December 28th, 2016

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WednesdAY • december 28 • 2016

DIMAPUR • Vol. XI • Issue 353 • 12 PAGes • 5

T H e

ESTD. 2005

P o W e R

Follow the three R’s: Respect for self, Respect for others, and Responsibility for all your actions SKorea ruling party split could provide opening for UN chief

Assam court summons Kejriwal in defamation case

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Press releases will be accepted only till 8:00 pm Editor, The Morung Express

Chelsea make it 12, Giroud rescues Arsenal PAGE 12

Rice scam charge mis-projected: TR

‘Working Group’ of Six NNPGs extend greetings DIMAPUR, DECEMBER 27 (MExN): The Working Group of six Naga National Political Groups (NNPGs), comprising of the GPRN/NSCN, NSCN (R), NNC/FGN (N/A), FGN/NNC, NNC/NPGN and the NNC/GDRN has conveyed festive greetings. A press release from the Working Group prayed that the “Lord of all Nations, the God of Abraham, Issac and Jacob will guide and bless the Naga people with renewed hope and vision towards our common objective.” “As the New Year approaches, may we rekindle friendships, cherish and preserve fond memories of family, friends and comrades. May we also find courage to forgive those who wronged us in the past and seek forgiveness from others for our mistakes,” it said. “Jesus Christ brought reconciliation between God and man. It is our duty to reconcile with our fellowmen. On this festive season, leaving aside all our ideological differences, we would like to wish our Naga people everywhere a prosperous year filled with peace, love and compassion. May we walk tall in Christ during this festive season and throughout the year,” the Working Group hoped.

T R u T H — Dalai Lama



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A Jet Airways aircraft is seen after it skidded off the runway before takeoff at an airport in Goa, December 27. (REUTERS)

NPCC releases 17-point ULB election manifesto

•• To reservation Tosupport support women women reservation in inULB ULB election election •• To manage drains, sanitation To manage drains, sanitation and andsolid solid waste waste •• To bring out a blueprint for To bring out a blueprint for sewage sewage systems •• To set up independent pricing To set up independent pricing commission commission Morung Express News Dimapur | December 27

The Nagaland Pradesh Congress Committee (NPCC) has reiterated its stand on the 33 percent women reservation in the Urban Local Bodies (ULB). Launching the manifesto for the ULB elections 2017 in Dimapur on December 27, NPCC president, K. Therie maintained that the Congress supports the Nagaland state government’s decision to hold the ULB elections and also the reservation of seats for women. “(The Congress) Decided to participate in the ULB Election and have welcomed 33% Women reservation.

Women participation in the process of decision making is important to have balanced thinking in planning,” said Therie at the launch held at the Congress Bhawan. The manifesto contained a 17-point objective which largely outlined the party’s vision on municipal management. It included besides others undertakings to bring out a blueprint for sewage systems, to facilitate daily markets, proper weights and measures, enforcing veterinary inspection on meat products, setting up independent pricing commission, bringing a ‘Mother Dairy’ system, maintaining graveyards and providing crematoriums etc. According to Therie, this is the first time a political party in Nagaland has prepared manifesto for ULB elections. The party’s disapproval of the demonetisation exercise was also raised with Therie stating that the Union government urging a shift to cashless transactions is not practical

in a largely rural state like Nagaland. “We do not have the infrastructure while more than 80% do not have bank accounts. In this backdrop, asking the people to use plastic money makes no sense. It is without proper impact assessment on the rural poor people particularly.” Holding that the economy India had before November 8, 2016 will be difficult to replace, he said that the impact on the people continues in multiple forms with farmers, traders and entrepreneurs incurring colossal losses. “We hope that the urban voters who are the elite voters in Nagaland and who will represent entire Nagaland will not send a wrong signal to the Government of India and the (state) Government of Nagaland.” Queried how many women candidates the party will be fielding, Therie replied that it has not been finalised yet. Without giving a number, he added that many aspirants are coming forward.

MVC ban conduct of ULB election with 33% women reservation DIMAPUR, DECEMBER 27 (MExN): The Medziphema Village Council (MVC) has reiterated its earlier resolution to ban the conduct of Town committee election with provisions to include 33% women reservation. The MVC also warned all intending candidates not to file nominations for Medziphema town council. “If any individual files nomination for the same in contravention

to the village council resolution, he/she should also be ready to bear the consequences at his/her own risk and peril,” it cautioned. The statement from MVC comes as a reaction to the Nagaland State Government notification for conduct of town committee elections that appeared in the local dailies on December 23, 2016. The MVC said it would not allow the conduct

of the election on its soil with women reservation in force. It argued that the incorporation of women reservation in Naga public institution is totally against the traditional and social practices of the Nagas. The MVC also maintained that the government is expected to listen to the wishes of the people but instead, it had decided to overrule the wishes and expectations of the people by

notifying the date of the elections. Therefore, in tune with its earlier resolutions, the MVC said it will not allow the conduct of Town council election under its jurisdiction unless “provision for women reservation is deleted.” It also sought to reiterate that the MVC is not against the conduct of town council elections but against the reservation of women in it.

Black investment in Naga accounts, guns

DIMAPUR, DECEMBER 27 (INDIA ToDAy): Rings of launderers and arms suppliers are pumping illicit wealth into tax-exempt bank accounts of local tribes and, worse, as investments in guns in the country's remotest northeastern parts, an India Today investigation has discovered. Last month, banned cash flew into Nagaland by the planeload, sparking a lot of scrutiny and media frenzy. But few credible leads emerged as to who actually might be turning black money into white in the farthest hinterlands - and how. As part of its incisive exposes of underground cash mafias, India Today's special investigation reached the most distant corner of the nation's northeast and busted a racket of launderers and gunhouses trading scrapped currency. In Dimapur, Nagaland's main city, underhanded operatives were found to be help-

ing black-money sharks park their loot in safe hideouts. Posing as a marble dealer, India Today's reporter met a money tout, Noor Mohammad, who agreed to facilitate stashing of void currency in accounts of tribal people. "There are ten to 15 accounts of a single family. But you wouldn't like to have accounts from a single household. You need four or five accounts from separate people," he advised. "These Naga people pay no taxes. They don't even pay 25 paisa in taxes." He suggested depositing money in Naga accounts in separate installments till Dec 30. "I'll get my cut. So I will have to do it for you," he remarked. Middleman like Noor Mohammad were found to be abusing a provision of IT law that keeps tribals of Nagaland, Tripura, Manipur, Mizoram and Arunachal Pradesh outside of the income-tax net.

But Naga accounts aren't the only haven tax thieves are exploiting in the northeastern region. For them, buying weapons as instruments of investment has also emerged as a viable option, the India Today investigation discovered. Aided by massive corruption, several firearm suppliers in Dimapur were seen organizing weapon permits even for non-residents, that too in exchange for dissolved banknotes. Viraj of Sarmati Gun-House in Dimapur demanded Rs 1.40 lakh for a single license for a .32 pistol. "This is the license rate. "The pistol price will be separate," he explained. This shady network seemed to be well entrenched into the system. Viraj then brought in a man, who identified himself as staff of the state's police department. "I am a typist in police. I am in the arms section,” said David Kibami. "Don't worry.

Nothing will happen." Kibami and Viraj quickly promised to arrange a gun license for India Today's undercover reporter. "It will be made from here," Kibami said. After guaranteeing a gun license, Viraj offered his wares to invest the reporter's fictitious black money in. "We will get it (the black money) adjusted in the weapon. By that time, you'll also get your licence," promised Viraj. An accomplice, called Vikas, then presented his current account for Rs 80 lakh. He quoted a fee of 25 percent. "We have to bribe the sales tax inspector as well. We have to show everything in the book. But it's a yearly account. We'll have your money settled in there," Vikas said. "There shouldn't be any problem for adjusting Rs 80 lakh. Right?" prodded the reporter. "There's no problem for an amount up to Rs 80 lakh," Vikas replied.

DIMAPUR, DECEMBER 27 (MExN): Nagaland State Chief Minister, TR Zeliang, who also holds the portfolio of Food & Civil Supplies, today issued a statement with regard to reports alleging siphoning of rice meant for beneficiaries under the National Food Security Act. In a statement issued through the CMO, Zeliang claimed that the whole case has been “misinterpreted and misprojected in the media wherein it was depicted that corrupt activities are taking place with the assumed blessings of the Government.” The CM informed that the Secretary, Consumer Affairs, Food & Public Distribution, Government of India had clarified that the Ministry is not in a position to make up for the loss arising out of spillage and wastage during the process of transportation/ storage. “And since beneficiaries in the State have complained on numerous occasions that they do not get the full amount of grain as prescribed, the department, on query raised by the Chief Minister, had pointed out that it had written to the stockists on November 4, 2016, permitting them to repack the rice in durable plastic bags as requested by them to ensure that the right proportion of rice is packed and reach the beneficiaries,” the CM said. He added that there is a “misconception” implanted in the minds of the public that departmental supply of rice can/ should only be in jute bags. “However, these jute bags, owing to improper handling while transportation, develop damages which lead to spillage and wastage of food grain, thereby, resulting in inaccurate/ shortfall in weight when the bags reach the targeted group. While it is a fact that rice should be packed in bags which enable aeration to the grains, considering that the repacked rice would reach the beneficiaries in a matter of days for distribution, it was considered that it would be best to repack the bags,” the CM informed. Nagaland, he meanwhile added has a total of 47,500 ration card holders under AAY covering a population of 2,09,657, and a total of 2,37,434 ration card holders under PHH covering a population of 11,93,928. A total of 14,03,579 people in Nagaland are covered under the NFSA. The Government of India allots food grain according to the number of ration card holders and not a kilogram more or

less. “And as spillage and wastage of grains in various stages of transportation and storage process invariably takes place, it is inevitable that some shortfall at the beneficiary level occur,” the CM stated. CM informed that he has on several occasions, asked the beneficiaries as well as the general public to bring it to his attention if they do not get the prescribed amount of food grain. He further informed that repackaging has been permitted for the first time on an experimental basis and the Department will be asked to make changes in arrangements, if necessary, based on the feedback received. As such, he stated that the Secretary, Food & Civil Supplies had clarified earlier that the department had allowed stockists to experiment with repackaging from jute bags to other durable bags and from 100 kg bags to 50 kg bags for convenience of loading and unloading to destinations. The CM termed it unfortunate that “this department-approved repackaging has been projected in the media that the repacked rice bags were meant for the open market, which is far from the truth, and which, if proven to be true, in itself amounts to a criminal activity requiring stringent action on the part of the Government.” The CM asked the public to first give the repackaging process a chance and see if the beneficiaries get their due share, “before jumping the gun and crying foul, blaming and criticising as if one has some political axe to grind.” He further opined that since NFSA is a new scheme in Nagaland, “everything may not be perfect or up to everyone’s expectations.” The CM however expressed determination to make the FSA a success and welcomed suggestions from concerned individuals or groups to come forward with their suggestions to achieve the target of enabling the beneficiaries get what they ought to get. Meanwhile, the CM also directed stockists/ transporters/ distributors or officials to ensure that the right quality and quantity of food grain reaches the beneficiaries on time, and cautioned that any compromise on the quality or quantity of food grains under NFSA would not be tolerated or condoned. He also appealed to the public to cooperate with the department in making the programme a success.

Not being just a beauty queen Imlibenla Wati on her motivation to contest in the upcoming Mokokchung municipal council election from general category Morung Express News Mokokchung | December 27

On Monday, when Imlibenla Wati, who had recently stepped out of the podium after crowned as 1st runner-up at the Miss Super Talent World, 2016 announced her desire to contest in the Mokokchung Municipal Council election from Aongza Ward, it virtually and literally created a rumble in the social media platforms and the kitchen hearths. With mixed reactions in the social media platforms, bloggers argued why a 21-year old beauty queen, at such a young age and with no political experience, should be driven to a “dubious corrupted world of politics.” At the kitchen hearths, the murmur of consternation as to why a “little girl” should dare throw away her educational career and even consider contesting for a position where she has “no rightful share.” In between, the fate of whether the Mokokchung Municipal Election would be held or not also remains to be seen - with an obstinate Ao Senden unyielding in its stand to grant consent for the conduct of the municipal election if the 33% women reservation is in place. Imlibenla, however, is not seeking a seat to the municipal council through the women reservation quota but plans to contest from general category-which means contesting head-to-head

Imlibenla Wati

with the men folk. Taking to The Morung Express, Imlibenla on Tuesday sought to enlighten on her decision and motivation to contest for the municipal election. Her primary impetus is good leadership. “I always had a hope and desire that our children should inherit a better tomorrow compared to the world we lived and was willing to work towards that. As I travel around and saw the blessings of good leadership and proper laws in other countries, it educated on me the value of good leadership. And being a daughter of Mokokchung, I want to contribute to my hometown as a member of MMC,” she stated. Imlibenla also has her election

manifesto ready. It prioritizes on economic freedom with focus on the common people. According to the beauty queen, she intends to cut down on regulations so that the underprivileged can more easily participate in the market economy thereby contributing towards their prosperity. She also envisions introducing policies that will strengthen women economic involvement through entrepreneurship, invest in building infrastructure and public health and apply innovative and environmentally friendly methods of waste management. Quoting Margaret Thatcher, her mantra is, “Economic freedom is where all our other freedom depends.” Imlibenla also argued that being young, as was the apprehension of many, is not a problem but a solution. “We need to move away from the politics where we see youth as a problem to be solved by politicians. Youths are not a problem but a solution to many of our problems,” she asserted. According to Imlibenla, she expects to bring the voice of the youth to be articulated in the table of decision-making and more policies being implemented to expand the arena of women participation in our economy. At 21, if Imlibenla who is currently pursuing her BA LLB, gets the go ahead to contest in the municipal election, she will inarguably be the youngest contender.


WednesdAY 28•12•2016



Rev. Dr. Chen Rengma passes away JSU golden jubilee celebration at Jakhama underway

Dimapur, December 27 (mexN): The Executive Secretary of Nagamese Baptist Churches Association, Nagaland, Rev. Dr. Chen Rengma passed away on December 27, 2016. His funeral service was conducted today at Monday Bazaar, Padumphukri in Dimapur at 3:00 pm. December 28th morning, Late Rev Chen’s mortal remains will be taken to his native village after a short stop over at Rengma Baptist Church, Kohima. Rev. Dr. Chen Rengma was born in Sishunu village in 1960. He did his early education from Govt primary School, Sishunu village and Chunlikha Govt High School. He did his Bachelor of Religious Education (BRE), Bangalore and Bachelor of Divinity (BD), Kolkata and was awarded the degree of the Doctor of Ministry, under the senate of Serampore University, West Bengal in 2007. He was

ordained as a Reverend by the Ordination Council of CRBC in 1993. Late Rev. Dr. Chen Rengma was that Youth Secretary, CRBC Tseminyu from 19821986; Youth Secretary, NBCC Kohima from 1989-2002; President, CBCNEI Youth from 1989-

2003; President CRBC from 2002-2005; President Rengma Theological Conference 20052007; President Baptist Youth Fellowship India (BYFI) from 1991-2007. Late Rev. Dr. Chen Rengma was also the “longest serving president of National Youth Organization”. He was also the Vice-President, Asia Baptist Youth Fellowship (ABYF) from 2000-2005; Chairman of the Board of Trustee of college, Mt. Terogvu Theological college, Zunpha, Tseminyu; Pastor Rengma Baptist church, Kohima 1st February 2006- 30th June 2011. The late Reverend is also the author of ‘A handbook on Pastoral Ministry’ and ‘Empowerment of Lay Ministry’. Presently, he was serving as Executive Secretary of Nagamese Baptist Churches Association, Nagaland from 1st July 2011 till date.

Our Correspondent

Jakhama | December 27

A two day long golden jubilee celebration of Jakhama Students’ Union (JSU) got underway here today at Campion School Ground under the theme “Envisioning a competitive future.” Koko Vizotha, managing director, Fernwood Higher Secondary School spoke on the topic “Education and its impact in the present context” at the inaugural function. Koko emphasized the need to choose their career and profession properly. She urged the students to follow their ambitions and what inspires them and not only on the sole advice of their parents. Koko also challenged the students to foray into private sector as well. She also dwells on the virtues of hard work and diligence. She stated that talent alone will not ensure success. She

Koko addressing inaugural function of JSU golden jubilee celebration on December 27. (Morung Photo)

also called upon the parents to get more involve with the children by investing their time and support. Stating that bookish knowledge will not ensure a complete education, she called upon the students to seek the wisdom of their parents. Golden jubilee souvenir was released by K. Ashi Khieya,

additional director general, National Academy of Customs Excise & Narcotics, Shillong. The function was followed by literary competition session. Meanwhile, Niketu Iralu, Trustee, Centre for North East Studies and Policy Research, New Delhi will unveil the monolith on December 28 at

10:00 AM. He will speak on the topic “Envisioning a competitive future.” JSU president Kelethuzo Yosa will deliver presidential address while JSU golden jubilee planning committee convenor Ar.Zavishio Khieya will highlight the concept of Educational Trust. Prize distribution and entertainment session will take place at 12:00 noon. Closing function has been scheduled at 2:00 PM with Er. Khiipi Natso, Engineerin-Chief, NPWD, Kohima as the speaker. He will formally launch the Educational Trust and also deliver a speech on the topic “50 Years and Beyond.” The session will also witness installation of JSU new office bearers. Concluding remarks will be made by Adv. Kezhokhoto Savi, co-convenor JSU golden jubilee planning committee. Jubilee Nite (An evening showcasing the talents of JSU) has been scheduled at 4:00 PM.

Dec 25 fire renders 12 families homeless Lions Club of Kohima visits Leprosy Colony with gifts

The charred remains of the homes at Unity colony. Morung Express News Dimapur | December 27

Atleast 12 families were rendered homeless in Dimapur by a fire on Christmas day, December 25. The fire which occurred at Uni-

ty colony, Darogajan gutted a row of thatch dwellings. According to the Fire & Emergency Services, the fire started around 5:30 pm and was reportedly caused by an electrical short circuit. The fire lasted for about half

an hour before fire-fighters could prevent the flames from spreading. Damage was estimated at around Rs. 50 lakhs while it was added that property worth around 20 lakhs were saved. There was no human casualty.

kohima, December 27 (NepS): Members of the Lions Club of Kohima (LCK) led by its President Lion Tali Jamir have visited lepers in the Leprosy Colony here at Naga Bazar Saturday. During the visiting programme at the Leprosy Colony, the Club also gave rice, meat, potatoes, Christmas cakes and other edible items to the inmates. Speaking on the brief occasion, LCK President Lion Tali Jamir reminded the concern and attachment that the members of the LCK had since early 80s.The present Living Accommodation housing the current inmates at Naga Bazar was constructed by the Club way back in 1983. The Club has been visiting the inmates with various

Members of the Lions Club of Kohima (LCK) with Leprosy inmates after handing over items--rice, meat, blankets and other items to them at Leprosy Colony, Naga Bazar on December 24. (Photo by NEPS)

items like rice, meat, vegetables, cloths, blankets, edible items, etc. especially on the eve of every Christmas as part of the "Pre-Xmas Visiting Program" to Leprosy patients living in the Living Accom-

modation. Stressing the importance of peace not only in their State but also elsewhere in the world, the President said the Club would always do their best to see the wellbeing of the

inmates living in the Living Accommodation. He also asked the inmates to have strong conviction that with the dawn of the Christmas, they would have a new era of peaceful lives.

One of the elderly inmates also shared their feelings and love with the members of the LCK. “We are really thankful to you---starting from President to other your colleagues---in the Club for showing your personal concern and love for the wellbeing of us who are living in this Living Accommodation,” the inmate said calling the members as “their Parents” who did wonderful works for the inmates. He also prayed for members of the Club to have long lives and more blessings from almighty God in the days to come. Senior members of the Club, Lion Tali Temsu Jamir, Lion Oken Jeet Sandham were among others who accompanied the LCK President during the Visit to inmates.

St. Peter's Centre new presbytery at Longsa Philimi Welfare Kohima celebrates silver jubilee

Wokha, December 27 (mexN): Most Rev. Dr. James Thoppil, the bishop of Kohima, blessed the newly built presbytery at St. Peter’s Centre Longsa, on December 20. Rev. Fr. George Punnolil, the diocesan financial administrator cut the ribbon and inaugurated the building while Rev. Fr. A. D. Jose, SDB, the Parish Priest, St. Paul Parish, Wokha unveiled the gratitude plague. Catholic Youth members from the village were present in big number and Fr. Mathew Rhamben, the Centre-Incharge welcome all and served the refreshments. For the time being the Sisters would stay in the building until a convent is

Morung Express News Dimapur | December 27

The newly built presbytery at St. Peter’s Centre Longsa inaugurated on December 20.

built for them. Fr. Thomas Toretkiu, Bishop Secretary, Kohima in a press release said that St. Peter’s Cen-

tre, Longsa started in the year 2012 is fast developing through the hard work of Rev. Fr. Mathew Rhamben and the Sisters

of the Ursuline Franciscan Congregation and the active collaboration and support the community and the public.

Philimi Kuqhakulu Kohima (Philimi Welfare Kohima) celebrated its 25 years of existence on Tuesday at Highland Park (IG Stadium Kohima) attended by a host of invitees and dignitaries. Speaking at the programme after releasing the souvenir, Parliamentary Secretary for Justice & Law and SIRD, Er. Picto Shohe noted the camaraderie shared by the Philimi community of Kohima and added that they were living up to their motto of “Each One, Help One.” “This kind of community feeling with love and respect for each other should continue in the days to

(Left) Parliamentary Secretary, Er. Picto Shohe addressing silver jubilee celebration at Kohima on Tuesday. (Right) Philimi Students’ Union Kohima presents special number at the programme. (Morung Photo)

come,” he said. Er. Picto said celebrating 25 years jubilee was not as easy as simply spoken but looking back at the efforts put in by the pioneers reflect how difficult it had been to establish any entity. He lauded the pioneers for their selfless efforts in establishing the Philimi

Kuqhakulu Kohima. (PWK) During the programme, GB Philimi, Luhevi; Philimi Welfare Dimapur Chairman, Shikato; Philimi Welfare Akuhaito representative, Akavi Sheqi and Kivishe Yeptho from Kohima spoke briefly and expressed joy at the celebration of the jubilee. Philimi Baptist Church,

Pastor, Kawoto pronounced jubilee blessings while Vihoyi Wotsa chaired the programme. PWK and Philimi Students’ Union Kohima unit presents special numbers. A silent moment was also observed as a mark of respect and gratitude to the departed pioneers.

