March 9th, 2016

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wednesdAY • MArch 09 • 2016

DIMAPUR • Vol. XI • Issue 66 • 12 PAGes • 5

T H e

ESTD. 2005

A flatterer is a friend who is your inferior, or pretends to be so

P o W e R


T R u T H

— Aristotle

Female farmers in 90 nations face discriminatory land laws

Idea launches 4G in Dimapur

o F

Sharapova fails drug test, Nike suspends ties

PAGe 09


Bringing women together Can Nagas break new ground? Towards gender parity by 2030 Morung Express News Chizami | March 8

As the world moves to end gender disparity by 2030, women in Phek district of Nagaland State are already closing the gender gap. Women leaders from Chizami, Enhulumi, Sumi, Lasumi, Losami and Zapami villages were honoured today at the International Women’s Day program hosted by the North East Network (NEN) at its Resource Centre in Chizami for their contribution to bringing women into decision making bodies and achieve gender parity in wages. These women have managed to make women’s voices heard in their village councils, and made sure that men and women are paid at par with each other for labour. With the theme ‘Planet 50-50: Stepping Up for Gender Equality,’ the NEN Nagaland chapter brought together women from Meghalaya, Manipur, Telangana, Assam, Dimapur and Kohima to Phek district’s Chizami village, making it a significant and relevant platform to honour women leaders from neighbouring villages. It has been a decade since they have been providing this platform as solidarity towards the women’s movement for justice. Acknowledging the “struggles of our mothers and grandmothers,” NEN’s Seno Tsuhah noted that gender parity can be achieved through women supporting and encouraging each other, but also through sup-

1.40 lakh govt employees in Nagaland Our Correspondent Kohima | March 8

Nagaland Home Commissioner, Neihu C Thur today said the state has 1.40 lakh government employees and consume about 70% of the nonrevenue resource of the state. Speaking at the 49th parting social of Kohima College here today, he said that the large number of government employees is a result of the lack of private industries in the state. Thur urged that time has come for people to think: “My land, my state, my people” and make a difference. Further, he encouraged the students to become pathfinders and contribute to the economy of the state.

Police constable run over Our Correspondent Kohima | March 8


In a tragic accident, a police constable of Kohima DEF posted at Peducha Check Gate was run-over by a speeding truck this morning. The victim was on duty by the road side when the truck going towards Dimapur ran over him, leaving the constable dead. The vehicle was reportedly over-speeding within the 150 meters security zone of the Check Gate. It was further informed that the driver of the truck has been arrested and the truck seized.

Women leaders from various villages in Phek were honoured for bringing women into decision making bodies and achieving gender parity in wages at the International Women’s Day program observed at the North East Network Resource Centre at Chizami village on March 8.

port from the community, government and churches. Gender equality cannot be achieved through a “protectionist approach” but one that bases itself on diversity, social justice and human rights—that “every individual, every woman, while upholding community values, has the capability and she can live this to the full potential through meaningful spaces in the political, social and economic spheres,” she observed. “What do we need to do in each of our spaces to take women forward?” Seno asked the woman and men gathered at the Resource Centre. Gender inequality begins at home and must end there, said Guest of Honour, Lithrongla G. Chishi, IAS, Director, ATI, Government of Nagaland, thus responding to Seno. The attitude that men should not wash, cook or clean at home, reserving these jobs for women instead, is not imported from

outside. “Stop defining gender roles at homes, society, churches or the State in Nagaland,” asserted the Director, also calling for ending the silence in each of these institutions against gender and domestic violence. “When we don’t speak out and stigmatise domestic violence, we set an example for our children to continue the culture,” she aptly noted. Advocating women’s active participation in policy making from the village upwards, the woman who handles three departments for the Nagaland State Government said that “Women’s voices are required to make compact policies.” She hoped that the North East of the sub-continent will become the first to establish the “50-50 gender parity” and set the precedent for the South Asian region in achieving a “harmonious and developed” society. Today’s programme also saw the release, and

