June 18th, 2017

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SunDAY • June 18 • 2017

DIMAPUR • Vol. XII • Issue 165• 12 PAGes • 5

T H e

ESTD. 2005

P o W e R

In the infancy of societies, the chiefs of state shape its institutions; later the institutions shape the chiefs of state Modi flags off Kerala’s first metro in Kochi

Appeal to reopen bridge at Sedzu River



By Sandemo Ngullie

Some people are here to see you... I don’t know, but I heard one of them say “house repairing tax”.

TNL demands justice Serves NSCN (IM) with 20-day ultimatum Morung Express News Ukhrul | June 17

Condemning the “inhuman” killings of the two youths by the NSCN (IM) in Ukhrul, the Tangkhul Naga Long (TNL) along with its four constituent ranges – Ato, Aze, Zingsho and Zingtun Longphangs – have served a 20-day ultimatum to the group demanding justice over the killings. Romeo Shally, 28 years, and Chingripam Lungleng, 25 years – both of Khamasom village under Ukhrul district – were killed by NSCN (IM) cadres. Shally was reportedly tortured and died in the custody of the NSCN (IM) cadres on June 14, while Lungleng was shot in the chest the next day when cadres resorted to firing after a section of mob started pelting stones at the office of the NSCN’s Wung Tangkhul Region where the body of Shally was kept. Lungleng succumbed to death on the way to hospital. On Saturday, the TNL in an agreement made with the family of the deceased demanded that the NSCN’s Central Investigation Team identify the culprits responsible for the deaths and dismiss them from service within 20 days i.e., July 6. On June 16, the Kilo Kilonser of the NSCN (IM), Hukavi Yepthomi set up a Central Investigation Team to probe the incident and further assured that “reformative and stringent measures would be initiated to deter such occurrences in future.” Following the agreement today, the Lungleng family also took away the body of Chingripam for burial. The family of the deceased refused to take Rupees Ten Lakhs offered as exgratia and was insistent that “justice” should be done.

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T R u T H

— Charles de Montesquieu

Srikanth enters final, Prannoy loses in Indonesian Open



naga Hoho wants neutral sit Khaplang was a ‘beacon of light’ to investigate into Pillai’s case DImapur, June 17 mal state of affairs in Nagaland on his appointment as consul(mexn): The Naga Hoho on and stated, “This case is perhaps tant -and not for any misuse Saturday urged the Nagaland just the tip of the iceberg and in- of his official position for perState Government to set up a dicative of the standards of gov- sonal benefit- the Naga Hoho observed that this seem to have neutral high level Special Inves- ernance in our State.” It reminded that different been provoked only in reaction tigation Team (SIT) to thoroughly investigate into various allega- Naga organisations and con- to the wide-spread media covertions against MKR Pillai, retired cerned citizens have raised ques- age and commentary on social Addl. SP of Nagaland Police and tions to the Police department media on the case. and the politicians in the past The Naga Hoho therefore former Consultant to DGP. In a press statement, the with regard to the power and in- suggested that the State VigiNaga Hoho, through its com- fluence that has been enjoyed by lance Commission would do well to initiate investigation not munication cell, maintained Pillai in the Police department. Here, the Naga Hoho pointed only on the issue of the consulthat investigation into Pillai’s case, for alleged tax evasion and out, it has become very impor- tancy contract but also into the possession of assets dispropor- tant for every concerned Naga to whole issue of massive corruptionate to his known sources of deliberate on as to how govern- tion that has emerged. The Naga Hoho income by Income Tax officials, can also be • The case is just the tip of the iceberg and also sought to remind done even without the indicative of the standards of governance of the ugly contours of the Nagaland tribes in help of Central Bureau in Nagaland State of Investigation (CBI). • Vigilance Commission should investigate similar scenario that if such a case as that of It said the ongoing into whole issue of massive corruption Pillai had happened case in which MKR Pillai is being investi- • Wake-up call for the State Government to to any local officers, discipline the government servants negotiations and comgated has put under promises would have the scanner the way in which he managed the system ment servants seem to be indulg- emerged between the tribes, in Nagaland while serving in ing in business and contract work clans and villages. etc., while the service rules are It therefore made a fervent the Police department. appeal to the State Government “The picture that is emerging very clear on this aspect. “Such activities by our gov- to take the appropriate steps in is one of a totally unrestrained scam of enormous magnitude ernment servants create situ- ensuring that all the illegitimate stretching across the last decade ations where the conflict of in- activities of Pillai carried out or so,” the Naga Hoho said. It fur- terests that arises only breeds during both his active career ther pointed out that all the in- corruption and poor gover- and as consultant to the Police gredients are there - among oth- nance. It is a wake-up call for the department are fully exposed ers, “abuse of official position; State Government to discipline and he is brought to justice for misappropriation of govern- the government servants, be it his actions. “Only if this is done will it act ment funds; misuse of govern- Nagas or outsiders,” it stated. On the termination of the as a deterrent in future to those ment property; money laundering; and benami transactions.” consultancy contract of Pillai who may try and misuse their And not expressing surprise, with the Police department, and position for their own personthe Naga Hoho said this was in- the Vigilance Commission’s reg- al gain and benefit,” the Naga evitable considering the abys- istration of the case specifically Hoho said.

A section of the gathering singing a hymn during a public memorial service in honour of Late SS Khaplang at IMC Hall, Dimapur on June 17. (Morung Photo)

Morung Express News Dimapur | June 17

Convenor, Working Group of six Naga National Political Groups (NNPGs), N Kitovi Zhimomi has described Late SS Khaplang, Chairman NSCN (K) as “a hero, a beacon of light” and that his death was a great loss to peoples and nations in South East Asia struggling for identity and existence. Kitovi’s speech was read out in his absentia by Zhopra Vero, member of Working Group NNPGs at a public memorial service in honour of the departed leader at IMC Hall, Dimapur on Saturday. In the speech, Kitovi stated, “Though the adversaries sought to brand him (Khaplang) a terrorist, for Nagas and many other revolutionary patriots in the subcontinent, he was a hero, a beacon of light, a true nationalist and a humanist.” Kitovi described Late Khaplang as the “golden bridge” that connected the divided Naga house and that an irreplaceable

bridge was lost in his demise. Stating that Khaplang’s leadership was respected by other struggling people and nations, Kitovi further described him as the “epitome of a true freedom fighter and a leader of men.” He said their approaches might have differed in recent years but added that it was the necessity of time that they lived in. Also speaking at the programme, peace activist, Niketu Iralu thanked Late Khaplang for making the Nagas of North-West Myanmar and their extensive homeland up to Chindwin River a part of the story of the Nagas setting out to be a people and nation. “This will always be regarded as his unique and lasting contribution,” he added. Urging the Naga political groups to sit down and thrash out their positions to take the cause to a negotiated settlement, Niketu said, “Whatever the National Workers will decide together the public will accept. It will then be honourable, acceptable and therefore workable.”

President ENPO, Khoiwang Konyak spoke briefly about the history of Late Khaplang whom he said belonged to Shang family and born in Waktham village of Tang Shang Area, Myanmar. He said Late Khaplang reportedly acquired his primary education in Makyina and elementary education in Mizoram. “He (Khaplang) was one of the historians who knew nearly all history about the Nagas of both India and Myanmar. He spoke Kachin, Shan, Meitei and Burmese languages,” Khoiwang added. He also informed that Khaplang declared Nagamese as the official language in Naga areas of Myanmar. A host of leaders including Nagaland Tribes Council (NTC) Advisor, Z. Lohe; CNTC representative, RC Ovung; and Nagaland GB Federation representative, S. Konyak also spoke during the progamme The programme was jointly organized by ENPO and NTC and attended by representatives of various civil society organizations.

Regulations for Nagaland Trade Union OHYO Kohima launches first drafted; forwarded to govt for review colony GIS Map in Nagaland International Domestic Workers’ Day held Morung Express News Dimapur | June 17

1980, the scenario was uncomplicated since there were hardly any unions during that time and now with the mushrooming of motley of trade unions of complex nature, it became necessary to make a new draft, Aier informed. Once the regulation is approved by the State Government, any trade union, who wish to register must full fill the regulations of the Nagaland Trade Union. As compared to trade unions of other states, the Labour Commissioner pointed out that the main intention of most of the trade unions here in Nagaland was simply to collect money, a negative trait which is not practiced by trade unions of other states. Aier stated that there were a number of bogus trade unions here in Nagaland- that from a total of 80 trade unions in Nagaland, only 30 of them were found to be genuine. The Labour Commissioner also said that unions like the NDWU were genuine and deserved to be registered under the trade union once it is approved by the State Government. And with the members of NDWU

Nagaland Labour Commissioner L Nungshiyanger Aier informed today that the Labour Department have completed drafting of regulations for Nagaland Trade Union and have submitted the finished draft to the State Government for review and approval. The drafting of the regulation took two (2) years to complete owing to complexity arising out of the nature of the trade unions here in Nagaland particularly Dimapur, Aier said while addressing the International Domestic Workers’ Day organized by Nagaland Domestic Workers’ Union and Nagaland Domestic Workers Movement at Town Hall, Dimapur under the theme “Honouring the dignity of work and workers.” While the State Government had drafted regulation for NaDImapur, June 17 galand Trade Union way back in (mexn): Drawing the attention of Nagaland Chief Minister to the deplorable conditions of roads around On June 15, SASRD Dean Dimapur, particularly the stretches from Nagaland Prof. RC Gupta, in the presence Gate to Chumukedima of faculty and staff, released a (NH-29), the Western Sumi trial batch of Mexican beetles Students’ Union today (Zygogramma bicolorata) in the served a 10-day to Chief open on Parthenium weeds at Minister demanding his SASRD campus, Medziphema. personal intervention in The unique experiment is the matter. Stating that it will undertaken to study the biology spearhead the demand for and effectiveness of the Mexi“pliable road” on behalf of can Beetle under Nagaland conMorung Express News the students and commutdition to control Parthenium ers, the Union, in a press Dimapur | June 17 weed (Parthenium hysterophonote issued by its President Nito Achumi and General Biological control methods rus), a SASRD release informed. Secretary Angukato Yeptho, are often adopted in order to Commonly known congress requested the Chief Minis- minimise economic and envi- grass or carrot weed, Partheniter to do the needful “with- ronmental practices impact of um weed is considered to be one in 10 days” on the genuine any pest or weed control pro- of the “most noxious weed” and matter for the welfare of gramme. One such experiment known to suppress the growth the people. “If no action is taken, we will have no other is currently underway at of De- of local vegetation and also reoption but to proceed with partment Entomology, School ported as a health hazard by future course of action till of Agricultural Science and Ru- causing dermatitis, eczema and our legitimate demands are ral Development (SASRD), Na- asthma as well as causing health risk to cattle and other grazing galand University. made,” it added.

Bad roads in Dimapur: WSSU serves 10-day ultimatum to CM

crossing 1000, Aier said the domestic workers in Nagaland would also be included under the schedule of the Minimum Wages Act which has been the demand of the domestic workers. While recognizing the contribution of the domestic workers in Nagaland, Aier also pointed on the dependency of the middle and upper class on the domestic workers to do chores and task which they find no time to do. He therefore said until and unless regulations were made, the rights of the domestic workers stand to be exploited. Dr KPA Ilyas, Deputy Commissioner of Police and Sister Mary CJ, Provincial Superior, UFSNE in their speeches stressed on the need to treat domestic workers, respect their work and secure a safe working environment while at the same time, provide access to social security benefits. The demand of the domestic workers is to treat them with respect, recognize their work, pay a decent wage and provide decent living conditions. There are currently 1250 domestic workers registered under the Nagaland Domestic Workers Union.

Morung Express News Kohima | June 17

The Officers’ Hill Youth Organization (OHYO), on June 17, launched the first colony Geographic Information System (GIS Map), an online app website with a digital database at Ura Hotel, Kohima. The map is a first initiative in Nagaland to enable smart urban planning where users visit www.nagalandaddress.in to access the location of houses in the Officers’ Hill Colony, Kohima. Termed as a ‘zero budget community project’, the mapping was completed using the human resource available within the colony. The website was officially launched by Kohima DC Rajesh Soudararanjan as the Chief Guest, and Guest of Honor, Khrielakuo Sekhose, Chairman, Officers’ Hill Colony Council. As the concept of maps is completely new to Naga society, outsiders view Kohima as a “giant slum for its unplanned urban set up,” said Er. Yanpvuo Kikon - the brainchild behind the project necessitating the mapping. Pointing out the futility of house numbers if it does not serve the purpose, Kikon noted that house numbers are of little help if the numbers cannot be used to find out the House number in the map. How was the GIS mapping created? To solve this, a GIS mapping team of 22 members were formed who identified 996 households in the colony and the mapping

was completed in three weeks. While idea for the mapping was introduced by Er. Yanpvuo Kikon, the project was a joint effort with Kikon as the technical consultant; OHYO president Keneisezo; executive member Metevizo Sophie; Project Director of GIS and Remote Sensing Centre Nagaland, Er. Mathung Kithan along with 20 youth volunteers in the colony. With the help of the GIS department which provided a drone image of the colony, the youth volunteers visited households to physically mark the latitudes and longitude of each house. Further a digital database was created using mapping coordinates and integrated with the Google earth software. Besides the easy access for citizens to locate places, the GIS mapping will also benefit the police, administration, city planners as well as enable convenience of delivery of commodities. According to the OHYO, the initiative aims to provide a solution to the challenges faced by citizens, businesses and Government in an unplanned and unorganised city like Kohima. The initiative was conceptualised over the existing house numbering system with a vision to use available GIS mapping technology. Kohima DC Soudararanjan said termed the GIS mapping initiative as “a model for Nagaland,” and believed that it will ‘definitely prepare for the Smart City we are aiming for,’ and called for building the initiative into a synergy between what “we have established today and what we will establish tomorrow.”

nature vs nature: Mexican beetles to take on Parthenium weeds

NU SASARD undertakes unique experiment


Prof. R. C. Gupta, Dean, SASRD, NU releasing Mexican beetles at SASRD Campus on June 15.

animals, it said. The weed also serves as a reservoir of viral diseases of important crops and believed to have entered India with the import of

wheat grains in the mid ‘50s, the release said. In Nagaland, the weed has been gaining ground especially in Dimapur district growing in

roadsides, railway tracks, agricultural land, playgrounds, and gardens etc, it added. According to SASRD, the management of weed has been found to be very difficult due its resilience and ability to produce flowers and seeds at any time of the year under favorable conditions. A total of 200 beetles were released in a plot of land measuring around 7 square metre with the Parthenium weeds, informed Prof. M. Aleminla Ao of Entomology Department when The Morung Express enquired about the magnitude of the current experiment. The period of trial observation will be for a year and the study will be done under close observation taking into account its suitability and effectiveness

in the State’s climatic conditions, she said. If the experiment is successful, it will be ‘great’ for the state, Prof. Ao maintained when asked about its benefit, further dismissing the possibility of its harmful effect citing earlier experiments. As the weeds grow near human dwellings, use of herbicides (chemical substances to control weeds) and other methods are not recommended. Thus the objective of the study is to provide a safe management practice to suppress Parthenium weed in Nagaland, the release noted. The healthy batch of the Mexican beetles for the study was provided by Dr. Sushil Kumar, Principal Scientist, ICARDirectorate of Weed Research, Jabalpur, Madhya Pradesh.


Sunday 18•06•2017



Appeal to reopen Nagaland gets its first house call multi services firm bridge at Sedzu River ‘Skilling and cultivating a healthy work culture’

Chozuba, June 17 (Mexn): The 18th Chozuba ACCC has expressed deep resentment at the “gross-apathy and step motherly treatment” meted out to the people, particularly the Chozuba Area people by the Road & Bridges Department, Government of Nagaland over the “willful blockage” at newly constructed Sidzu River Bridge of Chozuba to Kohima via Kijumetuo Road. Making allegations, 18 ACCC Chozuba, President, Ketipra Lohe in a press release stated that the Road & Bridges Department has kept the bill pending, due to which the contractor/firm concerned has sealed the Sidzu Bridge for any further public use, stating unless it is necessary further bills are release and till the newly constructed bridges is inaugurated for use.” The ACCC highlighted that the area people have been suffering untold miseries for long due to this road blockage, since other alternative roads are all beyond useable for public conveyance. It stated that although, the present mentioned road is still under construction for black topping, yet the public has no other alternative but to use it, especially in this rainy season. “In fact, this is the only available lifeline as of now, to transport sick people, public commodities sand general mobility etc,” it added. Therefore, the ACCC has urged upon the department concerned and the Government to immediately look into the matter and release fund accordingly and open the road passage for public utility. “We bring notice to the respective authorities concerned that the general public can-

not be held ransom due to failure on the part of the Government and the contractor concerned,” said ACCC. Further, it added that non-compliance to the appeal may lead to “any untoward consequences in near future and that the general public may take its own course of action deems fit. Towards this end, the concern department and the contractor/ firm will be held responsible for any eventuality coming out of it.”

Chozuba Range Public Organization: The Chozuba Range Public Organization (CRPO) has acknowledged the government for constructing the road which is the shortest route for the people travelling from Kohima to Chozuba, Phek and Zunheboto etc. However, with the onset of monsoon rain, it has become impossible to cross the river due to strong river current and the public is left with no other option but to travel to the state capital via Pfutsero. Therefore, the Chozuba Range Public Organization through a press release issued by its President, Puyoi Nyekha and General Secretary, Vesupra Luruo have requested the department of PWD (Road & Brideges), Government of Nagaland to open the newly constructed bridge at Sedzu River located between Khusohmi Village and Kijumetuma Village to the general public at the earliest. The Organisation also requests the E.E PWD (R&B) Ciephobozou to repair the deep potholes of the road leading up to Kijumetuma village for the convenience of the general public.

