July 2013

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Focus. Veracity. Awareness! Imchala Ozukum Opinions galore. Opinions about the lack of development, about appointed representatives being corrupt and not carrying out their responsibilities, yada, yada! A cacophony of accusations, discontentment. Don’t get me wrong. All those opinions are well-intentioned, valid and founded but in this melee of playing the game of brick bats, have we devoted a moment’s time to self-analysis? A critical assessment of one’s worth? Our contribution as individuals, as inhabitants of Nagaland? We take so much from the land but have we given back to it in whatever measures, small or big, which might help in sustaining the overall growth of our land? As a wise man once said (no prizes for guessing who)“Ask not what your country can do for you, ask what you can do for your country”, before you raise your voice of agitated dissent against an anomaly in the system, have you asked yourself this- “Am I guilty of being a contributing factor to this


degeneration?” Don’t you think it’s akin to a dereliction of duty when we ignore calls of our own duties as responsible citizens? Alright, alright, Mea Culpa! The above statement might have come across a tad too hackneyed but hey, there are hues of truth to it, without putting on a semblance of it, right? As an act of retrospection, let us pose these questions within the purview of our conscienceAm I aware of my rights? Am I making the right use of my rights? Am I a responsible individual? Do I have the conviction to raise my voice against blatant misuse of power and influence and not be reduced to a mere whimper when faced with adversity? In what ways can I contribute towards making our land more conducive for existence? In what ways can I lead by example?

Focus, veracity, awareness will go a long way in paving

Practical Steps For All Round Development Viketu Angami I know we Nagas are very negative, still in the Third World and very possessive of our Third World mindsets. But given this platform, I am not only trying my best to be as positive/constructive as I can but sharing the core of my heart. And to begin with, for all round development in Nagalandmy earnest suggestions are:


STRENGTHEN THE LAW ENFORCING BODIES: • Foremost, The Government must make sincere efforts to stomp every forms of corruption, leniency, irresponsibility and bias in this department. • Take measures to check and discharge/ sack the Thugs, Rogues in the Police force. • Discipline and disciplining is a must for the Law Enforcing Bodies (The Police Deptt). These Law Enforcing bodies should be brave to issue any arrest warrants, curb down any form of violence, to arrest any corrupt politicians/ bureaucrats/officials of any department and stand against any anti-social elements. • The State capital is in short of Police Stations. Apart from the PHq and the SP Office, it has only 2 (two) police stations(North and South PS). Many Colonies are out of reach to these Police stations • With Kohima growing, the present district Jail at Jail colony should be converted to a Major Police Station. Divide into sections/branch: Crime, traffic, Accidents, domestic violence, Narcotics cell, Arms, Illegal Immigrants, corruptions/ frauds... • Similarly, more Police Stations should come up at New Capital Complex (A Major one), High School Area, Bayavii-Kenuozou, Kohima Village-DBS, Daklane – Nagabazaar-New Market, Paramedical – Agri-Forest, Midland- PWD Chandmari. • The district jail should be shifted to an outskirt with better facilities (suitable even for corrupt politicians, officials), more vocations for the inmates and with bigger space. Will not be surprised if there would be The Inmates participating in the Classic Cup, NSF Martyrs Trophy, Naga Open Wrestling, Taekwondo Championships, Republic/Independence Day Parade (March Past) or at the any exhibitions. • No society can thrive, prosper and excel without security. IMPROVE ROAD/ELECTRICITY/WATER • Please we need better Roads, regular power supplies (Thank you it has improved a lot) andwater. • Every village, town, colonies must be fixed with water facility. Surveys should be done even to provide community Tube/Bore Well where water connections are impossible. • No matter what developments you bring,

80-90% of the society does not have any part in it. We just carry on with our works/business through these three basic amenities. • The older generation who paved all these ways with their blessings deserves - to travel in good road condition - to watch their favourite TV Channels without power interruptions - the fundamental rights for refreshing water. • Will be very great if you can map some City/Town Ring Roads to solve the traffic woes in our State. • We sincerely need more footbridges in all the towns + at the National Highway (Especially at the overpopulated areas: From Sechii-Zubza to Dimapur). • And yes certainly with the Four Lane, please include some Flyovers at some key junctions from Dimapur to Medziphema to solve the traffic woes/accidents. STOP BLACK (BIAS, FRAUDULENT, BACKDOOR) APPOINTMENTS • How many are sincerely responding to their duties? Check the offices, schools in the rural/remote areas!!!Form Panels to monitor all the Govt run Health centers, institutions, departments and all the outposts. • It certainly surprises me that you recommend and appoint Government teachers but you don’t send your children to Government Schools & Colleges. • Let every jobs/placement be given to the right people who are committed to serve the people and to take our society forward. With security, good roads, regular power supply, water and transparency in installing dedicated & qualified Officers/candidates/ applicants, you sure can influence more public investments to our society and the legacy will impart inspirations to the younger generations with visions of Hope. To the PUBLIC • Envision the uproars and intolerances toward anyone against our interest and the noble silence on our own blunders. Let us be part of CIVILITY and demonstrate itbefore we cry foul, fume, curse, protest, criticize, serve ultimatum and agitate against The Government or to anyone. • Let us be the generation that will overwhelm our chronic behavioural patterns & attitudes with confidence, love and generosity toward one another. • There is no glory in parting and rotting in dust with no noble change. • Our Fore-fathers gave us Hope by refraining from Head-hunting; we too can reform and believe the BEST to come.

