June 10th, 2017

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SaturDaY • June 10 • 2017

DIMAPUR • Vol. XII • Issue 157• 12 PAGes • 5

T H e

ESTD. 2005

P o W e R

Free people, remember this maxim: we may acquire liberty, but it is never recovered if it is once lost Wounded May vows to stay as PM; says Brexit will go on


By Sandemo Ngullie


chairman ss Khaplang no more The energy efficient way

Yes I’m the HoD of the Power Department. What is your complaint?

DIMAPUR, JUNE 9 (DIPR): As per an order from the Additional District Magistrate, Sivasagar, Assam, night curfew has been reinforced from 6:00pm to 6:00am in the areas of Assam side bordering Nagaland and thereby prohibiting movement of any person, group of persons and vehicular traffic in the 5 KM belt in Assam side of Sivasagar district bordering Nagaland. However, security personnel and officials on duty have been exempted from the purview of this prohibitory order. The prohibitory order which came into force on May 19 will remain in force for a period of 60 (sixty) days.

French Open: Wawrinka knocks out Murray


SS Khaplang dedicates his final will to the young Naga generation

Night curfew in Assam side of Sivsagar bordering Nagaland

T R u T H

— Jean-Jacques Rousseau

Towards zero child deaths due to diarrhoea

PaGe 09

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A file photo of Chairman SS Khaplang.

Morung Express News Dimapur | June 9

DIMAPUR, JUNE 9 (MExN): “I have done my part for the freedom of my people with the little capacity God has given me. And now, the younger generations of Nagaland need to continue the legacy left to you just as it was passed down to us by the elders,” NSCN (K) Chairman, SS Khaplang urged in his last will. According to Athong Makury, President of Council of Naga Affairs, Myanmar, who officially translated the last will of Khaplang and made it available to the media, the veteran leader had invoked the young generation “not to waver or be carried away with the ideologies of the foreign that Nagas do not deserve to be a nation.” He also said, "I have stood under the banner of 'Nagaland for Christ' with the hope that my people may see both physical and spiritual freedom from the oppression of the ruthless occupiers…” Khaplang also sought forgiveness for any wrong in his final words- “As a human, I have done many wrongs and forgive me all my failures in this noble venture of our cherished freedom.” And finally supplicates, “My sons and daughters please continue to hold on the torch of our freedom until we reach the Promised Land." ist Council of Nagaland (NSCN), in which Khaplang was the Vice Chairman. In 1988, the NSCN split with Khaplang parting ways with Swu and Muivah. Khaplang became the Chairman of the NSCN (K). Khaplang was also leading the United Liberation Front of Western South East Asia (UNLFW), an umbrella organization comprising of the United Liberation Front of Assam (Independent), Nationalist Socialist Council of Nagaland (Khaplang), Kamatapur Liberation Organization (KLO) and National Democratic Front of Bodoland (Songbijit). The NSCN (K) signed a ceasefire agreement with the Indian government in April, 2001, which they unilaterally abrogated in March 2015. P. Tikhak, one of the founding members of the NSCN-Reformation, told IANS that, "Khaplang was one of those who never compromised with his ideology and principals, come what may. Till his death, he believed only sovereignty from both sides (India and Myanmar) can bring Nagas together. "

We will cherish his commitment: NPMHR The Naga Peoples’ Movement for Human Rights (NPMHR) has meanwhile expressed sadness at the demise of the NSCN (K) Chairman. A statement from NPMHR Secretary General, Neingulo Krome said the news has come as a “rude shock to the NPMHR at a time when the Naga people are extremely in need of elderly and experienced wisdom of Naga National Movement leaders, to set right the course of the Naga destiny, which are being misinterpreted and re-interpreted in the present day scenario of internal conflicts.” “We will always treasure and cherish his commitment to do what the upcoming Naga generation wants as the Naga National movement is for the wellbeing of future Naga generation who should live in dignity and peace,” it added. The NPMHR prayed that “Almighty God will grant strength and courage to all his dear and near ones and the entire ranks and files of the NSCN (K)/GPRN to bear this loss as we join them in this hour of pain and grief.”

to reduce energy costs Morung Express News Dimapur | June 9

High energy consumption and global warming today stand in the way of the future of planet Earth. World leaders are faced with the predicament of keeping the economy running and simultaneously looking at ways and means to methodically reduce energy consumption, which, as research indicate, would put the brakes on climate-changing carbon emissions. Like the global leaders, consumers are also an equally petrified lot, worried over rising energy costs and in many regions, including Nagaland, scarcity of energy. While the powers that be manoeuvre against time to combat climate change, ordinary consumers can do its bit by inculcating a tradition of energy-saving practices at the home front. The Bureau of Energy Efficiency (BEE) of the Union Ministry of Power is one such agency tasked with the job of energy conservation in coordination with designated state-level nodal agencies. As the state nodal agency, the Electrical Inspectorate, Nagaland conducted an awareness programme on Energy Efficiency Measures and BEE Star Labelling in Dimapur on June 9 with dealers in electrical appliances and electrical contractors in attendance. The objective of the programme was to increase awareness level on BEE ‘Star Labelled’ products amongst dealers and distributors. The BEE Standards and Labelling Programme further provides consumers an informed choice about the cost-saving

LED halves a village’s energy consumption

DIMAPUR, JUNE 9 (MExN): Chief Electrical inspector IV Chishi further shared a success story of how energy efficient lighting helped a village in Nagaland to reduce electricity bill. Natsumi village in Poghoboto sub-division of Zunheboto district could cut down electricity consumption by half after the village embraced LED light bulbs. The village with 154 households got introduced to LED through the Green Village initiative of the Nagaland state government being implemented by the Electrical Inspectorate. Citing billing statistics, Chishi said that the village clocked 6960 units of energy consumed during January-February 2017 for a total bill of Rs. 18,105. Two months prior to the introduction of the Green Initiative, the village had consumed 13,200 units for a total bill of Rs. 34,229. Stating that the programme has so far touched 35 villages across Nagaland, he informed that 8 more villages will be covered soon this year and more earmarked to be covered. According to him, LEDs lasts 8-10 times longer than CFLs and also consumes lesser energy.

potential of marketed house- degree of energy consumpVeteran Naga leader and Chairtion. An informed choice hold electrical appliances. man of the NSCN (K) Shangwould not only cut electricity Resource persons from wang Shangyung Khaplang costs for the buyer in the long Novo Tech Environmental passed away today at around Engineering, Kolkata were on term but also reduce energy 7:30pm. He was 77. The circumhand highlighting why dealers consumption overall. While stances of his passing could not should market BEE labelled affordability plays a big role, it be ascertained but sources inproducts and how important was added that ultimately 80 formed that the Chairman died it is for dealers to inform con- percent of buying and using peacefully at Taka, the Council sumers on the energy efficien- an electrical appliance would Headquarter of the NSCN (K). involve paying for electricity cy of the products they sale. He was reportedly suffering to power the appliance. A standards and labelling from diabetes. IV Chishi, Chief Electrical system based on a 5-star scale However, no official statement Inspector, Nagaland held that was introduced by the BEE in has yet been issued by the NSCN (K). 2006, as envisioned in the En- purchases are largely driven Born in April 1940 in Wakergy Conservation Act, 2001. by cost of a product. However, tham village, Khaplang was the Following this, manufacturers he added, “We tend to overyoungest of his 10 siblings. Khapwere mandated to attach clear- look the cost of using the aplang had four children, of which ly visible informative labels on pliance (paid in instalments in three survive him. products indicating energy the form of electricity bill).” “An According to reports, Khapconsumption level of an elec- important factor that must be lang joined the Naga nationalist trical appliance, for example – understood is how much elecmovement as early as 1964 and refrigerator. According to the tricity the appliance will conwas leader of the Eastern Naga ratings system, the more the sume once it is purchased.” Revolutionary Council, which “Energy labelling,” he said stars, greater would be the enbecame part of the Naga National ergy efficiency of an appliance. is one of the most cost effective Council, under the leadership of The resource persons policy tool for improving enAZ Phizo. quoting research said that an ergy efficiency and lowering However, after the Shillong appliance of the same kind energy costs for consumers; Accord in 1975, late Isak Chishi marketed by different manu- and importantly helping to reSwu, Th Muivah and SS Khapfacturers would give varying duce carbon emissions. NEw DElhI, JUNE 9 lang formed the National Social(IANS): Pakistan's spy agency ISI is planning a major terror strike in Jammu and Kashmir and Punjab as four terrorists have DIMAPUR, JUNE 9 (MExN): which is marked by bloodsheds spite the “good gestures of the already infiltrated into InThe NSCN (IM) today said that and fighting amongst the Nagas NSCN/GPRN to come forward dia from the Punjab border, according to an Intel- DIMAPUR, JUNE 9 term is less than one year, bye- is “meaningless to the oppo- “Nagas must be very cautious” of themselves or with the Indian and strengthen the ongoing peace process, the NNPGS have resortsition parties. It is also waste- organisations that are “fomenting Arm Forces,” it stated. ligence Bureau (IB) input (MExN): The Nagaland election shall not apply. ed to instigating further fragmenThe NSCN (IM) accused the destructiveness” and “sounding “Since the term of Nagaful to engage the people and Pradesh Congress Commitshared with the state govtee (NPCC) has submitted a land Legislative Assembly is Government.” Forcing bye- the alarms to reignite the flames NNPGs Working Group of “taking tations and divisions of the Naga ernments. The input, a copy of representation to the Election due to expire on 12th March election in violation will render of hatreds and conflicts amongst up the name of Nagas of Nagaland Nation.” The NSCN (IM) also said alone after accepting the laws of which is with IANS, warns Commission of India (ECI) 2018, the remainder term is the Constitutional provisions the Nagas again.” that the NTC and CNTC are the land and Indian Constitution A press note from the MIP just 8 months away. However meaningless and also create objecting to the conduct of Bye that the planned Inter-Ser“not affiliated to the Naga Hoho while all the Nagas are in support of the NSCN (IM) said that after if the bye-election were conuncomfortable precedence in Elections in the state. vices Intelligence (ISI) atwhich itself is crystal clear eviyears of struggles and sufferings, of the peace process.” It drew the attention of ECI ducted after the Presidential the nation, the NPCC stated. tack may take place within Affirming that the NSCN dence that their sole objective is The NPCC therefore noti- the Nagas of all ages impatiently the next 15 days in Kathua to the provision of Art 151A of Election which may be in the (IM) stands for all the Nagas, be to further divide the Nagas and await the final moment to mark 4th week of the July or August fied its objection to the byethe Representation of the Peonear Jammu and Gurdaspur the end of political unrests and it in Assam, Arunachal Pradesh, sabotage the historic political and Pathankot in Punjab. ple Act of 1951 as amended in 2017 and code of conduct of elections. The NPCC media cell disputes with Government of In- Nagaland State, Manipur or process.” "The ISI is planning a major 1996. This representation was election come into force by It meanwhile appealed all to Myanmar, it said that the “efforts terrorist attack in Kathua, submitted by delegates of the the end of Dec 2017 for gen- meanwhile informed that dia at the earliest. come forward in support of the of the NNPGs to further divide “At this point of time, the eral election, there will hardly Umesh Sinha, Deputy ElecNPCC in consultation with Gurdaspur and Pathankot. peace process “as the doors are the Nagas by trying to chalk out so called NNPGs have tried to be 4 working months. Further tion Commissioner, “has asAICC Legal Secretary on June In this regard, four terrorthere may only be one day ses- sured that the matter will be strike emotional chord and brain only for Nagas of Nagaland is open for all those who are honists have already infiltrated 8. A press note from the sion to fullfill the Constitution- put up by the ECI for discus- wash few individuals from pres- against the Nagas common in- estly concerned and committed into Punjab through Bamsion. However he said there ent State of Nagaland without terests and it is an open treach- towards finding honourable soluNPCC media cell informed al provisions,” it said. tal sector a few days ago," tion for the Nagas.” Therefore, the NPCC repre- are many instances of bye gauging the fact that, no single ery against Naga Nation.” says the undated IB note that the representation reFull text on Page 5 It further lamented that deNaga wants to re-live in the past sentation said the bye-election elections in the past. ” minded that if the remainder shared with governments in Jammu and Kashmir and Punjab earlier this week. The IB says that the "terrorists" were now waiting for arms and ammunition to be supplied from Paki- NEw DElhI, JUNE 9 ber but are yet to receive tive prospectively and not be addressed and asked pline", the court said that stan and a drug peddler (IANS): The Supreme it would suffer no adverse retrospectively, and the the government to tighten the question whether was being used as a courier. Court on Friday upheld consequences and their transactions already un- the procedures to guard privacy was a fundamental right is before a larger "They (the terrorists) the newly-inserted pro- PAN cards would not be dertaken in the past can- against this. Holding that the court Constitution Bench. are waiting for the supply of vision in the Income Tax invalidated as this would not be reopened. The question whether The court also rejected could not question the arms and ammunition to be Act mandating linking of have "serious consethe plea by the petition- wisdom of legislature to privacy was a right was provided by the ISI. The ISI the Aadhaar number with quences". Section 139AA of the ers -- senior Commu- enact a particular law, referred to the Constituhas also hired a drug cou- the Permanent Account rier to hand over the con- Number (PAN), but par- Income Tax Act, incor- nist Party of India leader the bench said that is- tion Bench on August 11, signment of arms and am- tially blocked its opera- porated by way of the Fi- Binoy Visman, Maj.Gen. sue raised before it was of 2015, following conflicting judgments by the apex nance Act 2017-2018, pro- S.G. Vombatkere (retd.) seminal importance. munition to these terrorists tion. Referring to the right court on privacy. A bench of Justice A.K. vides for the invalidisation and Safai Karamchari Anwithin next 15 days," says the While an eight-judge IB note, asking the govern- Sikri and Justice Ashok of PAN if it is not linked to dolan convenor Bezwada of human dignity as a Wilson that it should be facet of Article 21 raised bench in 1954 and a sixments and security agencies Bhushan in their judg- Aadhaar number. Holding that the said voluntary and not man- by the petitioners while judge bench in 1964 had 180 to take "necessary preven- ment held that those who steering clear from rais- held that privacy was not a tive and precautionary mea- already possess the Aad- provision was not viola- datory. Addressing repeated ing the issue of privacy, fundamental right, subse- days shelf life haar number will have tive of the Constitution's sures as deemed fit". Pathankot had earlier to link it with PAN, but it Article 14 (Right to Equal- concerns of the petition- the court said that these quently in nearly 25 judgbeen the centre of a major cannot be insisted upon ity) and Article 19 (Right ers about leakage of per- were overlapping and ments by smaller benchterror strike by four Paki- in case of people not pos- to freedom of speech and sonal information of the did not address them as a es, this view underwent expression), Justice Sikri, citizens collected while matter relating to privacy change and it came to be stani terrorists who crossed sessing it. The bench said that pronouncing the judg- enrolling them for Aad- was pending before the recognised and cemented over from Pakistan and as a part of fundamental 500mL: 33,* 200mL: 14* launched a nearly three- those who have already ment, said that the new haar number, the court Constitution Bench. *MRP (incl. of all taxes). Conditions apply. Citing "judicial disci- rights under Article 21. day bomb and gun attack. applied for Aadhaar num- provision may be effec- said this concern needs to

ISI planning 'major terror attack' in India: IB alert

NPCC objects to holding bye-election Nagas must be very cautious: NSCN (IM)

Submits representation to Election Commission of India


64*/ 1 L

daCunha/ T/04/17/NER

SC upholds PAN-Aadhaar linking but only partially


Saturday 10•06•2017



Towards zero child deaths due to diarrhoea

Nagaland to observe Intensified Diarrhoea Control Fortnight from June 12 to 24

Kohima, June 9 (mexn): Nagaland will observe Intensified Diarrhoea Control Fortnight (IDCF) from June 12 to 24 with a goal to attain zero child deaths due to childhood diarrhoea. Reduction of childhood mortality is one of the prime goals of National Health Mission and millennium Development Goals. Around 2 lakh children die due to diarrhoea annually in the country. Diarrhoeal deaths are usually clustered in summer and monsoon month. The worst affected are malnourished children and children under two years of age. Almost all the death due to diarrhoea can be averted by preventing and treating dehydration by the use of ORS (Oral Rehydration Solution) and administration of Zinc tablets along with adequate nutritional intake by the child during diarrhoea. This year IDCF approaches will be on improved avail-

ability and use of ORS and Zinc at the community; facility level strengthening to manage cases of dehydration; and enhanced advocacy and communication on prevention and control of diarrhea through IEC campaign. Ensure high coverage of ORS and Zinc use The objective is to ensure high coverage of ORS and Zinc use rates in children with diarrhea prevention and management of under-five children, with emphasis on the high priority areas and vulnerable communities. The activity is been intensified in the country due to the fact that, Childhood diarrhoeal disease continues to be one of the major killers among under five children in many states contributing to 11 percent of under five deaths in the country. Govt dept and NGOs to implement activities A press note stated that the

Department of Health & Family Welfare (H&FW) in convergence with Allied Department of PHED, Social Welfare, Education, Indian Association of Pediatric Nagaland Branch (IAP-NL) and CBOs/ NGO’s like Naga Mothers Association (NMA) will implement the activities in the schools in ensuring proper hand washing techniques, Anganwadi Centers for ORS depot and identifying children under five years of age and suffering from diahorrea through the anganwadis and the Department also appealed to the PHED on ensuring clean and safe drinking water in schools, anganwadi centers and health units. Prog to cover children under 5 years During the fortnight, a set of activities will be implemented in an intensified manner for prevention and control of death due to dehydration caused by diarrhoea across the country which are-

intensification of advocacy activities, awareness generation activities for diarrhoea management, strengthening service provision for diarrhoea case management, establishing ORS- Zinc corners, distribution of ORS and Zinc by ASHA to household with under-five years of age children and awareness generation activities for sanitation and hygiene. ORS and Zinc to be provided free of cost National Health Mission, Nagaland has appealed to every household having children under five years of age to avail the services which is been provided for free during the fortnight i.e. a packet of ORS for all household with children under five years of age and ORS and Zinc for household with children suffering from Diarrhoea. The nearest Health Units or ASHA can be contacted for more information.

Creating cluster of ‘Rurban Villages’ To nurture essence of rural community life

Officials attending the State Level Empowered Committee meeting on Shyama Prasad Mukherji Mission and National Rurban Mission held on June 9.

