June 25th, 2017

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SunDAY • June 25 • 2017

DIMAPUR • Vol. XII • Issue 172• 12 PAGes • 5

T H e

ESTD. 2005

P o W e R

Judge a person by their questions, rather than their answers Modi embarks on 3-nation visit, arrives in Portugal PAGE 08


By Sandemo Ngullie

Dimapur | June 24

Mokokchung Police arrested 2 men in connection to the murder of a youth in Mokokchung on June 23 in a suspected street brawl. The police in Mokokchung informed the duo – Imtinungsang and Zulutemjen – were arrested at around 11:00 pm Friday evening. In their 40s, the police said that the duo got into a scuffle with the deceased Sentilong Aier (33 years) following exchange of words at a booze joint at Sangtemla ward. As per the police report, the scuffle occurred on the street after they left the joint, during which the deceased was fatally injured. The duo, along with a friend of the deceased, took the injured Sentilong to the District Hospital only to abscond soon after. The deceased’s friend was reportedly at the scene trying to stop the fight but was unable to do so. A case under IPC 302 was registered against the duo, it was added.

Top 100 defaulting govt. offices for nonpayment of electricity bills



“All stories have a beginning. To know one’s origin is very important,” said Dr Shürhozelie Liezietsu, Nagaland Chief Minister, who spoke to a young gathering on June 24 at the Global Shapers Kohima hub monthly Cafe Conversation series- ‘Story Nights.’ Upholding and attempting to revive the age old tradition of oral storytelling, the Global Shapers Kohima Hub held its third Cafe Conversations series ‘Story Nights’ at D Cafe, Jail Colony Kohima. “We are all made of stories and in stories there are no agendas,” said Apem Raman, Curator of Global Shapers Kohima Hub while giving an introduction of the Story Nights series, adding that stories are the way people interpret their own narratives of life. In keeping with the tradition of storytelling, Dr Shürhozelie narrated his memoirs of growing up in Kohima village and retold the folktales he learned as a child. Due to the absence of scripts in the Naga culture, stories were ‘told and retold’ therefore Dr Liezietsu noted that in retelling stories, some elements may have got lost however the ‘theme’ remained the same. “With the change of time, many people think that it is not important to know one’s origin, but we must go back and find our origin, our history,” noted Dr Liezietsu while narrating the migration history

Outstanding liabilities of the State @Rs 86 Billion

Nagaland Chief Minister, Dr Shürhozelie Liezietsu sharing his stories to the youths during ‘Story Nights’ program at D’Cafe, Kohima on June 24. (CMO Photo)

of the Nagas from neighbouring South Asian countries. “I belong to the generation which have seen maximum changes in Nagaland. The greatest change was brought by the World War II. Though we lost heavily, that was the beginning of how we opened our eyes for the modern world,” said Dr Liezietsu viewing that the Great War though devastating, prepared the Nagas for modernity. Expressing hope in the younger Naga generation, Dr Liezietsu posited how the young have advanced and progressed with the rest of the world. At the same time, he also felt that the older generation need to search themselves, delineate the origin of the people and start afresh somewhere. The Naga elder also

lamented that the young generation are least bothered about their basic history where often they are not aware of the names of their immediate grandparents or even the meaning of their village’s name. “As far as progress and modernity is concerned, let us go as fast as we can but it is important at the same time to know our history,” Dr Liezietsu suggested. Despite the progress in Naga society, Dr Liezietsu expressed concern over the growing economic problem which will trigger a revolution Nagas are not ready for, further adding, “Unless we discuss our problems very seriously we are moving towards a dangerous trend now. For the young, I should advice to never depend on government

jobs. You have to find a way so that you will thrive on your own.” While there are many ways Moa Jamir to bring improvisation in NagaDimapur | June 24 land, Dr Liezietsu lamented on the lack of initiatives. He also felt that it is necessary to have hard Nagaland State gross fiscal talk with one another and find deficit soared from Rs 1 Billion in 1991-92 to Rs 11.6 Billion out ways for our future. (eleven thousand six hundred crore) in the fiscal year (FY) Hoping for a settlement soon During the interaction, ques- 2015-2016 as per the data retions were also raised on the on- leased by Reserve Bank of India going Framework Agreement (RBI) on June 24. It is the highest fiscal deficit and the future of the Nagas, to which Dr Liezietsu hoped that in 16 years of Nagaland state, there will be a settlement soon. as covered by RBI data. Since “Any settlement high or low, big 1991, the State had only one or small we need it very badly. surplus fiscal year in 2003-04. However, as per the adWe must bring back the system to the society so that the people can vance budget estimate, the grow,” the Chief Minister stated. fiscal deficit is expected to deAbout the ongoing dialogue for a crease to Rs 5.4 Billion (Rs 5400 settlement, the CM admitted he billion) in FY2016-17. does not know the contents. Overall, the second edition While the Nagas have divided of RBI’s statistical publication themselves into many factions, titled ‘Handbook of Statistics on the Dr Liezietsu considered the States 2016-17’ reported a hike formation of the Naga National in the gross fiscal deficit of all Political Group (NNPG) by six the states of India, surging from factions a big step because it a Rs 187.9 Billion in FY1991 to Rs makes it easier to assert the unity 4495.2 Billion in FY2016. of the Nagas. The State with the high“We may be wrong but we est deficit was Rajasthan at Rs have been requesting the six 673.5 Billion followed by Uttar groups not to insist on the par- Pradesh at Rs 643.2 Billion. ticipation at this crucial stage in The gross fiscal deficit the talk. And on the other side we (GFD) shows the excess of tohave been telling NSCN (IM) that tal expenditure including loans if you believe in yourself that you net of recovery over revenue are hammering out the settle- receipts (including external ment for the Nagas then it is high grants) and non-debt capital time to contact the other groups receipts. because we must be very clear that NSCN (IM) alone cannot Surging liabilities The rise in fiscal deficit is bring about the solutions. Therefore it is they who have to come also indicative of two deterioratdown a little bit and approach ing situation in the economy - a other groups at this time,” the growing revenue deficit as well Chief Minister revealed. outstanding liabilities

As per the data, Nagaland had total outstanding liabilities of Rs 4.09 billion in March 31, 1991. By March 31, 2017 the liabilities had skyrocketed to Rs 86 Billion (Rs 86,000 crores). The amount, however, includes State Development Loans (SDLs) of Rs 61.9 Billion. SDLs are loans raised by State Governments in the market via RBI by issuing securities. Consequently, the revenue deficit in the State has also seen an increase from Rs 0.1 billion in FY1990-91 to as high as Rs 8.9 Billion in FY 2014-15. While, it decreased significantly to Rs 2.1 billion in FY2015-16, it is expected to soar to Rs 9.0 billion in FY201617, according to the advance budget estimate. Revenue deficit occurs when the actual amount of revenue (income) received or the actual amount of expenditures do not correspond with predicted revenue and expenditure figures. From FY 1992-93 to FY2002-03; Nagaland was more or less a revenue surplus state, but since then, the state has seen constant increase of deficits with the highest estimated for FY2016-17. According to RBI, the Handbook of Statistics, first released in 2016, is aimed at providing State-wise statistics on a wide range of features of the regional economy of India viz., social and demographic characteristics, state domestic product, agriculture, industry, infrastructure, banking and fiscal developments. This second edition has updates of the existing data series and improvement in coverage of infrastructure. Related report on page 8

NU lacking proper infrastructural Role of schools in child protection Consultative session facilities, basic amenities: ANCSU calls Parent takes principal to court on bullying case for building

DIMAPUR, JUNE 24 • Appeals NU and evaluators to be genuine (MExN): The Department of Power has released details in the marking system on the top 100 defaulting Nagaland Government de- • To ensure salary to partment/offices for nonteachers in private payment of electricity bills. colleges as per UGC On top of the list is Diphupar norms Police station with an arrear of Rs 1.16 crore, followed by Marcofed office with an arOur Correspondent rear of nearly Rs 91 lakh and Kohima | June 24 Rest House under Education Department with an ar- Nagaland University (NU), the rear of around Rs 88 lakh. lone existing central universiDetailed list on page- 9 ty in the state, is still lacking in proper infrastructural facilities, road connectivity, transportation facilities and other basic amenities, the All Nagaland College Students’ Union (ANCDIMAPUR, JUNE 24 SU) stated today. (MExN): There will be toBesides the infrastructure, tal shut down of power sup- there are numerous discrepanply on June 26 from 5am to cies in the administration that 2pm in Kohima district due needs to be addressed, ANCSU to commissioning of new officials addressing media per132 kV bay AT 132/33kV Ko- sons here today in Kohima rehima sub-station. All con- vealed. “Nagaland University sumers under Kohima dis- was set up more than 20 years trict are requested to extend ago. When we see the abject co-operation and bear with lack of the developmental activthe inconvenience, a public ities, it pains us,” ANCSU genernotice issued by Executive al secretary Benjong Longchar Engineer, Transmission Di- said. In this respect, ANCSU apvision, Kohima stated. pealed NU to expedite the developmental activities. Stating that Nagaland has very few institutions for unApropos to the news re- dergoing professional degree port titled, “A dialogue courses, the Union appealed on ‘Gendered Practices and reminded the NU for en& Emerging Discourses hancement of more seats in all in Naga Society’,” pub- the departments on priority. Longchar said that Nagaland lished on June 24 issue University has very limited seats of The Morung Express, the designation of Chu- in all the departments and it beba Ozukum should be come very difficult for students read as “Naga Hoho to seek admission in other instiPresident,” and not as tutions since the NU cannot acrendered. The inadver- commodate all the passed out students in the NU itself. tent error is regretted. The Union appealed the

Power shut down in Kohima on June 26

PAGe 12

RBI data show soaring fiscal, We must go back and find our internal debts in Nagaland origin & history: Shürhozelie

Kohima | June 24

Morung Express News

Hamilton pips Bottas to take 66th pole in Azerbaijan


Morung Express News

Police arrest 2 in Mkg for murder of youth

T R u T H

— Voltaire

Residency colony vows to make polling station no. 65 a model polling station

Nagaland Chief Minister shares his experience on the migration, culture and to the political problem of the Nagas at 3rd series of Story Nights

The contractor mixed up the blue print, and instead of road he constructed a canal.

o F

NU authority to be vigilant on the appointment of Assistant Professors and Associate Professors by private colleges and state government to strictly adhere by UGC guidelines with minimum required qualifications. It also requested the University to be vigilant in regard to payment of salary by private institutions to the college teachers as per the UGC guidelines. While acknowledging the commitment made by the NU in declaring the degree results on time, the ANCSU once again appealed the NU for timely release of necessary documents to set conveniences for the students for admissions in other institution especially outside the state. At the same time, it also strongly appealed NU and evaluators to be genuine in the marking system. “We are not asking for liberal marks but we are asking for deserving marks,” Longchar said. He said ANCSU have received complaint from many students that they have not secured what they deserve. Temjennungsang Jamir, who took over charge as president of ANCSU on Friday during 5th union assembly appealed the higher education department for timely release of scholarship to the students and vowed to pursue the matter with the concerned authority. Further, the Union also appealed to all the colleges that they should have at least minimum facilities to be called institution of education. “We can see mushrooming of so many colleges in Nagaland with few hundred of students and less facilities, said ANCSU programme coordinator Katho P. Awomi.

environment conducive to holistic growth of children Morung Express News Dimapur | June 24

Providing an environment conducive to holistic growth of children into responsible adults was the underlying tone of a consultative session on the ‘Role of Schools in Child Protection’ held in Dimapur on June 24. Teachers and school administrators from the across the district participated. In line with the UNICEF’s broader definition of ‘Child Protection’, the daylong session organised by the State Commission for Protection of Child Rights (SCPCR) in collaboration with Childline, Dimapur, highlighted an imperative need for having ‘child protection policy’ in schools. It also covered the legal aspect of child protection and the importance of counselling services in schools. The need for having such a policy in every school was emphasised by Rahul Mali, Assistant Commissioner, Dimapur, who delivered the keynote address. He said that irrespective of the protective Statutes, children are vulnerable to abuse be it mental or physical in nature. Citing study data maintained by Childline India, Mali said that only 10 percent of schools nation-wide reported having a Child Protection Policy while only 1% schools have a sexual harassment policy. Only 3% of schools reported having grievance committees for issues relating to SC/ST and human rights issues, 2% for gender discrimination and 4% for issues related to corporal punishment, he said, while adding that 64%

Morung Express News Dimapur | June 24

Even as a consultative session on the ‘Role of Schools in Child Protection’ was conducted with heads of educational institutions by the CHILDLINE Dimapur on Saturday, there is an ongoing Court case against Principal of a reputed school in Dimapur for allegedly failing to take remedial measures against ragging/bullying in that school. The Morung Express is in possession of documents pertaining to the case (C.R.NO. 5/2017) filed in the Court of The Chief Judicial Magistrate, Dimapur. The complainant is the father of a Class 8 student who has been reportedly undergoing several forms and instances of bullying for years from a fellow classmate. Prior to filing the Court case, the matter was brought to the notice of the Principal several times for taking remedial and preventive measures. It was learnt that the other student had, last year, tendered apology not to repeat similar acts but the bullying continued till recent times. The School authority had separated the two students into different sections this year but bullying, teasing, intimidation and verbal abuses continued. An instance of bullying happened on April 26, 2017 within the school campus and the father of the victim wrote a formal complaint letter to the Principal on May 3, 2017. However, it was stated that the Principal refused to acknowledge and receive the complaint and did not assure of providing any corrective and preventive measures. A joint meeting of the parents of both the students called by the Principal ended up with the latter remaining a silent spectator while schools reported taking no measures to ensure safety of children outside school premises. As per the data, he added that the prevalence of corporal punishment is high with only 5% of schools reported as having meted out no corporal punishment. Further, he said that only 12% of school administrators (principal) have undergone any training on child rights and child protection. The role of schools in child protection is crucial “because a great portion of the day is spent in schools,” said Mali, adding, “Every school should have child protection policy.”

the two parties hurled abuses at each other, it was stated. “As such, to avoid any untoward incident, enmity and hostility, the complainant walked out,” it was stated. The complainant further alleged that the Principal entirely overlooked the issue as well as the Nagaland Board of School Education notification to heads of registered institutions to take appropriate measures to curb the menace of bullying/ragging in schools. The complainant has appealed the Court to order relinquishment of office by the Principal to avoid scope of tampering proofs and evidence and to pave way for free and fair enquiry. Meanwhile, the Principal in his reply described the allegations as “frivolous, vexatious and malicious.” He said the School had tried to bring an amicable settlement between the two students and their parents were also called for a joint meeting on May 10, 2017 but added that the parents of the complainant walked out. The Principal also pointed out that the parents of all students had taken an undertaking to abide by the rules and all decisions of the school. “As such the filing of any case, be it civil or criminal, by the complainant is totally barred,” the Principal stated and added that the “complainant cannot file a suit for complaint against school authorities.” However, since the complainant claimed that he had sought legal recourse only after having exhausted all formal and informal means of approaching the Principal for taking corrective and preventive measures against bullying his child in the school, it now remains to be seen how the Court proceedings would go on. The next Court hearing is fixed for July 20, 2017.

Dr Zavise Rume, Associate Professor & Nodal Officer of the Guidance & Counselling Cell, SCERT called for a clear cut government policy for recruitment of school counsellors. Emphasising the need for guidance and counselling component built in the schooling system, he added, “There is a need for having at least one male and one female counsellor in every school.” The state looks set in that direction as he informed that the Nagaland State Government has approved a SCERT proposal to introduce Diploma course in school counselling.

The apparent lack of “crisis intervention” as regards children was emphasised by K. Ela, Collab Director, Childline/ Prodigals’ Home, Dimapur. Stating “our people” are still not that aware of the prevalence of child exploitation, she said that the situation only calls for an urgent need to have in place intervention mechanism and change in the education system for the better. While there is the need for child counsellors and child protection committees in school, she said that when children are exploited as domestic helps “what can we teach at school?”


Sunday 25•06•2017



Residency colony vows to make polling Khensa Youth Ministry’s mini convention focuses on station no. 65 a model polling station ethics, economics, preserving cultural identity on day 2

Adopts resolutions in line with Clean Election Campaign

DiMapur, June 24 (Mexn): Residency colony has resolved to make the colony’s polling station (number 65) under 2 Dimapur II Assembly Constituency a model polling station of Clean Election. In a general meeting convened by the Colony Clean Election Committee on June 24, it was further decided that the committee will see that every genuine voter comes out to cast their valuable vote. The committee will verify the queue and insist on every voter to hold their colour voter ID card. On the polling day, elderly voters will be allowed to vote first, the youths will vote at the end, and the chairman will be the last person to vote as per his assurance, according to the meeting resolution. As per a press release from Simon Kelio, Chairman, Residency Colony Council the meeting mandated the Committee to assist the Booth Level Of-

ficers to purify the electoral roll as and when CEC notifies. All non existing people's name will be deleted, it was decided. Meanwhile, it affirmed that no proxy or outsiders shall be allowed to vote, no youth camps will be allowed to set up, no residents will demand money from the candidates or his workers. “Political parties & candidates will not be allowed for pocket meeting and house visiting. If any candidate wants to have a meeting with the general public, he or she must approach the council and request for the same,” the resolution read. If any resident violates the above resolutions, he or she shall be deprived of all facilities and rights as the resident of the colony, the meeting declared. “This punitive punishment and condemnation will be lifted only after the next round of election where he or she must prove the commitment to change by abiding and fullfiling the clean election pledge.” At the meeting attended by 40 people comprising all council members, GBs, women leaders, youth

leader and some church activists, the colony council chairman apprised of the DUCCF & GBs Union decision to take the Clean Election Campaign at the colony level based on the clarion call of NBCC. He called upon the public not to be discouraged by looking at the larger picture, but to be an optimist and look to oneself, as an individual having potential and ready to change. “When we as an individual want to change and make a real commitment to change, change is possible. Likewise when every individual changes, the whole state will change. Change should begin from within,” he encouraged. Meanwhile, the youth leader urged upon the council leaders to lead the way and the younger generation will give their full support for a clean society. A special prayer of forgiveness on bitterness and misdeeds of past elections was led by Amongla. The chairman administered the pledge which affirmed one man one genuine vote, not to enroll in multiple places, and not to sell nor buy votes.

Morung Express News

Khensa (Mokokchung) | June 24

Speaking on the topic ‘Christian ethics and economic life today’ at the ongoing Khensa Youth Ministry Mini-Convention, Dr. Imtisunep, BTM ATMA Peren Block today emphasized on the foundation and identity of Christian ethics and explained to the youths about the definition of economics in the Christian and Naga context. According to him, economics is making the best use of the available resources and converting it into maximum return in terms of achieving the basic needs in life. Addressing the pressing issue of un-

employment, the resource person said that the present generation is living in a very crucial point of time. “The danger of being unemployed is huge. We are all living in a transitional stage, resulting in many breakdowns. It is high time to think of an alternative way out and the only option is turning local into business,” Dr. Imtisunep stated. In the next session, Dr. Hannah Tia, Assistant Professor, Department of Sociology, Dimapur Government College spoke on ‘Preserving cultural identity in a Christian State.’ She emphasized on preserving and making daily use of cultural practices like language, knowing one’s linage. With the introduction

Dr. Hannah Tia (left) and Dr. Imtisunep (middle) speaking on the second day of the Khensa Youth Ministry Mini-Convention at Khensa Baptist Church on June 24. (Right) Representative from Kohima unit presenting a special song at the event on June 24. (Morung Photo)

of Christianity, she said, the Christian identity is in Christ and it is most important for every believer to be sure of that fact. During the interactions,

queries on setting up businesses, building up dynamics of marketing, making business plans and others were discussed. Questions on culture, church and re-

ligion were also addressed. The three-day event, which is underway at Khensa Baptist Church, Mokokchung district will conclude on June 25.

Nepali/Gorkha Christian leaders pray for peace in Darjeeling KohiMa, Jun 24 (Mexn): Concerned over the volatile situation in Darjeeling, pastors and leaders of Nepali/Gorkha Christian churches in Kohima irrespective of denomination this evening came together to pray for peace and normalcy in the town. The combined prayer Pastors and Church leaders of Nepali/Gorkha Christian churches during the combined prayer fellowship at GNCRC service held at Gorkha Nagabazar, Kohima on June 24, 2017. Nepali Christian Revival

Church Nagabazar was led by the Church Secretary Drona Sunar, while Chairman of Nepali Baptist Church Kohima (NBCK) Rana Chetri read the scripture and offered invocation. Pastors, Associate Pastors and representatives of NBCK Surjay B. Sapkota, Baptist Revival Church (BRC) Kharüzou DB Tha-

pa, GNCRC Nabazar Joseph Magar, BRC Keiyieke Prakash, NCRC High School Kumar Karki, and NBF Peducha Maya Thapa shared words of peace. Special mass prayer was also offered for God’s wisdom to prevail and return of normalcy in Gorkhaland at the earliest. Benediction was offered by Evangelist of BRC Keiyiekie Chandra Rai.