the way for a better Nagaland. And this starts from within one’s premises. We, as conscientious citizens of this beautiful land should stop giving in to mindless banter, timidity and cease conforming to the system which is sadly in tatters and we are no less guilty for this sorry state of affairs. But a stitch in time saves nine, remember? (Personally, I would never forget this adage as I wrote an almost thesis- like narration on this during an English exam in high school which to my embarrassment today, was mostly gibberish haha!) I could go and on, which (dear Lord!) might subscribe further to the stereotype of women being incessant talkers so let me be better safe than sorry! And truth be told, I’m beginning to feel a bit patronizing even to myself hahaha! Parthian shot? Well if you insist! Self-examine and critique yourself before raising your finger of accusation and then the rest will follow and fall into almost-perfect place. Cheers!

Recommendations For All Round Development In Nagaland Dr. Zekolo Koza 1. Firstly Change should begin with you and me. 2.Everybody wants to change the Society but Nobody wants to change himself. 3.Nagas need not only Personal Reformation ( eg:Tadpole into a frog) but also Personal Transformation in our so-called Christian Faith (eg: Caterpillar in cocoon emerging out as a Butterfly) for all round development of Nagaland. Charity begins at home. And actually Charity begins in your Heart. 4.Everybody talks about Corruption but Nobody talks about Anti-Corruption! Various Levels needing Change for All Round Development in Nagaland: 1.Personal Level: Be at your Best Be Patient, Kind, Forgiving and Disciplined. The world belongs to the disciplined. Have a Magnanimous Heart. 2.Family Level: Be at your Best Learn to be a good Father/ Mother. ‘Teach your children well’ goes a song. And Children learn to be Obedient. The present trend of “It’s my Life, it’s my wish to do whatever I like” should be reversed. 3.School Level: Be at your Best Be a good Student; Study hard. Teachers can facilitate this by going the extra mile. 4.Higher Education Level: Be at your Best Create Institute of Excellence like Medical College (to continue to have a Political will to transform CIHSR aka Referral Hospital to a Medical college, Engineering College.to nurture the National Institute of Technology (NIT) in Chumukedima, Nagas from all walks of life to help Nagaland University to grow etc. 5.Workplace: Be at your Best If you are a Sweeper, be a good Sweeper if a Teacher, be a good Teacher if a Doctor, be a good Doctor if a Gazetted Officer be a good Gazetted Officer if an MLA be a good MLA. If a Contractor, be a good one. “Enjoy your Work since you’ll spend 1/3rd of your lifespan at work.” 6. Society / NGO’s Level: Be at your Best “To Work as if you are working for God and not unto man.” 1.Naga Hohos: a precious Institution... need To Know the right way, Show the right way and Go the right way. Naga Customary laws are precious and needs to be promoted 2.ACAUT: a bold and spontaneous Movement against so many ills plaguing Naga-land or rather Tax-land; NOT Naga-land! If anyone be martyred for

this cause or for the Naga imbroglio, it may spark a people’s revolution like the Arab Spring & a possible bloodshed may ensue all across Nagaland in the form of Civil war! God forbid. 3.NSF/ENSF: Should they keep quiet about the vexed Naga saga? Can they play a central role in solving the Naga Political dilemma? They have the widest and most daring platform upto the GRASSROOTS level to initiate a mass movement into the remotest part of Nagaland for the future of the coming younger generations. Recently we witnessed if it was Total Bandh, it was Total Bandh. 7. Church Level: Be at your Best We need Holy Pastors/Priests not merely boring/knowledgeable Pastors/Priests. This applies to the congregations as well. Almost all of us are Hypocrites. Just 50-50% Christian, neither hot nor cold. The Church/ the Christian Faith is the soul of Nagaland …is the core Engine of Nagaland and when the Engine is sick how can the Car run?? Can you tell me without good Engine in the soul of each Naga, can there be all round development in Nagaland? I fear we will all go back to square one! Lord help us to repair our Engines. 8. Naga Political Movement Level: Be at your Best India will never grant Independence to Nagaland. Neither can we fight against the mighty emerging Asian Giant even until the second coming of Christ! What shall we do? Can the triad of Naga Hohos, NSF and FNR along with ALL the Underground Factions/ Naga National Workers (especially the Executive Committee of all Factions) come together and Reason together? The Naga National Workers need to be given some tangible source of income called as Rehabilitation, otherwise taxations CANNOT be stopped no matter how much we shout. Will the formation of NNG (Naga National Govt.) solve the problem? Can it bring an end to various Syndicates & Taxations? Something good must happen before Bloodshed occurs in Nagaland in the form of Civil war. Nagaland is boiling like a Pressure cooker for some decades & it’s about to Burst now from WITHIN not from without! It will have devastating collateral damage on us all. COME LET US REASON TOGETHER BEFORE IT’S TOO LATE. And what does it profit a man if he gains the whole world yet loses his soul…Let us not be Selfish in such a time as this.