Kohima, June 9 (mexn): The State Level Empowered Committee (SLEC) meeting on Shyama Prasad Mukherji Mission (SPMRM)/National Rurban Mission (NRuM) was held today under the chairmanship of Nagaland Chief Secretary, Pankaj Kumar IAS at the CS’s Conference Hall. With Rural Development Department as the State Nodal Agency, the mission aims at development of a cluster of villages that preserve and nurture the essence of the rural community life with focus on equity and inclusiveness without compromising with the facilities perceived essentially urban in nature, thus creating a cluster of ‘Rurban Villages.’ A press release on the meeting held stated that out of the 20 sub districts in

Nagaland, Pedi (Ngawlwa) cluster under Peren District was approved by the Government of India in the first phase under this mission. The meeting deliberated on the main guidelines of the scheme, what has been done so far and what is required of the different line departments. The Chief Secretary in his chairman’s remark lauded the efforts of the department for having started the implementation of schemes in the villages after thorough consultations with the villages. Towards this end, he urged the department to see that the implementation of schemes compliment the preparation done. He advised that any suggestions about the schemes or change of places, members of the

committee can do a study and come in terms with the guidelines about what changes should be done. Kumar further proposed holding the next SLEC meeting at the project site so that the members can also witness the schemes which are already being implemented. Delivering a power point presentation, Secretary RD, Kelei Zeliang said the objective of NRuM is to stimulate local economic development, enhance basic services, create well planned Rurban cluster and also for bridging the rural-urban divide viz, economic, technological and those related to facilities and services. He informed that the cost of a cluster will be based on the requirements identified by the Integrated Cluster

Action Plan, prepared by the States for the cluster and approved by the Empowered Committee of the Ministry of Rural Development. Zeliang said the mission will cover programmes according to the needs of the selected cluster such as community hall buildings for all six villages, upgradation of schools, inter village road connectivity, coverage of village streets with lights, solid and liquid waste management, water supply and digital literacy etc. Towards this end, he called upon the concerned line departments to contribute in whichever way possible to make the mission a success, be it monetary, technical guidance or man power. The time period for this project is 3 years which will be followed by a period of 10 years for maintenance. The meeting was attended by officials from Rural Development and representative from various line departments including Works & Housing, Agriculture, Health & Family Welfare, PWD, PHED, Education, IT&C, Transport, Urban Development, Labour and Employment, Skill Development and Entrepreneurship.

Mon, Kiphire, Peren gears up for IDCF week

mon, June 9 (mexn): Intensive Diarrhoea Control Fortnight (IDCF) workshop was held at the office of the Chief Medical Officer, Mon on June 6 to prepare for the forthcoming IDCF week starting from June 12 to 24. The workshop was attended by MOs, nurses, and DPMU staff and chaired by the District Nodal Person, IDCF, Dr Supongmenla Walling. She explained on the assessment, stock position and estimation of ORS and Zinc supply for prepositioning and treatment across the blocks. She also mentioned that the distribution of ORS to ASHAs is based on the micro plan provided by the Asha. The staffs of the blocks were also directed to organise ORSZINC corners at the health units in order to raise awareness and distribute packets of ORS- Zinc and contraceptive methods free of cost. In Kiphire, IDCF workshop was held in Chief Medical Officer

Conference Hall, Kiphire on June 9 with Dr. Rebecca, DPO Kiphire as the resource person. The objective of the workshop was to smoothly carry out the programme in the district. Dr C. Tsenthungo Patton, CMO, Kiphire, in his welcome address highlighted the need to prevent common diseases like Diarrhoea by creating awareness to the general public. It was attended by CMO, Kiphire, Programme Officers, Medical Officers, Asha co-ordinators, programme managers, community mobilizers and IEC personnel. Following the workshop, District Task Force meeting on account of IDCF, Mission Indradhanush and Weekly Iron Folic Supplement was held in DC Office, Kiphire on June 9. The meeting was chaired by Sedevikho Khro, DC Kiphire. In Peren district, the Chief Medical Office under the chair-

manship of Dr. Khrielasanuo, DPO, RCH/UIP, held a one day training and orientation on HIMS cum monthly district review meeting on June 7 at CMO Conference Hall. The meeting was attended by medical officers, nurses, and pharmacist, district and block program management unit staff NHM. Dr. Khrielasanuo highlighted about Intensified Diarrhoea Control Fortnight (IDCF) and the set of activities to be implemented in an intensified manner from June 11 to 24 for prevention and control of deaths due to dehydration from diarrhea. She urged all health workers to demonstrate and promote the importance of hand washing. DAPCU District Program Officer, Rovi Mor gave a brief presentation on FICTC emphasizing on the testing of general clients in FICTC. The next review meeting is fixed on July 5.

First SBI ATM in Mangkolemba Sub-Div inaugurated mangKolemb a, June 9 (DiPR): First SBI ATM in Mangkolemba SubDivision was inaugurated on June 9 at Mangkolemba Town by the Additional Deputy Commissioner, Mangkolemba, T. Imtiwapang Aier. The occasion was graced by Lalkholum Hangsing, Assistant General Manager, Regional Branch Office, Mokokchung Zone and attended by Adhoc Town Committee members, Ward Chairmen, Gaonboras and

that the much needed ATM would cater to the public of Mangkolemba Town and also the public of the whole of Mangkolemba Sub-Division. He also encouraged the people present to make use of banking facilities so that the banking system in Mangkolemba Town would become vibrant and active, leading to better opportunities in future. The ATM was inauguADC Mangkolemba inaugurates the first SBI ATM in Mangrated after a prayer prokolemba Sub-Division on June 9. (DIPR Photo) nounced by Dr. Akok Amer, Dobashis of MangkolemIn his speech, the ADC Pastor, Mangkolemba ba Town. informed the gathering Town Baptist Church.

Newsletter on environment and development

Lizutomi Village Council, Chairman, Hokhayi Awomi releases the Jhum-Vol 2, a newsletter on environment and development at Lizutomi village on June 8.

Zunheboto, June 9 (mexn): The Jhum-Vol 2, a newsletter on environment and development

published by Soil & Water leased on June 8. Conservation Department Lizutomi Village Lizutomi village under C o u n c i l , C h a i r m a n , Zunheboto district was re- Hokhayi Awomi released

the newsletter in the presence of Er. Dinanath Bujarbarua, Executive Engineer, Brahmaputra Board, who is on a visit to Nagaland as part of the monitoring exercise of Integrated Catchment Area Treatment (ICAT). Z hekheto Awomi, DSCO, Zunheboto in a press release stated that the Jhum-Vol 2 is a special edition on Integrated Catchment Area Treatment, a programme of the Ministry of Water Resources, River Development & Ganga Rejuvenation (FMP) and this particular issue focuses on the ongoing project works under Zunheboto district.

Nagaland to observe International Compilation of Lotha folktales released Day against Child Labour on June 12 Kohima, June 9 (DiPR): The International World Day against Child Labour will be held at APO Hall Midland, Kohima on June 12 at 11:00 am under the theme ‘In conflict and disasters, protect children from child labour’. Organised by the Department of Labour in collaboration with Childline Kohima every year on June 12, the World Day against

Child Labour is observed to bring together government employees and workers organizations civil society etc. to call to attention the plight of hundreds of millions of girls and boys, child labourers worldwide. The World Day against Child Labour this year 2017 will focus on the impact conflict and disasters on child labour. Joining with the rest of the world, the Labour de-

partment together with the Child line Kohima will observing the day through various activities with active participation of the children. The highlights of the day include sticker campaign, distribution of IEC materials. There will also Principal (Retd) Eastern Theological College, Jorhat Rev. Dr. be a walk from different di- Ezamo Murry releases the book in Dimapur on Friday. The rections in the town to cul- author is also seen in the picture on the left. (Morung Photo) minate at APO Conference Morung Express News form of a book titled, ‘A Girl Hall, Kohima, opposite OkSwallowed by a Tree’ transDimapur | June 9 ing Hospital Kohima. lated into English by NzaA compilation of 30 Lotha nmongi Jasmine Patton, folktales produced in the an Assistant Professor of

New diagnostic laboratory in Mkg

IMDH Mokokchung officials with Temsuwati, Associate Pastor MTBA (extreme right) during the inauguration of new diagnostic laboratory at the hospital on June 9. (Morung Photo) Morung Express News Mokokchung | June 9

Bringing a sigh of relief to needy patients, Dr. S. Akaba Longchar CMO IMDH Mokokchung formally inaugu-

rated a new diagnostic laboratory here today, located adjacent to Rotary House Mokokchung, opposite Canara Bank. Managed by Makshi Jamir, M.Sc (Microbiology), “Medi Lab Di-

agnostic Laboratory” was dedicated by Temsuwati, Associate Pastor MTBA. Delivering his opening remarks, Makshi Jamir stated that running a laboratory was a long cherished dream of his and espoused that the lab would provide the much needed facility for all kinds of tests under one roof, who also have plans for offering services of more complex tests in the future, including biopsy. The new lab, open Monday to Saturday, as of now offers laboratory services for more than thirty tests including Hemoglobin Test, Blood Grouping, Typhoid Test, Liver Function Test, Kidney Function Test, Pregnancy Test, Malaria Test, etc.

English Department, Gargi college, University of Delhi was released at Lotha Hoho Ki, Dimapur on Friday. Nzamongi revealed that the book was earlier released at the University of Delhi, JNU, Jamia Malia University and various other universities. The book was launched in Dimapur by Principal (Retd) Eastern Theological College, Jorhat Rev. Dr. Ezamo Murry. Nzamongi identified herself as a facilitator and not an author since the stories she translated were a common heritage to every

Naga handed down from forefathers. She pointed out that Nagas do not have a defined identity and no proper representation about them in books and literature adding, “Instead people have a fixed notion about who we are such as head hunters, violent, savage etc.” “The single story creates stereotypes and the problem with stereotypes is not that they are untrue, but they are incomplete. They make one story become the only story,” She added. She noted that Na-

gas do not have extensive history written by them own but versions of history as written by others. Nzamongi maintained that if she had written in Lotha dialect, it would have been limited within the tribe and added that she purposefully retained some words in its originality in Lotha dialect so that others could also learn something about Nagas. The book release programme was attended by well-wishers, friends and various Lotha organizations.

Chukitong Govt Hr Sec School celebrate 75 years WoKha, June 9 (DiPR): Minister for School Education, Nagaland, Yitachu graced the 75th year Jubilee celebration of Government Higher Secondary School, Chukitong on June 9 as the chief guest. The Minister said that the Government, with the intention of providing quality education has appointed the best and qualified teachers in all government schools and expressed hope that the school will continue to produce responsible leaders and individuals as done in the past. He urged the area people to extend cooperation and contribute

Minister Yitachu with his colleagues, officials and others during the unveiling of the monolith marking the 75th year Jubilee celebration of Government Higher Secondary School, Chukitong held on June 9. (DIPR Photo)

towards the upliftment of the institution. Minister for Home, Y. Patton who graced the occasion as the special guest, informed that GHSS Chiki-

tong has been elevated to higher secondary keeping in consideration for being the third oldest school in the State. Congratulating the school on the occasion of

the 75th year’s celebration, he reminded the school authority to give their best in educating the students to achieve excellence. The Home minister also as-

sured to donate School Bus to GHSS Chukitong. Short speeches were also delivered by Parliamentary Secretary for Housing Er. Levi Rengma, Parliamentary Secretary for Soil & Water Conservation, Pukhayi Sumi, Parliamentary Secretary for CAWD & Taxes, Benjongliba Aier, Parliamentary Secretary for Agriculture Y.M. Yolow and Chairman Lotha Hoho, Mhao Humtsoe. The Minister also unveiled the monolith and released the Jubilee Souvenir. Dedication of the jubilee monolith was done by Executive Secretary, LBES Vankhosung, Rev.Nyanchumo Lotha.

saturday 10•06•2017



Sporadic violence in Bengal hills amid Major fire damages manufacturing units in Imphal shutdown, army stages flag march Newmai News Network Imphal | June 9

Army personnel undertaking a flag march in Darjeeling on June 9.

Darjeeling, june 9 (ianS): The Army staged flag marches in Kalimpong, Darjeeling and Kurseong towns on Friday, as sporadic violence was reported in the northern West Bengal hills during a 12-hour shutdown called by the Gorkha Janmukti Morcha (GJM). The shutdown, beginning at 6 a.m., badly hit vehicular communication, as private buses, jeeps and small cars kept off the roads and toy train services were cancelled due to security reasons, much to the dismay of the 45,000 tourists who had been stranded on Thursday in the violence-hit hills. But with Chief Minister Mamata Banerjee personally monitoring the situation by camping in the tourist town of Darjeeling, the state government ran additional

fleet of buses to bring down the visitors to the plains from various hill pockets. A day after they clashed with police in Darjeeling over their demand for a separate state of Gorkhaland, GJM activists set fire to the under-construction Industrial Training Institute at Mungpoo in Kurseong sub-division of Darjeeling district. The GJM supporters were also seen picketing on the National Highways and other roads across the hills and stopping the few jeeps and cars that plied with the tourists. A car was damaged at Kurseong and tourists were forced to get down from their vehicles at Teesta Valley under Runglee-Rungliot block and Kalimpong. "Since Thursday night,

26 small and large buses have transported trapped tourists to various points in the state and a majority to Kolkata. At the moment we can't say how many are still stranded but their safety remains our priority," state Tourism Minister Gautam Deb told IANS. A Defence Ministry spokesperson said in Kolkata that six Army columns have been deployed -- three in Darjeeling, two in Kalimpong and one in Kurseong. Each column comprises 43 personnel. Three companies of Central Reserve Police Force have also been pressed into service. "The Army carried out flag marches in Kalimpong, Darjeeling and Kurseong today (Friday). The Army, CRPF and the civil administration are coordinating

with each other and the situation is under control of the civil administration," the spokesperson said. Banerjee, who has stayed put in the hills in view of the volatile situation, termed the shutdown as "illegal" and warned of "strict legal action" against those taking part in it. "The state government has declared today's shutdown as illegal. Whoever takes part in the shutdown will face strict legal action," she said as she moved around town to oversee arrangements to help stranded tourists in Darjeeling. She claimed normalcy has been restored in the hills, but said the violence was premeditated. "Now I can say the area is calm, hills are at peace, everyone is fine. On Thursday, they (GJM) wreaked havoc for an hour or two all of a sudden. They had stockpiled arms, bombs, guns and indulged in stone-pelting using large stone pieces. Police was injured and even women were beaten up. Despite all odds, our police showed restraint," Banerjee told the media here. The shutdown badly affected normal life, as private offices, commercial establishments and educational institutions remained closed. However, Banerjee

claimed government offices functioned normally and recorded very high attendance. "The attendance was 99 per cent in Kalimpong and Darjeeling towns, 98 per cent in Kurseong and 100 per cent in Mirik sub-divisional office," she said. In Kolkata, Governor K.N. Tripathi said he is "yet to receive any official communication" over the situation in Darjeeling, while the the state opposition parties yet again lambasted the Banerjee government for the flare-up in the hills. "The different ethnical groups in the hills are not united as the state government is forcibly dividing them. This has damaged the unity and integrity of the different ethnical groups living in the area," said Left Front chairman Biman Bose. Echoing him, the state Congress president Adhir Chowdhury accused Banerjee of unnecessarily provoking different communities of the hills and destroying their "bond of brotherhood" by creating seperate developmental boards. In a scathing attack, state BJP president Dilip Ghosh said: "Didi (as Banerjee is known) had gone to Darjeeling to provoke the people of the hills. Now she is getting paid back in her own coin."

Two manufacturing units in the outskirts of Imphal have been damaged by a big inferno this morning. It is suspected that some short circuits could have been the cause of the fire. There was no report of human casualty because of the fire.The inferno damaged work sheds allotted to Loktak Industries and the Manipur Plastic Industries situated at Takyel in Imphal West district. The loss of properties due to the fire is estimated to be worth around Rs 2 crore. However, there was no official confirmation in this regard. Meanwhile, Manipur Commerce and Industries Minister Thongam Biswajit Singh took stock of the damages incurred in a fire incident at the Takyel Industrial Estate in the outskirt of Imphal this morning. Following the inspection, the Minister said that, the State Fire Service will submit a departmental report on the incident. According to DIPR press release, the Minister assuring all possible aids to the affected entrepreneur, said the government will decide on the necessary relief measures for the victims including payment of necessary compensation or reimbursement at the earliest. As for temporary relief, the Minister instructed the concerned officials

UNC calls for 'time bound' tripartite talks Newmai News Network Senapati | June 9

With just 10 days to go for the lapse of the one month’s time period within which ‘tripartite talks’ on the district creation issue was agreed upon to be held at the political level by the involving parties, the United Naga Council (UNC) today asserted that there should be a ‘time frame or time bound’ for the government to resolve the issue. Talking to Newmai News Network this evening, UNC leaders said, “We cannot go on holding the tripartite talks without addressing the issue". The UNC leaders also asserted that “if the tripartite talks are not going to address the issue we are all ready and all prepared to defend our lands by any means.” They said that this decision has been taken. The UNC leaders further stated that they are closely monitoring the trend, and that, “we will oppose anything that hurts the sentiment of the Naga people.” On May 19, the representatives of the Manipur Government, the Central Government and the

UNC had agreed upon to hold ‘tripartite talks’ on the district creation issue at the political level within a month’s time. According to this agreement, the time lapses on June 19. However, so far the date for the next tripartite talks is yet to be decided. “Whatever may be the reason the next tripartite talks should be held at the political level by June 19,” the UNC stated. The UNC also stated that “since the

new government of Manipur under the leadership of N Biren Singh and the Narendra Modi government at the Centre had assured us to redress the problems created by the communal Ibobi Singh government we are fervently waiting for the justice.” In the last ‘tripartite talks’ held on May 19 in Senapati headquarters involving the United Naga Council (UNC), the Government of India and the


The Yongnyah Area Student’s Union felicitates Miss Chemyong Phom daughter of Nyeiwang Phom of Yongam Villages for securing Top 1 position (BAEducation Honour) in the recently declared Nagaland University result, 2017. The union appreciate your hard work and dedication that you have invested to bring an achievement and laurels to our community. We father hope that your exemplary achievement would inspire. The student’s community in the year to come.

State Government of Manipur, it was reaffirmed the “focal point No 1 of agreement arrived at in the tripartite talks on March 19, 2017” which states, “The grievances of the United Naga Council which led to the imposition of the economic blockade by them

was recognized as there was non-adherence to the four Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) and the Government of India’s assurance on the matter. The Government of Manipur agrees to start consultation with all stakeholders to redress the same”.

Admission noTiCE

Mountain View Christian College, Kohima AFFILIATED TO NAGALAND UNIVERSITY

Near BSF Camp. Below ATI Office: Kohima

ARTS AND COMMERCE Contact No: 0370-2280071/9856974717

Classes 11&12 B.A (Gen) B.A (Hons)

Admission 5500 6500 6800

Hostel Monthly fee

The damage caused by the fire at one of the manufacturing units in Imphal. (NNN Photo)

to identify non-allocated or unoccupied work sheds where the affected entrepreneur could be shifted and adjusted for the time being. The Minister also inspected the work-sheds at the estate allocated to different entrepreneurs and demanded the concerned officials to submit, at the earliest, the names and details of all entrepreneurs and work sheds allocated to them. He further asked the officials that the details should also include alist of all entrepreneurs who are yet to open their allocated work sheds. Demanding details of all units which are still lying non-utilised despite being already allocated to beneficiaries, the Minister said such work sheds should be re-allocated to deserving beneficiaries if the previous

beneficiaries are unable to set up their units. Briefing media persons, the Minister said it is the government’s main objective to make the non-functional Industrial Estates in the State functional at the earliest. He elaborated that, the government is acting on its commitment to solve the unemployment problem by making the industrial estates fully functional and redressing the grievances of the entrepreneurs. This is to encourage the entrepreneurs who on their part will provide earning avenues to others by giving them jobs, he added. Minister Biswajit further said that, all the requirements of the Industrial Estate which are presently lacking will be provided at the earliest after proper consultation with the Chief Minister.

