Just an Observation, Not a judgement

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MAY2013 AUGUST2013

Oh! Who Will Save Us Just an Observation, Not a Judgement A few stories and counting… for the N. Rongkame

Arenjungla Kichu


Keren r. Rose ‘Reconciliation’, it is a big Naga Freedom Fighters and a hope. But today, the whole New Environment which is outside Our land so green and lovely Herword. husband diedliving leaving musician very Fighters active inhave church. in other the well-meaning After forherde- ented our Naga Freedom lostUnfortheir san-I think of your small words tiny world and live withrelit. Get Lea water so fresh and clear with three small children to tunately she got pregnant out of wedlock atives meant, “Since you are still alive, you Our spring cades with a society that ity. Their Enmity against each other is a never out of the closet sometimes, discover it, excare for. She has no income, and approached the boys family. They were owe him your services. Stay under his roof till reconciles, word powerful ending one. Do theythen not realise theytoarehurt killingheperience and learnout how accept it. There Our breezy winds in the hills so refreshing hernever husband was inthe Police politicians so as not beats theit daylights of to you and when And God turned away Department and diedand while voting theyDo allowed herrealise to livethatyou aremuch finally deadtowe yourYour ‘ Reconciliation’ ‘uni- the their own bank, brothers? they not is so more lifewill thancry justover to live. From the dog gnawing on duty. She has three broth- with them for the nine months duration. The body, we will beat our chest and be angry ty’ sounds like a stranger the Nagas Needs them and wants to see them community, your villagers and people of your Our forefathers toil hard At the broken tiny body er in laws who approached day after she gave birth, the mother in law at your in laws for having killed our beloved Is it after reallythe hard working in handthat so you that have we would own tribes Is then not the of your world. OurWith forefathers simple the curledwere bloody fingershearted hertoa me. few days fu- to curtly toldhand her, “Now given getsister”. Perhaps theend church will say the It is That might have reached out neral and this was the solution they gave her birth under our roof you may leave my not son re-unfortunate marrywith again sinceoutrestore friendly relation the desired freedom one day? Doasthey Never that husband hard to bemay a friend people Our forefathers were down to earth To stop the hands that took grieving heart,” Do among not worry three chil- has decided thatare thethe baby not his”. needs woman take careup of your him and ouryour Own people?? alise that they onlyis hope of Nagaland? heside of ayour shell.toBroaden narrow Our forefathers were sincere and honest Her life before it began. dren will be divided amongst us three brothhusband was an alcoholic, an his children! I always thought One can always come into PriorHerto that, we have our Naga Politicians mindsThese and overcome everything that hits you And God turned away ers, you are still young so please go ahead officer and a diabetic. Perfect recipe for disare just a few stories from the friendly unless and meIiswonder an ego mawho Well overlooks ‘ corruption’ in Nagaand welcome it. From the whimpers behind the door and findterms another manyou to marry”. if aster. when at hethe eventually died, the in recesses of my memory. Some I witnessed, Our land once flowed with blood And the tiny heart asking they asked her what for her- laws in to claim all his are property I heard but all is ofthe them are true.ofAnd yet niac even but i guess that’s justshe notwanted all we need. land.swooped I wonder whether they awareand of thesome‘Competition’ backbone ‘tribalism’. What thehearts voice could no longer say self‘Nagaland, and her children, right to pull blessed apart forcibly her children well (they women bear it all, we aretribes not supposed and griped with fear a state isofitChristianity, fact thattook theyaway lack equality. Whyas care about onlyweFirst competition among which leads Our minds To stop the Unspeakable three siblings and conveniently dispose off were all girls I heard). How did they achieve to have ‘humanitarian’ rights I am told. UnOur eyes withagain. tears withmother? beautifulCouldn’t ethnics the andthree cultures with asupvivid the yourselves, yourthey families, relatives, com-lucky to competition between then comes To let her filled be a child the brother feat? Simple, accused her of your having is the women who is districts, intelligent, indelandscape that always manage takeand people’s andand nottherefore your State? it so hardlaws to takependent towns and then colonies, thenhas among And GodBut turned port their unfortunate brothersto wife kids amunity boyfriend by Is man-made and villages, has an opinion, our society Oh! whoaway will save Us? From the muffled screams till she could find a way to earn? that made her not fit to bring up her children creative tags for such women ranging from breathe away. It is of great misfortune that peo- the entire ‘Nagaland’ as One?? Compare and neighbours and then finally among friends. Who