Cancer support group launched in Dimapur Urban Development appeals to public for cooperation

Members of the cancer support group at its launch at Referral Hospital, Dimapur on June 24.

DiMapur, June 24 (Mexn): In a noble initiative to reach out to those undergoing cancer treatment, palliative patients, and those who have survived the disease, a cancer support group was launched at Referral Hospital (CIHSR), 4th Mile, Dimapur this morning. The group, a first of its kind in Dimapur district, was founded by Ahimsa Zhimo in association with Referral Hospital. Its objective is to offer support, understanding and sympathy to people who have cancer, or have beaten it, and to their families and their friends.

Speaking on the occasion, Ahimsa Zhimo said that doctors give the best treatment but one (patient) needs to be positive of the whole approach and in such situation, the support group could play a positive role to make the patients who need lots of motivation and encouragement, realise they can win and get back to life after cancer. The group will also focus on wide range of issues surrounding cancer, spirituality, grief, loss and death, she added. Dr. Sedevi Angami, Director, CIHSR said Nagas are cohesive and supportive community and forma-

Catholic Sunday School Kohima Village summer camp underway

KohiMa, June 24 (Mexn): Catholic Sunday School Kohima Village began its 15th Summer Camp at Christ King Jubilee Hall, Kohima Village on June 23 under the theme ‘Adventure with Christ’. The camp is an annual programme of Catholic Sunday School Kohima Village where Sub-Juniors, Juniors, and Intermediate students get to learn more about Catholic faith and build their confidence in leadership, according to a press release received here. The 15th Summer Camp was officially declared open by Rev. Fr. Linus sdb, Principal, CKHSS Kohima, who also inspired the children with words of God in the name of Sacred Heart of Jesus. Keneingu Albert, President, CU, CKC Kohima exhorted the campers on the importance of discipline in daily life. The inaugural programme was chaired by Vizokhonyü Victor. Ruokuovituo Robert, the Catechist invoked God’s blessing for the success of the camp, while Kethoneizo James, President CSS welcomed the campers. On the first day, the session was initiated by the St. Emerentian Group who enlightened the campers with music through vocal exercise and basic notes of music. The most awaited Zumba hours enthralled the campers, the release said. Later in the evening, Divine Mercy Chaplet was recited in honour of Sacred Heart of Jesus. The camp will conclude on June 25.

tion of such group is a great initiative that will help many those who are affected with emotional comfort along with practical information to the challenges that are presented by the diagnosis of cancer. Also speaking on the occasion, Banuo Z Jamir, former Chief Secretary of Nagaland said people were gripped with fear with the word cancer largely because of delayed treatment due to lack of facilities. She however pointed out that facilities and its treatment have immensely improved resulting in increased numbers of winners over cancer. Spiritual determi-

nation and faith is very important along with proper treatment to beat cancer, she stated, adding cancer is preventable and curable if detected at an early stage. Banuo was of the view that government should give much importance to help those suffering from cancer to avail required medical treatment. She observed that the government is not giving importance to it like other contagious diseases. She hoped that the support group would sensitise the government on the issue. Inaholi Sumi, representing the nurses of the oncology department of Referral Hospital, spoke about the positive impact seen in the patients after being visited and motivated by cancer survivors. Atsung Imchen, chaplain of Referral Hospital Chapel offered the dedication prayer for the support group, which comprises of patients undergoing treatment, survivors, care givers (those related to patients), and hospitals faculties.

Foootpath inaugurated under AMRUT in Dimapur Morung Express News Dimapur | June 24

Department of Urban Development has appealed to the public to cooperate with it for successful implementation of central projects especially the Atal Mission for Rejuvenation and Urban Transformation (AMRUT) since the Mission is time bound. Speaking after inaugurating the footpath at East Police Station Dimapur on Saturday, Advisor Urban Development, SI Jamir called for effectively activating different central projects in the state and appealed to the public for their cooperation as the efforts of the Department alone would not suffice for success of any project. He said AMRUT scheme was time bound and it seeks to transform existing towns

Advisor, Urban Development, SI Jamir inaugurating foothpath in Dimapur on Saturday. (Morung Photo)

and cities. Secretary, Urban Development, M Lotha informed that Kohima and Dimapur have been included under AMRUT which sets one lakh population as criteria to be chosen under the scheme and that it was a Rs 120 crore project for the two cities. He said any project under AMRUT has to be completed by 2019 as the Mission is valid till that

Baptist College, Kohima Literature Fest

Sketching: First: Zawe - Baptist College, Kohima. Second: Wulo Akami - Baptist College, Kohima Third: Mhademo P. Shitiri Baptist College Kohima

Poetry: First: Suli Kiba - Baptist College, Kohima Second: Rongsen Imsong - Royal School of Architecture, Guwahati Third: Kevisa Vivose - St. Joseph's College, Jakhama Students at the 2nd edition of Baptist College, Kohima Literature Fest on June 24. (Morung Photo) Dr. Vizovono Elizabeth, it is something that is miss- Story Writing: KohiMa, June 24 (Mexn): The second edi- HoD, English Department, ing in the school curricula. First: Pfükruneinuo - BapCompetitions in the tist College, Sechü campus tion of Baptist College, Ko- Baptist College said the Fest hima Literature Fest was was organized with an inten- following categories were Second: Pewe-u Tunyi - St. held on June 24. The Fest tion of providing a platform held for which prizes were Joseph's College, Jakhama had Book Fair & Craft Stalls, for the students to express sponsored by CROSS- Third: Virzonuo - Baptist themselves creatively since WORD and Barkweaver. Poetry & Art Gallery. College, Kohima

KVK Longleng trains farmers on production & propagation technique of fruits

LongLeng, June 24 (Mexn): Krishi Vigyan Kendra (KVK) Longleng under ICAR Research Complex for NEH Region, Nagaland centre conducted five days skill oriented training on ‘Production and propagation technique of fruits’ from June 16–21 at KVK office, Longleng for rural youth and practising farmers. 30 farmers and youth from 3 blocks (Longleng, Tamlu and Shakshi) covering Yaongyimchem, Alayong, Bhumnyu, Hukphang, Lingtak, Pongching, Pongo, Nyang and Hongnyu villages attended the training. A press release from Dr. KL Meena, Senior Scientist

and head, KVK Longleng informed that the training consisted of 21 technical sessions where the participants acquired the scope and importance of fruits crop for livelihood improvement. They were particularly trained on scope, importance and strategies for fruit production; production and propagation techniques of Khasi mandarin, banana, pineapple, litchi and mango; rejuvenation of fruits crops; nutrient management in fruits crops; IPM and IDM on citrus and banana and management of fruit drop in citrus. Demonstration on budding technique of Khasi

mandarin; grafting technique of mango and air layering of litchi fruit was also done. Meanwhile, film on scientific cultivation practices of pineapple and banana, grafting, budding and air layering techniques, nursery bed preparation for sowing orange seed, compost preparation and IPM on fruit crops was screened. It was informed that the training mainly focused on procuring, proper selection of quality planting materials free from disease and insect pests and developing quality planting materials through budding, grafting and air layering techniques.

Trainees of the five-day skill oriented training on ‘Production and propagation technique of fruits’ organised by KVK Longleng from June 16–21.

The resource persons for the technical session were K. Lily Rangnamei, Subject Matter Specialist (Horticulture) Course coordinator, E. Lireni Kikon, SMS (Plant Protection)

and A. Namei SRF (Soil Science). At the valedictory programme chaired by E. Lireni Kikon, the keynote address was given by Dr. Lily Ngullie and vote of thanks

was given by K. Lily Rangnamei. Certificate along with budding and grafting knife was distributed to all the trainees. The programme ended with feedback from the farmers.

time. In this connection, he appealed the public to extend their support and cooperation to the Department while acquiring land and any other logistic supports. Any disturbances faced by the Department from the public, he stated, would result in a loss for the citizens since the Mission will remain valid only for three years. The Secretary said that

water supply and sanitation, drainage, footpath etc were some of the priorities to be taken up under AMRUT and urged the people to take full advantage of it. DMC officials led by its Administrator, Moa Sangtam, DAN Senior Executive Officer, Noleto Visa, Urban Development officials, GBs and chairmen of various colonies were also present at the programme.

Nagaland’s aquaculture potential highlighted at international summit

Dr. Nchumbeni Humtsoe speaking at the 6th Global Summit on Aquaculture and Fisheries held from May 25-26 in Osaka, Japan.

DiMapur, June 24 (Mexn): Dr. Nchumbeni Humtsoe from Fisheries Department, Nagaland attended the 6th Global Summit on Aquaculture and Fisheries held from May 25-26 in Osaka, Japan under the theme ‘To Create and Disseminate the Knowledge of Aquatic Resources.’ She was one of the main speakers among the scientists who participated from across the globe, informed a press release. Dr. Humtsoe delivered a keynote address presenting the ‘Status of Fisheries Development in Nagaland’ with emphasis on the huge potential of freshwater aquaculture. It was well received and recognized by the international community present in the summit, she maintained. She also delivered a talk on ‘Fish Nutrition and Physiology’ based on her Ph.D. thesis and gave testimonial about the conference which is uploaded on

the conference website. Various topics presented in the summit covered latest technologies to be applied in different fields, aquaculture nutrition, various economic resources, environmental management etc. According to the release, Dr. Humtsoe opined that this type of gathering is very much essential to learn, share and brainstorm on aquatic resources with eminent scientists coming from all over the world and great opportunity to make known to the world about the potentials of fisheries and challenges being faced by the people of Nagaland for possible research and development in future. On the concluding day, the senior most scientist Dr. W.M.T.B Wanninayake in his speech mentioned that Nagaland people are very much hard working, multitalented and sincere, the release added.

SUNDAY 25•06•2017



Gorkhaland demand: Car, bus services to Sikkim hit SILIGURI (WB)/GANGTOK, JUNE 24 (PTI): Bus and car services between Siliguri, considered the gateway to the North East, and Gangtok were affected today as drivers of West Bengal registered vehicles stopped plying to Sikkim, inconveniencing a large number of tourists. Several Sikkim registered cars were damaged by anti-Gorkhaland protesters and the services of Sikkim Nationalised Transport (SNT) from Siliguri was stopped. SNT additional general manager (operations) HL Lamichaney said its buses were not plying today out of fear. "Local drivers have threatened us that they will torch our vehicles if we carry on with our services. We will resume our service if West Bengal government

provides security to our buses," Lamichaney said. Sikkim-bound tourists were stranded at the SNT bus stand at Siliguri. Hundreds of tourists were seen standing in long queues at the SNT bus depot in Gangtok waiting to purchase tickets to Siliguri. An indefinite bandh is being observed in Darjeeling hills by Gorkha Janmukti Morcha (GJM) spearheading an agitation demanding separate Gorkhaland state. The unrest in Darjeeling in peak tourist season has come as a boon for Sikkim, a landlocked state, with tourists thronging the neighbouring hill state instead of Darjeeling. But problem was created after Sikkim Chief Minister Pawan Chamling extended support for a separate Gorkhaland state on

June 22. Drivers of tourist vehicles in Siliguri alleged that GJM activists were not allowing them to ply cars along NH-31A, the lone highway connecting Gangtok and Siliguri, but bandh supporters were not objecting to Sikkim registered cars. "GJM is not stopping cars from Sikkim. Their chief minister has supported Gorkhaland. And our livelihood is at stake," a driver said. They stopped a Sikkimbound bus in the morning and later small cars from going to the neighbouring hill state. Two cars were damaged by a mob at Champasari as the drivers were not ready to get down. None was injured in the incident and police intervened and removed the two cars from the road.

Biren Singh revamps police set up Newmai News Network Imphal | June 24

In an effort to revamp the State police set-up, Manipur Chief Minister, N Biren Singh inaugurated three key projects, which are part of his Government’s 100 days programme. The Chief Minister first opened the Superintendent of Police’s office of Traffic Police Control Wing at City Police Station before he inaugurated Cyber Crime Police Station at CID Headquarters and officially launched Community Policing at the Banquet Hall of 1st Battalion, Manipur Rifles. In sync with State Cabinet’s approval for 57 kinds of works to be completed within 100 days, the Government issued an order to establish the Traffic Police Control Wing headed by an SP on June 20, 2017. The Wing has a sanctioned strength of 118 personnel including one SP, one additional SP, one DSP, one Inspector, seven SubInspectors and 15 Assistant Sub-Inspectors. Khoisnam Sarma, MPS has been appointed as the SP in-charge of the Wing according to an order issued by the Government on June 19, 2017. Cyber Crime Police Station was set up at CID (Crime Branch) complex

to deal with cyber related crimes in the State on June 5, 2017. DSP (Cyber Crime) has been designated as the Officer-in-Charge of the said police station having jurisdiction throughout the State. The DSP will be assisted by four Inspectors, 10 Sub-Inspectors, 10 Assistant Sub-Inspectors, 20 Constables and five drivers. On the other hand, the main objective of launching Community Policing is to build a healthy policecommunity relationship. SPs and OCs will take initiatives to create Police Community Liaison Groups (PCLG), comprising representatives of communities and police at three levels in their respective districts and police stations. Speaking at the official launch of Community Policing as the chief guest, Chief Minister N. Biren Singh said that police is the mirror of the Government. Asserting that he would never indulge in any form of favouritism in any appointment and transfer and posting of Government employees, the Chief Minister also vowed not to exert political influence to any official. Expressing serious concern over ever increasing instances of mob justice, N

Biren asked the Police Department to take up necessary steps to check it. He also directed the State Police to expedite the process of investigation and charge sheet framing in the cases relating to heinous crimes. Ma i nt a i n i n g t hat prompt action is required in cyber crimes related cases as well, the Chief Minister opined that uploading communal, insulting and vulgar posts must be dealt with fast before it results to any unwanted incident.

Support rallies in Tripura, Arunachal

AGARTALA/ITANAGAR, JUNE 24 (IANS/PTI): A Tripura tribal party organised rallies in 29 places across the state on Saturday to support the demand for a separate Gorkhaland state in West Bengal's Darjeeling. Indigenous People's Front of Tripura (IPFT) held rallies and protest demonstrations in 29 places under the Tripura Tribal Areas Autonomous District Council (TTAADC) areas. "We not only support the separate Gorkhaland state in West Bengal, we also strongly condemn the atrocities on the leaders and members of the Gorkha Janamukti Morcha (GJM)," IPFT President Narendra Chandra Debbarma told reporters here. The IPFT has for the past few years been agitating for the creation of a separate state, carved out by upgrading the TTAADC area. It has announced blockading of National Highway-8 and the rail tracks for an indefinite period from July 10 in support of their demand. NH-8 maintains the surface connection between the land-locked state and the rest of the country through Assam. Meanwhile, Gorkhas in Arunachal

Pradesh brought out a rally on Saturday evening in support of the ongoing movement in Darjeeling hills. Gorkha men, women and children took part in the rally amidst heavy rains carrying pro-Gorkhaland placards and shouting slogans against the West Bengal government. The rally, which started off from IG Park, culminated at the Itanagar monastery. "We, the people of Arunachal Pradesh are not supporting the Gorkhaland movement because we want a land in Darjeeling or Kalimpong. We are doing it for our identity," said All Arunachal Pradesh Gorkha Youth Welfare (AAPGYWA) president Shyam Ghatani. AAPGYWA chairman Chanbir Sonar said that it was high time that Prime Minister Narendra Modi fulfill his promise made to the Gorkha community. BJP's manifesto before the 2014 Lok Sabha election had said that the party will "sympathetically examine" the demand for Gorkhaland. Arunachal Pradesh has been a home to the Gorkha community for many decades. The Gorkha population in the state is said to be more than 1 lakh.

National indigenous food initiative needed: MP minister UMIAM (MEGHALAYA), JUNE 24 (PTI): The Centre should launch a national indigenous food initiative to identify and study traditional and regional foods having better nutritional benefits, Madhya Pradesh Welfare and Child Development Minister Archana Chintis said today. “A national indigenous food initiative should be launched by the Central government to identify and study the traditional and

regional foods with their nutritional benefits to enable dissemination and incorporating them into regional diets,” Chintis said. She said this after reading the 'Umiam declaration' adopted at the national seminar on nutrition sensitive agriculture here. The declaration sought adoption of traditional wisdom and their implementation in

contemporary agricultural policies and practices, Chnitis said. “We need to adopt a holistic approach towards providing food and nutrition to every Indian and this can be achieved by following the philosophy of integral humanism,” the Minister said. 'Integral humanism' is a precept of the BJP presented by Deendayal Upadhyay in 1965.

Haokip students' organisation president shot dead in Imphal IMPHAL, JUNE 24 (PTI): President of Haokip Students' Organisation (HSO), Letkholal Haokip (37) was shot dead by unidentified miscreants in Imphal West district, police said today. The student leader was shot near the gate of his residence by the armed miscreants last night. He was rushed to the Regional Institute of Medical Sciences (RIMS) Hospital where doctors declared him brought dead, the police said. Haokip originally hailed from Khoken village in Kangpokpi district.

Police registered a case at Lamphel police station and are investigating the matter, the sources added. In another incident, a self styled 'lieutenant' of the banned outfit United National Liberation Front (UNLF) was apprehended by police commandos on Thursday night. In a press statement issued by the police, the apprehended cadre has been identified as Narungbam Prameshwar Singh. The 42-year-old was apprehended from Yaiskul Police Lane in Imphal during frisking, following a tip off.

Tripura, Mizoram get new postal region with HQs at Agartala AGARTALA, JUNE 24 (UNI): The Ministry of Communication has decided to set up a separate postal region for Tripura and Mizoram with headquarters in Agartala, accepting the demand of Tripura BJP president Biplab Deb. Deb said the Centre earlier had decided to have the newly created regional postal headquarters at Aizawl. The decision has now changed following persuasions of BJP and is estimated to create at least 20,000 jobs. Deb had written a let-

ter to Minister of State for Communication (Independent Charge) Manoj Sinha opposing the decision over creation of the headquarters at Aizawl. Biplab had strongly demanded to restore the name of Agartala as headquarters of the newly created postal region highlighting several points- establishment, workload and internet connectivity, progress in computerization, modernization, communication, and Inner Line Permit (ILP) issues in Mizoram.


I, AIENLA IMCHEN, holding Indian passport No:N0468189 issued at GUWAHATI on 0707-2015 and presently residing at PO.BOX.334467 DUBAI, UAE and permanent resident of H/NO-182 ,4 TH MILE SEITHEKE BASA DIMAPUR PIN 797112 NAGALAND INDIA do hereby change my name from AIENLA IMCHEN to JENNIFER FREEJO (GIVEN NAME) FRANCIS (SURNAME) with immediate effect.














DATE OF INTERVIEW/ VENUE/TIME 1st& 2nd june sdo(c) office jalukie 10:00am 8 june 2017 dc office 11:00am 15 june 2017 govt.iti, phek 10:00am 15 june 2017 dc conference hall 10:00am 28 june 2017 dc conference hall 10:00am 14 july 2017 dc conference hall 11:00am 13 JUNE 2017 dc OFFICE 11:00am


5 june to 10 june sdo(c) office compound 12 june to 17 GHss ground 19 june to 26 june govt.iti, complex 26 june to 1 july govt.iti, complex 3rd july to 8 july govt.iti, complex 17 july to 22july govt.iti, complex







to be notified later

21 august to 26 august


21 & 22 august govt.iti office 10:00 am

4th sept to 9 september govt.iti, complex


31 july to 5 august govt.iti, complex


DISTRICT INCHARGE CONTACT NUMBER(DEPARTMENT) LOCAL COORDINATION er.imchen principal govt.iti dimapur 9436831218 shri. tsasemong eo,deex tuensang 8416036907 shri. gideon sumi eo,Deex,phek 9612311383 er. enchiba principal,govt,iti wokha 9612374813 shri. savio visa deo,dimapur 9615088082 er. alongse, govt.iti mon 9436019380 shri. avika achumi deo, zunheboto 9856237215 er.imlisunep principal govt.iti,mokokchung 8729887621 er.k.wati principal govt.iti,kohima 9436435548

1. Candidates who are already in Construction Industry since this is a Reskilling/ Upskiling Program 2. Candidates who are keen on Joining the Construction Industry as Construction Workforce. 3. Priority to be given to candidates who are already in Construction Trade 4. Educational Qualification - No Bar 5. Age Limit : 18-45 6. Trainess should be Indigeneous Inhabitant of Nagaland 7. The Taining will be primarily as per assistant Mason Curricullm of NSDC( National Skill Developement Corperation ) guideline. Number of Candidate Per District is 50(fifty) only.


