June 13th, 2017

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TuesDAY • June 13 • 2017

DIMAPUR • Vol. XII • Issue 160• 12 PAGes • 5

T H e

ESTD. 2005

A great revolution is never the fault of the people, but of the government

PAGe 09

By Sandemo Ngullie

o F

T R u T H

— Johann Wolfgang Von Goethe

‘In conflict and disasters, protect children from child labour’

The Maute brothers: Southeast Asia’s “Walking Time-Bomb”


P o W e R

‘Kumble remains India coach till Windies tour’



A peek inside the lives of child domestic ‘helpers’ in nagaland ‘We are all contributory to child labour’ Morung Express Kohima | June 12

i didn’t know how deep these small ...small puddles were, ok!!

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P&AR informs on circulation of govt notices KohimA, June 12 (DiPR): The Department of P&AR in a circular has informed that circulation of important documents/ file notings being circulated through electronic media even before approval by competent authority has come to the notice of the Government, hampering decision making. The Department has therefore impressed upon all the Government officials that disclosure of important Government documents without approval from competent authority shall invite initiation of disciplinary proceedings for violation of Rule 21 of Nagaland Government Servants Conduct Rules 1968.

A young boy working in a vehicle workshop somewhere in nagaland. Every year, children from Eastern nagaland and Myanmar leave their homes to migrate to the urban towns in unfamiliar surroundings and households to work as domestic help in exchange for basic human needs such as food, shelter and education. (Morung Photo)

Morung Express news Kiphire | June 12

Every year, hundreds of children from Eastern Nagaland and Myanmar leave their homes, parents and siblings to migrate to the urban towns in unfamiliar surroundings and households to work as domestic help in exchange for basic human needs such as food, shelter and education. These are children sent or taken away from their homes by ‘agents’ or relatives and once placed in their employers’ homes have little or no contact with their parents. The responsibilities of these children are to clean, cook, take care of other children and do a variety of activities which can be detrimental to their physical and psychological development. In most of the situation, circumstance of poverty and the inability to provide education to their children is what compels the poor parents to send their children to distant places in the

hope of a better education and future. Once in the town, the dice of fate are rolled where some children would consider themselves “fortunate” by finding home in households who takes good care of them; while many are compelled to face abject physical labour and abuse in the hand of their “employers.” When one think about child labour, images of children working in dark factories or inhospitable streets of big cities come to mind. Which is why, children working in different homes as domestic help in a barter for providing education has been being argued by many as outside the purview of child labour legislation. Otherwise termed as “invisible child labour,” the domestic workers in Nagaland with a work force spanning in the thousands with almost every household in the Naga urban towns keeping one of them, The Morung Express reached out to a couple of these children to obtain a deeper under-

Nagaland Labour Commissioner, Er L Nungshiyanger on Monday admitted the obvious- that there is existence of child labour in Nagaland, which is mostly in the form of domestic help and called for stringent punishment and penalties against child labour. Addressing the commemoration of the World against Child Labour day jointly organised by the Department of Labour and CHILDLINE Kohima at APO Hall, Kohima, Nungshiyanger said poverty, lack of proper education, migration of rural to urban are major factors contributing to child labour where the demand for domestic labour is high. “We are all contributory of child labour in our society. Child labour is the practices of children engaged in economical activities. It deprives the childhood of the child and affects the mental and social well being. We enjoy our own childhood but do not allow the other to enjoy the same,” Nino Iralu, Member Secretary, Nagaland State Legal Service Authority briefing the gathering on the Child Labour (Prohibition & Regulation) Amendment Act

standing of their harsh lives as child domestic workers, their sense of needs and in coping with separation from their parents and siblings. Coming from a family of 5 siblings and a drop out of class 3, Asu (name changed), assumed to be aged around 13-14 works in a vehicle workshop in Kiphire town. His dream is to become a workshop owner someday. After his father, a village guard passed away a couple of years back, Asu’s mother had no choice but to send most of the children to different homes. Now except the two youngest in the family, the rest of the broods, including Asu are working to support the family. “I don’t know in what jobs my brother and sister are engaged in, just that they are staying in Dimapur and Kohima with family members,” Asu said. Over a year as an apprentice in the workshop, Asu has not visited his village or managed to send even a penny to his mother who is taking care of the entire family. “I don’t get paid but my

2016 in the Naga context, said. T.L Kiusumong Tikhir, Addl. Deputy Commissioner Kohima said the demand of domestic helpers is increasing which is one concern affecting the Naga society. He also highlighted the other problems of child labour such as trafficking where our own people are involved in trafficking children. Expressing the need to monitor such problems, Tikhir urged that the root cause of child labour that is –povertymust be checked because it is poverty that triggers many other problems in society including child labour. He also said it was high time that we make the church as partners. “Child protection and child rights has become a major issue of concern for all. In the context of Kohima, the issue of vulnerable children in the domestic sector is a deep concern. The huge supply of children particularly to work as child domestic labour in homes in Kohima is a gross violation of Child Rights. This has to be addressed at the earliest by all stakeholders concerned,” said Anenla T. Sato, Secretary, Labour & Employment, Skill Development & Entrepreneurship.

entire needs is taken care of by my employer,” he explained, apparently not complaining because he gets a roof above his head, food, basic necessities and most importantly, is learning a new trade. “Sometimes I get Rs 20 or 30 rupees from customers coming to the workshop. I use the money to enjoy a packet of biscuits,” Asu meekly said. Asu has no plans to pursue studies, but to focus on becoming a car mechanic and open a workshop. “If there is opportunity, it would be great to get professional training on a mechanic,” is the one aspiration that is on the undemanding wish list of Asu. Rony (name changed), a Class-5 student in GMS Kiphire and staying at a family in Kiphire town feels that life in the town is comparatively better than in the village. “In the village, we have to go to the field almost every day, but here except for some house-hold chores, there is no tough work to do,” Rony said. Coming from a family of 8 sib-

lings, Rony has no idea where his four other siblings are. “I am told that they are studying in different government schools in Dimapur and Kiphire,” is the response from Rony who apparently have come to terms with the separation from his family and is coping well. Rony aspire to become a doctor one day. “I will work in an office holding a pen and help the community,” the aspiring doctor shared his dream. For Taying (name changed), life as a domestic help has not been fair. The 12-year old girl who hails from Thang village in Myanmar recalls the tasking life in the first family she was taken in Dimapur. Made to work the whole day relentlessly, Taying had no time for studies or personal hygiene. “My main task was to look after the well being of four pigs- I foraged for their fodder, cooked for them and then fed them every day, this job took me the whole day,” Taying said. Now staying in a different home, Taying says she wish to concentrate on her studies.

‘Jesus is not Demon but Lord and Savior’ ACAUT Nagaland wants IT to investigate into NBCC demands due apology, not mere rectification


DimAPuR, June 12 (mexn): “Jesus Christ is Lord and Savior of the Christians and not a demon as was printed in the class IX text book in Gujarat,” the NBCC said today strongly objecting to official clarifications that it was a printing error. “The Nagaland Baptist Church Council (NBCC) which is the apex body of the Baptist in Nagaland has taken serious note of what the officials have remarked that referring to Jesus as haivan (demon) was printing error and that it will be corrected,” the Council stated in a press note. Though the authority has tried to pacify the error as printing mistake, it has hurt the sentiment of the minority Christians in the country, it added. The NBCC further argued that explanation came short of apology to the community “It is not enough to verbally state that it is an error because for millions of Christian, Jesus is Lord and Savior, it said. In such a time when religious minorities are pinned to the wall, such error is uncalled for, and an insensitive act on the part of the Gujarat Education Department, it added. Maintaining that Christians do not even write Jesus with a

Nagaland Governor shocked by Jesus’ description as ‘Devil’ DimAPuR , June 12 (mexn): The Governor of Nagaland and Arunachal Pradesh, PB Acharya has expressed shock and dismay over the news report of the Class IX Hindi language textbook in Gujarat which described “Lord Jesus Christ as ‘Haivaan’ (Devil) Christ” The book was published by the Gujarat State School Textbook Board (GSSTB). In a letter addressed to the Governor of Gujarat, Om Prakash Kohli, Acharya said such mendacious action by irresponsible employees not only small "j" out of reverence, the NBCC said that calling Jesus as a ‘demon (haivaan)’ is not only a mistake, but “an insult.” In this connection, taking serious note of the official clarification as “big error,” the apex body urged the department to apologize to the Christian community.” As assured by the Gujarat State Education Minister, Bhu-

hurt the sentiments but also jeopardise communal harmony, stated a press release from PRO to Governor, Nagaland. The Governor called for stern action against the person responsible and should be punished as per law, it said adding that he also spoke to his counterpart in Gujarat about the seriousness of the matter. Expressing his regret, the Gujarat Governor also assured to take up the matter urgently with the Gujarat State Education Minister and to take action against the person concerned, the release further informed. pendrasinh Chudasama, the NBCC said that the error should not only be corrected but “due apology must also be tendered to the Christian community in the country. “Educate the students in the country that we must learn to respect and honor the beliefs of each religion whether they be major or minor,” it added.

the benami account (s) of PDS scam accused

DimAPuR, June 12 (mexn): In the light of the Income Tax raid all over India against Sreevalsam Group, ACAUT Nagaland on Monday sought the attention of the IT department to initiate investigation into the benami account (s) of the alleged kingpin of the PDS rice scam, Vinay Kumar Sethi alias Tinku.

In a representation addressed to the Assistant Commissioner of Income Tax, Dimapur Circle, the ACAUT Nagaland claimed that it had exposed a multi-thousand crore rice scam in Dimapur involving PDS on the December 9, 2016 for which a FIR was registered against Vinay Kumar Sethi aka Tinku, at the

Sub-Urban PS. ACAUT alleged that the said accused was running his enterprise under the cover of two firms, namely, M/S Lotha Trading Agency and M/S RZ Lotha, both in the name of R. Zumomo Lotha, an IT exemptee, thereby, violating relevant sections of the IT Act. Consequently FIR

against M/S Lotha Trading Agency and M/S RZ Lotha has also been registered, it informed. ACAUT opined that the PDS scam is even bigger than the Fodder Scam of Bihar involving Rs 900 Crore or the the PDS scam of Arunachal Pradesh involving Rs 1000 Crore.

NPCC for ‘CBI enquiry’ in MKR Pillai’s case DimAPuR, June 12 (mexn): Questioning the ability of NPF-BJP government to “rise up to the occasion” to “clean the dirty stables” of the police department, the Congress Party in Nagaland today demanded CBI enquiry into all “irregularities that have flourished” in the department. The recent revelations about MKR Pillai during the IT raids have once again exposed the corrupt activities that have flourished during the past 15 years of NPF led DAN government, the Nagaland Pradesh Congress Pradesh Committee (NPCC) alleged in a press note through its media cell.

The central government during the past decade had sanctioned hundreds of crores particularly for modernization of police force but was “found badly misused,” it maintained adding that “fraudulent withdrawal of Rs. 18 crore by police department during financial year 2009-10 by producing fictitious bills as highlighted by CAG report being the most prominent.” “It is an open secret,” the NPCC further alleged, “that Pillai has been running the show in the police department with many of the top police officials dancing to his tunes,” adding that this

is plainly evident by the “timid reaction of the State DGP and the apprehension of a senior police officer that police department will be badly affected if Pillai is removed.” The NPCC also pointed out that in recent times the Party has been demanding “removal of Consultants particularly in police and finance department where former officials with proximity to those in power have been lording over the state of affairs.” The Income Tax authorities have done their job of unearthing the “huge business empire of MKR Pillai” that defies all logic of rapid growth

and with the kind of attention being played out in the national media that portrays Nagaland in poor light,” it added. In this connection, NPCC expressed serious concern on the “inability of the NPFBJP government to rise up to the occasion” and demanded that the state government hand over the case to CBI to investigate all irregularities that have flourished in the police department. This is an opportunity to clean the dirty stables of the police department and also expose the politicians and top officials who have allowed the system to become a one man show, it added.


tuesday 13•06•2017



‘IN CONFLICT AND DISASTERS, PROTECT CHILDREN FROM CHILD LABOUR’ World Day Against Child Labour observed Child Labour: DLSAs spreads legal awareness Dimapur, June 12 (mexn): Recognizing the need to sensitize on the issues of child labour, District Legal Services Author ities (DL SAs) across the state conducted legal awareness programme and organized painting competition on World Day Against Child Labour with the theme ‘In conflicts and disasters, protect children from child labour’ on June 12. A press note stated that the resource persons and speakers shared about the Child Labour (Prohibition and Regulation) Amendment Students of CECS Nagarjan presenting a special number on the occasion of World Day Act, 2016 prohibits the engagement of children against Child Labour in Dimapur on Monday. (Morung Photo) below the age of 14 years Morung Express News tic helpers in the guise of and even in construction pursuing education if the sites. Dimapur | June 12 educational institutions He informed that ChildOrganized by Community were properly run in their line Nagaland in a period Education Centre Soci- places. She also noted that of six years had intervened ety (CECS), Nagarjan, the poverty was one of the more than 900 cases out of Morung Express News World Day against Child reasons for parents send- which more than 60-70% Kiusum | June 12 Labour was observed in Di- ing out their children as were directly or indirectly The Kiphire District Legal mapur at the Deputy Com- domestic helpers. related to child labour. missioner’s conference hall Assistant Labour Com“To eradicate domes- Services Authority today under the theme ‘In con- missioner, Dimapur, W. tic child labour and child observed International flict and disasters, protect Temwang Konyak in- abuse in our homes we Day Against Child Labour children from child labour’ formed that the Interna- don’t need government at Kiusum on June 12. Akumla Longchari, Coon Monday. tional Labour Organization schemes or any other regOn the occasion, Ad- (ILO) has set the minimum ulations but we just need ordinator, Nagaland State ditional Deputy Commis- age of employing chil- our own decision not to Legal Services Authority sioner, Dimapur, Sarah dren for works considered employ children and our who spoke on the topic Jamir released a short hazardous to 18. He said conscience that deprives Protection Against Child video clip on child labour that the ILO was striving the rights of every child,” Labour with emphasis on NALSA Schemes, 2015, produced by Dreamz Un- to eliminate child labour he said. limited and sponsored by by 2025 and encouraged Stating that domestic touched on various laws the Department of Labour, NGOs and departments in- child workers was a form available for children and Nagaland. volved in it to work together of ‘modern slavery,’ Subo Juvenile and added, Laws Sarah spoke about the towards the goal. Temwang called upon the citizens to like RTE under the Art need to get back to the also informed that Dima- give a chance to the chil- 21 of the Constitution of root cause of why child pur was the only district in dren to live and learn with India, Juvenile Justice Act, labour was prevailing in the state declared as ‘child freedom and dream to be POCSO and The Child Labour (Prohibition and the state. She said em- labour zone.’ better human beings. Regulation) Amendment ploying somebody’s child Delivering the introStudents of CECS Act, 2016 which deals esfor domestic works does ductory note, Director, Nagarjan and National pecially with Children. not alone define child la- CECS/Nodal Director, Child Labour Project preShe disclosed that chilbour but even employing Childline, Subonenba sented special numbers dren constitute almost half one’s child in field works Longkumer quoted official during the programme. of this Country’s populawas a form of child labour. reports that India has over The programme was or- tion but is also a home to Sarah maintained out that 15 million children em- ganized in collaboration the largest number of child many parents in remote ployed as labours in the ru- with Childline Dimapur, labour as they are comareas would not need to ral areas as cultivators or in Department of Labour, Na- pelled to work for their send their children to household industries and tional Child Labour Project livelihood and expressed towns working as domes- in urban areas as servants and Wipro Cares. sadness over this fact.

in all occupations however, it allow child labour in family or family enterprises or allows the child to be an artist in an audiovisual entertainment industry. The participants were also sensitized on NALSA (Child Friendly Services to children and their protection) scheme 2015 which aim to improve access to justice for children and to facilitate proper implementation of the existing legislations and policies in favour of children and to ensure effective legal assistance to children who come in conflict with the law or require care and protection. Longleng: Legal literacy

programme was organized by Longleng District Legal Services Authority (LDLSA) at the auditorium of Government High School Longleng. Tucuno Vamuzo, Secretary LDLSA wasone of the speaker while Ahoshi, Assistant Public Prosecutor Longleng was the resource person. Wokha: Speaking as resource person on laws on child labour at the legal awareness programme organized by Wokha District Legal Services Authority (WDLSA) at Mt. Tiyi College Wokha, Renebmo Tungoe, Assistant Public Prosecutor Wo k h a spoke on the Child Labour (Prohibition and

Regulation) Amendment Act, 2016. Zunheboto: Zunheboto District Legal Services Authority (ZDLSA) in collaboration with District Child Protection Unit Zunheboto conducted legal awareness programme and painting competition at St. Anthony School Zunheboto. Dimapur: Dimapur District Legal Services Authority (DDLSA) conducted sensitization programme with the students of Herbert Spencer School Dimapur. Mon: While Mon District Legal Services Authority (MDLSA) conducted legal awareness seminar antichild labour act at Eastern

school Mon. Altogether 300 students and teachers attended the seminar. Kohima: Kohima District Legal Services Authority (KDLSA) conducted legal awareness programme at Government Middle School, L Khel, Kohima Village and Peren District Legal Service Authority (PDLSA) held an interaction session with children of children home Peren. Tuensang: Tuensang District Legal Services Authority (TDLSA) organized legal awareness programme with 380 students of class 5 to 8 of Government High School Chaba at GHSS Auditorium.

Village authorities urged to be alert towards child issues

Participants and village elders with the members of Kiphire District Legal Services Authority during the observation of International Day Against Child Labour at Kiusum on June 12. (Morung Photo)

Urging the village authorities to be alert and sensitive towards the child issues, she asked them not to blindly send their children outside their homes either for studies or as domestic helpers without knowing the identity of the care takers. She also said that child labour sometimes may lead to physical or sexual abuse of the child and at times the child is compelled to run away from their home and go missing and asked the village elders to be vigil. Hotingkiu Sangtam, Panel Lawyer, Kiphire DLSA spoke on the Village Council Act and stated that through this Act, the

Village people are empowered at the grass root level. He mentioned on the decentralization of power to the village authorities and said that the Act need to be understood and followed as it is not a self styled resolutions contradicting the provisions of the Act. He highlighted the important provisions of the Act and advised them to follow the instructions given by the Government in letter and spirit so that they will coexist peacefully in the village. A Legal Aid Clinic at EAC office at Kiusum was also inaugurated by Chief Judicial Magistrate, Kiphire & Secretary,

Kiphire DLSA Mezivolu T Therieh, NJS in the presence of the village elders, GBs DBs and citizens on the same day. Inaugurating the legal clinic, Mezivolu.T Therieh said that under Article 39A of the Constitution of India, it is mandatory that the State should ensure free legal services and free legal aid to each and every person who cannot afford to get justice due to poverty. Stressing on the need and benefit of the clinic she said that legal aid clinic will in no way affect the customary practice and institution but will provide additional benefits to the

people of this area in bring justice to the doorstep. Further she added, “If there is no law, peace will not prevail in any institution or society. It is the responsibility of every citizen to abide and follow the law of the land.” Expressing gratitude to the people of the area she said that the clinic is opened for the people of Kiusam area to get awareness in the legal field and also know about the benefits and privileges given by the government and appeal to all to come forward to avail the opportunity. The programme was chaired by Asuthong, Chairman, Child Welfare Committee & PLV and welcome address was proposed by Pachu, Head DB and Vote of thanks was proposed by Ato, DB. The team also conducted a legal awareness programme with the children of St John School where the CJM & Secretary spoke to the children on child rights.

Training for construction workers in Kiphire

The trainees with DC Kiphire, organisers and resource persons during the launching of six day skill development programme on construction work at Kiphire on June 12. (Morung Photo) Morung Express News Kiphire | June 12

The Directorate of Skill Development Employment & Entrepreneurship, Government of Nagaland, jointly with YouthNet, Zynorique initiative society is conducting a six day skill development programme on construction workers for fifty youths at Kiphire. The Deputy Commissioner of Kiphire, Sedevikho Khro launched the programme at Public ground on June 12.

Speaking at the programme, Sedevikho Khro said that in places like Kohima and Dimapur there may be many labour from “outside” working as construction workers however, in places like Kiphire, due to distance, people may find it difficult to come and work. He therefore, encouraged the trainees to learn sincerely and earn a livelihood through this profession. “Our forefathers were honest and have dignity of labour but today the present genera-

tion are not upholding their ethics,” the DC said while asking the trainers to have dignity of labour and to be honest so that people will hire them for any job which is fitting. Encouraging the trainers, the DC also said, “generally Nagas want to be rich overnight and do not consider few amounts of cash as money and look only for bigger amount,” but he reminded them, “A little drop of water makes mighty ocean” and asked the trainers to be posi-

tive with what they are doing as everything has a process. He wished that the training will bear fruit. Richard from Zynorique Initiative Society exhorting the gathering informed that this is the fourth district that the team is covering. Stating that construction is not a business but a skill, Richard added that the training is a flagship of Government of India and “in years ahead there will be a course in school curriculum too. “ He also said that the six days training will comprise of theory, practical and also assured that at the end of the training, Zynorique Initiative Society Naga Community Delhi from all walks of like attended a candle lit service to and bid adieu to NSCN K Chairand YouthNet will also “try to man SS Khaplang at Nagaland House, New Delhi on June 11. It was organised by the Naga Students’ Union find job placement” to work Delhi, Delhi Eastern Nagaland Students’ Union, and Naga Forum Delhi. (Photo Courtesy: Facebook) with contractors in housing or Highway construction workers if the trainees are interested. Ts a s e Sangtam, Employment Officer Vishü Rita Krocha gone around several homes Tuensang I/C of Kiphire disfitting pipes, and this has altrict chaired the programme Kohima | June 12 ways brought him a sense of who expressed gratitude to joy. “Our water source is from As a school going boy, C. Mopa the visiting team for coming the jungle and pipe is the only Konyak walked a distance of 6 to Kiphire to make the proconnection”, he articulates kilometers to another village gramme success. and in the many homes he called Longchang everyday in has worked in, he has conpursuit of education. He hails nected pipes from water tanks from Angjangyang village unto kitchens and bathrooms. der Mon district, and grew up The 32-year old electriwithout one of the most basic cian-cum-plumber maramenities- Electricity. “I reof passionate reflection from ried in December 2015 and member studying under the the heart and mind and are has a daughter. His wife and light of a kerosene lamp and aimed at helping Christians 2-month old baby live in the because my village was de(also people of other religions) C. Mopa Konyak village although he is based prived of it then, I always told to pray with understanding of myself that I will work in this search of better prospects, but out of Kohima for work. “Our Christian faith, values and dusector someday.” in the process, also discov- earnings usually depend on ties. The book is instructive True to his resolution, ered his interest for ‘plumb- the work…sometimes it’s for people of all professions he trained to be an electri- ing’. “Things like electricity more, sometimes, less”, he and age groups and will guide cian from Industrial Training and water supply are very ba- shares, and goes on to say readers to pray with theologiInstitute (ITI), Mon for a pe- sic needs but are often over- that ‘the only disappointment cal soundness, no matter what working on your own is, unlike riod of 3 months after having looked”, he expresses. the circumstances. Some of the studied up to class 9. “I had to He underwent training the government sector, you prayers are crafted in language quit school in 2005 owing to in Plumbing for a period of don’t get paid well. It’s espethat many new media users financial problems at home”, one year from ITI Kohima af- cially hard when you get sick.” would identify. There is a beneHow e ve r, C . Mo ba he puts across. He is the sec- ter which he also registered diction in facebook lingo that ond eldest amongst 6 siblings. himself at the Nagaland Job Konyak’s zest for plumbreads: “May the Lord Update His village had meanwhile re- Centre (NJC) and has been ing and electricity continhis will on the walls of your ceived electricity in the late taking on different projects ues and he can be reached hearts, and post it for all to see nineties but he never regret- ever since. “I like being both at 8974139856 for any related your changed status. And may ted the decision he made to an electrician and a plumber works. those to whom you are visible, pursue a course in ‘house but I am mostly into plumblike and share you to others, for *Year of Construction the glory of God – Amen.” wiring’. ing now”, he says. Workers (YOCW) is a joint The book is published by Been trained in the field, By now, C. Mopa Konyak program of the Government Christian World Imprints, he eventually served as is also well aware of water of Nagaland in partnership New Delhi, and reasonably the Secretary of the Village scarcity in the state capital. with YouthNet, Zynorique priced at INR 290/- (pbk). E l e c t r i ca l D e p a r t m e nt Towards this end, he states and the Department of It will be available in books Committee, Angjangyang for that, “rain water harvesting Labour & Employment, stores and can also be pur7 years. After he finished his is very important because it Skill Development and chased from the author or tenure, he came to Kohima in will not always rain.” He has Entrepreneurship. online.

