monDAY • mAY 02 • 2016
DIMAPUR • Vol. XI • Issue 119 • 12 PAGes • 5
T H e
ESTD. 2005
In a democracy, dissent is an act of faith Uttarakhand forest fire spreads to remote hill areas
P o W e R
T R u T H
— J. William Fulbright
NMBOA appeals for civic sense
o F
Rosberg strolls to Russian GP win
Weathering Heights- storm & rain lash nagaland
KohIma/moKoKc hung/LongLeng, may 1 (mexn): Thunderstorm and rains are creating turmoil in Nagaland State. The weather conditions have affected many districts, even as a cloud burst was reported in some districts on the night of April 30, destroying properties and public utilities. The rains and storms continued well into May 1. The Nagaland State Disaster Management Authority, Home Department, Government of Nagaland has jumped into action to assist the District Disaster Management Authorities (DDMAs) to assess the damage and provide relief to the affected persons and areas. Mokokchung Very strong winds accompanied by heavy rainfall in Mokokchung during the wee hours of May 1 have damaged as many as 1299 houses in at least 40 villages in the district. About 70 farm huts, 50 embankments, about 95 utility and electricity posts, a telecom tower, water reservoirs, an anganwadi centre and a village gate were some of the other damages reported till the filing of this news. Official estimations were made by the district administration based on reports and inputs given by the respective administrative officers under various blocks. It was also marked that the number of houses damaged may go up as the
By Sandemo Ngullie
district administration is expected to receive more reports from the villages in the following days. The most number of houses damaged was reported to be at Changki village where a total of 228 houses were damaged, of which 10 were completely destroyed and 66 severely damaged. 40 farm huts, 50 embankments and 15 utility posts were also reported damaged in Changki. The severest damage was reported from Mangkolemba administrative block under which Changki village also falls. Khar village reported 121 houses being damaged including 35 houses that were completely destroyed. 30 electricity poles were also reported damaged in Khar. Merayim, Athupumi, Japu, Longjemdang, Mongchen and Mangkolemba Town were the other settlements that were affected. A total of 291 houses were also reported damaged under Chuchuyimlang administrative block with Chuchuyimlang village topping the list. 45 houses were completely destroyed and 40 partially damaged in Chuchuyimlang village while 42 houses were completely damaged and 73 houses partially damaged in adjoining Chuchuyimlang Town. Chakpa, Mongsenyimti, Salulamang, Yaongyimti New, Longkong, Phangsang Compound and Yaongyimti Old were the other villages under the block
Heavy rain and storms have caused heavy damage to private and public property in nagaland. The nsDMA alongside district administrations have jumped into action.
were houses were severely or partially damaged. Under Changtongya block, a total of 281 houses were damaged in the five affected villages. Changtongya town reported 41 houses being completely destroyed while another 31 houses were completely destroyed in Akhoya village. Unger and Kilengmen were the other two villages that were affected. Longjang was the most severely affected village under Kobulong block. A total of 72 houses were damaged with 23 being
completely destroyed in Longjang. Süngratsü village reported 16 houses being completely destroyed and 19 partially damaged. Longpa also reported 10 houses being completely destroyed. Khanimu, Longpa, Kubolong town, Chami, Yimchalu and Mopungchuket villages were also affected, effectively making the whole range of Asetkong being affected by the calamity. A total of 24 electricity posts were also reported damaged under Kobulong block. Unger Ongpangkong
block, Longmisa village was the most severely affected where 9 houses were completely destroyed along with its Anganwadi centre and village gate being partially damaged. Kubza village also reported 6 houses being completely destroyed while in Mangmetong village 2 houses were completely destroyed and a BSNL tower collapsed. Sattsü, Kinunger, Longjongkong, Chungtia, Aliba and Meküli were the other affected villages where houses were damaged.