FAITH THEOLOGICAL SEMINARY Campus: Near N.H.29, Jotsoma, Kohima Postal Address: P.O.Box, 431, Kohima-797001, Nagaland Recognised by H.Ed., Govt of Nagaland Associate Member of ATA

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Email: principal@ftskma.com


Faith Theological Seminary, established under the guidance of God offers sound Theological Training. This theological training programme is designed to inspire a person in deep spiritual life and extend a true vision to reach around the world with the Gospel. Courses Offered M.Th (Master of Theology) Missiology Extension Programme M. Div. (Master of Divinity) Regular & Extension M.Min. (Master of Ministry) B. Th. (Bachelor of Theology) C.Th (Certificate in Theology)



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B. Th with B Grade and above

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Secular Graduate/B.Th with below B Grade

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sundaY 25•06•2017



RBI widens scope of Banking Ombudsman Scheme in India

Banks could be penalised for mis-selling third-party products like insurance and mutual funds via e-banking for mis-selling third-party products like insurance and mutual funds via mobile or electronic banking. The pecuniary jurisdiction of the Banking Ombudsman to pass an award has been doubled to Rs 20 lakh. "Under the amended scheme, a customer would also be able to lodge a complaint against the bank for its non-adherence to RBI instructions with regard to mobile banking/ electronic banking services in India," the central bank said. The RBI had widened the scope of its Banking Ombudsman Scheme, 2006, to include, inter alia, deficiencies arising out of sale of inMuMbAi, JuNe 24 scope of Banking Ombuds- surance, mutual fund, and (PTi): The Reserve Bank man Scheme under which other third-party investment today the extended the banks could be penalised products by banks.

Govt relaxes norms for bamboo exports New Delhi, JuNe 23 (PTi): The government today relaxed norms for export of bamboo products to promote the shipments. There is a negligible exports of bamboo from India. "Export of muli bamboo till March 31, 2019 and bamboo products (except bamboo charcoal, bamboo pulp and unprocessed bamboo shoots) mace from bamboo obtained from legal sources has been permitted," the directorate general of foreign trade said in a notification. It, however, said these exports are permitted subject to proper documentation and certificate of origin. This certificate would be issued by the concerned state forest department from where the bamboo has been procured by the purchaser. Germany is the prominent importer of Indian bamboos. India's bamboo exports in 2016-17 was only USD 0.05 million (about Rs 32 lakh).

New Delhi, JuNe 24 (iANS): The central government has given its "in-principle approval" for the construction of a greenfield airport at Jewar, located in Gautam Budh Nagar district, adjoining the national capital city of New Delhi. The new facility, expected to be spread across 3,000 hectares of land, will be the second international airport to serve the catchment areas of the National Capital Region (NCR). The new aviation facility at Jewar -- Noida International Airport -- is expected to ease the infrastructure pressure on the Indira Gandhi International Airport (IGIA) located here. It is expected that IGIA's passenger handling capacity will reach up to 91 MPPA (million passengers per annum) by 2020 and 109 MPPA by 2024 from the current level of 62 million. The Noida International Airport in Uttar Pradesh will be located 72 km from IGIA and 65 km from Hin-

don Air Force station in Ghaziabad. According to Civil Aviation Minister Ashok Gajapathi Raju, the approval or site clearance has been given for the first phase of the airport which is envisaged to be completed in five years. "We have granted inprinciple approval for a greenfield airport at Jewar (Greater Noida) to cater to the growing flying requirements of NCR," Raju said at a press briefing held at the Rajiv Gandhi Bhavan here which is the headquarters of the Ministry of Civil Aviation. "Noida International Airport will cater to 30-50 million passengers per year over the next 10-15 years." The first phase of the project would require around 1,000 hectares of land, the minister said. Elaborating on the project, Minister of State for Civil Aviation Jayant Sinha said the first phase of the new airport project is expected to cost Rs

10,000 crore. Sinha pointed out at the press briefing that one runway and a terminal building will be developed during the first phase. The state government will implement the project through the Yamuna Expressway Industrial Development Authority (YEIDA). The YEIDA is expected to complete land acquisition and conduct a techno-economic feasibility study for the project within one year. In April, Sinha had said that the new state government in Uttar Pradesh has asked for a fresh technical evaluation for setting up a green field airport at Jewar. A technical evaluation of the proposed site at Jewar was conducted earlier but due to the time lapse there was a need to conduct a fresh study, Sinha had said. The announcement comes a day after the Steering Committee on Green-

field Airports, headed by Civil Aviation Secretary R.N. Choubey accorded inprinciple approval for the project based on a proposal submitted by the recently elected state government of Uttar Pradesh. In 2001, the then UP chief minister Rajnath Singh proposed the idea of an airport located in Greater Noida. Later, governments including those of Mayawati, proposed that the project be set up in Jewar, near Greater Noida. The last UP government scrapped the project, citing a clause that bars development of a second airport within a 150-km radius of an existing one. The IGIA is being developed and managed by a consortium led by GMR. However, Raju said that the project which is expected to be developed on a Public Private Partnership (PPP) model, will provide the GMR-led consortium with the "First Right of Refusal" at the time of the bidding.

Incentive schemes for exporters Sahara Life should not Facebook to release app for video creators York, JuNe owned by journalists, and followers on Faceto continue post GST: Com Secy procure new business: IRDAI New 24 (iANS): With an aim celebrities and other book, Instagram and

beNgAluru, JuNe 23 (PTi): The incentive schemes designed for promotion of exports will continue even after the GST roll out from July 1, while the government may do away with the deemed export benefits, a top official said today. Deemed exports refer to the transactions in which the goods supplied do not leave the country and the payment for such supplies is received either in Indian currency or in free foreign exchange. The government is committed to continue incentive schemes for export promotion, Commerce Secretary Rita Teaotia said while addressing exporters at an event here. However, she clarified that deemed export benefits may discontinue, as all will get level playing field in the Goods and Services Tax regime, FIEO said in a statement. While replying to the concerns of exporters due to regular beak down in icegate server of customs, she said the department is in the process of

upgrading the system so that all the issues of the exporters and importers will be solved. Open house session was organised by the Federation of Indian Exports Organisation (FIEO) to invite suggestions from exporters on the measures needed in foreign trade policy. Exporters presented in the programme from various sectors, including engineering, textiles, pharma, defence and silk, argued for continuation of all schemes to make Indian products competitive as well as the need for exemption route instead of paying tax and then claiming refund. Dr A Sakthivel, Regional Chairman, FIEO (Southern Region) said that paying GST and take refund will block working capital of exporters, which is costly compared to our competing countries. He also highlighted various anomalies like non-inclusion of garments manufacturers in the 5 per cent GST announced for textiles industry.




Further, "the pecuniary jurisdiction of the Banking Ombudsman to pass an Award has been increased from existing rupees one million to rupees two million", it said. Compensation not exceeding Rs 1 lakh can also be awarded by the Ombudsman to the complainant for loss of time, expenses incurred as also, harassment and mental anguish suffered by the complainant. Banking Ombudsman is a quasi judicial authority functioning under the Banking Ombudsman Scheme, 2006. The authority was created to enable resolution of complaints of customers of banks relating to services rendered by the lenders.

NCR's second international airport to come up at Jewar

Answer Number # 3980

cision so that they do not accept proposal deposits towards new insurance business. The order issued under Section 52 (B) 2 of the Insurance act will be binding on all persons concerned, according to Section 52 (B) 3 of the Insurance Act,1938, said Irdai. Earlier, IRDAI owing to irregularities in the financial statements of Sahara Life Insurance had appointed an administrator on June 12 after it reached a conclusion that the insurer is working in a manner which is likely to be 'prejudicial to the interests of the holders of the life insurance'. The action was taken according to Section 52 A of the Insurance Act. It has named RK Sharma, General Manager, IRDAI, as administrator to manage the affairs of the insurer. Sahara India Life Insurance is promoted by Sahara Pariwar Group headed by Subrata Roy.

to empower its creator community, Facebook has announced that it is planning to launch a new app just for them later this year. The essentially a video creation app will be made just for its star broadcasters, who are also the same folks who are deemed worthy enough to use Facebook Mentions -an app only available to verified accounts

ACROSS 1. Baroque composer 5. Loft 10. Vipers 14. Attraction 15. Small fluid-filled sac 16. Wicked 17. Alteration 19. Bright thought 20. Pen part 21. “Smallest particles” 22. Something to shoot for 23. File 25. Mobile phones 27. Autonomic nervous system 28. Honeymooner 31. Apple or orange 34. Burrowing mammals 35. Actress Lupino 36. Piecrust ingredient 37. Stream 38. Smudge 39. Sphere 40. Prongs 41. Motif 42. Nonviolent 44. Court 45. What we are called 46. Diplomacy 50. Simpleton 52. Stimulate 54. Be unwell 55. Smog 56. Waistband 58. Beers 59. Extraterrestrial 60. Behold, in old Rome 61. Marries 62. It makes dough rise 63. A doe or stag DOWN 1. Flavorless 2. Sound 3. Grouches 4. Cool, once 5. Wanes 6. Coach 7. Snip

8. Kind of triangle 9. Tin 10. Zealously 11. A glancing blow 12. Urgent request 13. Secure against leakage 18. Corrupt 22. Ailments 24. Told 26. Pitcher 28. Book of fiction 29. Biblical kingdom 30. A romantic meeting 31. Dud 32. Unusual 33. Make more city-like 34. Small 37. Abundant 38. Sneaker or pump 40. Office fill-in 41. Laser printer powder 43. Gentle stroke 44. European bison 46. Exhaust 47. Condiment 48. Subsequently 49. Church officer 50. Defrost 51. Welt 53. Dogfish 56. Islet 57. What we sleep on

Answer to Crossword 3983

beNgAluru, JuNe 24(uNi): Maintaining its rich tradition, state-run telecom major BSNL is offering a very attractive special combo vouchers worth Rs 786 and Rs 599 for its Prepaid Mobile customers on the occasion of Eidstd code: 03862

Assent Comfort Control deem defend done drill eAger erst field filet finAl generAl guArAntee honor humAn little mAple mediA

optimism pArent pierCes plenty pressure priority prop rAnge remAin rewArd sAfety sCore stone teAr trAde vistA weAry whole wild



ul-Fitr. The Combo voucher Rs 786 for voice calls plus 3 GB data will have a validity of 90 days. The Rs 599 pack offers talk value of Rs 786, 10 onnet local SMS with a validity of 30 days. These offers will be available


till June 30, a BSNL release said here. The telecom operator is also offering other festive season offers like full and extra talk time offers on top-up of Rs 60, Rs 110, Rs 210 and Rs 290 for prepaid GSM mobile customers.

std code: 03871

(formerly senapati)



229529 229474

mh hospital

227930 231081

fire Brigade


faith hospital


naga hospital


shamrock hospital


oking hospital


Zion hospital

231864 224117 227337

Bethel nursing home


northeast shuttles


police Control room


Police Traffic Control


east police station


west police station


Cihsr (referral hospital)

242555 242533

dimapur hospital

police station fire Brigade

north ps south ps

Officer-in-Charge 8575045520

229366 242441 225212

Chiephobozou ps 8575045506 Officer-in-Charge 8575045516 tseminyu ps


Officer-in-Charge 8575045517 Khuzama ps


Officer-in-Charge 8575045515

nikos hospital and research Centre

232032, 231031

Kezocha ps

nagaland multispecialty health & research Centre

248302, 09856006026

women Cell

248722 /248288, 9615945510



Officer-in-Charge 8575045518

Airport indian Airlines



Zubza ps




Officer-in-Charge 8575045510



std code: 0370

KohimA ps/oCs Contact numbers

Apollo hospital info Centre 230695/ 9402435652


222246 222491


224041 248011

eden medical Centre


Messenger, the report said. Reportedly, Facebook is also running a "small test" in India, of a video tab in the navigation bar of its flagship mobile applications. Pressing the tab, which resembles a play button, brings up "an endless stream" of Facebook videos, from pages users follow and videos liked or shared by friends.

Civil hospital

Chumukedima fire Brigade 282777


online influencers, Engadget reported on Friday. Apart from the access to Facebook Live, the new video creation app will have a new "creative kit" that includes tools like special intros and outros to videos, custom stickers, custom frames, among other tools. It will also have a Community tab, where the rich and famous can interact with their fans

BSNL offers special Eid combo vouchers for mobile subscribers


Simple Rules - Fill in the grid so that every row, every column, and every 3x3 box contains the digits 1 through 9.

Game Number # 3981

MuMbAi, JuNe 24 (uNi): The Insurance Regulatory and Development Authority of India (IRDAI) has directed the Sahara India life insurance company to stop underwriting new business with immediate effect. However, IRDAI has allowed the life insurance company to continue its business as far as its existing business is concerned as the existing policy holders should not experience any hindrance of service, said in a circular. They can also continue to accept renewal premiums from the existing policyholders. Under Section 52 (B) 2 of the Insurance Act 1938, the regulator has asked the company not to procure / collect proposal deposits / underwrite new business with immediate effect. Moreover, the company has been asked to inform all its agents and intermediaries of the de-



Officer-in-Charge 8575045538 8575045509

Officer-in-Charge 8575045519 Control room

8575045500 (Emergency No. – 100)


KohimA south: 0370-2222952/ 101 (O) 9402003086 (OC) KohimA north: 7085924114 (O) dimApur: 03862-232201/ 101 (O) 9856156876 (OC) ChumuKedimA: 7085982102 (O) 8732810051 (OC) woKhA: 03860-242215/101 (O) 8974322879 (OC) moKoKChung: 0369-2226225/ 101 (O) 8415830232 (OC) pheK: 8414853765 (O) 8413822476(OC) ZunheBoto: 03867-280304/ 101 (O) 9436422730 (OC) tuensAng: 8414853766 (O) 9856163601 (OC) mon: 03869-251222/ 101 (O) 9862130954 (OC) Kiphire: 8414853767 (O) 9436261577 (OC) peren: 7085189932 (O) 9856311205 (OC) longleng: 7085924113 (O) 9862414264 (OC) we4 women helpline 08822911011 WOMEN helpline 181 CHiLD welfAre Committee Toll free No. 1098 childline


std code: 0369

police station 1 police station 2 police station Kobulong police station tuli police station Changtongya police station mangkolemba Civil hospital

9485232688 9485232689 9485232690 9485232693 9485232694 9485232695 2226216

woodland nursing home


hotel metsüpen (tourist lodge) 2226373/ 2229343

CURRENCY NOTES Buy (rs) sell (rs)

us dollars sterling pound hong Kong dollar Australian dollar singapore dollar Canadian dollar Japanese yen euro thai Baht Korean won uAe dirham (Aed) Chinese yuan

63.01 80.12 7.82 47.6 45.35 47.55 56.34 70.28 1.8 0.0536 16.6 8.91

66.03 84.22 8.73 50.08 47.70 50.01 59.67 73.86 2.01 0.0599 18.54 9.95

Sunday 25•06•2017


Hewoto introduced to NPF Ghaspani-II A/C officials Dimapur, June 24 (mexn): An introductory meeting of NPF CEC Member and Ex-Minister, Y. Hewoto Awomi with office bearers of 5 GhaspaniII A/C was held at the party office premises on June 23 along with the officials of NPF Central and Dimapur Division. According to a press release, Awomi sought cooperation from the party workers and assured to work together to strengthen the Party. He also urged the party men and women to have common vision and place the Party’s interest above individual importance which, he opined

is the essence of any political or social organization that make us to achieve common goal. Awomi thanked the party President and Chief Minister of Nagaland, Dr. Shurhozelie Leizietsu and K.G. Kenye, Member of Parliament and Secretary General, NPF for inducting him as one of the members in the Central Executive Committee, the Party’s highest decision making body. On the impending By-election to the seat of Northern Angami- I AC, Awomi opined that it would be sensible if the people, particularly, the Assembly Constituency to not project

any other candidate but allow the incumbent Chief Minister to work for the people of the State for the remaining little time that is left before the next State General Election. Party officials who spoke in the meeting include: Vepra Nulu Nyekha, President, NPF Women Wing, Dimapur Division; Keirei Pfukha, Secretary, Women Wing, NPF Central; Lhousietuo Khro, Secretary NPF Central; Vilasalie Nakhro, CEC, NPF Central; Thangchanthung Lotha, 2nd ic Dimapur District NPF; and Shikuto Yeptho, VP, NPF Dimapur Division.

BJP Nagaland to celebrate birth centenary of Upadhyaya Kohima, June 24 (mexn): The Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) Nagaland will be celebrating the birth centenary of its founder General Secretary Pt. Deendayal Upadhyaya this year. In light of this celebration, all the State office bearers, District office bearers, State Morchas office bearers and Mandal office bearers, 417 workers in total; will be carrying out a tour and visit a minimum of 5 polling stations/booths from July 1 to 15. These office bearers will be visiting the stations/booths apart from their own jurisdiction and will submit a detailed report of their visits to the head office. According to a press release from the Media Cell

BJP Nagaland, the objective of the tour is to generate and foster new members to the party, primarily a minimum of 50 new members in each polling station. This will be done through a toll free Mobile Number 18002661001, the release added. The State President has assigned the following State office bearers as District and Morchas in-charge: Er. Sankathang Jami, in-charge of Mokokchung; Imsu Yaden, in-charge of Longleng; Er. P. Cheong, in-charge of Wokha; Aienla Jamir, co-in-charge of Wokha; Tsasepi Sangtam, incharge of Kohima; Shanbeni, co-in-charge of Kohima; Vizopal Chaya, in-charge of Phek; Kuputo Shohe, in-charge of

Peren; Ester Bano, co-incharge Peren; Eduzu Theluo, in-charge Dimapur; Jaangsillung, in-charge of Pughuboto; Lima Onen, in-charge of Mon; K. Thong, in-charge of Kiphire; James Vihoshe, in-charge of Tuensang; Hurui Zeliang, in-charge of Zunheboto; Khiubangdibo, in-charge of YUVA Morcha & attached to Org. Secy; Mahesh Kotecha, in-charge Minority Morcha; Mhalo Yanthan, in-charge Mahila Morcha; Nyimathung Odyuo, in-charge of Kissan Morcha; L. Noklen Konyak, incharge of ST Morcha. The State President has also assigned the state executive members as constituency in-charge in all 60 assembly constituency, the release added.

BLOs in Pughoboto trained on Special Drive

NSCN (IM) to observe 1st Death Anniversary of late Isak Swu

Kohima, June 24 (mexn): The training on Special Drive of Booth Level Officers (BLOs) of Pughoboto sub-division was held at the Additional Deputy Commissioner’s Office, DB’s Court with all BLOs of the sub-division under 13-Assembly Constituency attending the training programme. The Sub-Divisional Officer (Civil) & Electoral Registration Officer, Pughoboto, Chonpenthung Ezung in his address highlighted that the drive will include enrolment of eligible voters par-

WoKha, June 24 (mexn): After more than a month of hectic practice in the whole of Wokha town, the Youth Department of the Wokha Town Baptist Church held its Annual Hymnal Competition on the hymn “Beyond the

Swelling Flood”. The main aim of the hymnal competition is to keep the tradition of Church hymns alive in today’s Churches as many of the modern youth have begun to forget most of the Hymns, a press release stated.

The GHSS Zuvotong Colony Youth Fellowship was adjudged the winner followed by Saron Colony Youth Fellowship as the first runner up and Molonsu Colony as second runner up respectively, the release informed. The judg-

ticularly from the age group of 18 and 19 years and removal of names of deceased electors, multiple names, transferred out names and underage which are in the Electoral Roll, a press release informed. It was also informed that on the day of the Special Campaigns i.e., July 8 and 22, the BLOs have to be present in their respective Polling Station to provide assistance with the enrolment. BLOs were also directed to carry out door to door visits in their respective jurisdiction for effec-

tive coverage. Further, the ERO explained that due to early enrolment of young voters, the enrolment of age group 18 to 19 years was very low. The BLOs in this regard were directed to conduct physical verification for age and corrections. In the technical session, Extra Assistant Commissioner (EAC) Tia Yanger Jamir spoke on ‘Duties of BLOs’ and form filling procedures. Feedback of BLOs work 2016 was given by Kivito, Head Assistant Election Department.