‘Prayers and Litanies for all Occasions…’ released

Alemsunep Jamir, Pastor of World Impact Community Church, Dimapur (right) releases the book written by Dr Eyingbeni Hümtsoe-Nienu, faculty at CTC (left).

Dimapur, June 12 (mexn): A book entitled, ‘Prayers and Litanies for all occasions: Resource for Christian Living, Worship and Ceremonies’ was released with prayer on Saturday, June 10, by Alemsunep Jamir, Pastor of World Impact Community Church, Dimapur, at Clark Theological College (CTC) Chapel in the presence of students, faculty

and staff members. The book is authored by Dr Eyingbeni HümtsoeNienu, faculty at CTC and the foreword is written by world renowned theologian and award winning author, Prof. Simon Chan. ‘Prayers and Litanies for All Occasions…’ is a set of original prayers that are generally modern in expression and sensitive to the present

world realities and sufferings while also being relevant to the Church context. Its liturgical focus is reflected in prayers and litanies that can be purposefully included in Church/ Christian worship. Apart from its general application, some prayers are meant to be exclusively personal to the one who prays them - for instance ‘Alcoholic’s Lament.’ The prayers are a result

‘I studied under the light of a kerosene lamp’

tuesday 13•06•2017



Meghalaya wants Centre to axe Rajnath Singh greeted with beef fest in Mizoram rule on cattle trade for slaughter Newmai News Network

of the Mizos in the near future,” another member of Zolife Group said. Lalremruata Varte, a leading member of Zolife Group also said that today's “beef festival” was not an attempt to hurt the sentiment of the Hindus but a token of opposing the Central Government's decision to impose ban on cow slaughter. “The beef festival was a grand success as over 3000 people gathered to take part in it,” he added. Meanwhile, the State BJP chief Hluna said that there is no problem in eating beef in Mizoram as its consumption is allowed in the Bible. Speaking to reporters earlier, the BJP leader from Mizoram had said that people should not worry about the Central government’s notification on cattle ban. “I am aware about the recent government notification on cattle ban but I would like to clarify that as per the Bible, eating beef is allowed,” he said.

Aizawl | June 12

Shillong, June 12 (iAnS): Cutting across party lines, the Meghalaya Assembly on Monday adopted a resolution urging the central government to withdraw the new rule on cattle trade for slaughter so as to maintain the constitution's federal and secular character. Though opposition members supported the resolution, they asked the Mukul Sangma-led Congress government what would be the next step if the Centre does not act on the resolution. Chief Minister Sangma, who moved the resolution, said the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (Regulation of Livestock Markets) Rules, 2017 suffered from major shortcomings and infirmities and would have an adverse impact on Meghalaya's economy and culture.

"Cattle meat is an integral part of the dietary habits of the tribal populace of Meghalaya since it is rich in minerals and is one of the cheap sources of protein, especially for the economically weaker section of the tribal society," Sangma said. He said the new rules was a major embargo that was crippling the economy of a predominantly tribal society. "The prohibition on sale and purchase of cattle for the purpose of slaughter will not only affect the livelihood of over 5.7 lakh households, i.e. 79 percent of households, involved in cattle rearing but will also affect the right of people to have a diet of their choice and to celebrate the religious, cultural and social ceremonies in practice since times immemorial," the

Oldest man of Phalee village dies at 108 ukhRul, June 12 (Mexn): Lungrei Ramshan, father of former Naga Army chief (Longvibu) of NSCN (IM), HS Ramshan passed away on June 11 at the age of 108 at his native village, Phalee in Ukhrul district, Manipur. Late Lungrei was reportedly born in 1909 in the month of August. Family sources said his eyesight was clear and mind was sound and could recognize everyone till his last breath. Just a day before he breathed his last, sources further said that his last wish was to meet his son, HS Ramshan who is away in foreign country. “I wish to meet Hanshia (HS Ramshan) once and say a few things,” Lungrei reportedly said when asked about his last wish. HS Ramshan is reportedly in exile in China. Late Lungrei is survived by five sons and two daughters.

Congress leader said. "We fully support the intent of the Act to prevent infliction of unnecessary pain or suffering on animals," he added. Sangma said that the new rules would severely hamper the socio-economic, cultural and religious rights of the people of the state. "We will not accept this kind of imposition which goes beyond the provision of the Constitution and the present rules has been designed to affect the northeastern states more knowing fully well that the culture and the way of the life of the people of the region is invariably linked with cattle and its consumption of its meat," he said. Supporting the resolution, Hill State People's Democratic Party legislator Ardent Miller Basaiaw-

moit described the new rule on cattle trade and slaughter as a virtual move to ban cow slaughter in the country. Urging the government to take this resolution to its logical end, United Democratic Party legislator Paul Lyngdoh said: "We should not restrict ourselves only to the question of ban of slaughter of cattle. The larger issue is how this will impact the federal fabric." However, National People's Party legislator James Sangma felt there was no need to push the panic button since the rule notified by the Central government was a state subject. "It will not stand in a court of law as it will be immediately struck down if anyone decides to approach the court," he said.

Two North East men held for cheating Mangaluru woman MAngAluRu, June 12 (PTi): Two persons belonging to the North East have been arrested for allegedly duping a woman of over Rs 21 lakh after luring her with the promise of providing foreign currency and an expensive gift, police said today. The woman, Violet D’Souza, in her complaint lodged with the Ullal police station here had stated that she got a mail in the name of Royal Bank of Scotland, New Delhi, offering an expensive gift and foreign currencies and the procedures to be followed for this and other expenses involved. Later, D'Souza also got a

call on her mobile with the offer which appeared to be convincing and she transferred Rs 21,58,200 to the account number given by the accused persons. After realising that she had been cheated, the woman filed the complaint with the police on May 31. Investigations revealed that the accused had created a fake website to cheat gullible victims, police said. A police team led by Ullal police inspector K R Gopikrishna traced the accused, Lalthan Mawia (34), of Mizoram and Khup Boih (32),from Manipur, to Vikaspuri in New Delhi and arrested them on June 10, they added.

Union Home Minister, Rajnath Singh was greeted with beef feast as he landed in Aizawl today to review the security situation along the Indo-Myanmar border. Opposing the controversial decision of the BJP led NDA Government banning slaughter of cattle for sale in the markets, Zolife Group and other activists today organised "Beef Ban Bashing Banquet" in Aizawl. The event was held at Vanapa Hall in the state capital where a large crowd gathered to take delight at the festival even though there was a heavy rainfall. “We are strongly against the Narendra Modi led Government's attempt to ban beef which is one of the most important traditional food items of the Mizos,” one of the organisers said. Speaking on the occasion, a member of Zolife Group and a writer, Lalrinfela Hauhnar better

New ADG of NCC Directorate, NER Shillong, June 12 (Mexn): Maj Gen Raju Chauhan has assumed the command of NCC Directorate, NER, Shillong as ADG w.e.f June 5. An alumnus of National Defence Academy, Khadakwasla, Pune and Indian Military Academy, Dehradun, Maj Gen Chauhan was commissioned in 18th Battalion, The Brigade of Guards on June 9, 1984. He has held various important command, staff and instructional appointments in 33 years of military career.

AFFIDAVIT Regd. No. 365


Location : Seithekema Basa (B) Area : upto Twelve(12) Puras Rate: `120/- per sq.ft.


Contact : 7005885920

I, Shri. Adangbe Newme S/o Heureng Zemi of Jalukie Town, PO & PS Jalukie, Peren Dist. Nagaland hereby declared that: 1. That I am the deponent of this affidavit. 2. That the name Adangbe Newme and Nidnalung are my name, i.e the name of one and same person. 3. I hereby declared that my correct name is ADANGBE NEWME and shall be use for all official purposes in the future.

STAFF WANTED A reputed MNC in travel industry needs

Graduate Freshers/ Travel Consultants

Location: Dimapur /Kohima Excellent communications in English & computer skills must Forward CV to career@connectcue.com

Deponent 1st Class Magistrate

Only shortlisted will be called for interview

AFFIDAVIT Regd. No. 366

I, Shri. Iteudiakpe Newme S/o Heureng Zemi of Samziuram village, PO & PS Jalukie, Peren Dist. Nagaland hereby declared that: 1. That I am the deponent of this affidavit. 2. That the name Iteudiakpe Newme and Iteudiak Zeme is of same person. 3. I hereby declared that my correct name is ITEUDIAKPE NEWME and shall be use for all official purposes in the future.


I, Mr. Lima Longkumer S/o. R. Temjen Longkumer R/o Aoyimsen Village (Lengrijan) am applying for duplicate copies of HSLC Pass Certificate bearing Roll No- 011820 (Year 2000) of Lima Aier Memorial School and HSSLC Pass Certificate bearing Roll No – 211017 (Year 2002) of Greenwood Hr. Sec. School as I have lost it.

Deponent 1st Class Magistrate


AFFIDAVIT Regd. No. 367

Mountain View Christian College, Kohima

I, Shri. Elungchu Newme S/o Heureng Zemi of Jalukie Town, PO & PS Jalukie, Peren Dist. Nagaland hereby declared that: 1. That I am the deponent of this affidavit. 2. That the name Elungchu and Vilungchube are my names i.e, the name of one and same person. 3. I hereby declared that my correct name is ELUNGCHU NEWME and shall be use for all official purposes in the future.


Near BSF Camp. Below ATI Office: Kohima

ARTS AND COMMERCE Contact No: 0370-2280071/9856974717

Classes 11&12 B.A (Gen) B.A (Hons)

Admission 5500 6500 6800

Hostel Monthly fee

Install(quarterly) 3000 3100 3200

- 3500

Deponent 1st Class Magistrate

People queuing up to get their share of beef at Vanapa Hall in Aizawl on Monday.

known as Mafaa Hauhnar, said that beef has been closely related with the Mizo custom, tradition and religion. “Beef has a strong cultural importance with the Mizos. Customarily cows and buffaloes are widely used as bride price in marriage among the Mizos and also in many other occasions,” explained Lalrinfela Hauhnar. He also said that the Mizos cannot hold



No. ICIT/NEQIP-4/2013-16/ 38

Sd/- S YANSOMONG President

Sd/- ACHUNG R General Secretary

Examination Notice of Final written Examination for Direct Recruitment of Grade-III of Nagaland Judicial Service THE GAUHATI HIGH COURT AT GUWAHATI

(The High Court of Assam, Nagaland, Mizoram & Arunachal Pradesh)

Final written examination in connection with Direct Recruitment of Grade-III of Nagaland Judicial Service will be held on 22.07.2017 (Saturday) and 23.07.2017 (Sunday) at Kohima, Nagaland. Other details, such as the result of preliminary Examination (Objective type multiple choices) held on 19.3.2017, Admit card etc. can be seen in the relevant notification published in the official websites www.ghc.ghconline.gov.in and www. kohimahighcourt.gov.in & Notice Boards of Gauhati High Court, Guwahati and Kohima Permanent Bench, Gauhati High Court, Kohima, Nagaland. Sd/- M.K. Kalita Registrar (Vigilance)-cum-In-Charge, Recruitment Cell Gauhati High Court, Guwahati

Dated Mokokchung, the 30th May 2017


Sealed tenders are invited from any IT empanelled firms of Nagaland to supply Computer and electronics item to the Institute. The tender documents can be collected from the Department of Technical Education, Kohima Nagaland w.e.f from 15th June, 2017 on working days from 10:00 AM to 4:00 PM by paying a tender fee of Rs. 1000/- (Non refundable). Last date of submission of tender is 12:00 Noon, 20th June 2017. Sealed Tenders will be opened on 20th June 2017 at 01:00 PM at the Dept of Technical Education Kohima, Conference Hall. Tiakaba Amer Principal ICIT, Mokokchung



Dtd. Zbto. the 08/06/2017

Notice calling objection for the issue of Succession Certificate

Smti. HOSHILI of Ghokhuvi, district Zunheboto has applied for the issue of Succession Certificate /Guardianship Certificate declaring that Her Husband Late KAIHO has expired on 08/03/2017 It is hereby notified that if no objection to issue this certificate is received from anyone within a period of 30 (thirty) days w.e.f the date of publication in press, the Certificate shall be issued, and no further complaint will be entertained for issue of the same. Sd/- Deputy Commissioner, Zunheboto : Nagaland


JUBILEE MEMORIAL SCHOOL (Affiliated to CISCE, New Delhi) Salangtem Ward, Mokokchung, Nagaland


1. PRT (Lower K.G.): 1 Post (Qualification: B.A., B.Ed. / TTC / Montessori Trained) 2. Physic for Middle & High School: 1 Post (Qualification: B.Sc. (PCM) / Physics (Hons) 3. Maths & Chemistry for Primary & Middle: 1 Post (Qualification: B.Sc (PCM) / Chemistry (Hons): 1 Post Scale of Pay for Sl. 1, 2 & 3 : 8000 – 240 – 12800/- P.M. Plus D.A 80%, HRA, M.A. etc. Perks: CPF, LTC, Gratuity, etc. (EXPERIENCED HANDS AND ICSE & ISC BACKGROUND PREFERRED) DATE OF INTERVIEW: 16th of June 2017 at J.M. School Complex. Interested candidates may report at J.M. School office along with all original documents and 2 Passport size photo latest by 8:00 A.M. on the same day. Please note that NO CALLING LETTERS WILL BE ISSUED separately. Candidates can send their Bio-data (personal information) through e-mail: jmschoolna001@gmail.com Sd/- S.K. Maiti Sd/Principal, J.M. School Chairman Ph. No. 0369-2226319 BOG, J.M. School


With immense pride and honour, Yimchungerü Akherü Arihako (YAA) conveys heartiest congratulations to Ms. Volenshe Mary Khuvazulu D/o late. Yutsumew Peter for securing 1st Rank (BA-General) in the recently declared NU UG Examination 2017. YAA also congratulates Kihoto Theological College Yakor on being accredited by the Global Association for Theological Accreditation (GATA).

grand feast unless beef is included in the menu. The young writer added that the decision to impose ban on beef is an instance of disrespect to the Mizo Christians and their custom. “Though the Centre has said that beef ban would not affect culturally and ethnically the diversified Northeast region, the ban, if strictly imposed in the whole of the country would surely affect the food habit

POSSESSION NOTICE (For Immovable Property)

राष्टर् ीय प्रौद्योगिकी संसथ ् ान नागालैडं NATIONAL INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY NAGALAND Chumukedima, Dimapur-797 103, Nagaland


Central Seat Allocation Board (CSAB) 2017 Students seeking admissions for IITs, NITs, IIITs and Centrally Funded Technical Institutes are hereby notified that National Institute of Technology (NIT) Nagaland, Chumukedima, Dimapur will be opening a Help Centre starting 15th June 2017 for assistance to Engineering/Architecture aspirants. There will be special presentations on CSAB knowhow’s in NIT Nagaland Smart Class Room from 15th June – 26th June 2017. Candidates who do not register within 26th June 17:00pm will not be able to seek admission for 2017 academic year. All candidates who have got valid ranks in JEE (Main) 2017 are eligible to register for seat allocation to NIT/ CFTI systems. Help centre opens from 10:00am – 17:00pm on the allotted dates. Intending candidates can visit the website csab.nic.in as well as nitnagaland.ac.in for more details. Director

CRM & Recovery Section Regional Office, May Fair Building, Near Dominos, Lokhra Road, Guwahati-781034 Ph. : +91 361 2470017 E-mail : crmguwahatiro@canarabank.com

Whereas : The undersigned being the Authorised Officer of the Canara Bank under Securitisation And Reconstruction of Financial Assets and Enforcement of Security Interest Act, 2002 (Act 54 of 2002) and in exercise of powers conferred under Section 13 (12) read with Rule 3 of the Security Interest (Enforcement) Rules 2002, issued a Demand Notice Dated calling upon the following borrowers to repay the amount mentioned in the notice with interest within 60 days from the date of receipt of the said notice. The borrowers having failed to repay the amount, notice is hereby given to the borrowers and the public in general, that the undersigned has taken possession of the properties described herein below in exercise of powers conferred on him / her under section 13 (4) of the said Act, read with Rule 8 of the Security Interest (Enforcement) Rules, 2002 on various dates as below. The borrowers attention is invited to provisions of sub-section (8) of section 13 of the Act, in respect of time available, to redeem the secured assets. The borrower in particular and the public in general are hereby cautioned not to deal with the property and any dealings with the property will be subject to the charge of the CANARA BANK (Name of the Institution) concerned Branches for an amount mentioned below along with interest cost thereon.

(Description of Immovable Property)

Sl. No. 1.

Borrower's Name SRI ALO MERO

Date of Demand Notice U/S 13 (2) / Date of Possession Notice U/S 13 (4) 09-12-2016/07-06-2017







(Prop. Yanpangthung Lotha and Mr. Akok Makin (Guarantor of M/s. Skytech Communication Date : 12-06-2017 Place : Guwahati


Description of the Property

Rs. 43,77,286/- All that part and parcel of the property measuring 0 Bigha - 1 Katha + Interest Charges - 1 Lessa, (280.83 Sq. mtrs) covered by Patta No. 316, Mouza No.

03, Block-Tenyiphe I village Dimapur Nagaland. Bounded : On the North by : Neivikho Savi, On the South by : A/ Road, On the East by : Foot Path, On the West by : Neide Nale-O. Rs. 46,68,100/- All that part and parcel of the property measuring 0 Bigha - 3 Katha + Interest Charges - 7 Lessa, (896.32 Sq. mtrs) covered by Patta No. 427, Dag No. 38/570, Mouza No. 03, situated at Nagarjan, Dimapur, standing in the name of Sri Zhietshulo Kapfo. Bounded : On the North by : Phom, On the South by : Ngou Khiamniangun, On the East by : Eunice Kapfo, On the West by : Drain.

Rs. 22,37,302/- All that part and parcel of the property measuring an area + Interest Charges 133.78 sq.mt. under Patta No. 1187, covered by C.S. Dag No.

794/1242 situated at Evening Rly. Bazar, Dimapur. Bounded : On the North by : Road, On the South by : Land of Angami, On the East by : Land of Society, On the West by : Land of Hokivi Sema.

Authorised Officer Canara Bank


TuesdaY 13•06•2017


Brief ASAN gets new office bearers meDzIPhema, June 12 (mexn): The Agricultural Students’ Association of Nagaland (ASAN) during a general body meeting held at SASRD auditorium, Medziphema on June 11 elected a new team of office bearers for the term 2017-19. The new office bearers of ASAN will be led by Asa Tep as President and Loktimen Longchari as General Secretary.

ATMA Phek conducts training, demo Phek, June 12 (mexn): ATMA Phek conducted training and demonstration at Kikruma and Chesezu Nasa villages on June 1 and 2 respectively. Imtilepzuk, SDAO & BTT convener Kikruma block and BTM Keduweteü Lomi were the resource persons. Topics covered during the two-day programme included scope of floriculture as a business enterprise, rodent management and packages and practices for maize cultivation. Demonstration was done on detergent powder and liquid dish wash making and also propagation method of flowering plants. Altogether, 47 farmers attended the programme. They were given raw materials for liquid dish wash and detergent making, maize seeds (HQPM-5 and 7 varieties), Roban and polybags for nursery raising.