will save our land? At the blows raining on flesh She was well educated infact a first or stay under the roof she once shared with over smart, ‘will control husband’, morally ple really don’t know ‘Nagaland’ exist. This is contrast between Dimapur, Kohima, Mon, TuThis is a tragedy but it is a trend we have been And the broken heart begging science graduate from her tribe with an envi- her late husband. I wonder why did she fall lose (Don’t ask me I also don’t know how bewhenjob. I regret the fact that Nagaland is aexstate inensang anda all the districts of have Nagaland. following forisages. To be released from the horror able Afteratmarriage, children and an love with man…she should fallenMany in ing intelligent connected to morals), 33% Our land ravaged with war, That had become of her life. tremely husband she decided givecounup love a stone a tree or thetodoor khan, defensive etc etc. in India.busy Nagas are alienated in ourtoown Nagawith People areor suffering due lack even. of trans-reservation They say ‘’The World Today Is aPersonCompetiThe remnant remain And God still turned away to haunt her high profileour jobappearance and settle for a less match tax- Why did God communications create her with blood running ofally, not fight reservation, I am not try. Obviously, doesn’t portations, and absence tiveI do World’’ and I for agree. But the opinion varies For when He created Man ing teaching job. Her children have all grown in her veins and a heart that was ‘unfortu- demanding equality, all I seek is justice. JusOh! Brothers killing brothers with the mainland Indians, our cultures does medical healthcare in different areas. Some vilon how you analyse the word ‘competitive’. To Love and done well thanks to her sacrifice. These nate’ enough to find love again? tice that man-made laws sometimes ignore, OnceThis a comrade now an not setwhen rightthey with them, it’s moresome of ‘weissues are not lages inHer districts likeisKohima and Dimapur A healthy competition is when youhumans challenge beautiful world He enemy gave. days are discussing husband an alcoholic, a goodarejustice that God gives freely and we To Valueeach other apart and she doesn’t husband tells for nothing whotown beatsofher every night Iswithhold Indians’. To topunderstand that, so farher they have treated better thanloafer the Main some districts. yourselftightly. on something which you thought was Tearing She whom He created too her, “you don’t know that going to even I am How long till and we walk in prove the shoes us like foreigners and anything hence here weisare living for thatburnt whatcurries you would callpower ‘Equalfailure Treatment’?? hard or impossible tries to yourself Mothers arehim weeping To Share with that world on in the world today, you are so outdated”. told. Well the day he beat her till she peed of women who have been battered/abused? like aliens, lost in our own world in a country I doubt so. It’s time to invest the money for a and to everyone who did not believed in you. How had Hemourning not seen Did he realise that he and the children are blood, she ran home. The relatives interfered, How long before we go the second mile with Sisters that had never accepted us as theirherself own counbetter andkept a more developed Nagaland. An unhealthy those when The mark of the Devil in Man. updated because she outdated to the church mum. They made her go back them? How longcompetitions before menare themselves Children unhappy And God turned away. raise them all? she made their house into a to save the family honour. They said, “There come out openly in support of violence/injustry citizens. It is disappointing and hurtful so Apart from all, the Epic fall of Nagaland is you try to be better than someone. That is not frustrated And whoYouth will Save home while she could have been a high fly- is no smoke without fire, you must have also tice against women? i may suggest that India should give us Inde- done due to the so called ‘Tribalism’. As long as the healthy because through that sooner or later The baby,Old the folks girl, the woman ing officer in some big department. something to outrage him so. Go and How long is it to sunrise? I will keep resent pendence Already. people have irritation against different tribes, you’ll be exposed to Jealousy which will never Whom He had so wonderfully made. She is good looking, smart and a tal- learn to be a good, humble, obedient wife”. my pen down then. Keeping that thought, when i take a closer do not hope for unity so soon. The believes bring you closer to Unity. Why this in our land? look at Nagaland, it depresses me more. Our like ‘my tribe is better than yours,’ ‘I hate that Naga Fore fathers were great warriors and they tribe’, or ‘I want the CM of Nagaland to be That is all I had to say. Why do we make our land; sacrificed everything they had so that Naga- from our tribe’!! are the reason we never move A land of forsaken It’s not that hard to reconcile and land would be called as a Nation one day. Even forward. This is Eating us alive! We have to get A land of despair though they failed, they gave us our army, Our out of the nutshell we are living in, embrace unite if we want it from all our Hearts.




