Envisioning the future of Naga musicians Zhalie Nienu Is there a possibility of Naga musicians going mainstream? Music scenario in Nagaland is quite intriguing. So many things are happening in Nagaland musically but in bits and pieces; not to mention the disproportioned identity accorded to artists and the mismatched platforms given to performers. Obvious lack of music industry is rarely a deterrent for passionate talents who still believe Nagaland could be the next big thing in music or, in other words, big breaks for Naga musicians. The big question, then, is whether “the big break” is a reality and, if it is, how do we go about? Before Naga music can go mainstream, I believe, we need a workable blueprint clearly defining the different platforms for various types of working musicians. I personally appreciate Nagaland Government’s effort in sponsoring “temporary” random platforms for Naga musicians and musicians from other states in the form of Hornbill Rock Contest, Music Task Force’s various music initiatives and, many other local programs. We can observe that Nagaland Government sponsored programs in Nagaland, India, or in some foreign land is primarily to promote the State of Nagaland and not the musicians per se. Over the years few selected Naga musicians have been instrumental and proud ambassadors in government sponsored cultural exchange programs but promotion of Naga musicians is evidently not the main purpose of the events. I write not to negate Nagaland Government’s effort but to state the need for the “next level”. The next level I am talking about is with reference to Music Industry where Naga musicians can call themselves as full time working musicians and earning their living as Original Recording artists. There seems to be confusion amongst Naga musicians, organizers, and even promoters in Nagaland regarding marketing talents. Most musicians are not sure whether they are Top 40 artist/band or a Recording and Performing artist/ band or a mix of both. I often see that in Nagaland Top 40 artists
are rendered star status and treatment whereas Recording artists are ignored and many a times belittled. In the USA Top 40 artists and acts are never considered anywhere close to an identity of a star. For the sake of those not familiar with a Top 40: Top 40 artists are musicians who will only sing hit songs sung by others. Thus it is illegal to play Top 40 songs in concert halls. Surprisingly, it is not deemed illegal in Nagaland for Top 40 bands to perform in concert halls; and tickets often costs even more than gigs of Original Recording Artists! This is ridiculous and must be rectified if we want to see Naga recording & performing artists to make an impact in Nagaland and out in the world as well. The perimeter of musicians performing Top 40 songs are usually confined to bars, restaurants, school events, weddings, birthday parties and their likes, and rightfully so. Naga musicians can enter mainstream with proper music infrastructure with the help of capable investors who would help propel music industry to the right direction in Nagaland; this is the need of the hour. By “proper music infrastructure” I mean clear-cut distinguishing platform for both Top 40 type musicians and Original Recording artists. To cite an instance, legendary concert halls such as Warfield and Fillmore in San Francisco are exclusively reserved with all rights and privileges only to Original Recording artists and bands. On the other hand, Top 40 artists and bands are comfortably able to make a living doing gigs in the bars and coffee house circuits 5 to 7 days a week, normally as guest and house bands. The Top 40 market in the US is traditional in nature and has a huge following. Nagaland too has an appealing environment and potential market for Top 40, and even bigger market for original performing and recording artists. The neglected platforms are those for the Original Recording and Performing artists and bands in Nagaland. Those few notable Naga original bands and artists venturing outside of Nagaland are probably doing so without contracts, endorsement and thereby bearing heavy expenses on their
own. Their only consolation is having great fun and exposure. Many competent Original Recording bands and artists probably earn just a fraction of what an amateur Naga idol might be awarded. This is a real shame and portrays a lopsided value judgement of music. Nagas in general are not only avid music lovers but exude discriminatory appetite especially for western music. Musically speaking, once we shed off the ingrained, erroneous, and almost cult-like belief that west is better than east, Naga music will become marketable in Nagaland (and beyond). For example, people in Nagaland are willing to pay few thousand rupees to see a western band perform in Dimapur and Kohima but will only pay few hundred rupees to see an equally good original local artist/band. No one in the USA or the UK will pay premium money to see a Naga band more than what they normally pay to see their own local band/s. It is high time to do away with such discriminatory approach towards brilliant original talents in Nagaland. We need to support original talents, buy their albums, merchandises and attend their concerts and help build music industry and consequently advance local economy. Believe it or not, Naga bands are bound to sound different from any other musical bands in the world; our unique sound is and can be our gift to the world. Can Government of Nagaland help Naga musicians/ artists/bands and music entrepreneurs to rise to the “next level”? It can provide more low interest loans and grants to help establish competitive entertainment market (artists/bands) and marketable music related products. Quality control of products must not be overlooked. For instance, Nagaland music market must switch from domestic burnt CD quality to commercial industry standard pressed CD’s. Music industry could generate hundreds and even thousands of employment opportunity right here in Nagaland and could very well mitigate the already chronic unemployment crisis. Then it could be a win - win situation for both Nagaland Government and Naga music industry.
TOP: A Teacher teaching his new student how to play a violin at Mountain Music Academy , Dimapur. BOTTOM: International Opera Singer CHRISTINE MATOVICH performing ‘ “SOMEWHERE OVER THE RAINBOW” with the students of HCE at IMC HALL, Dimapur RIGHT: The Three Brothers getting ready for the performances somewhere at the the outskirt of Dimapur. The eldest brother is a Music student while the two young brothers joined the pre-nursery music classes recently. PHOTOGRAPHS: BETOKA SWU Opinion is a theme-based supplement published on the third Saturday of every month. Here you are the artist, the writer, the photographer, the storyteller and the creator of your own opinion. The articles do not reflect the position of the newspaper.