SFS Community Centre at Kohima launched Holy Family Church attain 25 years

kohima, December 27 (mexN): The newly renovated community centre of St. Francis de Sales Parish, Kohima town at Merhülietsa colony (Paramedical), was blessed and inaugurated on December 21 by Most Rev. Dr. James Thoppil, the bishop of Kohima diocese in the presence of large gathering of the parish members. Rochus Chasie chaired the programme. The open-

ing prayer was said by Philip Kent and the scripture read by Sebastian Humtsoe. Ruokuoheü Roselyn gave s short report of the land and house acquisition which was allotted by the government of Nagaland. Leo was thanked and acknowledged for the negotiated amicable settlement. SFS Kids Choir sang beautifully and gave a spiritual air to the function. Rev. Fr. Alex Vizo, the Parish Priest, thanked all

present and especially the Land search committee and the parish pastoral council members for the great effort and sacrifice they put in for the acquisition and renovation of the building. Rev. Fr. Joseph Kath, the Asst. Parish Priest said the closing prayer, after which snacks were served to all. This was stated in a press release issued by Fr. Thomas Toretkiu, Bishop Secretary, Kohima.

Jubilee choir presents songs during the Holy Family Church, Nagaland Police Campus, Chumukedima, Silver Jubilee celebration held on December 27.

The river turned drainage at Dzüvürü colony is seen here covered with garbage, human and animal excretas unfit and hazardous for human settlement. The drainage at Agri-Merhülietsa wards also suffers the same fate in Kohima. Despite efforts by Kohima Municipal Colony to collect solid wastes from all colonies with each ward possessing its own trucks to collect wastes, local residents continue to dump their wastes in their own convenience causing hazards and pollution inside the wards.

chumukeDima, December 27 (mexN): The Holy Family Church, Nagaland Police Campus, Chumukedima, celebrated the Silver Jubilee with Most Rev. Dr. James Thoppil, Bishop of Kohima as the main celebrant on December 27. The celebration began with the blessing of the jubilee monolith by the bishop and unveiled by Elias Lotha. Rev. Fr. Sajan, parish priests of St. Joseph’s parish Chumukedima welcomed all, Bishop, Fathers, Sisters, Catechists, Pastors of different denomination, leaders of CAN, NCWA, NCYM and invited guests and the Most Rev. Dr. James Thoppil, the bishop of Kohima diocese with others during the inauguration of the newly renovated community centre of St. Francis de Sales Parish, Kohima town faithful. Total 21 children and 23 faithful received the at Merhülietsa colony.

Sacrament of the first Holy Communion and confirmation respectively. In the introduction of Bishop James Thoppil, greeted and congratulated the community. “It is indeed a joyous occasion to thank God and one another for the many blessings we have received through our faith in God and in his Church. This Church is itself a perennial sign of God’s blessing,” said the bishop. After the holy mass there was a short felicitation program anchored by Johnny Ruangmei & Fr. John Lichoi, Asst. Priest, Chumukedima, during which the jubilee choir presented two melodi-

ous songs and the women group sang a felicitation song. Jubilee souvenir was released by the Bishop and presentation was made to many people who supported the life and growth of the Church. K. Elias Lotha, Convener, Silver Jubilee proposed vote of thanks and Rev. Fr. P.J. Thomas graced the meal that was served to all. Fr. Thomas Toretkiu, Bishop’s Secretary, Kohima in a press release added that many of the priests and Sisters who served the community during the past years and many members from the various communities and churches were present for the celebration.

wednesday 28•12•2016



ArunAchAl: rs 1300 cr deposited in 15 SBI accounts post demonetisation Guwahati, December 27 (Deccan chronicle): In what has created a sensation in Arunachal Pradesh, more than Rs 1300 crore, suspected to be black money, was deposited in few bank accounts in the state. Though, SBI officials refused to divulge the specific bank details, sources in the bank admitted that they have recorded the deposit of Rs. 800 crore in the state soon after demonetisation. A local daily of Itanagar, the Eastern Sentinel claimed that Rs 1300 crore was deposited in 15 bank accounts of SBI in Itanagar after demonetisation of currency. The editor of the newspaper claimed that they published the story three days back on the basis of information provided by SBI officials. “The bank has neither contradicted our story nor clarified it as yet,” the editor of the local daily said. Claiming that banks have informed the authorities about these deposits, security sources said that suspicion on clandestine transactions in the frontier state started following the suicide of a HDFC branch manager at Naharlagun in a mysterious circumstance. Pointing out that HDFC branch

People wait to deposit and withdraw their money outside banks and ATMs. (REUTERS Photo)

manager Rituparna Gohain has also left a suicide note, in which he confessed and named few contractors and politicians who exchanged and deposited demonetised currency in his branch to which he could reconcile in the accounts of the bank, security sources said The suicide note is with the with police. Asserting that a huge of amount

Manipur newspapers protest grenade threat Newmai News Network Imphal | December 27

Angry at the planting of a hand grenade by a militant group at the office of a local newspaper, all newspaper editorials went blank on Tuesday, apart from organising a sit-in by journalists at Keishampat in Imphal to protest the incident. All newspaper editorials were kept blank as a mark of protest following the bomb threat last evening at the office of Pandam, a vernacular evening daily, located at Wahengbam Leikai. Journalists from all media houses in Imphal took part in the sit-in protest. “We condemn the act of intimidation aiming to violate the press freedom,” said a journalist at the site while taking part in the protest demonstration. The Editors’ Guild Manipur

(EGM) said they condemned the incident in the strongest terms. Newspapers in Imphal will not hit the stands tomorrow, December 28, as all journalists stayed away from work for today. Manipur newspaper houses often face such intimidation from different militant organisations particularly on the issue of publication of their statements. The editors’ body said the incident has threatened the entire media fraternity. It held an emergency meeting shortly after the incident that occurred around 6 pm. To denounce it, the editors in the meeting unanimously decided to leave all editorials blank in protest in December 27 issue of all papers. The journalists from all Imphal-based print and electronic media houses staged the demonstration from 10 am till 4 pm suspending their daily work.

of currency was smuggled to Itanagar from Assam only a day after demonetization of currency, security sources said that the HDFC branch manager was under pressure from various quarters to justify their clandestine exchange and deposits. Though, police is tight-lipped about the suicide note as it may open Pandora’s box. Security sources said that a

huge amount of old currency was also deposited in the Arunachal Pradesh State Cooperative Apex Bank branches of the state. In absence of core-banking facilities with the Apex Bank, security sources said that bank officials have not been able to reconcile their accounts as yet. Security sources said that there were reports of bank officials functioning till late in the night and taking deposits even after the banking hours. Indicating that many political leaders from Assam routed their black money through banks in Arunachal Pradesh, security sources said that a large number of new accounts were also opened after the demonetization to adjust and transfer the black money from the accounts of local residents of Arunachal Pradesh. It is significant local residents of the state are not required to pay any tax on their income. Security sources, stressing the need of a thorough investigation into all the transaction of Arunachal Pradesh banks, said that there were reports of exchange of money at large scale from remote districts of the state.

‘Separation of tribal territories from Manipur is only way forward’ Newmai News Network Imphal | December 27

The Joint Action Committee Against Anti Tribal Bills (JAC-AATB) has asserted today that 'separation of all the tribal territories from present Manipur is the only way forward'. In a press release issued to Newmai News Network this evening, the JAC-AATB alleged that "after the abject failure of the O Ibobi-led communal Manipur Government to create division and mistrust among the Naga tribes, its focus has now turned towards the softer target - the Zo people (Chin-Kuki-Zomi/Mizo tribes) of present southern Manipur". "It is beyond doubt that the mortal remains of one of the nine Tribal Martyrs was stolen at the behest of the O. Ibobi-led communal Manipur Government on December 23, 2016 by destroying the door and breaking into the Lamka District Hospital Mortuary; the fact that the Chief Minister O. Ibobi Singh himself visited Churachandpur District the very same day to see and confirm for himself the stolen coffin containing the mortal remains of one of the Tribal Martyrs stands testament to his direct involvement in the planning and execution of the entire episode," the JAC-AATB alleged. According to the JAC-AATB, instead of exploring ways and means to bring about an amicable and acceptable solution to the imbroglio that followed the passing of the three anti-tribal bills by the Manipur Legislative Assembly on August 31, 2015,

it has become more and more evident that the single-minded focus of the Manipur Government is that of creating discord, mistrust and division among the various tribal communities. The three bills being opposed by the JACAATB are the Protection of Manipur People Bill, 2015; the Manipur Land Revenue & Land Reforms (Seventh Amendment) Bill, 2015; and the Manipur Shops & Establishments (Second Amendment) Bill, 2015. "The sudden and arbitrary creation of seven full-fledged revenue districts solely aimed at appeasing one tribe or community while victimizing another is a case in point," it added. Meanwhile, according to the JACAATB, contrary to the Manipur Government’s propaganda, with the President of India withholding the Protection of Manipur People Bill, 2015 and the remaining two other bills being sent for review by experts, and the Manipur Government still trying to introduce a new bill in place of the withheld bill, the issue with the 'infamous anti-tribal bills' is far from over. The Joint Action Committee Against Anti-Tribal Bills (JACAATB) then sad that "it is now more convinced than ever before that the hastening of the ongoing political dialogues for self-determination of the tribal peoples with the sole aim of ensuring separation of all the tribal territories from present Manipur is the only way forward for the survival of the indigenous tribal peoples in present Manipur".

Will implement clause 6 of Assam Accord: Rajnath Sikkim has the Guwahati, December 27 (et): With Assam witnessing protest over Citizenship (Amendment) Bill 2016, Union Home minister Rajnath Singh said that culture, tradition and language of Assam will be protected. Singh who was in Guwahati to attend BJP's programme said Clause 6 of Assam accord which stipulates constitutional protection to Assamese will be fulfilled. "Full protection will be given and whatever is required to be done administratively, legislatively and constitutionally we will do it. However clause 6 of Assam accord will be implemented." Assam accord was signed after six yearlong anti foreigners' movement (1979-1985). In Assam apprehension are being raised that giving citizenship rights to Bengali Hindus from Bangladesh will adversely affect the culture, language and tradition of Assam. The bill proposes to give citizenship to Hindu Bengali migrants is under consideration of Joint parliamentary Committee of both houses

of parliament. Assam chief minister Sarbananda Sonowal recently said that government will elicit views from cross sections of the society about ways to amend the Clause 6 of the Assam Accord for ensuring Constitutional safeguard of the state. Singh while praising the support it received from the Bangladesh government in the international forum said that security of Indo-Bangladesh border was a priority for the BJP government and it will be completely sealed in next one and a half years. Singh said, "We are committed to sealing the 223.7-km Indo-Bangladesh border and the process is on. It is expected to be completed within the next year and a half. We are doing fencing and giving technological solution like sensors along the border." The home minister said India and Bangladesh have exchanged enclaves. "Bangladesh is our neighbouring country and we share a good and warm relation. If there is one coun-

try that is firmly supporting India in international forums that is Bangladesh. They (Bangladesh) is always ready to cooperate with us." Singh said that updation of National Register of Citizens (NRC) in Assam is underway and the process will be completed soon. "We have increased the number of tribunals from 34 to 100." The home minister claimed that insurgency in Assam is about to end. Probably in last 20 years insurgency is at its lowest ebb now. "We are ready to talk to dissatisfied people however Centre will make no compromise on the issue of insurgency and violence will not be tolerated." Asking Assam chief minister Sarbananda Sonowal to initiate structural and procedural reforms. "I suggest the chief minister along with ministers and officers should do a panchayat for different trades once in a month where some problems can be solved instantly and government can remain in touch with people. I have used this method."

most women drinkers: Study

Guwahati, December 27 (tnn): Women in Assam consume more alcohol than 23 other states in the country where the latest National Health Survey was conducted. The state follows only Sikkim and Telangana on the list. While Sikkim topped the list with 23% women consuming alcohol, the 6.9% figure in Assam is quite high when compared to other northeastern states. Manipur is the only close contender with 6.1%, while Tripura and Meghalaya recorded 4.8% and 2.1% respectively. The states of Andhra Pradesh, Bihar, Chhattisgarh, Goa, Gujarat, Haryana, Karnataka and Punjab recorded 0.4%, 0.2%, 5%, 4.2%, 0.3%, 0.1%, 1%, and 0.1% respectively. In Assam, the survey gathered information from 24,542 households, 28,447 women and 3,860 men. The survey, carried out in 26 states and Union Territories, also revealed that women in rural pockets of Assam consumed more alcohol than their urban counterparts.

KYO condemns Imphal violence Former Assam cM Prafulla Mahanta loses nSG cover

Tripura BJP leader beaten to death, one arrested aGartala, December 27 (ht): A Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) leader was beaten to death by a man at a tribal-dominated village in Tripura’s Dhalai district on Monday evening, police said on Tuesday. An official at the Gandacherra police station said they have arrested the man, Biswada Tripura, who killed Chanmohan Tripura. Police have said the accused is mentally retarded. However, the BJP alleged that Chanmohan, who was the chief of the party’s Janajati Yuva Morcha, Gandacherra Mandal committee and also an elected member of Dalpati ADC village committee, was killed by the ruling Communist Party of India (Marxist) cadres. Police said the post-mortem examination of the body would be conducted on Tuesday.

Abducted minor boy rescued in Shillong ShillonG, December 27 (pti): A seven-yearold boy, who was kidnapped from Uttar Pradesh allegedly by a couple, was rescued from a hotel here on Sunday, police said. The couple had kidnapped the boy from Jhuara village following which they came to the capital of Meghalaya, East Khasi Hills SP M Kharkhrang said. He said after receiving information from Sultanpur Police, a check was conducted in the hotel which led to the victim's rescue, he said. The accused were identified as Shyamsundar Shitala Prasad Shukla and his wife Shalini Shyamsundar Shukla and both hail from Nongmynsong area in the city. They have been arrested. The SP said the accused were earlier arrested in a similar case.

Guwahati, December 27 (the hinDu): Another former Chief Minister of Assam — Prafulla Kumar Mahanta, has been stripped of the National Security Guard (NSG) cover. Earlier, former Chief Minister Tarun Gogoi, lost the security provided by the special force. Though the move is in line with the government’s efforts to stop the specialised counter-terror force from performing VIP security duty, there are 13 other VIPs, including Home Minister Rajnath Singh, enjoying such security. After the Home Ministry removed the NSG cover for Gogoi, he shot off a letter to Rajnath alleging “the decision had not been

Prafulla Kumar Mahanta. (File Photo)

taken on merit but due to political reasons, which is discriminatory.” Persons protected by the NSG are entitled to Z plus security and at any given time around 40 commandos are deployed to provide proximity cover.

“There is a committee that looks into the current threat assessment of various personalities. The decision to remove Prafulla Kumar Mahanta’s NSG cover was also taken by the committee,” said a senior official. The order was issued,

Direct benefit transfers saved rs. 36,000 crore in two years aGartala, December 27 (ianS): Over Rs 36,000 crore were saved in last two years for providing diverse payment and various wages straightway to the beneficiaries under the Direct Benefit Transfer (DBT) scheme, a top central government official said. "Over Rs 36,000 crore of the government exchequer were saved in last two years for providing various payments and wages under the DBT scheme," DBT Mission Director G.S Shekhawat said. He said that as many as 84 schemes, including Pradhan Mantri Jan Dhan Yojana and Mahatma Gandhi National Rural Employment Guarantee Act being implemented by a host of central ministries and departments across the country, have been included in the DBT scheme. "With the DBT scheme becoming popular, Rs 36,000 crore has been saved from being wasted or siphoning in midway. Huge, more government money would be saved if more schemes are brought under the DBT," Shekhawat said while addressing a workshop on cashless transactions here on Monday afternoon.

According to the official, over 1,200 schemes were studied to see if they could be brought under the DBT scheme and it was found that within a very short period around 550 schemes could be incorporated in the scheme. He said that Aadhaar number linking with the bank account is very vital to implement the DBT scheme, and this has been achieved 100 per cent in the union territories of the country. "Among the states, in Andhra Pradesh, Telengana and Madhya Pradesh, the DBT achieved the maximum success. Among the northeastern states, Tripura is in a leading position," he added. Shekhawat said that over 32 crore people have so far come under the DBT and added that Prime Minister Narendra Modi personally is monitoring the implementation of the DBT scheme. The DBT scheme was launched in January 2013 in 43 districts in 16 states and all Union Territories. In the second phase it was extended in July 2013 to 78 more districts. Currently all districts of the country covered under this scheme.

but yet to be executed. Mahanta, President of the Asom Gana Parishad, is in alliance with the ruling BJP in Assam. He has been vocal in criticising the Citizenship Amendment Bill (2016) of the Centre, which proposes to provide citizenship to persecuted religious minorities from Pakistan, Bangladesh and Afghanistan. When contacted, Mahanta said: “I have no issues if they [the Centre] remove it [NSG security cover].” The official said the Centre was pruning the VIP security list, and recently, a meeting was chaired by Home Secretary Rajiv Mehrishi. There are two committees that decide the security category, the Pro-

tection Review Group and the Security Categorisation Committee, both headed by the Home Secretary. They include Intelligence Bureau officials. In his letter to Rajnath, Gogoi had mentioned about the existing NSG security cover to Mahanta and said he was being discriminated against. “No other political leaders of my stature in the country, who have been provided Central Armed Police Forces (NSG) cover, were suddenly relieved of it just seven months after demitting office. Even in my State, former Chief Minister Prafulla Kumar Mahanta is still having CAPF [NSG] cover though he demitted office 15 years back,” Gogoi said.

BORDER ROADS ORGANISATION NOTICE INVITING TENDER (NATIONAL COMPETITIVE BIDDING) 1. The Commander 15 BRTF, PIN-930 015, C/O 99 APO on behalf of President of India invites tender(s) from the eligible contractors for the following work(s) Details Cost &Time Particular of work of tender of work documents Tender No.13 of 2016-17 (a) Cost : ` (a) Cost of Supply and Stacking of GSB 74.80 Iakh tender : ` Material, Stone Metal 63-45 (b) Period 1000/MM, Stone Chips 13.2 MM & of comple- (b) Availability Sand for WBM between KM tion:365 days On or after 29 8.00 and KM 15.00 on K-J (c) Earnest Dec 2016 Road & Stone Chips 22.4 m o n e y : ` (c) SubmisMM, Stone Chips 11.20 MM, 1,37,200/sion : Up to Stone Chips 6.7 MM & Sand 1100 hrs on for DBM & BC at HMP Loca23 Jan 2017 tion 0.500 KM inside from KM 168.950 on D-K-M -Road for Rehabilitation work between KM 8.00 to KM 15.00 on K-J Road under 89 RCC/15 BRTF Project Sewak in Nagaland State Note : Full notice of tender, any change in above details, tender document (including eligibility criteria) and other details may be obtained from BRO Website www.bro. (link:Tender) or Central public - procurement, portal for any queries, please contact on telephone 0370-2260207. EE (Civ), SG SSW For Commander

Davp: 37102/11/0632/1617

Diphu, December 27 (mexn): The Karbi Youth Organisation (KYO) has strongly condemned the recent attack on religious institutions and the burning down of vehicles in Manipur and has further demanded that the culprits responsible be arrested immediately and punished. In a press note, KYO while appealing for communal harmony termed the attacks “unfortunate” and added that “devilish act of some” may create differences among Nagas and Meiteis. Flaying the State and the Central governments over the slow reaction in controlling the situation, the KYO advised the governments to take responsibility and restore peace. “The government should have initiated steps to contain violence,” it maintained.


wednesdAY 28•12•2016



Tatas serve legal notice on Mistry for breach of trust MuMbai, DeceMber 27 (iaNS): Tata Sons on Tuesday served a legal notice on its ousted Chairman Cyrus Mistry, alleging breach of confidentiality and passing on sensitive information to his family-controlled companies. No damages were sought. Mistry, who still remains a Director on the board of the holding arm of the the $100 billion-plus group, was asked to desist from such alleged actions. Mistry was served the notice after the holding company of the industrial conglomerate Tata Group filed a petition before the National Company Law Tribunal (NCLT) Mumbai for alleged ‘breach of confidentiality obligation by a Director’. The notice was served to Mistry by leading law firm Shardul Amarchand Mangaldas. According to the notice, Mistry passed on sensitive information which he was privy to under the capacity of a Di-

tata Group Chairman Cyrus Mistry speaks to shareholders during the tata Consultancy services (tCs) annual general meeting in Mumbai. (REUTERS File Photo)

rector of Tata Sons to companies owned and controlled by his family. Mistry’s family controlled companies --Cyrus Investment Private Limited and Sterling Investment Private Limited -- are petitioners against Tata Sons before the

NCLT (Mumbai). “By passing on confidential and sensitive information accessed by you in your capacity as a Director of Tata Sons to companies owned and controlled by your family, that is, the petitioners, you have acted in complete vio-

lation of your confidentiality undertakings to Tata Sons, your fiduciary duties towards Tata Sons and your obligations under the Tata Code of Conduct,” the legal notice said. “We demand that you cease and desist from sharing

any confidential and sensitive information accessed by you in your capacity as a director of Tata Sons with the petitioners,” the notice said. It added: “We also demand that you ensure that any such information which is sought to be used in legal proceedings, any documents or parts thereof which are unrelated to the matters being agitated in such legal proceedings are suitably redacted.” The Tata Sons legal notice accused Mistry of acting recklessly with the sole intent to “cause harm and loss” to its clients. “Clearly, you have been entrusted with confidential and sensitive information, which is in the nature of property, in your capacity as director, and you have deliberately used such confidential and sensitive information in violation of law to cause wrongful loss to our client and the Tata Group Companies,” the notice said. “Thereby, your actions

and omissions have resulted in a criminal breach of trust,” it added. “Such reckless failure on your part in discharging your fiduciary, legal and contractual duties has caused irreparable harm and damage to Tata Sons and the Tata Group and our client intends to exercise all legal rights and pursue all remedies available under applicable law to our client in relation to such breach on your part,” the notice said. It said Mistry’s actions and omissions has exposed Tata Sons to potential claims from third parties for breach of confidentiality and “our client has every intention to make you liable for all such claims.” “Our client strongly believes that your actions and omissions by itself is an act of mismanagement. Such deliberate acts and omissions on your part, clearly establishes the fact that contrary to all your claims, you are no wellwisher of Tata Sons and the Tata Group Companies.”