Yimchunger women condemn ShamaTor, June 24 (mexn): The Yimchunger Women Organisation (YWO) on Saturday vehemently condemned the recent incident where two minor girls in Tuensang town were allegedly raped and molested by

one Thunglim Lemba. The YWO in a press statement viewed that the “heinous crime” committed on innocent minors has created fear psychosis amongst womenfolk and further minced no words in denouncing the accused,

voicing, “Such persons are unwanted in the society.” In this regard, the YWO appealed the concern authority to award befitting punishment as per relevant laws and maintained that the accused should not be granted bail.

Fisheries Dept takes measures for intensive fish production at Wokha’s Tsumang Lake WoKha, June 24 (mexn): The Fisheries Department, Wokha on June 24 initiated measures to utilize Tsumang Lake in Wokha Town for intensive production of fish. A press release from the Tsumang ‘A’ Colony Union

Annual Hymnal Competition held at Wokha

Zuvotong GHSS Youth Fellowship with the judges and youth officials.


es of the competition were Renthunglo Kikon, Thunglamo Ngullie, Mharhomo Kithan, Zachamo Humtsoe, Chonben Tungoe and Thungchamo Ngullie. According to the Youth Department Director Chumben Murry, around five hundred singers from thirteen fellowships participated in the competition. Besides the singers, more than a thousand youth also attended the programme. The hymnal competition in the Wokha Town Baptist Church started two decades ago and is still loved by both young and old, the release claimed.

along with the Tsumang ‘A’ Youth Organisation informing this extended appreciation to the Fisheries Department for initiating such steps and further assured “fullest co-operation” to the concern department in making Tsumang

Lake more productive. The two organisations also urged all concerned citizens to extend their support to the department officials and make Tsumang Lake a centre of attraction for the benefit of the people as a whole.

Vice presidents for BS&G Dimapur District inducted Dimapur, June 24 (Dipr): Induction programme of Bharat Scouts & Guides of Dimapur District, Nagaland was held at DC's Conference Hall on July 23. Deputy Commissioner, Dimapur who is also the President of Bharat Scouts &Guides Association Dimapur, Kesonyu Yhome chaired the programme. The newly inducted vice presidents include: ADC Dimapur Sara Jamir, DMC CEO Moa Sangtam and SDO (C) Zakabo Rotokha. All three vice presi-

dents expressed their happiness for the honour and assured to extend all possible help and cooperation towards the association in serving the people. Other highlights of the induction programme included presentation of prayer song, special items presented by Scouts & Guides and days taps. Induction ceremony was done by DOC (S), D. M Agay Joseph and DOC (G), Kevileno Haikam who also gave a short speech about Bharat Scouts & Guides.

Dimapur, June 24 (mexn): The NSCN (IM) is commemorating the 1st Death Anniversary of its late Chairman Isak Chishi Swu on June 28, 1:00 pm at the Council Head Quarters Church in Hebron under the theme, “Whoever does the will of God lives forever”. A press release in this regard from the MIP informed all the national workers to make it convenient to attend the service positively.

AR recovers illicit liquor Dimapur, June 24 (mexn): 32 Assam Rifles along with a police representative launched an operation in 6th Mile, Dimapur on June 24 and recovered 752 cases of illegal Indian made foreign liquor (IMFL) from a Timber Mill in the area. The liquor is worth approximately Rs 15 lakhs, an AR release informed. The recoveries were handed over to Diphupar Police Station, Dimapur for further investigation.

Seminar on Road Safety Awareness Dimapur, June 24 (mexn): As part of the department's yearlong programme on Road Safety Awareness, the Motor Vehicles Department, Dimapur, is organizing a seminar on Road Safety Awareness, on June 27, 11:00 am at the IMC Hall. The Department in a press release has invited concerned members of the public in general and well wishers to participate in the seminar.

ANDAMSA elects new office bearers Dimapur, June 24 (mexn): The All Nagaland District Administration Staffs’ Association (ANDAMSA) held its 2nd General Meeting cum election of new team of office bearers on June 22 at DC’s Conference Hall, Dimapur. The meeting was attended by representatives from all districts except Tuensang. The new team will be led by Neibou Angami from Kohima as President and R. Lichanbemo Kikon from Wokha as General Secretary.

Meetings & AppointMents CCEM Joint Meeting The Chakhesang Clean Election Movement has convened a joint meeting on June 27 at Chakhesang Baptist Church Council Mission Compound, T. Chikri, Pfütsero. All the presidents and colleagues of political parties of Phek districts and also all the constituencies, parent body office bearers are requested to attend the said meeting positively.

NECU Meeting Information As resolved by the executive members, a meeting of the office bearers and executive body of the Nagaland Electrical Contractors' Union (NECU) has been scheduled on June 28, 10:00 am at the Union Head Office in Kohima to discuss various important issues relating to the smooth functioning of the Union activities. Therefore, all the Office Bearers and Executive Members are informed to attend the meeting without fail. A press not issued by Shikato Rotoka, General Secretary, NECU stated that no complain will be entertained at any cost from members who fail to attend the meeting.

PVYK meeting Pangti Village Yundon Khel (PVYK) 50 Years Nzyu Ethan Khümshüm has convened a meeting on June 30, 8:00 am at YYA office, Pangti village. A press release from P Oren Ngullie, Convenor, History Committee has requested all the office bearers, steering committee members, all convenors, and members to attend the meeting.

ENPO amicably resolves case AR arrests two with arms of officials violating constitution Dimapur, June 24 (mexn): The Eastern Nagaland People’s Organization (ENPO) has amicably resolved the matter in connection to the show cause notice issued to its own officials who it stated “openly and actively involved in partisan politics” which amounted to violation of its constitution. In a press note, ENPO President Khoiwang Konyak and General Secretary Man-

lang Phom said the matter was amicably resolved during a joint consultative meeting with federating tribal units and frontal organizations held on June 20, 2017 at Tourist Lodge, Dimapur after clarifications and unconditional apology was tendered by the erring officials. The meeting also resolved to continue to maintain the fair image of the organizations by all concerned.

Meanwhile, the ENPO have convened a joint coordination meeting with the 20 Eastern Nagaland Legislature Union (ENLU) members on June 29, 2017 at 11:00 am at DUDA Guest House, Kohima. In this regard, the ENPO has requested all ENLU members, Presidents of the 6 federating tribal bodies and presidents of all frontal organisations to attend the meeting.

Dimapur, June 24 (mexn): 41 Assam Rifles along with police representative established a Mobile Vehicle Check Post at the Patkai Bridge, Dimapur on June 23 and apprehended two individuals with arms. According to a press release, the mobile check post was established based on specific information regarding movement of suspected arms dealers along NH- 29. The duo was travelling in one Maruti Gypsy with-

out any registration number when they were intercepted. One .32 mm Pistol with two magazines, one Air Gun, two live rounds of .32 mm were recovered from their possessions, the release added. The two were identified as Vilhousa Metha, 34 years, and Joseph Linyu, 38 years. The apprehended persons along with the recoveries were handed over to Diphupar Police Station for further investigation.

Continuing with its efforts to raise awareness on HIV/AIDS, the 36 Assam Rifle in collaboration with the Peren Students' Union organised a rally on June 24 at Peren Town on the theme "Run for fun". A drawing competition relating to HIV/ AIDS awareness was also conducted at the 36 AR camp in Peren. Students from different schools in Peren Town participated in the event.

Unity College students compete in flower arrangement Faculty Development Programme at KROS College NPF Phomching Dimapur, June 24 (mexn): The Women Cell, Unity College organized an inter-house flower arrangement competition “with the sole purpose of encouraging the young minds to understand the importance of skill development in today’s world,” informed a press release from the college. The competition was held in four categories: succulent, artificial flower, fresh flower, and dry flower. Dover won the first place in fresh flower category, Panama in artificial, Windsor in dry, and Vagator in succulent respectively. The judges of the contest were Yanbeni Humtsoe and Rupa (Fairytale Weddings),

Students of Unity College showcase their flower arrangements at the inter-house contest held in the college.

Thungdeno C Patton, and cial of Unity College was hosted by Unity College Likevi Ayemi Ovung. Student Council on June Unity College chooses 24 at the college campus. Mr. and Miss Fresher Kuholi Chishi, Director, The 11th Freshers’ So- Higher Education graced

the occasion as the chief guest and released the annual college magazine ‘Nurture’, a separate press release stated. She also handed over awards to NU College topper, Hasina Begum and other merit students of the recently declared NU 6th Semester results. Exhorting the students to be dedicated to academics, she further encouraged them to emphasize on 3Dsdiscipline, direction and determination. A formal function was conducted, followed by entertainment session. Tovika Chishi and Lhingneikim Lhoujem were declared Mr. and Miss. Fresher, Unity College, 2017, the release added.

Kohima, June 24 (mexn): The Internal Quality Assurance Cell (IQAC) of KROS College organized Faculty Development Programme on June 23 with Dr. Hovithal N Sothu, Deputy Director, ATI, Kohima as the resource person. Faculty development forms an integral part of the employment of all staff and offers a systematic programme of opportunities for individuals, teams and departments to review and enhance their expertise in tune with the objectives of the college, stated a press release from the college. Sothu in his talk encouraged to focus on the quality of the profession-

inducts new office bearers

al performance of the members of faculty and their implementation of curriculum in their roles as facilitators, to update content knowledge in the respective domains, to enrich the repertoire of instructional strate-

gies, and to develop collaborative structures and supportive team relationships banking on the diverse strengths of the team. The FDP was attended by 17 faculty members, the release stated.

mon, June 24 (mexn): The Naga People’s Front (NPF) of 44 Phomching A/C under Mon district ceremoniously conducted the induction programme of newly appointed Party Office Bearers on June 23 at the residence of K. Konngam Konyak, Ex- Minister in Mon Town. Pastor Yu-ao Konyak said a dedicatory prayer for newly inducted officials. All officials from Parent, frontal organizations and Village Units attended the meeting, where veteran Naga leader and former Minister K. Konngam Konyak was "unanimously chosen" as Party’s official candidate for coming general election, a press release from Gangjah Konyak, General Secretary of the NPF 44 Phomching A/C stated.


The Chalkboard

SunDAY 25•06•2017


_____________________________ Because Children Matters

Math Trick Step1: Think of any 3-digit number. Step2: Arrange the numbers in a descending manner. Step3: Arrange the numbers in ascending order and subtract it with the answer. Step4: Keep your answer in mind, then reverse the numbers mentally. Step5: Add this number to your answer. The answer will be 1089.

Riddles and Brain Teasers for Kids Q: My name is Ruger, I live on a farm. There are four other dogs on the farm with me. Their names are Snowy, Flash, Speedy and Brownie. What do you think the fifth dog’s name is? A: Ruger. Q: I am an odd number. Take away one letter and I become even. What number am I? A: Seven (take away the ‘s’ and it becomes ‘even’). Q: What word looks the same backwards and upside down? A: SWIMS. Q: A boy fell off a 30 meter ladder but did not get hurt. Why not? A: He fell off the bottom step. Q: Using only addition, how do you add eight 8’s and get the number 1000? A: 888 + 88 + 8 + 8 + 8 = 1000.

Did you know?


Mia refers to a group of conditions characterized by sense of smelling. Anosmia – Inability to smell anything – Nose block, chronic cold, etc. Hyposmia – reduced ability to smell / identify things rightly with their smell Dysosmia – Things carry different smells than the relevant smell Hyperosmia – Excessive sense of smelling – DOGS! Phantosmia – Hallucinated smelling – You detect smells that are not present.

find the differences

Word Game

Dot to dot

Quote "A baby is God's opinion that the world should go on."


SunDAY 25•06•2017


The Reconstruction of Faith


H. Richard Niebuhr

he Christ of faith, that is, the Christ who has been introduced into our personal histories by the faith of those who trust him and are loyal to him in his loyalty, is a specific individual figure. We meet him in the company of those who believe in him: not as an empty point on which their eyes are focused in trust and faithfulness, not as an indefinable companion, but as a specific figure; he is one with whom, because of whom, they say "Father" to the Incomprehensible Transcendent One. They communicate Jesus Christ to us not as an idea but as a living and dying human being. The communication may seem in the first place to consist of recollections of those who were eyewitnesses, percipients of certain data given to the senses. They saw, or claimed they saw those who had seen, a certain man called Jesus of Nazareth who wandered about Galilee and Judea attended by a devoted band of followers, performing marvelous cures of the sick, raising the dead. They heard from him, or claimed they heard from those who had heard him, about God and human life, as well as certain predictions about his own fate and other coming events including the destruction of Jerusalem and the end of man’s life on earth. But we are not dealing after all with recollections and recollections of recollections. We are dealing with Jesus Christ as a specific figure in the lives of those who believe in him. We do not confront a recollection of Jesus Christ mediated to Paul by the twelve but Jesus Christ reflected in the faith of Paul. And this Jesus Christ is not a remembered figure but a living being present with his past to Paul. He is communicated in this manner to us not so that we remember certain stories about Jesus Christ who once lived but so that Jesus Christ, as this specific figure with a specific past, is born again in our minds. Not ideas about him are communicated but he is communicated. The process has certain parallel in the realm of ideas. We may say that what happens to us in communication is that we are reminded of certain ideas which we have always known but need to recollect in Socratic fashion, as when the idea of unity in multiplicity is the subject of discourse. But we may also say that the idea of such unity is generated in us in the midst of communication. We now have a direct relation to it, not via the communicator. Something like this happens in the case of Jesus Christ -- the specific individual with his past is generated in us. He is communicated so that there is no longer absolute dependence on the communicator, though in this case as in all others our personal relation to the reality is never a lonely one, without companions. The striking feature of this Jesus Christ of our history is his faith and the striking feature of his fate is his betrayal. His faith has the three aspects which we have discovered in analyzing the structure of faith in

interpersonal relations, with this marked difference that the cause to which he is loyal is the rule of the absolutely Transcendent One. His faith is first of all the faith of trust in the Lord of heaven and earth who had thrown him into existence in such a manner that he could be the object of Joseph’s and his people’s distrust. His trust is in this Lord of heaven and earth as One who has bound himself to care for the apparently most despised beings, human and animal and vegetable, in his creation. He trusts in the loyalty of the Transcendent One and in his power, being certain in his mind that nothing can separate men from the love of God. He trusts God for himself, for his nation, for mankind, for animals. This trust is wholly personal. He has the assurance that God will never forsake him, that he is the dearly beloved Son, that he is the heir of God. With this completeness of trust in God as wholly loyal, without the least deceptiveness in his nature, the Jesus Christ of our history combines complete loyalty to men. He is without defensiveness before them for he is certain that God will defend him. He does not trust his fellowmen but he is wholly faithful to them, even or perhaps particularly when he chastises them for their disloyalty to each other and their distrust of God. He seeks and saves the lost. He spends himself for others -- and always with trust in God. As person, as living in faith, this Jesus Christ is Son of God. To try to explain this miraculous sonship to God physically, as some early disciples did in stories of virgin birth, seems to add nothing to its remarkable character. It is the personal relation of a faithful, trusting loyal soul to the source of its being which is the astonishing thing. This is a superhuman thing according to all our experience of humanity. Yet it is humanity in idea, in essence. This, we say, as we regard him, is what we might be if we were not the victims and the perpetrators of treason and distrust. It is, therefore, never difficult for men to believe that the Jesus Christ of faith existed once upon a time in natural, biological form,. This personal miracle of the existence of a man of complete faith, of universal trust and loyalty, is conceivable. He is conceivable as the abnormal possibility of our normal human existence in negative faith. We do not doubt our fellowmen when they tell us of the loyalty of Jesus Christ. We are not inclined to believe that they are deceiving us. -What we doubt is not the possibility of such goodness; but we are skeptical of its power -not the miracle of goodness, for we somehow see that the appearance of such loyalty and trust is not in contradiction of the laws of personal existence. It is rarely suggested that the goodness of Jesus Christ is mythological invention. Now, further, the Jesus Christ of faith whom we remember was the subject of betrayal. His trust in God was profoundly distrusted as an attitude dangerous to the existence of his nation, of its cause as the people of God, of its leaders, its worship, its

laws. This confidence in the loyalty of God is suspected as something which is demonic. This loyalty to all men -- Samaritans and Romans, as well as Jews, to sinners as well as righteous, to the despised as well as the esteemed -- is seen as dangerous to all treasured values. He is distrusted in his trust in God and in his loyalty to God and to God’s creatures. Again we discover that the story of Jesus Christ’s betrayal is easy to accept. Our experience of human existence is such that we are quite ready to agree that given such faith, such distrust and betrayal of it would be a natural outcome among men. "This," we say to ourselves, "is the way it had to happen, as the prophets had foreseen. Given such a servant of God what other outcome would be possible under human conditions?" The specific historic conditions are secondary. Had Alexander ruled instead of Caesar, had the leaders of the Jewish people been kings instead of priests, had the people been Greeks instead of Jews, had the son of God been named Socrates rather than Jesus, still when a servant of God came, this surely would have happened, he would have been profoundly distrusted because of his trust, because of his loyalty to God, and because of his loyalty to all the creatures of God. The predictions of the prophets, especially of Second Isaiah, represent simply a profound understanding of the nature of human distrust and disloyalty, an understanding based on faith in God and the experience of centuries of faithlessness. If ever there was an opportunity in human history for the reconstruction of faith, for the self-disclosure of the Incomprehensible Transcendent source of being as God, as wholly loyal to his creation, as redeemer of all the promises given with the gift of existence itself, then it was at this point where faith in him became incarnate. But the faith of Jesus Christ came to the end of its historic existence with the cry: "My God, my God, why hast thou forsaken me?" There was faith in the cry: "My God!" But it is the uttermost cry of faith, at the edge of nothingness. If at this point in the central tragedy in our history there had occurred the demonstration of the power and glory of the God in whom he trusted; if Elijah had come; if he who saved others had been saved; if we know not what natural or supernatural event had taken place to deliver this soul of faith from death and further shame; then might not faith as universal loyalty and universal trust have been reconstructed among men? This did not happen. In our distrust we would not expect it to have happened. Should the Son of God come again, it would not happen. But something else has happened; something that is very ordinary and very strange, something over which we wonder. In consequence of the coming of this Jesus Christ to us we are able to say in the midst of our vast distrust, our betraying and being betrayed, our certainty of death and our temptations to curse our birth; "Abba, our Father." And this

we say to the Ground of Being, to the mystery out of which we come, to the power over our life and death. "Our Father, who art in heaven, hallowed be thy name" (Matt. 6:9-12; Luke 11:2-4) "I believe, help thou mine unbelief" (Mark 9:24) We cannot penetrate far into the miracle of resurrection as this miracle takes place in the interpersonal life of faith. But we can discern a few aspects of this historical, ever-repeated event. First we can understand that in order that the Jesus Christ of faith should not have been distrusted, rejected and betrayed, it would have been necessary for us human beings to be wholly different from what we are. If all our history from the beginning of our remembered common life had been different, then, of course, this event would also have been different. If all men had kept faith with each other from the first act of free loyalty onwards, and if men in their freedom had always trusted God as the sparrows trust him in their lack of freedom, then Jesus Christ might have been welcomed as the perfecter of faith, its universalizer and guarantor. But history without sin, without murder, treason, lie, is not our history. Second we can understand the consequences to our faith if the faithful Christ had been saved from the consequences of human distrust and betrayal by the sort of miraculous interference he himself knew to be possible: the twelve legions of angels of whom he spoke, who might have been Roman soldiers arriving in a nick of time to save Pilate from fear of insurrection, or who might have come in the form of a natural catastrophe which would have upset all the plans of princes and priests, or who for that matter might have arrived as superterrestrial beings -- men from Mars. Jesus Christ might have been spirited away after the fashion of Elijah and saved from death. What would the consequences for our human faith have been? Just about nothing, so far as we can see. We should doubtless say, if he was remembered at all, "We do not know what happened to him" or perhaps, "He was an unusual person and was translated into another existence, but as for us, we must all die. He was loyal; but we are disloyal. He trusted; we must distrust. How could we be delivered, even to the slightest degree from our disloyalty to one another and to God and from our distrust of him by an event which merely showed that there had been one exception to the rule that all men must die?" The consequence might well have been a greater concentration than ever on our desperate effort to avoid personal death no matter what happens to others. It might have been a stronger belief than ever that God is a hard taskmaster demanding the uttermost from us in order that the rare reward might be given. For most of us the despair would have been heightened. But it is What happened that is important for us rather than what might have happened. What has happened is that this forsaken and rejected Servant of God has been

given a name above every name among us. What has happened is that he has entered into the life of the human world as the most persistent of rulers, the most inescapable of companions. His eyes are still upon us when we deny him; he is forever warning us about our ambitions to be great; he is always there teaching us to pray. He is built into the structure of our conscience, not so that we cannot offend against him, but so that it is he who is offended in our offenses. He is present with his wound and in his rejection in all the companions whom in our great disloyalty we make the victims of our distrust of God and our diseased loyalties. That Jesus Christ is risen from the dead and that he sits at the right hand of God exercising power over us, that is one of the most patent facts in interpersonal history. Our evidence for it is not in beliefs about empty tombs or about appearances to others, but in our acknowledgment of his power. C. H. Dodd has pointed out that among early Christians there were evidently men who, like the writer of I John, did not move forward from an experience of Christ rising from death to the Christ seated at the right hand of power, but backward from their acknowledgment of the latter to the conclusion that therefore he had risen from the dead. (See C. H. Dodd, The Johannine Epistles [Hodder & Stoughton, 19461, xxxiii.) This doubtless is the manner of much personal conviction in our time, for we live in the time of Paul and not in that of Peter and the twelve. In our relation to this betrayed, forsaken, destroyed and powerful Jesus Christ we are enabled to qualify our distrust of the Ground of Being so that we pray to the mystery out of which we come and to which we return, "Our Father who art in heaven." Jesus Christ, we say, reveals God. What we can mean by that does not seem to be what certain theologians seem to think, that apart from Jesus Christ we do not acknowledge God at all, for we do acknowledge him with perhaps all of our human companions in the distrust manifest in fear, hostility and evasion; yet we do not acknowledge him as God, as the supreme object of our devotion, as the faithful one in whom we trust, as the one in whose kingdom we are bound to loyalty to all our fellow citizens in creation. There is an acknowledgment even of the personal element in the Ultimate in this distrust and anxiety of ours. But it is perverted faith. What appears to happen in fellowship with Jesus Christ to our life of faith is that our distrust of God is turned somewhat in the direction of trust, that our hostility is turned slightly in the direction of a desire to be loyal, that our view of the society to which we are bound in loyalty begins to enlarge. The thunderclouds on the horizon of our existence are broken; the light begins to shine through. A great metanoia, a revolution of the personal life, begins in us and in human interpersonal history. We explain what has happened to the life of faith, in which just and un-