Longleng Meanwhile in Longleng, heavy winds destroyed more than 100 houses in the town itself, informed the NSDMA. In Pongo Village in the district, about 23 houses were completely damaged and 38 houses partially damaged when strong winds that swept through the village in the early morning of May 1. The roof of some houses could not be traced till filling of this report while the roof of others was discovered few km away from the spot, in-
formed a press release from the Pongo Village Council. The wind also completely cut off the power supply to the village as many electric posts were uprooted with wires damaged in several places. The storm also uprooted countless trees, and damaged crops, causing “huge loss” to the village. The first rescue team that rushed to the Pongo village from Longleng town in four vehicles had a harrowing time to reach the village while clearing the road blocked by fallen trees and bamboo. The press release also informed that the rescue team have to abandon their vehicles and walk on foot to Hongnyu village about 2km away before reaching the village as one house belonging to Yingsham Phom has been completely uprooted and blocked the main road. The civil administration from Longleng HQ also arrived at the village to assess the damage caused by the storm in the afternoon and took stock of the situation. “This is perhaps the biggest natural calamity caused by the wind during the last 30 years,” informed the Pongo Village Council. The NSDMA has also received reports of casualty in Mongtikong village. Mon A cyclonic storm hit Tobu Sub Division under Mon district at around 2am on May 1 causing destruction to numerous
houses. ADC Tobu, A. Zibenthung Kithan reported that around 7 houses were damaged in Tobu Town including the LKG section building of Newman Higher Secondary School which was completely levelled to the ground. The rooftops of two building belonging to the Tourism Dept were also blown away in the storm. SDO civil Monyakshu Hq Sentilong Ozukum reported that around 30 houses were damaged under Monyakshu sub division in the cyclonic storm. Five houses in Yongkhao village under Monyakshu circle were reported to be swept away in a mudslide triggered by the storm. No casualty has been reported so far. Meanwhile, three officials of the NSDMA have been camping in Mon district for the past week monitoring the recent disasters. The team along with the DDMA has distributed relief for Ukha village and surrounding villages today. Altogether 330 affected families of Ukha village were provided relief. Others Reports have also been received from Phek and Wokha district where some damage has been caused by heavy winds. Officials from the NSDMA have all reported to the affected districts to take stock of the situation and also to assist the DDMAs in providing much needed relief.
Roads—a collective Mid Day Meal scheme not being applied properly in NL responsibility Morung Express news Zunheboto | May 1
The roads of Zunheboto Town are not traffic worthy. So far no one from the town community, municipalities or other authorities have paid any attention to either laying good roads or mending them. “Gutters on the sides of the streets are common in the State and they emit a foul if nobody fails like last year, smell,” said a citizen of Zunheour business is khotom boto who has been following ,dead.!! the issue and is familiar with many such roads of Nagaland The Morung Express State. According to another, Poll QuEsTion proper town planning, which Vote on www.morungexpress.com is must, is nonexistent. The roads of Zunheboto sMs your answer to 9862574165 district have not been propWould an active media erly maintained for almost 14 fraternity help in years. fighting corruption in Nagaland? How? The roads within Zunheboto district are not good enough to be called National highway/ Yes no others State highway and all major Do you agree with the Nagaland district roads, expect the road Home Minister’s statement that the State government is from Krimuitomi junction to committed to fight corruption? Doyang Bridge and from LuYes 08% mami (Nagaland University) no 71% to Mokokchung. “How much will be spend others 20% to repair our cars due to bad Details on page 7 roads?” wondered Hokali Chishi of the Green Club. “We repair the roads to cut Attention Subscribers should short this expenditure.” If your copy of The MoBad roads give way to acrung Express newspa- cidents—a pothole and stagper is not being deliv- nating water is never too far ered to you on a regular away. “Good roads should be basis by your delivery laid for the safety of vehicles boy, please contact us and persons travelling in it,” said an elder of Zunheboto at: 8416011888. Furthermore, we Town. “No matter how the govare open to suggestions, constructive criticism ernment maintains or brings and feedback about how development, town planning The Morung Express can is a must, with drainage, sewimprove its reporting age systems etc incorporated. and raise socially con- The government authorities scious issues. This will in- and the people are generally crease the newspaper’s accused of having no civic relevancy and respon- sense. There are large scale complaints that in many placsiveness to our readers. The Morung Express es, the streets are not maintained properly either by the
people or the government. Both have equal responsibility in keeping streets and roads in good condition,” said a member of Zunheboto Town Youth organisation (ZTYO) that has been working in the arena of since 2010.
Road Blocks According to the All Sumi Students’ Union (SKK) the National Highway is worst in Zunheboto district due to the failure of the two lane Chakabama – Zunheboto project. Taxation is the one of the setbacks that has led to the current state of the project, apart from land ownership problems. “People have not been ready to give land for development. Also, the State Government has not come up with a comprehensive compensation package to put their minds at ease. Even when compensation is given, land owners don’t get the whole amount due to corruption,” a member of the SKK noted. Corruption takes other forms. There is “low specification given on projects and less execution of contract work.” According to General Secretary of SKK, “Implementation and execution of all contract work under right specification in all Sumi inhabited areas could bring change.” He maintained, however, that NGOs and government officials are not the only ones responsible, but every individual is responsible as well. Mughalu, Junior Engineer, Public Health Engineering (PHE) Department, reasoned that this is the result of “collective failure of our State Government, concerned department/ implementing agency, NGOs and land ownership problems.” For him, it is our right to have and demand proper road, for better connectivity and development.