‘Amul girl’ may make her Withdrawal limits from banks, ATMs won’t be lifted anytime soon 500- and 1,000-rupee notes that were expects only 50 per cent of the demonway to merchandise too demonetised in one swoop on No- etised amount to be remonetised by Arup roychoudhury

New Delhi, DeceMber 27 (PTi): The adorable Amul girl could soon find her way into living rooms and kitchens, beyond the topical ads on newspapers with the dairy major mulling over launch of merchandise based on her. According to a top company official, once Amul takes a decision in the next 2-3 months, a range of items ranging from key rings to fridge magnets and polka dot frocks may be sold over its 8,000 Amul milk parlours across the country. “We will consider to come up with merchandise based around Amul butter girl. We will take a final decision on this in next 2-3 months,” Gujarat Cooperative Milk Marketing Federation (GCMMF) Managing Director R S Sodhi said. GCMMF sells dairy products under the Amul brand. “We can bring many merchandise like key rings, cups and frocks. We can sell these merchandise through our over 8,000 milk parlours across the country,” he said. Sodhi was speaking at the book launch ‘Amul India 3.0’ yesterday here. The book was launched by eminent advertising and media personalities Santosh Desai, Indrajit Hazra, FiRe StatiOnS

KoHIMA soUtH: 0370-2222952/ 101 (O) 9402003086 (OC) KoHIMA nortH: 7085924114 (O) dIMAPUr: 03862-232201/ 101 (O) 9856156876 (OC) CHUMUKedIMA: 7085982102 (O) 8732810051 (OC) woKHA: 03860-242215/101 (O) 8974322879 (OC) MoKoKCHUnG: 0369-2226225/ 101 (O) 8415830232 (OC) PHeK: 8414853765 (O) 8413822476(OC) ZUnHeBoto: 03867-280304/ 101 (O) 9436422730 (OC) tUensAnG: 8414853766 (O) 9856163601 (OC) Mon: 03869-251222/ 101 (O) 9862130954 (OC) Kiphire: 8414853767 (O) 9436261577 (OC) Peren: 7085189932 (O) 9856311205 (OC) LonGLenG: 7085924113 (O) 9862414264 (OC)

Rahul Da Cunha and Jai Arjun Singh. “We are known from the campaign. So we are happy,” Sodhi said, adding that the campaign, being run for last 50 years, has huge credibility. “Amul girl has commented on everyone. Nobody has displayed anger. Amul girl is like daughter. We know what she is saying is correct,” Sodhi said. Amul India 3.0, the third edition, is a unique take on 50 years of India’s history, the highs and lows, through the eyes of the adorable little Amul poppet. Covering topical grounds and popular incidents from the contemporary context, this is the all new, comprehensively revised and updated edition. The book has pieces by prominent writers, public figures and the subject of the hoardings themselves. The writers, including Amitabh Bachchan, Shashi Tharoor, Jug Suraiya, Indrazit Hazra, Jai Arjun Singh, Santosh Desai, Naresh Fernandes, Angello Dias, Arnab Goswami and Karan Johar, have looked at how the Amul girl has over the years covered the nation’s concerns and obsessions, specially politics, Bollywood and cricket.

Business Standard

The Narendra Modi government has asked for time till late December to midJanuary for the ‘pain’ of demonetisation to ease out. However, a major reason for the inconvenience -- withdrawal limits from banks and ATMs -- is likely to stay for longer. After announcing his demonetisation drive on November 8, Modi has time and again asked for 50 days from the public. While no explicit instructions have been issued as to when the limits of Rs 24,000 per week for savings accounts and Rs 50,000 per week from current accounts, and Rs 2,500 per day from ATMs will be lifted, a large section of the public is hoping that these restrictions will be eased after December 30. However, these limits will certainly not be lifted anytime soon. Even if the situation eases by mid-January, as per a statement by Finance Minister Arun Jaitley a couple of weeks back, the Finance Ministry and the Reserve Bank of India will take their time assessing the situation before lifting the caps, Business Standard has learnt from senior government sources. As per the latest data available on RBI’s website, since start of the demonetisation programme, banks have issued notes worth nearly Rs 6,00,000 crore till December 20 through ATMs and over-the-counter. That is just 39 per cent of the Rs 15.4 lakh crore in old

Civil Hospital emergency-

we4 woMen HeLPLIne

232224 229529 229474 MH Hospital 227930 231081 Faith Hospital 228846 shamrock Hospital 228254 Zion Hospital 231864 224117 227337 Police Control room 228400 Police Traffic Control 232106 east Police station 227607 west Police station 232181 CIHsr (referral Hospital) 242555 242533 dimapur Hospital 224041 248011 Apollo Hospital Info Centre 230695/ 9402435652 railway 131/228404 Airport 229366 Indian Airlines 242441 225212 Chumukedima Fire Brigade 282777 nikos Hospital and 232032, research Centre 231031 nagaland Multispecialty Health & research Centre

248302, 09856006026

eden Medical Centre








































end-December. Soumya Kanti Ghosh, chief economist at State Bank of India, had said in a report earlier this month that he expects re-monetisation at 75 per cent by endJanuary at the current rate of non-stop printing by the four mints. Former government and RBI officials say that the state-owned Security Printing and Minting Corp’s capacity could be around 10 billion banknotes per annum while RBI-owned Bharatiya Reserve Bank Note Mudran Private Ltd’s capacity is around 16 billion banknotes. Most estimates put the monthly capacity of the four printing presses currently printing notes -- two of SPMC and two of BRBNMP -- at 3 billion notes per month. At that rate, former finance minister P Chidambaram has surmised, it would take more than seven months to replace the nearly 23 billion notes demonetised. Of course that timeline will reduce if all notes are only of Rs 2,000, but that would create another cash crisis as change for such notes is not easily available. Chidambaram’s predictions may be too pessimistic in a way, but it has to be remembered that these are machines, which need constant looking after. One only hopes that the machines, which are running at full capacity, do not need downtime for repairs or maintenance while the re-monetisation process is ongoing.

Centre expects only 50% of demonetised amount to be remonetised by December end

std code: 03862


vember 8. This is way below the Finance Ministry and RBI’s comfort level at which they would want to remove withdrawal restrictions. “We do have a plan in mind on when to remove withdrawal restrictions. Any such decision will be deliber-

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taHaMZaM (formerly senapati) Police station Fire Brigade




stdcode: 03871 222246 222491

KOHiMa Fire Brigade naga Hospital oking Hospital Bethel nursing Home northeast shuttles

north Ps Officer-in-Charge south Ps Officer-in-Charge Zubza Ps Officer-in-Charge Chiephobozou Ps Officer-in-Charge tseminyu Ps Officer-in-Charge Khuzama Ps Officer-in-Charge Kezocha Ps Officer-in-Charge women Cell Officer-in-Charge Control room


ated upon and will be taken when the government and the central bank see that there is a fair amount of money disbursed back to the public,” said a senior government official. A top Finance Ministry official has said that the ‘comfort level’ would most probably be around 80 per cent, that is more than Rs 12 lakh crore remonetised. The sense is that such removal would be gradual in nature rather than an outright lifting of caps. What is clear is that a complete lifting of withdrawal caps will most likely not be done before end-January or early-February. Economic Affairs Secretary Shaktikanta Das has said that the Centre

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woodland nursing Home


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Now there is no need to download and make payments through various digital apps. Aadhaar Payment App is an initiative by the government for making cashless transactions through your multiple bank accounts. The universal app offers you to ease out your payments through any bank account without using the internet facility. The unique 12-digit number, which carries your identity, is needed to do payments at the various merchant who is accepting payments through the Aadhaar card. What is Aadhaar payment merchant’s app? It is an application used by the merchants to take payments online from customer’s bank account to their own account using 12-digit unique Aadhaar number of the clients where clients can choose any of their bank accounts to do the transactions. Each transaction will be authenticated by the fingerprint of the customer. Transactions can be made through Aadhaarlinked bank accounts (AEBA) only. What is the security concern? It is a highly secure app which will use two main platforms – Aadhaar Payment Bridge (APB) and Aadhaar Enabled Payment System (AEPS). ABS will act as repository between the banks and the customers to provide a smooth flow of transactions, while AEPS will help in authenticating the online process. What are its benefits for a customer? You do not require a debit card of credit card for payments You do not need POS machine to swipe the card. You do not require the internet connect to any app to register You do not require multiple apps like digital wallets to make any payment How can you use it? Android users can download the app from play store while iPhone users can download it from iTunes. Merchants can login from their Aadhaar number using the fingerprint scanner. Once the app is validated, merchants can use it to take payments. Options like account summary, payments, etc. are available in the app where the merchant needs to click on the pay option and enter the Aadhaar number of the customer. As soon as the Aadhhaar number is entered, it will show you the numbers of banks through which want to do payments. Make sure that before using the Aadhaar number you need to register your Aadhaar number with all your bank accounts. Validation of payment will again require the customer’s fingerprint to authenticate the transaction process.


Us dollars sterling Pound Hong Kong dollar Australian dollar singapore dollar Canadian dollar Japanese Yen euro thai Baht Korean won UAe dirham (Aed) Chinese Yuan

BUY (rs) 66.18 82.28 8.25 48.54 45.82 49.46 55.7 69.07 1.79 0.054 17.44 9.22

seLL (rs) 69.34 86.49 9.21 51.10 48.19 52.01 58.99 72.58 2.00 0.0604 19.47 10.29


Contact numbers

8575045501 8575045510 8575045502 8575045520 8575045508 8575045518 8575045506 8575045516 8575045507 8575045517 8575045505 8575045515 8575045549 8575045538 8575045509 8575045519 8575045500 (Emergency No. – 100)

std code: 0369

Police station 1 Police station 2 Police station Kobulong Police station tuli Police station Changtongya Police station Mangkolemba Civil Hospital

4 things you must know about Aadhaar Payment App




Simple Rules - Fill in the grid so that every row, every column, and every 3x3 box contains the digits 1 through 9.

Game Number # 3808

Answer Number # 3807

ACROSS 1. A feudal vassal 5. Monetary unit of Macedonia 10. Spheres 14. Feudal worker 15. Genus of heath 16. 12 inches 17. Pause 18. Written material 20. Dutiful 22. Estate 23. A single-reed woodwind 24. ___ alia 25. Reinforcing 32. Fire residues 33. Slowly, in music 34. Scarlet 37. Tiny sphere 38. Synagogue scroll 39. Delicate 40. A large vase 41. Land of the Rising Sun 42. Chop finely 43. Profanities 45. Large tropical American fish 49. Fury 50. Right 53. Bitter 57. Squadron 59. Maguey 60. Tidy 61. Attune 62. Gashes 63. Being 64. Wanderer 65. Not nays DOWN 1. Bawdy 2. Brother of Jacob 3. Module 4. Despised 5. Luxurious 6. Goddess of discord 7. Louse-to-be

8. Breezed through 9. Unusual 10. Frequently 11. Get out of bed 12. Carried 13. Drive 19. Spanish for “Friend” 21. Paddles 25. Hindu Mr. 26. End ___ 27. Part of a comparison 28. Spills 29. A pinnacle of ice 30. Absurd 31. Greatest possible 34. Hindu princess 35. Behold, in old Rome 36. Colors 38. Bar bill 39. The ability to read 41. Jested 42. Bog 44. Refinement 45. Display 46. Snouts 47. Killer whales 48. Give a speech 51. Outcropping 52. Neat 53. Austrian peaks 54. Color of the sky 55. Greek letter 56. To tax or access 58. One time around Answer to Crossword 3812

Wednesday 28•12•2016


Late Temjenyanger Aier laid to rest Dimapur, December 27 (mexN): The condolence service of Late Temjenyanger Aier, President, NPGN/NNC (N/A) was held on December 23 at the Aoyimsen panchayat ground and the coffin kept at the rostrum for public view and to pay last homage to the departed “patriot”. All rank and file of NPGN/NNC (N/A) led by Ato Kilonser Hozheto Z Chophi, leaders from different NNPGs, Aoyimsen Village Council, Aoyimsen Baptist Church members and well wishers from different walks of life attended the funeral service, according to a press release from N. Mar Ao, MIP Kilonser, NPGN/NNC (N/A). In the first session of the funeral service, Dr. Senti, chairman of Aoyimsen Village Council remembered Temjenyanger as a man with a vision, God fearing, peacemaker and true patriot who had sacrificed his entire life for the cause of Nagas and for the community of Aoyimsen village in particular. During difficult situation, he said, Temjenyanger “courageously led the people as the founding member of Aoyimsen village despite so many obsta-

NPGN/NNC (N/A) appoints Acting Prez

NTC offfers condolences

Dimapur, December 27 (mexN): Owing to the sudden demise of its President, Temjenyanger Aier, NPGN/ NNC (N/A) has appointed Ovung Lotha, Political Affair Kilonser as Acting President till the next session of Tatar Hoho for the appointment of a new president. This was informed in a press release issued by N Mar Ao, MIP Kilonser, NPGN/ NNC (N/A).

Dimapur, December 27 (mexN): The Nagaland Tribes Council (NTC) has expressed shock at the sudden demise of the departed Naga National leader Temjenyanger Aier, President of NPGN/NNC (NA) at his residence in Dimapur. “Temjenyanger was a committed worker for Naga political aspirations and has left a strong legacy in our journey for a common goal,” stated NTC in a condolence note. “Late Temjenyanger Aier had demonstrated his mag-

nanimity and commitment towards bringing a lasting Naga political solution by promptly responding to the call of the NTC to work for collective and inclusive solution by joining a Working Group towards unification of NNPGs and for a common solution.” Acknowledging that his death has caused vacuum and loss for the Nagas, the NTC sent its deepest condolence to the bereaved family and all the rank and file of the NPGN/ NNC (NA).

cles and difficulties faced during the initial stage.” Temjenyanger's daughter described her father as a good shepherd, loving father, courageous person, and a man with the personality of ‘Slow to anger and quick to reconcile.' She also said her late father was a great prayer warrior and always ready to help the people in need, the release said. Terming Temjenyanger as sincere and selfless, his brother said the deceased dedicated his entire life for the common cause of Naga national integrity and sovereignty. Aoyimsen Baptist

Church pastor recounted Late Temjenyanger was a dynamic preacher of forgiveness and unity; a God fearing religious and visionary leader. In the second session, N. Mar Ao, MIP Kilonser, NPGN/NNC (N/A) in his opening speech extended heartfelt gratitude to all the well wishers, especially leaders from different NNPGs. He termed Temjenyanger as a true statesman and “most honest and humble patriot whose entire life had been tendered for the common cause of Nagas.” Ato Kilonser Hozheto

L Chophi described Temjenyanger as the “most exceptional Naga patriot whose guiding principle of forgiveness and non violence has led to unify the Naga national workers to a great extent.” Meanwhile, Azheto Chophi, Advisor to the collective leadership of GPRN/NSCN described the deceased as a true patriot and an honest Naga national leader whose contribution made tremendous change in unifying the NNPGs. Pointing out that Temjenyanger held fast on the principle of non violence, he encouraged the Nagas to follow the

SUTT condemns AR raid & arrest TueNsaNg, December 27 (mexN): The Sotokur Union Tuensang Town (SUTT) has condemned the act of 40th Assam Rifles, wherein former vice chairman of Tuensang Town Council, Kiumuhean was arrested after a raid in his house on December 11. According to a press release from SUTT President, M. Yinkiu and General Secretary, A. Chunglekhum, Kiumuhean was arrested on false allegation. The union supported the claim of the DC Mechanical Colony Union “that the action of the AR was a deliberate attempt to defame an innocent civilian at the instigation of some selfish minded individual...” The union called upon all the responsible and peace loving citizens to condemn such an “unscrupulous act affecting innocent public.”

Nagaland Peace Centre condoles Kohima, December 27 (mexN): The members of Nagaland Peace Centre (NPC) today mourned the sudden demise of Rev. Dr. Chen Rengma terming him a man of God and peace. “He was a profound social worker towards humanities and a spiritual leader. His contribution towards building of non violence and social order is found to be highly appreciated. He was engaged in peace work towards finding a lasting peaceful solution amongst the Indo-Nagas political conflicts,” NPC stated in a condolence note. It further said Rev. Dr. Chen was a dedicated and resourceful member of governing body of NPC Kohima and he had enough heart for Nagas to be united and worked towards peace and prosperity for the Naga people. The Council further expressed gratefulness to Rev. Dr. Chen for his immense contribution for peace. It also conveyed heartfelt condolence to the bereaved family members and prayed for his soul to rest in eternal peace.

Dimapur, December 27 (mexN): The Overseas Naga Association (ONA) has expressed it is deeply troubled by the violence and disruption of life going on in Manipur. “While tensions between Meiteis and Nagas are not new, we firmly believe they are better resolved through negotiations with mutual respect and not through force and intimidation,” stated ONA in a press release issued by its President, Visier Sanyü and Secretary General, Pimomo. The Association also offered solidarity to the Nagas and non-Nagas who are suffering on account of the events in Manipur. “The divide-and-rule forces among

Dimapur, December 27 (mexN): In pursuance and compliance of the State Election Commission notification on Municipal and Town Council Elections, 2017, the Nagaland State BJP President Visasolie Lhoungu has nominated and authorized the BJP District Presidents to represent the State BJP to the District Returning Officers in their respective districts and coordinate on election matters. The District Presidents will be the party’s representative of district elec-

tion related committees of the Election Commission, said a press release from Jaangsillung Gonmei, General Secretary (Media) & Spokesperson, BJP Nagaland. The list of candidates to be submitted shall however be on the final approval of the BJP State Election office, it added. The release said the following BJP District Presidents may contact the District Returning Officers for further information: L. Bendang – President, BJP Dimapur district; Ajoy

Phom – President, BJP Longleng district; Thangse – President, BJP Tuensang district; Meribemo – President, BJP Wokha district; Hobbs Thonger – President, BJP Kiphire district; Shikuto – President, BJP Zunheboto district; Dr. Khriezovolie – President, BJP Kohima district; Nucutso Roho – President, BJP Phek district; Huzantadbo Meriam – President, BJP Peren district; Nyawang Konyak – President, BJP Mon district; L. Temsu – President, BJP Mokokchung district.

pheK, December 27 (mexN): As part of the 60th anniversary celebration of the Tsuswuzu Students’ Union (TSU), the newly built TSU library constructed under Raja Rammohan Roy Library Foundation (RRRLF) 201415, was inaugurated on December 26 at Chesezu Village, Phek. Retired Principal Director, School Education, Zaveyi Nyekha, who officially inaugurated the library as the special guest, stressed that library is an essential part of students’ life and encouraged the young people to take full advantage of the library available. The library inaugural programme was chaired

Meanwhile, all the presidents of mandals, wards and respective frontals have been directed to coordinate with the District Presidents immediately and prepare the list of candidates to be submitted to the BJP State for finalisation and approval. The Mandal Presidents of Electoral Political Districts as notified by the Election Commission should also immediately coordinate with the respective designated Returning Officers, the release added.

NLA Speaker extols six NGPs coming together for a “Working Group” Kohima, December 27 (Neps): Speaker of Nagaland Legislative Assembly, Chotisuh Sazo, has expressed his happiness on the formation of a “Working Group” by the six Naga Political Groups (NPGs) on December 13. He further called upon all the NPGs to come together for a lasting and permanent solution to the Naga political issue. Talking to NEPS here on Saturday, the Speaker said the desire of the Naga people, as well as the Members of the Nagaland Legislative Assembly, was to see that all the NPGs to come together in order to find a lasting and permanent solution to the Naga political issue.

Sazo, who is also Convener of the Nagaland Legislators’ Forum (NLF), reminded that all the Legislators in Nagaland had one mind as far as Naga political issue was concerned. “This one mind is to see that the Naga

Government including Prime Minister Narendra Modi and leaders of various National Political parties for an early solution to the Naga political issue.” “I am extremely happy when the six Naga National Groups (NPGs) have agreed to come together in the interest of the Naga people as a whole and formed a working group,” Sazo said. Sending Christmas and New Year message to all the NPGs and the Naga people, the Speaker once again called upon all the NPGs to come together for finding a lasting and permanent solution to the longstanding Naga political issue once and for all.

Urges all Naga Politcal Groups to come together political issue is resolved at the earliest,” he said. “Accordingly, we have formed the NLF and further constituted a Parliamentary Working Committee (PWC) and we started meeting leaders of various NPGs through consultative meetings, leaders of Central

Christmas celebrated across Nagaland JSS celebrates Christmas & 93rd birthday of Atal Bihari Vajpayee

Governor urges to pray for permanent peace and brotherhood Our Correspondent

Dimapur, December 27 (mexN): Janjati Shiksha Samiti (Vidya Bharati), Nagaland celebrated Christmas and 93rd birthday of ex-Prime Minister Bharat Ratna Atal Bihari Vajpayee on December 24 in the premises of VB Infants Digital Home Class Hall at Kevijau Village of Dimapur. Organisation Secretary Pankaj Sinha in the Christmas

Kohima | December 27

Christmas was celebrated across Nagaland on December 25 with religious fervour by holding special services and prayers. Young and old in their new dresses flocked to churches and exchanged gifts and greetings. Joining others, Chakhesang Baptist Church Kohima celebrated Christmas at NBCC Convention Hall. Nagaland’s Governor PB Acharya in his Christmas message said Christmas is a time to thank God for his infinite gift of love and mercy to people of the earth. Extending heartiest greetings and best wishes to all the people of the state, Acharya said, “Christmas is celebrated to renew the bonds of love, tolerance and compassion which Jesus has taught the world.” He appealed to the people to uphold the values of brotherhood, tolerance and caring

Chotisuh Sazo shares greetings at the Christmas celebration of Chakhesang Baptist Church Kohima.

which the season of Christmas gives hope for. "Let us also reach out to one another irrespective of religion, caste and region and spread communal harmony and unity in the country," he said. Further, Acharya also called upon the people to pray for permanent peace and brotherhood and also hoped that the Almighty blesses Nagaland with peace and prosperity. Nagaland Legislative Assembly (NLA) speaker Chotisuh Sazo in his greeting at

the service called upon the congregation to exercise the feeling of oneness and also put a collective effort to build a better society. Rev. Khrotso Mero, Athono Rhakho and Zhopota Rhakho shared messages on “Glory to God in the Highest,” “They presented gifts to Him; gold, frankincense and myrrh” and “Let it be according to your word,” respectively. Praise through songs, solo, prayer and feast marked the celebration.

greeting wished to the people of Nagaland that “Jesus will guide us for better health and bright future under the constructive development of Nagaland.” He also highlighted the life of Atal Bihari Vajpayee saying that he was a simple but great patriot, poet, literature, political leader, speaker and sociable great person of the country.

