June 14th, 2017

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WednesdAY • June 14 • 2017

DIMAPUR • Vol. XII • Issue 161• 12 PAGes • 5

T H e

ESTD. 2005

Life can only be understood backwards; but it must be lived forwards

P o W e R


T R u T H

— Søren Kierkegaard

6th Edition of Handshake Concert in Hanoi Vietnam

Dennis Rodman says ‘trying to open door’ in North Korea

o F

Warriors are 2017 NBA champions



State Vigilance files suo moto case Nagaland - How Tech Savvy our Government? Part II on Pillai’s appointment as consultant isDepartmental Websites: Glorious inertia

Mystery over Nagaland Police truck in Pandalam continues Morung Express News Dimapur | June 13

The State Vigilance Commission, Nagaland has filed a suo moto case on the appointment of MKR Pillai as a ‘Consultant’ to the Nagaland Police. The filing of the case comes in the backdrop of the Nagaland state government maintaining stoic silence over the simultaneous raids and huge wealth uncovered from the establishments of Pillai by the investigation wing of the Income Tax in Kochi on June 8. A senior Nagaland state Vigilance officer disclosed Tuesday on condition of anonymity that a suo moto FIR was registered at the Vigilance Police Station, Kohima on June 12. As stated by the officer, the filing of the case was the


By Sandemo Ngullie

Brought back your money. Nobody’s accepting your pre election chai pani!!!

Gujarat CM must apologise: AICC


DIMAPUR, JUNE 13 (MExN): The All India Congress Committee’s Minority Department Observer for Meghalaya, Mizoram and Nagaland Rejaul Karim Laskar has strongly condemned the Gujarat State School Textbook Board (GSSTB) gaffe for terming Jesus Christ as hevaan (demon) in its Hindi textbook for class IX. A statement from the Observer said that “terming Jesus Christ as demon the Gujarat State School Textbook Board has hurt the sentiments of not only over 30 million Indian Christians who hold Jesus Christ as the Lord saviour but also over 180 million Indian Muslims who venerate him as Prophet.” He also wondered whether it was an unintentional mistake or deliberate attempt to hurt the sentiment of over 20 million religious minorities of India. Laskar has demanded an unconditional apology from the Chief Minister of Gujarat Vijay Rupani and strict action on those responsible for this objectionable reference in the text book. He also demanded immediate withdrawal of the offensive textbooks.

20 bank accounts in Nagaland

ThIRUvANANThAPURAM, JUNE 13 (MAThRUbhUMI NEws): The account details of MKR Pillai, who amassed assets worth crores of rupees in Nagaland, have been made public. The IT sleuths, who conducted raids at the residences of Sreevalsam group's chairman and directors on June 8 had conducted raids at Nagaland also. The details obtained from Nagaland have been made public by Mathrubhumi News. The account details of MKR Pillai, his wife Valsala Raj and son

Arun Raj has been made public. The account details prove that money from Nagaland is behind the growth of Sreevalsam group. Pillai has 20 bank accounts in Nagaland. The IT officials had seized the documents about the amounts in Pillai's bank accounts and transactions as of June 1, 2016. The 20 accounts are in the 10 banks in Kohima, Dimapur and Lerie. These accounts had Rs 1,49,96,321 as of June 1, 2016. Crores of rupees were flown to Kerala through these accounts. The

Moa Jamir Dimapur | June 13

IT department is also probing about these accounts and the transactions conducted through these accounts. MKR PIllai's wife Valsala Raj has five accounts in Kohima and Dimapur. The other accounts are in Bengaluru and Chennai. The accounts had around Rs 89 lakh as of June 1, 2016. Pillai's son Arun Raj has accounts in four bank. He has five accounts in Kohima alone. He has five accounts in Kohima alone. The other accounts are in Bengaluru and other places. Rs 49,45,475 was available in these accounts.

When the official website of the Chief Minister of Nagaland was launched in September 2016, it was reported that Cabinet had also asked every department to earmark 3 per cent of their budget allocation for IT-related activities. The government departments have been asked to mandatorily create a separate departmental website hosted by the Nagaland State Data Centre, it noted. While some departmental websites were up to date on its activities, most of them seem to be stuck in time – in a glorious inertia, oblivious to changes around them or even in their respective departments. A visit to many websites listed in the result of “demand from the cy, Cheating and section 34 Asked what would be attend an official meeting state’s portal https://www.nagaland.gov. people that the Vigilance of the IPC.” the implications for the and was on his way back to in/ thus is an exercise in futility. should take up Suo Moto The officer further state police department Kohima today. case on the appointment maintained that the inves- and the Nagaland state Questions further re- In many govt dept websites, of Pillai as consultant.” tigation will be confined to government as the Vigi- main unanswered on the TR Zeliang still Nagaland CM Want to know the latest status of The designation of Pillai is the state of Nagaland and lance investigation pro- mysterious Nagaland Poentered as “MTO/Consul- would examine the nature ceeds, the official stated it lice truck that was reported forest in Nagaland? The Department tant” in the official online of the appointment and would be wise not to spec- to have been found at one of Forests, Ecology, Environment and directory of the Nagaland the circumstances under ulate at this stage. of Pillai’s properties in Pan- Wildlife’s website is not the right place. Police Headquarters. which it was made. As for Meanwhile, DGP, Na- dalam, Kerala during the Its latest status on flora and fauna and Stating that the inves- the “unaccounted wealth” galand, LL Doungel when IT raids. Asked on this, the forest was January 1, 2001. The Department of Agriculture Nagatigation would involve the part, the officer said the In- contacted said that he was DGP said the report too is land is still ‘uncultivated’. Though planted in examining of “a number of come Tax is already on the still to get official intima- still to be ascertained. 2003, the Department of Horticulture Nagafactors,” the officer added job and the Nagaland state tion about the filing of the Pillai is reported to have land website is yet to bloom. The Sericulture that the charges were filed Vigilance cannot take over FIR by the Vigilance as he returned to Kohima on and Soil and Water Conservation departunder “Criminal Conspira- the job from them. was away in Mizoram to June 12. ments’ websites were not working. Forget consumer protection, the Legal Metrology & Consumer Protection Department itself seems to be unaware about any changes. Its ‘latest statement’ on Working of Consumer Fora/Consumer Protection was last quarter for Year Ending June 31, 2006. The Labour & Employment Department A statement from the Working website is a blank page with just the departDIMAPUR, JUNE 13 (MExN): the protracted Naga political probGroup informed that the NBCC ex- ment name and nothing to offer. The DeThe Nagaland Tribes Council (NTC) lem “if invited by GOI.” The meeting further resolved that pressed hope that the coming together partment of Social Welfare is copyrighted Mediation Committee held a meeting with the 6 Naga National Political henceforth, the 6 NNPGs will joint- of six NNPGs would strengthen histori- to 2017, but last updated on March 15, 2016. Groups (NNPGs) under the platform ly work under the NNPG-Working cal, social, and spiritual cord among all According to the Directorate of Evaluof Working Group on June 12 and re- Group towards the common aspira- Nagas. “The church also appealed that ation website, TR Zeliang is still the Chief the other political groups who are yet to Minister and Banuo Z Jamir, the Chief Secreaffirmed its earlier commitment to tion of the people. come forward into the fold be invited tary. Its last Annual Administrative Reports work cohesively in the best interest of Seeks NBCC’s ‘spiritual blessing’ unconditionally so that the great prom- is 2013-14. Naga people as a whole. The NNPGs Working Group also ise of God to Nagas could be fulfilled,” it A press note from the NTC media Ditto for the Department of New and cell informed that the meeting began met the Nagaland Baptist Church added. The NBCC, also “assured con- Renewable Energy and its ‘latest informawith 2 minutes of silence in respect to Council (NBCC) today, wherein the tinued unceasing prayer support for the tion’ is a tender notice for Solar Street Light the departed Naga Leader SS Khap- NNPG leaders sought the NBCC’s peace and unity of the Naga people.” in 2012. The NNPGs meanwhile endorsed lang, who passed away on June 9. The spiritual blessing, while also briefThe Department of Food and Civil SupNNPG Working Group expressed its ing the church leaders on the positive NBCC's Clean Election Campaign plies, the nodal agency for catering of Food readiness to enter into political nego- steps taken by the NNPGs to come to- whilestronglyaffirmingthattheNNPGs grains and other essential commodities is tiation with the Government of India gether and pursue the common aspi- will not involve, indulge or participate in too on a slumber with no perceptible activIndian elections. (GoI) for a lasting political solution to ration of the people. ity since the launching of Nagaland Food Se-

NNPGs Working Group ready for ‘political negotiations’ with Government of India

curity Act in June, 27 2016. The latest update on Administrative Training Institute’s website is the inaugural 'Common Induction Programme' of 2014 batch IAS, IPS, NCS, NPS & Allied Services probationers. The Department of Irrigation & Flood Control report on ‘latest event’ was Friday, January 18 2011.The resource on departmental activities was M.I Projects taken up under AIBP 2014-15. Inaugural of a Pay & Use Toilet outside Secretariat Office, Kohima on February and awareness programmme in March 2015 are the latest events in Public Health Engineering Department’s website. Though Nagaland Water Policy-2016 is available in the website, it latest status of Rural Water Supply in Nagaland is April 1, 2014. The Department of Soil and Water Conservation website was not working. The latest activities listed in Department of Science & Technology – Nagaland was on 2014. The Directorate of Urban Development Department’s website is ‘underdeveloped’ and the latest administrative report available is 2007-08. While dates in Department of Rural Development’s website get updated by default, its activities suggest that it has not been updated since 2015. A Facebook page given in the website also has zero post. The State Institute of Rural Development’s only resource available on its website is Administrative Reports 2015-2016. The State Council of Educational Research and Training, Nagaland (SCERT), the academic wing of the Department of School Education ‘latest news’ was posted on 9 September, 2015. The Directorate of Higher Education still led by C Khalong Ao as director according to its website. He retired in June 2015. The latest status of manpower and institutions in Veterinary & Animal Husbandry’s website was on 2003. The Department of Health & Family Welfare website is ailing with ‘obsolete’ data. While State Resource Centre for Women, Nagaland is active offline activities, it’s online avatar was not ‘resourceful’ and has not been updated since 2014. The same was the case for NSDMA and Nagaland Home Guard and Civil Defense. The Department of Information Technology & Communication (IT&C) is meant to act as a promoter/facilitator in the field of Information Technology in the state but news on its latest activities were missing on its website. Next on the series - Nagaland Government dept websites that are ‘alive and kicking’; District Profiles.

Process for President’s election kicks in today Governor appeals for more blood donation NEw DELhI, JUNE 13 (IANs): The process for electing India's 13th President will be set in motion formally on Wednesday when the Election Commission issues a notification paving the way for filing of nominations for the July 17 contest in which the ruling NDA seems to have an edge. The last date for filing of nominations is June 28. Scrutiny will follow on June 29 and the last date for withdrawal is July 1. The vote count will be on July 20, four days before incumbent Pranab Mukherjee's term ends. The new President is set to take charge the next day. The electoral college for choosing the President consists of 4,896 voters. While the Lok Sabha has 543 voters and the Rajya Sabha 233, the overwhelming majority (4,120) come from state assemblies - MLAs. The total value of votes in the election is 10,98,903 -5,49,408 for MPs and 5,49,495 for MLAs. The value of each vote of an MP is 708 but this differs for MLAs from state to state. The value of an MLA's vote in Uttar Pradesh is the highest (208) and the least (7) in Sikkim. The NDA is short of the half-way mark by about 18,000 votes. But it expects to gain the support of many smaller parties besides all the factions of the feuding

AIADMK which alone has a vote value of over 26,000. In 2012, Mukherjee, the nominee of the Congress-led UPA, got 7,13,763 votes while his sole rival P.A. Sangma, fielded by the BJP-led NDA, secured 3,15,987 -- of the total vote value of 10,29,750. Mukherjee assumed office on July 25, 2012. The election will see secret ballot and political parties can't issue a whip to MPs or MLAs. The Election Commission has said special pens will be provided to voters in view of a row that sorrounded voting for a Rajya Sabha seat in Haryana last year. "Electors have to mark the ballot only with this pen and not with any other pen. Voting by any other pen may lead to invalidation of the vote," Chief Election Commissioner Nasim Zaidi has said. A nomination paper has to be subscribed by at least 50 electors as 'Proposers' and by at least another 50 as 'Seconders'. The election is held in accordance with the system of proportional representation by means of single transferable vote. Every elector can have as many preferences as the candidates contesting the election and the winner has to secure the required quota of votes to be declared elected -- 50 per cent of the valid

votes plus one. Lok Sabha Secretary General Anoop Mishra will be the Returning Officer. Votes will be cast in Parliament House and in state assemblies. The vote count will take place in Delhi. Assistant Returning Officers will be appointed in all state capitals, besides Delhi and Puducherry. Each candidate will be allowed to deploy a representative at the venue of polling. "MPs are expected to vote in Parliament House in Delhi and the MLAs in their assemblies but they can vote at another polling station in case of exigency," Zaidi said. The BJP on Monday said it was for a consensus candidate and formed a threemember committee of senior ministers to talk to other political parties. Its members are two former BJP Presidents Rajnath Singh (Home) and M. Venkaiah Naidu (Urban Development) as well as Finance Minister Arun Jaitley. The BJP has not given any indication about its likely nominee but opposition parties including the Congress have held parleys to find a consensus candidate. Lok Sabha Speaker Sumitra Mahajan and tribal leader Draupadi Murmu's names are doing the rounds as possible government's choice for the Presidential election.

KohIMA, JUNE 13 (MExN): On the eve of World Blood Donor Day-June 14, Governor of Nagaland and Arunachal Pradesh, PB Acharya today said that the event was established in 2004 which aims to raise awareness of the need for safe blood and blood products, and to thank blood donors for their voluntary, lifesaving gifts of blood. “Let's take a moment to express our heartfelt gratitude to each and every blood donor. It is because of these

heroes, that we believe life will be given a better chance. Thank You Dear Blood Donors” he stated. “We don't just need to give blood in the event of tragedies or emergencies. Instead, it should be a normal and routine part of our lives,” the Governor appealed. The PRO to the Governor in a press release added the Governor also called on NGOs, Civil Organisation, Scout and Guides, Ex Servicemen, etc to organize blood donation camps on different occasions. “It is

a healthy gesture. We must keep this aptitude up at any cost. Our blood banks are running short of required blood. By organizing such blood donation camps we may help them to enrich their capacity,” he said. Stating that blood donation is our human duty, Governor Acharya called on the citizens to come forward and donate blood as blood donation is one of the most significant contributions that a person can make towards the society.

One accused of attempted rape arrested Eastern frontal organisations Morung Express News Dimapur | June 13

One youth accused of attempted rape was arrested by the police in Dimapur on June 13. The incident reportedly occurred at Ura Villa colony on June 13 at around 2:00 am. The youth allegedly in-

truded the house of a couple while they were asleep. The circumstances that led to the arrest remained vague as the police stated that inquiry was still in the preliminary stage. The youth was apprehended by residents of the locality in the morning and taken into custody by the police.

RBI issues new batch of Rs 500 notes MUMbAI, JUNE 13 (IANs): The Reserve Bank of India has issued a new batch of Rs 500 denomination notes, an official statement said on Tuesday. "In continuation of issuing of Rs 500 denomination banknotes in Mahatma Gandhi (new) series from time to time which are currently legal tender, a new batch of banknotes with inset letter

"A" in both the number panels, bearing the signature of Urjit R. Patel, Governor, Reserve Bank of India; with the year of printing '2017' on the reverse, are being issued," an official statement said. The design of these notes is similar in all respects to the Rs 500 banknotes in Mahatma Gandhi (New) Series, which were notified on November 8, 2016.

resolve to strengthen ENPO

DIMAPUR, JUNE 13 (MExN): The Eastern Naga Students’ Federation (ENSF), Eastern Naga Women Organisation (ENWO), Eastern Naga Gazetted Officers’ Association (ENGOA) and the Eastern Nagaland Legislatures Union (ENLU) held a consultative meeting with the six apex tribal bodies (Konyak Union, United Sangtam Likhum Bhumji, Yimchungru Tribal Council, Khiamniungan Tribal Council, Chang Khulei Setsang, Phom People’s Council) on June 13 at Hotel Japfu in Kohima. The emergency consultative & coordination meeting resolved to “strive in re-strengthening & redefining the sanctity of the Eastern Nagaland People’s Organisation (ENPO).” A joint statement from the ENSF, ENGOA, ENWO and ENLU informed that during the coordination meeting, the “present political commotion that inflicts upon the sanctity of the Social Institution” was seriously deliberated. It added that the house also resolved to “uphold social & political integrity in the larger interest of the people of Eastern Nagaland.”


wednesday 14•06•2017



6th Edition of Handshake NStCB Mkg promotes ‘Going Digital’ Concert in Hanoi Vietnam

Rattle and Hum Society representatives during the press conference held at Dream Café Kohima on June 13. (Morung Photo) Morung Express News Kohima | June 13

The 6th International Edition of the Handshake concert initiated by Nagaland’s Rattle and Hum Music Society will be held on June 17 at Hanoi, Vietnam. Total of 17 artists from the North East India will be performing at the concert along with five officials. The artists from Northeast India performing are ‘Ride and the Musical Folks’ from Meghalaya, Polar Lights from Nagaland, Charaideo Sanksritik Gosthi from Assam, Vekhriyi & Vetahülü from Nagaland, announced the Rattle and Hum Society during a press conference held at Dream Café Kohima on June 13. What makes the concert special this year, according to Theja Meru, is that this year’s edition coincides with the 45th Anniversary of diplomatic relation between India and Vietnam. The Handshake Concert is, thus

is being organised as part of the celebrations commemorating the 45th Anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between India and Vietnam, and the Third International Yoga Day. The Handshake Concert is the only performance representing India in the celebration. The Concert is further supported by the North Eastern Council, Ministry of DoNAR, Eclectic North East, besides the patronage of the Governor of Nagaland PB Acharya. This year’s edition will be the first time the Concert has been supported by NEC. On choosing Polar Lights, one of the most popular bands in Nagaland, the team said, “They wanted a progressive band and Polar lights fit exactly what they wanted.” With the objective to promote and launch new artists, the Society also chose Vekhriyi and & Vetahülü, traditional folk singers from the

Chakhesang community which the team labeled as ‘very original art of singing, fully organic and authentic’. Vekhriyi is also a former Wrestling champion of Nagaland. Bands from North East India were chosen with the intention to focus on the ‘Pan-Northeast’ where there are so many artists that are really good but not well known. “We feel that we need to grow and expand our horizon by promoting artists in other states,” said Meru. The team also stated that all the lyrics of the artist are scrutinized so that it does not hurt the sentiment on the ideology of the country. The team stated that there has been tremendous impact on the artists who were given opportunites in the past Handshake Concerts. “It is an incredible time for them to get exposure, international platform and also for people to know more about Nagaland for which we are very proud.” said Neingulie Nakhro. “Many times it’s not about where Nagaland is but what Nagaland is, and we’ve had the time to share more details, our way of life, our culture, to popularize our state, culture and musician.” added Theja Meru. The team claimed that the Concert has enabled better networking among musicians and the Naga artists has also been able to enhance their skills, stage performances, and transformation in the direction

of creativity. Rattle and Hum Music Society The Rattle and Hum Music society will be completing its 10th year this year. Talking about its achievement during the press conference the team informed that the Society has performed in four cities of India besides the International Edition of the Handshake Concert and the Raj Bhavan edition which is an ongoing event taking place in Hornbill Fest. “We just launched the Nation Edition which will take place this year in Bangalore. There are more initiatives coming.” announced the team. Through the Handshake concert initiative last year in Korea, the team has been invited again to perform at the Saraang Festival- an Indian Festival in Korea which will be held in October. In the month of August, Rattle and Hum Society will be sending one band from Nagaland in Vladivostok, Russia to perform for the V-Rox Festival. The band is being sponsored by ICCR. “We can only get better and the best of times are waiting for us,” said Theja Meru. Earlier, a seven member team from the Rattle & Hum Music Society met the Chief Minister of Nagaland, Dr. Shürhozelie Liezietsu at his office chamber and apprised him of the upcoming India- Vietnam Handshake Concert scheduled to be held at Hanoi in Vietnam on June 17.

