June 24th, 2017

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SaturDaY • June 24 • 2017

DIMAPUR • Vol. XII • Issue 171• 12 PAGes • 5

T H e

ESTD. 2005

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T R u T H

In revolutions the occasions may be trifling but great interest are at stake — Aristotle As Modi prepares for Trump meeting, US expected to OK India drone purchase PAGE 08

By Sandemo Ngullie


T Khel, Khm Village demand A dialogue on ‘Gendered Practices & probe into suspected murder emerging Discourses in naga society’ Morung Express news Dimapur | June 23

if the ban is not lifted, forget india, in a couple years our cows will overtake China population.

The Morung Express Poll QuEsTion

Vote on www.morungexpress.com sMs your answer to 9862574165 Do you agree that the present Election practice is the key that keeps the wheel of corruption turning in Nagaland? Yes



One killed in alleged street brawl Morung Express news Dimapur | June 23

One youth died following an alleged street brawl in Mokokchung on June 23. According to reports received from Mokokchung, the incident occurred around 7:00 pm near the Deputy Commissioner’s office complex. The deceased’s body, as per the Mokokchung police, was dumped at the District hospital premises by unidentified persons who absconded. The police while stating that they were in process of investigation said that the deceased, identified as one Sentilong was found dead. The police added that they have found some leads and were on the lookout for the suspects.

DMC informs shopkeepers DIMAPUR, JUNE 23 (MExN): The Dimapur Municipal Council (DMC) has informed that in order to facilitate customers for the forthcoming Eid festivals, all shop keepers other then workshop, industries within DMC Jurisdiction are allowed to keep their respective shops open on June 25, Sunday, from 2:00pm onwards. This was informed in a press note from the DMC.

Nagaland Finance Department notifies on Common Goods and Services portal


DIMAPUR, JUNE 23 (MExN): In a notification, the Nagaland State Finance Department has informed that the website www.gst.gov. in will be the Common Goods and Services portal for facilitating registration, payment of tax, furnishing of returns, computation and settlement of integrated tax and electronic way bill. Finance Commissioner Abhijit Sinha said the notification shall come into force from June 24, 2017 onwards.

PaGe 12

Protestors carrying a banner during the silent protest in Kohima on June 23.

our Correspondent Kohima | June 23

The Tsutuonuomia Khel, Kohima Village today staged a silent procession in the state capital Kohima, in protest against the suspected murder of one Shuro-o Solo, who was found dead on the night of June 18 at Kisama. Wearing black badge and carrying banners, the procession started from Mission Compound till the office of Kohima deputy commissioner, where a memorandum was submitted. In a memorandum submitted to Kohima DC, it stated that late Solo was a member of Tsutuonuomia Khel, Kohima village and a resident of Kuozhu (New Minister’s Hill) Kohima. “The dead body wore a deep wound on the left temple which is suspected to have been caused by some weapon and not from any accidental fall. We suspect that the death was caused by some foul play,” stated the memorandum signed by

Thepfuvilie Suohu, Chairman and Kelhousinyu Solo, Secretary T Khel Council; and Neizelhou Sekhose, Head GB, T Khel on behalf of T Khel Council, Kohima village. The memorandum informed that a police case has been registered under Khuzama PS and the case is stated to be under investigation. It asked the Kohima DC to complete the police investigation, bring out the truth. While meeting deputy commissioner in his office chamber, the members requested the police and district administration to expedite the investigation. Kohima Deputy Commissioner Rajesh Soundararajan said that the case has been registered and police have started the investigation. He assured that inquiry will be done without any bias. The Kohima Superintendent of Police meanwhile also informed that investigation is going on and assured that police will do its best.

SC sets up doctors panel on plea to terminate 6 month pregnancy NEw DElhI, JUNE 23 (IANS): The Supreme Court on Friday set up a panel of seven doctors to examine and ascertain the medical condition of a Kolkata-based expectant mother seeking the termination of her 24-week-old pregnancy. A vacation bench of Justice D.Y. Chandrachud and Justice Sanjay Kishan Kaul asked the panel from Kolkata’s Institute of Post Graduate Medical Education & Research (SSKM Hospital) to submit its report by June 29 when the court would hear the matter. The parents have moved the top court seeking to abort the pregnancy on the grounds that foetus suffers from such abnormalities which may endanger the health of the mother. The top court’s order came as West Bengal government told the vacation bench that it has decided to get the mother and the foetus medically examined by a team of doctors. The court also pursued a medical report which said that child born with such abnormalities may not survive even the first surgery. The parents have also challenged the constitutional validity of Section 3(2)(b) of the Medical Termination of Pregnancy Act, 1971 that prohibits termination of pregnancy beyond 20 weeks, contending that restriction could have been reasonable in 1971 when the law was enacted but today with technological advancement, it was perfectly safe to undergo MTP even up to 26 weeks.

Gender role and practices in the context of Naga traditions versus change and modernity was at the crux of a panel discussion held today in Dimapur. The Naga Scholars Association and Heritage Publishing House organised the discussion at the DABA’s Elim Hall, where Naga personalities from differing schools of thought converged deliberating on the title theme ‘Gendered Practices and Emerging Discourses in Naga Society’. “Intertwined between privileges (constitutional provision) and opportunities (education) gender is becoming a point of contestations and contradictions among different members and stakeholders in Naga society, where, ‘Gender’ in most cases is equated with women. Understanding the idea that both men and women are an integral part of the society is lacking,” stated the concept note, that set the tone of the daylong discussion. “To talk about men without women will be incomplete and vice versa and herein lies the important task for us to interrogate the gendered practices and roles sanctioned by the customs and traditions.” The concept note underlined the need to strike a balance between customary rights and the Indian Constitution, as the rights guaranteed are pitted against each other. With that in context, the note emphasised a critical need to “examine the issues and negotiate within the materiality of culture for a just Naga society where the voices from the margins are heard and listened to…” Further, 5 sub-themes were outlined for the panellists to engage on – customary laws and practices, gendered roles in Naga society, Article 371A and the current debate women reservation, adoption and inheritance and women’s participation in

decision making. While the views differed, there was common refrain; that of a latent desire to include women in decision making. Former Naga Hoho president, Chuba Ozukum held that a tendency to interpret (Article 371A) “as per convenience” has given rise to “clash of interest.” While justifying the perceived silence of the Naga Hoho at the height of the ULB and reservation crisis, Ozukum vouched for having a Municipal Act suitable to the prevailing customary practices. NMA advisor, Rosemanry Dzüvichu looked at it from the perspective from what has happened in recent times. Terming as unjust the branding of women who took to court the issue of women’s participation in decision making, Dzüvichu questioned the justification behind the opposition to reservation in the ULBs while the state already has in place reservation at the Village Development Boards without much ado. Stating that “the core issue is definitely the entry of women into decision making bodies,” she pointed to a misinterpretation of intent to have caused the reservation imbroglio. Khesheli Chishi, former NMA president, said, notwithstanding the opposition of the men folk to the entry of women into decision making, the men have not failed to seek the help of women when it comes to dousing conflict situations. Calling for change in mindset, she said, “Give a chance to us… mothers and sisters.” Kekhrie Yhome of the NPMHR called for a critical need for greater debate and deliberation. Yhome said that the NPMHR as a human rights organisation draws inspiration from internationally accepted principles. According to him, the present Naga society with its traumatised past is caught between a wish for a futuristic vision and nostalgia of the past. Toshi Wungtung, ENPO Advisor while stating, “We are not opposed to

nPf: nPcc statement a political nonsense

DIMAPUR, JUNE 23 (MExN): The Naga People’s Front (NPF) has termed NPCC’s statement criticizing the decision of the party to support the BJP-RSS Presidential candidate as “political nonsense.” A rejoinder issued by the media & press bureau, NPF central office on Friday said the NPCC and its president as no moral right to grumble or question the decision of the NPF to maintain its alliance with the NDA or with any other party at the centre. “Therie has absolutely no right whatsoever to question the NPF-led DAN government to support or not to support any body’s candidature in the forthcoming presidential election. The NPF

doesn’t need the approval of NPCC to support someone’s Presidential candidature,” the NPF rejoinder countered. It stated that the NPF has always been an ally of the non-Congress national party since 1977 even before the BJP was formed and this alliance was renewed and strengthened in the early part of 2003 when in our state the non-Congress political parties formed the Democratic Alliance of Nagaland. The NPF also reminded that the NPCC President, who himself was once a Minister in the NPF-led DAN government, knows the principles of the NPF party, “but strangely, he is now trying to decide for the NPF party who it should support for the

Presidential election.” Rather, the NPF suggested that he should “display his political maturity and concentrate on how or what his party can contribute for the Presidential election rather than wasting his time on nonsense activities such as poking his nose over the upcoming bye election issue which is purely the concern of the ECI.” The NPF also reminded the Congress party and its president that NPF, being an alliance partner of the NDA, shall continue to uphold the alliance principles, and “shall not stop to throw stones at each barking dog but take the people forward to the destination of peace, progress and prosperity.”

reservation per se,” added that there is the sceptre of apprehensive questioning if it is brought up. While stating that women’s reservation is an instrument of change, at the same time, he said that one must be mindful of the affect it would have on the sanctity of Article 371A. He further vouched for codification of customary laws if there has to be change. Tsachola Sangtam, Advisor, Eastern Naga Women’s Organisation, while maintaining that Article 371A is for both men and women, said, “At the end of the day, we are going to be in the same home.” P. Pius Lotha from CNTC maintained that there is no discrimination between men and women in Naga society. According to him, the CNTC recommended nomination instead of reservation in the ULBs. The Ao Watsu Mungdang representative Temsujungla while stating that women’s participation is must, said that reservation will in no way hamper the traditional practices and called for change along with the times. As to inheritance of property, she said that the status quo be maintained with ancestral property while those acquired in the lifetime of the husband and wife be bequeathed to the couple’s biological children irrespective of sex. She also rang a chord with Wungtung’s call for codifying customary law with Dr. Khekuga Muru of ACAUT, further calling for one Naga uniform code of customary oflaw. Dzüvichu however questioned the practicality of having such a uniform customary law citing the varied traditional beliefs and customs found in every Naga village. She also sought to clarify the allegation that Naga women are challenging Article 371A. On the participation of women in the opposition to the ULB elections, she said that intimidation and threat of monetary penalty was what forced women to participate eventually. Related story on page 5

No plans yet to re-enter ceasefire with NSCN (K): CMFG Chairman NoNgkREM (MEghAlAyA), JUNE 23 (IANS): The Indian government has no plans to re-enter into a ceasefire agreement with the Myanmar-based National Socialist Council of Nagaland-Khaplang (NSCN-K), an official said on Friday. “We have no plans (to re-sign the ceasefire agreement). Let’s give sometime for things to settle down... it is too early to comment on it,” Ceasefire Monitoring Group Chairman D.K.Pathak told journalists at the Assam Rifles headquarters here. Pathak’s statement is significant following the recent appointment of Khango Konyak as the Chairman of the NSCN-K after the outfit’s chief S.S. Khaplang died on June 9 in

Taka in Myanmar’s Sagaing Division. Nagaland Chief Minister Shurhozelie Liezietsu had revealed that Khaplang had conveyed his willingness to have dialogue with the Indian government for an early solution to the Naga issue. He said that the Nagaland government has been sending delegations to meet the NSCN-K leadership in Myanmar in recent times to convince the group to re-enter into the peace process with the Indian government. NSCN-K faction, abrogated the ceasefire, signed in 2001, with the Indian government on March 27, 2015, just a month before the truce was up for renewal.

NSCN (IM) breaks silence on 4-lane project ‘tax’ road block

DIMAPUR, JUNE 23 (MExN): The NSCN (IM) today stated its version on the allegation made against them for halting the road construction works at NH -29 in connection to tax demand. It blamed the so called misunderstanding related to the halting of works as “purely within the Nagaland Contractors and Suppliers Union (NCSU).” In a press statement, MIP NSCN (IM) claimed that it has been “overseeing all kinds of developmental projects being undertaken within Nagalim to see that works are executed according to the specifications and quality is maintained for the good of the Naga people, of which, the ongo-

ing constructions of 4-lane between Dimapur and Kohima was no exception.” It stated that from time to time the NSCN (IM) have been reminding the ECI and Maytas Gayatri to ensure that works quality is maintained and completed within the stipulated time, adding that they have also been strictly instructed that for the ongoing works the local labourers and workers are employed. On June 16, the NSCN (IM) said its officials found the construction work halted and upon inquiry from the engineers working in the field found out that works weresuspendedduetoheavy rains, the MIP claimed. But the next day, “social

media and print media has gone to the fullest directly pointing fingers at the NSCN blaming for halting works,” the NSCN (IM) stated. It also alleged that “unrecognized and un-mandated organization like ACAUT joined the bandwagon.” Even the Governor of Nagaland, PB Acharya was pressurized to such extent that he rushed to Delhi and complained to the Union Home Minister, Rajnath Singh, the NSCN (IM) went on to state. Furthermore, the MIP stated that the “so called ACAUT had the audacity to give 3 days- ultimatum to the NSCN/ GPRN making a big joke of themselves.” In this connection, the

NSCN (IM) informed that it reached out and enquired wherein the NCSU reportedly clarified that it was just a “communication gap” within the union itself and that it would be clarified through the newspapers the next day. However, it stated that the “next day went on and on and on while giving a free hand to the medias and social medias to play havoc against the NSCN/GPRN.” The NSCN (IM) stated that when the NCSU president, whom it alleged was “playing all the games,” was summoned by Kilo Kilonser Hukavi Yepthomi on June 21, the former admitted that he was “using one Deputy Kilonser of the

NSCN (U) as the work supervisor” and was also assured that he would “clarify the matter for making media make false allegation against the NSCN (IM).” In contrary, the NSCN (IM) stated, “the clarification of the NCSU in local papers on June 23 mentioned only about agreement on June 21 to resume works on June 22 which came as a big surprise because the NSCN is not dealing with NCSU but the NSCN deals with the companies directly.” The NSCN (IM) has requested the public to “understand from that perspective and refrain from unfounded and wild allegations.”

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Messi’s prison sentence may be swapped for fine

Khensa Youth Ministry’s mini-convention begins


Saturday 24•06•2017



Khensa Youth Ministry’s Denominational leaders affirm Clean Election Campaign mini-convention begins Dimapur, June 23 (mexn): The Nagaland Baptist Church Council (NBCC) met denominational leaders of the Nagaland Christian Revival Church, Sumi Baptist Akukuhou Kughakulu (Aizuto), Assemblies of God, and Roman Catholic Church to discuss and evolve strategies for strengthening the Clean Election Campaign (CEC) on June 22. The leaders affirmed that all denominations in Nagaland should continue to work hard for the cause of the Clean Election movement, stated a joint statement from the leaders. The NBCC impressed upon the various denominations to

The denominational leaders with NBCC officials on June 22.

continue their support for CEC by organizing awareness programmes in ways appropriate to the functioning of each denomina-

tion and local churches, it added. The statement was signed by Rev. N. Paphino, President, NCRC; Rev. Dr.

TR Angami, Assemblies of God; Rev. Dr. Joshua Rochill; Executive Secretary, SBAK (Aizuto); Dr. Fr. CP Anto, Roman Catholic

Church; Rev. Dr. Zelhou Keyho, General Secretary, NBCC; Rev. Dr. Mar Atsongchanger, President, NBCC & Convenor, CEC.

BJYM blood donation camp Dr. Nicky inaugurates children’s park Morung Express News Dimapur | June 23

(Left) Resource person Maongienla speaking in the first session of the three-day Mini-Convention of the Khensa Youth Ministry at Khensa Village on June 23. (Right) Tongpangsenla presenting a special song at the event. (Morung Photo) Morung Express News Khensa (Mokokchung) | June 23

The first Mini-Convention of the Khensa Youth Ministry commenced on June 23 at Khensa Baptist Church, Mokokchung district with the theme ‘Identity.’ The resource persons for the three days event are Maongienla, Assistant Professor, Department of English, Fazl Ali College; Dr. Hannah Tia, Assistant Professor, Department of Sociology, Dimapur Government College; Dr. Imtisunep, BTM, ATMA, Peren Block. Speaking on the topic ‘Dynamics of society and its impact on Christian attitude,’ the resource person

of the first session, Maongienla said that attitude helps define how one sees situations as well as define how one behaves towards the situation or object. “Attitude is a complex combination of things, we tend to call personality, beliefs, values, behavior and motivation,” she stated. Christian attitude, she said, is “copying the personality of Jesus Christ. He is the center and everything revolves around Him for those who believe in Him.” Sharing on dynamics of society, she maintained that old customs, traditions, folkways, morals, values and institutions change and new customs

With no help from govt, Pungro citizens repair road

and value take place. She also shared in details the various characteristics of post modern society. In conclusion, she stated that the wicked will not inherit the kingdom of God. On day two, Dr. Imtisunep will speak on the topic ‘Christian ethics and economic life today,’ and Dr. Hannah will speak on ‘Preserving cultural identity in a Christian state.’ Besides worship and special presentations, the other highlights of the conventions will include discussion hours and various activities on topics including social, culture and eco- BJYM leaders and volunteers donating blood in Dimapur on nomics. Friday. (Morung Photo)

Kiphire, June 23 (mexn): With no help coming from the government, hundreds of concerned Pungro citizens came out to repair the LHEP road under the aegis of various civil based organisations of Pungro spearheaded by the Public Forum Pungro Sub-division (PFPS) for two weeks since June 8, according to a press release from S Kiusumew Yimchunger, president, PFPS. The LHEP road stretching 22 km, the release pointed out, has been regularly maintained by the public of Pungro for the past several years.

With the onset of monsoon, the road has been severely damaged in several locations causing untold hardships to the commuters, it added. Stating that a representation and press releases were issued on several occasions highlighting the plight of the people, the PFPS president lamented that despite the pleas, the successive governments have paid no heed regarding the road. “Having left with no option, PFPS raised fund from various organisations and well wishers for the maintenance of road,” the release added.

MLA Dr. Nicky Kire and others during the inauguration of the children's park on June 23. (Morung Photo) Our Correspondent Kohima | June 23

In a bid to reach out recreational activities to the community, a new children’s park was opened today at New Reserve, Phesama. The park was constructed under Atal Mission for Rejuvenation and Urban Transformation (AMRUT). It was formally inaugu-

rated by MLA Dr. Neikiesalie (Nicky) Kire today in the presence of many dignitaries. Addressing the gathering, Dr. Kire called upon the general public to keep the park and its surrounding clean and make it a lively destination. He also expressed happiness over the creation of parks in and around Kohima for recreational pur-

pose. He suggested naming the park “Pete Park,” which means “Everyone Park” in Tenyidie. The function was chaired by A. Chenithung Lotha, deputy director, urban development while vote of thanks was proposed by Kohima Municipal Council (KMC) administrator Kethosituo Sekhose.

Phuktong villagers imparted banking knowledge

mon, June 23 (mexn): Villagers of Phuktong in Mon district were imparted knowledge on banking and responsibilities of a citizen to catch up with the advancing standards of the government and banking sector during a Financial Literacy Camp (FLC) organized by State Bank of India (SBI), Mon branch on June 21. KK Sharma, the chief manager of SBI Mon branch, spoke as resource person on the need to avail Direct Benefit Transfer (DBT) by linking Aadhaar with bank account to enjoy schemes offered by the government, namely job card in MGNRE-

Zbto National Social Assistance Program beneficiaries informed Citizens repairing the LHEP road in Pungro on June 20.

In honour of its party founder, Dr. Shyama Prasad Mookerjee (1901-1953) and on the occasion of his death anniversary, the Bharatiya Janata Yuva Morcha (BJYM) Dimapur district organized a blood donation camp at District Hospital on Friday. During the drive, 30 units of blood were donated by BJYM workers. BJYM State President, K. Vikuho Dominic and BJYM Dimapur President, Khekishe Aye spoke during the programme and thanked the volunteers for donating blood which will come in the way of saving someone’s life one day. They also thanked the District Hospital staff led by Dr. Temsu for assisting them in the donation camp.

