard, project head for the OECD. “Such strong involvement of Chinese industry in particular is uncommon for these types of initiatives, and really exciting.” Collectively, the group is aiming to promote cooperation with the government of the Democratic Republic of Congo. Separately, a business group known as The Electronic Industry Citizenship Coalition announced a new “Responsible Raw Materials Initiative.” The EICC said companies need to expand scrutiny of their supply chains beyond the traditional four “conflict” minerals covered by U.S. legislation -- tin, tungsten, tantalum and gold. These minerals, when taken from the Congo region, receive extra attention because of potential ties to funding militias. The EICC said the decision to begin looking at other minerals was motivated by “a growing body of research” - including work by advocacy groups and The Post -- that showed abuses occurred in the production of other minerals, too. Bob Mitchell, EICC vice

president for social and environmental responsibility, said one of the minerals the initiative is considering is cobalt from Congo. The EICC announced its new “Responsible Raw Materials Initiative” last month, just before the start of a United Nations forum on business and human rights. Membership in the EICC includes Apple, Dell, Foxconn, Ford Motors and other companies, and at least 16 EICCmember companies have signed pledges to support the new initiative, Mitchell said. Exactly what to do about the artisanal mining of cobalt is a matter of heated debate. The practice is rife with dangers. On the other hand, it also helps desperately poor people to make a living, particularly in the rural areas of the DRC. Some longstanding critics of the cobalt supply chain view the Responsible Cobalt Initiative merely as a good first step. “Implementation is obviously what it’s all about,” said Mark Dummett, an Amnesty researcher who has studied the cobalt supply chains. “We’d

now like to see the downstream companies like Apple and Samsung disclose the names of their cobalt smelters as well as disclose the risks they have identified in their supply chains.” Companies said a collective effort such as this is required to eradicate any abuses in the cobalt supply chain. “HP recognizes that in order to build leverage over supply chain actors that we do not have a direct business relationship with, we need to work with other companies and organizations to drive collective action,” Jay Celorie, HP Global Program Manager, Human Rights, Ethics and Compliance, said in a statement. Other companies, such as Tesla and LG Chem, said they are weighing membership in the Responsible Cobalt Initiative or undertaking other ways of ensuring that their supply chains are clean and humane. “We are evaluating a number of new international initiatives to address the issues in cobalt production and are working quickly to determine how Tesla can be most effectively involved,” a Tesla spokes-

person said in a statement. Other industry groups are responding to complaints about the cobalt supply chain, too. Last week, Umicore, a large Brussels-based maker of battery parts and other cobalt products, announced that the auditing firm Pricewaterhouse Coopers had validated the safeguards it has in place to prevent the use of any cobalt arising from questionable environmental or labor practices. Among other things, the company seeks to be able to trace the origins of every bit of cobalt that goes into its products. Company officials said that seeking the third-party validation of their cobalt procedures should ease the concerns of the consumer companies that are their customers. “Our customers have valuable brands to protect,” said Marc Van Sande, executive vice-president of a company business unit said. This “approach provides comfort to customers about the provenance and the ethical nature of the cobalt used in the materials they source.”

India overtakes Britain as the Ordinance passed for RBI withdraws one-time world’s sixth largest economy e-transfer of salaries deposit norm for KYC accounts MuMbai, DeceMber 21 (agencies): Score one for the post-colonial underdog. India’s economy has reportedly overtaken the United Kingdom’s for the first time in over 100 years, now standing as the world’s sixth largest economy by GDP after the United States, China, Japan, Germany, and France. The milestone is a symbol of India’s rapid economic growth and, conversely, the U.K.’s postBrexit slump. Economically, it’s been a banner year for India. In February, it surpassed China as the world’s fastest growing economy. And in October, the International Monetary Fund predicted India would retain that title for the foreseeable future; its GDP is projected to increase by 7.6 percent through 2017. “India may have a large population base but this is a big leap,” Kiren Rijiju, India’s minister of state for home affairs, said of the news earlier this week. FiRe StatiOnS

KoHIMA soUtH: 0370-2222952/ 101 (O) 9402003086 (OC) KoHIMA nortH: 7085924114 (O) dIMAPUr: 03862-232201/ 101 (O) 9856156876 (OC) CHUMUKedIMA: 7085982102 (O) 8732810051 (OC) woKHA: 03860-242215/101 (O) 8974322879 (OC) MoKoKCHUnG: 0369-2226225/ 101 (O) 8415830232 (OC) PHeK: 8414853765 (O) 8413822476(OC) ZUnHeBoto: 03867-280304/ 101 (O) 9436422730 (OC) tUensAnG: 8414853766 (O) 9856163601 (OC) Mon: 03869-251222/ 101 (O) 9862130954 (OC) Kiphire: 8414853767 (O) 9436261577 (OC) Peren: 7085189932 (O) 9856311205 (OC) LonGLenG: 7085924113 (O) 9862414264 (OC)

ed. And some controversial reforms have not gone smoothly. Take the most recent currency reform, for example. In an effort to root out corruption and tax dodging, Modi announced in November that high denomination currency rupee notes (which comprise 86 percent of India’s currency in circulation) would be taken out of circulation immediately. It was a drastic measure for a drastic problem in the world’s second most populous country; only 2 to 3 percent of Indians pay income tax because so many can hide their earnings with unaccountedfor cash, so-called ‘black money.’ PM Modi’s move plummeted business transactions, interrupted salary payments, and caused infamously long waiting lines at banks nationwide as people went to withdraw cash. One man even died Tuesday while waiting in line at a bank. we4 woMen HeLPLIne

std code: 03862

DiMaPUR Civil Hospital emergency-

232224 229529 229474 MH Hospital 227930 231081 Faith Hospital 228846 shamrock Hospital 228254 Zion Hospital 231864 224117 227337 Police Control room 228400 Police Traffic Control 232106 east Police station 227607 west Police station 232181 CIHsr (referral Hospital) 242555 242533 dimapur Hospital 224041 248011 Apollo Hospital Info Centre 230695/ 9402435652 railway 131/228404 Airport 229366 Indian Airlines 242441 225212 Chumukedima Fire Brigade 282777 nikos Hospital and 232032, research Centre 231031 nagaland Multispecialty Health & research Centre

248302, 09856006026

eden Medical Centre


W BILLIArds BUGABoo CAPABLe dePress dIVe FLowerY ForBId Host IMAGIne InKs LInK rAILroAd reLAtIVe rIFFrAFF rUMInAnt sALIent sAnGUIne sCornFUL sCrAMBLe

India’s former colonial ruler, the United Kingdom, is projected to grow by only 1.8 percent in 2016 and 1.1 percent in 2017. Since it voted to leave the European Union in June, which could entail leaving the EU’s lucrative common market, Britain’s economy and currency has struggled. India’s economy benefitted from a global commodities price slump through large trade gains and lower-than-expected inflation, according to the IMF. And since elected in 2014, Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi has driven sweeping market reforms to spur economic growth. But with growth spurts come growing pains. Many of the reforms, touching everything from creating unified national taxes to deregulating the agricultural industry’s fertilizer pricing, have been incredibly complicated, as a report from the Center for Strategic and International Studies not-



serenAde sMALLPoX snAPsHot soCIABLe soMewHAt sPLInter stoCKAde stoPPAGe strAIGHt strICKen stUnnInG swIM tAnGerIne tAttered tend tIre UnIVersAL wAterMeLon




08822911011 WOMen HeLPLIne 181 CHiLD weLFAre CoMMIttee Toll free No. 1098 childline

new Delhi, DeceMber 21 (ians): The union cabinet on Wednesday passed an ordinance to facilitate digital transfer of salaries by employers across the country. However, the cash payment system will continue, a senior official said. “An additional way of payment has been introduced through this ordinance. The old system of cash would also remain,” the official said following a meeting of the cabinet. “This is being done to facilitate the employers from making payment of wages using the banking facilities in addition to the existing modes of payment of wages in current coin or currency notes,” he added. The Labour Ministry in a statement, however, clarified that the proposed amendment would not make mandatory the payment of wages to the workers only through cheques or account transfers. “The proposal of Ministry of Labour and Employment to bring an amendment to Section 6 of the Payment of Wages Act, 1936, is an additional facility of crediting the wages in the bank account of the employees or payment through cheque along with the existing provisions of payment in current coin or currency notes,” it said. Also, the appropriate government (Centre or state) will have to come up with the notification to specify the industries or other establishments where the employer shall pay wages through cheques or by crediting the wages in the employees’ bank account, it added. The Ministry said that the proposed amendment would also ensure that “minimum wages are paid to the employees and their social security rights are protected”. “The employers can no longer under-quote the number of employees employed by them in their establishments to avoid becoming a subscriber to the EPFO or ESIC schemes,” it said. The Ministry also pointed out that states like Andhra Pradesh/Telangana, Kerala, Uttarakhand, Punjab and Haryana have already come out with notifications to provide for payment through banking channels. taHaMZaM (formerly senapati) Police station Fire Brigade




222246 222491

KOHiMa Fire Brigade naga Hospital oking Hospital Bethel nursing Home northeast shuttles

north Ps Officer-in-Charge south Ps Officer-in-Charge Zubza Ps Officer-in-Charge Chiephobozou Ps Officer-in-Charge tseminyu Ps Officer-in-Charge Khuzama Ps Officer-in-Charge Kezocha Ps Officer-in-Charge women Cell Officer-in-Charge Control room


stdcode: 03871

std code: 0370 2222952 2222916 2243339 2224202 08974997923


std code: 0369

Police station 1 Police station 2 Police station Kobulong Police station tuli Police station Changtongya Police station Mangkolemba Civil Hospital

9485232688 9485232689 9485232690 9485232693 9485232694 9485232695 2226216

woodland nursing Home


Hotel Metsüpen (tourist Lodge) 2226373/ 2229343

widespread flak. Both the opposition and bank customers hit out at the government’s flip-flop over deposit of old notes following the November 8 decision to recall the high-value currency bills. According to the December 19 notification, if a person deposits more than Rs 5,000 in withdrawn currencies, the account will be credited only after questioning him or her, in the presence of two bank officials, as to why the money was not deposited earlier. The bankers were to keep the explanatory statement on record for future audit trail. Even if the deposits were less than Rs 5,000 at a time but cumulatively exceed the amount, then also the bank officials were told to get on record an explanation from the depositor. The condition vis-a-vis non-KYC compliant accounts remains, the upper limit of deposits restricted to Rs 50,000. Officials said the curbs were meant to encourage deposits of the demonetised currency under the Taxation and Investment Regime for the Pradhan Mantri Garib Kalyan Yojana, 2016. The Finance Ministry had also said earlier that the decision was meant to end the seemingly unending queues in banks.


Us dollars sterling Pound Hong Kong dollar Australian dollar singapore dollar Canadian dollar Japanese Yen euro thai Baht Korean won UAe dirham (Aed) Chinese Yuan

BUY (rs) 66.18 82.28 8.25 48.54 45.82 49.46 55.7 69.07 1.79 0.054 17.44 9.22

seLL (rs) 69.34 86.49 9.21 51.10 48.19 52.01 58.99 72.58 2.00 0.0604 19.47 10.29


Contact numbers

8575045501 8575045510 8575045502 8575045520 8575045508 8575045518 8575045506 8575045516 8575045507 8575045517 8575045505 8575045515 8575045549 8575045538 8575045509 8575045519 8575045500 (Emergency No. – 100)

new Delhi, DeceMber 21 (ians): In a U-turn, the RBI on Wednesday withdrew its order barring people with KYCcompliant bank accounts from depositing over Rs 5,000 in old currency more than once until December 30. But the notification stands for bank accounts which are non-KYC. The upper limit of Rs 50,000 also stays for non-KYC bank accounts, the Reserve Bank of India said. The central bank said that on reviewing its December 19 notification, it was advising banks to withdraw the onetime deposit condition foramounts above Rs 5,000 for fully KYC-compliant accounts. On December 19, the RBI had announced that deposits of demonetised Rs 500 and Rs 1,000 notes in excess of Rs 5,000 will be allowed only once till December 30 -- that too after strict scrutiny. The decision created massive confusion even after Finance Minister Arun Jaitley contradicted on Monday night the RBI notification, saying people will not be questioned if any amount of old currency was deposited at one go. But repeated deposits may invite scrutiny, he said. The RBI decision on Wednesday came after the one-time deposit condition drew




Simple Rules - Fill in the grid so that every row, every column, and every 3x3 box contains the digits 1 through 9.

Game Number # 3806

Answer Number # 3805

ACROSS 1. Castrated male chicken 6. Anagram of “Cabs” 10. Warbled 14. Without company 15. Forearm bone 16. Decorative case 17. Small slits 18. Kettles 19. Anagram of “Star” 20. Supposition 22. Fog 23. Indian dress 24. Literary compositions 26. Spike 30. Barbie’s beau 31. Explosive 32. Arab chieftain 33. Hens make them 35. Got up 39. A member of the Cosa Nostra 41. Thirstily 43. They make wool 44. Ride the waves 46. Clairvoyant 47. Henpeck 49. Hemp 50. Fizzy drink 51. Pamper 54. Module 56. Wicked 57. Repose 63. Accomplished 64. Hemorrhaged 65. Metaphor or hyperbole 66. Beers 67. Small island 68. Ballet skirts 69. Fishing poles 70. Dregs 71. It makes dough rise DOWN 1. Money 2. Friend

3. Defecate 4. Savvy about 5. Homes for birds 6. Consciences 7. Conclusion 8. Against 9. Breed of hound 10. Dressmaker 11. Courtyards 12. Bonkers 13. Central points 21. Cod-like fishes 25. Catch 26. Precious stones 27. Nursemaid 28. A small high-pitched flute 29. Excluded from a society 34. Sings (to attract) 36. Chocolate cookie 37. Sleigh 38. Tropical American wildcat 40. Iridescent gem 42. Append 45. A small guitar 48. Type of pet rodent 51. A type of tree 52. Convex molding 53. Ate 55. Shabby 58. If not 59. Not false 60. Greek letter 61. Creative work 62. Where a bird lives Answer to Crossword 3810

thursday 22•12•2016


Hingko Program: Youths urged to be independent LoNgLeNg, December 21 (mexN): For the third consecutive day, the Hingko Program was held today as part of the 58th General Session of Yachem Students’ Union (YSU) at Yachem village with S Pangnyu Phom, Member of Nagaland Legislative Assembly. The MLA in his speech gave a big credit to the leaders of YSU who brought about dramatic change in transforming the mindset of the people in social, economic, political fields, ethics and morality, according to a press release. He emphasised that the world is becoming very competitive and challenged the youth of Yachem in particular and Nagas in general to take up any kind of challenges and strive for complete change. The society we live in today, he said, has become very complicated and so we need to live in complete awareness to combat against the cruel world. “If we don’t know how to live in this complicated world then it would be very dangerous for us,” he noted. He also encouraged the gathering that while living in this complicated world, we should also preserve our rich culture and tradition that are transited to us by our ancestors which he termed as “unique”. Pangnyu further told the students that it is their responsibility to preserve and respect this old culture. “If we lose them (culture and custom) then we are not true citizens of Yachem.” Taking the example of

The persons who were felicitated for their achievement in different fields during the 58th General Session of Yachem Students’ Union.

China where all the Chinese give the foremost priority to preserve their culture, he urged the youth to cultivate such good habits, the release added. He also emphasised in living in truth. “If we live in truth then there is always a blessing from God”. While appreciating the hard work and dedication of Yachem youths, he also challenged the youth to cultivate the sense of competitive spirit. “Unless you cultivate the sense of competition then you will not achieve your goal,” the MLA cautioned. He urged the youths to work independently without relying on

Christmas greetings NPF wishes Merry Christmas Kohima, December 21 (mexN): Naga People’s Front (NPF) has wished Merry Christmas and bright New Year to all. “May the light and beauty of the season surround every one and bring us cheer and mirth, and may we all be blessed the whole year through,” wished a press release issued by NPF Media & Press Bureau.