Opinion is a theme-based supplement published on the third Saturday of every month. Here you are the artist, the writer, the photographer, the storyteller and the creator of your own opinion. The articles do not reflect the position of the newspaper.


Development begins at Home Aholi Y Development begins at home because home is the first institute/place of training and for discipline of a personal life and for better living in society. Secondly it is from the church, temple mosque etc. Third is from the school. Why is it at home? Because it is the main backbone of a person’s life, related from the family background. A person is evaluated from what, which, where, how is their family and the background to which he/she belongs. Therefore, to have a better society, whole round development is a must and it should begin from home/house led by the parents regarding how, what they do, speak, act, treat people etc. Therefore as a role model for the younger generation, parents should be very careful in the presence of their children, because as I said children imitate the life style of their parent. Example: If the father chews pan, smokes, drinks and talks all types of filthy languages and the father tells his son/ daughter not to do it, will he/she do or not? Definitely his son/daughter will say no, but in reality his son/daughter will follow his father’s footstep. The children will not agree because even the father does not discipline himself in his children’s presence or at home. Then why do we expect discipline from their children. We should know that, because once a group of frogs went on a stroll and the mother frog asked her children, why are you walking in that improper posture by putting your legs apart? Suddenly they replied, “Why are you asking this, when even you are walking in that same manner.” Moral: what parents does, the children do as well. Therefore parents must learn manners at home and in society. Dear parents, do your assigned responsibility as the father and mother. That does not mean only bringing food, clothes and giving money, but it includes teaching your children the moral life style and setting an example by living it as you teach them. In individual life other than our family, we are also recognized by our religion. I know that every religion teaches to live a life of peaceful co-existence and every religion teaches the norm of what must be done and respect your religion because in this existing


world we have many ways to God through different ways of worshipping. If you are not being taught at home, somehow you are taught at religious meetings regarding how to live and to speak etc. My dear Naga brothers and sisters, we have our own customary law which teaches us as well as our Holy Bible. Therefore do not keep the Bible in the book shelf as a party of your book collection, but keep on reading as you will build your character and renew your personality and uplift your spirituality. Today many religious leaders are going after worldly wealth, fame and riches and neglect to speak the truth of the Holy Bible to rebuke and to correct them, because you are scared that you will be neglected or that people will despise you and will not help you in times of your needs. Do not do that, do your duties well, fear God; not man. It is time for religious leaders to wake up from sleep and stand up, refine yourself, your church, your society and your nation like those prophets rising against the evil practices of the kings and leaders of the Old Testament. I find only few religious leaders teaching, preaching, correcting, rebuking his fellow people, letting them know what is what. Today our society is going down daily because one fact is that the church itself is not strong enough. Teaching the truth has minimized, and teaching is done only in the favor of people, rather than God’s will. Do not do that but stand for God, as you have committed to work for his kingdom [for truthfulness].Religious leaders, you have the authority from God even to rebuke our political leaders if they are wrong because they are the children of God and they are the members of the church School is a place where a person spends most of his/her life time preparing himself or herself for the future. Therefore I encourage and urge the teachers to not focus only on books or syllabus but to give some ethical moral life values about how one should behave, talk, respect, dress etc, because all parents are not educated. Today the central government is against corporal punishment but our Naga society still needs the stick to teach and control the students in the classroom because of the education generation gap and we Nagas are just developing and not yet developed. Therefore we cannot do things like in the big cities but should base according to

