December 7th, 2016

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wednesdAY • december 07 • 2016

DIMAPUR • Vol. XI • Issue 336 • 12 PAGes • 5

T H e

ESTD. 2005

P o W e R

Necessity is the plea for every infringement on human rights. It is the argument of tyrants; it is the creed of slaves UN chief Ban may be unwitting loser in South Korea presidential scandal

Governor for more awareness to end new HIV infections

PAGe 09


Panneerselvam named successor to unite AIADMK

ne saddened by Jayalalithaa’s demise


By Sandemo Ngullie

Sorry, Linda, sorry kids. We won’t be going to the Hornbill to watch the tourist. The ATM rejected my ADHAAR card.

Caesarean births may be ‘affecting human evolution’


LONDON, DECEmbEr 6 (IANs): Continuous usage of caesarean sections or c-section may be impacting human evolution as more mothers now need surgery to deliver a baby due to their narrow pelvis size, scientists say. C-section is the delivery of a baby through a surgical incision in the mother’s abdomen and uterus. “Women with a very narrow pelvis pass on their genes encoding for a narrow pelvis to their daughters,” Philipp Mitteroecker from the University of Vienna in Austria, was quoted as saying to Historically, these genes would not have been passed from mother to child as both would have died in labour. However, today the global rate of cases where the baby could not fit through the maternal birth canal have increased from 30 in 1,000 in the 1960s to 36 in 1,000 births. That is about a 10-20 per cent increase of the original rate, due to the evolutionary effect.

— William Pitt the Younger

PAGe 05

GuWAHAtI, DECEmbEr 6 (ENs): Along with rest of the country, the Northeast is also shocked and saddened by the demise of J Jayalalithaa. Meghalaya announced three days state mourning from Tuesday onwards as a mark of respect to her. Assam’s regional Asom Gana Parishad (AGP) also announced three days mourning. Politicians in the Northeast, cutting across party lines, have expressed shocked on the demise. Assam Chief Minister Sarbananda Sonowal called Jayalalithaa a towering leader who, he said, had lived and worked for the poor. “I am deeply saddened by her demise. She was a charismatic leader who had worked relentlessly for the welfare of the poor and the needy,” he said. Arunachal Pradesh Chief Minister Pema Khandu shared the grief of losing one of the most “influential and dediPrime Minister Narendra Modi gestures after paying homage to the body of Jayalalithaa Jayaram, a power- cated leaders ever produced by India.” “Lovingly called Amma, she worked ful politician who died on Monday, in Chennai, India December 6. (REUTERS) ing havoc or harming themselves in grief as in the past when the state’s longtime chief minister fell ill or faced political turmoil. Giant screens gave the crowds views of the last rites. “She was not only our leader, she was our god,” said Paasarai Jeeva, who said she had camped outside the hospital for a week as the revered leader lay inside dying. Jayalalithaa, widely known as “Amma” or “Mother”, died on Monday following a cardiac arrest the previous day. She was 68. Her AIADMK party quickly named a loyalist to succeed her as chief minister and keep unity in the

regional movement built entirely around the cult of Jayalalithaa. The AIADMK and rival DMK party long dominated Tamil Nadu politics, leaving little room for India’s national parties to operate, but Jayalalithaa’s death has provided an opening for them to try to gain influence. Prime Minister Narendra Modi, head of the northern-based Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP), flew to Chennai for the funeral and said her death left a huge void in the state’s politics. “Definitely there is a vacuum now and there is scope for national political parties like the BJP and the

T R u T H

Klay Thompson explodes as Warriors rout Pacers

JAyAlAlithAA lAid to rest

CHENNAI, DECEmbEr 6 (rEutErs): Masses of grieving supporters wailed, beat their chests and cast flowers on Tuesday as actress-turned-politician Jayaram Jayalalithaa, one of India’s most powerful leaders, was buried on the shorefront in Chennai. Tens of thousands followed the coffin as it was brought through the streets of the Tamil Nadu capital for burial at a beachside memorial to the late M.G. Ramachandran, another former cinema star who brought her into politics. Thousands of police were deployed to keep supporters from caus-

o F

for the poor and the downtrodden and left behind a political legacy to cherish. She championed the cause of rural and urban poor,” Khandu said in a condolence message. Nagaland Chief Minister TR Zeliang, who heads the state’s Naga People’s Front-led alliance government, said Jayalalithaa’s meteoric rise in the political firmament of south India within a few years of being introduced to politics was due to her charisma and strong determination to work for the welfare of common people. “The passing away of the iconic figure is not only a loss to her political party and followers but also to the entire nation. I, on behalf of the people of Nagaland, join Tamil Nadu and the nation in mourning the death of the legendary leader,” he said in a condolence message. AGP leader and two-time former Assam Chief Minister Prafulla Kumar Mahanta also expressed his condolences.

Congress to play a role,” said political commentator S. Murari. State Finance Minister O.P. Panneerselvam was sworn in as the new chief minister an hour after her death was announced. Tamil Nadu is an important economic centre in India and a base for auto firms Ford Motor Daimler, Hyundai and Nissan and IT firm Cognizant. Panneerselvam had stood in for Jayalalithaa in the past, but made clear he was not replacing her. He declined to take her place at the head of the cabinet table while she was ill and instead had her picture placed there. His rise to the top job in Tamil

Nadu was aimed at allaying fears of a power struggle in the AIADMK, which Jayalalithaa had ruled with an iron hand. Jayalalithaa’s cult status in Tamil Nadu, which began with her dozens of star performances on the silver screen, was fuelled among the masses by occasional giveaways of laptops, mobile phones and food rations to the poor. As her hearse made its way to the Bay of Bengal shorefront, flanked by party workers clad in traditional white garments, crowds behind the barricades jostled to get a better view of “Amma”.

nPf to contest in 15 A/cs in 2017 Manipur election As many as 37 intending candidates have applied for NPF ticket DImAPur, DECEmbEr 6 (mExN): The Naga People’s Front (NPF) on Tuesday announced that the NPF Manipur State Unit (MSU) would be contesting in 15 Assembly Constituencies in the upcoming Manipur State general election in early 2017. As many as 37 intending party men have applied for ticket to contest in the various constituencies with 41 Chandel A/C having the highest intending candidates of 8 members. According to press release issued by the NPF media and press bureau, a consultative meeting attended by Chief Minister TR Zeliang, Minister for Education, Yitachu (in charge of the NPF Manipur State Unit) and intending candidates who have applied for NPF ticket was held at NPF Central Office, Kohima on December 6. NPF president Dr Shurhozelie Liezetzsu who chaired the meeting informed that the case of 6 (Six) A/C candidature have already been cleared, and efforts are on to finalize the remaining without causing undue delay, and announcement and distribution of the tickets are to be done simultaneously. The NPF party leaders also explained the difficult position of the party, while making it clear that ticket will go to only one candidate and appealed all aspiring candidates to abide by their commitments to abide by the rules and regulation of the party constitution and work in support of the NPF candidate whoever gets the ticket. NPF, MSU president Awangbow introduced all the NPF ticket seekers who had come to attend the consultative meeting and expressed confidence that all NPF candidates would get elected and also strongly opined that – NPF would be a “strong force to command the Manipur Assembly if eleven or more return.”

NNC on the British- Unpaid NHM employees to cease work from Dec 15 Naga relationship DImAPur, DECEmbEr 6 (mExN): The Naga National Council (NNC) under the leadership of Z Royim Yimchungru and V Nagi on Tuesday stated that the long relationship of the Nagas with the British Government was replete with hardship and betrayal by the latter. The statement from the NNC comes in reference to a recent statement made by Alan Gemmell, OBE Minister for Cultural Affairs and Head of British Council India on the long relationship between the British Government and the Naga people while in Kohima. The NNC recalled that

DImAPur, DECEmbEr 6 (mExN): Nagaland employees of National Health Mission (NHM) have resolved to cease work from December 15, 2016 onwards if the State Government does not release all their pending salaries by then. This also means all the affiliated programs with the NHM will come to a halt. A press release received from the NHM Nagaland employees stated that a representation to this have al-

the Naga people helped UK in the First World War and Second World War faithfully but in return, they (British) ignored the political act enacted and passed in the House of Lords (British parliament) in 1935 called “Naga Hills Excluded Area” which was and is a valid political act. Therefore, the NNC said the “Naga people are not interested in any other comment or statement from UK minister but talks about the Naga Hills Excluded Area in reality.” It Lipichem said the “British GovernKiphire | December 6 ment in the first place was and is fully responsible for Women farmers of five the political plight of the Naga tribes from across Nagaland today came toNagas.” gether at Kiphire and exchanged variety of seeds that is very dear to their hearts. The North East Network (NEN), a women right organization and Akedah Sangtamlaru Thingmubank notes to be issued jang jointly organized the now is similar in all re- seed exchange festival cum spects to the Rs 100 bank seminar under the theme notes in Mahatma Gandhi ‘Celebrating agro biodiverSeries-2005 issued earlier sity, building solidarity.’ Equating traditional having ascending size of seeds to mothers, chief numerals in the number panels, bleed lines, and en- guest of the occasion Azelarged identification mark, nou Pienyu, project director DRDA, Kiphire urged on the obverse. the women group not to “Reserve Bank of Inlose them by replacing dia had also issued Rs 100 them with seeds from the denomination bank notes market. He reminded that with the ascending size of these indigenous seeds numerals in the number have feed us and nourpanels but without bleed ished us through many lines and enlarged identifi- generations. cation mark. Recognizing the need These bank notes will for more production of remain in circulation con- food resources with the riscomitantly with the bank ing increase in population notes being issued now,” Pienyu said it was very imthe statement added. The portant to protect our land, apex bank did not say how our resources and our formany such notes would be est so that agriculture will printed. be sustainable and the in-

ready been submitted to the government on the last week of November. It lamented that despite directives received from the Ministry to release funds from the State treasury to the State Health Society (NHM) account within 15 days of receipt of funds from the Government of India, the state was not following the directive. This has greatly hampered the timely release of salary of the NHM employees and its vertical pro-

gram, it said. The NHM employees also informed that it has received salary only till August 2016, which was released after a gap of more than three month while some program like IDSP and RNTCP have received salary only up to July 2016, which was released after more than six months gap. It also pointed out that in July 2016; the aggrieved employees had given an ultimatum to the State Gov-

ernment for regular release of salary. However, after releasing the salaries of the pending months, the same trend is still being followed till date. Stating that when the government can resort to “No work no pay”, the NHM employees said it would have no choice but to resort to “No pay no work.” The employees have also demanded for a permanent solution to the problem of delayed release of fund from the State Government.

‘Women farmers are the seed guardians’

Seed exchange festival among five Naga tribes held at Kiphire

New Rs 100 currency notes from RBI soon

mumbAI, DECEmbEr 6 (IANs): The Reserve Bank of India (RBI) will shortly issue Rs 100 denomination banknotes, with some changes on both sides of the note, an official statement said here on Tuesday. However, the old notes of this denomination will continue to be legal tender, it added. “The Reserve Bank of India will shortly issue Rs 100 denomination bank notes in the Mahatma Gandhi Series-2005, without inset letter in both the numbering panels, bearing the signature of Urjit R. Patel, Governor, Reserve Bank of India, and the year of printing ‘2016’ printed on the reverse of the bank note,” the statement said. The design of these

Women farmers exchange variety of indigenous seeds at the seed exchange festival cum seminar held in Kiphire under the theme ‘Celebrating agro biodiversity, building solidarity.’ (Morung Photo)

creasing population will not be a burden. While lauding the inestimable contribution of women in the agricultural sector, Pienyu observed that womenfolk need to come up and take part in community building if sustainable development is to be achieved. The chief guest also espoused hope that through the seed exchange festival and exchange of seed, the women group will be a torchbearer of the green

revolution in the state. The chief guest also released a documentary film titled ‘The Seed Guardians’ produced by NEN. Deputy Commissioner, Kiphire, Sedevekho Khro, said Naga has verdant fertile land where there is no requirement for fertilizers for any greens to be cultivated. However, he rued that the present day generation depend on market provisions, which are all inorganic. Pointing out that the world consider Nagas as organic

producers; the deputy commissioner urged the gathering to go organic to lead a healthy life. NEN project team leader, Seno Tsuhah while giving the keynote address said Nagas practice agriculture ecologically, the reason why our land is still fertile. She also asked the women group to share the indigenous knowledge system so that it is passed on to the next generation. Also expressing concern, Seno pointed out that

if our land and forest resources are not protected the future remain bleak. On the reason for holding such seed exchange programs, Seno said seed sharing is very crucial since this is a link to the food chain, where women are the preserver of the chain. Wekoweu Tsuhah, program manager, NEN, administered the seed exchange ceremony. Twenty (20) women farmers from the five Naga tribes exchanged a variety of seeds. Later, Ngurthanthuangi, SDEO inaugurates the stalls put up by different women farmers in the district. Besides the exchange of indigenous seeds among the women farmers, it was also an occasion to share and listen to cultural songs related to agriculture. ‘Machi Khidong’ a seed sowing song was presented by Seyochung women group, ’Furuthsu Khi’ a rice pounding song by Singti area women, seed sowing display by Khiamniungan women farmers, Ho Ha by Longkhim women farmers, and ‘Tsida’ Folk dance by the Longmatra women farmers were some of the highlight of the day.


WednesdAY 07•12•2016



78 Bn CRPF organises civic action prog

ZubZa, December 6 (mexN): The 78 Bn CRPF at Zubza, Kohima organized civic action programme on December 6 “to bridge the gap between the public and security forces i.e. CRPF.” As per press release from the Battalion, K Vijay Kumar, IGP Manipur and Nagaland CRPF distributed items to the Chairman Zubza and Sechuma Villages. Neeraj Yadav, Commandant in his speech intimated that the village councils have been contacted to ensure proper utilization of funds and distribution of needy items. The 78 Bn Central Reserve Police force, since its induction in Nagaland is organizing such programmes every year and

Public and security forces during the civic action programme organised by 78 Bn CRPF at Zubza, Kohima on December 6.

being mingled with the civilian public to share their grievances and to provide the least basic amenities. During this programme, K Vijay Kumar, IGP distributed the water storage tanks in presence of B.P. Singh, DIGP CRPF Ko-

hima, to the village council Zubza received by its chairman Mhasikhotuo and sports items to the village council Sechuma village by its chairman Pelevisie. The Battalion under the leadership and command of Neeraj Yadav, Com-

Dimapur Central Jail inmates avail free medical camp

Officers and doctors from 173 CRPF and Central Jail along with inmates of the jail at the free medical camp organized by 173 CRPF at Central Jail, Dimapur, December 6.

Dimapur, December 6 (mexN): The 173 Bn CRPF conducted a free medical camp under Civic Action Programme 20126-17 for inmates of Central Jail Dimapur on December 6. Altogether 128 inmates availed free the check up,

consultation and medicines for various ailments, informed a press release. Officials and doctors from 173 CRPF and Central Jail supervised and attended to the needs of the patients. The officers and doctors from the 173 CRPF included commandant, Jo-

seph Keishing; SMO, Dr. Api Bagra; assistant commandant, Khayap Shing and assistant commandant, Poonam Negi. The Central Jail administrators and doctors were senior superintendent, Thungdemo Lotha; Dr, K Yeptho, MO, and Dr. Oben Yanthan, jailor.

BJYM Nagaland organizes workshop on ‘Digital Paisa’

Secretary and in charge North East BJYM, Sourav Sikadar, addressing the workshop held at the party head office Dimapur on December 6.

Dimapur, December 6 (mexN): A workshop on ‘Digital Paisa’ organized by the Bharatiya Janata Yuva Morcha Nagaland State unit was held at its head office Dimapur on Tuesday, launched by National Secretary and in charge North East BJYM, Sourav Sikadar, on December 6. Speaking on the occasion, Sourav Sikadar, pointed out that, the digital paisa

focused on the revolutionary growth of Indian economy and urged upon the Yuva Morcha to educate and disseminate the peoples to achieve the dreams of prosperous India and prime minister dream project as well for the common lucrative of the people. He further said that the demonetization by the Prime Minister Narendra Modi is ensuring of

re-making Indian economy and has the aspiration from the youth of the country to make it success. The National Secretary also said that, the youth has an opportunity to join hands with the revolutionary step being taken by Narendra Modi to take the Nation in to a greater height and eradicate corruption and black money from the country. He further spoke on the importance of digital money use of bank cards, e- wallet, AADHAR- enable payment, Unified Payment Interface, USSD and other mobile banking activities. A press release stated that the workshop programme was chaired by president BJYM Nagaland, K. Vikuho Dominic, while vote of thanks was proposed by general secretary BJYM Nagaland Arvind Damani. The workshop was well attended by all the BJYM members.

mandant is emerging to be unique in its own, performing the assigned duties with full devotion and dedication maintaining cordial relationship with locals extending all possible help which is being appreciated by the locals, time and again.

Children of Pokphur Village under Kiphire district during the Village Health Nutrition Day conducted by District Health Society on December 5. Nutrition food provided by CDPO, Kiphire were distributed to children and lactating mothers. The nutrition day was conducted by medical team comprised of Dr. Khelito Zhimomi (DTO), Pongsushi (Nurse), Rechungshe (ASHA) Setsao Sangtam (BEE), Jully Sumi (BPM) and Imnasenla Pongener (Media Officer). Various health care services were provided not only for maternal, child health and immunization but also for various diseases. 72 OPD attendances were registered at the VHND who were treated and provided free medicines. ANC check-up was also done during the programme.

ATMA Kuhuboto conducts capacity building cum training Dimapur, December 6 (mexN): ATMA Dimapur Kuhuboto Block conducted capacity building cum training on organic farming and package and practices of Tomato on December 5. The resource person for the training was Akavi V. Holo, BTM (ATMA), Kuhuboto Block and Yimobendang, ATM (ATMA), Kuhuboto Block. Akavi highlighted on the important components and benefits of organic farming. He elaborated that organic farming is a production system which avoids or largely excludes the use of synthetic inputs. This system relies on legumes, green manures, crop rotation, animal manures, biofertilizers etc. Yimobendang illustrated on the importance of nursery management of tomato. He explained that the spacing should be given due importance and gentle caring should be taken during transplantation. The programme concluded with interaction with the participants. It was chaired by Ameto, ATM (ATMA), Kuhuboto Block.

SNDT Women University visit Nagaland

SNDT Women University Mumbai presenting a song during their visit to C-Edge College on December 5.

Dimapur, December 6 (mexN): As part of their 100 years celebration, the SNDT Women University Mumbai is on an educational tour with the aim to visit and interact with colleges in Nagaland. On December 5, C-Edge College hosted around 30 members including students and faculty from SNDT Women University with an enthralling evening programme. Er. Moa Aier, President and Dr. Chubatola Aier, Principal of the college welcomed and felicitated

the guests respectively by sharing in brief about the history of Nagaland. The first formal programme started with a Bharatnatyam dance by one of the student of SNDT Women University. There were various performances ranging from Marathi to Bollywood dances, Yimchunger folk song and the college choir. Renuka Prajata, the team leader of the group from SNDT Women University highlighted on the development and history of the University. The second session was an in-

66th KBBB annual Ngeangtüp held

moN, December 6 (mexN): The 66th KBBB annual Ngeangtüp was held from December 2 to 4 at Mission Centre in Mon. All together 116 churches and nine fellowships attended the Ngeangtüp. Rev. Chemyuh Executive Secretary KBBB, Rev. TW Yamyap Finance Secretary NBCC, Peihwang Literature Secretary KBBB and Threiwang V/Principal Mon Theological College were the main speakers at the Ngeangtüp. The KBBB Council bade farewell to Ashim Shimray Wangsha the former women secretary KBBB as well as three retired pastors namely Rev. Tapha, Wopa and Akhoa Rev. Yeangpong CES

Church leaders and others during the 66th KBBB annual Ngeangtüp held from December 2 to 4 at Mission Centre in Mon.

KBBB initiated the posting of the following newly appointed pastors at various places- Panpha, Nokhu, Toalong, Wangvüng and Manton. A press release from the Mission Centre stated that the annual Ngeangtüp is

the highest gathering of the Baptist Churches under KBBB where all the head of the departments presented their annual reports; the council had various issues discussed and also adopted new resolutions for the upcoming year.