Zunheboto, June 23 (mexn): National Social Assistance Program (IGNOAPS, IGNWPS & IGNDPS) beneficiaries under Zunheboto district who could not collect payment during the first phase of disbursement have been informed to collect the same from June 27 to July 1, 2017 positively from the office of the District Welfare Officer (DWO), Zunheboto during office hours. The beneficiaries are to produce live certificate obtained from respective pastors, informed a press release from DWO Zunheboto. Beneficiaries who are yet to submit photocopy of Aadhaar card and bank account numbers have also been informed to submit the same without fail.



It’s HoD, History Department and Dean of Students:

DR. LICHUMO ENIE (Son of Mr. Shoshumo Enie & Mrs. Amhono Enie) on being conferred Ph. D on the topic “Trade Relationship between Naga and Ahom” under the supervision of Prof. N. Venuh, Nagaland University, Department of History and Archaeology, Kohima Campus, Meriema. The College further wishes him success, contentment and a very happy life with his wife Dr. Hannah Enie and son Master Mhachamo Enie. Sd/- Principal, Staff & Students

GA, LPG subsidy, PMAY etc. He shared the latest rules to open individual saving bank account and documents required for different bank accounts. He specifically said bank accounts which are not linked with Aadhaar by December 2017 shall become nonoperational, besides restriction of deposits or withdrawal above 50000 to/from the account shall come into force. “Today’s much talked mobile banking enables a farmer to send money to their children, update account balance or make order of products from company shops through mobile handset itself,” Sharma added, according

to a press release from Rajuselie Lhousa, District Coordinator (Financial Inclusion), NSRLM Mon. He also disclosed that the bank is ready to offer credit to NRLM compliant women SHGs at 7% interest. Calling upon the public for building confidence, he said the bank exists to render service to the public while the customers should never fail the bank by defaulting recovery of loans or create hurdle to other loan applicants. In the interactive session, regarding minimum number of KCC loans offered by the bank branch, the chief manager clarified misuse of privilege by au-

thority of some villages and failure in repayment by beneficiaries in the recent past as the main reason. Responding to queries on minimum bank branches in the district, he disclosed that poor net connectivity is the main hurdle. In conclusion, he appealed for stronger public support towards better infrastructure in the district so as to pull in maximum banking opportunities for its people. Rajuselie Lhousa in his keynote address shared the objectives of FLC and status of National Rural Livelihood Mission (NRLM) being implemented with considerable success in Na-

galand State. He reminded the women SHGs to sincerely keep up the five principles ‘panchasutra’ of NRLM to grow as strong institutions and attain women empowerment while also appealing to the men folk to give support to reduce poverty within one’s own society. He expressed happiness and gratitude to the bank branches of Mon for facilitating FLC in all the 19 villages under Mon RD Block, whereby stronger relationship is built with its stakeholders. Altogether, 95 participants representing village council, village development board, church leaders and 13 self-help groups (SHGs) attended the programme.

Hemanta Kumar Saikia is new State Informatics Officer

Kohima, June 23 (mexn): Hemanta Kumar Saikia, Senior Technical Director was formally welcomed as the new State Informatics Officer (SIO), NIC Nagaland at the Nagaland Civil Secretariat conference hall, Kohima on June 20. During the progamme, farewell was also held for outgoing SIO Kezungulo Medikhru, Technical Director (TD). Er. I. Lanusungkum Aier, Technical Director (TD) & NIC Nagaland Welfare Officer, who chaired the programme, gave the introductory address and also welcomed the outgoing SIO

Officers and staff of NIC Nagaland at the Nagaland Civil Secretariat conference hall, Kohima on June 20.

as well as the incoming SIO in whose honour the programme was organised. Short speeches of appreciation and gratitude to outgoing SIO and wel-

coming of new SIO were delivered by Er. V. Vikishe Sema, Technical Director (TD), Er. JG Lorin Rengma, Technical Director (TD) & DIO, NIC Kohima District

Centre on behalf of NIC District Centres and Er. Kemvu Elah, Technical Director (TD) & Additional SIO on behalf of NIC Nagaland State Centre.

All the speakers shared their experiences of working in NIC, and the Addl. SIO highlighted the activities and challenges in NIC Nagaland. Assuring to give full cooperation and support to the new SIO, he also stated that NIC Nagaland is grateful to Neeta Verma, Director General, NIC Hqrs, New Delhi and DC Misra, DDG (Personnel) NIC HQ, New Delhi. Kezungulo Medikhru and Hemanta Kumar Saikia also spoke on the occasion. The programme concluded with vote of thanks by Swedesenuo Natso, Principal Systems Analyst (PSA).

CBCCTA children’s rally underway in Kohima Our Correspondent Kohima | June 23

A three-day long Children’s Rally of the Chakhesang Baptist Church Council in Town Area (CBCCTA) under the aegis of Children Ministry of the Chakhesang Baptist Church Council (CBCC) got underway here today at Chakhesang Baptist Church Kohima (CBCK) with the theme ‘Keep looking unto Jesus’. The rally started with unfurling of flag by CBCCTA chairman Küzhopoyo Tunyi. Welcoming the delegates from six churches in Kohima and Pfutsero, CBCK senior pastor Rev. Khrotso Mero said we need dedicated young men and

women who can bring about positive change in the society. “You are our future,” he said, adding that through the dedicated young men and women the society can move forward to a positive change and promising future. He wished the delegates a meaningful and memorable fellowship during the three-day event. Chairing the inaugural function, Duta Ringa, chairman CBCCTA Children Ministry called upon the participants to be attentive and have excitement with Jesus throughout the programme. Later, Rev. Dr. Vevo Phesao, senior pastor, Chakhesang Baptist

CBCK Children Ministry welcomes delegates on June 23. (Morung Photo)

Church Minister’s Hill (CBCMH) spoke on the topic ‘Child of God: Created, chosen & called.’ The rally will also witness another speaker Chinehülü Rhakho, director CBCC Children Ministry on June 24, while Vezopa Rhakho, associate

pastor CBCK will lead Lectio Divina. The rally, to go on till June 25, will be marked by solo competition, guitar ensemble and worship dance, folk dance, bible storytelling, male voice, art & painting and duet com-

petition. The participating churches in the ongoing rally are CBCK, CBCMH, Pfutsero Town Baptist Church, Chakhesang Mission Centre Church, Rükizu Baptist Church and Immanuel Baptist Church.

saturday 24•06•2017



Will fight for Gorkha community's 24/7 helpline ‘181’ for distressed women launched in Manipur revival till death: GJM chief affirms Newmai News Network Imphal | June 23

Darjeeling, june 23 (ianS): Throwing a challenge to the West Bengal government, GJM chief Bimal Gurung on Friday announced intensification of the ongoing protest in the north Bengal hills and vowed to fight for "our community's revival" till death. "I want to request everyone to participate in the movement for Gorkhaland from their heart. I will fight for the revival of our community till I have the last drop of blood in my body," the Gorkha Janmukti Morcha (GJM) chief said amid loud cheers from his followers.

The GJM chief, who had been in hiding since a police raid at his residence in Darjeeling's Patlebas locality on June 15, re-surfaced on Friday and asserted that the shutdown in the hills would continue indefinitely. "The shutdown will continue indefinitely. No one knows when it will end. No relaxations will be given this time," he said. Taking a swipe at Chief Minister Mamata Banerjee for claiming involvement of terrorists in the Darjeeling agitation, Gurung said the terrorists and bombmaking factories were in the plains of Bengal, not in the hills

"She should be asked where are terrorists and bomb factories found? In south Bengal or here in Darjeeling," Gurung said. "There have been incidents of riots in Howrah and Malda, but not a single incident in the hills. We are a peace-loving people," he said. Announcing en masse resignation of 43 GJM leaders from the Gorkhaland Territorial Administration (GTA), Gurung said there would be no fresh GTA elections this time and vowed to disrupt the process, if initiated. "Forty-three members of GTA have resigned to-

In a bid to address problems faced by women in Manipur, the Biren Singh Government has launched a toll free helpline for women in distress. Manipur Social Welfare and Cooperation Minister Nemcha Kipgen today launched the 24/7 toll free helpline number ‘181’ for distressed women facing violence in public or private spheres of life. Speaking on the occasion, Nemcha said, “The Women Helpline is a gift to the women folk of the state to fight against any form of violence against women. A toll free 24/7 telecom services will provide assistance to women affected by violence, seeking support and information will be disseminated regarding various women empowerment schemes and programmes song, drama, storytelling in- related to women empowcluding documentary films erment and protection.” so that the common man and the new generation of children have an emotional attachment towards the endangered brow-antlered deer found only in Manipur, and it is able to flourish in abundance in its natural habitat,” he added. Sambhu Singh, Additional Chief Secretary (Forests & Environment), officials of State Forest Department, officials of Wildlife Institute of India, Dehradun and scientists also attended the workshop. day (Friday). The chapter of GTA is over now. There will be no fresh GTA election here. We will not let the election happen," he asserted. The Gorkha leader also vowed to burn the GTA regulation act documents before the public on June 27 as a symbolic protest against the board. He also announced that the GJMsponsored all-party meeting had been rescheduled for June 29 from June 24. "We will hold an allparty meeting on June 29 to discuss the future course of action. Separate state of Gorkhaland is our onepoint agenda," he added.

‘Air-guns' ban mooted in Manipur Newmai News Network Imphal | June 23

The Manipur Government has mooted banning of 'air-guns' and 'barrel guns' in the State saying such act will help conserve rare species of birds and animals. On Friday, Manipur Forests and Environment Minister, Thounaojam Shyamkumar said that “prohibition of air guns and barrel guns will help in the conservation of the precious and rare species of birds and animals” in the State. The minister said that in

the next Cabinet meet he will introduce a proposal in which 'barrel gun' licence holders will be made to use 'smaller firearms' instead. He was speaking during the inauguration of the State Level Stakeholder Workshop for ‘Management Planning of Keibul Lamjao National Park and Conservation of Sangai’ in Imphal organised by the Forest Department, Manipur and Wildlife Institute of India, Dehradun. He also said that the State Government is planning to make Keibul Lamjao into an eco-tourism park. Stressing

the need to give awareness, training and livelihood to the locals living around the National Park to conserve and preserve the Keibul Lamjao National Park and Sangai, Minister Shyamkumar promised all possible helps from the State Government to the officials concerned in this regard. The minister then opined that for conservation and preservation of Sangai, the people of the State must have an emotional connection towards the State animal. “We must use the medium of folk

A Manipuri is pinning hopes NE authors take part in North on contesting President poll Eastern Literary Festival guWaHaTi, june 23 (enS): A Manipuri is paving the way for himself to contest the presidential election alongside National Democratic Alliance (NDA) candidate Ram Nath Kovind and Opposition candidate Meira Kumar. Ibochouba Singh Konthoujam, 42, collected the nomination form from the Parliament on Tuesday. Konthoujam, who hails from Manipur’s Bishnupur district and runs an NGO called D-Cacus Education Centre, made an appeal to political parties besides MPs and MLAs to extend their support to him. At the same time, he is running a campaign on the social media to try and get people’s support. He said he would launch a campaign in Delhi on Friday to seek the support of people and thereafter, look to garner the support of political parties in states like Uttar Pradesh, Karnataka, Andhra Pradesh, Haryana etc. “Getting the signatures of at least 100 people is the first hurdle. After that, my friends and I will look to garner the support of 100 MPs and MLAs to be able to contest the election,”

Konthoujam told The New Indian Express from Delhi on Thursday. He said he was a postgraduate from Manav Bharti University, Himachal Pradesh, and did his PhD from Vishwakarma Open University, Delhi. “The reason I am looking forward to contesting the election is that I want to make India corruptionfree. I can do that only when I am holding a post at the highest level,” said Konthoujam, who appeared quirky. Development of economy and human resources, creation of job opportunities and restructuring the “age-old” Indian administrative system will be some of his priority areas. Stating that he will meet Delhi chief minister Arvind Kejriwal, he said he was optimistic about getting the support of around 60 lawmakers from Delhi, Uttar Pradesh and Telangana. “I am not sure if I will get the support of 100 elected members. But I feel around 35 of them from Delhi and UP, 15 to 20 others from Telangana and 10 others from elsewhere, including Manipur, will back my candidature,” a confident Konthoujam asserted.


No-Rev-13/80-D/Pt/ 2979 // Notice is hereby given that Shri. Vilhoulie Angami & 3 others, resident of ‘B’ Khel Kuda Village Dimapur, has applied for rectification/ correction of land Patta/Jamabandi covered by Patta No234, Dag No-194 & 456, measuring an area 00B-02K07Ls at Block No-06, Mouza No-01. Therefore, any claims/objection concerning to the said land may be submitted to the undersigned in writing on or before 16-07-2017 Sd/- Revenue Officer, Dimapur : Nagaland

SUCCESSION NOTICE Whereas application under Succession Act 1925 for grant of Succession Certificate for the estate of Late Tiatemsu, has been filed by Smti. Masatangla (Wife) R/O. H. No: 144 Supply Colony, Dimapur to draw his: Family Pension, Bank Acct. etc, who expired on 18/05/2017 Notice is hereby given that any person having interest in the administration of the estate of the said deceased, may if he/she so desire may appear in this court within 30 days on the said day of 24/07/2017 Given under the hand and seal of the court this 23rd day of June 2017 Sd/- Addl. Deputy Commissioner Dimapur: Nagaland

guWaHaTi, jun 23 (PTi): Litterateurs of over 20 languages of the North East are taking part in the North Eastern Literary Festival, organised by Sahitya Akademi, here to explore the traditional, prevailing and emerging trends of literature of the region. "A democratic set-up is very necessary for literature to survive and flourish and Sahitya Akademi is committed to ensure that literary traditions and emerging trends of all languages gets its due recognition," Akademi president Vishwanath Prasad Tewari said at the inaugural session here last evening. The North East has a rich tradition of oral and folk literature while contemporary writers are exploring new genres in the region which the Akademi is committed to highlight, he said. Litterateur Temsula

Ao, who writes in English, in her inaugural address said that authors from the region were writing the trauma and conflict in the region that has been affecting lives of the people for decades. But the most significant aspect was much of this writing was drawn directly and indirectly from the rich oral and folk traditions of the region, she said. Sahitya Akademi award winning Assamese author Harekrishna Deka called for the setting up of an organisation to promote translation of creative works of the region into other languages. Today, eminent litterateurs of the region Arindam Borkataki, Monalisa Changkija, Rashmi Narzary, Ph Iboyaima Sharma and D Kuolie participated in a discussion to unravel the varied emerging trends in North Eastern literature.

Through the helpline, women from any part of the state will receive immediate medical assistance like the PCR van or an ambulance, police, legal aid and one stop centre for professional counselling, the Minister added. The helpline aims to prevent crime against women and also create awareness in times of need. It will facilitate quick response of various services like lodging police complaint, providing medical,

legal and counselling to women victims. The Manipur Social Welfare Minister called upon the people to cooperate and extend maximum support to operate the helpline in the fully functional manner in the interest of all the women. At present, there are seven staff engaged on daily wage/casual basic payment and there are also some staff including 1 Helpline Manager, 1 Senior Call Respondent, 4 Call

Member Traction, Railway Board, Ghanashyam Singh reviewed the position of ongoing electrification works over NF Railway at a meeting held in Maligaon on June 23. Chahatey Ram, General Manager, NF Railway headed the high level team of NF Railway present in the meeting, where the level of preparedness of the railway for switching over the electric traction, planning for solar power utilisation to cut energy costs were discussed among other issues.

Rhino killed in Assam national park guWaHaTi, june 23 (ianS): A one-horned rhino was killed by poachers in Assam's Orang National Park, a forest official said on Friday. The rhino's horn was missing which indicated that it was a case of poaching. "The carcass of the full grown male rhino was recovered during a routine patrol near the park's Gaspara camp," the official added. Located at the northern bank of the Brahmaputra river, the Orang National Park has an area of 78.81 sq.km. There are over 100 one-horned rhinos in the park.




Manipur Social Welfare and Cooperation Minister Nemcha Kipgen launching the 24/7 toll free helpline number ‘181’ for women in distress.

Dated Kohima, the 23rd June'2017


In partial modification to our Advertisement No. NO.DET-2/14/2001/PT-1/394 dated 2nd June, 2017 the minimum entry qualification of Trade- Sewing Technology is hereby changed to Class 8th Passed. As per the table shown below: SESSION: AUGUST 2017- JULY 2018 Non- Engineering Trades SL. DURATION MINIMUM EDUCATIONAL TRADES NAME OF GOVT. ITIS NO. OF COURSE QUALIFICATION Sewing Dimapur 1. 1 year 8th Passed Technology Note: All other conditions remain the same. Sd/- MUTHINGNYUBA SANGTAM, Director Employment, Skill Development & Entrepreneurship, Nagaland: Kohima Issued by: DIPR

Respondents, 1 IT Staff, 1 Multipurpose Helper. The supervisor and 3 security officials have been designated from the Imphal West Police station. Under the sponsorship of Ministry of Women & Child Development, Government of India, the Centre had launched the 181 helpline number in 2013 after the brutal gang-rape of Nirbhaya in December 2012 and asked all states to start the helpline.


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saturdaY 24•06•2017



GST will lower overall tax burden over time: RBI governor Urjit Patel MuMbai, June 23 (PTi): Reserve Bank governor Urjit Patel said the soon-to-be implemented goods and services tax (GST) will not only create a national market but will also broaden the tax base which in turn will lower the overall taxes in the long-term. “The prudent point is that GST itself is part of the digitisation revolution, which along with the reforms on the information tax side in terms of the processes and operations, have the potential to broaden the tax base considerably,” Patel told an event organised by industry lobby IMC Chamber of Commerce and Industry here today. With a four-rate structure, GST will come into force from the midnight of June 30. Except J&K, all the states have passed enabling laws for its implementation. He said the broadening of tax base is an important outcome of the new uniform taxation regime and other initiatives on e-pay-

reserve bank governor urjit patel. (File Photo)

ments and digitisation. Besides creation of a national market, GST will also reduce many inefficiencies within the states while moving goods from within a state and also across the country, the governor said. Talking about fintech, he said

with the emergence of technology-enabled innovation in financial services there will both opportunities and risks to financial sector stability which need to be addressed by policy makers, regulators and supervisors, as many innovations have not been tested

through a full financial cycle. “You really come to know what works and what doesn’t when you go through a full cycle. The decision taken at an early stage can set important precedence on what is the right time and the wrong time. Therefore, caution in this respect is not unwarranted especially when you consider that the world is yet to recover even from the 2008 global financial crisis,” he said. Patel said even the country’s fintech industry has almost tripled its size since 2013 and the value of transactions has touched $30 billion already. Patel said the central bank has taken several steps such as the licencing payment banks, Bharat Bill Payment System and launch of UPI, IMPS, among others to facilitate innovations, payment systems and digital banking. The RBI has also issued a discussion paper on peer-to-peer lending and will be soon issuing guidelines on it.

800 Google Play Store apps infected by ‘Xavier’ that leaks user information

“We had to wait for one or two clearances in this area before we move forward and we have those clearances now,” Patel said. He also said enough focus or publicity has not been given to IndiaStack, which is a set of APIs that allows governments, businesses, start-ups and developers to utilise a unique digital infrastructure to resolve problems towards presence-less, paperless, and cashless services delivery. The APIs which are part of IndiaStack are the UPI, the Aadhaar authentication, Aadhaar e-kyc, digital locker, digital user. “IndiaStack is a game-changer in our macro fundamentals as financialisation of our savings continues. The most important and durable implication of this is going to be an increase in financial savings compared to where we are now,” he said. Patel said IndiaStack can also help improve growth rates in the future and its full implication will come in short to medium-term.

new Delhi, June 23 (ianS): Global cybersecurity firm Trend Micro on Friday announced that it has detected more than 800 applications in Google Play Store embedded with a Trojan Android malware “Xavier”. This malware has been downloaded millions of times till date. “Xavier” steals and leaks a user’s information silently. “These applications range from utility apps such as photo manipulators to wallpaper and ringtone changers. We also provide multi-layered mobile security solutions to protect users from this threat,” Trend Micro said in a statement. Based on data from its “Mobile App Reputation Service”, the team found that Xavier’s stealing and leaking capabilities are difficult to detect because of a self-protect mechanism through the use of methods such as string encryption, internet data encryption and emulator detection. It also has the capability to download and execute other malicious codes from a remote server, which might be an even more dangerous aspect of the malware.