the context and situation, because we Nagas and our mentality is yet to come out. Teachers are the role models in the school for students. If there are no manners among the teachers in addressing one another then how will the students learn? How do you expect the students to respect you, or talk to you in a polite way? Therefore teachers must be aware of those silly little things, because students adopt from teachers more than from class teachings. Today Nagaland should be better than this but our leaders led by the political leaders, HODs and the government servants and we the public have not done our parts in a good manner. Sorry to say in this language but I have to say why; “foundation is more important and the followers should be faithful.” Today we are suffering in many areas because our leaders instead of giving development to our state are developing for their future generation and the public suffers. Why? At election time they beg the vote and spend money lavishly in buying the vote and after they are elected they develop for themselves first. Here is a question to be pondered upon by us so called “the public.” Why do we complain to the present sitting elected member, because during election you took MONEY. That’s the reason now we all are suffering. Our political right said freedom of voting, electing our leader but are we really doing that? No. If we really want to bring a whole round development, let us change ourselves, our motives. This change should be led by the elected members sitting on the chair presently and we the public. Elected members of the houses, you are not elected only by your clans or family or villages. Remember that in your success, God was there with you and your party. Remember God chose Saul to be the king of Israel but because of his foolishness he was disowned by God and God chose David to be the leaders of the Israel. Today why are many educated men and women eligible for government job, but are not employed? We need to ponder upon it. Many run after their own business but are not successful because in Nagaland we lack industries and factories in both the government and private sector. Government school results are nil because they don’t go for teaching because many are appointed by elected member of that area [political elected member].No duty, only

free money, and name sake teachers. Sorry, not all. They call themselves government teachers for an advertisement of their identity????? Some teachers can’t even speak English also, [not all] poor students are the sufferers. Nagas by nature are lovers of games and sport but how far has our state been taken so far? Only a few and many can’t go forward because of the lake of proper equipment. Policemen, traffic policemen are kept for safety and security reasons for the public but they have become day dacoit who openly take money instead of helping the people [traffic police].When the people are new and do not know the traffic rules, instead of helping them they say [traffic policemen], you have to take a challenge but money goes to their own pocket. They never give the receipt but only know how to collect money. Policemen in their uniform are totally drunk does not look good. Please respect your uniform. Policeman in uniform are not bothered when they find some guys molesting girls. Your uniform is not an advertisement but for controlling the bad thing happening in the public areas and to give security. Though it may be your off duty or not, remember that you are a policeman. Today our roads and highways have become like a river, pothole. Our ministers never brother for that. Remember you, your wife, children and the public all are suffering. Today the auto drivers are becoming the victim of the pothole by getting bashed up by passengers. This happens when some unlucky day a drunken passenger says that you don’t know how to drive whereas in reality the road is rough. During summer the town and only city of Nagaland suffers from improper electricity. I find that the colder place or interior place of Nagaland constantly gets electricity, where their bills are in lower rate when compared to the Dimapurians. Electricity in Dimapur during the summer becomes like an advertisement of Hindi films. Today when the public goes to office for a signature of the concerned officer, he/ she is not found but comes only at 12 or 1 pm and goes off without attending the duties as well. When this type of thing is going on, what change are we expecting? If we really want to bring the changes, kindly start now and not delay for tomorrow. Let us take the lead of reformation for tomorrow’s betterment by today’s leaders and the public in general.

My Thoughts and My Problems! Arenjungla Kichu Once upon a time, I believed that Nagaland was a peaceful state. I used to proudly look to my left and right and say ‘There Is No Place Like Nagaland’. That was three to four years ago and I meant it in a good way. But today, the Nagaland I lived in is different. ‘There Is No Place Like Nagaland’ this, I meant it in Shame. I had no idea whether Nagaland actually changed in a few years or was it just I grew up. Now that I’m a bit older and consider myself a youth, I flip through the newspapers and all I see is the bickerings between two Political Parties of Nagaland, Murders, Rape and all sorts of crimes which I had seen Only in Tv. It deeply hurts to realise how Nagaland is ‘ Corrupted’. I have no idea how it started, how it can be changed and how it will end. To be quiet honest, I had accepted that with the development and advancement of the world, everything changes including our ownself. But there is a list of things that bothers me and today, I wanna speak my mind out. I have ‘’Freedom of Speech’’ with me so I believe this won’t be a problem. I Don’t want to offend anyone here but I have to get this out of my chest. 1) Dear Politicians, I’m sorry but I have no idea why you keep trying to prove how noble and Anti - corrupted you are because no matter what, you are corrupted. The citizens are feed up with your bickerings or back bitings or whatever you call. The truth is, no matter what you say, people don’t care, people don’t trust and people really ignores. All we want is a strong, anti corrupted, peaceful Nagaland with Leaders responsible with their duties. Until you provide us that, please stop your complains because you are having your own luxurious