BJP prays for peace, joy Dimapur, December 21 (mexN): The BJP Nagaland has greeted everyone a very Happy Christmas with prayers for bountiful blessings of peace, joy, healings and abundance. In a press release issued by Jaangsillung Gonmei, its General Secretary & Spokesperson, BJP Nagaland hoped this Christmas season will usher in new hopes and answers. The release further said that the BJP State president, Visasolie Lhoungu, in his Christmas message has conveyed warm wishes and prayers to everyone. “Though Christmas is a time for happiness and festivities, one should not forget to replenish the spiritual life with repentance, forgiveness, sharing, prayers and thanksgiving,” it added. The party further wished everyone well this festive Christmas season and in the days ahead.

others, while pointing out that Nagas in general and Eastern Nagas in particular are still living in dependency stage. He also said that the mentality of backwardness should be eradicated from the people’s mindset, adding “because of this backward mentally, we are lacking behind others.” He also said that we should show our intellectuality to the world. According to him, Naga youths are intellectual but do not utilize its values because of their laziness. He ended his speech by advising the youths of YSU to learn to forgive each other, to strive more in bearing good fruit, to stand firm

in their word and always be honest in everything they do and to always remain at peace. During the program, 2nd Hd Barrick Yachem and Deputy Commissioner of Longleng also spoke. The 2nd Barrick Sangte Phom spoke on the importance of culture. He told the gathering that the word “Hingko” is the sweetest word for Yachem. Going back to the past, he remembered that victory was not celebrated/ done alone but done collectively. He also urged the youth to keep concrete aim and make their achievement benefit the government, village, clan and family.

woKha, December 21 (mexN): Team Metamorphosis today expressed sincere apology to the general public of Wokha Town for the inability to declare the result of the 2016 Operation Clean Wokha within this year. A press release from Team Metamorphosis president informed that the last inspection of the ongoing programme was already done in the second week of December, where representatives from the NVBDCP Wokha unit of Medical Department, Wokha Town Council, SDEO Wokha, and Lotha Eloe Hoho along with Team Metamorphosis’ members visited the 27 colonies of Wokha Town. However, due to the ex-

Morung Express News Mokokchung | December 21

C. Apok Jamir, Parliamentary Secretary, Tourism speaking at the Evergreen Club’s fifty years jubilee celebration at Suyim Aonglenden, Ungma village, Mokokchung.

ment of the village but also that they have achieved but to be pioneers in all walks also to rectify any wrong of life, adding they should that have been done. not only introspect the feat The jubilee souvenir

YWO, Yaa condemn raid, arrest by ar TueNsaNg, December 21 (mexN): More organizations today condemned the December 12 incident in Tuensang, where personnel of 40 Assam Rifles raided the house of Kiumuhean, former Vice Chairman, Town Council Tuensang, and apprehended him. YWO: The Yimchunger Women Organisation (YWO) in a condemnation note issued by its president, Alula Z Thsanso has questioned why the raid was carried out without police representative for a witness and other formalities and why the weapon was not shown immediately from the place of recovery. It maintained that “the said incident has also created panic among the residents as people feel totally unsafe and insecure because anyone can be framed by the security force without prime reason.” Meanwhile, it stated the circumstances under which the weapon was recovered from the premises of Kiumuhean needs to be investigated by the magistrate as “it has raised many questions and led to suspicion.” YAA: The Yimchungrü Akherü Arihako (YAA) also condemned what it called “fictitious act” committed by the 40 Assam Rifles upon one of its citizens. A press release from YAA Media Cell claimed that the 40 AR arrested the “innocent victim” merely on “false allegation” of possession of illegal weapons” and then forwarded him to District Jail, Mokokchung. The YAA has urged the competent authority to release the victim at the earliest and also called upon every right thinking citizen to condemn the act of the AR jawans.

New DeLhi, December 21 (mexN): Nagaland will be telecast in the new series of Discovery Channel, #GoNorthEast, on December 31 at 10:00 pm. The eight-part series #GoNorthEast explores places, customs, diverse landscape and the multitude of life that live in the North East region, according to a press release received here. In each episode, popular television actors Varun Mitra and Aalekh Kapoor take a stop-over to meet some of the most charismatic characters, relish authentic cuisines, experience myriad cultures and indulge in raw adventures that the region has to offer. In Nagaland, Varun begins his journey by attending the annual Tuluni festival of the Sumi Naga, one of the 16 major tribes of the state. The harvest festival is celebrated as a mark of Thanksgiving and to invoke blessings. He also participates in rituals like the Aphilokuwo – a war dance that involves combativestyle steps with gestures communicating aggression and valor. One dance follows the other. Varun attends other dance sequences like Aye Kuzule, which depicts the age old process of harvesting cotton; Thisele - centered around rice, a staple of Naga cuisine; and Imunopisujo-jo - representing unity. Varun is also invited to a Sumi Naga experience, where the bridegroom-to-be gets invited to his inlaws’ house for a traditional meal. Further, he jams with Alobo Naga, who leads the four-member poprock group Alobo Naga & The Band. Varun also tries his hand on an all-terrain vehicle or ATVs which have become popular to tackle difficult terrains in the state. He also visits the Kohima War Cemetery, which was built in remembrance of the British and Indian soldiers who perished while battling the Japanese during the Second World War. In the series, the journey to Northern region also covers the Himalayan state – Sikkim. #GoNorthEast airs every Saturday at 10:00 pm.

Operation Clean Wokha result deferred ULB elections: Wards reserved for women tremely busy schedules of the implementing partners, the result is still undecided, the release said. The decision of the winning colonies and institutions will be determined with all the marks the colonies and institutions have garnered since its launching in April. Colonies with responsible citizens putting effort in cleanliness, effective & judicious usage of electricity, maintaining tranquility etc are on the profiting end, whereas, colonies where efforts for the same are less seen or electricity put on unnecessarily during the day lost their precious marks, it added. After thorough deliberation with the Deputy Com-

evergreen Club mkg celebrates golden jubilee The Evergreen Club Ungma, Mokokchung celebrated its glorious fifty years jubilee at Suyim Aonglenden, Ungma village, Mokokchung. The celebration was graced by C. Apok Jamir, Parliamentary Secretary for Tourism, Government of Nagaland. The chief guest congratulated the Club for its feat in achieving fifty years of its existence and for contributing in all fields including education, sports, literary and also in the cultural aspects of the society. He encouraged the club members to have a clear vision not only in the develop-

The DC Longleng recounted that during his time no good quality English education and technology were available. Their wish to get education was a big challenge but now with the availability of good education, technology and other modern communication means, he encouraged the Yachem youth to compete with the other Nagas. Referring to Bible verse, he called upon the youth to seek God first because “your brain can’t do anything without God.” He also encouraged the students to prepare well and give their competitive exams seriously instead of sitting for name sake. The students were also encouraged not to depend on political ground for job and also challenged the YSU to change the mindset and work hard with determination for better society. In the early hour of the programme, the following persons were felicitated for their achievement in different fields: • Y. Denngan Avennoho Phom - For being the first DC among the Phom • Nungshikaba Phom - For clearing NPSC as SA. • A. Denja Phom - For securing the highest mark (Subject Topper) in Environment Education in HSLC 2016. • Lengoi Namdaklee - For being awarded “Best Hip-Hop/Rap Song” during the 8th annual music award of Nagaland.

Nagaland to be telecast on Discovery Channel

was unveiled by Imtikumzuk Longkumer, Deputy Speaker, Nagaland Legislative Assembly, who was also once a secretary of the Club. The jubilee celebration was made more extravagant with a musical extravaganza where the pioneers from 1966 to 2016 performed. The Evergreen Club is one among the oldest and strong clubs existing in Ungma village. The Club aims in promoting youths in all fields of life especially in sports and education. It organizes an open volleyball tournament in the village every year to promote young talents and to encourage sports activities in the district.

missioner of Wokha, Team Metamorphosis will be announcing the result and simultaneously give away the prizes to the winners on January 26 during the Republic Day programme. Meanwhile, the Team Metamorphosis acknowledged every individual and group who has contributed towards the success of the programme and prayed that “the Love everlasting which God sent to this world on Christmas will rest and abide one and all.” It may be mentioned that Operation Clean Wokha was officially launched on April 25, 2016 at a function organized by the NVBDCP in commemoration of the World Malaria Day.

Dimapur, December 21 (mexN): The Municipal Affairs Department has informed of the various wards to be reserved for women in the ensuing urban local body elections. This was informed in a notification today. They include Kohima Municipal Council (Ward No 3, 6, 9, 12, 15 and 18); Dimapur Municipal Council (Ward No 3, 6, 9, 12, 15, 18, 21 and 1); Mokokchung Town Council (Ward No 3, 6, 9, 12, 15 and 18); Mon Town Council (Ward No 3, 6, 9 and 1); Tuensang Town Council (Ward No 3, 6, 9 and 12); Zunheboto Town Council (Ward No 3, 6, 9 and 12); Wokha Town Council (Ward No 3, 6, 9, 12 and 15); Kiphire Town Council (Ward No 3, 6, 9 and 1); Phek Town Council (Ward No 3, 6, 9 and 1); Peren Town Council (Ward No 3, 6 and 9); Longleng Town Council (Ward No 3, 6, 9 and 1); Chumukedima Town Council (Ward No 3, 6, 9 and 1); Medziphema Town Coun-

cil (Ward No 3, 6 and 9); Tseminyu Town Council (Ward No 3, 6 and 9); Pfutsero Town Council (Ward No 3, 6, 9 and 1); Tuli Town Council (Ward No 3, 6 and 9), Changtongya Town Council (Ward No 3, 6, 9 and 1); Jalukie Town Council (Ward No 3, 6 and 9); Naginimora Town Council (Ward No 3, 6 and 9); Shamator Town Council (Ward No 3, 6, 9 and 1), Noklak Town Council (Ward No 3, 6 and 9); Meluri Town Council (Ward No 3, 6 and 9); Aboi Town Council (Ward No 3, 6 and 9); Mangkolemba Town Council (Ward No 3, 6 and 9); Longkhim Town Council (Ward No 3, 6 and 9); Bhandari Town Council (Ward No 3, 6 and 9); Tobu Town Council (Ward No 3, 6 and 9); Tizit Town Council (Ward No 3, 6 and 9); East Dimapur Town Council (Ward No 3, 6, 9 and 1); Tening Town Council (Ward No 3, 6 and 9); Pungro Town Council (Ward No 3, 6 and 9); and Chozuba Town Council (Ward No 3, 6 and 9).

MLA Azo Nienu proposes setting up goodwill mission Our Correspondent Kikrüma | December 21

Expressing concern at the situation in Manipur, MLA Kuzholuzo (Azo) Nienu today proposed setting up a goodwill mission to be sent to Manipur in order to allow good sense to prevail and normalcy to return, and also for the safety of the Nagas in Manipur. He urged either the civil society or the government to take up the matter. He stated it is necessary to live in peace and harmony with neighbors as since time immemorial the Meiteis and Nagas have lived together as brother and neighbors. He said this while gracing the 58th general session of Kikrüma Students’ Union (KSU) at GHS Kikrüma under Phek district. Azo also said that the imposition of economic blockade is unconstitutional

as economic strangulation can lead to famine, hunger, thirst and death. “It's in violation to the Christian principles. And we as Christians must refrain from such activities and such activities should be stopped and called off,” the MLA stated. Regarding the Good Governance Day, Azo appreciated the stand of the government and supported Chief Minister, TR Zeliang’s stand requesting the Government of India to observe the day on some other convenient day, so as not to hurt the Christian community. Azo stated that it would be more appropriate if Good Governance Day is observed on March19, as stated by CM, the day Atal Bihari Vajpayee became the PM of India for the second term, as “good governance came into light during his second tenure.”

YYsU meeting on December 27 Deputy Controller of Lm&CP Dimapur, December 21 (mexN): All the executive members of Yaongyimchen Students’ Union (YYSU) and presidents of its sub units have been informed that the 54th general meeting of the union will be held on December 27, 9:00 am at the union’s library hall. In this regard, the executives of the union will meet on December 26, 4:00 pm at the union’s library hall. A press release from the union informed that all the agendas must be submitted on the said meeting. A fine of Rs. 500 will be imposed on the absentees, the release added. All the executives of YYSU and presidents of its sub units have been requested to attend the meeting without fail.

TSU 60th anniversary celebration pheK, December 21 (mexN): The 60th anniversary of Tsüswüzu Students’ Union (TSU) will be celebrated on December 26 and 27 with Chotisuh Sazo, Speaker, NLA as the chief guest and Zaveyi Nyekha, retired Principal Director, School Education as special guest. The Music and Art Festival in commemoration to the 60th anniversary event will be held on December 26, 4:00 pm in the Amphitheatre arena, Netaji Peak. Meanwhile, the general

session of TSU will be held on December 27 at 10:00 am with the unveiling of the monolith at 9:30 am by the chief guest. The TSU has requested all citizens of Tsüswüzumi Village to come and be a part of the celebration. It also informed all the students of Tsüswüzu to attend the event without fail. Meanwhile, the union also requested all the students who are graded in ‘Outstanding’ category to submit a photocopy of the academic mark sheet to the office of TSU.

retires; farewell prog held

Kohima, December 21 (mexN): The Legal Metrology & Consumer Protection (LM&CP) Department, Government of Nagaland bid farewell to L. Nokcha, Deputy Controller of Legal Metrology & Consumer Protection on December 16. The function was held at the conference hall of the Controller of Legal Metrology & Consumer Protection, Kohima. Assistant Controller and President of the Legal Metrology & Consumer Protection Service Association said that the retirement of L. Nokcha was a loss for the department “since he was a sincere, dedicated officer who contributed a lot for the welfare of the association and the department,” informed a press release. Sashimela, Registrar underlined that it was not about winning or losing but completion of fruitful service career. Bizo M. Kuotsu, Joint Controller & HoD of Legal Metrology &

Consumer Protection congratulated the retiring officer for attaining superannuation in good health and acknowledged him for his sincere and selfless service to the department in all the assigned tasks. He stated that L. Nokcha was one of the most trusted officers of the department who contributed a lot for the department “curing the transitional stage of growth after the retirement of its pioneers.” The family of L. Nokcha thanked the government for giving him the chance to serve the government which in turn helped their family. L. Nokcha in his farewell speech expressed that he was satisfied with his service to the department as it was a wholehearted dedication to his job and urged the staff of the department to work with sincerity for the government. The programme was chaired by Haikambe, Assistant Controller (H.Q).

MEx FILE ASU office to be closed Kohima, December 21 (mexN): On account of Christmas festival and New Year, the office of the Angami Students' Union (ASU) will remain closed from December 22 to January 10. Informing this through a release, ASU president, Dievi-o Yano has also wished all a Merry Christmas and a blessed New Year.

ESI Scheme Dispensary to close for Christmas, New Year Dimapur, December 21 (mexN): The ESI Scheme Dispensary, Dimapur will remain closed from December 23 till January 1 on account of Christmas and New Year. A press release from Administrative Medical Officer of the dispensary has requested all the IPs and their dependants to visit Dimapur Hospital and Research Centre for any emergency or medical care during the period.