screening, of the film ‘Biodiversity & Livelihoods: through the lens of Chakhesang Women Farmers.’ The film, released by President of Chakhesang Public Organisation, Kekhwengulo Leah, is a collection of five short films documented by 13 women farmers from various villages trained in video documentation by the NEN. “It is an attempt to document women’s oral stories from their land, by them; an attempt to have women’s voices heard, of their contribution to the lives and livelihoods of communities,” informed NEN’s Wekowe-ü Tsuhah. The CPO President informed, meanwhile, that they are planning a Chakhesang women leader’s summit soon. A solidarity message was shared by the Village Council Chairperson of Chizami village, Kewepelo Tsuhah, who even offered to give up his chair to a woman, if found capable.

Morung Express News Dimapur | March 8

While the environment in Nagaland today is ready for women to directly participate in policymaking, are they willing to break ground to make this difference? asked retired Chief Secretary, Banuo Z Jamir today. “Are women truly and sincerely honest when we say that we want women legislators, lawmakers and policy makers?” she questioned, while speaking on International Women’s Day Celebration at Elim Hall, DABA, Dimapur today. Under the theme ‘Pledge for Parity,’ the event was organised by Miqlat Ministry & Sisterhood Network in collaboration with NACWR, NSLSA & NSCW. Seven other panelists looked at the theme from other perspectives. While men have broken into professions which were generally associated with women – like the culinary and fashion industries, Banuo noted that there is still resistance to women breaking into the one bastion still regarded as a male domain — electoral politics. She opined that one reason could be because most women do not have access to the vast financial resources required to delve into this domain. “Are we ready to pool in our resources and support these possible representatives and can we set pass our tendency to be critical of each other and join hands to support women candidate?” she posed. She lamented that while male candidates, regardless of behavior or acumen, receive support, women are placed under constant scrutiny and judged from day one. “Unless we support women ourselves and change our mindset, the idea of giving special reservation will only perpetuate dependency,” she argued. Banuo, however, stressed that women are required as legislators, law makers, policy makers. There are many issues, she said, which are not understood by men. “Not because

they ignore the issues intentionally - they do not understand, because they are not women.” As an example, she recalled how the women’s toilet in a State Directorate was designed in the same way as the men’s toilet. “Everyone travelling between Kohima and Dimapur would have seen the lovely bamboo toilet for women - very well intended but definitely designed by a man.” She further discouraged the tendency to look at history through a male point of view. Once women in history can stand alongside men, the picture looks very different, she stated, while urging that the contributions of women to Naga History be focused on. Banuo also called for redefining the role of women, by not just empowering them but by appreciating and valuing roles which are traditionally considered to be that of women. She argued against looking at culture as a static entity. Culture she stated is what we pass on and redefined by future generations, thereby making it dynamic. Banou further termed it “unfair to put the burden of the inequalities that we perceive today amongst men and women on the argument that men kept women under suppression and did not allow them to develop.” She deemed it necessary to also consider the impact of the same knowledge and exposure on men as well. “Just as women are going through the transition of empowerment; men too are being forced to go through changes - almost like a disempowerment because their role of protector has been to be re-defined,” she said, while urging against generalizations. She however lamented that empowerment is often perceived as an aggressive encroachment into the male preserve. She urged women to show through “our conduct and achievements” that empowerment of women would mean equal partnership towards a stronger and more vibrant society. NBCC Women Secretary, Visasieu Dolie meanwhile argued: “If we