Training of Trainers on community first responder in Wokha underway Wokha, June 12 (DIPR): Five days training of trainers on community first responder organized by Wokha District Disaster Management Authority (WDDMA) in collaboration with Civil Defense & Home Guards and SDRF and supported by Nagaland State Disaster Management Authority began on June 12 at Town Hall, Wokha. District Disaster Management Officer & State Relief & Rehabilitation Officer, Jonjibemo Odyuo while giving a brief introduction of the training said that the training has been organized with a view to train and upgrade skills individuals so as to enable them help their own community in times of any disaster or eventuality. ADC, Wokha, K Thavaseelan, IAS, who also gave the opening remarks to the trainees, urged them to pay utmost attention and to

Post Name: Specialist Medical Officers •No. of Vacancies: 232 •Pay Scale: Rs. 67,700-2,08,700 Post Name: Medical Officers •No. of Vacancies: 428 •Pay Scale: Rs. 56,100-1,77,500

WDDMA officials, SDRF team, CFR ToTs and volunteers during the training programme on community first responder held at Town Hall, Wokha on June 12. (DIPR Photo)

be regular throughout the training. You will be able to save a lot of lives in times of disaster, with whatever you will be learning in the training, he said. He also highlighted the importance of Community First Responder and its roles. 18 Community First responder (CFR) TOTs assisted by SDRF team will be train-

ing the 50 volunteers during the five days training. On completion of the training the trainees will be imparting training in their respective sub-division and village levels which is scheduled to be held from 19th to 23rdJune, 2017 at four sub-division and five villages. The following topics will be covered during the train-

cision taken during the SEC meeting held on January 30, 2017 under the Chairmanship of the Chief Secretary the Government of Nagaland has revised the composition of the State Executive Committee (NSDMA) members as provided under the Disaster Management Act, 2005, with Chief Secretary as the Chairman. The members include Commissioner, Nagaland; Development Commissioner; Finance Commissioner, Home CommisStudents and faculty of Department of Political Science, Don Bosco College, sioner & CEO NSDMA; Commissioner & Secretary, Power; Commissioner & SecreKohima during their visit to Nagaland University, Mereima Campus on June 9. tary, Finance; Commissioner & Secretary, kohIma, June 12 (mexn): De- Department of Geology, NU. Earlier, Dr. Aokumla, Asst. Prof., H&FW; Commissioner & Secretary, Agripartment of Political Science, Don Bosco College, Kohima visited Naga- Department of History and Archeololand University, Mereima Campus, gy, NU pronounced the welcome adKohima on June 9 as part of co-curric- dress. The aims and objectives of the Orangkong village, OrangVillage Council and trip was delivered by Kezenou, HoD, kong ular activity of the college. orangkong nyengching The team first visited the Univer- Department of Political Science, Don Union, Longleng organized sity library, where the Asst. Librar- Bosco College while Prof. Buno, Aca- a mass social work to repair ian Lucy briefed the students on the demic & Administration Incharge, the road from orangkong history of library and library usages Kohima Campus (NU) exhorted the village to Lempong junction, and further welcomed the students students and also enlightened about Longleng on June 10. OrangVillage Council Chairto use the University library. Then the various MA courses eligible for Po- kong man, Chauchei, lamenting the litical Science Honours students for students were enlightened by Asst. pathetic condition of the road Prof. Bordoloi for admission to MBA admission after graduation. Short from the village to Longleng, course in NU after their graduation, presentations were delivered by Dr. said the public, specially the Bordoloi, Asst. Prof., Department of students, are hard hit at all according to a press release. It was followed by lunch at the Management, NU on Cashless Econ- seasons. He expressed his University playground, where the omy, followed by a lecture from Dr. appreciation to the members and participants for their teachers and students shared their re- Mimi Ezung Associate Prof., Depart- financial as well as physical spective home-made delicacies. The ment of Linguistics, NU on the topic contributions made for the students also visited the museum of Language, Culture and Identity. cause. (DIPR Photo)



ing: basic concept of disaster management & disaster management institutional structure in India and Nagaland; Incident Response system; Community First Responder role and characteristics; art of communication; emergency method of rescue; basic introduction to the body & First Aid and search & marketing system.

ACROSS 1. Range 6. Keen 10. Notion 14. Show respect towards 15. List of options 16. Deaden 17. Unimprisoned 19. Found in a cafeteria 20. A Native American tent 21. Before, poetically 22. Twin sister of Ares 23. Sugary 25. Not written exams 26. Exhausts 30. Pertaining to a bride 32. Disquiet 35. Economic independence 39. Stir 40. Backfire 41. A flavorful addition 43. Deprive through death 44. Main course 46. Apothecary’s weight 47. Hoisting device 50. Consumer of food 53. Frigid 54. Petrol 55. Spartan 60. Pearly-shelled mussel 61. Eclipse 63. Boyfriend 64. Depend 65. Appear 66. Circle fragments 67. Being 68. Units of computer data DOWN 1. Close 2. Ice cream holder 3. A single time 4. Defecate 5. Sea eagles 6. French for “Friend” 7. Superficiality 8. Resistance to change 9. Guy

Answer Number # 3968

std code: 03862

AnALYZe ArenA BAKerY BAte Beet Better BeYond BrAnd BreAd CAUGHt CHArGe CHAse ControL deLetes dreAM eLIte GroUP HUrrY KnIFe MentAL MonKeY



std code: 03871

(formerly senapati)



229529 229474

MH Hospital

227930 231081

Fire Brigade


Faith Hospital


naga Hospital


shamrock Hospital


oking Hospital


Zion Hospital

231864 224117 227337

Bethel nursing Home


northeast shuttles


Police Control room


Police Traffic Control


east Police station


west Police station


CIHsr (referral Hospital)

242555 242533

dimapur Hospital

224041 248011

Police station Fire Brigade

south Ps Zubza Ps

Chiephobozou Ps 8575045506 Officer-in-Charge 8575045516 tseminyu Ps


Officer-in-Charge 8575045517 Khuzama Ps


Officer-in-Charge 8575045515

nikos Hospital and research Centre

232032, 231031

Kezocha Ps

nagaland Multispecialty Health & research Centre

248302, 09856006026

women Cell

248722 /248288, 9615945510



Officer-in-Charge 8575045518

229366 242441 225212



Officer-in-Charge 8575045520

Airport Indian Airlines



Officer-in-Charge 8575045510



std code: 0370

KoHIMA Ps/oCs Contact numbers north Ps



222246 222491


Apollo Hospital Info Centre 230695/ 9402435652

eden Medical Centre

need rAIn reALItY rIGHt rotAte sAFe sHeeP sHeet sHoot sLeeP sLICe sMArt soLId soon stone tHoUGHt tIne trAde treAt trULY

Age Limit (as on 05-07-2017) Specialist Medical Officers: Maximum 40 years Medical Officers: Maximum 30 years Dental Surgeon: Maximum 35 years

Civil Hospital

Chumukedima Fire Brigade 282777


Educational Qualification: Specialist Medical Officers: Candidates should have a recognised medical qualification of Allopathic System of Medicines included in the first or second schedule or Part–II of the third schedule (other than licentiate qualification) to the Indian Medical Council Act, 1956 and and Post Graduate Degree/Diploma in the concerned speciality. Medical Officers: Candidates should have a recognised medical qualification of Allopathic System of Medicines included in the first or second schedule or Part–II of the third schedule (other than licentiate qualification) to the Indian Medical Council Act, 1956. Dental Surgeon: Candidates should have a Degree (Bachelor of Dental Surgery) from a recognised university/institution and should be registered with Dental Council of India.

Important Dates: • Starting Date for Application: 05-06-2017 • Last Date for Application: 05-07-2017

Answer to Crossword 3971


Job Location: All India

Application Fee: General/OBC/UR Candidates have to pay Rs. 400/- in favour of DIG (Adm), Directorate General, CRPF payable at State Bank of India. SC/ST and Women Candidates do not have to pay any fee. How to Apply: Interested and eligible candidates may apply by sending the Application Form along with self-attested copies of certificates in support of MBBS/BDS or equivalent qualification to The Deputy Inspector General (RECTT.), Medical Officer Selection Board (CAPFs) – 2016, HQ DG CRPF, Block N0. 01, CGO Complex, Lodhi Road, New Delhi – 110003 from 05-06-2017 to 05-07-2017.

10. Entwined 11. Indian millet 12. Electronic letters 13. Chasm 18. Not many 24. Diminish 25. Cowboy movie 26. Petty quarrel 27. Relating to aircraft 28. Brace 29. Prodigious 31. Harsh or arduous 33. Utilizing 34. Lease 36. Lion sound 37. Pueblo ceremonial chamber 38. The original matter (cosmology) 42. Pieces of leg armor 43. Wager 45. Artists’ workstands 47. Aqualung 48. Hermit 49. Of a pelvic bone 51. S 52. Rehabilitation 54. Pierce 56. Deviate 57. Modify 58. Thorny flower 59. Female sheep (plural) 62. Type of whiskey


Post Name: Dental Surgeon •No. of Vacancies: 102 •Pay Scale: Rs. 56,100-1,77,500

Mining; Commissioner & Secretary, Rural Development; Commissioner & Secretary, PHE; Commissioner & Secretary, Urban Development; Commissioner & Secretary, Age Relaxation: Irrigation & Flood Control; Commissioner & Secretary, Forest, Environment & Climate S r . Category of Candidates Relaxation of Change; Commissioner & Secretary, Soil & No. Age Permissible Water Conservation; Commissioner & Secretary, Veterinary & Animal Husbandry; 1. SC/ST/BC Candidates 5 years and Special Secretary, Home. OBC Candidates 3 years Director General of Police and Director 2. CD&HG and Prisons will be special invitees. 3. Govt. Servants and SSCOs 10 years The SEC may invite any other considered relbelonging to SC or ST evant to the committee. Selection Process: Selection of candidates will be made on the basis of the Personal Interview and Medical Examination.


Simple Rules - Fill in the grid so that every row, every column, and every 3x3 box contains the digits 1 through 9.

Game Number # 3969

Central Reserve Police Force (CRPF) has released a notification for the recruitment of 661 Medical Officers (Deputy Commandant), Medical Officers (Assistant Commandant) and Dental Surgeons (Assistant Commandant). Interested candidates may check the eligibility criteria and apply online from 05-06-2017 to 05-07-2017. VACANCY DETAILS:

Don Bosco College students NSDMA notifies revision of SEC members June 12 (DIPR): The Home De- culture; Commissioner & Secretary, PWD; visits NU Mereima Campus kohIma, partment, NSDMA has informed that the de- Commissioner & Secretary, Geology &





Officer-in-Charge 8575045538 8575045509

Officer-in-Charge 8575045519 Control room

8575045500 (Emergency No. – 100)


KoHIMA soUtH: 0370-2222952/ 101 (O) 9402003086 (OC) KoHIMA nortH: 7085924114 (O) dIMAPUr: 03862-232201/ 101 (O) 9856156876 (OC) CHUMUKedIMA: 7085982102 (O) 8732810051 (OC) woKHA: 03860-242215/101 (O) 8974322879 (OC) MoKoKCHUnG: 0369-2226225/ 101 (O) 8415830232 (OC) PHeK: 8414853765 (O) 8413822476(OC) ZUnHeBoto: 03867-280304/ 101 (O) 9436422730 (OC) tUensAnG: 8414853766 (O) 9856163601 (OC) Mon: 03869-251222/ 101 (O) 9862130954 (OC) Kiphire: 8414853767 (O) 9436261577 (OC) Peren: 7085189932 (O) 9856311205 (OC) LonGLenG: 7085924113 (O) 9862414264 (OC) we4 woMen HeLPLIne 08822911011 WOMEN HeLPLIne 181 CHiLD weLFAre CoMMIttee Toll free No. 1098 childline


std code: 0369

Police station 1 Police station 2 Police station Kobulong Police station tuli Police station Changtongya Police station Mangkolemba Civil Hospital

9485232688 9485232689 9485232690 9485232693 9485232694 9485232695 2226216

woodland nursing Home


Hotel Metsüpen (tourist Lodge) 2226373/ 2229343


Us dollars sterling Pound Hong Kong dollar Australian dollar singapore dollar Canadian dollar Japanese Yen euro thai Baht Korean won UAe dirham (Aed) Chinese Yuan

62.91 81.41 7.81 47.42 45.43 46.48 56.94 70.73 1.79 0.0541 16.57 8.99

65.77 85.39 8.70 49.76 47.68 48.77 60.16 74.18 1.99 0.0603 18.47 10.02

Tuesday 13•06•2017


More mourn the death of SS Khaplang Dimapur, June 12 (mexn): Condolences continued to pour in for SS Khaplang, Chairman NSCN (K), who passed away on June 9 at the age of 77. Kholi: In an emotional condolence note, Gen (retd) Kholi, the Vice Chairman of NSCN (IM) said the news of sudden demise of “erstwhile comrade” SS Khaplang came as a shock to him. “Three days before you left the world, I saw you in my dream waving your hand at me. I thought with heavy heart that I would die soon. But, it turned out the other way,” the note read. “You had contributed what you could for Nagas. In spite of our human weaknesses and errors we all stood firm at all costs for the cause of the Naga Nationhood.” Kholi added, “I honour your decision to struggle with arms for all Nagas again. Similarly, I have decided to take up arms for the people but without bloodshed: through peaceful means. Hence, I joined the NSCN leadership led by late Isak Chishi Swu and Th. Muivah who have been consistently negotiating

with GOI for amicable solution to the lndo-Naga political problem.” The condolence note further said, “I know you (Khaplang) have left with a fear that those self-proclaimed individual Naga leaders with Indian policy of divide and rule may disrupt Nagas’ common cause for one people, one Nation, but before anything happens, Ato Kilonser Th. Muivah and I, General (retd) Kholi will not allow the Nagas to be divided as: Arunachal Nagas, Assam Nagas, Manipur Nagas, Myanmar Nagas and Nagaland Nagas.” MNF: Mizo National Front (MNF) president Zoramthanga expressed “deep grief” over the demise of the late NSCN (K) Chairman. “Khaplang informed me that he really liked to meet me in person. I also sent a message that I too am eagerly waiting for such an opportune time of meeting. He passed away before we could materialize our desire,” Zoramthanga recounted in a condolence note to Lt. Gen. Khango Konyak, NSCN (K) HQ. “However, under the guidance of your new leader-

ship, I believe we will have a better chance and the Naga people will surely have peace and settlement with the grace and guidance of God.” He further extended condolence to the family of Khaplang and best wishes for the Naga people. NSO: Naga Students’ Organisation (Myanmar) described Khaplang as “the great Naga leader and freedom fighter”, while expressing condolence over his demise. “He was a man of principle who was vehemently devoted to the cause of Naga sovereignty. A true patriot who gave his life unwaveringly for what he believed in,” stated Patun Khiam, Executive Chairman and Mankhat Konyak, President of NSO in a condolence message. It further asserted that the late leader deserves to be honoured by all Nagas irrespective of factions and locations, “for his sacrifices and contributions during the darkest hours of undivided Naga’s freedom struggle and political movement.” With his demise, it added, the Naga society has lost a visionary leader who gave his entire life for the noble cause of

the Naga nation and it will be very hard to fill the void, especially for the Eastern Nagas. “His contribution and supreme sacrifice will shine forever in the history of the Nagas.” NGBF: Expressing sorrow at the demise, Nagaland GB Federation (NGBF) stated Khaplang had dedicated his entire life for the cause of Naga political struggle. “He was a true Naga political hero who stood against all odds both in India and Myanmar for the Nagas’ freedom till his last breath,” the Federation said in a condolence note. It felt that in Khaplang’s demise, Nagas have lost a great Naga political hero. KIN: The Kuki Inpi Nagaland (KIN) in a separate message stated, “It is one of the saddest moments to learn that a tall leader like SS Khaplang has completed his life journey. His noble deeds and sacrifices for the Naga cause shall ever be remembered.” ENSF: The Eastern Naga Students’ Federation (ENSF) along with its six federating units – Confederation of Chang Students’

Union, United Sangtam Students’ Conference, Phom Students’ Conference, Khiamniungan Students’ Union, Yimchungru Akheru Arihako, and Konyak Students’ Union – while expressing sadness over the demise recalled Khaplang’s “pursuance and sacrifice for the Naga cause and his spirit of unwavering resistance to bring his people into light, both physical and spiritual.” The Federation in a press note stated “the new leadership should lean its ear and hearts to the plea and cry of the Nagas by outpouring its true Naga soul upon the negotiable table for peace and solution.” ENWO: The Eastern Nagaland Women Organisation (ENWO) maintained that the late NSCN (K) leader has left behind a legacy of great leadership. Khaplang, it said, had endeavoured to realize the dream of every Naga “which is the existence of Nagas free from all foreign dominance.” The organization acknowledged his achievement in highlighting Naga issues to the whole world in his own different ways.

AYO: The Angami Youth Organisation (AYO) remembered Khaplang as “a charismatic leader who had not only gathered momentum of nationalist feeling upon the Nagas but had influenced one and all for decades till his departure for his heavenly abode.” Declaring that his enormous sacrifices throughout his life for Nagas shall never be forgotten, it added, “We salute and acknowledge his contributions by giving leadership and his infallible integrity for the general welfare of the Nagas. Our respect will never be fragile, our salute and remembrances will cross centuries till we meet again.”

ingwang Konyak in a message. It also said the late NSCN (K) Chairman was a man of peace, “as he sincerely sought to bring political solution and unity amongst the people. He aspired for a united Naga community under an environment of oneness.” The DPP further appealed to all sections and organizations to unite under the spirit of oneness and brotherhood. “We urge the political groups to respond to the cry of the people for genuine peace and hope that all the groups will come under the umbrella of ceasefire and secession of hostilities. Genuine peace and solution is the need of the hour and all sections must come DPP: Democratic Pro- together under a spirit of gressive Party (DPP) stated unity in the greater interest Khaplang gave his entire life of our people.” for the Naga cause and forever stood up for the rights ENSUK: The Eastern of his people. “The sacrific- Nagaland Students’ Union es and contributions made Kohima (ENSUK) paid by him for the cause of the “due utmost honor” to the people can never be mea- late NSCN (K) leader “for sured in any manner…We his service dedicated for must acknowledge their the Nagas and a history contributions and ensure ever to venture forward.” that the present and future In a message, it said, Khapgenerations understand lang left a mark so “the Naand appreciate the role gas would reload a spirit of leaders like Khaplang,” of true patriotism in one stated DPP president, Ch- call of unity. He will be re-

KVC clarifies on Nagaland BJP embarks on promotional tour for Modi Fest articles regarding village history With Assam PWD Minister, Morung Express News Dimapur | June 12

pheK, June 12 (mexn): The Kikruma Village Council (KVC) today pointed out that certain individuals have written and made publications in local dailies about the village history on visit of the Japanese and the presence of Netaji Subhas Chandra Bose (Leader of INA) in the village during World War II. In this regard, KVC Chairman Vezota Kezo and Head GB, Krocho Thira have clarified in a statement that the write ups and publications related to the village history in the media and publications are only the writers’ personal views and done without prior consultation and approval from the KVC. The KVC warned them not to repeat the same. It also cautioned its citizens and others against any write up or publications related to the village in the local dailies or any media without prior consultation and approval from the KVC. However, the KVC stated it would encourage anyone interested to do any future research or write about the village history with the consent and cooperation from the village authority.

Parimol scheduled to visit Nagaland as part of the BJP’s promotional Modi Fest on June 14, the BJP’s Nagaland state unit has embarked on a promotional tour endorsing the event. On June 12, BJP Nagaland unit president Visasolie Lhoungu flagged off a mobile promotional van, which will exhibit the Central government’s various developmental and welfare schemes for the information of the general public. Lhoungu addressing the media today during the flag off at the Tourist Lodge stated that the ‘informative van’ will be visiting different parts of Dimapur in the lead up to the visit of the Assam Minister on June 14. “The Modi promotional van would exhibit the government programmes through the electronic medium as well as through print material as the

Meetings & AppointMents Sabka Saath Sabka Vikas Sammelan

Seminar on organic tea farming A one day seminar on organic tea farming is being organized by the All Nagaland Small Tea Growers’ Association (ANSTGA) on June 16, 11:00 am at Hallmark Hall, opposite Super Market. Various resource persons from Tea Board of India will be present at the seminar, informed a press release from ANSTGA press secretary, Inavito Yepthomi. All interested farmers from Peren, Wokha, Kiphire, Kohima, Mokokchung, Tuensang, Mon and Zunheboto have been requested to attend the seminar with five members from each unit. Also, all interested persons from Dimapur can attend the seminar.

TSUD presidential meeting The Tenyimi Students’ Union Dimapur (TSUD) Presidential Meeting will be held on June 17, 2:00 pm at Tenyimi Union Dimapur (TUD) office. All the constituent units’ presidents and seniors have been requested to attend the meeting without fail.

NRMSATA Tuensang meeting The Nagaland RMSA Teachers’ Association (NRMSATA) 2016, Tuensang unit has informed that the 2nd general meeting will be held on June 23, 11:00 am at the CCSU conference hall, Tuensang. All the members have been requested to attend the meeting. A press release from the union informed that there will absent fine of Rs. 500/- as per resolution. Members have been asked to correspond through general secretary (8974502482/7005755290) or convenor (8974659503) for any query.

WSH: The Western Sumi Hoho (WSH) in a statement from its president, Zheshito Swu and general secretary, Vikato K Achumi said the demise of the Naga leader is a great loss for the Naga people. It described Khaplang as a dedicated leader who committed his entire life for the cause of Naga people and remained devoted till his last breath. “He will be remembered by generations to come as a patriot for his selfless sacrifice,” it added. The above mentioned organizations also offered sympathy to the bereaved family and prayed to God to grant them solace.

MEx FILE DPC offers condolences Dimapur, June 12 (mexn): The Dimapur Press Club (DPC) has condoled the demise of R. Nikendangchetla Tzudir, grandmother of DPC Vice President Temjenrenba Anichar. She passed away on June 10 in Changki village of Mokokchung district following a brief illness. The DPC in a message conveyed condolences to the bereaved family and also prayed to God to grant eternal peace to the departed soul.

Life skill training in Kiphire postponed Kiphire, June 12 (mexn): As ENPO declared day of

BJP Nagaland unit president, Visasolie Lhoungu flagging off the Modi Fest promotional Van at mourning on June 13 following the death of SS Khaplang, the Tourist Lodge, Dimapur on June 12.

initial preparatory measures for the main event (on June 14),” said Lhoungu. While highlighting the major welfare programmes implemented by the BJP-led NDA government in Nagaland, Lhoungu requested the public to partake in the Modi Fest to get acquainted with the workings of the schemes and the processes involved in

availing them. The Fest, marking the completion of 3 years of the Modi government, was launched nation-wide on May 26 coinciding with the inauguration of the Saraighat Bridge over the Brahmaputra. In Nagaland, the programme began on June 10 and will cover all the 11 district headquarters. From June

10-15, 10 district headquarters will be covered. In Dimapur, Lhoungu said that it will be held in two components from June 12-16. The main event to be organised at the Town Hall on June 14 will be graced by Assam PWD Minister, Parimol. The June 14 programme will witness exhibitions and interactive sessions with the public.

restriction on vehicular movement and shutting down of private institutions and businesses would be imposed in entire eastern Nagaland jurisdiction. Therefore, the proposed training on “Life Skill Education” for the teachers in Kiphire district which was fixed on June 13 has being postponed to June 14 in Pungro and June 15 in Kiphire. Venue and time will remain the same. This postponement notification was issued by Sub-Divisional Education Officer Kiphire, N. Janbeni Kikon.

Minor fire incident in Kohima

Kohima, June 12 (mexn): A minor fire broke out inside a thatched house in Seikhazou area today around 3:00 pm amidst unusual heavy winds in Kohima. The Nagaland Fire & Emergency services informed that the cause of the fire could not be ascertained. Neighbours the office of the NSF is al- helped put off the fire, that by the time, the Fire service ways open for positive sug- reached the spot, the fire was controlled. It was reported gestions. that a bed and a few clothes were razed in the fire. Vingozo Kiso, Advisor KSU presented a speech on behalf of the union, while Zakil Ltu, Tepupal Rote, KWO also spoke at Kohima, June 12 (mexn): Troops of 9 Assam Rifles established a Mobile Vehicle Check Post (MVCP) in the event. Earlier, Vingosal Sachü, general area Tsiesama village NH-29 on June 10 and rePresident KSU chaired the covered 880 kgs of contraband ganja from a Mahindra programme and Krovito Bolero Pickup. According to an AR release, the vehicle George, Cathecist, St. Fran- was headed towards Wokha from Kohima. Seeing the cis Xavier Catholic Church, Security Forces from a distance, the driver stopped and Kidima invoked God’s abandoned the vehicle and ran away along with the vehicle key, it added. The recovered ganja and vehicle were blessing. handed over to Police Station Chiephobozou.