Mokokchung, June 13 (Mexn): The Nagaland State Co-operative Bank, Mokokchung Branch with the objective of ‘Going Digital’ organized a programme at Chami Village on June 6 and Mopungchuket Village on June 9 coinciding with Financial Literacy Week as directed by RBI. The programme was attended by the Branch officials along with DDM NABARD, S. Amarjit Mangang and participated by 89 people comprising of village council chairman, council members, VDB secretary and board members, SHGs, farmers club and well wishers. The Branch Manager

explained the working of Cooperative Banks in the state and discussed on various deposits schemes. He mentioned that the Cooperative Banks coinciding with the Golden Jubilee of the bank had introduced schemes like Saving Premium and Co-operative Gold which yields higher rate of interest compared to any deposits scheme offered by other banks. The bank also offered adoption of Mopungchuket Village as a “Golden Village” whereby any facilities requirement by the village will be given utmost priority, informed a press note received here. The branch Manager shared the work-

ing of NSRLM where Kubulong block has been selected and requested them to actively participate in the NSRLM Mission. S. Amarjit Mangang, DDM NABARD also attended both the programme and deliberated on the concept of Going Digital, its objectives and the focus aims of the Central Government. He explained how UPI/ digital transaction can be done easily even without a smartphone and internet connectivity just by using the BHIM App or dialing *99# and explained that the transaction can be done at real time transfer. R. Asenla, Senior Field

Inspector deliberated on various loans and advances offered by the bank and the procedure to avail the credit facilities. She focused on exercising credit discipline where borrowing should be done within ones repayment capacity to invest in assets which can generate income and create value. She also explained how formation of JLGs, Farmers club, SHGs is done. The meeting was chaired by Temsulepden, Nodal Officer FLCC Mokokchung. Queries were discussed and the gathering ended with a vote of thanks by the Village Council Chairman of both the villages.

Soybean Oil Processing Unit inaugurated

Members of Molunglem SHG of Padumpukhuri village with officials during the inauguration of Soybean Oil Processing Unit.

DiMapur, June 13 (Mexn): A Soybean Oil Processing Unit sponsored by AICRP-Soybean TSP

was inaugurated by Prof. mapur on June 12. R. C. Gupta, Dean, NU: The said unit was forSASRD, Medziphema at mally handed over to MolPadumpukhuri village, Di- unglem SHG of Padump-

ukhuri village, Dimapur after signing an Undertaking by the all women SHG. The processing unit comprises of a Soybean cracker machine and Oil Expeller with filter and broiler. While inaugurating the unit, the chief guest, Prof. R.C. Gupta expressed that it is a boon for the farmers of the state as the processing unit can not only process soybean but can also efficiently process 36 different types of oilseeds. Moreover, the cracker machine can also efficiently process different cereals, spices and oilseeds. This was stated in a press release issued by Dr. L. Tongpang Longkumer, Programme Officer, AICP-Soybean TSP, NU: SASRD.

wednesday 14•06•2017



Ten swept away by surging Mizoram river Fresh violence erupts in Darjeeling

aizawl, june 13 (Mexn): At least 10 persons were feared killed when they were swept away by surging waters of a river in Mizoram on Tuesday, IANS reported the state police as saying. The victims were swept away in Carnafulu river in a remote location in Lunglei district, according to the police. While one body was fished out, search is on for the remaining persons, the police added. The Newmai News Network reported that the overflowing Tlawng and Khawthlangtuipui rivers caused by incessant rainfall have submerged over 400 houses. The hill state has been witnessing incessant rain and resultant landslides in various parts since Sunday. Government sources said at least three districts of Lunglei, Serchip, and Aizawl have been severely affected by flash floods and landslides triggered by incessant downpour in the past few days. National Highway 54, which links the state with Assam, has been cut off at different places due to landslides in Lunglei, Siaha, Lawngtlai, Serchhip and Champhai districts. Landslides and incessant rains have blocked several roads in Aizawl town,

2 killed in Guwahati flash floods guwahati, june 13 (ianS): Two persons were killed due to incessant rains that sparked flash floods in Assam's Guwahati city on Tuesday, disrupting normal life and causing immense suffering to lakhs of people. Kamrup Deputy Commissioner M. Angamuthu said the dead included a school student and a man who were electrocuted on Zoo Road. "We have ordered a probe into the incident," he said. He said rescue operations were on to help the marooned in different areas of the city. The incessant rains that began on Tuesday morning blocked the two main arterial routes in the

and power supply lines were snapped and telecommunication system was disrupted in the state capital. NNN further reported that over 500 volunteers of Young Mizo Association (YMA) have swung into action to help the distressed people. It was informed that over 138 families have been evacuated to safer places. The affected were shifted to community halls and school building, the NNN report stated.

city, triggering traffic congestion and submerging several localities. Chief Minister Sarbananda Sonowal was to go to Karbi Anglong to address two public rallies regarding the forthcoming election to the Karbi Anglong Autonomous Council (KAAC). The programme was cancelled as the chopper he was supposed to take failed to take of due to heavy rains. The Chief Minister even failed to reach his office at Janata Bhavan in Assam's Dispur area due to water logging on roads. The administration ordered the closure of schools and other educational institutions on Wednesday. Over 1500 families in Tlabung sub-division have been affected by the flood, the NNN report added. Meanwhile, Union Home Minister Rajnath Singh had to cancel his scheduled aerial visit to the India-Myanmar border in the state on Tuesday as the chopper carrying him failed to take off due to heavy rain. Singh later reached the Aizawl airport by road and returned to New Delhi, IANS reported.

Darjeeling, june 13 (ianS): Gorkha Janamukti Morcha (GJM) supporters clashed with police during a protest rally here on Tuesday -- day two of the indefinite shutdown called by the party in the northern West Bengal hills pressing for a separate state of Gorkhaland. The GJM also convened an all-party meeting where six parties, including the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP), participated and lent unanimous support to the demand for Gorkhaland while condemning the "police action" on GJM activists on June 8. The slogan-shouting protestors turned violent when they were stopped at Chowk Bazar, and pelted bricks at the security forces, prompting police to resort to baton charge to disperse the crowd. Dividing themselves into small units, the Morcha activists used narrow lanes and bylanes of Darjeeling to take out the rally in order to bypass the tight security on main roads. Senior police officers, including newly-appointed Superintendent of Police Akhilesh Chaturvedi, were seen patrolling the streets, alongside the army, counter-insurgency force and A scene at Tlabung sub division of Mizoram where flooding the Central Reserve Police Force (CRPF) personnel. Khawthlangtuipui river affects villages. (NNN Photo) "The activists became violent and indulged in stone pelting our forces near Chowk Bazar. But the mob has been dispersed. Krishna Kumar, IAS, and coming of the new State urged the new DC to work Government and efficient AFFIDAVIT "diligently" to develop the officer at the helm of affairs Regd. No. 366 of the district, improvement district in every sphere. Shri. Iteudiakpe Newme S/o "There has been no and progress of the district I,Heureng Zemi of Jalukie Town, regularity in attendance administration are much on PO & PS Jalukie, Peren Dist. of officers in the district in the card," the NSUC stated Nagaland hereby declared that: 1. That I am the deponent of this the past, however with the in a sanguine note. affidavit.

Complete all pending projects: NSUC appeals ChanDel, june 13 (nnn): The Naga Student Union Chandel (NSUC) has appealed the State Government of Manipur to complete all pending government sanctioned projects in Chandel district. "It is learnt that, a number of projects/constructions are stalled with no further progress due to the government shutting the inflow of sanctioned funds," NSUC President Langhu David alleged and rued, "This is one factor which hampers the smooth progress of the region". Asserting that the NSUC will act as “mouthpiece” for the people and defend the interest of Chandel “at any

cost”, the union appealed the State Government to complete all pending projects. He also appealed the "state authority" to depute adequate teachers and provide required infrastructure to government schools and colleges in the district. Meanwhile, the NSUC in a press statement congratulated Letpao Haokip, the MLA representing Chandel assembly constituency, on his elevation as cabinet minister in the Manipur State Government. The union expressed hope that the minister will ensure improvement of livelihood for the people in the district irrespective of tribes and further assured

its cooperation in addressing "various core issues" pertaining to education and development. The NSUC also extended its "welcome" to the newly deputed Deputy Commissioner of Chandel,


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Regd. No: 238/2017

Dated: 13/06/17

I, Shri. LANGPI KHIAMN, S/o Lt. Chongba, resident of H/No. 780/10, Sector I, Diphupar B, Dimapur, Nagaland, do hereby solemnly affirm and declare as under: 1. That I am a bonafide citizen of India belonging to the Scheduled Tribe by birth. 2. That in my SBI bearing Account No. 30823060030 my name has been inadvertently entered/ recorded as LONGPI KHIAMNGAN. 3. That the names LANGPI KHIAMN and LONGPI KHIAMNGAN are the same and one person. 4. That this affidavit is sworn solely for the purpose of stating that my name LANGPI KHIAMN may stand as corrected and I shall use the same in all my future correspondence and records. 5. That the statements made above are true to the best of my knowledge and belief and nothing contained therein is false. DEPONENT

Solemnly sworn before me on this the 13th of June, 2017

Notary Public



NO: AS/ES TT/4/2015./Pt

Dated Kohima, the 13th June 2017

On the basis of the Written Examination mark and Viva Voce, the following candidates are provisionally selected on merit basis for one (1) post each of Assistant Legal Officer, Legal Assistant, Assistant Transport Officer and Sound Assistant. The provisionally selected candidates may treat this as the offer letter and confirm their acceptance within 10 (ten) days from the date of issue of this Office Notification. In case the provisionally selected candidates fail to confirm their acceptance within the stipulated time, the posts shall be offered to the next in merit. No claim whatsoever will be entertained thereafter. A. Assistant Legal Officer (ALO) 1. Shri Kuthu Newmai B. Legal Assistant (LA) 1. Smti. Yangerlemla Ao


(India's Public Service Broadcaster)

DOORDARSHAN KENDRA: KOHIMA NAGALAND- 797002 Tele fax- (0370)2270330/008 Email ID: directorddk.47@gmail.com

No. DDK/KOH /HOP/2(4)2017/18/599-603


Dated Kohima the 9th June, 2017

Tenders are invited from the Registered Firms for hiring of Vehicles by Doordarshan Kendra, Kohima. Hence, those who has Registered Firms may contact, Transport Officer/Section, Doordarshan Kendra near Jotsoma Science College, Kohima for details from 10:30am to 4:30pm from 5th June 2017 onwards on working days. The last date for submission of tender is 21st June, 2017 (Wednesday) till 5:00pm.

2. That the name Iteudiakpe Newme and Iteudiak Zeme is of same person. 3. I hereby declared that my correct name is ITEUDIAKPE NEWME and shall be use for all official purposes in the future. Deponent 1st Class Magistrate

National Liberation Front, Communist Party of Revolutionary Marxists, Gorkha Rashtriya Nirman Manch and the Bharatiya Gorkha Parisangh took part in the deliberations. "All the parties are unanimous on creation of Gorkhaland state. The next meeting will be held on June 20 when there will be further discussions on the future course of action in a united way," GJM General Secretary Roshan Giri told the media here. The parties also demanded written clarification from the state government on the language issue in Darjeeling hills, Dooars (foothills of the Himalayas) and Terai (the plains close to the hills). The West Bengal hills have been on the boil for nearly a week after the GJM launched an agitation against what it called the state government's "attempt" to impose Bengali on the Nepali-speaking people of the region, even though Chief Minister Mamata Banerjee has made it clear that there are no such plans for the hills. As the movement gathered steam, the GJM revived the Gorkhaland demand. A violent clash ensued between police and Morcha activists last Thursday during a protest rally, right after the state government's cabinet meeting in Darjeeling, in which several activists and at least 50 police personnel received injuries.



Date: 13/06/17

To, The Director, Department of Agriculture, Nagaland, Kohima. Sir,

With reference to your public notice that appeared in local daily News papers on 9.6.2017, wherein you have mentioned that, 95.68 acres of land within our village jurisdiction belongs to you and that any individuals/organization dealing in connection with the said land shall be doing so at their own risk.


Regd. No. 379 I, Shri. Irailung Zeliang S/o Late. Guret do hereby declared that: 1. That I am the deponent of this affidavit. 2. That the name Irailung Zeliang and Irailung Hengame is of same person. 3. I hereby declared that my correct name is Irailung Zeliang and shall be use for all official purposes in the future. Deponent 1st Class Magistrate

In this regard we would like to say that we have vide our letter No DVC/ F-1/ 742 dated 26.6.2012 & No DVC/ F-1/ 1033 dated 17.8.2016 asked your department to obtain village land patta through Jt. Director (Sugarcane) 4th mile, Diphupar, Nagaland, since the area falls under our village jurisdiction. However, till date your department have not obtained the same. It is therefore once again reminded you to obtain the village land patta from the office of the Diphupar Village Council at the earliest, failing which, the area shall be allocated to public for occupation. Yours faithfully, (LANUTOSHI) (E. PHILIP LOTHA) Chairman, DVC Secretary, DVC


Applications are invited for positions of Primary Teacher in Assam Rifles Primary School, Chieswema (Nursery to Class-IV) CBSE pattern. Qualification Required (a) Primary Teacher - Graduate, B. Ed with adequate teaching experience Total Vacancy - 01 (One) Pay - Rs. 8,000/-PM Application to be submitted by 20 Jun 2017 at the under-mentioned address:Secretary Assam Rifles Primary School Chieswema, Kohima (Nagaland) Date of interview - 22 Jun 2017 at 11:00 AM Venue - Administrative Block, Bn HQ, 9 Assam Rifles Contact No. : 09862225811 & 9402908137


Lt. S.S. Khaplang

Chairman NSCN (K) Organised by: Naga Students’ Federation Date: June 14, 2017

Time : 6:00 PM

Chairperson 1. Invocation 2. Solidarity Message

C. Assistant Transport Officer (ATO) 1. Shri Noto Kechu

Venue : Old MLA Hostel Junction, Kohima

: Eno. Kesosul Christopher Ltu Asst. General Secretary, NSF : Eno. H. Moba Konyak, Pastor Konyak Baptist Church, Kohima : 1. President, NSF 2. Naga Hoho 3. NMA 4. NPMHR

Lighting of Memorial Candle

D. Sound Assistant (SA) 1 . Shri Mathta Y. Konyak

3. You are my hero

The Office reserves the right to cancel the result of any candidate if irregularity is detected in any manner.

4. Benediction


We have to check if any of the officers got injured," Chaturvedi said. A group of tourists from Mumbai faced the ire of the shutdown supporters, who stopped their vehicle and asked them to return. Roads were deserted and schools and colleges -- despite being outside the purview of the shutdown -remained shut. Private cars did not hit the roads, while a section of shops did not roll up their shutters. Additional Director General of Police (North Bengal) N. Ramesh Babu said the situation was under control in Darjeeling and Kurseong districts. Six more companies of central forces are being rushed to the hills to prevent any untoward incidents. Meanwhile, police on Monday night arrested the GJM-run hill development body Gorkhaland Territorial Administration member Satish Pokhrial in connection with the violence in the area since last Thursday. A massive force was posted outside the GJM party office in Darjeeling's Singmari. The all-party meeting at Gymkhana Club was boycotted by major state parties, like the ruling Trinamool Congress, CPI-M and the Congress. Besides, hill-based outfits Jan Andolan and Akhil Bharatiya Gorkha League also stayed away. Apart from the GJM and the BJP, the Gorkha

: Eli. Yangermongla I. Pongen Nagaland University : Rev. Fr. Dr. Peter Salew Parish Priest Christ King Church, Kohima


WednesdaY 14•06•2017



LPU to provide 100% scholarship to Nagaland toppers Jalandhar, June 13 (Mexn): Every year, thousands of students join Lovely Professional University (LPU) from across India and the world. To support top meritorious students, LPU runs one of the largest scholarship policies in the country, where top students can get scholarship up to Rs 1.5 lakh per year. This year, LPU has moved one step further and decided to provide 100% tuition & residential fee- waiver to top 20 students of each of the recognized central as well as state boards, including CBSE, NBSE, and ICSE boards. This scholarship scheme can be availed on more than 200 programmes offered by the University, ranging from Diploma Programmes to the Post- graduate ones. Unlike other institutions, LPU is offering India’s largest private scholarship scheme by providing scholarship for all semesters instead of only first semester or one year. Scholarship qualifier

students remain on LPU scholar- last couple of years, LPU has also tion to all meritorious students. ship scheme throughout the du- recognized the best students who Last year, LPU scholarship was up ration of their respective study- have performed well at state/na- to Rs 1 lakh per year per student, programme. tional or international sports ac- which has now been increased to Last year, more than 1600 tivities. 1.5 lakh per student. Then, more students with than 1600 stu90% and more dents with 90% • Full tuition & residential fee waiver to top and more marks marks joined LPU. Scholar20 students of each of the recognized cen- from all across ships are prowere bentral as well as state boards including CBSE, India vided not only efitted through NBSE, ICSE for illustrious this scholarship achievements in On the • Last year, 1600+ students with 90% and more scheme. academics but same lines, in marks joined LPU in sports, social order to help the service, cultural, • Other top meritorious students can get schol- students of Naco-curricular acgaland, we are arship up to Rs 1.5 lakh per year tivities, braveryproviding 100% • Scholarships also covers sports, social ser- scholarship to acts, research and developNagaland vice, cultural, co-curricular activities, brav- the ment works also. students also. In ery-acts, research and development works Meritorious fact, we do not students in diwant that a caverse fields, from pable student be across Nagaland, can become a LPU Chancellor Mr Ashok Mit- debarred from receiving quality part of this league of extraordinary tal says: “Our University strongly education. I am happy to see that achievers this year-2017 as well. In strives to provide higher educa- we have been able to make this

ePF balance, passbook: How to check online Employee provident fund (EPF) balance/ passbook can be checked online or even through EPFO app MuMbai, June 13 (agencies): Retirement fund body EPFO or Employees’ Provident Fund Organisation has been coming up with new ways for enabling EPF subscribers check their balances or passbook. Currently, EPFO subscribers’ entire 12 per cent contribution is deposited into their EPF or employee provident fund accounts. Besides, 3.67 per cent is also contributed to the EPF account by the employer who also contributes 8.33 per cent of basic wages to the EPF account. EPFO has also been sending SMSes to members with activated UANs or Universal Account Numbers on their registered mobile numbers regarding their monthly PF contribution. How to check EPF Balance/ Passbook Online • For a quick check of EPF passbook/balance, EPFO has prominently displayed the link for checking it on its website. The e-passbook link can be found at the top-right corner of EPFO’s website. • After clicking on the link, the subscribers are taken to a webpage

where they need to enter the UAN number and password. (UAN is allotted by the retirement fund body and the number allows portability of provident fund accounts from one employer to another.) • Subscribers can also quickly check their passbook/balances through EPFO’s app - m-epf. EFPO subscribers need to click on MEMBER and thereafter Balance/Passbook. Some Other Developments EPFO will make payments to beneficiaries through an electronic or digital fund transfer system only for ensuring “quick transfer of funds, and easier tracking and reconciliation thereof”, the retirement body said in a statement. Such move is likely to benefit 4.5 crore EPF subscribers and around than 54 lakh pensioners. This follows the Labour Ministry making amendments in social security schemes administered by EPFO. As part of government’s ‘egov’ initiatives, EPFO subscribers who have activated their UAN and seeded their KYC (Aadhaar) with the retirement fund body will be able to apply online for PF final settlements, PF part withdrawals and pension withdrawal benefits from their UAN interface directly. This will help quicken the claim process.