life without worrying how to fill your stomach tomorrow! 2) Newspapers are not always about knowing facts whether it be about Crimes, wars or Natural disasters. Literally, those cases are minors. But in Every Newspaper there are pages reserved for people to speak their mind out. I honestly cried after coming across certain articles that spoke my mind and kept my hopes up thinking that there are people who thinks like me and that I’m not weird. The articles makes me learn about people’s mind, intellectuality and even inspires me. Those article writers inspired me and today, I’m trying to raise my voice out. The sad part is, I don’t know how many of us open such pages when newspapers are handed to you because, no offense, I see people rolling their eyes up and down the front page, than the entertainment page and Sports page (For interested people). The Middle pages doesn’t exist for many of us. If that is what you are doing, I just have one question : What do you learn from Newspapers? 3) “Church” this was supposed to be a home for every believer. This was supposed to be a home for believers who wanted to give thanks to God, who wanted to get closer to God, who wanted to repent their sins and who seeked God. This was supposed to be a home for every believer of God that includes the rich, the poor, the sick, healthy, handicapped, children, old, youths, wives and husbands - infact for all the people who wanted to believe and worship God. But oh, what have we done? Because going to church, no longer feels like it. ‘Church’ has became an another word for ‘Red Carpet’. Only the A- listers in Hollywood can walk the ‘Red Carpet’ easily likewise only the rich and wealthy walks the carpet of our church. I know, this seems

like irrelevant but believe me, i have come across people who ignore churches because they have a problem with what to wear! Who Can blame them!? I have come across people who are excited to visit church because they bought a new dress! I have come across people who walks out as soon as the speaker takes the stage (It surprised me) even among people who did not walked out, some kept themselves busy with mobile phones, pens, papers or anything as the speaker continues to speak. SERIOUSLY! WHAT THE HECK IS GOING ON!!! AND ATLEAST IT WILL BE BRILLIANT IF WE CAN DISTINGUISH BETWEEN A FORMAL WEAR AND A CASUAL WEAR!!! Lets be aware of the dress codes. 4) “Church Service” No offense but all I see is a mere Formality. In Every service there is one trend that we follow : “Opening hymn, Invocation, special no ( if any), word of God, closing hymn, Benidiction”. BUT WHY? Why follow such formality? There is no rule that says sing only two or three songs! We were gathered to worship God, to praise him! Why can’t we do that with all our hearts? Why just a stage show? Why can’t there be a service of praising him, his glory, his love and care for us! Why are we so dead spiritually? Why complain if the speaker happens to take a few extra minutes and why can’t we clap after the speaker shared us such an inspiring word of God?? Don’t you feel so blessed that you just wanna acknowledge the speaker for making you deeply connected with God? I think an applause is all we can gave him. Why Can’t We simply do that? Oh because, there goes the FORMALITY!! I don’t know what the rest of the people thinks. This was Just MY Thoughts and MY Problems. Hence I do wish we were better than all of this!

ILLUSTRATION by Atong Rothrong

voices on


social development and a transformation of idea in the leadership skills”.

Recommendations for all round development in Nagaland - As we look around our environment, we can see some great changes and this changes we can definitely take as development. but as man is a social being, we always have this competitive mindset so though we are much developed..... we do dream for the best so its all in our Mind. In our Nagaland also Government is doing great job in bringing much developments but, to take care of this we the public are responsible but sometimes we blame others without giving a thought. so personally i feel that we as individuals... we should have a clear n clean mind to protect n love the public properties as we take care of our private properties........... and from there hopefully all round development in our Nagaland will come.



Rise up against the party- centered agenda. Give and accept the best criticism on all front. Prepare collective/productive roster for security of mankind, train on capacity building measure, educating for perfect professionalism for stable economy and of any discipline or deptt and living environment reaching out to all area with a same yardstick. Lastly, adopt strong common resolution that lies within ourselves otherwise, the more stringent or crystal it sees the same law the more the crystal crimes are committed hereupon.

My humble say – Today, at this very juncture, we need architects to developing a do-able, viable and sustaining strategy to helping us ALL (commoner inclusive) realize to FEEL… yes! we do deserve to have/live a better tomorrow. And I believe that there is no dearth of such personalities in our surround. I does, did. And I still whisper in my own fella’s ears tat… THERE IS A MOOD FOR CHANGE IN THE AIR. Let us heed the mantra- ‘steady and never leap’ God bless my Nagaland.