KohIma, may 1 (mexn): It has been found that the Mid Day Meal (MDM) scheme is not being applied properly in Nagaland. In a response to an RTI by ST Yapang Lkr in March 2016, the Director/First Appellate Authority for the Directorate of School Education, Government of Nagaland stated that “Every school going child in the primary sector on every school working day is to be provided with MDM. The guideline for the scheme is to provide hot cooked meal 450 calories and 12g of protein to every child at Primary level and 700 calories and 20g of protein to Upper Primary level.”
However, in a letter to the authorities, ST Yapang Lkr stated that “no school in Mokokchung district has been found practicing the MDM guidelines provided by the Government.” He has asked for the authorities to furnish details if there are any schools that follow the guidelines. The RTI had also enquired the quantity of rice and the number of days for which the MDM was provided in the years 20112012 to 2014-15. However, it was found that Sub Divisional Education Officers under Mokokchung district could not answer the question. ST Yapang Lkr maintained that if the Department is unable to furnish details of the
same within 10 days, a second appeal will be filed. Stating that there is proof that the rice quantity for MDM in Mokokchung district is “of poor quantity,” he asked the Department if this is because “some people who are in-charge of the supply switched the rice quantity in between? Or is it the culprit of the supplier?” Lkr noted that it would be beneficial for the people and society as a whole if schools could discuss the matter with the public “if the goodies provided for MDM is not sufficient or if the supplies for each student are not provided according to the guidelines of the State Government.”
Marijuana consumption rising among Naga youth Akhrienuo Kire Kohima | May 1
Marijuana is quickly becoming a trend among Naga youth today. There are about 50 to 70 such cases registered at the Detox Centre at Naga Hospital Kohima who fall under the age group of 15-30 years. Cannabis, also known as ‘Marijuana’, ‘ganja,’ and numerous other names, is a psychoactive drug and medicine containing the chemical THC (delta-9-tetrahydrocannabinol). When consumed there can be alteration in conscious perception, heightened mood and relaxation. It also produces laughter, alters perception of time, and causes delusion. When questioned, there seem to be multiple reasons for smoking marijuana. Peer pressure is one of the main reasons for teenagers. “It is a good alternative for other intoxicating substance because it is cheap and easy to procure. It is a good inspirational drug for creative people,” says Charles (name changed) from Kohima who alternately con-
sumed marijuana. “I use marijuana to relax, to think, to enjoy and keep my mind peaceful and calm. Also people who smoke weed are never violent,” shares William (name changed) from Kohima who daily consumes marijuana.
“I use marijuana for enjoyment and fun and to get the kick of it and procure it from friends,” says Rachael (name changed) who occasionally consumes marijuana. Sylvia (name changed) consumes the substance to “unwind stress and reduce depression.” Marijuana, if abused for long term, can cause mental illness, depression and risk of addiction. Most consumers are aware of the
long term effects of marijuana. Dr. Viketoulie Pienyü, a Psycho Therapist and Senior Medical Officer at Nagaland State Mental Health Institute Kohima, advices youngsters to take up healthy passions such as reading, music or carpentry to keep them meaningfully engaged and not to keep the mind idle. He informs that at the initial stages, parents are not aware of their children’s indulgence but they slowly become aware of alteration in their behaviour, alongside problems of mental illnesses such as depression or anxiety, which is when parents seek for detox treatment for them. “Ganja is addictive; it can destroy your personality and ruin your career. In the end it can cause permanent or long term illness. So it is not wise to indulge in this kind of bad habits. As a youngster, spend your time in more healthy recreational activities and associate people who do not take intoxicating substance and exert positive influence in your life,” shares Dr. Pienyü. (The writer is currently an intern with The Morung Express)
“You should accept that this has been questioned because of your misconducts. The MDM is sanctioned, but the children go hungry, therefore we would like to know whether it is the fault of the government or there is something else,” stated the note. ST Yanger Lkr also questioned if this practice is because the Centre provides less or is it the Nagaland State Government that supplies less? Or is it that the teachers are taking it? In order to investigate these kind of practices, it was informed that the ‘RTI Nagaland’ Facebook group has assigned “some important and trustworthy people” to find answers.
May Day celebrated round the world DImapur, may 1 (mexn): May Day was observed round the world as International Workers’ Day. In Istanbul (Turkey), demonstrators threw molotov cocktails and shot firecrackers during a May Day rally. Hundreds of protesters, mostly workers, marched with pink umbrellas towards the Presidential Palace in Manila (Indonesia) demanding better wages and salaries, an end to contractual labour, better working conditions and retirement benefits, less taxes, public and not privatized social services, and the assertion of national sovereignty against foreign domination and control. Europe saw various ant-capitalist processions taken out throughout, particularly in France and Spain. Lebanon brought the theme of migrant rights as human rights to the fore. Activists inSriLankaandIndiatookpart in an online rally voicing their concerns on war, poverty, and attacks on democratic rights. In Germany, many people celebratedthe MayDaytraditional spring festival.