Diocese of Kohima celebrates Christmas with midnight Vigil Mass Kohima, December 27 (mexN): The diocese of Kohima with Most Rev. Dr. James Thoppil, Bishop of Kohima as main celebrant celebrated Christmas with midnight Vigil Mass on December 24 at Holy Cross, Dimapur and Day Mass at the Cathedral Church, Kohima on December 25. A press note sated that Bishop’s reflection this year centered around giving place for Jesus in one’s life. “Today forces for good and evil are in mortal conflict everywhere and around us. Practically every one of us feels the pain, the struggle, the effect,” said the Bishop. “The enormity and magnitude of human miseries - caused by hunger and disease due to exploitation, murderous rape, terrorist

and outside the Meiteis and the Nagas who stand to gain from disunity in the region will use every opportunity and resource to their advantage. It is therefore imperative for both sides to take on the difficult but necessary journey of learning to live together as friendly and respectful neighbors,” it added. The ONA further appealed to both Nagas and Meiteis to do everything they can to let good sense prevail at this critical time, and for the future. “We hope both sides and all the parties involved will do everything they can to mend and improve relations in the coming new year.”

Tsuswuzu Students’ Union library inaugurated

BJP notifies on municipal election

DDADU expresses sadness Dimapur, December 27 (mexN): The Dimapur District Autorickshaw Drivers’ Union (DDADU) has expressed regret over the sudden demise of one of its members, Ranjit Kumar Sah on December 27. The union conveyed heartfelt sadness and sorrow to the bereaved family members and prayed that the departed soul will rest in peace.

legacy of forgiveness and unity which Temjenyanger left behind. General Secretary of GDRN/NNC (N/A), Hetoi Chophi recalled his short association with late Temjenyanger and acknowledged his commitment towards Naga National sovereignty stating he had “stood firm on nothing less than the sovereignty of Nagas since it was their birth right.” Yapang Ao of NNC (Parent Body) said that with the demise of Temjenyanger Aier, the “Nagas have lost the dictionary.” He lamented that the Nagas have lost one of the visionary fathers and great source of wisdom and knowledge of Naga political history. The programme culminated with mass silent prayer followed by benediction by Kilo Kilonser of NPGN/NNC (N/A), Vizheto. The NPGN/NNC (N/A) declared 7 days mourning as sign of sorrow and giving honour to the departed soul, the release said. It also extended heartfelt gratitude to all who had supported through prayer, financially and physical presence during the sad hour.

ONA troubled by violence in Manipur

attacks, and exploitation of the poor for profit by the rich and cold blooded ethnic violence and cleansing, some in the name of God and religion - disturbs and pains us all beyond measure.” Saying that every Christian believes that Jesus became incarnated to liberate humanity from being drowned in the miseries of this world, the Bishop added, Jesus became incarnated so that humans may have life and have it in abundance. “May Jesus - the Greatest Force for Good lead us to the year 2017! Let us be led by Jesus, the force for good and not the forces of evil, veiled in comforts and pleasures, wealth and money, easy going and double dealing, division and deviations, etc,” he wished.

Rtd Principal Director, School Education, Zaveyi Nyekha with others during the inauguration of TSU library at Chesezu Village, Phek.

by Ex President TSU, Vesezo Ringa, while prayer was pronounced by VEC, C ha i r ma n , Pu s w u y i Nyekha. Day one of the

60th anniversary celebration of the TSU also witnessed Music and Art Fest at Amphitheatre, Netaji Peak, Chesezu Village.

Meetings & AppointMents

OCSU 67th annual session The 67th annual session of Old Changsu Students’ Union (OCSU) will be held on December 28, 11:00 am at local ground Old Changsu Village. Therefore, all the members, executives, ex-members, seniors and wellwishers have been requested to attend the session.

AIFFSONSU to release souvenir Under the aegis of the All India Freedom Fighters & Successors Organization, Nagaland State Unit (AIFFSONSU), the first edition of the Organization’s souvenir will be released on December 29, 2016 at Hotel Japfü Ashok at 11:00 am. According to a press release from AIFFSONSU General Secretary, K. Limei Phom, all the members from the state level, officials of the 11 districts and members from the North East Region Freedom Fighters & Successors Organization (NERFFSO) are invited to be part of the programme. The release further added that an innovative deliberation for the interest and welfare of the Organization shall be dwelt upon during the programme.

Dimapur Okotsoe Ekhüng picnic Dimapur Okotsoe Ekhüng is organizing a picnic on December 30 at Bethesda Hr. Sec. School campus at Walford colony, Dimapur. Therefore, all the members of the union have been requested to reach the picnic spot by 7:30 am. The organizers also invited to the picnic all the “in-laws” who are residing in Dimapur.

Namsang Area Students' General Conference The first Namsang Area Students' General Conference will be held from January 5-8, 2017 at Bura Namsang village headquarters under the theme ‘Youth with a vision in community building’. Resource speakers will be: Dr. B. Henshet Phom, Vice Principal, Yingli Govt. College, Longleng; Dr. Manyaü Phom, Senior Medical Officer, CHC, Medziphema; Henok Büchem, Additional Deputy Commissioner (Revenue), Dimapur; Hamyan Phom, former Youth Secretary, PBCA. There will be special session on career counseling for the students. The conference Planning Committee and BNSU have requested all the students of Namsang and those who reside in different places to attend the conference without fail.

Lotha Ekhae Ekhung annual session The 50th annual session of Lotha Ekhae Ekhung (Lotha Students’ Union) will be held from January 11-14, 2017 at JNV Chukitong campus with Lok Sabha MP, Neiphiu Rio as the chief guest and Atul Bora, Minister for Agriculture, Horticulture & Food Processing, Animal Husbandry & Veterinary, UDD and T&CP, Government of Assam as the guest of honour. The session will be held under the theme, “Be an agent of change.” Controller of Examinations, NU, Dr. Abemo Odyuo will be the theme speaker. Chief guests for other sessions include MLA N. Thomas Ngullie, MLA Mmhonlumo Kikon and Dr. T.M. Lotha, Advisor, Treasuries & Accounts, Labour & Employment, Skill Development & Entrepreneurship. All subordinate units and villages have been requested to reach the venue with ‘delegate form’ on January 11 before 12 noon.

Revival & Healing Convention Nagaland Christian Revival Churches (NCRC) of Kohima city are jointly organizing a ‘Revival & Healing Convention’ from January 19 to 22, 2017 at Rüzhükhrie Govt. Higher Secondary School Ground, Kohima. Speakers will be Rev. Dr. Paul Küchi Ariga, President, All Japan Revival Mission and Dr. Joram Dol, Director, Outreach Mission, Arunachal Pradesh CRCC. Service timings will be 4:00 pm from Thursday to Sunday for evening services and at 10:00 am on Sunday morning. There will be special prayers for the sick in every service. A press release from Press and Media Subcommittee of the convention has requested all to attend the convention.


wednesday 28•12•2016



The Power of Truth

The Morung Express volume Xi issue 353 Dr. Asangba Tzüdir

2016 – A Reflection


he year draws to a close and we wait the approaching New Year with heightened anticipation. More so because of the way the year has been. We have seen the heights of everything, and a sincere reflection is called for because as a State we seem to have lost every sense of direction beginning with governance and the political and also the ‘will’ to own and act responsibly. Comparatively, to a certain extent it has not been a year of blind celebrations like the previous year. The various issues related to corruption have affirmed that the level of corruption has seen the heights. Ironically, ripples were created in the fight against corruption but it was the state machinery using unwarranted force. It was a clear case of the ‘right thinking’ citizens being treated as an enemy of the state and to the extent of ‘criminalizing’ those who voiced out against corruption. From the many religious, cultural and political issues, Article 371(A) attracted a lot of attention though on divided lines and was ‘intensely’ debated. Yet, it somehow failed to bring out the essence of the article. As such, a lot is left wanting contextually to deliberate further upon. The 33% reservation for women in urban and municipal elections got connected with Article 371(A) and found strong opposition especially from Naga Hoho and Ao Senden which created a lot of divisions even as it was seen as a celebration for the womenfolk. It is ironic at least on two counts – Firstly, on the failure to understand the content of the Article and secondly, it is high time to address issues related to women ‘mis-representation’ rather than celebrating reservation. These are instances that call the need for democracy where each and every voice of the people are taken into account rather than just the ‘voices’ that represents the people. Often it fails to attract the collective will of the people and thereby create further division along with violence. The idea of a good life of the people should be democratically represented rather than those at the top defining how a good life should be. It raises issues related to ‘misrepresentation.’ Somehow, the year has put us in a moral dilemma and rightly so because of the difficulty of addressing a way forward for the New Year out of the present Naga condition and maybe, trying to start afresh won’t be the wisest thing to do. Nonetheless, it is never too late to start afresh at least for all the missed opportunities. Thus, there will be lots of problems and issues to juggle with in the New Year because this past year is surely going to haunt the State and the people. And unless the government and the people fail to fearlessly speak the truth, our society will never see the change, rather, the issues and problems will continue to haunt us. As a teaser, the immediate challenge of the State government and the legislators would be to have a clear vision and to provide visionary leadership and good governance. Most pressingly, it is quite a difficult proposition to talk about promoting a ‘citizen centric inclusive and accountable government’ when its citizens itself, the right thinking one’s that voices out against corruption of the highest degree, are being seen as a ‘threat’ to the State. Let it be known that, humans are governed by survival instincts especially when pushed beyond limits. And such instincts should get translated into morally responsible acts by ‘coming together’ in ensuring that the government be ‘legally and morally’ accountable to all. (Dr. Asangba Tzüdir is Editor of Heritage Publishing House. He contributes a weekly guest editorial to the Morung Express. Comments can be mailed to

left wing |


Reviving 'Paag' symbol of royalty & respect


aag' or 'Pagri' (turban) has been the symbol of royalty, honour and respect for Indian men since time immemorial. An ongoing campaign aims to bring the age-old cultural identity back in vogue to put an end to social and religious conflicts. The 'Paag Bachao Abhiyan' -- or, Save the Paag Campaign -- was recently launched by the Mithilalok Foundation to revive the custom of wearing turbans with 'Paag for all communities, castes and religions' as the theme. 'Pugg' is the most recognised symbol of the Sikh community. It bears strong resemblance to Paag, Pagdi, Turban, Pheta, Safa, Skull-Cap and others, as used in different states and regions. According to Birbal Jha, the founder of Mithilalok Foundation, "the need of the hour is to keep people connected with their culture and imbibe in them a feeling of being culturally united". "India is known for its unity in diversity, which has evolved through various interrelated and interconnected epochs," he said. "But, it's becoming difficult to keep that diversity united, as we often encounter clashes and conflicts on the issue of culture and sometimes, it gets out of control leaving us confused and confounded." Jha feels that if the policy or practice of preserving or reviving an indigenous culture is done with openness and not in conflict with others, it could help revive social and cultural harmony among the people. It was this very idea that prompted Jha to set up Mithilalok Foundation, a registered trust committed to socio-economic and cultural development in Mithila. Mithila is the region known as the birth place of the Hindus' one of the most revered deities -- Sita. "Several chroniclers have mentioned that Mithila's legend stretches over many centuries, with Gautama Buddha and Vardamana Mahavira said to have lived here. For centuries, it has been contributing to various literary and scriptural works to shape the Indian history," Jha explained. He further said that the importance of birth place of Sita cannot be undermined because of male chauvinism and patriarchal mindset. During the Paag Bachao Abhiyan in Madhubani in the Mithila region, in addition to a large number of residents of Maithila, politicians and lawmakers came together to save the cultural identity of the region. "Our next initiative in this project is under process. We are now working to open a Paag museum in Madhubani to display different types of Paags that represent diverse cultures in the nation," Jha said. A Paag March was also organised to showcase cultural solidarity with ethnic Paag. Jha also spoke about Bihar having been berated for its caste and religious-based politics, and how this project saw numerous people coming together for a common objective. "There are a lot of caste- and religion-related issues in the state, but this initiative can be seen as the beginning of a new outlook in the days to come with the participation of people from different sections of the society," he added. The Madhubani Paag March was preceded by a Paag March in Delhi that had a good participation of women in February this year. The Abhiyan aims at social integration weaving together the cultural identities, thereby carrying out the muchneeded development and prosperity in the region. This will also be backed by a slew of economic agenda the foundation has planned, said Jha.

C O M M e n t A R Y

Garga Chatterjee

Citizenship question in the Indian Union requires thorough reform


itizenship rules are one of the fundamental aspects of any state – the nature of rules reflect who is it for and who is it not for, who it considers its own and who it doesn’t. Thus citizenship laws that mention some religions and doesn’t mention others are not compatible with a secular constitution. The Union government has proposed certain changes to Indian Union’s citizenship laws in the Citizenship (Amendment) Bill, 2016. The present legal framework, as it stands, does not have any clause for citizenship that is based on the religion of a person. The proposed amendment plans to change that. At present, an illegal migrant who enters the territory of the Indian Union is prohibited from becoming an Indian Union citizen. The amendment proposes that illegal migrants belonging to six specific religious minority communities from Afghanistan, Bangladesh and Pakistan will be not be prohibited from Indian Union citizenship even if they migrated to the territory illegally. The move to mark out illegal migrants of specific religious minorities originating from neighbouring sovereign territories for special treatment started a little while back. In a series of orders September 2015 and July 2016, the Indian Union government exempted from deportation the illegal migrants from Afghanistan, Pakistan and Bangladesh, belonging to the Hindu, Sikh, Buddhist, Jain, Parsi or Christian religion. These previous moves laid the framework for the present proposed amendment. Illegal migrants from Afghanistan, Pakistan and Bangladesh who enter Indian Union’s territory belong to all religions. However, the reasons of illegal migration are not similar across all religions. Having said that, the reasons for illegal migration are also not similar across all adherents of a particular religion. The elephant in the room in that set of six religions is the religion of Islam. Population proportion surely cannot be the only measure of welfare of a community but in so far as growing and thriving in numbers is concerned, Indian Union’s situation is better compared to Afghanistan, Pakistan and Bangladesh. It is probably not accidental that the Subcontinent’s only postcolonial fragment that has seen a decrease in population proportion of those belonging to the majority religious community is also the only one where the constitution does not mention any specific state religion. Having said this, the proposal of such a communally exclusive legislation is quite unprecedented in the recent political history of the Indian Union. And multiple powerful political parties, all with Hindus constituting a majority of their voter base. The Trinamool has vociferously opposed the proposal. Veteran Trinamool MP Saugata Roy said, “We have decided that we will oppose the amendment on the floor of the Parliament. This amendment is an attack on the secular fabric of our country. How can there be discrimination on the basis of religion? If you are Hindu, you will be

eligible and if you are Muslim, you will be kept out? Our constitution does not allow this. The West Bengal government will also oppose it”. Saugata Roy is correct. The proposed amendment does include and exclude on the basis of religion. West Bengal is host to the largest number of Hindu refugees who keep on coming from the People’s Republic of Bangladesh in incessant trickles and spurts to this day and a phenomenon that will continue into the forseeable future. The recent large-scale anti-Hindu attacks by Muslims radicals in Bangladesh’s Brahmanbaria in collusion with a section of the local branch of the ruling party inspires little hope that migrations into West Bengal triggered by persecution of religious minorities in East Bengal will stop anytime soon. The reverse, that is, migration to East Bengal from West Bengal due to religious persecution has not happened in any significant numbers since the mid-sixties. Thus, in a post-partition state which is tacitly conceived as a permanent Hindu Bengali majority homeland since 1947, the non-acknowledgment of the special status of non-Muslim, primarily Hindu, Bengalis vis-à-vis West Bengal is being used to consolidate already existing communal divisions in West Bengal, which have gotten much worse after the rise of the BJP in Bengal especially in pockets with significant non-Bengali populations. The recent communal disturbances in Chandannagar are an example. East Bengali Hindu migrants are unfortunate. The prime beneficiaries of partition crafted the Nehru-Liaquat pact of 1950. Many did not move due to the false sense of assurance (including the assurance of the door being permanently open) that came with this largely ceremonial gesture. By this, the Indian Union effectively washed off its hands from the ‘minority problem’ in Pakistan. ‘Shutting the door’ has been the Indian Union policy post1971 (similar to what Pakistan did to stranded Pakistanis in Dhaka), something it cannot implement – one of the natural consequences of claiming full monitoring abilities over an absurd

frontier. For decades, the Indian Union has systematically discriminated Eastern frontier refugees (mostly Bengalis) on questions of compensation, entitlement, relief, citizenship, etc compared to Western frontier (Punjabi and Sindhi). The Indian Union owes reparation to these people, for the Indian Union’s creation and its geographical contours are intimately tied to their migration and impoverishment. In Assam, the other state that will be most affected by this decision, the faultlines are different. All strands of Assamese nationalism, from the independence seeking United Liberation Front of Asom (Independent) to the BJP-collaborator Asom Gana Parishad, oppose the proposed amendment. Powerful Assamese nationalist student bodies like AASU and AJYCP also oppose it. However, here the fault-line is more along ethnic lines. As per the terms of the Assam accord of 1985, all illegal migrants who have entered Assam after 25th March, 1971 are to be identified and deported. Even with its Muslim exclusion, this proposed amendment will pave the path to citizenship for many Hindu Bengalis who are illegal migrants in Assam. The BJP hopes that its anti-Muslim plank (couched not so subtly under the antiBangladeshi slogan) will help “unite” non-Muslims across ethnic lines. That is precisely the uniting factor in its muchtouted North East Democratic Alliance (NEDA). The proposed amendment thus is a direct contravention of the Assam accord – arguably the biggest achievement of the Assamese nationalist current. While it is true that Delhi-centric political forces never wanted the Assam accord to be implemented, no one has declared the accord to be null and void. As of now, the proposed amendment contains no Assam exception clause which it ideally should, if the Government of India thinks that it should not renege on the pledge given to the people of Assam in the turbulent days of the Assam movement. The problem with “accords” is that they are done in good faith between entities who expect each other to keep their word. If there is no Assam exception in the final bill, it will make the Assam accord a fraud executed by the Government of India on the people of Assam.

With regards to the illegal migrant issue, one has to distinguish between victims of human rights violations (including but not only religious persecution), that is, refugees, and those who migrate due other reasons. Such cases can be assessed on a case by case basis. A blanket inclusion for non-Muslims and a blanket exclusion of Muslims is clearly discriminatory. The citizenship debate is primarily a demographic dominance and anxiety debate. Indian Union is primarily made up of Hindu majority homelands or part homelands of ethno-linguistic nationalities. Thus, the fear of being swamped in a demographic and economic sense in their own homeland is behind many of these debates. Given hugely different fertility rates between Hindi and non-Hindi states in the Indian Union, another demographic invasion that is presently not illegal also threatens the socio-cultural-political fabric of many parts of the Indian Union. Andhra Pradesh Chief Minister N Chandrababu Naidu has boldly opened this debate. Reality is, it is not within the feasible limits of ability of the Indian Union administration to deport all existing illegal migrants who are simply economic migrants. Nor will it be possible to stop such illegal migration in the near future. A possible solution in such a scenario can be in the form of amnesty for all Bangladesh, Pakistan and Afghanistan origin illegal migrants with the possibility of dual or tiered citizenship and expanded work permits schemes. At the same time, other demographic anxieties that exist between different parts of the Indian Union can also be addressed within such citizenship frameworks that keep Indian Union citizenship as a common framework and also give state governments expanded control of residency rights, property ownership, entry and settling rules so that diversity is robustly preserved in the united framework. A model for this already exists in various states of the Indian Union in the form of residency based property ownership laws and entry control mechanisms through permits. Such initiatives need to be expanded as part of a thorough reform of the citizenship question.

Beaten women forget pain of domestic abuse in Chennai cafe Anuradha Nagaraj Thomson Reuters Foundation


easuring flour, whisking eggs and folding batter, K. Asma forgets the deep scars that run down her face and neck as she bakes cupcakes in an upscale cafe in the Indian port city of Chennai. Four years ago, Asma poured kerosene on herself and lit a match, after reaching breaking point in an abusive marriage. By setting herself on fire, Asma had meant to scare her husband into stopping the violence. "I was thinking a small burn mark, some ointment and back to work as a sweeper cleaning the city roads after a day," Asma told the Thomson Reuters Foundation. "I didn't think the fire would consume me and my life would become a living hell." The 29-year-old is one of seven victims of domestic abuse hired by Writers' Cafe in a pilot project to help them regain their self-esteem while learning new skills that could provide some financial independence. India first recognised domestic violence as a criminal offence in 1983 and amended the penal code to include cruelty by a husband or his family

against a married woman as a crime. Last year, there were a reported 327,394 crimes against women in India, 35 percent of which were classified as "cruelty by husband or relatives", according to the National Crime Records Bureau. The overall crime rate was down by 3.1 percent compared to 2014, but data showed an 8 percent increase in cases brought under the Protection of Women from Domestic Violence Act. In 2015, 461 cases were registered against 426 in 2014.