Morung Express News Dimapur | June 17

Cleaning Brothers – a professional services-oriented firm was launched in Dimapur on June 17. The firm based at East Police colony was started by Khekavi Sema, who is also its Managing Director. The services (house call) offered include a wide range of work from cleaning bathrooms, drainage, furniture, dry cleaning, electrical appliances and even water tanks at private residences, commercial buildings, churches, offices and educational establishments. It also offers ambulance service, garbage removal, plumbing, painting, electrical repairs, sales and service of DTH TV, relocation services, photo shoot etc. Khekavi, an MBA graduate, shared how Cleaning Brothers came into being at the launch programme. As a young man fresh out of college, he said that he was rather “confused” as to what to do with his life. He said that he found his calling “through soul searching” to pursue a degree in MBA following which he interned at HN Company,

Y. Kikheto Sema, Secretary, Land Resources (Standing 5th from right) with the Cleaning Brothers team along with Rev. Rakhu Livi of Police Baptist Church, Dimapur and Rev. Robert Kikon of Father’s House Church. (Morung Photo)

where he got hands on experience of business management. Four months into the job, he said that he handed in his resignation to mull over the prospects of an independent services-oriented job. That was how Cleaning Brothers was born, he said, while adding that the first job he took up was at his home where he and his friends cleaned the family’s water tank. “I

earned Rs. 500 for the job,” he said. There was no looking back after that as he alongwith likeminded friends mobilised support to set up a professional firm specialising in the services sector. “I am glad that the work we are doing are being appreciated,” he said while adding that he would want to set a precedent; that of cultivating “dignity of labour.” Y. Kikheto Sema, Secre-

tary, Land Resources was on hand to cut the ceremonial ribbon and formally launch Cleaning Brothers. In his address, Sema emphasised the importance of “skilling oneself” and cultivating a healthy work culture. Stating “There is very slim chance of getting a regular government job,” he said that it however does not imply one has to remain out of work. Citing

Cleaning Brothers as an instance, he said that there is no dearth of jobs provided one is willing to work the nature of the work notwithstanding. “If you work money should come.” While stating, “Our forefathers were not dependent on others to do their work, he added, “The most important value missing today is work culture.” Stating there is tremendous scope in livestock alone, he said that Nagaland imported almost a thousand crore worth of livestock, fish and poultry in the previous year. He further appealed the government departments to “give preference” to local youths either educated or drop-out and in the same breath held that the youth should also be keen enough to “equip oneself” as there are a lot of jobs one can take up with a bit of skill and determination. While the job undertaken by Khekavi and company is noteworthy, he added that the broader impact would be on the precedent set. He further said that the people behind Cleaning Brothers should be ready to share their experiences and skill for others to emulate.

Neingusalie Yano receives Rev. Dr. Neiliezhü Usou’s Memorial Award for Music First NST bus service to Satoi town

KohiMa, June 17 (Mexn): Neingusalie Yano of Northfield School Kohima was awarded on June 17 with the prestigious Rev. Dr. Neiliezhü Usou’s Memorial Award for Music for securing 100 marks, the highest scorer in music in the High School Leaving Certificate (HSLC) Examination 2017. He is the 13th Awardee and he received a cash award of Rs. 15000 and a citation sponsored by the family of Rev. Dr. Neiliezhü Usou. At a grand ceremony filled with music performances at the Minister’s Hill Baptist Church Kohima, Neingusalie Yano was awarded along with the Toppers of HSSLC 2017 of Minister’s Hill Baptist Higher Secondary School Kohima. The HSSLC toppers from Minister’s Hill Baptist Higher Secondary School (MHBHSS) Kohima included Elozüo Saprüna (1st Topper-94.20%), Roseline Pojar

Neingusalie Yano, Awardee of Rev. Dr. Neiliezhü Usou’s Memorial Award for Music seen here with the chief guest and others on June 17.

(3rd Topper- 91.20%), Nühüvolu Chüzho (4th Topper90.80%), Vietelo Arüji (6th Topper- 89.40%), Rüyihulu Cukhamu (9th Topper-89%) and Rulevelü Cukhamu (10th Topper- 88.80%) respectively. They all received cash awards and mementos. Menovi Yhoshü was awarded with Tsito Nakhro Memorial Award for securing the highest percentage in HSLC while Nühüvelu Chüzho was awarded with Kanato Memorial Award

for being the best student from the outgoing batch of Class-12. These awards were instituted in memory of the late students, Tsito Nakhro and Kanato respectively. Chief Engineer, PHED, Er. Kevisekho Kruse, who graced the occasion as chief guest complimented the family of Rev. Dr. Neiliezhü Usou for keeping the legacy of their father alive, who, he termed as a ‘great man’. He noted that Nagas have immense talents but also

stated the need for more infrastructures in this area. He urged upon the students to continue to work hard while asserting that one has to work very hard if they want to achieve something in life. In her speech, Principal, MHBHSS, Aleü Usou said that the memorial award of excellence in music is dedicated to the memory of their father, to capture the spirit of his work and to pay their poignant tribute to his com-

mitment and outstanding accomplishments in the field of music. Several subject teachers were also awarded for their ‘Teachers Distinctive Performance’ while Distinction Holders were acknowledged with mementos for their performance. Highlights of the event included prelude by School of Music, Kohima, welcome speech by Vitsikolie Kehie, Bible reading and prayer by Rev. Dr. Meciehol Savi, School Coordinator, NBCC, ‘A tribute to my Grandfather’ by Dziesenguü Usou, ‘He understands my tears’ by Grandchildren of Rev. Dr. Neiliezhü Usou, speech by Elozüo M. Saorüna, Topper Rank 1 (HSSLC 2017), “Proclaim the glorious truth’ by students of HSSLC (Arts) Class-12, fan dance by girls of MHBHSS (Middle Section) and benediction by Tepusaho Tase, Senior Pastor MHBC.

G Kaito Aye flagging off the NST Bus service Zunheboto to Satoi on June 16.

KohiMa, June 17 (Mexn): People of Satoi area under Satakha sub-division long awaited dream of connecting the area with Zunheboto District Headquarters was realized with the flagging off the NST bus from Zunheboto to Satoi by Minister for National Highways and Political Affairs, G. Kaito Aye at Satoi Town on June 16. Addressing the programme, Aye stressed on the need for people’s participation towards ushering in any sort of development. He said that unity of the people and developments go hand in hand and added that though much has been done towards “development” yet it is left in the hands of the people to decide on the direction towards which “developments” should unfold. While declaring that SaDr. Dietho-O Yhoshu speaking at21st fresh- toi town will now be in the er’s social of Japfu Christian College on official map of Nagaland June 17. (Morung Photo) with a bus service route, he

‘Greatest discovery in life is to discover oneself’

Japfu Christian College 21st fresher’s social held

KohiMa, June 17 (Mexn): The 21st fresher’s social of Japfu Christian College was marked with the august presence of a renowned Naga intellect Dr. Dietho- Yhoshu as the key speaker and a host of members of the Board of Management, faculty and students at Zapa Indoor Stadium, JCC campus on Saturday. In the welcome address, Principal, Japfu Christian College Dr. Visakhonu Hibo highlighted the brief history of the idea of establishment of the college with a shared dream as an extended ministry of Japfu Baptist Churches Council with the

motto ‘Faith and Work.’ The key speaker, Dr. Dietho reminded the students to have a willing heart to be prepared for life. “The best way to grab the grand things of life is preparedness,” he said while encouraging the students to prepare and nurture good habits. He also emphasized on the importance of time management and encouraged the student’s toutilize time judiciously for sleep, work and study and leisure to make the output effective and productive. The key speaker motivated the students to make use of every opportunities that comes as, “work opportunities comes in disguise, avoiding work means avoiding opportunities,” he remarked. Encouraging the stu-

Only One MOnth till the

dents to make the best discovery of life while at college, he said “the greatest discovery in life is to discover oneself” and further he persuaded the students to find and answer to life’s vocation. As a closing remark, Dr. Dietho stressed on reminding the students on ‘small things’ and ‘small moments’, “learn to do small things and small moments well, than surely you have a place to stand anywhere in the world.” Alumnus of the college, Bunglang Chang, DSP spoke on the importance of competitive exams and encouraged the students run the race with hard work and faith. The event witnessed mixture of events like the Cosplay, Comedy by Yanjila, and a celebration of Naga diversity by the students.

attributed this as an achievement by the people and also extended his gratitude to Transport Minister and the Department officials to connect Zunheboto District Hq with Satoi EAC Hq through the NST bus service. On behalf of the people of Satoi Area, Viyiho Head GB Satoi thanked the minister for his contributions toward the people of the area. Nikato SRSU President expressed sincere gratitude to the Minister for what he has done for the people of Satoi and his continuous concern for the people and the future generations to come. Satoi Range Public Union Dimapur, President, Shikuto Yepthomi added that introduction of the NST bus service will not only serve the purpose of conveyance but help the people in their quest for economic sustenance. Additional GM, NST, Shikaho thanked the Min-

ister for his concern and tireless efforts in bringing Bus service to the area and sought cooperation from the people of the area in ushering in quality service. Station Superintendent Kakishe also spoke on the occasion with regard to the rules, bus fare and timing. A press release informed that the programme was organized by the Satoi Area Kukami Hoho under the aegis of the State Transport Department. The programme was attended by Shikaho Addl. GM NST, Er. Akuto Wotsa E.E. NST, Kakishe S.S Zunheboto, Nokpai Konyak EAC Satoi, Nikato President Satoi Range Students Union, Shikuto Yeputhomi, President SRPUD and his colleagues. People from the 11 villages of the area gathered in the town to witness their long awaited dream come true. The programme was chaired by Kughai, President SAKH.

Need change in MDM system in Nagaland: Yitachu

theme: “Rooted in God’s woRd”

LongLeng, June 17 (Mexn): One day sensitization programme on implementation of Mid Day Meal Scheme under Longleng District was held at Longleng Town on June 16 with Yitachu, Minister for School Education and SCERT as the chief guest. Resource persons for the discussion session were Chubanungla Deputy Director, DSE and Khriekethozo Lhoungu, State Project and Nodal Officer (MDM) DSE. Teacher Incharge of all the schools, village councils, village education board, pastors and deacons from the church, leaders of all the apex bodies under Longleng District, and staff of the Education Department under Longleng District attended the programme. Addressing the function, the Minister said that MDM scheme is much more beyond providing meals to the children and it is not how much they get, but what they eat. “MDM scheme in Nagaland is one of the worse in the country and as a minister whenever this matter is being raised, I am ashamed before the country. Therefore, we

School students share mid day meal at Hukphang Village during the visit of Yitachu, Minister for School Education and SCERT.

need a change in the system, and when changed is being introduced in the system, everyone must assist and support,” the Minister stated. The Minister also said, “Nagaland actually is manageable state and if we are good in managing the given resources, it can become a better state.” Meanwhile, the minister also pointed out that school compound should not be encroached. “It time has come to stop all the evils and give

a chance to change.” He urged the people present to discharge their duties, support each other and encourage the students to attend schools. Appreciating the successful implementation of the Scheme in Longleng, the Minister said, “what we do in Longleng is a pilot project, and this has to be exemplified in other districts and even other states. When all sections of people support this programme, it will turn out to be a model in the coun-

try.” He requested all to be practically engaged in supporting the MDMS implemented by the Phom Community Development Society. K. Khawakhrie, DDEO Longleng chaired the function and S. Bendang Longkumer, SDEO gave a welcome speech. Denngan Avennoho Phom, Deputy Commissioner also gave a short speech. Y. Nuklu Phom, Executive Secretary, Phom Baptist Christian Association and Chief Functionary of the Phom Community Development Society, a development department under the PBCA gave a PowerPoint Presentation on the challenges and an overview of the scheme being implemented. A short video of the activities undertaken during the few months was also presented. Phom Lempong Hostellers presented a special music and a prayer was offered by Rev. H. Beau Pastor, Longleng Town Baptist Church. Later, the Minister also visited Hukphang Village where meals were served to more than three hundred children. The Minister also planted a tree marking the environment month.

SUNDAY 18•06•2017



Darjeeling sees more violence as Three killed in landslide in Meghalaya GJM agitation enters sixth day

DARJEELING, JUNE 17 (IANS): Trouble-hit Darjeeling and other areas in the north West Bengal hills on Saturday saw fresh violence and arson, as GJM activists, including the women's wing, came out on the streets in hundreds to protest an alleged police raid on the residence of party assistant General Secretary Binay Tamang. The area virtually turned into a battlefield as protests marked the Gorkha Janmukti Morcha's (GJM) indefinite shutdown which entered the sixth day. The GJM protest to demand a separate Gorkhaland is being countered by supporters of West Bengal's ruling Trinamool Congress. An officer of the Indian Reserve Battalion (IRB) was critically injured in the violence, while the GJM claimed two of its supporters were killed. Violence erupted on Saturday after the alleged police raid and vandalising of the residence of Tamang at around 3 a.m. Tamang claimed his house was "raided and vandalised by the police and the Trinamool Congress cadres" in the same manner as they had raided party chief Bimal Gurung's house in Darjeeling district two days ago. He also claimed Vikram Rai, son of party MLA Amar Rai, had been arrested.

Indian security forces fire tear gas canisters during clashes with supporters of the separatist Gorkha Janmukti Morcha (GJM) group in Darjeeling. (AFP Photo)

However, Amar Rai said his son has no political affiliations and he was released later. Widespread protests were reported from Singamari, the northern point of Darjeeling, as hundreds of GJM's women activists rallied with shrill condemnation of the raid, and shouted slogans for a separate Gorkhaland as they held aloft the tricolour. Several vehicles including three of police were set ablaze. Later in the day, the effects of the trouble were felt in Kalimpong's Gorubathan market where GJM supporters allegedly torched a vehicle of the power supply authority, while the Jaldhaka police station was vandalised. Police fired tear gas

shells as the women activists pelted stones and pushed back at the police barricade shouting "Police Go Back". Kiran Tamang, Assistant Commander of the Indian Reserve Battalion (IRB), was critically injured in the clash and was taken to a nursing home for treatment. The GJM claimed two of their supporters were killed and five were critically injured in police firing, but police denied the allegation. "Police had not fired. GJM supporters are creating violence and attacking police. Many police personnel are seriously injured. We cannot tolerate this hooliganism," said Additional Director General (Law & Order) Anuj Sharma.

In other incidents of violence, GJM supporters allegedly pelted stones and lobbed petrol bombs at the residence of Trinamool activist Deoraj Gurung in Lebong Cart Road, attacked a local Trinamool activist's residence at Pankhabari, and reportedly set a PWD office at Bijonbari on fire. The Army has also been called in. Official sources said that troops were patrolling in the entire hills. As the GJM shutdown entered its sixth day, the party called for a 12-hour strike in Dooars on Sunday. Chief Minister Mamata Banerjee on Saturday condemned the vandalism by the GJM and alleged a "deep-rooted conspiracy". Meanwhile, GJM chief Bimal Gurung said: "Gork-

has are facing a lot of torture. Two of our supporters have died because of the state government. I appealed to all the Gorkhas to protest against torture." BJP state women's wing president Roopa Ganguly also raised her pitch against the Trinamool government saying the unrest in the hills was due to Banerjee. "During peak season, tourists were heckled by the Chief Minister with her statements. She should stop lecturing so much and concentrate on her job. With folded hands, I request her to decide first whether she is Trinamool Congress chief or the Chief Minister of the people of the state. If she is the state's Chief Minister, she is my Chief Minister also," Ganguly said. The ongoing agitation has crippled tourism. The famed toy-train service of Darjeeling Himalayan Railway has been suspended in view of the strike. The GJM announced an indefinite general strike from Monday in the hills encompassing Darjeeling and Kalimpong districts and the Dooars (foothills of the Himalayas covering stretches of Jalpaiguri and Alipurduar district) protesting against the government's purported decision to make Bengali language compulsory in state-run schools and to press for a separate state of Gorkhaland.

Assam Police to hire 9,000 people by year-end GUWAHATI, JUNE 17 (PTI): Assam Police today said that it would recruit nearly 9,000 people by the end of this year against the current vacancy of over 12,000 posts in the force. "We currently have a total vacancy of 12,000 posts of non-gazetted officers, of which 8,000 are constable ranks. Besides, 79 posts of DSP and 154 inspector ranks are lying vacant," State Level Police Recruitment Board chairman Pradeep Kumar said. Assam Police was cur-


rently completing the pending recruitment process for 3,980 posts which would be over by the next month, he added. "The government has also asked us to recruit 5,013 persons for various posts. During July-August, we will bring out the advertisement for these posts and the appointment process will be completed by the end of this year," said Kumar, who is also the Director General of Home Guards. "We are waiting for the new recruitment policy.


I, Mr. Viketo Sema S/o. Tohovi L Sumi & Xukheli T Sumi am applying for a duplicate copy of Class XII HSSLC Admit Card bearing Roll. No: 1417031, Year: 2014 (StreamScience) of Patkai Hr. Sec. School I have lost it.

I, Mr. Viketo Sema S/o. Tohovi L Sumi & Xukheli T Sumi am applying for duplicate copies of (B. Sc) Semester (I), (II)Admit Card bearing Roll No: 145H145 (Honours-Chemistry) of Patkai Christian College (Autonomous) as I have lost it.



A reputed company needs Office Space in Kohima/Dimapur 1000 Sft with good amenities & power back/up Owners/agents may send proposals to hr.in@connectcue.com

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PSYCHIATRIST FOR CONSULTATION Renowned Psychiatrist from Guwahati, Dr. MRIDULA SHYAM MD Psychiatry (Specialised in Adolescent & Childhood Psychiatry and experienced in Neuropsychiatry) will be available for consultation on 30th June 2017. Patients requiring consultation may register in the Pharmacy. For registration, please contact:  03862-237085 Opp. Synergy Systems, Circular Road, Dimapur

INFORMATION Due to unavoidable circumstances disbursement of stipend/scholarship by Semoma Students Welfare Broad Trust at Raj Bhavan on 19th is refixed on 21st June 2017. Other details remain the same.

We have suggested some new provisions like 10 per cent reservation for backward regions, two per cent for sports quota and two per cent for surrendered militants. The government has not finalised these yet," Kumar said.

"We have also sent a proposal to the Centre to raise three India Reserve battalions. If that is sanctioned, we will be adding 3,000 more personnel in the force," Kumar said. Assam Police has a sanctioned strength of

74,000 people, of which 12,000 are lying vacant at all levels. On police public ratio, he said Assam has 107 personnel for every one lakh population, while the UN norm is 210 for every one lakh people.



This is to inform all students with disability that scholarships are provided to eligible differentlyabled students under The Scholarships Schemes of Pre- Matric, Post- Matric and Top Class Education which are being implemented through the National Scholarship portal. (NSP 2.0) (www.nsp.gov.in) Timeline for Registration /Verification: FRESH APPLICATION: Sl. NO.

Name of scheme


Pre-Matric Scholarship for Students:


Post-Matric Scholarship:


Top Class Education


Name of scheme Pre-Matric Scholarship for Students: Post-Matric Scholarship Top Class Education:

Student Registration Last date Between 1stJune – 30th September Between 1stJune – 31st October Between 1stJune- 31st October

Verification by Institute Up – to 31st October Up- to 30th November Upto to 15th November

Student Registration Last date

Verification by Institute

Between 1stJune30th July of AY

Up – to 31st August of AY

SHILLONG, JUNE 17 (PTI): Three persons were killed and nine others suffered injuries while two women went missing after incessant rainfall triggered a massive landslide in Ri-Bhoi district of Meghalaya today. Officials said the incident took place at a labour camp near Umiam Lake around 5 AM during heavy rain, which continued

Newmai News Network Imphal | June 17

Manipur Chief Minister N Biren Singh has urged government teachers in the state to put in serious effort towards improving the condition of government educational institutes. He was speaking as chief guest at a felicitation programme for rank holders of Classes X and XII examinations conducted by Board of Secondary Education, Manipur (BOSEM) and Council of Higher Secondary Education, Manipur (COHSEM) respectively at City Convention Centre, Palace Compound in Imphal today. Stating that parents nowadays are spending huge amounts of money in children’s education in the State, the Manipur CM viewed that this was mainly due to emergence of coaching/tuition culture and degradation of Government educational institutes. Biren also contended that common people’s wish of giving proper education to their children at


It is hereby notified to all concern by Affidavit Regd.No. 2915/2017 Dated 22.03.2017 that TIASENLA and TIASENLA.J.JAMIR are of the same name.