Theta Tutorials

Lower P. R. Hill, Kohima, Nagaland

Admission Notice

1. Coaching for Class 10 2. Coaching for Class 11 (Science) 3. Coaching for Class 12 (Science) 4. Coaching for JEE Main / NEET / NSEE - 2018 Issue of Form & Prospectus : in progress Admission : in progress Commencement of Classes : 10-07-2017 (Monday) Documents required: 1) One Passport Size Photo 2) Photocopy of HSLC/HSSLC Exam Admit Card/Mark Sheet or ID Card Contact No.: (0370) 2226005 / 2244814 / 9436410403

Install(quarterly) 3000 3100 3200

- 3500

ElitE HEaltHcarE training institutE Dimapur: Nagaland -797112 Admission going on

YASU wishes you success in all your future endeavors. Hanvang Phom C. Chingsha Phom Gen. Secretary, YASU President, YASU

Courses offered Eligibility Duration FHW(Female Health Worker)/ANM 10th Passed 2 years 1 year DHAI/Nursing Assistant 8th Passed For details contact: Centre-I Centre-II Dhobinalla Culvert, Near ICICI 4th Mile, Near Agri. Expo Bank. Mob. No:9856125245/ Junction. Mob. No:8974507931/ 9615694009 9862639134 (Hostel Facility Available)

VEiJOng Pang YOutH YOngaM VillagE FELiCiTATion

Hearties congratulations to Miss. Chemyong Phom daughter of Mr. & Mrs. Nyeiwang Phom on achieving the Top 1 position (BA Education Honour) Nagaland University result, 2017 We pray that you continue to be an inspiration as you venture the new chapter in your life. Y Angpen, G. Secy.

Engoi, President


NAAC ACCREDITED B+ Lengrijan : Dimapur-797112, P.B. No. 253.


Handwritten applications along with relevant documents are invited form the intending candidates for the post of Asst. Prof. in ZOOLOGY. Minimum qualification: M. Sc. Zoology (as per UGC Norms) specialization in Bio-Chemistry preferably with NET, SLET, M. Phil. & Ph. D. The applications should reach the undersigned on or before 15th June 2017 Principal. # 03862-248275 Email: immanuelcollege797112@gmail.com

oFFiCE oF THE CHiEF ELECToRAL oFFiCER nAgALAnd, KoHimA E-mail: ceo_nagaland@eci.gov.in / Fax- 0370- 2290460

NO. ELE-SVEEP-GEN/19/2017/251


Dated : 7th June, 2017

Whereas, Article 326 of the Constitution of India grants Universal Adult Suffrage to every eligible Indian citizen. And whereas, Rule 39 of The Conduct of Elections 1961 directs to maintain secrecy of vote by electors. And whereas, Section 135A of Representation of the People Act 1951 on 'Offence of Booth Capturing' provides- Whoever commits an offence of booth capturing shall be punishable with imprisonment for a term which shall not be less than one year but which may extend to three years and with fine. And whereas, open declaration of support in favour of a particular candidate/political party by a village/ward/khel or community through public announcement and even through publication in electronic /print media etc violates the above provisions. Now, therefore, it is reiterated that if any village or ward or community or group of people or media house is found violating or defying the said provisions in connection with any future elections, appropriate legal action shall be initiated against the violator (s) in the interest of free, fair, transparent election and administering social order. (PANKAJ KUMKAR) IAS, Chief Secretary to the Government of Nagaland Issued by: DIPR

Headquarters: Lumami, Dist: Zunheboto, (Nagaland), Pin Code-798 627 No.NU-Acad/A-7/2005-2103

Dated: Lumami, the 9th June' 2017


It is hereby notified to all the aspiring students seeking admission to various disciplines of Post-Graduate degree as well as M. Phil. and Ph. D. programmes in the Schools of Sciences, Social Sciences & Humanities & Education in the Hqrs: Lumami & Kohima campus, Nagaland University for the Academic Session 2017-18, that the prospectus can be obtained on payment through the Challan of Rs. 200/- only for General, etc. (Rs. 150/- only for ST./SC.) from revenue counter of Nagaland University Hqrs: Lumami, Kohima-Campus Meriema & SET-Dimapur. As per the UGC letter vide No. F.1-12/2015 (CM) Dt. 28.12.2015, Nagaland University has adopted "Online Admission" from the Academic Session 2017-18. The necessary guidelines, information and others to the effect are available in the Prospectus 2017-18 as well as in the University website www.nagalanduniversity.ac.in. Aspiring candidates who wish to study may apply by availing the "Online Admission" facilities. Some of the important Dates: Sl. No.


Opening Date of online Application Form submission Last Date of online application 2 Form submission. Date of declaration of 1st list of 3 selected candidates.



Dates of Online Admission fee payment for selected candidates.

P.G. Courses

M. Phil. & Ph.D.

15th June, 2017

20th July, 2017

16th July, 2017

5th August, 2017

13th (M. Phil) & 16th (Ph. D.) August, 2017 13th -23rd (M. Phil) 21st - 27th July, 2017 & 16th -31st (Ph. D.) August, 2017 21st July, 2017

Note: Merit list shall be prepared as per University rules in the respective Academic Departments and the short-listed names of the aspiring students will be displayed on the University website & respective Academic Department Notice Board. Sd/- Registrar


saturdaY 10•06•2017



Petrol dealers up in arms against daily pricing MuMbai, June 9 (Dna): The daily pricing of petrol and diesel planned from June 16 is facing tough opposition from fuel outlet owners, who want it scrapped. At present, the prices are decided on a fortnightly basis. The initiative is being pilot-tested in five cities since the start of May. Fuel pump owners say they are not at all happy with the system and have protested it with the government at different fora after the state-owned run companies allegedly turned a deaf ear. Ravi Shinde, president of Petrol Dealers Association, said it becomes very difficult to manage the stock position on a daily basis. Further, the price announcement comes at odd hours, so it becomes difficult in monitoring it. Asked about the oil companies’ response to dealers’ grievances, Shinde said, “As in the past, the oil companies are refusing to budge and have asked us to

Fuel pumps are seen at a Bharat Petroleum gas station in Mumbai. (REUTER File Photo)

instead approach the government directly on this.” However, a senior executive from one of the PSU oil companies said the date for pan-India has already been announced. On the problems faced by the dealers over the implementation, the executive said that managing the stock should never be a problem. Further, the price announcement happens at

fixed time at 12 midnight. “So the dealers have to just depute one person for it. Where is the problem?” he asked, adding, he does not see any problem in pan-India implementation. The oil company executives also denied the apprehension of some retailers alleging that the new initiative will end up helping the private oil companies as they will marginally lower

their rates to capture the market share. “Private oil companies will never think of fighting with us on price, as even we are pretty deeppocketed and strong to take them head on,” the official said. The initiative is being tested at present is in Udaipur, Jamshedpur, Puducherry, Chandigarh and Vishakhapatnam. The public sector oil marketing companies – IOC, HPCL

and BPCL – are the major players in the retail business, running over 95% of nation’s 58,000 retail stations. Indian Oil Corp, the largest oil retailer in the country said in a statement, “Daily price revisions of petrol and diesel will make the retail prices more reflective of the current market conditions, minimising the volatility in the RSP of petrol and diesel. Further, it will lead to increased transparency in the system. This will also enable a smoother flow of products from refinery/depots to retail outlets. Many developed countries are already revising the prices of petrol and diesel on daily basis.” The daily fuel prices would be communicated to the general public in the form of listing it in the newspapers, display at retail outlets, social media, etc. Daily pricing is the second significant development after petrol and diesel prices were deregulated a few years back, say experts.

ATMA functionaries equipped with skills to design trainings MeDzipheMa, June 9 (Mexn): Extension Education Institute - North East Region (EEI - NER), Assam Agricultural University (AAU) Jorhat in collaboration with State Agricultural Management and Extension Training Institute (SAMETI), Nagaland organised a training on ‘training methods and training management’ from June 6 to 9 at SAMETI, Medziphema. The training was aimed at equipping ATMA functionaries from all districts with skills to design trainings, formulate training objectives and be well versed with different training methods so as to effectively disseminate technology to the clientele group, the farmers. The resource persons for the training programme were Dr. A.K. Bhattacharya, Professor EEI, Assam Agriculture University (AAU), Jorhat and Dr. B.L. Khuhly, Research Associate, EEI

(AAU) Jorhat. A field visit to Molvom village was organised where trainees and resource persons interacted with progressive pineapple farmer C. Hmar. The training course also comprised of feedback presentation and course evaluation. The valedictory function was chaired by Vikaho Chophi, DPD SAMETI while feedback from the trainees was given by Sentsuthung Yanthan, ATM Kiphire and Vimenuo Mere, BTM, Kohima. In his speech, Course Director, Dr. A.K. Bhattacharya encouraged the trainees

to take the training experience to their respective posting places and utilise the knowledge that they have learned to their training programmes in the field. He also congratulated the trainees on completing a very important training program with much enthusiasm and participation. The programme ended with a vote of thanks from Dr. Ithika C. Swu, DPD SAMETI. This was stated in a press release issued by Vikaho Chophi, Deputy Project Director, SAMETI Medziphema.

UGC directs higher educational Training and demo under INM-RKVY June 9 (Mexn): institutions to use digital modes of payment KohiMa, The Department of AgriculKohiMa, June 9 (DipR): The University Grants Commission (UGC) has issued necessary advisory to all higher educational institutions (HEls) that all monetary transactions of the educational institutions may be done using digital modes of payment (viz online IMPS/BHIM/Debit Cards/AEPS) under the National Digital Payments Mission (NDPM) of MHRD. The UGC has desired on reference of Ministry of Human Resource Development (MHRD), Government of India, that transaction to digital mode bring transparency and propriety: (a) All receipts and payments related to the functioning of the institutions vis. Student fees, exam fees, vendor payments, salary/wage payments etc. shall be made only through online or digital modes; (b) For all students’ service in the hostel and otherwise digital mode should be used for all transactions; (c) All Canteens and business establishments on the campus may be encouraged to use only digital modes for their receipts and payments. According to Secretary of UGC Prof. (Dr) Jaspal S. Sandhu notification all the administrators and students in higher educational institutions, and

the agencies/vendors running the canteens and other business establishments on the campuses, may be trained in using the BHIM app by linking their bank accounts with the mobile number/Aadhaar number. The action plan on the above points to identify all transactions being carried out in cash currently and find ways for replacing them with digital modes so that implementation can begin from the forthcoming academic year. The plan may, inter alia, consist (i) points of financial transaction (ii) total number of students/vendors and others in the campus (iii) number of likely transactions per month (iv) total digital transactions to be achieved in 2017-18. To achieve this effort, you may kindly appoint a Nodal officer in your esteemed University so that the necessary action on the above activities can be initiated in a time bound manner in your esteemed University as well as in the affiliated Colleges. The HEls also requested to kindly forward monthly report on the above to University Grants Commission by email i.e. usc.ndpm@omail.com for compilation and onward transmission to the MHRD.

ture, with an aim to meet the increasing demand of vermicompost in Nagaland, especially Kohima town by the flower growers/florist, the District Agriculture Office, Kohima conducted training and demonstration under INMRKVY at Seiyhama and Tsiesema village on May 30 and June 8 respectively. The resource persons were Myanthung Patton SDAO, Mhasikhotuo AO and Tiesovilie, AFA. Along with the beneficiaries, enthusiast farmers and unemployed youth attended the programme. “It has served the youth as a skill development for entrepreneurship,” stated a press note. The department provided HDPE vermibed which is easy to install as well as vermi-worm species. One of the successful beneficiaries Smt. Avinuo from Seiyhama village witnessed that flower growers from Kohima had known the benefits of incorporating ver-




Answer Number # 3965

micompost in the cultivation and therefore they had placed a huge demand even before harvesting. Besides, the Agro shop outlets are demanding both the vermin-worm and the compost. At present it is sold @Rs. 50

to 60 per kg. Awareness about the benefits of vermicomposting had increased manifold in the recent years and thereby many farmers are approaching the department. All together there are 8 beneficiaries selected for 2016-17. std code: 03862

DiMaPUR ACROSS 1. Tablet 6. Plod along 10. Website addresses 14. Log home 15. Bishop of Rome 16. Tidy 17. Blatant 18. Cards with 1 symbol 19. Small amount 20. Seafront 22. Again 23. Dawn goddess 24. Building addition 26. West Indies music 30. Wand 32. Submarine 33. Automatic transmission of data 37. Thunder 38. Vibes 39. Debauchee 40. Debilitates 42. Ringworm cassia 43. Unit of gold purity 44. Pester 45. Chalk 47. Not thin 48. Run away 49. Found on cave ceilings 56. French for “Wolf” 57. Small island 58. Product of bees 59. Being 60. Flower holder 61. Master of ceremonies 62. Doe 63. God of love 64. Inclines DOWN 1. Flat-bottomed boat 2. Magma 3. Assist in crime 4. Rubber wheel 5. Implore 6. Boxes lightly

Simple Rules - Fill in the grid so that every row, every column, and every 3x3 box contains the digits 1 through 9.

Game Number # 3966

Participants during the training and demonstration conducted under InM-rKVY.

7. Mentally irregular (slang) 8. Not closed 9. Carries (pregnancy) 10. Rude 11. French for “Queen” 12. Type of rubber 13. Goulash 21. Enemy 25. French for “Name” 26. Country bumpkin 27. Black, in poetry 28. Blunder 29. Wildlife warden 30. Type of cap 31. “What a shame!” 33. A city in western Russia 34. Chinese mafia 35. Graphic symbol 36. 365 days 38. Harsh 41. Consume 42. Small bag 44. Bleat 45. Near 46. Utilize again 47. Runs away 48. Skedaddled 50. Russian emperor 51. As well 52. Hefty volume 53. Ancient Peruvian 54. Adolescent 55. Visual organs Answer to Crossword 3968







































std code: 03871

(formerly senapati)

Civil Hospital



229529 229474

MH Hospital

227930 231081

Fire Brigade


Faith Hospital


naga Hospital


shamrock Hospital


oking Hospital


Zion Hospital

231864 224117 227337

Bethel nursing Home


northeast shuttles


Police Control room


Police Traffic Control


east Police station


west Police station


CIHsr (referral Hospital)

242555 242533

dimapur Hospital

Police station Fire Brigade

222246 222491


north Ps


Officer-in-Charge 8575045510 south Ps


Officer-in-Charge 8575045520 Zubza Ps

224041 248011


Officer-in-Charge 8575045518

Apollo Hospital Info Centre 230695/ 9402435652 railway


Airport Indian Airlines

229366 242441 225212

Chiephobozou Ps 8575045506 Officer-in-Charge 8575045516 tseminyu Ps


Officer-in-Charge 8575045517 Khuzama Ps


Officer-in-Charge 8575045515

nikos Hospital and research Centre

232032, 231031

Kezocha Ps

nagaland Multispecialty Health & research Centre

248302, 09856006026

women Cell

eden Medical Centre

248722 /248288, 9615945510

Control room






std code: 0370

KoHIMA Ps/oCs Contact numbers

Chumukedima Fire Brigade 282777





Officer-in-Charge 8575045538 8575045509

Officer-in-Charge 8575045519 8575045500 (Emergency No. – 100)


KoHIMA soUtH: 0370-2222952/ 101 (O) 9402003086 (OC) KoHIMA nortH: 7085924114 (O) dIMAPUr: 03862-232201/ 101 (O) 9856156876 (OC) CHUMUKedIMA: 7085982102 (O) 8732810051 (OC) woKHA: 03860-242215/101 (O) 8974322879 (OC) MoKoKCHUnG: 0369-2226225/ 101 (O) 8415830232 (OC) PHeK: 8414853765 (O) 8413822476(OC) ZUnHeBoto: 03867-280304/ 101 (O) 9436422730 (OC) tUensAnG: 8414853766 (O) 9856163601 (OC) Mon: 03869-251222/ 101 (O) 9862130954 (OC) Kiphire: 8414853767 (O) 9436261577 (OC) Peren: 7085189932 (O) 9856311205 (OC) LonGLenG: 7085924113 (O) 9862414264 (OC) we4 woMen HeLPLIne 08822911011 WOMEN HeLPLIne 181 CHiLD weLFAre CoMMIttee Toll free No. 1098 childline


std code: 0369

Police station 1 Police station 2 Police station Kobulong Police station tuli Police station Changtongya Police station Mangkolemba Civil Hospital

9485232688 9485232689 9485232690 9485232693 9485232694 9485232695 2226216

woodland nursing Home


Hotel Metsüpen (tourist Lodge) 2226373/ 2229343


Us dollars sterling Pound Hong Kong dollar Australian dollar singapore dollar Canadian dollar Japanese Yen euro thai Baht Korean won UAe dirham (Aed) Chinese Yuan

62.91 81.41 7.81 47.42 45.43 46.48 56.94 70.73 1.79 0.0541 16.57 8.99

65.77 85.39 8.70 49.76 47.68 48.77 60.16 74.18 1.99 0.0603 18.47 10.02

saturday 10•06•2017


Phek DPDb recommends creation of tribal hostels in Phek & Sekruzu Chizokho Vero

to be regular in their duties. Welcoming the new DC, he was optimistic that under his good administration the district will move ahead and attain the stature of one of the best districts in the state. He was also all praise for the authority of Phek Civil Hospital for Kayakalp award and also the Phek Town Youth Society for their Clean Phek Town initiative.

Phek | June 9

The Phek District Planning & Development Board (DPDB) in its monthly meeting here today recommended the proposal for creation of tribal hostels in Phek Town and Sekruzu under the provision of Article 275 (1). State Planning Board (SPB) deputy chairman Kuzholuzo (Azo) Nienu, who is also the chairman of Phek DPDB, said the recommendation and approval by the House will be forwarded to the planning department for consideration and necessary action thereof. The proposal for tribal hostel in Phek Town was submitted by Chakhesang Public Organization (CPO) through its vice president Ariyi Nienu, while the other at Sekruzu was proposed by DPDB chairman. Azo says govt. quarters/ properties intact in Phek Urging the members to be in their respective station, Azo asked them to occupy the official quarters saying that the government quarters and properties are intact in Phek district headquarters. He said the government is on the job to retain all the government quarters and whichever occupied by the private parties will be taken

Azo addressing DPDB meeting at Phek on June 9. (Morung Photo)

back. He also assured comfortable stay of the members in their respective posting places to enable them to discharge their normal duties in peaceful atmosphere. Asserting that the spirit of discipline can take the society forward, Azo said “Without discipline we are nowhere.” The very purpose of any mission, he maintained, will be defeated if the officers are not in station and sincere in their approach. He called upon the DPDB members to put their best effort to develop the district and at the same time

urged to reach out the welfare schemes to the targeted beneficiaries. Thanking Chief Minister Dr. Shürhozelie Liezietsu for releasing funds for the developmental activities, Azo further appealed for proper utilization of the provided funds. DC sets office timing from 10:00 am to 4:00 pm Phek Deputy Commissioner Kovi Meyase, who assumed the office on May 17, said it would be the endeavor of the DPDB members to render their best service in the best interest and welfare of the public.