“Nagaland can imagine having a scope of development only when the outlook of the leaders are changed. It's largely a contribution of the commons however, it is a major influence of the leaders, who are the bureaucrats that maneuvers our social and political system. The bureaucrats who have the authority and power should widen their intellectual scope for the present and the future development. The young educated generation wants to change but the power lies in the hands of the few rich hoary and the bureaucrats, who have manipulated the entire ideology of

social system, who has the narcissism that development lies only in their ideology. Nagaland needs a renaissance of philosophy in

The government should set up a comprehensive development model containing 1. An assessment of the resources and constraints. This calls for a well-developed and well-equipped Statistical department with the government. 2. List out the aspirations. These aspirations will be in the form of achieving high employment, reducing poverty and inequality, building proper infrastructure etc. In other words, this calls for sorting out the type of development to follow. A balanced development - a proper infrastructure with due regard for employment creation - is the need of the hour. Simply building infrastructures may not create the desired amount of employment while creating employment without due regard for proper infrastructure will be self-defeating in the long run. 3. Set specific targets. Example: Achieving a 100% literacy by 2025, reducing poverty by half, creating ten thousand jobs for the educated unemployed within the next three years, connecting all the villages in the state with metalled roads and so on. 4. Implementing the plan: Without doubt, this is the most important factor for the success of the model. No matter how good the plan/model is, without proper implementation, the achievement comes to nought. This is where the importance of Political Will comes in. Whether we have the Political Will to succeed or not is the BIG Question.


Development begins with the People

A Komou

The motto as “Nagaland is a land of festivals” was one of the significant concepts of politics. But to say as “Nagaland is a land of development” would be greatly admired and honourable if there is an all round development in Nagaland. There is land, but there is no satisfactory of development in Nagaland. An all round development begin with the people. Everybody wants development, but how to bring development is the question of mind. “Saying is simple; doing is difficult” seem to be the reality of this stage of life. ‘Doing is simple; saying is difficult’ would have better contribution if both cannot make simple. Simplicity is even related to honesty and sincerity. Development begins with moral discipline and civic sense of every human life. Development will begin when there is normal way of work culture and discipline. As long as there is political problem, law and order problem, indiscipline, mafia role of politics, corruption, embezzlement and exploitation; things may not be easy to bring an all round development. To bring an all round development, there should be balance of source of income and the source of expenditure. In a family, to maintain well being status, there should good source of income, well discipline, moral character and wise maintenance of expenditure. Extortion, kidnapping, illegal collection of taxes, demoralisation of civic sense, embezzlement, exploitation etc may exist as long as there is political problem, regional crisis, narrow minded and selfish motives. This would hamper to every path of development.

ventures with other state citizen, foreign and local community in certain sectors of business, company, industries, export and import of various products of goods, etc may helps speedy development of the region. There is high potential to produce and export the agricultural sectors like various kinds of vegetables, fruits, cash crops, etc. The medicinal plants and its products have huge potentiality of incomes and jobs if they are used in commercial purpose and institutional research centre of medicine. Medicinal plants are abundant in our forest land. Media is another major source of communication in a society. Newspaper, internet, films, TV channels and journalism play a very important role of media. Transparency, anti-corruption, awareness of surrounding area, wisdom, justice, rule of law, politics, economy, etc are unavoidable significant in our society; and medias play a major role on these objective. The people and the government must introduce state News channel and local TV channels. Everyone is concern about the development of the region. But, there is unsatisfactory and confusion of development. Civic sense, acceptable political system to every community, understanding, justice and rule of law is the need of hour in order to bring an all round development of the society. Respect of humanity, obedience and rule of law in a judicious manner can attract and bless with development. Selfish motives, self righteousness, narrow mindset, regionalism, tribalism, laziness, irresponsible, dirty game of politics, etc may block an all round development of the society. An all round development is the well being of sound economy, politics, religion, time, social, mental and all kind of infrastructural development of the region.


Roads connectivity is one of the major role of communication and development of society. Proper drainage on both sides of road should be maintained so that during rainy season, water will not remain still and does not damage the condition of road. Road make the system of every sector to improve, fast and development. The road must be wide and broad, and government should firmly protect and return the land on both sides of road encroachment. Survival of life is based on agriculture. People should be encourage the culture of work and emphasize the important of agriculture. The skill of scientific technology should be trained and influence upon the people. The production of agricultural products and the marketing of its products must increase and expand to all directions. Different kinds of vegetation should be encouraged and implemented. Subsidy and strict implementation of rule and regulation must be followed. Based on the type of soils, different kinds of crops should be plants and encourage the production and marketing of its products. Private agency and government agency should show the way of marketing and expansion. Education system must be reform and transform. Productive skills of education should be created and implemented. Short term and long term skills of technical training must emphasize than mere certificate of degrees. Something has to be created for better skills of education and training. Government should strictly implement the law for better system of education. Man power and human resource development must be created, implemented and enforced. Education should not only based on certificate of degrees, but emphasize more on practical, training and