RAJ BHAVAN Kohima – 797001

P.B. ACHARYA Governor of Nagaland

November 27, 2016

MESSAGE It gives me immense pleasure that the Raising Day of Nagaland Home Guards and Civil Defence is being celebrated on 6th December 2016. The Nagaland Civil Defence and Home Guards, have been rendering yeomen service to the people. I am sure, this organization has played a great role in assisting the country from external aggression and assisted the Civil Administration in dealing with incidences arising out of internal security, natural and manmade calamities, strikes, communal disharmony and welfare activities. On this occasion, I also encourage everyone to avail of the Prime Minister's Social Security Schemes namely "Pradhan Mantri Jeevan Jyoti Bima Yojana", "Pradhan Mantri Suraksha Bima Yojan", "Atal pension Yojana" and "Jan Dhan Yojana" and secure ourself and our loved ones. I extend my sincere greetings to all the officers, and all rank and file of the Nagaland Civil Defence and Home Guards personnel. I am sure that the organization will continue its journey towards excellence ad hope that it will continue its selfless service in safeguarding, the civilian life and property in the state with more enthusiasm and perseverance.


November 18, 2016

1. It is heartening to know that the Civil Defence and Home Guards Organization in India is observing its Raising Day on the 6th of December, 2016 all over the country. The Civil Defence & Home Guards Organization has been doing commendable service to the nation since its inception. 2. The Civil Defence and Home Guards organization plays an important role in supplementing the State Police forces in the maintenance of law and order, and also during disasters and natural calamities. I am happy to learn that a dedicated State Disaster Response Force is being raised from the personnel of Civil Defence & Home Guards, who are being stationed in various districts, and who would be the first response force in natural and manmade calamities and emergencies. 3. I extend my warmest greetings to the members of the Civil Defence and Home Guard Organization on the occasion of the Civil Defence and Home Guard Organization on the occasion of their Raising Day. I also commend the officers and men of the organization for their selfless and valuable services to the people of the State. (T.R. ZELIANG)

(P.B. ACHARYA) Issued by: DIPR

Issued by: DIPR

formal interaction between the students of the college and the university, where they were divided into a team of five comprising of around 10 students each. Each team shared and exchanged ideas on culture, social, political, religion, education etc. “Through this programme, everyone involved from both sides has a meaningful interaction and got introduced to ideas and cultures not normally exposed to,” stated a press release received here.

Peace Channel 10th year celebration from Dec 10-12

Dimapur, December 6 (mexN): The Peace Channel 10th year commemoration began with hosting the 2nd National Peace Convention at Hotel Acacia from January 30 to February 1 where more than two hundred delegates from seventeen different states of India attended. It will culminate with the 9th North East Youth Peace and Cultural Festival to be held at DBDL Hall, Don Bosco Higher Secondary School Campus Dimapur from December 10 to 12. Mmhonlumo Kikon, MLA and K. Phyobemo Lotha, UNV-DYC NYK Dimapur will be the chief guest and guest of honour for the inaugural function and Dr. Ilyas KPA, IPS, DCP Dimapur and Dr. N. Simon Dziivichii, President CAN the chief guest and guest of honour for the Valedictory function respectively. The event will witness more than three hundred youths from different states of North East India and will be participating in different events that include career guidance, inter-faith conclave, talent hunt, peace rally and so forth. Peace Channel was introduced on September 21, 2006 at St. Xavier Higher Secondary School, Jalukie by Dr. Fr. CP Anto. From its inception the movement focuses primarily on mobilizing the youth in educational institutions and localities into Quality Peace Clubs. The Quality Peace Clubs are fundamental functional bodies of the movement that brings together young people irrespective of tribe, religion and region to stand for peace and harmony in their immediate neighborhood. The Movement facilitates training and capacity building programmes on Peace and Conflicts for the members on a regular

basis and keeps them connected and active through a host of district and state level capacity building programmes and cultural exchanges. Since its introduction, Peace Channel has made its presence felt in all the districts of Nagaland. There are over 300 Quality peace clubs in 120 educational institutions and 20 localities in the state with over one lakh members, five hundred teachers and one hundred and fifty people forum for Peace members. Forays are being made into other states of the North East and the country. Peace Channel also successfully carried out five researches relating to peace building and awarded ten prominent personalities who have contributed towards peace building in the state. The movement believes in dialogue and reconciliation and all our differences can be sorted out through open discussion and dialogue. ”In the coming years we are planning to establish peace clubs in all the districts of Nagaland and North East India. We will also reach out to different communities to form locality peace clubs to prevent all forms of violent conflict in the community,” informed a press release issued by Peace Channel Desk. It also added that a platform will be established where people irrespective of caste, class, tribe or religion will come together at regional, district and state level in the form of People’s Forum for Peace (PFP). “Peace Channel will continue the research on traditional peace building methods and keep updating the process of peace building and networking with churches, communities, government and Non Governmental settings,” said Dr. Fr. CP Anto, the Director.

wednesday 07•12•2016



‘Disturbed area’ status extended Assam: Class 9 and 10 in Manipur for another year students to get free textbooks Newmai News Network Imphal | December 6

The ‘disturbed area’ status has been extended for one more year till December next year in Manipur. According to a statement from the Additional Chief Secretary (Home), the disturbed area status of the state has been extended for one more year under section 3 of the Armed Forces (Special Powers) Act, 1958. Seven assembly segments under the

Imphal municipal area will not be brought under the disturbed area status. The official statement added that the status has been extended from December 1 till December next year. The Act was lifted from Wangkehei, Thangmeiband, Yaiskul, Sagolband, Uripok, Keishamthong and Singjamei in the Imphal municipal area in 2012. As per the announcement, AFSPA will be imposed in the entire state

except the seven assembly segments. The Act which was enforced in the insurgent-hit state more than two decades ago has been extended in the state annually. It has been a long practice that the government has been extending the disturbed area status in Manipur based on reports of law and order situation submitted by various security agencies. Enforcement of AFSPA aims to launch antiinsurgency operations to flush out insurgents.

Anti-AFSPA crusader Irom Chanu Sharmila fought against the Act through a marathon hunger strike for nearly 16 years demanding repeal of the Act. She ended her fast last August, but she has pledged to continue her movement by entering electoral politics. Besides, various rights bodies in the state have been demanding repeal of the Act blaming for violating human rights and killing innocent people.

AFP Photo

Journalist beaten up by bank security men in Imphal

imPhAl, December 6 (iAnS): Rakesh Sharma, a reporter with a local English newspaper, was beaten up while he was photographing how people were jumping the queue at United Bank of India in Imphal with the help of bank security personnel. All Manipur Working Journalists' Union has taken up the issue at the highest level and has demanded exemplary action against the personnel. Chief Minister Okram Ibobi Singh has directed the police to take suitable action against the three accused. Sharma, who is working with Imphal Free Press, had gone to the M.G. Avenue branch of UBI on Monday to cover the hardships people were facing due to the demonetisation. Some bank security personnel rushed out and beat up the scribe who was later dragged inside the bank.

WAD condemns assault on scribe

imPhAl, December 6 (mexn): The Women Action for Development (WAD) has strongly condemned the physical assault of a journalist by bank security. In a press release, WAD informed that B. Rakesh Sharma of the Imphal Free Press was assaulted both outside and inside the premises of United Bank of India, Headquater MG Avenue on December 5 by three reserve line VDF personnel while he was about to take report on demonetization. Terming the act “very unfortunate” and a “crime against

humanity”, WAD lamented the repeated harassment from the police/security forces on media persons. “Media work day and night even at odd hours, it is the responsibility of every individual to support and cooperate with the media persons but such incident shows there is no rights of the press and media,” it insisted. WAD appealed the state government to look into the matter seriously and book the culprits immediately, give befitting punishment as per law, and ensure that such incidents do not occur in future.

guwAhATi, December 6 (enS): In a bid to boost student enrollment numbers in governmentfunded schools as well as to curb student dropout rates in the state, the Assam government has made provisions to provide free text books to Class 9 and 10 students from the coming academic year of 2017-18. Since the new session starts from January 1 in the state, the books would be made available to the students by December 25, according to a govern-

ment release. Under the scheme, all government/ provicialised (government funded) high schools and higher secondary schools, tea garden schools, local body schools and model schools under the Rashtriya Madhyamik Siksha Abhijan (RMSA) as well as the non-provincialised schools receiving financial aids from the state will be taken care of. The scheme aims to target students of Class 9 and 10 regardless of their household income, the release said.

Efforts on Imphal shuts for an hour to demand ST status for Meiteis Mizoram: to set up Lokayukta Newmai News Network Imphal | December 6

Life in several parts of Manipur valley was disrupted as people observed a onehour total shutdown to demand inclusion of Meitei/ Meetei in the Scheduled Tribe category under the Constitution. Organised under the banner of the Coordinating Body on Scheduled Tribe Demand Committee Manipur, markets in Imphal and other valley districts were closed. Traffic was brought to a grinding halt

on roads, including highways. All normal activities were suspended during the course of the one hour-long demonstration. A large number of women vendors of the historic Ima Keithel in Khwairamband market squatted on the road as part of the protest. They also staged a rally within the bazaar area shouting several slogans. Similar protest was also witnessed in the district headquarters. “If the Ibobi government continues to push aside and refuses to bother the long standing demand,

Mizoram assembly winter session begins AizAwl, December 6 (PTi): The three-day winter session of Mizoram assembly began today with customary obituary references. Chief Minister Lal Thanhawla and Leader of Opposition Vanlalzawma paid rich tributes to former legislators L P Thangzika and J Lalthangliana which was followed by a minute-long silence in their memory. Thangzika, who died on September six was a former speaker, while Lalthangliana, who died on November five, was the former minister of state for tourism and art and culture besides being a journalist by profession. Thanhawla also informed the house about the death of the Tamil Nadu Chief Minister J Jayalithaa though official obituary reference was not made as the funeral is yet to be performed.

'Demonetisation execution shows centre's bankruptcy of ideas' Shillong, December 6 (iAnS): Continuing his attack on the Narendra Modi government over the demonetisation of Rs 500 and Rs 1,000 currency notes, Meghalaya Chief Minister Mukul Sangma on Monday said the implementation of the move shows its bankruptcy of ideas. "Believe me this country is going to face real challenging circumstances in the days to come," Sangma told media persons here. Stating that demonetisation will open up bigger scope for corruption, the senior leader said that there are two ways of implementing a decision - expeditiously and hurriedly. "When it is done expeditiously the implementation is done in a proper manner but if done hurriedly, it is done without proper homework," he said. Moreover, he said that not a single death attributed to demonetisation has been condoled. Noting every action taken for welfare of the citizens is a welcome step, he added that if its resolution becomes chaotic, then such decisions are "painful and unacceptable".

there’ll be more agitation,” a protester said. Tuesday’s protest was witnessed in Khurai Lamlong, Shamurou, Thoubal, Bishnupur, Wangjing and several other places. On September 18 last, a mammoth rally was carried out in Imphal to demand Scheduled Tribe (ST) status for the Meiteis, the majority group of Manipur, under the banner of the Coordinating Body on Scheduled Tribe Demand Committee Manipur. The committee has pitched for demand of pro-

tection of the Meitei community under the Constitution by enlisting it in the ST category under Article 341 (2). It has maintained that the Meitei indigenous group has been left unprotected for a long time and hence it needs constitutional safeguard by recognising the community as one of the indigenous communities. The Coordinating Committee has been spearheading the campaign for inclusion of Meitei in the ST list. It maintains that the identity, culture and language of the Meitei group

can be protected only by enjoying the ST status. The tribal people believe granting ST tag to the Meiteis, general category, could disrupt their community in many ways. A few Meitei based organisations have shown opposition to the demand of ST status for the Meitei group which is made of one language. They said Manipur existed as a princely state under the Meitei kings and therefore the campaign on inclusion of the Meiteis in the ST category should be discontinued.

Another elephant killed by train

guwAhATi, December 6 (enS): A speeding train killed yet another wild elephant in Assam, this one in Goalpara district in the wee hours of Tuesday, with the death toll of train-hit elephants going up to four in two days. While two elephants were knocked down, the one that was killed was thrown several metres off the railway track due to the impact of the speeding engine. The other sustained a major injury on its right hind leg. The incident occurred between Rangjuli and Amjonga stations, about 90 kms west of Guwahati. “It is a clear case of a railway train knocking down the two elephants. We are however yet to ascertain which train had hit them. Circumstantial evidence showed the incident occurred as a herd of wild elephants were trying to cross the railway track from north to

south,” Goalpara DFO AM Goswami told The Indian Express. A team of vets from the State Zoo in Guwahati, which rushed to the spot, was treating the injured elephant – a female about 20-25 years old – he informed. Goswami said a herd of 25 wild elephants which had come down from the Meghalaya hills in the south and crossed the railway track in search of food, was on its way back when the incident took place. “It appears that the two hit by the train were at the front of the herd. The herd is still stuck inside the Kanyakuchi reserved forest north of the railway track,” he said. It was only on Sunday midnight that the Dibrugarh-bound Vivek Express had knocked down and killed three elephants near Jugijan station, about 130 kms west of Guwahati. Two of the elephants were pregnant. Meanwhile, the

railway authorities were yet to ascertain which train had hit the two elephants. Northeast Frontier Railway CPRO Pranav Jyoti Sharma said no Loco pilot or Guard of trains passing through that section on Monday night had reported any incident of any engine hitting elephants. The area was not an elephant corridor, he said. CPRO Sharma said a patrol party on duty detected an elephant calf lying beside the tracks between Rangjuli and Amjonga railway stations. “The patrolmen immediately informed the concerned railway authority. However no on duty loco pilot or guard of trains passing through that section has reported any incident,” he said. DFO Goswami however said two trains – a passenger train and a goods train had crossed that spot between 12 midnight and 3 AM. “It has to be one of those two trains,” he said.

Telangana takes lessons of Tripura's success in literacy

AgArTAlA, December 6 (iAnS): Telangana would introduce Left-ruled Tripura's model of success in literacy, Deputy Chief Minister Kadiam Srihari said here on Tuesday after a three-day tour of the northeastern state. Accompanied by top education department officials, Srihari since Sunday visited various villages and literacy centres in Tripura to study the success of literacy in the northeastern state, which attained the literacy rate of 96.82 per cent targeting to reach 100 per cent at the earliest. "I am personally overwhelmed by the success of Tripura in literacy. At the interior areas and villages, people especially the women and tribals are very glad after becoming literate," the visiting minister, who also holds the education portfolio of Telangana government, told reporters before leaving for Hyderabad. He said: "The literacy rate of Telangana is 66 per cent which is less than the national literacy rate (the national literacy rate, according to the 2011 census, is 74.04 per cent). After returning to my state, we would discuss and study Tripura's success and implementing method and again sought the help of the state (Tripura) if required." Srihari, who held a series of meet-

ings here with Chief Minister Manik Sarkar, Education Minister Tapan Chakraborty, Finance and Information Minister Bhanulal Saha and top education department officials of Tripura, said that his government might bring resource persons from Tripura to execute the literacy road-map. "In attaining success in literacy, the three-tier gram panchayats and volunteers have played a significant role in Tripura. This is very instructive," he added. "Tripura attained 87.75 per cent literacy in the 2011 census. After three phases of massive state-wide literacy campaign since 2011, the literacy rate now stands at 96.82 per cent and it would touch 100 per cent soon," Tripura education minister Tapan Chakraborty told reporters after meeting the Telangana deputy Chief Minister at the state guest house. He said that Tripura has gone up from 12th position as per the 2001 census to the fourth position in the 2011 census in literacy among different states of the country. Chakraborty said that the final evaluation of the neo-literate people was conducted across the state under the supervision of the (Kolkatabased) Indian Statistical Institution (ISI) and (Noida-based) National Institute of Open Schooling (NIOS).

AizAwl, December 6 (PTi): Mizoram government has been making efforts to establish a Lokayukta, state Law Minister Lalsawta informed the Assembly today. A four-member selection committee comprising Chief Minister Lal Thanhawla, Assembly Speaker Hiphei, Justice Hrisikesh Roy of Gauhati High Court and leader of opposition Vanlalzawma has been constituted, he said in reply to a question from K Beichhua of Mizo National Front (MNF). Lalsawta said an eight member search committee was set up on November 3 while a quotation for renting a private building for the office of the Lokayukta was floated. The state finance department and the Department of Personnel and Administrative Reforms has approved recruitment of 35 officers and other employees of the Lokayukta and the proposal was submitted to the state cabinet for approval, he said. A token provision of Rs 159.34 lakh was also allocated in the state budget for the current fiscal for establishment of the state Lokayukta.

The Assam State Textbook Production and Publication Corporation Limited will be responsible for printing and dispersing the free textbooks to the children, according to the Secondary Education Department. For implementing this scheme, the Director of Secondary Education will be the appointed State Nodal Officer at the Directorate level. School Inspectors will be district nodal officers for their respective districts, the release informed.



Regn: No 4743 Date 22-11-16 I, Shri. KEGWANYE KEPPEN, S/O Keshwenga Keppen, aged about 51 years, permanent resident of Phenshunyu Village, District Kohima, and presently residing at Lower Forest Colony, Kohima Nagaland do hereby solemnly affirm and declare on oath as under:1. That I am a bonafide citizen of India and resides in the above mentioned address. 2. That presently I am serving as UBC (Constable) under the establishment of South Police Station (DEF), Kohima Nagaland. 3. That in my service BOOK my name, father's Name, Son's name and the Daughters' names were inadvertently entered/recorded as:i. Kegwanye Rengma instead of Kegwanye Keppen. ii. Nholo (Father's name) instead of Keshwenga Keppen iii. Chonsinlo (son's name) instead of Chosinlo Keppen. iv. Wasani (daughter's name) instead of wasani Keppen. v. Shonile (daughter's name) instead of of Kesole Keppen. vi. Benhile (daughter's name) instead of Abisha Keppen. 4. That this affidavit is signed and swore before the competent authority so that it may be used/ treated as a piece of evidence in correction / rectification of my son's /daughters name as well as my name that may arise in the near future. Henceforth, from this day on my name Kegwanye Keppen and my father's name as Keshwenga keppen and son's name as Chosinlo Keppen and my daughers' name as (a) Wasani Keppen, (b) kesole Keppen and (c) Abisha keppen for all official /legal future correspondence. 5. that the above paragraphs 1 to 4 are true to the best of my knowledge and nothing false has been stated or suppressed thereof. And I signed this affidavit before the competent authority at Kohima. Deponent

Solemnly declare before me by the named deponent on this day the 22nd November, 2016.

Magistrate /Notary Public, Kohima: Nagaland

Regd. No: 45


Date: 15/11/16

I, Shri. K. HANSO S/o KIUCHKHAMUNG permanent resident of Khumishe Village Zunheboto and presently residing at Project Colony in the district of Zunheboto Nagaland, do hereby solemnly swear an oath and declare as under: 1. That I am a bonafide citizen of India belonging to Yimchunger / Naga tribe and resident of above mentioned address. 2. That my name is officially recorded/entered as K. HANSO in my service book whereas in my Appointment order & Pass Book my name has been entered/recorded as HANSO & K. HANSO YIMCHUNGER respectively. 3. That due to clerical error / mistake in my SBI Zunheboto bearing Account No: 111736641732 & appointment order my name is written and entered as K. HANSO YIMCHUNGER & HANSO which should written as K. HANSO. 4. That the above mentioned name refers to one and the same person. Deponent

Solemnly affirm and declare on oath before the competent authority.

Magistrate/ Notary Public, Zunheboto: Nagaland

LAST DATE FOR ADMISSION TO IGNOU PROGRAMMES EXTENDED The last date for submission of both Fresh and Re-registration (2nd & 3rd Year Registration) Admission Forms for different programmes at IGNOU for January 2017 Session has been extended up to 30th December, 2016 without late fee. The Student Handbook & Prospectus can be obtained from IGNOU Study Centres in Kohima, Dimapur, Mon, Tuensang, Mokokchung, Zunheboto, Longleng, Kiphire, Jalukie, Phek and Wokha or from IGNOU Regional Centre, Kohima. Interested candidates may send their filled in application forms to IGNOU Regional Centre, Kohima.