Kidima Students' Union honours new NSF president

Kohima, June 12 (mexn): Kidima Students' Union (KSU) organized felicitation programme to honour the new NSF president, Kesosül Christopher Ltu on June 11 at Kidima Village Council Hall. The programme was well attended by elders and well BJP Wokha informs Mandals wishers, according to a press release from KSU The Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP), Wokha district has asked general secretary, Vilapa all the four Mandals to send 100 members each to cel- Vitso. ebrate three years completion and achievement of Modi Visüto Yore, Village government (NDA) in the Centre on June 14, 11:00 am at Council Chairman thanked Town Hall, Wokha Town. The party in a press release issued by its general secretary, N Nchumbemo Jami also invited all interested individuals and public to attend the event. As per the directive of Govt. of India, Sabka Saath Sabka Vikas Sammelan will be organized under the aegis of Oil India Corporation Limited at Mokokchung Town Hall on June 13, 11:30 am. Sabka Saath Sabka Vikas Sammelan is being organized at various locations across the country to mark the completion of 3 years in office by the central government, to spread the message of Vikas among the common people.

membered and his legacy will continue for generations to come.” Meanwhile, the Union extended full support to Nagaland Chief Minister Dr. Shürhozelie Liezietsu for “boldly” condoling the death of SS Khaplang and at the same time condemned a news channel which criticized the Nagaland Chief Minister for the condolence message. “In fact, disintegration of brotherhood should not be allowed in any conscious or of any political interest,” it added.

the former NSF leaders Vipopal Kintso and Ketsodi Ltu for their tireless efforts in working for the Naga nation and at the same time paving and guiding the way for present leaders like Kesosül Christopher Ltu to take up the responsibility of leading the Nagas, the release said. He also lamented the lack of politicians in the village and further challenged the Kidima community to push forward promising candi-

dates to contest in the State elections. Meanwhile, the new NSF president, Kesosül Christopher Ltu in his speech thanked God for enabling him to come this far. He also thanked the various organisations in the village, well wishers for their continuous support. Stating that the people have chosen a strong NSF team, he expressed confidence of making positive changes in the State. He also said that

CTC begins new academic Parting social at Unity year with community retreat College of Teacher Edu moKoKChung, June 12 (mexn): The Clark Theological College (CTC) celebrated the beginning of a new academic year with a soul searching community retreat programme with Pastor Alemsunep Jamir of the World Impact Community Church, Dimapur as the main speaker. The two-day retreat programme on the theme “Witnessing to Christ in a Pluralistic World” was held from June 10 to 11. Juxtaposing the word of God and his personal life testimony, the speaker challenged the Clark community to be faithful and true witnesses in the present trying times. He reminded the Clark community not to fall into temptation of “witnessing to Christ without the Power of the Holy Spirit”. Pastor Jamir also called upon the Clark community to continue witnessing to Christ with humility which he said is the prerequisite for any Christian. Humility is a sign of being true disciple of our Lord Jesus Christ, the speaker said. 90 new students have joined CTC for Bachelor of Theology (BD) and Master of Theology (MTh) degree programmes of the Senate of Serampore College (University). The college Principal Rev. Dr. Marnungsang, while welcoming the new students observed that the increase of dedicated young men and women to pursue theological education at Clark each year not only from the North East but from mainland India and beyond is a challenge as well as blessing from God.

Dimapur, June 12 (mexn): Unity College of Teacher Education (UCTE), Dimapur organized parting social for the 1st batch of B.Ed 2-year course on June 9. A colourful mix of melodious songs and dances was showcased by the 2nd semester student-teachers, informed a press release. In her message, Dr. T. Yolila Sangtam, Principal told the students that life is tough and challenging situations have to be tackled with knowledge. “Life is the biggest university and the future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams,” she added. Representing the faculty, Keneivi-ü-Sechü shared that the completion of B.Ed course is not a culmination of training to be a teacher and further encouraged the students to give their best to build a better society. Orenthung Ovung, the administrator exhorted the

students to value the profession they have chosen, while adding if they could change the life of even one student, it would be a reward in itself and make difference in their profession. Eshah Konyak, 2nd Semester student-teacher thanked the seniors for being their inspiration during their short stay together and wished them luck in their future endeavours. Few students speaking on behalf of the outgoing batch expressed gratitude to the UCTE administration, faculty and their juniors for their personality and enhancing their competency to become effective and affective teacher, the release said. The programme, chaired by Abetoli Kiba, concluded with student-teachers of both the semesters and faculty matching their steps in the dance floor to celebrate their togetherness on the song “Stand by me”.

AR recovers contraband ganja

CTYO informs to chain pet dogs ChumuKeDima, June 12 (mexn): Chumukedima Town Youth Organisation (CTYO) has informed all the dog owners of Chumukedima Town to properly chain and control their pets from loitering around randomly. There have been numerous complaints from the citizens regarding dogs loitering randomly and biting the public, alleged a press release from CTYO president, Kezhanguto Zhotso and general secretary, Sekho Thakro. The organization has directed the dog owners to chain their pets from 6:00 am to 6:00 pm, “failing which the CTYO would be compelled to take its own course of action for the safety of the public.” The release further informed that the CTYO has strictly banned partying within its jurisdiction and “if anybody is found partying or involved in immoral activities the defaulter will be dealt strictly as per the resolution adopted.” Meanwhile, the CTYO informed all shops to close on Sunday, excluding pharmacies and bakeries.

Liquor worth Rs. 1 lakh recovered WoKha, June 12 (mexn): Two persons were arrested on Sunday for possession of liquor worth Rs. 1 lakh in Wokha. According to a defence press release, troops of 28 Assam Rifles established a Mobile Vehicle Check Post at the Foothill Road Junction, Wokha on June 11 and intercepted one white Maruti Gypsy with 295 bottles of Mc Dowell Rum and 238 cans of Foster beer. AR identified the two as Tsenbemo Ngullie (35) and Nren Ngullie (35). The apprehended individuals along with the recovered IMFL were subsequently handed over to Bhandari Police Station for further investigation.


tuesday 13•06•2017

IN FOCUS The Power of Truth

The Morung Express volume Xii issue 160

Strategic End to Corruption


hen corruption has been institutionalized in the systems of governance, as in the case of Nagaland, the need for a vibrant people’s movement to confront the structures of corruption is imperative. Therefore, one needs to ask, where are the alliances and collaborations necessary to end corruption in Nagaland. How much longer can we as a people afford to have the vibrancy, viability and well-being of the Naga society compromised? Its survival depends on destroying our individual and collective dignity. People need to mobilize through using a common strategy developed to eradicate corruption at all levels of Naga society. Although inculcating sound ethical values in children who are the future generation is a crucial long term intervention, the current intolerable conditions require immediate intervention. Consequently, a call to end corruption can only be effective through demonstrating a unified political will through taking practical steps that can positively impact daily living. Corruption, after all, is embedded throughout all levels of Naga society. It is an economic, social, political and moral disease that requires a concentrated, committed collective effort and full participation to bring about transformation incrementally. This effort will create its own momentum that has the potential to uproot and alleviate corruption. Chronic corruption has become so alarming that most people have resigned themselves to it and have become overwhelmed by cynicism that thwarts exploring creative solutions to overcome it. Because corruption in the Naga context has assumed a collective and societal demeanor, initiating a public discourse around it becomes problematic, even though corruption is generally acknowledged to be enveloping the Nagas way of life. After decades of militarization, armed violence, dependency on the State, social crisis, etc., we cannot allow ourselves to be further encroached up and narrowly defined by unethical and deceitful practices. In fact, corruption may seem to be the least of the people’s worries against the backdrop of continuous armed conflict over many generations. Yet, the two go hand in hand as the conflict situation contributes to breeding corruption, and the corruption that is becoming the primary cause of Naga society’s moral decay which is currently imprisoning us. Public servants are called to be actively involved and respond positively using transparency and accountability in the fight against corruption. The Naga situation is embedded in a larger State structure rife with violence and corruption that increases our vulnerability to corruption, tricking us into believing that it is the norm. When the State system structures are inherently corrupt, the people are inclined towards corrupt practices in order to survive. Long term solutions are needed to reweave the fabric of Naga society and culture. In the fight against corruption, everyone needs to feel empowered to earn a livelihood through honest and fair means that are fulfilling. The people are at the heart of the fight against corruption that asks for the Naga society to transform at all levels. In essence, it calls for a consciousness in which the Naga heart responds to the struggle against corruption.


Transparency International

How do you define corruption?


enerally speaking as “the abuse of entrusted power for private gain”. Corruption can be classified as grand, petty and political, depending on the amounts of money lost and the sector where it occurs. Grand corruption consists of acts committed at a high level of government that distort policies or the central functioning of the state, enabling leaders to benefit at the expense of the public good. Petty corruption refers to everyday abuse of entrusted power by low- and mid-level public officials in their interactions with ordinary citizens, who often are trying to access basic goods or services in places like hospitals, schools, police departments and other agencies. Political corruption is a manipulation of policies, institutions and rules of procedure in the allocation of resources and financing by political decision makers, who abuse their position to sustain their power, status and wealth. What is transparency? Transparency is about shedding light on rules, plans, processes and actions. It is knowing why, how, what, and how much. Transparency ensures that public officials, civil servants, managers, board members and businesspeople act visibly and understandably, and report on their activities. And it means that the general public can hold them to account. It is the surest way of guarding against corruption, and helps increase trust in the people and institutions on which our futures depend. What are the costs of corruption? Corruption impacts societies in a multitude of ways. In the worst cases, it costs lives. Short of this, it costs people their freedom, health or money. The cost of corruption can be divided into four main categories: political, economic, social and environmental. On the political front, corruption is a major obstacle to democracy and the rule of law. In a democratic system, offices and institutions lose their legitimacy when they’re misused for private advantage. This is harmful in established democracies, but even more so in newly emerging ones. It is extremely challenging to develop accountable political leadership in a corrupt climate. Economically, corruption depletes national wealth. Corrupt politicians invest scarce public resources in projects that will line their pockets rather than benefit communities, and prioritise high-profile projects such as dams, power plants, pipelines and refineries over less spectacular but more urgent infrastructure projects such as schools, hospitals and roads. Corruption also hinders the development of fair market structures and distorts competition, which in turn deters investment. Corruption corrodes the social fabric of society. It undermines people's trust in the political system, in its institutions and its leadership. A distrustful or apathetic public can then become yet another hurdle to challenging corruption. Environmental degradation is another consequence of corrupt systems. The lack of, or non-enforcement of, environmental regulations and legislation means that precious natural resources are carelessly exploited, and entire ecological systems are ravaged. From mining, to logging, to carbon offsets, companies across the globe continue to pay bribes in return for unrestricted destruction. What do you do to fight corruption? Our three guiding principles are: build partnerships, proceed step-by-step and stay non-confrontational. We have learned from experience that corruption can only be kept in check if representatives from government, business and civil society work together to develop standards and procedures they all support. We also know that corruption can’t be rooted out in one big sweep. Rather, fighting it is a step-by-step, project-by-project process. Our non-confrontational approach is necessary to get all relevant parties around the negotiating table.



Mirza Zulfiqur Rahman theconversation.com

Bridges & Roads in North East region may drive small tribes away from development


herepe Meme gestures with her hand animatedly. She vividly remembers and describes the Great Assam Earthquake of 1950. The epicentre of this 8.6 magnitude earthquake was in eastern Tibet along the Sino-Indian border, a few hundred kilometres from Kebali, Meme’s home for about 80 years, the whole of her life Kebali is one of the many remote villages located near Roing, the main city of the Lower Dibang Valley district in eastern Arunachal Pradesh, about 2,500 km from New Delhi, and the furthest of India’s north-eastern states. Kherepe Meme was a young girl at the time of the earthquake, but still recalls how the earth shook violently, as if it was the end of the world. The disaster devastated landscapes and villages in the Eastern Himalayas killing about 5,000 people, leading to flash floods in the Subansiri, Siang, Dibang and Lohit rivers of Arunachal Pradesh, and rise of the riverbed of the Brahmaputra in the plains of Upper Assam. Meme lives very close to a river, known in her Idu language as Ephe, a tributary of the Dibang. During the peak monsoon season, the sounds of the river remind her of what she heard during the earthquake. The Idus, along with the Miju and the Digaru communities, comprise the larger Mishmi tribe. They have a symbiotic relationship with the various tributaries of the Dibang and the Lohit rivers, which meander and tumble down from the Mishmi Hills. The rivers are often described by locals as mad, thunderous and impassable during the rainy season. For many old women like Kherepe Meme, crossing rivers during the monsoon, even in their youth, required tremendous strength and courage, sometimes using suspended bamboo bridges built by locals. In other times, they simply stay away from the ferocious river, letting it have its peace of mind. Kherepe Meme has never ventured out beyond Roing. She cannot comprehend the new bridge built over the Lohit river about 70 kms from her home, now connecting Arunachal Pradesh and its neighbouring state, Assam. A geopolitical connection On May 26 2017, Prime Minister Narendra Modi inaugurated India’s longest river bridge, named after the legendary Assamese singer Bhupen Hazarika and connecting just over 9 km between Dhola and Sadiya towns in Assam.

This typical bamboo bridge connects remote villages over rivers in Arunachal Pradesh. (Mirza Zulfiqur Rahman)

With work starting in 2009, the bridge offers an important connectivity link within Assam and between Assam and eastern Arunachal Pradesh. Several infrastructure projects undertaken by New Delhi in this state have picked up pace in the past decade, more so after the current BJP government came to power in 2014 and has fast-tracked the work. The development of roads and bridges have been seen as a concerted effort to strengthen the war preparedness of the Indian armed forces given that China contests India’s claim over the territory of Arunachal Pradesh. In April, Beijing even renamed six places on its official map, stating that Arunachal Pradesh belongs to South Tibet, triggering New Delhi’s anger. To match China’s infrastructure in Tibet, New Delhi has simultaneously invested in road-building constructions, directed at enabling better conditions to carry heavy machinery, including turbines to dam project sites. These are part of India’s ambitions to stake its riparian rights over transboundary river water conflicts with China over the Brahmaputra. The central government of India is also claiming that these projects will address the huge developmental gap that the various tribes of Arunachal Pradesh live with. But when asked about it, local inhabitants seem doubtful. A bridge feared by the local community Jibi Pulu, a 45-year-old Idu Mishmi

local leader involved in conservation activities in Roing, told me that these projects will have many implications for his community. Because of their very small population (about 12,000 to 14,000), the Idu Mishmis fear a demographic change as infrastructure work – such as those planned for the Dibang dam project – will bring in more labourers and engineers who usually hail from different parts of India. The Idu Mishmis speculate that the migrants will easily outnumber them and that this will lead to a loss of cultural and linguistic identity. At the same time, they also hope for positive changes such as greater market access, health care, education and jobs. The Mishmis have missed out on various economic benefits in the region since the 1950s. Sadiya, in Assam, was at the beginning of the 20th century an important river port for the British economy (aimed mainly at tea and oil exports inthis region) to maintain control over eastern Assam and the Mishmi Hills, then known as the Sadiya Frontier Tracts. But after the earthquake, the riverbed of the Lohit and the Brahmaputra moved up. And this reduced the navigability of the river, making this region lag behind in overall development. Failed connectivity Roads have also been a major priority of the Indian government. The Trans-Arunachal Highway Project, announced by the previous government in 2008, aims to internally connect the

districts in eastern Arunachal Pradesh and has seen some stretches of excellent roads being built. But because some critical bridges have not been completed yet, these roads are not that usable. From May onwards, during the monsoons, the river is high so people cannot cross below these half-built bridges. They then have to take the old roads back through Assam, for instance through Sadiya. This is the case for the bridge going over the Dipu Nallah, connecting Roing in Lower Dibang Valley district with Tezu in Lohit district, both inhabited by Idu Mishmis. This bridge is only about a tenth of the length of the Bhupen Hazarika bridge. But while its construction started at the same time, it is yet to be completed. During the rainy season, residents and goods need to travel 400-500 km downstream from major towns of eastern Arunachal Pradesh like Roing, on the north bank of the river, and all the way through parts of Assam on the south bank, in order to cross the Brahmaputra river at Tezpur to reach again Arunachal via its state capital Itanagar by land. The entire journey by bus from Roing to Itanagar in this circuitous manner can take 16-18 hours. Locals left out The bridges and roads that are supposed to help connect this region have actually been priorities for military and hydropower projects over local needs. And, as Jibi Pulu laments, the Idu Mishis – as well as other small tribal communities such as the Tai-Khamtis, the Singphos, the Meyors – cannot contribute. They lack the knowledge, the education and the formal training of engineers or semi-skilled technicians needed for these infrastructure projects. They also lack the information to take a stance over majority decisions that are eventually imposed upon them. Often, they are consulted only when there is a problem due to land acquisition aspects of such infrastructure development. While India looks at these megabridges, roads and hydropower projects for strategic reasons, it needs to develop an inclusive model for the local inhabitants too. Otherwise, tribal communities will be left behind as doubly marginalised under the weight of such fast-paced development goals. In the meantime, Kherepe Meme still listens to the river flowing beside Kebali. Whatever India’s ambitions, she knows that the waters cannot be tamed.

In Rwanda, a young activist challenges longtime leader ignatius ssuuna


Associated Press

n Rwanda, where rights groups say many people fear to speak up against the ruling party, Diane Shima Rwigara thought she knew the risks of challenging one of Africa’s longest-serving leaders. Then, two days after declaring her candidacy for president, nude photographs allegedly of her were leaked on social media. The 35-year-old women’s rights activist quickly disowned the images, calling it a smear campaign. It is not clear who was behind the leak, and Rwanda’s government has not commented. “Do you think practicing politics is easy in these countries?” Rwigara asked, laughing, during an interview with The Associated Press. She said those behind the photographs want to “kill” her politically as she works to expose abuses she blames on the government. “But the issue has made me more resilient.” As slim as her chances at defeating President Paul Kagame in the August election may be, Rwigara has intrigued Rwandans by speaking openly in a country known for its devastating 1994 genocide and recovery. She acknowledges that much has improved under Kagame, who has a reputation for stabilizing the East African nation but faces rights groups’ accusations of authoritarianism. The government has strengthened the economy, reduced child mortality and is sending more children to school. Kagame also has pushed for more women in political office, and Rwanda now has a higher percentage of women in parliament — 64 percent — than any other country in the world. “They developed an ingenious system of women’s councils ... where women learn political skills and move up into greater power. Now women running for office is the norm,” said

In this photo taken Sunday, May 14, 2017, women’s rights activist and presidential candidate Diane shima Rwigara, 35, is photographed next to a portrait of her father, business tycoon Assinapol Rwigara, at her home in Kigali, Rwanda. In Rwanda, where many fear to speak up against the ruling party, Rwigara is running for president against one of Africa’s longest-serving leaders. As slim as her chances at defeating President Paul Kagame in the August election may be, Rwigara has intrigued Rwandans by speaking openly in a country known for its devastating 1994 genocide and recovery. (AP Photo)

Swanee Hunt, a former U.S. ambassador and author of the book “Rwanda Women Rising.” She did not respond to questions about alleged harassment of presidential challengers, including Rwigara. But Kagame’s government also may be the most complicated in Africa, Rwigara said. “People disappear, others get killed in unexplained circumstances and nobody speaks about this because of fear,” she said. “We must end this silence.” The U.S.-educated, soft-spoken businesswoman recognizes the dangers of speaking out from inside the country, instead of from exile like others, but she said: “I trust in god.”

She has never been elected to public office. She doesn’t belong to any political party. But she says the issues she raises are important to everyday people. Rwigara was unknown until the death in 2015 of her father, business tycoon Assinapol Rwigara. While police called it a vehicle accident, his family suspected foul play. The death stunned them. For years, the prominent ethnic Tutsi family had worked closely with the ruling party. Then there was a falling-out, followed by alleged harassment by officials. Rwigara insists that her candidacy is not for revenge. One resident of the capital, Dan Karangwe, said he likes Rwigara because


of her honesty. “For a long time, nobody is allowed to criticize government, even a constructive criticism. We need someone who will allow people to talk,” he said. Rwigara was born a few years before the 1994 genocide in which more than 800,000 Tutsi and moderate Hutus were killed. The massacres forced her family to flee to neighboring Burundi, but violence there had them migrating to Belgium and then the United States. She returned to Rwanda to focus on the family business, staying out of the spotlight. Her father’s death changed that. “My father helped the poor and those marginalized. My father wanted all Rwandans to live in peace,” she said. In her campaign manifesto, Rwigara vows to eradicate poverty, champion free speech and set up a commission of inquiry to look into past injustices. She also wants an independent parliament. Kagame has led the country for nearly as long as Rwigara has been alive. He became president in 2000 after being Rwanda’s de facto leader since the end of the genocide. In January, he declared he would run for a third seven-year term. He is widely expected to win in August after taking 93 percent of the votes in the last election. Rwigara is not his only challenger. She joins a small list of independent candidates including former journalist Phillipe Mpayimana and Frank Habineza, leader of the Democratic Green Party of Rwanda, the only authorized opposition group. Even campaigning will be difficult. The government-backed electoral commission has announced it must vet all social media messages by candidates or their accounts could be blocked. “Despite weak prospects for opposition candidates, the government is taking no chances,” said Human Rights Watch’s Central Africa director Ida Sawyer.