theory. Skills are as important as theoretical paper. Intellectual and ideology of the people should maintain the civic sense and respect the rule of law. Broad sense, wisdom and understanding in balance sense of mind should be habituated and respected. The civilization of culture and the obedience of rule of law and universal justice attract the inflow of development. Wrong manipulate into right, and right become hidden can make illusion and disorder. The officials and staffs of every department should strictly follow and obey the discipline of work. Department needs to work hard and generate the productivity of the service. The accountability of service and the responsibility of duty should be maintained. The higher is the position, the bigger is the responsibility. Signatory of paper alone and old fashion of culture should be reformed. Embezzlement and dependent on subordinate should be reformed. In these days, every people are educated, and therefore the status of superior or inferior is out of question. Instead, it is the question of responsibilities. Electricity is the need of every sector of days to day’s life. Probably, more number of construction of dams to generate electricity so that availability of electricity could be maintained. The bills of electricity should be paid in time by every individual of the society. The department should not misuse the public money and strictly follow the rule and regulation of service. Tourism is the growing sector of revenue that generates the source of income and employment. For instance, one of the major sources of income in Nepal government is the tourism. The culture, natural beauty of land, historical base areas,

linguistic, hospitality, peace, etc attract the inflow of tourist. Himachal Pradesh emphasizes and promises to reconstruct the recent destruction and natural calamity of roads and buildings; because tourism is their main source of income and revenue. Tourism creates jobs, income and development. Transparency is one of the backbone and guardian of development. The budget of expenses and incomes of all government departments, NGOs, developmental projects, etc should be transparent and known to every citizen. The churches survive because the money received through tithes, donations, offerings etc are completely transparent; and the money are wisely use in an acceptable manner. Transparency prevents corruption, embezzlement and exploitation. Growing and expansion of banking and insurance are one of the developmental images of the society. The circulation and productivity of money in a region is very important. Banking has directly influence and finance to develop in all sectors of business, houses, industry, agriculture, transportation, self employment, etc. Every people must deposit and save money in banks so that the bank can finance and helps the citizen. Rich people and government should encourage and maintain more deposit in their own regional bank, so that the circulation and productivity of money and the financing to developmental sectors within a region will grow; which will directly or indirectly help the generation to self sustenance. Multi Company, factory, industries and foreign direct investment need to be introduced and implemented; which will generate jobs, income and development. Shareholders and tied up business sector should be encouraged. Joint


Recommendations for all round development in Nagaland Dr. E. Renphamo Lotha INTRODUCTION Having found Nagaland in need of abundant life as a land under the stage of underdeveloped state, I have floated a concept paper for all round development in 1998 right after peace was declared in 1997 to the Government in power which was left unattended due to lack of intellectual content and political will. After a gap of fifteen years, half a generation, it is quite encouraging that the Morung Express has identified the same issue and invited Public opinion by way of recommendations for all round development of Nagaland which I take it God’s plan. Taking the advantage of the Public Platform, I have been constrained once again to update my research findings and send the necessary recommendations covering a period of twenty three years. It is considered necessary to say that in the absence of industries, public and private companies in the State, 98 per cent of financial assistance is from the Government of India, 90 per cent of family income is fully dependent upon Government servant of one lakh mark. Only 10 per cent of income of the people is through small entrepreneurship businesses mostly undertaken by non locals in the name of local people. Since the State is the main source of income, she must be fully conscious of her sacred duty in distribution of the financial assistance from the Centre. Above all, she must review the wrong equip closeness

policy adopted toward the underground factions adopted in 2003 as it has proved be draconian in total destruction of the economy of the State known to all right thinkers and doers. The Biblical saying, “Where there is no vision people perish” has come true beyond any reasonable doubt. Owing to such wrong policy of the State Government, today we cannot distinguish as to who is a criminal, national workers or agency of State Government leading to large scale criminalization of politics. There is no genuine peace despite the peace negotiation with the Government of India led by NSCN (IM) ever since 1997. Nagaland today is socially divided and confused, economically bankrupt, culturally adulterated, politically comma and religiously comma. In such context, to talk all round development is simply a day dream with the crux of the question, “ Who will bell the cat?” In any case, however, Nagaland which professes to be “Nagaland for Christ” cannot dare to surrender to turn “Nagaland for Satan” although the over all situation warrants it undoubtedly today. There is complete anarchylawlessness, injustice, lies, corruptions, vices of all kinds , deception, pride, favoritism, tribalism , all isms, discrimination etcetera which are manifestations of the kingdom of satan, full of darkness. In order to turn the kingdom of satan into kingdom of God followed by all

round development, the following measures are urgently required. MEASURES FOR ALL ROUND DEVELOPMENT 1. The church must take up the leadership role in eradication of all kinds of evils in the society like the salt and the light; 2. She must maintain the doctrine of the separation of the church and the state in full; 3. The State Government along with the underground fractions must undertake the following measures: a. administration of justice and police based on the rule of law; b. eradicate of kinds of corruptions in public offices; c. avoid diversion of public funds into private interests; d. strive for genuine peace and security; e. distribute fund from the Government of India equally; f. avoid nepotism; g. avoid red tapism; h. do away with tribalism and all isms; i. stop extortion/illegal taxation by underground factions and gun culture and religion by the underground faction which is communism and not democracy; j. develop reading culture; k. develop work culture;