Nokia launches 3 new smartphones in India new delhi, June 13 (ians): Heralding a new era for Nokia in India, Finnish technology company HMD Global on Tuesday launched a new Android-based smartphone range -- Nokia 6, Nokia 5 and Nokia 3 -- for the consumers. While the Rs 9,499 Nokia 3 will be available in stores starting June 16, preregistrations for the Rs 12,899 Nokia 5 begins from July 7 and the Rs 14,999 Nokia 6 will be available on Amazon. in for which registrations begin from July 14. “The new lineup comprising the Nokia 6, Nokia 5 and the Nokia 3 is visually stunning and will always be available out-of-thebox with the latest and pure version of Android,” Ajey Mehta, Vice President India, HMD Global, told reporters here. “ We intend to break the clutter in a market dominated by undifferentiated products by providing a great user experience while living up to the Nokia brand promise of simplicity, trust, reliability and quality,” he added.




Answer Number # 3969

With an immersive audio experience and a 5.5-inch full-HD screen, Nokia 6 delivers a truly premium smartphone experience. The smart audio amplifier with dual speakers allows consumers to experience a deep bass and unmatched clarity, whilst Dolby Atmos® sound delivers a powerfully moving entertainment experience. P o w ered by the Qualcomm Snapdragon 430 mobile

platform and the Qualcomm Adreno 505 graphics processor, Nokia 6 is available in four colours -- Matte Black, Silver, Tempered Blue and Copper. Nokia 5 has 5.2-inch IPS HD display with sculpted Corning Gorilla

Glass. Powered by the Qualcomm Snapdragon 430 mobile platform, the device delivers excellent battery life and improved graphics performance. With additional features including an 8MP, wide-angle front-facing camera, the device has excellent sunlight and low-light screen visibility. Nokia 3 features a fully laminated 5-inch IPS display with no air gap and sculpted Corning Gorilla Glass. It offers integrated 8MP wide aperture cameras (front and back) and packs a truly premium quality smartphone experience into its compact and elegant form. “We are thrilled to be the partner-ofchoice for the iconic phone b ra n d Nokia. We are delighted to offer customers exclusive access to Nokia 6 where, with a single signon, Amazon Prime customers can experience the best of Amazon,” said Manish Tiwary, Vice President, Category Management, Amazon India. HMD Global in May announced the much-awaited Nokia 3310 feature phone across top mobile stores in India for Rs 3,310. std code: 03862

DiMaPUR ACROSS 1. Alpha’s opposite 6. Fog 10. Saturate 14. A radioactive gaseous element 15. Against 16. Hodgepodge 17. Growing old 18. Leveling wedge 19. Half-moon tide 20. Written material 22. Melody 23. The original matter (cosmology) 24. Andean animals 26. Insulation 30. Genus of macaws 31. Hankering 32. Chills and fever 33. Cans 35. Celebrates 39. Wailer 41. Weblike 43. Muse of love poetry 44. Sow 46. Lascivious look 47. European peak 49. Delay 50. Being 51. Stimulating drink 54. Barely managed 56. Prospector’s find 57. Not oriental 63. Ammunition 64. Bit of dust 65. “Odyssey” sorceress 66. Boyfriend 67. Not amateurs 68. Leg joints 69. Male offspring 70. Sourish 71. Sows DOWN 1. By mouth 2. Wise men 3. Modify

Simple Rules - Fill in the grid so that every row, every column, and every 3x3 box contains the digits 1 through 9.

Game Number # 3970

positive for a larger number of students from across the state and the country.” During the current admission session, some of the students Sangeeta Kumari, Yungphula Akin, Hetoshi Chisi, Nzamthung Ezung, Pyingthunglo N Ezung, who have joined LPU study programmes of BA Journalism, BA, BHMCT, B Sc Forensic Science and B Sc Airlines, Tourism & Hospitality respectively are with good marks in their last qualifying exams. For them LPU is the only university in the country which is going to shape them well as per their aspirations and preferences: “We have joined LPU coming from very distant place as we are certain that we will definitely write a successful story of our own by getting the world class education and requisite training here. As we know, LPU vision and mission are great and we will certainly develop ourselves here to be globally fit citizens.”

4. Departed 5. Mad 6. Proficiencies 7. Cold-blooded 8. Blend 9. At an opportune time 10. Baby’s soft spot 11. A part of the small intestine 12. Tropical vine 13. Runs 21. Winged 25. Not right 26. Baseball great, ____ Ruth 27. Food thickener 28. Bluefin 29. Possessing a hard shell 34. Stealthiest 36. Fastens 37. Anagram of “Seek” 38. Arid 40. Puncture 42. Nosed (out) 45. Voter 48. Cue 51. Tattles 52. Juliet’s love 53. Flack 55. Packs of playing cards 58. Daughter of Zeus and Demeter 59. 3 times 3 60. Tall woody plant 61. Breezed through 62. Not more

Answer to Crossword 3972


O LIed





































Air Force Common Admission Test (AFCAT) has released a recruitment notification for the posts of Flying, Ground Duty (Tech) and Ground Duty (Non-tech). Interested candidates may check the eligibility criteria and apply online from 03-06-2017 to 29-06-2017. VACANCY DETAILS Flying •No. of Vacancies: Not Mentioned •Pay Scale: Rs. 85,372 Ground Duty (Tech) •No. of Vacancies: Not Mentioned •Pay Scale: Rs. 74,872 Ground Duty (Non-tech) •No. of Vacancies: Not Mentioned •Pay Scale: Rs. 74,872 Job Location: All India Educational Qualification Flying: Candidates should have passed 10+2 with 60% marks each in Math and Physics, and have attained B.E./B.Tech degree from a recognised university. Ground Duty (Tech): The candidates must have four-year degree qualification and have cleared Sections A and B of Examination of Associate Membership of Institution of Engineers (India) or Aeronautical Society of India with minimum 60% marks. Ground Duty (Non-tech): Candidates must have passed B.Com with minimum 60% marks. For education posts, the candidates must have passed MBA/MCA or MA/M.Sc. degree in English / Physics / Mathematics / Chemistry / Statistics / International Relations / International Studies / Defence Studies / Psychology / Computer Science / IT / Management / Mass Communication / Journalism / Public Relation with minimum of 50% marks and have scored minimum 60% marks in graduation. Age Limit (as on 05-07-2017) Flying – Minimum 20 years; Maximum 24 years Ground Duty (Tech) - Minimum 20 years; Maximum 26 years Ground Duty (Non-tech) - Minimum 20 years; Maximum 26 years Selection Process: Selection of candidates will be made on the basis of the Engineering Knowledge Test (EKT), Psychological Test, Group Test and Personal Interview. Application Fee: No Application Fee How to Apply: Interested and eligible candidates may apply online through AFCAT website “http://www.careerairforce.nic.in/” from 03-06-2017 to 29-06-2017. Important Dates: • Starting Date for Application: 03-06-2017 • Last Date for Application: 29-06-2017 • Date of AFCAT and EKT Exam: 27-08-2017


std code: 03871

(formerly senapati)

Civil Hospital



229529 229474

MH Hospital

227930 231081

Fire Brigade


Faith Hospital


naga Hospital


shamrock Hospital


oking Hospital


Zion Hospital

231864 224117 227337

Bethel nursing Home


northeast shuttles


Police Control room


Police Traffic Control


east Police station


west Police station


CIHsr (referral Hospital)

242555 242533

dimapur Hospital

224041 248011

Police station Fire Brigade

222246 222491



Officer-in-Charge 8575045510 south Ps


Officer-in-Charge 8575045520 Zubza Ps


Officer-in-Charge 8575045518

Apollo Hospital Info Centre 230695/ 9402435652 railway


Airport Indian Airlines

229366 242441 225212

Chiephobozou Ps 8575045506 Officer-in-Charge 8575045516 tseminyu Ps


Officer-in-Charge 8575045517 Khuzama Ps


Officer-in-Charge 8575045515

nikos Hospital and research Centre

232032, 231031

Kezocha Ps

nagaland Multispecialty Health & research Centre

248302, 09856006026

women Cell

eden Medical Centre

248722 /248288, 9615945510

Control room






std code: 0370

KoHIMA Ps/oCs Contact numbers north Ps

Chumukedima Fire Brigade 282777





Officer-in-Charge 8575045538 8575045509

Officer-in-Charge 8575045519 8575045500 (Emergency No. – 100)


KoHIMA soUtH: 0370-2222952/ 101 (O) 9402003086 (OC) KoHIMA nortH: 7085924114 (O) dIMAPUr: 03862-232201/ 101 (O) 9856156876 (OC) CHUMUKedIMA: 7085982102 (O) 8732810051 (OC) woKHA: 03860-242215/101 (O) 8974322879 (OC) MoKoKCHUnG: 0369-2226225/ 101 (O) 8415830232 (OC) PHeK: 8414853765 (O) 8413822476(OC) ZUnHeBoto: 03867-280304/ 101 (O) 9436422730 (OC) tUensAnG: 8414853766 (O) 9856163601 (OC) Mon: 03869-251222/ 101 (O) 9862130954 (OC) Kiphire: 8414853767 (O) 9436261577 (OC) Peren: 7085189932 (O) 9856311205 (OC) LonGLenG: 7085924113 (O) 9862414264 (OC) we4 woMen HeLPLIne 08822911011 WOMEN HeLPLIne 181 CHiLD weLFAre CoMMIttee Toll free No. 1098 childline


std code: 0369

Police station 1 Police station 2 Police station Kobulong Police station tuli Police station Changtongya Police station Mangkolemba Civil Hospital

9485232688 9485232689 9485232690 9485232693 9485232694 9485232695 2226216

woodland nursing Home


Hotel Metsüpen (tourist Lodge) 2226373/ 2229343


Us dollars sterling Pound Hong Kong dollar Australian dollar singapore dollar Canadian dollar Japanese Yen euro thai Baht Korean won UAe dirham (Aed) Chinese Yuan

62.99 79.6 7.82 47.52 45.47 47.33 56.98 70.42 1.79 0.054 16.6 8.98

65.83 83.54 8.71 49.87 47.69 49.64 60.17 73.82 2.00 0.0602 18.48 10.00

Wednesday 14•06•2017


NPF Zunheboto defends Chief Minister on condolence message ZunheboTo, June 13 (mexn): Following the criticisms of Chief Minister Dr. Shürhozelie Liezietsu’s condolence message for SS Khaplang, NSCN (K) Chairman, by national media, the Naga People’s Front (NPF) Zunheboto division today defended the Chief Minister. “To every Naga, the Naga political issue comes above the rest of the issues. Even an enemy can show respect to its counterpart enemy; every Naga patriot is a brother and a sister to the Nagas and nothing can stop us from wishing goodbyes among us,” asserted a press statement from Akavi Sumi, President, NPF Zunheboto division. It maintained that the fourth estate should keep

the history or the story of events or incidents in their fingertips and comment and that they are duty bound to always play a neutral role, irrespective of the issues. “However, it is very unfortunate that some media fraternity are becoming pro-nationalist or pro- to personal interests,” the NPF division added. The statement further affirmed that the Nagas were free indigenous sovereign people - politically, economically, culturally, traditionally, in custom etc. “The colonial British administrated a chunk of Nagaland by abolishing head hunting practices and levied minimal house tax and the rest, assured to its Republic form of governance

Meetings & AppointMents NPCC meeting There will be a meeting of Nagaland Pradesh Congress Committee (NPCC) office bearers on June 16, 11:00 am at Congress Bhavan, Kohima. Therefore, all the NPCC office bearers have been requested to attend the meeting without fail.

BJP Zbto to celebrate NDA govt’s three years BJP Zunheboto will celebrate three years of NDA government in the centre in collaboration with Indian Oil Corporation Ltd Dimapur at Zunheboto Town Hall on June 16 at 11:00 am. Hukavi Zhimo, Parliamentary Secretary for Jail, Science & Technology and Khadi Industry will be the chief guest. The BJP Zunheboto district president has requested the BJYM, BJMM, Kisan Morcha, Minority Cell, and Mandal Presidents with party workers to attend the function without fail.

Seminar on organic tea farming postponed The All Nagaland Small Tea Growers Association’s (ANSTGA) one day seminar on organic tea farming scheduled to be held on June 16 has been postponed to June 23 at Hallmark Hall, opposite Super Market, Dimapur. It was postponed due to “unavoidable circumstances” of the officials of Tea Board of India, which is sponsoring the event, ANSTGA informed in a press release. BG Chakraborty, President, Confederation of Indian Small Tea Growers Association (CISTA) will address the seminar, while the Tea Board officials from Jorhat and Tea Scientists from TRA Toklai, Assam will be the recourse persons. All the respective district units have been requested to compulsorily send 5 members each to represent the district at the seminar.

NSSATA Kiphire unit meeting Nagaland SSA Teachers’ Association (NSSATA), Kiphire unit will hold its general meeting on June 30, 10:00 am at Hopongkyu Memorial Hall, Kiphire Town. All SSA teachers (2010 and 2012 batches) have been informed to attend the meeting without fail. Absentees will be dealt according to the unit’s resolution, stated NSSATA Kiphire unit president A. Lipise Sangtam.

till 1947. On August 14, 1947, Nagas declared sovereign independent nation. However, the newly formed India union of states derecognised and sent its mighty army for aggression...” Hitting out at a particular news channel, it questioned how its journalists will comment on this issue. “If the fourth estate of mainland India wants to question the credential of the Chief Minister's chair for writing condolence message, they have to justify first, the inhumane atrocities committed to the Nagas for the last 7 decades. No amount of wealth and appeasement can compensate or comprehend the martyr, loss and sufferings the Nagas

had and have been undergoing at the hands of the Indian government,” it further stated. Pointing out that Dr. Shürhozelie is not only the Chief Minister of Nagaland but also the President of NPF party, the Zunheboto division of NPF asserted propagating for the factions to share the round table for Naga political solution is his duty bound obligation to his party's aims and objectives. If the journalists who criticised the condolence message failed to be convinced by this “justification statement”, the NPF Zunheboto division said, they may move a ‘live debate’ on the issue, “which shall be warmly welcome.”

AIBOC opposes banks merger Morung Express News Dimapur | June 13

Stating that the privatisation of banks would have adverse effects on the farmers, students and common people, the All India Bank Officers’ Confederation (AIBOC) has opposed the move of the government to privatise or merge Public Sector Banks (PSUs), Addressing media persons in Dimapur on Tuesday, AIBOC general secretary D. Thomas Franco Rajendra Dev said that country like India needed more banks as banking services have not reached in many parts of the rural areas. He said after nationalisation of banks in the 1960s, the role played by Indian banking sector in nation building has been tremendous and appreciable. Instead of going for merger, the government should take serious action on Non-Performing Assets (NPAs) and implement the recommendation of Parliament Standing Committee on finance, he added.

“The need of the hour is to strengthen the public sectors banks,” he said. Thomas said that when small businesspersons and common people were not getting the credit in this condition, then the privatization of banks would create further impact on the common people. He said that the demand of AIBOC was that government should address the issue of recovery of NPAs and infusion of required capital in Public Sector Banks. AIBOC secretary, who also met with the state bank officials, has also agreed to take up the problems faced by them at the national level. Thomas also met the members of Business Association of Nagas (BAN), where they highlighted the problems faced by them especially in getting loans to start new enterprises. It was informed that the secretary agreed on the suggestion of BAN members in opening a centre in Dimapur, which he said would help the entrepreneurs to avail the credit.

MEx FILE Ape Chakhesang promoted as Collective Leadership Member Dimapur, June 13 (mexn): The CAO Caretaker, Secretary, and staff of UT-I, NSCN (IM) have lauded the Vice President Gen. Retd. Khole Konyak and Ato Kilonser Th. Muivah for promoting Kilonser Lt. Col. Retd. Neipfupe Venuh (Ape Chakhesang) to Collective Leadership Member. “We hope that under the able leaderships of Q. Tuccu and Lt. Col. Retd. Neipfupe Venuh, members Collective Leadership would usher in more progress and achievements,” stated a press statement from Ghokuto Chishi, Secretary, UT-I, NSCN (IM).

NSCN (IM) condoles

Dimapur, June 13 (mexn): The NSCN (IM) has expressed sadness over the demise of Chingmak Chang, who passed away on June 12. M. Daniel Lotha, Secretary to the GPRN informed that the deceased served the national service since August 6, 2006 and was a Razou Peyu of Chang Region when he breathed his last. “He was a man of dignity and motivation for the younger generation… Today he is no more in our midst but his tireless and effortless sacrifice to the cause will be cherished and respected by all Naga brethren,” it added. The GPRN further hall by 10:30 am. The release conveyed condolences to the bereaved famalso requested the people to park ily and prayed to God for eternal peace of the their vehicles properly to ensure departed soul. non-obstruction of traffic. MODI Fest has been NAMK mourns planned to disseminate the schemes initiated by the Government to every citizen in Kohima, June 13 (mexn): The Northevery nook and corner of the ern Angami Mereyiemia Krotho (NAMK) has country as well as provide mourned the death of Neisatuo Keditsu on a platform for the people to June 11. In his death, the Krotho said it “felt avail of these facilities if they the tremor of losing a dynamic leader who had not had the opportunity, has been a source of inspiration to our community.” A condolence message from NAMK it added. general secretary, Kelhousithie Mere and president, Thekielie Kedistu added, “Your initiative and inner driven force in mobilisation of our community will continue to remain with the people you left.” The president and colleagues of NAMK further shared the sorrow with his wife Margarate Keditsu and children. It prayed to God to grant them solace and give peace to the departed soul.