Rates of ex-gratia ONGC facilitates start-ups in energy sector for polling personnel The Home Department, Relief, Rehabilitation Branch has prescribed the rates of ex-gratia in respect of Central/ State polling personnel who die or sustain injuries during the course of their deployment in election duties as indicated below:




No. In case of death of polling personnel Rs.10.00 lakhs during the course of performance of election duties, his / her family may be allowed an ex-gratia compensation of In case of death unfortunately Rs.20.00 lakhs caused due to any violent acts of extremists or unsocial elements like road mine, bomb blasts, armed attacks, etc., the amount of compensation may be In case of permanent incapacitation, Rs.5.00 lakhs due to injury sustained during the course of election duty, an ex-gratia compensation may be allowed to the injured personnel for an amount of In case of permanent incapacitation Rs.10.00 lakhs caused due to any violent acts of extremists or unsocial elements like road mines, bomb blasts, armed attacks etc., the amount of compensation may be

DiMaPuR, June 23 (Mexn): ONGC launched the ‘ONGC Start-Up Fund’ on August 14, wherein ONGC, SINE and IIT Bombay entered into a MoU to work together for incubating innovative ideas and business Start-Ups in the Energy Sector at the Society for Innovation and Entrepreneurship (SINE) of IIT Bombay. The Pitching Session to select Start-Ups under ONGC Start-Up Fund was held recentlyat IIT Bombay. The Start-Ups made presentations to the Steering Committee, constituted for this purpose comprising of Shashi Shanker, Director (T&FS), ONGC (Chairman, Steering Committee), AK Srinivasan, Director (Finance), ONGC, Prof Dr Milind Atrey, Program In charge SINE (Co-Chair, Steering Committee) and Prof Dr SB Kedare, IIT Bombay and other members. ONGC had received nearly 2900 applications on its website. After two rounds of screening, thir-




Answer Number # 3979

sponse to ONGC Start-Up Scheme. He said that ONGC is committed to foster new ideas in energy sector and promote entrepreneurship among the Indian youth and to promote business Start-Ups in energy sector. Professor Dr MilindAtrey thanked ONGC for bringing the ONGC StartUp Fund Incubation program to IIT Bombay and said that IIT Bombay shall enhance its infrastructure for more such incubation at IIT Bombay. ONGC launched the Rs. 100 crore Start-up fund on

its Diamond Jubilee year to foster, nurture and incubate new ideas related to oil and gas sector. The initiative, christened as ‘ONGC Start-up’, is in line with the Govt. of India’s initiative ‘Start-up India’. As part of this initiative, ONGC is providing the entire support chain for startups including seed capital, hand-holding, mentoring, market linkage and followups. The aim of ‘ONGC Start-up’ is to increase the contribution of fresh implementable ideas in the oil and gas sector. std code: 03862

DiMaPUR ACROSS 1. Stairs 6. Frozen 10. Couch 14. A kind of macaw 15. An enclosure 16. Atop 17. A French dance 18. Colored part of an eye 19. A box or chest 20. Spectator 22. Swear 23. Soak 24. Colonic 26. Dangerous 30. Challenges 32. Pussycat 33. Land tenures of widowers 37. French for “State” 38. Caps 39. Ancient marketplaces 40. Sang for somebody 42. Cars 43. Jottings 44. Splatter 45. Field of rice 47. Downturn 48. Aquatic plant 49. Careful 56. Legume 57. Frosts 58. Foreshadow 59. Nonclerical 60. East Indian tree 61. Cubbyholes (British) 62. Feudal worker 63. Absorbs 64. Excrete DOWN 1. Wise one 2. Found in a cafeteria 3. Overhang 4. Ship’s front 5. Hit the spot 6. Cake frosting 7. Concern 8. Auspices

Simple Rules - Fill in the grid so that every row, every column, and every 3x3 box contains the digits 1 through 9.

Game Number # 3980

ty-one applicants were shortlisted and invited for the Pitching Session. The proposals were in the areas of Exploration & Production of Oil & Gas, Artificial Intelligence, Data Analytics, Under Water Robotics, Solar Energy, Waste to Energy, etc.which were presented during the pitching session. It is envisaged that the successful Start-Ups shall be incubated at SINE, IIT Bombay from July 2017. Speaking on the occasion, Director (T&FS) thanked the applicants for such an overwhelming re-

9. Sweet treats 10. Prospering 11. Codeine source 12. Civet-like mammal 13. Picnic insects 21. Foot digit 25. Born as 26. Hawaiian strings 27. Anagram of “Tine” 28. Celebrity 29. Number of people present 30. Fools 31. Dry 33. Formally surrender 34. Greek letter 35. God of love 36. Cummerbund 38. Grasshoppers 41. A gesture of assent 42. Pacify 44. Bro or sis 45. Supplications 46. Twice 47. Flat circular plates 48. Competent 50. Reflected sound 51. Jump 52. A step on a ladder 53. Chills and fever 54. Yanks 55. At one time (archaic)

Answer to Crossword 3982

Administer ArrAy beAr blAmed bless buzzer Chime CrAzy Curse desert digit direCt eAger engine error extrACt forgot greAt hAlo heroiC



229529 229474

mh hospital

227930 231081

fire brigade


faith hospital


naga hospital


shamrock hospital


oking hospital


zion hospital

231864 224117 227337

bethel nursing home


northeast shuttles


police Control room


Police Traffic Control


east police station


west police station


Cihsr (referral hospital)

242555 242533

dimapur hospital

224041 248011

police station fire brigade


leArn lets loose meAningless meAsure meet merge minor mint pieCe review simple store teArs upset visit wAter were whole worth


Officer-in-Charge 8575045510

zubza ps

Chiephobozou ps 8575045506 Officer-in-Charge 8575045516 tseminyu ps


Officer-in-Charge 8575045517 Khuzama ps


Officer-in-Charge 8575045515

nikos hospital and research Centre

232032, 231031

Kezocha ps

nagaland multispecialty health & research Centre

248302, 09856006026

women Cell

248722 /248288, 9615945510



Officer-in-Charge 8575045518

229366 242441 225212



Officer-in-Charge 8575045520

Airport indian Airlines



south ps



std code: 0370

KohimA ps/oCs Contact numbers north ps



222246 222491


Apollo hospital info Centre 230695/ 9402435652

eden medical Centre


std code: 03871

(formerly senapati)

Civil hospital

Chumukedima fire brigade 282777





Officer-in-Charge 8575045538 8575045509

Officer-in-Charge 8575045519 Control room

8575045500 (Emergency No. – 100)


KohimA south: 0370-2222952/ 101 (O) 9402003086 (OC) KohimA north: 7085924114 (O) dimApur: 03862-232201/ 101 (O) 9856156876 (OC) ChumuKedimA: 7085982102 (O) 8732810051 (OC) woKhA: 03860-242215/101 (O) 8974322879 (OC) moKoKChung: 0369-2226225/ 101 (O) 8415830232 (OC) pheK: 8414853765 (O) 8413822476(OC) zunheboto: 03867-280304/ 101 (O) 9436422730 (OC) tuensAng: 8414853766 (O) 9856163601 (OC) mon: 03869-251222/ 101 (O) 9862130954 (OC) Kiphire: 8414853767 (O) 9436261577 (OC) peren: 7085189932 (O) 9856311205 (OC) longleng: 7085924113 (O) 9862414264 (OC) we4 women helpline 08822911011 WOMEN helpline 181 CHiLD welfAre Committee Toll free No. 1098 childline


std code: 0369

police station 1 police station 2 police station Kobulong police station tuli police station Changtongya police station mangkolemba Civil hospital

9485232688 9485232689 9485232690 9485232693 9485232694 9485232695 2226216

woodland nursing home


hotel metsüpen (tourist lodge) 2226373/ 2229343

CURRENCY NOTES buy (rs) sell (rs)

us dollars sterling pound hong Kong dollar Australian dollar singapore dollar Canadian dollar Japanese yen euro thai baht Korean won uAe dirham (Aed) Chinese yuan

63.01 80.12 7.82 47.6 45.35 47.55 56.34 70.28 1.8 0.0536 16.6 8.91

66.03 84.22 8.73 50.08 47.70 50.01 59.67 73.86 2.01 0.0599 18.54 9.95

saturday 24•06•2017


Of customs, laws, and change!

ASU’s annual ILP Verification from June 27

Gendered Practices & Emerging Discourses in Naga society

kohIma, June 23 (mexn): The Angami Students’ Union’s (ASU) annual ILP Verification Process will be initiated starting from June 27 till July 29 at the Angami Students’ Union (ASU) Office, Hq. below AIR Station, B.O.C. Kohima. A press release from the Convener of ASU’s ILP Monitoring Cell, Vizokho Zashümo informing this stated that it was “extremely alarmed” by the demographic threats posed by the overwhelming influx of illegal immigrants. In this regard, the ASU informed all non-locals inhabiting in Kohima District to verify and register their necessary documents including ILP, Identify Card if under any service, valid trade license, voters ID and other relevant IDs. The person must produce Original Documents along with 2 passport size photos. Government servants and school teachers have however been exempted from the exercise. Further, the release informed that the Union will be conducting an Enumeration Drive of all the business enterprises in Kohima Town to collect the statistical data. While stating that it foresees inconveniences to many genuine citizens while conducting the exercise, the ASU urged all citizens to cooperate so as to counter the “threat” collectively.

Morung Express News Dimapur | June 23

Starting off the second session on Gendered Practices and Emerging Discourses in Naga society, Dr. Walunir Tzudir pointed to layers of “male-centric structures” existing in society and argued that those structures, while relevant in the past have become “archaic” and irrelevant. In this regard, Dr. Walunir insisted that there was a need to review and reassess customary laws. While admitting that we cannot “blast away” those structures, Dr. Walunir instead suggested modifying them to suit with the changing times. Panelists for the second session were: Khekiye K. Sema, IAS (Retd); Achumbemo Kikon, Spokesperson NPF; Peter Rutsa, Social Activist; Nzanmongi Jasmine Patton, Naga Scholars Association (NSA); Joshua Sheqi, Lawyer, High Court, Kohima Branch; K. Ela, Prodigals Home; and Dr. Anungla Aier, Principal, Kohima Science College. Khekiye K. Sema said that with changing times and when everybody was talking about progress and development, women who are equally competent with men should be included in decision making bodies.

“Customary laws must actually change and women must be relevantly included in decision making bodies,” he added. He observed that the Naga people instead of using Article 371 A for strengthening and protecting themselves, were using it to “cut our own limbs.” Khekiye also said that the Nagaland Legislative Assembly has not reviewed any laws except on natural resources and stressed on the need to create a statutory body to amend and review Naga customary laws. NPF Spokesperson, Achumbemo Kikon said women need to be taken along with progress and development but added that the government was confused since several women folk themselves protested on the streets against their quota in the Urban Local Bodies. Kikon likened women participation in the ULB protests to 19th century America where women themselves protested against women suffrage rights. Social Activist, Peter Rutsa meanwhile said that at times Naga identity seem to be in conflict with the search for a better future. While calling for the need to review customary law, he was of the opinion that depending too much always on the customary

laws would take the Nagas backward instead of forward. Nzanmongi Jasmine Patton, member of Naga Scholars’ Association (NSA), viewed women’s quota as a long denied right and not a privilege. She spoke about the importance of women hohos/organizations in order to highlight the problems faced by women. Even as Naga society has been perceived as an egalitarian society, Jasmine said, Naga women were like a stringed bird that can freely move around only within the length and perimeter of the string attached to it. Advocate, Joshua Sheqi shared on the issues relating to codifying customary laws. According to Sheqi, by taking into account “what customary law was, what is and what should it be”, the reviewed customary laws could come into use. However, Sheqi maintained that most of the existing customary laws would not qualify or fit in to currently existing laws. Talking on adoption and inheritance in Naga society, Director, Prodigal’s Home, K Ela said that Naga people neither follow proper guidelines of the Central Adoption Research Agency (CARA) nor the Naga customary laws while adopting a child. Viewing that adoption in the

Naga society is attached to identity, clan, tribe etc., Ela maintained that children should not be victimized after such illegal adoption procedures since many of them lose their identity once adopted. She further informed that a committee is currently working out a child adoption policy for Nagaland. Principal, Kohima Science College, Dr. Anungla Aier raised the issue of citizenship and stated that the constitution guarantees equal rights to every citizen. In practice though, citizenship is lived in a “very gendered manner”, she insisted. Arguing that “customary practices oppose universal laws of citizenship,” Dr. Anungla pointed to “structured barriers” which exclude women from socio-religious practices and also deny them access to represent the clan or tribe in decision making bodies. “Till we break this barrier, we need reservation,” she maintained and further argued that without reservation, no women would be empowered politically or otherwise. During the ensuing discussions, concerns against codifying Naga customary laws were also raised - the argument being that,

different tribes had different customary laws and a uniform code for all tribes would not be possible. Dr. Aküm Longchari, Editor, The Morung Express, in his concluding remarks called for meaningfully engaging in a dialogue around Gendered Practices in the Naga context and to link it to the broader issues – by dealing creatively with differences and creating space to resolve problems. Dr. Longchari argued that codifying customary law without first establishing a “Naga Jurisprudence” would limit the values of customary laws. As a long term vision, he suggested that a Naga Jurisprudence – for a Naga legal system needs to be worked out. In the interim, establish a “working definition of customary law “by identifying the commonalities from every “village republic,” he suggested. He also sought to make a differentiation between “equality” and “equity” stating that while equality aims to ensure that everyone gets the same thing, equity involves empowering people with what they need and not what others think they need. Dr. Longchari further emphasized the necessity for Nagas to make a shift from the politics of rights to a politics of justice, in order to build a just Naga society.

Governing body of NFMPS constituted Vikho-o Yhoshü visits NSMDC

kohIma, June 23 (DIPR): The Government of Nagaland has constituted the Governing Body of the Nagaland Forest Management Project Society with the following members: 1. PCCF&HoFF, Nagaland : Chairman 2. Chief Wildlife Warden, Nagaland : Member 3. PCCF O/o PCCF &HoFF : Member 4. APCCF (Territorial) : Member 5. Chief Project Director : Member Secretary 6. Project Director : Member 7. Secretary (EF&CC) : Member 8. Project Director (Implementation & M&E) : Member 9. Project Director (HRD, Research & Extension) : Member 10. Project Director (Admin, Finance & Procurement) : Member 11. CF (Southern Territorial Circle) : Member 12. CF (Northern Territorial Circle) : Member 13. CF (Research, Planning & Utilization Circle) : Member 14. CF (Wildlife) : Member 15. N.G.O Representative (CPD Nominee) : Special Invitee JFMC Member (CPD Nominee) : Special Invitee Any Department deemed required (Chairman Nominee) : Special Invitee Powers and Functions of the Governing Body: The Governing Body shall meet once in three months or more frequently if required. A minimum of 5(Five) members shall form the quorum for the meeting, excluding the Chairperson. The functions of the Governing Body shall be as follows: (a) To monitor the financial and physical progress of the programmes of the society. (b) Provide guidance to the PMU in preparation of the Operation Manual. (c) Provide guidance to the PMU in preparation of annual plans and proposals to be placed before HPC for approval. (d) Guidance and initiatives for changes in Forest Policy and rules based on the basis of lessons learned from the Project.

High Power Committee of NFMPS constituted kohIma, June 23 (DIPR): The Government of Nagaland has constituted the High Power Committee of the Nagaland Forest Management Project Society with the following members: 1. Chief Secretary : Chairperson 2. Addl. Chief Secretary & Development Commissioner : Member 3. Addl. Chief Secretary & APC : Member 4. Finance Commissioner : Member 5. Principal Secretary, EF & CC : Member 6. Principal Chief Conservator of Forests & HoFF : Member Secretary 7. Chief Project Director/ Chief Executive Officer, NFMP : Member 8. Civil Society/ Academia/ Research or any other Department deemed required : Special Invitee (2 Nos)

kohIma, June 23 (mexn): Parliamentary Secretary for Mechanical and NSMDC, Er. Vikho-o Yhoshü made an informal visit to the head office of Nagaland State Mineral Development Corporation Ltd. (NSMDC) on June 23. T. Longri Ao, NSMDC Managing Director welcomed back Er. Vikho-o Yhoshü who had left the corporation as Managing Director in 2007 and returned to take the reins of the Corporation in a higher status and rank, informed a press release. Highlighting the achievements and activities of the Corporation, he noted that Er. Vikhoo Yhoshü was the architect in creation of NSMDC in the early 80s and most of the projects were conceptualized during his tenure as MD. Being instrumental in doing the ground works for starting NSMDC, Parliamentary Secretary Yhoshü spoke on how the Corporation came about. Facing a lot of problems during the then turbulent political environment, the Mini Cement Plant at Wazeho was started and became the main project of the Corporation, he said. “But the incentives and other subsidies for Mini Cement Plants were slowly withdrawn by the Centre, leading to unforeseen obstacles and difficulties. But even then, the MCP was upgraded from 50 TPD to 150 TPD,” he added. However, with the government’s policy that PSUs should not be operating the factories but rather facilitate and pro-

MEx FILE SDO (C) Wokha informs Wokha, June 23 (DIPR): SDO (C), Wokha, T. Lanusenla Longkumer has through an official notification informed all the holders of special permit to deposit the weapons/arms in the nearest Police Station on or before June 30, 2017. All such permits issued till date shall stand immediately cancelled. Further, no new permit for prohibition bores/arms shall be issued by the State Government going forward, the notification said. The special permit holders shall apply for regular license to the Government, which shall be issued only with the approval of the Government of India, Ministry of Home Affairs.

One arrested with arms DImaPuR, June 23 (mexn): Based on specific information regarding presence of an arms dealer, the 32 Assam Rifles along with police representative launched an operation in Darogapathar, Dimapur on June 22 and apprehended an individual with one .32 mm pistol. A defence press release identified the individual as one K Arkha Achumi, age 30 years and claimed that he was involved in “procurement and smuggling” of arms to various UG groups. The apprehended individual along with the recovered arms was later handed over to East Police Station, Dimapur for further investigation.

Applicants of RKVY informed

Parliamentary Secretary Er. Vikho-o Yhoshü speaking during his visit to NSMDC on June 23.

mote the private sector, the government decided to privatize the Mini Cement Plant, Yhoshü said. The Parliamentary Secretary in his closing remarks assured he will try his best to clear all departmental proposals together. He also stated that even though NSMDC is facing a lot of hardships, the Corporation should not lose heart as “we have a lot of important activities in the Corporation” and “if all give the best of their abilities to the Corporation, we can all take NSMDC to a better and bright future.”