He also sought cooperation from all the members for overall development of the district. He set office timing from 10:00 am to 4:00 pm. “Lead us in education, economic field” In his first address in the DPDB platform, Chakhesang Public Organization (CPO) president Kekhwengulo Lea requested the members “to lead us in education and economic fields’ in order to take the district forward. He assured fullest support to the officers in whatever way and also requested them

Power failure in Phek Phek Govt. College Vice Principal Besengulie Venuh sought the intervention of the DPDB on breaking down of transformer at Bible Hill colony. The power supply in the colony, where the college is situated, has been disrupted since May 2 thereby affecting the online related matters of the college. In this, Azo asked Phek DC to take the matter to the department concerned with seriousness for early restoration of power supply. PWD mechanical presents department activities Hokugha Sema, Assistant Mechanical Engineer, Mechanical Sub Division (PWD) Phek presented the department activities. Among the many works undertaken during 2016- 17 are clearance of landslide at Catholic school Phek, widening of Chozuba road,

construction of fishery pond at Kutsapo, clearance of mudslide at Phek- Losami road, clearance of landslide at Phek- Losami road, Phek- Kutsapo road, agri link road at Lozaphuhu, clearance of landslide at Khuza- Mutsale road, black topping at Losami, road repairing at Chizami, land development at Kikruma, road widening at Pfutsero, agri link road development at Kami village, agri link road at Yoruba village. Since the inception of the office of the mechanical sub division Phek, the department has been assisting both the departmental and private entrepreneurship by providing machineries like bull dozer, road roller, JCB excavator on hire basis as per the government approved rate, he said. Appreciating the department’s effort, Azo in his remark also asked the department to always keep their machineries ready to meet any eventuality in this rainy season. Next meeting on July 7 The meeting witnessed huge attendance of the members. Azo informed that the next monthly meeting of Phek DPDB will take place on July 7 in Phek. Departmental activities will be presented by sericulture and housing departments.

Eligible voters urged to PSaN ‘shocked’ by RD Minister’s enroll during ‘Special Drive’ retort on backdoor appointment Zunheboto, June 9 (Mexn): Deputy Commissioner & District Election Officer (DEO), Zunheboto, T. Roy and Additional Deputy Commissioner & District Election Officer, Pughoboto have separately informed of the ‘Special Drive’ programme, which will be launched from July 1-31, 2017. Roy said that during the programme, Booth Level Officers (BLOs) will visit door to door for collecting Form-6 from eligible citizens who are not enrolled in the electoral roll, particularly persons in age group of 18-21 years. On the special campaign dates, i.e., on July 8 and 22, the BLOs will sit at the polling stations with adequate number of Form-6 and Final Electoral Roll 2017 will also be displayed in all designated polling stations. In this regard, he has asked all citizens left out of electoral roll to be aware of the special drive and make use of the opportunity in enrolling themselves.

Meanwhile, DEO Pughoboto in a separate press release said the activities of the special drive will include enrollment of all eligible young Indian citizens in the electoral roll, particularly in the 18-19 years age group, removal of names of dead electors, multiple names, transferred out and underage names. Special campaigns will be held in all the polling stations under 13-Pughoboto Assembly Constituency on July 8 and 22, where the BLOs will be present with sufficient forms to facilitate the public. BLOs will also conduct door to door verification in the area falling under their jurisdiction from July 1 to 22, it added. All the stakeholders such as political parties, NGOs, churches, media, village councils/ GBs/ colony authorities have been requested to extend cooperation and participation for maximization of registration of eligible electors and removing the impurities in the electoral rolls.

DiMaPuR, June 9 (Mexn): The Public Service Aspirants of Nagaland (PSAN) today expressed “shock” at the behavior of Minister for Rural Development, CL John, when the former raised questions on backdoor appointments made in the RD department. A press note from PSAN alleged that the Minister, in response to questions regarding backdoor appointments, had stated that “these were not 'backdoor' appointments but rather 'political' appointments which were normal and there was nothing wrong with it.” The PSAN further quoted the Minister as having allegedly said "you cannot reduce the powers of ministers by asking us to stop making political appointments." It questioned whether the so-called political appointments made by politicians cannot be termed as 'backdoor' appointments. “If so, what is the meaning

Kohima | June 9

Minister for PHED Chotisuh Sazo today said that six districts in the State have been declared as Open Defecation Free (ODF) and the rest are expected to be declared same during 2017-18. The ODF districts are Dimapur, Mokokchung, Longleng, Phek, Kiphire and Zunheboto. He announced this while speaking at the sanitation workshop for women leaders held here under

the aegis of AMK and sponsored by WSSO, PHED Nagaland. He said India aims to achieve ODF India by October 2, 2019 at the cost of Rs. 1.96 lakh crore. Sazo further asserted one should not leave the sanitation campaign to government level alone, but the NGOs and civil societies should also gear up for the same. Stating that water is the main thing for sanitation, he said sufficient water is required for washing, bathing, plantation and

most importantly drinking. “Being clean is a sign of spiritual purity and goodness,” he said, adding “Cleanliness is health and wealth.” The workshop witnessed the participation of women leaders from all Angami villages under Kohima and Dimapur districts. Short speech was delivered by Er. K.G. Sumi, director WSSO, PHED. ‘Sanitation & good sanitary practices’ and ‘Waste management’ topics were covered in the workshop.

ENNWU reaffirms support to ‘Framework agreement’ DiMaPuR, June 9 (Mexn): The Eastern Naga National Workers’ Union (ENNWU) of the NSCN (IM) held a meeting on June 8 and reaffirmed its “support and affirmation to the NSCN/GPRN leadership, the ongoing peace process and the Framework Agreement signed between the NSCN/ GPRN and the Government of India.” A press note from the MIP, NSCN (IM) informed that the meeting deliberated on the ongoing Naga political issues, and was attended by about 230 national workers from Eastern Nagalim. Collective Leadership members Tongmeth Wangnao and TT Among, the Convener of ENNWU B. Moba Chang (Kilonser) and the General Secretary of ENNWU LP Kamthong (Steering Committee Member) along with several top functionaries of the NSCN/

GPRN from the Eastern Nagalim attended the meeting. Speaking at the meeting, Wangnao exhorted the gathered members that Nagas have always been one, and he further reminded that the Naga struggle was based on history and the ongoing talks are based on that unique history rather than imposed artificial boundaries. He however lamented that “certain elements that have forgotten that history and have been misleading the Nagas which has exposed their ignorance to our history and have caused further misunderstanding and confusion among the Nagas, and given more opportunity to both the external and internal forces to sabotage the hard earned peace process and also for the GoI to delay the solution.”

It further informed that since the present Minister took over the department, “only 4 BDO posts have been requisitioned to NPSC despite RTI replies clearly proving the existence of vacancies, many of which have been occupied on 'backdoor' or 'political' contractual basis, which completely disregards Article 16 of the Constitution of India...” The practice of backdoor appointment, it stated, is pushing the government departments backwards as most backdoor appointees are undeserving and inefficient in the discharge of their duties. The PSAN asked the Minister to “either come clean and justify his statements or apologize to the people of Nagaland.” It further challenged him to an open debate on the mentioned issue “if he still feels that backdoor appointments/political appointments are the absolute rights of politicians.”

Asks to address issues concerning ‘indigenous tribes of Nagaland’ DiMaPuR, June 9 (Mexn): Officials of the Nagaland Tribes Council (NTC) called on the Chief Minister of Nagaland, Dr. Shürhozelie Liezietsu today at his office to apprise him on the various issues concerning the ‘indigenous tribes of Nagaland.’ A press note from the NTC media cell informed that issues discussed included strict implementation of Land and Revenue (amendment) Act, 1978; the need to review the standard procedures to establish indigenous inhabitants status as per 1977 notification; the concerns of the citizens on the ongoing political process; and the dangers of Nagaland Special Development Zone (NSDZ) concept. The NTC officials urged the government to put such issues to proper conclusion and keep the protective laws in full force. It informed that besides these, “other related issues needing the immediate attention of the government in view of the prevailing situation,” were also discussed. The NTC meanwhile assured the State Government of its fullest co-operation to uphold the interest of the state in the above issues. It also thanked the Chief Minister for his “patient hearing and assurance to give all efforts to address the issues raised by NTC.”

MEx FILE ADC Bhandari informs on Aadhaar enrolment Wokha, June 9 (Mexn): Additional Deputy Commissioner of Bhandari, Nchumbemo Odyuo has informed the general public and government departments of Bhandari subdivision that the process of Aadhaar enrolment/correction and capturing of biometric has resumed and is operational at ADC office, Bhandari. Advisory has been issued to avail the facility by furnishing the following documents: Birth certificate, permanent residence certificate, Government issued ID card, voter ID card, PAN card, driving license etc. Since people residing as far away as Ralan subdivision, Sanis and Baghty also have been availing the facility, Supervisor/Operator's phone number (8132863495) has been made available in order to help the public obtain necessary further information or to address their grievances.

Affiliation of Asufü Christian Institute to MU kohiMa, June 9 (Mexn): The celebration of the permanent affiliation of Asufü Christian Institute, Punanamei, Mao, to Manipur University cum inauguration of new college building will take place on June 10 at 11:00 am at Asufü. Thokchom Radheshyam Singh, Minister for Education, Labour & Employment, Manipur, Prof. Th. Ratankumar Singh, Director, College of Development Council, Manipur University and Karam Shyam, Minister PDS & consumer Affairs, Weights & Measures, Revenue, Relief & Rehabilitation, Manipur will grace the occasion as the chief guest, guest of honour and special guest respectively.

Farmers trained on mushroom cultivation Mokokchung, June 9 (Mexn): ATMA Ongpangkong South block conducted training on oyster mushroom cultivation at District Horticulture Office, Mokokchung on June 8. Imchalemla, Assistant Horticulture Officer (AHO), who was the resource person, explained to the farmers the basic requirements for successful oyster mushroom cultivation followed by hands on live demonstration. The farmers were encouraged to take up mushroom cultivation, which is easy to grow and has tremendous potentials in the local market. Altogether, 7 farmers from Kinunger village attended the programme. They were all given mushroom spawns and polybags.

Public SPace

Six districts in Nagaland are Open Defecation Free Our Correspondent

of 'backdoor' appointment according to him?” It reminded the Minister that his foremost duty is to serve the very public “whom he does not have any respect for, as clearly understood through his unexpected and uncalled-for actions in his chamber today.” “Sadly, this very mindset runs among most of the politicians of today who run the job bazaar in exchange for votes,” it lamented and asked what part/ article of the Constitution of India provides for unabated, unethical, opaque and rampant backdoor appointment 'rights' to the ministers and bureaucrats. PSAN, through various RTI queries and plain observation, finds that the Department of Rural Development is one of the “dirtiest departments” under the Government of Nagaland with “numerous backdoor appointments and rampant corruption,” it alleged.

NTc calls on Nagaland cM

Nagas must be very cautious: NScN (iM)



fter many years of struggles and sufferings, the Nagas of all ages impatiently awaits the final moment to mark the end of political unrests and disputes with Govt. of India at the earliest. At this point of time, the so called NNPGs have tried to strike emotional chord and brain wash few individuals from present State of Nagaland without gauging the fact that, no single Naga wants to re-live in the past which is marked by bloodsheds and fighting amongst the Nagas themselves or with the Indian Arm Forces. The entire Naga populations are for peaceful political solution and to achieve that cherished goal, they had mandated the NSCN to seek an honourable and acceptable Political settlement with Govt. of India based on the unique history and situation of the Nagas. The subservient attitude of the NNPGs makes them readily accept with spontaneity the dictates of their master, the agents of the Govt. of India. It is vague enough that the NNPGs is taking up the name of Nagas of Nagaland alone after accepting the laws of the land and Indian Constitution while all the Nagas are in support of the peace process. The NNPGs got easily carried away by the purported media reports that, the integration will not have any effect on the boundary of Manipur. They have

completely lost their will power to fight for the rights of the Nagas and Naga Nation. The NNC/FGN had accepted the Indian Constitution at their own volitions while the Khehoi Campers and Reformation groups had accepted the law of the land( Indian Constitution) in signing the Cease fire then. And now it is reduced to a mere Suspension of Operations by GOI from this year on. The NNPGs have gone blur in their politiitcal visions by becoming the active agents of India and its agents and they had given up all hopes on themselves in regard to finding Naga political solution. The NNPGs are now fully committed in aggressively safeguarding the 16th.State of Indian Union not for the cause of the Naga’s rights and Naga Nation. If at times, the GOI has some opinions which could hurt the interest and rights of the Nagas, the NSCN had not backed off nor yielded to the dictates and any attempt to impose their will on us. we have withstood selflessly all through these years of struggles. This firmness in the leadership with visions to lead the Nagas till the cherished goal had made it possible for the NSCN to sail through all obstacles and temptations reaching a point of hnourable solution acceptable to both sides. The NSCN had persevered through the decades and now the Nagas are on the verge of having the final settlement with

India. The NSCN/GPRN stands for all the Nagas, be it in Assam, Arunachal Pradesh, Nagaland State, Manipur or Myanmar. The efforts of the NNPGs to further divide the Nagas by trying to chalk out only for Nagas of Nagaland is against the Nagas common interests and it is an open treachery against Naga Nation. The NNPGs have exposed themselves to the people and to the world that, they are a mere tool of the Indian adversaries, the same device that divided the Naga nation without the consents of the land owners. The high level of politics with firmness by the NSCN has earned respects from the Govt. of India as the NSCN will never compromise the Sovereign rights of the Nagas unlike the NNPGs. In spite of the good gestures of the NSCN/GPRN to come forward and strengthen the ongoing peace process, the NNPGS have resorted to instigating further fragmentations and divisions of the Naga Nation. Hence, based on their tones and actions, the NNPGs have forfeited the right to talk of the Nagas rights and Nagas Nation. Therefore, their own position should be understood from that perspective. Apex Civil organizations like the United Naga Council are affiliated with the Naga Hoho, the Naga Women Union is affiliated with Naga Mothers Association, All Ma-

nipur Naga Students Association is affiliated with the Naga Students Federation. Similarly all such Naga organizations in other neighbouring states are also affiliated to the highest apex bodies of the Nagas. These are the bona fide legal organizations contributing towards the common causes of the Nagas, whereas, NTC and CNTC are not affiliated to the Naga Hoho which itself is crystal clear evidence that their sole objective is to further divide the Nagas and sabotage the historic political process. The Nagas must be very cautious that, these organizations are fomenting destructiveness and they are sounding the alarms to reignite the flames of hatreds and conflicts amongst the Nagas again. These are completely against the wishes of the peace loving people and should never ever be allowed to befall on the Nagas again instead all efforts should be made to lead the Nagas towards an era of Political settlement, permanent peace, marked by generations of employments and better economic living conditions of the common people and in a world of our own where we can freely exercise our rights. The NSCN/GPRN once again appeal for coming forward in support of the peace process as the doors are open for all those who are honestly concerned and committed towards finding honourable solution for the Nagas.

The Morung Express “Public Space” is to provide space for diverse opinions to be expressed and heard. The opinions in the “Public Space” do not reflect the views and position of the newspaper nor the editor.

saturDaY 10•06•2017

PeoPle, life, etc...



The sound of Metal is turning into a requiem Anand Venkitachalam



t was born in an era of protests. As young people took to the streets across Europe and the United States in the 1960s, challenging the norms set for generations, a little-known genre of music was getting ready to make waves, emphatically. The sound of music that the likes of Led Zeppelin, Black Sabbath and Deep Purple made popular in 1968 was to stay for generations. Heavy Metal attracted music lovers by its strong, massive sound, underlined amplified distortions and led by extended guitar solos. The emphasis was on strong beats and high decibels. But this Rock variant may be on its death bed. The days of classic, old-school Metal bands is probably going to get marked by a most anticlimactic ending of all. Listeners are abandoning the genre at an alarming rate. "People listen to music differently now. They don't have time to sit down and put the record on and give it 30 minutes... Who will be the next giant Metal band, I don't know," Rob Halford (Judas Priest), one of the godfathers of Metal, was once quoted as saying. Concert sales have fallen. The Ozzfest in the US is losing its charm, and the enthusiasm for Germany's Wacken Open Air has declined sharply. Radio, television and the inter-

net are dominated by generic pop artists. Dee Snider of Twisted Sister says that "MTV helped and hurt Metal. They created this whole new visual scenario for bands, but at the same time looks began to matter more than the music". Even Ronnie James Dio (Black Sabbath & Dio) said in an interview before his death in 2010: MTV

"killed" Heavy Metal. "Their emphasis on creating music videos led to the rise of hair bands like Poison. It mattered far more what you look like with all that make-up, and how many 14-yearold girls you could pick up, and how much you could party than anything else. I'm sorry but that is just not Metal," he said.

So did glam kill Metal? What makes pop music so attractive is that you don't have to be musically inclined to create music anymore and that basically anyone with a computer can do it. The so-called "Metal" today is not pretty different with many bands going over to the electronic side whilst abandoning their fat, beefy

guitar tunes and overall aggressiveness. Megadeth frontman Dave Mustaine said people these days "can't even play the f***ing guitar" and that it is just about "posing". He told Loudwire that "Heavy Metal music is really popular when the world is under a lot of stress". To make matters worse, many prominent figures of the Metal world such as Chuck Schuldiner (Death), Dimebag Darrel (Pantera) Jeff Hanneman (Slayer), Lemmy Kilmister and Phil Taylor (Motorhead) are gone now and have not really been replaced by a newer generation to carry the torch. Bands such as Black Sabbath are no longer playing. Many are likely to follow suit. Brent Hinds, guitarist for old school-style Headbangers Mastodon, told Guitar Player last year that he hates playing Heavy Metal, while KISS bassist Gene Simmons proclaimed that "Rock is dead". In India, one of the first metal bands, Millennium, was formed in 1988. Two bands which could be looked as the voice of Metal are the Bangalore-based thrash Metal band Kryptos and the Mumbai-based extreme Metal band Demonic Resurrection. Others like Nicotine, Inner Sanctum, Scribe, Pin Drop Violence and Bhayanak Maut carry on the Metal torch. But the Metal scene is still evolving. Metal and Rock music was

marked by improvisation on the musician's part in the past, instead of adhering to some kind of established structure. But now there is no inclination to take risks with the fear of upsetting the established pattern, whether in studio or live. A lot of Metal bands have begun to follow the pop style of verse-chorus-verse pattern whilst abandoning another very important aspect of what defined Metal -- self expression. Take the example of two of the best Heavy Metal guitarists such as Randy Rhoads and Marty Friedman: They displayed a lot of skills in their songs such as "Mr. Crowley" and "Tornado of Souls", respectively, bringing in a level of "feeling" that gave their songs a great deal of depth. But this act of adding "feelings" to your songs, in Metal and Rock alike, seems now almost like a lost art. The truth is that when you play simple melodies, and strum a few powerful chords with a degree of experimentation, you can, perhaps, do a lot better than using a thousand exotic scales. Pristinely polishing your music with constant rehearsals instead of placing value only on what sells, priming it for insertion into the media like a piece of meat is what's contaminating the music industry. And killing Metal and Rock.