Applications are invited for the following posts: 1. B.A. (To teach S.S) -2 2. B.A. (Eng) / M.A. (Eng) - 2 3. M.Sc. (Phy) -1 4. PGDCA -1 Kindly come with all relevant documents for interview on 14th Dec at 9:00 a.m. Candidates may e-mail their resume in: Fordetailscontact–8729857022/9862956932


The Chozubami Welfare Union Dimapur is celebrating its 25th Anniversary cum PreChristmas on 10th December 2016 at 10:30 am at Daeshin Academy Diphupar ‘B’. Shri. Velüo Shijoh Additional Director SIRD, Government of Nagaland has kindly consented to grace the occasion as chief guest. All the Chozubami residing in and around Dimapur, well wishers and in-laws are cordially invited to the celebration. Sd/- (Sanüzo Nyenü) President CWUD


No. DCP/JDL-12/14 Shri. Shezhoto Therie of Pholami Village has applied for issue of Succession Certificate under the Indian Succession Act 1925 in order to draw/ Claim of Family Pension and others that is in respect of his deceased mother Smti. Shekhozolu Therie Chowkidar Office of District Planning Officer Phek who expired on 04-09-2016. 1. It is hereby notified that, if anybody has any complaint against the Succession, he/she may lodge complaint to this office within a period of 1 (one) month from the date of this notification. 2. No further complaint shall be entertained after the stipulated period and shall be considered that there is no objection. Sd/Murohu Chotso Deputy Commissioner Phek, Nagaland

A state-level committee will be appointed to keep a tab on the implementation of the scheme, with the Principal Secretary of Education Department acting as Chairman and the Secretary of Secondary Education Department acting as Member Secretary. A district-level committee, with Deputy Commissioner as acting Chairman, Inspector of Schools acting as Member Secretary and two school principals will be appointed as members, the release said.

Sd/Kuko Mero Addl. Deputy Commissioner Phek, Nagaland

Sd/- (Sekhoyi Ringa) Secretary CWUD


Regd. No 4744



I, Shri. KEGWANYE KEPPEN, S/O Keshwenga Keppen, aged about 51 years, permanent resident of Phenshunyu Village, District Kohima, and presently residing at Lower Forest Colony, Kohima Nagaland do hereby solemnly affirm and declare on oath as under:1. That I am a bonafide citizen of India and resides in the above mentioned address. 2. That in some of my documents my name has been entered as ''Binthonlo Keppen'' and ''Kegwange Rengma'' 3. That the above mentioned names '' Binthonlo Keppen'' and ''Kegwanye Rengma'' and ''Kegwanye Keppen'' refers to one and the same person, i.e. me. 4. That from today onwards the name ''Kegwanye Keppen'' shall be used for all official purposes. 5. That this affidavit is signed and swore, before the concern authority with regard to my name, so that it may be used/treated as a piece of evidence, if there arise any correction/rectification may arise in the near future. 6. That the statements made in the above paragraphs 1-5 are true to the best of my knowledge and no immaterial has been stated or concealed herein. And I signed this affidavit on this day 22nd day of November, 2016 at Kohima. Deponent

Solemnly affirm and declare before me by the above deponent on this 22nd day of November, 2016 at Kohima.

Magistrate /Notary Public, Kohima: Nagaland


WednesdAY 07•12•2016



An unkind cut for idle EPF A/c holders BSF Recruitment 2016

Border Security Force (BSF) has released a notification for the recruitment of 157 Assistant Sub Inspector (Stenographer) and Head Constable (Ministerial). Interested candidates may check the eligibility criteria and apply before 30 Days from the date of publication of notification.

These EPF accounts have Rs.44,000 crore worth of savings New Delhi, December 6 (The hiNDu): About 9 crore employees’ provident fund accounts, lying inoperative due to lack of contributions for three consecutive years, will not get any interest for the last five years as the Centre’s decision to rollback a 2011 rule relating to interest on these inoperative accounts set stiff preconditions. These EPF accounts, which hold Rs.44,000 crore worth of savings in them, will prospectively be credited with interest only if the concerned employee approaches the PF office to transfer or close such accounts.

“The interest on inoperative accounts will be credited only when somebody comes to us for either transferring or closing the account,” Central Provident Fund Commissioner V. P. Joy told The Hindu. “Only a particular class of inoperative account holders, such as those who apply for transfer or closure, will be eligible and the other classes will remain inoperative only.” Centre’s notification According to a November 11 notification issued by the Union Labour Ministry, a person’s EPF account will continue to earn interest till she turns 58

years of age. While the directive reverses a decision taken by the Unprevious government in 2011 — to suspend interest credits on inoperative EPF accounts — the notification comes into effect only from November 11, 2016. “This means there will be no interest credit in the inoperative EPF accounts for the last five years since 2011 and in this financial year, till November 11,” said Prasanna Deokar, Vice President at India Life Capital, an investment advisory firm. Out of the total 15 crore EPF accounts, 9.23 crore are inoperative with about Rs.44,000 crore deposits in them.

The EPFO has been earning money from the funds in these inoperative accounts. While it has paid an interest rate of between 8.25 to 8.8 per cent since 2011-12 to its active members, Mr. Joy said no decision had been taken on utilising the interest amount earned by the EPFO on the funds from inoperative accounts over the past five years. Lacking details Joy said the EPF office doesn’t have “crucial details” such as date of birth of many account holders. “So, till we are able to figure out who is eligible, we will not be able to credit

interest on all inoperative accounts,” he said, adding that the process of crediting interest on an inoperative account will only begin once a member approaches the PF department. The decision to credit interest in inoperative EPF accounts was first announced by Labour Minister Bandaru Dattatreya in March. However, according to the notification, inoperative EPF accounts of employees who settle abroad permanently and fail to withdraw their account balance within 36 months will not accrue any interest. “The Labour Minister is clearly going back on his words,” All India Trade

Union Congress Secretary D.L. Sachdev said. “He had promised crediting interest on all inoperative accounts. The interest accrued on unclaimed EPF money since last five years has not been utilised for any purpose.” Sachdev said that the EPFO had invested the money of inoperative account members since 2011 to earn interest and it should be credited back to the workers. “We have taken a pro-worker decision…We have now decided to credit interest even to inoperative accounts,” Dattatreya had said after taking the decision in the EPFO’s central board of trustees meeting chaired by him in March.

Beware! Airtel’s free SC issues notice to Google, others on plea to curb cybercrime As ASG Maninder Singh said that a Delhi, December 6 woman and another man filming it. 4G internet offer New The NGO’s lawyer Aparna Bhat said debate is on in the country and abroad (iaNs): The Supreme Court on Monsought responses from three inter- videos of sexual offences are shot and on making public the identity of sexual is a WhatsApp spam day net search engines and social network- posted online, and pleaded for court offender, the court said the identity of New Delhi, December 6 (FiNaNcial express): Since the inception of the Reliance Jio in India, other communications operators in the market, such as Idea and Vodafone have launched several cheaper schemes to attract the customers back to their camps. It is, however, common knowledge that no mobile operator is offering free unlimited data without any hidden charges. No one but Airtel. Or so people are being led to believe. This is in reference to a new viral message that has been spreading through WhatsApp. According to this message, Airtel is offering Unlimited 4G, 3G data for 3 months. According to reports by media, this is not the case. It is a hoax message that aims at stealing your personal information. Or maybe someone is just doing these for kicks. So to verify this, we decided to click on the link provided in the message: “LOOT OFFER FOR ALL AIRTEL USER:- Due to Jio, Now Airtel market is down so Airtel is activating Unlimited 4G, 3G data for 3 months. Visit Following link to Activate for airtel 3 months 4G, 3G Pack and enjoy. Now, the link redirects you to a page with an Airtel red background. Although, the logo might seem familiar, remember, this is not Airtel’s official Homepage. Any link circulated by Airtel would redirect you to its Homepage first. This link asks you for your name, mobile number and your state. On entering the details, we move on to the next page, it asks you to share the message with 8 of your WhatsApp contacts. This most probably is sort of a malware, a virus like the Googligan which reportedly affected 1 million Android devices. Most of such links are malware that install certain apps into your device without your permission by linking you to a remote server. Such malware can take over your google account among other services. An authentic offer of free 4G and 3G services by Airtel, we assure you would be a big enough announcement to be covered by national media and would often pop up on your tv screen. So until then, do not give in to greed. FiRe StatiOnS

KoHIMA soUtH: 0370-2222952/ 101 (O) 9402003086 (OC) KoHIMA nortH: 7085924114 (O) dIMAPUr: 03862-232201/ 101 (O) 9856156876 (OC) CHUMUKedIMA: 7085982102 (O) 8732810051 (OC) woKHA: 03860-242215/101 (O) 8974322879 (OC) MoKoKCHUnG: 0369-2226225/ 101 (O) 8415830232 (OC) PHeK: 8414853765 (O) 8413822476(OC) ZUnHeBoto: 03867-280304/ 101 (O) 9436422730 (OC) tUensAnG: 8414853766 (O) 9856163601 (OC) Mon: 03869-251222/ 101 (O) 9862130954 (OC) Kiphire: 8414853767 (O) 9436261577 (OC) Peren: 7085189932 (O) 9856311205 (OC) LonGLenG: 7085924113 (O) 9862414264 (OC)

New Delhi, December 6 (busiNess sTaNDarD): Mukesh Ambanipromoted Reliance Jio and other telecom operators are once again at loggerheads with Jio criticising the government’s move to allow old Rs 500 notes to be used for pre-paid mobile recharges till December 15. Reliance Jio contends that the move will be misused at the retail level. The members of cellular operators association (COAI), however, disagree. They say, “government’s decision to allow old Rs 500 notes to be used for pre-paid

232224 229529 229474 MH Hospital 227930 231081 Faith Hospital 228846 shamrock Hospital 228254 Zion Hospital 231864 224117 227337 Police Control room 228400 Police Traffic Control 232106 east Police station 227607 west Police station 232181 CIHsr (referral Hospital) 242555 242533 dimapur Hospital 224041 248011 Apollo Hospital Info Centre 230695/ 9402435652 railway 131/228404 Airport 229366 Indian Airlines 242441 225212 Chumukedima Fire Brigade 282777 nikos Hospital and 232032, research Centre 231031 nagaland Multispecialty Health & research Centre

248302, 09856006026

eden Medical Centre







08822911011 WOMen HeLPLIne 181 CHiLD weLFAre CoMMIttee Toll free No. 1098 childline

taHaMZaM (formerly senapati) Police station Fire Brigade

KOHiMa Fire Brigade naga Hospital oking Hospital Bethel nursing Home northeast shuttles


north Ps Officer-in-Charge south Ps Officer-in-Charge Zubza Ps Officer-in-Charge Chiephobozou Ps Officer-in-Charge tseminyu Ps Officer-in-Charge Khuzama Ps Officer-in-Charge Kezocha Ps Officer-in-Charge women Cell Officer-in-Charge Control room




222246 222491

std code: 0370 2222952 2222916 2243339 2224202 08974997923

Assistant Sub In- 36 Posts spector (Stenographer)

Rs. 5,20020,200

Rs. 2,800

Head Constable (Ministerial)

Rs. 5,20020,200

Rs. 2,400

121 Posts

Job Location: All India Eligibility Criteria for BSF Recruitment: Educational Qualification: • For Assistant Sub Inspector (Stenographer): 10+2 or its equivalent from a recognized board and shorthand speed of 80 words per minute in English/Hindi. • For Head Constable (Ministerial): 10+2 or its equivalent qualification from a recognized board and typing speed of 35 words per minute in English or 30 words per minute in Hindi. Age Limit (as on 01-01-2017): 18 to 25 years Age Relaxation: • For SC/ST Candidates: 5 years • For OBC Candidates: 3 years Selection Process: Selection of candidates will be made on the basis of written test and skill test. Application Fee: • SC Category Candidates: Rs.750 • General & Other Category Candidates: Rs. 1500

On November 29, the government allowed old Rs 500 notes to be used for pre-paid mobile recharges. As per industry estimates, the recharges and top ups for pre paid mobile services had fallen 3050% as consumers struggle with less cash in hand in the aftermath of the government’s move to scrap old Rs 500 and Rs 1,000 notes. Reliance Jio has acquired more than 50 million subscribers in a short span of 3 months. The company extended the welcome offer to existing and new Jio subscribers from the earlier date of 31 Dec., 2016 to 31 March, 2017.


In Noida, Delhi. under Govt. Scheme PMKVY Free Traveling, Lodging & Fooding 100% Job Assistance after Training

saloni Agency

Bank Colony, A.G. Hr. sec. school Junction, dimapur 9774351136/9615454002

PeRFeCt tRenDS 8118915809

Hamyei road, Longleng -798625, nagaland

Deals in: All kind of under garment, Men’s Boxers, Jockey, Microman, Hanes, Women inner wear, Kids and other items.

std code: 0369

Police station 1 Police station 2 Police station Kobulong Police station tuli Police station Changtongya Police station Mangkolemba Civil Hospital

9485232688 9485232689 9485232690 9485232693 9485232694 9485232695 2226216

woodland nursing Home


Hotel Metsüpen (tourist Lodge) 2226373/ 2229343


Us dollars sterling Pound Hong Kong dollar Australian dollar singapore dollar Canadian dollar Japanese Yen euro thai Baht Korean won UAe dirham (Aed) Chinese Yuan

BUY (rs) 66.66 84.67 8.32 49.56 46.75 49.98 58.13 70.87 1.81 0.055 17.56 9.37

seLL (rs) 69.66 88.75 9.26 51.98 49.04 52.41 61.40 74.30 2.02 0.0613 19.56 10.43


Contact numbers

8575045501 8575045510 8575045502 8575045520 8575045508 8575045518 8575045506 8575045516 8575045507 8575045517 8575045505 8575045515 8575045549 8575045538 8575045509 8575045519 8575045500 (Emergency No. – 100)

Grade Pay


ing that the government is only allowing top-ups up to Rs 500, but that he is ready to offer multiple recharges for a commission to help them dispose of defunct cash”. Reportedly, some government officials also shared similar concerns, but relented since this move would help ease the cash crunch. But Jio’s user acquisitions could take a hit if prepaid users of incumbent telcos load up with talktime for a few months in advance. An industry executive said that such a scenario would reduce the immediate appetite for Jio’s offerings. stdcode: 03871

No. of Va- Pay Scale cancies

How to Apply: Interested and eligible candidates may send their application in prescribed application format along with Self-attested copies of relevant documents, an alleged rape offender should not be two attested passport size photograph to relevant examimade public merely on the registration nation centers as per official Notification on or before 30 of an offence but only after conviction. days from the date of publication in employment news. The court said if a person gets ac- Important Dates: quitted even then he would suffer dam• Last Date of Submission of Application: 30 days from age to his image because of prior disclo- the date of publication in Employment News sure of his identity. The bench said if a person is acquitted of a sexual offence, the CBI will not investigate him for the cybercrime aspect of the offence. Pointing to National Crime Record Bureau statistics on a sharp rise in cases of sexCourse Qualification duration Male/Female ual violence against children, the apex Beauty Therapist 8 Pass 2 months Female court asked the Centre to include in Bakery & Confectionery 12 pass 2 months Both the list of measures for curbing crimes BPO 10 pass 3 months Male against women, the steps to protect Retailing 8 pass 3 months Male children from sexual violence.

directions to them to take steps to curb cybercrime. As the court sought responses on the plea, Additional Solicitor General Maninder Singh told the bench about the steps taken by the government and the Central Bureau of Investigation to curb cybercrime. The CBI happens to be the nodal agency to deal with the cases of cybercrime. The government said this in response to an August 28 direction by the top court, asking the Information Technology Ministry about the way it could assist in reporting and blocking videos of rape under the Protection of Children from Sexual Offences Act, 2012, which are in circulation on social networking websites.

mobile recharges will address difficulties being faced by consumers, and allow them to continue using mobile services without disruption.” Someindustrypeoplehave voiced Jio’s concern as genuine, given the lack of clarity on the issue. They say the move can fuel money-laundering operations as retailers could run exchange services and earn commissions on multiple top-ups with old notes. An industry executive told the Economics Times, “A truant retailer in a Tier 2/3 town or a village can easily prey on an ignorant customer by say-

we4 woMen HeLPLIne

std code: 03862

Civil Hospital emergency-

doUBLe drIVeL edIBLe eFFeCt eLICIt eLoCUtIon eMerGe FAMoUs FeeBLe Fetter FLInCH FLUent GroUnd LeoPArd MAterIAL nAG oBeIsAnCe ProoF rAtIon reVIew rostrUM trAnsIt

Post Name

Jio at war with other telcos over use of old Rs 500 notes


W ALLotMent AMBItIoUs AndroMedA AUGer BAnAnA BIde BonAnZA BonZAI BUFFALo CAPrICIoUs CAtALYst CAVItY CeLeBrAnt CeLL CoLLAPse CoVe CrAVe CreAtIVe CUddLe CUstoMer dedUCe doCtor

ing site Facebook on a plea that sought curbs on sharing of videos related to sexual offences and cybercrime. A bench of Justice Madan B. Lokur and Justice Uday Umesh Lalit sought responses from - Google India, Yahoo India, Microsoft Corporation (India) Ltd. and Facebook by January 9 on NGO Prajwala’s plea seeking a defined place where one could report such rape videos and seek their blocking. The court’s notices for response came during the course of hearing of a letter by Hyderabad-based non-governmental organisation Prajwala along with two rape videos. Two videos submitted in a pen drive showed a man raping a

Vacancy Details:




Simple Rules - Fill in the grid so that every row, every column, and every 3x3 box contains the digits 1 through 9.

Game Number # 3781

Answer Number # 3780

ACROSS 1.Seraglio 6. Appear 10. Money 14. Spry 15. A single time 16. Savvy about 17. A sport involving a ball and a net 19. Chew 20. Excrements 21. Central 22. Egghead 23. Sysadmin 25. Two times thirty 26. Female sheep (plural) 30. Imitation 32. Baffle 35. Angered 39. Less difficult 40. Incumbency 41. Competitor 43. A rudimentary inner toe 44. Conceive 46. Not difficult 47. Backsides 50. Russian currency 53. A Freudian stage 54. N N N N 55. Bay 60. Swing around 61. Eviscerate 63. Faucets 64. Small island 65. Portents 66. Visual organs 67. Not now 68. Garbage DOWN 1. Possess 2. All excited 3. Anger 4. L L L L 5. Encounters 6. Weep 7. Captivate 8. Overshadow

9. Blend 10. Awareness or notice 11. Building addition 12. Begin 13. Informal greeting 18. Cheer 24. Gender 25. Scatter 26. Type of sword 27. Withdraw gradually 28. At one time (archaic) 29. Apathetic 31. Pot 33. Conducts 34. Sea eagle 36. Babylonian goddess of healing 37. Historical periods 38. Wet, as morning grass 42. Sully 43. Cotillion girl 45. Scuffle 47. Sew together loosely 48. To untwist 49. Brownish gray 51. Flee 52. Arm joint 54. Modify 56. Unwakable state 57. Is endebted to 58. Blow off steam 59. If not 62. Poetic dusk Answer to Crossword 3795

Wednesday 07•12•2016

Condolences for Jayalalithaa Kohima, December 6 (mexN): Chief Minister of Nagaland, TR Zeliang and NLA Speaker, Chotisuh Sazo today expressed grief and sadness at the demise of Jayalalithaa, Chief Minister of Tamil Nadu, on December 5 night. In a condolence message, Zeliang stated that Jayalalithaa’s meteoric rise in the political firmament of the southern part of the country within a few years of being introduced to politics was all due to her charisma, combined with her strong determination to work for the welfare of the common people, especially the lower section of the society. “Early on in her career, she not only became the leader of the people, but also came to be identified as the motherly figure... Her importance in the regional politics soon made her a powerful force to be reckoned with even at the national level, given the fact that in due course of time regional politics began to dominate the national political scene as well.” Acknowledging that the passing away of the iconic figure is not only a

loss to her political party and followers, but also to the entire nation, the CM said women throughout the country have also lost a great personality. On behalf of the people of Nagaland, Zeliang joined the State of Tamil Nadu and the nation in mourning the death of the legendary political leader. He prayed to the Almighty to grant solace and comfort to the near and dear ones of the deceased. A separate condolence message from Sazo stated that Jayalalithaa was admired by all for her courage, conviction, dynamism, wisdom and her bold administration. “Her contributions have brightened the lives of millions of people of the country for the last more than three decades,” he said. Sazo further maintained that in her death, the State of Tamil Nadu in particular and the country as a whole has lost an unparalleled leader. The Nagaland Legislative Assembly (NLA) Speaker on behalf of the members of the NLA also conveyed heartfelt condolences to the members of the bereaved family.