Regional review meeting of VCCM held

kohIma, June 23 boto to assess the status ment eVIN, dedicated Vac(mexn): The second Re- and activities of each dis- cine and Cold Chain Mangional Review Meeting trict on a quarterly basis, ager (VCCM) have been (RRM) of Vaccine and Cold followed by discussion on assigned for all 11 districts Chain Manager (VCCM) issues and recommenda- of Nagaland who are co-ororganized by United Na- tions to improve cold chain dinating and working with the District Program Offitions Development Pro- management and UIP. UNDP has been work- cers of each district under gramme (UNDP) Nagaland Powers and Functions of the High Power Committee: was successfully held at the ing with the Ministry of GOI’s Universal ImmuniThe High Power Committee shall be the highest decision making body of the So- office of the CMO Kohima Health and Family Welfare sation Programme. ciety. A minimum of 4 (Four) members excluding the Chairperson, shall form the on June 23. (MoHFW) in establishing The first RRM of Nagaquorum for the meetings of the High Power Committee. The HPC shall meet at least The review meeting an electronic Vaccine In- land was held on June 20 2 (Two) times in a year. The powers and functions of the HPC shall be as follows: was attended by District telligence Network (eVIN) at the office of the CMO (a) Approval of Operational Manual of the Society. Immunisation Officer Dr system to improve vaccine Wokha and attended by (b) Approval of Annual Work Plan of the Society. Avilie Zao DPM, Media Offi- and cold chain logistics VCCMs of Dimapur, Peren, (c) Approval of Annual Budget & Accounts of the Society. cer and District Cold Chain management across all Wokha, UNDP State Of(d) Facilitate convergence with other Departments & Schemes to achieve the objec- Handlers of Kohima along Cold Chain Point’s (CCP) in ficials along with District tives of the Society. with UNDP Senior Project Nagaland since 2016. Real- Officials of CMO Office (e) Approval of such Programmes and Pians for furtherance of the objectives of the Officer Kingson Kamkara time visibility of vaccine Wokha and attended by Society. and State Officials, a press stock and flow became vis- Assam Rifles officials too. (f) Any other functions which may be added at a later stage by the HPC. ible on September 21, 2016 Similarly, a third RRM is release informed. The meeting consisted and thereafter, storage tem- scheduled on June 28 at the of PowerPoint presenta- perature was also made vis- office of the CMO Mokokctions by Project Officer of ible on May 20, 2017 across hung to assess the status of Mokokchung, Tuensang, UNDP, VCCMs of Kohima, all CCPs in Nagaland. To effectively imple- Longleng and Mon. Phek, Kiphire and ZunhekohIma, June 23 (DIPR): The Kohi- on Child Labour, organising awareness ma District CHILDLINE Advisory Board on child training for Anganwadi workers, Meeting was held under the chairmanship ASHA workers and nurses on child rights of Deputy Commissioner Kohima Rajesh issues, coordination with DCPU for orgaSoundararajan (IAS) at the DC’s Confer- nizing one day awareness cum training for various community leaders in case DImaPuR, June 23 (mexn): Taking duce hazardous environmental impacts ence Hall on June 23. Coordinator CHILDLINE Kohima Dr, intervention special programme etc. and a major step towards urban sanitation and only proper management of solid Vezokho Kapu gave a power point presen- incorporation of CHILDLINE logo and and solid waste management in the state, waste can protect the environment from tation where he highlighted that CHILD- message in the traffic points and police NGO- Group for Environment Manage- such impacts by discouraging the practice LINE kohima is rendering services of res- barricades. ment and Services (GEMS) supported by of disposal of solid waste in landfills. Dr. Kapu also highlighted the different Department of Soil and Water Conservacuing missing children, abused children, A pioneer in vermicomposting in the run away children, child labour, street types of category from the 224 Cases inter- tion launched “Sanitation Campaign” at state and having vast years of experience children, differently abled and all kinds vened by CHILDLINE Kohima including Sangpangtu colony, United North Block – on solid waste management, the Director of children in need of care and protection. medical case, shelter, restoration abuse, B, Burma Camp, Dimapur. stated that one of the technological opHe also informed about Dial in 1098 Emer- children in conflict with law, sponsorship, Speaking on the occasion as chief tions for treatment and disposal of organic gency phone outreach Service for children parents asking help for emotional support guest, Imkongneken Ao, Director, De- solid wastes is vermicomposting. and guidance. when it is needed for help. A live demonstration of vermicompartment of Soil and Water Conservation, Deputy Commissioner, Rajesh urged the people for proper management posting was presented by Pango, Soil The members also discussed agenda including the need for CHILDLINE res- Soundararajan asked the Kohima CHILD- of solid waste where majority of municipal Conservation Assistant. The NGO Group cue van for cases intervention and special LINE to revise their data from time to time (urban) solid waste (MSW) is disposed of for Environment Management and Serprogramme and the orientation of the in order to present accurate data to the in landfills (anaerobic composting). vices also distributed organic smart bins members of District Task force committee people in the District. This disposal system is reported to pro- and vermicompost manure to the colony.

Kohima CHILDLINE Advisory Board meet held

Sanitation Campaign launched at Burma Camp

kohIma, June 23 (mexn): All the applicants of RKVY, 2016-2017 who have been qualified are informed to appear before the Interview Board on June 28, 10:00 am in the Conference Hall, Chief Veterinary & Animal Husbandry Office for selection. The qualified applicants who did not appear in the interview will be forfeited for selection. A press note issued by Dr. Vivotuo Miachie-o, Chief Veterinary & A.H Officer, Kohima has further informed that the names of the selected beneficiaries has been put on the Office Notice Board.

NSCN (R) informs DImaPuR, June 23 (mexn): The NSCN/GPRN (Reformation) has in a notification to the general public informed business communities, unions, organizations and individuals not to entertain Maj. Neibu Angami with any government related activities. A press release from the MIP informed that Maj. Neibu was called for review of his new assignment but failed to report with the competent higher authority within the stipulated time frame. Therefore, the NSCN (Reformation) government has “withdrawn/ceased” all his official assignment with immediate effect till he is assigned new duties, the release stated.

11th National Statistics Day on June 29 kohIma, June 23 (DIPR): The Department of Economics & Statistics will be organizing the 11th National Statistics Day on June 29 at the Conference Hall, Civil Secretariat at 11:00 am under the theme “Administrative Statistics”. Parliamentary Secretary for Economics & Statistics, Tovihoto Ayemi will grace the occasion as the chief guest and Chief Secretary, Pankaj Kumar, IAS will be the theme speaker. The Sixth Economic Census Report will also be released. All the Administrative Heads of Department and Heads of Department have been requested to attend the programme. The Government of India observes June 29 every year coinciding with the birth anniversary of late Prof P.C. Mahalanobis as ‘Statistics Day’.

Phek Political parties to help weed out bogus electors Phek, June 23 (mexn): In connection with the ensuing Special Drive which is scheduled to be held on July 1 to 31, a meeting was convened at the DC & DEO Office, Phek on June 22. The meeting was attended by political party representatives from INC, NPF and NCP during which, the political parties assured “full cooperation” to the election department to weed out bogus electors/multiple entries, underage voters and enroll eligible electors, a press release from the Phek Deputy Commissioner Kovi Meyase informed.

One arrested for extortion kohIma, June 23 (mexn): The Assam Rifles has claimed that a spurt in the illegal tax collection and money extortion racket has been exposed by the arrest of one NSCN (Reformation) tax collector in Jail Colony, Kohima on June 22. According to a defence release, the 3 Assam Rifles launched an operation along with Police representative of South Police Station and apprehended one Alo Rengma with 40 extortion slips. The apprehended individual revealed the well organised system of flow of money as tax from each and every trader, local/non local workers to taxi/tata mobile pick up vehicles in Kohima, the AR claimed without expounding further. The apprehended person was handed over to OC, South Police Station Kohima for further investigations.

saturDaY 24•06•2017

PeoPle, life, etc...



MAIKOH: The Konyak Naga Cucumber Lemei Chingkai Konyak


base and taste little sour. Its circumference 22-23 cm and length is approx. 1 feet and above. Villages like Shangnyu, Tang and Longwa produce this type of cucumber.

Mon Town, Nagaland

n addition to discovering new species of plants, vegetables, fruits, animals, birds and insects within rich Naga land, today a new kind of cucumber species is brought to light which is believed to exist only in Nagaland in the land of Konyak tribe. Cucumber is one of the most awaited fruit for Konyak people every year. It is called “MAIKOH” which literally means “give(Koh) to beloved(mai)”. Interestingly, a story is attached to the origin of this particular name. The story says that ‘in a distant past a group of young man from Murung (man’s dormitory) went to the jungle and discovered the fruit. They tasted it and found out that it was juicy and harmless so, they decided to take it back to their lovers. This gave birth to the name ‘Maikoh’ ever after. Cucumber is a short duration cucurbits that matures within the month of 3-4 months. It is grown organically in the land of Konyak with high production. Konyak people plant cucumber all throughout the year by seed to seed method depending upon the soil type. The best time of planting is considered to be in the month of January- February and harvest in the month of May to August every year. Different varieties of cucumber are grown in different villages depending on the climatic condition, soil type and elevation. Mon area is best known for cucumber production every year. So far two types of cucumber have been found in the land. They are ‘Hollow and Closed’ type cucumbers. It can be categorised by its features cited below. 1. Closed Cucumbers a. Koh-angya (queen of cucumber): It is Juicy, soft, sweet and green in colour both externally and internally. During its growth and prime

time to consume, the ring round the seeds is deep green in colour. When it gets ripen the green ring becomes yellowish in colour. Despite changes in sizes and colours the taste remain the same until decay though little changes will occur in the percentage

ternally and externally. During its ripening stage it changes colour to creamy yellow. Though fully ripen, taste doesn’t change but, the fruit gets harden with less juice. Villages like Shangnyu, Nyasa and Zangkham are rich producers of such cucumbers. Approximate size of these cucumbers is circumference: 20cm, length: 1 foot or longer.

c. Koh-sah (Small-cucumber): Koh-sah is smaller in size (approx. circumference: 4-5cm, length: 8-9 inches). In its young stage it is green in colour internally and externally and has a sticky fluid. It is also

juicy, soft and sweet during consumption period. During it ripening stage the outer becomes off-white in colour and also the fruit turns little hard with less juice. Koh-sah is found in villages like Tuimei, Hongphoi and Phoktong. d. Koh-khe (reddish- brown cucumber): It is green in colour internally and externally. It is very juicy and sweet but mildly hard. When it is fully ripen the outer cover turns to complete deep yellow in colour and its seeds arena becomes orange in colour with white seeds within. In its

of water contain. Most Konyak people call it queen of cucumber. This type of cucumber is usually found in moderate and cold climatic areas. Villages like Hongphoi, Tuimei, Mon, Phoktong, Shenghah Lampong and Wangla are known for producing ‘Koh-angya’ cucumber. The size varies from 5-7 cm in circumference, length:1 feet or longer. b. Koh-nyan (creamy -yellow cucumber): Koh-nyan is juicy, mildly hard, sweet and light green in colour in-

How to Get Rid of Dandruff: 11 Natural Treatments

Skip the dandruff shampoo and try these homemade dandruff treatments to banish those pesky white flakes


Alyssa Jung

andruff may be the result of a dry scalp, or a skin condition called seborrheic dermatitis. It could also be caused by eczema, psoriasis, or, very commonly, an overgrowth of a yeastlike fungus called malassezia. (Here are surprising reasons you may be suddenly prone to dandruff ). Drugstore remedies might include shampoos with zinc pyrithione, which targets fungus and bacteria; ketoconazole, which also fights fungus; coal tar and selenium sulfide, which slow the growth and die-off of skin cells on your scalp; and salicylic acid, which loosens flakes so they can be washed away. For some trusted natural treatments, read on. Aspirin: Aspirin contains the same active ingredient (salicylic acid) as

soda reduces overactive fungi that can cause dandruff. Your hair may get dried out at first, but after a few weeks your scalp will start producing natural oils, leaving your hair softer and free of flakes.

water. Then stir 1 teaspoon lemon juice into 1 cup water and rinse your hair with it. Repeat this daily until your dandruff disappears. Lemon's acidity helps balance the pH of your scalp, which helps keeps dandruff at bay.

Apple cider vinegar: Dr. Mehmet Oz swears by apple cider vinegar as a dandruff treatment, as the acidity of apple cider vinegar changes the pH of your scalp, making it harder for yeast to grow. Mix a quarter cup apple cider vinegar with a quarter cup water in a spray bottle and spritz on your scalp. Wrap your head in a towel and let sit for 15 minutes to an many medicated dandruff sham- hour, then wash your hair as usual. poos. Keep flaking in check by Do this twice a week. crushing two aspirins to a fine pow- Mouthwash: To treat a bad case of der and adding it to the normal dandruff, wash your hair with your amount of shampoo you use each regular shampoo, then rinse with time you wash your hair. Leave the an alcohol-based mouthwash. Folmixture on your hair for 1-2 min- low with your regular conditioner. utes, then rinse well and wash again Mouthwash's anti-fungal properties help prevent dandruff-causing yeast with plain shampoo. from growing. Tea tree oil: One study showed that shampoos with just 5 percent tea Coconut oil: Crunchybetty.com tree oil significantly improves the says coconut oil is a "tried and true" severity of dandruff. You can also dandruff treatment, and it smells add a few drops of tea tree oil to your nice too. Before showering, massage 3-5 tablespoons of coconut oil into favorite shampoo as you wash nor- your scalp and let sit for about an mally. hour. Shampoo normally. You can Baking soda: Your kitchen could also look for a shampoo that already hold the key to an itch-free, flake- contains coconut oil. free scalp. Wet your hair and then Lemon: Dandruff relief may be no rub a handful of baking soda vigor- farther away than your refrigerator. ously into your scalp. Skip the sham- Just massage 2 tablespoons lemon poo and go right to rinsing. Baking juice into your scalp and rinse with

Salt: The abrasiveness of ordinary table salt works great for scrubbing out dandruff flakes before you shampoo. Grab a saltshaker and shake some salt onto your dry scalp. Then work it through your hair, giving your scalp a massage. You'll find you've worked out the dry, flaky skin and are ready for a shampoo. Aloe vera: Stop yourself from scratching by massaging aloe vera into your scalp before shampooing. The cooling effects of aloe vera will soothe the itch. Garlic: Garlic's antimicrobial properties are perfect for eliminating dandruff-causing bacteria. Crush garlic and rub it into your scalp. To avoid that potent smell, healwithfood.org suggests mixing crushed garlic with honey and massaging into the scalp before washing as usual. Olive oil: An overnight olive oil soak is a folk remedy for dandruff. Massage about 10 drops into your scalp and cover with a shower cap overnight. Follow your regular shampoo routine in the morning. For a quicker cure, look for a shampoo that contains olive oil.

Get rid of pesticides in your food


ating a fresh fruit right after it is plucked is only a dream for many. By the time it reaches our table, it is layered with bacteria, pesticides and fertilizers. With news of adulteration of our daily foods doing rounds, it is difficult for many of us to choose what to eat. Here we have listed 10 ways in which we can get rid of this contamination and make fruits and vegetables safe enough for consumption: Washing thoroughly: Washing fruits and vegetables thoroughly will help you get rid of impurities stuck on the outer surface of these foods. Vegetables like potatoes and fruits like sapodilla (chikoo) often have dirt residues stuck on their peels. Washing them in cold water with soft hands will help you get rid of these impurities if you wish to consume these foods with their peels. Salt water: Soaking fruits and veggies in salt water can help get rid of impurities along with chemicals and pesticides. This is because salt keeps

bacteria from growing by killing them. Peeling: Since many vegetables and fruits have peels which are either full of dirt residue or are thick, the best way of getting rid of the chemicals sprayed on them is by peeling them. This way you can get rid of the layer of chemical on them. Blanching: Blanching is a French process of cooking, where in fruits and vegetables are exposed to extreme temperatures. Blanching is also an effective way to get rid of chemicals and pesticides. To blanch a vegetable or fruit, boil water, soak the food item in this water for 15 sec-

onds to 1 minute (depending on the vegetable), and transfer to a bowl with iced water. By doing this, the impurities will be removed. Lemon/citric acid: Lemon or citric acid juice mixed in water is antimicrobial. This means that this solution will destroy the germs and bacteria present on the fruits and vegetables. All you need is juice of half a lemon or of any citric fruit to get rid of these germs. Brushing off the wax coating: The most common fruit found with wax coating are apples. The best way to know if the wax is there is by scratching the peel with a blade or knife or even your nails. There are food brushes available in the market that can help you get rid of wax coating. Make your own spray: Preparing a solution in your home is one of the most economical ways of getting rid of chemicals and pesticides on your foods. For this, you will need lemon juice, baking soda and water. Blend them and spray this solution on fruits and veggies. Let it stay for 8-10

minutes and rinse off. This can help you get rid of such chemicals. Already available commercial washes: There are many formulated commercial sprays available in the market that you can buy. However, these should be sprayed in moderation as they may also be composed of a few chemicals. Turmeric water: Turmeric is an age old Indian trick to get rid of impurities and bacteria from foods. Dissolving 1 teaspoon turmeric in water and submerging fruits and veggies in this solution will be beneficial. White vinegar solution: This method requires you to use 10 per cent vinegar and 90 per cent water. Once the mixture is prepared, let the fruits and vegetables sit in this solution for 15-20 minutes. Thoroughly rinse afterwards. This helps as vinegar will reduce the pesticide residue. However, it will not get rid the fruits and vegetables of pesticides completely. Refrain from doing the same on fragile fruits like berries.

full grown stage it gives a very sour taste. This cucumber can be preserved without preservation chemicals for more than a month without much change in size and water contain for off seasons. Villages like Longwa, Tizit area, Shangnyu, Yuching are rich producers of this type. Its circumference is approx. Konyak Naga Usages of Cucumber: There can be umpteen usages of Konyak Naga cucumbers but below are some few usages prevalent to Konyak Naga. • Konyak people use cucumber for medicinal purpose especially to control gastritis. • It has an excellent cooling effect. • They consider it as a fruit. • They make salad out of it. • Koh-khe (reddish- brown Cucumber) is used as a vegetable too. Konyak Naga cucumber is one kind of fruit that differs in taste, 25cm and length is 1 feet or longer. shapes and sizes from those available in other parts of India and 2. Koh-kha probably in the world. It is an (Hollow-cucumber): Koh-kha is mildly hard with amazing fruit available in Nagasmall star shaped hole inside. It land that needs further attention tastes sweet and Juicy. In its growing for the benefits of all. This pecustage its is complete green in colour. liar fruit will be available on the When it gets ripen the colour turns following Wednesday Bazar Super to yellow externally and internally Market, dated 28th June 2017. Diwith reddish brown colour at the mapur Nagaland.