NCSU office closed from Dec 22-Jan 15 Kohima, December 21 (mexN): The Nagaland Contractors’ & Suppliers’ Union (NCSU) head office Kohima has informed all the bonafide members of NCSU that its office will be closed from December 22 – January 15 for Christmas & New Year holiday. However, for all emergency purposes, roster of duty has been made available during the holiday period, stated a press release from NCSU president, Pele Khezhie and general secretary, John Kath. Meanwhile, the Nagaland Contractors’ & Suppliers’ Union conveyed Christmas greetings to all the bonafide members and a blessed New Year 2017.


thursday 22•12•2016



The Power of Truth

The Morung Express volume Xi issue 351 By Aheli moitra

Now, more than ever


his week, as one carnival in Dimapur flowed into the other, a young woman was seen yelling at an old woman for the latter to empty a spot both had landed up mistakenly booking to sell their goods. Along with her band of boys, the young woman managed to bully the lone old woman out of the stall, who was then left to fend for herself with some help from the organizers. The night before, as the previous carnival ended, a big band of Dimapur's policemen with lathis and aggression galore barked orders at some young people chatting with each other at the end of a long night. They were not allowed to peacefully inhabit a public space for reasons unknown and the police showed off their powers to bully people from enjoying the perks of being citizens of a free nation. This week, we saw videos emerging from Manipur of people mercilessly pulling out other people’s bags with neatly folded, and probably hard earned, clothing to toss it into open fire before upturning the bus that the bags and their owners were found in. In turn, more buses were burnt. Last week, we saw the Nagaland police use their position of power to harm a group of peaceful protestors with tear gas and water cannon. The police gathered at the protest site were themselves filled with fear from the first moment on and applied only direct orders instead of their hearts and minds to the situation. In all of the above situations, individual and collective response has steered far from the virtues of coexistence. Everywhere, we seem to have bypassed empathy—to understand what it is to be in the other’s shoe. We have, thus, forgone compassion towards each other while operating as members of society. We seem to be going to war to make peace, or a moderately workable temporary situation we call peace. As the future unfolds, what will these scenarios lead to? As part of the same community, will the young woman be able to work with the older woman? Will the Police not want to function as part of their community when they shed their uniform? Would they treat their children just as violently? How long will reconciliation between the many peoples of Manipur take following the violence? In the philosophy of the late Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., action against injustice must be taken in a way that sees reconciliation and building a beloved community, or shared humanity, as its goal. For this to happen, nonviolence must become a way of life driven by the force of love—not romantic or friendly love, but the kind of love that one reflects towards all of humanity and progresses accordingly. Agape Love. It is difficult to be faced with an extreme violent situation and be asked to apply love and nonviolence. But larger nonviolent responses to issues can be drawn when we begin to apply nonviolence—reflect upon issues with love instead of hatred—towards everyday issues. So, if the young woman had shown a little compassion towards the elder and set up her stall elsewhere, it would have saved time and given rise to an unknown loving relationship with her community elder. If the police feared the intent of the youth gathered in a public area, they could have done their duty well of protecting them, or alternatively asking them politely to not create problems, or even leave. Manipur can begin a number of processes of dialogue with open minds and hearts that look beyond colonial structures of domination. The same applies to the State structure and its agents in Nagaland. Now, more than ever, may be harsh times of violence, but they are hopeful times for nonviolence. Merry Christmas! from


Alex Whiting Thomson Reuters Foundation

Boosting women farmers would dramatically cut world hunger


f women farmers were given the same access to land, tools and credit as men, the boost to crop yields would dramatically cut world hunger, but this must be done fast before climate change closes the window of opportunity, hunger experts said on December 16. Agricultural yields would increase by almost a third if women had the same access to resources as men, said Neven Mimica, European Union commissioner for international cooperation and development. "As a result, there would be up to 150 million fewer hungry people in the world," he told a meeting of experts and government representatives, gathered at the U.N. Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) to find ways of helping women farmers. Children also have significantly better prospects for the future when their mothers are healthy, wealthy and educated, he added. "If we are serious about putting an end to poverty and hunger once and for all, then we all need to step up our support for rural women," he said. Women and girls make up 60 percent of the chronically hungry - often eating last and least in the family - Mauritian President Ameenah Gurib-Fakim told the meeting. They make up 45 percent of the agricultural work force - rising to 60 percent in parts of Africa and Asia and own less than 20 percent of land, according to FAO. They work on average 12 hours a week more than men in developing countries, and reinvest up to 90 percent of their earnings back into their households, the U.N. agency said. CLIMATE RISK Climate change is increasing the frequency and severity of droughts in many parts of the world and changing temperature and rainfall patterns, requiring investment in new crops and techniques in many areas. "In the absence of concerted effort to address the gender gap in agriculture in the context of the changing climate, rural women are at risk of being trapped in a downward spiral," said Maria Noel Vaeza, director of programmes at U.N. Women. "Conversely, key initiatives that address this gap such as secure land tenure, greater financial inclusion and access to information and markets - are also essential to accelerate the adoption of climate smart agriculture," she said. Climate smart agriculture includes reducing the amount of greenhouse gas emissions from agriculture which with forestry and changes in land use contributes 21 percent of global emissions - and adapting to the impacts of climate change.


Rina Chandran Thomson Reuters Foundation

Corruption and caste keep poor from owning land in north India


or decades, Kunta lived in a hut outside Kachhidih village in India's northern Uttar Pradesh state, enduring the insults of higher-caste villagers who claimed her land - which she did not legally own for grazing cattle. She dreamed of owning just a small piece of land for her family who belong to the traditionally lowcaste Dalit group. Six months ago, Kunta got her wish when the state allocated her family and eight others small plots of land a few kilometres (miles) away from their old home, after months of delays. Kunta was finally a landowner with her name on the title. Reached by a dirt track through a field, the land is some distance from the highway. There is one solar lamp post and a hand pump spewing muddy water. Huts cobbled together with straw, mud and plastic offer scant protection from the winter chill. Yet Kunta, who goes by her first name, is hopeful. "The place we lived in before was our home for many years, but it did not belong to us. The villagers harassed us and officials asked us for bribes in exchange for titles," she said. "This is our land; perhaps we can save some money, plan for our future, for our children. No one can chase us away because we own this land," she told the Thomson Reuters Foundation. Landless Dalits like Kunta are at the bottom of India's age-old social hierarchy, denied land ownership and facing slights and discrimination every day from upper-caste Hindus. Despite evidence linking landlessness and poverty, and laws to help people secure small plots of land on which to build a home and eke out a living, roughly 56 percent of India's rural households -- about 100 million families -- remain landless. Most belong to low-caste or indigenous communities. "The main issue is not non-availability of land, it is corruption and caste," said Ramesh Sharma, a senior official at rights group Ekta Parishad, which has lobbied the government for years for land for the landless poor. "Getting land allocated is in itself a challenge, then local revenue officials often ask for bribes to release the titles. High-caste villagers may object and delay it further because they just don't want these people to get land," he said. HOMESTEAD PLOTS Uttar Pradesh is the country's most populous state, with a population of about 200 million. Dalits make up more than a fifth of the state's population, but wield little power. India banned caste-based discrimination in 1955, but centuries-old atti-

tudes persist, and lower-caste groups including Dalits are among the most marginalised communities. But Sarnath Prajapati, a revenue officer of the state, denied that caste is keeping Dalits from getting land, or that there are long delays and corruption in land allocation. "We have allocated land to the maximum extent possible. It is a priority for the state," Prajapati said. "Sometimes, the land that is allocated may be in use by someone. Then we talk to them, and that takes time. Sometimes we have to bring the police to resolve the situation," he said. Activist Jignesh Mevani is leading a campaign for land, asking that states give 5 acres (2 hectares) of land to each landless Dalit family so they can earn a living. The previous federal government had drafted a National Rural Homestead Bill in 2013 to provide plots measuring about 4,400 square metres (47,361 sq ft) each to landless families. But the draft bill was never presented in parliament for approval. Prime Minister Narendra Modi, who came to power in 2014, met Ekta Parishad officials earlier this year and assured them that the bill remained a priority, Sharma said. A few states including West Bengal, Odisha and Karnataka have drawn up their own laws for land allocation, giving government land and excess private land to the landless.

Homestead plots, measuring just one-tenth of an acre, can deliver "significant economic and nutritional benefits", with space to grow food, build a home, keep small livestock, and for other livelihood options, according to land advocacy Landesa. But in India's fast growing economy, demand for land for industrial and development projects is increasing, and land allocation is beset with challenges, Landesa said. "Identification of the landless is challenging, available land for distribution is often encroached upon by dominant interests and land management committees are often not functional," said Shipra Deo, Landesa's Uttar Pradesh state director. "Above all, caste is a big factor and very difficult to overcome, as it is so entrenched and so sensitive," she said. 'BAD PEOPLE' In Uttar Pradesh's Jaunpur district, landless Dalits bear the brunt of this ancient caste discrimination. In Kachhidih village and Tardih village, Dalits are not allowed to work or live close to higher-caste people. In Kachhidih, one Dalit man was beaten up so badly after his goat entered someone else's land that he is now bedridden and cannot work, Kunta said. Land allocated to Kunta and her neighbours was not handed over for months as other villagers argued over the proximity of the land

to their fields, said village headman Madhukar Dwivedi. More than 100 families are still awaiting their titles for land that has been allocated to them, he said. "In our society, there are good people and bad people. Some people don't want these people to get land, they just want them to live under them, in their control always," Dwivedi said. "I want to give the titles, but I have to get the backing of the village council. There is a system, and not everyone in the system supports giving them titles," he said. It is the same situation in Tardih, where members of the semi-nomadic Nat community who lived for decades near the village, faced harassment and delays in getting their land titles, said Najma Ahmed, one of the oldest residents. Five families recently received titles to small plots of land some distance from the village, and have built rickety huts a few metres from a stagnant pool covered in green slime. "The villagers said we were living on their land for free. But they wouldn't let us work there," said Ahmed, who like other women in this Muslim community wears glass bangles and a red sindoor on her forehead like married Hindu women do. "At least here we can build homes, give them to our kids. It isn't much, but where else can we go? This is all we have."

Indigenous rights: Canadian PM’s elephant in the room Jasmine Andersson New Internationalist

The Canadian PM had promised change to the treatment of First Nations, but Jasmine Andersson shows how hopes have been frustrated thus far


s Liberal Party leader and Canadian Prime Minister, Justin Trudeau has charmed the Western world. His ability to take a good selfie and add gender balance to his cabinet combine to present him as a modern man with a progressive plan of action. But as Canada’s indigenous sovereignty movement, Idle No More, have argued, ‘the Trudeau government has made a portfolio of photo opportunities and handshakes, and that is all that is happening for our people.’ Clinching the election thanks to a rise in indigenous Canadian voters, Trudeau promised the Native community ‘Nation to Nation’ pledges of reform, equality and respect in federal Canadian politics. Yet, a year into his presidency, Trudeau is proving to have as dire a track record on indigenous policy as his Conservative predecessor, Stephen Harper. As his government has failed to back the United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples (UNDRIP), and to keep the greed of big business at bay to hold sacred tribal land safe from the threat of oil spillages, the work of Trudeau’s government has been thrown into disregard by a score of failed promises to the record-

ed 1,400,685 aboriginal people frustratingly early into his administration. It all began to unravel when Trudeau promised the parliamentary adoption of the UNDRIP. He approved it in May 2016, only to promptly discard it two months later in July. The declaration advocates indigenous providence and rights in 143 countries, with Canada being one of just four countries to, initially, not accept it. Although indigenous and Northern Affairs Minister Carolyn Bennett announced that Canada would be adopting UNDRIP ‘without qualification’, to unanimous applause, the honeymoon period with the Trudeau government was frustratingly short lived. The frustrations of communities that had been destroyed and marginalised by Harper found a new home in Trudeau’s administration. The former Conservative leader apologised for the systemic level of abuse in the Reserve school system that educated indigenous Canadians, but then refused to take on UNDRIP. That, coupled with his avid denial of land treaties and the plight of Canada’s missing and murdered indigenous women, gave momentum to hopes that Trudeau would be the man to take UNDRIP forward. Although promises of a more progressive and flexible declaration have been made by Justice Minister Jody Wilson-Raybould, in rebuttal to the ‘simplistic’ document, the trust of indigenous communities has been destroyed by Trudeau’s first betrayal. As thousands gathered last month to protest the Trans-Mountain pipeline through sacred tribal lands in Vancouver,

Trudeau has selectively forgotten the environmental and cultural catastrophe of a pipeline extension at the cost of the Native peoples. Although Trudeau believes that there can be an ‘indigenous’ stake in the $8.6 billion dollar pipeline expansion, the controversial plan has been taken forward in his first term of power, to the protests of thousands of British Columbia residents. Some of these proposals, like the Trans Pipeline (plans to extend the longest gas pipe line in Canada with the threat of a devastating oil spill in Native territory) and the Pacific NorthWest LNG plant on Lelu Island (installation of the new plant that is set to destroy sacred land and the second-largest salmon run in the country) were approved under Harper’s administration, but Trudeau’s Liberals are happily riding under the guise that the plans were out of their control. Conversely, these proposals have also seen the concept of free, prior informed consent rapidly abandoned. Not only have the rights of indigenous communities that inhabit these lands continued to be ignored – the Liberal administration has not informed these communities of their plans in the first place. Chief Yahaan of the Gitwilgyoots, who will see his tribal lands affected by the Pacific NorthWest LNG plant, recently described the announcement as akin to ‘slapped in the face’. ‘He could have had the common courtesy out of his office to give us an indication that this was coming,’ said the Chief. ‘But there was nothing.’ Trudeau’s administration has stayed true to one important promise. In the cases of Canada’s missing and murdered indigenous women, the way Trudeau’s government handle the


national inquiry is a matter of life or death. Although Harper’s government refused to call the disproportionate level of missing and murdered indigenous women in Canada a sociological phenomenon, the high level of indigenous female homicides fall into a disturbingly clear pattern. These women have tended to be the most vulnerable in Canadian society, and indigenous families are desperate to bring their relatives to justice. Royal Canadian Mounted Police figures indicate that over the last three decades, 1,200 indigenous women have been murdered or are still missing, and as indigenous and Northern Affairs Minister Carolyn Bennett suggests, the true, unrecorded figure is ‘way, way worse’. As Trudeau’s government launch the inquiry with trepidation, indigenous communities have expressed their concern that the investigation may be worth nothing more than the paper it is written on. Unfortunately, none of this is new. For Metis, First Nation and Inuit communities, every single government in Canadian history has offered false promises, and Trudeau’s administration needed to make records, not discords, in its prioritization and care in implementing progressive indigenous policy. When Trudeau made such ardent promises to the Canadian Native community in order to return to ‘24 Sussex Drive’, the Prime Minister’s residence, he needs to ensure that he is not another false friend to a group that have suffered one hundred and fifty years of betrayal. Even though the Liberals have taken power, little has changed for indigenous Canada.

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Thursday 22•12•2016



Fake News or Hypernews? I “T


Feminism Helps Villagers Coexist with Drought in Northeast Brazil

Peter Isackson

ture and undermining democracy.

Fair Observer

t is incumbent on our educational systems to make an effort to help the young become more discerning. During this interregnum between the administrations of the two American presidents, fake news has become the biggest and most consistent story in the media. The screenwriters of this unfolding drama have given Russia the starring role—particularly the Democrats, who offer it partly as an explanation of why they lost. But Facebook is also among the accused as the most prominent amplifying medium of fake news. Pursuing the idea that Russia is the lead player in the global exploitation of fake news, The Washington Post achieved the summit of hyperreality when it published the ultimate fake news item: an article claiming as a fact that specific websites— most of them famously independent but critical of the establishment—are “routine peddlers of Russian propaganda.” It was a clear case of invented news purporting to expose sincere news outlets as purveyors of fake news. When innuendo becomes the basis of news, we know that we have gone beyond everyday reality. But what do we really know? Confronted with a plethora of media sources, what is our notion of reality? What is it based on? What anchors it? Recent events should help us to acknowledge that we are now living in an age of hyperreality, a concept first proposed by the late French sociologist and philosopher Jean Baudrillard. Hyperreality replaces reality in our minds and conditions our perception of the world. As political theorist Andrew Robinson comments in his definition of hyperreality: “It is as if, at a certain point of time, we left reality behind, and never noticed until now. We can no longer tell the former reality from hyperreality, and we wouldn’t know if reality returned.” ACKNOWLEDGING HYPERREALITY Last week at Online Educa Berlin, the prestigious conference on educational technology, I was a speaker in a session on the theme of disinformation, with a focus on the issue of fake news. We asked the question: What can education do about it? There were no simple answers but everyone on the panel and in the audience agreed that it was incumbent on our educational systems to make an effort to help the young become more discerning. In a public session of that kind we shouldn’t expect much more than an expression of good intentions. I’d like to take this opportunity to push the debate a step further, with a more focused approach, one with potentially far-reaching implications. Because we need to understand the actual world we live in, I would now suggest that our schools and educators find a way of integrating Jean Baudrillard’s notion of hyperreality into the curriculum in order to teach a new generation to distinguish between the real and the simulacra produced by media, government and our official education programs. A week before the US presidential election I offered a satirical take on Donald Trump’s imagined morning-after speech, at a point where he was on the brink of victory. In it the unambiguously hyperreal candidate confessed that, influenced by his reading of the man he called Pierre Baudrillard (aren’t all Frenchmen called Pierre?), his entire campaign had been designed as a demonstration that US culture had definitively become disastrously hyperreal. Only by pushing hyperreality further through his own outlandish campaign could Americans begin to realize that the real the nation is faced with is “to make America real again.” The 18-month campaign of gratuitous racism, outrageous prevarication and sexual aggression was nothing more than Trump’s prolonged teaching moment to enlighten the nation. Though intended as ridiculous satire, I’m not convinced today that I was wrong, at least concerning the effect, if not Trump’s intentions. Since his election, the buzz around fake news has turned into a roar, a as clear an indicator as anyone could wish that we are all confused about the distinction between reality and hyperreality. Acknowledgement always precedes understanding. I’m hopeful that we can recognize Trump’s unwitting contribution to our future political and cultural enlightenment. At the same time, I’m fearful that the roar will drown the wisdom we should in better circumstances be able to draw from the drama. Which is why we really do need to find a way of navigating between reality on the one hand (how we live our lives) and hyperreality, or how the media, advertising and political discourse condition us to believe our lives are structured. Among the ingredients of hyperreality are celebrity culture, sensationalism (always the best way to make a splash and an easy buck), the chutzpah to stand up in public and distort obvious truth without batting an eyelash, and the idea that monetary success is the sole objective behind every citizen’s “pursuit of happiness.” Trump himself as a person and through his ambition represents all these hyperreal trends, which is why his election is the superficial demonstration of a deeper perversion of democracy, civic