UROLOGIST FOR CONSULTANTS Dr. JOY N. CHAKRABORTY MS DNB (Surgery), DNB (Urology), FRCS renowned Endourosurgeon from Guwahati will be available for consultation on 21st June 2017 (Wednesday) for Urinary problems, Prostate, Kidney & Bladder Stone.

Admission 5500 6500 6800

Hostel Monthly fee

Install (quarterly) 3000 3100 3200

- 3500

LOWER PWD PANCHAYAT NEW OFFICIALS Sl. Name No 1 Mr. Dozhohü Tunyi 2 a) Mr. Haiyo Ngullie b) Mr. Vizosül Pucho 3 Mr. H. Thanghio Khiam 4 a) Mr.Echungbemo Ngullie b) Mr. Moanok Tsüdir 5 Mr. Dziesevituo Suohu 6 Mr. Beduhü Thelü-o 7 Mr. Renchamo Tungoe

Designation Chairman Vice Chairman Vice Chairman General Secretary Secretary

Secretary Treasurer Finance Secretary Information & Public Secy. 8 Mr. Seyieo Youth Co-ordination 9 Mrs. Apho Khatso Women Co-ordinator 10 Mrs. Atosheli Zhimomi Asst. Women Coordinator ADVISORS 10 Mr. Imti Pokyim Advisor 11 Mr. Satsü Angami Advisor

Including Twelve Executive Member and nine jury broad members


It is hereby notified to all concern by Affidavit Regd. no 2915/2017 Dated 22.03.17 that CHUNGMALEPDEN and JONGMALEPDEN are of the same person.

(Rev. Nyanchumo Lotha) Ekievong Eranpvüi, LBES. 9463078451/7085897656(M)


Classes 11&12 B.A (Gen) B.A (Hons)


It is hereby notified to all concern by Affidavit Regd.no.4135/2017 Dated.19.05. 2017 that AOSUNGKUM and T.AOSUNGKUM are of the same person.

trict soon. The Government is also planning to bring out a transparent transfer and posting policy for teachers and head of institutions under the Directorate of Education as soon as possible, he added. In order to streamline the education system and to have proper control over the mushrooming of private schools and coaching centres, the Manipur Private Schools (Registration) Bill, 2017 and the Manipur Coaching Institute (Control and Regulation) Bill, 2017 would be placed before the State Assembly in the next session, he further informed. During the function, CM Biren also launched the website www.edusuggest.in with the aim to connect all stakeholders with the Government to foster decision making and public participation in the education sector. Later, the Chief Minister distributed commendation prizes to the top 10 position holders of Class X examination conducted by BOSEM and Class XII examination conducted by COHSEM.

Lotha Baptist Ekhümkho Sanrhyutsü küpo evan kija/okho ochoang na Shanchamo Memorial Baptist High School (SMBHS) ji engocho (lease) ekhiv ematha licho sana jonji kako erani Eden (June) 30, 2017 mmyulani 04:00 ekho njanthüng Ekievong Eranpvüi janthokle to Ekhümkho osi Nzontsü topvü thüngi yithen shi yakchia ntsijantala.


ARTS AND COMMERCE Contact No: 0370-2280071/9856974717

affordable cost cannot be fulfilled until the condition of Government educational institutes are enhanced. Although, education is one of the thrust areas of the new State Government apart from health and infrastructure/communication sectors, no improvement in education sector is possible without sincere and serious effort of teachers, he maintained. As one of the initial steps for bringing improvement in the education sector, completion of 50 schools (41 schools under SSA and nine schools under RMSA) had been included in the 100 days programme of the new Government. Stating that the Government is planning to introduce vocational training in 40 colleges soon, the Chief Minister said that deliberations are being made to consider enrolment of even school dropouts in these courses. He informed that the Government would open a District Institute of Education and Training (DIET) centre for Imphal East dis-



Near BSF Camp. Below ATI Office: Kohima

referred to NEIGRIHMS, Ganesh Das Hospital and Shillong Civil Hospital. There were also reports of landslides at Umtyngngar, Mawkynrew and other places, but there was no casualty, they said. Meanwhile, Met department officials confirmed onset of the south west monsoon in the north eastern region.

Manipur to improve government institutes

For more information contact Directorate of Social Welfare, Nagaland Kohima. Mobile No.7085843028

Mountain View Christian College, Kohima

since last night. Two teenaged girls and a 25-year-old man were killed while two women went missing in the landslide, a district disaster management authority official said. Nine others were injured in the incident, the official added. The official said efforts were on to clear the debris and the injured have been


For more information, please contact:  03862- 231864, 227337, 224117

Before the Judl. Magistrate 1st Class/Notary PuBliC Dimapur : NagalaND

DeclaratioN chaNge of Name I, Smti. MoaMenla Yaden (assumed name) @ Smti. Meren MoaMenla longkuMer (former name), aged about 32 years, W/o Shri. aochuba Yaden, Permanent resident of h/no. 150 nepali basti link road, in the district of dimapur, state of nagaland, do hereby solemnly affirm and declare an oath as under : 1. That I am a bonafide citizen of India by birth and competent to declare this affidavit. 2. That I swear this affidavit to declare that for and on behalf of myself and my family and remitter issue, I wholly renounce/relinquish and abandon the use of my former name/surname of Smti. MoaMenla longkuMer, and in place thereof, I do now on behalf of myself hereby assume from this date, my name/surname as Smti. MoaMenla Yaden (assumed name), so that I may hereafter be called, known and distinguished not by my former name/ surname but by the assumed name/surname Smti. MoaMenla Yaden. 3. That for the purpose of evidencing such determination declare that I shall at all times hereafter in all records, deeds and writings and in all proceedings, dealings and transactions, private as well as official and upon all occasions whatsoever, use and sign the name Smti. MoaMenla Yaden as my name/surname in place and in substitution of my former name/surname. 4. That I expressly authorize and request all persons in general and authorities, relatives and friends in particular, at all times hereafter to designate and address me and in all my remitter issued by my assumed name/surname of Smti. MoaMenla Yaden accordingly. 5. That the statements made in para's 1 to 4 are all true and correct to the best of my knowledge and nothing has been concealed therein. MoaMenla Yaden (assumed name) MoaMenla longkuMer (Former name) Solemnly sworn before me by the deponent on this the 27th day of april 2017. Regd. No. 341/17 Date : 27/04/17 Magistrate 1st Class/ Notary Public

IN THE GAUHATI HIGH COURT (THE HIGH COURT OF ASSAM, NAGALAND, MIZORAM, ARUNACHAL PRADESH) KOHIMA BENCH First Appeal No. 2 (K) of 2017 The Union of India, Represented by the Secretary to the Govt. of India, Ministry of Railways, Rail Bhawan, New Delhi & 4 Others. ......Applicants/Appellant. -Vrs1. Shri Pokharmal S/o: Shri Mohanlal C/o: Nagaland Saw & Veneer Product P. Box No. 18, Dimapur: Nagaland. ......Respondent. To, Shri Pokharmal S/o: Shri Mohanlal C/o: Nagaland Saw & Veneer Product P. Box No. 18, Dimapur, Nagaland

NOTICE Please take notice that the above referred case has been filed by the appellant (The Union of India, Ministry of Railways, New Delhi), wherein you have been impleaded as party respondent No. 1. You are therefore directed to appear before the court on 29-06-2017 in person or by pleader duly instructed to answer all material questions relating to the case. Take notice that in default of your appearance on the date mentioned, the case will be heard and determined in your absence. Deputy Registrar (Judicial) Gauhati High Court, Kohima Bench, Kohima, Nagaland

Issued by Northeast Frontier Railway



SundaY 18•06•2017



God's Own Image -The Fathers

Story of my dad Abdon mech Dimapur

Jeremiah 29:11 "For I know the plans I have for you, plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future."


his is a story of a person who drives, motivates and influences everything I do. His story is all about free falling grace and how God can take you where you never fathomed. It is the story of a man who closed his eyes to everything around him and put his blind faith on God. He walked on water when the waves could have shaken him and the depths of the ocean could have drowned him. He stood tall in acceptance in Jesus when everyone around him rejected him. Such is the story of my dad. My dad’s life is a walking miracle and a testimony of how good God is in bringing His plans to life. My dad had a humble upbringing deprived of many basic necessities. He would tell us stories of all the hardships his family faced when he was young, reminding me and my siblings to be grateful for the luxury and comfort we enjoy now. Deprived of proper access to educational opportunities, he had to leave school at a very early age. Although stories like these are not rare and many people go through similar experiences, there is a twist in this story. My dad was not born in a Christian home. He was born in 1968 in a small village in West Bengal to an orthodox Hindu family. He grew up ignorant of who God was and the sacrifice that Jesus made on the cross. God, however, had plans set for him and it was only a matter of time until he would encounter a life changing turn. In 1988, my dad took one of his biggest decisions and left home. There was a recruitment programme going on for the Nagaland Armed Police and he decided to challenge himself to it, in a new place with different culture, new people and an unfamiliar language far away from home. He got selected, thus, confirming the plan God had for him. I say, "Confirming" because that is how he met mom and his life took the biggest turn. My mom was posted in the same battalion as my dad (Yes! My mom is in the police force too!) And all this time God had her in waiting to change a man's life forever. Dad accepted Jesus and got baptized in 1994 with the support from mom and her family and friends around them. He was aware that this would mean an unpleasant response from his family back home but by then, he had already set his blind faith on God. My dad's story is massive to me in every way because of two things God's plan and unending grace and my daddy's unreal hard work and perseverance. As mentioned earlier, my dad's life is a miracle and there is every justification to it.

From an orthodox Hindu family unaware of God, to becoming a devil chasing, praise singing man of God who is unashamed, unafraid and relentless in his faith, he has come a long way today. He took it upon himself to raise children who are fearful of God and raised me and my siblings to be worshippers and praise singing believers. I cannot fathom the depth of his commitment and faith in God to be able to raise children in a way he was never raised and I am grateful with all my heart that I am his firstborn. I have seen him get down on his knees and pray in surrender for every big and small thing. My dad’s hard work is a justification of the saying, “God helps those who helps themselves.” Today, God has put him in a place where he never imagined. He is today a Police Officer who is in every way equipped with unreal wisdom and knowledge. I am boasting here about the unreal grace that God gave freely to him because of his hard work. We get to see each other just three or four times in a year because he is posted very far from us but he works hard every single day for the love of his family. We may not be the wealthiest family but we have enough to eat and a roof to sleep under in God's providence because of the entire work dad puts in. He is an unbelievably strong man. Growing up, I always told people that I want to work for God and I never really understood why. It was probably because my parents had already instilled in my head that I am going to do God's work later in life by virtue of me being their firstborn. It’s only been a couple of years now that am doing some deep thinking and it is all coming to me why I want to do so. I have realised that God's grace over my family and especially my dad is just way beyond everything and I want to give back to Him. I have truly and thoroughly experienced the love of Jesus and felt his grace through my dad and my family. I want to work for God because of my dad. He is an inspiration and a role model to me in every way. I am only 20 years and beginning to seek, discover and learn things but one day I wish to be a worship leader who leads people to Jesus' love and the discovery of unending grace like my dad discovered. I am working hard every day trying to give my all, learning and discovering His plans for me and I seek for prayers for strength and perseverance. I wish to continue this faith voyage my dad has started with prayer for His Glory alone. This Fathers' day I am grateful that I have the best dad in the world whose testimony itself speaks for his greatness. I am so grateful that many years ago my dad said yes to the call of God and came to Nagaland with faith. I am proud of the story that my dad has lived and one day I hope to achieve similar testimony of faith. Happy Fathers' day. You are all heroes!

vikali shikhu


Unity Village, Dimapur

t is written "Let us make man in our own image" Biblically the history of mankind started with man and we respect God's decision, putting man before woman. The Bible said "God created man in His own image" I believe our men should rejoice and celebrate their manhood that man was made the first human on earth. But while counting their blessings, they have a good reason to count their responsibilities as well. The happiest wife is someone whose husband is a good listener and share joys and sorrows with her. To be able to provide, to pro-

My Dad huka v Awomi Satoi Town


y father is the God chosen one to lead our family. He is very loving and caring person. He shares his life drawbacks, struggles and achievements with us, to let us learn from his life and his experiences so that we take right steps in the absence of him and be a successful person in life. He always helps the needy people in the society and work tirelessly for the upliftment of our society without looking for any credit and praises. He teaches us to respect and love our elders, especially the old people so that we will be blessed. He is very polite person and makes us to realise our mistakes very politely, hardly scolding. He makes us to feel protected. My friends generally tell me that I’m so lucky of being the son of such father. Yes, I’m so lucky and proud to have a caring and down to earth Dad in the world. Dad, we are so honoured to take birth in the family with good father like you. Though, we hardly tell you how important you are to us, but deep inside our heart, you are our strength, our armour and our hero. We love you. Happy Father’s Day.

good husband. Then he taught me how to be a great father. What people see in me now, I saw in my father then". My father is my hero and I always feel proud to be my father's daughter. If you too are one, let's give them a big hand and give thanks to God. If your father is still alive, you and I are the most fortunate people alive on this planet. If your husband is the reason for your happiness, bless him and express how grateful you are to be his wife. If you are living a successful life and you know it would not have happened without the role of your wife, remember one thing, acknowledging one another is a golden rule. Some women


prof mithilesh Kumar sinha

(N Bohngam Konyak)

esther murry

ou have given us the best things in Life...Your TIME, Your CARE and Your LOVE....We are truely grateful to have you in our LIFE and WE Thank our Almighty God for YOU.... Thanks for acting like a kid when we were a kid, acting like a Friend when we needed a friend....you are the BEST man we know.... Your presence always gives us Strength to face anything without Fear.... We Pray that GOD give you a Very Long Long life and always keeps you HAPPY..... THANK you for all the things you taught Us... YOU will always be the Number one Man in our life....

Co-ordinator Women Ministry, AGEI


We lOVe YOu sO MuCH DADDY HAPPY FATHers DAY From…ur Loved ones  Mankam, Ayu, Chunon, Pophei, Hangboh N Pngchong

daily many cases of trust being broken. Normally it is the fathers who suffer in silence. The lady is brave and should not take pity on the son and daughter in law as leopard never changes spot. Evidence is clear as illtreatment of the fathers is reported frequently. There are instances of brutally, with children turning against fathers to levels that they get violent and kill. Among the common causes is property. The increasing number of old-age homes across the country is testimony to the growing instances of parents being not just ill-treated but also thrown out of homes once they have lost their utility value. The abuse and ill-treatment of fathers is on rise; this has serious individual and societal costs. A Helpage India survey report shows that elders are being treated badly not just in the public but also often at homes. More than 50 per cent of the elders surveyed believe that their

Finance officer, Nagaland University, Lumami


oday being the Father’s Day is imperative that we not only show the formality by wishing “Happy Father’s Day, Dad” or offering gift or rose flower but also promise ourselves to own up to the responsibility of the care, concern and respect for fathers in real sense as they fathers deserve by virtue of their wisdom, their contribution to family and society at large and for their guiding spirit in times of conflict in the family. Now-a-days, the sense of respect for fathers has been destroyed by materialism. In the age of consumerism, abusing fathers is a bit like AIDS in India. We can find some kind of abuse or the other, usually from family members, especially bahu-beta (daughter in law and son). We see

ACROSS 1. Satisfy 5. Office worker 10. Extent 14. Snip 15. Bog hemp 16. Meal in a shell 17. Renunciation 19. Mining finds 20. Mist 21. Stave off 22. An edict of the Russian tsar 23. An appliance for frozen food 25. Fertile areas 27. Hankering 28. Having a higher rank 31. American retailer 34. Show-off 35. Letter after sigma 36. Constellation bear 37. Aquatic mammals 38. Collections 39. Dawn goddess 40. Covered with protective barbs 41. Sheriff’s group 42. Earthquake waves 44. Altitude (abbrev.) 45. Fable writer 46. A person who disputes 50. Put out 52. French for “Man” 54. Fu ss 55. Narrow opening 56. A young unmarried woman (archaic) 58. Wash 59. Mountain crest 60. Pigeon-___ 61. Pitcher 62. Units of force 63. Terminates DOWN 1. Stave 2. Bower 3. Slight color 4. An uncle 5. Cowardly

Simple Rules - Fill in the grid so that every row, every column, and every 3x3 box contains the digits 1 through 9.