Through a Stranger’s Eye Even as a permanent resident of Nagaland, I could not take my eyes off the beauty of Nagaland, than will not an alien enjoy? In Nagaland the beauty of hills, mountains, ravens and nature pacifies journey sickness, but it is a challenge to steal a moment to sleep on a vehicle climbing to Nagaland. “I hate to travel in Nagaland, and Nagaland is still stagnant in development when the roads are still the same even after many make over.” She is my dear friend, a foreigner. She has many experiences on travelling especially with places and people, fortunately or unfortunately she


happens to land in Nagaland. “Nagaland will never go ahead in any field in this condition” I could see fire flaring out from her eyes as I think of the uncomfortable and unpleasant experiences she must have had on the way. I anxiously waited what curry she will serve me next! “listen” I ‘am alarmed, “do you think speaking English and wearing Western clothes makes you better than other 3rd world Nations?” for a moment I was embarrassed because most of our (the Nagas) conversations that takes place in English are grammatically wrong and we even go up to the extent of food strike trying to satisfy our hunger for branded clothes. “One good thing about your people is at least having a graduate degree but

you live as if you have conquered the world. Your people neither think nor examine and let everything that is modern toss you. Your people love to eat, enjoy and wear good dresses. You are lazy to learn and do not have dignity of labour. Why are you making your culture so cheap?” honestly it was a sour curry for someone as me who is a strict follower of Sobaliba (social and cultural ethics). One day she asked me, “What is Nagaland for Christ?” before I could take my position she started flipping the newspaper with interrogative gestures, “are Naga politicians Christians? Is Nagaland really a dry state?” Ironically I could not answer to any of her queries when she is already reading a newspaper full of corrupted

Are you a writer, photographer, illustrator, or just have an opinion? We want to hear from you! Submit an article, photo or illustration by August 10, 2013 and see your work in print!

l. develop entrepreneurship skills; m. improve shifting cultivation with plantation of economically viable plants; n. undertake rubber plantation; o. strike out Equi closeness Policy completely with criminalization of politics which has become Dragon sucking the blood of the Nagas in all fronts; p. stop benami transaction of businesses. CONCLUSION Dear Nagas, let us all join hands to make Nagaland, the poorest State in India as one of the richest State in India with the slogan, “United we stand” to say no to all evils and Satanism . Let us learn from the Japanese and the Koreans to be self reliant, hard working to become a Developed State in some way or other. So that our social life will become united without further confusion, our economic life of bankruptcy will be replaced by economic prosperity, our cultural life will remain intact without adulteration, our political life will be alive to the needs of the people and our religious life will become exemplary to the world. After which our physical life, mental life and spiritual life will become balanced living in abundant life-life in its fullness. May God the Almighty help us to make Nagaland All Round Developed State with the cooperation and coordination of all concerned.

Alemrenla Jamir

activities. “If your Naga leaders can have a place outside India, if your Naga politicians can have money to buy public votes and expensive guns I ‘am sure they can hire Chinese road engineers and workers to build your roads.” Infact her words were ornamented with truth and precious wisdom. Grasping a deep breath, I re-cooked her words, seasoned them critically and served with a positive pudding. At the end of the meal I ended up agreeing with every curry that she has served. Yes! She is right, road is the greatest turn off to connect ourselves with the other world. Nevertheless we should also exercise our sense and sensibility not to get carried away with other culture and prevent ourselves from

beginning another tragic story of Diaspora. She is also right we do not think beyond the present. I too agree with her that with little understanding we try to put the world under our feet. I may have thousands of recommendations for the development of Nagaland yet, I bear greater burden when it is from the eye of a stranger. Sometimes I wonder what the stranger we welcome today will take back tomorrow when the prologue of their story itself is unpleasant and inconvenient road and travel. There were times when my friend made me feel like being soaked abundantly in a lemon juice but at the end of the meal it was good for my digestion as it made me feel good to think for better Nagaland.

Issue Theme for August:

Suggestions for Naga Reconciliation and Unity

Deadline for Submission: August 10, 2013 Date of Publication: August 17, 2013 The Morung Express monthly supplement ‘Opinion’ will be published on the third Saturday of every month. In the Opinion, you are the storyteller. Please share your story by responding to the theme of the next issue: “Suggestions for Naga Reconciliation and Unity” Contributions can be in the form of photography, illustrations, photos of artwork, essays, first-person accounts, poetry, reported articles, and any other form of expression that can be printed.

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write to us at opinion2mex@gmail.com



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