A Child of His Time (Philippians 4:8)

just live, by saying that in this coming of Jesus Christ to us the Son reveals the Father and the Father reveals the Son. The Son reveals himself as son in his moral, personal character. By his trust in the Transcendent Source of being, by his loyalty to all to whom he trusts the Father to be loyal, by his faithfulness to God he makes himself known to us as one who has the character of a Son. Hence he is recognized widely as the good man, the man who is son and brother. But he is not made known as Son of God in reality until he is established in power, until it becomes clear that such a character of trust and loyalty is indeed in complete harmony with the nature of things. By his resurrection from the dead, by his establishment as ruler of life, by the power of his resurrection as Paul has it, it is established that the Transcendent One is indeed what Jesus Christ in his faithfulness and trust acknowledged him to be, and it is equally established that the faithful servant is acknowledged by Reality itself. The Father reveals Himself as Father in the resurrection of the Son; the Son is revealed as son by his life and his resurrection. In both instances much was known of the creator and of Jesus Christ prior to the revelation to faith of the Father and the Son. It was known and acknowledged in distrust that there is an Absolute; it was recognized and acknowledged in distrust and suspicion that Jesus Christ regarded himself and acted as though he were a son and as though the Ultimate was his Father. What happens in the establishment of Jesus Christ in power over personal life is that the double hypothesis of his historical existence is validated: The Lord of heaven and earth is indeed the faithful, loyal Father, and Jesus Christ is indeed of one nature, one faithfulness, with that Father. On the other hand we know something of what true goodness is. We recognize goodness in every form of loyalty and love. But our second great problem is whether goodness is powerful, whether it is not forever defeated in actual existence by loveless, thoughtless power. The resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead, the establishment of Jesus Christ in power, is at one and the same time the demonstration of the power of goodness and the goodness of power. But the demonstration remains a demonstration of a God who is both Father and Son, not of a Father who is identical with the Son or of a Son identical with the Father. When Jesus Christ is made known as Lord it is to the glory of God the Father. And the Absolute is made known as Father in his glorification of the Son. H. Richard Niebuhr, for many years Sterling Professor of Christian Ethics at Yale University Divinity School, was one of mid-century's most respected teachers and writers. This article is excerpted from H. Richard Niebuhr’s Faith on Earth: An Inquiry into the Structure of Human Faith, edited by the author’s son Richard R. Niebuhr. Published by Yale University Press.

Poetry ex nihilo

Silver’s imaginative poems speak Finally, brethren, whatever is true, whatever is honorable, whatever is just, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, Anya from nothingness into new creation whatever is gracious, if there is any excellence, if there is anything worthy of praise, think on these thin [Phil. 4:8]


Ronald Goetz

eing Christians does not exempt us from being children of our time. Like Christians of times past, we are inclined to absolutize the values and mores of the age in which we live. Furthermore, unless we live in some Hitlerian society, there is bound to be real worth in the dominant values of any moment in history. Who, for example, can argue with the classical virtues of wisdom, courage, temperance and justice? Of course, the sin-obsessed St. Augustine did so argue, but even he granted that they were “splendid vices.” If we are honest in confronting our text, the words of Paul seem curiously foreign to the ideals we set for ourselves in 20th-century America. It is not that we oppose what he says; who but an extremely perverse person can be against truth, purity and graciousness? It is rather that our center of values tends to dislocate that of the apostle. Paul thought of ultimate reality in transcendental and eschatological terms. The existence and providence of God were not even a question for him. On the other hand, much modern thought tends to see all reality as immanent, with the eschaton and God himself so much in doubt that even Christians tend to hedge their bets. We try to be virtuous enough to eke our way into the Kingdom -- should there prove to be one -- but our righteousness is lived so as not to squander this life’s pleasure potential in case there is no Kingdom. We have found a way around Pascal’s wager. Our lives illustrate the hedonistic belief that luxury and creature comforts provide meaning. I state this not as

acknowledgment of what is obvious. We are all in thrall to consumer values not altogether unlike the way the first century was in thrall to Platonism. We find that such things as good clothes, a comfortable home, a statusfilled career, good food, cars, TV with a video recorder, and a stereo in home and car are worth working for and very fulfilling to own. We can barely fathom Jesus’ statement, “Blessed are the poor.” Poverty is not only our secular version of hell, but its very presence makes us feel guilty. In the name of Christ, modern Christian social ethics points to an eradication of the very poverty that Jesus blessed. It isn’t that we wish to defy our Lord; it’s simply that we cannot see how loving our neighbors is consistent with blessing their poverty, and so we love our neighbors the way that any materialist might do: we try to find ways that the blessings of plenty might be showered on all. Were we to try honestly to restate Paul’s exhortation to the Philippians from our own perspective, we would finally substitute our terms of value fir his. Where Paul would say, “Whatever is honorable,” we would better understand, “realistic.” Where Paul would say, “whatever is just,” we would settle for “acceptable.” Where Paul would say, “whatever is pure,” we would rather be “experienced.” Where Paul would say, “whatever is lovely,” we would say “functional.” Where Paul would say, “whatever is gracious,” we would be satisfied with “adaptable.” What Paul commends as “excellence,” we would translate as “costefficient.” And for us, what are the things most “worthwhile of praise”? Is not our

fundamental values between the Moral Majority and those of us of a more liberal persuasion are fewer than we think. A neutral outside observer, seeing the similarities in our comfortable lifestyles, might well conclude that we are so alike in our praxis that our differences in theological theory are rendered trivial. This country’s liberals and fundamentalists alike are, after all is said and done, 20thcentury American Christians. In addition to the negative fact that our Christianity is inevitably shaped by the prevalent values of our culture, strong positive arguments can be made for Christian pragmatism, realism and cost-efficiency. Often, hard-headedness is required in order for ethical action to be effective. Further, we all have seen more traditional Christian values twisted in upon themselves. Who has not been outraged by a debased piety that renders truth into smugness, purity into prudishness, justice into the status quo and honor into pride? Are not the values of modernity preferable to the distortions of an obnoxious piety? The One whose advent we await was a child of his time, conditioned by the relativities of his age. Yet there was in him a light that compels us to seek the transcendent for its source, a light in which all our relativities are themselves relativized. In the brilliance of Immanuel new possibilities are revealed, and even our all-too-human values are recast and given their rightful validations. What do we demand in our pragmatism but to see the ‘‘true” actualized? Jesus is not an abstract ideal; he is truth in

“honorable” and realism one and the same. He bore the cross out of his terrible recognition of the fact that God’s honor as well as ours has been stained by evil and sin. And that atonement can be brought about only on Calvary, where simultaneously God and humankind bear the burden of honor’s onus. Jesus in his gracious self-giving demonstrated that which is truly “just.” True justice cannot be imposed from above; it is achieved only when the fairness of the judgment finally becomes apparent to all. Thus justice that is not full of grace is not justice. Jesus is the gracious justice of the God who is love. Who knows what the “pure” is but the one who experienced the degradation of the tax collectors and sinners and became one with them, yet remained wholly uncorrupted by cynicism and coldness of heart? As “form follows function,” so Jesus, “who had no beauty that we should desire him” (Isa. 53:2), is made lovely in our sight by what he does for us. Jesus was never in doubt as to the cost of the truly “excellent,” but he did not count the cost. In Jesus’ budgeting -- in matters of love -- if you have to ask the price, you can’t afford it. And does this One who is all honor, grace, justice, purity and beauty have the audience appeal to make him manifestly “worthy of praise”? Even those who have not yet come to trust in him and love him will this Christmas hear the clamor at the stable and will in their heart of hearts long for the truth of that which they cannot yet believe. In his still hiddenness, his manifest fame portends. Dr. Goetz, a Century editor at large, holds the Niebuhr distinguished chair

Scott Cairns


aking her lead—as well as her provocative title— from the John Donne poem that introduces her own introductory poem, Anya Krugovoy Silver continues, in her third poetry collection, to develop her ongoing and—one discovers—efficacious fascinations with illness and loss and with the strenuous, deliberate act of recovery. In this collection, she has found a manner of consolation in her being, as Donne has written, “re-begot / Of absence, darkness, death: things which are not.” As it happens, these poems are remarkably personal, etched in the midst of the poet’s own trials with illness, suffering, and grief. For all their autobiographical specificity, however, the poems nonetheless partake of, inform, and illumine what we might recognize more generally as our common condition. The introductory poem, “From Nothing,” asserts: Again and again, from nothingness I’m born. Each death I witness makes me more my own. . . . One day, my spine’s long spar will snap, ribs tumbling loose; my face will droop and drop. Then I’ll be re-begot—the air will shimmer


SunDAY 25•06•2017



EC disqualifies MP minister for three Modi embarks on 3-nation years & terms paid news 'menace' visit, arrives in Portugal New Delhi, JuNe 24 (iANS): The Election Commission has disqualified Madhya Pradesh Water and Irrigation Minister Narottam Mishra for not disclosing the expenditure he had incurred on the paid news that was carried in local media during State assembly elections in 2008. The Commission, which on Friday also said that Mishra would remain disqualified from contesting election for three years, said it was concerned about the "menace of paid news" which has been assuming "alarming proportions" in the electoral landscape. This phenomenon, a manifestation of the "pernicious effect of money in elections", has been growing increasingly vicious and "spreading like cancer", in recent time, it said. The Commission noted that Mishra had "not only knowingly submitted a false account of expenses, but also attempted to circumvent the legally prescribed limit on expenditure". Disqualifying Mishra for three years, it said: "Such attempts need to be curbed with strong mea-

'Office of Profit' case: EC to continue hearing against 20 AAP MLAs

New Delhi, JuNe 24 (uNi): The Election Commission has said it would continue the hearing in 'Office of Profit' case against 20 Aam Aadmi Party (AAP) MLAs. This is yet another setback for AAP as it has already been witnessing serious infighting within the party. "The Commission is of the considered opinion that the respondents did hold de-facto the Office of Parliament Secretaries from 13 March, 2015 to 8 September, 2016 and the interpretation as sought to be put by them (MLAs) on the order of the High Court that they did not hold any office is not legally tenable, " the sures and visited with exemplary sanctions and restore the balance in the electoral playing field. "Therefore, the commission is of the considered view and hold that Mishra should be disqualified under Section 10(A) of the Representation of the People Act, 1951." Accordingly, the Election Commission hereby declares that Mishra stands disqualified, for three years from the date of this order, under section 10(A) read with section 77 and 78 of the Act "for failure to lodge his account of election ex-

SIT to probe J&K cop lynching case, 3 more arrested SriNAgAr, JuNe 24 (iANS): A special investigation team (SIT) was formed on Saturday to expedite the probe into the lynching of Deputy Superintendent of Police Muhammad Ayub Pandit, even as three more persons were arrested, a Jammu and Kashmir Police spokesman said. Pandit was lynched by a mob here on Thursday night outside the Jamia Masjid while he was on duty. "Three more persons have been arrested in this case taking the total number of arrests to five," the spokesman said. Director General of Police S.P. Vaid told reporters that 12 accused have been identified in the case, of whom five have been arrested and the rest would soon be nabbed. A mob had lynched Pandit outside the city's biggest mosque in Nowhatta area where he was deployed on access control duties to protect the devotees offering prayers.

EC stated in its order. The poll panel has observed that without prejudice to the merits of the case, the reference relating to the question of alleged disqualification of the respondents under section 15 (4) of Government of Delhi Act, for holding the office survives and is maintainable in respect of all the respondents except respondent no 16 (Jarnail Singh, MLA from Rajouri Garden) who had resigned from the post this year. The EC also stated it will intimate the next date of hearing to all the concerned parties in the matter in due course. AAP MLAs were in deep trouble

penses in the manner required by the law and for having no good reason or justification for such failure", the order said. The order means Mishra will have to skip the 2018 state assembly polls. The complaint was filed in 2009 by Congress MLA Rajendra Bharti, who contested against Mishra from Datia constituency, alleging that the minister had not included expenses incurred by him on "paid news" while filing his expenditure statement before Commission after the 2008 election. Mishra has constant-

after President Pranab Mukherjee on June 13, 2016 withheld his assent to the Parliamentary Secretaries Bill, aimed at giving exemption to these lawmakers appointed by the Arvind Kejriwal government as Parliamentary Secretaries after a disqualification plea was filed by advocate Prashant Patel in connection with the matter. The Bill was brought by the AAP government in the Delhi Assembly, 2015 to avert the eventuality of disqualification of these MLAs. Notablly, Opposition parties BJP and Congress have been repeatedly demanding their disqualification for holding these posts.

ly denied the allegation against him for incurring or authorising the expenditure on publication on the alleged news item. Section 10(A) empowers Commission to disqualify a candidate if he fails to submit account of his poll expenses in time and in the manner required by the Act and Mishra allegedly did not comply with its provisions. Holding that such attempt to conceal information on election expenditure should be curbed, the Commission in its order said: "The paid news is

of such a character that it would either deter or tend to deter voters from supporting that candidate whom they would have supported from free exercise of their electoral right but for their being affected or attempted to be affected by the maker or publisher of the paid news." It added that the public, in general, lends more credence to news than advertisements of parties and candidates and publication of such advertisements in the garb of news by way of paid news amounts to "deceiving the electorate".

States' fiscal deficit Rs 4, 93,360 cr in FY16; Rajasthan, UP lead

Raising concerns over the state govNew Delhi, JuNe 24 (iANS): The fiscal deficit of all states was a whopping ernments' action to waive farm loans, RBI Rs 4,93,360 crore in 2015-16, with Rajast- Governor Urjit Patel earlier said such achan and Uttar Pradesh accounting for Rs tions increase the risk of slippages. "Unless there is existing fiscal space in 1,31,670 crore, or 26 per cent of the total the state Budgets, the states should avoid deficit, RBI data showed on Saturday. According to the Budget estimates, going down the slippery path of farm loan though the fiscal deficit of all states is ex- waivers. It can erode the fiscal gains made pected to come down to Rs 4,49,520 crore over the previous 2-3 years," Patel had in 2016-17, Rajasthan and Uttar Pradesh said. The lowest fiscal deficit was recordwould continue to have the highest fiscal ed by Mizoram at Rs 160 crore in 2015-16, deficits of Rs 43,150 crore and Rs 49,960 which is expected to go down further to Rs crore respectively, according to the Reserve 20 crore in 2016-17. While Bihar's fiscal deficit stood at Rs Bank of India's 'Handbook of Statistics on 28,510 crore in 2015-16, Gujarat's was at Rs Indian States' released here on Saturday. With Uttar Pradesh, Maharashtra, Kar- 22,170 crore. Other states with high fiscal nataka and Punjab announcing farm loan deficits in 2015-16 are Haryana (Rs 30,400 waivers in the current fiscal, the risk of fis- crore), West Bengal (Rs 25,180 crore), Tamil Nadu (Rs 32,360 crore), Maharashtra (Rs cal slippages has further increased. From 1990-91 till 2015-16, the com- 37,950 crore), and Assam (Rs 25,650 crore). BhABhuA, JuNe 24 (uNi): At least 22 girl students bined fiscal deficit of all states zoomed Jammu and Kashmir's fiscal deficit stood at of Kasturba Residential Middle School fell sick after con- 2,525 per cent from Rs 18,790 crore to Rs Rs 8,380 crore in 2015-16, which is expected to increase further to Rs 11,610 crore. suming contaminated food in their breakfast at Sakri in 4,93,360 crore. Kaimur district today. Official sources said here that 22 girl students started vomiting after consuming food in their breakfast. All sick girl students had been admitted to Primary Health Centre at Kudra where their condition was stated to be out of danger. Local administrative offiNew Delhi, JuNe 24 (iANS): The and carries on till August end. cers rushed to the school on receipt of information about With the session beginning on July 17 monsoon session of Parliament will comthe incident. Further investigation is on, sources added. mence from July 17, the day the President's it will ensure that all MPs are in Delhi. The election is scheduled in which over 776 voting will take place in Parliament House. An MP can also vote in his home state MPs are eligible to vote. The Cabinet Committee on Parlia- where MLAs generally vote. Both houses of Parliament are unlikely mentary Affairs, which met here on Friday evening under the chairmanship of Home to transact any business on the first day on Minister Rajnath Singh, has recommend- account of the death of sitting MPs - Vinod ed holding the session from July 17 to Au- Khanna (Lok Sabha) and P. Goverdhan Reddy (Rajya Sabha). gust 11, informed sources said. New Delhi, JuNe 24 past, but today they were Vinod Khanna, who represented GurThey said the session was being slightly (uNi): Journalists from linked with a larger agenda advanced due to the Presidential election daspur parliamentary constituency in different organisations of communalisation. Punjab, passed away on April 27. Reddy, in which MPs and MLAs are voters. Breaking trade unions, today expressed grave The monsoon session of Parliament is Congress' Rajya Sabha member from concern over the recent making the position of usually convened towards the end of July Telangana, died on June 9. attacks on journalists journalists vulnerable and lynching, which they through contract employlinked to the ‘’atmosphere ment etc were all part of of communal hate and a larger sinister agenda to fear being created by rul- impose a system where no ing establishment in con- one dared to question any nivance with a section of wrong, she said. She said NOTIFICATION the media.’’ It was time to it was high time that jourNo.AGR/KVK-MP/2005-06/ Dated Kohima, June'2017 act than just to voice pro- nalists were united and In pursuance to the Advertisement No.AGR/KVK-MP/2005-06/1292-95, Dt. Kohima the 10th test to save the right to life enhanced their vigilance. April' 2017, the Department ofAgriculture, Government of Nagaland invites the following selected NDTV journalist Ravand civil and political libcandidates to appear before the interview Board for various technical posts as (i) Subject Matter erties, the journalists said ish Kumar said the apSpecialist (SMS), Horticulture, KVK Tuensang (ii) Office Supdt. Cum Accountant, KVK Mon on 12th July' 2017 at 10:00 AM, in the Office Chamber of the Director of Agriculture, Nagaland, at a meeting held at the pearance of mobs was Kohima. It may be noted that no separate calling letter for interview will be issued. Press Club of India here. not incidental or random Lists of candidate to appear the interview for the post of Subject Matter Specialist (SMS) They condemned the but systematic attempts Horticulture hate propaganda being had been made to create carried out against par- these mobs to further the Sl. No Name 1. Ms. Shurhozenuo Naleo ticular communities by agenda of suppression 2. Ms. Tekasangla Ozukum of liberties. He said that certain TV channels. 3. Ms. Chumyani Ovung polarisation was not just One of the found4. Ms. Manjai Phom ing editors of news por- against one community. 5. Ms. Shisarenla Aier tal the Wire, Siddharth ‘’Its power can turn any6. Ms. Khatemenla Vardharajan, said it was one into murderer. We 7. Mr. Lichamo J. Yanthan unfortunate that the Gov- are not safe even in our Lists of candidate to appear the interview for the post of Office Supdt. Cum Accountant ernment, the authori- neighbourhood.’’ SeverSl. No. Name Sl. No. Name ties dealing with law and al other journalists also 1. Mr. Manlep Konyak 19. Mr. Imtisosang shared their concern over order and the judiciary 2. Ms. Pongai Konyak S 20. Ms. Arenla were not doing their job the prevailing situation. 3. Mr. Imrongkumba 21. Mr. Sanjay Mech The immediate conto bring violators of law to 4. Ms. L. Ngamnyu Konyak 22. Mr. C. Hoangkan book. It was time to name text of the meeting was the 5. Mr. L. Temjenliba Imchen 23. Ms. S. Monyu and shame the news or- attack on a Kashmiri jour6. Ms. Akumtemla Longkumer 24. Mr. Pangmei Konyak R. 7. Ms. Sekulu ganisations which were nalist Basit Malik in Sonia 25. Ms. Sochumlo Ezung 8. Mr. Sheku Nakro part of the ‘’sinister design’’ Vihar area of the Capital, 26. Mr. Kezhasetuo 9. Ms. Khomo Neangnyu S. Shymle of establishment to com- jail term for two Karnataka 27. Mr. Kekhriesezo Tetso 10. Mr. W. Chingjem Konyak 28. Mr. Wainok Jamir munalise the country’s journalists on the charges 11. Mr. Wothungo 29. Mr. Elamhangbe Rapeibe atmosphere, and create a of defamation of legisla12. Mr. Besukhoyi Nyekha 30. Mr. E. Aremo Ngullie reign of fear so that all voic- tors, and lynching of a 13. Mr. Vilakiezo Mezhu 31. Mr. Vikaho Sumi es of sanity were gagged, youth in a train near Bal14. Mr. Thejakhrielie Rupreo 32. Mr. Lhamnyei Y labhgarh in Haryana. The Vardharajan said. 15. Mr. Kethoselhou Solo 33. Ms. Khriebeizonuo Seema Mustafa, editor youth was returning to his 16. Mr. Shaomong Konyak T. 34. Mr. N. Gongnyei Konyak of online newspaper the village in Haryana after Eid 17. Ms. Zhaviu Chusi 35. Mr. Mankai Konyak 18. Mr. E. Changmei Konyak. Citizen, noted that while shopping in Delhi.Three attacks on journalists had of his relatives were also Sd/- (HELIE RUPREO) Director of Agriculture been happening in the injured.