Governor for more awareness to end new HIV infections Kohima, December 6 (mexN): In a delayed World AIDS Day message, Governor of Nagaland PB Acharya has made a call to stop being complacent and rather come together to create more awareness so that the affected people can have easy access to life-saving HIV treatment, end new HIV infections. He also called to stop discrimination so that people living with HIV and those vulnerable to infection are able to lead healthy, stigma-free lives. Acharya expressed concern that India’s HIV and AIDS epidemic is at a turning point. The country currently ranks third in the world, with an estimated 24 lakhs living with HIV, whereas Nagaland state continues to top in the HIV general prevalence rate in the country with 1.29% and third in the adult prevalence rate at 0.78% as per the HIV Sentinel Surveillance (HSS) 2014-15 data, he stated. The Governor and his wife also extended grati-

Contribute generously towards Armed Forces Flag Day Fund: Gov Kohima, December 6 (mexN): On the occasion of Armed Forces Flag Day, which is observed throughout the country on December 7, Governor of Nagaland PB Acharya has extended warm greetings and best wishes to all the members of Armed Forces, ex-servicemen and their families. The day is intended to honour the martyrs, to salute the veterans and the brave and to enhance the traditional bonds that exist between citizens of the country and the Armed Forces, Acharya stated in a press release. It is celebrated to enlist the public co-operation and support for three basic purposes – rehabilitation of families of battle casualties, welfare of servicing personnel and their families and resettlement and welfare of ex-servicemen and their families in general, he added. The Governor especially congratulated the Armed Forces personnel deployed tude to all those “who are working tirelessly for the welfare of the less fortunate and those in need of hope.” The Governor however lamented that “unfortunately our State (Nagaland) and Mizoram is identified as the capitals of HIV. With

in the State of Nagaland for their “exceptional contribution to the peace and security of the people and the unity and integrity of the Nation.” On the occasion, he further appealed to all citizens to contribute generously towards the Armed Forces Flag Day Fund, which he said will go a long way in supplementing the effort of the Governments for welfare of war widows, disabled soldiers and the ex-servicemen and serving soldiers. “It is also our bounden duty to impart skill education like nursing, physiotherapy and driving etc for which we have to raise social corpus fund from voluntary donation by empowered citizens of Nagaland. We should also respect and take care of the Veer Naris (widows) and their children and give them high respect for their sacrifices for the security of our Country,” the Governor stated.

our small population, the number of affected young boys and girls number compound to our population, ratio wise is alarming.” He iterated that all the NGOs, religious organisations, and parents have to take serious note and

address the cause of the problem and eradicate the infection. “We are in 21st Century and effective medicines are available to check HIV. Let us take oath that we will all unitedly wage war on this,” the Governor asserted.

Soil health cards distributed on World Soil Day Training underway for Helie Rupreo, Director DimaPur, Decem- is required it can be taken emphasizing on soil health ber 6 (mexN): Krishi up with the KVK who has management and impor- of Agriculture spoke on im- Secretariat Assistants Vigyan Kendra (KVK), Zunheboto and KVK Phek, ICAR-NRC on Mithun celebrated World Soil Day along with pre-Rabi campaign at KVK Training Hall, Lumami, Nagaland University and Kami village respectively on December 5.

Lumami: At Lumami, Sentimenla, SMS spoke on the importance of the day and also testing of soil. She advised the farmers to get their soil checked regularly. Meanwhile, Dr. Visakho Shunyu emphasized on the Rabi crops which can be taken up after harvest of paddy crops to gain more income. Vice Chancellor of NU, Prof. N.S. Jamir, who graced the occasion, asked the farmers to get their soil checked so that based on nutrient availability, different crops can be grown and if any deficiency is there, it can be supplemented with different nutrients of plants. He also stressed upon the importance of KVK. He asked the farmers to adopt technologies provided by KVK, pointing out whenever assistance

scientists of different discipline. He also advised the KVK to visit the farmers’ field to find out their problems and solve it at their field itself. He requested the farmers as well as KVK scientists to work together for the socio-economic development of farmers of the district. Hukato, Chairman, Lumami village spoke on behalf of the farmers and stressed upon the need to join hands together so that the productivity of the crops can be increased. Video shows on different discipline were screened to let the farmers know how technology is being implemented in other places. Edenly Chishi, SMS (Horticulture) spoke on winter vegetables and its importance. The programme ended with distribution of 197 soil health cards, seeds and pesticides.

Phek: The programme at Kami village was attended by 108 persons. Dr. T Esther Longkumer, ACTO (Soil Science) spoke on the importance of soil health,

tance of soil health card. Soil health cards were distributed to 100 farmers from Kami and Lekromi villages. Meanwhile, the chief guest, Captain Anand Thakur of 9th Assam Rifles, Pfutsero, addressed the farmers on the linkage between the KVK scientists and farmers regarding transfer of technology. Further, Dr. Hannah K Asangla, SMS (Agronomy) spoke on the pre-Rabi campaign programme. She elaborated about the Rabi crops and emphasized the importance of water conservation technology for production of Rabi crops in the region. During the farmersscientists interaction, various issues were discussed on agri and allied sectors. Farmers also displayed various exhibits during the programme.

Kohima: The Department of Agriculture also celebrated World Soil Day on December 5 at the directorate conference hall on the theme ‘Soil a solid ground for life’.

portance of soil and to have full awareness about the fundamental roles of soils for human life by civil societies and decision makers, a press release informed. He also emphasized the prominent contribution of soils to food security, climate change adaptation and mitigation, essential ecosystem services, poverty alleviation and sustainable development. Thungjamo Lotha, Addl. Director of Agriculture in his keynote address highlighted that soils of Nagaland are highly acidic and in some places the pH level is as high as 4-4.5. High rainfall and leaching, he said, are the factors for such acidity. He also stated that the available phosphorus in the soil is low due to acidity of soil and it can be converted to available form by application of Phosphotika which is basically a phosphorous solubilising bacteria. Thungjamo further emphasized on the importance of zinc and boron which are soil nutrients and play essential role for the growth of plants, especially in rice and vegetables.

Kohima, December 6 (mexN): The Secretariat Service Foundation Course (SSFC) for newly recruited 30 Secretariat Assistants (NPSC 2015) began at Administrative Training Institute (ATI), Kohima on December 5. In the inaugural programme, the guest of honour L. Youdang Jamir, Jt. Director exhorted the trainees and urged them to be sincere, dedicated and be committed to work. Dr. Hovithal N. Sothu, Deputy Director, chaired

the programme, while Dr. Alem W. Longchar, Librarian and Course Coordinator (SSFC) gave an introduction to the course. The foundation course is of three months duration covering soft skills, basic office procedure, government rules, service and account matter etc. The course will be taught by faculty from ATI and guest faculties. The trainees will also be attached to various Directorates followed by one week district and village visit.

GOC 3 Corps attend Hornbill Festival Kohima, December 6 (mexN): On the Sixth day of Hornbill Festival 2016, Lieutenant General Abhay Krishna, AVSM, SM, VSM, GOC 3 Corps accompanied by Bibha Krishna along with Lieutenant General Manoj Kumar Unni, AVSM, VSM, PHS, DG Armed Forces Medical Services and Dr Jyothi Unni witnessed the cultural extravaganza of Nagaland as guests of honour at Kisama Heritage Village. The GOC 3 Corps and

DG AFMS also visited Morungs set up by various tribes and stalls showcasing the traditional way of living, art and handicraft of Nagaland, a press release informed. The General Officers met and complimented young artists at Craftscape and HIPFEST for showing their mesmerizing art work. During their two day visit to Kohima, they also visited Hornbill Night Carnival and attended the International Music Festival on December 5.

Meet on Draft Nagaland Land Use Policy in Wka

WoKha, December 6 (DiPr): A district level consultative meeting on the Draft Nagaland Land Use Policy was held on December 6 at DC’s conference hall, Wokha. ADC Wokha, Thavaseelan (IAS) while welcoming the participants spoke about the need and importance of the Land Use Policy. Shilpa Chohan from Indian Environment Law Organisation (IELO) gave a presentation on the key elements of the Draft Nagaland Land Use Policy. This was followed by a presen-

tation from ADC Wokha on the stakeholders’ response to the Draft Policy. He also informed that consultation was held at all administrative headquarters and the summary of the stakeholders’ response was distilled from the opinion and feedback collected at each of these workshops. Opinions were sought from the participants on the policy prescriptions of the Draft Policy. Most of the village functionaries representing various villages were positive about reservation of 60 degree

slope land as reserve forest. They stipulated that the village councils must be made a part of the institutional framework proposed by the Land Use Policy. Customary laws and practices, they added, should not be over ridden by the policy. In the process of mapping, traditional boundaries demarcated by the ancestors should not be ignored, noted one of the representatives. The meeting ended with a summary of the views and concerns that emerged from the participants.

35 Assam Rifles conducted military funeral in honour of Rifleman/General Duty Nanwang S Konyak of 16 Assam Rifles, who was “martyred” on December 3, 2016 in Arunachal Pradesh. The funeral was conducted at Shiong village of Mon district. A guard of honour with complete military rituals was provided. Wreath laying was conducted with full military ethos, while a message of condolence was also given by the Commandant, 35 Assam Rifles during the funeral.

Pughoboto SDPDB meeting cum pre-Christmas Pughoboto, December 6 (DiPr): The Sub-Divisional Planning & Development Board (SDPDB) meeting cum advance Christmas programme was held with the Chairperson of Pughoboto SDPDB and Minister for R&B Y. Vikheho Swu at the ADC office on December 5. After review of the last SDPDB meeting by the ADC, Pughoboto, Avelu Ruho, the meeting decided to remind the villagers on banning of lifting boulders from the river side. Minister Vikheho told the house to inform all the villages to declare at least one “forest reserve” for the preservation of flora and fauna under their sub-di-

vision. He also stated that maintaining natural beauty is not only about cleaning of environment but also refreshing our mind. The advance Christmas was celebrated with the senior citizens above the age of 80 and Christmas gifts were given away to all. The Board also gave a certificate and cash award to two government officials, namely electrician Sharma and math teacher Ghosh who had rendered yeomen service to the people of the area. Field Secretary NCRC, HQ, Pughoboto Vibo A Sumi delivered the Christmas message. The programme was chaired by Minister Y Vikheho Swu felicitating an elderly woman SDO (C), Namang Sepong during the SDPDB meeting cum advance Christmas proChang. gramme held on December 5. (DIPR Photo)

MEx FILE Cable operators in Kohima informed Kohima, December 6 (DiPr): All the cable operators under Kohima district have been informed that as per the notification of Ministry of Information and Broadcasting, Government of India, the Cable T.V Network Regulation Act 1995 and the rules framed there under, in the digital regime, it is mandatory for all MSOs providing and intending to provide digital cable TV services in any part of the country to obtain registration as MSOs from the Ministry of Information & Broadcasting, Government of India. In this regard, all the cable operators under Kohima district have been asked to get registered as MSOs from the Ministry of Information & Broadcasting, Government of India at the earliest.

KMC notifies on sale of synthetic/adulterated milk Kohima, December 6 (mexN): Administrator of Kohima Municipal Council (KMC), Kovi Meyase has notified to all concerned that production and sale of synthetic/adulterated milk is a market fraud and is punishable under the provisions of Food Safely and Standards Act, 2016. Therefore, all have been directed to desist from undertaking such activities, “failing which strict and stern action as deemed appropriate will be initiated against such culprits.”

Last date for IGNOU admission extended Kohima, December 6 (mexN): The last date for submission of both Fresh and Re-registration (2nd & 3rd year registration) Admission Forms for different programmes at IGNOU for January 2017 Session has been extended up to December 30, 2016 without late fee. The Student Handbook & Prospectus can be obtained from IGNOU Study Centres in Kohima, Dimapur, Mon, Tuensang, Mokokchung, Zunheboto, Longleng, Kiphire, Jalukie, Phek and Wokha or from IGNOU Regional Centre, Kohima. Interested candidates may send their filled in application forms to IGNOU Regional Centre, Kohima.

New director of agri dept Kohima, December 6 (DiPr): Helie Rupre-o has taken over as Director of Agriculture with effect from December 1, 2016. Henceforth, all the official correspondences, including telephonic and Email, will be addressed to him as given below: Helie Rupre-o, Director of Agriculture, Nagaland: Kohima-797001. Telefax: 0370-2243116(O), 0370- 2244301 (R), 9436062336 (M), Email:

Sa Re Ga Ma Pa Lil Champs DimaPur, December 6 (mexN): Pheto Music Association (PMA) is officially coordinating with ZEE TV’s national reality show Sa Re Ga Ma Pa Lil Champs new season 2016-17 for Nagaland to promote as well as help “Naga singing Talents” to participate in the show. Children aged between 6 and 14 years interested to participate in the show can contact PMA office at Padumpukhuri, Dimapur for further information. One may also contact 9436405817. Contestants are to perform in Hindi only.

PMEGP Wokha beneficiaries informed WoKha, December 6 (mexN): PMEGP beneficiaries of Wokha district under Bank of Baroda 2014-15, 2015-16 and 2016-17 batches have been requested to attend an emergency meeting on December 10 (Saturday), 10:00 am at Public Ground, Wokha Town. A press release from C. Jenio Lotha, PMEGP beneficiary/candidate requested all concerned to attend the meeting positively.

LADP verification committee for Peren district constituted

PereN, December 6 (DiPr): The LADP Verification Committee for Peren district was constituted on December 6 at the DPDB meeting held at DC’s conference hall here. For 6 Tening A/C, Thuvishie Phoji, ADC Tening, will be the Convener, and SDAO Tening and SDO (PWD) Tening the members. Meanwhile, for 7 Peren A/C, Tainiu ADC HQ will be the Convener and EE (PWD) Peren and DFO Jalukie will be the members. The board also deliberated at length the issue of ban on logging (round timber) under Working Scheme and

Tree Farming and decided to relax the ban period till April 30, 2017. The house also approved that no loaded log vehicle will be allowed to ply on all the roads of the new district HQ. Further, it recommended for awareness campaign regarding hunting and fishing with chemical at the village level. Later, the departmental activities were presented by the District Industries, Soil & Water Conservation and the PHED. The Department of PWD, Veterinary and the Fishery will be presenting their departmental activities in the next DPDB meeting.

Minister CL John encourages using common dialect to bring oneness Pughoboto, December 6 (DiPr): Minister for Rural Development, REPA, CL John inaugurated the Ghathashi RD Block building-cum Block Ghar in presence of the R&B Minister Y. Vikheho Swu on December 5. CL John called upon the gathering to do away with tribalism and also encouraged the people to use the common Nagamese dialect to bring oneness. He said that without a common dialect there would be no community, no nation in the world. He also emphasized on practical education in

rearing of domestic animals, sufficient agri-allied outputs which will start from the Rural Development department for economic progress. He stressed on “work and act” and called upon all to be humble and constructive and to maintain peace and unity. Minister Y. Vikheho Swu in his short speech said that system of funding to the states has been changed. Swu urged the people to retrospect and start working. He also said that Nagaland’s 2030 vision is to activate the Department of Rural Devel-

opment (RD), Agri, Horti, Fishery, Veterinary for enhanced production. Additional Director, RD, Imlimeren Jamir acknowledged the Government of India for sanctioning the amount for construction of the Block Ghar and said amongst the constructions in the state, Ghathashi is one of the best. He sought cooperation from the officials for the welfare of the people. ADC, Pughoboto, Avelu Ruho said RD department is one of those with direct contact to the grassroots level and as a development

agency it needs to also develop the mindset of the people. Meanwhile, president, VDB Association RD Block said under Zunheboto, there are 33,319 job card holders, out of which 8152 belong to Pughoboto. He therefore appealed to the government to create one more block under Pughoboto division. Others who spoke included Chairman, ATCC, Ghathashi, General Secretary, SAH. All the BDOs under Zunheboto and VDBs Secretaries, Chairmen also attended the programme.


wednesday 07•12•2016



The Power of Truth

The Morung Express voluME Xi issuE 336 By Moa Jamir


Ishtiaq Ahmed Fair Observer

Fidel Castro: The Last Great Revolutionary

Why not a year W of road building?


rony was to everyone, most of all to State Chief Minister, when Nagaland launched the year-long road safety awareness campaign under the theme ‘Time for Action’ in Kohima on December 5. The campaign is a collaborative effort of the Union Ministry of Road Transport and Highways and Transport Department of Nagaland. "Road safety is becoming a matter of serious concern in today's fast moving world, where road transport has become an integral part of everyone's life," Chief Minister TR Zeliang said expressing optimism that the campaign would educate people on various road safety measures. On his part, State Minister for Transport, Paiwang Konyak said urgent “attention was needed to improve road safety with a holistic approach.” Citing statistics, he held that accidents rate in Nagaland is low but rash driving, drinking and driving on poor quality roads account as the major cause of accidents in Nagaland. A pertinent issue, no doubt, but one is bemused to witness such glorious declaration by those at the helms of the affairs, as barring a few stretches in the state, the roads itself are non-existent in Nagaland. It is no longer potholes, but craters in guise of roads - a muddy affair in summer and a dusty trail in winter. In such a scenario, any other concern is secondary. Thus, one is not particularly elated by seeing the low statistics of accidents because it is obvious it is not due to other factors, but the conditions of the roads. In a fast moving world, as the Chief Minister rightly pointed out, a good road is integral for enabling not only conveyance but also economic growth and development. Devoid of such opportunity, our road is crawling at best, and a ride is a bumpy adventure for everyone concerned. A ‘lipsticking’ here and there to serve an immediate temporary concern does not do anyone good. Conversely, it can be safely argued that when a driver is more concerned about personal safety navigating a debilitating road, other issues become secondary. Is this the reason why road etiquette in Nagaland is sorely missing among the drivers? According to Global Road Safety Partnership, a road safety publicity campaign is part of a set of activities that aim to promote safe road use with three types of campaign: To raise awareness of an issue or to inform; To change attitudes; and To change behavior, as part of a package of measures. Research have also shown that campaigns on road safety work best when combined with other interventions, such as enforcement of traffic laws and regulations, or provision of other safety services and products. We can include a better road as the most imperative intervention in Nagaland. For as stated earlier, when your immediate concern is about surviving the road itself, other concerns are just secondary. In this context, why not a ‘Time for Action’ on building roads – a yearlong initiative pertinently targeted at making the roads motorable first, before undertaking any other grand scheme. A concerted effort on this will go a long way in enabling other successful campaigns.