BOOK REVIEW: Chronicle of a Last Summer COSMIC TANGO: How black holes mate or merge A woman's snapshots of Egypt's simmering discontent and revolt Vikas Datta


Sahana Ghosh



lack hole merger is literally a match made in heaven. And the latest gravitational wave detection, from collision of two black holes, has set the ball rolling for unveiling the secret behind the mergers: How did the black holes pair up in the first place? The Advanced Laser Interferometer Gravitational Wave Observatory (LIGO), for the third time in less than a year-and-a-half, detected gravitational waves: Essentially, an intense form of energy emanating from disturbance of spacetime, when black holes collide. An international research team, including scientists from India, announced the latest detection of gravitational waves. The waves were first predicted by Albert Einstein more than a century ago. A black hole is a region in space where the pulling force of gravity is so strong that even light cannot escape its grip. According to Tarun Souradeep, LIGO-India spokesperson, each "event" of gravitational wave detection throws up a surprise. But what has intrigued researchers this time is the spin of the black holes: They are not like two aligned tornadoes orbiting each other, but like two tilted tornadoes. "This (new finding) could point to how black holes pair up in the first place -- the formation scenario. Its not just detection...it's the start of a new astronomy," Souradeep told IANS. Souradeep is a Senior Professor at Inter-University Centre for Astronomy and Astrophysics, Pune, one of the three leading Indian institutions involved in implementing the collaborative LIGO-India project. So here's what has got scientists buzzing. One of the more popular models for black holes says they form in pairs right at the outset and merge. This, Souradeep says, is analogous to an arranged early "child" marriage. If the marriage survives upheavals, there is ample opportunity and grounds to align their personal traits or in the case of black holes, their spins. The alternate theory revolves around the idea that these black holes are single when formed. Then, in dense environments, a black hole would sink to the densest part and it could find a partner. Here the spins are not necessarily aligned, as

was shown with the latest detection. "This can be thought of as modern-day marriages where couples with disparate backgrounds meet in a high-density environment such as IT hubs in metros," explained Souradeep. The latest observation -- from even more distant and ancient black hole collisions than the first two LIGO observations -- puts "pressure" on the arranged marriage model. "In science, you cannot reject anything outright. So what we are saying is the first model (arranged marriage at an early age) can't explain the latest observation. But it doesn't mean that none of the black holes pairs have originated that way (in pairs at the start). At the same time, the latest data shows the alternate model is also operational," explained Souradeep. For India, this cosmic tango has implications in new-age astrophysics. "There are people in India interested in that liaison (black hole merger); we would include more astrophysicists who would be interested in the formation scenario of black hole binaries. We know LIGO India is a very important component of how we do astrophysics with it (the detections)," Souradeep explained. The other implication is the growing scope of astronomy as with more detections (or events), there would be pressure to locate the source of the collisions. The first direct observation of gravitational waves was made in September 2015, during the first observing run. A second detection was made in December, 2015. The third detection is described in a new paper accepted for publication in the journal Physical Review Letters. The publication has 40 authors from 11 Indian institutions. For India, things will take a firm shape henceforth. The LIGO India Science board will begin to coordinate the science of the Indian collaboration. "Till now there was an informal consortium which was handling the science from India with the data that was coming in. But we are transiting to a phase where LIGO India would seamlessly take care of the science that we do with the detectors in the US and also the Indian detector when it comes up," Souradeep said. The construction of the LIGO-India observatory and the build-up of a vibrant science community around it are going to be combined. "This is as we hoped would happen," Souradeep added.


olcanic emotions contribute to, and are further generated, during turbulent times in human affairs as manifested in revolutions or other such instances of rapid change. But how dis these grow to the critical levels necessary to trigger such upheavals, say, in stagnant, repressive societies like Middle East's long-established autocracies, during the Arab Spring? And what was it like before the protests ballooned or after the promises held out by these events fizzled out unrealised? Egyptian author Yasmine el Rashidi seeks to give us an answer in her debut novel, through the eyes and thoughts of an unnamed woman at three key stages of her life. It begins with the narrator as a school student in 1984 struggling to make sense of the flux in her life with the disappearance of her father, fast-forwards to 1998 when she is an university student studying filmmaking and can observe society at a time through a lens when the threat of jihadi terror has cropped up while people are developing aspirations and are getting restless. Her odyssey finally ends in 2014, at the end of a watershed era when hopes for a better future rose as it finally seemed within reach, were subverted and then ignominiously dashed with the country seemingly wrenched back into the past it had long been trying to escape. Even her father's return offers no consolation as the narrator understands that while there is no guarantee of a better period soon, while the older time cannot offer any more solace after the brief flowering of better possibilities and more freedom.

Mixing the coming-of-age genre with key insights into society and politics in Egypt, the unforgettable, nuanced picture of a country deemed a trailblazer for the Middle East but itself conflicted over its complex heritage, is brought to life by the frequently powerless character at its centre. Rashidi, a regular contributor to The New York Review of Books, and an editor of Middle East arts and culture quarterly Bidoun, draws in the reader to the atmosphere she skilllfully fashions. Be it an otherwise serene home where comfort has to contend with questions about unexplained absence of inmates, of a school where irrelevant history is being taught and a student's background determines how they will be treated, simple pleasures after school, the rumble-tumble of the markets where venal policemen target those who cannot fight

back, the planned chaos of a government office, crowded bus rides, trying to politely send off a child vendor... the simple but evocative prose makes you feel all the uncertainty, indignation, frustration, heat and even pain, shock and despair. Alongside there are discussions on the legacy of Gamal Abdel Nasser, presented as opinions of the narrator's favourite cousin and of an "uncle", as well of the contributions of Anwar El-Sadat, and then the long, stultifying rule of Hosni Mubarak, as well as examinations of what drew or repelled her countrymen to the Muslim Brotherhood and more. But as she mentions, in one of the book's most key passages -- relevant far beyond her country and region -- the burgeoning 24/7 TV channels "where montages have escalated into dramatics", and where if they are not featuring the nation's current leader, "it would be terror". One key part is when the narrator's "uncle" tells her "commonplace" happenings that may indicate approaching tumult when she confesses her disquiet to him. She is told to watch for "certain things" -- the prices of simple, staple vegetables, if the bread-delivery man is whistling as he cycles down the street or, if people are watching TV at cafes, or sitting in silence, or debating, or if the radio begins to play repeated patriotic songs. And how do dashed hopes affect the people? As the narrator's now-jailed cousin tells her that his changed appearance is "what happens when you wait each day without knowing what you are waiting for". The Arab Spring's impact on political realities may been may have been transitory or unexpected in most cases but it did affect the people -- for good or bad -and this is one of its most heart-tugging stories.

'Open Access publishing is the way forward' Saket Suman



ndia's first open access platform for academic authors to publish their works and make them available in over 100 countries has just been launched -- and the man behind the idea says that this concept is the future of publishing. The basic idea behind open access publishing is to return scholarly publishing to its original purpose -- to spread knowledge and allow that knowledge to be built upon. Open Access publishing means providing content free online to readers while supporting operations by financial models that permit this free electronic distribution. So far, most advances in Open Access publishing have been made in the area of journal publishing, but there are an increasing number of ventures into Open Access monograph publishing as well. India's first Open Access academic publishing platform comes from Notion Press, which was launched in 2012 to offer various high-quality publishing, book printing and distribution options to both authors and publish-

ers from around the world. The new platform, Scholarink.com, is dubbed as a launch pad for scholars, universities, researchers and research groups to publish their work, thereby providing them with an opportunity to reach wider audiences. "It opens up research for a wider analysis. Open Access publishing is the way forward. World over, more and more publishers, authors and universities have realised the importance of OA and have already embraced it. Authors gain wide reach through OA publishing," Jana Pillay, Co- Founder and Director of Scholarink told IANS in an email. "In the Indian context, OA is still in its infant stage. Owing to misconceptions, Indian publishers are still very apprehensive about letting their content online for free access. As a result, a lot good Indian academicians are favoring International publishers to have their content on Open Access," he added. Pillay said that they understood the intricacies of academic publishing from their interactions with academic writers.Through them, they realised that academic publishing was nothing like regular publishing -- it is an entirely dif-

ferent turf. "That is when we set out exploring this field. Initially, we started collaborating with colleges to fulfill their publishing needs and then slowly grew into a complete platform that specially caters to the publishing needs of the academic and scientific communities," he said. The new platform is expected to serve as one-stop solution for all publishing needs. From running plagiarism checks and copy-editing to the overall creation of the book and worldwide distribution, said Pillay, adding that their 150-member team ensures that authors receive the best academic publishing services under one roof. "From editing their works to creating their book and distributing to 100+ countries to indexing their work, Scholarink is a one-stop solution for any academician who is looking to publish and sell his/her work. Our authors receive 100 per cent profits from the sale of their works and this is credited to them on a monthly basis," he said. Scholarink, he added, hopes to become the most preferred destination for academicians and scientists in India to publish and sell their works.

Readers may please note that the contents of the articles, letters and opinions published do not reflect the outlook of this paper nor of the Editor in any form.

SaturDaY 10•06•2017

Morung Youth Express


The last-minute people


ast week I got an email from an irate teacher friend who said a young friend of his needed last-minute help with her thesis before submission to her university. My friend did a small rant about our people always doing stuff at the last minute. Of course, this was a generalisation on his side, nonetheless, very sadly accurate. We both agreed to examine the endemic affliction known as ‘last-minute’ which seems to particularly affect our people these days. Why do some folks always leave things to the very last minute? Why are some people always late? Some years ago, I was in hearing distance when an acquaintance commented rather sharply about a common friend, “Oh that Pennyla! She’ll be late for her own funeral!” Poor Penny totally deserved the censure. She didn’t know the meaning of what it was to arrive on time for any function, whether it was a family dinner or a wedding, any public event at all and that attitude applied to private meetings too. You are all familiar with the friend who comes late to din-

ners, meetings, church services, concerts, etc. Most of the time it’s someone else’s fault: the bus came late, the alarm didn’t go off, and the meterman turned up most unexpectedly. Like living in a house with the homework-eating dog, the friend who is always late seems to be surrounded by people and things that collaborate to make her or him late. I know a group of people from a West African country who can take the cake when it comes to lateness. Sometimes their church services begin a full hour after the stated time because that is when people saunter in, unhurriedly and totally unconcerned about their tardiness. At the wedding of one of their number, the guests were astonished that it was not only the bride that was late, even the bridegroom was ostensibly late as well! It’s quite admirable in a perverted way that a whole community can be so oblivious of time and its demands. But I wouldn’t rec-

ommend that approach to time in any century. I affirm that the numbers of lastminute people have increased in our generation. It is obvious in the road rage we witness these days. Everyone is in a hurry to get somewhere, but few practise the wisdom to start out early and reach before rush hour starts. It can be applied to the rest of life. Start early and give yourself enough time to finish the job. If you have extra time left over, you can always utilise that to edit your work and refine it further so that the end result is a product you would be proud of. Father’s generation were the type who got to office a good ten or fifteen minutes before it opened. The majority of fathers in his generation were trained thus. It must be the education they had received as well as parental teaching. The young daughter of one of Father’s friends found the early bird habits of her father very annoying es-

pecially when it was applied on Sunday mornings. This was back in the day when Sunday services took place at 8.30 am or 9.00 am, and all members of the family were dependent on the one family car which was driven by the father. The young girl, it was reported, would ask her father if it was his turn to ring the church bell that day since he was in such a hurry to get to church. We all laughed back then, and we passed the anecdote around and had a good second laugh at Uncle being admonished by his own progeny. However, with the older generation dying out, the disrespect for punctuality, and the habit of working behind time seems to be on the rise. Try, really try to be on time. Or even better, be before time. Make time your friend, not your foe. Get it to work for you, not against you. Eventually your best work will be the one completed with enough time on your hands to plan and to execute with confidence and without using short-cuts. There really is nothing cool about being a last-minute person. It won’t win prizes anywhere.

watering is one of the easiest ways to damage a plant and can often have fatal results. During the warmer summer months when the plants are growing, water them once a week. Decrease watering during winter dormancy – some plants should be kept completely dry through the cool winter months in order to avoid root rot.

2. DON'T PLACE IN DIRECT SUNLIGHT Scorching can also be a problem with many cacti and succulents. Placing them in direct sunshine beside a window can be detrimental. This shows as brown marks on the leaves or body of the plant. If this happens move your plant into indirect sun or light shade to prevent further damage. 3. PROTECTION FROM PESTS One way to prevent pests setting up home in and around your plant is to remove any wilting leaves or dead matter that has accumulated in the pot below. These can provide the perfect environment for mealy bugs and spider mites to thrive. 4. REPOT TO ENCOURAGE GROWTH Stunted growth can happen when you haven’t repotted your plant for a long time - they should ideally be repotted as they grow. If a plant is not repotted, its roots can become cramped and pot-bound. 5. SHEDDING IS A WARNING SIGN If your plant seems to be shedding a lot of leaves, this could be an indication that the temperature is too high or underwatering is an issue. It is important to be aware that shedding is a natural process in which plants selfpropagate. However, if you are concerned then try moving your plant to a new location.

Here’s how to get shiny, frizz-free hair this summer

I Five ways to keep your indoor succulent plants alive

Emma Sibley | Homes and Property


nexpensive to buy and small enough for even the most compact of city apartments, cacti and succulents are great for Londoners to dip their toe into looking after houseplants. Despite being easy to care for, there are many common mistakes people make when looking after succulents.

Offering workshops, interior displays and private commissions with her London Terrariums business, expert Emma Sibley offers her top tips on how to make your plants thrive. 1. DON'T OVERWATER Possibly the most troublesome part of owning a cactus or succulent is knowing how often to water it. Over-


Arundhati Swaminathan | Hindustan Times

n this scorching summer heat, your hair needs as much attention as your skin. Drink lots of water, eat well, oil your hair regularly and cover it with a scarf or hat when you step outside. If your hair gets exceptionally frizzy during this season, try these foods that make for excellent hair conditioners: Mayonnaise A delicious addition to sandwiches, burgers and fries, Mayonnaise is also an excellent hair product. Mayo contains egg yolks, vinegar and oils that work together to nourish and moisturise hair. It not only removes hair frizz, but is one of the most popular treatments when it comes to getting rid of lice and dandruff. You can also add a spoonful to your conditioner to get a quick, extra-nourishing kick. Bananas Rich in potassium, bananas are great for hair conditioning, especially when combined with honey, a well-known humectant. Just peel a banana and add 1/4 cup of olive oil and one egg white and put in a blender. Let it stay on your hair for 15 minutes and wash. Bananas are also excellent to treat hair loss, when mixed with yoghurt. Apply the smooth paste on your scalp and rinse with cool water after 15-20 minutes. Beer Beers can be used as a natural hair conditioner because it is rich in proteins and adds volume and shine to your hair. If you have dull and lifeless hair, rinse it with beer. Beer also contains activated yeast, which helps in plumping up the cuticles of hair that adds volume. Honey Thanks to its nourishing and moisturising properties, honey can reduce frizz to the point of eliminating it. The enzymes and nutrients in raw honey also give dull hair shine without weighing it down. Just mix three tablespoons of honey with two tablespoons of water, apply it to clean, damp hair and let it sit for an hour. Rinse well. Egg Eggs help tame that frizz and make hair smooth and shiny. To strengthen your hair, apply a whipped egg to dry hair, then wrap it in a towel for 20 minutes. Just make sure to rinse well with lukewarm water. Also, eggs have fatty acids that give deep nourishment to the hair and also remove scalp dryness.

Spicy cucumber side dish (Oi-muchim) We Wear Culture| Google Arts & Culture launches the virtual fashion museum Swapna Krishna | Engadget



Source: Maangchi

m going to share a super simple recipe with you today that’s one of my all time favorites. It’s a spicy Korean cucumber side dish called oimuchim. If you have a nice seedless English cucumber, you can make this delicious banchan in just a few minutes. During my round the world Gapshida trip to meet my readers in 2011, I made this dish almost everywhere I went. Everybody loved it. Who wouldn’t like cold, fresh, crispy, seasoned cucumber? Each bite is succulent and wonderful! Oi means “cucumber” in English, and muchim means “mixed” or “seasoned,” so many people simply call this dish “seasoned cucumber”. Many Koreans have their own version of it, so you’ll find many variations from family to family. This one is mine, and I’ve been using it for a long time. It’s also one of the dishes in my cookbook. A major tip for this recipe is to make it and mix it just before serving, which will keep it crisp and fresh and prevent it from getting watery. It’s perfectly for a summertime BBQ – refreshing and just spicy enough to give you a little kick!

oogle Arts & Culture has brought us virtual museums featuring everything from dinosaurs to presidential history, and now they're debuting a new collection. Their latest project, We Wear Culture, covers the history of fashion over the course of three millennia and charts how our culture shapes our fashion choices -- and vice versa. From virtual reality films to video to ultra high-resolution photography, Google has taken advantage of many different media to bring an interactive, one-of-a-kind museum to your computer or smartphone. Fashion fans can explore all manner of history; for example, how trades such as shoe making and jewelry making are passed down through generations. If you're a geek about fashion,

you'll probably find quite a few things to fascinate you within this virtual collection. Discover how a Chanel dress, dating to 1925, changed how women wore the color black. Or take a look at how the corset has inspired designer Vi-

venne Westwood. You can also see Marilyn Monroe's iconic red heels and learn how stilettos became such a fashion statement. You can access We Wear Culture on the web or through Google Arts & Culture's mobile apps on

iOS and Android. Google has done excellent work taking advantage of cutting edge technology to digitize museum contents, making these exhibits and important historical items accessible for anyone with a computer or smartphone.

Rewire your attitude and be happy Tarang Sinha | Huffington Post


hanging one's attitude is difficult. At least, it is for me. I hesitate, fearing that people might think that I have changed. I know that they will think so because it is difficult to accept change. People don't like it when you stop acting according to their wishes. Nonetheless, I have Enjoy the recipe! Let me know if you make it! come to realize that embracing change is necessary for peace of Ingredients (Serves 4) mind. You just need to rewire your 1 English cucumber (or 2 to 3 kirby cucumbers), washed attitude. ¼ cup thinly sliced onion 1 green onion, chopped 1. Thinking about 2 garlic cloves, minced yourself first isn't selfish 2 tablespoons soy sauce In fact, it is cool. Expecting that 2 teaspoons hot pepper flakes others will take care of you is not 2 teaspoons sesame oil so cool. People often think about 2 teaspoons sesame seeds what others have or haven't done 1 teaspoon sugar (optional) for them. Do they ever think about what have they done for themDirections selves? If you think about yourself • Cut the cucumber lengthwise in half and cut diagonally into thin slices. • Put the cucumber into a large bowl. Add the onion, green onion, garlic, soy first, you make your life more organized, and this brings a sense of sauce, hot pepper flakes, sesame oil, sesame seeds, and sugar. contentment. You cannot reflect • Mix it well with a spoon until the sugar is well dissolved. positivity if you are not content. • Serve as a side dish for rice, noodles, or BBQ.