22 students fall sick after consuming contaminated food

Parliament's monsoon session to begin July 17

Journalists condemn attack on fraternity, right to dissent, hate crime


Prime Minister Narendra Modi arrives at Lisbon, Portugal on Saturday. (UNI PHOTO)

New Delhi, JuNe 24 (iANS): Prime Minister Narendra Modi on Saturday left on a three-nation tour that will take him to the US for his first meeting with US President Donald Trump. He will also visit Portugal and the Netherlands. Modi will visit Portugal on Saturday before his trip to the US on June 26 and is expected to be on a whirlwind tour to the Netherlands on June 27. Ahead of his visit, Prime Minister Modi on Friday said he will hold in-depth discussions with President Trump during his visit to Washington and hoped to build a forward-looking vision for partnership with the new administration. The Prime Minister said the visits were aimed at enhancing bilateral engagement in various areas. He said India's partnership with the United States is multi-layered and diverse, supported by not just governments but all the stakeholders on both sides. "I look forward to building a forwardlooking vision for our partnership with the new administration in the United States under President Trump," Modi said. It will be the first meeting between the two leaders since Trump became US President earlier this year. Referring to his visit to Portugal, Modi said he was looking forward to his meeting with Prime Minister Antonio Costa and there was significant potential for deepening bilateral trade and investment ties. Referring to his visit to the Netherlands on June 27, Modi said he will have an official meeting with Prime Minister Mark Rutte and exchange views on important

global issues, including counter-terrorism and climate change. "I look forward to meeting Prime Minister Rutte and reviewing our bilateral relations," Modi said. Modi will also call on King Willem-Alexander and meet Queen Maxima.

Modi treated to Gujarati meal by Portuguese PM

In what can be seen as a special gesture, Prime Minister Narendra Modi was treated to a Gujarati meal by his Portuguese counterpart Antonio Costa, who traces his origin to Goa, as they sat down for a delegation-level working lunch on Saturday. "In a gesture of personal warmth and attention, PM @antoniocostapm arranged a special Gujarati meal at the lunch hosted for PM @narendramodi," External Affairs Ministry spokesperson Gopal Baglay tweeted. The menu included aakhu saak, saag kofta, rajma aur makai, tarkha daal, kesar rice, paratha, rotli, and papad, mango shrikhand, and gulab jamun eggless-apple strudel. Modi arrived here earlier in the day in what is the first ever bilateral prime ministerial visit from India. This follows Costa's visit to India in January this year after his election last year. Modi was received at the airport here by Portuguese Foreign Minister Augusto Santos Silva in a departure from protocol. Following this, Modi and Costa greeted each other with a warm embrace at the Necessidades Palace here before the two went on a one-to-one meeting over a walk on the palace gardens.


Dated Kohima, the 22nd June, 2017


Applications are invited from female candidates in and around Dimapur area who wish to avail a 45-day free training programme in the trade of Soft Doll Making at the Integrated Development-cum-Resource Centre (IDRC), Purana Bazaar, Dimapur (near Treasuries & Accounts Training Institute, Dimapur). Seat Capacity : 12 candidates (2 seats re-served for specially-abled persons) Eligibility : 18 to 35 years of age Original birth certificate should be produced at the time of Interview The following shall NOT be provided for the programme: * TA/DA * Stipend * Hostel Facility Applications should be addressed to the Director, Women Resource Development Department and should be submitted, along with 2 recent passport photographs and duly attested photocopy of the birth certificate to Smt. Zuboni Humtsoe, Training I/c at the IDRC latest by 29th June, 2017. Interview will be held on 30th June, 2017 at 11:00 am at the IDRC premises. Candidates securing 90% + will be provided employment by Precious Me Love, Dimapur. Sd/- Director

Issued by: DIPR




Dated Kohima, the 23rd of June 2017


In continuation of the earlier notification issued for GPS Survey of Government Schools & Verification of Employees under School Education Department, the undersignedhereby notifies a Last and Final Reminder for Verification of all Government Teachers and Staff under the Department till July 7th, 2017, in the Directorate of School Education, Kohima. Employees are therefore, directed to bring following documents/information for this exercise: • 1 no. Colour Passport Photo • Government issued ID Card/ Passport/ PAN Card/ Voters ID Card (Any one) • Appointment Order in Original • Matric (HSLC) Admit Card/ Birth Certificate • Mobile Number, Bank A/C & GPF/NPS Account Number & AADHAAR Number • Regularization order/latest extension order • Promotion and latest transfer orders (if applicable) • Explanation,forwarded by the concerned controlling officer,on why the earlier verification exercises conducted earlierhave been missed. Apart from the employees who have already submitted reasons for their inability to be present for verification, those still unable to come personally for valid reasons are directed to submit an explanation through the concerned controlling officer. The acceptance, however, will be subject to genuineness and validity of claims made by the absentee. Teachers directly appointed by the RMSA, Special Education Teachers & Part Time Instructors under SSA, Contractual Employees of the SSA & RMSA like Data Entry Operators, Office Assistants etc., and Work Charged Employees of the Engineering Division will not be required to come for this verification. Employees who are still unverified after the last date,as given above,will be considered as Bogus Employees and their services summarily terminated. SMITA SARANGI, IAS PRINCIPAL DIRECTOR Issued by: DIPR



upto Mar '17




upto Mar '17



53000008048 63000000701

upto Mar '17

27741 109718


Deep Tube Well(PHED)








Police Police

Kiphire Kiphire

Health & Family Welfare





Sl. No Name of Consumers

Con. No


Diphupar P.S. Staff



Marcofed Office

12020707208 12060205004


Rest House Education


Tuli Paper Mill


Development Authority



Water Pump House



DC office


8 9

NIDC-I, Ganesh Nagar Ind. Estd. Industry - I

11 12 13

Circuit House

14 IRB Ruzaphema Cooperative Milk Producers Union Chair Person, KMC

71000000862 71000001494 71000001497 71000001499 63000000390 63000000391 63000000392




53000010576 53000010664

21061404709 21061404807 21111301401 21190105502

53000010156 71000001606 71000001545 71000001542 71000001538 63000000309 63000000308 63000000307


Police HQ ( Sokruzie)


Coach Boys hostel (Edu.Dept)



Indira Gandhi Stadium, Ruleizou


71000001496 54000077565 54000077562 53000003586 54000005710 71000001511 New Con. No. 54000064861 54000064862 New Con. No. 53000006237 53000006240



5th N.A.P.COY


S.D.O. Store Office ( Agri)

21080502201 21080502103 11130701808 11130701701

Home Sl.20No Secretary Name of Consumers

Con. No 21190101405


S.P. Office ( A.G. Colony)



SCERT, Nagaland

21010205604 21010205702


New Reserve (DEF)Phek




53000010218 53000006249 53000006252 53000006255 71000001593



State Data Centre

21190114501 12040705309 12040705407 12040705505 12040704900 12040705004 12040705102 12040705200


Liquid Nitrogen Plant-11

Agri Marketing Adminis.

21190105727 21061300802 12200301908 B-3 12110700313

11131103303 35

Sericulture Office

11131103401 11131103902



38 39 40 41 42 43

Directorate of School, Bayavu

Commissioner office, Bank Colony

Conference Hall, 1st NAP, P/ Complex S.P.D.A. Stadium Dimapur Cattle Feed Plant NAP Post, Razepa NAP Camp, Akuloto Police Ranger Comondos


Inter State Bus Terminal



Sugar Cane Nurssury

12110701606 12110701704 12110701508 12110701401


Medical Supt.


NAPTC Barrack

63000001825 63000001824 63000001823 64000000890 64000000889 64000000888 53000004406 64000001299 64000001298 64000001297 71000001512



DIS Office D. Block)


21190105709 Bulk-16 D-26 12020609904 12020609806





Land Record & Survey Office

Mental Hospital, Aradhura Hill

53000006928 53000006929 53000006930 53000010190 53000010212 53000010214




71000001706 71000001707 71000001708 72000000957 72000000958 72000000959 63000001494

53000006859 53000006860 53000006861 54000029995 54000030001 54000030004 54000030084 54000030094 63000001429 12040301504 63000001427 63000001428 63000001454 12040304006 63000001455 63000001456 63000002242 13050400401 63000002243 63000002244

Liquid Nitrogen Plant-1





Chumukedima Chumukedima

June '17


June '17

2883636 537879 537879 228360 47460 51741 60514 202812 49965 143786 47052 39471 178049 146089 44452 51741 60514 174697 87879 86036 2357540



upto Oct 2016 upto Oct 2016 10/16-02/17 10/16-02/17 10/16-02/17 10/16-02/17 10/16-02/17 10/16-02/17 10/16-02/17 10/16-02/17 10/16-02/17 10/16-02/17 10/16-02/17 10/16-02/17 10/16-02/17 10/16-02/17 10/16-02/17 10/16-02/17 upto Oct 2016 Upto Mar '17






172069 868605


KMC Forest Police





10/16-02/17 10/16-02/17 11/16-02/17


10/16-02/17 02/17-02/17


63000001290 63000001289 53000010076 53000010184 53000010188 63000000380 63000000379 63000000381 71000000943 71000000944 71000000945 72000001059 72000001060 53000007280 53000007279

B -1 21150503111


21061300900 21061301004 21190102500 13060311107

53000010200 53000010201 71000001660 53000008045









1706040 76520 784890 701362 31850 655090 380644 263452

Tribal Welfare Complex


East Police Station



Secretary Rest House



Police Cottage Officer Mess



DVO Suger Cane

12110604809 12110604907


Multi Disciplinary Tranning Center


Dist. Administration


Social Welfare


04/16-02/17 07/16-02/17 07/16-02/17 07/16-02/17 02/17-02/17 07/16-02/17 02/17-02/17 10/16-02/17



upto Oct 2016



upto Oct 2016 upto Oct 2016 upto Oct 2016



Upto Mar '17

Industries & Commerce


10/16-02/17 10/16-02/17

Industries & Commerce







Dist. Administration Dist. Administration

09A/0501A/02 09A/0501A/03

02/16-02/17 09/13-02/17

Dist. Administration Dist. Administration Dist. Administration Dist. Administration

09A/0501A/04 09A/0501A/05 09A/0501A/06 09A/0501A/07

09/13-02/17 09/14-02/17 01/14-02/17 10/14-02/17

17275 12105 12105 6110 5011



Dimapur Sericulture





Dist. Administration


Dist. Administration




Dist. Administration




Dist. Administration

09A/1902/01- II








09A/1902/03- II



Dist. Administration






Detension Center





Name of Department Home Dept.

Kohima Name of Division

Arrear 10/16-02/17




980199 Amount (Rs) 288516 293748



10/16-02/17 10/16-02/17

915434 44661



upto Apr '17







45968 61117 62674 60793 470074

Upto Mar '17


10/16-02/17 Kohima


Chumukedima Dimapur



I.T. Dept.


Industries & Commerce


265428 upto Oct 2016 265428 265428 06/15-08/16 10/16-02/17 10/16-02/17 10/16-02/17 10/16-02/17 upto Oct 2016

258776 258776 259057 94874 34497 358987 24990

66302 90540 49539 224623 224623 10/16-02/17 224623 10/16-02/17 10/16-02/17 10/16-02/17


Vet. Dept. Information & Public Relation Agriculture Police

Dimapur Zunheboto

10/16-02/17 10/16-03/17 upto Mar '17





03/16-02/17 Sericulture


03/16-02/17 04/16-02/17



Police Youth Resources & Sports Vetenary





587200 578682 179899 179899 179899 99427 99427 99427 18657 76764 76764 65457

51700 49662 48516 20758 22167 34580 61579 36652 44376 10/16-10/16 44376 44376 17865 10/16-10/16 17865 17865 136891 Upto Mar '17 172407 172411 10/16-02/17 10/16-02/17 10/16-02/17 10/16-02/17 10/16-02/17 10/16-02/17 10/16-02/17 10/16-02/17



10/16-01/17 upto Mar '17 upto Mar '17 upto Oct 2016 10/16-01/17

453644 403818 429834 47822 362503 134811 134811 134811 147492 127912 127913 133384 133384 133384 49990 48951 100361 101473

Zunheboto Dimapur



Land Record






Industries & Commerce


10/16-02/17 10/16-02/17 10/16-02/17 10/16-02/17

Inter State Supply/Manipur


Health & Family Welfare




Health & Family Welfare



upto Apr '17



Police Police

Kiphire Kiphire


Primary Health Centre, Tuophema



Sub Jail


Officer Mess. 1st NAP, P/Complex


Soil Conservation Office



Directorate of supply


Tragopan Conservation Centre


Central Div. PWD


Cane Devolopment Office

109718 10/16-02/17


10/16-02/17 10/16-02/17 10/16-02/17 upto 03/17 upto 03/17

78732 109854 24466 292779 293500

53000004221 53000004248 53000004251 53000004252








Mokokchung Kohima





Soil & Water Conservation



11030102908 11040900301 11040900606 11040900704



53000004352 53000004353 72000001090 53000007988 72000001091 72000001092 53000004196



Food & Civil Supply

129730 38608 39658 509 11/16-02/17 9228 03/16-02/17 130787 02/16-02/17 3784 14477 03/16-03/17 11585 36380 67021 67021 10/16-02/17 67021 05/13-02/17 27895 07/13-02/17 50896 07/13-02/17 49850 07/13-02/17 69804 10/16-02/17



07/16-02/17 03/16-02/17 Upto Mar '17 Upto Mar '17 Upto Mar '17 Upto Mar '17 03/16-01/17

15987 175114 43376 103374 22777 16360 7894 39351



Rural Development office


Dimapur Kohima

15408 10476 71220 101586

























Industries & Commerce




Rural Development



71000001702 80

Directorate of Ind. & Com.


Director of Youth Resouces & Sports


Chief Conservator of Forest

59329 10/16-02/17

Industries & Commerce


71000001463 71000001458


71000001414 Youth Resources & Sports

Kohima 01/17-02/17

53413 48966







71000001581 71000001583

PWD Complex

Forest Dept.


41892 PWD



Land Record Office


Handloom Handicraft


Fishery Office


I.T.I. Kohima

40712 63672



55619 41554

71000001586 21190113602

59370 69764


71000001407 83


03/16-02/17 03/16-02/17 03/16-02/17 03/16-02/17


















12040703707 12060106300 12060106409 21011207200 21011207309 21011207407

53000006925 53000006926 53000006927 53000006965 53000006966 53000001818 53000008593 53000010262

Land Record







10/16-02/17 10/16-02/17

Employement & Craftsment


10/16-02/17 10/16-02/17 10/16-02/17

44972 44972 53122 70890 71921 18801 115701 12754


Irrigation & Flood Control




Treasuries & Accounts






Directorate of Irrigation


Directorate of Treasury & Accounts


A.T.I. Complex










Law & Justice






Geology & Mining





Kohima High Court Directorate Of Geology & Mining New N.P.S.C. Office








Suger Cane Develop.



Industries & Commerce





Suger Cane Growers



Industries & Commerce




Kohima Kohima

42384 42384 11/16-02/17 42434 42434 11/16-02/17 42350 42350




Directorate of State Directorate of State 96 96 Lotteries Lotteries

71000001680 71000001680 21190103704 71000001683 71000001683 21190103704 71000001693 71000001693

71000001665 71000001665 21190114403 71000001668 71000001668 Science Science & Trchnology 21190114403 & Trchnology 71000001671 71000001671

Kohima Kohima

42438 42438 10/16-03/1741750 41750 10/16-03/17 42652 42652

22110401807 22110401807

Education Education

Kohima Kohima

02/12-12/16116237 116237 02/12-12/16

Agriculture Agriculture

Kohima Kohima

PWD Dept. PWD Dept.

Kohima Kohima

Govt. High School, Govt. High School, 98 98 Science college colony Science college colony

upto March '17 302840

11081101707 11081101805 13050401309 13050401407 13050401801 13050401908 11020907305


Health & Family Welfare




71000001478 71000001481 71000001484 54000009886 72000000532 72000000533 54000009888 63000000212 63000000214 63000000213 71000000940 71000000941 71000000942





08E/0609A/04 08E/0609A/03 08E/0609A/02 08E/0609A/01

upto Mar '17



Police Station -I

Director of Science Director of Science & & 97 97 Technology Technology





27741 109718


State Horti Farm

346500 42899 377109

upto Mar '17 PHED


10/16-02/17 10/16-02/17 12/16-02/17 upto Mar '17

53000008048 63000000701


Nagaland Pollution

11160701907 11160702000 11160702109 11160702207











Directorate of PHE







3rd NAP, Kiphire 14 IRB




Dist. Administration


56 57

E.O. Spining Unit

11131104507 11131104801 11131105101 11131105201 11131105700 11131105907 11131106109 21190106303

41849 62280 62876 69015 16002 19566 5350 171 197 167 1357 265138 87461 87461 87461 86036 86036 86036 78725 78725 78725 72238 161641 77258

91798 1079206 236 1087174

upto Mar '17




10/16-02/17 10/16-02/17


72000002767 72000002149 54000056534

E.O. Spining Unit

10/16-02/17 03/16-02/17




54000009232 63000000498 63000000497 63000000496 54000016109 54000009235 54000009236 54000009237 54000009238 54000009239 54000009240 71000001520 63000001323 63000001322 63000001321 63000001793 63000001792 63000001791 63000002245 63000002246 63000002247 53000007269 53000007270 55000000924

09A/1902/03- I


21120305900 21120306004 21120306102 PRC-1 C-2



78732 109854 24466 292779 293500

Dist. Administration


PWD Chief Office




upto Mar '17


New Medical Directorate

10/16-02/17 10/16-02/17 10/16-02/17 10/16-02/17 upto 03/17 upto 03/17





3rd NAP, Kiphire 14 IRB

72000002767 72000002149 54000056534



Rest House (New)



21120305900 21120306004 21120306102 PRC-1 C-2


upto Mar '17


56 57


upto March '17 302840


upto Mar '17


PWD Chief Office




Deep Tube Well(PHED)



upto Mar '17


Rest House (New)


Industries & Commerce 63000001365 63000001364 63000001363

12040302305 12040302403 12040302501 12040300703 12040300802 12040300901 12040301809 12040302000


Jessami supply




32 33



Tourist Department, Tuophema



3163725 1038403 1034975 1024605 920445 879403 1124624



Directorate of P/ Information Office Agri Expo. Complex 8 Bn, NAP, Naltoqa


upto 02/17


N.S.T. Complex


NIDC ( Super Market)

Changtongya Dimapur

42528 59240 36606


Functional Manager


Industries & Commerce

10/16-02/17 10/16-02/17 10/16-02/17




11/16-02/17 upto Oct 2016

53000006247 53000008392 53000008397

NIDC-II, Ganesh Nagar Ind. Estd.