MODI Fest to be inaugurated in Nagaland today Dimapur, June 13 (mexn): The completion of 3 years of Narendra Modi’s BJP government on May 26, 2017 is being celebrated across the nation with mega events spread over two weeks in more than 300 districts under the programme MODI Fest. The acronym stands for ‘Making of Developed India Fest’. The festival, which was launched by the Prime Minister at the inauguration of In-

dia’s longest bridge over the Brahmaputra river in Assam on May 26, will be inaugurated in Nagaland on June 14 at Town Hall, Dimapur at 11:00 am. Parimal Suklabaidya, Minister of PWD, Fisheries and Excise, Govt. of Assam will be the chief guest while Mmhonlumo Kikon, MLA and Visasolie Lhoungu, BJP President will be the speakers on the occasion. Various electronic media, conventional public

outreach methods are being engaged to reach out to the masses everywhere, informed a press release from Jaangsillung Gonmei, General Secretary (Media), BJP Nagaland. Highlights of the preogramme will be Likho Kal Ki Kahani, Lucky Draw, Artist Show, Stalls, Scheme Films, Quiz, etc. All the public and party officials and workers have been requested to attend the programmes and be seated in the

St. Xavier College celebrates ‘Oh Nagami’ by Atto released graduation, fresher’s day peren, June 13 (mexn): St. Xavier College, Jalukie celebrated graduation cum fresher’s day at the college auditorium on June 12 with Lt. Col. Rajiv Kalita, Second-In-Command, Sena Medal, 36 AR Jalukie post as the chief guest. A press note stated that Rev. Fr. Papu Samy, principal in the welcome address mentioned that the institution was proud to witness many boys and girls acquiring graduation degree and wished them to be successful persons for the future society. Lt. Col. Rajiv Kalita encouraged the students to explore their talents, gifts and utilize the same to their benefit and wished them blessing and luck in their endeavour. He also motivated the students that there are ample opportunities available in the field of Army. Besides, he greeted the freshers urging them to march forward with commitment. The chief guest also conferred various prizes and certificates to the graduates on various achievements including highest scorer, best graduate of the year and to all the graduates. Luningzuele, the highest scorer and the 11th rank holder in the University from the department of sociology spoke on behalf of the graduates. Kevipele, governing board member of the college, also addressed the students on the occasion. The staff and students arranged a variety of cultural programmes to mark the occasion.

NSCN (IM) Kilo Affairs cautions

Minister Vikheho Y. Swu releases the video titled ‘Oh Nagami’ by Atto (right).

Dimapur, June 13 (mexn): A new video titled ‘Oh Nagami’ by Atto was released by Vikheho Y. Swu, Minister for Road and Bridges, on June 9 at Ura Hotel, Kohima. The song ‘Oh Nagami’ calls for unity among the Nagas. In the video, the young singer laments that despite so many bloodsheds and sacrifices, peace and unity still remains a distant dream. The song says that the only way forward is to forgive the past mistake of each other, reconcile and unite among different Naga tribes. The song also calls upon the lead-

ers to lead the young and upcoming Naga generation for a better future. The video was recorded at Clef Ensemble Music. It may be mentioned that Atto, who was also a finalist of the Naga Orpheus Hunt 2015, is a young and upcoming singer based in Kohima. He wishes to bring reformation to the Naga society through his music. The song ‘Oh Nagami’ is the third song released by the singer in the recent past. His other two songs ‘Beautiful’ and ‘Hold on’ can be downloaded from indihut.com.

Dimapur, June 13 (mexn): M. Daniel Lotha, Secretary, Kilo Affairs, NSCN (IM) today stated he has taken serious note of the “unauthenticated schemes framed in the name of Special Team masquerading in and around Dimapur intimidating general public imposing fines in the guise of checking antisocial activities.” The Secretary in a press release officially informed the public that there is no such Special Team in the NSCN (IM) as of now. Meanwhile, he warned against hiking the fixed rate (Rs. 150 only) of Labour work permit card registration. Any official/ staff of the Kilo Affairs or authorized persons charging above the fixed registration fee, i.e. Rs. 150, shall be sternly dealt with, the release cautioned.

October 10 is Nagaland Disaster Risk Reduction Day

Kohima, June 13 (Dipr): The Home Department, NSDMA has informed that as per the decision taken during the SEC meeting held on January 30, 2017 under the ChairDimapur, June 13 (mexn): With a vision to see a “greener and manship of the Chief Secretary, the SEC has cleaner Chumukedima”, the Chumukedima Ao Baptist Arogo Youth decided to observe October 10 as Nagaland Ministry (CABAYM) organized a cleanliness drive in and around Chu- Disaster Risk Reduction Day. mukedima Town. Speaking on the sidelines of the cleanliness drive, CABAYM Associate Pastor Youth I Wati Ozukum said at the time when Special drive to the global community is focused on Sustainable Development goals, enroll left out electors access to quality sanitation is one of the keys. CABAYM urged every citizen to keep their surroundings clean in order to make Chumukedima greener and cleaner city. The organizers said that the objective moKoKchung, June 13 (Dipr): Addl. was to keep the city streets clean and at the same time create aware- Deputy Commissioner & Electoral Registraness among the denizen of Dimapur “about the dire need to sustain tion Officer, Mokokchung has notified to all concerned that the schedule for special drive our future through cleaner and greener means”. to enroll left out electors giving focus on first time electors in the age group of 18-21 years as per the photo electors w.r.t. 01-01-2017 as the qualifying date would be as follows: Door to door visit by BLOs - July 1 to 31; special campaign - July 8 and 22, publicity campaign - June 1 to July 31; disposal of forms received Dimapur, June 13 (mexn): till July 31 by August 31. A girl child who claims to be from Dimapur was found in YGOA holds general session West Bengal on April 22, 2016 by GRP Radhikapur. A press release Tuensang, June 13 (mexn): The from Lozüa Kape, Coordinator, Yimchunger Gazetted Officers’ Association CHILDLINE Dimapur stated that (YGOA) held its general session on June 10 at the child is currently in a shelter Circuit House, Dimapur. Presidential address home in West Bengal and needs was presented by Dr. Punsokiu followed by exto be restored back to her family. hortation from YTC, YAA and Richard Yimto “As per the information received from Uttar Dinajpur (IPS). Tohanba, Parliamentary Secretary for CHILDLINE and during our telMunicipal Affairs and T Torechu, Parliamenephonic conversation with the tary Secretary for Election & Evaluation also child it was learned that she is exhorted the YGOA members. Earlier, Er. from Dimapur and resides near Suralo chaired the programme, while Pastor Dimapur airport,” the release The girl child from Dimapur who Akhum said the invocation. was found by GRP Radhikapur in said. The child, according to the West Bengal. release, was brought to Dimapur bers for information regarding when she was very young, so she the child: CHILDLINE Dimapur could not remember much about - 1098 (Toll free) 03862-224151/ her parents. She was reportedly 9615297709/ 9856503877; Apropos to the news items ‘Excise seize staying with a Naga family, who CWC Dimapur - 9436260005/ liquor’ carried in the June 11 issue of The Morung Express, the Superintendent of Exhas three children. 9402832493. cise (MS), Katoho Sumi rectified its earlier The CHILDLINE Dimapur Details of the child: press release and informed that the total has appealed to all concerned inName: Putuli Alias June seizure of assorted liquor stand “corrected dividuals, families or relatives to Age: 12 years as 1272 bottles and not as issued earlier.” get in touch at the following numGender: female

Condolence messages for SS Khaplang Making Chumu greener & cleaner Dimapur, June 13 (mexn): More organizations today paid tribute to NSCN (K) Chairman SS Khaplang, who passed away on June 9, and offered condolences to his family. YTC: The Yimchungru Tribal Council (YTC) in a condolences message described Khaplang as a true revolutionary leader among the Nagas who had stood the test of time with his firm belief to fight for Naga sovereignty expecting nothing less and nothing more. “The sacrifices and the long struggle for Nagas identity, recognition from the outside world and hosting of Naga flag high for many decades inspired the young people to get to their roots and understand the Indo-Naga issue more clearly. The Yimchungru tribe salutes the true son of the Nagas and for the integrity and patriotism instilled in the heart of all Nagas,” YTC stated. It meanwhile apologized for being unable to attend his funeral “due to circumstances.” THN: The Tangkhul Hoho Nagaland expressed sadness over the sudden demise of Khaplang. “He was a leader and a fighter who had dedicated his whole life for the cause of Naga struggle for self determination. He was a leader who stood unwaveringly in what he believed,” the

uSSC pays tribute to Khaplang

girl child from Dimapur found in West Bengal

People in Kiphire light candles as part of the day-long mourning called by Eastern Nagaland People's Organisation on June 13 for NSCN (K) Chairman, SS Khaplang.

Kiphire, June 13 (mexn): The United Sangtam Students’ Conference (USSC) paid rich tribute to the departed leader SS Khaplang, Chairman NSCN (K) by shutting down all the private institutions and business establishments and restricting private vehicles in its jurisdiction on June 13. Later in the evening as a sign of respect, candlelight service was also observed. Hoho said in a message. “The Nagas will always remember him with much respect as he had given his everything for the noble cause of the Nagas. In his death the Nagas have lost a brave fighter and one of the most dedicated leaders.”

The NSCN (K) Chairman passed away on June 9 at Taka, the Council Headquarters of NSCN (K). The USSC has also expressed pain and sorrow over the demise of the “patriotic leader who had fought for the cause of Nagas till his last breath.” The Conference further prayed for the departed soul to rest in peace and conveyed solace to the bereaved family.

has expressed shock over the demise of SS Khaplang, “who was a leader and a figure in the making of the Naga history fighting for Naga sovereignty.”

DENSU: The Dimapur Eastern Nagaland Students' Union (DENSU) also KTC: The Khiamniun- remembered Khaplang as a gan Tribal Council (KTC) great leader who dedicated

his life for the betterment of the Naga society. “His legacy will continue to inspire many for years to come. It is our prayer that God will strengthen his bereaved family…,” it said in a condolence note. DENSU also informed that it adhered to the observance of June 13 as a day of mourning as resolved by ENPO.



wednesday 14•06 •2017

IN FOCUS The Power of Truth

The Morung Express volume Xii issue 161 By Dr. Asangba Tzüdir



Cholpon Orozobekova The Diplomat

Does the UN Care About HR in Central Asia region?

Of Logdrums ...and UN Secretary Antonio Guterres seems to be avoiding the subject Threat to Language


lready today, several of the world’s nearly 7,000 languages face a serious risk of extinction. A lead study author Tatsuya Anamo at the University of Cambridge in England said that, Ainu, a language in Japan, is now seriously threatened with only 10 native speakers left. The United Nations has noted that half of the languages spoken today will ‘disappear’ by the end of this century if nothing is done to save them. Naga tribal language is not spared of such risk. There are certain factors compounding this risk. Nagamese is comfortably nestled in many Naga homes while English has become the ‘flavoured’ language besides the adoption in ‘official’ spaces. Within the waves of ‘modernity’ and its associated changes, urbanisation has posed a serious threat through the ‘shift’ from original performative space. The richness of tribal language is manifested by the presence of meaningful cultural elements and without which it becomes just another dialect that enables simple communication. The process of urbanisation and the shift from original space is slowly reducing tribal language to a simple dialect. Religion is also playing its part of creating violence on traditional culture and practices and this poses a serious threat to language. A certain village in Nagaland has carved a beautiful logdrum to be kept as a cultural ‘memorabilia’ in the village but due to certain tensions between ‘cultural practices’ and ‘functioning’ of Christianity coupled with a fear of certain ‘prophesy’, the ‘artefact’ is ‘prohibited’ from being brought inside the village. The very presence of such artefacts will not only create a cultural vibrancy by way of connecting with the past history and lived realities, but will revive language within its cultural context where language can be meaningfully employed as a tool to express culture. Similarly, very surprisingly, the board of deacons of a Church also prohibited a certain pastor through a press communiqué, who was invited to pray during a logdrum inauguration programme. For reasons best known to the board of deacons, the directive was issued through a local daily paper. It may also be misinterpreted as reviving a ‘heathen’ practice but in context on a logical and pragmatic plane of interpretation, it directly or indirectly contributes to revival of language within cultural context. The action of the board of deacons in a way shows contempt of such efforts to restore culture and therefore a form of cultural facet of language expression. By now the Church should also realise that Nagas are not only ‘religious’ in the Christian sense but are also ‘culturally religious.’ As such, it should try to harmonise traditional cultural practices and religion without necessarily embracing it within the context of ceremony and rituals involved. The issues related to the logdrum here presents a case of diminishing culture and folklore and the need to revive tribal language within a meaningful context. Such efforts to revive our traditional culture which is a window to our traditional heritage should be encouraged especially in the face of genuine threats posed to language through the waves of global changes today. Every aspect of culture has a story about our history and culture and the presence of such artefacts will only serve as a space to make tribal language more relevant, because at the heart of cultural expression is its language without which it gets reduced to a simple dialect. The threats are therefore, not just about becoming extinct but losing its real essence, meaning and therefore relevance of a language. Besides, trying to ‘dissociate’ from one’s culture is in itself creating violence on the roots of our identity more so language. (Dr. Asangba Tzüdir contributes a weekly guest editorial to The Morung Express. Comments can be mailed to asangtz@gmail.com)


Transparency International

Anti-Corruption Glossary Right To Information The right by law – often through freedom of information legislation (acts or laws) – to access key facts and data from the government and any public body based on the notion that citizens can obtain information which is in the possession of the state. Why It Matters Governments and parliaments should draft and pass access to information laws that comply with international standards. Governments and civil society should proactively inform people about access to information laws and encourage their use. Accountability The concept that individuals, agencies and organisations (public, private and civil society) are held responsible for reporting their activities and executing their powers properly. It also includes the responsibility for money or other entrusted property. Why It Matters Governments, companies and civil society must ensure greater accountability in order to ensure public trust. Conflict Of Interests Situation where an individual or the entity for which they work, whether a government, business, media outlet or civil society organisation, is confronted with choosing between the duties and demands of their position and their own private interests. Why It Matters Companies should establish policies and procedures to identify, monitor and manage conflicts of interest which may give rise to a risk of bribery – actual, potential or perceived. Cartels A secret agreement between parties, in the public and/or private sector, to conspire to commit actions aimed to deceive or commit fraud with the objective of illicit financial gain. The parties involved often are referred to as ‘cartels’. Why It Matters Companies and governments must strengthen compliance and adopt a zero-tolerance policy towards cartels. Pricefixing and collusion must be unequivocally condemned by business. To be sustainable, internal compliance measures to stop cartels must be established. Conflict Of Interests Situation where an individual or the entity for which they work, whether a government, business, media outlet or civil society organisation, is confronted with choosing between the duties and demands of their position and their own private interests. Why It Matters Companies should establish policies and procedures to identify, monitor and manage conflicts of interest which may give rise to a risk of bribery – actual, potential or perceived.


n June 8, UN Secretary General Antonio Guterres started his tour across Central Asia. He is there to take the pulse of the regional leaders, remind them about the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), and assess the risk of global security threats. However, his agenda has left human rights defenders feeling disappointed — they feel ignored as Guterres avoids raising human rights issues with regional leaders. Kazakhstan’s Central Gravity Guterres started his Central Asian trip in Kazakhstan, coinciding with the Shanghai Cooperation Organization summit and Astana EXPO 2017. The SCO summit in Astana was doubly special this time, having accepted two new members –Pakistan and India — and also having the UN secretary general participate in its summit for the first time. Kazakh President Nursultan Nazarbayev, in his meeting with Guterres, highlighted these two moments, calling them “historic.” Nazarbayev also took the opportunity to praise his country for being supportive of UN principles and initiatives. “You know that Kazakhstan is the leader of the anti-nuclear movement worldwide, and August 29 was declared the International Day against Nuclear Tests,” Nazarbayev said, adding that he had also “established the Kazakhstan Prize for a world without nuclear weapons.” For his part, Guterres congratulated the Kazakh president on the successful SCO summit, which brought on board two new members. He noted that “the SCO is gradually becoming the center of gravity all over the world. This Organization, in my opinion, is an important foundation of today’s world order.” Guterres also called Kazakhstan the key actor in the region during a meeting with media representatives. “We are here today to support the Kazakhstani government in such an important event as holding the world exhibition EXPO,” the secretary general told journalists. He predicted that the EXPO “certainly will have a positive effect on the country’s economy and will be a landmark in our commitment to sustainable development, especially in relation to something that is absolutely crucial to climate change.” Guterres highlighted Kazakhstan as a country vulnerable to climate change and called on the Kazakh government to make sure that the Paris Agreement is fully implemented. Even as it hosts global events, however, Kazakhstan has been keeping up its continuous suppression of freedom of the press, freedom of assembly, and NGOs, even adopting new legal changes to squeeze the space for civil society. However, Guterres did not meet with civil society representatives in Kazakhstan. One of the leading human rights defenders in Kazakhstan, Bakhytzhan Toregozhina, told The Diplomat that they did not even know that UN secretary general was coming to Kazakhstan until the last minute. “Otherwise, we would make efforts to inform him about human rights situation in our country,” said Toregozhina. According to Ivar Dale, the Genevabased senior adviser of the Norwegian Helsinki Committee, who works on Eurasia, Guterres’ visit was disclosed

to human rights defenders only one day before he arrived. “This means that NGOs and activists were not given time to prepare thorough written briefings for him,” explained Dale. “Still, many of us, including the Norwegian Helsinki Committee, have sent letters pointing out the big issues he should address during his visit. We listed many crucial issues in every Central Asian states and we hope the secretary general will not shy away from raising sensitive issues, and use the respect he enjoys to help bring about positive change.” Flowers for Karimov and the Aral Disaster After Kazakhstan, Guterres visited Uzbekistan, where he met with Uzbek President Shavkat Mirziyoyev, who has held the office for just eight months. They met in Samarkand, the ancient city where previous President Islam Karimov is buried. The UN secretary general visited the grave of Uzbekistan’s first president with flowers and paid tribute to his memory. According to UzDaily, Guterres noted that the reforms being carried out in Uzbekistan are of great importance to improving the well-being of the people and prosperity of the country. Mirziyoyev and Guterres discussed prospects for developing cooperation between Uzbekistan and the UN; in particular, they discussed mitigating the consequences of the Aral ecological disaster. Again, as in Kazakhstan, Guterres raised the issue of climate change rather than human rights in Uzbekistan. Meanwhile, Human Rights Watch called on the UN secretary general to address human rights issues in the region, saying that this trip is “a major opportunity for the UN to mark its concern at the highest level.” Hugh Williamson, director of HRW’s Europe & Central Asia division, argued that the secretary-general should push Central Asian leaders for specific improvements, including ending torture and the crackdowns on demonstrations and freedom of expression. Uzbekistan has been a brutal dictatorship for the past 25 years. It would be reasonable and appropriate to urge a new president to turn the country into a democratic one, release all political prisoners, allow international organizations to work, and let the media do their jobs freely. However, Guterres remained cautious in Tashkent. Prominent Uzbek human rights activist Nadejda Atayeva, president of Central Asian Human Rights in Paris, does not believe that Mirziyoyev will bring changes to the country. “Speculation over a possible thaw in Uzbekistan… is only rhetoric, but not reality,” she said. “Uzbekistan is a leader by the number of political dissidents and prisoners, and the country still remains closed for independent experts and observers. The visit of the UN secretary general would be a reminder of international obligations to not only Uzbekistan, but to all the SCO member states, who usually never remember that they all ratified UN human rights agreements and they are responsible to comply,” Atayeva added. Taza Koom and a “Pioneer of Democracy” After leaving Uzbekistan, Guterres

