tuesDAY • MArch 01 • 2016
DIMAPUR • Vol. XI • Issue 58 • 12 PAGes • 5
T H e
ESTD. 2005
P o W e R
o F
T R u T H
In democracy it’s your vote that counts; In feudalism it’s your count that votes — Mogens Jallberg
Petrol price cut by Rs.3.02 a litre, diesel hiked by Rs.1.47
Nagaland State Government’s failure may lead to more violence: YTC
Manchester City win League Cup
Budget 2016: rs 33,097cr Human-Animal conflict: Tigress killed by villagers allocated for north east
NEW DELHI, FEBRUARY 29 (AGENCIES): Rs 33,097 crore has been allocated for development of North Eastern Region in the Union budget which included a special fund of Rs 412 crore for promotion of organic farming. Presenting the Union Budget 201617, Finance Minister Arun Jaitely said Rs 33,097 has been earmarked for North Eastern Region across all ministries. The budget allocated Rs 2,430.01 crore to the Ministry of Development of North Eastern Region, of which Rs 2,400 crore is under plan and Rs 30.01 crore under non-plan heads. Rs 223 crore has been allocated for livelihood, skill and capacity building of the rural population. The project is proposed to be funded through the World Bank. Rs 300 crore has been given for North East Road Sector Development Scheme for meeting the expenditure of the project management unit to facilitate implementation of ADB-assisted North East Road Project. The Finance Minister said the government has launched a value chainbased organic farming scheme, called ‘Organic Value Chain Development in North Eastern Region’. “The emphasis is on value addition so that organic produce grown in these parts find domestic and export markets. A total provision of Rs 412 crore has been made for these schemes,” he said. Rs 900 crore has been allocated under the Central Pool of Resources for North Eastern Region, including
By Sandemo Ngullie
Following is a list of items that will turn costlier: • Cars • Cigarettes • Cigar • Tobacco • All services like bill payments, eating out, air travel • Readymade garments and branded apparel of more than Rs 1,000 • Gold and Silver; jewelry articles excluding silver • Water including mineral water, aerated water containing added sugar or sweetening matter • Goods and services above Rs 2 lakh in cash • Aluminum foil • Air Travel • Plastic bags and sacks • Ropeway, cable car rides • Imported imitation jewelry • Industrial solar water heater • Legal services • Lottery tickets. • Traveling by hiring stage carriage. • Hiring of packers & movers • E-reading devices • Instruments for VoIP (Voice over Internet Protocol) • Imported Golf Cars • Gold bars Sikkim, while Rs 795 has been given for implementation of various development schemes of the North Eastern Council. Besides, clean energy cess or clean environment cess on coal, lignite or peat, produced or extracted as per traditional and customary rights enjoyed by tribals without any licence or lease in Nagaland has been com-
pletely exempted. Applicable excise duty for such work is chargeable at Rs 200 per tonne. Finance Minister Arun Jaitley’s third budget marked a strategic shift by addressing rural distress. At the same time it hiked public investment in India’s woeful infrastructure by 22.5 percent, while taking further steps to revive corporate investment.
Our Correspondent
Under pressure from all quarters, the Manipur Home Department today revoked the suspension order of five commandos of the Manipur state police, accused of assaulting leaders of the Naga Students’ Federation (NSF) on February 14. Official sources informed that the suspension order of five cops including a subinspector had been cancelled this morning. An order to this effect has been issued by the Home Government achievements Department, they said. so far? Well, 1.Hornbill festiThe personnel suspended on val and..2..Er..er..mmmnn..n.. February 26 after NSF, demanding ah..emmm..m..he he .. action against the cops, imposed a vehicle ban in all Naga-dominated areas. The NSF stir had been called
Our Correspondent Kohima | February 29
Two persons, including a woman were killed and five others injured when a Tata Sumo taxi in which they were travelling plunged into a deep gorge after crossing Botsa in Kohima district today. The deceased included a 17 year old and a 59 year old. Police informed that the accident occurred between 2:00 and 3:00pm, and the Tata Sumo, carrying ten people including the driver, was heading towards Suruhuto from Dimapur. Four of the injured persons were taken to Primary Health Centre Botsa, while one woman who suffered serious injury was rushed to Kohima.