Change Attitude Towards Women A land of greed

Words and Us Culture, Tradition Sincerely preserve to apportion the meat and keep women in their place. Projects, Progress, Development,Justice, Prohibition, Reconciliation Very impressive on paper. Unions, Nation, Independence, Sovereignty, Unification Best fund-raising themes. Politics. Factions, NGO, Prayer-centre, Church Most lucrative investments. Truth, Honesty, Sincerity, Transparency , Accountability Strictly applies to non-locals. 100% tax, Inflation, Corruption, Discrimination, Intimidation, Rape, Murder Our staple-diet.


Neikehienuo Mepfhii-o



O n e

A land of threat eyingbeni Humtsoe – NieNu A land of fear A landwhen of dictate Violence against women (VAW), for some, starts from the womb a girl child is voluntarily annihilated. If she is allowed to be born she is subjected to discrimination A land of inequality of varying kinds in varying degrees. To stop VAW, there is a need not only to enact and uphold women Aofland of battlefield sensitive legislation and culture, but requires total change attitude towards her –




In conception and birth – Embrace her sexuality. In infancy and childhood – Nurture her with equality. In adolescence – Treat her with care. In youth – Show respect. In marriage – Honour her wishes. In motherhood – Trust her wisdom. In old age – Treasure her experience. Through all stages – Value her. Woman, without her, life is not only incomplete, but impossible. Harming her is harming one’s life itself.

Such words to remove from us Such to reclaim and redeem For us to sift and secure. For in the beginning is the word And the word become flesh And dwell among us. For such power be invested in the word With which He created all That surely it can heal That which is ruptured among us.

Oh! Who will save us? Oh land of weeping children Where the sun rise but cannot enjoy its light Where the crystal clear water flow But cannot delight with it When life is on threat What thing on earth can satisfy? Where is the sense of humanity? Where is the spirit of brotherhood? Is it the spirit of brotherhood a wild dream? Breathe on the land to give life Send forth the revival and reconciliation neiKehienuo Mepfhű-o That can transform our Land Oh! Creator of this beautiful land It’s a paranoid world we live in,Dear father, Where we are denied Redeem its people before live in a world where even our most basic rightthe to land life? turns ugly With our sanity hanging precariously at ‘We’ the edge, we are free only in dreams. Where we wonder hopelessly Before people consumed up with hatreds Our guilt conscience eating out the best ofbeautiful us; Each morning, what have we done terribly wrong to And annihilation is yet another story deserve this? Unable to rise up from the graves of ourItgluttony, To You We Plea of one of us- Abused and Tortured, We turn into something we even fear to acknowledge. Raped and Murdered. Dear father,Our Only Hope. My naive little sisters How long can we trudge along We change colors ever so often but falling prey to inhuman bastards. with broken bones and broken hopes? All the more the unpleasant self we discover. All these tragediesThink for us when you know (Dedicated tothat the And the incredulity we felt when we read Lord of the fliesprotested and forgotten. written, read, ‘they’ are parading unabashedly in the streets children of conflicts in About the darkness of human heart slowlyDear diminishes. father, with nothing to lose,



the world affected by both external and internal violence- faced in real life situation and in mental world as well)

How do we thrive in a landafter a child’s play confinementAnd it is here we take the easy way of We will unite the day Where even ‘home’ is no longer safe? where we bury our head in fear. Resorting to blame-stormingWe can listenWhere to eachwe other the blaring feel sans threatened by guns; Make a change, father, on theprecious door? lives As I ‘am even scared About the neighbor’s dogs barking louder than ours, Where weevery stopknock negotiating Where we pray for love to turn off the lights tonight. About others children’s attire oblivious to By fanatically holding on to our own beliefs; iLLuSTrATion by seso t. meRo but are sacrificed for lust? The glaring motley on our own offspring; Where we control those wanton hands of ours It will be a much better placeIn grabbing more than what we can hold, opinion is a theme-based supplement published on the third Saturday everyblood month. here you are the artist, the writer, the If we would just bear others’ flaws like we hide ours, Where we realize theofenemy’s stained on our hands If we would just stop praying hypocriticalofprayers Is the same blood that runs our veins; photographer, the storyteller and the creator your own opinion. The articles dothrough not reflect the position of the newspaper. Confessing the sins of our brothers. And only then…‘One’ we shall be.




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Just an Observation, Not a judgement by The Morung Express - Issuu