BOOK REVIEW Reporting from Pakistan Vikas Datta



he hardest border to cross is the one constructed or fostered in our minds. Though many Indians are quite fond of citing "Vasudhaiva Kutumbakam", or the world being one family, the sentiment may not only stop at their western frontier but also doesn't prevent "borders" being drawn deep within the country. Why wouldn't suspicions and misconceptions flourish? Just a few years after she became a journalist in 1984 and decades before her short stint of reporting from Pakistan, Meena Menon recounts she came across a "border" in Mumbai between a "cluster of shanties" and a "hillock with ramshackle huts" and was warned not to cross over to the latter. "That is Pakistan. The mosques are full of bombs and guns," a "wellmeaning" local party activist told her. This was not the only case in the city or the state, she says or is the sentiment only rooted in space for those against "the so-called patriotic or nationalist notions of being Indian" will also be asked to go or be sent to Pakistan, deemed "a repository of people traitorous to India". The reality, as Menon brings out in her memoir of her less than an year but eventful stint in Pakistan as the Hindu's reporter before she and fellow Indian agency journalist were summarily asked to leave, is quite different. As her own case brings out, the "unshakeable feeling" in the minds of many Indians that it "must be a rotten place, anti-India, full of bearded men wanting to blow themselves up, and with guns and ammunition stored in mosques, burqaclad women, and people straining at the leash to attack India" is quite far from the truth. There are no doubt many obstreperous bureaucrats or suspicious or opinionated citizens with pre-conceived or hawkish notions, even a rare case of a diplomat who has hadn't pleasant experiences of India, but Menon also notes that there are many more people, both official and common, who are delighted to meet Indians, ask questions about the country and are helpful as they can be. Her account, spanning her ninemonth stint in Islamabad, an earlier visit to Karachi in 2011 and filling subsequent details about many incidents she had covered or written about, is no attempt to sugar-coat the reality of a country which has many problems. Apart from describing experiences of adapting to a new place which is

Readers may please note that the contents of the articles, letters and opinions published do not reflect the outlook of this paper nor of the Editor in any form.

not entirely unfamiliar or unfriendly, the bonhomie, or rather uncontroversial matters like art and culture and cuisine, Menon also unflinchingly writes about more serious issues, though seeking to clarify that she is "no expert" in bilateral relations. These issues span terrorism and other insurgencies (blamed on India), development (or lack thereof), the continuing trauma of Partition, the "deep state" and its effect on politics and civilmilitary relations, the treatment of minorities, including the Ahmadis, down to the problems of transgenders, the quashing of student councils and the Left's efforts to stay relevant. Her reporting included visiting the aftermath of a terrorist attack where she can see policemen collecting body parts in plastic bags, attending the "treason" trial of former President Pervez Musharraf, interacting with 26/11 prosecutor (until he requested her to stop putting him into trouble), chronicling the plight of many marginalised sections, from displaced Christians, the Afghan refugees, and the Baloch. In fact, her interview of Mama Qadeer Baloch, who held a "Long March" to Islamabad to raise awareness of the missing people of the sprawling but restive province got her into trouble with the Foreign Office and may have a contributing factor in her ouster. There are also some comic incidents, though maybe in hindsight Menon's running into Sufi singer Abida Parveen without realising whom she was (though her fans can take solace in the fact that a longer and structured meeting soon follows). And there are surprises galore guess what you can find in the Parliament library in Islamabad? But aware Indian readers will realise no doubt how common some factors are (or will be) in both countries, though outraged patriots on both sides will angrily demur. And the most effective lesson is that while the relations between India and Pakistan cannot be explained by logic, physics may be helpful, say as magnets brought near each other behave?

SaturDaY 24•06•2017

Morung Youth Express


The Church that God built


n Sunday morning, I went looking for a church. It had moved location and the girl I met at the old site instructed me, “Get on the overbridge and go up the steps a bit and then it will be just there.” I crossed the over-bridge, the one beyond the war cemetery, and climbed up the steps. There was no church in sight. I kept climbing up and looking for signs of a church, perhaps a cross or some such marker. At one point, I worried that I was headed in the wrong direction because the church-goers dressed in their Sunday best were walking past me in the opposite direction. A few paces later, I noticed two young girls and a boy standing at the entrance to a hall that looked as though it had been carved into the hillside. It looked remarkable and the story of how the church came to be built was just as remarkable. The construction began with just one lakh and ninety-six thousand rupees in the church coffers. The only other resources they had were prayer and faith in God’s providence. The small church congrega-

tion witnessed many miracles as their leap of faith began. Their meager funds were soon depleted. The mistris needed money every second day. On one occasion, in the cash memo for sand, cement and bricks, the payment for sand was missing. The mystery was solved later in the day when the owner of the shop clarified that the sand was a gift from his shop. O n another occasion, the team was heading to Dimapur to buy cheap cement when a phone call came. The caller said he wanted to give a few bags of cement to the church. So they cut short the trip to Dimapur, and returned home and discovered that the ‘few bags’ of cement were more than enough to complete the construction. Several people, hearing of the church building came forward to donate amounts of money differing in generosity. On any given day, people turned up to help them in the construction work. Total strangers stopped by and donated money. All these gifts of love

sufficed to build the church, and the members found that they could finally have their church dedication on the 17th of June, a day before Fathers’ day. The Pastor testified, “God stopped the rain every time we needed to work. God turned up with money every time we needed to pay the mistris.” It’s a wonderful story: the house that God literally built by sending the balu and cement exactly on time, and repeating that story for all their other needs. Their needs were so wonderfully met, and they had resolved never to apply the well-known strategy of new church buildings – extorting one month’s salary from the members. God provided. “He always reminded us of His faithfulness. He was always reminding us, ‘I am your father; I will look after you,’” affirmed the pastor. It was such an apt sermon for Fathers’ Day. Sitting inside the church that looked more like a hangar than a

church, and pondering upon all that the pastor had shared was soul enlightening. So this is the kind of church God builds when He gets going, I mused. It was quiet because it was high above the din of traffic. It would seat about 80 to 100 people, and church would be rather like a family gathering of an extended family. Everyone would get to know everyone else and get the opportunity to love on each other, as well as the intimacy to share each other’s burdens. Yet it did not lack the sacredness we associate with a church. There is nothing wrong with big churches, and kudos to the beautifully constructed church at Zunheboto. It’s the town’s pride and beauty and its own testament of faith. Big or small, each church will have its own amazing story to tell. The church that God built is a family story that will be repeated from generation to generation about a God who showed up with the balu and ita exactly when his children needed it. Every ear who hears this story will feel privileged to be a listener to such an intimate family history. I certainly did.


Style tricks to look taller IANS


hort in height? Wear flared jeans, deep V shaped necklines and long topcoats to appear taller, say experts. Salesh Grover, Business Head, OSL Luxury Collections Pvt. Ltd - Corneliani, and Vandana Anurag, Founder of The Parisian Boudoir (online-multi-brand boutique), have suggested few tricks on how you can appear taller: * Flared jeans: Flared jeans which are well fitted and have a long hemline will instantly make your legs look longer. * Deep V-necks: Deep and elongated V neck dresses and tops will automatically shift the focus to your upper half of the body and will subtly take away the focus from your legs, adding glamour and style to your outfit. * Maxi dresses: Maxi dresses are people's favourite and they look good on all body shapes and heights. Pairing up heels with your maxi dress is a win-win as it enhances your body shape and add a few inches at the same time. * Low contrasting footwear: Shoes for the shorter men are critical as they can have a lengthening effect it has to be kept in mind that the shoes don't contrast too much with the trousers. The low contrast will visually elongate the leg. * Long topcoats: Topcoats that fall to the mid-thigh area helps to lengthen the torso and create height. Wool topcoats are great elements to help achieve this length. The key is to make sure that it doesn't contrast heavily with the rest of the outfit. * Belts: Keep them slim. It's best if they are no thicker than 1.5 inches and shouldn't contrast too heavily with your outfit. Thin belts or no belts keep you looking long. Also, suspenders are a refreshing and great option to add to the vertical visual effect and they are extremely classy.

Do you watch TV for more than 10 hours in a Hey, sexy: objectifying catcalls occur week? You need to hit the stop button now more frequently than you might think The Conversation

Agence France-Presse


common pastime for many, excessive television watching has already been linked to a variety of health problems, as well as an increase in behaviours such as snacking. However the new research, led by UQ School of Public Health PhD candidate Natasha Reid, is the first study to look at a link between TV habits and physical function in older adults. Last year, a research had suggested that kids with TV in their bedroom are at a higher risk of obesity. Placing TV sets in a child’s room could put them at significantly higher risk of being overweight in later life. It also kills creativity in children, suggested another study. For the latest research, Reid used data from 1,938 participants in the Australian Diabetes, Obesity and Lifestyle Study (AusDiab). Participants were aged from 47 to 85 at the start of the study and followed over a 12-year period. Subjects were classified into six groups based on their TV watching habits, ranging

from consistently low at less than five hours a week (9.7% of participants), low-increasing (22.3%), moderate-decreasing (13.5%), moderate-increasing (30.3%), consistentlyhigh (18.9%), and high-increasing at more than 30 hours of TV watching per week (5.2%). Almost a third of participants fell into the moderate-increasing range, increasing their weekly TV watching from about 10 hours a week to about 20 hours. The study showed that those who spent less time watching television had significantly better lower-body muscle strength 12 years later. “On a knee extensor strength test, the consistently low TV watchers performed better than most other groups,” commented Reid, who said the research suggested that excessive TV watching needed to be addressed earlier rather than later in life, as it could make a difference to independent living as we age. “Future longitudinal studies that examine sitting time and its impact on physical function are also needed,” she added.

Hey, sexy. Damn, girl. What’s up, beautiful? These are just some of the many comments directed toward Shoshana Roberts as she walked along the streets of New York in that now-infamous “catcalling video”. These catcalls, along with the countless wolfwhistles, stares, and winks that Shoshana received, are all instances of sexual objectification. Objectification occurs when individuals – typically women – are reduced to their body parts. They come to be valued more for how they look rather than who they are as a person. So just how often do these types of experiences occur? The prevalence of objectification in women’s lives According to the catcalling video, Shoshana experienced well over 100 instances of objectification over a period of ten hours. Although her example may be extreme, research concurs that these kinds of experiences are commonplace for women. Recent estimates suggest that 84% of women first experience street harassment before the age of 17. Among Australian women, 87% experience sexual harassment in their lifetimes, with harassment ranging from catcalling and wolf-whistling to more severe forms such as groping and stalking. Other research has focused on objectification as it occurs over shorter time frames, such as weeks or days. These studies suggest that objectifying experiences occur anywhere from once a month to more than once per day. This data, however, is fairly dated, with the most recent study published in 2009. Further, the prevalence of the different types of objectifying behaviour, such as cat-

calling, ogling, and sexual remarks, is largely unknown. Our own research We set out to build on the existing literature and find out just how common the different forms of objectifying experiences were in the lives of young Australian women. In collaboration with researchers from Australian Catholic University, we ran a study of 81 young women across metropolitan Melbourne. The women in our study were instructed to install an app on their smartphones. The app was programmed to beep ten times per day over a seven-day period. At each beep, participants indicated whether they had experienced an objectifying event, and the type of event they had encountered. We found that women experienced objectification on average 3.69 times over the week, equating to more than once every two days. The most common form was the objectifying gaze (making up 55% of objectifying experiences). Catcalls and wolfwhistles were reported in 11% of women’s experiences, and sexual remarks in 10%. Harmless or hurtful? The impact of objectifying experiences Even if we can agree that such experiences are commonplace in women’s lives, do they actually matter? Some have argued that such behaviours are harmless, and intended to be complimentary more than critical. However, evidence for the benefits of objectification is sorely lacking. Overwhelmingly, research suggests that objectification has a harmful effect on women. In our own study, for instance, we asked our participants at each survey how much they had been self-objectifying (that is, worrying about how they looked to others). We found that objectifying experiences were associated with increases in selfobjectification, which has been linked to poor mental health.

Research demonstrates that women who report being objectified on a more frequent basis also report greater body shame as well as symptoms of disordered eating and depression. Experiencing the objectifying gaze also decreases math performance among women but not men, and can lead women to self-silence in social interactions. Taken together, the literature suggests the effects of objectification are far from flattering. How to respond to objectifying experiences Objectification is common and its effects are damaging – so what can we do to stop it? One strategy is to speak out and confront objectification when it’s taking place. Most women don’t confront those who make sexist remarks. There are a range of reasons for this, including fearing retaliation by the objectifier, or feeling pressured to be polite. However, calling out objectification can have a positive impact on women. Studies show that women who confront harassers don’t feel the same negative effects as women who let it go. There is evidence that women who speak up against sexism feel more empowered, competent, and have higher self-esteem. It is also important for bystanders, and men in particular, to challenge objectification when they see it. Research on prejudice suggests that people from the advantaged group – in this case, men – are typically far more persuasive when they confront prejudice than those personally affected by it. Objectification may perhaps not be as common as that “catcalling video” suggests. However, our research shows it to be a regular feature of young women’s lives, and one that negatively impacts their wellbeing. We need to actively challenge these instances if we want women to be recognised as “somebodies” rather than “somethings”.

This is the key to mastering small talk, How malware gets inside your apps according to Harvard research report Peter Hannay

Brittany Wong The Huffington Post


ere's a research-backed tip to get you through your next awkward dinner party conversation: Just ask the person you're chatting with questions - and a lot of follow-up questions. In a series of studies on human interaction, Harvard Business School doctoral student Karen Huang and her research team analyzed more than 300 online and face-to-face conversations between people getting to know each other. For the online conversations component, participants were assigned a random person to talk with for 15 minutes. In the first study, they told one person in each pairing to ask either many questions (at least nine) or a few questions (no more than four). After the conversations ended, participants reported how much they liked their partner. The conclusion? The people who asked more questions, particularly follow-up questions, were considered more likable. In the second study, participants also chatted online for 15 minutes, but this time they weren't instructed specifically how many questions to ask; they were just told to ask many questions or few questions. Then, third-parties observers read the transcripts of

those conversations. The observers said they found the person responding to a high quantity of questions more likable than high question askers, Huang told HuffPost. "We suspect this is because people who answer lots of questions end up revealing more information about their thoughts, ideas, and perspectives," she said. "They seem more interesting and complete." The goal in small talk, then, according to Huang, is to strike a balance between question asking and answering, without being too interrogative. Question-asking - in moderation - could be good for your dating life as well. The researchers also looked at data from a previ-

ously published study of 110 people at a speed-dating event and analyzed the number of questions and follow-up questions participants' asked. They concluded that those who asked follow-up questions were more likely to score a second date. The big takeaway here? A good secondary, follow-up question works wonders. Aim for a dialogue, not an FBI-like interrogation, said Debra Fine, a nationally recognized communication expert and author of The Fine Art Of Small Talk. "There is so much more to a good conversation than merely asking questions and jumping from topic to topic," Fine told HuffPost. "Follow-up questions are key because otherwise conversations

are just question after question with no connection or in-depth real conversation." Below, Fine, who's not affiliated with the study, provided a short list of questions that will score you brownie points with strangers or acquaintances. (You're welcome, social introverts): 1. "What do you do for fun?" or "What keeps you busy outside of work or school?" "These are my standard go-to questions when interacting for business," Fine said. "It fosters a business friendship because you learn something about the person beyond what they do for work." 3. "Where are you from?" "This one always works even when the person is from where you are," Fine said. "The natural follow-ups in that case are 'Have you ever considered living in another place?' or 'What do you like best and least about living here?' If they're not from the area, ask them what they miss most about home." 3. "How's work/family or that one hobby I know you're interested in?" "If I have met someone before, I prepare by reminding myself what I already know about the person," she said. "Consider topics of discussion beforehand; the worst time to think of something to talk about is when there is nothing to talk about!"


The Conversation

alicious software on popular mobile platforms such as iOS and Android is at best a nuisance and at worst a security threat to individuals and businesses. Known as malware, some perpetrators use it to infect apps and get inside your smartphone. Why do they do it? Money, mostly. The recent Judy malware, for example, was reportedly found in 41 apps in the Google Play store. It seems to have made money for its creators by repeatedly auto-clicking on advertisements. Other mechanisms for mobile malware monetisation include covert sending of premium rate SMS messages, financial fraud and credential theft. How apps get infected The most obvious way malware makes its way into marketplaces is through developers intentionally releasing malicious apps. However, this avenue of attack requires a developer who is willing to produce an application, market it, gain a following and then activate the hostile routines within the application. It is far more common for malware to be inserted into already existing applications. There are a number of different mechanisms through which criminals achieve this feat: Application republishing: Apps are automatically downloaded, infected with malware, then republished to app stores, both official and unofficial. Attackers making use of this strategy may publish under the original app name or one that is slightly different. An example of republishing malware was seen recently with the MilkyDoor malware, which allows attackers to bypass firewalls.

Malvertising: Advertisers provide packages of code to allow developers to incorporate ads into their apps. There have been instances in which attackers have managed to purchase advertisements that perform malicious actions through an otherwise benign app. An example of this was the Svpeng malware, which was installed via Google AdSense ads targeting Google Chrome for Android users in Russia. The users did not have to click the ad – simply opening a page and displaying the ad was enough. Application acquisition: Some developers may wish to sell their apps outright. There is potential for the new owners to release malicious updates that will be automatically installed. While there are no documented cases of this occurring on mobile platforms, developers of browser extensions have spoken out about this issue. In some cases, it is possible to purchase applications with hundreds of thousands of users for a few hundred dollars. Infected development tools: In one (documented) case, it was reported that infected app development tools were being distributed to app authors. A version of XCode, the primary tool used by iOS developers, would insert malicious functionality into applications that it built and prepared for distribution. Apple told Reuters at the time it was working with the developers to ensure “they’re using the proper version of Xcode to rebuild their apps”. What are the solutions? Unfortunately, there isn’t a single solution to these issues. End users can ensure they only install applications from reputable developers, app marketplaces can continue to improve detection mechanisms and operating system developers can continue to improve security.

Readers may please note that, the contents of the articles published on this page do not reflect the outlook of this paper nor of the Editor in any form.


SaturDaY 24•06•2017


Thiruvananthapuram tops new list of 30 for Smart City Mission NEW DELHI, JUNE 23 (IaNS): The central government on Friday announced a new list of 30 cities to be developed into 'smart cities', with Kerala capital Thiruvananthapuram topping the list. The latest list -- including 12 state capitals -- takes the number of cities chosen so far to 90 under the Smart City Mission. In the new list, the Kerala capital is followed by Chhattisgarh's new capital Naya Raipur. The winter and summer capitals of Jammu and Kashmir, Jammu and Srinagar respectively, also feature among the chosen ones. The other state capitals are Amaravati (Andhra Pradesh), Patna (Bihar), Bengaluru (Karnataka), Shimla (Himachal Pradesh), Dehradun (Uttarakhand), Aizawl (Mizoram), Gangtok (Sikkim) and Gandhinagar (Gujarat). "A total of 45 cities contested for 40 available Smart City slots but only 30 were selected to ensure feasible and workable plans that match the aspirations of the citizens, as directed by Prime Minister Narendra Modi," Urban Development and Housing Minister M. Venkaiah Naidu said while announcing the new batch of smart cities at a National Workshop on Urban Transformation here. The central government launched the Smart City Mission on June 25, 2015, to develop 100 smart cities in five years. Though the government was expecting to announce the names of 40 cities, non-participation of Bengal and failure of some city municipal bodies to score minimum required qualifying mark during evaluation brought the numbers down. Naidu said these 30 cities identified on Friday entailed investment of Rs 57,393 crore, including Rs 46,879 crore for ensuring core infrastructure in areas identified by citizens, and Rs 10,514 crore for technology-based solutions, service delivery and utilisation of infrastructure. With this, the total investment approved for 90 cities has gone up to Rs 1,91,155 crore, he said. Itanagar (Arunachal Pradesh), Bihar Sharif (Bihar), Diu (Daman and Diu), Silvassa (Dadra and Nager Haveli), Kavaratti (Lakshadweep), Navi Mumbai, Greater Mumbai and Amaravati (Maharashtra), Imphal (Manipur), Shillong (Meghalaya), Dindigul and Erode (Tamil Nadu), Bidhannagar, Durgapur, and Haldia (West Bengal), Meerut, Bareilly, Ghaziabad, Sharanpur and Rampur (Uttar Pradesh) are the 20 cities that will fight to fill the remaining 10 slots. Naidu said the remaining cities will submit their revised plans for the 10 slots. The 30 smart cities named on Friday propose to build affordable housing projects benefiting the urban poor, and/or school/housing projects, and smart road widening prjects, besides enabling cycling and walking.

Police officer lynched, Mehbooba calls it 'murder of trust' SRINagaR, JUNE 23 (IaNS): A mob lynched a senior police officer in this summer capital of Jammu and Kashmir, triggering outrage and forcing Chief Minister Mehmooba Mufti to dub the crime a "murder of trust". The battered body of Deputy Superintendent Mohammad Ayub Pandit was recovered on Friday morning outside the Jamia Masjid in Nowhatta area of the Old City, the very spot where he was set upon by a killer mob the night before. When hundreds were busy in prayers during the holiest night of the Muslim calendar called 'Shab-e-Qadr' at the city's largest mosque, a group of miscreants attacked Pandit who was not in uniform. "The officer was on frisking duty at Jamia Masjid. He was carrying out his duties when he was attacked," an informed source told IANS. The outnumbered officer tried to free himself and fired in self-defence, injuring three of the attackers. But he was overpowered and lynched. One report said he had been stripped before he was murdered. He had been outside the mosque for some time and many locals who regularly visited the shrine knew him. On Friday, the Chief Minister laid a wreath on the body of Pandit at the district police lines here. She then said: "The murder of this officer is actually a murder of trust. "He had allowed his security guards to go home so that they could observe 'Shab-e-Qadr' at their own mosques. "He went to perform his duty to protect people whose goodwill he trusted and it is this trust which has been murdered. "Jammu and Kashmir Police is one of the finest police forces in the country. They exercise maximum restraint while dealing with the law and order situation. I fear what will happen if this police force loses its patience." Senior ministers Naeem Akhtar, Altaf Bukhari and Haq Khan were also present at the Police Lines besides senior civil, police and paramilitary officers.