virtue and social ethics in the US. Trump speare’s play, we must consider Hamlet as president-elect is the symptom. We not as Shakespeare’s mouthpiece but must now address the disease. as a character, with a point of view built from within his fictional context. We read WHAT EDUCATION CAN DO Hamlet’s words to discover the characThe first thing we need to accept is the ter’s point of view and compare it to other basic psychological principal that par- characters’ words. This allows us to tease tially representing, exaggerating or mis- out Shakespeare’s intentions. representing the truth is a normal human A real journalist—writing “true” or action and is to be expected every time an “fake” news or even “fictional news” such ulterior motive exists. Politics, the media as satire—is also a character expressing and marketing provide clear examples of intentions through a style and not just rethis. The motive will always to be either to porting facts. In the video clip above, the get votes, attract eyeballs (for ratings) or British comic Jonathan Pie uses the charmake sales. The politician proposes but acter or persona he has created for his doesn’t necessarily deliver a commit- own satire, a frustrated television news ment to enact policies. The media pro- reporter speaking on camera before the poses sincerely reported information and official take that will be broadcast. Here “honest” entertainment. The marketer he delivers to his cameraman his personpromises satisfaction after purchase. al point of view that “all news is fake.” We all know or at least sense what The solemn pundits we do see on we could call a normal level of hypoc- television are now in the habit of telling risy, but through lack of attention to the us that we simply need to distinguish processes at play our education and cul- between the serious mainstream meture encourage us to believe that sincer- dia, presumably dedicated to reporting ity and adhesion to the truth constitute truthful news, and fake news. Pie uses his the norm in all human communication. persona to remind us that all news is disLies or exaggerations are therefore a de- course, which means it may be as much viation from the norm. entertainment and hidden agendas as it Such a belief fails to highlight a fun- is access to the truth. This is an angle of damental distinction. Strong personal perception we need to be aware of but social bonds—in family or friendship— which is carefully hidden from us by both actually do require a high but not nec- the media and our education systems. essarily absolute level of sincerity. The weaker and less personal the bond, the BUYER’S REGRET more amplitude exists for bending the For the past few years a convergence truth and eventually promoting hyper- of crises—employment, finance, educareality. Technological prowess and mass tion—have led politicians and pundits marketing not only of goods but also of to the conclusion that the key to makpoliticians and policies inevitably push ing education effective is to focus on us into the realm of hyperreality. STEM: Science, Technology, EngineerThis should be evident to everyone. ing, Mathematics. Implicit in that mesBut pronouncing such simple easy-to- sage is the idea that other subjects, and understand principles has no effect be- in particular the arts and humanities, cause the formulation remains abstract. are of marginal importance. Alas, our education system slavishly In the US, it’s difficult to be for someadores abstraction, which means that thing without being against something we rarely apply to our lives and to sur- else, even when the two are complemenrounding reality what we were expected tary. With the realization that STEM corto know and even tested on at school but responds to the needs of key industries promptly forgot once the test was over. and the prospect of good jobs, the libWe should understand—as many peo- eral arts have come under attack. Even ple now do—that schooling must not be those who defend the liberal arts, such as about pronouncing facts and instilling Alison Byerly, president of Lafayette Colwhat we believe to be the conventional lege, do so timidly, pleading for tolerance truth but rather about cultivating the rather than inclusion: “The emerging and learner’s ability to seek meaning in a wide new emphasis on science and engineerrange of experience and research. ing is valid, but you still need liberal arts So here’s my suggestion for the future thinkers applied in other fields.” of education. The campaign to impose STEM and abandon everything else has gained NEWS AS A LITERARY GENRE strength. One Georgetown University The first thing we all need to get professor, Anthony Carnevale, cited in straight is this simple fact. News is a liter- a New York Times article provides the ary genre. We therefore need to under- reasoning: “The problem is that educastand what literature is, not simply who tion is now the principal determinant of wrote which great books. Literary genres earnings, and we pay no attention to it have rules. Novelists know what readers at all. That’s gone too far. There’s a lot of expect from a novel. Playwrights under- buyers’ regret out there.” stand that the success of everything they This may be the first time in hisproduce depends on audience response tory that education has been assessed to the emotion and style of the play they in terms of buyer’s regret. It tells us how are writing. Journalists know the rules far we’ve gone in the commodification about communicating “information.” of higher education. In this age of cripEach writer plays by the rules of the pling student debt, a university educagenre. Journalists are also writers. But tion is all about getting the biggest bang the journalist’s case is a little more com- for your buck. In the same article we learn plex. A journalist who works for a media that “frustrated by soaring tuition costs, outlet not only plays by the specific rules crushing student loan debt and a lack of of the outlet but, it would be fair to say, skilled workers, particularly in science as often as not is also played by them, in and technology, more and more states the service of a not always transparent have adopted the idea of rewarding pubeditorial policy, a planned strategy to lic colleges and universities for churning appeal to a specific audience. out students educated in fields seen as Creative writers have much great- important to the economy.” er independence but they still have to Capitalistic logic rather than cultural work within and sometimes around continuity now regulates educational the rules. In their case, rather than just policy, at least for higher education where playing by the rules, good writers of- universities have become businesses and ten play with the rules, shifting them students customers. I should also point around to create effects of perspective out that the emphasis on STEM exaceror simply get a jolt out of their readers. bates inequality in that it reinforces the They often play on the rules, making perception that there are a limited numfun of them in the process, highlighting ber of well-paid jobs reserved for the the rules themselves as absurd. most disciplined and ambitious. This game with, around or on the rules That principle certainly resonates became a staple of modernism in the 20th with US culture, which thrives on the nocentury. James Joyce, for example, starts tion of rewarding supposed merit in a Finnegan’s Wake in mid-sentence. The competitive race. That may explain why reader must wait until the final paragraph few see the risk this represents for socito read the truncated beginning of the ety at the very moment in history where same sentence. Schooled readers take many see growing inequality as the greatthis as an erudite joke. But they may also est threat to the social order. see it as a clever invitation by the author to To some extent we might conclude return to the beginning and begin reading that given its specific economy higher edit again because the Joyce believed it’s im- ucation is a lost cause. That is why my propossible to make any sense of Finnegan’s posal to see education as the key to solving Wake at first reading. On another level, it the problem of our relationship with false can be interpreted as an invitation for the news focuses on schooling, primary and reader to think about Giambattista Vico’s secondary, not higher education. To the cyclical notion of history, a key to the extent that schooling itself is increasingly seen as a preparation either for STEM restructure of Joyce’s thought. In other words, writers feel com- lated higher education or—as progrespelled to honor the rules of the genre sives such as Robert Reich advocate—for they are writing in, but as often as not cre- technical training, this may also be a lost ative writers will, in the words of Hamlet, cause. Instrumentalizing education with honor them “more … in the breach than respect to prospects for future earnings ulthe observance.” To understand Shake- timately means impoverishing social cul-

TWO MILLENNIA OF CIVILIZATION Once upon a time, going back to Aristotle and continuing forward into the 18th century, the humanities were the staples of European education. Because the world we live in today is dominated by the highly competitive notion of accelerating technological progress and because education itself is seen as a race to the top (implicitly leaving the slower behind), we increasingly accept the idea that the liberal arts are useless because they contribute nothing to a child’s future earnings. In a society that in the name of austerity restricts budgets on everything public (except war) and sees education as a burden on the community, the study of language (literature and rhetoric), of the construction of our communities and nations (history), of the expression of our voices, rhythms and harmonies (music) and of the principles that underlie rational discourse (logic, ethics, philosophy) appear as unnecessary expenses. The ancient Greeks saw them as essential. There was a reason why Aristotle and more than two millennia of civilization included them as the basis of education. They combine to construct a rich and vibrant culture, networks of understanding and enquiry. They thus help to provide the foundations of mutual trust through the sharing of different forms of understanding and empathy. Take music for example. For Aristotle music consisted of understanding the structure and emotional force of the formal modes (scales) as played on different instruments. Musical education played a key role in creating social harmony. In the late Middle Ages and beyond, music was taught and practiced as increasingly sophisticated harmony, polyphony and counterpoint. Today music has become an industry producing downloadable pop songs. The bases of harmony and rhythm and their practice have been either banished or marginalized from our schools and communities. Plato defines rhetoric as the art of persuasion. Rhetoric and literature stand together as the means of interpreting discourse and intention, a fundamental skill needed to decipher the fake news that so worries us today. Literary studies and rhetorical science enable us to assess the persona who is speaking (or writing) permitting us to understand the multiple effects of perspective in any discourse. Philosophy provides us with both the logical and ethical bearings that permit judgement of praxis, taking into account the relationship between causes and effects in our real lives, rather than the artificial simulacra of the hyperreality thrust upon us by the media. Finally, history is the study of human interaction in the past that opens our perspective on the choices available to us in the present, once again in the reality of people’s lives, of people faced with real decisions. DOES ANYONE CARE? This is the real question. Hyperreality replaces reality to the point that we become more interested in maintaining it than in correcting what it seriously gets wrong. President-elect Trump is a living demonstration of the fact that we have accepted the terms of hyperreality. From his point of view, it is as if we have signed a contract with him to be governed by the hyperreal order. And, as all Americans know, contracts are binding. If there is a solution it won’t be political, which means it won’t be achieved by attempting to cancel the contract. Education is the key—an education that teaches us to read and interpret, to become aware of and understand multiple perspectives rather than just contrasting points of view, an education that enables us to distinguish between the personae who send us the messages, true, false or simply distorted by their private interest. How do we acquire these simple but powerful reading skills? Not by focusing exclusively on STEM, not by calculating how much future revenue we will earn to pay back the debt acquired after enrolling in the cynical enterprises that call themselves universities and sell us their diplomas at an exorbitant price. Maybe if Jean Baudrillard’s wise observations were introduced into the middle and high school curricula alongside some kind of historical account of philosophy and an appreciation of the role of rhetoric in social and political life; maybe if musical instruction allowed us to understand how society itself is constructed, how people work creatively and collaboratively together according to the dynamic principles of harmony and rhythm— maybe then we would be less prone to being hoodwinked by fake news. Peter Isackson is the chief visionary officer of SkillScaper and the creator of innovative solutions for learning in the 21st century. Educated at UCLA and Oxford University, he settled in France and has worked in electronic publishing—pioneering new methods, tools and content for learning in a connected world. For more than 30 years, he has dedicated himself to R&D in the field of learning. He has authored, produced and published numerous innovative, multimedia and e-learning products on his own and partnered with major organizations such as the BBC, Heinemann and Macmillan. He has published articles in a variety of journals on culture, learning and politics. This article is being published with the permission of Fair Observer. The views expressed in this article are the author’s own and do not necessarily reflect Fair Observer’s editorial policy.

Mario Osava Inter Press Service

he vegetable garden changed my life,” said Rita Alexandre da Silva, in the village of Primeiro do Maio where 65 families have obtained land to grow crops since 1999, in this municipality in the state of Rio Grande do Norte, in Northeast Brazil. She is part of the Group of Women that organised in 2001 and adopted the slogan “United to overcome”, with the goal of having their own productive activities, reaffirming their rights and combating sexism. “I used to only stay at home or in the fields, I wasn’t allowed to go out, to go to town. With the garden I started to go to the city to sell our products in the market, over the objections of my husband and my oldest son,” Da Silva told IPS. “Bringing money home when my husband was sick” helped overcome the resistance, she said. “Now my son, who is married, has a different attitude towards his wife.” The 60-year-old mother of three grown-up children shares with five other local women one hectare of the village’s collective land, where they grow lettuce, coriander, onions, tomatoes, manioc, papayas, coconuts and other fruits and vegetables. The difficulty is transporting products to the city of Caraúbas, 22 km away. The women hire a truck for 25 dollars, and they also have to pay for the maintenance and cleaning up of the stand where they sell their produce. “We get up at two in the morning every Saturday to get to the market,” said Antonia Damiana da Silva, a 41-yearold mother of four. But “our life has changed for the better, we eat what we produce, without poisonous chemicals, and we are different people, more free, we decide what we’re going to do and tell our husbands,” she said. The village was created by families of farmers who lived in the surrounding areas, without land of their own, who occupied an unproductive piece of land. Their first attempt to occupy it lasted 18 days in 1997, when the owners of the land obtained a court order to evict them. Two years later, they tried again, and the National Institute of Colonization and Land Reform assigned each family 13 hectares and a good house in the “agro village”. They were also awarded a common area for the community association building, for raising livestock, and for growing fruits and vegetables. “Agro villages” in Brazil are rural settlements created in isolated areas, where houses and community and service facilities are concentrated near the plots of land. They form part of the government’s land reform programme, and offer previously landless farmers urban advantages such as schools, health posts and in some cases sewerage. The drought which has dragged on for five years in the semiarid Northeast is all too evident in the grey vegetation, apparently dead, throughout the entire ecosystem exclusive to Brazil known as the caatinga. But its low and twisted bush-like trees tend to turn green a few hours after it rains, even if it barely sprinkled. The Primeiro do Maio agro village appears in the landscape almost like an oasis, because of the green of its trees and of the vegetable garden and orchard, populated by birds and other animals. The traditional crops grown by the families, mostly corn and beans, were lost to the drought. But the community garden is still productive, irrigated with well water and managed according to the principles of agro-ecology, such as crop diversity and better use of natural resources, including straw. They receive technical assistance and support from Diaconía, a non-profit social organisation composed of 11 evangelical churches, which are very active in the Northeast. The income from the garden empowers the women, particularly in times of drought when the local crops are failing. But because of the difficulties in getting the produce to market, and the prevailing but rarely mentioned sexism, the Group shrank from 23 to six members, who work in the garden and sell their produce in Caraúbas. The garden, irrigated without any water wastage, is based on a production model promoted by Networking in Brazil’s Semi-Arid Region (ASA), which groups together some 3,000 social organisations in the Northeast, including trade unions, religious groups and non-governmental organisations. “Coexisting with the semi-arid” is its slogan, in contrast to the former official policy of ”fighting drought” which generated one failure after another, with the construction of big dams, aqueducts and canals that do not provide solutions to the most vulnerable: poor peasant farmers scattered throughout rural areas. The Primeiro do Maio village was one of eight places visited by participants in the National Meeting of ASA, which drew about 500 people Nov. 21-25 to Mossoró, a city in the state of Rio Grande do Norte, 80 km from Caraúbas. “There can be no coexistence with the semi-arid, without feminisim,” according to ASA, which supports the Group of Women and other initiatives that bolster gender equality in rural communities. The “social technologies” that drive that coexistence are in general more rapidly embraced and with more determination by women. Damiana, for example, has an arsenal of resources in the backyard of her house that enable her to assert that she enjoys “a wonderful life”. A biodigester, fed with the manure from her small livestock, provides her with cooking gas. In the village there are 10 other houses that use this technology, which consists of a sealed container where organic waste ferments until producing methane gas and natural fertilisers. “Biowater”, a chain of filters which cleans the wastewater produced in her home, makes it possible to reuse it in her vegetable garden and orchard. She also raises fish in a small three-metre-diameter tank. The fish she raises is the tilapia azul (Oreochromis niloticus), native to the Nile River, which is highly productive in fish farming. Vanusa Vieira, a 47-year-old mother of two, is another participant in the Group who works in the collective garden, although she says she prefers working with animals. “I love raising animals, I can’t live without them, I look after them from early morning to night,” she told IPS standing in her yard where she has birds, goats and a cow. “I learned from my father and mother, who had cattle and chicken,” she said. Now that she has her own house with a big yard she has an aviary and pens. But the drought has forced her to reduce the number of animals she keeps. Corn got too expensive and water is scarce, she said. And her honey production, which “helped us buy a truck,” has stalled because the woods are dry and there are no flowers, Vieira explained. But small livestock such as goats and sheep that are able to survive on limited food and water are a resource that helps families survive lengthy droughts like the one that has had the Northeast in its grip since 2012. Also important is the small subsidy that the families of the agrovillage receive from the social programme Bolsa Familia, aimed at the poorest in this country of 202 million people. In addition, some of the men work as day labourers to boost the family income, in light of the fall in production on their plots of land.

Readers may please note that, the contents of the articles published on this page do not reflect the outlook of this paper nor of the Editor in any form.