Answer Number # 3973

lot is discriminated in society and 44 per cent say they have been ill-treated, they speak from experience. These are average figures at best; in many cities of the country the numbers are higher. In Bengalaru, for instance, 70 per cent of elders have reported ill-treatment in public places. If these statistics are depressing enough, there’s worse to follow. Close to 65 per cent of elders believe that it’s easy to people to get away by being abusive to elders; the figure is over 90 per cent in Bhubaneswar and 85 per cent in Guwahati, while Delhi returns a heartening low at 16 per cent. Whatever the reasons may be the abuse of fathers in family shows the depths that family in general has sunk to. We have to show honour to father and take care of their bell-being not only on a special day i.e. Father’s Day but on general days also so that they will not feel isolated from the family. std code: 03862

DiMaPUR 6. Not earlier 7. Arab chieftain 8. Exuberantly 9. Cognizance 10. Writer of “Dracula” 11. Leeches 12. Air force heroes 13. Schnozzola 18. Stares 22. End ___ 24. Tropical American wildcat 26. Mimics 28. Rise rapidly 29. Horse feed 30. Ploy 31. Cooking fat 32. God of love 33. Soothing 34. Outer boundary 37. Japanese wrestling 38. Drunkards 40. Headquarters 41. Layers 43. Spay 44. Battalions 46. Overact 47. Claw 48. Stagnated 49. Female students 50. Small island 51. Shredded cabbage 53. Portent 56. Father 57. French for “Summer”

Answer to Crossword 3976

W AirCrAft Alloy Alpine Angry Armor best CAvort ClAsp Cloth Compose CorAl Cruise depot deviCe eAse engine folly furious glides imAgine

irAte journAl judge lAthe loAm mAgiCiAn mAss mere motor notion pAnoply press relAx solenoid stAin stAte toAd vAlve virgin



std code: 03871

(formerly senapati)



229529 229474

mh hospital

227930 231081

fire brigade


faith hospital


naga hospital


shamrock hospital


oking hospital


Zion hospital

231864 224117 227337

bethel nursing home


northeast shuttles


police Control room


Police Traffic Control


east police station


west police station


Cihsr (referral hospital)

242555 242533

dimapur hospital

224041 248011

police station fire brigade

south ps Zubza ps

Chiephobozou ps 8575045506 Officer-in-Charge 8575045516 tseminyu ps


Officer-in-Charge 8575045517 Khuzama ps


Officer-in-Charge 8575045515

nikos hospital and research Centre

232032, 231031

Kezocha ps

nagaland multispecialty health & research Centre

248302, 09856006026

women Cell

248722 /248288, 9615945510



Officer-in-Charge 8575045518

229366 242441 225212



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Officer-in-Charge 8575045510



std code: 0370

KohimA ps/oCs Contact numbers north ps



222246 222491


Apollo hospital info Centre 230695/ 9402435652

eden medical Centre


athers and children were brought together and a very simple test was given first to the children. Most of them had no idea at all about how their children spend their free time nor did they know what their children likes and enjoyed. Even though they lived in the same house, they were strangers to their own children. Charles Francis Adams, the 19th century political figure and diplomat, kept a diary. One day he entered: 'Went fishing with my son today — a day wasted." His son, Brook Adams, also kept a diary, which is still in existence. On that same day, Brook Adams made this entry: 'Went fishing with my father — the most wonderful day of my de!" The father thought he was wasting his time while fishing with his son, but his son saw it as an investment of time. The greatest thing in all my life is to know you. We sing this to God with absolutely no problem but can we say the same thing to each one of our family members 'I want to know you!" A tight-knit family has spiritual values It is said that values are caught and not taught. Jesus said' "I GIVE THEM ETERNAL LIFE." Different well-known personalities from the business world were present and several of them walked up to the podium to pay their tribute to the award winner. Finally the long awaited moment came and this man was invited to the stage to receive the award. A huge applause broke out;

everybody in the hall was clapping except three people who sat with their heads bowed down and tears in their eyes. As that man walked on the stage he noticed the response of his family and stood by the podium with tears streaming down his cheeks as well he motioned the crows to stop their applause and he said, "I am it big in the business world, in the world of success but not without causing pain to those I love." He went on to narrate how he had neglected his wife and children while he climbed the ladder of success. I appeal to every husband and father to never get busy working towards titles & trophies for these will sooner or later lose the glow without the applause of family & friends. A tight knit family has the bond of unity You must have hear the old saying, "A family that prays together stays together." It cannot be denied that there is great truth in this saying. When a family pursues common interests and purposes then they are strengthened in unity. The relationship that Jesus and the Father share, and the relationship they extend to us must be to us, an example on of how we are to live as families. Tight knit families must be characterized by listening to one another, knowing one another, being obedient to Christ together, growing spiritually together, accepting one another unconditionally and sharing a common purpose together. That unconditional love can come only from His presence. Building a God fearing family requires patience, diligence and an understanding of God's design for the Christian family as set forth in the Bible.

Civil hospital

Chumukedima fire brigade 282777


really make their husbands great, respect her if you have one. Some men are born with ungrateful heart and some lips are made to lie. Only real men have the audacity to accept reality and develop the courage to speak the truth. It is truly enviable and a dream comes true for woman to be sharing her life with a responsible husband and the children to be having an honourable father. One life to live tomorrow shall soon become past. Walk in love while you walk this earth. Always remember you were created in His image hence you are a 'Godly Father' so long as you put on the image of the invisible God. Happy Father's Day.

A tight-knit family gets to know one another

Family of ungrateful?


Game Number # 3974

daddy". Meantime there are many homes where a father is responsible for the family's well being and happiness. My salute to all the loving, caring, dutiful, faithful and committed fathers. I just can't fathom the respect I have for those responsible gentlemen I know far and near including my own father. May you all be blessed. "My father was a gentleman of many virtues" said Laurence Sterne. Simon Sim said "My son once reminded me to treat my wife well, saying, 'Be nice to your wife - she's my mother, you know!'”A good father's testimony is best reflected in his character. Simon Sim said "My father first taught me how to be a

Dear Daddy....

(Dedicated to my Dad Vihikhe Awomi)



tect, to respect, to love and care are some of the beautiful qualities a good woman would expect from a man. It is said that palatial buildings are constructed by manpower but home is built by hearts. Blessed is a home where love overflows at all times. Today we see many happy families' happiness being blown away by unknown wind. John Green said "love is keeping the promise" Some husbands need to be reminded of the quote that says "the best thing a father can do for his children is to love their mother". What if tomorrow someone does the same to your daughter and she remembers a quote "the only man a girl can trust is her



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std code: 0369

police station 1 police station 2 police station Kobulong police station tuli police station Changtongya police station mangkolemba Civil hospital

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62.92 80.23 7.81 47.81 45.42 47.46 56.2 70.2 1.79 0.0537 16.58 8.93

65.93 84.34 8.72 50.27 47.76 49.92 59.52 73.80 2.00 0.06 18.51 9.98

Sunday 18•06•2017


ASU condemns assault; asks NPGs to show restraint kohiMa, June 17 (Mexn): The Angami Students' Union (ASU) on June 17 condemned the assault on a member of Kiruphema Youth Organization (KYO) by some unidentified gunmen on June 16. Stating that the union is “appalled and utterly angered by the brazen act” of the perpetrators, who identified themselves as members of a certain NPG, ASU in a statement asserted it will “not tolerate a bunch of goons acting under the banner of NPG targeting the KYO and its volunteers, who have been engaged in selflessly rendering their best for the public commuting in the landslide area.” The union warned the perpetrators to either identify themselves or face a manhunt. Meanwhile, it wished speedy recovery to the injured person and extended wholehearted support to KYO.

Further, the statement by Visako Rino, president and Vizokho Zashumo, general secretary reminded “all elements who are hell bent in sabotaging the ongoing developmental works in Angami jurisdiction, that there will be befitting consequences for elements indulging in unlawful activities, particularly the nuisance of extortion by the NPGs on the ongoing four lane road project between Dimapur and Kohima.” It added, “At the present juncture, with so much at stake, NPGs should display maximum restraint and desist from unacceptable and unlawful activities, which otherwise may become detrimental to the progress of the crucial Naga movement.” The union while affirming to remain vigilant in deterring “unlawful elements” also extended fullest support to the NCSU and all its fraternity.

BLOs trained on ‘Special Drive’ Mon, June 17 (Mexn): The Booth Level Officers (BLOs) of Mon district were trained on Special Drive, which aims to enroll left out electors between the ages of 18 and 21 years, on June 16 at Council Hall, Mon. The Deputy Commissioner & District Election Officer, Mon, W. Honje Konyak in his address appealed to the BLOs to work sincerely to achieve clean and healthy electoral roll. He asserted that healthy and clean e/roll is required to achieve clean and fair elections in the State as desired by the people, and to achieve clean e/roll is the responsibility of the BLOs. Therefore, he appealed to the BLOs to take proper care of their respective e/ roll as their own child to ensure free, fair and clean elections, according to a report. The DC further pointed

out that compared to projected census 2017, the enrolment of age group 18–19 years was only 14.7%. This, he said, may be due to early enrollment of young voters and urged the BLOs to conduct physical verification for age and corrections. He also stressed on age correction for old persons. The ADC & ERO Mon Shanava, IAS and Mono Khiam, ADC Mon also addressed the BLOs. In the technical session, Akheto Shohe AEO Mon spoke on “Special Drive for 18–19 years 2017”, while Chanthungo Kikon, HA election department spoke on “Duties of BLOS and Form Filling procedures”. “Feedback of BLO’s work 2016” was given by Patong, LDA Election department. The BLOs of the entire district of Mon participated in the training.

New building of NMHSS, Tobu inaugurated

Conservation of Black Soft Shell Turtle officials elected Wokha, June 17 (Mexn): Officials have been elected for Conservation of Black Soft Shell Turtle, Akuk Village for smooth functioning of the organisation, according to a press release from the newly elected president, Surenthung Enny. Other officials and members of the organisation are: Secretary - Abel M. Lotha; Finance - Khutemo Humtsoe; Spokesperson - Wobemo. Lotha; Executive Member - C. Robin Lotha; Member - Machan Lotha; Member - Moyothung Shitiri; Advisory Board Akuk Village Council. The organisation will induct more officials, members and Advisory Board Members after organising meeting with the village council, villagers, students’ union, the release said. As of now, the above mentioned officials will function the organisation till further notice, it added.

DDADU informs to claim autorickshaw Catholic priests, sisters and guests at the inauguration of newly built primary section of Newman Hr. Sec. School (NMHSS), Tobu on June 17.

Mon, June 17 (Mexn): The newly built primary section of Newman Hr. Sec. School (NMHSS), Tobu was inaugurated by Naiba Konyak, Advisor, Geology & Mining, NBDA, NEPED and blessed by Rev. Fr. Dr. Jacob Charalel, Secretary, Commission for Education, Diocese of Kohima (CEDOK), on June 17. Naiba appreciated the diocese of Kohima under the leadership of Bishop James Thoppil for the many ventures in the field of education and social empowerment. Being a product of the Catholic School himself, he appreciated Fathers, Sisters, the Advisory Board, and the Catholic community for the

magnificent school building successfully completed, stated a press release from Fr. Thomas Toretkiu. He specially thanked Fr. Sivi George, principal, NMHSS, Tobu and his team for the developmental works done in Tobu. Stating that “Learning is never-ending because knowledge is endless,” the MLA added there is so much to learn in life that it is virtually impossible to ever finish one’s education entirely. He urged students to learn in repeating what they have previously learned. By repetition one becomes perfect, he stated. Meanwhile, Rev. Fr. Dr. Jacob Charalel thanked

all for their help extended to complete the building. He said that the little help one gives to the Catholic Church is never a waste as the Church returns the same for the development of the community in multiple folds. The mission of the Catholic Church, he added, is to educate the people in villages and cities on equal footing. “The church seeks the integral formation of the human person and inculcate human and divine values which distinguishes her from other cooperates who run educational institutions,” he stated. W. Moba Konyak, BDO, Tobu in his address thanked the Catholic Church for the

knowledge imparted to the students as he is also a product of NMHSS, Tobu. He applauded the priests and sisters for the committed service rendered to the people with no distinction of religion or caste. He further urged the people to collaborate with the institution “because the school is for the development of the people and of the area.” Rev. Fr. Sivi George, Principal, Newman HSS, Tobu welcomed all during the august assembly. Welcome song, prayer dance, chorography and action songs were the special items presented by the students during the short felicitation programme.

Students compete in poetry at Chuchuyimpang Mokokchung, June 17 (Mexn): The Concerned Citizen Chuchuyimpang (CCC) - a group from Chuchuyimpang village of Mokokchung district - organized a poem writing competition for students at Chuchuyimpang village on June 17. Such a competition was conducted for the first time

in the village to embody the love for literature and develop writing skill among the students, according to a report. Students hailing from Chuchuyimpang village studying in various towns of Nagaland and outside the state in different cities and towns also participated in the competition. Akumnuchet from

Mokokchung emerged as the best poet. He received cash prize along with merit certificate, while the second and the third positions were bagged by Imokokla Imsong from Aizawl (Mizoram) and Imowapang Imsong from Pune (Maharashtra) respectively. They were also awarded cash prize and merit certificates.

Speaking on the occasion, the President CCC ML Wapang Jamir outlined that the objective of CCC is to encourage the citizens to develop their writing skills and to promote education amongst each other. The Secretary of the CCC Awala Imsong also informed the audience that the next programme will be launched on July 1.

‘Donating blood is not harmful’ Community first responder training held in Wokha kohiMa, June 17 (Dipr): In commemoration of World Blood Donor Day, the Gorkha Public Panchayat (GPPK) and Gorkha Students Union Kohima (GSUK) in collaboration with Voluntary Blood Donors’ Association Kohima (VBDAK) and Blood Bank Naga Hospital Authority Kohima (NHAK) organised a programme at Gorkha Public Panchayat hall, Chandmari, Kohima on June 14 under the theme ‘Give blood. Give now. Give often.’ Delivering a motivational talk, President of VBDAK, Kholie Dolf stated that the organisation tries to promote and create awareness in the state. “Blood is vital fluid of life. It cannot be artificially made. It helps patients suffering from life threatening conditions live longer, and supports complex medical and surgical procedures,” he stated. He asserted donating blood does not possess any threat to the metabo-

lism of the donor and it is not harmful. He also highlighted how blood can be stored for a limited period of time, and how sometimes it gets difficult because blood banks need steady and constant collection. Managing Director of NHAK, Dr. Neikhrielie Khimiao, who was the chief guest, said that above all the things that God has given, the gift of life is the most precious thing. He stated that blood that is in a person’s body can remain only for 90 days and after that period, the blood dies and gets flushed out of the system. Therefore, he asked the people not to hesitate and donate blood. “Donating blood can be beneficial by improving cardiovascular health and reducing iron overload, and the new blood cells that the body generates helps in maintaining good health,” he added. He concluded by thanking all the volunteers who were there to donate blood.

Wokha, June 17 (Dipr): A five-day training of trainers on community first responder organized by Wokha District Disaster Management Authority (WDDMA) in collaboration with Civil Defense & Home Guards and SDRF, supported by Nagaland State Disaster Management Authority (NS-

Jalukie, June 17 (Mexn): People in Need Foundation (PNF) held training for its staff and volunteers on care of children with loco-motor disabilities on June 15 in Jalukie. Along, Physiotherapist from SSA Dimapur was the instructor for the training. A press release from Joe Ngamkhuchung informed that

CWWS and NEIDA conduct internal review and monitoring visit on backyard piggery farm intervention

On-field farmers training on SRI Paddy transplantation at Enhulumi.

interviewed farmers in the areas of marketing. CWWS team also conducted on-field training on SRI (System of Rice Intensification) in Enhulumi and Lasumi villages on June 16. The training was facilitated using Package of Practices of SRI recommended by North East Initiative Development Agency, Kohima (NEIDA). The on-field training was attended by farmers and village Agriculture Service Providers. A press note mentioned

DMA) concluded on June 16 at Town Hall, Wokha. ADC, Wokha, Thavaseelan (IAS) in his closing remark at the valedictory programme urged the trainees to sensitize the public in their respective areas on whatever techniques they learned or experienced during the training so that citizens can

timely respond or react in times of any eventualities. He also thanked the team from SDRF and TOTs in assisting the WDDMA in training the volunteers. The function was chaired by EAC, Wokha Vejoyo Swuro, while vote of thanks was proposed by DPD, NSDMA Mercy Kithan.

Care of children with loco-motor disabilities

Nurturing farmers in Phek district phek, June 17 (Mexn): The Chakhesang Women Welfare Society (CWWS) and North East Initiative Development Agency, Kohima (NEIDA) conducted an internal review and monitoring visit on backyard piggery farm intervention in six villages under Chizami, Pfutsero and Kikruma Blocks of Phek district from June 14 to 16. Dr. Vihilie Sanchu, Project Associate, Livestock NEIDA during the visit interacted with project piggery beneficiaries, village Livestock Service Providers and village Project Monitoring Committee and reviewed the progress, issues and challenges at the village level. He also visited pigsties and tended to livestock illnesses in the villages during the visit. Orenthung Lotha, Project Associate, Sales and Marketing NEIDA meanwhile conducted an exploratory dipstick survey and


that CWWS in partnership with NEIDA is implementing a sustainable livelihoods promotion project titled ‘From subsistence to prosperity through community led and managed livelihood programs in Phek District’ in 25 villages across three blocks namely Kikruma, Chizami and Pfutsero in Phek district, funded by TATA Trusts. The project components are Backyard Piggery Intervention, Stabilizing Land Use System and Community Institution.

there are over 20 children with loco-motor disabilities, which if not taken care of early will remain permanent impairment. “Our volunteers will support the parents in the care of the children to achieve early self feeding, self dressing and self toilet,” it added. During the training, aids and appliances were given away to another set of children

with disability. The release mentioned that People in Need Foundation works on child development under Lilliane Foundation of Netherlands, through Jan Vikas Samiti of Banares. Aids and appliances are given to the children who have medical assessment certificate and as per their requirement, it added.

Creating awareness on cyber crime among students kohiMa, June 17 (Mexn): In order to create and increase awareness on cybercrime, a seminar was held at Stella Hr. Sec. School, Kohima on June 15. Atu Zumvu, Sub-Divisional Police Officer, Kohima, who was the resource person, brought attention to the increase in cybercrime in the capital Kohima. He focused on the definition, tools and techniques of cyber crime used by cracking, malware, social engineering, etc, informed a press release received here. The resource person cautioned that 80% of teenagers use smart phones and if they are not careful, it may lead to negative effects to oneself and their family. Unhealthy ways of social networking affects teenagers which also lead to suicidal tendency, he stated. Sharing on the ways crimes are committed through mobile phones and occurrence of cy-

DiMapur, June 17 (Mexn): Dimapur District Autorickshaw Drivers’ Union (DDADU) has informed that one Alpha autorickshaw bearing registration number NL-07F-6969, which was registered lost on January 7, 2017, has been recovered. Therefore, the rightful owner has been asked to claim the same from the DDADU office within seven days with original documents. Later, no claim will be entertained, stated a press release from DDADU president, I Vitoshe Kinimi and general secretary, Inito L Shohe.

Ollo Students’ Union mourns DiMapur, June 17 (Mexn): The Ollo Students’ Union (OSU) has expressed pain over the sudden demise of SS Khaplang, NSCN (K) Chairman on June 9 at Taka. Acknowledging that his death is a great loss to the Naga nation, OSU in a condolence message described him as a legendary leader and freedom fighter, a man of principle who had stood firm without compromising on Naga rights, and dedicated his entire life for the cause of Naga sovereignty. Further, the union conveyed condolences to the bereaved family members, all rank and file of NSCN (K) and prayed for the departed soul to rest in peace. The message was issued by OSU general secretary, Yangring Hangmü and president, John Muniak.

VBS materials to be ordered from head office Bangalore DiMapur, June 17 (Mexn): NEI VBS Director, Dimapur, H Hammei Buchem has informed all the churches that VBS materials this year will be supplied only from VBS Head Office, Bangalore. Therefore, those who would like to have VBS programme and need materials for the same have been asked to order from the Bangalore Head Office only. The address is: VBS National Director, #3, 1st Main Road, Lingayapuram, St Thomas Town Post, Bangalore – 560084, phone number – 08025479336, mobile number – 09448571719.