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TUESDAY 13•06•2017




Shadowy rebels extend Myanmar’s wars

The little-known Arakan Army, one of the country's newest insurgent outfits, is responsible for rising violence in the country's remote western regions David Scott Mathieson


Asia Times

he stirring soundtrack of the video ‘Dream in Our Heart’ is accompanied by statements of defiance by ethnic Rakhine soldiers, male and female, of the Arakan Army (AA) from their mountain redoubt in Myanmar’s northern Kachin State. Army commander Major General Twan Mrat Naing (aka Tun Myat Naing) speaks to the camera: “Our message to Naypyidaw and Burmese army is we will never ever give up, we will fight until we achieve our objective.” That objective, articulated in the video widely distributed online, is the total liberation of Myanmar’s Rakhine State from “Burmese fascism” and the Myanmar army which has long occupied Rakhine State and oppressed its people. The little known Arakan Army is unique in that as one of Myanmar’s smallest ethnic armed organizations (EAOs) still fighting the central government, it operates in four ethnic states at either end of this large country: far from ‘home’ in Kachin and northern Shan States, and in the west in the borderlands of Chin and Rakhine State, where many of the groups fighters hail from. Formed in April 2009, the AA’s central aims are self-determination for the Arakan people, to safeguard national identity and cultural heritage and promote ‘national’ dignity. Its political wing, the United League of Arakan (ULA), was formed soon after the militant wing. The army partly formed as a response to widespread frustration amongst young Rakhine with the largely moribund Arakan Liberation Party/Army (ALP/A) and its political wing based on the ThailandMyanmar border, which only ever operated alongside the large Karen National Liberation Army (KNLA) and not for many years in Rakhine State. The ALP signed the Nationwide Ceasefire Agreement in October 2015, and some of its members have voiced support for the AA and condemned allegations of Myanmar army abuses against its supporters. Most international understanding of ethnic Rakhine grievances stem from the long persecution of Rohingya Muslims and communal violence which rocked the state in 2012. But this obscures long-standing resentment of decades-long of neglect by the Myanmar state which has made Rakhine State one of Myanmar’s least developed and poverty wracked areas. The AA explicitly uses the colonial era Arakan terminology, rejecting ‘Rakhine’ as a Myanmar term that implicitly sees the Rakhine as second class citizens, and that fuels broader Myanmar ridicule of the Rakhine as yokels who speak a tortured dialect of the Burmese language, akin to the dismissal of people from the Deep South in the United States. The Kingdom of Arakan was sacked by the Myanmar kings in the 15th Century, and evidence of this rich cultural heritage is preserved in the ancient ruins of Mrauk-U. Drawing on disaffected migrant workers from the Hpakant jade mines, the AA was hosted and trained by the Kachin Independence Army, one of Myanmar’s oldest and most sophisticated insurgent groups. Within two years, the AA was on the frontline alongside its Kachin allies, after the 17-year ceasefire between the Kachin and government collapsed in 2011, leading to heavy fighting which displaced over 100,000 civilians, hundreds of civilian casualties and destroyed villages, and combatant casualties numbering in the several thousand. The AA operates in Northern Shan State as part of the Northern Alliance, which includes the Kokang-Chinese Myanmar Democratic Alliance Army (MNDAA), the Ta-ang National Libera-

tion Army (TNLA), and Brigades 4 and 6 of the Kachin Independence Army. Underscoring the bewildering relationships of the Myanmar civil war, the Arakan Army also operated alongside ethnic-Myanmar soldiers of the All Burma Students Democratic Front (ABSDF) until that group signed the Nationwide Ceasefire Agreement (NCA) in October 2015. The alliance has markedly stepped up operations against government targets, including the November 20, 2016 attack on the China-Myanmar border trade city of Muse, in which several civilians were killed and injured, bridges blown up, and the subsequent seizing of the border town of Mong Ko, before alliance fighters were driven from the town by the Tatmadaw’s use of heavy artillery and air-strikes. The Northern Shan State fighting has been largely eclipsed by international attention on the repression of the Rohingya Muslims in Rakhine State, but it seizes domestic attention far more because of its marked intensification in recent years. The Alliance assault on the former MNDAA stronghold of Laukkai in March, in which AA troops took part, included attacks on the main hotel and casino in which civilians and policemen alike were targeted, and allegedly scores of men and women were abducted as human shields during the insurgents retreat into the hills. The AA’s participation in these northern operations for the past several years is predicated on the expansion of their trained and battle-tested fighters to open a front in their home state. As early as 2013, Rakhine political leaders were lobbying the previous government of U Thein Sein to open an area for AA fighters to relocate from Kachin State to Rakhine State, although with little support from the government. In 2015, the AA opened a new area of operations in the borderlands of Buthidaung, Kyauktaw, and Mrauk-U townships of Rakhine State, and Paletwa township of Chin State close to the Bangladesh border. In several bouts of fighting between the AA and the Tatmadaw, the military admitted to losing several troops, including officers to Arakanese sniper fire. The Tatmadaw reported 15 clashes between December 28, 2015 to January 4, 2016 in which large amounts of weapons and ammunition were captured. Fighting flared again in April and May, and in December 2016 in Paletwa, as Tatmadaw troops continued to sweep the area to interdict AA movements along the borderlands. According to AA sources, the Tatmadaw have deployed ten battalions from their Western Command and Military Operations Command 15 based in Buthidaung to pacify their movements in three townships (Infantry battalions 374, 375, 376, 539 in Kyauktaw, 377, 378, 540 in Mrauk U, and 379, 380 and 540 in Min Bya). The current size of the AA is difficult to measure. Some estimates place their total numbers at 1,500, which is fairly standard size for many smaller ethnic insurgent groups, while training in the north continues to attract large numbers of male and female recruits. (The KIA numbers around 7,000, while the United Wa State Army has over 25,000 under arms.) The fighting has generated a cycle of dynamic civilian displacement necessitating international and national relief operations to supplement large humanitarian operations that exist for civilians displaced by communal violence in 2012 and responses to natural disasters. The United Nations Office for Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA) reported 1,100 IDP’s in eight temporary sites in Kyauktaw, Rathedaung and Buthidaung, and worked with Rakhine relief agencies and the state government to assist civilians. Reports of extortion, ill-treatment

and forced recruitment by the AA have increased, which are often countered by allegations of Tatmadaw brutality, including in one statement “witnesses and victims described how the armed forces forcedly (sic) displaced entire villages and destroyed, beatings with the barrel of a gun, executions, gun rape, looting and the burning of their homes.” The fighting has exacerbated tensions between the AA and ethnic Chin civilians in Paletwa, and has sparked public criticism by Chin leaders and reports from the Chin Human Rights Organization that AA soldiers have been abducting Chin civilians, using others as forced labor, and planting landmines around civilian areas. Chin political parties have condemned both sides of using of landmines without apportioning specific blame for reports of widespread human rights violations. Just days ago, Indian media reported that an estimated 300 Chin civilians, predominantly women and children, had fled Myanmar to seek sanctuary in Mizoram in northeast India, claiming that the AA had detained the men from Ralie village inside Chin State. The AA dismissed these allegations in a statement posted to Facebook, and alleged that renegade Arakan Liberation Army soldiers were masquerading as AA forces to extort money from civilians and discredit the insurgent outfit. In such isolated settings, verifying various allegations of abuses is almost impossible. The Myanmar military has responded to the the AA’s increased operations in Rakhine State with a wave of arrests of civilians suspected of providing material support to the insurgents. According to the Assistance Association for Political Prisoners-Burma, 58 Rakhine civilians have been sentenced under Section 17(1) of the Unlawful Association Act, with eight more facing trial while in detention in Sittwe Prison. Bonds between Rakhine politicians, activists and the AA are tight: Maj-Gen Twan Mrat Naing’s father-in-law is the Rakhine State parliamentary Speaker of the House, U Saw Kyaw Hla. In early April, the authorities stopped a fund-raising football match in Mrauk-U, dubbed the ‘Arakan Army Cup’ during the annual Thingyan water festival, and arrested a Buddhist abbot Nanda Thara and a lay supporter Khaing Ni Min charging them under Section 505 of the Penal Code related to causing public alarm or inciting people to violence. These arrests have evinced widespread protests throughout Rakhine State and contribute to a sense of persistent Burman persecution of the Rakhine, the dismissal of their political aspirations, the continued plunder of their natural resources with only perfunctory development projects from the central state to assuage them. Further antagonizing Rakhine political leaders, in May 2016 the national parliamentary speaker U Win Myint blocked a proposal by ANP MP Daw Khin Saw Wai for an urgent discussion on aid for civilians displaced by fighting between the AA and Myanmar army, because, the speaker said, the proposal was predicated more on raising the issue to push for inclusion of the AA in the nationwide ceasefire process. The AA attended the Union Peacemaking Conference in Naypyidaw, having been invited as part of the Northern Alliance, facilitated by the Chinese special envoy to the peace talks. But the AA’s attendance comes after two years of official denunciations of their activities, with statements from both the military and State Counsellor Aung San Suu Kyi being all but identical, demanding the group disarm and then seek peace. Minister Lieutenant General Sein Win told the national parliament the AA had to cease its activities and sign the contro-

versial nationwide ceasefire agreement. In a statement from Suu Kyi in March, she warned the non-signatories to the ceasefire that the only way to achieve peace was to sign, and to be ‘extremely careful’ in how they respond to that condition. Exactly how does the AA pay for all this expanding activity? Given their popularity in Rakhine State, tax collection not just amongst supporters in their home state, but the many thousands of migrant workers in peri-urban factories of Yangon and the jade mines of Kachin State and Sagaing Region would be lucrative. Involvement in the drug trade cannot be ruled out. In one of the most evocative front pages of the state-run newspaper Global New Light of Myanmar, in February 2016, the headline boldly proclaimed ‘How to Fund a War’, outlining a series of raids and arrests of AA officers in Yangon in which large numbers of arms and ammunition were seized, and reportedly 330,800 methamphetamine pills, or yaba. The AA issued a ‘condemnation letter’ on the same day refuting the allegations as “childish and undignified” and blamed the Myanmar military for being the main player in the drug trade. Reporting on the drug trade in Rakhine State is perilous: last March the Sittwe home of the online editor of the Root Investigation Agency, Min Min, was bombed and the journalist forced to flee to Yangon. International analysts reporting on restive Rakhine State guardedly claim that the AA has rarely publicly articulated anti-Rohingya or anti-Muslim sentiments, even though many AA officers will privately declare that Rohingya are all Bengali illegal immigrants and should leave: a position identical to the Myanmar army and many ultra-nationalist activists in the country. This changed recently, however. Following the coordinated attacks on Myanmar Border Guard Police outposts in Maungtaw by suspected Rohingya militants of the Harakah al-Yaqin (Faith Movement, later renamed as the Arakan Rohingya Salvation Army), the ULA/AA issued a press release which called the militants “savage Bengali Muslim terrorists” and the violence a “rampage of the Bengali Islamic fundamentalist militants in Northern Arakan.” The statement furthermore said “(T) he bordered area (sic) of the Northern Arakan and other cities such as Rangoon (Yangon) are now suffering adverse effects as a result of Arakan’s bordering with the population explosion of Bangladesh, the excessive entering of illegal Bengali immigrants into Arakan for decades and the neglect of the successive Burmese regimes to the Bengali’s intrusion and territorial expansion.” There is little likelihood that the AA’s attendance at the largely symbolic Panglong 21st Century will make any real headway in addressing Rakhine grievances, and the expansion of their armed operations looks set to continue. The intense nationalist messages expressed by Maj Gen Twan Mrat Naing and the AA troops under his command are widely held in Rakhine State, where resentment against the Myanmar state and military is widespread, and often misunderstood by the outside world which identifies Rakhine political grievances as being primarily driven by anti-Rohingya sentiment. This lack of understanding of the AA’s armed revolt will only further postpone the resolution of the conflict and prolong the communal divisions that have generated conflict in Rakhine State for years. This is a dimension of the civil war in Myanmar that is only getting worse, not better, and is dangerously misunderstood. David Scott Mathieson is a Yangon-based independent analyst

This Is the Nation of 170 Million Enslaved Children


Inter Press Service

lobally over 1.5 billion people live in countries that are affected by conflict, violence and fragility. Meantime, around 200 million people are affected by disasters every year—a third of them are children. And a significant proportion of the 168 million children engaged in child labour live in areas affected by conflict and disaster. These are the facts. Up to you to reflect on the immediate future of humankind. Conflicts and disasters have a devastating impact on people’s lives, the United Nations reminds. “They kill, maim, injure, force people to flee their homes, destroy livelihoods, push people into poverty and starvation and trap people in situations where their basic human rights are violated.” Of this total of 168 million children victims of modern slavery, about 100 million boys and 68 million girls. Forced labour is estimated to generate around 150 billion dollars a year in illegal profits. Amid such a huge human tragedy, children are often the first to suffer as schools are destroyed and basic services are disrupted, the world body reports. “Many children are internally dis-

placed or become refugees in other countries, and are particularly vulnerable to trafficking and child labour. Ultimately, millions of children are pushed into child labour by conflicts and disasters.” This why on the occasion of the 2017 World Day Against Child Labour, marked June 12, the UN focuses on the impact of conflicts and disasters on child labour. “Urgent action is needed to tackle child labour in areas affected by conflict and disaster. If the SDG (Sustainable Development Goals) Target 8.7 which aims to “eradicate forced labour, end modern slavery and human trafficking and secure the prohibition and elimination of the worst forms of child labour” is to be achieved by 2030.” The UN stresses the need to intensify and accelerate action to end child labour, including in areas affected by conflict and disasters. “And we need to do it together.” Child Labour No More by 2025? As the world strives to achieve the elimination of child labour by 2025, on this World Day Against Child Labour, says the International Labour Organization (ILO), “let’s join forces to end child labour in areas affected by conflict and disaster!” Child labour and forced labour in conflicts and humanitarian settings will

be discussed at the IV Global Conference on Child Labour (Buenos Aires, 14-16 November 2017). For its part, the UN Children Fund (UNICEF) warns that child labour deprives children of their right to go to school, exposes them to violence, and reinforces intergenerational cycles of poverty. “Yet, this serious violation of human rights is not inevitable. Child labour is preventable through integrated approaches that simultaneously address poverty and inequity, improve access to and quality of education and mobilise public support for respecting children’s rights.” 11 Per Cent of World’s Children UNICEF also reminds that, worldwide, about 168 million children aged 5 to 17 are engaged in child labour, accounting for almost 11 per cent of all children. The most recent figures, based on statistical evidence from UNICEF, ILO and the World Bank, show a decline of about one third since 2000. While that is positive news, progress is far too slow, the UN specialised agency reports, adding that the continued persistence of child labour poses a threat not only to the health and well being of children, but also to national economies and

the achievement of global development goals. Child labour is defined as work for which the child is too young – i.e., work done below the required minimum age. The Convention on the Rights of the Child (CRC) recognises every child’s right, “to be protected from economic exploitation and from performing any work that is likely to be hazardous or to interfere with the child’s education,” or that is likely to harm the child’s health or, “physical, mental, spiritual, moral or social development.”² Other international instruments further define a child’s right to be protected from the “worst forms of child labour,” including recruitment in armed conflict, sexual exploitation and drug trafficking. The lives and futures of millions of children are in jeopardy, UNICEF warns. “We have a choice: Invest in the most excluded children now or risk a more divided and unfair world.” “Every child has the right to a fair chance in life. But around the world, millions of children are trapped in an intergenerational cycle of disadvantage that endangers their futures – and the future of their societies.”

Emerging Naga Women Entrepreneurs Loreni yanthan


St .Joseph’s college, Jakhama

n Entrepreneur is a people who commence to categorize or systematize and run an enterprise or venture out with risk involvement. In the sense, a person may take up self-employment under various programs launched by the government or NGO’s and who in addition to being employed himself and also employ others at least one person in his enterprise can be called as an Entrepreneur. Therefore, Entrepreneur can be understood better by calling those people who can take the risk of taking up a business. Women Entrepreneurs may be defined as the women or group of women, who initiate, organize and operate a business enterprise. Women Entrepreneur is a person who takes the challenges of becoming more economically independent. There are different authors that define women entrepreneurs differently. Women Entrepreneurs in the business world can be categorized into three: chance, forced and created entrepreneurs which are based on how their business got started. The term ‘women empowerment’ through Entrepreneurship has come to occupy an important position globally over the years. Economic participation and educational attainment are the key constituents in ensuring empowerment of women through Entrepreneurship. The economic empowerment of women through Entrepreneurship is a vital element of strong economic growth and development in any country. The Participation of women in entrepreneurial activities would ensure her effective utilization of labor and generation of income. Thus, Women empowerment through entrepreneurship is a requirement for a modern developing economy. In many parts of the countries, the majority of business owners or managers are male. However, there is increasing evidence that more and more women are becoming interested in small business ownership and actually starting up their business in their own little ways. Infact, development of women entrepreneurship enables men to understand and appreciate women abilities. Now it is an accepted fact that entrepreneurship is not the exclusive property of those who are gifted with certain qualities by birth rather it can be developed and acquired. Recent statistics confirm that women’s economic activities play a crucial role in the growth of many world economies. According to women CEOs of the fortune 1000, the world average of female top executives is 8% in the emerging companies of the world. ________________________________________ Country South Korea China Europe US Women CEO’s 30 % 19% 9% 5% ________________________________________ Source: CEO’s of the fortune 1000 In the context of Nagaland, The governments as well as the society have been neglecting the essence of women Entrepreneurship in the growth of the economy. Nevertheless, the paramount small vendor women Entrepreneurs are one of the most important contributors in the growth of the Economy of Nagaland. Readymade garments, second hand, Beauty parlor, Retail stores, flower shops, small vendors like selling vegetables, these are mostly done by a woman Entrepreneur. Yet, women Entrepreneurs in Nagaland are not so much recognized and honored. A Naga woman, in addition to her everyday busy agenda of managing domestic chores has a time to fit into a world of trade. The Naga women Entrepreneurs generate a job for themselves and employ others too once their business is well settled and make available to the society indirectly with different management skills, organizational dynamics and paraphernalia for new business to explore higher. The emergence of a woman on the economic scene as an Entrepreneur is a significant progress in the emancipation of women to organize them a safe and sound place in the society. The world in the present day can be soothed and healed with the involvement of women as an Entrepreneur in the economy development. There have been numerous studies demonstrating that women in business have to face greater professional isolation, continue to encounter sexual harassment, and are promoted more slowly than men in comparable situations, resulting in lower salaries. All these occurrences have helped to increase a rise in women Entrepreneurship. Therefore, the economic Empowerment of women through Entrepreneurship is being regarded these days, as an important issue for our country and for Nagaland in particular. A suggestion to encourage women Entrepreneurs in Nagaland is to endorse more researchers on women Entrepreneurs so as to engage themselves in interacting with women from diverse Naga tribes and bring out certain nuances and intricacies that are associated with the women Entrepreneurship. And also to evaluate the multiple schemes provided to women in the state and to look at the impact of such governmental schemes and programs in the lives of Naga women Entrepreneurs and society at large. A lot of research works has been through on the subject matter of self-employment and small business ownership from a diverse perspectives, however studies on women entrepreneurship has not been given much significance. The purpose of writing on “Emerging Naga Women Entrepreneurs” is to give prominence to the involvement of women Entrepreneurs in Nagaland and to highlight how women Entrepreneurs have propelled and sustained the economic growth of Nagaland in their own ways.

Readers may please note that, the contents of the articles published on this page do not reflect the outlook of this paper nor of the Editor in any form.

tuesDAY 13•06•2017



Give power of contempt, to book those who try to defame: EC to govt New Delhi, JuNe 12 (iANS): The Election Commission has sought the power of contempt to book those who try to defame it by openly questioning the conduct of elections taking advantage of the right to expression. In a strongly-worded letter to the Law Ministry, the poll panel demanded that the government should amend the Contempt of Courts Act, 1971, giving it powers to act against persons or organisations tarnishing its image. In the letter, which was written on April 24 this year, the poll panel has cited the example of the Election Commission of Philippines, Ghana and Pakistan which have been provided direct power to punish for contempt through legislation. "The Commission shall have, and exercise the same jurisdiction or powers and authority in respect of Contempt of itself as a

Nitish picks gauntlet, dares BJP for mid-term polls in Bihar and UP PAtNA, JuNe 12 (iANS): Picking up the gauntlet thrown by the BJP, Bihar Chief Minister Nitish Kumar on Monday said he was ready for mid-term assembly polls in his state along with Uttar Pradesh, provided NDA MPs from both states too resigned and contested again. "Ek saath Bihar-Uttar Pradesh mein chunaav kara lein, hum taiyaar hain (we are ready for simultaneous elections in Bihar and Uttar Pradesh)," the Chief Minister said. Nitish said: "If you (BJP) have the courage, then hold simultaneous polls in Uttar Pradesh and Bihar. I don't have any problem; I am ready for it -- tomorrow if you want it." However, Nitish said, there was one condition -- all members of Parliament belonging to the National Democratic Alliance from both states should also resign from their respective Lok Sabha seats and fight simultaneous by-elec-

tions for these constituencies. While Uttar Pradesh has 80 Lok Sabha seats, Bihar has 40.His statements came a day after Uttar Pradesh Deputy Chief Minister Keshav Prasad Maurya challenged Nitish Kumar to hold fresh assembly polls by dissolving the Bihar assembly if he had "faith in the developmental works done by his government". The Chief Minister said the opposition parties were waiting for the BJP to come out with a consensus candidate's name for the July 17 presidential election. He said if no consensus candidate emerged, it was the opposition's duty to put up its own candidate for the top elected post in the country. "The opposition will not take much time to decide its presidential candidate, but the Centre should take the initiative in this regard," he said.

High Court has and may ex- shall have effect subject to ercise and for this purpose, modifications: the provisions of the Con"That a High Court shall tempt of Courts Act 1971, be constructed as includ-

NEET results will be out by June 26: CBSE New Delhi, JuNe 12 (uNi): In an interim order today, the Supreme Court stayed the Madras High Court's directive which had restrained the publication of results of NEET for admission to MBBS and BDS courses. Almost 12 lakh students across India had appeared for the NEET (National Eligibility Entrance Test) which was conducted on May 7, 2017, in various languages, including English, Hindi and others, on the direction of the apex court. A vacation bench, headed by Justice Arjan Kumar Sikri and also comprising Justice Deepak Gupta, handed down the interim order after hearing from the Central Board of Secondary Education. The apex court asked the state High Courts not to entertain any petitions related to NEET 2017 examinations. CBSE said it will declare the NEET result in two weeks. This means results will be declared before June 26. The Board had moved the apex court seeking its intervention and a direction to transfer the matter from Madras & Gujarat High Courts to the Supreme Court.

Wrong to comment on Army Chief, says Rahul BeNgAluRu, JuNe 12 (iANS): Congress Vice President Rahul Gandhi on Monday voiced disapproval of party leader Sandeep Dikshit's remark likening Army Chief Bipin Rawat to a 'sadak ka gunda' (a street goon). While speaking at a party event here, Gandhi said no politician should make any comment on the Army Chief. "I was told by someone from press (media) that one Congress leader has made a comment on the Army Chief. It is wrong. I want to make it clear that the Indian Army works for us, protects the country. There is no need to say anything against the Army Chief," he said. Dikshit had on Sunday triggered a row after he called the Army Chief 'sadak ka gunda' over the latter's public statement. While Dikshit offered an apology for his remarks, the BJP on Monday demanded an apology from Congress President Sonia Gandhi as well.

ing a reference to the Election Commission of India" and "a judge shall be constructed as including a

reference to the Commissioner or a member of the Commission". The poll panel also demanded that a subsection "contempt" should be included for civil contempt or wilful disobedience and criminal contempt, "including who scandalises or tends to scandalise or prejudices or interferes or tends to interfere with the due course of any function of the Commission". The poll panel's remarks came in the wake of opposition parties, particularly the Aam Aadmi Party (AAP), raising questions over the reliability of Electronic Voting Machines and some also charged the EC with being an "agent of the BJP". The AAP alleged the EVMs were manipulated to benefit a particular party in the assembly elections in five states -- Punjab, Uttar Pradesh, Goa, Manipur and Uttarakhand, and the Delhi civic elections.