ThursDAY 22•12•2016



Modi losing friends over cash crackdown

NEW DELHI, DECEMBER 21 (REUTERS): A leading political ally of Narendra Modi has abruptly distanced himself from the Indian prime minister's move to scrap high-value banknotes, as broad initial support for the radical monetary reform showed signs of crumbling. The shift by N. Chandrababu Naidu, chief minister of Andhra Pradesh, came six weeks after Modi announced to a stunned nation that he would scrap 86 percent of the cash in circulation. While Modi remains by far India's most popular politician, any crack in his authority could have negative implications in state elections next year that will set the tone for his expected bid for a second term in 2019. Naidu's regional party is allied to Modi's nationalists and he heads a central committee set up to find ways to soften the impact on ordinary people of the crackdown against tax evaders, racketeers and bribe takers who rely on socalled "black cash". "I am breaking my head daily but we are unable

cash, mobs attacked six bank branches in Uttar Pradesh on Tuesday, forcing police to rescue bank staff. The northern state, home to one in six Indians, is due to hold an election in early 2017 that is increasingly being viewed as a referendum on Modi's demonetisation drive. In the last 20 days, Modi's Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) has won several local elections in western and northern states. Party officials said the wins were a clear endorsement of the new cash policy. "Each and every Indian understands the genuine intention behind the bold move. They trust the prime minister and we hope our Narendra Modi. (Reuters File Photo) political allies put an end to find a solution to this His announcement en- 500 rupee notes, worth to their doubts," said BJP problem," Naidu told party joyed popular support at $7.50, in very short supply spokesman Siddharth workers on Tuesday in the first, with many people pre- it is hard for people to buy Nath Singh. city of Vijayawada. pared to endure hardship necessities because of a ‘ECONOMIC SHOCK Modi, announcing the as long as others are forced shortage of change. reform on November 8, cau- to give up their ill-gotten "Modi is now a one-man TO LAST TILL MARCH’ army, every political ally will tioned that people would wealth or pay tax. The negative shock from face temporary hardship. But continuing short- blame him if the cash crisis India's ban on high-value He promised to restore nor- ages of new 500 and 2,000 does not come to an end banknotes will last until the malcy by the end of the year, rupee notes have caused in the next 10 days," said P. end of March but improved when a deadline to deposit tempers to rise as millions Raja Rao, a political science growth next year should fulold 500 and 1,000 rupee queue at banks and ATMs professor in Hyderabad. ly compensate for the loss, banknotes expires. to draw money. With new Furious over the lack of a top economic adviser to

CBI opposes bail plea of IAF ex-chief NEW DELHI, DECEMBER 21 (IANS): The Central Bureau of Investigation (CBI) on Wednesday opposed the bail plea of former Indian Air Force (IAF) chief S. P. Tyagi and others arrested in Agusta Westland chopper deal case. However, the agency sought more time from Special Judge Arvind Kumar to argue on the merits of the case stating that documents in the matter are voluminous in nature, being around two lakh pages, and it need more time to read it. The court granted more time to prepare the argument and posted the matter for Friday for further hearing. Meanwhile Tyagi's defence counsel while seeking his bail told court that his client was booked and arrested in the case without any basis.A Tyagi -- the first chief of any wing of the armed forces to be arrested in the country -- and the others were allegedly involved in irregularities in the procurement of 12 AW-101 VVIP helicopters from Britain-based AgustaWestland. Defence counsel Menaka Guruswamy told court that Tygai has nothing do with the helicopters deal and termed "baselesss" the allegation that he has hatched conspiracy to reduce the service ceiling of the helicopters from 6,000-meters to 4,500 meters to make AgustaWestland an eligible company to supply a dozen helicopters for VVIP flying duties. She said that reducing of service ceiling was taken in a meeting held by Principal Secretary to Prime Minister in November 19, 2003 and the contract was awarded in 2010, while Tyagi was IAF chief from 2004 to 2007 so he has nothing to do either with process or awarding of contract as both of them did not take place during his tenure. Citing his health condition, Tyagi's counsel told court that he is 72 years old and suffering from various ailments. Claiming innocence, former IAF chief sought bail on the ground that he has co-operated in the investigation. Tyagi's counsel said that as he is a decorated war hero, he is not fleeing from justice and will follow the conditions. Other two accused Tyagi's cousin Sanjeev Tyagi and Gautam Khaitan, a Delhi-based lawyer, also sought bail arguing that they will follow every conditions imposed by court and will not try to influence witness or tamper evidence. Khaitan's counsel Pramod Kumar Dubey also maintained the same content in his bail plea. To strengthen his plea, advocate Dubey submitted before court that Khaitan has not misused any conditions of bail granted earlier in a separate case probed by Enforcement Directorate (ED). To show solidarity to the former IAF chief in his legal battle, around ten veterans including former Air Marshals were present in the court room during the proceedings.

IT raids TN Chief Secretary’s residence

CHENNAI, DECEMBER 21 (IANS): Leaders of Tamil Nadu's opposition DMK and PMK demanded immediate dismissal of Chief Secretary P.Rama Mohana Rao, whose residence was raided on Wednesday by Income Tax officials. Raids were also conducted in several other places connected to Rao, his son and also the residence of Ramesh, Private Secretary of Tamil Nadu Chief Minister O.Panneerselvam. Speaking to reporters here, Leader of the Opposition in the Assembly M.K.Stalin said the Chief Secretary should immediately resign. The DMK leader also said that it was most important for the Chief Minister to appoint a new Chief Secretary in Rao's place. He also demanded a detailed statement from Pannerselvam on the issue. Terming it as a disgrace for the state, PMK founder S. Ramadoss demanded Rao's dismissal and legal action against him. Rao was appointed to the most important post overlooking the seniority of several other IAS officials. Meanwhile, former IAS officer and a social activist M.G.Devasahayam told IANS that the government has the power to summarily dismiss an IAS officer under the Article 311 of the Indian Constitution. "The raid has opened a Pandora's box. Corruption cannot happen in government without the connivance of corrupt bureaucrats," former IAS officer Devasahayam told IANS. He also said the central government cannot wash off its hands of its responsibility and also take credit now. "Rao superceded several senior IAS officers when he was appointed as the state Chief Secretary. Even today there are 18 IAS officers senior to him working in the state or in the central government," Devasahayam said. "The raid in Rao's residence is a great, great shame for the IAS cadre," he added.

Prime Minister Narendra Modi told Reuters. Bibek Debroy, a member of the government's main policy think tank, said on Wednesday the "demonetisation" drive would improve the fiscal position and urged the government to spend any extra revenue on public investment. By outlawing all 500 and 1,000 rupee notes in the surprise Nov. 8 announcement, the government hoped people would deposit illicit or untaxed income into banks, boosting tax collection and incentivising the millions operating in the "shadow" economy to enter the formal economy. The decision sucked 86 percent of cash out of circulation, forcing millions of people to cut outlays and clog banks in search of money, and leaving businesses struggling to pay wages. "There is certainly going to be a negative shock in Q3 and Q4 of 16/17, which should be compensated by a positive impact in 17/18," Debroy said in an interview, referring to the Indian fiscal year that runs until March. "A whole lot that was in-

formal will become formal and a bit more organised," he added. "That is a positive externality in the slightly longer term." PAIN, THEN GAIN Most economists predict a short-term hit to economic growth from demonetisation, while the Reserve Bank of India has trimmed its growth forecast for the current fiscal year by half a percentage point to 7.1 percent. Debroy, however, said it was impossible to quantify the impact, because the government does not yet know how much cash will come back into the system and what it would do with any extra tax revenue. Some economists have called for emergency fiscal stimulus to stave off a sharp slowdown, but Debroy said the government should instead focus on public investment. "I don't like the word fiscal stimulus – even before Nov. 8 there was an issue about increasing investments, both private and public," he said. "What we are talking

about is greater public investments in the form of creating assets. That requirement existed before Nov. 8." Debroy said the political fallout from demonetisation meant the government was now unlikely to meet an April 1 deadline to finalise its crucial nationwide Goods and Services Tax - the largest taxation overhaul in independent India. He said Sept. 1 was a more reasonable target. Modi needs to clinch a deal with India's 29 states on the tax, but the last parliamentary session was a washout as the opposition and government squabbled over the impact of his cash crackdown. Debroy expects the next session, set to begin before the government presents its federal budget in early February, to be more productive, narrowing the risk that GST is further delayed. "We are all suffering from a bit of myopia because the last parliamentary session was a bit of a mess. It might well be that the budget session would be a bit more productive," he said.

Rahul accuses PM of taking bribes, BJP refutes MEHSANA, DECEMBER 21 (IANS): Congress Vice President Rahul Gandhi on Wednesday accused Prime Minister Narendra Modi of taking kickbacks of Rs 65 crore from corporate houses as the Chief Minister of Gujarat and asked him to come clean on this. "It is on the records of the Income Tax department that Modi received money from the Sahara Group nine times in six months (in 2013-14)," Gandhi told public rally in this north Gujarat town in the Prime Minister's home district. Rolling out dates when Modi allegedly received money from the Sahara Group (Rs 5 crore seven times and Rs 2.5 crore twice), the Congress leader said: "The Income Tax Department has this record from the Sahara Group's diary for the last two-and-a-half years and has recommended an inquiry. "Narendra Modiji, tell us whether this allegation is true or not, order an independent investigation into this and come

clean. You have made the entire country stand in queues for days. Now speak the truth," Gandhi said to applause by the huge crowd. "This is not all. There is one more record of the Birla Group (with the Income Tax Department). Gujarat CM (to be paid) Rs 25 crore, Rs 12 crore paid, the rest?' This is what is written there. "Now, you tell the country Modiji if this is true. You should order an independent inquiry into these Income Tax records." According to Gandhi, the kickbacks became known after an Income Tax raid on November 22, 2014 on the Sahara groups when their records were seized, he said. Gandhi said there were entries which showed that on October 30, 2013 Rs 2.50 crore was given to Modi, on November 12 Rs 5 crore, on November 27 Rs 2.5 crore and on November 29 another Rs 5 crore was handed over to him. "These are all in records of the Income Tax department," Gandhi said.

The Congress leader said between December 6, 2013 and February 22, 2014, Rs 25 crore was given to Modi. In six months, the Sahara diary showed nine payments to Modi. Gandhi went on: "You didn't allow me to speak in Parliament. You were not ready to stand in front of us in Parliament. Don't know what was the reason." The Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) denied the corruption allegations hurled at Modi. "Our Prime Minister is as pure as the Ganga," party leader and cabinet minister Ravi Shankar Prasad said in New Delhi. The allegations levelled by Gandhi were earlier taken to the Supreme Court by noted advocate Prashant Bhushan. Delhi Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal has also been making the same allegations at public rallies. The BJP meanwhile dismissed Congress Vice President Rahul Gandhi's allegations. Union Minister Ravi Shankar

Prasad, at a press conference called hours after Gandhi made the allegation, said the Congress leader was "frustrated" by repeated electoral losses. "I condemn the shameful, baseless allegations of Rahul Gandhi. People will never believe it," Prasad said. "Rahul Gandhi is leading his party to repeated disastrous defeat. People are not trusting him and his party... people do not think the party is even capable of running a municipality," the minister added. Prasad also mentioned the Agusta Westland scam, and said that Gandhi was trying to divert attention from the case that recently returned to the limelight following a report in a national daily. "Names of Congress leaders are surfacing in the AgustaWestland scam. His family's name has surfaced in the scam in Italy, and investigation is on here in India as well," Prasad said. "He has given this statement to divert attention from the scam," Prasad added.

Himachal MLA sits on Speaker's chair, suspended India urged to join CPEC DHARAMSALA, DECEMBER 21 (IANS): An opposition BJP legislator in Himachal Pradesh on Wednesday found a unique way of registering the party's protest in the state assembly by sitting on the Speaker's chair in his absence. Later, he was suspended from the house along with two others for the rest of the session for the 'unparliamentary' act. As the house re-assembled after 15 minutes of adjournment after question hour, BJP's Suresh Bhardwaj reached the podium of Speaker B.B.L. Butail and sat on his chair. As he was about to sit on the chair, the Speaker reached the house. His marshal informed Bhardwaj about the arrival of the Speaker; however,

the legislator still went ahead. Bhardwaj, who is house presiding officer, announced the adjournment of the house for the day. At that time, Congress legislators and Chief Minister Virbhadra Singh were also present in the house. After this, the BJP members led by Leader of Opposition Prem Kumar Dhumal stood up on their seats and left the house after raising slogans. The Chief Minister described the act of Bhardwaj, the Chief Whip of the BJP's state unit, against parliamentary norms and demanded action against him. He said in his long political career he has never seen such an act that "is condemnable". Revenue Minister Kaul Singh said

Bhardwaj was not supposed to preside over the house in the absence of the Speaker as Deputy Speaker Jagat Singh Negi was present in the house at that point in time. Describing the act as unfortunate, Speaker Butail said some members were not following the house rules. Later, Parliamentary Affairs Minister Mukesh Agnihotri brought a resolution, seeking suspension of membership of three BJP members -- Bhardwaj, former Minister Rajeev Bindal and Randhir Sharma. He said action should be initiated against Bhardwaj for sitting on the Speaker's chair and against two others for creating a ruckus near the Speaker.

ISLAMABAD, DECEMBER 21 (IANS): Amid escalating tensions between the two nuclear-armed neighbours, a Pakistan Army Commander on Wednesday invited India to join the China-Pakistan Economic Corridor and "share the fruits of future development by shelving anti-Pakistan activities and subversion". Addressing an awards distribution ceremony at Frontier Corps-Balochistan Headquarters in Quetta, Pakistan Army's Southern Command chief Lt. Gen. Amir Riaz said India should shun "enmity" with Pakistan

and join the CPEC along with Iran, Afghanistan and other Central Asian countries and enjoy its benefits, Dawn reported. He said Balochistan was on the path to economic development and the common people could not be misled by the self-exiled leaders. "Their (India) catchy slogans will not work because the people are aware of their designs and they cannot be misled," Lt General Riaz said. He said Pakistan and its neighbours could benefit from CPEC projects while the people can enjoy peace and stability.

Women have to be empowered not just educated Charu Bahri

IndiaSpend and IANS


ount Abu, Rajasthan: I wouldnt be around to write this story if the Bahri clan I hail from - Hindus from that part of Punjab which is now in Pakistan - had not stopped practising female infanticide in the early 1900s, with my grandparents generation. But a century on, the practice appears to have hit an all-time high. Latest figures show that at 914, India's child sex ratio - a better marker of son preference than the overall sex ratio - is at its lowest since 1951. This is despite the fact that female literacy in India has soared to 65.46 per cent as per Census 2011 and should have resulted in greater gender parity in the child sex ratio. This implies that female literacy alone is not enough to improve the sex ratio as is commonly assumed and suggested by Prime Minister Narendra Modi's Beti Bachao, Beti Padhao (save daughter, educate daughter) campaign. As Part 1 of the series (In India, as income rises, fewer girls are born/December 20, 2016) pointed out, the educated are more likely to afford sex-selective abortions. The bias against daughters can only end if women's education is accompanied by social and economic empowerment, concluded a study conducted over a period of 30 years in Gove, Maharashtra, by Carol Vlassoff, a professor at

the University of Ottawa.

Education is not changing gender norms "Not only is it impossible to achieve gender equality without education, expanding education opportunities for all can help stimulate productivity and reduce the economic vulnerability of poor households," the UN said about the role of education in achieving gender equality, in its 2013 report, Making Education a Priority in the Post-2015 Development Agenda. But statistics in India do not bear out the UN's assumptions. Young graduate mothers gave birth to 899 girls per 1,000 boys, lower than the national average of 943, IndiaSpend reported in May 2016. In Haryana, the female literacy rate has risen 25 percentage points over 20 years, to touch 65 per cent in 2011, and it is still known for its low sex ratio, IndiaSpend reported in November 2015. "Education of women is clearly not enough to change preference for sons, a pervasive deep-seated social expectation," said Priya Nanda, group director, Social and Economic Development, International Center for Research on Women, Asia Regional Office. "While education does give women abilities, changing gender norms requires other complementary efforts."

a postgraduate degree in commerce. Her mother had studied only upto seventh grade. Jangam did more than arm herself with a degree: She made the most of the freedom to travel - something her parents agreed to - and make independent decisions. "I pursued my higher studies in nearby Satara, living with relatives, visiting my parents at the weekends. Living away from home taught me to manage myself and broadened my thinking. My mother hardly ever travelled out of the village before marriage," she said. Her mother earned some money from taking on small tailoring jobs and this had helped her realise the value of financial independence. "So she supported my decisions. I made it clear to my husband that I would always work after marriage. I always want to be financially independent," said Jangam. Given the high cost of living, she wants only one child - "it doesn't matter if it is a girl or a boy"-and is confident her husband will support her decision. "I am not having a child to depend on in my old age; we will invest for our future."