arrived in Bishkek, Kyrgyzstan on June 11 and participated in a high-level conference with EU and World Bank representatives. The Kyrgyz government organized this conference to make a presentation on its project Taza Koom, which aims to boost the country’s digital technology and e-governance. Kyrgyzstan is seeking funding for Taza Koom from international organizations, inviting representatives from the EU, World Bank, Asian Development Bank, and European Bank for Reconstruction and Development. Actually, the Kyrgyz government and the president of Kyrgyzstan have been looking for funds for the implementation of Taza Koom project since the beginning of the year, as Kyrgyz Prime Minister Sooronbay Jeenbekov noted in Parliament on April 27. The Kyrgyz government believes that this project will decrease corruption and increase the security of citizens, whereas civil society and and opposition leaders remain skeptical. Guterres joined the government’s optimistic chorus, praising Kyrgyzstan and the new project. “Now, with Taza Koom, you are not only the pioneer of democracy in Central Asia, but you are becoming also a pioneer in the buildup not only of a digital economy but of a digital environment. And that is something extremely important in today’s world,” he said in remarks at the conference. The UN secretary general had already visited Kyrgyzstan in his past capacity as UN High Commissioner for Refugees, so he reflected on his previous experience. “I witnessed how in very difficult circumstances sometimes, the people of Kyrgyzstan have made a deliberate choice for democracy, a deliberate choice for a regime based on the rule of law, the protection of human rights, with a vibrant civil society, making Kyrgyzstan the pioneer of democracy in Central Asia,” Guterres said. However, NGOs in Kyrgyzstan don’t share this rosy view. Just before Guterres’ visit human rights defenders in Kyrgyzstan held a protest in front of the UN office in Bishkek. “We don’t trust UN Office,” said Cholpon Jakupova, leader of the NGO Adilet. “One of the main mandates of the UN is the protection of human rights. In Kyrgyzstan, the situation with freedom of speech and political suppression is aggravating.” “The UN secretary should have met with human rights defenders, but the Ministry of Foreign Affairs insisted to cancel this meeting,” Jakupova added. “Now the Kyrgyz government will be just presenting its Taza Koom to get funding.” During the protest, human rights defenders held placards saying “We demand a meeting with UN SG.” One of the leading Kyrgyz human rights activists, Aziza Abdrasulova, noted during the protest that the UN Office closely works with Kyrgyzstan’s MFA and thus “became its one of the departments, working with the instructions coming from Kyrgyz government.” “The UN should address human rights issues, but it keeps ignoring them,” she said. Alikbek Jekshenkulov, a former foreign minister for Kyrgyzstan, says that this trip is only a familiarization visit,

nothing more. Guterres “wants to feel the pulse in the region and how to address global problems such as terrorism, drug trafficking and religious extremism,” Jekshenkulov explained. “Central Asia has become a hotbed of these challenges. There is a concern as well that the situation in Afghanistan might worsen and it will have spillover effect to Central Asia. So he wants to see himself the situation and meet with regional leaders.” Jekshenkulov criticized the UN and other international organizations in general for becoming fragile and having declining authority at the international level. “The UN knows what is going on in every country and how is the situation with human rights. But I doubt that Mr. Guterres will raise the issue of human rights; if he mentions, [he will do] so in a very diplomatic way. His priority is to address global security issues such as climate change, terrorism, extremism etc.” Kyrgyz Parliament member Abdyvahap Nurbaev told The Diplomat that the visit of the UN secretary general is very important for Kyrgyzstan as it will help us to broaden the country’s international cooperation. Nurbaev noted that Kyrgyzstan, compared to other countries in the region, can be proud of its strong civil society. “In my opinion if the UN secretary decides to meet our NGOs and human rights defenders this would have… mutual benefits,” he said. In general, the UN secretary general’s visit to Central Asia has been without any human rights agenda. The main goal is to meet with each president and to “feel the pulse in the region,” as Jekshenkulov put it. In particular, his main goal appears to be speaking about and reminding Central Asia of the Sustainable Development Goals. In Kyrgyzstan, Guterres said that the previous Millennium Development Goals “were instrumental in mobilizing international efforts to lift more than one billion people out of extreme poverty.” He expressed hope that Kyrgyzstan’s Taza Koom will allow Kyrgyzstan to be more effective in the implementation of the new Sustainable Development Goals and extend the benefits to all citizens. Turkmenistan Ahead Guterres will visit Turkmenistan next, which is the most closed country in the region. Turkmenistan last year approved a Human Rights Action Plan, which included a promise to facilitate visits for UN special rapporteurs in 2018. However, so far more than 10 UN special rapporteurs and experts have requested country visits but were refused. Gueterres should at least address these questions and ask the Turkmen president to give information about human rights activists and opposition members who were sentenced and disappeared into the Turkmen prison system. However, Turkmenistan recently removed a constitutional provision providing for the supremacy of international law, thereby undercutting the enforceability of international human rights obligations. Cholpon Orozobekova is a researcher at the Bulan Institute for Peace Innovations. She also works for the International Service for Human Rights (ISHR) in Geneva.

India must address farmers’ issues or face consequences

The violent agitation by Madhya Pradesh farmers demanding loan waivers and better crop prices will only be repeated if state and federal governments drag their heels on reforms e Jaya Kumar


Asia Times

gitation from farmers in the central Indian state of Madhya Pradesh (MP) who are demanding loan waivers and better crop prices may be a sign of things to come. As the agitation has spread, political parties have been blaming each other instead of jointly discussing the agrarian crisis, which includes an alarming rise in farmer suicides. Farmers in MP and Maharashtra are angry because they are being forced to sell their produce at throwaway prices – or dump them due to oversupply triggered by a bumper harvest. The cartel of traders is refusing to give farmers a fair price. The farmers in MP began arson attacks and looting after six protesters died when police opened fire in Mandsaur last Tuesday. Killing people who feed the nation is a serious matter. Faced with assembly elections next year, MP’s government, led by the Bharatiya Janata Par-

ty (BJP), quickly launched a new debt relief scheme and decided to set up a panel to fix fair minimum prices for agricultural commodities. The government also announced US$15,5702 would be paid as compensation to each of the families of the farmers killed. A state of curfew was relaxed in Mandsaur on Friday and the situation has been improving. However farmers are still unhappy – after all, it took days for the MP government to confirm the protesters had been killed by police firing. Initially, they blamed it on “anti-social elements.” Many more farmers will abandon their fields if state and federal governments continue to ignore a series of five reports submitted by the National Commission on Farmers (NCF) between 2004 and 2006. Those reports say the minimum price for agricultural produce should be 50% more than the cost of production. This was one of the promises made by

the BJP in its 2014 election manifesto. Farmers need sustained and equitable access to resources such as land, water, credit, insurance, technology, knowledge and markets. Moreover, land reforms have to be pro-farmer and that means agricultural land should not be sold to the corporate sector, which federal and state governments have been pushing. The reports say a mechanism should be in place to regulate the sale of agricultural land based on size, proposed use and the type of buyer. Lawmakers, however, do not want to discuss the reports. For them, farm loan waivers are the quick-fix solution. Questions marks remain over the effectiveness of writing off such loans, however. Farm loan waivers are seen as good politics and bad economics. They are, some argue, a short-term solution which will leave state coffers dry and turn honest farmers into defaulters. The central bank of India recently warned that farm loan waivers could lead to fis-


cal slippage and inflationary spill-overs. (Ironically, state-owned banks have given loan waivers to corporates.) Successive governments have fooled farmers with false promises to win their votes. The farmers of Maharashtra and MP could have got better prices for their onions and tomatoes had the respective state governments provided adequate cold storage facilities. Farmers should have more control over their produce. Their dependency on cartels should be stopped. Farming has become a risky occupation due to climate change, low yields, falling prices, and governments’ failure to implement the NCF’s recommendations. Agricultural land is being converted for commercial use by politicians to benefit real estate firms and industry. Tougher laws should be framed to prevent change of land use and punish the guilty. Over 50% of India’s population are dependent on agriculture. If their means of livelihood is hit, the consequences will be grave. The recent events in MP are a pointer to that.

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WednesdAY 14•06•2017

Morung Express Learning



Vision 2030: Agriculture and Allied Sectors


he ‘Nagaland Vision 2030’ document was unveiled by Nagaland governor, PB Acharya on December 2016. The document outlines the broad contours of development which the State seeks to undertake over the next decades or so. In continuation of its series on ‘Vision 2030,’ the Morung Learning highlights key strategies for adopted for Agriculture and Allied Sectors. Background According to the 2015-16 GSDP figures, the agricultural sector accounted for about 30 percent of the State’s GDP compared to the share of the secondary sector at around 15 percent and share of the tertiary sector at around 55 percent. There were about 4, 20,000 agricultural workers as per Census 2011. It is thus clear that any development strategy for Nagaland must begin with the agricultural sector. While the agriculture and allied sectors have brought out a notable Vision 2025 document towards securing this objective, the Vision 2030 opined that it is imperative for the departments to quickly undertake scientific and accurate methods of planning land use that will give more accuracy for production projections as well as for the purpose of monitoring and evaluation of their programs. integrated intensive inclusive agricultural clusters (iiiacs) Strategy: To realize the vision of an agricultural led development strategy, the Vision 2030 introduced the concept of Integrated IIACS which shall provide the fuel and gumption to the growth processes. Along with restructuring the flow of present development funds for agriculture, special funds will be needed to set up IIIACs to encourage optimization of traditional agricultural crops utilizing technical inputs and integrating with Departmental activities. Examples include cut-flower clusters in Kenya, the grape clusters in Maharashtra and livestock clusters in China. The IIIACs will facilitate interac-


tions between farmers and agro-processors/exporters and also facilitate stable relationship between government and farmers/agro-processors/ exporters. The Vision 2030 gave an estimate of at least 11 IIIACs in the next three years @ Rs 10 crore per year per IIIACs with the annual requirement of Rs 110 crores per annum for the next five years. Step to tackle the issue of iiiacs Soil Mapping and Crop Zonation: It is imperative to expedite soil mapping exercises with the aid of modern technology in the State to identify the suitability of the types of soil for cultivation of various crops by undertaking soil survey, testing and analysis of soil health. From the data on production and area sown for crops, fruits, vegetables and spices for the period 2001-2015 provided by the Agriculture and Horticulture Departments, the crops which dominate the various districts in terms of area and production have been identified. Forest, Forestry and Agro Forestry: A sector closely related to the agricultural sector is forestry. The Forest Department’s goal to increase the dense forest cover to at least 45% by 2025 is significant as preservation, conservation and expansion of forest cover becomes critical in the backdrop of the growing concerns of global climate change. Although, State Action Plan on Climate Change (SAPCC) is already in place, Climate Change issues need to be addressed through suitable mitigation and adaptation measures, mainstreaming low carbon development strategy, strengthening capacities for environmental protection and increasing the carbon sink availability. The facets of forest in terms of environmental implications and as one of the rich natural resources of the State with economic potential needs to be balanced carefully and methodically. Medicinal and Aromatic Plants (MAPs): Along with encouraging the present practices developing of shade loving cash crops like Cardamom and the expansion of Rubber

plantations, the Silvo-medicinal system in which integration of trees and Medicinal and Aromatic Plants (MAPs) take place must be promoted. While MAPs has tremendous potential in Nagaland, the efforts of the Nagaland Bio Resource Mission (NBRM) has not been recognized and has been relegated to the background with limited funding. Organic Cultivation: The State has a comparative advantage for the development and promotion of organic cultivation and must therefore devise measures backed by appropriate policy framework to convert the ‘Organic by default’ areas into ‘Organic by design’ for specific crops with high market value and demand. Production of 100 percent SAFE food through Good Agricultural Practices (GAP) and natural indigenous production systems duly certified by an appropriate State agency for instant recognition as Naga food brand with Unique Selling Proposition (USP) as well as brand value such as pristine, safe, exotic etc for both fresh and processed products must be promoted. Honey and Beekeeping: Nagaland has the potential to economically produce about 10,000 metric tonnes of honey and 10 metric tonnes of bees wax which will lead to substantial commercial and employment opportunities. The Vision for the Mission is to produce 2000 metric tonnes of honey and 2 metric tonnes of wax by 2030 valued at about Rs 100 crores annually. A reasonable target, adequate resources should be provided for the activities such as research studies, apiculture development and promotion, industry service and marketing for development of apiculture as an enterprise. Bamboo: The development of bamboo in the State can be taken up from two perspectives; as a resource and as an enterprise. Nagaland has 5% of the total growing stock of Bamboo of India with an annual yield assessed at 8.35 lakh metric tonnes worth over Rs 200 crores. This fast regenerating plant has great economic potentials and

can be made a commercial product through value addition and appropriate technology intervention. Mechanization and Modernization: If the produce of the farmers is to get acceptance in the market, apart from the volume of production, the quality of the products is critical. For this, high investment is required to upgrade and improve the agricultural technologies. Along with it research and development are necessary for improving the local technologies. This calls for establishment of a Central Agriculture University in the State and with affiliation of the existing institutes like School of Agriculture Sciences and Rural Development (SASRD), Central Institute of Horticulture (CIH) and the newly inaugurated Veterinary College. Moreover college of fishery, college of forestry, the Indian Institute of Science Education and Research (IISER) should be established in the State. Veterinary and Animal Husbandry: The shortfall in meat, milk and egg production in the State leads to heavy import of these items valued at more than 200 crores rupees per annum. In order to minimise the cost and to increase the quantum of production of meat, there is a pertinent need to establish feed and fodder processing units with credit linkages. Besides the conventional meat products, there are also other areas of developing unique indigenous breeds of animals like Mithun (Bosfrontalis). The State should therefore strive to realise the potential of mithun as a source of meat, milk, hide and draught power. Irrigation and Fishery: To stimulate commercial agriculture, the endeavour is to provide assured irrigation round the year through conservation of river corridors with watershed development, springshed development, groundwater development and to encourage adoption of new technologies for conservation of water. The fishery sector may not look as good a potential as other areas along large rivers and seas. But with regular heavy rainfall,

the water bodies created can be conserved and converted for commercial fishery. The fast flowing clear streams have potential for riverine fish will not only supplement the food needs of the people but can also be developed for angling and other sports to promote tourism. reform and restructuring The goals laid down in this Vision document cannot be achieved without fundamental changes in the structures of the agriculture and allied sector with particular emphasis on convergence. To ensure this, there has to be a degree of decentralisation as well as considerable level of centralisation. A healthy mix will ensure entry of private initiative and will promote balanced growth. Institutional Changes: 71% of the population of Nagaland is rural. By default 50% of the work force and 63% of the households are engaged in farming. One of the reasons for slow progress in agricultural specialisation has been the fragmented and beneficiary oriented approach to agricultural development coupled with the multiplicity of implementing agencies with little or no coordination.m The office of the Agricultural Production Commissioner(APC) which deals with coordination of the sectors require a restructure with more powers and should focus on production and downstream activities of not only drawing up strategies but also closely monitoring production and other post-harvest activities. The office of APC should therefore be converted into a Commissionerate and renamed as the Agricultural Commissionerate (AC) with its executive branches at the district level to ensure co-ordination as much at the district level and down to the cluster levels which shall be the vehicles for implementing the vision for the agriculture and allied sectors. Such a Commissionerate should be formed without creating any new posts but by drawing both the manpower and the posts from the existing and in some cases, overstaffed departments of the sector.

the development of the iiiacs shall follow the steps given below: • Identification of the crop-area mix for focus in the IIIACs and development into business clusters for appropriate crops. The Agricultural Commissionerate will coordinate the IIIACs to ensure the activities are holistically from production to marketing. Initially the IIIACs should be set up in locations with a high degree of connectivity both in terms of roads, mobile services, internet etc to ensure marketability. • Ensure that private players can enter into the areas to set up contract farming, processing, sale and marketing and provide a singlewindow clearance for setting up of various activities in the IIIACs. Facilitate the setting up of technology tie-ups with companies/firms engaged in agricultural processing. • Focus on collecting quality data on a regular basis. Financing agricultural Growth The most crucial determinant to make agriculture as an engine of growth is to ensure that adequate finances are available for all the envisaged activities. Investments of the Government has to be substantial but at the same time the system of funding should take into account such measures as to incentivise the farmers at the grass root through the involvement of the village level institutions such as the Village Councils or by formation of Village Agriculture Boards/ Committees and making them take ownership as partners in growth. The village level bodies should also be enabled to secure the interest of the farmers and to ensure accountability both for the introduction of the crops as also for the financial transactions through the banks, financial institutions or private investors. The existing national schemes of crop insurance for focus crops should be tapped to protect farmers against unforeseen crop failures. Side by side the proposed community based insurance systems should be carried forward with urgency. (Source: Nagaland Vision 2030)

Know your English Universities, Colleges offer scholarships to students from Nagaland Weekly InternshIp lIst Portmanteau

A portmanteau, in the linguistic sense, is a word formed by blending elements from two or more distinct words to create one word with a new, combined meaning. Derived from the Latin portare – to carry and mantellum –a cloak, portmanteau was originally used to refer to a suitcase with a special compartment for hanging clothing and a regular compartment for folded clothes and other articles. The evolution of the word portmanteau to include both ‘suitcase’ and ‘linguistic blend’ was first introduced in the children’s book - Through the Looking Glass by Lewis Carroll. Some common and well-known portmanteaus include: smog: smoke+fog infomercial: information+commercial jeggings: jeans+leggings bromance: ‘bro’+romance


he Manipal University, Manipal, Karnataka and DG Ruparel College of Arts, Science and Commerce, Mumbai under Mumbai University have announced seats in their institutions to provide opportunities to the students from Nagaland. It was being done under the initiative of the Governor of Nagaland and Arunachal Pradesh, PB Acharya, a press release from the PRO to Governor informed. SNDT University in Mumbai and Alva Education Foundation, Mangalore has also agreed to provide opportunities to the students of the State shortly,it said. NITTE Medical Science University of Mangalore has also agreed to enter into Public Private Partnership (PPP) for setting up of a medical college in strategic boarder area of the State, it added. DG Ruparel College will also

provide admission to four male students from Nagaland for the promotion of national integrity and culture enrichment including a sponsor for tuition fees and free accommodation in the College's Boy’s Hostel. The students, however, have to bear boarding and other expenses. The college offer B.Sc & M.Sc in Computer Science, B.Sc & M.Sc in Information Technology, Bachelor of Management Studies (BMS), M Com (Advance Accountancy), B Com Div III & Div IV Unaided and M Sc in Analytical Chemistry. Students may choose any of the subjects offered and they will be admitted on merit basis subject to the fulfilment of the admission criteria by University of Mumbai. The release also informed that the Manipal University has also announced seats that 50% of the total course fee will be borne by

Quiz #64

This contest is open ONLY for students. Cut and send in your answers along with your name, class and name of institution to The Morung Express Office (address given below). You can also email the answers to morunglearning@ gmail.com or WhatsApp @ 8794005039 Answers to Quiz #63: 1-B, 2-C, 3-D, 4-B, 5-A No correct entries were received for Quiz #63 Each week, one lucky winner will be given a prize of Rs. 500. The winner may collect the same from The Morung Express Office, H/No.4, Duncan Basti, Dimapur within two weeks. *Winner should bring along a valid ID to claim the prize.