PM Modi to hold first talks with Trump on June 26 in Washington New Delhi, JuNe 12 (ReuteRS): India's Prime Minister Narendra Modi will hold talks with U.S. President Donald Trump in Washington on June 26, the Indian foreign ministry said on Monday, the first meeting between the leaders. Ties between the two big democracies grew rapidly under the Obama administration which saw India as a partner to balance China's growing weight in Asia. But Trump has focused on building ties with China, seeing it as key to tackling regional problems such as North Korea's nuclear programme. The Indian ministry said

Modi's talks with Trump would lay the ground for a further expansion in ties, allaying some of the anxiety that had crept in about a drift in relations. "Their discussions will provide a new direction for deeper bilateral engagement on issues of mutual interest and consolidation of multidimensional strategic partnership between India and the U.S.," the ministry said in a statement. One issue that the two leaders face is resolving conflict arising out of the push they are both making at home to boost industry and create jobs. Modi has been driving a

Make-in-India campaign to press foreign arms suppliers to set up factories in India and transfer technology instead of selling off-the-shelf, which has made India one of the world's biggest arms importers without any domestic production base. Trump, on the other hand, has railed against firms moving factories outside the United States and has demanded U.S. companies invest at home as part of his "America First" campaign. Trump's review of a visa programme under which thousands of skilled Indian workers go to the United States is also a top concern for India.

Democracy, society need free press: Ansari BeNgAluRu, JuNe 12 (iANS): Recalling the contribution of journalists to the Indian freedom struggle, Vice President Hamid Ansari on Monday said a democracy needs a free press and the same goes for society as well. He also said that press played an important role in educating, convincing and mobilising people. In his keynote address after unveiling a commemorative edition of the National Herald here along with Congress Vice President Rahul Gandhi, Ansari said he was sure that the National Herald will live up to the high standards set by independent India's first Prime Minister Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru, who set up the newspaper. He said National Herald was launched from Lucknow in 1938 (with Nehru as its Editor) and soon became the voice of the independence movement. "The history of freedom struggle in India is closely linked to Indian journalists, who were not merely news provid-

ers but also social activists and freedom fighters. They wanted to rid the country not only of the foreign rule but also social prejudices, casteism, communalism, and discrimination," the Vice President said. "Many founding members of the Congress in 1885 were journalists. The Press emerged as a tool of national awakening. It became a medium of nationalist political participation of masses," he added. Speaking on the occasion, Congress Vice President Rahul Gandhi said thousands of journalists in the country are not being allowed to write what they wish to write. "Anybody who attempts to say the truth, or stand by truth, is pushed aside in different forms. The Dalits are beaten up; minorities are frightened; journalists are threatened; and bureaucrats are threatened," Gandhi said. "Journalists told me they are not allowed to write what they want. The National Herald should open door to such people," the Congress leader said.

Monsoon hits Maharashtra, east India; heat wave likely in North New Delhi, JuNe 12 (iANS): While the monsoon advanced to parts of Maharashtra and eastern India, the weather office does not see much respite from the soaring temperature in north India, and forecast that a heat wave will likely hit parts of the region from Wednesday. Head of the National Weather Forecasting Centre at the India Meteorological Department (IMD) Sathi Devi said the monsoon has advanced to several parts of Maharashtra and Konkan region. "The southwest monsoon has crossed central Arabian Sea and entered north Arabian Sea touching Valsad in Gujarat. It arrived in Mumbai, Nasik, Parbhani in Maharashtra, Adilabad in Andhra Pradesh and Paradip in Odisha," Sathi Devi told IANS. She said that the monsoon also reached Kolkata and Digha in West Bengal and was slowly progressing towards northwestern part of the country. The weather office said that the southwest monsoon has further advanced

A woman enjoying pre-monsoon showers, in Mumbai. (UNI Photo)

to remaining parts of north interior Karnataka, Rayalaseema, entire Telangana, some more parts of

coastal Andhra Pradesh, most parts of west, central and north Bay of Bengal, remaining parts of Tripu-

ra, Assam and Meghalaya, most parts of sub-Himalayan West Bengal and Sikkim. The IMD also forecast heat wave conditions in several isolated places in Uttar Pradesh and other regions of northern India for a few days and rise in the maximum temperature. "Heat wave conditions are very likely in isolated places over Punjab, Haryana, Chandigarh, Delhi and Uttar Pradesh from Wednesday to Friday," the weather office predicted. Devi said it would take the monsoon some time to reach Uttar Pradesh and other parts of northern India. Normally, the monsoon should reach Uttar Pradesh by June 15, but the weather office has not yet made any predictions on this. "Right now, no favourable conditions are seen, so we have not yet made any statement regarding when the monsoon will hit Uttar Pradesh or Delhi," Devi said. Earlier this month, the IMD announced India would receive 98 per cent

rainfall this monsoon between June and September, with an error estimate of four per cent. The weather office had predicted the season's rainfall to be 96 per cent of the long period average (LPA) over northwest India, 100 per cent of LPA over central India, 99 per cent of LPA over southern peninsula and 96 per cent of LPA over northeast India -- all with a model error of plus-minus eight per cent. Under northwest India fall Uttar Pradesh, Uttarakhand, Haryana, Delhi, Punjab, Himachal Pradesh, Jammu and Kashmir and Rajashtan, while Andhra Pradesh, Telangana, Tamil Nadu, Karnataka, Kerala, Lakshadweep, and the Andaman and Nicobar Islands come under south peninsula. According to the weatherman, below 90 per cent rainfall is considered deficient and at 95 per cent, it is considered below normal. A figure between 96 and 104 per cent of rainfall indicates a normal monsoon and between 105 and 110 per cent above normal.

Rajnath, Jaitley & Venkaiah to parley with oppn parties on Presidential polls New Delhi, JuNe 12 (uNi):With little over a month left for the Presidential elections, the BJP today took the first step to evolve a consensus on selection of candidates and other related measures by setting up a three-member panel comprising senior leaders and authorising it to hold parleys with opposition parties. The committee comprising three Union Ministers -Rajnath Singh, Arun Jaitley and M Venkaiah Naidu and formed by BJP chief Amit Shah -- will hold talks with leaders of various political parties and try to work out a consensus for the Presidential elections, party general secretary Arun Singh said in a statement here. The opposition parties, including the likes of Congress, the Left and regional parties, have been trying to put the ball in the court of the BJP-led NDA dispensation to evolve a consensus on the Presidential elections. On May 26, the Opposition parties in a luncheon meeting

convened by Congress president Sonia Gandhi, sought to pitch for a "non-RSS" candidate for Presidential polls without, however, saying in as many words. Emerging out of a meeting of 17 Opposition parties, senior Congress leader Ghulam Nabi Azad had said, "We all want a candidate who can steadfastly uphold constitutional values". The 17 Opposition parties including smaller regional outfits like Indian Union of Muslim League, JMM and Kerala Congress (Mani) sought to put the onus on the ruling BJP to build a consensus and in-

sisted that "so far it has been the normal practice and tradition that the ruling dispensation would try to create a consensus for elections to the important posts of President and VicePresident". Trinamool Congress chief Mamata Banerjee said, "Everybody is in favour of a consensus and a secular candidate". However, she said in case the consensus does not emerge between the ruling dispensation and the Opposition parties, the major opposition parties would form a smaller group to select a candidate on behalf of the opposition parties. "

ADMISSION NOTIFICATION - ACADEMIC SESSION 2017-18 NAGALAND UNIVERSITY (A Central University established by An Act of Parliament 1989)



Starting Date for online Application : 12th June, 2017 Last Date for online Application : 16th July, 2017 Application in the prescribed form are invited for admission to B. Tech degree programme in School of Engineering & Technology, Dimapur in the following five disciplines: 1. Agricultural Engineering & Technology 3. Computer Science & Engineering 5. Information Technology

2. Biotechnology 4. Electronics & Communication Engineering

ELIGIBILITY CRITERIA FOR ADMISSION Candidate should have secured minimum aggregate marks of 50% for General category and 45 % for SC/ST Category in 10+2/diploma exam. Fresh Entry (after 10+2) - Candidate should have passed Physics, Chemistry and Mathematics in 10+2 exam. Candidate opting for Biotechnology programme should have passed Physics, Chemistry, Mathematics and Biology in 10+2 exam. Lateral Entry (after diploma) -Candidate should have passed diploma examination from AICTE approved institution or -Passed B. Sc degree from recognized university as defined by UGC and passed 10+2 exam with mathematics as a subject or -Passed B. Sc degree from recognized university as defined by UGC, shall also be eligible for admission to the first year engineering degree courses subject to the vacancies in the first year class in as the vacancies at lateral entry are exhausted. HOW TO APPLY Only Online application will be accepted. Admission brochure can be downloaded from university website http://www.admissions.nagalanduniversity.ac.in/ SELECTION PROCESS Intake capacity for each Department is 30. For Fresh Entry selection will be based on marks obtained in 12th exam (Students having CBSE JEE score will be given more preference) and for Lateral Entry selection will be based on marks obtained in Diploma Exam. ADMISSION HELPLINE Please contact for any query/help: 7005137685, 9706911326, 9531211665, 7005575651, 9612002817 Email : set.admin@nagalanduniversity.ac.in Address : Administrative Building, Nagaland University Residential Campus, Land Mark Colony, Dimapur, Nagaland -797112 Sd/- (S. K. SHARMA) Dean

NATIONAL CENTRE OF ORGANIC FARMING 19, Hapur Road, Near CBI Academy, Ghaziabad-201002 (UP) Tel. 0120-2764212 Fax 0120-2764901 Web: ncof.dacnet.nic.in; e-mail: nbdc@nic.in


F.No.6 (3)/2016/NCOF

To create first generation organic agriculture extension workers and field worker, to develop rural trainers on organic management practices with special focus on cropping system management, nutrient management and plant protection etc., applications from eligible and interested candidates are invited for 30 days duration residential Certificate Course on Organic Farming to be organize by this centre at Ghaziabad. It is proposed to organize such three programmes with 30 participants in each course. Details are as below:1. Course I : from 27.06.2017 to 26.07.2017 2. Course II : from 01.08.2017 to 30.08.2017 3. Course III : from 01.01.2018 to 30.01.2018 Eligibility of Participation: The course will be open for rural youth having Degree/ Diploma in agriculture/ Science with Biology, SAUs/ Educational institutes can also sponsor their undergraduate students for such course. How to Apply: Duly typed application can be submitted on A-4 size paper (in prescribed format) clearly indicating choice of duration of course to the Director, National Centre of Organic Farming, 19, Hapur Road, Near CBI Academy, Ghaziabad-201002 (UP) along with detailed Bio-Data and a passport size photograph pasted on the Bio-Data, supported by attested photocopies of Educational Qualifications (Degree / Diploma) 15 clear days before the commencement of the course. The applications can either be submitted directly or through the institutions where the applicant is presently pursuing his studies, however, a signed, scanned copy of the application must be sent to email id nbdc@nic.in with subject line "Application for Certificate Course…………… from……………… to…………….” During the stay of participant at NCOF, Ghaziabad, lodging and boarding charges shall be borne by this centre, however, NO TA/ DA shall be paid for attending this course. Selection of participant will be on first come first serve basis and it will be the sole discretion of Director, NCOF to change / postpone or cancel any of the course, circumstances, if so warrants. (DIRECTOR)

Davp: 01143/11/0008/1718


tuesdAY 13•06•2017



The Maute brothers: Southeast Asia’s “Walking Time-Bomb” MARAWI CITY, June 12 (ReuTeRs): On his Facebook profile page Omarkhayam Romato Maute describes himself as a “Walking Time-Bomb”. When a band of militants led by Omarkhayam and one of his brothers over-ran a town in the southern Philippines on May 23, festooning its alleyways with the black banners of Islamic State, the Facebook description seemed appropriate. Governments across Southeast Asia had been bracing for the time when Islamic State, on a back foot in Iraq and Syria, would look to establish a ‘caliphate’ in Southeast Asia and become a terrifying threat to the region. “The Middle East seems a long way away but it is not. This is a problem which is amidst us,” Singapore Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong told Australian radio on Saturday as the battle to re-take Marawi neared the end of the third week, with a death toll of nearly 200. “It is a clear and present danger.” Omarkhayam and Abdullah Maute grew up with several other brothers and sisters in Marawi, a Muslim-majority town in a country where over 90 percent of the population is Christian. Marawi is, historically, the centre of Islam on Mindanao, a sprawling island where violent resistance to authority has been a tradition since the era of Spanish colonialism, spurred in recent decades by poverty and the neglect of successive governments. As teenagers in the 1990s, the brothers seemed like ordinary young men, said a neighbour of the Maute family: they studied English and the Koran, and played basketball in the

they guided him and several others to a bridge leading out of town and gave them a white cloth to wave.

Men identified by Philippines Intelligence officers as Isnilon Hapilon (2nd L, headscarf) and Abdullah Maute (2nd R, standing, long hair) are seen in this still image taken from video released by the Armed Forces of the Philippines on June 7. (REUTERS Photo)

streets. “We still wonder why they fell to the Islamic State,” said the neighbour, who was once an Islamist militant himself and surrendered to the government. “They are good people, religious. When someone gets to memorise the Koran, it’s unlikely for them to do wrong. But this is what happened to the brothers.” In the early 2000s, Omarkhayam and Abdullah studied in Egypt and Jordan, respectively, where they became fluent in Arabic. Omarkhayam went to Al-Azhar University in Cairo, where he met the daughter of a conservative Indonesian Islamic cleric. After they married, the couple returned to Indonesia. There, Omarkhayam taught at his father-in-law’s school, and in 2011 he settled back in Mindanao. It may have been then, and not when he was in the Middle East, that Omarkhayam was radicalised. SMART, ARTICULATE The Mautes were a monied family in a closeknit tribal society where respect, honour and the Koran are paramount.

E-cigarettes may be as harmful as smoking

Military spokesman Lieutenant Colonel Jo-Ar Herrera said the ‘Maranao’ clan, to which the Mautes belong, has a matriarchal tradition, and so their mother played a central role. He said Farhana Maute, who according to the neighbour had furniture and used-car businesses, helped finance the group, and she drove recruitment and radicalisation of local youths. On Friday, she was stopped outside Marawi in a vehicle loaded with firearms and explosives and taken into custody. It was a major blow for the militants, according to Herrera, as she had been the “heart of the Maute organisation”. A day previously, the brothers’ father, an engineer, was arrested in Davao City, 250 km (155 miles) away. When the Marawi siege began, several hundred militants were involved, including men from nations as far away as Morocco and Yemen. But most of the marauders, who took civilians as human shields and torched the town cathedral, were from four local groups allied to Islamic State, and in the lead were

the Maute, military officials said. According to Jones, the Maute group has “the smartest, best-educated and most sophisticated members” of all the proIslamic State outfits in the Philippines. Samira Gutoc-Tomawis, a local civic leader who knows some of the Maute’s extended family, said the brothers rely heavily on social media to recruit young followers and spread their “rigid and authoritarian” ideology. “The Mautes are very active online. On YouTube, they upload their ideas” she said. “They are articulate, they are educated, they are idealistic.” The Maute family’s neighbour, who requested anonymity for his own safety, said the group’s fighters are fearless too. “During the bombing runs of the OV-10, they just carried on eating biscuits, not running for cover,” he said. On May 28, a group of seven fighters - he recognised Omarkhayam among them - came to his house and asked why he had not left. When he told them that he feared being caught in the crossfire,

“I WANT TO KILL THEM NOW” The Maute group first surfaced in 2013 with a bombing of a nightclub in nearby Cagayan de Oro. Its stature has grown since then, most notably with the bombing last year of a street market in President Rodrigo Duterte’s hometown, Davao City. Maute members who were captured said the Davao attack was ordered by Isnilon Hapilon of Abu Sayyaf, a group that has fought since the 1990s for an independent Islamic province but is as well known as a vicious gang of criminals and kidnappers. Hapilon, who was last year declared by Islamic State as its ‘emir’ of Southeast Asia, was seen in a video that emerged last week showing the militants - including two Maute brothers - plotting to seal Marawi off as a separate enclave. Herrera said the Mautes enjoy strong support in Marawi. “This is their place, this is where their family is, this is where their culture is, this is where the heritage is. There is a huge sympathetic perspective towards the ... Maute,” he said. But Khana-Anuar Marabur Jr., a Marawi town councillor, said the Mautes had made enemies in the area with their radicalism. He said he went to the brothers on the day the attack on Marawi was launched and they told him to the leave the town. “They told me to leave because the caliphate ... had ordered it,” Marabur told Reuters. “They treated me like an enemy. I want to kill them now.”

Korean president asks for Japan’s patience in resolving ‘past history’ seOuL, June 12 (ReuTeRs): South Korean President Moon Jae-in said on Monday ties with Japan are being blocked by historical issues that will take time to resolve and he asked for Japan’s understanding and cooperation on the issue. Moon’s comments were an apparent reference to Korean “comfort women”, a Japanese euphemism for women forced to work in the Japanes e military’s wartime brothels. The issue of the women has plagued bilateral ties between the neighbours for decades. Moon told the visiting secretary general of Japan’s ruling Liberal Democratic Party that the people of South Korea did not accept a deal reached by his conservative predecessor and Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe in 2015 to resolve the issue. But Moon, in his talks with Toshihiro Nikai, apparently did not directly address whether he would seek to renegotiate the agreement, in which Japan made an apology to the women, who are now elderly, and promised about one billion yen ($9.07 million) for a fund to help them. The two governments agreed under the deal that the issue would be “irreversibly resolved” if both sides fulfilled their obligations. “Both South Korea and Japan should look at this issue directly and understanding is needed that it will take more time (to resolve it),” Moon told Nikai, the South’s presidential office said. Moon, who suggested during his successful campaign for a May 9 election that he could try to renegotiate the deal, also said the

South Korean President Moon Jae-in (R) shakes hands with Toshihiro Nikai, Secretary General of the Japanese Liberal Democratic Party, during their meeting at the Presidential Blue House in Seoul, South Korea on June 12. (REUTERS Photo)

two countries should not “cling to past history” only to block other developments in their ties. Moon stressed the importance of cooperation with Japan in efforts to denuclearise North Korea, which has been ramping up weapons tests since last year in defiance of global sanctions. Nikai said he agreed with Moon and hoped the two countries could move forward together, the South’s presidential office said. The meeting came hours after the South’s foreign ministry warned Japan to exercise caution when making remarks about bilateral ties, including the issue of the women, following reported comments by Nikai in a meeting with South Korean lawmakers. ‘TRIVIAL MATTERS’ During the meeting, Nikai said “those plotting schemes” to block bilateral ties from moving forward should be “eradicated”, several Japanese and South Korean media reported. “I don’t know if in South Korea there are even a handful, but they must

be eradicated,” Nikai was quoted as saying. He also expressed hope that the two countries would “get along well” and not to have relations tangled with “trivial matters”. Nikai’s office at the Liberal Democratic Party could not confirm his reported comments, which appeared not to include any direct reference to the women who were forced to work in Japanese brothels. But he came under fire from South Korean civic groups for what appeared to be criticism of people who support scrapping the 2015 agreement. “Comments related to relations between South Korea and Japan, including those regarding the comfort women issue, should be made with care,” a South Korean foreign ministry official said, in response to Nikai’s reported comments. The official declined to be identified citing sensitivity of the issue. Nikai, the number two executive in his party behind the prime minister, is known for his generally warm ties with South Korea and China.



Dated, Kohima the th June, 2017


NO. DTE/ESTT-2/3/2016-17: In pursuance of this office Notification of even number dated 10th March '2017, the following candidates are hereby provisionally selected for under going 3 year Diploma courses outside the state during 201718 session as given below. All the selected candidates are also directed to submit their acceptance or refusal lettter to the office of the undersigned on or before 27th June '2017. Non - submission of acceptance letter will be treated as refusal of the seat offered.

neW YORk, June 12 (IAns): Electronic cigarettes loaded with nicotine-based liquid are potentially as harmful as tobacco cigarettes when it comes to cancer causing DNA damage, new research has found. Electronic cigarettes or e-cigarettes are batterypowered devices that heat up liquid and turn it into an aerosol vapour that can be inhaled. Using e-cigarettes is also called ‘vaping’. “From the results of our study, we can conclude that e-cigarettes have as much potential to cause DNA damage as unfiltered regular cigarettes,” said the lead author of the study, Karteek Kadimisetty, from University of Connecticut. Cellular mutations caused by DNA damage can lead to cancer. Modern e-cigarettes, viewed as a less toxic alternative for people looking to break their habit of smoking tobacco cigarettes, have steadily risen in popularity since they first appeared on the commercial market in 2004. The scientists decided to look into whether the chemicals in e-cigarettes could cause damage to human DNA while testing a new electro-optical screening device they developed in their lab. The small 3-D printed device is believed to be the first of its kind capable of quickly detecting DNA damage, or genotoxicity, in environmental samples in the field, the researchers said. They gathered samples through an artificial inhalation technique at 20, 60 and 100 puffs of an e-cigarette. The potential DNA damage from e-cigarettes was found to increase with the number of puffs. Vapour from non-nicotine e-cigarettes caused as much DNA damage as filtered cigarettes, possibly due to the many chemical additives present in e-cigarette vapours, showed the findings published in the journal ACS Sensors. “Som e people use e-cigarettes heavily because they think there is no harm. We wanted to see exactly what might be happening to DNA (as a result of e-cigarette usage),” said Kadimisetty.