Gender perceptions linked to empowerment Education, travel, the freedom to grow and make decisions, and the opportunity to use education just like men are the key ingredients for changing gender The right to choose is perceptions, not education or economic as important as a degree Netra Jangam, 24, from Gove village in development alone or jointly, Vlassoff Satara district, in western Maharashtra, holds and others concluded in their 2014 Asian

Population Journal study, Economic Development, Women's Social and Economic Empowerment and Reproductive Health in Rural India. "Social empowerment-an outcome of education, mobility (travel related) and the freedom to make decisions-and economic empowerment-symbolised by a woman's employment status-have a greater impact on a woman's reproductive health-including the number of daughters she is prepared to have in the hope of having a son-than economic developmentquantified by family asset ownership," said Vlassoff. In her study, Vlassoff saw great changes in Gove's social empowerment indicators: 58 per cent of women had eight or more years of schooling in 2008, compared to only 8 per cent of the 1975 respondents; 65 per cent of respondents travelled to the district capital at least once a month in 2008, compared to only 25 per cent in 1975. The impact of all this: 86 per cent women were willing to stop trying for a son after three daughters in 2008 versus only 24 per cent in 1975. "The more socially empowered respondents were, the more likely they were willing to stop at fewer children," said Vlassoff. To trigger social change, she added, "it is important for more women to take up formal employment to gain confidence and independence, start thinking for themselves and standing up for their beliefs".

thursdAY 22•12•2016




How NKorean seafood ends up in countries that ban it YANJI, December 21 (reuters): The brightly coloured packages advertising "Walleye Pollock" at the West Market in Yanji, a Chinese city near the border with North Korea, say the fish came from China. But 15 vendors interviewed at the market say the fish came in from North Korea to be processed, packaged and mostly sold in China. They say they buy the fish from Chinese wholesalers who deal with their North Korean counterparts at the border. The packaged fish is also exported to countries that ban North Korean products, including South Korea, Japan and the United States, say the vendors, who are also involved in the export of their products. "All the dried fish is from North Korea but we package it here so we say the fish is from here," said one vendor who spoke on condition of anonymity. Smaller packets sell for around 40 yuan ($5.80) while the bigger ones which are often given as gifts sell for at least 100 yuan. "We export everywhere, mostly to South Korea and Japan. I've even exported to the U.S.," said another vendor. "We sell some of our fish here, but we mostly export overseas." The official newspaper of the government of Jilin province, where Yanji is located, said in a September article that North Korean and Russian seafood is processed in a town near Yan-

oughly check those items at the water's edge,” the official said. U.S. Customs and Border Protection spokesman Daniel Hetlage declined to comment on any North Korean seafood that may be exported to the United States. He pointed to language in the U.S. Treasury Department's website that says about the U.S. sanctions: "This broad prohibition applies to goods, services, and technology from North Korea that are used as components of finished products of, or substantially transformed in, a third country." An employee of a sushi restaurant takes a break as seafood stalls are seen at the Nory- GROWING SEAFOOD angjin fisheries wholesale market in Seoul September 6, 2013. (REUTERS PHOTO) EXPORTS

ji, before being exported to South Korea, Japan, the United States and Europe. Reuters could not independently confirm that North Korean seafood from Yanji or nearby towns is being exported to South Korea, Japan and the United States. CUTTING EXPORT REVENUE The United States, Japan and South Korea, ban products made inside North Korea, as well as those using North Korean ingredients produced in third countries, such as China. The United Nations Security Council imposed new sanctions on North Korea this month aimed at cutting its annual export revenue by a quarter in response to Pyongyang's fifth

and largest nuclear test yet in September. China's imports of North Korean seafood are allowed under U.N. sanctions, if they support the livelihood of ordinary North Korean fishermen. In practice, it is almost impossible to ascertain whether the seafood that comes across the border is from independent fishermen or state-linked companies, analysts said. China's foreign ministry spokesman Lu Kang declined to respond to a Reuters question about the repackaging of North Korean fish for export. “Beijing strongly supports the U.N. Security Council sanctions. But we have never accepted and never approved any other countries using so-called

unilateral sanctions," Kang said, referring to the comprehensive bans imposed by the United States, Japan and South Korea. South Korea’s Customs Service said that since 2010 it has demanded certificates of origin on 22 items, including mushrooms and seafood coming from China and Russia. "If the goods are found to have originated from North Korea, they are confiscated and the importers are fined," said a customs official who declined to be identified. A Japanese customs official said in response to Reuters that Japan requires North Korea's neighbours, including China and Russia, to certify their seafood products do not come from North Korea. "We thor-

The vast majority of North Korea's exports come through China, and seafood is one of the more rapidly growing items. From January to October this year, China bought more than $156 million in North Korean seafood exports, up 74 percent from 2015, according to Chinese customs data. Seafood exports were North Korea's fourth-largest export to China behind coal, textiles and minerals. It's not clear from the data how much North Korean seafood processed in China was re-exported to third countries. China has argued strongly to exempt livelihood exports from U.N. sanctions because it does not want to punish ordinary North Koreans for the

US tightens sanctions against North Korea's UN diplomats

WAsHINGtON, December 21 (reuters): The U.S. Treasury Department tightened sanctions against North Korean diplomats to the United Nations, requiring banks to get special permission before granting them accounts, the agency said in a notice posted online Tuesday. The United States removed an exemption in the North Korean leader Kim Jong Un watches the Masibroad economic sanctions kryong ski competition-2016 in this undated photo reagainst Pyongyang that leased by North Korea's Korean Central News Agency had allowed U.S. banks to (KCNA) December 20, (REUTERS Photo) service North Korean dipisolation" by bringing back currency from lomats without getting specific permis- overseas "using all available avenues." sion from the Treasury Department Office For example, said another U.S. intelof Foreign Assets Control (OFAC). ligence official, North Korea sells cigaBanks will now have to obtain a spe- rettes and illegal drugs outside the councial license from OFAC before opening try and use diplomatic packages to send bank accounts, processing transac- the cash back home. tions or extending credit for North KoWashington has been ramping up rean diplomats or their family members, economic sanctions against Pyongyang OFAC said. North Korea's U.N. mission since a nuclear test and rocket launch this did not immediately respond to a re- year, seen as provocations by the United States and its allies. quest for comment. Under new U.N. sanctions adopted U.S. officials have long said North Korea uses the bank accounts of diplomats to last month in response to North Korea’s help Pyongyang conduct business around fifth and largest nuclear test in September, countries are required to limit the the world, despite economic sanctions. A U.S. intelligence official, speaking number of bank accounts to one per on condition of anonymity, said North North Korean diplomatic mission and Korea "seeks to alleviate its economic one per diplomat.

actions of its government. But it's practically impossible for a fisherman on his own in North Korea to collect fish products and then link into a distribution channel that goes to China,

said Andray Abrahamian of Choson Exchange, a Singapore-based company that trains North Koreans in business skills. "He would need to be working with, or di-

rectly for, a bigger fishery company or seafood processing company in North Korea. How those arrangements are made however, there's probably a lot of variance."

UN human rights chief urges murder Obama bans oil drilling in Arctic inquiry into Prez Duterte's killing claim mANILA, December 21 (reuters): The United Nations human rights commission has urged the Philippines to launch a murder investigations into President Rodrigo Duterte claims he killed three people as mayor of Davao City and all killings in his war on drugs. Since July when Duterte assumed the presidency, there had been 6,000 people killed in the government's war on drugs, about a third died in police antinarcotics operations and the rest by motorcycle-riding masked men and vigilante groups. Duterte told a gathering of businessmen last week that as mayor of Davao City he "personally" killed criminals as he prowled the streets. He later admitted killing three men, who were involved in a kidnapping case, during a police gunfight in late 1980s. "The Philippines ju-

Philippine President Rodrigo Duterte gestures as he delivers a speech during an awarding ceremony for outstanding Filipinos and organizations overseas, at the Malacanang Palace in Manila, Philippines December 19, 2016. (REUTERS PHOTO)

dicial authorities must demonstrate their commitment to upholding the law and their independence from the executive by launching a murder investigation," said Zeid Ra'ad Al Hussein, U.N. High Commissioner for Human Rights, in reference to Duterte's claims. "The killing described

by President Duterte also violates international law, including the right to life, freedom from violence and force, due process and fair trial, equal protection before the law and innocence until proven guilty," Zeid said in a statement. He also said "there is surprisingly little informa-

tion on actual prosecutions" over recent killings, despite police investigations into thousands of killings by vigilantes. "Credible and independent investigation must be urgently re-opened into the killings in Davao, as well as into the shocking number of killings that have occurred across the country since Duterte became president," Zeid said. Duterte's allies in Congress said the president was immune from any lawsuit and cannot be investigated for actions he had done before he assumed office. He can only face an inquiry after he is removed from power, they added. "In fact, then Justice Secretary Leila de Lima had investigated such cases and came up with no actionable offences," said Congressman Rodolfo Farinas. "The president could only be impeached by acts or omissions committed as president."

German cops seek Tunisian in hunt for market attacker

berLIN, December 21 (reuters): German police are looking for a Tunisian man after finding an identity document under the driver's seat of the truck that ploughed into a Berlin Christmas market, killing 12 people, on Monday evening, news website Spiegel Online reported. The document was in the name of Anis A., born in the southern city of Tataouine in 1992. The man is also believed to use false names, it said. Daily newspaper Bild reported he was known to police as a possibly dangerous individual, and part of a large Islamist network. Police initially arrested a Pakistani asylum-seeker near the scene, but released him without charge on Tuesday. Authorities have warned that the attacker is on the run and may be armed. It is not clear if the perpetrator was acting alone or with others.

A fire fighter stands beside the truck which ploughed last night into a crowded Christmas market in the German capital Berlin. (REUTERS PHOTO)

The 25-tonne truck, belonging to a Polish freight company, smashed into wooden huts serving mulled wine and sausages, injuring about 45 people. The Polish driver of the truck was found shot dead in the cabin of the vehicle. Bild reported that he was alive until the attack took place. It quoted an investigator as saying there must have been a struggle with the attacker, who may have

been injured. Islamic State has claimed responsibility, as it did for a similar attack in July when a Tunisianborn man rammed a truck through a crowd celebrating Bastille Day in the French city of Nice. Eighty-six people were killed, and the driver was shot dead by police. The head of the Association of German Criminal Detectives, Andre Schulz, told German television late on

Tuesday that police hoped to make another arrest soon. "I am relatively confident that we will perhaps tomorrow or in the near future be able to present a new suspect," he said. Wednesday's Passauer Neue Presse quoted the head of the group of interior ministers from Germany's 16 federal states, Klaus Bouillon, as saying tougher security measures were needed. "We want to raise the police presence and strengthen the protection of Christmas markets. We will have more patrols. Officers will have machine guns. We want to make access to markets more difficult, with vehicles parked across them," Bouillon told the paper. German Chancellor Angela Merkel, who will run for a fourth term next year, has said it would be particularly repulsive if a refugee, seeking protection in Germany, was the perpetrator.

WAsHINGtON, December 21 (IANs): US President Barack Obama has permanently banned offshore drilling in areas of the Arctic and Atlantic oceans. According to the White House, Obama's move on Tuesday will prevent future leasing of certain offshore areas for oil rights, CNN reported. His successor, Donald Trump, who has promised a policy allowing more US energy production, would face legal challenges if he attempted to reverse Obama's order. The White House said Obama was declaring the entire US portion of

the Chukchi Sea and the vast majority of the Beaufort Sea "indefinitely off limits for future oil and gas leasing", citing critical protection for the marine mammals, ecological resources and native populations. Canada also announced on Tuesday that it will freeze its offshore oil and gas exploration in its Arctic waters. The US is also declaring 31 canyons off the Atlantic coast off-limits for drilling, citing "critical and irreplaceable ecological value". The White House said the decision was for "a strong, sustainable

and viable Arctic economy and ecosystem." It cited native cultural needs, wildlife concerns, and the "vulnerability" of the region to oil spills as some of the reasons for the ban. The decision relies on the 1953 Outer Continental Shelf Lands Act, that allows presidents to withdraw lands from future leasing, the CNN said. It has been used by past administrations to restrict oil exploration on the West and East coasts, though each time the ban on leases was given an expiration date.

Mexico fireworks market explosions kill at least 31 tuLtePec, December 21 (reuters): A series of massive explosions destroyed a fireworks market outside the Mexican capital on Tuesday, killing at least 31 people, injuring dozens and leaving the market a charred wasteland. Television images showed a flurry of multicolored pyrotechnics exploding into the early afternoon sky as a giant plume of smoke rose above the market. Fireworks detonated in a peal of clattering bursts reminiscent of a war zone. It was the third time in just over a decade that explosions have hit the popular San Pablito marketplace in Tultepec, about 20 miles (32 km) north of Mexico City. The detonations struck in the run-up to the busy Christmas holiday, when many Mexicans stock up on fireworks. "People were crying everywhere and desperately running in all directions," said 20-year-old witness Cesar Carmona. Some children suffered burns to more than 90 percent of their bodies and were being sent to the U.S. city of Galveston in Texas for treatment, said Eruviel Avila, the governor of the State of Mexico in which Tultepec is located. He also vowed to find and punish those responsible and to provide economic assistance to those who had lost their livelihoods. The federal attorney gen-

Fire fighters stand amidst the wreckage of houses destroyed in an explosion at the San Pablito fireworks market outside the Mexican capital on Tuesday, in Tultepec, Mexico, December 20, 2016. (REUTERS PHOTO)

eral's office opened an investigation, saying in a statement that six separate blasts caused the destruction. Isidro Sanchez, the head of Tultepec emergency services, said earlier that a lack of safety measures was the likely cause of the blasts. The federal police said a forensic team had been sent to investigate and that at least 70 people had been injured. Videos from the scene showed people frantically fleeing, while aerial footage revealed blackened stalls and a flattened tangle of metal and wood. The state's top prosecutor raised the death toll late on Tuesday to 31, most of whom died at the market. More than 80 percent of the 300 stalls at the market were destroyed by the ex-

plosions, said state official Jose Manzur. He said the market was inspected by safety officials last month and no irregularities were found. Mexican media reported there were 300 tonnes of fireworks at the market at the time of the explosions. The head of a local pyrotechnics association told online publication Animal Politico last week that the fireworks market was the safest in Latin America, featuring "perfectly designed stalls" that could prevent any chain reaction in the event of a spark. Federico Juarez was present when the first explosion rocked the market. "Everyone started running to escape as bricks and pieces of concrete fell everywhere," he said.

The blasts were the latest in a long-running series of fatal explosions and industrial accidents that have rocked Mexico's oil, gas and petrochemical industries. A blast struck the Tultepec fireworks market in September 2005 just before independence day celebrations, injuring many people. Another detonation gutted the area again almost a year later. "I offer my condolences to the relatives of those who lost their lives in this accident and my wishes for a speedy recovery for the injured," President Enrique Pena Nieto said in a tweet. Pena Nieto is the former governor of the State of Mexico, the country's largest, which surrounds the capital.


THURSdAY 22•12•2016



Nagaland Senior Citizens memorandum to PM on key Naga Political and Social issue


he Nagaland Senior Citizens Association takes this humble privilege of prayerfully wishing you well on behalf of the Naga people. Ours is an apolitical Association of Elders having weathered varied experiences of life at the age of 60 years and above from various Tribes of Nagaland. We are trying the very best we can to sensitively understand the evolving political and social scenarios beyond and around us with honest concerns. At our ripened age we have neither the energy nor the inclination to pick up an axe to grind and therefore our opinion is purely limited to what we sincerely believe to be in the fair interest of India and our people. Without prejudice therefore, we respectfully but candidly share our considered views in the hope that it would in some small way assist you in your quite time deliberation before taking your final call on the following issues: 1. “Framework Agreement”: When two adversaries resolve to settle their differences through peaceful means it offers a legitimate reason to applaud the effort as in the case of “Framework Agreement” of 3rd August 2015 between NSCN (IM) and the Government of India (GoI). What however remains a repugnant enigma is the non-transparent nature of this agreement that has persistently spawned unmitigated suspicion in the minds of the original stake holding majority from Nagaland. GoI will have surely noticed that the Nagas of Nagaland had politely clapped their hands when Framework Agreement was signed but did not spontaneously jump with joy in celebration like those of our Southern brothers from Manipur. That in itself registers a telling depth of how delicately balanced tribal value system can be. It is extremely important that any monumental decision which is bound to irreversibly impact on the destiny of a people must first be reviewed for majority consensus by those whose lives are directly being put on the line. This is a universally acceptable norm that any honourable democratic society is expected to adhere to. Deviation from this principled path can only negate the espoused objectives. In Nagaland context, it is all the more imperative for the GoI not to casually misread or misjudge the complex ground reality where multiple Armed Factions are in contention, aggressively nursing divergent views on the subject of Naga Sovereignty and Integration which could potentially lead to an explosive confrontation in the aftermath of a settlement with a single Faction claiming dominance. Shallow mandates and endorsements being propagated

NSF needs a makeover Kevitho Kera


aga Students Federation (NSF) has become the butt of all jokes. It is being lambasted from all sides, go to social media and you will notice how an august body like NSF is not taken seriously anymore. NSF seems to have become a mere political body, a puppet on the payroll of the politicians. NSF seems to dabble to much in politics instead of looking after the welfare of the students and in the process corruption seem to have crept in , in an august body like NSF. Public seems to have lost faith on the NSF leaders who seem to be using their offices as a footstool to launch political careers. I am saddened at the developments. There are plenty of problems faced by the students today and we look upto NSF to help bring much needed solutions. NSF has a chance at this juncture to redeem itself. Please take on backdoor appointments on a war footing. Backdoor and contractual appointments are done blatantly. It is something we cannot ignore. Young, meritorious and deserving candidates are denied of jobs because of these malpractices. The onus is on the present NSF Office bearers to look into the matter seriously and bring justice. NSF at this juncture needs to extend help to ACAUT Nagaland and Public Service Aspirants of Nagaland (PSAN) in tackling these malpractices. NSF should use this chance to change public's view on it. I pray and hope that the present NSF office bearers usher in an era of change and help the student community.

through collaborated consultations with self-serving sycophant leaders and yes-men do not necessarily represent the core concerns of the downto-earth majority. Nagas must not be forced into another Civil war amongst ourselves. We are therefore firm in our collective conviction that there is no alternative to an inclusive approach of all stakeholders being taken on board as equals as the best and only possible option for achieving genuine lasting peace.