lEfT wiNg |

Kieran Guilbert Thomson Reuters Foundation

Poverty & prejudice drive more women to join the Boko Haram


ailing to improve the lives of girls and women trapped in poverty and domestic drudgery in northeast Nigeria could drive them into the ranks of extremist groups, analysts said on December 5. Many girls and women have been abducted by the jihadist group Boko Haram and used as cooks, sex slaves, and even suicide bombers, according to rights groups including Amnesty International. Yet some women in the mainly Muslim northeast, frustrated by poverty, gender discrimination and deep-rooted patriarchy, have chosen to join Boko Haram voluntarily in the hope of a better life, an International Crisis Group (ICG) report said. "For some women trapped in domestic life, Boko Haram offers an escape," Rinaldo Depagne, West Africa project director for the ICG, told the Thomson Reuters Foundation in Dakar, Senegal. "But this reflects a huge abyss of desperation among women ... and a failure of society in the northeast," he added. Rates of child marriage, school enrolment and literacy among girls, and women in positions of power are far worse in the north of Nigeria than the rest of the country, activists say. But women often take senior positions in Boko Haram. Female members are almost as likely as men to be deployed as fighters, and may outnumber them in some roles such as recruiters and intelligence operatives, researchers said in a study published in October. Boko Haram militants have killed about 15,000 people and displaced some 2.6 million in Cameroon, Chad, Niger and Nigeria during a seven-year campaign to carve out an Islamist caliphate. The army has driven Boko Haram out of much of the territory it held in 2014, but the government and aid agencies must focus on caring for and reintegrating women affected by the insurgency as the country comes back under their control, the ICG said. Many women uprooted by the conflict and living in camps for the displaced have resorted to selling sex in exchange for food, while those who were married to or raped by the militants are often rejected by their communities. For those women who chose to join Boko Haram, the power and freedom afforded to them means they are far more difficult than men to de-radicalise and reintegrate into their communities, according to Nigerian psychologist Fatima Akilu. "Exclusion and abuse of women may undermine military gains and mean that they have same kind of grievances that pushed many to join Boko Haram in the first place," Depagne said. "The state and civil society must improve the situation for women affected by Boko Haram, both victims and perpetrators, and ensure they play a role in rebuilding the

ith the death of Fidel Castro, the last great leader in the revolutionary movements of the 20th century has gone. It is with sadness that I learned about the death of the founder of modern Cuba, Comandante Fidel Castro. For the younger generations his may not be a familiar name, but for us who were looking for alternatives to international capitalism Castro and the Cuban Revolution was an inspiration. The revolutionaries were radical nationalists who rose against the tyranny of Fulgencio Batista—a brutal dictatorship led by a corrupt family that exploited the people ruthlessly and used terror and torture extensively against the opposition, while enjoying the support of the United States. The US began to treat the Cuban revolutionaries as dangerous communists after they had overthrown Batista regime. It is then that Castro and his comrades turned to communism, and it was the Soviet Union that came to their help. Fidel Castro, Ernesto “Che” Guevara and other revolutionaries carried out extensive reforms and brought into being a welfare state that has been successful in providing a fairly decent standard of living and free education and medical help to citizens. During the 1970s, Cuban volunteers fought in the liberation wars in Africa, such as against Portuguese colonialism in Angola. Unlike the founders of the Soviet Union and the Peoples’ Republic of China, the Cuban communists always drew a distinction between the legitimate use of force and its illegitimate use. Therefore, force was treated as the last resort when peaceful means failed. Fools’ Paradise With the death of Castro, the last great leader in the revolutionary movements that grew in the wake of the Russian Revolution of 1917 is now gone. His legacy will inspire us to keep on struggling for a fairer and more just world. People like me, who were witness to the history of American carpet-bombing of Vietnam, Laos and Cambodia, US support of blood-thirsty military juntas of Latin America and Islamist regimes of the Middle East, know that during the Cold War the US cared two hoots for human rights. In fact, the US is the post-war greatest criminal when it comes to crimes against humanity. It was not a communist who set up the International War Crimes Tribunal against US excesses in Southeast Asia but a liberal anti-communist Sir Bertrand Russell. Of course, crimes committed by communist regimes should also be condemned without any apologies if we are to be considered credible public intellectuals. So, I hold no brief for any

Vanessa Baird


People react as the caravan carrying the ashes of Fidel Castro passes them in las Tunas, Cuba. REUTERS

violation of human rights and human dignity by leftists. However, I do not live in a fools’ paradise. I am witness to the way the Cold War was conducted by both sides and it was the new nations of the world created out of decolonization, forced to choose sides, which most did one way or the other. Friend of the Devil I have moved away from dogmatic leftism and subscribe to a fundamental human right of social democracy. However, that has never made me accept the US as a leader of any such movement. The US will support the devil if it needs to secure its interests—and that’s all. Fidel Castro stepped in to secure freedom of his people from a ruthless dictator supported by the Americans. Castro was forced toward communism as the result of US myopic foreign policy. After the tyrannical regime was overthrown and its property confiscated, the US treated it as proof of the Cuban nationalists being communist agents. It was reminiscent of the way the British MI6 and CIA conspired to overthrow Mohammad Mossadeq of Iran and other radical nationalists, impelling the young Cuban state to seek help from the Soviet Union. Socialism does have a tendency toward totalitarianism. Therefore, I

prefer social democracy of the Swedish type instead because it combines equality with freedom and rewards hard work while ensuring that nobody falls out of the security net needed for all. This version of social democracy is its best manifestation. But when we talk of a brutalized people trying to rise out of poverty and degradation, socialism has been successful in providing those basic services needed to maintain a level of dignity and of substance. Fidel Castro and his comrades fought for the freedom of their people crushed by a brutal dictatorship. In building up Cuba, Castro had to resort to authoritarian measures just as all liberal democracies have done in their formative phases. He was, however, able to maintain an egalitarian social-welfare system and that has benefited the downtrodden. As of 2014, there are around 50,000 Cuban-trained healthcare workers aiding 66 nations. Cuban physicians have played a leading role in combating Ebola in West Africa. According to the UN, in 2013 life expectancy in Cuba was 79 years. This ranks Cuba 44th in the in the world and 4th in the Americas, behind only Canada and Chile. Infant mortality in Cuba declined from 32 infant deaths per 1,000 live births in 1957, to 5 per 1,000 live births in 2015. In 2015, Cuba became the first country to eradicate

‘Fidel Castro is not dead’

New Internationalist

here was a minute’s silence at Adelante, the yearly gathering of Latin America activists in London on Saturday who had woken up to news that Fidel Castro was no more. And then another minute’s silence at the end of the day, rich in tributes to the towering figure of socialism and internationalism. It was fitting. Just one minute would barely reflect the revolutionary leader who rarely gave a speech lasting less than four hours and ruled Cuba for five decades. But the achievements that most people kept coming back to during the day, were not leadership or longevity but two ordinary areas of everyday life: health and education. Under Castro’s leadership, Cuba went from being a country of poor and largely illiterate people, to one that puts most of the rest of the Western world to shame with its impressive health and education statistics. As rich countries, such as the US and Britain, have fostered growing inequality and are failing to meet the public health and education needs of their populations, Cuba has for years provided high quality free health care and education for all. The result: a literacy rate higher than the US’s and life expectancy that equals it. Through its international programme Cuba has exported teachers and health workers around the world, most recently to West Africa to tackle the Ebola epidemic. In Kashmir, Cubans were the first international responders to the country’s earthquake, and the last to leave. Meanwhile, Cuban support for liberation struggles in Angola and Mozambique, played a key role in the de-

feat of apartheid in South Africa. On his release from prison, one of the first trips Nelson Mandela wanted to make was to Cuba to thank Fidel Castro. But anyone listening to the BBC’s mealy mouthed and biased coverage of Castro’s death on Saturday morning, would not have come away with a sense that Castro might been one of the good guys. Disproportionate time was given to right-wing Cuban exiles in Miami and their supporters in the media. According to one of the conference speakers, journalist Victoria Brittain, the BBC used clips that were several years old. She urged people to complain to media outlets if they were unhappy about the coverage. Former MP George Galloway commented that every interview he had given on Fidel’s death during the day was dominated by the issue of hu-

man rights in Cuba. One US journalist asked him if there was torture in Cuba, to which he replied ‘the only place that has torture in Cuba today is Guantánamo Bay’ – inside the US detention centre. Without doubt, many Cubans living on the island today want more freedom. There has been some loosening of the state’s grip on several aspects of life. Under Fidel’s brother, the current President Raúl Castro, a reform programme has lifted many restrictions on freedom of movement and to do business. Most political prisoners have now been released. Freedom of expression and of the press remains restricted, though. But in a world full of human rights abuses, with the US and Britain systematically taking part in torture in their ‘war on terror’, Cuba hardly features as a major violator. The continued domination of the


mother-to-child transmission of HIV and syphilis, a milestone hailed by WHO as “one of the greatest public health achievements possible.” One must choose sides and cannot reasonably throw out ahistorical liberal accusations against a struggling regime when the big bully is responsible for creating conditions where progressive change of any sort was considered a concession to communism. This capitalist system has ruined the lives of millions of US pensioners because of the greed of Wall Street when financial insolvency it brought about led to the collapse of banks in which their savings were invested. How is that any less a gross violation of human rights? Fidel Castro stands out tall among the leaders of the 20th century because he defied US pressure and maintained the sovereignty of his tiny nation. That is in itself a great achievement of our times. Ishtiaq Ahmed holds a PhD in Political Science from Stockholm University where he taught from 1987 to 2007 and retired as professor. He is an Honorary Senior Fellow of the Institute of South Asian Studies (ISAS) at the National University of Singapore. His research interests cover as diverse fields as political Islam, ethnicity and nationalism, human and minority rights, and partition studies. His is the author of "The Punjab Bloodied, Partitioned and Cleansed: Unravelling the 1947 Tragedy through Secret British Reports and First Person Accounts" and "Pakistan, a Garrison State: Origins, Evolution, Consequences." This article is republished with the permission of Fair Observer. The views expressed in this article are the author’s own and do not necessarily reflect Fair Observer’s editorial policy.

Cuban Communist Party and reluctance to embrace a multiparty system, needs to be seen in context. The fear that the benefits of the revolution could be swiftly undone is real and underpinned by decades of extreme US hostility and interference, a crippling trade embargo, and the continued occupation of Guantánamo Bay. Not to mention the many CIA plots to kill Castro himself. There are few shining examples of successful and enduring revolutions that you can point to in the world today. But Cuba is a candidate. The small island has been a David to the US Goliath; a source not only of inspiration, but of practical and generous support to the those around the world who are struggling for justice, equality or just a basic quality of life. Take, for example, the thousands of people who were going blind but who can now see thanks to Operation Miracle, a Cuban programme to deliver cataract operations to people in some of the poorest and most remote parts of the world, such as the Bolivian high Andes. There were many moving tributes to Fidel Castro during the course of Saturday’s conference, from Latin American activists and politicians, and British figures including former London mayor Ken Livingstone and Labour leader Jeremy Corbyn. But one of the most rousing came from George Galloway, who delivered a long list of Castro’s living legacy around the globe, concluding: ‘Fidel Castro is not dead… he lives on in the hopes and dreams of poor people everywhere.’ Vanessa Baird lived and worked as a journalist in Peru during the tumultuous mid-1980s, and she maintains a passionate interest in South America. She joined New Internationalist as a co-editor in 1986 and since then has written on everything from migration, money, religion and equality to indigenous activism, climate change, feminism and global LGBT rights.

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WednesdAY 07•12•2016

Morung Express Learning



Four methods to improve your skills


icture someone you know who is incredibly talented: an athlete, a musician, a scientist. You probably wish you had been born with some type of gift, right? You were. "We are often taught that talent begins with genetic gifts--that the talented are able to effortlessly perform feats the rest of us can only dream about. This is false. Talent begins with brief, powerful encounters that spark motivation by linking your identity to a high-performing person or group. This is called ignition, and it consists of a tiny, world-shifting thought lighting up your unconscious mind: "I could be them."

That's the introduction to Daniel Coyle's The Little Book of Talent, a cool book filled with 52 easy, proven methods to improve almost any skill. It's a great guide; in just a few minutes you'll think, Oh, wow, several times. Here's an example. You want to get better at something. At anything. Just going through the practice motions provides little or no results, though, so the key is to make sure you use a method that follows the R.E.P.S. gauge: R: Reaching and Repeating E: Engagement P: Purposefulness S: Strong, Speedy Feedback Let's take a brief look at each.

‘Practice does not always make perfect’ reaching and repeating: Practice should require you to operate at the edge of your abilities. In short, you have to consistently reach and constantly repeat. Say you're leading a training session. Should you: 1. Call on one person, ask a question, and have him or her answer it, or 2. Pose the question first, and then randomly choose someone to answer (and maybe even turn the exercise into a game)?

The second is the best approach, because everyone has to reach, every time--even if he or she isn't called on. Call on John from accounting, and I know I don't have to answer the question; I can sit back, check my email, and wait until you eventually call on me. I don't have to reach but--maybe--once. Always put yourself-or the people you're training--in a position to reach, over and over again. engagement : Practice must command your attention and make you feel emotionally invested in

striving for a goal. Say you're trying to perfect your slide transitions for a presentation. Should you: 1. Run through the whole presentation 10 times, or 2. Try to hit each transition perfectly, without mistakes, three presentations in a row? Running through your presentation 10 times in a row will feel like death; trying to be perfect three times in a row turns the exercise into a game you care about. Make sure the out-

come of every practice session is something you will care about: You'll try harder and be more engaged, and you'll improve more rapidly. Purposefulness: Practice must directly connect to the skill you want to build. (Sounds obvious, but often what we practice has little to do with what we need to accomplish.) Say you feel nervous and intimidated when you have to speak to a group. Should you: 1. Rehearse at home, alone, until you know your

material inside out, or 2. Practice speaking to small groups of people in less formal settings, like in a meeting? Although solo rehearsing certainly helps, the only way to perform well under the pressure of an audience is to actually practice speaking to people. No amount of solo practice will prepare you for the nerves you'll feel when every eye in the room is on you. Strong, Speedy Feedback: Practice must provide an immediate and consistent flow of accurate information about performance. Say you're studying for a certification exam. You purchased a sample test

guide. Should you: 1. Take a complete test and wait until the next day to see how you did, or 2. Complete a section and immediately grade your answers to see where you went wrong (and right)? Take the test in chunks. Check your results right away. Immediate feedback is the best feedback; you'll better connect the dots because you're in the flow. Waiting even a day for feedback creates a mental distance and a lack of engagement that are really hard to overcome-which means much of the time you spent trying to learn was wasted. (Source: jeff-haden/4-tips-to-dramaticallyimprove-any-skill.html)

Will demonetisation help eradicate black money?


emonetisation may have eradicated some small amount of black money but what I feel is that it was not worth taking risk. It has created more problems than solutions to the common people as well as rich. Common people have to stand in queue and suffer just to claim their hard earned money and people suffer inconvenience in everyday life. In some perspective, it may be good because unac- A book on Zeliang Naga folktale authored by N. Husibo Newmai was launched on December 5, 2016 at Jalukie. It counted and illegitimate money is being checked thus was dedicated by Pastor Mongzeung Mpom of Jalukie Town Local Baptist Church. curbing some portion of black money. But the vast portion of cash money is being amassed by rich but they do not keep these old notes in their suitcase nor do they stash it underground. Their money is being invested in the form of properties and assets, some are in safe havens in foreign protected banks. So the government is only harassing the innocents by treating the symptoms rather than the ultimate cause. Etiological solutions were needed by introducing tax reforms and checking illegal markets instead of blaming the Dog for the Cat's mischief. Indian Demonetisation is full of loopholes and misapplication. It was haphazardly initiated. The banks were not prepared to embrace such situation. For instance, lower denomination notes were not distributed sufficiently while alongside introducing new 2000 Notes which is but a futile means of eradicating black money. It has only added much weight to the already declining Indian economy.

Kimwang Konyak


Dr. RS Patel, LA, KVK-ICAR Jharnapani demonstrating grafting technique to women farmers at Niuland during the Kisan Ghosthi conducted at Niuland Town. Dr. Patel spoke on the topic ‘Budding and grafting methods in horticultural crops’ as resource person on November 3. He demonstrated that in grafting, the upper part (scion) of one plant grows on the root system (rootstock) of another plant. In the budding process, a bud is taken from one plant and grown on another.

Send in your comments to The Morung Express Office (address given below) or email to morunglearning@ or WhatsApp @ 7085976283


Leangha Village, Mon

Are students/parents/teachers giving too much importance to tuitions/coaching?

The above commentator can claim his prize - the book ‘Cross Section: Reflections on Christian Faith and Society’ by Sao Tunyi from Heritage Publication House, Dimapur from The Morung Express Office

Quiz #38

ParticiPate & win 1. On December 1, 2016, Nagaland completed how many years of statehood? b) 52nd a) 51st d) 54th c) 53rd 2. Who won the 6th Hornbill Half Marathon 2016 (Women) Category a) Khreina Trepo b) Premila Devi c) T Tsuchoi d) MK Minarashi 3. What is the theme of the 2016 International Day of Persons with Disabilities? a) Achieving 17 goals for the future we want b) E-accessibility c) Nothing about us without us d) Decent work for persons with disabilities 4. The 2016 Heart of Asia (HoA) – Istanbul Ministerial Process is hosted by which country? a) Pakistan b) India c) Iran d) China 5. What is the theme of the year long road safety campaign launched by the Ministry of Road Transport & Highways on December 5? a) Time for Safety b) Safety before speed c) Always Alert Accident Avert d) Time for Action

Send in your answers to the Morung Express Office (address given below) or email to or WhatsApp/SMS @ 7085976283 Answers to Quiz#37: 1-d, 2-b, 3-c, 4-d, 5-a Winner of last week’s contest: Chubamenla, Landmark Colony, Dimapur Consolation prizes: Akang Nring,

Jalukie B & Vizosuto Khanyo, Lierie Colony Kohima

First Prize- Rs. 300 Two Consolations – Rs. 100 each Winners may collect the prize money from The Morung Express Office, H/No.4 Duncan Basti, Dimapur *Winners should bring along a valid ID to claim the prizes


here lived a man in a certain village who was very kind, generous and wise. The people living in that village survived on agriculture. The village economy depends upon its agricultural products, and it is so happened that in a certain year, the whole world was struck by drought and a famine out. Due to this drought and a famine, the products did not grow, and the whole world was on the verge starvation. Luckily the field of the kind

and generous m a n f l o u rished, and his c ro p s w e re very healthy and productive. In his caring, generosity and wisdom, he felt pity for the villagers. He told them not to be worried and declared that he was ready to share whatever he had with the whole village. True to his word, that year he shared whatever he harvested from his field with his villagers and

saved six people from starvation while the whole world suffered. The village's people were very happy and from that year onward they started to pay tribute, and honor him for his generosity and wise thinking. His next of kin were paid due respect for what he as one of their ancestors had done. That is how a particular clan is paid respect and honored by calling them Angh. [Story by Ahon Wangnao; Extracts from the book “Retelling Naga Narratives: More than thrice-told tales”, Edited by Richard Carbo, John Coakley and Abraham Lotha, and Published by Heritage Publishing House]

Science tricks with common household items Keeping water Separate


ill two identical glasses with water. Add two tablespoons of salt to the water in one glass and stir well. Add a few drops of food coloring to the water in the other glass. Cover the glass containing the colored water with a sheet of paper, turn it upside down and place it on top of the glass containing salt water. (Be sure to do this trick over a saucer or bowl.) Gently pull the paper out from between the glasses. The colored water and the salt water will remain separate.

How Does it work?


alt water is heavier than colored water, so the two stay separate as long as the boundary between them isn’t disturbed. Try turning the two glasses over, though. The heavier salt water will now be on top, so it will flow down and mix with the colored water.

'Internshala Content Writing Contest' for college students t

he Gurgaon-based internship platform Internshala is launching 'Internshala Content Writing Contest' for college students in association with Alibaba's UCWeb. Recently, content writing has seen a surge of popularity globally with the advent of the digital era. Students have taken to not just writing blogs but have also started creating content for websites, writing news bytes and mastered the skill of marketing through words. Through this contest, students will get a chance to intern with one of the hottest Asian startups. Alibaba Group, the Chinese e-commerce company launched UCWeb to provide better internet experience and has recently gained over 100 Mn active users in India and the selected intern will get an opportunity to work with UCWeb India team. To help students find their dream internships and give them an all-around career development, Internshala has recently launched a plethora of competitions with an aim that students get to intern with leading brands. There is a huge demand for people who can write and internships act as a launchpad for students' to make a career in the $68 billion

worth digital marketing space which includes content marketing, email marketing, social media and blogging. On the launch of this contest, Sarvesh Agrawal, the founder & CEO of Internshala said "Writing is one of the most powerful talents which can make a great impact. Five years back, I started Internshala as a blog by writing on education and skill gap and today, it helps over 1 Mn students find internships. Through this contest, we want to help students discover their talent and get an internship which will make an impact in their lives." The contest would present to the students a set of topics on which they have to write. Top 10 students will be shortlisted for an interview on the basis of their submission by UCWeb team and the selected students will get the opportunity to intern with UCWeb with a monthly stipend of INR 25,000. Registrations are open from 10th December at . College students irrespective of their background would be eligible to participate in this contest. The last date to register for the contest is 18th December.