1. Volunteering at wwF india Location – Guwahati Stipend – Rs. 3,000-5,000/Month Link –internshala.com/i/4011 Deadline – 21st June 2017 2. Social Media Marketing at Future First insurance Location –Durgapur, Kolkata, Siliguri,Bhubaneswar Stipend – Rs. 5,000-8,000/Month Link –internshala.com/i/4012 Deadline – 23rd June 2017 3. content writing at cricket tracker networks Location – Kolkata Stipend – Rs. 6,000-12,000/Month Link –internshala.com/i/4013 Deadline – 24th June 2017 4. Marketing at intellify – iit Delhi Location – Work From Home Stipend – Rs. 5,000/Month

Link –internshala.com/i/4014 Deadline – 25th June 2017 5. Ui Design at DtUHUB Location – Work From Home Stipend – Rs. 8,000/Month Link –internshala.com/i/4015 Deadline – 25th June 2017 6. Operations at Visit internet Services Location – Work From Home Stipend – Rs. 10,000/Month Link –internshala.com/i/4016 Deadline – 26th June 2017 Courtesy & Disclaimer: Internshala (www.internshala.com) – World’s largest internship platform. The Morung Learning will be carrying content from internshala every week. All content are those of Internshala. The Morung Express is not responsible or liable for any content in this article.

Who is the Right Leader for Nagaland?

Lee Kuan Yew, the first Prime Minister of Singapore catapulted Singapore from a stagnant Third World backwater to the front ranks of the First World in just three decades of governance with his imagination, courage, political will, and benign execution of power. Similarly, in a State like Nagaland that’s desperately crying out for transformation, dynamic leadership is required for dynamic change.

ParticiPate & win

1. the Green Village initiative of the nagaland state government being implemented by the electrical inspectorate has so far touched ___ number of villages. a) 35 b) 65 c) 154 d) 6960 2. record output of rice, wheat, oilseeds and pulses helped indian grains production reach an all-time high in the latest crop year. what was the total production? a) 237.38 million tonnes b) 273.38 million tonnes c) 5.6 billion tonnes d) 16.07 billion tonnes 3. which player claimed his 15th Grand Slam title and a record 10th French Open title? a) Stan Wawrinka b) Roger Federer c) Novak Djokovic d) Rafa Nadal 4. This local brand from nagaland specializes in rustic and vintage customized handmade products like home decors, jewelry boxes, contemporary naga jewelry. what is the name of the brand? a) Rustique Edge b) Rustic Edge c) Tinted Lights Studio d) Aien Jamir Creations 5. citing a new study, the associated Press reported that india’s average temperatures rose by more ____ between 1960 and 2009. a) 0.5 degree Celsius b) 1 degree Celsius c) 2 degree Celsius d) 3.6 degree Celsius

the University as scholarship to the students. The University will be offering two (2) seats in each of the following courses: Bachelor of Physiotherapy, B Sc in Medical Imaging Technology;Health Information Management;Medical Laboratory Technology; and Exercise and Sport Science, BA (Humanities) and MA (Geopolitics and International Relations) Applications can be sent stating preferred course along with a copy of mark sheets and Indigenous Inhabitant of Nagaland Certificate to Raj Bhavan Kohima on or before June 20. Students should have secured 50% or above marks in their final exams to apply. The application may be mailed to secy.rajbhavannagaland@gmail. com. For further queries, one may contact (0370)2245789.

- Shitio Shitiri, assistant Professor, Department of Political Science


ne essential ingredient of a state is the existence of visionary leaders. Our state has a good number of aspiring political leaders, but sadly very few live up to the expectations. Whatever position we may find ourselves enmeshed, one thing is certain that the quality of leadership determines the destiny of a state. It is the deeds committed by us which degrade or elevate our standing in the society we live. If good deeds are done with actual labour, then nobody can stop us from attaining the much cherished goal in our life. But if we have sinister motives in our mind and heart, then the exact opposite will happen. To be honest, the prospect of our future depends upon how we choose our leaders. We first need to be responsible for ourselves before we can be responsible for others. American author, speaker, and pastor John C Maxwell has said, “A leader is one who knows the way, goes the way, and shows the way”. Nagas at this point of time don’t need politicians, but leaders who think and live for the people. We need true leaders, one who can lead the state

and its people out of ignorance, corruption, and all kinds of evil and wrong practices. Good leadership requires a combination of charisma and integrity, as well as the ability to assess a situation and make decisions based on what would be best for the masses. We need leaders with integrity. The people need a consistency of values. Unfortunately, there is lack of transparency and honest politicians. The lack of transparency results in the lack of trust. The best leaders are the ones who accept blame when things are wrong and give credit when things go right. Leaders need to let go of ego and focus on the growth of the society. The lack of commitment, formation of new party or shifting of loyalties to another cannot change the personality of a leader. I wonder how politicians at one given point of time were best comrades and later turn out to be foes. Trust is immediately shattered impeding the flow of honest feedback and communication through the ranks and files. One needs to stop the bloody war of blaming or pointing fingers at each other. We need to focus on being a person of integrity, not a person

who doesn’t make mistakes. I cannot believe the abundance of ego and pride among our selfish arrogant leaders taking Nagaland from bad to worse. We have failed to recognize good leaders from bad ones. Our leaders have failed us because of poor and fickle visions and goals. They are happy within their comfort zones, satisfied with the status quo, and tend to be more concerned about survival than growth. Such hardened leaders succeed in passing the lie detector test and befool the people for a while, but the day of reckoning will certainly come. A leader who lacks character and integrity will not endure the test of time. It doesn’t matter how intelligent, persuasive, or savvy a person is, if they are prone to rationalizing unethical behaviour, they will eventually fall prey to their own undoing. Nobody is perfect, but leaders who consistently fail are not leaders. If leaders don’t understand the concept of “service above self”, they will not win the trust, confidence, and loyalty of those they lead. We need leaders who are fluid and flexible in their approach. “When the righteous thrive,

the people rejoice; when the wicked rule, the people groan” (Proverbs29:2).We need fresh and young dynamic leaders for the bright future of our coming generation. Leaders are born out of you and me. The present holds the key to the future. If we want our future to be bright, we should be prepared to choose the right leader who can work honestly and incessantly in the right direction. It leads to the logical conclusion that if we want to gain something with one hand, we have to give up or sacrifice something in lieu with the other. Let not ‘creed, tribalism, money, selfish corrupted individuals’ vote bank’ replace ‘merit, competence, integrity, and honesty’. It’s a vicious cycle and the problem is somewhere inside and needs to be fixed. This is perhaps the most challenging reality for us to accept. Politicians often promise the moon on a stick. When they fail to deliver, voters end up feeling disappointed and possibly even betrayed. Are the public leaders, the main actors in this play, satisfied with the way the government is working? Can we make a positive difference in the state? Where do we

Readers may please note that, the contents of the articles published on this page do not reflect the outlook of this paper nor of the Editor in any form.

start? First we need to change our thought, attitude and behaviour to ensure a better future and progressive society. Public opinion, debate or discussion on a larger scale would be instrumental in minimizing the special advantages of the various interest groups that have often negatively influenced most processes relating to good governance. We need to engage in some self reflection on why there is lack of political, economic and social growth. Indeed, we can be the change if we can change our mindset‘so be the change’ to contribute to the long term growth of good governance. Election 2018 is approaching, and here we can be as clean as a whistle. Major changes start at the grassroot level. Perhaps you can’t save the world, but you can at least save your backyard for now. Degree of Thought is a weekly community column initiated by Tetso College in partnership with The Morung Express. Degree of Thought will delve into the social, cultural, political and educational issues around us. The views expressed here do not reflect the opinion of the institution. Tetso College is a NAAC Accredited UGC recognised Commerce and Arts College. The editors are Dr. Hewasa Lorin, Anjan Behera, Dr. Salikyu Sangtam, Nivibo Yiki, and Kvulo Lorin. For feedback or comments please email: dot@tetsocollege.org.


WednesdAY 14•06•2017



meet to set forth Enough evidence to prove my case: Mallya Trump-Modi vision to expand Indo-US ties

LONDON, JUNE 13 (PTI): Embattled Indian tycoon Vijay Mallya, who is wanted in India on loan defaults to several banks, today claimed that he has "enough evidence" to plead his case as he appeared before Westminster Magistrates' Court here for his extradition case hearing. The 61-year-old former chief of erstwhile Kingfisher airlines, who has been out on bail since his arrest in April, arrived for the hearing in Court Room 3 after a number of other extradition cases on schedule for the day. "I have not alluded any court...I have enough evidence to prove my case," Mallya told reporters outside the court. Chief Magistrate Emma Louise Arbuthnot will preside over what is referred to as a "case management hearing", when a final hearing date is expected to be set. Britain's Crown Prosecution Service (CPS) will present the case in court on behalf of the Indian authorities. Mallya's defence team is being led by the firm Joseph Hague Aaronson LLP. They have instructed barrister Clare Montgomery, a specialist in criminal, regulatory and fraud law,to argue in court on their behalf. The CPS have instruct-

Force India co-owner, Vijay Mallya, talks outside Westminster Magistrates, in central London, Britain June 13. (REUTERS Photo)

edMark Summers to act as barrister for the CPS Extradition Unit and the Government of India. Summers is a leading expert in extradition and international law matters. "There might be a few more hearings in this case in the coming months to deal with case management or any issues that arise, before the final hearing takes place, at which the full arguments from both sides in this case will be heard by the Judge,"explainedJasvinder Nakhwal, partner at Peters and Peters Solicitors LLP and member of the UK's

Extradition Lawyers Association. The CPS had met a joint team of Central Bureau of Investigation (CBI) and Enforcement Directorate (ED) officials in London last month to thrash out details of the case. "Our aim is to build a strong, infallible case and these meetings will help resolve issues across the table. The CPS will be arguing based on documents provided by CBI and ED, therefore a joint team is here to address queries they may have," official sources had said after the meeting held in early May.

A CBI official has also flown in from Delhi for the hearing today. Last week, Mallya was welcomed with chants of "chor, chor" by Indian cricket fans as he arrived to watch the India vs South Africa Champions Trophy match at The Oval cricket ground in London. Earlier, he had caused a stir by his attendance of the India vs Pakistan match in Birmingham after which he had declared on Twitter that he would be attending all India matches in the ongoing ICC Champions Trophy. Mallya, who is wanted in India for Kingfisher

Airlines' default on loans worth nearly Rs 9,000 crores, has been in the UK since March 2016 and was arrested by Scotland Yard on an extradition warrant on April 18. He had attended a central London police station for his arrest and was released on conditional bail a few hours later after providing a bail bond worth 650,000 pounds, assuring the court of abiding by all conditions associated with extradition proceedings, such as the surrender of his passport and a ban on him possessing any travel documents. An initial case management hearing date of May 17 had been postponed to June 13. If the District Judge rules in favour of extradition at the end of the trial, the UK home secretary must order Mallya's extradition within two months of the appropriate day. However, the case can go through a series of appeals before arriving at a conclusion. India and the UK have an Extradition Treaty, signed in 1992, but so far only one extradition has taken place under the arrangement - Samirbhai Vinubhai Patel, who was sent back to India last October to face trial in connection with his involvement in the post-Godhra riots of 2002.

First meeting between the two leaders on June 26 WaShINgTON, JUNE 13 (PTI): The maiden meeting between US President Donald Trump and Prime Minister Narendra Modi would "set forth a vision" to expand the US-India partnership in an ambitious way, the White House has said. The leaders of the world's two largest democracies, home to 1.6 billion people, will meet on June 26 to discuss a gamut of bilateral issues including terrorism and India's concerns over possible changes in H1B visa rules. "I think you can expect the two of them to set forth a vision that will expand the US-India partnership in an ambitious and worthy way of both countries' people," White House Press Secretary Sean Spicer told reporters at his daily news conference. Spicer said the two leaders were expected to set forth a "common vision" on expanding the US-India partnership. He cited fighting terrorism, promoting economic growth and reforms and expanding security cooperation in the Indo-Pacific region as shared priorities. "President Trump and Prime Minister Modi will look to outline a common vision for the United States-India partnership that is worthy of their 1.6 billion citizens," Spicer said. Trump invited Modi to Washington after the latter rang him in January to congratulate the new president on his inauguration. "The president and the prime minister have had a number of positive phone conversations, and expect to further that discussion ... whether it's economic growth and reforms, fighting terrorism,

expanding our cooperation as major defence partners," Spicer said in response to a question. The bilateral talks appear to be no bed of roses as they come amidst thorny issues like US' plans to reduce the number of H-1B visa slots that are mainly used by Indian IT workers, and its withdrawal from the historic climate accord. The White House said that the US-India trade has grown six-fold since 2000, from USD 19 billion to USD 115 billion in 2016, despite the recent hiccups over the H1-B visa issue. "US energy and technologies, including natural gas, are helping to build Prime Minister Modi's vision for a new India and creating thousands of US jobs in the process," Spicer said. Notably, Modi's US visit, which would begin on June 25, comes in the backdrop of Trump's announcement to withdraw the US from the historic Paris Climate Agreement signed by over 190 other countries. In his announcement of the decision for which he received a global condemnation, Trump had blamed India and China for the US withdrawal. "India makes its participation contingent on receiving billions and billions of dollars from developed countries," he had said. Strongly rejecting Trump's contention, India said it signed the Paris deal not under duress or for lure of money but due to its commitment to protect the environment. During his visit to France this month, Modi even said that India would "go above and beyond" the Paris deal to protect climate for the future generations. Apart from ways to enhance trade and business cooperation, Modi and Trump are expected to discuss defence ties.

Doctors withdrawn from Lalu's 2 Madhya Pradesh farmers commit suicide, 3rd found dead JUNE 13 hanging from a tree around ment at hospital later at owed Rs 5 lakh in debts, showed that his spleen had residence after opposition hue & cry BhOPaL, also died under mysterious burst open due to excessive (IaNS): Distressed over 4 a.m. His relatives said he night.

PaTNa, JUNE 13 (IaNS): Controversies continue to dog Rashtriya Janata Dal (RJD) chief Lalu Prasad and his family, the latest in the series being deployment of a medical team at the residence he shares with his son and Bihar Health Minister Tej Pratap Yadav. The medical team was, however, withdrawn after the opposition parties raised a hue and cry over the matter, officials said on Tuesday. A team of three doctors and two male nurses of the Patna-based Indira Gandhi Institute of Medical Science (IGIMS) had been deployed for over a week at 10-Circular Road, the residence officially in the name of Rabri Devi, former Bihar Chief Minister who is mother of Tej Pratap. Lalu and other members of his family, including his younger son Tejashwi Yadav, who is Bihar Deputy Chief Minister, live there. According to officials close to Tej Prataap, the medical team was deployed for the treatment of Lalu last week -- May 31 to June 8 -- when he was taken ill. Opposition Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) and its allies raised the matter and questioned the official rules to deploy a team of doctors at Lalu's residence and also demanded an explanation from the Nitish Kumar-led state government. However, soon after the issue came to light and the opposition raised questions pointing to Lalu's clout in the state government, the IGIMS ordered withdrawal of the team of doctors from Rabri Devi's house. IGIMS Superintendent P.K. Sinha told

the media that there was nothing wrong in deputation of a team of doctors at the residence of Heath Minister Tej Pratap, who is also Chairman of the IGIMS, an autonomous body. "Tej Pratap as the Health Minister has the prerogative to call for doctors and ask for deployment of a team of doctors," he said. Sinha said as the Chairman, Tej Pratap was entitled to the privilege, and that even ministers were entitled to certain prerogatives. Leader of Opposition Prem Kumar said at a time when common people have been running from pillar to post for treatment at government hospitals across the state, an entire team of doctors was deployed at the Health Minister's residence. "It has exposed the clout of Lalu and his family (in the government)." Another senior BJP leader, Nand Kishore Yadav also criticised Lalu and his family for "misusing the power". Expelled RJD MP and chief of Jan Adhikar Party Pappu Yadav said: "Doctors ki nahi jallaadonn ki tainati Lalu ke awas par hona chaahiye. Garibon ko doctors milate nahi lekin Lalu ke liye doctors ki team mil jaati hai (Instead of doctors, executioners should be deployed at Lalu's residence. Poor have no medical facilities, but doctors' team is available for Lalu"). BJP's ally LJP leader Pasupati Kumar Paras also flayed the deputation of doctors, saying while there was so much shortage of doctors in government hospitals, deputation of a team of doctors for his treatment was simply uncalled for.

loans, two farmers in Madhya Pradesh have committed suicide while one debtridden farmer died under mysterious circumstances in the past 24 hours. The police are investigating the three cases. On Tuesday, Makhan Lal in Hoshangabad's Bhairopur village was found

was deeply distressed as he had many outstanding loans and sold off a piece of his 15-acre land every year to repay some of the debts. On Monday, Hari Singh Jatav of Vidhisha district's Jirapur village slipped into a critical condition after he consumed poison. He passed away during treat-

Jatav's family said that during a recent demarcation of his farm land, the patwari gave away Jatav's share of the land to his uncle. After raising his voice at various forums, the disturbed farmer consumed poison to end his life. Dulichandra of Sehore district's Jajna village, who

ChENNaI, JUNE 13 (IaNS): The Enforcement Directorate (ED) on Tuesday said it has provisionally attached around 50 kg of gold ingots/bars worth over Rs 13,96,88,246 crore of businessman J.Sekhar Reddy and his associates in connection with new-for-old currency notes scam. The action has been taken under the provisions of Prevention of Money Laundering Act, 2002 (PMLA), the ED said. In a statement issued here, the ED said following demonetisation, the Income Tax Department searched various places belonging to Reddy, Managing Partner of SRS Mining, and seized about Rs 97 crore in old currency notes, Rs 34 crore in new currency notes and

Govt has no intention to change food habits: Harsh Vardhan NEW DELhI, JUNE 13 (IaNS): The government does not have an "iota of intention" to change anybody's food habits or adversely affect the slaughter business, Environment Minister Harsh Vardhan said on Tuesday, promising to look into any suggestions to modify the recent controversial order on cattle trade. "It is all some misunderstanding and misconceptions. We don't have an iota of intention to either alter the food habits of anyone nor do we intend to directly or indirectly affect adversely the slaughter trade," he told CNN News 18. He was replying to questions on the recent notification by the Environment Ministry regulating the cattle sale to ensure that they are not sold for slaughter in markets. A raging controversy followed that notification with states ruled by non-BJP parties taking strong exception to it. The Kerala and Meghalaya Assemblies have already passed resolutions attacking the notification and asking the Centre to withdraw it. Dismissing epithets like "fascist" being used against the Modi government, Vardhan said the BJP is used to such attacks but the government was fully dedicated and committed to the people's welfare. let says. Professor Alka Kriplani, Gynaecology Department head at the All India Institute of Medical Sciences here, said that unless there is a specific reason, a pregnant woman should continue with all activities she routinely indulges in, including sex, "unless there is a high-risk factor".

drinking. "He used to consume alcohol. He complained of stomach pain on Monday and was taken to a hospital, where he died," Geete said. Dulichandra's body has been kept for chemical examination since his family claimed he committed suicide, the police officer said.