2. Accept yourself the way you are I have a wheatish complexion and I remember that in my childhood I wanted to be fair. I wished to be very fair like my grandmother and my cousin. But, as I grew up, I became comfortable with my skin colour. Now, I don't understand why I even wanted to be fair. Maybe because I have seen people's fascination with fair skin. Paridhi, the female protagonist of my debut novel, We Will Meet Again, is dusky, and some readers found it strange that the good-looking and successful Abhigyan — the male protagonist — fell for her. As someone told me, "She isn't even beautiful!" But, the colour of your skin or shape of your body doesn't define you. With acceptance, comes confidence. Be yourself. It makes your life easier. 3. Learn to speak for yourself (and your dear ones when necessary) You feel this strong urge to respond to mean things people say

to you, but you can't. Your mind screams a big 'no' while you hear yourself saying a meek 'yes'. Sounds familiar? It is difficult but very important to speak for yourself. People don't accept it easily. But, if you don't speak for yourself, who will? People feel nice when you don't respond to their meanness, but they feel bad when you speak for yourself. I wonder why. Saying a firm yet polite no and replying appropriately will save you a lot trouble. It makes you feel light. And, it makes people realize that they can't expect you to act as per their wishes. It also makes them realize that they can't say to you whatever they want to. 4. Be polite I seldom use harsh words. But when I do, it disturbs me. I can't stop thinking about it. You don't need to be rude in order to be straightforward. Sometimes, words hurt more than deeds. And sometimes, your tone is more

hurtful than your words. So, it is important to be careful how you say things. It doesn't take anything to be kind and polite. You can be firm and polite at the same time. 5. Learn to ignore people who deserve to be ignored Always care for those who truly care for you. But never waste your time on those who are too busy for you. It is not about time, it is about intention and effort. Also, people who pretend to be your well-wishers and show that they deeply care for you but actually mislead you indirectly are dangerous. They don't deserve your attention. 6. Stop being a people pleaser This one is tough but the best for your peace. When you try hard to please others, you diminish your value. It hardly earns you anything. It's just an indication that people can take you for granted. You certainly don't want that, do you?

Readers may please note that, the contents of the articles published on this page do not reflect the outlook of this paper nor of the Editor in any form.


saturDaY 10•06•2017



Respect sovereignty, regional integrity: Modi in SCO AstAnA (KAzAKhstAn), June 9 (IAns): Against the backdrop of India's opposition to China's ambitious 'One Belt, One Road' (OBOR) initiative and with President Xi Jinping listening, Prime Minister Narendra Modi on Friday said that sovereignty and regional integrity should be respected on issues of connectivity. On his part Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif of Pakistan, which is part of the OBOR, hailed the Belt Road Initiative (BRI) as transforming the global economic landscape. "For connectivity initiatives and for success and approval of the projects, sovereignty and regional integrity must be respected while inclusivity and sustainability are essential," Modi said while addressing the SCO summit of which India became a member on Friday. "Connectivity with SCO countries is our priority. We fully support it. And we want connectivity should pave the way for cooperation and trust among our future generations and society," Modi said. He said India joining the International North-South Transport Corridor and the Chabahar port agreement and the decision to join the Ashgabat Agreement (a multimodal transport agreement) will bring the country closer to these places. In his speech, Pakistan Prime Minister Sharif said the SCO's expansion was taking place at an "opportune time as a Belt and Road Initiative (BRI) transforms the global economic landscape". "And in Pakistan we are diligently implementing the China-Pakistan Economic Corridor, which is the flagship of the BRI. What is more, these mega projects will benefit the entire SCO community." India has strongly objected to the

Let's address sensitive issues: Xi to Modi

Indian Prime Minister, Narendra Modi and Chinese President, Xi Jinping at the SCO summit on June 9.

OBOR project on the ground that the CPEC infringes on India's sovereignty as it passes through Pakistan-administered Kashmir. Sharif said that Pakistan was attending this summit with the confidence that it would be able to change the world for better. "We will do so by harnessing the SCO's enormous potential and a proven competency as well as by leveraging strong political will of the nations represented on the SCO. Pakistan stands ready to contribute to this collective endeavour," he said. Sharif said Pakistan shares deep historical and cultural ties with SCO members as well as strong economic and strategic linkages. "SCO's goals resonate with Pakistan's national ethos and so do the core values of

the Shanghai spirit and SCO's charter with our own quest for a peaceful neighbourhood. In this context, I welcome the proposal made by the President on the need for good neighbourliness for the next five years among SCO members," Sharif said. The Pakistan leader also said that as leaders, they should leave a legacy of peace for future generations not a toxic harvest of conflict and animosity. India, Pakistan become full members of SCO India, along with Pakistan, was on Friday granted full membership of the Shanghai Cooperation Organisation (SCO) at the influential Eurasian political, economic and military bloc's summit here. Prime Minister Narendra Modi

said that the forum represented 42 per cent of the world's population, 20 per cent of its GDP and 22 per cent of its territory. "Though we have become a member of the SCO only today, our relations with the region have been historic," Modi said. He said energy, education, transport, agriculture, security, development and trade would be the top drivers in India's ties with the SCO. According to Modi, the SCO will also be a powerful partner in the international fight against terrorism. Speaking after Modi, Pakistan Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif congratulated India on getting membership in the inter-governmental organisation. The formation of the SCO was announced in June 2001.

BeIJIng, June 9 (IAns): China and India should address the "major and sensitive issues" dogging their bilateral ties, Chinese President Xi Jinping conveyed to Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi during their meeting in the Kazakhstan capital Astana on Friday. Meeting Modi on the sidelines of the Shanghai Cooperation Organisation meeting in Astana, Xi also congratulated India on becoming a full member of the grouping. Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesperson Hua Chunying, briefing newspersons here on the meeting, said Xi told Modi that both sides "should address major and sensitive issues." "The Chinese side attaches great importance to this relationship with India, and will work together with India to complement each other's major development strategies and stay in close communication and coordinate with each other on major regional and international affairs and maintain sound and steady growth of the bilateral relationship," Hua said quoting Xi. "During the meeting, Xi pointed out that the current world situation is undergoing profound changes and China and India as two major developing countries in the world should focus more on cooperation and work alongside with each other to provide assistance to each other's develop-

mental growth," she added. Modi told Xi that the two countries enjoy traditional friendship and a sound and steady bilateral relationship would be conducive to peace and stability in the whole world, Hua said. Modi said that both nations "should enhance cooperation and coordination in international affairs and deal with sensitive issues between the two countries", according to Hua. The meeting comes at a time when ties between the two countries have been strained over a host of issues, including Beijing repeatedly blocking New Delhi's bid for membership of the Nuclear Suppliers Group and for a ban on Jaish-e-Mohammed leader Masood Azhar. China has been upset with India for hosting the Dalai Lama and allowing the Tibetan spiritual leader to visit Arunachal Pradesh, large parts of which Beijing considers as part of southern Tibet. Xi also stressed the need to develop the Bangladesh, China, India and Myanmar corridor, one of the six components of Beijing's One Belt, One Road project. India is opposed to the $46 billion China-Pakistan Economic Corridor, the most important component of the Belt and Road Initiative, which passes through Pakistan-administered Kashmir and even skipped the two-day Belt and Road summit in Beijing in opposition to it.

NEET 2017: SC to hear Child marriages rise in urban India, decline in rural Boycott ministers after to 2011, while the proportion of boys overall, with 37% of its girls aged 10 raid on NDTV: Shourie CBSE plea on Monday married before 21 fell to 2.54% from to 17 married, as well as among rural Vipul Vivek

new DelhI, June 9 (IAns): The Supreme Court on Friday said it will hear on June 12 a CBSE plea for declaration of NEET result earlier put on hold by the Madras High Court. An apex court vacation bench of Justice Ashok Bhushan and Justice Deepak Gupta agreed to hear the plea of Central Board of Secondary Education (CBSE) after Additional Solicitor General Maninder Singh requested for an urgent hearing. The court will also hear the plea for the transfer of the National Eligibility-cum-Entrance Test (NEET) cases pending in the Madras and Gujarat High Courts. The CBSE has challenged the Madras High Court's May 24 order that restrained the Board from publishing the results. The NEET examination for admission to undergraduate medical and dental courses was held on May 7. The High Court order came after certain students and their parents contended that NEET 2017 was not uniform since questions asked in different sets of question papers in different languages were not the same. Besides the CBSE, two students have also moved the Supreme Court to challenge the May 24 order, contending that the future of 12 lakh NEET candidates is uncertain and there was apprehension of loss of one semester in the MBBS courses due to delay in effecting admissions. There are 56,000 MBBS/BDS seats across the country, said petitioners Namita Sibal and Apoorva Atul Joshi, who are represented by lawyer Vivek Singh. While Apoorva has herself appeared in NEET's undergraduate court exam 2017, Namita Sibal is the mother of another NEET candidate. The petitioners told the top court that as per its orders of April 28, 2016, and March 31, 2017, all matters relating to NEET arising from its orders could only be brought before the Supreme Court.

How Twitter is helping UP government achieve effectiveness new DelhI/lucKnow, June 9 (IAns): In line with the Centre's aim to bring transparency in governance, the Yogi Adityanath-led BJP government in Uttar Pradesh has become the first state to ride on the microblogging website Twitter for reaching out to the people, a company executive said on Friday. "The UP government has recognised the potential of Twitter as a platform for effective integrated public communication and is setting a model example for accountability and amenability within the administration," Mahima Kaul, Head of Public Policy, Twitter India, told IANS. At the first-ever #UPonTwitter workshop organised in Lucknow this week, the state government asked officials across departments to join Twitter's live communication platform for effective communication and quick complaint redressal. "The #UPonTwitter workshop is a step towards encouraging more departments to utilise Twitter to drive public campaigns and ensure effective governance with real-time public feedback," Kaul added. At the workshop, the micro-blogging website facilitated a presentation and discussion of Twitter Rules, Account and Safety education, sharing of latest features for campaigns and analytics and discussed ideas for citizen engagement on the platform. Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath, who has 5,27,000 followers (@myogiadityanath), also directed all government departments to open Twitter accounts within a week. Twitter is already being leveraged by the UP police to engage with citizens in real-time to provide faster response. The UP Police (@UP POLICE) have 1,77,000 followers on Twitter. On an average, it receive around 200-350 actionable tweets, of which the police officials claim to resolve around 90 per cent the same day. "We look forward to working closely with the government to advance transparent governance across all verticals," Kaul told IANS.

IndiaSpend and IANS

Underage marriages, especially of girls, are rising in urban India and declining in rural India, according to a new analysis of census data, but while the immediate reasons are not clear, patriarchy and the continuing hold of tradition are implicated. In Maharashtra, India's thirdrichest state (by per capita income), 16 districts figure in a national ranking of top 20 districts reporting a rise in underage marriages over a decade to 2011, according to the study by the National Commission for Protection of Child Rights (NCPCR) and Young Lives India, the local chapter of a UK government-funded agency. In Rajasthan, the ninth-poorest state, more girls aged 10-17 and boys aged 10-20 were married before the legal ages of 18 and 21, respectively, than any other state, but there was a decline in child marriage in all but one of its 13 districts figuring in the ranking, the study said. "The most concerning news was the rising incidence of marriage before the legal age among girls in urban areas between Census 2001 and 2011," said Young Lives India Director Renu Singh. No new marriages below the age of 10 were reported in census 2011. On average, fewer children were married nationally over the decade

9.64%, among girls it it was down marginally to 2.44% from 2.51%, for girls married before 18. Underage marriages among girls increased more than five times in Maharashtra's northeastern Bhandara district, as did the marriage of underage boys in all 16 districts. In Bhandara, the marriage of underage boys rose 21 times over the decade to 2011. In Rajasthan, among all Indian states, more girls (8.3% of those aged 10 to 17) and boys (8.6% of those aged 10 to 20) married before legal age. India has 70 districts that report a "high incidence" of underage marriages spread across 13 states, which account for 21% of the country's child marriages, said the study. While 21.1% of child marriage among girls nationwide could be attributed to these 70 districts, 22.5% of child marriage among boys was reported from these districts in 2011. These districts were spread across Andhra Pradesh, Arunachal Pradesh, Assam, Bengal, Bihar, Gujarat, Haryana, Jharkhand, Karnataka, Madhya Pradesh, Maharashtra, Rajasthan and Uttar Pradesh. Of the seven Rajasthan districts among the top 20 nationally by incidence of girls married between 10 and 17 years in Census 2011, the southern district of Bhilwara tops

districts, with 40% of girls aged 10-17 years married. Among boys married underage, Rajasthan fared the worst, with 9 of its districts among the top 20. Bhilwara again reported the highest incidence of underage marriage among boys aged 10 to 20, with 20.2% married in 2011. However, over the decade to 2011, the rate of child marriage declined across all but one -- Banswara -- of Rajasthan's 13 districts figuring in the ranking. The urban districts included in the top 70 reported 25.8% of child marriages in 2011. One of every five girls between ages 10 and 17 in urban areas was married in 2011, according to the study. While Gujarat had the highest number of districts (7) among boys aged 10 to 20 married in the top 20 urban districts, Bengal had the most (6) among girls in 2011. The study pointed out that there are "immense variations" in trends among girls and boys getting married before their legal ages across the country, and its secondary analysis of census data was not enough to reveal the causes behind these trends. "In order to understand these trends, we need to gather evidence from the ground to see what is happening in a particular district/locality," the study said.

new DelhI, June 9 (IAns): Former union minister Arun Shourie on Friday urged journalists to boycott ministers in the battle for media freedom following the CBI searches at the houses of NDTV network's founder Prannoy Roy. Calling the CBI raids an attempt by the government to exert "overt pressure" on the media, the noted journalist said non-cooperation and boycott of ministers were essential ways to fight for freedom of the press. Speaking at an event at the Press Club of India here, Shourie said the government was intent on gradually extending its domination on all forums of public life. He asked journalists not to sit on judgment on each other and resist attempts to divide them. "They will seek to divide the press," said the former BJP leader who was part of the Atal Bihari Vajpayee government. Shourie said it was wrong to assume one could buy peace with the government by publishing articles of ministers or running their interviews on TV. He recalled that when the Rajiv Gandhi government brought the defamation bill, journalists decided to ask every minister at press conferences whether they supported the legislation. If the answer was 'yes' or supportive of the bill, the reporters would walk out. He said boycotting the ministers and not cooperating with them were ways to fight for freedom of press. "Do not call them to your functions." Shourie also urged journalists to redouble work that annoys the government. "News is what the government wants to hide. You should excavate that." The CBI this week searched the houses of Prannoy Roy for allegedly causing financial losses to a private bank. Amid protests by journalists, NDTV said the CBI had "stepped up the concerted harassment of NDTV and its promoters based on the same old endless false accusations" and that the raid was "a blatant political attack on the freedom of the press".

Growing supply glut threatens worse for restive farmers MuMBAI, June 9 (ReuteRs): Bountiful monsoon rains are unlikely to lift India's rural economy this year, and may instead compound the woes of millions of debt-ridden farmers who are struggling with low prices amid a glut of produce such as lentils, oilseeds and cereals. The South Asian nation is still carrying a huge inventory of food grains from last year's record harvest as exports were hit by an appreciating rupee, falling global prices and restrictions on overseas shipments. Another bumper harvest could accelerate the price slide and stoke discontent among farmers that has triggered protests in the big agrarian states of Maharashtra and Madhya Pradesh, where police shot dead five protesting farmers this week. Three years into his term, Prime Minister Narendra Modi remains popular and has no credible challenger. Yet unrest has flared in states ruled by his Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP), catching regional leaders flatfooted and providing a reality check on Modi's promise to double farmers' incomes over the next five years. "The next year will be challenging for the government in ensuring farmers get decent realisation," said Harish Galipelli, head

One more farmer dead as stir spreads across tense MP BhopAl, June 9 (IAns): Parts of Madhya Pradesh remained tense on Friday as farmer protests seeking debt relief and hike in crop prices spread across the state after a protester injured earlier in a clash with police died, taking the toll to six. The deceased was identified as Ghanshyam Dhaakad, 30, who was injured when a policeman hit him on his head with a baton during a protest in Daloda village in Mandsaur, the worst-hit district in the ongoing agitation, the victim's father said. Mandsaur Superintendent of Police Manoj Kumar Singh told IANS that Dhaakad was injured "during clashes between protesters and police and was taken to an Indore hospital for treatment where he succumbed to his injuries late on Thursday night". Even as Mandsaur city and Piplia Mandi remained relatively calm on Friday when curfew was relaxed from 9 a.m. to 6 p.m., the agitation spread to other parts of the state. All entry and exit points to Mandsaur were sealed. of commodities and currencies at Inditrade Derivatives & Commodities in Mumbai. Farmers in Madhya Pradesh and Maharashtra are demanding better prices for their produce and billions of dollars in debt relief after the new BJP government in India's most populous state, Uttar Pradesh, recently announced a $5.6 billion loan writeoff for farmers. Yet experts say such loan waivers amount to quick fixes that cannot compensate for flaws in farm policies, which have encouraged higher production of crops previously in short supply but offered scant protection on prices. Many farm commodities are trading below support prices set by the government. That is because the government only

commits serious sums to buying wheat and rice, but not other crops that enrich the diet of India's 1.3 billion people. Prices will fall further unless exports are revived, said Galipelli, adding "production has jumped but local demand hasn't risen in the same proportion". Ample world supply is likely to persist, predicts agribusiness giant Cargill Inc. "There is no export parity right now. Even after the recent correction in oilmeal prices, Indian supplies are expensive," said B.V. Mehta, executive director of the Solvent Extractors' Association (SEA), a Mumbai-based trade body. Indian grains production reached an all-time high of 273.38 million tonnes in the latest crop year, on record output of

rice, wheat, oilseeds and pulses. But exports failed to revive, depressing local prices of corn, wheat, soybean and turmeric. Exports of key farm commodities fell by a quarter in 2015/16 to $16.07 billion due to drought, and failed to revive in 2016/17 despite the recovery in output. RURAL DISTRESS A rising population, shrinking farm plots and increasing indebtedness among farmers have all hit India's vast rural hinterlands. Farming accounts for 14 percent of gross domestic product - down from 47 percent at independence 70 years ago. Nearly a third of rural households are in debt, owing an average of more than 100,000 rupees ($1,560). Many farmers lack ac-

cess to formal credit, forcing them to borrow dearly from money lenders or relatives. To mitigate this distress, state and central governments have ramped up purchases of red chilli, turmeric, corn, onion, sunflower, pigeon peas and groundnut from farmers. Still, farmers such as Sanjay Shinde from Maharashtra's Nashik district are unhappy. "If Uttar Pradesh can waive all farmers' debts, then why not Maharashtra?" he asked. Reserve Bank of India Governor Urjit Patel has warned that such loan waivers - forecast by BofA Merrill Lynch to reach $40 billion - would weaken alreadystrained state finances. "It is a path that we need to tread very carefully," he said this week. Analysts and traders say good monsoon rains - forecast at 98 percent of the long-term average - will only complicate matters unless supplies are adequately managed. "There is an urgent need to restrict imports and promote exports. That's how one can bring down the inventory level of food grains," says Nitin Kalantri, a miller at Latur in Maharashtra. "Otherwise in the next season we will have much a bigger problem. And much bigger farmers' protests."