At Chennai's Kilpauk Medical College burns ward, one of the largest in southern India, doctors treat up to 100 women a month for burns from kerosene and alcohol. Often the injuries are self-inflicted. Counsellors at the hospital said that 60 percent of the cases have thirddegree burns that prove fatal. "Among those who survive, we found that many were dying after discharge from the hospital," said Prasanna Gettu of International Foundation for Crime Prevention and Victim Care, SUICIDE BID a support agency Hiding bruisfor victims and es and staysurvivors of doing quiet, many mestic abuse. women in India, " They did especially in runot have enough ral areas, accept violence as a normal money to take care of their diet or the part of life. medication they needed to heal. FamiMany envisage suicide as the only way lies were not being supportive and out with hanging, poisoning and self-im- many were just withering away. They molation common causes of death. needed jobs." Like Asma, Parimala Gopi is also part of the Writers' Cafe pilot project, and had HAPPINESS also tried to set herself alight after endurAt Writers' Cafe, Swiss baker Silke ing years of domestic violence. Stadler and chef Karan Manavalan, "I could see the horror in the face of who are training the women to bake my children when they saw me," Gopi, cakes, said their aim is to create a posi35, said. "I could deal with my pain but tive workplace where the women are seeing theirs broke my spirit." not judged for past actions.


"It is a good space to make things right for them," Stadler said. Aniruddha Sen, the chief executive of CC Fine Foods South India Private Limited, which opened Writers' Cafe, said his company planned to open similar cafes in 2017. "We want them (the women) to have permanent livelihood through this venture," he said. Projects like this and Sheroes' Hangout, a cafe run by survivors of acid attacks in the western city of Agra, are helping women find their place in society, campaigners say. "It has been a long journey for these women to simply say yes to a job," Gettu said. "They have battled stigma and their own insecurities before stepping out of their homes, boarding a bus, ignoring the stares and getting to work." Asma does not mind that many people on the bus choose not to sit next to her during her daily commute to work. "I just think about the work and the 10,000 rupees ($147) I earn every month," she said. "Baking that cake makes me forget everything, even my gnarled hands and scarred face. I find a little bit of happiness," Asma said.

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WednesdAY 28•12•2016

Morung Express Learning



most vulnerable to Year-Ender: Five education Schoolkids online bullying in India: Survey themes that trended in 2016 Sivaramakrishnan V

content that is either in the native language of the learner or bilingual recognising that commerce and industry uses the English language. Experiments have shown that the use of mother tongue while delivering learning instructions enables faster and better understanding of learning outcomes, especially in the case of young adults. Given India’s young demographic and their linguistic characteristics, bilingual learning material is probably more relevant than ever before.

Managing Director, Oxford University Press India


he year 2016 was a vibrant one for the education sector. Several new developments took place and a gamut of themes and issues gathered pace to further transform the education landscape for the better. The two biggest beneficiaries of these changes have been the learner, who is at the centre of the learning eco-system, and the teacher, who is the principal pivot in this eco-system. Following are the top five themes that dominated the education landscape in 2016 and will continue to impact the sector through 2017 as well. integrated and themebased learning: Integrated learning solutions that seamlessly combine print and digital modes have made their presence felt and will potentially disrupt the school education sector in a big way this year. It is important that the content, being delivered in a classroom setting via different mediums, is consistent to provide context and enable optimum learning outcomes. In addition to print and digital inte-

Given India’s young demographic and their linguistic characteristics, bilingual learning material is probably more relevant than ever before.

gration, it is important for such solutions to be teacher-friendly, assessment-enabled, theme or activity-based, among other things. Themebased learning modules enable contextual learning through a cross-disciplinary approach which aids conceptual clarity for the learner. This approach will probably be the biggest disrupter in modern-day schooling, if delivered to high quality standards with adequate teacher support. assessments: Assessments are today established as a potent tool to not just measure the learner’s performance but

also modulate the overall teaching strategy, especially with the help of analytics in formative assessments. The year 2016 saw a massive focus on measurement of student outcomes and performance, in both online and offline mediums. Integrated and more developed assessment solutions that provide detailed analytics on student performance should get further traction in 2017.

Training Programme announced by the Government in the Union Budget of 2016. Shortage of trained teachers is a recognised hurdle in improving learning outcomes in the country. A continued focus on the professional development of teachers through a combination of online and offline learning modules is critical, given their pivotal role and contribution in the education eco-system.

Professional development of teachers: There was a lot of focus on professional development of teachers in 2016, starting with the introduction of the Pandit Madan Mohan Malviya New Teachers

Bilingual as medium of learning for young adults: India has a large and diverse learner base which is multilingual. In order to expand reach, it becomes imperative for learning organisations to develop

Digital proliferation in education: The Internet and its proliferation and affordable and accessible devices have redefined learning ability unconstrained by factors like time and place. While digital proliferation in education is not a new trend, it saw a bigger push in 2016. Digital Literacy Mission was announced as part of the Union Budget 2016 to cover 60 million rural households within the next three years. ‘Digital Highways’ that are being created as part of the ‘Digital India Mission’ will play an important role in connecting ‘India and Bharat’. We do believe that the full impact of digitisation in education will play out even stronger in 2017 and beyond.

‘Take risks, innovate, create, make a difference' Business Insider


resident Pranab Mukherjee won several hearts with his inspiring words to management students from ISB who had gathered in Mohali to celebrate the institute's 15th anniversary. As the President took to the stage, he kickstarted

his speech by expressing concern over the quality and education standards of institutes in India. The President said business schools needed to impart ‘right skills’ to students to make students employable. "India has more than 750 universities, 36,000 colleges and several other institutions, but the quality of educa-

Quiz #41

ParticiPate & Win 1. Besides President’s Rule, how many Chief Ministers did Arunachal Pradesh see in 2016?

a) 1 c) 3

b) 2 d) 4

2. A humanitarian catastrophe which barely made headlines, this conflict left over 8 million people destitute with many “teetering on the brink of famine” and was labeled by a survey of aid agencies as the “most neglected crisis in 2016”. Which conflict are we referring to?

a) Food crisis in Nigeria, Niger b) Lake Chad c) War in Syria d) Rohingya crisis in Myanmar

3. Who was named the ICC Test Cricketer of the Year 2016?

a) Quinton de Kock, South Africa b) Virat Kohli, India c) Mitchell Starc, Australia d) Ravichandran Ashwin, India

4. What was the Oxford Dictionaries Word of the Year 2016?

a) Post-truth c) All-right

b) Woke d) Glass cliff

5. With its unique blend of sarcastic commentary, Dreamz Unlimited came out with an incisive new video on the present state of affairs in Nagaland. What is it titled?

a) The Currency Factor b) Watery solution c) Water brigade d) Teary solution

Send in your answers to the Morung Express Office (address given below) or email to or WhatsApp/SMS @ 7085976283

Answers to Quiz #40: 1-b, 2-d, 3-a, 4-d, 5-c Winner of last week’s contest:

Kripa Shankar Tiwari, Police Colony, Dimapur Consolation prizes:

Viletsolie Khro, Chumukedima & P. Dansola, Oking Christian School, Kohima First Prize- Rs. 300 Two Consolations – Rs. 100 each Winners may collect the prize money from The Morung Express Office, H/No.4 Duncan Basti, Dimapur *Winners should bring along a valid ID to claim the prizes

tion leaves much to be desired. Leave apart figuring in international rankings, most of the institutions are not even making their graduates sufficiently employable," he said. Calling Indian students and their young minds bright, creative and innovative, he said, "Skill imparting has become imperative. If we fail to do, it will be demographic disaster." "The restless mind will resort to violence,” he cautioned and urged the business schools to come out with innovative ways and create conducive environment to impart skills. Asserting that India’s growing young population need to be trained to com-

pete in the job market, the President said that the country has demographic advantage and it will add 60 crore youth by 2030. Taking the examples of Dr Hargobind Khurana and others who became Nobel Laureates after completing initial education in India, he reiterated the need for an atmosphere that facilitates their success. He further put the onus on business schools saying they play a stimulating role in helping India achieve its potential for setting up 10,000 start-up firms in the next few years. There are many universities and polytechs “but the quality of many institutes

is not up to the standards” in terms of competing in getting jobs, he noted. He also spoke about the need of students to become job creators instead of mere job seekers, highlighting the fact that they need to innovate more and view their social responsibility as a primary target to achieve in future. As he concluded his speech, he struck a chord with these words - "Youth and graduates should add social commitment and social responsibilities to their aspirations in life ahead, with the aim of giving back to society. You are citizens of a free nation, take risks in life, innovate, create and make a difference."


ith the emergence of cyberbullying as one of the major threats online, school-going children were found to be extremely vulnerable to account hacking or receiving inappropriate messages in India, a survey revealed on Monday. The Telenor India WebWise survey by Norwegian telecom giant Telenor analysed internet usage and access patterns of children across schools in 13 cities, involving 2,727 students. The findings showed that over 35 per cent children have experienced their account being hacked while 15.74 per cent shared that they have received inappropriate messages. When bullied online 15 per cent complained, whereas 10.41 per cent faced humiliation through picture/video that were uploaded on internet. While majority of the children were

willing to approach their parents in case they experience any cyber harm, over 76 per cent children were not aware of Child Helpline 1098. "While the survey highlighted the vulnerabilities and cyber threats, it presented with insights that can help create focused awareness campaigns around safe internet practices," Sharad Mehrotra, Chief Executive Officer, Telenor India Communications, said in a statement. In addition, social media giant Facebook emerged as the most favourite platform for school-going children, followed by WhatsApp, Twitter and Instagram. The survey revealed that in urban areas, 98.8 per cent of the schoolkids access internet to find information for school projects, playing games, reading online books, listening to music and watching movies, social networking sites and email, etc. IANS

Fun with Science Fizzy Lemonade Drink

sugar if you think it needs to be sweeter.

What's happening? o a fun science experiment that The mixture you created should go leaves you with your own lemon bubbly and taste like a lemonade, soda, soda to drink afterwards! fizzy or soft drink, if you added some A bit of lemon here and sugar it might even taste a bit of baking soda there like a lemon flavoured and before you know it soft drink you've bought you'll be an expert at makat a store. The bubbles ing your own fizzy drinks. that form when you add the baking soda to the What you'll need: lemon mixture are carLemon, Drinking bon dioxide (CO2). If glass, Water, 1 teaspoon of baking soda, you are wondering how the carbon diSome sugar to make it sweet. oxide bubbles formed, it was because instructions: you created a chemical reaction when Squeeze as much of the juice from the you added the lemon (an acid) to the lemon as you can into the glass. Pour in baking soda (a base). an equal amount of water as lemon juice. Stir in the teaspoon of baking soda. (Source: http://www.sciencekids. Give the mixture a taste and add in some


Weekly InternshIp lIst 1. Web Development at iiM calcutta Location – Work from Home Stipend – Rs. 1,500-3,000/Month Link – Deadline – 4th January 2017 2. Social Media Marketing at Medley india infosolutions Location – Work from Home Stipend – Rs. 10,000-15,000/Month Link – Deadline – 9th January 2017 3. Business Development at Thoughtcliff technologies Location – Work from Home Stipend – Rs. 5,000/Month Link – Deadline – 9th January 2016 4. Graphic Design at DexterHive Location – Work from Home Stipend – Rs. 1,000 – 3,000/Month Link – Deadline – 7th January 2016

5. Online Market research and Lead Generation at clever Deals Location – Work from Home Stipend – Rs. 10,000/Month Link – Deadline – 31st December 2016 6. content Writing at StudyDekho Location – Work from Home Stipend – Rs. 2,500-5,000/Month Link – Deadline – 3rd January 2016 7. Operations at center for rural Development Location – Guwahati Stipend – Rs. 2,500/Month Link – Deadline – 5th January 2016 Courtesy & Disclaimer: Internshala (www. – World’s largest internship platform. The Morung Learning will be carrying content from internshala every week. All content are those of Internshala. The Morung Express is not responsible or liable for any content in this article.

Enduring Beyond: Hope for 2017

Nagas are fortunate people with a strong foundation open to possibilities in the future. We have English medium schools. In other places in South India, especially in the rural areas there are only regional medium schools where English language education is taught only from the 5th standard (class). As a result of this there is a lot of catching up to do by these students when they reach class 9 and 10, for the textbook terms and words are not familiar to them. This causes many to drop out and discourages them to study further. Despite this, we still find a number of them excelling. In comparison, Naga students are getting greater opportunities. Our education foundation proves advantages over many Hindi and Tamilian speaking student. The question is 'Can we excel'?

Dr. P.S. Lorin, Principal


hen we talk about hope, we also need look at our shortcomings, realise them and work towards strengthening them. One disadvantage our Naga students have is that our Naga students normally do not talk in class or speak up with answers as fast as North/South Indian students even if they are 90% sure of the answer. Till today I do not understand where this timid tradition came from. Speaking from my own experience, I remember how timid I was whenI was with Americans in the classroom. My presence was not noticed. I finally realized that even I needed to become bold like others. I had nothing to lose. And it was only when I became bold that I became a better student. It is sad but true that even these days I still notice this apprehensive behaviour among students in my College as well. We need to tackle such attitude issues. We must know when to put ourselves forward and take the initiative. All this may seem like minor issues but take serious note, it is only from the minute and smallest things that differences are made and transformed into positive and negative consequences on the larger canvas. So I have aquestion for all of you today 'can we overcome this timid tradition'? Another disadvantage with us is playing truancy and being regularly absent in the class with so called good reasons. On the other hand, one does not admit ones weakness. Promotions are demanded even ifexaminations are missed. More worried about losing years than the quality of

academic standard and how well one has learnt, even parents or guardians seem to concur with them. I think this experience isfound more common in the Colleges. Many HSSLC and equivalent successful candidates who studied in HSSLC do not carry expected backgrounds. They are sub-standard and areequivalent to 5/6th standard of some medium standard schools in the cities or towns. Are those schools capable of producing only mediocrestudents? Another practice I would like to see more of amongst our Naga people is ‘Dignity of Labour’. Foreign students are ready to work from the simplest of jobs like waitressing, janitoring and sweeping to baby-sitting while pursuingtheir studies. The other problem that arises is when we get our degrees; no oneis willing to start work from the lowest rung. We want white collar jobs with big names. We don't seem to be willing to work our way up.Can we change this attitude? Today I am not here to give directives about what it is you have to do because in the end only you can figure out exactly what is best for you along with the education and maturity you gain. The choice is yours. But we should reflect on this and thereby act upon how education can change our society. We have a lot of educated unemployed in a small state like Nagaland. The educated unemployed problem is going to frustrate many graduates. Many might get discouraged because they have the education yet cannot get jobs. They may feel that education does not guarantee them

for a secure future. As we face a higher competition level, it seems thatnormal standards of excellence just cannot cut it anymore. There are jobs available but the questions are – are you eligible for them? Has your study prepared you to meet the challenges? Simply getting a degree is not enough since competition is high. For that you are going to have to compete with others (both within the state, outside state and even outside the country). Your marks or your grades must be at the same level with others or above them. A degree is not a guarantee for a sound future. You must be true to yourself, know your family background and financial position. Our Naga obsession, preconceived notions and prejudices of good life like the obsessive need to become instantly rich and possession of unattainable ideals of imaginary positions must be discarded forth-with. Here is a very simple story but meaningful. We have a classmate laughing at a school boy who is wearing Bata shoes. And why? Because he was not wearing one of those known brands like Nike, Adidas or Reebok. No doubt this is absurd. This outlook may destroy the very essence of pursuing education. Simply coming to the city or towns, and wasting time without attending classes must bestopped. Instead, a clear plan with ambition and hard-work must becultivated. Determination is the key to success. You may be thinking, that's easy to say but it has been nothing but strong determination and of course not forgetting the grace of God that has made many Nagas

successful today. Despite all the setbacks and discouragements that become a part of the package to success, I strongly believe determination can guarantee success. I think that one is bound to face difficulties along the way but to give up hope or be discouraged would be taking the wrong wayout. We must make a commitment to endure beyond the challenges, setbacks and difficulties life throws our way. What is beyond for the Nagas? Nagahistory has taught us more than enough to endure beyond and become a successful educated person. There is no substitute for hard work,dedication, and commitment. Given the opportunities, Nagas can excel and are capable of competing with others. I truly believe that because of our turbulent environment, and because of the violent and bitterexperiences, Nagas can manage better in the practical field compared to others. We must take up what we have been gifted with, what is available to us and transform it into a positive and successfulfuture. For this you must be willing to face the realities of life. You must be able to face the truth, admit mistakes and shortcomings, take bold steps, and move confidentlyforward until you achieve your goal.It is in this way that our future is thus secured. Degree of Thought is a weekly community column initiated by Tetso College in partnership with The Morung Express. Degree of Thought will delve into the social, cultural, political and educational issues around us. The views expressed here do not reflect the opinion of the institution. Tetso College is a NAAC Accredited UGC recognised Commerce and Arts College. The editors are Dr. Hewasa Lorin, Anjan Behera, Dr. Salikyu Sangtam, Nivibo Yiki, and Kvulo Lorin. For feedback or comments please email:

Readers may please note that, the contents of the articles published on this page do not reflect the outlook of this paper nor of the Editor in any form.


wednesdAY 28•12•2016



Rahul, Mamata ask for Modi’s resignation New Delhi, December 27 (iANS): Several opposition parties on Tuesday attacked Prime Minister Narendra Modi over the demonetisation woes of the common man, asking him to own responsibility for the chaos and demanding his resignation if the cash crunch persisted even after the 50-day deadline. While Congress VicePresident Rahul Gandhi held Modi responsible for the continuing hardships of the common people, Trinamool Congress supremo and West Bengal Chief Minister Mamata Banerjee said he will have to resign if the cash crunch woes continued even after the December 30 deadline he himself set. Banerjee said the demonetisation decision was "illegal and unconstitutional" and that the Indian economy had been set 20 years back in these nearly 50 days. Modi will have to resign if the chaos continues beyond December 30, she said. Both leaders addressed a joint press conference at the Constitution Club here, along with leaders of the Rashtriya Janata Dal, Dravida Munnetra Kazhagam, Jharkhand Mukti Morcha, Janata Dal-Secular, Indian Union Muslim League and All India United Democratic Front.

Several important partners in the anti-demonetisation campaign -- Janata Dal-United, the Left parties, Nationalist Congress Party, All India Anna Dravida Munnetra Kazhagam, Bahujan Samaj Party and Samajwadi Party -- were, however, conspicuous by their absence. Calling the November 8 note ban the "biggest scam after Independence", Banerjee asked if Modi will resign at the end of 50 days if the cash situation did not improve. "Modi ji, you asked for 50 days; people were losing their livlihood, dying due to starvation but yet they gave you that time. Now 47 days are over and only three days are left,"

Four held for gang rape of US woman sent to judicial custody New Delhi, December 27 (iANS): A local court on Tuesday sent four persons including a tourist guide, who were arrested on the charge of sexually assaulting a US tourist here earlier this year, to two-day judicial custody. "Four accused were presented before a duty magistrate, who remanded them to judicial custody till December 29," defence counsel Sandeep Kapur told IANS. Advocate Kapur is appearing for Vivek, an accused in the case. Aniruddha Singh, a Nepal-based tourist guide, Omprakash, Maqsood and Vivek were arrested from different cities during raids conducted by Delhi Police. Among the accused, Omprakash was a driver, Maqsood a helper and Vivek a bell-boy at the hotel where the crime occurred. Police initially identified Vivek from the duty register of room service as he was the first to enter the victim's room on the day of the crime. Police recorded the victim's statement last week when she arrived in Delhi from America. As per her complaint, the 30-year-old American tourist was gang raped at a luxury hotel in the first week of April this year.

the Chief Minister said. "We will wait for the next three days. But Modi ji, if things remain unsolved, will you take responsibility and resign as the Prime Minister?" she asked. Rahul Gandhi said Modi should accept responsibility since the latter's assurance of normalcy after 50 days seems to be failing and people are still facing hardships due to cash crunch. "December 30 is near, but the situation is still the same. The Prime Minister needs to answer who is responsible for the people's hardships... It is the Prime Minister who is responsible," Gandhi said.

The Congress leader said demonitasation had failed to reduce corruption and arrest black money laundering, and was instead an attack on the country's poor. "Demonetisation has had no impact on corruption and black money. A new black market has emerged -to convert black money into white," Gandhi said. Countering the government's stance that demonetisation will curb terror funding, Gandhi said 2,000-rupee notes were found in possession of terrorists killed days after the November 8 scrapping of old Rs 500 and Rs 1,000 notes.

He asked Modi to tell the nation what he dubbed was the "real motive" behind the move. The West Bengal Chief Minister mocked the cashless economy argument of the Centre. "While an advanced economy like the United States has around 40 per cent cash transactions, he (Modi) talks about cashless economy. In the name of cashless economy, the Modi government has gone baseless; it has gone faceless," she quipped. Banerjee claimed a "hidden agenda" behind the demonetisation. "If the government is weak, the country becomes weak. Demonetisation has made the whole country unstable. This government must go; otherwise, the people will throw it out," added the TMC leader. The DMK and the RJD dubbed the demonetisation move "ill-conceived and anti-people". DMK leader Tiruchi Siva said the country is facing a financial crisis due to note ban. He said only six per cent of the black money was in hard cash and for this six per cent, the Prime Minister has put then entire people across the country in trouble. "No results have come

Modi affirms to weed out corruption

DehrADuN, December 27 (iANS): Prime Minister Narendra Modi made a strong pitch for demonetisation on Tuesday and said the move is aimed to weed out corruption from the country and give India its long deserving place. The country, which was once referred to as a 'Golden Bird', has now become just the opposite, Modi said addressing a public rally at Parade Grounds here and reiterated his commitment to take on the corrupt and black money. Amid cheers from a large gathering, Modi made a fervent appeal to the people of Uttarakhand to vote for a BJP government in the state in the 2017 state assembly polls, saying this is the only way to bring the hill state out of the mess it finds itself in. "You need a double engine to pull it out. One engine you have installed in Delhi and the second one should come in form of a BJP government in the state," he stated. Pinpointing graft as the biggest stumbling block in the progress of the country, the Prime Minister said he was voted to power with a majority in 2014 by the people of India "not to cut ribbons and so far. It has been an ill-conceived and poorly implemented move," Siva said. "There is no assurance that no black money will be generated in future. There is no actual figure as to how much black money was deposited or recovered," Siva added. Jai Prakash Yadav of the Rashtriya Janata Dal said

light inaugural lamps". "They (the people) wanted me to act, and here I am after the corrupt people and black money, which was being used for human trafficking, drugs, mafia and the underworld." He once again targeted the opposition parties and some politicians for siding with the corrupt and black money hoarders. Modi also thanked the people for facing hardships post demonetisation but endorsing his fight against graft and black money. "The people of India by and large are people who side with the honest and I am happy that I have your blessings, else what these politicians would have done to me, only God knows," Modi said. Taking a dig at the people opposing the demonetisation decision, the Prime Minister said the corrupt are sweating, as his government is after them for looting the money which belongs to the people. He also underlined his resolve to bring the corrupt to book and account for every single penny belonging to the poor people.

his party had been opposing the demonetisation move since the very beginning and party President and former Bihar Chief Minister Lalu Prasad planned to hold districtlevel protests in Bihar. "Cashless is baseless. Note ban is anti-poor and anti-people," Yadav said. Meanwhile, speaking in

Dehradun in Uttarakhand on Tuesday, Prime Minister Narendra Modi strongly defended demonetisation and said the move is aimed at weeding out corruption from the country. He said the move had broken the backs of terrorism, drug and fake currency smuggling as well as human trafficking.