Sl. No. A1 2 3 B1 C1 2 D1 2 3 4 E1 2 F1 2 G1 2 3 4 5 6 7 H1 2 I1 J1 2 3 4 K1 L1 M1 N1 O1 2 P1 Q1



Allotment of seats of B.Sc. (Horticulture) and B. Sc. (Forestry) four years Course for 2017-18 in Dr. Y.S. Parmar University of Horticulture and Forestry Nauni, Solan, Himachal Pradesh Sl. B.Sc Name of the state No. (Forestry)

B.Sc. (Horticulture)

Under self financing

B.Sc (Forestry) B.Sc (Horti) Arunachal Pradesh 1 1 Nagaland 1 1 1 Tripura 1 1 Sikkim 1 1 Manipur 1 1 Meghalaya 1 1 1 Mizoram 1 1 Total 4 4 4 4 The eligibility criteria for admission to the above course is 10+2 or its equivalent examination with English, Physics, Chemistry, Biology/Mathematics/ Agriculture of a recognized University/ Board with a minimum of 60% aggregate marks (55% in case of SC/ST Category candidates in the above mentioned subjects. The last date for admission to B.Sc (Horti) and B.Sc (Forestry) course without late fee is from 18th July, 2017 to 19th July, 2017 and up to 21st July, 2017 with late fee of Rs. 1000/- per day. Extension of admission date shall not be considered under any circumstances. It is further added that 4 Self Financing seats each in B.Sc (Hons) Horticulture and B.Sc (Hons) Forestry earmarked for candidates from North Eastern Region will be filled by the University itself. No financial assistance shall be provided by NEC in connection with the Degree Course. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7

(Kh. Siile Anthony), Director (HRD&E) Issued by: DIPR



No. ELE/SVEEP/2016-17/

Kohima, dated, the June, 2017


As part of SVEEP plan for Kohima district, Quotes/ Slogans on the theme ‘CLEANELECTION’ are invited from all young electors of Kohima district in the age group of 18 to 21 years. Three best entries will be awarded cash prize along with citations during the National Voters’ Day celebration on 25th January, 2018. The Quotes/Slogans can be sent through SMS/WhatsApp to 9402041751 from 14th to 23rd June, 2017 along with Name, age, gender and address. Sd/- (RAJESH SOUNDARARAJAN) IAS Deputy Commissioner and District Election Officer, Kohima

Issued by: DIPR


TuesDAY 13•06•2017

public discourse


Human Rights Violation from Within the Naga Society A brief profile of Eno Khaplang Lemwang Chuhwanglim



ften, those who pose question on human rights violations in the Naga society by the Indian force, who seek attention of international human rights forum, need closer attention to human rights violation emerging from the Naga society. While crying for the justice from higher level, Nagas in general need to examine the underlying human rights violation emerging in Naga family, community and society by in large. To talk about national and international human rights violation in the Naga society is a vague unless human rights violations within the Naga society are solved. Moreover, human right has become just a language (Conde. 2004) with weak practice among the Nagas. Religiously, human rights violation is portrayed in the primordial history of Cain slaying his brother Abel (Bahmueller. 2002). Similarly, Nagas find it in the history of war among villagers killing, torturing, and discriminating, cheating and so on among them in the past which remained implicit. Human rights violation becomes more explicit among the Nagas when outsiders like Indian force and others began to discriminate and torture the Nagas in many aspects. When Nagas aim to portray one of the fiercest acts of the Indian force human rights violation upon the Naga people since 1958, to a larger globe, there is a vast failure in bringing justice within the society in many rights violations. The emergence of repressive rule of arm conflict among

different factional groups have killed many own Naga men and women since the formation of every faction that legitimizes as freedom fighters. Men are murdered and killed blind folded, immeasurable bloodshed, injustice, discrimination, illegal taxation, distortion, corruption and so on are daily activities among factions and the State government which inevitably are nothing out of human rights violations. Politically, people killed people mentally, physically, emotionally, economically and humanity in general. Ethnicity, there are few ethnic groups of people who are fighting for their rights to ethnicity under the shadow of negligence. There are many children from undeveloped areas thrown out by own community to other developed towns and cities in the state. In several cases, these children are denied to rights to proper education by the developed and educated families. They are leashed to captivity equivalent to slave in the name of domestic helpers. There had been several news that these children wandered in search of liberation from brutal punishment from families who captivate them as domestic helpers. If these children are under humanity, such act upon them is absolutely human rights violation. Often, their rights are cheated, sold and commercialized among the stakeholders, domestic helper seekers, community, families and others. More than the religious ethics, humanity is the utmost concern to give justice to their rights. Based on the larger picture of human rights violation among the Nagas by the

Nagas, the question is who perpetrate the rights of Naga citizens and who are the victims of human rights violation? Failures of justice bloom everyday in Nagaland, Justice becomes commodity for sale. Effort to address transparency of corruption (Human Rights Watch, 2009) and failure to bring corrupters to justice itself promulgates more human rights violation in the Naga society by the Nagas. Failure to utilize public funds, concealing distribution of development projects, manipulation of rights to claim citizens’ rights, irresponsible of serving the people and the State such as substituting teachers, irregularities of officers at posted destination, violating service laws at different institutions, schools, university and so on, are few of the strongest human rights violations among the Nagas. The ability of citizens to know every happening in the society is subjugated and discriminated by corrupters, which includes intellectual Nagas who failed to support to fight for the rights of citizens that are scrutinized by policy makers every day. Citizens’ rights to access to how the state utilizes funds for developments are disallowed, on the other hand, citizens in general are timid and failed to act on bringing justice though they are good in talking about corruption and injustice. Very often, the states object citizens taking law into their hands in certain required situation. The state talks about legal process and ensures accountability and fair application of law, however, in many cases the state fails to fulfill justice of the citizens. In the entire human rights violations in the Naga

society, both state and citizens are weak and they are responsible for the failure to eliminate human rights violation that emerges within the Naga society from the Naga people. For centuries, since the Second World War, the so called international community and states like United Nation Organization, Council of Europe and state and others have been working for international peace and democracy and human rights as intergovernmental organization (Nystuen, 2005). Similarly, Nagaland government and non-profitable governmental organizations, including religious organizations regardless of any denominations, religions and groups required urgent attention to relegate the high intensity of human rights violation emerging within the State by the citizens of the state. Moreover, it needs explicit and active participations of the Naga intellectuals, to educate and share the significance of individual rights that should be well protected in collaboration with every citizen. The ignorance and innocents need education to identify any human rights violation emerging from the fellow Naga educated or wannabe educated and developed people. Subsequently, Nagas in general need constant fight against the state if the state engages in any human rights violation and the state should also bring justice to any citizens who discriminate the rights of any individual in any aspect. This initiative probably, supports the Nagas in general to bring justice to human rights in Nagaland prior to fighting for justice of human rights violation from outside the Naga society.



NNC Member

haplang was born in 1940 in Wak Tham Village in Heimi Region. He attended the school in Tin Kok village in Kachinland and then went to Chin Hills. So, he spoke Kachin and Chin languages as his own. In May 1964, from the Phachet village meeting, the Heimi Naga leaders led by Eno Kewa Gin Rang entrusted Eno SS. Khaplang and late Kewa Yan Lung to contact the Naga National Council (NNC) and the Federal Government of Nagaland (FGN) in May 1964. In those days, the FGN has had Naga Army base in Somra areas. The two leaders (Khaplang, Yan Lung) went to Somra areas and met the NNC and FGN leaders. At the same time in May 1964, the Heimi leaders formed the People’s Militia to defend Hemi Region under the leadership of Kewa Gin Rang, and Thungbo as Commander of People’s Militia in order to defend Heimi Region. The NNC/FGN leaders suggested the Eastern Naga leaders to form a separate political organization for Eastern Nagaland in order to avoid a sore relationship with Burma Government. Because in those days the NNC/FGN had maintained a good relationship with Burma while the Naga Army had been taken Goodwill Mission to East Pakistan (now Bangladesh). Following their suggestion, the Eastern Nagas formed the Eastern Naga Revolutionary Council (ENRC) on 7th April 1965 at Somra village. Chopoh was made as President of the ENRC, Khaplang as Vice President, and Brig. Simon as Chief of the Army. The people Militia

Donate Blood and give someone a gift of life Temjenkaba, IA


DIPR Feature

orld Blood Donor Day is observed on 14th June every year. Blood donation is one of the most significant contributions that a person can make towards the society. It is not harmful for an adult person to donate blood. The body of the donor can regenerate the blood within few days. It poses no threat to the metabolism of the body. Blood donation is one of the most significant contributions that a person can make towards the society To increase voluntary blood donation in Nagaland, a group of likeminded donors came together to form a voluntary blood donation associations. Thus, the Voluntary Blood Donation Association Kohima (VBDK) was formed in 2011 understanding the need for an action oriented approach to help the people who need blood. Till date, the districts of Kohima, Dimapur, Mokokchung, Tuensang, Zunheboto and Peren formed the district association, with the objectives to donate blood and to facilitate those who are in need of blood. These associations are actively involved in assisting many patients in times of need. Creation of awareness by organizing voluntary blood donation camp, celebration/observation of special events like the World Blood donors Day 14th June and National Voluntary Blood Donation Day 1st October all over the state. Such events are supported by the Nagaland State Blood Transfusion Council (NSBTC) and the Nagaland AIDS Control Society (NSACS) as well as contributions from various organizations, donor agencies, private enterprises and individuals. The technical support for the blood donation activities is assisted by the respective district Blood banks. It is the result of such activities, that there is a significant increase in voluntary blood donation across the state. However, this momentum needs to be maintained with the active support from the general mass as in some case if a patient needs blood transfusion, a replacement donor from his family or friends could donate. But there are some conditions where blood transfusion is required off and on, and moreover sometimes more than 100 units is needed for a particular patient. Then how can the family or friends can bring all the required number of replacement donors and this gives rise to involvement of professional or paid donors disguised as replacement donors. So it is high time, for every sections of our society in our state should come together and join hands to formulate strategies to achieve 100% voluntary blood donation, so that any patient

who needs blood transfusion can get the required blood units from the blood bank centers without replacement. But it is not possible to achieve 100% voluntary donation unless it is understood by all the people. If 1% of the populations of our state donate blood once a year the need for blood can be improved up to certain extend, so with this objectives voluntary blood association is playing an active role to achieve the target by organizing various blood donation drive every month all over the state. In-spite of the mass awareness on HIV and AIDS, the general community in Nagaland is still ignorant about the importance of voluntary blood donation and safe blood transfusion. Many people still continue to acquire blood from professional blood donors which expedite the spread of HIV and AIDS in the state. Thus the National Blood Donation Day is planned to strengthen and expand safe voluntary blood donation programmes and to reinforce Local campaigns by mass based awareness from different platforms like Colleges. NGOs, Red Cross, Churches, the celebration of the world Blood Donation day is an occasion to thank all voluntary blood donors and to acknowledge and recognize the silent and unsung heroes, whose selfless deeds save lives every day through their blood donations and improve the health of people whom they never knew. In our state, to increase voluntary blood donation, initiatives are being made by Voluntary Blood Donors Association to meet the demand for the needy person, some of the Goals and objectives are to: • To motivate people to donate blood voluntarily • To create awareness in the society in science of blood and blood donation • To make people aware of the Safe Blood Transfusion • To conduct blood donation camps throughout the year for Government Blood Banks • To organize training programmes for blood donor motivators • To recruit new donors and create donors of tomorrow through motivational programs in schools, campuses and youth groups • To publish posters, booklets to promote voluntary blood donation • To help the Government and other regulatory bodies to frame policy / rules / regulations in relation to voluntary blood donation • To propagate the message of optimum utilization of blood amongst the blood users • To create an atmosphere to make available blood to all in the state collected from non-remunerated

voluntary blood donors. • To co-ordinate and facilitate the relationship between voluntary blood donors and blood donor organizations thus promoting Blood donation Program in Nagaland. • To create public awareness and disseminate information on voluntary blood donation and safe blood. • To fight against the superstition and social taboos related to Blood Donation An ailing body needs blood for various reasons. He may be attacked with anemia, undergone an operation or may meet with an accident. SO such a patient may die for want of blood as it is not always available in the blood bank and even a pregnant mother may need blood in case of emergency situation. The patient needs blood or his or her group of blood whenever necessary. It may be added that Blood has four groups namely, A, B, AB and O. The required group must be the same while transplanting otherwise the transplantation will go in vain and even the patient may die. The man with the O-group blood is called the universal donor as the people having others can accept it. On the contrary, the man with AB group of blood is called the universal receiver as he can accept all groups of blood. Blood can be stored for a limited period of time that is why the blood banks need a steady and constant flow and collection. Through the initiatives of Volunteer Nowadays a public awareness are being noticed to donate blood. And many clubs, colleges, societies, offices, etc. organize blood donation camps on different occasions. It is a healthy gesture and we must keep this aptitude up at any cost because our blood banks are running short of required blood, so by organizing Blood donation should be a human duty for everyone. Mentioned may be made that our body does not get affected if we donate blood. The body can repair the loss within a few days. So we all must come forward to donate blood as it can make sure the return of a dying man again into the light of life. Though we have made tremendous discoveries and inventions in Science but we are not yet able to make the magic potion called Blood. Human blood has no substitute so Requirement of safe blood is increasing and regular voluntary blood donations are vital for blood transfusion services. Our body has 5.5 liter of blood of which only 350 ml - 450 ml of blood is taken .The withdrawn blood volume is restored within 24 hours and the hemoglobin and other cell components are restored in

2 months it is safe to donate blood every three months. Donor should be between 18-55 years of age with a weight of 50 kg or above with pulse rate, body temperature and blood pressure should be normal and there are only few conditions in which donors are permanently excluded. The donor with history of epilepsy, psychotic disorders, abnormal bleeding tendencies, severe asthma, cardiovascular disorders, and malignancy is permanently unfit for blood donation. Donors suffering from disease like hepatitis, malaria, measles, mumps, and syphilis may donate blood after full recovery within 3-6 months gap and moreover people who have undergone surgery, blood transfusion may safely donate blood after 6-12 months and for woman donors who are pregnant or lactating blood is not taken as their iron reserves are already on the lower side. The donated blood is collected in sterile pyrogenic free containers with anticoagulants like CPDA or CPDA with SAGM. This prevents clotting and provides nutrition for the cells. This blood is stored at 2-6 C or -20 C depending on the component prepared. Donating blood undergoes various tests like blood grouping antibody detection, testing of infections like hepatitis, AIDS, Malaria, Syphilis and before it reaches the recipient it undergoes compatibility testing with the recipient blood. Modern blood transfusion basically deals with the optimal use of one unit of blood. One unit of whole blood is separated into components making it available to different patients according to their requirement. Thus one unit of blood is converted into packed cell volume, fresh frozen plasma, platelet concentrate, cryoprecipitate and granulocytes concentrate. Another important practice is apheresis which is also used for remaining pathological substance in patients. Withdrawal of blood for transfusion is regarded as a safe procedure now and blood donor has emerged as the single most vital link. I Should Donate Blood, because There is no substitute for Blood. Every 3 seconds someone needs a blood transfusion! Your donation will help save the life of other people. Blood is the most precious gift that anyone can give to another person .The Gift of Life. Some Health Benefits of Blood Donation are like The Joy of Saving Human Lives, Reduce the risk of Heart Diseases. Reduces the risk of Cancer .So, if you want to pick up a healthy habit, head over to your local blood center and give the gift of life. 'Donate Blood' and give somebody a GIFT OF LIFE. I donate blood… will you?

which was formed in May 1964 became the Army of ENRC. Hence, Khaplang had fully given his life for the nation. When President Eno Chopoh has gone to the Western side of Nagaland (India) and stopped working with the ENRC, Eno Nuri Para (Sosa) was elected as President of ENRC and Khaplang as Vice President again from the meeting held at Na Yang village, Heimi Region in December 1972. But when Eno Nuri also went to the Western side of Nagaland and did no more execute the function of the President; Eno Khaplang became President of the ENRC. And yet Khaplang faced another tragedy in the next year January 1973, for one of his bravery Army Commanders and youth President surrendered to the Burma Army with thirty soldiers of ENRC. The Burma Army carried out a heavy operation against Khaplang taking those who have surrender with them as their guides; hence Khaplang went to Kachinland for sheltering there for some years. In August 1976, Khaplang and his Army Chief, Brig. Thungbo came to NNC/FGN Headquarters at Tsoniu village in Khiamniungan Region with their armed men and have been with us (NNC/FGN leaders) up to October 1976. When 200 Naga Army of the FGN started from Phalung Tung village, Khiamniungan Region to go for Goodwill Mission again to China, they (Khaplang, Thungbo) went back to Heimi Region along with the Goodwill Mission and led them (Naga Army) to Kachinland through PinawZup route. The ENRC President Khaplang and his Chief of the Army Brig. Thungbo returned back

from Kachinland with all their Army, and then came to NNC/ FGN Headquarters at Tsonkhao village as invited by Eno Muivah, General Secretary of the NNC and stayed with the NNC/FGN leaders from April to May 1978 and talked for a merger with the NNC. Mr. Khaplang refused to sign with Isak Swu as Vice President of NNC for a merger of the ENRC with NNC, on the ground that his leadership of did not recognize by the Naga people according to the resolution of NNC General Meeting which was held in Khonoma Village from May 11-12, 1978. On 9th March 1979 the NNC leaders convened the NNC General meeting at Lao village in Eastern Nagaland and Thepuse Venuh (known as T. Venuh) was unanimously elected as Vice President of the NNC. On the next day 10th March 1979, Eno Khaplang signed with Eno T. Venuh, NNC Vice President for a merger of ENRC with the NNC. The Chapter of ENRC was thus ended there. On January 31, 1980, Muivah and Isak, the then General Secretary and Vice President of the NNC defected from the NNC and formed the so-called National Socialist Council of Nagaland (NSCN) Eno Khaplang became Vice Chairman of the NSCN. But in 1988, Eno Khaplang realized Th. Muivah stands for Suisa proposal (a solution within the Indian Union), he outrageously rejected Muivah’s policy and formed his own NSCN, known as NSCN-K in 1988. Since then he opposed Muivah’s policy up to his last breath. He stood for the principle that only by achieving independent the Nagas under India and Burma can be brought as a nation.

Politics as Mission Kerio Wetsah


Pfutsero Town

believe patriotism without politics is one of the root causes for crisis in our society today. Our politics are bending towards party government and less on governance. Time has come for us to revisit our definition on politics and strengthen our political system. Politics can be best understood as the art of amending and upholding law to maintain social order and safeguard citizens from threat. According to Thomas Hobbes in his political philosophy, every person has the natural right to do what he/she wants, but since humans are selfish in nature it becomes liable to conflicts or psychological fear. Therefore to bring order, justice and equality, politics came into being. Through this article I would like to optimise my opinion that Politics as defined is one form of Church ministry that needs urgent involvement. As Christians many of us have become silent spectators to the happening around us because we have a general mindset that politics is dirty. We are often misled by our traditional thought that Church leaders, theologians and good Christians should not involve in politics. We notice all kinds of corruptions and injustices, yet we do nothing but only condemn politicians. However, the truth is we become self-righteous and hypocrites by not involving in political activities. We are trying to wash-off our hands rather than cleaning the dirt. The political, economic and social contexts in which Jesus lived and did his ministry are similar to our present scenario. Against these backgrounds Jesus declared his manifesto in Luke 4:18-19, where he proclaimed that his ministry is to bring good news to the poor, release the captives, recovery of sight to the blind, to let the oppressed go free and to restore full humanity and dignity. Here the four groups of people whom Jesus’ refer to is more than the literal economic poverty and physical blindness but it refers to those who are sinners; who are captives by various ideologies, social, politics and economic; who are blind to truth and values; who are oppressed of being a minority. Thus, Jesus’ ministry is directed towards liberation, justice and equality, and sight or wisdom to those who are blinded spiritually, physically or politically; which means salvation on earth as well. The Church comes from the Greek word ‘ecclesia,’ meaning ‘community of believers in Christ.’ The Church does not have mission of its own but an extension of Jesus’ ministry in the perspective of Jesus manifesto. The

community and ministry of Christ have been further elaborated and illustrated universally by Paul in 1st Corinthians 12:12-31 as “one body with many members.” All believers through baptism have become one with the body through the Spirit. Just as different organs of the body have different function, so is the Church, every Church member are given different gifts by the Holy Spirit to continue Jesus ministry. I hopefully affirm that ‘the art of politics’ is one gift of the Holy Spirit. Against the traditional methodology that Christian should not involve in politics, it is clearly mentioned in Romans 13:1-7 that politics/government has been instituted by God and given authority to execute law and order to do good and punish the bad. Basing on the above two concepts we need to make a paradigm shift of our understanding and mindset that politics is one form of ministry that cannot be ignored and neglected. Every believer irrespective of profession is equally important because if one part suffers all suffers (Rom 12:26). The ministry of Christ is not limited to clergy class or theologian but it is a universal and holistic mission to achieve wholistic transformation. I would like to conclude from my own spiritual experiences of faith and observations. It was impossible for human and God to reconcile again because of human sins, that involved all kinds of immorality and corruptions. Incarnation was the only possible way to make reconciliation with God and transform the world. Thus God came into this world, incarnating himself in the form of flesh to set an example in living and sacrifice Himself as atonement for our sins. And while ascending to heaven He sends the Holy Spirit as our “helper” to extend and expand his ministry, ‘The Kingdom of God.’ Likewise, we need good believers or theologically trained people to incarnate themselves as politicians and transform our political system with justice, righteousness and equality. We need politicians who can be the voice for the voiceless and marginalised people. We need politicians whose faith is reflected by his/her work. We need to walk the talk and practice what we preach. I don’t intend to condemn the present politicians and clergy class, but I believe that more than before with the increasing crises in all spheres we need leaders whose faith and ideals are according to Jesus principles. I intended that we need to have a mindset and educate our Christian politicians that politics is also one form of Christian Ministry.

Readers may please note that the contents of the articles, letters and opinions published do not reflect the outlook of this paper nor of the Editor in any form.

Tuesday 13•06•2017

Artists from NE to perform at


Geri Horner pays tribute to George Michael on comeback single G


n June 17, artists from northeast will be travelling to perform at the Handshake Concert at Hanoi, Vietnam. Rida & the Musical Folks, from Meghalaya; Vekhriyi & Vetahulu from Nagaland; Polar Lights from Nagaland along with Charaideo Sanskritik Gosthi from Assam will be the performers from the region participating at the concert. The concert will mark the commemoration of 45th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between India and Vietnam, celebrates the 10th anniversary of strategic partnership and also the 3rd International Day of Yoga. The Handshake Concert began as a means to celebrate friendship and culture, and promotion of goodwill through music, and has come a long way from where it first began. The idea was born with the World Music Day celebration organised by the Rattle and Hum Music Society, Nagaland under the patronage of Northeast Zone Culture Centre, Government of India on June 21 during 2008 at Shilpgram, Guwahati. “This edition of the Hand Shake Concert is Rattle and Hum Music Society, Nagaland along with Eclectic Northeast, the premier monthly English Magazine of the region published from Assam,” stated a press release received here.

eri Horner is releasing her first single in 12 years and the track pays tribute to her late friend George Michael. The former Spice Girls star launched her solo career in 1999, and after last releasing material in 2005 with the album 'Passion', she has now announced her brand new track 'Angels in Chains' which honours the memory of the music icon who passed away on Christmas Day (25.12.16) at the age of 53. Geri - who has four-month-old son Monty with her husband Christian Horner - will release the track on June 23, and all profits from the song are set to be donated to Child Line, as it was a favoured charity of the 'Careless Whisper' hitmaker. Geri - who also has 11-year-old daughter Bluebell from a previous relationship - worked with longtime George collaborator Chris Porter on the track and members of George's ''music family'', includ-


ndian rap star Badshah has collaborated with American electronic music group Major Lazer as a part of Tuborg OPEN, a music platform which will see the star producers travel on a journey of musical and cultural discovery. The platform will encourage music fans to explore and discover new global sounds just as the Major Lazer trio, Diplo, Jillionaire and Walshy Fire, will be doing with an original three-track series to be revealed across June and July.



goodbye to our friend and music idol, and I hope George's fans enjoy this as much as we have making it.'' The ballad - which was written by Geri - features a number of references to George's most famous songs, and carries a message of healing for anyone who has experienced the loss of a loved one. Meanwhile, in an interview with The Sun newspaper, Geri revealed she got the idea for donating the song's proceeds to charity after learning from journalist Esther Rantzen the George had done the same thing with his track 'Jesus To A Child'. She said: ''I met up with Esther Rantzen. I played her the record. And she told me that all the proceeds of Jesus To A Child, George gave to Child Line - every single penny. He was so generous. I didn't know that until she told me. He was so kind and he didn't want to show off about it. ''You just think, what a

process helped ''push [her] out the door'' in terms of re-starting her career. She confessed: ''He had such an impact on my life. I didn't know what to do with all my feelings. When we have grief, you have to share it with each other. It was like a gift, it pushed me out the door.'' Source: Contactmusic

day in the creek'' - straight away. He told Billboard magazine: ''She had told me there were a couple little references throughout the album. And she wondered if I would pick up on them. And as soon I heard that, hell yeah man, I noticed it. That's directly out of my life with the girls. We would catch crawdads in the creek.''