As Modi prepares for Trump meeting, US expected to OK India drone purchase NEW DELHI, JUNE 23 (REUTERS): The United States is expected to authorize India's purchase of a naval variant of the Predator drone, two sources familiar with the situation said, ahead of a visit next week by Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi to try to revitalise ties in his first meeting with President Donald Trump. Securing agreement on the purchase of 22 unarmed drones, worth more than $2 billion, is seen in New Delhi as a key test of defence ties that flourished under former President Barack Obama but have drifted under Trump, who has courted Asian rival China as he seeks Beijing's help to contain North Korea's nuclear programme. The deal would still require approval by Congress. California-based General Atomics, the maker of the Guardian drone sought by India, declined to comment. Modi's two-day visit to Washington begins on Sunday. Trump met Chinese President Xi Jinping in April and has also had face time with the leaders of nations including Japan, Britain and Vietnam since taking office in January, prompting anxiety in New Delhi that India is no longer a priority in Washington. The Indian navy wants

carries a lot of dignity. My effort will be to keep the post above party politics. I promise I will try my best to uphold the dignity of this office. The Constitution is supreme and it is our duty to maintain its supremacy," he added. Kovind said the President was the supreme commander of the armed forces. "It is our priority to secure the borders of our country." Kovind thanked Modi, the NDA Chief Ministers and others for supporting his candidature. Senior BJP leaders L.K. Advani and Murli Manohar Joshi sat on the front row along with Modi, Amit Shah, External Affairs Minister Sushma Swaraj and Shiromani Akali Dal leader Parkash Singh Badal as Kovind filed his papers. Others present included Telangana Chief Minister K. Chandrasekhar Rao, Tamil Nadu Chief Minister Edappadi K. Palaniswami and Andhra Pradesh Chief Minister N. Chandrababu Naidu. Naidu said Kovind deserved to become the next

India and Pakistan, particularly over Kashmir, which is divided between them. Such a sale of sensitive military hardware must be authorized by the State Department before being sent to Congress for review. A congressional source said no notification of a planned sale has yet been sent to Congress, but this could come next week. The State Department declined comment ahead of any notification. Other strains have emerged in U.S.-India relations, with the United States vexed by a growing bilateral trade deficit and Trump accusing New Delhi of negotiating unscrupulously at the Paris climate talks to walk away with bil-

lions in aid. U.S. officials expect a relatively low-key visit by Modi, without the fanfare of some of his previous trips to the United States, and one geared to giving the Indian leader the chance to get to know Trump personally and to show that he is doing so. Modi is also not expected to press hard on a U.S. visa programme the Trump administration is reviewing to reduce the flow of skilled foreign workers and save jobs for Americans, seeing limited gains from raising a sensitive issue, they said.

of focus on India, and limited appointment of South Asia focused advisors, has resulted in India falling off the radar in Washington," Eurasia Group's Shailesh Kumar and Sasha RiserKositsky said in a note. Defence deals are one area where the two countries could make progress because of bipartisan support, an Indian official involved in the preparations for the visit said. Vivek Lal, the chief executive of global strategic development at General Atomics who has been driving the negotiations for FIGHTER JETS the drones, is expected to "There is a palpable be among a group of CEOs fear in New Delhi that the meeting Modi at a roundnew U.S. president's lack table on Sunday.

India puts Cartosat, NIUSAT, 29 foreign satellites into orbit

SRIHaRIkoTa, JUNE 23 (IaNS): In yet another multiple satellite launch, India on Friday successfully put into orbit its own earth observation satellite Cartosat, nano satellite NIUSAT and 29 foreign satellites from 14 countries. In the process, the Indian Space Research Organisation (ISRO) crossed the double century mark in launching foreign satellites. India started launching foreign satellites in 1999. The rocket Polar Satellite Launch Vehicle's (PSLV) main cargo was India's 712 kg Cartosat-2 series satellite for earth observation with a design life of five years. This satellite is similar to the earlier Cartosat-2 series. The other 30 satellites weighing 243 kg were from 14 countries - Austria, Belgium, Britain, Chile, Czech Republic, Finland, France, Germany, Italy, Japan, Latvia, Lithuania, Slovakia, and the US - as well as one Indian nano satellite, NIUSAT. The whole mission got over in around 23 minutes. "The mission is successful. All the satellites are in the orbit," ISRO Chairman

Kovind files Presidential nomination, vows to uphold dignity of office

NEW DELHI, JUNE 23 (IaNS): NDA candidate Ram Nath Kovind on Friday filed his nomination here for the July 17 Presidential elections and pledged to uphold the dignity of the country's top constitutional post. Kovind, 71, filed the papers in the presence of Prime Minister Narendra Modi, BJP President Amit Shah and Chief Ministers of states ruled by the Bharatiya Janata Party and its allies as well as parties backing him. Kovind filed three set of nomination papers. BJP leaders said another set will be filed on June 28, the last date for filing nominations in the election which will see the former Bihar Governor take on opposition candidate and former Lok Sabha Speaker Meira Kumar. A former BJP MP, Kovind told the media after filing his nomination that he has had no party affiliation since he became the Bihar Governor after Modi took power in New Delhi in 2014. "The President's post

the unarmed surveillance drones to keep watch over the Indian Ocean. The deal would be the first such purchase by a country that is not a member of the NATO alliance. "We are trying to move it to the top of the agenda as a deliverable, this is something that can happen before all the other items," said an Indian official tracking the progress of the drone discussions in the run-up to the visit. India, a big buyer of U.S. arms that was recently named by Washington as a major defence ally, wants to protect its 7,500- km (4,700mile) coastline as Beijing expands its maritime trade routes and Chinese submarines increasingly lurk in regional waters. India already uses dozens of Israeli Heron and Searcher unarmed aerial vehicles (UAVs), but the Guardian operates at higher altitudes and can carry far heavier payloads, offering the navy greater reach. A source tracking the discussions said the U.S. State Department had dropped its objections to the sale of the Guardian drones to India. It had been concerned about the potential destabilising impact of introducing high-tech drones into South Asia, where tensions are simmering between

President. "Now everyone needs to support his candidature. The opposition will lose," he said. As he walked to the room of the Returning Officer, Kovind folded his hands to greet his supporters. Earlier, he and Modi joined hands and some BJP leaders raised their hands together to indicate his impending electoral victory. Kovind is widely expected to sail through the Presidential election. The NDA, including the Shiv Sena and the PDP of Jammu and Kashmir, commands the support of 48.93 per cent in the electoral college made up of MPs and MLAs. With the backing of parties outside the alliance like TRS (2 per cent), AIADMK (5.39 per cent), YSR Congress (1.53 per cent) and BJD (2.99 per cent), the NDA's support will cross the half-way-mark to reach nearly 63 per cent. The JD-U (1.91 per cent) is also backing him. The vote count will take place on July 20. President Pranab Mukherjee's term ends on July 24.

A.S. Kiran Kumar said after the launch. According to Kumar, the Friday mission had many activities that needs fuel and additional margins and hence one should not look at just the total payload carried by a rocket. He said the next PSLV launch will be for putting into orbit a navigation satellite as a replacement for IRNSS-1A satellite whose three atomic clocks have failed. Asked about the other upcoming satellite events, Kumar said two communication satellites-GSAT 17 and GSAT 11 will be launched this year. "Our plan is to have two launches each of GSLV (Geosynchronous Satellite Launch Vehicle) Mark II and Mark III and eight-toten launches of PSLV rockets per year," Kumar said. He said the PSLV rocket was emerging as a credible satellite launch vehicle in the world and ISRO was trying to build various capabilities in it. On the GSAT-19 communication satellite launched early this month, Kumar said it had reached its designated orbit and all the payloads had been

switched on. He said that by the end of this month, one more communication satellite will be launched by India. Kumar said ISRO will continue work on its earth observation, navigation and communication satellites. According to ISRO officials, the organisation has accelerated the work on developing the semi-cryogenic engine to increase the carrying capacity of heavier rockets geosynchronous satellite launch. M. Annadurai, Director, ISRO Satellite Centre, said the signals from the satellites launched by the PSLV rocket on Friday were good. He said ISRO's satellite systems were getting compact. According to ISRO, the images sent by Cartosat satellite would be useful for cartographic, urban,

rural, coastal land use, utility management like road network monitoring, water distribution, creation of land use maps, change detection to bring out geographical and man-made features and various other land information systems and geographical information system applications. Queried about the strategic use of the images sent by Cartosat, Kumar said the satellite will provide the images and it is for the user agencies to put that to requisite use. One of the 30 co-passenger satellites is the Indian nano satellite 15 kg NIUSAT belonging to Nooral Islam University, Tamil Nadu. The satellite will provide multi-spectral imagery for agricultural crop monitoring and disaster management support ap-

plications. Exactly at 9.29 a.m., the PSLV rocket - 44.4 metres tall and weighing 320 tonnes - tore into the morning skies with fierce orange flames at its tail. Gathering speed every second, the rocket raced towards the sky amidst the cheers of the ISRO officials and the media team at the rocket port here. The PSLV rocket is a four-stage engine rocket powered by solid and liquid fuel alternatively. At the rocket mission control room, Indian space scientists were glued to their computer screens watching the rocket escaping the earth's gravitational pull. Just over 16 minutes into the flight, the PSLV rocket ejected Cartosat at an altitude of around 510 km. It was followed by NIUSAT and the 29 foreign satellites.




Dated Kohima, the 22nd June'2017

NO.DET-12/40/16: Applications are invited from interested candidates for undergoing 2(two) months training at Indian Institute of Technology (IIT) Madras on "Essential Skill for Enhancing Employability of Diploma & Engineering Students". The main objective of the training programme is to provide an exposure to emerging and new age Machinery through IITM's central workshop and introducing concept of incubation through interactive sessions with IITM student and faculty, IITM research park incubates and successful small and micro entrepreneurs. The training programme is for 2(two) months starting from 1st Aug to 30th Sept' 2017. The training will be provided free of cost. Course Diploma Engineering graduate

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NO.ED/SCH/RIMC/EE/2012-13 Dated: 23rd June 2017 Entrance Examination for Admission to Class VIII in Rashtriya Indian Military College (RIMC), Dehradun, for July 2018 term will be conducted on 1st (Friday) and 2nd (Saturday) December 2017. 1. Only Boys are eligible to apply for admission to the RIMC, Dehradun. Candidates appearing for the above test should not be less than 11¼ years (eleven and half) in age but should not have been attained the age of 13 years as on 01 July 2018 i.e they should not be born earlier then 2nd July 2005 and not later than 1st January 2007. 2. Candidates should either be studying in class VII or pass class. VII from any recognized school at the time of admission to the RIMC i.e 1st July 2018. 3. The written part of the examination will consist of three papers namely English and Mathematics on 1st Dec 2017 and General Knowledge on 2nd Dec 2017. The Oral interview will be held for only those candidates who qualify in the written Exam and the date for interview will be intimated to them by first week of March 2018. 4. Application form and Prospectus and Old Question Papers can be obtained by speed post by sending a written request with an account payee Bank Demand Draft of Rs.600/- for General Candidates and Rs. 555/- for ST/SC candidates along with caste certificate. The Demand Draft will be made in favour of THE COMMANDANT, RIMC DEHRADUN, DRAWEE BRANCH, STATE BANK OF INDIA, TEL BHAVAN, DEHRADUN, (BANK CODE-01576) UTTARKHAND. 5. Application forms along with three Passport size photograph should reach the DIRECTORATE OF SCHOOL EDUCATION on or before 30th September 2017 Certificate of age (In duplicate) from the school record or Municipal Board should be submitted along with the application. (SMITA SARANGI), Principal Director Issued by: DIPR

Marillyn Hewson, the CEO of Lockheed Martin which is bidding to produce F-16 fighter planes in India, will also meet Modi. The jet deal is potentially the biggest since the two countries began deepening defence ties more than a decade ago. On Monday, Lockheed Martin announced an agreement with India's Tata Advanced Systems to produce F-16 planes in India, provided it won a contract to equip the Indian Air Force with hundreds of new aircraft. Lockheed has offered to shift its ageing F-16 production line from Fort Worth, Texas, as part of Modi's "Make-in-India" drive while it ramps up production of the high-end F-35 aircraft at home. Since Trump's election on an "America First" platform, U.S. and Indian officials have sought to play down any contradiction between his stated desire to protect American jobs and Modi's "Make in India" policy, arguing, for example, that deals in which components made in the United States are shipped to India for assembly benefit workers in both countries. Sweden's Saab is the other contender for the contract to make combat planes in India, which is expected to open for bidding in the next several months.

SaturdaY 24 •06•2017




Four Arab states send Qatar list Friend of former South Korean ‘Peace in Afghanistan linked of 13 demands to end deadlock president gets 3 years in prison with exit of foreign troops’

Demands include closing down Al Jazeera television DUBAI, JUnE 23 (REUtERS): Four Arab states boycotting Qatar over alleged support for terrorism have sent Doha a list of 13 demands including closing Al Jazeera television and reducing ties to their regional adversary Iran, an official of one of the four countries said. The list, compiled by Saudi Arabia, the United Arab Emirates (UAE), Egypt and Bahrain as the price for ending the worst Gulf Arab crisis in years, also demands the closing of a Turkish military base in Qatar, the official told Reuters. Qatar must also announce it is severing ties with terrorist, ideological

and sectarian organisations including the Muslim Brotherhood, Islamic State, al Qaeda, Hezbollah, and Jabhat Fateh al Sham, formerly al Qaeda’s branch in Syria, he said, and surrender all designated terrorists on its territory, The countries give Doha 10 days to comply, failing which the list becomes ‘void’, the official said without elaborating. The demands were handed to Qatar by Kuwait, which is mediating in the dispute, said the official, who spoke on condition of anonymity. The four Arab countries accuse Qatar of funding terrorism, fomenting regional instability and cosying up

to revolutionary theocracy Iran. Qatar has denied the accusations. U.S. President Donald Trump has taken a tough stance on Qatar, accusing it of being a “high level” sponsor of terrorism, but he has also offered help to the parties in the dispute to resolve their differences. Turkey has backed Qatar during the three-weekold crisis. It sent its first ship carrying food aid to Qatar and dispatched a small contingent of soldiers and armoured vehicles there on Thursday, while President Tayyip Erdogan spoke with Saudi Arabia’s leaders on calming tension in the region.

SEOUL, JUnE 23 (AP): A South Korean court on Friday sentenced a longtime friend of ousted President Park Geun-hye to three years in prison for using her presidential ties to unlawfully get her daughter into a prestigious Seoul university. The Seoul Central District Court said Choi Soon-sil “committed so many illegal activities” as she pressured Ewha Womans University to grant admission and then provide academic favors to her daughter despite Chung Yoo-ra’s questionable qualifications. Choi, Park’s friend of 40 years, is being tried separately over more serious charges, including allegations that she colluded with Park to take tens of millions of dollars from the country’s largest companies in bribes and through extortion. Following months of massive protests by millions and impeachment by lawmakers in December, Park was formally removed from office and arrested over the corruption scandal in March. She was indicted in April on bribery and other charges. Choi Kyung-hee, Ewha’s former presi-

dent, and Namkung Gon, the university’s former head of admissions, also received shorter prison terms on Friday for providing Chung favorable treatment. Chung was extradited from Denmark last month and is currently being investigated by prosecutors who see her as a key figure in the suspected bribery connections between former President Park and corporate giant Samsung. According to prosecutors, Park colluded with Choi Soon-sil to take about $26 million in bribes from Samsung and was promised tens of millions of dollars more from Samsung and other large companies. Prosecutors say the bribery included $7 million Samsung provided to a sports consulting firm controlled by Choi that financed Chung’s equestrian training in Germany. The allegations that Chung was sponsored by Samsung and received academic favors helped drive the popular anger that led to Park’s ouster. Many students were among the millions who protested against Park for weeks.

KABUL, JUnE 23 (IAnS): The Taliban on Friday reiterated that peace in the country is inextricably linked to the exit of foreign troops. It said that if foreign troops leave, its Doha-based political office already has instructions to negotiate and find a peaceful solution, reports Efe news. “The solution of the Afghan issue through peaceful means is part and parcel of the policy of the Islamic Emirate, should the occupation come to an end,” Taliban leader Mullah Haibatullah said in a statement. In a veiled reference to countries the group has been in talks with, Haibatullah expressed gratitude “to all those who acknowledge the legitimacy of the lawful defensive resistance of the Afghan Mujahid people”, and urged them to use their global influence to compel Americans to withdraw its troops. Haibatullah said the US should resolve the issue through diplomatic means by accepting their legitimate demands, instead of through confrontation. The message follows the launch of the Kabul Process by the Afghan government, a peace initiative backed by numerous countries and international organisations, but rejected by the Taliban. The first and so far only official meeting between the Taliban and the government took place in July 2015.



ELIGIBILITY CONDITIONS 1. Online applications are invited from unmarried male candidates (who fulfill eligibility conditions as laid down by the Government of India). 2. Educational Qualification. Candidate must have passed Matriculation Examination or equivalent from a recognised Board. 3.


Job Specifications. (a) Chef. They would be required to prepare food as per menu (both vegetarian and non-vegetarian including handling of meat products) and accounting of ration. In addition, they will also be allotted other duties as per Service requirement. (b) Steward. They would be required to serve food in the officers messes, as waiters, housekeeping, accounting of funds, wine and stores, preparation of menu etc. In addition, they will also be allotted other duties as per Service requirement. (c) Hygienist. They will be required to maintain hygiene in wash rooms and other areas. In addition, they will also be allotted other duties as per Service requirement. Age. Candidates should be born between 01 Apr 1997 to 31 Mar 2001 (Both dates inclusive). PAY AND PERQUISITES

5. Pay & Allowances. During the initial training period, a stipend of Rs. 14,600/- per month will be admissible. On successful completion of initial training, they will be placed in Level 3 of the Defence Pay Matrix₹( 21,700- ₹43,100). In addition, they will be paid MSP @ ₹ 5200/- per month plus DA (as applicable). 6. Promotion. Promotion prospects exist up to the rank of Master Chief Petty Officer-I, i.e. Level 8 of the Defence Pay Matrix (₹ 47,600- ₹ 94,100) plus MSP @ ₹ 5200/- per month plus DA (as applicable). Opportunities for promotion to commissioned officer also exist for those who perform well and qualify the prescribed examinations. 7.

Perquisites. (a) During the entire period of training and thereafter, sailors are given books, reading material, uniform, food and accommodation etc. free of cost. (b) Sailors are entitled to medical treatment, Leave Travel Concessions for self and dependents, Group Housing Benefits and other privileges. Sailors are also entitled to Annual and Casual Leave, Children Education and House Rent Allowances. Post retirement benefits include pension, gratuity and Leave encashment. All perquisites are extended as per service conditions and their eligibility/admissibility is regulated as per government orders in force and amended from time to time.


Insurance Cover.

Insurance cover (on contribution) of Rs 37.50 lakhs for all sailors is applicable. SELECTION CRITERIA


Selection of recruits is based on the order of merit on their performance in Written Test, qualifying Physical Fitness Test (PFT) and fitness in Medical Examinations.


Written Test.



The question paper will be bilingual (Hindi & English) and objective type.


