wednesdAY • MAY 11 • 2016
DIMAPUR • Vol. XI • Issue 128 • 12 PAGes • 5
T H e
ESTD. 2005
Life is a tragedy when seen in close-up, but a comedy in long-shot Philippines prez-elect plans government overhaul PAGE 09
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Night curfew extended in Mon areas bordering Burma Mon, May 10 (DIPr): The Deputy Commissioner, Mon W. Honje Konyak has extended promulgation of prohibitory order U/S 144 CrPC enforcing night curfew from 10:00 PM to 3:00 AM upto 3 kms belt along the Indo Myanmar border under Mon district for another period of three months till August 6.
One from Nagaland clears UPSC DIMaPur, May 10 (Mexn): The Union Public Service Commission (UPSC) main result was declared today with one candidate from Nagaland, Rumbemo T Kithan securing the 698th rank. A total of six candidates from the North East qualified in the exams. They include Rumbemo T Kithan from Nagaland; Khumanthem Diana Devi, Kriti Das Thokchom, Sivakanta and M Thangsuasang from Manipur; and Elvina Lalmuanpuii Leivon from Mizoram
Distribute all text books by May 16, NSF demands DIMaPur, May 10 (Mexn): The Naga Students’ Federation (NSF) has written to the Director of School Education expressing concern that despite repeated appeals, some schools in the state are yet to receive their text books. With the academic session already mid way, the NSF stated that students have been compelled to appear their first quarter exam without text books. The NSF demanded that all text books be distributed to the students by May 16; the government must assure that text books will be delivered at the beginning of the academic session starting next year; and that the State Vigilance Commission probe this matter and action be taken against the persons responsible for the delay in distribution. The NSF gave the department 15 days to comply with their demands, further cautioning that failure to do so would invite action from the federation.
P o W e R
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T R u T H
— Charlie Chaplin
Coloridos Fest 2016: Celebrating Ethnicity
Curry back with a bang in epic OT show
Congress wins Uttarakhand DAN legislators request trust vote, BJP admits defeat FNR to play a bigger role
DehraDun, May 10 (IanS): In a major boost to the Congress, ousted Chief Minister Harish Rawat on Tuesday won the floor test in the Uttarakhand assembly though the result will be officially known only on Wednesday. The Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) quickly admitted defeat after 33 legislators reportedly voted for Rawat while the opposition mustered only 28 votes in a house whose strength had been reduced from 72 to 62. The speaker did not vote and nine Congress rebels legislators were not allowed to vote. Apparently, the sole nominated member also did not vote. The Supreme Court monitored the voting and said it will announce the result on Wednesday. But within minutes after the floor test, the Congress sounded triumphant. Sarita Arya, the Congress legislator from Nainital, told a TV channel here: “The Congress has won.” A beaming Rawat didn’t comment on the result but thanked the “Supreme Court, democratic forces, divine forces and the people of Uttarakhand” for supporting him. Using words that made it very clear that he had won, he said: “Uttarakhand will be victorious tomorrow (Wednesday). Tuesday’s vote was called
Dehradun : Former Chief Minister Harish Rawat talks to the media after the end of crucial uttarakhand Assembly floor test, at party office in Dehradun on Tuesday. (PTI Photo)
to prove whether or not Rawat enjoyed majority support after the defection by nine Congress legislators reduced his state government to a minority in the 72-member house. But the scales tiled in his favour when both the Uttarakhand High Court and the Supreme Court ruled that the rebel legislators cannot take part in the floor test. BJP member Ganesh Joshi conceded that his party had lost the vote. The Congress now has 27 and the BJP 28 members in the house. But six other legislators, including two from the Bahujan Samaj Party, appeared to have voted for Rawat although the break-up is not clear.
The central government dismissed Rawat’s government on March 27 and cited misgovernance to impose President’s Rule in the hill state. In New Delhi, a jubilant Congress described its Uttarakhand win as a victory for democracy. “Democracy wins in Uttarakhand. Defeat for conspirators. Truth always wins over muscle and money power,” spokesperson Randeep Singh Surjewala said. Added Congress leader Ghulam Nabi Azad: “Democracy has won. It is because of Supreme Court that conducting floor test was made possible in Uttarakhand. BJP tried to kill democracy.”
Despite the floor test, Rawat’s problems are not over yet. He has been summoned by the Central Bureau of Investigation (CBI) to New Delhi to answer charges that he tried to bribe Congress rebels to return to his camp. Delhi Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal was among the first to react. “Uttarakhand floor test outcome is a huge setback to Modi government. Hope they will stop toppling governments now,” he tweeted. Earlier on Tuesday, BSP leader Mayawati declared her party’s support to the Congress when she said: “We have always opposed communal forces. Our two MLAs ... will vote for the Congress.”