UGC extends schemes under 12th Plan Tening, June 17 (Dipr): The University Grants Commission (UGC) has extended the schemes being implemented during l2th Plan till September 30, 2017. PK Thakur, Financial Advisor issued a notification that the UGC should review, examine and get approved its schemes immediately as six months extension has been granted by the Department of Expenditure to implement the ongoing l2th Plan schemes beyond March 31, 2017. The public notice of even number dated March 29, 2017 reads: “All the ongoing schemes of the UGC under the Plan Head would continue up to 30.09.2017 and expenditure therein would be admitted up to 30.09.2017. Their further continuance beyond 30.09.2017 would depend on the outcome of the review by the UGC.”

NSCN (R) relieves Kohima Town Commander DiMapur, June 17 (Mexn): The NSCN/GPRN (Reformation) has informed that Maj. Neibu of Angami region has been relieved/ withdrawn from the post of Kohima Town Commander. The NSCN (R) through its MIP has asked Maj. Neibu to report at the Cease Fire Supervisory Board office, Mon within 5 days for his further assignment.

NCSU expresses grief kohiMa, June 17 (Mexn): Nagaland Contractors’ & Suppliers’ Union (NCSU) head office, Kohima has expressed grief to hear of the demise of Yanbenshio Tungoe, father of Ntsenthung Tungoe, NCSU Vice President, on June 16 at Akuk village. The union expressed sorrow and shared sympathy with the bereaved family members. “In his death we have lost such a great father from our family and the vacuum created by him will be difficult to fill, but the legacy he left behind will remain,” stated a condolence note from Imsünok Jamir, NCSU secretary. The deceased leaves behind his wife, nine children, and grandchildren.

King’s Welfare Society elects new officials DiMapur, June 17 (Mexn): King’s Welfare Society, Dimapur elected a new team of office bearers at its general meeting held on June 10 at the treasurer’s residence. The new team will be led by Yashi Jamir as president, Hanilong Pongen – general secretary, Tareb Jamir – finance secretary, Sunep – information secretary. Atu Zumvu, Sub-Divisional Police Officer, Kohima speaks at the seminar held at Stella Hr. Sec. School, Kohima on June 15.

bercrime due to lack of awareness on its usage, Zumvu further advised the students to be aware on mobile phones usage and the consequences one will face if caught in such crime. According to Section 43 'ITA' 2000, if one is caught hacking, he/she will face 3 years of imprisonment or 5 years or even both, it was informed. Meanwhile, he stressed that awareness on the issue should be created by

both parents and teachers. He urged them to identify teenagers and extend help by engaging in meaningful conversation about internet and the familiar social media platforms like Facebook, Whatsapp. Zumvu and his team have already covered 15 schools in Nagaland spreading awareness on cybercrime. He said that the awareness programme was launched in 2016 for legal aspect.

ADC Pfutsero urges officers to stay in station pfuTsero, June 17 (Dipr): Consequent upon the posting of administrative officers under Pfutsero subdivision, ADC Pfutsero, Zeneikhonuo Vimero convened a coordination meeting of the sub divisional heads of offices, including the 9th Assam Rifles, DEF, 5th NAP C COY, SBI, Cooperative Bank, Post Office, DIET etc on June 16 at the ADC office conference hall. The ADC in her speech urged the officers to stay in station and be more sincere in their works. She also stressed on the importance of team work and called for more coordination among the departments. She thanked the officers for responding to the meeting and requested them to consistently coordinate and work with each other. Various issues and problems were also discussed during the meeting.


The Chalkboard

681'$< ‡ ‡


_____________________________ Because Children Matters


One More Time Daddy?


hile at the park one day, a woman sat down next to a man on a bench near a playground. “That’s my son over there,� she said, pointing to a little boy in a red sweater who was gliding down the slide. “He’s a fine looking boy� the man said. “That’s my daughter on the bike in the white dress.�

Then, looking at his watch, he called to his daughter. “What do you say we go, Melissa?� Melissa pleaded, “Just five more minutes, Dad. Please? Just five more minutes.� The man nodded and Melissa continued to ride her bike to her heart’s content. Minutes passed and the father stood and called again to his daughter. “Time to go now?� Again Melissa pleaded, “Five more minutes, Dad. Just five more minutes.� The man smiled and said, “OK.� “My, you certainly are a patient father,� the woman responded. The man smiled and then said, “Her older brother Tommy was killed by a drunk driver last year while he was riding his bike near here. I never spent much time with Tommy and now I’d give anything for just five more minutes with him. I’ve vowed not to make the same mistake with Melissa. She thinks she has five more minutes to ride her bike. The truth is, I get Five more minutes to watch her play.�

Father’s Day

Anne Geddes Any man can be a Father, but it takes someone special to be a dad.

Life is all about making priorities, and family is one and only priority on top of all other, so spend all time you can with loved ones.

to the


t t o





spot the difference Sta r


Dad's Humour Father: Let me see your report card. Son: I don't have it. Father: Why not? Son: My friend just borrowed it. He wants to scare his parents. A little boy asked his father, "Daddy, how much does it cost to get married?" Father replied, "I don't know son, I'm still paying." Man: How old is your father? Child: As old as me. Man: How it is possible? Child: He became a father only when I was born.

Fin is



SUNDAY 18•06•2017


If Rudyard Kipling

(‘Brother Square-Toes’—Rewards and Fairies) If you can keep your head when all about you Are losing theirs and blaming it on you, If you can trust yourself when all men doubt you, But make allowance for their doubting too; If you can wait and not be tired by waiting, Or being lied about, don’t deal in lies, Or being hated, don’t give way to hating, And yet don’t look too good, nor talk too wise: If you can dream—and not make dreams your master; If you can think—and not make thoughts your aim; If you can meet with Triumph and Disaster And treat those two impostors just the same; If you can bear to hear the truth you’ve spoken Twisted by knaves to make a trap for fools, Or watch the things you gave your life to, broken, And stoop and build ’em up with worn-out tools: If you can make one heap of all your winnings And risk it on one turn of pitch-and-toss, And lose, and start again at your beginnings And never breathe a word about your loss; If you can force your heart and nerve and sinew To serve your turn long after they are gone, And so hold on when there is nothing in you Except the Will which says to them: ‘Hold on!’ If you can talk with crowds and keep your virtue, Or walk with Kings—nor lose the common touch, If neither foes nor loving friends can hurt you, If all men count with you, but none too much; If you can fill the unforgiving minute With sixty seconds’ worth of distance run, Yours is the Earth and everything that’s in it, And—which is more—you’ll be a Man, my son! Source: A Choice of Kipling's Verse (1943)

Only a Dad Edgar Guest Only a dad with a tired face, Coming home from the daily race, Bringing little of gold or fame To show how well he has played the game; But glad in his heart that his own rejoice To see him come and to hear his voice. Only a dad with a brood of four, One of ten million men or more Plodding along in the daily strife, Bearing the whips and the scorns of life, With never a whimper of pain or hate, For the sake of those who at home await. Only a dad, neither rich nor proud, Merely one of the surging crowd Toiling, striving from day to day, Facing whatever may come his way, Silent whenever the harsh condemn, And bearing it all for the love of them. Only a dad but he gives his all To smooth the way for his children small, Doing with courage stern and grim, The deeds that his father did for him. This is the line that for him I pen: Only a dad, but the best of men. "Only a Dad" was published in "A Heap o' Livin'" (The Reilly & Lee Co., 1916)

FATHERS WHO GIVE HOPE John Piper | Desiring God

Scripture: Colossians 3:21 Fathers, do not provoke your children, lest they become discouraged. ur text is straightforward and simple this morning: “Fathers, do not provoke your children, lest they become discouraged.” It divides naturally into three parts: 1. First, there is the address, “Fathers.” 2. Second, there is the command, “Do not provoke your children.” 3. Third, there is the purpose of the command, “Lest they become discouraged.” We will look at these three parts of the text one at a time in reverse order. First, we will direct our attention to the goal of Christian fathers, namely, rearing children who are not discouraged. Second, we will look at the duty of Christian fathers, namely, not to do those things that discourage children. And finally, we will focus on the leader in Christian parenthood; namely, fathers. But first a word about the fatherhood of God. The Fatherhood of God In the Lord’s Prayer Jesus taught his disciples to call God Father: “Our Father who art in heaven, hallowed be thy name.” He taught that God is not everyone’s Father. In John 8:42, 44 he said to those who refused to follow him, “If God were your Father, you would love me, for I proceeded and came forth from God . . . You are of your father the devil, and your will is to do your father’s desires.” God is the Father only of those who are led by the Spirit of his Son. In Romans 8:9, 14–15 Paul says, Anyone who does not have the Spirit of Christ does not belong to him . . . All who are led by the Spirit of God are the sons of God. For you did not receive the spirit of slavery to fall back into fear, but you have received the Spirit of sonship. When we cry, “Abba! Father!” it is the Spirit himself bearing witness with our spirit that we are children of God. Not everyone can lay claim to the privilege of knowing God as Father. Only those who are born of God (John 1:13), who receive Christ (John 1:12), and who are led by the Spirit (Romans 8:14) have the right to receive the inheritance of the children — promises like Matthew 7:11, “If you then, who are evil, know how to give good gifts to your children, how much more will your Father who is in heaven give good things to those who ask him!” The privilege of prayer and the promise that God will work all things together for your good is part of the inheritance of sonship. That is what it means to have God as your Father. There are two reasons I begin with this word about the fatherhood of God. One is that I believe all human fatherhood should be patterned on the divine fatherhood. The overarching guide for every father should be to live in such a way that his children can see what God the Father is like. They ought to see in their human father a reflection — albeit imperfect — of the heavenly Father in his strength and tenderness, in his wrath and mercy, in his exaltation and condescension, in his surpassing wisdom and patient guidance. The task of every human father is to be for his children an image of the Father in heaven. The other reason I begin with the fatherhood of God is to give this message relevance for everyone in this room whether you are a father or not; and whether you had a Christian father or not. I want to make clear from the outset that the sadness many may feel at never having had a father like the father I will describe, and the sadness others may feel at never having been a father like the father I will describe — that sadness can be swallowed up and overcome with joy this morning because God offers his fatherhood to anyone who will accept the gift of adoption by trusting Christ and yielding to be led by the Holy Spirit. There are two ways to listen to this message this morning. One is to take it as a straightforward exhortation from the Word of God to fathers on how to rear their children. The other is to take it as a parable pointing to the way the Father in heaven loves those who believe and follow his Son. Frankly, I hope all of you hear it in both senses. 1. “Lest They Become Discouraged” Let’s go to the text and begin with the last phrase of Colossians 3:21, “Fathers, do not provoke your children, lest they become discouraged.” The goal of a good father is to rear children who are not discouraged. The word implies losing heart, being listless, spiritless, disinterested, moody, sullen, with a kind of blank resignation toward life. Don’t be the


person. Instead develop a style of fatherhood that produces the opposite of discouragement. The Opposite of Discouragement Now what is that? I would sum it up in three characteristics. 1. The opposite of being discouraged is being hopeful. 2. The opposite of being discouraged is being happy. 3. The opposite of being discouraged is being confident and courageous. So I would say that the negative form of verse 21 really implies a positive command as well. It says, “Fathers, do not provoke your children, lest they become discouraged.” But it means not only avoid one kind of fatherhood; it also means pursue another kind; namely, the kind of fatherhood which gives hope instead of discouragement; and gives happiness instead of discouragement; and gives confidence and courage. Distinctly Christian Teaching If we stopped right here, we would not have said anything distinctly Christian. There is not one parent in ten thousand who thinks that the aim of parenthood should be to discourage children. But the apostle Paul would be distressed if all I did were to use his words here simply to express some everyday common sense, or some natural wisdom. He was not inspired by the Holy Spirit to confirm the insights of Dr. Spock. He was inspired to teach parents things that no natural eye has seen and no natural ear has heard (1 Corinthians 2:9–13). Here is what I mean. Paul’s teaching makes it clear that when he says we should be fathers who give hope instead of discouragement, he means hope in GOD, not hope in money or hope in popularity or hope in education or hope in a spouse or hope in professional success. If you had asked Paul, or Jesus, “What kind of freedom from discouragement do you want our children to have?” he would not have said, “I want your children to be freed from discouragement by being filled with hope that they will become wealthy . . . or well-known, or intellectual, or married, or successful.” We know that is not what he means. He means, be the kind of fathers who do not discourage your children but rather fill them with hope in God. Happiness That Kills and Happiness in God And when we consider happiness as the opposite of discouragement, Paul would not be content if a father simply made his child feel good by giving him whatever he wanted. There is a happiness that kills. To some kinds of happiness the Scripture says, “Let your laughter be turned to mourning and your joy to dejection” (James 4:9). There is a happiness that has nothing to do with God, and therefore has no value in the sight of God. It comes from the creation alone and not from the Creator. That isn’t what Paul wants fathers to put in the place of discouragement. But there is another joy that comes to expression, for example, in Psalm 4:7–8, Thou hast put more joy in my heart than they have when their grain and wine abound. In peace I will both lie down and sleep; for thou alone, O Lord, makest me dwell in safety. Fathers, don’t discourage your children, but fill them with joy in God! Teach them early on — and show them earlier yet — that through many sufferings they must enter the kingdom (Acts 14:22), but that they can rejoice in sufferings, knowing that “suffering produces endurance, and endurance produces character, and character produces hope” — IN GOD (Romans 5:3–4). Don’t discourage them. Make them happy in God by helping them to hope in God. Self-Confidence and God-Confidence And when we consider confidence as the opposite of discouragement, the message of Scripture takes a dramatic turn away from the common sense natural wisdom of the world. The world says: Don’t discourage a child; build up his self-confidence. The Scripture says: Don’t discourage a child; build up his God-confidence. In fact the Scripture is more precise than that; it teaches: Don’t discourage a child, but do your best to root out his self-confidence and replace it with a confidence in God. And when it teaches us to root out self-confidence, it means root out the desire to be and to appear selfconfident. The Scripture knows that most people don’t succeed in being selfconfident. Most people are quite unhappy about their inability to appear

and in control. So when the Scripture teaches us to root out self-confidence, it means go for the root, not the half-withered branches. Go for the DESIRE to be self-confident, not the meager manifestations of it that make their way into peoples’ actions. Self-Confidence Being Rooted Out of Paul One vivid illustration of how Paul’s heavenly Father was patiently working to root out Paul’s self-confidence is given in 2 Corinthians 1:8–9. Here is a description of how God the Father was working on Paul twenty years after his conversion, which means this is a very deeply rooted sin in all of us. He writes, We do not want you to be ignorant, brethren, of the affliction we experienced in Asia; for we were so utterly, unbearably crushed that we despaired of life itself. Why, we felt that we had received the sentence of death; but that was to make us rely [or: be confident] not on ourselves but on God who raises the dead. In other words, the divine purpose of Paul’s affliction was (as it is the purpose of all good fatherly discipline) to root out the remaining self-confidence of Paul’s heart and to cast him on God alone. Why? Because God didn’t want him to be confident? Because he wanted him to be listless, spiritless, moody, sullen, weak, fearful? No! It was God who came to Paul in Corinth and said, “Do NOT be afraid, but speak and do NOT be silent; for I am with you.” So the confidence that we are to build into our children is not selfconfidence, but confidence in the grace and power of God. “Do not be afraid . . . I AM WITH YOU.” The Goal of Biblical Fathers Andrew Bonar, the 19th century Scottish pastor, said concerning the teaching of children, “We tell them, ‘You are sinners, exposed to God’s wrath and curse, and you cannot save yourselves; but God’s own Son can save you, by Himself bearing that wrath and curse.’” In other words you teach a child to despair of all self-confidence and direct his desire for confidence to the grace of God. The goal of biblical fathers is to have children who say (with Psalm 60:11–12): O grant us help against the foe, for vain is the help of man! With God we shall do valiantly; it is he who will tread down our foes. A good father will ponder: How can I be like my own heavenly Father? How can I banish self-reliance from the heart of my children and fill them with confidence and courage and zeal and boldness that are rooted in the grace and power of God and not in themselves? How can I be the kind of father whose children do not lose heart or become spiritless or listless or sullen or discouraged, but are filled with hope in God and happiness in God and confidence in God and courage to attempt great things for the glory of God? That question leads us to turn now to the second part of our text; namely, the duty of Christian parents to not provoke their children. 2. “Do Not Provoke Your Children” “Fathers, do not provoke your children, lest they become discouraged.” Again we notice that the commandment is negative — something to be avoided. It is a warning against the misuse of legitimate authority. Paul has just said in verse 20, “Children, obey your parents in everything, for this pleases the Lord.” That gives to parents tremendous authority and responsibility under God. Children are to do what parents say. Ruining a Child’s Confidence in God Now in verse 21 he cautions fathers against a misuse of this Godgiven authority. The misuse he has in mind is that fathers might treat their children in such a way that their spirit is broken and they become hopelessly discouraged. Paul calls this misuse “provoking” them: “Do not provoke your children.” In Ephesians 6:4 a different word is used that specifically means, “Do not provoke to anger.” But this is a very general word here in Colossians 3:21. It can even be used positively in 2 Corinthians 9:2 where it says that the Christians in Achaia provoked the Christians in Macedonia to be more generous. In other words, they “stirred them up,” or “motivated” them. In choosing the broad and general word I think Paul would have us teach that parents should avoid everything that ruins a child’s confidence in God and leaves him hopeless and discouraged. This requires tremendous wisdom from fathers, because not all short term discouragements result in long term hopelessness. On the contrary, our heavenly Father clearly brings short term frustrations and discouragements