Weekly InternshIp lIst 1. web Development at tellmate Helper Location – Work from Home Stipend – Rs. 3,000 – 6,000/Month Link – Deadline – 17th December 2016 2. Graphic Design at curieo Location – Work from Home Stipend – Rs. 3,500/Month Link – Deadline – 19th December 2016

Location – Kolkata Stipend – Rs. 10,000 – 20,000/Month Link – Deadline – 19th December 2016 6. chartered accountancy at Dhruvchhajer & associates Location – Guwahati Stipend – Rs. 5,000 – 8,000/Month Link – Deadline – 10th December 2016

3. content writing at Little Shopper india 7. Sales at Vawsum Schools Location – Work from Home Location – Guwahati, Siliguri, Kolkata Stipend – Rs. 5,000/Month Stipend – Rs. 3,000 – 8,000/Month Link – Link – Deadline – 19th December 2016 Deadline – 17th December 2016 4. Hotel Management at tirupati Lodge Location – Siliguri Stipend – Rs. 1,000/Month Link – Deadline – 16th December 2016 5. Mobile app Development at MyLemonadeShop

Courtesy & Disclaimer: Internshala ( – World’s largest internship platform. The Morung Learning will be carrying content from internshala every week. All content are those of Internshala. The Morung Express is not responsible or liable for any content in this article.

Readers may please note that, the contents of the articles published on this page do not reflect the outlook of this paper nor of the Editor in any form.


WednesdAY 07•12•2016



Chennai shuts down to pay homage Parliament adjourned after tributes to Jayalalithaa

Supporters of Tamil Nadu Chief Minister Jayalalithaa Jayaraman attend a prayer ceremony at the AIADMK party office in Mumbai on December 6. (REUTERS Photo)

cheNNai, December 6 (iaNs): The otherwise throbbing Chennai shut down on Tuesday to pay its tribute to Tamil Nadu Chief Minister J. Jayalalithaa. And for once, no one was grudging any inconvenience. From roadside tea shops to businesses, from shops to all offices, from hotels to cinema theatres, from petrol bunks to picnic spots, from private and public transport to educational institutions -- it was shutters down all across the sprawling city. And the outpouring of grief in homes and on the streets was genuine. Irrespective of who they may have voted for in the past, most people in Chennai felt Jayalalithaa, 68, had a premature death and that she deserved to live some more years.

"It is still difficult to accept that Amma is no more," K. Nagalakshmi, who delivers milk to homes, told IANS. "This was not the age for her to die. She could have lived for some more years," the humble woman said. For Nagalakshmi, who comes from a poor family, Jayalalalithaa would be the leader who cared for the underprivileged. "The freebies introduced by Jayalalithaa helped my daughter. She got a laptop in school. And the free rice scheme and housing scheme were a boon to the poor," she added in a choking voice. Jayalalithaa, the political successor to AIADMK founder and her mentor M.G. Ramachandran or MGR, enjoyed a huge following in Tamil Nadu on account of her generous funding

of social welfare schemes. Flower vendor P. Harikrishnan's first party of choice is the DMK. But on Tuesday, he too shed tears for the departed AIADMK supremo. "I also feel Jayalalithaa should have lived for some more years," he said. Harikrishnan admitted that her government's free rice and other schemes benefited his and numerous other families. "And the free insurance scheme came to the rescue of my sister when she underwent an operation." Chennai is where Jayalalitha lived -- as she catapulted from a successful actor to being one of the country's most popular politicians. A.D. Bhaskar, a private sector employee, was clear that Jayalalithaa was truly a mass leader.

New DeLhi, December 6 (iaNs): Both houses of Parliament were adjourned for the day on Tuesday soon after members paid tributes to Tamil Nadu Chief Minister J. Jayalalithaa, who passed away late on Monday night. Members in both the Lok Sabha and the Rajya Sabha observed a minute's silence as a mark of respect to the departed AIADMK leader. Both the houses were then adjourned without conducting any business. In her obituary reference, Lok Sabha Speaker Sumitra Mahajan remembered Jayalalithaa as a "popular and eminent leader". In the Rajya Sabha, Chairman Mohmmad Hamid Ansari read out an obituary reference for the iconic AIADMK leader and described her as an "accomplished and prolific artiste who contributed immensely to the film industry". He said the AIADMK leader was an "imminent public figure and a charismatic personality", and her work will be remembered for a long time. In her death the country has lost a prominent leader, a distinguished parliamentarian and an able administrator, Ansari said. Ansari dubbed her death "an irreparable loss to India".

"I saw such a massive crowd at MGR's funeral (in 1987). And I am seeing it now." Normal life was derailed on Tuesday in Tamil Nadu. Jayalalithaa died just before midnight on Monday after battling for life for 74 long days in a hospital. While supplies of essential items such as milk were not hit in the morning, there was a total shutdown across the state as the day dawned. No state transport corporation buses and auto-rickshaws plied in Chennai. The roads were deserted and most people remained indoors. Only private vehicles were on the roads, that too in small numbers. Shops in the busy commercial area of T. Nagar and other localities here were closed. So were petrol pumps, hotels and cinema theatres.

Many factories remained closed too. A person working in the Call Centre of the Tamil Nadu Electricity Board told IANS that the employees did not get food on Monday night as hotels were shut down after Jayalalithaa's death was beamed on the TV channels. "We are continuing in the morning shift as our replacements have not come for want of public transport," the official said. The Tamil Nadu government has declared a three-day holiday for educational institutions. There will be a week-long mourning. Passengers who arrived at the railway stations and airports found it difficult to reach their destinations. They had to opt for radio taxis or the suburban railways that functioned.

Jayalalithaa's legacy: Industrial, social, & crime rankings is among India's best Prachi Salve

ita income is India's fifth highest, but the four states precedIndiaSpend and IANS ing it are substantially smaller. Tamil Nadu's 19th Chief Minis- Among the country's large ter (she was also the 11th, 14th, states, it has the richest people. 16th and 18th) J. Jayalalithaa, who died on December 5, FREEbIES ComE AT A CoST 2016, was known for gifting her Jayalalithaa is known for 72 million people a record set the freebie culture, which she of freebies, but she also leaves did not begin but did expand, behind a state that ranks among personalising it along the way. Indias top five in many social, For instance, her 2011 election crime and industrial indicators. promises included 100 units of Tamil Nadu now has India's free electricity to every houselowest fertility rate - lower than hold, a free laptop for class 11 Australia, Finland and Belgium - and 12 students (with free insecond best infant mortality and ternet connections), a gram of maternal mortality rate; records sovereign gold as marriage asamong the lowest crime rates sistance, and four goats/sheep against women and children; to families who lived below the and has more factories and pro- poverty line. The laptops had vides more industrial employ- images of "Amma (mother)", ment than any other Indian state, as Jayalalithaa was popularly according to an IndiaSpend known. Other programmes analysis of various data sets. also carried that name, such as However, financing the Amma canteens (for subsidised freebie culture came at a cost. food) and Amma medicals (for Tamil Nadu witnessed a 92% subsidised medicines). increase in debt over 5 years While some programmes ending 2015, according to an were applauded as having a IndiaSpend analysis of state social effect-such as the midbudgets in November 2015. day meal scheme, which Tamil Tamil Nadu's education in- Nadu pioneered before Jayaladicators have always been above lithaa took office for the first time the Indian average and have in 1991 and encouraged children steadily improved during Jaya- to stay in school-they resulted in lalithaa's 15-year stint as chief the fastest rising debt of any Indiminister. Although Tamil Nadu an state, as IndiaSpend reported regularly reports violence and in November 2015. discrimination based on caste, Debt, per se, is not bad, if the the state's crime rates are among state's economic growth can India's lowest, particularly those sustain and service it. So, the relating to women and children. key matrix is the debt as a perAs regards industrial growth, centage of the state's gross doTamil Nadu has more factories mestic product (GSDP) or total than any other Indian state, ac- economic output. Tamil Nadu's cording to the Annual Survey of debt-to-GSDP ratio at 20% is Industries, 2013-14. Maharash- lower than the national average, tra ranks second, followed by an indication the state is growGujarat. Tamil Nadu's per cap- ing despite the spike in debt.

Cooperative federalism struggling 'Black money will be banished by year-end' Balance between judiciary, under Modi: Uttarakhand CM Rawat New DeLhi, December 6 Shah asserted that the allega- knowned economists, who long executive disturbed, PC says (iaNs): BJP President Amit Shah tions of the opposition were base- had been part of the country's

New DeLhi, December 6 (iaNs): Uttarakhand Chief Minister Harish Rawat on Tuesday said that cooperative federalism was suffering under the Narendra Modi regime. Speaking at Agenda Aaj Tak here, he questioned the role of NITI Aayog and claimed non-Bharatiya Janata Party ruled states have to struggle for central funds. "Cooperative federalism is suffering under Modi. If you are not a follower state then you will have to struggle for funds. "The Modi government has stopped funds under central schemes to states which are not BJP ruled. Earlier states had the platform of Planning Commission to raise their issues but now we have this NITI Aayog. I really don't know what is the role of NITI Aayog. Is their any role of NITI Aayog... nothing," said Rawat. About demonetisation, Rawat said the move was implemented without any preparation. "Initially I had supported the move, any move against terrorism, against corruption should always be supported. "But subsequently having seen the suffering of the common people, it is evident that demonetisation has been implemented without any preparation," he said. He also flayed the BJP and the Modi government for attacking opposition parties who have opposed demonetisation. "Under Modi there is this narrative that if you oppose this government, then you are anti-national. Now if you are opposing demonetisation, they say you have hoarded black money. "In democracy, opposition has the right to raise questions. You cannot judge dissent in terms of nationalism. This is unacceptable," said the veteran Congress leader. On his party leadership, Rawat said Congress Vice President Rahul Gandhi had the capability to lead the party for many years to come. "Rahul has been a fast learner and age is on his side. He has the ability to confront and face challenges, he doesn't shy away from them. He has the ability to lead the party for many years," he added.

Trump's deal-making skill to resolve Kashmir issue: Pence washiNgTON, December 6 (iaNs): US Vice President-elect Mike Pence has stated that Donald Trump could use his "extraordinary deal-making skills" to reduce tensions around the world and resolve problems, including the Kashmir issue. Dunya News cited Pence as saying in an interview with the NBC Newsthat the new US administration intends to be "fully engaged" in South Asia and with India and Pakistan on issues such as Kashmir to promote peace and security in the region. "I think in president-elect Donald Trump you've got someone, who is prepared to advance America's interests here at home, to rebuild this economy, to fight for American jobs," he said. "But I think you're also going to see an energetic leadership in the world, prepared to engage and to look for ways that he can bring those extraordinary deal-making skills to bear on lessening tensions and solving problems in the world," he added. Referring to recent tensions between India and Pakistan, Pence said Trump wanted to make sure that both countries "know that when this administration takes office, that we intend to be fully engaged in the region and fully engaged with both nations to advance peace and security". Pence further said there had "been great tension between India and Pakistan in recent days. It's resulted in violence along the Kashmir region". During his conversations with leaders of India and Pakistan, Trump had expressed "a desire for continued US engagement on building the relationship with both of those countries".

on Tuesday rubbished charges of illegalities in the party's land deals prior to the demonetisation decision and asserted that by 2016end, the country will become free of black money. "The opposition parties are pointing fingers at the land deals by the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP), but these deals were authorised in January 2015 only," said Shah speaking at the 'Agenda Aaj Tak' event here. "In January 2015, we had announced to have party offices in all the districts of the country, and these land deals are in pursuance of that announcement only," said Shah The party purchased land across the country at 170 locations between January 2015 and November 2016, he added. Opposition parties have alleged the BJP had prior information about demonetisation and the land deals were done to turn black money into white. West Bengal Chief Minister and Trinamool Congress chief Mamata Banerjee on Monday demanded a judicial probe into the BJP's land deals. Earlier, the CPI-M in Parliament raised the issue, pointing to deposit of "huge amounts of money in banks" on November 8, ahead of Prime Minister Narendra Modi announcing in the evening the decision to demonetise Rs 500 and Rs 1,000 currency notes.

less. "The deposit of money in the bank accounts is a mere coincidence. Moreover, the opposition should try to think logically. Why we would deposit money on November 8 and raise suspicion? This is nothing but a mere coincidence," said Shah. "Earlier, the opposition used to ask Modi what have you done to bring black money back. And now, post-demonetisation, the opposition is crying why you did this, Modi," said Shah, ridiculing the opposition. Talking about demonetisation, the BJP President said it is a historic decision, and asserted that the economy will get rid of black money. "By December 30, the country will get rid of entire black money," Shah asserted adding that: "The black money will either come back to the system through deposits in the banks or, if people don't deposit fearing penalty, then the money with them will become useless after December 31. "So both ways, the black money will be eliminated from the system," he said. Shah ridiculed former Prime Minister Manmohan Singh for opposing demonetisation. On his stinging attack against demonetisation in Parliament recently, Shah said the world re-

economic policy-making, should answer about India's economic performance during the erstwhile UPA regime. "From 1975 till 2014, Singh, in various capacities, had been part of the country's economic policymaking. Can he answer why the GDP growth rate fell to four per cent during his reign from the 8 per cent it had achived under Atal Bihari Vajpayee, who is not an economist? "Again a 'chaiwala' (Modi) is running the country and the econmy is growing at 7.6 per cent. It is for Singh to asnwer this," said Shah who also said that "after seeing Singh, I don't want to be an economist". Talking about the upcoming assembly polls in Uttar Pradesh, Shah asserted that the BJP would come to power, claiming that demonetisation has created a level playing field for all the parties. "Because of demonetisation, now there will be no black money in the elections. It has created a level playing field for all. If any party says it is having problems, then that means the party doesn't want black money to be removed from the system," said Shah. "In Uttar Pradesh, this time it will be politics of performance. Days of dynasty politics, caste politics and money politics are over," added Shah.

New DeLhi, December 6 (iaNs): The fine balance of power between the judiciary and the executive has been disturbed thanks to the rise of judicial power, making the executive the weakest among the three pillars of a democracy, former Union Minister P. Chidambaram said on Tuesday. At a session here on "Parliament and Judiciary" at PRS Annual Conference on Effective Legislatures, he also cited the "deadlock" in judicial appointments for the past two years as the government and higher judiciary have not reached a consensus and noted that there are various models for judicial appointments across the world and India can evolve its own model. Rejecting the idea of only judges having a say in appointment of judges, Chidambaram advocated the role of civil society in the appointment of judges. "Why should only judges be allowed to appint judges? Can MPs be allowed to appoint fellow MPs? That is not possible in a democracy. "There is a civil society too. The civil society may also be included in the process of appointment of judges," he said. Earlier, speaking of judicial activism, he contended that courts

have interpreted the Constitution "creatively" and given the judiciary enormous power. "Rise of activist judges, and judicial activism is another reason for rise of judicial power. Also, by using appellate juris, courts have expanded powers, such as with arbitral awards," he said. "Today, the weakest of the three institutions -- legislative, executive and judiciary -- is the executive," he said. Citing the recent Supreme Court ruling which necessitates the playing of national anthem in cinemas before the screening of movie, Chidmabaram asked who would enforce the court's order across lakhs of cinema halls in the country. "I think judges should not tread into areas where the enforcement is difficult or where there is no judicial standard to measure a ruling against," he said. Among the reasons he cited for decline of legislative power were that Parliament and state legislative bodies spend less time on deliberating on issues and bills in the House. "The quality of debate is also poor and much less time is devoted to Question Hour than should be," he said. "And the third reason for decline of legislative power is weaker political authority," he added.

Fears of losing home & land plague 1 in 4 Indians: poll LONDON, December 6 (ThOmsON reuTers FOuNDaTiON): About a quarter of homeowners in India, and nearly one in five rural landowners, fear losing their property, in most cases because they do not have documents to prove ownership, according to a new poll. The survey, launched by U.S. polling firm Gallup in London on Tuesday, set out to test how secure people feel about their homes and land. Conducted over the past six months, the Indian survey is the first of a worldwide, two-year research project looking at perceptions of property ownership and security between different societies. The poll found six in 10 said they owned their home, while a third said they lived in a home owned by a family member.

Despite the high incidence of ownership, the Indian survey showed that insecurity of property rights is widespread, with about one in four owners and nearly half of all renters expressing worry about losing their home. Matters related to land and property make up about two-thirds of all civil cases in India, where tussles over ownership can delay property deals and lead to lengthy court battles. Insecure land rights leave the urban poor particularly vulnerable as they are often unaware of the rights they do have, cannot afford lawyers and live in fear of being evicted. The study revealed that those who were worried about ownership also reported a higher incidence of health problems, including saying they sometimes did not have enough food.

Respondents said the main reason for their insecurity was the lack of documentation, including land titles, followed by disagreements with family members over property ownership. INSECURE RIGHTS India is in the throes of dramatic demographic and cultural change with the urban population expected to grow from 377 million in 2016 to nearly 600 million by 2030. Insecure property rights, say analysts, can threaten to undermine the benefits of India's rapid urbanisation. A lack of formal documentation proving ownership can block access to basic services such as sanitation, water and electricity and limit access to financial services such as raising credit against a home

or farm for investment, the report said. In the developing world, it can also limit access to state help such as food or fertiliser subsidies and services provided by municipal governments such as sanitation and water. In India, more than 14,000 men and women, both owners and tenants in cities and villages, were interviewed face-to-face. The project covered 14 Indian states, including Odisha, Punjab, Rajasthan and West Bengal. Nine other countries will be polled over the next year to build up a definitive picture of how different societies relate to – and feel about - land and property ownership.

women less likely than men to own their land or home. But men and women were equally likely to be worried about losing their home or land. Tenants were twice as likely as owners to worry about losing their homes, with landlords - often afraid of permanently losing possession of their homes - preferring short term contracts. And while about nine out of 10 respondents lived in a home owned by themselves or by a family member, those who owned their own property were more likely to express worry about losing the home than those who lived with other family members. Thirty percent of city residents expressed insecurity, compared to 26 perGENDER GAP cent of their rural counterThe report showed parts. a clear gender gap with Owners were more

likely to visit government offices to update their records, although only half had done so in the past. Of these, owners of agricultural land were far more likely to update land records than those who owned residential land. If people are willing to engage with state authorities on ownership, there are potential resolutions to the problem of insecurity, said the report commissioned by Land Alliance, a Washington-based think tank. "...Government efforts to make it easier, and affordable, for people to register or update property documentation at local levels could have a large impact on reducing people's worry about their property rights," it said. "This would have benefits for private citizens and the economy as a whole."

wednesdAY 07•12•2016



Japan PM’s Pearl Harbor visit won’t be for apology

Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe tells reporters in Tokyo, that he will go to Pearl Harbor with U.S. President Barack Obama during his 2-day visit to Hawaii from December 26 in this photo on December 5. (REUTERS Photo)

tOKYO, DEcEmbEr 6 (rEUtErS): Prime Minister Shinzo Abe’s visit to Pearl Harbor this month, the first by a Japanese leader, will not be to apologise for the Japanese attack 75 years ago that drew the United States into World War Two, Abe’s top aide said on Tuesday. Chief Cabinet Secretary Yoshihide Suga said the purpose of Abe’s Dec. 26-27 visit was to console the souls of those who died in the war. While the lack of an apology could disappoint some U.S. war veterans, Abe hopes the visit will showcase the tight alliance between the former foes. Experts say it is a message Abe wants to send both to regional rival China and to U.S. President-elect Donald Trump, who has criticised Tokyo as a free-rider on defence. “This visit is for the sake of consoling the souls of those who died in the war, not for the sake of an apology,” Suga told a news conference the day after Abe announced the visit. “I think that the prime minister’s visit will be an opportunity to send the message that the calamity of war must not be repeated and ... express the value of reconciliation between Japan and the United States,” he said. The visit to Hawaii with U.S. President Barack Obama could also boost Abe’s popularity rating - already robust at around 60% - and raise the likelihood that he will call a snap election for parliament’s lower house. It will come 7 months after Obama became the first serving U.S. president to visit the Japanese city of Hiroshima, where the United States dropped an atomic bomb in the closing days of the war in 1945.