Major Lazer, who have massive hits in collaboration with MØ ("Lean on"), Justin Bieber ("Cold water") and many more, have created a brand new Tuborg Beat. Badshah is the second of the three collaborating artists to be associated with Tuborg Open. Each collaborating artist, including Badshah will bring their own sound, lyrics and signature style to the Tuborg Beat inspired by their own authentic music journey and culture. "Party anthem" hit maker Badshah says he has been working closely with Carlsberg India for the last three years on their Tuborg Zero

campaigns. "It was the next progressive step to collaborate on a Global Beat that crosses boundaries and reaches the world. I am extremely excited to be working with Major Lazer on the Tuborg Open Project, which is an amazing platform for global and cultural amalgamation of music. "I have been a huge fan of Major Lazer for a long time and they have done a phenomenal job in redefining dance music across the globe. This project has given us an opportunity to bring our common forte of making people dance, and bring them together." Source: IANS

Aamir Khan’s ‘Dangal’ Becomes 30th Biggest Hit Worldwide


boots and a cowboy hat all the time. He doesn't play the game. And I think that has come from even him having some pride and being like, 'I'm not going to change who I am, to fit in into a country category.''' Billy Ray, 55, noticed the references to him in the song and noticed the lines - which read ''Thinking about the days/ Coming home with dirty feet/ From playing with my dad/ All

man, what a great human being as well as an artist. The more joy and good can come out of it ... I think George would approve of that. Every step I've taken I've tried to think. 'Would he approve of this?' '' And although Geri was heartbroken when she learned about George's passing, she admits the

Rapper Badshah collaborates with Major Lazer

Miley Cyrus inspired by her dad

he 24-year-old musician has admitted her latest single pays homage to her father Billy Ray Cyrus because he played a ''huge part'' in who she is, and has always been there for her, even when she took to the stage for her controversial VMAs performance in 2013. She said: ''You know, my dad a huge part in this, a huge part in who I am. You know how maybe some people have seen me as not a family person? But I f***ing love my family! I'm really close with my dad. If you noticed, he was standing beside me at the VMA's when I was wearing like, a thong! My dad was like four people away, and he was like, 'This is creepy!''' And the 'Malibu' hitmaker is proud of her father for not changing who he is and forgetting his roots, despite hailing from Nashville, Tennessee, and now living in California. She continued: ''My dad is always in a f***ing baseball hat, he's in sneakers, he's not in cowboy

ing his musical director Chris Cameron, guitarist Phil Palmer, backing singer Shirley Lewis, Lucy Jules and Jay Henry. In a statement, Geri, 44, said: ''When I first heard the sad news of his passing, I was nine months pregnant with my son Monty and I was full of emotions. I didn't know quite what to do with my feelings so I put it in a song, which became 'Angels in Chains'. I feel very blessed to have the opportunity to work on this record with Chris Porter and the same team George had hand-picked for his own projects. ''I am first and foremost a George Michael fan, so to be in the same studio with these amazingly gifted artists who have put their stamp of so many of my favourite records was a real privilege for me. ''In the process I found how healing making this record had been not only for me but also for everyone involved. This is our way of saying

amir Khan’s Dangal has been a phenomenon, whether it was its initial release in India or its release in China. The film was critically acclaimed and loved by fans. But it realised its true potential when it released at the China box office. Within no time, Aamir Khan was a darling in China and even Chinese President Xi Jinping told PM Narendra Modi how he love the film. And now, Dangal has reached another landmark. The film has replaced Johnny Depp and Mia Wasikowska’s Alice Through The Looking Glass as the 30th biggest hit of 2016 and earned almost $300 million at the box office. Trade analyst Ramesh Bala tweeted, “#Dangal with $301 M replaces #AliceThroughT-

heLookingGlass ‘s $299.5 M to become 2016 ‘s No. 30th movie and enters Top 30 2016 WW BO Club!” This is the first time a Hindi film has achieved this feat. Bala also wrote, “Dangal becomes the 1st Indian movie to do US$300 M at the WW BO.. #China – $179.41 M, #Taiwan – $6 M, RoW – $115.62 M, Total – $301.03 M.” With the film still plowing on at the box office, it will probably create the Rs 2000-crore club too, another first for an Indian film. The film has

Source: Contactmusic

already earned over 1930 crore in total. H o w e v e r, Aamir Khan will only reap limited monetary benefits from the phenomenal showing of Dangal in China. The reason for this are the rules that govern Chinese box office. The Chinese government gives only 25 per cent of the box-office revenue to foreign studios. This is a lot less than US which gives 50 percent and 40 percent in most other countries. This means the studio UTV Disney will earn around Rs 275 crore, out of which Aamir will get a percentage. Only four Indian films are allowed to screen in China; Baahubali 2 will also release in the country soon. Source : Indianexpress

North East India Fashion Week in Itanagar

‘Kats Collection’ a new store for wedding dresses that deals exclusively with high quality and exquisite designs imported from China was launched recently. The store was inaugurated by KMC Administrator, Kethosituo Sekhose, on June 10 located at CK Arcade, 1st Floor, opposite Bank of Baroda, Kohima. ‘Kats Collection’ is owned and managed by two siblings namely Visituonuo Rio, a master in Horticulture and Keneivor Rio, Architect by profession, started their business in 2011 via Facebook with clothes and shoes. With the success of the home based business, they opened Kats Collection wedding dresses at Walford junction, Dimapur, in 2016.


(Second from right) Menty Jamir during a press conference at Arunachal Press club, Itanagar.

enty Jamir, a designer from Nagaland asserted that handlooms products from North east India are so vibrant that it can rule any market in the world. Jamir and other designers from Northeast who are part of NEIFW were addressing the press at Arunachal Press Clun in Itanagar today.

The third edition of North East India Fashion Week (NEIFW), which gives weavers and designers from the northeast region a platform to showcase their creations, will be held in Itanagar from October 27 to 29 next. Designer Yana Ngoba Chakpu, also the Chief Operating Officer of NEIFW, while announcing

the dates, she also told that, "I am one of the northeast designers who works with weavers from all the northeast states. There are very less number of active weavers. So to encourage them and work with them, we met weavers from all over northeast states. As of now there are more than 150 weavers throughout North east who

are working with me." Along with designers from Assam and Nagaland, some of the weavers also attended the press meet. The NEIFW team also revealed that prior to the main event; most of the states would have their own edition wherein the weavers would meet the designers.

Blooming lovely! Gigi Hadid teams a rose motif sweater with blush pink trouser suit and funky shades as she runs errands in NYC. She's no stranger to dazzling on the runways of New York, London, Milan and Paris. And Gigi Hadid used the sidewalk as her very own runway as she ran errands around Greenwich Village in New York City on Sunday. The supermodel, 22, looked great as she slipped into a blush pink trouser suit and white rose-motif sweater while dashing around Manhattan with a female friend. (image Credit/ Mail Online)


Tuesday 13•06•2017



Special number 10 means so much to Nadal PARIS, JUne 12 (ReUteRS): A year after probably the lowest point of his career, Rafa Nadal sat in the same news conference seat on Sunday and described his 10th French Open title as one of his most special. A crushing 6-2 6-3 6-1 victory over Stan Wawrinka on Court Philippe Chatrier made the 31-year-old Spaniard the most successful player at a single slam in the professional era. The fact that he had to wait three years to claim a 15th major title made it all the sweeter -- as did the fact that uncle Toni -- his coach since he was six -- handed him the Coupe des Mousquetaires in an emotional ceremony. Nadal was forced to pull out of last year's French Open -- the tournament he cherishes most -- after potential career-threatening damage to his left wrist tendons. At that time, and with

drop a set. He leaked only 35 games -- prompting former world number one Andy Roddick to quip on Twitter: "He lost 35 games in the entire tournament... Pretty sure I've lost my car keys 35 times this year." Nadal had played down La Decima. But there was no doubt what reclaiming the title on his beloved Parisian clay meant.

Rafael Nadal celebrates after winning the final against Switzerland's Stan Wawrinka. (Reuters Photo)

his ranking sliding, his grand slam-winning days seemed to be numbered. But in an astonishing resurgence the Mallorcan reached this year's Australian Open final, losing a

classic to old sparring partner Roger Federer, and has steamrollered through the European claycourt season, winning a 10th title in Monte Carlo and Barcelona and a fifth in Madrid.

Defeat by Austria's Dominic Thiem in Rome was a minor blip as Nadal went on to enjoy total domination at Roland Garros, emulating his 2008 and 2010 titles when he did not

MAGICAL TOURNAMENT "There have been magical things that happened in this tournament for me. So happy for everything," he told a throng of media in a room alongside Court Philippe Chatrier. "Today was a very important day for me. (There) have been some tough moments with injuries, so it's great to have (a) big success like this again. I've been working a lot to be where I am today.

"For me, every Roland Garros has been very important. You have some that are (more) special than others. Every one is unique. "But it's true that this one is going to be one of the more special ones for the 10, for what happened in the ceremony after the final, for so many things. And because I am 31 already and not a kid anymore. And for the level of tennis." Asked what the most difficult moments were during the past fortnight, Nadal was stumped. There really were not any. "Obviously the semifinals and finals, the nerves are there, you know, more than before," he said. "But the closest I was to being in trouble was being 3-1 down (in the second set) against (Benoit) Paire in the first round. "The reality is I have not had any. I won all the matches with unbelievable results."

Hart confident Manchester City BAI announces teams for upcoming tourneys won't price him out of transfer new DelhI, JUne 12 (IAnS): Apart from Verma, Harsheel in the mixed doubles section. C M Y K

MAnCheSteR, JUne 12 (ReUteRS): England goalkeeper Joe Hart does not think Manchester City will hamper his chances of winning a move away from the Premier League club by putting a massive price tag on him, the 30-year-old has said. Hart, who joined City in 2010, completed a year-long loan spell at Italian side Torino last season, making 36 appearances as the club finished ninth in Serie A. Hart is looking for a permanent move away from the Etihad after being replaced by Claudio Bravo last season under manager Pep Guardiola. The Spaniard also signed Ederson from Benfica last week, so Hart is likely to get even fewer playing chances. "I certainly don't think they are going to try and price me

out of a move," Hart told reporters ahead of England's friendly against France on Tuesday. "I think there's enough respect between the player and club. "We're going to work together, there's no point in working against each other. There is no animosity between the two. They are going in their direction and I need to go in mine." Hart said stability was key to picking his next club but conceded that he had yet to receive a concrete offer. "I need an offer first and then I need to work out my options if I have choices," Hart said. "I'm not a kid any more, I can't just pack my stuff like a 19, 17-year-old and go on loan. I am a 30-year-old man with stuff I need to organise. I like stability."

In an effort to give the shuttlers enough time to prepare for international tournaments, the Badminton Association of India (BAI) has announced the teams for three upcoming tournaments. The teams were announced after a selection committee meeting was held in Bengaluru on Saturday. The committee has declared the names of the players who will travel for the upcoming tournaments starting with the Chinese Taipei Grand Prix Gold (June 27 to July 2), Canada Open Grand Prix (July 11 to 6) and US Open Grand Prix Gold (July 19 to 23) along with the announcement of the squad for the Junior Asian Badminton Championship. While World No.33 Sourabh Verma will lead the Indian charge in the men's singles category in Taipei, it will also be an ideal ground for the upcoming players to prove their mettle and make the most out of the opportunity.

Dani and Siril Verma will represent India in the men's singles category, while the women's singles section will be represented by Sri Krishna Priya and Uttejitha Rao. In Canada Open, India's hopes will be pinned on the experienced duo of World No.29 H.S. Prannoy and Parupalli Kashyap. Both these players have been on and off the court in the past season due to injury and will be eager to get back to winning ways. In the women's singles category, World No.45, Rituparna Das, one of the fastest rising players in the country will be the cynosure of all Indian eyes. Manu Attri and Sumeeth Reddy will drive the Indian challenge in the men's doubles action, while Poorvisha Ram and J. Meghana and the doubles duo of Kuhoo Garg/Nancy B. Hazarika will be representing India in the women's doubles category. N. Sikki Reddy and Pranaav Jerry Chopra will represent India

The US Open will see Saina Nehwal spearheading the women's singles contingent as she will look to annexe her first title. The men's singles action will see a strong lineup with the trio of Sameer Verma, Prannoy and Kashyap representing India in California. The mixed doubles category will see the new-found pair of Ashwini Ponappa and Satwiksairaj Rankireddy. Both the players were paired for the first time in the Sudirman Cup in Australia and they dished out jaw dropping performance drawing praise from all quarters. The pair exhibited great chemistry and they will look forward to carry their momentum in US and deliver a title winning performance. Also the junior squad for the upcoming Badminton Asian Junior Championships that will be played in Jakarta from July 22 to 30 was also announced during the meeting.

MPL 2017: Downslide continues for Morung Utd Morung Express News Kohima | June 12

The downslide for Morung United continued on June 12 suffering its 4th straight defeat since it managed a 2-2 draw with Mustang FC on May 18. On Tuesday, Morung was handed a 4-1 thrashing by the All Blacks in an almost one-sided encounter. Morung started well getting the lead in the 16th minute through Limasanen. However, the celebrations lasted only till the

44th as All Blacks’ Akho equalised. Following the break, the All Blacks, flying high on the late first half equaliser held on to take 3-1 lead through 2 back-to-back goals in a space of 2 minutes. The 2nd and 3rd goals were scored by Azo and Vasupra in the in the 67th and 68th minute. Azo sealed the match scoring his 2nd and the team’s 4th goal in the 80th minute. June 13 Fixture

Medical XI Vs Silverwhite

RSA meeting on June 16

KOhIMA, JUne 12 (Mexn): The Rengma Sports Association (RSA) informed that it will convene an emergency meeting on June 16 at the DUDA Guest House, Kohima

at 10:00 am. In this regard, the RSA asked its office bearers, including women coordinators, range executives and newly inducted officials to attend the meeting without fail.

Super 6 tourney from June 20 KOhIMA, JUne 12 (Mexn): The 1st Tennis Ball Super Six Tournament will be held from June 20-22 in Kohima. The organisers, Middle Bayavy Youth Organisation, informed that it will be held at the High School ground. The tournament will carry a total cash prize of Rs. 17,500. Forms are available free of cost at North-

ern Sports below CANNSEA Office Kohima; Kiran Sports, Mato Complex BOC Junction Kohima; Sports World, near Pollitos Kohima and Hanna Store, opposite Peraciezie Baptist Church, High School, Kohima. For further information please contact: 8575419986/ 9774528717 / 9774180580 / 8014809693

Naga academic run for charity in the UK

Next season will see England to rotate keepers in France friendly two new teams at ISL new DelhI, JUne 12 (IAnS): The Indian Super League (ISL) football tournament will see two new teams from next season with the introduction of franchises from Jamshedpur and Bengaluru. The Jamshedpur franchise is owned by Tata Steel Limited while the Jindal South West (JSW) group owns the Bengaluru team. "The ISL, in its fourth edition, will witness an expanded five-month module with number of participating clubs increasing to 10 from its original eight founding member city clubs," Football Sports Development Limited (FSDL), the organisers of the ISL, said in a statement on Monday. "The inclusion of two new clubs came through the 'Invitation To Bid' tender process floated by FSDL last month. An independent panel along with consulting firm EY evaluated the bids to present its report today to the panel, in the presence of All India Football Federation (AIFF) General Secretary Kushal Das," the statement said. "Tata Steel Ltd, which has won the bid to participate in ISL from Jamshedpur, Jharkhand, are the pioneering Indian corporate to have provided national football with perennial pool of young footballers since 1987 through its Jamshedpur based facility -Tata Football Academy "JSW Group which owns the successful football club Bengaluru FC through its subsidiary JSW Sports won the right to participate in ISL from Bengaluru city. JSW Group has to its credit established a very successful and profession-

ally run football club in ILeague within a short period of 3 years; winning the competition twice including in its debut year," the statement added. The ISL started in 2014 with eight city based teams -- Atletico de Kolkata, NorthEast United, Delhi Dynamos, FC Goa, Mumbai City FC, FC Pune City, Chennaiyin FC and Kerala Blasters. Kolkata giants Mohun Bagan and East Bengal were also in talks with the AIFF in recent days over their inclusion in the ISL. But the negotiations hit a roadblock after the two clubs laid down several conditions before the AIFF< Among other things, the two clubs have demanded that they should be exempt from paying the franchisee fee of Rs 15 crore and they should be allowed to use Kolkata as their home base. The issue of using Kolkata as a home base by Mohun Bagan and East Bengal have grave implications for Atletico de Kolkata -- the current ISL representatives from the city -- as it will mean that their support base in football-crazy West Bengal will disappear overnight. Das expressed satisfaction with the bid evaluation process, and hoped that the expansion of the ISL will improve the standard of the game in the country. "The interest shown by India's two large corporates to be part of ISL and Indian football's growth story is an indication of the growing popularity of the sport in the country," he said. "Their contribution to Indian football has been immense and will only set the high standards in ISL."

lOnDOn, JUne 12 (ReUteRS): England will field different goalkeepers in each half in Tuesday's friendly against France on Tuesday, manager Gareth Southgate said. Burnley's Tom Heaton will start, with Stoke's Jack Butland playing the second half. Southgate said it was always his intention to rest

Joe Hart, who has been criticised for conceding two free kicks late on in Saturday's 2-2 draw with Scotland. "I am conscious of keeping people involved in the squad and giving them game time. Tom Heaton will start, and Jack Butland play the second half," he told a press conference. Harry Kane will again captain the side against

a France side expected to feature young Monaco striker Kylian Mbappe, who has been linked with a 112 million euro ($126 million) move to one of Europe's big clubs. "Of all the countries we have played against at youth level, France are the most impressive in terms of depth of talent and athletic profile of their players, and

Mbappe has excelled this season," said Southgate. "We have seen him in the Champions League and he is an indication of their depth of talent." Both teams will wear black armbands for the game and a minute's silent will precede kick-off in tribute to the victims of recent attacks in Manchester and London.

'Kumble remains India coach till Windies tour' new DelhI, JUne 12 (IAnS): The Indian cricket board's Committee of Administrators (CoA) Chairman, Vinod Rai said on Monday that India cricket team coach Anil Kumble's tenure will be extended till the end of the upcoming tour to the West Indies. "Coach selection has been entrusted to the CAC (Cricket Advisory Committee), which selected Anil Kumble last year for a oneyear contract. Now the process has to be followed. But since the process has been delayed, Kumble, subject to his accepting, will be there for the West Indies tour," Rai told reporters here. "The CAC is meeting in London to decide upon the road ahead," he added. Kumble's current oneyear contract with the Board of Control for Cricket in India (BCCI) will expire on June 18, when the final of the ongoing Champions Trophy is to be held. India's tour of the West Indies, which will include five One-Day Internationals (ODI) and a single Twenty20 International is scheduled to run from June 23 to July 9. Doubts have been raised on Kumble's chances of bagging a renewed contract as coach of the

national team following reports of a rift with a few senior members in the India squad, including captain Virat Kohli. Kumble's demand of a steep hike in his own salary as well that of the players has also reportedly drawn the ire of several BCCI officials. Rai, however, insisted that reports of a rift between Kohli and Kumble have been blown out of proportion. "The fact is that it was a one-year contract, so a process was followed. I don't know why the controversy. I have spoken to both of them and neither of them has confirmed what has

come out," Rai said. "How can the situation be handled better? The fact that the contract is for one year was known, so why the controversy?" he added. CAC members Sachin Tendulkar, V.V.S. Laxman and Sourav Ganguly are in London and are scheduled to meet both Kumble and Kohli before coming out with a decision. "We have left it to the CAC, they are legends, they know what is best for Indian cricket," Rai said. "The CAC will have meeting in London and deliberate on future course." Former CoA member Ramchandra Guha had mentioned several in-

stances of alleged conflict of interest in the working of the BCCI, including Rahul Dravid's role as India A and India U-19 coach as well as mentor of the Delhi Daredevils team in the Indian Premier League (IPL). "All issues regarding conflict of interest will be referred to the ethics officer appointed by the BCCI. He will be appointed soon. A lot of complaints regarding conflict of interest have been received," Rai said. "Guha's letter will be discussed in the SC (Supreme Court) as we are a court appointed agency and we owe our explanation only to the court," he added.

Dr. Achingliu Kamei (centre) at the St. Albans Half Marathon.

DIMAPUR, JUne 12 (Mexn): A Naga academic took part in the St. Albans Half Marathon, a charity event organised annually in the UK. Dr. Achingliu Kamei, who teaches at the Atma Ram Sanatan Dharma College, Delhi University, took part in the run for charity held this year on June 11 near London. The St. Albans Half Marathon was the result of a businessman, Phil Gibson’s endeavour to raise money for a hospital scanner following the death of his mother from breast cancer. Founded in 1982, the event is regarded as one of the best half marathons in England. According to a press release, Dr. Kamei is an avid runner and chose to take part in the 21km run “because it touched her, as her mother too battled cancer and passed away at the age of 56 in the year 2004.” “Achingliu Kamei has been running in officialtimed runs for over six years. She has been participating in half marathons in cities like Delhi, Ladakh, Goa and many other places. She is a Naga from Manipur, with two daughters. She discovered her love of running late in life.” The release said that she discovered a love for running in 2012 when she was invited to run for a charity by a friend in the year 2012. Two years

later, she completed her first half marathon, aged 47 together with her husband, at the Airtel Delhi Half Marathon. Dr. Kamei, alongwith her husband is credited as having participated in 12 official chipped timed running events across India. As a teacher, the release said that she takes a keen interest in assisting students from the northeast at her college and is also behind ‘Rainbow Fest’ – an annual cultural festival of the college to bring together the diverse student communities in the college. She has also published a book titled ‘Dawn’ recently, the first book in a series of Naga Tales, it added. Her passion for running has encourage others to lead an active life, the release said, while adding that she also leads a running group in the city. The release further said that her friends Dharkat Rungshung and Dr. Solomi Vio also participated for the first time in the St. Albans 5km chipped timed run for the first time. “Running has made me respect my body and its changing needs as I grow older. Slow or fast doesn’t matter. All I know is how important it is to cross the finishing line strong,” the release quoted Dr. Kamei as stating.

Published, Printed and Edited by Dr. Aküm Longchari from House No. 4, Duncan Bosti, Dimapur at Themba Printers and Morung Publications , Padum Pukhuri Village, Dimapur, Nagaland. RNI No : NAGENG /2005/15430. House No.4, Duncan Bosti, Dimapur 797112, Nagaland. Phone: Dimapur -(03862) 248854, Fax: (03862) 235194, Kohima - (0370) 2291952

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