2016-2017 cheaper
Following is a list items that will turn cheaper: • Footwear • Solar lamp • Router, broadband modems and set top boxes, Digital video recorder and CCTV cameras • Hybrid electric vehicles • Sterilised dialyser • Low cost houses with less than 60 sq mt carpet area • Hiring of folk artists for performance • Refrigerated containers • Pension plans • Microwave ovens • Sanitary pads • Braille paper
“We have a shared responsibility to spend prudently and wisely for the people, especially for the poor and downtrodden,” the 63-year-old finance minister told lawmakers in his 100-minute address. The government will also allocate $32 billion for infrastructure development in 2016/17, an increase of 22.5 percent from last year,
building 10,000 km of new national highways and upgrading another 50,000 km. Financial investors gave Jaitley’s budget a cautious thumbs up, with the rupee, bonds and stocks buoyant. Ratings agencies also gave their cautious backing to a spending package that produced no nasty surprises on the borrowing side. Related stories on page 4
The tigress which was killed in Medziphema Village on February 29. (Morung Photo)
Morung Express News Dimapur | February 29
The killing of a tigress resulted in a custody tussle over the felled animal’s corpse between government officials and distraught villagers on February 29. The incident, which occurred at Medziphema village, Dimapur district on Monday caught the administration and the Forest department by surprise, with officials virtually pleading the villagers to hand over custody of the animal’s corpse to the department for completing necessary formalities as it involves a highly endangered species. The tigress was shot and killed by the villagers today at around noon. According to the villagers, she was troubling the village for over a week raiding livestock belonging to the villagers. As the tigress’s raids grew troublesome en-
dangering livestock as well as people, the village early on February 29 made a decision to scare and chase the animal away from the village periphery, said one elderly villager. All able-bodied men of the village was mobilised for the task, which began
cornered and killed the tigress at round 1:30 pm. It was a matter of prestige for the village but to the Forest department it meant trouble with its officials getting to know of the matter only well after the hunting party had been mobilised. After the kill, district administration officials led by the Medziphema ADC arrived at the village, who reasoned with the villagers on the legal implications of hunting endangered wildlife. The village elders maintained it was done solely with the intention of protecting human life and livestock. The ADC further appealed the villagers to hand over custody of the corpse to the Forest department to which the villagers were reluctant citing customary belief of bravery and honour. The villagers finally relented handing over the corpse to Forest officials late in the evening.
Sparks custody battle between Forest dept and villagers in the morning. The elderly man said that the villagers were able to track down the tigress just outside the edge of the village and were making attempts to chase her deep into the forest beyond the village when an unfortunate event occurred. “One young man was mauled by the cornered animal, who sustained deep gashes on the head and body.” It occurred around 10:30 am. It enraged the villagers, who eventually
Manipur govt revokes suspension of 5 cops chenwetnyu – a trendsetter Imphal | February 29
two killed in vehicle accident
Union BUdget
off after the cops were suspended. Manipur DGP LM Khaute had also announced a departmental inquiry into the incident. Manipur CM Okram Ibobi Singh chaired a meeting of Congress Legislature Party (CLP) yesterday following strong protest from 20 party legislators against the decision suspending the five cops. The Congress MLAs even urged CM Ibobi to remove Home Minister Gaikhangam over the order. Ibobi assured the CLP meeting that the suspension order would be revoked. Gaikhangam, who also holds the Deputy CM’s post, had been targeted by the MLAs and student bodies like All Manipur Students’ Union (AMSU) and major political parties for his recent
statement in the state assembly that the NSF delegates were not harassed by the police personnel who were on duty. The five cops were suspended hours after Gaikhangam’S statement.
NSF calls for Emergency Meeting
The NSF has meanwhile called for an “Emergency Presidential Council Meeting” on March 3 at Japfü Hotel, at 12 noon. The meeting will discuss the revocation order to the suspended Manipur police commando personnel by the Government of Manipur. The NSF in a press statement has requested all the Federating Units, Subordinate Bodies and the seniors of NSF to attend the meeting.
Sainik School cadets leave campus in protest Morung Express News Dimapur | February 29
Class 11 cadets of Sainik School, Punglwa left campus on February 29 in protest over alleged apathy of the school’s administration towards them. The cadets, 45 in total, marched from Punglwa till Jharnapani where they were picked by their parents in the afternoon today. The cadets told media persons that they left fearing retaliation from their senior class 12 cadets over a series of incidents which occurred on February 17 and 18 at the school campus. According to the cadets, they were allegedly assaulted by their seniors on the night of February 17 at their hostel block. This was followed by another round of assault on February 18 morning, said one of the cadets, while adding that some 16-20 junior cadets were injured and had to be admitted to hospital.