are equal in the eyes of God, why not in the eyes of man?” She further questioned whether the role of women in reailty is given equal status and dignity. However, she also put forth the biblical view that men and women are “created distinct from each other.” “Any philosophy that denies or overlooks differences of a man and woman is blurring the parity debate in true sense,” she stated. While Mayang Lima, District and Session Judge, Chairman MDLSA, Mon highlighted the legal avenues available for women; Edward N Bass, a teacher cautioned against discrimination becoming a norm. “Parity in society starts with yourself, family and society”, he said. Shikuto Zalipu, General Secretary, GB Federation Nagaland claimed there are clear classifications regarding the role of women and men since time immemorial, and said any change should be discussed holistically at the grassroots level. Hukheli Wotsa, President Women Hoho Dimapur said that without creating the necessary platform through legislative mechanism, change cannot be brought. She further stressed on the role of women as peace-builders over the ages. Dr Sanjoy Barbora Associate Professor Tata Institutue of Social Sciences, Guwahati said: “We live in an unequal society or home reinforced through our institution we hold sacred or through tradition.” He encouraged confronting these issues through solidarity and changes in perception. Dr. Asangba Tzüdir, Editor of Heritage Publishing House meanwhile called for interrogating and dismantling the male centric discourses, legitimated by oral traditions that have institutionalized patriarchy. Oral traditions and Naga worldviews need to be countered starting from the family, he said. Naga women, he argued should create their own spaces beyond the bounds of patriarchy, providing a new outlook and identity to the ‘new Naga woman’.

Nagaland, Mizoram have kept women away from legislatures ‘If township is upgraded, then

New Delhi, MArch 8 (iANS): Though socially advanced with high literacy rates, the northeastern states of Nagaland and Mizoram have an unenviable record of women’s representation in their legislatures, people in the know said on the occasion of the International Women’s Day. A full-fledged state since 1963, Nagaland has yet to elect a woman to its legislative assembly. Mizoram got statehood in 1986, but has since elected only two women to its legislature. “We Nagas are known for our progressive approach. As a society we have a high literacy rate and English education. Yet, the socio-political fabric favours men over women -- to the extent that we are still waiting for our first female legislator,” Thomas Ngullie, an independent MLA and a former state information minister, told IANS. “The scenario must change, but we are not sure when it will. On the International Women’s Day, we must reflect on this,” said Rose Merry, a Di-

mapur-based educationist. Mizoram has a better record, but only marginally. With 91.33 percent literacy as per 2011 Census, the state’s only female minister so far has been Lalhlimpui, who was elected to the assembly in 1987 and became a member of the cabinet of Chief Minister Laldenga, a former rebel leader. Since Lalhlimpui, there was a 27year drought -- broken in 2014 when 35-year-old C. Lalawmpuii won the Hrangturzo assembly by-election as a Congress nominee. One needs to mention though that Mizoram had got its first female lawmaker in 1984 when it was still a Union Territory. The lady who made it first to the legislature was K. Thansiami, who was elected on a Mizoram People’s Conference ticket. Aizawl-based social worker R. Remruata said, “The social opposition to women getting an upper hand is so vocal that in 2011 the Congress-ruled Mizoram government had opposed the

Food Security Bill that sought to make woman the head of the family in the ration cards.” Both Mizoram and Nagaland are also perceived to have “male chauvanistic” life styles, he said. Nagas had by and large opposed the 33 per cent reservation for women in state legislatures in the 1990s when the demand for the quota bill was at its peak. The Naga Students’ Federation had written to the parliamentary select committee chairperson Geeta Mukherjee, saying the bill went against Naga tradition. The Nagaland assembly had in 1997 passed a unanimous resolution moved by the then parliamentary affairs minister Zhove Lohe opposing the women’s quota bill. In the 1970s, however, after the Emergency, Rano Shaiza was elected as united opposition’s lone Lok Sabha member from Nagaland, riding mostly on the anti-Indira Gandhi sentiment. Shaiza, who died last year, continues to hold the record of Nagaland’s first and only woman MP.

Still no Math teacher at GHS Diphupar Morung express News Dimapur | March 8

Students of Government High School, Diphupar, Dimapur took to the streets today highlighting the lack of a Mathematics teacher at the school. The protest march, initiated by the Diphupar Naga Students’ Union (DNSU), proceeded to the District Education Office, where the students met the Deputy District Education Officer. According to the DNSU, the school has been running without Mathematics teachers since September 2015. The DDEO, while admitting the “embarrassing situation” assured the students to find a way out of the crisis at the earliest. Stating that there is an imbalance in the teacher-student ratio in government schools, the DDEO said that while some schools have teachers more than the required number, some are facing acute shortage of teachers. This, the DDEO said has been a failure on the part of the department.