Amount (Rs) 3871382 3867263 3867263 9098758 17639 8773114 6503770

B-11 21061303009 21061303107 21061303205





P.C.C.F. Office

DC office

upto Oct 2016

Industries & Commerce

12060101028 12060101135 12060101144 12060101153 12060101037 12060101046 12060101055 12060101073 12060101082 12060101091 12060101117 12060101126 12060101144 12060101153 12060101162 12060101171 12060101001 Bulk-20



13160700707 63000001539 63000001540 54000020787 54000020820 54000020823 54000020828 54000020790 54000020792 54000020796 54000020801 54000020805 54000020808 54000020814 54000020817 54000020823 54000020828 54000020831 54000020834 63000001541

Name of Division


Industries & Commerce



Name of Department




New Con. No. 63000001815 63000001816 63000001814 53000006732 63000001557 63000001556


109718 109718


Land 99 99AgriAgri Land

( PWD) 100100E.E.E.E. ( PWD)

53000008944 53000008944 53000008940 53000008940

53000008947 21160904704 53000008947 21160904704 71000001528 71000001528 21190101423 71000001532 71000001532 21190101423 71000001535 71000001535

Lotteries Dept. Lotteries Dept.

38697 38697 38697 38697

38697 12/16-02/1738697 12/16-02/17 75267 75267 10/16-02/1718153 18153 10/16-02/17 17679 17679

above mentioned Government Offices requested to kindly clear outstanding soto asenable to enable Department of Power to give quality All All the the above mentioned Government Offices are are requested to kindly clear theirtheir outstanding billsbills so as the the Department of Power to give quality service. service. Sd/-Sd/-

Engineer-in-Chief Engineer-in-Chief Department of Power Department of Power Nagaland, Kohima. Nagaland, Kohima.

SunDAY 25•06•2017

public discourse



Yoga: The War for One Nation-One Culture


Joel Naga

n e Na t i o n - O n e Constitution. One Nation-One Tax. One Nation-One Fuel. One Nation-One Election. And the ultimate prize, One Nation-One Culture. The Culture War has begun. And it's a War Christian Naga parents are not prepared for. The conquest of Nagaland for Christ will take place not at the point of the sword but with ideologies and Worldviews. The Christian West has lost the War -despite DL Moody, despite Billy Graham, despite GK Chesterton, despite CS Lewis, and other stalwarts of Christianity over the ages. The doom of Christendom West began with an Idea, when Rene Descartes in the 17th Century unleashed his famous statement- I Think Therefore I Am. Thus, for the first time in consciousness, Man, not God, was considered the pivot around which everything else revolved. During the Enlightenment Period or the Age of Reason, Rousseau and other Enlightened thinkers believed in the 'inherent goodness' of man, contrary to biblical teachings

of SIN and FALL. He postulated that man should be free to create his OWN choices and his OWN identity. Then Darwinian Naturalism arrived. In Darwin's evolutionary theory, there was no DIVINE law or a transcendent moral order. Later on, Friedrich Nietzsche took Rousseau's postulates further and declared the 'death of God'. He denounced the prophets of the Old testament as shamans and rejected Christian morality as the morality of slaves and looked forward to creating a race of superhumans with no weaknesses of Christians. In the 20th Century, there's "No Absolute Truth" philosophy of Post Modernism brainwashed an entire generation and continues to do so.Naturalist scientists led by the late Carl Sagan chipped in with, "Nature is all that IS or ever WAS or ever WILL BE." This is not an empirical scientific statement but a philosophy irrefutably refuting theJudeo- Christian God. An Idea sown 200 years back by Descartes came into full bloom in the later half of the 20th Century. By 1960's Christian West was experimenting

in OWN choices, OWN identity, and OWN truths. Within a generation the once cohesive society began to crumble. In Roe Vs Wade, 1973, the US Supreme Court declared that the foetus is NOT a human being and can be destroyed. By 1996, when the late Justice Antonin Scalia of US Supreme Court declared that he believed in the RESSURECTION of Jesus, America mocked and derided him- Senators to Talk Show hosts. Recently, Nickelodeon, the US based world's famous children's TV channel, for the first time, showed a homosexual couple as 'normal parents' in one of its series in US. Nickeleodon believes in the 'truth' that homosexuality is normal and any opposition to it is not only cruel, bigoted, and violation of human rights, but the channel has the right to dessiminate its OWN version of THE TRUTH to children all over the world. The Gospel has all but disappeared. Backed by the RSS and BJP, a similar Worldview is invading our homes and minds in the guise of health benefit. It is entering our conciousness backdoor. But History has shown that Christians only

grow stronger in faith when persecuted, and Nagas need not lose sleep over RSS or BJP converting us, like the way Christians convert peoples of other faith. But Nagas should be mindful of the fact that we are bang in the middle of a subtle Culture War, and the RSS is patient. The disappearance of the Gospel will take place when we allow apparently harmless, innocuous, inconsequential ideas but steeped in philosophy and Worldview to gain a toehold in our children's mind; when we fail to realise that Yoga is a Special Purpose Vehicle to gain entry into our consciousness to mould or shape the Culture of the next generation Nagas according to RSS Worldview. It is little surprising that PM Modi has invested a large part of his Prime Ministership and his legacy upon Yoga. On International Yoga Day, 21st June, 2017, almost the whole country came to a standstill. Paramilitary, Army, School children, bureaucrats, politicians, teachers, corporate honchos, film stars, et al meditated in schools, parks, temples; in minus 25 degree celsius in the Himalayas, in In-

dian Missions abroad, in the UN, and even aboard aircraft carrier INS Vikramaditya in the Arabian Sea. Yoga is a philosophy that is already shaping the mind, firing the imagination, moving the hearts and finally shaping culture. It's much beyond the simple Meditative exercise for one's physical well-being as is argued. Yoga is spiritual. The Hindu American Foundation (HAF) describes Yoga as "Hindu Thought in Practice." In it's website it says, "The essence of Yoga is to reach oneness with God." Indeed, Yoga is a philosophy rooted deeply in Hinduism. The root word of Yoga itself is 'Union or Yoking', that is, of the self with the universe to achieve Moksha or liberation. In the West, Indian Yogis and self-styled godmen sold Yoga as physical fitness regime understanding the religious and cultural sensitivity. It's a 9 billion dollar industry. Miffed, the HAF, went on offensive to present Yoga as it IS. According to it, the two most influential Yoga practitioners, BKS Iygenar and Pattabhi Jois, were clear that "Asana (Physical Yoga) are not meant for physical fitness but

for conquering the elements, energy, and so on...." In other words, you cannot seperate the physical yoga from the spiritual yoga. According to Jois, "To practice Asana ...is to learn to control the body and the senses, so that the inner light can be experienced." What is this inner light which is so different from the Christian experience? Indian democracy is too robust and the country too diverse for cow and beef politics to prevail. But an idea in the right hands is powerful. It was a sad day when the local papers reported that hundreds of young students, and government servants came out in droves to participate in International Day of Yoga in Dimapur, Kohima and elsewhere. The battle for the minds is going to be long and drawn out. Modi's government has quietly made Sanskrit compulsory in all the schools affiliated to Central boards. The BJP will come (and go), and come back, after all it's a political party but not before a nation is shaped according to Hindutva Worldview. To realise the dream of One Nation- One Culture or a Hindu Rashtra, the RSS is working overtime

to plant its Worldview inside classrooms and universities. RSS linked professors and intellectuals now man all the important universities and educational trusts. It is inevitable that Yoga will be made a seperate compulsory subject in all the CBSE, ICSE schools in the days to come. Already children as young as Grade -2 students learn yoga as part of the subject curriculum. Then the State Boards will be under pressure to accomodate the subject. Christian-majority states like Nagaland which are solely dependent on Central funding for survival can be arm-twisted. Rumour has it that one of the former CMs when he visited Modi during his Chief Ministership was even given Yoga lessons by the PM himself! It's pure deception plain and simple when Naga Government servants and politicians say, "Yoga has nothing to do with religion." Nothing could be more farther from the Truth. Both classrooms and living rooms are now battlefield grounds for our children. Train up a child in the way he should go, And when he is old he will not depart from it. The Culture War has begun.

Story of Naga Club and Simon Commision Petition Thepfulhouvi Solo

IFS Retd (RR-68) Retd Principal Secretary, Nagaland.


he Naga Club changed the History of the Naga. Many Writers have written about it, some overdosed, others underdosed. This Writer made an attempt to bring it out ‘it is as it is’ for future generations to reminiscence it. If you like read on. I. FORMATION OF NAGA CLUB. Many Naga assume the Naga Labor Corp that went to Europe in 1917 on their return at the end of the World War I, 1914-1918, organized the Naga Club. Dr. Khosa Zinyü who was the highest ranking Naga Officer that went with the Naga Labor Corp, his younger son Late Jasokie Zinyü, former Chief Minister of Nagaland told this Writer: “The idea of a forming Naga Club was formed seeing the European Club at the Kohima Town Hall (now renovated Committee Stone Building) where all the white People in the HQ in those bygone days used to gather every evening for Drinking, Dancing, Singing and spend their leisure together in recreation; the Doss & Co supplied the Drinks and the Provisions the Club required”. “No Non-Whites, Indians or the Naga were ever allowed into the white Club. It was exclusively for the Europeans only. The Native Government Servants took the cue to form a similar native Body”. It is said Rheichalie Pienyü Peshkar (JH. Hutton wrote his name as Hrichalie) of the DC Office was one of the first to moot the Idea of the Native Government Servants forming a Naga Club, not the Naga Labor Corp Returnees that returned from Europe. None of the Returnees except Dr. Khosa is found in the list of the Simon Commission Petition. The Naga Labor Corp that went to Europe in support of the allied War affords, dug Trenches, collected leftover ammunitions, empty Shells, Arms, dead bodies, carried abandoned materials, Boots, Helmets etcetera and did all other works of cleaning the litters of the War in the battle field, than did sight-seeing in France. When Dr. Khosa Zinyü of Khonoma Village left, he had just immediately before married his wife who arrived in their house clean shaven young girl in the tradition of the Angamis. In days of yore the shrewd Angami did not immediately live as husband and wife for a few months after marriage to ensure production of his own pedigree only! After the War Dr. Khosa was taken to England and worked there for quite some time before he returned back. When he came Home, he found one young girl with long hairs doing various chores in the House. Khosa asked his mother who the young Lady was and she said him: “she is your Wife!” Doctor Khosa must have been paid very handsomely in the UK, he was a very generous Man and on his return to Kohima presented Rs. 13/-, -a very big sum in those days, to each of a few of his close friends including my father. Another educated Member of the

Labor Corp was the well known first generation Naga Student in Shillong, Mr. Guizao Meru of Nakama Zeliang Village. He was the 1st Head Master of the Impur Mission School. He died at Impur in 1918 of the serious Influenza epidemic they Ccntracted in Europe. The native Government employees of the Naga Club and put up a Building first at Chotobosti” on the eastern side of the Mission Compound below Baptist High School (now Americanized ‘Baptist High’) at the site the Tsütuonuomia Thinuo buildings now Stand. Some Years after its formation, for the first time on 10th January 1929, some 20 Interpreters and Employees of the Government submitted a formal Petition to the Simon Commission in the name of the Naga Club. None of the Labor Corps members is among the signatories except Dr. Khosa Zinyü, who was a Government Doctor. The Absence of the labor corp member among the signatories of the Simon Commission Letter gives a clue that the Naga Club was composed of the Government Servants only and no other civilians, not even village Gamburas. II. SIMON COMMISSION PETITION. Late Teacher Rüzhükhrie told this Writer: “One early morning, I saw some Dobashis coming one after another together in a line to my house (at Mission Compound, Kohima). I asked, ‘what are you People together up to this Morning?’ They said, “‘we are coming to request you to write something of what we would like to tell a very high Visitor is said to be coming soon to Kohima from Outside. The ‘Borchaha’ (angami for the DC, JH. Hutton) has informed us a High Officer is coming soon from outside to find out how the Naga would like to be governed in future.’ ‘You are the only one at the moment in Kohima educated in the white man’s Language and therefore we have come to you to write in their language of how we would like us governed in future and give the Petition to the Officer when he comes.” Teacher Rüzhükhrie had just then done his Intermediate Arts from Saint Paul’s College Calcutta and was serving as Assistant Teacher at the Government High School Kohima now known after his Name. The DC told Neihu Rame of Kohima Village the Head Dobashi at the Court of the Deputy Commissioner of Naga Hills, Dr. J.H. Hutton, 1917-1935, that a big Officer is coming to Kohima to enquire how the Naga would like to be looked after in future. Neihu told the DC that he (Neihu) does not speak the language of the white man and therefore that the DC may please tell the Visitor the Naga would like to live like they were before the white man came to their land. The DC replied he is not a Naga Dobashi and that the Naga should themselves tell or write in Paper what they would like to say and give it to the Visitor. Teacher Rüzhükrie drafted the Letter with a Pencil and together with

the Draft they went up to the DC Bangalow. (Generations later Ramuni the Commissioner of Nagaland, took the Draft from Rüzhükhrie and never returned it back). Rüzhükhrie greeted the DC: “‘Good Morning Sir’, but the Borchaha did not acknowledge my Greeting in English and only talked with the Dobashis in Assamese and said “itu ‘kukur yat ki kuri ase?”. The Writer’s father in the early days, once while going up to Mokokchung saw the SDO in the Road coming down to Impur. He gave way to the SDO and his entourage and greeted him in English from the side of the Mule Tract, but the SDO did not acknowledge the greeting, and simply passed by. My father never greeted him again afterwards! (The principle Policy of the colonial Officials in those days was to keep the White Men of the Sarkar in awe of the Natives. Every white Officer was to maintain himself aloof from familiarity with the Natives and guard the Natives from their propensity to imitate the Whites. Nearly a generation after, a friend went to America for Training and came back married with a young English Lady and narrated to me how when he met Mr. Hutton in retirement at London and was a completely changed person, very friendly, civil and nice to him). Jasokie said a Khasi Officer, Hariblah, an EAC at the DC Office Kohima assisted in the Petition to the Simon Commission. Many years after, in 1990s, Vilavor Liegise, the so-called Secretary of Naga Club said Teacher Rüzhükhrie also narrated to ‘him and his group’ of his drafting of the Simon commission Petition. The 20 Government Servants that appended their Signature to the Naga Club Petition to the Simon Commission are: 1. Neihu, Head Interpreter, Angami. (Neihu Rame Kohima) 2. Rheichalie, Peshar, Angami. (Rheichalie Pienyü, Kohima) 3. Neisier, Master, Angami. (Niser Meru, Khonoma) 4. Khosa, Doctor, Angami. (Khosa Zinyü, Khonoma) 5. Gepo, Interpreter, Kacha Naga. (Irapeung ZeliangNakama) 6. Vipunyu, Potdar, Angami. (said to be Vipon Poda, Visema) 7. Goyapra, Treasurer, Angami. (Goyiepra Nakhro, Jotsoma) 8. Razhukrie, Master, Angami. (Rüzhükhrie Sekhose, Kohima) 9. Dikhrie, Sub-Overseer, Angami. (Dikhrie Sekhose, Kohima) 10. Zapuzhulie, Master, Angami. (Zapuzhülie Sekhose, Kohima) 11. Zepulie, Interpreter, Angami. (Zepulie Suokhrie, Kohima) 12. Khatsulo, Interpreter, Angami. ( unknown Village) 13. Levi, Clerk, Kacha Naga. (Levi Liegise, originally Khonoma) 14. Nuolhoukielie, Clerk Angami. (Nuolhoukielie Pienyü Kohima) 15. Nizhuvi, Interpreter, Sema. (Izhevi, Shenakusami) 16. Apomo, Interpreter, Lotha. (Apamo of Phiro) 17. Resilo, Interpreter, Rengma. (Resilo, of Tsemenyu) 18. Lengjang, Interpreter, Kuki. (Lenjang, Tening) 19. Neikhriehu, Interpreter, An-

gami. (Neikhriehu Peseyie, Jotsoma) 20. Miakra-o, Chaprasi, Angami. (Miakra-o, Rüsoma) (The Writer followed the names and the list from ‘REMINISCENCE’ by T. Aliba Imti, the First President of Naga National Council 1946-1948 for the reason that the spellings of the Angami Signatories are surprisingly correct –something of an unconscionable Mill Stone in the neck of every Ao, and hence taken as an authentic copy of the Original. Corrected name and Village in Italic under Bracket are by the Writer after extensive search under the whole sky from reliable sources) III. THE NAGA CLUB BUILDING. The first Naga Club Building was in Chotobosti after the World War I (1914-1918). The building was destroyed during the Japanese war and Lhounyü, the Head GB of Tsütuonuomia Thinuo, the original Land Owners got the site for construction of their Chapru for a Resting place for unknown visitors from the interior Areas with nobody to host them at Kohima and who had come for Salt or other merchandise, so that they could cook, eat and sleep at night while in Kohima. Jasokie said the Naga Club building at Chotobosti was about 40ft by 20ft and double Storey and when he was very young his father Dr. Khosa use to hold his hand and take him there where his father spent the Evening reading paper and discussing things with his friends. According Mr. Ziekro-o Theünuo, in those days Rheichalie Peshkar in the DC Office looked after the Club from the inception to 1942 as President, Secretary and Treasurer on contribution of 4 Annas for Clerks and 2 Annas per Month of the Members. Then in ’42, Mr. Krusiehu Belho was President and Ziekro-o Treasurer in DC Office was also Treasurer of the Naga Club. After WWII, it was shifted to Kohima Town Committee Building sometime in 1944. Let me quote the Treasurer Ziekro-o: “The Naga Club building which houses the KTC office now used to be the Assam Rifles Canteen. During 1944 this building was purchased with Rs.10,000/- taken from fine fund for the Naga Club. At that time I was treasurer in the D.C’s Office Naga Hills Kohima. Mr. CR Pausey D.C and Mr. Levi Head Clerk took the money from me and in my presence handed over the amount to the Commanding Officer of the Assam Rifles”. The NNC Body met there on 14th August 1947 and Jasokie, Jt Secretary Publicity went to the Post Office and sent Telegram to: i. Governor of Assam; ii. Premier of Assam; iii. Mr. Nehru; iv. The President of Constituent Assembly. The telegram said: ‘“Naga Hills cannot be considered part of the Indian Union until heads of proposed agreement between the Governor of Assam and the Naga National Council is accepted to the letter for execution, with No. 9 modified as ‘at the end of this period the Nagas will be free to decide their own future’”.