The assaults were allegedly the result of the juniors not organising a farewell function for their outgoing class 12 cadets. Following the incidents, the cadets said that the school administration suspended the class 12 cadets and asked them to leave campus till the final board examinations, which begins March first week. The junior cadets also left campus, while their parents lodged a police complaint at Jalukie Police Station on February 18. As per the school administration’s decision, the cadets said that the seniors were to report to campus only for appearing their exams and not as boarding cadets. With this arrangement in place, the class 11 cadets reported to campus only to receive threatening calls from the seniors, said the cadets, while they received news that the class 12 cadets will be re-joining campus on March 1. This was despite the school administration’s standing
in community development
decision to suspend the senior cadets from the school campus as boarding cadets, it was added. Apprehending a repeat of the February 17 and 18 incidents, the cadets said that they decided to leave before the seniors set foot in campus on March 1. “We’re going home and at the same time hoping that they (seniors) are not allowed to stay in the campus.” A parent of one of the cadets expressed displeasure at the school administration’s response citing negligence and apathy. Regarding the complaint at Jalukie PS, police are reportedly at a loss over jurisdictional authority. The school being a Defence-run establishment has apparently prevented the police from investigating the case. Meanwhile, the school administration could not be reached for comment. Several attempts to reach the principal’s office since February 18 were unsuccessful.
tradition amidst development: The Angh’s house in Chetwetnyu village in Mon district still retains the traditional ‘tukopatta’ roofing despite the village having achieved cent percent rural housing. On the right of the Angh’s house is the upcoming multi-purpose building and on the left is seen a solar street lamp
Morung Express News Chenwetnyu | February 29
One of the remotest villages in Mon district bordering Myanmar is a trend setter in community development and the first village in the district to achieve cent percent rural housing. Chenwetnyu village, located some 71kms from Mon district headquarters via Aboi, is also one of the cleanest villages in Nagaland and the first in Mon district to install solar street lamps in the village streets in 2013. The success story of Chenwetnyu is one of active community participation and a conscious effort of villagers to overcome the imposed ‘backward’ tag. In 2009, after a meeting of all villagers, Chenwetnyu Village Council passed a resolution to approach the Nagaland state government for 100 percent CGI roofing of the village under Indira Awaz Yojna (IAY) scheme. “The golden jubilee celebration of Chenwetnyu Vil-
lage Baptist Church was to be held in December 2010 and we desired to achieve 100 percent rural housing to cap the jubilee celebration. The government graciously conceded to our application and we were able to achieve our goal just before the jubilee celebration,” informed Chairman of Chenwetnyu Village council, PM Nockpai Konyak, to visiting media persons. However, the CGI sheets provided under IAY scheme was not enough to cover the roofs of 400 plus tax-paying households and so villagers pooled resources from various VDB funds and contributions to achieve their total rural housing target. Today, only a couple of houses including the Angh’s (village chief) house still retain the traditional ‘Tuko patta’ roofs to preserve the ancient Konyak way of building houses. The judicious use of VDB schemes and fund is manifested in the village roads and drainages, retaining walls, footpaths, morungs, the village council guest house, commu-
nity water tank and, an upcoming three-storied multi-purpose building adjacent to the Angh’s house. Chenwetnyu VDB, one of 21 VDBs under Chen RD Block, received the ‘Best VDB Award’ under Mon district in 2011. The Chenwetnyu Village Students’ Union (CVSU) has been at the forefront in instilling civic sense here. The union banned open rearing of pigs within the village jurisdiction since 1983 and has been carrying out regular cleanliness and beautification drives. Intoxicants like liquor and tobacco products are banned within the village and CVSU keeps vigil on shops to ensure strict compliance. “Last year our theme was ‘Year of cleanliness.’ This year’s CVSU theme is ‘Year of Education’ and as part of the theme, we have opened a pre-school facility attached to the Government Primary School and teachers are paid by charity group of the village,” said a CVSU leader. Chenwetnyu is also set to declare itself a “Green Village” by April this year. “Not only will all house roofs of the village be painted green, but restrictions on hunting and fishing will also be imposed thereafter,” a village elder said. The progress and development within the village is in sharp contrast to the deplorable roads in the Chen RD Block and Mon district as a whole. According to elders of the village, Chenwetnyu derives its name from (Chen –people and Wotzu –gathering place of animals). Of the total 14 Chen dialect speaking villages, 10 villages fall under Myanmar and 4 villages in Nagaland (Chenwetnyu, Chenloisho, Chenmoho and Wangti.