2. Issues on “Transfer of Traditional Ancestral Land” and “Integration”: It is our bounden duty to candidly remind the Hon’ble Prime Minister that the Nagas have never been seriously consulted in any major political decisions undertaken by the Government of India in the past which directly and adversely sabotaged the legitimate destiny of the Naga. The International Boundary settlement between India and Myanmar is one such heartless instance where immediate families and clans within the same village were dismembered as foreigner overnight. Longwa Village in Mon District bordering Myanmar is a glaring example of this fact with the International Boundary running right through the centre of the Angh’s residence. The Chief now crosses the International boundary every other minute without passport or visa within his own kitchen. It also brings to mind the “9 Point Agreement” entered between the Naga National Council (NNC) and GoI which envisioned, among other important issues, the transfer of all the ancestral traditional land back to Nagaland, but was unilaterally abrogated by the Go). Be that as it may, the legitimacy of the subject remains relevant and the Nagas will continue to claim their traditional ancestral land now or later. It is incumbent upon India to honourably right this wrong which was arbitrarily committed against the Nagas without being consulted. Some clauses in the 16 Point Agreement were also partially abrogated unilaterally (as in the case of Clause 2) by transferring Nagaland from the Foreign Affairs Ministry to Home Affairs and (Clause 11) the discontinuation of Consolidated funding patter. On the other hand the issue of Integration of contiguous Naga inhabited areas being brought under the same administrative umbrella (Clause 13) still remains unfulfilled. Agreements are drawn between contending parties with a conscious determination of fulfilling the terms of agreement and not be breached dishonourably and unilaterally. The magnitude of insincerity and the utter disrespect for the Nagas as equals is significantly evi-

denced in all the past actions of India. This consistency of unilaterally trampling upon the rights of the Nagas has greatly eroded the trust factor in India as an honourable Nation. It is however never too late to correct this insensitive lapses through sincere renewed beginnings if respectful relationship is to be harnessed. It follows that if GoI truthfully acknowledges the “Unique History of the Nagas”, the litmus test for India is to translate this unique status in real terms which, from the Naga’s standpoint, can only mean acknowledging the sovereign status of Nagaland. Constructively focusing more on a friendly bilateral relationship between two sovereign neighbours would then bear more positive dividends for both people. This makes a great deal of fair sense as the right neighbourly thing to do based on honourable historical facts, no matter how jagged the challenge, it takes great courage to do the right thing and we have no reason to doubt that you Sir have it in abundance. 3. Uniform Civil Code (UCC): No matter how contentious Article 371 (A) of the Indian Constitution may be within the walls of our own Naga kitchen, it is nevertheless considered the only reliable guarantee that grudgingly spawns a modicum of confidence for Nagaland to moderate its troubled link with India under the present indefinite circumstance. Any reforms that remotely lead to destabilizing this fragile moral foundry would spell a monumental disaster for all concerned. Disadvantageous as it may get to be for the Nagas, the flames of “Simon Commission” memorandum, 10th January 1929, could get reignited. Further, throughout the ages, Nagas have ably governed themselves with their nature nurtured experiences in traditional and customary practices. It comprehensively encompasses most conceivable aspects of criminal or social jurisprudence which have comfortably withstood the test of time without much controversy. The need for its replacement is therefore uncalled for at this stage. There have been times when even Supreme Court and High Courts have found it expedient to return complicated land disputes/civil suits directly filed in their Courts, back to our traditional courts for final settlement. That in itself is a significant testimony for our traditional courts by the Apex Court. The legal world would perhaps write off the traditional practice of “swearing oath” over land disputes under the customary law as a typical tribal mumno jumbo, out of tune with the civilized sensibility and so on. Yet such an oath, traditionally administered, puts a terminal end to future disputes because

the people of today still strongly adhere to its traditional sanctity with psychological conviction in its supernatural potency. The most unique and relevant factor that additionally deserves special mention is that the litigants get to redress their grievances without being burdened must with litigants fees which is generally free. This unique quality will certainly not figure as an attribute in the proposed ‘Civil Code’ no matter how ‘Unified’ it may be conceived and structured. If UCC become a uniform enforceable reality through an Act of Parliament in exercise of Article 371 (A) will not only get fatally crippled but would seriously impede our timeless traditional judicial system that is still affordable even by common man. Such a system is unheard of in our present so-called modern civilized courts where the astronomical litigation fee is depriving justice to lesser beings and where money is also being used to purchase truth or even silencing it. Our universally inoffensive customary Law is reasonably equipped to deal with smaller hiccups in any criminal or social sectors without the interference of an alien unified civil code which is more likely to vitiate our simple and serene traditional justice delivery setting. Its introduction is considered ill advised and therefore unacceptable in our Naga society on both counts of : (a) possible conversion of Article 371 (A) to redundancy and (b) the potential relevance of free judicial service through our traditional customary courts being compromised. We therefore firmly prefer to be left beyond the purview of UCC

4. Armed forces Special Power Act (AFSPA): A lingering feeling persists that the GoI has still not reached that point of making serious effort to really understand the core value system that make the Nagas tick. GoI with its superior Armed Forces had committed cold-blooded atrocities against the total Naga population for several decades on a misconstrued notion that the Nagas were fighting a “Secessionist War” against India. History bears witness that the Indians did not know the existence of a race called the Nagas as much as Nagas did not know of India’s existence before the advent of the British. The Nagas were honour bound to therefore bravely stand against all odds and face the might of Indian aggression to defend their inherent freedom with their precious lives… which they did. This is the core attribute of a true Naga spirit that still exist below the surface should push come to a shove. Suffice is to say that the excruciatingly inhuman tragedies and indignities heaped upon the Nagas by India was unjusti-

fiable even by animal standards. The raw details of the diabolical atrocities committed would shame even the lowest form of human specimen without conscience. The unpalatable aspect is that much of the same commissions of the past are still being re-enacted now and again even in the present times by the Indian Army. It has taken more than half a century with thousands of martyrs on both sides of the fence for India to finally awaken to a costly realization that Nagas have a “Unique History”. Yet from a distant mainland the GoI continues to deliberately unleash a monstrous Act that inflicts untold injustice against its fellow human beings by empowering its Armed Forces with a draconian Law called Armed forces Special Power Act (AFSPA). It should normally be in the fitness of things to conclude that the Nagas are no longer a threat to India’s National Security by virtue of their “Unique History” that India has acknowledged. It is for GoI to explain to itself the real meaning of “Unique History of the Nagas” because AFSPA does not quite fit into the groove of that reality as Nagas understand it to be. The Nagas also fail to comprehend the unsound logic or appreciate the sincerity of India in wanting to continue this inhuman law in Nagaland despite the changed circumstance. The core question that require a candid answer is: Would the Army Generals, and all other powers that be agree to enforce such a law in their own backyard where their wives, sons, daughters, brothers, sisters, relatives and friends are routinely exposed to butchery, torture, rape or murder by their own uniformed personals on mere suspicion without any concrete evidence of misconduct and also be legally incapacitated to seek for justice against the perpetrators….because this is the core features of AFSPA? There is no need for second guessing that the answer will definitely be e reverberating “NO”! If such a law is not personally acceptable to them in their own surroundings, with what human conscience do they impose the same Law on other fellow beings? With what human conscience do they sleep at night knowing very well that they have willfully perpetuated? Have their conscience fled the country? Apart from the official acknowledgement of the “Unique History of the Nagas” there is a “Cease Fire Agreement” in place with all the Faction which is practically based in Myanmar. If these are all sincere, committed endeavours with an honest intend of ironing out the protracted differences on the part of GoI then this abhorrent AFSPA, which is the highest of all offensive aberration against human rights and human dignity in its entirety, must be withdrawn

forthwith. Upholding such a Law is a disgraceful insult to India democracy. The very definition of uniqueness propels Nagaland to an entirely different plane of assessment and should therefore not be equated with the rest of the Northeast States with insurgency problems. It will be far more rewarding for India to cultivate the goodwill of the Nagas people rather than encourage hatred which AFSPA is generating with absolute certainty. Nagas have unjustly been exposed to extreme suffering for over 60 years and it is criminal on the part of India to indifferently prolong this prosecution. That India commands superior fire power over the Nagas should not destabilize the mental health of the good Indian people in authority to take an ethical and moral judgment on this for the sake of humanity and withdraw AFSPA from Nagaland. We do not appreciate bullying as an acceptable attitude. 5. December 25th: Good Governance Day” Government of India will first have to declare that India is no longer a Secular Nation. The Nagas are not against “Good Governance Day: in itself. However the Christian of Nagaland and Christian community everywhere else finds this decision extremely offensive that GoI should insensitively select 25th December, the most important day in a Christian calendar, out of 365 days in a year to declare “Good Governance Day”. This is a very deliberate insult to Christians throughout the country and we therefore demand that it be immediately withdrawn. In conclusion, we believe it is about time for India to begin to honourable acknowledge the Nagas as equals in all their future dealings with the Nagas. We also humbly entreat India to enshrine human understanding and human compassion in their hearts as they deal with the issues thus reflected. 1. Dr. S Imkong Tushi Ao President NSCA 2. Dr. Kepelhusie Terhuja Vice President NSCA 3. S. Ghunakha Swu General Secretary, NSCA 4. P Suokhrie Treasure NSCA 5. CR Lotha Executive Member NSCA 6. I Yanger Executive Member NSCA 7. Y Odyuo Executive Member NSCA 8. Kewethu Semy Executive Member NSCA 9. Vizohyü Angami Executive Member NSCA 10. Khekiye K Sema Executive Member NSCA

PEACE ON EARTH AND GOODWILL TO ALL Rev. Fr. C Joseph-Counsellor St. Joseph’s College, Jakhama


ntroduction: Whether it be printed on a greeting card or emblazoned on a sign outside a church, the proclamation of “peace on earth and goodwill to all” often comes to the fore around Christmas time. These few short words sum up for many the warm feeling that is synonymous with Christmas, conveying an implicit hope, a spirit of generosity and a kindly disposition towards others. Another ubiquitous feature of the modern season of goodwill is the Christmas song, which often alludes to this universal seasonal sentiment. If we lift our heads above the tinsel and trappings and take a cold, hard look at the world around us, the frequently used words of comfort and cheer seem hollow-a mere platitude. Where the peace and goodwill are so often alluded to? Unfortunately, armed conflict and interpersonal strife are ever present in our world. Heralding Peace: Centuries before Jesus was born, his birth was foreseen by the prophet Isaiah. In a section of the Bible often read in churches at Christmas, we find this proclamation: “For a child has been born for us, a son given to us; authority rests upon his shoulders; and he is named Wonderful Counsellor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace. His authority shall grow continually, and there shall be endless peace for the throne of David and his kingdom.” (Isaiah 9:6-7). So where is this peace that the birth of Jesus is meant to have brought and that so many religious people refer to at this time of year? Unfortunately, focusing on a cute, harmless baby in a manger creates little more than a mirage of peace. The

Christmas scenes, nativity plays and greeting-card pictures have immortalized Jesus in the minds of many as a baby. As Charles Wesley put it in his hymn “Gentle Jesus, Meek and Mild,” “the world shall always see Christ, the Holy Child, in me.” English writer Steve Turner wrote a poem titled “Christmas is really for the Children.” It begins by detailing the holiday’s appeal to youngsters, with its animals, stars, babies, kings, etc. However, the poem takes a darker turn when describing Easter, we are told that it “is not really for the children unless accompanied by a cream filled egg. It has whips, blood, nails, a spear and allegations of body snatching.” He concludes by suggesting that children had best not ask “what Jesus did when he grew up or whether there’s any connection” between traditional Christianity’s two most important holidays. The birth of Jesus, meant to be but part of the story of His life, has been given so much importance in its own right that it is virtually devoid of context and real meaning. It is not surprising that, faced with the harsh realities of life as depicted on the news or experienced first-hand, increasing numbers reject the religiosity of Christmas as a sham, a pretence of peace and goodwill. Of what relevance is the image, the concept, of “baby Jesus” beyond being comfort food for the soul? What is Christmas but a temporary Band-Aid for all of life’s problems-problems that will return with a vengeance once the lights and tinsel are put away for another year? Seeing this, many reject all that the Bible has to say on the subject of peace and hope. The irony is that Christmas actually hides from people the real plan for bringing peace to this earth. It may come as a surprise to some that nowhere in the Bible is there any indi-

cation that we should celebrate the birth of Jesus. Instead the Bible is clear on setting out an annual schedule of festivals that picture, among other things, God’s plan to usher in a time of peace. These are the same festivals that Jesus Himself kept, as did His original disciples and early followers. They are still kept today by those who choose to try to live “by every word that comes from the mouth of the Lord” (Deuteronomy 8:3). It is interesting to note that “Peace on earth and goodwill to all men” is actually a mistranslation that has been accepted and repeated without question over the years. The proclamation made by the heavenly host, witnessed by the shepherds while they watched their flocks, is more correctly translated “Glory to God in the highest heaven, and on earth peace among those whom he favours!” (Luke 2:14). God is pleased with us when we do our best to obey His laws and commandments rather than following our own traditions (Mark 7:6-9). War Baby: Jesus was born into a part of the world that had seen a succession of military overthrows by conquering assailants, a place where warfare had been rife for millennia. At the time of His birth, Judea and its king, Herod, were subject to Roman rule. Herod, fearful of a rival king, tried to trick the magi from the East into telling him the whereabouts of this new-born king. They did not, and later Herod murderously decreed death for all boys up to the age of two (Mathew 2:16). To escape this fate, Jesus’ parents fled with Him into Egypt. This was the world into which Jesus was born. All of these events took place during the reign of Roman emperor Augustus (27 B.C.E.-14 C.E), a period that began what was subsequently dubbed PaxRomana,or “Ro-

man Peace.” Under this arrangement the Roman Empire protected and governed individual provinces, such as Judea, permitting each to make and administer its own laws while accepting Roman taxation and military control. Of course, only those who did not oppose Roman rule experienced “peace” under this system. Much as now, it was in reality a world devoid of true peace. During His ministry, Jesus, doubtless to the dismay of His followers, made it clear that He had not come to overthrow and replace the Roman overlords of the Jewish State. Instead He taught submission and respect to those in authority. On one occasion the Jewish secular and religious leaders tried to trick Him into pitting Himself against their Roman oppressors with regard to paying taxes to Caesar. But Jesus did not take the bait and confounded them by saying, “Give to the emperor the things that are emperor’s, and to God the things that are God’s.”(Mark 12:17). Likewise when brought to face Pontius prior to His crucifixion, Jesus declared that His disciples were not going to fight for His release: “My kingdom is not from this world,” He said “If My kingdom were from this world, my followers would be fighting to keep me from being handed over to the Jews. But as it is, my Kingdome is not from here.” (John 18:36) “God will wipe every tear from their eyes. Death will be no more; mourning and crying and pain will be no more, for the first things have passed away.” (Revelation 21:4). Clearly Jesus did not bring peace to the world simply by being born as a baby. Neither did He have any wish to create an uprising of the sort we have seen sweep much of the Arab world over the past year. The Peace Plan: After His death and resurrection Jesus appeared

to His disciples, at which time they asked Him, displaying a somewhat parochial outlook, if He was now going to restore the kingdom to Israel. He replied that it would be up to His Father in heaven to determine the right time to intervene. In the meantime, the disciples had a job to do, spreading the good news of God’s coming kingdom across the whole earth. When He had ascended into heaven, angels appeared and told the disciples that He would one day return. It is this time that will herald a new world order, when Jesus Christ returns as King and Ruler and takes up the reins of government. It is then that Isaiah’s prophecy concerning true peace will begin to be fulfilled on a worldwide scale, as will the prophecy that says, “Nation shall lift up sword against nation, neither shall they learn war anymore” (Isaiah 2:4). Isaiah was also inspired to write: “Then justice will dwell in the wilderness, and righteousness remain in the fruitful field. The work of righteousness will be peace, and the effect of righteousness, quietness and assurance forever. My people will dwell in a peaceful habitation, in secure dwellings, and in quite resting places” (Isaiah 32: 16-18). Conclusion:The birth of Jesus was a wonderful event and one that signalled another phase in God’s plan for rescuing humanity. It did not, however, usher in a time of peace. Although God does indeed call us to live peaceful lives at present, the fulfilment of the promise of peace for the whole world is yet future. Christmas, with its mixture of biblical fact and human error and misconception, along with pagan ritual and rampant commercialism, serves only to obscure the truth-namely, that a time of peace is coming. God speed that day.