Then in 1946 the present Naga Club Building was constructed free of charge by one Punjabi Contractor Jodhu Singh who built the DC Office after the World War II at the request of Philip Adams in 1946. The materials were given by a British Officer at Dimapur out of the dismantled and disused materials of the War, his wife presented the Screens for the Windows and Lt Mr. Kevichüsa, brought them to Kohima for the Naga Club Building. The Building was completed and used from 1946 to 1952 by NNC Leaders and Elders of the Town who used to read News Paper and spend their time discussing various things there, but remained underutilized. The Ao Woman Church at Kohima started from the Building. For a short period of 6 years from 1946 to 31st March 1952, the day Jawaharlal Nehru, Independent India First Prime Minister’s disastrous visit to Kohima accompanied by Prime Minister Unu of Burma, the building was mostly used by the NNC. The Naga en mass walked out of the Meeting. From that evening 31 March 1952, the Assam Rifles and the Police began to search and arrest the NNC Leader vanished underground. There was no positive practical result of the July 29-31 of 1947 NNC discussion of the 9-Point Sir Akbar Hydari Agreement and the 14 August 1947 Telegram. Phizo was arrested in Shillong in 1947 but released in 1948 on humanitarian Reason of his wife’s serious vehicle accident, the NNC on 16 May 1951 conducted the advisability of Naga Plebiscite on the advice of some Muslims Leaders who expected to influence Nagaland to join East Pakistan. The Plebiscite was conducted from the Naga Club Building. In the remote interior Naga Hills, the Plebiscite continued for months. After the Naga Walked-out en mass of Nehrus’ first public Meeting with the Naga in 1952; the same night, Armed Soldiers and Police began to search for the NNC Leaders who went ‘Underground’. Since then Naga Club Building became highly stigmatized with the name NNC and very hesitant to use it. Then 11 years after, in 1963, erstwhile Naga Hills and Tuensang-Mon part of NEFA now Arunachal, were carved out into the 16th State of India as NAGALAND. Then Naga Club Building was occupied for the New Office of the Director of Forests. Who gave the building on Rent was not a matter of any difficulty for the State Government of the time particularly when the Government of the Naga National Council was hiding in unknown places of the Jungle. The Forest Department of Nagaland used the Building from 1963 onwards to 16th April 1983. With the expansion the Department, it slowly cannibalized all available surrounding spaces around unethically “in Public Interest” and expanded their building themselves. During 1983 the Government decided to take over the Building for the establishment of the Education Directorate and pushed the Junglee Department towards the Puliebadze jungle where Agricul-

ture Department have some of their Offices. As soon as the Department vacated the Buildings, the DC Kohima was to occupy the Building for the Education Department. This information was secreted into the ear of Peselie Suokhrie, an NNC veteran Released from Jail and Azhüto, another National Worker who got two Taxi loads of local Youths and an oversized Lock to lock up the entrance to the Building before the Police arrived. Old grey haired Peselie and equally grey haired Azhüto did as was the news transported to them earlier. When the DC’s Police came, they found the Youths and an unconscionably disproportionate Lock barring entrance to the Building and left the site. The Naga Club finally returned to its long Dead Owners. Then in 1983 Nagaland Football Association under the Chairmanship of Mr. Mezhur whose son is the President today and Secretary Mr. Neilakuolie Belho, claimed ownership of the Naga Club but a rather big gathering of Naga Elders under the Chairmanship of Peselie Suokhrie met at Kohima Panchayat Building on 24 August 1983 and in no uncertain terms dismissed the claim of the Association. In April 1989, one of the greatest events in Nagaland happened with the demise of NNC President Mr. Zapuphizo in London. The NNC Secretary Tobu Periatsü Kevichüsa initiated an unprecedented Public Meeting at the Naga Club building. The Public formed a Funeral Organizing Body FOC and arranged in bringing the dead Body to Kohima in a chartered Airplane and buried the Late President in the hillock near Nagaland Secretariat, Kohima. Since 1952 the Naga Club Building was used often by the Army for camping the soldiers until a semblance of normalcy arrived to Nagaland becoming the 16th State of India on 31 December 1963. In the year 1982 Mr. Peselie Suokhrie convened a meeting of some concerned Naga Elders at Kohima Village Panchayat to revive the Naga Club and elected: President, Azüto. Secretary, Vilavor, and some others as Office Bearers to Re-establish Naga Club. They called themselves Naga Club and carried its name. Thanks very much to them for their concern and carrying the Office burdens to date but perhaps it is most appropriate the Descendants of the Simon Commission Signatories are involved in the revival of the Club of their Parents. The Naga Club does not and did not belong to ANY Tribe or Religion in particularly; it belongs to all Native Communities in Nagaland. Yet Naga Club Members originally consisted only of GOVERNMENT EMPLOYEES. It would therefore be pertinent for the living descendants of the Original Signatories of the Naga Club to be involved in the Revival of the Club today and not others however concerned some may be. If not, it would be like Grafting a Lemon tree on a live Teak Stump and calling it a Teak Tree!

Readers may please note that the contents of the articles, letters and opinions published do not reflect the outlook of this paper nor of the Editor in any form.

Sunday 25•06•2017


11:00 AM | 02:00 PM | 08:00 PM

Abiogenesis’ Single

‘Up On The Mountains’


releaSing on June 25

biogenesis’ latest single ‘Up On The Mountains’ will be globally released on June 25, 2017 through Songdew Music Label and will be available for purchase on all major digital stores. The release is powered by Bose and the media partners are Radiocity 91.1 FM, PlanetRadiocity.com, 94.3 Radio One Delhi, Sound Plunge, Pop Wrapped, The Grey Alley, Cinecurry, Sbcltr and FirstCut. The starting line Ororo is an Ao-Naga (India) exclamation to draw attention/cheer etc. Tikzik, the new bamboo percussion with multiple sounds is played in the beginning and between breaks and the Bamhum, the new wind bamboo musical instrument that can be played instantly is played before the guitar solo. Both Tikzik and Bamhum are invented by a band member Moa Subong. The audio was recorded and mastered by Moa Subong at Abiogenesis Centre for Performing Arts & Crafts and edited and mixed by Sosang at Music Bakery, Dimapur. In India, one may listen to their song, give reviews and buy it for Rs. 20/- at Songdew : https://song-

Johnny Depp apologises for ‘assassination’ remark on Trump


ctor Johnny Depp has apologised for remarks he made about US President Donald Trump at the Glastonbury Festival. Depp said the remark was in "poor taste" and did not "come out as intended", Depp told people.com. "I apologise for the bad joke I attempted last night in poor taste about President Trump. It did not come out as intended, and I intended no malice. I was only trying to amuse, not to harm anyone," Depp said on Friday. The clamour led Depp to apologise after his remarks at the Glastonbury festival did not supporters and the White House. go in the good books of Trump He asked: "Can you bring Trump

here?" After receiving jeers from the crowd, he added: "You misunderstand completely. When was the last time an actor assassinated a president? I want to clarify. I'm not an actor. I lie for a living but it's been a while. Maybe it's about time. I think he needs help and there are a lot of wonderful dark, dark places he could go." Trump supporters condemned the actor and the White House described his comments as "sad". Depp's remarks on Thursday came as he introduced a screening of his film "The Libertine" at the festival in south-west England. Source: IANS

Sridevi on daughter Jhanvi Kapoor’s Bollywood debut:

i have to support and encourage her like how my mother supported me


dew.com/fresh/songdew/ up-on-the-mountains/124 The music video will follow soon and can be watched on YouTube. It will also be aired at the newly launched Songdew Satellite Music TV. Besides the band, the music video also features cul-

tural dance by Kuyingong Cultural Society, Dimapur and a couple Alex Murry and Marjo. It’s a collaboration of various production houses and videographers from Dimapur like Tinted Lights Studio, Menang Jamir, Abiogenesis Films,

Akum Aier, and Supong Al and directed by Arenla Subong. Abiogenesis consists of Arenla on Vocals/ Bamhum/ Tikzik, Moa on Guitar/ Harmonica/ Bamhum/ Tikzik, Aso on Drums/ Tikzik and Meren on Bass.

ridevi was last seen in the critically acclaimed English Vinglish (2012). She is returning to the screen after 5 year long gap with the thriller Mom. Soon, her daughter Jhanvi Kapoor will be joining the film industry as well. The buzz is that she will be making her Bollywood debut in Dharma Productions’ Sairat remake. Even before this information could be confirmed, rumour has it that she will also star in the Student of the Year sequel. As a mother, Sridevi is obviously happy as well as concerned. While talking to Hindustan Times, the actress was asked about her daughter’s debut, and she said it was too early to talk about it, but was happy that Jhanvi has chosen her career and she is supporting her. “I have to support and encourage her like how my mother supported me.” she said. Now, that Jhanvi is going to be part of an industry which has the image of having cut-throat competi-

tion and over exposure. This very fact had Sridevi concerned and worried, as she added “The degree of worrying was more when Jhanvi came and told me that she wanted to be a part of the industry. I was very worried, not because of this industry. After all, whatever I am today is because of this industry. So, I am very grateful. But sometimes, you don’t want your child to be exposed so much and you are very protective about them but their happiness is ours. So if they are keen [on anything], as their parents, we should support them.” A few days back Sridevi received flak on social media after suggesting that she’d rather see her daughter lead a happy married life rather than becoming a Bollywood heroine. Her words were wildly misconstrued, and she had to give a clarification on her Twitter handle. She also revealed in the same interview that she is in talks for another

film after Mom, but refrained from divulging any details. Well, we hope to hear more on that soon. Mom is slated to release on July 7 and stars Nawazuddin Siddiqui, Akshaye Khanna, Sajal Ali in pivotal roles. Source: Bollywood Life

davp 20101/13/0002/1718



Sunday 25•06•2017



Dhawan excels before rain washes out India opener

Shikhar Dhawan plays a shot. (AFP Photo)


port of Spain, June 24 (afp): Shikhar Dhawan extended his excellent Champions Trophy form to the start of the West Indies tour but heavy rain forced the abandonment of the opening one-day international at the Queen’s Park Oval on Friday. Dhawan stroked an assured 87 and featured in an opening stand of 132 with Ajinkya Rahane (62) as the tourists reached 199 for three off 39.2 batting first when torrential midday showers curtailed their innings and no further play was possible. A no-result was declared in late afternoon when it became clear that

prevailing conditions would not allow for a minimum 20 overs to be faced by the West Indies to constitute a match. After West Indies captain Jason Holder chose to field on winning the toss on a bright warm morning, India’s openers laid the foundation for a formidable total. They dominated a bowling attack that lacked genuine potency in the absence of injured fast bowler Shannon Gabriel, who has been ruled out of consideration for the first two ODIs after breaking down during the series against Afghanistan two weeks earlier.

Meeting to discuss on National Sports Code Kohima, June 24 (mexn): The Directorate of Youth Resources & Sports, Nagaland is convening a meeting on June 28 at the Conference Hall of the Directorate at 12:00 hours to discuss the implementation of the National Sports Code in the State. The participation of the Olympic Association and all the sports Associations is imperative to understand the new National Sports Code covering all sports administrative policies. Therefore all the Sports Association affiliated with the Nagaland Olympic Association is requested to attend the meeting so as to deliberate and present their points of view to the Department, a press release from T. Meren Paul, Secretary General, Nagaland Olympic Association stated. While stating that the hard copy of the National Sports Code which comprises more than 300 pages could not be made available to the Associations by the department, the Secretary General advised that the participants read up the subject matter from the internet.

Rahane made the most of his opportunity with the experienced Rohit Sharma rested from this campaign following the Champions Trophy. He was first to the half-century mark but was also the first wicket to fall, deceived by a slower delivery from fast bowler Alzarri Joseph and offering a simple catch to Holder at mid-on. Dhawan was then joined by captain Virat Kohil and looked certain to complete an 11th ODI hundred only to fall leg-before to Devendra Bishoo 13 runs short of the landmark. Leg-spinner Bishoo, who was not considered for any of the three ODIs against the Afghans, was the pick of the bowlers with figures of one for 39 from his allotment of ten overs. As the skies clouded over India lost another wicket in attempting to accelerate with Yuvraj Singh becoming Joseph’s second wicket. Kohli and former captain Mahendra Singh Dhoni were playing with greater urgency when the showers first arrived with India at 189 for three off 38 overs. They resumed after half an hour but managed just another eight deliveries before the players were again chased off the field by a heavy downpour. Despite the best efforts of the groundstaff and the umpires, who were hoping to have the West Indies face 26 overs in pursuit of a target of 194 on the Duckworth Lewis System, no further play was possible. The second match of the fivegame series takes place at the same venue on Sunday.

Nagaland Body Building and Fitness Association formed

ICC confirms World XI series LonDon, June 24 (aGenCieS): Following the conclusion of its annual meeting in London, the International Cricket Council on Friday announced plans for a World XI to play in Pakistan later this year were "continuing to be developed". All the matches would take place in Lahore and be accorded full Twenty20 international status, the ICC said, adding "further details will be announced in due course."

KTC informs football players Dimapur, June 24 (mexn): With Naga people becoming more health conscious and aware of lifestyle-related ailments, Nagaland has also seen a steady growth in the number of gyms. The state has about 25 functional gym centres across six districts viz., Kohima, Dimapur, Mokokchung, Wokha, Tuensang and Mon. While Mokokchung and Mon districts have exclusive gyms for officers, Dimapur, on the other hand, alone has 11 body building centers and a few other fitness centres like cross fit, dance and yoga centers. However, despite the

increasing number of gyms and fitness centres, the scope for body builders in the state is very limited as gyms do not have good connections or affiliations with other body building agencies to create platforms for the body builders to exhibit their talent. With this in mind, a group of individuals gathered, held series of meetings and finally decided to form the Nagaland Body Building and Fitness Association as a common platform for the welfare of body builders. Besides providing a platform for body builders, the association also aims to promote fit-

ness and issues relating to health. The association’s head office located opposite West Police Station, Supply Colony, Dimapur was also inaugurated on Saturday with Imnatoshi Longkumer, Associate Pastor, DABA dedicating the office. Longkumer in his exhortation shared that the body is a gift from God and that it is “our responsibility to maintain, build and protect the gift”. Earlier, President of the association, C. Mayang Longchar, gave the welcome address and shared a brief scenario of the state and the purpose of the association.

Kohima, June 24 (mexn): The Kohima Town Club (KTC) has informed that football players who are taking part in the Kohima Football League, 2017 need to register with Kohima District Football Association (KDFA) on or before June 30. The fee for the registration is fixed at Rs.50 per head. Forms can be availed from Smarttechies Service, Printing Press, C.K Arcade, opposite Head Post office Kohima and Sports Paradise, located near Old Tata Parking, below North Police Station, Kohima. Forms can also be obtained from William Koso, Technical Head KTC (Contact #9862835381).

Shuttler Srikanth enters Australian Open final

SyDney, June 24 (ianS): Star Indian shuttler Kidambi Srikanth defeated fourth seed Shi Yuqi of China to reach the final of the Australia Open Superseries badminton tournament here on Saturday. The Guntur player took only 37 minutes to outplay his Chinese opponent 2110, 21-14. Srikanth has now reached his third consecutive final. He finished runnerup at the Singapore Open before winning the Indonesia Open title last week. He will face Chen Long of China in the final. Chen defeated Lee Hyun Il of South Korea in a tough three-game battle in the other semi-final. The World No.6 Chinese was forced to struggle hard before scripting a 26-24, 15-21, 21-17 victory over his 14th ranked Korean rival in an hour and eight minutes. In the women's singles category, Akane Yamaguchi of Japan beat Tai Tzu Ying of Chinese Taipei 21-19, 21-12 to reach her first Australia Open Superseries final.

She will face fellow Japanese Nozomi Okuhara in the final. Okuhara defeated sixth seeded Chinese Sun Yu 21-18, 1821, 21-14 in the other semi-final. In the Womens's doubles, Denmark's Kamilla Rytter Juhl and Christinna Pedersen beat the Japanese pair of Yuki Fukushima and Sayaka Hirota 21-16 22-20 21-18 to reach the final. The Danish pair will meet the top

seeded Japanese pair of Misaki Matsutumo and Ayaka Takahashi for the title. Matsutumo and Takahashi overpowered the fourth seeded Chinese pair of Chen Qingchen and Jia Yifan 21-17, 2111 in the semi-finals. In men's doubles, third seeds Takeshi Kamura and Keigo Sonoda of Japan will face the Indonesian-Malaysian combination of Hendra Setiawan and Boon Heong Tan in the final. The Japanese duo defeated the Chinese Taipei team of Lu Ching Yao and Yang Po Han 21-15, 21-15 in the semi-finals. In the other men's doubles semifinal, Hendra and Boon had a much tougher time against the Chinese pair of Liu Cheng and Zhang Nan before prevailing 21-15, 14-21, 21-17 in 58 minutes. In mixed doubles, the seventh seeded Indonesian pair of Praveen Jordan and Debby Susanto will meets top seeds Zheng Siwei and Chen Qingchen of China in the final.

Hamilton pips Bottas to Host Russia out of Confederations take 66th pole in Azerbaijan Cup as Portugal enter semifinals BaKu, June 24 (reuterS): Lewis Hamilton surpassed Ayrton Senna's career haul of 65 pole positions in Formula One as he edged Mercedes team mate Valtteri Bottas in a final lap shootout to secure top spot for Sunday's Azerbaijan Grand Prix. Hamilton banished memories of a dismal qualifying session in Baku last year, when he clipped the barrier and had to settle for 10th place on the starting grid, to grab pole with a time of 1:40.593 despite running wide at Turn 16. He will be joined in an all-Mercedes front row by Bottas, who was pipped at the death when Hamilton outpaced him in the final lap after the session had been paused by a red flag. "That was one of the most exciting laps that I've had all year," he told Sky Sports. "(There was) a lot of pressure because of getting temperature in the tyre but the lap just got better and better. Coming out of the last corner I was just 'thinking please be enough'." The British driver is now just two behind Michael Schumacher's overall record of 68 poles in Formula One. Sebastian Vettel had his championship lead cut to 12 points when Hamilton won in Canada earlier this

month, and now faces an uphill struggle to fend off his rival again after qualifying fourth. "The result is okay but I'm not entirely happy," the four-times Formula One champion said. "This morning didn't help but it's not an excuse." Vettel was beaten to third by team mate Kimi Raikkonen in an all-Ferrari second row. Max Verstappen dominated Friday practice but Red Bull failed to have the anticipated impact as he qualified fifth and his team mate Daniel Ricciardo was down in 10th after hitting a wall, prompting the red flag which led to the lastlap shootout. "It's not really nice to be in fifth," Verstappen conceded. "That was very painful," he added. Canadian youngster Lance Stroll, in eighth, out-qualified his fellow Williams driver Felipe Massa, who was ninth. Force India duo Sergio Perez and Esteban Ocon finished sixth and seventh respectively. Fernando Alonso, already hit with a 40-point grid penalty, failed to advance past Q1 for the first time this season, while Jolyon Palmer did not take part in qualifying after a fire in his car during Saturday morning's practice.

Portugal's Cristiano Ronaldo, left, is challenged by New Zealand's Michael Boxall during the Confederations Cup, Group A soccer match between New Zealand and Portugal, at the St. Petersburg Stadium, Russia, Saturday, June 24, 2017. (AP Photo)

St. peterSBur G, June 24 (aGenCieS): Hosts Russia were dumped out of the Confederations Cup with a 2-1 loss to Mexico while European champions Portugal outclassed a spirited New Zealanders 4-0 to make its way in to the semifinals. Russia only needed a draw to move into the knockout stages but despite taking the lead, blew it in front of their own fans. Aleksandr Samedov gave Stanislav Cherchesov’s team a first-half lead but the Mexicans equalised through Nestor

Araujo five minutes later. Hirving Lozano then scored what turned out to be the winner seven minutes after the break. Russia pushed for an equaliser but when Yuri Zhurkov was shown a second yellow card, the contest was over. Cristiano Ronaldo scored a penalty as Portugal romped to the top of group A. Danilo was felled on the half hour mark by a combination of Tom Doyle and Tommy Smith – and the Real Madrid legend made no mistake from the spot, firing high into the back of the net to score his

75th international goal. Two minutes later, new £43million Manchester City man Bernardo Silva finished from a few yards out from Eliseu’s low cross. It stayed at 2-0 until the 80th minute, when Ricardo Quaresma won the ball in midfield and fed new AC Milan man Andre Silva, who smashed a shot home from 20 yards. And to put the gloss on a comprehensive result for Fernando Santos’ men when substitute and ex-Manchester United man Nani swept a low shot into the net from an angle to seal the 4-0 win.

Published, Printed and Edited by Dr. Aküm Longchari from House No. 4, Duncan Bosti, Dimapur at Themba Printers and Morung Publications , Padum Pukhuri Village, Dimapur, Nagaland. RNI No : NAGENG /2005/15430. House No.4, Duncan Bosti, Dimapur 797112, Nagaland. Phone: Dimapur -(03862) 248854, Fax: (03862) 235194, Kohima - (0370) 2291952

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