new footing of faith. Great wisdom is needed here. So let’s ask, then, What do fathers do that provoke children to longterm discouragement and hopelessness? I’ll mention two things. Failing to Be Happy and Hopeful in God First, some fathers fail to BE happy and hopeful and confident in God. Fathers, what you ARE in relation to God is far more important than any particular parenting technique you try to employ. Will your children hope in God if you hope in money? Will your children be happy in God if they see that fishing is a happier experience for you than worship? Will your children be confident in God if your whole demeanor communicates the desire to be seen as self-confident? The most important work that a father can do for the sake of his children is to be converted. The most important strategy for rearing children is to become a new man in Christ — whose hope and happiness and confidence are in God and not in himself. We know this is true from Scripture because there we are taught to imitate our heavenly Father. We are told to be holy as he IS holy (1 Peter 1:16). We are told to be merciful as he IS merciful (Luke 6:36). To be a good child is to copy daddy. It honors a father to be imitated, and we are commanded to honor our fathers. And so the most important question a father can ask is not what shall I teach my children, but rather who am I before the living God and before my children? That is the first thing that fathers can do to provoke their children to long-term discouragement and hopelessness — they can fail to BE hopeful, happy, and confident in God. Disciplining in an Impulsive, Erratic, and Inconsistent Way The second thing that fathers do which provokes children to long term discouragement and hopelessness is to discipline them in an impulsive, erratic and inconsistent way. Unpredictable, impulsive, hostile discipline makes children fearful, bitter, deceitful, and discouraged. They don’t know where or why the explosion will come next. They say to themselves, “What’s the use! How can I hope that being good is any better than being bad?” And so the spirit of moral hope is broken, and in its place comes calculated, deceitful, discouraged maneuvering. On the other hand, when discipline is controlled and appropriate and consistent and based on clear rules and principles of justice in the home, an atmosphere is created where children flourish in freedom. They know the limits and they feel secure and free to dream and play and plan and work inside those limits of righteousness. They gain confidence that this is the way God is. He is not a capricious God. He is not impulsive or erratic or inconsistent. There is order. There is justice tempered with mercy. There is hope and encouragement. Why, I might even be able to accomplish something of value or even greatness if I fit into this order and depend on the goodness of the Father who loves me like this. So fathers, don’t provoke your children by being impulsive, erratic, or inconsistent in your discipline. Be like your Father in heaven, so that your children can know him and become hopeful and happy and confident in him. Much more could be said about the kinds of things that provoke longterm discouragement and hopelessness in children. But time is out. 3. “Fathers . . . “ We can only briefly refer to the third part of the text; namely, the address: “Fathers . . . ” Verse 20 said, “Children, obey your parents.” This clearly teaches that mothers as well as fathers are to be obeyed. Mothers and fathers have a shared authority over the children. But in verse 21 fathers are addressed in particular. Why this is so is the issue we will take up tonight. There is a peculiar role that the Scripture gives to husbands and fathers. Fathers bear a special responsibility for the moral life of the family. So I urge you to take that responsibility, fathers, and that you be the kind of man who gives hope and happiness and confidence to your children because you yourself have found your hope and your happiness and your confidence in God. John Piper (@JohnPiper) is founder and teacher of desiringGod.org and chancellor of Bethlehem College & Seminary. For 33 years, he served as pastor of Bethlehem Baptist Church, Minneapolis, Minnesota. He is author of more than 50 books, including Reading the Bible


sunDAY 18•06•2017


Country in severe need of bone donors: AIIMS new Delhi, June 17 (uni): There is an acute shortage of bone donation in the country, despite an increase in the organ donation over the past few years. Dr Rajesh Malhotra, Professor and the Head of orthopaedics at All India Institute of Medical Sciences (AIIMS) said there was a lack of awareness among people about the bone donation, and most families feel hesitant in donating the bones of their deceased members because of religious taboos etc. There have been only 26 cadaver donations at the AIIMS since its inception. All India Institute of Medical Science's "Bone Bank" is the one of its kind medical facility in the country that provides bone transplant to the patients in the need. It was established in 1999 with the funding from the government. "AIIMS is in a severe need of bone donors. A single Bone Donation can save up to the life of at least 20 people, we have already helped 300 plus patients, A bone donation is not a life-saving but a lifeenhancing act for the people who need it. We want to make people understand that you can still help people even in death by donating bones, we just want to send the message to people that their kindness and gratitude may help somebody to live a better and much healthier life," Dr. Malhotra said in a public lecture this week. There are three types of people who can donate their bones- the Dead, the Brain-dead and the living from the age of 15- 60. People with any bone related diseases that may contaminate the bones are excluded from the list. The bones are taken from the lower part of the body usually- hip, pelvis, knee and thigh. Artificial bone transplant is much more expensive and less safe than an organic bone transplant; it may not even provide full comfort and satisfaction to the patient that an organic bone transplant can. They take utmost care in the procedure. After extraction, the bones are kept in the minus 80 degree temperature and also sterilized with X-rays.

Govt announces 149 new Post Office Passport Seva Kendras new Delhi, June 17 (iAnS): No Indian will have to travel more than 50 km to get their passport, as the government is planning to set up a comprehensive network of Passport Seva Kendras (PSK) across the nation, with major post offices to also provide the service, External Affairs Minister Sushma Swaraj said on Saturday. The Minister, announcing the openning of 149 new Post Office Passport Seva Kendras (POPSKs), said these will be set up in the second phase. In the first phase 86 POPSKs were to be set up -- 52 of which are now functional. Apart from centres in the post offices, the government had earlier also announced 16 fullfledged PSKs taking the total number of new centres to the "auspicious" 251, she said. "When I started at the Ministry, we had only 77 PSKs to cater to the whole nation. I realised that distance was the biggest hurdle for people to get their passports," she said. Even after pushing through 16 more PSKs apart from 86 of them in post offices, Sushma Swaraj said she felt it was not enough. "We planned to set a target and decided that no individual should have to travel more than 50 km for a passport." "With that criterion for selection, today I announce 149 new POPSKs," she said. Sushma Swaraj also launched a web portal for the ministry's flagship "Know India Programme" aimed at connecting the Indian youth living abroad with Indian culture and heritage. Under the programme, the Indian diaspora would visit the country for a 25-day tour fully funded by the government.

Nation's faith in Army remains intact, says President Pune, June 17 (iAnS): President Pranab Mukherjee on Saturday said that in the rapidly changing environment, the nation's faith in the armed forces has remained unshaken. His remarks assumes significance in the wake of recent criticism by politicians of the Army for using of a human shield in Kashmir and also the criticism of Army Chief General Bipin Rawat for defending the move. "In the rapidly changing environment, one factor which has not changed is the faith reposed in the armed forces by the entire nation," he said while addressing the convocation ceremony of the College of Military Engineering (CME) here. In all, 71 M.Tech and B.Tech students passed out from the premier technical and tactical training institution of the Indian Army, established in 1943. Mukherjee said that the Indian Army engineers had traditionally left their mark on prestigious national projects, "be it oil pipeline at Siachen, prestigious naval bases and airfields in the North East or roads cutting through the Himalayan ranges". He said that young technocrats would have to imbibe the latest developments in the field of technology for defence forces, and being the "technical intellect of armed forces", the nation would look up to them to "define and modify the way defence forces operate by exploiting technological advancements". "As engineers in uniform, you have to perform the dual role of being good engineers and equally good soldiers. You face the formidable task of providing the Indian armed forces with the technical know-how and skills required by them to fulfil their assigned task of ensuring the security of the nation and millions of our people. "I am sure that each and everyone of you will follow the footsteps of your illustrious predecessors and shall live up to the high standards expected of you," the President said. Describing knowledge as the emerging currency of the world in the present century, Mukherjee urged the young soldiers to make full use of technical knowledge. "You can be successful in all your endeavors only by being professionally competent and by keeping abreast with the latest developments. The need of the hour is therefore to exploit the cutting edge technologies which are best suited to meet the requirements. About the emerging threat of cyber crime, the President said that with the changing security environment and technological advancements, this problem have affected all walks of life including military strategic operations. "We should remain prepared for any eventuality," he said. Training Command chief, Gen. D. R. Soni, terming the situation in Jammu and Kashmir a "proxy war", said that it remained a challenge as the armed forces had been engaged in low-intensity operations but the country needs to remain "fully prepared for a full-scale war at all times" in the present security scenario. "The Army must remain abreast with most advanced art and craft of warfare," he added. The convocation ceremony was attended among others by Maharashtra Governor C. Vidyasagar Rao.


Modi flags off Kerala's first metro in Kochi Kochi, June 17 (iAnS): Prime Minister Narendra Modi on Saturday flagged off the Kochi metro - India's first integrated multi-mode transport system that has reserved jobs for transgenders and will be run mostly by women. With Metro Man E. Sreedharan by his side, Modi also took a Metro ride after he cut the inaugural ribbon at the rail network's Palarivatom station. The Prime Minister addressed a gathering of thousands of his supporters, greeting them in Malayalam and referred to Kochi as the "queen of the Arabian Sea". "The city's population has been rising steadily and is expected to reach 23 lakhs by 2021. Therefore, a mass rapid transport system is essential to address the increasing pressure on urban infrastructure. This will also contribute to Kochi's economic growth," said Modi.

He said the metro project with several significant features was the first to be commissioned with a modern "Communication Based Train Control Signalling System". "The coaches reflect the 'Make in India' vision. They have been built by Alstom of France, at their factory near Chennai, and have an Indian component of around 70 per cent." Modi said another "noteworthy aspect" of the project is that nearly "1,000 women and 23 transgenders are being selected to work in the Kochi Metro Rail System". The project is also an example of an environment friendly development as nearly 25 per cent of the entire energy requirements would be met from renewable sources, particularly solar energy. "The long-term plan is to become a zero-carbon emitting urban transit system. Every sixth pillar of

the metro system will have a covered vertical garden, which will substantially use urban solid waste," the Prime Minister said. Modi underlined the need to bring about a paradigm shift in urban planning in India which could be done by adopting a "people-centric approach, and integrating land-use and transport". "The government of India issued a National Transit Oriented Development Policy in April 2017. This policy seeks to transform cities, from being transit dependent to being transit oriented. It aims to create compact walkable communities and bring public transport closer to transit." Union Minister for Information and Broadcasting M. Venkaiah Naidu said it was the fastest developed metro completed in a record time of 45 months. The 13-km long railway line has 22 stations from Palarivatom and Aluva.

The Prime Minister, Narendra Modi and other dignitaries take a ride on Kochi Metro, in Kerala on June 17. (PIB Photo)

The metro will start commercial operations from Monday. The completion of the remaining section of the 25-km line is expected to take another two years. Chief Minister Pinarayi Vijayan said the state and central governments have

Rumours, says Sushma on her name figuring in Presidential race

new Delhi/MuMbAi, June 17 (iAnS): External Affairs Minister Sushma Swaraj, considered a possible contender in the Presidential race, on Saturday sought to suggest that she was not in it as BJP President Amit Shah said "all names" would be considered, a day before he meets Shiv Sena chief Uddhav Thackeray, who has pitched for RSS chief Mohan Bhagwat or agroscientist M.S. Swaminathan for the top post. Swaraj, who spoke to reporters on the sidelines of a function of her ministry, described as "rumours" media reports suggesting that she is one of the candidates under consideration by the party. "These are rumours. I am the External Affairs Minister and you are asking me something which is an internal matter," she said. Shah, who held a press

conference in Mumbai on three years of the Narendra Modi government, said, "We are discussing and considering various names among ourselves and all the NDA constituents. The BJP believes in consensus and consultations with all parties." On the names suggested by ally Shiv Sena, he said all names would be considered and discussed before any final decision is taken. "If you have any names in mind, please give it to me. We shall consider that too," he said jokingly. Asked about the complaint by Opposition parties, whose leaders were met with by Rajnath Singh and M. Venkaiah Naidu, that the government side did not give any name, Shah said, "If we propose any names, they will say it has already been decided, so what is the purpose of these meetings...." Shah is slated to meet

Thackeray on Sunday morning in Mumbai and discuss issues including the candidate for the President's election. The Shiv Sena, which shares power with the BJP both in the centre and the state, has been sulking over various issues and keeps sniping at the saffron partner. The party has not voted with the BJP in the last two Presidential elections. On Friday, Rajnath Singh and Naidu were reportedly asked by CPI leader D. Raja whether the BJP would be fielding Bhagwat or Swaminathan as suggested by the Shiv Sena. Naidu reportedly told him that the RSS does not contest elections. Meanwhile, the Opposition parties may be meeting early next week to decide its strategy on whether to field a candidate against the nominee of the government depending on the choice.


Dated Kohima, June' 2017. NO.DET-7/20/2001 (Vol-V)/453: The result of All India Trade Test held from the month of FebruaryMarch , 2017, at Government Industrial Training Institutes, Kohima, Mokokchung and Tuensang , is hereby declared and the Roll Numbers of successful Candidates are given below: NCVT/ Govt. ITI Pattern Roll Numbers SCVT Km- 02R1, 13R1, 16R1, 29R1, 34R1, 36R1, 39R1, Conventional SCVT 68R1, 43,82R1, 85R1, 86R1, 88R1, 90R1,104R1, Repeater 105R1, 109R1, 11081, 111R1, 112R1, 119R1 00160813000023, 00160813000028, 00160813000030, 1.Kohima 00160813000031, 00160813000034, 00160813000043, 00160813000044, 00160813000045, 00160813000046, 00160813000047, 00160813000048, 00160813000050, 00160813000051, 00160813000052, 00160813000053, 00160813000054, 00160813000055. 00160813000056, 00160813000060, 00160813000062, 00160813000063, 00160813000064, 00160813000065, 00160813000066, 00160813000080, 00160813000083, 00160813000086, 1st Semester NCVT Regular 00160813000087, 00160813000089, 00160813000090, 00160813000091, 00160813000092, 00160813000105, 00160813000106, 00160813000109, 00160813000114, 00160813000115, 00160813000119, 00160813000131, 00160813000134, 00160813000137, 00160813000139, 00160813000141, 00160813000142, 00160813000144, 00160813000146, 00160813000147, 00160813000148, 00160813000149, 00160813000151, 00160813000152, 00160813000159, 00160813000166. 00140813000086, 00140813000153, 00150813150814, 00150813150819, 00150813150823, 00150813150824, st 1 Semester NCVT 00150813150826, 00150813150830, 00150813150833, Repeater 00150813150834, 00150813150835, 00150813150838, 00150813150839, 00150813150840 00140813000069, 00140813000086, 00140813000088, 00140813000090, 00140813000099, 00140813000155, 00140813000169, 00150813150814, 00150813150857, 00150813150859, 00150813150860, 00150813150861, 2nd Semester NCVT Repeater 00150813150864, 00150813150865, 00150813150867, 00150813150868, 00150813150869, 00150813150870, 00150813150871, 00150813150872, 00150813150873, 00150813150874 00140813000063, 00140813000064, 00140813000065, 3rd Semester NCVT 00140813000067, 00140813000068, 00140813000097, Repeater 00140813000101. 4th Semester 00140813000088, 00140813000089, NCVT Repeater 001408130000097, 00140813000101. 4th Semester SCVT Km- 107R1 , 109R1 Repeater 00160813000001, 00160813000002, 00160813000003, 00160813000004, 00160813000005, 00160813000006, 00160813000007, 00160813000008, 00160813000009, st 2. Mokokchung 1 Semester NCVT 00160813000010, 00160813000011, 00160813000013, 00160813000018, 00160813000019, 00160813000020, 00160813000021 Ts- 03R1, 14R1, 15R1, 16R1, 18R1, 19R1, 21R1, Conventional SCVT 23R1, 26R1, 29R1, 31R1, 32R1, 34R1. 3.Tuensang rd 3 Semester SCVT Ts- 41R2, 42R2. Repeater Result With held: The following Roll Numbers are held up due to non-received of result from the Ministry: Semester-II: 00150813150850 - Mechanic Diesel. 00150813150885 - Welder. Total appeared : 258 Total passed : 154 Passed % : 59.69% Note: 1. Marksheet, etc, will be issued from respective ITI w.e.f 30/06/2017 for passed candidates. 2. NCVT exam for failed candidates will start from 18/07/2017. Therefore candidates are requested to fill up the forms on or before 27/06/2017 3. SCVT exam for failed candidates are requested to fill up the forms on or before 30/06/2017. 4. For detail information candidates may contact their respective Govt.ITI. (MUTHINGNYUBA SANGTAM) Director, Employment, Skill Development & Entrepreneurship Nagaland, Kohima Issued by: DIPR

been working together for the overall development of Kerala and have a good working relationship. "When the time came to decide on whom to inaugurate this dream project of Kerala, we had no doubt and we wrote to the Prime Minister's Office.

"Now that the PM has come and dedicated it to the nation, all those who tried to stir a controversy over the inauguration might be feeling at a loss. None can ever forget the role played by Sreedharan who turned the dream of Kerala into a reality," said Vijayan.

Education is foundation for country’s sustainable development: VP

new Delhi, June 17 (uni): Vice-President M Hamid Ansari today said education is the foundation for a country’s sustainable development in economic, social and environmental fields. Addressing the International Conference on ‘Inclusive Quality Education: Towards Sustainable Development Goal 4 and Lessons from Kerala Model’ here, Dr Ansari said, 'Education is the key element of the right to a decent life and to an individual's development for reducing poverty and inequalities." The Vice-President said, "Equitable education is a lever to reach development goals in the domains of health, nutrition and the environment. It gives people the knowledge and skills necessary for occupational integration and boosts productivity, innovation and entrepreneurship." "Yet, education extends beyond the development of skills for livelihood. It creates the capacity to think, and is an essential condition for political development, democracy and social justice. For this reason and in different stages of history, access to education was also

a powerful tool of social and therefore political control in the hands of rulers and oppressors." About importance of education for government, he said, 'A government which has to deal with an educated population is by far the stronger than one which has to control ignorant and disorderly masses. Hence, education is a twice blessed thing – it benefits both, the one who provides it and the one who receives it.' Talking about Kerala’s social progress, the VP said Kerala’s social progress has set the stage for its lift-off into economic progress that is socially and environmentally sustainable. Dr Ansari added that Kerala will have to focus on economic activities which make use of its unique strengths - an educated workforce, democratic institutions, and a favourable natural environment. The VP said that education played an important role in Kerala’s transition from a caste-ridden society to one of our more egalitarian states, and added that the initiative was taken two centuries back, which paved the way for mass mobilisation.



Dated Kohima, the 17th June’2017 NO.DET-2/14/2001(Pt): In partial modification to our Advertisement No.DET2/14/2001(Pt-l) dated 9th June’2017, the Recruitment Drive for Cabin Crew (only Female) and Airport Operations & Customer Service Officers (Male/Female) Indigo Airlines has been rescheduled as below: Interview Dates: Dimapur: 21st June’2017 Kohima: 20th June’2017 Venue: Multipurpose Hall, Symbios Creation Pvt. Ltd., IT Complex, Directorate of Employment, (Opposite Town Hall), Nagarjan Junction, Skill Development & Entrepreneurship Dimapur High School Road, Kohima Time: 10 AM onwards. Time : 10 AM onwards All other conditions remains the same. Note:- Candidates who have not applied can also walk-in for the interview with their resume and educational qualification documents along with 4 passport size photos, 2 full length photos, passport & other ID proof for both Kohima & Dimapur venue. For information & clarification: Contact No:(1) 09830051555 (Emporium Training) (2) 9436062368 (State Govt.) (MUTHINGNYUBA SANGTAM) Director, Employment, Skill Development & Entrepreneurship Nagaland, Kohima.

Issued by: DIPR




Dated Kohima June, 2017

NO. DET - 2/14/2001 (Pt. 1): The Directorate of Employment, Skill Development & Entrepreneurship in partnership with Maruti Suzuki Ltd. announces a Walk - In Recruitment Drive for Maruti Suzuki Authorised Dealer Workshop Progressive Motors in Dimapur, Kohima & Mokokchung, Nagaland for the following posts. Sl. No.