DIMaPur, May 10 (Mexn): Legislators of the Democratic Alliance of Nagaland (DAN) have resolved to request the Forum for Naga Reconciliation (FNR) to play a bigger in finding a solution to the protracted Naga political problem. A press note from the Chief Minister’s Office today said the FNR had been rallying for unity among all different Naga political groups to unite so as to present a single, mutually-agreed demand to the Government of India and for cessation of all hostilities in the Naga society. Stating that the efforts of the FNR in the last few years had seen “remarkable success in bringing together for discussion erstwhile warring-groups,” the CMO said that of late, “especially after the August 3, 2015 historic signing of the Framework Agreement between the Government of India and the NSCN (IM), the FNR’s activities have not been publicised.” A meeting of the DAN legislators on Monday resolved to request the FNR to “be more proactive and work harder in trying to bring together the different Naga political groups towards a better understanding for bringing an early solution to the protracted Naga political problem [which would be] respectable and honourable at the earliest.” A three-point resolution ad-
opted by the DAN legislators also reiterated the DAN Government’s stand to “continue to support the Framework Agreement.” The CMO reminded that the Nagaland State Chief Minister, has on several occasions call for the Naga people to protect and uphold the unique history and identity and to standby the principle of “One People, One Vision and One Goal.” It further quoted the Nagaland CM as stating: “we have to seriously introspect on our strengths and weaknesses and mend our ways as is expected of us by the nation and the world; and at the same time, the most important thing before us now is to sink our petty differences and strive concertedly for the greater good burying the hatchets and forgetting the hurt caused to each other in the past if at all any.” It added that the present CM’s ministry is “credited for the formation of Nagaland Legislators’ Forum on Naga Political Issue,” and the constituting of the Nagaland Parliamentary Working Committee, which had met central leaders to discuss the need for a solution to the Naga issue. The CMO further informed that Monday’s DAN legislators meet also “resolved to support and solidly stand by the present DAN Government under the leadership of the Chief Minister, TR Zeliang.”
More backdoor appointments 2016 is ‘year of rain water conservation’ in Tseminyu in F&CS department: NPRAAF our Correspondent Tseminyu | May 10
DIMaPur, May 10 (Mexn): The Nagaland Public Rights Awareness and Action Forum (NPRAAF) today expressed concern that the Food & Civil Supplies Department, Nagaland has shown disregard to the issue of backdoor appointment in appointing “3 more LDAs on 10 March 2016.” This finding, the NPRAAF informed, is based on RTI reply furnished by the Department to the forum. The NPRAAF informed that it had earlier “exposed the appointments of more than 109 Grade III staff in the Department during the period January 2003-November 2015.” “Out of 109, the Department furnished documentary evidences only for 36 of them whose appointments were made mostly against retirement, promotion and demise of employees. The remaining 73 appointed lacks any documentary evidence,” the forum had alleged. The NPRAFF reiterated its demand that the appointments of these 73 persons be immediately cancelled and open re-
cruitment be conducted through proper channel against the resultant vacancies. Additionally, the order of recently appointed 3 LDAs must also be cancelled and their posts be made open for competition, it asked. The NPRAAF alleged that several other irregularities such as “non-existent date (30/02/2014) of appointment order issued, the date of joining service superseding appointment order, no date of appointments, two different dates of joining service etc were also detected.” It alleged that “an infant of hardly five months was also appointed as an LDA as per RTI documents.” “Even in the case of NPSC recruits, the appointments of one SK and one LDA were not substantiated with documentary evidence,” it added. The NPRAAF appealed to the Department of Food & Civil Supplies to look into these issues and rectify it “before the forum resorts to protests.
Only slogans and programmes will not help, it is time for implementation: Rio new DeLhI, May 10 (IanS): In terms of policies and programmes and creating slogans, there is no shortcoming in the Narendra Modi government, but there is need for more serious efforts for their effective implementation, former Nagaland chief minister and the state’s lone member of the Lok Sabha, Neiphiu Rio, said here. “Only slogans and programmes cannot help. I know the policies and intention of the National Democratic Alliance (NDA) government led by Prime Minister Modi. Much has been said, but we have to be very serious about the implementation,” Rio told IANS in an interview. He however clarified that he was not criticising the BJP-led NDA government. “I want to stress that we have to implement the vision and promises of our prime minister. Mere slogans will not do,” Rio said. Rio, cited the example
of the Bharatiya Mahila Bank launched in 2013. “This bank was launched by the UPA regime and I wonder why four of our northeastern states were left out. The Bharatiya Mahila Bank is a women’s bank. It was implemented through an Act of Parliament all over the country except Nagaland, Mizoram, Manipur and Arunachal Pradesh. I would like to know why such a decision was taken. I strongly feel that the Mahila Bank should be launched in these four states also.” On the functioning of the Ministry of Development of North Eastern Region (DoNER), he pointed out that the DoNER budget is stagnant at Rs.2,400 crore for the last eight years, while the funds for the North Eastern Council (NEC) are “virtually declining” every year. “As for the North Eastern Council, up to the 10th Five-year Plan, the shortfall percentage in central funding was 28.24 percent. In
the 11th Five-year Plan the shortfall percentage rose to 56.07 percent, and in the 12th plan the shortfall is 53.80 percent. I think it is a serious matter. I want that the Ministry of DoNER and NEC are taken care of properly,” he said. Citing yet another ‘discrimination’, he said, the budget for the Ministry of Coal for northeast has been brought down from a modest Rs.30 crore to Rs.16 crore in 201617. He expressed concern at the overall functioning of the Ministry of Coal. He said Nagaland remains a “problematic state due to Asia’s oldest insurgency there”. He pointed out that due to insurgency and political turmoil, Nagaland could not participate in two general elections in 1952 and 1957. “Which means we missed two plan periods. Therefore, while the region remains backward and less developed, Nagaland remains more backward,” Rio said.