UN chief Ban may be unwitting loser in South Korea presidential scandal SEOUL, DEcEmbEr 6 (rEUtErS): Besides South Korean President Park Geun-hye, the biggest casualty of the country’s mushrooming political corruption scandal may be the presidential aspirations of United Nations Secretary-General Ban Kimoon. Although he has not declared his candidacy, Ban was until a month ago the front-runner in opinion polls to win the election scheduled for Dec. 20, 2017, a race he was widely expected to contest from Park’s conservative Saenuri Party. But the scandal that has become known as “Park Geun-hye-Gate” and threatens Park’s presidency has sowed division in the party. An impeachment vote is set for later this week, and Ban’s standing in polls has declined, while the Saenuri has become a much less viable platform for a run. “It doesn’t make any sense at all now for Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon to join the Saenuri Party. Unless he is stupid, he would never join Saenuri, would he?,” said Choung Byoung-gug, a Saenuri lawmaker who co-heads an anti-Park faction that favours formation of a new conservative party. It is not unusual for a

U.N. Secretary General Ban Ki-moon delivers a speech after being awarded with the Legion of Honour (Legion d’Honneur) by the French president at the Elysee Palace in Paris on November 17. (REUTERS File Photo)

major South Korean political party to break into factions, with the mainstream forming a new party. “If a new sound conservative party is set up, then it may be a different situation, but at this point it is too early to say,” said Choung. Ban, 72, was South Korean foreign minister from 2004-2006 under the liberal President Roh Moo-hyun, but was a non-partisan career diplomat. He now faces the prospect of having no party to join to make use of the political machinery crucial to

running a campaign. That institutional support is especially important given that Ban has been based in New York for a decade and has never run for office in South Korea. Time is also not on Ban’s side if Park is forced to exit sooner than later. Last week, Park sought to head off calls for her immediate resignation or impeachment by asking parliament to come up with a plan and timetable for her to step down. The opposition dismissed the manoeuvre and has called for an impeachment vote for Dec. 9.

If parliament votes for impeachment, which is not a certainty given the two-thirds majority needed would require the support of roughly 30 members of Park’s Saenuri party, the Constitutional Court would still need to uphold the motion, a process that could take months. SHORT RACE If Park leaves early, either by resigning or by being forced out by impeachment, a new election for a full five-year presidential term must be held in 60 days.

An early election would be disadvantageous for Ban, since he cannot begin a campaign before his U.N. term ends on Dec. 31. If he had planned to run, his earlier political calculations would have been based on nearly a full year to campaign. Ban has been evasive about his plans after his U.N. tenure ends, but he told Reuters in October that he was conscious of “expectations from many people in Korea that I should make myself available for a better future of Korea.” Asked to comment on Ban’s intentions given the political crisis at home, U.N. spokesman Farhan Haq said: “The SecretaryGeneral has already said repeatedly that he will concentrate on his work as Secretary-General until the end of the year.” The main opposition Democratic Party already has a crowded field of potential candidates, headed by Moon Jae-in, who lost to Park in 2012 and now lead the latest Realmeter poll with 21 percent support, ahead of the secondplaced Ban, who has 17 percent. Lee Jae-myung, the mayor of Seongnam just south of Seoul and a member of the Democratic Party, is a dark horse rising in the polls, with 15 percent,

putting him in third place. Computer entrepreneur and reformist member of parliament Ahn Cheol-soo is likely to be the opposition People’s Party’s candidate. Ahn had also run in 2012 before dropping out early to form a coalition with Moon against Park. With the pride Koreans take in him as “president of the world” and absence of a strong rival, Ban had consistently ranked at the top of polls until slipping early last month as the scandal surrounding Park deepened. Ban has never been formally affiliated with Park or her Saenuri Party but was seen to have the backing of conservative constituencies that had been the bedrock of Park’s support. Kookmin University professor Hong Sung-gul said Ban may benefit from his outsider status given the country’s political turmoil, which has drawn hundreds of thousands to weekly Saturday night rallies calling for Park’s removal. “We’re likely to see a strong manifestation of the messiah complex at this election,” he said, referring to candidates presenting themselves as the answer to South Korea’s political woes. “Ban will have to show that he is that person.”

Heavy flooding in Thailand kills fourteen ‘Asia-Pacific loses steam in efforts to end hunger’ bANGKOK, DEcEmbEr 6 (rEUtErS): Floods in Thailand have killed 14 people and badly affected southern holiday islands as the country heads into the December-January high season for tourism, authorities said on Tuesday. A low pressure system has brought heavy rain to parts of the south including the islands of Samui and Pha Ngan in the Gulf of Thailand, and floods have also severed the rail link to the south and Malaysia beyond. Tourism has been a rare bright spot for an economy that has struggled to gain traction since the army seized power in a bloodless coup in 2014 to end months of political un-

rest. The death on Oct. 13 of longreigning King Bhumibol Adulyadej plunged the country into grief and also raised questions about tourist arrivals though authorities say the country is open for business despite a year of mourning. “There has been heavier rain than usual which has caused drainage problems,” Nongyao Jirundom of the state Tourism Authority of Thailand on Samui island told Reuters. The National Disaster Warning Centre said 14 Thai people had been killed in various accidents caused by the weather in different parts of the south. Southbound trains have been halted in the town of Thung Song in

Nakhon Si Thammarat province because of flooding. Nakhon Si Thammarat has had 447 mm of precipitation in the past 7 days, 380 mm more than the average for this time of year, according to Thomson Reuters data. December marks the beginning of the dry season when tourists descend on palm fringed beaches to celebrate the Christmas and New Year holidays. Despite the mourning period for the late king, authorities are bullish about the outlook for tourism, which accounts for 10% of gross domestic product. The tourism ministry expects a record 32.4 million arrivals this year.

New immunotherapy shows hope in preventing leukemia relapse NEw YOrK, DEcEmbEr 6 (iANS): A new genetically engineered T-cell therapy may have the potential to prevent the relapse of a type of cancer, US scientists have found. Acute myeloid leukemia (AML) is a type of cancer of the blood and bone marrow that affects immature blood cell growth. The research showed that AML is in remission among patients who received this experimental T-cell therapy after a bone

marrow transplant. Giving these cells when the disease is in remission after transplant “might actually be helping patients who have a high risk of relapsing to not relapse down the line”, said Aude Chapuis, physician at Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center in the US. Conversely, in transplant-only patients, the transplants produced remissions, but more than a quarter of them relapsed within just 10 months, the researchers said. For the

trial, the team focussed on 12 AML patients who were undergoing bone marrow transplant and had certain genetic or disease characteristics that decreased the chance of long-term transplant success. Certain T-cells from each patient’s transplant donor were genetically engineered to produce receptors that allowed the T-cells to recognise, very specifically, WT1 -- a target molecule 10 to 1,000 times more common in leukemia cells.

Then the patients’ leukemic bone marrow and blood cells were destroyed and replaced with healthy cells from their donors. A month later, when the team examined these 12 patients’ marrow, they found no trace of the cancers. Rapidly thereafter, once the transplanted cells fully engrafted, each patient then received up to 10 billion of the genetically engineered donor cells, infused into their arm through an IV.

HONG KONG, DEcEmbEr 6 (tHOmSON rEUtErS FOUNDAtiON): Even as malnutrition killed millions of children worldwide last year - with many deaths in Asia-Pacific, the region’s progress towards defeating hunger has slowed down, a new study has found. The study, published on Tuesday by the U.N.’s Food and Agriculture Organization, said although Asia- Pacific halved the number of hungry mouths from 1990 to 2015, in many countries, progress has faltered in the last five years. “The results show that the rate of progress could easily lapse to low levels or could even become negative, resulting in erosion of gains made in the good years,” the report said. For instance, conflicttorn Afghanistan cut hunger rates by 8.7 percent from 2003 to 2008 but reversed the trend from 2010 to 2015, with an increase of 1.6 percent. And in Bangladesh, the rate of reduction was less than 1 percent from 2010 to 2015, compared to 10.9 percent be-

tween 1997 and 2002. While soaring rice prices and poorer growth in agricultural productivity have played a role, slowing economic growth is the main driving force behind slower reductions in hunger, said David Dawe, FAO senior economist and one of the study’s authors. Economic growth for Asia was 5.9 percent last year, down from 6.3 percent in 2014 and an average of nearly 8 percent over the previous decade. With less money in their pockets, poor families buy less food. As a result, 12 percent of the region’s population - or some 490 million people - remain undernourished, with most of them in Southern Asia. Regionwide, nearly one out of three children suffers from stunting, which carries severe, irreversible consequences for both physical health and cognitive function. With more than 60 percent of the world’s hungry living in Asia-Pacific, the slower progress in the region has led to high global numbers of the chronically

A boy eats at an orphanage run by a non-governmental organisation on World Hunger Day, in Chennai. (REUTERS File Photo)

hungry. Worldwide, 805 million people suffered from chronic hunger between 2012 and 2014. While chronic malnutrition as measured by stunting has declined, some 161 million children below five years were affected in 2013. Poor nutrition is the main underlying cause of death among five-year-old and younger children, responsible for 45 percent of all child deaths globally in 2013, the study said. At stake is also the target of achieving zero hunger

worldwide by 2030, one of the U.N.’s Sustainable Development Goals agreed last year. At most recent rates, only two countries in Asia are on course to eliminating hunger by 2030, researchers said. The study’s authors urged governments in Asia-Pacific to accelerate their efforts with efforts investing more in agricultural research to produce food more efficiently and building roads to help rural poor travel and find jobs more easily.

At Dakota pipeline protest, activists celebrate, mindful fight is not over cANNON bALL, N.D., DEcEmbEr 6 (rEUtErS): Thousands of protesters in North Dakota celebrated after the federal government ruled against a controversial pipeline project on Sunday, even though many recognized that the fight is likely to continue into next year. The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers said it rejected an application to allow the Dakota Access Pipeline to tunnel under Lake Oahe, a reservoir formed by a dam on the Missouri River. The decision came after months of protests from Native Americans and climate activists, who argued that the 1,172-mile (1,885-km) Dakota Access Pipeline would damage sacred lands and could contaminate the tribe’s water source. The mood has been upbeat since the rejection was announced on Sunday afternoon at the Oceti Sakowin camp in Cannon Ball, North Dakota. Activists were seen hugging and

Sioux chief asks protesters to disband

Native American “water protectors” celebrate that the Army Corps of Engineers has denied an easement for the $3.8 billion Dakota Access Pipeline inside of the Oceti Sakowin camp as demonstrations continue against plans to pass the Dakota Access pipeline adjacent to the Standing Rock Indian Reservation, near Cannon Ball, North Dakota, US on December 4. (REUTERS Photo)

letting out war cries in response to the news. Still, with the incoming administration of President-elect Donald Trump supportive of the project, activists worried a reversal of the decision could be in

the offing. “This is a temporary celebration. I think this is just a rest,” said Charlotte Bad Cob, 30, from the Pine Ridge Reservation in South Dakota. “With a new government it could turn and

we could be at it again.” The camp’s numbers have swelled in recent days, as hundreds of U.S. veterans have flocked to North Dakota in support of the protesters. Some of those in a long line of traffic along

cANNON bALL, N.D. DEcEmbEr 6 (rEUtErS):A Native American leader asked thousands of protesters to return home after the federal government ruled against a controversial pipeline, despite the prospect of President-elect Donald Trump reversing the decision after he takes office. A coalition of Native American groups, environmentalists, Hollywood stars and veterans of the U.S. armed forces protested the $3.8 billion oil project. They said construction would damage sacred lands and any leaks could pollute the water supply of the Standing Rock Sioux tribe. The tribe still wants to speak with Trump about the Dakota Access Pipeline to prevent him from approving the final phase of construction, Standing Rock Sioux Chairman Dave Archambault told Reuters. “The current administration did the right thing and we need to educate the incoming administration and help them understand the right decision was made,” he said. Highway 1806 heading into the camp hollered and honked their horns after the news was announced. The pipeline, owned by Texas-based Energy Transfer Partners LP, is complete except for a one-mile seg-

ment to run under Lake Oahe. That stretch required an easement from federal authorities. The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers said it will analyze possible alternate routes, although any other

“I think we’re going to route is also likely to cross be in this for the long haul. the Missouri River. That’s what my fear is,” he FIGHT MAY BE said. A ‘LONG HAUL’ Energy Transfer said Standing Rock Chair- late Sunday they do not man Dave Archambault intend to reroute the line, II, in a statement, said he calling the Obama Adminhoped ETP, North Dakota istration’s decision a “poGovernor Jack Dalrymple litical action.” and Trump would respect In November, ETP moved equipment to the the decision. “When it comes to in- edge of the Missouri River frastructure development to prepare for drilling, and in Indian Country and with later asked a federal court respect to treaty lands, we to disregard the Army must strive to work together Corps, and declare that to reach decisions that re- the company could finish flect the multifaceted con- the line. That ruling is still siderations of tribes,” he said. pending. Trump has yet to react Several veterans recentto Sunday’s decision. He ly arrived in camp told Recould direct authorities to uters they thought Sunday’s approve the line, even if decision, which came just before he takes over from as Oceti Sakowin has seen Democratic President an influx of service memBarack Obama on Jan. 20 bers, was a tactic to confederal authorities will be vince protesters to leave. “That drill is still on the studying alternative routes. Tom Goldtooth, a La- drill pad. Until that’s gone, kota from Minnesota, and this is not over,” said Mata co-founder of Indigenous thew Crane, 32, from BufEnvironmental Network, falo, who arrived with a said he expects Trump to contingent of veterans last try to reverse the decision. week.


wednesdAY 07•12•2016



English FA says scope of review six-ton Warner sees Australia into sexual abuse increased past New Zealand to clinch series SYDNeY, December 6 (reuTerS): Dave Warner smashed a sixth oneday international century of the year to drive Australia to a convincing 116-run victory over New Zealand as the hosts wrapped up the series with a match to spare in Canberra on Tuesday. New Zealand captain Kane Williamson won the toss under leaden skies in the Australian capital and made the decision to bowl on a Manuka Oval track where batting first has been an all but sure-fire path to victory. Australia duly piled on an imposing 378 for five with the Blacks Caps only able to muster up 262 all out in 47.2 overs in reply. Warner hit 119 off 115 balls with 14 fours and one six, combining with his captain Steve Smith, whose 164 went a long way to winning the series opener in Sydney on Sunday, in a second-wicket partnership of 145.

Australia's David Warner slaps one through the off side during the 2nd ODI against New Zealand in Canberra, December 6. (Getty Images)

Smith made 72, Travis Head 57 and Mitchell Marsh 76 as Australia plundered 126 from the last 10 overs. "It was a fantastic wicket, it always is down here at Manuka, and we know that if you keep wickets in hand

you can take 100-150 runs off the last 15," Warner said. Warner's two centuries were among the few highlights for Australia in their 5-0 humiliation in South Africa in October and six in one year, with the third match of the series in Mel-

bourne to come, is unprecedented for an Australian. Only Indians Sachin Tendulkar (nine in 1998) and Sourav Ganguly (seven in 2000) have hit more centuries in one year. "It's the format that I perhaps thought wasn't

my greatest but this year's been fantastic and I've got to keep going as well as I can," Warner added. The opener secured his 10th one-day century with a scrambled single and it took a brilliant catch from Williamson to dismiss him after 2 1/2 hours at the crease, the Black Caps skipper getting down to take a full-powered shot inches above the grass. Williamson top-scored for the visitors with 84 and put on 125 for the third wicket with Jimmy Neesham (74) but the writing was on the wall once they had departed. Australian quick Pat Cummins, playing in his first international series for a year, took 4-41. The Australians, assured of retaining their number one ranking in the 50-over game, reclaimed the Chappell-Hadlee trophy which New Zealand had won on home soil in February.

Former professional soccer players Andy Woodward, right, and Steve Walters speak at the launch of the Offside Trust at the Midland Hotel in Manchester, England, Monday, Dec. 5, 2016. In a growing scandal being investigated by 18 police forces across Britain, about 350 people have reported incidents of child sexual abuse at soccer clubs. The Offside Trust has been formed by Andy Woodward, Steve Walters and Chris Unsworth as an independent trust to support players and their families who have suffered from abuse. (AP Photo)

loNDoN, December 6 (aP): The English Football Association says its review of sexual abuse by youth soccer coaches is expanding and a new lawyer has been appointed. In a statement, the FA says the review under Clive Sheldon will start immediately and adds that ''the precise number of players, alleged abusers and clubs ... is unknown.'' The governing body says Sheldon has replaced Kate Gallafent as the review's

lead lawyer ''in the light of the increased scope of the review'' and because of her ''professional commitments.'' Former players have been going public over the last three weeks revealing abuses by coaches from the 1970s, prompting police investigations across England. The FA review will look into whether there were failings by the organization and into the activities at clubs at the time of the abuses.

Mercedes have to consider Alonso, says Wolff Parthiv Patel retained for fourth Test vs England loNDoN, December 6 (reuTerS): Fernando Alonso would be on the list of possible replacements for retired Formula One world champion Nico Rosberg at Mercedes despite his contract with McLaren, according to team boss Toto Wolff. "You have to consider Fernando," the Austrian told Sky Sports television in interview to be broadcast on Thursday as part of a look at Rosberg's season. "He is a driver I respect a lot. He combines talent, speed and experience. It's all there. But he is in a contract with McLarenHonda at the moment and we just need to weigh all the other options up." McLaren said on Monday that Alonso was happy where he was and they were not worried about the double world champion Spaniard leaving. Rosberg stunned Formula One, and threw a spanner in Mercedes' plans for 2017, when he announced his retirement on Friday five days after winning

his first world title in Abu Dhabi. The seat he leaves behind is the most coveted in Formula One, with Mercedes winning 19 of 21 races this year and clinching both world championships for the third season in succession. Between them, Rosberg and triple champion team mate Lewis Hamilton lost just eight races in three years and started all but one on pole position in

Argentina referees could strike after official is attacked

bueNoS aireS, December 6 (aP): Argentina's union of referees has threatened to go on strike to protest the brutal attack on an official by angry fans. Union director Guillermo Marconi says the group wants to launch the stoppage after the attack on referee Claudio Elichiri. The violence broke out Sunday after Elichiri failed to award a penalty in favor of local team Sarmiento in a decisive regional league game against Sansinena. Sansinena scored a goal right after, putting them ahead 2-1. Irate fans invaded the field and the referee expelled several protesting Sarmiento players and suspended the game, enraging local fans and players. Elichiri escaped with the help of some Sarmiento players. He told local radio that he had to get stitches under his eye and is still hurting from bruises.

2016. While big names like Alonso have been bandied about, all the top drivers are under contract with rival teams who are unlikely to countenance their departure for the sport's most dominant team. Alonso is, however, out of contract at the end of 2017 and that has also triggered speculation that Mercedes could opt for a stop-gap if serious about signing the 35-year-old who partnered Hamilton at McLaren in 2007. The favorite for the empty seat remains the team's German reserve driver Pascal Wehrlein, who raced for tail-enders Manor this year. Wolff said that whoever was signed, he would have the same terms to Hamilton. "Both drivers will have equal status and equal opportunity to the best of our abilities. We owe it to the fans. You can't have a pecking order," he said.

Red Bull and Aston Martin extend partnership loNDoN, December 6 (reuTerS): Red Bull and Aston Martin, who are developing an Adrian Newey-designed AMRB 001 'hypercar' incorporating Formula One technology, have extended their partnership to the end of 2017. The loss-making sportscar company's logos also feature on Red Bull's F1 car. "Our relationship with Red Bull Racing has done for Aston Martin exactly what we expect-

ed it to do," said Aston Martin chief executive Andy Palmer in a statement on Tuesday. "It is helping us to continue to build our brand across the globe. Aston Martin, whose cars are closely associated with fictional British secret agent James Bond, said all 150 roadgoing AM-RB 001 cars due to be built had now been sold and customer deliveries would begin in early 2019.