BJP's social media cell campaigned India centre to get transgender against Aamir Khan, claims new book school dropouts ready for jobs

New Delhi, December 27 (iANS): does indicate that there is a sense of growmumbAi, December 27 (reu- it property, they are also eligible for quotas Following actor Aamir Khans comments ing disquiet." The actor's comments was immediate- TerS): A centre for transgender school in jobs and educational institutions. on "intollerance" in November 2015 at an But abuse and exploitation are comaward ceremony, the BJP social media cell ly perceived to be critical of the ruling dis- dropouts is set to open this week in India mon. Often thrown out of home by their to help address the challenge of a lack of organised a campaign to build pressure on pensation under Prime Minister Narendra families, many lack a formal education formal education that forces them into Modi and caused a massive backlash for Snapdeal to drop Aamir Khan as its brand and are denied jobs, forced into sex work, low-paid jobs. ambassador, claims an upcoming book, the actor from a group of social media usbegging, or dancing at weddings to make The Sahaj Alternate Learning Centre which quotes a former volunteer of BJPs ers. The actor was soon dropped from the ends meet. in the southern state of Kerala will initially Ministry of Tourism's "Incredible India" social media team. Recently, there have been moves to house 10 transgender students taught by Wr itten by journalist Swati campaign. extend more benefits to the community, In the light of these remarks, Khosla volunteer teachers and social workers. Chaturvedi "I am a Troll", extensively "This is a centre for those transgender with Odisha state becoming the first to quotes Sadhavi Khosla, who quit as a has been quoted in the book as claiming students who had to drop out of school be- give transgender people welfare benefits volunteer of BJP's social media team at that the BJP social media cell organised cause they were abused or because they such as pension. a campaign to get Khan removed as the the end of 2015. Khosla has purportedly Bollywood is also lending a hand, with shared WhatsApp messages sent to her brand ambassador of Snapdeal. In this were kicked out by their families or school 6 Pack Band, a pop band of transgender authorities," said activist Vijayraja Mallika, by Arvind Gupta, head of the BJP IT cell, regard, the whistleblower has also shared women featured on the soundtrack of a a founder of the centre. and other WhatsApp groups associated messages she claims were sent to her from "We want to try and mainstream them, Bollywood movie this year. Arvind Gupta, head of the BJP IT cell. with the team. It was hard to find a property for the "After facing the wrath of BJP support- and integrate them into society with a On November 23, 2015, Aamir Khan, speaking at the Ramnath Goenka Excel- ers, who downgraded the Snapdeal app complete education and some skills with centre in Kerala, and the founders were lence in Journalism Awards ceremony, on Google Play and the iOS App Store on which they can find a job and be inde- rejected by more than 50 owners, Malhad said: "Kiran (Kiran Rao) and I have orders from Gupta, Snapdeal terminat- pendent," she told the Thomson Reuters lika said. "This centre is very important belived all our lives in India. For the first ed its contract with Khan," Chaturvedi Foundation. India is estimated to have about 2 mil- cause despite the laws, social acceptime, she said, should we move out of In- writes. The whistleblower is quoted in dia?" "That's a disastrous and big state- the book saying: "The campaign against lion transgender people. In 2014, the Su- tance is still low and we are discriminatment for Kiran to make to me. She fears for Aamir was the last nail in the coffin for my preme Court ruled that they had equal ed against by employers and our own her child. She fears about what the atmo- association with the BJP and forced me to rights under the law, and granted legal families," said transgender activist Kalki Subramaniam, who is inaugurating the sphere around us will be. She feels scared part ways with a party and PM I had pas- status to the third gender. New Delhi, December 27 (PTi): Licences of to open the newspapers everyday. That sionately supported. Alongside the right to marry and inher- school on December 30. around 20,000 of 33,000 NGOs have been cancelled by the government after they were found to be allegedly violating various provisions of theForeign Contribution Regulation Act (FCRA), thus barring them from receiving foreign funds. This was conveyed to home minister Rajnath Singh during a review of the Foreigners Division of the Home T h i r u v A N A N - here. I beg to all of you, PANAji/New Delhi, ThAPurAm, Decem- please pray for me. My December 27 (iANS): Ministry here today. Giving a detailed presentation, home Ministry offi- ber 27 (iANS): A close health is deteriorating," At least 15 passengers were cials said after cancellation of FCRA licences of around relative of the IS abducted said the bearded, frail- injured on Tuesday when a Jet Airways flight skid20,000 NGOs, only 13,000 NGOs in the country are legally Catholic Priest Thomas looking captive. Reacting to the news Uzhunnallil on Tuesday ded off the runway during valid now. The exercise of reviewing the working of the NGOs urged Pope Francis and reports of the video, take off from Dabolim Inwas started about a year ago and the process is still con- the Indian government to Union Minister for Exter- ternational Airport in Goa, nal Affairs Sushma Swaraj while a major accident was secure his release. tinuing, official sources said. Uz h u n n a l l i l h a s wrote on her twitter han- averted when Indigo and Among the 13,000 valid NGOs, around 3,000 have been in captivity for nine dle on Tuesday morning: submitted applications for renewal while Ministry of months since the Islamic "I have seen the video SpiceJet flights at Delhi's IGI came face to face on Home Affairs received 2,000 new applications for regis- State terrorist group in Ye- from Father Tom." the taxiway. tration under the FCRA for the first time. "He is an Indian citimen abducted him. DeWhile the Dabolim InterAn additional 300 NGOs are currently under prior spite various efforts his zen and the life of every national Airport was closed permission category but not registered under the FCRA. release did not work out. Indian is most precious for operations from 5 a.m. for us. We got Father Alex "Now Pope Francis to 12.30 p.m., there was no and the Indian govern- Prem Kumar and Judith such disturbance at New ment have to act for his D'Souza released from Delhi's IGI Airport. release," the relative said. Afghanistan. Meanwhile, the Direc"We have spared no "Despite so many efforts our dear one lan- effort and we will spare torate General of Civil Aviaguishes in captivity. Our no effort to secure Father tion (DGCA) has started its bhubANeSwAr, December 27 (reuTerS): Church has to take this Tom's release from captiv- probe into the two incidents Odisha ordered the cull of more than 2,500 chickens and up very seriously and at ity," said Swaraj. that endangered the lives of A passenger is stretchered after a Jet Airways aircraft skidded off the runway before takeoff at other poultry after four dead crows and three dead poul- the highest level," said In March, IS militants passengers. an airport in Goa, December 27, 2016. (Reuters Photo) try tested positive for the highly pathogenic H5N1 virus, the relative who claimed barged into a care-home On its own the Airports saw on the taxiway a SpiceJet section of media". officials said on Tuesday. that besides Uzhunnallil, for the elderly (set up by Authority of India (AAI) ficial said. "All 176 passengers along In a statement, Jet Air- aircraft in front of it," Indigo The bird flu virus was confirmed at Keranga village, there were five more from Mother Teresa in Yemen's which provides commuwith the crew are safe," the about 35 km (22 miles) from Bhubaneswar, the capital the family who were in Aden in 1992), and shot nication, navigation and ways said the plane was car- spokesperson told IANS. "Following the Stan- spokesperson said. "IndiGo dead many people, in- surveillance and air traffic rying 154 guests and seven of Odisha, veterinary officials said, days after dozens of the clergy. The reaction from the cluding four nuns of the management services at the crew members at the time of dard Operating Procedures flight was observing ATC crows and chickens were found dead. (SOPs), the Captain-in- instructions all the time at More than 30,000 birds were culled in a similar out- family came soon after a Missionaries of Charity. IGI airport derostered a Sur- the incident. video showing the captive "All guests and crew have Command took the deci- Delhi airport. IndiGo has Uzhunnallil was face Management Controlbreak in the region in 2012. been safely evacuated," the sion of switching off the voluntarily informed the "We have issued an advisory to follow immediate priest pleading to authori- the one captured. The ler (SMC). engine and reported the DGCA. This matter is being measures to complete culling operations, surveillance ties for his release, sur- militants abducted the In Goa, about 154 pas- airline said. On the other hand in incident to Air Traffic Con- investigated by IndiGo safeKerala priest that day sengers were onboard Jet and sanitization in the infected area," Commissioner- faced on the internet. "I am very sad noth- and there has been no cum-Secretary of the state's Fisheries and Animal ReAirways flight 9W 2374, Delhi, the accident was trol (ATC)," he said. The ty department and the reguing seems to be happensources Development Department Bishnupada Sethi ing for my release. If I information about him which was departing for averted at the Indira Gan- spokesperson also said that lator," the official said. The official also said told Reuters. Mumbai from Goa's Dabo- dhi International Airport the matter has been reportwas an European priest, I ever since. Uzhunnallil's ances- lim International Airport after an Indigo and a Spice- ed to the Air Traffic Control that "as an airline we rely "Over 2,500 poultry birds are being culled within one know by this time I would upon ATC's traffic advisory Jet aircraft came face to face (ATC) and the DGCA. kilometre of the epicentre for control and containment have been released," tral home is in Rama- around 5 a.m. In a statement, the In- and ensure to comply with of bird flu. It's the first time in the current season that this Uzhunnallil said in the puram in Kottayam dis"The DGCA is already on the taxiway. trict, which lies deserted probing the incident. We "An Indigo flight 6C-729 diGo official also clarified their instructions". Accordtype of bird flu was detected in the state and in the same short video. as two of his brothers live which came from Lucknow that "there has been no un- ing to sources, the DGCA area." The H5N1 strain is considered as highly pathogenhad closed down the air"But since I am an Inic. It can also transmit to animals such as pigs, horse, large dian and not considered abroad, while another port for a few hours, but it to Delhi with 176 passen- fortunate incident or close has ordered a probe into cats, dogs and occasionally humans. is operational now," the of- gers on board, post landing, shave-off as reported by a the incident. of much value, I am still lives in Gujarat.

FCRA licences of twenty thousand NGOs cancelled by govt

Pope, India must help release Priest from IS, urges relative

Odisha orders poultry cull exercise after bird flu outbreak

15 hurt after flight skids off runway in Goa

wednesdAY 28•12•2016




SKorea ruling party split could Maids, brick makers and children: faces of slavery provide opening for UN chief sEOuL, DEcEMbEr 27 (rEutErs): A South Korean ruling party faction said on Tuesday it would form a new party, and key members said they hoped outgoing U.N. SecretaryGeneral Ban Ki-moon would join it to launch a widely expected bid to become president. If Ban joined the new party, it would give him a conservative platform while distancing himself from the ruling Saenuri Party of President Park Geun-hye, which has become tainted by a corruption scandal that led to a parliamentary impeachment vote against her this month. The 29 lawmakers defecting from Park's Saenuri Party were among those who supported the parliamentary motion to impeach her over the influence-peddling scandal, which was passed overwhelmingly on Dec. 9. Some analysts expect the new party to become the country's main conservative force and further defections to it from Park's party were likely, especially if Ban joined. "We are hoping Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon will join the New Conservative Party for Reform, and if he joins, it will be right that he would compete in a fair primary," Yoo Seong-min, a member of the new party and a possible presidential contender, told TV station SBS, using the new party's tentative name. In a Realmeter poll released on Monday, 23.3 percent of respondents supported Ban, just ahead of the liberal Democratic Party's Moon Jae-in, at 23.1 percent.

cHENNAI, DEcEMbEr 27 (rEutErs): Housemaids, brick makers, labourers, textile workers, fleeing migrants and children risking their lives in mica mines. These were the faces of modern day slavery in 2016 when the world saw a renewed resolve to combat all forms of human bondage. An estimated 45.8 million people globally live in some form of slavery, either trafficked into forced labour, sold for sex, trapped in debt bondage or born into servitude, according to the 2016 Global Slavery Index by rights group Walk Free Foundation. Most of them are workers looking for a livelihood, better jobs, more income. And most of them are cheated, in debt bondage and trafficked to places far from home, campaigners said. But slowly the scourge of modern slavery is driving action; from new laws to voices speaking up for trafficking survivors, from law enforcers identifying labour trafficking as a major challenge to companies focusing on supply chain slavery. Below are some of the good, bad and ugly stories on human trafficking from 2016:

Outgoing United Nations Secretary General Ban Ki-moon reacts during the unveiling ceremony of his official portrait at United Nations headquarters in New York City. (REUTERS FILE PHOTO)

The defections cut the number of seats held by Saenuri to fewer than 100 in the 300-member chamber. The Saenuri unexpectedly lost its majority in April parliamentary elections. Ban, 72, has not declared an intention to run for president, only saying he would devote himself to the country after his tenure ends this month after 10 years. Nevertheless, he had until recently been widely expected to run for the top job as a member of Park's party. But running as a Saenuri candidate looks far less attractive given the corruption scandal gripping the country, in which a friend of Park's is accused of colluding with the president to pressure big busi-

nesses into paying money to foundations backing Park's initiatives. Park and the friend, Choi Soon-sil, have denied wrongdoing. Kim Jun-seok, a Dongguk University political science professor, said Ban supporters in the Saenuri Party, including lawmakers from his home region of Chungcheong, were waiting to see what he would do. A former South Korean foreign minister, Ban has never run for office in his home country. JOINING FORCES? Ban could opt to form his own group, with the intention of later joining forces with the new conservative party, saving him from hav-

ing to run in the new party's primary contest, Kim said, an arrangement which is not unusual in Korean politics. "Everyone remaining in the party is calculating what their next move should be," Kim said. "Saenuri has lost its identity and the new party will take the lead among conservatives." The Constitutional Court has up to 180 days to uphold or overturn the impeachment vote against Park, who has been stripped of her powers in the meantime. If Park's impeachment is upheld, a presidential election will be held in 60 days. An election for the five-year single-term presidency is currently scheduled for Dec. 20, 2017.

The head of the minority People's Party, which holds 38 seats in parliament, has also said it would welcome Ban. Over the years, South Korean parties have often broken up and reformed in new guises. Ban has been coy about his plans, other than saying he will return to South Korea on Jan. 15. "I will devote my whole body to work hard if what I have seen and experienced as the U.N. secretary-general helps develop the Republic of Korea," Ban told Korean media last week at the United Nations. "I will decide what to do after meeting people from every walk of life after returning home."

CATCHING TRAFFICKERS Law enforcement agencies identified labour trafficking as their biggest challenge, shifting focus from victims of sex trafficking to the labour agents cheating tens of thousands of men and women and sending them to work in abusive environments. In a British suburb in central England, police officers accustomed to burglaries and household disturbances are finding ways to battle the latest crime wave - human trafficking. Meanwhile, India's foreign ministry started tracking migrant workers in the Gulf, encouraging them to use helplines to report abuse and signing memorandums of understanding with Gulf countries to ensure safe migration. JUSTICE AT ALL COST In a legal precedent, an international victim of human trafficking deposed before an Indian court for the first time and recorded her statements through video conferencing. The 24-year-old woman from Bangladesh was sold by her husband to a brothel in Kamathipura, the red light district in Mumbai. Campaigners say the video conference brings hope of seeing more convictions against traffickers in cross-border cases.

VOICES FOR VICTIMS Nepalese judge Tek Narayan Kunwar stands up for thousands of trafficking victims in the Himalayan Kingdom of Nepal. He set up help desks in district courts and travels to villages to spread awareness about the legal provisions available to fight human trafficking. The district judge in Chitwan is also known for helping to accelerate the time it takes to bring traffickers to justice, tougher prison sentences and better witness protection. Meanwhile international human rights lawyer Amal Clooney came forward to represent Yazidi women held as sex slaves and raped by Islamic State militants in Iraq. She wants to prosecute the Islamist group through the International Criminal Court for their crimes against the Yazidi community "no matter the price". SUPPLY CHAIN SLAVERY Under increasing pressure, many international brands have started to talk publicly about their procurement process and end supply chain slavery. Campaigners have pointed to numerous reports in 2016 that show supply chains are marred by child labour, abusive work environments and low wages. Reports have highlighted Syrian refugees being abused in Turkish clothing factories supplying European retailers and Bangladeshi slum kids working over 60 hours a week making clothes. In south India, adolescent girls continue to form a large part of the workforce in spinning mills, overworked, underpaid with restricted freedom of movement. COUNTRIES CRACKDOWN India - where an estimated 18 million people live in some form of slavery - drafted a new anti-trafficking law that is awaiting parliament's approval. It looks at unifying existing anti-trafficking laws, prioritise survivors' needs and preventing victims from being arrested and jailed. The Qatar government drafted a new law to replace the controversial "kafala" or sponsorship system that rights groups say has forced workers to live in squalor and toil under dangerous, sometimes fatal, conditions. Britain unveiled two multi-million pound funds to tackle modern slavery overseas and at home as part of a drive to end the crime described as a "barbaric evil" by Prime Minister Theresa May.

Fake news spurs Pak-Israel Twitter war Cambodian opposition leader sentenced NEw YOrk, DEcEMbEr 27 (IANs): Pakistan and Israel has been led to a verbal feud, threatening each other of nuclear war after a fake news story caused tensions between the two nuclear nations. According to a report on CNN on Monday, in an article published by AWDNews on Tuesday, December 20, former Israeli Defence Minister Moshe Yaalon was falsely quoted as threatening to destroy Pakistan if it

sent troops to Syria. "We will destroy them with a nuclear attack," the article falsely quoted Yaalon as saying. Mistaking the news as real, Pakistan Defence Minister Khawaja Asif responded on his official Twitter handle, "Israeli (defence minister) threatens nuclear retaliation presuming (Pakistan) role in Syria against Daesh. Israel forgets Pakistan is a Nuclear State, too."

Soon, Israeli Ministry of Defence responded to Pakistan on Twitter, saying that the Yaalon's statement quoted in the report was entirely false. "Thestatementattributed to (former Defence Minister) Yaalon (regarding) Pakistan was never said," the ministry tweeted on its account, adding "Reports referred to by the Pakistani Defence Minister are entirely false." Later on Christmas, Asif said in a tweet that their nu-

clear programme was only a "deterrence to protect" their freedom. "We desire to coexist in peace, both in our region and beyond," Asif tweeted. The spread of fake news on internet has been recently a matter of serious concern. Recently, critics blamed Facebook for influencing the US elections in favour of President-elect Donald Trump by circulating a "host of fake news stories about political topics".

Defying UN, Israel prepares to build more settlements JErusALEM, DEcEMbEr 27 (IANs): Undeterred by a resounding defeat at the UN, the Israeli government has said that it would move ahead with thousands of new homes in the disputed West Bank area, a media report said on Tuesday. It said: The city intends to approve 600 housing units in the predominantly Palestinian eastern section of town on Wednesday in what a top official called a first installment on 5,600 new homes.

Israel also warned nations against further action, declaring that it does not "turn the other cheek", the New York Times reported. This was following the vote, passed on December 23, by a 14-0 majority, with the US abstaining, demanding Israel to "immediately and completely cease all settlement activities in the occupied Palestinian territory, including East Jerusalem". Just days after, the Jerusalem's government signalled

that it would not back down. The defiant posture reflected a bristling anger among Israel's pro-settlement political leaders, who not only blamed the US for failing to block the Council resolution, but also claimed that President Barack Obama's team orchestrated it. American officials strongly denied the claim, but the sides seem poised for more weeks of conflict until Obama hands over the pres-

maintaining our combat alertness," Taiwan Defence Minister Feng Shih-kuan said on Tuesday. "We need to strengthen the training (of our soldiers) so that they can not only survive in battle but also destroy the enemy and accomplish the mission," he said. Feng'sremarksweregiven in a speech at a ministry event marking the promotion of senior military officers. The Chinese warships rounded Taiwan, passing between the Japanese islands of Miyako and Okinawa and through the Bashi Channel between Taiwan and the Philippines, said Taiwan's defence ministry.