Readers may please note that the contents of the articles, letters and opinions published do not reflect the outlook of this paper nor of the Editor in any form.

thursday 22•12•2016


Kohima rappers take on ‘The Ten Toes Challenge’ ‘

Morung Express Ent


he Ten Toes Challenge’ is an initiative that was started by producer BubbaGotBeatz. The dare is designed for individuals to basically drop bars over a particular instrumental and share one`s story through poetic influence and delivery. Ten toes down literally means to be genuinely committed to something you love or value dearly. On the Kohima version of the jam session the metropolis based youngsters pledge on the responsibility to represent their love for the hometown and share the chronicles involving life in the capital.

M-Dox rap and lock their flow in multiple languages of Nagamese, English and Hindi on the track. This they say is to flash their lyrical skills and also reach out to every section of the global community symbolizing unity and cutting across barriers of culture or language. It may be mentioned here that this is another initiative of Naga Homeboiz to promote the art of Hip-Hop in the state after successfully winding up a major event that idolized similar interest. The whole project was accomplished on a zero budget with cooperation from other KoDelivering intricate personal struggle, flexing rent corruption fiasco. The hima based Hip-Hop artist and sleek rhymes that cov- inspiration to taking a dig trio emcees consisting of and individuals. The Music ers themes ranging from at the system and the cur- Moko Koza, Macnivil and Video which was released

Kylie Jenner teases ‘new things’ are coming to Kylie Cosmetics


ylie Jenner has teased she has “new things coming” to Kylie Cosmetics. The 19-yearold ‘Keeping Up With the Kardashians’ star - who launched her make-up brand earlier this year after building up her beauty empire over two years - has claimed she has had an “incredible year” and has thanked her loyal customers for their support, and the television star has teased fans to “stay tuned” for more products launching soon. Alongside a picture of all of her Lip Kits stacked up in a neat arrangement on the Kylie Cosmetics Instagram account, it read: “This has been an incredible year. Thanks for being apart of our journey I can’t wait for everyone to see what Kylie has planned for you guys after the New Year! Happy Holidays! stay tuned new things coming!! (sic).” And The Children’s Choir and the sanctuary Choir and of union Baptist Church, Kohima the teen entrepreneur - who presented its annual Christmas Cantata, ‘Canticles in Candlelight’ by Joseph Martin, on launched a pop-up store for Tuesday, December 20.

her make-up company earlier this month - has admitted she was “amazed” by the amount of people who flocked to get their hands on her Lip Kits “on the first day” it opened. “You guys always amaze me and the line of people before we even opened blew my mind.’’ Prior to the store’s opening the beauty mogul shared a picture of the interior on social media, which saw shelves upon shelves fully stocked with every lip liner and lipstick duo in her ever expanding collection.

yesterday have been a constant hit online and have been rave reviewed positively by listeners and critics alike. On further conversation with the emcees involved they stated that this is just a tip of the immense potential that lies in the local Hip-Hop scene. We are here to represent and uphold the true essence of how HipHop started as a movement for the oppressed in voicing out there opinion or share narratives and solidarity through various forms of art. Urging all artists from around the region to represent their art for conscience, Naga Homeboiz stated that more activities like this will be introduced phase wise to educate, express and influence the masses for the greater good and benefit of all. Link for the video watch?v=ZRzj4vC8lng

My love story with Tom Cruise was pretty sudden: Nicole Kidman


scar-winning actress Nicole Kidman said that her love story with ex-husband Tom Cruise was very sudden. They both met on the sets of Days of Thunder and they instantly became one of the most famous celebrity couples in the world. But according to the actress it was never planned, reported CBS News. “It was pretty sudden. But, you know, when I fell in love, everything else was like, ehhh! I was distracted,” she said. Kidman revealed that she channelled her personal anguish over the break-up through her role of British author Virginia Woolf in 2002’s The Hours. Talking about the movie, Kidman said, “Yeah. I mean, I was deeply sad at the time. So then I sort of… just kind of got lost in her. And it all sounds sort of mumbo-jumbo crazy stuff, but it kind of saved my life.” Kidman is now married to country singer Keith Urban, and they have two daughters together. Earlier, Nicole Kidman said that she wanted to have children from very young age and always knew she would adopt. The 49-year-old actress had adopted Isabella, 23, and Connor, 20, with her former partner Tom Cruise, and has biological daughters Faith, five, and Sunday Rose, eight, with her husband Keith Urban. “I always knew I’d adopt, I just always wanted a child. I think from a very early age, I wanted a child. I knew that I was going to have a child and that it didn’t matter [how], I actually didn’t know if I was ever going to give birth to a child. So that was the least of it for me. And what I did first source: PTI was adopt,” Kidman said.


Now ShowiNg revIseD TICKeT rATes (silver) : `.120 (Gold) : `. 200 (recliner) : `. 400

ROgue One a STaR WaRS (engliSh)

source: Contactmusic

Here’s wishing all my patients, Doctors & people of Nagaland a very Merry Christmas & a Happy New Year.

(10:00 AM) (03:00 PM) (05:30 PM)

Wajah Tum hO (hindi)

Dr. Joy N. Chakraborty C M Y K

(Consultant urosurgeon) International Hospital, Guwahati & Zion Hospital & research Centre, Dimapur.

(12:25 PM) (08:00 PM) 03862-237226 Ticket Counter (09:00 AM - 09:00 PM)


Ward 5 (6) Burma Camp, Landmark - Near J.K Hospital Dimapur. Power House.

Hillstar This Christmas season of joyful giving and love is a time for us to pause and personally reflect on the true spirit and values Jesus Christ modeled for us. WISHING YOU A BLESSED AND HEARTFELT CHRISTMAS!

NOW SHOWING ROgue One a STaR WaRS [3d] (engliSh)

11:00 am | 05:00 PM

Wajah Tum hO (hindi)

02:00 PM | 08:00 PM


THURSDAY 22•12•2016



Barcelona 'ready to make Messi world's best paid player' barceloNa, December 21 (aFp): Barcelona president Josep Maria Bartomeu indicated the Spanish champions are prepared to make Lionel Messi the world's highest-paid player to keep the Argentine superstar at the club. "Leo Messi is the best (player) in the history of football and we want him to stay with us," Bartomeu told reporters on Tuesday. "There will be negotiations...but even if I don't want to talk about figures, if he's the best player in the world it makes sense that he is so from all points of view." After extending the contracts of Neymar and Luis Suarez until 2021, Barca are desperate to keep hold of the five-time World Player of the Year, whose

deal expires in 2018. "He's at home here...I believe Leo is fully convinced he's in the best place he can be," said Bartomeu. It's been a tumultuous year for Messi off the pitch though, with him and

his father sentenced to 21 months in jail for tax fraud. The pair have appealed the ruling, although the prison sentences are likely to be suspended as is common in Spain for first offences for non-violent

44th WADSA Sports Meet concludes


In women’s volleyball, SZYO emerged as the champions following their victory over SechümaYouthOrganisation(SYO)inthefinal. A total of five youth organisations from Sechüma, Sechü Zubza, Kiruphema, Menguzouma and Thekrejuma participated in the three-day event which commenced on December 19. Meanwhile, the new team of WADSA for the tenure 2017-2018 will be headed by Neicasatuo Visienyü of Kiruphema village as president. The selected players, both in games and athletics, will represent WADSA at the forthcoming Western Angami Sports Association (WASA) meet scheduled to be held next year from January 11 to 13.

wokha, December 21 (mexN): LCYO defeated ABC by 102 runs while Royal Strikers overcame Mavericks CC by 12 runs to enter the second round of the 21st edition of Winter Cricket Challenge, played at Local Ground, Wokha. In the first match, LCYO set up a mammoth target of 190 runs. Put into bat after losing the toss, Renjanthung Tungoe led the run scoring with a century (107 runs) and was assisted by Ebithung (20) and Rhonbemo who remained unbeaten on 19 runs. Renjathung who was adjudged Man of the Match is the third batsmen in the history of Winter Cricket Challenge to have scored a century. Chasing the target the Athlete Brothers Club batsmen were bowled out in the 20th over of the match for a paltry 88 runs – short by 102 runs. Nongothung and Tumchobemo with 23 runs apiece were the only batsmen to offer some re-

sistance to the LCYO bowlers. Renjanthung, Yingathung and Zarenthung claim 2 wickets a piece. In the second match, Royal Strikers winning the toss, elected to bat first and scored a modest 137/8 with contributions from Roshan – 33 runs, Himari – 30 and Vicky – 25. Nchumbemo was the pick of the Mavericks bowlers with 3 wickets while Thungjamo scalped one. In the run chase, Elit-

praGue, December 21 (reuTers): Two-time Wimbledon tennis champion Petra Kvitova is "feeling good" following surgery on her playing hand after she was attacked in her apartment by a knife wielding intruder, her spokesman said on Wednesday. The Czech world number 11 suffered injuries to the fingers on her left hand in the attack on Tuesday morning. "Petra is feeling good after the surgery, a routine check confirmed that the operation was successful," Karel Tejkal said in an Viking Peren District Cycling Club set out on their first journey to Benreu 'Tourist Village' in Peren District with the emailed statement. Kvitova was not expected to make any theme 'Conserve and preserve Nature'. Seen here are club further comments herself on Wednesmembers with the oldest man and woman of the village.

Swee� Tiding� Basket of Goodies


hung (40 runs) and Mhonbemo (33) brought victory in sight for Mavericks. In the end though, Mavericks, who were finalist last year, fell short by 12 runs. Imtiwati grabbed 4 wickets for Strikers. Vicky who also bowled a tidy over while bowling was adjudged the Man of the Match. Wednesday Matches Imperials CC vs BHYO Mt. Tiyi CCC vs Renegades CC

Kvitova is 'feeling good' after surgery

day, Tejkal said. She said on social media on Tuesday she was fortunate to be alive after the attack in the city of Prostejov, about 260 km (160 miles) southeast of Prague. The hard-hitting left-hander rose to number two in 2011 when she won the first of her two Wimbledon singles titles. Tejkal said on Tuesday surgeons saw no reason why she could not return to playing tennis. The 26-year-old slipped in the rankings this year but showed improved form in recent months, winning the Wuhan Open title in October and the season-ending WTA Elite trophy in November.

Ashwin, Jadeja occupy top two spots in ICC Test bowling chart Dubai, December 21 (pTi): Ravichandran Ashwin and Ravindra Jadeja made it a rare instance of two India bowlers topping the ICC Test rankings after the left-arm spinner's maiden 10-wicket match haul against England in the Chennai Test propelled him to the second position. Jadeja's performance has earned him 66 points and brought him within eight points of star offspinner Ashwin, who has already been occupying the number one position. This is just the second time the top two spots in the bowlers chart is occupied by India players, with the pair emulating left-arm spinner Bishan Singh Bedi and leg-spinner Bhagwath

Chandrasekhar, who were ranked one and two in 1974. Jadeja grabbed 10 for 154 in the fifth and final Test and finished with 26 wickets in the five-match series, while Ashwin ended with 28 wickets as India completed a 4-0 series victory over England, culminating with an innings and 75 runs win in Chennai. Jadeja, who leapfrogged Josh Hazlewood, James Anderson, Dale Steyn and Rangana Herath, has also gained a place to reach his careerbest third rank in the list of all-rounders, which is also headed by Ashwin. Meanwhile, India pace bowler Ishant Sharma has moved up two places to

23rd position. In the Test Batsmen's list, India's KL Rahul and Karun Nair have also made huge gains. Rahul's knock of 199 has helped him gain 29 slots to reach a career-best 51st spot, while Nair's unbeaten 303 in only his third Test innings has lifted him 122 places to 55th position. Yesterday, India team had ended the year as the No.1 ranked Test side after comprehensively winning the five-Test series against England. The series win has helped India gain five points and they have now moved to 120 points in the last Test team rankings update of 2016, 15 points ahead of second placed Australia.

Faith in Action to participate in Int’l Taekwondo C’ship Dimapur, December 21 (mexN): Faith in Action Taekwondo Academy will participate in the TIAOpen International Taekwondo Championship on December 28 and 29 at Khudiram Anushilan Kendra, Kolkota. Participants from Faith in Action Taekwondo Academy are: Tiayanger, Akaito Yepthomi, L. Pfokho, Kevin, Jon, Imnatoshi, Santosh Bhagat, Khotongti Imchen, Manish Chhetri, Altab Uddin Choudhury, Jubaier Ikbal, Nasher Uddin Choudhury, Diana D. Chishi, Vinivi Swu, Neiweleu, Katila Kachari, Irene Pokharel, Elina Yepthomi, Chubsangla Chang and Arpita Bhattacharjee.

Khochamo Memorial Volley Trophy from Dec 27

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kohima, December 21 (mexN): The 44th sports meet of the Western Angami ‘D’ Sports Association (WADSA) concluded today at WAPO ground Sechü Zubza. Sechü Zubza Youth Organisation (SZYO) emerged as the overall champions in the three-day event during which events such as football, volleyball, badminton, table tennis, sepak takraw and athletics were held. In men’s football, SZYO defeated Kiruphema Youth Organisation (KYO) 5-1 and lifted the Pezasatuo Memorial Football Trophy, while KYO downed SZYO in men’s volleyball final to lift the challenger trophy. KYO had a convincing victory as they won in straight sets.

crimes carrying a sentence of less than two years. "I don't believe these tax affairs will have an influence (on a contract extension)...because Leo knows, I know and we all know he hasn't done anything

wrong," added Bartomeu. The Barca president also expressed his desire to see the 29-year-old finish his career at the Camp Nou. "It would be a story to tell future generations," said Bartomeu. "We had the best player in the world and he played here all his life." He confirmed Barca were keen as well to extend the contracts of captain Andres Iniesta, Croatia midfielder Ivan Rakitic and goalkeeper Marc-Andre ter Stegen in addition to coach Luis Enrique. "Towards April we'll speak about the coach. For now we're focused on the competition...but we would like him to stay," Bartomeu said of Enrique, who is out of contract at the end of June.

Winter Cricket Challenge: LCYO, Royal Strikers win

New riphyim, December 21 (mexN): The 7th Volleyball Trophy in Memory of Late Khochamo Odyuo, the First Head Dobashi, Wokha District, will be held on December 27 and 28 at Volleyball Court, New Riphyim Village. A press release from the organizing committee informing this has asked all participating teams to submit a confirmation note and entry fee to the Secretary, Organizing Committee on or before December 26.

TGSU tourney from Dec 27 Dimapur, December 21 (mexN): The Tesophenyu Group Students' Union will conduct its tournament from December 27 to 31 at playground of GHS Tesophenyu under the theme "Towards Greater Goal". The tournament will coincide with the Union’s 54th General Conference cum Foundation Day on December 29 at Sewanu Community Hall under the theme "Inspire, Innovate & Ignite" with Dr. Gwathonlo Tsela, VAS Meluri, as the Resource Person.

Published, Printed and Edited by Dr. Aküm Longchari from House No. 4, Duncan Bosti, Dimapur at Themba Printers and Morung Publications , Padum Pukhuri Village, Dimapur, Nagaland. RNI No : NAGENG /2005/15430. House No.4, Duncan Bosti, Dimapur 797112, Nagaland. Phone: Dimapur -(03862) 248854, Fax: (03862) 235194, Kohima - (0370) 2291952

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