saturdaY 10•06•2017




Wounded May vows to stay as PM; says Brexit will go on LONDON, JuNe 9 (AP): Spectacularly punished by voters who took away her majority in Parliament, a politically wounded but defiant Theresa May soldiered on Friday as Britain’s prime minister, resisting pressure to resign after the failure of a high-stakes election gamble that made the massive challenge of untangling Britain from the European Union only more complex and uncertain. Having called an early election in hopes of getting an increased majority that could have strengthened her hand in Britain’s exit talks with the EU, May instead saw her majority evaporate completely — leaving her fortunes hanging by a thread and dark clouds over the Brexit negotiations just 10 days before they are due to start. She insisted that she would stick to the Brexit timetable. But she was forced into an alliance with a small party in Northern Ireland just to stay in power. Grim-faced, May said her Conservatives and the Democratic Unionist Party would together form a new government “that can provide certainty and lead Britain forward at this critical time.” “This government will guide the country through the crucial Brexit talks ... and deliver on the will of the British people by taking the United Kingdom out of the European Union,” she said after seeking Queen Elizabeth II’s approval for the new, hastily cobbled-together arrangement. May’s snap election call was the second time that a Conservative gamble on the issue of Britain’s relations with Europe

Britain’s Primer Minister Theresa May addresses the country after Britain’s election at Downing Street in London on June 9. (REUTERS Photo)

backfired. Her predecessor, David Cameron, first asked British voters to decide in 2016 whether to leave the EU or stay in, triggering the divorce that will leave the bloc with 27 members when Britain leaves in 2019. Cameron, gambling that Britons wouldn’t want to sever their network of ties with the continent, had promised the Brexit referendum during a 2015 election campaign that gave Conservatives a surprise Parliamentary majority. When voters stunned him and Europe by voting to leave, he resigned,

leaving May to deal with the mess. Perplexed EU leaders, unexpectedly faced with the prospect of dealing with now-shaky British leadership, sought Friday to make sense of the drama, but also made clear that while Britain might be accorded time to regroup, it should not expect an extension of the two-year deadline for the Brexit talks to end. Chief EU negotiator Michel Barnier tweeted that “negotiations should start when U.K. is ready.” But EU Council Presi-

dent Donald Tusk said: “We know when they must end.” Mostly, the EU mood was one of frustration that the already tough Brexit talks were likely to become only more difficult. The election shock is “yet another own goal” that will make “already complex negotiations even more complicated,” said the European Parliament’s top Brexit official, Guy Verhofstadt. With 649 of 650 seats in the House of Commons declared, May’s bruised Conservatives had 318 — short of the 326 they

needed for an outright majority and well down from the 330 seats they had before May’s roll of the electoral dice. Rather than resign, May quickly grabbed the lifeline of an alliance with the DUP, which won 10 seats. But even that arrangement seemed shaky. Before May went through the largely symbolic process of seeking the queen’s approval for the new government, DUP leader Arlene Foster had told British media that it would be “difficult for (May) to survive” and that “it is too soon to talk about what we’re going to do.” In May’s camp, recriminations were immediate and stinging. “This is a very bad moment for the Conservative Party, and we need to take stock,” Conservative lawmaker Anna Soubry said. “Our leader needs to take stock as well.” The biggest winner was Labour leader Jeremy Corbyn. Labour’s increase in seats from 229 to 261 — with one seat still undecided — confounded expectations that his left-wing views made him electorally toxic. In a buoyant mood, Corbyn piled on pressure for May to resign, saying Friday morning that people have had enough of austerity politics and cuts in public spending. He ruled out the potential for deals or pacts with other progressive parties in Parliament. “The arguments the Conservative Party put forward in this election have lost, and we need to change.” Initially blind-sided by May’s snap election call, and

written off by many pollsters, Labour surged in the final weeks of the campaign. It drew strong support from young people, who appeared to have turned out to vote in biggerthan-expected numbers. The fast-moving events both flummoxed and fascinated voters. “It’s a bit of a mess,” Peter Morgan, 35, said in London. “I was kind of hoping it would just go the way that the polls suggested it would and we could have a quiet life in Westminster but now it’s going to be a bit of a mess.” Many predicted May would soon be gone. Steven Fielding, a professor of politics at the University of Nottingham, called her “a zombie prime minister.” “Clearly if she’s got a worse result than two years ago and is almost unable to form a government, then she, I doubt, will survive in the long term as Conservative Party leader,” former Conservative Treasury chief George Osborne said on ITV. May wasn’t the only big loser. In a blow to its hopes for another referendum on whether Scotland should leave the United Kingdom, the pro-independence Scottish National Party lost about 21 of its 54 seats. Its casualties included Alex Salmond, one of the party’s highest-profile lawmakers. Scottish Conservative leader Ruth Davidson said the idea of a new independence referendum “is dead.” European leaders grappled with the question: what next? French Prime Minister Edouard Philippe said the election shock didn’t necessarily mean

that Britons have changed their minds about leaving but also predicted that “the tone” of negotiations may be affected. “These are discussions that will be long and that will be complex. So let’s not kid ourselves,” he said on Europe 1 radio. EU budget commissioner Guenther Oettinger said the EU is prepared to stick to the timetable that calls for negotiations to start in mid-June, but also said: “Without a government, there’s no negotiation.” May, who went into the election with a reputation for quiet competence, was criticized for a lackluster campaigning style and for a plan to force elderly people to pay more for their care, a proposal her opponents dubbed the “dementia tax.” As the polls suggested a tightening race, pollsters spoke less often of a landslide and raised the possibility that May’s majority would be eroded. Then, attacks in Manchester and London that killed a total of 30 people brought the campaign to a halt — twice, sent a wave of anxiety through Britain and forced May to defend the government’s record on fighting terrorism. Corbyn accused the Conservatives of undermining Britain’s security by cutting the number of police on the streets. Eight people were killed near London Bridge on Saturday when three men drove a van into pedestrians and then stabbed revelers in an area filled with bars and restaurants. Two weeks earlier, a suicide bomber killed 22 people as they were leaving an Ariana Grande concert in Manchester.

Japan enacts law allowing for Trump to evangelicals: We’re ‘under siege,’ will be stronger Emperor Akihito’s abdication TOKYO, JuNe 9 (ReuTeRS): Japan’s parliament on Friday passed a law allowing Emperor Akihito to abdicate, clearing the way for the first abdication by a Japanese monarch in nearly two centuries and the accession of his son, Crown Prince Naruhito, probably late next year. Akihito, 83, who has had heart surgery and treatment for prostate cancer, said in rare public remarks last year he feared age might make it hard for him to continue to fulfill his duties. The soft-spoken Akihito, the first Japanese emperor who was never considered divine, has worked for decades at home and abroad to soothe the wounds of World War Two, fought in his father Hirohito’s name. He will be succeeded by Naruhito, 57. In a vote televised live on NHK public television, the upper house of parliament passed the bill with a handful of lawmakers sitting out the vote. It cleared the more powerful lower house last week. “Abdication will take place for the first time in 200 years, reminding me once again of how important an issue this is for the foundation of our nation, its long history, and its future,” Prime Minister Shinzo Abe told reporters after the vote. Now the government has to hammer out the details of the abdication, including the timing, but media reports have said it is likely to take place at the end of 2018, which would mark 3 decades on the Chrysanthemum throne for Akihito. The abdication, the first since 1817, appears to have support among the general population, who view it as a sign of changing times. “In essence, the emperor is resigning, which I feel was an issue of personal thought,” said Masayoshi Matsumoto, a 47-year-old animator. “People live much longer these days. I think while on the one hand it pains him not to be able to carry out his duties properly, he may also wonder why he should have to do the job this long.” The government also

Japan’s Emperor Akihito waits for the arrival of German President Christian Wulff at the Imperial Palace in Tokyo. (REUTERS File Photo)

has to ensure the continuity of a monarchy beset by a shortage of male heirs and shrinking pool of imperial family members. Women are not allowed to inherit the throne and leave the family upon marriage, an issue highlighted last month with the announcement that the Emperor’s oldest granddaughter will marry a commoner. The law, which applies only to Akihito and not to future emperors, included a resolution to debate let-

ting female royals stay in the imperial family after marriage but did not touch on the controversial topic of allowing women to inherit. “I believe we will look into all these issues rather broadly,” said Koichi Hagiuda, deputy chief cabinet secretary, at a news conference. Many conservatives oppose the idea of an empress, but some Japanese think the monarchy should also move with the times on this.

WASHINGTON, JuNe 9 (AP): President Donald Trump sought comfort in the figurative embrace of his evangelical supporters Thursday as the FBI director he recently fired told Congress about their conversations. The president told a religious gathering that “we’re under siege” but will emerge “bigger and better and stronger than ever.” Trump made no reference to James Comey in his remarks to the Faith and Freedom Coalition’s annual gathering. But hours before the president’s first public comments of the day, Comey told the Senate intelligence committee that Trump tried to get him to pledge loyalty and drop an investigation into former National Security Adviser Michael Flynn. Trump abruptly fired Comey last month. Trump’s attorney said the president never asked Comey to stop investigating anyone. In his remarks to the conference, Trump pledged to always support the right of evangelicals to follow their faith, which some conservatives believe is under attack by government.

“We will always support our evangelical community and defend your right and the right of all Americans to follow and to live by the teachings of their faith,” the president told more than 1,000 activists meeting at a hotel across town from Capitol Hill, the scene of Comey’s nationally televised testimony. “And as you know, we’re under siege, you understand that. But we will come out bigger and better and stronger than ever. You watch,” Trump said. “You fought hard for me and now I’m fighting hard for all of you.” Trump spoke about his actions to safeguard religious freedom and continued, for the second straight day, to label congressional Democrats as “obstructionists” who are blocking his agenda. Yet it is differences of opinion among Republicans, who control both houses of Congress, that are standing in the way of what Trump wants to do on health care and other issues. Trump mentioned his nomination of federal judge Neil Gorsuch to the Supreme Court, which pleased Christian conservatives. He



RESERVED DEFENCE SEATS IN MEDICAL/DENTAL COLLEGES AS GOVERNMENT OF INDIA NOMINEE UNDER MINISTRY OF DEFENCE QUOTA (2017-18) 1. Applications are invited for admission to Medical Colleges (approx 17 to 20 seats) and Dental College (01 to 03) {subject to allotment of seats by Ministry of Health}, from sons/daughters/widows of Armed Forces Personnel of the following categories of Defence personnel only, as per priority shown against each:SI. No. Category Priority (a) Widow/Wards of Defence personnel killed in action I (b) Wards of disabled in action and boarded out from service II (C) Widows/Wards of Defence personnel who died while in service with III death attributable to military service (d) Wards of disabled in service and boarded out with disability IV attributable to military service. (e) Wards of Ex-Servicemen and serving personnel who are in receipt of V Gallantry Awards (f) Wards of Ex-Servicemen VI (g) Wards of Serving Personnel VII 2. Eligibility for Candidature (a) Selection of candidates for reserved seats as Govt. of India Nominee will be made on the basis of marks obtained by the candidates in NEET-2017 conducted by CBSE. Candidates who do not qualify the NEET should not apply. (b) Wards of Civilians are not eligible. (c) All cases of disability aggravated by military service are not eligible for P-II & P-IV. They can apply for P- VI and P-VII as applicable. 3. Candidates are required to apply online within 21 days of declaration of NEET result on KSB Sectt website www.ksb.gov.in. Eligibility certificate to be completed and signed by RSB/ZSB and countersigned by OIC Records and for serving personnel in priority V & VII can also be signed by CO/OC Unit to be uploaded alongwith supporting documents and photograph of candidates. DAVP: 10622/11/0003/1718

President Donald Trump speaks at the Faith and Freedom Coalition’s Road To Majority conference in Washington on June 8. (AP Photo)

also has directed the IRS to ease up on using a rarely enforced rule barring partisan political activity by churches and tax-exempt organizations. “As long as I’m president, no one is going to stop you from practicing your faith or preaching what is in

your heart,” he said. The president urged the audience to help send more Republicans to Congress in next year’s midterm elections, noting the GOP has just a 52-48 edge in the Senate and a slim advantage in the House. “We

have to build those numbers up because we’re just not going to get votes” from Democrats, he said. “Sadly, we’re going to have to do it as Republicans because we’re not going to get any Democrat votes and that’s a very, very sad, sad thing.”


SaturDaY 10•06•2017



Peren open badminton No action from FIFA over Saudi minute's silence snub tourney cum selection held

BERNE, JUNE 9 (REUTERS): Saudi Arabia's national team will face no sanction from FIFA for failing to respect a minute's silence for the victims of the London attacks before the start of a World Cup qualifier in Australia, soccer's global governing body said on Friday. The Saudi Arabia Football Federation earlier "unreservedly" apologised for the incident, which a former Australian government minister said showed "a disgraceful lack of respect" for the victims of the London attack. "After reviewing the match report and images of the said match, we can confirm that there are no grounds to take disciplinary action in relation to the matter you mention," FIFA said in a statement. Eight people were killed and 50 injured after three Islamist militants drove into pedestrians on London Bridge last Saturday, then attacked revellers nearby with knives. Two of the dead were Australian. Football Federation Australia (FFA) said it had "sought agreement" from the Saudis and the Asian Football Confederation to hold the minute's silence to

The Australian team stand together as they observe a minute's silence for victims of the London attacks, in which two Australians died. (REUTERS)

honour the victims ahead of the match at Adelaide Oval late on Thursday. The Australia team duly lined up in the centre circle and linked arms but all bar one of the Saudi players dispersed around the pitch and continued to jog and stretch. "Both the AFC and the Saudi team agreed that the minute of silence could be

held," an FFA spokesman said. "The FFA was further advised by Saudi team officials that this tradition was not in keeping with Saudi culture and they would move to their side of the field and respect our custom whilst taking their own positions on the field." The incident prompted a social media storm,

'Messi most gifted athlete in the world'

maNcHESTER, JUNE 9 (iaNS): Manchester City's head coach Pep Guardiola on Friday praised Argentine footballer Lionel Messi calling him the most gifted athlete in the world. Having managed Barcelona from 2008-2012, Guardiola has worked closely

with the 29-year-old striker. "He is one of the most privileged, gifted athletes of all time, I would like to enter his brain and find out how he can withstand the pressure like he has, with both Barcelona and Argentina on his back." Guardiola was quoted as saying by the Dailymail.

Guardiola also emphasised on the goal-scoring ability Messi has and said: "The whole world expects him to score three goals and set up three goals in every match. The other players know that they have Messi on their side and will rely on him."

coming as it did at a time when Australians were still mourning victims of recent attacks. In addition to the Australians who died in London, a deadly siege in Melbourne on Tuesday that Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull called "an act of terrorism" claimed one victim, while an Australian schoolgirl was one of

more than a dozen killed in a Baghdad car bomb blast last week. Anthony Albanese, a front bench spokesman for the opposition Labor Party, said the incident was "bloody disgraceful". "There is no excuse here. This isn't about culture, this is about a lack of respect," he told Channel 9. "I'm so angry about this."

The governing body of Saudi football later issued a statement saying it "deeply" regretted the incident. "The players did not intend any disrespect to the memories of the victims or to cause upset to their families, friends or any individual affected by the atrocity," it added. "The Saudi Arabian Football Federation condemns all acts of terrorism and extremism and extends its sincerest condolences to the families of all the victims and to the government and people of the United Kingdom." Prime Minister Turnbull said on Friday that he had not seen video of the incident but thought everybody should condemn "terrorism". "The whole world, the whole free world, is united in condemnation of that terrorist attack and terrorism generally," he told reporters in Tasmania. Australia won the match 3-2 to move level on 16 points in Group B with the second-placed Saudis and leaders Japan, who have a game in hand, with two rounds to play. The top two teams win a place at the World Cup finals in Russia next year.

Barcelona's Turkish star Arda Turan quits international football

India are not invincible, says Kohli

LONDON, JUNE 9 (REUTERS): India captain Virat Kohli said his team were not invincible after the defending champions allowed Sri Lanka to chase down a target of 322 to win a pulsating Champions Trophy match at The Oval on Thursday. India, inspired by Shikhar Dhawan's superb 125, racked up a healthy total of 321 for six but Sri Lanka knocked off the runs with eight balls left to leave Group B wide open. All four teams in the section have two points going into the last round of games in which India play top-ranked South Africa on Sunday and Sri Lanka meet

Pakistan on Monday. "I think Sri Lanka played really well," Kohli told a news conference following his team's sevenwicket loss. "The other teams are also champions and that needs to be kept in mind. We are not invincible." India had beaten Sri Lanka in 14 of their last 17 one-day internationals, including the last five. India's bowlers struggled to contain the Sri Lankan batsmen, however, as Danushka Gunathilaka and Kusal Mendis shared a second-wicket partnership of 159 before captain Angelo Mathews steered his team home with a com-

posed unbeaten 52. "We all felt we had enough on the board at the halfway mark," Kohli said. "We trusted our bowlers, but they (Sri Lanka) were pretty good on the day. Kept their momentum going and executed their shots really well. Our bowlers bowled decently, but they batted really well." Kohli blamed poor execution as India's bowlers took only one wicket, the other two Sri Lankan wickets coming from run-outs as they achieved the highest successful run chase in the tournament's history. "There is always hindsight when you don't win games. As I said we bowled decently well, but the execution wasn't quite there," added Kohli, who was out for a duck to complete a bad day for one of the world's leading batsmen. "Obviously, there is food for thought but you have got to give credit to other teams as well. You don't take any team lightly. It's going to be like this throughout the tournament and we don't expect anything less."

aNkaRa, JUNE 9 (iaNS): Turkey's national team captain and Barcelona star Arda Turan has announced his retirement from international football after he allegedly abused a journalist on the Turkish team's plane. The 30-year-old Barcelona midfielder was reported to have verbally and physically abused Bilal Mese from the local daily Milliyet on a flight following a friendly against Macedonia in Skopje on Monday, reports Xinhua news agency. Turan was immediately kicked out of a training camp in Slovenia by coach Fatih Terim with whom he is already on bad terms and quit the national team hours later. On the plane, he allegedly had to be restrained by teammates as he grabbed

the journalist by the throat, swearing at him. "I think the time has come," Turan said during a press conference boycotted by Turkish journalists in solidarity of their colleague. "I have done wrong while wearing the jersey of my (national) team and I am ending my career with the national team," he added. Turan, who has played 96 times for Turkey since 2006, reportedly approached the journalist before take-off about a story he had published on the bonuses the team received during the European Championships in France last year, where the player was criticised by media and fans for his poor performance. Tu ra n re p o r t e d l y launched an angry rant

at Mese, calling him "shameless" and insulting him before accusing him of writing "lies", according to witnesses, who subsequently talked to TV channels, and they also claimed that Turan choked the journalist and had to be restrained by his teammates. Turan, who is one of the most admired sportsmen of the country, added that he felt "no remorse" and was "quite calm". "I really love my country. I really love my flag. I have always said if that's what you want, I will retire," he added at the press conference. On Tuesday, Hurriyet published the first interview with the angry player where he, once again, seemed remorseless. "I made an honourable mistake," he said.