ED attaches 50 kg gold of Tamil Nadu businessman Sekhar Reddy 177 kg of gold bars. Following that, the Central Bureau of Investigation (CBI) registered an FIR against Reddy and his associates for converting demonetised currencies into new currency notes in a fraudulent manner, the ED said, adding it had also initiated investigations under PMLA against Reddy and others. During the searches, 49.480 kg of gold bars valued at Rs 13,96,88,246 were recovered and seized by the Income Tax offficials from a flat belonging to SRS Mining. Reddy has stated that cash seized by the Income Tax department belongs to his SRS mining Company and admitted that it was unaccounted money. "However, he has not divulged

Shun sex, non-veg food, AYUSH Ministry tells pregnant women NEW DELhI, JUNE 13 (IaNS): Abstain from sex. Do not eat nonvegetarian food and harbour spiritual thoughts. That's the advice the country's AYUSH Ministry has doled out to pregnant women. Medical experts have rebutted it. The ministry's lofty and pious advice, given in a booklet, includes that pregnant women should read life histories of great personalities, stay calm, and avoid anger or lust. The booklet was released by Minister of State for AYUSH Shripad Yesso Naik during the National Health Editors' Conference on Yoga on June 9 in the run-up to the International Yoga Day. "Pregnant women should detach themselves from desire, anger, attachment, hatred, and lust," the booklet published by AYUSH Ministry-funded Central Council for Research in Yoga and Naturopathy says. "Hang some good and beautiful pictures in bedroom, which will have an effect on the (unborn) child also... during pregnancy, women have to do self-study, should have spiritual thoughts, should read the life histories of great personalities and should keep themselves in peace," it added. Medical experts, however, have contradicted what the book-

circumstances on Monday. While his relatives suspect he committed suicide, local police have attributed his death to excessive alcohol consumption. According to Rehti area police station chief Pankaj Geete, primary results from Dulichandra's post-mortem examination

Regarding consumption of non-veg food, she said fish and chicken are good for health while (red) meat increases cholesterol levels. "But there is no such thing that one should avoid meat during pregnancy. It is a good source of protein and those who consume it can continue to do so," she told IANS.

"Also, protein intake should be higher during pregnancy. While I'm not saying that those who are vegetarians should start consuming non-vegetarian protein, but those who usually consume it should continue to do so to fulfil their protein intake," Dr Kriplani added. Prof. Suneeta Mittal, Director and Head of Gynaecology at Fortis Research Institute, agreed and said expectant women should continue to follow the same dietary pattern that they follow otherwise. "However, during the first trimester, we ask pregnant women to avoid drinking and smoking. In terms of dietary advice, we tell them not to consume too much fried food." "But we don't give them any specific advice regarding non-vegetarian food. Whatever is their dietary pattern, they should continue with the same," she told IANS. However, Mittal added, there may be some allergies vis-a-vis which they need to be careful. Regarding sexual intercourse during pregnancy, she said it is best avoided during the first three months. "After that, unless it is medically indicated, there is no need to avoid it during normal pregnancy."

the actual source of new currencies other than stating that it is from the sand mining business," the ED said. According to ED, Reddy and his associates converted a part of such unaccounted monies into gold bars through M. Premkumar, who used to receive money from K.Srinivasulu, an associate of Reddy, for their purchase. Between November 20 to December 7, 2016, Premkumar purchased about 80 kg gold, using cash provided by various persons on behalf of Srinivasulu. The purchases were made without bills or vouchers. According to ED, Srinivasulu has stated that he used to receive money from SRS Mining and used to use a

part of the same for converting into gold bars through Premakumar as per the instructions of Reddy. The ED said the two partners of SRS Mining - Ramachandran and Rethinam - had stated that they used to transport huge amounts of cash by road without any accompanying accounts and neither maintained any accounts against collections, expenses, etc. so as to conceal the illegal earnings from accounted income but had never sought to buy gold bars. "However they stated that they never instructed to purchase gold bars and this may be on the instructions of Sekhar Reddy only," the ED said. The total attachments in the case has gone up to about Rs 68.5 crore.

Headquarters: Lumami, Dist: Zunheboto, (Nagaland), Pin Code-798 627 No.NU-Acad/A-7/2005-2103

Dated: Lumami, the 9th June' 2017


It is hereby notified to all the aspiring students seeking admission to various disciplines of Post-Graduate degree as well as M. Phil. and Ph. D. programmes in the Schools of Sciences, Social Sciences & Humanities & Education in the Hqrs: Lumami & Kohima campus, Nagaland University for the Academic Session 2017-18, that the prospectus can be obtained on payment through the Challan of Rs. 200/- only for General, etc. (Rs. 150/- only for ST./SC.) from revenue counter of Nagaland University Hqrs: Lumami, Kohima-Campus Meriema & SET-Dimapur. As per the UGC letter vide No. F.1-12/2015 (CM) Dt. 28.12.2015, Nagaland University has adopted "Online Admission" from the Academic Session 2017-18. The necessary guidelines, information and others to the effect are available in the Prospectus 2017-18 as well as in the University website www.nagalanduniversity.ac.in. Aspiring candidates who wish to study may apply by availing the "Online Admission" facilities. Some of the important Dates: Sl. No.


Opening Date of online 1 Application Form submission Last Date of online application 2 Form submission. Date of declaration of 1st list of 3 selected candidates. 4

Dates of Online Admission fee payment for selected candidates.

P.G. Courses

M. Phil. & Ph.D.

15th June, 2017

20th July, 2017

16th July, 2017

5th August, 2017

21st July, 2017 21st - 27th July, 2017

13th (M. Phil) & 16th (Ph. D.) August, 2017 13th -23rd (M. Phil) & 16th -31st (Ph. D.) August, 2017

Note: Merit list shall be prepared as per University rules in the respective Academic Departments and the short-listed names of the aspiring students will be displayed on the University website & respective Academic Department Notice Board. Sd/- Registrar

WednesdAY 14•06•2017




Dennis Rodman says ‘trying to open door’ in NKorea PYONGYANG, JuNE 13 (AP): Dennis Rodman, the former NBA bad boy who has palled around with North Korean leader Kim Jong Un, flew back to Pyongyang on Tuesday for the first time in Donald Trump’s presidency. He said he is “just trying to open a door” on a mission that he thinks his former “Celebrity Apprentice” boss would support. Rodman, one of the few people to know both of the nuclear-armed leaders, sported a black T-shirt advertising a marijuana cybercurrency as he talked to reporters briefly before his flight from Beijing to the North Korean capital. Asked if he had spoken to Trump about his trip, he said, “Well, I’m pretty sure he’s pretty much happy with the fact that I’m over here trying to accomplish something that we both need.” Rodman has received the red-carpet treatment on four past trips since 2013, but has been roundly criticized for visiting during a time of high tensions between the U.S. and North Korea over its weapons programs. His entourage includes Joseph Terwilliger, a professor who has accompanied Rodman on previous trips to North Korea. Rodman said the issue of several Americans currently detained by North Korea is “not

SKorea names new minister to handle ties with NKorea

Former NBA basketball star Dennis Rodman, center, is greeted by North Korea’s Sports Ministry Vice Minister Son Kwang Ho, right, upon his arrival at Sunan International Airport on Tuesday, June 13, 2017, in Pyongyang, North Korea. Rodman has arrived in North Korea on his first visit since President Donald Trump took office. (AP Photo)

my purpose right now.” In Tokyo, a visiting senior U.S. official said Rodman is making the trip as a private citizen. “We are aware of his visit. We wish him well, but we have issued travel warnings to Americans and suggested they not travel to North Korea for their own safety,” U.S. Undersecretary of State Thomas Shannon told reporters after discussing the North Korean missile threat

and other issues with Japanese counterparts. In 2014, Rodman arranged a basketball game with other former NBA players and North Koreans and regaled leader Kim with a rendition of “Happy Birthday.” On the same trip, he suggested that an American missionary was at fault for his own imprisonment in North Korea, remarks for which he later apologized. A North Korean foreign

ministry official said Rodman would stay until Saturday. He spoke on condition of anonymity because the ministry had not issued a formal statement. Any visit to North Korea by a high-profile American is a political minefield, and Rodman has been criticized for failing to use his influence on leaders who are otherwise isolated diplomatically from the rest of the world. Americans are regarded as enemies in North Korea be-

SEOuL, JuNE 13 (REutERS): South Korean President Moon Jae-in on Tuesday nominated a veteran government official with long experience in handling ties with North Korea as his new minister in charge of handling tricky relations with the unpredictable neighbour. The nominee to lead the Unification Ministry, Cho Myoung-gyon, has deep understanding of the new administration’s North Korea policy and the issues facing the two Koreas, the presidential office said. Moon wants to engage North Korea in dialogue and revive stalled exchanges with the reclusive country including economic cooperation projects, saying sanctions alone have failed to rein in North Korea’s accelerating development of weapons. But the overture for warmer ties with North Korea has been complicated by its defiance. North Korea, which tested nuclear devices twice last year, has conducted missile tests four times since Moon’s election in May. Cho’s appointment does not need parliament’s approval but he must attend a hearing cause the two countries never signed a peace treaty to formally end the 1950-53 Korean War. Thousands of U.S. troops are based in South Korea, and the Demilitarized Zone between the North and South is one of the most heavily fortified borders in the world. A statement issued in New York by a Rodman publicist said the former NBA player is in the rare position of being friends with the leaders of both North

‘IS chemical weapons capability degraded’ BEIRut, JuNE 13 (AP): The siege of Mosul and targeted killings of chemical weapons experts in U.S.led coalition airstrikes have significantly degraded the Islamic State’s production capability, although the group likely retains expertise to produce small batches of sulfur mustard and chlorine agents, a London-based analysis group said Tuesday. In a new report, IHS Markit said there has been a major reduction in IS’ use

of chemical weapons outside the northern Iraqi city. It has recorded one alleged use of chemical weapons by the group in Syria this year, as opposed to 13 allegations in the previous six months. All other recorded allegations of IS using chemical agents in 2017 have been in Iraq — nine of them inside Mosul and one in Diyala province, it said. “The operation to isolate and recapture the Iraqi city of Mosul coincides with a massive reduction in Islam-

ic State chemical weapons use in Syria,” said Columb Strack, senior Middle East analyst at IHS Markit. “This suggests that the group has not established any further chemical weapons production sites outside Mosul, although it is likely that some specialists were evacuated to Syria and retain the expertise.” IS has lost more than half the territory it once controlled in Iraq. It’s now fighting to defend a cluster of western neighborhoods in

Mosul, Iraq’s second-largest city. Mosul is the last major urban area held by the group in Iraq, and is believed to be at the heart of its efforts to produce chemical weapons. IHS Markit says the militant group has been accused of using chemical weapons at least 71 times since July 2014 in Iraq and Syria. Most of these involved either the use of chlorine or sulfur mustard agents, delivered with mortars, rockets and IEDs. The report released

Tuesday says the continuing chemical weapons attacks in Mosul most likely draw on remaining stockpiles in the city. It warned, however, that the extremist group likely retains the capability to produce small batches of low quality chlorine and sulfur mustard agents elsewhere. It could use such agents to enhance the psychological impact of suicide car bombings in urban areas or in terrorist attacks abroad.

North Korea releases US student, Tillerson says WASHINGtON, JuNE 13 (REutERS): North Korea has released Otto Warmbier, a U.S. university student who has been held captive there since January 2016, U.S. Secretary of State Rex Tillerson said on Tuesday. Warmbier, a University of Virginia student from suburban Cincinnati, is on his way back to the United States, Tillerson said in a statement. The State Department is continuing to discuss the situation of three other detained Americans with North Korea, Tillerson said. The Washington Post cited Warmbier’s parents as saying he Otto Frederick Warmbier (C), a University of Virginia student who had been medically evacuated from was detained in North Korea. (REUTERS File Photo)

Obesity rising in nations rich and poor, especially in kids NEW YORK, JuNE 13 (AP): The global obesity problem now affects 1 in 10 people in the world, it is rising in countries rich and poor, and in many countries it is increasing faster in children than adults, according to a new study. The researchers estimated more than 107 million children and 603 million adults are obese. The research found obesity has tripled in children and young adults in countries like China, Brazil and Indonesia. Those numbers are particularly troubling because it means more young people are on track to become obese adults and develop problems like diabetes, heart disease and a range of cancers, some experts said. The study was led by a team at the University of Washington in Seattle. Researchers reported on 195 countries, although data was incomplete or nonexistent for many of them. They made assumptions and used mathematical modeling to fill in gaps. Despite the limitations, “this is the best picture that’s out there for global obesity,” said Edward Gregg, a diabetes expert at the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. He wrote an editorial that accompanied the study. Some of the findings: • Obesity rates doubled in 73 countries between 1980 and 2015. Countries where obesity did not increase significantly included Afghanistan, Bulgaria, and the Democratic Republic of the Congo. • Worldwide, about 5% of children and 12% of adults were obese in 2015. In the U.S. about 17% of children and 38% of adults are obese, according to earlier CDC estimates. • Among the 20 largest countries, the United States had the highest level of obesity among children and young adults. Bangladesh had the lowest. • Egypt had the highest rate of obese adults. Vietnam had the lowest. • But the United States had the largest number of obese adults in 2015, with 79 million. China came in second with 57 million obese adults — even though China has more than four times as many people as the U.S. • China had the largest number of obese children, with 15 million. India had 14 million. • Globally, about 4 mn deaths were attributed to being overweight or obese in 2014, from causes like heart disease and diabetes.

North Korea in a coma. “Our son is coming home,” Fred Warmbier told The Washington Post on Tuesday. “At the moment, we’re just treating this like he’s been in an accident. We get to see our son Otto tonight.” Tillerson, at a Senate hearing on Tuesday, declined to comment on Warmbier’s condition. His release comes as former U.S. basketball star Dennis Rodman visited the reclusive country. A senior administration official said the Trump administration did not authorize this trip. “This is him freelancing,” the official told Reuters.


Dated: 8th June, 2017


This is to inform all the interested candidates desiring to pursue undergraduate course in Engineering, Nursing, Paramedical and Agriculture & Allied course in private institution/ universities that there will be counselling for admission on 21st and 22nd June, 2017 in the office of the Directorate of Technical education Nagaland Kohima from 11 A.M onwards. Representative from various private technical institution and universities will be participating in the counselling session. Intending candidates are invited to attend the counselling and avail the opportunity of interacting with these Institutions / universities and take spot admission of their choice of studies. (Er. Arjun Singh), Director Issued by: DIPR


Dated Kohima, the




The Directorate of Employment, Skill Development & Entrepreneurship in Technical Association with NEITCO, Guwahati is conducting an Entrepreneurship Development Programme for Science & Technology, persons at Kohima under sponsorship of the Department of Science & Technology, Govt. of India, New Delhi through EDII, Ahmadabad with effect from 04-07-17. Male & Female candidates within the age group of 18-40 years with qualification of Engineering / ITI or Diploma of at least 2/3 years in any branch & Science background from recognized Institute may apply. For details and Application Form please contact:Office of the Directorate of Employment, Skill Development & Entrepreneurship, Nagaland, Kohima on or before 01-07-2017. Mobile No:-9436062368. (MUTHINGNYUBA SANGTAM), Director Employment, Skill Development & Entrepreneurship Nagaland, Kohima. Issued by: DIPR

and answer questions from lawmakers. Cho spent much of his career at the Unification Ministry, which handles North Korea ties, and was involved in preparing a 2007 summit between leaders of the two Koreas. Cho also oversaw South Korea’s economic cooperation projects with the North, including a jointly run industrial complex in Kaesong, just north of the border. South Korea’s former conservative government closed the industrial zone in February 2016 after North Korea tested a long-range rocket in defiance of international sanctions. Later on Tuesday, Moon appointed Kim Sang-jo, a corporate reform activist, as chairman of the Korea Fair Trade Commission. Kim has been nicknamed the “chaebol sniper” for his shareholder activist campaigns against the large family-run conglomerates known as chaebol. The commission handles business regulations and is tasked with investigating the conglomerates’ business practices, and with cracking down on any unfair dealings such as the funnelling of contracts to affiliates.

Korea and the United States. Rodman was a cast member on two seasons of Trump’s “Celebrity Apprentice.” Rodman tweeted that his trip was being sponsored by Potcoin, one of a growing number of cybercurrencies used to buy and sell marijuana in stateregulated markets. North Korea has been hailed by marijuana news outlets and British tabloids as a pothead paradise and maybe

even the next Amsterdam of pot tourism. But the claim that marijuana is legal in North Korea is not true. The penal code lists it as a controlled substance in the same category as cocaine and heroin. Americans have been sentenced to years in North Korean prisons for such seemingly minor offenses as stealing a political banner and likely could not expect leniency if the country’s drug laws were violated.

WHO: Maldives, Bhutan have eliminated measles NEW DELHI, JuNE 12 (AP): The World Health Organization said Tuesday that Bhutan and the Maldives have eliminated measles, becoming the first countries in their region to stop the highly contagious disease. The Maldives has not reported any case of indigenous measles since 2009, and Bhutan since 2012, WHO said. “WHO commends them for this momentous public health achievement,” said Poonam Khetrapal Singh, regional director of WHO Southeast Asia. Bhutan and the Maldives launched immunization programs around 40 years ago with a strategy of mass vaccination of high-risk populations. “The strongest political com-

mitment, alongside the concerted efforts of health workers, officials and partners at all levels, has helped achieve this landmark success,” Singh said. WHO has set a deadline of 2020 for the elimination of measles in the 11 countries that it categorizes as the Southeast Asian region. The region has averted an estimated 620,000 measles deaths in 2016 alone following vaccinations carried out by the 11 member countries, a WHO statement said. Measles, a viral disease which is spread through coughing and sneezing, can lead to pneumonia, brain inflammation, hospitalization or death, mainly among children.




June, 2017.

NO. DTE/ ESTT-2/ 3/ 2016-17 : This for general information that Regional Institute of Printing Technology, West Bengal have reserved 1 (one) seat of 3 year Diploma course in MULTIMEDIA TECHNOLOGY for the State of Nagaland during 2017-18 session.


(a) Must be an Indian Citizen (b) Must have passed 10th standard with at least 35% marks. (c) Should not be born after 01-07-2002. Interested candidates may apply for the same through application in plain paper. Last date for submission of application to the office of the undersigned along with all the necessary documents is on or before 27th June, 2017. Selection of candidate will be done on the basis of academic mark.