China has given few details of what the Sovietbuilt Liaoning aircraft carrier is up to, save that it is on a routine exercise. China's air force conducted longrange drills this month above the East and South China Seas that rattled Japan and Taiwan. China claims most of the South China Sea, through which about $5 trillion in ship-borne trade passes every year. Neighbours Brunei, Malaysia, the Philippines, Taiwan and Vietnam also have claims. The Pentagon did not directly comment on the latest drill but said that the United States recognises

PHNOM PENH, DEcEMbEr 27 (rEutErs): Cambodia's exiled opposition leader Sam Rainsy was sentenced to five years in prison in absentia on Tuesday for posting a fake government pledge to dissolve the Southeast Asian country's border with Vietnam. The sentence follows months of tension between Cambodia's two main political parties, the Cambodian People's Party of Prime Minister Hun Sen and the opposition Cambodia National Rescue Party (CNRP). Hun Sen has been Cambodia's leader for three decades but his grip on power was shaken in a 2013 general election when the CNRP won 55 seats in the National Assembly, leaving the Cambodian People's Party with 68 seats in the

idency to Donald Trump. Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu also lashed out at the Security Council countries by curbing diplomatic contacts, recalling envoys, cutting off aid and summoning the American ambassador for a scolding. He cancelled a planned visit this week by Ukraine's Prime Minister even as he expressed concern on Monday that Obama was planning more action at the UN before MOGADIsHu, DEcEMbEr 27 (AP) : “I was betrayed,” lamented his term ends next month. Madino Dhurow of her return to Somalia from the world’s largest refugee camp, Dadaab, where she lived for 12 years. She said she was assured safety and support back home but she found those promises to be empty. She is among thousands of Somalis who left the sprawling camp of lawful use of sea and air- some 260,000 in neighboring Kenya, space in accordance to in- sometimes under pressure, after the Nairobi government announced it ternational law. "We continue to closely would close Dadaab, calling it a remonitor developments in cruiting ground for Somalia’s al-Shathe region. We do not have bab Islamic extremists and a base for specific comments on Chi- launching attacks. na's recent naval activities, Al-Shabab has carried out several but we continue to observe assaults in Kenya in retaliation for senda range of ongoing Chinese ing Kenyan troops to Somalia in 2011 military activity in the re- to fight the extremists, who are waging gion," Pentagon spokesman an insurgency against Somalia’s weak Gary Ross told Reuters. Western-backed government. In Taipei, a Defence MinThe insurgents’ deadly attacks istry official said the Liaoning in Somalia also threaten the lives of was maintaining a southwest those returning from Dadaab. course towards Hainan and “All the security improvement not heading deeper into the and welfare information we were disputed South China Sea told we would find here turned out near the Spratly Islands that to be false,” Dhurow said, watching lie close to the Philippines, her six children wade through dirty, Malaysia and Vietnam. stagnant water in the Mogadishu

Taiwan warns of increasing threat as Chinese warships conduct drill

tAIPEI, DEcEMbEr 27 (rEutErs): Taiwan warned on Tuesday that "the threat of our enemies is growing day by day", as Chinese warships led by the country's sole aircraft carrier sailed towards the island province of Hainan through the South China Sea on a routine drill. The drill comes amid renewed tension over Taiwan, which Beijing claims as its own, following U.S. President-elect Donald Trump's telephone call with the island's president that upset Beijing. "The threat of our enemies is growing day by day. We should always be

to five years in prison over Facebook post 123-seat assembly. Members of the opposition have complained of a crackdown by the government and its allies in a bid to intimidate critics before a general election in 2018. The Phnom Penh Municipal Court found Sam Rainsy and two members of his social media team, Ung Chung Leang and Sathya Sambath, guilty of citing the false 1979 border treaty. The fake treaty, which they posted on Facebook, purported to show Vietnam and Cambodia agreeing to get rid of their mutual boundary. Presiding Judge Leang Samnath sentenced Sam Rainsy to five years in prison and Ung Chung Leang and Sathya Sambath to three years, all in absentia. "The court orders the arrests of

Ung Chung Leang, Sathya Sambath and Sam Rainsy to serve these sentences," Judge Leang Samnath told the court. Cambodia has fretted for centuries about its much bigger neighbours, Vietnam to the east and Thailand to the northwest, encroaching on its territory. The issue remains emotive and many Cambodians are suspicious of both countries. Sam Rainsy has been living in France since 2015 to avoid arrest in a separate defamation case. He did not respond to a request for comment on Tuesday but said on Twitter the case against him and the two others had been "fabricated" by a "kangaroo court". The CNRP said it had no knowledge of the whereabouts of Ung Chung Leang and Sathya Sambath.

It was deception: ex Somali refugees regret coming home displaced persons’ camp that is their current home. “We got many promises, but it was a deception meant to make us leave.” Conditions are dire at the Somali camp, called Daryeel. Families live in makeshift homes of sticks and plastic sheets that are unfit to protect them from the upcoming monsoon rains, not to mention the armed gangs that often prey on the camp at night. Refugees said each family received $400 support cash from the United Nations once they agreed to return home to Somalia, but the money has not gone far. It is not what those living in Dadaab expected when they were pressured to leave, sometimes after spending their entire lives in the refugee camp. Some Somali refugees have been living in Dadaab in eastern Kenya for more than 20 years, since Somalia descended into chaos following the 1991 ouster of longtime dictator Siad Barre by warlords who then turned on each other. Somalia is trying to rebuild and faces a presidential election that has been delayed several times amid security and other concerns.

Some 35,000 Somali refugees have been supported in returning voluntarily to Somalia since 2014, according to the U.N. High Commissioner for Refugees. But some Somali refugees report harassment and intimidation by Kenyan security agents to leave Dadaab quickly and speed up the repatriation process. “Many of us had a deadline to leave. Personally, I didn’t want to leave Dadaab but I had no choice to stay on,” said Halimo Abdow, a mother of nine who returned to Somalia in August. Once they reached Somalia, Abdow and her children were driven from place to place by violence and financial crisis. They first went to a camp in Mogadishu but soon moved to her hometown, Afgoye, complaining of a lack of assistance by aid agencies. Then al-Shabab attacked a police station in Afgoye last month, triggering hours of clashes that left at least six people dead. A mortar shell hit near Abdow’s home, leading her to move again to a nearby nomadic village where water supplies are usually scarce.

wednesdAY 28•12•2016




SIX NNPGs UNITE Chelsea coach Conte hopes Khekiye K. Sema IAS (Retd.)


his author was bogged down with other immediate pressure cooker issues already in the boiling pot and could not promptly congratulate the Six NNPGs uniting for a common cause on 14th December 2016 as it so rightly deserved. Nagas of Nagaland especially the Apex Tribal Hohos and other NGOs should have shared their appreciation with prompt recognition of this momentous decision as one of the more refreshing news in the midst of the entire corruption infested 'nonsense news' of the year 2016. It was a worthy Christmas gift to all with sincere Nagas national political concerns! Yet again our overall silence on this issue is saddening to say the least. One surmises that the "Working Group"(WG) will have to travel on a rough road that will undoubtedly be even rougher than the PWD roads so indifferently facilitated by the NPF/DAN Government of Nagaland distracted by 'other' priorities. However, as long as the WG sincerely uphold what they have resolved to prayerfully place GOD as the CENTRAL PILLAR of this UNITY with personal ego being kept out of bounds, God will surely bless them abundantly with wisdom to see them through difficult discourse. Considering the hyper-sensitive nature of the playing ground for the WG to interact with one another it would seem important that a few other elementary considerations and understandings should squarely be put in place in addition to the ones they have already determined: (1) What need to consciously be acknowledged with utmost concern and sensitivity is the fact that each "Six NNPG Factions" has hosts of both the disciplined and the indiscipline characters within their respective cadres, capable of creating unwarranted and unintended friction amongst them. Strict restraining order must therefore go out to keep the respective cadres in strict check and ensure that the WG is allowed to exercise their minds together in harmony

without infighting distraction unwittingly being perpetuated by those with less discipline and imagination; (2). It would also serve the WG well to open wide their consultation doors and windows and allow as much fresh air to filter into their common room...the more wide open the better; (3). WG should decidedly avoid 'stagemanaged mass platform' for participation of sycophants and 'yes-men' who would be prepared to blindly endorse anything and everything on the table ... like the consultations that have been conducted by NSCN (IM) at Niathu Resort and elsewhere...if they are searching for real constructive inputs towards (a) 'unity' and (b) 'a dialogue with GoI'; Instead: (4). The WG should interact with intellectual Nagas with critical minds who are unafraid, capable and prepared to candidly point out both the positive and the negative perspective of a given issue in fairness without bias. They are the ones who must selectively be drawn in for exclusive and real consultation. This approach has thus far been arrogantly thwarted by the other AK 47 wielding Tangkhul dominated faction called NSCN (IM) who seems to unbelievably believe that there are no capable thinkers amongst the Nagas other than themselves. This Organisation is averse to opinion of others that would cause indigestion to 'His Dictatorial Highness'...The NSCN (IM) General Secretary; The WG must make effort to learn lessons from the mistakes of others. Pragmatic approaches would hopefully help the Working Group to think 'out of the box' for matured balanced conclusions in their endeavour towards a final settlement. In conclusion, let me say a very deserving "Well done" to NTC for this laudable initiative and a very big "God Bless" to the Six NNPGs for finally awakening to the core sentiments of the Naga majority of Nagaland. May the New Year bring forth an insightful Chapter of Naga History structured on a foundry of true upright Christian principles.



Kahuto Chishi Sumi

his, being Christmas, I would like all Nagas who profess Christianity to really think about what being a Christian means to you. Because in my books; a Christian is not one who is baptised into the faith; but one who practises the Tenets of Christianity. And that every religion has its forms/rituals and its substance/tenets and one should not confuse the two. Being baptised, attending Church Services regularly and Prayer are some of the forms/rituals of Christianity; they are necessary to strengthen our faith and to maintain our relationship with God and Christ; but I do not consider them as tenets of Christianity. One’s baptism by water becomes an empty ritual if one does not change for the better and go on to do the things Christ enjoins us to do. As to the church, Jesus Himself says, “Destroy this temple, and in three days I will raise it up”(John 2:19); I don’t mean we should go about tearing down churches, and Jesus certainly did not mean we should do so; but what Jesus meant was that the human body, created by God, in His Image,(Genesis 1:27) was the Real Temple of God and not the one built by Solomon; and we should not exalt the human temple above that built by God. So, treating other people with Love and Respect is more important than attending Church. As to prayer, Jesus mentioned

Eastern Theological College


he present state of life in Manipur is viewed as horrible and terrible because problems are jumbled up and innocent people are finding too difficult to understand the situation. Can you imagine to know the prospect and causes of olive green uniformed people marched from all directions towards Manipur to wage war. No, no one can. But war for what? Oh! May be against the Economic Blockade imposed by the UNC since November 1 2016. But for what such imposition? It was imposed as it had no other means to protest against the power of State to create new districts against the will of the people involved in it and also against the Memorandum of Understanding signed by the Government of Manipur with UNC, ANSAM in 1981, 1992, 1996, 1998, 2011 that Manipur State will not create any new district without consulting the Nagas (the stakeholders) but in the case of the December 8, 2016 Cabinet Decision to create seven new states was without the knowledge of the stakeholders for which while some people were happy many others were confused of what was happening and where they will be pushed to. Because of the blockade, the President and Information Secretary of UNC are jailed for many days now. It is understandable that there must have been shortage of essential commodities in the Manipur valley. As a means to counter the economic blockade of the UNC, the valley based Meiteis have executed certain amount of

London, december 27 (AFP): Antonio Conte has challenged his Chelsea stars to use their club record run of 12 successive victories as the foundation to win the Premier League title. Conte's side moved seven points clear at the top after a 3-0 win over Bournemouth on Monday and they are now just two more victories away from equalling Arsenal's Premier League record of 14 consecutive wins. Should the Blues defeat Stoke and Tottenham in their next two games, they will have earned a significant statistical landmark. But it is trophies that matter most toformerJuventusandItalybossConte and he has set his sights on leading Chelsea to the Premier League crown they last won in May 2015. "I prefer to win the title than the record," Conte told Chelsea TV. "Records are important, but not all. It's important to write history only when you win. "To be in the history of the club

and to win 12 games in a row is fantastic. But with the players we want to continue." Bournemouth switched to three at the back to try to match the Chelsea formation that has proved such a success since Conte first deployed it earlier this season.

But Conte's men still proved too strong and the Italian views teams changing tactics as a mark of respect. It is a nice problem for Conte to have, and one that is familiar after his time at Juventus, who won 33 of 38 games under him in 2013-14. "After 12 wins in a row, every

team who play against Chelsea try also to change their formation. It happened also in Italy when I was manager of Juventus," Conte said. "We must be prepared for the formation of our opponent (to change). I think this means great respect for us."

A Review of Son of the Thundercloud by Easterine Kire KB Veio Pou

(The reviewer is Asst. Professor at SBSC, University of Delhi, and author of Literary Cultures of India's Northeast: Naga Writings in English)


senseless acts like burning more than 30 private and passenger cars and few passenger buses besides burning all the belonging of those stranded passengers amounting to crores of rupees and holding them like refugees at Manipur Rifles compound and to pacify the angry hearts of the stranded passengers the Chief Minister is said to have distributed rs. 2000 per head. But the worst of all is that in the name of counter blockade the Meiteis of between Lamlong and Yaingangpokpi have used JCB to destroy the Imphal-Ukhrul national highway, damaged bridges and blocked. Such acts are a crime to the nation. While I do not intend to justify one against the other it the right of the nation and its people to know the facts of the situation. Who is doing greater harm to humanity and to the nation? At the end of the third term of Congress government in Manipur when the next Assembly Elections are approaching very near why in the name of Administrative Convenience had to create seven districts at one go. Was that for administration or simply reacting to the protest of the UNC? Why the State government failed to consult with the stakeholders while deciding to create new districts which is very necessary. What can be done now for the purpose of correcting the wrong? Perhaps, we have only two options: 1. Let the State be ruled by the President of India till the elections in 2017 and 2. Roll back the Assembly decision to create seven new districts as it was against the signatures of the people who represented the State to sign MoU in those years indicated.

Chelsea's head coach Antonio Conte (2R) shakes hands with Chelsea's defender Gary Cahill (R) at the end of the English Premier League football match against December 26, 2016 (AFP Photo)

A Christmas Allegory:

Publisher: Speaking Tiger Books Month/Year of publication: The Lord’s Prayer (Matthew 6:9-13) and December, 2016 that the Lord knows what we need and Pages: 149 will provide, “Therefore take no thought, Price: 350/saying, What shall we eat? Or, What shall he latest novella from we drink? Or, How shall we be clothed? Easterine Kire titled Son (For all these thing do the Gentiles seek) of the Thundercloud is for your heavenly Father knows that you a fascinating read right have need of all these things. But seek you first the kingdom of God, and his righ- from the start. With another Christteousness; and all these things shall be mas with us once again, it is all the more interesting that the story is an added unto you. (Matthew 6:31-33). Which bring us to the Substance of allegory of the biblical story. ComChristianity. “You shall love the Lord ing up fresh from winning the Hinyour God with all your heart, and with du Prize 2015 for When the River all your soul, and with all your strength, Sleeps there is certain anticipation and with all your mind; and your neigh- from the readers. And Easterine bour as yourself” (Luke 10:27) is what didn't fail to awe them! There is an I believe is the Essence of Christianity. interesting thematic connection Christianity means loving God and lov- between the two fictions as they ing your neighbour as you love yourself. both are closely sourced from the Loving God without loving your neigh- time tasted legends that continue bour is meaningless. And that brings up to wield its influence in the presthe question of, “Who is my neighbour?” ent imagination of the Naga world. The plot of the novel is a The Parable of the Good Samaritan (Luke 10: 30-37) shows us that each and straight forward narrative of a every man I come across, be he a friend man, Pele, who left his village or a stranger, is my neighbour. And that after severe famine took his wife each act of kindness I do, I do to God; and children away. He became a and every evil I do to my fellow man, I traveller to the unknown, partly to escape the distraught of the do the same to God and Christ. So, this Christmas, I want all my fel- pain and loss, partly to escape low Nagas who profess to be Christian, to death, but not sure if he would introspect and answer the question, “Am survive the journey. His path led being a Christian or am I just a Christian?” him to a drought affected “abanGOD BLESS YOU ALL AND GOD SAVE doned village” where he met two MY NAGALAND

Weighing the Crimes in Manipur Dr Shimreingam L. Shimray

record run sparks title glory

sisters who were several hundred years old and had been living on “hope”. They told him of their wait for a prophesy, the birth of the Son of the Thundercloud, which would regenerate the land to its fruitfulness once again. While there with the ancient sisters the rains came extraordinarily. Shortly, he travels with them to the Village of the Weavers, where the third sister, known to others as the tiger-widow for her husband and all her seven sons had been killed by the tiger, has been impregnated by a “single drop of rain” that fell from the thundercloud. Pele continues to stay on and became the guardian of Rhalie, the Son of the Thundercloud. True to the prophesy Rhalie grew up and kills the tiger, but also dies in the hand of his friend who became envious of him. It is interesting to discover how Easterine seamlessly weaves the biblical narrative of the virgin birth of Jesus Christ with a Naga creation story. Any Naga reader would be able to decipher that the birth of the Son of the Thundercloud is closely drawn from the oral story of the primal woman who was overcome by a cloud and gave birth to the proverbial three brothers. As a myth it is told with latent meaning to explain how things came into being and its relevance in understanding of the world around us. And in the Naga cosmology even today there is a close proximity between the worlds of the animal, spirit and man. In fact, they continue to interface, but not always in a friend-

ly way as it used to be. Things have become more violent. This is where Son of the Thundercloud has a lesson for us. Metaphorically, the story of Pele is the story of mankind in search of a meaning in life. The two sisters of several hundred years old in the famine struck village of seven hundred years stood for mankind's wait for a saviour to reverse the tragedy, as per the prophesy: “... the great hope of the ancestors who used to say that our ancient misfortune will end when the Son of the Thundercloud is born. Everything will be transformed then” (p. 19). Their watch over the stars every night for the sign of the promised birth reminds us of the Magi who followed the stars to pay homage to baby Jesus. The birth of the Son of the Thundercloud was shrouded in suspicion and distrust from the people of the village, much like the people during Jesus' time was steeped in disbelief. The birth of Rhalie restored the land to prosperity but the people refused to believe the signs. On the contrary, his own friend Viphrü grew jealous especially after he killed the tiger. Interestingly, the tiger is “no ordinary being”, it is spirit tiger that cannot be killed with “worldly weapon”. The “well-tempered spear” that the two sisters kept for Rhalie was the only potential weapon to kill the tiger. By its sheer power to incite fear the tiger has influenced people to worship it. In essence, the tiger is the embodiment of the evil in men. This again, echoes how the Bible warns that the battle against the

devil is a spiritual warfare which has to be principally fought in the spiritual realms. Rhalie was able to kill the tiger because he has no “pride” and his “heart was pure”. Just as his name mean “the redeemer”, his killing of the predator brought relief to the people. His mother, Mesanuo exclaimed, “what joy you have brought to all of us!” But men loved darkness instead. The arrival of Son of the Thundercloud is quite timely. Christmas is the time of celebrating love, peace, hope and joy. It is a reminder of how God loved the world dearly that He sent His only Son to redeem it. Easterine's story reveals the shortcomings in human beings and their inability to change the reality. Only a divine intervention can reverse the tragedy. And while that message is being powerfully told, the novella is also beautifully woven together with many endearing wisdoms of cultural specificities. The generational transmission of knowledge is shown time and again in the older ones' conscious teaching of the young Rhalie. The people's need to preserve and protect God given natural resources for a sustainable future are asserted through the various conversations. And one of the most enduring picture is the 'hope' of meeting the departed loved ones in the afterlife. To that end, the story has many anecdotes on love, life and sacrifice that will be impressed upon the minds of the readers for a long time.

Feedback: The Breakfast of Champions


ears ago my wife and I were handling a youth group and with all sincerity wanted to know how we were faring. We printed out a “feedback form” for them to fill in, encouraging them to be sincere and, if they wished, to remain anonymous. We thought we were doing great. But the feedback suggested we needed improvements in certain areas. Our emotions went berserk. Our immediate reaction was not to improve on those areas but find out who “those” anonymous ones were! Though our intentions were good, our reactions were not! When was the last time you have asked for a feedback about yourself, your work, your progress, your business, your church? What do others think your strengths and weaknesses are? How you are faring? Feedback can be disturbing and can stir up all kinds of emotions. But every good leader needs one and should not be afraid to get it! When in prison, John the Baptist wanted to know if the person he had prophesied would come had actually come. The feedback he received was positive! On one occasion even Jesus wanted a feedback. He asked His disciples: “Who do people say I am?” The answer was: John the Baptist or Elijah or Jeremiah or another one of the Biblical prophets; no one said He is God! (Mt

16.13,14; Mk 8.28). But Jesus was more concerned about what His disciples thought of Him. “But who do you say I am?” He asked them. Peter answered, “You are the Christ, the Son of the living God” (Mt 16.16). Being “fully human,” Jesus had to be assured that His disciples had the right perception of Him. The disciples too needed to be assured who they were representing. If the disciples were not sure about who exactly had sent them out and their true identities, they would be miserable failures and so also their mission. Ask your friends or others to give you a genuine feedback. If you report to a board or a team, ask them for one. Questionnaires and rating scales are sometimes necessary. Feedback can be formal or informal, named or anonymous. We need all of them. The beginning of the year is one of the best times for introspection and feedback, a time to take stock of our life and lifestyle, direction and destiny, health and habits, weaknesses and strengths, accomplishments and failures. There’s a possibility we may be totally on the wrong track and are in need of a makeover! One definition of insanity is: “Doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.” This is where an authentic feedback will help us to: wake up, check up, clean up, own up, shake up and stand up! --

WAKE UP: Human history shows that we tend to follow the easiest, friction-free path of least resistance. A Canadian study suggests humans are biologically wired to be lazy! Research shows, “You’ll be relieved to hear that choosing the couch is only human. Humans are inherently lazy, which may be a trait left over from our ancestors’ days of conserving energy for the next hunt.” Genesis 12:1 says, Abraham had to wake up to a call, leave his country, his people and move to an unknown, unfamiliar territory to be blessed and be a blessing. A wake up call was necessary for his next move! CHECK UP: Regular check-ups are important, necessary and recommended, both for our body and our soul! This includes a check to see if our aims and goals in life are being fulfilled. Are we using our God-given talents to the max? Are we in the right place where God wants us to be? CLEAN UP: Many times a clean up of ourselves or our work areas is necessary for our well being - be it physical, mental, emotional, spiritual or organisational. “Search me, O God, and know my heart... see if there be any wicked way in me...” asked the psalmist David. OWN UP: Blaming others for our failures is the easiest thing to do. John C. Maxwell rightly says, “A man must be big enough to admit his mistakes, smart enough to prof-

it from them, and strong enough to correct them.” SHAKE UP: Living the normal way is sometimes not normal; there are always better ways to do things. No one is going to handover your dream, fulfilled - on a platter. Be willing to take risks or do things differently. Ask God for wisdom. Pray the prayer of Reinhold Niebuhr: “God, grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, courage to change the things I can, and wisdom to know the difference.” STAND UP: Jesus had to stand up to Pilate when he asked Him: “But you are a king then?” “Yes,” Jesus said. “I was born for that purpose. And I came to bring truth to the world.” John 18:37-38 (TLB). Jesus knew His identity, His mission, His purpose on earth. As Christians we need to know who we are and Whose we are and know the purpose of our living. It’s easy to say, ‘I am saved, I am born again, I am on my way to heaven.’ But we need to constantly examine and correct ourselves - along with the feedback we get from others to ensure we are on the right track. “Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways submit to Him, and He will make your paths straight.” (Pro. 3:5-6) — Jose, Rev. Dr. Jose T. Nithi, Managing Editor, Forerunner, Christian Magazine from Bangalore

Readers may please note that the contents of the articles, letters and opinions published do not reflect the outlook of this paper nor of the Editor in any form.