The question paper will comprise of two sections i.e. Science & Mathematics and General Knowledge.


Duration of examination will be 45 minutes.


The syllabus for the examination is available on website www.joinindiannavy.gov.in.


The candidates are required to pass in all sections and in aggregate.

Physical Fitness Test (PFT). (a)

Advisory: Proficiency in sports, swimming and extra-curricular activities is desirable. Medical Standards. (a) Medical examination will be conducted by authorised military doctors as per medical standard prescribed in current regulations applicable to sailors on entry. (b) Minimum height 157 cms. Weight and Chest should be proportionate. Minimum Chest expansion of 5 cms. Height may be relaxed for Tribal candidates as per the prevailing regulations. (c) The candidate must be in good physical and mental health, free from any defect likely to interfere with the efficient performance of duties both ashore and afloat under peace as well as war conditions as per Navy Order (Special) 01/2008. Extract of the Navy Order can be accessed from the official recruitment website. (d) Initial Medical Examination for recruitment will be considered only ‘Provisionally fit subject to fitness in the final medical examination’. Final Medical Examination of all selected candidates will be done at INS Chilka. Candidates who are found medically fit at final medical examination will be enrolled for training. Note:-Candidates are advised to get their ears cleaned for wax and tartar removed from teeth prior to examination. 13.

Visual Standards. Type of Entry Chefs/ Stewards Hygienists

Without Glasses Better Eye Worse eye 6/36 6/36 6/60 6/60

Better Eye 6/9 6/9

(d) Results of the Written Test will be announced on the same day and those who qualify written test will undergo PFT and Recruitment Medical Examination (Preliminary), which may take 1-2 days. (e) Candidates declared Temporary Medically Unfit in the initial recruitment medical could avail specialist review from the specified Military Hospital within a maximum period of 21 days. No further review/ appeal is permissible if declared unfit in the specialist review. (f) Candidates declared Permanent Medically unfit in the recruitment medical can appeal for specialist opinion in a Military Hospital on payment of Rs 40/- by Military Receivable Order (MRO) on Government Treasury within 21 days. Medical fitness certificate other than that of the specialist opinion in a Military Hospital will not be considered. No further review/ appeal is permissible. (g) A merit list will be prepared from all the candidates who qualify in all respects depending upon vacancies. The Merit list will be available on website www.joinindiannavy.gov.in on 22 Feb 18. All candidates, whose names appear in the Merit list and have been declared provisionally medically fit in the Preliminary Recruitment Medical, would be required to report to INS Chilka. The selection of a candidate will stand cancelled and he will have no claim for enrolment in the Indian Navy in case the candidate fails to report on the date and time mentioned in call letter for final medical examination for enrolment. However, enrolment will be subject to Fitness in Enrolment Medical at INS Chilka. (h) The candidate’s selection pertaining to a particular batch is valid for that batch only. Qualified candidates whose names do not appear in the final select list cannot claim admission for the next batch. These candidates will have to undergo the selection procedure afresh provided that they meet the eligibility criteria for the fresh batch. (j) Call letter for Final Medical examination will be uploaded only for medically qualified candidates in the select list. Unsuccessful candidates will not be intimated separately. (k) All select listed candidates reporting at INS Chilka for final medicals and enrolment, are to produce the self attested certificates submitted at the time of submitting the application, alongwith the original certificates (If the details provided during application stage are not matching with the original certificates, the candidature will be cancelled). (l) All select listed candidates will also be forwarded Police Verification form alongwith the Call letter for final medical examination. The candidates will be required to submit the same to INS Chilka after getting their antecedents verified on this form from the concerned district police authorities. Candidates without the verified police verification reports/ reports with adverse comments will not be eligible for enrolment. The format for the police verification form can also be downloaded from the website www.joinindiannavy.gov.in immediately after the declaration of select list, to ensure timely verification. (m) No enquiry will be entertained regarding recruitment/ enrolment after a period of six months. HOW TO APPLY 19. For this entry, the candidates can apply ONLINE ONLY on website www.joinindiannavy.gov.in from 26 Jun 17 to 09 Jul 17. The procedure is as follows:(a) Before filling online application, keep matric certificate, 10th Mark sheet & Domicile certificate ready for reference. (b) Register yourself on www.joinindiannavy.gov.in with your E-mail Id, if not registered already. The E-mail Id will be used for all future communication.

Qualifying in Physical Fitness Test is mandatory for selection.

(b) PFT will consist of 1.6 Km run to be completed in 7 minutes, 20 squats (Uthak Baithak) and 10 Push-ups. Candidates undergoing PFT will do so at their own risk. 12.

(c) All original certificates, mark sheets and NCC certificate (if held) and Call up Letter-cumAdmit Cards (CLACs) are to be produced at the time of written examination. If the details provided in ‘online application’ are not matching with original documents, your candidature will be cancelled.

With Glasses Worse eye 6/12 6/24

Note:- Applicants declared Permanent medically unfit by any Armed Forces Hospital in previous recruitment for the same entry in Navy are advised not to apply. 14. Tattoos. Permanent body tattoos are only permitted on inner face of forearms i.e. from inside of elbow to the wrist and on the reverse side of palm/ back (dorsal) side of hand. Permanent body tattoos on any other part of the body is not acceptable and candidate will be barred from recruitment. TRAINING AND INITIAL ENGAGEMENT 15. Training. The training for the course will commence in April 2018, with 15 weeks Basic Training at INS Chilka followed by Professional training in the allotted trade in various Naval Training Establishments. 16. Discharge as Unsuitable. Sailors are liable to be discharged as “UNSUITABLE” due to unsatisfactory performance at any time during the training. 17. Initial Engagement. The initial engagement is subject to successful completion of training. The initial engagement is for a period of 15 years. SELECTION PROCEDURE 18. The applications are to be filled online on website www.joinindiannavy.gov.in and all required documents in original are to be scanned and uploaded. The selection procedure is as follows:(a) The ‘Online’ applications alongwith the required certificates will be sorted out State wise. The qualifying cut off percentage of a particular State may be increased if more number of applications with higher percentage are th received. Short-listing criteria will be based on class X percentage. (b) Call up Letter-cum-Admit Cards (CLACs) for eligible short listed candidates indicating date, time and place for recruitment tests, which are scheduled during Sep/Oct 2017, would be required to be downloaded from the official website www.joinindiannavy.gov.in. The Call up Letter-cum-Admit Cards will be tentatively uploaded on website by End Aug 2017. No separate Call up Letter-cum-Admit Card will be issued. Candidates can be allotted any centre view administrative reasons.


‘Log–in’ with the registered E-mail Id and Click on ‘Current Opportunities’.


Click on ‘Apply’ (√) button.

(e) Fill up the Form completely. Before clicking the ‘Submit’ button make sure all the details are correct and all required documents are scanned in original and uploaded. (f) Online applications will be further scrutinised for eligibility and may be rejected if found not eligible in any respect. (g) Photograph. THE PHOTOGRAPH TO BE UPLOADED SHOULD BE OF GOOD QUALITY WITH BLUE BACKGROUND.

Note:(i) A Candidate is required to specify clearly in the online application form the entry for which he wishes to be considered in order of his preference [i.e 3(a) to 3(c)]. (ii) He is also advised to indicate as many preferences as he wishes to opt so that having regard to his rank in order of merit due consideration can be given to his preferences when making appointments. (iii) Candidates should note that they will be considered for appointment to those entries only for which they express their preferences and for no other entry (ies). No request for addition/ alteration in the preferences already indicated by a candidate in his application will be entertained by the organisation. 20. The application can be uploaded from Common Service Centres (CSC) across the country, against a fixed fees of Rs 60/-. This facility is entirely optional. 21. In case of any difficulty faced by potential candidates they may contact IHQ MoD (Navy) through website www.joinindiannavy.gov.in.

LAST DATE OF ONLINE APPLICATION – 09 Jul 2017. WARNING BEWARE OF AGENTS/ CHEATS/ TOUTS/ ANTI SOCIAL ELEMENTS Person claiming rapport with the officials of the Naval Recruitment Organisation may promise to get a candidate recruited and on the pretext may collect money. WE WOULD LIKE TO ASSERT THAT SUCH A THING IS NOT POSSIBLE. Approach police and lodge FIR in case on any harassment by touts. All short-listed applicants are, thereafter, issued Call Up Letter cum Admit Card. Before succumbing to the promises of any agent think twice! If you think that you can get the things done unlawfully, you are bound to lose! You are advised to conduct yourself as a law abiding citizen of the country and refrain from using unfair means. RECRUITMENT IN THE INDIAN NAVY IS ABSOLUTELY FREE. NO MONEY IS REQUIRED TO BE PAID TO ANY AGENCY FOR SELECTION

DISCLAIMER The terms and conditions given in the advertisement are guidelines only and orders issued by the Government as amended from time to time will apply for the selected candidates.

Scan this QR code to apply online



SaturDaY 24•06•2017



Afghanistan celebrates 'big dream' coming true Virat Kohli steers clear of KABUL, JUNE 23 (REUTERS): While Afghanistan celebrate their lofty status as a test-playing nation, far away in Mumbai, head coach Lalchand Rajput is busy plotting how to instil a five-day temperament into a team more attuned to the hard-hitting nature of limited-overs cricket. In a historic decision on Thursday, the International Cricket Council (ICC) granted Afghanistan and Ireland full membership, putting them in an elite group of 12 sides permitted to compete in the longest form of the game. Cricket gained popularity in Afghanistan when refugees residing in Pakistan after fleeing a homeland ravaged by the Soviet-Afghan War took the sport home with them in the 1990s. They first played among the sport's minnows until gaining one-day international status seven years ago, and in June 2013, the ICC granted Afghanistan associate membership, the second tier behind the testplaying countries. "It's a great achievement for them. Every country would like to be called as a test-playing country," former India cricketer Rajput told Reuters in an interview. "They have been working hard for the last couple of years. And this is the reward which they got after consistently performing, especially the last year has been very good. "We started beating

test sides, we beat Zimbabwe, we beat Ireland. It's a big thing for the sport in Afghanistan and its people. They are so passionate about cricket there." A former Mumbai batsman with a first-class average of close to 50, Rajput was manager of the India team that won the inaugural World Twenty20 in 2007. In June last year, he was named head coach of Afghanistan, replacing former Pakistan captain Inzamam-ul-Haq. "Everybody was keenly waiting for this ICC meeting to happen," Rajput, who played two tests and four ODIs for India, said on Friday. "They were all very excited that now they will all

be called test players. Every cricketer's dream is to be a test cricketer, that's the real test. This is a big, big thing for them." Having already played in multiple World Twenty20 events, the Asian side made a stellar debut in the 50-over World Cup in Australia and New Zealand in 2015. They have also been impressive in the Intercontinental Cup, a first-class competition for associate members. BIG HUNDREDS "This is a big challenge. Being from Mumbai, we know this attitude of 'khadoos' (stubbornness) in the region's cricketers and that has to be imbibed in the Afghanistan players," the

55-year-old Rajput added. "Because you have to have a price on your wicket, you can't throw your wicket easily. Plus the temperamental aspect, the mental toughness you know. And playing big innings, that's very, very important." Rajput feels the Afghan players are natural hard hitters of the ball and his job is to make them understand the need to spend more time in the middle instead of chasing quick runs. "In the Intercontinental Cup we used to get out early, the maximum score used to be 250-300. But this year, we played against Ireland and you will be surprised we got over 500 runs for eight wickets declared," he said. "The captain (Asghar

Stanikzai) got 145 and another guy got a hundred. So they are getting into the mode of scoring big hundreds. Slowly and steadily we will be there, we will improve. "I can't change it overnight, it will take some time. But we are going in that direction." Turning to matters with the ball, 18-year-old legspinner Rashid Khan looks a real prospect and he recently took 7-18 in a onedayer against West Indies after a strong showing in the last edition of the Indian Premier League (IPL) Twenty20 tournament. Former captain and offspinner Mohammad Nabi also gained exposure to the world's top batsmen as Rashid's team mate at the IPL's Sunrisers Hyderabad franchise. "We have the bowling. But yes, we have to look at options as well because in test cricket you require people to take 20 wickets," the coach added. "In one-day cricket you have to bowl tight. So the mindset has to be to take wickets rather than bowling tight. "We have got one more left-arm wrist-spinner. I watched him playing for the under-19s and said 'I want him'. "Slowly I will make him play four-day games and give him confidence so that he gets better and plays the one-day format consistently. Just like Rashid, he is also a wicket-taking bowler."

What if nagas are governed by factions? Rev. Fr. G. L. Khing



have come to a strong belief that failure of development in Nagaland is due to the presence of some forces/factions that are tirelessly at work. But the laws that regulate them make me think that they have greater visions and prospects for Nagas. It can be for good or bad, life or death. The consequences and daily experiences will only tell you. Have you ever come across any factionwho developed your village or town? Very rare or may not be there at all. I am sure they are preserving every drop of water and every single plant and animal to save Nagaland to meet the glorious day of Sovereignty. But if not taken care, a long term vision can cut short many good things of the present. There are some groups who speak big things about the splendor of Nagaland, but not willing to make it grow. They neither construct roads or bridges, nor help students in education or give jobs to the unemployed. They neither sow nor do the clearing but just wait for harvest time to get a handsome share as though they worked the hardest. This is not the right way of living. If anyone is unwilling to develop Nagaland, at least allow others to do without any hindrance. The phrase, “work and eat” does not mean to allow ‘illegal works’. Do not interpret wrongly and think that you are right from morning till night. There are better ways of living just life. The government of India collect taxes of different sorts but such money comes back to the public one way or the other for further development. But when factions collect taxes, do they use such money for the good of the public or they swallow the whole sum of money and still open their mouth wide for more? There are many crocodiles in the dry state of Nagaland.They are found every nook and corner of construction sites and shops. Business thrives at their command and order. Shall Nagas give a just tax to the factions so that they construct 6 to 8 lanes roads, erect super International Schools and Colleges, build shopping Malls, Parks, Cinema Halls, Churches, Banks, Factories, Community halls and provide security to Nagas at the cost of their life?I am sure the public will not ask any tax from them. Give them chance and they will turn Nagaland into fast developing State.

Allow them to become Directors, Engineers, Technicians, Doctors, Priests and Pastors to make Nagaland a better State. I am sure there will be milk and honey on the door step of every house with the rising of the sun. When Nagas are ruled by such group/s many changes will take place at the wink of an eye. They will employ their jawans to clean the streets and villages free of cost. The young and old will be given due respect and honour. Pregnant women will be given weekly incentives. Pre and Post Scholarship will be given on monthly basis to every student without fail. Education will be free and compulsory for every child till the completion of his/ her studies. Jobs will be assured to every citizen. There will be no distinction between the rich and poor, ugly and handsome/pretty, tall and short. Pension schemes will be delivered by the bed side even before you wake up. Medical facilities will be delivered to the patient’s personal room. Transportation will be made available at the cheapest rate. Circulation of money will be fast and transparent. There will be traffic jam in the sky due to numerous domestic and international flights along with personal choppers. Nagaland will become a safe State. You can take a stroll even at midnight without any fear. No doors and windows will need locks. Every gate will be opened wide. Tourists will flow like Chathe River to see and experience the goodness of Nagaland. Peace will be available without any argument. The natural resources of Nagaland will be tapped with the latest imported machineries. Petroleum will be exported even to the gulf countries. The gold mine will be explored. All Nagas will wear Golden trousers and Skirts and eat from the golden bowl. National highways and districts road will be constructed with silver and bronze respectively. Every family will have their own mobile towers. 4G will increase to 20G. Supply of electricity will be 24x7. Children will not know what is killing or extortion because of peaceful existence. Guns and bullets will be brand name for ‘chocolates and sweets.’ AK46 or AK56 will be used in reference to ‘the age of a person’. These changes will lead Nagaland to stand majestically at the top 10 countries of the world. I have such unusual dreams for Nagaland. And I am awaiting some Naga Saviours to make my dreams come true, if not today, at

least after a century. Far away from dreams, the reality of life in Nagaland is quite unexplainable. There are many untold stories beyond these dreams. There are people who disturbthe peaceful existence of the innocence. Their existence would mean death to many Nagas. Those who claim themselves to be working for Nagas’ peace are not peaceful themselves. They create fear and disharmony among the society. It is atragedywhen our own people become hindrance to our growth and development. Even ISIS do not involve in such fruitless work. No one is against collection of legal tax, but extortion of money and wealth is dislike by all. There are more illegal taxes than legal ones. Whenever there are constructions of road, bridge, building, etc, you are sure to meet many polite and refined guests of different groups;A group, B group, C group, D group. Are factions paying tax to Nagas? I do not think so. It is just one way ticket. They are allowed to build mansions and bungalows without any tax or fee. Likewise, the same privilege should be given to others. “Areeey, Naga khan nimitepusnaulaikenakamkuriase to.TAXnauthai le to SYNTAXuthabonagi.”This is a wrong preposition to start with. There are many instances where developmental works ceased with the arrival of letters and bullets. Shall we stop the growth of Nagaland? If so, which group or association will volunteer to hold the hand of Nagaland towards brighter future? Are Naga factions ready to develop Nagaland? If so, they must be given chance to do all the developmental works by hunting projects from somewhere. If not, let us give better chance to those who can do. Many of us are used to eating and drinking without a drop of sweat from our own brow. We only enjoy at the expense of others and continue our parasitical life. Let us straightened our crooked ways of life. Let us not assert our rights wrongly. Sometimes, one’s rights and privileges need to be sacrificed for the common good. As we believe in our personal rights, likewise give the same to others. This will only help us to grow and develop. Do not confuse your small brain with what does and does not belongs to you. Respect for each other will make way for peace in the society. You can be that person if you choose to be so.

'respected' Kumble's departure MUMBAI, JUNE 23 (REUTERS): Virat Kohli was in no mood to share any details regarding his role in the sudden resignation of India cricket coach Anil Kumble, the captain instead preferring to focus on the respect he has for the country's leading test wicket-taker. Kumble, whose original contract expired at this month's Champions Trophy, was widely expected to be handed a new deal to continue in the role after a highly successful year in charge but his tenure came to an abrupt end earlier this week. The former captain had been due to join the team on their limited-overs tour of West Indies beginning on Friday but he quit on Tuesday after revealing a breakdown in his relationship with Kohli, who was said to resent his asser-

tive coaching style. "(He) has expressed his views and taken a decision to step out. We all respect that decision," Kohli told reporters in Port-of-Spain, Trinidad on the eve of the first one-day international against West Indies. Kumble said in a message that he was surprised when the Indian board told him of Kohli's reservations concerning his 'style' and his plans to continue as head coach of the team. Queried about the circumstances that led to Kumble's exit, the India captain was predictably reticent, citing the sanctity of the dressing room for his silence on the issue. "We have created a culture over the last three-four years that whatever happens in the changing room, we've tried to maintain the

sanctity of the changing room throughout," he said. "...what happens in the changing room is something that's very sacred and private to all of us, and something that I would not express in details in a public scenario. "As I said, his point of view is out there and we respect that decision." Kumble's exit has been perceived at home as a victory for player power, which will also send out the wrong signal to whoever succeeds the former spin bowler in the high-profile job. "I have total respect for him as a cricketer and what he has achieved for the nation, all the years that he has played," Kohli added. "There's no taking away that aspect of him at all. And we all respect him totally."

Stoke dismiss Shaqiri transfer speculation LONDON, JUNE 23 (REUTERS): Stoke City midfielder Xherdan Shaqiri is "settled" at the Premier League club and will not be sold in the transfer window, club chairman Peter Coates has said. Swiss international Shaqiri battled with a recurring calf problem throughout last season, scoring four goals in 22 appearances for Mark Hughes' side and media reports have linked the 25-year-old with a move to

Italy's AS Roma. "No, there is nothing in that," Coates told British media when asked about the reports. "There are no plans to sell him either. He seems very settled with us and towards the end of the season he came back (from injury) and did well. "We are settled with him, too, and are hoping to see a good season from him next season." Shaqiri previously won

three German titles with Bayern Munich before a seven-month stint at Inter Milan and joined Stoke in August 2015.