Name of the Post

Eligibility Criteria

Date of Interview


Diploma in Mechanical Engineering/ Automobile Engineer1 Service Advisor ing/ Electrical Engineering / Electronics Engineering 2 Technician

Govt. ITI ITI Certificate in Mechanic Motor 22/07/2017 Kohima Vehicle / Mechanic Diesel

3 Electrician

ITI Certificate in Electrician

4 Welder

ITI Certificate in Welder

Interested candidates can report for the walk in interview from 10:00 A.M onwards with their CV/Resume with 4 latest passport size photographs and educational documents as mentioned in the eligibility criteria. Note: Candidates with a valid driving licence will be preferred For information & Clarification Contact: 1. 9436435548 (State Govt) 2. 9605282309 (Maruti Suzuki Ltd) (MUTHINGNYUBA SANGTAM), Director Employment, Skill Development & Entrepreneurship Nagaland, Kohima

Issued by: DIPR

SundaY 18 •06•2017



7 sailors missing after US Navy destroyer collides with container ship in Japan

YOKOSuKA, JuNE 17 (REutERS): U.S. Navy destroyer USS Fitzgerald sailed back to its base in Yokosuka, with seven of its sailors still missing after it collided with a Philippine-flagged container ship more than three times its size in eastern Japan early on Saturday. The Fitzgerald, an Aegis guided missile destroyer, collided with the merchant vessel at about 2:30 a.m. local time (1730 GMT), some 56 nautical miles southwest of Yokosuka, the Navy said. Three aboard the destroyer had been medically evacuated to the U.S. Naval Hospital in Yokosuka, including the ship’s commanding officer, Cmdr. Bryce Benson, who was reported to be in stable condition, the Navy said. The other two were being treated for lacerations and bruises, while other injured were being assessed aboard the ship, it said. Search and rescue efforts by U.S. and Japanese aircraft and surface vessels were continuing for the seven missing sailors, the Navy said. Their names are being withheld until the families have been notified, it said. Benson took command of the Fitzgerald on May 13. He had previously commanded a minesweeper based in Sasebo in western Japan.

5:00 p.m. (0800 GMT), sailing under its own power, the Coast Guard said.

BUSY WATERWAYS The waterways approaching Tokyo Bay are busy with commercial vessels sailing to and from Japan’s two biggest container ports in Tokyo and Yokohama. International maritime rules for collision avoidance do not define right of way for any one vessel, but provide common standards for signaling between ships, as well as regulations on posting lookouts. Japan’s public broadcaster NHK showed aerial footage of the Fitzgerald, which The Arleigh Burke-class guided-missile destroyer USS Fitzgerald, damaged by colhad a large dent on its right, liding with a Philippine-flagged merchant vessel, is seen off Shimoda, Japan in this or starboard, side. Images photo taken by Kyodo June 17. (Mandatory credit Kyodo/via REUTERS) broadcast by NHK showed UNCLEAR WHAT HAPPENED the search for the missing, Japan’s Nippon Yusen it had been struck next to its It was unclear how the it said. KK, which charters the Aegis radar arrays behind the collision happened. “Once Back in Yokosuka, div- container ship, ASX Crys- vertical launch tubes. an investigation is com- ers will inspect the damage tal, said in a statement it plete then any legal issues and develop a plan for re- would “cooperate fully” Such incidents are rare. In May, the U.S. Navy’s can be addressed,” the 7th pairs, the Navy said. with the Coast Guard’s inFleet spokesman said. The ship was able to op- vestigation of the incident. USS Lake Champlain colThe Fitzgerald suffered erate under its own power At around 29,000 tons dis- lided with a South Korean damage on her starboard with limited propulsion, placement, the ship dwarfs fishing vessel but both side above and below the the Navy said. The Japanese the 8,315-ton U.S. warship, ships were able to operate waterline, causing “signifi- Coast Guard said separate- and was carrying 1,080 under their own power. The 7th Fleet comcant damage” and flood- ly the Fitzgerald was towed containers from the port of mander, Vice Admiral Joing to two berthing spaces back to Yokosuka by a tug- Nagoya to Tokyo. and other areas of the ship, boat at about 3 knots. None of the 20 crew seph Aucoin, thanked the the Navy said. The flooding Part of an eight-ship members aboard the con- Japanese Coast guard in a was later stabilised, but it squadron based in Yoko- tainer ship, all Filipino, post on the fleet’s Facebook was uncertain how long it suka, the Fitzgerald had in were injured, and the ship page, adding: “We are comwould take to gain access February completed $21 was not leaking oil, Nippon mitted to ensuring the safe to those spaces once the million worth of upgrades Yusen said. The ship ar- return of the ship to port in ship is docked, to continue and repairs. rived at Tokyo Bay around Yokosuka.”

Uncertainty over Baghdadi fate after Russian airstrike

BEIRut, JuNE 17 (AP): Uncertainty and confusion surrounded the fate of the head of the Islamic State group Friday as Russia announced it may have killed him in an airstrike targeting a meeting of IS leaders just outside the group’s self-declared capital in Syria, but U.S. officials said there was no definitive proof of his death. The demise of Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi would be a severe blow to the extremist group as it fights to hang on to its strongholds in Syria and Iraq, although it was not clear how much operational control he retains over the organization whose capabilities keep evolving on the battlefield and beyond. Apart from Moscow’s claim that he may have

been killed in the May 28 airstrike along with more than 300 militants, there was not much else to back it up. The Russian Defense Ministry said the information about his death was still “being verified through various channels.” Asked about that claim at a Moscow news conference, Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov said: “I don’t have a 100 percent confirmation of the information.” A spokesman for the U.S.-led coalition fighting the Islamic State said he would welcome such news but urged caution. “There have been several past claims of this kind that have been proven false, and we have seen no definitive proof that this report is true either,”

Cambridge Univ refuses to return Aboriginal artifacts to Australia

SYDNEY, JuNE 17 (REutERS): The University of Cambridge has refused a request by an Australian man to return important Aboriginal artifacts taken by British explorer Captain James Cook nearly 250 years ago. Rodney Kelly is seeking the return of four spears from the university’s Museum of Archaeology and Anthropology on behalf of the Gweagal people, who traditionally inhabited southern parts of Sydney, Australia’s largest city. According the to the university, Cook took the spears following a violent first encounter between Aborigines and Europeans on the shores of Botany Bay in Sydney in 1770. He also took a shield, which is currently held by the British Museum and for which Kelly has also sought repatriation. The artifacts are recognised as a significant symbol of first contact between the British and indigenous Australians and of Aboriginal resistance to colonisation. However, the University of Cambridge has rejected a request for their return lodged by Kelly. “Removing parts of the Cook-Sandwich collection, which is of great historical, scientific and educational importance nationally and internationally, would cause considerable harm by depriving the collection of its integrity,” a spokeswoman said in a statement to Reuters on Saturday. The university said the request contained no clear proposal for housing and conserving the spears if they were to be returned, and added it was important that any request for change be made with “accredited representatives of the Gweagal people”. Kelly, who submitted a formal request for the repatriation of the spears in November last year, claims to be a direct descendant of the Gweagal warrior Cooman, from whom he claims the spears and shield were taken. However, a report prepared by the University of Cambridge has questioned Kelly’s ability to prove his descent - something disputed by the Sydney man. “It makes me angry they are trying these tactics to discredit me and my history,” Kelly told Reuters in an interview. Cook’s landing in Botany Bay on April 29, 1770 marked the first point of contact between the British and Aborigines and preceded the arrival of the first waves of colonists to Australia eight years later. Two Aboriginal men holding spears tried to resist Cook’s party landing and one was injured by British musket fire, the university says. The Gweagal then retreated and Cook and his crew entered their camp and took the spears and a shield. According to Kelly, Cooman was the injured man in the historical account, a claim the university says is not well-supported.

U.S. Army Col. Ryan Dillon said. Capt. Jeff Davis, a Pentagon spokesman, also said there was no information to corroborate the report. Al-Baghdadi, believed to be in his mid-40s, last released an audio message Nov. 3, urging his followers to keep up the fight for Mosul as they defended the Iraqi city against a major offensive that had begun weeks earlier. The latest report of his death comes amid major setbacks for IS, having lost significant territory on both sides of its so-called caliphate in Syria and Iraq. The group is fighting for survival in a few remaining neighborhoods in western Mosul and is now under attack in Raqqa, its selfstyled capital.

May meets London blaze victims amid rising anger

LONDON, JuNE 17 (IANS): A day after protesters chastised her near the scene of the deadly Grenfell Tower disaster, British Prime Minister Theresa May on Saturday met the victims and residents of the tower at 10 Downing Street. “The Prime Minister is this morning chairing a cross-government meeting to ensure everything possible is being done to support those affected by the Grenfell tragedy,” a Downing Street spokesperson said. May’s meeting on Saturday with victims, residents, volunteers and community leaders came as Queen Elizabeth II marked her official birthday with a statement saying it was “difficult to escape a very sombre national mood.” The Prime Minister

has promised a full public inquiry and announced a fund of 5 million pounds ($6.4 million) to help those affected by the blaze.

58 missing, presumed dead in London inferno: Police

At least 58 people are now missing and presumed dead in the Grenfell Tower disaster, police said on Saturday. The latest figure included the 30 already confirmed to have died in the devastating fire in a west London tower block on Wednesday, BBC reported. Commander Stuart Cundy said that number “may increase” and that a “significant” recovery operation is likely to take weeks. “As soon as we can, we will locate and recover loved ones,” he added.




NO.DET-12/37/16 /187

Dated Kohima, the 17th June’ 2017

ADVERTISEMENT The Department of Employment, Skill Development & Entrepreneurship announces a walk-in interview for engagement of Aspiration Mapping Officer’s to conduct the Aspiration Mapping Survey for a period of 30 days from the date of engagement. Sl. Name of the Name of the Post No District


Aspiration Mapping Officer's (AMOs)

Name of Blocks

Sechü-Zubza Kohima Botsa Kohima Chiephobozou Chunlikha Tseminyu Jakhama Dhansiripar Medziphema Chumukedima Dimapur Kuhuboto Niuland Aghunaqa Changpang Bhandari Sanis Wokha Ralan Wozhuro Chukitong Wokha Meluri Weziho Pfutsero Chizami Phek Phek Sekruzou Kikruma Chetheba Akuhaito Akuluto Satoi Satakha Zunheboto Tokiye Ghathashi Suruhoto Zunheboto Chare Chessore Longkhim Noksen Tuensang Noklak Panso Sangsangyu Shamator Thonoknyu Chuchuyimlang Changtongya Tuli Mangkolemba Mokokchung Tsurangkong Kubolong Longchem Ongpangkong(N) Ongpangkong(S) Chen Aboi Angjangyang Tobu Mon Mon Phomching Tizit Wakching Jalukie Athibung Peren Peren Tenning Sakshi Longleng Longleng Tamlu Kiphire Longmatra Pungro Kiphiri Sitimi Khongsa

No. of Venue for interview Post 1 1 1 Regional Employ2 ment Exchange, Kohima 1 2 1 2 2 2 District Employment Exchange, Dimapur 2 1 2 2 2 2 District Employment 1 Exchange, Wokha 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1

Date of interview




District Employment Exchange, Phek


District Employment Exchange, Zunheboto


District Employment Exchange, Tuensang


District Employment Exchange, Mokokchung


District Employment Exchange, Mon


Rural Employment Bureau, Peren


1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 2 2 1 2 2 2 2 1 2 2 2 1 2 1 2 2 2

Deputy Commissioner Office, 30-06-2017 Longleng Rural Employment, Bureau, Kiphiri


Terms and Conditions: A. Honorarium: Rs.15,000 /-.(@ Rs. 500/- per day). B. Engagement is purely for the Survey period (30 days). C. Eligibility Criteria: 1. He / She should be a resident of the concerned block. 2. He/ She should be a graduate with Computer Knowledge. 3. He / She should have a valid Employment Exchange Registration Card / Indigenous Certificate. 4. He / She should have a thorough knowledge of the village / RD Blocks in the district. 5. He / She should have the willingness to travel to all assigned villages under each block for Data collection. NOTE: D. Applicants are to walk in for interview to the respective District Employment Exchanges / Rural Employment Bureau Kiphiri / Peren and office of the Deputy Commissioner, Longleng (for Longleng Candidates) along with the original documents. E. Interested Candidates can come for interview as per the interview schedule given above from 10.00 AM onwards. (MUTHINGNYUBASANGTAM) Director, Employment, Skill Development & Entrepreneurship Nagaland, Kohima.

Issued by: DIPR


SunDAY 18•06•2017



Backlash from Mayweather-McGregor will last years, says promoter Duva Los AngeLes, June 17 (AFP): Promoter Kathy Duva says the Floyd Mayweather-Conor McGregor fight is "bad for boxing" and the backlash from the exhibition spectacle will likely dog the sport for years to come. "Of course it's bad for boxing," said Duva. "It's going to suck up all the air in the room." Boxing legend Mayweather and mixed martial arts superstar McGregor announced plans on Wednesday for a boxing showdown that could become one of the richest bouts in history. The fight will take place August 26 in the American boxing capital of Las Vegas. "You're all going to write about it. People will get all excited," Duva said of the competition. "And the casual fans we always want to bring into the tent are going to be disappointed again. "It's going to be years before they want to see another boxing event," she told the Los Angeles Times. Mayweather, who is considered one of the greatest boxers of all time, is a heavy favourite against McGregor -- who hasn't boxed

Floyd Mayweather (AFP File Photo)

competitively in the ring since he was a teenager. "It's not a boxing event, it's a spectacle," said Duva, who is the promoter for Russian boxer Sergey Kovalev, who will fight Andre Ward in a world title light heavyweight rematch on Saturday. "On the other hand, when this is over and this fight ends up the way I expect it will, the next time

somebody asks me, 'MMA or boxing, what's the better sport?' I’ll say, 'We know who the bad asses are because Ronda Rousey and Conor McGregor just got their asses kicked by two boxers.' "We’ll have that to cling to," she told the paper. There are some who think that if McGregor starts losing he might resort to throwing elbows and kicks

at Mayweather, but the promoters of the fight say that won't happen. "It is in the contract," said Dana White. "The fight is under the rules of boxing. There would be a lawsuit. If that ever happened, Conor would depart with a lot of money, and Conor likes money." White said plans are in the works to have the fighters go on a promotional tour of major US cities. Since the fight was announced Mayweather has mentioned it just once via social media -- as he appears to be more concerned about showing off his extravagant lifestyle. He has launched something he calls the "Mayweather Challenge" because he is "tired of people on social media bragging they live a certain lifestyle when they don't." Over the last few days, Mayweather has made a point of using his Twitter and Instagram to show off his private jet. That was followed by another video taken inside his "RollsRoyce Phantom Limousine" as he boasts about his Patek Philippe gold watch while the camera pans down to show off his "Chinchilla" floor mats.

Holly Holm ends losing streak, knocks out Correia Hazard plays down transfer rumours

Holly Holm in action against Bethe Correia during their UFC bantamweight fight in Singapore, on June 17. (AFP Photo)

singAPoRe, June 17 (AFP): American MMA fighter Holly Holm broke her three-fight losing streak in Singapore Saturday, knocking out Brazilian Bethe Correia with a kick to the head. The bantamweight fight was the headliner on Saturday's fight card, Ultimate Fighting Championship's return to Asia after a 19-month absence. The pair got off to a slow start with barely any contact in the first two rounds, prompting boos from the Singapore Indoor Stadium crowd. Responding to a taunt in Round

3, Holm delivered a head kick that sent Correia crashing to the canvas and finished her opponent off with a punch. "I picked the shot I wanted and got the finish... We figured she would get frustrated and that’s what opened up the opportunity for the head kick," Holm said in an interview after the fight. Holm ended top star Rhonda Rousey's unbeaten run in 2015 with a similar move, a defeat she never bounced back from. Since her upset of Rousey, Holm has also struggled, losing her subsequent three bouts. She pre-

Joel Naga


sak Chishi Swu- dead. SS Khaplang - dead. The procession of dead leaders is beginning to pile up rather uncomfortably under the careful watch of the GoI. Nagas will respectfully offer the routine and customary rich tributes at the funerals and for some, candlelight vigils will suffice where time, space, and distance are issues. After 19 years of peace-talks, the GoI cannot help but silently ridicule our foolishness and gullibility, pandering to our egos with high-sounding words like 'Unique Naga History', 'Shared Sovereignty' and so on. In reality, there's nothing. The Naga movement is finished, dead, and zipped like a body bag, ready to be thrown into the Arabian sea- or the Tizu River. With time on its side, India simply awaits for adaptable Nagas to bury the last of their leaders. Then, maybe, with the right national political climate, a little push of the hounds to hunt down the last of the rabbits- the intransigent bastards, the Naga problem will be solved in India's favour. Unless.... In the meantime, the self-glorification, the zipping around with Z+ security but with nothing to show even after 19 years of talks is the futility. Talk of unity and reconciliation has never evoked the kind of fatigue as is witnessed among Nagas today. Atleast late Khaplang before his death understood that 15 years of cease-fire without accompanying talks is humiliating, and talks without settlement meaningless. On

viously had an unblemished 10-0 record in MMA. In making its Asian return, UFC, the world's biggest MMA promoter, has its eye on the lucrative mainland Chinese market, initially scheduling two Chinese fighters on Saturday's card. Top Chinese MMA star Wang Guan pulled out a week before the fight, citing injury. But Li Jingliang, widely seen as China's best MMA prospect, roundly took down Guam's Frank Camacho in a three-bout fight, exhausting his opponent and winning by unanimous decision.

London, June 17 (ReuteRs): Midfielder Eden Hazard tried to play down speculation that he is about to move away from Stamford Bridge by describing how settled he feels with his Chelsea "family". The Belgium international scored 17 goals and provided five assists to help Chelsea win the Premier League title and reach the FA Cup final last season. Media reports have linked the playmaker, who joined Chelsea in 2012, with a big money move to Spanish champions Real Madrid but Hazard said he feels at home at Stamford Bridge. "I like this club because it's a family," Hazard told the club's website. (www.chelseafc.com) "I have a lot of friends and we all talk to each other. I've been here five years now and I'm so happy. I'm at one of the best clubs in the world, so I'm very happy to play for such a big club as this." Hazard's exploits led to him being named Chelsea's Player of the Year for the third time in five years at the club, as they lost just five league matches to seal the title and Hazard is hoping for more success next season. "Hopefully next year it is the same, we win the league and then I win Player of the Year," Hazard said. "Obviously winning the league is what we want most, and this award is just a bonus." Chelsea host Burnley in their first match of the 2017-18 league campaign and travel to Wembley to face last year's runners-up Tottenham Hotspur, a week later.