Wednesday 28•12•2016


Opang Jamir nominated for Second edition of Art Picnic TNT Person of the Year 2016 T he second edition of Art Picnic will be held in Dimapur on December 29. This annual event is being organised by Temsuyanger Longkumer, a multi media artist based in London, with the aim of bringing people of all backgrounds and ages, amateurs and professionals together for a day of art and food. This would be a great opportunity especially for young aspiring artists to learn and get advice from the professionals. Temsuyanger particularly appeals to established artists to help co-ordinate and be involved in the event. Art Picnic welcomes all forms of art practices including crafts, poetry and performances. Participants are requested to bring own work materials/instruments and a lunch box for the picnic. Time: 10am - 4pm Things to bring: Materials/instruments of one’s choice and a LUNCH box. Venue: Monoliths of Kachari ruins, Archaeological Survey of India (behind supermarket) Dimapur. For further information please email: or ring Lima Aonok on: 9774008668


agaland Supermodel Opang Jamir has been nominated for the TNT (The Northeast Today) Person of the Year 2016 on Fashion Category. Opang Jamir appeals to Nagaland show your love and support for him by clicking at his picture to vote at this link to support Opang Jamir as he is representing the state youth for the particular category. A well know Supermodel, Opang Jamir is the 1st Northeast Model to represent India at International pageants, represented for various branding/production/groom and mentored aspiring youth of today. His achievements started with Rank and Bold award 2007 AIR India Mumbai associated with the Nagaland Post and started modeling in 2008 at the young age of 16. He won the Mr Congeniality at Mr Spunk 2008 Model Hunt Contest, Mr Friendship 2010 winner by Lions Club Dimapur, Mr Earth India 2011 and Mister India International 2012 and represented for the finals at Mister International 2012 held at Bangkok Thailand. He started to walk for India’s biggest fashion Week Lakme Fashion week from 2014. In 2016 he champion the Northeast India Fashion Week as the Show-Director/Show-stopper and Choreographer, Presented the “Weaves of Arunachal” at the celebration of Handloom day during Lakme Fashion Week 2016 winter festive. He was the Show-Director/Grooming Guru/Mentor and Host at the 1st Edition of Mr Arunachal Mega Model Contest 2016. Look bookshoot for Designer Nabam Akaa and Showstopper at Northeast festival New Delhi.

2nd inter ward dance competition at Pungro


Britney Spears victim of Twitter hack, death hoax


ony Music Global’s Twitter account was hacked and posted fake tweets about death of pop star Britney Spears. The first two messages were posted early Monday on the hacked Twitter page. “RIP @britneyspears,” the first tweet read. It was followed by a tearful emoji and hashtag “#RIPBritney 1981-2016.” The second tweet, seven minutes later, was, “Britney spears is dead by accident! We will tell you more soon #RIPbritney.” Soon after the tweets Spears’ manager Adam Leber told CNN “Britney is fine and well. There have been a few Internet clowns over the years who have made similar claims about her death, but never from the official Sony Music Twitter account.” “I assume their account has been hacked. I haven’t spoken to anyone... As of yet but I am certain their account was hacked,” he added. Sony Music issued a statement mid Monday that read, “Sony Music Entertainment’s Twitter account was compromised. This has been rectified. Sony Music apologizes to Britney Spears and her fans for any confusion. source: PTI


SRK borrowed money for comics in childhood


ollywood superstar Shah Rukh Khan, an ardent fan of comic characters, says during his childhood he used to borrow money from his friends and family members to buy comic books. Shah Rukh revealed some of his childhood secrets on Nickelodeon Kids Choice Awards 2016, where he was honoured with the Kids Icon of the Year Award. “I remember borrowing money from friends and relatives to buy my favourite Lotpot comics and it’s so good to see the characters come to life. I was so fond of them. In facty, I like cartoons so much that even after a tiring day at work, I go back home and watch pre-recorded cartoons before going to bed,” Shah Rukh said. Nickelodeon Kids Choice Awards 2016 will be aired on January 1, 2017, on Nick. source: IANs

he Hilly Guys Club Pungro Town organized the 2nd edition of inter ward dance competition at local ground Pungro town on December 22. The function was graced by Asstt Inspector of Excise T. Pusukhong as chief guest. Speaking on the occasion, Pusukhong lauded the sincere effort made by the organizer for promoting the young talented in the fields of art and music which exposed the talents of the young peoples in competing in various aspects for the common lucrative rongmei students’ union Dimapur organized “Yuletide Fiesta” on December 22 at Chunof the society and peoples at large. He further urged upon gaizaeng Colony, Burma Camp, with Johnny ruangmei, osD, NsDMA as chief host. the organizing committee to continue with such activities in the days to come for the betterment of the society. The chief guest also encouraged upon the youngster to exhibit their gifted talent in a proper way in various level of competitions in order to bring laurel to the society. The opening stage was performed by Illusion Crew Chumukedima Dimapur while welcome address was delivered by convener organizing committee T. Youstulam. V. Kongsu member organizing committee also spoke at the programme. Hilly Guys Club also performed a modern dance on the occasion. Invocation was pronounced by Pastor UPC Chipongkiu while benediction was prayed by Shojipa church secretary PTBC. The organizer Hilly Guys Club Pungro Town expressed sincere gratitude to MLA & Chairman NKVIB, Torechu, EAC Pungro Hq. Chumbenthung Ezung, Mulekiu DSP, Deventhong Member NBHM, Tsupithong SO, Khamong working president NPF and Saramati NexCornerstone Choir presents song during the celebration of Christmas by Chakhesang us Club Pungro for their valuable contribution towards the club for successfully conduct of the competition. Baptist Church Kohima at NBCC Convention Hall on December 25. (Morung Photo)

Game of Thrones becomes Beyonce Tops most pirated TV show again Charitable Stars List of Thrones” has nabbed the title of the most “ ame pirated TV show for the fifth year in a row. The


highest number of people sharing the single episode of the hit HBO series across several torrents was 350,000, right after its sixth season finale aired, according to Torrent Freak. While, Frank Darabonts “The Walking Dead” is at number two spot in terms of illegal downloads. “Westworld” jets to number three. The sci-fi drama, which is based on Michael Crichtons 1973 film of the same name, has become a new hit on HBO. Other newcomers in the top 10 of the list are FOXs drama fantasy “Lucifer” and Amazons “The Grand Tour”.


When insects can follow certain rules for laning

revIseD TICKeT rATes (silver) : `.120 (Gold) : `. 200 (recliner) : `. 400


source: PTI

Streaming of George Michael’s songs is up 3000%

he streaming of George Michael’s music has increased by 3000 per cent following his tragic death. The ‘Careless Whisper’ hitmaker was just 53-years-old when he passed away at his home in Goring-on-Thames, Oxfordshire, South East England on Christmas Day. Fans have rushed to sites such as Spotify to remember the late singer by streaming his music. A Spotify official has told TMZ that streams have increased by 3158 per cent on this time last week and the top five tracks being played are ‘Last Christmas’, ‘Careless Whisper’, ‘Faith’, ‘Freedom! 90’ and ‘Wake Me Up Before You Go-Go’. Before his death, George was said to be working on a new album, which he was hoping to release in 2017. He had reportedly already started penning some of the tracks for the LP, which would have been

Now ShowiNg

a follow-up to his 2014 release ‘Symphonica’. Naughty Boy - who has worked with music greats including Beyonce and Sam Smith - was set to produce the album. He shared earlier this month: ‘’He’s got an album coming out next year, and he’s going to be doing something for my album as well. I can’t wait. I don’t know what to expect. And, to be honest, he’s more mysterious than anyone else so I’m actually excited.’’ George - who was found dead by his partner Fadi Fawaz - is thought to have died from heart failure although a post mortem to confirm this will take place shortly. His manager Michael Lippman said he had he received a call telling him that George had been found ‘’in bed, lying peacefully’’ and he was told there was ‘’no foul play whatsoever’’ but Michael admits George’s passing was unexpected. source: Contactmusic

(10:30 AM) (01:35 PM) (04:45 PM) (08:00 PM) 03862-237226 Ticket Counter (09:00 AM - 09:00 PM)


Ward 5 (6) Burma Camp, Landmark - Near J.K Hospital Dimapur. Power House.


he singer has topped a new Celebs Gone Good list compiled by officials at the, recognising stars who have used their fame for social change. Beyonce brought awareness to the Black Lives Matter movement, the water crisis in Flint, Michigan, and the Robin Hood Foundation in 2016. She beat out Hamilton creator Lin-Manuel Miranda, Taylor Swift, and Demi Lovato on the Celebs Gone Good list. The top 10 is: 1. Beyonce 2. Lin-Manuel Miranda 3. Taylor Swift 4. Demi Lovato 5. Shailene Woodley 6. John Cena 7. Miley Cyrus 8. Lady Gaga 9. Zendaya 10. Jesse Williams source: Contactmusic


11:00 am | 02:00 PM 05:00 pm | 08:00 PM

Why can’t the Humans?


in collaboration with The Morung Express


wednesdAY 28•12•2016



Chelsea make it 12, Giroud rescues Arsenal London, december 27 (AFP): Spanish forward Pedro Rodriguez scored twice as red-hot leaders Chelsea crushed Bournemouth 3-0 on Monday to register a club-record 12th consecutive Premier League victory. Pedro struck either side of Eden Hazard's 50th English league goal at Stamford Bridge as Antonio Conte's side opened up a provisional nine-point lead at the summit in the Boxing Day action. Olivier Giroud prevented Arsenal losing more ground, his 86th-minute header snatching a 1-0 win over West Bromwich Albion to lift Arsene Wenger's side above Manchester City into third place. But with second-place Liverpool not in action until Tuesday, when Stoke City visit Anfield, Manchester City can climb to second if they win at Hull City in the late game. Zlatan Ibrahimovic scored one goal and set up two others as Manchester United closed to within


afternoon, sinking Sunderland to record a fourth successive league win for the first time under manager Jose Mourinho. Daley Blind opened the scoring in the 39th minute, striding onto Ibrahimovic's lay-off and steering a shot into the bottom-right corner. Ibrahimovic got on the scoresheet nine minutes from time, slotting past Jordan Pickford to chalk up his 17th goal of the season, before Henrikh Mkhitaryan sealed victory with a clever back-heel. United drew level on points with fifth-place Tottenham Hotspur, who visit Southampton on Wednesday. Fabio Borini replied for the visitors, but it was a return to forget for Sunderland manager David Moyes, sacked by United in April 2004. Sam Allardyce was denied victory in his first game as Crystal Palace manager after Troy Dee- Opening draw ney's 100th Watford goal for Allardyce Manchester United en- earned his side a 1-1 draw joyed a far less complicated at Vicarage Road.

starting up front, flanked by Willian and Pedro. Pedro broke the deadlock in the 24th minute, curling a left-foot shot into the top corner from Fabregas's pass following a neatly worked corner. Hazard made it 2-0 four minutes into the second half, rolling a penalty into the bottom-right corner after he had drawn a foul from Simon Francis, with Pedro adding a deflected shot in stoppage time. Beaten 2-1 by Everton and then City on their two previous outings, Arsenal narrowly avoided going three league games without winning for the first time since January 2012. Alexis Sanchez's shot against the post looked to be the closest Arsenal would come until Giroud marked his return to the starting XI by looping a header over Ben Foster Arsenal's Olivier Giroud in action with West Bromwich Albion's Ben Foster during the Premier League match on December with four minutes to play. 26, 2016 at the Emirates Stadium, London. (Reuters Photo)

three points of the Champi- lost again. 2002 record of 13 succesons League places by beatChelsea's victory over sive victories within the ing Sunderland 3-1, while Bournemouth left them same top-flight season. champions Leicester City one win short of Arsenal's With Diego Costa and

N'Golo Kante suspended, Conte paired Cesc Fabregas and Nemanja Matic in midfield, with Hazard

Ex-England manager Allardyce saw Yohan Cabaye put Palace ahead, but Christian Benteke had a penalty saved by Watford goalkeeper Heurelho Gomes before Deeney equalised from the spot in the 71st minute. Champions Leicester's woes continued as they were condemned to a ninth defeat of the campaign by Everton, who won 2-0 at the King Power Stadium courtesy of Kevin Mirallas and Romelu Lukaku. Leicester, who were without the suspended Jamie Vardy, have won just one of their last nine league games and sit three points above the relegation zone in 16th place. West Ham United eased their relegation fears by winning 4-1 at second-bottom Swansea City through goals from Andre Ayew, Winston Reid, Michail Antonio and Andy Carroll. Andre Gray's late effort gave Burnley a 1-0 win over Middlesbrough, the striker's shot squirming beneath visiting goalkeeper Victor Valdes.

KYO Sports meet Underway Infernos win 2nd Open basketball tourney KohimA, december 27 (mexn): The 42nd Kiruphema Youth Organisation sports meet kicked off today here at Kiruphema ground with Pecüvilie Kruneilie, Pastor Peducha Baptist Church as the special guest for the three day long tournament.

Altogether, 342 players from seven clubs are participating with a total of 9 teams in football (Men) and 15 teams in volleyball (Men & Women). Rokovisa from Nurhe club become the first player to score hat-trick in football.

State shooter qualify for National Trials

dimAPur, december 27 (mexn): Two shooters from Nagaland have qualified for the Selection Trials for National Squad. The selections were made from the results of the 60th National Shooting Championship Competitions 2016 which was held at the Balewadi Shooting Ranges from December 12 to 26. Three Shooters represented Nagaland in .177 Air Rilfe and .177 Air Pistol. Hito Swu who competed in the Air Rifle (ISSF) Civilian and National Championship scored 618.4 points to qualify for the National Trials. He will be joined by Bivash Biswas who scored 566 points in the Air Pistol (ISSF) Civilian Championship.

(L-R) Moali Sangtam, Hito Swu, Bivash Biswas

Barely missing out on the National trials is Maoli Sangtam who scored 554 in the Air Pistol (ISSF) Civilian category.

The 1st & 2nd Selection Trials for National Squad will be held at the Balewadi Shooting Ranges, Pune, from January 11 to 21, 2017.

Sunil Chhetri bats for unified league new deLhi, december 27 (PTi): Amid uncertainty over the proposed merger of Indian Super League (ISL) and I-League, ace striker Sunil Chhetri on Tuesday said a unified league will open up windows for the national team to play in more FIFA friendlies and give a shot at improving its ranking. "I want to play all 13 FIFA dates in a year. We need that. That's where the unified league is going to come in handy. We should prioritise that, and ensure the national team gets a chance to play more games. Hope we play bigger opponents and away from home as we have done really poorly as a nation away from home. Win or lose, that will at least give us a chance to improve as a footballing nation," Chhetri said. "Who would not like to see a merger. One league with more teams, more months is what we all wish for. There are few technicalities and I am sure they are looking into it. Eventually we will see one league. A unified league." Having won the SAFF Championship as national team member, reached a historic AFC Cup final with Bengaluru FC and semifinal in ISL with Mumbai City FC, Chhetri called 2016 his finest year. "You can say that 2016

was my finest. It went well for the national team, started by winning the SAFF Cup, we reached the finals of AFC Cup, we reached the semis of ISL. I think it was a fruitful season," Chhetri said. "I have very small time targets, say 10 days, one week. I am only thinking about the Lajong (I-league) game, we are playing them at home. That's my target." Asked if Indian players should strive to play club football overseas, Chhetri said, "If the players have reached a certain level and he thinks he can improve more, then he should go. Not only in India it's everywhere. Gurpreet has done it very nicely, I have seen him grow up." When told about Praful Patel's desire for India to qualify for 2022 World Cup, he said, "I think we have to come in the first 10 in Asia first. To come to 10 is going to be so, so difficult. Thailand was with us but now they are playing in the last qualifying round though

they are getting hammered by some teams. We have to qualify for the Asia Cup and stay there, try to get 15th, 16th position in Asia and then think about the final journey." Asked if Indian football should take a leaf out of Bengaluru FC's book -they have won two I-league titles and one Federation Cup since making their debut three seasons ago, Chhetri said, "We are doing the right things, trying our best, all of us are in sync, from owner Sajjan Jindal to the ball boy. Asked about the small gap between Bengaluru FC's I-league game on January 27 and AFC Champions League play-offs match on January 31, Chhetri said, "We would love to play on the weekend. With only five months to finish I-League and then there is AFC I think it is difficult. You can't blame them (I-League)." Chhetri was asked to compare between former Bengaluru FC coach Ashley Westwood and current manager Albert Roca. He said, "There are lots of similarities with the way they want to win and a lot of differences with the way they want to attack. I learnt so much from them. We have been the best team in the country in the past three seasons if I may say so. They have very different styles but winning mentality is there.

KohimA, december 27 (mexn): Team Infernos from Kohima defeated Runumole 31-20 to win the 2nd Open basketball tournament which was held here at Chetheba Local Ground on December 23. During the game, point guard Keneisalie Keditsu of Infernos – who also won the award for the highest scorer in the tournament – scored 13 points in the final match to outclass Runumole team. Team mate Kekhriesalie also finished with 8 points. Throughout the match, Infernos showed their superiority as they led the points. Runumole efforts to catch up were hindered by the numerous turnovers. Zavekho Resu from Runumole scored 8 points but it was not enough to lift the team as they trailed by 11 points at the end of the final quarter. During the closing ceremony, Chokri Area Chief Referee, Verhayi Swuro gave away the awards to the winning team.

Organized by Therimave Club from Chetheba Town, the tournament which began on December 22 saw 8 teams vying for the championship. One team from Pfutsero (Alpha Wolves) and Kohima (Infernos team) was the main attraction for the tournament.

In the semifinal match, Runumole beats Splash brothers, and Inferno team defeated Alpha Wolves from Pfutsero team. Earlier, during the inaugural session, Vice Chairman of Chetheba Town, Mezahu Medeo shared his short speech and called

upon the players to come together and help each other in times of need and further lauded the organizing team for organizing such a tournament in bringing the community together in the spirit of sportsmanship. Zhovezo Resu, President, Therimave Club, in

a press release stated that the tournament was to bring the youth together through sports. He maintained that sport is an area where people get to know each other thus building friendship within communities even after the tournament.

With LeBron rested, Cavaliers fall to Pistons

Los AngeLes, december 27 (AFP): The Detroit Pistons made the most of LeBron James's absence, snapping a fivegame skid with a 106-90 victory over the NBA champion Cleveland Cavaliers. A day after their 109108 triumph over the Golden State Warriors in a Christmas Day thriller, the short-handed Cavs had no answer for the Pistons. Tobias Harris came off the bench to lead Detroit with 21 points. The hosts shot a modest 44.6 percent overall, but they connected on 16 of 28 (57.1 percent) from three-point range. Six Pistons scored in double figures, with Kentavious Caldwell-Pope contributing 18 points, Marcus Morris 15 and Jon Leuer and Reggie Jackson 13 apiece. With James watching from the sideline in street clothes, the Pistons seized a 50-44 halftime lead. They held the Cavaliers to 38 percent shooting and forced 22 turnovers, leading to 29 Detroit points. Kyrie Irving led the Cleveland with 18 points and eight assists. Kevin Love added 17 points and 14 rebounds for the Cavaliers who are 23-4 when James is in uniform and 0-3 without him this season. "He's probably the best player in the world," Pistons forward Jon Leuer said. "When he's not in

Iman Shumpert of the Cleveland Cavaliers looks to get a shot off around Tobias Harris of the Detroit Pistons during the second half, at the Palace of Auburn Hills in Michigan, on December 26, 2016. (AFP Photo)

there, it's a different feel, for sure. They still have some talented guys with Kyrie (Irving) and Kevin (Love), their shooters and how they space the floor. "It still makes it difficult, but LeBron kind of facilitates everything." As their five-game winning streak ended, the Cavs fell to 23-7, still the best in the Eastern Conference. The second-placed Toronto Raptors improved to 22-8 with a 95-91 victory over the Trail Blazers in Portland. DeMar DeRozan scored 20 points with 10 rebounds and seven assists for the

Raptors, who notched their fourth straight win. James Harden and the Houston Rockets, left out of the NBA's five-game Christmas party, showed the league what it missed in a 131-115 victory over the Phoenix Suns. Harden notched his 24th double-double with 32 points and 12 assists in the Rockets' second victory over the Suns in less than a week. The Rockets scored 39 points in the first quarter and led by as many as 34 in the second half, making 15 threepointers along the way. Harden's performance

was his ninth game of the season with at least 30 points and 10 assists. In Orlando, the Magic also led wire-to-wire in a 112-102 triumph over the Memphis Grizzlies. Forward Aaron Gordon scored 30 points and was a perfect four for four from three-point range. His 12 consecutive points in the third period helped turn back a Grizzlies rally. - Bulls hang on In Chicago, the Bulls halted a three-game losing streak with a 90-85 victory over the Indiana Pacers. Dwyane Wade scored

21 points and handed out five assists for the Bulls, who led by as many as 16 in the first half but saw the Pacers pull even early in the fourth quarter after Chicago managed just 12 points in the third period. The teams traded big shots in the final minute. Indiana forward Paul George drained a threepointer to cut the deficit to 86-85 with 45.3 seconds remaining. Chicago's Nikola Mirotic answered with a jump shot that made it 88-85 with 21.2 seconds to play. Wade stole a pass from Aaron Brooks and sprinted end to end for a dunk to finish the scoring with 1.2 seconds left. It was close in Brooklyn, where Randy Foye hit a three-pointer at the buzzer to lift the Nets to a 120-118 victory over the Charlotte Hornets. The Nets, who saw point guard Jeremy Lin exit with a hamstring strain in the third quarter, halted a five-game losing streak. The Washington Wizards erased a 10-point fourth-quarter deficit to beat the Milwaukee Bucks 107-102. The Denver Nuggets held off the injury-depleted but determined Clippers in Los Angeles 106-102. It came down to the wire in Sacramento, where the Kings edged the Philadelphia 76ers 102-100.

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