Coca Cola Cup will help unearth scout talent ahead of U-17 WC

New Delhi, December 6 (iaNS): With exactly 10 months to go for the U-17 World Cup which India will host for the first time, the Coca Cola Cup is set to give national football team coach Nicolai Adam another chance t0 spot talent ahead of the showpiece event. The age-group tournament will be held across eleven states --Assam, Delhi, Goa, Jammu & Kashmir, Kerala, Maharashtra, Meghalaya,

Mizoram, Odisha, Punjab & West Bengal -- in December/January. "I am sure the Coca Cola Cup will help us to unearth talent for the World Cup squad. The tournament offers all perhaps the last chance to get selected for the World Cup team," Abhishek Yadav, the All India Football Federation's (AIFF) director of scouting, was quoted as saying by Boys born on or after January 1,

Indian Aces while Serena was named in the Singapore Slammers squad. "We have had challenges this year and we are hoping to get past them. With current economic climate in India and uncertainty of spending money, I reached out to both Roger (Federer) and Serena (Williams) to explain the situation. They have been very supportive of the IPTL the first two seasons and we look forward to bring them in Futures," Bhupathi said in a statement. After the Japan-leg, UAE Royals are sitting on the people. We will act accordingly." top of the table, followed India lead the five-match series 2-0 ahead of the by Indian Aces. fourth test in Mumbai starting on Thursday.

12-year long wait. "Parthiv Patel will continue to be part of the Indian Test team for the 4th Test of the fivematch Test Series to be held in Mumbai from December 8," the Board of Control for Cricket in India (BCCI) said in a statement. "The BCCI medical team has confirmed that wicketkeeper Wriddhiman Saha is still recuperating from the strain in his left thigh, which he sustained during the second Test match at Vizag," the board said. "As a precautionary mea-

sure, Saha has been advised rest. The BCCI medical team is monitoring the wicketkeeperbatsman's progress," the board statement added. The team management has also released pacer Ishant Sharma from the Test squad. "Meanwhile, fast bowler Ishant Sharma has also been released from the Test team," the BCCI statement read. The Delhi seamer, who was included in the squad for the England series after recovering from Chikkungunya, failed to get a game in the three Tests.

West Brom and ICC to hear South Watford charged African Du Plessis' by FA over brawl appeal on Dec 19 loNDoN, December 6 (aFP): West Bromwich Albion and Watford became the latest Premier League teams to be put in the dock over their players behaviour as on Monday the Football Association charged them over a brawl on Saturday. The confrontation between the two sets of players -- in a match West Brom won 2-1 -- occurred when Watford's Roberto Pereyra was red-carded six minutes from time for lashing out at James McClean after the latter clattered into him. "Both West Bromwich Albion and Watford have been charged for failing to ensure their players conducted themselves in an orderly fashion and/or refrained from provocative behaviour," read a statement from the FA. "It follows an incident in the 84th minute of the game on Saturday December 3, 2016. "Both clubs have until 6pm (1800GMT) December 8, 2016 to respond to the charge." Earlier on Monday Manchester City and Chelsea had been brought to book by the FA and charged over the ugly scenes in the dying minutes of the London side's 3-1 win on Saturday.

Dubai, December 6 (iaNS): The International Cricket Council (ICC) will hear South African Faf du Plessis' appeal against ball tampering on December 19. The governing body said Michael Beloff will hear the appeal from the stand-in South Africa skipper as the Judicial Commissioner. The hearing will take place in ICC's headquarters here. Legal counsel for both the ICC and Cricket South Africa will attend the hearing. Du Plessis will join the hearing via a telephone link, an ICC statement said. "The ICC will publish the result of the hearing through its usual channels and will not be making any

further comment until that time," the ICC said. The 32-year-old was found guilty of breaching the ICC's Code of Conduct for applying an "artificial substance to the ball" in November. He was caught on camera putting saliva to the ball's surface while sucking on a sweet during the second Test in Hobart against Australia. South Africa beat Australia in a three-match Test series 2-1. Du Plessis was found guilty by the ICC and fined his entire match fee from the second Test, but he avoided a ban for the third Test, and Cricket South Africa confirmed they would appeal the verdict last month.

public discourse

2000, are eligible to participate in the tournament. "Among other things, the U-17 World Cup 2017 will be a culmination here in ones imaginaof our partnership and work that we tion would we have have jointly put in youth football develthought that Nagaland opment in India over the years," AIFF and Maradona would General Secretary Kushal Das said. be mentioned in the same sentence? "Coca Cola has been a partner of Besides monetization the quesAIFFforoversevenyearsandtheircontribution has helped us immensely in get- tion on every mind is what can be the tingYouthFootballorganised,"headded. result to the combination of Nagaland and Maradona. Should he really come to our hills whatever the agenda some focus would be on Nagaland football. Attention is what Nagaland football really needs. Maradona might just be what the doctor ordered. Other states in the north east have marched on ahead with their football cheNNai, December 6 (reuTerS): India's crickculture. Nagaland was supposed to et board (BCCI) has not made a decision on the fate of the final test match against England next week, but is moni- be the pioneer in this field but now toring the situation in Chennai following the death of In- we are playing catching up or should I say we are not even doing much of dian politician Jayalalithaa Jayaraman on Monday. Jayalalithaa was chief minister of southern India's that. The love for the game is evident regarding the fact that almost every Tamil Nadu state, of which Chennai is the capital. The fifth test in the current series between India and village area and district have their anEngland is scheduled to be held at Chennai's MA Chi- nual football tournaments and you dambaram Stadium from Dec. 16-20, but local media add the majors like NSF trophy, Clasreported that the BCCI is considering switching venues. sic Cup etc. What Nagaland football "An unfortunate incident has taken place in Chennai, really needs is a league system coverbut the BCCI is making clear that no decision has been ing players as much as possible. With taken regarding Chennai test," BCCI secretary Ajay Shirke a league system connected to the rest of the country via promotions. This told a news conference on Tuesday. "We're keeping a close watch on the situation and tak- will give the footballers and teams ing inputs from the local association about sentiments of a direction and with direction will

Demonetisation hits IPTL, no Chennai test in balance Federer, Serena this year after Jayalalithaa's death

New Delhi, December 6 (PTi): Already struggling to get star power this year, IPTL has been hit further as neither Swiss icon Roger Federer nor American legend Serena Williams will be part of the popular league this season, due to prevailing "economic climate" in India. International Premier Tennis League (IPTL) founder Mahesh Bhuapthi, India's one of the most successful doubles player, confirmed the absence of the two star players. While Federer was not named in any side, he was expected to be part of the

mumbai, December 6 (iaNS): Senior wicketkeeperbatsman Parthiv Patel was on Tuesday retained for the fourth cricket Test against England starting at the Wankhede Stadium here from Thursday. Patel, who replaced injured Bengal stumper Wriddhiman Saha in the third Test at Mohali impressed both with the gloves and also while opening the batting with Murali Vijay. He scored 42 in the first innings before hitting the winning runs (54-ball 67) after being drafted into the Test side after a


Maradona and Nagaland come ambition which will in turn elevate standard and performance. The winning team of NSF or Classic cup has the direction of winning the cup next year again and nothing beyond thus creeps in complacency. With a league successfully in place facilities and infrastructure will follow like a natural cause. Complaining about infrastructure and facilities does not hold weight if standard does not show. Maradona first started playing football in the slum like conditions of Villa Fiorita. Moreover expenditures incurred on stadiums and facilities should not take place before first accounting for the real needs. Whatever the scenario, a Football league to kick off and survive needs self sustaining. For Football to income sustain itself in Nagaland it is not an impossibility. First of all during the initial stage say five years at the least, nurturing from sponsors and Government is required. Sponsors of every nature cannot be taxed too much in a taxed environment so the Government has to play a more dedicated role. In a perfect world all 60 elected members of the Legislative Assembly can contribute Rs.1000.00 per month from their salary to Nagaland football and all Gov-

ernment employees can contribute Rs.100.00 per month from their salary to football. These amounts should not hurt much. You do the math and there you have a monthly source of income to take Naga Football to the heights it can reach. But the world is not perfect. Diego Maradona on Naga soil would be for Naga Football a life time opportunity in many aspects. Nagas love football though the love and passion have not brought enough success and recognition. Proper Football Talent identification nurturing and management have not found necessary efforts .If the eyes of Maradona see potential and talent in our players and if his heart feels the passion for football in the Nagas then something just might happen. If the eyes of one of the greatest footballers sees even a glimpse of talent in our players then who are we to question the possibilities of our players. Why doubt the investment in our footballers. Nagaland Football needs resurrection, Maradona can create that second coming. Our Footballers are crying for support and recognition, Maradona can turn that cry into a deafening scream. Ayeto Ayemi, General Secretary Nagaland Football Coaches Association (NFCA)

Readers may please note that the contents of the articles, letters and opinions published do not reflect the outlook of this paper nor of the Editor in any form.

Wednesday 07•12•2016


Voice of Hornbill Singing Competition


s part of the Hornbill International Music Festival, the Voice of Hornbill Singing Competition was held today at the Hockey Ground, IG Stadium Kohima. Keziah Mero was adjudged winner of the competition and received a cash prize of Rs. 20,000. Vesuto Khusoh came second and Kekhrie Thepa was adjudged third. They were awarded a cash prize of Rs. 10,000 and Rs. 5,000 respectively. (Left) Chang Nagas perform “Haolou Suok A Eh- Yungbu” (Demonstration of traditional marriage) during Hornbill Festival of Nagaland at Kisama on December 4. This is a display of Chang traditional marriage ceremony and using folded leaf for drinking rice beer. (Right) Visitor joins adventure sports - Zipliner at Kisama. (Morung Photo)

The Hornbill kids carnival held it's colouring, drawing and painting competition on 4th December. In the colouring category Limatemsü got the 1st position and 2nd position was taken by Shayhunle. The winners went home with gift hampers from Tupperware. In group B ie. Drawing Saneninla got the first position with a prize money of Rs 2000 and 2nd position was by Keretsolie with a prize money of Rs 1000. In group C (Painting) Khrieketuozo took the 1st position with cash prize of Rs. 5000. 2nd position was taken by Vimeli Zashimo with cash prize of Rs 3000, sponsored by Lhuvesayi Lohe. (DIPR)

The Miitiikiive events in collaboration with synergy group enterprise held its muffin decoration competition on December 5 at the kids carnival Kisama. The first place was taken by Akhrienuo, second by Miiniino and third place was taken by Ruth of Orphanage home. The winners went home with exciting gift hampers sponsored by Omni WinHandmade dolls made out of corn/maize peels put into sale at Bamboo Pavilion, Kisama. (Morung Photo) dow Kohima. (DIPR)

Women should speak up about marital rape: Katrina


ollywood actress Katrina Kaif says women should not silently face atrocities and must speak up about issues like marital rape and other crimes committed against them. The actress says sometimes even educated women succumb to the pressure of societal norms and remain silent on issues which should be raised. "I know of educated women, who remain silent in the face of violence, because they are afraid to confront societal norms and have fingers pointed in their direction. Especially when the majority of


our society fails to recognise martial rape as a crime," Katrina said. "I would urge more women to speak up. It is not okay to feel inferior or weak, because we are not the weaker sex by any stretch of imagination," she added. The 33-year-old actress was speaking at the 'WeUnite' conference, which marks UN Women's partnership with the IMC Chamber of Commerce and Industry. "The world has largely been led by patriarchal societies and women have, through the years, largely remained quiet in the face of atrocities rather than speak out against

them," the actress said. Katrina said it is sad to know that there is gender inequality in a country which had a women as the head of the state. "India had a woman as the head of state, way before the United kingdom, a feat United states of America has not managed to achieve as of yet. Which is why it is surprising to hear about gender inequality in India. And sadly we do," she said. "On a daily basis there are shocking stories about the violent crimes made against women. Yet, I can only imagine how many other crimes against women in India go

unreported," the actress added. Katrina, however, says this is not an India specific problem and quoted a UN report saying this is happening everywhere. "In India according to the data provided by the national crime records bureau, in 2001 the reported crimes against women were 1,43,795. In 2005, it were 3,27,394. More than a 100 percent in numbers. "However I would like to believe that this increase in numbers is not an increase in crime against women. It is in increase in number of women who are ready to come forward and reporting them. Source: IANS


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wednesdAY 07•12•2016



MDCA Silver Jubilee Series MDCA XI beat Changtongya SDO(C) XI



he third promotional and exhibition T20 cricket match in commemoration of Mokokchung District Cricket Association (MDCA) was played between MDCA XI and Changtongya SDO(C) XI at Akhoya village ground today. MDCA XI won the toss and elected to bat first. With the ADC Mokokchung and captain of MDCA, Sachin Jaiswal leading from the front, the visitors amassed a mammoth total of 173 all out in 19 overs. Sachin top scored with 52 runs while Throngdiba Sangtam and Merenchemba contributed 26 runs and 15 runs respectively for the visiting MDCA team. Decent partnerships from top and middle order batsmen gae the MDCA a promising start but wickets fell cheaply towards the end of the innings with Temjenmeren of SDO(C)XI ripping through the tail scalping a total of 6 wickets . But the MDCA XI rode on their captain's half century to amass a huge total of 173 runs in 19 overs. In reply, Changtongya SDO(C) XI never got off to the start they would have

wanted. Wickets fell quickly and cheaply for SDO(C) XI Changtongya, the top order was taken apart by Sachin and Aloto taking 3 wickets each but the lower order batsmen showed some resistance taking the team to a total of 141 all out in 20 overs. The tailenders Yangertoshi (26 runs), Temjenmeren (16 runs) and Matsung (14 runs) played the face saving knocks for the home team. MDCA XI captain Sachin Jaiswal and Aloto claimed 3 wickets each for MDCA XI. Sachin Jaiswal (52 runs and 3 wickets) of MDCA XI and Temjenmeren (6 wickets) of Changtongya SDO(C) XI were declared players of the match. Earlier in the morning, short speeches were deliered by the SDO(C) Changtongya Chumlamo Humtsoe and the president of the MDCA Er.Chubatoshi. The event was managed and hosted by Akhoya Students’ Union. The next promotional and exhibition T20 cricket match will be played between MDCA XI and Tuli ADC XI on December 10 at Tuli.

Copa Sudamericana awarded to Chapecoense

Klay Thompson explodes as Warriors rout Pacers LOS ANgeLeS, DeCember 6 (AFP): Klay Thompson exploded for a career-high 60 points in a phenomenal individual display as Golden State steamrolled the Indiana Pacers 142-106 on Monday. Thompson tormented Indiana with a mesmerizing performance which saw him rack up 40 points in the first two quarters alone. A further 20 points in the third quarter gave Thompson the highest individual game tally of his career and the highest of any player in the NBA this season as the Warriors improved to 18-3. Thompson sat out the entire fourth quarter so was denied the opportunity to improve his tally, which included eight three-pointers. Kevin Durant added 20 points for the Dubs with Stephen Curry chipping in with 13, but the night belonged to Thompson, who had the Oakland crowd on its feet as baskets rained down from all angles. "It was fun, I was in a great rhythm, took all good shots for the most part. Still missed a few wide open threes I wish I'd got, but it was a fun night, to say the least," Thompson said on court afterwards. Thompson declined to speculate on what his point tally might have been had Steve Kerr not elected to sit him in the fourth quarter. "Good question," a smiling Thompson said. "Who knows?" Paul George led the scoring for the Pacers with 21 points as Indiana fell to 10-11 for the season. - Westbrook marches on Thompson's virtuoso display was the highlight of another busy round of NBA games which saw Russell Westbrook maintain his extraordinary run of form with a sixth straight triple double. Westbrook moved to within one game of equaling Michael Jordan's seven consecutive triples in 1989 when he secured his 10th assist midway through the third quarter of Oklahoma City's 102-99

OAKLAND, CA - DECEMBER 5: Klay Thompson #11 of the Golden State Warriors goes for the lay up during the game ;ai[' on December 5, 2016 at ORACLE Arena in Oakland, California. NOTE TO USER: User expressly acknowledges and agrees that, by downloading and or using this photograph, user is consenting to the terms and conditions of Getty Images License Agreement. Mandatory Copyright Notice: Copyright 2016 NBAE (Getty Images)

win over the Atlanta Hawks. Westbrook eventually finished with 32 points, 13 rebounds and 12 assists as the Thunder improved to 14-8. The 28-year-old is now three away from matching the legendary Wilt Chamberlain's all-time record of nine consecutive triple-doubles set in 1968. Westbrook has compiled 11 triple-doubles so far this season -the same number as the rest of the NBA combined. "What Russell is doing is incredible, remarkable. It's something the league hasn't seen like this in a long, long time," Thunder coach Billy Donovan said. "But I also give Russell, and our guys, a lot of credit. We're a team... They're all trying to make each other better." Westbrook, who is averaging triple double numbers for the season of 31 points, 10.9 rebounds and 11.3 assists, made 10 of 22 from the

floor and 9 of 14 from the foul line. "He does so many different things," said Thabo Sefolosha, Westbrook's former Thunder teammate who was given the thankless task of attempting to guard him. "He has such a high energy level. You have to try to take his air space, contest his shot. He made a bunch tonight." Donovan meanwhile praised Westbrook's ability to read the game before choosing when to strike. "I think he was just kind of biding his time, seeing what was going to be open," Donovan said. "He's reading the game in his mind and then he's going to take advantage of the opportunities that he thinks are there."

snapped their three-game losing streak with a hard-fought 116-112 win over the Raptors, a repeat of last season's Eastern Conference Finals showdown. James led the scoring for the Cavs, who also saw Kevin Love pour on 28 points with 14 rebounds as the Raptors' six-game winning streak came to an end. The Cavs had looked to be easing to victory after opening up a 15-point lead in the fourth quarter. But a determined Raptors fightback saw them move to within four with two seconds left, sending the game down to the wire before Cleveland dug deep for a win which boosted them to 14-5. "It's always a tough place to play," James said. "Their fans are incredible and their team is very good and well-coached. It's absolutely - LeBron stops the rot tough to get a win in here; and, for In Toronto LeBron James scored us to be able to do that twice al34 points as the Cleveland Cavaliers ready, it's big for our team."

Brazil, Colombia to play charity friendly Relatives of the members of the Chapecoense Real football club (Photo: Getty Images)

ASUNCION, DeCember 6 (reUterS): South American soccer's governing body CONMEBOL awarded the 2016 Copa Sudamericana championship to Brazil's Chapecoense club on Monday after most of the team died in a plane crash in Colombia last week. Only six people survived the crash en route to the final, which killed 71 passengers and crew, shocked football fans worldwide, and plunged Brazil into mourning. Colombia's Club Atletica Nacional, which would have played Chapecoense in the biggest game in the club's history, asked for the trophy to be awarded to the Brazilian team to honour the victims, CONMEBOL said in a statement. CONMEBOL's council decided to honour that request with all of the "sport and economic prerogatives that entails," the statement said. Club Atletico was also giv-

en a one-time Fair Play award. As Sudamericana champions, Chapecoense will automatically play Libertadores champions Atletico Nacional for the Recopa Sudamericana next year. They will also get a guaranteed spot in next year's Copa Libertadores, South America's equivalent of the Champions League. Family and friends donning the team's green and white colours grieved over 50 caskets flown to Chapeco for an open-air wake in the team's stadium on Saturday. Chapecoense had ascended in a storybook tale from the minor leagues to reach the final of a major South American tournament. A BAe146 regional airliner operated by Bolivian charter company LAMIA had radioed that it was running out of fuel before smashing into a hillside outside Medellin, Colombia.

rIO De JANeIrO, DeCember 6 (IANS): Brazil and Colombia will meet in an international friendly in January to raise money for those affected by last week's plane crash that devastated Brazil's Chapecoense football club. The match will be played on January 22 or 25 with the venue yet to be decided, according to a Brazilian football confederation (CBF) spokesman, reports Xinhua. All proceeds from the fixture will be donated to families of those affected by the disaster. In addition, the CBF said it would donate five million reais (around 1.5 million US dollars) to the stricken club.

Published, Printed and Edited by Dr. Aküm Longchari from House No. 4, Duncan Bosti, Dimapur at Themba Printers and Morung Publications , Padum Pukhuri Village, Dimapur, Nagaland. RNI No : NAGENG /2005/15430. House No.4, Duncan Bosti, Dimapur 797112, Nagaland. Phone: Dimapur -(03862) 248854, Fax: (03862) 235194, Kohima - (0370) 2291952

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