Students of GHS Diphupar march in protest on March 8. The school has been running without a Math teacher since September 2015.

The DNSU was however unconvinced of the assurance, stating that assurances given by the department has rarely translated into action. As a stop-gap measure, the DDEO informed that a Mathematics teacher from GHSS, Dimapur will be placed at GHS, Diphupar with immediate

effect as direct by the Directorate of School Education. The replacement will teach at GHS Diphupar till the department appoints a fulltime subject teacher hopefully by March end. Meanwhile, the DNSU asserted that it will resume agitation if the department fails on its assurance.

dist will automatically come’ Morung Express News Shamator | March 8

Nagaland State Chief Minister, TR Zeliang, today gave a new lease of hope to the aspiration of the Yimchungrü tribe for a separate district headquarters. The Chief Minister said the Nagaland state government was giving serious thought to the demand of the Yimchungrü people for creation of a separate district headquarters for the Yimchungrü people. Zeliang was addressing a public reception after formally inaugurating the Shamator Town Council here at public ground, Shamator town, the administrative headquarters (ADC) of the Yimchungrüs. Zeliang said the inauguration of Shamator Town Council is the first step towards attainment of district status and said with gradual build up of infrastructure and development, the aspiration for a separate district would be fulfilled. “If township is upgraded, then district will automatically come. The key is in your hand”, he said and added that the public too must contribute if they want development. Underscoring the need to maintain Naga unity and brotherhood, the CM said Naga Hills in Tuensang Area being the pioneer district in Naga history, the various tribes inhabiting the district should lead the Nagas to unite for a common cause. “For peaceful resolution of the six and half decade old Naga political issue, the most important thing is to maintain Naga brotherhood and unity. If we do not have Naga brotherhood and unity, the Nagas will never be strong. We will also not be respected and taken seriously by other people”, Zeliang said. He also said it is high time for all Naga political groups to unite for the common Naga cause and learn to speak in one voice, as one people. “Many people now believe that our disunity is the main stumbling block to Naga political solution”, he said. The chief minister also said of late, the state has witnessed flare up of tribal conflicts within the Naga family, especially in Tuensang and Kiphire districts. Zeliang said such conflicts would not only undermine the Naga political cause and unity but also cause serious setbacks to the economic development

Nagaland State Chief Minister, TR Zeliang; Minister for RD & REPA, CL John; Parliamentary Secretary for Municipal Affairs, Economics & Statistics, R Tohanba and others during the inauguration of Shamator Town Council at Shamator town on Tuesday.

of the ‘backward’ Eastern region. “It will also cause hardships to our children, especially to the school going children. Ultimately, it will affect your future. I appeal to all tribes in Nagaland, particularly the tribes in Tuensang and Kiphire to maintain peace and harmony”, he said. Earlier, the CM inaugurated the new ADC Shamator office complex. Guest of honour, minister for Rural Development & REPA, CL John, in his address also stressed on the need to maintain inter-tribal harmony among various Naga tribes, especially the Eastern Nagas. Alluding to the recent violence in Tuensang and Kiphire districts, the Minister said further division within the family would only weaken the Eastern Nagas. He said even the Konyaks speak 55 different dialects, yet they collectively go by the tribe name of Konyak. John also said in the present context of Naga society with constant conflicts, the slogan “Nagaland for Christ” has become “Nagaland for Crisis.” Parliamentary Secretary for Municipal Affairs, Economics & Statistics, R Tohanba meanwhile thanked the CM for the latter’s concern for development of the Eastern districts. Tohanba in his address also appealed the various Eastern Naga tribes to learn the art of living together. The Yimchungrü Tribal Council (YTC) submitted a memorandum to the CM at the event reiterating the aspiration of the Yimchungrü people for a separate district.

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