To address the problem of water shortage in the villages, the Tseminyu Sub- Divisional Planning & Development Board has taken a novel decision to conserve rain water by declaring 2016 as the ‘Year of rain water conservation under Tseminyu Sub Division of Kohima district. This matter was proposed by Parliamentary Secretary for PWD (Housing), Er. Levi Rengma and approved by Tseminyu SDPDB monthly meeting here today. He said due to deforestation and habitation, water scarcity has been reported across the state, for which rain
water conservation is necessitated. Er. Levi said this rain water conservation initiative will be taken up through Local Area Development Programme (LADP) as well as convergence of agri & allied departments to ensure construction of large scale rain water harvesting pond in different parts of Tseminyu Sub Division to serve well its purpose. Er. Levi said the first phase will cover Tseminyu, Tesophenyu, Nsunu and Kandi ranges while the second phase would cover PKR, Tsongi and Kasha ranges. To carry forward this concept, he asked Tseminyu ADC Vikhweno M. Meratsii to constitute a Sub- Divisional Committee on rain water con-
servation. He also appealed to the concerned officers and also the general public to take active interest and make it beneficial for future generation. In today’s meeting, Tseminyu SDPDB also recommended creation of Sub-Centre at New Sendenyu village and grant- in- aid to Jireh School, Chunlikha. The LADP Verification Committee also shared their reports. Earlier, the meeting witnessed presentation of the Block Level Best Youth Club Award by Nehru Yuva Kendra Kohima. Chunlikha Block: Ist-: Chunlikha Youth Club, 2nd- JEK Welfare Society Tesophenyu. Tseminyu Block: Ist Terogvunyu Youth Organization, 2nd: Fresh Kickers, Tseminyu.
Myki – where Naga food is processed Morung Express news Dimapur | May 10
From meat to fruits, processed Naga food products have become popular of late and with it mushrooming of several brands like Myki. Based in Kohima, Myki has managed to spread its popularity not only in the State, but also outside like Shillong and Guwahati. Their dried wild apple, gooseberry, and soyabean chutney are especially famous among young hostellers in Shillong. Myki was a ‘Transformative Livelihood Intervention (TLI) Project’, initiated and facilitated by the Women Resource Development Department, Government of Nagaland, in 2010. It aimed at capacity building of women to empower them in both their economic and social status. It was later privatized in 2014, but the department continues to partially aid it. The driving force behind this ever growing brand are two enthusiastic and passionate women Neivinuo and Asanei-i Nagi, who continued the TLI project and are now the sole owners of the enterprise. The two had no entrepreneurial background
Products of ‘Myki,’ a TLI project initiated by the Women Resource Department, for sale.
and exposure in the beginning and credited the success of the project to the former Director, officials and staffs of Women Resource Development. Despite financial constraints and failures at times, the two entrepreneurs have worked hard and overtime to bring the enterprise to a position where it now makes a net margin of around Rs 1.5 lakh per annum. “Time is one thing you had to forfeit to acquire a better outcome,” stated Neivinuo of the sacrifices they had to make. The project, which started with dried pro-
cessed gooseberry and wild apple as the main items, has now expanded to products like popped rice, kholar, dried bamboo shoot, English gall, Roselle, dried king chilli, dried pineapple etc. It does not have meat products yet. All the raw products are sourced from different corners of Nagaland. The concept of the project was to make use of indigenous Naga food items which are found in abundance during peak season, but are not used resourcefully and wasted. They procure these items at subsidised rates from various SHGs and individuals,
which are then processed, producing quality and hygienic products and made available throughout the year. This concept continues even after privatization of the project. The products of Myki – which can be translated as women or girls in Nagamese and ‘my house’ when the word is broken up into ‘my’ and ‘ki’ – are also exhibited and sold during Hornbill Festival and in various food expos. “We constantly strive to maintain quality product with the aim to vend our products not only in Nagaland but also outside our State,” said Neivinuo. Though the enterprise has been unable to enlarge their production at present due to financial constraints, less profit margin, lack of large storage facility, and lack of marketing outlet, the two owners hope to expand the brand in the near future. “Ten years down the line, we hope to expand our enterprise to a large extent. Also employ women and let people know more about our works and accomplishment. This will not only be a pride to us but also for the Nagas as a whole.” Reporting by Akhrienuo Kire who is currently an intern at The Morung Express