(ER. ARJUN SINGH), Director Issued by: DIPR

GOVERNMENT OF NAGALAND DIRECTORATE OF SCHOOL EDUCATION NAGALAND: KOHIMA NO.ED/SCHO/PMS-4/2014-15 Dated Kohima, the 13th June 2017 PRE-MATRIC SCHOLARSHIP SCHEME UNDER MINISTRY OF MINORITY AFFAIRS This is to inform that the Ministry has opened the National Scholarship Portal (NSP) on 1St June, 2017 for applying online scholarships for 2017-18. The online implementation of Pre-Matric Scholarship Scheme will be done through the National Scholarship Portal (NSP) of the Government of India, under URL www.scholarships.gov.in. The detailed guidelines and standard operation procedure of the scholarship scheme is available in the Portal. In view of the above, all the students and Head of Institutions are requested to take the following action: (i) Institutions that are yet to get registered in the Portal are requested to register at the earliest from their respective DEO Office so that the students can apply on time. (ii) It will be necessary for the eligible applicants to provide Aadhaar number while applying for the scholarship and in case, a student does not possess Aadhaar, He/ She should upload the first page of Bank/Postal Account Passbook with photo, In the name of the applicant(either single or joint account with his/her parents/guardian). In case of joint bank account, candidate's name should be first in the Bank Account. (iii) The tentative timeline activities for the year 2017-18 for fresh and renewal of scholarships in respect of Pre-matric is:Sl. No 1 2



Submission of Online applications for Fresh 1st June to 31st August, 2017 Scholarship by the students. Submission of Online applications for Renewal 15th June to 31st July, 2017 Scholarship by the students.

(iv) Students are advised to make use of Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) available on the NSP homepage of the website for filling up of Online Application. (v) Name in the scholarship form, Aadhaar, and Account number should be same. (vi) Bank Account should be operative. (vii) Students those who had received scholarship for 2016-17 should APPLY FOR RENEWAL and students who did not get scholarship last year/applying for the first time will have to APPLY FOR FRESH. (viii) Students are asked to opt for Pre-Matric Scholarship Scheme for Minorities and not Umbrella Scheme of Scholarship to ST students studying in class IX & X. (ix) USER ID and PASSWORD of Institutions and students will remain the same as last year. (x) All efforts should be made to adhere to the timelines given on the Portal. (SMITA SARANGI, IAS) Principal Director Issued by: DIPR


WednesdAY 14•06•2017



Warriors are 2017 NBA champions

OAKLAND, JuNe 13 (AP): As a fresh NBA champions cap sat a tad off-kilter on his head, Kevin Durant embraced mother Wanda. Then he moved across the podium and hugged Stephen Curry before accepting his shiny MVP trophy, holding out his arms and hoisting it for everyone to see. From the Bay all the way to OKC. Durant capped his spectacular first season with the Warriors by bringing home that coveted NBA championship he joined Golden State last July so determined to get, scoring 39 points in a fast-andfurious, Finals-clinching 129-120 victory over LeBron James and the Cleveland Cavaliers in Game 5 on Monday night. “You can talk about whatever you want to talk about, but nobody comes in and cares about the game or loves the game as much as I do or works as hard as do I at the basketball game. You can talk about whatever happens on the outside, but inside those lines, I come to bring it every day,” Durant said. “I work hard, I believe in myself, I believe in the game, I respect the game, I love the game, and I knew at some point in my life that it will come around for me.” Stephen Curry added 34 points, 10 assists and six rebounds as Golden State closed out its second title in three years after squandering a 3-1 lead a year ago. That stung ever since, and even Durant understood, because he gave up the same lead to the Warriors a round earlier with Oklahoma City. James, who in 2012 with Miami beat the Thunder in Durant’s only other Finals,

LeBron's title window may have been shut by Warriors Frank Pingue Reuters

(AP Photo)

wound up with 41 points, 13 rebounds and eight assists. “I left everything on the floor every game,” James said after averaging a tripledouble in his eighth Finals. Kyrie Irving followed up his 40-point gem in Game 4 with 26 points but shot 9 for 22. This time, King James gave way to KD, who was the NBA Finals MVP 10 years after being picked second in the NBA draft behind Greg Oden. Durant drove left, right and down the middle, knocked down 3-pointers, dished and dunked. He hit a 17-foot fadeaway over James early in the fourth quarter, then assisted on a 3-pointer by Andre Iguodala the next time down as the Warriors pulled away. Iguodala, the 2015 Finals MVP, came up big again with his 2017 postseason-best 20 points off the bench in a testy, tightly called finale to this trilogy Finals that everyone had stamped on the calendar from the moment Durant

departed Oklahoma City to join Curry and Co. last July. The Warriors won in 2015 before the Cavs made their historic comeback last year. Then it was Golden State’s time again, with Durant as the prized addition. Sure, the Warriors missed becoming the first undefeated champion, but 16-1 still gave Golden State the best winning percentage of any title team at .941. Durant shot 14 for 20 and Curry — the two-time reigning MVP who took a backseat as the new big star got acclimated — finished off a brilliant postseason. Not to mention a healthy one after his 2016 injuries. Green stayed on the court in a game that featured three technicals on one play 3:08 before halftime. David West fought for the ball with Irving, then they got tangled up and Tristan Thompson entered the fray and he and West went at each other face-toface. West, Thompson and J.R. Smith received techs after a replay review. Green had sat out this

very game a year ago, suspended because of flagrant foul point accumulation after he swiped at James’ groin in Game 4. He had 10 points, 12 rebounds and five assists in the clincher. “I had a letdown last year,” Green said. “If KD was the consolation prize to lose, thanks for that loss, and we’re champs this year.” With a much-improved bench led by Iguodala, JaVale McGee, Shaun Livingston and West, that “Strength In Numbers” slogan that has become such a staple the past two seasons shined all season long, from Durant’s 19-game absence late in the regular season with a left knee injury to assistant coach Mike Brown stepping in for 11 postseason games to lead the way while Steve Kerr was ailing. Golden State used a 28-4 second-quarter run to take charge — just after it appeared Durant should have been called for a third foul on a basket by James — and got to celebrate right at home in Oakland

surrounded by a deafening home crowd waving yellow rally towels and holding up phones to shoot video and photos as the final minute of the clock ticked away. The Warriors became the first Bay Area team to capture a championship at home since the A’s finished the Los Angeles Dodgers in Game 5 of the 1974 World Series. A year ago, these Warriors fell short after a record-setting season that included a 24-0 start and 73 victories at the end to break the 1995-96 Chicago Bulls’ wins mark. Then they got Durant, who after the buzzer sounded did a little shake with Curry on the court before they slapped hands several times. Two playful superstars who found a way to coexist through all the questions and constant scrutiny, together and smiling as champions. “I’m happy for him,” Curry said. “You’ve got to call Kevin Durant a champ now.”

LeBron James may be the game's greatest player but the manner in which his Cleveland Cavaliers were dispatched in the NBA Finals on Monday may have signalled that his championship window has been slammed shut. Barring a major shakeup to James' supporting cast or a move to another team, the three-times NBA champion may never find a way to solve a Golden State Warriors squad that just dominated the playoffs like no team ever before. "Teams and franchises are going to be trying to figure out ways that they can put personnel together, the right group of guys together to be able to hopefully compete against this team," James, 32, told reporters. "They're assembled as good as you can assemble, and I played against some really, really good teams that was assembled perfectly, and they're right up there." James did all he could during the Finals but even with him averaging a triple-double the Cavaliers, who lost the best-of-seven series in five games, were no match for a Warriors team with an embarrassment of riches. James is in the latter stages of his career after 14 NBA seasons but is so dominant and playing at such a high level that he can turn any team into an instant contender. He will be an unrestricted free agent in 2018 but no matter where James decides to play it is unlikely he can steer clear of a Warriors team positioned for greatness. "They're going to be here for a while... Pretty much all their big-name guys are in their 20s, and they don't show any signs of slowing down," said James. "They're built for -- from my eyes, they're built to last a few years." James can hardly leave a game for fear of his team falling apart while he rests. By contrast, NBA Finals MVP Kevin

Durant, who joined the Warriors last July, has a supporting cast that won a record-setting 73 regular season games last season. But James did not want to weigh into the discussion about whether the necessary pieces needed to build a true challenger to the Warriors are out there. "I don't know. I'm not a -- I'm not the GM of the team. I'm not in the front office, but I know our front office is going to continue to try to put our ball club, put our franchise in a position where we can compete for a championship year in and year out," said James. Cavaliers Future There is already talk that Cleveland could work out a trade for Indiana Pacers small forward Paul George, a 27-year-old four-time All-Star who offers more offensive prowess and a stronger defensive presence than Cavs forward Kevin Love. Adding George alongside James and Kyrie Irving would be a definite improvement for a Cavaliers team that would likely also be seeking a rim protector and a playmaker off the bench. But during the 2017 Finals reports circulated saying James could head to California to join the Lakers or Clippers as a free agent in 2018. Either way, the future of James in Cleveland will once again hang over the game's greatest player. He was vilified in 2010 when he left the Cavaliers to join the Miami Heat where he won two NBA titles before returning to Cleveland four years later and delivering the city their first NBA championship in 2016. James was also asked how he views the Warriors when he considers his future in the NBA. "Well, it's a two-sided question because for me personally -- I don't know," said James. "I need to sit down and figure this thing out," said James. "But as far as that team, they're going to be here for a while. They're going to be around for a while."

Brazil hammer Australia in Kohli reclaims top spot in ODI batting Confederations warm-up

MeLBOuRNe, JuNe 13 (ReuteRs): Brazil scored after 12 seconds away to Australia before completing a 4-0 rout in a friendly on Tuesday to hand the hosts a wakeup call before they leave for their opening game against world champions Germany at the Confederations Cup in Russia. Australia got off to a terrible start when centre back Bailey Wright gave away possession with the second pass of the game, allowing Diego Souza to hammer home a low shot to groans from most of the 49,000 fans at the Melbourne Cricket Ground. Souza wrapped up the

win for the five-times world champions with a header in added time after Thiago Silva headed the second from a goalmouth scramble in the 62nd minute and substitute Taison finished off a brilliant team goal in the 75th. Australia, who face Germany in Group B of the Confederations Cup on Monday, had entered the stadium with cautious optimism after last week's home win over Saudi Arabia reignited their hopes of a fourth successive World Cup appearance. But the crushing early blow in Tuesday's game left them rattled and they were only spared further

punishment in the first half by Brazil's failure to convert several early chances. The Brazilians, who lost to arch-rivals Argentina 1-0 in a friendly last week - coach Tite's first defeat after nine wins in charge were in determined mood against Australia who must go back to the drawing board before leaving for Russia. The Australians will also face African champions Cameroon and South American title holders Chile in their section at the Confederations Cup, which is a warm-up event for the World Cup in Russia next year involving the continental champions.

New DeLhi, JuNe 13 (AFP): Indian skipper Virat Kohli on Tuesday reclaimed the title of world's best one-day international batsman, buoyed by two half centuries registered while steering his side into the Champions Trophy semifinals. Kohli edged out South African captain AB de Villiers and Australia's Dave Warner in the latest rankings, taking back the crown for just the second time this year. The right-handed batsman topped the rankings in January for just four days before relinquishing the title. He is now just one point ahead of Warner, the International Cricket Council said in a statement. The 28-year-old hit a blistering 81 as India drubbed arch-rivals Pakistan in their Champions Trophy opener, before anchoring their modest chase to perfection against South Africa.

(AFP Photo)

Opener Shikhar Dhawan, who rose to 10th in the latest rankings, is top batsman of the tournament so far with a century and two fifties under his belt as India approaches its semi-final showdown against Bangladesh.

Cristiano Ronaldo accused of tax fraud

MADRiD, JuNe 13 (ReuteRs): Soccer star Cristiano Ronaldo faces a lawsuit filed on Tuesday by Spain's prosecutor's office in Madrid for allegedly defrauding Spanish tax authorities of 14.7 million euros ($16.48 million) between 2011 and 2014. The prosecutor's office said in a statement that the Real Madrid forward had knowingly used a business structure created in 2010 to allegedly hide his image rights income in Spain. This involved a "voluntary" failure to comply with his tax obligations in Spain, the statement from the office's economic crimes section said. The four counts of tax fraud were based on a report from Spain's tax agency, it said. Real Madrid declined to comment and calls to the agency representing Ronaldo, Gestifute, went unanswered. Ronaldo, who led Real Madrid to their 12th European Cup earlier this month, is the latest in a long line of soccer players in Spain among them Barcelona's

tax regime that applies to foreigners working in Spain, the statement said. He should have paid a tax rate of 24 percent in 2011, and 24.75 percent in the three following years, it said.

Lionel Messi and Neymar who have been caught up in cases over tax or transfers. Between 2005 and 2010, foreign players in Spain were protected under the socalled "Beckham law" allowing them to curb their taxes. But as the financial crisis bit deeper, that exemption was lifted, paving the way for the cases.

The prosecutor's office alleges that Ronaldo had defrauded the tax authorities of 1.4 million euros in 2011, 1.7 million euros in 2012, 3.2 million euros in 2013 and 8.5 million euros in 2014. Ronaldo, who is from Portugal, became a Spanish tax resident in January 2010 and in November 2011 opted to follow the Spanish

IMAGE RIGHTS The prosecutor said that after Ronaldo signed a contract to join Real Madrid in December 2008 he ceded his image rights to a company called Tollin Associates Ltd, domiciled in the British Virgin Islands and in which he was the only stakeholder. Tollin Associates then ceded his image rights to a company in Ireland called Multisports&Image Management Ltd which was responsible for managing them. Tollin Associates itself had no business activity, the statement said. "Ceding image rights to (Tollin Associates) was completely unnecessary and it's only purpose was to create a screen to conceal the totality of his image rights income from the Spanish tax authorities," the statement said. The prosecutor's office

filed the lawsuit against Ronaldo on Tuesday to a court in the Madrid district of Pozuelo de Alarcon. Ronaldo finished the soccer season scoring two goals in a 4-1 victory over Juventus in the Champions League final to become the tournament's top scorer with a total of 12 goals. Afterwards, Spanish sports newspaper Marca called Real Madrid, who also won La Liga this year, "masters of the universe". In May, Spain's Supreme Court rejected an appeal by Messi and stood by a Catalan regional court's 21-month prison sentence for defrauding authorities of 4.1 million euros on image rights. He is unlikely to go to prison as under Spanish law sentences under two years can be served under probation. Spain's High Court in May cleared Neymar of fraud but he still faces a corruption trial in Spain in connection with the value of his 2013 transfer from Santos to Barcelona. He has denied wrongdoing.

Joe Root, who jumped a peg in the rankings to fourth, was the only England batsman in the top 10. Star allrounder Ben Stokes moved up nine places to 20th spot. Australian paceman Josh Hazlewood meanwhile topped the

bowler's chart for the first time in his career, rising above South African leg-spinner Imran Tahir. Hazlewood -- the first Australian to claim the mantle since Mitchell Starc in 2015 -- has leapfrogged Tahir, Starc and Kagiso Rabada. Australia though have already bowed out of the Champions Trophy after two matches were washed out and the side succumbed to traditional rivals England in the league stage. England fast bowler Liam Plunkett jumped seven places to a career-best ninth spot while fellow speedster Chris Woakes stayed put at eighth. South Africa managed to retain their number-one status in the ODI rankings, staving off Australia and India despite bowing out of the 50-over Champions Trophy in the first round.

Buffon reaffirms 2018 as final season playing football

MiLAN, JuNe 13 (AFP): Juventus and Italy goalkeeper Gianluigi Buffon reaffirmed he is "99.9 %" sure of retiring at the end of next season -- unless he finally ends his quest to win the Champions League. "Yes, I'm 99.9 % sure that's how it will go," said Buffon when asked by Sky Sport if he would keep to an earlier promise to hang up his gloves at the end of the 2017-2018 campaign. "I will have one final, intense season full of key dates, then it will be time to call it a day."

Buffon, a World Cup winner with Italy in 2006, had previously said next season would be his last, although he is not expected to fully retire until after the 2018 World Cup in Russia -- if Italy qualify. But the 39-year-old left a tiny chance of going back on his decision, after losing the 2017 Champions League final to Real Madrid (4-1) and the 2015 edition to Barcelona (3-1). "If we win the Champions League I will continue to play one more season so I can also try to win the World Club Cup and other trophies," he added.

Bagan prez quits, challenging times ahead KOLKAtA, JuNe 13 (Pti): In more trying times for Mohun Bagan, its president Swapan Sadhan Bose today put in his papers, citing "deteriorating health". "With every passing day, my health is deteriorating further and I think with this condition I am not doing justice to the chair," Bose wrote, requesting the executive committee members to accept the resignation with "immediate effect". The letter is addressed to general secretary Anjan Mitra who also has health concerns and comes at a time when they, along with East Bengal,

have virtually lost their 'battle' to be inducted into the lucrative Indian Super League for the upcoming season. Adamant on their three-point demand including the Rs 15 crore franchisee fee waiver, Mohun Bagan and East Bengal were not included in the ISL which named Bengaluru and Jamshedpur as two new franchisees for the upcoming season. In such a scenario, the two premier fan-based clubs of India are all set to compete in the I-League which will run alongside ISL but with lesser prominence, reducing it to a virtually second division tournament.


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Wednesday 14•06•2017



Super 8 Federation Cup from July 5

As part of a promotional, the MDT20CF distributed The Morung Express newspaper to residents of Mokokchung.


Mokokchung, June 13 (Mexn): The Mokokchung District T20 Cricket Federation (MDT20CF) has informed that the Super 8 Federation Cup will be held from July 5 at Imkongmeren Sports Complex. The federation stating this in a press release informed that the tournament will showcase third umpire technology along with the prestigious trophy. In this regard, the MDT20CF has invited teams and clubs from all districts to participate in the tournament.

Meanwhile, the MDT20CF has informed that it will be telecasting the final of ICC Champions Trophy at Eastern Talkies with ticket entry as a fund raiser for the upcoming Super 8 Federation Cup. As part of a promotional, the federation also distributed The Morung Express newspaper to residents of Mokokchung. Established in the year 2016, the MDT20CF primarily aims to improve the scene of cricket especially among youngsters while also working for social causes.

1st Kohima District Inter-School Football Tournament from June 23 kohiMa, June 13 (Mexn): The 1st Kohima District Inter School Football Tournament 2017 organised by Department of School Education and Royal Club Kohima is scheduled to be held from June 23 to July 13 at the Kohima Local Ground. A press release stating this informed that the last date of form submission has

been extended to June 16 due to the request from some schools. Forms for the tournament can be obtained and submitted at: Ura Hotel, near Red Cross building complex; United Traders, Main Town; and Havells Galaxy, High School Junction. For further information, one may contact 9436000547 or 9612162669.

Published, Printed and Edited by Dr. Aküm Longchari from House No. 4, Duncan Bosti, Dimapur at Themba Printers and Morung Publications , Padum Pukhuri Village, Dimapur, Nagaland. RNI No : NAGENG /2005/15430. House No.4, Duncan Bosti, Dimapur 797112, Nagaland. Phone: Dimapur -(03862) 248854, Fax: (03862) 235194, Kohima - (0370) 2291952

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