The haphazard Govt


Z. Lohe

aving learnt sufficient lessons from SARDP’s 2-lane roads, in June 2014, I shared my apprehension in the media as to what can happen to 4-lane Dimapur-Kohima road as it happened to 4 nos. of 2-lane roads under SARDP in Nagaland. Exactly, the contractors of 4-lane road are now facing the same menace again. The media exposed the involvement of NSCN(IM) in hindering the smooth execution of works on Dimpur-Kohima road as per Morung Express dated 17.6.2017 though the acrimony was reportedly settled between contending parties as published. NSCN(IM)’s Home Minister summoned NCSU and resolved the issue amicably is the evidence that the former was responsible for stalling the ongoing works. The project in question is very dear to Nagaland and any adverse interference in the progress of the works

is serious. The ACAUT has rightly reacted and the same concern was shown by NTC. Nevertheless, had the State Govt. been sincere in the governance, it should not have been the botheration of ACAUT to confront with NSCN (IM. Perhaps, the ACAUT lacks confidence in the State Govt. that even if the matter is referred to the authority it may exude no positive response. Indeed, the State Govt. requires no upbraid, no encouragement or no ‘consultative meeting’ to timely intervene and promptly book any culprit who creates nuisance at the work sites or harass the contractors for nothing except for selfish gain. Such undue interference by NSCN (IM) or by anyone from any organisation including people in authority should neither be spared nor be tolerated by the authority, that is the State Govt. The apathy and the negligence of the bounden duty by the

authority is both irritating and disappointing in such matters. This is how no project becomes successful in Nagaland. Be it minor or major project, each is orphaned in Nagaland. The concerned authority only bothers how to get a program funded by GOI. Once sanction is approved and released then the attempt is to build castle in the air and payment made on ground. When any contractor is forced to pay money to anyone against the ongoing project, the contractor will be compelled to compromise the given specifications as we all know as one cannot afford to make quality road at the cost of his nil profit margin. When so, the 4-lane road when completed will be as ordinary as any other PWD/BRTF road which cannot withstand a monsoon. People tend to blame NSCN(IM) for committing such excesses against the interest of the common man but the State Govt. is to be

blamed squarely since such is their modus operandi of giving leeway to the antipeople elements to jointly extract honey from public projects during the last 15 years. The ineptness, the insensitivity and the complete absence of existence of State Govt. in such situations has made one to construe that the authority has connivance with all type of rogues who are hell bent to hijack the development projects and schemes and see that the people of Nagaland remained suffering from lack of basic amenities. The 4-lane road project will take few years to complete. Perhaps the recent interference was just the beginning of more of such disturbances in the days to come. Unless the Govt. is ready to deal with such elements with iron hand, Nagaland can never have 4-lane road. As the Assembly election is ringing the door bell, if not other element, the Govt. itself may become the rogue. No surprise.

Considerable trepidation on 18 point agreement for Clean Polls N.Haisoyi Ndang Author & Founder Naga script Lower Bayavu Kohima


he historic movement of the NBCC in its endeavour for clean election is a new dawn, liken by every sensible Nagas but in the same breath apprehension loomed large in every Naga’s mind for the fact that Nagas are extremely expert in exploiting the loopholes at every opportunity. Retrospection shows that, since the inception of Nagaland state it’s the Naga failing Nagas in every front has a bitter telltale that stands akin to “Dog to bone” where construction party is always closely followed by demolition party with holy bibles in their hands never to touch their hearts. Nevertheless, I just wouldn’t like to call myself a decadent Christian but others would if my action failed to follow my tongue and invariably all the Nagas are keenly observing the good Samaritan team members and their action with crossed

fingers, where everyone expects them control their own flock then 50% of the work is done in this 90% Christian voters (The rest non-locals) Indeed, this is purely a war on moral decadent for moral righteousness, where the warrior cannot sink their teeth on the defaulter but only make them understand the virtue of just and fair election. More so, the organization being born out of the top Christian forum NBCC many wayward considered it as a toothless tiger and true as well for the fact that defying the set of 18 rules will neither be imprisoned nor fine or excommunicates them from the church, town village and ward etc. Therefore, it is my humble view that there should be subordinate action groups in every village, town, and wards monitored and supervised by the apex body NBCC. Similarly action group may chalk out their own plan of action according to the local custom and usage which can be quite

variable from place to place. Well, within the context of the 18 point inked between political parties and NBCC on 22nd June 2017 for clean polls, there seems to be missing some vital points that I believed to be essential to make it more inclusive and stringent as shown herein;1. It is the general knowledge that most villages frequently make a collective decision, “to whom they should vote for” where very often polling officers become voiceless and passively allowed to cast vote for the entire village by the few selected person by the village council. POINT:- “No collective decision in favor of any candidate be allowed in any level whatsoever. 2. In certain constituencies there occurred time and again “COUP” system dividing villages and area wise between two or more candidates that ultimately defeat-

ing the very purposed of real and clean election, setting bad precedents. POINT:- No coup system shall be allowed in any level. 3. Many a time candidates pompously promised to dole out govt. jobs if he is elected. This has created a mess not only in election but over employed in every department with the highest ratio against population wise in the country and this has directly depleting our fragile state’s exchequer. POINT:- No candidate should promise govt. job for vote Truly, the noble idea of the NBCC for clean election through political consensus, involving all the political parties enliven our aspiration and hopes for the ensuing election 2018 that’s knocking at our doorsteps where every sensible Naga should ardently support for the common good cause. Big thanks to NBCC and all political parties, we are behind you; keep it up.

Readers may please note that the contents of the articles, letters and opinions published do not reflect the outlook of this paper nor of the Editor in any form.

Saturday 24•06•2017


11:00 AM | 02:00 PM | 08:00 PM

‘TubelighT’: Shines Colored Keys to release first music video today but with low voltage S alman Khan had once said, "Cinema should always be in touch with the soil of the country. My films celebrate the heartland of India." And probably with "Tubelight", he tries to be true to his words. So, he has dedicated the film to the families and friends of soldiers who are left behind to fight their own battles. The film is an adaptation of the 2015 released American war film "Little Boy". Set in Jagatpur in Kumaon district and in the backdrop of the 1962 India and China War, the film is the tale of a dimwitted boy Laxman whose brother, the only surviving member of his family, joins the Indian Army. How he survives during the interim period without his brother, forms the crux of the tale. Visually, the film is enthralling. The wide angle lens used by Director of Photography Aseem Mishra aesthetically capture the stunning locales to perfection. The music and background score further enhance the viewing experience. But it is the wafer-thin premise, packed with motivational messages and a tinge of patriotic notes that

make the plot seem forced. The script meanders with scenes that lack gravitas. A case in point is the scene when Narayan, one of the village bullies, throws Laxman who is walking along with his new friend Guo into a stream. And, when Laxman picks up a rock in defence and asks Guo to run, the assailants just whimper off, and the scene ends abruptly. In "Tubelight", Salman Khan does not play the dynamic hero that he used to portray with gusto. As Laxman, he fails to exude energy onscreen and hence, disappoints his fans. His mannerisms and body language are strongly reminiscent of Hrithik Roshan's in "Koi... Mil Gaya". His character is endearing but his physical demeanour is not. Initially jarring,

but by the last act you are one with the character and the actor. Salman definitely grows on you. Sohail Khan as his younger brother Bharat, has nothing much to offer, except being an emotional anchor for his elder brother, and he performs his part rather perfunctorily. The only person who steals the show in the film is Matin Rey Tangu as the young Guo, who Laxman befriends. He is charming with his oriental looks and impish demeanour. The Chinese actress Zhu Zhu plays his mother Liling with flair. Shah Rukh Khan in a cameo with his tattooed visage and ears studded with earrings, as a magician is dead pan and flat. He does not help to uplift the narrative or add emotionally to the film. Om Puri as Banne Chacha the guardian of an ashram, Isha Talwar as his daughter Maya, Mohammed Zeeshan Ayub as Narayan with his "knock knees and Yashpal Sharma as Major Tokras -- all brilliant actors have their moments of onscreen glory. Overall, "Tubelight" has the tempered magic of cinema but it fails to ignite the emotional quotient.


cclaimed band from Nagaland ‘Colored Keys’ will be releasing their first official music video titled "Warrior's Call" on YouTube.

The video premiere was held on June 23 at Mountain Music Academy. The video project was made possible with the support of Act of Kindness (AOK), Tinted

Light Studio (TLS), Tribes Music and Media 24. The event witnessed a special performance by Colored Keys and short speeches by AOK,TLS and well wishers.

The music video for "Warrior's Call" will be available on YouTube at 7:00pm (IST) on June 24, Saturday.. The mp3 version of the song is already available on Indihut.

TOTAL RECALL – The Recital Concert


usik-A (Alobo Naga School of music) vocal department had their summer recital concert titled” Total Recall” cum graduation day for the Live sound Management Batch 2 students at Acacia Hotel on 23rd June 2017. The students sang classic songs & oldies from the past like The Beatles, Bon Jovi, The Carpenters, Queen, Eric Clapton, Chris Norman &SuziQuantro, Radiohead, 4 non Blondes and many more. Alobo Naga shared that the students had hardly only 3 Source: IANS weeks to prepare for the concert

after their Rockschool.UK exam. Nise Meruno was the special guest of the evening. During his speech, he encouraged the students and share his insights on being a professional musician, and encouraged the parents about the importance of learning formal education. 6 Students graduated from the Batch 2 of Live sound Management, it may be mentioned that Musik-A is one of the only institute in the region that provide Live Sound Management. The entire concert was organized & managed by the students.

ed Sheeran reveals his Nicole Kidman wanted to quit Hollywood considered name change determination to start a family S

Fifth Harmony




ifth Harmony "thought" about changing their name when Camila Cabello left. The 'Work From Home' group - who shot to fame on US TV show 'The X Factor' in 2012 - were reduced to a four-piece when their bandmate quit six months ago and though they briefly considered adopting a different moniker, they ultimately felt it was important to stay as they were. Lauren Jauregui - who is joined in the group by Ally Brooke, Normani Kordei, and Dinah Jane Hansen - told MTV News: "It was obviously a thought, because it was a prevalent thing that there's four of us not five. Regardless, we were all very united in the fact that we didn't want to change the name. "Fifth Harmony is the name we grew up with and we worked for and it's our brand. It's who we are. It's our entire moments. It's what we spent five years on." But the 'Down' singers don't need to go out looking for a fifth member because they already feel like they have one. Dinah Jane said: "The fans named us Fifth Harmony. And now they're the fifth member." Meanwhile, Camila - who has launched a successful solo career - recently admitted she is impressed by her former group's latest single, 'Down', which is their first recording without her. She said: "I've heard some snippets of it. I haven't had a chance to hear the whole thing, but I thought it was pretty cool. "I wish the best for them and I'm sure they're going to kill it and I'm super happy making my own music."

he 'Shape of You' hitmaker is currently dating hockey player Cherry Seaborn, and has admitted he would love to have kids with his girlfriend in the coming years. Ed shared: "I just get broody at seeing kids, so yeah, definitely." The 26-yearold singer's forthcoming release, 'Perfect', was written about his girlfriend. But while Ed is looking forward to making the video to accompany the single, he's insisted Cherry will not be appearing in it. Speaking to The Sun newspaper, Ed explained: "People don't really know anything about her. But I think if you open up your world to that, you can't control it. So I think it's good to just separate the two. "If I ever pretend to be

something I'm not, I'll get caught out." Some of Ed's best-known tunes were inspired by real-life people and situations, including the single 'Castle on the Hill', which is about his old school friends. But Ed doubts whether everyone who has inspired his music is aware of their impact. The flame-haired pop star said: "The ones that are about my close mates, they do, but there are some about people I grew up with that I don't think they do. "But the guy who I was running from the law through the back fields with, he's the guy that also works down by the coast. "He just got some news that he's having a kid, so we went out and kind of had a boys' weekend. I told him


he is currently enjoying a career comeback, starring in the hit TV drama "Big Little Lies". But Oscar winning actress Nicole Kidman says she wanted to quit Hollywood nearly a decade ago. The 50-yearold actress made the revelation in an interview with

then and he was surprised." Meanwhile, despite being one of the best-selling musicians in the world, Ed has maintained a modest lifestyle over the years. The chart-topping singer said he isn't really motivated by lavish possessions. Source: Femalefirst

The Anthem Rises

Source: Femalefirst


The Daily Telegraph on Friday, reports dailymail. co.uk. Speaking of the period around 2008, she said: "I think I was pregnant with (daughter) Sunday, and I was like, I'm going to give up acting, I'm done. It's too much." However, the star was

persuaded to stay in the profession by her mother Janelle. "She said, 'Keep your toe in the water,' because, she said, 'You're going to want that as you get older'." "Big Little Lies" will air in India on Star World and Star World HD in September. Source: IANS


Saturday 24•06•2017



Messi's prison sentence may be swapped for fine


MAdRId, June 23 (ReuTeRS): Soccer great Lionel Messi could have his 21-month prison sentence for tax fraud substituted for a fine after a Spanish prosecutor said on Friday it was open to dropping the jail term. The judge in charge of the case will make a decision bearing in mind the prosecutor's recommendations. Judges usually follow the state prosecutor's guidance in Spain. Barcelona great Messi and his father Jorge were found guilty by a Catalan court last July on three counts of tax fraud between 2007 and 2009 to the tune of 4.1 million euros ($4.6 million) on image rights. An appeal against the sentence was rejected by Spain's Supreme Court in May. Neither Argentina captain Messi nor his father were expected to serve time in jail, as under Spanish law sentences under two years can be served under probation. The Barcelona-based prosecutor handling the case also said that if the judge did not want to swap the prison term for a fine, it was open to a three-year suspended prison sentence for Messi and his father considering they had no prior offenses, a spokeswoman for the prosecutor said in an emailed state-

Srikanth enters Australian Open Semis while Sindhu crashes out

Sydney, June 23 (IAnS): Continuing his fine run, recentlycrowned Indonesia Open champion Kidambi Srikanth on Friday defeated fellow Indian shuttler B. Sai Praneeth in a men’s singles quarter-final match in the $750,000 Australia Open Superseries here. Srikanth made it to the semifinals with a 25-23, 21-17 win in a match that lasted for 43 minutes. This was his third quarter-final in the last five tournaments that he has participated in. ment. Praneeth, who defeated SriMessi's case was one kanth in the Singapore Open final of the first high-profile inin April, started the first game on a vestigations by Spanish authorities into top football players' tax affairs. The state prosecutor earlier this month accused Real Madrid striker Cristiano Ronaldo of knowingly using a complex business structure to hide image rights income in Spain. Ronaldo has denied any wrongdoing. Messi, who has won eight La Liga titles, five King's Cups and four Champions League crowns with Barcelona, finished top scorer in Spain this season with 37 league goals. The five times world player of the year is Barcelona's all-time top scorer and their highest-paid player. Messi and his father defrauded the Spanish tax office of 4.1 million euros between 2007 and 2009 by using a web of shell companies based in Belize, Switzerland and Uruguay to evade taxes on income from the player's image rights. The maximum fine allowed by law in substitution for Messi's 21-month prison sentence would be 255,500 euros, Reuters calculated. This would be on top of a nearly 2 million euro fine that was handed down as part of last year's sentence.

strong note, opening a healthy lead of 9-6 but Srikanth fought back to make it 10-10 and went into the break with a slight advantage of 1110. The two were neck-and-neck from there but at 13-13, Praneeth took three straight points to make it 16-13. Srikanth then turned his A game right then to win five straight points to make it 18-16. Srikanth then raced to 20-17 but Praneeth clawed back to win four points on the trot to make it 21-20. From there, an intense battle started as both the Indians saved two game points each, which saw Srikanth pocketing the game 25-23.

In the second game, Srikanth maintained a strong lead making it 9-6 before Praneeth managed three points in a row to equalise at 9-9. However, he could not hold the higher-ranked player as Srikanth extended his lead to 11-9 at the break. Srikanth then went on to extend his lead to 16-12 before Praneeth came from behind and made it 16-16. Towards the end, Srikanth used all his experience to comfortably win the tie 21-17. Srikanth will play the winner of the second quarter-final match between Shi Yuqi of China and Den-

mark’s Hans-Kristian Vittinghus. However, Indian star P.V. Sindhu was knocked out following a tough quarter-final battle with World No.1 Tai Tzu Ying of Chinese Taipei. Sindhu won the first game before Tai staged a strong comeback to register a 10-21, 22-20, 21-16 verdict in the women's singles clash which lasted for about an hour. The top seeded Tai improved her head to head record against World No.4 Sindhu to 7-3. In the opening game, Tai had no response to Sindhu's smashes as the Rio Olympics silver medal-

list dominated the proceedings to pocket it easily. Tai, however, made a strong comeback in the second game, taking a 4-1 lead, before Sindhu clawed her way back to 8-8. It was a neck and neck battle at that time, and Sindhu then took a 13-10 lead, before Tai won four points on the trot to take a 14-13 lead which she extended further to 18-14. Sindhu made a critical error at that stage where she allowed Tai to save the match point, and take the game into the decider with a 22-20 win.

Second Summer Sixer Tournament from June 27 MOKOKCHunG, June 23 (Mexn): The Titans Cricket Club Mokokchung will be Organizing the 2nd Summer Sixer Cricket Tournament from June 27 at Imkongmeren Sports Complex Mokokchung. Forms are available at Camellia Shop Mokokchung. Last date for submis-

sion is June 26 with a registration fee of Rs. 2000/- only which is non refundable. The Tournament carries a cash award of Rs. 50,000 /-. L Temjen Jamir, former Member NLA and Incumbent State Executive Member BJP Nagaland has consented to grace the opening program as the Chief Guest.

Sania rues gender discrimination in sports MuMbAI, June 23 (IAnS): Decrying the widespread gender discrimination in society at large, Indian tennis star Sania Mirza rued the fact that the world of sports is also not immune from the malaise and she has to fight for equal prize money despite being a former World No.1 in women's doubles. "G ender violence doesn't lie in extremities. Rather it happens everywhere in the world. At the World Tennis Association (WTA), we have to fight for equal prize money even today. When I won Wimbledon in 2015 and came back to India, I was asked when was I planning to have kids and settle down since I had been married for five years," Sania said in a statement on Friday. "I wasn't considered settled or complete in my life after being a World Champion. That was the most extreme form of discrimination for me," she added. Sharing her journey and her parents support, Sania said, "I was never told by my parents that I might not be able to do something because I'm a girl and that I won't be able to follow my dreams." Sania and her father

Imran Mirza have released a video in a bid to increase public awareness about the subject. The video is a joint initiative by Population Foundation Of India (PFI) and noted director Farhan Akhtar's initiative MARD (Men Against Rape and Discrimination), as part of their campaign to end violence against women and girls titled ‘Bas Ab Bahut Ho Gaya - Enough is Enough!'. "My wife and I have never felt the pressure or need to have a son in the 30 years of our marriage. The thought that our daughters were anything less or we should have had a son instead never crossed our minds," Sania's father said in the video which has been directed by Feroz Abbas Khan. Farhan said the lack of understanding of the concept of equality in society leads to gender discrimination. "Gender-based violence is an evil rooted at a much deeper level in our psyche than we think. It is beyond us being men and women. Our inability to understand the concept of equality irrespective of one's gender leads to such kind of discriminations," he said. Published, Printed and Edited by Dr. Aküm Longchari from House No. 4, Duncan Bosti, Dimapur at Themba Printers and Morung Publications , Padum Pukhuri Village, Dimapur, Nagaland. RNI No : NAGENG /2005/15430. House No.4, Duncan Bosti, Dimapur 797112, Nagaland. Phone: Dimapur -(03862) 248854, Fax: (03862) 235194, Kohima - (0370) 2291952

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