DimapUR, JUNE 9 (mExN): The Badminton Club Jalukie (BCJ) under the aegis of Peren District Badminton Association (PDBA) conducted its district selection cum open championship from June 7 to 8 at the indoor stadium Jalukie. Altogether 68 teams from Peren, Tening, Athibung and Jalukie participated in the selection cum open championship.

The chief guest and guest of honour for the inaugural and closing programs were Akhiubo Kaurinta, ACF Peren and Kiengau Nda, BDO Jalukie respectively. The organizing committee (BCJ), on behalf of the PDBA, in a press note today thanked all the prize sponsors for different categories, well wishers, volunteers etc for making the tournament a success.

AITA to recommend Bopanna for Arjuna award

NEW DELHi, JUNE 9 (pTi): Acknowledging the Grand Slam feat of Rohan Bopanna, the All India Tennis Association (AITA) has decided to send his name to the government for this year's Arjuna award. Bopanna on Thursday won his maiden Grand Slam title by winning the mixed doubled trophy at the French Open with Canada's Gabriela Dabrowski. "We will recommend Rohan's name for Arjuna today. We have recommended his name several times in the past but the previous committees did not give him the award. Now he deserves this honour. He should be given the award this time," AITA Secretary General Hironmoy Chatterjee said. "We have also recommended the name of Rushmi Chakaravarthy for the

Arjuna," he added. When reminded that the deadline to send application has already expired, Chatterjee said, "We will still try to do it today. It can be done." Bopanna became only the fourth Indian to win a Grand Slam after Leander Paes, Mahesh Bhupathi and Sania Mirza. In a release, the AITA said, "This is a well-deserved victory. We wish him more success in the years to come. His victory will certainly be a morale booster for young and budding tennis players in the country." "We are quite sure that this victory will definitely get him the Arjuna award which is long overdue, though AITA has recommended his name quite a number of times."

Stoke City not selling Butland, says Chairman Peter Coates LONDON, JUNE 9 (REUTERS): Stoke City goalkeeper Jack Butland is not going to be sold in the transfer window and will be at the Premier League club for "years to come", chairman Peter Coates has said. The England international kept two clean sheets in five league games last season after returning from a 13-month injury layoff and was called up to Gareth Southgate's squad for the June matches against Scotland and France. "We don't have the slightest intention of selling him. We want him to be playing for Stoke City for many years to come," the chairman told British media. Butland joined Stoke in 2013 and became a promi-

nent member of the team in 2015, where he made 31 league appearances to help Stoke finish ninth. Coates believes that the 24-year-old has more to offer. "In the last full season he had... he looked the most promising young goalkeeper in England," Coates said. "We have only seen a relatively little bit of him since his return towards the end of the season, but during that short time we certainly saw nothing to discourage us about his abilities as a goalkeeper. "And the fact that England recalled him to the national squad at the first available opportunity suggests he also has a bright future ahead of him on that front too."

Malaysian player banned for year as AFC cracks down on indiscipline Kane looks to 'role model' Ronaldo for success mUmBai, JUNE 9 (REUTERS): Malaysian player Mohd Farizal Bin Marlias has been banned for a year and fined $40,000 for violent conduct against match officials during Johor Darul Ta'zim's AFC Cup match against the Philippines' Ceres Negros, the Asian Football Confederation said on Friday. The AFC also handed out lengthy bans and heavy fines to players from South Korean side Jeju United following ugly scenes at the end of their AFC Champions League match against Japan's Urawa Red Diamonds last week. Johor Darul's Farizal was sent off for pushing the referee and continued using his fists to push the match official and his colleagues and brought the game into "serious disrepute", the region's governing body said in a statement. Johor Darul, the 2015

winners, were eliminated on away goals after a 2-1 second leg win for the side from the Philippines during the match in Bacolod last week. Johor Darul head coach Benjamin Mora Mendivil was also fined $7,000 for using insulting language at

AFC staff and match officials after the game. The AFC also suspended Jeju player Cho Yong-hyung for six months and fined the Korean $20,000 after a protest lodged by Urawa. "Cho was expelled by the referee in the 81st minute af-

ter receiving his second caution in the match," the AFC said. "Despite being expelled, he re-entered the field of play after the completion of the match during the postmatch incident and used his hands to deliberately push

the referee, an action which brings the game into serious disrepute." His team mate Baek Dong-gyu was banned for three months and fined $15,000 for violent conduct. "Baek, an unused substitute, was expelled by the referee for running onto the field of play in the 119th minute in an unprovoked manner and deliberately striking an opponent player's face with his elbow, an act of violent conduct," the statement added. Baek has said he would travel to Japan to apologize for his actions. South Korea's Yonhap News agency reported on Friday that Jeju would appeal the sanctions handed down by the AFC. Urawa advanced to the quarter-finals of the competition after their 3-0 win in extra time gave them a 3-2 aggregate victory.

LONDON, JUNE 9 (REUTERS): Harry Kane has dreams of holding aloft the Ballon d'Or trophy like Cristiano Ronaldo and Lionel Messi but the Tottenham Hotspur striker knows his club must start collecting silverware if he is to have any chance of such individual success. Ronaldo is on course to win his fifth Ballon d'Or after helping Real Madrid to La Liga and Champions League success and Kane, 23, said the Portuguese forward was a great role model. "Who wouldn't want to win that big gold trophy? It's definitely something I aspire to do," Kane told reporters when asked about the Ballon d'Or. "Doing that, you have to win the big tournaments, for club and country. Ronaldo won the Euros and the Champions League... Mes-

si's in a similar situation. "To do that, it isn't just individual, I think it's part of a team thing as well, winning team trophies. That's hopefully what we can do at Tottenham." Kane, who scored 29 goals in 30 Premier League games last season, said he hoped to emulate Ronaldo's big-game mentality. "You see him do that game in, game out, in the finals, in the semi-finals,"

Kane said of Ronaldo's goal-scoring record in the knockout stages of the Champions League. "That's what I aspire to be. Ronaldo's a great role model, a fantastic player. That's hopefully something I can achieve one day." Kane will be in action on Saturday when Group F leaders England face Scotland in a 2018 World Cup qualifier. England then face France in a friendly on June 13.

Readers may please note that the contents of the articles, letters and opinions published do not reflect the outlook of this paper nor of the Editor in any form.

Saturday 10•06•2017


Ministry of Home Affairs

‘My heart will forever be there with them’ supports B Ben Affleck makes his tenth humanitarian trip to Congo


he Ministry of Home Affairs, Government of India today extended its support towards Nagaland Fashion week 2017. A received from the youth icon of North East, Kiren Rijuju, Minister of State for Home Affairs stated, “Our Government is committed to empower women and provide them equal opportunities in every sphere. Actually, it is only through women's empowerment that an empowered India can be built. The development of the North East Region is another top priority area of our government and all efforts are being made for comprehensive development of the Region. Therefore, any organization which supplements the efforts of our Government in this regard needs to be complimented.” He also added, “I am

told that Delhi Fashion Club, New Delhi apart from focusing on Women empowerment, will be promoting North East culture, textile and tourism internationally through a sequence of events. The Club has rightly recognized the importance of the handicrafts and handlooms industry and the dominant role it plays in the cultural and economic development of the North Eastern States. There are huge employment opportunities which need to be tapped. I am happy to know that Delhi Fashion Club is organizing ‘Nagaland Fashion Week’ at Indira Gandhi National Centre for the Arts, New Delhi in August/September, 2017 to promote artisans from North-East and generate self-employment among them.” The Minister also sent his best wishes for the success of the event.

en Affleck is keeping a long-standing promise. The actor revealed on social media Tuesday that he just returned from a week-long “listening and learning trip” trip to eastern Congo, the African country he has committed to helping via his Eastern Congo Initiative — and which he has already visited nine times. “Seven years ago, I founded Eastern Congo Initiative (ECI), a grant making and advocacy organization, focused on investing directly in the Congolese people,” the Justice League actor shared in the Facebook and Instagram posts. “I feel beyond fortunate to have had the opportunity to again return to Congo, seeing friends, visiting with longtime grantees, and some of our newest partners.” During his visit, Affleck checked in with a few programs that have benefited from the initiative, including an organization that helps women and girls who

Halima Aden creates history as first hijab-wearing cover girl


he future of fashion is gloriously diverse. Minnesotabased model Halima Aden is making history as the first ever hijabwearing model on the cover of an edition of Vogue. She is gracing the front of the June issue of Vogue Arabia. "All eyes on Halima Aden: The runway star shattering stereotypes," the cover reads. The 19-year-old Somali-American first emerged in the public eye as a competitor in the 2016 Miss Minnesota pageant, where she wore a hijab throughout and donned a burkini for the swimsuit segment. Though she didn’t win, it helped shoot her to fame. Soon after the competition, she signed to IMG Models, which also represents big names like Ashley Graham, Gigi Hadid, Kate Moss, and Gisele Bündchen. She’s gone on to judge the Miss

Taylor Swift


ends bad blood with musicstreaming platform Spotify

USA pageant, walk the runway at New York Fashion Week for Yeezy Season 5, and star in her first international campaign for a Ramadanexclusive line for The Modist, a modest luxury-fashion e-retailer based in Dubai and London. Aden’s come a long way from the little girl who didn’t see herself represented positively in fashion or the public eye and wanted to change that perception of Muslim women, she said in an interview for Cosmopolitan. "Every little girl deserves to see a role model that is dressed like her, resembles her, or even has the same characteristics as her,” she said in a video for Vogue. “Not seeing women that look like you in media in general and especially in beauty competitions sends the message that you’re not beau-


hathung Odyuo, a multi-instrumentalist and Noel De La Rosa, an accomplished pianist have been practicing and performing ever since they met for one love, which is the common love of Music. This time, the duo decided to perform along with Frederick Odyuo, a young dynamic male soprano who is 11 years old and currently studying in class 6, Carewell School Dimapur. They will be performing in Assembly of God's church at 4:30 pm on June 10 and -Wokha and in Wokha Village Baptist Church at 5:00 pm on June 11.

India-Vietnam Handshake Concert



aylor Swift is once again making her music available on musicstreaming platform Spotify, Recode reported. Sources told Recode that Swift had come to an agreement with Spotify to make her music accessible on the free and premium versions of the platform. The singer pulled her entire catalog from Spotify in November 2014. A tweet from the singer's management team said Swift's entire catalog would be available "to all streaming services tonight

at midnight" as a sign of Swift's gratitude to her fans, Recode said, adding that this likely includes Tidal and Amazon Music. Swift has criticized music streaming services for issues relating to royalties in the past. The singer famously withheld her "1989" album from Apple Music after taking issue with how the service did not pay royalties when music from an artist was played during a free three-month trial offered to users. Apple subsequently changed its policy. Source: CNBC

7-member team from the Rattle & Hum Music Society today met with the Chief Minister of Nagaland, Dr. Shürhozelie Liezietsu at his office chamber and apprised him of the upcoming India- Vietnam Handshake Concert scheduled to be held at Hanoi in Vietnam on June 17. This will be part of the celebrations commemorating the 45th Anniversary of the diplomatic relations between India and Vietnam. The weeklong celebrations of the Embassy of India, Hanoi are being scheduled for June 16-17, 2017. It may be noted here that the handshake concert is being organised by the Rattle and Hum Music Society in association with Eclectic Northeast and supported by North Eastern Council (NEC) under Ministry of DONER.

tiful or you have to change the way you look to be considered beautiful,” Aden told HuffPost in 2016. “And that’s not true.” Aden was born in a Kenyan refugee camp, and came to the United States when she was only six, according to Star Tribune. She's worked in a bunch of odd jobs, including as a room cleaner, and still drinks the Pediasure she grew up consuming because she was underweight. She also sports braces, an unusual feature for a model, and told The Cut, "They’re a part of who I am." The cover is particularly notable for Vogue Arabia. The magazine only launched a few months ago, and came under fire for having halfPalestinian model Gigi Hadid on the cover in a hijab, as she normally doesn’t wear one. Source: HuffPost

are survivors of sexual abuse obtain legal help, medical support and counseling. He also visited the continent’s first national park, Virunga, and witnessed the work of rangers who protect the wilderness area from outside threats such as oil exploitation and violence towards the animals. “Every time I visit, I leave even more inspired there will be a brighter and more peaceful future for the Congolese,” concludes Affleck, who completed treatment for alcohol addiction earlier this year and returns as Batman in Justice League, out in November. “The challenges are real, and the road is long, but the Congolese are the hardest working and most hopeful people I know. We often speak of heroes – I count these among the many. It’s the honor of a lifetime to support Congo. My heart will forever be there with them.” Source: People.Com


Saturday 10•06•2017



French Open: Wawrinka knocks out Murray

Ibrahimovic released by Manchester United


lonDon, June 9 (ReuteRS): Manchester United have released top scorer Zlatan Ibrahimovic after a year at Old Trafford, with the injured Swedish striker's name appearing on a list published by the Premier League on Friday. The 35-year-old joined United on a year-long contract from Paris St Germain before the 2016-17 campaign and was vital to their League Cup and Europa League triumphs. He scored 28 goals in 46 appearances before sustaining a season-ending knee injury in April that could keep him out until next year. Ibrahimovic, who underwent surgery in May and will be out of contract on June 30, was the only player on United's release list. The Premier League said on their website (www. premierleague.com) that the information was correct as of May 29, but a player's status could have changed since that date. The BBC reported that the Swede would remain in Manchester to continue his rehabilitation at the Carrington training ground. His agent Mino Raiola said last week that Ibrahimovic would hold talks with United to extend his stay despite receiving offers from other clubs. "He wants to stay in England, he wants to stay at the top and if he sees that he can be a valuable asset for Manchester United, then why not Manchester United?" Raiola told British radio broadcaster TalkSPORT. "He can be a valuable asset for some other top clubs also. But I think it is respectful to talk to Manchester United and to see what all parties want."

PaRIS, June 9 (aGenCIeS): Stan Wawrinka, 32, became the oldest man to reach the French Open final since Niki Pilic was runner-up 44 years ago when he outlasted Andy Murray over five of the best sets of the 2017 tournament here on Friday evening. The second half of the struggle provided Court Philippe Chatrier with a level of excellence and intensity that was a credit to both players, but it was the Swiss whose smile illuminated Roland Garros after prevailing 6-7 (8-6), 6-3, 5-7, 7-6 (7-3), 6-1 over four and half hours. With this sort of atmosphere, this sort of crowd, it was amazing to play in this match,” Wawrinka said courtside. “I know I dominated him even though I was down two sets to one. But Andy is always there, does strange things with drop shots, and makes it very difficult for you. “It’s incredible to be back to the finals here again. I’m just going to try Switzerland's Stan Wawrinka in action during his semi final match against Great Britain's Andy Murray. (Reuters) my best. After this, I want to celebrate and then I want to Some of Wawrinka’s the final two years ago. He Murray in three sets earlier shots came at a price, errecover for Sunday. I think groundstrokes were remi- hit his forehand as hard as in the week, and his sin- rors invading some of his I’ll have another chance to niscent of those that de- the young Russian Karen gle-handed backhand was more ambitious work as win.” stroyed Novak Djokovic in Khachanov, who lost to lethal, as ever. But those the match went on.

One set of statistics told the story: Wawrinka risked everything on so many occasions he hit 87 winners and 77 unforced errors. Murray’s numbers were 36 apiece. Did he pay the price for caution? Not really. At the end, there was nothing he could do against a player at the very peak of his powers. Ominously, he found his 2015 form again, after an indifferent season, dropping only 54 games to reach the semi-finals, the same as then. He started the match with a 110mph swinging ace, and held to love inside a minute. Early impressions were that this might not be a re-run of last year’s semi, when Murray won stylishly in four sets. The world No1, whose average forehand speed here has been 73mph, three miles an hour slower than the women’s finalist, Jelena Ostapenko, was never going to win a slugging match with the Swiss (81mph), so he went for subtlety. Murray drop-shotted for his first break point in the third game, but Wawrinka held, hitting hard and flat to pin the Scot deep.

Maradona to inaugurate Durga Puja pandal in September KolKata, June 9 (IanS): Argentine football legend Diego Maradona will inaugurate one of the city's leading Durga Puja pandals during his much-awaited September visit, the organisers of the event said in a statement here. Maradona is scheduled to touch down on September 19 for what will be the 1986 FIFA World Cup hero's second visit to the city. Thousands of fans gathered to welcome him past midnight at the airport in December 2008 when he came here for the first time. Though the name of

the puja pandal Maradona will visit was not disclosed, it was informed that the 56-year-old will launch an initiative "Durga Darshan" where a select few will be able to visit 14 top puja pandals in air-conditioned buses with exclusive entry by paying Rs 1,000 between September 24 and 30. Maradona is also slated to play a charity football match against a team which boasts of former India cricket captain Sourav Ganguly, during his visit. The organisers said people who will have the "Durga Darshan" ticket will be able to have a ringside view of the game.

Moyes fined 30,000 pounds for "slap" comments

David Moyes. (Reuters File Photo)

lonDon, June 8 (ReuteRS): Former Sunderland manager David Moyes was fined 30,000 pounds ($38,307.00) by the Football Association on Friday for telling a reporter that she "might get a slap". Moyes, who made the comments to the BBC's Vicki Sparks after Sunderland's goalless Premier League draw against Burnley in March, apologised for his remarks but was still judged by the FA to have brought "the game into disrepute". "You were just getting a wee bit naughty at the end there, so just watch yourself. You still might get a slap even though you're a woman," the Scot was filmed telling Sparks over questions she asked in an interview. The exchange was captured on a mobile phone camera and published by the tabloid newspaper Daily Star on its website. Both parties appeared to be laughing

during the conversation. The BBC said at the time that Moyes and Sparks had spoken about the exchange and resolved the issue between themselves. Moyes made a public apology soon after the footage was published, saying he made the remarks "in the heat of the moment" and that he "deeply regrets" them. "David Moyes has been fined £30,000 in relation to comments he made," the FA said in a statement. "It was alleged his remarks were improper and/or threatening and/or brought the game into disrepute. "He denied the charge. However, it was found proven following an Independent Regulatory Commission hearing." Moyes resigned as manager of Sunderland last month after the northeast club were relegated from the Premier League. Published, Printed and Edited by Dr. Aküm Longchari from House No. 4, Duncan Bosti, Dimapur at Themba Printers and Morung Publications , Padum Pukhuri Village, Dimapur, Nagaland. RNI No : NAGENG /2005/15430. House No.4, Duncan Bosti, Dimapur 797112, Nagaland. Phone: Dimapur -(03862) 248854, Fax: (03862) 235194, Kohima - (0370) 2291952

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