Troubled Ronaldo eyes more silverware at Confed Cup (AFP Photo)

KAzAn, June 17 (AFP): Cristiano Ronaldo will put speculation over his club future firmly to one side as he leads European champions Portugal into their Confederations Cup opener against Mexico in Kazan on Sunday. The 32-year-old Real Madrid superstar's buildup to the tournament in Russia has been overshadowed after he was this week accused by prosecutors in Spain of defrauding the authorities of 14.7 million euros ($16.5m) in tax through offshore companies. Now the Madrid sports media is awash with headlines suggesting Ronaldo wants out of the Spanish champions, despite only signing a new contract through to 2021 in November. But for the next two weeks the main thing on the mind of the reigning Ballon d'Or holder is winning more silverware in the eight-nation World Cup warm-up event. "He takes this tournament very seriously and is focused," said Ronaldo's team-mate Andre Silva, the striker who has just joined AC Milan from Porto. "It would be a beautiful thing to have on the CV. Of course it would be a dream to win it," Ronaldo said in January, since when he has powered Madrid to glory both in La Liga and in the Champions League. It has been a dream last

12 months on the field for the former Manchester United man, who was a European champion at club and international level in 2016. More glory here in Russia will end any doubt about him winning a fifth Ballon d'Or. "We don't have words to describe what he represents for our country. He is an idol, even for us players," admitted veteran defender Bruno Alves, the 35-yearold who has just signed for Scottish club Rangers. Portugal's triumph at Euro 2016 secured them a place in Russia, where they will be making their Confederations Cup debut against CONCACAF Gold Cup winners Mexico in Group A before facing the hosts and New Zealand. Ronaldo has scored 12 goals in six international outings since coming off injured in the Euro final, but Mexico -- winners of the Confederations Cup in 1999 -- are confident they can stop him. - Marquez still going strong "It goes without saying that he's a great player. But we're a great side too, and I'm sure we can stop him," striker Raul Jimenez, a Portuguese league and cup double winner with Benfica, told FIFA.com. It is not just Ronaldo they will need to stop though -- winger Bernardo Silva, who missed

Solution Not Election: 1998 Revisited the flip side, before the NTC brought the other groups together through the formation of a Working Group (WG), none of the 6 organisations had the stature nor the vision to concretise their manpower and influence (if any) in a direction acceptable to Nagas as a whole. These groups were wholly satisfied playing the victim card. There's this joke that Pakistan exists only because India exists. Though stuck in a muck, the IM caravan is still active. Now, with the possibility that the GoI too may kickstart the WG's dormant engine as well, it's important to carry the momentum. If Nagas to a man and a boy agree that after 70 years of political struggle we do deserve a final political settlement- spearheaded by IM and the WG both, it's essential that we do start a movement- a resolve not to participate in the 2018 elections pending settlement to the Naga issue through adoption of the same cry "Solution Not Election" as raised in 1998. For too long, running with the hare and hunting with the hounds had been the poisoned chalice for Nagas. We've to admit that Nagas lack a coherent NATIONAL STRATEGY. The Kashmiris have ONE. During the 2017 LS bye-election in Srinagar Constituency, Kashmir, where Farooq Abdullah was elected, the voter turnout was hardly 7%. It was indeed a shocking result, with its tremors

felt from Delhi to Brussels, HQ of the European Union. This was right after J&K had polled a high of 65% voter turnout in 2014 Assembly elections. But Kashmiris by and large since 1989 has refused to recognise Indian elections. For the last 25 years of so, the polling percentage in Jammu & Kashmir elections has been low, with 1989 scoring the lowest voter turnout at 10% overall, and 2002 with only 26% turnout in the valley. In the 2002 elections, 6 constituencies polled less than 5%. In Amirakadal constituency with 74, 442 registered voters, only 2,280 voted. Since 2002, the voter turnout in 26 constituencies in Kashmir valley (total 46) has been less than 20% till date. In the LS elections held in 1999, Kashmir valley elected 3 MPs (J&K=6 MPs) with voter turnout of 4.81%, 6. 89% and 11% respectively. It was a farce result but not surprising since the call of Azaadi or independence is shrillest in the Valley. Against such consistent low turnouts, when the 2014 elections returned high voter turnout figure of 65%, the European Union (EU) was compelled to release a statement saying "The high voter turnout proves that democracy is firmly rooted in India." It was a victory day for India but then came the 7% turnout shocker in 2017. Call them thugs, stone pelters, terrorists, Paki supporters, yet, the grassroot Kashmiris have consistent-

ly defied the temptation to indulge in Indian elections save for a few ocassions. It is the grassroot abhorence for Indian elections firm in the belief that such indulgences would destroy their dream of Azaadi that keeps the Kashmiri issue alive, Pakistan or no Pakistan. Needless to say, low turnouts put the Ministry of External Affairs (MEA) in extremely uncomfortable positions vis-a-vis Pakistani propaganda. The 7% voter turnout in 2017 byepoll set the Indian media and the political establishment ablaze. Apart from the stone-pelting, it raised the spectre that the ordinary Kashmiris have truly seceded, atleast emotionally, from the Indian Union. On the other hand, the Naga approach to Indian elections is buffoonish and in total contrast to the Kashmiri situation. There's no doubt that the average voter turnout in the Naga elections cannot be not less than 90%. Though our high turnout is motivated by clan/village/range and tribe politics or money factor, and less to do with love for mother India, such high turnouts in favour of Constitutionally mandated elections generally spurs establishment people like Kiren Rijiju, the Minister of State for Home, to chip in that the NSCN-K, or the IM, U, R for that matter, are 'misguided elements' and therefore the appeal to them 'to return to mainstream' with promises

to 'rehabilitate' them with 'economic packages'. It's always a propaganda coup for the Indian establishment when Nagaland, Manipur, and Punjab return high voter turnouts, giving ample fodder for its PR exercise that the masses have rejected 'extremists' in favour of 'development and progress.' Therefore, the NPGs do not realise how much they themselves have dampened the very Cause by actively participating in State elections, propping up their 'own governments' or their own relatives into the Legislative Assembly. When the forerunner of the present NPF, the NPC, in 1998 mooted Solution Not Election, the Congress went ahead and filed nominations. Having learnt a lesson from that debacle, the NPF leadership can't even imagine undertaking such an exercise again. However, the party is reminded that it has been championing the Naga cause for a long time, even to the extent of declaring in 2003 that it will solve the Naga issue in 3 months. Recently, the newly formed DPP has once again averred that its objective is to support and expedite Naga political settlement. After decades of rhetoric, bluff, and lip service, perhaps it's time for all the political parties to seriously ponder at the ramifications of continued and protracted armed struggle. We're at a cross-road. Armed

Euro 2016 through injury, is fresh from winning the French title with Monaco and sealing a big-money move to Manchester City. "A year ago, I said Portugal were going to Euro 2016 to win it. I said we were not the favourites, but that we were candidates to win it. I have the same confidence today," Portugal coach Fernando Santos said earlier this week. Mexico, who drew 1-1 at home to the United States in World Cup qualifying last weekend, will look to Real Sociedad's Carlos Vela and Bayer Leverkusen striker Javier Hernandez for inspiration. They will be led by former Barcelona defender Rafael Marquez, still going strong at 38 -- while Ronaldo will win his 140th cap in the game, Marquez will be making his 139th international appearance. The match in Kazan will start at 1500 GMT and will be followed at 1800 GMT by the Group B opener between African champions Cameroon and Chile in Moscow. The Indomitable Lions, who reached the final in 2003, surprised everyone by winning the Africa Cup of Nations in Gabon at the turn of the year, while Chile won back-to-back Copa America crowns in the last two years and are spearheaded by Alexis Sanchez and Arturo Vidal.

faction(s), no matter how powerful and cerebrally endowed will achieve nothing on their own. Since the NTC has managed the impossible on two counts: one, bring all the 6 factions together and two, managed to convey the message that the GoI should negotiate with the 6 factions, perhaps, this may be the last opportunity for Nagas to rally behind the Naga National Workers, and convey the hardhitting message to the GoI that as citizens of a democratic country, we as any other citizens have the fundamental right to live our lives in peace, prosperity, and in dignity. Dignity means a settled Naga issue resolved once and for all. Thus, the GoI has a bounden duty to settle the Naga issue. However, to translate this message into reality, we need to adopt hard and practical measures, which are, to initiate a movement comprising of political parties, civil society orgnisations, students, grassroot level organisations, and the Church campaigning for non-participation in the 2018 elections pending solution to the 70 year old Indo-Naga political problem. However, this is where we differ from the Kashmiris. Our refusal to participate in Indian Constitutional elections does not make Nagas anti-India, instead, it should be viewed as a last ditched effort to force the hand of India to sincerely settle the Naga issue through nonviolent, Gandhian means. After all, almost every Naga now subscribe themselves to the Indian Constitution, including the NPGs.

Readers may please note that the contents of the articles, letters and opinions published do not reflect the outlook of this paper nor of the Editor in any form.

Sunday 18•06•2017


Anna and Elsa return in first trailer for

[LEFT] Alobo Naga and [RIGHT] Soul Sisters performing at Confluence 2017 on June 16 at Town Hall Mokokchung. The event was organised by ITTN giving the people of Mokokchung an opportunity to witness various Naga artists in one platform. (Photo Courtesy: Aren Changkiri)

Katy Perry makes Twitter history First person to touch 100 million followers


ans frothing at the mouth for Frozen 2 should be momentarily satisfied by this first glimpse of brand new Frozen content, with Disney debuting the trailer for the upcoming short film Olaf's Frozen Adventure. The 21-minute short acts as a sort-of mini-sequel to the 2013 blockbuster, with Anna and Elsa realising their family have no Christmas traditions (their parents being horribly drowned and all), inspiring Olaf to essentially roam Arendelle in the hopes of acquiring everyone else's. While the short film was initially announced as a made-for-TV special,

to be screened this Christmas, Disney have since changed their minds, with Olaf's Frozen Adventure now playing in front of their upcoming animated movie Coco. The move does beg the question, however, as to how much faith Disney/ Pixar have in Coco, which happens to be one of the company's rare modern films that isn't a sequel to one of their past hits. As for Anna and Elsa, they still appear to be actively involved in the short film, with the teaser providing a snippet of one of four new songs that will be featured. The track that ends the trailer appears to be a Christmas song, with the pair singing of

the importance of being together during the happiest time of the year. Elsa is also seen debuting a new outfit, her original teal dress replaced by a heavier gown decorated in tiny crystals and topped off with a fluffy white hood. It's very winter-appropriate. Coco, with Olaf 's Frozen Adventure playing before it, hits UK cinemas January 19, 2018. But considering Coco arrives in US cinemas this November, don't be surprised if its UK release gets bumped up, particularly with the short film having such a festive theme. Source: Telegraph. Co.Uk



op superstar Katy Perry has made history by becoming the first user to garner 100 million followers on Twitter, the social media platform announced. “Today we #WITNESS history,” Twitter said Friday in a tweet, referencing the title of Perry’s recently released fifth album. The 32-year-old singer recently livestreamed her life for 96 hours, inviting fans to watch as she slept, cooked, did yoga, cuddled with her dog Nugget and chatted with a stream of celebrities who showed up at her door. Despite putting her life temporarily under observation with 41 cameras, Perry -- born Katheryn Hudson to conservative Christian parents in California -- said she struggled


to handle the attention to her life more broadly. “I built up this Katy Perry thing that everybody knows and that’s the reason why they’re tuning in and it’s fantastic, but it’s more of a facade,” she told the therapist Siri Singh. “I’m human and I’m living under this crazy microscope,” she said, tears smudging her mascara. Singer Justin Bieber trails on Twitter with just under 97 million followers, while Perry’s pop rival Taylor Swift has 85 million. Source: AFP

The Anthem Rises




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Sunday 18•06•2017



Srikanth enters final, Prannoy Favourites India wary of maverick loses in Indonesian Open JakaRta, JuNe 17 (IaNs): Indian shuttler Kidambi Srikanth defeated World No.1 Son Wan Ho to enter the men's singles final of the Indonesian open Superseries Premier after H.S. Prannoy faced defeat against Kazumasa Sakai in the first semi-final here on Saturday. World No.22 Srikanth kept his nerves to win 21-15, 14-21, 24-22 against the South Korean Son. He will face Sakai in the final on Sunday at the Jakarta Convention Center (JCC). The first game looked a cake-walk for Srikanth -- who won 21-15 over Son. The only point where Son looked a bit dangerous was when he came close 10-12 from 6-11 but failed to take advantage. In the second set, 29-year-old Son made a come back after trailing 4-6 to rely on his deft net-game to equalise one game apiece with a 21-14 win. The final game remained stiff till the very end with none of the shuttlers giving any space to the opponents. Son edged ahead with a 13-10 lead but Srikanth kept firing winners to equalise at the 14-point mark and even held a point lead. But Son didn't flinch and kept rallying hard till the end to find crucial points. With the match reaching a tipping point in terms of intensity at 20-all, both the shuttlers felt the heat. While Srikanth banged a smash at the net, Son erred in hitting long. But the Indian kept his nerve to edge past Son and win 24-22. In the final, Srikanth will eye his third C M Y K

Superseries title after victories in the 2014 China Open and the 2015 India Open. Earlier, Prannoy's dream run was halted by unseeded Sakai, who came back from a game down to win 21-17, 2628, 18-21, and seal his berth in the final on Sunday. Prannoy, who defeated multiple Olympic and World Championships medallists Lee Chong Wei and Chen Long in the last two matches, on Saturday dominated the opening game with a 8-3 lead. The Indian continued to lead for the rest of the game and won it in 19 minutes after Sakai saved two game points. The Japanese bounced back well into the second game to open up a 11-5 lead by the break before Prannoy fought back to draw level at 18-18, but failed to convert five match point opportunities as Sakai won the game in 32 minutes. The decider saw Sakai marching ahead with a 6-2 lead which he extended to 11-9 at the changeover. After the breather, World No. 47 Sakai continued to dominate the third game, opening up a six point lead at 17-11. Prannoy managed to narrow the deficit to two points at 17-19 but Sakai converted his second match point opportunity to win in one hour and 17 minutes. "Well not my day I guess. Served 5 match points but not lucky enough to get a finals birth. Thank you everyone for the support this week," Prannoy said after the defeat.

LONDON, JuNe 17 (ReuteRs): India are favourites to retain the Champions Trophy on Sunday but they would probably have preferred to face different opponents than arch-rivals Pakistan in what is sure to be a highly-charged final. The neighbouring countries have moved on from years of political conflicts but emotions will run high as millions of supporters around the world watch the first major cricket final between the teams since the 2007 Twenty20 World Cup. One of the most unpredictable sides in world sport, Pakistan were the lowest-ranked side going into the tournament and produced a shambolic performance in their heavy opening defeat by India. As they have done many times before, however, Pakistan suddenly found their form with wins over top-ranked South Africa and Sri Lanka before delivering an outstanding all-round display to stun previously unbeaten hosts England in the semi-finals. India suffered a shock loss to Sri Lanka in the group stage before overwhelming Bangladesh in the semis and their captain 'what are they for?' and if Virat Kohli has been imthere is no particular rea- pressed by Pakistan's reson then would changing surgence. them make the game better?" A long-term supporter of video assistance for referees, Elleray believes trials are going well and improving behaviour. "Players know they cannot get away with things such as violent conduct and bad tackles," he said. The strategy document, called Play Fair, will be discussed over the next few months, before the 2018 IFAB annual general meeting, in March, which will decide which proposals should be trialled in competitive matches. "The underlying philosophy of 'Play Fair' is a call to the conscience of everyone involved in football," said a statement on the IFAB website.

IFAB to discuss a 'quiet revolution' in laws of football

LONDON, JuNe 17 (ReuteRs): Penalty goals, dribbling from free kicks and corners, and points deductions for mobbing the referee are among a crop of radical proposals for discussion by football's lawmaking body, the International Football Association Board (IFAB). IFAB's technical director David Elleray, the former English referee, is behind a strategy document which he describes as 'a quiet revolution'. Under the proposals players would be allowed to play free kicks and corners to themselves instead of passing; the ball need not be stationary for a free kick; a penalty would be awarded for a goalkeeper handling a backpass; and a penalty goal could be given if an outfield player handles on or close to the

goalline. Possible changes to time keeping include the whistle only being blown for halftime and fulltime when the ball goes out of play; and using 60 minutes of actual playing time rather than 90 overall minutes as at present. Teams could also be docked points for surrounding a referee. Minor amendments include a goal kick not having to leave the penalty area before a defender touches it and a goal kick being awarded if a player misses a penalty kick, instead of any follow up being allowed. "You could say it is a quiet revolution aimed at getting football even better," Elleray told The Times newspaper. "My starting point was to look at the laws and say

Pakistan in high-octane final

As India take on Pakistan in the Champions Trophy final on Sunday, there'll be tensions for hundreds of millions of people tuning in across South Asia, where this rivalry transcends sport. (AFP Photo)

"The turnaround has been magnificent," Kohli said. "Obviously, if you reach the finals you have to play some good cricket and credit to them, they've turned around things for themselves really well. "The belief just showed on the field the way they played together as a team and regardless of who you play in the finals, it's always going to be challenging because once you start think-

ing that it's a big game, then strengths and weaknesses your mindset changes." they have," Kohli said. "I don't think we need OUTSTANDING to look too far away from BATTING what we are doing as a India, who beat Paki- group, focus on our skills stan by five runs in the and our abilities and beTwenty20 final 10 years lieve in ourselves on that ago, have been lifted by the particular day." outstanding batting form of Pakistan, without their Kohli, Shikhar Dhawan and leading fast bowler MoRohit Sharma. hammad Amir due to in"What we are going to jury, strangled the usually try to do is repeat the similar free-scoring England batssort of cricket that we have men on a slow wicket in played so far, knowing the Cardiff with a disciplined

display of bowling and fielding. The Oval pitch should be more favourable for batsmen but India, who have beaten Pakistan in eight of their 10 World Cup and Champions Trophy meetings, will not be complacent. "We've seen some really surprising results and it's been amazing for the fans to watch and for the players to be a part of," Kohli said. "We played some really good cricket but we're not going to take anything for granted for sure." Pakistan's rejuvenation has been built around the runs of opener Fakhar Zaman and the experienced Azhar Ali while Hasan Ali and Junaid Khan stepped up to compensate for the absence of Amir who is expected to be fit for the final. Their captain Sarfraz Ahmed said they had quickly forgotten the opening loss to India and simply focused on the next game in their bid to win the Champions Trophy for the first time. "After the India match, we just motivated the guys," he said. "Don't worry about the India match. This is gone. If we play good cricket, definitely we will win this tournament."

Published, Printed and Edited by Dr. Aküm Longchari from House No. 4, Duncan Bosti, Dimapur at Themba Printers and Morung Publications , Padum Pukhuri Village, Dimapur, Nagaland. RNI No : NAGENG /2005/15430. House No.4, Duncan Bosti, Dimapur 797112, Nagaland. Phone: Dimapur -(03862) 248854, Fax: (03862) 235194, Kohima - (0370) 2291952

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